The Iron Lady
2011. Meryl Streep and a lot of middle-aged male actors, including Richard E Grant, Roger Allam. c. 110 mins.
Margaret Thatcher ('MT', 1925-2013 and Prime Minister 1979-1990), and Dennis Thatcher ('DT', 1915-2003). Actors: Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent (plus two more of them when younger). There seem to have been at least four producers, plus unspecified sums from the 'National Lottery' presumably as one of its 'good causes', which I think included funding a life of two vicious Jewish crooks, the Krays.
Abi Morgan: Screenplay. Director: Phyllida Lloyd. Costumes by Consolata; see the DVD's extra stuff on this, naturally considered important by the largely-women team.
Curiously repellent movie. It's regarded as a visual treatment of Thatcher, with facts at a minimum. Largely shows Thatcher in the years after DT's death, as she approached 90, accompanied by her ten-years-older husband as an intermittent ghostly presence. Broadbent seems to have been directed to be an annoying asshole (US spelling), in which he succeeds. In life, this part of her life was almost as long as the "eleven and a half extraordinary years" in which she was Prime Minister. We have some short flashbacks, combined with some then-current visual material plus intercut new stuff which Abigail considered fitted in.
There are persistent stories of paedophiles in supposedly high positions; in the UK, Mountbatten (friend of Charles III), being one. He was reputedly killed by the IRA. Edward Heath was another. 'Jimmy' Savile being a 'media personality' involved in all that, and being a friend of Royalty, not just Thatcher. According to David Icke, Margaret Thatcher's dad was a notorious paedophile, or at least offender against young girls. For some reason 'Abi Morgan' does not deal with this.
The notes below are more-or-less in sequence from the film, but I've added Jew-aware material not of course present in it. The film successfully omits everything significant in understanding the period. No doubt that was the intention. I'd guess reviews of the time praised the acting styles. In my view the film is worthless trash.
I had intended to review
Sophie's Choice as an example of Streep in Jewish lies, but I can't find a copy. Perhaps just as well!
MT had some connection with the media, including disliking the BBC. She had a couple of actors from Yes, Minister honoured. Private Eye thought the writers, not actors, should have received these decorations.
The film omits lots of detail which even within its limitations were part of the full story: Jimmy Saville's [the true spelling seems to be Savile] sex stuff (he spent Christmases with MT) perhaps because Jewish bosses decided blackmail is less important than it was. DT's work, I think something in oil, isn't included at all; I'd guess Abigail wasn't confident with it.
John Major, her successor, hardly appears. (The link is to an interesting page by Miles Mathis). There's surprisingly little on mortgage rates nearly doubling; as I'll show, all the insider aspect of Thatcher is omitted.
• The film starts with what looks like a bagwoman getting a small plastic container of milk in an immigrant-run shop. There's a puzzling inconsistency in the film, which makes fun of Thatcher's parents for running a shop, but seems keen on immigrants doing something similar, except of course for their subsidies.
The King and I musical occurs now and then: Rogers & Hammerstein, Yul Brynner described as a 'gipsy from Vladivostock'.
• She signs a few hardbacks of her life, which are given to her, perhaps to save on extras. Forgetfully, she signs as Margaret Roberts. Flashback time—
• Her father, who became mayor of Grantham (or something) describes himself as self-reliant, and regards a 'nation of shopkeepers' as praise. (Abigail misses the Adam Smith reference).
• She gets a place at Oxford University. For chemistry, in fact, though this isn't mentioned or even hinted at. I believe she worked on cell surface structure, now known to have been a fake. It seems to have left her with suspicions about science and academics.
• Scene with Carol Thatcher: old Thatcher with tatty hair hears carers say "It's taken 8 years to get her to let his things go .. sometimes forgets to take her pills". Unlike the Blairs, who made a lot of money, MT is shown as impoverished.
Finchley in north London had a Jewish subculture, which is important when it comes to money, its modern, paper, form. The Jewish aspect of British politics—its importance going back at least as far as Cromwell's war—is nowhere hinted at, by Abigail. Possibly a bit too complex for her. But bear this in mind.
• Another flashback scene: Grand Hotel, Brighton: flames and noise, and presumably reconstructed colour video or film. This was before 9/11, so probably they had no advance warning to set up cameras. Voiceover: "The IRA claim responsibility". Then a scene of MT saying "We must never give in to terrorists".
The part played by the 'Intelligence Services' is uncertain, and of course very likely to remain so. But
Ireland has been one of their playgrounds. So have
nuclear weapons and the 'nuclear age' which possibly MT had some insight into; I doubt it, but it's possible. Both too tricky for Abigail, though.
• Scenes vaguely related to the younger Thatcher actress's candidacy for Dartford in 1950. She failed. I haven't looked up her election record, or tried to determine to what extent she was subsidised by anonymous types.
• Proposed to by "a moderately successful businessman" as opposed to a grocer's daughter. Then twins, Mark and Carole. Then Finchley in 1959, Mrs Margaret Thatcher elected MNP for the Conservative Party. Implication, of small car with stickers, of low budget campaign.
• House of Commons scenes with statues, leaded glass roof, only men, no lady members.
• Actor playing Airey Neave (odd name unexplained) friendly; then she's Secretary of State for Education. Speaking on union paymasters and teachers.
The education systems in England and Scotland and Ireland have been politically complicated since state education started. Part has been technological:– science and technology, and medical equipment is expensive; the US system of payment for everything is not successful; and so on. Religious education is mostly Abrahamic, i.e. Jewish in origin. There are taboo subjects. Unions are often run by Jews, since they can be discreetly funded by Jews and inserted into place. A bit difficult to put into simple forms for simple 'writers'. (I've a piece on this website on an edited book, roughly of the time, called
Student Power.)
We have scenes suggesting demonstrations and chaos, 1974, breakdowns of electricity, sanitation (plastic bags piled up), miners wanting 35% increase, power cuts. All this is impressionistic and unquantified, as to be expected from moronic writers. I was amused that the US merchant banker with a bag over his head wasn't shown.
A big problem here is that the Jew-controlled media had no wish to interview or discuss Jew-controlled imitation protestors. And they were very successful; to this day the Jew-controlled BBC has had no investigations into such activity. There was analogous activity against the family. And analogous activity with forcing immigration. Whether Thatcher had detailed knowledge of any of this, is not known to me.
• "One must say the unsayable. Run as party leader!" She's shown being groomed as party leader; the Prime Ministerial ambition being thought impossible at the time. Michael Foot, 'Labour' leader about then—his manner and intonation well-acted—may have been planted to keep voters little choice. She's shown given a TV interview: "Americans are unafraid of success"—an astounding lack of knowledge of US life.
• Schemes of being groomed: hat ... pearls ... hair ... voice ... and talking to small business people. There a suggestion of Hitler influence: small shopkeepers resenting Jews is part of their mythology. The word 'appeasement' catches it perfectly. Put the 'Great' back into 'Great Britain' has a similar feel.
• Airey Neave car bombed scene which must have been reconstructed. The 'Irish Liberation Army' claimed it. More than 30 years later, I doubt if anything has come to light. Maybe after fifty?
• 1979 General Election with TV graphics and the 'swingometer'. Conservative win. Then the 'St Francis of Assisi' quotation.
• "'What we think, we become' my father always said to me." A bit of Kipling: "The female of the species is more deadly"
• The end of the Cold War with Reagan and Thatcher. And demolition of the Berlin wall. It's painfully clear now that the whole thing was rigged up internationally by Jews. Who were tired of leeching of Russia and wanted to leave owning their raw materials and move away.
Sweeping 'privatisation' followed. What this meant of course was that Jews bought up companies for themselves. Mortgage interest rates went up; Jewish banks took over much housing and also installed immigrants as a weakening policy. Government has its capacities reduced.
Michael Foot of the opposition said unemployment was high, steel and coal, and industrial production down to 1920s levels. He did not say anything about Jewish finance.
• Anxious cabinet man: "... draft budget has been leaked ... budget cuts ... if we don't cut spending we will be bankrupt"
• Miners and police fights shown or reshot. Bombs detonated: "The IRA have claimed responsibility." Grand Hotel Brighton speech shown being worked on alone by MT without any colleagues. Explosion,

About 10 minutes on the Falklands, the Belgrano, Exocet missiles (it's not mentioned they're French and presumably part of the world arms trade). And Al, the US Secretary of State, saying they were politically and economically insignificant. (May be true; but maybe there was oil...).
Argentina has many Jews, and had a 'fascist junta'. Maybe the war was rigged up by Jews; the usual motive is to make money, kill goyim, or gain territory. Just a thought.
I think an Admiral, one of the sackable on whom unassurance sits, said "we can't afford to send 28,000 men" (or some such figure). This may have puzzled many viewers, accustomed to unavailable money suddenly being made available for war. The technique—and it seems obviously the only possibility—is to offloads costs onto the future, i.e. to borrow and repay after many years. Bit difficult for Abigail, though.
Thatcher is shown arguing that when Pearl Harbor was bombed, America of course fought back! Al might have said Japan was controlled by Jews, and Jews wanted war. — If he'd been honest.
The conditions and history of 'Jews' in Japan and China are recent revisionist topics.
• The European single currency is another issue, not seriously shaped. The poll tax (not all taxes)—"if you live in the country you must pay for the privilege". It occurs to me that Thatcher's statement that people are afraid of being swamped is unmentioned. Thanks, Abigail. Jews are the chosen people of their own 'G-d', after all. Anyway Geoffrey Howe resigns, MT fails to get outright win as party leader under (I take ot) newly made up rules, the Conservative Party's constitution being a mystery. She leaves, saying in the manner of Biden, that she'd left the country "in a much better state than when we took office."
• DT, the ghost, finally leaves with his suitcase. Thatcher groups herself with Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. Correctly enough
Abi (Abigail) Morgan (b 1968) is credited with writing the screenplay. A glance online gives as films: Shame (2011), The Iron Lady (2011) and Suffragette (2015), and Brick Lane. On suffragettes (as opposed to suffragists) and the link with the Great War, see for example my review of
Simon Webb's Suffragette Bombers
She has 'worked for television' ... 'Sex Traffic', and The Hour, Skinned, Sleeping Around, Splendour, Tiny Dynamite, Tender. I'd be surprised to find the 'Sex Traffic' includes Jewish traffic in girls, but Abigail is a wonderfully honest person, so perhaps it does. Her mother is listed as Patricia England; she's described as Welsh, working in London. She is said to have two children by Jacob Krichefsky. She was given an OBE in Elizabeth's birthday honours list. Probably regards herself as a Jew, therefore.
Phyllida Lloyd, director.
The Iron Lady was funded by Britain's 'National Lottery'; four producers are listed. She is said to have directed
Mamma Mia! in 2008. The 2017
Mamma Mia! - Here we go again seems to have had her as one of the 'producers'.
© Raeto West 6 February 2023