Block of Reviews | Reviews by Subject:   Audio-visual Media | 'Holocaust' | Jews, Christians, Moslems | Race | Revisionism | Women
  Reviews of Authors:   H Belloc | P Bustion | C Caskie | N Chomsky | R Dawkins | M Gardner | D Irving | K MacDonald | M Mathis | B Russell | H G Wells

David Irving.     Conclusions (2024).   With Some Links to My Reviews, and Other People's Works

My Conclusions There are red flags with Irving. The final day of his long court appearance is Day 33. The unsparing eye of Miles Mathis found problems with Irving in 2015. Critics dislike the uncheckability of many of his sources, unsurprising with private diaries and secret archives.
      My concerns are with examining the whole of World War 2, including of course chunks of the war. The best writer on these known to me seems to be French, Hexzane527, whose papers I've gathered together—though some newer ones at the start depress the others further down. These have not had much effect, as far as I can tell.
      Related facts include new views on the 'Great War'. Personally, I realised only recently that Belloc's book The Jews explicitly states that WW1 was not liked by Jews, when in fact they wanted it. Desire for world war by Jews was in fact the reason for the 'suffragettes' being promoted. And of course new views on Hitler emerged, disliked by the old guard, who were divided between Hitler haters and Hitler lovers—Hitler doubters and sceptics didn't exist or were rare.
      Looking back, with sceptical eyes, I noticed the video of Irving, much younger, addressing a meeting with Jews in the audience. It was (I assume) quite a well-known video, Irving asking unnamed Jews if they ever look into a mirror, and wonder why they are disliked. They've been massacred, pogrommed (and so on) but you never ask yourself why. Then he repeats an alleged conversation with a Jew: "Are you saying WE were responsible for Auschwitz?" and David hesitantly answered, "In a word, yes!".   The whole thing may have been staged. The alleged massacres etc are bullshit, as is the Auschwitz story, and very likely the audience. The talk reinforces the false message.
      Another hugely important divisions became clearer, in spite of frantic opposition: how serious was the 'Cold War'? (in my views, worldwide Jewry erected this fake to prolong conflicts). And, another set of issues bubbling underground, US war crimes, USSR war crimes, fake science (Hiroshima seems to have been the first trial of nuclear mythology).
      Anyway, where does Mr Irving fit in?   All critics of Jews tend to become surrounded by 'helpful' advisors and contributors and blackwashers. So David may have had 'close friends' following Jewish agenda. Or it may have been carefully worked out all along. Opinions may vary among the 'elite' Jews; perhaps some rated him as dangerous, for example. I wish he'd talk about it; but he seems to be ill.

Churchill's War vol 2   (2010 review. Enthusiastic-sounding but tentative and short).
Uprising!   (2015. A book on Hungary still largely ignored).
War Between the Generals   (2018. Nothing on War in USSR).
Just a few of David Irving's other titles:
The Destruction of Dresden
The Mare's Nest
Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel
Accident—the Death of General Sikorski

Denial (My film review, written 2019. Detailed notes)
how-master-race-won-ww2   Dates from 2018. More & more coming to light on the Second World War and its lies and psyops.
david-irving-libel-trial/irving-v-lipstadt.html   April 2000 prosecution of Lipstadt by Irving. Includes full trial transcript. Long.
did six million really die?   My 1997 copy of a file (not my work; part of the atmosphere of the time re the 'Holocaust'

These are papers by Miles Mathis (mirrored on my site here, to ensure they remain). Miles Mathis is thirty years in advance of Irving, though I have some doubts about his sources.
The [London] Blitz was Faked
Kristallnacht was Fake
The Night of Long Knives was Fake
Rommel was also Jewish
Looks like David Irving is Jewish. Biographical, and includes Lipstadt legal case. As far as I know, Irving did not reply.
• Hitler's ancestry in hiller.pdf

Raeto West   30 July 2024