(links may be dangerous, I think I've taken them all out ..) What's below is the wording, except for the comments, which were too much. A few images failed to show
This 2016 piece, including comments is from aplanetruth.info and planetruthinfo/space-travelers-and-freemasons. That site is a flat earth site ('plane', you see), and has a sprinkling of mistakes, such as 'Scottish Right'. It could be a psyop site. Some of its contents seems to be from The Flat-Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay; who appears to believe that the earth is flat (but he may be a covert nuclear disinformant). Anyway, assuming the Freemason information is mostly correct, there are links between Freemasonry and NASA's hoaxes. The sources are: freemasons for dummies, nasa.gov, scottishrite.org, t12k.org, and texemarrs.com.
The 48 comments seem more or less genuine, though of course may not be, and make interesting suggestions, for example that there are fake groups out there, presumably without impressive buildings; how would anyone know?
Joseph McCabe in 1949 wrote that the USA had 20 million adults in secret societies. Of 149 million, taking males only, this means about 1 in 4 males. [He mentioned in his foreword the Knights of Columbus, Knights Templars, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, Elks, Eagles, Modern Indians, and the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons and the Brotherhood of Man. And that's just his foreword. But of course they may have been the equivalent of false flags, camouflaging the Freemasons.] Assuming Jews network internationally, this would mean quite a high proportion of secret collaborators exist.
NB I'm a rationalist and could wish there were fewer liars out there, fewer partial frauds like Penn and Teller and Dawkins, and fewer people misunderstanding alchemy, symbols, latter day saints, and what have you.
– Rae West
Freemasons have been involved since the beginnings of NASA. If there was a group who could pull of a great hoax to fool nearly the entire planet, it would be possible through the Freemasons.
By declaring that Scottish Right Freemasons planted a flag on the moon the Freemasons gained many members in their secret society, whether they actually went or not.
An inordinate number of NASA astronauts, the current propagators of the globalist heliocentric doctrine, are/were admitted Freemasons as well.
Mr. C. Fred Kleinknecht was head and Chief Administrator at NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program. After he fulfilled his presiding over the first Apollo missions, he was named the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction located in the heart of Washington D.C. Apparently, this was his reward for pulling off the moon mission hoaxes that were made in studios at Lookout Mountain above Laurel Canyon in Southern California and by Stanley Kubrick, creator of the films 2001 Space Odyssey.
Many astro-nots were either high ranking members of secret societies or came from families of Freemason lineage such as:John Glenn, two-time US senator and one of NASA’s first astronauts is a known Mason.
Buzz Aldrin Jr., the second man to lie about walking on the moon is an admitted, ring-wearing, hand-sign flashing 33rd degree Mason from Montclair Lodge No. 144 in New Jersey.
Edgar Mitchell, another supposed moon-walker aboard Apollo 14 is an Order of Demolay Mason at Artesta Lodge No. 29 in New Mexico. James Irwin of Apollo 15, the last man to lie about walking on the moon, was a Tejon Lodge No. 104 member in Colorado Springs.
Donn Eisele on Apollo 7 was a member of the Luther B. Turner Lodge No. 732 in Ohio. Gordon Cooper aboard Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 was a Master Mason in Carbondale Lodge No. 82 in Colorado.
Virgil Grissom on Apollo 1 and 15, Mercury 5 and Gemini 3 was a Master Mason from Mitchell Lodge No. 228 in Indiana.
Walter Schirra Jr. on Apollo 7, Sigma 7, Gemini 6 and Mercury 8 was a 33rd degree Mason at Canaveral Lodge No. 339 in Florida. Thomas Stafford on Apollo 10 and 18, Gemini 7 and 9 is a Mason at Western Star Lodge No. 138 in Oklahoma.
Paul Weitz on Skylab 2 and Challenger is from Lawrence Lodge No. 708 in Pennsylvania.
NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong, Allen Sheppard, William Pogue, Vance Brand, and Anthony England all had fathers who were Freemasons too!
The amount of astronauts known to be Freemasons or from Freemasonic families is astonishing. It is likely that more astronauts and people of key importance in NASA are affiliated with the brotherhood as well, but not so open about their membership. For there to be this many Masons, members of the world’s largest and oldest secret society, involved with the promotion and propagation of this globalist heliocentric doctrine from its outset to today should raise some serious suspicion!
“C. Fred Kleinknecht, head of NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program, is now the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. It was his reward for pulling it off!
All of the first astronauts were Freemasons. There is a photograph in the House of the Temple in Washington DC of Neil Armstrong supposedly on the moon’s surface in his spacesuit holding his Masonic Apron in front of his groin.” -William Cooper
Eagles have long been used to symbolize the crown chakra. Many mission patches feature the caduceus, serpents, eagles, and other spiritual symbology. The STS-58 patch shows a snake coiling up a pole with a V under it on one side and a caduceus on the other.
But, then, a strange ritual of an entirely different sort, of a dark and ominous character, took place at Tranquillity Base on the moon. It was not beamed to the earth via television, for this ritual was carefully crafted beforehand as a secret ceremony, to be hidden and seen only by the eyes of the adepts of the Illuminati and its Masonic fraternity.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong carefully took out his Masonic apron and held it up for the cameras over his space suit as if to cover his genitals area-the power center, or dynamo, of Luciferian energy in Masonic ritual. Today, a photograph of Armstrong holding his occultic apron hangs on a wall at the House of the Temple, the sanctuary of the Scottish Rite, in Washington, D.C.
The Apollo program was rife with Masons; they were proud of being involved, and weren’t shy about advertising the fact.
In the November 1969 edition of The New Age Magazine, there is an extensive article by Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, 33°, the Manager of the Apollo Program Command and Service Modules; Deputy Manager, Gemini Program; Manager, Project Mercury.
On page 13, we read:
Note how many of the astronauts themselves are Brother Masons: Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.; L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Donn F. Eisle; Walter M. Schirra; Thomas P. Stafford; Edgar D. Mitchell, and Paul J. Weitz. Before his tragic death in a flash fire at Cape Kennedy on January 27, 1967, Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom was a Mason, too. Astronaut Gordon Cooper, during his epochal Gemini V spaceflight in August of 1965, carried with him an official Thirty-third Degree Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag. Via the lunar plaque, the Masonic ensignia and flag, and the Masonic astronauts themselves €“ Masonry already is in the space age. Can we doubt Freemasonry and its spiritual relevance to the modern era when even its material representatives have today made historic inroads into the infinite expanses of outer space?
Back then, Freemasonry wasn’t shy about admitting that the “Craft” is essentially a spiritual endeavor, either. In fact, right before Kleinknecht [Underlined link: goes to nasa.gov sites] writes some bios on the Masonic astronauts (as well as Mason James Edwin Webb, the NASA administrator from 1961-68), he includes these words: “The mission of the Craft has always been one of salvation, but until now its field of endeavor was the individual and the bringing of him to the light. Masonry cannot think in these terms now. All men everywhere must hear our message or all men everywhere will perish” (ibid., pp. 15-16; my emphasis).
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, by the way, was/is the brother [Underlined link: goes to scottishrite.org site] of C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Washington.
In the wake of Aldrin’s Masonic space mission, the Grand Lodge of Texas formed Tranquility Lodge No. 2000, named after Tranquility Base, the location of Apollo 11’s landing. According to the lodge website [Underlined link: goes to tl2k.org site],
On July 20, 1969, two American Astronauts landed on the moon of the planet Earth, in an area known as Mare Tranquilitatis , or “Sea of Tranquility”. One of those brave men was Brother Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas. Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969.
Tranquility Lodge 2000 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Texas for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, conducting and fostering the principles of Freemasonry, and to assist in promoting the health, welfare, education and patriotism of children worldwide.
The Grand Lodge of Texas is the first Grand Lodge to have a Member step onto the Moon, Brother Buzz Aldrin, in 1969. Tranquility Lodge 2000 is based in Texas under auspices of The Grand Lodge of Texas until such time as the Lodge may hold its meetings on the Moon.
The earliest beginnings of the U.S. space program involved the secretive OSS/CIA project, Operation Paperclip, in which Nazi rocket scientists like Werner Von Braun were brought from war-torn Germany to America and given responsibility for development of space vehicles. The Freemasons were then put in charge of the newly created space agency, and magic and witchcraft were integrated and wedded with the newest advances in technology.
Crew of Apollo 13. Left to right: astronauts James Lovell, Jr.; Thomas Mattingly II (later replaced by John Swigert, Jr.;) and Fred Haise, Jr. In the foreground, at left is an octant, a navigation tool similar in shape to a Masonic compass, used aboard a ship in the year 1790. In the center is the Apollo 13 emblem, representing the sun god who brings man light, and on the right is a Hindu astrolabe, written in the sanskrit language, which was used in ancient times to predict the position of celestial bodies.
Virtually everything that NASA does is permeated with magic and alchemy. Moreover, the real purpose of NASA is contained in another matrix, hidden from the public at large. This process involves the creation of Satanic ritual magic enabling the Illuminati elite to acquire and accumulate power even as the mind-controlled and manipulated masses are pushed into ever increasing states of altered consciousness.
As occultist Antero Alli comments in his book, All Rites Reversed, “The most mysterious and fascinating areas of ritual work involve those triggering mechanisms producing altered states of consciousness.”
This is the official logo, or emblem, of the tragic Space Shuttle Columbia mission during which seven astronauts recently lost their lives. It contains a number of esoteric symbols and messages, including representations of a phallic obelisk passing through a feminine circle shooting a star upward toward the heavens. Also, note the Israeli six-pointed star flag (but no U.S. flag), and the geographic nations map overseen by a sun symbol.
My Son is Freemason in Seattle and No Longer speaks to me. I am not allowed to see my Grandchildren
I do not know Who He is anymore.
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I am sorry.He is confused by the small piece of those religions they include to bring in people easily.Rather than speaking completely.His religion freemasons is like a religion even for atheist.Includs tons of evil pagan God worship.Idiol worship, spiritism he has to be able to figure it out.He will do his own will, an not the will of God as long as he sees no problems an looks no futher.
Freemasonry is not a religion; it is a fraternity. I am a faithful and active Latter-day Saint, and I am also a Freemason.
Also, you said that it’s also for atheists, but atheists are not allowed to join. Worship does not take place in any way, shape, or form within the lodge any more than the Boy Scouts; we start and end lodge with a nondenominational prayer to accommodate the various religions represented by the members in the room, we vaguely reference a Supreme Being in some of the allegorical principles shared, and that’s it.
gypsyangelgirl’s son is most likely a member of a fake lodge.
Is there any way I can contact you about your son? I need to ask a few questions about what you know of his whereabouts and what lead to him joining the freemasons? How do you know that that is what happened to him?
I hope we can get in touch.
gypsyangelgirl’s son most likely joined a fake lodge.
If this is true, he is probably a member of a Clandestine lodge (a lodge which is not sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Washington; in essence, a fake lodge). If this is the case, he’s also probably being bamboozled out of money, and most likely does not know that his lodge is Clandestine.
Were he a member of a real Masonic lodge, he would not have any such restrictions. Religion, family, and work all come before Masonic obligations.
Freemasonry and Mormonism are both based on an inverted hermeneutic. Lucifer is the light of Freemasonry as well as Mormonism. They are both abominations and I pray that you will question your own conclusions so you will see the errors of these false institutions. Peace
You can surely still pray for your son. God hears everything, even our prayers. Just remember that God is better than everyone and everything and if you put God first good things will happen. Just remember in the old testament when the prophets put God before their sons, good things happened. When eli put his sons before God, bad things happened. Just remember God sees everything. Just because you don’t hear him doesn’t mean he’s not listening.
The reason isn’t Masonic…
So sorry, friend 😦 I’m praying with you that he sees the light before its too late…
Your son have joined the dark side and he is lost.
No, you are the one that is lost
Jesus is the answer.
The world is heading toward destruction and only the return of Christ at the Battle of Armageddon will save it.
Reject Muslim, Mason, New Age or Roman Catholic “Jesus Christ” figures and read the Bible!
Freemasonry succeeded in infiltrating and destroying dozens of Protestant Churches.
Freemasonry = esoteric Islam
Those of you who actually want the battle of armageddon – resulting in the death of billions of people – are truly sick.
You said Jesus is a myth right. So, then, no need to worry…
The problem is that there’s enough nutcases in the world who actually believe that Jesus existed and that “Revelations” is actually a real prophecy. It was written decades after the mythical Jesus supposedly died, and no one actually knows who wrote it – just some Catholic Church crap to keep people in fear for a couple thousand years. If enough nutcase cultists believe something, they will actually try to make it happen.
Just shows you how anti-humanity the Bible truly is. Anyone not giving themselves to the angry, mythical, primitive sky-god is deemed unworthy and sentenced to an eternity of pain. So billions of innocent people have to die, just because some pitiful, angry, allegiance-demanding “god” fooled a bunch of people into making the ultimate war and conflict actually happen… Sounds more like the evil of satan than any decent, loving “god.”
Looks like we got a 33 degree Freemasonic member here posting. We can tell because they want good to be bad and bad to be good. As above, so below.
Age old Freemasonic tricks regarding duality.
Just like in Babylon(babel), you want confusion.
Fortunately for us, our God is stronger than your God, Satan. Your God is from below, ours is from above.
but Jesus was a Masonic Messiah A 33’degree Master.Knowing the Masonic things is not wrong but shutting out your family is Idiotic
The free masons started thousands of false churches.Just like the scriptures said about how there is one church of God.An there will be many churches still full when God comes to collect his bride.That churches are corrupt.
The only guy that appears to have the Lord with him is Pastor Arnold Murray, however he does not realize the evil that has taken over the US.
GOD IS THE ANSWER ! The story of jesus is actually interpreted inseveral differrent religions. According to the the scriptures jesus was actually born in the month of July. The catholic church decided to move the birth of jesus christ to the 25th of december to coincide with the pagan holiday that celibrates the winter solstice.The reason for that change was to attract more people to there cult. That being said , we humans up to date have only explored 5% of our ocean of which cover 70% of this earth. Yet nasa has the audacity to educate the population about “galaxies” and “planets” lights years away. 😂 i mean… r u guys serious 😒.
Oh my god..
Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain. If you fear God, then prevent yourself from using the Lord’s name in vain.
IHI, I believe Jesus lived, was crucified, buried, and resurrected. I believe in His return, the judgment and the eternal state. I believe The Book of Revelation to be true. I also believe that God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son to save it. If this is deemed to be a nutcase position then I am guilty.
They never went to the moon! It was all a lie, a test case to prove Hitler’s words, tell a lie big enough and often enough and people will believe it! The moon “missions” confirmed that! The very laws of physics prevent man from ever reaching the moon as the Vanallen belts cannot be traversed, it is 100% impossible!!!
Ok…if you believe in God, that means a flat earth, and that means the moon is only a few hundred miles away…which means they could have gone to the moon, it means there is no space and we don’t revolve around the sun, the sun and moon revolve on top of us…the idiocy in this reply shows why Christians are doomed..
Jesus is a story created and perpetuated by Freemasons, starting with the Roman Catholic Church, then being further by the King James demon worshipping, pedophile. Yet somehow, somewhere in the two most crooked empires ever, God found the right guys to get his message out.
Now we’re just letting God and Satan have this epic battle for all eternity to determine mankind’s destiny…oh…right…if God were so good and powerful, ban Satan to quarantine and let your creations live in peace…
Bible is 110% bullshit. Anytime I push any believer on it as a former truly devout believer, I can rip them to shreds.
First off, Bible shows man’s lineage as 5777, we know this is false, earth is older for a fact.
Two, Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able, Cain kills Able, gets exiled and goes and marries a woman in Nod, who is this woman?
I can keep going but I am sure that alone will stump you enough. Go pray to your Sky God and ask for the answers. Don’t reference any materials or Google anything, just pray, pray and pray and let me know what He tells you. Also ask Him to manifest a burrito while you’re at it…Thanks!
You mock God as if he doesn’t exist but act like he does in the same post. So which is it ? Do you believe in God but choose not to follow him or do you not believe God exists but still act like he does ?
It’s not the Van Allen belts, it’s the firmament that God put in heaven to divide the heavenly waters from the earthly waters. You will never hear the word firmament mentioned on tv taht’s controlled by the Freemasons because people would start to ask about it.
Iheartiowa You have never studied the bible, had you done this you would find that looking into history and the word aligns. And if you knew the true Church of JESUS CHRIST you would not find the ROMAN EMPIRE apart if that VESSEL . We have a nation of people who forgot how to read and study, they only want some to lead them by the hand, but the sad part is that he who leads you will lead you right to the pit where all these lies came from.
You can’t correct a scoffer. Those that sow seeds of destruction and lies will get their reward.
I am delighted to learn that Freemasonry is spreading its wings to the wider world as befits an organisation dedicated to the advancement of learning, charity, and the educational and intellectual development of Humankind.
The establishment of a Masonic Lodge on the Moon is a credit to Freemasonry, and marks the first tentative humanisation of the Moon and parts beyond.
Wherever Humanity advances, so does Freemasonry. No wonder that Hitler and Stalin shared a murderous antipathy to Freemasonry.
It is an axiom that the enemies of Freemasonry are the enemies of humanity .
Its the Jesuits, read header link, “Jesuits, Rulers of Evil’ and find out who you Freemason’s owners truly are and what they are really about.
you’re obviously only in the first few degrees.
spoiler alert: No one ever went to the Moon, only your imagaination
There are so many red flags concerning the credibility of this article. I couldn’t finish it without laughing first.
Whoever wrote this truly has no idea what Freemasonry is, nor for what it stands.
Instead of entertaining rumors and false gossip from those who have “uncovered the secrets” (sarcasm intended), I invite all of y’all to ask a Freemason about Freemasonry.
The fascination of the ignorant. Doesn’t this author understand that we are not worshippers of dark forces…we are a reptilian race bent on the domination and subjugation of the humans. Those who live in the darkness of ignorance are destined to live in fear and false reality. It really is sad. Not only do they chain their own potential but they are stealing our oxygen.
You are confusing the Freemasons at the bottom and show up at the local lodges to the ones at the top that are the ones in control of the world.
The ones at the bottom are the “slave masons” that built the pyramids, similar to what you see in the all seeing eye pyramid on the back of the dollar. The ones at the bottom have no idea what the ones at the top are doing. The ones at the top are led by their father Lucifer, as represented by the all seeing eye of Lucifer.
Freemasonry is indeed a religion.
Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike: “Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion.
Morals & Dogma pg 741
“Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.”
Albert Pike also tells us who the light that Freemasons search for really is€¦Lucifer aka Satan
Morals and Dogma pp 210
“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not!”
To join freemasonry is to accept the false light who Albert Pike admits is Lucifer aka Satan and to reject Jesus Christ, the true LIGHT.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan (aka Lucifer) himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Jesus Christ:
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Secret society, really a society of secrets: Ephesians 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Do not be called master (master mason), Jesus Christ is the only Worshipful Master: Matthew 23:10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
Joshua 24:14-15
14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the TRUTH (JESUS), and the TRUTH shall make you free.
I assure you Jesus is God and very much real and so is Satan. After going to a Palm Reader, whom turned out to be a witch, she try to get me to join the cult. Luckily for me my love and faith for Jesus is strong and I chose Jesus. The witches do have powers which come directly from Satan and they showed me many things to get me to join them, mostly psychic abilities. But like I said I chose Jesus……He immediately pulled me out of a pit that I did not know I was in which black tar like substance instantly left my body, from my eyes, mouth and ears. He hugged me, blessed me and filled everything around me with pure bright light. Archangel Michael then spoke to me and told me to endure. Satan came for me three times after this and all I did was call for Jesus and Satan vanished…..Jesus was teaching me to trust him, to have faith in him, not to fear because He will always be with me, and because He had a task for me. My relationship with Christ is strong and I assure you He is not a liar…..Revelation will come and it is coming soon and all the witches and idol worshippers will be thrown into the burning pit of hell with Satan. We are at battle in our country and around the world with good and evil….the witches and satanists are trying to create a one world nation. One currency, one or no religion, one Commander and Chief….Obama is working in the shadows to claim that title. I believe Obama could be the Antichrist. My task….is to speak out about our Government; DOJ, DOD, NSA, local sheriffs and community watchers that are spying, stalking, torturing and experimenting on innocent Americans with microwave and sonic weapons. Make the people aware of this evil and to let them know if they are a watcher or torturer that they are with the witches and the Satanists, they are the ones that put this program in place. You will need to turn away from this evil and repent. The government and the wicked has tricked you! It looks like the Freemasons are also apart of it. Go to
everydayconcernedcitizens website and read the memo to President Trump and also the flyer to the trackers. Take care my friend and may God bless you and keep you safe from this evil.
In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and earth.
This is comedy gold.
The whole lot of you that have posted on here are raving mad. I take it that you are all ” good ole bible bashing Americans or American masons.
You all go on as if America invented both the Bible andFreemasonry.
You are all MAD.
And yet you take the time to read all of it … how strange. Nothing I’ve seen here would indicate that anyone is suggesting that America invented the Bible or Freemasonry. But if you can look at today’s world and not see a desperate struggle between the moral and immoral (good and evil), then it appears you’re not paying attention. Of course, if you have no moral compass of your own, it stands to reason that you would not see a problem and would see such conversations as “comedy gold”. Wake the f*** up, man!
You’re right about something – these comments ARE gold… aka FREE SPEECH. As long as we have the right to our opinions, crazy as they may sound to some people, we know we still have some semblance of freedom left.
[…] la situation, cela fera bientôt 50 looongues années des hommes à la bagouze très humaniste ont officiellement mis le pied sur la lune : un grand pas pour la Nasa et pour les […]
My Dad worked with the astronauts and knew them personally. I have a signed photo of Edgar Mitchell in the house here. Neil Armstrong walked into his office after he had been to the moon. My Dad was put in charge of the lunar landing. He also showed Werner von Braun around Grumman Aerospace. He was not a mason. I am sure he was not aware of the other side of all of this controversy. I am a Christian.
I Never believed my life could changed in such a manner, i was initiated into illuminati by the below link, which i got from someone, indeed the Great illuminati Brotherhood exist, am a living witness, i never believed it until i got initiated into the Great Illuminati Brotherhood level 6, i was given sum of $100,000, it was like a dream to me and also i was given a choice of house in UK with nice cars, i urge you brother and sister to contact this number either through call or WhatsApp to be a member of the Great Brotherhood of illuminati and enjoy all the benefit attached. WhatsApp him (+2348111229254)…or freemansonlodge666@gmail.com
[…] https://aplanetruth.info/space-travelers-and-freemasons/ 👀 […]
While the freemason and more significantly the jesuits and kabbalists have run society for thousands of years. Apollo did, in fact, land on the moon. I worked as an engineer in aerospace for 40 years, I worked on the some of the machines that built the saturn rockets as well as machinery for making the hubble and james webb telescopes.
Loosen the tin foil hat, it is too tight.
33rd degree masons believe they are at the top of the food chain. They aren’t.
HTML by Rae West 12 October 2019. I'm not certain the links are completely safe. I haven't investigated Freemasons in any sort of depth; I'd guess their finances and policies are secret. But I'm happy enough that they cannot be benign.