Early meme - intention is to include animated-GIF versions in Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Japanese, and Chinese warnings against Jewish fake traditions. Probably it will be necessary to ensure all societies which have been Jew-compromised are aware of it, and co-operate.
Removing the Curse of Judaism...
The Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson film 2004
Review and notes by Raeto West 25 July 2024
I'm writing this after watching The Passion of The Christ (Mel Gibson film, 2004). Gibson produced, directed, and partly wrote the script for this film, jointly with Benedict FitzGerald (splendidly-named for post-WW1 Irish Roman Catholicism) which is said to have voices in Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew. If the promotional material can be believed, it was intended to be 'released' without subtitles. It's hard to judge other aspects of the film; it used a casting director, so it's hard to know how much was due to Gibson. It was filmed in Rome's Cinecittà, but also in Matera and Craco, noted tourist sites—in Italy; with music by several Turks, which included multiple drumming and Turkish instruments, probably electronically enhanced.
It's impossible to be certain of much here—box-office takings can't all go to the film; do the actors get more if a film is unexpectedly successful; how much influence do Jews exert?
'Satan' was represented by Rosalinda Celentano (the credits say so) accompanied by what looked to me like a dwarf, as indeed were other young 'devils' in other scenes. The odd Jewish assertions of reversion to non-sexuality don't appear.
The film has no deep background, nothing in the style of C J Bjerknes, the invention of the specifically Jewish ideas of God, which have elbowed out and permeated everywhere, a sort of permafrost of Jewish fanaticism. Nothing on the supposed uniqueness of Jews and their violence. And nothing hinting as to how the 'Rabbi' Yeshua would invent stories to capture the gullible goyim.
Poor old Pontius Pilate was played by a Bulgarian, Hristo Shopov, who was shown puzzling over truth in a lightweight fashion. Jews love other people having to take Jewish responsibilities.
Depth was replaced by cliché. The bloody moulage effects disappointed me—the underlying body seemed too firm and tough and not very much flayed, and the weight of the cross seemed too light for its size. The longest passages were probably the 'Stations of the Cross' but I didn't attempt to sort them out; Gibson used a Jesuit consultant—I'm not sure if this was FitzGerald. All the Roman soldiery was shown as heartless and rather ugly.
As far as I can tell, Gibson's image now is that he has no ideas of jewish real history and techniques: he's quoted: If anyone has distorted Gospel passages to rationalize cruelty towards Jews or anyone, it's in defiance of repeated Papal condemnation shows elegant ignorance by Gibson of Roman Catholic and Jewish symbiosis, which must have evolved as early Jewish Popes arranged things with Kahals.
Anyway, so much for the film, which is powerfully done and includes a few special effects—a raindrop including the crucifixion scene which splatters on the ground; a tear of 'God'? There's a worm in Satan's nose at one point, which seems not to have been noticed by anyone. There seems to be a permanent full moon. The earthquake effect seemed painfully wrong to me—exactly but unrealistically in the centres of stage sets. And the supposed darkness at the tragic event was reduced to some token cold weather.
On genuine issues here, the truth has probably been in parts of the Bible all along. Prof G A Wells, in his The Historical Evidence for Jesus (first published 1982, Prometheus Books) says that Paul's letters pre-dated the gospels, and are probably listed after them because they are 'turgid'. Wells says they are to 'Christianize' Europe, but what he means is the Letters are part of the psy-op process of injecting Jew-helpful poison, giving advice for example to Galatians, whoever they are. Think of them as memos from Jew owners of media empires. The Passion of the Christ omits absolutely all the preparatory groundwork for the later 'gospels'.
Hutton Gibson (1918-2020), Mel's dad, seems to have been intelligent enough to be involved in some of the controversy over the film. I don't know detail, though I noticed a website huttongibson.com was created on 2005-09-06 by J Militis in Chicago. Hutton seems to have been a sedevacantist, of whom the best-known, at least to me, is Richard Nelson Williamson (1940- ; "I don't have anything against the mother of god" he said, in case you think he may be clever), though he may be a mentevacantist—I'm trying not to misrepresent him. Williamson was a victim of media hacks over Williamson's stand on the 'Holocaust' fraud.
Wiki says Hutton Gibson said the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews" which sensible statement still enrages wiki.
Hutton died quite recently; I have no idea if he continued his interests, though I hope so. I'd have been interested in his WW2 impressions.
In July 2006, Mel Gibson, driving his car along the Pacific coast, apologised for his "despicable" remarks after a Los Angeles police officer claimed that the actor had shouted a barrage of anti-semitic abuse, including a claim that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world". This of course manufactured a media stormy teacup.
Mel seems to have been forced by Jews to apologise, and I think also to produce/direct/act in crap military films about Jew wars—which seems out of character for him, and his father, who seems to have moved the Australia to delay hassle over the Jew-induced Vietnam War. I saw a filmed thing where he discussed the Vietnam War, I think being forced to acknowledge the fake expression 'Viet Cong'. Probably Jews like nothing more than forcing goyim to swallow their principles and grovel for money.
Twenty years later. Here are some Youtube comments, possibly genuine, of the sort that say "Americans are collectively so Jew-naive they are too stupid to live". All that pain and suffering, to spare us our sins, so much love he has for us. Thanks you Jesus the Messiah | Brilliant film showing the sacrifice Our Lord made well done to Mel Gibson and Jim C for all their hard work in making this heartwrenching protrayal of our Lord's Passion x | We did this to JESUS. But HE is ready and willing to forgive our sins when we repent and trust in HIM. Such grace! | This is the best of it all... so realistic
Examples of Persistent Horrible Influence of Ancient Jewish Rubbish
Even if Christianity, Islam etc are removed, many people seem unable to reject Judaism
• Luke O'Farrell 2005 “I didn't take the final step, the step to full recognition of the Jewish problem, until I watched the reaction to Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. ... I had a lot of sympathy for Mel Gibson as I watched the hysterical campaign against him. ... They didn't like something and they were moving heaven and earth to get it stopped. And what was it they didn't like? A movie about an event at the heart of European art, literature, and culture: the crucifixion of Christ. So here was another obvious conclusion: Jews hate European art, literature, and culture. In other words, Jews hate White civilization and the White race who created it.” (https://big-lies.org/ofarrell-loathing.html)
That extract is from O'Farrell in early 2005, 'in full recognition of the Jewish problem'. But note his own self-contradiction. He thinks the 'crucifixion' is at the heart of European art, literature, and culture.
BUT it IS NOT the central event in Europe. Europe has had countless events, wonderful and tragic, great and small, superficial and deep. But the Jewish thing is not important.
• Richard Dawkins 2006 The God Delusion I think rather oddly has no reference to Gibson's film, although it was causing or being given a lot of publicity. Clinton Richard Dawkins (full name!) can be considered Jew-controlled and naive, or fully aware, being according to his family tree part of the Norman Invasion.
There's no consideration whatsoever of the assemblage of the Jewish 'God'—monotheistic, murderously Chosen People-y, Talmudically obsessive and secretive, using Kahals to organise theft, using navies to install colonies, using writing and reading for power, and other things which are moving, I hope, into general awareness.
Dawkins gives a bibliography, some of his old favourites—Darwin and a bit on Wallace, J B S Haldane, Trivers, Lionel Tiger; some 1990s ones, largely humanist and supposed rationalist groups; and more recent, up to 2005, presumably taken from modern American lists of absurd Argument-from-Design types.
From my viewpoint, Dawkins is naive—no Butz on The Hoax of the 20th Century; believes in the 'Holocaust' with support from Atkins the chemist, then-hubby of Susan Greenfield; gullible about Einstein; no idea about 9/11; childish credulity about official stories and the BBC; inability to understand Hitler as a pawn; believes language has a 'deep structure'—and innocent of Jewish frauds in the USA as I hope exposed since then by Miles Mathis. Dawkins has no idea how Jewish money-printing allows them to fund books and magazines and TV and films.
Dawkins is very keen to ascribe religion to some genetic cause (but what about Needham on China as unbelievers?) and goes to great lengths of censorship to hide Jewish parasitism, spread to collaborators, so there was terrific waste from the viewpoint of non-Jews, but wealth for Jews. No wonder his hardback was distribute in supermarkets.
• Kevin MacDonald 2024 responding to VDARE.COM being attacked politically, can think of no better reply than a poem by James Russell Lowell, a sort of US equivalent of Tennyson, a superstitious Victorian. ‘and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadows, keeping watch above his own.’ MacDonald at some level perhaps thinks a Jewish phrase presides over Jewish destruction.
• Nick Griffin and the British National Party knew Jews wanted him to mention Islam disparagingly—but not talk about Jews and banks. He used a Spitfire image to promote 'nationalism'. BUT he was adamant that the BNP was Christian.
• Tony Benn on the Bible as supposedly 'revolutionary' Methodism is almost obsolete now. Benn (1925-2014) was unusual in taking it seriously. He seems to have had a Jewish wife from America, a system of trusts for family wealth, and theoretical support for English people like the Levellers. Here's a little extract, I think by Chris Mullin, a journalist: ‘Christians believe that the Almighty created man to be his children and that the brotherhood of man, under God, is the basis of all social morality, and the divine source of morality for it.’ There's quite a bit on the Levellers, and Cromwell, and the Bible, but nothing on Jews. Dare to be a Daniel (2004) is my review/obituary. It was deleted by Amazon. My poor old dad was taken in by this rubbish.
• Bertrand Russell. For some reason I remembered this passage, on the terrible weight of the past:The Past is an awful God, though he gives Life almost the whole of its haunting beauty. I believe those whose childhood has been spent in America can scarcely conceive the hold which the Past has on us of the Old World: the continuity of life, the weight of tradition, the great eternal procession of youth and age and death, seem to be lost in the bustling approach of the future which dominates American life. And that is one reason why great literature is not produced by your compatriots. Yes, indeed. But Russell is selective: he memorized and knew lots about Victorian hymns, the Englisn hierarchy, Bible stories in detail, some branches of the Aristocracy. But nothing on the history of the English, Saxons, Danes; nothing of the horrors of Jewish activities, supporting wars, Kahals, extracting huge amounts of money. The moronic old fool had no idea.
• Excommunication in ordinary histories is supposed to have been a holy terror, inspiring supernatural fears of almighty rage by the Jewish enraged 'God'. But very likely it was a threat of loss of money or credit. Just like having assets frozen at the present time. Learn to interpret the truth behind stories, if you can.
• 'Commandments' (if this displays correctly!) start with Jewish-structured nonsense I suppose because it has to be repeated at every possible opportunity: And God fpake all these words,saying, 2 I am the LORD thy God... 3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any grauen Image, or any likeneffe that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath ...
• Overview expressions—'atheists', 'anti-religious people', 'conservatives', 'blasphemy', 'pagan' are usually simplish hate expressions, used to prevent thought and disallow options.
Most people (I guess) think of 'atheists' in a Jewish way, as opposed to one God, not many gods; a fanatical God, not easy-going; existing vaguely, not non-existent. These sort of Jewish expressions are likely to be be difficult to uproot, because they are insidiously repeated in the same sequence over many years.
I was fascinated with Dr Lorraine Day, who knew a lot about Jewish medical corruption, and even spoke about it, but was a complete sucker for jewish theology (short video). Try not to be caught like her!
A Lesson from Pigeons: Odd Beliefs go up with Censorship
I wrote this after a reminder of a 'pigeon superstition' experiment attributed to Burrhus F Skinner (1904-1990) and published in 1948. Skinner's 'behaviorism' and 'conditioning' was just right for Jews organising mass killings and mass deceptions; probably this is why he was encouraged and publicised. His experiments involved starvation and electrocution in small 'Skinner boxes'.
Most 'classical' psychology experiments, on investigation, have an aroma of Jewish BS about them: think of Milgram, for example. There are at least two problems with Skinner here:
'Superstition' is not well-defined: does it include swinging chickens around the head, a Jewish activity? Does it include making distinctive hand and mouth movements regarded as 'prayer' by some people? Is it to do with chanting and swaying about?
In this case, of course not. Skinner only counts odd repetitive movements made by starving pigeons trying to peck at pellets.
We have Skinner's descriptions of odd motions of six birds; all these have been challenged. I looked for examples online, but found only cartoons and caricatures. As is typical with Jewish BS this tends to be inflated to a huge extent: a typical example is The birds grew to believe that whatever they happened to be doing just prior to the opening of the door, was responsible for them getting fed. Imagine trying to test that hypothesis.
Look all this up, if you like, keeping wary. The point of this article is to look at the effects of persistent censorship by Jews on host communities. I've tried to give some idea of the long-term effects over thousands of years of this process. See my Judaism: Studies in the Anthropology of a Genetically-Fanatical and Remarkably Influential Quasi-Racial Group ... Read This to Understand Our World: Invest a Little Time Into Your Whole Future.
Most of the people interested in investigating Jews will have met forms of evasion, odd activities resembling those of the unfortunate pigeons. Squawks of protest, back-turning, forms of rage, hushed silence, evasions, attempted references to authority figures, in a long spectrum including killings and burnings. As far as I know, the habits began when Roman Catholicism's Jewish founders co-operated with Jew 'Kahals', forcing anyone needing a loan into the arms of Jews, who were given security. This was so successful, Islam was invented as a follow-up. And many new organisations followed.
Somehow—and the story has not been unravelled—impulses to constructive work and civilisation weren't defeated. But it's a close thing, and may yet fail again.
- Raeto West 3 July 2024
Effects of Censorship by Jews
If you have any of your own good example(s) of the effects of censorship, I'd be grateful for emails. I like to have varied and different specimens, and I can insert them here, with or without acknowledgement. I've just realised that the 'existential psychiatrist' R D Laing had Jewish connections: see review of The Divided Self.
Many people have no idea who counts themselves as 'Jewish'. I think Jewish secrecy has to be abolished. After a few thousand years, it is time. This is unlikely to be a rapid process. Maybe there will have to be secret and international registers, for example.
A disgustingly contemptible part of Kevin MacDonald's 'white interest' Occidental Observer is his omission of millions of Americans who want true comments on Jews, but have nowhere to turn. Here's part of a comment:–
I hear from Christians God is going to save the jews in the end days. I question that. Interesting the say it's a choice concerning everyone else but they're going to be saved. I wonder will they have to repent like everyone else or there's a special exception for them.
If genuine, here's a sad American with little education baffled by a lifetime of rubbish—he believes in a Jewish 'God', he thinks 'end times' are on their way, he thinks in terms of 'saving', and so on—all Jewish constructions, all needing to be unpicked. It shocks me that MacDonald so neglects his duty that he offered no help in 25 years.
Censorship of Jewish history, including more than 100 years of wars, including WW1 and WW2 and USSR and China. It's an extraordinary achievement, which I hope will come to be understood as the Jewish era draws to its close.
The entire crazy structure of Jewish beliefs is starting to be better understood. Bjerknes is a leading player here. But there's world-wide scope for other researchers, if they can flourish.
An insight into Jewish reading was given to me by someone online, who clearly thought that anything he'd been told when young must be true. Any story about Jews, including absurd stuff about babies in the womb through to 'Zion' was assumed by him to be true. Possibly this is the result of aggressive and vicious 'teaching'. He thought I should buy thousands of the books! Watch for such obsessive monomanias. Expect detailed argument to make no impact.
I'm leafing through a Daily Mail. I notice Donald Trump (many Jewish relatives), Sarah Vine (married to the Jew Gove), a Soviet film with no mention of Jewish violence in Russia, a 'writer nd presenter' on falls of civilizations, an abduction/murder story of an Asian ignoring white versions, 'Pulitzer Prize winners treated as though serious, Alistair Campbell dusted off long after Blair's Jewish money-receiving, 'Satanic' stuff from deep Jewry, two Jews on 'Freakonomics', a Dreyfus and Seinfeld and Veep, a few royal nothings, endless 'reviews' telling people what they should think, a film pretending NASA is serious, Ricky Gervais, 'Red Joan' on a Jewish spy in 'atomic weapons', a piece on witches presumably to distract from black Africa, 'Songs of raise' omitting Jewish material, a thing on a supposed serial killer—on this topic, PLEASE read Miles Mathis—endless pseudo-politics and pseudo-economics written, produced, copies, presented, rehashed by Robert Peston, and Laura Kuenssberg with black pet (a Jewish thing), and people like Nichola Sturgeon and Ed Balls and Julia Etchingham. I noticed 'reviews' of 'Inglorious Basterds' by Tarantino.
The point here is that censorship of Jews enables them to slide through innocent Britons undetected. It's a terrifying picture. And similar in all countries worth exploiting.
I tried to locate some simple Jew-followers. One is a breathy, urgent-sounding chap; it took me hours to find his name, Peter Hammond. His life's work seems to have been smuggling and distributing Bibles into Africa! How on earth can any adult believe that antique screeds of absurd stories could help anyone? But it's what he's paid to do—a Jewish practice.
Hammond talked of Britons in the 1920s having to pay 'death duties' on their sons, who died in the war. Hammond could not understand that it had been planned. He's like a beginner chess player, unable to see ahead.
The Jewish 'our democracy' trick. They (Jews) often write or broadcast that 'our democracy' is in danger. A good example is someone called Adler, a Jew allegedly in Paris, following a BBC whore called Raworth, able only to read autocues. 'Our democracy' means that Jewish policies are supposedly voted for by the public. Or the 'extreme right' will get in and 'harm our democracy'.
What a Pity that Carl Jung wasn't more Intelligent!
Archive.org has odd scraps of old films, digitised for computer users. One of these is 40 minutes on Carl Jung, a BBC thing with 'John Freeman' in Face-to-Face. Black and white film, rather blotchy, undated, lighting of variable quality.
Jung: born 1875, Kesswil - died 1961, Küsnacht. Both in Switzerland, both north, latter near Zurich.
There's a reference to the 'hydrogen bomb' which dates this from the early 1950s. Jung is older than his more piercing incarnation, peering through his pince-nez with real or pretended intensity.
He seems interested in his peasant background, when they had no money. He says he was big and strong, and saw off a bunch of assailants. And now he had (he seemed to remember) 19 grandchildren.
One of his early memories was a schoolmaster reading out other pupils' essays, but not his. Jung was accused in effect of plagiarism, his piece being presumably excellent, or written in the then-approved style. He seems to have been brought up in the approved Swiss style in which bourgeois approval and church-going were taken as permanent. The Swiss church is (I think) publically funded to this day; 10% and I suspect the elegant narrowly-spired structured were build to keep costs down. Jung assured Freeman that he didn't need to believe in God; he KNEW.
Naturally, Freud was mentioned, a one-time close friend. How they loved the word "analysis". Freeman (I'm not sure if he had a Jewish name) was before the days that Freud was laughed at.
The point here is that Jung joins the feebler critics of Jews, loved by lightweights like Anthony Julius. The Occidental Observer looks at a few things Jung said, for example on "anti-semitism".
But did Jung in fact know anything about Jews? Remember, this interview took place after the US Federal Reserve, both the First and Second World Wars, the immense massacres of the 'Soviet Union', and war in China. Jung showed no awareness of the parts played by Jews in these or other events. He turned to things like 'mandalas' and other psychological insubstantialities. So, yes, shame he wasn't intelligent. Though of course he may have been kept obscure if he'd said anything important.
On the Occidental Observer, MacDonald, like a once-famous tennis player, seems determined to do nothing. I see has a piece by Sunik, saying Biblical stuff is Western, and human genes differ from other genes, and using a 16th century English translation of Sophocles, though this seems to have been withdrawn.
Jung and Democracy as a Funded Movement
Jung seems to have been determined to be enclosed within Alpine ski-worthy territories. A shame, because Switzerland has a unique experiment in multilingual confederation. Something like the opposite of Jewish rapacity and deception, though it included co-operation.
Was 'democracy' a funded movement?
There's a theory that Cromwell's soldiers invented 'democracy'. See my unfavourable review of Phillip Baker's Putney Debates on the subject. Possibly this was a trial run; it seems likely enough, in view of the concealment of the Putney documents for centuries.
The next theory—I'm quoting from John Simpson Penman's The Irresistible Movement of Democracy, published by Macmillan and Co., Ltd; my copy Cambridge Mass 1923—starts, and I'll quote the words:–
De Tocqueville has told us that his great work, "Democracy in America," was written with a mind constantly occupied by a single thought—"that the advent of democracy as a governing power in the world's affairs, universal and irresistible, was at hand"; and in his first introduction, written in 1835, he ventured to make thus prediction: "The gradual development of the principle of Equality is a providential fact. ... " The "great work" insistence (with no evidence), the insertion of Equality when democrats might support traditional Inequalities or novel elites, and indeed the dullness of Tocqueville suggest to me he may have been just another rent-a-scribbler type. Our present wonderful system, often with only two heavily-weighted parties to choose from, doesn't seem a heavenly target for well-wishing idealists. And indeed Tocqueville avoided careful estimates and projections. And, now, looking back at large-scale invasions and chaos suggests a large part of the impulse to "democracy" comes from monarchs, kingmakers, money people—and therefore that shouting about Equality is likely to be a distraction.
So let's look at the times: it's notable that Switzerland, with for or five local languages, distinctive topography and climate, and in particular during and after Napoleon, had local direct democracy (I don't know actual dates or events; but CH, Helvetic Confederation, was adopted around this time). This is hated by Jews, who feel or state they should be allowed anywhere. Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote on democracy, in his romanticised 'philosophical' unhelpful way.
So it's entirely possible that Toqueville misdirected with his Democracy in America, away from the actual way in which States were founded, and united. As far as I know, Tocqueville said nothing useful on Cromwell and democracy, or Switzerland and democracy, or democracy in antiquity. Very likely, he was part of the movement to settle the USA psychologically, not for whites, but for Jewish interests. The mythology is going strong 'in our democracy'. As revisionism spreads, we may see Tocqueville reconsidered.
Support for this interpretation also comes from the Encyclopædia Britannica (Macropedia vol. 18, pp 468-471). Tocqueville received 3 prizes in France, and 7 translations. His book on the French Revolution 'appeared in 1856'. Judging by the encyclopædic vagueness, this did not mention Jews in the Revolution. The 20th-century totalitarian challenge ... produced by two world wars and by the Great Depression of the 1930s fostered a "Tocqueville renaissance" ... social democracy of Europe after ... combined with the polarization of the Cold War ... Tocqueville as an alternative to Marx as a prophet of social change.' All this is, or seems, totally Jew-unaware.
It gives 1870-1880 as his high point, 'as the great European powers accommodated themselves to universal suffrage.'
[I hope this side-note helps and isn't too confusing! Here's the same set of events, as differently interpreted by Jews, and how they are presented in different countries:
'The democracies' = countries, largely Jew-run, with aristocracies not too Jewish
'The Wars' = World War 1 and World War 2, considered together, with large sweeps of deaths. The 'Holocaust' pretence of large Jewish death numbers was invented later.
BUT note WW1 was Jewish policy, which they think successful
1920s = 'Roaring 20s' to suppress war and disease death memories
'Age of Dictatorships' = starts 1930s. Mass murders under Lenin are not mentioned. In this way, the funded Hitler is made part of the wave of dictatorships, including Stalin and awaiting China
Capitalism, 'Capitalist Countries' = Jewish-financed countries, but this fact is completely censored
'Socialist Countries' = countries mostly Jew-controlled, with severe educational censorship.
'Revolution' = takeover by Jews using other Jews' power.
'Great Depression' = Jewish-controlled intentional financial crushing, resulting in non-Jewish people desperation for official 'money']
The first mentions of the 'post-democracy era' seem to have been around 2000, but seem to assume a preceding 'democracy era' had existed, rather than some transitional condition which was labelled 'democratic'.
It occurs to me there's a parallel with the campaign to abolish the death penalty, in the late 1950s (after many Germans had been executed post-1945, and many Russians had been killed, and Chinese were being prepared to be killed), and of course wars continued, BUT for pets of Jews the death penalty was abolished (in western countries) though the victims couldn't be resuscitated.
The truth is that Jews, with their genetic jet-fuel of hate, want, very simply, death for their chosen opponents but never for themselves. Impossible to square with a neutral legal system. The long slow process of invention and testing of verbal formulas and the deforming of legal systems, goes on. I'd expect there must be arguments using pure logic to defeat such absurdities, however much pressure (money, blackmail, violence?) may be applied—Jewish excitability smashing on the rocks of truth. And I'd guess Jews who are more untrammelled by old repetitions would be most concerned.
Jung comes in later, in the 20th century, and, as I said, contributed nothing useful
Eastern Jews as the Dominant Type in the Long Term
I put up the following article 10 days ago, hoping it might lead somewhere. The author makes much the same claim as C J Bjerknes, who says he's waged a one-man war to give insight to people, but failed to convince anyone.
The base idea that Jews have a 'heartland' in eastern Europe, and a lot of distributed legal 'ownership' is true. So is the idea that Jews have intricate networks of subservient followers who plod on, at least for the present.
Something dramatic must happen as the Jewish Federal Reserve after about 130 years starts to fail, but since Russia and China are both devastated by Jews it's not clear what. Bjerknes won't reply to me; 'Paneye' refuses to talk more; Fitzinfo banned me from his site. If anyone can illuminate the dimness, let me know! - RW 26 June
Here's Jewish leaders preparations for WW3 (May 2016) by Hexzane527. Basically Europe flooded with Muslims and blacks will be primed for civil war, with Jews as allies, maybe late arrivals appearing to bring victory. Hexzane thinks white perverts are a cause for Muslims to hate them. [Seems to me to understate Jews in Russia and China].
Hexzane527 on 2 past wars - and WW3 predictions (Sept 2019). Basically similar ideas, but Europe only. I think this understates Russia and China and the USA, and understates money, both real assets and
paper 'money'.
2024-possible-christian-revival-after-WW3 which reminds me disappointingly of Arnold Toynbee. Not up to the standard of his articles on Hitler as a Jew saboteur of Germany.
By 'Paneye' Guest contributor 17 June 2024
The Jews in the West have been siphoning off the West’s wealth and sending it East for most of the 20th century, up until the present. This is exactly what should make you suspicious. The East is enriched while the West crumbles. How can this be to the advantage of Western Jews? It can only be to their advantage if they all plan to go East.
We must not conflate Western Jews with The West. This is our critical failure. The Jews in the West come from the East.
I keep hearing from others “what about Marx, what about Rothschild? These are Western Jewish monsters, nothing to do with the East.” - this is failing to understand that both Marx and Rothschild were simply inheritors of this ancient Jewish system. Rothschild was taking orders, and he was given his wealth and position, by the hidden Jewish hand.
Marx didn’t invent Marxism. Marx is merely purveying the ancient Jewish system of control, updated for the modern world at the time. Marx’s system is detailed in the Protocols. This is an ancient plan.
The demoralisation of the West via cultural Marxism is purely a step-by-step strategy to destroy white people. It’s a vehicle and a weapon of war. It’s not an ideology. This same cultural Marxism isn’t being inflicted on the East, which proves that Marxism is merely a vehicle. This should logically follow that the West is the only target of this vehicle.
Bitchute is untrustworthy just like any other site on the internet. We must look at the information, use critical analysis, and draw our own conclusions with as little bias as possible. We can’t trust anything with the Jewish stranglehold on information and history.
My research into this issue extends to The Perestroika Deception by Golystn. Sutton’s work on the giant western transfers to the East, Johnny Gatt/Vigilante Intelligence who appears to have been completely removed from the internet and survives only via mirrored videos. Fitzinfo, minus the Bible thumping, has excellent information on the Jewish takeover of China, Kaifeng Jews, the Russian angle, Dugin and his chaos star and Jewish active measure against the West.
The final evidence for this is the “revelation of the method” in the mainstream media right now. We are clearly about to engage in direct conflict with the East. We can openly criticise Israel now. We are clearly being position to see the East as the liberators of the world from Western Zionist oppression. People are calling for the blood of whites now, as we are seen as the creators and the supporters of Israel. To simplify this further - destroy the West, destroy Israel and the world will be free. It is the master class of Sun Tzu global Jewry - “to wage war by deception.”
A fake collapse of Israel, if it means the West is collapsed and annihilated, is an easy strategy for the Jews. Israel can simply be reformulated if whites are destroyed, free from white interference.
You’ll notice that Muslims, apparently the anti-Jewish heroes of the world right now, worship Jewish gods and they hate white people. White people who don’t like Israel are embracing Muslims in a very misguided way - “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Muslims have proven themselves to be immoral and extremely dishonest. They want us to save them from Israel, but when we bring them here they rape our women and violate our lands. This is Jewish Golem Trojan horse par excellence I must say.
By Raeto West 17 June 2024
Here's probably the traditional view (expressed by Bertrand Russell, in 1938):–
'The Jews, except at ... the beginning of the Christian era, have had no wish to convert the Gentiles; they have been content with the feeling of superiority which they derived from being the Chosen People.' That extract is not from Russell's 'Creeds as Sources of Power'! Russell assumes Jews exist, and omits 'God' from his analysis.
In 'Power over Opinion' Russell says: 'Systematic propaganda ... is present, in democratic countries, divided between the Churches, business advertisers, political parties, the plutocracy, and the State. ... In totalitarian countries the State is virtually the sole propagandist.' Russell was talking of Germany, the USSR, Italy and Japan; he assumes democratic countries lived up to their name.
It's clear Russell had no idea of the intensity of Jewish propaganda.
Russell thinks 'conversion' means a change of mind; he seemed unable to understand that Jews hate non-Jews, and have no intention of 'converting them' to Judaism. But they wanted to weaken them and harm them. So in fact the propaganda effort exerted by Jews exceeded the propaganda efforts of non-Jews by a huge margin. Consider—just one example—the number of Bibles and their translations foisted on the world since about 1600 as 'the living word of God'.
Jews claim to talk with 'God'.
Here's an extract from a video by Jan Lamprecht, which, slowly but surely, examines rabbinical fantasies, and the now-dead Barbara Spectre, and other derivative material. I recommend it to people who haven't yet noticed the verbal tricks and lies which Jews use all the time.
About 7 min
About 15 min
About 25 min
About 1 hour 27 min
About 1 hour 47 min
About 1 hour 52 min
Lamprecht's conclusions. At about 1 hour 56 mins
There's a word [Hitbodedut], invented or popularised by a rabbi who lived in the Ukraine, and died young. The idea is that 'hitbodedut' involves using your own language to chat with 'God'. One imagines a ragged bearded freak mumbling to himself, perhaps in a loud voice. To make this even credible, it's necessary to have some background in the superstition, which Chris Jon Bjerkman provides. In brief, Jews huddle together in groups, often called 'Kahals', where they conspire against everyone else, particularly weak and non-aristocratic types. They regard their group, with a leap of absurdity, as a god, or, given enough repetition time, as 'God'. All the stuff about 'The Lord's Prayer' comes from this idea.
We can see from all this how the seeds of 'The Word', huddled groups of Jews, self-isolation for many centuries, the use of writing which preceded countries far from papyrus, aristocratic weaknesses and greed, chatting in their own language (typically something like Polish Hebrew), led them to the absurdities of 'hitbodedut' which Jan Lamprecht helped document.
Occidental Observer & Mark Gullick, thoughts on Jewish mental parasitism, and Health
Mark Gullick wrote a better piece (May 26, 2024) Britain's technocrats: The economics of truth in the 'Costs of Multiculturalism' section. ‘pseudo-technocracts’ might be more accurate, since they never model the Jewish financial sector. Lots on lies, 'reports' from things like 'The Centre for Policy Studies', models as used to avoid truth, 'grooming',and money-laundering 'Potemkin businesses' avoiding tax. And a comparison of medieval priests with technocrats; one knew Latin, the other in-house-phrasebook techno-babble. Gullick misses the important point, that both are Jewish intrusions. And (come to think of it) he doesn't seem to know of Donmeh Jews in Turkey. For that matter, he doesn't mention sex abuse by white soldiers under Jewish control. And he might have mentioned that young whites are priced out of mortgages. Or that Robert Jenrick, an author, is writing near an general election, a traditional time for lies and lures over immigration - 27 May 2024
An article in the Occidental Observer (Occupying the Universities, by Mark Gillick; pseudonym? 2023/06/09) annoyed me to the point that I responded, despite not paying their contribution for their new comments policy:
This article is sheer rubbish. It exemplifies the smug silliness of establishment thinkers who never question the sources of their income. Nothing has changed except the technical improvements in Jewish strangleholds, which have expanded and ramified. Cathedral schools taught Jewish rubbish. Philosophy, as a subject, had its own accepted narrow limits; at least some modern people have outgrown it—probably not in American universities though. There is not, and never has been, any significant investigation into Jews, who have laid down whole pathways and avenues of 'thought' while local ideas and beliefs have been virtually deleted. I'm disgusted, though not surprised, that this site accepts such lightweight and unanalytical material. And don't expect me to pay for it.
Just me getting annoyed. Why worry about a $150 article by, I'd guess, a Catholic who thinks politics has a spectrum, believes students control universities, thinks universities had a noble past, and knows nothing about the emergence of serious history and science.
We have to face the fact that the Occidental Observer is never likely to carry out serious work in disentangling Jewish activities, as perhaps was likely all along, and suspected 25 years back. Sad, but there it is. It's clear enough now that Jews have a policy towards thought that corresponds to their policy regarding property ownership, as revealed by their Kahal system. It's not an exact correspondence, since ideas are less substantial than buildings. Generally, the process involves, digesting the ideas, then excreting them in an unattractive form.
I notice this most obviously when contemplating the work of Jews and crypto-Jews. A good example is John Pilger, who is of course allowed on Youtube; I watched his video (not I imagine a 'film') on the NHS, which in fact was largely on the USA. Modern medical science, so far as it is accurate, is in reality owned by Jews in the USA as much as Universities are owned by students in the mind of Mr Gullick. And it was not thought u and tested by Jews. Pilger's video is introduced by statements to the effect that it was made before COVID, and the NHS has proved too weak to handle "the pandemic".
Pilger's work is full of lies, but does have what seems to be a redeeming feature, namely an unflinching honesty about the victims of war violence, except of course to the 'Holocaust' and some other genocides where Jews are too obviously included. The Vietnam War is a good example. Bertie Russell wrote on it, showing genuine horror at American indifference. I think the conclusion must be that it's another Talmudic epiphenomenon, designed to blackwash troops—Americans, here—to distract from Jews such as Kissinger. Grisly and interesting topic; one which will never surface in the Occidental Observer. Which I note has a new piece by a Frenchman, including Jewish 'antiSemites' long ago exposed by Miles Mathis. Who will also never appear in the Observer.
Miles' 'Unabomber'piece on Kaczynski will remain unknown to them.
Fascinating conversation with Ivor Cattthat links loads my science-revisionism piece, starting with Ivor, and expanding into many others) on my new experimental mobile phone. During which he made a claim which he's made for thirty years or more. He claims he can stop the career of anyone expert in electromagnetism—a small band—by simply making them admit to recognising his name. If they do, all the others don't dare talk to that (longer detail here).
He's refined his hypothesis; he says, now, that the theoreticians use maths formulas, or what look like maths, but don't know how to carry out experiments. They just can't arrange the equipment. There's a striking parallel with theology as a blanket of evasion. He says Josephson, 'Nobel Laureate' for the Josephson Junction, doesn't understand how it works!
I noted recently that Nathan Cofnas, who had some sort of Cambridge University position, I think as a professional Jew, had been demoted or thrown out—with these disputes, with their tangled secret webs of money and status—it's impossible to get an accurate picture of the struggles—and who pays. Cofnas was the only 'heavyweight' to get involved with Kevin MacDonald's views on Judaism-as-an-evolutionary-strategy. Cofnas (of course) never really grapples with the question, and MacDonald is part of the American academese linguistics system in which no clear statement is permitted, so the result is something like a battle between sloths. But it was nice to think this was another example of Catt's contention.
I've long assumed that Ivor gave a confused view of his electromagnetic ideas, and that this was a mistake. But it's possible that clear statements help out the incompetent, and perhaps should be avoided. (I sometimes leave typos in my articles when I see them—maybe people will think they can do better?).
Ivor is entirely Jew-naive, a victim of the policy of never mentioning Jews, except in absurdly adulatory fashion. The connections between the dots are erased if they threaten to appear, and there are jokes of the reds-under-the-beds type kept in wait.
He has never heard of the Talmud or its explicit hate of all non-Jews. He knows nothing of Rome, Cyprus, Poland, the Kahal system, or ghettoes, or Jews and the Normans, or extortion, or Edward I, or Cromwell, or the 'Russian' revolution, or the Fed. He has wondered about 'Feminazis' and family law but never understood that American-style 'feminism' is a Jewish attack on non-Jewish families. He puzzled over waves of immigration, without seeing that Jews want to flood white countries with aliens to harm them. He doesn't grasp that advertising agencies are all owned by Jews, and hence adverts are full of absurd race mixed families. He never saw that COVID and AIDS have Jewish connections. He doesn't see that whole school subjects have been twisted by Jews to please themselves.
Looking back, I see how widespread this imposed ignorance is, and what an astonishing achievement it is. Mona McNee did her best to improve teaching of reading to kids, but never saw that some people prefer illiterates. Harold Hillman never perceived the Jewish opposition to his views on cell biology. Poor Dr Lorraine Day became, through personal experience, aware of the control by Jews of her San Francisco hospital, but believed Biblical rubbish to her dying day. Moslems, if they are 'faithful', believe Jewish-imposed rubbish too.
Mass media get away with the oddest things: the Chelsea Flower Show pretends plants are 'unblemished' and that insects are good for mental health, when industrial truckloads of rocks and soil and endless plants are used up in bulky projects; and the braindead commentators think buzzing and flying insects care about ape-like observers.
Vast numbers of people use such phrases as 'go to hell' and 'thank God' and 'dammit' and 'Amen to that' without identifying the Jewish roots. Voters fail to see the roots of their paid-for parties. I've known (not directly) several writers who died without making proper arrangements for their work, because their partners were not interested.
Massive wars and exterminations by Jews in China and Russia remain undiscussed. Eastern Europe has been messy for centuries because of their malign Jewish lairs. Money power—at present from the Federal Reserve—means there are hundreds of millions of people doing harmful or wasteful work.
I've sometimes wondered why my website has been left alone, apart from censorship and a typically anonymous police investigation. Maybe Ivor is right in one respect; maybe weakness can succeed, if the conditions are right. Such as knowing what you're talking about, and not living in too Jew-throttled a country.
Raeto West 12 May 2024 Including those in the remote past; and perhaps the future
Historical evidence shows Jews secretly involve themselves in dramatic and extreme activities. Read the Bible for examples. Or read US law information. Famines, fires, and wars give examples. So do made-up pandemics, mass population movements, and sales of addictive substances. So do movements which are funded, and not spontaneous. These include faked demonstrations. And since cheap film broadcasting, faked events, including faked trials—on this, see oj.pdf by Miles Mathis, particularly near the end, when events being hidden from the public are listed, including in Rwanda.
Big movements—Christianity, Islam, settling the New World, the US Constitution, the French Revolution, theories of nationalism, the manipulation of democracy, are just a few other examples.
Anything of this sort must be suspected of Jewish involvement. Don't be afraid to construct such theories backward in time: I recently wondered whether China's Emperor, who burnt the history books, may have been an early Jew intruder. And don't forget modern equivalents. Hilaire Belloc, for example, thought Jews had nothing to do with the 'Great War', which started the year after the Fed was invented in the USA. Belloc thought his beloved 'Roman' Catholicism was not Jewish!
If you try to assess any big event, try to assess it as an auditor would, looking at all the beneficiaries and losers. You will find secret money deals are kept very secret. Perhaps make estimates. And remember to consider the Jewish sector as separate from all other participants. You may make great discoveries.
On the absurd pretences of Jews throughout history We now have—because of the technical possibilities of mass electric media—an unusually ridiculous plethora of rubbish dumped on the goyim. The LGBT thing has been around since at least 2000. And has been growing and proliferating in the strange dungeons of Jewish surveillance and payment by Jewish currency.
We see similar things with dangerously obese women & men. Dangerous diets. Dangerous lifestyles. Dangerous race experiments. Dangerous, huge, frauds. These all have Jewish inputs; none are kindly or useful or creative or beautiful.
In the past, Jewish influence was carefully hidden, for the very good reason that it was malevolent towards all goyim—except for collaborators. To this day, most people have no idea that Christianity and Islam were each inventions by Jews to co-operate with original or newly-invented hierarchies. (I think more people are noticing, as people will notice when things change fairly rapidly. Churches are now hopelessly outclassed by modern propaganda methods, so even the best orators and preachers aren't effective. Let's look back–
'Revealed truth' was once a standby, typically in the 1700s, since the bible had been pushed everywhere, and seemed more-or-less natural to people whose brains had not exactly been washed, but packed full with rubbish.
'The elect', earlier, is a not-very-well-hidden version of the 'Chosen People'. If you were one of them, no amount of good works made any difference.
At present some people think claiming 'identity' makes something true. There have been satirical attempts to make fun of this—identifying as a donkey—but it is an attitude with Jews have lived on for millennia.
With extraordinary success; it is a remarkable achievement. When the 'World Health Authority' orders that there's an epidemic, none of the hired experts disagree. If serious criticism of Jews ever starts, I hope there will be attempts to assess their full impact. Maybe wars and deaths would have occurred anyway. But differently.
J K Rowling was publicised recently as a heroic critic of such things in Scotland. (Scottish law differs from English). What looks like an experimental 'hate crime' law is being tried out. It's a tricky business, trying to word laws to allow Jews to do things they want to stop everyone else from doing. So far the best they've done is be vague; in resulting legal battled, Jewish money (printed rubbish, basically) will outgun any others.
I noticed the police there seem to insist that a complainant has to be in the group they are defending; and Jews generally modestly conceal their affiliation. So who knows.
As regards Rowling, nobody points out that her Potter series rely on a Jewish world-view, with horrid goyim maltreating Potter (fat man shouting at under-the-stairs innocent, the Jewish lachrymose narrative) despite their huge secret resources, all portrayed by English (read: Jewish) actors. One of her later movies, I presume based on her stuff, showed the US depressions and its effects on a lucky baker with his mama's pastries. Rather than the truth, restricted credit forcing the goyim down until they had to like double-shifts making weapons for Stalin..
Probably the biggest Jewish fake is swinging the idea of 'god' onto vast populations. Even quite sensible people think it's an OK thing to do. Jews dominate it of course—just a few examples: Robert Winston's Story of God and Dawkins's Jew-truth-free God Delusion. But the real horror is people unable to see through the nonsense; a perfect example is the late Dr Lorraine Day.
Time for some revisionist notes. In no particular order:–
NEW - I forgot to include it here 'Hamas' is controlled, 'fake' opposition, run by 'Jews' is in Miles Mathis: isra.pdf (2 MB) of October 17, 2023. He includes sources from New York publications, of course Jew-controlled. Look for Stanley Cohen. MM has done more than anyone to 'out' the Stanley family in addition to supposed Jewish lineages.
(I recently asked miscellaneous American tourists if they'd heard of Mathis; not one had. MM seems to think they should seek him out. As indeed they should).
A propaganda comment in the Occidental Observer (7th April ) asks What Can We Do?, where the 'we' is supposed to be aware people. By 'Merlin Miller'.
Comments are not published in the hard-copy, printed version, and therefore are a good place to plant rubbish to be forgotten.
The article has ten recommendations to 'the nation'—as though the USA is now a single nation!—but the first is a 'rapidly growing organization led by America's most brilliant and honest, military and foreign relations strategist, Col. Dougal McGregor (mis-spelt intentionally). Yeah, sure. He has an online video and attempts something like Churchillian pseudo-gravity. His video warns that a crisis looms which may be as serious as the Second World War. He doesn't seem to know about the USA's support for Hitler and for Stalin, by Jews, and the resulting firm control of Europe by Jews.
He doesn't know the USA was driven into depression, so its workers were glad to make weapons for Jews. He doesn't know Iran's leadership is Jewish. He clearly has the intellect of a dinosaur, with matching face.
A recent scandal should have been Bankman-Fried and University connections; what does the Colonel say about that; how can people's money be returned? This sort of thing is out of his range. Do people really fall for this crap? Donate to me, not him!
Another sad thing in the 'Merlim Miller' list is Stupid Moms for America where women, some perhaps genuinely worried over their sons, do a staged piece, quoting from school books. Nothing on who cuts and pastes them, publishes them, pays for them. Agonising to watch.
The BBC does its usual thing with staging; I try not to watch their 'news' though I note the absurdity—a moronic whore called Chakrabatty or something, and a wog whose name I didn't bother with, stand in a big studio, viewed from low down, posturing with one leg apart, probably a posture suggested by an ancient Egyptian text. As they read out the scripts anonymously prepared for them. Here's a clip of BBC news in 2001 doing its carefully-prepared 9/11 war preparation Jewish duty. It's likely something similar is in store for Iran, though of course it's impossible to say what.
Gullible Americans seem to believe in things like 'the second coming' and Jerusalem as the site for 'three major world religions', rather than the truth, which is that they are all constructed by Jews. Here's an amusing probably genuine video by 'Rabbi Beck' on how Moslems plead for blessings from Jews, even though Jews have fought them for centuries. Hilarious. Christians might try to see how they look to Jews. Jews have fought Christians since they started. In each case some of the target community are bribed. I'd say Christians have belonged to more productive communities than Moslems, and have been on the better side, but it's a close call.
Nations figure largely in war discussions. Colonel McCrap accepts this belief without even knowing it's a belief. But the fact is Jews are distributed world-wide, as the phrase Phoenician Navy witnesses. In order to defeat them, it will presumably be necessary to take international action—an important limit on nations.
Wars started by Jews have predictable patterns, which Westpoint and Universities my eventually start to study. Roughly, there's different propaganda in target countries, controlled by Jews. They my start news sources for the purpose. In preparation new laws not obviously involving Jews are inserted, on migration, housing, free speech restrictions, education acts, inheritance, death duties, taxes, and funding mechanisms for loans for weapons secured against national assets. Politicians are chosen and paid permanently if they obey. Military people so far as I can tell can be demoted and promoted more or less ad lib. Very few of them seem to understand what goes on.
When things are ready and the Jewish date is appropriate, there's some sort of incident, whereupon all the Jewish sources demonstrate and shout and rise up. The First World War went through this, to the surprise of non-Jews. Many events, for example the suffragists and votes for women, were part of this process.
In this case, the most Jewish-informed commenter (who I know of) is Christopher Jon Bjerknes. The link is to my review of one of his books. He has a website cjbbooks.com Sept 2018) with an email bjerknesblog @ yahoo.com . As far as I know, annoyingly, he has no site expressing his views. These seems to be as videos on various 'platforms' and in X/Twitter.
Here's WW3 Maps explaining the Conflict by Bjerknes. (This is a download, identical to the original, not a grab. 350GB - long, hi-res. To save you the pain of looking for it). Bjerknes unfortunately is not concise. And he confuses absurd beliefs of Jews with his own beliefs, leaving a mess of confusion. And he seems unable to signpost his material, by explaining in advance what he is about to explain. He also believes in nuclear weapons, without any doubts—surely just another Jew-based myth. So be cautious, not of his interpretations of Kabbalistic stuff and other nonsense, but of his practical conclusions.
What I will point out is the lack of money considerations. I have a mortgage theory of war based on Jews getting money from all sides in wars. And having no concerns about casualties and ruin for non-Jews. Think Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler and others lording over the world with serene unconcern. Consider Keynes's book How Will We Pay For the War? or something similar in about 1915. Most people think it's war to the death—we must all pull together—weapon makers must do their bit. They don't think people want to profit. In fact wars may be paid for on the instalment plan for centuries. Simple soldiery expect expensive equipment to be supplied to them.
Nuclear fear porn is still part of the propaganda. Nukes look fake. See this forum (which was downloaded and saved by me—without me this forum would have been lost when it was unexpectedly deleted. Nobody else did it. So thank me for it. Even twelve years ago this was known.
Download my video Lords of the Nukes which is 3½ hours and my most popular video.
Before reading me on this mutual massage of mental midgets, you may do well to watch some of this getting-on-for-an-hour video by what appears to be a Russian, discussing populations in Russia's empire/commonwealth, and the effects of military call-ups and war in Ukraine. Russians are Disappearing. A silent catastrophe is hitting Russia now.
Taking a long view, Russia and its possessions has been hated by the 'west' for centuries. This feeling lingers in a submerged way. No prizes for guessing the Jewish attitude, with Russia as a target of hate for centuries. As always, Jewish influence is unmentioned as much as possible. Christianity in Russia is relatively recent, 1000 AD or so, and of course is a Jewish intrusion, as is Islam. The Russian land empire, starting in Elizabethan times, must have had similar Jewish roots to the 'British' empire. In the last couple of centuries, Russian Tsardom was view by officials in the 'West' as barbaric and 'oriental' and uncivilised—whereas their treatment of China and India remained discreetly hidden.
Anyway, the bottom line is that Russia, Like Germany, has been subject to unending Jewish hostility. This is obvious with Germany to modern observers. But the other genocide of whites, in Russia, has been hidden. Try to bear this in mind.
Rae West 28 April 2024.
Scene-Setting and Situation
I downloaded this 70-minute video from a Russian site, apparently in the Kremlin in Moscow. (I'm told most Russian towns have their Kremlin). There's not a great variety of camera positions: it's impossible to be sure that Carlson has an earpiece, or even what he's listening to—perhaps his glazed expression is natural to someone faced with a language foreign to him. And it's impossible to know what either player can see—perhaps gesticulating assistants. It's not even possible to be sure what Putin gets in his ear‐I can't help feeling that his 'debriefing' (translator's word) may be broadcast to him.
We're not told what preliminaries have been gone through: all part of the Jewish ‘uncertainty principle’ which is so characteristic of Jews.
I'm unsure what the point is (if any) of this talk; Carlson reminds me slightly of such people as David Frost trying his hand with Nixon, and Clive James with Ronald Reagan—some sort of image play. Carlson mentions a February 2022 date ("two years ago") a few times, and there are current scare stories about nuclear weapons—Carlson doesn't say 'nucular' which is a slight relief—and Putin twice avoided the issue of their reality. I'm pretty certain the entire talk was scripted, as is habitual in these media circuses. It's just too risky to allow them to ad lib.
Possible other motivations include money-making for arms manufacturers, evading the COVID fraud and deaths, and evading the HAMAS-as-Jewish-controlled opposition & and the purposes of Gaza. Mass population movements were only mentioned by Putin in reference to the southern USA border.
For something like 20 minutes, Vlad talked of medieval Russia. He attributes the early development to Vikings boating around the Baltic Sea. I hadn't known the year 888 has numerological significance; supposedly the date of conversion to the eastern Roman empire's Orthodox church, of which Vlad gave no opinion. It was of course an offshoot of Jewish activities; Vladimir gave only two references to Jews, both connected with the 'Great Patriotic War' or 'Second World War'. Catherine the Great's problems with the 'Pale' were just a part of this Jewish omission. He said Poles, Jews, and Russians were slaughtered by Hitler's SS. (He doesn't call the 'Great War', WW1, a patriotic war—I don't think anyone has tried that). In fact, Jews won the Second World War as both locutors must know.
Just a point: the Khazars appeared at about 888, and I think there's widespread confusion over their supposed 'conversion'. 'Conversion' is a Christian idea, when an entire group of people, usually under threat of death, say they adopt a belief and the money-making implications, tithes and so on. But it's not possible for an entire people to convert to Judaism, because that involves the Kahal system and the presence of one or more 'host communities' to be preyed upon.
The most plausible guess is that Khazaria was taken over by Jews in a similar way to their takeovers of other countries, including China, the Netherlands, England, Scotland, the USA, France, Japan, Germany, Italy, and Russia, in very approximate date order, using the combined resources of the other to exert pressure. None of this of course was discussed by either of these co-operating talkers.
There were two amusing incidents in this part of the talk: the first when Putin said he's told that Carlson was trained in history, when in fact Carlson showed nothing else than the Jewish media BS outlook. The second was at about 17 minutes, when Carlson says "You obviously have encyclopedic knowledge" of early Russian history—mutual scene-setting exchanges which I presume were planned and were misleading.
Implied Stuff
For my taste, an obvious and recurring implication was that countries were represented by their presidents and officials: "leaders from European countries" in fact being generally Jews—and Freemasons—just as both the USA and USSR are run by Jews, and have that common interest. So when Vlad talks of (e.g.) the 'Minsk package' he makes no attempt to explain the lurking Jewish view.
The most important historical misinterpretation is Hitler as an adamant nationalist and hater of Russians and Jews, when he now appears as just another Jew puppet manipulated into place in 1933. The Second World War emerges as a thing controlled by anonymous secret forces of Jews and Freemasons, co-operating to maximise goy deaths. (On this subject, if it's new to you, try looking at this material by hexzane527 copied from a French site. I can't be sure it's correct; it hasn't been removed, for example. But it looks first class.)
Putin said the USSR was established in 1922; by Lenin. Omitting fine points—such as German and American Jewish money. He agreed with the general view that the Soviet Union 'collapsed' in 1991, omitting the fact that, after 70 years of slaughter, the opponents and victims of Jews couldn't possibly spring back from nowhere. He said in 1992 they expected Russia to be invited into "the brotherhood of civilised nations".
Putin expressed an entirely ordinary view of WW2, starting in 1939, not even commenting on the USA's dormancy for two years. Czechoslovakia as a cause (Putin's opinion of Slavs did not appear; nor did any view of Jewish elites in places like Prague and in Hungary.) Stalin and the troops through Poland was of course legitimate.
Some Fragments
Putin at one point produced the Russia-Turkish War. Now I think of it, nothing on crypto-Jew donmeh and Armenia.
He mentioned US bombing of Yugoslavia but with no information on Jews and Slavs there.
Putin discussed NATO several times, and its eastward expansion on five separate occasions. It was hard to make sense of this, since he seemed to have no explicit theory of what NATO was for, suggesting the could all join it for collective security, possibly against Iran—though their leadership are yet another clique of Jews. Putin mentioned ABM systems, and hypersonic missiles, but not their feasibility. Maybe NATO is just another money-grabbing outfit, relying on propaganda, and paying out for mimicry and military top brass. He praised Egon Bard (I think) of the German social democrats, but I was unable to identify this person. Putin seems entirely dominated by people from Jewish groups; he seems to have little of Marxism in his outlook. Except one thing: Marx never discussed Jewish capital—he had lots himself—and Putin is happy to describe Russia as having a 'capitalist economy'.
Putin says the 'West' might fear China more then Russia, having about ten times the Russian population.
Putin mentioned meeting President Clinton, and the elder Bush. I can't remember if he met 'President Biden'. TC woke up at one point and said Putin gave two examples of US presidents being over-ruled by 'Agency heads' though this seems completely unsurprising to me, since it demotes the Jewish puppet and simultaneously puts the secret Jewish view in place.
Putin talked of de-Nazification [about 52 minutes in] using the conventional Jewish descriptions of far-right of far-nationalist. He referred (I think) to incidents from WW2 when the Ukrainians welcomed the Germans as liberators from the 'Soviets' (read: Jew-enforcers of famine), and Hitler, no doubt after discussions, took violent action against them. The idea still seems used against Ukrainians; I'd guess the people railed against by Putin were groups funded by Jews, on the Antifa and sniping American troops etc principle. Anyway, seven or eight minutes later, Putin was saying "Hitler's ideas are still with us ... can we say we eliminated these people?", and made a moue of displeasure. Or possibly anticipation of exciting future action.
The true situation in Ukraine (or whatever it should be called; even that is left obscure) is not clear. And I don't want to guess, though I suspect it is wanted for Jews to move to, of course paid a lot of money. What could be more suitable for a bunch of inbred fanatics, after all.
I have to say I was entirely unimpressed by Carlson in every way: no preparation, no charm, no grasp, no intelligence, and—of course—utterly secretive about secret societies. The end-point seemed to be a world war threat, but Carlson couldn't even make a convincing case.
And? ...
Strikingly, Putin says nothing about the vast numbers of deaths caused by Jews. Unless you count a remark on a few human rights violations under Stalin. A Jewish policy is to instil ratchets, one-way systems, ideas, for a sufficient time to make them unthinkable—at least for most people. Good examples may come from the past, where their apparent urgency is not felt any longer. People who think, now, that 'Yahveh' and 'Satan' are simple garbage, are faced with enormous surprise, but not with aggressive dismissal except by people with vested interests. Archaeologists who assume that an ancient structure may have been for 'worship' may be persuaded to believe that 'worship' is just a set of actions for which there is no evidence in the remote past. 'Democracy' and 'Freedom' have been undefined for so long that the word-formulations are ripe for countering.
We are now at the stage where the repetitive narratives have had one-way multiple iterations for a long enough time to make their barkers and scribblers feel they are wedged securely in the public's minds and artefacts.
I hope this situation will corrode and crack and fail. There's one conclusion which, if not actually optimistic, may give some solace: if Jewish power is ever countered, corralled, defeated, and removed, it seems unlikely there can ever be a future enemy with such persistent and evil attributes.
Raeto West 18th February 2024
Raeto West 17 February 2024One of the plurality of unpleasant effects of the Jewish victories of the 20th and 21st centuries is the exploitation of people, mostly whites, who are told by Jews and their subservients to deny their feelings on being ousted.
Mental illness is an accusation used by Jews when they are in a position to do so. The full flowering needs 'scientific' backing, and therefore has only existed for a few centuries. The Soviet Union was publicised a little for its horrors. Earlier analogies exist, mainly as religious 'blasphemies' and other accusations of fault.
Large-scale lying exists today everywhere, and presumably is not good for mental health. The perpetrators predictably want to put the blame on the victims; they don't want to admit their evil influence. Hence the subdued but frantic stirrings in the mass media, as they excrete their output, while trying to appear calm and sane.
A well-worded description by Nicholas Ennos, the Jane Austen Scholar, is: It is interesting to look at psychiatry in general as a Jewish fraud. I think what is essentially fraudulent about it is that people who are suffering mentally are blamed for their own suffering, whereas it is usually caused by an outside element. This avoids having to examine and criticise this outside element. In particular people live in a culture of lies which cannot be healthy for their brains.
Evelyn de Rothschild sets Charles straight
If Charles the 'King' is ever arraigned or impeached for his negligences, I can imagine a convincing defence on the grounds that he was saturated all his life by lies, which he was too weak to mentally resist. He was subjected all his life to mental torture, with all his information rigidly censored by fanatics who re-invented themselves as a being which chose them. Endless repetition, the same note struck indefinitely, send him mad, in his fairy toy castle.
Distinctive Jewish contributions to the identification of their mental illnesses include 'psychopaths'—conscienceless behaviour by Jewish immigrants into the UK and USA—with the concealment of Jack the Ripper as a stellar example.
The Second World War and after led to Jewish incursions into all subjects, including propaganda, and invention of such things as brainwashing to hide atrocities, and experiments by such Jews as Milgram and Zimbardo to assist with the lucrative holocaust fraud. There's much of this in the 'nuke lies' forum preserved on this site.
Moves by Jews to hide their pathologies led to odd phenomena such as the promotion of homosexuality, the opposition to eugenics—they didn't want their desire to harm people to become well-known—and their dislike of ordinary family relationships and ordinary work, and the promotion of transexual nonsense.
In the 1960s there was an 'existential psychology' movement by R D Laing, a rather dour Scot, to view schizophrenia as a state induced in people by their schizophrenogenic parents, tying them in verbal knots. Laing as far as I know had no views on Jews, and his work remains an outlier, with no dots connects.
But he main point here is the subtle movement to ensure people
I've noticed a newish movement combining charitable funding and laws, with supposed help, which no doubt will turn out to be typically Jewish 'charity', intended to enrich Jews.
My surmise is that PR and advertising campaigns will of course be accepted by the media, which is Jewish-controlled, and rule over a Jewish-controlled system not unlike charity shops, which I'm told are very profitable, although their image is dingy, with low-paid employees.
The object will be to make money, but also use 'trained' low-paid people to ensure their clients don't complain about being unhoused by immigrants, or given no money unlike immigrants, or being expected to put up with violence and hostility. The 'trained' people will of course lose their jobs if they fail to slap down these legitimate comments. Thy will be given lists of lies, and standardised replies to questions.
It's amusing to see that such structures are unmentioned by pop business TV. The Apprentice has pitifully silly tasks for supposed potential leaders, but I've yet to see Sugar helping front such a thing, or the 'Dragons' getting excited about the potential and the social control opportunities.
It's the sort of thing Jews do. Watch for it. Understand it.
Some parasitic insects groom, or force, other insects into yielding what they seek. Such behaviour must presumably be genetically determined.
England in the 1500s was finally defeated by Cromwell's Dutch and English forces, paid by Amsterdam Jews and others, e.g. Portugese.
In the 1600s, England was digested by Jews, and the King James Bible imposed.
In the 1700s, so-called 18th century rationalism led to impoverishment and debt. And war with Napoleon.
In the 1800s, Jews infiltrated England in increasing numbers, ending with large-scale immigration.
In the 1900s, after the USA Fed was invented, Jews promoted and got two world wars and destruction in Russia, China and other places.
The 2000s are ¼ past, but already we've had 9/11, wars, COVID, and constant enfeebling attacks on the USA.
Here's an impassioned comment chuck-the-cuck-the-shabbos-goy-charles-iii-will-be-a-worthy-successor-to-his-mother-elizabeth-the-evil on the state of the monarchy.
Jews seem to have evolved, physically and mentally, from the time cities became established as distinctive places separate from the countryside and 'waste' areas. My article Judaic Parasite Evolution, originating I think in 20th-century Germany, looks at the process. Essential components were literacy, when it became portable and convenient, and the Mediterranean Sea, which allowed fairly safe movement of heavy loads by sea; I've included it in the Parasite Evolution link. The Rhine and Danube rivers had a similar, smaller, effect. After about 1500, the Med was reduced in importance, the east coast of the Med only rising in importance with the Suez Canal (c 1869). The Panama Canal (c. 1914) affected China, for the first time not faced to its east with a barrier reef. Gibraltar has been important for time immemorial. And all these facts have affected Jewish power.
Their social organisation was, or developed into, the Kahal System. (The name 'Kahal' is central European; no doubt there were other names in other languages). This was a fort-like structure directed by 'rabbis', usually mistranslated as 'teachers'. The lower orders of Jews were typically money-grabbers, violent thugs, and whores. By the (far later) time when science and technology happened to become important, they were breeding like rabbits in central Europe.
Intellectually, they seem to have been mostly superstitious and parasitic, looking for opportunities to copy or taken from their hosts. The well-known Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is just one example of an idea copied from 'gentiles'—in this case, a mixed race Euro-Japanese.
The entire Jesus story appears to have been imported from Egypt, and modified in the same way as H G Wells' War of the Worlds was moved by Jews into the USA. The more-recent 'New Testament' seems to have been assembled by Jews: there's a good pdf account here which gets going in about chapter 4. The influence of Biblical language and its emotions and metaphors has been astonishingly extensive, corrosive, and destructive. All this is an astonishing achievement, still little-known by non-Jews, many of whom have difficulty identifying Jews, or Freemasons for that matter.
All accounts known to me underplay the role of money, violence, and deception in Judaic works. One perfect example is the Roman Catholic Church which had a symbiotic relationship with Jews from the start, which is obvious enough when you look for it. Medieval Sicut Iudaeis Papal Bulls, and the Church's dependence on Jewish money, while forcing borrowers to deal with Jews, illustrate the sort of thing.
I suggest that honorific titles were part of the Jewish technique. They did not themselves differentiate between Kings, the Lords of the Church, and Generals. I suggest modern monarchies, which are not tribal, were constructed by Jews out of component aristocracies where they had a large measure of control. Charles III is a perfect example of a puppet over a pseudo-nation, unable to act without Jewish permission, if he wants to retain his assets. He's backed by a motley crew practising bogus religiosity, bogus democracy, and bogus constitutionality. Charles II after the 'Restoration' is a similar example.
Diagram showing how the Talmud hardly appeared in British literature
In modern times, thugs used by Jews are represented by 'national' armies, navies, and air forces, and by unacknowledged groups of 'demonstrators', assassins, spies, claqueurs, personal assistants and planters of ideas, money fakers, propagandists, and plenty of others.
The point here is that compromises were necessary with the 'goyim' and the Church is a perfect example, involving guaranteed careers and money and often family continuity in exchange for little work. Freemasons represent similar secular organisation, and may genuinely have evolved from organisations necessary to build castles and fortifications against the interests of local people. These connections with Jews were loose alliances, not taken seriously by Jews, and liable to be dropped. The present-day Church of England is a good example—ignored by most people, eclipsed as a propaganda organ by the BBC, but with a long history of handouts for its subservients.
Probably their Talmud is their handbook of stratagems and tactics against the 'goyim', though of course the intense secrecy with death threats against 'goyim' make for uncertainty. It has never been studied in any depth by non-Jews, or even known of. Students of history might compile lists of techniques, and use them to firm up investigations into Jewish power. Obvious examples include outbreaks of diseases—the 'Black Death', 'Spanish Flu', HIV fraud, and COVID frauds, being examples. Wars are another aspect of history which might be investigated; obvious example are the American Civil War and the two World Wars. And the spreading of famines, and large-scale population movements (such as the Jewish-run Atlantic African slave trade).
The best book known to me on the absurd nonsense of Jewish beliefs is C J Bjerknes's Beware the World to Come which I've reviewed by me in detail, but I doubt there's agreement even on the simple basic facts.
One obvious pattern in Judaic activity is watching for some new 'goy' discovery, then waiting while it grows, feeding it if it's working well, expanding with it, and cropping it when it's ripe for garnering.
Let's consider medical science. After a few thousand years of trial and error, in early medieval times Galen stopped medicine for another thousand years, until the rise of science, with the Renaissance and (for example) Vesalius. After a few centuries, almost all owed to whites, blood and breathing and anatomy and microscopes built up a body of knowledge, secure apart from small details. By 2000 in the USA, Jews had organised money-making so that most Americans were in debt. There was money for Jews, but also money for frauds. Incredibly, Fauci was there with 'AIDS' and, later, COVID.
The Americas, from about 1500-2000, were built up with white technology. As that went up, Jews expanded their control, including many events, such as the 1913 takeover of paper money. They're fairly confident the USA will dry up and blow away.
Christianity and Islam were both Jewish inventions. By the time the Catholic Church was the biggest landowner in Europe—and many splinter groups and religious organisations grew—it was time for plucking.
'Rationalism' grew (the not-very-appropriate name is borrowed from mathematics). It was hoped people would turn to it, and become loyal to evidence. But of course the evidence was kept secret!
Patents and copyrights are a modern device for controlling intellectual property. There are many cases, notably Germany after its defeat by Jews, of large-scale thefts, and also of the use of money power to buy engineering and biological, and literary and agricultural, products.
Most of Europe was built up similarly—Spain, Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy (they were both unified quite late). Britain was made into a great sea power, now almost forgotten, and cropped with the Great War and the Second World War. After which the accumulated assets were shared out to immigrants, not the locals.
Lord Melbourne insisted Victoria's marriage to Albert should be popularised for the public, unlike the secretive weddings of earlier times. I suspect this was just a part of the Jewish takeover of Great Britain, as remarked upon by Hilaire Belloc. I'm inclined to think the vocal battles between Disraeli and Gladstone, both Prime Ministers, were the Victorian version of opposition control.
It's possible the 'Royal Family' in Britain, in fact European and Russian, may be felt to have run its course. Charles III may be due for removal. The position of a single monarch is ideal for Jews, cutting down the numbers of rivals.
Here's a smaller-scale example of long-term Jewish planning in Britain: housing and taxes from about 1900 to 2000. The war of 1914 was planned by Jews, and funded in 1913 by the Federal Reserve in the USA. Wartime measures included income tax rises and the 'Bradbury Pound'. Before that war, aristocratic families (but not Jews) were targeted by agitators, resulting in 'death duties' (note the wording!) which were high, but not felt excessive, since big European wars were 'unthinkable'.
But the Great War resulted in large-scale Christian goyim deaths, including deaths of young aristocrats. They were not only killed, but descended upon vulture-like by the state. Many estates were impoverished. Many families were destroyed. No Jews risked their lives, so the result was satisfactory for Jews.
Council housing was started in the 1920s. Votes for women were permitted. So there were slight concessions to the supposed war victors. There were moves to make capital accumulation impossible for goys, through taxation. In the 1930s people stopped investing in property; it didn't appreciate in price, mainly because of war deaths. Tax rates around the Second World War were high. Hitler was another Jew puppet as was Stalin. Churchill bankrupted Britain and sold its accumulated assets.
There's more, of course. But I'll keep this short.
I hope this (very sketchy) outline might be part of an unstoppable movement to encourage analysis of the Judaic world. Jews have been underplayed in theories for millennia; it is time to discover and explore them.
Gail "the actuary" Tverberg. Norwegian Woodenhead.
A look at Gail Tverberg's weak financial models.
Ourfiniteworld.com was 'created' in 2007-06-12, a Wordpress site ranked by siterankdata as on average about #300,00 in the world; her site records hits, but not the actual page downloads, a common mistake! So, ironically, her own site includes a statistical blunder. There seem to be links with gailtheactuary.wordpress.com and sciencedirect.com .
The world obviously isn't infinite, but let's not worry about that. It's not clear if she actually passed all her actuarial exams—most entrants don't. Though she says she's a 'Fellow of the casualty actuarial society'. I'm out of touch with present-day teachings, and I'd guess that computers do the work which was approximated by hand. I'd also guess that huge errors are easier to make.
Actuarial work is a set of branches of applied mathematics, including compound interest, discounting of future values, life expectation figures, demography, and company controls and valuations—most people don't realise that a 'billionaire' depends on valuation calculations, which can shrink dramatically. So can a country's reserves.
Another branch is economics and investment, which of course depend on current practices. If debts are written off, investments may vanish. Obvious enough; in practice, journalists and hacks don't understand the small print. Gail in her recent article of June 2, 2023, Models Hide the Shortcomings of Wind and Solar, points out at length inaccuracies that cause energy generation to be got wrong. Unfortunately, there are facts about her worldview which are wrong and make her work fatally wrong.
Gail does not understand the Jewish component of the USA and the world. This component has very different aims from countries and states. Jews form a subset of the financial world, mainly due to control of such things as the Federal Reserve. Money with a Jewish suffix must be treated differently from other money. As an example, Gail hasn't understood that Jews won the Vietnam war, just as they won the Second World War; she believes the Jewish media. Their actual aims were to kill 'goyim', to gain control of banking, to gain control of the legal system in secret ways such as Freemasonry, and make fortunes from weapons. On the energy front, Gail has no solid grasp of nuclear issues, and of course has no idea of doubts over 'nuclear power'.
An important effect, of separating Jewish finances from the rest, is that taxes would be easier to judge. All the tme, Jews unite in pushing some policy designed to improve their money and harm everybody else's. What were the effects of 'death duties' in England, for example? Probably to penalise rich elderly people whose sons were killed in Jew-promoted war. Why are inheritance taxes being opposed now (2023)? Probably because Jews have appropriated property using their control of printed money. Why was there a 'Great Depression'? Because Jewish-owned banks cut back on loans and demanded repayments. Why were company laws introduced to allow limited liability? Obviously to allow Jews to run phoney schemes to swindle 'goyim'.
All these things are (in principle) within the purview of actuaries.
Interestingly, she includes what she calls 'government debt' in her modelling. It is (of course) a vast amount. But she has no idea that Jews transfer money to themselves and to Israel, and this amounts to a high proportion of 'government debt'. She has no idea that taxation selective attacks 'goyim'.
I've always found mathematical models interesting, but tantalising—computers suggest tremendous possibilities, but these are cut short by vested interest—such as Jews acting worldwide.
  Lewis Fry Richardson wrote interesting papers a long time ago on models of approaches to wars and actual wars; he used calculus and some geometry, but was hopeless in practice, being unaware of the reasons some people want wars. But he's at least written suggestive stuff on what might be called 'socionomics'.
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels (1960; ed. Quincy Wright & C C Lienau) was another pioneering work. I mention both of these because, judging by the poor quality of universities generally, there's a lot to be said for returning to earlier work,
Not part of this immediate topic is Karl Haemers on Jewish organized crime and networks of supposed research institutes in medicine. He's talking of so-called vaccine, not the Sacklers, but the principles are similar. In an era when someone as witless as Hanks addresses an American university, and they have sporting 'majors', we are pretty much in a similar mental era to early Victorian universities immersed in nothing.
NB Tverberg seems to be a Norwegian surname, hence my rather outmoded joke title. Nothing to be inferred about Norway!
Queens, Kings, Jokers, Jews. God, Jewish Secrets, and Money. Deliberate Mistakes in History, and Science. UK Political Parties. 'British' and 'USA' Empires. Gas, Water, Electricity, 'Nuclear Power'. Gorbachev's Death. Putin, Ukraine, War Rumours. Traps to be Avoided, and What Can Be Done?
Raeto West 4–16 September 2022. 7–8 October 2022. 6 November 2022. 20 December 2022. 18 January 2023 7 March 2023 6 June 2023
Still from my Manchester bomb hoax video (At an Ariana Grande concert). In accordance with Jewish attitudes, this fraud is still being run, and probably will continue as long as their media power remains. I was amused to see bbc.co.uk/news run a piece on this, with presumably an actor as the 'Head of MI5', a geeky specs type as in recent James Bond films, with vicsim pictures.Puppet of the year & assurance Jews still run things (if people read Time)
Preamble: This article is aimed at the huge mass of political innocents, living isolated, or non-existent, intellectual lives. Most people (including media, police, and military workers) never see the operations behind the scenes. They are sitting ducks, getting misinformation about the world; easily influenced.
Most people's senses are reliable in their immediate vicinity. But senses don't operate with events happening invisibly or secretly. Controllers of media in different parts of the world try to impose different realities in different areas. Any tight group which is scattered may have enormous influence, without the victim groups understanding.
Internet, in only 20 years, has given people unprecedented depths of information. And this may well expand. Personally, I hope so. But it has also given great control to people with malign intentions.
The topics here include in no particular order Biden's stolen administration, the ever-increasing popular awareness of corruption, the two-year COVID worldwide fraud (directing people to earlier medical frauds), Queen Elizabeth's death and the general feebleness of the media, party politics and UK Prime Ministerial subservience, the 'Holocaust' fraud, the Ukraine 'Holodomor', the death of Gorbachev, and awareness of such things as Rothschilds, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, and Soros. More people see the Jewish basis for a vicious 'God', Christianity and Islam. Jewish influence in China and Japan, Jewish influence in wars, Jewish influence in faked science and faked business 'inevitabilities' is being more understood than ever before.
Most important is that people understand the control of money by Jews, and the Jewish version of statehood with colonies all around the world, in communication, and hunting for collective power. Then they will understand that wars are a bit more complicated than just country ‘A’ fighting country ‘B’.
Rishi Sunak (ex-Goldman Sachs, and sharing in Indian computer call-centres—and many people know about them) made five 'promises' at the start of 2023: to halve inflation, grow the economy by the year end, national debt down, cutting NHS waiting lists, stopping boats. But all these things were the result of deliberate 'Conservative' actions over many years. Serious costs—housing and running costs—are not mentioned at all. The analogy applies in the USA, where there is a huge deficit in housing and medical costs use white medical ingenuity to profit Jews. (NB: It's sad that Britain, with a longish history of running India with collaboration of Indians, has left so little awareness on Hindu India and the Moslem areas).
I haven't looked at 9/11 here, though more and more people know by now the official story was always wrong, and the full insurance angle, involving the Munich equivalent of Lloyds of London, has not been exposed. I think it's the clearest display of Jewish power in recent years, involving very complete top-down information which ordinary people can only guess at. And demolition experts, news control, support by endless Jewish-promoted 'celebrities', collaboration with insurers around the world, vast military numbers and material, and control over the storyline, including the damage to Iraq. The Jewish policy of lying without end shows no sign of reducing. Those who have never thought about Jews owe it to themselves to use their brains.
I haven't gone into detail on the coronavirus and COVID scares. I've just noted a strike threat against the NHS: the puppet fronting it says people are leaving the NHS, but doesn't mention the attempts to inject these people against their wills—and these are exceptionally aware of medical stats. The NHS in Britain contrasts with the USA: the figures of debt to supposed health suppliers are huge; enough to justify a planned takeover of the NHS.
Teaching unions at all levels are coming into activity, very likely as a distraction. They are advised by the same groups that run government; it's certain that the two sides are in fact one.
Modern productivity, the base for all this, has not been examined, but rather accepted as new, without analysis. Many jobs have been lost, even in skilled occupations, where computers can help. There's been a vast increase in parasitic and makework and fraudulent jobs, for which Jews are well adapted by evolution; such groups—medical, farming, transport, education, war—face gluts and try to invent new issues, as the COVID frauds show. A huge increase in secret societies and 'Intelligence' groups and their hangers-on has happened worldwide. I've tried to explore intra-species parasitism in nature (not just in human beings) here, though this is too theoretical for most people.
I have no option but to explain Jewish behaviour, so far as this is known. It is unavoidable. I'm using 'Jews' in the everyday sense, not looking at remote things such as 'Edomites' and 'Pharisees'. I've borrowed the amusing expression ‘Cohencidence’ for events which seem initially to be unconnected, but turn out to have common Jewish roots. (In the words of Dave Chappelle, "... if they're black, then it's a gang; if they're Italian, it's a mob. But if they're Jewish, then it's a coincidence. ..." Judge for yourself how deep his comments are, conforming to Jewish stereotyping of blacks and Italians—from this video extract saved to this site.)
I have included at the start of my ten subdivisions an overview (in sanserif). Some of my material—the footnote-y stuff—is in smaller typeface.
Typical junk Jew stuff: 'race row'. Shows why Charles should order investigations. One of his sons was entrapped by a Jew, Epstein. Soros (Jew from Hungary) has had money thrown him from Europe. So come on, Charles, do something decent. Charles is in the fortunate situation that he can request that others do the necessary work.
Should King Charles III announce a public inquiry into Jews?
• [1] The Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) is the body responsible for the operation of His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), and of other public information services of the United Kingdom. The OPSI is part of the National Archives of the United Kingdom and is responsible for Crown copyright. It was founded in 2005 - probably influenced by the then-new Internet. HMSO was founded in 1786, or 1875, depending on what's considered its start. The abbreviation HMSO seems to have popularised itself, and is now the name for its UK shops.
• [2] Royal Commissions includes 1919 White Paper on Bolshevism which actually mentions Jews a bit.
The Report of the Committee on the Working of the Monetary System (commonly known as The Radcliffe Report) is a report published in 1959 on monetary policy and the workings of the Bank of England. It is named after its chairman, Cyril Radcliffe, 1st Viscount Radcliffe. The report started collecting evidence in 1957.
A later example is The Royal Commission on the Distribution of Incomes and Wealth (Diamond Commission) was set up in August 1974 and its members appointed by Royal Warrant under the chairmanship of Lord Diamond 'to enquire into, and report on, such matters concerning the distribution of personal incomes, both earned and unearned, and wealth, as may be referred to it by the Government'. It was dissolved by Royal Warrant of 12 July 1979, following a decision announced by Mr Jim Prior, Secretary of State for Employment, in the House of Commons on 11 June. Prior seems to have been a roving minister watching for probes into Jews.
• [3] Prince Charles, now renamed Charles III, could be first monarch ever to open up the Jewish issue in politics. To include B'nai B'rith and Freemasons and Common Purpose.
Charles I made his mark as a victim of Jewish regicide; Charles II helped make science accepted and official in Britain, though has a blacker side as presiding over Jewish entrenchment. Charles III might, at long last, instigate official inquiry into Jews. From his point of view, this would be a light burden, as all he needs to do is appoint a few people to do the work. He might include faked, funded demonstrations as part of Jewish actions. It was reported that David Dimbleby, yet another Jewish liar, turned down the chance to voiceover the ceremonials at Westminster Abbey. It is possible that Charles will be deserted by Jews, showing their usual gratitude.
After the coronation I noted that the 'book of Isaiah' was presented to Charles, or perhaps read from. (It was painful to see that, at every stage, there were open books or cards presented for reading.) Isaiah (I quote H G Wells) is 'ferocious; extraordinarily like the rantings of some Nazi propagandist'. Wells was wrong; 'Nazi propagandists' resemble Isaiah. The whole charade is Jewified.
Next day, at a Windsor Castle music show, where poor Charles had to wave a union flag (with embarrassment) one of his sons assured listeners that Charles has devoted his life to "service". And devoted to all faiths and beliefs. Including one belief that members are hyper-privileged and all non-members should be overcome and preferably exterminated. He must have dozed off at Cambridge when they discussed 'compossibility'. The sounds at Windsor were embarrassing, and one can only guess what happened between agents and Charles's show arrangers, though I'd guess the agents were the only ones left smiling. I was amused to see John Cleese thought the whole thing was like a Python sketch, and very funny. He expressed a high opinion of Archbishop Welby, the dishonest Jew-descent phoney. Cleese has never addressed anything serious in his life.
There have been some new things. Charles (as yet uncrowned) is said to have announced that the relevant archives will provide the basis for a report on slavery, which is expected to be ready in three years. It presumably ought to include the nominal abolition, and recompense a few years later to the Jewish owners; my guess is that the promise of the then-new steam power made slavery obsolete. No doubt they will also look into the Jewish ship-owners and their profits from the trade. And while they're about it, look at slavery of whites (not the same as white slavery; though they might look into that in addition). Unless the archives should happen to vanish.
Charles seems to think he is concerned with the 'rights' of all belief systems, not just the 'Abrahamic' Middle East ones copied by Jews, but also those such as Islam and Christianity and their innumerable offshoots. He might offer a helping hand to south African witch-doctors; perhaps guaranteeing albino body parts.
He might also look into the meaning of "minorities" when for example the black world population approaches the nominal Indian and Chinese levels. (Here's a link to a piece doubting whether the statistical figures generally accepted can be true.)
He is reported to be seeking an "advisor". Let's hope some intelligent revisionist is found.
June 6 2023: High summer; very hot! My impression now is that Charles is Britain's answer to 'President' Biden.
Important Note on Money: The British Monarchy is thought to be fabulously wealthy by most people. And of course guaranteed incomes of tens of millions per year, more-or-less secretly paid from shares, are far larger than most peoples'. But in terms of value for money, note that (for example) just the interest to the Jewish banking system of the cost of war in Iraq is measured in trillions. From that viewpoint, the monarchy costs peanuts. But they are expected to behave themselves; it's only very rarely any of them show any independence.
This relativity applies, on a smaller scale, in general. Universities are usually funded by Jewish paper money, which is the reason USA degrees and PhDs and Professorships are usually so laughable.
Some parasitic insects groom, or force, other insects into yielding what they seek.
The British Monarchy A brief note on The Monarchy is needed; they are an ideal distraction from anything serious! For instance https://vdare.com/articles/monarchy-nation-states-and-the-failed-reign-of-elizabeth-the-useless or a more acrid view is Elizabeth the evil.
Here's my book review [Note: in this piece, I've made each link open in a new tab] of Edgar Wilson's Myths of the British Monarchy, an unusually critical book refuting all the arguments made for the monarchy.
And here's a more general article, including mourning for Diana.
(A 2019 pdf by Miles Mathis claims Diana's death was faked, and she's probably pottering around doing amateur gardening in some stately Anglo-Jewish country pile. Mathis in inimitable style shows her 'bodyguard' Trevor Rees-Jones was related to her. And other such things.)
"Aristocracy is now out of date, and England, by maintaining it, is coming to be viewed as a curious survival, like the marsupials" wrote Bertrand Russell, about a century ago. He missed something.
Queen Elizabeth. 1926-2022
The Queen was still often described by media hacks as being perfect, never putting a foot wrong, working tirelessly for the British people. There appear to be hundreds of people paid to propagandise to this effect. The sheer number of advisers, official experts, supporters, backups, specialists, orderlies, performers is staggering. The current funeral arrangements raise a bit of the corner of the carpet covering the Crown Estates. It seems unlikely that Charles would in fact do anything to out Jews, take control of militaries and the environment.
'Perfection' is a ridiculous claim, turning a blind eye to endless neglect of duty, from slaughtered farmers in South Africa to wars in the Middle and Far East, to unasked-for immigration and corruption in the mass media and civil service. Before Internet, there was very little exposure: Willie Hamilton MP was once well-known, but now emerges as 'controlled opposition', who made feeble formal comments on the Queen, but never mentions Jews, money, and profitable wars. Same with the hype of fading things such as Private Eye and Ian Hislop.
Other negligences include the Ariana Grande fake Manchester bomb, dealings with Ireland, fake nuclear subs and electricity, and the suppression of attacks on British people, starting perhaps in 20th-century terms with the Jew 'Jack the Ripper'. Official narratives of the BBC and Jewish media and academics incorporate endless lies. I think I'm right to say Internet is helping people fight back, and has been very successful—compared with pre-Internet times; and I hope the process will continue.
Old cartoon with imaginative reconstruction about redheaded young man. Spare has just been published now
The situation is enlivened by Harry & Meghan, Harry having every appearance of being a ginger-haired bastard produced by Diana, so he is in an anomalous situation.
Harry has recently taken, or mimicked, an interest in censorship and disinformation. 'Information disorder'. It seems unlikely he'll come up with anything new. But perhaps he'll find some new way to logically analyse evidence. He might like Larkin's 'They fuck you up, your mum and dad'. Maybe the shock to himself, as his unchallenged income sways, will cause the forces of Harry Redbeard to gather. But the more the system is understood, the less credibility goes to small forces.
Maybe Harry will do a voiceover on US TV for Charles in May. And maybe he'll do a Jew-aware version, pointing out 'mohels', the ancestry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the descent of Churchill, the Jewish influence on Christianity and Islam, porn as a Jewish psy-op, and the owners of his TV network, though I hope he'll get paid in full up front.
A few TV items noted during the broadcasts during the funeral days: • The Queen's 'great achievements' included defence during the Blitz (when she was about 16, posing with a spanner to pretend she maintained vehicles), and doing things in 'the pandemic'—insignificant straws used to make ill-shaped mud bricks.
• Female interviewer poses with an old 'Polish' woman, presumably in fact a Jewess, and two grandchildren; presumably in fact Jewish. She has very little English despite living about 80 years here. She mentions a 'Kraut'.
• Voiceover talks of 'blessed and glorious memory'. Interviewees talking of her wisdom, but of course give no examples. I jotted down a bit of a Christmas TV broadcast (not for Jews) by Elizabeth: "Every religion has something to say about toleration", a typically vacuous statement, written for her.
• Winston Churchill: 'Such a wonderful man and [unelected] Prime Minister. Churchill was the last dignitary to receive a full State Funeral.' Churchill's finances weren't mentioned: fake paintings, money allegedly for writings, and in fact kept short to ensure he had no dangerous ideas. Modern interpretation: is career including filibustering to wartime collaboration with Jews including Stalin. Churchill was part of the victory of Jews in the Second World War.
• David Dimbleby (son of Richard Dimbleby, a Jew who helped promote the myth of a Jewish hyper-pogrom), with thicker jowls after years of expensive living, talks about 'the mystery of the late majesty'. I noticed Jonathan Dimbleby seems to have been scheduled to talk with Charles. Charles, find someone honest, please!
Charles Education of Charles includes Gordonstoun, and Oxford; details on the latter are scarce. (Apparently he has been 'elected a Fellow of Kellogg College' Oxford; whatever that is. And praised Oxford's role in creating a COVID vaccine—at his opening of the 'Levine Building'. Not much evidence for intellect there.)
Possibly he saw no reason for exertion. Or perhaps he couldn't do it. But my question is: was he inducted into Jewish frauds? Gordonstoun was something of a soft target, as critics couldn't claim it under-supported Charles: it sounded too gaunt and cold and brutal at a time when Charles was young. [Note: the gaunt castle image appears to be false. In 2019 Portillo on TV said Gordonstoun was founded by a Jew from Germany, who also founded a school, in Germany, called Salem. Probably part of the Jewish export drive into Europe and other places]. Maybe more is to be learned from Charles's time at Oxford. His specially-awarded 4th class degree has been secretly mocked. But was he taught the secrets of the Talmud, of the absurdities and vices of Jews, the details of Jewish money, the truth behind 1066 and the Civil War? Here are a few questions:–
• Was he told that Rabbis consider sex with 3 year (and a day)-old non-Jewish girls acceptable?
• Was he filled in on the details of the Kahal System?
• Was Kol Nidre explained to him?
• Was he told about Yahweh and the extraordinary oddities such as making darkness illuminate itself?
I don't know; I have no way to find out. But I'd guess none of this; there's no sign of it. Charles may have inferred that his professors were worthless liars, but been too shy or polite to say so. But very likely the poor chap has been lied to, all his life. Not unusual for goyim in general.
Many people find schoolteachers fated to be viewed as not quite adult. Perhaps Charles views historians and churchmen as sad cowardly shufflers unable to live without their lies.
Charles III public statements by mid-September were largely on his mother; his dad was not much mentioned. The general drift of his anonymous scripts was along these lines: “... vow to continue ... follow her, as long as God gives me time ... life of service to our nation...”
Scotland and Ireland Charles spoke his assurance that “the true Protestant Church of Scotland” could expect his full support.
Some readers might like my discussion on Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cromwell, and Jews which touches on these deeply-buried issues.
Postscript: Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon, nieces to the Queen Mother, were sent to the Royal Earlswood Hospital in Redhill, Surrey, in 1941, aged 15 and 22 respectively. Nurses who cared for two cousins of the Queen who were born with learning difficulties have spoken of how the sisters were never visited by the royal family during decades in an institution. This may reflect Jewish practice; inbreeding is so common as to lead to many genetic problems. The same thing happens with Moslems.
2. 'God', Jewish Fundamentalism, Jewish Secrets
The Astounding Persistence of the Childish Jewish 'Yahveh' Fantasy Since about what is called 0 A.D., Jewish ideas have soaked through the world—partly through endless repetition, partly through censorship of other ideas. It is an astonishing accomplishment. What's behind this?
Let me put forward what may be a new theory... People with children will have heard of the 'terrible twos'. By 2 years of age, most children walk, and talk a bit. And they have experienced control over their bodies, with the 'pleasure of a imperialist conquering new territory'. They have learned about their body control, finding, for all they know, an ever-growing power. But at some point they find their limits, something obvious enough to anyone observing any young animal. Obviously enough, to us, they can't control the rest of their room, their building, their planet, the people around them. But to themselves, limits aren't obvious. Why shouldn't their powers expand to fill the universe?
My hypothesis is that the 'terrible twos' result from frustration that their natural hopes are not met. They can't leap across rooms, eat without any preparation, or move things which are out of reach.
Probably the nonsense of mysterious inner voices, or hopes of influencing adults to follow their commands, or endowment with powers to fly or defeat or run or persuade, are anticipations of further developments, believed to be natural to very small people.
I'm suggesting belief in the irascibly vicious Yahveh, lover of killings, desirer of grovellings, is a product of infantile expectation of personal expansion, which is never satisfied, since a human body is delimited and finite. It is, in short, an impossibly silly idea.
I noticed recently a comment in a USA website that the most important event ever was the resurrection of 'Jesus Christ'. This may have been a faked comment; but it is amazing, and a tribute to Jewish repetitive lies, that anyone could type such fantastic stupidity. There is, and never has been, a 'God'. ... And add a new observation. I'm inclined to think that the extraordinary adhesiveness of Jewish ideas to children is partly because of their absurdly self-congratulatory flattery, a system of praise entirely unrelated to facts, which shows in the Jewish media with ridiculous praise for everyone and anything, from the BBC to cheerleaders to Churchill to media people when promoted in the USA. This is not unique to Jews; the organisation Mensa praises it members in inaccurate ways, for example. But Jews are unusual in not punishing other Jews, whatever they do. “If you are a barrister, a solicitor, a medical man, or an owner of racehorses, you may be disbarred, struck off the rolls, disqualified, or warned off the turf” wrote Bertrand Russell. But Jews happily embrace other Jews whatever they do.
“Anyone who practices any form of Abrahamic religion is controlled opposition—acting for Jews—even if they do not realise it.” Weeks ago, a website supposedly for whites had a comment: “The most important event in history was the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Here's a link to a collection of book reviews on Jews, Christians, and Moslems. Maybe it will become clear that human weaknesses make it impossible to ever escape from the burden of 'Jews'.
London's East End about 1900. Whitechapel Road and Commercial Road East are two of the principal roads. Jack the Ripper, who murdered in this area, lived there too. A Jew in fact has been identified as Jack the Ripper—note the affectionate name, and implication it was a Londoner, rather than (say) Moses the Murderer. An analogous situation has applied for years now, with Islam. Similar stories apply to New York, Paris, German cities, and elsewhere.
East Londoner on Jews in London during the Second World War, about forty years later.
Jewish Fundamentalism. And Elementary Applications by Leading Jews.
The best English-language writer known to me on deeply-buried Jewish beliefs is Christopher Jon Bjerknes. But he very rarely gives an online talk. This is my detailed review of his recent book Beware the World to Come.
If you'd like to find (for example) why Jews want to own everything, and everyone else nothing; and where their odd ideas on 'trans' sex come from, and how 'goyim' can be bribed or attacked, Bjerknes seems to be the only place.
Bjerknes seems to have almost no online presence, except https://cjbbooks.com/ which is an online book sales site with minimal explanation of the books' contents.
But Bjerknes doesn't seem to see clearly that the Second World War was in effect won by combinations of Jews. Bjerknes has no idea about 'nukes', not understanding the idea that they are probably a fake. He doesn't understand 'the COVID pandemic' is a fake. His views about modern times are therefore rubbish. Though he does know Jews took over China, not just Russia. This sort of thing is widespread at present among intelligent people; Jewish frauds are so many and varied, embracing topics with such a huge range of importance and size, it's probably unavoidable.
In practice, Jews are largely unoriginal. Perhaps this results from deep roots of parasitism. They take their target ideas from observations of their host populations. Which is a good way to experiment empirically.
For example, the fairly well-known Coudenhove-Kalergi strategy was suggested by a non-Jew. Just as they insert their young to learn to mimic the host language—Shatter in Ireland is a Jew who speaks like an Irishman, and Boris 'Johnson' with Arabic roots speaks like an Etonian; just two examples of millions. Then they dress Jewish ideas verbally, in spoken or written oratory. Their success is remarkable; consider for example the huge number of expressions and stories from the Bible which are—or have been—known to almost everybody: separating sheep from goats, pearls before swine, milk and honey, feet of clay, Noah's ark, Cain and Abel, Tower of Babel, David and Goliath, prophet, Ham, Shem, Japheth, lilies of the field, mess of pottage, broken reed, built on sand, God's chosen.
Examples from modern times include the campaign against Apartheid, intended to gain power in South Africa. Jews are themselves extreme racists who allow no blacks into Israel and campaign against Palestinians—despite having collaborated with them for centuries in Spain, just as they plot against Americans and Brits despite previous simulations of co-operation.
'Democracy' with party representation is promoted by Jews, because they are confident from long experience they can control voting behaviour by propaganda in their controlled media, and by and by such attacks as voting fraud, bribery, giving votes to aliens, removing identity checks, reducing voting ages, etc. The original, idealistic use of the word, is not what they have in mind.
Christianity and Islam were both shaped by Jews. Both were told to oppose 'usury', so Jews had a monopoly of loans which they exploited to the full.
'Socialism' is a perfect example of idealism, taken over by Jews for their own purposes. The original idealists noticed the immense power of then-new machinery and techniques. And wondered if the benefits could be shared. Jews such as Marx wanted benefits just for themselves.
'Capitalism', traditionally undefined and unexplored, is a Jewish expression. Like 'Marxism' it is an extraordinarily affront to common sense. The point is to leave Jewish money power unmentioned. This has been very successful, making full use of money power to control radio, film, TV, books, and 'newspapers'. Even pictures of Marx are doctored to make him look non-Jewish.
In real life, Jews have to use collaborators. Generally they don't have a high opinion of these. Freemasonry is referred to as 'the Mafia of the Mediocre'; the German NSDAP muffled them (and published nothing about them and killed them to keep them quiet; Common Purpose award diplomas after a couple of days, like fake degrees bought over Internet. I recently wondered if Broederbond is an Afrikaans Jew-controlled secret society. Ireland has examples too; it's the reason ‘Sinn Fein’ wants immigration into Ireland. Thanks to revisionist work, it's becoming clear that both China and Japan have secret societies run by Jews. Christianity worked by symbiosis: for about 1,500 years Jews used their urban Kahals to target small groups of 'goyim', while the Christian hierarchy was scattered over the countryside getting their percentage. Rabbis had fierce control over their inferior Jews; Christians propagandised for them in exchange for money.
Freemasons may originally have been travelling masons, but in the centuries that have lapsed since castle- and church-building that organisation has become a secret go-between to arrange money and power: the police were members, and local small businesses. This is somewhat outdated by the growth of big organisations and bureaucracies, so Common Purpose seems to liaise between huge companies and such bureaucracies as local authorities and lawyers.
Such people dominate what's called 'politics'; virtually all parties and their leaders are Jew-influenced, mainly because indefinite money needs to be fed to them. They all seem disposable. Mixed race Colin Powell is said to have died of 'COVID'. Tony Blair is said to have spent time trying to be taken seriously as an expert on peace in the Middle East. Naturally historians and religious figures are forgotten once their propaganda fades.
With practice, it's quite easy to guess which organisations were Jewish inventions, and which were take-overs. Christianity seems to have been taken over millennia ago—the beliefs of early Christians have not survived—Jews are great destroyers of evidence. Many religions—Islam, Quakers, Jesuits—were probably Jewish inventions. In politics, the British 'Labour' party was Jewish; so were such things as the United Nations. Liberals and Conservatives have been completely changed in meaning by Jewish media monopolies in books, newspapers, radio, TV and movies. Most apparently state banks were invented and named by Jews. Many other organisations turn out to be Jewish-controlled: newspaper editorials, trade unions, advertising agencies, reaching unions. The list is endless.
Church of England This is an immense but slippery subject, for centuries a near-monopoly propagandist to English people. I include it here for its links with Jewish superstitions and political propaganda. Readers might like some of my links:–
My view of early Christianity as an offshoot of Jews, partly independent, but with little-recognised connections with, and dependence on, Jews: Early Christianity and the emergence of 'The Bible'. In my view, the links with Jews remained for the life of the Churches, and fatally harmed them.
Moorman's A History of the Church in England looks at the Church (not Protestant at first) and its symbiosis with international Jewry.
The Fairchild Family was a partwork instructive novel aimed to appeal to people who wanted to join the C of E at its high point of influence and money, which it is losing, in my opinion partly because TV news gives direct propaganda in place of intermittent, Sunday, preaching.
The day after Elizabeth II's death, in St Paul's 'cathedral church' in London ('Cathedra' means seat in the 'chairman' sense) we find Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury—a johnny-come-lately to Anglicanism, from a German-Jewish background. Welby replaced the unimpressive and vague Rowan Atkinson—sorry, Williams. Easy mistake to make.. The choir sang strange chords, replacing the simple confident major chords of years ago by ethereal chantings. The congregation were in ordinary clothes; official churchmen wore apparel in increasing dramatic form with increasing status.
The Church of England had a propagandist function—every Sunday every church contained people—there were fines for non-attendance. But some people never went, including Jews, who flooded in towards the end of the 19th century. The TV presentation hints at the Church's power at one time, with sermons and money and threats and lies and official messages on wars. I'd place the slide from public fear to public indifference between the 'Great' War and Second World War. The BBC's far more powerful reach, in radio and then television, eclipsed the Church, but is now, I hope, in serious decline.
It's remarkable to see people, women included, terrified to ask simple questions about Jews, ignoring the Church completely and without qualification.
Archaisms Church history, and State History, is reflected in language and appearance in pageants and processions and solemn events. These appear very well on television; few people will intentionally mock their allotted role.
Some of the language is, or pretends to be, religious, echoing fights of many years back. We have 'duty'. We have 'Lord shepherd'. We have Christian references—ascension, resurrection, father son and holy spirit. We have references to one angry god: 'devotion', God's will, strength, eternity ('world without end'). We have 'grace of God' and graciousness, rather archaic tropes based on discussions on why God should bother with people. We have 'the power and the glory', as in 'send him/her victorious' rhyming with 'glorious'.
'Amen' is the terminator—presumably a salute to Amun in Egypt, thousands of years back.
'Nation' and 'Our nation' no longer fit into state history, as a result of Jews forcing immigration into any country they want to.
Plus, in these TV broadcasts, occasional nasty bits by odd men in fancy dress, on the foolish, those not part of Jesus' life, doomed to Hell and eternal torment.
But archaisms firmly stop at 1066 - Angles, Saxons, Danes, Celts need not apply, with some exceptions—husband, wife, thane, cottar, folk, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... Greeks and Romans remain, a bit.
Archaic Ideas revealed by subtle changes of wording, forgotten by almost everyone, may be identified. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" was in the Lord's Prayer, but was removed for Jewish reasons. The 20th and 21st centuries however have had massive changes, again for Jewish reasons. For example, 'same sex marriage' wording is a tribute to Jewish power.
'God' is referred to as 'the Maker' or 'our Maker' or 'my Maker' in wonderfully archaic terminology. A glimpse of Jewish fantasy is the idea that men are in God's image, or God is in man's image. This simple pre-science is shown up in practice by belief in 'the maker's image' being scattered by sexual reproduction. Selective breeding may have started with the Egyptians, who sometimes had many brother-sister parents. They didn't understand genetics and DNA.
Origin of Hip! Hip! Hooray! —I'll quote from Brewer's Phrase and Fable (not an original edition):–
‘Hip! Hip! Hurrah! The old fanciful explanation ... is that hip is a notarikon ... composed of the initials of Hierosolyma est Perdita, and when the German knights headed a Jew-hunt in the Middle Ages, they ran shouting 'Hip! Hip!' as much as to say 'Jerusalem is destroyed.'
Hurrah ... was derived from Sclavonic hu-raj (to Paradise), so that Hip! Hip! hurrah! would mean 'Jerusalem is lost to the infidel, and we are on the road to Paradise.' These etymons may be taken for what they are worth!’ Brewer gives no sources for his distrusted etymology. He says quite a lot about Lord But I'll shy away from that, and from puzzles relating to ceremonial clothing and styling.
Identifying Jews reliably is not easy. There are many reasons which I'll bullet-point here:–
There are rules within Jews which they seem to like, but are illogical. One is maternal descent which has no basis in genuine genetics, but presumably relies on Jewish women being cooped up at home, while male Jews are encouraged in violence and spoliation and seduction where there is no consideration of victims.
This is just one example of the pre-scientific stupidity of Jews. Another example is their weak understanding of genetics, which to this day leads to inherited diseases. There is therefore no clear dividing-line with Jews, and their secrecy reinforces this fact. In the West, usual identifiers are general appearance and manners, and names sounding German or Polish or Russian, or mimicking other local names. Online name-checking is possible (Miles Mathis being the maître of the genre). If you get some wrong, it's unsurprising and is anyway basically their fault.
Jews dislike being counted and change names if they think they gain. Britain has vast numbers of Jews with British-sounding names. A century back, Hilaire Belloc commented on this (at the time, he mentioned German names imposed on Jews; and Russian names adopted by Jews. He said "This deception must stop" but of course it hasn't
They allow conversion but generally for tactical reasons; nothing to do with religion. A good example is a black 'leader' in South Africa who was allowed secret conversion in exchange for money provided he does what Jews say
Much of the religious material is not what non-Jews would count as 'religious'. The Kol Nidre vow to ignore oaths they make is a good example
They have rabbinical permission to lie if they can benefit and not be caught. They take huge advantage of this permission; perhaps all the big frauds in the world are carried out by Jews. Such artefacts as Anne Frank and Schindler's List and Denial are lies in grand scale
Jewish lives often show characteristics derived from their precepts, and the simple algorithms for behaviour that they rely on. A good example is their attitude to wars where their concern is indirect: they would be uninterested in Britain vs Germany if they weren't involved themselves, in which case they tend to support one side, though in practice things aren't simple.
They are happy to dodge military service (Jacqueline Gold, the founder of Anne Summers, wrote that her dad got out by claiming hay fever). They don't much notice other people's wars—the author of Anne Frank's Diary switched to that after doing US war propaganda work. They often have a revealing emphasis to money: they may claim that climate change will be lethal within ten years, and say they can solve it by making people pay them!
Jews have world-wide impacts. It's hard to believe that Arab countries are fronted by Jews. It was hard for many Americans to understand that the USSR was run by Jews, and Russia's satellite countries. Many Americans couldn't grasp that Cuba was run by Spanish-origin Jews, marranos. Today, Jews in Japan and China still have a low profile. It's possible China has been Jew-controlled for far longer than people may guess, from the evidence of 'Communist China'. Jews in Europe have a chequered history, but many Europeans haven't a clue. Many Jewish activities—running slave-ships and pirates and smuggling and dangerous drugs and fake religions and weapons-running—are kept as secret as possible
Jews have an uncanny habit of supporting each other. Mass media—movies, TV, newspapers, magazines, news, 'fact checking' of the 'Cecil Adams' type—all get mutual support and mass backing, all by pure 'cohencidence', irrespective of truth and quality. (Watching a Mamma Mia DVD of 2018, I thought they supported each other, only because they wanted money from goyim). This is often in extraordinary contrast with other races, which are often venal and treacherous with each other. The Queen's Christmas Day TV broadcast of 2020 included a bland presumption of 'the COVID pandemic', certainly out of her intellectual range.
You, the readers, MUST understand this: or you will not understand (for example) the Second World War and 'Cold War', when the 'players'—USA, USSR, Germanies, Cuba, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia co-operated, while Jewish-owned media in the different countries fed different versions to the inhabitants
It's fair to say, from general observation, that many people, including those in powerful countries, often can't identify Jews. For example, someone called Steve Rosenberg is described as BBC correspondent in Moscow—just a typical example of a Jew in a situation where bias is certain. Some places, such as parts of London, Manchester, and Leeds in the UK, and New York in the USA, get some recognition of Jews by the locals, but this is all rather terrifying. No wonder Jews won the Second World War.
Jewish Religious and Fundamentalist Beliefs emphasise separation from non-Jews, in the most severe sense: they religiously view non-Jews as insignificant animals, worthy of death. Their religious books, which amount to about two volumes of what was the Encyclopædia Britannica, are saturated with discussions of tricking, deceiving, and killing 'goyim', their word for non-Jews. This is often summarised by saying their motto is "Whatever's best for Jews" in the narrowest interpretation. The common thread between Jewish money frauds, Jewish financial frauds, Jewish ship-owners who took Africans to the Americas, Jewish plans for migration, Jewish plans to harm non-Jews, Jewish harm to education, Jews in scattered parts of the world such as Cuba, South Africa, Russian Federation countries, Baltic states; Jewish support for crime and violence, such as freeing dangerous criminals; Jewish legal tricks—innumerable topics—are unforgettable.
Explanation of Jewish beliefs to non-Jews Let me repeat: the best account known to me is a book by Christopher Jon Bjerknes in Beware the World to Come which I've reviewed, and given extracts, at that link.
There are some other sites, but not many, considering the importance of this issue. You may prefer them, but in my opinion Bjerknes leads in his exposition of these mysteriously obsolete and insane ideas. Essentially they are algorithms for Jews to try to control or kill others. They have been remarkably successful, through a combination of great secrecy, and obsessive incomplete detail.
3. Jews in Practical Action, not Theory
Understanding the Importance of Jews as a Threat This section tries to summarise what's known about Jews. Anyone who doesn't understand this is likely to be disadvantaged and at risk. I'm pointing out dangers which may have been getting progressively worse. With a few thousand years to examine, it's not clear if the world situation is at its worst now. Nor is it clear what needs to be done.
To illustrate, consider a simple idealised self-contained non-Jewish community. You expect people with varied habits and careers doing their respective things—farming, fishing, building and maintaining, teaching, driving, educating, doctoring, indoor work, organising—with a spread of ages from birth to death, and 'gender roles'.
But there have been groups partly preying on others. People unaware of Jewish life will be surprised by something like a ghastly parasitic parody of that idealised community. Jews (this is a modern word) have existed for (estimates vary) thousands of years. Probably groups merged in, and groups were lost; full details seem unlikely to ever be known. (DNA is an incomplete record, since each individual only has small fragments from remote ancestors).
Amongst the weird and ancient beliefs, frozen from long-past ages, is Amalek, a tribe, group, city, or nation defined to be the enemy of Jews, even if they never heard of them. To this day we find American-English speakers of middle-east appearance, wearing something like towels, in dread of 'Amalek'.
[Readers might like Kikuyu as an attempt to describe African mentalities. It's quite a long read, and includes Jew limitations. It's not easy to describe differences, because they include deeply-rooted assumptions about the world.]
Let me show the depth of penetration of Jews over thousands of years by a comment from an online site: someone typed the most important event in history is the birth of Jesus. It's astonishing that the progress from inventions, to food, to language and clothing, to law and civilisation, is regarded as less important than an event that never happened. The almost boundless stupidity of so many people is a dismal tribute to Jewish influence over brains. The idea of a 'God' of malevolent hatred is another Jewish contribution to the world—though C J Bjerknes claims Jews feared, not adored their imaginary object. 'Satan' is another of their items.
This may seem a bit apocalyptic. Almost like Armageddon (note the archaic 'end-of-time' words). At the time I type this, Rothschild relatives (including Schwab and Thunberg) in Davos are listening to pitches from venal ranters, all speaking from the same antique set of beliefs. It seems amazing (to people not part of these cultish multiply-reflecting cells) that they discuss ownership of everything for Jews, methods to corral everything they haven't yet got. Or discuss weird sexual oddities. Or schemes of people movements to damage populations. Or plan wars and diseases. But these are all part of Jewish policies, all laid out in their 'holy books' as interpreted by unhealthy-looking inbreds, bearded males, and shrieking females. They have their own 'education' systems, their own habits, their own languages, their more-or-less secret teachings, and immerse themselves in their own media.
It's no surprise that the result is mental inbredness in parallel with inbred bodies. No surprise that they mutter of Messiahs, of history about to yield fruit for Jews, of number signs and word symbols, of strange texts and curious incantations. Enveloped in mental miasma, they rarely think to contradict impossible ideas, such as descent through females, the potency of blood, and the non-existence of race (except for Jews). The dominant types, priestly bearded types in odd robes, perhaps believe their nonsensical constructions; their money may depend on it. Climate change, nuclear power, nuclear weapons (another Jewish fraud), AIDS, SARS, COVID and other errors (going back—the middle ages and beyond—to plagues and leprosy and poisons), flights to the moon, pretending Jews were killed when Jews killed, wars funded from gains from past wars, a thousand pinpricks against rivals—injections, defective food, fluoride, education schemes that don't work, mass structures of lies so complicated they need 'experts' to try to keep track of their stories and try to shape them to be vaguely consistent until they are discreetly dropped.
The Importance of the Jewish Refusal to Answer or Acknowledge A standard policy of Jews is to suppress everything of discredit to Jews. You will simply get no answer. Books will remain unreviewed; Jewish crimes will not be noted; appointed liars will never respond to critics. The more important the issue is to Jew, the more effort will go into inventing evasions and irrelevant replies. Newcomers to this whole issue find this annoying; but they must expect it. In its brief existence of a quarter of a century, the world-wide web has allowed more probing into this question than has probably ever existed, making Jewish commentary is ever-more threadbare.
For example (and I'm deliberately picking difficult examples, likely to be new to readers) questions on the 'Holocaust' will be deflected into endless issues of the Second World War: this and that alleged atrocity, this and that war claim, and so on. Miles Mathis recently posted a piece on Arnold Schwarzenegger, giving evidence his family had Austrian Nazi party members; it's to be expected that no reply will be given. My site hosts a piece on the ADL (Jewish 'Anti-Defamation League') on family connections between Phagan and Frank; there's been no sort of reply. This refusal to reply is very effective where censorship is part of the ambience. It is how Christianity was helped into power. Most websites have commenters posting long-refuted errors, and the monitors, if any, don't correct them. It's the reason I've put (below) a query about formal logic in situations where part of the argument is intentionally missing.
The Potential Importance of Oral Testimony and Objects from the Past Jews make a point of systematically destroying evidence of the past which they don't like. An everyday example now is media showing fakes picture of the present and past as populated by blacks and others. I see that Spielberg has announced a new movie, no doubt as trashy his others. Here's a link to a short comment by 'East Londoner' on the Second World War which gives some idea of hidden realities. There may be value in storing old records and testimonies. They may survive; I'm told the British Library has leaflets from the English Civil War, but it seems unlikely to me that many would have been allowed to survive. Similarly I expect leaflets about Ireland will have been destroyed. And e.g. information about the Vietnam War would mostly not survive.
Between the First and Second World Wars, 'Mass Observation', run by Tom Harrisson, tried to survey public opinion in the UK. It's an obvious likelihood that Harrisson (spelling sic) ran it and was funded by Jews. Here's my article on 1945-1975 Jewish crooks to show the sort of thing which is routinely censored. Related issues include local authority council housing going to immigrants imported by Jewish pressure groups. And loans for housing targeting non-Britons.
What follows is a collection of examples of Jewish power. This sort of thing is what we all face. I've arranged them loosely, to suggest different styles and types:–
What are Organisations for? Watch for missing foundations: “An organization is a set of people... combined in ... activities directed to common ends. ... The purpose of an organization may be explicit or unexpressed, conscious or unconscious; it may be military or political, economic or religious, educational or athletic, and so on.” From Power by Bertrand Russell.
Note the smuggled supposition, that there is just one purpose in any organization. In fact, there may be several; and the set of people may not be combined—many members may not know one or more purposes.
Jews have often added their own secret purposes to unsuspecting groups. A perfect example is political parties, which are controlled from high levels to get their own way, for example wars.
Why do Jews hate 'Aristotelian Logic'?
A bit of theory. The diagram (right) is typical of modern logic. Set A is a tightly-defined set; so is B. The numbers of each are fixed artificially, as with playing cards. Bayes' Theorem is usually given a complicated thing; but the probability of A given that B is known to be true is in fact simple enough.
Jews like to be hard to identify—how many Jews can you identify reliably?—and traditionally lie, change names, use bribery and corruption and blackmail. To diagram the proportion of Jews engaged in covert activity, both circles A and B in the diagram have to be vague or ambiguous or renamed, not sharply-defined and precise.
In my view, logical analysis must be extended to include cases where evidence is completely suppressed. If you can see ways to do this, let me know—I'll put them here!
Note on 'hate speech'. Jewish hatred has been a permanent feature for millennia. But 'hate speech' has to have an 'identifiable group' as a target. BUT Jews make considerable efforts to be not identifiable. So 'hate speech' is problematic and in fact Jews have a problem trying to make it apply to everyone except themselves. Enhancing formal logic may help clarify problems; and I hope it will.
To see how name-changing is used by Jews, consider Jews and the vocabulary they use to handle arguments on the 'right of self-determination':–
Denying Americans the right to self-determination = anti-racism.
Denying Jews the right to self-determination = anti-Semitism.
The movement for self-determination of Jews = Zionism
The movement for self-determination of Americans = White Supremacy
Jewish Allies —
It's important to understand that Jewish 'allies' are picked only if usefulness for Jews continues. Examples:
[1] "Jews are your friends!" - to blacks. Usually means: Jews want blacks for the present to form an apparent united front against whites. BLM are paid to destroy for as long as they are thought to be useful to Jews.
[2] "Jews are allies with Muslims!" - means Jews want Muslims to behave how Jews want. Islam was invented by Jews to provide force, and for such purposes as to open city gates in Spain to kill whites, but if they become obstructions they will be dropped, as in the Ottoman Empire for example.
[3] "Jews are natural allies with Christians!" - Sounds strange now, but in Victorian times in both the UK and USA Jews slipped unnoticed into important positions; and most whites thought different interests between English-speaking countries and Jews were unimaginable.
[4] "Jews are natural allies of the USA and always will be!" - means that at one time the USA seemed boundlessly big and rich with raw materials which whites would exploit at low cost. But when the USA is fully taxed, mortgages, and owned, the 'alliance' with cease.
[5] Jews claim to want free speech—when Jews are controlled. But if they get it, they oppose free speech on Jew-approved topics like race and multiculturalism.
Simple Set of Examples: Watching Christmas TV in Britain 2022. Just a few things I noticed.
• RNLI (National Lifeboat] advert, because people don't want to pay for a sea taxi for illegals. (".. charity .. these are real voices... donations..") [but not mountain rescue!]
• ad for the Advertising Standards Association [SAS] saying all ads must be legal, decent, honest, truthful. So it doesn't even pass its own test • Martin Shaw and other ever-older actors. This is the first era in human history with realistic images of younger selves. The Harry Potter actors are other examples.
• TV fiction killers, including child abuse, murder, dead bodies investigations, murders by a white girl annoyed by her dad. And generally investigations showing nets of whites with criminal secrets. Nore 'white'; there are no black or Jewish equivelants, although they dominate statistically. And nothing on Jew corruption, opioids, tracing of multiple Jewish frauds.
• Repeats: black superiors, women bosses, in TV 'drama'.
• 'Gambling aware' warnings with immense Jewish money behind things like online bingo.
• Comic ads pretending blacks invented medical science.
• Blacks in pathetic mimicry of past ages.
• Old psy operations from the past: Damien Lewis trying to imitate Michael Caine in some 'Cold War' absurdity. Black extras, eerie copy of TV run by Jews.
Jewish Fakery:
• BBC was founded by Jews, as a radio company.
• The Church of England was taken over by Jews after it was invented from Roman Catholicism.
• The Bank of England was founded by Jews.
• Feminism was taken over or re-invented by Jews, with for example no interest in prostitution or child abuse of young whites.
• Anti-racism is an obviously fraudulent Jewish idea, since they insist on their own racial supremacy.
• Anti-slavery and abolition of slavery is another obvious fraud by Jews: they owned slave-ships, and compensation was paid to Jewish ex-slave-owners.
• Possibly most important was the takeover of socialism and republicanism. Marx did his best to complicate issues. But in practice the Jewish coup in Russia overtook all that.
• Bertrand Russell's anti-nuclear and Vietnam War activities were taken over by (among many) Ralph Schoenman and Cyrus Vance [Canadian Jewish billionaire].
• Comcast, owner of MSNBC, has or had CEO Brian L Roberts. Such hierarchical info is not in the 'mainstream'.
• A fascinating possibility is that world human population figures have been largely faked, for political reasons. I'm unsure. But here's a debate which typically was some years past. A serious issue which the media controllers don't like.
‘Cohencidences’ and other Jewsworthy Connections. Examples of their Huge Variety! Why Not Look for Yourself? Media 'Cohencidences'
Ad agencies
diaries and eg insertion of jewish approved dates such as mayday and labor day. And also omissions. Nothing on Jewish calendar to allow people to deduce and compare
Guidebooks: jew fakes, art fakes, war fakes
Publishing: links to newspapers, magazines, books
jews blacks in midsummer Norton
tv ads - TV ad for a charity pretending a young girl is worried about her friend at school.
womens football
jew news agencies
advert for ancestry.com "A young girl made to work [Rothschilds are not made to work, but ensure whites are!] joined the suffragette movement [Pankhust supported WW1 as did 'Labour' [cp Mathis on families]
FILM MEDIA 1997 airforce one kazakhstan, iraq, extreme russian nationalist on capitalism and imperialism Oldman token blacks and women - Harrison Ford as president "fixed policy never to negotiate with terrorists"/ 1986 movie with cruise as #1 top gun [inc joke about taxpayer owned]
Money 'Cohencidences' http://historyreviewed.best/index.php/the-super-rich-are-richer-than-you-think-money-is-being-hidden-like-crazy/
"Since 1992, the U.S. has offered Israel an additional $2 billion annually in loan guarantees. Congressional researchers have disclosed that between 1974 and 1989, $16.4 billion in U.S. military loans were converted to grants and that this was the understanding from the beginning. Indeed, all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by Congress"
So, according to Jan Lamprecht of Rhodesia and South Africa, Biden claims to have steered the US economy into its 'best-ever' situation. Lamprecht indignantly comments on US poverty, homelessness, price inflation, anti-white legislation. illegals that Biden is letting in highest ever seen in one year. But, if you grasp that Biden's handlers only care about Jews, the impetus behind the speechwriters is clearer.
Organisations Unexpectedly Dominated by Jews 'Unexpected' to newcomers, that is. The BBC is a good example; many people claim it's unbiased, which turns out to be nonsense. Examples are scattered through this site (see my media reviews but as simple examples consider Dimbleby who helped with the 'Holocaust' fraud, Attenborough, who at one point controlled all TV news including such things as the 'Cold War' and Vietnam War 'news'. The BBC announced the 'atom bomb' and still keeps up the pretence today. The entire issue of alien immigration was controlled. I noted on 5 April 2023 BBC 'news' had someone called Huw Edwards reading his script about sex offenders. All the images were whites! There's a BBC thing called 'Who Do You Think You Are' (since 2005 or earlier) a compendium of unacknowledged Jews who do not say how they got here. Ian Hislop, Bill Oddie, David Baddiel, Moira Stewart (mixed race script-reader). Typical Jews are Stephen Fry, basically a fat queer, and Tony Robinson who sometimes fronts things about Britain, naturally giving only a Jewish view. Portillo is a similar example, from a different (Portuguese/Spanish) tradition.
English Heritage and the National Trust and even garden magazines have painfully, ridiculous levels of Jew censorship. English Heritage's monthly thing is festooned with pictures of non-English people and never mentions such things as the Dutch/Jewish invasion of England, so the 'Civil War' losers are buried. The National Trust similarly doesn't discuss the roots of rich families since the 17th century. Or issues such as taxation and land-ownership and once-widespread traditions.
I noticed a consumer-advice magazine and a supposed society for the intelligent as high Jewish input. It must be a shock for many innocent people to discover the prevalence of Jews. 100 years ago Hilaire Belloc thought the 'cat is out of the bag', but he was a hopelessly gullible Roman Catholic.
Foundation and Progress of the 'Labour Party' Labour started with Jewish funding; in effect Jewish paper money (and other scams) funded 'Labour' in about the year 1900. The 'Conservative Party' in UK first recognised party in 1834; the 'Liberal Party' founded in 1859, by Lord John Russell, according to Wikipedia. No doubt Russell colluded with Jews, though I haven't tried to check in great detail. It was dissolved in 1988.
The emotional mainspring of Labour was Keir Hardie, a Scot, who preached against poor housing, and other things. Or at least that's the story. But he was submerged by careerists. Labour became dominated by MPS, all giving their kids public school education. The Labour Party did nothing about the Boer Wars, and supported the two wars nominally against Germany, of course in what Jews thought were their interests.
The 1945 Labour Party victory, often falsely described as a 'landslide', removed Churchill, which must have been some indication of dislike of Churchill. The 'Labour' party planned coloured immigration even before 1945. Labour only got in in 1964 because many conservatives disliked Conservative policy. Labour has at least three suspicious deaths: Gaitskell and John Smith and Robin Cook. Tony Blair is now known to have been funded all along by Jews; to replace Thatcher and her successor 'John Major', PM from 1990-1997. (Incidentally a good piece on John Major was written in 2019 by the Texan Miles Mathis).
'Must not forget the UK Labour party led by that Zionist shill Keir Starmer... . The UK Labour Party has hired a former Israeli spy to help manage its social media, The Electronic Intifada can reveal. Assaf Kaplan will work in the office of Labour leader Keir Starmer, a source with knowledge of the hire said. On unz.com, an obviously Jewish misinfo site.
Individuals Unexpectedly Dominated by Jews I was amused to see a video interview with John Pilger with white-haired haggard make up, probably to suggest what he was a Jew concerned with other people. Chomsky ditto, the Jews promoting him forever seem to be trying less hard. Fascinating to see Roger Waters with some bald chap, talking on 1948 Human Rights and love for everyone, not mentioning Jews or the obvious problem in loving Jews who hate. Another was May of Queen, married to a Jew and permitting videos which never mention the roots of Freddie Mercury's family religion, or the AIDS, homosexual, and Jewish medical and charity links.
I note on TV A film season of 'British' films. I'm reminded of J K Rowling saying she wanted British actors, presumably meaning Jews.
Progress in Identifying Jews Thanks to Internet, ancestries can be found which at one time needed access to remote libraries, special permissions, and so on. But ancestries are of special interest to Jews, and may be hidden, but are unlikely to be tampered with, unless they can be encoded secretly. Individuals can be 'scrubbed' but often can be found, as there are very many family trees out there. The great master of online investigations is Miles Mathis, who writes that anyone can do this, though almost nobody does.
As one completely random example, I watched (or at least noticed) a TV thing on Erskine Childers, who is said to have written The Riddle of the Sands. Was Childers Jew-related? Was his book part of the push for war between Britain and Germany? I don't know; but it's easier to investigate than at any tie in history. Another random example: I watched some video of an alleged Jewish comedienne, Heather Macdonald, apparently collapsing. I was struck by her resemblance to Fiona Bruce, evidently groomed as a BBC front-person. How Jewish is Fiona Bruce? It's highly likely, as the BBC takes no chances with its deceptions.
Yet another example is William Godwin (1756-1836), and his book on political justice, usually presented as a searching enquiry into property and religion. He was mentioned in passing in a recent piece by Miles Mathis. It struck me that he might be another more-or-less naturalised' Jew secretly wanting property, but only for Jews, at the expense of everyone else. I haven't tried to investigate (or to re-read his stuff) but it is likely enough to be true.
Progress in Discovering Laws and Patterns in Jewish Activities Jews support trivial changes to conceal slow changes of genuine power brokers. I'm thinking of Rothschilds etc remaining, while nominal leaders, speakers, aristocrats, writers, 'spiritual' types, silly ideas people, and movements, police, nominal protestors come and go. There must be Biblical examples, though I know of nobody who has analysed the stories in a systematic way.
'Democracy' in its Jewish version: At first, people like Bentham suggested the idea in pompous format. Then London Jews wanted simple recognition for their 'rights'. Then Jews embedded in previously white institutions on top of their Cromwell-introduced money . Finally, they aim for reducing what the locals call their rights, and so far have gained control.
Example of Mandela starting with Jewish lawyers. Then Jewish media agitation against Apartheid, with world-wide campaigns in countries Jews thought susceptible. Mandela's Jewish supporters were never identified or punished. Eventually there were supposed black takeovers, in fact, like the USSR, fronts for Jews. Despite the intellectual weakness of blacks. Finally, murders of white farmers, mostly unreported.
Example: England after Cromwell: Changes introduced hoping to hide Jews. After Cromwell, the 'Lords Spiritual' must have been composed largely of Jews or men advised by Jews, however remotely. In this way their essential Jewishness was partly hidden. Similarly for the vast expense of printing and publishing the huge copies of the wholly alien English versions of the Holy Bible.
Introducing immigrants, however incompatible into white countries. Part of this policy appears to be to allow Jews to plead they are just another 'minority'. (But main reasons are to push up costs of benefits, costs of housing, taxes, to direct money from whites to Jews.)
Internet is offering scope in comparing and contrasting human eras. It's true, but not very helpful, to say "Jews tell lies all the time." What's needed is perception of patterns. A lot of people are being awakened to this. It's clear to many that loans to governments are part of the whole process of making wars, out of which Jews made money (and still are). People interested in the rise and fall of entire civilisations will probably start to factor in Jews. The whole question of the rise of money in prehistory needs reviewing. The theory of three-way conflicts with A against B plus Jews influencing both sides needs work. The possibilities of within-species parasitism should be investigated by biologists. The possibilities of detaching ordinary Jews from the 'priestly' type should be investigated. These are just a few of many research projects which I hope will be started. It is possible that a new intellectual era will begin, relegating Jewish media to a discarded junk heap, and outdating the few millennia which have now past. Maybe they and their collaborators will get a few dismissive chapters at some remote time. The human species has far more time ahead than it had in the past as a species.
Progress in Inspiring Jew-Naive People Today, many millions of people cannot or dare not question the myths promoted by Jews. The misinformation has been astonishingly successful, from the viewpoint of Jews and their collaborators. It seems entirely possible that no recovery from Jewish lies will ever happen, as is clearly the hope of much of the 'elite'.
But there are many who have never been shown the evidence against Jews, since of course it is routinely censored. I'm thinking for example of Peter Wright, who co-wrote Spycatcher, and, as my careful review shows, had not the slightest suspicion over Jews. Another example is my friend Ivor Catt, who, about twenty years ago, puzzled over the high proportion of homosexuals in English Cabinet posts. It needed some knowledge of Jewish policies—now 'flowering' into Lesbian/'Gay'/Bisexual etc funded absurdity—to grasp the reason.
Some apparently Jew-naive people are liars, and have been coached that way. A good example is Jordan Peterson, who is not naive about Jews, having been coached by Soros. His 'multi-million copy bestseller' 12 Rules for Life as my review shows is filled with examples of faked books by Jews.
Here's an account of 'sayanim', doing their best to lie to the dumb 'goyim'.
Education 'Cohencidences'
jewish money
mps in rhodesia weren't paid --> jews can fund people and oust normals
nonprofit doesn't mean doesn't make money; does but not claimed to be profit
charities now only disburse interest!
unions example where leaders covertly paid work hours which workers can't -- eg actors. teaching unions health workers union leaders in UK and transport union leaders and industry leaders can carry out jew policies eg rubbish tv and movies, rubbish news, various health frauds allowed, prison frauds allowed, illegal immigrants frauds etc
Vice, Drugs, Addiction, Gambling, Crime 'Cohencidences' Sassoons and opium in China, grown in India
Sackler and family interests in Oxycontin
Fentanyl. George Floyd had deadly levels of fentanyl in his system, Article by Miles Mathis though he seems wrong on deaths: people being murdered don't plead to be killed and offer more money than they can afford to be killed
All this on the golden triangle and Afghanistan
Forgery 'Cohencidences'
Many examples from the art world. Possible explanation from lack of creativity plus mimicry
Crime and Law 'Cohencidences' clear-up rate for police of burglaries and child violence near zero/ crime and violence - criminals in russia let out etc. BLM. US bombers. South Americans. Abused children.
In Telford [uk], there has been a dereliction of duty by the police, the courts, the media, welfare services, politicians, civil servants, teachers, and others.
legal system: ordinary lawyers but also deep state 'shakespearean' types
And people like us know exactly which ethnicity created the three evils that results in the mass rape of our most vulnerable children: the invasion of Muslims, the enforcement of P.C. and the Sexual Revolution that wrecked the protective families the girls came from, and encouraged mass sluttery.
Science, Technology, Health, and War 'Cohencidences'
Used for threats and crises; eg the worldwide fake crisis of Cuba 1962.
'nuclear power' a fake; see dumpload and secrecy info. actual generation from coal, gas, and some wind/ waterfall
fantastic long-term fraud.
Gas supposedly from Russia and Putin. Only 3% of supply to UK. '$10m a day burned' Finance - company ownerships, spread over consumers, rules if any for profit - are kept obscure.
Gas and energy - electric cars problems - price rises with no info on who gains - AND myth of nukes AND myth of nuke power
power cuts called 'load shedding'
Healthcare 'Cohencidences' • COVID and obvious dismissal by Osman ('Boris Johnson') - cp black death and jews. ... and note how Roman Catholicism gives support to Jews.
• During the entire period of Jewish-with-Christian chaos, medicine was dominated by Galenic ideas
• I suspect COVID truth movements are infiltrated by, or set up by, Jewish-funded controlled opposition. A possible example is Dolores Cahill, who specifically referred to the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, which is a Jew-suppressed supposed exposé mimicking None Dare Call It Treason. She may be from Marrano Jew ancestry. And is presently timewasting with meterial on lawfulness, legality, and other irrelevancies, not COVID.
• Sackler opium-based drug Oxytocin example
Social and Community 'Cohencidences'
Money: McNee shocked with wasteful costs of third-rate 'education', such as 'look-say'. She seemed unable to understand that the third-rate teachers who received the money welcomed it.
Money: vast amounts spent on blacks in the USA, nominally for their education and re-education and extra education. The teachers were pleased to accept the money, although the 'education' proved useless.
joff on london forum on housing for immigrants
deliberate omission of immigrants from discussions on housing shortages
Jewish Actions Religious and Pseudo-Religious 'Cohencidences' Large Groups Affected by Jews ACTORS
Business People Affected by Jews Freemasons, Common Purpose, Loans and Finance
Muscle People Affected by Jews
Borrowing for foreign aid - borrow paper money from jews, to give away to foreign powers guided by Jews to be spent on jew-controlled goods or services
liverpool slavery thing missing jew shipowners - 48M blacks in USA [self-identified blacks]
christiansfortruth.com popular site inc jew discussion
secret societies - french bbc italian germans masons quakers jews
scottish slaughter poss jews
Real or supposed war with Ukraine. Note on Ukrainian Jews. Famine and deaths 1930s? 100 years later many survivors know. Hence Ukrainian Jews refugees
--King: Jukraine has NOT been a "democracy" since its elected leader was overthrown by a violent CIA-Mossad coup in 2014 and the Russia-friendly parties banned. Putrid Paulie KNOWS this but deceitfully describes the Jew Oligarch-installed Kiev gangster state as a "democracy" anyway.
Putin as target of propaganda; understand putin is aware of this and part of it.
Silly mistakes by Jews, relying on locals not checking them? E.g. impossibility of a hollow aluminum airplane slicing through steel beams as thick as treetrunks. That's what Trump said, and no doubt helps explain why Jews rage against Trump, though not being clear why they rage.
- Global climate: complications with measuring temperatures (underground, underwater, clouds, shade..), air circulation, eruptions etc. Mason's talk was good on this. Then 'computer models' which were far too crude to model the situation. But Jews simplicity caused them to run with this ball.
- God in man's image a long-term error, since man can't move swiftly, communicate with everyone, etc. God choosing a tribe of people is another weak point, like a sore in the mythology of jews.
-Electricity: electrical generation, thermodynamics, batteries, cables, smart meters, electric cars etc need comprehension which may be beyond the capacity of typical Jews, preoccupied with absurd beliefs. South Africa has endless problems, with supplies cut off and costs soaring. It's terrifyingly possible that Jews will destroy techniques because of their malice and misunderstanding and cause worldwide disaster.
-Australia: Jews were at one point fervent republicans, in favour of getting rid of the Monarch. But as it became clear that Elizabeth II was both long-lived and stupid, Jews switched to supporting that Monarchy.
- Supporting new religions by funding 'leaders'. Christianity and Islam were both invented and then encouraged in this way. Subsequent religions include splinters in both Christianity and Islam, but also such novelties as Jesuits, Quakers, Mormons. All this helped make Jews less visibly tribal.
- Jews like their children to live from birth in target countries. In this way their voices and general appearance are hard to distinguish from locals. The difference - family and tribal and Rabbinical stuff absorbed from synagogues, is their little sleeper secret
NEW trump and 9/11 buildings and planes; not in loop? error? planned? allows shrieking banshee witches to scream
NEW Italy, Meloni mathis on benito mussolini and meloni video on mussolini far right
Overview of Jews and Economics
checklist of major economic rip-off instauration april 1982 p 12
education healthcare construction - lawyers military bankers labor unions tax distortions and exemptions
4. Jewish Intentional Errors in History & Science
4.1 Fake History is Mostly Imposed by Jews
Fake history is a huge subject, dating back to the Old Testament and no doubt beyond. It's possible it will succeed in erasing all truth. Examples include:
9/11 (i.e. September 11th 2001 in New York) was a set of small explosions, not significant by war standards, but has led to a vast increase in awareness (I believe; this may be wrong, however) largely because it coincided with the popular development of Internet. just after 9/11 and forest of 'stars' (eg the 'Frasier' actor!) on need to fight 'terrorism' - instant emails about bin laden
Trump said on commonsense grounds that he didn't believe a plane designed to operate in air- could possible slice through massive steel girders.
https://www.realhistorychan.com/dancing-israelis.html jewish 'holidays' eg purim celebrating 9/11 - and 'labor day', mayday etc for goys. NB diary printers pres jewish.
9/11 [*** Odigo which is believed to be a Mossad front company paging its Jewish clients and warning them not to go into work in the WTC that day.
There is a lot of propaganda about this, but actually no more than 1 jew maximum died.
Just do a web search on “odigo”‘+”9/11”.
As others have shown, Y!A blocks links to sites which point to Zionist and Israeli involvement in 9/11.
/ 9/11 There much more evidence such as the ‘five dancing Israelis’ and the “urban moving systems” another Mossad front company implicated in the events. / http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/arrested_israelis2.html /The then owner of the WTC Larry Silverstein ***]
/ 9/11 truth movement 'led' by richard gage, a jew
'Good Jew' eg Unz feeding crap - nobody named jews in 9/11
Crypto-currency, bitcoin could be new internet-based currency?
US Civil War Vietnam War Second World War 'nazi and other multiple issues in ww2 poss heaviest censored maybe with science frauds only higher for tech reasons - usually with controlled oppositions. give example of hexzane527 link, censored by occidentalobserver and perhaps c yeager + review of Basil Liddell Hart
'January 6th Insurrection'
4.2 Fake Science is Mostly Imposed by Jews
Simple examples salt in food, look-say reading and writing, Hillman cell biology,
COVID AIDS back to the Black Death and other plagues two year lockdown to harm many countries [amusing to people in the know such as boris 'johnson' in his shambling mimicry of a jewish sex dealer]
Electric Examples: From Faraday, we have had about 200 years of the most fantastic development in electricity, including radio waves, television, sound recording and processing, electrical power generation from car ignition to vacuum cleaners, portable batteries, and digital electronics from 'mice' to flat screens and data storage. Probably the transistor, which allows electricity to be trapped physically, was the most important invention. The Internet incorporates most of these things. One has to wonder if anyone understands Internet fully; can it be turned off, for example? Its use of packet-switching and searching for open channels suggests perhaps not.
Education eg schools supporting 'transitioning' of children for change of sex - pronouns etc - counselling etc
WOKE Woke is an English adjective meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" that originated in African-American Vernacular English. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.
ja-robert winston science gatekeeper
cheating in exams - india, ?malaysia, USA from hillman - cheating in liddell hart -jewish cheats
5. Modern Political Parties as Jewish Puppets.
NEW truss and chancellors. black kwasi sacked. no talk of jewish paper money. absurd talk between chris someone and truss. Laura Kuenssberg (born 1976) Laura Juliet Kuenssberg is a British journalist. She succeeded Nick Robinson as political editor of BBC News in July 2015,
Britain's modern politics started with the victory of Jews at the time of Cromwell, when their financial power over the City of London was imposed by Jewish money in the Netherlands. This is 'modern' in the sense used by Oxford and Cambridge, related to the discovery and penetration of the New World since 1492, for which Britain, a large island off the coast of Europe, was more useful than some Mediterranean state.
The 19th century (1800s) showed tremendous achievements, including the steam engine, with land and sea and river transport, and static engines, which incidentally tended to made slavery obsolete. Jews started to be accepted in official positions (as described by Hilaire Belloc about 1920), but by common Jews in a planned surge into the English-speaking world.
This was the moment when 'democracy' was reinvented. The full theory was of course lacking, but such people as Jeremy Bentham and Tom Paine sketched some outlines. I think it's fair to say that Jews at that time wanted 'democracy' so they could be accepted; and they intended that later, Jews would take over—in the 'post-democratic' age.
Conservative PartyBoris Johnson (as far as I know, his surname was derived from Osman, probably escaping with loot from massacres in Armenia). He was recently voted out—nominally for partying during the fake 'pandemic'. His 'achievements' included the two-year fake COVID fraud: "we delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe, ... 70% of the entire population [supposedly] got a dose within six months." Another 'achievement' was a decision to pay for a 'nuclear power plant', I think Sizewell, another fraud, and continuing to import immigrants using the RLNI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute). The Conservatives also "got Brexit done". 'hexzane527' suggests that Brexit is intended to divide Britain from Europe in preparation for another World War for Jews, involving Europe and Moslems. Boris was educated at Eton, a Thames-side school in Windsor; some biographies were written by I think the Headmaster at Eton, providing misinformation for silver. Another 'Conservative' achievement was to leave an economic mess, for non-Jews.
His successor so far, the outcome supposedly of excitable voting, is Liz Truss, who did PPE (politics, philosophy, and Economics) at Oxford, suggesting political ambition. (Here's my look at PPE). Truss' father is a Professor of Maths at Leeds University, in a crushingly dull-sounding department. Leeds, like Manchester, has its 'community' of Jews. This suggests Truss is a Leeds equivalent to Thatcher's Finchley. Like Thatcher, she is allegedly very Christian, whereas her dad sounds like a 'leftie' Jew.
Jewish Year Book (1996) entry for India
Rishi Sunak has Jewish money connections with Goldman Sachs. In my view, it is saddening and tragic that Britain's long history with India, and later with the Islamic chunks of India, is so little known of, in the same way that Jewish activity in China and Japan goes unmentioned.
Sunak claimed to be Hindu, but perhaps (via Kenya) a Moslem from times before Pakistan had been invented. He did PPE. infosys buys up things not in india, presumably because it has cheap labour.
Indian in Canada, Frank Raymond, on Jews in the USSR
NB sunak believes in global warming and money (COP27 meeting)
hyderabad, chennai, gurgaon
As far as I know, Miles Mathis is the only person who deals with Britain's East India Company (mostly in what's now Bangla Desh, which was Bengal) despite its instructive importance. India has 28 states plus 8 or 9 'union territories': it's a federation with large numbers of peasants, not that different from the USA's simple religious types. Perhaps. Here's my article on India (including Amartya Sen and his Rothschild wife).
6. Jewish Empire. 'British' Empire and 'Commonwealth' and American Empire.
In addition to the tens of millions displaced by U.S. military actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria, the report notes that millions more have been displaced by “smaller combat operations, including in: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia.”
NEW silent empire of jews worldwide
Media Empire
This by-product of printing and literacy, and of photography and videography, now affects even poor countries. India and Nigeria both have big film industries ('big' in a relative sense). Printed propaganda seems to be Jew-dominated—including both China and Japan. Connoisseurs of comparative bullshit may have noted the case of Nwelue, who has some minor publishing concern and a foundation or trust or something to advertise him. He became notorious for his supposed connections with Oxford and Cambridge, who hadn't (or couldn't) checked his claims. Oxbridge is of course under the thumb of Jewry, and has been certainly since the 17th century. Africa now has cash prizes for their promotees. Just like Penguin books—my examples are 1908-1993.
'... this [inflation, corruption in China with Hong Kong as Jewish offshore base] was all happening on the heels of China's government opening up the country to international investment [by] the Phienician billionaires. It's their standard template for agrarian countries: first they stage a fake Marxist revolution ... to usher in industrialization on a mass scale, then they begin to "reform" their system with "free" market principles, meaning they slowly transfer their newly created industrial complex from the government to private interests—that is, to themselves. That way, they saddle the taxpayers with the upfront cost of industrializing, and then they come in on the back end to privately siphon off all the profits in the name of free markets and democracy. They profit at both stages, the communist and the capitalist stage. ...' [FromThe Tiananmen Square Massacre Was Staged by Sum Ting Wong (the only joke in the paper!), 23 Dec 2022 hosted by Miles W Mathis.
The Monarch's handlers influence the far-flung (((British))) Empire. Canada has had passed some legislation—it's not just Jimi Hendrix who signs piles of papers without reading them—making intelligent comment on the Jewish Holocaust fraud actionable. As far as I know, the Queen and her handlers have done and will do nothing. Incidentally, there's some entertainment value watching Trudeau in his suit acting in front of his mirroring crew. And Australia has now something analogous.
... Changes after the victory of Jews in WW2
American Empire examples of increasing awareness two online talks
Richard Weaver - The Southern Tradition at Bay: A History of Postbellum Thought
New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1968 based on his 1943 dissertation. ['Thought' seems to be first-hand accounts of battles and thoughts. nothing on money and jews and secret organizations and religions] | "Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve” by John Remington Graham
'americans return to the democratic principles of the past' - jewish imposition - the Constitution of States, not 'we the people' - ignores rothschilds
7. Gas, Water, Electricity. ... And 'Nuclear'
SEYMOUR HERSH popularised as believing nordstream explosion. BUT he's just another jew liar. time of russell's death: he wrote to U thant --- ... It has been reported widely that the Pentagon is considering the establishment, with the support of the White House, of its own War Crimes Commission. The result of this would be a foregone conclusion. Scapegoats would be found whilst the greatest culprits, the architects of the policy, and the true scale of the crimes would be ignored. A narrow definition of war crimes would be adopted which overlooked the indiscriminate use of napalm and fragmentation bombs. ...
?pinkville datet
nick griffin on seymour hersh on gas pipeline explosion
Mention https://www.worldwater.org/
Ilya Doronov: “Did we build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for no reason?”
Vladimir Putin: “No, we do not build anything for no reason. We received the necessary technology and we did our work properly. If necessary, we will put Nord Stream 2 into operation. If this matter is of interest to you, I can talk about it in more detail, however, I would prefer not to waste time on it.”
Ilya Doronov: “No, you said a lot on the topic, you said we were ready and the pipeline had been built.”
Vladimir Putin: “Nord Stream 1 is practically closed, and everyone is saying: ‘Russia is using its energy weapon.’ More nonsense and rubbish. What weapon are we using? We supply as much gas as our partners need, as much as they order. We are not pumping gas into the air but supplying the amount ordered. We fill the orders that we receive.
What has happened? The operation of one of the two gas pipelines running across Ukraine was suspended by Ukraine for a made-up reason, alleging that there was no control over it. They closed it themselves. It was not us who closed it, Ukraine did it. This is my first point.
Another pipeline, Yamal–Europe, runs across Poland. Poland imposed sanctions on this gas pipeline and suspended its functioning. Was it us who did this? No, the Poles did it. The Ukrainians did it and the Poles.
Regarding Nord Stream 1, our German partners have agreed that all technical aspects of Nord Stream 1, including the maintenance of gas-pumping turbine units, are subject to British law because—I myself was unaware of this and learned about this from Mr Miller—Gazprom had to sign a contract for the maintenance of these units made by Siemens not with the Siemens main office but with its subsidiary based in the United Kingdom, which slapped sanctions on Gazprom, and agreed to repair the turbines at a Siemens plant in Canada.
What do we have to do with all of that? Canada finally took it but yielded to numerous requests coming from Germany and gave it to Germany, whereas under an agreement with a Siemens subsidiary in the UK, the turbines were to be shipped straight to St Petersburg. Logistics arrangements have changed and the contract has to be revised. The British-based Siemens subsidiary will not even respond to Gazprom’s inquiries.
You can take as many photos with the turbine as you want, but give us the documents, for crying out loud. This is our property. We need to understand the legal status of this property and its technical condition. They give us nothing but chit-chat.
The last turbine is now out of order, so Siemens representatives came to look at it. There is an oil leak, which is an explosion and fire hazard. There is no way for the turbine to remain operational given its current condition. Give us the turbines, and we will turn on Nord Stream 1 overnight. They do not give us anything. They say we are weaponising it. What are they talking about? They themselves messed things up big time and are now not sure what to do about it. They drove themselves into a sanctions dead end.
There is only one way out. In Germany, people are rallying to turn on Nord Stream 2. We are supportive of the demands by German consumers and we are ready to turn it on as early as tomorrow. All we need to do is press the button, but we are not the ones who imposed sanctions on Nord Stream 2. It was done under pressure from the United States. Why is it exerting pressure? Because it wants to sell its gas for a pretty penny. We are aware of the position of the former US administration as well. They said, ‘Yes, we sell at a higher price, but let them buy ours because we offer them protection.’ Let them buy then if they choose to. We will sell our product.”
electricity cuts 'up to 3 hours' for winter 2022 attributed to 'war in ukraine'
various accounts of gas pipeline cut from russia with e.g. claim that only 3% of british gas comes from russia
Looks as though the fraud of nuclear power is combining with pressure against coal and on wind 'farms'
Evening substandard says UK get 3% of gas from Russia. It seems electricity.... problems with electric vehicles... charging points ... length of time to charge ... purchase by jews of things worldwide - [tempted to call them "assets" but - . Bill Gates of Pic Nic food distribution in Netherlands. most people understand wages; fewer understand total payroll; even fewer net company profits; still fewer valuation of entire organisations; fewer invention of money
Putin and gas water and crops, pollution. Nuclear power as a long-term myth with evils to come
8. Gorbachev's Death
August 2022 Gorbachev's death reported. Repeated claims have been made that Gorbachev was responsible for 'the fall of Communism in 1990'. What really happened?
Many people still haven't understood that worldwide control of media companies by Jews has suppressed the taking over of Russia by Jews after the First World War (at the time, the 'Great War') allowed world-wide Jews to use their money power in accordance with Talmudic and other, even odder, rules and methods. Other parts of the Russian empire had their own Jewish cliques; but attempts at takeovers in Hungary, parts of Germany, and the new 'Czechoslovakia', for example, failed to install Jews until the Second World War.
The best-informed people now think that the German NSDAP was a psyop allowing Hitler, a Jew, to be installed as 'Führer' with power over the military—allowing Jews to control the USSR (often called 'Russia'), and Jews in the USA and UK to direct the Second World War, known in the USSR as the 'Great Patriotic War'. What happened to Freemasons behind the 'Iron Curtain' was not much reported.
Some of what follows is based on Peter Hammond's dr-peter-hammond-the-real-story-of-how-mikhail-gorbachev-instigated-the-great-reset Hammond is an ex-Rhodesian missionary, spreading books of Jewish nonsense in English. Hammond fails to connect some patterns of dots. He doesn't notice that 'near unanimous appeal' and 'world wide support' only means that Jews controlling world media all agreed to say it. He neglects the funding of religions, despite having been paid to stay in something like 20 African countries.
Somewhat off-topic: Nelson Mandela is presented in world-wide propaganda as a hero against apartheid. In fact he was just another Jew puppet, and Jew media control stoked the entire Apartheid propaganda campaign. It can be regarded as a Jewish supremacist movement, aimed at Jewish power over Africans and Europeans; or taking the implicit view that blacks and whites are all just cattle and nonentities. All this was disguised as 'Communism', With the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) running an 'International Department'.
In 1921, after Jewish terror was firmly in place, Lenin announced a New Economic Policy, essentially to trade with Jews internationally. Described euphemistically as 'free market subject to state control', or 'state capitalism', or 'export of socialism'. Gorbachev quoted from Lenin in 1991.
Gorbachev seems not to have removed many Jews, though there must have been readjustments from Russia, and presumably less paper money for them, as their work in slaughtering Slavs was thorough. It's impossible to say what happened in any detail. Billions flowed - Jews in the USA supporting funding transfer. The effects of control of large corporations and many smaller companies is not generally described, since he supporters are secretive, and the opponents tend to like frantic cries of 'billions' or 'trillions'. About 15 states are run by the same Jews, giving more UN votes. Note that even in 1991 five million people were in GULags. The USA also had and has large numbers of prisoners, many in effect political or economic, while criminals liked by Jews are free.
Maurice Strong, a Canadian billionaire, i.e. a holder of controlling stock in companies took part in this [says Hammond]. Strong was or is part of Schwab's 'World Economic Foundation'. A typically Jewish control move. Thus Cyrus Eaton, a rich Jewish 'philanthropist' in 'Canada', controlled the nuclear propaganda after 1945.
Various crises and pseudo-crises were adopted by Gorbachev under the guise of getting together with the 'West'. Nuclear war, nuclear power, Holocaust fraud, atmospheric ozone, climate scares, population scares, extinctions, spreading of what's called democracy, 'HIV/AIDS', COVID, etc. But, significantly, nothing on (for example) races, human intelligence, genetic defects in Jews, past war crimes, paper money, or results of 1953 investigations into Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller foundations.
Gorbachev was given a Nobel Peace Prize—an obviously joke award. He was given an apparently high-status thing as 'Person of the Decade' by Time! He was head of the 'Earth Council' and chaired an 'Earth Summit' in 1992. All of this fits with Jewish plans.
The Jewish Year Book 'Centenary Edition'. 1996 or, it claims, 5756-5757. In 1997, it claimed 600,000 Jews lived in Ukraine. Kiev 'plus other towns with Jewish centres include: Bershad, Chernigor, Chernovtzy, Kharkov, Kremenchug, Odessa, Simferopol, Uzhgorod, and Zhitomir'. No mention of 1930s mass starvation. [No mention of course of the alleged Jew-funded CIA-Mossad coup in 2014.]
March 26, 2023 at 9:16 am
A quibble or two: “Many of them correctly state that the groundwork for the war in eastern Ukraine was laid by the US involvement in the rigged Ukrainian elections in 2014,…â€Â
I suggest that the groundwork was laid in 2007 or earlier. The phony CIA run, trained by NATO in Poland, “Orange Revolution†of 2008 was directed at Kuchma and the same Yanukovych who was ousted in 2014. Yanukovych is always labeled “pro-Russianâ€Â, which, of course is only true if you apply the Dubya logic of ‘if you aren’t with us, you are against us’. Anyone who has taken the time to look into the EU “deal†that caused Yanukovych, who sought an EU deal in the first place, to turn to Russia, understands that the “deal†would have sold off anything of any value to EU “interests†and prevented Ukraine from trading with anyone else. On top of that, the loan wasn’t enough and the repayments would have bankrupted Ukraine. Why would any “nationalistâ€Â, “Nazi†or not, be interested in giving up control to foreigners? What kind of “Nazi†would want to turn Ukraine into a “Big Israelâ€Â. It was a hostile corporate takeover and the “nationalism†is as phony as the Nicola Sturgeon brand of the SNP.
9. Putin, Russia, Ukraine. Territory. Holodomor, Hiroshima. Jews and Wars.
Four parts in this section:–
• 9.1 Overwhelming Significance of World-wide Jews and their Leaders' Outlook.
• 9.2 History of the area, including Khazars, Ukraine, and Khazaria.
• 9.3 Modern Wars. Notes on Overlooked Aspects. The Myth of 'Nuclear War'.
• 9.4 Interpreting Russia and Ukraine including Jewish Influence now
9.1. Overwhelming Significance of World-wide Jewry and their Leaders' Outlook To understand the situation, so far as this is possible in a world of lies, it's necessary to understand how Jews work world-wide. Jews, as you may realise by now, won the Second World War, through control of money and information, and through control of important cities and locations, plus corruption and bribery (or, if you prefer, appealing to 'goyische' habits).
Whatever you've been told, Jewish outlooks determine what will happen. Don't be distracted by insults etc aimed at Putin, or by scare stories about nukes and hypersonic missiles. Basically, Jews don't care if Russians, Americans, or Ukrainians die—they only care about Jews.
Consider Putin: does he care about many millions of Russians killed at the times of Lenin and Stalin? Does he care about the genetic damage to Russia of slaughtering educated people? Or Ukrainians killed in the 'Holodomor'? Presumably not—he's done nothing to check, investigate, recompense or anything like that. Presumably he pretends the 'Great Patriotic War' was a big fight between Germans and Russians, omitting Jews. He has even made criticism of Jews illegal, offering imprisonment to critics of the 'Holocaust' rubbish. He's done nothing about Jewish preying on Russia in the industrial sense, as far as it's possible to know. (These statements are based on what's publically said; how true I can't tell.)
The conclusion seems to be that the actual war has elements of fraud—as said by Miles Mathis, who however may be fed material from 'Josh' in Israel. Hexzane527 has said (disappointingly) nothing about it.
But it seems to have genuine war-slaughter elements. Probably we have Ukrainian and Russian whites fighting, no doubt with easterners and turncoat to raise deaths. The simple fact that Russians are disposable by Putin is omitted by the junk press and media.
Consider Biden: obviously he's some kind of ridiculous figurehead. But anyway has he shown any interest in US money going to finance what was the Soviet Union for more than 100 years now? Obviously not. Has he investigated Jewish activity, including such thins as the 9/11 fraud and the COVID fraud? Of course not. He probably thinks he's a Jew; who cares. But he no more cares about Americans getting killed that Putin does. If Americans kill Ukrainians or vice versa, neither care. But they are both careful with Jews, who no doubt don't fight at all, or only in undercover senses. The US and Europe are slaves of Jews as much as Putin.
The important issue is what Jews want: probably reduced population of Ukrainians, either by killing, or scaring them off, for which actual war will do. Jews will fund weapons and men on both sides, as usual, and gain payment and interest over many years. The casualty rates are easily controllable. Infusions of mercenaries can be made—but I'd advise them to be careful! Bjerknes thinks Putin is obviously the aggressor, since Russia and its extra states is the biggest country in the world with only (about) 150 million people. Perfectly true—except that much of the territory is permafrost. But even then it's likely Putin wants to put Jews in better climates may be a new state of Donbas, as Nick Griffin thinks. I have no idea, and it's somewhat of a local factor. Maybe Jews even like cold Russians: the White Sea canal of Stalin (plus dead GULag victims) seems to be fairly useless, apart from disposing enemies of Stalin.
Meanwhile, some Jews want to leave Ukraine; probably to return after rebuilding or expulsion or whatever. Hence the Jewish TV pleas with the usual sickening lies.
At the time I type this, the 2023 Davos World Economic Forum is in full swing, with its ludicrous mixture of participants. Jewish family members—Rothschilds, including Klaus Schwab who apparently is being groomed as a Moschiach/Messiah—not perhaps very plausibly—and Greta Thunberg, the not-as-young-as-she-was reader of scripts. And the 'beauty contest' participants: I think Kissinger is still alive, and we have Tony Blair, and even Keir Starmer. It's terrifying that such a convocation of clowns, none with any genuine insight, could even be considered able to make technical decisions on fuel, nuclear issues, housing, food and water, and the future. The only certainty is that Jews wield the ringmaster's whip over their world of clowns.
I'd made scribbled notes on events, or fake events, like Zelensky, swindles, the meaning of 'billionaire' as a legal summary of likely (but not certain) future incomes, the dumb goyim soldiers, the weapons and their electronic circuitry and training times, 'Oligarchs' and the Soviets, Jewish deceptions worldwide, offshore accounts, the ridiculous BBC news with clowns like Chakrabarti and supposed interviews, the connection with the Jewish fraud of COVID, the connections with the Jewish fraud of opium, the Jewish frauds with foods, the Jewish nuclear frauds...
I've decided that the secrecy is so great I don't know what's happening. Nothing new, of course: since 1900 no soldiers have known what they were really fighting for, nor have almost everyone known the facts. Many people in Britain still think Churchill was honourable—though the proportions of don't knows, don't cares, and have never been tolds might be rising all the time.
Artificial Intelligence is being boosted, but for good reasons a bit half-heartedly; a good test would be to identify the evidences needed to form a good judgement on the war or 'war'. Not a chance so far.
9.2. History of Ukraine and the Surrounding Areas A few words on the Khazars, popularised for the post-1945 English-speaking world by Arthur Koestler, a Jew, in 1976 with his book The Thirteenth Tribe. Koestler was a Jew from Hungary, as were many engineers (part of the nuclear frauds), and Soros. Modern
Khazaria is a big territory, apart from, and east of, Ukraine.
Koestler's book makes a case for the Khazar empire as the source of modern Jewry; he thinks there was a mass conversion centred on about 800 A.D., though he didn't attempt to explain how the rigid priestly-and-ordinary Jew structure could have been imposed.
Possibly the area (a or the 'Khaganate') had already been taken over by Jews, like Christianity and then Islam; but lost or abandoned, and then re-established. Note that the area south of Kahazaria was/is Georgia, which of course has a lot of Jewish involvement. Here is the Encyclopædia Britannica (11th edition, 1910-1911, selected to pre-date the Great War) Khazars to show this was neither new nor even incredible. In view of the inevitable deceptions by Jews, it's reasonable to ask whether Jews were looking at the idea for a new Israel, perhaps disappointed by the actualities of their 'homeland'. Here's a long piece by 'hexzane527' of France, hinting that a new 'Israel' may be planned.
If anyone's curious, here's an old review of Koestler taken from notes I made in he British Museum/Library, years before Internet existed. My Notes on Koestler's book.
A few words on the relatively recent history of the Ukraine, or Ukrainia. A little-known event of the 1930s was the Holodomor, the murder by starvation of a few million Ukrainians. This was revealed partially by Gareth Jones, a university-educated linguist, rediscovered in 2009. ...
If this event is unmentioned, it's a fairly sure sign that the transmitting media is controlled by Jews or their subservients. So that when the German armies got to Ukraine, they were greeted as liberators by the people, who presumably knew more of their circumstances than the massed sheep of the 'West'.
Here's a mini-review of Michael Palin's book New Europe, written between 2006 and 2007, published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson, with, presumably, support from the British, since it's a BBC thing, with lavish production values. At about 15 years old, it already seems utterly obsolete. The section on Ukraine including L'viv and Kievand is wonderfully superficial. Nothing on the 'Holodomor', nothing on Ukrainians greeting German troops as liberators (unaware of top-level Jewish networks), plenty on the fake Holocaust, remarks on Chernobyl and HIV/AIDS, and Stalin's 20 million 'countrymen'. I noted a reference to Edward Teller, the great Jewish hoaxer. We have an account of Yalta. Palin has heard of Tymoshenko and the 'Orange Revolution', but not of Soros. He says Ukraine is a 'divided state', but says nothing about Jews. He says nothing about impoverished girls and the sex trade. This book must be regarded as a symbol of the official Jewish view of Ukraine. I presume Palin was once something like Palinsky, but he gives away nothing.
Palin is like a post-1945 Jew such as Bentwich, triumphantly strolling around Boer country, controlling gold and diamonds and blacks; or around the post-1945 ruins of Germany. Except that he's pleased with the deaths of Ukrainians, the climate and productivity of Ukraine's soil, and its impoverished girls to be used.
1920s Jews in USSR:–
Edward Harris in the Occidental Observer, March 7, 2020 at 11:31 am:
The Jew side of my family had been friends of the Bronsteins for 5 generations.
Trotsky (my family called him a nasty little shit who turned into a nasty big shit) was present as an observer at the meeting that carved up the USSR.
14 Jews sat around a table to carve up the USSR.
The meeting was in the 1920’s and Stalin was not present.
Each person agreed to take a share of the land and was given 10%
of what it produced.
Each jew lived in a palace on his vast estate which was declared to be a Military District to keep out the public. It was guarded by the NKVD/KGB.
It was at this meeting that starvation of Christians in Ukraine was decided upon. The starvation had nothing to do with collectivisation (or Stalin).
The palaces were filled with paintings and statutes stolen from Europe in the World Wars.
The best friend the USSR ever had was the USA.
When you add this to the Jew rackets mentioned in the article some of the crooks must have incredible fortunes.
When I say Jews I do not mean the descendents of the (awful) Children of Israel, but the descendents of the East Europeans who converted to Judaism and were detested by my famly before my destestable Maternal Great Grandfather married an Eastern Jewess and destroyed our blood forever.
The family is now descended from a long line of Polish Pig Farmers.
Notes on Armenia, Azerbaijan, Artzakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)...
9.3. Modern Wars (with an eye on Russia and the Ukraine). Overlooked Aspects. 'Nuclear War'.
Below is just one image from Kiev.pdf, by 'Nils', on a staged rocket attack (15 Oct 2022)
Evidence includes lack of any damage to buildings, staged fires, inactivity.
• Rôles of Jews Must be Considered by Anyone Serious.Non-aware theoreticians on wars usually think there are two rival groups, fighting, with one victor. They are discouraged from considering money and hired propagandists: the roots are invisible. And are encouraged to think in terms of military leaders, national beliefs, and such things as glory and prestige. Here we must try to identify Jewish interests. For example, in the Second World War, we look at north Americans (and Jews there), Russians (and Jews there), Britain (and Jews there), France (and Jews there), Japan (and Jews there). In Ukraine, we consider Ukranians (and their Jews and Russians). Jews are another fighting force, but arranged separately and communicating secretly.
• We must consider wars of no importance; Miles Mathis argues convincingly that the 'Wars of the Roses' were just a fake, to justify a change in the puppet monarch.
But at the other extreme are serious wars with large death tolls: Cromwell and his funded troops intended to install Jewish banking is an example. So is the USA 'civil war', and the 2nd World War. The rôle of Jewish finance has only recently been discovered: most English critics of the First World War were proud of having served, for example. Even Hilaire Belloc praised French troops in that War, despite his considerable understanding of Jewish finance.
• It may not be easy to distinguish types of war. One function of propaganda is to prevent serious discussion of war aims. As an example, here's Miles Mathis on Ukraine:
Finally, lest you think this indicates the fake war in Ukraine is just a front for squabbling between Russian, Ukraine, and US oligarchs, I think even that is saying too much. These oligarchs aren't squabbling at all. It is a continuation of the east-west alliance we have seen since WWII, and this whole thing is manufactured to benefit both sides, as usual. Not only does it benefit military contractors east and west, it draws eyes off the international pharmaceutical companies and their paid henchman worldwide in government and media, who are all complicit in the ongoing crime against humanity. [He's referring to the worldwide 'COVID' fraud, and its centrality to the ‘Chaos and Distraction Idea’.] It allows a continued acceleration of the general rape of the taxpayer, through rising prices, bailouts, and stratospheric new debt.
Which seems to ignore aims specific to Jews, such as their future. And it ignores the population of Jews in the Ukraine, who are likely to be viewed unfavourably by some Ukrainians, and who therefore want emigration to soft touch countries, such as Britain, where even large corporations and large media outfits fly Ukrainian flags.
• Psychology of Machine Violence
There seems to be little exploration of industrial and mechanised violence. It's not an attractive topic to discuss—people who love violence don't tend to express it in public. Generally, such things are expensive, and this is part of the psychology: people who take great care over the details of cars or guns have no option but to go to financiers or governments to supply things like helicopter or tanks or bombers. And these in turn have involved long-term propaganda and loans from Jews to both sides. In effect, weapons are important because they are expensive—to borrow an expression from Eric Hobsbawm.
Bertrand Russell, whose life started when Africa was being fought over, and ended long after the Second World War and the faked atom bombs, and war in Vietnam, considered this a new development (apart from the use of elephants in Rome's wars with Carthage.)
Imagine a scientific government which, from fear of assassination, lives always in aeroplanes, except for occasional descents on to landing stages on the summits of high towers or rafts on the sea. Is it likely that such a government will have any profound concern for the happiness of its subjects? Is it not, on the contrary, practically certain that It will view them, when all goes well, in the impersonal manner in which it views its machines, but that, when anything happens to suggest that after all they are not machines, it will feel the cold rage of men whose axioms are questioned by underlings, and will exterminate resistance in whatever manner involves least trouble?
This seems to be a common attitude against more primitive societies; or perhaps 'defenceless' is a better word. I noted Jan Lamprecht, who has opened many people's eyes about South Africa, automatically take the side of simple Americans about Vietnam. He's aware of the danger of Jews, but that's a difficult thing—so kill harmless easy targets. Generally, white violence is underplayed or omitted. The website veteranstoday never has serious comment on this; their rule is to praise anyone who claims to have 'served'. Unfortunately this yet again works to the advantage of Jews, who use foreign troops such as Americans to carry out genocidal policies, and keep the information and evidence in reserve to inspire anti-whites. Both aspects continue for years, with occasional renewals and repetitions.
Deaths of Ukrainians and Russians and others, if they occur, presumably occur a few hundred at a time. How this works on the ground I don't know—though if a group finds their controller or leader is about to disappear without explanation, I'd suggest they worry a bit.
• 'Nuclear threat' allegedly from Putin. With apparently grave warnings from Biden, the near-dementia Jewish substitute for a leader. (The use of low-grade 'leaders' may be a new Jewish stratagem. They've used ambitious blackmailable types; why not switch to just mediocre types?) Anyway, the most popular part of my site is the nuclear scepticism part, dating from 2012. This was a forum, and most of the participants were not me. It's been partly reconstructed by me, from downloads made a day or two before it was deleted. Click nuke lies site to see it (loads into new tab). It's long and detailed, and true. It was a hoax invented because ordinary bombing wasn't enough in WW2; they wanted the appearance of big and expensive bombs. This incidentally is relevant to the whole question of mass genocide: if it takes more bombs than exist to bomb quite a small area, bombing is ruled out as a strategy; cheaper to use Jewish lies and deception. It's only after the invention of Internet that the evidence has been fairly easy to collect, just as the "9/11" hoax was run at just the time that private computer power could deal with it.
So don't worry about the threats. Even at the time of the "Cuba Crisis", Fidel Castro being a marrano Jew of Spanish descent, many media people clearly didn't take it seriously.
If you have a few hours to spare, you might like Lords of the Nukes (version 2) which is full of detail on the invention of 'nuclear weapons' and 'nuclear power', including some sound from pop songs. The second version includes material from Major Alexander P. de Seversky on air power and video material from museums. It includes online chat with 'Fakeologist' and 'FirstClassSkeptic'; Fakeologist I think started from the viewpoint of someone interested in the 'insane cost of nuclear power'. Has material from official sources, which was released, perhaps in error, when home digital processing of film and video images became possible. I've been too lazy to make it display here; please download the entire 3½ hour video and keep it—all 1.6 GB of it. Judging from Google and Wikipedia and Youtube, the frauds are still being kept semi-alive. It's what Jews do.
9.4. Synthesising Russia and Ukraine BUT including Jews
Bob von Ronkel, Nicholson, Penn, and maybe Putin in 2014. Image from Minime.PDF in Mathis's website.
• ‘Nuclear Threat’ from Putin. And grave warnings from Biden, the near-demented Jewish substitute for a leader of the USA. This appears to be a mutual Jewish fraud.
I'm not saying that modern weapons aren't dangerous, as of course they are. One of the reasons for making up 'nukes' must have been the fact that weapons weren't as damaging as Jews and militarists would have liked, except in the sense that they were expensive. Even the biggest war in history, the Second World War, left many areas untouched, except that normal food and supplies and health were disrupted.
PUTIN's speech, 30th Sept 2022 Transcript translated into English (always loads into a new tab). I've left the speech unaltered, without comments.
But here's my revisionist version of Putin (Otherwise identical; my comments in red). Putin is saying nothing new or helpful; his speechwriters don't rise to this occasion, or presumably others.
10. Mistakes that I Hope People Will Avoid. And What Can Be Done?
Realpolitik replaced by real ekonomik. Interconversions of loans into log-term future debt. In particular, valuation—exchange between long-term regular sums and one single payment now. Example: Something yielding interest of 5% every year is worth a capital sum of roughly 20 times yearly payment. (Assumptions of value of money, Jewish printing, and likelihood of getting it are discouraged). This is how countries find loans difficult to repay.
Some random oddities you may have noticed and puzzled over–
Why does the BBC never talk about the impact of immigration on British housing?
Why does the 'National Trust' never talk about funding their huge houses?
Why is it stated that China has a social credit system, when this is untrue?
Why do Quakers refuse to discuss serious topics, but rely on 'elders'?
Why did Henry Kissinger call the Ivory Coast a very rich country?
Why does ordinary TV have large numbers of blacks?
Why is a 'Western Front Association' still publishing uncritical stuff on WW1?
What has Shakespeare authorship got to do with wars against England?
Why does the Church of England never talk of its connections with Jews?
Why do Oxford and Cambridge publish nothing on Jewish frauds?
Why is 17th century history still hidden, with 18th century history's wealth elites secret?
Why are biblical translation mistakes difficult to detect?
If there is a financial loss, is there always an equal financial gain, such as in the 'crash' of 1929?
What's the truth about the "Crypto Exchange" FTX (=Field Training Exercise')?
Why are important inventions and discoveries by Europens underplayed?
Why does the 'American' FBI classify many non-whites as 'white'?
Who generates violent militarism so simple soldiery can use expensive equipment?
How much of Christianity is a symbiotic psyop with Jews?
Why are Jews secretive about their proud story?
Why have they been huge, unnecessary, cruel culls of farm animals?
Why is there deliberate confusion between taxpaying and adding to debt?
What about Fiona Bruce and aged Kate Adie, fellow BBC whores, discussing Adie's supposedly triumphant smuggling out of her 'important report' on Tiananmen Square?
Why are blacks put into TV drama all the time?
Why are Rothschilds never in 'rich lists'?
Why do illegal immigrants get housing, money, medical help, child support?
Did the 'defund the police' operation art of the push to replace the FBI with an NKVD or Stasi?
Was the US takeover of Japan in fact a 19th century action?
Why should an unqualified whore like Susan Wojcicki have been allowed to censor information on 'nukes'?
Karl Marx's entire family were very rich Jews. What was going on there?
Why should 'Ukrainian journalist' Daria Kaleniuk plead for NATO to go to war in Ukraine, when he was a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
Why are oddities like lesbians, queers, so-called 'trans', trumpeted in the media?
Is it credible that nobody predicted 40 million casualties of the First World War; so, were they wanted?
Why was Putin demonised, while Ukraine (in fact, Jews at its top) was supported—apparently—widely?
How much scientific and medical fraud is there?
What on earth was 'sacred prostitution'?
In the 'lockdown' how come ordinary businesses got no help?
How come some US evangelist loudmouths get rich?
Why are Freemasons, Common Purpose, the Talmud, so secret>
Why don't the media discuss facts about gas and oil?
Just a tiny sample of questions. What they all have in common, usually in a secretive manner, generally concealed by non-Jews, is their Jewish content. I'm using 'Jew' in the modern sense, since about 1800; genuine history of remoter times is difficult to obtain.
All of my questions, which were more or less taken at random, have implicit Jewish content.
If this is a new idea to you, it's because of general censorship, fuelled ultimately by money power. It's absolutely necessary that everyone who wants to understand the world should understand Jews. Internet has been a supreme force, and this may continue. If you don't understand, or accept their errors in exchange for money, it's I suppose your affair, but don't be surprised when truths are eventually forced upon you.
There's nothing new in all this; it's existed for thousands of years. And is unlikely to change quickly. But we may be at a genuine turning-point in human development, comparable to the invention of writing, and the invention of science and technology. The invention of religion—in its specialised written priestly form—was Jewish, exploiting simpler peoples who could be made to absorb memes, by exploiting aspects of the human brain. Christianity and Islam, both 'Abrahamic', are in symbiosis with Jews, forcing people to collaborate with Jews by (for example) forbidding interest. This phase of history may be ending. In a similar way to the ending of medical miseries by science—if it happens.
Biological science is newer than other forms of science, and seems likely (I hope) to explore racial differences, evolution in peoples, and parasitism. So-called 'social science' and 'political science' so far come nowhere near this. But curiosity and new techniques of observation offer hopes of fascinating new ecological discoveries. There may be changes in outlook analogous to those caused by Wallace and Darwin.
What must be done against the Jew vision (of using part of the goyim as thugs against the others, with permanent fake welfare; and a subsidised caste to keep lookout, like Catholicism)?
Some countermeasures could be taken from Jewish practices. One is complete secrecy. Another is adapting the Kahal system and Freemason system. In these cases, Jewish targets need to be chosen and acted against, perhaps by selected persons. Another is the use of fortified buildings for exclusive use. This sort of thing is localised, typical of actions within cities and towns.
Other countermeasures are needed against industries and lands, generally speaking sets of items: the drinks industry, the international drugs 'trade', prostitution and child abuse, medical fraud, and ownership of lands, housing, and company organisations. When people talk of 'billionaires' they mean shareholders and holding companies, not cash. Most of these now are bought as a result of paper and e-money and there will have to be assessments to quantify frauds. Weapons form another specific collection of Jewish control.
To take countermeasures, it will be necessary to unify some, or many, or most, other groups, just like Jews do. It's a fact that Jews traditional operate by divide-and-rule: a model of the sort of thing might be Jews arriving at an already-thriving island, then secretly offering to enrich some group—this is how 'Christianity' was spread. If serious historical analysis of Jews ever takes place, examples from the past will be analysed and counter-measures discovered. Each part of the world will have its examples; in Britain, the 1066 invasion, and the later Cromwellian Williamite invasion; in France, the feudal system and the 'French Revolution'; Germany, the unification and events following, which I've glanced at in How the Master-Race Won WW2 and the papers by Hexzane527. Greece, and Italy (Roman Empire, where its grossness and subversion and decline might be examines) could advance enormously from the histories of Grote and Gibbon and Mommsen. India and China have several Jewish dynasties.
Some organisations will need to be weakened and opposed; the Federal Reserve, the banks attributed to the Rothschilds, the United Nations, transnational money-accumulating charities, for example.
Propaganda in the neutral sense—pure information and facts—need proper stiffening. At present any amount of rubbish appears in for example Microsoft/MSN and other Jewish-owned Internet parts. It's possible to trace new Jewish movements, just as it is with old ones, such as the Holocaust fraud and non-white immigration frauds and censorship of violence against whites, and the oldest ones, such as Yahweh, Satan, and 'sacred' scribblings. A new one I've noticed is a campaign against inheritance tax—now that Jews have 'bought' lots of property, and after previous owner have been displaced. The 'BRICS' group of states all under Jewish control (Brazil, India, China, South Africa) seems to be part of the movement to dry out the USA. Probably anti-immigration parties will now be allowed, many decades too late.
None of this seems likely to be easy, or even likely. One strength of Jewish secrecy is that it looks at very serious issues and make its decisions. They arrange wars explicitly to kill goyim and make money. They arrange systems (such as 'democracy') to remove old rivals and prevent potential new ones from understanding what's happening. They arrange new religions (such as Islam) to fit in with habits of groups they wish to use. The move populations in ways intended to be harmful.
They kill off selected groups by famine and fire and illness. All of these things are potential events even in Jewless societies. An obvious example is populations, where the arguments of Malthus are sneered at by Jews: after all, if you can arrange big wars, who cares about food limits? Dictators in Africa are left alone: there is to be no investigation into Mugabe, for example, into who propped him up and where the money went.
I hope these notes will prove valuable. Looking back, I see this piece has taken 10 months to write! Time to finish it and perhaps produce a healthy new child!
I want to make another attempt to explain 'controlled opposition' to the simpler people.
I have no way to make explanations come from nothing. This is just a logical fact. If you can't understand—and here's a problem; what simple things need to be 'understood'? Nature does allow some escapes: intersections and unions, negative sets, inventions. But I want to deal with things which are talked about, with the intention of unweaving ordinary and media talks, to get them straight. Scientific theories, measurements, calculations, predictions, truths in history, investigations into the past, make other worlds of discourse.
Opponents are usually controlled in what are meant to be practical ways, to get some sort of result, a vote perhaps. I'll try to look at fairly simple, narrow stuff.
At this point I have to introduce 'Jews', unfortunately.
Because, surveying some of the billions of people in the world now, vast numbers have been contaminated by rubbish pumped into them and their ancestors: some are Talmudic; some think they are Christians; some think they are Muslims; stories, myths, tales, accounts, fill their minds; incomplete stories, beliefs about towns, buildings, rivers, countries, people, wars, fights, battles, atrocities, are liable to well up and fill their consciousnesses.
The immense advantage of cheap and densely funded Jewish junk information over non-Jewish gives a huge skew to them; all it has to do is control weak opposition. Strong opposition is rare. And so successful have Jews been that other religions and even oddities such a Freemasons, have flourished.
I present a few examples of identifying controlled opposition.
1960s example. It was decided to dose drinking water with soluble fluoride, a by-product of aluminium extraction from its cheapest ore.
1st stage: advertising the idea of 'fluoridating' water.
1st stage B: Announce protests against 'compulsory medication'.
What do you think of stage B? It's intended to look like a rational complaint, and legitimate opposition, likely to win.
In fact, the propaganda injection has been made. The substance is poisonous, not a 'medication' at all. The group B is likely to be controlled opposition; paid for and run by the same group as A, associating with them, though generally their association is secret.
•Educational Discrimination of Katie Fanning (on Youtube, which is a Jewish-controlled website). Many people will listen to this piece with some puzzlement. The single most important exclusion is material about Jews: Jews are careful not to count themselves as 'whites'. They are careful not to discuss the printing of cheap money by Jews. And they don't discuss the funding of junk degrees by Jewish organisations.
Katie Fanning makes many good points. But worryingly evades the Jewish issues.
• TEDx video on 'depression' with Johann Hari, who appears to be a cartoonist with the Guardian. Hari supposedly on addiction. Looks like someone being pushed by Jews as an 'expert'. Most of his spiel mentions Jewish professors, often in the the USA. And, rather oddly in view of Jewish media unpleasant topics, Hari says nothing on old Jewish topics, such as nuclear weapons and the fake of 9/11. Watch TEDx videos for controlled opposition.
• https://stopworldcontrol.com/ video 'Humanity's leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law and journalism are warning us about the greatest threat our world has ever faced. Will we listen to their message?'
A friend of mine, Ivor Catt, mentioned this site to me. He clearly was very excited. I was less excited; for one thing, Ivor only looks at Youtubes, and I know Youtube is controlled by Jewish whores. We see some obvious baddies—Bill Gates and 'Maleinda' smirking, Prince Charles or a lookalike trying to read his lines on global warming and climate change, repeated remarks on 'the Pandemic', Fauci.
It's obvious to me this is likely to be controlled opposition: it has nothing on the WHO getting its absurd powers; nothing on likely 'vaxx' deaths or monitoring them; nothing on the fake biological sciences; nothing much convincing on the future in the grand jury evidence download. It is based in London, not the USA or Israel. It takes the 'Cold War' seriously, although Jews controlled it all. It will not admit that Jews won the Second World War.
•Peter Hammond Aug 11 2022.
• Peter Hammond is a good example of a person who has never been able to throw off the absurdities of Jews. (May I refer to two of my book reviews, Moorman on the History of the Church of England and The Fairchild Family, which emphasise the money side of the Church, which of course is usually suppressed.)
Hammond is more like a missionary, with his roots in Rhodesia. A weird aspect of Christianity after 1945 is the way Africans, with no roots at all in Jewish superstitions, have been funded by Jews into their odd pretences.
Hammond's talk (read from his notes, all unsourced) looks at about a hundred years, including the First World War and Woodrow Wilson, the entire Second World War, Korea and Vietnam, and wars in Europe. And US presidents such as Carter, Lyndon Johnson, Clinton, and so on. He doesn't know that most or all were Jews. Hammond talks in trillions, though without interpreting these figures very clearly. His talk is too unfocused to count, in my view, as 'controlled opposition'.
• example: nuclear weapons are a fake project by jews; so are NASA; so are printed money; so are controls over media.
• [Jews pose as Christians. And Moslems. The 'Cuba Crisis' (1962), Jesuits, much of South America, China, and Japan is in fact Jewish-controlled.
A very-important, easily-missed type of 'Controlled Opposition' is the simple repetition of commentaries that have long ago been demolished. I'm listening to AndrewCarringtonHitchcock (not unfortunately recommended by me) on Leo Franck and Mary Phagan [rape case], Jonathan Pollard ['nuclear spy'], 'JFK assassination', 'communism is capitalism with competition' (omitting Jews), Dennis Wise DVDs with unreconstructed Hitler worship, who without investigation repeats such things uncritically. Very sad.
The very biggest issues tend to get left behind - population controls, diseases, food, education, money
there are so many divisions that controlled 'opponents' can be anywhere with a large spectrum of ideas. And these may not even be known as parts of controlled opposition.
Fight or Flight Dichotomy? Another Jewish Contribution to 'Psychology'.
Systematic Junk; Typically Jewish 'Expertise'
Rae West 18 June 2022
| Some connection between perception and action has to exist; a creature which could identify objects, but not move, would be evolutionarily weak.
Is adrenalin part of such a system? Maybe; it doesn't really matter here.
I found myself writing about the so-called CDC, wondering whether frauds such as Fauci would be compared with Josef Mengele, as still presented by Jew liars.
Also looking through a site called unz.com on the attack by Jews on the 'USS Liberty' in 1967, and the non-effects, plus endless induced comments, some from trolls, including Jewish long-term continuing operations—JFK murder, 9/11, Soviet Union omitting Jew connections, Lyndon Johnson covert Jew, nuclear menace, Ukraine, 'COVID pandemic', AIPAC a foreign power, USA controls Israel, Old Testament taken seriously, Arabs not controlled by Jews, Anne Franc, 'Holocaust' took place... too much junk to list.
I realised the dichotomy between choosing fight or flight is a Jewish requirement. It's not even aimed at Jews, who avoid danger zones. It's intended to erase the impulse to check, to investigate, to look at, to discover, to uncover what's happening, to analyse. I think probably the movements in the Jewish 'news' media to induce autism in children use the technique.
The ‘Royal Family’ Shields ‘Jews’—Monarchists are Puppets Who Hide Jews.
70 Years of Elizabeth: Surely a Natural Lifespan for the Farce of Post-1945 'Constitutional Monarchy'?
Rae West 17 June 2022
The point of this piece is to awaken people to the realities of the monarchy in Britain. And insist on the revisionist viewpoint that Jews installed the Bank of England, centuries ago, with the aid of Cromwell and Dutch militarism, plus plague and fire, up to the installation of Dutch William. Cromwell was disposed of, and the Monarchy was said to be restored—Charles II however being very different from Charles I, a paid puppet monarch supported by debt financing and an impoverished people. (The whole scheme, including the Reformation, the destruction of much of central Europe in the Thirty Years' War, the rebuilding of London without timber, and the extensive spread of the King James Bible and ‘Lord's Prayer’, must have involved immense planning).
Very few people in Britain have any idea that war with the Netherlands has fixed many aspects of 'British' life.
Sample headlines from the June 2022 Jewish-controlled junk press universal in Britain. All media outlets support royalty, without any examination of facts behind the monarchy. Note (3rd picture) the 'Queen' guitarist, Brian May; 'Freddy Mercury' was stated to have died of AIDS, known even at the time to be a fraud. There's been ever-increasing focus on the medical services in Britain, the most recent example being the 'COVID pandemic'. Probably to increase control and to 'monetize'.
Another long-term obsession is Jewish control of food; both world wars gave experience with rationing and famines.
The British version of official workers' time-off is remarkably Jew-tinted, with such things as maypoles and stained glass and festivities and painting and 'Sabbath' destroyed by so-called 'Puritans'. 'Jubilee' is a jewish word, and their 'high holy days' are celebrations of killings, including Babylon, Egypt, Persians, and Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Poles, French, Germans, Africans, Ukrainians, Russians. 'Bank Holidays' are another Jewish bit of 'culture'. So is the traditional irate 'God'.
English neologisms reflect this [I take these examples from The English Language by Logan Pearsall Smith (1912)]: This commercial vocabulary was largely increased in the XVIIIth Century; bankruptcy, banking, currency, remittance, appear before 1750; in this period the old word business acquires its present meaning, and we hear of bulls and bears, and of trade being dull or brisk. After 1750 consols [consolidated government debt bonds], finance, appear, and bonus and capitalist.
More L P Smith: The vocabulary, too, of modern politics grows with the development of political institutions; we hear of the Ministry in the reign of Queen Anne, of the Premier in that of George I, while in the early years of George II's reign the administration, the budget, the estimates appear, with party, as the word is now used. Prime Minister was borrowed from the courts of despotic sovereigns and applied to Walpole as an abusive term, but this title was expressly disowned by him, as it was by Lord North under George III. It fell more or less out of use, being replaced by Premier or First Minister, until about the middle of the XlXth Century, and it only received official recognition in 1905. Smith's linguistic and practical survey is brisk; he doesn't give reasons for what happened, although it's clear he noticed the administrative part of the state was enlarging, and the monarchical part unimportant.
Just one tiny example of the activities the so-called British Royal family endorses. Remember the aristocratic families of Europe are related.
Summer Olympics London 2012. Note the pun on 'ZION'. Very weird opening and closing ceremonies. Strange emphasis on the NHS [Britain's National Health Service, probably targeted for Jewish takeover.]
Jews through history liked to monopolise lucrative fields: trade, rents, interest, liquor, and prostitution. The Polish Jew Merkel and her Jews in Germany were and are very enthusiastic to ruin Germany. The picture is one example of propaganda for race mixing in the 'Democratic Republic'. Not for Jews in Israel. Rape gangs in Britain. Link to the Occidental Observer on an issue ignored by royalty.
Minimising the monarchy in this period, let's skip directly to 1913 (when the Jewish banks installed the 'Federal Reserve' in the USA, allowing them to store gold and print paper money, and claim interest) and to the period of about 1914-1945, of the Great Wars. At this point I insist that the period of wars was won by Jews, not by the USA, Britain, and France, and lost by Russia (as the USSR) Japan, Italy, China).
The Jewish victory of 1945 seems inevitably to have made Jews assert Jewish ideas, almost compulsively. Since Victorian times, science had been on the ascendant; such men as H G Wells were competent in science, and expected more. But Wells never understood the Second World War, and died a disappointed man. Jewish 'pragmatism' came to rule; consider for example the Jewish 'Holocaust' fraud, promoted fanatically by worldwide Jewry.
Medical science proved difficult to continue scientifically, and represents an important example of post-1945 'pragmatic' failure, science becoming subordinate to propaganda.
The attack on rationality by Jews may turn out to be the most devastatingly harmful event in world history. Now, hack news people, teachers, media 'personalities', police, lawyers all routinely lie and misinterpret. So far, technology has extended rapidly enough to spread over the world, both for good and evil, but technical competence may melt away.
'Defender of the Faith' was applied to Protestantism. However, Islam is a Jewish fungoid outgrowth, just like Christianity, but a few centuries later, after the Roman Empire had gone. Muslims have a surah instructing them when to attack the surrounding populations. Though I doubt Charles, with his specially-awarded 4th class degree, would know that.
Links to the text of Butcher's booklet. The Jewish-descent Archbishop of Canterbury, Welby, is one of the promoters.
The whole of life is a journey to God... I have not chosen this office for myself: he has appointed me to it, and I go to be consecrated to it by him... And because he leads, I may follow in complete trust. Seems to have been written by Fisher, the then-Archbishop of Canterbury, in his 33 days Devotions.
Illustrates how Jewish wars degrade the whole atmosphere of life.
A persistent pretence: that 'faith' in the sense of repetitive parroting of old phrases must generate 'faithful service'. This of course is nonsense. But all this links to Jewish superstitions.
Jewish groups hiding behind puppets
I watched some of the 70th stuff on TV, trying to work out how much was accurately reported.
It’s notable that some of the actions ascribed to Elizabeth – knighting Robert Mugabe, knighting war criminals against Iraq, and other things – were omitted from the ridiculous praise by the media whores and ancient ‘pop royalty’. I’d guess that few immigrants have any love for the ‘Royal Family’ and view the celebrations as irrelevant to themselves. But they are grateful to the Jewish fixers behind the scenes.
coronation after vast deaths in east europe before and after death of stalin
RECENT vaxx .... engineered food crisis and fake animal pandemics and fake CO2 worry, stating warnings so they are blamed by Jews ... food war. national herds culled. bird flu. fish farms. autism. no longer need landowner consent. No concern from Charles **WARTIME RATIONING **
payments - notes on women with signs, windrush jewish ship,
Short note on Memorials in the USA, and the Queen's 'platinum' Jubilee. These are of course both aimed at simple mercenary types.
nothing on Attenborough and WW2
sir robert mugabe
Jimmy Saville
S africa and Jews. China and opium and Jews
Iraq and 'stormin norman'. Vietnam. Malaya.
farm murders in africa
Manchester bomb fraud and queen's visit
pauper's grave for q's cousins
who burnt a priceless portrait] / Harry as bastard of rugby player / shady business with diana prob pottering around / sex aand [jewish bloke with island]
politics internal: Jews and immigration, money making from housing and lack of/
Politics external: Mugabe, Vietnam, Iraq....
Jew issues: world wars/ middle east/ crypto-jews, freemasons
70th, 'platinum', 'service' to 'our nation'
outside buck house; roads making concealment of few watchers easy and large screens mounted on street lamps repeating video imagery.
Brian May and Freddie Mercury and AIDS
Rod Stewart [royalty connection? voice to avoid copyright? Praise for the NHS?? Cheery good natured]
Elton John [EH John name change] videoed version of candle in the wind, originally Marilyn Monroe
Attenborough mimic actor on the green planets etc, missing out...
Popular Views? Results from 'focus groups' are unpublished so it's impossible to know people's real views, if they even have any.
A TV interval showed the Queen with two slices of toast in a handbag, possibly a touch of realism, suggesting boredom of official visits and cucumber sandwiches and puzzling ceremonials. With a bear supposedly from Peru, drinking from a teapot spout, with an actor's voice. Probably to pretend all foreigners are nice. We also have a James Bond actor thanking ma'am for her service.
Morale booster theory I've heard people say "she hasn't put a foot wrong" and "I think she's done wonders" despite the lack of evidence. A tribute to the simple idea of banning anything adverse.
A more testable attitude is to check such claims as "they bring in a lot of money". Here's a review of Myth of the British Monarchy by the late Edgar Wilson, who put in a lot of work to check and refute these beliefs.
William (I'm told) may have been chosen as next king in Britain. I'd guess his name was chosen to echo the victory of Dutch William a few centuries later. He gave a little speech—appealing to progress, commenting on mankind's skill in countering the most dangerous pandemic in the world [meaning COVID!], and speaking of walking on the moon... Next day he supposedly mimicked a Big Issue seller on the street—this is a Jewish fake to pretend some immigrants have a serious earning job, so they can claim benefit money. More or less what William has always done. He appears to be an idiot.
On hierarchies We see the royal family almost as a parody of servants—eerie arrays of servants, arranged in precise gradations, and incidentally one reason movies look feeble, since they save money and have too few extras.
Strict hierarchies with rules can be useful; without them, potentates with huge numbers of children may leave fighting and chaos.
On education, I recall Bertrand Russell on education in the real world: 'To know how to teach is at present [1932] thought desirable in those who teach the poor, but the sons of "gentlemen" are still taught by wholly untrained teachers. This is one of the unpredictable results of snobbery.'
The Royals must feel like a family caught up in large scandals, which got away with the loot....
Going back in time... a few souvenirs of very many:
2012 Televised to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II, being the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952. Note (see picture above) the odd angel of death and massed hospital beds and dancing nurses; I don't think any explanation was given of the creepy NHS promotions and Victorian top-hats ....
20002000 street event. A collective moon, outside Buckingham Palace. This is a Case Against the Monarchy, written around an event in 2000.
Names I quoted from, or reviewed, include Miles W Mathis, Tom Nairn's The Enchanted Glass: Britain and its Monarchy (1988), Emma Tennant's Hotel de Dream (1976), the non-nativeness of the royals, Edgar Wilson's The Myth of the British Monarchy (Journeyman Books, 1989), Bagehot's The English Constitution (1867), W. M. Thackeray's The Four Georges (1869), Charles Bradlaugh's booklet An Impeachment of the House of Brunswick, Benn, intro. to Writings on the Wall (1984). Unity Hall's Philip, the Man Behind The Monarchy (1987), Kingsley Martin The Magic of Monarchy (1937), largely dealing with Mrs Simpson, Willie Hamilton, Blood on the Walls and My Queen and I (1975), The Royal Family.
1997Analyses of the complex reactions to the death of DIANA Princess of Wales in The Psychologist.. Looks to me like a typical Jewish psy-op, mainly a matter of odd organisations, repetitive comments by names given the impression of importance. Probably the single most important fact is the complete unanimity of opinion, in the same way that NASA talks of 'Astronaut Armstrong', and Jews generally of 'evil Nazi Hitler'. This is Nov 1997 The Psychologist and is still online.
Dominic Abrams, 'Director of the Centre for the Study of Group Processes, Department of Psychology, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Danielle Aron and Dr Sonia Livingstone ... of ... London School of Economics and Political Science.
Carol Sellars, with a caption saying 'Media coverage outstripped even the outbreak of World War Two.' She is (or was) 'a Consultant Forensic Psychologist at Bourneworth NHS Trust and is the Society's Honorary Press Officer.'
Fiona Cathcart is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist at Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh, with a special interest in bereavement.
Eddy Street is a Consultant Ckinical Psychologist in the NHS and Editor of The Journal of Family Therapy.
Janet Sayers is Professor of Psychoanalytical Psychology at the University of Kent at Canterbury and is a Clinical Psychologist for the NHS.
Professor Michael Billig is at the School of Social Sciences, Loughborough University.
Dr Margaret Mitchell is Reader at the Department of Psychology, Glasgow, Caledonian University ...
Helen Haste is Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Bath.
Check out the long list of Jews, including Asch and Festinger and many others. All these people are one-sided in the strictest sense. But the point here is the relatively new view of the 'death', taking account of its implausibility, as a likely spy-op, along the same lines as the JFK 'assassination'. Probably she mooches around Spencer estates, pausing now and then to watch rugby games on TV.
By chance, this in-house journal for Jews (no doubt paid out of taxes, ultimately) contains the obituary of H J Eysenck, yet another Jew smuggled into British academic life, and who did little to examine genuine springs of action.
1989 Andrew Morton on After Dark Channel 4 TV in Britain. [Its 1969 'Moon Landing' edition seems to have been erased]
On 21 October 1989 Tony Wilson hosted a discussion about royalty with, among others, Andrew Morton, Peregrine Worsthorne and Archduke Karl von Habsburg. The Irish Independent wrote that Worsthorne "likened meeting the Queen Mother to meeting Einstein".
https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/66553217/our-faithful-queen based on the little book of private devotion by the archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher' 'to help her prepare for her new role' in 1953.
1947 Marriage to the 'Duke of Edinburgh'; souvenir.
1935 King George V, Duke of York, Queen, Duke of Kent
1935The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures (Odhams Press, London. A jewish business. Sepia news photos). 1910-1935. Great War p 80 on 1914 — will it be WAR or PEACE? Bertrand Russell went to this proclamation by George, on August 3rd 1914, and
was shocked by the cheering crowds. He had no idea how much of the 'war fever' was supported by Jews and their media and money, both from South African gold, and from European Jews in the USA who had just set up the 'Federal Reserve'.
H G Wells, too, was not impressed by the public displays of mood, both before and after the Great War, as he recorded in his Experiment in Autobiography.
Toby Young at the so-called Oxford Union. This link moves down to Galloway (another Jew hireling) at the so-called Oxford Union.
Jewish propaganda from 1999. Note the way Jews are never identified in their media, after their victory in the Second World War.
Readers might amuse themselves rewording 'Alan Travis', probably a Jew, in other circumstances: Ministers fail to act on Jews. Plans to make Jews liable for atrocities in countries from Africa and China, to Germany, Poland and Vietnam have not yet been finalised. ...
Seems to be part of a global movement. Just a few notes. This site has been banned from Wetherspoon's internal wi-fi; which gives some idea of their commitment to free speech!
Wetherspoon is (I think) only well-known in Britain, as a popular food, drink, and ambience provider. It has low prices, and makes considerable efforts to find locations of historical interest and tidy them up (including carpets), and rename them. I found (in York) a 20-page booklet, WETHERSPOON NEWS, an undated issue entitled DOES TRUTH MATTER?—their capitals.
Britain had a two-year-ish 'lockdown' period, based on the fraud of 'the COVID pandemic'. Wetherspoon's Chairman, Tim Martin, as far as I know since the company was founded in 1979, understandably was concerned with being shut down, and with statements to the effect that he'd told his workers to get out elsewhere. Most of his booklet has media quotations, and corrections. Some of the material relates to COVID, mostly insults by journalists (!) who clearly knew nothing about it. Whether Tim Martin ever established a publishable opinion is not known to me; my guess is that he'd have to keep his views and sources secret.
The back page of the booklet has a piece by 'Social commentator' Toby Young, entitled IT'S TIME TO STAND UP FOR FREE SPEECH. It supports his Free Speech Union, on www.freespeechunion.org which I thought I'd look at, plus for good measure a few Youtube videos. Youtube is itself a red flag, having erased without warning many videos, reportedly millions, though no accounting seems ever to have been given. The deletions include my Lords of the Nukes video. Just one example of Young's omissions.
Toby Young, who seems to have a degree in PPE—the standard mediocre stuff started in the 1920s, by weak university men, to conceal the role of Jews in world banking—starts his piece with a list of shocking atrocities. Well, that's a bit of a stretch: Piers Morgan 'forced out of' Good Morning Britain, some media junk; a banjo player was ejected; a director of Iceland [a frozen food store] was sacked 'after a joke about the Welsh language'. And the police investigated 120,000 'inappropriate' jokes.
Young claims that Free Speech is essential, and it's part of the British birthright, or something similar. He knows it's part of the US Constitution, but is vague on its application to Britain or its components. He seems to be simple and unsophisticated; he has no knowledge of religious executions, for example. His speeches and interviews suggest he is campaigning against no-platforming, which I'd guess is a faked cause, in the same way that most demonstrations are fakes, typically funded by Gyorgy Soros. He says Jenni Murray, Jewish radio person, was de-platformed; and Peter Tatchell, the rather queer Ozzie. He writes More than 75 years ago, service men and women from across the Anglosphere put their life [sic] on the line to defence freedom and democracy..., where mention of the Second World War is supposed to impress people who don't know about the Jewish victories, and the persistent lies about the 'Holocaust'. Young also includes McCarthyism, naturally misunderstanding it.
His satellites include Douglas Murray, a prolific writer, who never discusses Jewish power. There's 'Oxford Professor Nigel Biggar' about whom I know nothing, though it's easy to guess the sort of person he is. And Trevor Phillips, still sucking money in exchange for mentions of Stephen Lawrence and non-mention of murdered whites. I've just noticed that David Starkey, the featherweight media professor, is one of them. It's saddening but entirely predictable that Jewish money is all they care about.
The clue to all this comes in his speech at the so-called Oxford Union: the Harm argument, that free speech should be allowed within the law provided no harm is done immediately. The point is to notice the clause 'within the law'. If a law is passed making it illegal to discuss the alleged Jewish Holocaust, then Free Speech is not defended. (I've read that the Queen has given the royal assent to such a bill. An odd thrust against her German family. And against true research, though personally I doubt she's ever read a book or investigated serious research). And Young's unsophisticated opinions means he's happy with that. 'Full membership' of the union means 'if we think you have good grounds for a lawsuit, we'll help you to fight it.' Young says nothing about such issues as the existence of nuclear weapons, the part played by Jews in forcing immigration, the secrecy of Jews and their collaborators, and corruption of medical science. And of course that's what they want! He is amusingly naive on the BNP, claiming the BBC was right to allow Nick Griffin on a staged programme. In fact the BBC was obliged by its own rules to permit Griffin on their 'news' several times, based on election results. The Dimbleby family are of course Jews.
On Piers Morgan, some buses in York carried an outside advert, saying you can love him or hate him, but can't ignore him! Well, you can! One picture was modified to show horns—such is the ubiquity of Jewish junk. In the USA there's an analogous movement, apparently with Nina Jankowicz as token head.
Final points: Jews pretend to support free speech if their plans are censored, or if they are criticised. But if they get free speech, they set to work to remove it for others. This often baffles onlookers. And note that they never campaign for truth; their whole aggressive racial program is driven by lies. Jewish Talmudic law insists that anything that might cause harm to the only people that matter must not be allowed. This is the reason these people have been hired.
From an earlier Wetherspoon publication. Emphasis on Oxford University, traditionally mostly science-indifferent, and mostly Jewish-influenced, and therefore unable to detect scientific frauds, and unwilling to notice Jewish frauds. The other tradition is of not mentioning Jews. I think, but can't be sure, that Tim Martin understood that COVID was a fraud, and may have understood the 'JUSA' deep reasons for that fraud.
The ‘Kahal’. A Long-Term Jewish System Against 'Goyim'
By Rae West 5 May 2022
NORTH GATE OF THE JEWRY AT CARPENTRAS. In France, as in other countries, the Jews established their parasitic ghetto-communities. The one in Carpentras [southern France, near the Mediterranean - RW] dates from the middle ages.Above picture from Britton's Behind Communism. I haven't seen any drawings of Jewish kehilla in early times.
The 'Kahal' (or 'Kehilah', and no doubt other variations) is a name for a Jewish system in which their 'community' is controlled by a Synagogue, with the Kahal in a nearby building. The Kahal is the decisions-making part; the synagogue gives instructions to the simpler parts of the 'community'. A synagogue is sometimes called a 'schul'.
Searching my site for 'Kahal', I find Frank Britton discussed the Kahal, applied to medieval Jews. Britton referred to Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia, and said the 'ghetto' is another name for it, apparently as applied in Venice. It may have been officially recognised by non-Jews, for example I presume by princes, or lords, or the church. In fairly recent times, Poland and Russia had large Jewish populations. Tsar Nicholas I tried to assimilate Jews. And this date seems to be the start of modern Jewish expansion. Jews seem to have reacted aggressively, from the top down—with the 'rabbis' presumably most keen to be hostile aggressors, with the inferior Jews possibly confident they'd be looked after. Modern attitudes of Jews to Germans, extraordinarily deep in lies and hate, are more deeply-rooted in time, average Germans being desperately Jew-naive, and paying Jews for their Christianity.
From my Jews/index.html I noted:
1869Jacob Brafman (c. 1825–1879; may be spelt Brafmann) Kniga Kagal ("The Book of the Kahal"), a translation into Russian of the minutes (Pinkas) of the kehillah of Minsk. Included essays on Jews and Jewish customs. A second, enlarged two-volume edition was published in 1875. Posthumous publication with an introduction by Brafman's son, 1882. The book, translated into French, Polish, and German, created a stir among Jews and Russians.
1873Livre du Kahal by J Brafman (published in Odessa; translated into French by T.P.), Material to study Judaism in Russia, and its influence on populations among which it exists. One of the first, or first modern, explorations of the Kahal, apparently the organisation exclusively for Jews and Jewish arrangements as against everyone else. Hair-raising reading. [This author is not mentioned by Kevin MacDonald].
Also called 'Kehilla' or 'Kehillah'. As applied in the USA, this site is one of a few describing what happened: Kehillah description by a Biblical site.
1886 I found an article translated into English by Alexander Jacob as The Jews — The Kings of Our Age, by Dr. Otto Böckerhere, on the Occidental Observer site. As is typical of TOO, it is weak on analysis. Neither the Kahal system, nor the interaction of Jews with the Church, is noted.
And from jews-parasitic-evolution.html:–
Parasitism usually needs one area to be infested and controlled. Jews in eastern Europe, despite effective parasitism by land control and targetting by the Kahal system, were collectively poor, because the whole area was poor. ... There was something like swarm activity to the USA and UK around 1900.
On the Kahal System note also another analogy with the animal kingdom: localised swarms of Jews sent out to jointly parasitise. Here's a quotation from Arthur Koestler [Jew from Hungary, writing in Britain] on the Ullstein group in his book The God That Failed; Koestler worked for them for a time:–
‘ ... a kind of super-trust; the largest organization of its kind in Europe, and probably In the world. They published four daily papers in Berlin alone, among these the venerable Vossische Zeitung, founded in the eighteenth century, and the B.Z. am Mittag, an evening paper. Apart from these, Ullstein’s published more than a dozen weekly and monthly periodicals, ran their own news service, their own travel agency, etc., and were one of the leading book publishers. The firm was owned by the brothers Ullstein – they were five, like the original Rothschild brothers, and like them also, they were Jews.’ There were also five Rothschild daughters, sent out on their own missions, usually I think to trap high-ranking male goyim.
Henry Ford's International Jew says “From the first century forward, as any reader can see by consulting the Jewish Encyclopedia, the "community," "assembly" or "Kahal" has been the center of Jewish life. It was so earlier, in the time of the Babylonian captivity. And the last official appearance of it was at the Peace Conference, where the Jews, in accordance with their World Program, the only program that passed successfully and unchanged through the Peace Conference, secured for themselves the right to the Kahal for administrative and cultural purposes.” Ford also discusses the Sanhedrin over about 6 pages.
But both hexzane527 and MilesWMathis caution against Ford. Hexzane527 says Ford's task was to inform whites about Jews, since without this, they would continue to know nothing. To prepare for the invention of Hitler, this was needed.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn on The Book Of Kahal:–
It was at the end of 1850s and during the 1860s when the baptized Jew Yakov Brafman, appeared before the government and later came out publicly in an energetic attempt at radical reformation of the Jewish way of life. He had petitioned the Czar with a memorandum and was summoned to St. Petersburg for consultations in the Synod. He set about exposing and explaining the Kahal system (though a little bit late, since the Kahal had already been abolished.) For that purpose he had translated into Russian the resolutions of the Minsk Kahal issued in the period between the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries. Initially he published the documents in parts and later in 1869 and 1875 as a compilation, The Book of Kahal, which revealed the all-encompassing absoluteness of the personal and material powerlessness of the community member. The book had acquired exceptional weight in the eyes of the authorities and was accepted as an official guidebook; it won recognition (often by hearsay) in wide circles of Russian society; it was referred to as the “Brafman’s triumph” and lauded as an “extraordinary success.” Later the book was translated into French, German, and Polish. The Book of Kahal managed to instil in a great number of individuals a fanatical hatred toward Jews as the worldwide enemy of Christians; it had succeeded in spreading misconceptions about Jewish way of life.
The mission of Brafman, the collection and translation of the acts issued by the Kahal had alarmed the Jewish community. At their demand, a government commission which included the participation of Jewish community representatives was created to verify Brafman’s work. Some Jewish writers were quick to come forward with evidence that Brafman distorted some of the Kahal documents and wrongly interpreted others; one detractor had even had doubts about their authenticity. A century later in 1976, the Short Jewish Encyclopedia confirmed the authenticity of Brafman’s documents and the good quality of his translation but blamed him for false interpretation. The Russian Jewish Encyclopedia (1994) pointed out that “the documents published by Brafman are a valuable source for studying the history of Jews in Russia at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries.”
[But although this sort of thing is interesting, it's noticeable that factual statements are weakened by lack of evidence, and the use of emphatic adjectives as substitutes for proofs. As in much Jewish pilpul, allegations are made which take inordinate amounts of time to investigate and prove.]
research.library.fordham.edu gave me this article: Founding Documents of the Kahal Kadosh Talmud Tora, Amsterdam The 1638 founding document of the Kahal Kadosh Talmud Tora of Amsterdam is well known as a “merger agreement” that brought three existing congregations together into one synagogue under one leadership council (Mahamad). It bears the signatures of 218 householding men of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish nation in Amsterdam, signifying their agreement to subject themselves to the authority of the new leadership. It is also well known that this document, along with the set of communal regulations drawn up later that year, granted nearly unfettered authority to the Mahamad. Looking at these two documents along with an earlier one that established an umbrella government over the three congregations (1622) and later references to them, there emerges a more nuanced view of how these they functionedâ€â€both as political texts and as documents in a working archive.
Text 1 has been published in Portuguese in Wilhelmina C. Pieterse, Daniel Levi de Barrios als Geschiedschrijver van de Portugees-Israelietische Gemeente te Amsterdam in Zijn “Triumpho del Govierno Popular” (Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema, 1968), 155-67; but never in its totality in translation. Wiznitzer (see below) published an English paraphrase. Texts 2 and 3 have not been published to my knowledge, aside from short excerpts.
[Note: the history of Dutch involvement in the invasion of Britain has been heavily whitewashed.]
University College, London project. The following colleagues agreed to contribute to this project:
Dr Cornelia Aust (University of Bielefeld)
Dr Artur Grabski (Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw)
Dr Piotr Kedziorek (Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw)
Dr Andrey Zamoiski (Free University Berlin)
Dr Artur Markowski (Warsaw University)
Prof Waclaw Wierzbieniec (Rzeszów University)
Prof Adam Teller [?related to Edward Teller?] (Brown University)
Dr Marcin Urynowicz (Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw)
Dr Michal Szulc (University of Potsdam)
Prof Hanna Zaremska (Polish Academy of Sciences).
The project has been awarded a research grant of ca £50.000 by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, Duesseldorf (Germany), supporting historical research. An agreement has been reached with Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, to publish this source reader. The project is intended to be completed in 2020.
[For only about £5000 each, I'd guess this was a very damp squib!]
What the Kahals did
As regards Jews, please understand that they constitute a distributed nation, scattered around the world, but concentrated in some cities and towns. Don't be taken in by the claims they are only a tiny percentage. This is easy to overlook; most people don't know, or care, or understand that there are bunches of Jews in different places with similar attitudes. In each town they inhabit, they tend to the 'Kahal' system, run by Rabbis, in which they secretly arrange to target local 'goy' victims, the right to act depending on payments to Rabbis. Where secrecy is not possible, they organise a few local people on the Freemasonry principle. This principle includes religions; Christianity and Islam were both founded by Jews and collaborated with them, while pretending not to. When they seem to have sucked what they can from the locals, they may move, sometimes making a lot of noise in the process, often enough not in fact moving, and often enough secretly supported by nobility and educators. For example, Christianity was based on land ownership and many local priests, and education in western Europe was mostly a matter of training promising youngsters in Latin and the Bible. These people, like modern USA 'Christians', had a financial interest in colluding with Jews.
The 'Kahal' regards local non-Jewish areas as an empty wasteland occupied by people-shaped living things, regarded as cattle. They wish to gain ownership; this has to be kept secret. The 'Kahal' sells 'rights' to parcels of property to a Jew, and uniquely to one Jew, who is instructed to become the 'true master' of the property and to exploit it as fast a possible. A non-Jew who owns no property can only borrow from the Jew who bought the rights; no other Jew can do business, and the non-Jews must be ruined as rapidly as possible. If they come under the justice system of the country, the Kahal corrupts by money, uses false witnesses, launches 'a pack of factors'. Fascinating structures, unsurprisingly kept secret, and co-operating with (for example) Freemasons. These latter very roughly correspond to the 'candidates'.
“Bourgeois” — what the word means means to Marxists.
The Jewish rabbinical view, embodied in the Kahal system, is that what's theirs is mine, and what's yours will be mine, after the Kahal has done its work.
A 'bourgeois' is a person or group who is non-Jewish and owns money or assets. The ownership is viewed by Jews as shocking and temporary and up for spoliation.
When Jews in the USA talk about 'flyover States', or Christian churchmen are called 'bourgeois', or the Jewish 'historian' Simon Schama sneered at Suburbia, this is their hidden meaning.
H G Wells was puzzled as to why Russian intellectuals and artists were kept wretched by Bolsheviks and guards. The rabbinical Kahal system is the reason.
Wikipedia article. Is a typical Jewish hate piece; it's impossible to know how true any of it is. There are stories of poverty and bitterness, a usual feature of Jewish lying. I will not go into detail, the article is suspect in the usual-suspect ways. I've copied it here (2 May 2022 version) but can't guarantee that the links work. But I may quote from it, now and then.
English Translation of a Brafman Book on this Site.
Here's a translation into English (pdf by DeepL) of Jacob Brafmann's Book of Kahal, part II (this edition 1928). I recommend people to make some effort to read this, though it's not easy reading.
[Another translation, of another book by another author, is Kalixti de Wolski on The Mysteries of Kahal. I hesitate, because it doesn't display properly. Not my fault! May be better than nothing.]
Warning against Naïveté! Why Not Test the Theory that Brafman's Books were Jewish Psyops against Goyim.
There's a tradition, encouraged by Jews, that 'goyim' should believe in whatever is offered them. Fashions change, attitudes vary, habits fluctuate, the most risky experiments with wars, population shifts, medical speculations; and when desired by Jews, absurdities remain, almost permanently.
To unsophisticated eyes, Branfman is simply presenting information about a social phenomenon. But we, aware of the sophisticated lying of Jews, have to be careful to try to interpret the circumstances around his publications. Here are some suggestions. You, dear reader, are the detective, coming after the event to try to unravel what happened.
Most Jewish biographies include sob stories—childhood poverty etc. Numerous examples of this type have been shown to be fake, by Miles Mathis. Watch for 'numerology', various symbols, coded slang, etc.
The claim that the Kahal had 'been abolished' is made somewhere. Probably targets have been raised; but the general idea is clearly correct. David Dimbleby, a jew in the 'BBC', was identified as attending a synagogue in Mill Hill, London, for example.
heritage-history.com is a site I have listed having books by Léon de Poncins, on Freemasons and Jews. Probably less important than it was, since Freemasons have been somewhat superseded by 'Common Purpose' and other Communist Party derived Jewish outfits. One of his 1920s-1930s books mentioned Brafman
Perhaps Brafman—or his handlers—intended to advance the plans of leading (but not ordinary) jews. Perhaps Brafman distracted from Jewish plans to emigrate to the US and UK. Perhaps his book diverted attention from Jews in the American 'Civil War'.
Perhaps Brafman wanted to make Jews feel afraid of the outside world, and stick together in a timid but aggressive pack.
Perhaps Brafman aimed to 'blackwash' Jews deliberately, to anger the goyim. Maybe so they could emigrate, by inventing pogrom stories.
Perhaps Brafman—or his handlers, readers etc—wanted to raise awareness of Jews from their comparative obscurity, to get people talking about them. In the same way Henry Ford may have been told to raise the issues, which many Americans knew nothing about, so they would think they 'understood' Hitler.
Or to attract shifty failure types, telling them Jews get rich and they might too, if they were allies with Jews. Many secret supporters of Jews were and are third-rate types like this.
Or to prepare the ground for a major psyop, as in the Dreyfus Affaire in France. This invented a scandalous issue, in France, where many people had been duped by Canal frauds overseas. The Affaire was a 12-year sensation, resulting is a supposed vindication of the harmless innocent Jew, Dreyfus. This needed a great deal of media control, including early film.
'After World War Two and the annihilation of most of Polish and Lithuanian Jewry' is a phrase somewhere. Many Jewish frauds are mutually-supporting—at least if they aren't yet exposed.
Brafman, or people who used his work, may have had collaborators: an obvious possibility is the Russian Orthodox Church, which probably had symbiosis with Jews, just as the very early church, the Church of England, and American churches now, all took Jewish money in exchange for preaching Jewish policies.
Brafman was supposed to be a Christian convert, and part of a Campaign to convert Jews to Russian Orthodoxy. May have been a secret collaboration with Jews, to make Christianity seem ridiculous; or to make it sound affluent and worth plundering; or to give hints on penetrating it to change it from within.
Brafman may have distraction away from cities, or businesses, or countries, or trades such as opium—anything coveted by Jews: Turkey, Japan, China, and the USA are examples obvious when looking back.
As the policies pursued over many centuries by Jews come into sharper focus, it should be increasingly clear what has happened, and what is likely to happen. All of this needs clear thinking and sophistication. I hope this analytical process will succeed.
From Chris Caskie
From Chris Caskie:–
I’ve been reading Brafmann’s book on the Kahals. Here are some thoughts:
[1] The Kahals seem to have been the norm in the 16th–18th centuries in Eastern Europe, but I’ve found almost nothing on how they developed, or existed elsewhere, but the system is ancient. It seems that Kahals were given the rights to operate by Catholic governments, which lends credence to the symbiosis thesis of yours.
[2] The Kahals sought to gain ownership of goyim properties. But Brafmann, nor anybody else I’ve seen yet, has accounted for how this worked out. There are parallels today with Jews in real estate, e.g. in New York, ripping off goyim. Perhaps large parts of e.g. Poland were owned by Jews.
Reading Brafmann, he also addresses conflict amongst Jews within the Kahal and how they ripped each other off and how people who disobeyed the kahal were ruined. And an account of how Kahals appointed ‘inspectors’ in a military like structure for every 100 Jews to police things.
[3] The tithe system is sourced from the Bible, and the system was imposed in (mostly Western) Europe in the Middle Ages until the govt. started collecting taxes following the ‘French Revolution’. Was extracting 10% of people’s income in fact too excessive and a ripoff? How much money served the public versus being wasted?
[4] You mentioned ‘feudalism’ and Ganshof. Any alternatives to the term ‘feudalism’, which only originated in 1839?
I’ve been browsing through books at my local university library. They have a lot of the conventional staples, like Ganshof. After surveying a dozen books on the Middle Ages & church history, I didn't find much useful concerning church economics, tithes, or ‘usury’ and Jewish moneylenders, and, of course, nothing about Kahals. Mostly generic descriptions. A huge void for future historians to (hopefully) fill.
Rae West 5 5 2022 and 27 5 2023. This file is copied in big-lies.org/jews/kahal.html
I wrote a quizzical review of Plato and his Sophist dialogue. The spur was the odd meaning of 'unsophisticated', meaning in modern English naïve, innocent of complications, unworldly, to its end-point of clumsy, stupid, and offensive. But this is not opposite to 'Sophist', from the ancient Greek, which indicates dishonesty, Jesuitism, word-twisting, and what Jews call pilpul.
A plausible guess is that Plato's Sophist, which was hundreds of years old by the time of the great century of forgery, 100-200 AD, was edited by Jews—probably along with Statesman and Laws—to conform with Jewish fanaticisms.
A practical application of this oddity of language might be to refer to practitioners of lies as 'unsophisticated'. Thus the Jewish-extraction Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, might legitimately be called 'unsophisticated' when he complains that illegals, ferried across the English Channel by supposed charity lifeboats, ought not to be sent to Rwanda. Welby appears to be too unsophisticated to follow the reasons for that decision.
In a similar way, people wanting to put up memorials to fake Jewish deaths, or media owners who publish lies, or educators wanting nonsense pushed in schools, and all the rest of it, are being unsophisticated.
I'm not under many illusions about the difficulties facing rationalistic non-Jews. Jews have been able to swing their rubbish onto vast numbers of people, helped by oddly mediocre grasping simpletons. And this for millennia. But being simple is unlikely to help us. Is it? Perhaps this tool will be useful.
For no particular reason, I found myself looking at the Church of England website. It is a monument to unsophistication, people with fixed smiles who really seem to imagine that Jesus is near them (all of them!), and that they can talk to 'God' and perhaps find his genuine intentions, and find ancient badly-translated 'Scriptures' meaningful. While listening to Victorian hymns to the 'God of Abraham' organised by mask-wearers. Speculation on Jews, wars, races, and the sources of the Church's money are not encouraged. Such people are not likely to assist with solving problems in the world, or understanding them.
I noted a rarely-seen style of comment, which might have appeared in Kevin MacDonald a quarter-century back, in the Occidental Observer, on the origin of 'Political Correctness' and the Talmudic beginning of censorship which is still happening now:–
Guest says: May 1, 2022
What you describe ... is Lashon Hara, Talmudic Law, in which NOTHING may be spoken, heard OR thought, even that which is true, if, in so doing, harm may come to the people (i.e., the jews). This is the basis for “politically correct” or “hate” speech laws in the West. We have been living under it for quite some time and in Britain, it was the British Board of Jewish Deputies and several Jewish Home Secretaries who proposed, drafted and established it as law via Parliament and Royal Assent.
Another, absolutely typical, piece of unsophistication appears in protests against Family Law in the UK, from about 2000. I haven't been able to relocate the index on ivorcatt.com, but Ivor quoted articles from the 'quality press' on 'father-bashing', 'femiNazis', secret family courts, ousters, women journalists, witch-like writers, female violence, fake rape claims, dishonest and incompetent lawyers, and similar topics, all unaware of the Jewish support, financial and Talmudic, of hostility to European families. If only he'd known!
Incredible Ignorance of Anglo-Saxons in the 19th Century about Jews. Can We Do Better In This 21st Century?
By Rae West 17 April 2022
Much of my website asks people to look into Jewish activities. In this short piece, I look at Bertrand Russell's Autobiography, published in the 1960s, praised extravagantly at the time, and which I liked and got to know, from his Victorian recollections to the 1960s. Thirty years later, I began to revised my opinion. (Here are my reviews of Russell's books, including his Autobiography, which I placed near the front). I'll list here (roughly in sequence) world events which he can now be seen to have totally misunderstood. I sometimes talk to people with much less grasp than Russell; this piece is my patient attempt to enlighten them, and wake them up to this important aspect of the world.
Russell viewed Victorian Britain as living through a golden age, getting richer 'for all classes'. Probably this was widespread as a top-down view; Clerics, ordinary educators, and so forth would probably agree. But it was a precarious situation. Russell thought the Victorians were 'blessed' for their ignorance.
Europe's 'royal families' were largely eclipsed after 1913, though Jews where present secretly hept going. Russell, despite trying to be rational about royalty, failed to notice the Jewish infiltration. Probably Victoria's longevity was helped by her assistance for Jews in the Opium Wars against China, and wars for gold in South Africa. Just as Elizabeth II's longevity must have been helped by her moronic treason against Britain. Note that Edward VIII was removed pretty quickly. It is rather shocking that Russell showed no awareness of the aristocracy
In 1884, Arnold Toynbee (the earlier, not the younger one!) seems to have invented the phrase 'industrial revolution'. Everyone seems to have thought in terms of 'revolution' after that. Including Russell. This made it difficult to see long-term plans working through. He thought 'Some of the ablest leaders ... have arisen in revolutionary situations', misunderstanding Jewish intrusions.
In 1890 Russell went up to Cambridge. He soon concluded that he'd got to know all the cleverest people. nearly 80 years later, he included this statement in his Autobiography, despite the fact that none of them had identified the causes of the 'Great War'.
1903: remains of a man were found in Cheddar Gorge caves. Presumably this was a result of the new electric light. But 'cave men' was adopted by many people who should have known better.
Russell said nothing about India, despite the East India Company's faraway wealth; and very little on China, despite the opium connection, and South Africa, despite the gold connection and the military preparations and actions.
Russell took the British Empires, and the domination of the Navy, for granted, without analysis, in particular of money and ownership. He said little about the first British Empire, in what became the USA. Few people referred to the Jewish ownership of much of the empire in India and Africa; it "wasn't done". This helped assets to be moved between the UK and USA without being noticed.
Russell noticed the advent of militarized Japan, and the defeat of the Tsar, but assumed this was something internal to Japan. Nobody pointed out the interference of Jewish finance. (Note: a recent piece by 'Lestrade' on Japan is very good on Japan's conversion to yet another Jewish-owned property. [Tiny Nagasaki Port 1634-1854 or Portuguese | 1853 Commodore Perry's black ships | Shoguns disabled | Boshin War 1868-1869]And an even newer piece by 'Joshf731' surveys Jewish infiltration into Japan [You Only Live Twice, 1967, fifth Bond film, has Japanese references throughout. This may not be true of the book. Possibly the inter-war period, or WW2, or the Vietnam War are inserted.
Russell was aware of the Church of England, its lands, its hymns, its pervasiveness, its money, its Jewish roots. But, in common with many Victorians, the viciously repellent nature of the Bible was unperceived by them—a truly amazing fact. Russell's one-time friend, Alfred North Whitehead, from a long line of clerics, shared this myopia.
Russell did not perceive Jewish immigration into Britain and the USA as worthy of note; much of this occurred in the late 19th century, when he was old enough to have had some understanding.
Russell was shocked by the outbreak of the 'Great War', but had no feeling for Jewish preparations, or war propaganda. And he had no idea that many people simply viewed it as an event to resignedly live though, in which they had little interest. His book Principles of Social Reconstruction was published after about a year of war, and placed the blame on natural impulses, as though aggression naturally caused war plans and weapon design and military hierarchies—he had no idea that Jews wanted war—for others, not for themselves. Looking back, he was absurdly unsophisticated.
An odd aspect of Reconstruction was his survey of the worship of money in Europe: he went back to the unification of Germany (finished by 1871) but not much before, so all his statements ignored all the previous history of Europe. Nothing at all like a deep historical overview over many centuries.
An example is his attitude to his 'loathesome' ex-friend, Eddie Marsh, who must have decided to profit from the war, and who 'became a high Tory', a category which shows little insight. His note that 9 out of 10 philosophers were like Hanky and Panky (from a Samuel Butler book), and failure to come to grips with Keynes, point the same way.
The attempts at Jewish revolutions, the multiple Jewish groups including 'Bolsheviks', the mass killings were not understood by Russell, who became a more-or-less useful idiot. He assumed the 'great man' theory, imagining Hitler operated on his own. He was (as far as I know) a lifelong friend of Victor Gollancz, a lifelong propagandist funded by the Fed. He had little idea of the depths of evil of the USSR. (I'm not suggesting other people weren't as bad, or worse).
His book Power fell flat, probably because it omitted the entire panoply of Jewish action, including the conspiratorial Freemasons. Russell never developed any theories on secrecy. He thought 'Cromwell and Lenin were men of profound religious faith, believing themselves to be the appointed ministers of a non-human purpose.' Of course they were!
After 1945, he assumed the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' was genuine, and that the 'Cold War' was genuine, and that the nuclear issues were genuine, for example the 'Cuba Crisis'. He applauded Churchill as a unique leader. However he did become aware of war crimes in Vietnam, as I've noted in this site. He helped arrange real-life investigations, in his extreme old age.
In no particular order: (1) Russell feared 'the State', and wished that the era of state education had never arrived. But he couldn't identify the critial parts of this view. (2) Russell blamed Rousseau for what he thought of as the lack of discipline in the world since the French Revolution. (As opposed to Joseph Conrad). This appears to be left over from discussions on the 'French Revolution' which ignored Jews and Freemasons—i.e. all the official discussions. (3) Russell thought romanticism 'led to Auschwitz', which he thought had happened. He thought there had to be some reason. He failed to think of Jewish fraud. (4) All his life Russell was a sucker for movements led by Jews. Georg Cantor, Einstein, Freud, Lenin, Oppenheimer, Jewish feminists, forcers of immigration, NAACP-style movements in the USA, warmongers, are just a few examples. He followed the Jewish line during and after the Second World War, with his own twists, for example comparing German bombing of London with US bombing in Vietnam.
However, there is one exception. Russell never attempted to look into the Talmud and similar material. The Soncino edition in English appeared (or started to appear) before 1939, and might have been investigated by Russell, probably with people who would have been pleased to point out its characteristics.
Russell on 18th century rationalism: the 'Great Fire of London' was 1666, the 17th century. The Jewish Bank of England was founded, and the scene set for general impoverishment. The 18th century in Britain was marked by post-war consolidation of the Jewish bank system. This led to widespread impoverishment, combined with wealth for those local families who allied with Jews: there were huge houses with vast staffs to handle buildings, decorations, horse transport, gardens, kitchens, room fires, water supplies, visitor arrangements—the National Trust looks after hundreds, without drawing attention to their origins. This was described as 'rational' by its beneficiaries. The era drew to a close with the 'French' Revolution and Napoleon. The real authoress of 'Jane Austen' provided a bitchy commentary, while (for example) Manchester grew from a tiny village.
Jewish Murders. (And Bayesian Probability Contributing to Evidence).
By Rae West 22 March 2022
I'm asking people to look into Jewish activities, and see if we can find useful pointers for the non-Jewish world.
Jewish behaviour has been found to be very rule-bound, determined by their 'laws' and by repetitious memes from their past, which is itself largely fantasy. For example, the 'Holocaust' is known to be a complete fake, and yet many Jews rely on that fake model to claim they are entitled to harm Europe and the USA because of it. The most detailed interpreter of the Talmud known to me is Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
My starting-point was thinking about Queen Victoria's longevity. She gave her name to more than sixty years, many decades of great change. What a nuisance if she'd been replaced by several monarchs! The curious thing is that she had genetic problems, as shown by haemophilia (or porphyria?) in Europe's royal families. Victoria supported, or did nothing about, Jews and their opium wars against China. The British Empire, assemble with Jewish money, flourished. Jews were allowed incursions into Britain on a large scale, mostly unnoticed. In other words, she was Jew-friendly. Jews had no reason to try to remove her.
Another monarch is of course Elizabeth II, whose reign has lasted even longer. Her main interested appear to be walking little dogs, and watching horse-races, suggesting no interest in public affairs. She has supported Jewish wars, supported fabricated Jewish activities following their victory in the Second World War, said nothing about endless immigration, watched nominally British organisations taken over by Jews. Again, she's been Jew-friendly.
However, we may also consider other nominal rulers with short reigns. The obvious example is Charles I, executed by Oliver Cromwell, the Cromwell who was backed by Amsterdam Jews. Another example may be Henry VIII, who died rather young, and had many children who died or were sickly. His wives had trouble with conception. Henry VIII seems not to have been especially favourable to Jews; he preferred cash to loans. He seems to have llowed the introduction of interest on money, with reluctance.
Spencer Perceval was a Prime Minister who was 'assassinated', a polite word for murdered. Castlereagh as another Prime Minister, who allegedly committed suicide. Both were involved with decisions about European money and the American States.
I pick these examples to hint at the likelihood of deeply-entrenched Jewish manipulations.
Now let's consider large-scale deaths, perhaps through wars, or starvation, such as the 'Holodomor' in the Ukraine. However, it's increasingly clear that genocidal arrangements have been used, and the position of Jews in the USSR ('Communism') and China makes it obvious that Jews have arranged these things, and that they can be projected back into the past. The World Wars from 1914, funded by paper money under Jewish control since 1913, show Jews have played much larger parts than anyone would suspect from newspapers and electronic media. And wars after the victory in 1945 show that Jews clearly supply weapons to all sides, provided they make money from them.
We must also consider plagues, such as the 'Black Death' in Europe, where there were few, but non-zero numbers, of Jews.
Wars such as Cromwell's, paid by Amsterdam Jews, and the 'Great Fire' and Plague of London are statistically likely to have had Jew involvement.
USA war between states: clearly secret control from Europe of currency and banks.
Miles Mathis suggests some wars are written up to hide their faked nature. His examples include Old Testament 'wars', and the Wars of the Roses. His examples suggest a fairly simple, painless, replacement.
But many bitter and vicious wars are kept secret, and left unmentioned and censored; consider post-1945 USSR and eastern Europe. The Vietnam War was and is this type, routinely censored.
Tantalisingly, simulations and even board games might become significant, replacing the 'toy soldiers' view of struggles. The board game Risk might be adapted to include another player, analogously to the banker in Monopoly. I like to think that statistics and probability might model these situations, including parts for churches/ oddfellows/ freemasons/ CP/ World Economic Forum.
For authentic-looking interactive chat, these are not yet successful.
Latex and silicone masks seem to be more successful. They are thin and can add little extra facial padding. And they may respond to subcutaneous facial muscles, looking genuine, especially with cruder male faces. Here's an example (right) from c. 2000, a mask made for Ian Holm at Peter Jackson's request, acting as Bilbo Baggins enraged by denial of his ex-ring.
Pink Floyd (a pop group!) had musician surrogates in masks, but they were a long distance from their audience.
A movie made in Germany, Er ist wieder da, had a section on 'Sawatzki', shooting at the actor playing Hitler, and being locked up, played by a image double. Just screen shots from their informational bonus tracks. It shows the general idea, though not the higher degree of precision needed for convincingly impersonations over longer timespans than occur in movies.
Here's a real-life example of a fraud, quoted from Israel: A Refuge for Swindlers February 12, 2022, by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
In one such example [of very many], in 2019 an Israeli scam operation obtained around $90 million after impersonating French foreign minister Jean-Yves le Drian, calling African heads of state, ambassadors, clergy and business figures, and asking them to help France pay ransom for French citizens abducted by ISIL or other terrorist groups in Syria.
Miles Mathis made much of 'intelligence services' having an interest in twins. For video images, masks seem to be the thing they'd use.
'Acronyms' (means something like 'higher names') refer to new words made from initials, such as USA and RADAR and IKEA and perhaps OK.
Acronyms used by Jews do not usually contain the letter 'J', or presumably the equivalent in other languages—E for Italian Ebrio, for example.
I noticed this, in a way that fixed itself in my mind, when looking at an article about Herschel Grynszpan in 1938 by Carolyn Jaeger on Kristallnacht. She regards Grynzspan, a young 'Jew' presumably not liable for full legal penalties, as having been deliberately used by Jews for murder (on 9/11) to spark movements for war.
In Paris, in 1938, a building near Grynszpan's secret hotel room was labelled LICA. In modern France, LICRA is a pressure group for Jews. They would not have a building clearly labelled 'Come Here if you're a Jew Wanting to Start War in Europe'. Grynzspan must have been trained, coached, and given a lawyer in France to follow Jewish orders.
People looking into Jews will remember that 'ADL' in the USA means the 'Anti-Defamation League'. It doesn't state who it's set up to prevent from defamation. Jews aren't mentioned. The 'IWW' and 'CPUSA' don't mention Jews. The NAACP ('National Association for the Advancement of Colored People') doesn't mention that it was paid for and run by Jews. More recently, AIPAC, CAA, and SPLC (respectively, The 'American Israel Public Affairs Committee', 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism' or something similar, 'Southern Poverty Law Center') don't mention Jews, unless you count Israel.
The only exception I could find was UEJF, and organisation for Jews living in France, nominall as students.
Many outfits are run by Jews, for example unions (Equity is an, or perhaps the, actors' union, with specific rules about race, approved by Jews). University and College and Teachers' Unions never mention Jews, though of course they strictly adhere to censorship rules.
Jews seem concerned about their image in Sweden. I say this because there is a fairly heavy promotion of a 1 hour 45 minutes video (made in 2019 I think), by Jonas Nilsson, apparently a journalist, with several other presumably Swedish journalists.
I have downloaded a copy of an English-subtitled version, though it is badly subtitled, perhaps intentionally, often barely readable.
Let me explain, mainly for newbies—people new and curious about Jewish activities—the things to look for to identify fake concerns, typical of Jews. We can see:–
There is complete omission of the Central Bank in Sweden, and the related problem of the 'Federal Reserve' in the USA. Control of money determines everything from ownership of companies including the media, funding of education institutes, and funding of political parties. This system allows Jews to control multitudes of actors telling lies. Mountains of trash TV and publications smother anything Jews don't like.
A good 'tell' of Jewish subversion is the so-called 'Holocaust'. The fact is tens of millions died in the Second World War, but not Jews. It's a measure of the incompetence of journalists that they don't know, or won't say, this.
The Jewish view of World War 2 is one of the most important frauds treasured by Jews. All the Jewish preparation and participation and success is suppressed. Probably only the invention of the Internet has allowed light onto the details.
If free-ish Internet continues, this process will continue, and people will start to work out who contributed what to understanding, and how many people will be likely needed to research in full depth.
Soros is lied about. Hungarian Jews are presented as harmless, when they did their best to wreck Hungary.
May I recommend my page How the Master Race Won World War 2 as one shot at the important reconsideration of that war, essentially what Jews considered as a power bloc did between themselves.
The 'documentary' gives Judaism no analysis. Just beliefs, which are never mentioned. It omits the 'Chosen People of our One God' idea, the basis of Jewish race supremacy. And it omits the effects of Jews on the 'worthless goyim'. Christianity and Islam, and their secret collaborations, both have Jewish roots. They have since they were founded and spread.
May I recommend my review of a book by Christopher Bjerknes: Beware the World to Come. Bjerknes has gone further than any other author known to me, including Michael Hoffman and Kevin MacDonald. This is some indication of the progress of thought since Internet started in about 2000.
Science frauds ('AIDS', COVID, some or all vaccines, fluoride in water, low-salt diet, flashcard reading education, nuclear weapons and power...) are a Jewish speciality, supported by hired goyim. Nilsson misses this sort of thing.
Extracts from Jewish American TV include Tucker Carlson screeching in US substitute-for-thought fashion. He pretends to air the issue of open borders, just as Nilsson is there in a pretend rethink. Extracts included the nosferatu-like 'CEO' of the 'ADL'—like Africans in Haiti, they love to pretend they have qualifications. Watch the scripting of every single word. 'Multiculture' is a perfect example, using the absurd definition of 'culture' which comes naturally to Jews.
I was surprised the Bonnier family's domination of printed media was there; maybe to suggest invincibility.
Sweden's versions of Freemasonry is completely missed. These secret outfits are important in linking Jews to Swedes in a secret interface, to get their orders and their money.
Police and legal inactivity in cases of violence against whites, giving illegals the vote and money and housing and food and healthcare—none are discussed.
Compensation of Jewish evils is (of course) omitted.
So it's not a serious 'documentary'. Probably they're trying to hold on to past propaganda victories. It's a format likely to increase.
Just a Few Things from Swedish History.
1957 Sweden was one of the first countries in which anti-Apartheid movements started 'spontaneously'; presumably by Jews, notably the Bonnier media family. This date is selected more or less arbitrarily, since, if there had been a defining date, it would be kept secret. Note how covert Jewish pressure always acts against the Swedes themselves: consider the present-day situation in Sweden. And bear in mind that Sweden was neutral in the Second World War.
From Wikipedia: In 1957, Swedish missionary Gunnar Helander was barred reentry to South Africa due to his affiliation with anti-apartheid activists. Helander later threw his support behind the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the peaceful struggle of Albert Luthuli, the prominent ANC politician. ... Pär Westberg, who went on to found the Swedish chapter of Amnesty International, met South African literary giant Nadine Gordimer in the late 1950s. She introduced him to Nelson Mandela... Note the Jewish policy of unrestrained praise for their puppets—Jew-aware people know that persons given awards and prizes and unearned degrees and media praise are Jew puppets.
1964 David Schwarz, a Polish-born Jew wrote "The Immigration problem in Sweden" in the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) using the Holocaust fraud as part of the evidence. An example of the propaganda part of the Jewish push for immigration. In the video he claims to be a 'sociologist', typically for Jews hiding behind some front or other.
Judar verkar bekymrade över sin image i Sverige. Jag säger detta eftersom det görs en ganska kraftig marknadsföring av en 1 timme 45 minuter lång video (gjord 2019 tror jag), av Jonas Nilsson, tydligen journalist, med flera andra förmodligen svenska journalister.
Jag har laddat ner en kopia av en engelsk undertextad version, även om den är dåligt undertextad, kanske avsiktligt, ofta knappt läsbar.
I have downloaded a copy of an English-subtitled version of Why is Sweden en Multicultural, though it is badly subtitled, perhaps intentionally, often barely readable.
LÃ¥t mig förklara, främst för nybörjare - människor som är nya och nyfikna pÃ¥ judisk verksamhet - vad man ska leta efter för att identifiera falska bekymmer, typiska för judar. Vi kan se:-–
Centralbanken i Sverige utelämnas helt och hållet, och det relaterade problemet med "Federal Reserve" i USA. Kontrollen av pengar avgör allt från ägande av företag inklusive media, finansiering av utbildningsinstitut och finansiering av politiska partier. Detta system gör det möjligt för judar att kontrollera mängder av aktörer som berättar lögner. Berg av skräp-TV och publikationer kväver allt som judarna inte gillar.
Ett bra exempel på judisk subversion är den så kallade "Förintelsen". Faktum är att tiotals miljoner människor dog under andra världskriget, men inte judar. Det är ett mått på journalisternas inkompetens att de inte vet, eller inte vill säga, detta.
Den judiska synen på andra världskriget är en av de viktigaste bedrägerierna som judarna värnar om. Alla judiska förberedelser och deltagande och framgångar förtigs. Förmodligen är det bara uppfinningen av Internet som har släppt ljus på detaljerna.
Om det fria Internet fortsätter kommer denna process att fortsätta, och människor kommer att börja räkna ut vem som bidrog med vad till förståelsen, och hur många människor som sannolikt kommer att behövas för att forska på djupet.
Soros ljugs om. Ungerska judar framställs som ofarliga, när de gjorde sitt bästa för att förstöra Ungern.
Får jag rekommendera min sida How the Master Race Won World War 2som ett försök till en viktig omprövning av det kriget, i huvudsak vad judar som betraktades som ett maktblock gjorde sinsemellan.
Vetenskapsbedrägerier ("aids", COVID, vissa eller alla vacciner, fluor i vatten, saltfattig kost, undervisning i kortläsning, kärnvapen och kärnkraft ...) är en judisk specialitet som stöds av inhyrda goyim. Nilsson saknar den här typen av saker.
Sveriges versioner av frimureriet saknas helt och hållet. Dessa hemliga utstyrslar är viktiga för att knyta samman judar med svenskar i ett hemligt gränssnitt, för att få deras order och deras pengar.
Polisens och rättsväsendets inaktivitet i fall av vÃ¥ld mot vita, att ge illegala röst och pengar och bostäder och mat och sjukvÃ¥rd — ingen diskuteras.
Kompensation av judiska illgärningar utelämnas (naturligtvis).
Det är alltså inte en seriös "dokumentärfilm". Förmodligen försöker de hålla fast vid tidigare propagandasegrar. Det är ett format som sannolikt kommer att öka.
Bara några saker ur den svenska historien.
1957 Sverige var ett av de första länder där antiapartheidrörelser startade "spontant"; förmodligen av judar, framför allt av mediefamiljen Bonnier. Detta datum har valts mer eller mindre godtyckligt, eftersom om det hade funnits ett avgörande datum skulle det ha hållits hemligt. Observera hur hemliga judiska påtryckningar alltid verkar mot svenskarna själva: tänk på dagens situation i Sverige. Och kom ihåg att Sverige var neutralt i andra världskriget.
Från Wikipedia: 1957 förbjöds den svenske missionären Gunnar Helander återinresa till Sydafrika på grund av hans samröre med antiapartheidaktivister. Helander gav senare sitt stöd till att Nobels fredspris 1960 tilldelades Albert Luthuli, den framstående ANC-politikerns fredliga kamp. ... Pär Westberg, som senare grundade Amnesty Internationals svenska sektion, träffade den sydafrikanska litterära giganten Nadine Gordimer i slutet av 1950-talet. Hon presenterade honom för Nelson Mandela ... Observera den judiska politiken med obehindrat beröm för deras marionetter - judiskt medvetna människor vet att personer som får utmärkelser och priser och oförtjänta examina och mediala lovord är judiska marionetter.
1964 David Schwarz, en polskfödd jude, skrev "Invandringsproblemet i Sverige" i det judiskt ägda Dagens Nyheter och använde förintelsebedrägeriet som en del av bevisningen. Ett exempel på propagandadelen av den judiska pushningen för invandring. I videon hävdar han att han är "sociolog", vilket är typiskt för judar som gömmer sig bakom en eller annan fasad.
The r/K view of evolution is a good example of Jewish manipulation of truth. I'll here give some idea of how to correct this deficiency, update and refurbish it, so that it may be useful in understanding Jews and their collaborators in the world. An essential task.
An 1838 French correspondance by P.-F. Verheult may have been the precursor of this theory. it's on exactly similar lines to L Fry Richardson's work, using social data and rates-of-change over time. Wikipedia lists 43 notes in its article on r/K theory. There is no mention anywhere of Jews, as a result of strict censorship over many centuries.
All the man is saying is that with a geometric progression, the population change with time increases or decreases by a constant multiple, say 1% per year.
This is arithmetic, not observation. And it doesn't take into account the granularity of events, the fact that the numbers have to be integers.
Verheult adds that population growth may be retarded by the number of inhabitants—he's thinking of a fixed territory. So he subtracts a function of the population. In those days, they liked Greek lettering express complicated functions.
I've quoted that to show how these formulations take shape and get written down. In actual practice, they are often made more confusing than they need to be. Useful in preventing people from reading the stuff or wondering if anything has been missed.
Here (left) is Wikipedia's version, where r is the rate of increase, perhaps written as a percentage per decade, and K is carrying capacity, also a percentage of a population. When K is equal to N, the rate of change of population becomes 0. This is just a mathematical model.
It took me a dip into E J Hobsbawm's Jewish history to understand that Jews regard themselves as arbiters of survival, and view these mathematical tricks as unimportant. If you view the COVID fraud as a Jewish device for population control, you can see the point.
However, r/K theory as modified later isn't quite the same thing. I'd like to use a google n-gram to show the varying popularity of the phrase r/K, but I cannot, because it's too far from usual English words. So I'll refer to Philippe Rushton's book on Human Evolution. Rushton uses r-strategy to mean organisms with huge numbers of tiny offspring, not taken care of. And K-strategy, with small numbers of offspring, cared for more or less well.
Rushton wrote: "Succinctly summarized: more brains, fewer eggs, more K."
There's been the usual rather pointless contrived pseudo-debate on all this. For our purposes, the behaviour of trees or fish isn't really relevant; we're interested in in human populations.
All I'm saying is that it's very well established that Jews are a relatively late development in people, And they are not included in r/K models. An obvious way—to people accustomed to arithmetic and differentials and computers—is to add another parameter, say j, to represent the Jewish proportion of a population. And see what predictions are made.
I should add that, with increased experience of strategic and tactical lies, I,ve come to regard both J Philippe Rushton and Chris Brand as probable Jew or crypto-Jew actors.
From Wikipedia, Parasitoid wasp. [Note: not everyday wasps; these parasitic wasps are often tiny insects. They are often very specialised; no doubt because each has a limited repertoire of acts, in relationship to the hosts as eggs, larvae, pupae, or perfect insect.]
Parasitoid wasps are a large group of hymenopteran superfamilies, with all but the wood wasps (Orussoidea) being in the wasp-waisted Apocrita. As parasitoids, they lay their eggs on or in the bodies of other arthropods, sooner or later causing the death of these hosts. Different species specialise in hosts from different insect orders, most often Lepidoptera, though some select beetles, flies, or bugs; the spider wasps (Pompilidae) exclusively attack spiders.
Parasitoid wasp species differ in which host life-stage they attack: eggs, larvae, pupae, or adults. They mainly follow one of two major strategies within parasitism: either they are endoparasitic, developing inside the host, and koinobiont, allowing the host to continue to feed, develop, and moult; or they are ectoparasitic, developing outside the host, and idiobiont, paralysing the host immediately. Some endoparasitic wasps of the superfamily Ichneumonoidea have a mutualistic relationship with polydnaviruses*, the viruses suppressing the host's immune defenses.
Parasitoidism evolved only once in the Hymenoptera, during the Permian, leading to a single clade, but the parasitic lifestyle has secondarily been lost several times including among the ants, bees, and yellowjacket wasps. As a result, the order Hymenoptera contains many families of parasitoids, intermixed with non-parasitoid groups. The parasitoid wasps include some very large groups, some estimates giving the Chalcidoidea as many as 500,000 species, the Ichneumonidae 100,000 species, and the Braconidae up to 50,000 species. Host insects have evolved a range of defences against parasitoid wasps, including hiding, wriggling, and camouflage markings.
*Note: virology is in an undeveloped state. I'd guess some of the ideas behind 'COVID' come from this parasitism theory, and that the ideas are partly wrong. Don't risk being jabbed by parasitic Jews and their subservients!
The point here is that Jews have intentionally spread around the world, possibly as descendants of administrators of seaports and trading cities on land, combined with family upbringing with sufficient local contacts to mimic the locals occasionally, and identify leaders for co-operation or attack.
My insect comparison, very vaguely, corresponds to the huge range of potential victims; human equivalents being fewer (since human beings learn faster), but specialisation still being necessary (since human beings have finite memory and skills).
Because Jews have partly arranged goyim to suit Jewish interests, it's imperative to grasp the effects of Jews as a distributed race or nation. Because of their media control, they control the beliefs of goyim local to (say) the USA, Germany, China, India, or pretty much anywhere, and it's only with easier travel, Internet and machine translation that many people are starting to understand how stories vary worldwide.
And there's a global policy, which people are starting to understand. Here, policies which Jews intend to impose world-wide are controlled world-wide.
Examples of the first (i.e localised selection of information) are the fomenting of wars by Jews: if they can set northern Americans against the south, they may get a war (and preferably with deaths and destruction of many Americans). Ditto with Britons and Boers in about 1900 in South Africa. Ditto with Germans and 'Anglo-Saxons' ('Anglo-Saxon' disguises the fact they were controlled more by Normans, and by freemasons).
Note that Germans' views were controlled differently outside Germany, by things like The New York Times and BBC, and within Germany. In fact the Jewish view of Hitler, frantically trumpeted, is starting to erode; as people notice that Hitler's (and Mussolini's) actions seem to have been pro-Jewish: see for example my long file How the Master Race [i.e. Jews] won World War 2 and/or Hexzane, probably from France, who wrote many short individual files on anomalies of WW2 and predictions for the future.
China and Japan have intense media control. A book I have on the 'Opium War' says nothing about Jews in China, and Jews inventing 'Communism' in China don't mention Jews there; China has series of books on the Talmud, no doubt full of lies. Japan, I know from my website, is censored; I realised this after getting a sudden spike of downloads which underlined for me how few downloads come from Japan. Though I've had some from the Hiroshima University of Economics. The 'Rape of Nanking' has a similar fantasy status to the holohoax in the west.
Another example of localised selection of information is large scale: most people still haven't understood that both Christianity and Islam were promoted by Jews. It has to be said these were and are very successful, with their combination of violence and appeals to venality, plus a few useful things.
Examples of the second (i.e. world-wide Jewish policies) include such things as promotion of homosexuality, including things like 'gay marriage' and ridiculous sexual oddities. And for example the COVID fraud with 'vaccines', world-wide banking monopoly, the nuclear weapons fraud, and forced emigration of low intelligence races into once-white countries. The Second World War was I think the most coherent and fanatical promotion by Jews that has ever happened, at least yet. Intentional harm includes such things as poor quality food (with e.g. fluoride; or low salt; or high sugar) and poor quality health policies.
How can people identify Jewish propaganda devices? Some are localised, some world-wide. There are multiple moving targets base on local sub-national groups, local nations, some groups of nations, and some world-wide policies. And much of this is subtle, relying on crypto-Jews and subservients chosen to be difficult to identify—many politicians, academics, journalists, judges, policeman, and trade unionists are this type—something like small parasitic insects.
But the single biggest error is to fail to see the continuity of Jewish influence. The best writer known to me—with careful work on computerised family ancestries and dynasties—is Miles Mathis. The continuity of Jewish policy is becoming visible at last, promising terrific advances in historical science. Jewish aristocratic-style hierarchies are becoming clearer, for example the reasons for Bill Gates and Biden being where they are.
Typical genuine historical examples The 'Jarrow march' of 1936 was a media event, presumably in news outlets, and perhaps on BBC radio, depending on their policies. I was told (by a friend from Jarrow) that it only involved about six people.
Whenever you see supposed spokespersons with no obvious financial support, or demonstrators supplied with printed banners and police support, using standard chants and working from scripts, suspect Jew fraud. That's the general rule today. This page has, below, a whole collection of 'false flags'—click 'go back' to return here—the expression seems to be British, from ships literally flying false flags—mostly from 2015, but many videos were removed without warning from Youtube and bitchute (without warning: prevents the people saving messages etc). It's impossible to keep up with them. But clearly much effort is put into these shams.
These are modern; before print technology, and later electrical transmission, the only large-scale deception was by town criers and synchronised preachers and similar types.
Serious modern Jewish interests ... ... ... My own observations give three topics subject to the fullest possible censorship and control, though of course there are others—past wars, NASA and other science frauds, COVID. My top three are (1) Hitler and World War 2 where Hitler is always made out to be the single leader, in Germany, who corrupted the Germans. I know from my own tests how important this is considered by Jews, even more than the fake 'Holocaust'. The best writer known to me on this is hexzane527. If you've heard of him, probably it's because of me. I've edited his pages here and encourage people to scroll down to D-Day or other events of the Second World War. I haven't found a single person willing to debate the issues.
If there's any comment, so far it's been to pick out one single statement and assert it's wrong. (2) Nuclear bombs and nuclear power as frauds. If anything, this is even more difficult to debate than WW2, since it seems to involve technical issues. I encourage people to look at nukelies.org, a joint forum from 2012.
If you're in the mood for3½ hours of video, download and watch my Lords of the Nukes video. (3) Modern wars eg Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen where there are current Jewish financial interests, and the chance of getting the truth is zero. Yemen seems an example of Israel trying to seize strategic territory.
... ... ... How websites imply limits is not like upper and lower limits in math, where things should be fairly accurate. It more like the 'Overton Window' idea, which limits the view according to Jew-desired limits. Except that there are usually many windows, mostly looking the wrong way. Here are some very brief examples (from present-day live websites). But remember Jews lie on this issue more than on any other. Hexzane527's Why most websites saying Hitler was a Jew are made by Jews is a good starting-point for newcomers. Note in particular the Jewish 'confusions' policy.
'Institute of Policy Studies' ips-dc.org (the 'DC' means Washington, DC). Fascinating site, complete bullshit. Examples include COVID (Chomsky talking about a 'terrible plague'), searching for 'anti-racist, feminist economy'. Just what Jews don't want! The immediate relevance here is to keywords such as Hitler, Holocaust, and Stalin, who of course Jews like. I recommend googling (or other search) for 'isp-dc.org holocaust' for example. The output is quite amusing, but I won't give examples here, as the Jewish liars will just change things.
WW2truth.com Is a very good revisionist site—sound on most things, unsparing in gritty detail—but not dealing with the issue of world-wide Jewry and its money, and the collaborators in Europe and Russia. It represents a stage in revisionism, illustrated by the 'Dennis Wise' site, TGSNT. It is pro-Hitler, not realising the multiple weaknesses in the traditional media WW2 story.
voltairenet.org Is of course French, though with many translated versions. It's interesting to see how the issues are subtly different from the USA's, more on Africa for example. Googling for 'voltairenet.com Hitler' leads to Thierry Meyssan, saying At the end of the Second World War, the Nazis massacred European Jews and Gypsies. Of course they did!
A more private site lloydianaspects.co.uk appears to be site of 'lindybeige', a Youtube contributor. His name turns out to be Nikolas, and one infers he must be of 'Russian Jew' or 'Polish Jew' stock, judging by his mock horror at what he'd call 'holocaust denial'. His interest or presentational front is weaponry, ancient and modern, presented in an engaging way, provided serious issues, such as world wars, aren't addressed.
Another site (video talk with Arthur Kemp on Red Ice) reveals Kemp's technique, minimising Jewish power with talk of ‘the Jewish Lobby’. But control of the world's banking system is not a 'lobby'. Control of publishing—from 'academic' books down to porn—is not a 'lobby'. Control of world military systems and wars is not a 'lobby'. Killing millions of whites in Russia was not the action of a 'lobby'. Kemp is like someone talking of Stalin as a 'town councillor'.
Print examples.Everyone knows the 'mainstream' print media display the same phenomena of lies, secrecy, and all the rest of it. I just want to point out that the same thing happens in journals and magazines, tailored somewhat to fit the mental habits of the readership. Most of these examples are from British, or rather (((British))) magazines. Forgive me if I save time here, by not giving multiple examples. But life is short! English Heritage looks at English monuments, uninhabitable, such as castles and megaliths. I noticed a recent cover design, an actor by an oak tree, in a long coat and long hair suggesting Charles II, with someone from India and a couple of Indian or Pakistani kids. The English 'Civil War', which was at least partly an invasion using new gunpowder weaponry, has never been treated accurately: unsurprisingly, the Jews behind it keep very quiet. Eighteenth century country houses—and England has very many spectacular examples—are treated almost as though they sprang from the ground. Just as laws on 'death duty' made many return there. Ironically, India was also a victim of the same forces, on a vast scale, though they don't seem to know that.
Current Archaeology is one of a stable of similar magazines. There's some fascination in their inevitable attitudes. For example, Romans are always presented as civilising. The financing of them—probably Jewish—is never mentioned. Archaeology is an unusual science, of course. But, take my word for it, many interesting questions are avoided. The current issue has an article on the ship, the Mary Rose, sunk pretty much when launched. Britain's seafaring past has almost been shoved aside.
militaryhistory.org is another largely propagandist consumer item, saying nothing about the Europe-wide rule of Jews, or anything that followed—national debt, impoverishment, starvation campaigns.
Censorship and Confusion in FinanceMost people seem unable to grasp the arithmetic inevitable with large populations: if houses cost a million, then a street of one thousand is worth a billion, if the conditions don't change. Similarly with food, fuel, water, housing, and pretty much anything. Maynard Keynes was scathing about valuations put on iron in the Ruhr, which needed by be dug up, refined, smelted, processed, and moved. There are many media articles making pitiful errors of the 'Africa is rich' type. I doubt if this is necessary; I like to hope it's a result of deliberate obfuscation. And I doubt whether such things as shareholdings and holding companies are as obscure as seems to be made out.
Up and Downsides of Controlled OppositionAll I'm saying here is that controlled opposition subtly imposes lower and upper limits on the conceptual space under discussion. The extreme being not to mention the issues at all.
Consider for example the issue of restoration to people of assets taken by Jews in the Civil War—the English, American, or Russian being just as applicable. Clearly, this has no part in 'mainstream' drivel. Or what about restitution of assets taken under the fraud of the 'Holocaust'? Or attempted restitution after war crimes? If these are never mentioned, most people will not think of them, it seems. So a fine point of managing such situations is to keep quiet about them. Obvious enough!
Two Essential Jewish Strategies: (1) Go For The Top. Possibly After Redefining The Top. (2) Go For Permanent Systemic Lies, for Concealment.
Rae West 21 April 2021
Looking back, at the astonishing influence of Jews, it is important to try to identify how they did what they did. And it is important to try to understand the roles of collaborators.
Do Jews Follow Strategies?
Jews in the modern sense are still not well-publicised, but nonetheless a lot is becoming known, mainly through Internet. (We need not assume continuity; though there may be; they may or may not be Khazars or middle-easterners or groups from anywhere; I'm assuming there are no reliable records going back thousands of years). Their 'sacred' book, the tomes of the Talmud, provides clues, but remains largely unmentioned.
We have to infer their strategies from past activities. I count them as a 'nation', but their structure is so different from the other few hundred nations that it's easy to miss. It is a secret union, mostly across cities in major states. They may be minorities locally, but collectively they make up a nation.
Probably the origin was the Mediterranean, plus the discovery of metals, including the invention of money. The Mediterranean is by far the biggest inland sea anywhere in the world. Ships, money, and trade seem to have combined into 'Jewry'. They have acted together for millennia. Miles Mathis estimates 4,000 years in total for the 'Phoenician Navy'.
1492 is typically regarded as the important date when the New World was not only found, but entered the consciousness of power-aware people. Jews in particular must have plotted their policies, which included the shift to the Netherlands (at the delta of the Rhein, Meuse/Maas, and Scheldt) and then to Britain and the Americas. 1492 was the date of a 'Sanhedrin' in Amsterdam; very likely it is the reason for the selection of this date. Note that The East India Company was incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600 and must have been part of the enlargement of the Jewish sea empire.
Collaboration between Jews and Non-Jews
The best example of Jew and collaborators' joint action, in my opinion, is the invention of the Roman Catholic Church after the decline of the Roman Empire through debt. The process was: one country or area after another was 'converted' by military action, or perhaps more accurately, violence, spreading over Europe. I believe 1350 was the latest date in which a country (in northern Europe) was Christianised. Alfred visited Rome and allowed his country to be 'converted'. The idea was to cut up the country into parishes, most with a church and vicar. Tithes were imposed. The result was the formation of a new caste who supported the whole idea, some of which must have been valuable. Charlemagne 'converted' areas in his reach by beheadings. Jews did not want conversion to Judaism!
It's essential to understand the Jews and Christians collaborated; they were not enemies, though there were lies and corruption as needed to keep up the pretence. The Church proscribed 'usury' and forced white-race Christian 'goyim' to borrow from Jews, who used their own rules, for example taking over all assets of defaulters.
I've tried to collect together these facts, for example in this long page on Christianity. The 'Sicut Iudaeis' bulls, the Cathedrals close to Jewish money quarters, the printing of Jewish propaganda in the new printed books, the 'Lords Spiritual', the hierarchy for willing goyim, all point the same way. Then, and now.
Strategy 1: Jews Aiming at the Top
Jews also targeted aristocrats and royalty. The pre-eminent and best writer on this known to me is Miles Mathis. He single-handedly data-mined very many online genealogies, finding links from Jagiellons in Poland (Poland was overburdened with Jews), the Komnenos, the Medici—a huge network which extends to today's 'British' royalty.
Possibly because of endless scribes writing junk, Jews have become pre-eminent in what's still called 'propaganda', including preaching, and the modern technological forms, of photography, films, TV, and digital media.
Just one example: Plague, the Great Fire of London, Cromwell, new explosive weapons, and ten years' war, most Britons have no idea of what happened, any more than they understand the wars of 1914-1945. Even commercial magazines such as English Heritage never mention real issues.
Anyway, the point I'm making is one, important, strategic technique, in which almost all Jews participate when the time is ripe.
The technique is to aim for top persons, if necessary displacing and replacing them, like cuckoos expelling other birds.
Whenever there's a movement, apparently from nowhere, for large but vague change, to unify parts into a new whole, supported by mysterious figures behind all the scenery, suspect Jews, throughout history.
Some examples:–
Unification of USA has usually been ignored. The States were originally intended to be Federated, with States' Rights, though this was written out of the US Constitution. In its final form (with a lot of covert Jew input) this gave a great deal of power to the President. It was not a federation; States Rights were low on the totem pole, but the President was high. All the Presidents have been Jews, according to good evidence.
The unification of Germany from large numbers of Kingdoms, Princedoms, and miscellaneous small areas. In 1871 a monarch of the whole area, the Kaiser, was appointed. Eventually of course Hitler became 'Führer', another Jew installation.
Italian unification took longer, 1848-1870, apart from the Vatican. Mussolini was another Jewish or Jew-selected actor.
The USSR ('Union of Soviet Socialist Republics') from 1917 was of course Jewish. Its constitution was Jewish, and must repay close study, though not by people paid by Jews! The constitution of the EU (European Union) as it was developed is based on that of the USSR.
The 'United Nations' was of course Jewish. As seems invariable, legislation and constitution and supposed principles were written by Jews.
The NHS (National Health Service) in Britain, founded in 1948. Now, every single GP is subordinated to moronic Jews such as Boris 'Johnson' who are forcing the COVID fraud.
Unions in Britain are generally controlled by Jews. The monopoly Actors' Union, Equity, has clauses to prevent display of anything 'racist', as interpreted by Jewish racists, no doubt including TV newsreading hacks. Electricians came to a bit of public attention, I think in the 1960s, with of course no investigation. The NUS (National Union of Students) is if anything more controlled than ever by Jews, such as crypto-Jew 'communists'.
For British readers, a thorough revisionist look at the takeover by the 'Bank of England' and the associated propaganda—King James Bible, Oxbridge colleges, Church of England, censorship, and the subsequent information control, which must include such things as the 'Jane Austen' promotion, 'Good War' stuff, and so on, will I hope become known to many people.
It's impossible to be optimistic, in view of the astonishingly long chronicles of Jewish frauds.
Strategy 2: The Priority: Telling Lies
Any strategy of deception omits mention of Jews. In this way, with luck only a few people will notice Jews. Many will not be able even to identify them. And this applies to their collaborators: very few people were aware of the real aims of Freemasons, for example. Collaborators include Christians, Moslems, Freemasons, Jesuits, Common Purpose 'Graduates', Quakers, many mercenaries, controllers of political parties, Communists, people in organisations of thugs—a huge list.
Why is this necessary, and what follows? Deception is needed to prevent the actions of Jews being identified and analysed and punished. And an important result, which is essential to understand, is to censor out all mention of Jews, and this means that all explanations of events, by Jews and their collaborators, are lies. They systematically lie in what could be called a creative way. So long as the victims can be persuaded to believe what they're told, however absurd, that's a victory. Let me give three examples, selected with controversy in mind.
Rome and war in Palestine. The received view (though only among people who investigate) is that the Roman Empire made fierce wars against Palestine. It seems however that even then Jewish money was a significant power in Rome, so the war may seem unlikely. Parts of Europe invaded by Rome were strongly fortified—Chester, in the sheltered part of England's west coast, for example had many stone fortifications of considerable size. Jerusalem seems to have had only a small fort. Is it credible that huge battles were fought there?
US Civil War. Jews, then and now, made as little reference to themselves as possible. The explanation for the Civil War (estimates of deaths something like 800,000) in the expensive media was something like American citizens were so sensitive about black slaves (imported by Jews) that they killed each other—with explosives. (Kevin MacDonald says, apparently seriously, that whites evolved to be morally idealistic. He seems not to know about mass murdering whites in many conflicts, generally paid to do what they do. Not unlike professors: a good example of a ridiculous explanation of an historical event which Jews have fixed on whites and others).
Boer Wars in South Africa. And Opium Wars in China. Both were asset grabs, one for gold mines and metal ores, the other for future earnings to be made from harm to addicts, and for forced payments. But note that, in both cases, Jews were not much mentioned in the causes of the wars. To this day, if the several East India Companies of the world are under discussion, Jews remain taboo.
Germany and 'the Allies'. The traditional, Jewish-promoted view is that Germany developed 'racism' and had to be opposed by 'the Good War'. Jews were barely mentioned until about 1965. A newer view considers world-wide Jews co-operated secretly with all the belligerent powers, arranging massive deaths among Russians, Germans, and many others, while Jews were unharmed and many went to Israel. Jews oppose this view, discreetly, and at the same time build up the fraud of the 'Holocaust'. Clearly there's a contrast between these views.
The English Civil War Considered in its Outcomes. What Happened as a Result of Jews' Suppressions? What happened in this ten-year war (1642-1651)? A typical formulation is the 1688 'Glorious Revolution' or 'Bloodless Revolution'. And the 'Civil War' between King and Parliament. Or 'the aristocracy and the middle class vs the King.' Neither mention Jews, or their allies. It is as convincing as 'the Good War' or as 'ending slavery in the USA' or 'Uncle Joe Stalin'.
My best guess is that Amsterdam Jews decided on the policy of fomenting hate and suspicion between groups in England; these were to be set at each others' throats, Cromwell selected as the nominal leader—with the required acting and oratorical skills, plus such things as love of money and understanding of propaganda. There are plenty such people; Churchill for example, Tony Blair, the Clintons, as examples.
Æthelstan is supposed to have unified England; William the Conqueror with his Jews perhaps was part of the planned, two-part invasion. Later, the [Welsh] Tudors and the rest of Britain seemed to have unified. (The usual claim is that turbulent barons were eventually kept in order by a centralised monarch.) Whatever may have happened, a country in the sights of Jews would have itself shaped into a single monarch, controllable by fairly large numbers of more-or-less anonymous and more-or-less unnoticed Jews.
The list of about 16th - 18th century monarchs, i.e. 1500s to 1700s, is something like this:
Henry VIII (1509-1547) died young, at 38. He was made 'Defender of the Faith' aged about 12, four years after Luther's well-advertised and encouraged church-door theses. Many of his children died, or sickened; one suspects deliberate interference. 1534 was his Act of Supremacy at about 25, and the Dissolution of monasteries began about 27. He is known among the people interested in such things as permitting interest on loans. He's always portrayed as vigorous and powerful, but this may be more or less mythical, the work of advisors or interlopers. Time flies: his death was midway between 1066 and today.
Edward VI and Mary I, two of Henry's children, were not very successful. They lasted about eleven years.
Elizabeth I (1533-1603); made Queen in 1558; the last Welsh (Tudor). Queen for about 45 years; considerable longevity. De Vere (1552-1604) was born about 20 years after Elizabeth, but died just after her. The fake Shakespeare died about 14 years later, helping bequeath a bit of a mess.
James I of England (1603-1625)
Charles I (1625-1649) executed with Jewish help. Then the 'Commonwealth'
Oliver Cromwell (1653-1658) Lord Protector
Richard Cromwell (1653-1658)
Charles II (1660-1685) 'Restoration of the Monarchy'. Much of the foundation for Jewish incursion, following Cromwell's wars, was carried out in Charles II's time. He mostly occupied himself by fathering bastards. He's usually said to be 'intelligent'
1665 Official Gazette
1666 Great Fire of London 2-6 September. Here's a good piece on Pudding Lane 1666.pdf.
William III of Orange, in the Netherlands reigned as monarch 1688-1702. Mary reigned 1688-1694. She died about when the Bank was founded; I don't know the story.
Propaganda: Printing, Books, Bibles, Censors Printing: In 1500, there were five printers in England, 'all foreigners', when Venice had 150.
About 1525 there were endless 'proclamations' against heretical and seditious books.
1543 no book printed or sold without church permission.
1552 the official Prayer Book.
1557 'Virtual monopoly' of books chartered to Crown and Stationers Company.
1603 the King James Bible in English was started; it was published in 1611, designed to sound impressive when read out.
Supposed 'great philosopher' praised to the skies by Jews. His ideas, such as the many-men-in-one, are of course rubbish. Part of the Jewish propaganda build-up, aimed to divide against the English king, and not mentions Jews in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe.
Supposedly influential books: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), long-lived, with aristocrats, 5-year Grand Tour, visited Galileo, lived with the 'founder of Whiggism', 1683 moved to Netherlands (to shelter with Jews?) Leviathan (published 1651) is described as philosophy, but his theory that a monarch embodied vast numbers of people is obvious rubbish. Looks like pretence that the King was a serious opponent in war, to build up the backstory.
Filmer's Patriarcha with extreme divine right seems equally written to fail.
John Locke, in retrospect stated to be influential, 'was generally ignored until 1703', the year before his death. His 'philosophy' replaces old Jewish superstitions and Church backing, with bank debt and a mulch of uninspired thoughts.
John Milton (1608-1674) received high praise ever since that time, with his classically-inspired blank verse on rather superstitious themes; the truth probably is he was part of the propaganda push of the time to Biblical superstitions. His 1644 Areopagitica was lauded as a (supposed) defence of free speech, but in fact omits everything important.
Macaulay is another highly-praised (by Jews) Holland House 'historian'
Wars 1618-1648 Thirty Years War, possibly supplied Jews with funding, on the principle Iraq War Has Cost the US Nearly $2 Trillion & Jewish (((Bankers))) made $444 billion! [Lamprecht].
The Thirty Years' War devastated central Europe. It is usually described in Jewish-avoidance style as 'religious'. It might be compared with the Second World War, killing masses of whites, while providing assets to Jews. The English Civil War ended at about the same time as the Thirty Years' War, 1649. Coincidence?
1714 Mandeville's Fable of the Bees published. Essentially about different groups of people and different assessments of them by the others. 1776 was Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, which does not include wealth of Jews. Compare Bastiart's 1848 piece translated into English as That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen which includes credit and militarism, towards the end. Examples of the slow progress—if there is progress—to understanding of power.
1717 United Grand Lodge of England founded. (The Queen's handbag, Eliz II, has a badge!).
My best guess is that the Monarchy was targeted by Jews over a considerable time, as a distraction from the intention to take control of England's treasury, from a specie (i.e. gold and silver) basis to the debt system, handled by the (((Bank of England))).
The outcome may or may not have been planned, including price rises, harm to labour, and a plethora of 18th century country houses, the centres of networks of radial roads, and significant employers of local labour and other things of the sort found in the supposed novels of Jane Austen. (The link reviews a sceptical book on the authorship issue, plus a remark that the entire genre may have been to pretend the Jewified aristocracy was beneficent:– the word 'Jewified' is not in great use in literary criticism, and in fact would need sensitive reading to identify).
There are some online discussions on the division between two modern types: Jew-aware people, who are often writers or commenters or researchers; and trigger-pullers, veterans, and people once involved, or caught up in, or wanting be involved, in wars and conflicts and action with weaponry. The first set want the second set to become Jew-aware; the second set want gung-ho action, but aren't clear what to do.
An example is Jan Lamprecht in South Africa. He was brought up in Rhodesia, as it then was; he moved to South Africa and spoke with many military and military intelligence people, and in the process became Jew-aware and set up his own quite successful and informative websites, which, for example, gave details of white farming families butchered and killed by blacks—these sites have been attacked by Jews. Lamprecht supports military actions, such as the Portuguese in what was the Portuguese Empire. So in my view we have a rather odd situation, where he identifies Jews and liberal whites as the enemy, and think the correct action is to bomb and otherwise kill blacks. They are generally easier targets.
Another example is Jim Laffrey, Jew-aware since the age of 50. He had online talks with a US veteran, who said he'd never killed humans. No, he killed Commies (I think he said). Laffrey was entranced by the account of Russians, the enemy, killed by Germans. Terrific! Maybe he was evading the issue, since he could not have been fighting in the 1940s. I'd guess Vietnam or Iraq were the sites of his triumphs.
Here's the magic of Jewish media control. Russian peasants were forced into mass uniforms, given ineffective weapons and training, but effective overlords. German farmers ditto. And British surplus workers. And Indian peasants. After two or three generations of propaganda the lines were drawn. And it worked, just as it had in the past for example with Janissaries, first taken from European families, the brought up and set against them.
The missing link turns out to be Jews as a distributed nation, in most countries a small minority, keeping low, scorning the locals, and remaining secret except from some contacts with the 'Freemason' type. The power of Jews remains uncertain: maybe Kings or nobles or adventurers had to borrow from others of the same type plus their taxes. Or perhaps Jewish power was intertwined with Church and Islamic power. But is seems that, as weapons became costly—gunpowder? Metallurgy? Chemical explosives?—worldwide Jews lent to both sides, but on the special condition that the victor had to repay the debts of the other party as well.
Only a few days ago I saw that War Games, in the 19th century 'Little Wars' tabletop style, with the blue-uniformed toy soldiers and their red-uniformed enemies, had the Jewish financiers completely excluded and written-out. To this day propagandists, paid by Jews, never consider the idea that all the sides were mostly controlled, like cockfights.
Another very important issue that is written out is war aims. The expansion of both Christianity and Islam was followed by taxes and tithes, though few believers have any grasp of that.
Some optimists (such as Kevin MacDonald) think that US forces would never attack their fellow-countrymen. They should look into the US 'Civil War'.
Possibly groups in various countries will organise to cut Jewish supply lines, arrange payment which isn't Jew-controlled, and attack their enemy. Maybe New York will be bombed; who knows.
I have to say I'm not at all optimistic that the Jew-aware are aware enough, or the trigger-pullers are more than trigger-happy.
From a Brighteon video by Paul Thomas www.paulthomasmd.com
Primitive Anthropology of Jews. And ‘Jabs’.
Rae West 14 January 2021
Embryology note: When foetuses grow in the uterus, they are enclosed in fluids, and wrapped within membranes; the environment is a carefully-controlled series of liquids, within which they grow. The cells multiply, and the foetus grows by multiplying internally. There is no insertion from outside of 'foreign bodies'.
One of the maxims of some ancient Greek physicians was not to penetrate the body. Modern hypodermic syringes (i.e. 'under the skin') are quite recent; before 1945 plastics were hardly known, fine tubes were rarities, and accurate regulation of chemicals was not feasible. For, I presume, money-making reasons, mass production and mass use have come into fashion. There are many risks: injecting air can be lethal; injecting odd substances—mercury, aluminium, any finely-divided solids, abnormal liquids, liquids of the wrong pH, oils, cell fragments, chemicals not found in nature—may have effects, and in particular there may be long-term effects. Insecticides may cause long-term problems, and there's no reason why such things shouldn't happen with injections.
Another fact to be borne in mind is that many diseases, which it's tempting to call easily cured, aren't much of a problem in much of the modern world. This of course tends to mean that a lot of medicine is relatively simple, and unprofitable. There is a constant tendency to try to find new money-making illnesses. 'AIDS' is a good example of a phoney illness—consisting of anal-sex-spread things, with joint vested interests of homosexuals with organisations wanting to fund them, usually of course Jewish. Another example is operations and chemicals for physical sex damage.
"Priti Patel, said to be part Ugandan, but really part Jewish. .. currently Home Secretary in London, a top British spook"–Miles Mathis, maler and maestro of genealogy. Indian and Chinese origin Jews are unexplored. I hope this will change.
We seem to be entering a period when the whole basis of medicine has to be changed. In the UK, we have absurd Jew-funded BBC campaigns for the NHS, with ridiculous fake applause and intense secrecy to hide the fact that many hospitals are empty.
There's a TV thing called Casualty which has existed for I think about 30 years; one of the principal characters is a porter (I think) called Charlie. I vaguely assumed this could be a nod to the workers, but I think now it's part of a process of dumbing-down; the NHS has a high proportion of people without much education, and this looks to be increasing all the time.
A friend of mine told me that in the army (this was years ago) people would simply be ordered to go somewhere and get jabbed. Natural enough for many types of official. It looks possible that injections will be made compulsory, and be administered by dangerous clowns.
In view of the high proportion of Jews and their allies (Freemasons, Common Purpose 'graduates', some Indians and Chinese) in unelected administrative positions, it's important to have some idea of their actions through history. Experts in Talmudic beliefs and such things as holidays, Jewish history and numerology, and habitual behaviour, might inform the public; but there seems no chance of that at present.
Let's consider poisoning. Many readers have met the idea that Jews were encouraged by a Rabbi to become apothecaries; in that way, they could poison—in one case—Spaniards. This advice was followed in the 20th century by a (((British))) doctor, Harold Shipman, 'the biggest mass murderer in British history'. However, poisoning is recorded way back, and of course in the absence of knowledge on chemistry that's not surprising. This seems to have worked itself into the Jewish part of the Bible, emerging in English as 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live', here an etymological confusion of something like pharmacy with something like sorcery elided away the recommendation to kill poisoners, unless, presumably, they were Jews. An interesting example of what might be Jew-assisted disease is the 'Antonine Plague' in the late Roman Empire.
Jews have well-concealed views on bloodletting (Haman's ears etc), stabbing (siccari), menstruation, and conditions of secrecy & and I'd advise anyone facing the COVID nonsense to try to find out about these oddities.
It's an amusing possibility that, just as dangerous 'skin whitening creams' sell in Africa, maybe uneducated Jews and others think hypodermic needles have magic curative properties. The contents don't seem to matter to them; any junk is called a 'vaccine'. This is one of the difficulties in allowing superstitious fanatics into power; all science frauds known to me have been Jewish.
The illustration (right) is taken from a video by Paul Thomas in the western USA, giving just some of the figures taken from his own practice, showing the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. I assume these are accurate, though there's plenty of scope for error. He's not the only person making these claims, of course. And they have been made for more than a century.
It's fascinating to ask people if they have doubts about 'COVID'. In my experience, the most aggressive ones don't know much about it, but refer to other people—the NHS, an uncle, someone in the media, the numerous dead people they claim to have seen, and what have you.
It's often said the situation is unprecedented, and has never happened before, but this isn't true. It shows they haven't understood European wars and the US Civil Wars; they swallowed the stories there, probably permanently, but haven't noticed the very similar controls on money, travel, food, employment, ownership of businesses, taxes.
In the interests of honesty, it should be noted that many social issues have been ignored and left undiscussed. I suppose one should concede that Jews at least discuss abortion, race selection (they had secret sterilization in Israel, and allow black abortions in New York at least up to birth). Quite likely part of the COVID business it to take over assets, and ruin such things as farms; and to force some new Jewish system, as yet unstated; but they may want to cull groups, and in view of population explosions this may on balance be the best that can be done.
And it makes sense to have doubts about serious research. Many 20th Century people have reason to think that the world would be better had aeroplanes never been invented. Perhaps deep biological research might have deathly consequences. And there are psyops: it now seems nuclear weapons were always a fraud, never existed, and never could.
Readers interested in the future scope of medicine might be interested in Harold Hillman, who spent his life trying to improve techniques of medical research into cell structure, biochemistry, and generally biology that is hard (perhaps impossible) to analyse. Here are his 47 Still Unanswered Questions in Biology.
Rae West 12 January 2021
'Intelligence' Groups. Of course, many have been Jew-controlled for centuries!
Rae West 1 December 2020
My point here is simply that 'intelligence' groups may act against their host countries, and it makes sense to understand the possibility.
Jews had considerable control over money for a few thousand years, and perfected their technique of secretly conferring among themselves and spying on the hated goyim, subject to technical limits of the time. They use money as a weapon—the textbook stuff, ‘money is a store of value, and medium of exchange’is for small people only.
For the last few centuries many large investment decisions seem to have been controlled by Jews, including war finance. Shipping and railways are two technically important examples; more recently almost everything—roads, vehicles, airplanes, minerals, media—are Jewish owned. The details are usually more or less secret: for example, Jewish ownership of slave ships has been hidden carefully, as has Jewish control of pornography.
Information control has given Jews astounding control over people's views of the world. Here's something that was actually in the media: the supposed 'nuclear chief' of Iran was supposedly assassinated by Mossad agents, with the help of a bomb, motorbikes, snipers, who 'melted away'. The facts seem to be that Iran has many Jews at high level; nuclear bombs are a fraud, and nuclear power is, too. There are plenty of faked deaths in any case; see Miles Mathis for excellent papers on this topic. The whole story may never have happened, or, if it did, been completely distorted.
If you're completely new to this sort of thing, you might look at my piece below on H J Mackinder, whose work on geopolitics, much of it before the First World War, seems to have been more or less buried.
And/or see my review of the British 'Cold War' book Spycatcher by Peter Wright, showing he had not a clue as to what was happening. (Right-click to open in a new window).
And/or read my review of Aldrich's book on Britain's (or (((Britain)))'s) GCHQ: Richard Aldrich: GCHQ.
Here's something I think from The Times of 9 Nov 2020: the U.K.’s GCHQ “has begun an offensive pun unintended? cyber-operation to disrupt anti-vaccine propaganda being spread by hostile states” and “is using a toolkit developed to tackle disinformation and recruitment material peddled by Islamic State” to do so.
In addition, the U.K. government has ordered the British military’s 77th Brigade, [this appears to be in Newbury; Hoaxashian was interesting on them] which specializes in “information warfare,” to launch an online campaign to counter “deceptive narratives” about so-called COVID-19 vaccine candidates. The GCHQ “cyber war” will not only take down “anti-vaccine propaganda” but will also seek to “disrupt the operations of the cyber-actors responsible for it, including encrypting their data so they cannot access it and blocking their communications with each other.”
Compared with the controls in WW1 and WW2, this is a fleabite, but it shows how much influence the incompetent purveyors of nonsense have.
Here's a US piece by someone called Mike Adams, on the US 'Department of Defense' and the CIA:
a covert war between the DoD and the CIA is raging across the planet ... DoD raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt ... All those deaths have been reported in the mainstream media, by the way. [As if that guaranteed anything! The rest of the piece includes stuff on Islam, Russia, and other Jewish controlled opposition 'assets'.]
In my opinion, it's important to have some feeling for all this. One of my introductions was finding that Bletchley Park, during WW2, had many Jews, all of course able to communicate with their fellows in Germany, France, Poland, Russia, and the rest of it. Here's my long article on How the 'Chosen People' won WW2. It's incomplete, obviously. There are many secrets. But then, what's a hundred million deaths between Jews.
I sometimes play with ideas on the fairly remote future. Maybe the more intelligent Jews, seeing their own genetic decay, realising that self-identifying as a 'race' when they are mongrels is a mistake, and apprehensive of increasing failure as genuine expertise is 'affirmatively' thrown away, will finally slough off the superstitious clowns permanently, and become more co-operative.
I'd suggest—based on the trusted principle that the Jewish media tell lies and meta-lies about everything—that the US voting system will be tightened up severely, but that the giving of votes to illegals and immigrants generally will be retained by Jews. They will make the system secure, but include myriads of non-Americans.
The idea behind the obviously useless Biden is to make voting fraud obvious to everyone. Biden falling asleep in an interview—or at least closing his eyes—and addressing crowds of zero—are part of the scene-setting. The Dominion Voting Systems are, only now, coming out with whistleblowers, though I doubt if any will be competent. After supposed battles orchestrated by the Jewish media and BBC and the rest, the system will be tightened. But the Jew-promoted immigrants will be kept in. I think it's as simple as that. Trump will appear triumphant, and will continue to do nothing except what he's told, notably giving money to Jews and Israelis, and continue the 'COVID' fraud while keeping its aims secret.
In Britain, I've watched something similar: in Blackburn, while 'Jack Straw', the local Jew, shepherded his flock of Moslems, boxes of votes appeared from nowhere and were tipped on the tables; immigrants were told where to put their Xs; boxes were not sealed; piles of BNP votes were faced with one 'Labour' vote to reduce the count. Where there are Jews, there's corruption. Just one example. This helped me with the evidence that the so-called 'Labour' Party was deliberately established by Jews.
Added April 2021: Here's a site by a man from Kent, collecting video information on invasion of Britain. Steve Laws report. Just one example.
Many People Still Fail Jewish Questions - Rae West January 24 2021
Right-click for Wetherspoon's document on 'Covid', critiquing the policy of 'lockdown', and 'read by 2M customers'. It politely declines to say it's all a fraud. Rather incredibly, about half the pages are by journalists, but there appear to be some serious people later.
Fascinating cover page about Oxford University, which has been part of the Jewish fraud since Cromwell. Don't think of Oxford as intellectual or honest. It's not. It's part of the problem.
What to avoid: Crouching on the shoulders of dwarves. Ritualised money- and time-wasting. But it's something to do, like football or sudoku or drinking or watching football between 'diverse' races.
Because of heavyweight Jewish censorship, important subjects are censored more than trivia. So it's necessary to read between the lines. For very important topics, read between pages, read between ideas: the more important ideas are hidden most, leaving junk prominent.
What follows is a brief survey of my view of some online activists. Real-life examples of people who work hard, but in my opinion miss important Jewish aspects of the world. I hope nobody takes unwarranted offence; this is more in sorrow than in anger. This is just a sample of websites out there; I don't claim to cover all their aspects. The quotations are more-or-less authentic.
Let me say that antagonisms and provoked disputes are a 'Jewish' trademark, damaging to all non-Jews. Just one example: A century past, Hilaire Belloc took a Roman Catholic view, but unusually was Jew-aware and willing to discuss this. BUT he couldn't allow himself to talk with H G Wells. Wells in turn made little attempt to understand Belloc on Jews. This must have helped delay awareness of Jews in Russia for years. Similarly, Bertrand Russell would have benefited from deep talks with Arnold Leese and others. I'm hoping that our digital revolution in Internet will facilitate more reasonable reactions. There is a dispute between Mathis and 'Simon Shack' over 'vicsim' pictures, which seems unresolved. Honest people must recognise that 'free speech' is not a simple thing.
Overview: Where We Are Now
(((British))) Prime Ministers. See how they lie. Official video. Doesn't include Boris Osman.
Censorship by Jews is almost complete in large-scale media everywhere. Smaller media, such as websites, are more open—allowing more communication than for millennia. The situation isn't very stable, and clampdowns are likely:—by legal and fake-legal means, thugs, propaganda, money manoeuvres and concealment—all the traditional Jewish tricks.
Just a few typical British media things I noticed recently: Lidl described repeatedly as 'German', not Jewish; praise in an online chat of an old TV thing called 'Blackadder', where the main actors, writers, producers and what have you are all Jews, serving up their (((British))) history; the coronavirus fraud headed by a mixed-race person, looking like the mixed-race Colin Powell—seems to be Jonathan Van-Tam, who seems to be part-Vietnamese—the truth about Jews and Vietnam remains unexplored. He is 'one of England's three Deputy Chief Medical Officers', who is paid to believe in COVID. TV adverts full of mixed-race couples, A contemptuous remembrance, celebrating whites unfortunate enough to get themselves killed for Jews. Feeble comedies, recorded laughs and jokes made of standard Jewish tropes. 'Veterans' of course without information on what they'd done, continuing the permanent media censorship on wars and bombing.
Actors saying things like "I guess Hitler thought he was a good man doing what he thought was right", interpretable as a Jew actor pretending Hitler worked all on his own; when of course he was part of the large international secretive clan of international Jews—myths about Germany being reiterated endlessly, just as the Jewish takeover of Russia is subject to endless myths, such as 'the collapse of Communism' meaning Jews had sucked it dry. And overheard phrases: "They served their country! They fought for freedom!" in place of "No, you stupid c**t. They fought for Jews. Jews hate Germans, and Russians, and Ukrainians, and Americans." Kafka described as a 'Czech'. Boris Osman described as a 'fat Englishman' in the trashy 'Spitting Image'.
Greenspan: "The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take." - America's Final Election video by Way of the World. A private company that controls America's money supply. It is not federal, and has no reserves. More on Jews
As with all Jewish frauds, crypto-Jews are hauled in to look sincere. Just examples 'Elton Hercules John' Pianist and entertainer, and long-term part of the Terrence Higgins fake AIDS charity. And Michael Caine with disabled brother offloaded onto Britain. And Schwarzenegger not known for medical knowledge. I note sadly Joan Shenton seems to be another; her AIDS activism may have been a cover for not outing Jews..
I just noticed that 'Dr' Ofer Levy of Pfizer is recommending injections for newborns! An online source add a comment on Mengele, part of the Jewish long-term fraud system.
A horrible prospect faces the world that Jews actually believe their rubbish, except the ringleaders who one hopes cannot be quite so stupid, despite their genetics. There has always been incompetence in the world, but we may see ever-growing failures if Jews assume their bogus money can buy skills. Incompetent propagandists, medics, surgeons, architects, engineers, designers, miners, teachers, farmers, may spread ruin as expertise becomes more difficult, and victims can see no solution but flee from loss-making projects and from Stasi, NKVD, CIA, secret violent groups, Moslems, Turks, Masons:—as illustrated by Africa etc. It's difficult to write convincingly on losses of skills after the event; who would remember them? Devastations and famines and ruin are unrecorded.
People who really think that hook-nosed and absurdly dressed bearded freaks can make food safe by chanting at it, presumably because their own tribal mascot is supposed to say so, are not likely to advance civilisation.
Jews have been secretly in command for so long that it's not possible to be optimistic. Jews invented and then collaborated with Christians and Moslems and subsidiary religions—Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jesuits, Quakers, Mormons—and have spread into capital cities and ports, in slow infectious manner, in most parts of the world. And almost by electrical induction, sparked corresponding mirror interlocking agencies.
A forgotten Canadian, Marshall McLuhan, wrote of the reversal of the overheated medium which perhaps may mean something, but anyway suggests to me a process, increasingly common, beginning with the personal discovery of Jews here and there, then going on to find more and more, and reversing—instead of seeing more, the individual starts to assume instead that all people in politically-commanding positions are Jews. They adopt a new top-down view of the world, the default control being by Jews.
Some think there must be a conventional military solution. But the diffusion and corruption by Jews and their allies or subservient is difficult to remove. Obvious solution is ex-military, but these often spend their lives obeying orders and being firmly told what to do and are the last people to be self-starters. Something similar applies to police forces especially as there is already a clear separation between Jews and others; people sloganising 'defund the police' obviously don't mean for Jews.
Kevin MacDonald expressed himself convinced that the US army would never act against Americans, but what if Jewish elites passed laws saying they must do this?
It's probably necessary to assume that anyone rich is Jewish, or a paid agent of Jews. Since they have been secretive, probably they must prove for themselves that they are Jew-free. For example, I now assume that the British 'Labour Party' was a covert Jew operation all along. I assume 'newspapers' are Jewish-controlled, and for example The Daily Mirror was set up under Jewish control to misdirect the simple; and The Independent was set up as part of the propaganda or war against Iraq, an idea unthinkable to the simple goyim who think money is in short supply, as it is—for them. I assume universities and education systems are Jewish; easy enough to believe—just look at London University and ULU, SOAS, LSE, 'Student Unions', Oxford and Cambridge.
We must look at Jewish methods: the Jewish coup in Russia ("Russian Revolution") and Jewish activities in all other countries reveal standard patterns, involving Jews acting as characters in Shakespeare funding murderers. Both Christianity and Islam were founded by the methods. There must be 'intelligence' in the knowledge sense—such places as Synagogues, planned groups and parties and secret conclaves, money, legal, and business plans must be spied on. Jews operate traditionally by spreading themselves across many countries, so they can call for aid from each other. So communication and travel must be disrupted. So must transfers of money: the USSR was supported by American and British money and materials, which have to be directed to something more constructive. This may happen naturally; if the Federal Reserve ca be stopped or subverted, it seems unlikely that a situation similar to the extreme unbalance between funds from the US to Jews in the then-Russian Empire will develop.
Age of TreasonAge-of-Treason.com is his site, with Intersectional Jewing on 2017/06/29. TANSTAAFL ('There ain't no such thing as a free lunch') is good on Jewish media saturation and their multiple types of deception. He doesn't look at the 'Talmud'. Some of his comments look at 'racism is for whites only', a rather amazing Jewish lie which is partly designed to hide Jews, who are the most 'racist' group of anyone. 'Identity Politics' is a coalition against whites: at present Jews pretend to support blacks, fanning squabbling between whites, with 'Hispanics' as a reserve army. To "Jewsplain" is to provide a Jewish explanation, repeated endlessly on all media. "The latest twist in the jew narrative concerns intersectionality, which encompasses all the bitter squabbling over rank in the anti-White victim hierarchy. The Occupy Wall Street movement called this hierarchy the progressive stack. The Jew victim narrative is most people's view of history." Tanstaafl says Jews pretend to be the permanent victims of history; however they permit other groups to be below them, in a hierarchy of unprivilege. Since the 1920s whites (or kulaks, bourgeois, Europeans) have been the most 'supreme'. So we have denial of human races, everything being whitey's fault, and whites 'culturally appropriating' the wonderful achievements of blacks! Much more; obviously this can't face any wort of factual criticism. And more.
BUT Jews claim to be white (to keep concealed in white countries) but are saying whites are evil. A problem, and, "broadly put, intersectional Jewing is what happens when one form of Jewing comes into conflict with another. The Jewish 'progressive stack' assumes Jews at the top, more victim than all others. Just look at the Holohoax! Tanstaafl discusses many topics based on Jew constructs, mostly in the US and Canada.
BUT Tanstaafl assumes whites are not guilty of any crimes. Research by revisionists, as I like to call them, has shown the Allies in WW1 and WW2 killed millions of whites, notably in Germany, Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. These were controlled by Jews—financially and by the media—but carried out by whites. In other words, like mercenaries, with a bit of pay they were killers. This may well recur: we may live to see the US Army killing whites in the USA, just obeying orders. Jews started both Christianity and Islam; Moslem mercenaries in Spain killed in the same way that Christians have done. (It just occurred to me that the 'peace' which Jews want to rule is similar to 'Dar Es Salaam' in Islam.) So there's a huge gap in Tanstaafl's work, exploitable of course by Jews with their complete censorship of ideas they want to hide.
A supposed reason for Jewish actions is shown in this extract from someone called 'Earl Raab': The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We [i.e., Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous [i.e., multiracial] nature of our population tends to make it irreversible, and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.
Earl Raab, Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, February 19, 1993 In view of the likelihood that the NSDAP ("Nazis") were set up by international Jews and Freemasons, I think this argument is a fake; Jews between themselves knew about the USA and UK and USSR, and knew perfectly well how they won WW2. The whole argument is bullshit, a fallback in case detection seemed possible. They just hate whites. No reason is necessary.
Often appears in video and audio with Jan Lamprecht. He explicitly says Jews have to be killed. In view of the record of Jews, especially perhaps in the last century, it's hard to deny the reasonableness of this analysis. After all, they started it and arranged killings on a vast scale: it's about time for a reply in kind. Whether this is feasible is the serious question: so-called Jews have had the upper hand for two millennia, or probably more. Information and analysis is essential.
Here are just three smaller scale items:
• "Imagine corporations organizing compulsory brainwashing courses for their nig & other mud employees, guilt-tripping them for their 'uppity' attitudes to Whites, who did so much to give them far better lives than they would ever have had on their own. Telling them to sit in humble silence & listen to Whites. Haranguing then to cease calling Whites 'crackas', 'honkeys', 'ofays' & 'infidels' & mocking their ways."
• Divorcee Chantel Kershaw, 44, was ambushed by two armed black men while helping to a load a lawnmower onto a truck on Wednesday. Kershaw's underwear was ripped off and stuffed into her mouth and she was strangled to death inside her garage. Her distraught mother Greta Spiers, 65, was bludgeoned over the head with a pistol and she, along with a maid, was restrained as the farm was looted. — Trump running ads bragging about all the criminal niggers he's put on the streets in his first term, and how many more he'll cut loose in second. — Vote for Trump? You're a cuck.
• "Whites are free to organize!" - Then why does the govt serve all interests but theirs? The truth is that White organizing is de facto illegal. that is the truth, it is not an opinion. Followed by "the average black would then be a net lifetime beneficiary to the tune of nearly $800,000"
Here's Alex Linder talking with Jan Lamprecht: Well, Hitler was battling communists who were doing nasty things - and certainly they were using violence and lying, and deception and media control - all of these things. They're not letting people choose, they're trying to force people into a totalitarian system. How many decades do you have to see the same thing until you draw the conclusion this is who they are, this is how they act? They don't respect anyone else - they don't believe anyone else has any rights - they believe they are owed all power and all money and you are there to be a slave and can be done anything to, up to and including being killed whenever it's convenient for them. And that's the world they built. They're suing all those people in Charlottesville for defending themselves against people they paid to attack them. And lying about it all though the media. You can't get an honest word in anywhere in the media. Well, what's the natural evolution? It's going to be shooting journalists, shooting lawyers, shooting judges, shooting politicians [AL omits Jews, Freemasons] - this is what's coming and they made it that way. There's no other way to be, for people who want change.
BUT Alex Linder doesn't seem to know the legitimate arguments against whites: think for example of the opium wars in China, and both world wars and wars after 1945. (See for example War Crimes in Vietnam by Bertrand Russell or (if you can find a copy) Bertrand Russell's Against the Crime of Silence, which seems to only have been printed in 1968. As far as I know he says little about Jewish control of money through the 'Federal Reserve'. He has little overview of the world situation—like perhaps everyone—with no view on whether raw materials should be fought for, and whether such costs are too great, whether it's worthwhile to let Jews profit from other peoples. The most important aspect is Jews spread round the world, able to call on backup from other groups. This has to be stopped, presumably by co-operation amongst most governments.
This site is a disappointment, with endless repetition which never gets anywhere, and a smallish circle of commentators whose comments are predictable. Some of he material is good: "in the Jewish community, a "fair" election is that which goes in favor of the Jew and "misconduct" means any attempt to call any member of the tribe to account. They are not interested in an ethical, accurate, or properly represented election, they are interested in a "fair" election, and don't be fooled into believing "fair" is really fair." Good material. But much of the stuff is outdated: outdated JFK stuff, outdated 'nuclear' stuff, outdated war stuff unaware of international Jewish secret collaboration, so much so if they are 'controlled opposition'.
All I can suggest is: try to get more up-to-date. There will be enormous issues not yet understood. Don't rest on your laurels—especially if they aren't that impressive. And pay attention to moderating or correcting silly comments. If you can. It's not easy; deciding if Trump is just another psyop is difficult; drawing a comparison with Hitler as a likely part of a psyop is even more difficult, but needs to be done.
(www.westernspring.co.uk - created March 2012) has several long-term writers. 'Max Musson' was in Mensa (like me) and was unimpressed by their record on research into 'IQ' and race. Western Spring has a long-term policy for Britain. They are almost silent on Jewish issues, never discussing the hyper-racist Talmud, Jewish policies on forced immigration into white countries, the US 'Federal Reserve', 9/11, or the history of Jews in wars and subversion.
Yes, 2 z's. He's not a frequent to contributor, as far as I can find, and seems to have no website. I found this quotation by him Denial of an objective reality is a survival strategy which works only for a parasitic organism and more.
But he thinks Kevin MacDonald is scholarly. In fact, in 25 years MacDonald's scholarship extends to only one small part of Jewish activity. It's a mistake to be too impressed by too little.
There was a huge expansion in what were called 'Universities' after the 1945-ish Jewish victory. It occurs to me that it was analogous to the expansion in military forces by young men. Sorting out young people who learned some things fast gave them a feeling of being special; though I expect this feeling is waning now.
Kevin MacDonald and his site The Occidental Observer must be one of the most disappointing attempts at Jew-realism. His work was on evolutionary psychology and education; as far as I know it is typical US academese, not daring to address serious issues, sounding suitable for attracting Jewish paper money, and adding to the world's deposits in library stacks. It seems to say nothing about education imposed by Jews, and education among Jews.
His 'controversial' Culture of Critique is mostly people like Boas and Freud, both long-dead, both academics of a sort, plus Jewish activism to force immigration into the USA.
By Feb 2021, MacDonald thinks the GOP may morph into the party for working-class Americans. But who knows what Americans may have been, if they'd been spared Jews?
The Occidental Observer actually has a three part article on Russ Limbaugh! A bit like treating Roy 'Chubby' Brown as a serious commentator.
  Another example is general avoidance of medical topics, apart from a brief look at the Sacklers. http://historyreviewed.best/index.php/americas-bizarre-secret-jews-circumcised-most-american-men-the-foreskin-why-is-it-such-a-secret-in-north-america/ is an article on circumcision which may be enlightening.
In March 2021, the Occidental Observer included a piece taken from Holy Crusade News, which seems to be a fragile Finnish site, perhaps Finnish Orthodox, by Marco de Wit, first published December 29, 2020. Details on Milton Friedman and other Jews in the USA, operating on U$SRAEL INTERESTS.
My best guess is that MacDonald's work will survive in the same way that A K Chesterton has, in small insignificant coteries. Or perhaps as C P Snow survived, obviously Jew unaware, and put out to grass as completely safe. Maybe a better comparison is with innumerable military liars misrepresenting the World Wars while seeing Jews are involved in some way.
MacDonald writes nothing on any of the huge aspects of Jewish power: nothing on the 'Federal Reserve' and the power of money; nothing on the 'Holocaust', one of the biggest frauds of all time; nothing on '9/11'; nothing on Jewish wars, in which I'd include both World Wars of the 20th century, and the devastation of Russia/USSR; nothing on their methods of communicating; nothing on science frauds; nothing on the Talmud. Probably much the same is true of China—both the devastation, and MacDonald's indifference.
His website could be accurately renamed Jews and the 1965 Immigration Act Observer. Recent contributions include an alleged beheading in France by a Moslem, I think from Chechyen; US troops have killed millions, but who cares, eh?; a piece supposedly on 'conspiracy theories' which seems more interested in promoting book sales; a not-much-good Jewish painter.
Here's me on February 3, 2021 giving a sample of issues still ignored by the Occidental Observer (and my replies suppressed). After 25+ years this is disappointing.
Not for the first time, I almost despair at the ignorance of whites. I remember the feeling from the 1950s, in fact, which I hadn’t thought about for decades.
Langdon talks about Pollard, but in the fathomlessly silly language of Jew liars. ‘Nuclear weapons’ are a fraud, and never existed: anyone can look at old film of supposed tests and see that. Pollard handed over no secrets. The whole operation was a vastly successful Jewish fraud. Why not look at http://www.nukelies.org which has been there since 2012?
I note someone mention another perennial weed, the Dreyfus Affair. It was just a multi-media operation round about 1900, when film was as recent as TV was in the so-called ‘Cold War’.
I see someone mention ‘Mein Kampf’, the view of Hitler, years out of date; obviously WW2 was orchestrated by Jews in their world-wide dance. Look for example at big-lies.org/hexzane527/ for examples of the obviously intentional activities of Hitler in joining with Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill to get whites to kill each other in satisfying numbers.
A previous piece discusses ‘revolution’ as though Jewish tales are true. It takes the tales of 1776 as true, when presumably many people are aware that British-Jewish money ran the new Union, the supposed federation of states in fact with a single centre.
That previous piece included the fake death roll in 9/11; nobody commented on its absurdity.
I suppose it’s a matter for thanks that this site hasn’t endless sentences on Judah. Aramaic, Edomites, Herod, Arabs, Ham, Biblical stuff … ad nauseam.
Most of this stuff goes back before Cromwell and ‘Lords Spiritual’ and the Bank of England. I recommend people to read articles by Miles Mathis on what he calls ‘The Phoenician Navy’.
In his own recent words: All the Presidents, all the Justices, all the Governors, all the scientists, all the historians, all the artists, all the actors, all the politicians, all the newscasters, all the directors, all the producers. - They are all Jewish close cousins, and their families have been running the world via lies and conjobs for at least 4000 years. And that isn’t some wild claim I make, based on a stray hair or on channeling aliens or on fake Q-level clearance: it is based on years of in-depth research, which is posted in plain English on the internet right now. He's referring to people hyped in the media, for example by Nobel Prizes—see e.g. on Solzhenitsyn https://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/cttf2.pdf—Pulitzer 'Prizes', Hollywood awards etc; it's a claim updated from, but similar to, Hilaire Belloc on Jews 'booming' each other
[This is from https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/02/02/zionists-lie-as-naturally-as-they-breathe-jewish-control-zionist-subversion-and-the-contradictions-of-anti-semitism/ but the moderators remove my replies - RW]
MacDonald is weak as a commenter on Christianity—“ Until the twentieth century, Christianity served the West well. One need only think of the long history of Christians battling to prevent Muslims from establishing a caliphate throughout the West—Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours, the Spanish Reconquista, the defeat of the Turks at the gates of Vienna. The era of Western expansion was accomplished by Christian explorers and colonists. Until quite recently, the flourishing of science, technology, and art occurred entirely within a Christian context.” MacDonald ignores so-called 'Orthodox Churches' in eastern Europe, which are still mostly White territories. Arguably, these embody more genuine local interests and less of the rent-based Jew-style 'Christianity'.
It may well be true that people collectively have so little in common that they may need to have some absurdity imposed on them. But MacDonald has what's meant to be a practical view, that Christianity on balance was useful to the 'West'.
May I ask people to seriously consider the idea that Jews invented both Christianity and Islam, plus offshoots of both? It's what Jews say themselves, though all sides have powerful motives to deny it. If Christianity is to be re-jigged to avoid Jews, please note that handling money will have to be integrated into the new faith, and not preserved as a monopoly for Jews by accusations of 'usury'. I don't see how it can be re-jigged&—‘It is ridiculous that some people who interminably blame Jews nevertheless call themselves "Christians", worship a Hebrew carpenter, a scion of the supposed House of David, and son of the Jewish god. And a messiah, no less!’
Jews seem to be mostly unoriginal, perhaps as a result of their evolution. Kalergi-Coudenhove seems to have invented the idea of destructive immigration into Europe, for example. 'Nationalism', 'socialism', 'democracy', even 'politician', seem to have been copied by Jews, then modified for themselves.
On the practical issue, plenty of scholars point to the Catholic Church in its great days in ways unlike the simple fantasies of modern people under Jewish controlled media. G G Coulton's The English Village (1920ish) is a good example; see him on families and wives, for example, for 'family dysfunction'. We find ‘the Papacy contrived murder and massacre on the largest and also on the most cruel and inhuman scale. They were not only wholesale assassins, but they also made the principle of assassination a law of the Christian Church and a condition of salvation’ and ‘From 1820 to 1860 at least 300,000 unarmed men, women and even children died in massacres, on the scaffold, or in pestilential jails for claiming what we now consider human rights.’ 'Papal Infallibility' seems to have been invented in 1870; no doubt a blunder.
I don't want to examine all this; there isn't space. But MacDonald seems unaware of the possibilities of Jews in all this. The 'Reconquista' was a triumph for the Church, but it's perfectly possible it was Jewish policy, just as Moorish invasion was Jewish policy. Spain and Portugal may have been changed to supporting Christianity after 1492 to get shipping from northern Europe. Not a triumph for Christians; ask the Spanish!
MacDonald is not sufficiently aware of Jews in Russia's elites before the so-called 'Revolution'—a book ad for Corey's The Sword of Christ I think includes Russia's wealthy contributing to nihilists and Jewish groups—remind you of anything?
MacDonald says whites are the nicest people, so open; and the 1950s are his golden age. This seems laughably gullible: The Thirty Years' War in Europe, the Civil War/War Between the States in the USA, and both world wars had whites fighting each other, and destruction and death on enormous scales. And these were whites fighting inter-racially; Britain and German were particularly racially similar. The best conclusion is that whites, if paid, will kill each other—not quite a gene-based theory. MacDonald says somewhere, of the Jewish-funded Antifa, Pussy Riot, Black Lives Matter and other such, that the US "military will be on our side". Maybe. Or maybe not: ‘That [photo] is the 101st Airborne. They sent those lads in, fresh out of Korea, to fuck up some Arkansans who didn't want their kids going to school in a jungle.’
On the subject of science, technology and art, none of this was helped by any church: for example, when a chronometer was wanted in Britain to help estimating longitude, competitions were offered by the government; they didn't even bother with the then-universities, which all insisted on Church of England articles.
• ANDREW JOYCE is one of the best in Kevin MacDonald's stable, and is something like unique in being a youngish anonymous academic. He has a website with Guillaume Durocher which hosts videos, under the odd title guidetokulchur.org. He looks mostly at modern material, for example junk food—'goyim food', Jewish-driven immigration, Kosher and Halal stuff, and Reflections on the [French] revolution.
His recent piece on the 'Chicago 7' joke trial in my view is harmed by ignoring the 'Vietnam War'—he doesn't consider whether these Jews were distracting, or Jewish controlled opposition to keep the money from flowing in, an other people's blood from flowing out. But this fits in well with the Occidental Observer. Joyce seems not to have read deeply in Walter Scott, AbbéAugustin Barruel, Robison (including Jesuits), Nesta Webster, the 'Russian' revolution as presented by Miles Mathis, or the lucrative things such as wars, rents,the monopoly on interest. We'll see.
• PROFESSOR RICHARD LYNN (University of Ulster) in Occidental Observer. Main interest is IQs but other material as in Philippe Rushton. I fear he's wonderfully naive, sending review copies of his book Dysgenics to 'quality papers and magazines' He's aware the 'Anti-Nazi League' are busloads of goons; but he says nothing on Jew funding of violence, as with 'Black Lives Matter. He says nothing on Jewish control of money—and thereby of universities. He supplies some articles to the probably Jew-controlled Mankind Quarterly.
with videos with his distinctive vocal style and a meticulous researcher into the records of the Nuremberg 'trials' in the English translation, with emphasis on the technical details of the camps and of supposed gassings, burnings etc.
The Nuremberg 'trials' are known not to be reliable transcripts from the wire recordings. (See David Irving on that). But Hunt seems to have been attacked on damaged in some way. He seems to have made a video (the voice sounds his) with a simple argument on 2% of a population—the simple view of 'Jews' as homogeneous and strictly bounded, and 2% of a population. The 2% argument omits the facts of localised power; if this is effective, huge populations can be erased, as both Germans and Russians in WW2. It's a distinctive Jew outlook, presumably dictated to Hunt.
Hunt's argument—or whoever forced it on him— fails to include the fact that 'Jews' are spread across many countries. The supposed 2% does not include others, and these others can supply support to the 2%, in effect expanding them. As examples, in about 920 and also 1940 Jews in the USA funneled assets, machines, weapons into Russia, more than enough to crush the Russians. From the 1600s, Jews in London gave support to any groups they wanted; for example damaging groups opposed to the 'balance of power'.
Population movements were and are part of the Jewish process: Around 1900, Jews moved to London, and Manchester and Leeds (these last two because of cotton cloth and wool); Jews moved to Kiev after 1918; Jews moved to Thessalonika; Jews in Vienna multiplied a few dozen times; Jews moved before 1914 into the USA, mostly through Ellis Island to New York, but also to Texas and he USA east coast. So the whole idea of a fixed 2% is just more Jewish BS. Perhaps he will come back; perhaps he already has!
(Published May 2019 by Castle Hill Books, UK, not to be confused with another site). His books can be ordered from here. Thomas Dalton often writes for the Occidental Observer, and perhaps represents part of the relatively recent thrust against Jews on serious issues, rather than just the 'Holocaust' fraud. As far as I can tell from the blurb—there are no reviews on Jewish sales sites—this book deals mostly with the 20th century, but not earlier wars, or general theories of Jews throughout recorded history. The cover shows an 'atom bomb', but I don't know if Dalton recognises this as yet another Jew fake. My new review (Dec 2020) of Dalton's The Jewish Hand in the World Wars is here.
• THOMAS DALTON: THE CHRISTIAN HOAX is a fairly short summary (I think about 6,000 words) as the entire Christian project as a Jewish hoax. The only thing missing is the economic side, where 'goy' collaborators made money from the fraud.
is a pioneer of the new school Hitler-as-part-of-extended-Jewry, vs the traditional view of Hitler as isolated hero (or anti-hero for the phalanx of Jew copyists). I have no idea who Hexzane527 is (or are), but he, she, or they appear to be French, with good English. I've collected together the English articles, which are listed here. There are more than thirty. As with Miles Mathis, but on a smaller scale, there are difficulties with the sheer number of files. I advise interested people to pick the most surprising, and have a good read.
Two standalone files of great interest and great depth are Future European War
and my HTML version of Hexzane's PDF: Faurisson (and some other holohoax exposers) perhaps agents. Warning: In-depth reading is needed. Both files are full of detail. I can't maintain that everything in them is correct, but he makes a terrific case.
What is the real Jewish Project? is a magnificent long file, assuming Jewish control, over very many centuries. Hexzane527 asks why Jewish activity has been so slow, for example against Turkey. He looks at spread of whites as a long-term Jewish project—whites being exported to the USA, to Australia, and to the USA from Ireland, and religious fanaticism as a specific aim. I think he's less good on India and China. Hexzane527 discusses race-mixing of black Africans with American 'Indians' to produce slaves, including advice from an English manual, and, later, Albert Pike as aligning Indian tribes with the Southern Confederacy, knowing they would lose everything. He thinks full white genocide cannot be the aim.
REALLY IMPORTANT NEW IDEA! Hexzane527 and others have noticed that Hitler and co expelled Jews to Palestine, though most did not want to go. They were of course paid. Hexzane thinks this will happen again; he thinks it is INTENTIONAL SECRET JEW POLICY to make Jews disliked, so they leave. After which they will arrange World War 3, in a Europe split into Moslem-arranged rivals, with for example France and Germany being largely Moslem.
I'd suggest that 'ordinary' or 'common' or 'part' Jews consider forming organisations which oppose the Jewish and other 'aristocracies'. These have large numbers of hirelings aiming to split whites, subdivide them, oppose them, and enforce their view that Jews are monolithic. But there's no obvious reason why all common Jews should submit to these fanatics. They might work to attack the Rothschilds (or whoever), recover the assets they secretly hold, expose the Talmud, expose the methods of Jews, and work for reconciliation.
This seems unlikely of course—there is constant media drumbeat and has been for centuries; and many loud-mouthed Jews in power love tormenting 'goyim'. Ordinary Jews, propelled by the Rothschild types, have welcomed their prostitute roles. But this may change. After all, the Zionist movement is not much more than a hundred years old. Revisionist 'Jews' might become an important force. - RW Jan 2021
Is presumably Norwegian; there are some distinguished Bjerknes scientists online. Norway has vast assets derived from oil sales; but Christopher Jon likes his books, and I fear he gives priority to selling his books, which means he dampens his ideas, which must slow their spread. A video online hosted by Adam Green is a debate with 'Dennis Wise' (of The Greatest Story Never Told) and C J Bjerknes. I now think Dennis Wise is a naive Hitler admirer, not aware of the ways in which Jews use sophistries. He is unsophisticated, in the precise sense. Bjerknes may be a new-style revisionist, who isn't very clear. (I have asked both, separately, for interviews, but had no replies). Later: here's my review of Beware the World to Come.
Writers who still think in terms of 'Allies vs Hitler', and recognise that Hitler expressed a lot of truth. But haven't yet looked at the evidence (as provided for example by Hexzane527) that Hitler's odder actions were consistently pro the then-nonexistent Israel. Hexzane527 has in fact developed a whole prediction of a 3rd World War to enlarge Israel and expel Jews there.
has written many books on the Second World War, though the massacres and expulsions of Germans after the war had to wait for Bacque. As far as I know (and I worked with him during his trial against Lipstadt and Penguin for libelling him) he never read records between Jews and of money and weapon transfers, notably from the USA. His present website has rather minor news headlines from rubbish like the Daily Mail. I have to wonder now how much of his trial was staged. There just aren't many trials taking a month or two. The whores on the opposing sides used mobile communications. One of them took an infra-red photo of me—I wonder how it turned out? His taxi driver was obviously a Jew spy. The Judge, Gray, was new to judging. I just noticed that the Judge's report on Irving's prosecution appeared on Day 33!
His choice of media links is mostly to Jewish media and seems to assume all the stories are true, including what seem obvious false flags. I think found a link to Obama making a 'card-carrying Communist' John Brennan head of the CIA, without pointing out the obvious Jew links.
• SMOLOKO and NEONCRUSADER is, or was, a site backing Hitler (Germans became rich etc) but it looked to me too pro-Hitler, and not enough on the USA as controlled by Jews. Good memes. Unfortunately both sites seem to have been taken down, so it's hard to say anything useful. Search Smoloko and images, to see their large numbers of meme graphics.
• DEANNA SPINGOLA and DENNIS WISE and BLACKACID LIZZARD take the view that Germany fought Jews as presented by the Jew-controlled media. I'd guess Jews encouraged them, while pretending not to.
Dennis Wise (producer of TruthWillOut's The Greatest Story Never Told) doesn't mention Jewish finance since 1913: war profits from all sides, settlements of debts in Switzerland, US Jews removing credit to cause depression, then offering jobs to make weapons for Stalin, Jews in the USSR and mass-murder, Jews carrying out Jewish policies in every country—Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and all the rest of it, and collaborating in war plans. I assume and hope this is an intermediate stage: as it becomes better known that Jews in effect were a distributed nation in capital cities controlling news and money, the traditional official histories will be pushed out. Here's one of my most-viewed reviews, rather old now, of The Greatest Story Never Told.
The concept of 'hero-worship' was developed by Thomas Carlyle, ruminating on Cromwell and the return of Jews to England. Jews and their counterparts operate in secret groups; it's obvious that encouraging the belief in isolated, individual, exceptional 'heroes' suits them. But please consider How the Master Race won WW2 (my page; the 'Master Race' of course is Jews) and Hexzane527 (Hexzane527's pages) for counter-information.
of realhistorychannel.org and africancrisis.info and https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xXiKzGQxv0jE/ has I think done as much for information on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa as anyone. His heavily-censored material on murders of white farmers must have been new to many.
realhistory.org is for the present a Wordpress site, often with videos and/or audios with his Afrikaans-tinged voice, the indexed-by-picture items shuffled to re-present the material. There are very many articles. Some show his personal development, for example on being told this famous person is a Jew, that one's a Jew, that one's a Jew—freakyist stuff! And on a suggested union of the USA with Russia, baffling until he saw the Jew connection. And the Jewish ANC's exploitation of Mendela. And the ADL ('Anti-Defamation League') as Jewish secret police.
I've just relocated our Skype talk, Lamprecht & West: Reframing Jews as WW2 belligerents He likes militarism as many white Americans do, not perceiving problems with the huge costs—and the difficulty of war against the real foe, preferring weak enemies. He quotes about huge American or (((American))) military expanding in Africa.
But he's weak on filtering out psyops from his large website: he likes Henry Ford, and George Lincoln Rockwell, and Hitler. He needs to run them through a Mathis filter. And he doesn't see the links between Jews and Moslems. I hope he can see through the (((American))) military; only Patton has done this, that I know of.
Ian Robert Millard's interesting, but I'm afraid rather simple site, accepting most Jewish propaganda. Millard thinks Hitler was an independent originator, rather than just another actor in the world-wide spreading of Jews across the world, collectively, in leading positions, passing unnoticed—not, for example, Germans vs Russians, but a three-way war of Germans, Russians, and Jews. It's agonising to me to read his rubbish on Hiroshima, 'nuclear power' and Chernobyl. He seriously thinks the BBC's Today radio was 'once-magisterial'. Just another agreeable partly-educated type. Sigh.
(His real name is Paul Taylor; his nickname is a comment/joke against the synthetic publicity for the Kardashians) has site(s) based entirely on videos. He makes these with a screen grabber, screencast-o-matic.com which seems to have a 15-minute limit for free use. I've never used it. screencast-o-matic includes an audio channel for a microphone voiceover. I've put up his video on the media campaign on Tom Moore as a sample I happened to copy.
At present his site is https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pt13kp0YTHXj/ on Bitchute; his Youtube channel with thousands of videos was removed without warning by the Youtube sh!ts. He also has vids on Brighteon (at here but these seem not upadted.
He's good on analysing e.g. BBC rubbish, taking the time to identify names of people who contribute to junk 'news' sites and absurd 'news' items. Personally, I can hardly bring myself to look at BBC garbage; Hoaxashian however does, so he often knows the names of the people and companies feeding trash to the BBC. He lived in China for years, but is now disappointed in their failure to be honest (unless the translations are incorrect—entirely possible). He's good on psyops. He's found the '77th Brigade', a 'British' Army propaganda thing based in Newbury, Berks; Ray Vahey, Bitchute's Jewish owner, moved near it. He's good on the 'Coronavirus' fraud. He's explicit about economic immigration and the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan being the policy of all 'our' parties. It's refreshing to see people like the Royals and woggo 'politicians' slagged off as 'evil'.
He's been plagued by Jewish mimics, frauds, impostors, and fakers.
Warning: Some of his videos in Bitchute seem to have been prevented from loading. Bitchute perhaps is beginning to close down. He's moved to brandnewtube.com which is due to make a report on 6 November; on consideration this looks as though it won't work, apparently a Moslem-Jewish joint thing. But we'll see. BUT he regards 'Coronavirus' as the biggest, most inclusive fraud of the century, not seeming to understand the range of Jewish frauds. For example, World War 2 even in the UK was much more overarching and longer-lasting, with rationing and full censorship and a single party and full direction of labour and warfare, and economic decisions involving whole ranges of assets, mostly ending in Jewish hands. Of course in Europe, Russia, and Asia things were vastly worse. Many people still haven't seen through 20th century Jewry.
HOAXASHIAN - I could post your videos on my own site if you like. Email! ***
• ANNIE-LOGICAL of vigiliae.com (established 13 years?) looks interesting on faked events and on 5G but hasn't managed a statement of her aims and/or methods.
Way of the World has another Bitchute-only site, https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OfuiQUsplm1H/. His house style is a rotating globe, and voiceover with a rather cheerless soundtrack. He has a good video on a staged Derren Brown piece (how expensive are these things??) and a piece on Youtube's deletion of his videos. And many videos on anti-white hatred, “Howard Ross, a Jew given millions for lecturing to us ... Patel throughout the Home Office or introducing 'senior roles' ...
protests .. the police ... opportunistic violence ... George Floyd ... The invasion of the West by young men from the Third World is being facilitated by our governments and paid for with YOUR tax money. ... blacks subsidised without clearly knowing it” the latter being standard, kept-secret, policy. Powerful material, well-worded and well-enunciated.
I think he hasn't realised the huge extent of subsidies (by Jews, via the Federal Reserve). The masked chanters, screeching naked women, the violent blacks, the advertisers pretending that dead soldiers worked for their country and not for Jews, are paid to do their things, by such agencies as the Ford Foundation and George Soros and governments. WotW says [Aug 8 2020] “Antiwhite hatred has permeated society from top to bottom”—meaning that Jewish controlled media all spit out that message. He also says “White men have nothing to be ashamed of”—BUT this ignores their violence when dancing to Jews: possibly the most disgusting recent men are pilots, burning, bombing and strafing people. WotW said “the BBC is a once-beloved institution” showing astonishing and saddening naïveté about this solidly disgusting outfit.
WotW in a recent video includes an edited version of a film from 1969 of G Edward Griffin of the John Birch Society on 'Communist Infiltration'. Even after both World Wars and US war crimes in Asia, nothing was said about Jews tapping into US industry by the Fed, or Jews generally‐the 'Red Scare' Communist idea was simply parroted, Jewish fashion, like reactionary, bourgeois, atheist, kulak, and what-have-you. The 'John Birch Society' was obviously controlled fake opposition.
of heretical.com was a victim of the frantic occasional campaign against people checking on the 'Holocaust' hoax in England. Complaints, prosecutions, jail in a lightweight US institution went on for years. Very possibly, if Hexzane527 is right, much of this effort was ultimately aimed to discredit the Holohoax, as a move to get Jews to move to a greater Israel.
Sheppard's views on women drew some attention. He lived in Holland for some time, and noted Dutch women apparently hanging out with immigrants, something which can be staged by social workers, as blacks in ads are staged by Jewish ad agencies. He considers that women helped start the 'Great War'. He seems to have missed the point that some suffragettes were Jews, wanting to promote war, just as Jews in Russia were involved in criminal activity.
Disappointingly, he didn't write up (as far as I know) his experiences with Jews and the law in the UK and US, and with Steven Whittle/Luke O'Farrell. His site has good articles on Jews and 'Tony' Blair in Britain, which I have partly uploaded as one single long file, and on corruption in the 'Conservative' Party too.
Incidentally I think 'gays' or queers have a rational impulsive source: if men have arrange Jewish-style dynastic children, 'gay' arrangements may work on the 'any port in a storm' principle. This seems to have been a Moslem arrangement.
Another obvious possibility is that male homosexuals may have tried to be entered (pun intended) into aristocracies, as some Jewish women did. The cases of Piers Gaveston and Hugh Despenser illustrate the possibility. In fact, I'd guess that Church condemnation may have been in secret alliance with Jews, just as I suspect condemnation of usury was designed to assist Jews in their monopoly.
is an excellent writer, still appearing as LUKE O'FARRELL in Sheppard's website in single pages. (Here's my single long file collection of Whittle/O'Farrell's articles.) But he hasn't written anything since about 2006 as far as I can find. His writing on the Blair era is excellent.
Apparently runs a website https://dailystormer.su/ (the .SU is supposed to refer to the 'Soviet Union') has had a great deal of publicity, including website closures and losing lawsuits for a lot of money—if they have been reported accurately. He wrote a good piece on 'Cunt'. But misses a crucial point. Jews have something like a monopoly over money printing and distribution; so women can only 'marry well' if they find a hook-nosed goblin who would probably in any case think her a shiksa whore. No wonder they are pissed off. (His wording, I think).
Songwriter and singer. English (from Derbyshire), married a Swiss and lived for years in Switzerland. She is a victim of a Jewish series of legal attacks, presumably deemed necessary by these scum, since she writes/ sings/ plays/ records songs on Jewish fraud, such as the Holohoax and ridiculous Jews-as-victims tales. She must have gone through something like hell: eight police or para-police entered her shared home and removed all her laptops and music equipment (plus that of her housemates). She has a good audio with Jan Lamprecht and Alex Linder, including the continued influx of illegal immigration, and the absurd clown Welby of the 'Church of England'. But she hasn't realised that the church has been symbiotic with Jew 'chosen people' (!) since its start.
As with many people (including me) Alison was influenced by Robert Faurisson. Now, 'Hexzane527' has suggested this was another part of Jew scheming. Here's the French original version, which may have subtleties lacking in my machine translation. Alison is fluent in French; maybe she'll read it.
Robert Faurisson probably an agent (French) Alison's recent Facebook entry states the 'Crown Prosecution Service' has appointed someone to attack her. Note the point on legality here: Jews like to pretend to follow legal process, but ignore all this when they can. Some people (e.g. Vernon Coleman) even think the Nuremburg 'trials' proved that following orders was culpable, yet of course US troop commit war crimes all the time under Jews. I'd guess the damage in the US by BLM etc, and the 'defund the police' sloganising, is to get rid of honest cops and substitute them, possibly by Israeli-trained 'Hispanic' Mestizo half-breeds from Central America, as parallel to Jews in the USSR.
Alison has been persecuted by the Jewish-controlled part of the legal system. Her site has accounts of some clown from the 'Special Branch' which is the clue here. Highly likely that Jews and Freemasons in effect have their own 'special' department. (My review of a TV series Foyle's War looks at this; obviously both WW1 and WW2 had Jewish supervision). For some reason, MICHÈLE RENOUF, despite analogous genuine and serious work on revisionism, and Alison Chabloz, are at loggerheads, something I've never understood.
At mileswmathis.com/updates.html (the link goes directly to his page on new articles, but not those on science).
Mathis is one of the best revisionist writers in the world. Anyone interested in the world and its history must read his pdf pages. (Portable document format is a standardised near-A4 size which is relatively difficult to fake, and includes images within the document, unlike HTML, which has separate images). For newcomers, I suggest lincoln.pdf on the Lincoln 'assassination' and the actor Booth; tate.pdf on the Sharon Tate/Charles Manson fraud; barindex2.pdf on the JFK 'assassination'.
pirate.pdf on Jews, the Caribbean and Piracy; iran.pdf on Jagiellons, Kominskis, and Polish Jews.
However, the most expansive of Mathis's work deals with long stretches of time, families traceable from written records. henryvii.pdf">henryvii.pdf goes back to 1200 AD. (MWM doesn't seem to have heard of brass rubbings). But others go back to Thucydides and early Mediterranean civilisations.
Some of his work is necessary speculative: the must be conflicts within Jews and Freemasons, and within 'intelligence' agencies. Mathis uses 'fascist' as a handy term of dislike, which seems to lack precision to me. But anyway (for example) Trump seems obviously unhappy about 'coronavirus'; this may of course be just a smokescreen to hide support for some final vaccination evil. Some Jews are still promoting the 'climate change' hoax and of course give paper money out to 'patsy' types. The Holocaust fraud still seems fairly universal among Jews and those dependent on Jewish money—the entire US academic world, for instance, making US universities a bad joke. There may be a split between Jews making money from the Federal Reserve and other money-inventing groups; and between Jews interested in rents from mass immigration; and Jews making money in traditional Jewish style, by monopolies. There must be 'turf wars' between intelligence groups, such as the FBI, spy agencies, and perhaps personal interviewers and informers, perhaps the biggest group. Some spies must be torn between investigating Jews, and being warned off.
I've tried to pick a few amazing articles; there are many more:–
• phoenper.pdf ‘Gore Vidal and Jorge Luis Borges both wrote about this mystery. [Of Persia springing up from nowhere]. Why would famous Jews be writing about such obscure stuff 2,500 years later? Because this is what they do: they have to misdirect century after century, or someone like me might catch on.’
• wilber.pdf is on William Wilberforce's 'abolition of slavery' as a hoax. I'd suggest there's a link with industry, steam engines, iron boilers, copper tubes. Steam engines and steam ships made slavery rather redundant. Think of Serfs, liberated in Russia, probably more use in factories than tied to the land.
• twain.pdf is typical of many Mathis pieces, using family links and images and realistic judgments to piece together a view of Clemens completely unlike the traditional view. I was searching for Jewish aristocrats in Russia (crypto-Jews) and found this piece.
• trump.pdf is a detailed look at Trump's links—family, other families, Jews—much of it testing for consistency. He doesn't find it but does conclude Trump is an actor (and a 'bozo'). vote.pdfvote.pdf is a look at the US 2012 Presidential election (Obama Romney). See if you can find mistakes.
• Fake Wars as keywords in my search engine yields at least 50 papers. These include Napoleon, Wars of the Roses, WW1 (the 'Great War') and WW2 (the 'Good War'), USSR vs Germany. Mathis doesn't distinguish clearly between fake wars (not much money) and managed wars (planned to enrich both sides' elites relatively to the normies—maybe the highest point in the use of controlled oppositions).
• hyper.pdf is a prolonged slashup of a BBC thing, with many interesting observations. In particular, chaos. Mathis sees the hyper-rich as very happy with things; only dispossessed, anxious, beleagured, lonely people under stress think of changing the world.
The only criticism I have is that his 500 or so papers have so much detail that they are hard to encompass. I've made a freefind search engine, which some might find useful. It's here. Enter a few keywords to get a list of suggested files.
I'm not saying he's perfect; it's just about possible he may be fed stuff (how about 'COPS RESEARCHING INTO TRUTH?'. He's very concerned to damp down evidence of killings, murders, etc, but a recent paper of his referred to (((British))) 'newspaper' the Daily Express for evidence on Jack the Ripper—excluding the Jewish suspect. But his sources are nearly always better. He says little about mass killings by Jew stooges in Vietnam, Iraq and so on—ideal as anti-white propaganda&mdash. He says many wars, such as the 'Wars of the Roses', were more-or-less faked.
Internet allows people widely separated to communicate. This man is a rational person, brought up in Arabic and Islamic areas. Obviously, Jews, who love making money and spreading disaster from localised divide-and-rule policies, hate such communication. But please remember my warning (based on the century-old refusal of H G Wells and Hilaire Belloc to talk in depth) that understanding can help undermine Jewish evil).
Hebrew is a kind of Arabic dialect. The Bible itself defined it as "Canaanite dialect". Canaanite is from Arabic. Hebrew was made a "written language" during the 10th AD by an Arab noble (Yahuda Ibn Qoreish) who was also an Arab scholar. Real Jews and real Judaism are from South Arabia.
1,500 years ago Yemen was ruled by a dynasty of Jewish kings. Their kingdom, called Himyar, lasted for 150 years.
The last bluff of the international bankers. When we refer to significant civilizations like Sumerians, Pharaohs, Persians, or Incas there are thousands if not millions of archaeological findings to back up their glorious past, so how come there is no categorical evidence of the existence of the Kingdom of Israel under David and Solomon despite the Jewish state’s best effort to dig endless layers of excavations that will soon reach the inner core of the earth? The answer is quite evident; either the presumed Biblical temple is a mythological account, or they are simply looking in the wrong land altogether. The matter becomes more disconcerting when the ethos of Israel is constructed around Old Testament tales of an extended major kingdom that supposedly existed starting 13 century B.C in Palestine.
A few Arab researchers, with a more critical approach, advanced some radical yet interesting theories. For example, Iraqi anthropologist Fadel al-Rubai in his magnum opus The Imagined Palestine: Land of the Torah in Old Yemen claims that Abraham migrated within the Arab peninsula and that the Exodus occurred between another Misr (Egypt of the OT & Quran is in Yemen) and Urshalim (Jerusalem is a sacred Mountain with Temple on its top as Zion and Jericho, all are present to this day in Yemen) situated in ancient Yemen. He backed up his hypothesis with astonishingly matching geographical and historical facts about the kingdoms of Israel (Saba') and Judah (?aymar).
Because for the Palestine area, there are no conclusive archeological proofs that patriarchs Abraham, Moses, or Solomon ever existed. While traditional archaeologists like Albright and Wright devotedly tried to defend the holy scriptures despite their fragmented and non-chronological accounts, more scientifically grounded researchers called Biblical minimalists, such as Thompson and Davies, argue that the Old Testament is rather the mythological work of ideologues who concocted it between the 5th and 2nd centuries B.C. Israel Finkelstein, who excavated for decades at the ruins of Megiddo and the author of highly controversial book The Bible Unearthed, suggests that “some scholars are completely deaf and blind and they don't accept the inevitable and very clear evidence.”
The recent normalization between UAE ['United Arab Emirates'—not politically endogenous] and Israel under the auspices of the United States offers the Hebraic state the ultimate cover-up to the vexing reality of over 70 years of crumbling pits and trenches that testify of fruitless digging to justify its founding myths. Israel was reaching an archeological dead end that amplifies its existential crisis after failing to unearth any major findings that would justify its presence in the region. Many Arab countries were maintaining secret relations with their “Jewish cousin” like a mistress that everyone knows about, but no one dares to mention openly. With this new step, Abu Dhabi is sealing this relationship with a legal marriage that would test the ground for many more countries.
The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West is Arthur Kemp's most recent (late 2020) book. Arthur Kemp is a Rhodesian/South African white (I think non-Jewish) who moved to Britain. He was in the British National Party but left it years ago; I think disputes with Nick Griffin were the cause. Kemp must have been a possible candidate for the EU, but only Griffin and Brons were elected for the BNP (and collected large pensions). Kemp interacts with Europeans, and ran, or contributed to, the site NewObserverOnline which is not updated as much as it was. It may have been modelled on The Occidental Observer. And he runs OstaraPublications.com which specialises in reprints of out of copyright books on race, history and similar topics.
He includes items of African interest; he's almost the only person discussing skin-lighteners, hair straighteners and other blacks-mimicking-whites cosmetic facts around the world. He's a very refreshing read: describing immigrants pushed into white countries (by Jews; but he tends to avoid this topic) as 'invaders', and 'pretending to be asylum seekers'. He's good on racial differences, remarking on black Africans as the lowest-IQ people in the world, surrounded by pollution, filth, plastics waste, and corruption. He quotes from studies on the lack of competence of, for example, Indians in IT, and possibly had some effect on Trump's US policy.
BUT he is Jew-naive. His magnum opusMarch of the Titans, his history of the white race, omits money, bribery, costs of weapons, and costs and effects of Jewish of propaganda. The link is to my review.
He's quite good on Moslems, though he never looks into the question of Jews creating Islam originally. Here he is on Moslem slaves: ... the Arab/Muslim slave trade also enslaved 2.5 million whites—more than the entire number of blacks transported to North America. But “reparations” are only demanded from whites, never from the Muslim world—showing the anti-white focus of such claims. Jews are more anti-white than Moslems, as their propaganda proves, but Kemp doesn't ever seem to look at Jewish media ownership.
I haven't read his new book, and doubt I ever will: it is promoted by Amazon and Google, a certain guarantee of omission of Jews. Like many other Jews-off-the-radar books, missing crucial features of the modern world such as Jews in the Soviet Union. (This of course is very old news: Retreat of Reason: Political Correctness & the Corruption of Public Debate in Modern Britain by Anthony Browne, now about ten years old, has similar unexplained gasping protestations and indignant misunderstandings).
Miles Mathis on the Kemps says: ... the Kemps of the peerage, ... were baronets related to the Bacon baronets, and through them to the Berkeleys, Wodehouses, Hamiltons, Egertons, and Phipps. We saw the Berkeleys and Hamiltons above, didn't we? The Kemps were Barons Rochdale in the 20th century, and they were directors of Barclays Bank ... It's possible he is pro-white and in opposition to Jewish policies. Almost exactly 10 years ago, in November 2019, he spoke on 'Radio Free Mississippi' on EAPAC, a proposed 'European-American Political Action Committee' presumably based on AIPAC. Kemp disliked all 'conspiracy theories' (a caller asked about 9/11—disappointingly, Kemp takes the Jewish media line. He favoured putting up candidates for US elections. But of course 'democracy' gives huge advantage to media controllers. He thinks Jews have the right to a homeland, without considering the feebleness of their case, or looking closely into where it could be—there were few Jews in Palestine, so he comes close to believing any one who make noise should go where they want. What about Russian groups exterminated by Jews? What about gipsies? He wanted Britain to put its own people first, cutting 'foreign aid' drastically. He doesn't seem to appreciate that much 'foreign aid' is simple stuff of the weapons-to-Israel type from what's usually called taxpayers' money, but in fact is a mixture of future debts to Jews, sales of assets to Jews, subsidies to Jews...
I think he lacks feel for the vastness of Jewish paper money; when talking about the BNP's constitution, he couldn't see that large numbers of fake members could easily be subsidised by opponents.
Is expert in study of Judaism and the Talmud. Here's my review of Hoffman's Judaism's Strange Gods. Unfortunately (in my view) he is a convinced Roman Catholic, despite the fact that (as far as I know) he doesn't know if his German roots were Catholic or Protestant.
I hope Hoffman will emerge as a leading informant on Jewish tricks, which seem to be repeated endlessly, but which need research and clear exposition. He may be worried, as the Talmud demands death for non-Jewish students.
Is it really credible that the Church was violently opposed to Jews, given that they co-existed and co-operated for many centuries?
The way Talmudic stuff spread must be reflected in: Jew control of Mediterranean Shipping | Jew dealings with what are now called Freemasons | Jews involvement in manufacture of religions for rents or theft by violence: Christianity an Islam being probably most important | Jew involvement in wars where religious invention did not work | Jew involvement in laws, such as shipping law, trade law, company law
is another American Roman Catholic, who has written many books, all I think with Roman Catholic references. He seems to have faith in the word 'logos', and seems to think that before the emergence of any life, the word "logos" (in ancient Greek) permeated the universe before words even existed. He can only have survived Jewish aggressions by being in some way getting Jewish approval. I'd guess this results from the Jewish origin of Catholicism, and the later Jewish origin of Islam. Covering all bases, as usual with modern Jews with their unlimited money, Jews must hope for a world with simple peasants thinking a man who never lived was their personal saviour.
Jones states "The Torah is the word of God" near the end of a debate with Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
fascinating associate of A C Hitchcock. He has a 19th century attitude to missionaries and seems to fully expect to have paid airfares to dozens of countries to spread the word—"I got a friend in Jesus" style. He thinks Christian Europe ran the world in 1900. This is the British version; the US version, heavily Jewish-funded, is agonisingly stupid and vicious. The South African 'Dutch Reformed Church' Boer version still seems almost mediaeval. Hammond has (((traditional))) views on the world wars: he thinks Britain, Germany, and Russia fought, but has no ideas about the layers of Jews involved worldwide. He assures everyone he is "not rayshist".
From G. Moorhouse's The Missionaries 1973: 'a study of missionary biographies and journals makes it clear that a large proportion of the people who spent their lives ... spreading the Christian gospel to the heathen, had decided to do so in childhood... Frequently ... from a desire to travel or 'to see wild beasts and bright birds'. ... only one of the three hundred accounts surveyed [in 1917] seemed to suggest that the Bible was the original source of inspiration. ... Charles Stokes in East Africa had ... been a missionary for the CMS, but had abandoned this position in favour of a native wife and trader in anything that made a handsome profit ... The missionaries sailed [in 1879] ... in a vessel carrying ... spirits and gunpowder. ... in the 1850s, he had taken two months to travel by ox-cart to ... Bulawayo; by 1897 a railway would [cover] the same ground in a couple of days ... And soon ... the miracle of the electric telegraph would have appeared.
But now [1914] without any warning at all, the white men had turned on each other on a scale which the African could only imagine ... was infinite. No wonder the Prince of Peace benevolently guiding he white man's hand. ... "Christian nations are at war..." Hammond, unfortunately, will not name Jews, perhaps because he has a superstitious fear of them. An interesting talk, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock 1383 (1 Nov 2020) illustrates this agonisingly painful carelessness; deaths in both WW1 and WW2, and the deluge of weaponry to the Jews in Russia, followed by the mass terror of 'Communism', looks at Ian Smith's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, and says he was unquestionably right to fight 'Communism'. But how many Jews did Rhodesia actually fight and kill? Zro, of course. Hammond is doing nothing of any value.
Nick Griffin is an enigmatic man. I'll give examples, many from an August 25 2020 talk with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
(1) He says nothing on Jews and Freemasons—nothing on housing and immigration, rents paid from long-term taxes and asset sales, to benefit Jews. His father is said to be a Freemason; but I've never heard or seen any reference to them by Griffin. Nor does he mention 'Common Purpose' which seem aimed at bureaucrat rather than the ambitious-for-money or police power.
However, he did give some information on being approached and asked, or demanded, that he must not mention bank policy, and only blame Moslems. Griffin on not criticising banks, only Moslems 5 mins or so. May not work on Bitchute |
Nick Griffin describes making the campaign 'Racism Cuts Both Ways 50 mins, 2008 |
Griffin in 2013 on BBC interview tricks applied against him (5 mins) (2) His EU short speech on the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, the replacement of populations by guestworkers and (later) multiracial refugees. It "deserves new set of Nuremberg trials".
(3) Mentions "The IRA's Green Book" and "terrorism is a disaster at every level" with no apparent awareness of secret funding (I just noticed the new Irish Freedom Party stall being attacked by chanting retards with rehearsed tired slogans—I wonder how much they get paid?)
(4) "We are all people of the cross." There is "no place for atheists." His new book Deus Vult says it is a handbook for muscular Christianity.
(5) On 'COVID' he said there was or is no coronavirus lockdown in Belarus as a controlled experiment of the Plandemic hoax. "Lukushenko was offered any amount of money PROVIDED they had lockdown". There was/is no coronavirus lockdown in Sweden; Griffin says "a factor is to avoid homeschooling" (I think I hadn't heard of this idea). In the UK, people given no education in 'comprehensive' schools now have had 6 months of no school.
(6) Yes, Hitler was funded: strong Germany, and Hitler as icebreaker. What an 'icebreaker' is, goes unexplained
(7) 'Cancel culture' is very sinister. Like the euphemism 'liquidate'. Griffin mentions 'the great reset'
(8) 'Kamala Harris in effect would be president ... Harris is most left candidate ever'—Griffin uses the Jew expression: 'left' meaning 'Jew controlled'
(9) BLM has 'gone global' says ACH; NG says 'police arrest people who criticise criminals' and promotes a book on what to do if arrested—by 'gone global' Griffin presumably means has been spread by payments of Soros, and/or others
I'm pretty sure Griffin's father was a Freemason, though I don't know his grade. But this suggests he must have information on police processes, both theoretical and actual. What about the absurdity of 'kneeling' or 'taking the knee'? What about ignoring crime, but having staged psyops with, apparently, genuine police? But he says nothing much. The BNP in its heyday used Spitfire, Churchill and second World War imagery. So he seems to be some sort of agent. He said little on US bases and world militarism.
Who knows what's going on here? Griffin often mentions 'antisemitism' (He once applied this to Obama!) and his Nuremburg trial comment is absurd. He makes interesting points on Europe; but he must have contacts there. And he says nothing about conflicts and networks between Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
He's a nationalist, suggesting exaggerated emphasis on (e.g.) differences between English and Germans, despite the close racial similarity. Worth mentioning is the word 'politician', itself quite recent: when Edward Heath described himself as a 'professional politician' there was some incredulity.
(Note the name; Bronstein?) was elected to the EU and presumably has a large pension now, like Griffin. I don't think he has many ideas; 'nationalism' is concealed fakery, putting emphasis on 'nations'. Deutschland uber Alles was written before German unification. However, like Griffin he made a short speech or two in the EU.
talks on andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com with David Duke and others, and talks on Eurofolk. The Synagogue of Satan turned out to be an important book, taking advantage of Internet.
Andy Hitchcock, Frederick C. Blackburn and Golden Pipe Wrench, discussed the 1492 Sanhedrin meeting. ... make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians ... make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives. ... make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. .. arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them. Interesting to see Law as an applied, practical subject, not the academic approach as in modern education. Interesting to see old universities (Bologna, Oxford, Salamanca, Cambridge, Padua...) omitted. Of course, media people barely existed then, though writings inventing fake new religions might have been encouraged.
Where's the original document? It it available, at a library, perhaps even online in archive.org? But all this (even the language it was in) are not explored.
Note on education: What were/are Jews taught? I haven't seen a history-of-education book dealing with this. What were Rothschilds actually taught? No doubt the cattle/goyim were told lies; but Jews were also told lies.
I noticed three deaths of people I knew fairly well:
Anton Powell who adopted the 'classics' (Greek and Latin) and remained with them, becoming a Professor in a University in Wales. He helped run a coterie of other such people. I infer from his writings that he came up with nothing much, certainly nothing 'revisionist'. He was part of the rather large group of authors who could be paid to produce something; he wrote a book On Islam, saying I imagine much the same as other routine books..
Cecil Helman who lived in south Africa, studying medicine, which he treated rather as many people who learn some accounting or teaching as a second string, though of course on a more impressive scale. He invented, or rather named, 'Medical Anthropology', a fancy name for something like folk medicine. (I don't know if he included 'Muti'). He might have shone light upon Jewish beliefs and actions, but so far as I know, didn't.
Alan Apling Who did the practical subject of Minerals Engineering. His father stood as a candidate in England for the Communist Party, and liked to talk of 'Uncle Joe' Stalin, and display his belief in Engels and Marx. No doubt his dad considered himself a Jew, but I knew little and didn't quiz his his mum.
I may as well add Jonathan Bowden, the British National Party's 'shadow minister of culture' - No crit of Enoch Powell; see my review eg of Mosley - I think pro WW2 but not very intelligently; believed the British fought WW2 for legitimate war aims
I hardly know whether to congratulate them posthumously on avoiding controversy, or express sorrow at their avoidance of intellectual interest.
Alleged photo of Bill Gates with Schneerson. My guess: Schneerson tells Gates that the Talmud encourages Jewish physicians to kill goyim, if it's done in secret.
This may be Yosef I. Abramowitz, I see
The Jewish Problem now. The Jewish Money Monopoly.
13th century most of the bankers, owing to their large transactions in collecting the papal revenue, were already on the side of the Pope; now 'banker' means printing money]
Is there a 'Jewish question'? What can the ‘Jewish Question’ be? Surely this is something disproven by long and expensive wars! Is this something any civilized person now ought to take seriously?
After many many centuries—it's not clear how many—evidence has grown suggesting the issue is one of the most important in the world, which anyone concerned with the future of the world must understand. Probably this is not for everyone:many 'normies' cannot or will not understand political and global complexities, and will not attempt to grasp the deep secrets of such mysteries as the 'Talmud', a collection of vicious old writings compiled many years ago by 'Jews'.
(This piece is practical; whether 'Jews' really exist as a race, which they profess to believe, and whether (as they absurdly claim) 'God' chose them, we need not discuss).
In out time, there is one fact which everyone should understand. Everyone in the world. This is the Jewish domination of money, dating—though this may be dubious—from 1913 with the foundation of the 'Federal Reserve' or 'Fed.' US dollars used to have 'Federal Reserve Note' in small lettering along the top; maybe they still do. Paper money MAY be unobjectionable; it has advantages—think of 'hole in the wall' cash dispensers.
BUT it is a Jewish monopoly. Jews can choke off credit, bankrupting small businesses; they can control mortgage rates; They can target sectors of economies, such as Farms in the USA in the 'Great Depression'; they can secretly finance wars, generally both sides—two countries may feel they have to buy weapons, since Jews usually buy up and control propaganda; they can buy politicians—worldwide corruption from huge industrial countries all the way down to small countries—and buy political font men, for example in Africa, in Europe, in Asia, and the USA.
How to Detect Jew Collaborating Websites. Red Flags
It's necessary to have some idea of who count themselves as 'Jews'. This is problematic, as they make a lot of effort to keep hidden. Since the advent of Internet, information has become vastly more available than before: I'd guess more people than ever before are aware of the parts played by Jews in the ruination of Russia as the 'Soviet Union', and Jews in the USA 'Federal Reserve' and money. Many ancestry websites give clues to networks of blood relatives, and some Jews consider maternal descent is proof of Jewishness. But many people have as little grasp of the facts as Belloc bemoaned one hundred years ago, including in his strictures the so-called historians.
The deceit has been amazing. I would call it 'extraordinary'—except that it has been ordinary for, probably, millennia. The interval with two World Wars, plus the 'Cold War', marks, I hope, a summit of 'Jewish' influence in all countries, from which decline seems likely. It is conceivable that there will be wars against Jews, with whites in two camps, some being pro-Jew without understanding the issues—as is normal among simple militarists—others with full grasp. Maybe the result will be disastrous.
But here I'll look at detection of serious websites and rejection of fakes. My method is to look at what websites say on subjects I personally know about.
My checklist includes: Nuclear weapon and nuclear power myths; NASA; 9/11; cell biology research; insecticides research; re-examination of WW1 and WW2; Economic Depressions; Vietnam; interactions between Jews, Christians, and Moslems; the Fed and the 20th century; some parts of history, including the Holocaust fraud; salt in food; 'Look and Say' miseducation; 'climate change'.
Those, plus information on names and countries and events, make up a lot of my assessment. These things take education or conversation to bullet-proof anyone's awareness; the less you know, the more likely it is you'll fail to withstand the Jewish media onslaughts. Possibly there's something to be said for simply regarding Jews as Christ-killers, to short-cut the tedium of dealing with absurd self-obsessive types. I'm not sure what to suggest about 'invincibly ignorant' types; as long as Jews continue to control media, anything they don't like to admit—American war crimes, Jewish printed money buying up start-ups, medical truths on vaccines to statistics, legal frauds—the list is endless—my own contribution is to try to enlighten people.
Lessons from history are indispensable for anyone wanting a long overview. What really happened is important, but systematically hidden by Jews, which makes it different from other sciences, where animals or plants or atoms don't fight back with concealment. I'll bullet-point what to look for.
History of 'Jews': This piece Evolution of Jews as parasites suggests how Jews may have evolved during the immense time-spans of civilisation in, for example, Babylonia. Most evidence suggests the ease of travel round the Mediterranean, and profits from trade, established the position of 'Jews'. Probably seaports needed methods to distribute their trade products, leading to analogues of Freemasons, Common Purpose bureaucrats, Crafts, Guilds, and indeed capital cities. The Americas, about 1500, became a completely new gravitational pull.
Debates and claims rage about origins; I doubt there's much continuity: some would do other things, some would drop out, some would convert, perhaps just by imitation. DNA discoveries may clear things up, but since we're talking of very many generations I have doubts, even if the scientists are honest.
The Talmud is allegedly the root of the Jewish outlook. It's possible that rich and secretive Jews have their own more updated material, especially in countries with their own languages and chronologies. I'd expect China, the USA, Italy, and the Netherlands to have specialised stuff. But Talmudic stuff may be important; far more than the 'Old Testament' as inserted in 'Christianity' when it was new.
Warning: Talmudic studies are liable to the death penalty from so-called 'Jews'.
Infiltration: There are several more-or-less different types, usually aimed at powerful people. Monarchs may be Judaised with Jewish queens; I'd guess this process was eased where monarchs and aristocrats were a foreign imposition. Monarch may be used as shields from the public, though there's a risk they may lose their protection. Another technique is intermarriage with aristocrats, generally keeping their allegiance secret. After Charles I was regicided, the aristocracy in England was progressively Judaised, for example.
Religious Infiltration: some Jews seem to have specialised in mystical philosophising, and this has been very effective. Large numbers of modern Americans are suckers for this sort of thing, though of course money is as important—the Church in England is a depressing example of the development of a 'religious' caste, who in exchange for simple tasks including propagandist sermons got a percentage of rents.
Importance of Censorship of Truths and Repetition of Lies: Censorship by Jews in the media is of course not obvious; the point is to not mention things Jews don't like, such as Jews and the 'Fed', Jews and lending money to two or more sides in wars, with some assurances for repayment. Jews like destroying records: letters and documents of eminent people who might expose Jews are liable to vanish. for example. Here's Andrew Joyce: the Holocaust narrative has been ruthlessly employed to destroy the moral foundations of the claims of Europeans to their own lands, to demonise any European employment of the language and ideas of race, to instigate a culture of European guilt and reparations, and to facilitate a perverse deification of the Jews and the revived "values" of Mendelssohn  tolerance, diversity, and pluralism. These results show both censorship of truths and repetitions of lies.
Repetition has an interesting place in Jewish deception: topics such as killings by Jews tend to be recycled, though whether to discourage non-Jews from checking, or to pique evil-lovers, I don't know. Mary Phagan's murder by the Jew Frank; Jack the Ripper; and Rillington Place in London illustrate the idea.
Repetition is used by Jews in their black propaganda on blacks. 'Martin Luther King', Mandela, Rosa Parkes and the paid rented morons in 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Antifa' etc. A two-hundred-year-old example is "Liberté Egalité Fraternité". But this is small stuff in comparison with the huge campaigns, for example on the USSR, and the Second World War.
Developing Doubts About Jews: in the absence of clear proof, all Jewish claims must be treated with suspicion. I've learned to doubt such things as the Spanish Armada, the supposed accident of Turks blowing up the Parthenon, the reasons given for wars, the causes of great fires, the causes of epidemics, the reasons for population shifts, the importance of Rothschild money-making after Waterloo (was it really more important than profits from military manufactures?), were mediaeval Jews really expelled?— and much more. Many books are subject to repeating cycles for publishers: this line of thought was suggested to me by large numbers of unevidenced books on the Black Death, the Second World War, 9/11, and endless other topics. Another technique of Jews is to put incompetent blacks, mulattoes, aliens and what have you in supposed leadership positions—these are strictly reserved for Jews. The same may apply to women. We'll know Jews are losing when they are ejected from the BBC.
Hierarchies of Jewish Suppressions: It's fascinating to try to judge Jewish hierarchies of things they want to keep secret. At first sight, it seems that keeping up their lies about the Second World War, notably the 'Holohoax', is primary—think of scum like Spielberg. But perhaps it's as important to suppress Allied war crimes—think of shit like de Niro, Hanks, Stallone. Or perhaps avoiding truths about 'nukes' is a priority? But I think the most important priority is suppressing any suggestions that Jews are the problem—even today simple 'newsreader' scripts always avoid the issue. It's like the truth about Coronavirus; neither Presidential candidate ever discussed what it's for. This seems to trump—sorry!—even the idea that Hitler was part of a large secret group, which is certainly near the top of the censorship totem pole.
Testing Doubts About Jews: I wondered if 'expulsions of Jews' are a myth. Maybe Jews, having performed some task, simply moved back to Jewish areas. "They kicked us out, oy vey" may well be a complete fraud. This of course is hard to test, needing detail on the policies of towns in the Middle Ages; but at least it may be easy enough to check whether the evidence supplied is convincing. It occurred to me that Soros may have been given money by Gordon Brown, at that time the supposed Chancellor of the Exchequer in Britain: he sold (if the stories are correct) a large proportion of Britain's gold at a low price; was there an agreement to give to Soros to wreck the US and UK? Obviously, inside information on the rules would be nice to have, but simply positing a workable hypothesis is a starting-point. How about the emergence of 'democracy': an H G Wells novel has Sidney Webb: I can still recall little Bailey [this is Webb], glib and winking, explaining that Democracy was really just a dodge for getting assent to the ordinances of the expert by means of the polling booth. Perhaps the story of the Rothschilds starting with four or five sons was to cover up a large ring of networking Jews? A query I have is: Was Revelations a psyop against Rome?—And was Daniel a psyop against the Greeks? Looking at the USA's Presidential Election (soon) with two Jew-controlled and/or Jew candidates: are you certain Trump was opposed from the start? Isn't it possible that supposed storm was just the media filling space, with Biden set up to lose? Was it true that Lenin and Trotsky thought that England wasn't ready for revolution—or perhaps there were lots of Jews in the country and lots of US Fed money
Here's a good example of evidenced criticism: the brainwashing into Common Purpose of the top 200 civil servants. Notice their actions were to be “subtle”, which is typical of Common Purpose who use “nudge” to gradually move people into their dogma. Also when it says “develop people” it means sending them on Common Purpose courses, which is made perfectly clear in any other business “Running workshops in the Common Purpose model was proposed&dquo;.
When you see that this insidious process is replicated in the police, the BBC, the NHS, most major charities, the church, the education system, local government etc, and that it trickles down these organisations from the top to the bottom, it helps you understand how this evil organisation has taken over running Great Britain. Note that Common Purpose is abbreviated to CP!
Limits to Evil?: Don't rule out any evil from the thoughts and deeds of Jews. Though of course it's difficult to separate culpabilities: many whites, if paid and propagandised, will do disgusting things.
Hopes: There's some hope from the Jewish instinct to deceive, cheat, infiltrate, devastate, exploit with drugs and sex, and all the rest. These are all specialised work, needing acting practice and careful wording and other time-absorbing efforts. They understand manipulations, and intensive networking. Jews tend not to understand medicine, biology, how machines work, how electricity is made, how Internet works. So far they've hired experts to murder, kill, etc target populations. I suspect that in some Jewish absurdities—for example, AIDS, 'climate change', immigration frauds, the coronavirus fraud—the parroting of absurd errors by Jews may not be entirely acting, but genuine stupidity. Perhaps the last Rothschild will die because a pilot chucks him out, or a chemist uses poison, or an IT man foils some fraud, or a weapons expert finds he right thing to deploy, or an organ transplant fails. Perhaps whites will rise above meaningless money and fight back, finally and decisively.
Just in case you were wondering ...
*YES, the Governor of Michigan use to work for George Soros
* YES, Hillary's daughter Chelsea IS married to George Soros' nephew.
* YES, ABC News executive producer IAN CAMERON is married to SUSAN RICE, Obama's former National Security Adviser.
* YES, CBS President DAVID RHODES is the brother of BEN RHODES, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
* YES, ABC News correspondent CLAIRE SHIPMAN is married to JAY CARNEY, former Obama White House Press Secretary
* YES, ABC News and Univision reporter MATTHEW JAFFE is married to KATIE HOGAN, Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary .
* YES, ABC President BEN SHERWOOD is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama's former Special Adviser.
* YES, CNN President VIRGINIA MOSELEY is married to TOM NIDES, former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary
Pakistani 1990s conference, as advised by Jews—typically, there's nothing on Jews opening the gates for Moslems; there are flat assertions that they are entitled to money; there are no intelligent remarks on Islam
How Much Knowledge of Jews can be Reasonably Expected?
‘'Coltrane': Off-topic slightly, but I truly believe that this is a big reason behind why so many Americans now days are developing mental health issues not to even mention issues with drugs. It's because normies just aren't equipped mentally and psychologically to understand these complex political and global issues the specific way the West runs today under Talmudic law and rule.
So normies typically either go into deep cognitive dissonance over the over the whole thing or they just remain in perpetual ignorance for life not daring to even try to understand the issues most crucial toward understanding reality and how the larger macrocosm of the world affects them, the microcosm, personally. Others, of course, turn to drugs and/or alcohol, or even worse they turn to Jewish psycho-analysts and their theories of Marxist background, which only warps the normies' mind even further out of all alignment with reality.’
It's unreasonable to expect widespread knowledge of Jews. Many people aren't very interested, and will only do anything if they're paid. But personally, I like to hope local groups will form, specialising in Jew-related issues, like distributed research groups, or groups looking into updated scriptural things, not the current rubbish. World history; religions pushed by Jews—where they came from, and their problems; psychology of Jews and their hates; Jewish organisations and their real vs deceptive nominal functions; legal, medical [lack of salt, too much fluoride], educational harm by Jews; wars attributable to Jews; Jewish styles of argument; Jewish use of poor trainees, middle class, rich; Jewish murders, assassinations, slavery, sex trafficking, organs; Jews and spread of disease eg slavery; money and Jewish uses and frauds; sciences and arts and Jew corruptions; media and news corruption though the ages; true statistics of countries partitions in Jews and others; housing, inheritance, money, taxes from Jews; slogans; and all the rest of it.
There must be hypothesis testers, and predictions: will paid liars take up so much money they will bring the system down? Will there be a catastrophic failure? Will there be catastrophic wars? Will there be so many Jews, with so many genetic deformities, that humanity will decline terminally? Will whites begin to masquerade as Jews to infiltrate them? Will Jewish legal assets be returned to whites? Can we arrange groups to write accurate assessments to overpower Jewish lies?
Bertrand Russell said he was interested in 'the smallest store of undefined words in which our knowledge can be expressed.' We have to work out how to reach ordinary people to convince them of the truth; efficiently, understandably, without excessive effort.
‘ famous drawing ... a Jew drawing a swastika on ... a Jewish temple and a guy exclaims "Hey rabbi, watcha doin?"’ (Hexzane527 on page 110)
Is Revisionism an Elite Scam, to Distract from Serious Issues?
Rae West 4 August 2020
I'm introducing a piece by Hexzane527, titled Robert Faurisson, très probablement un agent, making the suggestion that Faurisson, widely regarded as a pioneering revisionist intellectual, was (he died recently) part of just another elite scam. Until now, this long article has only been available in French. I've prepared a machine translation (with an index), for the world to admire.
It's a remarkable work, showing that serious progress is being made in deconstructing plans of the 'elites'. Hexzane527 deals in detail with Faurisson, with links to websites (including French sites, and Wikipedia) teasing out events in his life. And he adds other revisionists; many of my readers will recognise many names, and many events since 1945. Hexzane527 provides interesting insights into French education and French elites (and their indifference to Liberté, égalité, fraternité). He's good on identifying dates—essential in sorting out sequences of events, and the reasons for which they are placed in order by inventors of psyops. Hexzane527 has found convincing evidence that the world wars were planned by the worldwide elite—or elites. They have very long-term plans.
Revisionism emerged in the 1970s apparently independently. It was accompanied by manufactured media 'scandals'. The Fabius-Gayssot Law in France was a significant event: Hexzane527 has worked out what it's for (in his view, so that people will view Jews as oppressors and want them removed), how it was invented, what the name means. His view is that elite Jews are planning to get Jews booted out into a larger Israel. In the same way Jews were booted out in WW2. Very well worth reading.
My best guess is that the whole thing was a distraction: from war crimes in Vietnam—which France participated in—war crimes in Iraq, wars round the world, and Jewish money—Trump and Munchkin (I think) printing a few trillion to make a million new millionaires. They may have been hiding genocide in China; I'd say that's quite likely. Hexzane527 is well aware of other fakes: he says AIDS, and moon landings, and we can add 'coronavirus', nuclear power and bombs, 9/11 from overseas, and even the suppression of 'chloride' in salt. Other huge manipulations include the 1920s Prohibition and 1930s Depression, and 'Cold War'.
Freemasonry (Franc-maçonnerie in France) is secret; it's not just Jews, who need collaborators. Hexzane doesn't speculate on splits and rivalries.
Hexzane527 assumes the Jewish control of the USSR was well-known. This seems untrue in the USA—witness Frank Britton's Behind Communism in 1952-ish.
Portable document format (.pdf) seems to work on a line-by-line basis, which can cause mistranslations. At any rate, there are oddities in my English version. Sometimes I felt moved to adjust a few things typical of French to English translation: adjectives moved before their noun, genders dropped from things Anglo-Saxons consider neutral, slightly different structures—Why did something happen?—in place of Why something happen? I've left figures of speech such as 'nickel shoes' and 'dumb dinners'. I've retained page numbers. Recommended.
Some of her books. These are available from Amazon—but at a time when many serious books have been removed.
Republican Broadcasting Net
I prepared rather badly. You may not be surprised.
Deanna Spingola Seven Years Later. Includes: Gullible Americans, Money, & Hitler Worship
Written by Rerevisionist 6 August 2020 I wanted to explain the new view of the world wars, in which ‘Hitler’ was an actor supported world-wide by Jewish media control. Jews aimed to kill whites, and succeeded: a few hundred thousand Americans, many millions of Germans and Ukrainians, tens of millions of Russians, plus Poles, French, British and others—Chinese and Indians. It started with Jewish paper money in 1913. They fed money into and away from whatever they wanted, including Depression in the 'west', then weapons, tanks, ships, bombs, torture equipment to the Jews in the USSR, supplied by Americans, laboring away for the purpose. (I noticed the 'Rosie the riveter' rubbish is still being pushed). No wonder Jews world-wide are desperate to hide these simple facts.
The odd thing is that it all seems fed by Jewish genetics: thy have their handbook, the Talmud, though this must have been secretly updated. They seem to have no creative impulses, but only emotions of power and theft, a bit like hermit crabs moving into other shells, except with violence.
Jews seem unable to understand that 'positive discrimination' (I had to look up the Jew weasel phrase) will generate incompetence. It seems a natural part of their perceptual weak vision. Jews seem to be mostly parasitic, with no large endgame. Note that after 1945, German patents and factories were looted. Just one example of unintelligent power coming first.
On 11th July 2020 Deanna Spingola suggested we do an Internet radio program for Saturday 25 July, 6 pm CDT, from her suburban Chicago center. I suspect someone cancelled! But I remember her from a talk seven years ago, 18 April 2013, in fact, here it is, phone-ins and all, 90 minutes. Its title was (and is) Do nuclear bombs and nuclear power exist?
Here's the three hours for 25 July 2020. This is my own recording, not the Deanna Spingola/ RBN version. I don't think they liked my comments; they've removed my name from their record of that date. The schedule should help people work out the structure of the talks - I haven't removed the ads.
Listen to: First hour
Listen to: Second hour
Listen to: Third hour
Radio program: Saturday, 3 to 6 PM (CDT) www.republicbroadcasting.org.
Each of three hours:
3:00:00: Intro - top of the hour: 20 minutes
3:19:29 Bump-out (30 seconds of faded-in music)
3:23:00 Bump-in - 5 minutes, 44 seconds
3:28:14 Bump-out
3:33:00 Bump-in, 18 minutes
3:50:29 Bump-out
3:54:00 Bump-in - 4 minutes, 48 seconds
3:57:00 Bump-out - 60 seconds, top of the hour break
Listen for my Themes:–
• ‘Democracy’ as a Jewish scheme to penetrate and take over. To be followed by 'post-democratic' world
• Jews as a separate financial sector, maximising themselves at the expense of non-Jews
• Top-down view of Jews, not the older interminable information collecting. Testing such hypotheses as World Wars as maximising white deaths, and acquiring white assets
• Jews collaborating with religions to collect percentages and use host populations. The opposition to 'usury' looks like covert support by Churches, and Moslems, for the Jew interest and loan monopoly, in exchange for money for buildings.
• I suspect there was something analogous in the Jewish interest in prostitution and religions.
• Hitler a cog in a huge secret machine, and not a standalone actor
• Americans in war crimes carrying out covert Jew policies, while adding fuel to the belief that whites are evil
• Whites must take back huge amounts of paper money
First Hour - Top-down idea, with pleas for listeners to look at Miles Mathis and Hexzane. I give handy links.
- Disappointment with Kevin MacDonald, David Irving, Dennis Wise, Mike King
- Bletchley Park listening place: many Jews
- Victorians as agonising timewasters - 20,000 English vicars using up talent
- Publishers (Left Book Club, Gollancz...) as Jew war promoters
- Starting with the Mediterranean, Jews got cities, and Roman Catholics got countryside
- Look-Say teaching, Salt in Diet, in England: Dimblebys, Attenboroughs
- 'Coronavirus' a distraction from Fed Reserve; 2 trillion dollars means 2M people getting 1M each over time from taxes
- Possibility whole WW2 was run by Jews, with Hitler and Mussolini not one-man bands
- Health concerns: NHS, CDC etc in USA - kidnapping etc. AIDS, Sacklers and oxycontin. Diabetes 2 types absurdity. Private hospitals in Britain
- Pages visited 2013-2020.
- Reviews: Dennis Wise. Media. Mein Kampf. Jews, Christian, Moslems taken together. Books on race. Failed Bertrand Russell, dead 50 years. MacDonald's Culture of Critique; no critique of 9/11, Holohoax, 9/1, paper money
- Miles Mathis and hexzane527 supernovae. Note on Holohoax: may have been a psyop itself, leading to timewasting
- Possibility Christianity collaborated with Jews, with usury as a distraction (and perhaps brothels)
- Ports and livery companies and freemasons - merchandising - ghettoes, probably forced rabbinically
- Jews as a distributed, scattered, spread around state, an unfamiliar concept
- At any moment armed thugs might turns up - one country at a time picked off - tithe of land ownership - - homogenous land system making money out of the locals
- Vicars every Sunday - like the BBC - last one Lithuania - Alfred went to Rome - need funding for churches and cathedrals - vicars would say interest is a crime, but Jews were allowed to do it - Hoffman on usury - church's role to support Jewish monopoly
- England 1066 - Norse invasion first - Westpoint lecturers - invest in wars - Smedley Butler's 'War is a Racket' Dupont in WW1 - black powder
- Waste. Because Jews get loans repayment (or have done in the past) - LBJ Texas Jew - wanted to destroy helicopters
- We Americans don't say 'war' don't declare war
- Deanna's father was Smedley Butler's aide
- J sector, for serious economic modellers - nation state a bit of a myth - Trump on lawyers happy to waste millions if they get a few thousand
- China, Turkey, south America, South Africa run by Jews - similar structure worldwide, hence e.g. marriage of homosexuals legalised at the same time, more or less
- Coronavirus damage to businesses - economies damaged, fire sale prices
Second Hour - Religion. Jews coin religions and use fanatics - Fox and Cromwell and Quakers - Jesuits. Vast output of sermons. - Islam seems to have been a Jewish invention. Script, holy book, violence. After Roman Empire was plundered. - NW India, Hindu Kush - Japanese ban - Byzantine empire allegedly no Jews - Greek church around Constantinople survived thousand years
- Sicut Judaeis. Trier in Germany. E Michael Jones.
- Mormons. Deanna Spingola ["Danish, English, Irish, German"] was a Mormon - Joseph Smith. Freemason kind of church. Pledge 10% before taxes. Have given money to big pharma and Gates. DS left 10 years ago (2010?) and is a 'daughter of perdition'.
- Protestant Church of England - Cromwell, reintroduction of Jews, King James Bible - designed to impress - Prynne
- New world ports, Holland, England. Scottish connections. - unified England and Scotland - liked by Jews - unifying and splitting as Jewish - hexzane on making splits seem normal.
- DS on US Civil War - "500,000 Marxists" going after 1848 from Europe to USA - States rights - Indian Wars and Albert Pike - Breeding and population movements homogenisation
- NANCY FROM CA: -Jewish rabbi involved with Joseph Smith - 34 wives inc 12 year old wife. Blame children
- Changes in Internet - Amazon off - Global Warming crit still valid - Mona McNee on look-say - Wordpress (since 2003) not good for archives - Youtube Jan 2018 large-scale deletions - Google clampdown
- Hardware: clock speed; solid state; flat screen; Windows; USB fast. And worrying things...
- DS on Private small businesses closed [but no figures] - lockdown - can't travel - masks
- Wars - Syrians starving - Afghanistan - waste of money
- Fake excuses for invasions
- Soros: not convinced he wasn't handed money; handout on some pretext
- Subsidies by taxpayers - annual amounts staggering
- My Jews chronology files - suffragettes - Balfour was overt - but maybe secret agreement to give Russia to Jews - may have been pretence that Jews were open about previously secret agreements.
- Mathis on Jew aristocrats in Russia, including Lenin, Solzhenitsyn, Alexandra Kollontai?.
- 1930s Depression deliberate - War against Germany to kill whites. USA Bankers to Lenin also Stalin. Tanks, plans just to give to Stalin
- Left Book Club. Propagandists - Ramsey on Jewish things - Medicis - Jews as secret belligerents. Attenborough BBC. Leicester - between wars building new universities lots of Jewish control
- Physicists just won't comment - Engineers on 9/11 - The money system is so one-sided.
If people fight back has to be on money basis - Naive Americans, some thinking 1950s a golden age - Occidental Observer on The Graduate, nothing on wars, Church being Jew elated; astonishing gullibility
- CHARLES IN FLORIDA: Plot against the Vatican - "Vestments represent pedophile" - Pope Francis - Marrano - Castro - Hoffman's 'Occult Renaissance Church of Rome' - Church is hopeless flogging a dead horse - monocornuto - kneeling with one knee from blue lodge freemasonry 3rd degree to Hiram
Werner Sombart - Jews and the rise of capitalism - Wars are the Jews' harvest -[big-lies home page] - many Jews have no intimate knowledge of the Talmud - speak yiddish - Willam Grimstad anti-zion quotes
Third Hour DS's copies of 'Sacramento Bee' 1963. Accepts entire story of Kennedys assassinations and Israel's nukes! RW tries to suggest Miles Mathis on the so-called assassination
- DS says a Clinton Roosevelt book of 1843 predates the Communist Manifesto
- Church of England now less than 1 million members - Archbishop of Canterbury Welby with of course Jewish antecedents
- Secrecy - Docherty and Macgregor on stored papers from WW1 - Official Secrets Act before WW1 - must have had Jewish connections - trading with the enemy after nominal end of war
- MARCUS ELSIS / MARK ELSIS at 6 mins on Kennedys clearly rehashing the same old stuff - ditto Lennon - started a newspaper called earthnewspaper.com - with 700 entries, 7000 links - [just collected alarmist unhelpful mass] - "all the honest news fit to publish" - "middle of something biblical" - says he wants worldwide civil disobedience but has no policy for taking back money from Jews. NB seems hitlerspeaceplans.com is his site, putting all responsibility on Hitler, not Jews) - "25M to be evicted from their homes - nothing else to lose" - Bonus March 1932 - WW1 'veterans' (i.e. simpletons used as thugs) asking for money from the future - "when a man has his back to the wall he acts" - at least 50M people that could go with it - 72000 extra suicides - just this year - Fascinating, policyless
[Note: Mike King includes a write-up of the 'bonus army' here: realhistorychannel.org/communist-street-scum-protest-trump here]
- Laziness - plagiarism - rise and fall of revisionist types, e.g. Dennis Wise Kevin Mac - didn't seem to realise Germany couldn't possibly win - Jan Lamprecht another uncritical Hitler worshipper
- Transfer Agreement - I was unable to persuade DS to even look at Mathis or Hexzane527
- ?MYRRH in WISCONSIN: amusingly unhelpful - "mygodimhit.com and we need to get in touch with the holy spirit"
- Jews and their special distributed country
- Hexzane527 on the Second World Wars - 30 puzzles on home page of big-lies.org - I draw attention to examples: Masonic handshakes, Henry Ford as a method to spread Jews views, lebensraum in Russia contrary to Hitler's supposed race idea, Vichy France, Gibraltar, Japan/Germany alliance
- Final comments. We have to get jews separated - Jewish networking has to go - secrecy has to go - imagine jailers of Epstein; why not pay them millions for testifying? Accountants and lawyers for eg Soros - why not pay them a percentage, on the same principle as plea bargaining. Or recompense for frauds such as Holohoax; should be enormous. - DS says "it was incremental" without realising it's been around for millennia.
More on Unions: A Deeper and Wider Look at Their Policies
Written by Rerevisionist 24 June 2020
In another site, 'Buckle' commented: [Enoch] Powell brought in a million commonwealth immigrants in the 1950's as a punishment beating of the UK's heavily unionised labor force.
I replied Remember that Jews covertly control most things; including so-called 'unions'. ... It was Jewish policy to import blacks and make taxpayers pay. I doubt if Powell had any idea of this. ...
I wrote on unions in 2013 (time flies!). Click the link (then back here) to see my article then—on buying union leaders, using their rule-books etc in the NUJ, NUS, NUT and in professional unions in the Civil Service and Police and BBC and elsewhere.
A newer example: I'm guessing the coronavirus fraud prevented NHS [National Health Service] staff, from porters to senior doctors, from making any comments. And similarly for police unions.
But I forgot to mention the likelihood that unions, in nations and worldwide, will conspire in what they think are Jewish interests. Buckle presumably thought his comment was definitive—that Enoch Powell bringing in permanent 'immigrants' was clear proof he was a hypocrite or liar. In fact, Jewish policy after WW2 was to weaken Britain, and borrowing from Jews to import millions and put up rents and prices seemed good sense to Jews. So did endless trash on 'racism', of which Jews are the greatest practitioners on earth. Probably therefore NHS unions and other unions conspired in the unprecedented step of importing huge numbers of foreigners.
To see how this operates, let's look at Hilaire Belloc, about a century back: An English squire would find, for instance, that a relation of his by marriage, whose Jewish name and descent he had never bothered about, was cousin to, and in close connection with, a person of a totally different name—an Oriental name—mixed up in some conspiracy, say, against the Russian State. Or he would learn with surprise that a learned University man with whom he had recently dined was the uncle of a socialist agitator in Vienna.
Here's a United States version: Miles Mathis on Eugene Debs (1855-1926), a union leader who came from nowhere. When you think about it, the whole framework resembles the 'Labour Party'. This was said to represent workers. And yet how could such people become full-time staff and organisers? Samuel Gompertz (changed to Gompers) represented cigar workers, and tobacco-growing areas included Cuba, run by 'Sephardic Jews'. Unions in the USA must have been part of the militarisation process when Jews decided they wanted Americans to kill Germans with American weapons. Obviously, Jewish union officials would help those processes. So would Jewish unions of sailors. As the USA's Jews went for full-scale world conquest, Jewish official, shop stewards and so on, would be all in favour. There must have been methods to silence bank workers in the 1930s 'Great Depression'.
It's very obvious that police organisations in the USA go along with ridiculous false flag operations which make them look criminals or fools. Yet nothing is done. UK police for years have gone along with rapes of white girls by Moslems. Yet nothing is done.
As Miles Mathis says: workers' unions had by then morphed into Marxist organizations. These fake organizations had a dual purpose: one, they undermined and bottled up the unions by creating internal strife and political bickering. Rather than focusing on wages and workers' rights, these organizations ... pushed their members into fake international politics and armchair philosophies. These politics and philosophies were created on purpose to cause multiple splintering.
Two, by replacing the truly popular revolutions of the 1840s and 1850s with these manufactured revolutions of Marx, the financiers were able to misdirect any and all revolutionary spirit... From mileswmathis.com/reed.pdf on John Reed. (This page does not show up in Google).
Finally, an example of a Jewish propaganda coup against the Russian Tsar. It's from Frank Britton's Behind Communism.
What really happened may have been decoded; it's about 'Bloody Sunday'. A 'Father Gapon' took thousands of St Petersberg families to the Palace. They were met with 'a flaming volley of rifle fire'. Tsar Nicholas II was away at the time. This was 1905. Jews tell lies, all the time, apparently by racial instinct.
Rae West 21 June & 12th August & 1st December 2020
There's a lot of visual material—though completely censored—on the Jewish-controlled media, such as Facebook.
Fascinating to watch Kaitlin Bennett (of 'LibertyHangout'—never mentions Jews) talking to assorted 'demonstrators' (who never talk about Jews either). The so-called 'demonstrators' are shepherded by paid 'organisers' in black, who are comically evasive; their sheep seem picked to show any Jew, however obese or ugly or spittle flecked, can assist in the Jewish thousand+ year Reich.
Bennett herself is probably controlled opposition; her questions are usually worded in ways Jews are coached to think are White. For example, she asks if abortion is always murder, while Jews favour abortion for blacks up to full term.
I found a male equivalent, with an ignited B logo, but, annoyingly, haven't been able to relocate him. He's shown sparring with idiots. But, of course, neither he nor they mention Jews, not even Soros. You'd think they could say thanks, or, if not, point out people like him keep them poor.
Jewish-funded fake 'movements' after about 1900 showed the extent of Jewish subversion, though of course they used front-men to hide the links. I've mentioned 'anarchists' and fake 'suffragettes' but we also have 'Vorticists' in UK, 'Futurists' in Italy, 'Maquisards' in France (I think), several Spanish groups, 'anarchists' in Japan, 'anarchists' in Thessalonika, even Christians in Korea. Though of course the epicentre was in Germany, Poland, and Russia, where so-called 'Jews' had bred like rabbits. 'Socialist' was used as a euphemism for Jew-funded thug, though not in intellectual parts of Europe. Trade Union 'secretaries' and officials usually had links with Jew financiers and the 'reserve armies of thugs' to modify Marx. Where public relations and media got involved, after 1900 the links extended until by 1939 there was little independent comment at all.
In Britain, watching the COVID fraud, only the official line, however absurd, is given any space. There is ridiculous applause for supposedly hard-working health staff, most of them in fact doing nothing. It seems likely that Jews want compulsory 'vaccination' with untested rubbish, backed by thugs, after the Soviet and Israeli models.
Book review and thoughtful comment: Jews on Riots. I have an old copy of Philip Steele on Past and Present Riots. Published 1993 by 'Heinemann Library' of Heinemann Publishers, with an address in Oxford, England, presumably to sound academic. Branches listed in 17 towns, including Ibadan, Nairobi, and Harari.
15 Worthy Lane, Winchester, SO23 7AB, England. Lies and propaganda.
Their 'Library' imprint has hefty laminated cardboard covers, presumably to last. Generally, thin books have vast numbers of credits; this one was 'Devised and produced by Zoë Books Limited 15 Worthy Lane Winchester' and 'Edited by Charlotte Rolfe'. I was amazed to find that 15 Worthy Lane still has some activity; fronted apparently by Imogen, Christopher, and James Dawson.
'Key Dates' (see scanned page, to the right) give clues to the way such a book is assembled.
The book's date—1993—is about fifty years after WW2, just before the puppet Mandela was commissioned in South Africa, ad soon after the 'Berlin Wall' was removed.
The Jewish propaganda of this book is fixed by its date. The overview Jewish claim is at the end of the book: 'As long as starvation exists, people will riot. As long as people suffer unjust government, they will riot. As long as people are brought up in ignorance or prejudice, they may act as bullies towards other people and cultures. It is sometimes not enough for individuals to stand up alone for what is right. They must join together on an international basis and work for peace.'
The Jewish claim is of course a fraud. Jews organise internationally, and what they mean is that collaborators can expect other Jews than local ones to act together, but 'working for peace' is unlikely to be the result! Whether people will riot, is far more uncertain than they claim: obviously, very often they didn't. And of course the idea that rioting will summon up food for starving people is suspect. And of course some 'cultures'—notably Jewish—are vicious and anti-human and deserve to be stood against.
Let's examine the interesting list of 'KEY DATES'. They are mostly in Britain; Jews work by partitioning the world by nations, languages, markets, or whatever. So similar books in French, Russian, German, South American, anywhere, will have different targets plus some identical targets.
Generally, all targets are Jewish in some way. Jews are interested in themselves. In this book, a slave revolt in mentioned, and vandalism [sic; feel sympathy for Andalusians!] in ancient Greece. I'd guess there are part of genuine or fake Jewish lore. Note the 'slave' issue: slaves [the word is based on Slavs, and here is anachronistic] were in some periods treated humanely, but in others—under Jews, for example—not. The smashing of statues sounds Jewish too—as witness Jew-funded 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Antifa' desperadoes.
Here things get interesting: Roman Catholics, and the much newer Protestants, fought savagely, probably financed on both sides by Jews.
Here we have the words of Miles W Mathis, including ... Paris was ruled by the Jewish Medicis, we see it was a war of the Medicis against the Christian Church more broadly/ Catherine ordered the rich Hugenots murdered in the St. Bartholomew's Massacre not because they were Protestant, but beause they were prominent aristocrats and Christians. This suggests something new to me, that 'Blues against Greens' in Constantinople, and the Peasants' Revolt in England, were fomented by Jews, probably by Jewish money. Kristallnacht, since the fantasies of the Second World War appeared to have triumphed by 1993, is here claimed for the 'Nazi' government (see Hexzane527 for a very new view of the Second World War. And very likely Jews are revealed to have been behind riots in Barcelona, India, the USA, and post-partition Pakistan. No surprises there. Though the 1985 football match in Belgium seems odd; a failed immigrant invasion Euro-project?
&nsp; The book mentions 'overthrowing the old order in Moscow', without discussing the role of Jews in the vast horror of the 'Soviet Union'.
Another disgusting Jewish action was Jewish control, by scum including Kissinger and Lyndon Johnson, of war crimes in Vietnam; the account here implies a Jewish-promoted event at My Lai was US troops rioting, when in fact the whole US policy involved large-scale landscape destruction, bombing and napalm, rapes and violence.
For the Real Meaning of Usury (below, in this same page) check the idea that Jews and Roman Catholics collaborated, to keep money-making as a Jew monopoly. The frantic screeching against 'usury' seems to be just another piece of deception propaganda.
On the question of collaboration, if we look at large-scale violence and wars, I'd suggest there's a similar collaboration, certainly in modern times, with weapons made by heavy industry financed by very long-term loans and secret sales of assets.
The more Jews are involved, the less evidence there is that military leaders pursue their own policies. They are in effect mercenaries, not leaders.
Omitted material is so common that is must be viewed as the most common Jewish activity. In the past few centuries, the East India Companies of the Netherlands and England, Cromwell, the 'French' Revolution, the Opium Wars, wars in Africa, both World Wars and the invention of the USSR, are just a few ruthlessly censored topics.
This—small typeface to save space—is in Chapter 27 of Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:
Plus ça change:—Chanted and written (English) messages included: NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE! & No Trump! No KKK! No racist USA! & Black Lives Matter. Probably the messages and attire etc are passed and legalled by Jews. No FETAL LIVES MATTER & Soros is shit & THINK FOR YOURSELF & Blacks achieved 0
‘The government of Italy, and of the young emperor, naturally devolved to his mother Justina, a woman of beauty and spirit, but who, in the midst of an orthodox people, had the misfortune of professing the Arian heresy, which she endeavoured to instil into the mind of her son. Justina was persuaded, that a Roman emperor might claim, in his own dominions, the public exercise of his religion; and she proposed to the archbishop, as a moderate and reasonable concession, that he should resign the use of a single church, either in the city or the suburbs of Milan. But the conduct of Ambrose was governed by very different principles. The palaces of the earth might indeed belong to Caesar; but the churches were the houses of God; and, within the limits of his diocese, he himself, as the lawful successor of the apostles, was the only minister of God. The privileges of Christianity, temporal as well as spiritual, were confined to the true believers; and the mind of Ambrose was satisfied, that his own theological opinions were the standard of truth and orthodoxy. The archbishop, who refused to hold any conference, or negotiation, with the instruments of Satan, declared, with modest firmness, his resolution to die a martyr, rather than to yield to the impious sacrilege; and Justina, who resented the refusal as an act of insolence and rebellion, hastily determined to exert the Imperial prerogative of her son. As she desired to perform her public devotions on the approaching festival of Easter, Ambrose was ordered to appear before the council.
He obeyed the summons with the respect of a faithful subject, but he was followed, without his consent, by an innumerable people; they pressed, with impetuous zeal, against the gates of the palace; and the affrighted ministers of Valentinian, instead of pronouncing a sentence of exile on the archbishop of Milan, humbly requested that he would interpose his authority, to protect the person of the emperor, and to restore the tranquillity of the capital. But the promises which Ambrose received and communicated were soon violated by a perfidious court; and, during six of the most solemn days, which Christian piety had set apart for the exercise of religion, the city was agitated by the irregular convulsions of tumult and fanaticism. The officers of the household were directed to prepare, first, the Portian, and afterwards, the new, Basilica, for the immediate reception of the emperor and his mother. The splendid canopy and hangings of the royal seat were arranged in the customary manner; but it was found necessary to defend them, by a strong guard, from the insults of the populace. The Arian ecclesiastics, who ventured to show themselves in the streets, were exposed to the most imminent danger of their lives; and Ambrose enjoyed the merit and reputation of rescuing his personal enemies from the hands of the enraged multitude.’
Gibbon uses what was called 'elliptical' language, of a rather extreme elongation. Perhaps he was hiding the meaning from the unwashed? I read this passage thus: Ambrose was hired, probably by Jews, to take the side against Arians. An army of thugs (this is anachronistic; but established) who, one guesses, had no serious understanding of theological fine points and absurdities, were hired, to be thuggish.
A note (I think by H H Milman) comments somewhere that ‘Ambrose, the most strenuous assertor of ecclesiastical privileges, submits without a murmur to the payment of the land tax.’ A double standard practised by many.
The tactics here are analogous to modern hired mobs, maybe moved by hired buses owned by Freemasonic companies, chanting slogans and waving printed placards for cameras, and paid apparently by Jews such as Soros to try to forward some Jewish project desired by Soros. Gibbon elaborately describes an ancient version of modern behaviour, controlled by Jewish handouts and read from screen cues by low-grade TV announcers, themselves controlled by Jew handouts.
On Arians, these were followers of Arius, and nothing to do with Aryans. I'll quote an edition of Brewer's Phrase and Fable on the beliefs, though these varied: (1) the Father and Son are distinct beings; (2) the Son, though divine, is not equal to the Father; (3) the Son had a state of existence previous to His appearance on earth, but not from eternity; the Messiah was not real man, but a divine being in a case of flesh. — I leave it to the reader's awareness of humanity to consider whether the 'innumerable people' had a genuine understanding of all this.
Apparently genuine website
Charles Reith's The Blind Eye of History dates from 1952 and presents an unusual view of historians, as a group of incompetents who ignore the necessity for police presences to enforce laws. It's why I bought the book.
Much of Reith's work is based around 'riots', though he does not include actions of Jews, in for example Cyprus, as described for example by Belloc and Arthur Butz, and he omits the Blues and Greens of Constantinople. Reith does however include the part played by Henry Fielding (also a novelist!), the Gordon riots, the 'Peterloo massacre'. There are many interesting comparisons which suggest themselves: Highwaymen were unopposed and apparently expected to collect payments, at a similar era to the sinful city of Port Royal. Smuggling in the English south coast flourished, apparently later. Reith very properly assumes the police should enforce whatever laws they are told to, and doesn't concern himself with details, such as Jews imposing death duties to make money from old families.
When applying himself to history, Reith makes far-reaching deductions; I don't know if these were refuted, accepted and absorbed, or ignored. But for example he thinks ancient Greece was chaotic because of its lack of stable policing; Rome fell ditto; that Byzantium lasted 1100 years because it did have stable policing; that Islam succeeded because it 'unwittingly instituted extremely effective enforcement'. He looks at the contempt for law in the USA.
Reith's book is unusual, and obviously conflicts with post-1945 Jewish supremacist views. Jews love other people being at war, since they profit from them by funding and selling to both sides. I recently re-read a 1970 magazine published by a group based on the work of Bertrand Russell, and they loved wars in Portuguese Africa, south Africa, and Kenya, and many other areas, despite these place being extremely poor and needing serious work on food, water, housing, and numerous other things.
Policing in the Jewish sense is more a matter of violence and published lies: looking at just a few of my other books we have (Col Rex Applegate, 1969, 1981); The Policing Revolution (Sarah Manwaring-White, 1983); Policing Liberal Society (Steve Uglow, 1988); Society and the Policeman's Role (Maureen E Cain 1973). Reith quotes 'a well-educated Socialist speaker': The police are the fence which the rich have erected round themselves to protect themselves from the poor and adds Fresh historical presentation is urgently needed to dispel ignorance regarding community needs of law-enforcement machinery; ...'
The word 'mob' is not originally English, but taken and abbreviated from a Latin expression mobile vulgus. This looks to a modern English eye as a fast-moving, rapid, mobile, collection of ordinary people. But it means excitable, fickle. Usages such as 'an alien bird mobbed by a flock' suggest a biological situation, like herds or swarms or packs. And some observers, such as Gustav le Bon, and Wilfred Trotter, theorised on crowds and nations, not in my view very convincingly, assigning crowds as having remarkable crowd psychologies.
There are obvious numerical arrangements—huge mobs aiming to invade or steal, down to tiny groups perhaps grabbing in a small way. And obvious distances between groups—guards and retainers with big houses, the absurdity at first site of Stalin having bodyguard(s). Organizers of fake demonstrations must have some grasp of the costs and payments and numbers involved. I believe the going rate a few years ago was £10 for a bus trip and (I guess) an hour or two, with a pre-printed placard and maybe a few slogans to shout.
From 1900, Jewish activity became progressively more powerful. The Boer War, the 'Skeleton Army', the Suffragettes and pretend suffragettes, Cable Street are just some of their projects in Britain. In Russia of course there were assassinations by covert Jew 'anarchists'.
Let me refer to The Alien Menace by A H Lane written after the First World War, and before the Second. Mobs, covert action, infiltration were all Jewish policies.
In the past, riots were usually occupied by people from 'rookeries' (as packed, cheap housing was called), viewed by Herbert Spencer as 'ne'er do wells'. These of course were not likely to be rich. But this is not true now. As Soros indicates, a lot of Jewish paper money can be directed to recipients, who often have no loyalty to their host countries. There seems no good reason why Soros should not have his deeds, papers, valuables, removed. As with many other fake charities and fake activisms.
Here is Jan Lamprecht, from historyreviewed.com who has experience in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa. He makes the same point about rented mobs. In fact they are often similar to mercenaries and armies:–
You folks must look VERY VERY CAREFULLY at what is happening, and look to see who is organising this. If huge numbers of blacks begin running around ... for example. Jews and Communists, have for DECADES been FAKING IT in Africa that Blacks are running amuck because "they are tired of oppression". This is pure rubbish. RUBBISH. In EACH CASE, the South African Communist Party and many other Communist/Jew organisations WERE ORGANISING IT. I have seen how people do politics. I once helped black Zimbabweans organise anti-mugabe protests. It is VERY DIFFICULT to move large numbers of people. With the blacks especially, you need to put them on buses here in Africa. If you want to bring even 100 blacks into a place, it requires ORGANISATION. You have to gather them, you have to get them to a place where they are picked up, you have to drive them to the place. You have to prepare banners, etc. This costs a LOT OF MONEY. When HUNDREDS or thousands or tens of thousands of blacks go crazy IT IS NOT SPONTANEOUS!!! I REPEAT, here in Africa, we’ve seen this thousands of times. THIS IS NOT SPONTANEOUS. SOMEONE IS ORGANISING IT. Who are the people sending out these messages and planning these things?
When these "riots spread from city to city". I do not buy it that this is just spontaneous. We need to see how the blacks are communicating and how this is actually working.
I HAVE NEVER YET COME ACROSS BLACK VIOLENCE THAT WAS SPONTANEOUS! NEVER! IN EVERY INSTANCE, from farm invasions to riots, it was ALWAYS ORGANISED. There was ALWAYS a political organisation behind it, and that includes money, weapons, tactics, etc.
Lamprecht found a website apparently catering for this 'market': https://www.demandprotest.com/
Reporting of funded politically-motivated 'demonstrations'—usually Jewish—is part of routine in UK TV 'news'.
1945: Jewish Myths After the Second World War: Hiroshima; ‘Holocaust’; Democracy
Jewish Truths: Money and Media Control of USA and USSR; Jewish secret collaboration.
How Jews murdered tens of millions of Germans, Slavs, and others.
Illustrated by Jewish Media Lies, and Bertrand Russell's Complementary Credulity. –Rae West 16 June 2020
[This article has scanned pages from Ronald W Clark's Life of Bertrand Russell (first published 1975). The pages are taken from the Penguin paperback of 1978. I've rearranged them to read in sequence. I've left the page numbers and reference material].
Parts of pages 914-916 of Clark reproduce an undated letter in Bertrand Russell's handwriting, from internal evidence obviously post-the story of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, now of course known to have been a fake. It looks like a letter sent to Kingsley Martin (editor of the 'leftist' New Statesman) who clearly forwarded it to Victor Gollancz, a Jew living in Britain who conducted a long campaign of propaganda to get the UK into war. He was careful to avoid mention of Jews, and this was a remarkably successful campaign.
After all this time, it's possible to reconstruct the script that Jews must have worked to. Part of this was an almost movie set of themes. One of these was the supposed existence of nuclear weapons (a Jewish fraud in the USA), and their possible introduction into the USSR, either by independent discovery, or by spies. There was plenty of scope for dramatic discoveries, fake revelations, militaristic announcements.
Another theme was the 'Cold War'. In fact, the 'Soviet Union' and the USA were both run by Jews, funded mostly from the USA, with secret technologies sent from the USA at the cost of US taxpayers, plus borrowing by Jews, to make the transfer of money less obvious. At any time, scares and threats could be made up.
These were scene-setting and background noise. The real activity was in eastern Europe and the USSR. Russell noted this, though he gives no sources in his letter, of rape 'on a scale hitherto unknown', expulsions 'carried out with utter barbarity'. The impression given now is that James Bacque's Other Losses of 1989 was the first book on this subject, but of course the information has been there for years. The Jewish control of the media firmly clamped down, as with (for example) Solzhenitsyn.
It's rather painful to observe Russell's complete Jew naïvete. He referred to the Soviet Union as 'Russia' for all his life. He had no idea of Jewish collaboration internationally—though surely something of this was known to him, which makes it worse—and had no idea, despite being a personal friend of Keynes, of the Jewish Federal Reserve scam. And he had no idea of the contents of the Talmud. He assumed reports of Auschwitz and so on were accurate; astonish really since he must have known politicians and officials and civil servants and BBC and other propagandists. And he believed Britain was fully democratic, with the 'Labour Party' representing labour. Now there's talk of 'post-democratic' times, where the manipulation of the theories of democracy is clearly assumed—much of it incorporated in Russell's own books. And he was hopelessly naïve on the subject of nuclear weapons; since they didn't exist, there could be psyops, but no actual use.
But most of all Russell believed the Hitler mythology, which was in two parts: (1) the idea that Hitler acted on his own and was the almost isolated mainspring of 'Nazism'; and (2) the related idea that the belligerent countries were all internally unified, thinking as units, ruled by patriots, and with their own national interests.
Few people, except Jews, understood the truth, which was that each country had its own layers of Jews, many of them having lived for years in 'their' countries, speaking the languages, dealing secretly with (for example) Freemasons, and yet alien and parasitic.
The recipient of Russell's letter, Kingsley Martin, who passed the letter to Victor Gollancz, may have been very worried. The letter seems to have been destroyed. Russell's comments on huge, in fact unprecedented, atrocities, were simply ignored—a characteristic of Jews. Poor Russell came close to being accused of 'hate', another Jewish characteristic—the word that they use about us, 'hatred', might have given victories to warring desert tribes in the past, enabling them to surround Jericho and attack it and ransack it—Hatred validates in a 'moral' way such acts of aggression. (See Jew parasite evolution on this subject).
Please read both these texts to see how Jews control even people such as Russell, widely believed to be clever and a shrewd judge of peoples and history.
It's fascinating to read Kingsley Martin's brush-off. He has 'seen a number of reliable witnesses' that 'Russia wants peace'. No mention, of course, of Jews in the USSR. He expects 'to criticise several aspects of the Soviet policy that you have in mind.' Perhaps 'Save Europe Now' in which 'most of my [i.e. KM's] friends are actively interested' will be regarded as 'pro-German' and 'anti-Soviet'—which Jews obviously didn't want! 'Save Europe Now' was obviously a movement to get Jews into Britain and pay, feed, house them at the expense of Britons, and there must have been USA equivalents. The material on 'refugees' clearly meant Jews. There are equivalents, now, with Jews trying to flood white countries with aliens, at the expense of whites.
Another present-day equivalent is Jewish alarm when 'Nazis' are compared with 'Communists'. The Jewish fraud of trials at Nuremburg, and quick executions without any appeal, were of course part of the script-writing.
Rae West 15 June 2020
Russia's land empire (before the Jewish 'Soviet Russia and 'USSR', 1917-1991) started in the same year as the British sea Empire. It went through various phases, though it seems to have expanded fairly continuously, unlike the two-part British Empire. It deserves serious treatment by historians, but of course remains a victim of Jews and is unlikely to get any such serious attention for many years. I'm concerned here mainly with Birobidzhan (English-language spelling) because it was specified as a region ('Oblast') for Jews.
Map of the Soviet Empire in about 1956. Polar projection to fit the huge area on a map; equal latitudes are arcs of circles. Note that the western part of the land empire has all the countries taken over by Jews after 1917, analogously to the USA's east coast states being smaller than the more amorphous western states. They haven't even bothered to add Siberia. Over to the east, the red 'X' marks Birobidzhan. It seems likely that Stalin and/or other Jews selected a possible Jewish homeland as far away as possible from European Russia. It is on the border with China and had a rail link to the coastal ports of Vladivostok (south) and Nikolayevsk-on-Amur (north, Sakhalin, near Japan.) (From pp. 12-13 Nigel Grant, Soviet Education Pelican paperback, 1964)
Mid-1950s map of rail lines in what was then the Jewish-ruled Soviet Union. Unmistakable suggestion that the eastern part had few communication links. The trans-Siberian railway dominated. I have found few indications of airports; very likely they were military and secret. Anyway, Birobidzhan clearly was unappealing to Jews with their love of ghettoes, cities, control, and cheap labour. No wonder Netanyahu's brother screamed at Lady Renouf when she recommended the area as a Jewish homeland, leaving Palestinians in peace.
Possibly Stalin picked it as a refuge in case Jews lost support from outside the USSR. This could explain why its existence was censored so effectively. Another possibility is that very-long-established Jews in China were somewhere near.
(From p 79 of Economic Geography of the USSR N N Baransky, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1956)
Short entry in 1976 Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Micropedia vol II p 40)
Lady Michèlle Renouf campaigns for the reinstatement of Birobizhan in popular awareness, and as a geographical location to put Jews, away fom the middle east. Her several websites include jailingopinions.com/birobidjan.htm on The original Jewish homeland. Michèlle Renouf describes the region as about the size of Switzerland, though I suspect what boundaries there are must be variable.
Birobidzhan was more or less suppressed by the Jewish media of book and news press, radio, TV, and film. I would guess the same was true in the 'professional' fields of politics, diplomacy, and official geography. The maps that follow are from the 1950s to 1970s. They took some finding.
The hefty 1962 Information U.S.S.R. published by Robert Maxwell, and mostly translated from volume 50 of The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia says nothing on it, or on Khabarovsk and Yevreyskaya, more or less synonyms for the area.
Could this be one reason for the interest in Birobidzhan? Just a guess
This is page 273 of Economic Geography of the USSR by N N Baransky, 1956. (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow).
I'm afraid it's rather blurred, to save bandwidth. However, the bottom left shows Birobijan, with suggestions of industrial activity there.
I note that Wikipedia has some information on Birobidzhan.
I can see no reason why a movement to move Jews to Khazaria, maybe renamed New Israel or something, might not happen, perhaps after ruin of the Middle East.
John Bell. Presumably another Jew-approved plant.
Why not watch or listen to Very Last Christmas a Karaoke COVID tribute to Wham's Last Christmas.
Greenspan: "The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take." - America's Final Election video by Way of the World. A private company that controls America's money supply. It is not federal, and has no reserves. More on Jews
As with all Jewish frauds, crypto-Jews are hauled in to look sincere. Just examples 'Elton Hercules John' Pianist and entertainer, and long-term part of the Terrence Higgins fake AIDS charity. And Michael Caine with disabled brother offloaded onto Britain. And Schwarzenegger not known for medical knowledge. I note sadly Joan Shenton seems to be another; her AIDS activism may have been a cover for not outing Jews.
I just noticed that 'Dr' Ofer Levy of Pfizer is recommending injections for newborns! He doesn't mention newborn 'Jews'. An online source add a comment on Mengele, part of the Jewish long-term anti-German fraud system.
‘COVID/Coronavirus’ ‐ Revisited! The Flu d’État! The Scamdemic!
5 May 2024: The COVID frauds are still being pursued, just like the 'Holocaust' fraud. Jews find 'work' for idlers.
A scheme, Our Future Health, 'in partnership with NHS', is supposedly intending to take simple measures (including cholesterol!) from blood tests; There must be some intention to take blood samples from people who had one or more 'COVID' and/or flu jabs. It looks like an annual scheme on a cohort starting about now. It's left unclear what will happen—which is correct if a blind process is being undertaken.
The process is jointly run by Raghib Ali OBE MD FRCP (UK) 'Chief Medical Officer, Our Future Health', and Professor Sir John Bell GBE, FRS, Chairman. Bells turns out to be from Canada, a Rhodes Scholar, in the distinguished company of people like Clinton.
His biography is a forest of fluttering red flags, including the Wellcome Trust (of 'HIV/AIDS' fame), 2013 Bilderberg, Astra-Zeneca COVID 'vaccine', board of Roche, BMJ looking into Bell's financial interests, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the new Oxford Ellison Institute of Technology, and various awards which are handed out but not worked for—FRS, Companion of Honour by 'King Charles III', honorary DSc, Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire (the GBE).
For more than 20 years he was Oxford's Regius Professor of Medicine.
Just warning you. -- RW
Rae West 7 March 2021, 14 April 2021, 23 April 2021, 28 April 2021, 10 May 2021, 7 July 2021, 29 July 2021, 4 August 2021, 20 Sept 2021, 15 December 2021 COVID added, 25 November 2022, 17 December 2022, 27 January 2023, 23 May 2023 Copied from big-lies.org//science-revisionism/west-raeto-covid.html
Reminder: Imperial College mathematical models were used as pretext for millions of cattle to be unnecessarily, inhumanely and unhygienically slaughtered to 'prevent the spread' of foot-and-mouth disease. This was about 2000! I'd guess then that a few spreadsheets were their idea of a 'computer model'. And it's the same Neil Ferguson and the same Imperial College, London, whose computer models were chosen to drive the UK's Covid–19 policy recommendations.
Newest Phase of the COVID fraud: Working out the Exit Strategy.
This ten-year-old page looks at Exit Strategies from some historically-recent Jewish frauds (AIDS, NASA, 'Holocaust', 9/11 and excluding nuclear frauds. For people interested in an overview of the whole concept of discreetly suppressing frauds.
The only very detailed discussion of exit strategy from the COVID fraud known to me is hexzane527's COVID19 and World War 3 where hexzane527 notes that official sources in about June and July 2019 started to introduce queries—something that rarely happens in such cases. Hexzane527 suggests 5 reasons, which are difficult to follow: 1) Increasing the number of conspirationists, and strengthening the opposition between conspirationists and non-conspirationists; 2) Limiting travel between countries, in order to limit immigration? 3) The elimination of the elderly; 4) Conspirationist sites that say viruses don't exist; 5) More on 5.1 Andrew Kaufman and 5.2 Thomas Cowan, presented as "good Jews", and 5.3 Stefan Lanka.
It's important to keep a cool head. It's perfectly possible that large populations are unsustainable, and that some should be removed—examples include 'Jews' and blacks. I don't know; it's possible that the biomass of human beings is still below that of other animals, for example. These are commonplaces of Jewish Talmudic discussion.
We seem to be entering a phase of backtracking, apologies, nominal removals of previous liars, now that many people have been jabbed. The numbers, and actual syringe contents, and predicted effects are presumably known to some. Here are some notes.
John O'Looney, undertaker in Milton Keynes, has two videos, links below, fairly short and easy to download. The second has his own experiences, including the use of Midazolam as a killer, Matt Hancock on elderly care homes, deaths falsely recorded as COVID, Australia as likely test area, start of 'vaccination' as start of extraordinary death rate, internment camps at HMP Wellingborough and Glen Parva, and sterilisation of the young which won't be noticed until about 10 years.
These videos have been allowed, at least for the present, and this may be part of the Exit Strategy. John is puzzled by an economy 'on its knees' finding money; he's obviously unaware of the Jews-printing-money effect. And he doesn't know about Jews and their policies.
Jonathan Sumption ("Lord Sumption") was years ago famous as one of the 'million club' getting £1M/year as barristers. Including acting for Abramovich, a Jew from Russia, part of the looting of the Soviet Union in its planned reconstruction. He conforms to, and I'm assuming, he acts like a Jew. I happened on his recorded talk, nominally about Menzies and Australia, showing absurd ignorance of COVID, maintaining various ositions which truck me as consistent with an Exit Strategy. He's described as an historian, but this need not be taken seriously, since he follows the Jewish line on such events as the 'Great/ First World War', and Spanish Flu, and of course the Second World War.
Real Life Activists: the Difficulty of Assessment. Dr Elizabeth Evans is the subject of a video on CHD (Campaign for Child Defense'—Yes, based in America). There are many Elizabeth Evanses out there; I couldn't find her email address(es), or her website if she has one, and this is my substitute.
She appears to be (I quote Internet sources) MA MBBS DRCOG. And part of, or founder of, UK Medical Freedom Alliance, Health & Truth ("Medical Freedom is a Fundamental Human Right"), HART (Health Advisory& Recovery Team). She has a firm Christian faith.
The only problem I have with this is that she seems too naive for comfort, unaware of the Jewish side of the modern world, involving such types as Fauci, Boris Osman and Whitty and Matt Hancock and an entire panorama of information on Jewish beliefs which is only now, with Internet, starting to emerge. Worryingly, she seems to have few compunctions with being connected with Google, Youtube, Microsoft, and few with the permanent aspects of Judaism in organising frauds and corruption of all types, from money printing and war-mongering to using spyware and computer frauds.
Encouragingly, there seem to be hundreds of thousands of people declining the so-called vaccine jabs, despite some threats, usually of the threat-to-income type. I suppose it's encouraging that actual figures of all types related to the 'pandemic' are difficult to find and therefore discredit the officials supposedly in control.
We're in transition to a new phase: the absolutely traditional Jewish campaign of lies and obfuscation which always goes with their schemes. Don't imagine that these people of the Bill Gates and Johnson and Sunak type don't understand the issues. They rely on control of money, and control of propaganda on a massive scale; and, from long experience, the incompetence and corruptibility of most non-Jews. Fauci must have a long-term policy, with squads of Jewish lawyers and Jewish money printers to back him up.
I fear Liz Evans may be part of those numbers, and of course I hope not. But a more likely possibility is she'll get bogged down, made offers which never materialise, engage in specious discussions, get involved with high-sounding but meaningless talking-shops, be flattered with offers of money and prestigious-sounding titles, show inability to understand the convolutions of Jews, spotted as a gullible hated Christian...
RW 25 Nov 2022
Here's Liz Evans and others replying to a BMJ (British Medical Journal) article. Nobody points out that Jews print the money funding all the governmental trash. (I'm not saying I support the Daily Sceptic).
Video of Undertaker (in Milton Keynes) describes mysterious 'COVID' clots, and shows actual samples. (November 2022; 42 mins). John O'Looney (not, he thought, related to the Shakespeare authorship man!) speaks. He's also in the trailer for Died Suddenly, which I haven't seen. With his permission. Embalming detail and post mortem details may be disagreeable. Coroner information less so. Gruesome test-tubes of samples of more or less rigid artery-filling white stuff unpleasant. [Warning: it's possible that some of the material might be misleading. John doesn't make comparisons with Stalin.]
I found other videos of O'Looney though there's a potential problem that Youtube and Bitchute both censor Jew-related material, such as mine on nuke frauds. Here's a copy, on my site to make deletion difficult, of O'Looney talking, hosted by an Australian who didn't put the date: O'Looney on COVID and killings. My videos should download more easily than those on commercial/censored sites. O'Looney is a fluent speaker.
NB I'm not panicking over the 'depopulation' idea. Human numbers, and qualities, may well need to be planned.
This fraud has dragged on so long that even 'normies' are noticing.Here on this site is Brian Gerrish, at the 54th session of the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry. Mr Gerrish was first, or one of the first, to raise worries over 'Common Purpose', a new Freemasonry-style outfit. He gave his views at a German lawyers' site, worrying over 'COVID' deaths and reactions. It includes MINDSPACE.pdf examining 'psychological warfare', a fancy expression for using paper money to finance lies to try for mass killings.
Interesting to consider long-term genetic effects of the likely Jew jab. Some known long-term genetic effects—probably from prehistory— are the spread of alcohol toleration, cows' milk toleration, and wheat toleration. Some populations—north American 'Indians', African blacks—don't have tolerance, which presumably spread slowly over many generations. Possibly there will be selective pressure against stupid, suggestible types, or those who are given little choice. There may emerge more cunning or questioning or aggressive strains, which may counter the secret parasitism of Jews and their collaborators. If any survive.
Best guess to date: Jewish trade of huge debt to China for shipping large numbers of Chinese into USA, Canada, Australia. A new way to pay off debt.
Possibly the fake vaccine jabs are arranged to distract from Chinese invasion. There'll be a lot of deaths, lawsuits etc to waste plenty of time.
Joint best guess to date 1: Could be that deliberate denial of earnings, by the fake 'social distancing' and stay-at-home garbage, causes rent-payers to fall behind, so people can be thrown out on a large scale, cheaply because the legal and police stuff is offloaded away from Jews. So, Jewish landlords and holding companies get fire-sale purchases of property. Naturally the media whores will say nothing.
Joint best guess to date 2: I'm seeing more comments on 'vaccine' damage—at least a year too late. Possibly this is to generate anti-Jew hostility, so common Jews can be shipped out to an enlarged Israel, and people like Gates made Jew 'fall guys'. Hexzane527 is good on this: see first part of WW1, WW2, WW3 or Revisionism an 'elite' creation.
Joint best guess to date 3: Watching TV adverts for money to 'research' cancer, 50% of people will get cancer... Many, many 'carers'... Maybe the jabs are intended to cause cancer?
Runner-up theory: Yemen is reported sometimes to have war, with the usual vagueness. Looking at map, the south-west corner of Yemen—bottom left on map—is positioned opposite the narrows called something like Bab-el-Mandeb opposite extreme east points of Djibouti and Eritrea, at the southern end of the Red Sea leading to Suez. Maybe a year was needed to take over that strategic point, part of the greater Israel project.
Djibouti has a Bay in which there's sufficient space for a Chinese aircraft carrier. (I quote Jan Lamprecht, but haven't checked). Maybe on the same Jewish side; maybe not.
Some truly disgusting adverts including the oddly chimpanzoid Martin Bell (presumably Jewish ex 'news' frontman) showing infants in what might be a hospital—not of course a war zone—asking for money from an organisation which systematically lies. 'Urgently'.
Another runner-up theory: There's some speculation that reported population figures are far too high. See for example Are world populations exaggerated?. Maybe the idea is to claim that (e.g.) China has had huge drops in population?
More possibilities: (We are handicapped by having vast amounts of information denied to us: money and debt, secret agreements, flows of such things as food) but perhaps it helps hide searches for resources such as lithium ores, water, shipping including huge cruise liners...
Lethal so-called 'vaccines', DNA changes, infertility etc etc: These must be mentioned below. Just a few notes: 'infertility' is not as clear-cut as it sounds. Anything damaging any part of the female reproductive system—incompetent cervix, damage to placenta, etc—can in effect result in infertility.
Crypto-Jews in e.g. Twitter, Facebook and other Jewish media: watch for come-from-nowhere types bewailing shocking stuff, oh what does it all mean, why are these people paid highly. They never mention Jews or Jewish paper money. Just more brown paper on the packages of Jew lies. Remember Jews think goyim deserve death. And indeed if populations are too large, there may have to be systems to cull them. Non-Jews must consider these possibilities.
Fascinating leaflet which may be disguised Jewish propaganda:
This seems to have appeared in December 2021. There's also a later black-and-white version. The 'MOR INFO' typo, and the fact that the Russian searcher Yandex picked this up while other reverse image searchers (e.g. Google and Bing) may suggest it was a Jews-in-Russia scheme. It was on an Israeli site, A7.org or something similar. .tv URL suffixes seem now to be held by Verisign. There is or was a GOYIM.TV apparently based in Toronto, but GOYIMTV.TV is a genuine site, but often refers to bitchute and has many links which don't work because of that. Many of their videos (they all have thumbnail pictures; but none have any descriptive material) are suspect; for example praising Hitler with the convention that Hitler was against the 'Allies' and USSR, ignoring the spread of secretly influential Jews across the world. There's a very disappointing video by C J Bjerknes on Hitler's ancestry, which seems to cover without and acknowledgement much of the material in Miles Mathis in Hiller.pdf and ignores hexzane527.
The COVID flyer may be accurate for its time, I think late December 2021; I haven't attempted to check. But where is Fauci on it?
Fascinating—or disgusting—evidence of continual Jewish lying. I put it here as one of many warnings that documents can be faked, forged, and generally miss out the most important information. Try not to be taken in!
With Jews, it's all unqualified hands to the pumps. 'Sam Bowman' is another tenth-rate jew telling lies about 'COVID'.
'National Geographic' Jewish propaganda. Dated Jan 2021. 'By Susan Goldberg'. Another 'Jewish' moron on the claimed 'pandemic'. Many Americans still haven't understood the Nat Geog has always been Jewish lies
5 July 2020 'Matt Hancock' (or real name) was supposedly sacked after a rule-breaking kiss. This is obviously an excuse; maybe he wants to get out, clutching his junk money.
Ditto for Whitty, or real name, with an obviously staged filmed attack.
I'm told the, or a, transport union has views on 'COVID': this may remind people of Jew-funded unions taking instructions...
Let me make a note on 'killing excuses'; no doubt there's a more euphonious expression. When there's been a war, or large-scale propaganda, without an investigation, deaths get passed off with a few words from someone supposedly qualified. I hope suspicions of parasitic Jews grow, and such people as (((Boris Johnson))) and Hancock and Whitty will be seriously interrogated, and their likely confederates too, in the manner of rooting out dangerous plants or rampant dry rot or hazardous insect pests.
I'm not exactly optimistic about the effects of jabs, but in view of the generally low quality of biochemical researchers, I expect surprises will come.
A fascinating fact about Jewish penetration, is their unfailing push for unqualified Jews at the nominal top. Eisenhower and Churchill being good examples. They have installed fascinating examples of corruption, such as Jewish-Prime-Ministerial appointees to the 'House of Lords' in large numbers. The effect on the NHS has been disastrous; the entire NHS is untrustworthy, and there is no branch or department that can be assumed honest.
A depressing by-product is that Jewish secret violence, usually caused by bribery and indirect funding for thugs, is used by Jews against the inflictors of violence, with exquisite hypocrisy. At present, this holds against whites: the massive war-crimes by whites against other Europeans and people in other parts of the world (and I mean massive) are habitually suppressed by the Jewish media and academics. But they can be used later, and most whites, including 'veterans', seem too dim to understand this.
Alan Buttle's interesting video on Jews in e.g. Pfizer, from Jewish sources. On bitchute at present. Includes crypto-Jews in Arabia, China's "belt and road". Also includes "Jesus" material, imho regrettably.
Short note on BBC's Panorama of Wed 2 March 2021. Here's a download (106MB MP4 format). Absurd moronic noddy-shot whore plus absurd 'people of color' talking heads, with carefully-selected fake vox pops. It's more historically appropriate than most people realise: e.g. 'Lords Spiritual' way back was just Jew junk, and more recently the (((BBC))) has in its century always been a part of the occupation regime in Britain. See e.g. my review of a book about John Reith—just one example among multitudes.
Not for the first time: ignorant Jew penetrates the Catholic Church
Here are some subjects appearing in this article. In no special order.
Mass deaths: the possible models here are the Black Death, which may well have had a Jewish connection. And the 20th century World Wars which may have been orchestrated by Jews and others, acting secretly in unison, killing mostly whites.
Laboratories and (for example) weapons factories. Laboratories include apparently Jewish-owned labs in Wuhan, China. And in Milan, Italy. UK's Ferranti appears to be jointly owned with something in Israel. I considered reviewing The Satan Bug (Alistair MacLean, 1964 and I think still in print) or the film Moonraker as examples of what people are encouraged to believe. But I can't be bothered
Harming and weakening large populations. Examples include: fluoridation of public drinking water; cutting down salt in food to hazardous levels; insecticide residues, promotion Sackler-style of opium derivatives, and (of course) injections of so-called 'vaccines', though the contents may differ in ways unlikely to be conveyed to the victims.
I noticed a comment by mywhitetv that injections for babies mean the parents will never know that their uninjected babies would have been capable of. The entire system of injection may just be another Jewish fraud.; interesting hypothesis. Note that historians of medicine accept that many medical interventions were more likely to harm than cure.
'Jews' as dominant in supposedly national groups of politicians, for example in Britain
In USA, NIH ('National Institutes of Health') and CDC ('Centers for Disease Control') are increasingly identified as money-making schemes, not in any way scientific. And similar identification of 'philanthropists' of Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros types. [Note: good piece by Miles Mathis on Bill Gates and 'Jewish' family networks.]
A possibility which I've neglected is a Jewish takeover of the NHS bureaucracy. Here's a piece from May 2017 by Peter Quiggins (in Liverpool). The articles has about 20 parts, quite a few of which I disagree with, giving extra realism for readers.
Fascinating gullibility of ordinary people. Ones I've quizzed have often stated they'd seen people or family members who died 'of COVID 19' without evidence.
Vernon Coleman Has a large output of medical harm books, and also of COVID-19 videos. In my view, he shows the typical signs of Jewish misinformation, notably issuing warnings without sound evidence, fulfilling a Jewish belief in pretending to warn goyim without being useful. He loves ridiculing absurd masks, but doesn't say much on Jews in the medical world and media world.
Off-guardian.org is, regrettably, just another expensive and worthless site. Doesn't ever discuss Jews. Aimed at people who think they want to be well-informed. At least they understand that the Guardian has always been unreliable.
But Theoretical errors in biological sciences make it likely in my view that the hopes Jews have for their 'vaccines' will not come to pass. We'll see, in the next few decades.
These links jump further down into this same file:
Jim Laffrey points out that Vernon Coleman (loved by the alt-right?) is just another Jew. I'm afraid I haven't made this play; it's a download only. I think Laffrey makes a few mistakes; the CDC seems to be private and money-making. Coleman's role is probably to issue warnings to goyim, so, if they die of the jab, they can say they were warned. Original longer video here
Nothing new about opposition to injections. Some notes on Alfred Russel Wallace and Others
Despite whitewashing of the history of 'Jews', some evidence survives of Jews wanting to kill 'goyim'. Methods include fires, wars and famines typically caused by paid thugs and/or paid rival groups. But techniques such as poisoning by apothecaries, or by spreading infection, or deliberate harm of lesser or greater intensity, appear to go back for thousands of years. Injecting harmful materials needed fine metal tubes, only available relatively recently. Here's a review of a rather worthless book on the Black Death Kelly, The Great Mortality in which I've included material from a Finn on the subject of the spread of epidemics and pandemics by Jews. Probably there is overlooked evidence in archives. The 'Justinian Plague' was much earlier, with less surviving evidence, presumably—though maybe Roman archives still exist. An interesting possibility is 'succession poisoning': in late medieval Italy, under various names, what appears to be arsenic oxide was administered; husbands could be removed, leaving widows able to remarry. This could allow Jewish women to instal an all-Jewish household. There are many possible cases. I recommend the works of Miles Mathis on suspected poisonings.
Added note on Henrietta Lacks 1950s scandal. Includes 'HeLa cells', 'immortality', biting insects, hydrogen peroxide, Max Igan's Crowhouse
Speculations on the real reasons for the mass fakery. There are several schools of thought, including money, race ideas, population control, 1984-style controls. Coronavirus and Real Science Including electron micrography and antibodies. False positive antibodies with so-called HIV/AIDS huge numbers of blood diseases causing false positives with HIV/AIDS. (The phrase false positive is misleading; none are positive). Not the sort of thing that ever gets answered.
Why do Jews push fake ideas? Economics of frauds. Probably Jews have a superstitious streak, thinking of themselves as bearded prophets as they lie.
These links are external; typically, right-click to retain this file
Here's a withdrawn video on Bill Gates and 'vaccines'. I haven't traced the source of this video (download as .mp4 file, then watch it). It has Reagan looking vacant signing a no-liability Act—there were so many lawsuits the 'vaccine' industry might have been wiped out. Gates is shown as purely concerned with money, though in an unquantified way—these days a few billion doesn't buy much. India was used (they say) as a test area, complete with Bollywood stars recommending injections. They were thrown out by India (as also happened with 'AIDS' 'scientists). And Africa is targeted. The 'population reduction' idea seems wrong—published information suggests stabilization was nominally aimed at.
Vannevar Bush and the National Science Foundation. A Miles Mathis author on huge frauds in science where Jews and their associate prefer to waste assets and money (for themselves) to anything helpful to non-Jews. I think the author calls government control by science fakers 'fascism'.
Alfred Russell Wallace and Other Opponents of 'Vaccination' 9 Feb 2021
Alfred Russel Wallace appears to have been the inventor or discoverer of the theory of evolution. It was pirated by Darwin, while Wallace was in the far East, in the days before fast travel. In 1998 (1999 in the USA) his book The Wonderful Century was published. I don't have contemporary reviews, and can't reliably say how successful was his book.
The Wonderful Century seems to be out of copyright. I recommend looking on www.archive.org for the book, if you have time. Chapter XVIII (chapter 18) Vaccination a delusion: its penal enforcement a crime starts on page 213 and ends on page 315, plus pp 316-324 on health improvements in London. (But, in my view, he omits the importance of salt to health).
Germany had a policy of vaccination, though of course there was some opposition. Some evidence came from military groups, where of course the men were at the mercy of policymakers.
Another book worth mentioning is Pasteur Exposed in 1923 by Montague R Leverson, apparently based as much as anything on dislike of Louis Pasteur. A newer edition (mine is 1989, by Bookreal, of Denmark in Australia). It's credited to Ethel Douglas Hume. Its chapter Origin of 'Preventive Medicine' is interesting.
All this of course is anathema to conventional medicine, and, of course, the Jewish entanglements are censored.
Added note on Henrietta Lacks/ 'HeLa cells', 'immortality', biting insects, hydrogen peroxide, Max Igan's Crowhouse - Rae West Aug 21 2020
Wikipedia says growth of cancer cells was 'a scientific achievement with profound future benefit to medical research'. It certainly grew the incomes of Jewish 'researchers'. But I only recently saw claims about 'immortality' being touted in connection with the 'Coronavirus pandemic' fraud. I'm guessing that some people, possibly Gates and his handlers, get a mediaeval buzz from the word. It fits in with African/ desert 'thinking' that misfortune always has a human cause; possibly that's the psychic attraction.
Henrietta Lacks (died 1951) had what appears to be an exceptionally fast-reproducing cancer. According to A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal it Caused (Thomas Gold, State University of New York Press, 1986) the truly great breakthrough was the HeLa cell. At last, here was a cell with staying power, the first durable piece of a human being that could be watched up close and tinkered with. No more racing to finish an experiment before a sickly culture wheezed and fell dead. This cell would last, not just through one series of tests but through dozens, for months, maybe for years. ... Soon it seemed every biomedical scientist in the country was either sending or receiving [HeLa]. George Gey started it by mailing samples of HeLa cells to a few close colleagues, who grew up some extra cultures and sent them to their friends, who did likewise. When the frenzied demand for HeLa outpaced this informal network, a number of laboratories set up full-scale production lines and began passing around HeLa cultures the way McDonald's shovels out its burgers and fries.
By 1964, HeLa cells were 'in virtually all virus labs in the world.' (R J C Harris, Cancer, a Penguin book), which discusses radiation, poisonous gases and liquids, UV radiation, and other products of modern science. Tissue cultures were, and are, difficult to grow; which is why researchers loved HeLa, though some must (I hope) have had doubts, since of course cancers are abnormal cells. This period coincided with misunderstood instrument readings, such as electron microscopy and a whole set of errors, such as 'protein coats' on viruses.
Thomas Gold's 1986 book is written in a typically Jewish style, chatty with unimportant detail, and missing many points. Just to look at the title, 'one woman's immortal legacy' and 'the medical scandal it caused'. The cancer cells weren't 'immortal'; they had to be fed, with Petri-dish-style nutrients. In fact, I'm uncertain these cells had the same origin; I can't see why other cancer cells shouldn't behave the same way, free-floating and growing in human bodies, not aggressive as simple journalists think, but simply reproducing and forming larger clumps. In fact, in view of animal experiments, there seems no reason why animal cancer cells shouldn't be out there.
The 'medical scandal' seems to have been hushed up. Official sources (I think the CDC) supplied cells from (say) muscle, lungs, liver, or brain. But these were contaminated or replaced by HeLa cells. The fact their recipients couldn't tell what they were getting suggests that identification is difficult.
Quite a few books and pamphlets were produced by AIDS sceptics, though with little effect, as the science establishment closed ranks. An example of a book is Neville Hodgkinson's AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science (1996, Fourth Estate). These days, Jewish science fraud is better known than then. There's been some redirection, for example Rebecca Skloot in 2010 ('The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks') with NAACP style write-up.
Anyway, it looks as though 'vaccines' will contain cancer cells!
A few notes:
• New and untested fake vaccines with long molecular fragments sound worrying. But perhaps they will be not dangerous. Remember that in the course of evolution the coding mechanism must itself have evolved, and been subject to chronic attacks and stresses. The success of the reproductive techniques (and their correctional mechanisms) is so outstanding that personally I doubt they will be successfully harmed. This is not true of poisons. I hope the modern Jewish system does not give prosecution immunity!
• What little I've seen of Bill Gates' biological grasp is, as might be expected, unoriginal and derivative: he speaks of genes being 'expressed'. and genes 'for' this or that, for example and shows no grasp of misunderstandings caused by faulty techniques in biology. His main interest seems to be in prices of shares in companies, without awareness of problems of their futures and interpretation.
• Here's a fairly good crit of the CDC as privately-owned; the author shows healthy awareness of promotional tricks and frauds
Something that occurred to me at the end of August 2020 is a possible explanation for th cutting-back of medical education under Tony Blair in Britain, and equivalents in the USA. Possibly this allowed proportionally more Jews to enter, who of course generally do what Jew schemers want. And the standards to be lowered—see Facebook for example, for almost childish comments on 'science'.
Biting Insects: For years it's been a practice to release huge swarms of sterilised male insects to cause population drops in the target insect population. The slightly-related idea of of releasing modified biting insects is new to me, though. Many insects can do this, for example to sheep and cows. And many creatures can do this to people (mosquitoes, ladybirds, some spiders, fleas). Mosquitoes not only insert anti-coagulants, but also parasites. Can they be manipulated into inserting other living beings? This is what some anti-Gates campaigners believe.
Hydrogen Peroxide I've twice been told this mild antiseptic solution has not been available for months, i.e. 'coronavirus' time. My guess is that it's in competition with other antiseptics, for example sodium hypochlorite, which sounds cheaper to me.
Max Igan from the Crowhouse, Australia, seems a good commentator to me. Unafraid of challenging hypotheses—police defunding to make areas promoted by deceptive TV psyops appear unsafe, so they'll get no food deliveries, and end up like the 'Gaza Strip'. Igan, like almost everyone, is not that good on really long-term historical comparisons; both World Wars were Jew-controlled disasters, with tens of millions of deaths, for example, and that's historically a very recent set of events.
Rae West 5 June 2020 Fascinating to speculate on the real reasons for the mass fakery. There are several schools of thought.
Alleged photo of Bill Gates with Schneerson.
Come on Bill! Be a man—admit you're mistaken! Pillory your advisors! Buy a new cashmere jumper!
• Money Theories. What may be called 'conventional' theories look at the modern Jewish-dominated paper money, where roughly speaking Jews can print huge amounts of nominal money and hand it to collaborators, who typically go to work as liars or propagandists or controlled thugs. Miles Mathis worked on this, with figures of about 2 trillion dollars in the last few weeks. Enough to give two million people a million each. Assuming the future burden falls on whites, this adds something like $18,000 per white person. On top of the existing debt. This is an underestimate, as the system is 'unfunded'—future liabilities have to be paid out of the GNP or still more borrowing.
‘... We know from Treasury documents that Government has approved a staggering and unprecedented £15 billion for PPE procurement to protect frontline staff. But what we see is implausible counterparties, staggering sums of money, political connections, vast waste on duff product - and most of all a lack of transparency.
The law is clear, mandatory and unconditional: regulation 50 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 gives Government 30 days to publish details of contracts. But Government is routinely ignoring the law. ...’
– From crowdjustice.com re a lawsuit against the Government. Boris Osman, behaving as third-world types as portrayed by Kevin MacDonald, presumably handing out favours and bribes to family, friends, acquaintances, propagandists, chums, Jewish, Moslem and Christian liars, people they met in pubs, unemployable 'royals', failed scientists and other riff-raff. - 12 Oct 2012
Early e/m picture and wishful drawing. Electron micrograph of a 'bacteriophage', i.e. supposedly a virus which preys on bacteria. The original example was partly faked, with scratches. These are not found on genuine granular images. (I owe this information to the late Harold Hillman).
Rather incredibly, even the cell nucleus is not understood. The light microscope photo is labelled with the nucleolonema, over the existence of which there has been doubt. Probably it contains DNA. I'd guess people like Bill Gates pay researchers to find out about such things. Whether they give value for his shares must be doubtful. Very possibly a good thing.
Typical faked picture. For one thing, these supposed things have no colour; their size if they existed is far below the wavelengths of light. Also electron microscopy has artefacts caused by slicing; at least this picture tries to show that.
In years to come, such pictures will be viewed like childish medieval pictures.
NEW 7 May 2020 'Coronavirus' Hoax and Money for Jews and Freemasons
Just to be clear. In my opinion, this hoax—supported by all the junk media, 'newspapers', free papers, BBC and other TV, advertising agents, state 'health' agencies, the controllers of the police— the main object is to make money, by deliberately harming economies worldwide, to crush small businesses, 'small' meaning any businesses not liked by Jews.
The policy is deliberate. Most people don't see it that way; they think interest rates are forced by God, that lending is called in by accidents and because of acts of nature. They are not told of multinational head-office policies, and cabinet decisions, and absurd people pushed into the House of Lords. I've seen someone claim there will be "a Darwinian process" of bankruptcies and closures. In fact of course it is a plan, to make more money for people insulated against loss, i.e. rich in assets and liquidity. The only 'Darwinian' aspect applies to people not on the secret commanding side. Note that many people will be affected by traditional Jewish acts: immigrants may or may not be favoured, women may or may not be exploited, army 'veterans' and pensioners may or may not be considered, mortgage holders may or may not be repossessed, teachers and 'educators' may or may not be sacked.
Our situation is similar to both world wars, though not as extreme. Loans then to governments of all sides were profitable, mainly to international Jews and their collaborators. The endless repetitive propaganda is similar to that of wartime and times when countries are being digested, such as the 'Soviet Union' and Ukraine—non-stop lies of all types. Arguably, this is an educational time: people able to grasp the simple issue of pretence of an epidemic, with orders and instructions enforced by police simpletons, should be able to see the way analogous processes worked in the past.
New on 4-4-2020 Is this hoax an unprecedented piece of governmental corruption and horror? ** Prompted by 'hoaxashian' and Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and other worried uncomprehending people **.
No, it has many precedents. I think people are overwhelmed by the unfinished business of earlier propaganda. Watching a Jew with dead eyes like a shark, reading some Jew-approved scripted repeat with slightly changed versions from the centrally-approved phrasebook slogans—it's nothing new.
The closest parallels are the two world wars, but there are many smaller, censored wars which are locally similar. The huge restrictions on free speech, the locking up of dissidents, the control of news, went on for YEARS in BOTH world wars. And the changes introduced have not been removed, as far as I know. Naturally, the usual junk historians and lawyers don't go into details.
The idea of horrific economic collapse, something unimaginable, predicted bigger crashes than anything in human history, seem to be scares. Both world wars have had controlled economies with plunges in useful production and huge increases in what is economic waste—weapons, military vehicles, inactivity. Hyper-inflations have happened often enough. It's difficult to get any assessments of the results of wars; try looking! But it's happened before.
The only novelty is the use by Bill Gates of a 'Monte Carlo' style computer simulation, mainly of published stock prices, as a persuasive device to his fellow rich. Whether the complications of real life are captured seems doubtful to me, and probably not wanted—they're interested in their stocks and shares. Here's an interesting piece on Gates by the leading genealogical researcher. The 'climate change' hoaxes, and obvious weakness of Gates's pandemic maps, are not encouraging. Gates appears to resemble one of the rather undistinguished monarchs cluttering up the Middle Ages. Or perhaps an 18th century drunk aristocrat, wagering Liverpool on the turn of a card at Faro.
I've watched some of the wash from the hoax. For example, the introduction of China, media BS making it analogous to Jewish BS after 1917. A few 'underground' oddities are claiming vast numbers of children living below ground. I noticed a similar campaign on moving troops around, slightly like the WW1 Russian troop transports. Perhaps more relevant, Nancy Pelosi seems to have been caught cashing in 4 May 2020 Best overview theory (known to me) is by David Icke: the hoax is to destroy independent businesses; and make them all dependent on 'the state' - RW
15 April 2020. Arrest and 'psychiatric hospital' for Beate Bahner, Medical Law specialist, of Heidelberg. Presumably annoyed by the moronic (((German))) system, Beate Bahner organised a demonstration. The point to be made here is that most beliefs of Jews can be interpreted as symptoms of mental illness.
5 April 2020. Queen's evening TV appearance.I found this short show considerably disgusting. Clearly she had no idea about virology or epidemiology, or about the disintegration of Britain, but she did have some idea about Jewish money frauds. Europe's monarchies as targets for Jews, co-operating in secret, has led to centuries of passive parasitism by supposedly native aristocrats, operating with the active hostile parasitism of Jews and their collaborators. I feel special sympathy for the victims of immigrants—50% in some towns, with some violent habits, selectively funded against the genuine inhabitants.
The speech mentioned the pop song of years back, "We'll meet again"; of course Jews won the 20th century wars. The Queen in true traitorous fashion supports that.
30 April 2020. Jews in USA and removal of guns. Some good overview pieces here by Jan Lamprecht. For example http://historyreviewed.best/index.php/alert-democrats-jews-are-stealing-white-americas-guns-during-the-coronavirus-massive-gun-control-passed/
Immunology. Much of modern immunology is based on work by Ivan Maurice Roitt. Born 1927; I was surprised to find he's still alive. His Essential Immunology was first published in 1971, by Blackwell Scientific Publications. There were at least 11 translations from 1972: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French... Roitt may be mentioned in some of my audio talks with Harold Hillman; I'm not sure. However, Hillman's Evidence-Based Cell Biology (2008) has 9 individual page references to Roitt. Bill Gates would do well to pay serious biologists to investigate. But I can't imagine that he will. Jews stick together!
I may as well post this set of questions in biology, including immunology, as a taster.
19 April 2020. Note on ‘Spanish Flu’ after the First World War Worth noting here: this was a supposed 'pandemic' with large numbers of deaths attributed to it. As with the 'coronavirus' faked figures, it's just another psyop. The huge disruptions of food—agriculture, meat, fish—and hygiene—water, care (remember this was before penicillin)—and maintenance of buildings, road, rail, and shipping—led to many deaths. I doubt if any serious attempt was ever made to assess the harm caused by that war, which was of course won by Jews. The Jewish attitude that 'truth' is what people can be made to believe, enhanced by wartime censorship, and newspapers, and the new media of radio and cinema, had its first really big expansive airing.
Spanish flu was just another fake to hide deaths due to war. Death certificates were filled in with 'Spanish flu'. Simple.
NHS Notes.Raab is another Jew liar. David Irving quoted a piece on fpp.co.uk, but removed it. I was watching TV with disbelief: the Jewish sh*t Boris Osman, trying to cheerlead for the NHS. The truly repulsive aspect of the coronavirus fraud is that it is world-wide—just another Jewish fraud, secretly introduced. And typically parasitic: whites thought up the science and technology, and parrots and rote learners have been directed to it. Some of the aspects of Jewish intrusion include deaths (Dr Shipman in UK), money-making frauds (Sacklers and addictive drugs), Stone the Jew-supremacist GP, denial of training to whites, Jew-controlled unions, importation of untrained 'doctors' with no public warnings, unnecessary operations, wrong advice, and such things as support for unwanted immigrants, support for imported diseases, and support for rapists and for offloading costs of inbreeding deformities in 'Jews' and Moslems.
All this, though obvious enough, is new to me as a syndrome. There have been extraordinary 'celebrations' of the NHS, with applause by a few simpletons. As far as I can tell, this is because some people fear the NHS. Private hospitals in the UK, on this website, now 20 years old, is not Jew-aware. It lists private sector problems, but understates NHS corruption.
All health services have the problem that many diseases (though not those that need deep research) are curable. Populations now have longevity much greater than before. Many treatments are known to be suspect; there's a 'top ten' list. The NHS has buildings and assets which of course private sector people have an eye on; in about April 2020 there was/is a media campaign to applaud the NHS—public clapping at 8 p.m., I'd guess modelled on Jew-based public ceremonies—and including videos of amateur dances!—and 'Boris Johnson' was stated to have been ill; presumably falsely.
Amusing video (below) by an Aussie; note the number 400 emphasis. Is the Roman numeral CD (=400) connected to the Centers for Disease?
Video on 'coronavirus'. Opens in a new window. Before Trump signed away billions of Jewish 'dollars'.
I found a video mentioning '33', but can't rely on Youtube to host it. I see this as a signal to high-level Freemasons to take up and promote this new fake. If you see rather inarticulate second-in-command types, obviously ignorant of virology, hysterically insisting on it, probably numbers explain their mass synchronisation.
[1] Virus study is, by science standards, fairly new, starting seriously post-1945 with the new German technology of electron microscopy. This was stolen from Germany in the post-1945 stripping of Germany. Over-keen researchers in the Jew-corrupted west made and still make endless, but lucrative, blunders using this technology.
Digital image processing hasn't added much, except the use of multiple images and much greater storage to build 3-d images. What used to be called nuclear-magnetic resonance, fairly quickly renamed 'magnetic resonance imaging', gives very impressive images, like three dimensional X rays, sometimes with false colours added by the computer(s) to add to the visual separation. Since these are made with living and moving bodies, very fine resolution must be impossible.
[2] Other faulty techniques (in for example Certainty and Uncertainty in Biochemical Techniques (by the late Harold Hillman) led to such beliefs as that viruses have knobs on them, supposedly fitting into surfaces of cells.
[3] If you're interested, try my HIV-AIDS fraud, largely written in the last century. Here's its table of false positives for antibody tests:–
Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results
Anti-carbohydrate antibodies Naturally-occurring antibodies Passive immunization:
receipt of gamma globulin or immune globulin (as prophylaxis against infection which contains antibodies)
Leprosy Tuberculosis Mycobacterium avium Systemic lupus erythematosus Renal (kidney) failure Hemodialysis/renal failure Alpha interferon therapy
in hemodialysis patients
Flu Flu vaccination Herpes simplex I Herpes simplex II Upper respiratory tract infection
(cold or flu)
Recent viral infection
or exposure to viral vaccines
in multiparous women
Malaria High levels of circulating immune complexes Hypergammaglobulinemia
(high levels of antibodies)
False positives on other tests,
including RPR (rapid plasma reagent) test for syphilis
Rheumatoid arthritis Hepatitis B vaccination
Tetanus vaccination Note: Dr. Carrie Madej in October 2020 states tetanus [in UK this is/was called 'lockjaw'] is a non-existent disease; and the vaccine contains 'HCG' which causes abortion in pregnant women
Organ transplantation Renal transplantation Anti-lymphocyte antibodies Anti-collagen antibodies
(found in gay men, haemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy)
Serum-positive for rheumatoid factor,
antinuclear antibody (both found in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoantibodies)
Autoimmune diseases Systemic lupus erythematosus,
scleroderma, connective tissue disease, dermatomyositis
Acute viral infections,
DNA viral infections
Malignant neoplasms
Alcoholic hepatitis
/alcoholic liver disease
Primary sclerosing cholangitis Hepatitis "Sticky" blood
(in Africans)
Antibodies with a high affinity for polystyrene
(used in the test kits)
Blood transfusions,
multiple blood transfusions
Multiple myeloma HLA antibodies
(to Class I and II leukocyte antigens)
Anti-smooth muscle antibody Anti-parietal cell antibody Anti-hepatitis A IgM (antibody)
That table (I'm not claiming all of it is correct) is about 25 years old. Antibody testing is the other method of fishing for virus infections, involving attempts to detect tiny amounts of single molecules in the soup of biochemistry in body organs and blood.
[4] Most people have no idea of the difficulties in detecting viruses, and connecting them with signs and symptoms of possible patients. And most people now cannot believe the fanatical lunatic noise made after the Jewish announcement of AIDS in 1984, echoed in all the Jewish media junk of all types. This was 36 years ago; anyone younger than about 40 or 45 now will know nothing about it, as they would know nothing about wars, media events, and social arrangements, unless they were told.
[U. S. President 'Dubya' Bush signed, or something, PEPFAR, 'President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief' in 2003, according to 'Wikipedia'. $80 billion, that time. (Thanks to Russell Sackett at Miles W Mathis's site).
It's painful for anyone up to speed to watch ignorant TV actors read out rubbish written by anonymous barely-educated recyclers of handouts and press releases. Of course it's just a job to them. I vaguely recall an account by Aldous Huxley, on the 'Great War', of some spotty moron making up the German 'corpse factory' story for the Jews of the time. I'd advise people to try to penetrate the networks of lies.
[5] A few hints: 5.1 Income, Status, Security: Something that is more obvious to some than others is the immense attraction of a lifetime's security. I'd guess is this is the most important aspect of established religion. The actual beliefs hardly matter apart from providing barriers against other groups. This applies to huge frauds too: the Holohoax fraud is ever-growing, for example. As far as I can work out, no US professors—not one—can discuss this fraud. Science frauds have occurred before: Galen was the medical authority for more than 1,000 years. Modern science frauds have a certain fascination: NASA's space frauds started in the 1950s. It's true people like Armstrong have wasted their lives, but at least they are paid. And perhaps their lives were worthless anyway. Modern beliefs compared with religious beliefs 5.2 Cycles of Renewal and Repeats: If some fake works once, why not again? A look at 'best seller' book cycles.
5.3 Genuine, but Secret, Reasons for Pushing Fake Ideas: Jews have been the masters here. Here's a simple example: Invention of 'brainwashing' to hide US war crimes in Korea. Jews typically operate many scams at the same time, and have enormous scope for obfuscating each of them. At present, they hide name-changing deceptions; religious deceptions; archaeological deceptions; financial deceptions; war deceptions; propaganda differences between most countries, with different media stories in each, aimed at population changes, causing deaths, controlling assets, or whatever.
5.4 What is the aim of pushing the 'coronavirus' scare? I've seen suggestions of: instilling fear; controlling travelling; controlling people born before 1950, some of whom may have wartime, post-war, or fake image secrets; promoting fake vaccines; distracting attention from wars, from Trump, from atrocities against Palestinians, from Slav women used by Jews as prostitutes, from 'gutter oil', as part of the Jewish multiple claimed attacks against Trump, as an anti-Chinese thing. Plenty of possibilities. The media are likely to indirectly push their desires. I noticed a BBC TV 'News' comment that the scare could force 'police to attend only to the most serious crimes'. Someone said 'quarantine centers are pre-planned'.
A likely possibility is exploitation by Jewish 'charities', 'philanthropists', 'aid agencies'. See for example Elton John and Freddy Mercury of Queen and others in my 'HIV/AIDS' link. A good scam can gross a billion or so and no doubt computer models have been built. Part of the Human Comedy? Or a shocking comment on modern corruption? An inevitable result of modern efficiency, acting on people with spare energy? A product of legal structures, which need to be changed? I don't know; nor do I know if it can last.
HUGE World-wide frauds are a possibility. There are signs Trump might force the US into a bank-based command economy, as in the First World War (with Baruch) and the Depression and Second World War. This time it can be expected to look more like the wreck of Russia under the Jews of the USSR. Though I doubt they'd be flooded with weaponry and vehicles as the USSR was.
The controlling of people aged over 70, that is born before 1950, may well be part of the WW2 and aftermath Jewish frauds and 'Nakba'. Witnesses of wartime rapes in Europe and eastern Europe, witnesses of murders of Russians and Germans for example in the Rhine, witnesses of Jews in Palestine, and propagandists of nuclear fakes, newsreel and printed fakes, particularly Holohoax witnesses, and people who know of thefts of German assets and related Jewish money swindles, can be expected to be targeted by the coronavirus fraud. Such people must be very old; judging by the frantic actions by Jews world-wide, such witnesses must be regarded as important targets.
[6] Economics of Frauds. I don't have a full model of the way macroeconomic frauds operate, or how to detect those weak points which make large world-wide groups willingly co-operate, or even what it is about huge organizational structure and size that permits new forms of frauds to emerge.
From Berlin, K suggests an analysis based on present Jewish/ Freemason/ Common Purpose/ Kosher Nostra practices: They may make two systems, one 'kosher', one for the rest of us.
To see how this would work, first there are direct links with the hoax, such as plans for concentration camps, fake medicines, inmate arrangements, guards. All at the expense of the future of taxpayers.
Then we have handouts to endless miscellanies of Jew and similar interests: 'our' 'Chancellor of the Exchequer' outlined numerous moneys and benefits, in a vague statements, and said banks and councils [i.e. local government bodies] had been informed, and were ready to go.
BUT someone in Mensa, running a bed-and-breakfast, when movement is supposed to be restricted, said she could get no money. It's easy enough to imagine where it will be directed: People carriers paid to ferry invaders across the sea may feel they need subsidies, at public expense. So will Jews borrowing Jew paper money to build housing for invaders to be rented, at the expense of future taxpayers. Jewish mortgagees with huge mortgages will want more, at of course public expense.
BUT homeless whites will not get anything. I read recently of a homeless white parent who hanged herself, while invaders arranged by the Jew Shatter were housed at public expense. On the 'education' front, I can imagine miscellaneous scum—Jo Brand, Tony Robinson, S Baron-Cohen, Eastwood, Pacino, Tarantino, Schama, Marr, editors, Netflix etc around the world getting money: "We need it. People watch our shit less and less."
BUT A disabled 70-year-old said it's untrue that shops offer priority for deliveries to her; she was offered a slot in April An obvious guess is that propaganda on the lines of the Holohoax fraud will increase. So will propaganda in education, making it even worse than now. And subsidies for TV, radio, and Internet saboteurs and liars.
I think people with access to huge arrays of statistics, and with historical information, would be able to predict quite well—except for censorship by Jews and their pets. What follows is nothing like as good as it could be given macro-information. So here are some suggestions; perhaps useful:–
Witless Whitty: Any epidemiologist could refute the 'ZOG' claims. Typical product of post-1945 errors in medical theory. Unqualified foreigners, superstitious blacks with bogus PhDs, dietetic errors, genetic problems are a part of a huge mess. Not, to be fair, just himLighter note: A 1938 Hitchcock film The Lady Vanishes has 'Miss Froy' acted by Dame May Whitty; a relative? Redgrave tries to mimic Donat. The film has two goy characters, 'Charters and Cadicott', obsessed with cricket, ignorant of languages and Jews, but able to take Jew direction, and drive trains and shoot—this was the era when revolvers in films weren't aimed. Hitchcock soon made Holocaust fraud films.
(i) 'Virologists' may want to expand their supposed research, or prevent it shrinking. Thus e.g. the Washington Times says Trump is 'ready to accept more than the $2.5 billion he's requested from Congress to fight the outbreak.' It's perfectly possible it's just a special fraud for e.g. the CDC and fake vaccines, or vaccines designed to be harmful
(ii) Large populations are involved, as in wars and famines. Many researchers have noted Jews and their collaborators build up debt for wars, and e.g. the pretence that post-war famines and deaths were caused by (for example) flu. The entire Jewish reserve system may be at risk, perhaps through countries aware of the Jewish fraud
(iii) Large populations may be relocated, or assets such as land rents, minerals, labour, prostitutes should be taken, probably by para-legal methods or violence. Possibly borders will be closed on the Israel model. Or of course they may be opened, as in the Mexico model. Maybe bans, surveillance, clamping down on gatherings, accompanied by Jew thugs of the 'Antifa' type will be mobilised
(iv) Computer modelling and 'artificial intelligence' are a likely treasury-sucker. Possibly taken from China with e.g. face recognition. A thing called 'Palantir' is mentioned, Jew run, no doubt involved in war crimes around the world including all the countries invaded by Jews. 'Big data analytics' is tantalising: considering the failure of big data in weather forecasting, one has to be sceptical. One has to wonder whether there are anything like enough skilled people. Maybe they'll import fake PhDs from Nigeria..
(v) There may have been a decision to reduce the Jewish policy on invasion by low-IQ parasites; maybe the staggering costs are simply too great or too risky even for those filth. Ireland and Sweden (supposedly neutral) have been ruined by scum such as Shatter and Spectre.
(vi) Legal ownership is nearly always invisible; shares in profits, shares in rents, in fact any set as shown in a Venn diagram, is hard to assess because of this invisible fluidity. Jewish wars always have this vague aftermath. There may well be insurance frauds worked in, as in 9/11
(vii) Changes in the work structure may be implemented. I'd guess rationing was a model liked by Jews. So maybe some small businesses will be targeted, but not others—with independent, non-Jewish, and probably fun and trivial top of the list, but Jewish TV bingo allowed.
(viii) No doubt Jews will lie more than ever. Newspaper, magazines, TV and radio may be altered to this end. Probably education will be changed, e.g. to compulsory courses on lies and insistence on junk qualifications
(ix) Some suggestions as to the effects of a fake virus include 'billions wiped off shares', i.e. a drop in share prices multiplied by vast numbers, possibly to suggest pensions or other long-term interests can be dropped. Say a 10% decline is predicted or wanted; some can take up the slack, others e.g. with fixed payments not. Populations may be controlled, corralled, or whatever; the supposed drop in purchasing or in output might have effects on other regions or countries or entire continents. It looks to me that many sports events, overhyped and unwanted, may be closed: a bit of computer searching gives the Tokyo Olympics, the Australian Grand Prix, the "Annual Holocaust remembrance march" in Poland, the 'VisitScotland Expo' in Aberdeen, the Scottish Courier newspaper's Menu Food and Drink Awards ceremony. Maybe the Jewish awards for garbage movies and actors and c will be cancelled. What a pity.
(x) Often, after some downturn (perhaps manufactured, as in the bank-imposed US bank depression in the 1930s) there is a recovery—and, where the system is rigged, the recovery is likely to be to the advantage of the originators. I feel that world government was possible since about 1914. The Freemason/Jews idea of course is to cut out serious democracy.
I don't have a general system for identifying collective supply and demand in any sector; if anyone out there can suggest analytical techniques, why not explain them? And match them with historical evidence? After the false dawns of people like Keynes and Hayek, years ago, perhaps someone can find something? It's like the idea of analysing a complete ecosystem, rather than just local systems of a few animals and plants.
[7] Controlled Opposition? I emailed two AIDS activists who I'd met years ago, Joan Shenton (of Meditel, a TV/film outfit, who was involved with an A4 magazine called Continuum, of which I have about a two-inch thick wad (plus some duplicates) from 1996 through 1999. And Neville Hodgkinson, author of AIDS: The failure of Contemporary Science, who worked for the Sunday Times under Andrew Neill before being sacked, of whom I have some notes and tape recordings; I digitised at least one.
Neville made no reply (his email address may be outdated). Shenton referred me to David Crowe, with a California email. He seems to live in Alberta, Canada. There's abundant material, including very old issues such as Kaposi's sarcoma. And internal strife and rage: for example with Eleni Eleopulos. I found an odd reference suggesting some 'AIDS dissidents' were 'right-wing extremists', something I'd never heard before.
I'm afraid my opinion was that Shenton is just controlled opposition, her role being to avoid close examination of money and the roots of sciences, to control honest enquirers such as Neville Hodgkinson and Martin Walker and Michael Verney-Elliott and the Perth Group, and sowing confusion and irrelevance. I leafed through copies of Continuum: a Noam Chomsky article, 'queer politics' (promoting homosexuality is a long-established Jewish policy), 'AIDS in Haiti', 'TB: Confusing but Curable', 'Antioxidants and Nutrition', 'Censorship in the Gay [i.e. homosexual] Press', 'Respiratory Illness', 'holistic healing', 'Witchboy Confessions', Camille Paglia on Decadence ...
David Crowe seems similar, judging by his unimpressive comments.
Shenton appears to be a Jewish name. I don't know how to interpret her life in Chile. Her media connections are of course typically Jewish. The omission of all mention of Jews in medical science is of course standard. Looks like another case of controlled opposition, to my intense disappointment.
On this site, my AIDS material—I'm speaking as though 'AIDS' exists—is hiv-AIDS-fraud here.
Could be the end of Gates. He probably can't understand the flawed science at work. He reminds me of a medieval Pope; paper titles to land and assets, not, I hope, as secure as he thinks.
[8] Event201 has emerged as a Bill Gates and industrialised 'health' corporations and governmental morons joint exercise; exercises being an accompaniment of such schemes. Note the prominent position given to stock exchange index predictions! I doubt 'Event201' would include the staggering costs of hosing, health, births, 'benefits' in their computer modelling. And billions—exact figures no doubt expandable—signed by the Jew 'Trump' and the Jew Turk 'Johnson' prove they are in on it. Britain's 'Chancellor of the Exchequer'—who was Sajid Javid, but supposedly resigned and was replaced by Rishi Sunak, probably to pretend Jews don't control the economy. Another oddity was 'black Jew' Ramaphosa in South Africa, making encouraging noises about seeing things through! I hope a few people find these clowns, all utterly ignorant of science, and probably of genuine economics, reassuring!
An amusing aspect is that many 'nations' have spokespeople who are obviously half-caste or Jewish: an Italian speaking mixed race person, and France and Canada with their Jews, illustrate the types. As with nuclear frauds, and NASA, and meteorology, Jews have embedded themselves into biology. It's at least partly likely that the Jewish feeling of triumph over 'God' contributes to this attitude. Probably the races with no science feel much the same; they simply don't understand that genuine science is difficult.
I wonder if the name 'coronavirus' was selected by a Jewish 'Public Relations' company. Perhaps based on St Corona, in Italy. I'd guess so, and also expect that it was tested in many languages. And cost a lot of public money.
Flicking through junk 'newspapers' aimed at the plebs in a fish-and-chip shop, I was struck by the names trotted out for the naive, including the Minister of Health (or similar title), Tom Hanks (an actor in a long series of junk ZOG roles), Frederick Forsyth (is he still alive? Possibly a ghost writer. Anyway with zero knowledge of biology). The analogue of TV, with whores of the Fiona Bruce and Annabel Tiffin (?) type and other too tedious to identify. (I noticed adverts for a TV 'comedy' with Brenda Blethryn and some absurd black (Somali?) pretending that the legends of black competence, and even invention of medical sciences, and the pretexts for invasion, are true. Quite funny to watch; I'd guess Blethryn is too stupid to understand the subtexts. Let me just note though that black 'universities' are following the Jewish principle of selective promotion of junk people—check American universities, PhDs in Nigeria, exams in Malaysia and India.)
Now that a Stock Exchange crash (well, drop) has officially taken place, it seems likely there's a macro-economic plot afoot, perhaps like the 1972 or 71 drop. A big change in values of shares presumably paves the way for 'fire damage sales' or writing-off of shares. I don't know of any serious studies into currency wipe-outs; there are obviously very powerful force preventing such examinations. It's hard to imagine Soros or Trump or Kissinger or Bill Gates opening what there is of their hearts.
Paul Taylor/Hoaxashian points out that the 'Military World Games' were held towards the end of 2019, I think overlapping 'Event 201'. All False Flags/PsyOps seem accompanied by 'exercises'.
Is there a terrifying world-wide crisis?Yes, there is. But it's not new; the modern form can be dated from 1913, and world wars to kill Germans and Slavs the most important aspect. The insertion of Israel remains to be historically determined. BUT NOTE the Jewish media and control system is on full alert. I hope young people in particular will understand that the forcing of WW1 and WW2 onto whites was the same process. I hope they learn from it!
The worldwide crisis is caused by Jews and their national collaborators.
Excellent link which I've copied rather crudely into the box below via off-guardian.org and zero hedge via Incogman and others, noting the worldwide attack by Jews against civil liberties. Pretty much the same approach as the perversion of laws in the USSR after Jews, funded by US Jews, took over:
(I haven't put a link, in case there's a problem over https protocols)
Coronavirus Crackdown: Beware “The New Normal”
Posted on March 23, 2020 by INCOG MAN
From ZERO HEDGE [this website is now censored on FB and Twitter because it’s waking up so many normies to what’s going on. Routinely labeled “right wing extremist” by lefty gatekeepers trying to keep Whites snowed. –INCOG]
Authored by Kit Knightly via Off-Guardian.org,
So this is how Liberty dies... with thunderous applause.
A few days ago James Corbett posted a video titled “Is this THE big event?” the answer to that increasingly looks to be “yes.”
Not the virus itself, you understand, which official statistics still show to be minor compared to annual flu outbreaks. But rather, what it’s being used for. The West’s vestigial democratic forms, and slowly atrophying civil liberties are facing a final assault from draconian authoritarians sensing (or creating) their big moment.
Spain is enjoying “martial law in all but name”, while Italy is likewise bringing in the army.
In France, Macron has “declared war” on the coronavirus, essentially locking the entire country up inside their homes unless they have “a good reason” to leave. A reason which must be submitted in writing to the police.
Public gatherings are of course strictly forbidden. Elections are halted.
No word yet on what the Gilets Jaunes plan to do. There is a march – Act 71 – planned for today. Will it go head? If so, will they be met with more violence? Maybe. Only now instead of being ignored by the media they will be branded “selfish” for putting “members of the public at risk.”
War metaphors are prevalent in the UK too, the “spirit of Blitz” lives on. Apparently. We’re going to start making ventilators like we used to make Spitfires, (presumably we’ll be asked to send in our pots and pans to help in that regard). The Daily Mail actually interviewed the 103 year old Vera Lynn, who thinks we should all “pull together.”
This encouragement of ersatz community spirit is all a prelude to the passing of the Coronavirus Bill, a truly terrifying piece of legislation.
The proposed measures span everything from the predictably totalitarian to the worryingly bizarre.
First, the police can detain a person they suspect of being infectious:
Therefore, the bill will enable the police and immigration officers to detain a person, for a limited period, who is, or may be, infectious and to take them to a suitable place to enable screening and assessment.
But don’t worry, it’s only for a “limited period” (which is legally meaningless. A “limited period” can be defined as any time less than forever).
They will also remove “restrictions” on vaccination:
removing a current restriction in how Scottish territorial Health Boards can deliver vaccination programmes would mean that, when a vaccine becomes available, it can reach as many people as possible.
...and postpone elections:
postpone the local, mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections that were due to take place in England in May this year until May 2021. Provision will also be made to postpone other electoral events over the course of the year (such as by-elections)
...and grant legal immunity to people involved in treating the disease (of special relevance given the likelihood of untested vaccines be rushed into mass use):
provide indemnity for clinical negligence liabilities arising from NHS activities carried out for the purposes of dealing with, or because of, the coronavirus outbreak,
It’s a grab-bag of vaguely worded powers, wide open to “interpretation”. It is highly dangerous. There’s even hints that London could be put under total lockdown.
Most bizarre are the relaxed legal regulations for registering deaths (which we discuss in more detail here).
All told, it’s a terrifying prospect for the future of the country.
It’s not hard to envision a world where a person can be “detained” on “suspicion of having the virus” when they are perfectly healthy, and their family has all their social media posts about it taken down for spreading “misinformation.”
Hell, the new rules would then make it easier to cover up any deaths in custody by having private funeral directors register deaths that require no secondary confirmation. A claim this person died “whilst being treated for Covid19” would also render all those involved legally immune.
That is an extreme example, but there lies the danger of vaguely worded “powers.” They are wide open to abuse.
Yesterday Britain saw its first arrest under these new rules, a young man (not reported to be sick at all) was arrested on the Isle of Man for refusing to self-isolate. He now faces up to 3 months in prison, or a fine of £10,000.
Also announced yesterday, Boris is shutting all service businesses down. Clubs, bars, cafes, gyms, leisure centres, restaurants, cinemas. All gone. Putting potentially millions of people out of work, but introducing a new benefit (one you have to attend a Job Centre to claim, where it’s well known you can’t catch viruses).
The Danish compulsory vaccine/treatment law is looking comparatively tame at this point.
China is tagging people with electronic bracelets, and scanning crowds with special helmets to monitor anyone with a slight temperature.
Israel, having suspended Netanyahu’s corruption trial, is now busying itself eradicating some civil liberties. Their proposed use of harvested mobile phone data to track and surveil those possibly infected is the most heartwarming use of illegally gathered private information I can recall.
Never to be outdone, the US is putting entire cities and states under total lockdown. Dystopian “shelter in place” orders have been issued for the whole of California. Meetings of more than 10 people are banned, with some regions setting helplines for mean little volunteer Kapos to report any illegal congregations.
“Secret emergency plans” for a military government in the event DC is “devastated” were recently “leaked” to Newsweek. You can feel the General’s eagerness through the prose.
Sean Penn is all for the idea.
The private sector is getting in on the act too, with YouTube announcing their automated system is going to be taking down a lot more videos (they blame working from home, but the idea Google doesn’t already have a facility for working remotely is frankly absurd). The five major Tech Giants released a joint statement on “combating misinformation” and “boosting authoritative sources.”
Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation:
Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.
All in all, our freedoms are being swamped. Big corporations and states alike are setting boundaries on individual rights on a flimsy pretext.
Is anyone in the media reporting that? Of course not. Instead we’re getting fawning celebrity-based drivel like this in the Independent, trying to convince us “we’re all in this together”, or weasel-worded nonsense like this from Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian where he mourns Johnson’s “libertarian” spirit and reluctance to impose social control. That would be the mass-surveilling, drone executing, war-supporting type of libertarian. A crass and obvious example of narrative management.
Even members of the alt-media are falling for this, with prominent voices hailing the measures as necessary or demanding “further action” (one usually sane analyst is advocating locking all of those “probably infected” inside empty sports stadiums to be “medically monitored”). Somehow former Goldman Sachs banker and Hedge Fund manager Rishi Sunak is being praised as some kind of Nye Bevan figure. It’s almost literally insane.
We’ve gone over the numbers countless times. They don’t add up. The agenda is outstripping the statistics. The coronavirus, in pure numbers terms, is a rounding error on the annual flu season. The Swine Flu “pandemic” of 2009 was 10x more widespread and 100s of times more fatal...did any of this panic porn appear? Did it “change what normal meant”?
No, it was just a new type of flu. It passed, there was media hype, of course, but the world remained the same.
The time for arguing over whether the CFR is 2% or 3% is done, because even if the disease is as bad as they are reporting, none of it can justify the Orwellian nightmare that Britain (and much of the rest of the developed world) is turning into.
People with platforms need to focus on this, without falling for rhetorical traps or emotionally manipulative sob-stories. Human-interest anecdotes are meaningless, and feel good articles about “pulling together” or “not taking any risks” are negative panic at best or enabling emergent fascism at worst.
That would be actual fascism. Not the pretend type that the anti-Trump “resistance” has been rabbiting on about for three years.
Consider that: This is the EXACT SITUATION everybody from the NYT to CNN was hysterically warning Trump would introduce since he was first elected, and where are those people now? Cheering him on. Because of “public health.”
The same people ranting about Boris Johnson being an alt-right neo-Nazi racist and unfit for public office before Christmas, now want to give the man legal authority to arrest anyone with a cough and nail pensioners inside their homes.
“Social distancing” is just another word for mass quarantine, and as Dr Joel Kettner said on the radio last week, there’s no evidence to suggest it actually works to control diseases. Control people though? Well, that it does like a charm.
But maybe I’m over-reacting, right? After all, this is only for a short time. We’ll go back to normal soon enough. Those two years will just fly by.
Perhaps a quick history lesson in “special powers” and “temporary measures”?
Well, let’s look at the Patriot Act – sweeping, authoritarian changes to the US legal system which were enacted after 9/11 on a “temporary” basis and have been extended and expanded by every President since. It is still very much in place today.
Or France’s “state of emergency”, granting “special powers” to the police after 2015 shootings in Paris. Those were extended by Hollande for years, until Macron “ended” the State of Emergency by essentially signing those powers into law permanently. They became the “new normal” too.
Or, the golden oldie, the Reichstag Fire Decree. Passed after the eponymous fire, it “temporarily” suspended German civil liberties in name of rooting out communist insurgents. You probably already know how that turned out.
“Special powers” don’t go away. They are not temporary, they won’t be surrendered. Everything we give the government our permission to do, they will do. For the foreseeable. And you know why?
Because they become the Bear Patrol. The rock that keeps tigers away. Once they are there, and everything calms down, they can be hailed as the reason everything is calm.
In two years, when the bill is set to expire, there will be no more “pandemic”... but the powers will stay. Because they “kept us safe during the pandemic.” Because they cut knife crime, or boosted public health, or they are good for the environment (that will be the big one). There’ll be some scary stories in the media in the last couple of weeks before the expiry date, and the bill will be extended.
Pandemic or no pandemic, you can’t just shut your eyes to the world being re-shaped. That’s what world governments are doing, ALL world governments. We can’t fall back on increasingly obsolete notions of US/UK/EU = “bad” and China/Iran = “good.” Rulers are rulers, they want authority and need power.
And they are re-forging society to a shape that better suits their purposes, attempting to change what people consider “normal.”
How do we know that? Because they are telling us.
The Guardian alone has had three opinion pieces discussing the “new normal” in less than a week, two of them on the same day. The technocrats and eugenicists are all over it too, barely containing their glee that the “world will never be the same”.
Perhaps the only good news is, en masse, the public don’t seem to be totally convinced. In fact, oddly enough, the alternate media crowd—with fake opposition of course—seem a lot more caught up in the hysteria than those who only vaguely follow the news. An NPR poll showed that 56% of Americans think ‘the virus’ is being overblown. Hence everyone from Taylor Swift to Kylie Jenner insisting it “is a real thing.” [In the UK, Prince Charles and Greta Thunberg and BBC whores have a similar function!]
In one key area, the Coronavirus Bill tells the absolute truth: “Public support and compliance is crucial.” They need our permission to do this. Do we really want to grant it?
It’s really important that we all wake up to what is happening here. Because the police state they want to birth is a disease with a much higher death-rate than 2%, and it won’t be cured with two-weeks bed-rest.
Here's an ethics paradox: remember you heard it here first!—If you were offered a complete explanation of some serious problem, but with guaranteed death after; would you accept this, or prefer to live but be kept unenlightened?
I'm tempted to scan in and upload Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS by Bryan Ellison & Peter Duesberg. Surely 26 years later its first time has passed.
False Flags, PsyOps, Jew Fake Leaders, and Campaigns. Now. And Back Throughout History
Just in one day:— Dustbin wields the Jewsus symbol with a staged snarl in 1967. In 1963 rights to a novel (it reminded him of Jew Pinter) were bought by a Jewish producer (L Turman), and Jewish 'schlockmeister' J E Levine got scriptwriter H Zuckerman to be filmed by Jew Mikhail Peschowsky ('Mike Nichols') including songs by Jews 'Simon and Garfunkel'. And much more, in the Occidental Observer. The writer doesn't comment on the lucrative bombing in Vietnam, arguably more important that this junk film. Or on the roots of Catholicism. Or the monopoly of 'movie theaters' Left: Jew used by the (((BBC))) to state that Hungary should admit Moslems and others. Does she say Jews should admit Moslems? Des she say anything about Jews in Hungary? Of course not. Just another paid whore. Right: mileswmathis/com/pepper.pdf detects yet another staged demonstration, this time 'pepper spray' faked in some way.
Rae West 28 July 2020
The really huge psyops are wars, in which the whole of information is controlled, apart from a few alternative complainants. The Coronavirus fraud and its dog obedience training is an example, not of a war, but of control of information, world-wide. I hope many people will draw lessons from 'Coronavirus' and extend these lessons to wars; it will be a new outlook for many people, who assumed what they were told was true, the obvious example being the Second World War, in which all the leading actors were Jews, and their propaganda lasts to this day.
Added note on Jew fake leaders, in this case fakes supposed to lead 'white nationalist' and 'Right' websites.
(In fact 'nations' change and mutate and historically aren't stable. And 'right' politics vary. Both nicknames avoid mentioning white people, which of course is the Jewish point).
Here's a summary of Jewish fake leaders, taken from
Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & 'White' Nationalist Movements? August 24, 2019 By CFT Team
1970 Frank Cohn (called himself Frank Collin) and the National Socialist Party of America. Culminating is the 'Skokie Affair' and child abuse claims. It's possible he was modelling himself after Hitler, on the fake single leader principle
2010 Andew Esher Auernheimer ('Weev' of the 'Daily Stormer')
2016 Breitbart "News" Network
Ezra Levant apparently of 'Rebel Media'. And 'Tommy Robinson'. Attention on Moslems, not Jews
Gatestone Institute, Jihad Watch, and the Kosher Crusaders. 'The goal of these websites is simple: lead the opposition by criticizing Islam, but don’t go anywhere near the topic of who is enabling, funding, and supporting Muslim immigration into the West.' The miscellany of Jews, crypto-Jews, and paid collaborators. Plus many who have no option. Includes Nina Rosenwald with Alan Dershowitz. And 'John Bolton'. And Robert Spencer. And David Horowitz
Lauren Simonstein who often calls herself Lauren Southern
Mike Cernovitch. Supporter of Jeffrey Epstein
Mike "Enoch" Peinovich apparently of 'The Right Stuff'
Milo Yiannopoulos, homosexual Jew whose time seems to have passed
Paul Gottfried. 'Often called the "Jewish Godfather of the Alt Right"
‘Stefan Molyneux - A jewish actor posing as a "white nationalist"’
‘Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) is the face of Fake Nationalism for the UK.’
Red Ice is named in the comments
My 'Joff' page (=Jews taken off the radar) lists endless Jew-censoring sites, though they are not generally by 'leaders'
Rae West 31 May 2020
I've built a collection of links to false flags, occupying enough space to decide me to move them from my home page. I tend to call these things 'false flags', since PsyOps can be anything from advertising lies to threats of violence. 'False flags' covers anything where the originators pretend to be someone else. I admit the phrase is not accurate, because the originators don't themselves admit to having a flag of their own. They are usually Jews or their collaborators, who can be spokesmen from Freemasons, 'scientists', religious groups, industry controllers—anyone. Identifying the true flag is usually a problem.
These examples are single events, and a well-funded campaign will involve many of them, arranged in sequence to build up the desired picture in the minds of the gullible victims. These are often worked around the world, something which Jews like, as they have their own groups in many important cities. They can exploit differences in language to build up different versions of events—as of course happened in the USA, Britain, 'Russia' (the USSR), and Germany for most of the 20th century. In May 2020, China is being targeted. It's interesting to see a several-year campaign against Donald Trump by frantic Jews; one has to wonder whether specially ugly ones are chosen, to be memorable—but it's impossible to be sure if their shrieks are serious, or if (judging by the low calibre of the few rivals) the whole thing is fake.
A Very Few of the Many Modern False flags: Watch for planted witnesses with over-fluent delivery, 'duping delight', absurd scenarios, actors getting out or in vehicles nearby, cameras picking up instant recoveries of 'victims', etc.
It's clear enough by now that both the First and Second World Wars were backed up by continuous lies, with false flags embedded at intervals. Nuclear theory overlapped before and after the Second World War, and was (and is) backed up by a whole industry (in Lookout Mountain and elsewhere) of faked videos and research. As of course was (and is) NASA.
Some of these schemes—not just nuclear weapons—were said to be very dangerous, but faked danger is difficult to handle, because actions taken by people controlling them are often ridiculous. To this day, some people are confused over 'AIDS'—I remember Oprah Winfrey in her black totem-pole wooden style, characteristic of puppets chosen by Jews, saying how certain it was that half the world would die. As I type, 'British' TV is simultaneously claiming that 'coronavirus' is terrifyingly dangerous, producing faked figures of deaths and fake claims about testing, while being obviously casual about it all. Reactions to supposed nuclear danger always had the same style of indifference by people in the know, in insane contrast with the supposed facts they were supplying.
A comment in the Occidental Observer prompted these remarks. False flags were aimed against Moslems since 9/11, which of course is itself a false flag, but more recently Jews have decided white males are their target, and a whole industry of Netflix, advertisers with mixed race faked couples, the junk Jewish media, third-rate Jewish pseudo-academics, black puppets in Africa, lawyers, funded 'politicians' and others has swung into action. It's not even true that this is entirely silly, as many low-grade US commenters claim, since white males' records do include military atrocities, police and civil service dishonesty, largely promoted by Jews—think Kissinger—wanting to keep out of the way.
'White Privilege' has been promoted by Jews for at least seven years. (Jewish campaigns always synchronize—east enough when you control media. Just another type of ad campaign). My article below (2013) on RamZPaul talks of 'White privilege' (the yout*be videos may not work now).
My short piece below on the Flynn Effect mentions lies which influenced people: the Maine false flag, the Lusitania war bait, the supposed attack by Vietnam on the US 7th Fleet, and Saddam Hussein who 'hated Al Qaeda'. But Flynn omits, or doesn't know about, Jews and slavery, Jews and the Opium Wars, the Boer Wars, Jews and their hatred for Russia, Jews and mass killings in the USSR, the fake 'Holocaust', Jews and 9/11.
Before the 20th century (1900s) moving colour pictures and sound were hardly possible. False flags were less pictorial, more journalistic. The Dreyfus Affair was at the start of movies and also involved cheap, mass printing.
A mostly-2013 piece (below) looks at modern image fakery (and such things as 'star wagons' to carry actors and their equipment to the scenes to be videoed.) And I wondered if awareness might lead to a Reformation. But the Reformation wasn't quite what it seemed.
Earlier wars may have been faked, as a pretext for introducing a new royal house. Miles Mathis is the best writer known to me on this, and the best writer on American internal lies, for example the JFK 'assassination'. (If you're interested in exploring Mathis, I recommend my search engine, which finds his files which share keywords.)
False flags and psyops in Christianity.
Here's Interesting video by Jan Lamprecht:
Jewish Mind Poison - the End Times
Lamprecht focuses on the use of fake predictions, terror, apocalyptic fears, and 'end of the world' terrors in the past. He starts with his own past obsessiveness on prophecies and the supposed wisdom of ancients, Jewish religious stuff, Y2K, Christian and messianic prophecies, Tibetans and fake Tibetans, etc. Lamprecht later mentions the fears (reportedly) around the year 1000 AD. He mentions fear of nuclear war—23 minutes into his video he discusses Cold War fears. (He hadn't taken on full nuke criticism, as in nuke-lies.org or the AIDS fake.)
It hadn't occurred to me that instilling 'The End of the World is Nigh' attitude is yet another aspect of Jew propaganda. Lamprecht makes the interesting claim that Jewish 'books' were originally written as propaganda against nations—not the whole world; certainly not Americans—to try to weaken, demoralise, and divide them, much like Jewish media today, in the same way leaflets may be dropped on populations about to be bombed by Jew puppets, and Jews broadcast propaganda lies to rival populations. “Scare propaganda... the poison remains... It's written to be depressing to scare people and freak people out, because these Jews are nation-destroyers [e.g. Book of Daniel, and Book of Revelations]... still poisoning the minds of people in the modern age... we've achieved so much, and we sit here cowering in fear...”
The Jewish Propaganda Attack Begins 'Bumpercrop' on the entire Bible as a False-Flag strewn PsyOp [Edited from Occidental Observer May 21, 2020]:
The Hebrew Jesus said: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26 And: “I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” Matthew 10:36 Whilst simultaneously preaching: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
On the deeply litigious Jews in their Talmudic love of minutiae: “If any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.” Matthew 5:40 Oh, and remember! Don’t resist evil, you foolish goy: “I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” Matthew 5:39 And don’t worry about tomorrow, goy. The great psychopath Yahweh (“do not leave anything alive that breathes” Deuteronomy 20:16) will take care of everything.—Don’t resist evil, just let it happen. It’s prophesied in your unholy Jew book.
My favorite Jewsus story? Starts at Matthew 15:25. A non-Hebrew mother begs for Jesus to heal her child. And Jesus’s response? “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Yet still the Gentile mother begs. He said “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.” With Judaic ‘supremacy’, he compares a non-Jew to a dog when she asked him for help. The woman responds, “but even DOGS receive crumbs from their master‘s table.” So after sufficient groveling, (where have we seen this before?), Jewsus arrogantly responds, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” Matthew 15:28.
Proof of the amazing power of mass mind control. I am continually astounded at supposed goy truthers‘ inability to figure out this ultimate psychological operation foisted upon them. And how willing they are to dismiss a fellow goy to promote stories written by Hebrews.
by Rae West 4 Feb 2020/ 1 June 2021/ 7 Aug 2021/ 29 Aug 2021/ 5 Sept 2021/ 25 Sept 2021/ 20 Oct 2021/ 8 Nov 2021/ Feb 2022/ Apr 2022/ May 2022/ Aug 2022/ Sept 2022/ Nov 2022/ Nov 2023/ May 2024/ June 2024
A disgustingly contemptible part of MacDonald's 'white interest' Occidental Observer is his omission of millions of Americans who want true comments on Jews, but have nowhere to turn.
I hear from Christians God is going to save the jews in the end days. I question that. Interesting the say it's a choice concerning everyone else but they're going to be saved. I wonder will they have to repent like everyone else or there's a special exception for them.
If genuine, here's a sad American baffled by rubbish—he believes in a Jewish 'God', he thinks 'end times' are on their way, he thinks in terms of 'saving', and so on—all Jewish constructions, all needing to be unpicked. It shocks me that MacDonald so neglects his duty that he's offered no help in 25 years.
Maybe MacDonald goes to church weekly, and mumbles to Jewish superstitions. Wouldn't surprise me.
Mark Duff: June 14, 2024 ... I live in Montana & am surrounded by 'Christian Evangelical Zionists' & 'Patriots'….I am a 100% disabled US Army veteran & they call me a 'traitor'
Kevin MacDonald: June 14, 2024 Horrifying. I wish you every good thing in a life that has been so horribly by our warmongering, pro-Israel elites. Kevin
See how MacD automatically takes Duff's side, whatever he may have done. He's just as stupid as those Montanans.
Note: 11 June 2024: A few weeks ago (hidden in the site) a talk between Kevin Barrett, who seems to be from the immense submerged ecosystem of US Army lies, talked with MacDonald. Barrett mentioned Chomsky on tens of millions of US-inflicted deaths. Chomsky of course attributes them to whites, not to the originator of policy, and funding. MacDonald worries about Gaza, presumably accepting media stories. And looks ever-older.
Some devotees of the site say they think it's a place for learning and reflection. Of course they are wrong.
Note: 29 May 2024: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2024/05/28/israeli-society-sociopathic/ was a new piece on Gaza, accepting all the official lines. It specifically mentions 'Jewish ingroup morality', beginning with the Chapter 6 in A People That Shall Dwell Alone. It's painful to read MacDonald, who seems to accept modern US 'gullible paid pseudo-Christians', in it for the paper money, millions of morons. At every stage Judean policies are treated as moral and ethical, 'enshrined' in 'classical' language, described without any serious criticism.
I can't relocate my copy of this paperback; Maybe I'll supply examples in future, after a weary trawl.
Imagine a secret group of international plotters, carrying out theft and rapes and massive frauds, with detailed instructions on how to steal, defraud, and rape.
Along comes MacDonald, gravely 'explaining' in turgid language, with extracts taken from books by authors whose competence he doesn't question. Poor MacDonald has no idea of the lies in Jewish media—which saturate his view of politics and history. He has no ideas on world wars or the use of American moron armies or the fixing of historical narrative by constant repetition. He doesn't understand the Holohoax. He has shown himself useless as a thinker looking at the modern world. His ideas on killings are completely orthodox; he has nothing useful to say on populations and their need for control. He understands nothing of the secret symbiosis of Jews with their 'hosts' as shown by politicians, for example, collaborating with Jews.
Whether this matters, I doubt. MacDonald is not a leader, and cannot develop ideas needed for serious opposition. Sad stuff, indeed. His emphasis on 'individualism' is almost hallucinatory. How many fellow Americans does he know full of new ideas, bubbling with good ideas, alive with activity? Concerned with undoing mistakes of the past? Looking into the roots of money? How many sound suggestions have been put forward? MacDonald can't even predict evolutionary projections of Jewish characteristics.
Note: 1 November 2023 by chance has a new piece by Kevin MacDonald on his website The Occidental Observer, summarising his world-view on Jewish influence. About 25 years ago, MacDonald wrote three books on Judaics, which have remained unedited ever since, despite the ease with which print-on-demand books can be edited. He was an academic at one of the vast number of unpretentious US universities, and his work is roughly of the standard expected in such places.
I saw him, during David Irving's lawsuit for libel against Lipstadt and Penguin. He seems entirely typical of unreflective Americans immediately post-WW2; uncharismatic, fortified by supposed scholarship, unable to identify or escape from Jewish mental netting. I'd guess he's a churchgoer.
This new article shows no awareness of the peaks of Jewish influence—nothing on the Federal Reserve, nothing on Europe and the Rothschilds, nothing on the permeation of aristocracies by Jews, nothing on 9/11. He uses the word 'fund' in the passive voice—some thing just happen to get 'funding'. But MacDonald omits discussion of funding by Jews. (We all know people who work for money, many doing harmful or evil things; I won't give examples). A colossal error, since the paper money system has devalued the dollar to an extent which now seems incredible. MacDonald is only partially aware of Jews in the Soviet Union—one of the biggest atrocities of all time—and seems to have no knowledge of the USA giving them weapons and money, redirecting the USA's productivity to Jews. He seems oblivious of the connections of irresponsible money power with famines and war deaths.
Many Americans, MacDonald being one, think the early Americas had few Jews, and therefore little Jewish influence. Arithmetically, it's true that most so-called Jews were in eastern Europe. But the real influence was not in jungles or prairies but back in Europe, and in fact it's difficult to see how large-scale settling and resource-use could have been planned in any other way. Similarly with the Caribbean and ANZ. This enormous influence is missing from MacDonald.
So is any awareness of the 'Kahal' system, the fort-like arrangement by which 'Rabbis' coerced ordinary Jews into action. MacDonald seems to get it wrong in any case, thinking 'scholars' were offered brides by rich Jews. In fact, 'Rabbis' seem to have run the whole thing, with rich Jews the product.
MacDonald, despite his experiences, seems overawed by other academics; he talks respectfully of anthropologists, despite their unimpressive achievements. I've noticed before that many American academics are timid about their own beliefs, but accept other groups of academics without hesitation—a strange stabilising device. But perhaps it's just class solidarity.
MacDonald accepts Jewish 'verbal IQ' claims—in practice, a mixture of screenplays, porn, and carefully-thought out slogans.
I won't comment on the comments to MacDonald, beyond pointing out their near-inarticulate nature. They have to pay to get in there. At a time when the Jewish media are abandoning print, on going for cheap 'artificial intelligence' pap, it may be that The Occidental Observer is failing (or discreetly Jew-funded). Who knows. I have to say that some of the best writers there seem to be British. It's a shame they can't find somewhere better.
One of MacDonald's weaknesses is his imprecise use of English, somewhat hidden by his use of jargon. He describes Jews as 'conscientious' for example, something more likely to apply to their employees. (I've put this same piece on MacDonald, as a one-file standalone review
MacDonald makes a great play with Jewish paranoia and fearfulness, as shown recently by worries over their self-manufactured 'Holocaust'. However, many people live in fear: at different times it might be the French, the Northern States Americans, Germans, the British, Japan, Spain. In more remote times, fear of tribes, islanders, mountain people, marauders. Probably the Jewish hostility to everyone else, all 'goys', gives a misleading feeling of constant threats.
On wars, if there were no Jews, it's possible wars would not exist. Perhaps in 5000 B.C., when Jews may not have evolved, that situation perhaps applied. Malthus (and others!) would expect population expansions and clashes; would those have been better than those interacted by Jews? Such thoughts are far outside MacDonald's limited range.
RW 1 Nov 23
(26 Nov 2022): Briefly ... The problem is MacDonald's narrowness. He writes as though 1950s USA mass beliefs, and Long Beach University, apply to the world for all time. He is correctly concerned with immigration into the USA, as encouraged by Jews. But he doesn't survey the world, and see Jewish control of weapons and money produce vast numbers of 'refugees'. He's shocked that anyone should consider that US force allowed Jews, and forced others, into the USA. He is correctly concerned about deindustrialisation, but doesn't see Jewish activity in most other countries is used for that end. He presumably is concerned over Jewish money-printing and the vast benefits to Jews, but has no theories about what to do about it. And his lack of investigation applies to the past: he says nothing about the Kahal system, with its huge influence over Jews, and he says nothing about Christianity and Islam, both offshoots from Jews, and the absurdities of Christianity. I see the same thing in Britain, with unthinking support for wars rigged up by Jews.
(19 Oct 2021): When an individual finds a flaw in his or her organisation, there are two common reactions: the said individual may work further, to try for reforms in the organisation to remove the flaw and perhaps other flaws. Or the individual may want a small change, then return to the comfort and familiarity of the previous state.
MacDonald's work omits most of the hateful forms of Jewish activity. He blames them for contaminating the populations of many states, but not much for controlling money, and not at all for mass murders and wars in other parts of the world. He says in effect he doesn't care if American troops cause disasters overseas, getting assets for Jews at the expense of the whites. He doesn't foresee other populations' replies, which in effect may be, in time, saying you did nothing to help us, so die.
Some of the articles published by the Occidental Observer are just book reviews, of the sort designed to try to increase sales. At the very end of 2021, edited diaries of a rich American were reviewed, showing simple reactions to Jewish power.
In November 2022, there is an article by RockaboatUs, deploring the uselessness of most Americans, and hoping they grow poorer and feebler. This seems part of the Jewish opposition, hoping whites will abandon the wonderful cities they built, and secede. RockaboatUs seems to forget what happened to Hitler, and fail to understand the Jew control over the Führer. Incidentally, the site generally shows no doubts re supposed nukes, and little (if anything) on the implications of the COVID fraud. Not for the first time, with regret I have to abandon the site. In any case judging by responses to my own postings, the downloads from it aren't impressive.Individualism as a concept can have widely different interpretations; MacDonald seems not to bother about this fact, but tends to just take the Jewish-promoted version. There's the simple 'independence and self-reliance' version, and (in the Concise Oxford Dictionary) one subsense, 'self-centred ... egoism'.
To illustrate the problem, consider Bertie Russell praising 'the hermit's temperament' as part of some excellences; he was thinking of a lone researcher pursuing truth on his own in his own way. 'Positive individualism' perhaps. But what of the individualism of a person who simply cares nothing, for example about the Jewish problem? It's individualistic, but of no use—'negative individualism', perhaps. What about someone who joins, and is subservient to, some army, but then does things on his own impulse? Is such a person 'individualistic'?
On the specific topics of the 'Holocaust' and 'Hitler' (Yeager is an unrevised supporter), here's Carolyn Yeager from her site jan27.org quoting MacDonald:
“Yeah, I guess I’m not, uh, I’ve never had any sympathy really, before — I haven’t seen anything that would really, you know, convince me. And I, frankly, haven’t dealt into it very much. My view is that it’s not important for what I’m doing and I don’t think it’s really important — I think what’s really important is the culture of the holocaust, you know, how it’s taught in school, how it’s used to defend Israel, and it’s used as a weapon against people who oppose immigration, and all those things — ah I think those are very important things to discuss. So whether it actually happened, exactly, and all that is something that I don’t think is possible to even go there anymore, is just — just uh — third rail.”
... about Adolf Hitler. You answered, “Oh God, I think that the only term I can use is a disaster. I think that his own personality — got in the way of [the generals] carrying out their strategic military [goals] in World War Two. I think he was, you know, he thought of himself as a general or something. You know, he interfered with policy that should have been left to professionals and I think that that was — horrible, that was a disaster.”
Let me summarise MacDonald's multiple failures, generally caused by his inability to delve and think deeply.
MacDonald thinks there was a new elite after 1945!—a propaganda triumph for Jews, aware of secret Jewish actions throughout unrecorded history. In fact of course the USA was set up by European elites, a huge project, and Jewish money was a secretive part of European power, notably I think the Bank of England. A lot of revisionist work is applied to discovering the past both of Jews and their collaborators.
MacDonald doesn't see much need to be original, and reconstruct the world away from Jewish language and attitudes. An example is his emphasis on 'resource competition'. In fact, one Jewish methodology is to aim to collect rents and assets; the invention of churches with officials who have a long-term title to incomes is not what would usually be regarded as competition over resources. MacDonald is unconsciously shuffled away from Jewish finance.
MacDonald's work also omits the gross flattery used by Jews for their own purposes. An obvious example was the flattery of Americans as they killed and attacked around the world, in particular from 1913/14. At the present time, Jewish flattery of blacks is a pandemic of absurdities, to be discarded when they've been used.
I doubt that many people view the Occidental Observer as anything more than a club for disgruntled white lightweights who can't write clearly and don't know much, for example on Supposed nuke bombs. It often is, especially when there are pages of silly praise.
MacDonald's work even where supposedly expert is very feeble. He loves the idea that Scandinavians, not clearly distinguished by him from Swedes, want to be invaded by blacks. The fact is they had thousands of years to import them, without doing so. On long-term evolution, MacDonald doesn't consider far-reaching hypotheses, apparently believing that if he hadn't thought of them, they couldn't be important. A good example is Frank McManus's salt hypothesis.
On the smaller-scale, but essential, historical data from which hypotheses are made, MacDonald is weak. I found this when avoiding leading questions with KMac, to see what emerged. Neither fascism nor Mussolini are indexed in The Culture of Critique for example. MacDonald seems to have got wrong the entire anti-immigration movement in the 1920s, the nominal object being to keep Italians out. (Tony Benn speaks in 1994 supposedly on Fascism; brilliant propaganda from Benn, carefully regulated, with staged applause. The best revisionist look at Mussolini in my view is benito.pdf by Miles Mathis.)
  Many years earlier, we find the Thirty Years' War. This was notorious for leaving large chunks of Europe in desolation, in a pre-industrial way, something like the war between the US States, but worse. It was clear KMac had no idea of its importance; he thought there must have been tall Swedes in it.
I noted KMac on China; he seems not to have heard of the immense destruction there—I'll leave him to investigate, certain he will not. With reference to a map by a Mr Murray. 'Chinese Communism' has been a long-term Jewish aim. So has the takeover of Japan. And, behind all this, there have been Jewish world-wide activities, energetic, largely secret, Freemasonic, and possibly uncorrectable.
For my last entry here, we have, on schedule, an unreliable article 2022/08/04/the-plot-against-australia, attributed to Jason Cannon, and based on Patrick Mullins. It looks at Portnoy's Complaint, described as something like 'The first great novel about masturbation' at the time by Jews in for example The Times Literary Supplement. We have a dual cast—on the one hand, Jews ('the anti-censorship cause', some Australian State leaders, Jewish money in secretive form, 'blasphemous, indecent or obscene' works from a list. (Cannon says nothing useful on these). The Australian Communist Party appears here. Journalistic types, book publishers from Europe (fat bottomed, hook-nosed, small minded), publicists, Jewish newspaper controllers, property developers, funded legal persons, acting in unison, spent years on this.
This is where the fun starts, but MacDonald's site knows nothing of it. As I said, 'blasphemous, indecent, or obscene' books might have been targeted. However, let me step outside the Jewish-imposed limits here. Jews have a well-deserved reputation for lying—where that reputation has been allowed to exist. There's no 'anti-censorship movement' run by Jews to expose Talmudic lies. There's no 'anti-censorship movement' to expose the control of churches and Christians by Jewish money. There's no 'anti-censorship movement' attempting to expose Jewish actions against China. Or against Vietnamese people, where of course Jews have done everything possible to hide truths. There's no attempt to improve Australian education above the pitiful level of these Jewish t*rds.
[Sigh. On Sep 22, 2022 KMac wrote a piece on Martha'a Vineyard [rich island off east coast USA] inhabitants' hypocrisy on having a small number of third worlders dumped there before being thrown out.] ‘Those 50 illegals represent less than a millionth of the “enrichment”, that’s already been foisted on the rest of America. (They’re 1/100,000th of the illegals admitted just under Biden.) Vastly poorer [USA] towns have been forced to turn nearly their entire annual budgets over to feeding, housing, educating  and incarcerating  great heaping portions of Third-Worlders, while douchebags in places like Martha’s Vineyard (88% White; 3.7% Black and 1.7% Hispanic) preen about their higher morality..’ — A bit late to be saying that! Figures should have been given decades earlier!
All this is a tragedy. Jewish issues need many experts to decode and interpret. They need to co-operate in the way that engineering is made up of many subdivisions—civil, housing, transport, military, structures—and medicine should be made up of biology, physiology, biochemistry, epidemiology, history—and history itself of many specialities. Please, dear reader, become expert in Jews, but try not to generate rivalries and hostilities.
I'm tempted to blame the tenure system. Bertrand Russell concluded that Cambridge University was a 'good place' even if tenure 'was carried very far', and where 'independence of mind could exist undeterred'. This latter point was untrue, unfortunately.
In mid-February 2022, The Occidental Observer online started to carry syndicated stuff from Patrick Buchanan and Ann Coulter, who seem to be still quoted as 'Conservative' by the ridiculous Jewish media. I wrote a short review of Buchanan's oddly-titled ... Unnecessary War.. though the effort of disentangling his attitude to the necessary part seems not worth the effort. Neither of these 'writers' address Jewish issues. MacDonald gave no information on his motives or payments.
MacDonald's sites are worryingly unsophisticated, and accept ridiculous Jewish media myths, in place of the critical skepticism which is necessary in dealing with skilled liars.
[Scan from Concise Oxford English Dictionary]
In mid-April 2022, looking at the Occidental Observer, we find Buchanan writing on 'vital American interests'. Buchanan will not say the Jewish interests differ from American interests. So his material is worthless. We have a video of Sam Dickson, a lawyer in Georgia, lamenting the hypocrisy of lawyers singing their own praises while not defending cases which ought to be defended, according to traditional rules. All the example he gave (e.g. Leo Frank) were from Jewish sources. He was introduced by someone resembling a bald lumberjack. We see a plaintive letter, which might be fake—a white son of a single mother. MacDonald refers to him superciliously as 'working class', although the person might presumably be where he is through someone's refusal to bow to Jews. The Observer censors anything to do with post-1945 discoveries, keeping rigidly in the mental backwaters of network TV and other US media. The site knows nothing of the truth about J F Kennedy, the 'Cuba Crisis' with Marrano Jews, the mythology of nukes... Their website trying to discuss the Ukraine has an obsolete feel, with outdated propaganda on every topic everywhere.
Time to face the fact that people come to a stopping point, and never progress beyond it.
Outline of the Kahal: The 'Kahal' regards local non-Jewish areas as an empty wasteland occupied by cattle. They wish to gain ownership; this has to be kept secret. The 'Kahal' sells 'rights' to parcels of property to a Jew, and uniquely to one Jew, who is instructed to become the 'true master' of the property and to exploit it as fast a possible. A non-Jew who owns no property can only borrow from the Jew who bought the rights; no other Jew can do business, and the non-Jews must be ruined as rapidly as possible. If they come under the justice system of the country, the Kahal corrupts by money, uses false witnesses, launches 'a pack of factors'.
[Modified from de Wolski. I don't think it's made clear what happens to the Kahal's income. I haven't seen an algebraic treatment of this policy. And I don't know if outlawry has been used against Jews. But neither, I presume, does MacDonald.]
The claim that all US digital messages (and of course now most messages are moved digitally) go through Israel is an updated form of Kahal activity. (As is control of personal income information by governments collecting income tax). MacDonald only seems interested in demographic changes.
Social Class within Jews: The Morein and the Am-Gaaretz, divided the 'Israelites' into two distinct classes—the patricians and the plebeians or 'commoners'. There were six conditions which must be observed: they should not be witnessed, or serve as witness; they may not be initiate into any mystery, or appointed a tutor, or serve as a guardian, or publish his losses. They were, in other words, regarded as low and impure and a slave. Again, there is nothing of this in MacDonald that I could find. MacDonald seems to assume Jews are a monolithic group.
Kevin MacDonald: Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition.
Scandza forum, Oslo, Norway 2 November 2019.
[The site in Norway shows MacDonald reading from, and commenting on, his newest book]
1 June 2021 MacDonald's best-known trio of books were published near the end of the 20th century. (1995, 1998, 1998). MacDonald's book on Individualism therefore had a gestation period of at least 20 years. A not-very-well-known phrase refers to a mountain, labouring to produce a mouse. This is an infinitely disappointing book (MacDonald has taken to publishing Chapter 8 of my 2019 book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition..., in five parts. This is the longest chapter in a long book and is basic to the entire project. Unfortunately, MacDonald has censored some of my comments on trivial issues like nuclear war, war crimes, and Jewish use of money as a control mechanism. So I'm now taking the view that his work is no longer important. I'll explain why.
MacDonald appears to belong to the Roman Catholic tradition, but of a naive type. He thinks Christianity did well enough, ignoring evidence that it was itself a Jewish product and was in symbiosis with Judaism, forcing the 'goyim' to borrow money from Jews. I can see no evidence he's ever tried any sort of analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the Church. He appears to be a child of his times, brought up after the Second World War; he seems to take seriously all the sanctimonious stuff on the USA being uniquely moral and generally superlatively honest. He thinks [online talk with F Midjord] that 100 years ago—1920?—whites ran most parts of the world! This naivete shows at many points, notably the hard edges of power. He says nothing on the huge fraud of the 'Holocaust', which must represent one of the most outrageous examples of the use of Jewish propaganda power. He says nothing of any purpose about the 'Federal Reserve'. He is unaware of Jewish science frauds—dangerous in this time of the 'COVID' fraud. He says nothing on the Second World War; presumably he accepts all the numerous lies which buoyed up all the commonly-accepted Jew propaganda.
What's sad is his use of very long-term evolutionary material, all, of course, highly dependent on few observations and a mass of speculation. He says there's a cline in Denmark, to do with hunter-gatherers (about whom very little is seriously known). And this is related to Sweden accepting many alien immigrants. He's aware that Swedes are discriminated against in housing, but, as a securely-housed academic, barely mentions that. He's like a safari park owner, contemplating Africans killing rhinos, saying there was a cline in the area thousands of years old of subtribes of rhinos, while ignoring the impending extinction of those animals. He's like a student in an exam, answering the wrong question because he thinks he knows it. Since the cline presumably existed a few thousand years ago, it seems to follow from MacDonald that Danes then must have used their assets to lure alien black immigrants in, and house and feed them—surely nonsense. Netflix might make a film based on that idea.
Worth noticing perhaps is that his earlier books Separation and its Discontents and A People that Shall Dwell Alone are subtly mistitled. Critics of Jews would be delighted if Jews lived alone somewhere else.
Another common idea of Jew-approved sociobiological types is the Moral Community. This is the idea that whites, uniquely, turn against their own for reasons of morality.
‘Moral Community’ note Kevin MacDonald thinks Christian religious groups are communities who believe in a strict code. MacDonald thinks they are unique to whites. In my view, he understates the part played by money. In practice, the nominal leaders have to be funded. If they don't control their funding, such groups may be corrupted, or fade away. Groups who control money can use it to manufacture and feed beliefs in 'moral communities'.
Since 1945, progress in understanding Jews in China has been pitifully slow. The claimed huge numbers of deaths has not been used by MacDonald to claim that Chinese people are uniquely given to wars over 'moral communities'.
An extreme case is Jews themselves, who view themselves as a 'moral community' and exert huge pressures on young 'Jews' to force them into their 'community'. Another example is military groups, some of which are viciously violent, but are held together by money and some primitive belief system.
MacDonald is generally very careful to avoid historical material (unbelievably, he says nothing on the Holohoax, or 9/11, or the Federal Reserve; he takes the conventional view of Hitler) but in the USA 'Civil War' he suddenly understands it completely. The brute facts about this war are of course largely suppressed or forgotten, as in the two World Wars in the following century. I commented on this (Occidental Observer, King of Kings film 1927):
[3] I referred to KMac as ‘naive’ because he is.
... He thinks the US ‘civil war’ was proof of amazing altruism; he really believes that the vast destruction in Georgia, USA etc is proof they wanted to abolish slavery. I simply won’t bother to go into that; life is short.
... His views on individualism as the foundation of the USA, ignoring the use by Jews of its money-making potential, his use of ‘puritanism’, his belief that on balance Christianity worked, show he’s fallen for Jewish control, notably after 1945, of the US educational/ media/ entertainment saturating propaganda, is ‘naive’. It’s worrying to see him in conversations putting out bits and pieces (including definite stuff on the remote past) on things like ‘farmer genes’ and ‘hunter gatherers’ omitting chunks of the human experiences.
KMac replied: Saying that I claim that “the vast destruction in Georgia etc is proof they wanted to abolish slavery” is ridiculous.
But it's not ridiculous. There were vast issues including the US Constitution, the economic balance between cotton and iron, and the desire for some for closer control of the USA, and, in the wings, the Rothschild and British. Pretending the issue was slavery was slowly adopted as a spurious rationale.
KMac continued: It’s critical to understand the moral idealism of the West, and to make an argument you would have to somehow claim that the nineteenth-century intellectuals and politicians I deal with didn’t really believe what they wrote and said. This moral idealism is killing us now.
This reads like something from the Reader's Digest during the Cold War. Even 'nineteenth-century intellectuals and politicians' were aware of the power of oratory and propaganda and funding by backers. MacDonald once said that Jews utter their deceptive lies “with a completely straight face” but is unable to believe that (say) Lincoln might do the same.
Genetics is a science not well understood—largely because of Jewish dishonesty and interference. Consider the treatment of 'eugenics' for example, and the failure to examine the arithmetic of genetic changes. MacDonald talks of genetics in a naive sense, with actual fathers and mothers and their children. But the permutations of viable offspring are vast in number. A parent with one dominant harmful gene will presumably be lucky if he doesn't pass it on, and unlucky if he does. There may be good reasons for offspring and parents to be in conflict. This sort of thing is outside MacDonald's range.
What is perhaps the weakest feature of MacDonald's work is the absence of any long-term predictions. The world may change into a collection of impulsively-driven Jewish types, groomed and promoted into positions they are unable to fill, plus a mass of intellectually-stunted simpletons. How might that work? At present, Jewish media unite in promoting material which MacDonald interprets as convincing; can anything intellectual survive this regime?
What of MacDonald's early books? I'm led now to take a harsher view of them. As with Henry Ford's apparently Jew-exposing publications, reconsideration is essential. Culture of Critique looks at political movements, so far as they are represented in Jewish-funded Anglosphere Universities. But what about Jews in wars, violence, intellectual frauds generally, business monopolies, and the use of law to their own advantage? A few examples, which as far as I recall are not in MacDonald. He doesn't disentangle the Rothschilds or any of the other Jewish dynasties. He lists many Jews, which of course is useful for people not familiar with the USA. But what of half-Jews, quarter-Jews, and for that matter DNA?
I reviewed his other books (I think) trying to be positive, though I fear his ideas of 'scholarship' lean him towards long, rather dull passages and a refusal to use diagrams, timelines, any sort of summary, and decent indexes. Meanwhile, The Occidental Observer will remain a publication for small coteries of unintelligent Roman Catholics, Hitler-worshippers, disgruntled victims of Jews who can't find practical activity, probable ex-Soviet agents, people trying to sell books, plus people with genuine concerns, to whom I wish every good luck.
Note: 7 Aug - 31 Aug 2021: MacDonald's site TheOccidentalObserver sadly has quite a censorship policy. I give some examples of my own, directly below. Apologies for the repetitiveness:
Rae West says: August 7, 2021 at 4:04 am How closely do you think Freemasons/ Common Purpose etc types correspond to the large numbers of collaborators with Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe? Serious question.
Mikhail Vasilievich says: August 9, 2021 at 1:56 pm Well, there may be some correlation. But "collaborators" is not the right word, I suppose. "Servants" is more precise. At least in Russia and Ukraine. The political regime has not been overthrown when the USSR fell...
[In] the XIX - XX century, there are connections, of course. ... it is a complicated question. For example, some of the February (of 1917) "revolutionaries" were connected to Freemasons, ... These revolutionaries also received money from the foreign intelligence services, for example. Did I answer your question?
*DISALLOWED* Rae West says: August 11, 2021 at 5:39 pm @ Mikhail Vasilievich Not really, no. As far as I know, Jews exist around the world in local clumps, usually brought up in local countries so they can speak the language and mimic the locals quite accurately. Thus in Netherlands, urban Russia, Italy, Britain, France etc etc there are Jews who intercommunicate; ... probably now more easily than ever before. But in each of these clumps they collaborate or are served by some local people, who are favoured, and who behave secretly. They may be police and judges, and have secret control over important decisions. And in the extreme cases very secret and very many; East Germany had (something like) hundreds of thousands of collaborators, or so the story claims. All I wonder is: is there some typical distribution in these power structures?
MacDonald's rather naive piece enthusing about Tucker Carlson (2021-08-07) included this comment:
Oscar Wilson says: August 10, 2021 at 12:05 pm
Marx was an “antisemitic” Jew just as Trump is a “philosemitic” Gentile. Marx’s close collaborator Engels was not Jewish any more than Trotsky was a Zionist. A little knowledge is worse than none sometimes; life is often quite complicated; and reading round, and double-checking, often help. [Seems to be a reply to 'Bobby'.]
*DISALLOWED* Rae West says: August 11, 2021 at 5:59 am
More than five years ago,
*DISALLOWED* Rae West @Jack McArthur
Please do yourself a favour and examine the case that Jews and the traditional Church were NOT at loggerheads, but in fact co-operated, though without making this obvious. 'Usury' was not banned, but it was banned for Christian believers. If they needed money, they had no legal option but go to Jews, despite being aware they would be treated badly, up to losing everything if they failed to repay according to the terms of the contract.
Please do your best to check this. Consider the Bible is mostly Jewish pseudo-history. The Talmud is very secret; even such critics as Belloc don't discuss it or know it. Consider the Medici and others in the light of the work of Miles Mathis. Consider the Jesuits. Consider the 19th century taking-over of Papal moneys by Jews. For that matter examine Islam and note the similar Jewish basis of it.
You say (I'm too polite to write "like a parrot") 'The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years'. It's a good story, repeated by both Jews and the parasitical Churchmen, who tapped Jews for money, while pretending to oppose them.
Note 29 Aug 2021: comment on MacDonald on ‘Individualism’
I can't take the idea of 'individualism' very seriously. It looks to me like another Jewish trick; call it the 'Culture of Compliment', which slips by because people like it, are flattered by it, and don't in general examine it.
Since 1945, whites have been flattered by Jews for much of the time: Of course Americans are individualistic! They may all eat the same stuff, use the same language, have identical simpletons' ideas, watch the same junk TV, but they sure are individualistic! They fought in 'the good war' even if they killed and raped on a large scale. But it was a 'good war'! Their republic was founded by wonderful honest people - not Freemasons, not Jew money handlers, not on fake democratic principles! The education was real good, in real good institutions dedicated to truth! When they die, they really go to heaven and live for ever; nothing to do with paying groups of liars, funded out of general productivity! Whites were responsible for most inventions, though we won't mention devices to kill and enslave. Whites are the most generous people. Really? Whites have developed sophisticated political systems, all by themselves. Really?
I fear, Kevin, you have neglected this aspect of Jewish propaganda power, and this has weakened your writings for the last 25 years. The fact that you are one of the few leaders attempting your style of analysis, just underlines the fact that most whites do what they're told, don't display individualism, and in fact are scared to think for themselves about anything. My belief is that whites are the best available, but it's essential to face facts and not be deluded by Jewish fairy tales, either apparently con or apparently pro.
*DISALLOWED* Rae West says: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/08/26/169100/
August 31, 2021 at 5:26 am @Kevin MacDonald August 30, 2021 at 6:36 pm
It's true I haven't read your recent book. However, I watched your video (Oslo, 2019) and wrote it up here:
  I honestly think you’re treading water. The effects of Jews are deeper in my view than you realise; if people find it impossible to fight back, vague genetic impulses are as ineffective as the strength of elephants against spear-throwers.
*DISALLOWED* Rae West says: August 31, 2021 at 12:44 pm
@A Mayer–-
Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem 'The Mother Lodge' . Kipling appears to have been a freemason.
-- 'George Orwell' [Eric Blair] was surrounded by Jews:
*ALLOWED!* August 31, 2021 at 4:46 am
Rae West says: Iran has very long-term links with Jews. The best writer on this subject known to me is Miles Mathis; see this pdf page http://mileswmathis.com/iran.pdf (hosted by M Mathis, but I think anonymous). As with Cuba, run by Marrano Jews, the stuff on Iran is all BS. So of course is the fake nuke issue: see my https://nuke-lies.org though you need elementary science.
Oscar Wilson says: Lise Meitner could be mentioned as an able physicist of Jewish ancestry but would not have participated in building an atomic bomb for Germany even if recalled "under the protection of the Fuhrer". The racial purge of scientists contributed to the manufacture of this terrible weapon in the USA by Jews for use against the Axis powers.
Rae West says:
I doubt if this comment will get past the censoriat. Nuclear weapons were/are another Jewish fraud.
*DISALLOWED* Oct. In an article supposedly on French politics and Marine Penn, I commented that someone who wrote for Unz ought not to be in the Occidental Observer. I don't have the exact wording, but I included https://big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/unz-ww2-sep-2019.html - MacDonald will not investigate WW2, WW1, the 'Fed', 9-11 ...
*DISALLOWED** Oct 19 2021. In an article bemoaning the lack of Latinity in present politicians, by an author who took the supposed 19th century Classics seriously. In fact I didn't even bother to post the URL of Miles Mathis on Rome and the pre-Roman Mediterranean. Here it is: https://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/caesar.pdf
*DISALLOWED* Oct 2021. MacDonald takes the BS about Lindbergh seriously. I commented on Miles Mathis, who has several related items n Lindbergh, though less so on the supposed Jew awareness.
*ALLOWED!* 17 Mar Occidental Observer. One of several parts purporting to explain the supposed Russia and Ukraine war.
May I make a simple comment on the idea that Jews can only be opposed by 'nationalism'. (I've often seen posts to the effect that: 'What else is there than nationalism?' and 'We have to join nationalists' etc etc).
Jews seem to have promoted nationalism (e.g. unification of Italy, unification of Germany, something similar in Japan) so that Jews would have a single figurehead to deal with. This worked very well for them, unfortunately.
But Jews operate internationally, clubbing together in secret to pick off countries one by one. Study the history of Christianity to see this; it took Jews about 1,000 years to end up 'converting' Lithuania. This I think is why they are keen to promote single nations. It has worked well for them, unfortunately.
What's presumably needed is for victims of Jews to club together. Suppose Europe was genuinely united, or for that matter states in the 'USA' united but not under a phoney head of the Biden type. Then for example if Utah or California or Missouri were attacked by Jews, some joint counter might be arranged. Similarly with Europe: if Britain, Germany, France, Russia, and Hungary for example had a joint policy, probably the entire world war series from 1914 might have been averted.
That's why I think 'nationalism' gets pushed as a supposed antidote. In fact it's a spurious, a specious solution, contrived to fail. [I was saying isolated nations are vulnerable to Jews, since they can draw on the resources of many other nations.]
I posted twice more here, and neither post was disallowed, to my surprise. So I'll say no more!
About individualism. It's about us. Why we Europeans are so open to this intellectual takeover so to speak.
MacDonald never defines individualism, and seems to assume that, whatever it is, it always acts in a way helpful to a 'community'. In fact of course thieves, swindlers, murderers, and wreckers are arguably just as 'individualist' as artists, scientists, farmers, builders. MacDonald assumes whites are very individualistic; no doubt he read some Jewish book that said so, and never investigated. He might have noticed that in CSULB with about 35,000 students, where he's been for years, not one single individualist has helped him out. And of course there is a lot of evidence that whites are largely not individualistic; Scandinavians are notoriously conventional, for example. So are whites in the USA: Mrs A N Whitehead said: "Their [Bostonian rich] women are timid," said Mrs. Whitehead. "It shows in their houses. Every house is furnished alike. No one dares be different. The monotony is so deadly that every time I go into one more such, I could scream." Maybe 'individualism' is an encouraging myth promoted by Jews; whites have often been required to fight in wars they don't understand, to spend their lives travelling by sea moving cargoes around, to work in inhospitable areas, clearing land, or to build difficult structures. The fact that old records show many family names staying in the same place for generations suggests 'individualism' is something of a myth.
My own guess is that militarism and the praise of 'battle' is a Jew-promoted idea, to get whites to break forests, build infrastructure, and do other tasks (such as mass murder) which Jews usually leave to others.
Joseph McCabe in 1949 wrote that the USA had 20 million adults in secret societies. Of 149 million, taking males only, this means about 1 in 4 males. Individualists?
We expect wealthy powerful males to control many women.
It's amusing to see MacDonald's omission of all the relevant factors here. A 'wealthy powerful male' must have backup in the form of money structures, laws, police or what have you. MacDonald talks as though a man is 'powerful' in the way he might be young, or fat, or loud. Perhaps MacDonald watched The King and I aged 12.
Hunter-gatherers - 8500 years ago farmers from the middle east gradually going north - 3000 years held off agriculture from [Scandinavia] - 3rd group Indo Europeans very influential approx 2500 BC - down into India, across to Iran
Necessary note here on the Mediterranean. This is, by far, the biggest calm inland sea in the world, with islands and outlying countries—Sicily, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, Rome. And the Mediterranean has defensive areas—mountain ranges, water barriers, ports. And a huge range of animal, bird, and vegetable life. It was nearly ideal ideal for shipping, building, books. No other part of the world is as blessed.
MacDonald makes a lot of north-south clines, but this is just what would be expected—too far south is hot desert; further north is good for olives and grapes and plant crops, if there's water; further north is colder, and can support grazing animals and fish, but not much in the way of crops...
Farmer-derived genes south - hunter gatherers north - adapted to the cold, harsh winters - still genetic North-South gradient -
Comment on the hyper-simple categories of 'hunter gatherer' and 'farmer'. People need food, water, salt, shelter, and child-rearing, as something like a minimum, with some forms of legalism, science, food preparation, transmission of beliefs, and so on. Without going into endless possible detail, the simple categories are ludicrously unfit for purpose, like describing the Earth as 'mostly harmless'.
5:40 Indo Europeans - Ricardo DuChesne - domesticated horses, wagons, steppes, cattle, secondary dairy products - entirely militarized - males would compete to get followings, be best soldiers, militaristic success, followers free to defect - not despotic - kinship less important than in the middle east - military groups at top of the culture - what they call a free market culture -
MacDonald says nothing about money, which must have had enormous side-effects, along with other aspects of the world which aren't obvious to plain eyesight. Language of course is another. So are attitudes to land, from simple acceptance to elaborate systems of deeds and gifts.
MacDonald on 'entirely militarized' societies seems almost childish; in fact, supplies and weapons and training and spies are needed. Standing armies must have been expensive in their own terms. MacDonald assumes the simple word 'war' applies even in entirely different situations.
MacDonald assumes that kinship was more or less important, and yet how can he be sure, over many thousands of years?
In the middle east status all based on kinship groups - example ancient Greece, Germanic tribes after fall of Roman Empire
MacDonald barely considers Greece, and yet it was widely regarded as the best civilization in ancient times. Note that Greece and Rome were both almost free of religion; maybe MacDonald, in common with many people taken in by the 'Jewish' nonsense of 'Jesus', likes Catholicism, knowing that it had money, but having no idea of its viciousness and stupidity.
10 min conquering groups, not exterminators - middle ages feudal system - services of various kinds - exploitation - men could rise, upward mobility
MacDonald believes in the free market, or at least thinks he does. He may believe the USA has a free market system, in both things and ideas, when in fact most aspects are Jew controlled.
after ww2 we couldn't talk about Indo Europeans - data makes it clear they were a real group - inventiveness - free market in ideas
MacDonald doesn't mention Jews here, despite knowing that Boas and others, backed by Jew-controlled paper money, were able to push the whole propaganda system their way. The most important example probably was the series of 'Great' wars, and the putsch against Russia, which MacDonald doesn't even mention.
Long appendix on Roman culture - military success - families - republican period very successful - every year there would be war
MacDonald presumably refers to the debates of Romans, discussing the loss of their founding families. Exasperatingly, he says nothing about the incursions of Jews and money-lenders, despite the clear parallels with the present day.
Western culture has always been open to other influences - it was not a closed society - only in times of extreme emergency would they have a dictator - Rome was very open - continent of Europe - Middle East ... original Roman population was more or less submerged - decadence during the Empire - a sort of failed group structure -
MacDonald accepts a tradition of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. But adds no new understanding.
hunter gather much more egalitarian - harsh environment - couldn't have large groups - whereas middle east selection for group cohesion - primeval Scandinavia - hunter-gather - areas on the seashore could support many people for part of the year - consensus decisions - social complexity for part of the year - exogamy was the norm - maritime areas - mix with other families-
MacDonald doesn't seem to add anything—bleaker areas don't allow exceptional people to flourish. So why aren't they cohesive? Well, they also have great complexity...
20 mins middle east first cousin marriages. Marriage tends to be determined by parents. In Europe kinship less important, love more important - high investment in children - father involvement
Well, it's often stated. And MacDonald doesn't mention oppression of women. Or sickle-cell anaemia, which may be the reason multiple wives are allowed.
21 mins. WEIRD people - western educated industrialized etc - differences in moral reasoning, developmental psychology - ask questions eg on train ticket - should he steal it
MacDonald doesn't discuss the meaning of "steal", but assumes "stealing" is wrong. Very feeble philosophically. In a kinship society, they say steal the ticket. But in some Islamic areas, they'd lose their hand.
In the west we have complicated abstract rules of what is right and wrong - altruistic punishments - other people will punish them even at a cost to themselves if they get away from a group norm.. a part of a moral community - what we call moral communities... people very concerned to be part of a moral community - now moral community created by the 'Left' .. you'll feel ostracised, guilty, not a good person - the worst kind of punishment
Can I trust you? Are you an honest person? If you're trustworthy, you can be in the group. Now we have academics [MacDonald means Jews and their collaborators] imposing a hostile morl community... seen as a bad person..
25 mins Family structure... in south Europe, families are much more collectivist - brothers under same roof - family owns the land - father - families trade women - families in south Europe married young - north relatively late - N Europe families had servants circulating among households - women much more partners -
MacDonald attributes 'family structures' to economics, but simultaneously to 'farmer genes'. Very unconvincing. The practice of farming out family members as servants is "interesting", says MacDonald. And self-control was important, especially for women.
30 mins Sweden - extreme individualism - family ties weakest - Swedish state encourages extreme individualism - freeing the individual from obligations - differences of family structure reflects genetics..
Again, the 'extreme individualism' of Sweden sounds unconvincing. The 'family ties are weakest'. It's true the Jew-controlled Swedish State has Jewish motivations, but MacDonald says nothing on this.
31:40 Church so important - really struck me how the Catholic church was regulating sex behaviour of aristocrats, one wife, cannot get divorced, Pope refused to let Philip of France a divorce - no marriage depending on kinship - catholic church - real deep faith that people had in those days - corrupt in early years - simony - high middle ages - church under the control of monastic orders - purged all this - buying and selling of church offices - intense Christian fervour - beautiful Gothic churches -
MacDonald seems ludicrously naive about the Church, which took 1000 years to colonise Europe, one area at a time, using extreme violence in the process. It did this in collusion with Jews, and the Sicut Judaeis doctrine, the Church telling people they MUST put up with some colony of Jews. The result was collections of parishes, each with their officials, combining written records and preaching, and births, marriages, and deaths, and punishments, and land ownership, and spreading propaganda and state policies, and various customs and superstitions. Very complex and difficult to assess, if you're serious.
35 mins people faithful to the church - control over secular elites, tried to break up kinship groups - facilitated individualism - moral universalism - all people have a soul - more egalitarian - church law more egalitarian - canon law - theological view that sincere belief itself couldn't really be punished - a lot of dissent - heresies etc - Protestant Reformation - Renaissance Popes philandering around and so on..
MacDonald, now halfway through, still hasn't mentioned 'Jews'! Even the 'Jewish' basis of the books of the Bible, and the prohibition by Churches of wealthy local non-Jews investing money, are ignored by MacDonald. He has a naive view of celibate monks—not shared by investigative historians. MacDonald regards 'kinship structures' as the opposite of 'individualism', perhaps based on low-grade analysis in the modern US, assuming 'socialism' means 'communism', a Jewish attitude. 'Moral universalism' is assumed by MacDonald to mean something serious, not just the bit of lip-service which it was.
39 mins France is sorta divided north and south-- 17th century - Puritans - beginning with the English Civil War - Puritans beheaded the king - Calvin group strategy - very collectivist - spy on other people - everybody on the same page - Puritans landed at Massachusetts about the 1730s - started Harvard - a lot of talent - very well educated - East Anglia highest IQs - from Scandinavia - culture submerged until 17th C then developed this revolution against the king - selected by the congregation - much more egalitarian
MacDonald has no interest in the Amsterdam Jews funding Cromwell to head the invasion of England in a very bloody war. Or the Thirty Years' War, and Sweden under Gustavus Adolphus. Or the use of Puritanism to encourage acceptance of impoverishment by the Bank of England. He has no idea that America was settled on a money basis; as perhaps it had to be. He has a rather infantile view of Harvard and education and talented groups; most of their beliefs were rubbish from the Bible, and their unintellectual stuff has harmed the USA to this day. Note that Calvin believed in 'the elect', people from birth selected by 'God'; a Jewish idea.
The IQ issue is another problem. And the problem is that nobody knows how the brain works. Genetics, breeding, eugenics rely in their positive forms on improvement. But it's hard to see if many structures can be improved: bone structure, lungs, hearts can be bred in different ways, but they are similar to what they were. And with brains it's not clear whether than can be improved, since they aren't understood. Possibly the way forward is to understand leaning, for example the sequences in which people naturally learn best, easier then more difficult, for example.
42 mins very strong group boundaries - very good at capitalism - vibrant economy - English crown prohibited boundaries - very successful group - like 9 children per woman - Massachusetts straight line to Oregon - prolific talented group - intellectual elites - utopianism - utopian communities - blueprint of how people should behave - ideal society - world structured as fight between good and evil - cement is morl community - in battle with ultimate evil - south of USA seen as evil because of slavery - abolition movement - puritan descended intellectual - war resulted in 700,000 [sic] men dying with many many more injured, and maimed - if you have a battle between good and evil no sacrifice is too great - willing to punish people like themselves - this sort of set up the Civil War.
[Before the US 'Civil War', Britain had the Slavery Abolition Act. What is usually omitted is the 1837 Slave Compensation Act, which seems to have been a slaveowners' compensation act. The British Government took out a £15 million loan (worth £1.43 billion in 2020) with interest from Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Moses Montefiore ... paid off by the British taxpayers up to 2015. KMac accepts the propagandist view].
MacDonald does not define capitalism. Already Jewish money dominated, which MacDonald does not mention. He does mention utopian communities—all of which failed. He mentions the North-South War between the States, which he attributes to the dispute over slavery. MacDonald seems to know nothing of more realistic interpretations of the Civil War. For example, some must have known that Jews ran the slave trade; if they were serious about abolition, they presumably would have attacked Jews. Another example is the funding of news sources by other groups who wanted war, such as investor Jews to supply cannon etc, and Freemasons aiming for their own interests. MacDonald never mentions that Jews profited from whites killing each other—surely of great interest to any serious evolutionist.
46min I spent a lot of time on these intellectuals, like Ralph Waldo Emerson - sort of social justice warriors - very much a culture of the left - "helping the poor, and immigrants, and hating slavery" - "and so it was a very moralistic culture" - other movements revolving around religion - utopian optimism - wealthier, inventions, new things - progress was obvious - Charles Darwin became much more influential - many concerned with race - pessimistic - idea that people would become just like them - blacks from Africa - meld - Edward Ross, Prof ?Timothy Golden - concerned about Jewish immigration - most of them political, radical - socialist, anarchist - big movement against - Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, David Starr Jordan - more cynical, pessimistic - 1924 immigration law. [Note that KM, incredibly, and with almost infantile US centrality, omits WW1]
MacDonald continues to describe fashions, irrelevant to long-term strategies. But long-terms strategies were in place; consider the 'Illuminati' and Freemasons, with very long-term aims, of which MacDonald says nothing. Origin of Species published 1859. (Herbert Spencer of 'survival of the fittest' slogan was popular). David Starr Jordan published War and the Breed in 1915, on the history of wars as killers of the best men—though, if they were so good, how come they accepted deaths so easily?
51 min - 1924 Immigration Act - ethnic status quo - wasn't long before the rise of Jewish intellectuals - Boas - and esp after 1950 - now [2019] see high percentages of Jews - was a period of ethnic defence - defeated by Jewish elites
MacDonald doesn't note the Federal Reserve and other moves of corrupt Jews; he genuinely and with ridiculous naivety seems to believe in Jewish 'intellectual elites', given professorships and teaching and news positions and so on, rather than be mutually put in place by Jewish networking. MacDonald doesn't even notice the Second World War, incredibly; his world is the narrow blindered simpleness of Jew control and US censorship.
53 min- British anti-Slavery groups - Quakers in England - white people most empathetic in the world - real shift in the culture [caused in effect by Jew media] - New Zealand, treated them well - MacDonald says nothing on Jews and Boers, or Jews and China and opium
MacDonald on Richard Lynn on whites the most empathetic in the world. MacDonald isn't aware of the idea that Quakers were set up by Jews. He seems to confuse Jewish propaganda with genuine social movements. Whether ordinary people knew or cared anything about slaves, without being told what to think, seems unlikely to me. I'd suggest also that the rise of steam engines, offering hope of alleviation from manual work, was related to getting rid of slaves, who generally had been regarded as more-or-less necessary.
MacDonald mentions New Zealand; but not South Africa. He says nothing on the huge white experiments of Spain and Portugal for many centuries. Surely there must be lessons there?
As for whites being 'the most empathetic people in the world', the 20th century saw mass industrial murder by whites against whites over the entire Eurasian land mass. All coinciding with supposed Jewish interests. And by whites against non-whites. There was no empathy, or at least no effective empathy. MacDonald sounds like some ignorant hick.
56 min psychology of moral community - we're the good guys [not the same thing] - social identity, based on morl reputation - a morl community established by people hostle to whites - Jews tend to think of history as one long period of persecution - now a new elite
MacDonald mentions 'social identity theory', probably just another bit of Jew absurdity. If a Jew says God chose him, and they have a race, which is only propagated by females, and everyone else is a Goy, this is clearly ridiculous—but they say it, so it's 'Social Identity'. MacDonald has no idea about covert support of the Church for Jews, though it's obvious enough. No doubt his Catholic upbringing failed to mention it. At least he knows about 'virtue signalling' and Jewish hostility to whites.
58.30 min Culminating in the 1960s - probably as important as the Reformation - white working class pathology which was not there in the 1950s - sociopathic vs empathic - latter at extreme end pathological forms of altruism - against their self-interest - sorry for them - an evil person for thinking we should not admit all these immigrants - it was not there in the 1950s when I grew up
MacDonald dismisses all the war deaths, the Americans who died in Japan and Europe, the Russians, the Germans, the Indians, the British. And the huge hidden power transfers—land ownership, assets ownership, paper money control by Jews, wars run by Jews using others as mercenaries. He says nothing about funding by people like Soros of anti-white groups. But he does believe in something—that the 1960s resemble the Reformation. Frankly, he's a stupid cunt.
1:02 sociopathic persons have no concern for others vs people at the other end are empathic - whites are less ethnocentric than any other people in the world - 'experiment' of question/answer on being told they're 'prejudiced' - media - constant repetition of these messages - be empathetic - Richard Lynn's book - white people most liable to empathy - low crime, high trust, in homogeneous societies - more cohesive - we see so many anti-white messages in prominent material like the New York Times - remove founding father statues - white liberals hate themselves and their own group, willing to punish their own people - political cataclysm - cannot continue for ever - more polarization - America more polarized than it's ever been since the Civil War - people on opposite sides of the divide [sic] - antifa came to commit violence, to crack heads, prevent discussion - nothing's gonna happen without polarization - revolutions are bloody, devastating
MacDonald repeats—backed by Richard Lynn—that whites are empathic. Think of the wars undertaken by the USA to consider if there's any truth whatever in this. The truth seems to be closer to: Whites will do what they are told, independently of any ethnic interest. MacDonald does not discuss crypsis, where Jews disguise themselves as whites. Nor does he discuss whites who collaborate with Jews, such as Freemasons or members of Governments, or 'Antifa' types. Even his comment "revolutions are bloody" is doubtful; many 'revolutions' were planned by Jews, more or less as takeovers: the bloodshed comes later.
It's not easy to say what if anything ‘liberalism’ means.
Here's Bertrand Russell in his book Power (1938). Russell was Jew-naive. He believes that Fascist Italy, 'Nazi' Germany, and 'Communist' Russia were nationalistic but not commercial in an ordinary sense. But at least Russell's account is clear.
‘The alliance of commerce and nationalism, which began with the Lombard League in the time of Frederick Barbarossa, gradually spread over Europe, achieving its last and briefest triumph in the Russian February Revolution. Wherever it won power, it turned against hereditary power based on land, at first in alliance with the monarchy, and then in opposition to it. In the end, kings everywhere disappeared or were reduced to figure-heads. Now, at last, nationalism and commerce have parted company; In Italy, Germany, and Russia it is nationalism that has triumphed. The liberal movement, begun in Milan in the twelfth century, has run its course.’
Conclusions Kevin MacDonald has been walking backwards for 25 years. He has not engaged with any serious work on human genetics. This of course includes at the molecular level: he has done nothing much on the spread of such things as alcohol dehydrogenase, digestion of cows' milk, digestion of grains. He has nothing to say on personal genetics and families.
He has nothing much to say on mixed races; for example it seems likely that 'African Americans' are often Jew-black mixes, since Jews owned the ships and the slaves; this may have something to do with US 'black' behaviour. Male Jews use 'social identity theory', laughably, as justification. Rape victims of Jews who are impregnated are obviously victims of the same race; but 'Social Identity Theory' is supposed to prove Jewishness—if they say they aren't Jews, then they aren't! MacDonald says nothing on inbreeding, of the intensive Jewish and Islamic types.
His real-world grasp is remarkably faint: he's spend his life supplied with food, water, warmth, comfort and seems to have no grasp of what this implies. And for example, Europe has north-south 'clines' in plants, birds, animal, insects, not just people.
His history is astoundingly feeble and underpowered. He says nothing on such events as World Wars, the 'Holocaust' fake, science frauds, 9/11, mid-east and far-east wars, although these must have evolutionary implications.
Other problems with MacDonald include: failure to understand the immense impact of Jewish control of paper money, notably of the Federal Reserve since 1913. This control allowed Jews to get ownership (and enforce it legally) of much of industry and distribution, and to control opinions, by near-monopoly media control, and control over supposed opponents. The Occidental Observer is full of comments which miss this—people claiming it's all voluntary when people succumb because they can't get a job otherwise.
Here's an example: Carolyn Yaeger wrote 'April 30, 2022 at 1:46 pm
Forcing [of Jewish views]? I don't see any forcing going on. I see voluntary full cooperation.' She can't understand that people who unwillingly accept terms aren't fully co-operative.
Jewish-controlled violence is never addressed by MacDonald; yet endless thuggery and destruction has been carried out by Jew, even in the USA where it might be expected to be noticed. Consider Prohibition, and the arson against the early film pioneers who weren't Jewish. MacDonald is very allergic to any suggestions that Americans commit war crimes; he shies away from such ideas like a frightened horse,
Jewish spies in the international sense don't fall under MacDonald's non-eagle-eye. This is partly of course because MacDonald has no idea of the realities of Jewish-run wars; how could he understand Pollard, the supposed 'nuclear' spy, or Jews communicating with other Jews in Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, the USSR...?
Jewish Talmudic beliefs sometimes surface in the Occidental Observer more or less by luck. There was (in May 2022) a comment on what was called fashon hara, a Talmudic ruling that anything that may harm Jews should never be talked of, and saying this is what 'political correctness' is. A good (but unsourced) paragraph.
But there is nothing particularly unusual in all this. Many modern people say they believe that the Jew-based ideas of Christianity ('Jesus', who probably never lived and in any case is credited with nothing useful; rising from death? Fathered by 'God'?) are of some value. I've never seen anyone attempt to do a serious analysis of actual Christianity; some of it good, some of it—I'd guess most—bad.
Hilaire Belloc (The Jews, 1920ish) discussed Jews, but included child-of-the-Faith material on French Roman Catholicism which biased him to 'Jews'. Revilo P Oliver was this type—willing to have his country drained of resources so Jews could massacre and rob and take over for their own purposes. Probably Kevin MacDonald is this type; certainly the Occidental Observer gets emailed comments from such people. Nesta Webster (first serious book 1919) was a similar type, shocked by Jews but unable to see their connection with Christianity. Lady Birdwood's Longest Hatred (1991) liked Christianity (and even included an anti-Darwin endnote) and went some way to revisionism on the Second World War.
A specially sad example in my view is Michael A Hoffman II, who has studied the Talmud in great depth. But he is shackled to Roman Catholicism, not realising it has umbilical links with Jewish theory and practice. It seems obvious, now, that the Church collaborated with Jews to give them a monopoly in finance, pretending to think interest of loans is a 'mortal sin'. Hoffman has not worked on historical patterns, such as Jews in Russia making a fake 'socialist' system, killing 'bourgeois' and 'profiteers' and 'Kulaks' using 'armed proletarians', compared with modern USA, with fake 'democracy' and future victims to be 'privileged whites' attacked by 'Antifa' types. Just one example; such work needs many specialists, who need complete honesty. Hoffman doesn't seem to even have worked on the manufacture of Christianity and manufacture of Islam, let alone newer systems.
Arthur Kemp is another MacDonald type, unwilling to put in the effort needed to incorporate 'Jews' into history, but instead trying to rework old material. Kemp includes opposition to Islam, without understanding that Islam itself is a Jewish product.
A.H. Lane is a similar type, but influenced by the British Empire. Just as many Americans even now presumably think wars overseas are working for Americans. Wing Commander Leonard Young (Deadlier then the H-Bomb, 1956) understood Jews, but not sufficiently to disavow his Second World War activities, or to understand the Jewish nuclear fraud. Incomplete grasp of Jewish activities is common, and I assume must amuse Jews.
Even William Luther Pierce thought that the 1900 world was run by whites. As far as I know, nobody has made an accountancy-style survey of actual ownership and wealth, but it's clear from various events that Pierce understated Jewish and Freemason control.
MacDonald ignores the intra-race parasitism of Jews; he says nothing about it. MacDonald's beneficence and white empathy theory must amuse Jews, who know what they did against people they have controlled, including blacks, Indians, and orientals as well as whites. Jews know whites have often been stirred up by Jews into white mutual massacres. They know that; but MacDonald doesn't, and is hopelessly ignorant.
I ought to add a few words on James Edwards, who comes across as a fervent evangelical-style barker imagining he's helping MacDonald. He shares MacDonald's time myopia; they described 1940s USA as 'so wholesome', when Jews already had a stranglehold on money, had caused devastating depressions, and was bombing Europe and Japan and shipping war material to Jews in Russia/'USSR' for mass murder, and allowing Jews to build up huge frauds, both social and scientific.
I think on balance MacDonald is a simple Catholic soul, uncritically believing the Jew-derived Church was OK, while not noticing its absurd and violent origins. Naturally he has an internal clash when trying to discuss Jews. I think this clash is the reason MacDonald came to a stop in about 1998.
His website, Occidental Observer, has frozen into ordinary journalism with occasional fairly serious pieces. It has a small number of regular commenters, like a saloon bar group of eccentrics saying much the same at each event.
Better theories must emerge for long-term white survival. Consideration of distributed groups, of which 'Jews' seem most important—distributed nations pursuing what they think are their own interests—will I hope flourish.
Rae West 4 Feb 2020, 12 Feb, 29 May 2020, 7 Aug 2021, 29 Aug 2021, 5 Sep 2021, 20 Oct 2021, 8 Jan 2022, Feb 2022, 18 Mar 2022, Apr 2022, May 2022, aug 2022, Sep 2022, Nov 2022, Nov 2023, May 2024
The Failures of Kevin MacDonald. Kevin MacDonald revisited in 2020. Twenty-five years after A People That Shall Dwell Alone.
Conclusion This article shows that Kevin MacDonald's Occidental Observer (‘White Interests, Identity, and Culture’) does not deal with the most serious issues involving Jews. He's had 25 years. Maybe he'll do better in future?....
Evidence follows. The subject is vast, clearly more than I could possibly put here. This article is impressionistic, not exhaustive, and arranged here in twelve loose topics, following my account of MacDonald's story, below. Or go direct from these links:–
[1]Religion Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews
[2]Law National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’, constitutions. No detail in MacDonald
[3]Intelligence and weak Jewish psychology ideas;
[4] Weak Science and technology, Jewish lies;
[5]Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish absurdities;
[6] Over-simple Genetics missing anything subtle;
[7] Weak and Feeble 'History';
[8] Unanalysed War and Peace;
[9] Ignorance of Talmud, omitting its beliefs, its repetitive strategies, its secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder;
[10] Refusal to understand Money[11]Omissions, as a Jewish verbal technique;
[12]Weak signposting in MacDonald's books, making them hard to use.
Hopes for the future. Every pioneer fades at some point. This article (it took me a long time to write; there's just so much material!) tries to overview Jewish influence, seeing what's missing, aiming to improve discovery of 'Jewish' tricks. With new information technology, we may be opening the doors to a new era, after a few thousand years of mistakes.
[1]Religion Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews including the 'Abrahamic' religions; [2]Law National laws, international laws, pragmatic laws. Legal history. [3]Intelligence and weak Jewish psychology; accepting massively publicised rubbish; [4] Weak Science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science'; [5]Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish myths and absurdities; [6] Over-simple material on Genetics. [7] Weak and Distorted History; accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories; [8]War and Peace; [9]Talmud: Ignoring (i) beliefs; (ii) Jewish repeating strategies; (iii) secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder; [10] Refusal to even try to understand Money [11]Omissions, which have a special place for Jews; with deception and lies. [12]Weak signposting. It's hard to find things!
[1] Religion Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews including the 'Abrahamic' religions;
Fantastic confusion in USA. Mutual support of Jews and Christians, fluctuating - see Welby at present day, St Ambrose in Milan, York and Jews in England supported while harrying of the north barely mentioned
DNA and sexual reproduction. Possibly has effect of phasing out errors. If so must have effects on understanding of families, race, adoption etc
* Slaves not needed, as galley slaves were useless with steam ships. Abolition could have been just a result of technology
Protestant ethic and the rise of capitalism - great ?outshoot [russell] - crit of prot ethic -
[2] Law National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’. Legal history
Legal history promises to be a new technique to discover Jewish involvement. Another card in the pack on top of media control company stats, facts about advertisers, records of paper money transactions. I inserted this comment following an Occidental Observer article on laws in the USA to make covenants on house sales difficult. (I couldn't relocate the piece). Some laws are simply ignored, such as checks on immigration. Some are mocked—think of Alzheimers claims in the Guinness case, walking impairment claims (Harvey Weinstein). I don't know whether huge frauds (e.g. Bankman-Fried) were preceded by legal manipulations, but of course punishments are near non-existent, as in the vaccinations cases where Ronald Reagan seems to have given companies complete immunity, unlike their victims.
1764Currency Act 'the second ... of two laws passed by the British government ... that attempted to take total control of the monetary systems of all 13 colonies of British America. Passed by Parliament on September 1, 1764, the act extended the restrictions of the Currency Act of 1751 to all 13 of the American British colonies. It eased the earlier Currency Act's prohibition against printing of new paper bills, but it did prevent the colonies from repaying future debts with paper bills.' Future taxes to Britain to be paid in gold or silver.
This must have led to pressure for war, and may of course have been planned to that end. And it may have been planned to fake a war.
My homo idea: laws against with aim of blackmailing/ death duty as targeted against British aristocrats
[3] Intelligence and weak Jewish psychology; accepting massively publicised rubbish;
'1979 Holocaust Denier' from Speaker's Corner by Philip Wolmuth (2015) shows unidentified man in 1979 with DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE?
HISTORY Popular Simplicities
World histories: Raleigh | 19 C vague - greece and rome - m ages - modern empire | German in world history | h g wells familiar with darwinism| wells | Toynbee - Darlington - modern US | baker on race | kemp
Religions as giving life stability. Fairchild Family/ my young experience. Barely mentioned. Similar mechanism now with BS science - dawkins example of a liar for money
9/11 *Explain
Jews world-wide *explain massacres in and after WW2, China, Africa
*doesn't mention Osman Bey / Greek American / Leese/ did 6 million
Entire worldviews aristocrats/ industrialists/ transport and population shifts/ freemasons and secrecy generally/ jews worldwide with local depots based on capitals with secret mafia-like co-operators/ sizes and borders dependent on jews eg nations 19 century/ money as summit of power
Long march though institutions. In prison diaries of Antonio Gramsci jailed 1923 'leadership of the CP' Gramsci not in c of c despite overview intellectual movement
[4] Weak science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science'
HISTORIANS EVOLUTION NOTE after Wallace/Darwin, and before DNA, a century or so where it was obvious evolution was important, but there wasn't much sound info. (I don't mean to disparage the microscopists and their work on fruit flies etc). philosophers bergson, whitehaed, L Law Whyte (The Next Development in Man (1948..) made vague statements: Europe committing suicide, The USA and 'Russia' getting 2 extremes of Eurore , the 'unitary man' of the future. Nothing on Jews. MacDonald was born before whyte's book and may have picked up vague evolutionary ideas. maybe too la rebelión de las Masas (1930)
BUCKLE His major work was History of Civilization in England, the first volume of which was published in 1857 and the second in 1861. At the time of his death, the projected work was unfinished. He is remembered for treating history as an exact science, maintaining that climate, soil, food, and other environmental factors form the character of a people and that England's preeminence in the 19th century was to be explained by these factors.
J M ROBERTS History of the World 1976
Evolution: imagine w europe being like russia, cold and permafrost; no med sea, no interruptions by mountains, seas
WADDINGTON,C.H.: THE.MAN-MADE.FUTURE [1978*] may be the evolution etc book i remembered
I read MacDonald as taking the old road in his 2019 book, and not attempting serious work on evolution.
MacD weak on construction of human body tending to instinct (e.g.) wanting to learn / wanting to get out and go/ wanting to copy/ being content in different ways/ sex
NB Carleton Putnam omitted
Eugenics *confusion with liking eg Pharaohs and genuine genes taken over by KM. Jews high load of genetic problems.
-- Eugenics word coined along lines of Hippocratic Oath, i.e. to help everyone. The Jewish attitude is only to help Jews, and it possible harm others. Eugenics is for Jews, but they wish dysgenic on non-Jews. Obvious enough, but MacD never seems to have thought of it. By 2019 blacks in n york were encouraged to kill fetuses up to and including 9 months.
'communist science. eg vernalisation - struck me that the aim may have been famine
lakewood new jersey noted example of jew defects
KMac: The Talmuds show a strong concern with eugenics. Marriage with a scholar or his children is highly recommended: "For marriage, a scholar was regarded . . .as more eligible than the wealthy descendent of a noble family." The Tannaim did not tire of reiterating the advice that "under all circumstances should a man sell everything he possesses in order to marry the daughter of a scholar, as well as to give his daughter to a scholar in marriage. . . .Never should he marry the daughter of an illiterate man" (Baron 1952, II:235).
Interestingly, Johnson (1987, 183) notes that most Jews during medieval times could list at least seven generations of ancestors. The main purpose of the genealogy was to show that one had illustrious scholars in one's lineage, and the list usually began with a famous scholar.
A person with a psychiatric disorder was a blot on the marriage prospects of the entire family for generations, with the result that families made every effort to prevent psychiatric disorders from being known to the wider community
Intelligence [1] 80% think they're above avge sense in which it's true [2] 'IQ' tests cheap don't look at fluency, deception, violence - see my joke paper [3] Criminals presumably show intelligence etc [4] KM accepts eg standard deviation stuff without realising how difficult it is to check
Individualism applied as flattery by media - americans post 1945 as standing joke for no thoughts at all/ mrs whitehead BS of Individualism:
-- people proud to be descendants of pioneers. but land surveyed, military support, tools clothes language techniques supplied...
--'veterans' praising themselves, their self-sufficiency, strog, persistent - all bs as they had huge backing with bullets, weapon, aircraft...
now think of vicars, priests, archbishops, sidesmen, abbots, bishops thinking it's their own qualities.. vicarage in Reading arrogant Telegraph reder with house, servants - but births marriages deaths at least made important by C of E
[5] Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish myths and absurdities
Perhaps the main point in my recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition is that Western peoples are far more prone to valuing their moral reputation, especially in their face-to-face world. Westerners create societies made up of close family, friends and associates, as well as strangers where moral reputation is critical for fitting in. This contrasts with societies in the rest of the world, where moral status is filtered through kinship connections. The Western culture of moral reputation worked well over long stretches of historical time, but in the contemporary West, a hostile elite has achieved control of the media and educational system, and they have managed to corrupt mainstream Christian religious sects. This hostile elite has used its power to create a moral community in which White identity and interests have been demonized. Standing up to that places one outside this moral community and has major psychological effects.
Women are more connected to the social world. They care more about having friends and being respected in the community. Men want to feel connected too, but they are also more willing to take risks. And men’s reproductive prospects are far more linked to being part of a dominant group, so men are far more concerned about politics and the distribution of power. Men tend to suffer more when there is an alien takeover: history is replete with men being slaughtered and women taken as wives and concubines by the winners (as happened with the Indo-European invaders of Europe and elsewhere, Genghis Khan and the Mongols, etc.).
Learning from nature; faster the better. BUT with man-made inventions and traps, possible to corrupt the whole process. Possibility that could destroy the whole species
Disappointing start to Self-Deception as an Aspect of Judaism. Evolutionists propose that self deception is favored whenever it prevents the detection of one’s deceptions of others.
A few more (Sept 2019)Yet another Jewish psychological phony: known as Henri Tajfel; his real name is obscure
The following is pieced together from Wikipedia. I've tried to form it into something accurate:
Born June 22, 1919, Wloclawek, Poland–died May 3, 1982, Oxford. 'Social identity theory originated from British [sic] social psychologists Henri Tajfel and his student John Turner in 1979'. That date, 1979, seems to have been the publication date of 'three cognitive processes' involved in 'social identity theory'. He was roughly 60, and died a few years later. 'He is remembered in Europe for the effort he gave to establishing a European style of social psychology, one that recognized the social, political, and historical context within which social behaviour takes place.' A 'European style' may be taken to be Jewish or crypto-Jewish.
A typical evasive bio is Born into a Jewish family in Poland [no details] Tajfel was a student at the Sorbonne [aged about 20] in France when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. A fluent French speaker, he served in the French army, was captured by the invading German forces in 1940, and spent the rest of the conflict as a prisoner of war. His survival depended on his assuming a French identity and concealing his Polish Jewish heritage. All of Tajfel’s immediate family and most of his friends in Poland were killed in the Holocaust. [This is obviously fake of course].
Tajfel married in 1948 and moved to England in 1951. [No deep comment was given here; real names, for example]. As an undergraduate student at Birkbeck, University of London, he won a scholarship for an essay on prejudice. He led an academically peripatetic life, including Durham, Bristol, Sussex (a new university in the 1960s, which looks in retrospect another Jewish entry point), and Oxford.
John Charles Turner (September 7, 1947 – July 24, 2011) also died youngish; perhaps it was part of his social identity. One might expect him to have been a crypto-Jew from a post-1945 Jewish family.)
By 2000 it's possible Tajfel's main influence was on Kevin MacDonald, whose Separation and its Discontents (1998; paperback 2004 with intro) uses 'Evolutionary' not to explain Jews, but to explain their opponents.–Rae West Sept 2019
j huxley 1935 The fundamental discoveries on which civilization is built are the art of writing, agriculture, the wheel, and building in stone. All these appear to have originated m the near East, among peoples who by no stretch of imagmation could be called Nordic or presumed to have but the faintest admixture of Nordic or even Proto-Nordic genes.
The Jewish problem is a particularly illummatmg one. The ancient Jews were formed as the result of crossmg between several groups of markedly distinct type. Later there has always been a certain amount of crossing between the Jews and the non-Jewish inhabitants of the countries where they have dwelt, stnkmg examples bemg the black Jews of Northern Africa and the famous historical case of the Chazars of South Russia.
The result is that the Jews of different areas are not genetically eqmvalent, and that m each country the Jewish population overlaps with the non-Jewish in every conceivable character. The word Jew is valid more as a socio-religious or pseudo-national ^ description than as an ethmc term in any genetic sense. Many “Jewish†characteristics are without doubt much more the product of Jewish tradition and upbrmgmg, and especially of reaction agamst external pressure and persecution, than of heredity
There is no such thing as blending, causing gene-recombinations to disappear gradually after crossing . in the absence of selection the vanous types of gene-combmation will tend to recur m the same proportion, generation after generation.
The Jews can rank neither as nation nor even as ethnic unit, but rather as a socio-religious group carrying large Mediterranean, Armenoid, and many other elements, and vaiying greatly in physical characters. Like many other groups its members are held together partly by external pressure of various kinds, partly by a long historic memory, partly by a sense of common suffermg, partly by a rehgion. These factors, acting through long ages, have produced a common consciousness which is relaxed when the pressures are
Other references (some post-date nukelies) include
Stockholm syndrome 'is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.'
The Jewish Sackler family and opiates, plus of course Sassoons, Kerry (Cohen) and other opium war profiteers
'Brainwashing' fake news types e.g. J A M Meerloo
Asch 'conformity' idea is to 'prove' people conform in safe situations. Jew pressures are not mentioned.
Arthur Cohen Attitude Change and Social Influence (on this site) on changing people's minds, or perhaps attitudes
Jewish crime in the USA. Prohibition of alcohol is an interesting example
Jew-promoted drugs e.g. for 'ADHD'
Jew pederasty—the 'under age girls' in the Jewish media were almost drawing old-age pensions by comparison with Jew-encouraged sex
Basil 'restricted/elaborated code' Bernstein
Maslow's hierarchy
Speculate on Baron-Cohen
-- IN GROUP assumes a dominating impulse rather than a person described by many groups and interests - out group and in group a jewish attitude
-- EUGENICS not in fact eugenic - large numbers of genetic defects tho prob in more natural state they'd die
-- TAJFEL and 'social identity' - note the typically jewish phrase, sounds technical, long words, but subtly wrong like cognitive dissonance, genetic distance, IQ, negative, racialist, gentile society, 'the left', 'self-deception', restricted and elaborated code
-- Jewish skill in lies prob practice rather than taught
Jewish achievements cp greece, Rome, london, Paris, Berlin; US, Sweden, Denmark ... vs piles of corpses, bones in east european forests, transplanted races, rusting weapons, old bonds and documents, parasitic imitations
Prof. MacDonald reports that many American Jews also abandoned Communism as it became increasingly anti-Semitic.
Third-World immigration, affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, and forced integration are clearly not in the interests of whites, yet many whites embrace them, thus demonstrating how completely they have abandoned their racial identity. - But they get paid even if payments are hidden
most people have a limit to their working capacity, or curiosity, or mental capacity, or equipment. They observably stop at some point. This observation helps explain why some movements - the establishment of Christianity, for example; and the dismantling of Christianity - may take centuries or millennia.
I'd suggest KM has reached his limit. (The same seems true of others - Michael a hoffman, david irving, david duke...)
www.amren.com/archives/back-issues/march-1999/ stanley hornbeck review of c of c
It is because the multiracial testing “participants are more likely to understand that race is not biological, but rather, is a social construct.” There’s never an end to the rationalizations that academic activists can come up with. Another example of questionable inference is that research has shown “that multiracial identity increases an appreciation and empathy for cultural diversity among others.” on Marketing for Social Change. This course is, “Designed for students whose career goals involve working in or with organizations who desire to promote social change, or who are interested in understanding the role and application of marketing beyond commercial gain.” california 'propositions' rejected by Jewish lawyers Lazar Kaganovitch? Of Ilya Ehrenberg? Of Solomon Morel? THEY WERE ALL JEWISH TORTURERS
Account by Moroccan-born novelist Jacob Cohen on sayanim - probably distracting from the truth
jews produce many defectives - is that eugenic?
what about influence of talmud on breeding fanatcis? - afaik mechanisms not known; could be hatred, obsessive id of enemies, love of blood. If KMac doesn't recognise the talmud, how could he allow for centuries of breeding?
consider europe: it has uniquely the med. Plus wide spread of animals: sheep inc wool, beef inc oxen for ploughing, pigs for woodlands, horses. Fish. Olives, dates, wheat, oats, barley. Types of tree - cedar, oak, pine. Metals: lead, tin, copper. Iron. Marble; stone; clay for buidling. what could newton do in anarctica, australia?
DNA and sexual reproduction and me on DNA fracture probs
LEARNING and long infancy. In nature fast learning = good. But with human achievements possibility open for fake artefacts
possibility of co evolution [flowers and bees, clear fish in stinging anemones, hermit crabs with anemones. contrast with flightless dodos.. or academic liars plus corrupt jews) - jew vicious + stupid violent others co evolved? -- eg islam incorporating learning from christianity savages omitting name of king or snake - as with kike or )oo
[7] Weak and Distorted history; accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories
Note from michael hoffman
discriminator between jews and freemasons - how to detect a secret group
us civil war
jews weak in the past
right vs left
slavery abolition
christianity vs jews
rome vs judah
Harry Turney-High Primitive Warfare (1949). 'Warfare and warriors were ignored, an cultures [sc. studied by anthropologists] were conceived as consisting of myth-makers and gift-givers.' *describe this book and omission of viciousness of civilised warfare
WW1 and WW2 * and explanations of descriptive stuff but not backroom - how can any 'scholar' be taken seriously etc
US Civil War. *Explain debates or rather issues about his, esp Jewish
Vietnam War. Explain issues on violence, money, lies, silly violence US 'servers'. MacD say nothing useful in event of war
Perhaps the clearest conflict between Jewish interests and British interests emerged after World War II, when the Labour government failed to support the creation of a Jewish state. Many British Jews gave generously to finance illegal activities in the British protectorate, including arms and refugee smuggling and financing Jewish military action against British forces (Alderman 1983, 129). These activities led to widespread anti-Jewish riots throughout England, and the Labour government pointedly refused to outlaw anti-Semitism during this period.
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog
Western media is spreading fake news and fabricating stories with evil intentions. Western Media is biased and creating unrest and chaos in various parts of the world. Media is being used by the Western world to coerce, influence and achieve their ill-political motives. Unfortunately, Western Media is already dominating and controlling public opinion throughout the world.
Let me give you a particular example of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). BBC reported that the Saddam Hussain regime in Iraq possesses Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD). America along with its allies attacked Iraq, destructed Iraq, killed millions of people, damaged Infrastructure, Power Houses, Telecommunication, Hospitals, Schools, Churches, Mosques, Roads, Industry, Oil Wells, Refineries, etc. Finally noticed that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Later on, the British Prime Minister of that time, acknowledged that the BBC news was not accurate, and information about WMD was not correct. But after damaging a country totally and harming millions of people, pushing Iraq into stone ages, one’s mere apology may not be accepted and may not be forgiven by humanity, irreversible damage to Iraq may never be forgotten by the history.
It is worth mentioning, Iraq was a very stable, oil-rich, and total welfare state under President Saddam Hussain. Education, health care was free of cost to its citizens, plenty of food, variety of food was available abundantly. Electricity was available in all parts of the country in abundance sufficiently. Fuel and items of daily use were available everywhere conveniently. The society was very much stable, satisfied and living a comfortable life. All factions of the society were enjoying harmony and was a tolerant society. It might be possible a few exceptionally politicians opposing the ruling party “Bath†or President Saddam Hussain, were victimized. They might be few in numbers or two digits only. But the vast majority of the nation was comfortable with the rulers.
But after the US war on Iraq, today, people of Iraq are facing a shortage of food, fuel, electricity, medicines, and items of daily life. No free education and health care are provided by the government. The society is extremely polarized, intolerance and factionist are very much common. Terrorism, lawlessness, and chaos are witnesses everywhere.
Is publically apology is sufficient to cool down the suffering of millions of Iraqis? Can anyone ignore the dirty role of the BBC? Is it possible, people of Iraq forget the BBC? Can the victim forgive the BBC?
It is only one example only. The same trick was played in the case of Syria. BBC reported that the Syrian Government possesses Chemical Weapons and is using against rebellions. Western Alliance NATO, under the US leadership, attacked Syria, killed millions of innocent people, displace millions of common citizens, damaged the whole country, and pushed the Syrian into stone ages. Forced the Syrian people to take asylum in the Western World where they are humiliated, especial the women and children are being abused. A huge portion is forced to live in temporary camps within the country, where life is very hard and lacks the basic amenities of daily life. Western World has made the life on common Syrian misery and curse only. While Syrians was a very stable country, may not be very rich, but with all basic amenities available conveniently. Nature has blessed the Syrians with best fruits and vegetables, and traditional Syrian food is one of the important attractions in the region. The people of Syria are very pretty and a superior creature. They can compete any beauty villain in the world easily. The law and order situation was very much comfortable and society was stable and living in harmony.
The same is the case of Libya, where ill-motivated fake News led to the destruction of a sovereign country. A very stable, oil-rich nation turned into chaos and lawlessness. A nation with all comforts and facilities has been deprived of even basic needs of life. A sate with total welfare for its citizens has been changed into a lack of everything like food, medicines, fuel, electricity, etc.
*A basic problem is economics and objects. Being a rabbi produces nothing; they think of themselves as ideas men, Platonic, developing ideas from inner lucubrations. But pure thought doesn't work; small children wrestle with their lack of power, and jews are like that. We have a group who seriously think NASA and nukes are real; with I hope temporary power. Who knows what disasters beckon? Not the blind leading the blind; mental defectives leading groups too stupid to understand how they're deceived
2024 example: Interview by some hack of Eva Vlaardingerbroek, lawyer and ex-beauty queen. She spoke (or read out) material in immigrant violence, and violence by 'eft wingers', without mentioning the responsibilities of, and payments by, Jews. Incidentally, nothing on the origin of Belgium as a result of failure to agree by 'great powers'. She puts here faith on being 'armored by God', of course more Jewish fantasy.
A comment in The Occidental Observer online (March 2021) said that Horace Meyer Kallen (sic; Jew born in Poland or Germany) 'the father of cultural pluralism' provided a 'direct link to multiculturalism'. Kallen is listed in Culture of Critique's bibliography, a couple of articles, 1915 and 1924, and has a string of simple page numbers in the index. He's in the body of the text, e.g. Cultural Pluralism... of 1956. But there are no cross-references, for example brief notes on the Jew's activities.
A People That Shall Dwell Alone ... a theory of Judaism (1994) was Kevin MacDonald's first book on Judaism. (I've tried to ensure these dates are correct; I'm not sure about reprints and translations. Publication dates may differ in USA, UK, Canada etc).
I reviewed Separation and its Discontents (first published 1998, print-on-demand paperback 2004) here, in 2010. The extended title is 'Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism'.
For reference, let me briefly list the contents of Separation and its Discontents in the book's own words. Note that MacDonald accepts the whole vocabulary of 'Jews' ('diaspora', 'anti-Semitism' ignoring Semites, 'reactive', 'social identity' meaning their own claims etc):–
Social Identity Theory of Anti-Semitism | Themes of Anti-Semitism | Reactive Anti-Semitism: Late Roman Empire, Medieval Period | National Socialism as an Anti-Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy | Jewish Strategies for Combating Anti-Semitism | The Intellectual Construction of Judaism | Self-Deception as an Aspect of Judaism as a Group Evolutionary
Strategy | Is Diaspora Judaism Ceasing to Be an Evolutionary Strategy? Note on endless statistical trickery | Bibliography, Index
And in the same year I reviewed The Culture of Critique (1998, 2002)—a longer review. Contents include: Radical critiques of 'Gentiles' by 'Jews' | Boas vs Darwin | Jews and the 'Left' | Psychoanalysis | Frankfurt School and Pathologization of Gentile Groups | US Immigration | What Next? Plus later addenda from 2012 to 2018.
I now read MacDonald with a growing sense of disappointment, which I want to describe in this article. Kevin MacDonald is widely regarded as one of the most important builders of Jew awareness—though people in the Jewish tradition of secrecy have a less flattering attitude. Surely therefore 2019 is a good time to review Kevin MacDonald's activities.
Kevin MacDonald (b. 1944) joined the Department of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) in 1985. He became a full professor in 1995, i.e. tenured, and retired in 2014. He was tenured after his first book, but before the next two, Separation and its Discontents and The Culture of Critique, were published. His evolutionary theory of Judaism was flattering to 'Jews'; his subsequent work is less so, which may or may not have been a calculated strategy.
MacDonald seems to not like updating his books, but this may be a result of the ISBN system, which insists that each ISBN corresponds to an identical text. In 2019, his new book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future (published I think by Summit (US) and Wermod & Wermod (UK)) has appeared, shown in an online video; it was clear that MacDonald had not seen a copy of his own book before, which suggests a lack of interest in the fine points of book production, such as indexes. I haven't yet seen or read this book.
Looking back at my reviews, I understated (following MacDonald) such events as Jewish-influenced wars and war crimes, and 9/11 and the subsequent Jewish 'neo-con' wars, which of course were not conservative at all. Internet had started in a mnemonically-helpful way just before 2000, just right for exposures of the 9/11 frauds and for Jew-related topics of the fairly recent past such as Did Six Million Really Die, and Austin App, Arthur Butz, Fred Leuchter, Ernst Zündel, David Irving, James Bacque, Stalin's Willing Executioners. An important milestone for me was the 2011-2012 forum called nukelies.com by its founder, which had precursor videos for a few years on Youtube, itself inevitably owned by paper-money-funded Jews. At that time Youtube was new and fresh-seeming, hiding its potential for censorship nominally under a moronic Jewess from Poland.
Internet freedom allowed rediscovery of Jewish frauds back into the remote past, and ever-increasing evidence of ever-wider ranges of Jewish frauds. These included scientific frauds, frauds in wars and politics, financial frauds, religious frauds, and criminal frauds. And frauds at a level involving the entire world. I'll describe some of these, and try to establish whether MacDonald is equipped to help investigate, and cleanse these Augean stables, which are a new discovery to so many people.
In 2003 or thereabouts, MacDonald published Understanding Jewish Influence—A Study in Ethnic Activism, downloadable free in portable document format (pdf). It is a short piece. In it he lists these characteristics of Jewish intellectual movements, in which MacDonald includes political activities which barely count as ‘intellectual’. We may as well start with his list:–
A deep concern with furthering specific Jewish interests, such as helping Israel or promoting immigration.
Issues are framed in a rhetoric of universalism rather than Jewish particularism.
Issues are framed in moral terms, and an attitude of moral superiority pervades the movement.
Centered around charismatic leaders (Boas, Trotsky, Freud).
Jews form a cohesive, mutually reinforcing core.
Non-Jews appear in highly visible roles, often as spokespersons for the movement.
A pronounced ingroup/outgroup atmosphere within the movement—dissenters are portrayed as the personification of evil and are expunged from the movement.
The movement is irrational in the sense that it is fundamentally concerned with using available intellectual resources to advance a political cause
The movement is associated with the most prestigious academic institutions in the society.
Access to prestigious and mainstream media sources, partly as a result of Jewish influence on the media.
Active involvement of the wider Jewish community in supporting the movement.
Most of this is coded; novices have a difficult time making sense of it. This is part of the package with Jews; they avoid clarity, and I've intentionally written this section in a confusing way. What Jews actually do is muffled under neutral-sounding phrases. MacDonald is rather superficial, avoiding the real nitty-gritty, perhaps as a result of centuries of reprisals against non-Jews. MacDonald does not mention the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, despite the enormous money control it gave to Jews. MacDonald does not include the idea that 'Jews' regard everyone else as 'goyim', and as enemies, though this is rather important. He does not include their tendency to violence by paid hirelings. He does not include their mass genocides. He does not state that their 'identity' is self-determined; if someone says he's a 'Jew', the official Jewish word is assumed true, irrespective of any facts.
'Promoting immigration' has often been a Jewish aim, though it has been concealed. And Jews have often worked for population movements, including their own: for example, Jews ran the black slave ships to the USA, and perhaps to Arabia. And the movement of Jews to the USA was planned 'like a military operation'. The rather obvious post-1945 race mixing movements were and are a Jewish policy, though many people have no idea why this should be. Many people still have no idea why the mass media systematically conceal black violence—and conceal white violence in wars.
'Charismatic' leaders are usually paid and promoted by Jews; very few Jews explicitly advertise themselves. This may change: Einstein is well-known, though his aura is eroding rapidly. Highly visible non-Jews are almost always presented as self-directed, rather than as hired barkers and whores: 'Martin Luther King', 'Nelson Mandela', Margaret Mead, Greta Thunberg recently, armies of demonstrators and journalists and politicians and people-traffickers are examples of the power of Jewish money. MacDonald mostly ignores them, and doesn't discuss many issues which puzzle people: why were the 'founding fathers' of the USA Freemasons? Why did 'US policy' in two world wars have so little to do with the USA? Why are Hispanics counted as 'white' in crime statistics? Why does Trump have opponents who can't explain their objections to him? What do Iraq, Iran, and North Korea have in common? Why do politicians who come from nowhere have carefully-prepared pro-Israel 'diversity' speeches? How come Kerry (real name Cohen) gets a cut from all land deals in Vietnam?
MacDonald mentions (and these are his own words) ‘four background traits of ethnocentrism, intelligence, psychological intensity, and aggressiveness’. But what have these alleged traits in common with accounts of downtrodden Jews in the 18th century Ottoman Empire, the population explosion of Jews to a claimed 6 million in 19th century Russia, and the Kabbala of Jewish mystics and their...
... superstition, anti-rationalism, magical remedies, amulets, exorcisms, demonic possession (dybbuks), ghosts, devils, and ... genies, and pitched battles between different Jewish sects, often over trivial religious points such as what kind of shoes a person should wear.
My guess is that Jews are very sensitive to near-paranoiac feedback—they use consumer surveys, think-tanks, opinion samplers, opinion polls, focus groups. Advertisers, news items, college essays, psychology research, are carefully checked to get phrasing, wording and slogans to suit Jews. It is very difficult to avoid Jewish wording and Orwellian constricted language: wars have rivalries fixed by Jews; 'left' and 'right' are contorted into senses Jews like, for example worship of mass killers such as Stalin and Trotsky;'left' and 'right' are contorted into senses Jews like, for example worship of mass killers such as Stalin and Trotsky; 'elites' should be elected, but aren't; 'boomers' did not have a population boom; 'prejudices' may be accurate prejudgments; and of course 'democracy' is something of a joke.
MacDonald does not identify Jews in his bibliographies, which is disappointing, as he lists typically more than a thousand titles, all in English, probably from CSULB's library. Most of the authors are Jews, but they are not identified. However, with practice it's possible to see the processes outlined by MacDonald working. For example, only a few days ago it struck me that the Jew Karl Popper's The Open Society and its Enemies (1945) is in a rather formless 'Critique...' style, vol I on Plato (Greek, bad); vol II on Hegel (German, very bad) and Marx (rich Jew, OK even if Jews like mass murder). Similarly, Wilhelm Reich was a propagandist, Listen Little Man handing out valueless triumphant advice. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt are easily identifiable as Jews, far more interested in simple Americanised Jews in Russia than American whites.
Many of my book reviews and the nuclear forum depend on Jewish identification or its absence:
Voltaire on Louis XIV,
Erich Fromm's Art of Loving with amusing anti-white psychoanalytical stuff,
Derren Brown on mental tricks, A J P Taylor on the Second World War, G R Elton on the Reformation, Bertrand Russell's life and works, Race Relations propaganda, Hobsbawm's Age of Extremes, Esther Vilar on Men and Women and women manipulating men, Richard Dawkins. Just a very few examples.
Note that MacDonald's family were Roman Catholic—I'd guess east coast Irish. He seems unable to notice that Roman Catholicism was copied or modified from Jewish writings and attitudes, and presumably spread partly for financial reasons. His comment on 'trivial religious points' seems to show how little he understands cults and their sources of money and power. If there's money in it, they may fight, however silly they may seem to outsiders. I'll say more on this important fact later.
I personally became increasingly impatient with MacDonald's attitudes, which I think, trying to summarise reasonably accurately, result from
[1] Religion Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews including the 'Abrahamic' religions;
[2] Law Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews including the 'Abrahamic' religions; [2]Law National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’. Legal history.
[3]Intelligence and weak Jewish psychology; accepting massively publicised rubbish;
[4]Weak science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science';
[5]Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish mythology;
[6] Over-simple material on genetics.
[7]Weak and Distorted history; accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories;
[8]War and Peace[9]Talmud: Ignoring (i) beliefs; (ii) Jewish repeating strategies; (iii) secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder;
[10] Refusal to even try to understand money
I've used these categories to help thread the vast maze of Jewish influences. But by all means use others, preferably better.
Kevin Macdonald has his own website,kevinmacdonald.net, which started in June 2005, almost ten years before his retirement. That site now seems to be independent of CSULB, although it started as csulb.edu/~kmacd/index.html (according to the Wayback machine of archive.org). This has material on his books, and a rather low number of comments by 'political scientists', members of rich Jewish pressure groups, and others, trying to snidely diss MacDonald, without answering with any serious arguments.
Connoisseurs of Academic multi-speak might like STATEMENT ON DR. KEVIN MACDONALD'S WORK May 5, 2008 by the 'Academic Senate' of CSULB.
The nearest thing to a website of debate around Kevin MacDonald is TheOccidentalObserver.com, which dates from August 2007, and switched to theoccidentalobserver.net in late November 2008 as A New Webzine: Introducing The Occidental Observer. This is a WordPress site which seems to be operated by (and monitored by) others, but I have no details, and wouldn't give them without permission anyway.
The Occidental Quarterly, TOQ, started in 2001, published by the Charles Martel Society, and now edited by Kevin MacDonald, but I haven't found out when he became editor. Their mission statement was:–
The Occidental Observer will present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West. Such a mission statement is sure to be dismissed as extremism of the worst sort in today’s intellectual climate—perhaps even as a sign of psychiatric disorder. Yet there is a compelling need for such a site. A great many other identifiable groups in the multicultural West have a strong sense of identity and interest, but overt expressions of white identity and white interests (or European-American identity and interests) are rarely found among the peoples who founded these societies and who continue to make up the majority.
This is a completely unnatural state of affairs—the result of a prolonged assault on the legitimacy of these concepts by cultural elites that have dominated public discourse on issues of race and ethnicity since before World War II. We reject labels such as “white supremacist” or “racist” that are routinely bestowed on assertions of white identity and interests as a means of muzzling their expression. All peoples have ethnic interests and all peoples have a legitimate right to assert their interests, to construct societies that reflect their culture, and to define the borders of their kinship group. ... Societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their own demise as a moral imperative. ... Oct 1 2007
Which is feebly apologetic, and in conflict with aims of the site, since it assumes, without checking, that 'public discourse' actually existed, not just Jews or others in control of media; and that Europe, North America and the rest were in fact 'controlled by whites' and not by 'cultural elites', presumably meaning unelected self-defined groups such as Jews and Freemasons and non-white pseudo-aristocrats.
MacDonald has not come under much attack, and protested that no academics have debated with him seriously. Mostly of course they hint at unsoundness and lack of scientific method, or other evasive stuff—whispering campaigns, personal snubs, and impoliteness. In 2016 we had a new critique:–
WHY I THINK KEVIN MACDONALD AND THE OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER ARE CONTROLLED OPPOSITION Is mileswmathis.com/kevin.pdf which is Miles Mathis' critique of MacDonald, of March 18, 2016.
Mathis seems never to have heard of MacDonald, until recommended to look at The Occidental Observer by a wellwisher. Mathis was unimpressed by the site, and I think I'm right to say he brackets MacDonald with David Irving and 'Lasha Darkmoon' as misdirection people, distracting readers away from 'Intelligence', for example Marxism as an 1848 intelligence construction.
Easier to understand is Mathis on MacDonald's overseers and publishers, all Jews. (This may possibly not be true of TOQ).
Then Mathis switches to a crit of California State University Long Beach, in Los Angeles. To a Brit this sounds a bit of a joke, like a seaside college. It turns out to be exactly half a square mile in size, in a fat T-shape, the south part being their library, in which I'd guess Kevin MacDonald spent many years in total. Miles gives the enrollment as 37,000, so if they all turn up the population density is higher than any country in the world. Their website projects an image of rural racially mixed amity. It has a ‘College of Education ... amongst the premier educator preparation institutions in the state, preparing teachers, counselors, administrators and community leaders to promote equity and excellence in education.’ Believe that if you want to.
Miles says it's a post-WW2 (1949) foundation, with Steve Horn President from 1970-1988, connected with the Brookings Institute, the UN, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. ‘So you may begin to see where Steve Horn came from, and through that where the administration of CSULB came from. Kevin MacDonald didn't end up there by accident, I would say.’
Miles rejects the idea that MacDonald was lucky not to be thrown out of CSULB. He instances James Tracy at Florida Atlantic University, hired in 2002, tenured in 2008, fired in 2016 ‘because of his independent blogging activities in which he exposed hoaxes such as the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Sandy Hook Mass Shooting. Note that Kevin MacDonald and associates do not expose such hoaxes’ Miles says, completely and unfortunately correctly. ‘MacDonald's main thesis from the beginning has been that Gentiles cannot compete with Jews. ... While claiming to make Jews look bad—hence the anti-Semitic tag—MacDonald is actually making them look good.’
Miles states that present laws would be sufficient to stamp out corruption—if they were enforced. MacDonald leads you away from enforcing existing laws—just as the big boys want it.
Re-reading passages in MacDonald, for example on 'Social Identity', is an odd experience, since he seems unwilling to say anything based on induction from many examples of Jewish behaviour, or based on deductions from e.g. the Talmud. We get pages and pages of extracts from novels, journals, films, politicians, authors, deceivers, and what-have-you, but his overview statements seem plucked from his supposed evolutionary theories, not based on evidence. He's like a man listing statements from many criminals of many types—interesting and unpleasant reading, but with no criminological insights emerging. And MacDonald always assumes the highly suspect Jewish claims are true. For example his assumptions on 'intelligence' (including the 15 points standard deviation which he trots out) don't distinguish intelligence from the effects of thuggery. Another example is his deadpan use of 'the Holocaust' which seems indistinguishable from Jewish self-deception, as though MacDonald had taken courses of lessons in verbal acting. More of this below.
*SELF-DECEPTION NOTE ie 'educators' presumably rabbis or rich types [modern example is wistrich] lied to fellow jews, who became thru gullibility or isolation Lipstadt types who'd never been exposed to other views - not exactly self deceived, just ignorant **
Probably many of the ADL and similar Jewish liar groups were genuinely puzzled by his books, and genuinely had no idea if they should be called 'anti-Semitic'. So maybe they just took a chance. After all, they control almost all media.
On white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West, Miles does not point out the outstanding weaknesses of MacDonald. The World Wars have problems of interpretation, and Jews and others seem to have benefited enormously. But MacDonald sticks to the conventional Jewish analysis of British vs Germans, US entry to the Great War, the Treaty of Versailles, Jews in Europe, the USSR as a standalone zone—but makes no attempt to integrate his awareness of Jews into these world-shaking events.
Yet they are of course vitally important to whites. The same comment applies to the Federal Reserve and paper money, and removal of gold; but MacDonald has done nothing on these issues. It's a fact that Miles' website is not listed on the 'blogroll' of the Occidental Observer site, omitting a leading writer. (Nor is mine). MacDonald's early learning curve turned flat years ago.
Nathan Cofnas in 2018 wrote what he called 'A Critical Analysis' of what he called 'Kevin MacDonald’s Theory'. This sparked two months of replies, predictably something of a waste of time. (They are not very easy to find; MacDonald uploaded his material on sites which are not his own; Cofnas seems to be on Springer Verlag online site). MacDonald seemed to welcome this critique, from 'a graduate student working toward his doctorate in the philosophy of biology' at Balliol College, Oxford. (Look up the current Master of Balliol for the types presiding over the Anglo extinction). In fact Cofnas is an insult to MacDonald, of course. And not just because of his absurdly unqualified state. Cofnas modestly fails to mention the leading parts played by 'Jews' in frauds, mass murders, wars and war crimes, torture, sex crimes, fake science and other rather serious issues. It's amusing to see Cofnas adopting some of MacDonald's outlook, talking of 'genetic adaptations', including, 'most notably, high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism', which Cofnas claims to find in MacDonald on Jews.
It has to be said that MacDonald shows incredible naivetë, assuming he's serious. He knows perfectly well that Jews lie and ignore and all the rest of it; but he seems unable to grasp that, according to MacDonald's own ideas, Cofnas has no intention of being honest or accurate. KM said rather plaintively that academics want their work to be taken seriously, and honest academics value the rough and tumble of academic debate. But all MacDonald's work shows Jews have a pragmatic view of 'truth' and have no interest in debate. If paid experts adopt their line, that's Jewish 'truth'.
Here's another random piece of naivetë: ‘Jordan Peterson has become popular because of his courage and knowledge in opposing political correctness’—when of course Peterson is promoted by Soros and Jewish media and has virtually nothing useful to say on serious topics.
In a way, Jews are easy and predictable. We Westerners are a very difficult puzzle. - macd
hunter gatherer 40,000 yrs ago
anatolian middle east farmer 8000
indo european 4500 [beowulf not about warriors - grendel]
on money; what can be bought?
magratheans building planets
towns and rents and failure to appreciate land tenure
Idea that horrific events in europe put jews at risk, hence support for blacks, primitive immigrants -- but if jew started ww1 and ww2, they were responsible for hitler etc and of course oppose this idea with great force, tough as yet this is a minority interest. Anyone would assume that military hierarchies and histiorains and theoreticians would keenly investigate these arguments, but i see no sign they are
still has material on holocaust omitting US war crimes - nuclear missiles etc - jewish writings but KM gives no sources, authorship etc - zionism ' spread and became mainstream within the Jewish community despite its riskiness. (1940s)' -
[no nukes!] They lied about the battleship Maine, the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor. They lied about the assassinations of JFK and RFK, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the first Gulf War, the fake genocide in Kosovo, 9/11, the WMD’s in Iraq, the killing of Bin Laden, Libya, the gas attacks in Syria and the civil war in Ukraine. And they lied about the provenance of the moon rocks, which are frauds.
reasons for jewish success - nepotism, usury, criminality, immorality, extreme hostility towards nonjews, disregard for the happiness of all non-jews. .. an ethnic mafia. [note omission of long term loans, and ownership of land, and shares, and fake money]
Poor Jews, meanwhile, were sometimes forbidden from marrying.
They were also victims of substantial discrimination, which, he infers, may have motivated them to abandon Judaism, raising the IQ of the remaining population.
However, he provides no hard data showing that poor Jews did indeed abandon Judaism in greater numbers – and Jewish charity may have disincentivized defection (p312-9).
More plausible is Macdonald's claim that Jews low in the personality factor known as 'conscientiousness' may have been prone to abandon Judaism, because they lacked the self-discipline to comply with the incredible ritual demands Judaism imposed on adherents (p312-9).
Macdonald also attributes the higher average IQ of Jews to "eugenics", citing various Rabbinic quotations regarding the desirability of marrying the daughter of a scholar, or marrying one’s daughter to a scholar (p275-88).
In contrast, celibacy was imposed on many Christian religious scholars (i.e. monks, priests). As Galton surmised, this may have had a dysgenic effect on Christian IQs.
Of course, today, religious studies is not an intellectually respected field. Richard Dawkins even disparaged theology as “not a real subject at all”.
However, in the past, theology may have been the only form of scholarship it was safe for Jews, Christians or even closet atheists to undertake. Anyone investigating more substantial matters (e.g. whether the Earth orbited the Sun or vice versa) was in danger of being burnt at the stake if he reached the wrong conclusion (i.e. the right conclusion).
The theory that the fecundity of Jewish religious scholars, as contrasted with the celibacy demanded of priests/monks, played a role in selecting for increased intelligence in Jewish populations cannot therefore be discounted.
andrew joyce 2014 first to look at lies about lies by Jews
note on reading br auto: many of the causes were fake - nukes jfk assass moon landing climate change holocaust
no jewish films made of us war criminals - refers to 'holocaust' -- Jewish population losses stemming from the Holocaust [sic] - Hitler - Stalin 'regarded jews as unreliable' - 'fall of the soviet union' - great naivete of KM eg academic-quality articles - 'These donors collectively contribute vastly out of proportion to their numbers' - neocon as jewish coining - jonathan pollard
No idea of multiple sources of jew money: Trotskyists took seriously the Marxist idea that the proletarian socialist revolution should occur first in the economically advanced societies of the West rather than in backward Russia or China. They also thought that a revolution only in Russia was doomed to failure because the success of socialism in Russia depended inevitably on the world economy. [of course US funded USSR]
war crimes extract from russell brpf. or autobiog: vol iii the foundation: The United States is conducting a war in Vietnam in which it has tolerated and supervised every form of bestiality against a primitively armed peasant population. Disembowelments, mutilations, mass bombing raids with jelly-gasoline, the obliteration of of over 75% of the villages of the country, and the despatch of over eight million people to internment camps have characterised this war.' 1964 letter to Lord Gladwyn
individualism and us character
unconscious as similar to aelf-deception-less
after 20 years (enough to turn a newborn into a graduate) a harsher look
--UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Jewish Attorneys Teach Companies How to Exclude American Workers
*Sources mostly jewish books in english. about 1000 titles - about 3 per page. 'primary sources' are eng trans of 8 books mostly us universities and soncino babylonian talmud. Omissions scott a h lane (alien menace) greek chap arnold leese osman bey? look at my chronology
“An email instructed Binary Book sales representatives to target retirees, Social Security recipients, pension holders and veterans as clients.â€Â
note on shipman; is it credible he wasn't noticed?
woman who died after rohypnol
note on dyslexia
note on campaign against salt
note on war supporters eg pankhursts
note on diabetes - all types the same
note on civil war, prohibition, lansky and crooks, ADL, sayanim?, look/say teaching, jewish PHDs unoriginal / ?megamoney; what does a trillion buy? And what does a billionisre mean? No consideration of such issues/ families as in Mathis as intertwined net including sport, theatre, film, actors, writers, poets ...
-eugenics ??
- IQs not picking out cunning see my joke jew iq test
- US and war crimes
new comments aug 2019:
*Much of the contents is quoted from Jewish authors.
.... Book list has only surname and initials(s). No indication as to Jews.
NB available online as a free downloadable PDF
Omitted topics from index of Culture of Critique
* Bank of England (somewhere a quote that development of ? Britain was 'barely touched' by Jews);
* Nothing on US Civil War
*Nothing on 100 years war, thirty years war
*Nothing on WW1 and WW2 and Jews, except Nat Socialism
*Nothing on 'Communism' as evading Jews. Eg geneticists damaging wheat harvest
*Not much on Catholicism as started by Jews - and likely secret deals (eg condemning usury allied caths with Jews)
*KM has little idea of the power of media book etc in establishing beliefs and pushing them, for example the Dreyfus series of events.
. . . He prefers things like 'Social Identity Theory'
*KM assumes other academic disciplines are correct, even speculative ones. DNA, loci, genetic distance (and least squares), g 'general factor' in intelligence, fluid intelligence.
*KM consistently refers to jews as 'highly educated'
Unindexed: Jesuits
-NB watch for automatic reactions by most people. eg note on pope innocent, reported unfav by McCabe. Nero example. Hitler now. Inquisition Nazism. chinese in thailand. Poland arenda system
nesta webster - 1 title
arthur koestler on khazars - 1 ref
j beaty iron curtain 1 title
*2004 has a new preface to 1998 edition. 2 aspects. NB KM is never proactive.
Psychological mechanisms of ethnic conflict
Paul Rubin giving conventional Jew style economics
MONEY KMac doesn't consider how films were financed (or radio; or newsprint; or paperbacks; or TV) but presumably by Jews from London or berlin. Or earlier music hall
CO-EVOLUTION Jews offered expensive equipment, ships, artillery, planes, bombs; sex; violence - and many veterans committed suicide- co-evolved with jews?
*Nothing much on puppets or collaborators, except kings wanting tax collectors which rules out modern political corruption analysis of Nazis and Soviets caths, prots, muslims, jews
science frauds
In contents themes of anti-semitism
the theme of separatism and clannishness
The Themes of Jewish Economic, Cultural and Political Domination
The Theme of Disloyalty [note the assumption of international reach - 'diaspora' rather than grab then run]
p103 missing reference to note 45 [huge list of jew media cos]
p70 The idea that Jews were a dominant force in the Bolshevik Revolution was a widespread source of anti-Semitism especially during the interwar years, and continues to the present.
p95 Take the case of a peasant: if he once gets into the hands of this class, he is irretrievably lost. The proprietor, in his turn, from a small loan gradually mortgages and eventually loses his estate. [legalism of jews]
theocc banned my comment that jews had murdered tens of millions - why not enjoy the same treatment 18 oct 2019 reply to achilles wanabee borders for s, not for you
Raeto West Maybe this is where Jews diverged evolutionarily (or were from another group). Language is not really understood - there must be a lot of mental activity going on, including imputing meaning to words which aren't yet understood - and maybe Jews discovered salesman-like and manipulative uses of words, including lies, inciting hate and describing cruelty.
Margaret A. Young Raeto West if you read ancient history, the whole Israelite thing just doesn't hold water. The worship of Yahweh did not suddenly appear with some. 're migration. It evolved gradually from a polytheist system in which Yahweh was the son of So, brother of Baal and son, sister in law and then husband of Asherah.
The Habiru people were stateless nomads, escaped slaves, bandits, and herdsmen in a time when agriculture was taking root. These people appear gonna be been joined by a very small number of people cast out of Egypt. So they had nothing, they weren't really a nation just bands of outcasts. Little by little some of these groups were allowed to settle small areas but there was never any civilisation to speak of. They survived however they could and many became like gypsies, travelling and eventually trading.
My theory is that this small group from Egypt crudely exploited the other ignorant wanderers, but I cant prove it. But all sources describe them as being cast out time and time again, being hated for their sacrifices and turning to treachery to survive . In addition from the most ancient times they are described as hating humanity.
It all strikes me as a group that was beaten too many times and developed whatever it took to survive without strength or might, and being despised, turned that hatred back with interest.
It isn't hard to feel sorry for them in the early period if you discount the takes of child sacrifice. I don't though. I think an act so barbaric would necessarily alter the people who took part and fill them with self loathing which would either lead to suicide or turning that hate to others.
I suggest clear thought might be aided by 'Venn diagrams' and other modern aids to logic. I'd prefer to talk of groups or sets, but these have many irrelevant associations. These diagrams may point to omissions or errors or improvements. Not for everyone, but they can help, just as drawing up 'an agenda' can help.
Just three examples, below. The first looks at the Shakespeare authorship issue; the following two look at very serious social problems. In all cases, it may be helpful to focus in ways less dominated by media screams and sheeplike bleats.
The single most important advance in public understanding is to grasp that countries are divided into two parts: non-Jews, and Jews. The USA, for example, is Jews + 'goyim'. The European Union has European countries, plus Jews. Australia has goyim, plus Jews. 'Jews' may include Freemasons, hirelings and what have you. But the simple act of including two sub-sets may give you a new, sudden insight.
Shakespeare Authorship: Can You Overthrow the Argument from Academic Self-Interest?
A common type of argument in favour of Shaxper runs like this: You dont understand how the academic system works! Anyone who comes up with a new theory and proves it will establish a reputation and make his/her academic fortune, and be famous for the rest of his/her life, and beyond. There are many ambitious young (and not-so-young) academics whod love this. But it hasn't happened with the de Vere authorship theory, so the theory must obviously be wrong.
The diagram
shows some of the social forces at work in producing opinions. I've used 'expert community' to mean those people who have, or think they have, expertise in the subject; everyone else is assumed outside the set outlined in black. The 'costs' and 'gains' sets are supposed to be some sort of objective assessment of pluses and minuses if the new idea becomes accepted.
For example, set X lists people of conventional view who would both derive some benefit and also some loss from the new idea; in the Shaxper case one would expect there to be few, because they'd have been shown to be incompetent, and moreover have no special skill in de Vere studies for their future.
The set Y represents de Vereans who only stand to gain, if the idea were accepted. Z represents the set of people who hadn't any intellectual interest in the idea, but turn out to have financial interestshere, tourist operators in de Vere territory are an example. The outer shaded area represents people who aren't affected one way or the other, and the other seven sets are to be interpreted along similar lines.
This is a highly simplified diagram of the real world. In practice, the probability of being right has to be taken into account; also the probability that the idea is accepted when proven, which isn't the same thing, since there must be some probability of failing even if right. The whole future costs and gains have to be assessed; so do the costs and gains of revising expert performance in the past, and the costs of being isolated. There is more uncertainty with a new idea than an established one. Economic changes, such as retirement, or the closing of a department, may affect peoples' willingness to speak out. And so on.
The challenge
is to incorporate the approach of this diagramthat is, trying to assess the resultant of everyone's attitudesinto a slogan or phrase or argument which counters the 'Argument from Self-Interest' that unaccepted new ideas must be wrong.
Can someone do this? Let me give three examples:
Harold Smith's Law:
The bigger the crime, the less likely it is that the perpetrators will admit to it.
Rae's remark:
If an unofficial case is unanswerable, the official experts will not answer.
An American Senator:
"If you subsidize anything, you get more of it."
I can't find a snappy way of presenting my diagram, though I've experimented with puns on 'interest' and 'disinterest', assets and liabilities, funds of both goodwill and money, and 'value' in several senses; maybe someone out there is able to provide a tidy answer to the 'Argument from Self-Interest'? If so, e-mail me.
and I'll add it with your name to my list
The best entry so far in my opinion is: Thomas Hunter (of Michigan): The greater the investment in an old idea, the less likely a new idea will be considered, much less accepted.
ronaldB Apr 18 2020 occidentalobserver Beating us with our own weapons
1) Eliminate dual citizenship. In order to gain the benefits of citizenship, a Chinese national would have to renounce Chinese citizenship. For professional espionage agents it's not a big deal, but a Chinese might think twice before working for China if he had to go through re-applying for citizenship.
2) Allow only US corporations to own property in the US. Any Chinese company would only be able to buy goods or technology in an explicit transaction easy to monitor.
3) Require all directors of US corporations to be US citizens. This helps to eliminate US companies representing foreign interests.
4) Forbid US corporations from owning foreign subsidiaries. If they want foreign products, they can buy them outright. If they want to invest, they can invest in the US. If they want to transfer their citizenship and corporate registry to Abu Dubai so they can be thrown in jail for drinking a beer, let them.
I can think of other limitations, but what you really want to do is remove the structure of incentives to companies to be loyal to an entity other than the US.
Similar thing: This is Poupon Marx Sept 2019 IrishSavant
These are what I believe we must do to meet the coming demographic assault.
1. Identify ourselves as parallel to an endangered species that needs actions and sanctions against its continued diminution. This means transcending borders of all types toward unifying Tribal survival. [Poupon Marx includes Christianity as harmful: It is useless, a proper belief system for the West, a Middle East import boutique designed ... We gave you a religion and a savior. What else do you want?] Even adversaries today among The Tribe will have to reconsider and reconfigure their national policies due to the coming demographic threat, which overrides any other challenge individual countries and Indo-European sub-populations have. Intra-Tribal squabbles and disagreements must be subordinated to the essentials of survival.
2. Actions proceed from ideas. Let's banish the weasel words of memes and narratives. We need to promulgate truths based on fact, evidence, and objectivity. As discussed here, an emerging consensus is being realized that our only hope is sequestration and ethnic/national sovereignty in nearly created states. Similar arrangements have been clamored for by Blacks and Browns repeatedly. In order for us to have our racially homogenous communities, completely autonomous, we need to ENCOURAGE these groups to pursue theirs. Thus we achieve our platform and homelands under our complete control, removed from subversion and hostile actions, indoctrination, and subversion of the young and weaker minded.
Another possible use of diagrams is to identify unspoken, concealed, evaded, omitted matters. Here's another online comment:
I saw a video of Chomsky a while ago where he was explaining that Anarchists demand all power structures justify themselves. I thought "why doesn’t he demand that the Jewish power structure justify itself" - but the answer is obvious.
- It's possible that logically-minded people might identify overlooked null sets by a Venn-like process, bypassing the weaknesses of language.
Here (diagram, right) is J E Littlewood in A Mathematician's Miscellany (1953). I have a copy presented to me by a maths teacher of many years ago; one of rather few popular books on maths, excluding once-perennial books by, or attributed to, Euclid. Showing a simple logical proof dressed in logical clothes—a 'Lemma' is just an intermediate result is a proof. The reaction of lawyers is not recorded.
I once wrote a short book on advanced level symbolic logic for a West African Examination Board for the Rapid Results College, though I seem to have lost all copies. I remember it as having many ingenious examples. You'll have to take my word for simple logic as an aid to clear written exposition.
The diagram (above) may be some help to people wrestling with negatives, and joint statements such as the several uses of 'or', including exclusive or, where we refer to A or B, but not both. Rewording may help to clarify statements—or, for Jews, make them intentionally confusing.
(I'm tempted to recommend, but only to experts, J M Keynes's 1920 A Treatise on Probability which shows hundreds of years of confusion, since Leibniz, on what seem fairly simple ideas. These include Bayes' Theorem, which turns out to be simple algebra. This sort of thing gives me some hope that Jewish issues will be solved some day.)
Miles Mathis's website has a new, jointly-written, paper on Nelson Mandela. It's here: mileswmathis.com/mandela4.pdf and also, with https security, copied here. And I must put in another bit of hype for his site; Miles Mathis doesn't bother very much with self-publicity. But if you miss his site you are very seriously out of date, parroting rubbish about Jesuits and Lincoln and Hitler and Cuba and JFK and MLK and Youtube and Bill Gates and coronavirus and endless topics.
Here is a site searcher of his site—type 'JFK' or 'Trump' or 'Jews' and see what you get—he has many papers, and the same subjects recur to some extent.
Mandela was picked out when young as a part-Jew, probably part-Asian, 'black'. He was selected before Walter Sisulu, another part-crypto Jew and part black. Mandela's father was kept secret. Probably Mandela was selected because he had a nicer smile, and also because he had some 'royal' connections (Mandela 'was Thembu royalty from birth and lived at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni ... part of the amaXhosa tribe that just happens to practice circumcision. ... Very little was documented about the amaXhosa until the Dutch arrived in the mid-1600s, so the Phoenicians—i.e. 'Jewish' navy— could have very well brought circumcision to these people at any time before that. ...')
By the age of 31, Mandela had failed his final year at Witwatersrand three times, leaving without a [law] degree in 1949.
In 1952 they planted Mandela at the Basner law firm, although he still didn't have a degree. Basner was another Communist Jew, of course. Hyman Meir Basner was from Russia ... He founded the African Democratic Party in 1943 and was also involved with India.
At a Durban rally on 22 June, 1952 'Mandela addressed an assembled crowd of 10,000, initiating the campaign protests, for which he was arrested and briefy interned in Marshall Square prison.'—'the police let that go on and only arrested him after he addressed the crowd? That was nice of them.' '... they [i.e. controllers] wanted to establish him as one of the best-known political figures in the country. Better him—who they were in control of—than a real revolutionary.
1952 Mandela was arrested and stood trial under the Suppression of Communism Act, but again skated. He was given a suspended sentence. Mandela was banned from attending ANC meetings ... Why didn't the government shut down the ANC?
1955, and Mandela is allegedly pushing for an armed uprising. Right. In support of that, a Freedom Charter was drawn up by Lionel Bernstein... Jewish of
course, orphaned at eight years old—so they don't have to tell us who his parents were.
1956 Bernstein was arrested for treason in the famous Treason Trial. The trial lasted four years, after which everyone was acquitted and released. That's convenient.
1962/1963 'Cuba Crisis' faked; Castro Jewish. Dutch handlers of Mandela realised Mandela was handled by the British. Miles thinks it's most likely Mandela lived in England—perhaps near Oxford.
In 1963 Bernstein was arrested again, this time with Mandela, and became part of the famous Rivonia Trial.
Albie Sachs
1970s, 1980s 1970s this skirmish spread to neighboring countries, including Angola, where Cuba sent in 18,000 troops to prop up the MPLA. Cuba sent even more troops in the 80s. ... Cuba was fighting South Africa in Angola? How does that make any sense. ... Who had a giant base on Cuba at the time? Not the Soviets. The US ran Guantanamo Base then and still runs it. So of course it was the US funneling troops into Angola, not Cuba or the Soviets. ... The CIA wanted South Africa to think the US was its ally, but the US and UK have
always wanted the Dutch out of South Africa. Even now that is the plan, and that is why the
country is being allowed to crumble—something my guest writer couldn't understand.
1989-1994 de Klerk, president, must have been a British asset. ... is mother, where we find my guess confirmed: she was a Coetzer, so it possible the
de Klerk lines were attacked through her. Coetzer is a more obviously Jewish name than de Klerk, and comes from different lines than the de Klerks were used to. Coetzer comes from
Germany and Austria. Always follow the ladies, as I have told you before.
Winnie Mandela's parents were named Columbus and Gertrude—not African names, obviously. It is admitted she is at least one-quarter white, and
we may assume the white is mostly Jewish. She graduated from the Hofmeyr School, and Hofmeyr is of course Jewish.
1995 Mandela's public duties were probably aimed at two outcomes. [1] black emotions had to be managed. Given the inflammatory run-up to democracy and the fact that they now had the police, military and all the other organs of state at their disposal, blacks might begin pay-back time.[2] white fears needed to be calmed. Whites ran the country and only they knew how to do it. White flight, or mass murder of these whites, wouldn't be in the interests of the plan. Mandela succeeded in achieving both
outcomes. For most blacks he was their first ever president and couldn't put a foot wrong. Then, can anyone forget his lifting the 1995 Rugby World Cup wearing a Springbok Rugby jersey, for
years previously a symbol of white pride and sporting excellence? How could any white person, however bigoted, not love him?
Political power, ostensibly, passed into black hands but the wealth remained where it was before: in white and particularly Jewish hands. Names like Anton Rupert, Harry Oppenheimer and Raymond Ackerman come to mind. ... After coming out of prison, Nelson became “good friends’ (Wikipedia) with several of the captains of industry, like Anton Rupert. He met with Harry Oppenheimer regularly, ostensibly ‘to get the view of big business”. ... After one such meeting with Harry he announced that the ANC di'n't think nationalising the country's mines was such a good idea, after all. I wonder if the irony was lost on him. His good friends now were the very ones that had exploited his black brothers and sisters in order to become rich and famous. ... Where there is a rich Jew there is skulduggery. [account of some rich Jews follows]
Here's a link to a full version of the large pages you get by Googling Jewish calendar.
Of course it looks innocent, a harmless variant on the solar calendar. In fact, the 'holy days' all have implicit messages, generally kept secret from 'Goyim', though some are well-known, such as 'sabbath' and 'passover'. But for example, 'Purim' has its own special dark meaning. All I'll say here is that a conversion table is needed for every day, since there is no equivalence between months and days with the calendar used in the west. I haven't found such a chart anywhere; nor have I found a computer version, giving the Jewish version of such a date as the bombing of Hiroshima.
A conversion chart of course would not only give a Jewish date, but the meaning encoded into the date.
Bear in mind that the Moslem calendar is likely to be similar.
On the Critical Importance of the Mediterranean and Connected Sheltered Seas.
The map (right) was based on written descriptions by Herodotus (500 BC or so). The globe (far right) is from Google; I couldn't remove the clouds (or appearance of clouds). Both show the Mediterranean, and landlocked seas and inlets to its east.
The Mediterranean and connected seas (and the Red Sea and Persian Gulf) are protected from the oceans and relatively storm-free. Ships with sails and/or oars allowed transport of large loads, including men—something far more difficult by road at the time. Raw materials, intermediate materials, finished goods, food, people with skills, could be moved.
The area is by far the largest set of inland waterways on earth.
Note Crete's central position in the eastern half of the Mediterranean. What was called (19th century, I think) Minoan civilisation seems likely to have been part of the development of shipping. I'd guess the 'Phoenician Navy' came later, after the Thira/Santorini Volcanic eruption about 50 miles north.
As outlined above, areas with defensive barriers (most of Europe, though not in the east) could genetically have high-specialisation societies.
Areas with open areas (grassland, steppes, possibly deserts) without defensive barriers (eastern territories, but not to the west) could genetically have tribal, inward-looking, aggressive groups unable to spend time on arts, theories, techniques, beauty, speculation.
The spread of Christianity in my view was a matter of land ownership and control over largish areas, by one or more hierarchies. It involved groups who were neighbours being induced to believe in some new idea(s). Trade routes would be an effective way to spread ideas. Reading, writing, oratory, and some fluency in languages would be necessary. Probably money would be an essential part of such a package, to offer careers to some of the target populations. It could spread slowly.
Very likely some absurdity would be needed as a badge of credulity, to show willingness, and submission. Very likely it would need exemplary violence, or perhaps just threats. It would have to be not easily disprovable: adherents could claim to speak in tongues, but not to fly; they could claim people can live after death, but not let the undead pay visits; they could claim healing powers, but not for serious diseases.
I'd suggest something like this is what happened. And perhaps was predicted. To this day, even Protestants claim to worship 'Rabbi Yeshua, the dead Jewish male—if he existed—some call the golden light'.
On the Critical Importance of the Khazar Conversion and the Khazar Influence over Lands in Asia to the East.
Here is Herodotus' map of about 500BC. The letter K marks the position of the Khazars (or whatever they were called then). They were protected, and isolated, by huge mountains and huge lakes. Water transport would depend on such things as timber, and considerable skill. But to their north were land routes, westward to Europe, eastward to China. When the Roman Empire was defunct, Jews invented Isla. Khazaria is supposed to have converted, adopting Jewish books, I'd guess for a minority only and in abbreviated and simplified forms. Whether controlled by Jews or not, the Khazars seem to have learned powerful messages: rents, taxes, tariffs, violence, secrecy, hierarchies, and insinuation.
Rae West 4 June 2021
Ireland Boys Hooray
Rae West 10 April 2020
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's audio (ACH1224) made on April 2nd 2020 included Jim Dowson and Niall McConnell as guests.
All I want to do is make them Jew-aware! Ireland is complicated, but not that complicated when you have the Jewish key!
Here's my link to my comments on Jim and Niall and their hopes for united Ireland: Jim and Niall on ruinous Jewish and English interference in Ireland
Geopolitics, H J Mackinder, and the LSE as Britain's ‘Frankfurt School’
Rae West 3 April 2020
A suspicion on the reality of world politics before the World Wars. Conspiratorialists have looked at violence, mind control operations, lies, propaganda, concealments of secrets, sealed archives—generally, how lies may have been told. But what the lies were, is perhaps more important. My article on Mackinder offers a suggestion. (The files are too large to fit here routinely).
I came across a book, supposedly on the subject, but in fact, as usual, omitting anything Jews dislike. Tim Marshall Prisoners of Geography. My review may help.
Rae West 15 Feb 2020
This was removed from my Facebook site on c. 28 Feb 2020! Presumably it's 'sensitive'
Click for my scanning of part of the Encyclopaedia BritannicaFrom 1910 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition Vol 12, GIC to HAR. Pages 37 to 43 excluding other material at the start and end. Use right-click to open the pdf file in a new tab, keeping this page intact.
The article is credited to:
Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic Communities of England.
VICE-PRESIDENT, Zionist Congress, 1898, 1899, 1900.
Ilchester Lecturer at Oxford on Slavonic and Byzantine Literature, 1886 and 1891.
President, Folk-lore Society of England.
Vice-President, Anglo-Jewish Association.
Author of History of Rumanian Popular Literature; &c. Important Note: Rumanian, Romanian, Roumanian gipsies are NOT usually clearly identified by Jewish media
Gipsies in 1939 (Web map). Note that gipsies in Russia make a significant number, ignored by Gaster
Moses Gaster was of course a fundamentalist type of Jew; obviously he was not constrained by mere truth. Note the fact that he was assumed to be competent on gipsies. What follows bears these facts in mind.
• Gaster dated the appearance of gipsies to the 15th century (i.e. 1400-1499). His sources are all European, not including Russian references for example.
Moreover he says nothing about 'Jews', though similarities and coincidences must have been obvious to him.
The Britannica's expert on Jews was Israel Abrahams M.A., signed as I.A., with articles such as Jews, Dispersion to Modern Times. Possibly to cut down problems, encyclopedias tend to employ 'experts' who are believers.
This probably must have been the Israel Abrahams thanked by Bella Löwy for helping her with the English translation of Prof Heinrich Graetz's History of the Jews from the Earliest Times to the Present Day (published in English from 1891 in 5 volumes plus a 6th American e-issue of the English translation... of index, historical survey, and notes, in London, by David Nutt in Strand). The original 'only goes so far as the memorable events of 1848.' It's a 'condensed reproduction' of the original 11 volumes, but with footnotes omitted. Graetz acknowledged money from Mr. Frederick D. Mocatta, 'whose name is a household word in every Jewish circle.' Graetz (1817–1891, says 'Wikipedia'; born Tzvi Hirsh Greatz) must have been hugely influential. I don't know if any serious critics have worked on his book.
The Britannica says:
... in 1853, the publication of the fourth volume of his history of the Jews made him famous. This fourth volume (the first to be published) dealt with the Talmud. It was a brilliant resuscitation of the past. ... No Jewish book of the 19 century produced such a sensation as this. ... His Geschichte der Juden ... was completed in 1875 ...
Some readers may wonder about my choice of 11th edition (1910-1911) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It's true that Jews at the time already had a considerable grip on publishing and news propaganda—consider the Dreyfus Affair. But the 11th edition was regarded at the time as a new and bold Anglo-American venture in public information.
(My copy was thrown out by somebody unknown; and sold by a local shop to me for approximately nothing. I would urge Americans in particular to hold on to some of their past against the tide of Jewish scum).
Gaster notes that the fall of the Byzantine Empire (the capital was then called Constantinople) in 1453 seems to coincide with the appearance of gipsies. However, he says nothing about Jews.
One fact about Jews is the treatment of gipsies in the fake 'Holocaust'. The 6 million figure is of course of completely fake, and some sort of numerological nonsense. For gipsies, I've seen varying figures, but (say) 500,000 suggests 12 gipsies are valued as 1 Jew. It's possible gipsies were allies of Jews (in the way Freemasons are) and used as, perhaps, thugs, thieves, looters, and spies. Maybe they helped Muslims invade the Byzantine Empire, for example.
Another fact is due to Miles Mathis: that Jagiellons (Poland) and Sigismund were Jews covertly entering royal families. And other countries: Armenia, Bulgaria I think. (To investigate Miles Mathis, I recommend this site searcher, which gives leads to many of his files: Mathis site searcher This all suggests—along with facts about gipsies, such as their belief that non-gipsies are tainted, and their indifference to non-gipsies—that Jews had a more or less covert connection with gipsies.
Here's Gaster on Sigismund:
"We Sigismund by the grace of God emperor of Rome, king of Hungary, Bohemia, &c. unto all true and loyal subjects, noble soldiers, commanders, castellans, open districts, free towns and their judges in our kingdom established and under our sovereignty, kind greetings. Our faithful voivode of the Tsigani with others belonging to him has humbly requested us that we might graciously grant them our abundant favour. We grant them their supplication, we have vouchsafed unto them this liberty. Whenever therefore this voivode Ladislaus and his people should come to any part of our realm in any town, village or place, we commit them by these presents, strongly to your loyalty and we command you to protect in every way the same voivode Ladislaus and the Tsigani his subjects without hindrance, and you should show kindness unto them and you should protect them from every trouble and persecution. But should any trouble or discord happen among them from whichever side it may be, then none of you nor anyone else belonging to you should interfere, but this voivode Ladislaus alone should have the right of punishing and pardoning. And we moreover command you to return these presents always after having read them. Given in our court on Sunday the day before the Feast of St George in the year of our Lord 1423. The 36th year of our kingdom of Hungary, the 12th of our being emperor of Rome and the 3rd of our being king of Bohemia."
It seems that a secret Jew monarch is giving a free passage to gipsies, despite reports of their thefts, such as emptying of barns. Not only that, but Ladislaus was given the right to judge any dispute involving gipsies!
As regards Britain, there are some literary connections with Jews: George Borrow (whose book The Bible in Spain allegedly was popular, and introduced favourable views of gipsies into Britain. (The promotion and advertising methods are hard to find). Another was Matthew Arnold's poem The Scholar Gipsy. Arnold was specifically mentioned as a Jewish writer by Hilaire Belloc.
This was about the time that Jews multiplied in English lit. ... Some other time ...
I don't think anyone has suggested this. Until now.
Mass March in Hungary against Gypsy Crime, a 2013 piece in the New Observer Online.
HTML, PDF, scanning (of pages; I have the originals: these are online as big-lies.org/encyclopaediabrit-11edn-1910-1911-vol12-gipsies-37-bw.jpg from 37 to 43).
Rae West. First upload 15 Feb 2020.
1860 German translation of The Origin of Species; improved translation, 1876, about half-way through Nietzsche's entire life, including his childhood. In 1889 he was claimed to be insane.
Just four notes on Nietzsche.
[1] The Will to Power. I *think* this was something of a misunderstanding by Nietzsche, before impulses and instincts were understood. If an infant is determined to learn to walk, and to speak, this could be regarded as a 'will to power'. Because the earth was widely believed to be only a few thousand years old, immense stretches of evolutionary time were consciously or unconsciously ignored. It seems obvious enough now that instinctive muscle and brain activity are inbuilt in babies, so almost all will move, walk, and talk. It's similar to birds leaving their nests: they have wings, and not much to do with them but flap them. Bertrand Russell thought the impulse to learn science was a search for power. And the impulse to learn languages and act might have a similar root. I think feedback from the external world is necessary. But I *think* the 'Will to Power' is an overstatement, an over-impressive phrase which has misled many people.
Let me amplify the point. Probably there are natural sequences in events; eyesight needs to be learnt, body movements controlled, limits understood, pain found and avoided. I'm told kittens who had their eyelids sewn together never learn full seeing. By the age of two, the 'terrible twos' set in, perhaps caused by frustration at personal limits. It seems that if reading is not learned (perhaps after years of the 'look say' method) it may never be fluent. Abnormal silences and forbiddings can delay speech permanently.
But children, and adults feeling the time is right for anything from running to polite speech, from cooking to oratory, aren't showing 'will to power' trying these things; all they're doing is getting to a normal level for their group or race. Probably, anyway.
[2] Nietzsche's life was heavily influenced by Jews, as were the lives of many Europeans, but he could not break through the taboos.
Nietzsche talked of heroes, great men, and stirring individuals—but the intention behind the Jewish taboo was to hide the fact that unimpressive Jews collaborate secretly in large numbers. Thomas Carlyle wrote in much the same vein in Britain.
The 'superman' style probably came from Jewish attitudes—there's a clear link. Oscar Levy followed Nietzsche; he had no doubts about Jewish stories, and thought wine, women and war are desirable, and that a man will turn his attention 'to fine women of all races'. Disappointingly he draws no picture of his ideal society.
Nietzsche disliked Christianity—‘the Anti-Wise, the Anti-Noble, the Anti-Mighty...’ ‘perpetual punishment, the sense of sin, 'birthright', 'eternal life' as a disincentive to action’. But I can't tell how far he was influenced by Germans seeking the historical Jesus. As far as I can tell, he said nothing on Jews inventing Christianity, the Bible, and the obvious collaboration between Jews and the Church for land and money.
[3] Just as in the English- and French-speaking worlds, newspapers, magazines, and books which said nothing about Jews were wanted in large numbers. Poor Nietzsche seems to have been warned off any criticism of Jews—hence, probably, his unreadable work.
[4] Individualism as a Jew-promoted myth was a very successful misdirection, particularly in the USA, where there was new territory, controlled discreetly and mostly remotely and anonymously by absentees. Co-operation between large groups of people was discouraged by propaganda, money, and violence. Instead, people were told to look for a Great Man, and many substitutes were funded by Jews. Jews want whites to believe in one-man superheroes, as a distraction from the reality that large groups, operating secretly, and specialising in disparate aspects of power (propaganda, teaching, food, work, law, transport...), in practice can be far more important. I think Nietzsche's reputation, whenever it's fanned into life, is absurdly inflated.
Anthropology has been corrupted by Jews, for their own reasons. A good example is Margaret Mead: read her, for example, on the USA and her unthinking Second World War promotion. As a starting-point on consideration of the 'Holocaust fraud, ask yourself why historical investigation into so-called German war crimes has been made illegal, or legally difficult, in many countries, but not (so far; this may well change) in the USA and Britain.
These are a couple of pages from an all-Jewish document dated 2000, Combating [sic] Holocaust denial [sic]... ('View Image' gives a closer view.)
(The full document is longish, 16 MB, but can be downloaded—click here for the complete pdf file; it opens in a new tab). Note that 'Jack Straw' also claims to be a Jew. And note that there's no certainty that the document is intended seriously; it's very likely the decision had been made, so that document has other purposes, perhaps to tell Jews what they are to believe. For example the switch between 2 and 3 to 'tackling racial hatred' must be aimed at least partly to pretend Jews are a race, and accept their hatreds, while at the same time pretending not to hate and limbering up for wars. Some overview material on Jews infiltrating law is on Teaching about Jews.
Note the list of names, about 20 years ago now:
Anthony Julius, of Mishcon de Reya. Julius is a sort of professional Jew, author of books on Britons; he became somewhat well-known for his backroom part of David Irving's libel trial, I'd guess largely arranging flows of money. (I reviewed the tedious film Denial which like all Jewish visual propaganda is intended to pose as reality).
Geoffrey Bindman of Bindmans & Partners. Ten years later, they offered advice to rioters 2011 riots. It's the sort of thing Jews routinely do.
Professor Jeffrey Cowell QC, Professor of Public Law (now #113 'in seniority') | Dean of University College London, for a while
Jonathan Morris, Paisner &Co. Another Jewish solicitor.
Dinah Rose, Barrister. Possibly related the other Jew Roses, such as hefty book to import other races into Britain Malcolm Shaw Professor of International Law, University of Leicester. Many Shaws appear to think they are Jews. ‘When I meet in the street a man who has changed his name from Schwabacher to Shaw I feel like calling the police’ said A H Lane (The Alien Menace). It's amusing to note Martin Shaw, an actor, acted in about two dozen episodes of Judge John Deed, by G F Newman, none of them looking at white British issues. However I don't know any serious reviews.
I haven't made much effort here. This is aimed at naive newcomers to the Jewish problem. And to insinuate the idea that there are systematic patterns, as in anthropology, that need to be studied. Unlike the tribes discussed below, 'Jews' are unusual in being distributed in many territories which retain close networking ties. And their secrecy is noteworthy.
Jewish parasitic evolution—Introduction is a short piece on internal subdivisions of Homo sapiens. (I'm including more internal links in my site, because Jewish-owned media are cutting back on accurate links. It's what they do.)
I remember a now-dead 'Labour' Party politician, Roy Jenkins, discussing the death penalty for IRA men. He said that would make martyrs, and therefore he opposed it. But probably he knew some or all were Jewish pawns, and that securing conviction could lead to difficult questions being posed under the adversarial legal system. Or perhaps there might be Legal Aid issues. I doubt that the real reasons for legally permitting Holocaust revisionism are known, outside a small circle.
What I'll do here is link to anthropological information. Just examples from observant people, commenting on what seem to be permanent aspects of race behaviour. These have been difficult to trace; so I've put them all on my site, in case they vanish from the original sites, which are all named:-
• Morality and Abstract Thinking: How Africans may differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun Kikuyu. Interesting piece, including evolutionary theory that life in Africa was easy, so foresight did not develop much. He mentions cruelty, but has no theory of it, and underestimates white cruelty, when they obey orders
• View of Nepal, with dozens of groups, Hindu outlooks, and overpopulation. 1986, from Instauration. Nepal
• Papua New Guinea. 'Culture' of cheating in exams. Seems to be institutionalised. 2018 article by New Observer Online. Papua New Guinea
• Senegal: interesting view (by Karin McQuillan on American Thinker) as rather filthy, with huge extended families, women doing the hard work, and money-grabbing sinecures Senegal
As yet, Jews have of course escaped deep anthropological investigation. I hope this will change.
Here are some modern flags, but remember countries have changed, and their flags even more: Poland Holland/ Netherlands Britain France U.S.A. Russia Austria
These national flags are in sequence of the Jewish take-over of central banking, starting with Poland, then the Netherlands. Is it fanciful to see red (with Rothschild adopting the colour red), and with blue and white some sort of representation of goyim? Flags have a likely correlation with sea empires and their shipping and ports.
Flags have varied more than seems obvious at first sight, since some versions simply are forgotten, or put in the dustier parts of history, partly to conceal past structures of power.
For instance the USA civil flag is this (or something like it), not the horizontally-striped military version.
This is the flag (designed by Hitler among others) of NSDAP Germany. Possibly the red indicates the Jewish presence.
This is the East German flag, with an explanation. But the 'explanation' omits the Freemason symbol.
Two of the many Japanese flags. [Left:] Japanese flag adopted in 1870. [Right:] Japanese Naval flag adopted in 1889. Recall that Jews financed the Japanese navy against Russia. The dates seem about right for Rothschild involvement. Wikipedia says: Meiji era. The [Japanese] industrial revolution began about 1870 as Meiji era leaders decided to catch up with the West. The government built railroads, improved roads, and inaugurated a land reform program to prepare the country for further development.
China. [Left:] Nationalist flag 1912-1928. Readers might reflect on the 1913 Jewish coup on US money. The meaning seems unknown for sure. [Right:]
This flag is China from 1949, so-called 'Communist China', in fact of course Jewish. The large star may represent the Communist Party, and the four others 'four social classes'—it doesn't seem known for certain, at least officially.
A similar comment may well apply to heraldry, coats of arms, crests, liveries, Latin mottoes, and so on. Very probably evidence of Jews, and other secret societies, remains in these coded images.
And to red flags. Consider the song 'Internationale' or 'The Internationale', or presumably l'Internationale. A Wikipedia entry attributes it to Pierre de Geyter (Belgian, born 1848; note that Belgium, like Switzerland, was a country invented by the great powers). Oddly, the word 'red' or 'rouge' does not occur in that Marseillaise-style version. Another online source, by 'Donny Gluckstein', attributes the words to Eugène Pottier.
Miles W Mathis in http://mileswmathis.com/hanuk.pdf says this regarding a faked stabbing of a 'Rabbi': Next, we search on this Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg previous to December 2019, and we find that Rottenberg is a very prominent name among rabbis. The Chief Rabbi of France before the current one was named... Chaim Rottenberg. His father was the Chief Rabbi of Antwerp. His son Mordechai Rottenberg is now the Chief Rabbi of France, and he married Bella Yoskowitch, daughter of the Chief Rabbi of Poland. So the Rottenbergs are not some down-market small-town Rabbis, holding prayer meetings in tar shacks. They are top Rabbis and are connected worldwide. Looks as though rotten = red or redden. Perhaps Rotterdam was a Jewish port. Perhaps a 'rotter' was slang for a Jewish puppet. No doubt these 'distinguished' 'Rabbis' are slipped money. However, the main point is that organising across nations is related to the red flag; think of the (((British))) 'Labour' Party's annual singing of 'The Red Flag' until recently, celebrating Jewish banks and Chancellors of the Exchequer, wars in Europe, and mass murders around the world.
Out of interest, I tried simple machine translations of the word 'red' ('blood red' might be better), and found Hebrew [pronunciation not available] | Hungarian piros | Latvian sarkans | Polish czerwony | Russian krasnyy transliteration | Scottish Gaelic dearg. Well, it needs work! But it seems possible that the red flag may have signalled a known-world-union, somewhat as the skull and crossbones signalled a world crime union. Red may have preceded the Rothschilds, who may not have deserved the claims made of them.
On Japan, note that Jesuits were in contact with Japan for years. Just as with China—though perhaps much later, in view of the lack of Silk Road contact—there may have been Jewish infiltration; here's 'Kieran' in Jan 2020 on Miles Mathis: “... Japan around the time of the Meiji restoration, after Japan was opened to Western trade by Matthew C. Perry in 1853. Plenty of half-Jewish-looking Japanese aristocrats and industrialists were involved in that, including Yasuda Zenjiro, great-grandfather of Yoko Ono. ...”
Just a short piece on long-term investigations. For people who haven't heard of this or have forgotten. The instigator and leading name is Gordon Bowden of Pandora's Box Investigations Limited (gordonbowden.co.uk and the allegations include government and cabinet members moving public money overseas; and 'binary options' from Israel masquerading as bona fide British businesses.
Hexzane527's guess as to the start of WW3, showing mixed countries 'led' by Jew-controlled white puppet politicians versus countries 'led' by Jew-controlled Muslim puppet politicians.
Hexzane527's view of what will happen in WW3. (June 2016)
Hexzane527 on the 'Great War' and the Second World War—and his predictions on the Third World War
by Rae West 14 Sep 2019
Hexzane527 is probably a French non-Jew. He has three blogs: on the Second World War, speculations on a third world war, and a smaller general blog.
Hexzane527's first blog ishitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwii.blogspot.com mostly from 2013 (25 files), with two files from, 2015. I have reformatted these in HTML format (should be faster and tidier) and put them, with brief explanations, on https://big-lies.org/hexzane527/
and I recommend readers to read a few, at least, of the files on that site, starting perhaps with the views of Hitler as a Jew; then the hints that the NSDAP was all Jews, embedded into covert world Jewry, since Jews are very very keen to pretend Hitler was one of a kind, and not just another actor. Hexane527 has done terrific work on the strategy of the war, if it can be called a war: the 'Battle of Britain' (1940), the behind-the-scenes looks at Operation Barbarossa (1941) and Stalingrad (1942-43), (((Germany)))'s declaration of war against the USA (December 1941), the reason Hitler had to not win Gibraltar, the oddities of Italy and Greece and north Africa, the choreography of D-Day 6-6-44).
He wrote some good reconsideration articles, on for example Mein Kampf and lebensraum as absurd and inconsistent, and the easily-missed lack of reports and books on Jews and Freemasons in countries supposedly invaded by Germany, which, if they were anti-Jew, would have been widely promoted. He has a good piece on the US and UK being generous to Germany, but not to France, including J M Keynes in a starring role as Jewish propagandist for Germany. (I know it sounds odd).
Hexzane527 says the First World War, the 'Great War', was promoted by Jews, and considers it was to make money for Jews by lending for arms, spreading the repayments for at least a century, and building on the 1913 Fed coup. He considers the motive was to get rid of the Ottoman Empire (in 1922) by installing Jewish 'young Turks' and no doubt take over Russia (1917). In my view killing 'goyim' may have been the main motive.
Hexzane527's second and recent blogworld-war-3-explained.blogspot.com/ is at present 21 files written between 2016 and 2019. The seven earliest files, from May 2016, present his view of a possible Jewish-planned World War, based on evidence from previous world wars, and examination of post-1945 events. Perhaps in future I'll tabulate events, in a Jew's-eye view, to include propaganda and media campaigns.
For the present, I'll list his assumptions and methods:–
Hexzane527 considers Jews own everything of value; everyone else is more-or-less small time
But he distinguishes ordinary Jews from influential Jews. He considers it easy enough to arrange to shift the ordinary Jews to new (or old) places
I think he views the world as a secret net of Jews spread across most countries, liaising with Freemasons in large towns. I think he'd agree that in times 'good' for Jews, Freemasons are less important, but in some circumstances Jews are less important. (Imho, Churches are offshoots from Jews, and may exert more power vs Jews in good times for Churches. Same thing with Islam. And blacks.).
He considers Jews want whites to spread, by winning a war which (unknown to both principal sides) is rigged, and will leave an all-white Europe and Jewish 'greater Israel'.
This of course is not the 'white genocide' hypothesis, though if Europe becomes (say) 40% alien presumably this would be a close thing. I wonder if it's credible, in fact, that whites could survive and repopulate Europe and Russia. It's even possible judging by the apparent lack of concern over victims such as Armenians and Ukrainians that these sites are traps to weaken opposition to Jew people trafficking and other harm to whites. But he regards Jews as 'white', and suggests that if Jews genocide whites, they will be left as an identifiable minority
Hexzane527 takes a long view, back to such events as the Norman Conquest of England, and William of Orange (in the Netherlands)
Hexzane527 considers that ALL movements are led by Jews. If e.g. revisionism appears to flourish, it's only because Jews allow it
In the early 1980s, nationalism was demonised. Front Nationale (France) and FPÖ (Austria) were permitted as 'demons'. But by 2018, nationalist movements appear to be more supported
False flags, psyops and other frauds are publically allowed to be somewhat explained. Satanist and illuminati and queer/lesbian etc imagery appears in Jewish media and junk media. Hexzane527 says this is part of the process of constructing two main sides for their planned war. The war will be between Muslims and blacks, presented as conservative and puritanical, vs whites, presented as outrageously deviant, decadent and stupid. Islam shares Jewish views on child sex and rape, and incidentally many Muslims have homosexual sex when young, but "It does them no harm" I was told by a Muslim medical woman.
Muslim groups and parties will be encouraged, notably in local government. True news will be strictly controlled. They and blacks will take money from whites
Hexzane527 has an interesting article on race mixing, which includes central American Indians and blacks and slaves. And interesting material on population movements, including Irish into eastern USA. And fanatics, including religious types in the new USA which Hexzane527 compares with Jews in Israel.
Hexzane527 does not I think look much at satellite countries and changes in them; how do they get 'developed'? An example is Russia's long southern border, where a handful of countries are given towns, subways, railways at the expense of Russia. Analogous to blacks and Jew-forced invaders to the USA, paid by USA whites
Hexzane527 estimates when WW3 will be started by Jews, and gives maps of Europe and likely sides. It will be arranged to seem like a genuine struggle but arranged so that whites win (controlled by Jews)
On propaganda, Hexzane in effect (these are my examples) includes stories and hymns and popular music, James Bond (Cold War, nukes, benign WW2—all lies), Rambo and Forrest Gump (US war criminals including simpletons), ads with race-mixing, censorship of such Jew activities as finance of invasion boats and finance of thugs and fake demonstrators, police corruption, BBC garbage.
In my view, hexzane527 understates Jew cruelty, which may or may not correlate with Freemason cruelty. Killings of Polish Officers, Ukrainian farming families, crucified Armenians, Russian teachers, writers, priests, professors illustrate the types of thing. If Jews plan to leave whites, they may be a decapitated bunch.
Hexzane does not look into finances of war, and Jewish/Freemason war profits. In general, simplifying, if country A and country B play Jewish war, then loans for (e.g.) a century to both sides will take a percentage of GNP from each country, spread out for 100 years, and paid to arms and other companies, including vehicles and transport and clothing etc, Jew benefiting from both finance and profit provided A and B remain fairly stable. Jews also get dead goyim as a bonus. The scheme has to be sold to both sides, avoiding mutual discussions between A and B. There may be honest work published on these lines, but I've never seen any.
I hope people will consider Hexzane527's methods and approach, and take them seriously and work together to decide what to do.
My guess is that Hexzane527's nickname suggests hexane, a powerfully inflammable hydrocarbon, powering the Julian Calendar—symbolising a new start to chronology.
Rae West 16 Feb 2019
On Trump. Watching Trump over the last few years convinced me that Jews, worldwide, had sufficient power to orchestrate both world wars of the 20th century. After all, they controlled the entire USA and its media, after the Federal Reserve Act. And they controlled the British and French Empires. And they controlled German banks and shipping, rails, ores. The controlled Japan and China. After the 1917 coup they controlled the Russian Empire, which they pretended was 'socialist'. Control over propaganda in all these areas was almost complete, and designed to look genuinely local. The wars, in my view, were planned to kill 'the best of the goyim' and to take over assets, by taking them in exchange for weapons, and exploiting disasters by 'fire sale' purchases.
This seems almost incredible to people brought up in controlled nationalist areas, where each large language group had almost unchallengeable opinions imposed by radio, newspapers, books, teachers, films, and, later, TV. But, as the idea spreads, it will pick up support as puzzling fragments of history are fitted into this new worldview. Trump's apparent changes of mind and policy, and his strange appointments, and failure to prosecute and investigate outrageous frauds, transposed to the 1930s, show that Hitler in particular can be reinterpreted as just a part of world-wide Jewry. My readings into all this, so far, are in my piece How Master Race [i.e. Jews] Won WW2.
On Trump generally, below are two optimistic pieces (Apr-Sept 2017, and Dec 2015). Obviously, now, Trump is just another Jew, peppering his speeches with bits and pieces, probably taken from non-Jews, but in reality following current policies assembled from secret 'Jewish' sources. As I say, the helped convince me that Hitler—speeches, promises, writings and the rest of it—was working with Jews all the time.
I found a good selection of 'Related Articles' on Trump after the NewObserverOnline article US-Mexico border crisis ... 134,000 criminal alien crimes. Note there's a time delay. The article titles are:-
On Venezuela. One of the entertaining things about the web is the way all the Jewish media can be seen to act in unison. In the days of printed media, readers might, if they looked, find that all their controlled media swung the same way, but, apart from headlines, it needed a lot of effort to find e.g. they all wanted Stalin to invade Poland. Now, with a few clicks you can notice Jews all want to continue lying about the Holohoax, and invade white countries, and the rest of it. Let's look at Venezuela and oil.
Jews always pretend their interest is the same as that of their temporary host. It's absolutely essential to distinguish America from (((America))), if you wish to understand the world. What Jews hope from Venezuela is control of oil—in the interest of Jews, not Americans. All the costs of conquest and occupation are to be carried by Americans, probably spread over many years by borrowing from Jews. (Almost no Jew troops have been used in any of their schemes). Americans may or may not get oil from these Jews; oil may be used as a weapon against other countries, or to shift currency exchanges, or to support Jewish puppets and allies. This is what happened in the Middle East: the British set up fake Arab monarchies, with Jewish 'monarchs' or 'presidents' or 'sheikhs' or whatever. This is why Jews don't protest that Arabs get money from oil. As in South Africa, the British Army provided military control, thugs, and wars, supporting Jewish control of African assets, in effect from the Federal Reserve.
It's difficult to guess what genuine American control of oil would mean; almost everything has been perverted by Jews. But it could mean control in the US interest, without allowing Jews to parasitise it, for their own profit, and to pay mercenary armies, Israel-based frauds, and other Jew schemes around the world.
Control of raw materials is a fascinating topic, which of course has been subject to torrents of Jewish lies. I have never, literally never, seen a serious analysis of the details, anywhere. Nations with coal mines, ores, ship canals have not usually had civil wars; which shows it's at least possible for large assets to be relatively unmilitarised.
It's common to distort values, and this is a typical Jewish trick. Africa is said to be rich; so was Germany after the Great War, where the costs of mining and refining and shipping were ignored. Oil of course needs extraction, purification, refineries, pipelines, ports, ships, barrels etc. European countries make more money from taxes on oil than the than oil producers make. Note that Jews made more money from gold than their hosts, because of the multiplier effect on loans.
I'm not fully allowing for strategic materials; but I hope I'm making the point that Jews have their own motives for getting control.
Another example of the split of Jewish interests from hosts is the opium wars, where Jews forced opium onto the Chinese, with western, essentially mercenary, thugs. All the profits were taken by Jews. The question is: would it have been worthwhile for the British as a whole to force opium onto China? It's impossible to try the experiment; but the amount extorted from the Chinese population seems unlikely to have yielded much for the British.
The Sackler family and Purdue Pharma offer a modern analogy, but with Jews putting their version of opium in Americans. Would it be worthwhile for Americans themselves to do this?
I hope readers can generalise this reassessment to, for example, wars to get Vietnamese land and paper money under Jewish control. This was a victory for Jews, not for Americans, though of course junk historians will not say so.
'Owen Jones' and Other Footnotes to Dying Fake Media, Jews, and the 'Labour' Party in Britain
by Rae West 14 Feb 2019, 24 Dec 2020
Book Review: The Establishment Published 2014, 2015 by 'Penguin Random House UK'.
Possibly published elsewhere, too.
Subtitled: And how they get away with it.
I found a 'used' copy of the book (most of the rest of this piece is video-related). So, time for a review! Let's start with a few overviews:
• I was a bit surprised with the monochrome picture of 'Jones'. (I'll alternate between Jones and 'Jones', uncertain whether the traditionally Jewish presentation of his ideas—or more accurately other people's ideas that he parrots—shows him up as just another Jew). It's entirely possible he is routinely funded as a 'Holocaust Survivor', for example. Anyway, his photo struck me as very like Greta Thunberg, the absurd little girl, daughter of actors, posing as a climate-aware person. Jews are always looking for presenters, so why not try infants? Less unappealing than bearded freakish Jews, I'd imagine.
• Penguin Books has a long history of promoting Jewish interests, while of course concealing Jews' activities. Jews loved the Soviet Union, and in pre-Internet days, had a fairly simple task, of ignoring all the many disgusting acts of Jews and their agents. In fact, they won the Second World War, after manipulated others into killing each other with weaponry profitable to Jews. This is an extraordinary achievement! And ought to be recognised and understood. Here's information on Jewish propaganda before the Second World War in Britain, as an example. The same thing applies after the Second World War, and in the world in general, and in all media—the BBC for example. Readers unused to facts might like my long page How the Master Race of Jews Won World War 2, which has lots of examples, evidence, Q & A sessions, statements about battles.
• Moving in, to this one book, we see many bold claims made, though not generally by the author. There's a list credited to much of the declining Jewish junk press in Britain, including 'Books of the Year' extracts, displaying perhaps the genetic tendency for Jews to trumpet each other. Someone surnamed Chakrabarti talks of 'the Jones' analysis', which of course doesn't exist. Irvine Welsh (filmmaker?) thinks it's the only book you'll ever need to read. Someone says Tony Benn would have liked it; probably true enough, though Benn was or posed as a follower of Christianity. The front cover leads with 'THE PHENOMENAL BESTSELLER', unsupported by anything factual. None of this need to be taken seriously. With a sigh, let me save you the trouble of wasting your time on it.
It's indexed (40 pages) and has endnotes which are largely printed internet references. No doubt Penguin could have provided these online to reduce fingerwork; but they look unappealing and unreliable and in the Jewish propaganda style. There are eight chapters, four of which have titles suggesting media, police, 'public' money, and tax evasion. I put 'public' in quotes because of course the actual apportionment isn't exactly 'public'. Jones knows this, but doesn't say much about it, and indeed can't without conflicting with his contract.
The format involves the common media use of carefully-chosen well-thumbed wording and statistics, intended to elicit standard Pavlovian reader response. Plus real or supposed activists. Introduced and interpolated with his own uncheckable interviews—cafés, canteens, and pubs featuring largely.
About thirty-two helpers are acknowledged; there are plaintive thanks to people doing their tedious jobs, 'his' editor, agent, and copy-editor, so necessary to the hack. And thanks to others, such as his mum Ruth, probably a Yiddisher, Seumas Milne (editorial hack), Eric Hobsbawm—the usual types. He notices Melanie Phillips, lifetime Jew 'journalist' with presumably non-Greek-aware parents, now of the Daily Mail.
Top of Jones' list of disasters is is September 2008, an 'economic disaster'. This was itself something of a media event; in the sense it would otherwise have been noticed only by after-effects. Let me digress here on the 20th century and its following decade or so...
The full data are not known. But 1913 was a critical date, in which Jews invented the 'Federal Reserve', after playing for a few centuries with land ownership, a few wars, and the definition of 'Federal'. After this, they arranged two huge wars and many less huge wars. This needed co-operation with 'Goyim', for example 'Freemasons'. It's fascinating to speculate on how many deaths there otherwise might have been, how technologies might have developed, and how numerous frauds might have been avoided, but such ideas are as out-of-range of Jones as thoughts of tinned food supplies are out-of-range of pet cats.
Some of Jones' trigger-words are Capitalism, Revolutions, and Organized Injustice. 'Capitalism' has a special place in the Jewish BS system: as long as Jews control it, they say nothing, but just collect; if anyone else controls any money, the menaces start. Jones seems to imagine (unlike Plato) that 'injustice' is as plain as 'pork pie'. 'Revolutions' of course are a standard topic, often called 'Marxist', though in fact older, and overlaid by geological strata of lies. It's amusing to see the way he quotes, or guess, at 'incomes': neglecting the importance of capital and ownership is a standard technique to avoid mentioning people with both. But it's part of the way Jones pretends to look at the 'top of the pecking order' with talking about Jews, military, laws etc.
To save effort, I examined the book's index: nothing on Jews, nothing on Rothschild, nothing on Central Bank ownership, nothing on 'Lord Cashpoint' of Tony Blair. And—of course—nothing on the Talmud or other antiquated garbage. Nothing on 9/11. Nothing on Common Purpose, or Freemasons. Nothing on Websites, or Youtube. Nothing on the 'Holocaust', which must have loomed large in Jones' schooling and Oxford courses on 'history'. Let sleeping frauds lie! I could find nothing on the likelihood that Gordon Brown, under cover of the Jewish press praising his 'genius', sold much of Britain's gold cheap as chips to China.
An important point which underlies academic economics is the denial of the power of money. This, obvious as it seems, only occurred to me when mulling over the idea that money is a medium of exchange, a store of value, or any of the other anodyne statements of hacks. In fact, it can and does pay bribes, control lawyers, install governments, control beliefs, and kill people.
The sad fact, obvious after 120 years now, is that the 'Labour Party' was just another Jewish construction. So is the fact that post-Cromwell Oxford is Jewish, with a splash of disguise—Biblical stuff, concealed Talmudism, largely fake academic subjects. Russell said it was the last gasp of the Middle Ages, showing how little he understood.
Albert Bourla, Jew vet. CEO of Pfizer. Don't be injected by this clown.
Technical Incompetence seems essential to Jew-picked publicists: Jones writes of nuclear power (p. 175) but clearly knows nothing about it. He refers to 'monoclonal antibodies' at one point; ditto. Whether caused by dimness in the multitudes, or induced by interest groups, the media since about 1900 have avoided serious issues. This point is in Jones's favour—in the modern world. He discusses 'phone hacking', but was this in fact possible?? Jones obviously has no idea. There's even some online material about 'COVID' by Jones.
Jews have a parasitic tradition, which appears to be genetic: however much damage they do, they keep on with it. In simple days, the harm they could do was technologically limited. But now, their harm can be deadly. The to world wars are a good example. Another is the COVID fraud: Oxford simpletons are set to inject much of the world. I hope they are stopped.
Automatic Following of Secret Leadership is essential too, if you want to be picked, as Jones obviously did.
Britain is 'a mature democracy'. Really? The BBC is broadcasting's 'gold standard'. Really?? Tax evasion demonstrations in about 2010 were genuine, not just a collection of paid scruffs given pre-printed signs. Really???
Someone 'fled south Africa's Apartheid regime' for example; Jones's words—but has he any knowledge of Africa? Really? There are 'not enough council houses' (he means cheap public housing). But he supports as much immigrations as Jews say Britain wants. Are they in fact buildable? Immigration needs something like four or five towns the size of Birmingham. Is that possible?? The police practice of 'stop and search' is automatically assumed harmful by Jones. But how much in fact was reasonable or essential??? A tricky question, far outside Jones's limited range.
'Jones Goes to the Top' Claim. Consider military establishments and promotions. A good old example is Eisenhower, who turns out to have been an untalented mass murderer of whites. Does Jones query such things?—Of course not. Or consider legal promotions, an issue raised by Benn, complaining (I think) the criteria for selecting judges were not published. Or promotions within GCHQ, MI6, 'Special Branch', etc. These are top-heavy with Jews and secret societies, in my view unfortunately. No surprise—no mention in Jones.
An interesting example of wilful blindness is Jones on Thatcher. [Note on Prime Ministers: Thatcher 1979-1990 | Major 1990-1997 | Blair 1997-2007 | Brown 2007-2010 | Cameron 2010-2016]. Thatcher lived in Jewish London, and must have been spotted as a potential 'face'. 'Privatisation' meant Jews got money and ownership of valuable assets. Jones doesn't notice.
As far as I bothered to check, there is no account of Jones meeting 'our' monarch, in a back kitchen somewhere in Buck House. What view, if any, did she have of awarding knighthoods to US war criminals? Did she remember Winston Churchill? What did she think of Archbishops of Canterbury? What horse race memory was her favourite? And maybe witty repartee from Jones, perhaps concerning his 'anus horribilis', elegantly and light, touching on great events, in wise and entertaining style, so uncharacteristic of the absurd 'Chosen' people?
World Topics Jones says nothing about 9/11, of course—video imagery, controlled demolition, false flags, are out of his range, as are issues of supply, ownership, control, profits, of oil. Another subject he's unfit for is war: he thinks the problem with the Vietnam War was that it cost Americans (not Jews in America; Americans—he forgot to mention that). The corpse-strewn world of Jews and their boytoys!
Plenty more. Let me just quote from Thomas Dalton:
For the past 150 years, we find not a single instance of Jews fighting for peace, justice, reconciliation, or compassion—not one.
If we are to have any hope of minimizing future wars, we must stay the Jewish hand. Jews must be identified, isolated, sanctioned, and removed from positions of power.
ONLINE MEDIA NOW False Flags are staged events to discredit some group. Example: Jews in Poland, after a planned delay, attacked Germans to cause Hitler to attack Poland—probably planned. All the western Jewish media shrieked at Hitler, but did not mention the Jew puppet Stalin when he did the same. As this example suggests, false flags are not new.
PsyOps are staged events to instil hate, fear, panic, or acquiescence. Examples:Nuclear weapons fakes stoked the fake 'Cold War' between Jew-controlled groups. If you can't face this example, consider the NASA moon landing frauds of 1969 etc, the invention of 'AIDS' in 1984, the 'Climate' hoaxes mostly in the 1990s, or let's select the 'Angel of Mons' of 1914, used to suggest that the 'Great War' continue. Other examples are fake shootings in Tasmania, the USA, Britain etc planned with fake campaigns to disarm usually white populations. Here's a recently written-up piece on Dunblane shooting hoax, in Scotland.
The table with flags shows a few of the fake events of the last few years. (Not all the links work—thanks, Youtube!) If these events are intended to be used, obviously there has to be a pretence to believe in them, and this introduces a weakness. The Holohoax fraud for example is a keystone to Jewish frauds; thus Auschwitz is lied about pathetically by Jews—it was a safe well-fed holding-pen for Jews until rail links were destroyed, and non-Jews were killed: you may like to estimate the time needed to kill off Germans in Auschwitz to give a pile of bodies, against the food reserves needed for the 'Chosen'. A much more recent example was staged events in Charlottesville, linked to Richard Spencer as a supposed leader from nowhere. Odd things at Charlottesville (hosted on my own site!).
THE MEDIA BEFORE INTERNET Probably Jews and their puppets look back to 1900 (Boer Wars, gold) and 1913 (Fed) and up to 1945 (radio, films) as a golden age of propaganda, in which any rubbish could be published, printed, broadcast, taught, and projected to almost 100% of any population—and, for that matter, at a profit. This was technology in action: just as the Church was outdated by central media, so individual parsons and priests were outdated, and salesmen were outdated by mass ads (watch Death of a Salesman, if you can take it), and vaudeville performers could no longer make a living from a few acts for life. The media had Walter Kronkite in the USA, Richard Dimbleby in the UK, Alistair Cooke (from Salford), the Attenboroughs, and a series of 'anchors' like Johnny Carson, all presumably Jews. But after 2000 this stasis crumbled fairly rapidly; in my view, a new, potentially liberating, world.
JEWISH MEDIA FAIL TO FIND PRESENTERS Let's first think about the sort of people the Jewish media must be trying to find. Firstly, in my biased judgment, they have to be mediocre, whether Jews or puppets; Blair, Kinnock, Thatcher, the Clintons, Soetero, endless pairs of TV readers, show the sort of thing. Secondly, they have to learn their lines and stick to the Jewish viewpoint, however ridiculous. The history of the ADL, adamant about Leo Frank, a Jewish sex murderer, and the 'Jack the Ripper' crew, never mentioning Jews, are just two small examples of the absolute conformity needed.
They also want people with some verbal skill. I suppose actors are likely to be best, with practised voices, but unpractised minds. Able to give a decisive sort-term impression, like umpires.
'Owen Jones' went to Oxford University (no details. Many Oxford colleges date from the post-'Civil War' period in Britain, when William of Orange was installed by Oliver Cromwell, and the Jewish money power started. To this day, Oxford is a sort of nursery for Jew-supporting nonentities). I put the name in quotes because there is a tradition, going back before 1900, of Jews immigrating into Britain and changing their names to near-British equivalents. There are truy amazing numbers of these.A H Lane's The Alien Menace gives evidence. The odd accents of course could be passed off as local. Shatter in Ireland, Livingstone, Galloway, Corbyn, Straw, Miliband are similar examples. The same sort of thing applies in Russia, Germany, Poland, France, Italy and other countries, probably including China.
It's surprising how few journalist types come from Oxbridge; more usual is a secret, backroom persona, or books in uninteresting style; for example Anthony Seldon, of 25 books (then). Another type is illustrated by a list, taken from an online site, of 'Masters' 'at the helm of Oxbridge colleges', figureheads rather than people of substance. They all support Jewish 'culture', including mass murder and money-making fakes; the 'Labour' Party is more or less synonymous with Jews and has been since it was established in about 1900—an ex-editor of the Guardian, another ex-editor of its identical deformed twin Observer, a human rights barrister [Grayling?Baker?], a Lib Dem peer [Goodhart?], a former head of the National Trust, an Archbishop of Canterbury [Rowan Atkinson], a former Labour press officer, two former Labour peers, a former Labour adviser, and at least four former BBC executives.
None of these people could come up to scrutiny, and of course don't expose themselves to that risk, always having scripts and never speaking openly. With newspapers, books and TV—controlled and unidirectional—this matters little. But Internet raises difficulties. It may prove the 9/11 Jewish media storm—not long after the start of mass Internet—was too late to be salvaged.
How to understand the world: one essential tip:–
You may be looking at the USA, Germany, Poland, Britain, France etc as units, as solid fixed groups. The way to understand is to know Germany is Germans + (((Germans))), France is French + (((French))), Britain is (((British + (((British))) etc. It was more obvious in the USSR, where the Jewish 'elite' were more obvious. Some examples from the 1930s: 'Poland' didn't repeatedly violate boundaries in 1922-39; (((Poland))) did. 'Britain' didn't declare war on Germany in 1939; (((Britain))) did. 'France' didn't invade Germany; (((France))) did. If these Jewish power blocs are kept separate, everything becomes clearer.
During the so-called 'Cold War', Jews ran the USSR, the USA, Europe, and Cuba—which the Spanish Jew Castro controlled. They owned the media and controlled most of the ideas of Russians, Americans, Europeans, including wars.
The thing missing is collaborators, puppets, and normies. They include Common Purpose 'graduates' and Freemasons, and seem likely to be even more difficult to separate out than Jews.
The (((British))) Guardian—which started more than a century ago as The Manchester Guardian, and has been a Jewish mouthpiece ever since, with a nod to the Manchester School of economics—is run by a Jewish trust, the Scott Trust, or Scott Trust Ltd; no doubt the details change. Leeds is another town with many Jews. Incidentally it ran all the job ads for the BBC! It must have been impacted by Internet news. In 2016 it claimed its printed edition had a daily circulation averaging 162,000 copies, but circulation is a coded way of inflating the figures, by multiplying by the estimated number of people each copy is handed to. I'd guess 30,000 a day is optimistic. It fraudulently claims to be independent, and even asks for donations! It's unlikely it's short of money, since Jews can simply print more.
Here's a bit of burrowing by Miles Mathis: Bloomsbury Publishing [of the intensively advertised Harry Potter series]'s Chairman is Anthony Salz. Salz was the Chairman of the BBC in 2006, having been on the Board of Governors, a trustee of the trust which owns The Guardian newspaper, and Executive Director of N. M. Rothschild and Sons Limited. This bank was founded in 1811 and serves the Queen, among other extremely prominent clients.
BRIEF LOOK AT SOME DISHONEST WOULD-BE WEB PRESENTERS Here are a few heavily-promoted miscellaneous would-be presenters, with my notes, since 2000, when Internet took off (numerical information from 'Google Trends'):–
Alex Jones. Widely believed to be Bill Hicks (including by me). Impossible to tell how he arose; fascinating style, but has near-total avoidance of such issues as the Holohoax, Jews under Stalin, the Rothschilds, U.S. war crimes, Holodomor, Jews controlling Arabs and Turks, Yemen. And PsyOps and False Flags; his guests ignore such things too. Infowars (founded in 1999) after Hicks 'died' in 1994. Waco in 1993 may have suggested the whole scheme. He runs his own ads (for things like potassium iodide) to mimic US TV. Peak possibly 2016. He is clearly not serious. BUT it MAY BE that he's pushed large numbers of sheep into wakefulness. The people to ask are the Jews who run public opinion sampling schemes. But they won't say. Recent developments, such as the idea that Hitler and the 'Nazis' arranged the war between them, and the idea that Jews are panicking over DNA evidence that mixed-race blacks who were slaves of Jews show Jew descent—seem to be ignored.
Richard Dawkins. Seems to have started 2006 in Internet. Followed by a slow decline. Book reviews including reasons showing Dawkins is another Jew-puppet fraud: politically, he does not talk about Jewish censorship and Jewish power, manifested in his family tree; scientifically, he is not sound on mistakes in cell biology, which make some creationists' comment true—not that they realise. Religiously, he seems to have no idea about the 'Abrahamic religions' and their money and war connections. He tells lies, of course, about race. My impression is that his audience now finds him unsatisfactory.
Rachel Riley. Seems to have started mid-2008, on a quiz show. I include her here because she is reported to have stated that she has some Jew ancestry, and wants people to know it made her feel more Jewish etc. The obvious questions—suppose she's descended from Jewish murderers in the USSR, for example—are not asked.
Emily Grossman. started May 2014 to be pushed as some sort of advisor for girls to take up science. Essentially a failed Jewish actress in the mould of Jewish feminist types with mixed motives, such as stirring up male/female hostilities. I think in decline since she obviously has no idea about science.
Note the attempt to take over a movement. And align with the fake 'Labour' party. And with thugs for Jews.
'Owen Jones'. Seems to have popped up in mid-2016, about a year after a General Election. I'll go through some of his videos below.
Richard Spencer. Seems to have been invented Nov 2016, with a campaign to link him to the False Flag of Charlottesville (this video is hosted on my own site, in case Youtube hides it). It was impressive at the time to see how rapidly questions were asked about his independence and legitimacy and awareness.
(I just found an online book, an 86-page or so ebook, by Nick Griffin, AltRight NotRight, which has information on Spencer and many manufactured alt-right names, plus other fairly reliable material. Griffin, when leading the BNP, must have had many contacts with supposedly 'right' people, and I presume his detail is correct, though motives and thoughts, and funding, may not be. Has an interesting list of links.
BUT Griffin admitted he had talks with Jews, who wanted him to avoid mentioning Jews and Jewish money—notably the Federal Reserve—and to criticise Islam adversely.).
Milo Yiannopoulos. Feb 2017: Amusing talker, with considerable backup on such questions as what percentage of women called themselves 'Feminists' and facts about pay rates by gender. A dressy homosexual half-Jew, his backup was silent on issues such as Jew paper money and Jew funding of wars. I'd guess his audience eventually tired of his mercifully short accounts of sucking off blacks. He was sacked from some Jew 'news' source, possibly because he advocated pederasty—despite this being recommended by Jews. [NewObserverOnline says: This was Breitbart News: "founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel," said Jewish CEO Larry Solov. Trump hired Breitbart News's executive chairman Steve Bannon as his new campaign manager.] However, Yiannopolos wrote a book which sold in large numbers, as far as is known. This seems a new thing: Jews largely control publishing and advertising, so it's a free gift they can offer easily, while the novelty remains.
Diane Abbott. June 2017: Jews are forever looking for blacks, or mixed-race types they call black, to push their fantasy that races (apart from Jews) are all the same. Abbott is a sort of presenter, a participant in political talk shows of typical lightweight BBC type. There's a funny, or depressing if you lean that way, video showing she is unable to do simple mental arithmetic of (for example) police pay. It's pitiful to watch these puppets: Zimbabwe was pillaged by Mugabe, and there is to be no attempt to get some back for Zimbabweans. As far as I know Abbott has done damn all about this sort of thing; probably she has no idea what could be done. Other issues include South Africa, where Jews are secretly manoeuvring to kill whites, and mixed-race blacks and their Jew slavery/rape issue. I have only my impressions to go on, but I can't see anyone finding Abbott anything more than a slogan parrot.
Tommy Robinson. Jun 2017. Real name said to be Yaxley-Lennon. He was obviously pushed by media Jews; suddenly he became widely-known. This must have been part of the process relating to Moslem rape gangs, which everyone from social workers and teachers to politicians and our ancient and utterly useless Queen did nothing about. He of course had nothing to say about the history of Islam, including the 'Hindu Kush' which is a topic censored by everyone. There have been False Flags (such as the Manchester Arena 'bomb' hoax) but I'm pretty sure 'Robinson' has made no comment. There are occasional demonstrations, probably staged, but I think he's faded. Since he appears to think he's a Jew, he's obviously controlled opposition.
Jordan Peterson. Jan 2018 seems to have been his peak. Allegedly an academic psychiatrist, often shown teaching a class obviously instructed to be mute, he was presented as opposition to the ridiculous Jew-promoted 'pronoun' issue. There's quite a funny staged video, out of doors (because of rules about noise?), where he replies to a ridiculous woman's ridiculous comment on 'Nazis'. He reminded me a bit of R D Laing, who liked peppering his talks with digressions on Dostoievsky, but not of course Solzhenitsyn. Laing also discussed atrocities in the Vietnam War, fought by gullible Americans for Jews to take over Vietnamese assets. Peterson, on the other hand, seems to regard the US Army as evidence of the value of IQ tests, laughably, since the US army is a byword for stupidity and thuggery. Faced with experts in mass killing, Peterson's life of talking with worried people is a joke. I actually feel a bit sorry for Peterson, who is not very skilled in the Jewish art of poker-faced lies, and whose voice gets shrill at difficult times, such as pretending 'Ashkenazi Jews' have a high proportion of 'geniuses'. He was the beneficiary of a book promotion, including for example by the BBC. The hardback I saw was published by a global Jewish-controlled group; I'd be surprised if he got as much as 10% of the nominal cover price. There's a laughable video of him, standing next to the racist maniac Soros: Peterson says "It's very hard to make a lot of money!" or words to that effect—not convincing standing next to a money-printer. Peterson has been claimed to get donations, but I'd guess this is a backdoor way to give him Jewish money. I don't think Peterson can take difficult questions, and I think I detect dissatisfaction in the Jewish republic of Canada.
Readers might like my write-up on Peterson in my massive joff file, with its hundreds of garbage sites.
SIDE NOTE ON THE COMPLEXITY OF SCIENCE, AND OF JEWISH FRAUDS IN SCIENCE. It's important to grasp how science and technology are underrated by Jewish 'intellectuals', as you'll note in watching the types of person who talk with 'Owen Jones'. Jewish frauds are so universal that Jews themselves can be thrown completely, since their collective instinct does not convey sound information. Human brains are not all-encompassing, and the space left after a form of bilingualism, masses of problematical law, and endless dishonesty, is not great. In fact it's possible Jewish evolution naturally draws Jews to frauds, since it's a form of persuasion that seems natural to them.
An example at random is Kate Hudson, of CND. It's quite funny to watch her speeches on Youtube, under the watch of ancient scruffy men, dirty mac types of the so-called 'Labour' party, complaining they are not paid much as 'activists'. It's painful to see Jews, awarded with absurd degrees and diplomas, trying to get their fellows to help them out. Owen Jones is the type who flourishes when corrupt Jews get into commanding positions. Please be aware of this possibility!
Let me list a few Jewish frauds, though of course most people still have no clue about this. Fraud will always exist, no doubt, but when Jews are in the ascendant and can hire 'experts' and fake lawyers, and of course thugs, the pendulum swings to ever-larger frauds. Nuclear weapons and power may be the biggest fraud. They can be considered to include claims about Einstein, and the recently uncovered Stephen Hawking. 'Climate change' of course is another. NASA is a huge fraud. Medical frauds—'HIV/AIDS', immune system frauds, opioids, and fluoride are leading examples—are impressively widespread. There's a fraud even about salt in food. Faked images and psy-operations are relatively cheap to arrange, but can lead to huge effects. Lies about race are all but universal, and are largely absurd claims by Jews, and absurd claims about blacks. Many people notice misleading ads and misleading film/TV on race. Jew-run public opinion 'research' outfits feed back results that Jews want. Jew-run education is a painful process of cutting away people's potential. Economic theory limps along, like sociology, and like history, staked down with chains and blinded and baffled with obstructions. I haven't even started on military corruption and war crimes, which are mostly a white specialism, though of course instigated by Jews. Here's my huge joff file—I haven't mentioned charity fraud. Voting fraud is inexpensive but pervasive: I attended an election in Blackburn, Lancs, with 'Jack Straw' as a corrupt influence amid various aliens. Counting irregularities (wrong party given to a pile of votes), failure to seal boxes, and illegal instruction to non-English speaking invaders as to who to vote for, and refusal of a public-money building for old people, presumably Jew funded, to allow leafletting are standard now. I think it's possible that Jews—consummate liars and networkers— with blacks—stupid and un-selfcritical and dangerous—may have discovered a complementary parasitic system for destruction of all creativity.
LOOKING AT 'OWEN JONES' VIDEOS The ten thumbnails in the screenshot (below) had the largest number of hits in Jan 2019 (it's impossible to know the actual viewing times from those figures; I doubt many viewers got to the end). And I've looked at a few of his recent videos. Note that none of these videos has been silenced by Youtube, a fairly sure sign they don't say much about Jews.
Peter Hitchens spoken to in Holland Park [rich part of London]. He's the twin of the late Christopher Hitchens recorded in 1999 if interested. Both were outed, or announced, as Jews. Peter Hitchens admits to having been a Trotskyite, unapologetically failing to mention the Jews in the USSR. He says it was "a reasonable mistake to make", in true Jewish racial style. He says he's now a Jew in the "socially conservative right"—something like the Jewish neocon position. He says Jeremy Corbyn, the Jewish leader of the so-called 'Labour Party', is a front runner now. Hitchens says "at least Jeremy Corbyn knows he's left wing", I take it a reference to Jews, as the 'Chosen People', think they're being 'socialist' in supporting Jewish money and propaganda control. At this time, Jewish David Cameron was officially the Prime Minister. Lots of irreleventsia on his dead brother, and lots of flyover drivel. Naturally 'Jones' can say nothing serious.
Frankie Boyle (the title mentions Grenfell Tower). [14 mins] Boyle is described as a comedian, presumably as a result of Jewish propaganda. I'd never heard of him. He doesn't discuss Theresa May and Jews. Grenfell Tower was clad with unsafe material, then burnt down. Jones of course has been tipped off, and says there was a fire risk, i.e. not that it was destroyed for political reasons. Jones claims the media don't understand refugee culture etc—in fact imported into Britain and paid from Jewish money is not their 'culture'; and the media, controlled by Jews, promoted immigration. It's this sort of thing which leads me to think 'Jones' has no long-term future; he's there because the Guardian follows Jewish agenda, and he wants money.
Jacob Rees-Mogg (Dec 2015). Weirdly stupid, in the way Roman Catholics have to be. Some filler rubbish, including Baron-Cohen years before. Rees-Mogg things marriage is a religious sacrament—though he seems to be biology-aware. He knows nothing about Abrahamic religious frauds. He says the Pope isn't infallible. And says nice things about 'same sex marriage'—which Jones' anal sexuality appears to like. Rees-Mogg stood for election in 1997. He says he admires Jeremy Corbyn for being a pacifist. But like most Catholics—who for example supported genocide in Vietnam—he likes wars. Both these junk people say nothing about Jewish money as a corrupting force. And more lightweight drivel on minor topics. They both agree that Assad was an 'evil man'—their scriptwriters must have told them. Rees-Mogg has not the slightest grasp of the 20th century—the British did best when they maintained the stiff upper lip. 'Jones', amid his pitiful attempts at conversation, describes Rees-Mogg as 'colourful'—like describing rent collector as 'colourful'. Painful junk.
Jonathan Pie I'd never heard of this unemployed actor who took on 'the left in a way that makes people uncomfortable'. An example was "Imagine a socialist [Corbyn] in a left-wing government"—('socialist means racist Jew).' Jones says it's scripted tightly; 'there is a left and a right'; "historically there were these great struggles against racism" etc caused by "the colour of their skin". "The horror of what real Nazism is." Etc. Jewish lies need constant reinforcement, and there are few people with the integrity to reject them. I suppose actors can't be expected to read. 'Jones' says of the supposed "... gender pay gap... women get paid 87% less.." These people are ignorant shit. There's a comparison here with blacks, or the Jews who exploit them, who think Africa used to be 'advanced'. I hope that psychology becomes able to encompass such things in future.
Brexit (2015, before Trump, during Cameron). Quite funny to see the Jewish-funded queer trying to shout: "... anti-establishment sentiment is sweeping across the western world - we should have a rational discussion about immigration - the failure to build houses .. cuts etc ... workers rights are guaranteed by the EU..." There's the typically Jewish avoidance of Jewish interests, for example race replacement in white countries, and borrowing from Jews to build up debt, and Jewish printing of money. It seems we are forced to import nurses—the little shit has no idea that the western world, pretty much alone, developed modern health measures. Another one of his videos shows a 'Labour' MP who claims to have HIV and/or AIDS, something demolished years ago. It's a terrible failure in the world that Jewish liars can override even the most skilled people. The queer shit must know that medicos with fake qualifications have caused deaths and disabilities, but says nothing. The queer shit must know that whites have been displaced and put into long queues for housing. The queer shit perhaps in the fashion of Freud recognises he is shit.
It's amazing how little case was actually made for the EU. Obviously nobody will mention Jewish control of Europe, but even so they might think of something. Incidentally 'Jones' has cheap graphics; he doesn't seem to have the industry-standard reading devices, but instead has full-screen graphics while he mugs up his next sentences.
Peter Hitchens again This is the 'full video', of about 50 mins, 'Jones' mentioning 'Adam' apparently as one of his video editors, presumably responsible for the deliberately misleading crap. The content is just barely-interesting anecdote; nothing about Hitchens' Jewishness, family money, funding, deals with Jew publishers, whatever. He has a sinister mien, suggested by his one-time support for mass murder. All that's needed is Hercule Poirot, with a glance at Hitchens' unattractive face, to make plain the case against him, before he's led off to be hanged by the neck.
'Livingstone', 'Adams', 'Corbyn'. Oi vey, ZOG has plans! Jews and London, Jews and Ireland, Jews and England
Jeremy Corbyn (45 mins; 29 July 2016). (Below is my detailed crit of Corbyn, Dec 2015, itself part of a longer piece on Corbyn). The Youtube talk between Corbyn and 'Owen', now 2½ years old, in a café resembling the failures place in The Apprentice, with Corbyn resembling the old Jew types seen in places like South Place Ethical Society, with its pullovered Communist 'comrades' reliving the lies of the Spanish Civil War. His short beard struck me as cover for a minor stroke. Unimpressiveness may be part of the job spec laid out in the 'beauty contests' of the Bilderbergers and others. They don't want original thinkers, or indeed thinkers of any sort.
'Jones' was keen to claim 2016 is a 'turbulent' time. People experienced with Jew deception will guess that it's all staged. "Probably the most seismic shift since 1945", says 'Jones' excitedly. But of course if Corbyn were seriously anti-Semitic, he'd comment on USSR mass murders by Jews, Israeli butchery, the Jewish 9/11 fraud, the Holohoax, Eisenhower's killing fields, money for Israel. But he doesn't. The Anti-Semitism dispute within 'Labour', advertised in Jewish media, is clearly nonsense; Corbyn's actions must be a feint. Is this connected with the partial rehabilitation of Hitler, encouraged among Jews, uncomfortably aware that Jews look ever more convincing as a team ranged against whites in the World Wars? Is it something to do with genocide against whites? Is it to do with Moslems, invented historically by Jews, or mixed-race blacks with Jew rape ancestry? It's hard to know, and 'Jones' will not ask.
His pacifism is clearly a feint too; it may be that Jews have planned a final solution to whites in Europe, so Corbyn is intended as controlled opposition, reducing arming and fighting.
'Jones' shrill bleating of 'fascist' is a rerun of a campaign 25 years ago. called 'Keep the Media Nazi Free'. Here's Paul Foot in April 1994 on that subject, of censorship to conceal Jewish actions. Probably an unspoken reason was to prevent Iraqis complaining about Jew influence.
Corbyn must use a checklist from his masters before risking questions. There are so many lies. He talks of 'marginal people', meaning whites. He mentions three issues: a Syria vote, Trident vote—one of his interests is the Jewish nuke fraud—and the Chilcot Report on Iraq. He talks of "redistribution of wealth", except from Jews. And energy policy, which he thinks should be 'sustainable', showing the lack of technical knowledge which is typical of Jews. He talks about the housing crisis, failing to mention the money Jews make from government borrowing and people's mortgages and rent. He says nothing on Moslem rape gangs. He says nothing on the repayment of vast borrowing... He thinks university standard education should be widely available—perhaps incorporating a little joke. Corbyn hints at a government investment scheme, but wisely gives nothing further, since Jewish policy is to parasitise, not create. 'Jones', in this stream of pre-rehearsed drivel, says nothing significant, except that he claims to do a lot of 'social media'.
With Chairman of 'Wetherspoon' (refurbishes architecturally significant large buildings, offers standard cheap food and selected drinks, complicated menus) Tim Martin at Southend. Tim Martin, who said he's a barrister, is, we're told, a "big fan of Brexit'. I'm surprised 'Jones' handlers retained this video; Martin said only two things: he wasn't keen on the Exchange Rate Mechanism, and the issue was: do you want to leave or stay. 'Jones' has no idea what the EU is—based, in fact, on the constitution of the USSR—and he interrupts in Alex Jones style. "Many of your workers are on poverty wages. £8.05 an hour. It's below a living wage—by definition". I suspect the end of interview was cut.
As a response to 'Coronavirus', Wetherspoon distributed a flyer; here's a download of it. Note the Oxford University material at the front.
Michael Moore described as a filmmaker (Jun 2016) says if Trump becomes President, people will move to Canada. They won't want his finger on the button—a Jew non-issue of course. Fascism. Liberals—the usual restricted verbal palette characteristic of the Jew environment. First impression is a fat unkempt dull bore plus a little queer bore, and nothing happens to dispel that impression.
4 mins 17 Jan 2019. The media must take responsibility for far right attacks with very shaky, close-up, heavily-cut videos which don't give evidence of thugs. 'Jones' has an approved list of false flags, for example Jo Cox, who was supposedly murdered. Numerous terror plots 'have been foiled by the police'; he may mean the Manchester Arena farce. "What about people being abused in the streets with racist abuse" and putting "the safety and security of minorities at risk", supported by no evidence. And assuming world majorities are minorities; probably Jew-massaged facts, assuming Britons are idiots.
8 mins 1 Feb 2019. Diane Abbott describes by 'Jones' as 'a bit of a trailblazer'; she's supposedly shadow Home Secretary. It's quite funny how automatic is her self-seeking, like a black 'politician' supported by Jews in southern Africa, thinking of the legal assets given by Jews. Much of Africa lives, literally, in shit, but Abbott, ignorant of everything of importance, does nothing. 'This is still a very racist and sexist society' is her contribution to the world. Jews gave unwanted immigrants the vote, and incidentally loaded the vote up with fraud. The little queer asks nothing important.
12 mins 10 Jan 2019. (((BBC))) TV with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo (a Marrano Jew), and Liz Kendal 'a British Labour Party MP whose whole life is as a Jewish puppet. Neil's piece incorporates, without comment, a staged repetitive video. 'Jones' says Jo Cox was murdered, and talks of racist policies. Nil talks about IRA terrorism, a long-term managed topic. 'Jones' mentions the controlled 'Tommy Robinson'. The little queer, 'Jones', talks about the 'relentless scapegoating of migrants', an absurd lie; and the 'failure to protect living standards', as though paper money represents 'living standards'. At this time, Jews had invented the Empire Windrush, a German ship used by Jews to import West Indians. (Check it). Andrew Neil talks of the rise of the 'far right' in France, Germany, Italy: "When the far right does repulsive things, it's hate. When the far left does repulsive things, it's activism". None mention Jews. None mention the fake dimorphism of societies into just two groups.
See Youtube BBC hack Andrew Neil doesn't care about rapes of young white girls. 2015 30 March
If you check you'll find the so-called ‘Labour Party’ was always Jewish. The idea was to exploit 'democracy', so that voters could always be manipulated into voting for Jews. They were the only group with enough money to form, research legalities, promote, advertise, and propagandise a new political party. As with these pictures of the Fabians, with wolf in sheep's clothing, the 'Labour Party' never had an interest in workers. They manipulated them as per Jewish capital, promoted WW1 and WW2, promoted further wars, promoted immigration, and all the rest. As for Islam, that is itself a Jewish invention from way back. They regard Muslims as inferior simpletons, useful in violence.
The 'Labour' Party's Prime Ministers have been Ramsay MacDonald, Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown. I'm not aware of a skilful biography of MacDonald. Wilson was certainly aware of the non-white immigration policy of Jews; Blair was and no doubt still is a pathetic pawn of Jewish money. Points deserving examination are 'Labour' people, though not dominant, as products of the Boer Wars, and supporters of the 'Great War'; MacDonald's origins and policies; Trade Unions and the huge rise in bureaucracies; 'Labour' during the National Government; 'Labour' and the unelected EU; and 'Labour' and Jewish frauds.
Even back in 2000; Jews were promoting sex oddities. Entire Jew careers are built on the abuse of normal people, using Jew money
If the view of Jews as aggressive parasites, that get violent when they think it's feasible, is reasonably correct, 'Owen Jones' is a parasite, evolved to present as a 'beta' or 'gamma', concerned to tell lies to weaken his hosts, until severe violence is possible. Part of this is deception by presentation; the real or put-on homosexuality is part of an ongoing campaign, LGQBT etc, as is the 'pronoun' issue applied to people and gender. (As yet nobody is being forced to invent special pronouns for beliefs, strong objects, politics—though perhaps that's on its way.) The anti-white race immigration is a serious threat—and 'Jones' routinely lies about immigrant violence, and immigrant unemployability and selective funding against whites. If you, reader, think this is silly or 'anti-Semitic' or 'homophobic' (disliking things similar to each other?), please, please, re-read this and check your awareness of the world and other groups of people. Please. Your life may depend on it.
You may feel 'Owen Jones' is just another nonentity with disgusting habits. But historical facts make this a dangerous assumption. Since Cromwell in Britain, Napoleon in France, the Civil War in the USA, to take only the modern era, Jews have chalked up massive totals of death, most noticeably in the 'socialist' USSR. This is supported by Jews such as Corbyn, May, Merkel and millions of others. 'Jones' has a bit part, analogous to the reserve army of thugs paid their pittances by Jews. There's only a limited capacity in human brains, and Jewish hatred of whites and other non-Jews, plus their need to control this, with their absurd uncritical miseducation, and time spent on trying to keep up to date with current Jewish lies, make Jewish dogmatic stupidity a worldwide serious problem.
The USSR couldn't even invent battery chickens; but it could invent mass genocide. Their parasitic genetic nature is not suitable for any technological society, as can be seen clearly in South Africa now. They can steal, perhaps copy, but have no ideas of their own. And Jewish world population is at an all-time high: all races of people are now parasitised to an unprecedented extent. And competent people are targeted on the Jewish principle "kill the best of the goyim".
And vast swathes of public officials, religious people, civil servants, educators, media propagandists, police, armies, navies and airforces, collectors of spurious statistics, and 'intelligence' people, see little option but to do what they are told. Many still have no understanding of Jews, though this situation is changing. Be aware, and if possible do what you can to weaken or remove them. Your life may depend on your awareness.
Internet may be the most powerful informational force since writing, Greece, and Rome. There are other optimistic signs—I hope. Since 1945, many of the puppets have died, or must be reaching their end. Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Queen, David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins, Rupert Murdoch, Buzz Aldrin, Noam Chomsky, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Helen Suzman, Joe Slovo, Peter Sutherland—just a tiny sampling—can't last much longer. Maybe there'll be a revival of the practice of collecting relics from the newly-dead. Maybe competent medical people will insist on Jews being treated by witch doctors from the Congo. Maybe compensation will be taken for Jewish Holohoax lies. Maybe Jewish archives will be reconstructed, and from them blame will be estimated and punished. Maybe Jews will be forced to live among their low-IQ fellows. Maybe people will notice that assets, legally assigned at present to Jews, are so huge that almost everyone will benefit from their expropriation.
Endnote by Mary Thomas
White Americans fought their German brothers during the world wars, and then GAVE the Jews a country of their own, and to thank us they give us the genocide of the white race. The evil I'm talking about here, the betrayal of the good will of decent whites here in America who NEVER MEANT ANY HARM WHATSOEVER TO THE JEWS—the evil is beyond my imagination. As we head into the cannibal's pot, you can BET that we're going to take the Jews down with us. Trust me, when whites figure out what has happened, there is going to be hell to pay. The irony is that we loved and admired the Jews.
I can't imagine that ANY of our major problems could have gained any traction whatsoever if not for Jewish influence. Abortion, feminism, porn, affirmative action, massive immigration—you can rattle off the things that are tearing us down and behind each and every one of those issues you will find malevolent Jewish interests. But it takes a bit of intelligence and research to be able to put it together in your mind. I had NEVER had anything but admiration for Jews my entire life. At one time I had totally accepted that the Jews WERE a superior group and that they DESERVED to be the new mandarin class. I was a liberal for most of my adult life. Then came the bailouts of '08, and I started digging and reading, and I was shaken to the core when I realized that the entire thieving elite was above the law. I sincerely wish that I did not know the things I know now, because the information causes me great emotional pain. But it is what it is, and the truth cannot be denied.
H J Eysenck was born in 1916 in Berlin) and by the time of the Second World War was in Britain. He 'worked as a psychologist at the war-time Mill Hill Emergency Hospital'. (Mill Hill, north London, has, I believe, a synagogue, which played a part in anti-white 'Jew' activities). He gives evidences of Jewish ancestry, including a show-business background and dislike of Hitler as understood at the time. Both his wives, if you can find their names, probably thought they were Jewish.
Eysenck was opposed, or appeared to be opposed, by post-war Jewish-funded street types; it's quite amusing to read about it all and try to decode the various lies and memes: Eysenck opposed the idea that all people are the same, which indeed is nonsense; and presumably believed Jews were superior, though of course he couldn't say so directly. The tomato-throwing opponents may have believed in Jewish superiority, though most of them were hired, and had little idea of the Jewish background, which was very carefully censored.
Eysenck's lab was revealed to have obtained £800K from a tobacco fund. He wrote voluminously on psychology—at least 60 books—including on psychic abilities. He thought tough-minded vs tender-minded made sense, wrote popular books, and did his best to wreck Freud—in my view, more through the sense that Freud's absurd Jewish beliefs would tend to expose unwanted Jewishness than through unscientific bases. He wrote an essay The Psychology of Anti-Semitism (published by 1953) consisting mostly of questionnaire results from the United States and England—not from the USSR! And with nothing whatever on Jewish beliefs. A truly astonishing work of uninformative emptiness. Internal vocabulary evidence suggests it's based on, or influenced by, the 1950 book Authoritarian Personality by Adorno and others. It seems entirely possible that Eysenck was on the fringes of intelligence, probably given the rôum;le of following the (((British))) policy of not mentioning Jews, and torturing Germans. I'd guess he was regarded as a German or German Jewish authority; he received his PhD at 24, suspiciously young. One has to wonder about his wartime experiences; he must have seen and heard a few unpleasant things. Even his model of human personality—excitation and inhibition, stimulants and depressants, extraversion and introversion, psychosis and neurosis—has a sinister tinge: there's nothing about ideas and beliefs, which many people would consider central to psychology. (This missing aspect may have led to the promotion of Chomsky; his fake humanitarianism and timewasting stuff did nothing to help decode Jewish lies—consider the heavily-promoted, sixty years later, Jordan Peterson, whose Jewish neologisms and contorted phrasing continue to remain unexamined and unridiculed, just as most people seem unable to say useful things about sermons, ads, fake news.
Here's my review The Battle for the Mind, a debate between a Jew, Kamin, and Eysenck. At this date, I'd suggest that interested people try to test the hypothesis that Eysenck was controlled opposition, used to suggest some absurd position, like Kamin's, was in any way serious. Something similar happened later with The Bell Curve with its featherweight treatment of Gauss's normal distribution, and its implicit individualism—if any population is a victim of mass deaths, the details of IQ hardly matter.
Anyway, to get to the point, I remember from one of Eysenck's books something like this: "In Berlin in the 1920s there was a time of tremendous inflation in prices. One account states that a wheelbarrow of notes was needed to buy a loaf of bread. Some patients of psychologists lost track of the meaning of numbers. They would say for example that their age is 154 million, or they walked 4500 miles to the surgery. This was called Inflation Psychosis ..." (I'd be grateful for the accurate version, if a reader has it. Note that the phrase 'inflation psychosis' has been changed in meaning, in typical Jew oratorical style).
DECEPTION PSYCHOSIS. I'd like to suggest that an effect of constant Jew-controlled propaganda is to cause large numbers of people to resign themselves to a state of permanent non-understanding of the world. Like the victims of hyperinflation, they abandoned understanding. The 'sayanim' types who are paid to lie for Jews often enough say "You blame da Joos for everything. I suppose you blame Joos for the weather!" The reply "I blame Jews for things they are responsible for" seems out of their limited range. But victims of deception psychosis can't manage to think of that.
The 'Flat Earth' promotional push (Here's my 2015 post) seems to be just one test, and in fact seems quite successful in getting to people without basic knowledge of the solar system, and who seem unable to think through it, like the inflation psychosis victims.
Suppose the earth is flat, like a big table. The Himalayas are about 5 miles high. The Himalayas would be visible from anywhere on earth—if it's flat. But they aren't. The whole thing is Jew-promoted crap.
There is refraction and there are limits to how far the human eye can see and how close devices can bring an object to the eye. You think you can see a sun that is 93 million miles away but that is pure nonsense. There is NO proof of the curve the Earth has to have if it were a sphere. It is not a sphere. Show me proof ot the curve and I will believe. Try and contemplate that every single thing in your assumption is based on faulty--no, fake--information. They tell us these things, with no evidence, because they want to discount and completely discredit God. They want us to feel small, insignificant and not special. They tell us we are animals. They say we came from nothing. They say there are billions like us. They say the Others are smarter than us. It's all fake. There is no billion miles of "space." There may not be a vacuum, I don't actually know. No one does. There is a sun and moon and there are stars in the firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below. The dome is impenetrable. The US fired nuclear weapons at it in the 1950s and nothing happened. There is one video that shows something like a crack but it heals instantly. We don't know the dimensions of the Earth but it is a circle. So seeing something billions of miles away is a theory. It is a supposition based on fake data.
You may have been misled by the expression 'ball earth'. A 'ball' is something quite small, say a few inches across up to a foot or so. The earth is a huge sphere, not a ball
NO. I am trying to explain to you what THEY say about THEIR THEORY that the Earth is a massive ball spinning in "space." THEY say that the Earth's circumference is 24,000 miles, yes? Therefore their math says, and I agree with this, that the Earth MUST curve 8 inches for every mile of distance squared, to achieve that dimension in a sphere. It must. There is no debate. This is not controversial. But it has NEVER been demonstrated. It is not about seeing it. It is about proving it. So they need to show the oceans or a large body of water curving to that degree over distance. Instead, all we have are ample and regular proofs that there is in fact 0 curve. NO curve. None. Zero. Nada. No curve. No curve, no sphere. It's that simple.
It curves slowly, and you can't use a ruler to show it. And the earth's surface has irregularities. But you can see it's not straight. It's just a very big rough sphere
[And so on...]
Here's the lawyer and literary/historical researcher Nicholas Ennos: It is interesting to look at psychiatry in general as a Jewish fraud. I think what is essentially fraudulent about it is that people who are suffering mentally are blamed for their own suffering, whereas it is usually caused by an outside element. This avoids having to examine and criticise this outside element. In particular people live in a culture of lies which cannot be healthy for their brains.
It's curious to see how people find great difficulty in recovering from intensive lying. I suspect this is a genetic legacy, perhaps dating back to the origins of language in early people. Possibly parasitic Jewish evolution has managed to home in on this. A perfect example is the 'Great War', started inn 1914, and 1917 in the USA: large numbers of writers, commentators, 'intellectuals', soldiers and sailors, and just plain ordinary people contributed their thoughts, but the minority of Jew-aware people made hardly any impression. (Hilaire Belloc was one of the few to write on this, but even he was caught up in Roman Catholicism and French anti-Germanism).
There's a morass of semi-popular psychological material out there, dominated by Jew money. In England, this probably started in about 1880-1900, as Jews poured into London's east end, and continued to invade in the early part of the century, usually with fake names. In fact, English psychologists noticed what they called psychosis, behaviour with no conscience, but failed, or were prevented, from saying the patients described themselves as Jews. (I see I've lost my source for this). Freud was of course another part of the Jewish infiltration of psychology. (Note the possible pun on 'Id' and yid). In the USA, let me mention Morton Prince, on multiple personalities/ dissociative identities, who had some influence. (I've noticed (Jan 2023) that 'D.I.D. is being joked about my young girls in uploaded cam videos. I don't know how much is pisstaking). There must have been psychological activity in the Second World War: pilots of bombers who feared being shot down had 'weak moral fibre' or something similar stamped on their records, though I imagine there were more serious consequences too. There was of course crude censorship of atrocities, and of Jewish money, used ruthlessly to enrich Jews.
Jewish phony psychology is an interesting piece, including Freud, but mostly post-1945, including 'Holocaustianity'. And 'Maslow's hierarchy', not of course new. I'm inclined to think Pavlov was used in the same way (he may not have been Jewish), with techniques familiar to dog and hawk trainers for centuries, including noises (e.g. whistles), commands such as "sit", posture, food rewards, careful repetition, and deciding on goals to be learned by teh creatures. US war crimes in Korea led to popular paperbacks on 'brainwashing', regarded as Chinese and as an actual technology. Here's a piece on "Brainwashing" to hide US war crimes, though weakened by commenters unable to understand the issues. Jews who invent anti-white material included Milgram, Zimbardo, Asch (conformity experiment), Cohen (race dislike), Aumann.
On the other side, we have Hillman on schizophrenia who however got nowhere, the fate so far of academic psychology.
This article was suggested to me by an online discussion, and differences in attitudes to military activity that it revealed. I was told that Rommel was a 'military genius'. It seemed obvious to me that, in a war obviously soon to be lost, a clever manoeuvre was about as relevant as a well-performed piece of theatre in a disaster zone. And it seemed obvious that the whole presentation of wars has been distorted by the usual suspects, for the usual reasons, and aimed at the usual people.
Many males like machinery, or like the idea of it. People who carefully budget, and agonise over, specifications and prices of a motor bike or car, I suppose find it natural that governments should pay large amounts for tanks or helicopters or bombing planes, without considering the costs—and the costs cannot be evaded; they aren't donated by patriots. At this point, we must consider the idea of battle-lines, countries, enemy formations, and so on. The entire conventional presentation is that these things are obvious, taken for granted, and simple. Consider for example
The map of Waterloo (at some stage), top right. Here's a subtly misleading comment by Bertrand Russell (1915, Principles of Social Reconstruction) ‘To take a simple and almost trivial example: the facts about the battle of Waterloo are known in great detail and with minute accuracy; but the facts as taught in elementary schools will be widely different in England, France, and Germany. The ordinary English boy imagines that the Prussians played hardly any part; the ordinary German boy imagines that Wellington was practically defeated when the day was retrieved by Blücher's gallantry.’ Of course, the facts were not known with minute accuracy; how many people had any clue as to the costs of weaponry, or the issues which the battle would decide?
Throughout the Victorian age, wars were taught in isolation. In Britain, Edward Creasy's 1851 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World is a perfect examplar. There were many textbooks, with many accounts of battles, often memorised by rather naïve Britons at the time. Caesar's war commentaries were widely regarded as perfect training for public schoolboys in England; Trevor-Roper/Dacre, a 'Regius Professor of History', said as much. These accounts of course are just a section of important information.
Then (as probably now), a profound incuriosity saturated the subject: I'd guess Westpoint is filled with simpletons to this day. Both UK and US have monuments (and probably regimental museums etc) to obscure wars; weird mixtures of mascots, honor, regiments, ports and airports, jostle with uneasy facts, such as the almost continuous wars, invasions, thuggery, and killing. Both country's non-Jewish populations tend to think of 'their countries' as peaceful.
Jewish attitudes to war are far different from their promotion of violence to armies of simpletons and peace-time mobs. Their attitudes must have varied with conditions, but probably always included control over land and food and rents and money and assets, control over propaganda, control over populations including reproduction, plus secret collaborations with a bizarre variety of old soldiers, religious types, technicians, old aristocrats.
Intelligence, in the rather mundane business/military sense, is, traditionally, barely mentioned. An example of how mistaken this can be is the career of Ronald Kasrils, a Jewish light intellectual. He (according to his own account) helped arrange smuggling of weapons in South Africa, by reading about farms for sale, then moving weapons between them. Or something like that. After Jews got the puppet ANC in power, white farmers were murdered—an often-quoted figure is 70,000 of them. If Kasrils had been known about—by opponents—and terminated, perhaps the deaths would not have happened. And the point is: there was no 'battle-line'. No drawn out 'front'. Jews were pervasive and camouflaged and ruthless.
Gung-ho simple armed aggression is a standing temptation to persons who hope to be armed. My discussion opponent, as he seemed to turn into, at some point livened up: in Vietnam, they fought 'communists'! Yes! I could almost sense his rejuvenation in the absurd Jewish phraseology. We have a long way to go.
I see in a Jewish-owned newspaper: The AFPS [Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme] was created in 1987 to give Members of Parliament a taste of military life... [An MP] said: "I have always felt an urge to serve. ... the AFPS means I can serve my country and my constituents...' (((My country))).
This piece is aimed at young people, in the hope of helping them understand the modern world, especially the remarkable, and truly evil, roles of Jews. My starting point is Bertrand Russell's bookWar Crimes in Vietnam (1967; pdf format. Collected essays and articles of different dates, which I recommend you save to disk since the book has been subject to censorship). Russell's book was important to me personally, in the same way that the unpeeling of 9/11 has been an important awakening point to many people more recently. But I don't think I ever met anyone else who heard of the book; I only nosed it out because of my general interest in Russell's life and work. This was a few decades before Internet; exchange of information was vastly more difficult then.
Anyone interested in the propaganda presentation of the 1960s might do well to read the final chapter of the final volume of Bertrand Russell's Autobiography, entitled The Foundation, the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation being Russell's eponymous organisation which lives on. (He mentions the Atlantic Peace Foundation, given charitable status as an educational body, which lives on too, based in Nottingham, England). From today's Jew-aware viewpoint it's clear that Jews were sent, paid, or took it on themselves, to check on Russell, and I'll try to explain how the whole intersecting set was spun. I'm not claiming omniscience—there are many aspects not yet known, and astonishing things to be discovered. Jewish archives, on money, influence, assassinations, and public media are secret, if they exist at all.
There is a theory that 'Jews' are genetically clannish liars, as a result, not of 'eugenic' policies, but specific breeding, as terriers or gundogs or badgerhounds must have been bred. If so, they will be a continuous, long-term problem: it appears natural to Jews to plot and lie, and avoid anything constructive and creative. They appear to be a specialised parasitical and aggressive group, dependent on ordinary people as victims. If they are unable to turn to anything else, they may remain a long-term menace.
Greenspan: "The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take." - America's Final Election video by Way of the World. A private company that controls America's money supply. It is not federal, and has no reserves.
Jewish propagandists had several aims: • Jewish aims and activities in the then-present had to be concealed; this was probably the most important single aim. Thus, in the Vietnam case, Kissinger, Johnson and many others had Jewish motivations for war, never to be discussed. Profits to Jews from weapons, aircraft, ships, bombs, bases; Jewish bankers' aims to control central banks have only become generally known in recent years. Experimental weapons may have been a motive, though the use of high explosives, napalm and so on on the face of it seem unnecessary—it may be that Jews were more interested in prostitution and child sex, harvesting body parts, collecting rents and percentages, and similar traditional occupations.
•Jewish aims and activities in the past were to be concealed. At the time, the Second World War was the most important 'sensitive' topic. Readers may be aware that Jews were likely to have been the principal, though undeclared, 'nation', and possibly controlled the entire war, with puppets/associates in every country. The puppets would have operated separately, to avoid complications, like groups of crooks operating in their own 'turf'. When their activities were obvious to everyone, they had agreed-on cover stories: the 'atom bomb', 'Cuba Crisis', 'Cold War' were Jewish fakes. Fascists, Nazis, and Communists were Jewish, often hidden, though media control made this concealment rather casual, for example in eastern Europe. The idea of Hitler and Mussolini as actors fronting Jewish cryptos is being developed rather slowly, partly because of concealment of evidence, and partly because many participants at the time don't want to appear fools or thugs. But they are dying out—possibly the best place for them.
•Jews—and this has now been widely known—hate whites above all other peoples—though of course other peoples are hated too. Their anti-white hatred shows itself in numerous ways—discouraging families, encouraging immigration into white countries, encouraging violence and crime, encouraging drugs, discouraging education, changing legal and election systems to damage whites, extorting money—when you read of atrocities in Vietnam, remember Jews, despite starting the genocide, never offer any compensation. But the most covert Jewish operation has been inciting violence between white groups, and controlling weapons and news. How the 'Master Race' Organised and Won WW2 is an incomplete piece on this vast subject.
•Anti-white policy causes Jewish media to look for hideous behaviour by whites, and push drumbeats of hate into films, TV, news, and the rest. For example, Jews encourage Mexicans and simple blacks to express hatred; there is black violence even against white farmers in South Africa. War crimes by whites, carrying out Jewish orders, are perfect for the Jews' anti-white purpose. Many whites are too stupid to grasp this—Kevin MacDonald's OccidentalObserver never runs articles on white war crimes. When whites commit war crimes in support of Jews, of course there is no criticism. Think of Russians forced to serve Stalin; or Bertrand Russell's last public writing On American Violence which mentions Indians and slaves, but says nothing about Americans' mass killings of Europeans, vastly more important issues, because Jews wanted whites to fight each other.
•Jewish propagandists and the 1960s. Some 1960s radicals were seriously opposed to US genocide in Vietnam. Jews, as per their genetics, cared only about Jews. The student movement was hijacked by Jews: filth like Jack Straw, Harman, Ruben, Chomsky, Cohn-Bendit, Miliband, et al. I remember a demonstrator telling me how the whole demonstration was orchestrated for the media. To this day, most Americans have little idea what happened in Vietnam. In this piece I'll show how Russell was encrusted by Jews. 1960s Misunderstandings
Russell accepts all the Jewish mythology about the Second World War, including Churchill as a hero standing alone. (E.g. pp 102 ff. The Jew Lyndon Johnson, who compared a Diem to Churchill—more accurately than Russell could have known). Hitler of course was assumed to be the ultimate evil. Chapter 9, The Only Honourable Policy, is a fascinating tangle, apparently trying to bring Jewish lies about WW2 to support a policy in Vietnam, presumably of Americans leaving.
The most important part of Jewish mythology is the omission of Jews. This has been invariable in conventional histories. Just one example (from Prof Sir Geoffrey Nice, QC): The French pledged to assist in the building of a national anti-Communist army. The Chinese and Soviets offered weapons to the Vietminh. The United States sent $15 million dollars to the French for the war in Indochina with a military mission and military advisors where Nice takes it for granted that the 'United States', 'the Soviets', and 'the Chinese' are all independent. In fact all three were Jewish-controlled.
Russell also, despite his supposed scientific awareness, never had suspicions that the 'nuclear weapon' threat might be a simple fraud. His post-1945 life up to the early 1960s included opposition to 'nuclear weapons'; this must have been part of Jewish policy, as Russell was even allowed to speak on the subject on BBC radio. The obvious guess is that the myth was used to prevent the USSR from being invaded and inspected.
Pham van Dong is quoted at the end (p 178) as an opponent of 'imperialism'; presumably he was another Jew puppet. He says people in the USA and Europe have benefited from the bombing! In fact Jews, owning weaponry and politicians, and the possibility of running the central bank in Vietnam, made money. This is part of Jewish 'white guilt' assertions, to distract away from Jews.
Russell starts with a discussion of the French in Vietnam (p 10). Presumably this was a Jewish-financed construction, just as the 'British' Empire involved India, China and the opium wars, and South Africa, and those are before the 20th century Jewish conflicts. The French Empires, or (((French Empire))), was part of post-Napoleonic complexity, and listed by Faurisson as one of the four giants, the others being USA, USSR, and the British Empire, opposed to three dwarves of Germany, Japan, and Italy. It's fascinating to read Russell on Vietnam (research presumably in 'libraries and newspaper offices) completely omitting the role of Jews in the USA, UK, France, Japan, and (probably) Germany and China. And their role in 'communism'. It's easy to see how anti-white policies could simmer behind the scenes.
Roman Catholicism is relevant to Vietnam, where puppet rulers seem to have been Catholic. However, please understand that Christianity was put in place by Jews, and can't be assumed to be hostile to Jews.
Russell and the New York Times is a painful exchange between the naive Russell and Sulzberger, Ochs, and others. Russell's family had been involved, in England, in emancipating Jews, and he never faced the possibility that Jews were a huge parasitically evil distributed nation, even though he was aware that mass murder in the USSR was Jewish.
Trying to decode spooks and supports is fascinating. I'd guess the Viet Minh were Jewish promotees; Ho Chi Minh too is suspected of being a Jew agent, even if he didn't know it. Russell took 'Revolutions' at face value, unaware that thousands of cryptos behind the scenes were needed for each front man. All his life he accepted the myths of the Dreyfus Affair, for example, and Cuba and the JFK 'assassination', which Miles Mathis has shown was probably a fake.
Russell has a longish footnote (p 45) on the word 'Vietcong', invented, in typical Jewish fashion, as propaganda.
There's a very short chapter on China and bombing. (Pp 82-3). I'd guess it was a scare story. Obviously, Russell had no idea about Jews in China, or in Japan.
Russell says nothing at all about money and profiteering; he was friendly with Keynes, so this is suspicious, or evidence of laziness. He also says nothing about land-ownership, company ownership, and other sources of easy money when you have it.
There are no photos in this book. These could have packed more punch than the book. Russell said in his Autobiography that he was surprised his book was published; and owed Unwin gratitude. But of course in fact it's largely twisted into a propaganda exercise, anti-white and omitting Jews.
Russell wrote a chapter on the 'Labour Party' in Britain, which he'd helped in a small way, without ever realising it had Jewish roots and was in thrall to Jewish money, and no doubt set up for the purpose. His tearing up of his Labour Party membership card in mentioned. Harold Wilson was Prime Minister or Party Leader at the time. Amazingly, he was during WW2 fully on board with the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan! As Dr Kitty Little stated.
Russell regarded the US genocide as a war by 'Americans', of course a handy place for Jews such as Kissinger to hide. To this day, many Americans can't understand this. For example, Kevin MacDonald never mentions atrocities by the US, even if they are a Jewish responsibility and fit his view of Jews as a 'race' that shall 'dwell apart'.
Chapter 12, Appeal to the American Conscience June 18, 1966 (pp 116-124) discusses war crimes, and internment camps. All this is disgusting. Russell then talks about wars, preparations for wars, admirals and the US navy, and particularly ownership of raw materials. This view is opposed to the IQ-and-poverty school of thought (and indeed makes it look shallow). Russell includes the 66-million in poverty in the US figure. It's well worth pondering, but doesn't really face the alternatives. Jews want to run everything, and that's the subtext. But how could, or should, things be arranged?
Here's Ralph Schoenmann (Jew from Hungary): The Vietnamese leaders are reminded of England in 1940, when the Luftwaffe was bombing London, Coventry, Bristol, Manchester, and Glasgow. To the English, this was their finest hour, because, after a few months of bombing of a few cities the expectation on the part of others that the great power of Germany would intimidate the British was not fulfilled. The English were proud, and indignant at the thought that they would yield. ...
Just as a peace mission from Mussolini would have been absurd to any Englishman in 1940, and just as negotiations with Hitler while the bombs fell on London and Coventry would have been treated as an insult to the self-respect and intelligence of every Englishman, so to the Vietnamese the suggestion that they must negotiate with the United States, while American troops are in occupation of their country, is but another expression of Western arrogance and racism. Mentioning Europe (and Chomsky is another) is worryingly close to nonsense, as of course for one thing it's known now that Hitler did not start bombing.
Schoenmann's final long chapter of experiences of Vietnamese people is repellent; but people now are aware that Jews tell lies if they think they can get away with it, as in the Soviet Union under Jews, the Holofraud, and 9/11. This of course casts doubts over Schoenman. For example, and account of people's houses being burnt out says fire engines were used to spray gasoline, which simply sounds far too dangerous.
There's a list of members of the War Crimes Tribunal (from p 125). Many are Jews and fellow-travellers; I'd guess the Jewish shepherds knew many people would be unlikely to take seriously people such as Isaac Deutscher, the Jewish biographer and supporter of Stalin. There was a disappointing shortage of normal decent people. Another participant was Tariq Ali, presumably chosen as a Moslem-origin person, primed not to mention Jewish profit-making from war, and for that matter the historical facts about Moslem's origin as a Jewish front, and Moslem mass slaughter in the past. There's a Versailles feel about the whole event (see the photos of the sessions); Russell comments on 'Ho Chi Minh' (not his real name, for some reason) and other Vietnamese in hired formal dress, being ignored in what is now obviously the Jewish carve-up of Europeans, ruined by their own weaponry.
Lots more; a good poke around is needed. For example. in the UK at this time, the Enoch Powell 'Tiber foaming with much blood' fakestorm was being orchestrated by Jews and the (((British))) media, probably as a distinct project, as overlap in projects could lead to embarrassments; it's theme was to cluster the fake 'Holocaust' of Jews in WW2 with opposition to large-scale coloured immigration into Britain. But be warned: much of the content of War Crimes in Vietnam is disgusting to non-psychopaths. Note: this book has not been published, even by the Canadian organisation set out to record his life. What scum they are.
If you're looking into American spooks and money power and Jews and the rest, I include below a search box for Miles Mathis's site. For example, look for Mathis on US Presidents; many if not all were Jews. And Frank Zappa's father and chemical warfare. And Jim Morrison and Tonkin. And Charles Manson and Sharon Tate for the fake campaign against hippies.
Some people believe that whites need to reunite as Christian communities as part of the process of opposing so-called 'Jews'. Or to return to what they think was a comfortable, better life as Christians.
But I doubt this can succeed:– • (1) because there are close links between Jews and Christianity, largely undisclosed, and Jewish policy is indifferent to other groups;
• (2) Jews spread themselves over other groups. Their numbers often seem small locally, and this helps with concealment, but taken together they amount to a nation of their own. In any other country or area, their procedure is to try to arrange a parasitic symbiosis with a subgroup of the 'host' population. Examples, moving back in time, include Common Purpose, politicians, Freemasons, mediaeval guilds, and religious representatives. The tradition is to regard religions as systems of belief, but in fact their economic status is what gives them stability. The important people are generally secretive; bishops for example. Jews have seeded many religions: Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Churches, Moslems, Jesuits, Quakers, and many more.
• (3) most people have little historical feeling for what Churches really did. Not many people understand their violent pasts; the violence needed to persecute heretics; and their expenses—rents, tithes, taxes, saints' relics, and so on; in the great days of Roman Catholicism from early Christianity to the Middle ages, money flowed to Rome. These days, money and weapons flow to Israel.
• (4) Christian beliefs are largely stupid, or (more charitably) outdated, and it's hard to see how a group united by stupidity can be a serious force. And Christianity, as developed by Jews, has no connection at all with Europeans.
Pro-Christian people seem to think the costs of supporting an all-encompassing caste are justified, and help generate unified feelings in nations. There are some positive uses for churches, but most people cannot judge them, since they don't have reliable information. But they do have propaganda, for example in endless sermons.
Judging by historical evidence, a new trans-national organisation resembling Christianity must (1) be financially sound, providing careers to its officials; (2) have its own language, perhaps secret, operating throughout, and its own rules; (3) discuss Jews, and have equivalents of priests interested in local, white, historical interests; or alternatively in worldwide truths—conceivably, a Latin Mass transmuted into something modern; (4) have social contact for its members and contacts for its officials; (5) have policies for concentrating its power where it may be needed; perhaps operating like an untreasones 'Freemasonry'.
A genuinely national 'Church' might be (1) not financed externally, or exploited externally, or purchasable externally, but belonging to people who feel, more or less, that it is theirs, and worth supporting; (2) not beholden to ancient myths and legends from other parts of the world; (3) open to free speech on everything about Jews.
At present, this discovery is in a similar position to the discovery of bacterial theory by microscopists, about 125 years ago. Research is needed into history and evolutionary science, including the genetics of human motivation and impulses, which are presumably largely biochemical/electrical. And it's essential to consider learning, which, in human beings, is a very long process. Human differences from all other animals include language and writing, money, and identification of total strangers who are nonetheless members of the same group. Historical needs include clearer identification and labelling of eras which are as important as the invention of agriculture and discovery of metals.
The word 'Pilpul' in English from 1500-2000
Possible parasitisms include effects on beliefs—since human senses, very reasonably, are egocentric and localised, so that controls over beliefs that are localised but mysterious, or not localised, will control behaviour. Learning is a slow process; in primeval times, it was perhaps natural to learn in some evolutionarily rational sequence. But there are possibilities to harm victims, which presumably were found through trial and error, then, if successful, passed on both genetically and by practical methods such as 'education'. Control over language (and more recent inventions, such as the media) may allow people to be manipulated. Human beings are unique in having impulses and instincts which are remote, muffled, and concealed: something such as Nietzsche's 'Will to Power' cannot be anything directly instinctive. I think this is why a great deal of history is misunderstood, and how it was possible for parasitic human groups to exist and evolve.
[ Obviously, our senses are more or less local, though there are exceptions—eyesight can see the stars, vibrations can be felt at a distance, whales can send their calls halfway across the oceans. As regards learning, ducks at a very young age will follow a moving animal; kittens with eyelids sewn up for a time are said never to gain proper sight; and the 'look say' method, by reversing the natural order of letters followed by words, seems very effective in impairing reading and writing. 'Schizophrenogenic' conflicting messages and rewards and punishments, seem to damage people. Possibly belief in an abstract God—as opposed to gods of (say) rain and plant growth and thunder—is a result of years of helplessness combined with the presence of reassuring older people and adults.
2 year-olds (the 'terrible 2s') thrash and scream and kick, when they have a tantrum. But perhaps tantrums are natural—toddlers test their powers, and find they cannot fly, or move objects and people, or jump across a room, or conjure up food, however much they would like to. By the age of 4, almost all of them accept that limitation. However, they will also find they can manipulate people (and animals) verbally or by body language, which may be part of parasitic genetic inheritance, maybe leading to 'sociopathy', 'Borderline Personality Disorder', and so forth. A fat woman on Youtube screaming "I'm a Jew", with no idea of the difficulty of proving descent; a person who believes in 'Jesus', and feels personally acquainted; people who can't understand there are other languages—may be showing the effects of long early life, when personal experience is confused with learning by others' teaching.
• I tend to think whites have evolved to be rather mutually hostile, something exploitable by Jews: they often dislike each other, and, if this dislike is instinctive, it could be exploited. Jewish presentations of Germans are a very obvious example; but from time to time Arabs, Britons, French people, deep south Americans etc are often shown unfavourably in Jewish films. It's interesting to see how few films are good-natured: Crocodile Dundee is one of the few examples. Whereas Moslems often go around 'mob-handed'. Jews stick together so much that e.g. Jack the Ripper's family thought he was lovely, and it's difficult to see large groups of whites all supporting a huge fraud like the 'Holocaust', which seems natural to Jews. This is a different interpretation of 'individualism' from the Kevin MacDonald version. Unfriendly gossip, scandal and cliquery are perhaps things whites tend towards. Rather pointless arguments are often seen on Internet, and flaring disputes. Perhaps feuds are an extreme case. Perhaps whites have extreme violent types, as they have extreme high-IQ types.
Possibly this is a form of domestication; domesticated animals are different from wild animals. it suggests a break in continuity can cause fractures in beliefs which can't easily be reversed; consider Roman Catholics in Poland, when Jewish 'communism' declined. A priest saying, "Well, we'll start with an executed man who went to heaven and became God, along with his father" faces a barrier which a continuous tradition doesn't face. Children can to taught passages 'by heart', which they don't understand.
Reading and writing may well act as fake memories, easily confused with genuine memories. The gene pool of inherited patterns of reaction could be racial memory or racial unconscious of a group. So we find for example: The largest study to date has demonstrated a ninefold higher risk of schizophrenia in UK-resident black Caribbeans: blacks in the US are 200 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia than whites. 'Psychopaths' were discovered in Britain only after the 1900-ish Jew invasions. Animals in herds presumably identified each other by sense—sight, smell, taste, or whatever—and some sort of understanding through the brain. Human beings have enlarged possibilities, including food, language, gestures, and symbols—and some may be hard to detect. Incidentally reading and writing are not as simple as might be imagined—in England, some law and medical officials are still called Recorders and Registrars and Doctors (Doctor meaning teacher). Forgery was a monkish habit: see Christian Forgery (Wheless, 1930, for copyright-free evidence. Wheless perhaps over-extends the meaning of 'forgery'). Lorenzo Valla's stylistic proof that the Donation of Constantine was fake is the best-known example of church forgery.
Examinations of money power have, as far as I know, been superficial; Marx was careful to avoid serious material on money power, naturally, as he was fake opposition, though perhaps top-down accounts of 'surplus' might count. ]
I want to apply that sketchy theory of parasitism not just to so-called 'Jews', but also to Christianity. Let's first consider how many traditional beliefs have been made difficult to accept wholeheartedly. This is nothing to do with reason or debates, but with everyday life as it has become. Changes in understanding and technology during the previous few centuries have affected some traditional beliefs, not necessarily consciously.
[ Examples: Between c. 1600 when James II wrote Malleus Maleficarum, and c. 1700 after Newton explained comets and tides, belief in European witchcraft plummetted. In the early 19th century, an organic chemist, Wöhler, showed life was not essential to generate biochemicals. Less usefully, belief in virtuous Jews grew through much of the 19th century. ]
•Increase in science and technology. I group these two together because a lot of what is called science is technology. [ Nobody knows what 'gravity' and 'electricity' are, but it's possible to measure the effects attributed to them. The brain is not understood; there are psychiatrists, who no doubt are better at what they try to do than laymen, but essentially they are empiricists. ]
The enormous increase in knowledge has had some effects which few people predicted. Science fraud is now huge. And the percentage of people able to understand science must be at an all-time low. Most people feel the world is under control. But without understanding how or why. [ An African politician was reported to belief Africa doesn't need farms, because people can go to stores. Africa has serious technical problems, for example with food, water and electrical supplies. ]
Probably the net result must be that most people accept science and technology without understanding much of them. [ But most cannot separate out frauds, scams, advertising, and media errors: global warming and NASA illustrate the point, and that's not even looking at news frauds, such as 9/11. And dim people are more liable than ever to feel incomprehension. ]
There seems no obvious reason for intellectual pressure towards traditional religion. More like a trust or distrust of official experts.
•Belief in the Soul. Many people live longer than before. They see young and old people, and see that old age is a time for decline. And there's no reason why a 'soul' should embody physical and mental peaks. So I doubt that belief in an eternal soul, reincarnation, etc can be as great as it may have been.
•Belief in Heaven and Hell seems likely to grow smaller, merely as a result of maps, descriptions of explorations, greater travel.
•Belief in Satan. Apart from Rome, towns at that time weren't large by today's standards. It was possible to visualise a 'Devil' wandering around encouraging evil. But, today, with huge conurbations, it seems as ridiculous to believe in Satan as to believe in one policeman keeping order, and even more ridiculous to believe in a worldwide 'Satan'.
•Belief in 'Salvation' by a 'Saviour' presumably is weak for many reasons: serious sinners presumably don't want to be 'saved'; there's a complete lack of evidence; and in a 'Second Coming'—what could a returnee do? Or could it be TV and films—costume & make-up make actors look different; but in fact they remain the same.
•Wallace's discovery of evolution, popularly attributed to Darwin, removed the 'Argument from Design' for the existence of God.
[ 'Creation Science' in fact has some strong points, but these are based on wrong biological science, and confuse both sides. Evolution only needs awareness that (1) most 'creatures' have parents, (2) earthly space and time are both immense, (3) reproduction isn't perfect, (4) 'creatures' inevitably have races, and (5) in any place and time, some creatures flourish and some don't. I don't know why some people—Americans in particular?—find this difficult.
Another argument against the existence of God is personal experience. I heard of a man who said he'd lost faith in God, after his wife was killed in a road accident. ]
•Fears. ‘.. [churches etc] ... exist in part to allay the metaphysical fears that are buried deep in our nature.’ (Bertrand Russell, with passages from 'Abide With Me' and 'Jesu Lover of my Soul'). Such fears are faced by animals, too, for example 'fear of death' is very common. As instincts come to be understood, it seems likely that people will not find religious explanations convincing.
•Likings. Magnificent art, magnificent music such as chants and organ music, magnificent buildings, pageantry, rituals, Catholic Holy Days, may work magic on people. I'm uncertain as to the overview here. But certainly when I saw a Latin Mass in Notre Dame in Paris it seemed to me stylised and obscure, the men passing each other symbolic objects as in ritualised theatre.
•Belief in Jesus. My link overviews 'Jews', Christians, and the Bible; and the later Islam. Note the Jewish title 'Nasi'. It includes evidence that Jesus never existed, but also the spread of Christianity as a planned operation, with Islam to follow.
But, even if Jesus had existed, he seems unimpressive, despite all the hype.
[ This is from Jesus Christ, a Millennium Keepsake (published 2000). We are told 'The Word' becomes flesh, 'The Word' presumably being an implied belief in the power of language. And e.g. he is 'the lamb of God', probably a reference to ritual killing. We have a list of miracles—water into wine, various cures, walking on water, a miraculous catch of fish, and 5000 fed on a bit of food. There's some wordplay: he would take three days to rebuild a temple which took 46 years to build (but 'temple' meant his own body). A woman did not have a husband—but in fact had had 5 husbands, and at present a lover. Someone wonders "Is Jesus the Christ?" where Christ is a Greek word for illuminated, or golden. This is one of the pointers to Christianity being taken over from some other, lost, religion. Unbelief of Jews (this is in modern translation) is a recurrent theme. He raises Lazarus; this appears to be a protest against payment to 'Jews' for processing corpses (this piece by 'Arch Stanton' from the Occidental Observer; quite original, I thought). ]
•Obviously-absurd beliefs dragged into Christianity from earlier religions. Being lovingly saved needs payments. Three difference races were fathered by one man. Everyone is equal. Everything in the Bible is true. After thousands of years, people's ancestors stayed in one place. People who call themselves 'Jews' despite lack of evidence are truthful. All races are the same. Maternal descent maintains race.
[ And some readers might like to browse in this excellent copyright-free online version of Thomas W Doane's Bible Myths and their Parallels in Other Religions. (1882. Doane was American; most references are from 19th-century English-language books, some of course translations of early Greek and Roman and other works). Some of the parallels, it strikes me, may have been fed back by natives influenced by missionaries. ]
Canterbury Cathedral near Jewry Lane. There are long-standing confusions over 'cities': what exactly is a 'city'? Is it a place with a Cathedral, with a seat, presumably, of a Bishop or Archbishop or Abbott? My best guess is that a 'City' combines Jewish monopoly with non-Jewish supposedly religious collaborators. The City of London, and City of Paris suggest such an interpretation.
This must have been typical of much of the Middle Ages. Carpentras (south of Frence) has a cathedral plus a Jewish area in its old centre. No doubt the Jews said the Cathedral was built "with their money", in Belloc's words.
Now let's look at the economic and social background of Christianity and 'Judaism', and try to work out the main features of the whole system, including money power. (Note that I'm excluding indigenous systems in one country or area, where 'imperialist' motives are much diminished.)
•Some short extracts (from Bertrand Russell), give the usual Jew-naïve view of the Roman Catholic Church. • ... the Church had a higher level of civilization, and education, a consistent impersonal purpose, the means of appealing to religious hopes and superstitious fears, and, above all, the sole organization that extended throughout Western Europe. Russell doesn't say what the 'consistent impersonal purpose' actually is. Nor does Russell know how slow, erratic, and opposed was its spread.
• Russell writes: A man could not easily rise to eminence in the Church except by piety, learning, or statesmanship; consequently most Popes were considerably above the average in one or more respects.. which sounds convincing, until the realities of power are faced.
• Russell writes: .. men might rail against the Pope, but only heretics questioned the power of the keys [i.e. to Heaven]... Russell says nothing about the viciously cruel punishments for heresy.
• Russell writes Although the Church prohibited 'usury', the Pope was a borrower, and found the capital of North Italian bankers so useful that theological rigour had to be softened. [In the early 1200s] Most of the bankers, owing to their large transactions in collecting the papal revenue, were already on the side of the Pope ... etc. Russell doesn't say why 'the Pope was a borrower', given that he had vast assets, and presumably would not want to lose through repayments. He simply assumes it must be true.
My personal guess is that (1) the Church was intentionally lured into debt, as with modern ZOG regimes, to increase repayments to Jews, and increase dependency on Jews; (2) the Church, by pretending to loathe usury, kept a monopoly for Jew lenders, who of course would charge high rates—the object being bankruptcies and takeovers of goods and lands and rents and monopolies. • It's important to understand the importance of money and large-scale waste: pyramids, cathedrals, churches, GULags, terracotta warriors, ziggurats, huge industrial schemes, wars, frauds, may be valuable, but equally may be anything from pointless makework to appalling damage. The idea of 'surplus' in Marx is a Jewish, top-down idea, which includes a part of the point I'm making. A specifically Jewish habit is to run up debt, with repayments over a century, or forever if rents can be arranged. I've seen it suggested that Lyndon Johnson arranged that helicopters would be shot down, and more bombs used than in the Second World War, to increase debts to Jews. The Holohoax is a fraudulent variation.
•Probably the Church and Jews co-operated in a piecemeal fashion to extend into new areas. A modern example is Vietnam: French Catholics installed their regime in a Buddhist country. The Jews Kissinger, Johnson and others used the simple violent Americans and Australians to bomb the country (and profit from weapons, paid for ultimately by US taxpayers and their exploitees). The Catholics must have been intended to convert the whole country by force, giving spies through the whole country. Small examples I noticed just this week include an ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, who was 'appointed' book reviewer for the Jewish political magazine New Statesman, including a dull piece on J R R Tolkien. A local church 'celebrating' the 'Heritage' of the First World War. A Jewish-related Professor Potter I vaguely knew, from Sheffield University, who wrote on the Reformation.
Medicine: For a long stretch of time, nobles in Europe had Jewish medical attendants—putting themselves at risk. But the Church recommended the use of relics of saints for their supposed healing properties, putting people at risk. Joseph McCabe has a good passage on this, which unfortunately I haven't been able to relocate.
Prostitution: It struck me that 'sacred prostitution', an ancient phrase, suggests that supposedly religious places made money from prostitution. This of course is a modern Jewish occupation. Very possibly Jews retained a sort of monopoly, the Church collaborating to keep the Jewish monopoly. Probably alcohol and drugs are similarly connected.
•Careerism, if Christianity settled down—education in Latin, vicars, missionaries, monks, priories, churchwardens, pilgrimage sites, assistants, readers etc—led to loyalty. It was rather similar to modern US universities, with money for 'correct' views.
•There must have been continual moves by successful Christian groups to throw off Jewish links, notably when Jews bribed, murdered, stole, swindled. For example, in Spain Jesuits appeared when Jews and Moslems were (largely) thrown out; BUT Jesuits where a Marrano Jew group, the name 'Jesuit' being deliberately misleading. Quakers/'Friends' seem to have been a Jew-supported group (see Miles Mathis, July 2016). Freemasons were invented as Jew collaborators, presumably when Catholics became more Jew-aware.
•Christians vs Moslems must be replaced at the simplest by Jew-backed 'Christians' vs Jew-backed 'Moslems' for analysis. This makes for murkiness; consider analogous cases such as Americans vs Chinese, where Jew spies in the USA and Jew financiers of Japan are part of the picture. And the USSR and Germany, where Jews in Russia and Jews in the Fed and Jews in Germany form part of the picture. Without understanding Jews, which is common since Jews insist on keeping secrets and lying whenever possible, such issues are usually misunderstood. •Christians as controlled pseudo-opposition. There were many instances of expulsions of Jews from towns and principalities and other territories. But these are not well-known. Christian churches must have played a large part in keeping such events secret. Just as they do now.
•Practical Uses for Christianity Which Seem to have Emerged Opportunistically I'm thinking of such issues as (1) Reading and writing and 'clerical' activities such as recording births, marriages, and deaths. (2) Recommending chastity, perhaps as a birth control device. (3) Discouraging finance by telling people "You cannot serve God and Mammon." 43) Use of 'sinful nature', 'the Elect', 'the Chosen', 'forgiveness' etc as discouragement from assertiveness. (5) As a support for cruelty and violence, for example bombing.
•Variations by Time and Place Most of my examples are Anglo-Jewish—not that they are my choice. If anyone has comments on Latin Roman Catholicisms, for example in South America, or Greek or Russian Orthodoxy, or eastern Europe, or Arabs and Moslems. I'm interested in explanatory comments.
Let's move backward through time, noting some landmark events of English and other Christianity in the light of the above ideas.
•Post-1900. Includes World Wars from c. 1914-1945 • Note on misleading names: since Jews have increased in visibility, it's noticeable how many deliberately misleading names for movements have multiplied. Think for example of democracy, philanthropy, individualism, conservatism, socialism, puritanism. My Guide for the perplexed about Jews has lists of Jewish phrasing and deceptive statements as used in practice; and Teaching about Jews looks at Jew influence on academic subjects. If these are helpful, I'll be very pleased.
•South Africa farms ruin discusses the Jew-run ANC. And adds a note on Jewish love for ruined, destroyed countries.
• Jew-promoted immigration into Germany and USA: there are strong incentives to become an active partner in the process that will bring the white folks into the hell. Similar principle to selling your soul to the devil. "Christian" churches profit from Jewish-controlled money. In Germany, foreigners under 18 (anchor children) are given by Jews via the catholic church accommodation, eating, teaching, full service. at a cost per day of 335 Euros, about 100,000 Euros a year.
• Steinsaltz commentary on the Talmud post WW2. There is slowly increasing awareness of the contents of the Talmud.
• Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (by Lucien Price, 1954) Whitehead (1861-1947) came from a long line of Church of England vicars. Price's book—I couldn't find the reason for the delay in publication—shows an agonisingly smug personality, intellectually arranged around the classics, mathematics, and Plato, but completely unaware of Jew/Catholic interactions. Though not himself in the C of E, these biographical notes must echo the views of millions of unawake Britons of the era. I could not find a downloadable free version.
• Herbert Butterfield's Christianity and History (1949) is a printed version of lectures in 1948 at the Divinity Faculty of Cambridge University. Incredibly, at such a time, Butterfield was Professor of Modern History at Cambridge. I believe sermons became the largest category of writings in Britain!
• Joseph McCabe links. McCabe was unusual in studying for the Roman Catholic Church in his youth, but becoming disgusted by his fellows and writing many books against Catholicism. His Rationalist Encyclopaedia (1948) was of course published by Jews. McCabe had no idea there was a great deal of common political action between Jews and Roman Catholics.
• H G Wells's Crux Ansata—An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church (1943; published as a wartime Penguin book) was subtitled 'Why Do We Not Bomb Rome?' and was his Second World War war effort. He took the view—fairly common—that the war was against Catholicism. He had only a small inkling of the role played by Jews.
• Hilaire Belloc Survivals and New Arrivals (1929; published by Sheed & Ward). Belloc includes 'Russia ... organised as an experiment in Communism under a clique of Jews'. But he talked of 'Bible Christianity'—a phrase new to me—the 'Fall of Man', Roman Catholicism unchanged in 2000 years (!), and bemoans that 'we lost our own religion'.
•1909 And important: Revised 1917 Scofield Reference Bible Published by Oxford University Press and containing the entire text of the traditional, Protestant King James Version. 1909 & important: Revised 1917Scofield Reference Bible Published by Oxford University Press and containing the entire text of the King James Version.
•Victorian England The Church of England then is analogous to the BBC now, including indifference to truth and 'respectable' 'image'.
[ 1850 Royal Commission found 12,600 Church of England parishes. About half Cambridge University graduates and 2/3 Oxford became clergymen in the Church of England, more or less guaranteed an income until retirement. In this way their Greek and Latin, and emphasis on sermons and other work, damaged the country.
•German Social Democratic Party '.. a vast institution that was staffed by more than 4,000 paid functionaries and 11,000 salaried employees, had 20,000,000 marks invested in business and published over 4,000 periodicals'. From H. Gruber, International Communism in the Era of Lenin quoted by 'Belgian' Jew Ralph Miliband in Marxism and Politics (Oxford University Press, 1977). The British Labour Party was founded by crypto-Jews with puppet figureheads, but not in an analogous way: Jews conceal themselves in many countries, adapting their techniques to what they find.
•Bertrand Russell - Dupe of Jews is my piece on Russell as a dupe of Jews, and includes material on the removal of Oxbridge bans on Catholics, Jews and dissenters. This movement included Russell's father. Large numbers of published 19th-century writers did not go through the English university system
• Blunt's detailed Victorian Dictionary of Sects, Heresies... typically rather dead Victorian outline. Nothing on the forces, personalities, moneys.
•Herbert Spencer on tax burdens including post-Roman Empire and pre-Revolution France but no exploration of intentional damage
•17th/ 18th century England Jews were richer as a consequence of the invention of the Jewish (((Bank of England))) and alliances with aristocrats (and usurper aristocrats). Churches were rebuilt after a period of neglect (without date evidence, so they looked old) to maintain control.
•The History of the Fairchild Family (from 1818) is a fictional story with similar components.
• Eliza de Feuillide's Pride and Prejudice (1813) Fordyce's Sermons to Young Women strongly suggests clerics were regarded as ridiculous by the well-off.
• The career of Patrick Prunty/Brontë was a real-life struggle to join the church, by one of the very much less well-off.
The word 'Jew' in English from 1500-2000. The King James Bible was first published in 1611.
•English Civil War and Jew Victory •King James Bible (1611) English translation. Confluence of the invention of printing, feeling for national religion rather than Roman, feelings against money to Rome, and promotion for 'Jews'. Note the invention of the word 'Jew'; the changes in meaning of 'Jew'; the absence of interest in such questions as: Was there a Jesus? Was there a Moses? Who wrote the books, who chose which books, who edited the books? Why have an 'Old Testament' at all? Of course, most career clerics kept their positions.
•Long Middle Ages •1560ish We are told it was between the Catholics and the Protestants. But seeing that Paris was ruled by the Jewish Medicis, we see it was a war of the Medicis against the Christian Church more broadly. Catherine ordered the rich Huguenots murdered in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre not because they were Protestant, but because they were prominent aristocrats and Christian. Throughout Europe, it "printed on Protestant minds the indelible conviction that Catholicism was a bloody and treacherous religion".
•1450ishVikings gone from Greenland 500-year small settlement disappeared, like abandoned medieval village.
•1415 Agincourt
'Angevins' Western France as opposed to Normans
1190 The Teutonic Knights are subject of www.mileswmathis.com/allen.pdf. There are interwined ideas, including a revisionist look at the Vikings, Jewish trader inventing a fake Christian order, and ties between Russia and England even before there was a Russia and an England.
•died 1186Aaron of Lincoln was active during the reigns of Stephen and Henry II. Aaron, as a Jew, could not own land personally, but he developed an intricate system of swapping land acquired from a defaulting debtor for armour, cattle, food-stocks and, most importantly, special rights such as the monopoly to trade certain goods or hold markets or engage in goldsmith trade. He had agents all over England and an intelligence network that allowed him to move goods around the country to where they would fetch the highest price, or, often, to create a shortage to drive up prices first. Aaron, with other Jews, was able to finance both factions during the civil war between Stephen and Matilda and the power consolidation of Henry II. On his death he was found to be the second richest man in the Kingdom after the King himself (who acquired his pledges) and so great was his wealth that a separate exchequer had to be formed to manage all of the assets and money owing that provided the Crown with a revenue for more than twenty years even though the cash and gold was lost at sea while being transferred to France. ... The odd thing is Jews didn't even seem to have a number system and used primitive—but high—percentages. I simply don't believe this sort of thing could have been done without Church approval. Of course, it's hard to know who 'agents all over England' were;.
•12th century Estonia was subjected to violent conversion or attempted conversion; this must have been connected with its position by the Baltic coast and trading through that important channel of water.
•1066 double invasion of England: Norwegians in the north (who were massacred), followed by the Norman invasion in the south. The Norman church replaced the Anglo-Saxon church which may in any case have been only a token. Norman castles followed.
•By the year 1000, Vladimir ... liked the Byzantine Church [which gave Russian its partly-Greek alphabet] and established his Metropolitan Church, giving it 10% of his revenues. The peasants disliked it and were subjected to sword-point baptisms.
•Vikings, Europe, priests 9th & 10th centuries, but doesn't consider Roman Catholic Church as fellow-parasite with Jews
•Agobard of Lyon (c 800 AD) and Jewish crime but does not check in detail on Jew-Roman Catholic collusion
•782Bloodbath of Verden Forced conversions: Anglo Saxons had their heads chopped off if they refused to convert.
•Islam invention of Islam, as violent 'thugs', followed by Khazar conversion
• First split by Jews from Christianity. See Invention of Abrahamic 'religions', including Christianity and Islam • This link which overviews 'Jews', Christians, and the Bible includes Khazars and Arabs and the motives for inventing Islam as another controlled 'religion'.
• Review of a propagandist book on Islam jointly-authored with a Jew. I've included points of similarity between Talmudic Judaism and Islam. Note: burnings of the Talmud have been reported occasionally. Probably this was designed to prevent any inspection of the Talmud.
• I have notes here on two 'Arabic' scholars—I'm uncertain what 'Arabic' actually means—Ashraf Ezzat and Kamil Salibi. They claim Old Testament place-names are or were in Arabia, the whole of the 'Hebrews' being in Arabia, with supposedly Egyptian names such as 'Pharaoh' and 'Mizraim' being incorrect—all the work of 70 Septuagint Rabbis.
•Fall of Roman Empire Chapter XV of Gibbon's Decline and Fall discusses the earliest Popes; the first fifteen were Jews! Gibbon seems to say that Christianity enlarged as 'increasing multitudes' joined—he doesn't explain why they should have adopted such alien oddities.
The history of the church of Jerusalem affords a lively proof of the necessity of those precautions, and of the deep impression which the Jewish religion had made on the minds of its sectaries. The first fifteen bishops of Jerusalem were all circumcised Jews; and the congregation over which they presided united the law of Moses with the doctrine of Christ. It was natural that the primitive tradition of a church which was founded only forty days after the death of Christ, and was governed almost as many years under the immediate inspection of his apostle, should be received as the standard of orthodoxy. The distant churches very frequently appealed to the authority of their venerable Parent, and relieved her distresses by a liberal contribution of alms. But when numerous and opulent societies were established in the great cities of the empire, in Antioch, Alexandria, Ephesus, Corinth, and Rome, the reverence which Jerusalem had inspired to all the Christian colonies insensibly diminished. The Jewish converts, or, as they were afterwards called, the Nazarenes, who had laid the foundations of the church, soon found themselves overwhelmed by the increasing multitudes, that from all the various religions of polytheism enlisted under the banner of Christ: and the Gentiles, who, with the approbation of their peculiar apostle, had rejected the intolerable weight of the Mosaic ceremonies, at length refused to their more scrupulous brethren the same toleration which at first they had humbly solicited for their own practice...
More from Gibbon. An account of the use of 'innumerable people' as a threat—something which thuggish 'Antifa' style supporters of 'Jews' still do today!
... The archbishop [Ambrose], who refused to hold any conference or negotiation with the instruments of Satan, declared, with modest firmness, his resolution to die a martyr rather than to yield to the impious sacrilege; and Justina, who resented the refusal as an act of insolence and rebellion, hastily determined to exert the Imperial prerogative of her son. As she desired to perform her public devotions on the approaching festival of Easter, Ambrose was ordered to appear before the council. He obeyed the summons with the respect of a faithful subject, but he was followed, without his consent, by an innumerable people: they pressed, with impetuous zeal, against the gates of the palace; and the affrighted ministers of Valentinian, instead of pronouncing a sentence of exile on the archbishop of Milan, humbly requested that he would interpose his authority to protect the person of the emperor, and to restore the tranquillity of the capital. ...
(From 1967 Atlas of Ancient History by Colin McEvedy. Spanning 50,000 BC - 362 AD.) The map has a grid of c. 20 mile squares; to show how geography has deterministic effects. It was generated (before computer graphics) by marking squares including coastline, red; then colouring squares with majority red neighbours, blue. McEvedy describes the Phoenicians as 'the pioneer seafarers of the Mediterranean world'. McEvedy identifies linguistic puns, one of the themes in 'Gerry' of Miles Mathis. Phoenicians have been identified as important for many years.
Alfred North Whitehead's Adventures of Ideas (1933) wrote: ‘... the boldness of the Phoenician sailors and the enterprise of their sailors at least equals that in any of the later feats. It is impossible to be more than absolutely fearless ... Also, remembering Hanno's voyage in the sixth century before Christ, the whole oceanic coast-line of Africa was explored by the men of the Near East...’
It's important to understand the downside of the Mediterranean: think of the underwater eruption of Santorini, of Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvius, and others. These are a few thousand years old, but there must have been many earlier eruptions and earthquakes, not forgetting the inundation(s) of the Mediterranean itself.
•Ancient World The Victorian view of the ancient world was: Greece and Rome were peculiar in antiquity owing to their almost complete freedom from priestly power. (Russell, who wrote that the Greeks differed from 'us' in having no 'sense of sin'). An evolutionary view is that, after a few thousand years of city life in the Fertile Crescent area, slow evolutionary processes led to families of very secretive, inferior-looking, aggressive planners. A view I like is that the ancient world make enormous steps in writing, reading, building, canals, harvests, ships, and lunar and solar astronomy with astonishing star and planet observations and deductions (helped by clear skies). But, perhaps, as at the present day, this was too much for most people, who may have adopted a USA low-grade-university model, the decline helping the absurdities of Christianity shape the Middle Ages and leave the field clear for ruling families to network together secretly.
I'd like to recommend 'Gerry' from Germany, writing on www.mileswmathis.com as phoen1.pdf & phoen2.pdf & phoen3.pdf & phoen4.pdf with topics varying from the 'tree of life' and clay tablets and 'spooks' to defensive islands and trade routes and the commonness of puns in consonant-only alphabets. An example is flies (small, silent, come and go, probably not at the time regarded as unhygienic; think of 'fly on the wall') as a symbol for spies; hence Lord of the Flies as a spymaster. Another example is the Hebrew word Naz, meaning something like a Lord. Mathis conjectures that 'Nazi' was an in-joke among the Jews, who were secretly running Hitler (and possibly the entire war).
• 'Gerry' aims to show that Phoenicians became what are now called 'Jews', if I've understood him.
This piece is https://www.big-lies.org/jews/articles-on-jews.html#ja-china
China. Terracotta Warriors. World History.
Rae West 19 July 2018 Liverpool, England has an exhibition of the terracotta warriors, until 28 October 2018, 'organised by National Museums Liverpool, UK and the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and Shaanxi History Museum ... People's Republic of China'. Liverpool has a Chinese area, with road signs partly in Chinese. I don't know how exclusive that area of Liverpool is. Shaanxi, if I'm interpreting correctly, is in the west of China, near Ya'nan, which 'became the center of the Chinese Communist revolution from late 1935 to early 1947'. It struck me that maybe the 'Jewish' (similar processes; not necessarily the same group) penetration of China started there; people exploring the idea that China is another ZOG state might look into that. The 'Kaifeng Jews' are much further east. I'd guess they may be later immigrants staking out promising territory.
Their handbook (my word; its title is simply China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors, with two principal authors) describes ancient China and the warring states, and the Qin region; then the first Emperor of China, Yin Zheng; and the archaeological remains, including many other sites—mainly Han dynasty tombs. Most of these sites are still unexcavated, in my view probably a good thing, since better techniques may arrive.
I think—unless I'm misreading this—that the terracotta warriors were found smashed, when they were excavated; the reason appears to be that the bronze weapons were unearthed soon after burial, to help fight for (or against?) the newish Emperor—it seems possible, at least to me, that there was a GULag flavour—large numbers of potential enemies forced into harmless tasks. His reign provoked rebellions, and lasted 17 years or so; not a long time. Jonathan Clements gives the dates as 221-202 BC, which sounds absurdly precise. The dates seem to come from Imperial or state chronologies. The interest in this short interval could be political. Yin Zheng seems to have been interested in his own bodily survival; we're told mercury, the metal, was suggested to him, which may have been less elixir, more cause of death and perhaps madness. An idea I don't recall hearing before is that some of the ancients saw no reason why bodies should decay, not of course having much idea about micro-organisms. His underground buildings (resembling Egyptian tombs) had elaborate arrangements for his afterlife, including horses and a bathroom. The rows of warriors are separated by long and wide walls, which look to me like roof supports for bamboo and matting. The statues were realistic in a mass-production way, made from clay, including large coils, shaped into smoothish surfaces corresponding to padded clothing, surmounted by removable heads with facial differences. And there were (for example) model crossbow archers, model stable boys, and model horses. It's slightly reminiscent of Tolkien's army of the dead, but, no doubt, less effective than JRRT imagined. I was interested to see that horse harnesses tended to choke horses; they were high up, just as historical literature on horses says—perhaps because they did not use horses to plough. The exhibition has a modern reconstruction, in miniature form and in clay, behind transparent material, illustrating the production-line up to firing and painting. The originals were pigmented with pinkish faces, but the colours haven't lasted—like those on ancient European statues. Some of the exhibits are copies; some are smaller, scaled-down, copies.
Much of the handbook's vocabulary is European: BC and AD, 'feudal system', aristocrats, Emperor, Duke, and so on. No doubt much of the original Chinese flavour is lost because of this boxing into shape. Another problem is the civilised state of some of China in the many centuries before the Qin ascendancy. Bureaucrats, farmers, tax collectors, 'villages' apparently typically of ten houses, metals and salt, bamboo strips (leaves?) for writing by the few literates; Europe seems less lucky, their damp northern climate less suitable for storage of whatever portable writing that existed; unless there was book-burning. Local power centres had concubines—rather large numbers of children seem to have lived in other areas, to mix with other people (or spy, learn, or whatever). All this, one guesses, must have made 'wars' not too vicious. 'Wars' at one stage seem to have been decided by a chariot match or two. So it's difficult to assess just how warring the 'Warring States' were. Communist Party dogma probably insists that the past was horrific; in this case they may have had a motive for promoting a short-lived so-called unification. Incidentally, much of the source material is in the work of Sima Qian Shiji, Records of the Grand Historian. Whether this work weakens the idea that Thucydides invented history, as opposed to mere annals of the Chinese, I don't know.
Unlike Europe, cut up by nature into many territories, China seems equally naturally suited to unification: long rivers suggest transport and cultivation, long distances and many horses suggest roads. Rice paddies were made by hand: it seems pounded earth retained water, and provided experience with walls; rice productivity soared, or at least increased, and no doubt was selected for yield, similarly to wheat in Europe. Defensive walls proliferated; but they didn't have to be hugely tall, just obstructive to nomadic horsemen—though the big walls with towers seem to have been regarded as a 'long cemetery'. Canals were common; I don't know if they had locks, or even what their principal functions were.
Scanned from map by National Museums Liverpool. 300BC - 300AD (includes Ho Chi Minh city?)
A map (p 137) shows routes to the eastern Mediterranean: the sea route, from two ports in southern China, joined Laoying to Alexandria/Cairo. The land route, rather northerly to avoid mountains and deserts, joined Laoying to Antioch, in the 3rd century BC. Both are called 'silk routes'. (An example of biological misunderstanding is a medieval attempt to grow silkworm moths, on what had been reported to be 'mulberry trees'. A large plantation was made, I think in England, but the planners didn't know that some moths are very fussy about their foodplant). The map shows Tibet as part of China in the 3rd century BC, which seems, to put it politely, inaccurate. Looking at this map prompts me to wonder whether the notorious, east vs west, isolation, the twain never meeting, might not have been artificial; after all, much of the world was explored in much more difficult conditions. I'd suggest that quizzically-minded people should bear in mind the possibility that China and Europe were kept separate as an intentional policy (until the time was felt ready).
The silk road suggests geopolitical issues: who, if anyone, controlled it? Maybe Armenians, maybe Jews, maybe other tribes south of the Caspian Sea? There are other, more recent, issues which the exhibition handbook avoids. Tibet is one. 'Chinese Communism' raises the possibility that Jews influenced China—perhaps within China, as well as the Hong Kong Jews who plundered and ruined China over the opium wars and Boxer Rebellion. They may have controlled relations with the USSR for various Jewish projects: Sino-Japanese war, faked nuclear weapons, for example, massive famines, one-child policy. The 1960s had Jewish-controlled groups in the 'west'; Maoists sound likely suspects. Joan Robinson in Cambridge probably another. Perhaps the world's future depends on Chinese awareness of Jews, and what they do about it. They discussed things with Kissinger for years; who knows what they made of his boasts of bombs and genocide and chemical warfare and mass rape and stupid American goyim? Recent-ish marriages with Chinese suggest an infiltration policy.
People brought up unconsciously in the Jew-influenced school of hate for China might like to know of Joseph Needham's Science and Civilisation in China (Needham 1900-1995; 7 vols, 27 books, some by other writers). This is online at archive.org . And Bertrand Russell's 1922 book The Problem of China, also online, which conveys Russell's liking for China and the Chinese, especially given the contrast following his visit to the USSR. ('... But it [the antithesis of Nietzsche] is an infinitely valuable quality, of which our Western world has far too little. Together with their exquisite sense of beauty, it makes the Chinese nation quite extraordinarily lovable.') This book is also online. Both authors were Jew naive: see my reviews of The Great Titration. I have a copy of Russell's book, but never reviewed it. (Japan had its enthusiasts, such as Lafcadio Hearn; so do Korea and other countries). China under Jewish media control has some patronising publicity: a book in front of me, Encounters with Qi (by D Eisenberg & T L Wright) presents a sad view of Chinese lack of skill. Race in China is of course a topic censored by Jews. One hears stories of mass insemination in Tibet; who knows the truth under Jewish control.
There seems to be agreement that China had four schools of philosophy: Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism, and the Ying/Yang system. As with western philosophy, some of the material seems barely to deserve the name 'philosophy'.
The First Emperor was a Legalist: in addition to his tomb, or tombs, his systematisations included money, axle widths, Chinese scripts, laws, the official colour (black), a straight road. He also decided to burn books (213 BC) and massacre 460 scholars (212 BC). It's hard to resist some comparison with the 'Russian Revolution' and Jewish 'law'. According to Clements, in 1975 Judge Xi's grave, 'completely forgotten for two millennia', had been 'buried with an entire library [entering] the afterlife with a complete set of the Qin legal codes...' and, as no doubt with many takeovers, some liberties were permitted to the new subjects. The Qin manoeuvres are detailed in the Shiji (Records of the Great Historian'), ('c 145-86 BC'), say 57-96 years later. Time enough to edit and change. There are some big names, such as the Zhou dynasty, Lü Buwei, Han Fei, Li Si, Ying Zheng, Zhang Han, many of whom seem to be court advisors etc. There are strange parallels with 'Biblical' stuff, such as locusts and diseases and unaccountable outsiders.
Confucius comes across as a cross between Cecil Sharp—collecting old songs and dances—a man concerned with court protocols and the Prayer Book, expressed in the style of Oscar Wilde. And a man concerned with families, both in the sense of parental obligations and children's obligations. This may have been a widespread attitude: for all we know the megalith builders of Europe had similar ideas. His philosophical ideas may have been influenced by the pictographic nature of written Chinese, which appears to have fewer of the linguistic features which European philosophers have tried to deal with. And of course Chinese bureaucrats must have had a vested interest in their scripts—though the Qin Emperor tried to simplify it. I suspect too that early writing may have been something like a state secret, in view of its importance. But there seems to be a serious omission in Confucius: he said little on number and counting, on proportions and percentages, on rents and taxes, on what are now called capital and income, and the connections between them. There are hints that Confucius, when he tried ruling and administration, was a practical failure. If so, this may have helped his official promotion as a sage, an idol, a phantom, and an institution. There's a depressing comparison with 19th and 20th century England.
Sino-Japanese revisionist groups may be working hard now, for all I know.
Both west and east appear to have been victims of parasitism; I hope there may be a loose union between whites and so-called 'yellows', and not opposition and aggression. In the 1960s there was some sort of Jewish movement on China. I still have a 3-volume set of Random House/Pelican books (1967; they came in a red slip-case) edited by Franz Schurmann, a 'Professor of Sociology and History at Berkeley' and Orville Schell, a 'graduate assistant in Chinese studies' also a New York Jew in Berkeley. The readings start with the 18th and 19th centuries; there are no references to Jews; it's the usual junk aimed at simple 'goyim'. Joan Robinson (an economics professor, so-called, at Cambridge) wrote a paperback on The Chinese Cultural Revolution' with no substantial content. The fact there were Jewish groups calling themselves 'Maoist' points the same way.
The are other disturbing possibilities. Watching some junk TV on the subject, it's clearly deliberate policy to pretend the 'unification' was permanent, not a matter of a few years. This of course is consistent with Jewish ('Communist') hopes; so I presume is a million workers for 40 years. I noticed a 'Professor Rothschild' on show—a 'Rot Flagge' indeed. Note also that some Chinese are responsible for quite a bit of fraud; for example, faked dinosaur fossils, and even fake hen's eggs. It's possible many of the exhibits may prove as fake as 'Holocaust memorials', NASA museums, and Wellcome exhibits of living cell structures. However, there is interesting online material on all this.
Baby nutrition wikipedia table. All such tables omit chloride.
Comparing milks (per cup)
Human Milk
Cow's Milk
Goat's Milk
Protein (g)
Fat (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Mono-unsaturated fat (g)
Polyunsaturated fat (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Folate (mcg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Calcium (mg)
Anecdote from Bertrand Russell's Autobiography Vol I:
I had no fruit, practically no sugar, and an excess of carbohydrates. Nevertheless, I never had a day's illness except a mild attack of measles at the age of eleven. Since I became interested in children, after the birth of my own children, I have never known one nearly as healthy as I was, and yet I am sure that any modern expert on children's diet would think that I ought to have had various deficiency diseases. ...
During my early years at Pembroke Lodge the servants played a larger part in my life than the family did. ... there was a French cook named Michaud, who was rather terrifying, but in spite of her awe-inspiring qualities I could not resist going to the kitchen to see the roast meat turning on the old-fashioned spit, and to steal lumps of salt, which I liked better than sugar, out of the salt box. She would pursue me with a carving knife, but I always escaped easily. ...'
Bertrand Russell 1872-1970.
Personal Testimony ... we can only be nourished if we digest our food. We can ONLY digest our food if we have hydrochloric acid. We can ONLY have hydrochloric acid if we have salt.
... without sufficient salt intake, nothing else you put in your mouth can do you any good. I would typically have an ounce per day [in my high exercise regime]. So important is sea salt to our diet that the human tongue is specifically designed to detect its presence.
I started doing [in 2013] having slowly been increasing my salt intake from about the age of 45. I am soon to turn 55. The outcomes have been truly Japanese. I no longer need to wear glasses and can read 6pt print and my remaining 4 senses have improved across the board. I play A grade badminton 4 or 5 times per week and, as a consequence, my ranking in the local competition has sky rocketed. I am mixing it with people 20 years younger than I am, several of whom were ranked no 1 in Australia. I have not had even the glimpse of illness for four or more years.
As you can imagine, this is influencing the people that I play badminton with. Several started increasing their salt intake one or two years ago and these people are experiencing the same results that I am enjoying. One fellow, now 65, has moved from C grade to A2, much to his delight. His chronic stomach issues have disappeared. He is a plumber that was throwing up on the job and was on a string of medications. The doctors were contemplating exploratory surgery. ... the ONLY mineral that we CANNOT SURVIVE without is salt PROVIDED that we can find foods that contain the other stuff we need.
Online graph of approx lifespans vs salt consumption. Very difficult to compile; different age cohorts in any case make the graph suspect. But it helps make the point that high salt consumption is not lethal.
Salt (and sugar) in Food
Rae West 9 July 2018.
A short note on salt in food. It appears that Jewish control of 'research' and propaganda is responsible for harmful anti-salt propaganda. There's a long and varied connection of medical matters with Jewish malevolence: poisoning is a Talmudically-accepted policy against non-Jews, who Jews call 'goyim'. the Sackler family and opioids, the opium wars and addiction, probably the 'Black Death', fluoridation (Jew spy organisations watch for fluoride protestors—and low sodium increases fluoride uptake), the cholesterol and AIDS frauds, numerous topics needing examination: lead acetate in Rome, a lot of medicine before the 19th century, insecticides.
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is essential to digest food, for example by breaking down proteins. It's also important in attacking pathogens; the weaker the acid, the less effective it is. The ONLY source for the chloride ions (these are chlorine, in combined form) is salt. Presumably this is a fact from evolution: if life started in the sea, sodium chloride and other minerals were part of the ambient surroundings, as were oxygen and carbon dioxide. Blood in circulation has a similar salt concentration to seawater. Land animals have to take in salt in addition to their food, with the possible exception of carnivores. The stomach lining has cells which in effect separate fluids into hydrogen ions (acid) for the stomach, and hydroxyl ions (alkaline) into the body. The stomach acid is strong; the rest of the body, being far larger, is made alkaline, but not so strongly. All this is obvious enough and gastric acid has been known since the 19th century.
Here re a few consequences:
High stomach acid helps digestion; low stomach acid tends to cause food to be less digested, i.e. leave bulkier stomach contents. This can lead to 'refluxing', where the stomach contents leak upwards. For this reason, odd supplements—'Horsford's acid phosphate', vinegar, lemon juice, 'antacids', betaine hydrochloric acid—may be taken.
High stomach acid helps against pathogens: tapeworms, toxoplasmosis, protozoa, Helicobacter Pelori, disease microbes, fungi, and seems to help stabilise intestinal flora. Prolonged low concentration gastric acid may not be easily reversible, as the Helicobacter connection with stomach ulcers shows.
pH is the scale of measurement of hydrogen ions: 1=strongly acid, 14=strongly alkaline, 7=neutral (as in water). Blood pH seems to be generally described, incredibly and wrongly as neutral—check it online. So doctors often don't know that the body is in fact slightly alkaline. The scale is logarithmic to base 10 (i.e. multiplicative), so a pH of 1 has 1,000 times as many hydrogen ions as a pH of 4. The pH scale tends to hide the huge differences between gastric acids.
Alkalinity has long been known, or believed, to be anti-cancer. For example "NO disease including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment" is attributed online to Dr Otto H. Warburg in 1930. If alkalinity is important for cells, presumably excretion of HCl helped the evolution of the stomach.
The chemical formula NaCl + CO2 + H2O —> HCl + NaHCO3 (with biochemical complications; for example carbon dioxide is in body fluids because of metabolism of carbohydrates) must be approximately right. Sodium bicarbonate is mildly alkaline, and forms a buffer solution which stabilises pH. And with salt, it helps hydrate the body after heavy sweating, in hot climates. The chloride shift happens at cell level and in effect helps cell oxygenation.
I suspect the 'gag reflex' with salt may help ensure that hyperacidity is prevented.
Since the 1940s, it's been known that the body stores sodium in the skeleton and teeth. Low sodium seems likely to weaken bones. I suspect that osteoporosis and such operations as hip replacements are related to too little sodium.
The standard argument, taught to all lowish-level medicos, for low salt is that high salt causes high blood pressure. The mechanism is supposed to involve renin, and receptors—though there is doubt even over the existence of receptors. Blood viscosity is involved. Direct measurement, as opposed to doubtful theory, suggests, as might be expected, that increasing salt does not lead to higher blood pressure; there are many puzzled research papers online.
Breast-fed babies have little need for salt, since their food ought to be low in pathogens and solid proteins. Possibly time for weaning is indicated by increasing salt; or possibly external food has salt anyway independent of breast milk. Anyway, babies are supposed not to be able to taste salt until four months old.
Salt and minerals. Seawater has mainly sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, but also magnesium, iodide, and other ions, possibly in similar ratios to seawater many million years ago. This is the basis of the idea that sea salt is the best form of salt to eat. Trace elements are not really understood, but all should be essential.
Some salt substitutes are mixed sodium and potassium chlorides. This seems a bit risky, as potassium is not controlled as well as sodium. Incidentally, I noticed some liquorice-flavoured sweets sold by IKEA have ammonium chloride (E510) as an alternative flavouring. These of course supply chloride; I'd guess the ammonium ion could be used in protein, but can't really comment.
Salt and human and animal health. Improvements in health have been attributed to a huge diversity of factors: vaccination, water purification, more and better food, hypochlorite disinfectants, cleanliness, fewer fleas, control of insects and parasites, better food and cooking causing leprosy and scurvy and rickets to vanish, modern medical interventions, the abandonment of old medical interventions.
But supply and consumption of salt as a most important determinant of human health is (I think) a new idea, and ought to be borne in mind when considering the history of human well-being.
Historians must explore the hypothesis that salt played a part in civilisation almost as great as water and food. Perhaps cities such as Babylon, Alexandria, Peking, Rome and so on, and regions such as Europe, had convenient deposits of inland salt, or exploitable sea-salt, with portability—perhaps stone or clay, and sufficient hot sun, and wind).
Relatively high salt consumptionIcelanders are the longest-lived people in the world. Daily salt consumption for Icelandic men is 4.5g above the WHO's recommended 5g per day, and women 1.5g above the recommended level. Japanese are said to live longest of anyone; they eat a lot of salt. It's easy to look at life expectancies online, but bear in mind these figures are hypothetical, as the live people aren't dead yet. And most of the figures and tables are written assuming salt is dangerous.
Relatively low salt consumption There is a worldwide push to reduce salt consumption to a low point. The point of this piece is to show there are perfectly good reasons to give salt a central place in digestion and biochemistry, not something secondary which can be fooled with and expected to leave other health-giving processes improved. It's slightly reminiscent of the attitude that carbon dioxide is poisonous, which some uneducated people seem to genuinely believe. The Yanomami Indians are a good example of excitement generated over low salt diets; in fact they die young. And diets are measured for 'sodium'; the chloride component is unmentioned, which of course is a standard Jewish technique for their lies.
There seem to be two linked events here: a 1960 graph by Louis Dahl, and a 1973 'paper' by Lillian Gleibermann, described as an anthropologist.
(The subject of 'saturated fat' matches much of this. Hugh Sinclair had the distinction of having the longest-ever letter to the Lancet published (in 1956) on food processing health. I wrote a piece here, on the claimed risk of smoking. If Sinclair was right, the Japanese smoked far more than Americans, but had far less lung cancer, because of a diet link. In this case, Ancel Keys wrote an influential paper.
Oddly—perhaps—the need of animals for salt is well-understood by vets and farmers. Everyone knows about salt licks, and the several linked stomachs of cows, the acid being concentrated in the stomach furthest from the mouth. Elephants eat salt; some enter caves, and use their tusks. Some elephants are naturally tuskless; perhaps they have easily available salt?
Note: This is not medical advice. Any amount of damage may have already been caused by bad advice or practice.
Additional note on sugar: Plant sugars, made by photosynthesis, are of course an eternal feature of life on earth. It's generally believed that sugar causes acid in the mouth. Whether this is true seems doubtful to me; for one thing many teeth from ancient skeletons are in good condition, though their possessors probably ate fruit. Another point is that there seem no obviously acidic products made from carbohydrates. It's possible that the effects attributed to sugar result from other additives to chocolate, sweets, 'cookies', etc. Just a thought for sceptics out there.
'Ministry of Information' scene from Brazil, absurdly-titled 1985 film. I couldn't find a cartoon or picture showing systematic censorship by Jews; as with 'George Orwell', realities are hidden.
William Cobbett. An Introduction to Jew Literary Censorship
Rae West 3 July 2018. William Cobbett's life (1763-1835) spanned the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Leaflet, pamphlet, and book printing were cheap. Cobbett's main work is (arguably; he wrote histories, and on cottages, and founded the precursor of Hansard) Rural Rides, his observations made since 1821 of about ten years' travel. The publication date for the collection is given as 1830, but of course Rural Rides sold for many years. Cobbett bemoaned "If I had time, ... I would find out how many of the old gentry have lost their estates, and have been supplanted by the Jews, since Pitt began his reign." In the early 19th century, Cobbett was well-known for his views on the Jewish problems, though I doubt these were very adequate. For example, details of secret societies, bank swindles, India, the Bank of England, and the new USA must have been very incomplete—unless I'm being unfair.
The full power of censorship was brought to bear; by the end of Victoria's reign, Jew awareness seems to barely have existed, though it was fanned to some extent by constant inpourings of impoverished Jews, usually from Russia, and by manufactured events in France, such as the Dreyfus Affair. I'd like here first to survey writings about Cobbett, and compare censorship then with censorship at present. And draw inferences about the entire corpus of printed books since the art of printing was invented.
Bullock, Dr T Austin. (1854, 1872). Illustrated School-History of England. London & Manchester. Contents show nothing on Cobbett, nothing on Jews.
Carruthers, Robert. (1876 3rd edition, vol II). Chambers's Cyclopædia of English Literature. London & Edinburgh. 1 page out of about 800 on Cobbett. We have extracts on revisiting childhood scenes, and finding them tiny; on 'field sports'; and on Bentham disliking Cobbett. But there is absolutely nothing on Jews and related subjects such as rents.
Arnold, Thomas. (1877 4th edn). Manual of English Literature. Historical and Critical. London. Just one comment, in Prose Writers 1800-1850, on Cobbett 'with his strong sense and English heartiness'. There are two sections on Theology, with the slightest suggestions of Jewish material.
Adams, Charles Kendall. (1882). A Manual of Historical Literature. An American survey of historical works by country and topic. Cobbett mentions: History of the Reformation in England and Ireland "Presents the extreme Roman Catholic view" (nothing about Jews) and Parliamentary History of England "36 volumes..." Speeches; presumably little on Jews
Ed. Stephen, Leslie. (1885...) Dictionary of National Biography. Official-seeming dictionary. But subject to the normal rules of censorship. Many contributors; many of them Church of England. Click here for 1887 entry on Cobbett (rather long). As Hilaire Belloc wrote in 1922: We must remember in the first place that the treating of the Jew in the West as no Jew at all, but a plain citizen like the rest, worked well enough for a time. One might almost say that there was no Jewish problem consciously present to the mind of the average educated Englishman or Frenchman, Italian, or even western German, between, say, the years 1830 and 1890. As the DNB entry shows, no mention of Jews was tolerated. No doubt concealment of facts contributed to the general unawareness.
Chambers, William. 1897, ...) Chambers Biographical Dictionary. About 4 column inches of praise; my 1990 edition seems based on the original edition; it is full of praise (and sympathy for misfortunes. Note that Cobbett ridiculed medical blood letting, though he was prosecuted for it. However, Jews are unmentioned and my guess is they weren't in 1897.
Johnson, Rev A H. (1909 Ford Lectures) The Disappearance of the Small Landowner. OUP The Merlin Press Eight parts. V is THE ENCLOSURES OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES AND THEIR RESULTS One mention of Cobbett and 'fundholders'. Nothing on Jews.
1910, 1911 The Encyclopædia Britannica Vol VI. About 1½ pages. Nicely detailed, with information not in the smaller articles, and heart-warming material. Biographical notes. But nothing whatever on Jews.
Hammond, J L and Barbara. (1911, 1913) The Village Labourer 1760-1832. Publisher not known Jews, Rothschild unindexed. Cobbett about 30 pages; Napoleon 5 pages. Nothing at all on Jews.
Hammond, J L and Barbara. (1917) The Town Labourer 1760-1832. Cobbett about 22 pages. political register, but not rural rides. Nothing on Jews, Rothschilds, jewish aristocrats
Wells, H.G. (1920, 1930). The Outline of History.. Cassell. Rather oddly, no mention of Cobbett. Wells must have known of him and had some sympathy. Wells was somewhat Jew-aware, and regarded the Jewish tradition of lies and secrecy as undesirable.
Belloc, Hilaire. (1922). The Jews London: Constable. No mention of Cobbett.
Warner & Marten. (1922). The Groundwork of British History. Part II. '... aim is to provide ... a groundwork at once solid and broad-based.. One entry on Jews: 'Admitted to Parliament'. Nothing on Cobbett. Here's the Boer War: the war had preserved South Africa for the British flag, and made possible its subsequent union. No power could have acted with greater generosity than Great Britain did after the war. ... Ed. Buchan, John. (1923). A History of English Literature. Thomas Nelson. Nothing whatever on Cobbett. Disraeli's novels are not treated with any Jewish understanding.
Chesterton, G.K. (1925) William Cobbett. London. There was a fashion in the 1930s for short unillustrated biographies. Maybe underground trains fed this? Chesterton's short book mentions Cobbett on Jews a few times, but adds nothing, apart from a sketch of a voluble newcomer ignored by the likes of Pitt.
Ed. Hammerton, Sir J. A. (?1925) Concise Universal Biography London: Amalgamated Press. Post-'Great War' volume, of complete subservience to Versailles and Jews; includes a write-up on Mussolini. About 6 column inches on Cobbett, presumably rewritten from earlier similar books. Nothing on Jews. He had small influence [sic] because he had no settled views. He never did enough thinking. .. Cazamian, Louis. (1927). A History of English Literature. London. About 1 page. Nothing on Jews: e.g. His writings reveal a background of traditional and agrarian sentiment; he is a democrat in the sense in which the patriarchal regime of Old England allocated a better and more stable recognition of the peasant that did the new industrial order. The egoism of the wealthy classes brings a strong note of levelling aspiration ... Shearman and Plaskett. (1930, 1950). Matriculation History of England. Part III 1688-1815. Cobbett (and Jews) not mentioned. Vague reference to 'national debt'.
Harvey. Oxford Companion to English Literature (1933). Cobbett is in this supposedly definitive reference work, does not mention or discuss Jews.
Russell, Bertrand. (1934). Freedom and Organization 1814-1914 Just one phrase from Cobbett; otherwise omitted. Russell must have known of Cobbett. But vast numbers of Englishmen were totally Jew naive.
Ludovici, Anthony Mario. ("Cobbett") (1938). Jews & Jews in England London. Nothing on jew aristocrats or Cobbett or Rothschilds
Sampson, George. (1941). The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature. CUP. About 1 page; full of praise: ... his outspoken criticism of public life. He was essentially a farmer and hated large towns, especially the "Great Wen" (London) and the stock-jobbing and paper money upon which the towns throve. ... Rural Rides have an assured permanence. ... No detail on Jews.
Ed. Inglis, Fred. (1971). Literature and Environment. ... Reading and Social Studies. London. Cobbett has one mention, as one of a number of 'radical dissenters', though his initial is indexed wrongly. Nothing discoverable on Jew media ownership and Jew censorship and selection.
(1976). The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago. Vol IV. About 1 page. Fascinating article; included Army, national debt, Priestley, Pitt, treaty of Amiens, Reform Bill. But faced with the Aristocracy, Church of England, national debt, corn laws, Whigs and Tories, French and American 'Revolutions', his changes of opinions are not very surprising. But there is nothing whatever on Jews.
Ed. Morgan, K.O. (1991). The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. Chapter 8 'Revolution and the Rule of Law' by Christopher Harvie, University of Tübingen, as the title suggests, has nothing on Jewish power, and as a result is quite comic in its 'analysis'. Cobbett gets a bit of a sentence.
Ed. Gardiner, Juliet. (2000). Who's Who in British History. More than a full page on Cobbett, taken from Raymond Williams. '.. railed against 'Old Corruption', the system of sinecures, placemen, and privilege which radicals identified as the centre of corrupt aristocratic power. ..' But this seems wrong: it was largely the new system of Jewish takeover following Napoleon and Rothschild which Cobbett disliked.
Schama, Simon. (2000). A History of Britain. BBC. Schama is a Jewish American professor, apparently of art history—plenty of portraits. Nothing detectable about Jews; I wonder if this caused him annoyance, or perhaps pleasure. Anyway, of course Cobbett isn't included. Despite the cover, suggesting sea defences, it finishes in about 1600.
Ingrams, Richard. (2005). The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett. Ingrams, who invented the blind British Private Eye, apparently in the tradition of Jewish 'journalism', wrote what seems to be another Jew-denying piece, perhaps to divert attention from other writers.
The rather sad conclusion is that commentary on Jews is simply removed from all media under Jewish control, and any other media are completely ignored, or destructively attacked, by Jews. What's left is statistically tiny, but judging by frantic reactions may turn out to be important. The behaviour seems to be genetic, or instinctive; there is no debate whatsoever among Jews, who seem selectively bred for a pathological outlook—something which has been mislabelled 'eugenic'.
The Victorians were publically adamant that they had freedom of speech within reasonable limits, and thought they considered every argument, allowed free debate, and discussed all sides of important questions. But the plain fact, looking back on their timid and tragic blindness, is they were wrong. A mental fence excluding important questions existed up to the First World War, which unfortunately was handled by a sort of pro-Jewish army of locusts around the world to reinforce harm.
Victorian reference books excluded most Jewish material. Jewish books in English were secretive, though Jewish 'Year Books' and encyclopedias circulated amongst Jews; the Talmud was translated, but in the euphemistic manner of the Old Testament. The modern sceptic must assume Universities, schools, law, parliament and media were rigidly kept from Jew awareness. This must have been true wherever there was printing, or Christian preaching, with local modifications. In the English-speaking world, Walter Scott's books on Jews and the French Revolution were choked off. In fact, doubts must apply to innumerable 19th century books: Grote's History of Greece, H T Buckle's unfinished (& barely started) Civilization in England, and E D Morel's books on Africa and European diplomacy, and 20th century histories of Russia and China and the Second World War all have the same cloying feel of Jew avoidance. Even Bertrand Russell is posthumously censored—his book War Crimes in Vietnam has not been republished. Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together is unpublished by the Jewish monopoly. So does Jewish-published quasi-realistic fiction: war films, books on Vietnam, films by Spielberg, US TV, are a torrent of trash; and Jews promote assorted rubbish provided it's by Jews. 'News' is controlled by Jews: as examples, searches for attacks on white girls return vast numbers of Moslems. Incidentally, Jew-controlled media says nothing about raped white girls—just as Jewish media says nothing about rapes by whites in (((American))) wars. 'Doctors' struck off are largely foreign. The legal definition of 'whites' in the USA includes non-whites and Jews. The '6 million' fantasy, and the correlative non-figures for all others, seem ineradicable. There are persistent lies by Jews about costs and liabilities and unemployability of low intellect fake 'refugees' and immigrants. Teachers quit as fast as they can be enrolled; the reasons are kept hidden. Enormous government borrowing from Jew sources is not reported. False flags, psyops, and a host of other carefully distinguished operations are carried out freely. People are starting to realise something of the nature of these things. Meanwhile wherever Jews are permitted to control information, lies follow; the Jewish press and BBC and Jew-reliant organisations such as the EU and religious and charity poseurs say nothing.
We need to enlarge awareness and project it back in time, to examine other censored eras, and such topics as wars and religions. Jews, and genetically similar inbred groups, see no reason not to lie. So all documents from the remote past tampered by Jews, or their collaborators such as the 'Abrahamic' systems, must be suspect. Forgeries were common—Lorenzo Valla's commentary on the fake 'Donation of Constantine' is the best known; the Renaissance was started by the rediscovery of Greek and Latin classics, which gives some hope for the reconstructive effectiveness of truth. But since many of these were printed in Venice, it is a legitimate concern that they may have been edited and the texts corrupted. Edward Gibbons's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (final volume 1789) was a series of monographs in effect, all dependent on intense reading. But it seems clear enough that anything discreditable to Jews was passed onto the Roman Catholic church. From my own observation, the people supposedly interested in the classics assume the books they are offered are genuine. But it's likely, that histories of Egypt, Babylonia, China, India, Greece, Rome have been corrupted and destroyed.
Rae West 1 July 2018. Short note on the failure of Richard Dawkins. (His Appetite for Wonder gives his first names as Clinton Richard. His mother's name is given as Jean Mary Vyvyan Ladner; probably Jewish—it's easy to imagine Dawkins' mother as a part-educated simpleton feeding him stories about the 'Chosen People' and the horrors of the goyim. I wonder if he was tempted to name 'Henry', his shrew, Moses?).
Dawkins's failures are in science (including mathematical models of race), and (collected together) failures in religion, history, morality.
My main problem with Dawkins is his emphasis on animals, plants etc, is the distance from distinctive human characteristics. Notably language, and ideas; and learning. Including as a first approximation what have come to be called 'memes'. It may be that there is no simple evolutionary defence against false ideas; perhaps early learning is internalised, and believed to have been a genuine learned experience: perhaps people told of 'Moses' or 'Jesus', or who watch TV serials or videos, think they are real. Or perhaps learning works in stages, and is incomplete if the stages are disrupted.
Note that E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology was published in 1974, a year before Dawkins's-ridiculously titled Selfish Gene. I'd suggest—though this perhaps isn't important—that competition and symbiosis in human societies, which Wilson supposedly looked at, was regarded by Jews as an issue to be headed off. Such writers as Lewontin and Gould later reinforced the message. Here's a review of E O Wilson's On Human Nature (1978) which I hope makes one side of this Jewish debate—Pro-Jews, or anti-whites—clear.
My impression is that Dawkins failed to give opponents of evolution a genuine debate. There seem to be more people than ever who either can't understand, or refuse to understand, evolution. In a sense, I can't even blame Dawkins; but the Richard Dawkins Foundation for reason and science - A division of the Center for Enquiry presents itself as serious, but does not systematically take on anti-evolutionists. They could have sampled naive US people to find out the most common misunderstandings about evolution; but they didn't.
This is an important lapse; I had to give up co-operation with an Australian who foolishly claimed to disbelieve in evolution. There is no convincing rebuttal from Dawkins's organisation, aimed specifically at common American mistakes, which might have had an effect.
The same outlook shows up in their 'Flat Earth' stuff. This of course is another timewasting psyop, but Dawkins's 'Foundation' gives no evidence for or against, just some weak jokes. This is a traditional Jewish attitude: the simple Jew is told what to believe in (e.g. Einstein) and what not to believe in (e.g. whites), but with no reasoning process.
And this is not as simple as it might appear. Dawkins is not a scientist; he simply gives his backing to anything he's assured is scientific—and thus includes notorious fakes such as the moon landings, AIDS, climate change, look-say teaching, various nuclear frauds, 9/11, dangerously low salt in food, false flags such as Tonkin and Pearl Harbor, and various frauds in biology. He never detected the fraud of 'Stephen Hawking'. As regards evolution, theoretical cell biology includes many mistakes, such as the long-standing mistake of the 'endoplasmic reticulum', since it has led to the belief in mechanisms which, as some anti-evolutionists correctly point out, could not have evolved. Dawkins has been stymied, by not being scientific enough.
Dawkins has done nothing to advance understanding of genetics of population distributions. Races vary in terms of distributions of some fairly obvious features—height; body appearance; intelligence; strength; food tolerances; and the variations in these features are themselves genetically controlled. But there are much more difficult aspects of genetics: suspicions, sociopathy, violence, instability, for example. And the genetics down to the molecular level, such as actual genetic defects such as inability to make insulin. And the genetics of things which take time to develop, such as characteristics which must be learned. Some people may presumably be harmed for life by mal-education, for example. The most important practical example at the present time is the Jewish problem, in which Jews and their sociopathic collaborators permanently cause harm to other societies. Dawkins has done nothing to further understanding of these vitally important problems.
Intra-Species Competition and Parasitism (i.e. differences between members of the same species) is a relatively new topic, since it needs long period observations—or cameras, position detectors etc. Spectacular examples, such as cuckoos, have distracted from less obvious examples. In man, the possible confusions of languages and secrecy add another aspect. It's notable that Jews in the USSR always insisted that there was no competition within a single species. Search for ‘genetics of intra-species parasitism’ or ‘genetics of intra-species competition’ for suggestive examples, e.g. amongst birds
The emphasis on supposed genetic kinship omits one very awkward fact, which is that only half of any individual's genes are passed on. These may include sickle-cell anaemia, dwarfism, various inbreeding diseases, etc. Why should any parent prefer a child like that? A lesson might be drawn from Tutankhamun, endpoint of a series of (from memory) about 6 family matings. Probably they thought at each stage they were doing the best thing.
Dawkins has done nothing to probe into group cohesions vs group divergences. The genetic connections are very important, as of course the Jew issues show. Much of the thrust of Dawkins's outlook is to do with individualism and isolation—exactly the opposite of Jewish instincts. His political awareness is pitiful and negligible.
On intelligence and IQ, a persistent error is that IQ is 'fixed'; probably it's regarded as important to understate study and learning. Here's a very important analogy: some species of wheat respond exuberantly to fertiliser; they grow faster and bigger. Other strains of wheat grow more constantly, ignoring extra fertiliser. In other words, the genes set up an organism, but its future depends on what happens to it. It may be that whites are genetically equipped with some forms of learning, but, if they don't get them, they never achieve their potential. In fact, if you think about it, something like that has to be true.
An analogous error is to think of Jewish alleged practices as 'eugenic'. In fact, (e.g.) selecting people who like studying Talmudic material is a form of selective breeding, not eugenics. Nobody would say that breeding bananas from plantains, to be fat and yellow, is 'eugenic'.
Dawkins has critically failed to grasp many important religious issues. (1) Christianity spread across many countries, usually by violence, threats, and career opportunities. It's impossible to understand it without a grasp which Dawkins doesn't have. For example, there must be millions of simple Americans who make money in some way from Christianity, though personally I can't believe there's much learning behind it. Dawkins's own family tree has many Church of England members, who had comfortable and unenergetic lives. It's absurd to pretend such allegiance has much to do with beliefs. (2) Dawkins will not face the interconnections between so-called Jews and Christians and Muslims, or between Jews and movements such as 'communism' with associated mass murders promoted by Jews. Here's my introduction to 'Jewish' religious influence for people tired of lies. Dawkins fatuous quotation that 'religions are the same, with different holidays' in particular omits, probably intentionally, the malicious evil of the Talmud.(3) Dawkins seems to have no grasp of the reasons that fantasies like 'end times' are foisted on gullible Americans.
Dawkins refers to the Bible, but does not refer to the Talmud, or provide any explanation for the emphasis on The King James translation, which was part of the propaganda insertion into what became the USA and Canada and Britain. Understanding the Talmud is essential to understanding the modern world. Dawkins is doubly blind to these issues. Atheism is deadly to the Talmud, but Dawkins never mentions this.
I recommend people with some medical or biological background to refer to the material on my site on Harold Hillman. Unfortunately Hillman died a few years ago, and in any case Dawkins is probably too old to take any more interest now than he did then. Faced with claims on (e.g.) mitochondria or DNA, a great deal of scepticism is needed. The Jewish grip on media and education is a worldwide menace.
One of the appalling side-effects of Jewish control of money, and hence of a lot of modern 'research', is that any attempt to understand Jews and other races is instinctively opposed and harmed by Jews.
I don't know to what extent Dawkins is a thoroughgoing collaborator with Jews. The organisations he associates with may be using him as a front, in typical Jewish fashion. Or he may be part of them. My guess he is a crypto-Jew, hiding his Jewish connections; it's difficult to see how, otherwise, he would align himself entirely with Jews, including fantastic fanaticisms such as ignoring war crimes due to Jews in America and the USSR, and the newest Jew fashions suing Trump, agitating on Irish abortion, supporting invasions of white countries, and endless causes which are uniformly Jew-promoted—including continued lies about the Holohoax. Maybe Soros finances Dawkins; who knows?
For the post-1945 'received view' given by Jews to Americans, a good short overview is a typical victim, Martin Gardner.
[On Dawkins's family tree is Sir Clinton Edward Dawkins, KCB (1859-1905). ‘He succeeded Alfred Milner as private secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer George Goschen in 1889. He later served overseas as undersecretary for finance in Egypt from 1895 to 1899. His final role was as financial advisor to Lord Curzon, Governor-General of India in 1899. During 1899, he accepted an offer from the financier John Pierpont Morgan of full partnership in the London branch of his firm, J. S. Morgan & Co., where he remained until his death in 1905. He was a member of the Coefficients dining club of social reformers set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb.’ (From Wikipedia; I can't vouch for the truth of these statements, including his early death. The Coefficients included H G Wells and Bertrand Russell).]
Rae West 17-June-2018 I tried to explore the idea that Jews were one of the belligerents in WW2, in fact the most important belligerent, with Jan Lamprecht, relatively new to revisionism, who hasn't been able to understand the issue. (Click for our 73 minute mp4 video, removed from Youtube, which has a policy of crippling Jew truth—Susan Wojcicki presumably thinks she's a Polish Jew).
The idea is to change the entire focus of WW2. The conventional view is that the war was between nations. The revised view is that Jews, distributed as secretly as possible in the capitals of USA, Canada, USSR, UK, Germany, France, Poland, Ukraine, China, Japan, South Africa, ANZ arranged the war between them to kill off as many non-Jews as possible, and acquire as many assets as possible. This view seems to account for: Anomalies in WW2 fighting; Mussolini and Hitler appearing from nowhere; Versailles Treaty as setting borders in Europe to suit Jews; Jewish attitudes and parasitism; British Empire as prize, then French; Germans and Russians fighting to death, Jewish atrocities, puritanism as imposed on 'goyim', and many other topics.
This is a newish idea to me, and I want to stress its inclusiveness over the whole of the war: Britain for example was bombed enough to enrage Britons, and yet not much happened—and certainly the Bank of England was never bombed. Similarly, Dunkirk troops may well have been allowed free because Britain was wanted to help destroy Germany. USSR weapons were funded by the USA, and built up in step with Germany; Russians were forced to fight by Gulags, 'Mother Russia' propaganda, starvation, and such methods as locking Russians into tanks and using detachments to shoot at deserters. Many males like war, at least as a story: this is largely a western attitude, assuming there is money spent on equipment for them. It must be an attitude that amuses Jews, coining money and debt while others fight and die. For example, when trying to debate with Lamprecht, he launched into praise for Rommel, a "military Genius". The Germans lost; you may as well say Rommel put on a good opera, for all the use it did. Lamprecht shortly after put up a piece on the Vietnam War, (((America's))) vast genocide. Lamprecht took the American side utterly unthinkingly, perfectly happy that as much bombing should be inflicted by (((Americans))) for twenty years in a war started by false claims over Tonkin. Such is the power of Jew monopoly information.
However, the point here is that Jew archives, and Freemason archives, are never examined. David Irving has done sterling work in examining archives—but he has never been given access to Jew archives, which in any case may have been destroyed. And yet Jews around the world must have had trade and supply information on all weapons, food, money around the world. And information on the secret finances of governments, which in many cases Jews ran. And legal information on forcing loan repaymments; no-one ever questions why Jews should be able to force repayments, while soldiers and civilians who have losses, get nothing back.
Here's a Youtube exchange with 'Bogdan Sikorski' in June 2018. (May or may not be a genuine name).
Bogdan Sikorski thanks for that material but although DI is correct on many points citing evidence he totally omits much other which indicates that Hitler's plans re Poland were clear and well documented. The national identity of poles were to be totally wiped out, millions killed or moved out and the rest germanised. Thus it was not just a little war but permanent rearrangement of central Europe TOGETHER WITH SOVIET RUSSIA as per their division of Polish lands and people. Within first 2 weeks of invasion special police units executed over 30000 Polish patriots in Silesia and Wielkopolska as well as pomorze who were on a special list given to these units. So unlike with Jews who were generally untouched, during the invasion, indiscriminate bombings of many cities including Warszawa and special killing squads killed probably close to 100000 Polish citizens. What then happened is rather well documented on both the German and Soviet side
[I've been informed that the Germans simply restored shops etc to Germans. where they had been stolen and given to Poles. And of course Poland has Jews, not just Poles—anyone ignoring that is lying] Rerevisionist are you a jew by any chance?
Bogdan Sikorski ?????? are u a thinking person or a robot? ???
rerevisionist You haven't answered the question. Do you think you're a 'Jew', and do you think Germans killed Polish officers in Katyn??
Bogdan Sikorski Katyn was only a tiny very tiny part of the Polish national genocide (of well more than 6 million) pre-planned and paralely conducted by Germans and Soviets both with help or under the remote control of anglo-zion. So it matters not who pulled the trigger or even who gave direct orders. Who planned and facilitated the plan is what DI work exposes but not fully. He had no access to the Soviet archives! A pretty solid historic account was given in the film Katyn by Wajda who at the end turned out to be a traitor to the nation. But he was a pro communist jew who played his role as a freedom fighter while being the soviet collaborator
Bogdan Sikorski rerevisionist where would they have these? ???
Bogdan Sikorski rerevisionist please chillout?? where would that be? does it exist at all? do u mean talmud????
rerevisionist Bogdan, my little turd. Here you are claiming to be an expert on Poland, Polish Jews, and WW2, with unchallengeable evidence. For the last time, I'm asking: DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO JEWISH ARCHIVES?
Bogdan Sikorski rerevisionist ahaaa nice ad hominem and with explicit name callig. I expected tha. So now read that good. I claimed nothing and just made few relevant historical points which are easy to verify! [My emphasis] Apart from stories told by DI and other revisionist anglohistorians there are many others with equally factual discoveries which sometimes complement or contradict other accounts. Although DI is mostly over the target he ain't the only historian with a truth to be told. So in reply to your ?? dropping - why don't uuu take a piss with your legs up and kindly fuck off to yr daily routine ???
rerevisionist DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO JEWISH ARCHIVES? Or is your supposed expertise just more garbage?
I see. So you're not quite the expert you claim to be. And have no information about jews, despite Poland having been more infested by jews than most countries. In short, you're a waste of time, as I'd guessed from the start.
I don't particularly recommend this style of comment—and I don't know if Bogdan Sikorski is a Pole, or Jew, or something else—but it's clear he had no idea there could even be any Jewish archives. Or that their information would establish many details of the war, in this case whether both Germans and Russians acted as though under Jew control. I don't deny that large numbers of Poles died during the war. (Though of course, as with 9/11 and the destruction of documents about more than a trillion dollars, the documents would be likely to be destroyed.)
In my opinion this could not have been done without collaborators, in the treachery sense. But many people were simply propagandised, and did what they were told. If people understand the Jew issue, the next stage is to get closer to the real world by examining the way ordinary soldiers (for example) were used.
Holohoax Note & Hitler on 'Israel' and Christianity
Rae West 17 June 2018. This piece is https://www.big-lies.org/jews/articles-on-jews.html#ja-hhoax Just a short note; something I don't think occurred to me before. One motive for promoting the Holohoax fraud in Germany after WW2 must have been to part-persuade Germans (and Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, maybe Russians ...) that Jews had at last been removed. After all, the faked 6 million number was more than enough to account for the entire European population of so-called 'Jews'—or at least the declared ones. This may have helped Germans come to terms with the war. (I've just listened to Tom Metgzer, in Europe in the late 1950s, relating with surprise in his naïve way, how well-disposed Germans were to Americans).6 Aug 2018 Another short note: in Mein Kampf Hitler (or whoever wrote it) said (Murphy, English translation, about midway)
When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States.
This is worded to irritate non-Jews, but may have been intended to appeal to Jews, who had little inclination to move to Palestine—or Madagascar, or the region in the far east of Russia's empire, and near China, Birobidzhan (various spellings). Jews may well have brightened to the idea of a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. 'Israel' in quotes because nothing like it existed at the time).
Hitler on Christianity is at first sight puzzling. (1) The ideals of Christianity are more or less opposed to his claimed ideals, including war. (2) Hitler wrote little on the destruction of large parts of Germany in the 30 Years War between Catholics and Protestants. (3) Hitler has no serious analysis of the history of Christianity, including the eastern branches, and their finances. I suggest—what is perhaps obvious—that the Catholic and (later) Protestant churches were allies of Jews, as they are now, despite all the propaganda. The Churches detected and prosecuted any non-Jews who were in a position to lend, protecting the Jewish monopoly, and preaching resignation and submission every week, and in exchange taking money for their expenses and lifestyle. (There must have been local variations; in Spain, for example, and when wars were wanted).
Facebook Censorship of me c. Oct 2019. See if you can spot the censorship themes!
That's the story. But in case you haven't noticed, Jews tell lies, and in different countries they have different media channels.
big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/ is my attempt - and by all means criticise - to show how jews orchestrated WW2. For example, starting with an easy victory over France made Germans feel bullish, and made Germany look larger, and made propaganda for Russians more hateful of Germany. Do yourself a favour and look at it, at least. It took me at least a year.
There are no nuclear weapons. Just another Jew fraud. Here's a very detailed, very long video if you'd like to be reassured on this typically Jewish load of lies. I keep thinking people know all this. But of course many don't.
Any country run by Jews attracts dislike. The (((British))) were widely disliked esp when they had an empire. The (((Americans))) are widely disliked now. The (((French Empire))) up to 1954 (Dien Bien Phu) was widely disliked in Asia. (((Israel))) is widely disliked. Russia since 1917 was run by Jews, and was widely disliked. Turkey and synthetic Arab countries had Jews installed, and were disliked, no doubt in part because of that.
Saying Goodbye to the Anti-Whites WotW [Way of the World] discusses the loss of an old friend, and what it tells us about where our priorities should lie.
NB: WOTW invites viewers to contact other realists there
It's easy to forget censorship of the whole of Internet, given distractions over Jew-controlled instruments such as Facebook, Amazon, and Youtube. I'd love to be in a position to give an accurate overview, but I simply don't have the information. A possibility, should there be some sort of civil or other war, is something like the start of the 20th century wars, when a submarine cable
from Germany to the USA was fished from the water and cut. I haven't been able to find out the digital equivalents.
At present, access to computer data is mostly through optical cables, controlled by specialist companies; and by telecomms companies running phone networks. The computer hosting companies have hardware storage, still mainly (I think) hard disks. End users have some freedom to change suppliers. Maybe in future the system that has developed will seem anarchic, to people allowed to understand it. It seems incredible that website hosters so far have been free to host information, though crime in the legal sense presumably is opposed. Perhaps they will all be bought up; who knows. Government (or in practice Jew groups) can presumably block entire countries; if ipv6 takes over, this may be more difficult. Governments/ Jew groups can block sites in all computers they control; I remember in c 2000 David Irving's site was banned from the Public Record Office's computers at Kew—I'd expect Civil Service computer, CIA computers etc to have internal bans. Google and other searchers are of course an obvious censorship route, the subtle option being to demote disliked sites. They may simply be hard to find: as with Jews in 1900 Germany, there were thousands of Jew-promoted journals for every Jew-aware publication. My site has been targeted subtly, presumably secretly, by conflating sites with criminal etc intent.
The is censorship within organisations which control their own WiFi and other connections to in-house computers. I remember noticing this in Kew 'Public Records Office'. All universities, schools, libraries, quangos, Jewish, Freemason-ish, local government groups, central government and international organisations probably have blacklisted sites under their control. My own site was targeted from about 26 Aug 2018, judging by a sudden droop in hits; I don't know which organisations blacklisted me. My best guess as to reasons, is either (i) looking into world Jews combining as a power in World War 2, or (ii) the suggestion that Christians are a by-product of Judaism ( see https://www.big-lies.org/jews/articles-on-jews.html#ja-christ )
It's amusing to try to infer from censorship what subjects are deemed to be most important to hide. The site jidf.com might be an amusing research site. This could be a collective project. My Jadar site, compiled over about 6 years, gives a slight indication of the rate of attacks against Jew-aware sites + discontinued sites. The Jewish holohoax, and the inverted equivalents of mass murders in Russia and eastern Europe, have been important, though the importance varies between countries. Two of my David Irving websites are hard to find on Youtube; they were there for years and it may just be that they were fairly popular. My tape of 'Professor' E H Hobsbawm was taken down, no doubt because Jews in the USSR are a precious Jew fantasy of greatness. My Youtube of people discussing the fake Manchester Arena bombing was removed; Manchester has a lot of Jews, and maybe it was someone's pet project. The Vietnam War remains censored; Kevin MacDonald, the academic, simply has no clue about the 1960s, presumably a satisfactory result for Jews. Nuclear issues are another continuing issue; I'd better not say much, though.
Amazon is claimed to be owned or run by a Jew, Bezos. This of course is unsurprising: Jews print money at will, and a huge enterprise relying on warehousing, computer techniques for labelling and identifying and packaging and distribution, with computer ordering and payments, cannot at present operate without Jew control.
So, it's also unsurprising that there should be Jewish control over such things as books. As well as titles on sale, reviews on Amazon are censored, though this is probably not generally known.
The graphic, right > is a screen capture from my own book reviews. The reviews labelled «ban were never posted on Amazon: they are usually good enough to email tell you when they do this.
I suggest people posting long serious reviews at least save them; otherwise they may be lost.
For people who want serious reviews, not just Jew junk promotion, I have no easy solution beyond searching outside Amazon. And telling people that Amazon is part of the Jewish censoring policy.
Right-side image of Youtube's 'Studio' Layout >
From Youtube's beta-test version of my site. (Final name expected to be something like Youtube Studio).
One feature is the removal of Youtubes they want to censor. This is course is not new.
The greyed shape was my video from a taped talk by the Jewish 'historian' E J Hobsbawm. Soviet Russia is one of the main obsessions with Jews; arguably, both world wars were fought over the Jewish coup, the co-called 'Revolution', by Jews world-wide, by money, propaganda, theft, profits from weapons, and causing wars politically.
Another, perhaps the most important apart from outright removal, is the presentation of the 'visibility' of videos. All the videos shown here as shown as 'Public' (except for Hobsbawm) appear to be 'visible', but this is deliberately misleading.
All the videos *look* equally visible, but aren't.
< Youtube display now. Soon to go.
See the Youtube layout below left, which has fifteen of my seven youtubes.
Seven are labelled 'Some features disabled', without helpful information.
Some do not show on Youtube's own searches. Some have comments removed; though, perhaps for reasons of evidence, they may still lurk there. Some don't show up on some search engines, though it's difficult to be sure what these things are doing.
Some results of censorship, right >
Blue Warning The following content has been identified by the Youtube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. >
Black Warning [Not shown] This Video is Not Available in Your Country is a county or region filter.
The green world map > checks for Youtube blocks, round the world. I don't know if it is controlled by Youtube. 'Shadow banning' (I think) allows you to see your own videos, but may be confined to your own I.P.
None of this is new in computing. Amazon often bans my reviews; I learned to post them on my own site. David Irving's own website was banned within the Public Record Office in the UK! Many websites are banned governmentally in e.g. Moslem countries. And of course Jew influence is everywhere.
Censorship Map - Find censorship info for your own videos
The Green map > showed me my videos are banned from much of Europe (though sometimes not in Spain, or the Netherlands, for example). And banned in Guyana, a British or ex-British region in South America. Some of these bans can can be circumvented, for example by Tor, though not very successfully in my limited experience.
My Talk on Himmler by David Irving > shows the huge drops which the forms of 'disabling' have. For years that video attracted regular views, totalling about 150,000, until they plummeted to near-zero in January 2018. I'd guess this is to do with comments on the 'Holocaust', a long-running Jewish fraud which they seem to have decided to drag on to the bitter end.
My video with John Friend, What Happened at Hiroshima, had about 3,000 views; but Youtube's actions - on late November 2017 - have more or less killed it.
Another successful video was Jew Shock: Learn About Jews. Your life may depend on it. Notes on Judaic frauds, secrecy. This was removed without permission by Youtube in Sept 2017. And by Bitchute in late 2020. But here it is again.
Youtube's Watch Time & Views world map > give some idea of the harm on views in Europe. Given the population of Europe, but also the damping effect of language, there could be twice as many in Europe as in the UK. Both China and Russia appear almost completely blocked.
Viewcounts: there are many videos with implausibly high viewcounts. Probably 'fusion centers' and Jewish shady places boost these.
At least they are still up there, even if hard to find.
Note that Private Videos can be kept on Youtube, for example needing a password to see. There could be large numbers of videos on crimes, violence, deceptions, anti-social material, and so on. My guess is that some Youtube personnel inspect these.
A Few Other Things
< Other computers, mobiles, and IPs may give a different view of your site, or others' sites. Why not try other people's equipment, or search engines in other countries.
Don't be surprised if your videos don't show, even on your own site. I know it's annoying. >
< (bottom row) Comments as displayed by Youtube Studio.
v (below) Check to see if your videos show on search engines.
> (Bottom right) Watch for fine tuning by search engines.
Private messages will disappear from Creator Studio on 9th July 2018. Youtube allows emails if the 'business email' address is live. If you have messages important to you, save them!
For many years I've supported and promoted Miles Mathis on my site, for his rather hard-to-find articles on social issues, which mainly pivot around Jewish issues, including their group arrangements in distributed countries, their invention of religions in conjunction with local alliances to get percentages of land and money, their (in effect) 'Kahal' system to prey on other communities, the historically fairly recent extension of this system to large groups, their financial frauds, and in particular the intrusion into paper money creation and resulting Jewish power, notably in World War I, World War II, and post-1945 wars and money takeovers. All this comes from the Mediterranean region, spread into China and the East and into the western hemisphere when white Europeans discovered it for them.
Miles Mathis has made ingenious use of computerised genealogies. Plus his personal skills, such as reading of messages within photographs and other images and records, building new interpretations of the past, and modern times—to reinterpret events from the 'Russian Revolution' and Hitler and American imperialism, back to many myths of American history such as the 'Salem witch trials' and 'JFK assassination', and back enormously far, to pre-Roman Empire times, sea exploration, metal money, the printed word and recycling of deliberate lies, the intrusion of Jews into mediaeval dynasties.
Miles Williams Mathis is the single most interesting writer known to me, revising modern times effectively and convincingly. ...
... But he seems to have an uncanny skill in not promoting his own views. His version of the JFK 'assassination' remains undiscussed and stillborn, with endless TV junk ignoring him. Weaker would-be revisionist types of the Kevin McDonald and Michael Hoffman types never even link to his site. No Jew-funded or Jew-related sites ever mention him. The Jewish mass junk media never even bother to condemn his material. So I'm updating my piece on the 'Battle Against Miles Mathis' to try to explain why this barely happened.
I recently found a comment, which I think was by Mathis, in a website called CuttingThroughTheFog.com, which annoyed me, and made me feel it's time to reduce my support, which in any case he said he thinks is unimportant. Cutting Through The Fog strikes me as a feeble site, unworthy of Mathis' important insights, with just a few regular contributors of no great quality. The box that follows is from my account of Mathis's site, which I took down.
Note: I'm not connected in any way with Miles Mathis, and rarely communicate. I wish he'd talk online, but like very many intelligent people, he simply doesn't. I've texted/emailed with many people (in diet, physics, nuclear stuff, education, religions, history, ...) who unfortunately are equally unchatty. And I'm uneasy with the poor quality of one of his supposed supporting sites.
Email to cuttingthroughthefog.com which was not posted. October 26, 2021 at 1:28 pm –
I looked at my logfiles and was surprised to find about 36 from cuttingthroughthefog, which I’d thought is moribund, judging (I fear) by the average level of comment. They were from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada etc, though about half from he USA. They all pointed to my piece on Miles Mathis.
May I just make a few points. As far as I’m concerned, I never ‘fell out’ with Miles. It’s just that he never emails etc with me. The email quoted about flying fucks was something I recently found; I don’t think I’ve seen it before. That search engine on my site was set up with freefind, a completely standard bit of software which anyone can use, though like most software the techies behind it don’t make it easy. I think I copied the idea from David Irving. I even offered it to Miles, to add to his site; given the password, he could have had it on his site for years. However, he doesn’t talk to me.
I also would have liked a long discussion online with him. I have quite a high opinion of my chats, and their download numbers are quite high, though less that they were on Youtube from which I was of course banned by Wojshit. For example Lords of the Nukes. Many online talks of course are of dismal quality..
Hexzane527 is (as far as I know; I’ve never had any contact, which anyway might be risky for him in France) the best writer on WW2 as a possible mutual joint arrangement by Jews to kill off others. A good hypothesis which I did my own version of (https://big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/index.html) where ‘master race’ is not the Nazzies. I collected together his PDFs and assembled them with titles and an index on my site; partly because they’re very hard to find, even if you know they’re there, and partly in case they vanish. Come to think of it, I did much the same with Miles’s PDFs after they disappeared once, what now seems a long time ago. I don’t know if Miles has even noticed. He doesn’t talk to me.
Anyway, I’ll leave but let me just express surprise that such a fertile writer as Miles should have so few intelligent comments. Oh – I just noticed one veru good comment, on COVID as an ‘opportunity’!
Comment from 2020, probably by Miles Mathis. Suggesting he can be a rude c*nt. I found this by chance using alohafind.com, new-to-me secret searcher based on google. I don't remember what this was about! However, I'm not a 'spook' and dislike this unsubstantiated claim.
The Battle Against Miles Mathis 19 May 2018
[Single article copied from the long file https://big-lies.org/jews/articles-on-jews.html#battle-mathis]
Miles Mathis has many very interesting pdf files online, under 'Writings'. Try the search box below. I hope my enthusiasm will not turn out to be misplaced. He now seems to have been corralled, probably by Jews moving in.
A piece on Miles' website, written by Josh, who lives in Israel, is an interesting exposé of the once-famous 'Dreyfus Affair' in France. It was probably written as a wedge into Miles Mathis' Website, giving detail on how the scandal was manufactured and publicised—a 1900-ish example of mass media promotion of a psyop. At that time, most people regarded news sources as unobjectionable and factual; they were not viewed as money-making and propagandist frauds. Josh makes a good case for the Dreyfus Affair as blackwashing France, and (ultimately) whitewashing Jews.
I don't want to spend much time on this interpretation: it's up to Mathis to take his own actions. However, Josh set up on cuttingthroughthefog.com a Party Invitation to fans of Miles (writing as Mathis der Maier = Mathis the Painter), and decided to censor my pieces, perhaps not surprisingly. Mathis says clearly enough that he doesn't read other sites, but clearly takes advice second-hand—in those comments he asks for opinions on topics he should research for himself. I'll list here my comments, so far as I bothered to keep them. One with links into my site www.big-lies.org was removed early on. Three keen to head off intelligent comment are 'Jared Magneson', 'Garrett Derner', and 'Vexman'. And I've just noticed 'Russell Tropinsky'. I'm expecting Miles' output to become less valuable, which would be a tragedy. Anyway, that's all.
cuttingthroughthefog.com 13 May 2018
[lost comment includes Miles' non-Texan voice. I still don't know how 'Taos' is pronounced.]
I commented yesterday, but the comment hasn't appeared, though I found a reference to a wordpress account. I praised Miles' material, notably the political/ 'revolutionary' as in Marx & Lenin et al, but I won't type it again. Now I come to think of it, it's slightly troubling that no official historians seem to be here; surely some must have things to say?
cuttingthroughthefog 13 May 21:13
You say the Talmud has no rhyme or reason. You don't seem to realise what KMcD is claiming, viz that it's a kind of handbook for an aggressive tribe, explaining how to lie, how to deceive 'goyim', what rules to follow as regards laws and Jew policies. I don't think it's phenomenally complex: the methods they've followed are becoming clearer as people study the Talmud - though admittedly there aren't many. Michael A Hoffman II is the best as far as I know, but imho is compromised by actually believing Jewish dross which perverted ancient Christianity. (NB I'd dipped my toe in, only).
May 13, 2018 at 8:29 pm cuttingthroughthefog Anatoly Fomenko, Christoph Pfister or Edwin Johnson were/are three chronology revisionists (one was 19th C British), and there was a discussion 6 years ago here:
Prompted to have another look, I couldn’t find it had got anywhere. It’s amazing how long these claims and threads can exist in a static way. There just aren’t very many people intellectually equipped. No wonder religions can drag on for millennia.
**[nasty reply from Josh...]
May 14, 2018 at 10:46 am cuttingthroughthefog I wondered if you’re the same Nige who was, at least for a time, friendly with Ivor Catt, and doing your best to draw attention to his multi-chip computer (for air traffic control etc) but which came to nothing? What is very saddening about the attempts at truth-hunting are the vast numbers of people who make no attempts to investigate, for example those who just will not read sites, however much they are recommended. I’m afraid Ivor was that type. Sigh.
cuttingthroughthefog.com May 15, 2018 at 11:58 pm
The entire concept of the ‘hero’, ‘hero-worship’ etc is a concept to delude ordinary people. I think it’s the reason Nietzsche is promoted (similarly with Thomas Carlyle in Britain in 19th century, promoting Cromwell and an obscure abbot). You don’t get Warburgs or Rothschilds etc donning scarlet uniforms and mounting white chargers and leading magnificent actions against the ‘goyim’. They have large, secret numbers and secret policies.
cuttingthroughthefog.com May 16, 2018 at 2:51 am
I’ve included a sitesearcher to allow MM’s files to be located, since nobody else seems interested.
At the risk of being removed by Josh, it’s in my new (but unfinished) file www.big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/
Follow the link to Miles Mathis. If someone can let me know that it works for all other sites, I’d be grateful,
cuttingthroughthefog.com May 16, 2018 at 2:34 pm
Josh – Thanks for leaving that link. It’s useful to be able to find papers on Miles’ site, and I recommend it to anyone trying to find any subjects where multiple papers are relevant (e.g. Lenin, Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, etc). ----
My attitude to your piece on Dreyfus is that I suspect it’s well-known to Jews, who endlessly recycle their ‘triumphs’. So I think you’ve just used MM’s methods to write a paper. And it’s a good piece, which ought to be known. It’s therefore possible, you won’t be surprised to hear, that the material on Jews in Russia, Marx and Engels, etc might have been fed by you to MM. I doubt if this is true of eg Venice, Anglesey, Wars of the Roses, Medicis in Europe etc. _______
My site includes highly important material on cell biology and why modern medicine is empirical and a mess as regards theory. This is mostly from Harold Hillman, now unfortunately dead. If this is outside your range, it’s your problem. It doesn’t mean my site is ‘garbage’. Ditto for many other issues, e.g. the nuke fakes material. The Vietnam War material is little known in the USA, because of Jew censorship. Again, if it’s outside your range, it tells more about you than me. And so on. For example, the salt-in-food issue is extremely important, but if it’s over your head, don’t expect me to be impressed. ----
Incidentally, looking at the bad organisation of this wordpress site, I’m amused you say my site is disorganized. I put as much as I can on the front page, arranged by topics. {Plus note that Mathis' own site is itself just HTML)
@Garrett Derner May 16, 2018 at 6:41 pm on cuttingthroughthefog Thanks for commenting, though you obviously haven’t begun to read it. But let me comment on Jews in Germany. You say Jews ‘must have liked the culture’ in Germany. I’d suggest they saw Germans as suckers, and battened on to them. The whole social democrat movement in Germany was Jewish.
Jews began to pour into Britain at about the same as they poured into Ellis Island. Hilaire Belloc says it was ‘planned like a military operation’ (not in a sarcastic sense). The ‘Aliens Act’ (early 1900s) was a slow reaction. And Jews in London supported war, not of course in the sense of fighting themselves.
The point you make about German industrial success was often brought up before WW1. (The Act making things from Germany marked ‘Made in Germany’ was part of this). But I’m unsure how serious the argument was: after WW1 Britain was hugely impoverished, and by 1940 of course it was bankrupt, presumably in the liquid assets sense. I suspect the idea that ‘after the war, we’ll make money from reconstruction’ was in the same category as ‘the immigrants will pay our pensions’.
May 17, 2018 at 10:19 am cuttingthroughthefog
I have a worrying fear that MM may have been corralled by Jews, who feed him a few examples of Jewish ‘triumphs’ of the past, and a few junk US frauds. But not the serious huge frauds: where is MM on Jews in WW2, various genocides in the USSR, ‘US’ bases, Jews in law, Jews in education? Judging by Joss, the Dreyfus Affair is a Jewish secret tradition, fed to MM – and I don’t deny its significance. It may be a sign of internal splits in ‘Jews’ of the sort that are likely whenever a concentrated intense battle has some sort of resolution. Jews have inflamed splits for centuries; the opposite process may well work. For example, there should be a campaign to remove Jewish assets they got through frauds such as the holohoax.
May 17, 2018 at 11:14 am cuttingthroughthefog Two comments on relativity.
[1] The idea of the speed of light as an upper limit is based on the speeding-up of changed particles with an electromagnetic field. No matter how much energy goes into it, the speed of an em field is the upper limit.
[2] The emphasis on light in relativity etc is an imported human attitude probably irrelevant to physics. Imagine a dark universe; why should light have any relevance to the positions and movements of objects? (It’s the same mistake as is/was made with the ‘Uncertainty Principle’. The fact that human eyes etc can’t pinpoint a small position doesn’t mean there isn’t a position; it just happens not to be locatable)
My spiffing site has a piece on physics, but if anyone’s interested it’s easy enough to find. I don’t what Josh saying it’s spam, which he couldn’t recognise even on his plate.
May 17, 2018 at 9:42 pm
@'Jared Magneson' [1] I’m talking about light speed as a supposed upper limit. It’s an artefact of their technique.
[2] The Uncertainty Principle is a mistake, based on the error of assuming that light, which is important in human perception, is also important in all physics.
I’m not ‘vehement’ against Josh. He doesn’t seem well-informed, though. And your comment is laughable. I’d be happy to debate any of the topics, if I thought you could understand them.
Rae West/Rerevisionist 2018-05-19. Addition 2021-11-18. Looking at my log files, I see that from 17 April 2017 to 18 November 2021 his PDF files had 56,525 downloads from my site. I don't know how much my site contributed to his own site.
Principles of Parasite Removal
Rae West 4th June 2018
Taking a very long view of human evolution, it's likely that some groups took a purely self-centred view, while others (maybe through amalgamations) took a more comprehensive view, analogous to groups of violent mentally-institutionalised thugs with some successes vs people with houses, towns, nations, and unions, which most members felt worthwhile. Both have had their unions (probably the Khazars, for example; and numerous Unions), and we seem to have a world-wide situation, now, of Jews and their collaborators vs the rest.
(1) I'll look at some extracts I've made from H G Wells, well worth reading, though Wells made errors typical of this time, which I've left–
FIRSTLY BECAUSE OF its illuminating quality, we must consider the progressive segregation of the Jewish community. It has diverted, wasted and sterilised an amount of ability and moral energy that mankind at large can ill spare. In the previous chapter we have shown how naturally it arose out of the state of world affairs of the centuries before and after the Christian era, and how the realistic genius of Saint Paul sought an escape from its perilous limitations. From the very beginning, there must have been men of vision among the Jews who realised and rebelled against the moral isolation to which they were being condemned, there must have been a continual seeping-away of individuals to the larger opportunities of the outer world, but the uncompromising tradition carried by the old Bible and the associated writings which grew into the Talmud has been sufficient to hold together a core of inassimilable and aggressive orthodoxy to this day clinging obstinately to every detail of ritual, behaviour and avoidance that emphasised the central legend of a Chosen People.
It is this orthodox remnant and its behaviour and influence, the repercussions it evokes and the dangers to which it has exposed the whole Jewish community, which constitute the Jewish problem. There would be no distinctive Jewish question at all were it not for this remnant and its activities.
The whole question turns upon the Chosen People idea, which this remnant cherishes and sustains, which it is the “mission” of this remnant to cherish and sustain. It is difficult not to regard that idea as a conspiracy against the rest of the world. It is essentially a bad tradition, and the fact that for two thousand years the Jews on the whole have been very roughly treated by the rest of mankind does not make it any the less bad. Almost every community with which the orthodox Jews have come into contact has sooner or later developed and acted upon that conspiracy idea. A careful reading of the Bible does nothing to correct it; there indeed you have the conspiracy plain and clear. It is not simply the defensive conspiracy of a nice harmless people anxious to keep up their dear, quaint old customs that we are dealing with. It is an aggressive and vindictive conspiracy. People are apt to catch up and repeat phrases about the nobility of the Book of Isaiah on the strength of a few chance quotations torn from their context. But let the reader take that book and read it for himself straightforwardly, and note the setting of these fragments. Much of it is ferocious; extraordinarily like the rantings of some Nazi propagandist. The best the poor Gentile can expect is to play the part of a Gibeonite a hewer of wood and a drawer of water for the restored elect. It is upon that and the like matter that the children of the orthodox have been fed. It is undeniable. There are the books for everyone to read. It is not tolerance but stupidity to shut our eyes to their quality.
The cultivated, exaggerated, national egotism of the Chosen People has never been so conspicuous as it has been in the present century and particularly since 1918. As their spiritualism has weakened their nationalism has increased. I recall a conference that took place in ’19 or ’20 in a room in the House of Commons. A number of French writers had deputed Madame Madeleine Marx to discuss with various English men and women of letters the possibilities of concerted action and possibly organisation in the cause of world peace and world understanding. In those days Israel Zangwill had adopted the role of Champion of the downtrodden and suffering Jewish race, and more particularly of that section of it which was to be found in the wealthier mansions of West Kensington and Tyburnia, en route from the East End to the House of Lords. He sustained its racial pride, if indeed that needed sustaining. He insisted upon Israel’s distinction and its inappeasable hunger for restoration to the land of the protracted Promise. He told them of the Dreamers of the Ghetto. He reminded them of their origins with humour and emotion. He helped them to “feel different” , as the American car salesmen say, and mystically better. They were, he persuaded them, not really having the good time they seemed to be having; behind the brave face they put upon things they were weeping by the waters of Babylon. The true voice of Israel was to be heard not in the West End of London but when it went off for a trip to Palestine and, following the customary routine, wailed at the Wailing Wall. Always he spoke of “My people” .
I can see no other destiny for orthodox Judaism and those who are involved in its obloquy, unless that enormous effort to reconstruct human mentality for which I have been pleading arrives in time to arrest their march to destruction. That, if it is to save our species, must be a reconstruction so bold and wide, an amnesty so fundamental, that it will sweep the religion of the Chosen People and this age-long feud of Juif and anti-Juif out of the living interests of mankind altogether.
A short note about How the Master Race Won WW2, which is too long for inclusion here—and anyway is work in progress.
The 'master race' is of course Jews, a supposed race which absorbed collections of psychopaths and sociopaths from around the world in the course of secret mimicry and blending in.
Books, films, news items, speeches, and all the rest of it present wars as a matter of heroic presentation and frantic action. Many people seem to think it's completely natural to be presented with many hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tanks, rifles, artillery, trucks; or ships; or helicopters and planes and bombs. And then 'fighting'. I want to suggest a different interpretation, which is that Jews, around the world, with their secret colleagues, planned and in effect scripted both WW1 and WW2. This marks a break with another school of revisionists, who support Hitler, bearing in mind the obvious propagandist lies of the Anglo-Americans. They view much military activity as works of genius, or strategy eventually defeated by inadequate supplies, or heroic struggle defeated by the weather, or an impossible struggle against vast barbaric forces. They don't see it as a series of cockfights designed to kill whites, devastate regions, and accumulate huge loans. They're rather fight than think about what they're doing—traditional enough with mobs and their rather dim handlers.
My view here is that, as is well-known, Jews took control of US finances in 1913. Without discussing the disaster of the 'Great War', it's clear that Lenin and Stalin and fellow Jews set up a barbaric dictatorship, funded externally, and also internally by exploitation, sales of assets, and theft. This had to be made to look normal; Mussolini and Hitler appear to have been 'groomed' for their roles, inaugurating the Age of Dictators. Everything seems to fit into this view, without much strain; I'm hoping to complete the following article, but of course it's a lot of work.
Can't see the point? –
I'll try to explain how aggressive Jews presumably view large wars. To cut down modern emotions, I'll take examples at random from an edition of Brewer's once well-known 1870-and-later book.
Some ‘memes’ from the last few years of Internet...
... “Kek!”—the confident call of Pepe the frog, adopted by the people of the once-new land of Kekistan as their emblem. Kekistan's history includes frog-God ‘Kek rain’ inundation mythology, and a period subservient to Kikistan as mercenaries and slaves. Now Kekistan is endangered by the suffocating forces of Cuckistan and Normistan, secretly paid by Kikistani organised crime syndicates, whose undeciphered motto is “Gd chosen” and whose sinister tribal chant is “Nat sea”. (Information on iconography from the Bibliokek Nationale)....
President Trump's First Year. Some Issues and (Mostly) Non-Jew Commentators.
Written by Rerevisionist 10 April 2017 - 15 September 2017 (Was called 'Is Lipstadt a Covert Counter-Mossad Truther?—and Other Puzzles) Reformatted and I hope easier reading as standalone page 25 Feb
The theme of this long piece is, yet again, Jews—identifying and disentangling their influence, and the deeper issue of identifying their collaborators, puppets, and eventual possible outcomes of these groups.
Many Internet sites have been correctly accused of being crypto-Jewish, or written by trolls, or written by professional spooks, or just ignorantly biased to Jews. People unused to Jewish analyses may like my soft introduction, my own extremely incomplete list of 'joff' websites, Jews-off-the-radar, with my reasoning. I've tried to explain in what respects they are wrong, incomplete, dishonest, and evil. Many are shills for Jews, large numbers are scared to discuss Jewish wire-pulling, many are paid by Jews or Jewish pressure groups. By this time, virtually all political parties are subservient to Jews. And conversely, here's my intermittently-compiled list of 'jadar' sites, with brief comments—some a bit unkind, where I think I've found covert Jew biases. Sites like these are the most likely to convey hard and shocking and novel views, and I encourage novices to browse—your life, literally, is at risk if you are not Jew-aware. These sites may be subject to attacks of various types: the least toxic attack is full censorship—the complete lack of mention in Jewish and Jewish-puppet sources, which include all 'mainstream' print media, all mainstream TV including British, German and French TV, all government departments excepting a few leaks and forced replies to questions, and a proportion of Internet information. Looking at my lists of websites, bear in mind that my opinion may turn out to be wrong; I don't monitor websites all the time. And remember websites can vanish, change policy, be taken over, or otherwise change.
Jews continue full-on with their established post-1945 schemes: these include lying about the Holocaust™, lying about other historical events such as Jews in Russia/ USSR, promoting large-scale immigration into disenfranchised white countries. And media deceits, false flags and paid 'demonstrators'; pushes for other people to fight wars, and continued financial frauds and manufactured debts at the expense of non-Jews. There are no indications—or perhaps the very slightest—that Jews will change, or learn to modify their attitudes, and nothing which begins to address their full range of activities.
It is instructive to live through a time like this, at least for the luckier ones. These events often seem unbelievable, in the way many events in history now seem incredible. A section at the end of this article draws conclusions from lessons learned by Jew-aware people over the centuries. I hope many of my readers will include themselves amongst the aware. I've gone back: to the inventions of Christianity and Islam; the use of covert thug armies; Jewish perversions of legal and scientific events, such as companies, military imperialism, and prolonged propaganda wars; and the conditions in human societies which allow aggressive parasitism to root and grow and propagate genetically.
Donald Trump? My piece on Donald Trump (written December 2015, before his election victory) lists some of the worries Jews could be expected to have about Trump, including the ‘Mexican wall’, Trump's experience with tall buildings (and therefore 9/11), Jewish control of money and debt, Jews and middle east wars, including all the countries around Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Syria predominating, undeclared issues such as wars in Africa and Jewish control of Saudi Arabia. Arguably, Jews are most concerned with concealment of nuclear frauds (too science-based for most commentators), the Holocaust™ fraud, and the failing Jewish media (as concealments, of e.g. history of Jewish atrocities, and e.g. Jewish plans to dump the USA, get more difficult).
The obvious question is to what extent Donald Trump is just another Jew or crypto-Jew. It's obviously impossibly early to guess his final achievements. But it seems clear that—after a running start—he will not act as vigorously as was hoped. But he's made some changes to the ambience of US politics: his speeches actually mentioned the destruction and chaos after the Jewish war against Iraq, and the destruction and chaos of the Jew-funded ISIS thugs. War against Iran seems to have been replaced by war against the even tinier North Korea [Note: 8 Aug 2017: the Jew-controlled BBC seems to have announced North Korea has a 'nuclear weapon' or payload, or something; they have also announced or claimed that North Korea has some sort of missile—in both cases with no technical details. Possibly these are two items in a pre-war checklist, to be the start of yet another Jew war—I hope not, but I imagine Jews are getting excited at the thought of blood, like hyenas], though as far as I know Trump hasn't publically discussed the North Korean non-Jew central bank, or removing the Federal Reserve from Jewish control. Even after a century, many Americans still haven't worked out that the USSR was run by Jews, supplied by Jews outside Russia. This may help explain continuing anti-Russia agitation, a long-term Jewish favourite. Most Americans don't seem to understand that Putin, Jewish or not, has an inherited problem with Jews.
Trump has had video coverage of discussions with US military brass, probably all of them war criminals, who look a sheepish lot, uneasy in their uniforms, looking like people running large-scale dangerous load trucker outfits. Trump by comparison seems a golden-haired presiding Zeus.
It's impossible to be sure whether attacks (Gas?? Cruise missiles??) trumpeted in the Jew media even took place, such is the frequency of false flags and rarity of any sort of punishment. It's impossible to be certain about events such as the Georgia I-85 bridge collapse. It's impossible to be certain whether police action will finally focus onto Soros-funded groups (I haven't checked the documents; I assume other people have): 'Welcome the stranger' and other fake invaders-as-friends groups, Black Lives Matter, By All Means Necessary, 'Pussy' groups, Femen, Antifa, LesbianGay etc groups with their absurd 'pronouns'.
It's also impossible for outside observers to guess the true state of mind of Americans, given the Jewish control over reports: there must be some Americans who've worked out what's been happening since 1945.
Investigations of Jew frauds promise to be non-existent; but who knows? What about Jews in the opium wars (might get Chinese support), Jews in USSR and Ukraine, the 'Liberty survivors given new life by Internet, the Gulf of Tonkin? And as financial mysteries get peeled and exposed, what about Jewish deliberate waste to add to government debt so Jews collect interest? Maybe faux demonstrations in places like Berkeley are encouraged to increase police overtime charges and add to city debt? Chicago points the same way. I believe more people are waking up to these things—Charlottesville strikes me as misjudged, just as 9/11 seems now to have been too easily seen through. Issues such as debts being nominally supplied to pension funds—always an encouraging remote topic to allow frauds to slip in. I even hope swindles with currencies, inflation manipulation, selective financial attacks on countries, and interest control will move back into discussion, raising people like Henry George and Major C Douglas and Henry Ford from hibernation. But it will be a long time before reparations to Russians, Ukrainians and Europeans, and Jewish victims elsewhere, are enforced.
Anyway: to summarise Trump so far: He has done nothing to expose the Holohoax fraud. He has done nothing to reimburse Americans for the 9/11 fraud. He has done nothing about other enormous frauds: nukes, NASA, AIDS, (and the US education system) being examples known to me. He doesn't seem to have done anything about Jewish news media, as per his campaign speeches; perhaps he's just waiting for the media to collapse, and for education on race and population and real economics to grow. He seems to have done nothing to reverse the Jewish policy of giving the votes to as many aliens as possible. He seems to have done nothing about Jewish drug, porn and prostitution activities, and trafficking in people and organs. I can't tell if he's doing anything about the US empire, and its costs, doing so much for Jew interest payments. Or about possible mass inflation: US frauds are so huge (H Clinton supposedly embezzled 100s of billions of dollars for Haiti, for example) that the era of worthless dollars may approach, as in hyperinflations in, say, Hungary, Germany, and Zimbabwe. But Trump has said he'll close the 'Global Warming' scam; I'd guess this may be because all the burden falls on white countries, with India and China ignored. This may be part of a reindustrialise the USA policy. A recent White House memo shows Trump is still pretending to believe the entire 9/11 fraud, which must annoy selfless people who have studied it for years. But Trump has shown—or seemed to show—lack of enthusiasm for the Holocaust fraud, Perhaps because of family interests in east Europe—or perhaps cracks are growing in the Jewish 'community'.
I'm not in a good position to assess Trump's personnel choices: there's a limit to what one man can do, and many of Trump's selections seemed good to me. And of course, let's be honest—he has to work against centuries of covert Anglo-American-Jew alliances. It's a lot to ask.
[Start of article]
US Education with unlimited Jewish paper money Whites have potential for learning, which Jews damage. If learning is damaged in young children, they will never recover fully. Jewish books are junk, Jewish 'celebrities' are dim, teaching methods such as 'look-say' and 'modules' are calculated to harm, critical appreciation is not taught.• Jews love government debt, since they get interest, and it's counter-intuitive to 'goyim' who hate personal debt. • So spending increases. Salaries go up, buildings are replaced unnecessarily, staff multiply, there is constant inflation in nominal status, with full professors, various assistant and adjunct professors on a huge scale. • The Frankfurt School ('New School of Social Research') in New York, and LSE (London School of Economics) were pioneers, issuing low grade PhDs, as pretexts for further 'professional research'. • Poor-quality courses inflate both in numbers, and poorness of standards, which drop to a level necessary to attract low quality pseudo-students. Women's studies and race studies are obvious examples with negative intellectual content, but history, 'liberal arts', religion and sciences such as psychology, sociology, food sciences, and simple reading/writing, have trended down, however poor the quality was in the past. • Jewish social engineering increases: courses are weakened, female students and black students and even illiterate illegals are shoehorned in by Jews. • Jewish paper money exerts a total stranglehold over funding: Jews control all research, and all intellectual frameworks, so that true views of religion, Jewish history, power politics, the Middle East, media studies, are choked away, leaving the ground free for junk academics, who are indistinguishable from non-academic ideologues—Barbara Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, Lipstadt, Professor Evans, Melissa Click, Eric Clanton illustrate some of the types. • Jewish networking ensures unintelligent Jews are given positions that equity does not entitle them to. The system becomes choked with uncreative plagiarists. • This sort of thing seems more or less worldwide: see e.g. Cambridge University's official website. • Some towns—New York and London are examples—are overburdened with Jew 'teachers' at all levels. It's agonising to visualise the interminable bullshit of these ridiculous and ignorant pre-medieval ideologies. • Medical hacks push pills, diets, give feeble advice on diabetes, smoking, vaccination, and what have you. Media studies courses say nothing serious about media. Black African education is pitifully feeble. A vast mid-range of indistinguishable types want careers like English vicars, with guaranteed income for little effort apart from propaganda output.
Lipstadt and the US Education System The 'Six Day War' gained 'Holocaust' mythology momentum from all the Jewish media from (say) 1967, when Lipstadt was about 20. 'Holocaust' inventions apart from immediate post-war 1945ish claims are newer than many people think; the similar perpetual victim lies had been made since before 1900, but were rather vague. Lipstadt's book Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory (published 1993; available online) was published a few years before Internet (and hardware improvements) began to spread public awareness of the 'Shoah Business' hoaxes beyond a fairly small circle reliant on paper publishing.
Several notable revisionist events, which already seem dated, happened before Lipstadt's book: Arthur Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against The Presumed Extermination Of European Jewry, (1975) was one. Did Six Million Really Die? (1974), uploaded by Ernst Zündel on his Zundelsite.com, sparked a Jewish group in Canada to take legal action in 1985 and 1988, which included defense testimonies by David Irving in 1988, and Fred Leuchter on gas chambers 1988, also in 1988. The prosecution testimonies were outstandingly feeble, and in fact laughable, under the precision fire of the attorney Doug Christie. In France, Rassinier, Bardèche and Faurisson might be regarded as a failure, since their work culminated in the censoring Fabius-Gayssot Law of 1990.
At this point, enter Deborah Lipstadt. She appears to be a 'Professor' at Emory University, in the deepish South. I've read that Emory is listed 20th in the USA—with that absurd pseudo-precision of which the USA leads the world; and 3 of 5 of its 'notable alumni' are/were in sport. Probably the Jewish paper money fraud funds Biblical fundamentalism in large parts of the USA, a policy similar to the Jew-annotated 'Scofield Bible'. (Are Americans really so stupid they can't understand the simple idea of 'evolution'?) Anyway, presumably Lipstadt's whole life has been bounded by the confines of Talmudic absurdities, which she has never had the wit or curiosity to investigate. (I've just noticed an online upload, ADL-EOTR.pdf, 230 MB, a 1988 typed report, 'EXTREMISM on the RIGHT', the sort of thing that Lipstadt can be expected to have in her small library. I can't entirely recommend it, as it's an unnecessarily vast file.)
(Historical parallel: Church of England vicars, guaranteed a lifetime's income after a few years amateur scribbling on Greek, Latin, and philosophy, had a similar life, with a few simple tasks and Sunday sermons; no wonder they were mostly worthless, though (let's be fair) they did produce Malthus, Gilbert White of Selborne, Cox (of the orange pippin apple) and the twiddly hazel discoverer. Just as now, what progress was made was outside the church; railways, ships, clothes, telegraphy, for example. I suspect the move to the professionalisation of society had the same source.)
Lipstadt would seem to have had a non-nutritious diet based on a small shelf of Judaic books. One of the disappointing aspects of thinkers of every type is their plateau: having found their level, they will not go on to tackle distant mountains, or even nearby hills. Presumably Lipstadt was and is this type, and must have been outraged, from her viewpoint, at doubters. She is part of the spread-out network of Jew supremacists distributed around the world, all anxious to tell lies about Jewish mass killings in Armenia, and the Ukraine, and the USSR, and Jewish financial frauds, and wars attributed to the USA in (for example) Korea and Vietnam, and science frauds in medicine and biology and in particular nuclear physics—all the carefully-hidden crime of the network, and most of it anti-white. And most of it ignored by the disgrace of the US education system.
'Professor' Lipstadt has played her minor part in dilapidating what there is of the American education system. Could she be a covert truther? On the face of it, this sounds incredible. And yet her book could be interpreted in that light. It was published a few years before public Internet started its growth—like convolvulus filling up Jewish backyards, to more-or-less quote David Irving. The book went some way to advertising such people as Zündel, Leuchter, and Robert Faurisson, and predecessors—Harry Elmer Barnes, Paul Rassinier, Austin App, Ditlieb Felderer, 'Richard Harwood', Arthur Butz, F J P Veale, and many more. (Veale's Advance to Barbarism... seems to have prompted many other similarly-titled mimicry-camouflage books, by Jews such as Martin Gilbert). It's true many formidable critics were not included: for example Wilhelm Stäglich. Some, for example Carlo Mattogno and Jürgen Graf, may have been too late for inclusion. Wilmot Robertson (of Instauration) was certainly in time for inclusion, as were other Europeans. Lipstadt's book seems to have sold as few copies as it deserved, but it, or extracts, became a handy reference source for some inquirers as Internet and search engines expanded.
Many Jewish race supremacist sites masquerade as serious political websites, and are a serious threat to the spread of truth. Lipstadt of course is a part of this movement, which will get no sympathy here: like specially-bred invasive poisonous dwarf plants, devoted to a fantasy world of Chief Rabbis and Seders, and systematic lies about wars and frauds, they need examination and removal. Their systematised denial of Jewish mass murders in Armenia, Ukraine, the USSR and Europe, among many other incidents, marks them as truly disgusting worldwide enemies of decency.
Type Seven C 16 Dec 2017 Youtube comment
Bob Smith I don't like Muslims either, but there is a major concept that you are missing. It is Jews who let the hostile third-world savages flood into White countries. The Muslims didn't let themselves in. Third world Muslims do not control the immigration policy of White Western nations. Jews do. Use your brain. The reason we have weak borders in every single White nation is because of Jewish subversion. Jews are also responsible for all of the anti-White rhetoric that floods our news media, popular culture, academia, social media, music, movies, TV shows, etc. Jews control ALL of those things. Jews have been purposely destroying White genetics and White culture in White nations for decades. Jews are destroying you right now. Think of Islam as the 'gun', but Jews are the ones holding the gun. Wake up, naive sheep.
Undeclared Race Wars: the Armies Line-Up
This piece is sparked by Denial, a fairly new Jewish propaganda film, reviewed here. Following Archibald Ramsay, I'll refer to the Jew supremacist war, primarily against whites, as the 'Nameless' or 'Undeclared' War. The line-ups are taking shape: whites in particular are waking up, almost entirely because of Internet. It's difficult to judge non-whites: my impression is that blacks are generally clueless, and (for example) know almost nothing about Jews in Africa. Muslims have a complicated relationship to Jews, including the likelihood that Islam was a Jewish-promoted mimic designed to use them as rather brainless thugs. The white Internet world includes awareness of occupied regimes at differing levels—Canada, USA, UK, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, China, Japan—sayanim trolls and liars, inadequate education systems, the 'British' Broadcasting Corporation, Common Purpose 'graduates' and the US junk media, for example the 'failing New York Times'. All this is familiar enough to wide-awake people—for a refresher course, try my primary file on the history of Jews—everything from history to the present day, money systems, media propaganda, and wars.
This is not to say all, or even most, whites understand what's happening. There are many small lights of evidence getting through, in widely differing fields: the Fed scam; the way government debt, owned by Jews, grows to pay them more interest—until it's offloaded in one of their financial frauds; historical events—Liberty, 9/11, the Holohoax, mass killings in the Jew-run USSR, the US revolution—just a tiny sample; religious frauds, medical frauds, housing frauds, military and weapon frauds and wars; payments for thugs and fake demonstrators; the Jewish part in unelected nonwhite invasion; sex trafficking; damage to the family; damage to education. As yet, few people have grasped the big picture, but if Internet illumination increases, awareness must increase with it, unless censorship is successful. Interlude: The Nameless War (book title by Captain Ramsay, 1952) is as good a name as any for a process which he dates from 1290, with Edward I's expulsion of Jews. It was a war between Europeans and self-styled Jews. Jews had a different model of their nation, not the cities and territories which seem natural to Europeans, but spread amongst other peoples, secretly in communication, functioning like patches of rot, growing, changing, contracting according to the fortunes of their hosts.
Cromwell, Napoleon, Balfour, Lenin, Stalin and Roosevelt may be taken as six of the most significant figures, all puppets in one way or another of Jews. The discovery of the Americas was a parallel development over most of this time, as were developments in all aspects of travel and communication. The very first World War was between Britain and its thalassocratic empire, and France under Napoleon, aiming east across the Mediterranean. Until recently, most whites lived much of their lives in white surroundings wherever they were; it was easy to sell the idea of wars by country, although it's obvious enough that subdivisions by race are equally likely to provide causes for wars.
A simple genetic basis underlies all this: the predecessors of Jews micro-evolved in the presence of writing, and of cities, as a human variety or strain or breed—secretive, fanatical, parasitic, united among themselves while hostile and deadly to any human opponents. It was a remarkable change in humanity, relying on population densities far above those in normal animal societies without language. Provided other populations were divided into groups by the necessity for specialisation, and were able to create goods, but could not spy on the whole of their populations, the possibilities opened up for systematic deception. Simple fanaticism, as a primary impulse, induced protective mimicry, language and collective networking as behaviour-effectors, sensitivity in detecting differences between other groups, and severe training of the young, including the death penalty for informing non-Jews.
As Jews would point out if they were honest, there was a simultaneous genetic micro-evolution, notably with whites, as they developed in their geographic strongholds, and needed mutual trust to work on their specialisations. Europe is unusual geographically in its divisions and natural barriers: unlike areas liable to invasion, this may have produced a feeling of security and low suspicion of strangers in its inhabitants. Whereas vast open areas of desert, steppe, grassland were more obviously vulnerable to attackers.
The result in the previous five or so millennia seems to have been war between rather isolated specialist types, experts in their fields—sometimes literally—with no option but to trust other specialists, versus inward-looking fanatical uncreative types starting from ghettoes, sending out parasitic tentacles to any group that shows evidence of control over creativity. But this is not a very satisfactory analysis. Many white groups are isolated, pioneers and individualists and hermits and explorers representing extremes which are rare in other genetic types. Rather than trust, indifference and isolation and quarrelsomeness and small-group bonding (as in soldiers operating in small groups, academics in their small specialisations, administrators in companies and governments, groups of captious and unimportant critics) seem characteristic of many whites. The persistent refusal of groups who know about Jews (on men's rights, alternative physics, teacher critics, business and finance workers, anti-vaccination groups, police groups, 'veteran' groups, legal experts, video directors, scribblers for news and agencies, printers, people querying religions...) to share information is a very significant damper on Jew awareness. Kevin MacDonald, who didn't consider the possibility whites becoming a minority until fairly recently, as he stated in a Youtube, is just one person manifesting the success of the Jewish compartmentalisation strategy of blanket secrecy.
It's well worth understanding the Jewish attitude that “In the Beginning was the Word”. From a technical or scientific viewpoint, this is simple nonsense. In fact it shows a belief in spells, incantations, and recitations, but only as a force against people. It is pragmatism in the Jewish sense: truth is what people can be made to believe, even if it's not true. It's probably the reason that Jewish films and media are full of lies: it's a genetic tendency in Jews to try to deceive. Watch Youtubes of 'SJWs' or 'Antifa' or 'BLM' protestors or Soros-funded bare-breasted Jews: screaming simple slogans, yelling 'let him go' to police with arrestees, making their claims of Nazi or KKK or Mooslim depending on what they're told. It's only now, with forensic techniques, that their simple collective repetitive lying is weakening. Watch these groups when someone says "We have a video"—you can almost taste the genetic dismay, as a cuckoo might feel if a nestling fought back.
So we have an undeclared war between a fanatical group, inbred, with verbal deception combined with a perception of powerful rivals vs scattered groups of multi-skilled people deficient in cohesion. There are many examples of loose alliances between the two main rival groups. As with fights between different species—anaconda vs jaguar, mongoose vs cobra, buffalo vs crocodile, strangler figs vs trees, aggressive ants vs monkey bands—the outcome is in doubt. It may in fact have no end, in the way that predators and prey can oscillate in numbers indefinitely.
Simple genetic model of Africans: For countless generations, what evolved into human beings must have had minimal ability to think, plan, predict. And Africa has ecological systems which combine an easy climate with difficulties—fast-growing deadly insects, animals, parasites; and little defensive space from competitors. Any human evolution in Africa would have faced such conditions. I'd like to suggest the well-known phenomenon of blacks looting stores in the USA with no apparent understanding that the items had to be made, shipped, stored, paid for, may be genetic, a pattern established over hundreds of thousand of years, described as "gib me dat" combined with "chimping out".
A comment (in The Occidental Observer) described blacks and sports, and a hard-to-describe mental outlook, an immediacy 'grounded in the here and now', unconcerned with the future or anywhere else in the present, people for whom today really is 'the first day of the rest of your life'. Blacks avoid problems. Whites solve problems. Jews cause problems is a simple formula. But there's a difference in learning: whites, when a problem (which may be invented by other parties) has been solved, are programmed to stop, relax, be calm. While Jews seem to be permanently, unendingly, tirelessly on the lookout for damage to do.
[Start of article] Skirmishes: Jew-Controlled Race RiotsAnother Buried Issue: controlled manipulation is characteristic of Jews; 9/11 is at this time perhaps the best-known example. The events of August 13th, Charlottesville, VA ('Right' meeting—contrasted with Jewish so-called 'left'), omission of comment on landmark destruction, Richard Spencer—from nowhere, a nominal leader— and Kessler, the Virginia Governor a Jew, the disallowing of legally-guaranteed Free Speech, white police forcing whites in contact with 'Antifa' and 'Black Lives Matter', the apparently staged road crash, Jewish media—including the BBC—sloganised comments) were clearly planned It's worth noticing the absurd 'BLM' paid campaign—blacks kill each other disproportionately. And I think 'Antifake' must have been puzzled, watching the white police drive white freespeechers amongst them, with minimal protection. Probably the Jews paying for Antifake's drugs, or their minimum wage, expected Antifa retards to hit out dangerously, and/or lethally, becoming patsies in legal action or Jewish clampdown or whatever.
It's only Jewish media control that obscured the fact that such actions in the USA have been routine for years. Let's look at a few events, usually named 'black riots' by Jew-naive whites. Harlem, New York. Started July 18 1964, lasting almost exactly a week, apparently arranged by a 'Bill Epton'. Researchers might like to examine the validity of the triggering event, the outcomes in terms of selective property damage and long-term effects on the area, and of course Jewish plans and gains.
then Watts, in Los Angeles, 11-16th August, 1965.
then Detroit, 23 July 1967, also lasting a week, with selective damage.
and Los Angeles, April and May 1992, sparked nominally by a Rodney King video. Here's an Instauration report, June 1992 which however soft-pedals Jews.
Researchers might extend their news burrowings to 1863 ('New York Race Riots'), 1926 (Harlem), 1943 (Harlem). With modern techniques of evidence collection—such as Youtube, if it is allowed to continue—better pictures ought to emerge of events such as Ferguson. Not 'Jewish lightning', but rather 'Jewish multiple lightning strike storms.' And this is just a part of activities in the USA alone.
[Start of article] David Irving. Penguin Books, and LipstadtDavid Irving rose (or was propelled) to fame in 1963, on the publication of The Destruction of Dresden, published by William Kimber & Co. (Established 1950; then I think in Wilton St, London). David Irving found Lord Cherwell's archives at Nuffield College. Cherwell (real name: Frederick Lindemann) was an adviser to Churchill. Online videos show David's ecstasy, when he was given the key and full access to these records, which he searched, as through an Aladdin's cave, as source material for what became his first four books.
Click for Irving's 'Action Report', which now seems hosted by www.breitbart.com, his more-or-less daily survey—much of it from Jewish online 'news' sources, including, for some baffling reason, absurdly discredited rubbish of the Reuters, Times, Jewish this-and-that type. (Note 3 Nov 2018: This interlude is long over. Breibart is probably just another fake site run by Jews). Be aware that controversy has shifted somewhat to eastern Europe, just as the gas chamber fraud moved behind the 'Iron Curtain' of the Jewish-controlled USSR, as lies about Germany started to rise. Facts about the USSR have been slow to emerge, but will presumably continue to surface. Irving is somewhat entangled with claims about eastern fronts; see his information on Himmler. Nikolai Tolstoy's Victims of Yalta (1977) blurb says repatriation of Soviet citizens (sic) was 'one of the most appalling episodes of World War Two'; Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together (2002, in Russian) helps illustrate how Jewish censorship retards historical honesty.
Let's examine Irving's Dresden and that date, 1963, more closely. Note that Dresden deals with whites fighting whites. The sort of material in Other Losses, and in Robert Conquest, and in Hellstorm, was yet to come, at least to the general public. By comparison, Dresden was a minor matter. In 1963, Bertrand Russell had discovered American atrocities in Vietnam, though he missed the Jewish control aspect and things like the Jew York Times. To this day despite the Gulf of Tonkin incident being widely believed to be a fraud, there have been few if any recommendations of investigation and punishment. Another important issue may be the 30-year rule on secrecy of UK archives; certainly 1933 archives held secrets, which would have to be managed. Looking at the 1963 American Jewish Yearbook: its principal concern is 'race relations', NAACP and race mixing (not of course for Jews), Jewish populations in Greater Washington, Baltimore, Detroit, and Miami (75-80,000). There is little mention of the Vietnam War, so lucrative to Jews, or paper money, or the small matter of Kennedy's murder (22 Nov 1962). Its clear that publicity for Dresden coincided with concealments in the Jewish publicity industries.
David's other books included Accident. The Death of General Sikorski (1967) and The Destruction of Convoy PQ17 (1968). Irving (and Cassell Publishers) was sued for libel by Capt Jack C. Broome in October 1968, and the PQ.17 case was heard in 1970. Irving lost £40,000, despite the fact that (according to a Youtube of a talk given by Irving) he was told he "need not fear the outcome" since "three firms of lawyers held the view that passages based entirely on documents" [would not be libellous]. This of course could not have been a promising outcome from a law case. But he later easily won another libel case, I think vs Gitta Sereny and the Observer, a newspaper owned by the Guardian.
There have been other war-related disputes, though certainly most would never get to court. An example is The Minister and the Massacres (1986) by Nikolai Tolstoy, on Croats and others sent to their deaths in the USSR. A lawsuit in 1989 was held before a jury: a problem with jury trials is that the jury's reasoning is not published.
David Irving's 'watershed' (his word) was the publication of Hitler's War (1977), after which 'buckets of slime' were verbally poured over him, along with outbursts of violence. He fought back by legal action, protests to publishers and newspapers and governments, and setting up his own publishing company—and then had problems with printers being warned off printing his books, and with distribution and bookseller difficulties—it's not difficult to imagine the activities characteristic of Jews. On legal actions, try the search engine on Irving's website fpp.co.uk, for "Irving vs" though by far the majority are the Penguin/Lipstadt case.
All this culminated in his lawsuit for libel against Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books, publishers of Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory (1993), because St Martin's Press, publisher of his book Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, breached his contract, as a result of Lipstadt's book. An odd fact is that Lipstadt hadn't even heard of Irving when she compiled her book; she shoehorned material in, as instructed. Note that Penguin books has a long pro-war propagandist history, extending from before the Second World War.
Some links in date order from David Irving's website, fpp.co.uk (all open in new windows) – •An account of a talk by Lipstadt in Australia, in July 1994: the famous $1,000 challenge over her fake claims over the Auschwitz 'gas chamber'. •Irving's September 1996'Statement of Claim' against Lipstadt and Penguin Books. Penguin must have decided to contest this. There followed a number of "Preliminary Hearings", which I presume were confidential to the court; Irving spoke of them in a Youtube video of one of his talks, I think recorded in Alabama. David said one of the reasons for Lipstadt's silence was contained in the words 'Kol Nidre'; 'her lawyers warned her she might be arrested for having sworn a perjured affidavit on her Discovery'. •A mysterious "research report" provided to Lipstadt confidentially ('don't let this fall into the wrong hands') by Canada's Simon Wiesenthal Centre. (October 1996). Part of the discovery process. fpp.co.uk/Legal/Discovery/DL/0500.html •500 word summary of Irving's case, required 'under the new Civil Procedure Rules': (1998) fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/docs/summary.html. •Gray's suggested list of points in dispute:fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/issues020300.html. •fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/transcripts/index.html are the daily trial transcripts, January-April 2000, spell-checked and corrected by Irving. These are a bulk download, i.e. a long file. There's also a drop-down menu, by day number, but unindexed. •David's edited version of the trial verdict: fpp.co.uk/trial/judgment/Lipstadt_judgment.pdf. At the bottom of page 2 is David's amusing and bemusing list of errors in the Judgment of Tuesday 11th April 2000. He is a documentary historian! •David Irving explains the fight so far. fpp.co.uk/ActionReport/AR19/items/recent.html July 2000 account, after the trial, before the appeal. •Rather typical online diary entry, Aug 1st 2004. Irving trying to recover personal and archive materials from Jews.fpp.co.uk/ActionReport/AR26/RadDi1.html •Items on the 'ineffably gullible' Professor Richard Evans: fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/experts/Evans/, who hadn't even heard of Albert Speer.
Parts of the Jewish Establishment • Wolfson College, in west Cambridge, England is a graduate college—its President is, or was, Richard Evans. It seems to be pretty much all Jewish, something like a RADA training ground for the theatre of Jewish frauds. (There's another Wolfson College due north of central Oxford, also for graduates). • Although Richard John Evans sounds Welsh, several generations of 'Jews' have entered Britain more or less covertly, and name-changing of course permits many nests of crypto-Jews to remain hidden. It's entirely possible Evans is one such. Someone with Miles Mathis' skills might muse over this possibility. • Irving's site (www.fpp.co.uk) and books face some censorship. Amazon has discontinued a list of Jew-truth books, notably on the holocaust™—probably part of the ongoing fraud, which seems to be aimed at creating yet another Jew-written religion. • Youtube has been removing some videos, for example my fashionably-titled video on Eric Hobsbawm, the Jewish pseudo-historian JEW SHOCK: (((Historian))) (((Eric Hobsbawm))): (((Russian))) Revolution-Jewish Evil (((Communism))) • Establishment churchmen form another branch of the Establishment, such as it is. The connection is with their ridiculous Jewish-authored works. Allow me to quote PaleoAtlantid (April 29, 2017):
It has been said before but needs repeating; all the mainline Christian denominations, not only the formerly conservative RCC, have made a knowing and willing alliance with evil. Most of these churchmen really are monsters, they care nothing for the birthright of European infants or the peace and security of those elderly Europeans and the working class who bear the brunt of immigration.
These elite ecclesiastics can retreat to their lavish palaces while we and our kin are subjected to displacement and dispossession in our homelands. Lands our ancestors have inhabited, sweated, fought and died for thousands of years. This is the thanks we get from these ungrateful bastards. Clearly they couldn't give a shit about us. Well, these clergymen and their supporters in government have by their actions forfeited any legitimacy. Why are Catholics and Lutherans in Germany still paying the Church Tax? Time to kick these bishops in the butt, or where it really hurts, in their wallets.
Repercussions from the trial. Before Internet, this trial would have been swept aside, remaining only as footnotes in Jewish-controlled books, newspapers, and TV junk. It was overshadowed a year or two later by the 9/11 false flag/psyop. Youtube started in early 2005. In each case, there has been an immense flowering of comment; and the equipment available to ordinary consumers has opened up astonishing possibilities of exchange of information and analysis. At present (2017) Jewish-run outfits are obviously puzzled what to do. Google for example, with difficult-to-challenge vast data storage, still runs patently false stories—look up 9/11, for example. But it doesn't yet ban true material. Youtube is fairly good on 'alternative' stuff. Of course there are rumblings—EIG's buying up of webhosts, for example. I won't even attempt to predict what will happen. Holocaust Revisionists and ordinary skeptics have shot up in numbers. The three-month case allowed Londoners, and overseas visitors, to meet and exchange notes. A good example is Lady Renouf, charged up with newly-acquired activist knowledge. Through the barrage of propaganda, a lot of people noticed Lipstadt never said a word. Legal critics must have increased, and there must be more awareness of law as an empirical practice, bearing a similar relation to idealistic jurisprudence as manufacturing and marketing technology does to science. I would hope naive people who parrot about 'inalienable rights' and 'freedom' and their 'proud war service' and 'democracy' will receive delayed-action shocks. All this of course is only for readers; film/video of court cases in not permitted in the UK. Which allows scope for the Jewish film industry.
Questions for Lipstadt. The following three suggested questions are taken from David's website (July 12th 2017) for a South Africa radio phone-in:-
• “Professor Lipstadt, is it true that you were ordered to swear an Affidavit on your Discovery, that you did then Swear that Affidavit, and is it true that your lawyers consequently told you that Mr Irving might have proof of relevant documents which you had illegally and fraudulently withheld from your Discovery, and that for that reason your lawyers cleverly advised you not to go into the Witness Stand, as that would expose you to an immediate prosecution for perjury, and four years in prison? Was that the actual reason for your silence?”
• “Professor Lipstadt, is it true that at the public meeting in Atlanta which opens the film, Mr Irving actually challenged you to show the audience the document you had just told them untruthfully that you have in your possession, and he offered you $1,000 cash if you could do so.”
• “Professor Lipstadt, Is it true you were not awarded your costs at the end of the main trial? Isn’t that unusual? How much were those costs (answer: about $13 million). <-- â€â€ --> The British publisher, a co-defendant in the libel action, was awarded their costs.”
Is/was David Irving a crypto-Jew Agent? I personally don't think so. But there are several reasons people might think so:– •Hitler's War has many passages which can be interpreted as anti-Hitler, attributing malicious motives to him; • Irving makes gentlemanly assumptions on the conduct of the war, which seem to ignore some realities, for example that 'we' were 'honour-bound' to support Poland, despite the obviously unrealistic basis for the pledges. He thinks it outrageous that Churchill issued his 'advance to the coast' order, without informing 'our French allies'. • David Irving seems to assume WW2 was a standalone event, without factoring in the Jewish attitudes of a continual policy against whites, irrespective of who they were. It's now known for example that non-white invasion was a Jewish policy since at least the end of the First World War. And that the policy of 'nuclear weapons' was started before the Second World War. • His statements about killings of Jews based (as he admits) on one admittedly highly suspect document) in the east seem to ignore the possibility that Jews were moved east, and 'worked' there, just possibly wiped out by Stalin, in case they might have favourable comments about Berlin. As far as I know, Hadding Scott's "Talking Frankly" about David Irving, A Critical Analysis of David Irving's Statement on the Holocaust (CODOH, May 2016) is the best-known account of such doubts, including the likelihood that Irving was maltreated. Here's some material (too long for here) You fools do not think. ... you DON'T ASK RELEVANT QUESTIONS. ... You don't ask the obvious question: "What is the German Wehrmacht doing with a jewish staff running its headquarters in Latvia? in Jews in Russia and eastern Europe by Indrek Pringli illustrating doubts. • The lack of USSR/ eastern European records, if indeed they were ever kept—Irving's archival research in Moscow was mostly into captured German information (Conquest and Bacque and others helped with this). • Miles W Mathis (see later) and others have speculated on possible Jewish family entanglements of the Irving line. • David displays a rather regrettable tendency (in my view) to flatter people undeserving of flattery; such as the late Donald Cameron Watt, Arthur Schlesinger, and other 'historians'. If this is a mistake, it's one I try to avoid.
David Irving continues to uncover: he registers his surprise at the late recognition of the threat of Jews to Germany—formally listed in a 1935-1936 target list as 7th, behind Freemasons, the Catholic Church, Conservative reactions, and others. (See Youtube on 25 questions Q & A Himmler recorded 24 Aug 2013, at about 22 minutes, on Heydrich's papers in Moscow. Until 1937 or 1938, when Jews started assassinations, the "Gestapo and SS were hand in glove with Jews." This suggests to me that Hitler was encouraged because he was moderate—many Germans, facing the Jewish 'Communist' threat, and awareness of Jewish actions in WW1 (e.g. Warburg brothers advised both President Wilson and the Kaiser; Jews promoted the entry of the USA into the war), must have wanted far more serious action against Jews. The partial list (full list to be in Himmler, when it is published) suggests the problem was how to deal with collaborators of Jews—assuming the Catholic Church was in hock to Jews. And Irving—as with almost all non-Jews—probably was underinformed as to the utterly horrific situation in the USSR and eastern Europe; there were Jews from Germany fighting there—who knows what odd events transpired.
Early Christianity and 'Thugs'—Does this passage from Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire remind you of other Jewish activities?
... The archbishop [Ambrose], who refused to hold any conference or negotiation with the instruments of Satan, declared, with modest firmness, his resolution to die a martyr rather than to yield to the impious sacrilege; and Justina, who resented the refusal as an act of insolence and rebellion, hastily determined to exert the Imperial prerogative of her son. As she desired to perform her public devotions on the approaching festival of Easter, Ambrose was ordered to appear before the council. He obeyed the summons with the respect of a faithful subject, but he was followed, without his consent, by an innumerable people: they pressed, with impetuous zeal, against the gates of the palace; and the affrighted ministers of Valentinian, instead of pronouncing a sentence of exile on the archbishop of Milan, humbly requested that he would interpose his authority to protect the person of the emperor, and to restore the tranquillity of the capital. ...
Notes on Thugs, Mobs, Myrmidons, and Mercenaries. Notes on Assassinations. As we learn powerful lessons from today's Jew-controlled world, we can translate these lessons to the past, and perhaps understand it better. Or perhaps for the first time.
I've described the Thuggee cult in my file of Jews, as an example of a well-researched secret parasitic cult. 'Mob' is an abbreviation (which annoyed Dr Johnson)—Brewer's Phrase and Fable says it's an abbreviation of mobile vulgus, Latin for 'the fickle crowd'. ‘The term was first applied to the [ordinary] people by members of the Green-ribbon Club, in the reign of Charles II.’ 'Mobile' (pronounced something like 'mobilly') is translated as easily moved, changeable; it obviously might apply to rented or hired groups. Let's see how this might apply to covert Jewish puppet groups of the past.
Note on leaders: whenever a large group of people is necessary, in practice there are a few leaders, simply because it's impossible for most followers to find out what's happening. This is as true with religions as with armies and with corporations and bureaucracies and secret groups. The traditional lie has been that (for example) low ranks in armies and navies know what they're doing. In fact, of course, they often don't, as the simpletons in the US and UK armies and navies prove: they just obey orders, for example acting as ferries in co-operation with people smugglers and their boats. Similarly with religions: Jews rely on an army of ignorant Jews to carry out Talmudic plans; so do Catholics and all the rest. And with secret groups: many Freemason/ Common Purpose types need to be told they are 'leaders'. Many people don't seem to see that chanting mobs of rented masked Antifa or SJW types do NOT have any real beliefs—which is why they support the most absurd contradictory positions, for example supporting child rapists, because, in this case, Jews like Soros want to force nonwhite immigration. At the other end of the scale, many people seem to imagine that (say) Churchill, Stalin, Woodrow Wilson, Reagan, Thatcher, Nelson Mandela were genuine leaders. In fact they were all puppets of Jew finance.
Here are a few examples of Jew-controlled thugs in action:- • Sicarii Dagger-wielding murderers who relied on confusion to escape • Jewish Ritual Murder I recommend Arnold Leese on this topic. There must however be censored medieval sources of information • 'The Haymarket Martyrs', USA Chicago, USA, May 4, 1886: Chicago policemen vs eight foreign ('German speaking', i.e. probably Jewish) 'anarchists'. An online 'revisionist' story concerns Timothy Messer-Kruse, curious to investigate courtroom events, for six weeks. • Jews in Czarist Russia • Jews and the Boer War • Jews, suffragettes, white feathers • Jews in Cable Street, London • Yagoda, Beria, Kaganovich • 1960 Cato Manor, in Durban, and Sharpeville Massacres
There is a policy of this sort in South Africa now (see Jan Lamprecht on this) and of course Palestine. Projecting this attitude back, it seems clear enough that many sackings, battles, and so on were essentially thugs seizing assets. Obvious enough, but deliberately hidden by jargon.
Ramsay's Nameless War has examples of manufactured funded mobs based on Jewish actions in the past, in England, France, Russia, Germany, and Spain.
[Start of article] Expert Witnesses. Civil Servants. Public Inquiries. Pseudo-Authentication An interesting byway presented by many legal cases is that of the 'Expert Witness'. When David Irving prosecuted Lipstadt and Penguin, Kevin MacDonald was called as an expert witness. But Rampton said "No questions", to MacDonald's visible surprise. A good witness, in the pragmatic sense, is one who confirms whatever the establishment wants: they provide a shield and justification, for fluoridation, vaccination, BSE, AIDS, or whatever. Many decisions on (e.g.) insecticides are made by civil servants who didn't really have much idea what they were talking about. This conforms to the Jewish idea of law: once the propaganda has swayed the simple goyim, there's no turning back—from Pearl Harbor, or a fictional sea attack off Vietnam, or some lie about holding hands up and black violence—no further negotiation is allowed, if Jews think it's in their interest. And of course Jews have the 'Kol Nidre' get-out clause—the 'Board of Deputies of British Jews' for example must make non-Jewish judges sigh. (Another technique is simply not to call serious witnesses to testify, as in the joke enquiry chaired I think by Kissinger into 9/11.)
[Added 1 July 2017] In Britain, Sir Martin Moore-Bick appears to have been selected to lead the Grenfell Tower fire public inquiry—Grenfell Tower having a similar fingerprint set to 9/11, with property development implications combined with Jewish policy on non-white invasions in Europe. I would hope a team of competent Internetters and architects/ lawyers/ and people with inside knowledge will be able to report on this.
Bertrand Russell on 'Amalekites'
Russell had very little serious awareness of Jews, but in his book Power discusses 'The moral code towards enemies', with the Old Testament unsurprisingly leading. After a list of killings for 'their abominations', Russell selects the story of Saul, who annoyed 'the Lord' by being insufficiently thorough—he left Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, along with some animals. (Russell quotes Deut vii 1-4., 14 and 1 Samuel xv 8-11; though without saying what happened to Agag.)
Russell, like most Victorians, had no grasp of the genetic evolutionary roots of human impulses. He thought all tribes were more or less the same, and destined to go through similar stages, from primitive savagery to full mature civilisation. I think he believed the Old Testament was characteristic of all pre-Christian peoples. Anyway; the story of the Amalekites evidently is part of the verbal universe of recent Christianity.
Note: Jews seemed to regard 'The Lord' (as the translation has it) as only an intermittent presence, one of many—the others are never mentioned—doing his rounds like an inspector, being irritable, annoyed and verbally violent. It's curious to compare this 'G-d' with the Christian God, as developed after centuries of philosophical mastication. Compare early and late 'Superman' Comics: the first Superman, like the Jewish 'Lord', could (e.g.) run as fast as an express train, and jump long distances, and see with special specs. The refined Christian God was supposed to exist everywhere, see everything, and know everything, including the past and future.
Michael A. Hoffman II As with Hilaire Belloc, Michael A Hoffman is a convinced Roman Catholic, though of German extraction rather than French. Hoffman believes (for example) the Ascension of Jesus Christ is necessary to Christianity. He believes (another example) that Conversion is a definite mental event. Also as with Belloc, this gives him an interest in Jews, in, I think, a traditional sense, i.e. not Khazars, or for that matter other possible convert groups. The downside is that judgements on such things as paganism, authentic Catholicism, God in the flesh, 'the Occult', Babylon, usury, and so on appear to be based circularly on the starting-point 'Faith'. Anyone who sees 'sacred' texts are fiction, on similar emotional bases to patent medicines for the soul, and/or Sunday school and job and cult recruitment appeals, with unsuccessful attempts at sciences and math and language, cannot, I imagine, have sympathy for portions of these books.
This is very unfortunate: the world needs a guide to the freakish world of aggressive inbred parasites, mediated by the Talmud. A handbook of Jewish strategies and tactics, with real-world examples, would be very valuable. Many examples float around Internet—pre-emptive announcement of some crime, so the goyim can't say they weren't warned—returning to past triumphs to show how wonderful they are—murders of critics—group unity in lying—avoidance of censuses and other statistical fakery—ensuring bureaucratic support for crimes is reliably Jewish—but I know of no key historical handbook for decoding Jew crimes by interpreting Jew media.
BUT Hoffman is interested in the past: Jews of the last few centuries may have different ideas—we can't assume that past writings are a guide to present activities, especially since conditions have changed so much: think electronic money, the possibility of huge population movements, far easier than before, and information movements. Unfortunately I don't think his work is as helpful as it ought to be.
Interestingly, Hoffman is aware of the idea of race wars; in fact, I remember first reading the idea of the World Wars as white population reduction wars in his writings. I doubt if this can be Roman Catholic doctrine, though. Note that his books are to be paid for: I can't blame Hoffman, but this means the material he considers of most value is least likely to spread through cyberspace.
Hoffman's website is Revisionist History®: beyond the gatekeepers. His books include a reprint of Talmud Tested by Alexander McCaul, 'The Victorian Eisenmenger'. It's disconcerting to find McCaul starts his list of weekly pieces with this: SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS. Amongst all the religious systems existing in the world, there are but two deserving of attentive consideration, and they are both of Jewish origin, and were once exclusively confined to the Jewish nation. They are now known by the names of Judaism and Christianity; but it must never be forgotten that the latter is as entirely Jewish as the former. ... It seems Hoffman's venture is to convert Jews to Christianity. This may be a long job! But the plain fact is that Hoffman is still psychologically dependent on Jews, as his Roman Catholic Church has been for all its life, and this raises the suspicion of Jewish money influences over the whole life of the Churches.
[Note: I've uploaded a simplified version of The Talmud Tested here: 1866 Talmud Tested. It doesn't include non-alphabetic characters, and has some scanner errors. But the general reading is OK.]
Hoffman's own books include: Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit (1100 pages; I don't know the word count), and a shorter version, Judaism's Strange Gods (400 pp). And Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not. And the most recent The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, "Softcover, 723 pages. Illustrated with 42 rare photos, many in color. Comprehensive index." This history is in part a study in the laboratory of human delusion where five or more mutually contradictory beliefs are held by the papists; where monk Martin Luther's Augustinian Superior General is a leader of the Cryptocracy; where the Kabbalah and Talmud are advanced by pontiffs known to consensus history as Judaism's toughest adversaries, and where the primordial malignity of Pharaonic Egypt becomes the secret religion of the robber Church of Rome, which usurped the genuine Catholic and Apostolic Church of Dante, Aquinas, Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua.
Michael A. Hoffman has his serious online review of the movie Denial, on CODOH's site inconvenienthistory.com. Hoffman concludes, unlike most 'mainstream' reviewers in the Jewish media, that 'the imps of contrariness have seen to it that Denial rehabilitates Irving. ... Denial gives new impetus to World War II revisionism... alerts curious minds to the existence of a substantial body of dissent, going so far as to feature Mr. Irving's website on-camera, as well as the covers of his books'. Michael Hoffman notes the failure of Lipstadt to say anything to anyone apart from her circle of 'experts', and notes the absurdity of her 'survivor' remarks—none were called, because all were liars, as had been established in court in Canada. But he doesn't discuss the subtle ways deliberate distractions are inserted into films: David's website's online section (at this time of writing) lists online reviews of the film—search for Denial, with a capital D—all more or less hostile to Irving—surprise!—including (just one example) Rampton's son, described as an 'arts journalist'. Irving's 'Online' section lists four lies—#1 Irving's father not returning after 1945; #2 & #3 Lipstadt claiming to have a blueprint of a gas chamber; #4 Lipstadt shown as claiming there was no libel, when four instances of libel were proved, but not a fifth. I've already seen Youtube comments confidently asserting that Irving's father left his family, and that he's a joke. These may have been planted, but clearly that's the object. .
Spielberg allegedly helped fund the lawyers: but in a world where Jews can dip trillions of dollars without audit, I'd guess such attributions are aimed at naive lovers of rubber sharks, caricature Germans, and smelly outhouses.
An important claim from Hoffman is that Lipstadt in effect called for a Jewish 'holy war', jihad-like, against Irving, by comparing him with an Amalekite. Here's Hoffman's account on the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website; August 28th 2016. ... Deborah Lipstadt's ominous categorization of David Irving as an "Amalekite." In Judaic theology this is tantamount to calling for his extermination (irony of ironies). In the talk at the Real History gathering, I give examples of Palestinians who were labeled "Amalek" by Israelis and then murdered. Hence, I accuse Debbie the Darling of Human Rights "Holocaust" activists, of being guilty of incitement to murder. ...'
[Start of article] Movies and Jews
Looking at the long century of 'Movies'—cinema and video; many young people don't know about silver halide emulsion techniques, or the invention of sound recordings—is a distressing experience for those who hope for ideals such as beauty and truth. The Hebrew century has bequeathed indifference to ideals on what would be an heroic scale if there had been anything heroic about it. With the simplicity of fanatical race supremacists, 'chosen by G-d', they lie and grab. Others may think about justice, fairness, what makes a decent life; not them. Their influence is evil and far-reaching: freedom, inalienable rights, pride in war service, they work for their money, Goddamn Russians, war whores...
'Denial' is of course just another Jew propaganda film, in a line from, say, Eisenstein. Irving is perhaps over-polite—having a green-screen backed Mr Ugly cast as him is an insult–but everyone experts actors to be prostitutes. The courtroom scenes—judging by the trailer—are in no way accurate. The Lipstadt material has to be misleading to pretend just another Jewish liar is a heroine. (Maybe there was some casting clash: the woman finally selected replaced another. I wondered whether at any time the parrots considering 'they are chosen by G-d' ever wonder why G-d made them so fvcking ugly. This sort of thing is a problem with Islam, too: if Allah will provide, why grab the benefits provided from whites by Jews?)
It's fascinating and depressing to see Jews still control of the official narrative, just as the Jesus myth still influences people who ought to grow out of it. And in control of funding, something of an irrelevance, since Jews can print money ad lib. The underlying theme is that Jews were victims, not the truth, which is they caused vast numbers of deaths. Even the title of Denial is fake; Irving's prosecution of Penguin Books & Lipstadt was of alleged libel, most of which was proven. Denial is in the same portfolio as Justice at Nuremberg, Gentlemen's Agreement, various Eichmanns, Sophie's Choice, Schindler's List, Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
There seems (at present) no odium attached to actors, who in any case, to get into actors unions, have to undertake to follow Jew rules—be non-'racist', to insist on absurd racial quotas, and so on. I suppose it's saddening to be a prostitute, but even more saddening to be an unemployed prostitute.
I'm unlikely to watch this film, though—as someone who was there—I'd be interested to see how accurately, if at all, the courtroom and site of the Royal Courts of Justice were shown. My notes would be too burdensome. Hare, the scriptwriter, seems to be a Jewish Hampstead playwright, used to big subsidies, small sets, and equally small slices of life. No doubt there will be nothing about legal machinations to obscure the truth, the framing of laws to favour Jews, and the influence of money. Many Jews like law precisely because it offers scope for frauds: note the joke that, if the law exists to make things fair, the USA, with huge numbers of lawyers, must be very fair. Some of these people are acted in Denial, of course. Anthony Julius, author of a jejune work on literary 'anti-semitism', for example.
Another existential difficulty with film is the absence of the unpredictability of the actual events. In real-life courts, "What will he say to that?" is a natural question, which actors doing their lines cannot (in my experience) simulate. Though Rampton's rather transparent train-of-thought derailing interruptions may be easier to act.
Many people believe, I think wrongly, that 'Holocaust Denial' is explicitly illegal in many countries. It's easy to see why the real situation is less clear-cut. Consider the city of Kotragar in central Asia, completely destroyed by Jews before under Stalin. This event was kept very secret: in fact, I just made it up. Would Jews want legal penalties against anyone discussing "Kotragar"? Obviously not; they would want it to remain hidden. This sort of thing explains why laws on censorship are vague; many crimes have been hidden, and vagueness is necessary for concealment: there must not be something analogous to the Roman Catholic 'Index Expurgatorius'.
The court transcripts are online (I believe this is true for Zundel's trials too) so online burrowing is fairly easy. This is my website's material on Irving's libel trial.
[Start of article] Jewish World Plans: Wars, Religions, Lies. Examples of Induction from Europe, USA, and Russia What can students of Jews do? Some hints— •Remember the Jewish Continuist mindset. This is a mixture of their own secret personal information; more or less mythical history; and stories for consumption by 'goyim', mostly untrue and lachrymose. There are also, inevitably, huge gaps and omissions, necessary for any group with a specialist mindset concentrating only on exploitation and parasitism. It's a strange combination, but has been terrifyingly effective. Try to remember Jews are likely to perceive events as a continuum. Don't be surprised if anti-white policies crop up continually and over long periods of time. Don't be surprised if anti-European policies continue indefinitely: propaganda against Germany, for example, two wars against Germany, non-white parasites forced into Germany, Jewish control over a supposed European Union, and so on. You may think World War 2 was 1939-1945 or some variant; Jews think it was one small interlude. You may think the Black Death was an isolated event; Jews don't. To quote 'RoyAlbrecht' (Occidental Observer, 2017-09-17) ‘.. we are dealing with an enemy that eats, breaths, sleeps and sh!ts murder theft and mayhem upon those it has labeled the enemy. ..’ •Stories, Parables, Tales. Jewish writings contain large numbers of stories, mostly in standardised format: consider for example Esau, selling his birthright 'for a mess of pottage', Moses bringing 'tablets down from a mountain', 'waters which were under the firmament' separate from 'the waters which were above the firmament'. These short-term memory textual chunks may be a genetic bias in Jews, accounting for their supposedly high verbal IQ. Certainly many Holohoax fraudsters issue their lies in prepackaged chunks.
I've included some articles on my site by 'Arch Stanton', describing technical Talmudic actions, but like many Americans he doesn't seem weaned from Jewish 'Jesus' stories. •Plans and Stratagems Made From Mnemonic Stories. The repetitive style of Jewish activities is often, perhaps always, based on predetermined stories. • Repeat ordering of goods of some sort; then a large order; then skipping off without paying. One example is an Australian cash fraud, where a bank got used to receiving unsorted notes from a Jew; another is a South African story, of large orders to several suppliers, accustomed to smaller orders—followed by departure to Israel; another is an account in H.A. Lane.
• Another is the financial system of secretly funding opposite sides in wars—eventually the warring sides are likely to find they are fighting with the same weapons.
• Another is of course secretly funding one side, with some Jewish aim in mind: Japan was funded to fight Russia, because Jews hated the Tsar. Britain and France were funded to ruin China, to foist opium onto it. Britain was funded against South Africa, to get gold and diamonds.
• Another is medium-term (100 years?) actions against some aspect of life of host populations. Controlling their land and food; controlling their banks; acting with would-be elites; perhaps inventing a new religion or attitude or 'saint', from race mixing to Quakers to Churchill. These actions may include, at the present time, use of puppet front men—think Mandela, Obama—rentacrowd fake demonstrators with printed signs, usually in English, fake academics and writers, and crisis actors. •How Jews Operate.
(1) Jews spread as a layer across many societies. It's a different model of a national group. Understand that—and note that isolating these groups from each other will help.
(2) Jews know whites often operate in separate groups, of experts, careers, skills, clubs. Connecting them together may help.
(3) Jews aim to control other groups; they may hide behind non-Jews, change their names, learn local languages and manners, etc). 'Doxxing', monitoring synagogues etc may counter Jew control.
(4) In each white group, Jews try to bar debate if possible: white teachers for example may understand Jewish tampering, but never talk about it. White doctors know about Jewish frauds, but don't discuss them. White police may come to understand Jews. White military types may know about Jewish violence and wars. White businessmen know examples of Jew fraud, but don't talk about it. White media workers know Jews tell lies, but never discuss it. White university administrators know about Jewish money and maybe the Fed. White historians and archaeologists know there are many documents, monuments, artworks that Jews want to destroy. Whites in finance ... etc etc. Be aware of this possibility and try to counter it.
(5) Jews try to occupy the top of important power structures: all US government departments are led by Jews, for example. Obviously, this must be opposed.
•Jews can't publically celebrate themselves. They can't write autobiographies of frauds, crimes, warmongering. Try to imagine an honest Jewish 9/11 biography, or honesty from Neocons. For all time, their lives have to be secretised. Vanity though must surely tug e.g. the Rothschilds to record their triumphs against goys somewhere, however risky. Perhaps this doesn't matter; but perhaps it does, and it's worth bearing in mind the potential weapon against Jews. •Jew collaborators can't celebrate themselves, either. Consider simple Russians who had no option but collaborate with Jews for GULags, against Germany, and against Russia itself. And simple Americans, used as mass murderers in South America or South-east Asia or the Middle East. Jewish Bolsheviks, propagandists, and industrialists must keep quiet: the Federal Reserve and Jew York Times, nuclear and vaccine frauds, block their way. Neither set of people can be honest.
[Start of article] Is The Occidental Observer's Kevin MacDonald a Covert Agent?The Occidental Observer is here; it has a well-established academic image, evidently intentional, and with a quarterly publication, and a bookstore (6 titles at present). The centrepiece and main man is Kevin MacDonald, known for his series of books, including The Culture of Critique, dating from 1994-2002. His 2004 monograph of three essays, Understanding Jewish Influence: A Study in Ethnic Activism, is published by The Occidental Quarterly.
It's obvious enough that pressure is being applied by US Jews against Americans' First Amendment rights, in the same way it has been applied in Europe to try to censor information about Jews, notably of course on the 'Holocaust', where the Jewish strategy is clearly to keep repeating lies, particularly to young people, in the hope of quieting criticism. In fact, it's this Jewish policy that helped convince me that Christianity was imposed by Jews in the same way, about 2,000 years ago, by repetition of tribal scribblings. It remains to be seen whether this will succeed, but unquestionably there's a chance, and a new Holocaustianity religion may trap the world, perhaps for thousands of years. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Youtube have yielded under pressure, but not at all completely. Metapedia.org seems to have been victim of a hostile takeoever, though, typically, details are sparse: Rightpedia.org seems to be doing its best to replace it.
As I type, the previous three TOO pieces have been Doused and Denounced (by Ray Wolters; on Sociobiology), Brave New Britain: Vibrant Enrichment in Manchester and London (by Tobias Langdon, on two (false flag) attacks), and 'Heaping Up Its Own Funeral Pyre': Britain, Islamic Terrorism, and the Cult of Pacifism (by Andrew Joyce; same subject, with absurd claims of pacifism). (Joyce has written well on pogrom revisionism and world war revisionism, though on inspection not originally; however, his work on Jew-owned shipping after 1945 and unelected black immigration I think was his own. His piece on the Empire Windrush is revisionist work at its finest. But Joyce hasn't understood the depth of Jewish corruption: he really seems to think 'depth and intensity of fame' is an independent variable). Wolters' piece is on 'biologians' vs 'culturalists'. However, he doesn't identify Jews as the moneyed force behind censorship in human genetics studies, making his article more or less worthless. Other recent articles condemn Islam, but go to great lengths to avoid mentioning the Jews who, as one, promote Islamic immigration on a huge scale. There have been commenters, drawing attention to the moderator's selective bias (there seems to be just one mod, proud of doing his work for nothing). A good example of a resident troll is 'David Ashton' (this is the name of an official sociologist, I think, but the commenter denied being that person) who invariably promotes a pro-Jew viewpoint, typically of Jew lies or Jew money frauds. Another good example is 'Pierre de Craon', who invariably promotes what he thinks is a Roman Catholic view—such as, recommending prayer.
One crucial idea of the site is that whites are 'pathologically altruistic'. I think it's fair to say this is misdiagnosis on a Himalayan scale: after all, during WW2 whites fought each other, and other races, with white weapons, probably more lethally than in all previous history.
(A recent posting is on Dresden, though this is more of a focal point than an examination of the entirety of the vicious cruelty of the Jewish Second World War.
Here's a disallowed very blunt comment to The Occidental Observer from me, on 'US Heroes': (2 Dec, 2016) I have some difficulty not laughing at this rubbish. A heroic mustached pilot in cowboy boots bombing defenseless rural civilians... an 'alpha male'? I doubt the comment is serious—considering the anachronisms; it's probably a Jew puppet piece, inserted in case American whites start to grow up and understand who their real enemies are, and have been. Jews love 'fallen friends' being celebrated by simpletons: they get their deaths and their money, and do their best to get another stream of vicious simpletons. Surely MacDonald is old enough to have heard of US war crimes?
Here's another disallowed comment (August 10, 2017) ... the ridiculous idea that whites are ‘pathologically altruistic’ when they do what Jews say. ... nobody mentions the similar policies visited on the Koreans and Vietnamese - heavy bombing, firebombs, napalm etc. This of course is a result of Jewish media control. I wonder whether this site’s failure to mention such things is temporary, waiting on further long-outdated ‘revelations’, or a permanent feature? Another non-reported issue is financial fraud and corruption: 2 Dec 2016, on German nonwhite invaders getting much more than Germans: Bear in mind that Jews print money and control central banks, so the more debt a government accrues, the more payments Jews get. They're so used to this, it seems natural to them. I think this is part of the reason why handouts for invaders are assumed legitimate by the Jew filth. They're accustomed to it, and can't understand that there are limits to parasitism. It's the reason why some MPs and EU people etc assume invaders are 'entitled' to benefits: Jews get them, why not some selected goyim untermensch?
MacDonald's well-known books were published from 1994-2002 (print-on-demand paperbacks available more recently). The site lacks any science—Holocaust, NASA, 9/11, nuclear issues, climate change, some medical issues such as AIDS, fluoridated water, vaccines. It seems to lack any supplementary expertise in religion, having no contributors dealing with Talmudic material in particular, and Jewish Yearbooks and networking, but also Roman Catholicism (much less Russian Orthodoxy).
There are many other issues: not much on BLM and similar organisations based on statistical lies; nothing on supporting (((US))) wars, presumably to bankruptcy; nothing on US bases, NATO, EU and its Jew 'elite'; nothing on Jews in law, junk media, data storage and destruction, archives. Nothing on the impact of (typically) Jews on Africa. Even the comments are low on Jews: a recent piece on Sweden and Swedes blames women, whites, media, kindergartens, virtue signalling—without seeming to realise the whites are paid—and so on, but nothing on Jews in the EU, Jews controlling Jewish jobs and media. Nothing on current bankruptcies, media collapses, the Mexico 'Wall', and other Trump-inspired topics. Instead: Plato, ancient Greeks treated at the naivest level, whites and 'hunter-gatherers' as though that determines the entire environment in pre-history.
Why I think Kevin MacDonald and the Occidental Observer are Controlled Opposition is a long piece by Miles Mathis, expressing considerable skepticism. For example: ... So you see how MacDonald is spinning you. He tells you these half-truths, leading you to his solution: discrimination against Jews! He is acting just like the ADL wants him to act, saying all the wrong things at all the right times. He is leading you toward discrimination as the answer and away from enforcing existing laws as the answer—just as the big boys want it. ... The deepest problem with the MacDonald approach is insufficient analysis of Jewish power. Jewish power goes back millennia—I have emails from people whose comments were banned, agonising over issues pre-dating 1776. Without such material, the site is hollow; as one illustration of this weakness, consider Bertrand Russell's Jew-unaware comment, 'the entire American nation is on trial' (written 1970, of the Vietnam War). This attitude is common to Americans, under the deluge of Jew lies, but is not appropriate to a supposedly intellectual organisation. The facts the 1960s New York Times, fifty years later, is still more-or-less functioning, under more-or-less the same Jews, and that Kissinger is not executed or jailed, is an indictment of the US way of life. A ridiculous piece by M. Jaggers (31 June 2017) on the decorum of the US government—probably the most crooked regime in the whole of world history—points to the same message. MacDonald's site says nothing deep on Jewish crimes outside the USA. I doubt if Mathis's crit is true in detail; Arthur Butz for example was not sacked from his university, which seems to show some criticism of Jews slips through. But Mathis might as well be correct.
[Start of article] Breeding and Artificial Races: An Essential but Suppressed Distinction. 'Artificial Selection' applied to Peoples Discussions of race, despite frantic attempts by Jews at suppression, are increasing. And human genetics is an important subject. Just a few notes.
• I'll call 'Artificial Human Races' such races as have been produced by human intervention. Modern African blacks are one example: without white intervention, presumably their populations—their expansion being the highest ever recorded—would have remained at pre-industrial levels. If that intervention were to be withdrawn, presumably there would be pressure downwards on their populations. These are a question of numbers, but there may be genetic changes. Another example is south Africa's 'coloureds', widely supposed, correctly or not, to have been fathered by Jews on helpless black women. And of course Jews must count as artificial, influenced by reading and writing and mental processes. In fact it seems possible that newly-bred populations of 'Jews' could be produced by intensive exposure to Jewish Talmudic books and practices. And Moslems must count as an artificial race, bred under Quranic influences with young mothers and the acceptance of four 'wives' and rape of some unaccompanied girls.
• As must usually be the case in any science, genetic studies in human, animal, and plant life start with the study of outstanding, striking, odd, or repeatable phenomena: polyploidy in wheat, selection of horses or dogs for strength, for digging, for controlling sheep, simplish pencil-and-paper tests. In genetic theory, presumably dominant genes for striking malformations are noticed first, rare recessives and hard-to-detect or microscopic minor oddities later. But mental and temperamental characteristics seem to be the most difficult to pin down genetically. I think this explains why Jewish parasitic behaviour—if that's what it is—has escaped much scientific attention until recently. It's in the same class of phenomena as psychopathy and schizophrenia. At present, I can think of no successful attempts to identify inheritance patterns of (for example) self-deception, or the ability to tell convincing lies. Nobody knows how the brain works; and there are serious doubts over how DNA works; so possibly the best techniques for the present would be the old pre-DNA methods. Meanwhile, there has been detailed work on animals, particularly small animals such as insects. There seems no doubt that new, very striking, evolutionary patterns of parasitism have been found. And if insects can do it, there seems little doubt people could do it.
If I may, I'll adopt a Jean-Henri Fabre-style description of a possible situation. Imagine a situation where a population's skill enables it to live in large groups, and have some control over a large hinterland—towns, food, transport, water, specialisation—but not be able to communicate face to face with anything like all the members. Then outgroups could interweave into the system and live a parasitic life, consuming what surplus there might be. Not unlike maggots of specialised parasitic insects feeding on blood from a proportion of the population. And counter-evolution on both sides might well lead to increased camouflage and behavioural mimicry.
• Complicated animals, with vast amounts of DNA, bring related issues: any specialised or exceptional animals seem likely to not reproduce their special characteristics. It's all very well for geneticists to say that (e.g.) siblings "share half their genes" or whatever claims they make, but if the unshared genes are important, they won't pass on their special characteristics. The number of possible different children of just one couple is astronomical, but I haven't seen any analysis of the results of this. It's notable, although of course kept secret, that Jews' and Muslims' inbreeding leads to vast numbers of defective offspring, as an example.
• There are great problems surrounding human evolution, mostly as a result of inventiveness: human beings can do things other animals can't, including of course talk and listen. Sanskrit, written Chinese, cuneiform languages and all the rest must have had some genetic impact; certainly African tribes which only had oral languages seem to be far behind. Jews in the USSR killed off as many educated Russians as they could: I believe this Jewish behaviour to be genetically-caused, but obviously Jew brains need invention of and/or recognition of enemies, combined with secret planning and aggression. Possibly some sort of tests (perhaps along the lines of pencil and paper IQ tests, or reaction time tests) could be devised, though to date as far as I know anything of that sort would be unfunded.
Other problems—here's a scattering—include (1) since bacteria, viruses, fungi, amoebas, insects can evolve enormously quicker than big animals, how come devastating plagues aren't much more common than they are? (2) Is there a free-floating instinct of (say) curiosity, as cats are said to have an instinct to hunt, independent of hunger? Does such an instinct pop up and grip some subject in the mysteries of croquet, big marrows, football results, winemaking? (3) Is there a dominant, or recessive, hostility instinct, needing enemy recognition and verbal and behavioural cunning? (4) Do Jews move around in a way analogous to prey animals, faster than the prey, and without homes—just temporary residence in Lodges, Meeting Houses, Synagogues, Shtetls? (5) And remember that only a part of any organism's genes are passed on, in sexual reproduction—probably as a stabilising mechanism: children can be very different from their parents. I'm not sure anyone has really modelled the way the vast number of genetic combinations leads to a 'gene pool', though I expect such genetic variations as have shown up in the immense past probably correspond, more or less, to variations which happened to survive.
It's important to realise that Jews have detailed views on genetics. So do most societies, but usually their object is to keep stability, rather than breed selectively. Jews have a tendency to be fanatical about other races: they want them to be damaged and weakened. They love abortion and sexual perversions and risky large-scale medication and poisoning—for others. They pass laws forbidding information on race numbers and race mixing and inherited diseases to be published. They profess to believe in 'biology denial'—and it's amusing to see people like Justice4Men&Boys and Jordan Peterson completely baffled by Jewish media liars. Jews seem to breed for group fanaticism—virtually not one single Jew speaks out about Jew corruption of any sort. It seems analogous to the way sheep collect together, and many fish form shoals. And analogous to some animals which behave analogously, by playing dead, for example.
There are plenty more possibilities: for example, were temple prostitutes money-makers, and did they lead to the idea of maternal descent? Did Jews evolve from shorter-lived races in such a way as to make extreme gargoyle-like old age likely, for example by avoiding risk? Such, in the words of J B S Haldane, is the present position of Western civilization. There has been a complete failure to integrate into its intellectual structure the scientific ideas which have furnished its material structure.
• It's probably true that human races, being biologically young, are not yet in dynamic equilibrium, in the way that other species and their enemies have come to some sort of permanent balance. Even the most efficient predators haven't eaten all their prey; and even the most efficient parasitoids haven't killed off all theirs. BUT we are looking at creatures with shorter lives and longer development times and few intellectual capacities. I don't know of any other creatures than man which parasitise their own species. But that doesn't mean there aren't any. Researchers trying to predict the future should look, not at parasites as they are now, but at the full evolution of parasites, including cannibalism, and including the very beginnings of parasitism leading up to their present-day adaptations. The human races are relatively young, and there may be fairly simple insights, from nature, suggesting actions to avoid catastrophes.
[Start of article] Miles Mathis and his Internet Intellectual Gold Rush. Is Mathis an Agent?Miles Mathis's website is justifiably popular. He is wide-ranging, including original science hypotheses (mostly physics and chemistry) and his own art, including unflattering commentary on the art industry—I don't think anyone else has identified very high auction values as a possible international money-laundering device. His revisionist identification of genealogical research as an historical research tool is very refreshing in a world of intentionally misleading abstractions such as capitalism, feudalism, nations, classes, political parties, left, right... His emphasis moves to individual biological units and their connections, of indisputable importance. His abstractions involve families of spooks and 'intelligence' workers, and financiers and Jews; less so military and legal evolutions and revolutions. There's a possible source of error here: his confidence with surnames looks over-confident to me. Anyway, the box (below) is my overview, at about October 2016. He has found a new goldfield, and has collected very many nuggets.
In an analogous way that photographers and cinematographers played a large part in whistleblowing NASA and 9/11, Mathis draws lessons from his portraiture experience, generally involving close inspection of facial details, plus the shapes, sizes, and orientations of human bodies. And he takes advantage of computer image processing to adjust contrasts, gammas, colours and so on, work which would take hours using silver halide techniques. I'm unsure how reliable this work is; or if he has ever worked from retouched, pasted and painted photographs. Mathis has a theory that some online jokers have attempted to damage his work by promoting weak methodologies and absurd comparisons. He takes in the cinema; for example, Triumph of the Will had tens of thousands of extras, arguably making it a fake.
  On Feb 16 2017, he uploaded Hitler's genealogy, with excursions into the Beer Hall Putsch fake, and all the other big NSDAP names Jewish, including Goebbels (as a 'gay' actor), Himmler, Hess, and Eichmann, and such people as Moses Hess, and Eva Braun's possible twin. (Mathis likes finding twins—they allow image manipulation. Let's hope cloning doesn't become popular).
And on April 8th 2017, he uploaded his 29-page Vladimir Lenin is Another Fake (updated from 21 June, 2016). 'In addition to Lenin being part of the Russian aristocracy, and the 'Russian Revolution' being a tame affair faked by Eisenstein later, the Romanovs were not murdered and Kerensky was still alive and living in the USA. 'If Russia [sc. USSR] had been a success, we would have expected to see the same thing happen in England, the Low Countries, Spain, etc., with the royals completely phased out. But instead of a raw and ravaging Communism, we have seen Monarchies fronting and co-existing with soft-sold Socialisms–in which theft by the upper classes can be better hidden. Besides, the American experiment has been far more successful than any other, and we can expect the Futureworld to be built along its lines, not the lines of Europe or Russia. It is here that the most wealth is vacuumed from the middle and lower classes into the upper class. The Russian plan didn't allow for that, since the middle and lower classes had little wealth to steal. Once the treasuries had been plundered, the only wealth in Russia was natural resources. That wealth is fantastic, but it isn't as fantastic as the plunderable wealth in the US, since the US has both the natural resources and the human resources that can be easily taken. To achieve that taking, all that is necessary is an all-enveloping propaganda state, by which the populace is conditioned to disempower itself.'
Miles Mathis writes extensively on the USA's history. Miles Mathis on Watergate is (so to speak) typical of his style, though many of his pieces include faked deaths—his John Lennon piece is convincing, and might provide an introductory path to Mathis on JFK—exciting piece on JFK's murder being faked, MLK, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Manson. I'd not be surprised to find legal journals have discreetly-worded articles on how faked deaths might be administered. He is not a full nuclear revisionist, but at least has the idea, and is less likely (I'd guess) to be suckered into account of US nuclear 'secrets' being sent secretly to the USSR by Jewish spies. Other secret material sent to the USSR is of course another matter.
Other notable updated papers (all May 2017) include Was Napoleon Jewish?, Martin Luther King and fake black liberation, and new papers include Richard Spencer Jewish agent, and JFK a homosexual.
Mathis finds actors noteworthy, very likely because he seems to have awoken to the use of actors in propaganda when he investigated the faked Abraham Lincoln assassination: he'd of course noticed Booth was an actor, but disregarded it until his reconsideration. Booth spoke Hebrew and—this is just my guess—may have said "Sic semper tyrannis" rather than something like "Oy vey, look vot I done."
Mathis is fearlessly revisionist: the sample piece below includes: Hambro's son Charlie ... was involved in the Bank of England "bailout" of Slater Walker Bank in 1973, by which the treasury was looted of billions of dollars by these bankers. As with the later US bailouts, we are told the looting was a "financial lifeboat" that "saved the financial system from collapse", but that is all bollocks. It was just a grand theft in plain daylight, with no cover but these media lies. In fact, it had been done before. Charlie learned it from his grandfather, who "saved" Barings Bank in a similar managed collapse in 1891. ...
And Mathis looks at the uses of mass media: Jack London (absurd queer), Mark Twain (rich globetrotter), J K Rowling (spook and puppet head of writing group; hypocritical incidentally in encouraging non-white immigration, but not into her big house—and claiming actors in the films were all British, when many were Jews); Ewan MacColl (fake name, fake folk, part of death penalty removal for ordinary people), Woody Guthrie (Jew fake), Ned Kelly (fake armour; probably to discourage Ozzie secret aristocracy from being acted against, since even the dreaded Kelly failed), Boy George (gender bender Jew in Hampstead house).
Mathis takes some numerology seriously, in my view correctly, since it allows signals in newspapers in any language to be read. And he's shown one way for others: Is Ken Livingstone a Jew, for example? Or 'Bomber' Harris? Or George Galloway? Or 'Professor' Evans? What about John Dewey? Paxman? Attenborough? Pilger? In fact, he seems to have founded a school of similar writers, which is rare for revisionists: Gandhi–Was the Fakir a Faker? is a detailed examination, by 'daddie_o', of Gandhi (and Nehru, and Jinnah) and their wealthy backgrounds and London Inns of Court entanglements.
There are a few revisionist discoveries admitted by 'paid historians': the 'Donation of Constantine', the changes in the 'Lord's Prayer' not to forgive debts, the Roman Catholic Church's action against the Templars, some little-known Amendments to the US Constitution. Miles Mathis has single-handedly outstripped them all. Is he an agent himself? He does get a bit frenzied over 'Nazis' and 'fascism'. But I think it's very unlikely.
More on the stellar exponent of revisionism, Miles Williams Mathis, dependent on the unprecedented access to documents by Internet—books, monographs, news items, biographies, photos—which even the best libraries of the past couldn't match. Internet permits families to be checked for distinctive signs of Jew tampering, biographies to be compared and checked for absurdities, intersections detected between organisations, and so on. Perhaps unexpectedly, the Jew-patrolled Wikipedia is a fertile source for data mining of biographies. An interesting possibility is that monarchs and dynasties may be checked for Jewish infiltration. Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck appear to be Jewish or Jew-controlled pretenders, and the 'Windsors' Jewish, in England, for example. This technique is well-adapted to smallish groups—families, aristocracies, leaders—but less useful for large-scale events, such as wars, invasions, and anything large-scale. If records will be published giving information on corporations, armies, large industries, governments and so on, no doubt data mining could lead to huge advances in understanding. Mathis supplements (1) Biographies with (2) visual clues, derived from his portrait painting, as to facial and body similarities and sizes, and related issues of photo fakery; and (3) organisational procedures and promotions in legal, military, aristocratic family, and intelligence structures. So that—just three examples—Charles Manson, bearded and in prison, is impossible. And the Tate killings were a fake. And the Dresden bombing (or at least photo(s)) were faked.
Examples, from Mathis' site in Oct 2016:occult.pdf Bacon, Dee, Cromwell, and others, and conflicts between landed aristocrats, merchants, bankers, and proto-scientists, with possibly faked documents and specially promoted belief systems (millennarians, puritans...), where 'occult' means something like 'secret intelligence' though Mathis tends to regard all the people as 'spooks', and the aims change over time | French Revolution a first-class re-evaluation the 'Revolution' as a device to fleece the French Roman Catholic Church | Was Napoleon Jewish? looks at France, Poland, Austria, Egypt, and other aspects of Napoleon which may have been misrepresented | Salem witch trials pieces together the probably true story. Hawthorne looks back at Bostonians (and the East India Co), plus Thoreau (1817-1862), and Walt Whitman (1819-1892) | Lincoln is a terrific reassessment of the 'assassination' by an actor in 1865, and Custer of Custer in 1876 | Marx (as far as I know, one of the best pieces on Marx) looks at wealthy industrialists (often of course 'Jews') misleading radicals, as does Labour Party, Noami Klein, Naomi Wolf | Trayvon is on race wars, which Mathis seems to think are not real—he doesn't seem to sense the intentional Jewish prompting. | Taxes is a paper on deliberate lies about servicing interest payments. | Nash.pdf looks at the manufacture of Jewish intellectual 'heroes', in this case based around the film A Beautiful Mind, and fake science, fake economics, and fake prizes and awards. I'm not claiming all his work is correct or original; but it's a relief to see head-on revisionism. | Here are two pieces on planted horror/distraction stories: Sharon Tate and O J Simpson. On June 2016 Mathis posted Lenin and the 'Russian Revolution'. At the time of writing, Mathis is looking at the beginning of the 'American Revolution': Who Was George Washington?.]
I've sometimes wondered if Mathis might himself be an agent: his output is so huge one has to wonder if he was handed bundles of papers and photos and documents by some elderly intelligence crook, fatigued with the effort of deception. He writes Everyone knew that there must be someone behind this cardboard cut-out, someone capable of making real decisions. Half-heartedly we have thought to ourselves that maybe it was Hoover or Kissinger or Greenspan or Cheney, as the case may be, but have never felt satisfied by this. Could Mathis be hiding the Rothschilds, for example? Perhaps it's the fate of Jews to keep their secrets beyond the columbarium, to be as lost to history as the builders of Avebury and Stonehenge?
Extract from a Miles Mathis piece, to illustrate his style. (Reformatted from pdf to HTML).
The first is Roundell Palmer [grandson of 1st Earl of Selborne-RW], the second is Arnold Palmer. Any family resemblance?]
As Minister of Economic Warfare, Palmer selected Sir Charles Hambro [d. 1963], his City colleague, to direct Special Operations. Hambro, of an old British/Scandinavian (Jewish) banking family [Hambros Bank, now Societe Generale] had been a powerful director of the Bank of England working with Montagu** Norman to install and nurture the Hitler regime in Germany and to found the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements (with several Nazis on its board), through which Nazi loot and SS funds would be used for post-war objectives.
[Miles here: Hambros Bank was known as the diamond bank for its connections to South Africa and the big diamond traders there (all Jewish, of course—Rhodes, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, DeBeers, etc.).
After the war, Hambros Bank was one of the top three banks in Europe. Hambro's mother was a Stuart and his grandmother was a Gostenhofer. So these people were not Danish. In fact, the name Hambro was changed from Levi in the late 1700s. That link is from Geni.com, where it is admitted. {Notice that the Hambro pages are managed by a Rhodes.} These Levis link them to Karl Marx and the Philips family. The name Hambro comes from Hamburg, where the family lived before Denmark. These Hambros were also related to the Morgans. Hambro's son Charlie was sent to live with the Morgans in New York City during the war. Charlie was involved in the Bank of England “bailout” of Slater Walker Bank in 1973, by which the treasury was looted of billions of dollars by these bankers. As with the later US bailouts, we are told the looting was a “financial lifeboat” that “saved the financial system from collapse”, but that is all bollocks. It was just a grand theft in plain daylight, with no cover but these media lies. In fact, it had been done before. Charlie learned it from his grandfather, who “saved” Barings Bank in a similar managed collapse in 1891. Charlie's nephew Peter Hambro worked for Hambros Bank until it was absorbed, at which point he went to work for discount house Smith St. Aubyn. Note the name there, which came up my paper on Harry Potter and also above in the ancestry of Gary Player. Hambro then went to work for bullion house Mocatta and Goldsmid. What they don't tell you is that the Hambros probably are Goldsmids. See here where Hambro's Levi ancestors are also Goldziehers, a variant. As it turns out, the Hambros are also related to the Normans. See Montagu Norman above. That explains their connection. Of course, through the Stuarts, the Hambros are also related to the Palmers. Also to the Townshends, etc.]
The Special Operations Executive was officially disestablished after the Nazi surrender. But Roundell Palmer insisted that its personnel, assassination capabilities, assets, and intelligence arrangements be continued underground in Western Europe, in a quasi-war against the Soviet Union.
The new “intelligence community” was managed from the Privy Council, from the permanent government apparatus that ran the Cabinet and Foreign Office, from White’s Club, and from the Mercers’ haunts and the City board rooms, regardless of elections or political parties. The very existence of MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service, was not officially acknowledged until 1994
Since writing all the above, Mathis has written a piece on Benito Mussolini (published 14th Sept 2017), showing Mussolini was a Jew, whose Jewish mistress was part of a series of Jews from Venice and the east, and the Jewish Jagiellon dynasty. The 'March on Rome' was no doubt a fake—and his acting a fake—and the bodies hanging upside-down image a fake. Mathis understandably wearies with the details of WW2, including fake jailings (cp. Hitler's supposed jailing of a Rothschild) and fake campaigns and real or alleged assets in Africa.
Mathis is certainly loosening the logjam, working his one-man campaign against the legions of Jew-subservient hacks, who are trying to lash together the creaking timbers. What a pity his technique can't be applied to the characters used by the Biblical 'Yeshua freak' Jew-subservient types doing what they can to rot the USA's intellect. It's also a pity it's hard to apply to Chinese and Japanese (and other) languages, for westerners. What information on Chinese 'Communism', and post-1945 Jewish 'elites', and trade and technology, might be unearthed, assuming they have genealogical info! Whether something similar might work in Africa, and southern America (including Mexico), and Arab countries depends (I'd guess) on availability of genealogies.
Was Hitler an Agent? – Was Hitler a Jewish Agent?This idea has started to surface seriously, and ought to be taken seriously. People brought up with the conventional propaganda of the West naturally enough find the idea ludicrous. I was one of these, and occasionally was quite impolite to exponents of the idea—most of whom, however, as far as I know, weren't incredibly convincing. I don't know about Russians or east Europeans, or people in the Pacific 'theatres' of war.
It has long been part of the propaganda battle that Hitler was funded by bankers. This dates mostly from the period when the NSDAP—National Socialist German Workers' Party, remember— was described as "left wing". And at the time Hitler was widely credited with huge and successful reforms. I believe a British politician during what was called the 'National Government' in 1930s Britain first redescribed the NSDAP as "right wing", probably to the annoyance of non-Jew-puppet Conservatives. Another part of the propaganda battle is that Germany wanted to take over the world, despite its small size. This seems to be a permanent feature of Jewish propaganda; much the same was said of Vietnam, Iraq, even North Korea. This Hitler-revisionist view is (I take it) based on the idea that Jews form a nation, as a layer across the world, in detailed networking communication with each other relying, now, on computer information and spying; and supported by Jewish localised propaganda—BBC, German broadcasting, US media, as just three examples. In this way national opinions are controlled, with of course the possibility for local hostility, wars, and so on. Soros's activities in eastern European countries illustrate one version of this. Jews in the US, controlling media aimed at US blacks, illustrate another version—at present, stirring up anti-white violence such as rapes and murders, while simultaneously controlling 'news' to pretend it doesn't happen. Another example is media control in Germany, causing German self-loathing—but also media control in Britain, inducing white British self-loathing. Can we transfer this model to the case of Hitler? The Suppressed Importance of Hungary. Germany and Austro-Hungary were on the same side in the 'Great War'. Hungary, in the eastern Austro-Hungarian Empire, was in fact larger than Austria, and nearer Russia. The Hungarian Soviet Republic (of Bela Kun and other names; mentioned by Churchill in 1920) failed (and caused Jews in Hungary to move out, contributing e.g. to fake nuclear science, and other frauds, and leaving festering hatred of Jews in Hungary). But perhaps its most important result was caution over Germany: Jewish bankers must have paused, and it may be that Hitler was chosen as a moderate, and then watched. Remember Jews had a long history of invading Germany, and also that Germany had only recently been unified (in 1871; certainly with Jewish involvement) and was a leading economic power. The ramshackle Jewish nonsense of 'Communism', and supposed common ownership of production and distribution, if it had convinced Germans, may have worried Jews: "Oy veh, the goyim may get something out of this, which we can't allow..." Lenin or his scribblers had a revised theory of 'Revolution', that they'd expected it in industrial countries, but, surprise, it just happened in backward Russia. And certainly when Hitler came to power, many Jews were jubilant.
Presumably, whoever controls Jewish world policy aims to maximise deaths of rivals and profits from them, taking into account their power structures: deaths of skilled rivals taking precedence over less skilled; easier profits preferred to difficult profits; and so on. Here are just some examples needing re-examination:– • Who decided Germany/ Austria/ Hungary has lost the 'Great War'? • An obvious question is: were the heavily Jew-influenced talks at the 'Treaty of Versailles' intended to lead to more wars, from which Jews intended to benefit? • What events after the 1916 stalemate prevented Germany's peace terms being accepted? How was Germany (after not being invaded at any point) come to its collapse? • German debts (1920s hyperinflation) were allowed to be removed by inflation. How come they were allowed to slip out of debts, when others didn't? • Why is there no overall reckoning of the First World War? • Why did Hitler kill Brownshirts ('Night of the Long Knives')? • What exactly was the point of the 'Nazi-Soviet Pact'? • Some white nationalist sites show machine-gunners, tanks firing, and so on. BUT in all these cases soldiers were fighting other soldiers; there was no direct Jew involvement at all. What possible point could there be in whites fighting each other? • Could Hitler's repeated peace offers have been intended to keep up the indignation of Germans against the 'Allies'? • Was Dunkirk permitted to keep up the British strength, so that they were strong enough to attack and defeat Germany? • For that matter, was German rearmament encouraged with a view to future destruction? • Many white nationalists favour the invasion and attack on the USSR. But Russians were victims of Jews; what sense did it make to kill ordinary Russians? • After (and for that matter before) the 'Great War', WW1, many Germans became Jew-wise. After the failure of a Jewish coup in Germany and Austria/ Hungary, a new party, supposedly for the Arbeiter/Workers, may have been made up; Miles Mathis skilfully paints a picture of this possibility—after some name-changing, wealthy Jews fronted the party, and gave it plausibility with Mein Kampf and spurious jailings and negotiations with past German leaders. • It's possible that the German invasions of eastern Europe and the USSR/Russia involved covert pro-Jewish activity, notably in Poland, Latvia/Lithuania, Estonia as well as Russia.
Very possibly, the natural-enough focussing on national battles enabled the Jewish interest to be left entirely undiscussed. And it was/is easy to distract from: 'German' money sounds localised, even if completely Jewish; 'French' army sounds national, even if partly Jewish; 'British' Empire sounds British, even if the finances were Jewish and transferable to the USA; from the point of view of nations, the Second World War sounds like a self-contained event, with a start and an end—but the Jews saw it as just another event in their continuum, not special, just another Jew promotion like fake news, faked 'Holocaust', faked money-making illnesses, faked money, other attacks against whites, attacks to control blacks...
Before and during WW2, some people were aware that Jewish power ruled the USA, Britain, and the USSR, behind the scenes. Could Hitler have made a fourth? Mussolini a fifth? And what about Jews in China, Turkey, France ...?
Here are a few Internet comments presenting this revisionist view of Hitler (my edits/spelling). Many are testable, at least in principle.
Oona Craig: The issue of whether Hitler was a genuine warrior against Jewish Tyranny is vitally important. If Hitler was genuine, we the goyim have hope that our European peoples can give rise to genuine leaders. If Hitler was a Jew who was used by the Rothschilds to lead Germany into ruin, we the goyim ... have a much harder battle to fight.
[Evidence that Hitler was a genuine opponent of Jews:] Jews always commemorate the deaths of their covert murders of opponents ... their "Hamans." [RW: But they also pre-advertise them] Von Stauffenberg wanted Hitler dead...and Alan Dulles seems to have been dancing a little Purim-type dance by relating the tale of von Stauffenberg's assassination attempt in his book, Germany's Underground, Allen Dulles, 1947, and the movie Valkyrie. It is significant that out of so many incidents in WW II, Dulles chose to dwell on von Stauffenberg. The plot goes directly to the issue of Hitler's true intentions for Germany. It would seem, therefore, that Hitler was a genuine opponent of Jews. (Other possible examples: Aviator celebrates their usurpation of the Howard Hughes empire; Apollo 13 their NASA Hoax. Oliver Stone's JFK - financed by Israeli Arnan Milchan - is a Purim-style gloating over the de-capitation of the "Haman" JFK.
[Evidence that Hitler was a Rothschild agent:] Hitler's staff was full of crypto Jews like Canaris and Richard Gehlen. It may have been that Hitler, despite his dealings with Jewish central bankers, had gone off-script and was pursuing his own aims. I don't know what to make of Rudolf Hess or Operation Paperclip....layers upon layers of deceit surround WW II. An argument for surmising that Hitler indeed was a Rothschild agent is Hitler's refusal to incorporate Vlasov's army of disillusioned Russian soldiers into the Wehrmacht despite the pleas of his generals. Hitler knew that Germany was "scripted" to lose. THAT is why Hitler refused to use the million-man Russian army that Vlasov offered to the Germans to help rid Russia of the Jewish Bolshevik parasites. That is why Hitler destroyed the German army by attacking Russia in the dead of winter. THAT is why Hitler let the British troops be evacuated from Dunkirk. THAT is why Rudolf Hess was held in prison until he died after flying to expose Hitler's perfidy to the Clivedon set whom Hess thought were allies. Hess was kept imprisoned his whole life for trying to expose the Rothschild-Churchill-Clivedon-Hitler Hoax. Rothschilds and their Judeomasonic flunkeys don't start wars until they control ALL sides. The Rothschilds made a secret pact with the Japanese Bankers/Royal Family prior to the war to eliminate the land-based Samurai class. Hiroshima/Nagasaki was "land clearance."
Rothschild puppets Putin and Trump are conspiring for WW III.Zekerias Varg: (Finnish?) Hitler and NSDAP were installed to get the war to put the nations in debt and to create a reason to create the structures for global government. Do you think that Wallenbergs did not know what the Warburgs and the other financiers of Hitler did? You have to get some knowledge about Kreuger, and to search and educate your self about the BIS bank, the ?france minister and so on. All government shills claim Hitler was the hero, but he was just a collectivist as all other pawns. Without Hitler no Israel. Just study the transfer agreement, the false flag crystal nacht. Study the Warburg Bank of Hamburg, in control the whole time. The MEFO bills, the Bank of England, IG Farben and the clearing agreements, the credits via Bank of England. It will be quite evident that the puppet regime of Germany from 33-45 was a bank operation in the agenda of the land of sand in 1948, to get the power structure for NWO that will be manifest under agenda 21...
Ger Tzedek: [I'm aware this is a Jewish expression] Something has changed. Too much information around. They no longer can do whatsoever they want. They wanted more wars for Israel, to defeat Syria, broken doors for invaders in Europe, Hillary, UK in EU, the vast riches of Russia. All that is not happening.
Germany mainly lost because Japan didn't attack the Soviet Union. The absolute majority of German casualties throughout the war happened in the eastern front. The only influence that West had in the war was by feeding Soviet Union whatsoever they wanted. West was humiliated too much by Germany alone. Coming from Eastern Europe, I was taught that 95% of the war was fought between Germany and Russia. Actually Soviets were right with this one.
Also, Hitler alienated the population in the occupied areas. I am not talking about the Poles, who were alienated no matter what. In Soviet Union the population initially welcomed Germans big time. That changed after Germans behaved cruelly with the local population. This is the number one mistake. [RW: This evades the false-uniform issue of Jewish 'partisans' - but:] They made other mistakes, plenty. Like letting go Brits in the Battle of France. Or stopping for 3 days in front of Moscow, giving Russians precious 3 days to recover. Or stupidly insisting in Stalingrad. If you look at the map of the southern extent of Germans, they were ever so close to the Caspian. Should they get there, they would have won the war by simply stopping the Soviet fuel, while getting so much fuel for themselves. At that point, no amount of Allied fuel would have saved Soviet Union.
Another big mistake that Germans did was with weapons. They insisted in new tanks that took forever to put to production and had no effect in the war, besides propaganda. They could have mass-produced one simpler tank model. Then there was this very efficient gun that Hitler stupidly stopped the production on a whim. He paid the price for that whim.barkingdeer: [Once you see Jews took over Russia as the USSR, and when you realise that the Fed was established in 1913, just in time for WW1, and of course that the English Civil War (so called) established the Jewish Bank of England, you have most of the puzzle pieces. In addition, 'Saudi Arabia' seems to be a Jewish fief; and Castro in Cuba was a Marrano Jew. It’s possible Hitler was a plant, too, financed to keep out Germans (& Austrians, & Hungarians, & Poles) who wanted serious revenge for WW1. -RW]
You got all that right. Except, judging from his financial sources during his rise to power, his poor management conduct during WW2, the fact that his own generals tried to kill him at one point and the way it all turned out, with the destruction of the German army, the massacre of millions of German civilians, the ruin of its cities and infrastructure and the advancement of the Jewish state in Palestine it’s much harder to say Hitler was not a double agent all along. It isn’t as if we never see that sort of thing. Look at Obama and remember—the first rule of war is treachery.
The newobserveronline.net has articles taken from official sources in the USA, and from many European countries. These articles, and their facts and figures, are as accurate as any figures can be expected to be from such sources. The New Observer articles have been resistant to critical attack, since they simply explain in plain language what the official polices are.
This is Arthur Kemp's publishing site. His book March of the Titans might have had an impact similar to that of H G Wells's Outline of History about a century ago—an overview of white history through the ages—though Jewish media control would make that an unlikely event. Wells's book, after the First World War, caught the popular mood—what had happened to all peoples during human history? It included then-recent discoveries in anthropology and archaeology; it gave everyone "a fair crack of the whip". It did not, however, include the finances of warmongering.
March of the Titans has a primary theme, that civilisations and cultures depend on populations, in other words their race. Change a population, and the culture changes.
The New Observer has a large range of print-on-demand reprints, mostly of out-of-copyright English-language books on race and culture which have been suppressed by the hostile 'politically correct' Jewish-bank-funded elite. They include once-popular white (or in fact white by default—there was no reason to bother saying they were white) books on Egypt, Greece, and Rome, explorations, and newer scientific investigations of race and heredity.
The captions (right) give an idea of the range of topics of the New Observer. Note for example the 'German' government's promotion of interracial sex, a theme of Jew supremacists. And there is some truth in it: it's reported that ugly white women in Sweden (think: Angela Merkel?) have sex with immigrants in their expensive holding areas. Here are links to typical articles:
I'm not certain the New Observer Online archives are intact: after quite a search I have not relocated the piece 'German Govt Promotes Interracial Sex'. Or on black African Presidents, supposedly in historic meeting with Obama: I think all had had assassinations, fake elections, billions in white bank accounts, etc. And I couldn't find an amusing article on non-whites using hair straighteners, dangerous whitening products, nose jobs, Korean eye operations (as in PSY's New Face). From memory, there were good short articles on Israel's huge wall, on the Israeli with high-end computer equipment threatening Americans (and who was not extradited), mentally ill 'transgenders', and Gore saying in 2006 that we have ten years to save the earth.
A huge problem with the simple comparisons of GNP with population IQs is of course that the tables and diagrams ignore the effects of other countries, and of course Jews. Black Africa has problems which are probably insuperable, but Jews taking mineral wealth, making money from wars, imposing huge debts for expensive weaponry, and supporting black tyrants, are another burden. This is becoming obvious to many people: Britain, and most countries in Europe, have had unwanted immigration, with accompanying huge net financial burdens, and this is mostly the work of Jews—something fairly easy to check with Internet, though censored from the all commercial and governmentally-supported media. The truly amazing repulsiveness of many Jews—think Barbara Roche and Peter 'Sutherland' for example—helps add a frisson to such reports. I'm not personally happy about New Observer's innocence over central banks and Jews, subversion of black countries, false flags and fake science, and all the rest. But it's an evidence-based site, and as more such material is found, I doubt it will be unmentioned. So I doubt the New Observer is a false flag operation, a belief supported by what may be financial problems—they seem to need donations.
[Start of article] The Jordan Peterson Effect An odd-in-parts Miles Mathis piece The Mandela Effect is Mathis on an 'Intelligence' operation to persuade people that collective false memories are common: the name is taken from a supposed Mandela funeral, and the 'Berenstain Bears' 'children's book' being an example of the 'effect'. Another Mathis piece suggests Richard Spencer 'looks like a mole'—not literally—Mathis gives abundant evidence (and intricately detailed other material, including Jews in the CIA and even Lysenkoism, the Stalinist genetic thing, Lysenko revealed as a Jew) that Spencer is not a white supremacist, but agent in training. (Mathis doesn't say Spencer is a Jewish supremacist, however; the Jewish rule is "don't mention Jew race supremacism").
Anyway, the point here is Jordan Peterson, a 'clinical psychologist' at Toronto University, is shown as heroically embattling fanatics over the ridiculous genetic pronouns thing, another Jewish manufacture along similar lines to 'same sex marriage', 'rainbow' sex etc. In my view his defence of free speech is staged—see the outdoor videos on youtube. Peterson reminds me of R D Laing in the 1960s: a typical anecdote is: patient comes to visit, with depression; Laing asks what types of joke he likes; they crack jokes; after half and hour (or 20 minutes—with fame, the charges go up) the session ends, patient complains etc. Psychology is not a science, but is at the empirical stage; with luck, someone who's had experience can find more useful things to say and do than someone with experience only of normal people. Hence my single quote marks. Peterson says he likes Dostoievsky, always a handy cultural object. He also somewhere confuses 'Mandela' with mandala, possibly intentionally, possibly to distract from the idea 'Mandela' may have been fathered by a Jew, Mandel; Jung of course is another handy quotee. And Peterson is careful to not be 'anti-semetic'; again one has to wonder how intentional the error is.
For people who haven't yet noticed, there's quite a long tradition of psychobabble concealment of real word frauds. From a few years ago, here's 'Brainwashing' a US invention to hide US war crimes in Korea and here is Milgram and Zimbardo—Jewish phony psychology and this is without starting on Freud.
In such cases, it's always difficult to assess the situation, given the amount of concealed evidence. However, Peterson's involvement with drivellers such as Camille Pagliacci (oh—Paglia), and his uninvolvement with the Jewish finance of education systems, and e.g. his Internet links, suggest he's just another spotlit figure, destined to fade. Just as, for example, Milo Yiannopoulos seems to have been faded out, possibly through drawing attention to Jewish sex with children, which Jews are still reluctant to advertise publicly. Peterson may be a Jew himself—there are plenty of Jews in Scandinavia—ask the Swedes. Note another thing: legal entanglements seem to be yet another method by which the public are kept cowed. Mathis's work exposing the Manson/Tate fraud illustrates the sort of thing. If Mathis is right about Spencer, the at-one-point advertised legal hassle over Whitefish, Montana and 'Tanya Gersh' (reported by a Jew in the Occidental Observer) Richard Spencer and Tanya Gersh is a fake, presumably intended as a money-maker.
An interesting aspect of Peterson is his suggested promotion of an online University, presumably something like the Open University. It certainly seems technically possible. A practical problem would be assessment and marking and grading: experience with Asians suggests tracking substitutes is a big problem. If someone can arrange online courses on Jew awareness, from school to university entrance, to university exit, that would be impressive. Such a scheme could be entirely outside conventional parameters, in a similar way to Mensa and Professional Development exams. J101 is long overdue. Perhaps viva voce exams, live voice chats over Skype, might be tried.
[Since writing this, I noticed a Youtube, uploaded 29 July 2017 by 'Psyche Matters', entitled 'How Hitler was Even More Evil Than You Think', which appears to settle debate on Peterson.]
A Jewish-English dictionary: translating what Jews say into what Jews mean:
Antisemite: Someone Jews hate Antisemitic canards: Indisputable truths Black African leader: Jew puppet Child Refugee: Middle-aged African sponger Equality: Favoritism Freedom: Depravity Tolerance: Debauchery Freedom of speech: Shut up! Hate speech: Words Jews hate Holocaust: The holy milk cow Holocaust denial: Blasphemy! Race: Something that doesn't exist Racist: A White person Liberal: A useful idiot Liberalism: Useful idiot farming Social justice: Cultural Marxism Civil rights: Run-up to multiculturalism Multiculturalism: Nation wrecking Feminism: Home wrecking Gay marriage: Society wrecking Gay rights: Disease propagation Youths: A mob of violent Blacks Hater: Rightist Rightist: Hater Conspiracy theorist: Someone who's on to Jews Right wing extremist: Anyone Jews don't like Left wing extremist: Jew hireling Organizer: Jew-funded Clown Protestor: Jew-funded Clown Justice: Jewish perfidy Injustice: Resisting Jewish perfidy Zionism: Scheme for Jewish world rule Our Government Policy: Jewish Policy Republicanism: Jew rule Democracy: Jew rule Communism: Jew rule Republicans: Shabbos goy Democrats: Shabbos goy Gentile: Non-human Goy: Contemptible non-human Professor: Overpaid liar for Jews Negro (schwartza): Sub-goy Christian Zionist: Imbecile
Notes on Jews, Roman Catholicism, and 'Holocaustianity'At present, there is insistent pressure to force previously white countries to take non-whites; and there has been for years. There are population explosions in areas ignored by paid media hacks; and some genuine refugees from Jewish proxy wars. But modern techniques need skills out of the range of low-IQ populations. (I'm not saying 'IQ' is everything). For example, modern water supplies need constant wariness: searches for leaks, spillages, and other damage. Electricity needs constant generation. Roads need maintenance. There seems a chance that food, utilities, repairs will decline—populations may end up sheltering in ruins, living in filth, half-starved. However, not everyone is concerned: let me try to explain one possible reason why not:–
When the Roman Empire fell, Christians (e.g. Augustine) 'took no interest in saving civilization or expelling the barbarians or reforming abuses... but [preached] the merit of virginity and the damnation of unbaptized infants. ...' My best guess is that groups who felt some security—such as Christians, as they grouped after the fall of Rome—did not worry, as they felt opportunities were being shaped for them. They may even have welcomed huge declines for others.
My best guess is that Christianity, an extension of Judaism, co-operated with Jews: Jews wormed their way into the hierarchy, as today. This was covert, and not unannounced, and denied. But consider-
1 'Pagan' (and 'heathen') means country-dweller. The Church became a huge landowner. In effect, there were urban money handlers; the rest of Christian countries was largely dominated by the Church, which must have had financial systems to buy land—probably by Jews. This side of the Church is largely hidden; when have you seen commentators on Church money during the Middle Ages?
2 The condemnation of 'usury' by the Church seems to have been pure hypocrisy, since they accepted Jewish money. Probably the Church kept the monopoly for Jews.
3 The Church was violent and persecuting: any person or group trying to break out (consider Peter Waldo, for example) faced severe penalties and death.
4 Depending on taste, you, the reader, may consider that heresies were taken seriously and debated thoroughly. But probably Churchmen were concerned primarily with their power and income. When the storms passed, the heretical points at issue became almost impossible to remember.
5 Many Popes were Jews, and no doubt Bishops.
6 At many times, the Talmud was burned. This is presented as a response to shock at the contents. But of course this had the effect of removing Judaic material and making criticism impossible.
7 The Church had a 'sanctuary' system. It seems unlikely this was for the benefit of criminals; more likely—as in North American cities now—it provided a safe space for Jewish fraudsters.
8 The Church sometimes needed toughs: they could pay the ones they wanted from 'charity'
9 The Church educated its own successors, for example by teaching them
10 Don't imagine the Church and Jews operated on a small scale. Usury with lifetime earnings penalties, wars, armies and land grabs, huge taxes, engineered bank and repayment crashes, depressions, famines, genocides...
Presumably there must have been intermittent battles with aristocrats and farmers and miners and child-rearers and makers of buildings, shipping, carts, bridges, and all the rest of it. Between them, at intervals, Jews and churches must have picked on promising new targets.
I'm saying the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church has been misunderstood!: the Jewish (and/or other money component) has been ignored—as it has in the official history of the last few centuries. This is important, because it helps explain the continual drumbeat push for 'Holocaustianity' by Jews. Fanatical Jewish liars—Spielberg, Jewish media, even Church of England, Roman Catholic church, people like Lipstadt, 'Hollywood', are promoting 'Holocaustianity', with fictional 6 million replacing the one fiction of Jesus. With monuments, fake saints, fake shrines, and all the rest of it.
Protheseology. I'd like to suggest a new word, a neologism to cover the real function of 'political correctness' and Jewspeak. Everyone knows what 'teleology' means: it's a mistake around the 'purpose' or 'end' of something. Why did God make trees? - So man had building materials. Why do rabbits have white tails? - So hunters can get a good shot. Why is a moon up there? - To give a bit of light at night. These are teleological arguments. 'Protheseology' is a deliberate mistake around 'intention' or 'aim' of speech or conversation. Why is racism bad? - Because Jews won't admit they think they're a race. What is a conspiracy theory? - Anything that may lead to discussing Jews. What is a fascist? - Someone who might mention Jews in a politics discussion. Islam is nothing but peaceful! - Jews at present are forcing Muslim immigration. In each case, the intention is to bias the discussion towards what Jews all think is their interest. Protheseological arguments all have in mind a bias; usually these arguments are made by Jews and their puppets, and usually learned parrot fashion. Thus: It is better that a hundred guilty men go free, than one innocent man be jailed - an example of protheseology: the speaker means they want dangerous men set free—a common Jewish ploy. This is not a very happy neologism, though I like the pun with prosthetics. But perhaps there's something better?
I had intended to discuss evolution of human characteristics: for example, I incline to think the idea of 'Logos' was translated from Judaic languages, and may have indicated that Jews thought persuasion, lies, deception were primary, unlike the Greeks and Romans. They may have got the idea from Egyptian or Babylonian writing on walls: huge, commanding, impressive, unreadable. It may be the case that whites have a tendency, an instinct, to take interest in discrete topics—everything from growing vegetables to playing croquet, from working with fire to collecting silver. It may be that parasitism, secrecy, cunning, lies, hate are mental characteristics, some dominant, some recessive—perhaps simpler than seems possible at present. Maybe memories work differently—some recalling insults, others lessons, others triumphs.
Repeating Jewish parrot speech: "It's amusing the way the racist Jews in their captions always talk about their racist Jew topics. That's how racist Jews operate, always using the same racist Jew expression. For example, the racist Jew controlled TV in Rhodesia (before the racist Jews got their pet Mugabe in) always talked about 'racist South Africa', a typical racist Jew phrase."
A Plea for Talk We (arguably!) need to get people from everywhere: Tokyo, Hong Kong, Russia, Czech Republic, England, USA, etc. to talk openly and without fear about the Jewish community. Perhaps using their tactics back at them, instead of being defensive: promote Jewish women/Black guy marriage and babies on a daily basis, use terms like "Jewish racists", Jewish supremacists, "Jewish KKK", Jewish slave owners", "Jewish child molesters", Jewish white collar crime", "racist Jewish controlled mainstream media", "racist Talmud and Kabbalah", etc. Daily, so it becomes ingrained in peoples' minds not to trust them, then we can start getting control of the real estate, the commodities, the weapons, books, publishing companies, cable TV, movie theaters, etc.
Don't Think Small! The World is Ours Part of Jewish technique is to narrow people down, put them in small boxes. So, learn to think on a large scale: for example, it occurred to me the Independent newspaper in Britain was set up just to get war with Iraq. If you print money, you can invent a newspaper! And you can invent entire TV channels, and movie outlets. Remember everything they show you is arranged and scripted and edited. Don't be impressed by fines and penalties, which sound high, but in comparison with crimes have practically no effect. Think of government debt the way Jews do, but draw the opposite conclusions from them. When you see an advertising campaign, remember someone planned it all; don't be impressed, don't think it was your idea. When you see Jew militarists wanting a war talk of 'our' policy, consider if it actually is. Consider the Jewish 'nation' as a thin layer spread over the world: if you were them, would you consider arranging wars between as many of these nations as you could? Think of Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Hitler; could they all have been carefully placed? If you owned news outlets round the world, and public opinion survey companies, why not invent stories for different parts of the world, in their own languages? On a large scale, try to analyse possible false flags: are they really that difficult to arrange? try to understand human impulses—presumably Jews in action are fired up, full steam ahead, as they plan frauds. Try to imagine material that has been deliberately cut out: for example, facts behind the numerous outbreaks of what Jews call 'anti-Semitism'. Try to grow some ideas up—don't be like Christian South African old soldiers who believe in Noah's Ark. Remember the obscurity of much of the past: what did Washington, or Lincoln, or Macaulay, or Wilde, or Augustine really know?
Always Remember This One Thing!—They Started It.
[Start of article] Thomas Malthus's Essay on the Principle of Population Revisited Thomas Malthus's 'apparatus for destroying happiness', the limits to human population imposed by food supply in the face of fast human breeding—with elaborations such as geometrical and arithmetic progressions—was regarded as a leading European political philosophy.
Five or six things at the back of my mind struck me:
Malthus's essay and further versions had little to say about wars, despite famines and other hardships during and after Napoleon. Why omit that?
Overpopulation is a bourgeois myth—1970 or so expression by some 'left wingers' or 'Marxists'
Overpopulation as an issue discussed (in the Jewish media) apparently seriously and worryingly. Ehrlich (not the scientist) was a typical name. Contraception advice was to be free etc, but of course coloured invaders were inexplicably omitted.
'Baby Boomers' as a Jewish name for post-1945 white population cohort. In fact this 'boom' was more or less mythical, though Americans in sheep fashion continue to use the expression. Possibly the phrase itself comes from Jewish propaganda, 'booming' being based on the idea of a bass drum making noise; 'baby boomer' may have meant advertising babies. I've seen a cinema newsreel piece on a birthyear DVD claiming that Swindon in England had a high post-war birth rate (plus film of shop windows with baby supplies). In fact, surviving US troops might have noticed that housing in New York, London, etc were unexpectedly filled, generally with Jews pretending to be American or British, and of course financed by 'their' governments. The 'boom' idea may have been invented as an explanation.
The actual figures for births do not bear out the idea there was much of a 'boom'. Why not look and see for yourself?
This of course in retrospect was obviously Jewish manipulation, just as Jewish brightly-coloured magazines carry population and race messages.
Note the complete elision of population concerns in the mass media, after Jews decided to flood white countries with immigrants. Non-Jews started to realise population growth in Africans is probably the biggest population problem the world has ever had, but Jewish-funded groups ignore this—at least in public demonstrations, while building walls in Palestine.
A dismissive remark on Malthus in a 'history' volume by the Jew Eric Hobsbawm. I can't be bothered to find the exact wording, but it was, roughly, Malthus was not an important thinker. I hadn't understood that Jews have largely controlled big decisions on deaths by war. If you grasp this, you can see why Hobsbawm dismissed Malthus, and why crypto-supporters of Jews would boost Malthus as a distraction. And use other distractions, such as 'killed by Capitalism'.
Jews as usurpers: amusing modern example. Left: 'Tutankhamun' mask. Right: faked orientalised version (ITV, 2016)
Three More Excavations from the Rabbit Hole.
[1] Wars of the Roses.
[2] The Real Meaning of Usury.
[3] Genetics and DNA.
Written by Rerevisionist 6 November 2016
[1] Wars of the Roses. Jews as Usurpers.
I'm prompted here by a new and remarkable piece by Miles W Mathis, Henry VII: Another Jewish Invasion of England, which makes the case for the Wars of the Roses being essentially staged, as a precursor to the change in the monarchy from Plantagenets to Tudors. This pushes back revisionism from Cromwell's wars and invitation of Jews (c. 1642-1651; Jew admission legalised 1656) back nearly two more centuries (c 1455-1485; Plantagenets replaced by Tudors, 1485).
Henry VII seems something of an oddity: David Starkey, in a minor piece of revisionism, established that his death was kept secret while arrangements were made behind the scenes. Henry VII was conspicuously absent from the plays attributed to Shakespeare; Edward de Vere had been personally damaged financially by Henry VII. The several pretenders were 'outed' by an MP, I think in the 1930s, pointing out they were part of Jewish infiltration.
'Tudor' was a Welsh name, written typically as Ty-dwr. Mathis, by careful examination of what is published about marriages and families, considers that the island of Anglesey is a key to these events. Note incidentally the English-sounding name, Anglesey. The Welsh name is given as Ynys Môn, though I have not investigated the starting-points of these names. Anglesey is mentioned in Julius Caesar—one of his economic reasons for invading England was wheat, from Anglesey; plus tin, lead, cattle. (This is from memory). And note the geographical position: Anglesey has a mild climate (the Gulf Stream helps), and has naturally sheltered harbours. Without going into detail, which in any case I don't know, sailing ships for preference need sheltered harbours, landmarks in a literal sense to demonstrate they're on the right course for the area they want, consistent but not overpowering winds ('trade winds') more or less behind them. And not too many rocks and sandbanks and unknowns. (during the British Empire, at least one 'passage' was a state secret). These are technical details, and I'm assuming Anglesey must have fulfilled them. Hilaire Belloc wrote on the likely landing-place(s) of Caesar, based on his personal knowledge of sailing, and this sort of thing is needed to assess Anglesey. Mathis's hypothesis is based on evidence that Jew traders in largish numbers lived in Anglesey. His novelty is showing the likelihood that the Wars of the Roses were staged: Lancashire is near enough, and Yorkshire to its east. Many people have noticed the 'wars' were exceptionally polite and gentlemanly; most people living there had no idea there was a war. Some people have assumed this was typical of the time, and that more recent wars show a descent into barbarism, as of course they do. But the horrific 'harrying of the north' in England 300 years earlier suggests, what is perhaps obvious, that there was little violence because it wasn't needed.
Bear in mind that when the Tudor dynasty started (or usurped), the Americas were not yet discovered; Anglesey was on the edge of the world. Rabelais and the general westward movement of civilisation or 'civilisation' was in the future. And bear in mind that Anglesey may have been important as a shelter and bolt-hole and supplier of money; wheat presumably could have come from the entire surrounding area, not just the island itself.
I will not repeat Mathis' conclusions here, not wishing to steal his thunder. But it's an important new idea in piecing together true history. Mathis seems to have noticed things which escaped British historians: the onlooker may see more of the game. His paper on J K Rowling suggests the same thing: millions of people in London have been to King's Cross and Euston, seen the new British Library and London University buildings, and felt familiar with cafés and offices and shops and traffic. But these are just the façades—built equivalents of political puppets and their movements and sideshows—the real work is done secretly behind closed doors.
[2] The Real Meaning of Usury. And Over-Lending.
Many people think 'usury' simply means interest payments. This is probably intentional misrepresentation. Let me quote (from my piece on 'Jews') from The Merchant of Venice:
And if the sums are not repaid on time Then, as forfeit, they would take everything; All that the man has earned in his lifetime...
In other words, usury is the practice of seizing everything of a debtor if he defaults. The plot in The Merchant of Venice of course revolved around Shylock wanting a death penalty for Antonio's default for a loan on his argosies, which were believed to have sunk.
This is I think a reference to the Shetar, 'in English Law': When incorporated into English practice, the notion from Jewish law that debts could be recovered against a loan secured by "all property, movable and immovable" was a weapon of socio-economic change that tore the fabric of feudal society and established the power of liquid wealth in place of land holding. The point is that Jewish aggression determined that a failure to repay a loan in these cases could give huge assets to Jews. Comparatively, interest here is a small matter.
Interest is not the important issue; the aim must have been to seize property. How this worked in practice must be difficult to establish: if The Merchant of Venice is to be believed, the debt was personal—others were not permitted to pay the debt, or, presumably, supply money for assets of the defaulter. But the point here can be made by considering the present century or two. Now, paper money is under Jewish control; the greater the debt of a country, the more interest is expected by Jews. This of course is the reason they build up debts. At the present time, all the costs for nonwhite immigration into white countries are added to debts of the white inhabitants, into the indefinite future, preferably on an unpayable basis. Science and technology frauds are enormous. Over-lending seems to be an unremarked aspect of all the times when Jews had power. Consider, for example, castles: how many castles were really needed around Wales in the 1400s? How many country houses were needed in England, after Cromwell, in the 18th century? How many Cathedrals and churches were needed? Albania (according to Wikipedia) had by 1983 a total of 173,371 bunkers. Taking a long view, the system seems to have been to make loans at high interest, and encourage overspending; seize assets and ruin defaulters, and usurp elites, usually by a divide-and-rule process. The traditional Roman Catholic objection to usury may not be what it seems. The origins of Christianity are very likely insistent Jewish repetition, and the use of faked scriptures: think of the promotion of 'Holocaustianity' now, with six million Jews' deaths being equivalent to the crucified Yeshua, and professional liars like Weisel and Weisenthal to the Gospels and the rest. I'd like to suggest the thundering rejection of usury was only aimed at the faithful, the naive and scared 'goyim'. Economic power in this way being divided between the Church and Jews, the Church, no doubt for a price, using religious authority to allow Jews to practise usury with no competition. Jews would of course ignore Papal bulls.
[3] DNA and Biological Junk Science. Genetics and 'Jews'.
'DNA testing' at least in its commercialised form relies on DNA being broken into fragments which happen to have repeats of a sequence. The more repeats, the slower the migration in something like gelatine, when driven by a small electric current. This is analogous to analysing a DVD by looking for repeats of 4 characters in the bit stream, then tabulating them. Or, more understandable but less accurate, getting the 'fingerprint' of a book by counting the number of occurrences of 'the' on each line, and drawing a bar on a graph for 0, 1, 2, 3 etc appearances. (Not a very good analogy; I can't think of a better one). The point is that it has no connection with the living thing that it came from.
Now, biological science is in censored chaos, as the works of Harold Hillman and others show. Compounded errors of interpretation of techniques have built up a house of cards. In short, DNA analyses are suspect, and depend on repeatability: if techniques repeat, even if their basic assumptions are wrong, at least that's an empirical result. But of course there are practical issues: the idea that Jews have distinct DNA for example is dear to the supremacist fantasies of Jews, and any problems will be concealed, as in other examples of Jew frauds. It's of some concern that Professor Alec Jeffreys, who works or worked at Leicester University, shares his place of learning with a 'Holocaust' fraud outfit.
In practical terms, it's of enormous public interest that human genetics should be understood. The whole basis of practical Jewishness depends on mothers, and yet it's obvious that infiltration by marriage, while helping concealment, also halves what 'Jewish' DNA there may have been. At present, there are serious suggestions that Jews should move into China by intermarriage. (Hilaire Belloc: [A Jew] began life with a German name in Hamburg. ... no doubt if he had gone to Japan the Japanese would be telling us that they had known him as a worthy Japanese gentleman...bearing the honoured name of an ancient Samurai family.) No doubt there's some selection by personality type: it's unlikely that (say) Rupert Murdoch, spending a lifetime telling lies, would be attracted to an honest non-psychopath, for example. I've attempted to discuss these issues with people supposedly competent in genetics, but of course at present they are far too cowardly to do this.
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The Colosseum as it is today. No Christians were ever thrown to lions there.
Was early Christianity Hijacked or Invented by Jews?
Written by Rerevisionist 17 August 2016. Updated 12 Dec 2016, 7 Jan 2017, 25 June 2017 Notes on Islam, Quakers, Marxism, and the United Nations added to the end of this article
This is an idea new to me, and perhaps genuinely new:– It's clear to intelligent people that Jews, once they've decided on some lie or other, stick to it, seemingly forever. Projecting this characteristic backwards in time, we start from the consideration that Christianity took centuries to become established. That time might have been used by Jews to change the whole of the ideas and beliefs of Christianity, and pretend it was Jewish all along. Jewish plagiarism and dishonesty are commonplace; I've tried to write a brief examination of this possibility, kept short to reduce opportunities for timewasters.
Here are a few starting-point puzzles:–
Why did the Bible, when it was finally printed, include the 'Old Testament'? Why not just have Christian material? (I'm agnostic about the Latin (Roman Catholic) and presumably Greek (Byzantine) versions; for all I know the 'Old Testament' might have been treated as inferior, or consisted of different books).
[Many people have difficulty with the previous sentences. Hoping to be clear, I'm saying the 'Old Testament' and 'New Testament' may have both been utterly irrelevant to early Christians. If early Christians used their own written material, it may have had just their own material—beliefs across the Roman Empire, and new ethical beliefs (for example, peace across the Empire). I'm pointing out that Jews are chronic liars, and, if they sensed a new important movement, may well have tried to control it—and inserting their own rubbish would seem natural to them. Remember they had a few centuries to adjust history, and we're living through something similar now. Jews have no hesitation in manufacturing fake history, as the present day proves, and there's no reason why they shouldn't have done this to profit from early Christianity]
Early Christianity seems to have been named after the Greek word meaning 'illuminated' or 'golden', in a similar sense to 'the light of the world' or 'bright spirit'. Hence the chi-rho and fish symbol. No 'Jesus' character whatsoever.
The Romans appear to have had the idea of amalgamating and collecting together parts of extant religions from their part of the world, with the intention of psychologically unifying their unstable empire. Sensible enough, and perhaps a precursor to the idea of 'conversion', which must have seemed a new outlook to tribal peoples.
Much of the ancient world survives to this day: consider the etymologies of the days of the week (European names for sun, moon, Tiw, Woden...), Roman names for months (Janus, Februa, Mars...), the letters of the alphabet, the numerals, the word amen, geographical and place names, Greek and Roman mythologies and constellation and planet names. Many shared to some extent with Sanskrit and Into-European roots. Why would a Roman-empire wide religion not be made up of such elements?
Constantine's genuine or supposed conversion in 312 A.D. is of course about three centuries after the supposed birth of 'Jesus Christ'.
Evidence of such things as the faked 'Holocaust' and faked attribution of the 9/11 demolitions is impressive proof to people now that Jews are persistent liars; they will never stop lying.
Evidence shows Jews have no scruples in manufacturing or destroying evidence.
Evidence shows Jews may claim to have invented or originated anything considered desirable. Modern evidence shows Jews, if they lied to claim to have taken part in establishing Christianity, will lie more, claiming progressively more influence over the past.
Whether ancient 'Jews' are related to modern 'Jews' is a controversial question; but the same written 'laws' and stories can reasonably be supposed to affect populations subject to them in similar ways. Ancient 'Jews' must therefore be suspected of being persistent liars, too.
A popular religion, perhaps Roman-slave-based, or perhaps more generally based, which professed to enlighten people, might reasonably be expected to include elements from Roman, perhaps with other tribal and national elements. There might (for example) have been books of Persian beliefs, of Babylonian beliefs, of Egyptian beliefs, of Greek beliefs, of Roman beliefs, and other long-established written sources. No doubt with then-modern Christian material, showing why they were wrong or obsolete or unenlightened.
I'd like to suggest there may have been a process, over several centuries, in which Jews made up their own stories about 'Jeshua', also known as 'the Christ', or 'Jesus Christ', and insisted upon them in their Jewish group way, redefining 0 A.D. as a starting-point for their own purposes. Three centuries is about the length of time taken for Jews to take over England, then the USA, and invent and promote bogus histories, so the time scale seems plausible enough. Imagine if world history over the last few centuries had been output by the ADL in the USA, Lenin, Spielberg, Tarantino and Barbara Spectre: it would be a tissue of lies, and probably stylistically resemble Jewish film-scripts.
In short, I suspect the 'Old Testament' progressively was forced into Christianity, despite having no connection whatever with the origins of Christianity. And the 'New Testament' itself was Judaised, replacing genuine early Christian works.
Here's Wheless's book Forgery in Christianity which lists assorted plagiarisms and forgeries in the early church, based on writings which survived, or allegedly survived. Emmett Fields dated the end of US free thought to January 2, 1920: ... that was the time of the big Palmer Raid. From that time on, the Federal Government waged relentless war against religious liberty. But Wheless does not think of the possibility of systematic Jewish forgery or adaptation from their own mythologies.
The idea is reinforced by plenty of modern examples of bogus religions fostered by Jews, including many aspects of the Reformation, Quakers (see Miles Mathis' excellent new piece on George Fox), Mormonism, and Christian Science.
This idea probably ought to be most important in the USA, which has large numbers of more or less fundamentalist types, probably only possible in a relatively rich (or heavily subsidised) society, with heavy Jewish control over information. Some Americans think the Bible was written in English; some think there was an ark, built of wood from an American tree; some like the Scofield Bible; some can't understand evolution; some think that Jews were chosen by a God. These people are a danger through their stupidity and inertia, and their inability to help with anything useful in the world. It's unlikely they will change, since they have found a mental niche which they find comforting. But I would ask as many people as possible to view their material with the skepticism which is necessary with modern Jews.
REPRISE... same idea, different wording
After a few tests, I realise many people can't understand the new view of the New Testament I'm making. So I'll retry...
[1] Bear in mind that Jesus NEVER EXISTED; see abundant material on this point. The 'Acts' are not a historical record. The 'Gospels' are self-contradictory and ridiculous.
Put this together with
[2] Jews, today, TELL LIES ALL THE TIME. These are joint, collective lies, which persist over long stretches of time. And clearly have intention behind them. Motives include promoting wars, getting the Fed for Jews, changing propaganda schemes to face new enemies or to work for new wars for Jews, continual statistical lies on e.g. black crime, retrospective lies for example on the history of the Soviet Union, and the history of science, with a view towards skewing things to what they evidently think are Jewish interests.
So we have this hypothesis
[3] I'm saying the NT was just another set of Jewish lies. Not stories, not history, not an honest attempt at a record. But purely for Jewish aim(s). Perhaps heading off an early religion in the Roman Empire, which looked likely to form a new composite religion. I won't name it, as that will confuse people. Jews may have seen this, and thought "Oy vey, we can make money from this" or "Oy veh, God chose us to lead these stupid goyim" or "Oh vey, papyrus is cheap these days & we'll hire Greek scribes to write out our stories" or "We are the experts in official religion, so we're entitled to tell lies" or all four. So they wrote a whole set of stories, based around 'Yeshua', almost as Spielberg composed his absurd films, Weisel orated his 'Holocaust' lies for a lifetime, or Jewish 'historians' of the holohoax orchestrate and embroider their lies. The main point was to get them out, published, available to be forced onto people; further detail could come after. After a few centuries of intimidation and/or repetition and/or bribery and/or selection of fake leaders, they added the OT to the NT to reinforce their claims. This time frame is similar to e.g. forcing Jewish history over whites for the last four centuries or so.
I've seen the argument that US Jewish-controlled 'Universities' now all accept the Bible as reliable—'proof', since even Marxists accept this. But of course if the whole thing was a Jewish set of stories, they would be likely to support it, whatever the evidence.
NOTE THAT it doesn't even matter if there was a genuine, new, morally original figure, for example Lucius Calpurnius Piso. All they had to do was put forward their own lies and—provided there was sufficient promotional push and destruction of opposition—Piso would be forgotten. Jews often do this; for example, the leading physicist over the last few centuries was Newton, so Einstein was manufactured as a substitute. To take a totally different example, the Beatles were one of the most influential music groups of the 20th century. If Jews started a promotional myth that 'The Bagels' were the best ever, with their famous 'Abbey Schul' and 'Light Blue Double Album' achievements, who can tell whether this would be accepted in 300 years' time?
NOTE THAT persecution of 'heretics' is always attributed to Christians. But it is exactly the same policy that Jews follow: think of the absurd legal policies on such things as 'hate speech', when used of any non-Jewish criticism of Jews; and 'racism' accusations as a crime or misdemeanour by any group, accept Jews. I'd suggest all, or most, persecution of 'heretics' was in effect by Jews. And ditto with censorship and destruction of books, however innocent or instructional. Books were fairly freely available during Greek and Roman times, and it's therefore likely works on paganism, or true history, or Jewish lies, or Europeans and Africans and Asians, would have been destroyed by Jews. Because of the obscurity of early Christians, intelligent people will be cautious; online sources claim the first fifteen Popes were Jewish, but this turns out to mean that some organisation in Jerusalem is claimed to have had 15 leaders in about 100 years, presumably 'Jews'. Even the title and meaning of 'Pope' isn't clear.
NOTE ALSO that the Bible uses many techniques which show in Jewish films. For example, scene-setting and opinion-setting. Many Jewish films start with fictional stuff on how actress X is the most beautiful woman in the world, collecting her beauty award, and gasped at by big crowds. In the same way, the 'Jesus' figure is supported by miracles, impossible events, epigrams supposed to suggest wisdom, marvels, scatterings of enemies, etc etc. Rather oddly, this feature seems to be the basis of many people's reaction, which is that the Bible is full of reliable and accurate material—something like the opposite of the truth.
AND NOTE that the Catholic Church of course was fronted by non-Jews, most of the time, but they had their own views on what issues mattered, leading to interminable cryptic disputes. No doubt the Roman Empire's collapse was helped by such rented people diverting assets away from the state, and away from ordinary people. A situation recognisably similar to the present day.
If you see my point, I'd welcome serious comments. I'd particularly welcome comment on Churches post- about 500 AD, and interactions between Jews and non-Jews, and on e.g. money - Gold? Silver? Paper money promotion? And the invention of Islam, and the Khazar issue. And of course promotion of wars and invasions, as parallels with modern times. Discoveries of new territories and the corresponding increases in ease of travel. Venice? Trade routes? William the Conqueror, Cromwell, Napoleon, the Reformation, Renaissance, Thirty Years War, 20th century .... Any insights, based on the idea that the Bible was a Jewish promo job; what were they trying to promote, in different eras? There may well be insights waiting to be seen and outed! [Added 21 Sept 2016)
ANOTHER NOTE: The New Testament does not mention Christianity at all—understandably, as the Church did not exist at the time. Only the fictional Jesus/Yeshua. So if some other religion (say, Mithraism, or Gnosticism, or RomanEmpirism, or Anythingism, or pan-Paganism, or revivedBabylonism) had emerged, the NT could be used against them, so Jews could muscle in. They may have prepared stories, later dropped, to plan for these eventualities—in the same way modern 'Jews' prepare media campaigns against Germans, Vietnamese, whites, Iraqis, Moslems etc. [Added 22 Sept 2016]
Unlike all other animals, man has detailed language, and has knowledge by description, as philosophers say, or used to say. Knowledge by acquaintance is (arguably) simpler—just a matter of senses and memory of nearby things and events. But knowledge by description has the feature that it may be incorrect. People may believe things which are totally wrong, misleading, inaccurate, or whatever. How are they to know whether they're being lied to? A good case can be made for credulity being partly genetic: maybe some people are naturally gullible. This is not an issue which arises much with animals: parent birds, for example, teach their offspring about food, dangers, flying, and so on; but they can be fooled by cuckoos and artificial bird calls. So there is a lot to be said for young children believing what they are told. But if scepticism and logic and curiosity vary genetically, it must be possible for different patterns to develop: some populations are naturally more cynical and cunning than others.
The Khazar hypothesis (that so-called 'Jews' were a mass conversion, with no genetic connection with Jews) is more credible than many people like to believe, because the fanatical elements in judaism—expulsion or deaths for nonbelievers, more children for their priest caste, discreet killings of non-members, firm belief based on zero evidence—would feed back over the generations to produce a Jew-like population.
I'd like to suggest Christianity had a similar genetic effect over many generations, making populations move over to credulousness and away from logical thought. My online chats with believers incline me to think so. 'Holy Scripture', from people who don't know what 'Holy' means, or that 'Scripture' can mean any writing, is used as a magic incantation. 'The Lord Jesus' seems to be treated as an awe-inspiring suggestion, though 'Lord' and its variants is a name for a landed aristocrat subsidiary to a king, and 'Jesus' is just a Latinised Jewish name. As with Judaism, killings of heretics, insistence on repeated fairy tales, penalties for critics, must have a long-term effect over many generations. The same must apply to Islam. It seems possible to me that Christianity had the good luck to be optional, unlike the monolithic fanatical tribal 'religions' of Jews, Muslims, and many others. That is to say, it had a specialised caste with no definite power over non-Christians, so that experimenters, philosophers, and others could exist, if not flourish.
At present, there's a gulf between people who, though recognising the difficulties, see that scientific thought and logical debate must be the way forward; and a vast mass of believers in emotional assertiveness, unevidenced misinformation, and wishful thinking.
SECOND REPRISE... same ideas, reworded
Here's a review of a little-known but forceful small book on Jesus as a myth.
A longer and more detailed book is Prof. G A Wells' The Historical Evidence for Jesus (1982; published by Prometheus Books in the USA). Neither of these authors, Robertson or Wells, has any concept of 'Kosher' forces which successfully agitated for, then imposed, 'Jesus Christ' on top of early Christianity, which, if it even existed as a genuine non-Jewish movement, had no place for a 'Yeshua'. Prometheus Books is an arm of the 'skeptics', US people funded by Jews; Wells would not have been published, had he been Jew-aware.
Review of Archibald Robertson: Jesus: Myth or History?
Valuable, Condensed, Thorough, and Little-known Measured Criticism of 'Jesus' Considered as a Genuine Personage. Helps Pave the Way for Future Understanding. Review by Rerevisionist, Jan 7th, 2017
I have a copy of this book, in the original small-format red hardback of the 'Thinker's Library'. First printed 1946, second edition 1949. Most Thinker's Library volumes were bound in brown, with black printing, and with a one-colour on white dust-jacket in their Watts & Co. house style. There are other editions, some, I think, more or less pirated; or perhaps the copyright situation isn't clear. Whether these are accurate, I don't know; for interested readers I'd recommend an original copy, just in case.
The contents are more or less chronological, with Chapter 1 containing Christian writings, Chapter 2 writings by everyone else—with some overlap—and Chapter 3 leaping forward to post-Reformation times, no doubt because criticism of the Bible in the Middle Ages is difficult to find. I'd guess Robertson—British son of a theologian in Durham, and impeccably public-schooled and degreed—absorbed much of the material in his father's house. I haven't found any supposed texts showing the existence of Jesus, not found in Robertson. (The book has a fairly detailed helpful index).
My view is that, at the time of the various commentators, nobody influential appreciated the fact the Jews, who were, presumably, behind the Jesus promotion, seem to have a genetic tendency to lie—something which may go back to the days when language was still developing, in the remotest depths of time. Much as visual camouflage would not have evolved until sight had developed, modes of use of language could not predate speech. It's now clear that Jews have an exceptional tendency to lie—this may be compared to some creatures which lie [pun not really intended!] rather than fly, when in danger. Before the days of technological aids, such as writing, and, now, photographs and fingerprints and videos etc etc etc, convincing liars must have been hard to detect. It's now plausible that Jews made up the 'New Testament' as a Jewish fantasy, or film script, or advertisement, or promotion of a Jewish 'hero' aimed at gullible goyim. It's what they do. People who describe Christianity as a 'Jewish Trojan horse' are no doubt correct.
The idea that there was a ferment of religious ideas in the Roman Empire may also be untrue. It's now known that Jewish strategies include defaming and subverting and critiquing rival societies; it's entirely likely the supposed unease leading to religious change was a Jewish manufacture.
The remaining problem is how Jews could have done this; they didn't have the Federal Reserve to print them endless money. They may have had the ear of prominent Romans. They may have used unreliable, dysfunctional, disgruntled people to spread the world, much as non-Jewish 'Marxists' now, and in the past, often fit this description, and often co-operate in treachery which is mildly profitable to them.
A modern question which may occur to the reader is why a Jew-based publishing house should risk subverting their racial group with a serious presentation of the idea of the non-existence of 'Yeshua'. There have been alternations in self-images of Christians, and I'd guess their feeling was that Christians in 1945 were a bit too independent. The story of Jewish collaborators through the centuries hasn't begun to be described yet.
THIRD REPRISE... similar ideas, reworded • Did Saul/Paul Exist? Did Saul/Paul exist, or was he/she/they a fake script? Treating the tedious 'epistles' (which preceded the 'Gospels') as genuine or faked doesn't really matter. The advertising and promotional aspect is the important thing. • 'Early Christianity' as presented by Wikipedia. Wikipedia, the guaranteed easily-available source of US-Jew-approved deception, says Early Christianity was the 'period of Christianity preceding the First Council of Nicaea in 325. ... typically divided into the Apostolic Age ... until Nicea'. This is of course absurd—as though Christians would say, I'll know what I believe when a council I've never heard of makes its ruling. But it is all 'Jewish'. Wikipedia has no entry for 'primitive Christianity', propbably a useful phrase to refer to beliefs before Jews intervened. • Peacism, Peacists, and Menache Peacst. Let me try again to get the concept across to the brainwashed. Imagine the world develops, somewhere, a new movement:- Peacism, wanting Peace, willing to talk about peace, made up of debating groups, with many attitudes to peace. Suppose a belief system develops, which might be described as a religion; it doesn't really matter. The people call themselves Peacists, talk about Peacism, regard Peacism as an important part of their lives. Peacism, if it's lucky, spreads, irregularly; 'Peacism' becomes a part, if a small part, of life in its corner of the world. "I am a peacist!" is said, here and there, and arouses various reactions—indifference, amusement, hostility, interest. There may be some Peacists who become well-known. The doctrines of Peacism lead to poems and jokes about it, achievements and commentaries and practical effects, donations, converts, de-converts, meetings, songs, buildings. Books appear. Anyway: that's Peacism. The thesis I'm making is based on the facts about 'Holocaustianity', a religion based on pure fraud in which all Jews at the present time are united. Advertising, deception, bribery of pseudo-academics, control over media, legal controls and all the rest of it are probably known to readers here. What, drawing lessons from 'Holocaustianity', might have been the stages in the invention of Christianity as it is now perceived?
'Peacism' and 'Peacists' have some ideas as to what they believe. Now suppose a group with influence and absurd ideas about themselves see this new group, and want to colonise it, much as they might want to rule a new country. Although they have had no interest in Peacism, slowly a new name will be made up and promoted, let's say Menache Peacst. Slowly, but increasingly, the works of Menarche, the miracles of Menarche, the sayings of Menarche, the travels of Menarche appear in booklets, books, talks by odd-looking men, and so on. An ever-growing flood of words, attributed to Menarche Peacst, drowns out the original Peacists, in spite of their protestations and indignation. The Peacst is praised, Menarche is praised, the life of Menarche is written about by scriptwriters—even though Menarche never existed in fact. A Darwinian process means that stories about Menarche Peacst grow some appealing aspects, and shed some absurdities and errors. In a few hundred years, the original beliefs of Peacism are all but lost, and any books or documents are destroyed ruthlessly by Peacst followers, anxious to remove evidence, and wanting to remove all trace of the genuine beliefs of Peacism. For 'Menarche Peacst' read 'Yeshua Christ'—translated as 'Jesus'—where the opinions of early Christians are effaced by the intruded Jewish fake, so much so that almost everyone assumes unthinkingly that Christians, who started originally as 'golden' or 'enlightened', are synonymous with 'Jesus Christ'. By this stage, collaborators can be bought, and are likely to have a similar temperament: it's curious to see how Roman Catholics, to this day, are uncreative and derivative, with a parasitic outlook similar to Jews, combined with a guarded and defensive feeling of superiority.
• Quakers. Miles Mathis suggests very convincingly that Quakers were encouraged (.e.g. by Cromwell) and were probably crypto-Jews, starting of course with Fox..
• Marxism as a Project. I owe to Miles W Mathis the attitude that 'Marxism' was a manufactured set of beliefs, plagiarised or made up by Jews, designed to support what they think are their interests. The Communist Manifesto, for example, was plagiarised. For Jews, notably absent in creative impulses—no art, buildings, food, clothes, literature to speak of, inventions, science; only their traditional low-grade viciousness mediated by lies—it is essential to parasitise non-Jews. Jews presumably instinctively panic when thwarted, as parasites must act imperatively if they see their food and shelter being taken away.
• The UN as a Jewish Project. Another possibility (which only occurred to me today, reviewing a book by Alex Comfort. When Jews and their subordinates/ collaborators/ puppets won WW2, they busily started to spread an appropriate religion, based partly on 'anti-racialism'. Some musings on the UN.
Here's a page with essentially the same theory, earlier than mine, with Rome and Alexandria as two rival city ideological battlegrounds. The Jewish Creation of Christianity by Donny Darko, apparently in Hungary.
For the first time, as far as I know, an online source has acknowledged the existence of nuclear skepticism. I'm assuming it's a Jewish source; it has all the fingerprints.
This is The Daily Bell. It's listed by similarweb as #150,000 worldwide, #45,000 in the USA (it's English language). For comparison, the nationalist/ race aware news site New Observer is #75,000 globally and #44,000 in the USA.
I don't want to go into detail; there will probably be many more similar articles on the web. Let me just note a few things, and give a few sample links --
Nuclear power is not discussed. Probably because it's very much a live issue, and without much of the emotional baggage of horror attributed to 'nuclear bombs'. The likelihood it's a huge fraud, mostly Jewish, like the 'Holocaust' fraud, must of course be avoided by the controllers of Jews.
A Jewish fingerprint is the invention of phrases which it's hoped by repetition in the controlled media will take hold of the stupid goyim. 'Directed history' is an example here: they don't want to say Jewish lies. For example, the Holohoax will probably be described as 'directed history' with passive implications it was e.g. the military that imposed it.
Imabari and the antennae of Little Boy (video over to the right - or Little Boys, since there were at least two!) and the tram service in Hiroshima and the working of the Norden bomb sights and no doubt other things were discoveries by 'FirstClassSkeptic'. Typically of Jews, actual pioneers and discoverers are not credited.
Jews are never identified by Jewish hacks: for example 'Laurence' is described as a 'Communist', not a Jew. The part played by Jews in generating fears of the USSR, to keep Jewish mass murders hidden, are of course unmentioned.
Distracting and alarmist stuff seems natural to Jews. There's no evidence for a death penalty for truth-telling, any more than there was for survivors of the Liberty. But of course steps were taken to completely censor Japanese news, European news and US news.
More plagiarised stuff ... yawn.
The online article of 29 June 2016
Consider what we ["we" is the Bell article] have already uncovered just by scrutinizing the Internet and looking for evidence of "directed history" regarding the initial atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The dreaded mushroom cloud presented by the Hiroshima memorial is actually a photo of Hiroshima on fire.
A squadron of 66 bombers was directed to Imabari. in the early morning of August 6 (666) - the morning of the A-bomb - but Imabari. had been bombed already, twice. This bombing squadron might have fire-bombed Hiroshima instead.
Initial reports in Japan were that Hiroshima was firebombed. AP filed the same report.
In the aftermath of the explosion, Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) look no different than Tokyo after it was firebombed.
In Hiroshima numerous buildings are standing along with erect tree stumps.
Limited trolley service was revived in Hiroshima after only three days.
The Hiroshima bank at the epicenter of the bomb is fully functional and can be seen
Predictions of endless radiation poisoning for thousands of years proved untrue. Today, Hiroshima and Nagasaki's radiation levels are normal.
Outdoor shadows and other dramatic evidences of the Hiroshima bombing seem to be faked.
The initial American reporting on Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs came from Wilfred Burchett and William L. Laurence. One was a communist (Burchett) who hated America and reportedly ended up on the Kremlin's payroll.
The other was secretly a paid employee of US armed forces. He was the man who rode with the crew to witness the nuke dropped on Nagasaki. His report on the attack is painful to read for all the wrong reasons.
Laurence was also the only reported to cover the development of the atomic bomc, see the initial bomb testing (from 20 miles away) and to report from Nagasaki. In other words, only one reporter, paid by the US war dept, provided the entirety of the initial civilian narrative for the testing of nuclear devices and then bombing of Nagasaki. Just one. It was roughly the same at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Reporters were not allowed to visit.
Military officers were asked to exaggerate the injury count. (See Crawford Sams interview below.)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were apparently shut down for months. There was no influx of Western reporters. The nuclear narrative was developed by the Pentagon from what we can tell.
It was immediately made a crime punishable by death in both the US and Japan to discuss nuclear attacks and the technology that created them. (“The restricted data clauses of the US Atomic Energy Act specifies that all nuclear weapons-related information is to be considered classified unless explicitly declassified, and makes no distinction about whether said information was created in a laboratory by a government scientist or anywhere else in the world by private citizens.”)
As for Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, photos show it seems to lack the necessary antennas to function.
There were apparently several Little Boys of various sizes, not just one.
The narrative surrounding the dropping of the Hiroshima bombing is reportedly inaccurate. “Levers” were “pulled” to drop the bomb, but the automatic system did the job.
The automatic targeting system itself was an inaccurate device that reportedly might drop bombs miles from where the pilot hoped to deliver them. The odds that both bombs ended up delivering effective blasts are surprisingly low.
The Nagasaki bombing narrative was confused for decades. The story kept changing. Even the pilot was misidentified. The crews were switched.
The photos of the Nagasaki mushroom cloud are suspicious. They appear to be composite images with cloud cover inserted to ensure that identification of Nagasaki is impossible. Other Nagasaki photos appear fake.
One of the two famous and supposedly identical photos of the Nagasaki mushroom cloud includes the wing of a plane, presumably the Enola Gay. But there were no windows over the wing of the plane. The photo is fake.
For events of such magnitude, there are surprisingly few eyewitness accounts of the actual blast. Many eyewitness accounts start the day after the blast or during the firestorm. Only a few Japanese survivors have stepped forward to become regular "faces" of the blast.
There don’t seem to be any civilian photos of either mushroom cloud taken by Japanese civilians or even military facilities. This one HERE looks evidently faked.
Much of the Western Hiroshima narrative regarding the blast was developed by a single Jesuit priest who, along with other Jesuits, had supposedly survived at the epicenter of the blast through the intervention of the Virgin Mary.
The eyewitness accounts of the blast itself have a repetitive and artificial quality to them, at least the ones we read. One doctor claims to have treated 2000-3000 injured on the first day.
There are other disturbing elements to the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings, and if you are interested, you can see more documents calling many elements of the attacks into question HERE.
• 'Jo Cox', Jews in Britain, 'Brexit', Middle East Wars & Making Money from Invader Housing
Written by Rerevisionist 19 June 2016
'Jo Cox' and her supposed murder gives a good opportunity to survey the connections between political parties, false flags, Jewish money, Jewish wars, and the 'European Union'.
Here are a couple of good shortish pieces on 'Jo Cox':The Occidental Observer and New Observer Online. The first looks at 'Jo Cox' as an MP: her disgusting indifference to rapes of white girls in her constituency, perhaps to keep Moslem votes; and her careerist opportunism, apparently expecting a lifetime career in light oratory, and air travel to places needing platitudes. That's between promoting bombing of innocent people. The second points out that there are many murders: none get the slightest sympathy unless they appeal to the 'New World Order' mob. Examples include the two Greek 'Golden Dawn' candidates who were apparently murdered by a motorcycle killer, Kriss Donald, and whites in South Africa. And may include George Galloway, attacked by a Jew, though of course this may have been a calculated fake.
Youtube on 'crisis actors' as a profession! About 25 mins. Worth watching.
It's impossible to trust the media: there are amusing Youtubes about Cox—bogus 'police' turning up aimlessly at some street scene, inconsistent witnesses, and family members reading from scripts (as everyone does after murders). The fact is she was just a whore of Jews, a puppet spouting slogans, a paid ignoramus. This relatively highly-paid 'work' is competitive: there are vast numbers of such people, more or less indistinguishable and untalented—no wonder they fight like rats in a sack. Nobody expects women to be technically competent, and women MPs exploit this psychological fact. I can find no evidence Cox had plans for helping third world countries: what sort of society can low-IQ countries be expected to aim for? What technologies are appropriate? Are there resources enough? Can exploitation be ended? Can they be supplied with water? Can arms suppliers be fended off? Can their populations survive?—simple questions the social justice warrior ignores. Men can do all that.
Some observers compare these people with Mrs Jellaby, from Dickens, and her small group. Or an earlier fictional character, Lady Bountiful. I thought perhaps a better comparison was missionaries: modern American missionaries seem to be the worst, considering their work done if they hand out a gift and get some sort of apparent verbal consent to their nonsense. But another comparison occurred to me: gipsies, who have a similar evolutionary path to Jews. Along comes the Romany, offering a sprig of herb, or a lucky charm, or mass invasion as a terrific benefit. With a back-up technique of snarling imprecations at anyone spurning her generous offer.
People who take an interest in the world must know by now that Jews controlled mass murder in the USSR, mass financial frauds in the USA, and mass post-1945 frauds and wars around the world. (When I refer to 'Jews', to save time I don't always put the word in quotation marks). An obvious question is: did 'Jo Cox' think she was a Jew? I'm agnostic on this question; some Internet burrowers might like to try to find out; Certainly plenty of 'Jews' have popped up in support of her, and apparently used her as a money-making vehicle. The figures seem doubtful to me; approaching a million pounds?—I'd guess this is a polite way of referring to Jews 'donating' paper money to sundry fraudulent charities. However, her policies are all directly Jewish. Well; there was some suggestion she supported Palestine, though, if she suggested the Palestinians should get their land back, I may have missed it. Agnostics may like to be reminded that the Royal Family is Jewish; the Archibishop of Canterbury is Jewish; the BBC is laced with Jews, including Dimbleby, and is often directed by a Jew; Parliament is full of Jews, in both Houses; the Speaker is a Jew; of Party leaders, Cameron is a Jew; Corbyn is a Jew, as were both Milibands; the printed media, such as they are, are Jew-owned; the 'Holocaust' fraud is a Jewish scam; both world wars were Jewish; all major companies are Jewish; the Attorney-General is Jewish; women leading the campaigns against men and the family are Jewish. Even 'Intelligence' heads have been Jewish. And this is nothing new; people who think the BBC, press, etc are less trustworthy than before, are wrong; it's just that the observers have woken up to their surroundings. These things are all traceable to finance; the obvious source is the Federal Reserve of 1913, always controlled by Jews, but of course there are similar Jewish outfits in Europe.
False Flag Theories. From a few years ago: Political Murders: Moro, Palme, Lindh, Gaitskell, Kelly is a survey of some political murders (Europe only; Jews in Africa and other countries are a far more horrific story). The point is: what motives are there? Fakeologists (not 'fakeologist' himself!) can do some careful analysis here: to weaken nationalists? Reduce opposition to Jewish central banks? Stir up hatred? Disarm populations, with fake gun atrocities? Remove non-Jews? Just remove difficult people? Remove opponents of puppets? Remove political leaders and replace them with pliant puppets? Instal entire organisations, such as Freemasons? – I think the 'Cox' false flag is the first I've seen claimed to be intended to stop an election, or change its result. There's some evidence this happened in the past, for example to remove Gaitskell and John Smith from the so-called 'Labour' Party in Britain.
'Brexit'. This appears to be a serious issue; certainly a lot of money is involved, and a lot of fraud, and continuations of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan to mongrelise Europe. But, given that Britain is dominated by Jews, and that Jews all seem to favour invasion of white countries by low-IQ nonwhites, it's possible that on leaving the EU, Britain might be invaded by millions of Turks, sub-Saharan Africans, Middle East victims of Jewish wars. In other words, it may be worse. Or invasion may continue as before. Since London is an important financial centre, there seems to be nothing to stop Jewish policies from continuing. This is very sad, since obviously Europe ought to discuss problems and issues that affect the continent, just as other geographical groups should. Naturally the Jewish media say nothing on this issue. Personally, I'd vote to leave. But it's a difficult decision.
Jewish 'Money', Barracks and Hotels, and Payments to Invaders. One motive for encouraging invaders is to try to vacate the areas near Israel. Another is to mongrelise white countries. But another issue is the use of housing as a money-making scheme, at least while the system lasts. If invaders can be packed into cheap housing, or for that matter in unwanted hotels, they can be milked of rent, but only if the system hands out rent to them. With the paper money system, this is easy. Jews have practised this policy in the USA for at least 70 years with blacks, who are expected to spend their lives working for Jews. These rents and other expenses cannot be paid from current expenditure: the taxation would be impossibly high. Hence inflation, and rising debt. Probably the plan is—when the system collapses—that Jews will leave, pretending they've been persecuted. Anywhere; here are a few extracts from quotations illustrating some of the points.
June 19, 2016: A "refugee" is now the word used for anyone who wants to live in a White country. Not a refugee from war. Huge numbers of people do not recognize the change in definition, or even know that it has happened.
May 24 2016: You could raise an army of 200,000 men and pay them $200,000 to clean out everything from Sweden to Italy for cheaper than Merkel's 100 billion gift to scum. You could also give $50,000 to every white European baby born and have 2 million children to 'stimulate' the economy. Somehow, when $100 billion was needed they found it—for the enemy.
January 18, 2016: Hundreds of German workers have been laid off as ruthless capitalist hotel owners rake in millions of euros by converting their buildings into 'asylum centers' and establish regular incomes from the taxpayers, an investigation by the German Einprozent organization has found.
June 7, 2016: Its about time somebody brought this invasion into perspective by mentioning family reunion, this is why Merkel's million illegals so claims to have is really closer to seven million, it has all been planned by these illegals they only selected countries with family reunion plans. In Sweden they have taken 163,000 plus illegals of which only 494 have found jobs, they don't want to work its all about free houses and benefits, but our weak leaders just won't accept this.
June 6, 2016: The American Salvation Army is as much in the refugee resettlement business as the rest of the non profits. They build apartment complexes in the US where illegal alien women live with their children. The illegal alien women pay a tiny 30 percent of their welfare check while Americans pay most of their income in rent or mortgage payments or live under the motorway near the complexes where the illegal alien woman live in the Salvation Army complexes. [Note that the Red Cross build these things; so do the Lutherans in the USA].
May 23, 2016: ... these migrants aren't coming to Europe to work, they're coming there to get on the dole, period. ... this article doesn't take into consideration all the other services that these migrants will use or need, like healthcare, police and fire, school for their kids, and incarceration that will sharply raise the cost of their stay. ...
May 23, 2016: ...if you spend welfare money at the grocery store or the doctor's office, most governments will count that spending as part of the official 'Gross Domestic Product', even though you aren't producing anything. Therefore illiterate migrants who can't find jobs are going to make the OFFICIAL gross domestic product bigger, because governments count their spending money they didn't earn to buy things without producing anything to sell in return... they will draw labor and capital away from production oriented industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, and toward service oriented industries such as retail and health care. Consequently the ACTUAL gross domestic product, which is to say the total value of all goods produced in the nation, will decrease even as the OFFICIAL gross domestic product is increasing.
2016: The Rabbinical Council of Victoria, Australia, who have unanimously called on the government to observe Australia's obligations under international law and to show compassion to these most vulnerable people. ... have never uttered a single word of criticism of Israel's refugee policies.
June 9, 2016: I was very surprised by the revelation of Malcolm Fraser's jewish ancestry. Most of us attributed his arrogance and haughty demeanor to his membership of the pastoral elite. It all fits together, there are probably many more leaders of White nations who could easily qualify as Israeli citizens, New Zealand's John Keay is one.
Detail (below) from a 2015 site for 'Jews' in Britain promoting immigration into Britain, and all other white countries, but not into Palestine.www.supportrefugees.org is (or was) the 'Jewish' site pushing immigration of fake 'refugees' (that site may of course disappear).
Sept 2015: copy of 'Jews' uniting to force immigration
Kelly M. Greenhill: Weapons of Mass Migration. Forced Displacement as an Instrument of Coercion
This is a 350-page book, not particularly cheap, published I think in 2015. Badly written in US Academese-speak; and it seems to omit Jews, both as media controllers and money-handlers of thugs and others, so it is unlikely to be very useful. But it recognises population transfers as a form of war. Said to have at least 50 case studies, though unsophisticated in its analysis, with little concept of truth re Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Libya. It refers to 'International Agreements' in the post-1945 Jewish victory period. Norms-enabling, hypocrisy costs, and so on, all of course supported by small numbers of Jews in many countries, and larger numbers of puppets, fuelled by the easy money available to Jews.
Many people still haven't grasped the fact that so-called 'Jews' are behind the push for large scale invasion by incompatible low IQ males, only, plus later chain migration of huge families and relatives and others, into white countries. Examples of Jews include Job Cohen in Holland, Barbara Spectre in Sweden, Ervin Kohn in Norway, Anneta Kahane (and Merkel) in Germany, Gregor Gysi in Germany, Ronit Lentin (and Shatter) in Ireland, Gerald Kaufman in England, Soros in the USA, all Jews, all push for unlimited nonwhite invasion into those nations. A century ago, Emma Goldman, Bela Kun, Lenin &c were analogous figures, working for Jewish power under such pretexts as 'progressiveness', 'anarchism', 'communism'. Here's a significant US site, Refugee Resettlement Watch, looking at the problem, mainly in the USA, but also Europe.
Here's a long-term overview:
[1] Why does it matter? It is important because facts about 'Jews' have been suppressed. You have been lied to; so have your parents; and your parents' parents, back for centuries. It's time to stop this secrecy. [2] So-called 'Jews' distinctive feature is a collection of old writings. The 'Talmud' is one such. it's about the size of a few volumes of the old paper 'Encyclopedia Britannica'. Click the link to find out more. It is very long, and very disgusting. [3] Modern so-called 'Jews' probably have nothing to do with ancient Jews by blood. A tribe was made to follow the Talmud belief system. Either way, the instructions on beliefs made them genetically fanatical, and tribal—they follow what's sometimes called 'ethnic nepotism', supporting each other at the expense of everyone else, with violence, cunning, theft, lies, often setting other groups against each other. They have inbred for at least a thousand years. [4] Their total numbers are of course not certain; perhaps about the same as the number of Irish plus the number of Danes. Even if they were normal they could have had influence, in the way other nations have. Their hateful activities have made European countries expel them, many times.
Revisionist Work Now - US Civil War Example ('Alden', May 15, 2017, Occidental Observer)[The Confederates' Secretary for War was a Jew]... ‘Start with the confederate treasurer Judah Benjamin. Read everything you can about him and then check out the books in the bibliography. Even the most secessionist southerners didn't start the war until they were assured of money from the British bank Benjamin worked for.
There is a theory that the Rothschild bank was behind the abolition movement. We borrowed the funds for our revolution from France and France borrowed that money from the Frankfort bankers including Nathan Rothschild.
So after the Napoleonic wars the Rothschilds looked for another war to foment and funded the abolition movement with the Old Testament puritans of New England as a front.
Economic historians look on the civil war as a northern take over of the iron, coal, lumber and forest products such as resin, tobacco, rice, cotton, sugar and dozens of excellent warm weather ports from Baltimore to Galveston.
Jews would be far more interested in an economic take over instead of slavery and constitutional arguments about secession.’
[5] Historical examples of Jewish influence include Cromwell's war which installed Jews in Britain; the impoverishment of Britons in the 18th century; Napoleon's wars of theft, funded by Jews; Opium Wars against China; the US Civil War, fought over the issue of 'greenbacks'; the Boer wars; the 1905 war between Russia and Japan, because Jews hated the Russians; the 'Great War' where information in both Germany and Britain was controlled by Jews; undisclosed agreements to fund the coup by Jews in Russia, misnamed the 'Russian Revolution'; and secret funding of Churchill to start the Second World War by terror bombing of Germany. [6] At present, paper money is the root of their power (since the Federal Reserve in 1913). It is not coincidence that World War was started in 1914. Control of money allows governments to be at the mercy of lenders. And allows Jews to buy up, own and control news sources, education, propaganda, lawyers; and weapons factories, and other profit-making industries. [7] European readers, east Asian (largely Chinese and Japanese), and blacks need to understand that Jews hate them in a visceral, instinctive, inbred, but hidden way, just as some animals wish to harm others by stealth. Revisionist groups might form in any area where Jewish interference is expected. [8] Arabs and Semites have long experience of Jews: Islam is based on Jewish attitudes, while allowing conversion, so this is not surprising. Spain and Portugal, and parts of eastern Europe, have been invaded by Jews and Muslims. They have a tradition of co-operating where there seems to be loot. And a tradition of hatred where there is no loot. [9] 'Jews' are inbred to have a visceral hatred of whites and any other races they perceive as different from themselves. It's not true they are motivated only by money: the fake money they control at present is used to exploit and exterminate rivals, so far as this proves possible. The mass slaughter of whites in Ukraine and Russia, and the debasement of the survivors to near-animal levels, is one clear example. There are many other examples of their obsessions, false-flags, corruption, murders, propaganda campaigns, and warmongering. Plus their pretence of victimhood of which the most pervasive example in our times has been the 'Holocaust' fraud. This has given rise to the myth of 'pathological altruism'—ask the Germans and French in their occupied countries, and Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Russians how altruistic whites are. 'Pathological altruism' is a mis-diagnosis, perhaps for something along the lines of carrying out orders for what are (or seem to be) authority figures. [10] It's claim the situation now is new: previously, invader were not presented with housing, food, medicine, money. In fact, it's the same pattern: Jews either looted other people themselves, or, for preference, did it through third parties—thugs, armies, or detachments of some sort, for example in the opium wars. Now, Jews are legally permitted to steal from countries—and they hand loot to invaders. It's indirect theft, in place of direct theft.
In 2007, a British Ministry of Defence thinktank identified 70 alien groups, and predicted war between whites and invaders. Here is Nick Griffin in 2008 discussing a collapse-of-Rome scenario.
[10] 'Immivasions', 'undocumented migrants', Africans in Europe, nonwhite invaders, South Americans in the USA, wars and atrocities to generate, or to be beneficiaries of, refugees. So-called 'Jews' hate whites so much they seek to ruin any white country; so far they have been successful, mainly due to bribery of collaborators. Slowly, truths are emerging—often through Internet. Official media such as the BBC have clearly suppressed information on boat and flight routes, people traffickers, advice given to 'migrants'—which destinations to go for (not getting out at e.g. Cyprus with no benefits; not registering in any other country than Germany, so the supposed first country in Europe is Germany; being shepherded for miles in large groups). And how much they paid—or who, for example Soros, paid worthless paper money as funding to traffickers. Other information suppressed is: what the 'migrants' have been offered: Houses? Cars? Sex? Chain migration? Non-reporting of crime? Another media suppression is the obvious fact that Syria is right next to Israel—and Israel offers no refuge for Syrian refugees!
'Lord Dubs', of the 'Labour Party', in the 'child refugee' fraud, welcomes so-called 'child immigrant' invaders to Britain. Dubs thinks he's a Jew, and is part of the propagandist anti-German and anti-white Jewish thrust. Unfortunately the House of Lords has many so-called Jews and collaborators. The 'Labour Party' is one of many organisations which are largely Jew-controlled, just like the 'Conservative' Party, The Democrats, the Republicans, the United Nations, the 'Church of England', the 'Bank of England'.
[11] As regards the Anglosphere, mostly USA, UK, ANZ, Jewish policy appears to be to first corrupt what elites there were or are; second, to mix whites with low IQ invaders to produce low level masses.
Here are a few relevant videos:
Barbara Spectre, a simpleton who thinks she's a Jew, probably a puppet of other Jews, in Sweden. Short extract
Account on this site of Coudenhove-Kalergi to show how long this policy has been followed; since the 1920s or earlier. Jews claim the Islamization of Europe is a good thing. This is an Occidental Observer article of Nov 2015, with comments.
How Jewish advertising agencies put their race messages across. Here's a composite selection of anti-white messages which US whites put up with.
A few things taken from Internet:–
It's obvious that the yids are ramping things up on all fronts. The never ending ridicule of white males in the media, the elimination of the US's Southern border per the orders of the faggot puppet in blackface who occupies the White House*, the streams of shit-peoples into Europe, the black and now latrino incidents happening on college campuses across the US, the "black lives" matter "movement". I could go on for ten paragraphs listing these tools of war being used against whites.
The mainstream media will play down certain types of "attacks" on the third world garbage animals, the proxy soldiers for the jews, if they don't fit a certain mold. They don't want whites to wake up or get ideas. They will play up other attacks if they can make the stories fit the mold. You can bet when they finally get the spics riled up enough to riot here in L.A. for example, any whites who fight back will find themselves the center of stories that present them as instigators, kooks, vile racists who represent the bad old days, among other claims that will have no basis in reality.
From personal experience, I can tell you that the media ignored whites here in L.A. back in '92 who grabbed guns and stood fast to protect their families businesses and property from the black and brown scum who were out doing what they do best. It was OK for the media to show "courageous" Korean shop owners doing so (believe me, the Koreans were doing the right thing, but what the fuck are they doing here in the US, really?). But the media was intent on not giving whites any ideas, so most outlets ignored armed whites. If they could have completely ignored whites who did the same during the Katrina debacle they would have ignored them too. But they couldn't in such a small area.
I should point out that during the '92 riots here in L.A., more taco benders from may-hee-co, guatamalturd and el stinkador salvador were arrested than blacks. And they didn't have the superior numbers to blacks that they have now. The jews have two large armies in the US now, blacks and hispanics, never mind the afreakans and other turd world dung that have been hauled in for decades. The jews have over-played their hand as usual, because these people will never unite, even if a full scale war breaks out against whitey, which is what the zhids are going to try to do. In the end I believe whites will win out, but it is going to be bad and bloody. Many have pointed out that we can't vote ourselves out of trouble in the US or Europe, and they are right.
*Obama's real name appears to be Barry Soetero; it's truly bizarre that a half-Jew, half-Arab—the two most ruthless persecutors of African blacks—should be regarded as 'black' in the USA. With a fake birth certificate (and not qualified as a US citizen), and 'married' to a man, and yet treated as as serious politician! In centuries to come, if civilisation persists, people will marvel that such a thing could have happened.
Reality Check: Gaza is still occupied. Includes information on the UN. And Jews shooting at Gaza boats, bombing the airport etc, proving that such activities are routinely carried out by Jewish liars. 2 mins 20 sec
Good article by NorthernTruthSeeker on the truth about the 'migrant crisis'.
NTS Notes: One thing that I must clearly point out about this "crisis" is that these so called "refugees" are absolutely not as they seem.. Most are in fact migrant WORKERS that up until the time when Libya was destroyed by the criminal NATO attacks of 2011 were blocked from flooding into Europe via the Mediterranean Sea...
It is a fact that few want to talk about that Muhammar Ghadaffi did in fact have agreements with the European Union to BLOCK illegal migrants from using Libyan ports to illegally migrate across the Mediterranean to southern European nations... That agreement of course ended with the illegal war against Libya and the subsequent murder of Ghadaffi himself... Now these migrants have been flooding into Libya from the sub-Saharan backward countries they come from in horribly overloading boats in passage across the Mediterranean Sea to ports in Europe... We see the consequences of the folly of NATO destroying Libya with this flood of refugees that is not only NOT stopping but in recent months has been accelerating...
It is also a fact that the media overlooks the obvious that these 'refugees' are absolutely NOT Syrian.. The majority that are shown in this video that are overwhelming European countries are black. Syrians are absolutely NOT black! This proves again that these migrants are exactly what I am claiming.. Illegal Sub-Saharan Black migrant workers! They have no business in Europe and if they do want to immigrate to European nations there are absolutely proper immigration authorities and channels to do so.... Jumping on overloaded ships and falsely claiming to be "Syrian refugees"? I don't think so....
royalbrecht [November 22, 2015 - 5:59 pm. The Occidental Observer]
... Police states are here to stay. As the non-white population expands so does the police force. The days are gone where Jews are the unseen movers behind every thing bad for Europeans. Tolerance is not the solution when Jews are passively and aggressively annoying. Building fences to keep Jews contained in concentration camps is an idea that is just beginning to take root and the implementation of which is only a matter of time. Exportation of non-whites and sterilization of Jews is not only politically "envision-able" but very practical. The future looks more optimistic than ever. Hungarians despise Jewish-Satanism and live for the day when their bounty of spiritually enriched children will repay the Jews for their millenniums of repeated criminal subterfuge. The golden age of Hungary is being reborn as we speak.
A south African retraces his steps to learning about Jews
ex South African
Just for the record, so that this fact about the Saatchi brothers [who also advertised Margaret Thatcher, to get British assets into Jewish ownership] does not get lost: the advertising arm of Saatchi & Saatchi had a long record of involvement in handling the election campaigns of the late South African traitor president F.W. de Klerk and his National Party. Google "Saatchi & Saatchi F W de Klerk" for some detail. I, who was there, experienced it as propaganda that contributed toward softening up the mindset of the whites, preparing them for capitulation.
One person who is giving lots of money to NGOs promoting the invasion of Europe is business man [and convicted felon 'Jew'] George Soros. He has given over 11,000 million dollars so far.
philip [December 2, 2015]
This invasion is well financed and well organised. This is not possible for it to be just a spontaneous phenomenon. If it was a natural happening we would see men, women and children not just young and healthy males. Has anybody any idea who wants to destroy the White Race? I would like to know that. I am worried for Europe and for Germans in particular because they are in the centre of Europe. I see the majority of Germans are resigned and frightened to open their mouths and act for fear of being called racist that it is almost unbelievable, For sure Hitler is turning in his grave thinking what cowards he left behind.
“... I strongly suspect that the success of the Jewish invasion of Palestine has helped convince many Europhobic Jews that promoting non-European migration into Europe is the way to divest Europeans of their ancestral lands ...” From https://theeuropeanfamily.com/f/israel-a-tale-of-the-danger-of-migration-and-its-remedy
It's well known to people who follow this sort of thing that Jews hate whites and have a long-standing policy of getting rid of them - whether by wars (Cromwell and Civil War, Napoleon and Europe-wide war, 'Great' War, Second World War), mass starvation (Ukraine), GULags and working to death (Russia under the 'USSR'), promotion of contraception and 'queer' sex (post-1945 Jewish version of feminism), high taxes of whites (after the Jewish 'Bank of England' prices shot up; death duties and war ruined the English aristocracy; income tax since 1945), deliberate damaging of education, professions; promotion of nonwhite immigration (post-1945, including benefits system extended to nonwhites), the use of fake 'immigrants' as currently seen, and promotion of 'humane' ideologies working against whites (no death penalty but long term expense, education control, race relations frauds, 'human rights' - but not in Israel; Welby, Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury); media onslaught of anti-white material. The are plenty of websites - though not as many as there should be.
The current Jewish Prime Minister, Teresa May, as I type this, wants more invasion; this of course parrots Jewish policy for all white countries.
The Pamphlet cover design is by Churches Together Merseyside Region. Includes the usual falsehoods about 'asylum seekers' etc. And prayers for peace, though not for Jews to stop bombing. Includes: Pope St John Paul II [sic], Archbishop Justin Welby [sic; Jewish], Anglican Bishop of Manchester David Walker, Phil Jump, 'Regional Minister for the North Western Baptist Association' etc, a former President of the Methodist Conference, and these groups: Asylum Help, Asylum Link Merseyside, Merseyside Refugee and Asylum Seekers Pre and Postnatal Support group, foodbanks and 'advice pantries' at St Vincent's Church & St Margaret's Church, Support for Wigan Arrivals Project, Leigh Asylum Seekers and Refugees Support, Regional Asylum Activism project, Churches Together in the Merseyside Region, Merseyside Refugee Support Network, Red Cross, Refugee Action, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool Justice and Peace Commission, Credit Unions 'managing your money as refugees', Church Credit Champions Network, Local Authorities, Local Charity and Voluntary Services, Citizens UK, Positive Action in Housing, The No Accommodation Network, CAFOD, Jesuit Refugee Service UK, Christian Aid, City of Sanctuary, Places of Welcome. liverpoolasyluminfo.org.uk
From Instauration, December 1976, quoting Frank Hercules 1972:
The Indian refused to submit to bondage and to learn the white man's ways. The result is that the greater portion of the American Indians have disappeared, the greater portion of those who remain are not civilized. The Negro, wiser and more enduring than the Indian, patiently endured slavery; and contact with the white man has given him a civilization vastly superior to that of the Indian. The Indian and the Negro met on the American continent for the first time at Jamestown in 1619. Both were in the darkest barbarism. There were 20 Negroes and thousands of Indians. At the present time there are between 9 and 10 million Negroes and 284,079 Indians. The Negro has had the good sense to get something from the white man at every point where he has touched him....
It's important for revisionists to get a feel for mass movements of people, not only deaths, which provide a simple guide to suffering: the Roman Empire, for example, is supposed to have imported absurd numbers of slaves. Just as deaths in (e.g.) the Indian famine are not reported by Jewish-dominated officialdom, nor are many population movements. An example from my notes is Sir Robert Thompson, who devised the hamlet idea of moving 5 million people at gunpoint in he late 1950s/ early 1960s in Vietnam - the largest forced movement of people outside the Communist world. Presumably the Queen knighted this person, no doubt following orders without the faintest idea of what was involved.
Internet hosts Youtubes from US TV. Thirteen (at present) Republican Party Presidential candidates for November 2016's election are online, on their own and with various interviewers. I've highlit, in yellow marker, Jewish issues (below) which seem unrecognised by Trump. Of course, he has to handle these issues with very great care.
US TV has had an insular history, cut off from most of the world, and amplified by Jewish control, like the dodo before their islands were invaded by competitors. There are extraordinary bad TV interviews: they really are garbage. 'Wolf Blitzer' amused me with his blank eyed fanaticism; a silly Englishwoman seemed unaware that 'the Holocaust' is a fake; Bill Maher looks like a mummified Goebbels, but without German honesty; an infant called Kurt Schlichter says Putin is a 'bad guy'. Most Americans have no idea of their history. The USA never had a Jewish creation like the British 'Labour Party'; unless you count the failed IWW. Jews just took over both the Democrat and Republican Parties, after their 1913 Fed coup. Woodrow Wilson was the Jews' biggest American success, I'd guess, in terms of world destruction. Just as the coup in Russia was their biggest success in Europe and European Asia. I was working out what is so repulsive about these TV presenters, going through their routines like caged animals. Of course they are not primary parasites, like Warburgs, Schiffs, Eatons, Rothschilds or whatever, deciding who to assassinate, who to supply with weapons, which country to ruin, which puppets to play. They aren't even secondary parasites (flies around garbage). They are agents for secondary parasites—no surprise the American public is baffled by their coded phrases and flaring hostilities and Orwellian switches of allegiance.
Jewish Media and Commentators elide over war crimes—Jews in Armenia, Russia/the USSR, Ukraine, Jewish profits from south east Asian wars, Jews wanting and getting wars in Europe, Jews wanting and getting wars in the Middle East, Jews wanting and getting wars in Africa, Jews and the Fed, AIPAC. Lying seems to be encoded into the gene pool of Jews, maybe as a result of the Talmud being unleashed in Khazaria more than a millennium past. But this does not appear to be the case with Trump; who, in his speeches, shows dislike and distaste for Jewish lies. Maybe this is connected with his work: a talk by a man in a silly little cap explaining that G-d thinks a building should not fall, is no substitute for a structural engineer. Actual example of Trump's is Mayor Koch's incompetence and Central Park's skating rink: "Way over budget - I get it done in four months with plastic pipes and one pour of concrete". [This story is in The Art of the Deal; so is Trump on Koch]. Another example of Trump's insistence on detail is his account of a UN building to be refurbished, there the supposed project manager knew nothing of New York steam. Jewish Media. Trump has talked of the failing New York Times, the Boston Globe losing $1.3 Bn, the dishonest pieces all written by the same people, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, the Des Moines Register ('stupid newspaper that is frankly going down'). He's good on black crimes kept hidden, distortions on figures: "you said 5000; it's 12,000!" "It's just one guy [shouting] ... throw him out; tomorrow they'll say protestors, but there was only one. Escort him out very nicely..." They don't quote all the polls; just one small one will do even if all the others show him far in the lead. And Trump turned Obama's TV off in disgust. And he hasn't even mentioned the cue screens to Obama's left and right. We have to wonder if Jewish media agitation against Trump is serious. Trump is surrounded by Jews and has family conversions, and the New York property market is Jewish. So is the money supply. Maybe it's just a false dawn, as happened with Obama's lies. It seems unlikely; but who knows? Trump himself says he uses just his own money, and that his TV appearances attract huge interest from advertisers which TV networks like—it's easy to believe advertising interest in the other candidates' speeches is something like zero.
Obama (or whatever his name is), the US 'President'. Trump doesn't spare him—no wonder Americans applaud. Obama is incompetent. He's a danger to America. (Trump might have included the rest of the world). Obama won't mention radical Islamic terrorism. With Trump, "there's going to be real change—but not Obama 'change'". Trump will be a unifier, unlike Obama. Poor Obama makes jokes about his faked birth certificate, never mentions his Jewish mother—perhaps with good reason—and even claims to believe in moon landings, and the Global Warming/ Climate Change/ carbon scam, though I'd guess these are more a genetic inability to understand physics than serious assent. Here are a few of Obama's statesmanlike African triumphs (taken from NewObserverOnline) with 50 African 'Heads of States' put there by the ZOG 'west' and CIA: Equatorial Guinea's "president" Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has shot almost all his opponents. There is no freedom of the press, the country's one television station is government-run, and clean water is scarce. He is Africa's longest serving dictator after seizing power from his uncle and mentor (who used to hang regime critics from the capital's street lights) in 1979. Equatorial Guinea is one of sub-Saharan Africa's biggest oil-producing countries | Another "honored guest" was Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaore [who] came to power in a bloody 1987 coup which left his predecessor Thomas Sankara dead. Sankara had taken power alongside Compaore in another coup four years previously. | "President" Biya, most noted for being the only candidate in elections in Cameroon, in 1984, was the only candidate and won an amazing 99.98 percent of the vote. | "President" Jammeh took power in a military coup in 1994, and in the intervening decades has maintained power by violence in Gambia.
Hillary Clinton looks like the American Merkel, promoting invasion (with Mexico rather than Turkey) and making the USA a mess. Trump on illegals: "We have no idea who these immigrants are .. Our country is a dumping ground. They are laughing, bringing drugs, bringing crime, rapists". Trump hasn't yet realised Jews WANT these things. But at least he's part of the way. The Jews running the so-called 'Democrats' are showing the same signs of urgency as Merkel with her 'communist' east German/ Bolshevik roots. Trump says he's a leader, but Hillary Clinton is one of the worst Secretaries of State EVER under Obama ... her stupid policies .. Libya, Egypt, Syria ... all her life in politics.. After what she's done she shouldn't even be allowed to run...' Some people wonder if Trump has been deployed to wreck the Republicans; let's hope he doesn't get forced out.
Trump leads in almost all the polls. "I've spent less money, and I'm in first position [of Republican candidates]." He fills stadiums with supporters—something the others, in common with I think all ZOG politicians worldwide—is there a single exception?—cannot do. Trump: "I'm leading in all states. We're being eaten away. But we have to get going. ... if we don't get it right this time .. I think this is the most important election in the modern era ..." "A lot of people know we've reached the crossroads ... It's got to happen in the next ten years ... at the George Washington level."
Trump jokes about Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz and the others. Trump has Hispanic and black supporters, and gets them up on stage, admittedly in a slightly contrived way. And there are small numbers of registered Republicans in both those ethnic groups.
Hillary Clinton appears to have little chance of winning IF Trump gets whites out to vote, and IF voting fraud is kept down. White voters have to turn out in their states to get the 'winner take all' electoral college votes. The three highest-vote states are California (with 55 votes), Florida, and New York State. The entire USA has 540 votes; California's 55 of 270 is a high proportion. In 2012, Obama's team and the Jewish propaganda, in California, got his group 7.845 million votes; Romney got 4.84 million. The total California population estimate is 37.68 million, so allowing for age etc it's clear not even half the voters turned out. [uselectionatlas.org figures]. Non-Hispanic whites (i.e. whites) are estimated as 40% of the total, about 15 million of all ages. Clearly, there have to be white voters prepared to turn out to get the 'electoral college' votes. Mixed race voters never seem to be discussed, presumably because of the Jewish suppression of facts on race. If many 'blacks' become more honest about part-white ancestry, this might have significant effects.
Elections of Senators, and Representatives to the House of Representatives, are of course another issue.
Trump's Message #1: Praise for Ordinary Americans.Jewish treatment of workers has three prongs: violence (wars, vicious repression); propaganda (endless drivel, 'pilpul' etc); and legal and financial entanglements. But I think Trump's appreciation is probably genuine: building a huge successful hotel needs architects, engineers, truckers, fitters, designers, and many of these people work hard. "They are great people, smart." Talking to buildings, and commanding them to obey the Jewish narrative, doesn't work.
Trump says he likes 'veterans'; he doesn't seem to know quite a few commit suicide, go mad, or are war criminals; and he seems naive about the Jewish links with the Second World War, Vietnam, etc. He says his TV speeches bring so much advertising revenue that the networks ought to give to some homeless vets. In my opinion, his misunderstanding of Jewish control of the USA shows in his military talk: "I will make America great again" (Not realising American power is used by Jews for their own purposes, not America's). "I am the most militaristic person... I'm going to make America so strong nobody's going to mess with us.." (Showing he hasn't understood the huge reach of American power, with bases all round the world—paid for by borrowing from American future taxpayers). Possibly Trump has sat in with Jews, laughing at goyim deaths and warmongering and their money frauds. I don't know.
Trump dislikes illegal immigrants—they are, after all, illegal. He wants a wall, and indeed could not only build it, but make Mexico pay. Trump doesn't seem to realise this is a long-standing Jewish policy: not much to do with cheap labor, which could be dealt with by contracts etc, but rather to do with flooding with nonwhites, and adding to lucrative debt to Jews. Before Internet, most whites were not aware of this covert policy, and had no idea that most invading 'migrants' live on public money.
Trump's Message #2: The Art of the Deal
Trump (fortified by his Apprentice TV series) is well-known for his book The Art of the Deal. He takes this very seriously, including the game-theory idea of unpredictability, and spotlights and tries to discredit diplomats and back-room types, very probably rightly, in view of the huge unaccounted 'foreign aid' deals.
When Trump says an Iran deal was one of the worst deals ever, or that he will make Mexico pay for the border wall (or lose business on a huge scale), he's breaking new ground. Maybe Jews uneasily remember that Germany decided they saw no reason to pay Jewish money-changers in the 1930s, or that Gadaffi was working on a gold currency, or that North Korea does not have the burden of a Rothschild central bank.
On the Iran deal, there's an aspect which hardly anyone understands yet: the almost certain fraud of nukes, naturally, like all big frauds, Jewish. Maybe Iran is exploiting their position: they might be about to reveal that nukes don't work, never worked, and Netanyahu is therefore a little unwise to threaten the world with the 'Samson Option'. I don't know; but it's possible, as the costs of the deal are offloaded onto Americans, but not Jews. Trump is nuke naive, but this could change. He might find his militarisation cheaper than he thought. His whole stance on not caring if Japan has 'nukes', since after all Pakistan and others supposedly have them, suggests an exit strategy to me: he may know perfectly well the whole thing is a sham, and want to stop the colossal waste of money.
Trump's Message #3: Militarism. Wars are better avoided; great power deters, in his view. "I'm militaristic .. but you have to know what to do". This seems to be a Christian view: the Jewish view (see the entire 20th century) is aggressively pro-wars and conflicts, especially if they offload the deaths onto others. Jews love inventing enemies: at present Russia and Syria seem to have taken over from Iran, as Iran did from Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and so on. If Trump is serious, it is possible the world might enter a period of peace. We are now so accustomed to Jews promoting war, that it seems inevitable and natural and unavoidable. But perhaps people aren't as warlike as Jews like. This could go either way: Jews like militarism, and if Trump, as in the Second World War, builds up the USA as an unsinkable aircraft carrier against most of the world, we may get endless new wars. Trump has started to say he was asked about NATO, and replied that it's obsolete, since the Soviet Union no longer exists. (He is quite amusing on full-time, lifelong, 'students' of Nato who fail to notice what it actually does). Trump seems not to—but may well—understand the Jewish basis for the 'Cold War'. Does he understand NATO is a front for Jewish power? Does he mean he's militaristic in the wrong sense, i.e. supporting insane Jewish warmongering? It's impossible to know, but he seems not to have any particular anti-Russian feeling, which sets him apart from Jewish kneejerkers.
Important Things About Trump Which May Worry Jews ---
Experience with tall buildings. Trump's architects and structural engineers must have tipped him off as regards planes flying into skyscrapers: an obvious hazard. So Trump should have information on demolition, and 9/11. To date, Trump professes to believe 9/11 was caused by Muslims in planes; and that the 'dancing celebrations' were Muslim, not Jews, despite the clear proof. If Trump became President, reports about early warning systems, and radar, and interceptions, and the powers of the Jews in control in 2001, would be forced upon his attention. There's no sign Jews will stop lying about 9/11, as with the much older 'Holohoax'. (Saved version of an ADL file). Money. Trump seems to have a high opinion of banks; they do "a good job". Trump must have had huge loans for his buildings, printed by the Jewish money-printing machine. And he must have awareness of the US budget deficit, also Jewish-generated, since Jews lending paper or e-money to central government expect interest at face value—a huge return.
But there are huge problems. One uneasy problem here is China: can they call in the huge debts owed to them? Refuse dollar payments? Is this why Trump wants jobs for Americans, and manufacturing moved back to the USA? And for that matter pollution diminished in China? I don't know, and the incompetent interviewers wouldn't dare ask anything intelligent: watch Barbara Walters, for example, on his helicopter, his hair, and his penthouse. Will countries start to refuse dollars, as Gaddafi did? Will Trump turn his attention to the Federal Reserve, or ask questions about missing gold from Fort Knox?
Yet another example is the US budget. Trump comments that the budget disaster 'flew through' with no debate because of lobbyists, donors, and special interest groups. The Fed has such a huge disproportionate leverage it's not difficult to trace the likely sources of rubber-stamped budgets.
It has to be said that Trump has (as far as I know) not produced a detailed plan for the USA. Let's hope his advisors will be Jew-aware. Dissent in the different Jewish crime syndicates. Internet has led to an unprecedented awareness of Jews and ZOG regimes. So Trump may notice unprecedented divisions between the various Jewish factions: medical frauds, education frauds, military frauds, money frauds, propaganda frauds. For example, however much they hate whites, whites seem to be the only people able to innovate and run things. Another obvious example is Muslims: there's an absurd opposition between the idea that Muslims caused 9/11, and that Muslims should be allowed free immigration. Jews and Muslims have often enough historically, been allies against whites (and blacks). Yet another example is the obvious hypocrisy of trying to promote nonwhite immigration with no criminal sanctions for whites, but not in Israel.
Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear Power. Of course Trump believes, or says he believes, nuclear weapons exist, and thinks there are nuclear holocaust possibilities, though he seems immune to claims that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and therefore ought to be bombed by Americans. He also ridicules Iran's 'right to self-inspect', which of course is a mistake, if the traditional post-Hiroshima story is true. The idea of faked nukes is still new to most people (look at www.nuke-lies.org or watch the long video Lords of the Nukes for evidence). I'm told some US military or intelligence people know the view is correct (and are irritated that Americans didn't seem able to think of it). I hope such people will contact and discuss the issue with Trump. It may help him understand oddities such as Jonathan Pollard and Bowe Bergdahl.
Trump on Iraq Wars. Donald Trump recognises the Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD) was a propaganda lie. He says Iraq cost $2 trillion, left a lot of wounded warriors, oh—and also wrecked Iraq. He doesn't seem to have understood that Jews WANT chaos in the middle east, and want war. War is profitable to them IF you keep out of the way, can make and profit from expensive equipment, and can force people to pay. The US debtor nation owes money largely to Jews at the Fed. If goys die, the Jews tribal religion tells them not to care. Trump said "Our country's been losing for so long ... we lose every single war!" He hasn't understood—yet—that special interest groups can profit from a nation's losses. Trump often says "We should keep the oil - to the victor the spoils of war". But if Jews make more money controlling oil themselves, they may not be interested and will make no attempt to follow such a policy.
"We shouldn't have been in Iraq. ISIS [appears to be a Jewish-run outfit of mercenaries and criminals] got the oil. Iran got $150 billion." Trump was almost unique in opposing 2nd Iraq war. All this suggests Jewish groups were pro-war.
In the same way, Trump says Iraq and Iran have been fighting 'my whole life'. This is an exaggeration. However, he seems unaware that the war could have been made to happen by a greedy, hostile minority, intent on causing instability.
At present, 'American' wars are Jewish, with costs offloaded onto US taxpayers, low ranks of US and other troops, and 'goy' soldiers and civilians of many nations. Maybe Trump wants wars and threats to be American, rather than Jewish. This must make perfect sense to Americans who understand the Jewish issue.
Trump on Muslims, Syria, Saudi Arabia, ISIS. "Mr Trump, what would you do to remove danger?" "We should declare war on ISIS .. bomb them, bomb whoever backs them .. ISIS are crazy .." Saudi Arabia funds terrorism; they make tremendous money by selling oil. Saudi Arabia make 1 billion dollars a day. They should pay us for defense.." Trump has not been told that Jews run the House of Saud. Jewish interests may make money from Arabia, and also make money from weapons, all at the expense of Americans. The situation must be complex, but Trump and his advisors may make discoveries like that.
Trump on China (and Mexico and Japan). Trump talks about 'our' deficit or the 'US' deficit with China. $500 billion a year, he estimates. While the US and others are using up vastly expensive and profitable equipment in a primitive country, the Chinese on the other side of mountains are extracting minerals, for example the 'rare earths'. Trump is baffled by this. But, if there is Jewish banking in China, again, Jews, including those who intermarry with Chinese, enrich themselves while damaging non-Jews in the USA and other countries. Maybe he'll notice?
Trump on Control of Materials: Oil? Food? Water? Pipelines? Transport? As far as I know, Trump hasn't referred in any detail to such things. But it is arguable that Jewish policy has been to gain control of raw materials: this after all was Jewish policy in the 19th century. He may know about oil, where reserves (Saudi Arabia etc), concealed reserves, quality of reserves, and new discoveries (Mexico?) are all more or less speculative. There's scope for blockades, possibly on a huge scale.
Education. Trump opposes 'Common Core', and dislikes huge graduate debt. But these things are soft targets, rather obvious defects. Trump probably has not looked at the hypothesis that Jews want junk education for whites. And also Ivy League education for Jews, without having the wit to understand its poor quality. Much of US education from 1945 has been intentionally bad. If Trump's rapacious mind forays into these regions, serious reforms may result.
Jewish Books, Holidays, Ideas, Freakishness. With Internet, many texts (for example the Talmud in translation) are freely available. Possibly Trump's advisors will tip him off about Palestine, Talmudic obscene fanaticism, its history in Russia, 'Russian' (read: Jewish) oligarchs after about 1990. And the effects of Jews on Biblical studies, and the fundamentalists of the United States.
False Flags, Psyops, and Other Lies With Intent. Trump, as far as I know, has been conventional in his views on Pearl Harbor, the 'Holocaust', 9/11, Paris, and probably most such fakes; after all, he's been very busy with his life and work. But there must be some suspicion that he will get wise to such things. They are not that far removed from techniques used in advertising; he may learn fast. He may piece together Israeli laws - not comments, but actual Knesset-endorsed laws - forbidding settlement in Israel of Muslims, forbidding 'same sex marriage', forbidding race mixing, and so on. He may find who was behind 'Sanctuary Cities'. And 'gun control'. And why JFK is hardly mentioned. And if software developers object to getting $5 billion for an Obamacare website that doesn't work. Maybe he'll awake to the 'Holocaust' fraud, and be enraged.
Important Things About Trump Which May Worry 'Gentiles' ---
Important Things About The USA Which May Encourage Trump ---
Military and Intelligence UnrestGreen Light? (Not my site. May or may not be on target)
Note on Roger Stone a 'real political operative' according to Trump, 'a patriot fighting Communism round the world'—except no doubt where it was or is Jewish. We see a blond man, with a receding chin and probably fake tan. Stone has a website, stonezone.com from which we gather that Stone worked with the campaign to re-elect Nixon. (I couldn't help noticing that 'Milhous' is wrongly spelt 'Milhouse' on this supposed expert's site). He also advertises a book ('co-written with Mike Colapietro') on LBJ killing JFK—only fifty years too late, and no doubt omitting the Jewish factor. 'Stone has been profiled in the Weekly Standard, The New Yorker, and the Miami Herald. Mr. Stone has written for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, The New York Times Op Ed page and for Newsmax.com, Breitbart, the Huffington Post and the FOX Opinion page. He has appeared frequently on FOX News.' Wow. He seems to be one of Trump's entourage of Jews, part of the fake of modern democracy, and no doubt a participant in war crimes and the destruction of many nations. Trump said "Drudge is a great guy"
• Corbyn is just another simple-minded tribalist, putting what he's been told are 'Jewish' interests above those of all others. In this summary, the items in red are my interpretation of Corbyn's imagery, presumably intended to update the 'Jewish' lies of the last few centuries—from as far back as the time of Cromwell, or even earlier.
'Criminal Conspiracy' because the 'Labour Party' does not in fact take into account the views of whites. From a Jewish viewpoint, the British 'Labour Party' (founded in about 1900) was vaguely similar to the NAACP in the United States; neither organisation was ever intended to perform their claimed tasks.
Contrary to the opinion of many alternative commentators, there are some differences between the British Conservative and Labour Parties. Roughly speaking, the Conservatives are controlled by rich Jews, while the Labour Party is controlled to act for the mass of Jews. On the 'Labour Party', consider its failure to investigate the 'Great War', the BBC's indifference to truth, the absence of any action on financiers, the 'National Government', their Churchill worship, the Jews in trade boards after 1945, the indifference to killings of everyone except Jews, the present-day funding of invaders and lack of help even for people who contributed for life. The official view of the Labour Party is expressed by Wikipedia: '... a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom. Growing out of the trade union movement and socialist parties of the nineteenth century ...' In fact it was Jewish, and entirely different from broad movements for equity and fairness, which of course have never been Jewish policies. It had the useful function of providing a 'scapegoat': "What a world it's become"! bemoaned an academic Kingsley Amis character. Aristocrats, churchmen, upper middle classes have largely been victims of taxation, but have not had the insight to investigate to where their assets disappeared. The 'Labour Party' provides a perfect cover.
But the overall Jewish feel is very likely a primitive genetic thing: they hate every goy, but notably whites, whose achievements they cannot emulate. Hence the planned destruction: world wars, local wars, depressions, non-white immigration, anti-white family legislation, support for crime.
At present, Cameron is a face of rich Jews. Note that Scotland is one of the few countries that never expelled Jews. Cameron is part of a tradition shared with Balfour, of the Agreement, a wealthy Scot who thought the vast hecatombs of the Great War were balanced by the new invader state of Israel. But Labour had a problem after Blair, with Jack Straw and others, flooded Britain with vastly expensive non-whites. The experiment with two Jews, the Milibands, was fortunately unsuccessful. There must have been a behind-the-scenes operation to pretend Corbyn is new and original; the voting process was clearly rigged, and for example was cheered on by the Jew Dimbleby, with a December 2015 BBC Question Time with presumably paid actors hooting for Corbyn.
• Corbyn maintains the pretence that '9/11' was not a Jewish action within New York. There seems to have been a collective Jewish decision to keep lying about 9/11: Google 'ADL 9/11 denial' for an absurd online document. (Version saved on this site) 9/11 was obviously planned to make new wars in the Middle East. Corbyn allows doubts about Afghanistan. But is happy that Iraq should be ruined, because it could damage 'Jews' and their oil interests and land grab in Palestine. Presumably he wants Iran destroyed, but as yet neo-cons have failed. It's difficult to judge Iran, because of the supposed nuclear issue.
• Corbyn maintains the fraud of the 'Holocaust'. This of course is a major source of money, but primarily of censorship. Whether this will continue remains to be seen. Corbyn wants to deform education with lies if he thinks 'Jews' benefit.
• Corbyn maintains the fraud of nuclear weapons. This is a new issue to most members of the public. Briefly, Corbyn has to pretend to abolish nuclear weapons; his CND background is useful here. If you're new to the revisionist nuclear issue, try nuke-lies.org
• Corbyn wants immigration from Africa, both north and sub-Saharan, and maintains the fiction that these hordes are Syrians. he does not mention Israel's wars in the Middle East.
'Jews' have a policy of race replacement in white countries. (See e.g. Coudenhove-Kalergi the Barcelona Accord, Birdwood's Longest Hatred). Corbyn follows this policy on auto-pilot. HOWEVER there's evidence now that Europeans are beginning to fight back. Probably Corbyn will modify his position, perhaps under the pretence he's a 'reformer'.
• Corbyn claims to be opposed to the death penalty. The 'Jewish' purpose is obviously to damage white countries (by releasing violent criminals; 'Jews' did the same thing in the Jewish coup in the USSR). And it's to allow third-world dictatorships, and attacks from the First World. Obviously Corbyn says nothing about 'Jews' invading Palestine, and the mass murders there; the object is to retain stolen land, which he presumably, in his superstitious stupidity, imagines is 'Jewish'. He has a minimum of mock sympathy for Palestinians, to pretend he has a policy. On 'Jews' campaigning against the death penalty, except for themselves, see e.g. my book review of a 1960s book.
• Corbyn says nothing about paper money (controlled mainly by the Federal Reserve, which prints unlimited amounts). He implies the scam can continue forever, despite the inevitable inflation in years to come. Corbyn does not mention 'National Debt' which is selectively a sort of 'Jewish' tax. Most people don't realise that 'Jews' make money from loans to central government; they get interest on their junk paper! Jews WANT more debt. Corbyn is either too stupid or too dishonest to mention this important issue.
• Corbyn, as a parasitic 'Jew', has no idea of the realities of such things as buildings, medical education and equipment, manufacture and transport and disposal of things. This explains his ridiculous faith that unlimited immigration can automatically be housed, fed, and so on. All his life he's had paper money, and does not have the intellect to understand real costs of anything. As the expression goes, he's never done an honest day's work in his life.
• Corbyn, as far as I could tell, says nothing about 'private funding', a euphemism for 'Jews' buying public assets with worthless paper. He doesn't mention, or says little, about Common Purpose, the secretive 'post-democratic' group that arranges corrupt secret deals.
• Corbyn's view of 'socialism' is that of almost all 'Jews': they think the USSR was 'socialist'. When he says 'socialism works!' he means a clique of 'Jews' in an undeveloped country, supported with Jewish money from outside, can be turned into a huge investment slave-camp. Corbyn may have been pushed in the hope the truth of the USSR has been forgotten. He can wave his red flag, hoping people will forget 'Jews' organising mass murder, with the support of the 'west'. Whether this will work, now that Internet provides some freedom of discussion, remains to be seen, but it certainly looks as though it was part of the push behind him.
• Corbyn's 'Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer', John McDonnell, may not be a Jew; who knows. However, he says nothing about debt, currency reform, processing the huge debt, the costs of militarism, and the related massive frauds.
Note on 'Piers Corbyn' 2020-06-23: (Piers was I'd guess a nod to an old English/French name, to hide the Jewish connection). Typical video is this re-posting from 'Hoaxashian', https://www.bitchute.com/video/v2tOoQm2HPSr/
This Corbyn shouts of the powers-that-be, the mega-corporations. (He never mentions Jewish paper money and the Federal Reserve; never mentions the Bank of England and debt). He is of course scientifically illiterate, knowing nothing—beyond faked statistics—of virology. He doesn't even know how the figures are faked. He's from the section of Jews who pretend to be allies with blacks; he talks of "we", he seems to assume they are entitled to live in London, but doesn't explain why they are not welcome in Israel. He doesn't explain why the Jew-run ANC, and Zimbabwe even more so, have large numbers of deaths of blacks.
He's just another controlled Jew tosser.
• Simpleton Jews, Worthless Whites, Parasites and Prey
Written by Rerevisionist 16 June 2016
Jews as Simpletons
The seed of this article was a series of comments (appended to my Amazon reviews) by 'Marco Buena', probably a Jew with a fake name, something habitual enough with Jews. 'Marco Buena' is a troll of the most tedious type. What grew the seed were comments on my reviews of books by Bertrand Russell. It was obvious 'Marco Buena' had no knowledge of Russell. So why would he make soothing noises about Russell, plus hostile remarks, so far as 'Marco Buena' was capable of making focussed statements, on my reviews of Bertrand Russell?
The clue came to me, very indirectly, from Ludovici's Woman: A Vindication of 1923. Ludovici was Rodin's secretary; this is Rodin of 'The Kiss', and of course other sculptures. Ludovici noticed that, before Rodin became famous, Rodin's studio was empty of female visitors. But as his fame spread, their numbers increased. Ludovici's explanation was that women have an earthy nature: money, power, yes; but discernment, taste—no. Detection of power is evolutionarily useful; taste, intellect, new perceptions, less so. None of these women could detect, from their own resources, whether Rodin was an artist, or not.
And the same must apply to the sayanim, hasbarat, or whatever the genetically-programmed liars call themselves. They're not interested in creativity, or intellect, or finely-argued explorations. That would be like a cuckoo interesting itself in principles of nest architecture. What Jews want is something like an Index Librorum Prohibitorum in reverse—titles and authors which are Jew-approved. To take a few examples more or less at random: what is the enlightened person to think of Arthur Koestler, a once-popular author? Well, he was a 'Hungarian Jew' [Jews think: good], but he wrote on the Khazars [Jews think: must be kept secret; bad]. So the Jewish verdict is: bad. What about Benny Hill, part of a TV team making infantile smut? Well, he thought he was a 'Jew'—so, good. How about Colin Firth? He was in an infantile film about an ineffectual monarch—but it supported Jews. So: good. What about J M Keynes, the famous economist? Keynes knew about Jews and the money system, but said little if anything about it, even though the 'Fed' immediately preceded the 'Great War'. So the Jewish verdict: good. What about Tarantino, who is, or is said to be, the director of an insulting disgusting film related to the Second World War? Well, he conforms to what almost all Jews think is in their interest. So: good. The process is so simple! My initial puzzle is solved. Bertrand Russell was for most of his life a useful idiot, entirely unaware of Jewish malevolence. So: good. It's true that towards the end of his life he trod on a few toes—JFK murder, 'nuclear weapons', Vietnam War—but these were controlled by 'friends'. 'Marco Buena' was simply working from his script. Similar principle to Jews' opinions on Boas, Freud, and Adorno as explained by Kevin MacDonald. An advantage of the Jewish mindset is that it's so very, very, simple. Others may agonise over justice, truth, equality, fairness and so on, but Jews ignore all that nonsense—they just grab what seems to benefit Jews. Should Jew actors support the 9/11 fraud?—Of course. Should Jews support Holocaust liars?—There's money in it. Of course! Should Jews keep Jewish sex offenders in Israel? Of course! Jews see the academic world as desirable, but large numbers of them are stupid; should they shout about each other, fake genuine work, write absurd books?—Of course! They manufacture ridiculous views on many subjects, as a disguise for their hatred for whites. Good teaching is difficult—so they pretend to teach. A practical example is laws on secrecy: is there some way to balance legitimate information against legitimate secrecy? Most people would agree some privacy is important, for example; but secrecy opens various possibilities for covert violence and secret powers over others. Anyone who watches Jews 'debate' such issues will notice that their sole concern is getting more information out of non-Jews. Fake expertise by Jews is a serious problem: mimicry and forgery have led to astonishing events, from water fluoridation and faked disease, and media campaigns of lies lasting for generations, TV campaigns with faked events, to unqualified people in the US Supreme Court and Presidency.
Worthy Whites
The genetic micro-evolution of whites has not, yet, as far as I know, received anything like the attention it deserves. Europe is unique among continents in having geographical barriers—seas, islands, mountains, snow, rivers—which to this day influence the entire area, on the principle that 'good fences make good neighbours'. And Europe has abundant life, to be exploited, without enormous effort and risk. Dangerous areas need caution—Borneo's 'long houses' were needed in areas of wild jungle life. Whites have evolved specialist groups in farming, building, clothing, water navigation and so on. Such people must concentrate, and exclude other activities from their minds. Watching a video of men supervising hard disk drives in a Google installation, showed me how similar they are to shepherds, vigilant for hours on end. Perhaps this type of evolution helped steer whites away from the Jewish and Muslim monomania for single 'holy' books. But these Europeans must implicitly assume that other groups have the same interest in working together on the great jigsaw of life. And genetic inheritance and selection must bring gene pools into a rough balance with their environment. Note that traditional economic theory in Europe tended to believe that smallish specialised groups would work together—though the mechanism, for example the 'invisible hand', was vague.
How fixed is behaviour? Looking at garden birds or insects or for that matter plants, their behaviours remain the same over fantastically large numbers of generations. The problem is that it's invisible: you can't the biology that operates them. And yet, time after time, it stays constant. From an evolutionary point of view, this makes perfect sense: the structural mechanisms have to work, but what the device does is equally important to keep it alive. There must be some co-evolution between new developments and their control. It's perfectly possible that psychopathy is as fixed as the mechanisms which keep lungs and heart operating. The brain and its operation is not understood; maybe its effects are as much predetermined as autonomic reactions.
Whites Have Genes Too
Jews arguably have inherited parasitic genes—refer to this (it's in a separate file) then return: Jew parasite evolution. Personally, I'm a determinist: repeatability seems part of nature. Whether this is true or not, genetic causes must apply more or less to other races. Whites tend to be fixated on local problems, and need to be good at obeying orders—essential where many people take part in complicated activity which they don't fully understand. But here they are vulnerable to mimics posing as leaders. But Jews seem to operate on a simple instinct of greed and manipulation. If so, they can subvert and steal and harm. And head the world to disaster.
It occurred to me that, however much potential whites have for learning, it's possible this potential can be damaged, and Jews may have evolved parasitic systems to harm learning. Learning may be something which matures at a fixed time; clearly it has to be a method; it's impossible for data, such as language, to be genetically passed on. Children asking "Why?" all the time illustrates to sort of thing; maybe if they are thwarted the ability is damaged, just as kittens with eyelid sewn up are reported never to gain full sight. Thus we see e.g. 'celebrities' on US junk TV never have books in their 'homes'. Swedish young kids were never taught anything. The 'look-say' method is calculated to harm children's reading and writing. The are no explanations of methods used in films, news etc except at a trashy level.
Specialisation and its Discontents
Other specialisations must have included reading and writing, and drawing, sculpture and ceramics; these are identifiable in ancient Egypt and Greece, in mediaeval guilds, to today. And military and police skills: wrestling, boxing, archery practice, sword fencing, firearms practice. Any type of specialisation may, presumably, be perverted away from its fairly natural uses: at the present day for example, visual skills are often used in misleading advertising, false flag creation, technological faked claims. All this, as is fairly well-known, opens up the possibility of an entire culture being parasitised, though many members may not be aware of what's happening. Even a group with an aristocracy, evolved to optimising all the component groups, necessarily dealing with the many and varied groups which a complicated society must have, is vulnerable. Some sort of hierarchy, of 'obeying orders', is likely to develop, especially in complicated projects, and can be subverted. Jewish history proves that a fiercely-fanatical network, sharing same genetic type, can be a serious or fatal menace to a society of specialists. This might be deduced from military, engineering, and business models in which concentrated attacks, thin ends of wedges, can lead to victory, demolition, market share, and what not. The Kevin MacDonald idea (whites as liable to pathological altruism) clearly does not apply to some white groups. Read true information on white war crimes under Jewish direction if you seriously think whites are 'pathologically altruistic'.
Worthless Whites I suggest Jews used controlled violence on an ever-larger scale, possibly driven by instinct. At the city, small-scale level, the cases of Leo Frank (USA) and Jack the Ripper (UK) and of course many examples throughout Europe show how Jews established de facto immunity for Jewish violence, probably by application of propaganda, bribery, and thuggery. It's curious to see the BBC (run by Jews) fascinated to this day by the Jewish Kray thugs (they are reported to have paid £30,000 for a deathbed interview), and by the Jewish 'Jack the Ripper'. On a large scale, in the world since about 1600, Jews fomented civil wars in England, France, and the USA. Possibly Jews in the USA, for example 48ers after 1848 (deplored by Hitler as pretending to be German) were behind the so-called Civil War in the USA. The 'Great War', the Jewish war in the USSR, and the Second World War, and many other wars—Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia; Africa; Iraq, north Africa, Middle East—showed similar patterns. In each case, vast numbers of whites and others were sucked in, so the allocation of blame (or praise, if you like war) isn't simple. It's an important question as to whether aggression is genetic and inherent in whites, or men, or all people, or all animals for that matter; or whether the genes for specialist activity in whites were exploited. To this day, many US veterans have raped, murdered, butchered, and burnt alive people about whom they knew nothing, and still know nothing, as an outcome of unremitting lies. Americans have ruined and wasted countries around the world.
I'd suggest there's an equivalent, among whites, of the relentless fierce narrow-mindedness of 'Sayanim', is groupings which are themselves specialist and parasitic. A perfect example is the Church of England in the 1800s. Until about 1850, half the entire output of Oxbridge graduates went into the C of E. Their net contribution to intellectual life was, if anything, negative; and their net economic contribution was negative. While the Victorian world developed, in both good and bad ways, archbishops, bishops, and vicars stayed much the same. They were the BBC broadcasters of the time, issuing their official messages on Sundays. Arguably, a modern equivalent is the Professoriat, with the odd combination of strutting self-confidence, built on the shifting sands of imposed Jewish opinions. So far Professoriats have been buttressed by the power to weed out underlings bringing disagreeable truths.
All this is obvious enough to anyone who has witnessed the post-1945 expansion of universities. But (and I may be wrong here) some of the Professoriat are feeling restless, in the way vicars who (one example) led to women's deaths in childbirth by opposing contraception. In a world in which war deaths must total at least 100 million per century, and false flags and other hoaxes, such as the 'Holocaust', are obvious enough to any researcher, and democracy is mostly a sham—shouldn't these people perhaps do a bit? Make a bit of effort? I think I do detect signs that some professors are starting to rise above the New York Times viciousness. This may only be a result of the Jewish anti-white attitudes; but at least it's something when whites, who have been brainwashed by Jews for at least a century, show signs of stirring. Some are aware that their ivory towers are built on fragments of hell for which they were not responsible, but which they ignored. Another seed for this piece was a set of comments by 'David Ashton' in the Occidental Observer. I was unable to find out who 'David Ashton' is, though he seems to live in Britain. He was unable to understand that 'Comrade Corbyn', 'Phony Tony Blair' and Harold Wilson were all following Jewish policies. However, if he works at it he'll perhaps understand why (for example) Corbyn worries over 'nuclear weapons', and over the Jewish policy of supporting mass invasion by Moslems. Other typical issues are Jewish funding for barracks-style housing for invaders, rents to be paid by the state—i.e. 'paid' by Jewish debt. If the debt it used to support health or pensions or education, if Jews decide to leave they will leave a mess of huge unpayable bills. Even economists may be starting to understand this sort of thing. Typical comment: I used to believe all this BS about the bugaboos being a big economic benefit to Europe because these reports came from PhDs in institutes, think tanks or from the government. I couldn't understand it but because a PhD said it I believed it. And then Thilo Sarrazin came along and made it plain: Migrants make Germany dumb". ... 70 percent of the Turkish and 90 percent of the Arabic population of Berlin live off the state and are were not fit for much other than 'fruit and vegetable selling'.
Parasites and Prey Over Many Generations
Let's try to consider some long-term consequences of this clash, which ultimately derives from the characteristics of populations in Europe, and those of populations in Asia, their larger neighbour, where they reacted over many centuries of city life. Many people are aware, from nature, of predator-prey relationships. Birds may eat worms, and if worms become rare, bird populations fall, allowing worms to become more common. Parasitism is more mysterious: liver flukes, mistletoe, and tapeworms illustrate a few types. Careful observers may notice these things, because animal lives are so much shorter than human lives. Though impossible to observe by individuals, there is every reason to suppose similar oscillations will occur over hundreds of generations—however long genetics take to operate. We could be set for thousands of years of attacks by, from the white point of view, united psychopathic obsessives. And the process might be transmitted technologically: it is likely Talmudic writings were transmitted to Khazaria, starting the present 1,000-year part of the cycle. Who can say whether (say) Japan, or Russia, or Turkey might convert to some variety of Judaism, and start a new variant of parasitism?
Alfred Schaefer made an interesting remark (early 2018) on a less obvious parasitism: he pointed out that spiders' bites paralyse their prey, but also start a digestive process within the body of the prey, weakening it, to make it usable as food. He compared Christianity to a tailored poison, paralysing normal reactions, and also softening and weakening the prey. I suspect such attacks on beliefs are rare with animals, but are a side-effect of language, writing and reading, which artificially extend human memories over many generations.
Rerevisionist Interesting propaganda expose - the BBC quote some liar, just one person, living in Coventry. Supplied to them by Jewish-run Reuters. The object is to sucker Americans into bombing the near east, probably Iran via Syrian airspace. Note the way the ridiculous source of the misinformation is kept hidden - analogously to what happened in the promotional campaign to invade Iraq, with e.g. an old amateur PhD dissertation, and lies about babies by some official's daughter.
Interesting multilingual quarter-hour video. [The sound has been muted].
The BBC has an entire listening post in Caversham, near Reading, with people spending their working lives listening to foreign broadcasts; possibly these days it's digitised, maybe with word recognition etc. It shows what contempt they have for the suckers, that they broadcast the most amateurish lies and deception. Remember Orwell based his 'Ministry of Truth' on the BBC.
Exorcist I pointed out several instances of "faked" Libyan uprising news film footage on the British Democracy Forum. In one instance the video I linked to was quickly "pulled" from YouTube. Thanks to Rerevisionist for finding and posting this. In assessing the veracity of "News", particularly film footage, people should start off with the assumption that everything they are told by the media is a lie with an ulterior motive and the film footage is faked. In the overwhelming majority of cases further investigation confirms this assumption.
Matthew Gould. Alleged to be 'Director of cyber security and information assurance at the Cabinet Office' (of David Levita Cameron's 'British' regime). I doubt this race-based tosser in his silly hat has any competence in computers. Probably his role is to enforce censorship of Jewish crimes.
Written by Rerevisionist 23 Nov 2015
Let's survey the 500-year war by Jews. The dynamic has been: Jews in a small area squeeze money from locals, get a reputation for shrewdness, and intermingle with a different elite close by. When their general theft, dishonesty and incompetence becomes clear, the same trick is repeated. The two most recent huge successes were (1) the coup in Russia in 1917, after which Jews used Russians and their raw materials ruthlessly, leaving a hollowed shell and a devastated and degraded population. And (2) the coup in the USA, with the Federal Reserve (1913) and 50 years later the murder of Kennedy, buoyed up by the myths of the Holohoax and of (in my view) nuclear weapons.
The internal stresses of parasitism are immense: vast fortunes are wasted on Jewish propaganda in all the media, in the education systems, in misplaced and harmful projects. Huge numbers of what in effect are collaborators work in TV networks, movies, 'news' sources, pseudo-sciences such as NASA, the 'AIDS' fraud, nuclear frauds, drug frauds, vast military campaigns of cruelty unprecedented in world history, secret military operations in Africa and south America, and endless legal and police waste. The fantastic nonsense of Jew-promoted migrations (but not into Israel) is another huge burden. It's not at all clear that survival is possible.
But Jew-awareness is not as unusual as many observers think: there have always been critics, many of them shrewd, though Jewish mopping-up operations have dimmed their work and their voices. Britain during and after Cromwell had critics; both the French and British were aware Napoleon was funded by Jews, as was Wellington; in each case, amid the wreckage, intensive propaganda was used to silence such people, and to ally with and fund their opponents. The disaster of the 'Great War' was largely the product of the funded simpleton Balfour; the next world war was largely arranged by Churchill, with the Jew-funded Stalin, and Jew-funded American and 'American' politicians. There must be a wealth, if that's the word, of personal, family, business, military, and state involvements with Jews. I've been told that, today, 35% of British voters say they would not knowingly vote for a Jew.
Now let's try to survey the world as it is now: • The population issue seems likely to result in population crashes on a colossal scale: I doubt whether Africa's huge population, plus its future likely increase, can ever be brought to any level of wealth. • Jewish greed, and the Jewish desire to control money in all countries, and their permanent need for violence and hate and repression of intelligence and education, show no signs of abating. • Thus far, Jewish lies have had an almost monopolistic field. Nothing has countered them. It is possible this will change, with Internet; one has to hope so, and indeed Internet is new to human life, just as television was new about sixty years ago. This must have a weakening effect on collaborators who previously operated with almost no risk. For example, Lyndon Johnson in the USA and, earlier, Clement Attlee, would have had their policies exposed in a way impossible at the time, had Internet existed. • It is to be expected that Jews will continue to identify, fund, bribe, and blackmail, as usual. The question is: can the process continue, now that the world is running out of wealthy states to parasitise? There seem to be signs of reaction: Hungary, Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, the USA, for example, even occupied Germany, although largely inert, do have well-informed clusters and groups. Military and 'intelligence' groups have had a long run of secret, almost unchallenged, cruelty and viciousness; it is impossible to sample their opinions, but there must be some change there, pending the takeover of Jewish money. The huge increase in false-flag mercenaries suggests a sea-change in the way force is applied. • Years of criticism of the obvious fraud of the 'Holocaust' will force more people to reconsider their attitude to their assets and their countries' assets. Why should be fleeced by Jewish liars? And why should they not get their assets back? Why should they continue to pay out for unbacked money? Why should 9/11 criminals, war criminals, thieves of Palestinian lands, Liberty perpetrators, remain out of jail? • The common-sense dynamics by which organisations grow may reverse; as one Jewish lie or contemptible piece of cruelty falls, a momentum must build up, in the way discredited groups fail. • Jewish supremacy brings a number of lessons: (1) Secrecy and shameless lies work. (2) Groups of people working together are more effective than lone heroes or advertised figures. (3) Co-operation across nations is highly effective. (4) Violence as practised by Jews works. (5) Spying as practised by Jews works. (6) It is essential to keep Jews out of public posts. • Technological changes include: (1) DNA work. Israel is claimed to use DNA tests to identify Jews. Perhaps these will have to be introduced in countries facing Jewish immigration. (2) Nuclear work. It seems likely nuclear weapons were a fraud all along. This will no doubt be kept secret until some opportune moment. (3) Weapons now have hugely enhanced flying capabilities, navigation capabilities, intercommunication (as in the 9/11 controlled explosions), though I doubt that explosives in terms of energy release are as great as nuclear propaganda has implied. Though it will be good to keep out of their way. (4) Communications seem obviously better, including machine translation, though it's hard to judge the use of ciphers and encoding.
It's tempting to try to summarise the effects of Jews so far, and their vast cohorts of fellow-travellers. Do the latter expect their lectureships in nothing, their listless propaganda, their election-rigging, their shrieking on-line trolling, their pretence that fake doctors with photocopied diplomas are competent, their ignoring of immigrant crime, their unquestioned access to funding, to last forever? Some clues must be provided by an honest examination of past wars, disasters, and ruins. Perhaps someone might face this daunting and unpleasant task.
The 'Flynn Effect', named for James R. Flynn, is an exotic oddity, found in some hothouses in academic woodland glades. The general idea is that people are 'getting smarter', as evidenced by increasing scores on 'IQ' tests, ever since they were invented in 1900-ish—a splash of colour in a world in which intellectual decline seems clear enough. The official binomial nomenclature of 'the Flynn effect' dates from 1994, when The Bell Curve was published; or so Flynn said himself in 2006, in Scientific American. Flynn states that Reed Tuddenham was the first to present convincing evidence, 'using a nation-wide sample', of IQ gains over time. And that the label "Flynn Effect" was not coined by Flynn, although he noted the possibility in 1981.
Flynn says he's a moral philosopher; he has never administered IQ tests, or if you prefer, 'IQ tests'. Flynn's notes or comments were appropriated; if this was unfair, he doesn't (as far as I know) say so. It seems Tuddenham asserted in 1948 that 'US soldiers' had made a 14-point gain between the First and Second World Wars—the 'nation-wide sample' being north American. Similar observations have been made elsewhere, subsequently. Flynn in effect says since that time, there's been another 15 points or so added.
(But there is a rather obvious possibility that pencil-and-paper tests, slack administration and desire for results, the whole ambience of IQ tests, and their status—intellect vs simple mass soldiers—explains the whole shift.)
Flynn now proposes, in a video dated February 2013, 'an interpretation that eliminates paradoxes.' During the 20th century, 'our minds altered dramatically'. In about 1900, people faced a concrete world; they avoided abstractions. If we take three categories—1 classification; 2 use of logic on abstractions and universals; 3 taking the hypothetical seriously, plus 12 years of formal education—we see that only 3% in 1900 worked in 'cognitively demanding professions'. They were not on the verge of retardation. (This may be a counter to the idea that sub-Saharan Africans and other blacks measure IQs of about 70, regarded as mentally retarded).
Flynn was partly borrowing from written quotations from earlier people reacting to what they saw as 'dumb' questions: What do a crow and a fish have in common? How would you feel, if you woke up black? The same sort of reaction that blacks gave when they saw maps: what about variations in terrain? (My wording). Flynn seems entirely assured that, for example, farming is simple, without abstractions. And that modern education deals in abstractions; he quotes exam questions (not answers) from, I think, Ohio. I doubt whether this is true: American history for example has endless dubious examples and hardly any generalisations—such as, who gained from this?
Flynn correctly enough sees no political progress up to our time: he gives four examples of lies which influenced people: the Maine false flag, the Lusitania war bait, the supposed attack by Vietnam on the US 7th Fleet, and Saddam Hussein who 'hated Al Qaeda'. Flynn omits, or doesn't know about, Jews and slavery, Jews and the Opium Wars, the Boer Wars, Jews and their hatred for Russia, Jews and mass killings in the USSR, the fake 'Holocaust', Jews and 9/11—but of course even moral philosophers have to eat.
The real Flynn Effect will occur when large numbers of people finally grasp the part played by so-called 'Jews' and their collective tribal viciousness. When that happens, people will look back and marvel at the present lack of intelligence. Was there ever such a world?
Caught in a long traffic jam, we scanned the radio spectrum for information, and found local BBC radio; three car pile-up, plus Rod Stewart, who appeared to have been interviewed by the BBC disc jockey, or whatever they call them these days. I doubt Stewart actually called into some office falsely labelled 'Your BBC'; both sides must use more audio equipment than almost anybody. He's appearing live for a celebration of the Second World War; 2015 = 1945+70. Stewart has no time for critics of the supposed heroes of yesterday. Presumably he imagines Churchill was a hero of Britain. I vaguely wondered if technology is now at the stage where singing voices can be synthesised: one of the oddities of the 9/11 fraud was reportedly a mimicked voice of a mimicked victim, flying in a mimicked plane.
The number of stars who speak out on issues such as peace and war, and in particular Jewish-related lies, is tiny: I can only think of three offhand—Robert Vaughan on the Vietnam War, Brigitte Bardot on Muslims, and Eric Clapton on immigration, and I doubt any of those mentioned the Jewish connection. Perhaps some media-aware person might look at other times and places, and include the opposite phenomenon of support for wars and crimes and frauds: I doubt if it's a coincidence that Kipling, the anti-German grubby writer, was given a Nobel Prize for literature, just as Nobel Peace prizes for Kissinger and Obama, a century or so later, raised a few laughs. Hollywood awards, and Pulitzers, and Time 'persons of the year', of course point the same way.
Later: a comment in The Occidental Observer on Eric Hobsbawm, a phoney I think supported for life at the LSE (here's a recording of Hobsbawm on 'The Russian [read: Jewish] Revolution. Here's a review of one of his books). The 'extreme leftist' left something—an estate of about £2 million, I'd guess largely made up of one or more houses in north London. The serious and genuine historian, David Irving, has of course no such accolades, except in the sense that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Keith Richard is reported to have a personal fortune of a couple of hundred million US dollars. Maybe he has a private drug farm.
'Property porn' is a category of TV programming riding on the back of 'the property ladder'—I wonder how these things will show up in, say, a century. Possibly, by then, house ownership will have dwindled to nothing, after owners will be fleeced by taxes in the way English aristocrats lost heavily after the Great War. Possibly, as in Germany, vast numbers of people will rent for life. One porn show has a chap living in an engineered shipping container, made to float, moored for £5,000 a year, with his living space big enough for a table with four chairs. Another has an oversized imitation bathing machine which may, or may not, float. Others have what I've seen described as 'architectural masterpieces in places no-one wants to live'—apparently influenced by modern public buildings with vast internal spaces, like the British Library. These are sometimes enlivened by implausible PC 'couples'. None of these people seem to have any possessions to fill their spaces—how nice it would be to see a banqueting hall, or music studio, or library, or lab, or debating room, in these 'award-winning' spaces. None of the figures for costs seem remotely plausible. An aim of these shows is I think to raise no questions as to whether permanent inflation, or Jewish-pushed permanent immigration of unemployables, can continue. (It occurs to me a variant is the Antiques Roadshow
with numerous dim people interested only in auction valuations, and pretending to be pleased with small valuations, and Fiona Bruce, a reader of other peoples' scripts, like an old whore trying to entice doubtful clients into her hidden world of lies and blackmail).
Watching a Youtube of Andrew Brons, ex-BNP member, who was elected to the European Union for 4 or 5 years: I was moved to make an irritated comment—he lectured in politics or public administration or something at the level of modern universities; and now has first-hand experience of the EU, and a pension of what might be a hundred or two hundred thousand a year. Yet he seems to know nothing of how the EU is funded (clue: paper money), or how it formulates and pushes its secret and hugely expensive, and unaudited, policies.
“£100 million pounds a year of your money”—Jonathan Bowden
I noticed a report that Cohen, head of the BBC (or something), has been moved out, or left. Who knows the truth of these items? He was reported to have earned, or at least been paid, £300K a year for the lie factory.
Could it be that whites are genetically over-specialised, any specialisation being an activity which needs continual practice? Leaving openings for parasitical tightly-organised groups to discover weaknesses, and get to work in society's interstices exploiting them?
Bill Gates is supposedly the richest man in the world, and supposedly has decided to embark on charitable giving—possibly therefore the biggest private charity in the world. I wonder if there's a single person who will claim he has well-thought out schemes, for example to think out, design and implement schemes to bring improvements to the vastly-increasing population of Africans?
Is Donald Trump any good, or just another false dawn? Kevin MacDonald hopes so. But many people point out there's a continual outflow of money to Jewish 'think tanks', pressure groups, things like AIPAC and the 'Southern Poverty Law Center'. And there is no outflow to TheOccidentalObserver. Or to David Irving. Bradley Smith of CODOH is puzzled that whites with private money do not fund serious Holohoax work, since (he claims) whites collectively have more money than Jews. A more impressive instance is Norway's 'sovereign wealth fund' mostly from oil, 'forecast to be worth $1 trillion' soon. Nobody can doubt the impressive ability of large groups of people to waste vast amounts of money; but there are surely enough interesting possibilities to be explored—Harold Hillman's work comes to my mind, obscure though he is.
I'm told BHT Billiton is the world's largest mining company. Based in Australia, it has been accused on several occasions of transferring assets to European royal families, at far below their worth. I hadn't previously thought of royal families as tax dodging schemes, though it makes perfect sense—secrecy, lingering traces of respect, entourages of money handlers. And probably more secure than obscure islands.
The Charity frauds and hoaxes are an interesting part of post-1945 life. They need detailed analysis; probably they are a way to (i) offset nominal tax rates for corporations (as in tax-deductible charity organisations), and (ii) provide money for propaganda, mostly anti-white. Compared with the trillions of paper money printed, so-called charities are minor, though the totals appear huge. I'll believe they are serious when people of the Bill Gates type fund serious science (Harold Hillman being an example known personally to me), or serious social science (of the David Duke, David Irving, Green of Migration Watch type), or practical stuff (such as aid to whites, recompense for victims of 'American'—read 'Jewish'—wars, genuine help for Africans), or consideration of massive Jewish evils such as mass killings in eastern Europe and mass killings in Vietnam, the Holohoax and 9/11. Until then everyone intelligent will know they are just another part of the world of liars and phonies.
Here's confirmation [I don't vouch for the details] by Sadho Ram – 02 Dec 2015
By now you must have heard that Mark Zuckerberg along with his wife Priscilla Chan has pledged to give away 99% of his estimated USD45 billion in Facebook stock to charity. Basically, [the story is] Mark is giving away enough money to fund one of the world's biggest charities for the next 45 years. Instead, he is funding his own. Here's how:
The vehicle for his beneficence will be the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC, a family-run foundation that he controls and through which he will maintain control of Facebook for "the foreseeable future." Which basically means: Mark Zuckerberg will transfer ownership of his Facebook stock without paying capital gains taxes. He will also benefit from the possibility that his foundation will live beyond him, with his heirs and their heirs at the helm, untouched by estate taxes.
A Facebook PR, while confirming to BuzzFeed News, said that the initiative is structured as an LLC [Limited Liability Company], and not as a charitable trust. Which means that unlike a charitable trust, which is compelled to spend its money on charity, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC will be able to spend its money on whatever it wants, including private, profit-generating investment.
It's truly agonising to see such people as the historian David Irving desperate to fund his books; while superficial fakes such as 'Jew' Simon Schama get fortunes from the BBC. The money and borrowings from the future going to propaganda are astounding and disgusting. Many of the opponents still don't understand why this happens; something like fifteen years ago, activists in Britain were surprised that a woman called Stanko was given £3 million for a propagandist department about women. They have no idea of the determination of Jews to wreck their lives.
Written by Rerevisionist 16 Nov 2015 & 29 Feb 2016; Youtube note 18 July 2016
'Flat earth' theory appears to be promoted at present, for example on Youtube. These seem to be mass-produced (same sounds, same images, similar voice-overs, similar logos, similar lies; reminiscent of many mass-produced Jewish junk propaganda campaigns). Why is this? Here are a few unflattering notes (2011) on the Flat Earth Society in England: Flat Earth Society notes. Their forum deleted some comments of mine on the 'Holocaust' fraud; I can't take them very seriously as skeptics/sceptics or thinkers.
www.flatearthsociety.org's site leans heavily on A hundred proofs the Earth is not a Globe, by William Carpenter, published in 1885. According to my notes, the International Flat Earth Society was founded in 1888.
I met the late Ellis Hillman, who was (I think) President of the Flat Earth Society. His background was geology; he knew about earthquakes, underground rivers, and also Wegener's Theory which students were told definitely was nonsense. He'd been Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet, and on the LCC, and GLC. He also was President of the Fairy Society, and founded the Lewis Carroll Society. He wrote a book on 'Underground London' which he told me he would never have started if he'd known how much work would be involved. His motive appeared to be simply to keep an open mind.
The US group of the same name seems to lean on Biblical 'evidence' rather than science.
My previous contact with such ideas was Martin Gardner's book Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (1957; an earlier version was In the Name of Science, 1952). Chapter 2 is 'Flat and Hollow', and lists in laconic style Gardner's New York Public Library findings: Voliva, from Zion, Illinois, believed the earth is flat, with the South pole round circumference, based on Biblical and common-sense pre-Newton arguments. Capt John Cleves Symmes, who retired after War of 1812, thought the earth is five concentric hollow spheres with water flowing through polar holes. Cotton Mather in 1721, had similar beliefs, 'taken from an Edmund Halley essay of 1692'. Marshall B Gardner, in 1913, Aurora, Illinois, had a hollow earth theory. Cyrus Reed Teed, in 1870 said we live inside a hollow space, with nothing outside. Germany has a 'Hohlweltlehre' theory. And no doubt there are other theories.
[Charles Mather, a retired GP who lives (or lived) near Wigan, Lancashire, is a remote relation of Cotton Mather. I wanted to tip him off about Miles Mathis on e.g. the Salem witch hoax, but couldn't find an email]
I've met one flat earth believer, whose name I'll spare, who thought gravity was an effect of the flat earth accelerating upwards at 32 feet/sec/sec. Apparently because after one year the earth would move at the speed of light.
Why should non-round earth theories be promoted now? I don't have a definite solution; here are a few possibilities: • Copyright may have lapsed on some works • It's an intentional distraction from serious matters—timewasting at a dangerous time • Maybe a money-making attempt at sales? • Maybe training for unemployable Jewish liars, spam sites to see how they get on? • Possibly aimed against NASA; could it be someone's little joke against 'infirmative action' and/or NASA's black head? • ... Added a bit later: possibly to do with NASA's absurd 'space station'? Possible connection with 'Eric Dubay'? 'Jeranism', apparently Dave something from New York, is another 'flat earther'; probably part of the cunning scheme of discrediting critics of NASA by showing themselves, or acting, as idiots. • Could it be a psychological test for conformity? Maybe to see the effect of multiple online people saying gee, I sure believe in a flat earth now? • An anti-Christian fundamentalist move to ridicule some US Protestants? Jews certainly fund many of the ridiculous loud-mouthed clowns in the USA, to simultaneously discredit whites, Christians, and scientific evolution. Why not expand this to flat-earthism? • More dumbing-down to make people, well, dumber? • Perhaps a nuclear science issue, to try to show up incompetence in nuke skeptics? What seems to be a joint Youtube by 'Eric Dubay' and Edmund Matthews may be intended to suggest, because Dubay seems to be a flat-earther, that nuke skeptics aren't competent. If so, it's playing a risky game by drawing attention to the issues. On the other hand, NASA has done something very similar. I haven't watched carefully enough to check on possible misdirections and planted mistakes. [I was amused to see this comment in eurofolkradio.com on 18 Aug 2017, after a chat with A C Hitchcock was posted online: Davy of old England [anonymous nickname; very few posts] West is a crackpot. He promulgates the idiocy that nuclear weapons are fake, they don't exist, that nuclear power is a fraud and the world is flat, and a whole slew of phuctardery. This lie suggests, as might be expected, that the promotion is part of the defence of nuclear frauds] • Something to do with Antarctica; I like the idea that Jews are planning a mass move to a splendid underground Antarctic city—with nuclear power heating. • Possibly the flat earth idea is from the Quran. It may be the push is to try to normalise the garbage of Islam, and pretend it was a leader in science, which of course is a tendency amongst 'thinkers' funded via Jews and their Arabs.
The conventional view is backed by evidence from the moon (curved edge shown by foreshortened craters, and curved shadow), the sun (sunspots), Jupiter (bands of cloud, Red Spot). And day/night, seasons, pillars in Athens and Alexandria with different shadows, constellations different in the hemispheres, and so on. But there are some apparent problems: why should the moon and sun be very nearly the same apparent size, and the moon always show more or less the same face to earth?
Common Errors • Puzzles based on flat maps. For example, people are so used to one form of map—Americas in the middle, north up, Europe right, Asia left) that they can't understand the shortest path from New Zealand to South America is east. Another example is equal area projections: some maps show unfamiliar shapes, but the areas are constant. • Puzzles based on gravitation. It's natural enough to expect people upside-down from any location on earth to fall off. Tides are another puzzle; the successful correlation with solar and lunar regularities is not explained very well. The cycloidal nature of the moon's motion relative to earth puzzles many people. • Puzzles based on refraction of light over long distances. Wet air is denser than drier air. There have been legal challenges of light along canals—Alfred Russel Wallace was a victim of this. • Puzzles based on air movement and mixing and the vacuum of space. People think of vacuums as sucking, not as air pressure pushing. • Puzzles based on unfamiliarity (or, less politely, ignorance). Eclipses, meteors and meteorites, comets, phases of planets, tides, local tidal effects, and winds blowing around the earth are common sources. •Optical puzzles. A good example is the photographic 'proof' that the sun is nearer to earth than clouds, where the sun is so much brighter than cloud cover that it appears normal on a photo.
Maybe in a few centuries confused-looking old men in sky-blue suits with obsolete logos, calling each other 'astronaut', will emerge from NASA buildings, as from an ancient monastery, the guardians of treasured moon relics, such as fossil wood.
Some readers might like my summary of the life work of Martin Gardner, who helped establish much of the detail of the US 'Skeptics' movement, both when it made sense and when (usually under Jewish influence) it was used as a pressure group.
'Jew Shock' is an expression first used on Internet by 'History Reviewed Channel' on Youtube, videos from a man brought up in Rhodesia and (after age 15 or so, after a probably Jew-inspired crime) in South Africa. I'd guess the phrase comes from the title Future Shock of a 1960s book.
His video Jew Shock: When Whites Go Wonky!' is largely autobiographical. When people, usually through some personal experience, realise the system did not work as it should, they explore the world for explanations: in his case, hollow earth theory, and the long-exposed-as-faked books of T Lobsang Rampa. He looks at topics from abortion law to UFOs, and illustrates with opinion surveys on the percentages of people who believe topics from whether the government can be trusted to the J F Kennedy murder. If this is Jew Shock, it's the reaction of people who have not yet discovered anything about the Jewish cryptocracy—rule by secret groups. Whether the topics are fed to people (as with ridiculous gender stuff, trans etc, homosexual marriage, clearly the result of international action), or whether they are the result of genuine curiosity, or whether this happens anyway (as with the rise and fall of heresies), is debatable. A good example of Jew Shock in this pre-informed sense is H G Wells's short book Mind at the End of its Tether: Wells, writing during the Second World War, thought the world was beyond anyone's understanding, and a new species must evolve to deal with it. Wells knew something was wrong, but had no real grasp of the worldwide Jewish problem.
If the author of 'History Reviewed Channel' is right, interest in strange topics (such as the flat earth idea) is a serious attempt at philosophy, rejecting official opinion as suspect, and returning to the basics of personal perceptions and memory. He said it's good news: Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.
'Jew Shock' in the most obvious sense, would mean the impact that the discovery of Jewish actions has on individuals. A perfect example is Belloc's 1920s account of the First World War:
The Great War brought thousands upon thousands of educated men (who took up public duties as temporary officials) up against the staggering secret they had never suspectedthe complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nations survival by half a dozen Jews, who were completely indifferent as to whether we or the enemy should emerge alive from the struggle.
The 21st century so far, largely because of Internet, must have more examples of Jew Shock than ever before. I hope the various experiences, in everything from methods of animal slaughter and control of farms, to housing and building policies, to offers of freebies by Jews to aliens, to educational policies and military policies and propaganda and entertainment—I hope these varied experiences will join up together into a full understanding of the Jewish problem.
Written by Rerevisionist 16 Nov 2015 & 29 Feb 2016
In September 2015, I anti-reviewedSimon Webb's Suffragette Terrorism on amazon.co.uk; my point was the book seems not worth buying, since the hypothesis that Jews might well have been terrorists seemed not to have been examined, something that Webb confirmed. I'd previously assumed the traditional view of the suffragettes was true; I'm grateful to Webb for suggesting to me that it is probably false. The link (above) includes some of the replies from Webb; I won't repeat them here. However, here are a few extracts:
From my anti-review: This book has accounts of outrages, typically from 1909 to early 1914—explosions and/or arson in barracks, churches, libraries, and public buildings. I'd ask serious historians to consider the hypothesis that these explosions were carried out secretly by Jews, leaving behind false flag tokens—books, letters, planted 'clues', written notes, things supposed to be part of the lives of white ladies.
Why the hell would anyone want to do something so repellent? I think probably part of the motive was to make people feel nervous and worried and apprehensive: in short, to make them follow the authorities. The feeling must have been: What could happen next? Certainly when war 'broke out', as the evasive phrase has it—in fact, Britain declared war—the suffragettes made peace with Lloyd George. And there was a newspaper campaign suggesting men needed war, civilisation was jaded and dull, battle was a cleansing influence.
Jews had a history of bomb throwing; consider 1905 in Russia. It's hard to believe genteel Englishwomen were skilled in the use of the then-new dynamite; unlike so-called 'anarchists', a code-word for Jews from eastern Europe. And the targets—churches (Christian artefacts are hated by Jews), libraries (full of non-Talmudic material, hated by Jews), splendid public buildings and country houses (evidence of white skills, hated by Jews), and barracks (white soldiers—hated by Jews), make sense as part of a Jewish campaign.
Here's a naive remark by Webb [presumably a 'Jew']: '... no responsibility for these two attacks was claimed by the WSPU, it is hard to know who else could have been to blame. The suffragettes were the only terrorist group operating in Britain at that time.' Note the phrasing: 'no responsibility was claimed'; note that no evidence seems to have been found, either.From Webb's book (quoted from www.heretical.org):
The amount of money coming into the Women's Social and Political Union [WSPU] from rich donors is quite simply staggering. Cash receipts for the year 1913/1914 totalled £46,875. This approximates in modern terms to perhaps £3,750,000. Of that enormous sum, less than £50 came from the fees paid by new members. A number of donors were giving over £1,000 a year to the organisation and the only people who decided what this money should be used for were Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst.
A few specimens from W. Black (later deleted):
W. Black [presumably a mass-murder favouring 'Jew' fanatic] says: 24 Oct 2015 18:32:27 BDT
Our Nazi lunatic is almost certainly referring the Houndsditch Murders and Siege of Sydney Street, which were both quite a lot later and involved Jews only peripherally in that they possibly met in a house owned by a Jew and, in Houndsditch, were robbing a Jewish jeweller when disturbed by the police. All the individuals concerned were Latvian Anarchists. The identity of their leader, known as 'Peter the Painter', is still disputed.
W. Black says: 26 Oct 2015 01:49:29 GMT
Of course newspapers are a primary source. They're both contemporary and original.
By Simon Sheppard (2014). Trying to show feminism was the cause of the 'Great War':
The suffragettes' alacrity in forming an alliance with the government on the outbreak of war. Both forming 'unholy alliances' and speed of response are feminine traits. On 8 September 1914 Christabel Pankhurst returned from exile in Paris and immediately gave a speech, not on suffrage but on "The German Peril." Led by Christabel, militant suffragettes quickly became enthusiastic advocates of the war. Copying Admiral Charles Fitzgerald with his initial group of thirty women, they became active all over Britain in "White Feather Brigades," handing white feathers to any man in civilian clothing with the intention of shaming him into enlisting. So fervent were the suffragettes that demobbed soldiers, soldiers on temporary leave, civil servants and boys were presented with this symbol of cowardice. In 1916 Emmeline Pankhurst crossed the Atlantic to urge American support for the war and also visited Bolshevik Russia in 1917 with a similar objective.
From T T Rogers, commenting in amazon.co.uk:
The first question that arises is: 'Who?' No doubt we will be expected to accept the official explanation at face value, and those who question it will be condemned by the likes of Mr Webb as 'tin-foil hat conspiracists' or 'Nazis' or 'anti-Semites', or whatever. In Webb World, we goyim must never question anything, and must always accept the official coffee table explanations trotted out by half-wits from plastic 'universities' and fake think tanks. Which is not to say the official explanation (as and when it comes) will be wrong. Sometimes the authorities do tell the truth, but in amongst the verisimilitude we will also have to put up with the usual Semitic-feminine hogwash, packaged for the brainless masses: 'Rest assured, goyim, most Muslims condemn this sort of violence', 'Immigrants contribute to the economy', 'We must all stand together and hold hands in peace and harmony', 'We are all human', etc., etc., ad nauseam.
Mr Webb publicly supports the wars that lead to atrocities such as those that have occurred in Paris. He supports Zionism, and does so openly. See, for instance his Twitter account (no longer active) at https://twitter.com/simonwebb54. Anyone who looks at that Twitter account can see clearly why Mr Webb is so quick to use terms like 'Nazi' and 'anti-Semite'. He is vested in the issue of Israel and Zionism. He believes in national-socialism for Jews, but (I would assume) not for ethno-Europeans. The former position is perfectly respectable. The latter position is a big no-no.
Well look what we have here: https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/11/14/french-jewish-council-calls-world-war-jihadist-fanaticism/
Jews calling for war by white people against Moslems? Goodness, who could have thought that? Mmmm.... I wonder why Jews might want to flood Europe with Moslems and lobby us into pointless wars with Moslems? I'll have to think about one. I'm not nearly as bright as Mr Webb, and I'm sure he can tell us. Maybe we're fighting for 'freedom', 'equality' and 'human rights'. Not to mention 'democracy'.
I suppose, being a dumb peasant goy, I should just ignore all this difficult thinking stuff and start watching crap TV again and reading crap books by our 'betters', like Mr Webb.
The 'new view' (I do hope others have noticed this before; surely someone must have?) is that suffragettes were used as cover by Jews in false flag operations, particularly in 1914, after the Federal Reserve in the USA was established, to promote war. After all, what did Emmeline Pankhurst know about world politics and wars? Why go the USA to agitate for their entry into the 'Great War'; why go to Russia after the Jewish coup?
Added July 2024: I noticed that Jew-run Youtube has some videos and audios of suffragettes and suffragists talking of pre-WW1 times. Including material from the LSE (Jewish economists part of London University). Fascinating to see who were Jews, who disguised their voices, what was suppressed—Jack the Ripper, funding of these people—and the complete uninterest in voting. I got the impression that Emily Davison was a fanatical Jew. - RW
--- Watching the Hispanic Jew Portillo reading his script on British railways gives an unimportant example of support for this view. He talks of Britain before the 'Great War' being riven by industrial disputes, disputes about Ireland, and disputes about suffragettes. (The origin of the word is always undiscussed). Portillo does not mention Jewish assassins, bomb-throwers, and Jewish frauds.
• Blaming Women
The piece above discusses the suffragettes, and the possibility they were used as 'useful idiots' in the way screaming 'activists' have been paid by Jews for years, to support some Jewish fraud or other. For example, the 'Holocaust' fraud has been supported for decades by simple Jew-funded clowns. A good example of 'Holocaust' fellow-travellers is George Galloway, of Scotland, thought to be a name-changed Jew.
Something similar applies to women, and of course a divide-and-rule policy that splits groups down the middle can be very effective. Bertrand Russell gave an anecdote: two elderly spinsters, in a train passing warships in port, saying what a pity that the battleships are not active. Simon Sheppard's heretic site attributes the First world War to suffragettes, despite his site hosting a highly articulate Jew truther. In the same vein, I noticed a claim on Internet titled Why Women DESTROY NATIONS/ CIVILIZATIONS—and other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS. A similar expression is 'feminazi'. There seem to be items of evidence called in support, such as 'Stockholm Syndrome' and Feminists vs Nationalists, where 'feminists' oppose nationalists and support aliens raping white women (and incidentally Americans raping Vietnamese and other women). All of these abnormalities are of course explained by the hypothesis that Jews fund and support these attitudes, usually with front women who are obviously insincere. The life of this particular divide-and-rule strategy is limited—partly because hireling funded women can't be expected to debate well, and partly because of the unrealism—why should normal women want war, if they get involved themselves, at all?
Michael Buchanan's political Party in Britain, Justice for Men and Boys (also known as J4MB), attempts to counter 'feminism' as the Jewish media have shaped it.
UPDATE August 2020!
I looked again at j4mb.org.uk and found they now publish books, many of them having Jewish authors, and none that I could see on race differences on women. And of course none on attitudes and habits of Jews. My best guess is that Gordon Michael Alexander Buchanan is just another crypto-Jew, something common in Scotland. I'd also guess that—because Jews print money—he's doing well out of saying nothing. My advice is: don't waste your time unless maybe you can extract from them.
None of these people have the slightest awareness of Jewish power; it's very sad to watch Buchanan debate with female actor presenters working from scripts, who have no interest in truth.
Bear in mind that Buchanan would never be on TV unless he's approved of; think of 'Tommy Robinson'.
Here's a comment of mine to a J4MB Youtube, of Erin Pizzey: It amuses me she [Pizzey] thinks women should have the right to stay at home and not work. Why not men? However, at a deep level, Pizzey appears to be part of the problem. She says (no details) she was brought up in a 'communist country' - I'm guessing she is, or thinks she is, a jew, from the USSR or east Germany, perfectly entitled to move to another host country. Communism was (and is) a Jewish movement. All the feminists in the USA are Jews. Jews hate whites; feminism is just a small part of the anti-white movement (in law, money, discrimination, propaganda, BBC, parliament, academia, forcing nonwhite invasion - May, Cameron, Corbyn, Milibands etc are Jews). If you don't understand this, you'll never see what's happening. Note the fact that Jews started the slave trade (and immigration into England) is not mentioned. Note the first planted question about 'fascism', which Pizzey does not analyse. Note the comment on 'feminist' websites, taking money, paying salaries to themselves etc. Note the absurd comment on women's 'survival strategies' = taking money; white 'working class' males get nothing. Note men assuming they may die 'for their country' meaning, in practice, for Jew policies, as in WW1 and WW2. https://www.big-lies.org/jews/ ..... Buchanan messaged me saying comments like this will be removed. It's his choice. But if he doesn't face facts, he'll get nowhere. His group seems to host videoed meetings now, with guests from overseas: it's grimly funny to listen to and watch the parroted slogans and uncomprehending half-truths.
Here's another attempt (12 Mar 2018) commenting on 4/5 highest earners in UK supposedly male: I doubt if many of the people likely to read this site want to be informed about this... but... The fact is that Jews control the money supply (read up 'The Federal Reserve' if you know nothing) and this means that high paid jobs aren't necessarily a function of talent and skill. This is why BBC propagandists, feminists funded by Jews, operators of fake charities, educational propagandists etc are highly paid. Jews fund 'feminists' with all their BS because they want to damage others, in this case whites. It's the same process by which Soros funds fake revolutions, and invasions of white countries. If you don't understand this, you don't understand the world. https://www.big-lies.org/jews/index.html
Pollard 'news' items. These links are from David Irving's website.
Another honest Jew... ?
• Jonathan Pollard. “Master Spy”
102 thoughts on “The "No Nuclear Bombs" 'Conspiracy Theory'”. Small Wonder Jews Laugh at 'Goyim'.
Written by Rerevisionist 28 Feb 2016. First Published 22 Jan 2019
Nuclear revisionism started, as far as most of the aware people are concerned, in 2008. As far as I know, I was the first to point out that, years before Youtube existed, Mordechai Vanunu was a fake, the subject of a carefully worked out story, planted in a British 'quality' newspaper. He was claimed to have been in solitary confinement for years! The whole myth of nuclear weapons has been supported by supposed spies: here's Frank Britton (in about 1952), 'Birdman' Bryant (in about 2000). The Sobell case, including Klaus Fuchs and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was at the time trumpeted in the Jewish media. There must have been an oddity, obvious to most people: if nuclear weapons were terrifyingly dangerous, what could it possibly matter if the spies were executed? The solution is almost certainly that the USSR had to be presented as dangerous, partly to keep weapons 'research' a lucrative Jewish business, boosted by the supposed crisis in Cuba, and partly to ensure Stalin was left on his own to his murderous devices. A good example of the effects of these beliefs is the case of Bertrand Russell, who switched from suggesting war against the USSR to suggesting the opposite.
Later, Israel wanted to be presented as nuclear-armed; Vanunu accomplished this with his leak', and at the same time could receive torrents of money from the USA, since the option to deny nukes remained with Israel. Probably the policies attributed to Obama and Corbyn are exit strategies, to be used, with luck, slurring off the embarrassing moment when the nuke hoax is generally discovered. They would also have to add on ...
Hiroshima & Nagasaki no nukes conspiracy theory by Lasha Darkmoon
Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics who lives and works in England. She is also a poet, translator, and political columnist on various websites. Her own website, Darkmoon.me, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer, The TruthSeeker, and at VeteransToday. Many of her articles and poems, in addition, have been translated into several languages. In her spare time, Lasha likes to read, swim, listen to music, and take long walks in the country.
... were subjected to firebombing. In all cases, hundreds of planes carrying thousands of tons of explosives were necessary over a period of several days in order to accomplish the devastation. Not one of these cities was reduced to ruins within a few seconds, as in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Nor did any of these other firebombed cities report "the trans-generational malignancies and immune deficiencies caused by the deadly plutonium and other radioactive isotopes produced by the bomb."
The case is closed.
The conspiracy theorists and their Useful Idiots in spreading disinformation are welcome to make their views known here. Experience has taught us that such individuals are more to be pitied than despised. This is because, once these loonies have made up their minds to adopt a new conspiracy theory, they will remain resolutely impervious to all the facts and to every semblance of common sense and logic.
Let our esteemed commenter 'Felix', writing from Thailand, have the last word:
"I believe this no nuke theory is COINTELPRO. It is deliberately designed to discredit the alternate media and other valid dissident viewpoints. It's the same as the theory that the Queen and other leaders are actually alien lizards set to rule over us."
babette says:
August 17, 2015 at 3:45 pm
Go to NUKE LIES.ORG and read and watch the vids. NUKES DON'T WORK. STOP SPREADING BS.
ReplyBob in DC says:
August 17, 2015 at 3:50 pm
The "Flat Earth" idiots are back... fully supported by kikejew obfuscators.
ReplySardonicus says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:26 pm
(i regret)
is wet.
but I bet
she looks gret
in fishnet.
(After Ogden Nash)
Justice For Chinese says:
August 19, 2015 at 10:00 am
@ LD, Felix, Lobro, Luca K, Ungenius, Michael Rivero, Franklin Ryckaert et al.
Re: "The Nagasaki plutonium bomb was specifically aimed at St Mary's Cathedral while Japan's largest Roman Catholic congregation was celebrating Mass and receiving Holy Communion. The entire congregation was vaporized in a single instant at 11.02 a.m. on Thursday morning, 9 August, 1945—much to the delight of the Jews in Washington who knew exactly where the bomb would fall."
Below is a link to a photo of the aforementioned cathedral in Nagasaki. Could you please explain why the entire cathedral was not also "vaporized" along with those poor souls receiving Holy Communion? Note the fallen tree in the foreground of the photograph. Why wasn't the tree vaporized? Supposedly people inside and protected by a concrete and brick building were vaporized but unprotected trees outside the building were not vaporized? How do you explain that? http://worldwar2database.com/gallery/wwii1273
As for Hiroshima, below is a link to a photograph of the Genbaku Dome just after the bombing. Again, could you please explain why this building is still standing despite being at "ground zero" of the blast? Apparently, the atomic bomb that you insist was dropped on Hiroshima wasn't even powerful enough to shake down the numerous trees planted around the perimeter of the Genbaku Dome, as evidenced by the photograph. Link to Wiki pic
I am neither a disinfo-agent nor an useful idiot of the jews, are any of you?
I earlier coined the phrase "The Culture of Cuckolds" when I first commented on Goodrich's article a few days ago. "Cuckservatives" is also a great new meme that is getting a lot of attention at present. However, I prefer cuckold, as it is easily understood and has a wider application beyond being sexually deceived and cheated. We goys, men and women alike, have all been deceived and cheated all our lives by the jews in every way imaginable. Isn't it about high time you stop believing in their lies? Isn't it about high time you stop being stupid cuckolds?
Respectfully submitted,
Reply LD says:
August 19, 2015 at 10:47 am
An excellent high-quality comment which deserves an answer. In fact, your comment is the best comment so far coming from what I would call the "Opposition", i.e. those who maintain that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hoaxes and that no atomic bombs were dropped upon them. Unfortunately, to believe what you state to be the truth—that no nuclear weapons have ever existed at any time—would seem to imply a giant conspiracy in which millions have knowingly partaken for the last 70 years. It is almost as if you were saying that the world is really FLAT and at the center of the universe, with the sun and all the stars revolving round it, and that the whole of modern science from Copernicus and Galileo onward is a gigantic conspiracy theory in which thousands of the top scientists have cooperated!
How would you answer this commonsensical comment from Franklin Ryckaert? FRANKLIN RYCKAERT
Submitted on 2015/08/18 at 6:05 pm | In reply to Luca K.
Well, I have no education in physics (let alone nuclear physics) at all. So the only thing I can do is to use my common sense. Why for example would Pakistan pretend to have developed a nuclear bomb in response to India's nuclear bomb if it would know that it was all a hoax? It could simply laugh it off. At least one nation could spill the beans, but that didn't happen.
Was Vanunu lying?
Are the nuclear inspectors seeking evidence of nukes in Iran all engaged in a gigantic fraud?
If the three most powerful countries in the world, the US, Russia and China are aware that no nukes exist and that everyone is bluffing, why haven't they attacked each other since 1945 in the full knowledge that it is safe to do so, i.e. that the doctrine of MAD (mutually assured destruction) is null and void?
Indeed, if the nine nuclear nations—the US, Russia, China, Britain, France, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea—are all lying through their back teeth that they have nukes when they don't—what is to stop ALL the other nations of the world jumping on the Hoaxers' bandwagon and shouting, "We ALL have nukes, so don't you dare attack us!"
The difficulty in accepting your thesis that no nukes exist is that it violates all the cannons of common sense and plausibility: it would mean that MILLIONS are involved in a gigantic hoax they all KNOW is a hoax. This is logically impossible. For if everyone is aware that everyone else is bluffing, the Big Bluff cancels itself out like a puff of smoke.
lobro says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:22 pm
I can't solve some of these riddles either, JFC but then, if we accept the wikipedia photographs as submitted, eg, the trees still standing in the vicinity of the blast, then by the rules of fair play, the same token credit must be extended to the picture of woman's back showing burn patches where her dress fabric had darker color.
This likewise is not indicative of regular flame.
So, what happened?
I am not a physicist and leave the field to those more knowledgeable and will join the spectators gallery until the issues are settled to my satisfaction.
Still, on the sum total of evidence and common sense, I'd say that as hoaxes go, the nuke-a-hoax is a tougher one to pull off than "no-nukes-a-hoax", thus if I had to bet, my money would be on the story that is harder to concoct and support if fake.
as far as I know, an atomic explosion has two main immediately destructive components: the blast itself and the superheated fireball expanding radially from the epicenter (and due to spherical expansion, its power drops off with the cube root of distance traveled), and powerful blast wall of high energy radiation such as gamma rays and streams of subatomic particles such as neutrons.
There are secondary effects of longer lasting radioisotope decay to be felt in days and years after.
Now, as for trees, if they weren't too close to the center, they may have remained structurally intact.
Trees are very tough and many are designed to survive forest fires and get on in the aftermath.
There are olive trees in North Africa estimated at over 10,000 years old that bear scorch marks of cavemen trying to burn them down unsuccessfully.
(This is why Jews exult in bulldozing them down in Palestine, because they are a symbol of longevity, survival and resistance to the native people).
I once heard a structural engineer and architect (double qualification) tell me about some hotel fire in Kansas City I think, where overhead steel trusses sagged and broke, bringing the ceiling down on the people in the lobby.
He said that many designers prefer wood beams because even though they burn on the outside, they retain structural rigidity longer than steel.
I know that this is not a proof, just a point to consider.
So, if I don't know, I say that I don't know but can still make a semi-educated guess.
What is worse, ignorance or refusing to admit it?
LD says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:51 pm
@ lobro
Apart from this, there are other more practical considerations that make the "No Nuclear Bombs" theory untenable. Luca K has already mentioned this. The argument is very simple and easy to follow:
1. FACT, If Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NOT hit by atomic bombs, the only other alternative is that they were FIREBOMBED in the conventional way as Tokyo was...and several other Japanese and German cities. This is admitted even by the "No Nuclear Bombs" advocates.
2. FACT: If FIREBOMBING is used, this involves HUNDREDS of planes flying in relays over MANY days, dropping thousands of tons of explosives.
3. FACT: It is universally admitted that only ONE plane was involved, dropping only ONE bomb, over Hiroshima. Ditto for Nagasaki. Ergo, it is impossible that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed, because that would have needed hundreds of planes over several days.
4. FACT: Hundreds of planes over several days were NOT seen or photographed over Hiroshima or Nagasaki. So there is NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of firebombing.
CONCLUSION: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked—because only ONE plane was involved in each case.
Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:12 pm
I cannot answer your questions because of my lack of expertise in this matter. But I see in the margin to the right of the two pages you linked to two photographs entitled :
"Fat Man" Atomic Bomb Explodes Over Nagasaki.
Mushroom Cloud Over Nagasaki.
Please explain the mushroom cloud if there was no nuclear explosion.
Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:27 pm
@ Lasha Darkmoon
"This is logically impossible. For if everyone is aware that everyone else is bluffing, the Big Bluff cancels itself out like a puff of smoke."
Indeed, if my enemy would try to intimidate me by bluffing, saying that he possesses a terrible weapon and if I knew that it was a hoax, I would simply expose his hoax and not engage in similar bluffing which my enemy would also know is a hoax. That would be MAR (Mutually Assured Ridiculesness).
And yet the "no-nukes" conspiracy theorists want us to believe that half the world is engaged in such a farce.
Michael Rivero says:
August 17, 2015 at 3:59 pm
The people peddling the "no nukes" are impervious to facts and logic for the same reason as those who peddle the "no plane at the Pentagon" or "Apollo Moon Landings were faked" nonsense; they are paid propagandists pouring total junk onto the net to make the internet community look like a bunch of kooks in the hope that people will not pay attention when we tell them Saddam did not have nuclear weapons, that the ponzi-scheme central banking economy must self destruct, that TWA 800 was accidentally shot down by the US Navy, that Vincent Foster was murdered, etc.
Lasha Darkmoon says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:13 pm
Well said, Michael! We have quite a few of these kooks posting on our website. Not all of them are malignant spreaders of lies. Many of them are Useful Idiots who fervently believe in the garbage they read on the internet. As I said in my article, they are more to be pitied than hated or despised. Their only sin is gullibility.
Reply TheRealOriginalJoe says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:52 pm
Pat must be feeling real BLUE now, now after he lost the "nukes don't exist" versus "Nukes Do Exist" debate. He lost real bad, and I imagine losing a debate is something that could make the loser feel real BLUE.
The World of Country-Western has got their Patsy Cline and baby, she's singing the blues, and Darkmoon's got their Patsy Decline , and let me tell 'ya, he's singing the blues too, Big-Time.
aj says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:29 pm
Um, Mr. Rivero, on Aug. 2, 2014 you said, "Hitler thoroughly believed that genocide of Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals was absolutely the right and moral thing to do."
Reply Taras Bulba says:
August 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm
Did Rivero provide sources for that comment?
He has also said that Hitler wanted to conquer the world, as I no longer listen to his show I have no idea when he last said this but a few years ago it was at least once a month.
AFAIK the meme that Hitler wanted to conquer the world is not true, so unless he retracts or quotes a source, why is he taken as someone who is on the side of truth? Go to Nuke lies Michael and refute the info there or accept Lobro,s position maybe they do or maybew they do not. Who cares.
BTW Michaeal will not accept callers to his show who want to debate the moon landing (or chemtrails, or no plane at the pentagon). He just wants his listensers to believe HIM when he asserts these views are lunatic. He may be correct of course but no debate allowed smacks of something fishy to me.
Wyandotte says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:48 pm
It may not be right to mix the "no plane at the Pentagon on 9/11? idea with "no Apollo moon landing". Some "conspiracy" theories are both sensible-sounding and legitimate, but some are not. Not only sensible-sounding, but quite possible.
Reply Sardonicus says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:25 pm
@ Wyandotte
I think you make an excellent point. Some so-called "conspiracy theories" are absolutely valid, particularly the Holocaust and 9/11. Other conspiracy theories are deliberately invented to sound totally absurd in order to bring ALL conspiracy theories into disrepute.
Personally, I am not at all hostile to one particularly bizarre conspiracy theory: the Moon Landing one. I don't embrace the Moon Landing conspiracy theory myself, but I don't object to other people embracing it. This is because it strikes me as being quite possible.
After all, why not? Almost 50 years have gone by, so how come there hasn't been a second landing? How come no other nation has put a man on the moon in the meantime? And how come they haven't built bases on the moon, like at the South Pole?
Timothy Dunlap says:
August 17, 2015 at 8:04 pm
Don't flatter yourselves. The no-nukes story isn't about you. The government wants people to believe it.
Probably so the government can use nuclear weapons more freely.
MODERN nuclear weapons are very different from the ones built more than 50 years ago, and most people don't know that. Modern bombs have minimal uranium, with deuterium and tritium chemically bonded to the uranium. There is less visible flash. There is much less fallout.
Winston says:
August 17, 2015 at 9:29 pm
Japan was nuked, no doubt about it. What is of further interest is emerging suppressed history of both the German and the Japanese nuclear programs; suggested reading includes: "Japan's Secret War" by Robert K. Wilcox (according to Japanese and Korean sources, Japan actually detonated a very low yield weapon in Korea before the war ended). Must reading: "Hirschfeld", the story of a U-boat NCO as told to Geoffrey Brooks; "Hitler's Nuclear Weapons" by Geoffrey Brooks, and "Critical Mass" by Carter Plymton Hydrick. The work of Dr. Joseph Farrell ("Reich of the Black Sun") and Henry Stevens is also quite interesting. As for the Moon landings, you really have to examine Jack White's thorough examination of official NASA photos (some withdrawn, some withdrawn and re-done after exposure). The conclusion that there was no Moon landing is not correct in my opinion; the technology used was probably of a higher order than the official story this was really more of a military enterprise than a 'noble civilian' effort. The late Neil Armstrong is said to have told an associate and overheard by MI-6 agent Pamela H. at a very restricted conference in Italy that the real landings were a quick scoop up and go kind of an affair... see Timothy Good's latest book for details. Anyone who thinks military technical achievement ended with the 'Blackbird', B-2, or F-117A (which according to "Janes" first flew in 1977) really ought to catch up with things, it partly explains why there is a prevailing arrogance of 'we can get away with whatever we want' attitude in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and France Israel was always a pariah. By the way, major thanks to Mike Rivero, Jeff Rense, and Lasha Darkmoon for their heroic and outstanding efforts. All deserve our respect and support.
Reply mothman777 says:
August 17, 2015 at 11:41 pm
Well, Geoffrey Brooks sounds a very Jewish name, and for one, Hitler never wanted to take over the world as Brook claims in his book, nor did he wish to inflict terror on the rest of the world with terror weapons as this most likely Jewish person Brooks insanely asserts.
Hitler may have used heavy water in Norway, as they still do today in Norway, but not for filthy radioactive polluting nuclear weapons development, as the heavy water plants in Norway today are just used to generate energy, and not atomic weapons, and Hitler's Germany needed new power sources due to the oil embargo against Germany.
Of course, Jewish researchers will be unearthing 'Nazi' atomic weapons research labs in hollowed out mountains as fast as they can fake them by taking some 'radioactive readings' that can be produced any way they wish, especially by adding a bit of suitable radioactive trace material when they do their 'research'. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2888975/Vast-underground-complex-Nazis-developed-WMD-discovered-Austria.html
Or maybe the above report in the Jewish dominated newspaper The Daily Mail really was a genuine report of a genuine WWII German weapons research base, but it would not have been one developing Jewish style world polluting radioactive atomic weapons.
Personal bodyguard of Hitler, Otto Skorzeny, stated that Hitler completely forbade any of his scientists from ever working on any atomic weapons, as he regarded them as the Jewish hell weapon. The radioactive atom bomb, radioactive nuclear bomb, and radioactive neutron bomb were all conceived of by Jewish scientists alone, and developed to fully functioning world-endangering radioactive weapons by Jewish 'scientists', due to their very peculiar mindset and very peculiar objectives, and no doubt, such theories that no nuclear weapons exist serve especially to deny the very lethal reality of the Israeli Samson Option. and one Jewish fanatic deleted me and banned me from his site for making that very comment.
Jewish 'scientist' Leo Szilard invented the first atom bomb in 1933, patenting his finalized plans in London in 1934, which no doubt gave the Jews confidence to declare their intent to have war waged on their behalf against Germany by their goyim mind-controlled slave robots.
Though another Jew scientist invented the first nuclear bomb, Leo Szilard invented the cobalt nuclear bomb in 1950, which he stated would be capable of killing all life on Earth. This was the obvious thanks that the people of the world got for fighting Germany into the ground, just the constant death threat of the Samson Option, no doubt using that very weapon.
Samuel T. Cohen of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed the concept of the neutron bomb in 1958.
If everyone had backed Germany instead, there would be no radioactive atomic weapons today.
This is what Hitler said to Colonel Skorzeny, who had rescued Mussolini from Gran Sasso:
"When Dr. Todt visited me I read that the energy set free by such a bomb could destroy an area as large as the state of Arizona or make as big a crater as the meteor had caused in Siberia. That means that all life within such an area would be destroyed, not only humans but all life, but animals and plants would not be able to live within a radius of 40 km for hundreds of years due to radiation. That would mean an Apocalypse. No land, no group of civilized people could bear the responsibility for such a slaughter. In battle after battle human beings would destroy themselves if such a bomb were used."
All kinds of things can be put on paper, so I am not quite sure if 'Allied' evidence on what Hitler really did can ever be regarded as much more than mere fake war propaganda, and so-called testimonies allegedly gained from eavesdropping on captured German officers in Trent Park House were recently featured on British television, repeating obviously faked and already disproven supposedly eavesdropped confessions made by German Officers including on how they really did in fact make lampshades from tattooed Jewish concentration camp inmates' skin, when such lampshades have in fact been completely disproven in court after thorough scientific analysis, as mere goat skin. Though the officer in the 'documentary' gave evidently very vivid accounts of the sadistic camp commandant having the best tattooed Jews to be selected from the inmates, about a hundred of them in total, and how they were specially executed so that their skin could be harvested. This being the case, then ALL such testimony allegedly gained through eavesdropping on German Officers at Trent Park can only be regarded as totally fake and maliciously constructed.
However, the following quote may be a truthful report about research into a non radioactive bomb with the equivalent power of nuclear weapons. http://bell.greyfalcon.us/Wunder.htm
"The idea of a "Superbomb" was first patented prior to World War Two in Austria, and a modification of the idea was patented in Germany in 1943. [German patent 905.847, March 16, 1943, cited in Mayer and Mehner, "Hitler und die Bombe"] Its inventor, Dr. Karl Nowak, explained the reason for his invention as being to create a superbomb without the radioactive fallout effects that were evident from atomic and thermonuclear explosions! In other words, the Nazis were already looking past the thermonuclear age toward the creation of second and third generation weapons systems that would give the same offensive and strategic "punch" but without the side effects!
"In theory, the bomb is workable, but was way beyond the technological capabilities of Germany, or any other power, in that time period. Basically, the idea was to create a state of matter in which, through ultra-low temperatures approaching absolute zero, matter would be super-compressed. The idea was then to detonate this material, subjecting it to sudden stress and heat, to create a sudden and massive expansion and explosion, and therewith, an enormous, H-bomb sized blast. Thus, there may have been a basis in actual German secret research for the incredible claim of the Japanese military attache in Stockholm's 1943 report to Tokyo that the Germans were investigating the properties of super-dense matter for weaponization."
Brownhawk says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:33 am
Wow Mike
Next you'll be telling us that Lee Harvey Oswald really WAS a lone assassin. And a fawning lasha quotes the "esteemed Felix" over his "alien lizard" comment, which shows a disregard for what is a legitimate area of research. Don't be so quick to dismiss yet another conspiracy "theory. This one suggesting the presence of a reptilian/human hybrid imposter on the British throne.* Which, btw, would NOT make her (it) an alien, per se.
*my theory would show:
Elizabeth Two
is a "pristine jew"
Reply Winston says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:10 am
The much slandered Hitler's humane view regarding nuclear weapons (opposition, that is) is probably correct. He never wanted war with the UK, even official historians concede this much. Brooks and many other authors are not always correct on each and every point, but Hirschfeld was a participant. Interestingly when the US navy ship was escorting the surrendered U-234 into Portsmouth, NH the third week of May 1945, they were buzzed by an airplane and there was a fully evident concern of imminent attack on the part of the US navy crewmen. When the German naval prisoners of war asked who the potential attackers might be, their American hosts replied darkly "the British". Evidently Churchill thought it over and the prize did stay in American hands. "Critical Mass" points out that the German work camp Auschwitz drew more electricity than the city of Berlin, allegedly to produce Buna (synthetic rubber). When questioning lifetime career experts in the Buna field, author Hydrick was informed that Buna production only requires a fraction of that amount of electricity, even for large quantities. Guess what it was being used for. The matter goes well beyond speculation on paper, however, the History Channel has aired a program that features a taped interview with an aged German civilian woman who was an eyewitness to a detonation that caused what can only be described as radiation sickness after an tremendous bright explosion (which the neighboring civilian population were not forewarned about) with some people fatally affected. The testimony of Col. Luigi Romersa, Italian Air Force attache invited to witness the test is also a matter of record. Then there is at least one report from an RAF pilot flying in the area (Baltic Sea) all in the same time frame. Whether Brooks is jewish or not I really can't answer, but I'd suggest that in this case the zionist atomic invention myth really stands to be shredded to pieces you know, the much hyped letter from 'professor' Einstein from Princeton University warning Roosevelt about what was already quite well known in the scientific field (of course, it is never mentioned that Einstein was barred from the Manhattan Project because he was judged to be a security risk, not over the matter that he stole other people's work while working in the patent office in Switzerland, but because of his Communist sympathies). Then there is the 'great' Oppenheimer- see the Venona decripts (such as we are allowed to see- jewish authors seem to be the only ones allowed to write about this episode of codebreaking) and note a most interesting report from New Mexico that landed on Stalin's desk in 1947. Enrico Fermi, who was jewish and communist leaning like Oppenheimer was also permitted to participate, but then his work was advanced and original in this field (unlike Einstein's) and he nearly caused an explosion in Chicago. The problem was the proximity fuses to detonate the bomb (Oppenheimer is said to have stated on May 8, 1945 that the project would take at least till December) which was solved by Dr. Hans Schlieke surrendering the third week of May 1945 on U-234 along with several solid gold containers of 'Uranium ore' (Hirschfeld insists there were at least 50) which are on record, (declassified) with the US navy, which lists ten 'officially'. The reality check is that Uranium ore doesn't require gold containers, only enriched Uranium does. Indeed, US mining tycoon Thomas Fortune Ryan had about a ton of the stuff in a Brooklyn navy yard at the time from his interests in the Belgian Congo. Since "Critical Mass" has gotten very pricey, you should at least look at the write up on Amazon, which mentions the warm reception Hydrick received for his book and lecture among the scientists at Oak Ridge lab and glowing testimony from an expert from Los Alamos; afterwards Hydrick seems to have gained a nice tenured career and probably encouraged not to pursue the matter further (this is purely my speculation). Dr. Schlieke later worked at NASA, though Wikipedia really doesn't mention this phase of his career for obvious reasons.
brabantian says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:41 pm
So Michael Rivero greatly disagrees with all the Virginia USA local residents living near the Pentagon ... who said they saw a missile (maybe aided by explosives pre-set in the Pentagon)... and who said there was no plane wreckage until it was 'delivered' much after the attack ... on the very magical Pentagon grass lawn that instantly dissolves and repels all plane wreckage, dead bodies etc!
Magical plane-crash repelling Pentagon lawn
Reply aj says:
August 19, 2015 at 2:57 am
Oh, yeah, Rivero insists a plane hit the Pentagon. He knows more than Capt. Russ Wittenburg who has said, "The airplane could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won't go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. ... To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous...
It's roughly a 100 ton airplane. And an airplane that weighs 100 tons all assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building. There was no wreckage from a 757 at the Pentagon. ... The vehicle that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77. We think, as you may have heard before, it was a cruise missile."
Rivero dismisses Chemtrails and favors "The Money Junkie" theory rather than the "International Jew" theory of Henry Ford and others. Go figure.
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:20 pm
AND, Brabantian, it is a well-known fact among us that all convenience store and parking lot surveillance cameras had their filmed footage confiscated by FBI minions immediately thereafter. Thanks for pointing this out. :)
Brownhawk says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:31 pm
M. Rivero
I may have been a bit rash when replying to your post (damn dyslexia!) My apologies
But a thousand lashes with a wet noodle upon lasha and felix still stands :)
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:14 pm
Michael Rivero
Paid propagandists?? Well, I'm still waiting on my money... Where is it coming from???!!! :)
I think a lot of folks fail to consider that even scientists and inspectors overwhelmingly 'rubber stamp' things which become routinely expected. They have things which they, too, would rather be doing. Heads of state, in the inclusion of fear of 'shadow government', are more culpable but far more aware of the consequences of blatant exposure. In overlooking THAT fact, just who is the most gullible?? Do you really believe everything you're told because some fellows who tell it are sporting academic degrees? If a lie goes on long enough, and is accepted widely enough, it can be facilitated onward with less effort AND, without interruption of pay. Qui bono??
TheRealOriginalJoe says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:02 pm
About the high levels of radioactive isotopes in lower Manhattan. The isotopes are the isotopes that result from a Nuclear Blast :
A lot more info with above Search Terms. Search Terms good for YouTube also to access a lot of videos about "911 + NUCLEAR DEMOLITION".
Luca K says:
August 17, 2015 at 4:50 pm
Michael Rivero has nailed it.
There was a high zusan government official, cannot remember his name now nor if under Obama or Bush, who actually stated that the government should infiltrate organizations that were debunking government propaganda, for ex. re 9-11, with disinfo agents in order to hurt their credibility.
Look at Veterans Today; although there are good people contributing, the editor, Gordon Duff,
promotes so much unsupported nonsense re 9-11 as to actually hurt the many serious reseachers who've taken apart the official 9-11 report.
Not to mention duff and his sidekick, Jim Dean(i think thats the dudes name) viciously promoted the NATO war on Lybia, which totally destroyed this once stable, secular and relatively prosperous country(highest IDH in Africa, comparable to some countries in Eastern europe), turning it into a basket case and a breeding ground for Waahabi terrorists. The destabilization of Lybia also led to further destabilization elsewhere, i.e.mali, and the spread of Al-CIADA.
It removed a buffer which tried to contain mass Sub-Saharan Africans from crossing into Europe. This criminal and immoral war was promoted heavily by veteran todays dynamic duo.
Anyway, Duff himself, a sad little liar, even admitted to the fact that a lot of what he wrote was BS, stating that if he did not do this, he would be killed, Boohoo.
BlackIrish says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:24 pm
He certainly has not 'nailed it' when he equates 'no plane hit the pentagon' with 'nukes don't exist'.
Reply Brownhawk says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:33 pm
Read his post more carefully, BLACKIRISH. I made the same mistake
Sardonicus says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:39 pm
@ Luca K
You make some excellent points, especially about Veterans Today being a shit website where a handful of good writers are taken on board in order to give a semblance of respectability to disinfo agents like Gordon Duff and Jim Dean. These guys were booted off PressTV, much to their chagrin, when the Iranians discovered Duff and Dean were up to no good.
That guy "Dr" Preston James writes deliberate disinfo articles about alien infiltration of the earth and similar garbage like that. However, they have some darn good writers still writing there. My two favorites are Kevin Barrett and Jonas Alexis.
I believe Lasha used to write for VT at one time as a regular columnist, but I haven't seen a thing of hers published on VT for quite some time now. So maybe she jumped ship a few months ago when there was a mass exodus of good writers. I have no idea why they all walked out so suddenly. They probably had good reason.
Reply Dr David Green says:
August 17, 2015 at 6:06 pm
Lasha was at her best when writing for the Occidental Observer. She should do her best to return to it after a long absence. That's one website I can trust. High quality articles. Complete avoidance of crap. And an erudite editor-writer in charge whose integrity cannot be questioned.
Wyandotte says:
August 17, 2015 at 6:47 pm
INdeed. Mixing 50% truth (or possible or likely truth) in with the ridiculous is a tactic as old as the hills. People don't know what to think, so they abandon the whole kettle of fish. Or they believe the foolish because there's some obvious good in the mix.
E.g., no plane hit the pentagon (could be true) is stirred in with the no-planes-at-all hit the towers (dumb).
Ingrid B says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:17 am
@Luca K, I had a ding dong argument with Duff and Dean over the Libya proposals, which ended in my being blocked from commenting on VT.. PS. @Sardonicus, I, too, like Kevin Barret..
Reply TheRealOriginalJoe says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:45 pm
Maybe VT blocked you from commenting, "Ingrid", because you're really the pain-in-the-ass Shelley Rubin/MadJewess, and they just don't have any patience with JDL jews. I can't say I blame them, I don't have any patience for you either.
lobro says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm
i ain't got no dog in this fight and don't care much either way, so that i am not tethered to either version, nukes or no-nukes.
in fact, i would greatly prefer the no-nukes to be true, if for no other reason but that nukes hurt.
however, the weight of available and mostly-credible evidence is heavily in favor of yes-nuke camp.
i recognize that pat's expertise is many rungs above mine but then again, he is fairly long in tooth and his views were set ages ago, so he may well be like master saddlemaker explaining while cars are bunk.
in fact, i remember reading scientific american artificial intelligence wonks explaining (quite rationally at that time) why there is no theoretical way that computer will ever beat a high ranking chess grandmaster.
if i am wrong and all the carefully constructed stories of n-bomb going off in the air above hiroshima and nagasaki are subsequently deconstructed as masterpiece of hasbara, hats off to pat, an argument that i would be happy to lose.
but generally, the "conspiracy theories" are judged on how efficiently they blow holes in the official script.
holocaust a cinch, no contest, thus "conspiracy" no more but a plain statement that it is a lie spun from the whole cloth,
9/11 same as above,
kennedy brothers murders, beyond doubt engineered by jew, although not as crystal clear as the above two cases,
london tube bombing clear as day, netanyahu inc,
a bunch of other, smaller cases, clear evidence of jew perfidy (uss liberty, lavon affair, ..., etc)
the following are somewhat likely but not beyond doubt: moon shot+landing, 9/11 micro nukes (i believe pat that such tiny nuclear bomblets are technically impossible), haarp tricks like earthquakes and tectonic collisions, masonic lodges and jesuits hatch their own plans for takeover,
(important) jews absolutely control everything and there is no meaningful resistance above and beyond bearded, tattooed old farts in log cabins and bowling alleys in idaho and everything is just puppetry for our amusement and to keep us sedated (many reasons why i don't buy that)
totally outlandish red herrings: antarctic nazi submarine bases, hitler and clique alive and well in paraguay and cloned all over the place, anti-gravity vehicles, space lizards, anunaki bogeymen, ufo kidnappings of pretty blonds, etc.
these are my assessments and that's all they are.
LD says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:51 pm
@ lobro
Brilliant as usual! Also most amusing. Penultimate paragraph made me laugh.
Reply Gilbert Huntly says:
August 18, 2015 at 12:41 am
Bullshit, LD. He covers his ass, as usual, afraid to take a stand. Your synopsis has NO factual basis, and is no more than parroting all the stuff we have been told since infancy like the 'holocaust'. Get REAL.
NONE of us know any better than we've been 'told'. If you want to compare the Japanese cities to Dresden, for instance, REMEMBER that Dresden was built of BRICK and
STONE not paper and bamboo. There may truly be atomic
bombs which have been detonated in the desert but we
have NO WAY of knowing HOW BIG they were. Moreover,
we have been told the HEAT fuses GLASS. Why, then, were
there ANY structures remaining in those cities??? Use your
common, critical sense, woman!
Pat says:
August 17, 2015 at 9:27 pm
Pat 'long-in-tooth' says:
When one sits across from me and ask questions...
....and I provide ready answers... proving the physics...
.... which is too cumbersome for me here...
....my teeth ALWAYS become remarkably shorter...
....almost as short as Newton's. :)
Ingrid B says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:30 am
Thousands in the UK are signing a petition to have Netanyahu arrested on his visit there next month. I don`t suppose it will happen, considering the amount of jew/israel worship in Westminster, but, it does highlight just how many Brits are disgusted by that particular jew and his policies..
Reply TheRealOriginalJoe says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:58 pm
Yeah Ingrid, and I bet your takfiri dining companions just LERV your Netanyahu to kibbles-and-bits. But you already know that, as you go out and dine with your best friends all the time : your best friends, the "takfiris" ; In other words, your best friends are jews pretending to be Muslims and committing terrorist acts under the guise of being Muslims so the rest of your jew tribe can encourage everyone to wage war against the Muslim world for the benefit of your eretz izzysmells. Under your MadJewess handle, you encourage everyone to wage war against the Muslim world, because the Muslims produce "terrorists". Do you tell your readers at your MadJewess website your best friends are jews pretending to be Muslim terrorists so the world will hate Muslims and wage war against the Muslim world for the benefit of your hasheem "god" fat RED joo cow "messiah's" eretz izzysmell ? LOL LOL LOL....
Taras Bulba says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:12 pm
Thanks for the heads up re the petition, Ingrid.
Benc says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:22 pm
Well I don't contribute to this site too often, but sometimes enjoy reading the comments section. I confess to being one of the skunks who had the audacity to drop the bomb on the atomic hoax. (NB I'm not consciously a disinfo agent, nor working in concert, and also resent the accusation of utility.)
Well Lasha, thank you for trying to disabuse me of this notion (although there was no need to blow up like that) but having researched it, tentative opinion remains: Highly plausible. Why?
1. Nuclear fission "chain reaction" essentially postulates more power out than in. Sorry, no philosophers stone.
2. Hiro/ Nag damage is consistent with firebombing lots of survivors, brick structures intact, plus no change in rate of local birth defects afterwards.
3. Count the alleged nuclear tests, core meltdowns and incidents over the years where's the massive radiation hangover? Why aren't we all dead? People are reportedly living.
4. That delightful special tool the Geiger Counter is the only direct way to measure atomic radiation. (Didn't I see that in Star Trek?)
5. The zero sum deterrent does not work in practice. Consider crappy 80s teen movie War Games and add hubristic political showponies someone would have tapped that hair-trigger since '45. It's just James Bond double 0 negative.
6. Lots of demonstrably fake Lookout Mountain-made footage of mushroom clouds etc. Thanks for the propaganda Uncle Sam!
7. For desert tests, use tonnes of TNT plus magnesium to get that special "flash" effect.
8. Just like moon landing hoax or the banking magical money machine, it only takes a few at the top to know, and those down the pyramid scurry about thinking it's all bona fide.
It's not the power of God, you think God lets this lot grab the controls and save themselves? No, it's just Satan pedalling away behind the arras at his lying signs and wonders again. Sorry to disappoint (Can anyone help get the list to 10?).
Reply Admin Toby says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:22 pm
@ Benc
Thanks for your intelligent comment. This website (and Lasha in particular) are not interested in winning arguments if the Truth lies on the opposite side. If you are right and can convince us we are wrong, we would be very foolish to stick to our guns out of sheer bloody-minded stupidity. You are the first person to argue your case in a polite and rational way. Feel free to do so. But for every comment like yours, we get ten that resort to abuse and vilification.
SPQR says:
August 17, 2015 at 5:37 pm
OT: today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the gassing, brain-bashing, electrification, shooting, hanging, and general holocausting of jew rapist and child murderer Leo Frank, or as his fellow kikes call him, "a good jew."
paschn says:
August 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm
The easiest way to hide the facts of a given "thing" is to stick one's hand in the water and stir up clouds of sediment to splinter/confuse the (mostly) mutt culture in the U.S. It's comparable to wasting resources etc. to prove HOW Israel/AIPAC/ U.S. traitors did 9/11 rather than proving their guilt.
There are a few iron-clad facts that cannot be questioned;
The Synagogue is behind most misery/perversion/slavery and debauchery in the world with the help of Marranos and Judas "Christians".
The U.S./"great" Britain (as a dual world power), are the most purely evil "nations" to ever waste a breath.
One has more of a chance to see pigs fly over the white house than salvaging the open sewer this Talmudic nation's "leaders" have made it under the tutelage of the aforementioned Luciferians commonly referred to as
"The Chosen".
Within a few years, (because of the fools in this "mutt" culture), the world will see a Talmudic redux of the Russian slaughter-fest happen in the U.S. engineered by the spawn of the same Bolsheviks who pulled it off before.
Sardonicus says:
August 17, 2015 at 6:50 pm
Cheer up, Paschn! What you say is no doubt true, but maybe the tide will turn soon. Who knows? Maybe the Chinese or Ruskies will rescue us from the Bolshevik scum who rule America.
And then what?
I shudder to think. The Chinese eat dogs and invented the infamous "rat torture" mentioned in Orwell's 1984. Maybe it ain't such a good idea being rescued by the Chinese.
Rescue by the Russians? I ain't so sure about that either. It was Russian Red army soldiers who raped and tortured 2 million German women in 1944-1947. I wouldn't like to see their descendants going on the rampage in America. American women are the pits, but I don't think they deserve to have tits cut off and poles stuck up their vaginas, any more than the German women did.
When all is said and done, maybe it's better to stick with the devil you know.
Bob in DC says:
August 17, 2015 at 7:26 pm
Whatever happened to Carol Valentine of come-and-hear.com?
lobro says:
August 17, 2015 at 7:24 pm
more thoughts on the theory of conspiracy theories.
first, i disagree that jews are smarter than us, especially when by "us", i mean those who are awake and alert to judaic perfidy.
no more groucho stunts like looking bugeyed over your shoulder and saying, hey lookit who's behind you.
next, saying a little lie, unconnected to the world of common interest is easy to spin, if i say i have a full head of hair but am actually bald, i can get away with it for years before getting caught (so called bald-faced lie).
but a great lie that tries to shape the world will fail and fail quite soon, no matter how craftily put together, because it connects to so many things that people are in touch with on everyday basis that contradictions will surface very rapidly and multiply to a ludicrous degree.
jew, who cultivates lies in his underground labs, he is a farmer of lies, his cash crop, knows this.
so he must reinforce the crumbling edifice with two main supporting structures:
laws, internationally enforced, under guises such as "hate crime", "racism", "antisemitism", "conspiracy nuts" ... and
making people as stupid as he can, literally bringing them down to the goy-cattle level of blank incomprehension and disinterest.
various fancy universities and institutes are employed in nothing but dreaming up schemes for stupefying the goyim down to this ideal zero intellect.
and once the scheme is hatched, it is passed on to the gigantic lying industry of media, entertainment, educational programs, drugs, sports, etc., opium of the masses, as lenin said.
raising yourself out of the swamp of non-critical thinking is the single most damaging thing you can do to the jew, the ultimate act of antisemitism (with apologies to nitpickers, yes i know they are not antisemites but i don't care what i call them so long as everyone understands who i mean).
mystical hippy says:
August 17, 2015 at 8:29 pm
Nice site ! Bless all your hearts ! Hiroshima propaganda came from cia lookout mountain laboratory in laurel canyon and just like the charles manson and wonderland murders are all hoaxes , so are all the fake nuclear bomb hoaxes ! All courtesy of the pharisees ! Again , bless all of your hearts ! Peace and love
Moti Nissani says:
August 17, 2015 at 9:04 pm
A gullible friend sent me information about that site. Here is what I told him:
Checked that site. Everything is possible in this world of liars but I wouldn't give it more than a 1% probability. Sounds like an idiot or another CIA trick.
There is overwhelming evidence against him:
Korea War: China agreed to stop following a N threat
Churchill and MaCArthur worked tirelessly to use nukes against Russia and China respectively
The 1973 war was stopped following an Israeli N threat to Egypt
Vanunu presented real photos, I think.
Kennedy tried to stop Dimona: why would he care if the whole thing were a fake?
I don't think you could fool people like Einstein, Szilard, or Fermi. They were about 1000 times brighter than this Swede, and they agreed that the physics was alright, that it could be done.
Many vivid accounts of N explosions
Cancers in NV around test site: higher
Islands had to be evacuated
Radiation counts in the world are getting progressively higher
Nuclear power is possible and based on the same principle. Does this guy deny the radiation coming from Fukushima? Does he deny wildlife deaths and cancers? Does he deny Chernobyl? Khystym (sp?)
There is a story of a nuclear designer breaking up in tears, walking in the Red Square. There are many other stories of life transforming events. He spent his life working a mirage?
The Oppenheimer hearings and Edward Teller' viciousness and H-bomb adventures is it possible to believe that the whole thing was a fake, based on nothing?
That page sounds phony this is just an intuition, but he doesn't sound like a truth seeker
If it's worth it to you, you need to spend a month or so studying the issue from all sides, before going beyond the 1% probability I feel is right.
I wish he was right what a wonderful gift to a weary world. Sadly, almost certainly, he isn't. I'll have to spend a lot of time judging the physics of his claims and would need to talk to people, but the vanishingly small possibility that he is right doesn't justify the effort.
This, and the aliens story (which I would love to be true) are again, most likely, a distraction, like gay marriage now or bread and circuses then.
Motive for such sites: To discredit claims of real conspiracies. Another Sorcha Faal, and I note more than a million hits. So it works. Kudos to MI6 once more?
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 18, 2015 at 9:54 am
The fact of nuclear 'meltdown', e.g., Chernobyl, is painfully obvious. I certainly agree with you. What is suspicious is the ability to DELIVER a nuclear explosive device. After considering Pat's and others' logic and explanations and KNOWLEDGE, I am relieved to believe that we needn't all be looking over our shoulders in fear of nuclear annihilation.
On the other hand, it certainly FITS that our fears have been capitalized on, tremendously. Billions have been made on defense contracts and many more billions have been made by the bankers who extend the credit to pursue 'nuclear' 'defenses'. Oy vey! Such a DEAL! :)
the avatar says:
August 17, 2015 at 9:08 pm
the jewish hollocoust never happened
white americans never killed 119 million natives, 40 million blacks and 2 million vietnamese
the "der yassin" massacre didnt occur because der
(or dair or however the pronunciation to english comes out)
yassin was a convent and my mother (yes my mother an actual survivor of such crime) was a liar (this last one according to "erudite" richaert the best poster at darkmoon´s magazine)
the bombs in hiroshima and nagasaki were firecrackers
ahmedinejad is a jesuit
palestinians are a fake people
september eleven wasnt done by bin laden
ruth bernstein isnt a jew, she is a catholic
lasha darkmoon does NOT have 11 sock puppet accounts
world peace is declared!
Rufus says:
August 17, 2015 at 10:50 pm
White people have pulled off a some crap, but compared to
other races we're divinely benevolent. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were instigated by Jews, The Ahmedinejad and Palestinian fiascos jew instigated. Jews have commited their crimes in White Face. Read not only history but literature. This generation of youtube twitterers are lost sponges, soaking up the jewish drek
Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 17, 2015 at 11:18 pm
"...White Americans never killed 119 million natives, 40 million blacks and 2 million Vietnamese..."
The first two statements are right. There lived only one to two million Indians in North America when Whites settled there. Yes, Whites "stole" their land. Yes, Whites often treated the Indians cruelly, but you cannot kill 119 million people from one or two million. You can read about the very modest number of casualities (on both sides) in :
from which the following quote :
"It is difficult to determine the total number of people who died as a result of Indian massacres. However, one book, The Wild Frontier: Atrocities during the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee presents an estimate by counting every recorded atrocity in the area that would eventually become the continental United States, from first contact (1511) to the closing of the frontier (1890). The parameters were limited to the intentional and indiscriminate murder, torture, or mutilation of civilians, the wounded, and prisoners. The results revealed that 7,193 people died from atrocities perpetrated by those of European decent, and 9,156 people died from atrocities perpetrated by Native Americans."
Only 11 million Africans were shipped as slaves to the New World, from whom about one million died during the trans-Atlantic passage. Only 400,000 African slaves were shipped to North America. You cannot kill 40 million people from 400,000. There never was any mass killing of Blacks in America.
(And why don't you to mention the 10 million African slaves who were shipped to the Middle East by Arabs?)
Estimates of the casualties of the war in Vietnam, Laos and Camboja combined range from 1,4 to 3,5 million : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War_casualities
Bad enough.
I never denied the Deir Yassin massacre. I find it odd that you as a supposed Palestinian cannot spell the name properly : Deir Yassin (Arabic: ??? ??????, Dayr Yasin)
The rest of your statements is too ridiculous to go into.
lobro says:
August 18, 2015 at 9:07 am
why do you people bother with this jew, as if anything you say makes any difference to a ground troop of Talmud who simply follows the laid out plan, so many worm infested posts a day in so many blogs and his job is done, kick back on the Tel Aviv beach with his gay IDF soulmates.
Look again:
he has nothing but praise and brotherhood for jew Portugheis who lays it on Muslims (Ayrabs) for rejecting Jew "peace offers".
The very first point in each post he sends in is about 6 million dead Jew brothers and sisters.
The next one is about the wonders of ISIS.
And then he tosses the line about how white man killed off Indians, traded slaves, destroyed Deir Yassin (which he can't spell), just for the confusion effect.
Get it into your heads:
Avatar Jew.
And stop wasting time and blog space on him.
Reply Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:28 pm
"why do you people bother with this jew"
Great line... maybe z-best.
Amerikagulag says:
August 18, 2015 at 12:11 am
We've seen the photos, we know what happened. The 'facts' have already been recorded very thoroughly.
I don't think this 'conspiracy' is even worth the bandwidth to discuss. In fact, other than this particular article I've never read anything that even eluded to anything except nuclear weapons. Apparently I've been living under a rock...or something.
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 18, 2015 at 12:46 am
You probably always thought that the U.S. income tax was a LAW binding upon all Americans, too. :)
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:00 am
Government leaders LIE..!!
Here are just two:
1-Holocaust killed 6 million Jews.
2-Atomic weapons exist.
Extra bonus LIE = Moon Landing.
"Big enough and often...."
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:10 am
It's not 'the Jews' who are to blame so much as the 'goyim' VOID of balls and the ability to think critically. I read the assholes on here always lamenting 'Jew this' and 'Jew that' but see a true lack of balls and fortitude. They can't even plant a goddam FENCEPOST, and they're attempting to convince everyone it's all 'the Jews" fault. They're pitiful...
Ungenius says:
August 18, 2015 at 12:40 pm
@ Lasha
Thank you for an excellent and a very logical article on the reality of nuclear weapons. It should settle the matter, but I'm sure it won't. Misinformation tends to last for a long time.
Here is another simple indication that nuclear weapons were used on Japan in WWII. There have been no stories contradicting the use of nuclear weapons from any of the survivors, witnesses, relatives and descendents of survivors or victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts. Certainly by now, contradicting accounts from some of these people would have surfaced especially on the internet during the past 20-years. If there has been, I missed them.
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:48 am
This IS feasible.... In lieu of nukes:
Did the 'Rod of God' Weapon Hit Tianjin?
MattyXGuy says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:01 am
No, nuclear weapons do not exist, and the fact that you think there is no answering the lie of nukes proves nothing other than your own intellectual feebleness.
Obviously idiots like you are not prepared to hear the simple arguments which blow this astounding lie into dust, so I won't bother.
I'll just laugh at the dumb stuff you believe, so stupid that you make a North Korean look open-minded.
Toby says:
August 18, 2015 at 12:35 pm
@ MattyXGuy
Oh, I get it. You are right because the vehemence of your abuse makes you right. No facts necessary. We are wrong because you are far better than us at abuse, contempt and ridicule. Ever heard of the ad hominem argument?
Reply Madame Butterfly says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:45 pm
@ Toby
@ Pat
@ Gilby
And don't forget Pat and his sidekick Gilby. They too are right that there ain't no nukes. Nor never was nor never won't be! Pat does it by saying there ain't no nukes with more smiley faces than Charlie Chaplin ever used in a lifetime! :)
He proves there ain't to nukes by telling us (in strictest confidence) that he was a topnotch nuclear scientist working at Los Alamos. Yep, Pat was a big buddy of Einstein and Oppenheimer and was one of the big guns behind the Manhattan Project! Wow, ain't this butterfly lady impressed! :)
Pat also knew Eustace Mullins This is his trump card. He plays it all the time, like his sidekick Gilby, bragging how he sat with Eustace on his porch watching the sun go down! I reckon Pat is the mastermind behind Eustace, helping to dictate Eustace's shocking antisemitic books! He is also the mastermind behind Gilby's brilliant poems, helping to suggest the right rhyme when the Poet Laureate of Broken Jaw can't think of a nice word to rhyme with "loony". Then Pat comes to the rescue and suggests "Darkmoony"—and the problem is solved! :)
Between them, these two uber-geniuses have convinced me that NO NUKES EXIST! All those smiley faces of Pat's and all those links to conspiracy theory sites have convinced me that Pat is right. I don't think facts or logic are necessary when we are in the presence of a man of such genius who was at Los Alamos and knew Einstein, Oppenheimer and Eustace Mullins personally! :)
Same with Gilby. He needs no facts or logic. He has settled the whole question of nukes by using one strong and punchy macho argument. He has said that everything Lasha has to say about nukes actually existing is "BULLSHIT"!!! Wow, that is his ONE and ONLY argument for the non-existence of nukes! Anyone who says nukes exist is talking "BULLSHIT"!
How totally awesome and absolutely convincing! :)
Here is a cowboy who argues with his FISTS and his BOOTS! To hell with facts and logic! If you don't agree with Gilby, he will prove you wrong by beating the shit out of you and then feeding you to the pigs on his farm. With Yanks like this, there ain't no use gettin' into an argument. You just gotta believe him for your own goddam SURVIVAL!!! :)
Yes, I am now a convert to the NO NUKES EXIST conspiracy theory, thanks to the BRILLIANT arguments advanced by Pat and the Poet Laureate of Broken Jaw :) :) :)
Madame Butterfly,
Long-Term Radiation Sickness Unit,
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:56 pm
You're so CUTE!! I jus' LOVE to see you get riled-up! :)
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:24 pm
Thanks for setting the record straight....
... you 'plastic blue-winged x-gen babe.' This is for YOU... :) :)
You know I never did any of that stuff... I was bluffiin' like you did as an addicted alcoholic chuggin' vodka all day and checkin' into rehab.. :(
I am 22 years old and bed-ridden all day ...
..... takin' college courses... ??
I missed that 'Darkmoony' stuff, though. What was that???
Yep... YOU DO have a cute stinger... Keep it up with the cod liver oil.
Toby Pay her very little attention... She just wants more controversy here.
Toby says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:34 pm
@ Pat
Toby Pay her very little attention... She just wants more controversy here.
Yeah, she can be a pain in the ass. But I can't ban everyone who steps out of line. If I did, you'd be the only guy posting here. :)
lobro says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:28 pm
easy on her, toby.
madam butterfly is just being herself, a girl.
watch how the sexes act within this blog.
a man is interested in what people say.
a woman is interested in people themselves.
it is just part of the genetic package.
we spin theories about those who would rule us.
women spin theories about us, so m/b is just doing her job.
if she wasn't, it would be outside my comfort zone.
so when i read stuff by various madams, butterfly, rothschild, bernstein, i never, ever get upset, it is all fun and learning experience.
Madame Butterfly says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:29 pm
@ lobro
easy on her, toby. madam butterfly is just being herself, a girl. a man is interested in what people say. a woman is interested in people themselves.
Grrr...! You are sooo patronizing! You are basically saying: "Men think, women feel."
Don't kid yourself. When women cook, they have to think carefully. Feeling strongly about food ain't gonna cook a gourmet dish. Madame Curie didn't make her great scientific discoveries by feeling strongly about test tubes! She had to sit down and think mighty long.
lobro says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:49 pm
curry is one of my favorite dishes but i am sure hers would suck.
you specialize in himalayan butterflies, don't you ... i don't mean as a culinary ingredient, but it may also mean that you know how to whip up a mean curry, an intuitive one, with feeling but without pedantic measurement.
sounds intriguing.
Ungenius says:
August 19, 2015 at 5:39 am
@ Toby
Thanks for moving my last post to the proper article. I should have thought to just duplicate it like you did, but I was miffed at myself at the time.
@ Madame Butterfly
I thoroughly enjoyed the satire. I chuckled all the way through it, but maybe I have a twisted sense of humor. Even if it had been aimed at me, I would have still thought is was funny. Your closing location was absolutely priceless.
blake121666 says:
August 18, 2015 at 8:21 am
Franklin Ryckaert doesn't take into account the "shadow government" of the world. None of his examples involve anyone who had any awareness of the possible truth or falsity of nuclear bombs. The commenters on this board are under the delusion that they "know" a damned thing about nuclear weapons. The only way to "know" something is through personal experience; few to none have any personal experience with nuclear weapons. If nuclear weapons are a fraud, the question becomes: who knows this? And who is manipulating the fraud for all to believe in nuclear weapons? I give a big fat zero to Ryckaert's childishly naive approach to a very serious subject. What we do "know" about the subject is that we are constantly told ridiculously false things about the capabilities of these weapons that no one has ever had ANY experience with whatsoever. One of the latest examples being the nonsensical "dirty bomb" crapola. Try again, Ryckaert keeping in mind that the fraud, if there is one, is a very successful one.
Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:32 pm
If you do your research you can unravel all conspiracies of the so called "shadow governments" of this world. 9/11 was a big conspiracy of that "shadow government", but we know that it was a false flag operation.
As for the need of "personal experience", are the photos and testimonies of the Japanese victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not enough?
Reply blake121666 says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:36 pm
Unfortunately, the photos and testimonies of Japanese victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are pretty laughable and tend to enforce the nuke hoax view. They are the equivalent of the Holocaust "I survived 6 gassings" claims. Nuclear weapons are a very easy hoax to pull off given their secrecy. It is difficult to prove a negative of course; but positive identification of nuclear bombs are sorely lacking and the number and quality of the lies about them compel one to have very serious skepticism on the matter.
flek says:
August 18, 2015 at 9:35 am
So......challenge this guy on the evidence and win 1 million euros.
Especially rivero...I mean the spacecraft challenge should be a cinch for him.
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:37 pm
Michael Rivero, who resembles Geraldo Rivera, is a smart Jew. Should be a home run for him.
He was featured on GCN, run by Jews, and appears on the Alex Jones wife a Jew Show.
Rivero openly admits that his paternal ancestors were Sephardic Jews.
Anders Björkman says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:15 pm
I sometimes think about extending my Challenges to include proving that the a-bomb works. But I consider my proven facts that a-bombs do not work at http://heiwaco.com/bomb.htm too convincing, so there is no reason to waste time on it.
Only completely brainwashed silly fools believe in the a-bomb nonsense anyway. Of course the greatest, most intelligent stateman of all times with his nice moustache, Roosefelt loved him, managed to put together an a-bomb in only four years 1945-1949 using uranium mined by Wismut AG of Saxony, East Germany, using German slave labor but anyone who attended know Wismut AG was just a big bluff. So Stalin built his a-bomb without uranium. Quite a feat.
lobro says:
August 18, 2015 at 1:24 pm
somebody, ungenius i think but maybe not, pointed out an interesting bit.
namely, in every big lie of this nature, where there are lots of innocent dead and wounded, there are always a few survivors whose silence and complicity cannot be bought and they speak out.
there are jews who were in the camps testifying to german adminstration's care and decency in treatment of inmates, the orchetras, clubs, swimming pools and so on, see it on youtube where such jews speak openly.
there are families of 9/11 victims who refuse the settlement offered by jew judge hellerstein and insist on proper investigation, submission of redacted evidence and the truth, despite severe pressure and persecution.
why isn't there a single hiroshima+nagasaki (h+n) victim stating that there were long lasting successive waves of b-52's dropping incendiary munitions over a dispersed area?
and why would jew slaves usa and the uk admit to firebombing of tokyo and dozens of prefectures but would spin the lie for h+n?
the fact is that the japanese are even more civic minded and harder to suborn than americans and certainly more so than jews.
where are they?
all i am saying is that if the n-bombs over h+n are a lie, how come that of all the giant lies this one holds up so well to scrutiny while all the others collapsed at the first whiff of truth?
would someone offer 1 million euros for a proof of nukes why not?
people offered huge amounts for proof of nazi gas chambers or mass burial sites and no one claimed the reward.
i have no idea how someone can be so blind to such contradictions and just plod on like a blinkered mule bleating out the same old.
for example, yesterday i posted 2 pictures, one of a young guy without surface wounds apart from a bit of buckshot-like pecks on his face who within 3 days of the hiroshima blast died of massive internal bleeding.
the only explanation is neutron bombardment, such as would result from an a-bomb detonator to get the fission going.
secondly, there was a woman with face blasted off but untouched torso covered in white shirt fabric that reflected the optical flash without burning, something that an incendiary bomb like white phosphorus or thermobaric weapon would not be able to do they burn right thru everything.
if i am wrong, explain it, rather that blithely calling me a moron and disappearing in a hit and run fashion.
when i call someone a moron, i got a truckload of arguments to support it.
without it, the epithet would be justly reflected back on me.
as i said, some of these events are still open to doubt and are not open and shut cases.
i am only interested in truth, not personal vendettas and agendas.
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 2:45 pm
YOU'RE NOT A MORON...!!! All better, now...?? Hmmmm??
The white shirt in pic was a 'blooper' caused by the hurried underpaid drunken 'crisis actor' not in full costume. Good help hard to find in all eras... even WWII era. SO THERE..!!!
Reply Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:13 pm
You can have "crisis actors" for a small operation like Sandy Hook, but not for such big operations like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The idea that nuclear bombs are a hoax in which the governments of several nations cooperate (even enemies) is as likely as that other "super conspiracy theory" which says that all nations ( including Russia, China and Iran) are controlled by Jews and all international conflicts are part of some super "Hegelian dialectic" to bring world rule to the Jews.
There is such a thing as likely and unlikely conspiracies.
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 4:36 pm
I never have any luck with sarcasm... but... do better with sarcophagi...
Here is a 'very likely' radiation conspiracy.... due to ignorance ...
One you may not know about....
Pharaohs' Curse was actually... Curse of.... radon gas accumulation:
Radon gas is the cause of lung cancers in smokers and non-smokers alike... But knowing that would spoil their industry of fear.
blake121666 says:
August 18, 2015 at 10:56 pm
I'll explain your pictures. Where are they?
Luca K says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:41 pm
You can have "crisis actors" for a small operation like Sandy Hook, but not for such big operations like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The idea that nuclear bombs are a hoax in which the governments of several nations cooperate (even enemies) is as likely as that other "super conspiracy theory" which says that all nations ( including Russia, China and Iran) are controlled by Jews and all international conflicts are part of some super "Hegelian dialectic" to bring world rule to the Jews.
All correct. The only problem is your trying to have a sane discussion with trolls, loonies and idiots. That never works.
BTW, Pat knows as much about nuclear weapons as he does about combat sports, i.e, Nothing.
Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:05 pm
Well, I have no education in physics (let alone nuclear physics) at all. So the only thing I can do is to use my common sense. Why for example would Pakistan pretend to have developed a nuclear bomb in response to India's nuclear bomb if it would know that it was all a hoax? It could simply laugh it off. At least one nation could spill the beans, but that didn't happen.
Reply Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 8:14 pm
I need your help.... again...
I remember that you told me once... a while back... but, I am not the weapons specialist you are... and forgot/never really committed to memory/didn't write it down....
What is the design of the trigger mechanisms and explosive material used in the MIRV nuclear warheads these days?
How heavy and what is the volume of the electro-servo dual-gyro-guidance-package lately??
Please bring me up to date there.
Rerevisionist says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:33 am
Because nuclear physicists so-called get lots and lots of money. It's that in modern air-conditioned buildings with air travel and so on, or some village full of cowshit. To put it in simple terms. However most of the stuff is kept secret; as in modern wars supported by jews, there's a huge supporting staff with no idea what's going on, who support it because they are paid. All the actual nuclear stuff is carried out by companies run by Jews. The IAEA has very limited functions. I reviewed a book by Hans Blix on big-lies, but I won't give the URL since some of the people here may be able to find it all by themselves.
Pat says:
August 18, 2015 at 7:20 pm
Luca... my old friend...we meet again... It happens all the time.
You know me.... so well.... But, as usual, age growing, you forgot I had a combat school and trained in Jiujitsu with Rickson Gracie all through the 90s:
Rascasse says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:28 pm
For your information: There is a very comprehensive article on wether atomic bombs work or not, the link is: http://heiwaco.tripod.com/bomb.htm
And, there is a challenge to any one who can prove that the atomic bomb work worth one million euros (1,000,000 euros).
As for my own view, since nothing has been done to prove that the atomic bomb do work, I will stick to the thesis that it does´t work.
How on earth can you people and Lasha resort to the conclusion that the bomb work without presenting evidence of it, rather than just claiming it has to work since the level of such fraud and faking is incomprehensible or unfathomable.
This is called cognitive dissonans and in this case it´s on a massive scale.
Since most of you will spit on this comment and continue with not studying the link and instead calling me names such as a hired provocateur I will just say, keep on dreaming but the scary bomb does not exist. Remember almost everything we are fed from MSM is either fake, staged or plain farytales.
Sorry for my bad english.
Luca K says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:30 pm
I have run, when discussing the holocau$t with holo enforcers, across some suspiciously similar tactics that I can see here re the nuclear attacks against Japan, albeit with a different spin.
Holocrock enforcers like to say that if the holo did not happen as alleged then it follows it does not that events like Nagasaki/Hiroshima nuke bombings or the battle of Stalingrad, etc, could also be challenged.
Such a line is untenable, a mere exercise in sophistry.
Events like Nagasaki/Hiroshima are massively well documented and arguments against them are pure tin foil hat stuff which do not survive the most elementary scrutiny.
But the holohoax is NOT well documented at all, despite the fact that holo enforcers try to pretend it is. As a matter of fact, many holohoax 'historians' have admitted the near complete lack of evidence in support of their narrative. While ignoring a mountain of evidence which shoots it down.
I'll let Prof.Faurisson list(with some editing for brevity) several admissions against interest, i.e, made by holohoaxters themselves;
I shall recall here just twenty of these victories:
In 1951 the Jew Léon Poliakov, who had been part of the French delegation at the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), stated his conclusion that we had at our disposal an overabundance of documents for all points of the history of the Third Reich, with the exception of one point alone: the "campaign to exterminate the Jews". For this, he wrote, "No document remains,perhaps none has ever existed" (Bréviaire de la haine, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1974 [1951], p. 171; English version: Harvest of Hate, New York, Holocaust Library, 1979, revised and expanded edition)\.
Remark: There is here an extraordinary concession to the revisionist case. In effect, such a formidable criminal undertaking supposedly conceived, ordered, organised and perpetrated by the Germans would have necessitated an order, a plan, instructions, a budget, ... Such an undertaking, carried out over several years on a whole continent and generating the death of millions of victims, would have left a flood of documentary evidence. Consequently, if we are told that there perhaps has never existed any such documentary evidence, it is because the crime in question was not perpetrated. In the complete absence of documents, the historian has no longer anything to do but keep quiet. L. Poliakov made this concession in 1951, that is, fifty-five years ago. However, it must be noted that, from 1951 to 2006, his successors have equally failed to find the least documentary evidence. Occasionally, here and there, we have witnessed attempts at making us believe in such or such discovery but each time, as will be seen below, the "discoverers" and their publicists have had to drop their claim.
In 1960 Martin Broszat, a member of the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, wrote: "Neither at Dachau, nor at Bergen-Belsen, nor at Buchenwald were any Jews or other detainees gassed" ("Keine Vergasung in Dachau", Die Zeit, August 19, 1960, p. 16)\.
Remark: This sudden and unexplained concession is significant. At the Nuremberg trial the only homicidal gas chamber that the accusation ventured to show in a film had been that of Dachau, and the testimonies telling of alleged homicidal gassings in the three above-mentioned camps had been numerous. M. Broszat thus implicitly acknowledged that those testimonies were false. He did not tell us in what respect they were false. Nor did he tell us in what respect other such testimonies relating, for example, to Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec should, for their part, go on being deemed reliable. In the 1980s, at Dachau, a sign indicated in five languages that the "gas chamber disguised as showers", visited by the tourists, was "never used" as such. The revisionists had then asked in what respect the room could be termed a homicidal "gas chamber", whereupon the Dachau Museum authorities took down the sign and replaced it with another on which, in German and English, can now be read: "Gas chamber. This was the center of potential mass murder. The room was disguised as 'showers' and equipped with fake shower spouts to mislead the victims and prevent them from refusing to enter the room. During a period of 20 minutes up to 150 people at a time could be suffocated to death through prussic acid poison gas (Zyklon B)." One will note the words "potential" and "could", the choice of which attests to a fine bit of trickery: the information spawns in visitors' minds the idea that the said "gas chamber" was effectively used for killing but, at the same time, it enables the museum to retort to revisionists: "We haven't expressly said that this gas chamber was used for killing; we've merely said that it could be or could have been, at the time, used to kill a certain number of people"\. To conclude, in 1960 M. Broszat, without any explanation, decreed in a simple letter that no one had been gassed at Dachau; thenceforth, the Dachau Museum authorities, quite embarrassed, have tried, by means of assorted deceitful ploys varying over time, to fool their visitors into believing that, in this room that looks like showers (and for good reason, since that is what it was), people had well and truly been gassed.
In 1968 the Jewish historian Olga Wormser-Migot, in her thesis on Le Système concentrationnaire nazi, 1933-1945, (Paris, Presses universitaires de France), gave an ample exposition of what she called "the problem of the gas chambers" (p. 541-544). She voiced her scepticism as to the worth of some well-known witnesses' accounts attesting to the existence of gas chambers in camps such as Mauthausen or Ravensbrück. On Auschwitz-I she was categorical: that camp where, still today, tourists visit an alleged gas chamber was, in reality, "without any gas chamber" (p. 157)\.
Remark: To bring their horrible charges of homicidal gassings against the defeated, the accusers have relied solely on testimonies and those testimonies have not been verified. Let us take note of the particular case of Auschwitz-I: it was thus 38 years ago that a Jewish historian had the courage to write that this camp was "without any gas chamber"; however, still today, in 2006, crowds of tourists there visit an enclosed space that the authorities dare to present, fallaciously, as a "gas chamber". Here we see a practice of outright deceit.
In 1961 the Jew Raul Hilberg, orthodox historian Number One, published the first edition of his major work, The Destruction of the European Jews, and it was in 1985 that he brought out the second edition, a profoundly revised and corrected version. The distance between the two is considerable and can only be explained by the succession of victories achieved in the meantime by the revisionists. In the first edition the author had brazenly affirmed that "the destruction of the Jews of Europe" had been set off following two consecutive orders given by Hitler. He neither specified the date nor reproduced the wording thereof. Then he professed to explain in detail the political, administrative and bureaucratic process of that destruction; for example he went so far as to write that at Auschwitz the extermination of the Jews was organised by an office that was in charge of both the disinfection of clothing and the extermination of human beings (The Destruction of the European Jews, 1961, republished in 1979 by Quadrangle Books, Chicago, p. 177, 570). However, in 1983, going back completely on that explanation, Hilberg suddenly proceeded to state that the business of "the destruction of the European Jews" had, after all, gone on without a plan, without any organisation, centralisation, project or budget, but altogether thanks to "an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy" (Newsday, New York, February 23, 1983, p. II/3). He would confirm this explanation under oath at the first Zündel trial in Toronto on January 16, 1985 (verbatim transcript, p. 848); he would soon afterwards confirm it anew but with other words in the greatly revised version of his above-mentioned work (New York, Holmes & Meier, 1985, p. 53, 55, 62). He has just recently, in October 2006, confirmed it yet again in an interview given to Le Monde: "There was no pre-established guiding plan. As for the question of the decision, it is in part unsolvable: no order signed by Hitler has ever been found, doubtless because no such document ever existed. I am persuaded that the bureaucracies moved through a sort of latent structure: each decision brings on another, then another, and so forth, even if it isn't possible to foresee exactly the next step" (Le Monde des livres, October 20, 2006, p. 12)\.
Remark: The Number One historian of the Jewish genocide, at a certain point, thus found himself so helpless that he suddenly proceeded to disown his first version and to explain a gigantic undertaking of collective murder as if it had all been carried out through something like the workings of the Holy Spirit. In effect, since then he has evoked a "meeting of minds" within a bureaucracy, terming this meeting "incredible". If it is "incredible" or unbelievable, why then should it be believed? Must one believe the unbelievable? He also brings up "mind reading" and states it was performed by "consensus", but this is a matter of pure intellectual speculation grounded in a belief in the supernatural. How can one believe in such a phenomenon, particularly within a vast bureaucratic structure and, still more particularly, within the bureaucracy of the Third Reich? It is worth noting that on R. Hilberg's example the other official historians set about, in the 1980s and 1990s, abandoning history and lapsed into metaphysics and jargon. They questioned themselves on the point of whether one should be "intentionalist" or "functionalist": must it be supposed that the extermination of the Jews occurred subsequent to an "intent" (not yet proved) and in line with a concerted plan (not yet found), or instead had that extermination happened all by itself, spontaneously and through improvisation, without there being any formal intent and with no plan? This type of woolly controversy attests to the disarray of historians who, unable to provide evidence and real documents to back their case, are thus reduced to theorising in the void. At bottom, those on one side, the "intentionalists", tell us: "There were necessarily an intent and a plan, which we haven't yet found but which we shall perhaps indeed discover one day", whereas the others affirm: "There is no need to go looking for evidence of an intent and a plan, for everything was able to occur without intent, without plan and without leaving any traces; such traces are not to be found because they have never existed."
In May 1986 in France, certain Jews, alarmed upon realising that they could not manage to answer the revisionists on the simple plane of reason, decided to take action with a view to obtaining a legal prohibition of revisionism. Chief amongst them were Georges Wellers and Pierre Vidal-Naquet, grouped, with their friends, round the country's head rabbi René-Samuel Sirat (Bulletin quotidien de l'Agence télégraphique juive, June 1986, p. 1, 3). After four years, on July 13, 1990, they would get, thanks notably to Jewish former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius, then president of the National Assembly, a special law passed allowing for the punishment of any person who publicly made revisionist statements on the subject of the "extermination of the Jews": up to a year's imprisonment, a fine of euros45,000 and still other sanctions. This recourse to force is a flagrant admission of weakness\.
Remark: G. Wellers and P. Vidal-Naquet were especially alarmed by the court decision of April 26, 1983 (see paragraph 8 above). The former wrote: "The court admitted that [Faurisson] was well documented, which is false. It is astonishing that the court should fall for that" (Le Droit de vivre, June-July 1987, p. 13). The latter wrote that the Paris Court of Appeal "recognised the seriousness of Faurisson's work—which is quite outrageous—¬and finally found him guilty only of having acted malevolently by summarising his theses as slogans" (Les Assassins de la mémoire, Paris, La Découverte, 1987, p. 182; here quoted the English translation: Assassins of Memory, New York, Columbia University Press, 1992).
In August 1986 Michel de Boüard, himself deported during the war as a résistant, professor of history and Dean of letters at the University of Caen (Normandy), member of the Institut de France and former head of the Commission d'histoire de la déportation within the official Comité d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale, declared that, all told, "the dossier is rotten". He specified that the dossier in question, that of the history of the German concentration camp system, was "rotten" due to, in his own words, "a huge amount of made-up stories, inaccuracies stubbornly repeated—particularly where numbers are concerned—amalgamations and generalisations". Alluding to the revisionists' studies, he added that there were "on the other side, very carefully done critical studies demonstrating the inanity of those exaggerations" (Ouest-France of August 2nd and 3rd, 1986, p. 6)\.
Remark: Michel de Boüard was a professional historian, indeed the ablest French historian on the subject of the wartime deportations. Up to 1985 he defended the strictly orthodox and official position. Upon reading the revisionist Henri Roques's doctoral thesis on the alleged testimony of SS man Kurt Gerstein, he saw his error. He honestly acknowledged it, going so far as to say that, if he hitherto personally upheld the existence of a gas chamber in the Mauthausen camp, he had done so wrongly, on the faith of what was said around him. (His untimely death in 1989 deprived the revisionist camp of an eminent personality who had resolved to publish a new work aiming to put historians on their guard against the official lies of Second World War history).
In 1988 Arno Mayer, an American professor of Jewish origin teaching contemporary European history at Princeton University, wrote on the subject of the Nazi gas chambers: "Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable" (The "Final Solution" in History, New York, Pantheon Books, p. 362)\.
Remark: Still today in, 2006, the greater public persist in believing that, as the media tirelessly suggest, the sources for the study of the gas chambers are innumerable and unquestionable. At the Sorbonne symposium of 1982, A. Mayer, like his friend Pierre Vidal-Naquet, could not find words harsh enough for the revisionists; however, six years later, here was an ultra-orthodox historian who had drawn considerably closer to the revisionists' findings.
In 1989 Swiss historian Philippe Burrin, laying down as a premise, without demonstration, the reality of Nazi gas chambers and Jewish genocide, attempted to determine at what date and by whom the decision to exterminate physically the Jews of Europe had been taken. He did not succeed any more than all his "intentionalist" or "functionalist" colleagues (Hitler et les juifs / Genèse d'un génocide, Paris, Seuil; English version: Hitler and the Jews: the Genesis of the Holocaust, London, Edward Arnold, 1994). He had to remark the absence of traces of the crime and note what he decided to call "the stubborn erasure of the trace of anyone's passing through" (p. 9). He bemoaned "the large gaps in the documentation" and added: "There subsists no document bearing an extermination order signed by Hitler. [...] In all likelihood, the orders were given verbally. [...] here the traces are not only few and far between, but difficult to interpret" (p. 13)\.
Remark: Here again is a professional historian who acknowledges that he can produce no documents in support of the official case. The greater public imagine that the traces of Hitler's crime are many and unambiguous but the historian who has examined the relevant documentation has, for his part, found nothing but sparse semblances and "traces", and wonders what interpretation to give to them.
In 1992 Yehuda Bauer, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, stated at an international conference on the genocide of the Jews held in London: "The public still repeats, time after time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews was arrived at" (Jewish Telegraphic Agency release published as "Wannsee's importance rejected", Canadian Jewish News, January 30, 1992, p. 8)\.
Remark: Apart from the fact that a careful reading of the "minutes" of the Berlin-Wannsee meeting of January 20, 1942 proves that the Germans envisaged a "territorial final solution [eine territoriale Endlösung] of the Jewish question" in a geographical space to be determined, Yehuda Bauer's quite belated declaration confirms that this major point of the case alleging the extermination of the Jews is in fact worthless. Let us add, in our turn, that the extermination of the Jews was decided on neither at Wannsee nor anywhere else; the expression "extermination camps" is but an invention of American war propaganda and there are examples proving that, during that war, the killing of a single Jewish man or woman exposed the perpetrator, whether soldier or civilian, member of the SS or not, to German military justice proceedings and the possibility of being shot by firing squad (in sixty years, never has a sole orthodox historian provided an explanation for such facts, revealed by the defence before the Nuremberg tribunal itself).
In January 1995 French historian Eric Conan, co-author with Henry Rousso of Vichy, un passé qui ne passe pas (Paris, Gallimard, 2001 [1994, 1996]; English edition: Vichy: an ever-present past, Hanover, New Hampshire and London, University Press of New England, 1998), wrote that I had been right after all to certify, in the late 1970s, that the gas chamber thus far visited by millions of tourists at Auschwitz was completely fake. According to E. Conan, expressing himself in a leading French weekly: "Everything in it is false [...]. In the late 1970s, Robert Faurisson exploited these falsifications all the better as the [Auschwitz] museum administration balked at acknowledging them". Conan went on: "[Some people], like Théo Klein [former president of the CRIF, the 'Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France'], prefer to leave it in its present state, whilst explaining the misrepresentation to the public: 'History is what it is; it suffices to tell it, even when it is not simple, rather than to add artifice to artifice'". Conan then related a staggering remark by Krystyna Oleksy, deputy director of the Auschwitz National Museum, who, for her part, could not find the resolve to explain the misrepresentation to the public. He wrote: "Krystyna Oleksy [...] can't bring herself to do so: 'For the time being [the room designated as a gas chamber] is to be left "as is", with nothing specified to the visitor. It's too complicated. We'll see to it later on'"("Auschwitz: la mémoire du mal" [Auschwitz: the remembrance of evil], L'Express, January 19-25, 1995, p. 68)\.
Remark: This statement by a Polish official means, in plain language: we have lied, we are lying and, until further notice, we shall continue to lie. In 2005 I asked E. Conan whether the Auschwitz Museum authorities had issued a denial or raised any protest against the statement that he, in 1995, had ascribed to K. Oleksy. His answer was that there had been neither denial nor protest. In 1996, this imposture and others as well concerning the Auschwitz-I camp were denounced by two Jewish authors, Robert Jan van Pelt and Deborah Dwork, in a work they produced together: Auschwitz, 1270 to the Present, Yale University Press, 443 p. Here is a sampling of their words in that regard: "postwar obfuscation", "additions", "deletions", "suppression", "reconstruction", "largely a postwar reconstruction" (p. 363), "reconstructed", "usurpation", "re-created", "four hatched openings in the roof, as if for pouring Zyklon B into the gas chamber below, were installed [after the war]" (p. 364), " falsified", "inexact", "misinformation", "inappropriate" (p. 367), "falsifying" (p. 369). In 2001 the fallacious character of this Potemkin village gas chamber was also acknowledged in a French booklet accompanying two CD-Roms entitled Le Négationnisme; written by Jean-Marc Turine and Valérie Igounet, it was prefaced by Simone Veil (Radio France-INA, Vincennes, Frémeaux & Associés).
In 1996 the leftwing French historian Jacques Baynac, a staunch antirevisionist since 1978, ended up admitting, after due consideration, that there was no evidence of the Nazi gas chambers' existence. One could not fail to note, wrote Baynac, "the absence of documents, traces or other material evidence" (Le Nouveau Quotidien de Lausanne [Switzerland], September 2, 1996, p. 16, and September 3, 1996, p. 14). But he said that he carried on believing in the existence of those magical gas chambers\.
Remark: All in all, J. Baynac says: "There is no evidence but I believe", whereas a revisionist thinks: "There is no evidence, therefore I refuse to believe and it is my duty to dispute."
In 2000, at the end of her book Histoire du négationnisme en France (Paris, Gallimard), Valérie Igounet published a long text by Jean-Claude Pressac at the end of which the latter, who had been one of the revisionists' most determined opponents, signed a veritable act of surrender. In effect, taking up the words of professor Michel de Boüard, he stated that the dossier on the concentration camp system was "rotten", and irremediably so. He wrote asking: "Can things be put back on an even keel?" and answered: "It is too late". He added: "The current form, albeit triumphant, of the presentation of the camp universe is doomed". He finished by surmising that everything that had been invented around sufferings all too real was bound "for the rubbish bins of history" (p. 651-652). In 1993-1994, that protégé of the French Jew Serge Klarsfeld and the American rabbi Michael Berenbaum, "Project Director" at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, had been acclaimed worldwide as an extraordinary researcher who, in his book on Les Crématoires d'Auschwitz, la machinerie du meurtre de masse (Paris, CNRS éditions, 1993; English title: The Auschwitz Crematories. The Machinery of Mass Murder ), had, it appeared, felled the hydra of revisionism. Here, in V. Igounet's book, he was seen signing his act of surrender\.
Remark: The greater public are kept in ignorance of a major fact: the man who had supposedly saved the day for History, who once was presented by the world press as an extraordinary researcher who had at last discovered the scientific proof of the Nazi gas chambers' existence, ended up acknowledging his error. A few years later, not a single newspaper or magazine announced his death.
In 2002, R. J. van Pelt, already mentioned, published The Case for Auschwitz. Evidence from the Irving Trial, Indiana University Press, XVIII-571 p. As is widely known, David Irving, who at the very most is a semi-revisionist ill-acquainted with the revisionist argumentation, lost the libel suit he had recklessly brought against the Jewish-American academic Deborah Lipstadt. He tried clumsily to make the case—a perfectly right one, for that matter—that there had existed no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. But he nonetheless scored an essential point and, if Justice Charles Gray and other judges after him had had more courage, that point would have enabled him to succeed in his claim. The argument was summed up in a four-word phrase that I first put forth in 1994: "No holes, no Holocaust". My reasoning behind it was as follows: 1. Auschwitz is at the centre of the "Holocaust"; 2. The great crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau, or Auschwitz-II, are at the centre of the vast Auschwitz complex; 3. At the heart of these crematoria there were, supposedly, one or several homicidal gas chambers; 4. At a single one of these crematoria (crematorium n° 2), although it is in ruins, is it today possible to go and examine the room said to have been a gas chamber; it is the presumed scene of the crime, itself presumed as well; 5. We are told that, in order to kill the Jewish detainees locked inside, an SS man, moving about on the concrete roof of the said gas chamber, poured Zyklon-B pellets through four regular openings situated in the roof; 6. However, one need only have eyes to realise that no such openings have ever existed there; 7. Therefore the crime cannot have been committed. For R. J. van Pelt, testifying against Irving, it was near torture trying to find a reply to this argument. Justice Gray as well had to acknowledge "the apparent absence of evidence of holes" (p. 490 of the verbatim transcript) and, in a more general way, he conceded that "contemporaneous documents yield little clear evidence of the existence of gas chambers designed to kill humans" (p. 489; for more details one may consult pages 458-460, 466-467, 475-478 and 490-506). In the text of his judgment, Charles Gray admitted surprise: "I have to confess that, in common I suspect with most other people, I had supposed that the evidence of mass extermination of Jews in the gas chambers at Auschwitz was compelling. I have, however, set aside this preconception when assessing the evidence adduced by the parties in these proceedings" (13.71). Here the failure of the accusing historians is flagrant and Irving ought to have won his case thanks to that observation by a judge who was hostile towards him: the documents of the era furnish us with but decidedly little clear evidence of the Nazi gas chambers' existence and thus of a German policy to exterminate the Jews. Is this not, after all—as we have seen above â€â€ÂÂ, what several Jewish historians had already concluded, beginning with Léon Poliakov in 1951?
In 2004 French historian Florent Brayard published a work entitled La « solution finale de la question juive ». La technique, le temps et les catégories de la décision, Paris, Fayard, 640 p. In 2005, in a review of this book, the following three sentences could be read: "It is known that the Führer neither drafted nor signed any order to eliminate the Jews, that the decisions—for there were several—were taken in the secrecy of talks with Himmler, perhaps Heydrich and/orGöring. It is supposed that, rather than an explicit order, Hitler gave his consent to his interlocutors' requests or projects. Perhaps he did not even put it into words, but made himself understood by a silence or an acquiescence" (Yves Ternon, Revue d'histoire de la Shoah, July-December 2005, p. 537)\.
Remark: At nearly every word, these sentences show that their author is reduced to adventurous speculations. When he dares to express, without the benefit of the least clue, the notion that Hitler perhaps made himself understood "by a silence or an acquiescence", he is merely taking up the theory of the "nod" (the Führer's mere nod!) first voiced by American professor Christopher Browning at the Zündel trial in Toronto in 1988. No academic of antirevisionist persuasion has shown himself to be more pitiful and foolish than that shabbos-goy. So true is it that, destroyed by the revisionist victories, the official case has ended up being emptied of all scientific content.
I'll add a little more(by myself):
During the Irving Libel trial, the Dutch Jew, Professor van Pelt, a prominent holocrock guru who had been elevated by the Klarsfelds crooks as the new Auschwitz pope, after the fall from grace of Frenchman J.C.Pressac, admitted:
"van Pelt (p. 100): My first problem was rather straightforward: the evidence for Auschwitz was undoubtedly problematic."
In early 2010, van Pelt, in line whith what he had previously written, made another eyebrow raising admission. He stated that there is NO physical evidence to prove ninety nine percent of what is 'known' about the alleged Auschwitz extermination camp story!
Professor van Pelt also admitted that the "evidence" for the mass killings of Jews at Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzecâ€â€ÂÂwhere allegedly millions were murdered is sparse at best. In reference to these three camps, he wrote: "There are few eyewitnesses, no confession that can compare to that given by [Auschwitz commandant Rudolf] Höss[who was tortured], no significant remains, and few archival sources."
Notice he is comparing these alleged 'pure death camps' with Auschwitz, for which the evidence is supposed better but yet covers only, by his own admission, 1% of what "we know". So, how does he know? Answer: He does NOT.
But re Höss, another holo profiteer maskarading as 'historian', Christopher Browning, has admitted that both Eichmann and Höss are unreliable witnesses. In a footnote of a book he writes: that "the testimonies of especially Höss and to some extent Eichmann are confused, contradictory, self-serving, and not credible."
Just one last thing;
Disputing the holohoax will lead to massive slandering and career ruination in those countries where it is at least possible to talk about it, i.e, ZUSA, and fines and jail terms in many EU states.
Clearly the powers that be do not want their new religion to be scrutinized.
Disputing Hiroshima/Nagasaki is perfectly fine and will only cause one to be laughed at.
lobro says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:41 pm
"gas chamber disguised as showers"
This explains a mystery that has always bothered me: why do Jews smell funny, kind of musty and cheesy (I know they eat lots of dairy foods).
The reason is that being Jews, they suspect every shower to be a gas vent and avoid it like Jews vampires shrink from crucifix (they really do, I was in Transylvania and tried it, Jews would run screaming, sideburns on fire).
Winston says:
August 19, 2015 at 5:25 am
The testimony of Paul Rassinier in his memoir "Debunking the Genocide Myth" really should be broadcast worldwide. Rassinier was an inmate at Buchenwald , survived the war, but was taken aback when several postwar books started the holocaust lies about 'gas chambers' at Buchenwald. Rassinier knew this was preposterous and faced down the 'holocaust industry' when they objected to his account. In 1980 the so- called at the time 'survivor industry' conceded the gas chambers at camps in Germany proper never existed, though they continue to scream "gas chambers!" in Polish camps to this day, though even the European Rabbis have officially admitted the numbers are way less, and of course no one has ever produced a shred of physical evidence. What may be of interest regarding what was going on at the work camps in Poland besides the works I've already mentioned are "The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook (Aviation editor at Jane's) and most especially Polish military historian Igor Witkowski's work on the development of the so called wonderweapons in Polish territory, one of the few areas out of range of US and UK bombers. There was a very good reason for Patton's dash to Czech territory at the war's very end, though it violated the agreement with Russia, and remains quite classified to this day.
charles says:
August 19, 2015 at 9:36 am
When I was in the RAF in Singapore in the '50s' several airmen went out to Christmas Island and witnessed the explosions at very close quarters.
Reply Felix says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:09 pm
The British also conducted tests in Australia. The French in Algeria and then later at Mururoa in French Polynesia. Although I have never personally witnessed a nuclear explosion I have spoken to several people who have and like yourself they were former military personnel. I have absolutely no reason to doubt their veracity.
barkingdeer says:
August 18, 2015 at 9:20 pm
on the other hand i'd say there's a real good chance lasha herself is a troll too, especially as she agrees with rivero, who sounds like he's trying out for fox news. get rid of the shower curtain lasha. let's see who you really are.
disinfo is the tactic the security state uses in the aftermath, and maybe even before the event. one thing we all know by now most of what we've been told about the main events is a lie.
but while we're on the nuke subject i do think the bombs were dropped on japan, not because the japs were still a threat but so that the jew/jesuits/masons could set the tone for the cold war, where they consolidated their positions and transferred the wealth from the workers to themselves through the munitions corporations. when in fact there never were any russians or chicoms threatening us. they're still pushing (lasha) the same old hoax in crimea now, like there's some kind of contest going on between putin and the west. that's just for the benefit of the ignorant masses.
and, nukes were used in viet nam. the veterans' lawsuit documents were all on file in the murrah building in okc, when the security state pulled that caper. the lawsuit went away with the souls of the victims killed there that day. no federal officers though. timithy mcveigh was probably just another crisis actor. he probably sits fat somewhere in south america with kenny lay, jimmy hoffa and the boys from brazil. and, there is quite a bit of disinfo on nukes in general, according to mathematician bruce cathy. he says they can not be detonated anytime, anyplace like sticks of dynamite. they have to be placed at exactly the right coordinates on the planet's energy grid at exactly the right time. which, i would bet the israelis have all figured out with sleepers located in the usa now.
so what's the moral of the big troll-disinfo story? the moral is we all need to consolidate in our own locales, working together to preserve or lives and the bill of rights, not believing much of anything the state and media tells us, in fact replacing the commercial media with a genuine information delivery system.
Admin Toby says:
August 19, 2015 at 9:38 am
@ barkingdeer
"I'd say there's a real good chance lasha herself is a troll too, especially as she agrees with rivero..."
Two points.
1. You are misinformed if you think Lasha agrees with everything Rivero says. She is is not even aware what Rivero's position is on most subjects. She was simply thanking Rivero for posting on this website and agreeing with her that bad, crazy conspiracy theories are chasing out good, plausible ones. If Riverero believes that a plane hit the Pentagon, then Lasha does NOT agree with that. So you are wrong to imply that Lasha agrees with EVERYTHING Rivero says, since she is totally unaware of Rivero's beliefs on just about every subject!
2. Your comment that Lasha may be a "troll" and should remove her "shower curtain" reeks of insolence and arrogance. Tell me, sir, where else but on THIS website would you be allowed to be so rude without having your comment deleted and yourself banned permanently from posting? Nowhere else. Be grateful that you have the freedom of speech to barge into our house, spit in our faces, and shit on our carpets. Do not abuse your freedom of speech by thinking your bad manners will be tolerated here ad infinitum.
Reply Franklin Ryckaert says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:39 pm
Besides the insolence, there is also the logical absurdity of accusing the writer of a blog of being a "troll" on his/her own blog!
Gilbert Huntly says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:50 pm
It is easy to fall in the trap of making disgruntled suggestions about Lasha. After all, TROJ does it on a regular basis and it's humorous! :)
Lasha brings us valuable and learned insight into often important subjects, and seems to attract some of the most learned and articulate people pro or con who I have ever read. I, my gullible self, learn a LOT from posters, here. It is a joy to check-in here and LEARN or just carry on some banter. It is a unique site, and the ONLY one of its kind I visit (due to time and disposition). Be careful with it.
Luca K says:
August 18, 2015 at 11:52 pm
pAT wrote:
"But, as usual, age growing, you forgot I had a combat school and trained in Jiujitsu with Rickson Gracie all through the 90s"
Yawwnnn, pure BS.
Here r some perls from you Pat:
"Then, be sure to watch Conor McGregor in UFC. He is the best fighter today."
No, he is not, not even closse.
pat:" He could whip Mayweather ... maybe even at boxing."
He could if , as an MMA fighter, he managed to take Mayweather down. At boxing, not even Conor together with his clones could beat Floyd. And I ain't even that big a fan of F.M.
"Judo Gene' Lebell may be the toughest guy ever..."
Buhahahaha, how does one even gauge such a thing, pure BS!
U have no idea what u r talking about.
Pat: 'LeBell was the first professional MMA fighter.'
Maybe in Zusa, though probably not. Certainly not in the world.
Pat, you may be able to convince gullible people but I'm in my early 30s and have been involved with martial arts since I was a little kid and started out in Judo.
No cookie for you, sorry.
Pat says:
August 19, 2015 at 12:19 am
Luca My good friend who knows me so well
I started in karate in 1964 and judo in 1970. Jiujitsu in 1980.
No need to be sorry. Judokas are never sorry. Tougher than that. Jigoro Kano knew that... Proved that.
More uchikomi is needed for you, sonny. You'll catch up an a few decades.
Cookies and green tea all around. :)
Rerevisionist says:
August 19, 2015 at 1:23 am
I'm afraid women aren't generally any good with science and technology. Lasha Darkmoon describes herself as an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics who lives and works in England. She is also a poet, translator, and political columnist on various websites.
In 2008, the idea was new to me; but I was aware of many hoaxes and frauds, for example the Holocaust fraud, and I took the trouble to get involved, and examine DVDs of supposed nuclear tests, which at that time had been recently 'sanitised' and cleared for the general consumer market. It was clear enough, for example from single reversed frames included in films to pretend there was a double flash, that the material was faked.
However, I don't want to fill up the space of your talented writers, if there are any. https://www.big-lies.org is a facsimile of the forum which existed from 2011-2012, exactly a year; you might read up on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My very long video, Lords of the Nukes, on Youtube is an online three-way conversation which covers a lot of ground, including e.g. the Cuba hoax and how it was done, the trinitite myth, the Trinity supposed test, the 'Lucky Dragon' fishing boat, the lack of nuclear power where it might be expected (e.g. Hawaii, Antarctica). If you can take 3 1/2 hours of video wittily titled after 'Lord of the Rings', of equally long parts it will change your entire worldview. Also, these sites are Jew-aware.
Autobiographical Notes. Details of my personal awakening to this influential but tiresome part of modern life. This sort of life experience must be fairly common, with widely divergent detail of such Jewish activities as showed through the scrim. But detailed biographies seem to be rare. In modern times, it's a genre pioneered at book-length by David Duke and John Tyndall. Others (Solzhenitsyn, George Lincoln Rockwell (but Miles Mathis includes a note of caution), Eustace Mullins ...) illuminate other facets of the truth
After the Second World War, of which I had no experience, my miscellaneous memories up to about 18 include three (or so) schools, the introduction of domestic TV (with BBC as higher status), queuing for my coloured coronation mug, a very snowy winter, coins from many different countries, a mysterious radio comment that anyone from the Empire could move to Britain, the Cuba crisis and several Aldermaston marches. And the Kennedy murder. And a war in Vietnam. I was taught, and told, virtually nothing about Jews. Israel had been established in 1948. My father, although quite a serious Methodist, had little idea of Jews, though he insisted the British public had been told the Nuremberg trials were conducted under the strictest legal procedures. I think I have a memory of 'Max', probably a Jew who fled Hungary in 1956. An incident (before "the eleven-plus" exam) that I remember was a black from Kingston, Jamaica, addressing a class, presumably as some race-awareness thing; I don't think anyone asked a question. From ten to seventeen, attending a magnificent Gothic Revival Victorian school building, still with something of the flavour of the classical tradition about it, my political awareness extended only to nuclear weapons.
1963? Aldermaston/ London CND march
I avoided history as a subject, partly because the textbooks were clearly unimpressive, and partly out of a feeling that sciences were important and ought to be understood. There was a definite male-female divide on school subjects ('arts' vs 'science'). At the time, immigration was noted as a minor topic: Pakistanis in Henley, others in Reading (where Mary-Ann Lenighan was raped and murdered years later). I recall being irritated that someone surnamed Rose was able to get out of 'assembly' - a daily religio-legal-bonding process of hymns and announcements, and Biblical readings on such odd subjects as giving one's body to be burned but nonetheless not having sufficient charity. I had no idea that exemptions for so-called Jews were common and could see no special reason why anyone should miss the meeting. Looking back, I suspect a Newman, a Pontin, a Pollard, a Rose, a Wiseman, and someone with surname beginning with S, were Jews. The teachers (including in religious instruction lessons - as I recall mostly Paul's journeys, with nothing in the way of evidence) probably knew nothing of the subject, and, even if they did, would say nothing. Naturally, the private beliefs of so-called Jews were secret and undiscussed. There were a few refugees, real or supposed, but naturally no background information was forthcoming. I remember a pupil, probably 17 or 18, called Saunders-Singer, standing for a local council; no doubt some Jewish arrangement. A local lecturer was a communist, in the technical sense, reading Engels and Marx, thinking 'primitive communism' was leading-edge anthropology, and having stood as a Communist party candidate. His son I think was a lifetime 'communist'. I have no idea if either knew the Jewish connections. The only horror stories I can recall were the supposed 'melting eyeballs' of Hiroshima, and a few accounts supposedly about Japan and Nanking, now known to be Jewish lies; all the wartime atrocities throughout Europe, Russia, the Far East, Africa were almost completely censored.
BBC TV 1969. Frost on Friday. Rigged audience.
University expansion at the time (1965-1968) was, or seemed, considerable; and it was subsidised, though I don't think grants to students were very generous. I'd guess, looking back, the buildings were funded by loans from Jews, and of course the details of the subjects taught would be Jew-controlled. For no very good reason I went to Leicester. On balance, I think this was the most disappointing experience of my life: instead of free discussion and the exhilaration of meeting intelligent people, both like-minded, and others who were interestingly different and stimulating, most of the students were ordinary and unintellectual, and the lecturers nothing very special. I was dissatisfied with the courses, which struck me as isolated from the past and lacking anticipation for future possibilities. It was years before I knew much of the newly-built biology labs would be taken up with fake science. There were, unbeknown to me at the time, cryptic Jewish groups and activities. 'Freshers' groups included films of Eisenstein's black and white 'Russian' material. The 'Student Union' must have been partly Jewish: I wondered how students could have time for such things as running 'entertainments' and the university newspaper, Ripple, when they were supposed to be studying. I had no idea that Student Union 'Presidents' were a sort of fake revolving-door between universities and other educational institutions. There was an 'anti-racialism' society. 1967/68 was in theory an interesting time, including some student activism: I recall a large, excited meeting, after Enoch Powell's famous 1967 speech, but with complete suppression of any critiques of immigration. There were ineffectual activities over the Vietnam War; very likely these would be identifiable as 'controlled opposition' now. Paperbacks appeared by people like Cohn-Bendit on 'obsolete Communism', as though 'Communism' was a quaint system overdue for change. Someone in the university called 'Hans Greenfield' was whispered about; he was a 'complicated character'. It was years before I understood these events. I travelled (with friends) and happened to be at the 1968 Chicago Convention demonstrations (we stayed in). I didn't know there were 'New York Jews'. I watched the 'moon landing' on 625-line British black and white TV; even then I was struck my the fact that the images were not consistent with the moon's low gravity.
Bertrand Russell had a great deal of intellectual influence on me: his 3-volume autobiography was published in consecutive years, and most of his older books were available easily enough. I thought he might have things to say on mathematics and logic, and followed on some of his leads on such varied topics as detective stories, philosophy, styles of writing, the Manchester Ship Canal, the New York Times, Augustus John, and China. I hadn't known, until vol 2 of his Autobiography, that anyone had had doubts about the First World War. It was more than forty years before I thought to question whether newspaper and newsreel reports of British mass enthusiasm to go to war were, in fact, reliable. This sort of thing of course is typical of any censored topic, notably the Second World War. Revisionist works existed, but were hard to find and easy to ignore, with observation, persecution and prosecution waiting to be deployed. Distribution was difficult: as far as I can remember, I didn't hear of Did Six Million Really Die? until Internet. About ten years later, the National Front was easily swept aside by the unified media.
Spoof 'Private Eye' cover, showing traditional Jewish activities
The attempts at comment were progressively smothered legally; there must have been frantic activity by Jews behind the scenes, particularly in Parliament, notably to encourage immigration. Despite a few signs, like very many people, I had no idea that Jews had developed a policy of white race replacement: in my case, full realisation was after the year 2000. All the political material I was aware of was either traditionally socialist (H G Wells, for example) or what I would now recognise as Jewish, such as the 'New Left Review'. I had no idea about such issues as Jews in the east end of London, 'Jack the Ripper', and Cable Street.
My interest in Russell led me eventually to his book of essays War Crimes in Vietnam and to follow (as far as I could) his War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam, which despite his name was mostly carried on by others, in view of Russell's great age. Ralph Schoenman, Noam Chomsky, and Isaac Deutscher were three of the big names; at the time I wondered vaguely why there were no British names, and why Kissinger, for example, was not probed; I but didn't carry the speculation further. (Deutscher wrote a flattering, i.e. Jewish, life of Stalin. I have sometimes met people who were influenced by Chomsky into studying 'linguistics', which now appears as just another Jewish pseudo-specialisation; I wonder if 'linguistics' worked for them?) My dislike of atrocities, and the BBC's persistent covering-up, left me with a lifetime's hate of the BBC and its zombie liars. But I had no grasp of why they should do this, or why some people like to insist that newspapers are a 'primary source'. I was left with a lifelong impatience of simple people who have no sense of media lies.
For something like 25 years, 1970-1995 (with interludes for writing books on the new exciting home computers) I followed up various lines which I'd now count as 'revisionist'. I briefly met David Adelstein, a supposed LSE radical in the 1960s, who contributed a chapter to Student Power, a Penguin book which had a couple of interesting essays, and appeared to be a serious selection of meta-essays on education and society, though of course with no Jewish content; and Elaine Unterhalter, from South Africa, daughter of a supposedly-Jewish lawyer, who seemed to seriously believe that nonwhite immigration into London had no effects and could continue indefinitely. At the time, though not naive, I simply was not aware of the Jewish habit of convincing straight-faced lying, or of the infiltration of Jews into academic 'centres of excellence', or the entrenched anti-white fantasy world of 'Jews'. At this time there were 'riots' in Soweto (=South West Township, near Johannesburg) and Unterhalter stated that blacks at the LSE (+London School of Economics; a Jewish outfit) would joke about being the Minister of Finance or whatever; no silly nonsense about democracy, by the presumably 'elite' blacks. I did start to sense the corruption of universities, however.
[ A bit of Googling, out of curiosity, found Unterhalter is or was at the Institute of Education, in London, now part of University College London, which was probably founded as a supposedly rationalist but in fact Jewish outfit in the 19th century. It has 11,000 staff and a 'combined income of over £1 bn'. It claims, I fervently hope without real basis, to be 'Number 1 for Education worldwide'.
As an example of the odd atmosphere of UCL, I recall a party/social event including Cecil Helman, a friend of mine, trying to be a medical anthropologist, who eventually wrote a foundation book on the subject; an Italian young woman pregnant by a black, a male anthropologist who fathered a child in some victim group overseas, a young woman whose parents (Storr) were both something like psychoanalysts, someone called Jakov Lind who'd had a novel published on post-war Europe opposing passports, a doctor skirting around the topic of Marx being a Jew, the editor of the Ham and Hi being a Jew, replaced by another Jew; a long TV evening called 'Shoah'; a locally-produced play supposedly based on the death of Verwoerd in South Africa, murdered by Tsafendas; Maurice Pappworth, author of Human Guinea Pigs, not allowed to claim to be a Consultant, and driven to call his outside garden room an 'insulting room', not a consulting room; not to be confused with Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge; an exhibition of menstrual cloths by 'Genesis P Orridge' at the Serpentine Gallery; and assorted other things: at the time I couldn't identify the Jewish undercurrents.
The IOE's 'turnover' is given as about £75M. Getting on for half this sum is 'tuition fees'; about a third is grants and contracts. The ways research is arranged and directed are kept secret, much like the BBC. However, there's no shortage of Jewish influence: the general pattern is to set some sort of acronymic target, presumably at a date as remote as is dared, plus hefty budgeting. For example, there's a target by which all but 20% young children will learn to be 'confident readers'. There is a careful omission of race; nobody mentions that low IQ children cannot, and never will, read confidently. Other omitted material is Jewish, too: nothing on Talmudic education's viciousness; nothing on invasions of black countries by Jewish-run mercenaries, after the Kissinger fashion; nothing on the whether it's even possible for low-IQ blacks to run anything like a modern society. Nothing on 'poverty' in any serious sense. Nothing serious even on science—only a PR-style acronymic group, STEM—parasites aren't interested in the world outside their niche or 'silo'. Nothing on rape of white girls in Israel. Comparative stuff only on education—a favourite device for evading detail: 'Unterhalter on girls' education and gender equality'. Here's a comment from a Youtube (LIDC panel discussion 'Beyond Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) — a new development agenda?') including 'Professor' Unterhalter on a panel of mostly, or perhaps all, Jewish 'experts': [ Published on 13 Oct 2014] Unterhalter is a Professor of Education and International Development at the Institute of Education, University of London. She was the lead author on a rigorous literature review, commissioned by the Department for International Development (DFID), which focused on girls' education and gender equality. The central research question that the review set out to investigate concerned the kind of interventions that research evidence suggests can lead to an expansion and improvement in girls' education. It also considered evidence on the relationship between an expansion and improvement in girls' education and a deepening of gender equality. No prizes for guessing whether Jewish lies (Cromwell; Boer wars; Fed; Palestine; 'Holocaust'; 9/11 ... ad infinitem) will be taught. Google and listen to the snowfall of prattle. Can this absurd garbage continue? ]
Evans with Lipstadt at the 'Oxford Union'. Lipstadt, a pathetic Sunday School type, a ridiculous gullible nonentity, clinging to her childish rubbish, isn't the problem, really. It's scum like 'Professor' Evans, the rented prostitute types, turning out lies, ruining scholarship and integrity, and turning their backs on victims of wars; these are part of the real evil filth.
This was the era in which Jewish money led to increased penetration of well-concealed Jewish absurdities: Steven Rose and his fake biology; subservient liars such as 'Professor' Evans, later Professor of Modern History at (I think) Cambridge; widespread frauds in physics and biology and economics; promotion of nonwhite invasion of white countries.
It's worthwhile to examine and understand the 'methodology' here. 1. An important aspect is money: typically an organisation is fed with money from its secret central source, the spiders of filth hidden in their lairs. Everyone else, of course, has to work for it—the curious combination of supposed beneficence with extortion for others is generally part of the package. 2. Another aspect is slow growth and eventual takeover: in this example, the odd unscientific practices of the 'Institute' were only incorporated into UCL in 2013, presumably to suggest it shares whatever 'excellence' universities are believed to have. This of course is more or less part of the 'long march through the institutions'. 3. But it could never work without verbal propaganda—'wording technicians' constructing a list of phrases to avoid awkward facts. 4. 'Analysis' of the world is subdivided by subject to conceal Jewish activity. Any possible reform or desired outcome is elided away by verbal constructions. One of these of course is sheer output, the torrent of lies and drivel approach. 5. Note that, at any one time in the last few centuries, Jewish policies have switched and changed: at one point the facts of Jews and black slavery have to be hidden; at another, trumped-up charges against beef industry are being made; during the 1930s, anti-German propaganda was fed to the USA; at the present time, TV and film are full of mixed-race activity; Donald Trump is being attacked by Jews, and Europe is under deliberate attack. Jews' activities as the decisions are made need to be understood in this way. 6. At present there are many frauds, mostly fuelled by what I hope is exceptional money and administrative power: the 'Holocaust' fraud, 9/11, AIDS, NASA, charity frauds, insurance frauds, nuclear and medical frauds, concealment of facts on race and crime, people and organ trafficking, and so forth. Generally, Jewish groups must know about these things; probably things like the Jew York Times help orchestrate the Jewish line.
Anyone studying the modern world needs a grasp of all these processes, to understand (for example) peace treaties and their foundations for future wars, the purported and real functions of organisations such as the United Nations and World Bank, the motives behind legislation, and the operations of news collecting, censorship and distribution, and 'think-tanks' and their propagandist public relations. A good example is the way the Holocaust myth was invented, and made use of, and is obviously intended to replace truth—as a cuckoo does its best to eject eggs and offload its costs onto hosts. Another example is the assembly of 'neo-cons' by Jews in the USA.
I discovered Hilaire Belloc's book The Jews. I found that newsreaders (and IBM salesmen) were actors, in the technical sense of having been trained as actors. I saw a play in Hampstead on the murder of Verwoerd, though I had little information on Jews' influence in South Africa. I heard of a girl, made pregnant by a Jew, who then refused to have anything to do with her. I heard of someone who would never marry anyone not a Jew. I noticed Doris Lessing's books (and met one of her characters). I met a medico who seriously thought he was descended from the Naphthali tribe of 4,000 (or whatever) years before, and thought his medical textbook of the accumulated knowledge of a few centuries was overpriced. I spoke to 'Professor' Shula Marks, a lecturer in SOAS, the 'School of Oriental and African Studies', and wondered how such ordinary Jews get appointed to academic posts. I spoke with a 'Rabbi', who told me Judaism was 'the most logical religion'. I heard about a dynastic Jewish marriage in South Africa between the owners of Servus and Marks and Spencer. I spoke with someone called Nick Roditi, who was featured in a newspaper as controlling a vast number of investments from a heavily-locked office in Hampstead. The connections between gold, the Boer Wars, and Jews were partly revealed to me by Hilaire Belloc. So were such things as manufactured Jewish surnames, and the tendency of Jews to name-change. I remember a Professor Potter, at Sheffield, part of a Jewish family, who I think specialised in the Reformation; his accounts that I saw had no mention of Jews, and I think this is probably almost unconscious: as with law, Jews study history with their specific psychological impetus, and no doubt it is a motive for studying the subject in the first place. Just as they may study language with advertising and propaganda motives in mind.
Looking back, the failure to mention Jews' activities seems astonishing: even people treated as outspoken (the Mitfords, Shockley, Enoch Powell, H J Eysenck, Thatcher, J Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn) said nothing about the issue, and indeed tied themselves in knots discussing 'Nazis' and what have you. The absence of speculation on such people as Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell and Richard Desmond; and the Dimblebys; and the Labour Party's homosexual Australian 'politician' Peter Tatchell; and paedophiliac Harriet Harman; and Thatcher's connection with Jews in Finchley; and Jews in the family-harm industry;—all this is truly something remarkable.
And of course this aversion from truth applies to techies and scientists, disappointingly. A bit of luck led me to contact Ivor Catt, a fellow science sceptic, who was the first person I met to have amassed doubts about 'HIV/AIDS', which I now see as a 1984 fraud by Jews. Catt knew a number of dissidents, and I spent a lot of time on Harold Hillman's ideas (see my write-up) and Phil Holland's, and on people investigating legal and anti-family policies, though none of them as far as I know noticed the Jewish connections. Most of these people had reached their personal plateau, and, though keen to have their own material examined, had no interest in other peoples'. However, in my case, these things only came together after the first decade or so of the Internet era. I collected revisionist books where possible; later, Amazon made this process much easier. But I wasn't happy to leave speculations in limbo. I noticed the 'socialist' Tony Cliff's real name was Ygael Gluckstein, wonderfully described as a 'middle-class Jew'. With Harold Hillman's notes, I pieced together Steven Rose's story, a 'scientist' employed at the new Open University, who regurgitated all the fake discoveries of biological research; I found he was keen on killing off large numbers of people if a Jewish state - like the USSR - would result. I found much the same with the 'historian' Hobsbawm. I noticed that Susan Greenfield, a media 'star' of the time, responsible for dubious biological work, was married to a Professor of Chemistry, Atkins, who was furious about the supposed 'Holocaust', but never mentioned the involvement of science with weaponry.
There are plenty of analogous issues, many of them providing new insights, and opportunities almost for controlled experiments. Good examples are cases where vested special-interest groups stick firmly to some opinion, even when it's highly likely to be wrong: fluoride in water, the true Shakespeare, Margaret Mead's spurious 'research' in Samoa, Marco Polo, the common name of the Great Pyramid, the look-say teaching of reading, and NASA's hoaxes illustrate the sort of thing.
The Internet era dates from about 1995. Hardware since then has advanced at quite a phenomenal rate: hard disks, solid state storage, underwater cables, optical fibres, computer chips, memory, displays, software packages, online maps and photos, chatrooms, online stores and ordering and payments, and on-demand printing. There is a gap in software: computer models of the genetics of parasitism, family strategies, group secrecy, race mixing, and similar topics, barely exist. Nor do economic models explicitly include Jewish 'money' and Jews as an interest group, in a similar way to a nation or transnational corporation. 1997 was roughly the date I found the 'Holocaust' was a fraud, at age of 50 or so: my 1997 essay (plus a 15-years later update) is here. This does not suggest intellectual precocity and breakneck progress. Anyway, I contacted David Irving, and did my best to help out in early 2000 at his libel trial against 'Professor' Lipstadt. I contacted, but never heard from, Gerald Fleming, one of the heavily-promoted supposed Jewish Holocaust experts: I found he'd been working in the audio-visuals group at (I think) Surrey University, at Guildford. NASA's sceptics gathered momentum at about this time; I made some, but not a huge amount, of investigation into their frauds. The Jewish race agenda took me longer. I worked out from South Place Ethical Society the connection between 'rationalism', and Jews concerned, but only concerned, with anti-Christian propaganda. The Public Records Office, known chummily as 'Fort Ruskin', was headed by a Jew—with some influence over the entirety of irreplaceable historical records of Britain.
Only about ten years after the start of Internet I first heard the ideas of nuclear scepticism, notably as regards nuclear weapons, and as far as I know started by Roger Desjardins in Canada. The forum started by Jesse Waugh lasted a year, from March 2011, and attracted a small number of very highly competent people. I began to see through CND, Professor Rotblat (Bertrand Russell fawned over him; Rotblat must have laughed), Frank Barnaby, Jeremy Corbyn, and so on.
At about the same time, the BNP (British National Party) began to attract greater attention: it supported Churchill and a Spitfire in its campaigns; and suppressed all accounts of Jewish paper money, though this was not announced until years later. Although Griffin spoke well, his censorship or self-censorship could not produce a complete, balanced worldview. Some people then in the BNP were competent: I saw Jonathan Bowden coaching people on how to reply to questions of the "Are you a racist?" type, and regret not feeling empowered to video him. Arthur Kemp was an impressive speaker; in happier and more scientific times his March of the Titans might have become a white history rival to Wells's Outline of History. Suppressed, rare, foreign, old, single-issue, magazines, and other reading material appeared online.Did Six Million Really Die?, Birdwood's Longest Hatred, a version of Russell's Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal, and Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years translated into English (in part?) turned up in websites. Jews and slave trades, Jews and the Opium Wars, Jews in US government, Jews as revealed by the Talmud, and Jews in history are also found in newly-uploaded material. Often a practical problem is simply not being aware that material is out there, waiting to be read or viewed. Solzhenitsyn's description of Jews slaughtering 'bourgeois' Russians after 1917, and replacing them with Jews, is an example of the type of information available freely for the first time. And rational critiques of Jews are becoming available; I hesitate to say 'for the first time', but this is true for very many people. For example, as it becomes known that Jews ran the Soviet Union by occupying all the important posts apart from selected puppets, an obvious question is "What did they actually achieve?", and the obvious answer is almost nothing—all the technology was copied and stolen from white countries: electrification, railways, radio, hydro-electric power. They couldn't even invent battery chickens. The Jewish tradition of joint parasitism is not well adapted to modern conditions. It is reminiscent of faked qualifications in medicine sold for $10 in Pakistan or the Philippines. Competence and honesty seem incompatible with Talmudic attitudes. Another issue is fractional reserve banking: piecing together the net effects of unscrupulous money power, with costs of currencies and amplification by multiple loans, is a new topic to economists, and of course because it shows them up as very incompetent, can be expected to show defensive 'professional' denial, just as historians of the 'Professor Evans' type will probably spend the rest of their lives telling lies. Jewish-controlled publications are showing signs of adjustments: the Occidental Observer says that someone called Harold Meyerson was dropped by the Washington Post—possibly for writing about Jews as separate from whites, a faux pas in public discourse. This sort of thing is not new: Jews are anxious to avoid evidence of parasitism, and this must be the reason for fakery, mutual promotion, elbowing out of whites, and issuing prizes. Einstein, Freud, Maslow, Boas, Kissinger, Obama illustrate some aspects of this. People are beginning to feel Jews are represented by such 'thinkers' as Barbara Spectre and 'Professor' and 'Historian' Noel Ignatiev, and currency manipulator Soros who continues the long tradition of Jews from Hungary.
Vastly increased flows of information have allowed opportunities for serious research: Do Jews own the media? Do Jews run countries? What effect did Jews have on the World Wars? What is the real history of the US Civil War? How come ridiculous ideas such as 'same sex marriage' all appear within a short space of time? What's the story with Churchill College and Wolfson College of Cambridge? Do Jews run the European Union (EU)? What effects have Jews had on national legal systems? Why the legal penalties for historical enquiries? How much money do Jews make from wars?
Some of this effort, though probably vanishingly little, may come from Jews: Maurice Pappworth regarded himself as a Jew, and took a serious ethical line on medical experiments. I knew Cecil Helman, a doctor who took alternative medicine fairly seriously. [1944-9009, I just noticed; he was of the storytelling school of medicine, not so much the biochemist/diagnosis type]. I remember being told (by a woman, in Atlanta, Georgia) of a Jewish organisation continually propagandising for Jews: she said "No novelist could describe it". But the omens promise very little.
Another approach to Jews is theological, treating 'Judaism' as a religion. Roman Catholics and Moslems both have specific reasons to study Jews. Rationalists don't have those specific interests and often can't or won't understand the importance of the Jewish tradition and the way it is expressed by genes. At the start of the first Iraq war, I saw a banner 'Hampstead Communist Party' in a hall; I doubt whether many people at the time would have identified a Jewish link, or links with the media of the time. It's only in retrospect I see the significance of E J Hobsbawm, or the organophosphate insecticide issue, or John Pilger, or the truth about Churchill, or nuclear scepticism.
Genetic theories of Jewish behaviour (see discussion) are in their infancy. But the sociopathy, unblushing lies, thoughtless grabbing whatever the consequences, and the very tight and extreme group feeling, suggests a group micro-evolutionary history. Anyone who sees regularity and predictability in phenomena will find predestination (but not prediction) credible, and the persistent way Jews carry out their actions, seemingly forever, must lean thoughtful people to a genetic theory of behaviour. For example, I've just noted Cameron, Jewish Prime Minister, on being notified of floods in northern England caused by badly-maintained rivers, clearly cares nothing for this, and certainly looks like a genetically-programmed organism which cares nothing for 'goyim'. Similarly, nonwhite crimes against whites are ignored.
Genetic determinism must apply to 'Christians', or 'whites', too. It's entirely possible the long-term highly-specialised honing, and intense focussing of Jewish cuckoo-like behaviour, will overcome genetically more varied types, then collapse after the removal of creative types. In a similar way to fluctuations in predator-prey ratios, and with added systematic variations in genetics of survivors. I hope not; but it seem possible.
If I may present an analogy to the present time, may I suggest windows looking into a collected items of evidence, the windows being blocked with accumulated grime and filth. Droplets from one source and another fall on the windows: perhaps 'Holocaust' dismissal, 9/11 evidence, the Liberty, truths about the Federal Reserve, Talmudic material. More droplets fall; some join together; others penetrate to obscure corners. But eventually there's a downpour; streams run together with a unified cleansing effect. Our age is like the discovery of an internalised mental America, a new nation, but with the peculiarity that it has spread covertly across, and penetrated into, many nations. Rumours of mysterious landscapes, and strange behaviour, and unexpected buildings, will come, we may hope, into sharp illuminated focus.
It's my motive for encouraging free discussion of the Jewish problem. With the proviso that secrecy may be needed during the discovery processes, and the correction processes.
voerioc 06 Mar 2012
Yes, it [Jewish power] is not unlimited. But you don't need unlimited power to control the world. With only 10.000 guys in power places, you can control a country quite easily.
And when you look at famous people, they stay in place during a very long time. So, there is not so much people in politics or in the medias, etc... In France, we have got just 3 different presidents since 1981 (Mitterrand, Chirac, and Sarkosy). And 70 % of famous politicians have been the same since 1990. My opinion is that it is much easier to control a country or the world with a nation (so, jews) having 12 millions people, than with just hundreds people (the Illuminati theory).
Probably that Jewish leaders consider many of their fellows citizens as useful idiots. But that's not our problem. Many jews are relays of the will of Jewish leaders. They also believe totally that they are superior beings, and that all non jews are just cattle. They actively participate to our enslavement, and also to our elimination through race mixing. And so, they are enemies.
So, of course, we have to work to make the average jew come back to reason. But our primary goal is to make their tyranny stop.rerevisionist 08 Mar 2012
Very well-written, voerioc. You've included the numerical aspect and I think you're correct - Jews are *not* a "scapegoat". [Or helpless victims]. They really are a wordwide threat and menace.
Another thing is unelected hierarchies which are related to government: EU officials; police and their chiefs; lawyers and the heads of the legal system; educators and the people changing education systems; 'think tanks' aiming at policy changes; controllers of the state media - the BBC is the British example - and of art and culture; controllers of spying and listening; heads of the medical system; people controlling housing; people controlling movements of population - customs etc; civil servants in control of departments - war and peace, domestic policies; religious leaders; people in control of records and archives ... Many of these people are in power for life, and almost unaccountable, and irremovable. Very many of them are Jews.
It's disappointing that even such rather obvious material is all but unknown. It would be fairly simple to find organisation charts for many organisations, and mark Jews in them; less easy to check whether they do in fact behave as the anti-white Darwinian theory predicts. For example, the Speaker of the House of Commons [Bercow] is a fake 'Jew'. Speakers have the power to prevent some views being heard, and generally slanting debate, and I think arranging what potential legislation comes forward. Has he used any of these powers? Another example - statistics of crime, immigration, and population. The anti-white theory predicts that figures for crime by immigrants and Jews will be concealed, figures for immigration will be minimised, and figures for total population numbers will be made unavailable; are there, in fact, Jews in these state organisations who do these things? Even such fairly obvious assessments are not available, despite the vast number of supposed 'social scientists' out there. [Note added June 6 2017: an online article by Incogman ('Figuring Out the Big Scam Against Whites') recounts statistical fraud in which US Hispanic Crime figures were put in with white figures, to understate Hispanic crime].
26 Nov 2014.
The link below, How 'Sayanim' 'Jews' Operate, holds a copy of just one page, including photos, from a website explaining current Jewish methods. It cannot be expected that it will be entirely truthful, obviously; in particular, the sources of the myths and lies and policies cannot be expected to be revealed, even if known; nor can the true intentions, as opposed to the overt claims. But it's a useful shock antidote to the sleeping-draught which many people still suffer under.
Jack Robert ... I have come to change my stance on this recently when an Oxfam report has shown that 62 people have the same wealth as the rest of the world and a great book I would recommend is capital by Alan PIckety, it shows income inequality and how the rich have a higher return on capital than the GDP of a country. People's views have are being skewed to problems on the media not in society.
rerevisionist I doubt if this can possibly be true. There are about 190 countries in the world. You're saying 62 people own one-and-a-half countries each. It's simply not credible. Jews are keen to pretend individuals rule; in fact 10,000 Jews in a country can control it. 2 million Jews can presumably control the world, not 60 people. Or at least Jews can if they keep quiet and behave sensibly, neither of which they're doing.
Jack Robert ... the Koch brothers ( they got ill gotten gains from WWII and the Russian war), the banking industry, the Rothschild family, Standard Oil (Rockefeller), the corporations do run the countries that is why you have policies that don't help the individuals in the countries and just keep the status quo of elitism and place peoples attention on the problems. Basically you get austerity and the banks get a bail out and the corporations get a tax break and QE, so the report says 62 people, but they have other lobbyist and vested interests that over lap with other people and countries.
rerevisionist True about corporations, assuming they do what they're supposed to. But I think there are hidden assumptions in Oxfam, for example about shareholdings and holding companies. If you take one country, say Italy, it doesn't seem credible that one person owns most of what's there. Maybe the assumption is that value now = value if there were upheavals such as inflation, war or mass depression. Or maybe there's a confusion between capital value and day-to-day costs. If someone can contribute a clear, brief summary, I'll include it here - rerev. BUT in my opinion Jews are keen to pretend individuals rule. It takes attention away from tightly-organised groups behind the scenes. And distracts from the idea of a war distributed among many countries, not the well-known model of wars as events between geographical groups.
CONCLUSION Histories, stories, personal applause, glory, awards and so on are intentionally directed to individuals, to direct eyes and brains away from behind-the-scenes groups. Napoleon built up—or had built up for him—a huge bureaucracy in France. British seapower in 1880 seemed unchallengeable and of course had huge supporting industries: coal, shipyards, dry docks, docks, guns. The USA has its Pentagon and a large proportion of the entire US production effort. The British electoral system needs huge numbers of people to arrange vote swindles. Ownership is not the same thing, but is obviously related; and control of any big company, city, and organisation must presumably need many people, each with local control. So I side with voerioc in thinking the small numbers controlling everything idea (including the 'Illuminati') cannot work. I think it's deliberately hidden.
Two Tiers: Key to Understanding Money, Banks, Jews, and Varieties of Capitalism
Written by Rerevisionist 1 Dec 2012
I aim here to try to clearly distinguish between
[1] The printing of money, [2] Jews and central banks, [3] Banking as a business (and 'fractional reserves'), [4] The two-tier system, [5] Forms of capitalism.
These issues are usually deliberately confused.
[1] Printing money: Money was, traditionally, something genuinely scarce and valuable like gold, silver, copper and iron, with local variations such as shells, stones. There are debates on the meaning of 'value', for example that water is of infinite 'value' to life, which I won't discuss here, beyond noting that these debates of course occur. In Victorian times, gold sovereigns, silver florins and so on were in circulation. We now have money which is of little intrinsic value: coins made of common metals, plastic cards, paper. Security printing is specialised work and of course has to keep ahead of forgers. These new types of money have the backing of states or other powerful groups. If the state withdraws its support, they become worthless: for example, in Soviet Russia, Tsarist roubles became worthless after the Jewish coup. A less dramatic example is general inflation. All this is obvious enough and familiar to many people.
Greenspan: "The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take." - America's Final Election video by Way of the World, 2020 I think. A private company that controls America's money supply. It is not federal, and has no reserves.
[2] Central Banks, and the Federal Reserve in the USA, are usually privately-owned; the actual owners may be impossible to ascertain, and their records kept secret indefinitely. The presumption here is that the owners are, or mostly are, Jews. This claim is based on historical evidence and various types of inference from behaviour. Traditionally, governments borrowed money at interest. This makes sense when the borrowings are of genuinely scarce assets. Paying interest on paper money is essentially a fraud: paper money costs almost nothing. This should be what is referred to as 'money as debt'. There is virtually no risk in central banking.
Update. This section was written in 2012. Two important books, published in 2014, are Stephen Mitford Goodson's A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind and Inside the South African Reserve Bank. Its Origins and Secrets Exposed by Black House Publishing. Stephen Goodson (some videos are available; I haven't read him) seems to have been a Jew-aware critic of for example the 'Holocaust' fraud, and of Anglo-Jewish wars in Africa. But he is a traditionalist about Hitler and seemed unaware of recent critiques of the NSDAP as Jewish-controlled, and the possibility that most of the Second World War was deathly Jewish theatre. Goodson worked in banking as a Jew-aware person. There seems no obvious reason why a central bank might not be an honourable civil service career. However, like civil and intelligence and military services it has so far been parasitised by Jews, of course for their own purposes.
In 2014 '... only a handful of central banks ... are not directly controlled by the Rothschilds. Belarus, Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran and the state bank of North Dakota ... [and] Russia, Iceland, Venezuela.' Some of these, such as Cuba, may be an artefact of the Jewish 'Cold War'. All but one books by Niall Ferguson predate 2014, and The Square and the Tower looks unpromising; and he's something like a leading media 'expert' on banks. The Rothschilds look dominating, but there are large numbers of Jews in the world; short of fairly good evidence, I'm not sure. But central banking under international control is an issue as important as a centralised military under world control. Added July 2019.
[3] Banking as a Business: It's important to try to distinguish what I'll call 'genuine' banking, banking as a business. If a Victorian worthy inherited a large sum, he might found his own bank. He would lend at interest, probably to a stream of characters of uneven reputation and skill. It would be his job to get repayments, decide whether people with large debts should get more, try to encourage depositors, and to establish trust in his cheques, and so on. There is absolutely no guarantee that such a business would thrive. If his cheques and book-keeping prove acceptable, and there are liberal legal limits on his lending, we have the 'fractional reserve' system. This is something like 'traditional capitalism' as it appears in economics textbooks. Small competitive banks are vulnerable to various types of attack, such as panics, and rumours, and clearly central banks have a huge advantage over them.
[4] Two Tier System: It's absolutely crucial to understand that we have here a two-tier system. The issuers of money have entirely different attitudes from normal banks, and normal people. From the central bank viewpoint, inflation is good, and wars are good, because they offer more large-scale opportunity. They then print more money, and get more interest, provided their currency is accepted. If governments waste money, that suits them. If they can exchange their paper or electronic entries for any real assets—houses, businesses, utilities, colleges, factories, newspapers—they benefit; they've got them for nothing. There are obvious hazards here: wars may be lost, for example. But usually it's not their problem.
The two-tier system means they have money in superabundance: any central bank therefore has huge power. If they choose to support any special group, that group will thrive. Historically, news suppliers and distributors (e.g. books, newspapers, Reuters, theatre, film, TV, advertising) have been points of attack by Jews against hosts, but control over education (primary, secondary, syllabuses, teachers, apprentices, universities), and control over law-making and law enforcement (parliaments, judges, police) have been and are important. As a simple example of the two-tier system, consider Google or Youtube. These needed large amounts of equipment and expertise to set up, mediated my money, ultimately in Jewish hands. The technical people are in their hands, though they have some power of fighting back. Modern credit card money is in a similar position, with huge electronic networks of machinery and buildings, dominated by central banks. Modern political parties are in a similar state, since central bank money can be used to swamp any opposition.
[5] Varieties of Capitalism: The Marxist view, for want of a better phrase, is that money power rules the workers, who have to sell their labour for as much as they can get, usually, according to Marx, not much. Normal businesses take risks, and may close. But here again the two-tier system is crucial. Anyone who is in favour with money issuers may get unlimited, easy funding, even if it is economically irrelevant or counter-productive to host communities. It may be deliberately damaging—harmful products may be produced, Freemasons and similar secret groups supported, absurd laws passed, murderers may be freed, child abusers protected, drugs deliberately allowed to circulate, education dumbed-down, whole populations planned to be wiped out The two-tier system extends internationally: if it's decided to close shipyards or coal fields for example, it's simple enough to fund people to damage them, even if there's no good reason for them to go. Thus the BBC praised 'red Robbo' at his death, presumably because he helped international shipbuilders to make more money by closing shipyards. Jews can easily control exchange rates between currencies they control. Money can be filtered down to the European secret Common Purpose group whose 'graduates' can collude in (for example) new demolition and building projects.
The two-tier system has to be understood. It isn't inevitably harmful: if Jews had amused themselves building country estates, collecting art, donating to good causes, or taking realistic interest rates, it wouldn't have mattered.
But, probably because of their fanatical tribal ideology, this has not happened: any number of wars, any amount of destruction, suits their blinkered outlook. I suspect the Vietnam War—more munitions used than the entire Second World War, millions of deaths—was purely a money-making opportunity.
Many people puzzle over Germany in the 1930s being 'capitalist': the point is of course the central bank or banks worked in the interests of Germans rather than taking from them, leaving 'capitalism' in its more genuine sense. Trade Union leaders in Britain must be puzzled that Miliband is their 'leader', since they don't understand the Two tier system which promotes, 'educates', supports by their media, such people. I put 'leader' in quotes because Miliband is no more a leader than Churchill was: they are puppets who have adopted a view secretly circulated between Jews.
Barbara Roche: Ugly, fat, racist
It's one reason for their superficial self-confidence: normal people might strive to balance things, to think of the future, to value community spirit, and so on; they are mutually brainwashed. It's simply not credible that barely-sane old bats like Specter, Roche, Lipstadt, Berelowitz have a carefully-thought out view of societal optimisation and a detailed vision of the future: they are just fanatics, like the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
There are, inevitably, complications: there's an intermediate layer, chosen for the ability to work hard, or self-deceive: politicians, people nominally in control of utilities, businesspeople who arrange buy-outs, media controllers, may end up with a few million. They are paupers in comparison with the concealed controllers, and often embittered by receiving 'only' the equivalent of a Jewish minimum wage, for their subservience.
Remember the 'two tier money system'. It's one key to the world as it is now.
Let me add the words of '77GSlinger' from Youtube: I have been saying this about the fed for years now. It is obvious they printed quadrillions of untold dollars and gave it to the members of their tribe, so now after 100 years of stealing from all of us through tax slavery, they own everything
And let me add typical detail taken from Internet. This is on 'dollar imperialism' (Read: jewish control, mainly over the USA) as applied here to South America and minerals, though not their money and other control: Speyer and Co., the great Jewish banking house, in 1903, gave Mexico her first twelve and a half million-dollar loan. They acquired by this transaction all oil concessions in Mexico. Rockefeller, Morgan, Jacob Schiff and the other great Jewish financiers followed suit and thus almost all the natural resources of Mexico fell into Jewish hands. Bernard Mannes Baruch, the National City Bank under Jewish management, and Guggenheim, the Jewish copper magnate, became the real masters of Mexico.
In 1906, the same world conquerors obtained monopolies over Nicaragua's national income from customs and excise and also over her railways and shipping lines.
The banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. was one of the founders as well as chief financier of the Panama Canal Co.
The major part of Cuba's industry is controlled by the Guggenheims.
Bolivia was turned into a colony of 'dollar imperialism' by Speyer and Guggenheim, who exploited the zinc mines.
Since 1935, thirty-five percent of the potassium nitrate and ninety percent of the copper industry of Chile is in the hands of the Guggenheim and Morgan Trusts.
In Peru, the copper mines are in the hands of the Seligmans and Goldschmidts.
Lord Melchett, under his original name of Mond, controls the nickel industry of Canada. Out of a total of thirty billion dollars which constitute the national assets of Canada, a total of three billion is in the hands of the Jews.
Foreign trade with China was organised by the Morgans and also by the National City Bank and, of course, by Kuhn, Loeb. Later, the International Banking Corporation, led by Edward H. Harriman the railway king, and Isaac Guggenheimer, began the economic 'exploitation' of China. Schiff, Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb, and Harriman made fortunes out of railway construction in that country.
May I suggest a new attack point for nationalists—and everyone concerned with the truth.
Most readers here will have heard of Kevin MacDonald, whose print-on-demand books are available e.g. on Amazon. The Culture of Critique (1998) is the best-known, as far as I know: it deals with Jewish activists in 20th century America, including psychoanalysis, 'leftists', the Frankfurt School, and 'the New York intellectuals'.
His other books include A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy(1994) on the real or perhaps mythical long-term history of Jews, including segregation from, and competition with, goyimand eugenics.
His 1998 book Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism discusses the way anti-Jewish feelings have been provoked in host communities, and then exploited by Jews; and the self-deception of Jews in their writings and behaviour.
I have no idea what his MacDonald's sales figures are, but there's no question he's been a great catalyst in the process of Americans becoming Jew-aware, something like a modern Martin Luther figure.
His books are cautious and belong to the opening phase of Internet publishing. MacDonald accepts for example the probably fictitious accounts of Jewish ancient history; he takes the fraudulent 'holocaust' seriously; and he doesn't like the Khazar theory. He doesn't cover a wide range of subjects, really, either. He mostly shies away from scientific and financial fraud. Much of the power of his books comes from the listings, page after page, of Jewish names, with their activities.
It doesn't say much for British nationalists that there is no equivalent book relating to Britain; and I'd guess the same is true in France, Italy, and Germany in particular, where post-Second World War influences are overpowering.
We need ideally a cheap single volume book dealing with new information on Jewish influence in finance (especially). This is crucially important, because the two-tier paper money system gives Jews overwhelming financial power, able to buy out and influence pretty much anything.
Media control is essential to keep up this system; and of course it's international, so Jews can carefully watch events in multiple countries, and provoke wars or at least aggressive behaviour, and control systems such as the EU, which is clearly modelled on the Jewish-controlled USSR, still well within living memory. Jewish frauds, which are many, should be identified, not discreetly hidden, as at present.
Other important subjects include:
Jewish misinterpretations of history, notably of course the Second World War and the vast anti-white atrocities
Jews and the legal system. We need to examine Houses of Parliament, and the occupation of important positions in the legal system, and the legal education system. Pressure groups and anti-British 'think tanks', and the BBC and Jewish-owned media, typically apply pressure for laws. Often these are passed, then implemented in anti-white and anti-British ways. All this should be illustrated with many examples.
The offloading of costs onto whites. This of course is very clear in the USA, which funds Israel to rather incredible extents. A typically undiscussed example is of the level of genetic problems with Jews, which as far as I know are largely offloaded onto the British taxpayer.
There are many examples of Jews and 'goyim' collaborating, often without the latter necessarily understanding what's being done. The NUS, NUT, and other unions illustrate the sort of thing. The deliberate dumbing-down of education may be another.
This may seem 'irrelevant' to many people, conscious that time is passing and possible disasters are unfolding; but I'd argue it's clear that there are huge numbers of ordinary people who need, whether they know it yet or not, such information in a clear and accurate form. Such a book or books should ideally be entirely factual and properly referenced, whilst being readable.
MacDonald's books are not online, though there are some sample chapters. This is the usual pattern; David Irving puts his books online, on the theory that people who like them prefer to physically own and handle their copies. Kindles and Nooks and other devices are new, and already influential; new books have to take them into account. Very long books may be easier on Kindle than on paper. It's not yet clear whether pictures will be displayable cheaply and effectively, but probably printed books and displays will resemble each other. Indexes may become less important—computer searching may replace them.
Note that print-on-demand publishing does away with the warehousing problem of books. It also allows more frequent updating—new editions could be produced almost daily. Mistakes can be corrected without having to pulp books or stick erratum slips in them. I don't think it's particularly cheap—Amazon's discount must be huge, and mass market books will I suppose still be printed and bound in the usual way.
Individuals who like truth therefore have new prospects for publishing. I hope a new genre of serious Jewish research will flourish.
Notes added in 2015: MacDonald's reasoning is largely based on evolutionary selection pressures. But interpreting human development in this way has difficulties: after all, all creatures face huge range of problems and challenges food, warmth, injuries, illness, shelter, aggression, whatever. For example, some people are puzzled by the idea that northern Europeans are 'reputation-based': a person who is heroic, skilled, or honest may be preferred above another person who is simply part of the same clan or group or family. If this is true, how come dishonest crooked Jews have been allowed power? One point to be made here is that control of the media allows almost unlimited power to control perceptions: Jewish pornographers, billionaires, war criminals and so on have their images shaped by their own media and, from a longer viewpoint, teaching. Many people are simply not aware how deeply their views on Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Eisenhower, Nero, Jesus, Ho Chi Minh, Churches, government agencies ... are a result of deliberate propaganda.
Probably genetics affects, and is affected by, 'lifestyle'. Theoreticians think of work, and the distribution of types of people needed; and they think of climate and general geographical conditions, and try to identify population characteristics that match—plump and fatty people in frozen areas, other type able to combat heat in hot areas, still others who live in high altitudes with thin air. Probably the resulting lifestyles leave a genetic effect: 'Jews' seem now to favour 'shtetl' type lives, cramped together in groups, interior dwellers liking lecture rooms, unable to understand other groups who like freedom, an outdoor life, and adventure. Black looting may be a form of 'race consciousness' or 'racial memory'. Mongols seem to be most happy living in vast spacious areas, rather than tower block buildings.
I note the general lacklustre eye turned upon mosques in this country by Britons. The question of synagogues hasn't had much attention. May I suggest a few pointers--
When Jews took over in Russia, churches, icons, and people were destroyed. It seems only fair that the same treatment should be returned. Therefore it seems reasonable that most synagogues should simply be destroyed, or converted into useful buildings.
However, this would be unfair, in the sense that their contribution to enrichment might be forgotten. So I suggest synagogues occupying what were British buildings should be turned into museums.
The exhibits might include, among many others-
* Extracts from 'religious books' including material on lying to the goyim, on treating goyim women as prostitutes, and on child sex.
* Exhibits of financial frauds to take money from goys
* Exhibits of the Russian royal family, possibly including plaster casts of the smashed skulls and other remains
* Exhibits of Jack the Ripper, to show the Jewish contribution in the East End
* Exhibits of 1930s famines—perhaps tasteful photos of Ukrainians eating human remains after their food had been taken
* Some 'Holocaust' exhibits, illustrating the fraud and the money obtained
* Information about Jewish organised crime
* Exhibits from Armenia, possibly with genuine exhumed human remains
* The positive contributions of Jews, after scientific frauds have been removed. Maybe a small souvenir postcard could be made.
Added two years later:–
After the people in Whitefish [small town in USA] vote down this absurd, jewish-supremacist proposal, they need to appoint a select committee and appoint it the task to make a thoroughgoing review of the jewish Tanakh and Talmud and decide if judaism is a religion that promotes genocide. If it is found to promote genocide, they need to outlaw the practicing in public of all forms of jewish supremacy and pass a law banning the sale of all Torahs, Talmuds, Mishnas, Gemarahs, Zohars, and Siddurs or any other book that incites genocide against non-jews. If requested, I am willing to provide expert testimony to the committee. 'Debbie' comments in the Occidental Observer, November 2014
Added 8 years later. Karen OccidentalObserver November 28, 2020 at 9:05 am
I don’t know if this would work, but a nationwide effort to picket ALL Jewish synagogues in the U.S. would be a great starting point for taking back the country from the Jews. Last year I made two trips to my local city council meeting. (This was before the start of the fake “pandemic”. The meetings are now held virtually, and I have not felt comfortable about speaking on a city linked Facebook webinar). After pointing out Jewish power and their unrelenting racism towards the White founding stock of the U.S. I was attacked in the local paper. The local rabbi was obviously extremely upset, that someone would publicly denounce the eternal victims. He wrote an op-ed in the local paper offering to meet with me, as if I would ever agree to that!
My point is we must become visible and if we went to their synagogues it would get all of this out in the open once and for all. We could pass out flyers and hold up signs and protest Jewish people on their home turf. Sharing our concerns on the internet won’t cut it. We have to hit them where it hurts, PUBLICLY. They succeed because they slink around in the shadows. We must get them out in the open and expose them as the enemy.
Added 15 Feb 2024. I know: for such an obvious comment, this is a bit late! Synagogues must be bugged, or, in less slangy wording, 'surveilled'. High tech surveillance is feasible. Our supposed intelligence groups ought to be doing it. Now. -RW
Written by Rerevisionist 3 Jan 2013 | Expanded 3 March 2016
[Note added June 2013: Eustace Mullins' short 1967 book The Biological Jew is one of many booklets/ books on this censored topic. It's worth noting that the EU-related Coudenhove-Kalergi's father wrote against 'anti-Semitism', and that in 1933 the son jointly wrote Gegen die Phrase vom jüdischen Schädling (Against the Phrase 'Jewish Parasite').]
Link to new 2016 article on Jewish evolution out of the development of cities - a convincing overview of evolution of a sub-race. Note that the written word, when forced upon populations, can affect their evolution; very probably this is what happened to the Khazars, and for that matter Moslems and others.
Added 6 Mar 2017: An interesting parallel to physical parasitism (i.e. not affecting mental processes): strangler figs kill trees by both smothering their foliage to cut off light, and forming a dense network around the trunk, sucking nutrition from the tree. Eventually the tree dies, leaving a hollow cylinder, with strangler fig around it. Banyan trees are an example. Could this offer a parallel to the killing-off of cities and nations?
Added 19 Oct 2016: 'Dry Rot' as analogy with Jewish strategy
'Dry rot' is a fungus evolved to feed from dry wood. Dry wood cannot be attacked by simple fungi, which need water and some nutritional essentials to dissolve food, grow, and eventually fruit. The 'dry rot' fungus has evolved long thin strands, which can direct water to the target, dry, area. Something similar happens when Jewish contacts act across long distances. An historically-recent example is the takeover of Russia by Jews in the 1917 'Russian revolution'. Jewish money, and fake money of the Federal Reserve and other sources, fed arms, propaganda, ammunition, and money into Russia, from New York, London, and no doubt elsewhere. This enabled Jews, acting more or less as in the Protocols, to parasitise Russia.
Let's try to examine the idea of 'parasitism'. Every organism needs nutrition, and in well-evolved life many organisms feed on other organisms. Most (e.g. human beings eating cattle) are not usually regarded as 'parasitic'. In nature, it's usually easy enough to identify what's labelled a 'parasite'; it's some creature (or perhaps fungus etc) which lives at the expense of another creature. It may be fatal, eventually; ichneumon flies and wasps inject eggs into caterpillars, and their larvae eat the caterpillars until ready to pupate. (This is often seen in cabbage white caterpillars, which—if they aren't killed by insecticides—die, with little yellow fly/wasp cocoons festooned outside them).
'Parasitism' involves damage to the 'host' which is disproportionate: fleas, for example, which can only eat blood, need methods to penetrate skin and delay blood clotting, just for tiny quantities of blood: the damage they do is analogous in human terms to thieves, lawyers, or what have you who may inflict a lot of damage in exchange for their smaller gains. A spectacular example is the Rafflesia flower, the biggest flower that exists, which draws nourishment from other plants' roots. When damage doesn't happen, the forms of life aren't usually counted as parasitic: bacteria in the gut often have little net effect.
Some parasites, such as tapeworms, and liver flukes, aren't generally fatal; they feed from the host, and breed, in effect, using properties of their hosts' excretions. Occasionally we have symbiosis, where what might otherwise be a parasite helps its host: lichens are joint organisms; the large blue butterfly's larva is fed, by certain ants, with their own pupae, in exchange for a sugary excretion; greenfly may help plants get protein in exchange for the glucose they synthesise; nitrogen-fixing bacteria in some plant roots, for example.
Parasitism of course resembles predator and prey relations, except that predators kill and eat their prey. There is another resemblance with parasites: in neither case is the prey usually wiped out. If this happened, the predators or parasites themselves would die out. Cuckoos for example in birds, or malaria parasites, don't manage complete parasitism, no doubt more by luck than anything else.
Some interesting examples occur—or allegedly occur; biologists need sensational stuff to live, as much as journalists—amongst social insects, such as ants and some bees. To repeat Dawkins, repeating other writers, a rival species of ant has individuals that make the same sounds as ants in a nest, seek out the queen, saw her head off, and take the place of the queen; the invading species' eggs are cared for by the ants and displace them. This at least is the version I gathered: 'phorid flies' which make ants feed their females by threatening the queen in some way—several species seem to have been introduced into the USA against fire ants, an earlier introduction.
The idea of 'mimicry' is important in parasites where they are not carried internally. (In that case, what they look like doesn't matter). Often mimicry is protective: a harmless fly may look like a wasp, with bold colours, and presumably on balance survives better. Cuckooslay eggs which mimic the eggs of host birds. ‘The cuckoo always knows that it is a cuckoo, even though it has never met its parents but is raised by the host species. It never considers itself as being the same as its adopted family. It’s always a "stranger", does this ring a bell?’— an Internet comment showing the difficulty of being precise; I've read that the mother cuckoos in fact fly round to check their offspring.
If we extend this idea to human beings, there are points of comparison, but also of course differences. No other animal has anything like the learning capacities of human beings, though in my view these are easy to exaggerate. And, as it turns out, technology enables communications, and moving around of matter, to be enhanced incalculably more than the simple biological basis of a creature responding to close-up, direct stimuli—speech, commands, observation, effects of light and sound—and moving physical objects—food, useful objects etc.
Parasitism in people is therefore much more complicated than in the rest of nature. For one thing there is a time element largely missing in nature. Human beings remain powerless for many years; nobody in unviolent times would call a normal child a parasite (apart from the Jewish Freudian, Erich Fromm; and Anthony Ludovici on 'the beloved parasite') though if a normal child dies young, in effect, it is. There must be powerful mechanisms to prevent infanticide in human beings; if there were even a 1 in 10 chance of a child being killed in a year by a parent, few children would arrive at adulthood. In fact, it's possible human beings are weaker than, for example, chimps, by a factor (it seems) of 3 to 6, because very strong adults might be too dangerous for children over the long period of their growth. I'm told a man on steroids can have the strength of (say) four men, and possibly this is within evolutionary range; maybe there were genetic advantages in being less strong than chimps? If these mechanisms can be exploited, other groups may be able to parasitise human communities, and it seems likely that any mechanism in any group could in principle be exploited. A productive old person's total life is not in total parasitic. At present, Londoners are parasitic on the work of Irish labourers who built their sewage system in the nineteenth century, and Indians parasitic on British engineers who designed their cities.
Because of human creativity, it may be difficult to confidently detect a parasite, since someone may be an ancestor of someone who later turns out to be a creative type.
The ideas/beliefs issue is probably the most important as regards human beings. This is because people are physically somewhat similar: the difference between an extremely strong man and a feeble woman is large; but it is nothing compared with the difference between an informed person and someone entirely uneducated. And groups of people can have mutually-reinforcing effects, which is why in-groups can exist, and secrecy, lies, deception and so on can be hugely important. This is out of the reach of modern science: the brain is not understood, nor is learning, except as it is observed empirically. This is why advertisers may be as good or better at prediction than psychologists.
Since it's not possible to be scientifically precise, the following comments and comparisons aren't to be regarded as established; they may change with circumstances, though it's impossible to be sure.
There are interesting possibilities here. Jewish groups rely on mimicry of their hosts: changes of name to resemble their hosts, imitations of other languages, keeping quiet about hostile beliefs, temporary alliances on a belief basis, pretence of caring about matters of some host groups, adopting conventions on clothes—all these are entirely typical.
Lower-class people often feel they must mimic upper castes, probably throughout the world. I'm told Indians sometimes get adopted as Brahmins, by imitating their manners, eating vegetarian food, and so on. I wondered if The Midwich Cuckoos (science fiction, soon after 1945) was a science fiction attempt to work through the concept of an intruded group of like-minded aliens. There is some comment on The Hobbit (film) in The Occidental Observer site: the baddies are obviously and clearly hostile: they threaten, attack, look, feel, sound, dangerous.
A German group wondered about Jews in Europe and speculated that they had evolved to look harmless, like teddy bears: who would imagine that Henry Kissinger is more of a mass murderer than Hitler, or that Cameron and his half-witted cabinet want white British people to disappear?
Here's a link to the piece on Jews as parasites evolved from generations of town-dwellers. (Highly recommended: well-written. Opens in a new page).
'Secondary' or 'opportunistic' parasitism is an interesting possibility (mentioned in an Occidental Observer piece). Once a caterpillar is paralysed, or a tree parasitised by mistletoe, or cattle parasitised by larvae growing under the skin, or a creature made sick by some biological attack, there are opportunities for other parasites to feed in their turn, if they can find some way to do this.
Symbiosis between parasites and subsets of hosts are rare in nature: all ant workers and drones obey a parasitic new queen, but this occurs because the control mechanisms are fairly simple and inescapably compelling—maverick ants which fight back seem never to exist. However, the hugely increased learning capacities of people allow many variants of this process: Janissaries, forced labour, captured populations, unwilling allies, and forced impregnation, are possibilities. And undeniably such mechanisms are exploited by Jews, possibly in a genetically-determined way.
Behavioural Traits
I've read (I have no idea if it's true) that some species of chameleons have status depending on stink glands: the smellier, the higher status. And that other species of chameleons, which pay no attention to smells, achieve high status simply by their ordinary behaviour. This may be analogous to Jewish behaviour in seeking out rich, high-status females, who inspire caution and fear in their own groups. Something similar is possible among human beings because of their elaborate belief systems and past learning. One parasitic style of behaviour is to mimic powerful leaders and leadership characteristics.
This is easier with foreigners; there are lots of examples of foreigners becoming (or being made into) leaders (Napoleon wasn't French; Stalin wasn't Russian; many, if not all, British monarchs were foreign; many inhabitants of India preferred Britons to other Indians) partly because the locals couldn't combine, partly because the foreigners had some superiority, but partly because they ignored the local pecking order behaviours. The USA is largely controlled by Jews, and this is certainly in part because their behaviour looks like leadership.
This in my view partly explains the success of fanaticism. Nineteenth century theorists regarded fanaticism as self-defeating in the long run; and this may be true. But in the short run fanaticism has advantages. It leads to unified behaviour: groups of Jews, groups of Muslims, gullible UAF types, fundamentalists, soldiers who have no real idea what they're doing, MPs who follow their party orders, have simple-minded views, but they can be very effective in a group, just as packs of animals all following the same impulse may work better than packs which in effect debate and dispute.
There must be situations where the best style of behaviour is simply not clear; genetic variation perhaps contains a record of the range of decisions by earlier generations. These may not work in future: if 'aliens' visited earth, who could know the best reaction?
There's a case for studying law or medicine or history or oratory to benefit a community (or the world), but people whose only interest is (for example) law, in the hope of benefiting their group or making money, has a more powerful motive to study. In contrast, people with a wider view have a much more difficult job of trying to understand and balance different groups and issues.
When you see some hideous Jewish woman blithely saying that white girls deserve all they get, or a Jewish political party leader saying things completely the opposite of their party's supposed stance, or a BBC Jewish hack scribbler saying every country should welcome criminals; don't imagine there must be a process of thought behind it. It may simply be an innate genetic reaction to the external stimulus.
Extended Parasitism
I can't think of any analogy of such 'escalation' in the animal world; I'm not sure there's anything comparable in nature, though possibly spores and bacteria, which can settle on and eat food substrate, might be seen as similar. I wonder if bee drones, which fly around between hives of worker bees with their queen, are a product of a long evolutionary process, and might be regarded as a small superior caste keeping the others under surveillance.
But in the human world, another type of extended parasitism occurs where parasitism is extended over large numbers of people. The paper money aspect of Judaism is a good illustration. These cases involve large numbers of allies of Jews, 'useful idiots', people who are bribed or threatened or prevented from knowing relevant truths.
I don't know if there's an official expression, among people such as Dawkins, for the sort of thing I have in mind. Because of extended communication between minds, parasites can multiply and extend, and may indeed need to do this to survive.
An obvious example, which would certainly be censored by Dawkins and most official geneticists, is Jewish behaviour in such things as the 'Holocaust' fraud. In order to keep their money flowing in, they have, or act as though they have, no option but to buy up media, influence 'historians', hire thugs, control people high up in political parties, make up their own parties, and so on.
It's easy to see how this sort of behaviour could become genetically implanted, over many generations, until it is a fixed characteristic of such a group, so that the members feel an overriding moral imperative to parasitic behaviour. The possibilities of language and oratory and mythologies, the invention of writing and methods of duplication such as printing on paper, the formation of specialist castes preaching the same thing ad nauseam, all suggest genetic reinforcement as critics and skeptics are killed off, successful parasitism rewarded, and opponents killed off.
Group Evolution
As we've seen, because of the possibilities of learning, variation within human groups gives possibilities which don't occur in most species, unless you count social insects, whose roles are however claimed to be firmly determined.
Kevin MacDonald is the de facto leading theoretician here, though there are quite a few sociobiologists of the sort quoted by Dawkins. These latter however are usually optimists, speculating on the spread and decline of 'altruism' for example.
Kevin MacDonald in my view isn't completely accurate on whites. It certainly appears true that whites have been infinitely more inventive than any other group, and clearly this may be related to physical conditions: in Europe we have winter, and any group not planning for winter is liable to starve, unless it can successfully parasitise other group(s). And per contra, groups without natural defences must have banded together for group defence, and for group raiding, without time for luxuries such as civilised behaviour. If medieval London had been planted in the American plains, or Asian steppes, or in Africa, presumably it would have been picked clean by migrating hordes.
Possibly the deep genetic impulses of Jews derive from something like this. There are accounts of Hibaru existing in mountains overlooking plains, and acting as raiding parties; perhaps this tribalism was codified, and eventually transmitted to an entire nation, the Khazars.
However it seems just as true that planning, agriculture, storage etc. needs people who are plodding, dull, and able to tolerate long periods of boredom, possibly just follow orders.
There are plenty of whites with little intellect. It wouldn't surprise me if this is sex-linked; certainly it's impressive how few women are able to understand or test hypotheses. MacDonald seems to overstate the benevolence of whites as a result. His website censors discussion of the Vietnam War: gum-chewing low IQ whites hardly able to speak their language raping Vietnamese women, technicians dropping bombs on defenceless villagers, don't figure in his world-view. And of course they are helped to ignore these things by the Jewish media, which never mentions them until an anti-white cause presents itself.
Jews, gipsies, thugs, may have evolved as groups of specialists. A largely city or state which is stable is likely to have castes or groups which inbreed; one such group may be fighters or security enforcers. But a far smaller specialist group could evolve, perhaps directed by the written word: their expertise may allow them to dominate a far larger group, many of whom are weak in those specific skills.
We have an analogy of a functioning complex creature with an animal which can be attacked by far smaller creatures: specialist microbes, blood suckers, worms, attackers of vulnerable parts—the head, heart, nerves, spine.
And also they might be unable to survive without parasitism: perhaps this explains why Jews are so fanatical, in such activities as bombing defenceless towns, propagandising over entire lifetimes, doing everything possible to support Jewish frauds, destroying all signs of resistance—driven by inherited terror of being isolated without anyone to squeeze sustenance from.
Perhaps some mathematical treatment on the lines of input-output analyses might be applied to the natural world. For example, invasive competition may be summarisable in a relation between levels of fighting and aggression and distribution of species and subspecies. There may be lessons from invasive species—flatworms, crayfish, giant snails, knotweed.
And perhaps some proofs might be found of necessary actions to retain and improve civilisation against threats.
Baker's book on race (reprinted recently by Arthur Kemp) examines reproductive strategies around the world, quoting anthropologists, and I think concluded these strategies were sound, tending to replicate the spread of qualities in these tribes and groups, usually by ensuring mating between all the different types except those considered undesirable or those who genetically were too weak.
My guess is that sexual reproduction itself is an evolutionary device to allow incorrectly-copied DNA to be removed.
Medically-Caused Parasitism ought to be mentioned here, the result of medical discoveries feeding back into the genetic structures of races and groups.
A good example is the discovery of the structure of insulin, and the discovery of techniques for extracting it from animals, or synthesising it chemically, or by genetically-modifying simple organisms. The result has been a steady increase in numbers of diabetics. There has also been an increase in deliberate confusion over the issue—inventing 'type 1' and 'type 2' to muffle the fact that non-production of insulin is lethal. It's imaginable there might be societies with (say) 20% of the population unable to make insulin, and a whole support network of industries and distribution and treatments, and careers and propaganda structures, with accompanying shortages in every other part of that society.
A more general example is population explosions, where medical and technical knowledge—cleaner water, more food— combine to enlarge populations in ways which the populations themselves were unable to invent for themselves. The result appears to be a mismatch between the genetics of the population and their abilities.
Added December 2014. Youtube Comment by 'blackacidlizzard':– Denial of an objective reality is a survival strategy which works only for a parasitic organism.
The hunter must learn how projectiles fly and blades cut, he can not tell the universe to change gravity or shearing resistance to suit his needs. The farmer must learn what causes his crops and livestock to grow or to die, he can not demand of their cells that they replicate by historical necessity. The steelworker must learn how metals are joined securely, he can not demand they hold together to satisfy the proper narrative.
Only the useless, the taker, the unproductive, can flourish in denial of reality, for he does not demand that the arrow hit the deer, he demands that he be fed by one who did heed reality, and struck his target. He does not demand that manna fall from heaven, he demands his manna from the hands of those who know best where it comes from. He does not demand the steel stay together, he simply demands to be paid even when it collapses.
Reality is a necessity for the productive, lest nature give fatal consequence, and falsehood is a necessity for the parasite, lest the productive cease to sustain his life with their labor.
Denial of limits to growth is an effect of the Jewish parasitic mind-set. Their emphasis on money shows the same mind-set. Parasites unconsciously expect things to be available to them:- their only skill is to remove assets, by whatever means. They can't create. Expecting them to solve problems about population growth and quality, and resource limits and supplies, is like expecting rats to carefully plan their food suppliers, or tapeworms to ponder the activities of their hosts.
Added 3 March 2016. Examining 'Wars' Between Differing Genetic Mixes and Races of People
General Levels of Aggression
As I've tried to suggest, there may be useful things to say about propensities to argue and dispute. Maybe whites do too much of this between themselves, for example.
Threats as a Distinctive Human Perception
Because language allows transmission of any comprehensible idea between people, human beings must be almost unique in feeling threats from other people and other situations. No doubt birds in huge flocks, and fish in shoals, and animals within sight of each other, can transmit fear signals. But human beings being told (for example) that nuclear bombs from Communists can kill all life on earth—this sort of thing must be part of being human.
The Division Between Controlling People and Controlling Nature ...
... Is another example of natural behaviour that has been neglected by geneticists and ethologists. There is simple enough material on 'pecking order' in animals, and on long-term observations, but there doesn't seem to be much to explain how the evolution of enhanced mental capacity of human beings. It seems clear enough that 'learning', however it works, involves specialisation; and one such specialisation may be evolved tricks in controlling other people, the distinction between manual work and crafts and technical skills, and between controlling people. And it seems clear that sociopathy, and confidence tricks, and indifference to cruelty could be enhanced in some groups, just as dog breeds vary, as a result of artificial selection.
Language and Books as Part of Human Artificial Selection
My own belief is that books, notably religious books where there is intense reinforcement of messages and widespread teaching and preaching from them, have an effect over time on populations. Probably the effect has been ignored, or just understated. After all, without trying to interpret such figures, only a 5% change in any characteristic per generation, for 10 generations (perhaps 200-250 years), yields a 60% change. This process may be relevant to the Khazar theory (Arthur Koestler's version is conversion around 740 A.D.) and to the genetics of Moslems (Quran composed earlier).
Even people who dislike the Khazar hypothesis might find this a convincing argument:
David Duke: Isn't the genetic record pretty clear that if you look at the core genetic similarity they have a lot in common with Semites yet at the same time they definitely have a different genetic signature than Semites and that's because they've been separate from the other Semites for thousands of years and they've had a very endogamous [i.e. breeding inside] breeding pattern.. accentuating the Jewish stereotype?
Kevin MacDonald '.. in all the data ... hard to find any psychological trait that's not influenced by genetics ... personality.. intelligence.. ethnocentrism..'
Genetic Variations in Populations & Selective Attacks by ParasitesMore examples of this line of thought. Apologies for the repetition; I'm trying to get the ideas across.
I do hope a significant proportion of American whites wake up to the sheer evil of the Jewish parasites, liars, and warmongers. In my view, whites have evolved to be diverse in their occupations, and many of these need technical skill, patience, endurance, childrearing, and so on. They are not adapted to oppose a tight extremist corps of liars and parasites, of the sort indicated in your article, experts in deception and concealment. Please, please wake up to the threat from Jews.
I think Jews are inbred, and their instinct is simply to cunningly attack and kill anyone they see as rivals. I don't think it's intellectual; they are like some races of dogs which are dangerously violent. Time and time again you see the same spitting violent filth from them; Jewish academics, soldiers, thugs, 'businessmen', lawyers all follow this model. It may be that multiple generations exposed to Talmudic filth has had that effect, with continued selection for aggression, secrecy, violence, parasitism: they are analogous to a group of people who has been exposed for many generations only to pornography and violence – would you honestly expect such a group to be well-balanced and normal?
. . . The results of their behaviour are simply not within their mental framework, any more than a bull-baiting dog or chick-killing cuckoo can plan its future.
Parasitism can be seen in Jews who are supposed to be policy-makers, but seem to just follow their genetics of hate and attack. Cameron in the UK, Merkel in Germany, Soetoro ('Obama') in the USA, for example, all seem unable to understand that 'medical treatment' needs trained, skilled, and educated personnel. They seem to think medical skill is simply waiting out there. Africans seem to think electricity and food supply themselves. These are the attitudes of parasites, assuming hosts will supply it. It's a similar idea to Moslems saying "Allah will supply".
I'd like to suggest a catchphrase: 'scientific nationalism'. As we all know, there's a divide. Some people, who are Jew aware, want to provide evidence for Jewish maleficence, and spread it and invite more research into it. Others, who are also Jew aware, consider the best policy is stealth: the public would be too shocked at the truth. I prefer the former, but there's no doubt that many people, after a century of propaganda, will be unable to analyse Jews sensibly.
May I suggest that we call the J-educators 'scientific nationalists'. Not all the time; just a phrase for occasional use. It's partly a riposte to the Jewish phrase 'scientific socialism': in that case, the only science was adding up the paper money/ e-money accruing to Jews, and the only socialism the group interest of Jews. I remember some African leaders, or puppets, beaming in the 1960s as they praised 'scientific socialism'....
Let's just look at the idea of imitating Jews. This seems unlikely to be a workable policy. Consider Jewish activity over the last 60 years: pro rata, putting the British population at (say) four times the 'Jewish', Jew mimicry would need four different 'holocaust' frauds, one twin towers insurance fraud every fifteen years, one major financial fraud each year, bombing a defenceless country (say) every five years, assassinations as regular events, entire control of every information medium, science frauds in every field of weaponry, health, and so on. That seems simply not feasible.
However, may be a cut-down version is feasible: after all it's only the Jewish 'elites' that run the frauds, such as profiting from paper money. It would appear to be possible to remove Jewish influence from finance by some well-planned coup, perhaps involving a combination of physical restraint, legal action, and technical control over what is now 'money', followed by careful long-term investigations and punishments. Maybe London could become a non-Jewish financial power. It's hard to see how such actions could be carried out, in the current climate, except in secret. Ordinary democratic politics would be irrelevant.
However let's discuss democracy and political parties, and their attitude to information.
[1] Social science. Kevin MacDonald has trail-blazed in the English-speaking world, but there are huge gaps to be filled. Examples:
(i) According to MacDonald's competitive model, Jews would be expected to damage education as much as possible, in alliance with temporary allies: thus Gove [UK Minister of Education] would be expected to direct money to Jewish schooling, insulate it from any criticisms that they are racist and tribalist, direct money to Jewish educational think-tanks etc, and force goyim to pay as much as possible, and get education as third-rate as possible. This is an hypothesis, testable, like any scientific hypothesis, subject to problems of evidence etc. 'Scientific nationalism' should investigate.
(ii) My best guess, again an hypothesis, is that Jews made a fortune from US wars, notably in the Vietnam War over about 20 years. Probably the whole point of it was to make money; there was, arguably, no military point at all, and very likely negative effects.
(iii) Looking at national economies, an obvious hypothesis is that, if Jews can make a few billion, they are perfectly happy to cause many billions of damage. Scientific nationalists should of course research into such things.
(iv) Religions. The deliberate asymmetrical attacks on Christianity by Jewish media (and this includes promotion of sexual weirdnesses) ought to be researched.
[2] Science and technology. At present there is a moral deficit in technologists: if Jewish paper money is dangled, they scramble like dogs for it. This has been the situation since some time before 1945. In fact during the Second World War a Jewish Rothschild spy was allowed to gather information on such important subjects as radar. In my opinion the entire nuclear weapons industry was a fraud. (I'm aware this is controversial).
Smaller scale frauds include NASA, AIDS, fluoridation, many computer schemes, and much of biological science. It's my hope technologists may recover some self-respect; for years they simply accepted the situation with rather childish credulity. My website big-lies.org has material on all these issues; and I'd draw attention to Ivor Catt, the computer chip designer, quoted on my site with permission, who wrote on technicians and weapons frauds and Weinstock, mostly 1960s-1970s. Anyway—it's perfectly obvious scientific nationalism ought to get involved.
These are issues a bit remote from most peoples' lives. When it comes to ordinary voting, people unhappy with the Jewish parties of 'Labour', 'Conservative', and 'Lib Dem' will increasingly be offered nationalist alternatives. However some of these are bound to be Jewish-controlled. (My personal belief is that the IRA is a Jewish front; just to show that many people will simply be unaware of the possibility of Jewish-controlled fronts). So probably any serious nationalist candidate will be faced by a fake nationalist candidate for the same seat. The job of scientific nationalists will be to point out the fakes.
Robert Oppenheimer, Jewish fraud. And simple soldier Groves, who signed the checks for the 'Manhattan Project'. Posing around what is obviously not the aftermath of an atom bomb blast.
"Have you heard...?"
"Without commenting on the truth or otherwise, have you heard the idea that nuclear weapons are a fraud?" – is a question I've put to assorted people: bookshop owners, market stall people, waiters, 'socialist' stall holder useful idiots, people in theatres, etc. (Click Youtube, right). So far, I haven't met a single person who has heard that idea.
Nor had I, until 2008, when I happened across a facebook comment, that someone in Youtube claimed nuclear bombs were a fraud. I had studied when young (among other things) physics, and was aware of 'splitting the atom', fission, fusion, H bombs, cobalt bombs, strontium 90, and all the rest. So the claim seemed absurd. On the other hand I was aware of mass lying: among other events the Vietnam War and the 'Holocaust' which by then I knew was a fraud. At that time Youtube videos had a maximum length of ten minutes; so I decided to take a few minutes out of my not-very-busy schedule to look.
In fact the video, by JW, is good, but not remarkably good—it's about twenty clips of 'nuclear explosions', probably from Youtube, run consecutively with a voiceover. JW shows one of the clips contains a reversed (negative) colour image in just one frame, which can only have been inserted by intentional fakery. The video's importance was as a seed—it was a seminal thing as far as I was concerned. I poked around on Internet and found forum comments on the topic; the earliest were from a Canadian, Roger Desjardins, who so far as I know is, as he himself claims, the 'father of nuclear skepticism'.
And I found that [1] Films of nuclear tests (pretty much as 'released' to the unfortunate US public) were available on DVD. [2] Some birth-year greetings cards typically for the 1950s had newsreels from the time including nuclear material. [3] There are cheap DVDs of the Second World War, which of course near the end have material on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [4] I had, and no doubt many others have, VHS material, some including nuclear designers, people like Penney, 'the father of Britain's H Bomb' and so on. [5] And of course there are books and magazines from the time, which of course can be destroyed, but can't be retrospectively edited. [6] Worth adding fictional stuff: there's a junk film by Spielberg, the notorious Jewish liar, including Harrison Ford at a supposed nuclear test; and a BBC computer-graphic version of what was supposed to have happened at Hiroshima.
Anyway, I put up videos of my own, from January 2009 (see Rerevisionist Youtube channel), two based on old newsreels, others edited from films available on DVD. And in the course of time JW started his own forum, NUKE LIES, with himself as head moderator. This (and it's hard to believe) was early 2011; these things move slowly. That forum attracted some very good contributors, including NUKELIES himself, me as rerevisionist, FirstClassSkeptic from middle USA, voerioc from France, mooninquirer who started as a NASA skeptic, Exorcist late in the year who also started as a moon inquirer, Sorensen731 from Spain, DinosaurDenier from Russia, and many more; plus of course trolls. JW's website details included his home address in New York, and I suspect he may have been threatened. At any rate the forum disappeared completely one day after almost exactly one year. However I'd site-grabbed it, and restored it; which, believe me, took some work. It's now in a static version on nuke-lies.org pretty much unaltered, including the fatuities of trolls, frozen in their lies and stupidities. I've added more material on other subjects; https://www.big-lies.org is my umbrella site.
I don't want to go into detail here. Try [1] Hiroshima as a myth; you have no idea how tedious it is when someone says "Har har tell that to the Japanese" as though we wouldn't have thought of that. This is a bunch of articles on supposed blasts, radiation, bomb aiming, propaganda, Japanese accounts, films, the 'mushroom cloud' etc which show the traditional story is wrong. [2] Material on back pedalling—a lot of events now are people trying to slip out of the story, without admitting it was a fraud. Ward Wilson is an example of the most ridiculous garbage being presented as reasons why nukes in the hyped sense aren't usable. [3] Material on the actual supposed test sites, though there isn't much—it's amazing how obvious things can be missed. [4] Do it yourself—buy DVDs showing supposed tests and go through them, ideally with software that does single frames. [5] Look at the material on Lookout Mountain labs where they made US propaganda films—their output was larger than Hollywood's. Another video is Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier a film faking corporation. [6] Possibly most important is material on the 'Manhattan Project' and the politics; readers of this site will understand that Jews did not want Stalin's USSR to be challenged, so the claim it had 'H bombs' was important to Jews. Just one example of reconstructing what must really have happened.
[7] Mordechai Vanunu is especially important here as a part of the nuclear hoax: the idea being to 'reveal' that Israel had nukes, but also not to officially announce it, because this might have led to problems with USA official policy.
[8] This MP4 video Lords of the Nukes is 3 and a half hours, in high definition. It's in talk show audio format, with many clips, drawings, site grabs and stills which cover nuclear weapons and nuclear power as hoaxes, science frauds, politics, and the methods of disinformation. Recommended if you want a long revisionist session. Best downloaded as it's a long file.
Written by Rerevisionist 17 Feb 2013
Here's a small sample of deaths attributable to Jews, though not as yet by many official historians. Or by Jews and accomplices. This list, linked with typical comment in this site, is intended for people new to the topic; I'd encourage people to do their own research, and also try to balance that with murders by non-Jews:
Before Modern Times
Murders prompted by Jewish attitudes were certainly widely believed to have happened, though this thread in mass beliefs has been censored over the last few centuries. The 'Black Death', expulsions of Jews from cities and principalities and kingdoms, deaths such as Marlowe's, were linked to Jews. As revisionism picks up speed, such events and cases will (I hope) be re-examined. There must have been related events, such as Jew-promoted royal pretenders, no doubt with associated murders. And the larger-scale deaths caused by wars promoted by Jews, I think mainly through frauds related to money funding various groups of thugs, adventurers and so on, which reached an apex from 1913 and is still continuing.
Ritual murders
In modern times, Arnold Spencer Leese, of Lancashire, was as far as I know the main author (and reviver of old books) on this topic.
Murders of Eminent Individuals
Spencer Perceval 1812 (Prime Minister) Castlereagh 1822 Abraham Lincoln 1865 Alexander II 1881
I haven't attempted to assess Jewish murderers claiming to be 'anarchists'. But note (e.g.) 1894, Sadi Carnot's murder in France; 1897, Empress Elizabeth of Austria; 1897, Antonio Canovas in Spain; 1900 King Umberto, in Italy. President McKinley 1901 assassinated by Leon Czolgosz in New York, described as an 'anarchist'.
Fascinating piece by Miles Mathis at http://mileswmathis.com/mckin.pdf asserts that McKinley's murder was faked, the reason being to get Teddy Roosevelt into the Presidency, whereupon he could act against the impoverished. There were "almost no real Socialists or Anarchists, he used the event to crush unions, progressives, and all government critics. He used it to quash any form of populism, republicanism, or libertarianism, while positioning himself as a populist."
1903-1913 33 murders (or 'assassinations') of political figures including 1907 Nikola1 Petkov of Bulgaria, 1909 Fehmi Effendi of Albania Stolypin 1911 1913King George of Greece. Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 1914) & Jean Jaurès (July 1914) Rasputin 1916 ('British' secret service claimed to have murdered Rasputin, of peasant background, and who didn't want war. He had the ear of the Tsar and Tsaritsa) T E Lawrence 1935 ('Lawrence of Arabia') Lord Moyne 1944 Franklin D Roosevelt 1945 General Patton 1945 [Note added May 2103: Patton's assassin supposedly identified posthumously 'new book' reviewed in Daily Telegraph] Louis Slotin 1946 (nuclear physicist) John Maynard Keynes 1946 (economist) Bernadotte 1948 (in Palestine) Forrestal, 1949 (United States Secretary for the Navy) Stalin 1953 Povle Bang-Jensen of the U.N. in relation to evidence about Hungary in 1956 J F Kennedy 1963 ('the most risky organised Jewish action to that date' to get L B Johnson in power) Pope John Paul I (died September 1978, about a month after his election). Entirely possible this was part of the long war of Jews against Christianity. There must presumably be revisionist examinations of this event, no doubt plus assorted spoilers, timewasters, liars to muddy the water. John Lennon and others 1980 Hugh Gaitskell 1963, Aldo Moro 1978, Olof Palme 1986, David Kelly 2003, Anna Lindh 2003 John Smith 1994 (British leader of the 'Labour Party') Diana Spencer 1997 Robin Cook 2005 (British Foreign Secretary) Danny Jowenko 2011 (Controlled Demolition Expert)
*In Jan 30 1945, the Wilhelm Gustloff was torpedoed by the Soviet Union’s U-Boat S-13. Wilhelm Gustloff was evacuating more than 10,000 people from German-occupied territories as the Soviet Army was invading. The Baltic Sea was freezing, the conditions were rough, and heavy snow was falling. More than 9,000 people perished in the disaster. The death toll was greater than that of Titanic, Lusitania, Empress of Ireland, Sultana, Atlantic, Britannic, and the Halifax Explosion combined.
Wilhelm Gustloff was built as a one-class cruise ship which offered subsidized cruises to the German people as part of the Strength Through Joy effort created by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The ship was popular, but served in this role for only a short time. She later served as a hospital ship and as a floating barracks during World War II. for the rest of the war, she remained idle and unused until she was enlisted for Operation Hannibal and was sunk. [Note contributed to Jan Lamprecht]
Jewish False-Flag Atrocities to Start Wars, Gain Money, Disarm Populations, Promote Anti-White Racism etc
Just a sample: Jews in Poland provoking Germans Churchill terror-bombings begin in Germany Liberty attacked by Israel in the hope of US war with Egypt Two UK mass shootings 1987 (Michael Ryan in Hungerford) and 1996 (Thomas Hamilton, Dunblane) 1996 Port Arthur in Tasmania resulted in Australians being disarmed 2001: 9/11 demolitions used to provoke gullible Americans into wars with Muslim countries 2012 'Batman' cinema shootings Late 2012 Sandy Hook faked to try to disarm Americans 2013 Switzerland shooting
Jewish Mass Murders
Here's a sample of mass deaths attributable to Jews, or Jews and other groups. Again, I encourage people to do their own research. My best estimate is that deaths per head by Jews outnumber all other groups: Atlantic Slavery Armenia Russia Europe General anti-white and anti-blackOrganised crime | Drugs, blacks | Eddie Bernays and fluoridation | Holohoax fraud Yad Vashem, Palestine Vietnam Southern Africa Iraq
Green Arrow commented recently about the need for 'due process' before the future termination of the politicians and others who are deliberately wrecking our country, which prompted me to write this brief overview, because many so-called nationalists (for example on the BNP site), are either unaware of, or wish to conceal, the parts played by Jews.
Hence 'Jew process' as a homophone, which, like quite a few similar-sounding pairs, means its opposite.
Without repeating evidence in detail, let us survey Jewish influence in the twentieth century. The Boer War and the British alliance with Japan, which led to the defeat of Russia by Japan, are both connected with Jewish finance, as of course was the start of the First World War in 1914.
Many people are by now well aware that the USSR was established in 1917 and then run and controlled by Jews, relying on money from the 'west', on slave labour lines, under the strictest secrecy, to strengthen the USSR militarily, needless to say using the inventiveness of western companies.
Note that, without Jews, it is unlikely that such a system could ever have started: no other countries, after the disaster of the First World War, developed such a system, and therefore it seems likely that, without Jews, the mass murder of Russians and outlying nationalities would never have happened.
Another essential 1930s component was the increasing influence of Jews in the USA. Most people know now, that the 1913 Act establishing the Federal Reserve allowed Jews in effect to print unlimited money.
The effect was muted until 1916, when the British decided to crush Germany. The Balfour Declaration gave so-called 'Jews' a homeland in someone else's territory. After the US entry into the War, against President Wilson's avowed policy, the US economy was virtually controlled by Bernard Baruch and other Jews. Without Jews, and the influence of the USA, Europe would not have been devastated further after 1916; some arrangement would have to have been made.
By the 1930s Germans had become aware of the malevolence of Jews, and tried to do something about it. Note that Jews might have come to some sort of accommodation, but instead chose violence, financial swindles, and so on, essentially in my opinion buoyed up by a few rich but utterly irresponsible Jews. The media domination of Jews was in effect paid for by their control of paper money.
The amazing thing really is that, with Jews virtually controlling the USA and the USSR, and Churchill (who was bribed to verbally attack Germany), nevertheless Germany, about the size of Texas, countered the murder machine attributed to Stalin, probably keeping Europe relatively safe, at least up to the present. Again, without Jews, the huge area of Russia and the Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and so on might have developed peacefully, the way things seemed to be in about 1900.
Churchill declared war in 1939, on an obviously phoney pretext, but the USA did not enter until 1941; pretty much a re-run of events from 1914 to 1917. Everyone reading this piece will be aware of the barrage of propaganda then, and subsequently. This includes omissions—millions of Germans starved by Eisenhower, for example (a 'Swedish Jew'), millions of peasants in Bengal starved by Churchill, probably millions of Chinese. The six million myth was promoted largely by Russian Jews.
Controversially, maybe, Jews invented the atom bomb myth. Up to 1945, physics was a mundane part of science, mostly engineering-related; this myth made physicists seem 'like supermen', and naturally they went along with it. Note that, yet again, without Jews the vast, almost incomprehensible waste of money could have been used for something useful.
Jews achieved more of a stranglehold in the USA with the murder of Kennedy, which would almost certainly not have happened or been staged without Jewish interests being involved— Lyndon Johnson becoming President. His policies—damaging US family life, notably of blacks; trying for war with Egypt by the false-flag crime of the USS Liberty; dropping bombs on Vietnam, probably as a money-making exercise; devaluing money so that Jews could benefit from their paper money monopoly. All these events were largely or wholly tied in with Jewish activity.
More recently, I hope many readers are aware of the push for coloured immigration into white countries, and the fact that Jews were behind this. I won't list names—I'll leave this for sceptics to check. Ditto with wars against Iraq and in the Middle East, and the push for more mercenary wars against Iran and North Korea, and the involvement of Jewish banks.
Anyone who is a serious nationalist—or in fact any serious humanist who wishes for the world to develop better, or anyone wanting real progress and a humanly-worthwhile future—must recognise that, per head, Jews are the biggest threat to survival and the future that there is on our planet. Their idea of 'due process' has been murder, lies, theft, and bullets through the head.
White Americans fought their German brothers during the world wars, and then GAVE the Jews a country of their own, and to thank us they give us the genocide of the white race. The evil I'm talking about here, the betrayal of the good will of decent whites here in America who NEVER MEANT ANY HARM WHATSOEVER TO THE JEWS—the evil is beyond my imagination. As we head into the cannibal's pot, you can BET that we're going to take the Jews down with us. Trust me, when whites figure out what has happened, there is going to be hell to pay. The irony is that we loved and admired the Jews.
I can't imagine that ANY of our major problems could have gained any traction whatsoever if not for Jewish influence. Abortion, feminism, porn, affirmative action, massive immigration - you can rattle off the things that are tearing us down and behind each and every one of those issues you will find malevolent Jewish interests.
But it takes a bit of intelligence and research to be able to put it together in your mind. I had NEVER had anything but admiration for Jews my entire life. At one time I had totally accepted that the Jews WERE a superior group and that they DESERVED to be the new mandarin class. I was a liberal for most of my adult life. Then came the bailouts of 08, and I started digging and reading, and I was shaken to the core when I realized that the entire thieving elite was above the law.
I sincerely wish that I did not know the things I know now, because the information causes me great emotional pain. But it is what it is, and the truth cannot be denied.
Mary Thomas considers domestic American issues, ignoring overseas adventurism of the USA, and the influence of Jews on American wars. She also doesn't mention Palestine. All of which strengthen her case. And note that races vary; some may well be more violent than others—it's a matter of evidence. Perhaps someone would care to statistically compute external deaths per head of racial groups.
Enoch Powell: a cowardly figure. He never spoke about Jews in the world, and their policy for immigration into white countries. So he was a safe surrogate target for Jews.
I like to use chatrooms now and then, to test the views of ordinary people. I was struck by the phrase 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys' for the French. Many people believe the Germans are cruel; some believe they are cowards—I remember seeing a group of drunk British in a pub saying the Germans were 'wankers', for losing a war; they probably had no idea of the opposition forces. The Belgians are often regarded as boring—for example by BBC dimwits who've never heard of the Belgian Congo atrocities. The Spanish are regarded as cruel; they have a phrase, translated as 'black legend', for this view of them. The Germans, according to H J Eysenck soon after the Second World War, regard the British as deceitful and infinitely cunning and untrustworthy—'perfidious Albion'. George Galloway said English food was rubbish and England grey and dull—and he said this just after the Second World War, a life and death struggle, which Galloway himself professes to believe was worthwhile; after all, Britain doesn't now speak German. (No country conquered by Germany ended speaking German).
There are related self-flattering opinions which don't bear close scrutiny: Napoleon's achievements were those of a single Great Man; Our descendants fought, suffered and died for freedom; How unthinkable that the French could save Europe; 1968 was a disaster (many people still have no idea about genocide in Vietnam); The Gold Standard and Sterling were British triumphs; The Western USA was settled by adventurous, independent types.
Obviously, all groups are likely to have views of other groups that they know exist. To try to be analytic, whole groups may meet whole groups, as in migrations, or at borders during population growth, or wars, or kidnappings and slavery. Or small groups, including single people, may go into other groups: the result may be friendship or attacks or rapes, or exploitation. Some feuding groups behave better to strangers, than to people known to them. Arabs seems to have specialised in kidnaps and slavery, in particular taking males of a youngish age so much of the upbringing is done for them, and using them as janissaries. Nobody seems to point out Jews, in recent centuries, had a similar money-based policy of bribing useful idiots—think President Wilson, many American puppets, Nixon, Clinton et al; Heath, Livingstone, Benn, Thatcher, Blair are British examples.
I've sometimes wondered if English is unique in its large vocabulary of dismissive, insulting, and divisive expressions, often mutated from previously objective descriptions—blackguard, villain, vandal, idiot, worker, bugger, fool, clown for example—of which only 'blackguard' seems vague in its origin. Thus for example 'bugger' seems to be derived from 'Bogomil'—Christian heretics who were accused of sodomy to encourage others to make war on them. But probably this verbal thing is fairly universal. Bertrand Russell wrote '.. Such organizations [i.e. large ones] always involve... sentiments of aversion: fear, hatred, contempt and so on.'
Many of the denigratory expressions seem to have been used to promote wars, by divide-and-rule, or for increased unity, and must therefore have been imposed top-down. At a more cerebral level, some plays attributed to Shakespeare, at the time of war with Spain, are highly nationalistic; Chauvin wrote to try to unify France; Hegel and other Germans wrote to do the same for what became Germany when the small states unified.
At the present time, Jews control the media and are in an exceptional position to insult any group, and manufacture their own versions of truth: Schindler's List illustrates their obvious anti-Germanism, but the same sort of thing applies everywhere: the Japanese were switched some time after 1945 to hard-working allies; the Vietnamese, having allowed Jewish weapons firms to make a fortune, go virtually unmentioned—trash films such as Stallone as 'Rambo', 'Apocalypse Now' based on Conrad on central Africa, 'The Deerhunter'—have no mention of Vietnam's history, customs etc. Russians barely appear, and of course Jewish atrocities are never mentioned—'Doctor Zhivago' is a painful series of lies. Italians are shown as violent crooks. These are films: in Britain, we are somewhat spared Jewish American TV, where even unpromising material, like Chechnya, gets bogus Jewish TV low-budget trash.
Similarly, the British are often shown as decadent poofs or white spongers, ordinary Americans as violent small-town hicks, eastern Europeans as Tarantino-esque scum...
My impression, taken from for example Brewer's Phrase and Fable, and Roget's Thesaurus, is that, relatively, this is something new: Roget says 'Dutch' was at one time the British expression for anything outlandish and foreign; and mentions the French word meaning 'frog'. However, it is generally agreed that newspapers, fake photographs, radio, films and TV are unequalled for arousing dislikes and hate.
I'm writing this piece to try to get people to snap out of this frame of mind. Or at least pause and question. What do you know, realistically, about the Chinese, the Iranians, the Brazilians, the Hindus, Americans of the Adirondacks, Cossacks, north Koreans? Are judgments of the French, Germans etc, and Iraqis, Iranians etc, often based on wartime propaganda, likely to be true?
And to consider people who have, so far, been given a free pass; obviously I mean Jews, who have subverted legal systems to try to make criticism of them impossible. The fragmented laws against the Holohoax are one illustration; the fact that the Talmud's evil is almost unknown is another. We are offered the claim that things are 'the same': Gordon Brown said 'all religions are the same', which is preposterous nonsense. A pitiful John Cleese Youtube implies that to be anti-Jew is like being against Dagoes or Belgians. Obviously some sort of true, objective judgement of Jews must replace these parrot-cries.
Some years ago, the Oxford English Dictionary was legally attacked, for using the verb 'to Jew', meaning 'extortionate usurer, driver of hard bargains' among other things, though of course this is a pale shadow of the truths of mass murder, slave trading, and thefts. The OED weathered this attack, perhaps surprisingly. I'd like to suggest a reintroduction of true Jewish facts into general discourse. How about 'as evil as Jews'? 'As worthless as a Jewish Nobel Prize?' 'As racist as a Rabbi'? Münchhausen Syndrome replaced by 'Jewish syndrome' to describe the absurd inflation of their modest abilities. 'What do you call a paedophile Jew?'—'An MP!'
Luke O'Farrell: One Man's Journey to ‘Anti-Semitism’
(Here's O'Farrell's piece on his 'awakening' to the Jewish problem in 2005)
Written by Rerevisionist 27 April 2013
Browsing heretical.com, the website of Simon Sheppard, who was jailed among other things for trying to expose the Anne Frank fraud in his local public library, I noticed a statement that Luke O'Farrell, Sheppard's fellow-prisoner, had taken time off after one hundred articles. I'd read Luke before (though never met him, as far as I know); a site-grabbed version of heretical.com of 2001 has no mention of O'Farrell; this and other evidence suggests O'Farrell became Jew-aware between about 2001 to 2005. O'Farrell's last piece is dated 2008, so the 'time off' message is five years old. His pieces were uploaded usually at 7- or 14-day intervals, I think in the USA too, judging by the spelling. NB the email address on the site, ofarrell at heretical.com, didn't work when I tried it.
He's an interesting writer; his sources are credited—usually so-called 'quality' journalism, including Jewish newspapers, plus Internet material, and online photos. He looks for Jewish money and racial influence and politics, in the Blair/ Brown era of 'Labour' politics and Cameron's 'leadership'. He is good on biological science, and on 'liberal' mass media criticisms. And he's good on coining metaphors and making comparisons:- 'corruption follows Jews the way flies follow an elephant with diarrhea'.
It interested me to see his changing views, for example as he reinterpreted Ken Livingstone and Private Eye and George Galloway. And, as with most people, there are points he hadn't yet picked up on; in my opinion—which may be wrong—he doesn't seem to know the Khazar theory of 'Jews' as descendants of nomadic predators; he hasn't realised 9/11 and 7/7 and many other events were false flags; he understates intervention in (for example) Africa, where Jews unquestionably prompted military action to get control of minerals at least since 1900; he doesn't smell a rat—or another three-letter word—about Ireland; he thinks Jews have gold, not realising the legalistic use of paper money and e-money is the modern substitute; he hasn't traced the fortunes spent on 'defence'; he's unaware of science frauds, such as 'AIDS' and nukes, and the corresponding 'dumbing down' of education. And no doubt there are many other, as yet secret, frauds of Jews and their collaborators awaiting exposure. A good example is Idi Amin, who may have been activated by Jewish frauds, and who may have been attacked in the press as a result.
Rather than attempt an overview, I'll link to some of his articles here (they open in a new window. Moved to this site April 2022: I'm unsure if heretical.org will remain online) to illustrate his voyage of discovery:-
• 17 Feb 2005 Dr Strangeloathing—How I Learned to Start Thinking and Hate the Jews [Awakening, he says, after noticing the hypocrisy of 'Rabbi' Neuberger—supporting race mixing, but worried about Jews marrying 'gentiles'. Then extending into corruption, politics, journalism, crooks, and the movie about Christ by Mel Gibson. Neuburger also appears in 7 Oct 2005 Freedom of Screech: Non-white Cuckoos in the White Nest on statistics warped as regards foreigners in the NHS and other aspects of Jewish anti-whiteness]
• 24 March 2007 Vulture Culture — Fool 'Em to Rule 'Em [Article on 'Holocaustianity' as a new, imposed Jew-invented religion.]
17 Feb 2008 Joyim for Goyim [Jewish permanent attack on free speech. The new Jew at the Foreign Office, David Miliband on 'supporting democracy abroad'. Includes Stephen Lawrence and phonies: Richard Stone, Ken Livingstone, Lee Jasper, black hate criminals.]
• 28 March 2005 Letter from Japan [Short article in effect of Japanese revisionism of World War 2 and the US occupation, and increasing race pressure on Japan. Note: www.jiyuushikan.org is the relevant Japanese revisionist website]
• 25 June 2006 Olly's Folly [Oliver Cromwell and the readmission to Jews into Britain. As revisionism spreads, knowledge of the part played by Jews will extend back in time and more deeply across the world. Britain became important as the New World was opened up. The Great Fire and Bank of England followed...]
• 29 Dec 2005 Jews as Dull
[Dullness of Jews and their uncreativity]
Genuine photo of 'hate reporting' leaflets, arranged in a window. Note: absolutely no mention of Jewish hate—traditional Talmudic hate of whites and Christians. No encouragement to report Jews. No mention of Muslim sex crimes, probably because Jews want to encourage them.
Added Aug 2016: A website report-it.org (Registered 2010; Dec 2012 address registered as: Zone 8.19, 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9AJ, UK) is a site supposedly to 'Stop Homophobic, Transphobic, Racial, Religious and Disability Hate Crime'. The Jewish 'Hate Crime' industry has been set up with public money so that no evidence is needed. It's heavily 'incentivized' in the US sense: the intention is to pay for reports, though I'd warn possible liars that Jews are noted for discarding persons once their usefulness is over.
19 Dec 2005 A Louse in Wonderland: "White" Rabbis and non-white Savages [Account of 'Cyril Harris' and Jewish Marxists in South Africa—Suzman, Slovo, Kasrils; and Jews in Australia promoting Muslim thugs and violence]
19 March 2006 Divided We Stand - Jew-Blighted We Fall [Charlene Downes murder contrasted with [alleged] suicide bomber. John Prescott Nigerian employee Housing Association fraud, and Nigerian NHS fraud, both 2006. ... controversy about NuLiebour selling honours for cash. If you look at the donors—"Sir" Ronald Cohen, Andrew Rosenfeld, "Sir" David Garrard, "financier" Barry Townsley, "Sir" Gulam Noon, Chai Patel—and the man who arranged the donations, "Lord" Levy, you'll see a very obvious but completely undiscussed pattern. A Jew is selling knighthoods and peerages to Jews and Asians in a White-majority nation. And [alleged] nuclear secrets to Israel. Interesting claim that emphasis is on Palestinian non-whites to pretend Jews are white as parasitic camouflage]
9 April 2006 The Joy of Genocide - World-Wide White-Out! [Aaronovitch]
24 Sep 2006 Free to Obey - Our Days of Whine and Noses [Just a few of anti-white attacks, including at schools. Plus Menachim Begin and the King David Hotel]
•10 Apr 2005 Masters of Unreality [television as medium for spreading lies through medium of deceitful language]
26 Sep 2005 Twilight of the Goulds - Jewish Lies about Race are Crumbling [Gould, Lewontin, Kamin, Rose, Diamond]
10 Dec 2006 Enoching on Heaven's Door [Black violence - white lawyer killed. Trevor Phillips. Idi Amin. Black African one party dictator Hastings Banda]
4 Nov 2007 Brain of Terror. [Ingenious parallel between human races and human languages. There is only one language—the human language. Vile linguistic bigots may try to pretend that English, Chinese and Navajo are somehow separate "languages", but they merely reveal their own ignorance and stupidity. Far more unites these three meaning-delivery systems than divides them. They all use vowels and consonants, they all have ways of referring to the past, present and future, of expressing negation and hypothesis, of capturing the world and its complexities. The differences between meaning-delivery systems are so small, the similarities so vast, that we can reach only one conclusion: Language does not exist.]
15 Jan 2006 Three Parasites and a Funeral [comparison of parasitic worms, which attack eyes or brains, with Jews - 'Jews have taken over the sense-organs of White societies and made us blind to the huge threats of mass immigration and non-white crime.']
28 May 2006 Bongo in Congo [Evidence of black savagery by comparison between countries - Congo wars and Britain]
• 26 Nov 2006 String 'Em Up! Puppets, Politics and the West's Dance of Death [Jews evolved in pecking order sense, to love oppression and violence; whites are dangerously individualistic (a view resembling Kevin MacDonald's). O'Farrell gives many examples of Jewish uncreative arrogance and brutality, and white uneasy co-operation for gain; British politicians, lawyers and so on, in positions where they can inflict damage.]
8 July 2007 When Puss Comes to Dove [Predictions of violence inevitably resulting from Jewish liars promoting immigration into white countries]
23 Dec 2007 Heil-Hound On Their Track ... the Resurrection of Race Realism [wolf; chihuahua; border collie; Afghan hound; St Bernard; corgi—conclusive proof that races exist, and can come into existence in a short time]
10 Feb 2008 Ave Sharia! [Comparison of the Church of England with an island-dwelling creature, safe from predators... until now. The ineffectual and hypocritical Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is quoted. NB he has been replaced by Welby who has Jewish ancestry.]
• 14 March 2005 Tortured, Beaten, Burnt Alive [Japanese benefits/ Professional ethnics Yasmin Albhai-Brown and Trevor Phillips. Muslim voting fraud, violence, drugs/ Kriss Donald (aged 15) ignored by the Jews-media]
1 June 2005 Hell's Bells [rap words and low IQ and psychopathy]
28 Jan 2007 Brother-Pluckers—Black Packs and Racist Attacks [Trevor Phillips, Keith Vaz, Sentamu, plus race and religion attacks in Africa and India]
• 2 Sep 2007 Doc Croc [Long piece on hypocrisy and self-promotion of Jews and blacks and collaborators: Ken Livingstone's crocodile tears over 'lucrative' slavery; half-Jew Bob Geldof and self-promotion; Kriss Donald and Mary-Ann Leneghan and atrocities ignored by the Jewish media; Ruskin as seriously concerned humanitarian vs Marx; South Africa violence and Zimbabwe's dead babies; all outcomes of Jewish 'liberalism']
10 May 2005 A Scream of Jewish Hate [Review of Ursula le Guin first published 1968; she studied under the pseudo-scientist Boas]
1 July 2005 Red, White and Jew [Midwich Cuckoo and comparison with Imran Khan - lawyer for Muslims; Kamlesh Bahl sacked from Law Society]
16 Sept 2007 The Apostle of Jostle [review of Piers Morgan's 'diaries' including Jews - Gove, Aronovitch, 'Denis MacShane' - and avoidance of attacks on whites]
21 Oct 2007 Pieces of Hate [Catholic Father Leonard Feeney on Jews and their dupes and one of their campaigns, against 'hate'; down to the Jews behind NuLabour in Britain and the neo-cons in the USA]
18 Nov 2007 Poison for Goys [Stepford Wives, Rosemary's Baby, Boys from Brazil as white males against white females. Interesting material from Wikipedia on Robert Harry Inglis, Henry Goulburn, and Edward Sugden, opposing Jewish emancipation in 1830, partly because Napoleon had been funded by British Jews. Modern equivalent of fraud, murders, and rapes by immigrants]
13 Jan 2008 Ethnic Invasion and the Crisis of Chrysocracy [Covering-up of anti-white crime by the BBC. Mugabe, Peter Hain, race-traitors Tony and Cherie Blair, Willie Nagel, Isaac Kaye, JPMorgan Chase. 'Chrysocracy' suggests rule by gold; perhaps it's more like 'papyrocracy'?]
• 27 Jan 2008 Sharks in the Dark - Biting Whitey in Feminihilism and Finance [How 'feminists' censor even very violent attacks on white women. And material on Jews hiring politicians to further Jewish interests.]
• 10 Jun 2005 With Respect, Mr Galloway - You're a Paki-Loving Left-Wing Lunatic [Voting fraud and Muslim corruption. Galloway's 'Respect' party as a possible agency for opening eyes of whites. However, a Youtube of George Galloway speaking (at the 'Oxford Union') titled something like Are You Racist, George Galloway, shows him stating explicitly about half way through that all the 'heroes' who helped him go underground in South Africa were Jews. He even named some: Dennis Goldberg, 'Albie' Sachs. 'Joe' Slovo, Ruth First.
The Youtube was removed in the Wojsh!t 'great purge', but here it is again, very short: 2013-oct-galloway-and-jew-racists-in-south-africa.mp4. Galloway expressed the view that Jews were the greatest men in the world, I think meaning the 19th century. In his talk, Galloway used his experience of Jewish support in South Africa as evidence that he never was a 'racist'! It takes a certain simple-minded hypocrisy to pretend that mixing with the biggest racists in the world is proof of non-racism. But of course money often has that effect.
• 16 Sep 2007 The Apostle of Jostle [Descriptions from Piers Morgan's 'Diaries' of logocentrics, including accounts of Blair, Aaronovitch, Gove, 'MacShane' (real name: Matyjaszek or Mateusek etc), Jewish evasions, lies, and hypocrisies.]
• 9 Dec 2007 Programmed for Pogrom - You can't say that, it's true! [List of repulsive Jews in British financial politics including
Sternberg, Phillips, Pollard, Richard Stone, Levy, Abrahams, Mendelsohn, Triesman, Green, Cohen, Abramovich; another Green, Ecclestone]
16 July 2006 Spiv and Let Die: Kikocracy is Kakocracy [Michael Abraham Levy, 'Lord Cashpoint', who funded Tony Blair and appears to have been his controller; when this was written, Levy had just been arrested. Also e.g. Andrew Rosenfield, Barry Townsley and Sir David Garrard]
O'Farrell (real name Stephen Whittle) wrote: I don't believe that I'm alone in the journey I've made over the past five years [i.e. from 2001-ish] from sympathy for Jews to fully-fledged anti-Semitism. He is right: 'Exorcist', a Briton who joined nukelies' forum in January 2012, told me that until recently he'd been entirely unaware of Jewish influence. I've just noticed a French activist, Hervé Ryssen (real name Hervé Lalin) who writes on Jewish frauds and indecencies. He has translations into English by Carlos Whitlock Porter. There must be vast numbers of such people.
Lessons from the 'Holocaust' Fraud: The Evils of Lying
Written by Rerevisionist 6 June 2013
The 'Holocaust' fraud, (or Holohoax, Holoco$t, LOL-ocaust) was started before Nuremberg, but took some years to be developed by TV and other then-new media. At the time of writing, it's been the dogma of 'Holocaustianity', Michael Hoffman's name for the official post-1945 ideology. No official historian or journalist or broadcaster or churchman (as yet) has stood against it. This of course is a tribute to the power of paper money, the root of Jewish power. But it's also only possible because 'Jews' think (or rather feel) in a herd. What do (names taken from a few at hand) Michael Gove, Margaret Hodge, Jack Straw, David Cameron, both Milibands, George Soros, Menachem Begin, Isaac Deutscher, Michael Grade, Michael Lyons, Susan Sontag have in common? The lesson of the 'Holohoax' is that they will tell lies for money; not just occasionally, not intermittently, not now-and-then—but permanently, for life.
The psychology of the 'Jewish' race is a product of their history. Assuming the Khazar hypothesis, their evolution (in the relatively minor, racial variety sense; not full-scale evolution) must have been affected by the spread of the Talmud and similar material to Asiatic Europe. Human beings, unlike animals, change their own environments, and so affect their own evolution: recently, air travel has affected population genetics, medical science ditto, and, further back, books must have had their effect. After (say) 1000 years, say 40 generations, the sorts of pressures described by Kevin MacDonald must have caused undeniable genetic changes. Telling lies to outsiders is simply taken for granted by this race. Centuries of preferring life in squalid little groups - taking orders from fools who are unable to separate words from reality, and prefer written slogans to careful analysis, and who are terrified their flock will one day start to ignore them, leaving them nothing - have left ineradicable genetic traces. Note that 'Jews' presumably had continual leakage out, of people not happy with the narrow lifestyle. And note also that the written fanaticism must have attracted psychopaths, liars, and vicious types: the 'Russian Revolution' illustrates how the high end of the psychopathy bell curve must have been topped up.
Franklin Ryckaert June 19, 2015 TheOccidentalObserver
One of the most remarkable traits of Jews is that they never ascribe anti-Semitism to any fault of the Jews themselves. Jews are always completely "innocent", therefore anti-Semitism must be something entirely irrational. This is the typical attitude of psychopaths. Says the Wikipedia article about Guilt (emotion):
"... Individuals high in psychopathy lack any true sense of guilt or remorse for harm they may have caused others. Instead, they rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright..."
A small ethnic group, highly inbred, may very well be collectively psychopathic.
There is no excuse for Jewish misbehavior and lack of conscience. They behave the same in societies that tolerate them or that persecute them. Psychopathic behavior is encouraged by their traditions. Reading the Talmud is like reading a "Handbook for Psychopaths".
Goldhagen describes anti-Semitism as a "devil". Other Jews describe it as a "virus", never as an understandable reaction to their own misbehavior. As true psychopaths, the idea of any guilt of their own is unthinkable to them.
Let me amplify. Most people follow their herd beliefs, and if Talmudic stuff appears from nowhere it would have the effect of condoning killing of people who don't accept it. There may therefore have been quite a dramatic effect on khazars as the 'jews' doctrines took hold. This would feed back into actual genes.
From nowhere, a primitive nomadic tribe suddenly had the written word imposed onto it. It was their only media exposure. Its stories, attitudes, phrases, beliefs etc would permeate them; their original folk beliefs would be diminished and probably erased. Abraham, Moses, Jericho, Cain and Abel, slaughter, sacrifice, King David, 'the temple' would dominate their mentality. They'd be told ad nauseam that the highest wisdom is to kill the best non-Jews. They'd be told to be sly, secretive, contract-breaking, liars—as of course would be necessary when meeting any other people—and would practise pilpul and all the rest. The rabbi caste would be told they are chosen by God, all-wise, worth a fortune, and entitled to genocide out of existence towns and populations they didn't like. They would be likely to believe this out of self-interest and pride. They would twirl live chickens round their heads, celebrate supposed victories, mutilate boys. I would guess that many young people, and entire families, who dissented, would simply have been murdered: there was no police system to stop this. Like 'honour killings', it would be institutionalised. Or they might be ostracised, sent out to a likely death. In only a few generations hair-trigger fanatics could be bred. This is what I meant by the introduction de novo of Talmudic teachings.
What are the effects of lying? It seems likely that any more-or-less homogenous group would have been damaged by persistent lying. Any group members who lied about (e.g.) food needed, or clean water or using-up of resources would usually damage their group. Liars in everyday, mundane matters would cause indignation or retribution, and presumably be squeezed out. Correlatively, however, most people would be credulous, believing what they're told, since many generations would have made this the best policy. Children would learn consistent lessons from teachers, parents, and contemporaries.
But in the modern world, there are plenty of examples of lies: lawyers impose non-disclosure clauses, preventing awareness of incompetence in medicine. Newspapers and broadcasts are full of lies and distortions. Wars, housing, and so on are lied about. There are entire knowledge-islands of lies: immigration, JFK's murder, the 'Liberty', NASA, 'AIDS', 9/11 are just a few examples. In all these cases, there was/is heavy Jewish involvement.
The biggest disaster of the past few centuries has been the success of Jews in seizing the paper money and credit systems of Europe and the USA. The resulting ability to fund corrupt groups, with sufficient disguise and cushioning for concealment, has led to endless harm. To take a computer analogy: it's as though rootkits have been introduced into these countries' operating systems, so that legal, moral, and other considerations are secretly redirected to secret Jewish-controlled groups.
Many people have learnt the formula: Jews do what's best for Jews. This fits the Holohoax case - any amount of denigration, insults, lying about the USSR and USA, is automatically accepted by them to make money. As the Holohoax starts to crumble, there will be ever-increasing awareness that Jews, all of them, every one of them, in an unholy union, will unblushingly lie, on the most serious subjects.
But the instinctive, inbred racist tribal solidarity of 'Jews' has a further effect, which has not been generally noticed. What do unrestricted immigration, non-reporting of black on white crime, disbursal of funds to violent groups, enforcement of poor quality education, selective housing of non-Britons, insistence that medical professions must not check qualifications, causing loss-making wars in a general sense, all have in common? They all damage white people. Whether this can be said to be deliberate is questionable, like wondering if homosexuality is inborn. If it's genetic, Jews will automatically clot together, to decide instinctively on actions which will cause harm.
Whether easy-going white credulity will be replaced in time by firm retribution, remains to be seen.
Projecting Revisionism Backwards: What Can We Learn From Napoleon and the Nineteenth Century?
Written by Rerevisionist 18 June 2013
The Victorian era is of course outside living memory, but enough survives: family stories and memorabilia, Gothic revival buildings and brick suburbs, old newspapers and adverts, the railway era—to make it feel familiar to Britons: Sherlock Holmes, music halls, Bradshaw's Railway Guide, horse races, Henley Regatta, Wisden, Dickensian pubs with fires and crowds of people, Harrods catalogue, the Great Exhibition, industrial towns which were villages a generation or two earlier ...
The Napoleonic era, the first half of the nineteenth century, has slipped out of most people's consciousness: starving people while the navy blockaded Napoleon, battles against Napoleon, old soldiers with amputated limbs, redcoats, aristocrats running things ...
Now, every serious person reading this site will be aware of revisionism over the last 100 years: the Fed, in the USA, the war against Germany, deliberately prolonged for two years, the Jewish coup in Russia which, perhaps for the first time, showed how dispersed financial power based only on laws (fiat currency) could take over an entire country, the reaction by Hitler, and the post-1945 consolidation of the new religion of 'Holocaustianity' (including Kennedy's murder to put the Jew Johnson into power), which still (2013) rules much of the world, and which has caused immense suffering with worldwide wars, and immense frauds of the NASA type and also (though this is still controversial) the 'Cold War' and nuclear frauds.
To see how we got to where we are, let's push the process of revisionism back to the 19th century, and see what we find; and compare it with 20th century events.
Here's a much longer pieceon the theme of revisionist discoveries to the 19th century, based on a mediocre remaindered book by Paul Johnson (Napoleon, 2002). It's rather British-centered, not saying much about 1848 for example. Here, let me pick out some revisionist highlights and comparisons:
* The 'French Revolution'. Looking back, it's easy to see how this was done: France was rich, and therefore had surplus - not everyone had to work all hours. It had intellectual traditions: Roman Catholicism, Voltaire, Rousseau, Chauvin. It had an ineffectual monarch. All that was needed was serious opponents making sound points (modern-day socialists, NOT the Jewish red counterfeit, come to mind). The funded movement - funded presumably by Jews - included traitors (today's ugly anti-woman 'feminists' and ugly 'reds' illustrate), people who wanted personal influence they felt they'd been deprived of (some modern whites illustrate), and many ordinary career and employment minded people ('Common Purpose' and trade unionists etc illustrate). The result was hyperinflation and chaos.
* Napoleon as a Great Man and Soldier of Fortune. This myth and variations was propagated all through the 19th century. In fact, his role was to grab money from small kingdoms in Europe. A short-term policy which predictably (if you do the sums) led nowhere. The pretence he worked on his own as a sort of power of nature is echoed in myths about Lenin, who of course was just a Jew slipped money from abroad. A better comparison with Napoleon may be Trotsky, energetically leading his bands of killer Jews. In both cases, the mythology was needed to hide the truth, and many versions were emitted, for example the 'toy soldiers' accounts of uniforms, regiments etc; the romantic man of action; the man with an inconceivable genius for detail.
* Rothschild money. The best-known event is the post-Waterloo coup at the London Stock Exchange - sales of government stock followed by buying back when the news of Wellington's victory finally arrived. Presumably some, or many, patriotic English families were ruined, but there is, as far as I know, not one single novel of the time dealing with this, which gives an idea of the power of censorship even then.
* British supporters of Napoleon. Clearly, there was considerable support for Napoleon, probably from recipients of Rothschild money. Despite the fact Rothschild had funded Napoleon - an issue brought up in Parliament - Jews were increasingly favoured. As an example, Lord Holland did his best to ensure generous treatment of Napoleon in exile, and led the campaign for his body to be returned to France in 1840. So far as I know, he made no effort to return any of the stolen bullion from Europe's cities. Napoleon was treated in the opposite way to Hitler - every effort was made to praise him.
* Jewish 'emancipation'. Throughout the 19th century there was pressure, for example by Lord John Russell, to encourage Jews (the rich variety). Even the language—'removing disabilities'—shows parallels with today's phrases—'minorities' (when whites are a world wide minority), 'deprived' (of people being given British assets far in excess of anything of their own). There was removal of accounts of Jewish ritual murder. There was concealment of Jewish intermarriage. A suppressed aspect is the possibility of revenge: Jews had been expelled typically 300-400 years earlier from many European states; it's likely some more-or-less fantastic revenge was nurtured.
There's plenty more, including the debasement of military honour so that theft and rape were barely remarked on. And there are very suggestive points which 'social scientists'/ 'historians' to their eternal discredit have avoided: population issues; power struggle theories with interlocking subsets of people; facts about money; the influence of the human lifespan - 1848 and other events suggest a 50-year interval while forces gather and manoeuvre; whether societies affluent beyond a certain point start to decay.
A shortish piece on 'eugenics', and how it is that entirely legitimate concern for health and welfare has been demonized by Jewish propagandists.But first:
[Added 28 May 2022:] H G Wells' Science of Life (first published 1931) has a 10-section final part, The Trend of Social Evolution including religious, war, and education traditions, and Eugenics. Wells's interest in biology allowed him to identify the effects of medical skill, including the prolongation of life of what he called 'defectives'. His chapter is a fascinating example of thoughts censored by Jews for years. Wells was not Jew-aware, unfortunately. He naturally assumed most people would agree that 'positive eugenics' was desirable; he did not understand that Jews did not want superiors, and did want their own high proportion of defectives to be cared for. And they've been very successful; many women are paid to support their inferiors.
[Added 1 July 2018:] 'Eugenics' has been popularized by, for example, Kevin MacDonald, in this sort of sense: Jews are said to 'practise eugenics' when Talmudic scholars were encouraged to marry rich daughters of Jewish (e.g.) merchants. This sounds to me like selective breeding, as when bulls might be selected because they produced cows of high milk-yield. In fact there were many genetic diseases caused by such inbreeding—such as the notorious 'Tay-Sachs' disease and Buerger's disease.
[Added 30 June 2018:] In discussion with a white woman podiatrist, who had a 1st class degree, discussing diabetes, she assured me that Type 1 Diabetes (incurable genetic defect, can be transmitted genetically for generations, alleviated by insulin— itself only discovered in the 20th century), is exactly the same as Type 2 Diabetes (caused by continually eating too much sugar etc)! It's a triumph for Jewish race deception that even supposedly highly-qualified medical people effortless talk complete rubbish.
Online comment: [Added 30 July 2019] Yeah, what else was your "race" born with? Here's why YOU can't ever "do better" Here ya go: Jewish Genetic Disorders in over 40% of all 4 sects of Jews including all the following:
prevalent Organ failures, Cancers, Diabetes, CF and BS (as in bullshit) 21 other life threatening diseases some of which require blood transfusions several times a day (Dracula was about Jevvs before the Red Cross)
Lastly, for people like you who obviously have Schizophrenia and a proven up to 100x higher prevalence of mental disorders than any other population on the planet.
Who started the International Red Cross? Go figure, where do all the missing organs and blood go to, to you who're the real sicko psycho subhumans.
By James Monteith, from the Salisbury Review A Pitiful England-based 'Quarterly Magazine of Conservative Thought 14 Feb 2022:
Eugenics has proved a popular subject for authors and scholars in recent years. [Hack book advertised] ... The subtext of course is that we can congratulate ourselves on our superior twenty-first century ethical standpoint as we consider the spectacle of past generations of artists and intellectuals whole-heartedly endorsing the eugenic principle—that is, until the theory was exposed for what it was by the Nazis, who put it into practice by attempting to exterminate the physically or mentally subnormal, and thereby succeeded in discrediting it for all time. Whatever could the likes of Bernard Shaw, H G Wells, J M Keynes, or Bertrand Russell have been thinking?
It's unclear whether Monteith refers to the 'Holocaust' fraud, or other allegations, when of course medical people have had life and death powers for millennia. Obviously Monteith is nothing, but observe the calm absurdity when he talks of "all time" and makes no mention of mass Jewish killings.
[Added 7 Dec 2016:] Here's a relevant website, eugenics.net, one presentation of the truth. John Glad's Jewish Eugenics (published 2011) examines the historiography of 'eugenics' though understating Jew propaganda in falsifying the truth.
Screenshot 14 August 2018 Possibly eugenics operating on so-called 'Jews' might operate against 'Jewish' genetic fanaticism.
There seems to be a taboo against publishing photographs showing genetic defects of 'Jews'. Goodman's Genetic Disorders Among the Jewish People (1979) has many photos of hands, and two composite drawings of faces, plus X-rays and diagrams. But no helpful photos. I'd guess if you're chosen by 'God' you don't like evidence of his displeasure.
Now let me present the Jewish 'Holocaustian' view, illustrated with a 2007 BBC4 1-hour TV programme Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism.
I'll ignore the usual ludicrous soundtrack, as though black Tasmanians had echo chambers; the ludicrous visuals of cane-cutters; the heavily cropped black and white photos, etc; and the inability of the scriptwriter(s) to understand that science does sometimes produce new knowledge, making older procedures—such as measuring skulls and faces—seem, to the uncomprehending, obviously silly.
Here are the main topics of the BBC piece, with my critical notes in square brackets:
[1] Starts with the Namib desert, and what was then German South West Africa. Includes Shark Island where 3,500 Hereros and others allegedly were killed in 1900-ish. [The point here is to introduce Germans; and the phrases 'concentration camps', and 'foreshadow the Nazi period'. And per contra NOT to mention British concentration camps and deaths of Boers in the Boer War]
[17 Sep 2020: I found a very good commentary on Namibia and Germany by Lorenz Kraus on this topic; for example on lack of pre-radio communications, lack of motor vehicles, and fake photos, on History Reviewed.com, but with no contact info. I've copied the substance of his comment - RW]
31 May 2021: Probably another Jewish splinter group, keeping watch in Namibia. From Jan Lamprecht: Germany recognises colonial ‘genocide’ in Namibia, commits €1billion in reparations, to be paid over thirty years. “We will now officially refer to these events as what they are from today’s perspective: genocide,” said Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in a statement. He hailed the agreement after more than five years of negotiations with Namibia over events in the territory held by Berlin from 1884 to 1915.
[2] Material on Tasmania. The Tasmanians, total numbers several thousand, famously were known to the Victorians to have have died out. The Governor, British of course, produced a poster showing hanging as a penalty for whites who kill blacks, and also for blacks who kill whites. [Tasmania is about the size of Ireland; it's entirely unclear why such a large space should have been so difficult to share, but programmes of this sort are propagandist, not factual. The hack voiceover actress dismisses the mixed-races-getting-along as obviously absurd, in stark contrast to the holocaustian official view]
[3] Governor Eyre and Jamaica was a notorious event. [John Stuart Mill, a sympathiser with the blacks, gets no mention—the idea is to pretend there was unanimity. Eyre was legally cleared, but this apparent legality is not explained]
[4] Slavery abolitionists (white, British, Christian) get quite a few mentions. [The point here is to pretend all slave-owners were white, and slaves black, omitting the parts played by Arabs, Jews and black Africans. Many abolitionists were viewed with suspicion by their contemporaries, since their incomes came from white kids dying in coal mines, but this is not in the programme. The link with then-new steam power, which reduced dependence on labour (for the people who owned it), is also unmentioned]
[5] Christianity is generally ridiculed, of course an automatic part of the Jewish agenda. [One of the talking heads suggested the 'Adam and Eve' story was the basis of the obviously absurd 'all men are brothers' idea, presumably unaware of the race material in the Bible]
[6] There's a supposed change round about 1850: Carlyle is mentioned on negros; an obscure surgeon, Knox, wrote a 12-chapter book on races—Saxons, Jews etc, [Probably Knox was inserted because he allegedly said 'race is everything', distracting attention from the same quotation from the more famous novel by Disraeli. On Disraeli, click to read Michael Hoffman on Disraeli's omission of collaborators with Jews.]
[7] Darwin and Social Darwinism. [Poor Herbert Spencer, the inventor of sociology, is described as an 'engineer', maybe to avoid the correct attribution of the phrase 'survival of the fittest' to him. Steve Jones, a media geneticist, makes a fool of himself on Wannsee, no doubt as a bit of easy money].
[8] 'Imperialism' is introduced without definition at some point. There's nothing on India's constant wars and multiple languages, or the horrors of the Mogul Muslim invasion. However Lord Lytton and famine and celebrations of Victoria's accession; in the 1870s in mentioned; and 1880s, and 1890s. Total deaths: 30 million. [The figures must be suspect. And we're invited to believe there was enough food in Madras' docks to feed ten million people. Note that the early famine is ascribed to cash crops and El Niño; maybe they were shy of 'global warming'. Of course the more recent Bengal famine is omitted—that was in the Second World War, though, so that's OK]
[9] The Scramble for Africa 'killing literally millions'. Of course African history is absurdly garbled. [The net effect of whites has been to multiply the black population I'd guess 400 times. Incidentally the 'basters' are mentioned; many African coloured have names like Joseph, Moses, etc, and there's a censored belief that Jews having sex with blacks caused this. There's a short story on this theme by Doris Lessing]
[10] Immigration into the USA and someone 'notorious' called Davenport. [Immigration of 'Jews' into Germany, a never-ending flood which caused enormous concern in Germany, is not mentioned]
[11] Someone called Michael Burleigh, apparently author of a history of the Third Reich, was a talking head. [His function was to pretend there were gassings. There is also the word meaning race-hygiene; after the First World War, some German women were impregnated by black troops used by the French...]
Let me note a few other omissions: the Napoleonic Wars accounted for something like four or five million dead Europeans. Who knows how many little-known ethnic groups were wiped out? There's nothing on Jews making money from Napoleon; Jews making money from slavery; Jews and Jackson; Jews making money from opium in China; the US civil war and the greenback connection; minerals and the Boer War; white deaths in both world wars; the biggest 20th-century atrocity, the mass murder of Russians by 'Jews'.
Rented monkeys and tarts invade UCL. Genetics is a complicated subject, with effects extending into the remote future. Rented Jew puppets are intent on damaging 'goyim'. This seems to be inherited behaviour.
It's worth noting a characteristic of Jewish propaganda: it is vague, irrational, concerned with simple endless repetition, much like an ingratiating and wheedling salesman, indifferent to truth, perhaps as a result of near-total isolation from the rest of the world for centuries, so that checkable facts were rare. (Consider: Friedman? Freud? Chomsky? Trotsky? Marx? Derrida? Einstein? Susan Sontag? Hobsbawm? Oppenheimer?) The TV subject is supposed to be eugenics; most of the programme is utterly irrelevant to that topic, in order to push the Jewish agenda. Eugenics is a coining meaning 'good genes' or possibly 'good race' (Latin, gens); at the time, genetics was not well understood, although there were policies in Europe on permitted marriage, and empirical evidence from plant and animal breeding, and anthropological information on mating arrangement around the world, many of them soundly based to preserve their gene pool structure. Having two parents permits genetic defects to be bypassed, to some extent; it seems likely the whole mechanism of sexual reproduction evolved in effect to permit complex gene structures to persist indefinitely, at the cost of each individual having quite large numbers of defects. Many genetic problems result in unviable offspring, but many are non-lethal.
There's an odd tendency, which must be a result of media propaganda, to avoid questions of heredity. If someone can't make insulin, without medical science they would die; but with insulin injections, genetic diabetes can spread; already we have primary school children injecting daily. Sickle-cell anaemia seems to be a taboo subject (the cells are malaria parasite resistant, but not very good at carrying oxygen), where discussion of the influence of malaria on human genes is unmentioned.
Why would anyone object to studying this and acting on the findings? Let's first look at the Jewish propagandist anti-eugenics view, and then at a related belief-system, originating (I think) with Bergson's book Creative Evolution.
Why do Jews insistently oppose and malign 'eugenics'? (The title of the BBC4 thing is 'Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism' typically conflating various mispresented ideas). To Jew-aware people, the answer is obvious: the 'sacred' books of Judaism insist Jews are a supremacist 'master race'; they are encouraged to damage goyim. (Watch someone called Black in the video talking of a 'blond master race'—something he falsely claimed Galton and others wanted). There are countless examples of wars fomented by Jews for money; they support fluoridation; they support Muslim heroin traffickers; they want inferior education for others; they deliberately promote inferior people on race grounds; they support sex with little children; they like to offload their costs onto host communities; they tell lies to make money from non-Jews; they support freeing of dangerous criminals; they encourage white miscegenation with deliberate lies.
Of course, the opposite policies apply to 'Jews'. Opposing sensible genetic policy is a good example of their rather comical 'chutzpah'. Another reason is that Jews historically are inbred (e.g. 'Tay-Sachs Disease'), and a side-effect is to produce a relatively high proportion of defective children; if the costs can be offloaded onto goyim, so much the better.
Francis Galton of Hereditary Genius (first published 1869) was followed by W. T. J. Gun Studies in Hereditary Ability (small article in Eugenics Review 1924; full-length book, 1928). I've just read a review by J M Keynes in his Essays in Biography (1933. These 3 dates taken from Wikipedia). Keynes quotes from Gun some examples from USA and UK of well-known persons, and his (usually) descendants. Keynes selects nearly all English, or English and Norman, and mentions no Jews. Maybe he intentionally suppressed them?
I've been quite surprised to see articles in nationalist sites of the 'creative evolution' type, in which the authors, such as H Millard, seem to predict 'supermen', men able to fly, of unlimited strength, and what have you. This seems unlikely to ever be remotely true: babies and children will need food and water to assimilate and grow, learning will take many years, they will be subject to illness and diseases and accidents, and the basic engineering must persist; the body parts will be similar to now. Maybe it's the influence of American comics, where 'mutants' occur without even one generations, to speed up the storyline; maybe it's something Biblical or to do with uniforms; maybe it's just Jewish racism reappearing; maybe it's just lack of education leading to absurdities not being detected. I've even seen it suggested new human races will emerge within fifty years!
Eugenics is intended to improve people down the generations, or keep up a standard. In Bertrand Russell's words: [just as Malthus's] difficulty was overcome by birth control, so [the doctrines of Darwin] will be overcome by eugenics. People will still remain people. Racial supremacy is in fact a jewish ideology. The deliberate ridicule of master races is partly to hide jewish supremacism. And partly in the hope that whites and others will if possible be ill, damaged, stupid, uneducated and so on: they WANT their rivals to be illiterate, addicted, uncontrolled, violent. The unthinking furore, screeching and yelling, surrounding eugenics is just another trick against goyim.
On Malthus: Malthus predicted misery into the indefinite future, as human population swelled to the limits imposed by food production. This idea is presented as his sole idea, Malthus's future book accretions being presented as 'useless verbiage'. But maybe he developed his ideas further: because, if Malthusian principles apply to all human populations, presumably either wars are inevitable, or some form of joint controls would be needed, if endless famine is to be avoided. An obvious point, which Jews of that time and later may have censored—it's not clear how long the Jewish anti-white ideas have been fermenting, so it's impossible at present to say.
Here's a facebook exchange, late December 2014:
...Depopulation and Agenda 21 in detail...
Raeto West: With respect, 'depopulation' is not the same as 'eugenics'!
Judith Ann Hitt: The ultimate result is the same therefore would you not classify them as one in the same?
Raeto West: The aim of eugenics is to try to improve people. Of course there's debate about what this means. But there's no implication that populations should be removed: an ideal or optimum population is something else. You've been taken in by Jewish liars, whose aim is to kill off anyone they decide to hate. If they succeed, it's perfectly possible the world will mostly consist of backward, stupid, uncreative etc populations.
CAAT had an unmarked shack-like building in Goodwin Street, north London, where I went to see them in the 1990s. They appear to have moved since then. They were mostly young women, all with PCs and phones, though there was also an amiable Oxbridge male who chatted, and struck me as a bit ineffectual—not unlike me in fact. I have a copy of Death on Delivery, a CAAT 1989 paperback in my arms/ weapons revisionist library, which I'll paraphrase bits from. At the time I had no idea nukes are probably a fraud, something CAAT still, in 2013, haven't got round to checking; and I wasn't very skilled at separating out strands of thought which are often confused.
CAAT is Britain only—I mean it campaigns against British arms trading. Are there lessons from this organisation? It seems rather low-profile; my own website gets more page turns than theirs. And there's an institutionalised feel, as with AIDS, cancer research, well-digging for Africa, third-word poverty; some of their people have worked for years in related activities: ' ... active in the peace movement for more than 40 years ... extremely concerned that various sectors of the military-industrial complex seem to be "beyond the law" ...'
[Miles Mathis makes a shrewd comment on the comment by Eisenhower—a noted war criminal—warning against the 'military-industrial complex'. He thinks it may be misdirection against the CIA. (And one might add the NSA )]
Looking back, their material had pervasive weaknesses, analogous to much post-1945 white angst. One weakness was the uncertain factual basis. Their own table gives British arms sales only about 4% of world sales; with USA and USSR (the 'Soviet Union' was still just about alive). Suggesting much of their effort had no effect. Thatcher is a hate figure, promoting unethical sales, but her role in selling assets to paper money types is unmentioned. There's much emphasis on sales to the Third World—but if they had no arms industries themselves, of course the sales will go there. Significantly, about a half of all third world arms imports went to the Middle East (Iraq, Egypt, India, Syria, Saudi Arabia) where 'regional arms races, conflict, and superpower rivalry have served to keep business brisk'. Note the missing elephant!
A related problem is the reliance on shock stats, as of course recommended by propagandists: "if you can't find a shocking statistic, look until you find one." In an effort to situate weaponry amid world trade, I came across a statement that if there were NO third world weapon imports at all, their huge debt would diminish—can you guess by how much?—just 20%!
From a revisionist view, the 'intense superpower competition for global supremacy during the Cold War and the power vacuum left by decolonisation..' from my viewpoint is largely hollow. Jews controlled the USSR and increasingly tightened the vice on the USA. They probably made money from arms and in my view dropped more bombs on Vietnam than during the entire Second World War just to make money. CAAT has no comprehension of such possibilities. It also has no real idea about debt: they know the USA had debt at the time—after Nixon dropping gold, and under Reagan's 'star wars'—it was building up; so was Third World debt. The underlying paper money/ fiat currency is unexamined by CAAT.
The details of deaths—30 million claimed in wars since 1945—ignores white deaths in wars and of course under Jews in the USSR; and abortions. Typically, only third worlders count. And incidentally it's perfectly possible that machetes killed more than hi-tech weaponry. These countries' 'leaders' appear to be slipped paper money, then use it to support their own armed forces—in the same way they like a national airline, they want national armies etc, in Africa, Asia, South America, and so on. A slight degree of blame is given to these people, who no doubt are paper tigers, but not much.
I have to conclude, as I did with activists looking into nukes, and wind power, and money/poverty, and medicine, that these people don't have much idea what they're doing. Pity.
I'll try to show here that there's been a fairly systematic campaign to minimise the lethal effects of war; a propaganda campaign, run I'm afraid by the usual suspects. Some of my remarks were suggested to me by an actuarial book on demography, pointing out that influential writers have their impact on populations; media control can have the same effect.
Let's look at the First World War's effects on European populations and the age pyramids:
For Britain, war losses 'touched virtually every household ... and nearly every family was diminished by the death in combat of a father, a son, a brother, a cousin, or a friend'. ... Losses in continental Europe and overseas were similarly severe .. estimated that 9.45 million died in military action including 2 million Germans, 1.8 million Russians, 1.3 million French and 723,000 British or Irish. ... we must include ... the large number of injured who subsequently died, ... civilian deaths and the births lost as a result of the disruption caused ... by the war. .. in Britain almost 60 per cent of war deaths were in the age range 20–9 ... In France the population was 'mutilated like a living organism: the age pyramid shows this injury to its flank, like an axe blow'
That account doesn't mention the 'Influenza Epidemic' after 1918; this was designed to conceal the large numbers of deaths from food shortages, contaminated drinking water, enfeeblements caused by the years of war. What's not often noted is the effect on the USA:
... most estimates put the number of migrants from Europe as a whole during the period 1800–1930 at some 40 million, a phenomenon of such magnitude as to produce economic and cultural change at the global scale as well as profound social consequences in the countries of origin. A major part of this emigration was, of course, absorbed by the USA
While the steep decline in emigration marked by the First World War itself was temporarily reversed after the end of hostilities, [white European] emigration never regained its former momentum
Now the Second World War:
The Second World War was traumatic and destructive in so many well-known ways for much of continental Europe and had massive demographic consequences in terms of lives lost, population redistribution and labour shortage. The post-war years, however, were to contain a number of surprises which confounded much of the pre-1939 pessimism about demographic trends.
That's all the book says; post-war deaths in central Europe are not mentioned. After all, everyone knows the Second World War was a 'good' war, apart from a few renegades who consider world-wide destruction was a huge price for supporting cult racist parasites and murderers. There's no discussion in that book of white emigration to the USA after 1945, not even of Jews being selectively given 'refugee relief'. But, in stark contrast to the present illegals situation, there were huge restrictions on population movements.
There were baby booms after both wars, as everyone knows ... or were there? After death and destruction and chaos, and with rationing and rebuilding (for the lucky ones), why would people rush to have kids? I haven't done any comparative calculations, but I suspect the 'baby boom' idea may be a Jewish-media myth. A baby boom was pretended to have happened in Britain after the First World War; at least for a time. However, single women in those days, and of course there were huge numbers, couldn't think of having children. In fact, a war about twenty years later was ideal for removing another swathe of young men. There was certainly a belief in a 'baby boom' after 1945; Bertrand Russell said (TV interview) people were confident, despite the 'atom bomb'; just look at the number of babies! And (e.g.) a 1947 newsreel item singled out Swindon as a high birth rate place, with film of babies, and shops selling baby clothes etc, but with no actual evidence. I'd guess the same happened in the USA. It's not as easy as it seems to check up: 'crude birth rates' don't allow for rates per fertile woman, with some age allowance, for example, and may be doctored to avoid mentioning blacks, Jews, people overseas, immigrants etc. Statistics in white countries are compromised; figures for immigration, race, unemployment, benefits, weapons, and what have you are all doubtful or non existent or unreliable. However it seems undeniable that birth figures dropped in the 1930s, and fell after 1965. The 'baby boom' may be a myth; there may not have been even replacement-level births The fall after 1965 due to the 'pill' and abortions is real enough though.
Let me give here a possibly related quotation (from Bertrand Russell, 'Science and War', a lecture reprinted in The Impact of Science on Society, c. 1947:
'Modern warfare, so far, has not been more destructive of life than the warfare of less scientific ages... Until recent times, pestilence almost invariably proved far more fatal than enemy action. ... Sennacherib ... the Peloponnesian War ... Syracuse.. Carthage.. France 1792 to 1815, in the end suffered compete defeat, but ... not ... anything comparable to .. Central Europe since 1945. ...'
Even supposedly serious writers on the effects of wars ignore important historical examples, such as the Thirty Years' War in Europe, and the death toll when the Moghuls invaded India, or famines as side-effects of war. I'm suggesting that war casualties are deliberately understated, and the effects understated; and note that the Fed in 1913, plus Baruch; and Roosevelt and Churchill; and numerous 'communist' Jews promoting immigration all had their reasons to understate white deaths.
It's perhaps worth noting another effect of Jewish influence: most people by now are aware of Jews, the Fed, Balfour and the entry of the US into the First World War, as it was christened—or perhaps judaised?—in 1916. And the decision to aim for the Second World War (Churchill's expression, I believe) by means of secret Jewish action, for example 'Polish' atrocities against Germans forcing Hitler to invade Poland. The note the escalation of the Vietnam War by the Jew Lyndon Johnson from about 1963, the likely significance of that war simply being to make money for war profiteers. Note the timing - three sets of long wars by 20-plus years. Ideal to remove white males from the population, and to demoralise and debase the survivors
A related issue is the failure to allow for the costs of children. Many Jewish media articles present white kids in a negative way, or put down to being scroungers, many don't see the long term outcome. It's been a policy of sorts at least since the 1920s to present kids as messy, annoying etc. Bertrand Russell noted that the 'fount of affection' of mothers in the USA seemed to have dried up; but then he wasn't Jew-aware. He thought in all previous eras children were liked and wanted, though his evidence (a bit of Shakespeare) wasn't very impressive. However, there has been little or no public debate on the issue of the costs, in the broad sense, of the next generation. Or of educating children to be parents. And this is intentional; it's to avoid discussing immigrant costs.
Extracts from 'The Changing Population of Europe', edited by Noin and Woods, 1993, part of the deluge of EU propaganda; other books say a lot more, for example, mentioning deaths in the USSR in the 1920s. Most of the authors in Noir and Woods are geographers: it's worth noting much of the impetus behind the EU was by academic geographers, who generally have little idea of biological or technical realities, or even simple things such as the effects of hot climates, but enjoy drawing lines on maps.
(On the related subject of suspect population figures see
Are world populations exaggerated?)
The enemies in our Government attack Muslim countries and murder their women and children. They then bring the Muslim men here, who cannot be deported because it "breaches their human rights", even after they rape and kill White girls, which presumably is the plan. Weaken Muslims and destroy White people's lands at the same time.
Transfer the US military technology to Israel (created as a result of the largely false flag cold war between the Jew run USSR and the Jew run USA) in order to create an advanced military Jewish State whilst genetically lobotomising all surrounding nations, and eventually the world.
Jewish Satraps will then occupy positions of power in all these lesser nations to keep the goyim under heel, preferably turning them into a lower IQ, part Negro Untermenschen.
Murdering all the above average intelligence Whites in the USSR did not result in the hoped for "nation of White niggers", though no doubt it did have a devastating effect upon the goyim populace. I suspect it did not work in that case to lower mean IQ because the survivors of the Jewish run genocide were not genetically inferior or stupider than those murdered, they were merely uneducated and illiterate peasants.
However, the new plot to use the Negro gene to lobotomise the White race will be successful if it continues. One only has to look at some South American nations that are mixed Caucasian (Spanish), Negro and indigenous Mayan etc to see the intended result. Mean IQs of mixed race people seems to be in the mid-80s.
[ Note on human races, and mixtures of races, by Rerev: Jewish money controls most 'science' research. They have done everything possible to conceal facts about race, including suppression of information on race mixing.
T Teo (in 2004) The Historical Problematization of "Mixed Race" ... which I removed, as it is so weak, (pdf file; free download) has typically confused information and little science, starting with Hitler as a marker. The chapter hints at the vast concealment by Jews, and the tame controlled scientists, of the literally vital secrets of mixed human races.
It's important to understand why Jews are hypersensitive on race-mixing.
• [1] Jews are exceptionally prone to genetic defects, and keep this fact hidden as much as possible. Partly to offload the huge costs onto host communities. And partly to reduce mockery of their claims to be 'Chosen' by 'G-d'.
• [2] Jews want to pretend all other human races are indistinguishable.
• [3] Jews at present want to pretend that they are a race of their own, but, at the same time, there is female descent only. The motive seems toi be to allow rape by Jews, but not acknowledge rights of victims. ]
Yes, it's a plan. It is happening simultaneously in all White Western nations. They started here when the Empire Windrush docked in London. The boat had about 490 Negroes, only 10 or so of whom were female. That pretty much shows their intentions. The consequences you can see all over London, Birmingham etc.
The job of the Jewish media is to celebrate this genetic destruction as "modern" etc and "anti-racist" and such until we are defeated.
Genetic defeat is permanent—for all time. That's what we face.
When you see details like this one following, see it in the context of the larger plan and it makes more sense:–
A foreign criminal who was jailed for his part in the London riots has used human rights laws to overturn attempts to deport him. Derrick Kinsasi was jailed for 18 months for burglary and theft from a branch of Comet during the August 2011 riots. But his lawyers have successfully argued that sending the criminal, who has no wife and no children, back to the Democratic Republic of Congo would 'breach his rights to family life' under the Human Rights Act. ... [presumably Jewish] immigration judge Nathan Goldstein said the 21 year-old could stay in Britain, because to remove him had 'echoes of exile'. Kinsasi told the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber that he came to Britain with his brother in 2002 to claim asylum. He was refused, but was granted 'exceptional leave to remain' ... [etc].
Anyone new to this idea is invited to check it for themselves when new information about populations comes to their attention. Not just genetic matters, but anything with potentially harmful effects. Could fluoridation of water be Jewish-promoted? What about intentions to damage wild-life in a country? Are killer doctors and nurses often Jews? What about destruction of old books, with assumptions about life and morals which contradict post-1945 officially-pushed views? What about films and TV and other media, where the storylines and subplots are more-or-less false and propagandist? Why should attempts be made to disarm whites while arming Jews?
Bradley Smith founded the one-subject website forum CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) about fifteen years ago. Recently he spoke for an hour on Chicago-based Deanna Spingola's online radio show. (The episode was advertisement-free). His autobiographical material included the fair sex, the rather less fair race, and, near the end, a plaintive comment: "Why don't we discuss Jews? The rest of our society is guilty of co-operating with Jewish censors... It's us, it's not them, we're the ones who have the numbers; in the end we have the money; how much money does it cost to publish reviews? The spirit among those of us who are not Jews is wanting.. where are the people willing to speak the obvious? .. Elie Weisel can tell lies, that dead Jews underground can spurt their blood in geysers for months! Yet even universities accept him as a speaker. ..."
Nearly a century ago now, Hilaire Belloc's unique book 'The Jews' included a similar query; Chapter 6, The Cause of Friction on Our Side contains Belloc's criticisms of 'gentile' behaviour. He attributed the silence to 'the avowed purpose of personal advantage'—'This disingenuousness, ... lack of candour on the part of our race in its dealings with the Jew—a vice particularly rife among the wealthy and middle classes (far less common among the poor), extends ... to [the study of] history.' This was not a universal attitude; in the nineteenth-century some Frenchmen, and many Germans (including Wagner) discussed Jews publically, as Belloc knew. There must have been comment in Russia, Poland, Hungary and other Slav nations. After 1917, Belloc thought Jewish Bolshevism would force the subject to be discussed in depth, fully, by about 1940—which turned out to be the opposite of the truth.
It seems fair to regard this silence, which dates at least from the time of Cromwell, as a taboo (thanks to Captain Cook for the word!) Discussion is felt to be dangerous, risky, offensive to sacred or religious interests, tempting fate, socially unacceptable—what used to be described as "not done".
I'd like to attempt here to survey control over opinions: how has this taboo been introduced and enforced?
Let's start with children: at first sight, it seem likely that all taboos are instilled into children. Because they might chat about anything that attracts their attention, but don't, surely prohibitions are drummed into children? And there is some truth in this: many people spend their whole lives horrified by swear words, unable to discuss sex, afraid to talk about death, unable to say "If you exist, God, strike me dead!" and so on. Complaints to TV companies were mostly about swearing, and maybe still are; not a very rational attitude to a mere flatus vocis. Taboos in the original sense seem to have been largely to do with words. A rabbit used to be called a "coney", rhyming with honey, but the word fell, or was driven, out of use. According to my Latin dictionary, 'penis' meant 'tail' in Latin, and maybe it was an evasive word with the Romans: perhaps in a thousand years time, serious text-books in Chinese will talk about 'dicks'. And conversely people saying "Jumping Jesus" or "By Our Lady" as "bloody" show some decline in religious belief. Possibly Islam has or will have a similar pattern.
However, children are bounded by their senses, no doubt for sound evolutionary reasons. They cannot see things far away, or far back in time, or in the future. Just as no European in the middle ages knew about Manhattan Island, or what people did at stonehenge, or what electrolysis was. Also children can't know of things that are invisible: laws and ownership patterns and obscure belief systems and the way inventions work, for example. And there are other barriers, such as languages and formulas. The human mind is powerful, but liable to be deceived and misinformed and distracted by immediate surroundings. Let's distinguish between everyday, practical knowledge—being polite, eating breakfast, speaking whatever language is used, doing whatever has been learned, avoiding dangers—and everything else–abstract information, general beliefs, attitudes, worries and concerns, codified religions. Each of these has power entanglements—parents, teachers, members of larger groups such as governments and tribes, all have their own outlooks.
Simple, direct, everyday, matters known to everyone include bodily functions, which often lurk in swear words: one of the witnesses in the Trayvon Martin case described the killer as a "creepy ass cracker"; the US Jewish media have given us 'asswipe'. There's a general tendency for once-neutral words to be downgraded: 'toilet' used to have elegant suggestions, 'bathroom' is the US version. This is rational enough: it's hard to imagine even the most libertarian-minded of libertarians advocating the right to shit in the streets, as in India, though maybe Freudians will make it their next campaign. Sex is obviously likely to be a taboo topic, because it's intermittent, and has personal aspects; women have to be discreet to try to avoid unwanted attention, for example. Doggers and promiscuous holidaymakers have de facto separation from everyone else.
Indirect examples of taboo-type evasions include other bodily features: respectable Victorians were supposed to dislike references to 'legs', and to recommend that books by unmarried authors should not be side by side on bookshelves. The relatively difficult idea of death follows this pattern: hence expressions like 'passing over', but also solemn reminders like tombstones, memorials, and memento mori. Foods and clothes are hedged about with taboos which vary over time.
Control over beliefs involves parental, friend, enemy, legal and police actions, including learned reactions ('conditioning') as types of 'belief'. At one time, having a bastard child could result in eviction from rented property, and other serious problems; a 'git' or 'get' expresses the feeling to such people. When the legal effects vanished, so did the stigma. Another example is the introduction of universal 'education' into Britain; children might play truant, and it took an entire generation of school board examiners and fines before there was general acceptance of going to school.
We're interested here in deliberate systematic long-term control of information, and the effects of this on societies. Lies tend to be more successful when they involve more abstract things which are remote, invisible, and hard to understand. And the likelihood of censorship depends on how important such intangible structures of ideas are to interested groups. Lies of the sort Orwell described in Spain—battles which never took place— succeed if there are few channels of communication; this is the reason for Jewish control of purchasable media, and keeping the visibility of control low. It also explains the efforts to muddy the water on such issues as democracy, finance, and war.
Let's survey historically important examples of information control. Christianity provides many examples, including the setting up of Canonical books, and the almost complete destruction of rival heresies and advocates of paganism. (It's possible that if they'd been less censorious, Christianity might ultimately have been stronger). Near our day, we can still find lingering traces of attitudes enforced by Christians: there used to be fines, 'one day's wage of a milkmaid', for non-attenders at church on Sundays. I still remember peoples' unease at not going to church on Sundays, partly a lingering apprehension of now-vanished punishments. In fact it may be possible to deduce the aspects of systems which are regarded as important by the hierarchy of censorship: for example the level of abstraction seems important in Christianity: atheism used to be regarded as unspeakably evil. But the question of the existence or otherwise of a genuine historical Jesus seemed only rarely to surface. There's a relationship with ideas which are taken for granted: G B Shaw, a once-famous writer, described a meeting with a flat-earth believer, who raised emotions which even an atheist couldn't. Similarly most people have assumed that one man has only one wife, and vice versa.
The power of Roman Catholicism declined at the Reformation (or 'Protestant Revolt'), but there was a long preliminary interval, marked particularly by new translations of the Bible. In Britain the process of seizing assets and keeping on a hierarchy with different beliefs went uncomplicatedly. 'A discredited organisation was fleeced without sanctimony or humbug' according to Hugh Trevor-Roper/ Lord Dacre. In the rest of Europe, it didn't happen easily. There is a parallel with the Jewish situation now: a smallish uncreative group, spread over many countries, with its own language and habits, and an artificially privileged financial situation, and a propaganda system distributing standardised messages, controls sufficient individuals to hold onto power. Lives of saints crossing the Irish sea on tombstones have been replaced by corpses spouting geysers of blood.
In Britain, Elizabethan censorship was harsh: Harrington's book on the Commonwealth was proscribed; anyone found with a copy would have his house levelled, be executed himself, perhaps with his colleagues. There were plenty of writers anxious to assert the then-new consolidated more-or-less national monarchies were ordained by God. Most countries have no monarchy now, but Britain still has taboos around the subject. Stage censorship was thorough: the 'Shakespeare' plays were at one period intensely patriotic, in effect against Spain, the modern debased equivalent being Hollywood's pro-Jewish material. Stage censorship ceased in the 1960s, no doubt because theatre audiences were tiny compared with film and TV viewers.
The New World led, after a time, to a tremendously enlarged range of ideas—as enlightening as the discovery of new types of animals and plants. I suspect that free discussion tends to accompany such periods, just as surrealism tends to accompany periods of danger and terror. The Ancient Greek world, if it was anything like as it was presented in the past, may have had sceptical discussions largely as a fashion.
Let's briefly look at a few other subjects liable to the taboo of self-censorship. One is violence: many soldiers will not discuss their experiences; many Americans never discuss atrocities in their wars; many news reports censor violence. In each case lessons and warnings can be lost. Another is surveys of large groups: many people at present will not say women have been disappointing in their intellectual achievements, or the same with blacks, however good the evidence. People will often avoid, through what is, or looks like, politeness, certain subjects: Bertrand Russell's friends avoided discussion of nuclear weapons.
The behavioural part of self-censorship results from a small army of events. It's impossible for anyone to know everything about laws, so taboos arise if something similar to the dangerous thought was known to have been penalised. To take specifically Jewish-related topics: If you mention Jewish race fanaticism, maybe there's a law against it? Could something a parent or relative said about Jews be slander? If you try to find out about paper money and Jews, could this be an official secret? Are you allowed to point out that someone is a Jew? What about the early days of Israel and murders of Britons: is that a military secret? Looking at American education, and text-books written by Jews, is it libellous to criticise them? Is it legal to insist a supposed 'survivor' reveals his sources? Can people enquire why, given the vast wealth of control of money, Jews continue to damage and exploit without the slightest sign of slowing down? Most people go along with their herd because of vague fears. Self-censorship by non-specialists happens in radio and TV, local and national papers, forums, chatrooms, schools, universities, Mensa, small publications; everywhere.
Bear in mind that taboos have been different in the past; there will come a time when the current stuff seems quaintly obsolete, and the emotions almost impossible to take seriously.
Inevitably, this must take time: it's certain that many people are incredibly ignorant, with absolutely no idea about 'ZOG' and its implications. Belloc, nearly a century ago, said their deception must stop, and yet, still, nobody points out that the 'American' neocons are Jews, or that all the Fed chairman candidates are Jews. Many people have heard of the 'bell curve', the so-called 'normal distribution'. Similar distributions can hold over time: at first, very few people understand the issue; then numbers increase, until just a few stragglers remain. We're still somewhere not far from the start of the curve.
Let's try to make a rational answer to Bradley Smith's comment. Some people still believe in the unique hardship and misfortunes of Jews, and their descent from Biblical tribes, with sacred texts, and of course to the non-credulous these issues can only be resolved by evidence. But there is also a fear of future problems, and in view of what happened in the USSR this is a serious matter. Do people who want open debate in fact have the numbers, and have the money? It's uncertain how much money-based power Jews have: if they succeed in killing off or silencing opponents, it may be wise to keep quiet. It depends on assessments of Jewish power, and in view of the severe censorship, certainty isn't possible yet. But I'm inclined to think the takeover of Russia relied partly on the backwardness of Russia, and partly on the financiers being thousands of miles away. Both these factors apply much less now; Jews are arguably less able to disappear, leaving their ruined dupes. I suspect the cumulative evidence from immigration, history, wars, and analysis of paper money and frauds will come to influence very many more people. And, waiting in the wings, are frauds in science and technology—NASA, AIDS, fluoride, biology, nuclear issues, 9/11—awaiting objective assessment. The Internet has played a terrific role, and effectively isn't even twenty years old. And there are signs that the vast numbers of supporters must shrink: propagandists, trolls, liars, party apparatchiks, senators, congressmen, MPs, lying journalists, fake charities, spurious peace and amnesty groups, pressure groups, fraudulent industries, mercenaries, advertisers etc, must at some point be too expensive. So, despite the chaos and horrors of the last century, I permit myself some hope.
'Facism', 'Rascism', the 'Borjois', and the Imperative Need to Understand the Jewish 'Single Standard'
Written by Rerevisionist 6 August 2013
Sandwich boardsThe photo shows a collection of 'useful idiots' in 2009, at Sharon Wilkinson's first appearance as a BNP (British National Party) Lancashire County Councillor. The crowd entered the public gallery, and chanted for a few minutes, before leaving to collect their ten pounds and no doubt go for a drink. This sort of thing is a common occurrence in Jewish-related activity, and it's not by chance that the fake left usually can't understand, spell or even pronounce their scripted words. Let's investigate. I'll use the misspellings to indicate the sloganistic usage.
Let's trace this attitude back in time. I'll select 1941, about the time of the 'surprise attack' on Pearl Harbor and the USA's joining Churchill's and France's European war. Here's part of an exchange of letters on would become the Second World War between two British men, Bertrand Russell and Gilbert Murray, each regarded as a first-class scholar at his peak:–
Gilbert Murray: ' ... it was not quite clear what the two sides were: e.g. some people said it was Communism or Socialism against Fascism, others that it was Christianity against ungodliness. But now, as far as ideas are concerned, it is clearly Britain and America with some few supporters against the various autocracies, which means Liberalism v Tyranny.
Bertrand Russell: 'I quite agree.. The issue became clear when Russia turned against us [i.e. Hitler-Stalin pact: Russell thinks of 'Russia', in fact the Jewish-controlled 'Soviet Union', as one of 'us']... etc
Despite the fact Hitler had made it perfectly clear (but in German) that he opposed Jewish money-power, the two quoted above simply have not the slightest clue what was happening—as equating Stalin with Socialism, and the USSR with Russia, and the absence of anything on Japan and Italy and the NSDAP programme and Poland, prove.
By 1945, Russell's understanding of fascism (by then twenty years in power) is illustrated by this comment in his autobiography: I said to them [British Embassy officials in the USA]: 'You will admit this is a war against Fascism. And ... the essence of Fascism consists in the subordination of the legislature to the executive. ... Now... you are the executive and I am the legislature and if you keep me away from my legislative functions... you are Fascists.' The disaster of WW1 and Italy's dissatisfaction and change of sides, and the problems of Italy, are simply unrecognised by Russell. He was of course not alone; I pick him as a perfect example (I've studied his life and work) of someone either not Jew-aware, or, more likely, who has learned to suppress any overt comment on Jews, despite the facts that his grandfather was a significant part of the movement to empower Jews in Britain; and he had personally witnessed New York Jews start to wreck Russia. And yet—nothing.
If you're interested in Russell, read this detailed piece Bertrand Russell: Dupe of Racist Jews.
Russell's legalistic evasive formula is still absolutely typical of academic attempts to examine 'fascism' in countries dominated by Jews. Naturally, it has no predictive or explicative power at all. However, there's another parallel interpretation of 'fascism' of the same age and longevity; which is something like 'gang violence'. Russell thought Julius Caesar and Napoleon were 'fascists', for example; and he thought Mosley, who wanted to avoid a Second World War, was thuggishly violent. Another example: George Orwell's review of No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1939; I wonder if this was intended to inspire sadism, a sort of bookish Tarantino?) includes this passage: 'Several people, after reading NO ORCHIDS, have remarked to me, 'It's pure Fascism'. This is a correct description, although the book has not the smallest connexion with politics ...' That book (written by an English or French author, not an American, presumably for money) has sordid murders and cruelty 'and much else of the same kind', and clearly disgusted Orwell—'a header [i.e. headfirst dive] into the cesspool', he wrote. Orwell was a dupe; he had no idea of Jewish mass murders, and was happy to ascribe sadism to fascism.
More on Orwell as a useful idiot here
Veale's Advance to Barbarism (1953, and later editions) gives an idea of the censorship in Britain (and no doubt the USA, and wartime violence):
There was no official prohibition on expressions of opinion [during WW2] as such, but persons who ventured to express opinions which the authorities deemed might hamper the war effort were put in prison without a trial or even without a specific complaint against them.
Veale was entirely Jew-unaware, motivated by humanitarian impulses; he pointed out that in 1961, C P Snow's lecture Science and Government included:
'.. March 1942 Mr. Churchill's War Cabinet had accepted the plan laid before it by Professor Lindemann by which 'top priority' as an objective for air attack was in future to be given to "working-class houses in densely populated residential areas."
This mental structure has remained extraordinarily intact for ninety years until the present day, as a result of control of the media and 'education', with the bulk of populations in the 'west'. Even quite well-informed persons, such as Frank Ellis (lecturer in Russian, and immigration realist) are this type. Paul Wilkinson (1980s) is (or was) the same type, with a bibliography of books that he regarded as 'technical analysis' of fascism, which prove to be just the usual stuff. It's terrifying that such ramshackle analysis could stay around for such a long period.
Probably the media underpinning is the fact that Jews are terrified that other groups might use Jews' own technique, and unify solidly against them. The potential power of cohesive groups is always minimised: Alexander, Caesar, Christ, Mohammed, Luther, Cromwell, Napoleon, Gustavus Adolphus, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Lenin, Mandela, even the present Queen of the United Kingdom, are presented as very exceptional and abnormal individuals. The large numbers of anonymous supporters behind the scenes go unmentioned. If cohesiveness cannot avoid being mentioned, it is attacked, usually in a mouth-frothingly red-faced vicious way. Hence parrot cries of 'Fascist'—and 'racist', which also implies large groups of similar united people.
The conclusion is that 'facism' is a chant against non-Jews who oppose Jews and Jewish violence, even though they may not know it. Jewish violence in Russia in 1905, Jews in Hungary, Jews in the USSR, Jews in Ukraine, Jews in Palestine, and Jewish funded surrogates and patsies—in South Africa, in Korea, in Vietnam in Iraq, the USAF, are not called 'facist'. But much any opponent or concerned person is.
Racism. This is Leon Trotsky's 1930 work, "The History of the Russian Revolution", from which shown above is a passage. The last word['s] ... Latin transliteration is "racistov", i.e., "racists". This work here is the first time in history one will ever find that word. Thus an Internet quotation on the etymology of 'racism'. In fact the word 'racialism' preceded it, though of course before the Jewish coup in Russia it did not have the same connotation that Trotsky required, viz. opposition to Jewish policies dealing with forced movements of races.
That's the emotional meaning; as with 'fascism' there's an evasionist meaning, but this is complicated. Religious or fanatical Jews regard all other people as infinitely inferior; so of course there's no theoretical reason to distinguish between them (except maybe the females, for sexual purposes). Hence the insane Boasian idea in the USA promoted by 'anthropologists' that race does not exist: from the point of view of people 'chosen by g-d', nobody else matters. But of course race does exist, and 'rascist' is a chant against such people, notably if they unite in some way against Jews, even if they don't realise it.
Here's an unedifying exchange, on Amazon, related to a book review of mine; the respondent may think he or she is Jewish; note the astonishing chutzpah in denying the most racially-aware group that ever existed is 'racist':–
Chancery Stone says: Jews are a racist cult? How so? Rerevisionist says: How so? Are you serious? Please don't waste my time - it's taken me about a minute here Chancery Stone says: Absolutely serious. If you think they are a "racist cult" give us some evidence. Or is evidence too time-consuming for you when prejudice is so cheap and easy? Rerevisionist says: Well - why don't you read up a bit about Judaism? Can you read? Chancery Stone says: And that feeble attempt at deflection means you do indeed have no evidence to offer, just prejudice. Rerevisionist says: What it means is that either you're a liar, or a fool. I don't know or care which. Chancery Stone says: What it means is you know you're cornered, with no actual evidence to offer, and the best you can do is chuck out some irrelevant juvenile insults, which are as intellectually sound as your prejudice. I rest my case... Rerevisionist says: Dear Mr Stone. please for ONCE in your worthless life MAKE AN EFFORT. You are trying to discuss jews but you clearly KNOW NOTHING ABOUT JEWS or JUDAISM. I don't want to waste time on a fool like you: I'll just say, for the last time, DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. Find out for yourself. Read. Check. You have been lied to and are either too stupid, or have some vested interest, in remaining ignorant and befuddled. It's YOUR problem, not mine. I hope this is clear enough and that you take some action to remedy your ignorance.
The conclusion is that 'rascism' is a chant against anyone who either recognises the obvious fact that races exist and differ; and/or who recognises that Jewish religious ideology claims Jews are a very very special race indeed. No wonder the screamers look a bit puzzled.
Double Standards and the Jewish 'Single Standard'
'Double standard' is an expression that seems to have started with reference to sex. Women can have children, and are otherwise somewhat different from men. Presumably this should result in different treatment; 'double standard' is a technical-sounding phrase to try to counter this obvious fact.
There is, arguably, a characteristic in most whites which makes them receptive to ideas of fairness, equity, even-handedness, and so on. If A accepts that A and B are on an equal footing, then if A treats A and B differently, there is indeed a 'double standard'; A can be called a hypocrite. BUT it is ESSENTIAL to see that if A does NOT accept that A and B are on an equal footing, there is no 'double standard': it's just a 'single standard'. What A does is good, what B does is bad. An observer may accuse A of hypocrisy, but A's single standard doesn't accept that as a criticism.
Many people are amazed at the breathtaking hypocrisy of Jews, as they tell lies, defraud, and so on, over years, decades, and centuries. It's just a single standard: We will grab what we can at any cost.
RamZPaul on 'White Privilege': more Jewish Swindlespeak. What about 'Jew Privilege'?
Written by Rerevisionist 16 August 2013
RamZPaul, an American (Ramsey Paul?), makes short, witty videos, which he uploads onto his own popular Youtube channel. His videos alerted me to another phrase which Jews try to push into circulation, helped by the dull deadweight of the Jewish media. This is 'White privilege'.
This video (below) was made after recent Trayvon Martin demonstrations; viewers will know the controlled media barely reports black-on-white murders, however vicious, but instead picks on legal cases for political reasons. Thus Trayvon Martin, misrepresented as a little boy, shot by a Hispanic he attacked, in what looks like a trespass. (Stephen Lawrence in Britain shows the same process, except that there are no Hispanic dupes).
That video is nearly four minutes. RamZPaul points out that someone, I think a Jewish mouthpiece with a megaphone (see below; short video), talks about "you white people", despite the Jewish lie that there is 'no such thing as race', and it's all a 'social construct'... so how can they be 'white'?
'Your guilt is not enough'. No comment on Jewish guilt, of course! RamZPaul invents a counter-slogan: 'Check your white contact', i.e. meaning if you don't like whites, go away. [I'd suggest "Jew privilege" might be a better slogan!]
The implication of 'white privilege' is that if you're white, like all whites, you have it easy. RamZPaul talked of his grandparents in Indiana, who worked hard but didn't have enough to eat, and had no shoes in summer. (On a wall here I have a photocopy of a newspaper, of March 1946. An item says: There are 10,000 Liverpool children absent from school every day, most of them because they lack clothes or shoes, declares Mr. H. V. Clark, headmaster and city councillor.)
Here is another RamZPaul video
A review of a film, Elysium, which he says is set 1,000 years in the future, showing events after white flight to (I think he says) a Martian space station, where they speak English, presumably with an American accent. It's supposed to show illegal immigrants trying to get into it; the promise being multicult paradise. RamZPaul puzzles over the fact that Los Angeles is shown as a mass of graffitied slummy Spanish-speaking violence; surely if illegals are desirable, in 1,000 years L.A. should be wonderful? He makes two points:
The immigration debate (insofar as a debate has ever existed) is that all people are equal: it's a modern religious item of faith. RamZPaul produces a few counter-examples. And
'White privilege' is presented as a kind of unfair advantage that all white people get, appearing from nowhere, inexplicable; "it's like we're hoarding it, and it's not fair ..."
It's typical of RamZPaul that he doesn't try to generalise, for example by looking at Jewish-run Hollywood or Jewish-run US TV over time. It's left to the audience to pick up other pieces of the puzzle. Anyway—next time you hear of whites refused benefits, denied housing, thrown out of work by the Jewish political parties, not getting medical treatment they paid for all their lives, getting third-rate education, or being dismembered in a foreign war, remember they have 'white privilege.'
On the subject of Jews forcing abnormal word usage into English, here's another Youtube set I happened to notice, Damsel in Distress.
Damsel in Distress in video games
I don't know whether the scriptreader believes she is Jewish, though I'd take a big bet. Note the barefaced absurdity of the physical strength claims, and, in passing, the inability to get a grip on technical matters, which of course tend to be irrelevant to propagandists. And the indifference to violence. And the use of the rare word 'trope', torn from its literary use. I suppose we should be grateful we aren't showered with Yiddish constructions.
Note: 'Swindlespeak' is a word coined by Lady Michèle Renouf.
Just a short note. David Irving's ten-venue speaking tour in Britain is almost over; he is following it by a guided tour around sites (such as Sobibor) in eastern Europe. He's now 75, and seems as energetic as ever. He's keeping up-to-date with printing technology; he has print-on-demand copies available for many of his books, and translations into many languages; and a presence in e-books. His subject on this tour was Himmler's life and death, in five parts--
1 Chester Wilmot's radio broadcast on Himmler's alleged suicide;
2 Himmler's death in the 'specially prepared house';
3 Himmler's youth and adulthood, until his death aged 44;
4 Information on shootings in the Reinhard camps;
5 and Himmler's part in the bomb plot against Hitler.
David Irving's book on Himmler is "about 80% finished". I made a video (and edited, titled, incorporated photos in it) in a location 'somewhere near Manchester'; people new to Irving might like to check what you see, against the Jewish media version. It's about 100 minutes long.
There were no rentathugs, perhaps not for want of trying: a mole released venue details on Internet, but had been provided with a gay bar in Manchester; just right for his Cameronian mates... Extract from Endzog
David Irving Threatened By Jewish Thugs - August 16, 2013
The transnational Jew rag 'The International Business Times' recently carried a report by Kike correspondent Dominic Glover (isn't wonderful how the hebes' appetite for grand larceny on a global if not cosmic scale means that they will steal everything including our Christian and European names?) wrote a sordid little article, and I mean little because to extract anything longer than a text message from the modern 'reporter' would be to strain the poor fellow awfully, in which he threatened to set a bunch of nasty Jewish street-thugs on the famous Second World War historian David Irving if he dared, DARED, to express his freedom of speech and his academic right and duty by giving a talk in HIS OWN COUNTRY (or at least in what was his own country before the total Jewish takeover) about Heinrich Himmler, the much maligned, demonized and defamed member of the German leadership who drew the short straw and ended up supervising the concentration camps which contained Jews amongst other inmates; criminals and threats to national stability, morality and security.
Camps in which Jews who had to be taken off the streets of Germany lest they did any more damage than they already had to the German people remained for one reason or another during the Second World War after the Rothschild-controlled 'British' government refused to let them into Palestine. Of course as many of us now believe International Jewry, who controlled the war propaganda units and the media and of course since the war Western education, and who ran both of the Zionist agents Churchill and Roosevelt through Bernie 'the fixer' Larouche, wanted the Jews to remain in the camps so that they could create the Holohoax by ensuring that all acess routes to them would be bombed towards the end of the war in order that Hollywood film directors like Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock and English shabbas Goy Richard Dimbleby could lie through their faces while filming piles of dead emaciated victims of typhus, victims of their own cunning who they could claim were all Jews who had been gassed or murdered. How convenient then for top US five-star general and Jew Dwight D. Eisenhower to arrive at the Buchenwald camp with faux-human lampshades possibly flown in from a Hollywood effects department to create for once and for all the Holohoax myth. ...
... the Second like the First World War was provoked by the Jews and untold millions of Germans alone were murdered or starved to death during and after the Second World War by the forces instigated by the Jews. We need a historian for the German side to work all this out, but taking into consideration only the deaths of Germans in and after this war, those figures easily outnumber the number of Jews who died.
... So much has Britain been redesigned and re-arranged that only a party like the German NSDAP or nazi party can sort out the problems we have and eventually restore our mores and values. ... in David's younger days it would have been enough to have left the good Jew alone and brought legal sanction to bear on the subversive elements, had that been done we would not be in the position we are in now. But now our economy, government, banking, political parties, immigration policy, education, the legal system, policing, corporations, food supply, entertainment, fashion and to a growing extent sport is solidly in the hands of the Jews ...
I added a Table Talk Youtube - 40 minutes - of Questions & Answers & other material following Irving's Himmler talk. David Irving annotated table talk, after his 2013 Himmler talk
Interesting to listen to a first-rate researcher and raconteur; and I inserted segment numbers and short descriptions - useful for reference.
There are a couple of unimportant mistakes - Martin Gilbert as Gilbert Martin, and E J Wicks misspelt, I'm told.
I just noticed Irving say Lord Alfred Douglas was sued for criminal libel by Churchill, for saying Churchill had made a fortune from the Battle of Jutland. Maybe Lord Alfred Douglas wasn't quite as languid as his image suggests.
Off topic, Lord Alfred Douglas (the original Dorian Grey) in fact played a significant part in the exposure of Jews by revealing the Amsterdam synagogue message to Cromwell, offering money when Charles was killed. So Lord Alfred Douglas wasn't just a pretty (and then ugly) face. (From memory - I'm fairly sure this is right. NB Michael Hoffman claimed I think in 2014, that the exchange of letters is an invention or forgery. The British Museum at one time had these documents, or something like them, on display under glass; I remember them, probably in the 1970s. However, they do not appear on the British Museum website. Possibly they were destroyed. But I'd guess cameras were widely-enough available to ensure there is evidence somewhere).
Faked photo of what may be a faked demonstration. Note the obscuring of the entire left third of the picture. And the obviously faked EDEN MUST GO sign at a rakish angle. And other dubious features. I doubt if any mass market paperback on a contentious subject is truthful. [From 'Cutting the Lion's Tail' (1986) SUEZ through Egyptian Eyes. Published by Corgi.]
A NEW REFORMATION & Modern Techniques of Image Fakery, Event Fakery, Crisis Actors
Written by Rerevisionist 2 September 2013. Updates 20 July 2016, 4 July 2018.
We Are Living Through a New Reformation
Many people reading this site are aware that 'false flags', including secret provocations, have been used to justify wars, both to people who want to profit, and to the commanders and mercenaries paid to do the work. The US's war with Spain, for Cuba and the Philippines, was sparked by the 'Maine' being blown up; Japan's War with Russia was funded and no doubt started by Jews; the First World War appears to have been deliberately sparked by murders; Jews in Poland forced Hitler to act, a perfect excuse for another war; Palestine was invaded; the US knew Pearl Harbor was on the way - See this new in Feb 2016 view of Pearl Harbor as a US false flag bombing - another excuse; there were border incursions in Korea; the Gulf of Tonkin; and US actions in unfortunate counties in Africa, Asia, and south America. Jews in the USA and in the USSR were in a perfect situation to rig up events, or just make them up, with media control. Iraq was invaded on pretexts. I've listed below some visual effects. The techniques of course have been getting better and better.
In my opinion, we're now in a situation analogous to the time of the Reformation. The Catholic Church had an international operation, with its own language, its own promotion and career system, land and asset ownership, and constant streams of money. It had a (for its time) worldwide propaganda system, adapted to both illiterates and people who could read. Such events as the Black Death had shown its pretensions to practical usefulness were empty; and explorations and experiments showed how much more there was to the world than the Church's restricted outlook allowed. But its tentacles were so extensive it took centuries to cut down its power. There were wars, and, even more so, chaos as mercenaries invaded territories bringing enormous destruction. There were people like Wycliffe, propagandists of the type of Luther, heretics and martyrs, local rulers like Henry VIII, all playing their parts.
I now see this as somewhat naïve, since Jews and Roman Catholics had, and still have, a symbiotic relationship.
Briefly, Jews got the towns and their trade; Roman Catholics got the countryside and land; and new countries were taken over one at a time by thugs paid by Jews.
Roman Catholics gave Jews protection, and a monopoly in investing. Jews gave Roman Catholics money and superstitious backing for tithes and things like indulgences.
Christianity banned interest; hence anything big, eg quarries, shipbuilding, cathedrals, armies, printed Bibles needed co-operation with Jew moneylenders.
In our time, and for a few centuries, Jews have been a similar growing international tight clique, operating alongside local elites, analogously to the Church, and with its own huge propaganda system. For example, the Holohoax has stories exactly parallel to martyrologies in Catholicism. Another example: the Jewish media output of stories is similar to monks in the Middle Ages producing book after book on miracles of saints. However, it's obvious now to thinking people that 'ZOG' is corrupt, in the sense that it has vastly overextended in a criminal way into regions it should have left alone. Cutting down 'ZOG' is necessary, but, if the Reformation is anything to go by, may take centuries. It may not even be obviously successful: the Church of England, and the English state, took over lands and assets, and the money outflow was staunched: aristocrats were enriched, the clergy changed their views a bit, and very likely ordinary people were somewhat, but perhaps not much, better off.
So it looks as though we can expect a few centuries in which Jewish liars will work overtime, and vast numbers of people will still believe what they are told. Probably there will be wars between blocs of people, some too brainwashed to be able to change, others not caring one way or the other, and looking for security or money. Yet others will simply be caught up in vicious wars. There may be the economic versions of wars—hyperinflation, starvation, poverty, decay of towns into filth and dilapidation. There may be unexpected alliances, in ways designed to replace Jewish control, perhaps worldwide rather than Europe only. There may be the equivalent of burnings at stakes for blasphemy. There may be a final loss of patience with Jews. There may be odd new quasi-religious cults, as happened during and after the Reformation. Perhaps groups believing evolutionary or race heresies, that wars improve people's genes, or races should be forced to mate, or Rothschilds should be made into holy relics, or anyone with forbidden books is Satanic. Part of the persuasion process will be frauds; do please look out for false flags in the news. So far these new fakes have been surprisingly amateurish (see photos); maybe they can't get the staff; who knows. But bear in mind we may be in for a really long haul. There isn't the slightest sign that Jews will develop any sort of normal honesty or conscience.
Modern Techniques of Image Fakery
Black 'actor', shopper, black bus, red hands (Woolwich, London)
Oops! Where's the wound under the 'bloody' shirt? (Syria)
Amputee Actor tries to remember his lines (Boston)
Individual processing of single pixels (for example, typically cyan or green to leave faces unaffected) is hugely powerful. Green screens allow entire backgrounds to be replaced. CGI (computer generated images, including moving faces and objects) have been used for years in the cinema.
There are of course also photoshopped still images, a descendant of retouched photos. ('Photoshop' is just one image processor, but the name is in generic use). My advice is to take this stuff calmly; it's the way it is now amongst the liars and frauds. Forewarned may be forearmed. Here are a few pioneer debunkers.
Simon Shack (pseudonym?) is a sound engineer living in Italy, within sight of the Vatican. His website is September Clues and he has exposed numerous 9/11 frauds—computer graphic simulations of the towers and airplane strikes; the 'vicsims', i.e. simulated victims; the elaborate hoaxes involved in interviews, both with officials and with supposed members of the public. The technology was, of course, available in 2001.
There's an account somewhere on fakeology.com by Markus Allen (not the Marcus Allen of Nexus magazine, who is a long-term critic of the faked NASA moon landings)
Youtube: Truth about Syria on the Truth about Syria, a well-made video, including actors, and what he claims are fake bodies and so on, apparently sourced from videos in Arabic. Well worth the few minutes to get up to speed with controlled information, though Markus Allen's main interest is marketing.
This link is an online talk about nuclear issues. (Click for 200 minute mp3 file; which is long!). Most of the initial doubt about nuclear weapons was prompted by oddities in the films, which were made available on DVD years after the event. https://www.nuke-lies.org has discussions from 2011-2012.
'Ab Irato', of fakeology.com, says he was triggered into action by 9/11 truthers, including Simon Shack. He's good on Canadian psyops and has identified convincing signs of fakes in the Canadian printed press, generally used to push some cause or law. He does not include the Jewish element, however, including the Holohoax, so it's not impossible his work is controlled opposition or part of an exit strategy, or even part of a publicity stunt.
Youtube on 'crisis actors': 'realism in live training events', 'role-play actors', 'disaster dramas', 'star waggons' (or 'Starr Waggons') specially equipped for actors. About 25 minutes on this semi-secret, low-profile activity. Worth watching.
July 17, 2016 On Obama's acting skills: I owe it (personally) to Miles Mathis for opening my eyes to the role of actors in frauds, the more direct, but much more perishable, equivalent of written frauds. Mathis wrote an excellent piece on Lincoln's alleged assassination, drawing attention to John Wilkes Booth as an actor: a stage bang, a loud declamation (in Latin), followed by a theatrical leap, down what turns out to be an impossible drop. And of course we have 'crisis actors'. Thinking about it, I recall being positively shocked when I found in about 1975 that BBC news announcers, and, for that matter, even IBM salesmen, often had acting training. But there's a problem: Jewish actors are often, in my humble opinion, not very good. It finally occurred to me that genuine acting means trying to feel what it's like to be another person - or indeed a ghost, king, thug, emperor, 'vampire'. But I think Jews are always acting the part of Jews; it’s not really acting at all.
May 27, 2016 Those two TV ads [Italian one, showing boring Italian male shoved into a washing machine, emerging as a supposedly thrilling black; and a Chinese one, the other way round, otherwise almost identical] are all but identical - same setting, behaviours, actions. Incredible. NB for people who haven't seen them, youtube has several sites showing US (or rather Jewish) TV ads which portray whites as wimps etc, and blacks as wise, knowing etc. The black actor Morgan Freeman is riding (or has ridden) that wave. [There are many youtubes with anti-white ads, no doubt by Jewish advertising agencies.]
Going back in time, here's a 50-minute TV programme aired in 1999, at the end of a session of studio discussions each evening, corresponding to the supposed moon landings of 1969. Colour photos, and b/w TV footage, were used in the fakes, as were studio sets of several types. Youtube: Moon Landing NASA fraud (five parts). A considerable amount of photographic evidence.
Visual evidence for the so-called Jewish 'holocaust' obviously dates from about 1940-1945, and is mostly black-and-white and mostly under Jewish control. A good site to comb for fakes on this subject is https://www.codoh.com, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.
Illustration: older technology. A lithograph of the 'Destruction of the U.S. Battleship Maine' in 1898. The explosion occurred in Havana harbour. The U.S.A. used the explosion to declare war on Spain, and 'acquired' the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and commercial control of Cuba. From Chicago Historical Society; reproduced here from Brian Catchpole's 1968/1976 A Map History of the Modern World.
Jewish Control of Money. And the Missing Economic Theory of Macrofinance
Written by Rerevisionist 14 September 2013
This piece is prompted by a short article by 'Kasredin' published on the British Resistance site, on interest rates. 'Kasredin' gives standard economic textbook material on interest as the 'price of money'. I'd like to suggest Kasredin got about three-quarters of the story right; but the remaining quarter is of crucial importance in understanding economics for about the last hundred years.
Like 'Kasredin', I loathe the BBC's truth evasion; here's a piece reviewing a book by a typically feeble BBC hack, Robert Peston and his junk book Who Runs Britain?
However, 'Kasredin' hasn't understood the way paper and plastic [and electronic] money is manufactured. It's now exactly one hundred years since the Federal Reserve was invented; many Americans still think the Fed is a governmental organisation - they don't know it's a privately run outfit. Similarly, most people in Britain have no idea the 'Bank of England' is not a state organisation, but is run privately. Full details are a carefully-hidden secret, but of course Jews own and run it.
Occasionally parts of the truth leak out - as examples, debts for the Second World War were only recently paid by Britain to USA-dwelling Jews; and stories of palettes of banknotes sent to Iraq have vaguely surfaced. People may have been puzzled by the racist Jew nominally in charge of education in Britain, Gove, giving £2 million to Jewish-supporting thugs, and may have wondered where he got the money; probably not from putting in some overtime teaching evening classes on Jewish beliefs!
In the academic world, it's striking that there's a complete absence of theory on the way people who control money have their own agenda. Ordinary economics is constructed from a few ideas: and simplified ideas can be misleading, but may be a lot better than nothing. The way supply and demand vary with price (one goes up with price increase, the other goes down) makes sense at a commonsense level; so does marginal utility - the idea that absolute values of utility are generally less relevant (and less measurable) than changes to the current positions of 'utility' of food, water, transport, whatever. 'Comparative advantage' generalises this sort of view to large geographical groups, and to customs unions. Fixed and variable costs are conceptually simple enough. Marginal costs of production give an explanation of profit maximisation points. 'Gresham's Law' (bad money drives out good) attributes the status of 'law' to the fact that most people hold on to more valuable types of money. The 'Quantity Theory of Money' tries to relate inflation or deflation to the amount of money and its rate of circulation. More sophisticated maths applies to (for example) the idea that VAT (a tax on 'added value') is neutral; it is supposed not to affect competitive situations, and the 'proof' uses calculus. Surely some adept theoretician out there can find some fairly convincing model of behaviour of paper money issuers whose desire is to maximise?
However there's simply no discussion of what might be called macrofinancial analysis. People understand (for example) that profit can be made by mass production techniques, and that for example Robert Maxwell and Richard Branson and Richard Desmond based their fortunes on (respectively) mass production of academic yearbooks, vinyl records, and pornography. But people don't understand even the simple mechanisms of large-scale control of money.
Jews have historically made fortunes from funding weapons, controlling countries' money, getting hold of national assets and so on. These activities are vastly important as we can see from Syria, now. I'd guess - there are no figures - about a quarter of the GNP goes on money to Jews, in advertising/ promotion/ support for political parties, influencing all media, corrupting the police and legal and educational systems, paying for thugs; and generally supporting anti-British measures put in place by Jews.
On the whole I approve of the concept of money; there's a lot to be said for it, provided a group is able to support it. It gives blunt solutions to problems which otherwise could continue forever without resolution. But, as with legal systems, it needs a certain amount of honesty in its administration. Nobody, probably, expects powerful people to be completely free from abuse. But when things go beyond a certain point in dishonesty, unfairness, and cruelty, then some sort of reformation is needed. This is the situation we are in now.
It is vitally important to grasp that these people are NOT horrified by waste, in the way normal people are. A new war is wanted?—'money' is instantly made available. The legal system disburses money for tens or hundreds of thousands of freakish cases, from immigrant murderers and absurd race cases, to corrupt family lawyers and ridiculous legal aid cases—normal people are horrified; but THEY make money, now and in future, from these things. Why are fake charities encouraged; why do organisations continue for years, obviously not achieving their supposed aims; why are there expensive 'investigations' which achieve nothing, and 'researchers' in worthless 'think-tanks'? Why are borders not enforced, and aliens paid out of what are claimed to be taxes, but in fact of course are paper money controlled by Jews—so the effect is to offload costs of housing, health, crime &c onto future whites? A huge debt worries ordinary people, when they think about it; but the highest levels of the present money system positively encourages it, because from their viewpoint it's profitable, and does damage to the host society.
Another important issue, counter to most people's learned intuition, is housing. Most people think of housing shortages, rent, mortgage burdens, long-term payments for most of their lives, and perhaps the possibilities of eviction or repossession or homelessness. Not positive feelings. BUT with paper money, Jews can simply buy up such assets: if immigrants flood in, they are regarded as a source of payments from the taxpayer, now and in the future, and also of damage to their societies. Jews regard such things with pleasure.
Let me quote from an earlier piece of mine:
Two Tier System: It's absolutely crucial to understand that we have here a two-tier money system. The issuers of paper money/ e-money have entirely different attitudes from normal banks, and from normal people. From the central bank viewpoint, inflation is good, and wars are good: they need more money, and get more interest, as long as their currency is accepted. If governments waste money, that suits them. If they can exchange their paper or electronic entries for any real assets — houses, businesses, utilities, colleges, factories, newspapers — they benefit; they've got them virtually for nothing. There are obvious hazards here: wars may be lost, for example. But usually that's not their problem.
The two-tier system means they have money in superabundance: any central bank therefore has huge power. If they choose to support any special group, that group will thrive. Historically, news suppliers and distributors (e.g. Reuters, newspapers, TV, film) have been points of attack, but control over education (primary, secondary, syllabuses, teachers, apprentices, universities), and control over law-making and law enforcement (parliaments, judges, police) have been and are important. As a simple example of the two-tier system, consider Google or Youtube. These needed large amounts of equipment and expertise to set up, mediated my money, ultimately in Jewish hands. The technical people are employees, with some power of fighting back; I'd guess the relative objectivity of Google is due to obstinate employees not being happy with full Jewish censorship. Modern credit card money is in a similar position, with huge electronic networks of machinery and buildings, dominated by central banks. Modern political parties are in a similar state, since central bank money can be used to swamp or buy out any opposition. This seems to me a difficulty for schemes (such as Western Spring's) of buying up enclaves of housing: they may spend hundreds of millions on purchases, but in principle the Jewish adjunct to the state can simply print vast amounts of paper and hand them out, free, to groups of aliens, to wreck any such communities.
Varieties of Capitalism: The Marxist view, for want of a better phrase, is that money power rules the workers, who have to sell their labour for as much as they can get. Normal businesses take risks, and may close. But here again, the two-tier system is crucial. Anyone who is in favour with money issuers may get unlimited, easy funding, even if it is economically irrelevant, or harmful. It's not an accident that British supermarkets are owned by Jews, for example. It may be deliberately damaging—harmful products may be produced, Freemasons and Common Purpose and similar secret groups supported, absurd laws passed, murderers may be freed, child abusers protected, drugs deliberately allowed to circulate, education dumbed-down, whole populations planned to be wiped out. The two-tier system extends internationally: if it's decided to close shipyards or coal fields for example, it's simple enough to fund people to damage them, even if there's no good reason for them to go. Thus the BBC praised 'red Robbo' at his death, presumably because he helped international shipbuilders to make more money by closing shipyards in areas like Britain. Jews can easily control exchange rates between currencies they control. Money can be filtered down to Common Purpose whose 'graduates' can collude in for example building projects.
The two-tier system has to be understood. It isn't inevitably harmful: if Jews had amused themselves building country estates, collecting art, donating to good causes, or taking realistic interest rates, it wouldn't have mattered much. Similarly, legal system where there is an attempt to be even-handed are a different matter from the system now, where groups manipulate the system in what they think is their own interest. And similarly, a genuine global order or European Union could be beneficial, though, now, there is a bogus system arranged mainly to benefit Jews and their temporary allies.
Try to think yourself into the frame of mind of Jewish issuers of paper (or plastic, or electronic) money. Most people of course have had a life of worrying about money. If they were offered the chance to run the system, I doubt their first thought would be: great; now I can kill people I don't like, carry out genocides, destroy the education of the horrible goyim, waste money on fake projects while controlling all the advertising; flood unwanted immigrants where I want, and give all my mates money to run their own big businesses and lawyers to make sure they keep it. And yet this is what Jews have done. It's no coincidence that as well as supermarkets, oil companies, banks, property companies, news media, computer companies are fronted by Jews. When they go for a loan, they get it. Probably the same is true of weapons and fake reconstruction projects: Halliburton is no doubt run by Jews, mostly in America; you don't even need to check.
If there are any serious economists in Britain, which I doubt, they should try to work out the effects of control of money. For example, these people love inflation, because it means each year they get more interest. They love waste, because borrowing goes up and they get more interest. They love 'buying' public assets, because they can put the prices up later. They love campaigns to affect share prices, because then they make more money than from useful production. Probably their panic when some small country handles it own money is because they fear visible competition, in the way that revolutionary USA was hated by the British elite: if Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea manage to do well, they provide a lesson which Jews are perfectly happy to destroy by genocide.
It's something completely different from Kasredin's economics textbook account, where ordinary people fight for money and keep going and succeed, if they're lucky. Probably people of this sort keep much of the everyday world going: farmers, builders, drivers, some teachers, planners, people in distribution and construction and utilities, and the rest. But they are ever-increasingly squeezed by taxation and by public assets being sold almost invisibly; the white world is feeling the pinch.
It's perfectly possible that fairly simple sociological 'laws' would make their activities much more understandable than now, so that, for example, when Jews want war, the underlying mechanisms would be obvious, rather than, as now, mysterious. I do wish academics, or more likely independent writers, would attempt to face the issue of private control of legally-defined money, just as in centuries past the powers of priests and of monarchs were discussed, and then cut back.
Comment from 'anonymous'; but note that credit is discussed, the Gresham-like laws of paper money are not:-
This is one of the most important articles posted on this site - and it deserves to be read and re-read. Rerevisionist's concept of the two-tier system is key towards understanding the power we are dealing with. The two tiers are both quantitatively and qualitatively different.
In the bottom tier, we have the power of money as we conventionally understand it: the power of hard cash (or increasingly, intangible money in bank accounts) to buy things, services, provide loans, pay off debts etc... This is the activity of money that everyone engages in when - for example, buying goods from a supermarket (if I buy German chocolates, for example, I am empowering Germany with my funds, - or at least the workers and shareholders of that company who are probably German...)
In the top tier, we have the power of credit - that is, the power to supply and withdraw enormous amounts of funding to an organization / economy - and thus, to effectively determine its fate. It is this power that lies behind Rothschild's famous quote to the effect that:
'Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws.'
This is a power that far surpasses the power of the bottom tier - for even a highly profitable firm will find itself in difficulty if its credit lines are cut off. Entire nations can be brought to their knees by the concentrated withdrawal of capital (as we have seen in various financial crises), and likewise, others can be raised to prominence by infusions of it. He who controls the central bank, controls the money supply, and he who controls the money supply, controls the economy. And in our materialistic era, he who controls the economy rules political and social life.
Approximate Quantification: A point which people may be missing is not just the fractional reserve thing.
There's also the lending to governments (or anyone else). If paper money or plastic etc costs a lot less than the nominal value, an apparently small interest charge is magnified hugely.
Government wants to borrow £500M owing to waste, funding thugs, investing in climate change frauds, or whatever.
Cost of £20 banknote = (say) 20p each.
Interest charged to the Chancellor = say 4%.
This means each £20 note handed to the exchequer has 80p per year interest charge. (This is 4% of £20).
However each note costs only 20p.
So the actual interest is 400%.
In effect, an order is placed for security printers, for notes worth £500 million; say 25 million £20 notes.
The cost is 25 million x 20p, i.e. £5 million.
So the security printer gratefully hangs on to one hundredth of the notes his company prints; the others go to the government, and each year there's interest of 4% of the loan, £20 million.
And yet the cost of the entire print run was only £5 million! Update by 'henrythefifth'
Rev, your article has correctly identified and explained the control the jewish banking usurers have on the money-supply and credit-creation/ withdrawal of many nation states including Britain.
However, your example above isn't quite right. The private banks/Central Bank don't lend actual bank notes and coins to the government at interest; the government issues this money debt and interest-free minus a small printing/minting charge; this is what's known as seigniorage.
The banksters actually lend digital computer-screen money to the government (business, citizens for that matter) for no cost, well, very minimal administration cost. In your example the 4% interest charge would be a 800% return rather than a 400% return for the banking criminals as they are just transferring money and money they don't really have on a computer screen with no cost.
Dear Reader– If you're interested in economic theory, perhaps you'd like to consider the maximisation of returns to the legal supplier of paper or electronic money? It could be a genuine breakthrough in working out what happens in the world.
Paper Money: Incentive to Harm, and Warrant for Genocide
Written by Rerevisionist 15 September 2013
Modern English reduction of the Protocols of Zion to individual phrases. (Source not known to me).
Norman Cohn's negligible book 'Warrant for Genocide' was probably written in job-application mode; it's an empty work supposedly discussing the 'Protocols of Zion', and it's the sort of thing that still leads to promotion in the corrupt academic shadow world. I remember chatting with a student about it, many years ago. Of course, plenty of Britons had died, some in unpleasant ways - drowned in freezing sea, burnt to death on bombing raids, blown apart by bombs. But obviously Jews were specially singled out. A nasty topic, and one felt sympathy, not knowing at the time that it was a money-making fraud and Jews had murdered many many millions. I'll borrow from the title, though 'warrant' isn't quite the right word. I'm pointing out that paper money, or 'fiat' money in the general sense, can amplify destructive behaviour such as Jews display, nudging them into more destruction and evil.
I was mulling over the problems Jews have in disposing of paper money. It is worthless, except as a legal document; if laws change, it can fall. And they know this more than anyone, certainly more than people in the lower tier of money use. Maybe the Rothschilds have nightmares in which they are removed and replaced; it wouldn't surprise me. On the principle of bad money driving out good, they presumably seek to offload and replace the paper with genuine assets: property, productive industries, valuable products of the past, plus of course media control to hide their activities.
But property is itself dependent on law: if the title deeds are torn up, they may lose their assets. So what follows from that is they prefer changes which they think are in their favour, and which are hard to reverse, or, preferably, irreversible. I think this is one clue to their love of assassination and war. If they can disable or permanently destroy rivals, their paper money has at least made its mark. Similarly with white genocide: ruined populations will probably never recover. Probably also their liking for forcing prostitution where possible on weak countries: black Africans, Russians and Vietnamese being three examples. At a smaller-scale level, it helps account for their love of bombs, damage, demolition, and cultural destruction.
An exception may be if they can find some fortress or stronghold; it wouldn't surprise me if money given as 'aid' is being used to construct new towns in for example the cooler parts of India. There's a tradition of Jews hiding away - many country houses in Britain were and are Jewish, out of reach of Russians, Germans, Africans, and others.
Note: some people may not understand the bases for these comments on Jews. The best authority known to me - in fact, almost the only one - is Michael A. Hoffman, who has single-handedly described and analysed the Talmud and other compilations. He has also rediscovered writings and authors who otherwise are censored into oblivion: Eisenmenger is one. (Eisenmenger wrote in Germany, surveying Jewish practices; Hoffman has published on DVD a scanned-in copy, in the original Gothic face. He has also reprinted an English translation, The Traditions of the Jews, apparently about 40% of the entire original text). Hoffman has also located other writers, including someone called Alexander MacColl about whom I've been unable to find much. (This obituary may be of MacColl, a Gaelic and English theologian and speaker. MacColl was the author of A Working Theology, but this short work has little on Jews). Hoffman uses the word 'Judaics' to refer to the people who call themselves 'Jews', on the grounds there is no evidence for any actual connection.
Comment by ConnalOakesHolt
Probably the single most crucial development to happen in Europe since the issuing of the Reichmark, is Hungary's expulsion of the private bankers. [Note: August 2013 - Rerev.] Yet we hear nothing about it in the media. Well no surprise there. Though even if the tactic is to ignore this development in Hungary and impose measures covertly from other nations that trade with Hungary, at some point in the near future Hungary will be either the Rothschilds' nightmare made flesh, or it will have been destroyed via other countries that simply stop trading with her. In the way that the South was defeated in the American civil war when Britain ceased to purchase cotton from them. There is of course another factor to consider, and that is the exchange rate mechanism. How does a potential visitor to another country, in this case Hungary, exchange their currency prior to travel if the banks refuse to play ball, which I'm sure they will? There may be other countries willing to barter with Hungary in exchange for goods, but for how long?
Added March 2021: There's little in my article on online sources; probably I was exasperated by the feeble quality of e.g. 'Wikipedia'. The first English translation of Nilus (I think 1920, by either Britons Publishing or Britons Publishing Society) seems to have no online scan, or anyway it's hard to find. There are several versions published in America, but obviously they may have been reset and censored in some way.
The most detailed I could find is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (pdf file ½ MB) which looks a genuine transcript but doesn't have scans of the actual document. It has simple HTML links. Judge for yourself how convincing it is. Another online source is protocols (but with added material) which is very confusing.
Nesta Webster, Henry Ford, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins, Louis Marschalko and General Cherep-Spiridovich were quoted in an online comment about now, in effect witnessing they were convinced. But there are doubts over Ford, Reed, and Mullins. It's typical of such controversies that Jews, in unison, as a flock, repeat the story on their script indefinitely. Possibly this behaviour is genetic. Usually a staged investigation or partial enquiry takes place, and it's pretended the issue is settled. Nuremberg 'trials', the Warren Commission, Kissinger chairing '9/11 official enquiry', are examples.
If someone has an original hundred-year old copy, perhaps they could contact me?
Time for a break. Let's drive to the seaside. Here we are, at their park n ride. It has an obsolete global-warming wall display (absurdly, right next to plaudits for a local hero, who died years ago breaking speed records in his fossil fuel vehicle).
This town flourished in Victorian times, and up to the 1930s; it still has some of its spirit. Here and there are black and white or sepia photos showing beaches crowded with what now seem overdressed people, all of course whites, native to Europe. It has a significant shopping street, with wide streets, iron pillars supporting external glass protection against rain, and arcades as well as shops, some dating from the era in which local entrepreneurs could build up their very own department store. There are a few buskers. There are some beggars; all of them white. The average age of the people is high.
In conversation with the owner of a very long-established bookshop; I'll call him P. P tells me of a local jeweller, who saved by not being insured; over the years he'd reported a number of break-ins. And yet he never took out insurance. P told me he took years to work out what happened: a fraud officer told him he was operating an income tax scam, pretending he'd lost stock and selling it for cash. We agreed that was clever; and both of us are naive about this sort of thing. I told him there must be a fantastic degree of immigrant-related fraud. He recounted another story: an investigative unit into social security fraud had been closed, despite costing only a few hundred thousand, but saving, ooh, hundreds of billions a year. (Europe is showing signs of inflation psychosis: when Germany had hyperinflation, it's reported that people lost track of numbers; they might report their ages as ten million. I think P was exaggerating; but no doubt he was on the right lines).
So I thought: let me tell P how it is. I pointed out Jews want to cause damage, and it's deliberate policy. Did he know Cameron is a Jew? - Er, no. Does he know paper money is a Jewish racket, as in the Fed and the Bank of England? - Er, no. Did he know about the Talmud? - Er, no. I went on to explain the myth of the 'Cold War', the obvious fact the US could have bombed Cuba, and so on, though of course I might as well have been explaining the periodic table of elements, and its relation to ions, to some mediaeval monk. I left him puzzling over his gas bill and the intricacies of competitive oligarchies and their strategies.
Then a visit to a sidestreet fish and chip place - I'm not sure if the word 'restaurant' is accurate. These have quite a history including entrepreneurial types inventing trawlers, and gas- and electricity-heated frying equipment. The EU deliberately killed off a lot of the fishing; and the law killed off many such shops on grounds of smell, just in time for so-called Indian restaurants to come in. Anyway, here, the average age of the clientele must have begun with a 6 or 7, and they were largely female, after the workings of selective male mortality. Interesting to muse over the total immersion in propaganda of these rather naive people, with their very selective narrow-focus cunning.
I chatted to a person who seemed to be a woman tramp, who told me she has an Open University degree. I asked her if she'd heard the idea, without commenting on whether it's true, that nuclear weapons are a hoax. No. What about Churchill's ancestry? And his advisor Lindemann being a Jew? Eisenhower's death camps? No. Shakespeare authorship? No. A vague memory came to me of a pencilled message on a wall: 'sociology degrees - take one!' with an arrow to a wall-mounted roll of paper...
Evading rain, I found myself attending to a radio, temporarily interrupting shop muzak. The bloke was nervously reading out a carefully-prepared press release, on the great advantages of a government scheme for the region. They would give several hundred million pounds - the exact figure hardly matters; it could anyway easily be exceeded - for several hundred - 400? - new 'homes' which would even bring in jobs! The wonders of paper money. I couldn't help thinking of Arthur Kemp's praise for a tiny white enclave in South Africa; and Western Spring's projects, apparently wanting about the same sum, but to be paid for by lifetimes of income made from work, the remnants of heavy taxation on income, and taxation on spending too, and taxation on anything else feasible. It's perfectly obvious Jewish control of fiat money has to be removed.
Musing on the general effects of immersion in propaganda, looking at the shoppers, and their somewhat illusory generous-spiritedness, it's painfully clear that deceit works in many ways; one is by hiding evils committed by people's own groups. Jewish media kept Eisenhower's death camps secret for about fifty years, but there's no anxiety by most people to factor this into their minds. This is a weakness in The Occidental Observer's website, with its idea whites are genetically benevolent. Here's a short quotation from I F Stone's 'Hidden History of the Korean War', 1950s: 'A napalm raid hit the village three or four days ago when the Chinese were holding up the advance, and nowhere in the village have they buried their because there is nobody left to do so. This correspondent came across one old woman, the only one who seemed to be left alive, dazedly hanging up some clothes in a blackened courtyard filled with the bodies of four members of her family.' That (only a tiny sample of what happened) was more than fifty years ago. The Occidental Observer never mentions anything like that, despite the fact many living Americans know about it, and in fact participated in genocide and rapes.
That is war, at least as practised by Jews. I'm uncertain if whites are so inherently psychopathic as Jews; very likely not. I was amused a few days ago to see a piece on the British resistance site trying to resurrect the Jewish divide-and-rule 'class war' thing, as though blokes grumbling about work and pay constitute 'war'. That isn't war, sonny.
Anyway, I'm thumbing through a recently-bought second hand book, which is a Penguin Special, dated 1965, on 'The Crisis of India', by Ronald Segal, aged about 32 at the time, having spent one trip in India, and presumably thinks he's a Jew. It largely has information on taxes, income, 'estate duty', expenditure, international economic aid, foreign business investment... Out of interest I looked at the adverts in the back, for other Penguin books; and most or all the books were by Jews. Sanctions Against South Africa is one; Segal is listed as having convened 'The International Conference on Economic Sanctions against South Africa'. There's the Berlin airlift - the USSR of course was Jewish run and this must have been some rigged-up event. There's a book by someone called Behr on Algeria; the blurb says almost nothing about Islam. It interested me that Algeria and French evil were promoted in the Jewish media, while atrocities in Vietnam were kept secret, except as an exit strategy at the end. Were Jews involved in promoting war against French settlers? We find a study of Cuba by Scheer and Zeitlin, 'two young American scholars', who, one must assume we are invited to believe, had full information on what happened around Cuba, despite the fact that records are kept secret for decades or centuries. It's fascinating to see the way 'Communism' is attributed to Asians, most of whom would of course have no interest or idea in Manchester cotton mills and British workers insofar as Engels and Marx portrayed them. No doubt they were struggling against Jewish-run America. It's quite funny to read of 'Communist imperialism in South East Asia', as conveyed by the Jew York Times, compared with the facts.
On the total immersion of propaganda, it's fascinating to see the advantage that narrow Jewish race fanaticism has. The traditional view of westerners, and very possibly orientals too, is that the world is best understood by some sort of honesty in debate, coupled with understanding and speculation. But how much simpler to be a fanatic! A serious university investigation into religions is difficult, and needs a wide survey of human hopes and fears and possibilities. The Jewish approach—all non-Jews are scum—is refreshingly simple. What about human relationships? Well—non-Jewish women are all whores, non-Jewish children are sex objects, non-Jewish men should be killed. Again, refreshingly simple! What about history? When Jews were allowed access to universities, what an opportunity to suppress unpleasant facts, to tell lies about long-term rivals, and to distort events; how much more simple than trying to tease out truths, and how much more instinctively satisfying to psychopaths! It must have been similar in London's East End; just keep quiet, and let Jack the Ripper disembowel women! They're all whores, after all! The stupid goy police can do nothing against us, God's chosen! Jewish psychology research for years has been in such topics as how to persuade goyim to accept immigrants; and the Milgram experiment is an anti-white thing, for example. Jewish IQ research of course is purely interested in making goyim as stupid as possible. Jewish politics is simple, too—just tell lies about anything that might advantage the smelly goys. Jewish economics and economic history never mentions Jewish leverage points—the worthless money used to make further money, the bribery and corruption, the militarism, the selective training of more Jewish liars. Jewish broadcasting is about the views of their leaders. And what an advantage fanaticism gives when it comes to everyday life: students of law, considered as a method for dispensing justice, may well find it dull; but when it's thought of as a way to defraud, there's a real motive to get to work. Medical science can be studied as a way to help people; how much more exciting as a money-making scheme! News work may be dull; how much more thrilling, how much more worthwhile, to lie, promote your own tribe, spend your life putting out biased anti-white stuff! Surely the stupid goyim will never notice the most absurd lies, such as that there is no such thing as race!
Anyway, the sun's out here. The sea isn't visible as it's under mist, but the Victorian pier with its suggestion of engineering skill and unimportant pleasures can be seen.
When there was rapid inflation in the early 1970s, people talked of 'fiscal drag' - 25%, say, of new higher figures automatically pulled in more money, at least in a numerical sense. For want of a better phrase, why not consider 'mental drag', the way people cannot update to take in new information? We have a long long way to go.
Recently talking to University educated middle class types, I'm struck by the brick wall in their minds when you get onto the subject of immigration & don't mention the Jews!
They say there's always been immigration & don't see any negatives.
When they hit 50 I bet some if not all will find it difficult to get work.
Already I have met students with degrees who can't get anything but a part time semi skilled job, they're already taking second place in the job queue.
The standard way to remove phobias, for example of spiders, is to first, expose the person to tiny spiders a long way off; explain the habits of spiders; and slowly progress to normality. Presumably this works removing Jewish discussion phobia. Though there's something to be said for the blunt approach, too, which I try to use.
I had lunch with a woman today and we discussed, inter alia, why African poverty and general failure seem immutable. I pointed out that low average IQ and high testosterone levels undoubtedly were huge contributory factors. She quite literally broke out in a sweat and gasped 'I don't want to discuss this any more'. The depth and effectiveness of the programming is astonishing.
Incidentally, she made numerous telephone calls afterwards among the relevant circle complaining about my bigotry and how devastated she was. She also, and this is interesting, blatantly lied about what I actually said.
Agree about treason, but I don't put this dupe in that class. It's the likes of Alan Shatter, the "Irish" [sc. Jewish - rerev] Minister for Population Replacement who are the traitors to me.
Update added Aug 2017:Simple genetic model of blacks: For countless generations, what evolved into human beings must have had minimal ability to think, plan, predict. And Africa has ecological systems which combine an easy climate with difficulties—fast-growing deadly insects, animals, parasites; and little defensive space from competitors. Any human evolution in Africa would have faced such conditions. I'd like to suggest the well-known phenomenon of blacks looting stores in the USA with no apparent understanding that the items had to be made, shipped, stored, paid for, may be genetic, a pattern established over hundreds of thousand of years, described as "gib me dat" combined with "chimping out".
Update added Dec 2015:Dr. E. Michael Jones discusses his piece "Soros or Cyrus: The Violent Legacy of the Black/Jewish Alliance." Jewish support for the Civil Rights Movement [Harlem Renaissance, NAACP, Gunnar Myrdal of An American Dilemma, 1944] was an attempt to turn black Americans into revolutionaries. When that project failed in the late 1960s, the CIA and Hollywood went to work producing a series of "blaxploitation" films [Shaft, Superfly] promoting criminal behavior and sexual promiscuity among black youth with the goal of destroying the already weakened black family. The militarization of the USA's police departments and the creation of a black "lumpenproletariat" are part of a divide-and-conquer strategy by the likes of George Soros and including Trayvon Martin, Ferguson, 'Black Lives Matter', proxies in Syria. (Click to play; 48 mins audio 1 min music intro from Renegade Tribune )Jones's interpretation may be subtly wrong: the NAACP (='National Association for the Advancement of Colored People') was not 'supported' by Jews: it was established, set up, and run by Jews, just as much as the 'ADL' (='Anti-Defamation League') was Jewish, and had its own aims, unrelated to 'Dafamation'.
How Jews Use Blacks
Written by Rerevisionist 15 November 2013. Supplements Dec 2014 and Nov 2015, Dec 2015, Apr 2016, Aug 2017.
A south African on Jews and African blacks. (Click to play; 11 mins)
Update added 20 Oct 2020: The site newnation.org lists up-to-date crimes Update Added December 2014: Colin Flaherty became well-known in 2012, with his book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it which seems to have been published by WMD, though www.wmd.com clearly seems to be part of the Jewish media. This may explain why Flaherty seems never to raise the issue of Jewish censorship, though he must know of Jewish media ownership and Jewish attitudes. White Girl Bleed a Lot says it's based on internet research since 2010; his website seems to have started in 2007, and Youtubers email videos and video link to his site. His 'Flaherty Communications' started in 1993.
Update April 2016: About a dozen videos by Flaherty banned by Youtube.
The point of Flaherty's information is to simply list violent black-on-white crimes and incidents, and in passing comment on such things as official classifications by race (Jews omitted?/ Hispanics called 'white' when the aim is to inflate white crime figures) and selective media reporting, so that murdered whites are ignored, just as happens in South Africa. And similar events in education (black history lies) and politics and law ('Bronx juries', 'snitches and stiches', 'positive discrimination' of badly-qualified blacks).
Figures for Youtubes of Black crimes in USA with number of 'views' and starting date. These sites were found just by simple looking around; there are others.
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The aim results from what may be the Jewish genetic hostility to whites, and the Jewish genetic tendency to cunning attacks to divide and rule. Blacks are exposed to fake history and generally led to believe whites have and do oppress them. (Jewish ownership of cheap high-rent housing is not mentioned). Rap music, gun use and so on are encouraged though in a way ideally targeted only at blacks. It's not very different from Jewish propaganda aimed at whites when Jews want war: when the US was in Vietnam any amount of mass murder and cruelty was justified by the Jewish media, and to this day there are whites who still don't understand this. In the Second World War, US comics were regarded as almost bestial [beast-like], targeted in the same way. The novelty here is that Jews are targeting a population which shares news space with the other population. This isn't like Germans and Britons, Americans and Japanese etc etc. Anyway, Flaherty has a popular approach and has been (as far as I know) infinitely more successful than others publishing statistical analyses with careful breakdowns of figures. But at the price of omitting the Jewish controls behind the scenes. Update:Dont Make the Black Kids Angry is Flaherty's follow-up book, published 1 March 2015. A lot of material on the US school system, such as it is. With emphasis on media liars and school administrator liars. But his youtube hit rates, at the time of writing, are not very high.
Jews and Blacks in the USA: added November 2015. 'I've heard it said that blacks growing up in northern ghettos saw only five whites the Irish cop, the Jewish landlord, the Jewish grocer, the Jewish social worker and the Jewish teacher. The Chosen had a nice, profitable racket ministering to the poor. No wonder blacks turned on them. What did the Chosen really think—that the blacks didn't know the Jews made money from their poverty?' (Instauration, Oct 1989). Note the omission of the 'Fed': Jews made money from blacks from the control of paper money, and the things it can buy.
23 Sep 2021 update: here's a 35-minute video by Flahert, starting with a third-rate rented 'black' writer, followed by USA black on white murders. But he avoids the Jew issues.
Captioned video on Flaherty not mentioning Jews.
Two state funded Norwegian media figures claim that white Norwegians deserve to be victims of crime at the hands of non-white immigrants. - was a story on several websites over several days. The book (see the cover design) title means Uninvited Guests.
' ... Arild Opheim and Elin Ruhlin Gjuvsland are longtime 'journalists' and hosts for the far-left taxpayer funded NRK. This is Norwegian State TV and radio [i.e. presumably their equivalent of the BBC]. Two years ago, two illegal aliens from North Africa broke into their house. They were attacked and robbed. ...' is a typical summary. It's not stated whether the authors are Jews, though it seems likely - Opheim for example looks like Oppenheimer. Their book appears to be published by a conventional (i.e. Jewish-controlled) publisher; its title appears not to be new, but recycled from music or some other source. In view of the Jewish inclination to tell lies, I'd guess the whole incident may have been invented. However, here, let me repaste two commenters' remarks, then comment on their common misunderstandings:- Commenter 1 Racists! As Elin put it, she came dangerously close to buying the theory "that immigrants are just coming here to exploit us, that we have to make sure that there won't want be too many of them, and that we're going to be overpopulated with certain nationalities in fifty years." She'd begun to worry that thanks to lax immigration policies, there was "going to be massive crime so that we're not safe in our own city." In short, she was on the brink: "I thought: 'Damn it, is this going to turn me into a racist?'"
Pause for a moment and ponder that statement. "I thought: 'Damn it, is this going to turn me into a racist?'" Note, especially, the implied definition of "racist" - namely, someone who has a realistic understanding of current criminal statistics, of reasonable demographic projections, and of the less-than-noble motivations of many "non-Western immigrants."
But Arild and Elin's story ends in victory. To be sure, Elin admits that she's more scared now than before about her children's everyday security. But, she affirms triumphantly, "we haven't become racists." Au contraire! Thanks to those men who climbed in their window, physically abused them, and threatened their lives, she and Arild have become first-class dhimmis. As they wrote in their op-ed, they now agree with what one of their uninvited guests told them:
Yes, we are getting what we deserve... . We're getting what we deserve because of Norway's, and Europe's, immigration policies. Because they're too strict.
Yep, you read that right: Europe's immigration policies, which have transformed the continent in the blink of an eye, are "too strict."
Let me just mention Elin Krantz, a murdered Swedish woman. An analogous case. And Michela Eklund. And a video 'Mix It Up'.
Commenter 2"Amy Elizabeth Biehl, by all accounts a talented, intelligent woman, arrived in South Africa in 1993 as an exchange student on a Fulbright Fellowship and was continuing her Ph.D. studies in political science at the mainly Black University of the Western Cape. She left Stanford, where she had received her earlier degrees, for South Africa with anti-racialist political objectives in mind. She wanted to fight apartheid, which she passionately opposed, and accordingly spent much of her time registering Black voters in South Africa's first all-race elections, scheduled for April of 1994, which would hand over political control of the country to its Black majority.
Biehl would have acknowledged, openly and proudly, that she was working against her own race and on behalf of another race, the Black race. That was the principal ideological source of her now celebrated idealism. She wanted to fight White "racism"; she wanted to help its supposed Black victims.
On August 25, 1993, Biehl was driving three Black companions through Cape Town's Guguletu Township. A mob of toyi-toying supporters of the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), fresh from a raucous political meeting, attacked her car, pelting it with stones and smashing its windows while shouting "One settler, one bullet," a PAC slogan popular among South African Blacks, "settler" being a synonym for a White South African. Biehl was struck in the head with a brick and, bleeding heavily, dragged from her vehicle. As she tried to flee, stumbling, across the road, she was surrounded by a throng of Blacks who repeatedly kicked, stoned, and stabbed her. The fatal wound, among many, came from a knife, buried to its hilt, that entered under her ribs and ended in her heart.
Four of Biehl's assailants, from among the dozen or so who attacked her, were arrested and convicted, but in July of 1998, in the wake of apartheid's demise, they were released from prison, on the ground that the motive for her murder had been political. The killers had believed that her death would help end apartheid, Desmond Tutu's Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded. She was, as the Commission further observed, simply a representative White in the wrong place at the wrong time. As one of the killers testified: "We were in very high spirits and the White people were oppressive; we had no mercy on the White people. A White person was a White person to our eyes."
Amy's father, demonstrating how thoroughly he shared his daughter's anti-racialist convictions, shook hands with her murderers and encouraged their release. Peter Biehl told reporters: "We hope they will receive the support necessary to live productive lives in a non-violent atmosphere. In fact, we hope the spirits of Amy and of those like her will be a force in their new lives." Two of the freed killers were, however, subsequently accused of rape, a common pastime in the "New South Africa," and have since fled prosecution; Amy's parents selflessly assumed the White man's burden and befriended the other two. Doubtless Amy herself would have befriended her father's killers, had he been killed by a Black mob instead of her. Such is the nature of anti-racialist idealism: It thrives on the most outrageous violations of normal human loyalties."
-"It was the television reports that got to me. I remember very clearly watching the ABC News reports on the trial of the men who had stoned and stabbed Biehl to death as she begged for her life. The courtroom was packed with the relatives and friends of the accused, who had to be admonished by the judge over and over to maintain order during the proceedings. The ABC newsman focused on one dramatic event during that day's testimony. As a witness for the prosecution described in detail Biehl's begging while a knife was being driven into her chest down to the hilt, the black women in the crowd began to laugh and perform a mocking ululating while a few performed mock begging motions. The black men yowled in glee and the entire courtroom broke out into hysterics as the black crowd mocked this white girl's final moments."
Typical U.S. TV Jewish 'news': spokesman reads his lines, running through his script, incidents chosen as examples: Ferguson .. New York City .. Baltimore .. and now Charleston .. the President [Jewish puppet, Obama] .. violence against African Americans...
Both commenters have misunderstood the dynamics. It's important they should be understood:-
[1] Do the authors of 'Uninvited Guests' really believe what they say? Jews are possibly the most tribal and race-minded group of people on the planet. Obviously, their motivation is to wreck Norway. There's no suggestion they want the Jews who control the media, and the Jews printing money, and the Jews making absurd laws, to give what they have to foreigners, to whites, to blacks, or to Norwegians. In particular, they are not offering Israel to immigrants. They only want to be generous with other peoples' lives and countries. Arguably, this is genetic, and a grossly hypertrophied instinctive reaction: they simply can't help being hostile to their hosts, even if the result will be a disaster for possibly both.
(2) In the Biehl case, the commenter says 'she would have acknowledged, openly and proudly, that she was working against her own race and on behalf of another race, the Black race.' This is not true. Jews think of themselves as a race, specially chosen by God, or G-d, or Jehovah. They hate white races. Her motive was to encourage blacks to kill whites, even though this would wreck their country.
What Biehl implicitly said (no doubt in an American Jewish accent) was something like this: "Look, I hate whites. I want them all dead. What they did to us, oy vey. Some of them even had the chutzpah to fight us after we murdered tens of millions of them! I want you blacks as allies! Obviously I don't think you're equal to us chosen people. Don't get the wrong idea. In fact, we know perfectly well you're no competition! We want to offer you lifetimes of work (at minimum wage) and steal your lands so we can make fortunes out of you! We want to introduce what we, laughingly, call 'democracy' here! We know you can't understand the issues, that's why! We've used the same formula before. So be a nice bunch of inferior blacks and help us get rid of real whites! That's why I'm here being given a lot of money by American taxpayers and Jewish 'trusts' to study you simple folk and call myself doctor! We want apartheid gone - but of course I'm not going to campaign in Israel to get rid of their racist policies! I'm not going to campaign against Jewish rabbinical racism!"
He's a link to a video of a Jewish TV news report; it shows (1 minute in) what seems to be a Jewish teacher in New York City, punched by one of a mob of blacks. Most blacks identify Jews as whites, as a result of Jewish media control, of course. Also as a result of Jewish media control they have been taught - if that's the right word for a mental diet of Jewish violent junk TV, film, cartoons etc - and slogans such as 'black lives matter' - that whites have deprived and exploited them.
So here we have (if the TV piece is true) a manipulator manipulated. Exquisite irony. Perhaps he'll be damaged for the rest of his life, a bit like tens of thousands of white South Africans, except that they were murdered.
Modern English reduction of the Protocols of Zion to individual phrases. (Source not known to me).
Protocols of Zion and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Genre
Written by Rerevisionist 19th November 2013
The debates about, and the organisation, of Jewish plans must have needed secret meetings: synagogues, masonic meeting-places, Rothschild mansions, ghetto hovels, rooms at Bilderberger hotel get-togethers, the Pentagon, editors' offices, homosexual clubs in the USA: all no doubt hosted such plots. There would be no published minutes, and very likely no minutes of any kind; but probably there would be oaths, and secret documents in Hebrew. There's plenty of scope for imaginative reconstructions. The only work of this genre known to me is the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Personally I like the theory that they were a summary jotted down by the Tsarist police, or supplied by some informer. However, there must have been precursors - 1789 ('French Revolution'), 1848 (European Revolutions), and of course earlier still. Just as buildings need drawings, plotters need plans. The Frankfurt School Jewish material, certainly authentic, is strikingly similar.
Literature of this sort, including plays, is of course suppressed, at least in the English language: there are 18th and 19th century writers, for example Peacock and W H Mallock, who make a vague stab at conspiratorial discussions; I would guess France and Germany should have more—it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Mozart's operas had Jewish references, and Goethe's Faust. Jew Süss is a modern novel based in the 18th century.
Needless to say, perhaps, the Jewish media has endless junk programming about traditional enemies (all types of whites - surly, vicious Germans, effete French, harmless English buffoons, Slav murderers), plus enemies of the moment - Arabs, Iranians, Cubans, whatever. And friends who can be used, typically at present blacks and hispanics.
This is a hint or suggestion, a seed which I hope will flourish, growing into schools of serious artistic reconstruction of events such as the Jewish coup in Russia. If it's any help, here's my one-act play on the decision to invent the 'atomic bomb' hoax: Oppenheimer, Groves, Slotin, Spaatz get together in 1945.
Added March 2021: There's little in my article on online sources; probably I was exasperated by the feeble quality of e.g. 'Wikipedia'. The first English translation of Nilus (I think 1920, by either Britons Publishing or Britons Publishing Society) seems to have no online scan, or anyway it's hard to find. There are several versions published in America, but obviously they may have been reset and censored in some way.
The most detailed I could find is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (pdf file ½ MB) which looks a genuine transcript but doesn't have scans of the actual document. It has simple HTML links. Judge for yourself how convincing it is. Nesta Webster, Henry Ford, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins, Louis Marschalko and General Cherep-Spiridovich were quoted in an online comment about now, in effect witnessing they were convinced. But there are doubts over Ford, Reed, and Mullins. It's typical of such controversies that Jews, in unison, as a flock, repeat the story on their script indefinitely. Possibly this behaviour is genetic. Usually a staged investigation or partial enquiry takes place, and it's pretended the issue is settled. Nuremberg 'trials', the Warren Commission, Kissinger chairing '9/11 official enquiry', are examples.
If someone has an original hundred-year old copy, perhaps they could contact me?
Just a short note suggested by a 1948 book, available on Internet as a long PDF download, The Tragedy of Anti-semitism, presented as an exchange of letters between A K Chesterton and Joseph Leftwich; published by Robert Anscombe.
These two met, or met again, as officers fighting in Somaliland and Abyssinia. It's interesting to read of such then-recent issues as the Marconi Scandal, Bernard Baruch in the USA, Nesta Webster's books notably on the French Revolution, racial types and the effect or otherwise of education on them, the British Empire, the UNRRA (supposedly for Refugee Relief), Zionism and Palestine, and the extermination of Jews (insisted upon by Leftwich), between two men, neither very bright, both victims of intensive propaganda.
There are ten rather dull chapters and a maximum of rather forced politeness. At this distance, it is easy to spot Leftwich inserting traditional Jewish lies and their modern equivalents. However, my point here is that Chesterton (brother of G K Chesterton) 'fought' (in the modern, industrialised war sense) the Germans and Italians without the remotest investigation into their case. Where is his book 'The Tragedy of Anti-Germanism'? Where is his unbiased examination of the justice of war against Hitler? Why does he assume that Jews fighting for Britain were 'gallant and distinguished', whereas William Joyce 'did his country abominable wrong'? Chesterton isn't easy to analyse, as of course the entirety of British media and the BBC were against him. He might have asked Germans for their account of the genesis of the war, if he could speak German; he might have asked the German embassy, if he could have found anyone uncowed; he might have used German press cuttings, rather than British, if he could read German. But he probably had no easy way of finding out how the most recent war was provoked. He was one of the 'sheeple', but this expression is misleading; a better animal analogy would be something like one of the cocks in a cock fight, or one of the dogs in bear-baiting. It's a pity Chesterton wasn't a more forceful and intelligent character.
Footnote: reading a piece by Kevin MacDonald on receiving the 'Jack London Prize', I see he said: " ... I greatly admire Jews as a group that has pursued its interests over thousands of years ..." which (apart from the probable mistake, the omission of the historically recent money scam, and the assumption the 'spectacular success' will continue) shows a similar overbalancing on the side of politeness.
A short note suggested by many consciously white authors, such as the evolutionalist Kevin MacDonald, and a host of online commentators on white races. An evolutionary view is that whites, because of the need to survive in a rather unfriendly world of cold dark winters and irregular crops and hardship, evolved inventiveness, foresight, co-operation where needed, and teaching of children. They are therefore decent people who are instinctively reluctant to reject newcomers, since there's a long-established unconscious feeling that the non-humanised world can be fatal to them. And they keep pets, and feel romantic attachments.
Whatever may have been the case in the vast stretches of time of the remote past, the last century showed that many whites are perfectly capable of sadistic behaviour. Here's some information on Vietnam giving some information. The First and Second World Wars and Korea (where every single village was bombed by white Americans) shows that the truth is not so simple. Many Americans have no idea of their involvement in mass murders and genocide. The Jewish-controlled media censor it, since they are solely concerned with tribal affairs. I would guess that in perhaps fifty years there will be exhibitions of old snaps taken by GIs in Vietnam, raping women, disembowelling children, and so on, in New York Jewish galleries. In my view, the US veteran organisations and so on would do better to be honest, since truth has its own momentum and value. The question here is: How much of white violence is white? To what extent was Kissinger and the Fed controllers and other Jews responsible, considered separately from the career Generals and USAF operators and the simpleton GIs? That's the important question when considering Jews, war, and the future of the USA.
Reparations to Whites from Jews, for Vast, Possibly Incalculable, Damages
Written by Rerevisionist 5 Dec 2013
At some time in future it is fairly likely (not certain) that assessments will be made for damages by Jews. Obvious examples include the 9/11 fraud, Vietnam, Iraq, Israel and so on; going back in time, the extortions fed by 'Holocaust' lies are another example; general financial fraud stemming from Jewish control over issue of money, as well as smaller frauds (but still huge by the standards of individuals) are another. Science frauds are equally fairly likely to be exposed and investigated.
Going back in time, aristocracies (British, French, German, Russian) since the time of the French Revolution might awaken to possibilities of restitution. So might descendants of workers, peasants, victims.
There will be a tendency to think in terms of money; but by then it will certainly be clear that money is a variable and uncertain standard, and I'd suggest that assets will have to be taken back from Jews on huge scale. After all, they know perfectly well their fiat money is worthless, and use it whenever possible to get hold of assets of all types.
Judging by the experience of Iceland, investigators will not at first seem very qualified for the job. But they will soon learn and accumulate good people.
Assets are one thing, and lives another. Since Jews have shown no hesitation in mass killings, and more and more terrible facts about the USSR are likely to be discovered in future, suggestions will be made to kill or remove upper tiers of Jews. It's impossible as far as I know to predict what will happen. Personally I would favour strong surgical irreversible action.
A newish aspect of mechanised verbal person manipulation is 'reputation management', yet another pseudo-profession hanging from Google, which still maintains its supremacy, no doubt based on Jewish cheap money and non-Jewish skill. The technique hangs from the first page of Google results; post more and more material, adjust the wording, and after a time the target site sinks. If some undesirable item shows up here, people may pay to depress it; just the second page will often do. It's still there, but less obvious. This may be called 'reverse optimisation'. Free sites like 'Twitter' can be loaded with favourable items competing for search engine space. Corrupt lawyers, people caught in flagrante delicto, various types of failure, can, with luck, be displaced from the follow spotlight by subsequent planted messages. What might previously have relied on letters to editors or lunches and gifts instead scents the world of binary electric charges. The same technique is applied to more serious matters.
'Sayanim' is a modern adaptation of the plural of what is presumably an older word, sayan. It's supposed to mean more or less unofficial assistants, dotted around the world, to Mossad, itself supposed to be Israeli.
Here's a glimpse into the fervid world of these pre-scientific liars: Sayanim & Hasbarat.
And here's an insight (three pages, lots of information) into the 'James Randi Educational Foundation' which poses as a 'skeptics' group. In fact, it accepts Jewish rubbish as true, relying on unimportant material (dowsing, ESP, second sight, creationism, homoeopathy, cold reading...) for its staple diet of attacks. There are many similar and analogous sites, all of course without commentary on Jewish history and activity. I removed 'spoonbending' from my list as Uri Geller thinks he's a Jew; presumably 'Randi' is careful what he says about that.
Their techniques include trolling and simple lying. Many 'controversial' sites are Jewish fronts; with practice and intelligence, these aren't hard to spot: whatever the topic, whatever the relevance, Israel, Jews, the 'holocaust', pop up, wearyingly unaccompanied by truth and accuracy. Often the point is to promote some current Jewish mania: homosexual sex, war against Syria, trying to disarm Americans, etc. Many comments to would-be controversial sites are of this form: they weaken and damage their parent sites, but the moderators are often not competent to query them. The BNP website is an example of poorly-weeded commentary, though it's a bit unfair to single it out.
These are verbal equivalents of fake image processing: subsidiary to the really big liars, but real and present. Most of the examples above are from 2012; since then, there's been publicity for Hasbarat, presumably with a different plural ending, and meaning something like 'helpers'. There seems to be an inferior grade of liar who, judging by published comments, are paid peanuts for their 'work'. Like the unexpected phone calls: "Can I speak to the owner. My name is James. ..." 'hasbarat' are easily recognised after a bit of practice.
Possibly, as time moves on, 'truth adulteration' will be seen as a marker of the 20th century, just as adulteration of food was widespread in the Victorian era.
Just as there's a simple image projected for Jew-controlled political parties, so unions usually have a simple message for their members. And most members seem not to question their unions: Why do they never seem to get anything? Why are they losing jobs overseas? What's happened to all their dues?
The theory I'm suggesting here, to be tested in the world, is that Jewish control of finance is easily enough to buy 'leaders' of unions—'leaders' in quotes because their role is to obey orders. This of course may have economic effects, and these can and should be studied. (See ... Deliberately Missing Economic Theory above (click back-arrow to return here) for the parallel in 'high finance'). One obvious point is that Jews straddling several countries can play with unions in those countries. Suppose, for example, as happened in the 1930s, that there are deemed to be too many ships. A secret agreement may determine who gets the orders, and who doesn't. This seems to have been a standard post-war pattern in all white countries. As an example, the BBC gave prominence to the death of 'Red Robbo', someone who had damaged the British car industry and whose role looks like that of someone paid to wreck the industry. Earlier, the BBC gave prolonged coverage to coal miners' strikes at the time of Thatcher, with, of course, no information at all on the technical details of coal. In such cases, a serious researcher ought to tease out Jewish influence.
Another point is control at a union level of beliefs. In the UK, the biggest union by membership appears to be 'Unite', once called 'Unison'; its membership includes a miscellany of not very educated workers in not very important, but often subsidised, public sector jobs and pseudo-jobs. The NUT (teachers), NUS (students), NUJ (journalists) all have, or often had, Jewish 'leaders' who of course are groomed, like MPs, for their roles, generally anti-white, anti-white education, anti-white rights, housing, everything. The union rule books all prohibit serious discussion of topics recognisable as Jewish related or to do with Jewish frauds. The actors union, 'Equity', has the same policy. These things are far easier to check than they were before Internet; any serious researcher ought to spend time checking them. And they might check the obviously race-based unions - incredibly, black lawyers, black police etc are permitted unions.
The analogous situation applies to people who don't regard themselves as workers: the Civil Service, the secret Common Purpose organisation based on the Communist Party, University Teachers' organisations, Church of England clergy, the Army, the General Medical Council, the BBC, the Bank of England, employees of whatever the 'Crown Agency' is now called, police and prison staff, all have assorted rules and traditions, worth studying for their Jewish-influenced absurdities.
And of course there are groups where Jewish influence is simply bought: news agencies were bought out long ago; newspapers ditto; radio and TV later; advertising agencies typically follow a Jewish agenda, for example intentionally including mixed races and immigrants.
A short note, not on the Jewish controlled media (newspapers, BBC, radio, books), but on the more subterranean organisations which work to publish lies and channel money to issues believed by Jews to benefit them, mainly of course, at present, by damaging whites.
These are worth investigating for several reasons known to me: (1) Monitoring and auditing is not very competent; there are too many charities and there may be little income in checking them; (2) They are not subject to Freedom of Information enquiries, so information can be hidden; (3) Their objects can be very vague; (4) For political reasons, they can get away with race based activities. (5) They give the appearance of being non-profit, when in fact almost all of money they get never arrives at the supposed destination(s).
The trick is to try to identify their overall activity: for example, I read a summary of a charity - it arranges for immigrants to receive housing and money at the expense of locals, gets public money, and is classified as non-political. I read of another which poses as an educational charity, but caters only for genetically defective Jews.
'Think tanks'
A good source here is the so-called Frankfurt School of German Jews. Click the link to find lists of targets. These include attacking the family, promoting abortion for whites, corrupting the legal system to introduce uncertainty, and several other things. Many nominally independent think tanks are Jewish funded, often via immigrant boards of the poorly-qualified, and their work consists of publishing and promoting Frankfurt-style objects. Many campaigns which get a lot of Jewish media publicity are backed by organisations of this type: for example the 'look say' method of reading (to damage young children's education), fluoridation campaigns (to damage drinking water), campaigns to free dangerous criminals, race-based campaigns such as the Stephen Lawrence 'Trust', campaigns for paedophilia and pornography, campaigns to selectively house immigrants, and so on.
Here's just a very small amount of reading material: reviews from the 1960s to 2000s of Koestler: Hanged by the Neck (Jewish campaign against capital punishment when whites are victims), British Race Relations (included here in a group of reviews removed by Amazon), a race campaign by the 'Race Relations Board' to promote unwanted immigration, L Dominelli: Anti-Racist Social Work, a Social Services campaign to pretend blacks aren't racist, and an account of 'The Stephen Lawrence Enquiry', on pressure group policing.
Educational and Research Foundations
The main points of educational 'research' at present are (1) To pretend there are no difference between people especially races, (2) To hide any serious evidence on education, (3) To leave Ivy league/Public School style organisations alone except as regards Jewish funding, (4) To prevent children/ pupils/ students from developing critical thought and independent judgment.
So, for example, research into race is effectively banned, and evidence is never produced. When did you ever see photostats or copies of written efforts by black children, for example? They are kept secret because there are terrifying implications for the future of illiteracy and innumeracy, and of fathomless ignorance.
Fake 'Skeptics' Groups
I've looked at these above (see e.g. notes on the 'James Randi Educational Foundation'. The object here is to feed an official line, while pretending to follow free thought and truth-seeking agenda. It's curious to see the brittle self-confidence of the people paid to post in these junk forums.
Political Change Promoters (including Sex)
Worth noting, as a specific part of the Frankfurt School, is promotion of abnormal sex. The recent (late 2013) promotion of 'same sex marriage' in many countries (12? 20?) is clear proof of international behind-the-scenes activity. This is part of the Jewish agenda, which it shares with Islam, to reduce and remove the age of consent, so any children can be buggered and raped. It's curious to see supposed feminists saying nothing about these schemes. And it's curious to see Archbishops and politicians saying nothing about anal sex, despite its risks, but Britain's Jewish Prime Minister, David Cameron, has made no attempt to establish an inquiry.
Jews 4: Jews and Wars Considered as Jewish Cock Fights
Written by Rerevisionist 6 Dec 2013
Considering the psychology of fights... At the start of the First World War, there was mass exultation; many young people rushed to join up. Or so the story goes; the media said so. But of course the media are not unbiased: the Jewish media then had a long tradition of insulting Russia, and a shorter tradition of insulting Germany. Fast forward half a century; consider the USAF and young American killers let loose on peasants given no option but try to fight back. The media (under of course full Jewish control) keep activities censored as much as in eastern Europe after 1945. To this day naive people discuss whether the USA 'won' or 'lost' in Vietnam. I found a comment on domestic.com about Vietnamese as 'dangerous animals'; I had an email about destruction of villages, 'fun at the time'; I saw a TV thing, probably BBC, a 'veteran' saying he 'never liked the Vietnamese'. Anyway, in modern wars, most of the people had little idea what they were fighting for, though the defenders were probably more clued up: for example the Germans had faced declarations of war by Britain, twice. My best guess is that the Vietnam 'War' was purely to make money for Jews (just as Johnson bombing the Liberty was Jewish). Hence the huge expensive bases, the leisurely winding-down, the tonnage of bombs (more than the whole of the Second World War), the drug and prostitution sidelines, the loss of aircraft to be replaced, and no doubt the currency control by Jews.
The Jewish tradition was to supply credit to both, or all, sides. This sort of investment is far larger than mere small beer investments. (Many people, for example George Bernard Shaw, thought wars start when interest rates are low, though without identifying a convincing reason). After the Federal Reserve, paper credit could be extended more or less ad lib; the effects would be felt later, as the currency became less and less valuable. In effect, it's a modernised form of coin clipping, with dead 'goyim' providing the decorative background.
Cockfights are arranged with trained birds, preened and fed, fitted with metal spurs. The amused spectators watch them slice each other up; not that different from gladiators, or from two Africans, each armed with a car axle, forced to fight. Tens of thousands of U boat sailors died; tens of thousands of allied pilots; and these figures are nothing compared with the hecatombs in eastern Europe. No doubt to Jewish amusement, and bets on the side.
Here's a different biological example (from W S Furneaux, 1927): During the summer months we see soft-winged beetles on umbelliferous plants. Some of these are red, others blue; and they are commonly known as Soldiers and Sailors. They are indeed terrific fighters; and boys who are acquainted with their pugnacious habits often amuse themselves by setting them to fight each other. Put a dozen or to in a box togethers, and you will soon find the few survivors surrounded by the fragments of their slaughtered and half-eaten victims. Blues and reds, males and females, all fight indiscriminately, with no other object than to satisfy their bloodthirsty propensities. Furneaux doesn't consider the artificiality of the situation. It's perfectly possible that defensive counter-attacks are what was happening. But clearly once it starts, it continues, not unlike some war situations. After all, they don't fight when they're on their umbelliferous plants.
Let me repeat a crucial point here. Most people in the Christian tradition consider war is a last option, a grave decision, something not to be undertaken lightly. They refuse to believe business people want to make money from war. From some online comment: 'Both Haig and Churchill must have known they were sending men to their deaths. It's a tough decision.' The point is, the Jewish attitude is unambiguous: the goyim are animals and deserve death, theft and prostitution. For Kissinger, for Churchill, for neo-cons, it is an easy decision which they favour: goyim get killed, Jews make money!
Maybe there will come a time where every few years a secret lottery will take place to pick a territory, and declare war against it (if anyone still bothers to 'declare war'): New Zealand? Texas? Algeria? Kyrgyzstan? Sumatra? Uruguay? Zambia? to be made an outlaw. For a few years any bombing, shelling, strafing, plunder will be permitted. If this sounds crazy, is it any crazier than allowing a clique of Jews to do much the same thing?
Note on supposed changes in ethics; how did cockfights come to be banned? I suspect one of the motivations was to hide the comparison with human wars, to hide the way the fights were arranged like hunts with packs of dogs. But, if so, people wanting fights stopped would not have said that. They would talk of cruelty, slaughter, uncivilised behaviour, swearing, gambling.
I'm thinking of present-day attitudes to the supposed abolition of slavery. What seems to have happened was that powerful steam-engines were invented, and efficient factory machinery was invented, both far more effective than muscle power. So slaves, for those using them and looking at their own expenses, were clearly becoming redundant. There was agitation, as it was called, against the institution and its alleged inhumanity, degradation, filth, Biblical mentions, and inhumanity—although the propagandists did not object to wars, for example, on the same grounds. In Britain, the results were that slavery was abolished. A few years later, the slaveholders were compensated with huge amounts, relying on a Jewish loan to be paid back over a long time. But the high-flying rhetorical flourishes were retained, to be repeated in newspapers, schoolrooms, sermons, and books.
Something of the sort must have happened before and after the 'Civil War' in the USA. The reasons for the war were obvious enough to the men running the various States. But there was a newspaper view that contention was the result of slavery. An amusing result is that 150 years later Kevin MacDonald thinks white races are swayed by ethical theories, which non-whites aren't.
Some sample quotations and claimed quotations, to illustrate the hatred of Jews for whites. This is usually well-hidden; gullible people tend not to believe such things, which is a good reason for researchers, historians, Biblical and Talmudic scholars, to collect evidence and also list approved Jewish stratagems, such as 'kill the best'. (This may have been done in the past, perhaps by isolated 19th century thinkers; or by, for example, Germans. If so it's been buried). If you know about e.g. Deuteronomy, the Talmud and annotations, bibliographies on Jews, and the Quran perhaps, why not co-operate on a compendium of Jewish malice and its techniques? This would certainly cast light on present-days Jewish policies. Please!
The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of of life itself. –
1966 Susan Sontag (seems to be a genuine quotation. Sontag knew nothing about science, however. But she must have known about Kissinger's Jewish wars—such as in Vietnam—where chemical warfare 'upset the ecological balance').
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races..
.... as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." – 1982. Israeli Prime Minister and murderer Menachem Begin, allegedly in a speech to the Knesset. (There's considerable dispute over the authenticity of this speech. But I haven't seen anyone point out that it presumably was in Hebrew, and recorded in print, and is therefore very unlikely to be verbatim English! On balance I'd guess this is a genuine translation).
The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. –
1992 Noel Ignatiev, in some obscure probably defunct Harvard waste of paper. (This seems to be the only famous quotation from Ignatiev. It seems to be genuine, part of the phoney Jewish Boasian 'science').
'There is no place in Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition it into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states'. – 1999. 'General Wesley Clark', whose real name appears to be Wesley Benjamin Jacob Canne Nemerovsky. (A genuine statement from a bomber).
I don't like [white men]. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years – 2008 Y Alibhai-Brown, I think not a Jew. (From Uganda, and expelled by Idi Amin, though instead of returning to her country she was unfortunately allowed into Britain).
"The English are hardly worth saving as a race" – 2009 Attributed to Jack Straw, a Jewish politician. (Straw was part of the group responsible for forcing unwanted immigration into England. Whether he actually said this seems doubtful; there is something similar in Hansard, but, frankly, who cares).
Genuine photo of 'hate crimes' taken in a window of a Jewish hate office ('hate incident reporting centre') 10 Sept 2015 in Southport, England. Note there is no mention of Jewish hate—Talmudic hate of whites.
I think there's a resurgence of antisemitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multi-cultural, and I think we're gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe has not yet learned how to be multi-cultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multi-cultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive. –
2010. Barbara Lerner Spectre. (Unquestionably genuine; there's Israeli TV to prove it. The words may not be hers, or course).
'We still nurse a sense of homogeneity and difference from others, and that's precisely what the European Union should be doing its best to undermine'. –
2012 'Peter Sutherland'. (Perhaps the ugliest, fattest and most unsavoury Jew ever. Seems a genuine quotation).
"To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable plane is natural, given its history and current documents. Let the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!" 2014 George Soros displays his loveable soul in computer translation in Nya Dagbladet, Judisk miljardär bakom stöd till invandrargrupper
Publicerad 9 maj 2014. ('Jew billionaire behind support for immigrant groups'. As far as I know the original Swedish was genuine).
— DETAILED INDEX: ARTICLES IN BIG-LIES.ORG/JEWS — .. when I get round to them!...
2012 GUIDE TO THE PERPLEXED: A standalone linked page, recommended for intelligent people who are new to analysis of Jews. Not exactly BEGINNERS, but close enough. I've seen many painfully silly misunderstandings, by perfectly normal people. Sometimes I've been moved to add them here, often using the original wording, plus my decoded explanation. So it's IMPORTANT! Learn to decipher the endless stream of code words, lies, insults, and misleading phrases, pushed continuously by Jewish media and commentators and their puppets. Roughly sorted into topics and buzzwords. Started 6 Dec 2012
[ It's clear to intelligent people that Jews, once they've decided on some lie or other, stick to it, seemingly forever. Projecting this characteristic backwards in time, we consider whether the centuries Christianity took to become established might have been used by Jews to change the whole of the ideas and beliefs of Christianity, to pretend is was a Jewish idea all along. Jewish plagiarism and dishonesty are commonplace; here's a brief examination of the issue. Kept short to try to head off the inevitable timewasters and misunderstanders and fanatics.]
[ The nuclear industries are riddled with Jewish frauds, and have been at least since the Manhattan project. Some Jews want to get out. But how do go against more than fifty years of lies? On the general subject, www.nuke-lies.org remains the best serious source. ]
[ Attempt at a detailed look at Donald Trump. My list of ten important issues which may worry Jews is: 1 Experience with tall buildings; think of 9/11! 2 Money and Bank. Trump must have a lot of experience here. 3 Dissent between Jews and their crime syndicates. 4 Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power: Trump has some practical experience and may discover nukes are not what they seem. 5 Muslims, Syria, Saudi Arabia, ISIS - all these are a factor in Jews trying to colonise more middle east land. Trump may twig to the real costs, and real effects, of these things. 6 China, Mexico, Japan: Trump has some feel for big international money flows. He may not be taken in with Jew-biased information. 7 Iraq Wars: Trump seems at least partially aware of the scams here. 8 Education. Trump knows the system is partly designed to turn out dim Americans. 9 Jewish books and freakishness may make an impression on Trump, despite his AIPAC advisors. 10 False Flags and Psyops: Trump seems easily strong-minded enough to question official accounts. ]
[ Networks of Jew-funded organisations, funded by such Jews as George Soros, include people traffickers, teams of lawyers, embedded Jews in police forces, third-rate journalists and so on. They are having a similar effect to Jews in the USA who force in illegals under 'President' Obama. Many people STILL don't understand that organised Jews are promoting and supporting nonwhite invasion of white countries - but not Israel. This is a deliberate, long-term strategy. My piece tries to show this even to people unwilling to admit it. evidence includes the fact that Jewish organisations ALL support invasion. This is worldwide - USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. Part of the reason is to ruin white societies; another part is to try to clear areas of the Middle East for Jews, just as Palestine was cleared by Jewish atrocities after 1948. ]
[ Explored the idea, suggested by a book review, and new to me, that alleged suffragette atrocities were in fact Jewish false flags, aiming to get Britain and Germany at war ]
[ Important! Looking at money, banks, and in particular central banks with a monopoly in one country. The result is counter-intuitive: most people fear debt, but central banks benefit from it. Essential in understanding the modern system from the days of William of Orange and Cromwell, to the Fed and the present day. The 'two tiers' are ordinary people (who have to work for money) and the legal issuers of paper money and e-money (who don't). Includes typical details of banks and their relations with the Third World. ]
[ Survey of parasitism in nature: including tapeworms, ichneumon flies, greenfly, ants, cuckoos. Parasitism in people is hard to analyse, because belief systems, organisations and so on are far more complicated than in other forms of life: I've linked to a very convincing article, considering evolution in human groups, and the possibility that many generations living in cities in the middle east bred a parasitic group. I've tried to give many examples of behavioral traits which would be expected of human parasites, such as secrecy, mimicry, fanaticism, and indifference to behavior patterns of hosts. Denial of reality as a parasitic characteristic. And a look at the genetics of settled societies under attack from specialised hostile groups. ]
[ Articles written under the pseudonym Luke O'Farrell, from 2005-2008. The author was jailed when he went to the USA with Simon Sheppard to claim asylum—which I'm told they could have done had they followed the procedure. Interesting articles on the fag end of Tony Blair's regime. Detailed and well-written pieces showing Jew awareness awakening. ]
[ Examines the way Jews have made 'eugenics' into a word of horror, completely ignoring the medical possibilities and deeper possibilities if human power structures become understood ]
[ An account of false flags, notably visual fakery, including the USA war against Spain, which used its own atrocity/ false flag propaganda. I was developing the comparison of removing Jewish influence now with the removal of Roman Catholic influence then, in the Reformation, though this comparison has the weakness of not recognising the common Jewish influences. The piece includes a link to a new theory by FirstClassSkeptic, that Pearl Harbor may have been bombed by Americans. ]
[ Norman Cohn's negligible book 'Warrant for Genocide' was probably written in job-application mode; it's an empty work supposedly discussing the 'Protocols of Zion', and it's the sort of thing that still leads to promotion in the corrupt academic shadow world. ... ]
[ Jewish fake altruism towards blacks, in fact aimed at weakening white societies: includes the case of Amy Biehl, possibly like 'Lauren M' c 8th Feb 2016, and others. Many Jewish women are brought up on stories of such activities. ]
[ Quotations widely found on Internet showing Jewish hate for whites, in particular. Jewish organisations which claim to oppose hatred, xenophobia etc are entirely bogus. Many people of course find this hard to understand, and hard to believe. ]