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‘Mankind Quarterly’   An Astonishingly Feeble Journal
Rae West   Nov 2020.

[ How I Found It | Review | Jewish Promotions | What It Should Be ]
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Mankind Quarterly:   How I Found It

I've lost track of most of my web meanderings to get to Mankind Quarterly, but part of the journey was a book in German on the 'gravitational law of the decline and fall of civilizations', or something similar. This appeared to be a repeat of an earlier set of beliefs, going back I think to Malthus (or maybe Oliver Goldsmith; or much earlier) on the weakening of peoples through decadence, and 1920s-ish views on scientific genetics pre-DNA plus the effects of war killings and of public medical improvements in the intervals between wars.

However, Edward Dutton (about 40 years old) who is 'adjunct professor (Docent) of Anthropology at Oulu University in Finland'. He's a doctor, presumably therefore a PhD. Unfortunately I detected red flags, in the Miles Mathis sense. He has some videos on Youtube, these days more or less proof that he's a fellow-traveller, given the activities of Wojshit. There's a more-or-less favourable reference in the Guardian, just another Jew-funded propaganda junk sheet. Edward Croft Dutton is stated to have a PhD in Theology in Wikipedia! He appears to be based in Oulu, in inland, a long way north of Helsinki and on the shores of the Baltic.

His website says he enjoys researching into forbidden or controversial topics, with which many modern people will recognise as extremely important. I don't think he's good on modern macroeconomics, judging by his comments on Finland's real or supposed high tax economy—most people now are aware that Jews print money and buy up states' assets and give goods and money and infrastructure to Israel, so that simple summaries tend to omit important and suppressed facts.

He seems to be teamed with Michael A. Woodley. There is or was some link with Flynn in Ireland, and the Ulster Institute for Social Research, with a London PO Box.

There's a free taster section, of ten Sample Articles, downloadable 'for free'.

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Mankind Quarterly:   Review

Mankind Quarterly's website is here and at present lists its current issue as Volume 61, Number 1, 2020. Its archive goes back to two issues in 1985. They seem to aim for about ten articles per Number. I'd guess from the fact that most of the Numbers's articles have titles, and Abstracts but not contents—their pdf files aren't complete—that they don't have huge numbers of subscribers or money. There's no site searcher, and no way to view all the article titles. Another guess, judging by names of contributors, is that the magazine may provide an outlet for third-worlders seeking publication.

Let me try to sketch the contents of Mankind Quarterly in an impressionist style—trying to produce a fairly accurate image from numerous fragments.

Here's an article (2016/12/01) on fieldwork among the Gujjars of Himachal by Chatterjee and Das suggesting, at least to me, that caste reigns in India: I doubt if there's been a single article on the caste system, despite its interest, or in particular the Brahmins. Incidentally, some of the rituals and liturgical processes in supposedly learned journals are perhaps shown in the title: Cognitive Dimension of Cultural Transformation: Mental Models and Environmental Behaviour among the Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh, India

The sample section includes a book review, Euroislam: Can Islamic Monotheism Meld with European Secularism? which I read. ‘Demographic projections forecast a majority Moslem population in Europe within the next twenty years, due not only to increasing Muslim immigration but also to the current low birthrate of indigenous non-Muslim Europeans and the much higher birthrate of both immigrant and established Muslim communities in Europe.’ Thanks for that. This article stresses monotheism; it doesn't mention the Jewish invention of Islam, or the fact that Moslems in north-west India carried out enormous genocides. It says nothing about Jews working internationally to force migration (with free housing, money and the rest). It's a worthless piece.

Two free pieces include "Jewish Migrations from Germany to Poland: The Rhineland Hypothesis Revisited." By I think a so-called Jew (there's no analysis of the expression) in the Netherlands. It's a long piece, showing no desire to ferret out truths, and accepting all the mythology of pogroms and expulsions, ignoring the connections—which are kept secret in normal times—between Jews and the Church, which depended on rents, and aristocracies, which liked the fact that Jews could summon their friends to provide loans. I'd say, though I haven't read this is detail—interminable details and irrelevancies of course are Jewish traditions—this is just more nothingness.
      I'm reminded in fact of The Occidental Observer with its famine amid the potential feast of truthful information on Jews.

And I looked at Hermann J. Muller’s 1936 Letter to Stalin guessing that it would reveal nothing on the neglected subject of Jewish co-operation internationally at the expense of goyim. In fact, Muller was claimed to be an American (read: Jew) geneticist who tried to persuade Stalin to adopt eugenics, though Stalin selected Lysenko. In fact, the Jews running the USSR were not keen on eugenics, if anything preferring dysgenics, to decrease the goyim's fightback policies.

Social and Demographic Origins of the European Proletariat is an attempt to draw conclusions from scanty data. The word 'death' gets only four mentions, yet of course death rates are as important as fertility in establishing population sizes. There's plenty of scope for confusion over categories of people. And it's amusing to see how wars seem to be simply ignored. My own view is that Jews often arranged wars in co-operation with what might be called 'aristocrats'; hence the Jewish view of Malthus is that he misdirected students of population changes, the sort of thing Jews do now.
      'Proletariat', like 'Slave', is a category from Marx, not intended to be helpful. There's no glance at modern material on Marx, of which in my view Miles Mathis is the leader: Marx as a rich Jew charged with destroying incipient republicanism.

2020/09/01 has an article on 'COVID-19' and its effect on Relationship Status in Greece and Cyprus. This of course is shallow to the point of absurdity. Come on, guys. Make an effort.

There's an article on Love of Life in Iranian groups. Five authors, one surnamed Lester, others I think Iranian, or Jews in Iran. There seem to be no articles on Love of Life in Iraq or Afghanistan. I wonder what might explain this odd omission?

In fact, my title browsing suggests an entirely Jew-funded view of the world: nothing genuinely controversial appears to be allowed.
      For example, Africa has had many wars, and still has many wars, in which as a rule, as far as I know, banks fund weapons to two or more sides, in exchange for land or minerals or population shifts. I could see no analyses of such situations.
      An aspect of wars can be rapes: American policy was to rape women in Vietnam, and the study of rape victims and mixed race children fathered by low grade whites might be of interest. I believe 'Kissinger kids' were called 'dust of empire'.
      I couldn't even find crits of 'IQ tests'.

Anyway, just a few points. A couple of Jewish surname searches turned up Dutton.
      My best guess is that Mankind Quarterly is in fact a Jewish-run fake site, intended to waste time and push futile and apparently serious stuff.

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Mankind Quarterly:   How Jews Promote Rubbish

The hypothesis that Mankind Quarterly is intended to waste time is reinforced by online mentions—at least at present. Sites include:–
'RationalWiki' on Edward Dutton
'RationalWiki' on Mankind Quarterly and
'RationalWiki' on Michael Woodley

I won't bore you by going through the contents; their strategy is to pretend that Jewish-funded hate sites like the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL etc ad nauseam are reliable, and that their rubbish is true: Dutton holds many crazy beliefs and most of them focus around eugenics and race and intelligence, but also penis-size. Eugenics, 'racism', 'sexism', 'islamophobia', 'homophobia', 'the Holocaust', and of course many other things are fantasies promoted by Jews. Usually they embody Jewish viewpoints: 'paedophilia' for example misleadingly implies sex with children is 'love of children'. 'The Holocaust' ignores all mass murders, pretending that Jews were victims. Usually they are rather crude, as in the nonsensical 'anti-semitism', and the 'homophobic' dislike of things that are similar.

But these sites draw attention to Mankind Quarterly; this is itself a standard policy, which distracts attention by inserting the tame junk, and also pretends to be directing to exciting, revelatory sites. The policy is similar to setting up people temporarily: Jordan Peterson, 'Tommy Robinson', Milo Yiannopoulos, Greta Thunberg, 'Amazing Polly', illustrate the type, but now, like music-hall stars eclipsed by TV, have an ever-shorter shelf-life, in these Internet times.

Serious sites such as Miles Mathis, Hexzane527, and my site Big-lies.org are never mentioned. People like Hoaxashian (only on video sites, easily censored) get little exposure.

With some imagination, it's possible to infer topics which Jews are anxious to suppress. Such things as '9/11', Eisenhower's mass killings in Germany, war crimes in Afghanistan, are as taboo as Jews can make them. NASA and nuclear weapons and power, and the dominance of the Fed and printed money, are strictly taboo, but for the different reason, that they emphasise money frauds. Hitler and Stalin and Mao involve more complexity: Hitler is allowed, provided Hitler as part of world Jewry is completely censored. Stalin is presented as a statesman; his funding by American Jews is censored.
      Other topics, in a sense even more secret, include secrets of high-level civil servants, who routinely went with and censored Jewish activities. Similarly with organisations: Freemasons, 'Common Purpose', Church and Moslem hierarchies. Africa, Asia, and South America are even less known.

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Mankind Quarterly:   What It Should Be

Here are just a few suggestions for genuine anthropology research. Just suggestions.
      Instinctive Racial Characteristics People in a position of great power (arguably) behave in a way instinctive and natural to them. Empresses regnant often kill their sons (or so Bertrand Russell claimed). Stamford Raffles in Singapore appears to have behaved wisely. Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings seems to have behaved well (I don't know much about him). Mugabe behaved unpleasantly. Jews in the USSR were collectively vicious. Can something be deduced from such examples?
      Castes and Classes are an interesting topic—the Indian caste system having been a taboo for a few centuries. I'm told lower castes can in a de facto way turn themselves into Brahmins, for example by eating vegetarian food. According to the presumably Jew (see his novels!) thriller writer F Forsyth, etiquette and manners were (in the Second World War) taught to officers-to-be, an accurate observation.
      Another category is families, longitudinal families, and dynasties. Miles Mathis has done fine work on families of fraudsters—He identified a whole selection of people including the fake Salem witch trials, for example. Though his best illustrations are Jewish infiltrators—Jagiellons, Medici, and what have you. Some of Hoaxashian's numerous videos included suppliers of fake stories to the BBC. Procurers and sex traffickers seem to run in families. Jewish and Moslem courts in western countries are another example. Even anonymous 'peer' reviewers n supposedly learned journals are the same type.
      Models of Activities I live in some hope that human power might be assessed, and human populations modelled, each individual being assumed to have genetically-determined qualities, including attractions and repulsions in some way that could model groups of people. Needs such as food and water and shelter and learning might be combined with maps, real or hypothetical. Mobility and other technical measures must be included. Surely something ought to be sayable?
      War and Peace The existence of a Jewish layer across the world, and its increase, and the corresponding local groups in some sort of symbiosis, plus estimates of assets over time and materials must be an improvement on present-day feeble accounts of wars in the past and possible wars in the future.
      Secrecy Theory Individuals' senses, evolved of course in the absence of language, writing, communication systems, rapid travel ought to be looked at. Discussions on secrecy, rights to information, and all the rest are pitifully simple.
      Pedlars of ideas, meme manufacturers tap into the unique human faculty of language. They can be studied in books, including memoirs, sermons, booklets, printed ephemera, newspapers, orders, and more advanced technical stuff&mdas;audio recordings, video playbacks.

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© Rae West. First upload 14 Nov 2020