Review by 'Rerevisionist' 2 Sept 2018. &2023
New book note:
The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West by Arthur Kemp is his
late-2020 book. Sadly, he doesn't reveal that 'Hatred Sweeping the West' is exclusively generated by Jews.
Kemp's 'iron law' on racial homogeneity does not take account of parasitic intrusions, which may set out to disrupt a civilisation racially.

Jew convert Ramaphosa
Kemp is keen to identify Israel as a race-based country. He doesn't seem to know that the 'maternal descent' policy is incompatible with race, and there are so-called 'Jews' similar to whites, Asians, and even blacks. Maternal descent allows multiple generations to be counted as 'Jews', even if the Jewish component is halved, quartered, divided by 8... This of course conflicts with the whole idea of racial integrity. So does conversion.
The book is actually listed for sale by

Amazon, a red flag in itself. The contents of
The War Against Whites are listed online, and are mostly 2020 material ('Black Lives Matter' and a few blacks promoted by Jews) plus evergreen material—IQ, genetics, low IQ crime figures, and other material from USA, such as 'black on black' violence. Nothing that I could see on the sad failure of Trump.
I've just noticed his middle name is Benjamin, but I have no idea what to deduce from that, except that Kemp may be just another crypto-Jew.
- 29 Jan 2021
I received this in an email from Ostara Publications (Kemp's publishing name) –
The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West
A dramatic and penetrating study which reveals that the Black Lives Matter ideologues do not seek "racial equality" but rather the total destruction of whites and their civilization—and are driven by a deep, underlying mass psychosis which falsely blames white people for all problems encountered by nonwhites trying to fit into a First World society.
Dealing forthrightly and fearlessly with the unalterable genetic traits—IQ, character, psychology, and behavior—which are the true causes of racial disparities in crime, socioeconomic status, education, and health—this book conclusively refutes the claim that "systemic racism," a code word for "blame whitey," is the cause of nonwhite failure to achieve parity in white nations around the globe.
This biologically predetermined imbalance in outcome causes huge psychological stresses upon all groups, and manifests itself in nonwhites blaming whites for everything, manufacturing hate crime hoaxes at the rate of one every five days, and an ever-growing plethora of self-justifying lies and invented history, all of which could be alleviated by the simple solution proposed in the book's conclusion: physical geographical separation.
[Kemp's ad continues, mentioning: ... black crime and violence in modern USA and the link with low IQ, schizophrenia, the MAOA "aggression gene", subconscious association of lighter looks with social success, slave trade, hate crime hoaxes, anti-white discrimination, nonwhites have their own racially based organizations, the Great Replacement of Europeans from their traditional homelands.
In all his examples, there's no mention of Jews' control of money, and Jewish funding of political parties, politicians, media, and supposedly independent pressure groups in which puppets are paid to copy Jewish scripts. Kemp says nothing on his suggestions for dealing with Jews.]
- 21 Sept 2021
Arthur Kemp’s 'iron law' is:– all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity
Arthur obviously considers this an important 'law'. Let me counter it with the suggestion, taken from the fall of the Roman Empire, that civilizations fall because of unpayable debt. (There are other possibilities, such as the explosive eruption of Santorini in the Mediterranean.) gives a few examples. An important point is the invisibility of debt: farms, buildings, people look exactly the same, but their outputs become redirected, which may cause long-term harm.
If a population is homogeneous to the point where large debts are scorned, a civilization may not fall. But otherwise cunningly-arranged loans can leave unbridgeable differences within any otherwise-homogenous community. Which the community may not survive, however homogeneous.
Arthur Kemp (b 1962, in Southern Rhodesia, later renamed Zimbabwe—after some supposedly black constructions, now mostly ruins) was 'born of a British father and a Dutch mother'. It only recently struck me that his history might (and should) have been influenced by Amsterdam Jews, William of Orange, Cromwell, and the invasion of England, culminating in the founding of the Bank of England. With notes on Fort William, Billy Boys, orangemen and the rest of it. He might (and should) have noticed mineral wealth in Africa.
So I doubt his parents had much historical awareness. (I have not researched Kemp as a surname, in Miles Mathis's wide-ranging style). Much of his book is in the rather old-style 'patriotic' heroes-and-battles descriptions, appropriate to simple schoolboys commanded by their betters and deterred from serious thought.

Kemp obviously missed the 1960s, which were a key stage in post-1945 Jewish activity, notable for the Jew Lyndon Johnson's replacement of J F Kennedy, and the long Vietnam War scheme, presumably intended to raise US debt to Jews, to consume weapons, and take over (or make sure of) yet another central bank. It was an exercise in controlled opposition, with (e.g.) 'Students for a Democratic Society' as a Jewish pseudo-opposition-to-war group, including phonies of the Chomsky type, whose role was to prevent mention of Jews in US society, something which was successfully accomplished, as many genuine opponents of the US genocide in Vietnam understand in retrospect. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe gained pseudo-independence when Kemp was about 18, under the Jew puppet Mugabe. Kemp studied at the attractive campus of Cape Town University, and according to his own account, when looking in the 1930s Jagger Library (now the 'Jagger reading rooms', though I've read that these were burnt down by blacks/Jews) noticed that there were no books on 'whites', considered as a group. This was in 1983. His BA was in 'Political Science, International Politics, and Public Administration', judging by this book's cover.
March of the Titans, was first published in 1999. Amazon had been established five years earlier;
March of the Titans I think was printed as hardcopy, but later by an online book print-on-demand and distribution company.
According to the unreliable Wikipedia, Arthur Kemp moved to Britain in 1996, where he ran the BNP's merchandising. He designed the contents of the BNP's WordPress site—world events listed in columns separately from local group news—from 2000, though I think the earlier 1995 version was not his and was definitely inferior. He spoke skillfully at meetings (there's an .mp4 video online of the
'eco-refugee' con), and he sold books; many BNP annual events called 'Red White and Blue' were popular, but of course were targeted by Jews and their underlings. 2009 was perhaps the best year for the BNP, with elections to the so-called 'European Parliament', structured somewhat on the lines of the USSR, where representatives could speak, but not initiate policies or legislation. But they could collect money and pensions. The BNP gained 2 MEPS, Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons, but in view of election irregularities there must be doubts over all voting results in the English-speaking world—as elsewhere. (Here's my look retrospectively at the
BNP in 2011). A few years later, in 2013,
Nick Griffin revealed he'd been approached to urge him not to mention Jewish money interests. Brons (and I can't help thinking he was controlled opposition; Bronstein?) spoke in an
amiable inconsequential after-dinner style. Kemp severed all ties with Griffin; the main contention seems to have been Kemp's insistence of the need to stop and reverse immigration. Ostara Publications (not I think 'Limited'; and not to be confused with a similarly-named site) was set up to promote
March of the Titans and also other books, presumably with copyright considerations (typically public domain 70 years after author death).
Websites March of the to promote 2011 'Pinnacle' Edition.
Ostara Publications .com also started 2011.
Arthur Kemp has connections with
The New Observer, started in January 2013. This is a news site, containing fairly short items, I think supplied by Europeans, Americans, and others. Typical titles include (
click on Europe | Americas | Middle East | Africa etc in that site): 82,046 Nonwhite Invaders Land in Europe So Far this Year | Nigeria: "Traditional Leader Revokes Voodoo Curses" to Protect African Invaders in Europe | US Justice Department Rips Open Massive Jew School Fraud in New York | John McCain Obituary: Jewish Puppet Warmonger, Responsible for the Death of Millions | 70% + Nonwhite Chicago's Disastrous Finances Portends Second Detroit | "Sh*t Hole" Countries by Race and IQ | South Africa: ANC Has Not "Abandoned Farm Seizures after Trump Tweet" | Nigeria: Power Grid Collapses for 7th Total Blackout This Year |
My copy is a 2018 printing of his Pinnacle Edition (foreword dated 2011). This, 'Pinnacle Edition', is the only one I know for certain has been revised; it includes some genetic material, for example. vi + 686 pages.
My copy has no price and no ISBN. I thought perhaps Kemp had abandoned ISBNs. I'm told that ISBNs must all refer to the same identical copy—
previously, books could go through many editions, even rewritings, and even picking up new authors, but still be known by the same title. However there are ISBNs for Kemp's one-volume edition, for Vol I: The rise of Europe, and for Vol II Europe and the World. There are hardback, paperback, and Kindle versions. (I wondered if the paperbacks might be cut into chapters, to allow many people to study at one time.) I take it they all have the same contents in different form. If Arthur Kemp reads this, and lets me know, I'll explain if it's possible to print revised versions. It is technically possible with print-on-demand to update books more-or-less continually. Big errors or omissions could be removed.
New revisionist discoveries (and fakes, counterfeits, lies) come thick and fast. Kemp has emphasised lies about race, just as Kevin MacDonald emphasised lies about racial immigration into the USA. This leaves plenty of scope for past lies and frauds to continue; neither MacDonald nor Kemp have tried to keep up, though Kemp's websites arguably are better than MacDonald's, which largely consist now of bad reviews of bad books. Great issues now include the Jewish fraud of the 'Holocaust', 9/11, and Jews in the Second World War. Probably Amazon would ban Kemp's books from distribution if he were clearer on these topics. (Amazon will not publish my reviews!) This may not be serious—Amazon's discounts may be so large that Kemp might benefit from such a ban, for all I know. On 9/11, Kemp was interviewed, some years ago, by a southern USA man, saying 9/11 was exactly as the authorities had presented it! I think he's less naïve now, though he avoids the issue of false flags and psyops. On the Second World War, the idea that Jews controlled not only the USA, USSR, UK, France, and China, but also Germany, is removed from the New Observer's comments.
So don't expect full revisionism from this book. I noticed a number of doubtful passages in
Titans, for example on Lindbergh and J F Kennedy and Custer, illuminated by Miles Mathis's work.
I've put the chapter headings (70, with appendix and index) at the end of this review. The index is about 50 columns long, but not very detailed). Kemp's first volume is
Europe (this includes Egypt when it was white, and parts of the middle east and Asia). His second volume deals with exploration, world empires and white mobility. Sensible enough division, but it means some aspects overlap a great deal, continuing for many centuries, so the entire book has unexpected discussions (for example, of WW2 rather early on). Probably this is helpful, since readers are made to face facts in what may be new combinations. It's ironic that white mobility is mostly a result of white inventiveness (wooden ships, iron bridges, steamships, railways, tarmac roads, motor vehicles, airscrew vehicles, jets...) and that white-invented mobility is used by Jews and their subordinates to harm white countries. Fortunately, Internet allows information to be exchanged more easily than ever before. Without Internet, even such simple generalisations as 'only white countries are targeted' would be concealed.
Kemp's 'iron law' is:
... the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires—that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else—a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution. Whether generally true or not, this was no doubt forced on his attention in Africa. He takes it very seriously, so the 'Indian Mutiny' is regarded as a consequence of the British arming Moslems in India. He has a section on Portugal, and their importation of large numbers of blacks slaves, with comments on Encyclopaedias telling lies on the Portuguese populations. (I don't think he mentions Tyndall's point on Jews in Portugal forcing Jew-white mixing). He emphasises the high proportion of blacks in the USA when it united. The entire chapter on France, he says, proves his point: there were so many wars, disasters, invasions, that France could not have survived without racial unity. His discussions on the Roman Empire, ending in a 'rabble of mongrels' may perhaps have influenced the official end of the British Empire, when the 1948 'Nationality Act' in effect gave the 'right' to come to Britain to everybody in the ex-empire, numbers vastly greater than the Romans could have imagined, and immediately used by the Jewish owners of the renamed ship
Empire Windrush to bring in unasked-for immigrants.
Important note added later: Jewish policy seems to always have been to damage host populations. Kemp's 'iron law' is that racial homogeneity is the single determinant of survival of civilization.
But if Jews and collaborators mongrelise peoples, they are making use of the 'iron law'. The obvious example is the Roman Empire, which can certainly be regarded as falling, through mongrelisation—but my point is this was probably caused by Jewish actions, including the use of money power, assassinations, and other Jewish tricks.
This may mean that Kemp understates the influence of ideas. He is good on Christianity, recognising doubts about Jesus, noting it was spread by force, and assessing its contributions coolly. In my view, it grew in parallel with the Jewish money system, and the Church had such jobs as keeping the monopoly of loans for for Jews, and giving weekly instruction to the simpler types as to who to battle, why they should pay rents, and so on. But arguably this is all really just race.
Kemp mentions Jews, including facts about Jews in the USSR and the horrors of 'Communism'. But not Marx as a stinking rich propagandist. He mentions Mohammed's Jewish wife, but doesn't venture into the swamp of Quran revisionism or the vast slaughters by Moslems on India's north-west. Not 'of Moslems'—an earlier typo of mine!
Kemp wrote too early to take on the Jews-as-parasites idea. Jews as a form of disease, battening on to non-Jews with remorseless efficiency, so that Whites are a form of walking wounded, presented in Jew parasite evolution, is not—yet—part of the worldview of March of the Titans, but the evidence is far too strong to be ignored. He views, or viewed, Israel favourably, as a 'racially based state', but hasn't so far faced the possibility of a distributed 'race', interbreeding for crypsis, and parasitic on hosts. This is a different evolutionary path from race in the usual sense of something territorial. Gipsies, and the Thuggee cult, are analogous cases, but far less important.
Some online amateur reviews dislike Kemp on Christianity, and seem unable to understand that Jewish networking enabled them to foist their ridiculous religion onto whites. In effect, they made the local white natives pay heavily for the system. That system divided their country into parts, with subservient but relatively rich priests acting as propagandists. The fact that a millennium or so of wreckage followed seems to have no effect on believers, especially on Americans, who of course had little local tradition of their own to follow. It's seriously possible that simple whites may continue to be part of a Ninth Great Race War catalysed by Jews.
Kemp has a list of 'race wars'. These are between races; he doesn't count 20th century 'great wars' and race wars between whites, perhaps to avoid the obvious criticism that maybe whites weren't that bright, after all. Or perhaps they were avaricious and unscrupulous and not sufficiently gregarious. Or just exceptional in other respects than intelligence; for example violence and gullibility.
Kemp doesn't seem to face the fact that wars between mercenaries must ipso facto have been arranged by moneyed groups. An example is the 'Thirty Years War', an archetypically vicious and destructive war between whites in Germany, nominally religious-based. It seem Jewish ghettoes were left untouched amid the desolation, suggesting the possibility that money determined the fighting.
Another good example is the Russo-Japanese War (1904-5), generally known to have been Rothschild-funded against the horrid Russkies.
And another illustration is a Skype debate of mine with Jan Lamprecht, whose African background when young is rather similar to Arthur Kemp's. Trying to discuss Hitler as an agent, clearly Jan wasn't interested. He was excited by Rommel, a 'military genius' who participated in the disaster of WW2. And Jan was excited by the possibility of war, in which the usual caution about spending is replaced by the expectation of expensive military toys. He thought the Vietnamese were 'communists', as described by Jews, the Jewish media, and Jewish 'experts'. What's wrong with these people?
Here's Kemp's list of race wars:
The First Great Race War—Attila the Hun 372–454 AD
The Second Great Race War—the Crusades 1095–1270
The Third Great Race War—the Moors Invade Europe 711–1492
The Fourth Great Race War—Bulgars, Avars, Magyars, and Khazars 550–950
The Fifth Great Race War—Genghis Khan and the Mongols 1220–1650
The Sixth Great Race War—the Ottoman Holocaust 1300–1919
The Yihequan—Race War in the Far East. (European sea routes to China; opium wars, boxers, Japan. Dominance of Jews, and land routes, unmentioned).
The Seventh Great Race War—the Amerinds
The Eighth Great Race War—Mexico
Thus about ten per cent of his book is explicitly about 'race wars', which of course are hidden under the present hegemony of Jews and their lies. This alone is a very refreshing change of perspective. Harry Turney-High's
Primitive Warfare (1949), unmentioned by Jews according to Kevin MacDonald, perhaps might have had a similar impact. Though having inspected this online, Turney-High turns out just to be a post-1945 man trying for an academic job.
BUT Kemp doesn't notice the possibility of wars WITHIN races, racial 'civil wars'. The USA had its 'Civil War', though the excuse that it concerned slavery is a carefully-promoted absurdity. Jews in the 20th century promoted Japan against Tsarist Russia in 1902. Part of a race war? However, China vs Japan, both with heavy Jewish influence, was a 'yellow civil war' with masses of deaths. The 'white civil wars' in WW1 and WW2 were about the same time.
We now seem to have in South Africa Jews arranging a black vs white war, similar to what happened in Rhodesia. This again is a sort of civil war.
Kemp has a remarkable incapacity to see the realities of modern elections and modern employment and money. He says voters will not vote on the basis of facts. He doesn't understand that people don't want to lose their jobs, status, and homes. He doesn't understand the power of perpetual media lies. Listen to his talk on Red Ice Radio with Lana Lotkeff, for example. The fact is that race does not explain everything; economic power and other forms of power make a difference, too.
Kemp's technique to minimise his view of Jewish power is to talk of ‘the Jewish Lobby’. But control of the world's banking system is not a 'lobby'. Control of publishing—from 'academic' books down to porn—is not a 'lobby'. Control of world military systems and wars is not a 'lobby'. Killing millions of whites in Russia was not the action of a 'lobby'. Kemp is like someone talking of Stalin as a 'town councillor'. His entire analysis of the possible fall of Jewish power relies on non-whites disliking Jews; but what have non-whites done to expos and damage Jews? Nothing known to me.
Arthur has three chapters on events which I'd place along with other Jew-financed wars and whites taking money for violence:– White Men Cutting One Another’s Throats—the American Civil War | The First Great Brothers’ War—World War I | The Second Great Brothers’ War—World War II. Of course these are controversial, or would be if historians were more competent. Arthur tends to do a conventional chronology of battles, though he notes many puzzles on the way. The concept of world-wide Jewish power it outside his range.
Kemp's view of the stretch of non-prehistoric history includes (from a blog) these events:
1. The Battle of Nedao, 454 AD.
2. The Battle of Lechfeld 955 A.D.
3. The Battle of Kulikovo, 8 September 1380.
4. 1436. Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press
5. The Fall of Granada, to Ferdinand and Isabella, 1492
6. Christopher Columbus sights land in the Americas, 1492
7. Siege of Vienna, 1683. Turks defeated.
8. The Battle of Navarino, 1827, '... gave birth to present-day Greece.'
9. 1948. Three American physicists invent the transistor
Kemp looks at land and sea explorations of whites: Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia, Australia, and New Zealand get a chapter each.
It has to be said that science is not a strong point with Arthur Kemp. (Chapter 59: Shaping the World—the White Technological Revolution). Kemp provides dutiful lists of scientists—all of them white, as of course is accurate—but his lists remind me of guides pointing to landmarks, and other points of interest, without explaining how they fit into human experiences. And Kemp has included Apollo 11 'moon landings' and 'nuclear weapons' in his lists of white achievements.
Arthur has an interesting chapter on the Third Reich as 'the racial state'.
It's rather saddening to reflect of the difficulties Kemp must have had with this book. It is expensive, and monochrome. I think many people simply have no idea how much money ideological Jews have handed to them. I remember talking with a head teacher who knew Gove (a 'Jew') had handed (I think) 40 million to some ridiculous bunch of superstitious primitive self-styled Jews. She had zero concept of the graveness of this atrocity. I'm sure just one tenth of that sum would supercharge Kemp's work.
This is a challenging book. Well worth owning. It reminds me somewhat of H G Wells's Outline of History of the 1920s. I wish the book could be easily updated. Kemp is not 60 at the time of writing, and might amend it for many years. Perhaps the Kindle version (includes colour illustrations) might enable this.
A note on official genetics by 'Professor' Steve Jones. I'll quote without comment from
The Language of the Genes which is online:
'... the story of [so-called] scientific racism ... is a grim one. I have always felt a certain compassion for those whose ability to despise their fellow men is limited by he colour of their victim's skin. Genetics has—and should have—nothing to do with judgements about the value of one's fellow beings. In this sense, the biology of race has no relevance to racism, which is always happy to bend any scientific fact to its perverse sense. The genes do show that there are no separate groups within humanity. ..' Jones may not be his real name; the tens of thousands of 'Jews' who invaded 20th century Britain often changed their names; and the word 'Jew' appears nowhere in 'Jones'.
Contents of March of the Titans
Foreword | Prologue: Some Important Facts | 1: The First White Racial Types | 2: The First Stirrings—the Late Paleolithic Age | 3: Vast Temples and First Cities—the Neolithic Age | 4: Laying the Foundations—the Old European Civilizations | 5: Born of the Black Sea—the Indo-European Invasions | 6: To the Ends of the Earth—Lost White Migrations | 7: Inexorably Overwhelmed—Whites in the Middle East | 8: Nordic Desert Empire—Ancient Egypt | 9: Genesis of Western Thought—Classical Greece | 10: Conqueror and Creator—Alexander the Great | 11: The Age of the Caesars—Pre-Christian Rome | 12: Power and Purpose—the Glory of Rome | 13: Opponents and Allies—Rome and the Celts | 14: The Useful Foe—Rome and the Germans | 15: Racial Cauldron—Rome and the Middle East | 16: By Stealth and Steel—Christianity | 17: The First Great Race War—Attila the Hun 372–454 AD | 18: The Triumph of the Slaves—the Fall of Rome | 19: Eastern Bulwark—Byzantine | 20: The Second Great Race War—the Crusades 1095–1270 | 21: Lessons in Decline—Spain and Portugal | 22: The Third Great Race War—the Moors Invade Europe 711–1492 | 23: The Nordic Reservoir—Scandinavia | 24: The Fury of the Men of the North—the Vikings | 25: Flamboyance and Ferment—France | 26: Destiny and Destruction—Napoleon Bonaparte | 27: The Isle of Influence—England, Scotland, and Wales | 28: Civil War and Emigration—Ireland | 29: Small yet Significant—the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg | 30: The Fourth Great Race War—Bulgars, Avars, Magyars, and Khazars 550–950 | 31: The Fifth Great Race War—Genghis Khan and the Mongols 1220–1650 | 32: Continual Conquest—the Baltic States | 33: The Test of Ethnicity—Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia | 34: The Sixth Great Race War—the Ottoman Holocaust 1300–1919 | 35: Balkan Turmoil—Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece | 36: Risorgimento—the Resurrection of Italy after the Fall of Rome | 37: Gott Mit Uns—the Rise of Germany | 38: The Doomed Empire—Austria and Hungary | 39: The Rise and Fall of the Tsars—Russia 862–1917 | 40: Christianity Dominant—the Dark Ages | 41: The Rebirth of Classical Culture—the Renaissance | 43: White Expansion—Voyages of Discovery | 44: The Yihequan—Race War in the Far East | 45: The Sun Never Sets—the British Empire | 46: The Well of Bibighar—the British in India | 47: Conquistadors—the White Conquest of Mexico and South America | 48: Revolution! The Birth of the United States of America | 49: The Seventh Great Race War—the Amerinds | 50: The Eighth Great Race War—Mexico | 51: Three Fifths of a Person—the History of Slaves | 52: White Men Cutting One Another’s Throats—the American Civil War | 53: The Politics of Race—America until 1945 | 54: Immigration and Racial Change—the Story of Canada | 55: The White Man’s Burden—South Africa | 56: May It Be Worthy of the Name—the Story of Rhodesia | 57: The Iron Law of Demographics—the Story of Australia | 58: Murderer’s Bay—the Race War in New Zealand | 59: Shaping the World—the White Technological Revolution | 60: The First Great Brothers’ War—World War I | 61: The October Revolution—Communism in Russia | 62: The Suppressed Link—Jews and Communism | 63: The Second Great Brothers’ War—World War II | 64: The Shadow of the Ghetto—the Saga of the European Jews | 65: The Racial State—the Third Reich | 66: The End of White Supremacy—Decolonization and “Civil Rights”| 67: The Wall Falls—the Collapse of Communism | 68: The Changing Face—Nonwhite Immigration into the White Heartlands | 69: Ragnarök—the Coming Fall of the West | Postscript: The Final Call, or, What Can Be Done? | Appendices | Index
Review, HTML etc © Rae West 3 Sept 2018. Small additions on
The War Against Whites 29 Jan & 21 Sept 2021. 6 Nov 2021 addition of biog note on Anglo-Dutch considerations. 12 Jan 2023 note on the iron law 20 Aug 2023 note on maternal descent