Riots in London and other English towns - August 2011

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Riots in London and other English towns - August 2011

Postby rerevisionist » 08 Aug 2011 23:45

Impossible to tell how much of this is planned. I just watched Ken Livingstone, a quisling type who was regarded as the ruler of London for years, who took his instructions from jews, saying that blacks 'need to get back to work' - these are violent people who are largely ineducable. They've been given housing and money at the expense of the British. What makes it even more absurd is that Livingstone hasn't done a day's work in his life - he's purely a jewish/NWO puppet selected because of his mediocrity.

A woman MP, in the so-called 'Labour' party, a black 'ethnic' Asian woman, said she was disgusted at hese things in 'her' Birmingham consituency. (In Britain, anyone in the Labour or Conservative party - depending on the area - automatically gets voted in, so the most ridiculous people become MPs. One is David Lammy, a ridiculously stupid black).

Worth noting the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has Muslim ancestry (Johnson = Osman) and is descended probably from a Muslim involved in the Armenian genocide, judging by the date his grandfather or great-grandfather - who cares - was reported to have come to contaminate Britain. (Britain has quite a history of harbouring undesirables - 19th century Jews who'd made fortunes in eastern Europe, down to war criminals from Vietnam and from various African genocides. Not to mention Lenin and Trotsky).

Hard to estimate properly, because the media are so unreliable. Let's see how it goes.

The looting (make-up, TVs, bikes) reminds me of what's reported about New Orleans. Furniture store was burned - I'm listening to an interview with the owner, though the insurance situation isn't mentioned. The BBC has twice reported their crews were attacked; the first time it was equipment only - satellite aerials etc. The second time I don't know - I hope their reporters were attacked, so then they can do a sympathetic interview saying how wonderful an event it was.

Anyway; we'll see.

At least there have been a few hundred arrests.
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Re: Riots in London and other bits of England

Postby NUKELIES » 09 Aug 2011 01:23

It frustrates me to know that virtually every protest/riot which occurs anywhere now-a-days is provocateured and steered by the same powers which are ostensibly the focus of the protest. A more legitimate protest is literary on the net.
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Re: Riots in London and other bits of England

Postby rerevisionist » 09 Aug 2011 12:11

I recommend - Russian TV - which is less handicapped by the British tradition of broadcast lying. There's a surreal quality to the BBC reports - black newsreaders with their autocued garbage written by white hacks, careful selection of interviewees to avoid the truth, scared low echelon employees of the BBC picking their words carefully in case they get sacked.

As far as I can tell, by adding up estimates of crowds, only about 1,000 to 1,500 blacks are involved, and many are repeat thieves and criminals - there's a multibillion 'industry' of social workers, judges, police, lawyers, academics, parole people, 'youth outreach community groups', remedial teachers etc etc etc who make money from them - no doubt much more than the blacks themselves do.

It's not clear why e.g. sprinkler systems don't work - maybe furniture stores don't have them?

There's a possibility that insurance may not cover 'riots' - possibly the taxpayer will be invited to contribute. Some years ago insurance policies were rewritten, to explicitly exclude 'riots'. I saw a spokesman for insurers saying something like - "people will be able to put in claims" - which sounded deliberately ambiguous to me. The spokesman didn't say they would pay out!
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Re: Riots in London and other bits of England

Postby NUKELIES » 09 Aug 2011 12:22

Here's a good article by Paul Watson about the false flag riots: ... /#comments
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Re: Riots in London and other bits of England

Postby rerevisionist » 09 Aug 2011 12:40

Thanks for the link, NUKELIES. It seems to be approved of by David Icke, who's linked to it. Anyway I think I'll copy it here - it's their copyright & if requested I'll remove it. Certainly the press are milking it for all that it's worth, without any comment on the fairly small numbers involved, or race, or motivation, or, of course, interviews with any of the people involved which is generally a sign that they want the official interpretation to override anything else. (Compare just on example: during the London demonstrations in favour of Enoch Powell, none of the counter-demonstrators were ever interviewed in depth - it's a similar attitude).
UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law
Eyewitnesses: Police stood back and allowed rioters to loot private businesses

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Following numerous reports of failures on behalf of police to arrest looters or adequately respond to the riots in London that are now sweeping across the entire UK, curfews and troops on the streets are now being readied as authorities prepare to enforce martial law to quell massive civil unrest.

BBC News twice reported this morning that troops were being readied. The statement was first made by a reporter at 8:30am and then repeated by a Metropolitan Police representative who said “all options were on the table”.

U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May confirms that the government is considering “military support for the police”.

Curfews are also being discussed as authorities prepare to transform Britain into a locked down police state.

“Armoured vehicles have been brought in to clear the streets for the first time by police to tackle what senior officers say is the worst rioting and looting in living memory,” reports the Guardian.

“I have not heard of a curfew on mainland Britain in the past century. [It's] very difficult to impose. I’m not saying that it is definitely the way forward but it is something we have to consider,” Diane Abbott, Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington told BBC Breakfast.

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone called for police to use water cannons to disperse the rioters.

Having started in poorer areas of London, the riots have now spread to other major cities including Bristol, Nottingham, Liverpool and Manchester.

There can be little doubt that the vast majority of the rioters are products of the country’s broken society, nihilistic youths who care little about political grievances and are primarily focused with exploiting the chaos to steal as much booty as they possibly can while getting off on mindless violence. This behavior ensures the public will overwhelmingly support whatever measures are proposed to deal with them, even to the point of outright martial law.

These youths should not be seen as the vanguard of some kind of genuine revolution against an abusive system. If that were the case they would be rioting outside of Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. Instead they are burning down private homes and businesses while looting high-end electrical goods and clothing.

But what has exacerbated the situation is the lackluster police response, with numerous reports from the public that police stood back and allowed looters to pillage both large department stores and private small businesses for hours on end.

During the initial riots in Tottenham on Sunday night, police were criticized for “standing back and allowing rioters to cause havoc.” This trend has continued throughout the three nights of mayhem, with eyewitnesses bewildered at how the police have obviously been ordered not to arrest looters and rioters in some instances.

We have been predicting the onset of widespread rioting and civil unrest for years, particularly in the UK. Last year we wrote that crippling austerity cuts would force the economically deprived to “take to the streets with a mind set of nothing to lose if the government handouts they have become dependent on are drastically reduced.”

Make no mistake about it, these riots will be hastily exploited by the system to turn Britain into an even more controlled and surveilled police state than it already is. The riots achieve absolutely nothing aside from making the establishment look reasonable in whatever response it takes, measures which will be fully supported by a public bombarded with images of chaos, looting and burning.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

Here's quite a good response (slightly corrected) though it's not clear whether the author's aware of the race side of things:-
Pomp and Circumstance says:
August 9, 2011 at 5:22 am

This article is nonsense for the most part. I quote “The youths should not be seen as the vanguard of some kind of genuine revolution against an abusive system….” unquote.

First of all who are you to say how they should be seen? Just speak for yourself and don’t try to manipulate opinion.

Secondly what is a “genuine revolution?” LIBYA? Where the UK zionist patsy government leads a genocidal bombing campaign disguised as “humanitarian aid?”

Thirdly: Are you trying to tell us the system in the UK is not “ABUSIVE”? what a joke!

The EU is a mess. It’s corrupt, morally and financially bankrupt, unemployment in the millions, foreign nationals without legal papers are tolerated to deal cocaine, heroin, haschish, and smuggled cigarettes are not prosecuted but tolerated. Mass immigration from muslim and other African nation causing cultural clashes, rising taxes, inflation, bad schools with mobbing and crime and an expanding control and police state. Want me to keep going?

If people get pissed off at all this garbage it’s not a revolution? OH “they would demonstrate near Downing street?” How close do you think they would get? The police don’t mind watching poor neighborhoods burn down and the shops looted. But Rothschild neighborhood and the corrupt patsy government is sealed off by security.

What kind of a shill are you? How come Alex Jones lets you post here? Doesn’t he read your propaganda? Let me tell you what a revolution is pussyfoot: When people are sick and tired of being ripped off and pushed around and treated like trash in their own country and foreigners have more rights than they in the country they were born. Wake up, this is the globalist agenda.

Look at mass illegal immigration in the US and your government goes against State legislation trying to control it. This is globalist Illuminati Zionist policy to devide and conquer.

READ The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, it’s all facts.
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Re: Riots in London and other bits of England

Postby rerevisionist » 09 Aug 2011 16:28

Claim that Bindmans, a Jewish firm of solicitors [i.e. lawyers] in London, had a finger in this

Note added later, Dec 2011 - Imagine if detailed instructions were given on how to sabotage Jews and their frauds, and use the legal system to minimise the chances of detection. That's roughly equivalent.

includes this photo as evidence
-- it gives advice - If you think you might be identified from photos or footage from recent events in Tottenham: Don't panic. The photos released are not necessarily evidence.. etc

That online image doesn't include the source. But anyway here's an advert for 'Paralegals' by Bindmans [cheaper?]
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby rerevisionist » 10 Aug 2011 05:26

Riots may be deliberately encouraged

I estimate - simply by adding up the reported number of 'youths' in the various locations - that there were only 1,000 to 1,500 'youths' in all. The whole thing seems to be deliberately inflated. (The Daily Telegraph online map has one London site where just one window was broken). The police stand-off may have been though caution, or through not being seen to be heavy-handed, or any number of other things - or it may be calculated to allow damage. Fire engines appear to have been not allowed by the police, supposedly because they couldn't guarantee their safety. I'm suspicious of the huge fires shown. Is it really that easy, with modern sprinklers and fire precautions, fire doors and fireproofing and so on, for small numbers of people to start such huge fires? And don't they seem suspiciously confined to a few buildings, possibly targets? There's also a suggestion of legal advice being slipped to the rioters.

But what makes me feel almost certain that it's deliberately encouraged, was an announcement by a woman from the 'Independent Police Complaints Commission', broadcast on TV, that someone called Mark Duggan, who apparently was shot, did not fire his weapon, or at least a weapon found in the area, at a policeman who was magically saved by his radio. Normally, these investigations take many months, and are worded in a cotton-wool manner, distributing the blame across many people, and usually exonerate everyone in the police. So I think it must have been deliberately done to try to cause more riots.
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby NUKELIES » 10 Aug 2011 17:27

Police Were Ordered To Stand Down As London Burned: ... on-burned/
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby NUKELIES » 10 Aug 2011 17:28

Claim: Youths Offered Money To Start Riots: ... art-riots/
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby FirstClassSkeptic » 11 Aug 2011 00:29

Keynesian economics. A riot forces government spending, just like a war. Buildings are burned, and must be rebuilt. Or people moved out. Like WWII Japan. And it helps lift the sagging real estate prices by creating shortages. Police must be hired, paid overtime. Uniforms and weapons are supplied, just like with soldiers. Police, or soldiers; same thing, really. People are arrested, and made prisoners, just like in war. Vehicles destroyed, creates jobs at the factories.

And by the way, now that you mention is, how do you set a fireproof building on fire? I hadn't thought of that. Most modern fire codes in big cities like London don't allow wooden structures in commercial areas.
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby rerevisionist » 11 Aug 2011 02:04

I was struck by aerial views of burning buildings - they mostly seemed one isolated building, or a single corner building which seemed to leave the neighbours surprisingly unaffected - the fires didn't seem to spread. I thought they looked targeted - possibly prearranged insurance jobs. Or am I just getting paranoid and disenchanted?

There's another economic thing which is invisible, as ownership and credit and long-term legal arrangements and obligations always are. And that's the huge parasitic structure around black 'communities'. This includes police, lawyers, judges, probation officers, counsellors, remedial educators, specially allocated medical stuff, community centres, housing, housing for fake 'asylum seekers', offices handing out 'benefits', advice centres, translators, clubs, people trying (or pretending) to tackle drugs, crime, mental illness, knifings, and the effects of thefts, organisations supposedly helping businesses set up, race and language based groups and pressure groups, women's and mothers etc etc etc etc. The system allows recidivism as a life-style, the same rather few people endlessly recycled with short prison sentences. All these people have a definite but shadowy economic interest in the system.

Maybe a system of reservations will develop, perhaps with a notice proudly saying who it's funded by. The net cost must be staggering, but is difficult to even begin to assess.
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Re: Riots in London and other English towns

Postby FirstClassSkeptic » 11 Aug 2011 10:45

rerevisionist wrote: I thought they looked targeted - possibly prearranged insurance jobs.

Jewish lightning?

You have to wonder why people whose main interest is stealing would bother to set a place on fire. That just spoils the merchandise.

The Daily Mail yesterday managed to get a few pictures of White kids carrying bottles, and said that they were the looters. Some guy on Alex Jones' show said that 99.9 % of rioters were afro-carribean.

Blacks riot and destroy because they are blacks. It's just their nature. They can't really build anything, which is evidenced by looking at black Africa.
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