by mooninquirer » 24 May 2011 08:22
rerevisionist ---- I am not sure why you call brainwashing phony psychology, because I think that MOST people have been brainwashed to believe that whatever the media says is true. And we have all been born into one gigantic cult, and many are not even aware of it. They are programmed to start punishing themselves, or apologizing if they ever assert that the Jews have too much power, or even control the media, because, after all, the Jews have always been victims throughout history, and one would just be repeating the canards of Adolf Hitler.
And it takes a very long time to give up an embedded, visceral feeling that Adolf Hitler was NOT a very evil man. In my case, my uncle volunteered not only for the US Army soon after WW II, but for the paratroopers, and he was a paratrooper on D-Day, and several months later he was KIA, and is buried in Belgium.
So, for me, it was an especially hard transition to make to realize that Hitler was not an evil man, but just responding to the evils that the Jews were doing to Germany ( and had done to Russia ), and to the world.
Another case of brainwashing, is not just in having been brainwashed from birth, but the effect of constant media repetition to ERASE a previous memory or a fact. For example, I remember that A LOT of people in real life doubted that the moon landing actually occurred, because the VERY implausible events were constantly broadcast on TV and fresh in people's minds. I remember a lot of people asking me as a child if I believed the moon landing really occurred, or saying that it was filmed in a studio, in discussing the scene with the moon rover, because it seemed so implausible that they could have the room to take such a big thing as that, or the highly implausible ---- a tall tale, really ---- of Apollo 13 "successful failure" aborted mission in which the astronauts were not killed.
It was my older BROTHER who suggested 40 years ago that the moon landing was a hoax, and yet when I told him this recently, he laughed as though that was a crazy idea ! He SUPPRESSED his own idea and thought, in favor of what the MEDIA wants ! Ultimately, I think this was a main purpose of the moon landing hoax ---- to act as a large scale social experiment, so that the Jews in power could test how the repetition over time helps erase a memory. It was a social experiment similar to the "War of the Worlds," which created a huge panic that Martians had invaded the Earth, and which was NO accident, but a test funded by the Rockefellers and other bankers, to test crowd psychology. ( This is referenced in this following documentary ---- google : PHENOMENON FEDERAL RESERVE ).
The HEIGHT of disbelief in the moon landing was when it was actually broadcast, and it has increased over time, although with the internet and 911, there are more people who realize the moon landing was a hoax than in the 80s and 90s. Because the moon landing hoax demonstrated the gullibility of people to believe what the media says, I think the Jews in power felt emboldened to carry out 911, although I think with 911 they bit off more than can chew, and they greatly regret exposing themselves like that.
Now, the height of QUESTIONING of the events of 911 was in the first three months after it had happened, when it was fresh in people's minds, and people were MOST primed to think about the details of that event. But the passage of time, and constant repetition of the "fact" that Arab Muslim hijackers and bin Laden did it, has CRYSTALLIZED this event in the minds of the public. Also, part of this is the fact that it is referenced as a FACT, upon which other things are based and argued. That is why there was the phony debate that waged for WEEKS in the media, of whether there should be built at ground zero a mosque, as well as the phony debate of whether a pastor should be allowed to burn a Quran on Sept 11, 2010, in commemoration of 911. The Iman who proposed building the mosque at ground zero was actually paid off by David Rockefeller through the CFR. And this coming anniversary of 911, you just wait and see ---- there is going to be an enormous debate over whether we should have killed bin Laden, with many people, who will be called "bleeding heart liberals" saying he should not have been killed, and others called "hawks" saying he should have. This will just be another phony debate, to act as a form of brainwashing.
These phony debates are similar to the phony debate over whether we should have dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. This is CLEARLY a phony debate, because MORE people were killed in the firebombing of Tokyo, than were reported have been killed in Hiroshima ! And for those who KNOW that MOST cities in Japan were already firebombed, the constant reference to Hiroshima or "the bomb" serves as a form of brainwashing to ERASE the very inconvenient ( inconvenient from the perspective of the nuke bomb propagandists ) fact that many other cities were firebombed. Note that it is very often falsely stated in these phony debates that "we needed to drop the bomb in order to win the war, and ultimately, it saved more lives."
Another technique that is used to brainwash people to accept a falsehood, is to ridicule anyone as crazy, extremely uneducated, or stupid, who questions the thing that the Jews in power want to EMBED or some sanctified historical dogma that they want to protect. With the holocaust, the trolls call anyone who denies it a NAZI ( used as a pejorative ), or a racist. With other dogmas, they just cannot call someone a racist or a hater when they deny it, so the name calling and social ostracism has to be more intense, calling a truth teller names like "retarded." We see this a lot with all of the trolls on youtube, especially on the moon hoax topic, and to a lesser extent on the HIV = AIDS topic, but also to a large extent whenever you comment that the nuke bombs are very fake looking, as indeed they are !