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v. 3 July 2024

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top50.html - my top HTML pages over more than 10 years!
2024 General Election UK   Final version + Jews
Jew Power Centre East  but so what?  Long file
Jew missionaries?   Long file
Downton Abbey
Birmingham Jewish corruption
Dirty Dancing review
Les Misérables Jew fake 'history'
Toys in the Attic 1960 Jew family splitting
Attenborough another Jew liar
Amber Alert. Miles Mathis
Mistakes of William Luther Pierce
Lord of the Rings belated crit
New look at Belloc's The Jews
Prof Lindemann. WW2 Jew spy control
SEARCH ALL THIS SITE. MAY BE INCOMPLETE. Not case sens­itive. Up­dat­ed weekly. 2,741 pages. Click NEW for recent changes. Fast.
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My account of this site,
Would-be action against me Jan '21
Legal letter received Oct '22
Thoughts on their inaction

TURKEY! UK links Boris Osman and Moslem Holodomor?
Raab: illegal Jew in Britain
UK 'Coronavirus Bill' pdf.
You­tube & Bit­chute removed my 10-yr site; don't trust them
Jewgle images: Jew holocaust frauds
Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — SCIENCE REVISIONISM & REFORM: PHYSICS | NUKE FRAUDS | 'CLIMATE CHANGE'
Truthers: bamzam ewing2001 exorcist eyeswideopen firstclassskeptic mooninquirer nukelies rerevisionist rodin sorensen731 voerioc
  ADL is failing—Franck, Phagan, all Jewish frauds

 Balkans     Hilaire Belloc
  C J Bjerknes    black myths
 Paul Bustion    Eric Butler
  Butz Hoax of 20th Century
 Chris Caskie    Jim Condit jr
 'COVID' 11.2022  cui bono SE
 /da/    /de/
 Downton Abbey    dyslexia
 /el/    /es/    /fr/  
 freemasons start    general
 global climate    Harold Hillman
 Hexzane527    Hitler
 "hiv-AIDS"     Hoaxashian
 Phil Holland    holocaust
 'Horus'    /hu/
 India    Instauration
 Ire'd Scot'd Wales    /it/
 A H Lane    jew myths
 Liberty Bell    H J Mackinder
 Mensa    Miles Mathis
 modern physics    Napoleon
 'nuclear' frauds  OPs & BSE
 Phil Holland    W Luther Pierce
 Carlos Porter    Private Eye
 A H M Ramsay    religion
 reviews, hundreds    L F Richardson
 Russell, Bertrand    /ru/
 salt in food    science revision
 Scott Roberts    Spain, Portugal
 South Place    /sv/
 translations    D van Steenis
 Vietnam    H G Wells
 Stephen Whittle JQ    /zh/

science revisionism
Would-be Science Re­vi­sion­ists c. 1950-2010

Seeded from info on Ivor Catt

Jewish Ques­tion in Science

D Bryce-Smith Lead in petrol
D van Steenis Fine part­icles in air
How much Modern Physics is fraud?
c. 1999 &  updated 2023

Einstein cardsharp
Atom bomb? | e=mc2? | Superfluid helium? | Speed of light a limit? | Quanta? | Heisenberg's absurdity | Detection of particles? | Accelerators? | Relativity? [1967] | Big Bang? | Weather? | Façade | Higgs boson?]
[Kurt Johmann [c. 2000]: big bang, black holes myths? | ice ages? | USA drug war? Hemp suppressed?]
And NASA | Astronomy and e.g. Moore & Couper & Henbest
& Properties of Matter, weather, low temperatures, alloys... Rediscovered talks about 25 years ago

NEW   freefind

Common fake 'atom bomb' single picture
Nuke Lies Forum Index   grabbed March 2012, some updates. Click to see 12 main categories. Not interactive. Good overview, giving entries to the site   OR   Click links below.   Direct URL is

Nuclear weapons are yet another Jewish fraud.   Nuclear power is also a Jewish fraud.   Numerous collaborators participate, usually as employees and inferiors.
    This site explores these and other fakes:—in science, history, politics, terror, war plans, 'Jews', nuclear weapon & nuclear power revisionism.   Read it & weep.

Tour the Forum | Tour Nuclear Video Evidence        Hiroshima & Nagasaki Evidence | Witnesses to Hiroshima/Nagasaki?        MYTHS: How A-Bombs were dreamed up | How H-Bombs were dreamed up | How Neutron Bombs were dreamed up | BBC nuclear winter fraud 1984 Video | Lookout Mountain in LA. Film faking | Hiroshima lies selection       Second World Wars deep revisionism | Pearl Harbor False Flag by Roosevelt | 'Holocaust' Detailed Page       'Cold War' deep revisionism; Cuba etc | But there are 'Thousands of experts'! Myth | Israel in fact has no nukes       Nuclear power doubts links selection: | Chernobyl  Years later No radiation &c | Fukushima radiation Myths Explosives Radiation lies &c | Insane Costs of 'nuke power' | Dumpload Interpretation | Hazardous Waste dump interpretation | Thorium another Jewish attempt | Hinckley Point? | India Expensive Nuclear Hoaxes       Menu of links to Secret Exit Plans to hide past lies—nuclear, 'Holocaust', NASA, WW2, 9/11, &c      
nuke lies | logo | nukelies
Hype Wars: Fake weapons, V1, V2, 'Cuba Crisis', scares | 2011 Norway Utoya island / Anders Breivik & Norway psyop | BBC Reuters Syria - just one source  |  'Nukes' & Iran; more fakes. 5 pages | John Pilger [Pilinger?] bullshit | 9/11 Jewish inside job | 'Sabrosky', mossad       NASA: Ridiculous 'space suits'... Moonlanding frauds and jews (3 pages).. fake moonlandings... fake everythings ... Faked space rockets, satellites, Hubble telescope | Sociology & Economics of Science and Weapons Frauds | Peak Oil as Fake Scarcity? | Nuclear Submarine & Aircraft Carriers Skeptics | Historical Hyper-Revisionism | Disease hyper-revisionism - AIDS and stuff
      JEWS: Jewish Cliques Control Nuke Frauds | Must be Talked About | Jews (& sayanim) Rule the World | Blackshirts, newspaper propagandists, Cable St | Jewish fake atom spies: Pollard, Vanunu, Greenglass, Rosenberg, Sobell, Blunt, Philby, Burgess, Maclean, Fuchs, Rothschild et al | Amarillo, TX | 'Holocaust', Nero, Hitler | Chomsky a Phony | Chossudovsky ditto Canadian | 'Voerioc' on dishonest Jew trolls | Vatican or ZOG? | Need for Thinktanks on Jews | Bertrand Russell was duped by Jews | Edgerton, Germeshausen, & Grier. Film & video. & UFO lies | Women tricked into useless protests | Randi JREF 'Educational Foundation' | WOT fraud part of Jewish 'skeptics' fraud.]

OTHER INTERESTING DISCUSSIONS:   I'm new; are nukes fake? | Population numbers inflated? | Jewish surnames | e=mc2 myth | Keynes, Bretton Woods, IMF | Richard Rhodes hack books | Thatcher | 'Freedom Tower' fraud symbol | Terrorism, Europe | Jews & Moslems similar violent cults | Hiroshima's impossible ruins | Electricity Grid France/Germany | Germany to abandon nuke power | Nico Haupt odd continuities | Herman Kahn | Bernard Brodie another Jew conman | Ward Wilson fraud Monterey Institute | Milgram, Zimbardo, fake psychology | Ferebee, bombsight myths | 1953 fake atomic cannon | 'First nuclear reactor' in Chicago wood | Trinitite | Kodachrome | Russia Dinosaur Denial | 2007 nuke revision Pioneer | Osada | Stalin's death | Blitz & other fires in history | A J P Taylor 'historian' | McCarthyism | Enola Gay | MI5, GCHQ | Robert Jungk | Audio talk: Fakeologist, Jesse 'Nukelies' Waugh, Frank 'Salt' McManus in 2018 | Discussion on Trolls, inc RanB | George Orwell's ignorances | Deep revisionisms. Long links list | Kinetic theory doesn't work with gas | 'Mushroom cloud' wrong color | Einstein & patents | Einstein letter to F D Roosevelt | Propaganda, Brainwashing & Korea | LBJ, 'civil rights', USS Liberty, Vietnam War | anti-white race murders in South Africa | Black 'history' | Tavistock, mind control, Derren Brown | Understand UN and Israel | FirstClassSkeptic's A-bomb Video notes: Removed by Youtube

Intros to this nuke site in many machine translated languages:– Afrikaans - العربية - 中国 - České - Danske- Nederlandse - Français - Deutsch - ελληνικά - עברית - हिंदी - Magyar - bahasa - Italiana - 日本 - 한국의 - lietuvių - Norske - فارسی - Polski - Português - Pусский - Español - Svenska - Türk - Українська - اردو - việt
Anders Björkman (marine accident engineer) first posted nuke doubts between Nov 19th 2011-May 9th 2012 (see, after nukelies was well established. His site is Heiwaco rerevisionist weblinks
Deutschland Deutsch pdf Download   ATOMBOMBEN GIBT ES NICHT UND DIE NUKLEARE ABRÜSTUNG IST ABGESCHLOSSEN! revisionist weblinks
Frankreich  J-P Poulin bombe_atomique_mensonge revisionist weblinks

Download Lords of the Nukes movie       OPPENHEIMER MOVIE reviewed       Japanese Readers Welcome!


    If a file seems unreachable, try lower case letters; Microsoft prefers them in file names.   NB WordPress commands don't work.

How the 'Climate Change' frauds started
Transcription + detailed notes from a brilliant talk by Sir John Mason in 1995. Includes Q&A session.

'Climate change' error caused by feeble computer.   Download my 2GB HI-RES VIDEO! Mason at Kew climate change
Audio | Text plus more material [Greenhouse effect | Uncertainties | 1st computer model | Better models | That's it | Q & A ]

Wrightstone on 'Inconvenient Facts' Facty 45min but Jew-naive.
Mayer Hillman Jewish-funded support for science fraud [2000]
Mathematical Models Lewis Fry Richard­son pioneer of 'socio­nomy'.
      —  Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — 'JEWS' | WORLD WARS & JEWS | JEW THEORY AND PRACTICE | VIDEO DOWNLOADS—
jew-swastika ‘Master Race’ of ‘Jews’ won both World Wars.
  By Rae West (in UK).  [Covert 'Jew' con­trol of all WW2 fronts maxim­ised 'goy' deaths. My own version of the new ideas on WW2 & Hitler. Long page.]

How many Jews can control a country? 2012 nuke forum discussion

JAPAN & the 20th century. By 'Joshf731' | JAPAN and others by 'Lestrade', Miles Mathis.

Paul Bustion
More than 40 all-new articles.
The ADL in the USA, Trump, Ukraine, Germany, Reform­ation, pedophiles, Romanovs, eugenics, Trotsky ...

Chris Caskie
World Jewry: Books, Videos, Audios, Papers, Reviews from New Zealand
Chris Caskie
Chris Caskie: Jews Organ­ized World War 2

Talk with C J Bjerknes and C Caskie on Jewish long-term schemes. 2hr


Video: Vast numbers of agents.

WW2 faked in Pacific; the first part of many: Pacific Theatre

Miles Mathis
Possibly the best general revisionist. A 2nd pane below also links to My intro to his social science work

On WW2, see e.g blitz.pdf.
1 HISTORY.  2  PHRASES. 3  SUBJECTS. 4  2012-2024. 5  WEB­SITES:–

NEW   freefind

1. History of ‘Jews’   INTRO TO THE JEWISH QUESTION | Exodus | Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes | Kahal System | 'Diaspora' | Jews were early Christ­ianity | Khazar Note | Khazar scholarship c 1910 | Thuggee compared with Judaism | Jewish Invention of 'Christianity' & Jewish invention of 'Islam' & effects on Europe | 'Abrahamic' beliefs. Book reviews | [Entire Mediaeval Period Needs Revisionist Work] | Voltaire, Louis XIV 'Enlight­enment' | Opium Wars | 1892 Oscar Wilde: Soul under Socialism | c. 1900 Jews, Psychology, 'Deception Psychosis' | 1900 London East End | 1902 Royal Commission on Aliens [Jews] | 1904-5 Myths of Russo-Japanese War (Johnson) | c. 1905 Pogrom Truth Movement vs Churchill & Jews | Henri Bergson | 1913 Fed, income tax, centralisation of the USA's 'Union of States' | 1913 Paul Bustion on Leo Frank, Mary Phagan, linked, shows ADL fraudulent origin | 1915 H G Wells Research Magnificent | 1916 Lloyd George Balfour declaration | 1916 Were 'Jews' secretly given Russia? | 1917 Moissaye Olgin 'Russian Revolution' (Jewish coup) | 1918 P Bustion on Jews & alleged Romanov murders | 1919 Hungary & Bela Kun | 1920 Bertrand Russell on Bolshevism | 1920-1922 Henry Ford International Jew revisionist treatment | 1922 & 1937 Hilaire Belloc The Jews | 1924 R Coudenhove-Kalergi Eurasian negro plan for Europe | 1928 A H Lane Alien Menace | 1928 Belloc's Belinda | Great Crash/Depression | 1932 Bertrand Russell's Modern Midas | 1933 Dvornik Khazar conversion | 1933 | 1934 Malcolm Muggeridge Winter in Moscow | 1935? L Fry Jews and the 'British' Empire | 1936 Bertrand Russell: Which Way to Peace? | 1936 World Jewish Congress founded in Geneva. Account by Carolyn Yeager 2021 | 1938 Belloc on Islam | 1938 Céline: School for Corpses | Arnold Leese | around 1939 Jewish printed propaganda in Britain 1908-1993 | 1939-45 Jews at Bletchley Park | 1939-45 East London after Cable St | 1940 Thorkelson | 1940 H G Wells Jewish Influence | 1943 Charles Singer Christian Failure | 1945 WW2 as outcome of long-term international Jewish networking | Eisenhower's death camps | 1945 Jew fakes: supposed 'nuclear age' and 'space age' | 1945-1948 Anglo-Israeli War | Jewish Crime UK 1945-1975 Notting Hill | c 1950-2000 Eustace Mullins Collected PDFs, indexed. With warning. Includes The Biological Jew | 1951 Arnold Leese short autobiog pdf | c. 1952 Frank Britton Behind Communism | 1952 Capt A H M Ramsay The Nameless War | 1952-1959 Feeney The Point (Catholics vs N Yk Jews) | 1961 Benjamin Freedman's USA warning May be a psyop! | 1964 Jews into Schools | 1969 Jews in British academia | 1969 Bertrand Russell on American Violence | 1970 Bertrand Russell on Israeli Aggression | 1975 Nation Wreckers | 1991 Lady Jane Birdwood Longest Hatred: anti-Gentilism & Kitty Little | 1995 Barcelona Agreement | 1996 Pogrom Revisionism | Jewish Book Propaganda 1908-2000 UK inc. Nikolaus Pevsner | 2000 'Birdman' Bryant & Mensa & JQ | 2002 Jewish UK Media Control | 2005-2009 Articles by 'Luke O'Farrell' on Jews in Blair's 'New Labour' (1997-2007) Britain | 2012 Nuke Lies forum | 2013 How a Few Thousand Jews can ruin a country—Sayanim & Hasbarat | 2015 Jews in UK pushing immigration | 2015 Jews & BBC | SPES (South Place Ethical Society, London & Oxford Union Society) | 2016 Vaxxed | 2020 Understanding Marxism Incomplete! | France: Jews, Freemasons, Empire, race | JEWS, CHINA, JAPAN: 2018 'Azaziah' on How Jews Made Red China | 2021 'Josh' on How Jews Took Over China | 2022 Jews in pop | Apr 2022 'Joshf731' on Jews in Japan and the chrysanthemum throne | Jewish Centenary Year Book 1996 lists no Jews in Vietnam. Certainly untrue | Jewish Centenary Year Book 1996 lists 600,000 Jews in Ukraine.

2. Guide for the Perplexed about Jews Decoding everyday media phrases | China Very good extended account of Jew Parasitic Evolution Theory | Spot Jewish Influence

3. Jew-Aware Teaching  Everyone should know about Jews! Teach yourself about Jews, race, secrets etc

4. ALL My Online Articles on Jews—2012-2024.
  2024-   Eastern Jew Dominance by Paneye  |  No Jew Missionaries?  |  Failures of Kevin MacDonald Very Long  |  Mark Gullick | Strength from Weakness? | Assessing Jew Militarism | Seems, Madam? Nay, It Is Not | Iran notes | Putin chat with Tucker Carlson | Jews mental health
  2022-2023   Long-term Jewish planning | Gullick | Tverberg | Queen, King, Jews, Churches, Cohencidences & Conclusions | ‘Controlled Opposition’ - New Examples | ‘Fight or Flight’ is a False Jewish Dichotomy | The 'Royal Family' Shields Jews | Wetherspoon and Free Speech Union | The Kahal System | Sophisticated | 19th Century Ignorance of Jews | Jewish Murders &c (and Bayes Theorem) | Masks | Jewish Acronyms | r/K Theory Revisited | Propaganda attack on Sweden | Judisk propaganda i Sverige |
  2020-2021   World-wide Jewish Parasitism | Battle vs Miles Mathis. Update | Controlled Opposition: Fine Points | Jew Strategies: 1 Go to the Top; 2 Systemic Lying | Jew-Aware Trigger-Pullers? | Primitive Jew Beliefs and Jabs | Jews and Military Intelligence | Mobs | Vote Frauds | Disappointments & Hopes | Revisionism: Elite Scam? | 'Coronavirus' Revisited! | Deanna Spingola (2020, 7 years later) | More on Unions | 1945: Jews | Birobidzhan | False Flags & Psyops | Failures of Kevin MacDonald inc. important omissions | Venn help | Mandela | Jewish Calendar | Mediterranean | Ireland | Geopolitics. Mackinder | Gipsies | Nietzsche | Anthropology and Jews | The Color Red
  2018-2019   Finchley Road | Hexzane527 on WW1, WW2, WW3 | Trump & Hitler & Venezuela | 'Owen Jones' & Other Fake News Footnotes | Deception Psychosis | Soldier Boys & Toys | 1960s, Jews, Vietnam | Christians in Future? | China, terracotta, & ZOG | Salt in food | Cobbett, and long-term Jew censors | Dawkins | Jewish Archives | Holohoax Note | Internet Censorship | Youtube Censorship | Amazon Censorship | Parasite Removal* | Full World Wars revisionism* *Unfinished 
  2016-2017   TRUMP'S FIRST YEAR: Race, education, holohoax, MATHIS | Duds: MACDONALD, PETERSON, HOFFMAN, KEMP... | Three more Excavations from the Rabbit Hole | Did Jews Fake the 'New Testament'? | Jo Cox, Jews, Europe | Invasion: 'Migrant Crisis' | Donald Trump & Jews | 'Owen Jones', Corbyn et al | Jews, Whites, & Long-Term Evolution | Real Flynn Effect | When Gentiles Awake | Money in the Bank. Nothing in the Head | Why 'Flat Earth'? | Jew Shock | Suffragettes, Jews, War | Jonathan Pollard, "Master Spy" | Tell the Truth about Jews! | Do 62 People Own Half the World?
  2012-2015   which include: Satire | Understanding Jews | Two tier money | Jewish Effects on White Beliefs | How Jews Use Blacks | Murders | Holohoax and evil of lies | Eugenics | Endnote | NEW REFORMATION | Protocols | Reparations to Whites | Jewish Hate for Whites

5. MANY JEW-AWARE 'JADAR' WEBSITES with Critical Notes (Five-Star | Others)
including Akira, Duke, Endzog, Occidental Observer & MANY MORE.

  MANY JEW-DODGING 'JOFF' WEBSITES with Critical Notes including: Jew 'democracy' | farber | liu | light | facebook | Epperson | Dosbods | Porrit | anti-spiegel | soc bibliotek | nowhiteguilt | finite world | Conversation | Unz | Reddit | Council of Churches | Freethinker | Gatestone | Save the Children | Peterson| TED | Mumsnet | Journeyman | Nobel | Bilderbergers, BBC, Greenpeace, New Internationalist, KKK, 'Labour Party', charities, NGOs & VERY MANY MORE!


Talmud some notes on it AUDIO recordings of Jew fraudsters - Hermann Bondi, Noam Chomsky, Martin Gilbert, Leon Greenman, Christopher Hitchens, Eric Hobsbawm, Stephen Rose, et al.

East Germany flag
East Germany's free­mason flag
Freemason Search on this site, updated whenever freefind runs.

FREEMASONS I've put together an (incomplete) page on Freemasons at this link.

Info from several sources. Freemasons are astonishingly sinister, and noted as collaborators with Jews. Most people have little awareness of secret societies! Well, of course, they are secret. There's been a slow move from specialist building skills, and entire countries; to local distributed small industries, and rail and road links, to modern bureaucracies and the secert group 'Common Purpose'. (Note the initials; Common Purpose = Communist Party).

Holocaust Revis­ionism, Free Speech, and Internet
Detailed explor­ation 1997 with Fifteen Years Later and 21 Years Later

Did Six Million Really Die? (1974)

Trump & revisionism |  Jeremy Corbyn. More revis­ionism

Internet & Free Speech | Revision­ism, revisionists | Survey | Countries | Anti-rev­isionists | Fred Leuchter at Dachau Five disputes: 'Final solution', Nurem­berg, fakes, popul­ations, gas chambers | DETAILED ENDNOTES | WebLinks revisionist weblinks

Faurisson writings 1974-1998 French Revisionism | JH in Norway Norway | Irving minor notes UK | Poggi Italian revisionism | Giwer American revisionism | Forum debate 2012
Birkenau 1990

David Irving Libel Trial Against Deborah Lipstadt
(Irving's site: NB: From c. 26 May 2024, the site is being converted to WordPress. This may be related to his death; I don't know)
David Irving

Detailed account, written in April 2000. One of the best commentaries on Internet. Long! Part of the general process of Second World Wars revisionism
[Full unedited official court transcripts | by Date, Topics | Commentary | Witnesses | Media Hacks | Judgment]
Prof Evans | Funke | Keegan & Browning | Longerich | Kevin MacDonald | van Pelt | Watt

My email exchanges
DI conspiracy theories

🔍 SITE SEARCH LIPSTADT TRIAL | DENIAL DVD supposedly on Irving-Lipstadt. Notes
Build your own video collection!
lords of the nukes
Lords of the Nukes
3½-hour video. Essential! 1280x780 1.7GB (= big file)

Or click for Audio only

9/11 2001 BBC 6 o'clock news

2 min video: Rabbi chortles at Jews using Moslems ('Labour' Party)

Video: Holohoax? 2014 vox pop street opinions

Video: Nukes? 2014 vox pop street opinions

JQ part 1 of 2
Jewish Question 1 of 2 with Andrew Carr­ington Hitchcock

JQ part 2 of 2
Jewish Question 2 of 2 with ACH & RW

Marlene Guest
Marlene Guest: Rotherham, Moslem rape gangs, Jew MP

& see my review of Mensa

Jews as WW2 Warmong­ers Rerev & Jan Lamprecht
Very Last Christmas based on Wham's Christmas song!
      — Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — LIFE SCIENCES: HILLMAN | MEDICAL FRAUDS | EVOLUTION | MATH MODELS | SALT IN FOOD | FLUORIDE | BLOOD PRESSURE | OVERWEIGHT | CANCER —
Harold Hillman biology fraud How Much Modern Biology and Medical Science is a Fraud?
Detailed look at the work from 1964-2008 of Harold Hillman. (1930-2016 R.I.P.)
The Living Cell free download PDF file 40MB
Detailed audio interview with Harold Hillman
    Hillman exposed multiple errors in theoretical biochemistry, cell structures and nerves. These errors remain the official view; they span entire professions. Now (2012) videos of films made for biology students, professors, researchers and practitioners are online.
These films probably survived only because of my intervention.

Removed from Youtube by Wojshit; apologies Very serious problem areas include: Cancer research (cell structures are misunderstood), Immunology (cell surface receptors don't exist), virology (detection relies on bad techniques), 'auto-immune disease', and brain research (synapse junctions & brain structure are misunderstood), 'high energy bonds' (1 & 2), 'antioxidants'... | Cancer Research: Harold Hillman developed a theory of cancer—but I don't know what it is!

Anon: The Medical Golem (2023). In French. Author(s) state: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the poisoning medicine born of the theory of humours gave way to a false medical science based on the chemical industry, which has become the new world religion. Extreme specialisation and propaganda prevent us from understanding that the very basis of this supposedly modern medicine is riddled with contradictions and false theories.
Gregory Hickok: The Myth of Mirror Neurons (2014) Review by RW
Cervical cancer: nuns v prostitutes myth | Spurious high blood pressure with age [Skrabanek, 1998]
HIV, AIDS Great HIV/AIDS fraud    Preceded COVID frauds
  Details of 1984 fraud, mostly written 1999
AIDS propaganda myth of AIDS
1 Traditional theories BUT [False Positives | injections]
2 Opponents [ e.g. Peter Duesberg | Bryan Ellison | Christian Fiala | Neville Hodgkinson | John Lauritsen | Thabo Mbeki | Joan Shenton | Michael Verney-Elliott | Martin Walker | Susan Warman ]
3 Failures [ BBC | Coca-Cola | Duncan Campbell | Hiram Caton | Chomsky | Elton John | Bill Gates | Gallo | Glaxo-Wellcome | Masters & Johnson | monkey researchers | nam | NIH | Louis Pascal | Penguin Books | 'Skeptics' | Susan Sontag | Terrence Higgins | US Govt | Robin Weiss | Robert Willner ]
4 Future? [EBOLA Virus - another fraud | India | Sweden]
5 Other Diseases: Leprosy | Smallpox & Vaccination | Jim West on Polio | DDT | 'West Nile virus'
6 Audio recordings: Include: Ellison, Hodgkinson, Hodgkinson interview transcribed, Perth Group, Shenton, Verney-Elliott
Voerioc French alternative medicine Well-reasoned, Jew-aware, views on contagion, viruses, immunity, AIDS [voerioc, 2011]

World Jewish Coronavirus Fraud

Why do they do it?   My best guesses!
日本   Japanese Readers Welcome! — censors this site!   Could be to hold on to the myths of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Or to censor US war crimes.

Me, on the 40-year later than AIDS and 2-yr later than Coronavirus, COVID fraud
‘DNA fingerprints’, Alec Jeffrey   A few things I noticed
Evolution [Still Under Construction!] Prompted by people unable to understand evolution

Outline of Evolution | Attacks | 'Skeptics' and Weaknesses | Sociobiology
Alfred R Wallace as originator
Audio: memes with Blackmore & Dawkins

J Wheatley, H Hillman, R West on Organo­phosphate insect­icides.
Warble fly, grain storage, sheepdip, CJD, Gulf War

OP Effects by J Wheatley

Mark Purdey

2000 BSE 'Public enquiry' - Jewish-chaired

2001 Foot and Mouth in UK
Another little-known Jewish 'Conspiracy Theory': Control of Foods...
1947 Jensen on Food Shortage Lies & Jewish Plans   |   1986 Texas, beef, Jews, industry control: Rudy Stanko - soon
Salt and the myth that salt in food is harmful.   Salt drives all the processes of life. Opposing the widely-promoted demonisation of salt, we present evidence that high salt intake is good for health, and has anti-cancer properties.
Audio, 95 mins
Video: same audio + visuals

Shock! Salt Institute Closed
Same link as the myth that salt in food is harmful.
Blood Pressure: the Hydraulics of Overweight

Simple treatment of the relation between weight and the heart, pulse and blood pressure, in normal people
Fluoride The myth that sodium fluoride is safe
Injections and Immunology Flaws in Immunology - soon
SMALL PARTICLES IN AIR:   Diesel engines, coal, incinerators &c: asthma, heart attacks, low IQ, cancer, mutations

Dick van Steenis
Researcher into health effects of invisible particles [1997, 2011]
  CANCER     Notes on part of a French site by 'Aixur', (computer translation).

Lorraine Day's errors, and naïve fundament­alism, on balance probably harmed her. But Dr Day was Jew-aware (modern Jews only!)

Looks at over-diagnosis of cancer, confusions including oedema, lymph system, misunderstood instruments, antibiotics, morphine, chemotherapy, radiation, dehydration, 'tests'. Bone cancer, breast cancer, throat cancer, leukamia. And finance.
      — Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — EXTRAS | UK PRIVATE HOSPITALS | MAL-EDUCATION | 'ABRAHAMIC' RELIGIONS | JEW & US WAR CRIMES IN VIETNAM —
General inter­est topics. Mostly short.
NEW   freefind

Browse all-in-one file
... Or click solo files below:–
Twelve days of Christmas | Air Mining? | Alzheimers & Aluminum? | Amen, Amun | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (& West Test & West's Theorem) | Beatles | Bermuda triangle & NASA | BIRMINGHAM | Blood | Blood Pressure Issues | Boron | Butter­flies, Nettles, Hedge­hogs | Charles & monarch butterflies | Carnivorous Plants | Circum­cision | Color Chart | Concrete Problems | Diana | DNA | Early Christ­ianity: Reviews, Comments, Maps, Pictures, Languages, Spread of Christianities, Islam, 'Jews' Blacks | Elvis | Silly 'End Times' | Fairy Tales | Fluoride |   Ginger Hair | Gobëkli Tepe fake? | Graffiti |   Greeks, Stars, Genetics | Heroin | Human Organ Scams | Lawyer Jokes | Leys, 'Ley lines' |   Life After Death | LOG ANALYZERS For website owners trying to get info from logs | 'Lunar Waves' and 'flat earth' | Mac­Donalds burgers law case c 2000 | REVIEW Mensa: Permanent Failure | Monarchy | Motor­cycle design | Male circum­cision | Muesli | 'Orbs' | Orient Express | Orion's Penis | Peter Merlin Cane | NASA & Moon Landing &c fakes | Political Correct­ness |   Cooking Potatoes | Puzzle Rings | Razor Blades | Reverse Speech | 'Rods' | ''Ropeworms'' | Salt Demon­isation | ‘Satanic Child Abuse’ Old Fakery | Smoking, Cancer, Food | Star Trek | Taj Mahal | UFO UFOs | UFOs & Jews | UFO emails | Starter website hints | Weight Loss and Diet | World Government? | World Tree | Year 2000 Panic | Yoghurt
British Private Hospitals crit (+ sidebar) union flag [1998-2001 Old]. With Richard Ennals
2 KEY POINTS – MEDICAL including Consultants | Single Rooms | Nurses | Dangerous Staffing | 'Cherry-picking' | Equipment | NHS Waiting Lists | Costs to NHS of Private Treatment]
3 KEY POINTS – ADMIN including Advertising | Managers | Incidents Specific to Private Hospitals | Poor Records, Statistics | Collusion to Suppress Figures | 'Charity' Hospitals | Insurance | 'Quality Audits']
4 CONCLUSIONS including Private Wings in NHS Hospitals | NHS Patients in Private Hospitals | Complaining | I.H.A. | Multinationals]
5 RECOMMENDATION – if you must, use private wings of NHS hospitals!
Bad Education Mona McNee, Alice Coleman, & dyslexia

Education is over-priced, low quality—but lucrative for some. The 'look say' method in reading suggests mis-education was a deliberate Jewish policy to harm whites. is Mona's Self-help plan for dyslexics, starting with ABC.

Mona: 2012 video on her suspicions of who's to blame starting with John Dewey. She never tested the Jew hypothesis, and as a result got nowhere. 1 hour

Towards full revis­ion of Christianity
'JEWS' took over early Christianity; invented Islam; spread subversion and cruelty.   2,000 years of tribal superstitions, races, money.
Rationalism* and anti-Roman Catholicism Jesus Christ
H Delehaye S.J.: Hagiography.. Saints [1907] [Imprimatur R C book, quite rational view of stories, myths, writers, traditions, documents, biographies...]
Wheless: Is It God's Word? [1926] [Anti-fundamentalist]
Wheless: Christian Forgery [1930] [Apostles | Constantine | Middle Ages &c | Christianity Triumphant]
Joseph McCabe's Rationalist Encyclopaedia [1948] [FULL DOWNLOAD w/intro]
    My Menu of Extracts including [Arabs | Benedict notes | brotherhood of Man not Christian | Crusades | Constantine | Donation of Constantine Death for Heretics | Great Schism | Papacy | Reformation | Religions | Renaissance | People | Popes | 1870 Vatican Council | 30 Years War | Jus Primae Noctis | Satan | Talmud | Usury | Wars | Massacres | Institutions | &c, &c, &c]
Notes on Joseph McCabe's Dumbness of the Great [1948] {Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Renaissance, Luther ... Locke, Spinoza, Leibnitz ...]
Joseph McCabe's A History of Freemasonry [1949] (big pdf file)
South Place Ethical Society, London & Oxford Union Society [Jew infiltration into Britain & Universities & Church of England, in 20th C]

Did Jesus Exist? [...1946, '74, '82, '99, 2000...]
And My Emails with Americans on 'Jesus'

US Christian fundamentalism  |  Mother Teresa as fake do-gooder [1998]  |  Blunt's detailed Victorian Dictionary of Sects, Heresies... [1874] heresies
*'Rationalism' in a true sense; not the fake & pseudo-scientific versions in rationalwiki, James Randi, Jews, 'Skeptics', Dawkins.
NEW search engine by freefind
Bertrand Russell's causes, including U.S. war crimes in Vietnam (BR was not Jew-aware; my own reviews of Russell's books.)
Full text of Russell's War Crimes in Vietnam pdf, 1967. NOT IN Routledge's so-called 'complete works' of Russell
Vietnam war dead

Bertrand Russell's Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal   (1971 html; with internal links)
Note: probably 'controlled opposition' by Chomsky, Kissinger, Deutscher et al.—there was no 'cui bono' investigation of war profits, finance, land takeovers, nor Jewish involvement in genocide*. One ~1 MB download.
      The following links jump directly into the file—
[ Matorosso: Tribunal Rules | Burchett | Caldwell | Chomsky | Russell | Tariq Ali | Kolko 1944-1944 | Fragmentation Bombs | Bombing | Victims | Dikes | Napalm | Chemical Warfare | Torture | Thailand, Philippines, Japan | Testimonies: four Vietnamese & Tuck & Martinsen & Duncan | Verdicts: Stockholm & Roskilde | Sartre on genocide   |   List of Members, Reporters, Witnesses

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Articles [1969-1973] Vietnam War end era
[Ho Chi Minh | US Empire | BR Interviewed by Ralph Miliband (from a 1965 film) | Mark Lane | Israel | Arnold Toynbee | David Horowitz | Harold Wilson | Gabriel Kolko | J F Kennedy, BBC lies | Papandreou Greece, CIA, NATO | Students | War crimes Terry Whitmore | Pentagon Papers: Chomsky, Farley | Edward Said]

Russell's 1927 essay Some Prospects: Cheerful and Otherwise | Russell's 1962 book of essays War Crimes in Vietnam  [this book led on to the Tribunal. Parts only] | Russell & E. D. Morel's Red Rubber—little-known Belgian Congo atrocities c. 1900 and Islam slavery link | Russell ignored The Horror on the Rhine (1920...) including atrocities by blacks | Russell on Rhodesia | Harold Smith (civil servant) on Nigeria | Bertrand Russell's BRPF: study in Jewish secret 'Communist' pseudo-opposition Poland, 1968 Czechoslovakia, Australia, 'antisemitism', &c   (Incomplete; to build links)
Russell Tribunal on Palestine (Must have been conflict of interest! c. 2012-2014)Russell Palestine

      — Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — EXTRAS: 'SHAKESPEARE' | J AUSTEN | FRANCE, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, POLAND | NAPOLEON | H G WELLS | BILDERBERG | U.S. EMPIRE | CHOMSKY | ISRAEL —
American Empire, bases etc as the result of Jewish finance. Comparisons with multinational corporations, and religions.
Trying to understand the American Empire c. 1970   Not a very important article. Old, Jew-source. But it shows the need for such investigations by white nationalists
Balkans, Bosnia
Interesting Bosnian site on Jew control of all the Balkans. English translation giving different view of Jews including Jewish papacy, Jews in WW2, NATO
China. New Understandings. The relations between Jews and Chinese are beginning to be understood. But not, I think, the Chinese equivalents of Freemasons etc. These links, in my chronology of Jews, are to English-speaking researchers, not Chinese.

Arnold Leese on China. Written 1949
'Azaziah' on How Jews 'Made' Red China (2018)
How Jews Took Over China (2021) by 'Josh'
Hungary has had unwanted attentions by Jews. Short article introducing the subject which has hyperinflation, Bela Kun's attempt at 'Communism', science frauds, and other topics
India. New Understandings.   Crit of Amartya Sen.
Ireland Scotland Jews  
Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Jews, Cromwell

Agents in Ireland? | Scottish Clearances?
Japan's takeover since about 1850 by Anglo-America
Poland & World Jewry
Poland, Germany, Russia; Jews and Slavs; & USSR mass kill­ings; & WW2
Russians are disappearing. A Silent Catastrophe. Video, not mine, in effect on Jewish damage to white Asia
Talk with Holmqvist & Manders 12-2023 on Sweden & Norway
  Spain and Portugal.
New views of Spain & Jews, Muslims, Christians, 1492
Jane Austen authorship issue
Review by Nick Ennos

Debunking Chomsky
I now take the view that Chomsky is a faux radical, whose task is to hide 'Jews' and pretend the US govt is Amer­ican. Bear this in mind; articles are less critical than I'd write them now.
2022 Chomsky on 'COVID' shows he's just another Jew liar. Sigh.
1992 Pilger [Pilinger?] Inter­view
1995 New World Order
1995 Minimalist Explor­ations
1996 Chom­sky on AIDS
1997 Is 'Chomskyan Linguistics' any use? [my essay]

Reviews 'Manufacturing Consent', 'Propaganda' etc
Click for

My 1-hour video on Miles Mathis's website.

Cautions on some of Miles' sources | Sample science pdf: Miles on: sun physics & CIA/JFK lies | Miles on 'Sam Bankman-Fried' (pp.3-7) FTX=Field Training Exercise?

MM science papers pdf, Jan 2023. MM'S OWN TOP 50 LIST.

de Vere Society Oxfordian views: Edward de Vere as Shakespeare
May 2024 Update - Laws, Jews, Forgery

[ Anglo-Spanish War declared by England. Propaganda &c | Burford/Beauclerk: important issue | Challinor | Derran Charlton v Kathman | Exams | External links | Rogues Gallery | Sonnets dedication puzzles | Stratford Monument | Tourism]

2011 'Anonymous' film review
2014 Lady Jane Grey hypothesis
H G Wells tried to popularise genuine socialist ideas & world government; but came to support Jewish 'Communist' wars and finance
A Modern Utopia [1905?]
New Worlds ... Modern Socialism [1908]
Ann Veronica [1910]
A 'pogrom' ['Research Magnificent' 1915] Jews lied about pogroms]
Outline of History [1920]
Russia in the Shadows [1920]
New Teaching of History [1921]
Psychoanalysis of Karl Marx [1926]
'Currency crank', 'com­petent re­ceiver', & defenders of Jewish paper money [1926,1934]
Meanwhile... [1927]
New World Order [1928]
Work, Wealth, Happiness Mankind [1932]
Was Wells Stalinist?
Experiment in Autobiography [1934]
    ... Co-opera­tion Diffi­culties
The Croquet Player [1936] Weak satire!
Jewish influence inc. Nesta Webster [1939,1940]
The American Mentality 1940ish
The British Oligarchy 1940ish
Crux Ansata Wells on all Roman Catholic history BUT not Jew connections [1943]
Mind at the End of its Tether Wells despairs, unable to disentangle Jew lies [1945]
Reply to McKillop on Wells. Pdf.[2009]

Gissing's Veranilda & on the fallen Roman Empire

My videos of Nick Griffin on the BBC etc were removed by Bit­chute. Warning: Bit­chute cannot be trusted with serious videos.
    But I've recovered it: Nick Griffin on BBC TV distortion (5½ mins) Some 2007/2008 BNP articles:–
My page of & brief titles for about 50 BNP articles.
And this link for some BNP Land and People articles.

The BNP failed to clearly identify Jewish finance and propaganda and wars, & conflict with other peoples' interests. In short, it said nothing of the 'J economy' worldwide. And it quoted the 'controlled media', unable to identify deliberate lies.
      So even if it had succeeded it is unlikely to have had benefit to Britons or the world.

Some significant issues, as looked at by the BNP:–
World population. Doubts about numbers
Nuclear power. Doubts about energy sources. 'Nuclear Weapons' probably even less likely to be have been faced
Oil. Doubts about reserves
Climate Change fraud. a scare | Lomborg's Skeptical Environmentalist review

open borders for Israel FACEBOOK link to OBI site   The aging, low-IQ, population of the beggar state, Israel needs invigorating new blood! Lots of it!
    Black Africans and bushmen will diversify vibrant New Israel to the max!  Progressive black change agents may be resented by Jewish racists, but the transformation must take place as G-d revealed to the rabbinate for the end times and the coming of Moschiach and reign of Satan!! This is not insanity!!!  Jewesses crave black lover shalom with New Jews!
    Supreme Jewish science, flourishing in the rich soil of Talmudic Jewish and female and mixed-race skills, proves blacks are racism-free, so—modernize apartheid Israel with mass migration NOW!
    Diversity politicians, lawyers, and gipsies will enforce free housing and benefits; Israelis must learn to love, and reject and disown rabbinical hate.   Diversified Israel means strength, with fewer inbreeding deformities and mental diseases!
    Majority Rule for Palestine!   Law of Return for Palestinians!
And everyone else!
  [ 729 barcode in shops = Israeli registered company. Look for 'Country of Origin' too ]
      — Jews | Reviews | Science Revisionism | Around the World | Life Sciences | Extras — DOCUMENTS | AUDIO & VIDEO DOWNLOADS | BOOKS, MAGAZINES, MOVIES, PEOPLE | INTERESTING THINGS —
[Dates ~ first publication]

Antifa 7-page US Soros-funded handout?  |  Babylonian Talmud Found online. English. No respons­ibility for accuracy 55MB  |  Babylonian Talmud 1896 English scanned. No respons­ibility 700 MB  |  Benson, Ivor Jews in 20th Century 1986. Aussie. pdf  |  H Delehaye S.J. Hagiography 1907 translation  |  Joseph Wheless Is it God's Word? 1926  |  A H Lane The Alien Menace 1928  |  Joseph Wheless Forgery in Christianity 1930  |  B Russell Modern Midas  |  Ethical Record 1933  |  B Russell Which Way to Peace? 1936  |  Joseph McCabe History of Freemasonry (big pdf) | J McCabe Rationalist Encyclopaedia 1948  |  F Britton Behind Comm­unism 1952  |  A H M Ramsay Nameless War 1952  |  B Russell War Crimes in Vietnam 1967  |  R B Dobson Jews of Medieval York... Massacre March 1190 1974  |  Richard Verrall? Did Six Million Really Die? 1974  |  Nation Wreckers 1975  |  Harold Hillman & Peter Sartory The Living Cell free PDF 40MB 1980 | Lady Birdwood Anti-Gentil­ism: Longest Hatred 1991  |  Gray's judge­ment on Irving libel trial 2000  |  K Macdonald 'Die Kultur der Kritik' pdf

1983-2009+ Lobster

1975-2000 US Jew & race realist mag Instauration   Detailed Intro to Wilmot Robertson's mag, + sample pages, my comments on issues, militarism, wars, events etc  |  Links to All Issues + Site Searcher + How to Use It

1979-1998  Liberty Bell + Site Searcher with Revilo Oliver

NOTE: 'Youtube' removed my videos after 11 years. Bit­chute removed my videos too.
NEW     freefind

Click here for much more detail of Rerevisionist's audios & videos than summarised below
      SELECTED AUDIOS (Online talks with people)   Jewish Theory and Practice. 70-min talk 20 Jan '24: Chris Caskie & Rae West | Talk with Sweden's Cui Bono | Rae West & Chris Caskie on War Against Goyim March 2022 | Rae & anon Aussie on Nukes and Jews 16 April 2021 2h:25m | Rae & Deanna Spingola July 2020 Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | Alan Buttle & Rae West: 'coronavirus', China, 'BLM', Jews, religions... 8 June 2020 75 min | Lamprecht & West: Reframing Jews as WW2 belligerents 20 May 2018 70 min | Was Hitler an Agent? + A C Hitchcock 8 Jan 2018 c 1 hour | 2,000 Years 'Jew' Error with Andy Hitchcock | Frank McManus on salt 95 mins | On Revisionism of Everything with Paul Stevenson | A C Hitchcock: JEWISH PROBLEM 1st hour 3 Aug | JEWISH PROBLEM 2 30 Aug  Extracts: Jew influence 16 min | Jew & White Genes 36 min | Dion Wehrwolf Deep Revisionism 2016 95 min.  Extract: Science Revisionism 16 min extract | Fakeologist Learn About Jews | Harold Hillman on biology, interview 1 of 2  Hillman interview 2 | Deanna Spingola 2013 | 'Lords of the Nukes' audio with Rerevisionist, First Class Skeptic, Fakeologist
      SELECTED AUDIOS (Recordings of speakers)
  AIDS info | anti-Whites | 'big bang' | Chomsky on language in 1995 | Climate  Sir John Mason on 'Global Warming' | Mona McNee on dyslexia | Freemasons (tame) | conspiratorial science/ Soviet Union | 'Holocaust' | Leon Greenman | Jews  Martin Gilbert  Hobsbawm talk (audio) on 'Russian' Revolution  Christopher Hitchens in 1999 | memes: Susan Blackmore | Pensions theory (1990s) | John Bruce Campbell talk with Jan Lamprecht
WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE On USA (Dec 1996-July 2002). About 300 audios. And transcripts.
Steven Rose: behaviour, genes | Socialists | Shakespeare | Colin Wilson | WW2 |   Alan Bullock Jew-unaware nonsense from Bulloch/Bullock's 1991 book Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. LSE recording; mentions Leonard Shapiro, Ernest Gellner the 'polymath', Ditzo Iunesco? 30-year promoter of 'the journal Government in Opposition, one of the world's leading journals... of contemporary political science.' Bullock ?founded St Catherine's graduate college. Bullock's mother is obscure, a common sign of hidden Jewish ancestry  | Raymond Challinor  speaking on WW2 taking a 'Trotskyist' line
      RAE WEST/REREVISIONIST'S VIDEOS   Jonathan Bowden R.I.P. speech 2009 rediscovered video by interesting orator. But he had not revised his awareness of WW1 & WW2 | Jews viewed as combatants in WW2 MP4 with Lamprecht & West 71 min | SALT in FOOD West & McManus | 'Professor' (((Hobsbawm))) on the 'Russian' Revolution 1996 | REVISIONISM OF EVERYTHING with Paul Stevenson 2017 96 min | Deep Revisionism 2016 100 min | Science Revisionism 16 min | Irving on Himmler (100 min talk in Manchester. 2013) | "Were 'nuclear bombs' faked?" (street vox pops 2014) | "'Holocaust' faked?" (street vox pops 2014) | Hiroshima? With John Friend | Nuclear Bombs? Nuclear Power? With D Spingola | LBJ 1964 'daisy girl' fake nuke | Shakespeare/ de Vere Burford in 1994 | JEWISH QUESTION 1 of 2 with Andrew C Hitchcock, 2017 (1 hr) | JEWISH QUESTION 2 of 2 with A C Hitchcock, 2017 (1 hr)

Jew Shock: Learn About Jews—Your Life May Depend on it! Video   Explains the Jewish problem. For novices. About 50 mins. Right click; save link. High resolution; c 140 MB.
Download: 2016 Deep revisionism 1 hr 56 min. Rae West's indexed hi-res stereo

Lords of the Nukes—nuclear weapons: long, detailed, books, film, pictures | Marlene Guest - Rotherham Muslim rape, Polish Jew MP | MANCHESTER ARENA 'BOMB' FAKE Lady at bus stop | Ripped long junk mp4 videos: | 10 Oct 2011 BBC BNP entrapment plot | 2011 BBC 'college of journalism' | 15 Nov 1967 Frost & Mosley & staged Jew | 1990 'Barty Normal' & Spielberg




GROUPED REVIEWS:–   TV, DVD, Media, critics, &c  |  Abrahamic Religions  |  Education  |  Propaganda  |  Race  |  Revisionism  |  Teaching Thinking?  |  Wars  |  Women  |  Richard Dawkins establishment Jewish evolutionist  |  Martin Gardner 'skeptic'  |  Bertrand Russell mostly Jew-naive philosopher

WEBSITE REVIEW:   Hexzane527's World War 3 claims

SOME MAGAZINE REVIEWS:   BBC History magazine BBC history | Candour C E Chesterton tried | Freethinker | CHARLIE-HEBDO | English Heritage English Heritage | Greenpeace | index on censorship | instauration throws light on 1975-2000 USA attitudes | Liberty Bell | Lobster cloak-and-dagger mag Lobster phoney left freebie | Mankind Quarterly | Mensa Mensa logo | Private Eye Private Eye small logo Detailed review of (((English))) 'investigative' satire | sp!ked | Which?

JUST SOME OF MY BOOK & MEDIA REVIEWS:-   Paul Baran & Paul Sweezy: Monopoly Capital | E Michael Jones on Jews | Jew­ish propaganda books UK 1908-1993 | Richard Aldrich: GCHQ | Karen Armstrong: Islam | David Attenborough: Life on Air | James Bacque: Crimes and Mercies | Baigent & Leigh: Holy Grail | John Baker: Race | Philip Baker: Putney Debates | Hilaire Belloc: The Jews | Henri Bergson. Jewish Philosopher? | C Bjerknes: Beware the World to Come | Hans Blix: Disarming Iraq | Roger Burke: Crimin­olog­ical Theory | Chris Caskie: War Against 'Goyim' | Chris Caskie Guest reviews (Robert Conquest...) | Chomsky & Herman: Manufacturing Consent | B Connolly: Rotten Heart of Europe | Dalrymple: Junk Medicine 2007 | Reinhard Gehlen: Memoirs. German Intelligence around WW2 | Christopher de Hamel: The Book. A History of The Bible. (Phaidon, 2001) | Gregory Hickok: Myth of Mirror Neurons | Gilbert Shelton: Furry Freak Brothers | Noam Chomsky: Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda | David Duke: My Awakening | Edward Dutton: Race & Ethnocentrism | Nicholas Ennos: Jane Austen 2013 | Colin Flaherty: Black Race Violence | L Guyénot: Yahweh to Zion | Adolf 'Hitler': Mein Kampf | Hobsbawm: Age of Extremes | Hobsbawm: Age of Revolution | Andrew Joyce | John Keegan. Historian? | Arthur Kemp: March of the Titans | Arthur Koestler: Hanged by the Neck | Richard Lynn Obituary | J T Looney: Shakespeare Identified | Kevin MacDonald: Culture of Critique | Kevin MacDonald: Individualism Failures inc. Kahal System | Marx, Engels, Taylor: Communist Manifesto | Marshall McLuhan's work | Gerard Menuhin: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil | H Millard:Homeless Jack | Giles Milton: White Gold [White women kidnapped to Africa] | Mahathir Mohamad: The Malay Dilemma | Moorman: Church of England | Malcolm Muggeridge: three books | Observations on Nietzsche | Oyebola: Black Man's Dilemma | Tom Paine: Age of Reason | Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules for Life | J H Plumb: Historian? | Michael Portillo: Railways (TV) | Richard A. Posner - Jew tries to write on justice | QUIZ | Robertson & Nichol: Media Law | Bertrand Russell: War Crimes in Vietnam | Simon Shack: The Tychos: Geoaxial System | C P Snow: Two Cultures | David Starkey, historian? | Sun Tzu: Art of War | John Tyndall: Eleventh Hour | Esther Vilar: Manipulated Man | Voltaire: Age of Louis XIV | Simon Webb: Suffragette Bombers? German Bombs? | Oscar Wilde: Historical Criticism | Robert Winston: Story of God | Peter Wright: Spycatcher | Michael Young: Rise of Meritocracy

Standalone reviews list

Just a few of many of my TV and movie reviews
50 Shades of Grey movie | Downton Abbey (a Revisionist view) | Foyle's War | QUIZ | British TV 1956-1997 | Denial Jewish propaganda movie | British TV Crime Drama | Avatar movie awaiting sequel | Bohemian Rhapsody 2018 | Bride Wars 2002 | Empire of the Sun 1987 | Gaslight 1944 | The Iron Lady 2011 | Jaws 1975 | Bridget Jones movie | Mamma Mia! Here we go again | Nativity! 2015 | Oppenheimer | Theory of Everything 2015 | Tolkien | Two Weeks Notice 2002 | Wise GreatestSNT | Apprentice UK | Dracula | Withnail & I | 10 Rillington Place | Jewish Social Engineering - TV Movies | Truffaut: Jules et Jim | Wnendt: Er ist wieder da | Africa Addio & Mondo Cane | Fellini: Satyricon | Walter MITTY and LIFE |

Downton Abbey
Last Night at the Proms
Les Misérables

Build your own video collection!   To save: Right-click on link | Click 'Save link as' | Check .mp4 filename, & the folder

hobsbawm video
Video: Russia victim of Jews

15 mins By Kollerstrom (I think)
On Russia-Ukraine War as faked. BUT Kollerstrom likes Merkel, doesn't mention Jews, believes in nukes...

'Lestrade' on Iwo Jima faked war 'theatre'.
29 min. If you can't believe Some wars are faked.

Jews promoting money and rooms for Jewish 'refugees'
LBJ 1964 election nuke scare
LBJ 1964 Election TV ad (90 sec)
COVID psyop
Tom Moore bogus charity
by Paul Taylor/Hoax­ashian, very censored video maker. If he/others saved videos, I'll upload
world population
Gumballs huge migrations. 6 min

Video 2017: MANCHESTER ARENA FAKE 'BOMB'. Jew fraud. Witness discussion.
I've researched many topics for years, and have contacts around the world. This site is serious, and I'd like to continue with it.
Donations would be helpful, and gratefully received—including from public sources favouring truth and free speech ... Paypal operates with me, at least for the present

(Avoid phony charities! UK Charities are permitted to refuse Freedom of Information requests; and are not policed properly).

Rae West churchRae West Houses of Parliament

big lies | | | | nukelies | | logo Rae West PET/CBM Rae West 64 Rae West VIC20
I wrote these old books! 22-11-22: They are my copyright; there's been some attempt to revive the C64, perhaps so people could learnt to program on easier processors than are now available. May be something to do with Jack Tramiel.
HTML Rae West 2012-04-08. IP Nukelies was a joint effort (largely my monitoring); this static version 2012-03-10 plus later adjustments. Other material largely updated from my earlier website, started in 1997. This site is not listed on DMOZ 'Open Directory' since AOL demand permission to copy content. Audiotapes various dates; videos later dates. Some reviews on Amazon moved here; then others added. added Sep 2012. General interest partly Google bait reloaded 2013-01-21. American Empire re-uploaded 13 Feb 2013. Blue ribbon 2013-02-28. Rhodesia and Nigeria 2013-04-16. Racism cuts both ways added 2013-04-24. Boxes reordered 2013-05-05. Search deduplication 2013-06-03. Napoleon 2013-06-14. Jadar sites 2013-08-11; moved to separate subsite 2014-02-09. Chomsky box 2013-08-27. Top 30s 2013-10-13. British interest political party and immigrant crime links 2013-10-17. Hitler 'Mein Kampf' 2013-10-24. Facebook share 2013-12-17. Ireland (incomplete) 2013-12-25. Skrabanek link 2014-01-02. Review links improved 2014-01-30. Big-lie URLs added 2014-02-13. McManus salt 2014-02-25. Corruption UK link 2014-05-22. Palestinian deaths Aug 2014. Dick van Steenis on health and airborne small particles re-uploaded 2014-08-01. Science revisionists 2014-10-29. Karlie Hebreu cartoon 13 Jan 2015. More e.g. Bernard Lovell & Jodrell Bank 2015-03-25. 'Fighting lies since 1997' and similar slogans 2015-04-03. Blood pressure 2015-07-16. Top row and other rows changed 2015-04-13 partly to improve layout. Request for interviewees on Skype 28 April 2015. Endzog on BBC 2015-05-02. VOMIT entry links 2015-05-31. 'Pro' hosting 2015-06-12. Links to Chernobyl, Fukushima 2015-08-06. Info then action 26 Aug 2015. Link to Violence Against Whites replacing previous disused link 4 Sept 2015. Titles above horizontal tables 2015-10-17. Removed simple and top-30 indexes 17 Oct 2015. Some rearrangements and new titles reflecting hits 3 Feb 2016. 7 Feb: Long Jews file split into 3. Waco redirected, and BNP Aug 2008 archive dropped, c 9 July 2016. Anomalies with Chrome float images removed 30 Nov 2016. Lower-case nuke-lies 2017-02-27. Try (faster) 2017-03-12 01:07. Twitter etc links retried 7 Sept 2017. McManus talk 2017-09-2017. WW2 revisionist piece ('Master Race' files on Jews arranging WW1 and WW2) from 22 April 2018. More video links (inc Bit­chute) after Jews from Poland increase censorship. Miles Mathis searcher 17 April 2019. Jim Condit video c 1 Feb 2019 as example of stage in WW2 revisionism. Date corrected for Russell tribunal to 1971: 1 Oct 2019 | 25 Feb 2020 to 12 Mar 2020 entire row including climate and salt mistakenly removed. | 4 May 2020 Some yellow faces larger - removed exception for small screen - dropped 2020 only articles | 30 Nov 2021 Nazon Zazon Boni freemason forum link added | 1 Mar 2022 blanked out both sets of memes; perhaps overloading? To be reconsidered
    This site does NOT communicate with google-analytics | IP NOW and also . Secure index may work securely; depends on links. Windows-8 style menu 2013-09-15 Given priority over detailed index 2013-09-17 to 2013-11-24. Cloudflare removed 2013-10-14 7 a.m. GMT because of doubts over cookies. Chrome browser anomalies partly solved 2014-08-14. Shares added 2014-12-13. Translate box removed 2015-01-11, and science revisionism to right hand end; also box displays tightened for small screens. Ban by Websense and iPhone detected on This site is not part of a 'VPN' (virtual private network) but may be counted as one by Google, or otherwise underrated hit-wise, whether deliberately or not I can't tell. Edited for Google mobile-friendly approval, with cut-down index, 2015-06-19. Sitelock discontinued 2016-12-14. Simple https:// fixed 2018-03-18. 28 Sep 2018 (first time!) quite thorough checks for link missing in home page - many of the false flag videos were gone. Checked for https problems, having taken out some https for http; all seems OK, including paypal donation. Individual reviews and menu test 29 Nov 2018 | IP 1 Mar 2022 shows as and VPN offered by a browser in use from 26 Dec 2018