He followed this up with his article on the Romanovs, who seem to have displaced other Russian bloodlines, and may therefore have collaborated with Jews, possibly foolishly. Both these pieces are long and include graphics, and are in their own separate files, with some notations by me.
Bolshevik Execution of Romanovs was a Jewish Hoax Another impressive article, in its own file
The other 40 or so articles here are mostly brief and taken from email exchanges. One is on 'eugenics', which has been spun from simple medical desiderata into a network of disputes involving selective Jewish activity against 'goyim', birth control, abortion, conflicts between races and notably Jewish impulses, conflicts between relative population and total population sizes, propaganda, and eugenics. Mr Bustion bases his work on publications at the time.
Some of the other items are based on readings which perhaps are too small scale; for example; the Anna Freud quotations seem to show that the (largely Jewish) area of Hampstead, London, wasn't bombed in the Second World War, but this doesn't show that 'working class' areas were not bombed or shelled. Some of these articles are based on superstitions in my view. But I'll leave them for the moment; they may be updated.
These are roughly newest first, unless there's an obvious sequence - RW
Jacques de Molay and Possible Lookalikes, Identities
Ancestral connections of Christopher Jon Bjerknes that give excellent reason to suspect that he is not only controlled opposition, but a government agent
'Brother James Key', Youtuber who appears to denounce Trump; and Trump as Jew Agent
Martin Luther's ancestry and the invention of Protestantism
Jewish promotion of pedophilia and child sexual abuse... and against it ... controlled opposition
My opinion: true purpose of Russia vs Ukraine is to force millions of Ukrainians to emigrate
Louis XVI and Bourbons
Noahide Laws
Hitler, Nobility, Rockefellers
Hitler the Wealthiest Man in Europe...?
Siegfried Bleher
Rosa Bernie Nienau, Jewish child friend of Hitler's
Dumbing Down? Dyslexia? College is a scam?
Hexzane on Stalin and Hitler
On Harry Potter and Automatic Writing
Jewish Hoax: Criminal Trial of Katzenberger. With sex and the Rothschilds
Margaret Sanger, the Rockefellers, and Eugenics was a Jewish Hoax
The AntiMasonry of the Roman Catholic Church
Elite Gender Inversion
Weaknesses of Hexzane527's Work
Weaknesses of Miles Mathis's Work
Jews in the USSR and Russia
Henry Ford documented as a Freemason
Spirits Telepathically Instructing Jews?
Cremation of Executed Murderers
AntiZionism may be Controlled Opposition
New Theses about Stalin
White South Africa had White Ruling Families
Nuremburg Law against Interracial Sex a Hoax
Churchill Exposed as a Fraud
Anna Freud on German London Bombings Shows they were a Hoax
Holodomor and Nakba
Trotsky's Assassination
Hitler dissociative identity theory
Mr Bustion emailed many images of family trees, some of which I've expanded into the ADL site and the Romanov execution hoax, too long to be included in this page, and therefore elsewhere on the site.
The zipped groups of images can be seen by clicking on:
Attachments-Hitler had Russian relatives.zip |
Attachments-Hitler was related to British nobility and elites.zip |
Attachments-Hitlers' 2x great grandparents were siblings, too.zip |
Attachments-King Louis XVI of France was 10x great grandson of Amadeus Savoy VIII, statements on other genealogical connections that I discussed, this is congruous with Mathis's view that the execution of the Bourbo.zip |
Attachments-King Louis XVI of France was 16x great grandson of King Phillip IV of France.zip |
Attachments-Literal incestuous unions in Hitler's ancestry and in Rockefeller's ancestry.zip |
Attachments-Mary-Phagan-jpegs.zip |
Attachments-Nelson Rockefeller's second wife's tree as further evidence of the former's relation to Hitler.zip |
Attachments-Relation of Hitler to the Rockefellers, possible relation of the former to Johann Andrea, founder of the Rosicrucians.zip
The top attached image is a painting of King Phillip IV Capet of France. The bottom is a painting of Jacques de Molay. They look very similar. They have identically, if not, almost identically, shaped noses, eyebrows, eyelids and skulls. The only discernible definite differences in their appearance seem to be due to clothing, hair style and make up. I was mocked for suggesting that they are the same person, on twitter. Maybe they're not, but I think that they look very similar. Do you think that they look similar?
NB: I'm not going to write much more on the Templars or de Molay in the near future because I intend to focus on Rittenhouse's case, but I wondered what you thought of my point on the similarity in appearance between these two.
Attachments-Similarities in appearance between King Phillip IV of France and Jacques de Molay.zip
I found two other paintings that confirm the high similarity in appearance of King Philip IV of France and Jacques de Molay. They have identically, if not, very similarly, shaped noses, eyes, eyebrows, eyelids and skulls. It seems that all discernible differences are probably or at least plausibly a result of hair styling, clothing, make up or prosthetics. In my opinion , this indicates the possibility that they are the same. If not, they are likely close relatives since they resemble each other.
De Molay was executed by burning at the stake on March 18, 1314. Jacques de Molay (1244-1314) - Find a Grave Memorial
King Philip died on November 29 , 1314. Philippe IV of France (1268-1314) - Find a Grave Memorial De Molay pronounced a curse on King Philip while he was burning. Then King Philip died nine months later. It seems to me that maybe they are the same person and the king had to disappear to prevent people from figuring this out.
Attachments-Two other paintings demonstrated high similarity in appearance between Jacques de Molay and King Philip of France.zip [Note by RW: the format of these images doesn't work with me. You need .jpg or similar graphics format]
Pope Clement V, according to what we call the standard narrative of the persecution of the Knights Templar, was imprisoned by King Philip of France in the Babylonian captivity of the papacy, and was coerced by the latter into persecuting the Knights Templar.
He bore an uncanny similarity to both de Molay and King Philip.
All three have identical, if not, almost identical, eye shapes, eyelid shapes, eyebrow shapes, nose shapes and skull shapes. There is a similarity between the pope and the king that is not discernible in deMolay, because of clothing, same shape, thickness and length of neck.
I am inclined to believe that they were the same person.
Attachments-Pope Clement V Compared to de Molay and King Philip.zip
I worked on the family tree of Christopher Jon Bjerknes. He has some very suspicious family connections. He is fourth cousin, thrice removed, of the wife of Jacob Bonnevie, a member of the Norwegian parliament.
I don't know what the name of the dad of Christopher Jon Bjerknes is, but his dad is the son of Christian Bjerknes, which makes Christopher Jon Bjerknes through him, great -grandson of Peter Christensen Bjerknes. Through him, 2x great grandson of Aletta Koren. Through her, 3x great grandson of Wilhelm Koren. Through him, 4x great grandson of Ulrich Koren. Through him , 5x great grandson of Niels Koren. Through him, 6x great grandson of Johan Koren. Johan Koren was dad of Magdalena Koren. Through her, granddad of Johan Christie. Through him, great granddad of Eilert Christie. Through him, 2x great grandad of Ann Christie. Through her, 3x great grandad of Ann Daee. Ann Dae was the wife of Jacob Bonnevie.
From wikipedia:
[begin quote]
Jacob Aall Bonnevie (31 December 1838 – 13 August 1904) was a Norwegian educator, school director and text book author. He served as a member of the Norwegian Parliament for the Conservative Party.
[end quote]
Jacob Aall Bonnevie - Wikipedia
Jacob Aall Bonnevie: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
Bjerknes is paternal 2x great grandson of the physicist Carl Anton Bjerknes.
From wikipedia again,
[begin quote]
Carl Anton Bjerknes ([phonetic alphabet I haven't copied-RW] /'bj??rkn?s/ BYURK-niss, Norwegian: ['bjæ^rkne?s]; 24 October 1825 – 20 March 1903) was a Norwegian mathematician and physicist. Bjerknes' earlier work was in pure mathematics, but he is principally known for his studies in hydrodynamics.
[end quote]
Carl Anton Bjerknes - Wikipedia
Carl Anton Bjerknes: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
Christopher Jon Bjerknes is eleventh cousin, three times removed, of the Norwegian Nazi collaborator Quisling. I will just state each name in order to show the relation:
Christopher Jon Bjerknes, son of unknown Bjerknes. Unknown Bjerknes, son of Christian Bjerknes. Christian Bjekrnes, son of Peter Bjerknes. Peter Bjerknes, son of Carl Anton Bjerknes. Carl Anton Bjerknes, son of Abraham Bjerknes. Abraham Bjerknes, son of Isaac Bjerknes. Isaac Bjerknes, son of Eli Kjorstad. Eli Kjorstad, daughter of Mareth Olufstr. Mareth Olufstr, daughter of Beret Gulliksdtr. Beret Gulliksdtr, daughter of Gulik Eivindsen. Gullik Eivendsen, son of Eivind Olsen. Eivind Olsen, son of Olav Elvindson. Olav Elvindson, son of Astrid Olavsdatter. Astrid Olavsdatter, daughter of Olav Erlandson. Olav Erlandson, son of Erland Olavson. Erland Olavson, dad of Olav Folkestad. Olav Folkestad, dad of Ekilive Oluvsdatter. Mom of Gregar Have.
Gregar Have, dad of Aaste Gregarsdatter. Aaste Gregarsdatter, mom of Sveinung Gunalvsen. Sveinung Gunalvsen, dad of Anne Sveinungsdatter. Ann Sveinungdatter, mom of Ann Nilsdatter. Ann Nilsdatter, mom of Nils Funemark.Nils Funemark, dad of Andrea Nilsdair. Andrea Nilsdair, mom of Larry Rasmussen. Larry Rasmussen, dad of Jon Abrahamsen. Jon Abrahamsen, dad of Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling.
The former two attachments are CJB's relation to Bonnevie. The latter two are his relation to Quisling.
And Bjerknes is the paternal 2x great grandson of the physicist Carl Anton Bjerknes, like I said before.
All of these are good reasons to be very suspicious of Bjerknes. I have little doubt that he is a government agent.
I was relying on old notes I had, when I told you about Bonnevie's relation to Bjerknes. I had forgotten that they had a much closer relation, by marriage, than the blood relation.
Jacob Bonnevie was dad-in-law of the great grand uncle of Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes, through his dad, is grandson of Christian Bjerknes. Through him, great grandson of Peter Bjerknes. Through him, 2x great grandson of Carl Anton Bjerknes. Carl Bjerknes was dad of Vilhelm Bjerknes, a meteorologist. Vilhelm Bjerknes was husband of Sofia Bonnevie. Sofia Bonnevie was daughter of Jacob Bonnevie.
While the distant family relation of Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Jacob Bonnevie, by itself, might not be particularly interesting, it is much more interesting when it is combined with the much closer marital relation.
From wikipedia: [Warning: wikipedia entries can be changed at any time. And some of the original links are not included here - RW]
Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes ForMemRS[1] (/'bj??rkn?s/ BYURK-niss, Norwegian: ['bjæ^rkne?s]; 14 March 1862 – 9 April 1951[1][3][4][5][6]) was a Norwegian physicist and meteorologist who did much to found the modern practice of weather forecasting. He formulated the primitive equations that are still in use in numerical weather prediction and climate modeling, and he developed the so-called Bergen School of Meteorology, which was successful in advancing weather prediction and meteorology in the early 20th century.
Vilhelm Bjerknes - Wikipedia
Vilhelm Bjerknes: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
About Jacob Bonnevie wikipedia said:
His eldest daughter Sofie Honoria Bonnevie (1864–1928) married physicist and meteorologist Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862–1951). He was also the father of physician Kristine Bonnevie (1872-1948), Supreme Court justice Thomas Bonnevie (1879-1960) and jurist Carl Bonnevie (1881-1972).
Jacob Aall Bonnevie - Wikipedia
Jacob Aall Bonnevie: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
So Bonnevie was a member of a hereditary aristocratic political family, similar to the Rockefellers.
Quisling is a notorious hate figure. I'm not sure if you're taking a view on him as a secret Jew or a secret Norwegian patriot: what do you mean by being related to Quisling makes you more likely to be a 'government agent'?
Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes, the mathematician and weather forecaster, must have influenced Lewis Fry Richardson and Sir John Mason of the Met Office weather computation.
I have seven interesting newsletters from Johan Randulph in Norway, from 1999, on Norway and the Second World War, including Jews and Quisling and Holocaust Revisionism. Index to the seven newsletters here. - RW.
You asked: [begin quote] what do you mean by being related to Quisling makes you more likely to be a 'government agent'? [end quote]
I mean that since Quisling was a leader of a nation, Norway, it makes me suspect Bjerknes that he was related to him, given all the other connections that I see. Regardless of Quisling's motives. Bjerknes has lots of elites connections. The relation to Quisling by itself might not be a reason to suspect him, but when it is combined with his relation to the others, particularly his 2x paternal great granddad, it seems a reason to be suspicious.
- PB
What I was asking relates to the part played by Jews in WW2. Were Jews in Norway the real government, co-operating in the revisionist view with Jews in Germany and in the USSR and USA and UK? Was Quisling an agent of Jews, or of the Norwegians, or is it not known?
I see exactly what you mean about Einstein. I don't know whether the story is present in Bjerknes, as of course it may well be. It sounds parallel to the accounts of Einstein and contemporary German physicists.
- RW
[top of page] | [list of links]
Hello Rae,
There is a youtuber called Brother James Key, who is monomaniacally obsessed with the notion that Trump is the AntiChrist. The sole purpose of his channel is to rant against Trump. He has only made a handful of videos where he discussed anything other than his belief that Trump is the AntiChrist. And I mean a handful literally, it was less than five.
I believe that Key is complicit in a deception. There is a plan by the big Jews to use Trump as their agent, in order to force the little Jews to go to Israel, and to stage a war between the white European nations and Israel. Trump will persecute the Jews and lead a war against Israel in the future. Key is the agent of the scriptwriters, to dupe dumb goyim into following the agenda of the script. I believe that Trump will persecute Christians, and Christians will resist Trump, resulting in mass executions of Christians, which will further the Jewish goal of exterminating the hated white race.
Key has over 19,100 subscribers on youtube. He has not been banned even though he constantly talks about topics that most people, even with a much smaller audience than he has, would be banned for.
I figured that Key must be one of those crypto-Jewish actors. While working on Mary Anne Phagan's genealogy recently, I noticed that her stepdad, John Coleman, had a recent ancestor whose surname was Key, and figured that that was likely a relative of Brother James Key. I did extensive, excruciating investigation, and found out that I was correct. There is no doubt that Mary Phagan's stepdad was related to James Key, although the exact manner in which the tree that I worked on states it is probably slightly incorrect. For now, I will show what the tree that I am working on says, I intend to revise it to be more accurate. The tree says that Mary Anne Phagan was the stepdaughter of the husband of the eighth cousin, four times removed, of Brother James Key.
Brother James Key's real full name is James Edward Key. James Edward Key is the son of James Monroe Key, through him, grandson of Denville Owen Key. Through him, great grandson of Francis Joshua Key. Through him, 2x great grandson of George W Key. Through him, 3x great grandson of Thomas Key. Through him, 4x great grandson of William Key. Through him, 5x great grandson of William Key.Through him, 6x great grandson of Thomas Key. Through him, 7x great grandson of William Key. Through him, 8x great grandson of Thomas Key. Through him, 9x great grandson of Thomas Key. Through him, 10x great grandson of Edmund Key. Through him, 11x great grandson of Andrew Key. Andrew Key was the dad of John Key. John Key was the dad of John Key. John Key was the dad of Martin Key. Martin Key was the dad of John Key. John Key was the dad of John Key, Junior. John Key Junior was the dad of John Key III. John Key III was the dad of George Walter Key. George Walter Key was the dad of Sarah Ann Key. Sarah Key was the mom of Mary Emma Tuggle. Mary Tuggle was the wife of John Coleman. John Coleman was the husband of Frances Benton, through her, the stepdad of Mary Anne Phagan. That makes Mary Anne Phagan stepdaughter of the husband of the eighth cousin, four times removed, of Brother James Key.
James Key is also a distant cousin of Francis Scott Key, the author of the star spangled banner. The reason that I said that the tree that I have connecting him to Mary Phagan is slightly inaccurate is because there were contradictions of the people in this tree and the tree that I saw connecting Key to Francis Scott Key. I have no doubt that in the fully accurate tree, James Key would still be connected to both Mary Anne Phagan and Francis Scott Key. I don't want to work on correcting the tree at the moment so am just showing information for the moment.
I know that you do not believe in the paranormal, but relating this reminds me of an incident that I found very spooky. One afternoon I was walking to the library, and a woman saw me in her car and offered me a ride, and I accepted it. While we were talking in the car, she volunteered, out of the blue, that she was a direct descendant of Francis Scott Key, the author of the star spangled banner. To be honest, I had not even heard of the man before she mentioned him to me. I remembered James Key at the moment, though needless to say I did not bring him up, and thought she must be related to James Key through her ancestor. At the time the incident seemed very spooky to me, like there was a telepathic connection between the woman and me and spirits were involved.
I believe that the people behind this have been planning this for over a thousand years, to hire a dupe who they would trick into being their controlled opposition agent, and make him the central villain of their drama, that they would deceive the world into believing. That is the reason for Brother James Key and other youtube accounts calling Trump the AntiChrist, I believe.
There are similarities between Trump and Leo Frank. One is that Trump was accused, without evidence, of raping a female during her fourteenth year. They were both accused, without evidence, of many sexual crimes. They were both accused of barging in on young females while they were dressing. They both had one segment of society irrationally hate them and another segment irrationally love them.
I know that you don't like linking to youtube, but for people to be able to see who Brother James Key is, here is a link to his channel, Brother James Key - YouTube. It goes without saying that I'm not recommending his content as a source of accurate information, I'm denouncing him as an agent and shill intentionally deceiving people.
As I said earlier, my genealogy of the relation of Mary Anne Phagan to Brother James Key was slightly incorrect. But the corrected genealogy has them more closely related, not less. And here I will send the genealogy connecting Brother James Key to Francis Scott Key, too. First, the corrected chart connecting Mary Ann Phagan and Brother James Key. Mary Ann Phagan was the stepdaughter of the husband of the fourth cousin, thrice removed, of Brother James Key.
James Edward Key is the son of James Monroe Key, through him, grandson of Danville Owen Key. Through him, great grandson of Francis Joshua Key, through him, 2x great grandson of George Key. Through him, 3x great grandson of Thomas Key. Through him, 4x great grandson of William Key. Through him, 5x great grandson of Martin Key. Through him, 6x great grandson of John Key (1696-1767). John Key (1696-1767) was dad of John Key, Junior (1731-1790). Through him, granddad of John Waller Key IV (1752-1827). Through him, great granddad of George Washington Key. Through him, 2x great grandad of Sara Key. Through her, 3x great granddad of Emma Tuggle. Emma Tuggle was the wife of John Coleman. John Coleman was the husband of Frances Benton. Frances Benton was the mom of Mary Ann Phagan.
Brother James Key is eighth cousin, seven times removed, of Francis Scott Key, author of the Star Spangled banner. I already stated the connections in the last genealogy, up to John Key (1696-1767). James Edward Key. James Monroe Key. Danville Key. Francis Key. George Key. Thomas Key. William Key. Martin Key. John Key (1696-1767). James Edward Key is 6x great grandson of John Key (1696-1767). Through him, 7x great grandson of Martin Key (1670-1706). Through him, 8x great grandson of John Key (1653-1690). Through him, 9x great grandson of John Key (1630-1671). Through him, 10x great grandson of Andrew Key (1603-1675). Through him, 11x great grandson of Matthew Key. Through him, 12x great grandson of Nicholas Key. Through him, 13 x great grandson of William Key. Through him, 14x great grandson of John Key (1471-1525). John Key (1471-1525) was the dad of Roger Key. Through him, the granddad of Thomas Key. Through him, the great granddad of Richard Key. Through him, the 2x great granddad of John William Key. Through him, the 3x great granddad of Richard William Key. Through him, the 4x great granddad of Phillip Key. Through him, 5x great grandad of Francis Key. Through him, 6x great granddad of John Ross Key. Through him, 7x great granddad of Francis Scott Key. This makes Brother James Key the eighth cousin, seven times removed, of Francis Scott Key, author of the Star Spangled banner.
In the attachments, the first two images are of the chart of the relation of Brother James Key to Mary Ann Phagan. The latter two images are of the chart of the relation of Brother James Key to Francis Scott Key. I begin with the part of the chart showing brother James Key and end with the part showing the famous relative in both cases.
Relation of Brother James Key to Francis Scott Key and corrected genealogy of relation of Mary Ann Phagan to the former. 'Brother James Key' denounces Trump as the AntiChrist on Youtube [My red flag - RW]
Hello Rae,
I just began a genealogy of Martin Luther. I have concluded that Luther's parents were siblings. His paternal grandmom and maternal grandmom appear to me to be the same the same person. I looked at Geni's family tree of Luther. His paternal grandmom was named Anna Margaretha Ziegler. Geni - Anna Margaretha von Luder (Ziegler) (1434-1521)- Möhra His maternal grandmom was named Margarethe Ziegler Geni - Margarethe Ziegler (c.1425-1521) They both died on the exact same date, September 21, 1521. They are both listed as having the same dad, Ritter Otto Ziegler Rebstock. Geni - Ritter Otto Ziegler zum Rebstock (c.1421-1517) It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that they were the same person. This would mean that Luther's parents were literally at least half siblings.
It seems that these crypto-Jewish families practice extreme inbreeding to the point of literal incest, and make slight name changes to deceive people into thinking that it is mere cousin unions.
I believe that Luther was a crypto-Jew, whose purpose in inventing Protestantism was to divide and conquer the hated white race.
Mathis has already asserted pretty much the same thing. But he did not point out that Luther's parents were probably siblings. Mathis said that Pope Leo X was in on the plot. He might have been, but it does not appear to me to be the case that Luther and Pope Leo were close relatives. I just worked on a genealogy of the pope and he did not appear to have recent German ancestry.
I've not read it but it seems like Jewish sponsored controlled opposition antisemitism, to me. I believe that some of the controlled opposition don't know that they are controlled. For example, I believe that Hitler was sincere. But I believe that Luther knew that he was a Jew and was intentionally serving Jewish interests, including in his ostensibly anti-Jewish writings.
I've starting on the genealogy of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Habsburg of Germany, who arranged the Diet of Worms, that enabled Luther to promote his poison to the masses, he was related to King Phillip IV Capet of France, the persecutor of the Knights Templar. Emperor Charles V Germany was 7x great grand nephew of King Phillip IV of France.
Charles V of Germany was son of Phillip Castile. Through him, grandson of Mary Burgundy. Through her, great grandson of Charles Capet Valoit Burgundy (1433-1437). Through him, 2x great grandson of Phillip de Valois Burgundy III. Through him, 3x great grandson of John Burgundy. Through him, 4x great grand son of Phillip Burgundy II. Through him, 5x great grandson of King Jean II of France. Through him, 6x great grandson of King Phillip VI of France. Through him, 7x great grandson of Count Charles Valois. Through him, 8x great grandson of King Phillip III of France. King Phillip III of France was the dad of King Phillip IV of France. Thus, King Phillip IV of France was the 7x great grand uncle of the Holy Roman Emperor of Germany Charles V Habsburg. This is significant because King Phillip's persecution of the Knights Templar was, ostensibly, a Roman Catholic state persecution of Christian heretics, in particular the crucifixion of Jacques de Molay was ostensibly done to punish him for not believing in orthodox Christianity. So it makes sense that a person helping to sell the narrative of Luther as a victim of persecution by the Roman Catholic Church was related to a person who helped author another contrived narrative of Roman Catholic persecution of heretics.
I don't know if you know about this already or not, but a quasi-Communist Jew run website called Salon, in America, published an article by an alleged pedophile named Todd Nickerson, called I am a pedophile but not a monster where he argued that pedophiles who refrain from sexually abusing children should be socially accepted, even if they are open about their pedophilia. The article is not Salon anymore, but here is a link to another edition of the same article, I’m a Pedophile, but Not a Monster - Alternet.org [Note: it's a 2015 article—RW]
The purpose of this article is clearly to cause pedophiles to be socially accepted, so as to cause social harm, including child sexual abuse, as a result of the acceptance of them. But I believe that that is not the ultimate purpose. I believe that the ultimate purpose is to make the public angry about the normalization of pedophilia and child sexual abuse, so that there will be a reaction against it, and there will be an anti-pedophile movement that will be used as controlled opposition. This is basically what QAnon is. This is not my original idea, others have discussed it, including John Blanchette, the owner of the youtube channel Ephesians 5:11 Ministries. E511 Ministries - YouTube Blanchette refuses to name the Jew, most likely because he is one of them, but he basically says what I say except without naming the Jew. [Note: I don't like linking to Youtube because of its heavy censorship policy, and promotion of trash—RW]
Jews run all the major pornographic websites, they own Hollywood and produce the quasi-pornographic films that it peddles. Over 90% of trashy quasi-pornographic romance novels are by Jews. The promotion of sexual perversion and sexual immorality generally largely comes from Jews. I believe that the Jews promoting these things intend a backlash against them to come, so that they use another dupe or agent, similar to Hitler, as a controlled opposition figure.
Although Jews have promoted normalizing pedophilia, as in Nickerson's article, Jews have been behind raising the minimum legal age for sex, both historically and currently, through the feminist movement. Feminism is a Jewish movement, and it was feminists who caused the average minimum legal age for sex in states of the United States to be changed from ten to sixteen, and they ultimately wanted it to be raised to eighteen. Wikipedia says in its article
Age of consent reform - Wikipedia
Age of consent reform: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years, 10 states had an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.[23][24]
In the late-19th century, a "social purity movement" composed of Christian feminist reform groups began advocating a raise in the age of consent to 16, with the goal of raising it ultimately to 18. By 1920, 26 states had an age of consent at 16, 21 states had an age of consent at 18, and one state (Georgia) had an age of consent at 14.[25]
Amanda Marcotte, a Jewish feminist, on Salon, wrote an article demanding that the minimum legal age for sex be raised to eighteen years in all of the USA, A national age of consent? After Roy Moore, maybe it's time | Salon.com
So Jews promote two opposite sides in a dialectic on this matter. One side comes very close to openly promoting legalizing child sexual abuse, the other promotes increasing the minimum legal age for sex. I believe that the reason for this is that the purpose of the Jews who promote allowing child sexual abuse is to offend the masses so that they will embrace their controlled opposition agent, who will claim to be rescuing the world from child sexual abuse.
QAnon is very focused on combating child sexual abuse and many believe that Trump is Q. I don't know if he is, but it would kind of make sense.
Todd Nickerson, the author of the pro-pedophilia article that I referenced, is a Jew from a very inbred family. He is 8x great grandson of Rabbi Jacob Franks, and is grandson of a Hess, the latter relation might connect him to Rudolf Hess. Nickerson is son of Sheila June Ross, through her, grandson of Mava June Hess. Through her, great grandson of Marie Franks. Through her, 2x great grandson of Frank Franks. Through him, 3x great grandson of Emmanuel Franks. Through him, 4x great grandson of David Franks. Through him, 5x great grandson of Isaac Franks. Through him, 6x great grandson of Henry Taylor Franks. Through him, 7x great grandson of Michael Franks. Through him, 8x great grandson of Rabbi Jacob Franks.
I believe that the true purpose of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is to cause a refugee crisis, so as to force millions of Ukrainians to immigrate to western Europe and America. This will cause there to be a Ukrainian group present in these countries who will lobby for the benefit of their group, to the detriment of their host countries. This is already in existence, and was so long before this war, the war is just exacerbating the problem. The fixation on the holodomor by many on the right wing is almost entirely a result of Ukrainian immigrants promoting the holodomor narrative. This is true even if the holodomor is real.
Slaviuk, an assistant economics professor at National University Kiev-Mohyla Academy, stated in in an interview with the International Labor Organization:
[begin quote] The migration of Ukrainians is massive, indeed. According to UNHCR data from 19 July, roughly 6 million Ukrainian refugees were recorded across Europe, 3.7 million of them registering for temporary protection. According to the Gradus research, in the first wave of migration in May 73 per cent of respondents (migrants) wanted to return home at the first opportunity. In June, this number decreased to 62 per cent, though the number of those who wanted to stay at the new place of residence decreased from 12 to 8 per cent. A quarter of the respondents do not know what to do. At the same time, according to a survey conducted by Work.ua, 59 per cent of Ukrainian refugees were looking for a job in the country of temporary stay. [end quote]
Ukraine crisis: How does the war against Ukraine impact employment and migration? (ilo.org)
We have had similar patterns of immigration, historically, causing similar problems. The Irish mass immigrated to America, Canada and the island of Great Britain because of the Potato Famine. I am NOT saying that we should treat the Irish as aliens today or that they should be viewed in the same way as Jews or black Africans or other non-white groups are views, but in the past, they did cause problems. Again, that is not to say that this should be held against them today, it is only to be aware of past problems, so that we can understand and prepare for future problems. Another example is that the Jews of Eastern Europe were forced into mass immigration into western Europe and America by the Romanov Tsarist regime's persecution of Jewry. I believe that the Romanovs were crypto-Jews and that the primary purpose of their persecution of the Jews was to force them to move to western Europe and America, so that Jewish power could be expanded in those countries.
I believe that Putin and Zelensky are intentionally continuing this war so that they can force Ukrainians to mass emigrate to Europe and America, so that the Ukrainian emigrants will cause similar problems to the ones caused by Irish, Jewish, Italian, etc immigrants, immigrants to western countries in the past.
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Hello Rae,
I just learned that King Louis XVI Bourbon of France was 10x great grandson of Amadeus VIII Savoy, the member of the Savoy family who obtained the Turin shroud for that family. King Louis XVI Bourbon of France was the son of Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon, through him, grandson of King Louis XV Bourbon of France, through him, great grandson of Maria Adelaide Savoy, through her, 2x great grandson of Victor Amadeus II Hertog van Savoye, through him, 3x great grandson of Charles Emmanuel II Savoy, through him, 4x great grandson of Viktor Amadeus Savoy, through him, 5x great grandson of Carlo Savoy, through him, 6 x great grandson of Emmanuel Savoy. Through him, 7x great grandson of Carlos III Savoy. Through him, 8x great grandson of Phillipe Savoy. Through him, 9x great grandson of Louis Savoy. Through him, 10 x great grandson of Amadeus VIII Savoy.
When King Louis XVI was allegedly beheaded, someone in the crowd, according to the story, picked up his head and shouted 'Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged'.
Based on the genealogical connections I have shown between Molay, King Phillip IV of France and Amadeus VIII, combined with the research of Knight and Lomas in The Second Messiah, I have come to the conclusion that those authors were correct that it is Molay's face on the Turin shroud and that the image resulted from a mock crucifixion that Molay was subjected to in which his body was put in contact with a shroud. However, I believe that Molay was coerced into complying with the mock crucifixion through blackmail, possibly on the basis of sexual crimes that he had committed, and that the mock crucifixion was a hazing ritual. I believe that Molay was not killed. In the standard narrative, he was killed in 1314 through burning at the stake. This was much later than his mock crucifixion, which was in 1307. I believe that the use of burning at the stake as the method of killing was to give an alibi for why there was no corpse, they could claim that the fire cremated the corpse.
The fact that Louis was related to Amadeus makes it highly likely that the alleged execution of the king was another hoax and part of a broader psyop linked to the mock crucifixion of de Molay and the hoaxed execution of the latter, especially when combined with the person in the crowd shouting 'Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged,' and de Molay supposedly having cursed the French royal family while burning at the stake.
I showed the family trees, but did not put in written form the descent connecting King Phillip to Amadeus, so will write that in this email.
Amadeus VIII Savoy was 3x great grand nephew of King Phillip Capet of France.
King Phillip IV Capet of France was son of King Phillip III Capet of France, the latter was the dad of Charles Valois. Charles Valois was dad of King Phillip Valois VI of France. King Phillip VI was dad of Jean de France II. Jean de France was dad of Jean de Berry. Jean de Berry was dad of Bonne. Bonne was mom of Amadeus Savoy VIII.
King Phillip had close Bourbon relatives. I'm certain that he was related to King Louis XVI, I am going to find the exact connection soon.
Hello Rae,
King Louis XVI of France was 16x great grandson of King Phillip IV of France
I worked out the descent of King Louis XVI Bourbon of France from King Phillip IV Capet of France. The former was the 16x great grandson of the latter.
King Louis XVI Bourbon of France was son of Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon, through him, grandson of King Louis XV Bourbon of France, through him, great grandson of Louis Bourbon de Bourgogne. Through him, 2x great grandson of Louis Bourbon the grand dauphin. Through him, 3x great grandson of King Louis XIV Bourbon of France. Through him, 4x great grandson of King Louis XIII Bourbon of France. Through him, 5x great grandson of King Henry IV Bourbon of France. Through him, 6x great grandson of Queen Jeane III of Navarre. Through her, 7x great grandson of King Henry II of Navarre. Through him 8 great grandson of John King. Through him, 9x great grandson of Alain de Grand d'Albret, Comte de Gavre. Through him, 10x great grandson of Jean Catherine Rohan. Through her, 11x great grandson of Marguerite Montfort. Through her, 12x great grandson of Joanna Richmond (of Navarre), Queen (consort) of England. Through her, 13x great grandson of King Carlos II de Navarre. Through him, 14x great grandson of Joan II of France and Navarre. Through her, 15x great grandson of King Louis X Capet of France. Through him, 16x great grandson of King Phillip IV Capet of France.
Files: Attachments-King Louis XVI of France was 16x great grandson of King Phillip IV of France.zip
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Hello Rae,
I just learned, through my genealogical research, that a Scottish judge and nobleman, John Marshall, Lord Curriehill, was the 2x great granddad of the wife of the nephew of Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler was the son of Alois Hitler. Alois Hitler was the dad of Alois Hitler, Junior. Alois Hitler, Junior was the dad of William Patrick Hitler. William Patrick Hitler was the husband of Phyllis Jean Jacques. She was daughter of Dorothy Marshall, through her, granddaughter of William Stephen Marshall, through him, great grand daughter of William Marshall, through him, 2 x great granddaughter of John Marshall.
John Marshall was a Scottish judge and aristocrat. John Marshall, Lord Curriehill - Wikipedia
Hitler almost certainly had close family relations with prominent British aristocrats and elites, based on this. Almost certainly many of these elites understood themselves to be crypto-Jews. This increases the chances that Hitler was either a dupe of, or an agent of, British elites that were ultimately crypto-Jewish. He was a Jewish agent, whether he understood it, or not, as you said in your interview about Hitler, but your interviewer was partially correct in calling him a British agent, even though you said 'I wouldn't say he was a British agent, I would say he was a Jewish agent,' in the sense that these Jews were working out of London as their base of operations, it makes their project a British one in a geographical one.
I am almost certain that I will find more family connections between Hitler and British elites soon.
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Literal incestuous unions in Hitler's ancestry and in Rockefeller's ancestry
I just learned that Adolf Hitler's 4x paternal great grandparents were literally brother and sister. They were Johann George Hitler and his wife Katherine Elizabeth Hitler, both the children of George Michael Heidler and his wife Maria Heidler.
Adolf Hitler was the son of Alois Hitler, through him, the grandson of Johann George Hiedler, through him, the great grandson of Martinus Heidler, through him, the 2x great grandson of Johannes Hiedler, through him, the 3x great grandson of Stephan Hiedler, through him, the 4x great grandson of Johann George Hielder and his wife Katherine Elizabeth Hiedler, both the children of George Michael Heidler and his wife Maria Heidler.
When I screenshot Johann George Hitler's profile it only said Johann, and did not include his middle name George, it is the same man. For the last photo, spellcheck corrected Johann George's surname to 'Hustler,' unfortunately.
We see the same thing in the Rockefeller family. Nelson Rockefeller's paternal 8x great grandparents were literal brother and sister. Nelson Rockefeller was the son of John D. Rockefeller Jr, through him, the grandson of John D. Rockefeller, through him, the great grandson of William Avery Rockefeller, through him, the 2x great grandson of Godrey Lewis Rockefeller, through him, the 3x great grandson of William Oscar Rockefeller, through him, the 4x great grandson of Johann Simeon Rockefeller, through him, the 5x great grandson of Johann Thiel Rockefeller, through him, the 6x great grandson of Thoengess Anthonius Rockenfeller, through him, the 7x great grandson of Johannes Pieter Rockefeller, through him, the 8x great grandson of Goddard de Rockenfeller and Magdalena Goddard. Goddard de Rockenfeller and Magdalena Goddard Rockenfeller were both the children of Augier Rockenfeller and his wife Magdalena Goddard.
The similar incestuous unions in both the Hitler and Rockefeller families increases the chances that they are related. It is interesting, too, because it is very probably the explanation for the mental problems that both politicians suffered. Nelson Rockefeller had dyslexia and had a personality disorder that caused people to intensely dislike him. Hitler had a personality disorder that made people dislike him, too, and the latter struggled in high school, and ended up failing out. I believe that Hitler had at least average intelligence, but he had some kind of mental problem causing him difficulty with the scholastic or he would not have failed out of high school. The incestuous unions in his ancestry likely explain these mental defects. I believe that the reason for the elite often having mental problems like autism, schizophrenia, dyslexia, etc and for their often being sexually perverted, is that incestuous unions in their ancestry have caused rare extremely harmful genes that under normal circumstances it would be virtually impossible to replicate, to be replicated, and cause the descendants to have these problems. I do not believe that first cousin matings would be likely to cause these kinds of problems, I believe that incestuous unions would be needed for these kinds of genetic problems to be likely to occur. Likely our elite, and many non-elite, covertly practice incestuous unions.
NB: I'm not saying that Hitler was aware of the incestuous unions in his ancestry, nor am I saying that he was aware of his relation to the Rockefellers or of his Jewish ancestry. But even if he was not aware of these things, he was certainly manipulated by crypto-Jews around him who knew of these things.
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Hitlers' 2x great grandparents were siblings, too
I had an online correspondent, who died a few days ago, Siegfried Bleher, a former chief executive officer of a Silicon valley company, like you, he wrote a computer programming book. He was a veteran of the US air force in the Vietnamese war, and the son of a veteran of the German air force in the second world war on the Soviet front. I did a family tree of him, his paternal grandmom was a Heller. Heller, according to Mathis, is the original variation of Hitler's surname. I am now corresponding with Karl Duncan, a cousin of Bleher's. I believe that Bleher's tree links him to Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, a famous antiJewish author in the seventeenth century. I might discover new evidence through this genealogical research regarding Hitler's suspicious family connections.
Hitler was friends with a woman named Karoline Helwig and her daughter Rosa Bernie. He met them during his celebration of his forty fourth birthday, on April 20, 1933, they were standing outside his house while he was celebrating it. Hitler noticed Rosa, and her mom told the former that it was her daughter's sixth birthday. Hitler, according to the story, enjoyed the coincidence and the attractive appearance of her daughter, so he invited them to his house, and his personal photographer Hoffman, took photographs of the girl and Hitler together. The girl and her mom were frequent visitors at Hitler's house until 1938. The girl was of partial Jewish ancestry. Her maternal grandmom was a Jew, so she was 25% Jewish, according to the story. Hitler's advisors banned him from continuing to interact with her, in 1938, because they considered her a Jew, therefore worried that his interacting with her would make people suspicious of him.
I find this story to be suspicious, but not for the same reason that others have found it suspicious. I am not the first person to find this to be evidence of Hitler being controlled opposition, but I might be the first to have the specific reason that I will state. What I find suspicious is not so much Hitler associating with a person of partial Jewish ancestry, he could just be associating with her out of politeness, what I find suspicious is the fact that Hoffmann took photographs of Hitler with the girl and made sure to thoroughly document Hitler's association with the girl. It makes it seem to me that either Hitler, or at least people around him, wanted people to eventually figure out that German nationalism was Jewish and controlled opposition, and to that end this crew were trying to incriminate Hitler in any way possible.
I have noticed that there is almost no genealogical information on Rosa Bernie Nienau, just enough to prove that she was 25% Jew. And she died during her eighteenth year, of polio. That is very suspicious. Infectious diseases are often a means of hoaxing deaths, and this crew often hoax deaths at young ages for the purpose of disappearing, so that their frauds can not be discovered. It seems to me like this girl was essentially an actress, whose purpose interacting with Hitler was to provide evidence for the latter being a crypto-Jew and controlled opposition.
This is a video about the girl and her association with Hitler. Hitler's "Jewish Daughter" - YouTube
Another possible reason for this, though this is speculation on my part, is that this crew wanted people to think that Hitler was either a pedophile or at least had pedophilic tendencies. Superficially, Hitler seems to have an abnormal interest in this child in the photos of them. This may have been manufactured by this crew to promote the meme that the political elites are either pedophiles or have pedophilic tendencies. I believe that you and Mathis would both agree with me that Jeffrey Epstein's case is a hoax. Although that case involved older minors, so would not, strictly speaking, be about pedophilia, it was manufactured for a similar purpose, I think, to convince the public that the political elite are all sexually interested in young people and to label them 'pedophilic' in a broader, colloquial sense of the term.
Hello Rae,
I do agree with the idea that our educational system has deliberately been made bad. But I disagree with a specific idea postulated, that it has made the students dumber. I would say that the non-genetic factors determining differences in intelligence are almost entirely biological factors such as sleep, nutrition, etc. I believe that education, beyond basic things like reading, writing and arithmetic, is irrelevant to intelligence. This is related to the topic of my last email. The people who claim that the Rockefeller brothers had dyslexia because of Dewey's bad educational methods, will claim often that the Rockefellers imposed a generally bad method of education, which ruined children's ability to learn and dumbed them down. I believe that schooling has little impact on intelligence, with the exception of the teaching of basic things like arithmetic.
I do believe that our educational system has deliberately been made harmful. But the harm is making people study irrelevant things, and keeping them in school too long, not making them dumber.
People who claim that making students dumber is part of what is happening are promoting the equalitarian agenda of the Bolshevist Jews. And this idea does do harm to our educational system. I am not saying that education is useless, only that it does not make a person more intelligent. Knowledge is not intelligence. Schools need to take people's limitations into account more, and when people pretend that schools can turn anyone into an Aristotle, a Goethe or a Newton, it causes problems like people of vastly differing levels of abilities in the same classrooms, and students flunking out because they are studying subjects that they are not competent for.
I was reminded of this point because of a post I saw claiming that Judeo-Communists 'dumbed down' students. They did wreck our educational system, but saying that they made the students dumber is not the right way to put it, I think.
Hello Rae,
I was looking at an article on your site. It said:
I disagree with this. It probably is a bad method of reading, but it seems irrelevant to dyslexia, to me. Dyslexia seems to be entirely a genetically caused problem to me. It as a lot of similarities to dyspraxia, which means poor motor skills, and that seems to be a genetically caused problem, in some ways it is similar to autism, dyslexic tend to have repetitive behavior, lack of social understanding and trouble with thinking similar to those of autistics. I would be more inclined to believe that heredity is what causes dyslexia. [Personal material deleted]
Nelson Rockefeller had dyslexia, and so did his siblings, some authors blamed this on John Dewey's method of teaching reading, but a more likely cause is inbreeding causing dyslexia. A right wing author, Blumenfeld, wrote an article blaming the dyslexia of the Rockefeller brothers on Dewey's bad teaching methods, Confessions of a Dyslexic Internationalist - The New American. I disagree with Blumenfeld, and I see him as perhaps deceitful rather than misguided.
Maybe the misattribution of the cause of dyslexia is a Jewish trick, to get society believing that differences in mental abilities are determined by social factors, rather than genetic ones. Blumenfeld is a Jew, and maybe his motivation in blaming Dewey's teaching methods for the Rockefeller brothers' dyslexia is to brainwash society into believing that differences in mental abilities are determined by how society treats people, rather than genetics. I have noticed that much of the kosher right wing like to attack the Rockefellers and their associates and blame them for bad educational policies. The reason might be in order to cover up the genetic basis of differences in mental abilities. NB: I'm not saying that I favor the look say method, I am only saying that I feel that the harm that it causes has been exaggerated.
Since I discussed my expulsion from Carthage College and my threatening emails to the teachers there that caused my criminal prosecution and conviction, I was reminded of a view that I have held for a long time, that college is essentially a scam. The vast majority of college graduates end up in jobs where a college degree is irrelevant, and are burdened for the rest of their lives with debt. They would have been better off, economically, working from a young age, than spending time in college that kept them out of the labor force.
The average white person has an Intelligence Quotient of about 100. According to Richard Lynn, in his book The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence, the average Ashkenazi Jews has an Intelligence Quotient of about 110. That's probably an exaggeration, but even if that were true, the average person with an Intelligence Quotient of 110 would not be able to easily handle college, and even if he graduated, it would not expand his opportunities much in the job market. A 125 IQ is about the minimum needed to do well in a good college and to translate a college degree into a well paying job. It seems to me like college is an intentional Jewish elite scam to put the masses in debt and make them unemployable and delay their marriage and procreation.
What do you think?
I recently started studying the Noahide laws, seven rabbinical statutes that many of the Jews want to impose on Gentiles. One of them is a ban on idol worship, and the punishment for violating that ban is debatably the death penalty. Trump's daughter Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, are members of Chabad Lubavitch, a Jewish denomination that openly promotes the Noahide laws.
The AntiDefamation League openly promoted the USA adopting the Noahide laws at least as far back as 1999.
Vincent Bruno wrote:
[begin quote]
... If you remember, back in 1999, two Jewish law groups and a Noahidist lawyer team submitted an amici curiae (friend of the court) brief to the Supreme Court suggesting that the United States use decapitation as the primary mode of execution in the United States (here); beheading is the called for method of execution under Noahide Laws. Later, the same lawyer team introduced the Supreme Court to the Noahide Laws at the launch of a new Jewish law organization (here). However, this would not be the last time the Supreme Court would hear about the Noahide Laws as in 2005 the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) submitted another amici curiae brief to the Supreme Court in Orden v. Perry that said the Noahide Laws are "binding on the entire human race". [end quote]
Stop Noahide Law: Anti-Defamation League tells Supreme Court Noahide Law is "binding on the entire human race"
I think this information should go in my file about the ADL on your site. - Paul
Here's a copy of the video you recommend, by Adam Green and Vincent Bruno, on Know More News. On this site in case of censorship. Copied from Odysee. About 1 hour 46 minutes.
"Noahide" "Laws" Note that I can't be sure there's no concealed purpose in all this, for example as a diversion from serious issues, perhaps the fraud of COVID or work after 2014 on Ukraine. —RW
Hi Rae,
I believe that the Islamic sharia law is essentially the Noahide laws promulgated for Mohammedan Arabs. Dr Omer Saleem, a Muslim, wrote:
[begin quote]
Allah is instructing that there is no contention or dispute “between us Muslims and you Jews” because all revelations come from the same source—Allah. Some might say, but the Qur’an says that the Prophet Muhammad was sent to all mankind, to Arabs and non-Arabs, Jews and Christians, and all must follow him. To that the Qur’an tells us that every prophet came with a general message and a specific message. The general message is meant for all mankind, this is the Deen (universal law) of Islam. Deen is comparable to the universal Noahide laws. In this regard there is no distinction between the prophets.
There is ample room in Islam to accept Jews, Christians, and Noahides fully as they are, encouraging them to cleave to their faiths and prophets. [end quote]
Saleem openly said, essentially, that Islam is a Noahide religion. This was discussed in an article, Rebecca Abrahamson. "Dr. Omer Salem, A Bridge for Peace?". Arutz Sheva.
[begin quote]
Determined to pursue peace with the Jewish people, Egyptian Muslim sheikh, Dr. Omer Salem, just completed a whirlwind tour of Israel.
At his speech at the Jewish Agency, Salem stated that Islam has no theological conflict with Judaism. He notes that Islam does have a long standing dispute with Christianity over two topics. One – the trinity is viewed by believing Muslims as idolatrous. Two - Christians wish to proselytize to Muslims. Judaism is considered strictly monotheistic, and does not call for proselytizing any more than spreading the Seven Noahide Laws, which Muslims already keep. [end quote]
Also from that article:
[begin quote] As to what motivated him to get involved in Jewish-Muslim rapprochement, Salem sees the Arab-Israeli conflict as central to solving the conflicts in the Middle East. “I have friends and family back in Egypt, I want them and my people to be at peace and to prosper, and I see making peace with the people of Israel as key.” He has condensed his proposals in his new book, The Missing Peace, the Role of Religion in the Arab Israeli Conflict.
He holds that any solution in the region must be based upon scripture, both Torah and Qur’an, as this is what ultimately unites Muslims and Jews both theologically and historically. ”Read!” he insisted to the students at the Young Ambassadors high school program, Petach Tikvah, “check out the sources for yourselves!” “This really impressed me” one student remarked, and the idea that Islam can indeed support a Jewish state was new information to them. [end quote]
Lieber, a rabbi, stated:
[begin quote] I told him that the Torah starts with our common humanity in the story of Adam, where we are told that all of humanity is created in the image of God. Judaism sees itself as having a role to play in the story of humanity, but not that everyone should be Jewish. Our role is to awaken certain values and a connection from God to humanity, which we see for example in the seven Noahide laws. We see in Islam a fulfillment of that vision. [end quote]
A Yemenite rabbi, el-Fayyumi, said in the twelfth century after Christ, that Islam was an acceptable Gentile religion, because it was Noahide.
[begin quote] Nevertheless, there is a minority view which believes that non-Jews can still receive prophecy. It is this position that led Natanel al-Fayyumi, a 12th-century Yemenite rabbi, to suggest that God established an eternal covenant with Moses and the Children of Israel, but that He also established a covenant with Muhammad and the Muslims.
Additionally, al-Fayyumi finds it critically important to reiterate the Torah's warning that if a prophet comes to change the laws of the Torah, he is not to be seen as a prophet for the Jewish people. Seeing that many of the laws and ideas in Islam are contrary to those of Judaism, and that the language of the Quran is different to that of the Torah, al-Fayyumi holds that a Jew must remain a Jew. However, the fact that the Seven Laws of Noah (a moral code passed down to Noah from God for non-Jews) are stated in the Quran, may suggest that Islam is a Noahide religion for non-Jews. [end quote]
From the same article:
[begin quote] However, according to al-Fayyumi, this does not mean that Jews should become Muslims, for he writes in his book, Garden of Intellects: "A proof that God sends a prophet to every people according to their language is found in this passage of the Quran, 'We sent a prophet only according to the language of his people.' Consequently had God sent a prophet to us [Jews], he would have surely been of our language."
What al-Fayyumi is stressing here is that he believes that the non-Jewish prophet, although a messenger of God, is nonetheless not part of Judaism. According to al-Fayyumi, Muhammad was given prophecies meant for non-Jews, and when God wanted to send a message to the Jews, He sent it with a Jewish prophet. [end quote]
Sina Cohen (2014). "How should non-Jewish prophets be viewed?". The JC. 22 June 2014. How should non-Jewish prophets be viewed? - The Jewish Chronicle (thejc.com)
I found all those articles from Vincent Bruno's article here, Stop Noahide Law: A growing alliance between Noahide Law and Muslim Sharia
Bruno wrote an article about how Palestinian leaders are negotiating the adoption by the largely Muslim Palestinians of the Noahide laws. Stop Noahide Law: Palestinian academic leaders working with Sanhedrin for Noahide Law
[begin quote] The unofficial Sanhedrin in Israel is seeking to build itself up to be the highest legal court of Judaism with jurisdiction over Noahides, they are converting non-Jews, calling themselves and special hereditary priesthood, and openly state their aim is to see the fall of all other religions on earth (here). They have built a Noahide organization called the "70 Nations" which seeks to replace the United Nations with an international Noahide court (here). They have asked President Trump to bring the Noahide Laws to the USA (here). There has already been efforts to evangelize the Noahide Laws to Palestinians (here), but now it seems that an unnamed (for safety) academic leader has rounded up a group of students who believe in the Noahide mission of the Sanhedrin and are willing to collaborate. They are seeking representatives from every nation on earth... and it seems like they are getting there. [end quote] Emphasis added was mine.
The Sanhedrin has received responses from several nations since the conference from the most unexpected sources; a Pashtun political figure from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Cameroon, and others. One such response came from a respected academic Palestinian scholar who lives in Judea. The scholar must remain anonymous since there are elements in the Palestinian Authority and in Palestinian society that use violent methods against Palestinians who advocate “normalization” of relations between Jews and Arabs (i.e. coexistence between Muslims and Jews).
“He contacted the Sanhedrin and wants to work with us. He has a group of students he is educating to follow this path,” Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, told Breaking Israel News. “He recognizes the Biblical basis for Israel and accepts them. He accepts that the only legitimate rule in the land of Israel is from the Jews and that the historical truth that Jewish Temples once stood on the Temple Mount. He wants the Palestinian people to be part of the Organization of 70 nations and is aware this includes a Biblically mandated Sanhedrin, court of nations, and a Third Temple as a House of Prayer for all nations.”
Palestinians Turn to Sanhedrin Organization of 70 Nations, Accept Role in Third Temple By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz October 30, 2019 Breaking Israel News Palestinians Turn to Sanhedrin Organization of 70 Nations, Accept Role in Third Temple - Israel365 News
The Palestinian people are a concept that, in my view, was created to justify opposition to Zionism. There was no idea of a specifically Palestinian people prior to the Zionist colonization of Palestine beginning, they were just Arabs before. I'm not saying that the Zionist regime does not oppress these people or that I support Zionism. But the fact that the Palestinians are being invited freely to participate in the Noahide law promulgation is interesting, it suggests that Zionism is not the end game for the Jews. It is congruous with something Timothy Fitzpatrick, who I believe you are already familiar with, has suggested, that Jews intend to throw the Zionist state of Israel under the bus, and to scapegoat white European Christians by blaming the crimes of that state on Christianity and the Anglo-Americans, and then to create a new, still essentially Jewish state, to replace Israel after they have thrown the latter under the bus, the new state will be free of 'the pesky taint of Zionism' and will help to promulgate the Noahide laws worldwide. This strategy would make sense, if Judaism is ultimately a pagan mystery religion, as it seems to be. Fitzpatrick stated:
[Begin quote] 'If Judaism is ultimately a pagan religion, then they can throw "Israel" under the bus as a so called British-American creation, and re-establish it under new terms and descriptors that help spread paganism worldwide, be it under Noahide rule, Kabbalah, etc.' [end quote]
Fitzpatrick Informer ???????? on Twitter: "If Judaism is ultimately a pagan religion, then they can throw "Israel" under the bus as a so called British-American creation, and re-establish it under new terms and descriptors that help spread paganism worldwide, be it under Noahide rule, Kabbalah, etc." / Twitter Paul
My research into the Noahide laws has made me begin to suspect that the purpose of Christianity, or at least of the perverted form of it that most Christians today are influenced by or follow, was to give the Jews an excuse to accuse white Europeans people of being idolators, so that the former would have an excuse to persecute or even mass murder the latter. Christians were duped into worshipping an idol, and this gives Jews the excuse that they need to persecute them.
The authors believe that Molay was tortured by William Imbert, chief inquisitor of King Phillip IV of France. The latter outlawed the Knights Templar and forced the pope to support his suppression of the Templars. The authors believe that the king was motivated mostly by malice and greed, in his outlawing of the Templars, but that his inquisitor was a Christian offended by the Templars' denial of the divinity of Jesus. Knight and Lomas concluded that Imbert tortured Molay in a parody of the crucifixion of Jesus, as punishment for his denial of the divinity of Jesus.
The authors said that the Knights Templar denied the divinity of Jesus, but believed in and worshipped Yahweh or Jehvoah, the God of the Old Testament. This would essentially be Noahidism. As evidence for their conclusion, they point out that Molay and the other Templar leaders vehemently denied that they had engaged in homosexual acts or other perverse sexual acts, even when being tortured to coerce them into confession to those offenses, but that they freely admitted to denying the divinity of Jesus. At the time, Christians usually did not view homosexual conduct as a serious sin, while they viewed denial of Jesus's divinity as one of the worst possible sins. Molay and the other Templars denied the less serious offense, but admitted freely to the more serious one. That must be because the charge that they denied the divinity of Jesus was true. Since the Knights Templar were the forerunners of Freemasonry, this would support what Adam Green and Vincent Bruno say about Freemasons being Noahides.
I strongly suspect that this was a deception that the Templar leaders, the king of France and the pope were arranging together. I suspect that Molay's alleged execution was a hoax. I agree with Knight and Lomas that the image on the Turin Shroud is Molay, but I believe that it is more likely that the torture of Molay was something he willingly complied with as a hazing ritual and to give a narrative to the masses as a psyop, a deception that Molay was complicit in. The purpose of this ritual would be to have a narrative of the Roman Catholic Church as the sinister persecutors of the true Noahide religion, and to create the cult of Molay as the second messiah. Shortly after his alleged death, there was a cult of Molay as the second messiah, if Knight, Lomas and I are correct that it is his face on the Turin shroud, then that is related to the cult.
There is very interesting information in The Second Messiah about the Hebrew ancestry of the royal families of Europe. The authors had a correspondent, another author of books on historical occult mysteries named Tim Wallace Murphy, who informed them of a correspondent who had told him that he was descended from an ancient Hebrew royal family. I will quote what they said directly, it was on page 76:
[begin quote] As we were diggin up as many facts as we could to try deduce what might have been going on, Robert telephoned the historian and writer Dr Tim Wallace-Murphy, regarding a point of detail concerning a particular dating. We had met Tim when we were in the final stages of completing The Hiram Key and he was interested to hear about our current research. Robert explained how we had built up a picture of a broad based plan by a group of French noblemen to excavate under the ruins of Herod's temple, and how we now believed that this group knew exactly what they were looking for.
Tim listened intently and then said: 'I know you're onto something because it fits with a strange piece of information that I have had for quite some time. Just suspend your usual skepticism for a moment and listen as though I'm telling you a story, because it is attractive, but by all normal standards, it's fantastic.'
Robert was all ears. Tom told how he had just finished delivering a lecture in London some years earlier when a distinguished man of advancing years had walked up to him and introduced himself in French, a language in which Tim is fluent. He claimed that he was a direct descendant of the Templar leader, Hugues de Payen, and that he felt it appropriate to communicate some information that might be helpful. Tim intuitively felt that the man was not a charlatan and decided to listen. His first impressions were confirmed by the gentleman's soft and unassuming style of speech and his clear insight into a subject that few understood in any detail.
Here is the strange story that Tim heard. When this man reached the age of twenty-one, his father called him to one side and informed him that he was about to share in secret knowledge that he would have to pass onto his son when he reached the same age. He heard that there exists an ancient verbal tradition that had been passed down from father to chosen son in his family, and certain other families, for thousands of years. ...
At the time even before Jesus was born, the priests of the temple of Jerusalem ran two schools: one for boys and one for girls. The priests were known by titles which were the names of angels, such as...Gabriel. This was the way in which they preserved the pure lines of Levi and David. When each of the chosen girls had passed through puberty one of the priests would impregnate her with the seed of the holy bloodline, and once pregnant, she would be married off to a respectable man to bring up the child. It was the custom that when these children reached the age of seven years they were handed back to the temple schools to be educated by the priests.
Thus, stated the Frenchman, was a virgin called Mary visited by the priest known as 'Angel Gabriel' who had her with child. She was then married off to Joseph, who was a far older man.
According to this verbal tradition, Mary found it difficult to enjoy life with Joseph, her first husband, because he was far too old for her, but, over time, she grew to love him and had another four boys and three girls.
After Jesus was crucified the main pillars of the Jerusalem church were James the Just supported by Peter and John, the beloved disciple...
After the killing of James, and before the final destruction of the temple, some of the Nazarene priesthood fled first to Greece, then from there they scattered throughout Europe...
The group of survivors took the group designation of 'Rex Deus' (Kings of God) and they survived the persecution of the Jews by adopting the religious practices of the lands in which they lived, provided they were only required to express a belief in the one true God. They believed that they were preserving the bloodlines of the two messiahs of David and Aaron, who would one day arrive and establish the kingdom of God on earth.' [end quote]
The quote was from pages 76-78 of The Second Messiah. The emphasis added is mine. In the emphasized statement about the crypto-Jews managing to survive persecution of Jewry by adopting the religions of their new countries, provided they only had to express belief in 'the one true God,' something essentially synonymous with Noahidism is being referenced.
The elite families of Europe are very substantially infiltrated by this bloodline, the Rex Deus dynasty, I believe. Hitler once said that the Hohenzollerns, the German royal family, were of Jewish ancestry. On August 20, 1942, he said the German Emperor Wilhelm II:
[begin quote] 'On the day he dismissed Bismarck he gave a ball; in his whole attitude the heritage of his Jewish ancestry comes out in the completely cynical lack of self-control, which was characteristic of him.' [end quote]
The emphasis added was mine. That quote is on page 647 of Hitler's Table Talk. Hitler's Table Talk (nationalists.org) Even mainstream historians admit that the Romanovs were, however distantly, related to Lenin. That relation itself makes it very probable that the Romanovs were of Jewish descent, or partial Jewish descent. Mathis and I have discussed other reasons that they were almost certainly of Jewish descent or partial Jewish descent. The Romanovs were of course, close relatives of the Hohenzollerns, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the German Emperor Wilhelm II were first cousins. This makes it likely that the royal families of Europe are related to and infiltrated by the Rex Deus, whether the former know it, or not. As was said in Wallace-Murphy's statement, only one son each generation in each of the individual Rex Deus families was told the secret, so it could be that some of the monarchs are not aware of their relation to the Rex Deus or even of their existence, but if so they are certainly manipulated by their relatives who are consciously members of the Rex Deus.
This could explain how Hitler was manipulated, if he did not understand that he was an agent, likely he had family members who were consciously members of the group, and deceived their relatives who were not initiated into the secret. Paul
King Phillip IV's great grandmom was a Savoy
I did the family tree after I sent the email to you. I did not know when I sent the email that the king was related to the Savoy family. I suspect that the king was related to Jacques de Molay and my view is that the entire persecution of the Knights Templar and trial of Jacques de Molay and others were staged hoaxes in which everyone involved was closely related, similarly to how I believe that the murder trial of Leo Frank was a staged hoax where everyone involved was related.
I assume that you already know about the story of the Knights Templar being suppressed by the French king because you seem to already be familiar with the basic topic of Freemasonry and in some ways, at least, you seem to know more about Freemasonry than I do.
I saw your comment that you were concerned that the attention that the topic of the Noahide laws is getting might be a distraction from real issues, like the Russian-Ukrainian war and the covid fraud. It could be, but the fact that the information in The Second Messiah about the Templar belief in one God and denial of the trinity and of the divinity of Jesus is so similar to Noahidism, and the alleged execution of Jacques de Molay is so similar to the penalties for the idolators in Noahidism, makes me more inclined to think that the Noahide laws are a real threat, because that book was published in 1997, at a time when no one was focusing on Noahidism, the book does not mention Noahidism, although a sequel does, so there is clearly no agenda in the book to mislead people into worrying about Noahidism, but it provides evidence that Noahidism is a threat.
There is a sequel, called Uriel's Machine by the same authors, that mentioned that President Bush I signed a bill passed by the US Congress that said that all civilization is based on Noahidism. I own the book, though I never read much of it, but I can not currently locate it.
That is a link to the website of the authors of The Second Messiah, Uriel's Machine and The Hiram Key.
That is an article from Lomas's website where he recounts the experiment he did to evidence his theory of how the Turin Shroud formed. Some of their work is dumb and non-evidenced, but they gave good reasons for believing Molay is the face on the Turin shroud.
I'm not just uncritically adopting Knight's and Lomas's views. My view is very different from theirs, they think that the conflict between the Knights Templar and the French king was real, I believe that that conflict was a staged hoax that the king and the Templar leaders, including Molay, arranged among themselves. As I said, similarly to how I believe that the murder trial of Leo Frank was a staged hoax that the defendant was complicit in. One reason that I believe this is that Molay at one point had a very good relation with King Phillip, the same king who supposedly persecuted and ultimately beheaded him. The behavior of both the king and Molay prior to the alleged persecution of the Templars was highly suspicious, generally.
I know that Knight and Lomas are Freemasons, but if you are interested in the idea of Christianity as a Jewish deception then their writings might be of interest to you, because they talk a a lot about that topic, and they even discuss the role of Jews in creating Christianity despite their pro-Jewish bias.
The member of the Savoy royal family who obtained possession of the Turin Shroud was Amadeus VIII Savoy, who was count of Savoy and later the first duke of Savoy. He was third cousin, twice removed, of King Phillip. That makes it much more likely that the Turin shroud is Molay, and that the latter's torture and the imprinting of his image on the Turin shroud were a hazing ritual that the king and his agents and de Molay arranged among themselves.
Amadeus VIII was pope, too, briefly, although later the Vatican rejected his legitimacy because his corruption embarrassed them. That proves that the Roman Catholic Church must have been complicit in the deception, too.
I suspected King Phillip was related to the Savoys when I read the book yesterday, but I only proved it within the last ten minutes. I did not know exactly how they were related until I did this tree five or ten minutes ago.
Hello Rae,
Hexzan said: [begin quote] Hitler invades Russia in June 22 1941. Stalin is totally surprised by the invasion, thus the Russian army is unprepared. [end quote]
Hitler's strategic mistakes between 1941 and 1942 in Russia were intentional. Hitler was just a lieutenant of Jewish leaders, as were Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Blum, Mussolini, Franco, etc (big-lies.org)
But Hexzane's theory of the war is that Hitler and Stalin were both consciously and intentionally Jewish agents, working together to stage the war, kill as many white people as possible, and end the war in victory for the Soviet side and the latter's conquest of eastern Europe and eastern Germany.
By Hexzane's own theory, it is impossible that Stalin was surprised by the German invasion. Furthermore, Stalin had received multiple reports that a German invasion was imminent before it happened. These included from the Soviet spy in Japan, Richard Sorge, and from a German army defector to the Soviet Union, and others. I suspect that Stalin and the other government officials deliberately ignored those reports so as to cause the deaths of millions of white people in the conflict.
20 june 2023
Hello Rae,
I know that you have already read Mathis's article The Great Harry Potter Hoax potter.pdf (big-lies.org) .
I disagree with Mathis's conclusion that the books were written by a team of ghost writers. I believe that Rowling wrote them herself. Rowling stated that the story entered her mind, while on a train ride, 'fully formed. ' "The Wizard of Hogwarts." April 12, 1999. (Accio Quote!, the Largest Archive of J.K. Rowling quotes on the web) (accio-quote.org)
Rowling said in an interview:
[begin quote]
'I can remember the day in 1990 as though it is tattooed on my mind forever. The idea for the stories came to me whilst I was on one of those long train journeys travelling from the North of England to London. The amazing and magical thing is that the character of Harry just popped into my head, fully formed. Looking back, it was all quite spooky.'
[end quote] 2001: Accio Quote!, the largest archive of J.K. Rowling interviews on the web (accio-quote.org)
That sounds like automatic writing. Automatic writing is a process where a person puts himself into a meditative state, an altered state of consciousness, so as to open his mind up to automatically receiving ideas, that are believed to be telepathically communicated by spirits. The process that Rowling is describing appears to be automatic writing.
I believe that Rowling wrote the Potter series herself. Based on what she said it seems that she might have been demonically inspired.
I disagree with Christianity, but Christians who criticized her series as sinister made some valid points. For example one Christian, Robert McGee said in an interview with pastor John Hagee condemning the series as sorcery: 'if you didn't catch anything about this, and all you saw was kids are reading 734 pages of material over and over and over again, there's something abnormal about that.'
I agree with him, there is something abnormal about that.
Another thing that is abnormal is Rowling coming out of nowhere to be a best selling author, despite the books she writes being slightly better than mediocre, at best. There seems to be something demonic about that.
There is something sinister and psyoppy about her allegedly speaking out against transgenderism. I am against transgenderism, but she is saying things about that it are not helpful, and she is linking opposition to transgenderism to feminism, which causes opponents of transgenderism to think that feminism is ok. And she is obscuring the androgyny agenda that our elite have promoted from time immemorial, by pretending that transgenderism is a new problem.
In the Harry Potter books/films, there were themes about racial conflict that were obviously anti-white. The Death Eaters (supporters of Voldemort) and members of the sinister Hogwarts dormitory Slytherin were based on the Nazis, which is why they are presented as being obsessed with pure wizard blood. Voldemort is based on Hitler, his having a non-wizard dad and wizard mom while hating non-wizard humans is obviously based on Hitler's being of mixed German and Jewish ancestry while hating the Jews.
There are some references to popular sinister stereotypes about Jews, that the latter have complained about, such as the goblin bankers having big, weirdly shaped and pointy ears, similar to those of Jews. Rowling is likely a crypto-Jew, given that most famous people are such and given the anti-white agenda in her books and films, so the anti-Jewish stereotypes would be controlled opposition kinds of stereotypes. The Jews have sponsored New Agey types of controlled opposition, like David Icke, the allegedly antiJewish themes in Potter would likely be Rowling acting as a similar kind of controlled opposition as Icke.
Her career seems like a sinister psyop to me.
I just began reading Dunstans' and Williams' Grey Wolf: The Escape of Hitler. In the introduction, on page xxvii, it stated:
[begin quote]
When Adolf Hitler returned from the western front to Munich ten days after the Armistice of November 11, 1918, his bank account contained the sum total of 15 marks and 30 pfennigs (pennies)-the equivalent of less than two US dollars. Despite a public persona of austerity and selfless service to Germany, Hitler was the wealthiest man in Europe by 1945.
[end quote] Emphasis added was mine.
The authors say that the reason for his wealth was 'plunder and extortion,' but this seems implausible to me. I don't think that a head of state is able to without limit randomly steal money even from his subjects. I know that the Nazis stole a lot of money, gold, artwork, etc during the war, likely ultimately as part of a Jewish money laundering scheme, but this still can not by itself explain Hitler's vast wealth.
The only plausible explanation that I see for this is that Hitler was always wealthy, because he was related to the top Jewish families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.
Hitler might not have known that the wealth came from connections to those families specifically, or even Jewish families, he may just have understood the wealth to be from connection to rich German families, not realizing that these families were crypto-Jews.
A Jew businessman in Nuremberg, Katzenberger, was prosecuted for, and convicted of, criminal sexual relations with a German woman, in 1942. Upon conviction, he was sentenced to death. He was allegedly executed. This story seems preposterous. The death penalty has almost never, if ever, been used as a punishment for sexual crimes in any legal system. Even rape of children has almost never, if ever, been punished with the death penalty. Under the Nuremberg law criminalizing non-marital sexual relations between Germans and Jews, the only penalties possible were prison with hard labor or prison without hard labor. There is no way that this was a real case. This is yet more proof that the German nationalist regime was Jew sponsored controlled opposition, and it seems to reduce the possibilities in relation to Hitler to him either being a complete fool, or a conscious Jewish controlled opposition agent.
Katzenberger Trial - Wikipedia
The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (colloquially known as the Nuremberg laws), article 2, stated:
The death penalty was not even an option for that crime.
The Decree Against Public enemies, article 4, stipulated death as an option, but not the only option:
'4. Use of Conditions of War as Grounds to Increase Criminal Penalties
Anyone who commits a crime using the special circumstances induced by the condition of war will be punished, overstepping the normal legal penalties, with penitentiary of up to 15 years, with life in prison, or with death in accordance with the requirements of sound popular judgment [gesundes Volksempfinden] or the need to especially repudiate the criminal act..'
Decree against Public Enemies | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org)
The court stated:
At best, the death penalty was technically an option for Katzenberg's crime.
But, again, there is no way that any legal system is giving the death penalty for sexual crimes, unless the said crimes involve something like attempted murder. So we already know enough about this case to know that it is a staged hoax, and this is yet more proof that German nationalism was controlled opposition, whether Hitler knew that or not.
I just checked out a book from my local library about Katzenberger's case. The title is The Maiden and the Jew: The Story of a Fatal Friendship in Nazi Germany, the author is Kohl and the English translator is Barrett.
I learned in the book that Irene Scheffler, the German woman who Katzenberger was convicted of the crime of sexual relations with, was the daughter of a woman who was believed to have Jewish ancestry, the latter's maiden surname was Friedlander. Irene Scheffler's dad, Oskar, was openly a Freemason. It seems likely that Irene Scheffler was a Jew pretending to be a German for the purpose of this court case.
I have no reasonable doubt that Katzenberger, Irene, judge Routhag and the other parties in this case were all complicit in a deception, and that the former was not executed.
I just found out the Lehman Katzenberger, the Jew convicted of illegal interracial sexual relations with the German woman Irene Scheffler in the hoax court case in Germany in 1942, was related to the Rothschilds. His son in law was 5x great great grandson of Meyer Moses Amschel Rothschild. Käthe Katzenberger, daughter of Lehman Katzenberger, was wife of Amos Bernhard Freimann. Amos Freimann was son of Betty Erlanger, through her, grandson of Eva Buttenweiser. Through her, great grandson of Fanny Meyer. Through her, 2x great grandson of Rabbi Abraham Joseph Meyer. Through him, 3x great grandson of Joseph Jonas Herz Solomon Schiff Meyer. Through him, 4x great grandson of Hannah Rothschild Meyer. Through her, 5x great grandson of Meyer Moses Amschel Rothschild. Meyer Moses Amschel Rothschild was the dad of Meyer Amschel Rothschild, who started the family's banking career. Given the extreme inbreeding of the elite Jewish families, it is very probable that Lehman Katzenberger was a close blood relative of the Rothschilds.
Amschel Moses Meyer Rothschild relation to Lehman Katzenberger.jpeg
I just found out that Katzenberger had another marital relation to the Rothschilds. Hertz Naftali Rothschild (1596-1685) of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was 7x paternal great granddad of the husband of the first cousin, once removed of Klara Sichel, wife of Katzenberger.
Hertz Naftali Rothschild was dad of Kalman Herz Rothschild, through him, granddad of Amschel Amsher Rothschild. Through him, great granddad of Kalonymous Ben Amschel Rothschild. Through him, 2x great granddad of Lob Yehuda Ben Kolonymous Rothschild. Through him, 3x great grandad of Kalman Loeb Rothschild. Through him, 4x great granddad of Herz Ben Kalman Rothschild. Through him, 5x great granddad of Loeb Lob Rothschild. Through him, 6x great granddad of Karl Kalmann Rothschild. Through him, 7x great grandad of Max Rothschild. Max Rothschild was the husband of Bella Sichel. Bella Sichel was the daughter of Leo Sichel. Leo Sichel was the son of Marcus Sichel. Marcus Sichel was the son of Abraham Sichel. Abraham Sichel was the dad of Leopold Sichel. Leopold Sichel was the dad of Klara Sichel. Klara Sichel was the wife of Katzenberger.
Amschel Moses Meyer Rothschild, the dad of the founder of the Rothschild banking clan, and 5x great granddad of the son in law of Katzenberger, was great grandson of Naftali Rothschild, the 7 x paternal great granddad of the husband of the first cousin, once removed of Klara Katzenberger. Amschel Moses Meyer Rothschild was son of Moses Kallamn Moshe Bauer de Rothschild, through him grandson of Kallman Hirsch Baumen Rothschild, through him great grandson of Naftali Rothschild.
From Katzenberger's multiple marital relations to the Rothschilds, we can infer that Katzenberger's family was one of the extremely inbred elite Jewish families and had a blood relation to the Rothschilds.
It is interesting to note that the judge in Kautzenberg's hoax trial was named Rothaug, a surname with obvious similarities to Rothschild.
Hello Rae, I just started reading a book by Angela Franks called Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility. The author of the book is a feminist, and the thesis of her book is that Margaret Sanger was an obsessed eugenicist and that her promotion of birth control was mostly about her eugenic agenda. The aim of the author is to disprove claims that Sanger was not sincerely interested in eugenics, but was only pandering to eugenic elitists to gain their support.
But Franks evidences against her theory in the book. I wrote down one important evidence against her claim from her book, my comments are in brackets: The first issue of Sanger’s magazine declared the intention of its editor and chief writer: ‘To look the world in the face with a go-to-hell look in the eyes; to have an idea; to speak and act in defiance of convention.’ In the last issues, Sanger clearly supported the assassination of John D Rockefeller Jr, who, ironically, would become her greatest financial supporter about ten years later. [Making death threats on the elite is typically how controlled opposition behave, later switching to openly serving the elite is typical too. PB] A criminal charge of inciting assassination was brought against her, as well as charges of violating the federal Comstock laws, which forbade the mailing of indecent materials by post. She fled to England toward the end of 1914 under a false name. [Using multiple identities for the purpose of deception, as project/hoax actors often do. PB] Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy The Control of Female Fertility by Angela Franks McFarland and Company, Incorporated Publishers Jefferson, North Carolina and London 2005 Chapter One: Woman the New Race page 29
Margaret Sanger's links to the Rockefellers, and her having made death threats on them prior to her alliance with them, by themselves make her work very likely to be a psychological operation.
Wikipedia said in its article on Sanger:
'Sanger visited Japan six times, working with Japanese feminist Kato Shidzue to promote birth control. This was ironic, since ten years earlier Sanger had accused Kato of murder and praised an attempt to kill her.'
Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia Margaret Sanger: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
That bizarre behavior again, making death threats or supports attempted murder on a person, then working in alliance with the person. We see this behavior all the time with controlled opposition crypto-Jewish AntiJewish White nationalists. Patrick Little, one of them, stalked and threatened Andrew Anglin, another, I bet soon that they will be openly working together. This kind of behavior is also how cops infiltrating dissident political movements typically act. This behavior of Sanger's is very much in line with her work being fraudulent.
From wikipedia again:
'Margaret Sanger spent much of her 1914 exile in England, where contact with British neo-Malthusians such as Charles Vickery Drysdale helped refine her socioeconomic justifications for birth control. She shared their concern that over-population led to poverty, famine and war.[40] At the Fifth International Neo-Malthusian Conference in 1922, she was the first woman to chair a session. She organized the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth-Control Conference that took place in New York in 1925. Over-population would remain a concern of hers for the rest of her life.'
Her being involved with NeoMalthusian Conferences of the British elite is also highly suspicious. I believe that the real purpose of these conferences was to fabricate false evidence of a genocidal eugenic agenda, to give Jews a victim narrative to use against the Anglo-Saxon elite in future generations. The purpose would be to create a hoax victim narrative that would serve Jewish goals, however, Anglo-Saxons would not be the only scapegoats of this narrative. Certain Jews themselves would be, because this anti-eugenic narrative would also attack Jewish Zionism. Israel has been accused of practicing eugenics, in particular it has been accused of sterilizing Negro Jews from Ethiopia by putting contraceptives in drinking water. I believe that narrative to likely be a hoax to further Jewish Communist Anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism is largely a Jewish movement and I believe its purpose is to make Israel out to be a White Ashkenazi Jewish racist colonial state, so as to link Israel to White supremacy and absolve non-Zionist Jews from complicity in it, and to use AntiZionism to further Russia's Operation Sig anti-Western strategy, by blaming America and Britain for the crimes of Israel. Israel was largely created through the influence of the Jewish British banking clan the Rothschilds, who formed an alliance with the Anglo-Saxon elite so that Jewish Zionists could gain a state in the region. So the purpose of hoaxing eugenics is partially to also vilify Israel.
From wikipedia again:
Sanger was born Margaret Louise Higgins in 1879 in Corning, New York, to Irish Catholic parents—a "free-thinking" stonemason father, Michael Hennessey Higgins, and Anne Purcell Higgins. Michael had immigrated to the United States aged 14, joining the Army in the Civil War as a drummer aged 15. Upon leaving the army, he studied medicine and phrenology but ultimately became a stonecutter, chiseling-out angels, saints, and tombstones. Michael became an atheist and an activist for women's suffrage and free public education.
Anne accompanied her family to Canada during the Great Famine. She married Michael in 1869. In 22 years, Anne Higgins conceived 18 times, birthing 11 alive before dying aged 49. Sanger was the sixth of 11 surviving children, spending her early years in a bustling household.'
Sanger being from an Irish Catholic family is interesting, even more interesting is that her mom is an alleged survivor of the Potato Famine. I believe that the narrative that the Potato Famine killed huge numbers of people is a Jewish hoax designed to vilify the Anglo-Saxon elite. I'm not saying that the British did not in any way oppress the Irish and I'm not saying that there was any justification for what the British did to the Irish, but I believe crypto-Jews in the elite were trying to divide and conquer their enemies by creating conflict between the Anglo-Saxons and the Irish. The antiBritish propaganda about the famine, such as that of Cecil Smith, accuses the British of planning genocide for Malthusian reasons. So Margaret being daughter of an alleged Potato Famine survivor and then joining Anglo-Saxon elites in promoting Malthusianism seems to me like intentionally hoaxing a narrative of Anglo-Saxon genocide.
It is also interesting that Margaret's dad served in the US Army in the Civil War. That is a bad sign too. Military veterans are frequently involved in espionage operations, including both projects and hoaxes. Mary Phagan's great granddad Daniel Thacker was a Confederate Army soldier in the Civil War and her family in general had a long history in the military, so did the other families in her case. Even Sanger's two first names, Margaret Louise, remind me of Mary, because Mary Phagan, according to mainstream newspaper accounts at the time, was named Mary Louise at birth after James Gantt's mom Mary Louise.
Margaret Sanger's Catholic background is also interesting. Perhaps she was not sincerely anti-Catholic, but was giving the cryptoJewish controlled Roman Catholic Church a false Holocaust narrative, that of birth control and abortion being a Holocaust. Jewish Zionist propagandist Hannah Newman uses that narrative and promotes it in her book The Rainbow Swastika: a Report to Jewry on New Age AntiSemitism. Here is an excerpt from that book discussing Sanger:
'A look at the history of "Planned Parenthood" (until 1942 called "The American Birth Control League") will reveal that its founders, Margaret Sanger, Madison Grant and Dr. Lothrop Stoddard, advocated a strong eugenicist worldview, proclaimed on the masthead of the Birth Control Review as "Creating a Race of Thoroughbreds". [Americans of that era were quite receptive to racial purity ideas, and the masthead did not create the furor it undoubtedly would today.] "For race betterment is such an intensely practical matter: when peoples come to realize that the quality of the population is the source of all their prosperity, progress, security and even existence; we shall see much-abused 'eugenics' actually moulding social programmes and political policies... we or the next generation..." (Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color against White World Supremacy, 1930). Sanger advocated not only the "elimination of human weeds" in a social context, but approved of the "sterilization of genetically inferior races." (The Pivot of Civilization, p.101,108,123). Although she proposed a peaceful path to "racial purification," in which people would be educated and paid to foster "more children from the fit, fewer from the unfit", Sanger had no quarrel with the Nazis' compulsory sterilization program. Another BC League member, Harry Laughlin, received an honorary MD degree from the University of Heidelberg, in appreciation of his "contributions to the Third Reich". (Richard Hertz, Chance and Symbol, p.107). In return, a number of American eugenicists urged the Eugenics Record Office (a BC League enterprise) to make Adolf Hitler an honorary member. (see Robert Proctor, Racial Hygiene, p.103). Although this was not done, Nazi articles were printed and Nazi sterilization policies were praised in the Birth Control Review, even after American eugenicists were invited to witness their coercive and often brutal methods. [see more under Nazism section].' The Rainbow Swastika - Human History According to the New Age (iwarp.com)
Margaret Sanger was in a Rosicrucian fraternity. This is discussed in the book Margaret Sanger: A Life of Passion by Jean Baker on pages 103-104. The book also mentioned that Margaret held seances with a deceased relative. I do not have my copy of the book with me but here is a link to a google book preview which shows some of the quotes discussing this, though not the whole of the pages.
Margaret Sanger - Google Books
That behavior of Sanger's to me makes her likely to be a fraud. I remember that Frank's widow Lucille Selig talked to mediums shortly after her husband was allegedly lynched. I'm fairly certain that her husband's lynching was a hoax, so I bet that this means that Sanger hoaxed the death of her relative. Margaret Sanger wrote in her autobiography:
'The Woman Rebel produced extraordinary results, striking vibrations that brought contacts, messages, inquiries, pamphlets, books, even some money. I corresponded with the leading Feminists of Europe—Ellen Key, then at the height of her fame, Olive Schreiner, 112 Mrs. Pankhurst, Rosa Luxemburg, Adele Schreiber, Clara Zetkin, Roszika Schwimmer, Frau Maria Stritt. But I also heard from sources and groups I had hardly known existed—Theosophist, New Thought, Rosicrucian, Spiritualist, Mental Scientist. It was not alone from New York, but from the highways and byways of north, south, east, and west that inspiration came.'
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Margaret Sanger an Autobiography
What do you think of my points of suspicion against Sanger? Do you think that I have given good reason to be suspicious of her and to suspect that her eugenic project was actually a hoax designed for the purpose of inspiring a Jewish sponsored anti-eugenic movement? Paul
Oct 9, 2021
Hello Rae,
Angela Frank wrote in Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy:
'Rose managed to alienate Sanger by pursuing an agenda that was less confrontational in its approach, which included changing the name of the BCFA to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in 1942. Mary Lasker, who served on PPFA's executive committee as well as terms as secretary and vice president, claimed that her husband Albert, a wealthy advertising executive, came up with the new name.'
That is very interesting because Albert Lasker was one of the wealthy Jews who financed Leo Frank's defense, and he seemed to be intentionally sabotaging the latter, for example in making comments bound to be recorded for posterity about Frank being a sexual pervert. So a person involved in a murder case where all of the mainstream narratives make no sense was involved in Margaret Sanger's group and in choosing its name, Planned Parenthood. That increases my suspicion that Sanger's eugenic project was a hoax.
Oct 9, 2021
Hello Rae,
I just read one more thing about Sanger that is very interesting, linking her, Rockefellers and Planned Parenthood to Nazi Germany:
'Unfortunately for the Rockefellers' public image, one of the family foundations supported such unattractive groups as the German 'race hygiene' (i.e. eugenic) institutions. Indeed, the Rockefeller Foundation was a supporter of eugenic research in Germany in the crucial decade of the 1920s, supporting, among other projects, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. Among the eugenicists behind these projects were Emil Kraepelin, Eugn Fischer, Fritz Lenz and Ernst Rudin, and without these men and their institutions, the scientific developments and acceptance of Nazi eugenics would have been greatly impeded. Worse, the Rockefeller Foundation continued to support these eugenic projects in Germany even after the Nazis came to power. The family was not alone among American eugenicists in their blindness to the dangers of Nazism; Leon F Whitney of the American Eugenics Society, speaking of the Nazi sterilization law, said in 1934 that 'many far sighted men and women in both England and America have long been working earnestly toward something very like what Hitler has now made compulsory.'
Page 38 of Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy by Angela Franks
This links eugenics to the Holocaust. Although I have not studied the Holocaust very much, I agree with what Ron Unz said about it in his article Holocaust Denial:
Any conclusions I have drawn are obviously preliminary ones, and the weight others should attach to these must absolutely reflect my strictly amateur status. However, as an outsider exploring this contentious topic I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so.
American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review
Even if the Holocaust is not entirely a hoax, it is at least substantially one. Sanger's eugenic project being linked to Nazi Germany and to the events surrounding the alleged Holocaust increases the probability that the latter is a hoax too. Paul
Oct 9, 2021
Hello Rae,
Angela Frank described and quoted a very interesting letter in the book I am reading, Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy:
The most questionable statement concerning race comes in a letter to Clarence Gamble. Her she is discussing the fledgling 'Negro Project,' an attempt by the Birth Control Federation of America to promote conctraceptive use among Southern Blacks, arguing that there is a need to recruit African American doctors and ministers to carry out the BCFA's plan.
It seems to me from my experience where I have been in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, that while the colored Negroes have great respect for White doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts...The ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want to word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
I do NOT believe that Sanger was planning to use birth control to eliminate or even reduce the numbers of African Americans. I believe that she was deliberately planting false evidence of a plan to do so, so as to hoax a eugenic birth control Holocaust of African Americans, to give them a hoax victim narrative. I consider this evidence for my view that eugenics is a hoax. I also am strongly inclined to suspect that things like the USA doing medical experiments on Black prisoners were also hoaxes. Paul
Oct 10, 2021
Hello Rae,
Could I have a second page on your site to publish my research on Margaret Sanger and eugenics and the evidence that eugenics is a hoax?
As I have said before, when I say eugenics is a hoax, the definition of the term 'eugenics,' is 'government mandated mass sterilizations of people'. Obviously eugenics in the sense of selective breeding to create desired phenotypes and avoid undesired phenotypes is real and happens. Even laws against incest are an expression of eugenics, since one of their main purposes is to prevent hereditary diseases. But I believe that eugenic mass sterilizations are either complete hoaxes or at least substantially false narratives.
I am inclined to believe that the Holocaust is a hoax, and even if it is not a complete hoax, it is certainly at least a substantially false narrative. Jewish AntiWhite, AntiGerman and AntiChristian propagandists link eugenics to the Holocaust constantly, so I believe that there is a link between the hoaxing of the Holocaust and the hoaxing of eugenics. So this topic should be of interest to you and readers of your site. This topic really does not connect very much with the case of Frank and Mary Anne, although in some vague ways it does such as Albert Lasker being a financier of Frank's defense who apparently was deliberately sabotaging his client and also being a financier of Sanger's Planned Parenthood organization. So I believe it would be better suited to a different page.
Oct 11, 2021
Hello Rae, The number of prostitutes Walter claimed that he had committed sexual acts against was 1,200, not 12,000. So it was one thousand, two hundred, in words. I originally read it as twelve thousand. But I still consider one thousand, two hundred, an unrealistic number. Paul
Hello, I was criticized for this statement:
'Jack Dorsey, the Chief Executive Officer of Twitter, is likely related to Hugh Dorsey, prosecuting attorney in the murder trial of Frank, and is 2x great grandson of John Henry Quinn and great grandson of Kathryn Quinn, the former the dad of, and the latter the sister of, Lemmie Quinn, defense witness of Frank, and Jack Dorsey is 2x great grandson of Eva Frank, which would likely make him related to Leo Frank, however distantly.'
Paul Bustion on ADL, Frank, and Mary Phagan. Was the Whole Thing a Jewish Fake? (big-lies.org)
It was misinterpreted by a reader as stating that Jack Dorsey was 2x great grandson of Hugh Dorsey. I do not believe Jack to be a direct descendant of Hugh.
I have plenty of much superior evidence for my point to the relations of these people to Jack Dorsey, so I would like that specific sentence deleted. Could you delete it? Paul
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Aug 19, 2022
There are claims by some conspiracy theorists that either all, much or a significant minority of the elite are transgender. The claim is that the elite follow a Freemason religion of Baphomet worship, requiring them to engage in gender inversion, so as to unify male and female. This ties into the points Bjerknes made in Beware the World to Come. It is also claimed that the elite need transgenderism to blackmail each other. Children raised gender inverted from birth, can be threatened with outing.
Xmaseveevil1 on Twitter has made convincing arguments in favor of these claims, but I am very suspicious of her. She's a Miles Mathis fan, but says that Mathis 'has only one gate,' and is secretly transgender.
What do you think of those claims?
I've been debating them in my head and am not sure what to think. Mary Phagan did look transgender to me. So do many politicians. Nelson Rockefeller's wife looked transgender. But maybe they are just ugly inbred Jews. I'm not sure.
May 3, 2023
I emailed you before, showing photographs of Mary Anne Phagan and her family, describing the ways that they looked gender inverted. Even if I were completely wrong about the circumstances of her alleged murder, the gender inversion in the appearance of her and her family is blatantly obvious and not debatable. My point in that email was not about Mary Phagan but about but about a broader trend, that pretty much all famous people look gender inverted. I have carefully analyzed the photographs of enough famous people to have no doubt that they appear gender inverted. I am not saying that they are gender inverted in the sense of actually being born the opposite gender and lying about their gender to the public, only that they look gender invert.
It may be that they appear so because of an evolutionary trend towards gender inversion, and they really are the biological gender that they say they are, just with inverted gender characters. I consider this a relevant point because of the plans of the big Jews to make the whole of humanity androgynous, that were documented by Bjerkes in Beware the World to Come. I believe that the reason that they plan to make humanity androgynous is because they already are androgynous and they want to extend this to the rest of humanity.
I would like you to comment on my point about the gender inverted appearance of the elite. I am interested in your thoughts on the matter.
2) In the second photo Mary has a rectangular jaw, which is more common in males. She has the jawline of a male. She has a square skull, which is more common in males. Mary Phagan's eyes again are far apart.
3) In the third photo, of people at Mary Phagan's funeral, on the furthest left (our left) is Mary's sister Ollie Mae Phagan. She has a masculine jawline and a wide and masculine skull, she has stern eyes and male body language. Her eyes are far apart. She has a huge nose, too. Women usually have smaller noses than men. Mary Phagan's brother Benjamin Franklin Phagan is second from our right, and has eyes that appear to be close together. He has an oval skull. The man in the middle, standing next to him on his left, is Mary Phagan's stepdad John Coleman. He has eyes close together and an oval skull.
4) In the next image, titled Women who Mourn Mary Phagan, first, in the case of Mrs R E Phagan her eyes are far apart, like a man's, and stern, like a man's. But she has a small mouth, which is more feminine. Next, Ruth Phagan's eyes were very far apart, again a masculine character. She had a wide skull, a masculine character and a prominent brow ridge, a masculine character. Next is Mary Phagan's sister, Ollie Mae Phagan. Her eyes were far apart, She had a brow ridge. She has big hands. Next is Mattie Phagan, who has a wide skull, though nothing else looks particularly gender inverted that I can tell.
5) In the final picture, Mary Phagan has a prominent brow ridge and high cheekbones. She has a medium strength jawline and a large mouth. She has a masculine skull.
Even if they are not actually gender inverted, then there is something that is going on in evolution giving them them their gender inverted appearance, this relates to the elite Jewish androgyny agenda. Either these people are gender inverts, and that is their motivation for the androgyny agenda, or evolution made them gender inverted in a weaker sense, not literally pretending to be the opposite gender, but having many characters of the opposite gender due to the evolution, thus desiring to reach a state of androgyny and making a religion out of androgyny.
Either way it is certainly relevant to Bjerknes' points about the androgyny agenda in Beware the World to Come.
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Hello Rae, I have been looking at Hexzane527's materials. Some of them are very interesting, particularly what I have read of his biography of Faurrison. He discussed in that biography, his belief that Faurrison was an 'elite' agent and that popularizing Holocaust denial, even though it is a true belief, is an 'elite' project. He said that the 'elite' always intended for the public to eventually figure out that the Holocaust was a hoax. I don't know enough about the Holocaust yet, but if I were to conclude that it was a hoax, then I would favor the view that he is correct and that the hoax was always intended to ultimately be revealed. If that were the case, it cannot possibly only be elites complicit in this scheme. It would have to be a large amount of non-elite Jews, and it would have to include millions of non-Jewish collaborators as well, or alternatively Jews would have to be a much larger population group than is generally believed with tens of millions of them pretending to be Gentiles. That could be the case if Yair Davidiy is correct that a significant minority of Germans are actually Edomites, the Edomites were Hebrews and thus were closely related to the Israelites, so the Edomite strain among Germans could be essentially a Jewish strain. Davidiy also believes that most of the peoples of the British Isles are descended from the lost twelve tribes of Israel, if true, perhaps a large minority of them know this and are really crypto-Jews. Back on topic, if the Holocaust is a hoax, I would be inclined to think that the Second World War is a hoax too. Again, I'm not saying that the Second World War or the Holocaust are hoaxes, but if I could concluded that the latter was a hoax I would lean towards the view that the former was, too.
I am planning to do more research on the Second World War and the Holocaust, to draw firmer conclusions.
I am very interested in your thoughts on my suspicions. So I would like to see a reply with what you think about what I have said in my most recent emails.
Hello Rae, I was looking at your summary of Hexzane's views. You wrote: '
But he distinguishes ordinary Jews from influential Jews. He considers influential Jews can easily arrange to shift the ordinary Jews to new (or old) places
Influential Jews therefore have a powerful motive to propagandise and terrify ordinary Jews. And a motive for bribing them, as with the fantastic payouts to ordinary Jews for the Holohoax. I know of no cases where Jews turned down these extorted fraudulent payments'
• Hexzane527 on WW1, WW2, and WW3: review/summary of those blogs (big-lies.org) There is some distinction between ordinary Jews and elite Jews but it is not only elite Jews who are a problem. It is not even only Jews who are a problem. If all of the events are hoaxes that we believe are hoaxes, then there have to be even many Gentiles involved, unless Jews are a much larger percent of the population than we believed, then perhaps millions of alleged Gentiles are in reality crypto-Jews. Either way, Hexzane saying that only 'elites' are involved in deceptions is wrong. It is not only elites. For example in the Sandy Hook mass shooting, whether the whole thing was a hoax or it was a real event that was a psyop, the people involved in it were not particularly elite.
You said:
'I wondered if Hexzane527 may be a crypto-Jew agent.'
He might not be a Jew, but I think that he is definitely some kind of agent. He is putting out obvious misdirection, though he says much that is valuable, too. Paul
Thanks for emailing. I've copied them below and call the most recent 2, and the earlier 1. Can I make a general comment which I think were suggested by a Jew-naive friend Ivor Catt, whose main interest is electromagnetic theory. He thinks most scientists are mediocre and unoriginal, in fact parasitic in the way Jews are, drawing salaries and honors etc which are self-serving. True enough. I think the way Jews have operated can be seen from the spread of Christianity. I think there was a symbiosis, and in exchange for giving Jews protection and immunity from prosecution, the whole system of church lands and bishops and vicars was arranged so they got perpetual income and a job involving propaganda once a week for the church, the state, and the (jew-based) religion. So there were indeed many 'gentiles' (in England, I think 30,000 vicars plus their household staffs, plus bishops with their cathedrals and palaces etc). A big system, all based on nonsense in my view.
Similarly with other bureaucracies - education, science, military, media, etc. - which expanded as far as they can. So I think there were lots of 'gentiles' all parts of these fractions of whole economies, but they were finite in number.
You're on the right lines in looking at numbers and trying to estimate them. Most casual argument just mentions things (crimes are a good example; so are dangers in wars) but don't quantify them. On your email 1, you're looking at the holohoax and WW2, and also the Edom/ lost tribes idea.
I think the holohoax is a definite fraud, developed mostly after WW2, aimed to make money for Jews and distract from the whole thing. It's a non-issue compared with WW2 and it's only jewish media control that if was even possible.
WW2 is more complicated than the simple view it was group A vs group B. Because Jews were present on both sides too. And were a third side in the war. I don't think it was a hoax, but a lot of events can't be explained by the simple view, and hexzane seems to me good on them. I had hoped I met get some serious comments, but maybe military types are just too dim.
I don't think much of the lost tribes stuff, and don't believe Europeans generally believe it. I don't think the idea existed before the 19th century, despite the huge propaganda impact of printed bibles in the 1600s (or so).
On email 2, I think there are millions of collaborators with jews, but that doesn't mean they think they are jews. The churches illustrate the types, where there were lots of vicars, their families, their communities forced to go on Sundays etc, and all based on Jewish stuff. More or less analogous to people who gawp at stuff about black holes or higgs bosons etc and who indirectly fund things like CERN.
So I think more detail disposes of this material. But I may be wrong, since there's a lot going on!
I do have doubts about Hexzane, notably because he's said nothing about Ukraine, which surely he could do.
Instead of making my reply directly about the subject of how many people are or are not Jews, I will pivot to a somewhat related but different topic, how many people are or are not complicit in hoaxes, or more precisely, what percentage of people are or are not complicit in hoaxes/psyops.
I will go back to Mary Phagan's alleged murder and the murder trial of Leo Frank as an example. Another example will be the murder trials of Ted Bundy. In the former, even if Mary Phagan really was murdered, given all the genealogical connections and weird coincidences and suspicious behaviors that I have shown of people in her case, and given the fact that it that factory employees have no plausible motive to murder a coworker, we can safely assume that neither Leo Frank nor Jim Conley were the murderer and that the murder trial was a deceitful psychological operation that both Frank and Conley were complicit in. I have started to think about this more and I wonder if the majority of inhabitants of Atlanta were complicit in the deception. Even if the majority were not Jews, a person does not have to be a Jew to be complicit in a deception or to work with Jews, Shabbos Goyim is a phrase used to describe Gentiles who serve Jews.
Similarly, in Ted Bundy's trials, I wonder if the majority of inhabitants of the jurisdictions that his murder trials took place in were complicit in the deceptions.
The people of Atlanta in general upheld Mary Phagan as if she were a god for decades and similarly denounced Leo Frank as if he were a devil for decades. I don't think that they do that anymore but today most people have never heard of Leo Frank or Mary Phagan. Even if it were true that Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan, idolizing a random young girl just because she was a victim of murder is bizarre and freakish (and I would say that the idolization of Ann Frank by Jews is bizarre and freakish, too) and obsessively hating on a random murderer if one is not a close relative of his victim is similarly bizarre and freakish. I remember that there was a right wing antiSemite on Twitter who condemned Leo Frank saying: 'Leo Frank is burning in hot excrement in the eighth sphere of hell.' Even if Frank had murdered Mary Phagan, obsessively hating on him more than a century later when one is not even a close relative of his victim is bizarre. It would be similar to if I hated on Michael Jackson obsessively because I believe that he sexually abused children and said that I wanted him to burn in hell for eternity, even if Jackson did sexually abuse children, that would be freakish because I'm not related to his victims.
My point in this email is to ask, in murder trials that are obvious deceptions, such as those of Leo Frank and Ted Bundy, do you think that the majority of inhabitants of the jurisdiction are usually complicit?
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feb 26,2023
in my last email
I noticed that in my last email to you I had very awkward phrasing in one statement, that might have made it difficult to understand: 'The Soviet government consisted mostly of Jews, Jews were the most privileged class in the USSR, they had much more blatant and explicit privilege in the USSR at that time than they have in Britain or America Stalin. There was a law on the makes making AntiJewish speech a crime, that theoretically could be punished by death, although I doubt that the death penalty was often if ever used simply to punish antiJewish speech if nothing else was involved.' I meant to say that the Jews of the Soviet Union had far greater and more explicit social privilege and power than they have today in Britain and America. There was a law on the books, which for some reason I mistyped as 'makes' in the Soviet Union theoretically making it possible to impose the death penalty for making AntiJewish statements, although I strongly doubt that that law was actually enforced, it is still clearly symbolic of the power and privilege of the Jews of the Soviet Union. Anti-Semitism (marxists.org) In the link, Stalin was answering a question from a Jewish news organization in the USA about AntiSemitism. He stated: National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism. Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty. [end quote] However, perhaps this could be seen as an example of Jews sponsoring AntiSemitism, because since it obviously is not practically possible to execute people just for saying derogatory things about Jews, maybe having a ridiculous law on the books like that was done for the reason of making Jews look bad to the goyim, in order to inspire controlled opposition AntiSemitism.
Even if that is the case though, Jews were far more obviously dominant in the Soviet political system than they are in Britain and France today. So I still stand by saying that in the Soviet Union, the vast majority of Jews were basically synonymous with the Communist regime (there would be some exceptions, for example Zionists would be an exception since the Communist officially was opposed to Zionism), and given this basic synonymity, they would essentially be enemy combatants against Germany in the context of a war between Germany and the Soviet Union, so if the war were real, one would imagine that there would be German mass murders of Jews. Paul
Feb 27, 2022 contains 5 emails
Hi PB! I've been trying to get CJB to talk, with Chris Caskie, but so far have failed, though I dont know why.
. I don't think you've quite got the point of WW2. Jews won it collectively. It's not that anyone else won or lost. That's the question.
It's the way Jews juggled things. I'm not sure it was even clever: if you see it as a collection of people following algorithms, Jews with secrecy and US money and bribes and appointments of 'leaders' etc arranged things. Hitler was an appointee like FDR and Churchill and Stalin and others - in Japan, China, Italy and no doubt India and Argentina. Palestine no doubt was part of the package .
That's what I think, put succinctly.— Rae
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
On Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 6:26 PM, Paul Bustion HI PB---
Yes, Babi Yar was a fraud. There have been air and land investigations.
You seem to be getting hung up on crummy investigators. My 'joff' file
https://big-lies.org/joff/index.html has lists of hundreds of them. Xmaseeveil sounds like just some silly Jew antiChrist woman who knows the holohoax is a hoax, and invents an absurdity around it. If you love wasting your time, then go ahead. Hexzane on Faurisson is a long article and there loads of possibilities. However he was specifically aiming at F and has lots of doubts about him, which seem fair enough. Possibly he was just controlled opposition. There were several early writers on the holocaust as a fraud; maybe they just wanted some sort of opposition. It's important to remember the whole field of possibilities, even if it's vast.
NB do me a favour and make your comments separate from mine otherwise it's getting near unreadability!
Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 3:35 PM, Paul Bustion That is an excellent point. And that might tie in with your point that I sound like someone threatened by Jews. I have received social ostracism, at least, from Jews, and this caused me to try to avoid discussing topics that would offend them in public, maybe that subconsciously effected me here, too. Likely there were Jews in Poland's government and all the other governments involved in the war, that did just as you said, intentionally playing both sides against the middle, to maximize Jewish power and profit.
'A third example is your comments on German officers being temped to kill Jews. You're ignoring the possibility that many officers were Jews who would implement their own schemes. Hexzane is good on that, maybe because being French he would have noted many inconsistencies in the official stories.'
That is a very interesting point, maybe mass murders like the mass murder of Jews at Babi Yar are Jewish hoaxes, and the officers were Jews complicit in the hoax.
'I haven't fully understood Hexzane on Faurisson, and in fact one motive for uploading the translation was to see what other people (if any) might make of it.'
I started reading Hexzane on Faurrison. I believe that I understand his position. His view is that the Holocaust is a hoax and that Holocaust deniers are usually 'elite' agents because the elite always intended to eventually reveal the hoax to the public. He says that the plan was to reveal the hoax to the public, in order to force unwilling Jews to go to Israel, because once the public figure out that the Holocaust was a hoax, they will conclude that the Jews lied about the atrocities to gain unwarranted sympathy, while the Jews themselves had been murdering larger numbers of people through warfares and genocides. I believe that Hexzane is partially correct about this. But he is leaving important things out. I think that another motive for hoaxing the Holocaust was likely to reveal that it was a hoax and then get people to question everything. I am not saying that the Second World War was a hoax, but for many people, concluding that the Holocaust is a gateway to concluding that the Second World War itself was a hoax. Xmaseveevil1 is one example of this trend, she researched the Holocaust, concluded it was a hoax, then researched the Second World War and concluded that it was a hoax and that all wars were hoaxes. Now she believes that everything is fake and thinks that everyone is literally transgender and embraces extreme conspiracy theories. It could be that the Holocaust was hoaxed, in order to reveal it as a hoax, have the revelation that it was a hoax be a stepping to concluding that the Second World War and all wars and all genocides. were hoaxes, and that was intended as a stepping to getting humanity to embrace a pagan mystery religion saying that everything is fake. The New Age Movement has a lot of extreme conspiracy theorists, in it such as David Icke, who basically say that everything is fake. Icke says that the Holocaust is a hoax. So it could be that the Holocaust was hoaxed in order for the revelation of that hoax to get people to embrace New Age quackery, with the New Age becoming the religion of most people. Though New Agers often present themselves as AntiSemites, as in the case of Icke, the beliefs of the New Age have much similarity to Kabbalah and are very influenced by Gnosticism, both Jewish religions. Many leaders in the New Age movement have been Freemasons.
Back to the topic of Hexzane on Faurrison, I have little doubt that Hexzane is correct. There was a bizarre staged attack on Faurrison by Jews that had hoax vibes to it. From wikipedia:
'In September 1989, Faurisson was beaten by unknown assailants claiming to be "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews", an organization about which nothing has been discovered either before or since the incident.[2] Faurisson had been walking his dog in a park in Vichy and was kicked and punched by three young men, breaking his jaw.'
Robert Faurisson - Wikipedia
Robert Faurisson: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia
It could be that that attack was staged in order to delude Faurrison himself into having a martyr complex. So maybe Faurrison did not know that he was essentially an agent. But I believe that he was essentially one, whether he knew it or not.
On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 6:52 AM raetowest Hi, Paul, and thanks.
[1] Yes, I did think it sounded as though someone else was using your computer. There was a change in style to great detail, or something.
[2] Reading you through, I think you're making a pervasive blunder, caused by you taking on parts of the 'narrative' without fully seeing what's going on. I'll try to give examples.
You talk all the time as though there are A vs B situations, without apparently seeing that Jews complicate things. One good example is on the 'Polish government'. You wonder if it wanted to tempt Germans to attack, or something. BUT the 'Polish government included Jews who had their own ideas of what they wanted. And they were in touch with Jews in the USSR and USA and UK (and it seems Japan and China).
A second example is Dresden where you assume either it was real or a fake. But at the time large numbers of Germans were being killed by Americans in outdoor camps by the Rhine. Maybe they wanted to direct away from that by bombing a town the other end of Germany.
A third example is your comments on German officers being temped to kill Jews. You're ignoring the possibility that many officers were Jews who would implement their own schemes. Hexzane is good on that, maybe because being French he would have noted many inconsistencies in the official stories.
I think parts of the Second World War were hoaxes, notably the isolated atrocity stories aimed within countries to their local audiences. Eg Oradour in France, Guernica in Spain, an example in Italy - I forget the name - and e.g. Auschwitz in Germany and that tavine in what I'd call USSR or Russia but maybe identifiable locally as Belorussia or something.
The non-hoax parts were everything aimed to increase Jewish power, including taking assets, weakening opponents by killing and bombing, etc.
I haven't fully understood Hexzane on Faurisson, and in fact one motive for uploading the translation was to see what other people (if any) might make of it.
Incidentally you shrugged off my comments on the churches as a way to make careers for subservient types to get their hands on taxes, in exchange for Jews getting money. This is how they worked and is very important. It's part of the process by which non-Jews become collaborators without even knowing it, like clowns in the 'US' army.
I do hope you see the point. I don't want you to relapse into Jew-fed confusion!
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
------- Original Message -------
On Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 1:09 AM, Paul Bustion Perhaps you mean this statement metaphorically. I have been threatened by Jews actually. Perhaps threatened is the wrong word, but I have reasoned social ostracism from Jews for discussing bad things that I believe that Jews have done. But I'm the same person. I don't know if you meant that I seem like literally a different person or metaphorically a different person. It is true that I have become reluctant to criticize them in public lately. However, I am surprised that this is reflected in what I said to you. Perhaps subconsciously I have become reluctant to criticize them in non-public contexts too, as a result.
I know that the connection of Jews to Communism is denied and not universally known. But the Nazis would have been aware of it. If the war was real and the Jews of the Soviet Union and the Communist regime were basically synonymous and the Jews were engaging in terrorism, espionage, sabotage against Germans, I would think that that would have resulted in massacres of Jews by German military officers. I am not saying that the Second World War is a hoax, I am only saying that I am entertaining the possibility, I am considering the matter, I don't have an opinion on that currently. You are right that probably most people are not aware of the role of Jews in Communism, but I would think that most of the German Army officers during the Second World War were aware of it, since the Nazi regime would have been indoctrinating the population of Germany about this.
About the Holocaust there is a large spectrum of possibilities besides the obviously false claim that Hitler's regime intended to exterminate European Jewry to the opposite position that hardly any to literally no Jews were killed for being Jews during the war. If the latter were to be the case, that could fit in with the war being a hoax, because it seems odd that the behavior of the Jews of the Soviet Union during the war would not provoke at least some German army officers into atrocities against the Jews.
Maybe my thought here is wrong and even if there was not even one mass murder of Jews it has no bearing on whether the war itself was real. This is just an idea that I was considering.
I understand that the media deny the role of Jews in Communism and that even ostensibly right wing people usually deny the connection. But the German military officers would have understood the connection, I think. I remember reading in Radzinsky's biography of Stalin, that when Stalin's son was captured by the German Army, the latter told him that they believed that his dad was a Jew and that most of his dad's government were Jews, and asked him about his dad's Jewish wife, a woman named Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, a Soviet government official, and Stalin's son denied all that. Of course he was lying, or else he was clueless. The point is, the German Army officers were aware of the symbiotic relationship between the Jewry of the USSR and the government of the USSR. In that context, being aware of that connection, it is strange that the activity of the Soviet Jews in organizing terrorism, espionage and sabotage against the German side would not inspire murderous retaliation. I think that you might have misunderstood my comment the mass murder of Jews in Kiev. When I discussed those Jews being mass murdered by the German Army, I was quoting the standard Holocaust narrative of that event, I was not saying that it was true. I was saying that this is the narrative, and I do not have a belief as to whether it is true or not. But my interest was in the possibility that this did not happen, and neither did any mass murder of Jews. If we are to assume that there was not a single mass murder of Jews on the Soviet front, that seems strange, given what I said about the fact that the Soviet state and the Soviet Jewry were symbiotically intertwined, which would almost certainly mean that the Jews of the USSR would be engaging in espionage, sabotage and terrorism against the German side. That not inspiring violence against them, like I said, would be strange.
dresden.pdf (mileswmathis.com) This is a link to Mathis's article on Dresden. He clearly says in the article that, while he is open to the possibility that the Dresden bombings were real, his current opinion is that they were a hoax.
'So the question is, if almost all the photos on this Dresden page are fakes, what does that tell us about the event? Either a) the event was real, but the historians are just lazy. They will pass any photo by you since they don't respect your intelligence. They know you aren't going to question any of this, so they just publish whatever photo is nearest at hand and tag it any way they want, chuckling all the while; or b) the event was faked, like everything else we have studied. Neither choice is very good, is it? However, the odds are all on b). Why? Because if the event was real, there would be some real photos of it. It is not like they didn't have cameras in 1944. Why publish fake ones when you have real ones? What about the theory they are just toying with us? That would mean the event was real, but some mischievous faction is now planting the bug in our heads it was fake, to help drive us into ever greater levels of confusion. That theory does have some merit, since we know that is one of the current gambits. So I don't dismiss it out of hand. However, there are other ways to do that, that don't undercut previous stories. They don't really need you starting to wonder if all of WW2 was faked, since they have thousands of other stories that are already circulating to confuse you. It is pretty difficult to believe they have decided to purposefully destroy your belief in everything, even those things that previously kept you in line. It is hard to believe they want you questioning whether George Washington was the father of our country or whether Uncle Sam is your buddy or whether the US military is taking care of you. I don't see how that benefits them in the short or long term. Therefore, while I keep the question on that somewhat open, I tend for now to the conclusion that this Dresden page at Wikipedia is what it seems to be: a poorly prepared fake. They want you to believe Dresden was an Allied bombing atrocity, and so they do what they can—short of making sense—to achieve that. But that of course brings up another question. Why unnecessarily blackwash the Allies? I can see why Germany might have wished to do that, but why would the US and UK wish to do that?'
The emphasis added in Mathis's quotation is mine. Clearly, his position is that the Dresden bombings were fake. I'm not saying that he's wrong, and I'm not saying that he's right either. I don't know enough about it.
I am not expressing a conclusion on what happened. I am not saying that the Second World War was a hoax. And maybe all these bombings could be fake, but the war still be real in terms of battles. I don't know. Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were at the end of the war so whether they are fake or real is perhaps not relevant to whether the real is real. But the London bombings and Dresden bombings being hoaxes at least perhaps (as in possibly, but not certainly) could be relevant as evidence of whether the war is real or not.
I am currently studying the Second World War. I don't think at the moment that I can have any definite conclusions, I can only have avenues of research to pursue.
I intend to study these bombings, to form my own conclusions.
I have been reading Read's and Fisher's The Deadly Embrace: Hitler, Stalin and the German-Soviet Pact; 1939-1941. Despite being long and boring, it has much valuable information in it, that has been leading me to the conclusion at least that Poland's leaders were involved in a psyop, intending to provoke Hitler into attacking Poland, and intending for their country to lose.
Hi, Paul.
You say Mathis says Dresden wasn't bombed, but the fact is he criticised photos as faked, which seems perfectly true. But these may have been used in propaganda evidence in the same way shrunken heads from museums were displayed.
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On Sunday, February 26th, 2023 at 5:36 PM, Paul Bustion Even if that is the case though, Jews were far more obviously dominant in the Soviet political system than they are in Britain and France today. So I still stand by saying that in the Soviet Union, the vast majority of Jews were basically synonymous with the Communist regime (there would be some exceptions, for example Zionists would be an exception since the Communist officially was opposed to Zionism), and given this basic synonymity, they would essentially be enemy combatants against Germany in the context of a war between Germany and the Soviet Union, so if the war were real, one would imagine that there would be German mass murders of Jews.
You seem to me to be a different person from that ADL-exposing Paul Bustion. You sound like someone who's being threatened by Jews. Just a comment.
You seem to be confusing hoaxed single events with hoaxes involving whole wars. For example the myth of atom bombs on Japan doesn't affect the general progress of the entire war.
Also you confuse people's perceptions at different times. You say that Jews in the USSR were obviously influential; but you don't seem to know that connection was denied and hidden in books, newspapers and radio and later TV and is still denied today.
- Rae
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Ford was a Freemason, it is not a matter of inference, Freemasonry has published his lodge and his date of initiation.Ford became a Freemason on November 28, 1894 at the Palestine Lodge Number 357 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The Grand Lodge of Freemasonry of British Columbia and Yukon published the information on its website, here, Henry Ford (bcy.ca)
Hexzane is presenting the case for Ford's Freemasonry is if it were a conspiracy theorists' inferences, which I find strange. Maybe Hexzane is trying to make people who think that Ford was controlled opposition look crazy.
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Rae, To separate your words from mine I will from now on put [Beginning of Rae West quote] and [End of Rae Wet] around your words when I quote them.
I noticed that you have an article on Eysenck on your site, Deception Psychosis. Jews and Psychology as Jewish Deceptions. (big-lies.org) You wrote in that article, about Eysenck:
[Beginning of Rae West quote] 'He wrote voluminously on psychology—at least 60 books—including on psychic abilities. ' [End of Rae West quote] I have read Eysenck's book on psychic abilities, he coauthored it with Sargent, the title is Explaining the Unexplained: Mysteries of the Paranormal. It is a summary of the best scientific evidence for the paranormal. For the most part, it is a good book, it is not similar to the works of New Age gurus at all, but thoroughly evidenced. Statistics are used in the book to illustrate how success in telepathic experiments has defied mathematical odds by millions against one.
Eysenck discussed an Eastern European man named Pavel Stepanek who engaged in telepathic experiments, where he was the receiver, and stated the card correctly (out of a five deck card group called the Zenner deck) in consistent patterns defying coincidence by mathematical odds of millions against one.
Eysenck discussed the telepathic experiments of Montague Ullman, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in New York City, who had a receiver sleep and serve as the receiver while another person looked at an image, and then report on his dreams upon awakening. The dreams reported by the receiver resembled the images being observed by the sender in similar statistical patterns defying coincidence to those of Stepanek's success in his experiments.
I have done telepathic experiments with other people where my partners and I had 100% success rates in the receiver stating correctly the object that the sender was observing.
I have had personal experiences that were unsettling, such as every book I touched always turning to the same specific page number, that happened for at least a year, and it would happen multiple times in the same day.
Freud wrote an article called Dreams and Telepathy in 1922 where he discussed a correspondent who told him that on the night of November 16-17, he had dreamt about his wife giving birth to twins, and that his daughter, unknown to him, had been giving birth to twins that night. He had known that his daughter was pregnant but had believed that she was only expecting one child, and had believed that she would not give birth until December. That seems like a telepathic dream, because it defies the odds of coincidence. I know that Freud was a crackpot and that the vast majority of his ideas were wrong, but this particular dream that he reported has a freakish coincidence that defies statistical odds, so I would be inclined to see it as telepathic.
I believe that the paranormal is real. There are elites who openly say that they are telepathically in communication with non-human spirits. Many actors in Hollywood openly say this, for example Natasha Rambova, an actress and the wife of Rudolf Valentino, openly said that she held seances so that spirits could channel material in her mind for her screenplays. Michael Morris wrote in Madam Valentino on page 160:
Every night, Natasha would hold a seance, calling forth help from the spirit world, in her creative undertaking. Then, pencil and paper in hand, she would go into a trance and start writing. After her outpouring were typed out they were brought to the set the next day and given to the director.'
Marylin Monroe similarly openly stated that she telepathically communicated with spirits, and said that she had multiple personalities, which she used the spirits to channel for her acting. She said:
'Jekyll and Hyde, more than two. I'm so many people.They shock me sometimes. I wish it was just me.' This was quoted on page 5 of Summers' biography of Monroe, Goddess.
About Marylin Monroe, the psychic Kenny Kingston stated that she would 'draw attention from the spirit world, asking for their guidance' in his book I Still Talk to on page 226.
Edgar Cayce was a famous American medium who was hired by many important people, including President Roosevelt II, President Wilson, New York Governor/Vice President and unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller, Thomas Edison and Marylin Monroe.
A Zionist author, Hannah Newman, wrote a book called The Rainbow Swastika a Report to the Jewish People About New Age AntiSemitism. Although the book is Jewish-Zionist propaganda, it has an interesting thesis, that the actions and intentions of human leaders come from spirits, who telepathically direct them. She quoted directly from New Age authors such as Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, where they openly state that they are receiving telepathic instructions from spirits. That is a link to her work SearchLight gateway (iwarp.com)
My point in writing all this is that I have wondered if the Jews in power receive telepathic directives from spirits. It seems that humans on their own cannot run 'conspiracies' lasting thousands of years, so on the surface it seems that the humans directing what is happening must receive some kind of directions from spirits.
A Christian channel on Youtube called Little Light Studios made a show called Are you Being Entertained by Demons documenting many Hollywood stars openly admitting to being in telepathic communication with spirits. Are you being entertained by demons? | Channeling Spirits - LED Live - YouTube I disagree with Christianity and this channel is Jew naive or more likely intentionally Jew obfuscating, but the info in this video was still good, it was entirely sourced to the statements of the actors themselves, there was no inference in the video. Similarly Hannah Newman's book, despite being Jewish-Zionist propaganda, for the most part is directly quoting the New Agers themselves when discussing their contact with spirits.
Are you open to the existence of a spirit world and if so do you think that the Jews in power might be in contact with it and receives directions from it?
Could be an important note:- I think babies go through a long period, say aged 0-2, when they find they can control their movements, including muscles and limbs and feeding and excretion and activities involving nerves, such as reacting to pain, learning to crawl, learning to walk, learning to control speech. That's with normal development.
But after all that they find they can't extend control more: they can't fly, they can't move to another place without effort, they can't dress without effort, thy can't understand language without effort. I think the 'terrible twos' are the stage when they discover limits. And it they can't understand why these limits exist—which is too difficult for most—they may have a lifelong desire for fantasies. Belief in god(s), belief in the power of words alone, such as in prayer, belief in invisible worlds, belief in 'speaking in tongues', egocentric assumptions that illness have a human cause—I suspect all come from this source.
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Hi PB-
Yep, seems likely enough for fakes and operations. When capital punishment was in operation, in the UK, I think convicted murderers were hanged in prison - I think Pentonville had a cell with the cell directly underneath connected, to give space for hanging. The bodies were buried inside the prison. Come to think of it, the evidence of burial was kept secret I think, so they might have done the concealment trick then too.
Mathis is good but I wish he'd talk more. I wonder if his stuff comes from Jews.
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On Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 2:24 AM, Paul Bustion
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Hello Rae, I believe that AntiZionism as a movement is controlled opposition. I understand that you are AntiZionist, so I don't mean that AntiZionism as a belief is necessarily controlled opposition, but the AntiZionist movement that we see covered in the mainstream media is definitely controlled opposition, at least in my opinion. One of the first, if not the first, AntiZionist organizations was the League of British Jews, founded by Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, a banker from the famous Jewish banking clan and former member of the British House of Commons representing Aylesbury, an electoral district in Buckinghamshire, England. League of British Jews - Wikipedia Lionel de Rothschild (born 1882) - Wikipedia
Timothy Fitzpatrick has written articles about how Jews use AntiZionism as controlled opposition. The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Israel | Fitzpatrick Informer (fitzinfo.net)
Israel is a Kremlin decoy | Fitzpatrick Informer (fitzinfo.net)
Operation SIG | Fitzpatrick Informer (fitzinfo.net)
Much of the AntiZionist rhetoric focuses on anti-racist themes, such as condemning the Zionists for colonizing and oppressing the Palestinians. That fits in with Bolshevist racial narratives of white oppression.
There is a Christian who is probably a crypto-Jew, John Blanchette, who has an interesting rumble and Youtube channel, Ephesians 5:11 Ministries that focuses on end times topics, and he talks about how he believes that there is a plan for a global war against Israel. He will not tell the truth that it would be Jews behind this war. But I think that if such a war will happen it will be Jews using AntiZionism as controlled opposition and sacrificing Israel as a scapegoat. E511Ministries (rumble.com)
Hexzane527 said that the 'elite' hoaxed the Holocaust, intending all along to eventually reveal the hoax to the public through their agents, because they ultimately wanted to turn the public against the Jews, and get the public to want the Jews expelled to Israel, and that this would coincide with the Third World War. He wrote:
[Beginning of Hexzane527 quote] 'But, since I realized, a few months ago, that the Israel project must be a racist project, pro-white and that a large part of the Jews in the diaspora would very likely be deported to Israel before and during the third world war, there, the role of revisionism, in addition to participating with the rise of the conspiracy movement, it became very clear to me. Its primary goal was to make mounting "anti-Semitism" in order to send the Jews of the Diaspora to Israel. It confirmed that the revisionism was indeed a project of the elite.' [End of Hexzane527 quote] Robert Faurisson (1929 - 2018) very likely to have been be an Agent. Machine Translation from Hexzane527's French article of 2020 by Rae West (big-lies.org)
I believe that he is partially correct, but the plan would be that some Jews would be expelled to Israel, while others would remain behind, covertly controlling their host countries' and managing their host countries' (largely phony) war against Israel. Paul
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Hello Rae, I have been developing new ideas about Stalin. Well, it might be misleading to call them 'new,' because Mathis has similar ideas to the ones that I am expressing, but he has not focused much on these ideas, I am trying to prove them. It would help if I could publish my ideas about this on your website.
The most important of the ideas that I have been developing about Stalin is that the conflict between Stalin and Trotsky was a hoax. I am sure that the two men were malicious towards each other, but their political conflict was a scam, Trotsky was consciously intentionally serving as what we could call, for lack of a better term, 'controlled opposition,' to Stalin, and the latter understood this and had an explicit secret agreement with the former to hoax their political conflict.
One purpose of the scam was to make it appear to a certain segment of right wing, nationalistic, antiCommunist and antiJewish people that Russia was no longer governed by Communist Jews, but was now a nationalistic, antiCommunist and antiJewish state. I am not saying that Stalin actually removed Jews from power, I am saying that he made it appear to be the case that they were removed from power, in order to make Russia able to appeal to what we could call, for lack of a better term, the right wing. Putin continues this tradition, appealing to 'Neo-Nazis,' nationalists, AntiSemites, AntiMasons, etc, even though Jews are still a privileged class in Russia and still have power there. Putin had a similar arrangement, I believe, with the oligarch Boris Berezovsky, where the latter was 'expelled' from Russia by Putin, and acted as 'controlled opposition' to Putin from abroad. I believe that the assassination of Trotsky by agents of Stalin was a staged hoax.
Another purpose of Stalin's scam was to make it appear to a certain segment of Jews that Russia was antiJewish, right-wing, nationalistic, etc. This is the reason that he made Trotsky the target of his fake wrath. Trotsky was a Jew, and his supporters were largely Jews. Stalin's supporters were largely Jews, too, but they either were not as overwhelmingly Jews as Trotsky's supporters, or data was presented deceptively so as to give a false appearance that Jews were less overrepresented among Stalin's supporters than among Trotsky's. Either way, this gave Jews the false impression that Stalin's regime was antiSemitic, and Stalin consciously and intentionally was deceiving the Jews into believing that his regime antisemitic. The reason that he was doing this was because he was intentionally laying the foundations for a Jewish run antiRussian campaign. The antiRussian Trotskyists of the 1930s are the ancestors of the antiRussian neoconservatives of today. William Kristol, a Jew and the editor and publisher of the neoconservative Weekly Standard, is an antiRussian neoconservative, and is the son of Irving Kristol, an antiRussian Trotskyist. I believe that Stalin's motive for deceiving both the antiSemites and the Jews into believing that Russia was an antiSemitic country was to lay the foundations for a future war between the western countries and Russia. He knew that the Jews had much power in Russia, and by making them become hostile to Russia, this would set in motion the events that would later cause a war between the western countries and Russia. Despite the fact that the Ukrainians hate Jews, Jews in western countries are pushing relentlessly for their countries to support Ukraine against Russia, because they believe that Russia is antisemitic.
I believe that Stalin intentionally helped Hitler come to power, by instructing the German Communists to refuse to help antiNazi parties. I am not the first to suggest that. Radzinsky, a biographer of Stalin, said the same thing. Stalin's intention was to lay the foundations for the Second World War.
I believe that Stalin helped to create the state of Israel, then abruptly turned against it, because he wanted Israel to become a problem for the Anglo-Americans in the Middle East, and then to turn that problem into an ostensible ally of the Anglo-Americans, and an ostensible enemy of the Soviet Union, so that the Soviet Union could present itself as a bulwark against the evils of Zionism, and blame the Zionist regime's crimes on the Anglo-Americans.
I have one idea about Stalin that I think you might not agree with. I think that the Holodomor, Stalin's alleged mass murder of Ukrainians, might be a hoax. If it is a hoax, the purpose of the hoax would be to give a victim narrative to Ukrainian nationalists, in order to lay the foundations for future Russian-Ukrainian wars, like the one today.
Stalin is obviously far better known than Leo Frank is. He's of more interest to people than the Romanovs are, I think. So my materials on Stalin would probably get more of an audience.
I am currently doing research on Stalin and his reign. If I write articles on this could you publish them on your site?
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self2.pdf (mileswmathis.com) This is a link to Mathis's article about his ancestry.
Miles Williams Mathis : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling) - Geneanet And there is a link to Tim Dowling's posting of Mathis's tree. I don't really know who Dowling is, but his information is accurate.
As I have said before, Jews have thoroughly penetrated pretty much all elite and even probably the vast majority of socioeconomically middle class families through intermarriage, so pretty much all people writing about the topics that we write about will have some Jewish ancestry, at least in my opinion. So the fact that Mathis has Jewish ancestry, by itself, is not a reason to be particularly suspicious of him. But I remember seeing the name Mathis in many of the elite psyop running families, and that makes me inclined to believe that he is closely related to them, and that is the reason that he knows what he knows.
Also Mathis has written things that make me think that he is trying to discredit the viewpoints he expresses. For example I agree with him that Jeffrey Epstein's case and many other child sexual abuse cases are hoaxes. He wrote in one of his articles arguing that point, a statement that seemed to be trying to justify adults having sex with children as young as ten years old. He said:
[Beginning of Mathis quote] And not all of those who have propositioned me have been older men. When I was in Europe, I got hit on by boys. Children. Just so you don't think I am making it up, I will share a complete story. I visited Denmark in 1999. I was 35. I wanted to see some of the country outside of Copenhagen, so I decided to go to Fejo. Well, the bus in the country in Denmark doubles as the school bus, so you sometimes have to ride with kids. At the next to the last stop before the ferry, all the schoolkids got off except one. A boy, about 10-12. He moved his seat to the one in front of me, and then turned around to talk to me. He was speaking Danish, so I told him in English I didn't understand him. In answer, he reached between the seats and put his hand on my knee. He then looked at me knowingly and licked his lips. I removed his hand from knee and said “no.” He understood that and moved off. If you think I was shocked, you are right. [End of Mathis quote]
Here is the article that he said that in, spot.pdf (mileswmathis.com) Maybe he is intentionally making comments like that so that people will associate the belief that many child sexual abuse cases are hoaxes with support of child sexual abuse.
Another thing that I have found suspicious is that I think that he could have done more to remove reasonable doubt from reader's minds that, for example, Ted Bundy's case was a hoax, by concentrating on the evidence of the case. The only thing that Mathis ever talks about is genealogies. I agree with him that Bundy's case is a hoax. And there is a lot of evidence besides family connections, that it was a hoax. For example the alleged victim of Bundy's whose alleged murder is what caused Bundy to first be convicted of murder, Kimberly Diane Leach, was only believed to have even been seen with Bundy because of hypnotically recovered memories, and it has been proven that hypnosis can induce false memories in people. Her corpse was only located because of a psychic, Anne Gehman, telling police where to find it. This is in a book by Deckle, the attorney who prosecuted Bundy in that murder trial, called The Last Murder. Whether you believed that psychic abilities or real, or are not, the fact that a psychic is who enabled the police to find the corpse is evidence that the case is a hoax. If you do not believe that psychic abilities are real, then this probably means that there was no corpse and this is just another deceitful psyop. If you do believe that psychic abilities are real, it still probably makes the case a hoax because that would probably mean that the psychic and the police using the psychic's advice are telepathically directed by demons into believing what they do about the corpse and at that point its still a deceitful psyop, just a demonic one instead of a human one. Just telling people the family trees of the perpetrator and victim is not as convincing as evidence like this. But Mathis fixates solely on genealogies. That makes me think that maybe he doesn't actually want to convince his readers that these murders did not happen.
Later today I will look through the family trees of elite families that I saw, that included the name Mathis in them, and show them to you.
Rae, I looked through my family trees, and found a lot of instances of the name Mathis, or at least essentially the same name, appearing the family trees of elite people. Richard Mathias Cates, 5x great granddad of hoax stalker and hoax mass shooter Richard Farley.
Mathias Schicklgruber, grand uncle of Adolf Hitler. Matthias Risenover, 6x great granddad of Mary Anne Phagan. And Mathias Strijdom, brother of South African Prime Minister JG Strijgdom.
I come from a somewhat elite family. My mom's dad Fred Wilt was an Olympic athlete, Federal Bureau of Investigation cop and Lieutenant-General, Junior Grade in the US Navy in the Second World War on an obscure Asian island that I forget the name of at the moment. My dad has recent ancestors who were provosts of important colleges, though I forget their names and which colleges at the moment. When I looked for the name Mathis I found two names that were exactly the same name and two that approximated it. One of them was Willis Mathis Bustion, my 2x great grand uncle.
The fact that this weird name appears so much in the genealogies of elite families makes me suspicious of Mathis.
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The Nuremberg laws, which were enacted by the Reichstag and signed by Hitler in 1935, made it a crime for a German and a Jew to marry in the future, and made it a crime for a German and a Jew to have non-marital sexual relations. These laws were later expanded to laws banning both marriage and non-marital sexual relations between Germans and Gypsies, and Germans and Gypsies and I believe even Germans and Slavs. Essentially it was made a crime for a German to marry or have non-marital sexual relations with any non-white person. It is easy to enforce a law against marriage, because marriage is a public event. But it would be difficult, if not impossible, to enforce a law against consenting sexual relations, because the latter occur in private over 90% of the time, and if both parties are agreed to it, then there is no motive for either party to complain. So it seems unlikely that they would be caught. But there were a large number of criminal prosecutions of, and convictions of, men for having non-marital sexual relations that violated the Nuremberg law.
It seems unrealistic that men would be caught violating that law so often, so it seems to me that the majority, if not all, of those criminal cases were hoaxes that the prosecuting attorneys, judges, courts, police and defendants were complicit in.
This would support your view that Hitler's regime was 'controlled opposition,' and that the man was fully conscious of that and intentionally complied with the deception.
Do you think that I'm right that the criminal prosecutions of men for violating the Nuremberg law banning interracial sexual relations were probably at least in most cases hoaxes?
May 9, 2023
You wrote:
'The German law against German and Jew marriages is another interesting idea which I wonder about, since it may have been propagandist rather than applicable'
I believe that the law against non-marital sexual relations must have been propagandist, because sexual relations occur in private far more than 90% of the time. There is no plausible reason, other than pregnancy, that anyone would find out about private sexual relations, in the vast majority of cases. And the vast majority of prosecutions of men (only men could be prosecuted for extra-marital sexual relations) for violating the ban on extra-marital sexual relations were ones where the woman was not pregnant.
However, it is very easy to enforce a law against marriage, because marriage is a public event. My original view on this topic, until you made this point, was that the prosecutions of men for violating the ban on extra marital sexual relations were almost all-to literally all hoaxes, but that the prosecutions of men and women for violating the ban on marriage were real. However, maybe the enforcement of the ban on marriage was a scam, too. To be honest, that thought had never occurred to me before you brought it up.
There's no way that the ban on sexual relations was enforced. But we should investigate whether or not the ban on marriage was enforced, I don't know the answer to the latter question. It is possible to enforce a ban on marriage though. In my opinion, it is not possible to enforce a ban on consenting private sexual relations, so I'm not even open to the possibility that any of the prosecutions of men for violating the ban on sexual relations were real. This has broader implications, because it means that likely almost all-to literally all, prosecutions of people for homosexual conduct, throughout history, have been hoaxes. It means that probably the vast majority of prosecutions of older adults for having sexual relations with minor teenagers have been hoaxes, too. Since so many court cases, we know intuitively, have to have been hoaxes, it suggests that our legal systems are much more substantially fraudulent than we had ever previously suspected.
NB: I am NOT saying that I morally approve of much older adults having sex with teenagers when I say that it is not possible to enforce laws against it. But there's no way that a law could be enforced against it, in my opinion, if it happened in private and everyone involved consented, because since everyone involved wanted it, there's no plausible motive for any participant to report what happened.
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Hello Rae, Martin Bossenbroek wrote in The Boer War: Many people, especially in the upper echelon of the army, thought Winston Churchill was nothing but a publicity seeker and medal chaser, with his lisp, his wisecracks, his pretentious newspaper articles and his extravagant American mother, whose high society friends had helped him from one prestigious job to the next. Churchill saw things differently. He knew in his heart that he was destined for something more exalted, or at least more exciting, and there was no time to lose. His father, Lord Randolph, had died young, and he wouldn't live long either, so he believed. To accomplish what fate had in store for him he would have to make his mark soon, distinguish himself, gain a reputation and excel in a political career that in his father's case had been so tragically cut short.
That was why, not yet 25, he had traveled half the world looking for action, the more dangerous the better. He had come under fire from Cuban guerillas, narrowly escaped the swords of the Pathans on the north west frontier of British India and in the Battle of Omdurman in Sudan had experienced the thrill of a cavalry charge against a superior force of Mahdi fighters. All without even a scratch. What he did gain, however, was a reputation as a writer. He had combined his military duties, as second lieutenant in the 4th Hussars with freelance assignments as a war correspondent for newspapers like The Daily Graphic... He had written a successful book, The Story of the Malakand Field Force, recounting his war time experiences in British India.'
The emphasis added was mine.
This quote is on page 133 of The Boer War.
There's no way that a person served in that many military conflicts and never got a scar. That, combined with Churchill writing for those newspapers and writing those books to peddle his own story, makes him seem like a complete fraud to me. I don't know if you are familiar with the Harry Potter books/films, but in the second book/film, The Chamber of Secrets, there is a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Harry's high school, Hogwarts, who is a complete and obvious fraud, and has written endless books claiming adventures in sorcery that he obviously did not participate in. He is named Gildery Lockhart, in the film he was played by Kenneth Branaugh. Gildery Lockhart is obnoxiously self centered and egotistical. Churchill in that quote sounds a lot like Gildery Lockhart. I'm not saying that Harry Potter is a great series but the analogy is a useful one to illustrate my point.
Churchill being this kind of complete fraud would fit in with the Second World War being a scam in some way. I don't mean in the sense that there were no battles or no casualties, but at least in the sense that the seriousness of the war was exaggerated and the death toll exaggerated in order to generate the Jewish myth of an international war against the Jewish AntiChrist Hitler.
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Hi, Paul.
I wouldn't be too impressed by that. 'Undistinguished two storey house' is nonsense; look up 20 Maresfield Gardens NW3 on Google Maps. It's big place in Hampstead. The write-up is typical Jewish stuff; 'driven out of Germany' ... 'great scientist' etc of the charlatan. She was obviously few money and given a building, with fellow Jews.
It seems to be true that WW2 was organised behind the scenes by Jews, who of course are distributed world-wide: USA paper money, London finance, Moscow and Soviet empire, etc. Britain was spared much bombing, but Germany was not. France was reputedly bombed more than any country except Germany. As with propaganda, various areas were treated separately. Similar with eg Vietnam or Afghanistan; none of the US operations were reported in the USA.
[I think Anna Freud was just using the war as an opportunity.]
My site has a piece 'how the master race won ww2' on this topic. Hexzane57 (from France, probably) has a number of separate papers on WW2 and its oddities, which lead hexzane527 to the view that Hitler was a figurehead installed by Jews. Miles Mathis has a few similar things.
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On Thursday, September 16th, 2021 at 07:46, Paul Bustion Hello Rae,
Anna Freud, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, daughter of Sigmund Freud and leader of the psychoanalytic movement and authors of several books, lived in London at the time of the alleged German bombings of it in the Second World War. She was interviewed by Ingersoll. Here is Ingersoll's statements on the interview and quotations of Anna Freud:
'One afternoon I went out to see Anna Freud, the
daughter of the late great Sigmund Freud, the scientist who created psychoanalysis and whom the Germans drove from Austria to die in England. I had letters to her from New York. I wanted to see her because she is a psychoanalyst herself and because from her and other psychiatrists I wanted what scientific evidence they had of the effect of the bombing on the emotional balance of the population. I had also heard that she was organizing a clinic for the study of bomb shock, a clinic to study particularly its effect on mothers and young children.
I found her house, the house in which her father died, a twenty minutes' drive from the center of the city. It is an undistinguished two-story suburban house set a few feet back from the road.
Anna Freud is a small, dark, handsome woman with an alert and thoughtful face. She received me in an attic studio which looked out onto a charming garden at the rear of the house. I told her why I wanted to talk to her.
She said that she had not got her clinic started yet but that everything was arranged. The city of Westminster was giving her a building. Her assistants were to be men and women she had worked with in Austria and they were going to give her only women and children who had already shown some signs of fear and strain. She hoped the center would be helpful to them. She said, "You have never seen anything like these people. You wouldn't believe it unless you lived here. They are so calm, and they take it all so well."
She said that the psychiatrists of London had met the week before to talk about the very subject I was asking her about. She said the retreat from Dover had produced many cases of shell shock amongst the soldiers and sailors who took part in it. But that none of the psychiatrists who discussed it together had a single true case of shell shock to report amongst the civilians of London. There were no nervous breakdowns that could be directly attributed to the bombing. "In a great city," she said, "there are always people whose lives become too difficult for them to handle, but we cannot see that they have been aggravated by the bombing."
I asked her about her own work. She said her day was full with private patients. The private patients of an analyst are not usually people without emotional difficulties. I asked her about her own patients. She said there was one girl whom she was treating whose life was in a very bad mess. She said the girl now worked driving an ambulance. She'd had a very bad bombing recently. The day after it she was in a very agitated mental state, excited and overtalkative. And the day after that, too-only not so sharply. But the third day she was quite normal again. The experience of the bombing had left no mark. Anna Freud said she thought it was a good case by which to judge the effect of bombing on someone already neurotic.
She went back to talking about the English with whom she had come to live. She said, "The bombing is really quite bad around here." I was surprised, because I had not noticed damage driving out. She took me to the window looking over the garden and pointed. I saw for the first time that a big building standing opposite and beyond was no more than a shell. Its roof was gone, its insides blown out. On either side the houses were windowless. She said there had been a lot of other hits around her. "I must show you my collection of shrapnel and bomb fragments picked off the roof or raked off the lawn." I saw it later. She kept it in a bowl in the front hall. Eighteen inches in diameter, it was piled nearly a foot high with sharp, irregular fragments of shell and bomb casings.
She said, "I know everyone around here very well. No one seems really bothered by this. They do not grumble or complain." I asked her what happened when people were bombed out of their houses. She said, "Hereabouts they are always taken in, if not by relatives or friends by someone else. They make the best of it."
She said her maids did not sleep in the house and that she made it a rule that they leave early enough to be home before the blackout. "But," she said, "they often do not go. They want to finish doing this or that or finish tidying up. They are utterly unafraid. And," she said again, "it gets really quite bad, you know."
I asked her where she slept. She said she slept in the house but that she went down on the ground floor with the three others who lived there and they slept on mattresses. She said, "I don't sleep up here because the windows might blow in and the shrapnel sometimes breaks the roof."
I said this was the first suburban house I had been in in London and would she show me what she did about air raids. She said, "Oh, I would like to show you. You must see the way the people here live in it. First, outside the door you must have noticed the pail of sand and the little galvanized-iron scoop at the end of the wooden handle. The sand is to put out incendiary bombs. The scoop to put on the sand or pick up the bomb before it gets really hot. You buy them at the store. There are many different kinds. Everyone has them. Then down by the door you will notice four suitcases standing in the hall. You can tell how many people live in each house when you come in by the suitcases standing in the hall.
You pack them with some clothes and anything you want really to take with you in case the house is blown down or a time bomb falls in it. Then on each stair landing you will find another pail of sand and perhaps a pail of water with a bicycle pump beside it— to pump the water on the fire, you know." And here we stepped out into the hall. "You see the ladder— always left up to reach the roof so that when you hear incendiary bombs fall you can go up and put them out."
It was all exactly as simple and as matter of fact as that. And in every house into which I subsequently went I found similar routines as simply taken. She told me the only thing she missed in the war was her radio. "Without it it is hard to get news." I asked her where it was. She said, "They took it away because I am an alien. But," and she laughed, "you see how badly I'm treated. I live in this pleasant house and I go wherever I like and buy whatever I like in the stores. And there are thousands like me who now have no country but this."
We talked some more about the clinic. She said it was going to need money when it was going. I said I would like to help her get it in the U. S. She said she would be very grateful. Her address is 20 Mares Field Gardens, London, N.W.3.
It was getting dark and she thought I should go, I said I would like to talk to her again. She said she would like to hear how I found things after I had been in London a little longer. I tried to reach her again. Something happened to the telephones that day. I think of her calm and neat little house and of the big bomb that missed it by a garden's length and of the pile of shrapnel she has raked from the lawn and of what she felt about the courage of the people in London. I think she is quite right about the matter-of-fact courage with which they're standing what they feel they have to stand. Nothing I saw or no one I talked to refuted it. I thought also that she is not without courage herself, that it would not be difficult for her to move away from London into the country. I thought that while hers was only one house—even though a house to which the great Freud came to live and die—there must be scores of thousands of simple, undistinguished little houses like it in which the sand buckets stand outside the doors and the packed suitcases inside, around which man-made steel and chemical destruction falls and whose people, amazingly, go the even tenor of their ways, the calmness of their souls undisturbed. I thought that I doubted if Adolf Hitler understood these things.
The other psychiatrist whom I went to see in London was Dr. Edward Glover, his offices on Wimpole Street, I had a letter to him from Dr. Gregory Zilboorg in New York. I spoke of my serious interest in the effect of the bombardment on the morale and emotions of civilians and Dr. Glover did me the courtesy of talking as to a professional. To what Anna Freud had told me he added these things:
That when the bombing began he and some other psychiatrists had organized a clinic to be opened three
days a week to receive from shelters and hospitals those
individuals who were being broken down emotionally by
the terror. He said that they thought they would begin
with three days a week to see what happened. They
thought it might be quite bad.
"And was it?" I asked.
Dr. Glover shrugged his shoulders. "It's hard to
believe," he said. "We closed it down because we had no
I asked him how he accounted for it. He said, "It is a
very interesting thing. One can only speculate. But I
believe it is because the experience of being bombed
is so universal."
I said I didn't quite understand.
He said, "Well, I will put it this way. In the last war
when men were in the trenches in France and they had
only a little rest behind the lines between bombard-
ments, there was always far away behind them the peace-
ful countryside in France or England— if anything hap-
pened to them they knew that that was where they would
go. So when it got too much for them things happened.
A trigger finger became paralyzed. A man lost his sight.
But now these people in London, for instance, each day
read that Scotland and the Midlands have been bombed.
There are no green fields for them to go to in their
imagination. Since there is no escape they accept reality
and when they accept it they get used to it.
"But/' he added, "I'm not really sure that's right. It is
simply extraordinary but it is quite real. People are not
made depressed or ill by being bombed."
Full text of "Report On England, November 1940" (archive.org)
Anna Freud was saying in that interview that there was no need for mental hospitals for
Londoners traumatized by bombing because literally no one had been traumatized.
That seems like strong evidence for Miles Mathis's position that the London bombings were at least substantially false, if not almost entirely so.
I believe that the Holocaust is at least mostly false, if not almost entirely so. I'm starting to suspect that possibility with the Second World War also. There were massive population increases in some countries involved in the war. For example, France's population increased by 1 million during the war, Great Britain's increased by 1 million, China's increased by over 182 million during the war.
Is that a reason to suspect that the war is substantially a hoax, if not almost entirely so?
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May 10, 2023
Hello Rae, I am interested in what you think of my views on two alleged genocides.
I am inclined to believe that the Holdomor and the Nakba are both hoaxes. You probably already know what they are, but in case you do not:
The Holodomor is the alleged mass murder of Ukrainian peasants by the Communist Russian regime through famine induced starvation that the government allegedly deliberately caused in 1932-1933.
The Nakba is the alleged mass murder and persecution of Palestinian Arabs by the Zionist Israeli regime.
My inclination is stronger in the case of the former because I have already researched it, and superficially, based on my research from a source that was promoting the event as if it were real, it seemed like a hoax to me. I read Applebaum's Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine, a book that promotes the Ukrainian nationalist narrative that the Russian Communist regime was intentionally mass murdering Ukrainians, and specifically accuses Stalin and Kaganovich of deliberately causing the mass deaths of millions of people in Ukraine through starvation by famine. To me, based on the evidence in that book, which was promoting the famine as real, the event seemed like a hoax. I have not researched the Nakba yet, but superficially, from what I do know about it, it seems like a hoax. But I am less firm in my opinion on the Nakba than on the Holodomor because I know less about the former than the latter. Things about the Holodomor that make it seem like a hoax to me include: Alleged widespread cannibalism and similar bizarre alleged events such as burying humans alive. I learned this from Applebaum's book, which promotes the famine as real.
The allegation in the mainstream narrative that the average age of death was around ten years old. I don't remember the exact age, but it was something similarly outrageously low. I learned this, too, from Applebaum.
That one of the journalists who reported on the Holodomor, Walker, was proven to have lied about how much time he spent in Ukraine and where he had been in Ukraine, and was proven to have lied in multiple news reports. I learned this from a book debunking the famine, which I only just started reading and have not gotten far into, called Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Myth of Ukrainian Genocide from Harvard to Hitler by Tottle, a Communist apologist for Stalin and the USSR.
The reports on the Holodomor contained references to six million, similarly to the 666 symbolism of the references to six million in reports on the Holocaust and predictions of the latter event. I learned that from Tottle.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church was telling its congregants that Stalin was the AntiChrist during the Holodomor. I learned that from Applebaum. That fits in with the Holodomor being a hoax to justify Ukrainian nationalism. I regard the Holocaust as an obvious hoax. I am very suspicious of right wingers, antiSemites, antiCommunists, antiMasons, etc who say that the Holocaust is an obvious hoax, but refuse to allow questioning of the Holodomor and the Nakba. They are similar atrocity stories, so if one of them is a hoax, the others at least plausibly could be hoaxes. What do you think of the Holodomor and the Nakba? Paul
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Rae, I just had a thought. Trotsky's assassination appears to me to be an obvious hoax. Proving that the assassination is a hoax would be the easiest way to begin the process of proving that Trotsky was intentionally serving as 'controlled opposition,' for lack of a better term, to Stalin, by arrangement with the latter.
There are a lot of tell tale signs that Trotsky's assassination was a hoax. One is that he was immediately cremated. Another is that the USSR was very eager to claim credit for his murder, which makes no sense given that a sovereign state murdering a person on the soil of another sovereign state would be an obvious act of provocation by the former against the latter, and would risk things like serious international conflict and perhaps even war. Even if the USSR were behind the murder, it would be bizarre for them to want the public to know that they were behind it.
Another tell tale sign is the suspicious behavior of Ramon Mercader, the man who allegedly murdered Trotsky.
So my main, in beginning my investigation of this topic, will be on proving that Trotsky's assassination was a hoax. I will keep the amount of emails I send within a reasonable limit so that you are able to read and reply to them.
Oct 7, 2021
Hello Rae, I created a new email address to pbustion99@gmail.com. The reason that I did so is because I was banned by Youtube on the account associated with this email address, pbustion87@gmail.com, and whenever I am logged into this email address, Youtube refuses to let me log in, even from a different account. So if I keep using this email address, I will always have to delete my internet history every time I use it to be able to log into Youtube. So in the future I will be emailing you from pbustion99. Please update the email address on my section of your site. Paul Bustion on ADL, Frank, and Mary Phagan. Was the Whole Thing a Jewish Fake? (big-lies.org) Paul
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16 May 2023
You discuss Freemasonry on your website. What you say about it is probably essentially accurate. I am not criticizing it, more so supplementing it, adding an additional thought. I believe that opposition to Freemasonry by the Roman Catholic Church and the right wing is a controlled opposition scam. The first pope to condemn Freemasonry, Clement XII, was from an Italian noble clan, the Corsinis, some of whom were bankers, Corsini family - Wikipedia. Clement, interestingly, said in his denunciation of the Freemasons:
'If they were not doing evil, they would not have so great a hatred of the light.'—In eminenti - Papal Encyclicals
His choice of the word 'light' is significant, because in Gnosticism and similar dualistic mystery religions, it is held that there are two Gods, one a god of light and good, another a God of darkness and evil. It would be like, if in Christianity, Satan were held to be a God of equal power to that of the Christian God.
Pope Leo XIII condemned Freemasonry in more apocalyptic and inflammatory terms.
His encyclical Human Genus sounds dualistic. He wrote:
The race of man, after its miserable fall from God, the Creator and the Giver of heavenly gifts, "through the envy of the devil," separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their heart to be united with it, so as to gain salvation, must of necessity serve God and His only-begotten Son with their whole mind and with an entire will. The other is the kingdom of Satan, in whose possession and control are all whosoever follow the fatal example of their leader and of our first parents, those who refuse to obey the divine and eternal law, and who have many aims of their own in contempt of God, and many aims also against God.
2. This twofold kingdom St. Augustine keenly discerned and described after the manner of two cities, contrary in their laws because striving for contrary objects; and with a subtle brevity he expressed the efficient cause of each in these words: "Two loves formed two cities: the love of self, reaching even to contempt of God, an earthly city; and the love of God, reaching to contempt of self, a heavenly one."(1) At every period of time each has been in conflict with the other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons and of warfare, although not always with equal ardour and assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons.—Humanum Genus (April 20, 1884) | LEO XIII (vatican.va)
He said that he had had a vision of the Christian God and Satan making a bargain, where the former agreed to let the latter try to succeed in undermining him and his religion for a long time.—God's Chat with the Devil; The Vision of Pope Leo XIII (catholicstand.com)
I am quoting the source here:
[Begin quote] While he was attending Mass in 1884 Pope Leo XIII reportedly had a vision and overheard a conversation between God and the devil, Satan. The conversation purported to be a request by Satan for the 75 to 100 years he needed in order to destroy the Catholic Church. God reportedly granted Satan’s request. The apparition gives us an insight into what purports to be a troubling negotiation between God and the devil—between good and evil—much like the conversation between God and Satan in the Old Testament story of Job. [end quote]
The pope having these spiritual visions would fit in with my idea, that people in power are telepathically guided by non-human spirits, and that that is how the deceptive psyops are planned.
The purpose of the AntiMasonry controlled opposition might be to make Christians ultimately conclude that Judaism is a pagan mystery religion, so that they will be willing to persecute the Jews. Many Christians consider Jews to worship the same God that they worship, and to follow part of the same holy book. It is often said that Freemasonry and Jewry are essentially the same thing. By first teaching Christians that Freemasonry is a pagan mystery religion, and then convincing them Freemasonry and Jewry are essentially the same thing, Christians could be convinced that Judaism is a pagan mystery religion, too, and thus become willing to persecute Jewry. This would be done in order to facilitate a controlled opposition, antiJewish, Christian regime.
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17 May 2023
There was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in New York City, Dr AA Brill, who was born in eastern Europe and died in 1948. He had a patient, whose name he did not state, who he diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, or dissociative identity disorder. The man had vanishing episodes, which Brill attributed to dissociative identity disorder. The man had first come in contact with Dr Brill because he tried to set fire to St Patrick's Cathedral in New York, and was arrested, and brought to a mental hospital for the insane for treatment, called the Central Islip State Hospital for the Insane. The man was a Canadian, in his fortieth year. Brill took great interest in his case. Later, the man had another vanishing episode that resulted in him going to London, seeing British Army recruitment posters, enlisting in the British Army to serve in the South African Boer War of 1899-1902, and performing great feats of heroism, that resulted in his promotion to quartermaster-sergeant. The man then had his main personality come back to consciousness, realized that he was out of place, and told the army medical doctors about his multiple personality disorder, and was honorably discharged.
Dr. Brill's patient's story is similar to the story of Hitler's service in the German Army. Hitler was a nomadic man, who seemed to literally have vanishing episodes. Despite being an Austrian, he ended up going to Germany and enlisting in the German Army. Before that, he had been wandering in Vienna as a bohemian artist. Perhaps this is evidence of Hitler having multiple personality disorder.
If Hitler did have multiple personality disorder, then maybe his left hand did not know what his right hand was doing, to use the biblical phrase, and this explains the contradictory evidence about him. There is a lot of evidence for CJB's view that Hitler was a controlled opposition agent. But there is evidence of Hitler's sincerity. Maybe Hitler had two or more personalities. One personality was a sincere German nationalist. The other personality knew that German nationalism was a scam and consciously intended for Germany to trigger a world war and for the country to lose that war. His main personality would be a sincere German nationalist, but at key moments his alternative personality, which was consciously controlled opposition, would surface, and remain in consciousness long enough to execute actions intended to ensure that Germany did not actually win the war, then recede to subconsciousness so that his main personality was ignorant of what happened.
I actually believe that I might be the first person to have come up with this idea about Hitler. There have been people who said that Hitler was controlled opposition, but as far as I know, all of them say that Hitler was always, 100% of the time, fully conscious of the fact that he was controlled opposition. My idea, that Hitler had a split personality, with one side of his personality being sincere and the other side consciously being controlled opposition, is new, as far as I know, no one else has ever suggested it.
This might explain other historical mysteries, too. For example, if Kennedy's assassination is a hoax, as Mathis believes, maybe Kennedy had multiple personalities, and after he survived he was living under a different identity and did not know that he was Kennedy. It could be true for Mary Phagan, too.
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