The 'ADL' was used before WW2, when Jews pushed for war, and increasingly after, as Jews forced their Holohoax fraud.
Paul Bustion (of pbustion99@gmail.com) (who wrote
on the ADL) contributes here on the likelihood that the murder of the Romanovs was faked, to impress foreigners with the idea Jews were serious. Jewish-controlled media world-wide insisted on their 'red revolution'. The royal families of Europe demonstrated their usual cowardice or complicity, and said nothing.
I'm making this page open to Paul Bustion. I should state I've never met or talked with him. His email address is now pbustion99@gmail.com — he's given permission for his email to be used.
– Rae West January 2022
On the subject of Russian and European aristocrats and Jew families,
Miles Mathis has many papers on these subject, for example:–
lenin.pdf on Lenin's ancestry, nab.pdf on Nabokov on the 'Russian Revolution' from the point of view of Russians, marx.pdf on Jews and aristocrats and Lenin and Stalin, ruby.pdf on Jack 'Ruby' as a Polish/Russian Jew, natwood.pdf Natalie Wood as Natasha Romanov, phillip.pdf on the Rurik dynasty. Miles seems to have nothing on the Godunovs. Some of this may have been fed him by Jews; I just don't know. PB had some contact with MM.
What follows is Paul Bustion's work:–
The execution of the Romanovs by the Bolsheviks was a Jewish Hoax
Hello Rae,
I recently began to suspect that the execution of the Romanovs, the Russian royal family, by the Bolshevists, was a Jewish hoax. I suspect that Lenin and Tsar Nicholas II Romanov arranged the hoax between themselves. I am reading a book, The Romanovs: The Final Chapter by Massie, that is about the investigations of the Romanovs’ execution. Massie is a shill for the Romanovs but it is a very interesting book. I will quote passages here that I consider evidence for my belief that their execution was a hoax:
Geli Ryabov, meanwhile, had made another momentous discovery. With the help of a Urals friend of Avdonin, he had located the eldest son of Yakov Yurovsky, the chief executioner of the Imperial family. In 1978, Alexander Yurovsky, a retired Vice Admiral in the Soviet Navy, lived in Leningrad. When Ryabov went to see him, the younger Yurovsky did something extraordinary: he gave the filmmaker a copy of his father’s report to the Soviet government on the execution of the Romanovs and the disposition of their bodies.
[My note 1: Deliberately incriminating his dad.] Page 31…Alexander Yurovsky’s reason for giving his own, handwritten copy of this document to Ryabov was that he wanted to repent for ‘the most horrible page’ in his father’s life. Page 32. The Romanovs The Final Chapter Massie
[My note 2: Deliberate self incrimination]
The report that Nicholas was dead, killed by the decision of a provincial soviet, and that his family was still alive spread quickly around the world. In Moscow, the counselor of the German Embassy, acting in place of the murdered ambassador, officially condemned the execution of the tsar and expressed concern about the fate of the German born empress and her children. The Soviet government began telling the lie to foreigners which it continued to tell for the next 8 years. On July 20, Radek, head of the European Department of the Bolshevist Foreign Commissariat, informed the German counselor that it might be possible for the survivors to be granted freedom 'on humanitarian grounds.'
On July 23-24, Radek's superior, Chicherian , head of the Foreign Commissariat, assured the German envoy that Alexandra and her children were safe. Through August and most of September, the German government continued to press and was continually reassured. On August 29, Radek proposed an exchange of the Imperial family for prisoners the Germans were holding; a few days later, Chicherin again gave assurances that the empress and her children were safe; on September 10, Radek discussed release of the prisoners; in the third week of September, Berlin was told that the Soviet authorities now were thinking of 'moving the whole Imperial family to the Crimea.' Page 17
'Despite the king's dispatch of condolences, the Foreign Office decided to investigate the matter further. Sir Charles Elliot, the British High Commissioner for Siberia, was sent from Vladivostok to Ekaterinburg, and on October 15, his confidential report, addressed directly to Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, arrived in London. Elliot's dispatch seemed to offer hope. 'On July 17,' he wrote, 'a train with the blinds down left Ekaterinburg for an unknown destination, and it is believed that the surviving members of the Imperial family were in it. It is the general opinion in Ekaterinburg that the Empress, her son and daughters were not murdered.' Page 18.
I am planning on a project to prove that the murder of the Romanovs is a Jewish hoax. If you would like, you can put my info on this topic on your site, though it should be in a different section than the ADL.
Genealogical evidence of the Romanovs and Lenin being related
I have done family trees on Lenin's family and the Romanovs. Lenin was 4x great grandson of Nikita Trubetskoy, a Minister of Defense of Russia under Romanov Emperors. Lenin was at least tenth cousin, two generations removed, of Nicholas, the Romanov Emperor who he allegedly had executed. While that is a very distant and meaningless connection, I wonder if further digging would evidence a meaningful connection. I would say that a cousin relation of sixth or closer has the potential to be meaningful. Even though for ordinary people it is not meaningful to be sixth cousins, in inbred elite families, it can be. President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt were fifth cousins, one generation removed, and knew each other because of their family relation, because they were in a very inbred family where multiple generations maintained contact with each other.
Lenin was son of Ilya Ulyanov, through him, grandson of Anna Smirnova, through her, great grandson of Sofia Stroganov. Through her, 2x great grandson of Princess Ekaterina Trubetskaya. Through her, 3x great grandson of Prince Peter Trubetskoy. Through him, 4x great grandson of Prince Nikita Trubetskoy.
Tsar Nicholas II Romanov was son of Princess Sophie Dagmar Denmark. Through her, grandson of Princess Louis Wilhelmine Hessen Kassel. Through her, great grandson of Princess Charlotte Denmark. Through her, 2x great grandson of Prince Frederick of Denmark and Norway. Through him, 3x great grandson of Juliane Marie von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Through her, 4x great grandson of Antoinette Amalie von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Through her, 5x great grandson of Ludwig Rudolf von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Through him, 6x great grandson of Anton Ulric Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Through him, 7x great grandson of a non-specified Romanov. Through him, 8x great grandson of Praskoviya Feodorovna Saltykova. Through him, 9x great grandson of Fedor Aleksandr Petrovich Prince Of Saltykov. Through him, 10x great grandson of Petr Mikhailovich Saltykov. Through him, 11x great grandson of Mikhail Glebovich Saltykov and Yuliyana Mikhailovna Princess Of Zvenigorodskaya.
I already traced Lenin's ancestry back to his 4x great granddad Prince Nikita Trubetskaya. Through him, Lenin was 5x great grandson of Yury Yurievitch Troubetskoï. Through him, 6x great grandson of Yurij Petrovich Trubetskoj. Through him, 7x great grandson of Petr Yurevich Prince Trubetskoj. Through him, 8x great grandson of Mikhailovna Saltykova. Through him, 9x great grandson of Mikhail Glebovich Saltykov and Yuliyana Mikhailovna Princess Of Zvenigorodskaya.
So Lenin and Nicholas were at least tenth cousins, two generations removed.
That is not particularly interesting but it is interesting Lenin was 4x great grandson of an important official in the court of a Romanov Emperor.
Nicholas's uncles, the brothers of his dad, were named Yurovsky, the same as that of Nicholas's and his family's alleged chief executioner. Nicholas's dad was Tsar Alexander III Romanov. Alexander had a brother named Prince George Yurovsky, and another brother named Prince Boris Yurovsky. I consider this evidence that Nicholas was related to his alleged chief executioner. The latter's family tree has been 'scrubbed,' as Mathis would say.