Block of Reviews

Reviews by Subject:
Audio-visual Media |
'Holocaust' |
Jews, Christians, Moslems |
Race |
Revisionism |

Reviews of Authors:
H Belloc |
P Bustion |
C Caskie |
N Chomsky |
R Dawkins |
M Gardner |
D Irving |
K MacDonald | M Mathis |
B Russell |
H G Wells
History, Notes, Descriptions, Reviews. Worries for the Future.
This site is partly aimed at adventurous young people, aged about 10 to 18... For the first time, it's possible (if you have the hardware!) to investigate the world by yourself. (When I was young, we had only newspapers and libraries and radio, heavily-controlled things.) The world is a big place, so don't expect instant insights. But take your time—while you for example learn chess, or find out about housing, or have cookery lessons, or get the feel of road traffic, and puzzle over religions—do more, try your hand at the history of the world, and things which have been kept secret. All this may be difficult for young people; I've aimed for truth rather than pleasant lies.
... And partly at older people, perhaps retired, with spare time to look at the world with experienced eyes, and try to fill in some of the gaps deliberately put in their way.
Forewarning: Be aware of deception out there. Consider 9/11, where the planning and placing of explosives and control of media messages and air traffic control must have employed thousands of people. Who have all kept silent.
If you talk with people who may have been in wars, it is unlikely they will tell much of the truth. Remember most employees do what they have been told.

Jews. My Timeline: Early Times to the Present. (About 0.8 MB.) This is a long page; it can be printed out, in parts, or in total. Most people feel that 50 or 60 years is a long time; age or teaching makes people feel more comfortable with longer ages or millennia of years, and of course there are possibilities of errors and deceptions. It was constructed from many parts, mostly arranged by year (or supposed year).
After some titles, this has an Intro for newbies, then a simplified List of Contents, including dates. Recent times are near the end; with luck you'll get the feel of events you may remember. But because of routine lying, you may find some of this puzzling.
News articles on Jewish topics (About 2.4 MB. from 2012-). This is the longest of these pages, made up of about 130 articles, dating back to 2012. Most of the topics have existed for years, ignored or suppressed by the junk Jewish media, the BBC, adverts and 'dramas'. Jewish immigration policies, paper and other money, Jewish wars,
the Kahal system, the 'Royal family', destruction of 'refugee camps', are good examples; but there are many more.
Helpful in developing a long view, in place of the fragmentary unimportant transient rubbish of the 'mainstream'. These articles tend to have a common thread, in which a few aspects of Jewish fanaticism work together. Very often, ordinary readers fail to spot the connections, which of course are often kept obscure. You may learn to spy the points at which people show gap in their awareness; a common example is people anguishing over Moslems, without understanding that Jews are responsible for importing them, paying them, giving assets to them, and indeed inventing them in the first place.
The Kehilla or Kahal system is a Jewish tight collective conspiratorial arrangement, essential to understand. That link is to a pdf file to a book by Brafmann.
Another example is people agonising over 'feminism' and houses being given to wives after divorce, without understanding this was a Jewish policy. Another example includes failures to see how consequences were planned, such as families caught up in the 'Great War' finding themselves caught by 'Death Duties'.
A very important element in Jewish frauds relates to science, including what are thought of as 'hard sciences'. My articles include AIDS, Coronavirus, COVID, NASA, and nuclear issues. Any obscure science backed by Jews and absorbing a lot of money must be suspect. And 'social sciences', especially when funded by types like Soros, are of course suspect.
Exit strategies are an important part of Jewish planning. How to ease and slide out of past frauds and deaths. My articles include COVID, nuclear frauds, a few other things. The whole thing is analogous to employment contracts with clauses for what people who leave are not allowed to do. On a vast scale!
Guide for the Perplexed about Jews. (About 0.36 MB) Jewish phrases and expressions, and what they are meant to hide, and what they really mean.
Includes for example quite a bit on Jewish buzzwords—fascism, Nazism, left, right, democracy, Capitalism, foreign aid, liberalism, free trade... race, 'racism'...
I've tried to explain the way Jews hide their own motives, usually money or violence, and how circumlocutions can have a baffling effect, as of course they are intended to. Remember that individual countries and groups often have their own news sources in their own language, often many of them to give the illusion of choice.
This page includes material on 'nuclear weapons' and 'nuclear power', both of which seem to be Jewish frauds, invented, tried out in the media, and run by Jews.
And we have a section on Parasitism, an interesting aspect of Judaism which is carefully ignored by 'scientists' of the Richard Dawkins type, despite its huge importance. Probably the next century or two will see progress made in understanding and modelling this subject, assuming civilization can survive.
Teaching about Jews. (About 1/2 MB) Jewish-related advanced subjects in depth.
Teaching Real Jewish Studies: What Everyone Should Know About Jews—Suggestions for Awareness Courses. 'Jews' seem to have had disastrous effects. Jewish influence is a hypothesis, to be tested. The previous 'Guide for the Perplexed about Jews' is intended to be a key to disentangling Jewish puzzles, aimed at people who haven't yet realised that there's a Judaic element—common enough given the censorship. This 'Teaching About Jews' is aimed the other way round, at people who can see there are Jewish issues, but want to learn to teach others to identify Jewish attitudes and infer how Jews are likely to deal with them. Examples include weapons distribution, official arts, housing, politics, law.
There's little reference to Biblical or Talmudic stuff; the attitudes are well-enough publicised. But it may be that translations will become checked and validated as accurate. But the Jewish propensity to lie is so strong that such referencing will remain rare.
Some of the many other items
Cliques of Jews and Nuclear Frauds Fairly short list including Los Alamos, EC & G filmmakers, Edward Teller and the AEC, Lawrence Livermore, Japan bombing and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, money-making by Jews.
Puzzles of the Second World War (c 1939-1945) Advanced stuff for young people who like to read up on things as background, not for exams.
Freemasons Astonishing secret organisation which may have roots in the time when walls and castles were built by defeated people. And from the time when public police were introduced. I've put in quite a lot of detail to be mused over.
Jews, Christianity, Islam: Understanding 'Abrahamic' Religions Starts with a list of Jews pretending to be allies of Moslems. Followed by book reviews of books needing accurate points of view. All sorts of religions, but making their Jewish roots and money basis clear.
Most people have no idea of the influence of Jews, and their influence on collaborators who take their money. Christianity's roots in Jews will probably be understood by most of my readers.
The 'Holocaust' Fraud Free Speech, the Internet, and Holocaust Revisionism (talk, from 1997, with updates). Early times in revisionism. I've left the links, most of which no longer work.
Note that the more time you waste on frauds, the less attention you pay to genuine events.
Raeto West 4 August 2024