Was Thatcher A Token?

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Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby NUKELIES » 28 Feb 2012 03:53

Was Margaret a token like obama? She is obviously a hell of a lot smarter than he is, but it seems strange that a woman would have been put into the office of Prime Minister without there being some sort of purpose to it.

Reagan was never anything more than a second rate actor. It seems like Thatcher fell into believing her own hype. It seems like she did want to actually make things better in Britain - maybe she didn't know she had been installed in office by the agenda pushers.

Every day life in Britain today feels controlled by women bureaucrats - at government offices, the hospital, on the phone, etc. If you're a man in the UK, "office women" of all ages will tend to treat you with disdain bordering on contempt, regardless of how you look or act (being American probably doesn't help, although sometimes is does). Was Thatcher just part of the overall agenda to create working taxpayers out of women? And to emasculate British men?
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby Exorcist » 28 Feb 2012 12:50

Thatcher represented Finchley which is a "Jewish" backed constituency. Her main purpose was to rob the British people of the "family silver" by privatising the nationalised industries directed by her "mentor" Sir Keith Joseph.
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby rerevisionist » 28 Feb 2012 16:19

Thatcher represented Finchley which is a "Jewish" backed constituency. Her main purpose was to rob the British people of the "family silver" by privatising the nationalised industries directed by her "mentor" Sir Keith Joseph.
Brilliant incisive analysis, Exorcist, if I may say so.

Keith Joseph was (from memory) also Minister for Housing and for Education. He invented the expression 'twilight housing' for terraced houses which were perfectly possible to renovate, but need skilled labour. If I remember correctly, the tower block craze was partly his work. He must have worked for the dumbing-down of white education, though of course teachers are far too cowardly to even discuss this issue. I lived near Finchley - it's in north-west London - and confirm the high proportion of so-called Jews, with their own secretive schools, 'Jewish' run newspapers, vigilante thugs, high media impact, and all the rest.

As to Thatcher and the women thing, my reading is that exercising secret money-based Jewish power needs a vast array of useless idiots ('useful idiots'), and women are ideal, since many of them have little in the way of other employment. Fake 'AIDS advisors', 'community organisers', low-grade educators and 'remedial educators', probation and social work people whose role is to increase crime against whites, promoters of child and anal sex and prostitution, assistants in multi-million Jewish interest outfits such as the 'Rowntree Foundation' and 'Runnymede Trust' and 'Commission on Human Rights' and pro-coloniser groups, TV newsreaders & TV reporters reading others' words and other lightweight media types, shriekers for the 'global warming' fraud and endless other such things including phoney women's studies university departments, have many unintelligent and dishonest women on board. Many unelected bodies illustrate the same thing - the EU has Merkel, Caroline Ashton etc; the House of Lords has a ridiculous young Muslim woman coloniser with nil talent. Women of this sort are often desperate to keep their non-jobs. (There are of course many similar males, including black tokens).
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby NUKELIES » 28 Feb 2012 17:00

'community organisers'

I hate the word "community" - it has always meant everyone except me as a White male. I tell people one of the reasons I left California - related to but aside from the sickening and dominant counterculture, and the evil privatized prison system with its "three strikes" life sentence for three felonies/misdemeanours - was that White Males like me were placed at the very bottom of the social hierarchy. Black women are placed at the top - no kidding. Nobody ever believes me but it's true. Why should that be?

Unfortunately New York and most of the rest of the country have followed suit. I used to be a member of the now-defunct AIVF - Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers here in Manhattan. I remember at one event a panel of four or five all-Black female representatives of PBS - Public Broadcasting Service (a pale imitation of the BBC; PBS rips off half its shows from British productions) - gave a talk about getting your documentary on PBS. They made it obvious that any positive, constructive, non-countercultural subject would not be funded, and it was also obvious that White males would receive last or no consideration for funding. That was very discouraging.
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby rerevisionist » 28 Feb 2012 19:33

@ NUKELIES - I looked on the PBS website; one difference from the BBC is the pleas for money and the 'sponsor' notices and advertisements that festoon it - they might as well shout 'We are not independent!' One similarity to the BBC is the 100% adherence to the state official line. (Nothing intelligent on Vietnam War, nukes, 9/11, AIDS, the causes of war, the effects of weapons, black crime, Iraq fraud, Israel and brothels, science frauds, the Fed etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc). You surely can't seriously imagine the black women's panel had any serious independence? Even if they had any intelligence, which I doubt, if they say anything off the official lines they'd be instantly out, and despite all the blather about talent and jobs to die for, they will have difficulty getting a comparable income - at least, this is true in Europe; if anything I'd expect it to be worse in the USA. Look at Patrick Buchanan on MSN - will he be offered work by PBS? I think these sackings and media campaigns are warning shots - the flagrantly dishonest 'Lawrence Enquiry' in Britain illustrates the sort of thing. Every now and then there's a show trial. These sad black women are to be pitied, in a sense. But of course I don't have to deal with them.
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby NUKELIES » 28 Feb 2012 20:32

I know the BBC is utterly co-opted as well - or is an (the) official mouthpiece. And I hate receiving threatening letters from the TV tax people every week :o But the BBC does still produce a fair amount of valuable programming - mostly non-fiction which is cheaper to produce, but also some good fiction once in a while. The recent Sherlock Holmes wasn't bad (can never compare to my [ITV] hero Jeremy Brett though). I lived for two years about a block away from ITV Studios in Manchester where the Brett Sherlock series was filmed, and found a number of Manchester locations featured in the program.

sherlock-jeremy-brett.jpg (63.48 KiB) Viewed 41 times

Added 2012-03-01: Just for the record I think David Burke was a much better Watson than Edward Hardwicke.
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Re: Was Thatcher A Token?

Postby FirstClassSkeptic » 28 Feb 2012 22:21

Aren't they all front men; or front women? What 'world leader' today isn't a puppet? They play their parts. Bad guy or good guy. They all work to the same end. You are enslaved by layers of deception. They gain their power over people by deception.

Do you really think there was a dime's worth of difference between Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf HItler? They are all part of the same good old boys club.
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