... and it took me years to interpret the world this way, with Jews as a secret separate power bloc, interacting with Jewish puppets and Jewish subservients around the world. And Jews themselves as a hybrid collection of opportunist thugs, fanatics with a quasi-religious myth of origin, and second-rate rejects from aristocracies and other families, party groups, police, and so on, with their own training in deception.
Here's a good example of an obvious point, buried very successfully. I just noticed (on 1st July 2019) that the British Alliance with Poland—I've known for years, through Hilaire Belloc, that Poland had a high proportion of Jews—was not with Poles, but with Jews in Poland who controlled that country. Once you see it, it is obvious. So we have Jews in Poland dealing with Jews in Britain via Churchill, and Jews in the USA, and Jews in the USSR nominally under Stalin, all deciding what they would do, in secret. They probably synchronised with Hitler, arranging Jews in Poland to start the war with Germany, then Jews in Poland secretly arranging for Stalin to invade Poland. No doubt Poles died, and raised the white death toll; but Jews in Poland were not killed.
For USA readers: Note that Jews can treat each state as they do countries, by controlling news between states so that black crime, Jewish fraud, migration numbers, education standards and so on are minimised for other states. Same with money flows, unemployment, etc.
I've just found (by looking at logs of this website) hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwii.blogspot.com which is an early site on this topic, by Hexzane527, apparently French. Its entries date from 2013 to 2015. It is still a live site.
Create Israel with Balfour (to get the goy to commit) and then WWll and “holocaust” (to make the unwilling goy actually follow thru and drive a bunch of happy well treated jews to move to an arab filled god forsaken desert).
Destroy faith of whites in their culture and self determination (while teaching the goy a good lesson on the “futility of war”, they take good care of us don’t they).
Weakening Russia further to make the takeover of Russia possible.
Settle their bitter score with both Russia and Germany, who these wretches hate in particular for reasons which I won’t list here but Luther and the Rus destruction of the Khazar kingdom are a couple.
Create communist states which are really only jewish totalitarianism.
Make crony capitalism ever more powerful while making massive fortunes on war production deals.
And finally have a really good laugh at watching the goy slaughter each other by the millions.
God damn these people to hell.
The junior Dulles brothers at the US Legation in Berne arrange Lenin’s sealed train through Germany, with an eight hour stop in Berlin, where the Kaiser is advised by Hamburg Banker Warburg with relatives at Kuehn Loeb & Co., NYC, with “opposing” family sides representing the Allies and the second Reich at Versailles.
And with Kuehn Loeb principal Shiff funding NY demonstrations for the Bolshevik Revolution, which the local Jews referred to as OUR THING, before contributing 2,000 + ” RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARIES ” from the North Eastern states to Petrograd via Vancouver
Where the British Observer for their Foreign Office describes them as well-funded, well-dressed, with red carnations in their lapels and money for evening bar visits. [ Which coincidentally describes both Trudeau, father and son, just to your north ].
Thus, to understand this particular phenomenon of your query requires an exploration of influences unseen, unperceived by the usual understanding of sensate inputs. This is largely been influenced by the tragic influence of what has become known as the Judea-Christian heritage. This incomplete, tragically inadequate codex of Abrahamic amalgamations of irrelevancy, surrogate responsibility, outsourcing outcomes unquestionably, and more, has had the overall effect of limitation of exploration, deepening of understanding, and resolution detente.
I have endeavored to explain and expand on more profound understandings, but have received no interest or response. I take that to mean the vast majority of people in the West are locked into their failed tools of truly understanding who and what, and from whence. In other words, the Garden Wall and its confines are self satisfying.
02 The former Soviet Union’s archives quickly became more accessible than those of the oldest modern Democracy.
03 Predictably, we learned nothing. Look at General Wesley Clark on video, where he reluctantly relates a casual visit to the Pentagon, only to be told, that the US is planning to unhinge 7 Middle East nations [ which he enumerates ] during the ensuing 5 years. Which indeed occurred.
But, on the other hand, look at this black and white photo, from In Darkest Germany, by Victor Gollancz, published by Victor Gollancz in London, 1947. Gollancz was a Jewish propagandist. Bear in mind that models and fakes were used in the black and white movie film industry which flourished in the 1930s, and that cinema newsreels included fake atomic bomb images. Do those images of ruined buildings with identical undetailed window sizes stacked in narrow buildings look genuine?
Miles Mathis in dresden.pdf (January 28, 2016) gives a series of variously-faked images, his article having been avoided by 'experts' (as far as I know). So there are problems.
RW: Thanks for clarifying your claim on Jews being over-represented, so they could affect the result in their favour. A claim which I can't recall ever hearing before. The received view is that Jews go for the financial positions (Baruch in the Great War obvious example) and in intelligence, eg at Bletchley Park. And in high-level posts, eg Roosevelt and Eisenhower. And in world propaganda: newspapers, books, radio, film, TV. It's not that easy to test; you have to look at many wars and assess Jewish interests, then try to work out who were Jews if any...
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... As in this diagram. Source not known to me; and the meaning of generals who were/are political appointments isn't entirely clear. |
Here's another example: Lincoln had seven Jewish Generals, according to the 'Cleveland Jewish News' at https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/archives/lincoln-had-7-jewish-generals/article_2767508e-9662-5da8-a1f5-c711ed25ae68.html
Another set of Jewish links applies to the Jewish takeover of China, to make it 'Communist'. Much of the activity was propaganda for the world outside China. For example, the so-called 'Rape of Nanking' or Nanjing allegedly in December 1937. A 1997 book by Iris Chang, with 'a journalism degree from the University of Illinois', revived this fake, an equivalent to the anti-German propaganda of Jews everywhere. Why not try finding a video, occasionally online, by Japanese people, titled something like 'All the photos of the 'Nanking Massacre' are faked'.
Jewish Propaganda Books includes Victor Gollancz and other liars. This is another story in list of the 20th century Jewish frauds and massacres. But note that they often preferred to use cheap mercenaries to carry out their work, which meant that survivors were left with hatred for the wrong targets.
I watched part of an 8-hour DVD, made from my VHS tape in 1991, showing a few days of TV 'News' in Britain about war on Iraq. Youtube removed my channel, without permission; so has Bitchute, obviously just another controlled site.
Anyway, here's my brief commentary: The scenes of bombers, locations presumably hidden, the rather (but not very) highly-paid actors reading out the anonymous communal words assembled from Jew controllers, the mixed-race general (or something), the zombie talking-doll politicians, the scenes of simple unquestioning soldiery who think dropping bombs is 'fighting', the announcement that the armed forces will have a pay rise, the careful avoidance of information on likely damage and deaths, on atrocities, and on anything invisible—assets which may be grabbed, mortgages on building, land, entire countries, ownerships, central banks which may be set up, laws which may be imposed, debts which can add to impoverishment—chemical effects on people, future joke inquiries, hatreds for Americans ...
All this is depressing, at least to me. My perception is that at the root of the modern world is Jew infiltration, and my piece extends the idea to the Second World War. We're in a world in which Jews routinely lie, but they also censor, and destroy evidence. We therefore have to rely on inference and guesswork, reinforced by observations of actual 'Jewish' behaviours. Let me summarise my view of the last two thousand years, before starting on the world's biggest war. Some of this is likely to be wrong; feel free to read other versions. But at least make some attempt to understand the world!
For whatever reasons—Cheap papyrus, and intensive reading and writing? Habitual travel, with the feeling of outsidership? A common secret language, made of terms from assorted parts of the world? Exploitation of absence of forensic techniques at the time? Exploitation of cities, evolutionarily new in human societies? Inherited psychopathologies? Lack of opposition?—'Jews'—speaking vaguely, since accuracy is impossible—developed, for want of a better word, as parasites. The Roman Empire fell, and with it many skills and techniques. However, it seems Jews exploited the remains, by intruding a new religion, bending it to their own purposes, largely be simple repetition—the endless repetition of the Holohoax fraud, now, illustrates their propaganda method. To this day many whites don't understand that Christianity is an oriental fake.
Jews pulled the same trick by inventing Islam, and tailoring that written message to groups who they thought, correctly, could be used as armed thugs.
Christianity and Islam both spread. Note the structural similarities to Judaism: they spread across many nations, with the implicit threat that, as any one time, all might act against a single member state. They each had a lingua franca, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Arabic—the component groups or nations or tribes had representatives who could talk with each other. Another important aspect is that they provided careers: in return for literacy, some simple activities and ceremonies, and some common activities enlarging their groups, castes of the privileged, generally men, appeared, and were often very durable: Alfred North Whitehead, for example, was supposedly descended from clerical (in the religious sense) men since England was converted to Christianity, itself achieved by a mixture of methods, including violence.
It's important that increasing travel should allow regions to discuss their common interests, presumably with a common language and a hierarchy; the tragedy is that the methods were pioneered, or taken over, by secretive psychopaths.
The new nominal belief systems were at a level below ordinary European thought; one wonders if 'Jews' were intermixed with negroes, and simply were primitive in their most fundamental thinking. I wonder whether the outbursts at the present day—by freakish bearded mutilated men wearing suits fashionable in 18th century Poland—wanting rape and deaths for whites, endless wars and debt, child sex, ruining of entire countries by immigration—may be intended to provoke non-Jews into getting rid of them once and for all, to the benefit of Europeanised Jews.
Christianity and the money aspects of Judaism are popularly supposed to be in opposition, but this seems likely to be a myth; rather, the Jewish monopoly of banking must have been supported by churches, who prevented local people from taking part in financial activities, which, after all, are simple enough. Probably churches obtained tithes and priestly income (and priories, sales of indulgences, fees etc) in co-operation with Jews. Certainly, the activities of churches in the last few centuries show little concern with moral values.
Many people still think the main issue with Jews was 'usury'. This propagandist view is still promoted by Roman Catholics. In fact, this is a near-irrelevance, hiding the real issues—large-scale taxes, rents, tithes, interference with money, swindles, parasitic shareholdings, wars. The churches concealed these facts in a symbiotic relationship with Jews. As we'll see, Hitler made use of this deception.
From about 1500, when the Americas were discovered (or rediscovered) by Europeans, Jews diffused west, typically from Venice, and often by intermarriage. The East India Company grew from 1600. The Netherlands and British Isles provided ideal bases; Jews like islands (and the suggestion in the 1930s that Jews move to Madagascar would have made sense, if Africa could have been developed). The Bank of England is described as being founded in 1694, after the English 'Civil War', and the earlier Tudor Constitution of 'Merrie England' was finally replaced. The 18th century was marked by impoverishment and inflation. USA was the first country known to me established from the start as Jewish—or, more accurately, as Freemasonic. The 19th century was marked by science and technology; if we regard any society as made up partly of day-to-day construction, repair, and necessities, and partly of surplus, the white world had more surplus than ever before, directed in many ways—but secrecy about the activities of Jews was almost universal, as witness the Opium Wars against China. The twentieth century may be shown up in centuries to come as the apex of Jewish power, from which decline was inevitable. The two world wars in my view were Jewish-propelled, which is the focus of this article.
There seem to be three possibilities:
The Second World War's Missing Link: ‘Jews’ [ Top of page ]
• Contrary to the usual Jewish propaganda, the fact is that Jews were and are casual and relaxed about twentieth-century events. Just a few examples: A H Lane's 1934 book The Alien Menace gives details of the effortless way Jews invaded Britain, and were invited in, for example by the BBC radio of the time after the Jewish takeover in Russia in 1917. Chapters 10 ('Aliens and Revolution') and 11 ('The Hidden Hand') give a good overview. A H M Ramsay's The Nameless War (a survey from the time of Cromwell, first published in 1952) includes this:
Notes on Hitler's Financial Policies [ Top of page ]
'Lindybeige' is the nickname of a commentator on war equipment, including such things as slings in ancient fighting and ambuscades and siege engines and tanks and 'muzzle brakes'. And on e.g. Stirling engines and the 'public school' he attended Bryanston with its military-style structure of specified activities for all 24 hours.
One of his videos shows him in Switzerland, assessing four Second World War standard rifles. One of these was a Mauser; Lindybeige was puzzled by its gunsight, which had a v-shape nick in an opaque horizontal. He complained that if a target ducked down, he wasn't visible any longer. I suspect this was a deliberate anti-German design flaw. I recommend Lindybeige, who incidentally is innocent of any trace of revisionism: he thinks country A vs country B is a straightforward contest. But there's still scope for criticism: see for example his video on Napoleon. He is Nikolas Lloyd. Unfortunately he seems to be a Jew, I'd guess from Russia, and made a video expressing horror at the Holohoax; I presume he's just another Jew liar with no gratitude to the dead dupes of the world. So be cautious. His videos are on Youtube. I expect the hawk-nosed Wotshit will allow his site to survive.
On hardware, the really expensive stuff would seem to make a good target for creative design flaws, which we'd expect to be Jewish. The scope is tremendous: weak points for sinkability, badly-designed decks, and what-have-you. Research into equipment could be a target: consider the waste on fake nuclear weapons. I've seen it suggested (by Adrian Chetwynd) that cruise missiles and the alleged precursors, V-1 'buzz bombs', did not work. The Enigma coding machines had weaknesses.
On constructions, such things as the 'Maginot line' seem deliberately useless. 'Tank traps' by seashores maybe wouldn't work.
Preliminaries must have been designed to gives causes for war. The 'Versailles Treaty' was swung onto Germans in a sort of coup, obviously not a genuine Treaty. The 'free City of Danzig', a port with a corridor to Germany for its German population, the mixed states of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, the reparations, the permeable border between Germany and Poland, the carefully-arranged fake support by Britain for Poland, were no doubt planned as future flashpoints.
Modern Communications. Left to right: 1869 metal telegraph 1901 underwater cables 2014 rail links including human traffic 2015 Airlines including human traffic 2018 optical cables Foot, horse, road, ship, rail, signals, semaphore etc not shown. This is the technology; messages, secrecy, codes, diplomacy etc not shown. Venice etc had efficient diplomatic services. So did the Rothschilds. |
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Poverty and Call-ups: Mike Walsh on depression before WW2 [ Top of page ]
... if you’re drafted you are shafted. Of the 16 million American servicemen conscripted into military service during World War Two less than 1/30 (600,000) volunteered. The majority of those who did so jumped before they were pushed. They were smart enough to know that by volunteering they would be better rewarded than those waiting for the ominous envelope to arrive. A volunteer had some choice as to what service branch he served in; conscripts had little or no choice.
Not all rookies were enthusiastic. At the onset of America’s entry into World War Two draftees discovered that bed-wetting earned them an honourable discharge. An unfortunate choice of words, but that is how it was. After this ruse was discovered the incidence of bed-wetting shot up by 1,200 per cent in one Texas training camp alone. It was only stopped when the US War Department issued a circular removing it as a ‘psycho-neurotic discharge.’
The U.S. economy suffered more hours lost through desertion than it did through industrial strikes. During the American Depression the number of unemployed in the United States reached eleven million. With no social security available an alternative life in the services offered three hearty meals a day, comradeship, a clean bunk with shower facilities, new clothes and shoes with no rent to pay. There would be career opportunities, sport, travel, free laundry and $21 a month (a lot of money then). It gets better as there would be no fighting to do. President F D Roosevelt had pledged to the electorate, “We shall not send your sons abroad.”
Similar social deprivation existed in Britain. Millions of bread-winners were unemployed and also unable to feed their families. There was no such thing as social security or benefits as we know them today. There was the government’s means test. This meant you had to sell your furniture, even your bed before the state would offer a few coins.
Obliged to go cap in hand to a state relief office the soul-destroying humiliation of wending one’s way through the interrogative vetting procedure was such that few took that course for the few shillings it might provide if successful.
Men in such distressing circumstances were dependent upon family support. Many turned their hand to whatever task they could whilst others begged on the streets.
We often see veterans parade. Respect not their fighting for their country but for their fighting for their daily bread. Respect that many of these old men wore uniform not to fight German infamies but the infamies of their corrupt political elite who profit from war.
Speculative Note on Douglas Bader [ Top of page ] Manufactured heroes of various types emerge along with the more spectacular thugs; Stakhanov may have helped the USSR, as with Stalin; the Lourdes people no doubt helped Roman Catholicism, along with a few Popes.
Watching Eamonn Andrews in This is Your Life March 1982, on the Jew-owned site Youtube, with its obviously unanswered questions, led me to wonder if Douglas Bader was a crypto-Jew, anxious to get bombings increased and money wasted; losing his legs seems to have been a cover for his being shot by his own side; he loved the war and recommended several more or less suicidal styles of fighter and bomb manoeuvres. Incidentally Adolf Galland was supposed to have been a well-known rival; ask yourself how much behind the scenes arrangement would be needed. I'd guess both were crypto-Jews, supported by bits of information, for example Bader's name and early life in Hampstead.
He may have been backed by the fictional character of Biggles; many British pilots were killed as they committed war crimes in Germany, perhaps influenced by the Biggles character's brainless and expensive adventures..
Andy Pay - 1 year ago
Unfortunately Reach for the Sky was total balls. My grandfather worked with Bader and did not have a good thing to say about him, apart from he was a total self serving bastard. Bader was shot down not had a collision as he claimed and was portrayed in the film, Galland confirmed that he was shot down. Bader lost his legs doing a low roll at 50 feet totally against all regulations that he continually broke. He wrote off two Spitfires through bad flying, over claimed victories immensely claiming 3 on one day alone, his total score was 4. His role in the Battle of Britain was minor apart from pissing everyone else off with his theory of the big wing which naturally would have benefitted him. As a POW he was detested by fellow inmates.
[Note: Jewish banks love destruction. It leads to government borrowing from Jewish banks. So Jews get repayments over many years. They require payments for the debts of the losers too. Clear proof Jews form their own power group, not aligned with either side.
lordmick roach - 1 year ago (edited)
I had the misfortune of meeting this man twice. He was rude and arrogant, he had no thought for anyone else. He was the cause of many young pilots dying because of his attitude. The Cranwell system of the 20`s and 30`s ensured that he did not get the court martial he deserved for disobeying an order and writing off an aircraft. There is strong evidence that he was actually shot down by one of his own, to protect others just as bad sea captains disappear at night. ...
sockington1 - 3 weeks ago
read books, do research, and most importantly, don't watch fictional propaganda films about this horrible piece of work
supernumery - 2 days ago
"after I saw the film "Reach for the Sky". I'm sure that film did indeed offer you inspiration but both the film and the book were utter nonsense. The REAL Bader was a thoroughly unpleasant man who was abusive and unkind to his subordinates. He was driven by arrogance and was NO hero. Even Kenny More who played him in the film disliked him.
In the fifties he was allowed to flutter around in a Spitfire and was known to suddenly drop into air bases to 'inspect' even though he was no longer in the RAF. He would fly in and inspect the men every so often telling an oik that his cap-badge wasn't straight or his tunic wasn't buttoned up. ...
David Hertzberg - 1 day ago
@supernumery Many years ago I worked for a company that had shared Shell's office in the city. It was before my time but many people remembered Bader and all of them said he was incredibly rude and arrogant and thoroughly unpleasant. He apparently would walk across the road without stopping and swear in front of women which at that time was unacceptable.
The people who told me this were city insurance workers and not left wing agitators. He lost his legs showing off aerobatting too near the ground. His big wing was a tactical disaster. The French family who sheltered him during he ridiculous escape attempt died in a concentration camp for helping him. ,,,
LordMick Roach - 2 years ago (edited)
Really? He was a pompous, rude and extremely arrogant man. He caused many, many of our pilots to die through his poor leadership and was disliked by most of his peers. Adolph Malan could not stand being in the same room! He was the root cause why Dowding was sacked and Keith Park was removed... Hero nothing, just a nasty and insubordinate officer who should have been court martialed for disobeying a direct order and writing off what was then, a very expensive aircraft
... @Tim Fouraker Yea, by the time he was 25, he had disobeyed a direct order, written off an expensive Government aircraft and lost his legs, what a fucking great achievement, I met him a few times, did you? And, by the time I was 25, I had been wounded in action, had been taught to fly by the RAF and was married...What did you do laddie?
... @Tim Fouraker Oh dear, you believe what Paul Brickhill wrote rather than the truth. Example, he had a batman in Colditz who was to have been repatriated in 44, Bader would not allow it because he wanted a servant, the poor man had to stay in Colditz for another year because of the pompous, selfish and arrogant Bader. Like it was Bader who championed the fighter sweeps into France which had no tactical value apart from getting young pilots dead. This man is used at Staff college as an example of bad leadership and management. So tell me again, when did you wear a uniform?
scott šzabo - 1 year ago (edited)
after shot down and captured, Adolf Galland personally responded to Bader's needs, to include cigars and cognac..had the guards and commandant to treat him with respect. even had the RAF drop a replacement prosthetic leg for him
Rs500ybd - 2 weeks ago
just a note to the haters . Have you ever been in combat ? ever had someone who is much like you in life try to take your life without knowing the real reasons why . the only reason we went to war was to stop the takedown of the Zionist empire . The sole and only Reason . So everyone whom fought or took part in this was Brainwashed . Things have changed now and we know the truth of it all . but you can not disrespect what they did to protect this island if they was alive today they would all don there spitfires and attack London target westminster . because they did not fight for this shit today . Respect to them all .
Hitler's Policy on German Population [ Top of page ]
A good article on historyreviewed.best draws attention to Hitler's policy on housing—cheap housing correlates with white fertility, and since Hitler's election in 1933 his policy was at some point to cease mortgage payments if a couple had four children. Or something similar. And of course this sounds correct; similarly, Jew-promoted immigration to white countries is accompanied by huge funding, to ensue that an alien population is introduced.
  My point here is that Russia had a huge population; in addition to Jew massacres, if Germans and Russians could be made to fight, more Germans would put up a bigger fight. Note that 1933 to 1941 is only 8 years, and 1933 to 1945 only 12. But 1918 to 1941 is 23 years. So it must have been more important for people more than (say) 10. Hitler's policy was too late.
The Age of Manufactured Dictators Begins [ Top of page ]
Lenin and [date] Stalin might be seen as isolated jews, pursuing aggressively parasitic jewish policies
Probably the reason for pushing 'supermen' as per Nietzsche, G B Shaw and others - distracting from jewish policies of infiltration
Mussolini - Hitler - early film animated voyage to the moon shows acting style https://www.bitchute.com/video/fsHUVqNwtDMS/
Italy: other example Gabriel d'Annunzio
Belgium: 'Belgium' was a manufactured country. Léon Degrelle 1906-1994 'Catholic Rexist Party'. Some film online; his oratory typically was vague and omitted WW1 Flanders deaths. Included references to something great, death, and to the degradation of mere material goods. He doesn't seem to have mentioned Jews. And he lived in luxury in Spain.
[I just watched a video on MyWhiteShow on Degrelle; I have to say he looks like yet another Jew phoney, full of BS: 'Courage makes a man powerful, rather than vulnerable. Death can be intimidated, but it must be looked right in the face.' He volunteered to fight with the Germans in Russia, but his accounts call 'communists' the enemy, i.e. presumably more-or-less ordinary Russians, under pitiliess Jews. MyWhiteShow hasn't understood that the action was controlled by Jews, wanting whites to kill each other expensively.]
Degrelle reminds me of another theme which may have been promoted for social manipulation: self-sacrifice and puritanism. Cromwell knew that the re-introduction of Jews would mean impoverishment in 18th-century England. So why not suggest Puritanism, which would fit in with theft of Roman Catholic church gold and other valuables?
The philosopher Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is a good example of puritanism-signalling: Nor is the doctrine [of coming as nearly as possible to non-existence] sincere, if we may judge by Schopenhauer's life. He habitually dined well, at a good restaurant; he had many trivial love-affairs, which were sensual but not passionate; he was exceedingly quarrelsome and unusually avaricious. ... It is hard to find in his life evidences of any virtue except kindness to animals ... In all other respects he was completely selfish. It is difficult to believe that a man who was profoundly convinced of the virtue of asceticism and resignation would never have made any attempt to embody his convictions in his practice.
[Note on the Xhosa in Africa, 1856-1857: movement supposedly started by a fifteen year old Xhosa girl named Nongqawuse. Though her mouthpiece appears to have been her uncle Mhlakaza, who may have been influenced by Christianity, according to Peires, presumably a Jew, writing after 2000. Various sections of the Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape and the Transkei slaughtered almost all their enormous stocks of cattle and deliberately killed their crops. Not all Xhosa did this, but their food was taken. Christian superstitions of resurrection and purification supposedly involved. Perhaps a labour recruitment policy? Cf cargo cults in which pale mimics of ports (or, later, airstrips) were staffed by shirted and capped men with clipboards, or wooden 'radios', waiting for ship or air loads of goodies to materialise. Possibly invented supermen were a white equivalent.]
How Most People Still See the Second World War [ Top of page ]
[ Poles | Catholics | Internet comments | Hilaire Belloc | Montgomery | David Irving | Russians | Dennis Wise | 'Peter' & 'Angelicus' on stupid Americans | Bertrand Russell | Jan Lamprecht | Several online sources | R C Sherriff | Miles Mathis ]
Both Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht and Walther Funk, Hitler's financial ministers credited to Germany's "economic miracle" during Hitler's years, were Jews. "Cohencidentally", neither of them were executed or even jailed during the Nuremberg trials and got away free.
Just as with the soviet union, a disproportionately large number of high-ranking nazis were jewish or half jewish. Couple that with several strategic blunders, almost too convenient to be true, who decided the outcome of the war and it's a pretty clear case of an orchestrated war.
The ultimate goal, just like in ww1 was to kill whites and take over their homelands. And what better way than to prop up controlled opposition so you can draft all the jew-aware people and have them die in war?
And never mind the so called persecution of jews, these few were all low rank patsies that the zionist elite was more than happy to sacrifice if it meant solidifying their narrative. All in all, nazism was the most perfect ZOG in all of history. When jew aware people were clever enough to avoid deception, the jews just created another attractive net to catch them, and that was nazism-fascism.
Hitler, rather obviously, reigns in Jewish-swayed countries, as the supreme enemy and hate figure. As far as I can tell, the main Internet-era revisionist was Dr Paul Reznowski, described as of Polish-Ukrainian descent; an online reference gives 1999 as the date of his claim that almost all the top 'Nazis' were part-Jews. Reznowksi seems to have been boosted by Roman Catholics, who seem unwilling to face the Jewish origins of Roman Catholics.
Below are a few samples of traditional views of WW2, including Montgomery 'of Alamein', David Irving, various Russians, and The Greatest Story Never Told, which adhere unthinkingly to this model of the Second World War, personalised as nations:–
Hilaire Belloc: Who wrote 100 years ago on The Jews. He was a nationalist, opposing the Jew attitude that Jews ought to be able to select any host. All his life he was pro-war, on the Roman Catholic side. He hated the Germans for the 'Great War' on France. But he had no real feeling for the idea that Jews, behind the scenes, were a huge influence on starting wars, although he noted the wealth of these few and very wealthy Jews has been scandalously increased through the [First World] war.
Montgomery: ... in Dec 1941 ... Hitler declared war on the USA. ... His motive in thus pitting Germany against the two most powerful states in the world simultaneously is unfathomable.—Montgomery can't understand there's another party; it simply doesn't occur to him there are not just two sides. Probably the declaration of war was to permit the USA or at least (((USA))) to invade Europe. Later, the USA would invade much as it chose, but at that time this may not have been the case.
David Irving: Some people argue that Hitler, against the advice of his chiefs of staff, let the British get away, out of magnanimity. David Irving doesn't consider that, at Dunkirk, there was another party. He advertised, for a time, a book by John Wear, on Germany's War vs USSR. Again, it presumably does not mention the real enemy.
David Irving 20 April 2018 [on 'Barbarossa' in 'Hitler's War':] Today is the 129th anniversary of the birth of the man who thwarted the gigantic military offensive against Western Europe planned by Josef Stalin and the “Jewish-Bolshevik” Moscow leadership, with seven new armies raised in secret, which was scheduled to begin on July 15, 1941. Raised in secret? Obviously the Jews running the USSR, and Jews in the USA and UK and Germany, elsewhere, must have known the figures for equipment. The likeliest guess is that ordinary Russians and Germans, plus assorted allies, were intended to kill each other and destroy Germany with rape, murder, pillage, and occupation.
Russian veterans: The Germans fought better, much better than our [i.e. Russian and others] soldiers. Moreover—we've managed to win that war only by human flesh! quoted (German writer, under Jewish censorship) as though war was Germans vs Russians, with no other input. It strikes me that Jews must have been needed as censors, since non-Jews would not have been aware of collusion between Jews across normal nations.
The Greatest Story Never Told has of course much detail on war between Germany and the USSR, so far as it's known—but the whole presentation omits the fact that the enemy of both was Jews, not Russians.
'Peter' online in 2015 In two world wars the United States twice invaded Germany, a country thousands of miles away from it that had never done anything to the United States. In two World Wars Britain and France declared war on Germany precipitating a world war. After the war they chopped Germany and Austria up, taking lands with millions of Germans living there and awarding it to new countries they created, all in an effort to weaken Germany, a country they were jealous of and hated. After the war and before WW II, Germany was continuously invaded, had territory taken from it by Poland, Lithuania and other countries as the allies looked on and did nothing. ... Peter doesn't mention—in this passage— that (((America))), (((Britain))), (((France))), and (((Poland))) were heavily influenced by Jews and their local collaborators.
'Angelicus' online in December 1, 2020 gives the German view (but accepts Hitler at face value) I wonder, what the Hell are you doing here? "A seriously flawed man and movement"? Really? What have you Americans done? I mean, apart of creating a disgusting and vulgar "culture" based on making money and rabid consumerism; the so-called "American Dream".
Let me spell it out for you, my brainless "friend". We (and by that, I mean ALL white men in the world) are in this horrendous mess because of you self-righteous American morons, who went wholeheartedly to war to destroy Germany and Western civilization in your pathetic "crusade" as that German-hating bastard and murderer Eisenhower called it. Without your colossal industrial might, the bloody Soviet Union would have been destroyed. But, of course, what else could you have done? You gave away the control of your country to the Jews well over a hundred years ago; after all, spiritually you are cousins if not brothers. Your disgusting ancestors, the so-called "Pilgrim Fathers" were the product of the most pro-Jewish of all Protestant sects, the Puritans. Their greed and materialism, together with the idea of belonging to "a chosen people" made them sympathize with their mentors and future associates.
That is why the Jews conquered so quickly such a considerable position within the American "high society". Your degenerate WASP upper class never saw anything wrong in associating herself with the Jews, that is why by the end of the XIX century together with the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Carnegies, were the Belmonts, the Kahns, the Lehmanns, the Schiffs, etc., etc., etc. The only thing that mattered to the average American was (and is) "the almighty dollar".
You and the like of you have the colossal cheek, sorry, "chutzpah" to criticize and even insult Adolf Hitler, the man who unmasked the enemy of Mankind, gave him battle and defeated him on the political arena in 1933, carrying out the greatest political and social revolution in European history without firing a shot! His legacy was a new, fair order for the German people and, eventually for the White race, While you Americans were drowning in the Great Depression and being screwed by the big banks, Hitler turned Germany upside down and within 4 years he made her one of the wealthiest, most prosperous countries on Earth, and let's not even began to talk about the cultural and spiritual regeneration of the German people under his leadership, while you, ignorant and gullible Americans were welcoming with open arms all those hateful Marxist Jews from the "School of Frankfurt" who filled your universities and perverted your children and grandchildren.
You had a great man who warned you, his name was Henry Ford, but you ignored him. The same happened with an intellectual giant as Revilo Oliver. You talk about your "historical exemplars of virtue. courage, defiance and piety". Where are they? What did they do for you? Nothing! You have always been a greedy and evil WASP-Jewish corporation, poisoning the world with your "culture" via Hollywood (sorry, Holy-Jew). Your so-called popular culture is Jewish to the core. Let's take for example "God Bless America" and "White Christmas", written by the Jew Irving Berlin (real name Israel Beilin). Who is the quintessential "American" composer? George Gershwin! You don’t have a leg to stand on. I am sorry for the thousands of decent White Americans who are fully aware of the disgusting role their country has played as the bodyguard of international Jewry since the 1930s. They are the ones who are not afraid or ashamed of praising Adolf Hitler. Regarding the likes of you, and that means the majority of White Americans, you fully deserve what is coming to you via Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You reap what you sowed.
(1. Upper pane.) On 'Stockholm Syndrome', the whole episode was a media fraud, as Mathis himself demonstrated for example here. But the idea of the fraud was to promote the idea of submission to captors. There have been many Jewish 'psychology' experiments to claim goy unreasonableness.
But Mathis fails to recognise that captives may be convinced that their captors have a good case. A good example is US troops captured in Korea and Vietnam, having first-hand experience of war crimes against the local people. They were described as 'brainwashed' by Jewish 'journalists'.
(2. Lower pane.) On COVID, the psychological pressure was nowhere near that of the Second World War, which involved a long period of propaganda preparation, false flags, money control, economic depression, followed by years of war, including significant deaths, living in tents, boredom, conditioning to violence, damage to families, and committing of war crimes. Mathis says 'people's trust in the media went UP'—but all that shows is that they were fools without knowing it.
• This piece shifts the entire focus of the wars making up the Second World War to Jews vs the rest.
'Judaism'. Roman, Orthodox, & Protestant Christianity: And Islam [ Top of page ]
Arabs and Spain [ Top of page ]
Here's an email comment [reply to C J Bjerknes mid 2020]
Kurtis Price
1 month ago
The Third Reich was not pro-Arab in the slightest. They had Arab allied soldiers recruited by the Waffen SS but that doesn't mean Hitler was "pro Arab" in the slightest. The British, however, were pro Arab and sought diplomacy with the Arab nations. And, so the the Zionists chose to collaborate with the Nazis to destroy British Imperialism in North Africa and the Middle East. The Betar Zionist supremacists led by Jabotinsky, wore the same uniforms as Hitler's beefstake [sic] Brownshirts. So you are WRONG!
Second World War Revisionism (so far) [ Top of page ]
Note on Jews in world history—Here are some examples, for people still unaware of the heavily-censored truth. Jews were/are involved in: Middle East and Europe: the movements to subvert Greece, Rome, and the Arab world ended with the Jewish freak religions of Christianity and Islam. Jews were involved in the USA (founders were Freemasons; 1812 war over Jewish finance in England; Jew slave ships from Africa. Jews are, now, influencing Canada (e.g. Trudeaus heavily involved with Jew anti-white immigration into Canada. India was affected e.g. by the East India Company. The opium wars against China were Jewish. Jews had, and have, influence in Britain; for example the 'Bank of England' since the 1660s. The Netherlands had a similar pattern to Britain, but earlier. In Spain, Jews 'held open the gates' to Muslim invasion; more recently, the 'Spanish Civil War' was Jews and their puppets vs Spaniards). In France, Jews carried out the 'French Revolution', and used Napoleon against Russia in anti-Tsarist actions; European Russia was heavily Jewish, and of course Jews mainly from the USA ran the 1917 Jewish coup in 1917, pretending to be 'Communist', using the ubiquitous Jewish media control. Japan's war against Russia in the 1900s was Jew-funded; 40 years later, Jews took the USA to war against Japan. key (Jewish cult of 'Islam' later weakened by Jewish moves to weaken Turkey's empire)/ Poland (huge populations of Jews there, pursuing their own habits)/ Italy (secret Jew preoccupations, including Venice and banking)/ Germany and Austria (endless Jewish tampering, both before unifications and after)/ Hungary (Bela Kun being a perfect example of Jew aggression)/ South Africa (Boer War; more recently anti-white aggression)/ Other parts of Africa; for example, Idi Amin in Uganda was Jew-aware.
1 It's not clear from his text which year that was!
2 Like Russell, and no doubt multitudes of others, Wells had no real idea about the 'Russian Revolution', though the disgust with the war among Russians was no doubt common. Russell also thought the next war could be expected to end in many revolutions. Neither perceived the role of Jews. And note that a side-effect of Jewish secrecy and control is the impossibility of their announcing it or boasting about it. At least while they're not completely victorious.
3 There was a definite horror campaign of warnings about bombs. Wells doesn't make it clear how he knows it was exaggerated. Or why disruption might have been avoided, as with 'Anderson shelters'.
4 Glasgow, London, and Liverpool were all seaports, and just as immigrants into airports clustered in places like west London, ports must have had large numbers of pet Jews. Probably one point of evacuating them was to spread Jews around, though of course this would not be announced. There was something similar in the USA; New York and west coast ports were destinations for multitudes of Jews, and when US heroes returned home they often found their towns full of aliens.
5 I hadn't heard that the BBC (radio, then) moved from London. Various reasons are possible. One of the 'attractions' of modern London is a BBC room supposedly for a Churchillian last stand; which suggests the move was temporary.
6 Epidemics of dismissals: An aspect of monolithic states is that employment, once in the hands of distributed groups dotted around, swings towards employment for things desired by governments, in this case represented by many Jews. Wells's historical work (I think) underestimated the changes this caused; I'm not talking of his ignorance of Jews and associated secret groups such as freemasons, but sweeping movements making their jobs more secure, and other jobs less secure. The sort of thing which Kahals love.
7 Big provision-dealing concerns to this day, rather simple TV accounts show Jewish food businesses given a huge boost by government action.
8 Again? Twice? Wells perhaps doesn't allow for the time-intervals between wars. People adult in 1914 —born before 1894, say—would be 45+ by 1939. They wouldn't have the same experiences again.
9 By 'administration' Wells may believe something other than political parties would occur. In fact, he seems to think it was inevitable. I wonder if he was disappointed that the promise to Poland never became much of an issue. It was of course part of the build-up to war.
Note that Wells never considers that war could be averted. Again, this is the Jewish ratchet effect at work. Similar idea to the manufactured media noises over Pearl Harbor.
10 Black-outs have diminished the safety of the streets. Wells mentions road accidents, but not thefts, burglaries, sabotage. He doesn't mention the 'Shiksa trade', never having heard the word.
11 That excessive taxation would make it impossible for young people to make good was a common idea. Living on capital as they had once lived on income. Cyril Northcote Parkinson discussed taxes and duties and the impossibility of building capital. Wells doesn't mention, and perhaps had it never put to him, that long-term borrowing by governments is just another concealed way to increase Jewish power.
12 End of an Age. It's not clear to me whether Wells means a social revolution (he wasn't aware of Jews and forced immigrants taking assets). Or something more Biblical, an 'End Times' foreboding. Wells still had quite a bit of Protestant baggage.
13 As per note 2, at the time it was widely believed that spontaneous 'revolutions happen after wars. 'George Soros' seems to be relying on such outmoded mental habits. I can't tell if Wells really believed it, or just wanted to try to wake people up.
Short Note on Laziness [ Top of page ] cp jews - powell talk at univ - jews and the fake 'russian revolution' - jewish coup.
contents of videos and audios. anyone running a site knows how difficult it is to get people to explain what a video or audio is about.
publication info: when was this? so it can be situated for example with a president
Please, try to find "Derrota Mundial" by Salvador Borrego says a Spanish reader. This book, if available in English, is one of the best about WWII. This author goes in detail, step by step, explaining as to why the German people rise against the system, and how, these great people were defeated by the enemies of Christendom and freedom. It is worth reading.
Hitchcock's synagogue - hard to find material, as v uniform
people who won't talk, eg Desjardins. People who won't expand, eg with scientists using old info
Bowden note: at a bnp meeting. great verve in trying to coach people. Only a few videos and recordings exist. / Only one video of fred leuchter (this is not true now; he's older but anti-Jewish establishment) website and BNP newspaper note no help for scandal victims
Amphetamines etc [ Top of page ]
I'm watching a video on Lethal Injections (over 8 hours; in fact largely concerned with medical errors, poisoning, drugs etc, not vaccines or 'vaccines'). It has wearying uninformed stuff on amphetamines and drugs for the 'perfect soldier', able to survive for a long time with little food and sleep! Without going into detail, a main point here is that, given Jewish control, they don't care about the final state of these puppet types, any more than they do with the target people.
Short Note on Jew Violence [ Top of page ]
Jew violence
Here's an example to test your grasp of Jew-related events. After Rhodesia was renamed Zimbabwe, many farms, including huge and previously-productive farms, were ruined and sabotaged. If you assume this was a result of the inability of blacks to understand modern farming, you may be right. But the process may have been intended to wreck the food supply. I'd suggest it's possible that the Soviet 'agriculturalist' Lysenko, with full support, was calculated to starve Russians.
include bombing
It's possible that it was faked, as part of disinformation, or weakened with errors as part of discrediting. I don't think this is likely, but I'm aware of the possibility. I've corrected the spelling of some names, which may have been wrong in the original, or altered to make computer searches less likely to find them. I've added notes of my own as supporting evidence, and in small coloured typeface to leave the original comment more easily readable. If 'Peter Wilson' would like to talk, I'd do that if I can find the right person. - RW 1 December 2022
Jew 'verbal IQ': one Jew promotional slogan followed by another. But note also the complacently moronic Christian. [I presume the event was unstaged. Youtube insisted in the removal of "goy, dirty goyim, goyisha, kike and queer"]
How free am I? I'd be a lot freer if people like you were put in prison! As retaliation for the collective crime of racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and homophobia! All you fucking god-botherers are war criminals! And liars! And charlatans! Atheism forever!
[This is a thespian tryout?]
No, this is real! I'm throwing back everything you dirty goyim have thrown back at us! Hitler was a Christian! He killed Jews because his fucking non-existent god told him to! Hitler was a practising Catholic! I even found on the Internet a picture of a Nazi swastika it was made by the Nazis and it had a cross on it, it said God is with us in German! So don't give that stuff about Nazis. You know what, atheism is apolitical. Stalin was an atheist but you know who else was an atheist? Ayn Rand So atheism has got nothing to do with politics but only about the facts. And the fact is you look up in the sky and you know what you see? Sky, clouds, and the sun. Try hopping a plane above the clouds and you see more sky, more clouds, more sun. I really don't appreciate your medication payments cos of You people also got effective drugs banned just say no, no crap medicinal marijuana works psychedelics work look up at the research It was suppressed because of that Quaker bastard Nixon and his paranoia
[wonderful conversation here]
I tried debating with you people but you say Oh God did this and he's this magical man - He doesn't fucking exist! He's even less real than Mickey fucking mouse! And frankly the Disney company is responsible for a lot less death and destruction in this world than organised religion. [Are you capable of a two-way conversation?] Only with rational people. You're going around spreading lies about atheism? Well I'm just trying to correct them with the truth. And I have to raise my voice in order to be heard by choruses. You know where I come from you people ruined the south. I'm from the south - you people is the reason the south is a shit-hole. You people are responsible for slavery
[why are you afraid of a reasonable..]
Because I'm trying to stop you from killing any more Jews and any more queers, OK It's you people who are responsible for the suppression of homosexuality you people who are responsible for proposition hate you people who are responsible for Douma - you people who are responsible for ?? all the attacks on gay people - at least the ones the Muslims aren't responsible for you are the two - all religions are bad, but you two are the worst you have no redeeming factors whatsoever and the only reason because we allow you to live is because we don't stoop to your level
[So much for democracy, eh]
Democracy? Democracy is mob rule - Democracy is nothing but mob rule - Democracy is what gave us proposition 8 - Democracy is what took away a man's right to marry another man and a woman's right to marry another woman. So don't give me that crap about democracy. And anyway this country is a representative republic [...] All you goyim are alike. I see that smarmy smile and that calm attitude. Like a smiling cobra. And you got nothing to back me up. You know I'm right. This whole thing is a lie. It wasn't just Darwin who proved it. It was anybody who did their work after that. [You're afraid of debate] I'm afraid of getting queer bashed. Or called a kike or a faggot by some bat-wielding breeder thug. No, but his ideology supports violence. [..] You don't need Christianity to be nice to people. I am perfectly fine. But I am tired of tolerance of intolerance. No tolerance of intolerance! He's intolerant of atheists. I don't tolerate lies and neither should you. This is a place of learning, not superstition. Tolerance means putting up with things you don't like just for the sake of being civil. ... Yeh, and they take our rights. I'm from the south and I'm also Jewish. So I know these people. I grew up around these people. They have no redeeming values whatsoever. If it was not for their homophobia, if it was not for their anti-semitism, if it was not for the fact they use the law to enshrine bigotry into the United States constitution, at every chance they get and goyim freedom??? superstitious god-botherers. It helps me a lot. They are the people who bothered me in school. Going by what the Bible says, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I'm sick and tired of Christians being tolerated. ... This is a free speech zone and I'm exercising my right to free speech to tell the truth about Christians... Stonewall was a fucking riot because of those goyische police. Christians are responsible for slavery. .. Christians stole the Torah... [Want a hug?] No. I'm too sweaty. It is Christianity that has done everything wrong... Remember the Weimar Republic was gay heaven, and look what came after it! Adolf Hitler
Country | Populations at Start | Non-Jew Deaths | Percentage deaths | |
Russia | ||||
Germany | ||||
UK | ||||
France | ||||
Poland | ||||
China | ||||
Japan | ||||
India (before partition) | ||||
USA | ||||
'Jews' |
Take away the message that here is an organised group who want to kill off rivals—and refer to them as 'cattle' and 'whores'—and who have been very successful in this. Read up, and find out. And decide to do something about it. Read about 20th century wars, and how it was that potentially normal decent people have been corrupted and deceived and killed and been killed. The entire future for all time is in the balance.
Reconsidering Wars from First Principles: Will Patterns Emerge?
JAPAN: 1904-05 | THE HONEY: the U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Japan: "Fight Tsarist Russia for us. We will finance you big time and you'll get you a chunk of Manchuria after the war." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: Japan won the war and established control over much of Manchuria (see maps above). But just 36 years later, the U.S. picked a fight with Japan. The Japanese Empire would be destroyed by the NWO, and Manchuria was handed over to Soviet control.
RUSSIA: 1907 | THE HONEY: the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Tsarist Russia: "Join the British-French in the Triple Entente Alliance. When the coming Great War against Germany & Turkey is settled, you'll get Constantinople (Istanbul) back from the Ottoman Turks who conquered the great city of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire in 1453." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: World War I proved devastating for Russia. The NWO-funded Bolsheviks used the disaster to bring an end to the Russian Empire and usher in a reign of Red Terror. [To this day, genocide of Armenians as a Jewish plan with Turkey is barely discussed].
POLAND: 1939 | THE HONEY: The British & French branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Poland: "Pick a fight with Hitler's Germany. We'll back you up and you can have a huge chunk of German territory. The old Empire of Poland will be restored." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: After provoking a German invasion, Poland was left out to dry by the Allies. Not only did Britain & France do nothing to help Poland fight Germany, they later remained silent as the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East; murdering much of the leadership of Poland's military.
CHINA: 1937-45 | THE HONEY: The U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Nationalist China (Chiang Kai Shek). "You fight Japan and we will support you. After the war, Manchuria will be Chinese and we will do lots of business together." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: After World War II ended, Manchuria was taken from Japan and placed under Stalin's control, not China's! Chiang Kai Shek was shocked by the betrayal. From Manchuria, Stalin was able to arm the Chinese Communist rebels under Mao Tse Tung. U.S. pressure on Chiang Kai Shek would later undermine his ability to suppress the Communist rebels. China finally fell to Mao's Reds in 1949. Manchuria was then given to Communist China as Chiang Kai Shek and his Nationalist followers fled for their lives, to the island of Taiwan.
IRAQ: 1980 | THE HONEY: The U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Iraq (Saddam Hussein): "You fight Iran and we'll arm you. After the war, you can have control of Shatt al-Arab Waterway and we'll do lots of business together." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: The mutually destructive 8 year war finally ended in 1988. Two years later, the U.S. attacked Iraq and imposed 13 years of brutal economic sanctions. In 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq, ruining the country and killing Saddam Hussein.
LIBYA: 2003-2011 | THE HONEY: The U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Libya: "Give up your Weapons of Mass Destruction and your nuclear program, ask Iran to do likewise, and we'll establish good relations and business ties with Libya." |
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: After foolishly giving up Libya's best defenses, Qaddafi's Libya was invaded by NATO jets, US Special Forces, and CIA trained "rebels". The invaders attacked Qaddafi's convoy; capturing him, and then torturing and murdering him on film. Libya remains in chaos.
Bernt Busch:
Important Note: Busch (as far as I know) leaves this question open: Was the 'shadow government' in Germany in contact with Jews worldwide? This is a different view from the opinion that Germany had its own shadow government. My best guess is that of course it was in detailed communication with all Jews, in the USSR and USA and elsewhere. This is the traditional Jewish working practice.
I agree absolutely ! German intelligence must have known that Russian forces were building up on that section of the front and that an attack on Orel area was imminent when they started their operation in the back of Kursk. Hitler kept trivialising the strength of the Russians and dismissed intelligence on Russian capacity and strategy, even after Stalingrad disaster, which, according to von Tippelskirch, was caused by Hitler’s "Starrköpfigkeit", his stubbornness and blockheadedness. I believe WW2 was staged like the plot in a drama in the theatre. It lasted 6 years, Hitler’s messianic Aryan "Reich of 1000 years" lasted 12 years, January 33 - January 45, leaving aside the disastrous final months. Completely jewish. "6"th Army of General "Paulus" was destroyed in "Stalin"grad, the turning point in the war on the Russian front, is that by coincidence ?? ...
Paulus was the Pharisee who converted to Christianity and his teachings became vital to Christian theology afterwards. According to Christian myth, he was beheaded, destroyed for his teachings. General Paulus’s army was destroyed, just like the Christian martyr was destroyed. It could be seen in the context of jewish sentiments on Christianity, destruction of the followers/soldiers of Paulus in both cases. Allegedly, Stalin fought the Tsarists in the town that was afterwards named after him, in 1918 or 19. Defeat of the Germans in Stalingrad would associate the name of "Stalin" with military victory. I don’t think Joachim Hoffmann intended to write false history. Why did Hitler attack Russia and fight an unwinnable 4-front war, there must be some rational explanation to this. If we favour the theory that the war was scripted, then Hoffmann’s theory covers only one part of the story, that of Stalin, and misunderstands Hitler’s intentions. Both parties were preparing for war and both must have expected war. The story as I know it is that Russians had amassed troops to attack Germany, that’s what Sowurov says. Germany was then forced to launch a preemptive attack. That attack on the forces gathered near the border turned out to be a stunning defeat for the Russian side because they were not ready to switch to defensive action : I can’t believe that story, they must have had intelligence weeks in advance. I think it’s more plausible that Russian forces were meant to take a severe blow so that German troops could advance into Russia to the extent they did. Eustace Mullins said that Stalin had a nervous breakdown when he got news that German troops were invading Russia and that from then on the Russian military was controlled out of the American embassy. There is that rumour that there was a tunnel from the Göbbels bunker, to the bunker of the American embassy which allegedly remained staffed through the war years. I cannot verify these things. But if that was so it would be a piece in the puzzle and the war being orchestrated out of the American embassies in Moskow and Berlin. ...
"Russia" was jewish, as much as "USA" was, "USA" started as a colony of the Bank of England, it has always been a jewish-masonic base. "Britain" had been the world’s base of finance since 17th century. "Germany", the Reich, was a jewish base at least from the 1870s on. ...
The genuine nationals, the normal goyim, are the victims of jewish/masonic machinations. If I say "Russia" in the context of this war I mean the Russian war machine. To identify exactly the jewish hand in it is not an easy thing, History would be so much easier if it was. If it is factual, as Eustace Mullins stated, that the Russian war machine got its directions out of the US embassy, then the question could be: Was the embassador jewish, was key staff jewish, or were they perhaps proxies of the jews, doing their bidding, or masonic brothers ? Once the understanding is established that the jewish network is a/the major player in politics it may then be of minor importance if key people have a jewish background, it could even be a distraction to spend much energy on that. Is Angela Merkel jewish ? I would say, of course she is, but is it so important ? What if she wasn’t would that throw a different light on her policies ? She gets her directives from the jewish lobbies, that’s what matters. I do appreciate your putting your finger on the jews, I congratulate you on that. You have an opinion on John Kaminski, I learned a lot from him about the tribe.
Oh, well, yes, maybe he is. John believes H. was an enemy of the jews and was trying to destroy them, He has a blind spot there, apparently.
Here's his material (I reformatted it on my site) https://big-lies.org/hexzane527/index.html though I suppose it could be clearer.
My own version is [this file] https://big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/index.html where the 'master race' means Jews, who won WW2.
Jews encourage Hitler worship, as hexzane notes in his articles, and that's the reason. NB Hexzane has worked out a likely scheme by which Jews are planning WW3. It needs analysis, not just indignation.
Concerning WW3, for the past ten years, based on my assessment of many factors, I have told people on websites that I expect (a) WW3 in 2024, before the end of summer, most likely in August and (b) economic collapse, civil war, and JWO before then.
If we survive, we can chew the fat about intellectually interesting topics concerning Hitler and more. After taking care of their basic needs, survivors will have much to talk about.
Hexzane's guess on WW3 is https://big-lies.org/hexzane527/2016-05-10-ww3-explained.html and whatever happens he does his best to see through the BS, just as ought to be done with WW1 and WW2. Unfortunately Jews have such media control, to all countries and audiences, they can spin different stories for all of them.
But of course I presume we agree that good analysis is needed - we've seen since 1914 and before whites killing each other and we have to try to consider how to avoid this fate (if it is a fate)
You can see from South Africa, that its opponents were Britons controlled by Jews (such as the 'Labour' Party); and Americans controlled by Jews; and Russians controlled by Jews; and many more, so that at any time it's difficult to know who's opposing. What's probably needed is a major person from each bank, eg a Rothschild, in high-security jail for the duration of the war or longer, subject to the death penalty if they assist the enemy. (Or something like that). Without it, as you know, whites are liable to lose. And so are others, since Jews put themselves first.
Tasters -- P.R. Masson and Burge Jensen — Hitler's Policy Is a Jewish Policy (correspondence
with a Jewish publicist), K.R.P. Publications, Liverpool, about 1941
1946 or 1947: an Australian, Eric Butler, published a pamphlet The International Jew, which I can't find. Butler said that Hitler was himself a tool of the conspiracy, seeking to further the international dispersal of Jews.
Even mainstream history admits the Battle of Marengo was used immediately for a major propaganda campaign.
Marengo was mythologised in an army bulletin and three increasingly glamourised "Official Reports" during Bonaparte's reign
Tales were invented about the Guard and the 72ème demibrigade, which had been under his direct control throughout. Napoleon needed the victory to cement his Consulate, keep Louis XVIII in exile, and keep allegedly hostile generals (Schérer, Joubert, Championnet, and Moreau) at bay. It is highly convenient this battle that he needed above all else materialized so quickly and took so little time to achieve.
Which brings us to the final way we can tell it never happened. If the overall story of Napoleon's rise were true, he could not have afforded to leave Paris. The last thing a new dictator wants to do after a coup d'état is leave for an extended campaign, taking his troops with him. This would just be asking for his enemies to seize power while he was gone. Someone in Napoleon's position would have needed to remain in Paris, huddling all allies and troops close to him.
Miraculously, after this fake battle at Marengo, Europe suddenly hit a stretch of peace. I guess the history writers developed a case of writer's cramp after all the fiction they had written in the past two decades. In 1802, Napoleon faked another election, making him First Consul for life. He again got
over 99% of the vote. To raise money to pay his writers to compose future fake wars, he sold the Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 million.
In pursuit of that goal, these writers immediately faked a major assassination plot against Napoleon by General Moreau, sponsored by the Bourbons. In response, Napoleon ordered the arrest and death of Duc d'Enghien. To make this arrest and death the pretext for upcoming wars, the arrest was purposely carried out in the most illegal manner possible, kidnapping the Duke from his home in Baden. The way we can tell the whole event was faked is that the trial was a secret military trial and the Duke was allegedly shot in the moat of the Château de Vincennes and buried there. We have seen similar misdirection many times, as when the conspirators against Lincoln were allegedly tried and hung at an Army arsenal, with only soldiers in attendance as witnesses. The conspirators, too, were said to have been buried just a few feet from the scaffold. It is not done that way. If it is illegal to kidnap living people, it is equally illegal (and pointless) to kidnap corpses. Normally, they would be returned to their families for burial. If Napoleon had really killed the Duke, he would have no reason to hide the body.
He could easily have returned it to the Bourbons. Nothing was achieved in the story by stealing the body. In fact, it would have made more sense to guillotine him publicly. So why bury him in a moat?
Because it was faked.
We saw the same thing with Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, who made an appearance above and in my paper on the Beer Hall Putsch. After they were murdered by the Freikorps, their bodies were hidden. Why? Because there were no bodies ...
After watching interviews and videos with Benton Lawrence Bradberry, 1937-2019, whose book The Myth of German Villainy was I think self-published on Authorhouse in 2012, it's obvious that he accepts the traditional view of the 20th century wars, namely that the USA, Britain, Japan, Russia/the USSR, Germany, Italy and the rest were all independent units, making their own decisions. What is surely clear is that money, since 1913 a cheap paper-money fraud run by Jews, has overridden nations and covertly taken their assets and arranged the politics in what they think are Jewish interests. Bradberry calls himself a serial reader, but of course cannot read books on secret Jewish funding of weapons, supposed leaders like Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler. His book is tolerated by Jews (it's on Amazon) presumably because it fails to attack the Jewish presentation of those two main wars, plus many others at the time.
Capt Kenneth Roderick McKilliam (as far as I know—his fans give little background) wrote a number of booklets, and also longer books, though publication and biog details are scanty. Two of his booklets, which have been reset and seem not to be originals, McKilliam-High-Treason.pdf and McKilliam-how-WW2-came-about.pdf.
There are several problems with McKilliam's work. The first is his Biblical emphasis on what is a Jewish set of writings. Britain has had several incursions of Christianity, including the Protestantism brought over by the Dutch in Cromwell's war. Arguably, this is not a British tradition. The next problem is his view of the Second World War: McKilliam, like most people, thinks the essential war was between Germany and must of the rest of the world. He does not seem to consider the conflict of interest amongst Jews, despite this being an interest of his. His work reminds me of Lady Birdwood's.
GERMANY'S WAR: The Origins Aftermath & Atrocities of World War II by John Wear, perhaps published in 2015, is on sale in Amazon—a sign it's likely to be Jewish-approved. Atrocities in other American wars are still censored by Jews. I haven't found much information on John Wear. A website wearswar.com (started 23 March 2021; I think stored in Tokyo) seems to have been set up for book sales, perhaps wary of Amazon striking at them. But there seems to be no attempt to factor Jews into the world wars, in spite of their control of most of the world's money. The site has a photo of the well-known Rothschild—though the photo must be years old by now.
Clinton Richard Dawkins (yes, his real name!) has ancestry including Jews at the Treaty of Versailles. He might have been well-placed to investigate human parasitic subgroups, perhaps reworded. Or the long-term best practices for human partners. Or races. But such possibilities seem unlikely now. As far as I know, he's said nothing bout 'COVID'; not much output for a person supposedly helping people to understand science! 'Lord' Robert Winston is a similar type, never rising above his orthodox Jewish upbringing. Steve Jones is another such. This could have been science revisionism. A fascinating other example is Alice Roberts, who is/was a member of the Humanists (see e.g. South Place), and, in Birmingham, 'Professor of Public Engagement in Science'. It's clear from her public announcements that she has no idea about Jewish activities, notably funding since 1913. And no idea of worldwide science corruption. I wonder if she'll learn, on the principle of thinking for yourself?
Nick Griffin, David Irving, Kevin MacDonald are a different revisionist type to these other relatively minor authors. Respectively a one-time Party leader, a world-famous author, and an academic in the wilderness of US Universities, in my view they have faded, and this is something of a warning; don't expect much.
Nick Griffin seems to have settled into a new activity, of co-authoring books. There seems to be an attempt by Jews to reinflate their Christian offspring; I see the same in Russia, where Putin, a shameless and disgusting liar about the 'Great Patriotic War' and the holocaust fraud, seems to be lending support to supposed Russian Orthodox persons. Griffin seems to be supporting (in effect) the Crusades, being of course opposition to Islam without mentioning its Jewish roots and Jewish immigration policy. The C of E has of course been ruined by Jewish money power, just as after Cromwell Protestantism was supported by Jewish money. I doubt Griffin will notice the split between Roman Catholics and Protestants by Jewish money. Anyway, don't expect much. Griffin probably doesn't even count as a revisionist; his aim seems to be to ally with Jews.
David Irving likewise seems not to be a revisionist; he has never answered the Hitler-as-an-agent question. Nor has he researched the money payments from the USA to the USSR and Germany and UK and France. His books seem increasingly "irrelevant" in the 1960s sense.
Michael A Hoffman II showed promise as a close student of the Talmud, combined with interests in true history. He may have shown how Talmudic principles were applied in practise, and thereby revised much of human history, casting new light on more than 2,000 years of wars and damage. But he seems to be trapped in a mire of Roman Catholic absurdities, which he is unable to survey and analyse. For example, he's impressed by 'usury' but seems unable to see how Jews and Catholics, and Jews and Moslems, may operate symbiotically. Another example is the different attitudes of peoples to words: Jewish deception goes deep, in contrast to non-Jewish attempts at truth. Another example is his non-translation of Johann Eisenmenger's two-volume Entdecktes Judenthum. I doubt he will do much good work from now on. Sigh.
Kevin MacDonald became well-known before 2000, with his trilogy on Jews. But his latest book, 25 years later, is entirely concerned with vague genetic material, rather than power politics. His Occidental Observer site recently had an email from someone who mentioned Jewish generals in the USA, without any detail. Eisenhower and Wesley Clark appear to be two examples. As far as I know, the first mention. MacDonald is part of the Reset after WW2, and appears to be pitifully naive: his site has a piece on rapes by Muslims, by an author who seems to know nothing of rapes by whites during and after WW2. Since his trilogy, he has said nothing on the Holocaust fraud, on 9/11, and on psyops in the media. He doesn't seem to know of Jews splitting Christianity. His site's blogroll is partly omissice, partly outdated.
All very sad. But remember, even the most pioneering of thinkers left work undone, which presumably they might have completed. So all this is par for the course.
If you are new to Jew research, and possibly don't believe it—and you will have been lied to, all your life—you might like my long and detailed chronology of Jew activities. Here, below, is a table of replies to people indignant at the idea that Hitler could have been a Jewish agent surrounded by Jews. Note I'm saying a 'Jewish Agent': not an American agent, not a British agent, not a Russian agent, not a Polish agent, or any other evasion: I mean a Jewish
Testing the Hypothesis that the NSDAP was Jew-controlled by Looking at the way Hitler is Discussed Now [ Top of page ]
Nearer the start of this piece, I'd tried to describe How most people see WW2. A list of varied names included Montgomery of Alamein, David Irving, various Russians discussing Germans, Hilaire Belloc, and Dennis Wise of The Greatest Story Never Told, all of whom adhere to the model of the Second World War, personalised as nations, and ignoring Jew finance and ownership.
Arguably, the Jewish force for nations was simply to get a few leaders in an area that could be plausibly presented as a 'country', rather than have large scattered numbers. It's perhaps the same process that led city states, barons, principalities to accept monarchs. I suspect the part played by Jews in the rise of nationalism, when it was new, was motivated by Jews wanting to get more control. Mazzini and Italy illustrate the way propagandist forces operated. Earlier, the Staes were united; and later, Germany was unified. The Führerprinzip presumably was analogous, and intended to make one man, whose acting skill was sufficiently good, more or less unchallengeable. Plus the same thing with organisations such as banks.
It's important to realise this is the opposite of Jewish policy: the real power (the Rothschilds and others) keep a back seat, or rather a secret area as anonymous as possible. And they network together in large numbers, something other groups have not yet been able to copy. Jews always push individualism on others; the last thing they want is solid, organised, secret opposition.
I'm mentioning Hitler, as he gets all the commentary from Jews. The party, the NSDAP, is kept out of sight most of the time. And of course this is true in Jew media, the BBC, and the junk turned out by broadcast media onto the unfortunate US victims. I'll try to comment on both aspects in Germany.
Hitler (and Mein Kampf - my review) have been vilified for years and difficult to get in German and in translation. But there seems to have been a change in the last few years. In 2017 and 2018 accurate books on the massive Jewish lie of the 'Holocaust' were banned by Amazon, probably the world's biggest dealer in books. And there is frantic promotion of bogus museums and other rubbish. So it's clear that Jewish lies are running at full power.
And yet Hitler is being permitted: 'Dennis Wise' on The Greatest Story Never Told has not been prosecuted, and in fact seems easier to get—copyright issues being perhaps soft-pedalled. Why should Jews decide to go easy on Wise's DVDs?
I was interested to see a book by Gerard Menuhin being plugged. One important issue is reparations against Jews for war crimes and for the fraud of the 'Holocaust'. I've only read descriptions of Menuhin's book, if indeed it was written by him and not some Jew committee, but it's clear there is no discussion of these serious issues. In other words, it's just another fraud. Its theme appears to be that Hitler was right for Germany; or something like that. (I suspect Jews promote their own in music: Yehudi Menuhin, Mark Knopfler, 'Bono', and Larry Adler illustrate the sort of thing).
[Added 23 Nov 2019: Menuhin's book isn't very easy to buy; for one thing, Amazon has banned it. There seem to be at least two titles: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil: Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him and Tell the truth & shame the devil: as told to the author by a little old man in a plaid shirt. I found, but lost, titles of the three main sections of the book: something like: 1 Adolf Hitler, 2 Jews and presumably collaborators since the 17th century, 3. First and Second World Wars and the 'Cold War'. It's impossible to know without careful checking of the book if G Menuhin has grasped the full extent of world Jewry's activities.]
Just two examples where the hypothesis that Hitler was on the idea of Jews gets indirect support.
What about the whole NSDAP? Experience with other countries' political parties—for example, so-called 'Labour' in Britain—shows that supporting propaganda can allow small groups, both of a few 'leaders' and larger back-room manipulators, to dominate parties.
Jews and Genetics [ Top of page ]
When Germany surprisingly sought an Armistice to find grounds for Peace in 1918, it was on the basis of President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points. The myth history here is deplorable. Historians and journalist continue to this day to claim that the First World War ended on 11 November, 1918. It did not. Germany was undefeated on the field of battle. Beaten but not crushed. In a move which has been airbrushed from official history, the Allies, mainly Britain, continued to apply a full and complete blockade of Germany so that for the next eight months hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of their women and children were starved to death. The rise of Bolshevism in Germany became so dangerous that even war hawks like Lloyd George realised that Germany had to be allowed to survive in a much reduced state. Finally the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, never ratified by the American Congress, were so damaging that the causes of the Second World War were literally sewn into the fabric.
WW1: Prolonging the Agony, How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WW1 by Three-and-a Half Years, has been published, ... lays before the reader a vast amount of evidence which reveals how enormously rich and powerful men in Britain and the U.S. deliberately prolonged WW1 while reaping even greater fortunes from it. It retraces the major lies and malevolent propaganda generated in Britain and America to justify war against Germany, and the reason it was prolonged beyond the spring of 1915 in order to crush her.
[New post] Prolonging the Agony 2 The Full Hidden History Exposed First World War Hidden History Tue 06/03/2018, 16:06 Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on First World War Hidden History
Prolonging the Agony 2 The Full Hidden History Exposed by Jim_and_Gerry
This is the second blog about the recently published Prolonging The Agony.
In a single volume, the real History of how the First World War was deliberately prolonged to the benefit of the charlatans, profiteers, and the Secret Elite can be fully understood.
It is impossible to pick any single scandal above the others, but one which has been studiously ignored by the history boys is the Herbert Hoover and the Commission for Relief in Belgium. This one time American mining engineer and future President of the United States, previously criticised for rampant dishonesty by the courts in London, was chosen by the Secret Elite to head an international fraud which was paid for by the Allies and underwritten by the U.S. government. It claimed to provide food for the exclusive use of the population of Belgium and Northern France which were occupied by the German army.
What we have uncovered is an enormous double-deal whereby not only did food go to Belgium, food that was often sold for profit, but supplies also went to Germany directly down the River Rhine. We know that Edith Cavell saw what was happening. As an avid letter writer whose letters were printed in the Times, she threatened to expose the scandal. This is a story of money, bankers and producers colluding to reap millions from the desperation of a hungry Europe, and in so doing prolonged the bloody war.
Yet another scandal was the complete farce of the Gallipoli campaign. Because the Russians had suffered such vast losses on the Eastern Front, the Czar demanded evidence that war was worthwhile. The promise of Constantinople was the prize which animated him most, and the Gallipoli campaign was concocted by the Secret Elite to make it appear that a serious effort was underway to attack Turkey and win Constantinople for Russia. It was set up to fail. You may think this impossible, but Prolonging the Agony provides detailed evidence that the campaign was an orchestrated farce from start to finish. But it convinced the Russians and kept them in the war. The Secret Elite had no intention of ever giving the strategically vital port of Constantinople to Russia. Ever. The story and the needless sacrifice is a disgrace. Indeed Gallipoli was an outrageous and deliberate failure, but it prolonged the war, as was required. Your reaction to this statement may well be......it can't be true. Please read the chapters on this crucial event. They will make you uncomfortable.
And there could have been peace, several times over. But peace was not on the Secret Elite agenda. When, by 1916, the military failures were so costly and embarrassing some key players in the British government were willing to talk about peace and discuss what that might mean. This could not be tolerated. The potential peacemakers had to be ditched. Lloyd George was promoted to prime minister in Britain and Georges Clemenceau made prime minister in France. The unelected European leaders had one common bond. They would fight Germany until she was crushed. Prolonging the Agony details how the secret cabal organised the change of government without a single vote being cast. A new government, an inner-elite war cabinet thrust the Secret Elite leader, Alfred Milner into power at the very inner-core of the decision-makers in British politics. Democracy? They had no truck with democracy. The voting public had no say. The men entrusted with the task would keep going till the end and their place-men were backed by the media and the money-power, in Britain, France and America. The only end they had in mind was Germany destroyed.
The entry of America into the war changed everything. The money men were covered by the Federal Reserve System. They could print dollars and finance their war in safety. Loans were guaranteed by governments. The American economy was literally underpinned by the war spending, and all on the back of the ordinary citizens and taxpayers. Millionaires blossomed. Poverty for the many grew. Even the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1916 was tainted by doubt. The manner of his re-election is ignored in mainstream accounts. It all hinged on California and the recount was itself tainted with corruption.
We examine the emergence of Zionism as a factor in the political world. From the first years of the twentieth century we have unmasked the close relationship between Zionism and the British and French Rothschilds. The background to the Balfour Declaration shows how far the British cabinet was willing to support the Zionist ambitions for Palestine. This was NOT, as it is portrayed, a simple message from the British Foreign Secretary to the head of the Rothschild family in Britain. It was the product of years of scheming and political pressure that eventually won there backing of the Secret Elite. And prolonging the war here was also important. Before the Zionist claim over Palestine could have any pertinence, they had to buy time to establish institutions and boost investment. The immense duplicity the British government and the connivance of the American administration is explained in full. And it raised serious questions about loyalties.
While the Russian Revolution might appear to have little to do with prolonging the war, it did. Did you know that the last foreign politician to meet the Car before he abdicated was Secret Elite leader Alfred Milner? Co-incidence? What transpired between the two? Milner’s behaviour and report when he returned to London was so strange that one has to conclude that he had much to hide.What promises were whispered to Czar Nicolas before he abdicated? Worse was to follow. The raping of Russia by the money-men who financed the Bolsheviks, links Wall Street to the Kremlin… and of course, since Russia had decided to end the war with Germany, the promise of Constantinople was revoked. For ever. How convenient.
When Germany surprisingly sought an Armistice to find grounds for Peace in 1918, it was on the basis of President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points. The myth history here is deplorable. Historians and journalist continue to this day to claim that the First World War ended on 11 November, 1918. It did not. Germany was undefeated on the field of battle. Beaten but not crushed. In a move which has been airbrushed from official history, the Allies, mainly Britain, continued to apply a full and complete blockade of Germany so that for the next eight months hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of their women and children were starved to death. The rise of Bolshevism in Germany became so dangerous that even war hawks like Lloyd George realised that Germany had to be allowed to survive in a much reduced state. Finally the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, never ratified by the American Congress, were so damaging that the causes of the Second World War were literally sewn into the fabric.
Prolonging the Agony is unique. It details the lies and malpractice through which an evil war was prolonged. The old order in Europe was swept aside and it shows how the new order emerged from a joint Anglo-American Establishment. It merged the Secret Elite in Britain with the Morgan-Wall street powers through joint policy making by a self-appointed group of ‘right-thinking’ men. We name them. We also acknowledge the impressive work of Professor Carroll Quigley in initially exposing the machinations of the evil men who aimed to take over the new world order.
And then they stole our history. Literally. All of the evidence of the gross malpractice, the profiteering, the lies and the propaganda about the cause of the war and about the running of the war was swept up and taken away from its European roots. All of the pre-war papers and documents which would have shown how far the Kaiser went to try to avoid war, disappeared. The vast quantity of international permits and papers about the running of the American Relief in Belgium, high-jacked. The key Russian diplomatic evidence sold for a pittance was removed to America. Taken under instruction by the organisation set up by Herbert Hoover, it was removed to Stanford University and there what remains of the evidence lies under lock and key. Our history. Our truth. To be fair, our governments also burned, redacted, removed, shredded and otherwise abused the historical fact by destroying evidence of their malpractice and lies. Prolonging the Agony details as much of this destruction of history as we currently know. Breve and persistent journalists continue to push for sight of all documents. Historians do not.
You have to give time to this frank exposure. You will have questions to ask. You will be angered at the waste of life and the selfishness of the rich and the powerful dynasties. You will want to ask again and again how they managed to sweep such a litany of wrong-doing under the proverbial carpet. You will be alarmed at the manner in which we have been lied to; at the stolen history; at the way in which you have been misled. After ten years of constant research and inquiry, we still are.
Prolonging the Agony puts into your hands the awful truth behind a war which could have been brought to a reasonable conclusion in 1915. The cost in human terms of all that transpired from 1915-1919 is so horrendous, that it has been studiously kept from us. Even 100 years later, the lies persist. Read this book. There is much more to it than has been outlined here. Consider the implications. Be angry.
Now available from Trineday Publications in the USA and though Amazon across the world. We are delighted to announce that our German publishers, Kopp Verlag will undertake a translation in German, and our French publishers, Editions Nouvelle Terre, are currently considering a similar decision. Jim_and_Gerry | 6 March, 2018 at 4:05 pm | Categories: Belgian Relief, Carroll Quigley, Gallipoli, Georges Clemenceau, Herbert Hoover, Kaiser Wilhelm II, President Woodrow Wilson, Secret Elite, Wall Street, Zionism, Zionism | URL: https://wp.me/p4Ic3s-1hT
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• A note on 'unconditional surrender'. Suppose some warmonger wants to insist on obviously unfair conditions. When this happens, it's time for continuing until 'unconditional surrender'. For example, I doubt many people would consider imposing Freemasons a legitimate cause for war.
Conclusion: when people talk of 'unconditional surrender', it may be a sign Jews are involved.
• A note on 'Wars prolonged unnecessarily'. Note this is a 'gentile' idea, taken for granted, without thinking, by many non-Jews. But Talmudic advice is to kill as many 'goyim' as possible.
Conclusion: if some campaign or war is said to be 'prolonged unnecessarily', it's probably a sign Jews want more deaths and profit.
• On the 'Great War' or 'First World War', Benjamin Freedman's A Jewish Defector Warns America (1961 speech; transcribed as about 60,000 words) is a blissfully short, convincing and detailed, run-through of the German experience in the 'Great War'—well worth reading for anyone whose schooling is Jew-only. (Warning: Freedman's speech may be a partial psyop, omitting the Rothschilds and other Jews, omitting terms of weapon loans and repayments, omitting crimes of Jews in the USSR notably mass murders, omitting doubts about Hitler, promoting nuke mythology for mass scares... So keep your critical specs on!)
• After the Great War, a treaty of sorts was imposed on Germany at Versailles. Parts of Germany were awarded to other countries, and usually this is regarded as something negotiated and discussed. In fact, the bits were probably awarded to Jewish landowners, and removed from Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, and so on. Versailles after the war, during negotiations, was notorious for swarming with Jews, typically from the USA, and these would presumably talk locally to Jews, and run rings round the supposed victors.
The general view of the supposed end of WW1 may still be surprise and shock at the ramshackle and dangerous arrangements of the 'Treaty'. How could they take such risks?—Cynics might reflect that this was presumably intentional, paving the way for further Jewish games—after all, the Great War itself showed signs of pre-planning and profiteering—the invention of the Fed, the prolonged newspaper campaigns, the loans for weapons, the sinking of Lusitania (see https://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/lusi.pdf), 'Trading with the Enemy', the sudden unexplained stop of the War.
Note that all the arrangements were subject to Jewish lying, in traditional fashion. For example, the areas lost by Germany amounted (according to Hitler) to 25,000 square miles, which is smaller than Eire, which Britain was supposed to be happy about, when the Marrano Jew‑descended de Valera was put into power.
Conclusion: watch for huge asymmetry in opinions on similar issues. Typical Jewish behaviour is to endlessly cause trouble for what they think are their own ends.
In a similar way, vast reparations were demanded, but they later varied to enormous extents. It's not hazardous to guess the figures and the terms were decided by Jews—and that Hitler's public speeches avoided details.
Conclusion: if a war ends in a tangle of absurd contradictory problematical settlements, and vast money settlements, it's probably Jews at their money-making and war games.
naive people attribute this to 'chasing the rainbow of the perfect state', 'building socialism' ... in fact murder [this is why jews in usa carry out childish false flags to try for disarming whites]
Ostara book blurb:
Der Untermensch (“The Underman”) is possibly the Third Reich’s most famous, misquoted, and misrepresented publication ever.
First issued in 1942 by the SS head office under the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, The Underman has ever since been portrayed as “anti-Slavic,” “anti-Russian,” and “anti-Jewish.” In fact only the third allegation has any truth to it. The “anti-Slavic” and “anti-Russian” claims are merely the product of postwar propaganda, reliant on the fact that almost no one would have the chance to actually read the publication for themselves.
The reason for this was that after the war, the Allied occupying powers in Germany ordered all copies of the publication seized and burned. As a result, only a tiny handful were saved, and it is from one of these very few surviving copies, that this edition has been prepared.
In addition to its rarity, the text has also never been correctly and fully translated into English (until now), a fact which has greatly eased the task of those seeking to distort what it actually says.
Ideologically hostile Jewish propagandists have, for example, engaged in outright forgery and misrepresentation of its contents, while a single translation made by an ideologically sympathetic postwar publisher suffered from serious grammatical and translation distortion errors.
This edition is therefore the very first complete and accurate translation into English of this 52 page oversize booklet.
Far from being anti-Slavic, the reader will see that the SS Head Office publication portrayed Russians as victims of Communism—and then specifically blamed Jews as being behind Communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on Europe which had started with Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
Nowhere in the SS book are the Slavic people denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional Slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater European family. European nations specifically mentioned in this book include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.
The suffering of ordinary Russian people under the Soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of Communism: men, women and children alike. Special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the Soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of Communism.
In addition, the economics, social structure, art, and even freedom of religion under the Soviet state is dramatically and graphically compared with Germany—and elsewhere in Europe.
Finally, after reviewing numerous Soviet atrocities and Communist secret police torture chambers discovered during the German advance into the Baltic states and the Ukraine, this SS book ends with a dramatic series of photographs showing the murderous intentions of the Soviet state—and a warning that if the European people did not unite and together fight off the attack by the “Jewish-led Underman,” then Europe itself would be destroyed.
(NB Princess Alix of Hesse, granddaughter of Victoria, married Czar Nicholas II in 1894, and was crowned Empress of Russia in 1895. European royalty permitted this type of permeability). 1792 War with Poland.
[ From Oona Craig: Poland was Jew-influenced. The Jews infiltrated the Polish nobility in the 16th century under Casimir IV...the same way the Jewish bankers infiltrated the British nobility under Queen Victoria and Edward VII in the 19th century. (Actually the infiltration of Britain began with the crypto-Jew William Cecil's control of Elizabeth I and her illegitimate children). Many Poles were unaware of the Jewish infiltration of the nobility. The largest Jewish population in Europe was located in Polish-Lithuanian territory. When Catherine the Great conquered Poland, Russia acquired thousands of Jews who had been formerly barred from entering Russia. Catherine tried to prevent the Jews from entering Russia by establishing borders called the "Pale of Settlement." It didn't work. By conquering Poland and absorbing Poland's Jews, the Russian monarchs embraced the time bomb that eventually killed them. Jews assassinated EVERY Tsar beginning with Alexander I, who (like Napoleon) was poisoned. Nikolai I was poisoned (following his successful resistance to the Jew-orchestrated Crimean War). Alexander II (after 14 unsuccessful Jewish attempts to kill him) had his legs bombed off. (Alexander II had angered the Rothschilds by entering the US Civil War in support of Lincoln). Alexander III and family were bombed (not the first attempt) while traveling in the Imperial Train; Alexander held up the collapsed roof of his compartment to allow his family to escape, thereby damaging his kidneys. His son Nikolai II and family were shot. A look at French and American history reveals the same history of relentless serial assassinations of "independent" non-Jew leaders. See: The Red Thread by Andrei Krylienko. ]
Russia: note on vast wet plains like Poland, Ireland. Unlike European subdivisions. Horses eg cossacks, Polish horsemen, Mongols. 'Primitive communism' idea. Boundary changes: poland huge changes; lithuania even huger. Idea of Jews moving is not unusual.
Note on huge size of Russia: St Petersburg/ Moscow approx similar to Cape Town and Joburg in South Africa with huge lands on other side. Kiev and Minsk further south. Moscow about level with east med.
solzhenitsyn 200 years together (eng trans online at archive.org, 2 vols undated russian 2002 chapter 21 during the soviet-german war
1940 peace offer hitler said he'd withdraw from occupied territories exc traditional germany and wanted permission to invade USSR [churchill provoked bombing "to remain PM"]
• Note the probability of secret agreements, during WW1. The determination to support and recognise the Jewish regime of the rich (see big-lies.org/mileswmathis/lenin.pdf (Lenin was an aristocrat on both sides of his family. His father and maternal grandfather are admitted to be nobles. It looks like they were also crypto-Jewish nobles. ... the supposed 'Russian Revolution', absurd story of the 'October Revolution'...) must have been a collective decision. Probably the huge publicity given to the Balfour/Rothschild agreement was a distraction.
• The Russian Empire itself (like the British Empire) was probably driven by Jews, so that vast land areas had Jews in high positions, ready for Bolshevik mass murders and genocides, though of course anything like a full story is concealed.
British Way and Purpose Sir Bernard Pares on Russia [alamo.pdf looks at those recurring names: Pérez, López, Castro, Díaz. Notice anything? They’re all modern-day celebrities. Hip-hop artist Pitbull (born Armando Pérez), Jennifer Lopez, Mario López, George Lopez, Cameron Diaz, etc.
I hardly need mention the most famous Castro, who Miles has already outed. Actually, Comrade Fidel outed himself, admitting his ancestors were Spanish Jews. Fidel’s first wife was Mirta
Diaz-Balart. In his paternal line, going back to the 1700s, we find an uncle Juan Lopez Diaz. We also find a Pereyre, which looks like a fudging of Perez. The Wikipedia page for the surname Pereira confirms this, listing variant spellings such as Pereyre, Peres, Paret, and Pares. And don't forget that Pereira is a variant of Peron, linking Castro to the Perons.
We also read that “many Portuguese immigrants to the United States, especially Massachusetts, chose to ‘Americanize’ their surname to Perry.”
miles mathis hitler2.pdf faked blitz photos, faked portraits
cp Russell's Which Way to Peace? with horrific predictions of deaths, insanity, and range of German bombers. Russell was cousin of Lord Charles Portal (bomber ?command). Despite posing as a pacifist book. Russell never reprinted it.
Which Way to Peace? (my scanning and character recognition).
Churchill by Clive Ponting 1994 [1976 Hoax of the 20th Century, by Arthur Butz. vol 1 Churchill's War 1991] All pre-internet
Note on Irving's books:
1963: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1963: David Irving: Und Deutschlands Städte starben nicht (Schweizer Druck und Verlagshaus AG, Zürich)
1964: David Irving: Der Untergang Dresdens (Sigbert Mohn Verlag, Gütersloh)
1964: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Holt Rinehart Winston, New York)
1964: David Irving: The Mare's Nest (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1965: David Irving: The Mare's Nest (Little, Brown and company, Boston, Toronto)
1965: David Irving: Apocalissa a Dresda (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano)
1965: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Ballantine Books Inc., New York)
1965: David Irving: La destrucción de Dresde (Fermín Uriarte, Editor, Madrid)
1965: David Irving (transl.): The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1965: David Irving: La Destruction Des Villes Allemandes (Editions France Empire, Paris)
1966: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Corgi Books, London)
1966: David Irving: The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Keitel (Stein and Day Publishers, USA)
1967: David Irving: Accident. The Death of General Sikorski (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1967: David Irving: Der Untergang Dresdens (Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, Reinbek)
1967: David Irving: The Virus House (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1967: David Irving: Der Traum von der deutschen Atombombe (Sigbert Mohn Verlag, Gütersloh)
1967: David Irving: The German Atomic Bomb (Simon and Schuster, New York)
1967: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 (Cassell & Company Ltd, London)
1968: David Irving (with Prof D C Watt): Breach of Security (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1968: David Irving: Die Geheimwaffen des Dritten Reiches (Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, Reinbek)
1968: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 (Simon and Schuster, New York)
1968: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Ballantine Books, Inc., New York)
1969: David Irving: Virusnii fligel (Atomizdat, Moscow, USSR)
1969: David Irving: PQ.17 Il Convoglio Della Morte (Club Degli Editori, Milano)
1970: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 (Corgi Books, London)
1970: David Irving: Die Tragödie der deutschen Luftwaffe (Deutscher Bücherbund, Stuttgart)
1970??: David Irving: Die Tragödie der deutschen Luftwaffe (Ullstein Verlag, Berlin)
1972: David Irving: (transl. and ed.) The Memoirs of General [Reinhard] Gehlen (London, 1972).
1971: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Corgi Books, London)
1973: David Irving: The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe (Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto)
1975: David Irving: Die Tragödie der Deutschen Luftwaffe (Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt/M - Berlin Wien)
1975: David Irving: Ascenso y Caída de la Luftwaffe (Editorial Planeta, barcelona)
1975: David Irving: Hitler und seine Feldherren (Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt Berlin Wien)
1976: David Irving: Tajno Orozje (Zalozba Borec, Ljubljana)
1977: David Irving: Der Untergang Dresdens (C. Bertelsmann Verlag, München)
1977: David Irving: Hitler's War (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., London)
1977: David Irving: Hitler's War (The Viking Press, New York)
1977: David Irving: La Guerra de Hitler (Editorial Planeta, Barcelona)
1977: David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (E P Dutton: Thomas Congdon Books, New York) [in print]
1977: David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London)
1977: David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (Clarke, Irwin & Company Ltd., Toronto and Vancouver)
1978: David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (Avon Books, New York)
1978: David Irving: La Pista Della Volpe (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano)
1978(?): David Irving: Rommel. Eine Biographie (Hoffmann & Campe Verlag, Hamburg)
1978: David Irving: The War Path (Michael Joseph Ltd., London)
1978: David Irving: The War Path (The Viking Press, New York)
1978: David Irving: The War Path (Penguin Books, Canada)
1978: David Irving: Hitlers Weg zum Krieg (Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Herrsching)
1978: David Irving: El Rastro del Zorro (Editorial Planeta, Barcelona)
1978: David Irving: El Camino de La Guerra (Editorial Planeta, Barcelona)
1979: David Irving: Hitlers Weg zum Krieg (F.A.Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung, München)
1979: David Irving: Der Nürnberger Prozess (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1979: David Irving: Mord aus Staatsräson (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1979: David Irving: Rommel (Kirjayhtymä, Helsinki)
1976: David Irving: Rommel (Drzavna zalozba Slovenije, Ljubljana)
1980: David Irving: Rommel. Eine Biographie (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1980: David Irving: The Destruction of Dresden (Futura Publishers Ltd, London)
1980: David Irving: Wie Krank War Hitler Wirklich ? (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1980: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 (William Kimber Ltd, London)
1981: David Irving: Uprising! One Nation's Nightmare: Hungary 1956 (Hodder & Stoughton, London)
1981: David Irving: Aufstand in Ungarn (Albrecht Knaus Verlag, Hamburg)
1981: David Irving: La Guerre Entre Les Généraux (Editions Pierre Belfond, Paris)
1981: David Irving: Konvoj PQ17:s Undergång (Liber Förlag, Stockholm)
1981: David Irving: Insurrection! Budapest 1956 (Albin Michel, Paris)
1981: David Irving: The War between the Generals (Congdon & Lattès, Inc., USA)
1981: David Irving: The War between the Generals (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd, Canada)
1981: David Irving: The War between the Generals (Allen Lane, Penguin Books Ltd, London)
1981: David Irving: The War between the Generals (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano)
1981: David Irving: The War between the Generals ( Congdon & Weed, Inc., New York)
1981: David Irving: Hitlers Weg zum Krieg (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1982: David Irving: Ungheria 1956. La rivolta di Budapest (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano)
1982: David Irving: Von Guernica bis Vietnam (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1982: David Irving: Schlacht im Eismeer (Albrecht Knaus Verlag, Hamburg)
1983: David Irving: The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor (Macmillan Publishing Company, New York)
1983: David Irving: The German Atomic Bomb (Da Capo Press, New York)
1983: David Irving: Die geheimen Tagebücher des Dr. Morell (Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, München)
1983: David Irving: Krieg zwischen den Generälen (Albrecht Knaus Verlag, Hamburg)
1983: David Irving: The War Path (Papermac, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London)
1983: David Irving: Hitler's War 1939 1942 (Papermac, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London)
1983: David Irving: Hitler's War 1942 1945 (Papermac, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London)
1983: David Irving: Adolf Hitler: The Medical Diaries (Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd, London)
1984: David Irving: Hitler's War (Hayakawa, Tokyo)
1984: David Irving: En Konvojs endeligt (Forum, København)
1984: David Irving: Rommel (Hayakawa, Tokyo)
1984: David Irving: Hitler. Les Carnets Intimes du Docteur Morell (Acropole, Paris)
1984: David Irving: Hitlers sjukjournal (Liber Förlag, Stockholm)
1984: David Irving: Schlacht Im Eismeer (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1984: David Irving: Los Diarios Secretos del Medico de Hitler (Saned S.A., Madrid)
1985: David Irving: Hitlers Krieg (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1985: David Irving: The Mare's Nest (Panther Granada Publishers, London)
1985: David Irving:The Destruction of Dresden (Papermac, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London)
1986: David Irving: Aufstand In Ungarn (Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München)
1986: David Irving: Uprising! One Nation's Nightmare: Hungary 1956 (Veritas Publishing Ltd., Cranbrook, West Australia)
1986: David Irving: Der Morgenthau-Plan 1944/45 (Faksimile-Verlag, Bremen)
1986: David Irving: [autobiographical brochure] Torpedo Running (Focal Point Publications, London).
1987: David Irving: Churchill's War vol. i: The Struggle for Power (Veritas, Cranbrook, West Australia)
1987: David Irving: Göring (Albrecht Knaus Verlag, Munich and Hamburg)
1987: David Irving: Hess: The Missing Years (Macmillan London Ltd, London)
1987: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ-17 (Richardson & Steirman, New York)
1987: David Irving: Rudolf Heß--ein gescheiterter Friedensbote (Leopold Stocker Verlag, Linz & Stuttgart)
1987: David Irving: La Destruction de Dresde (Art et Histoire d'Europe, Paris)
1987: David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy PQ-17 (Eagle Publishing: St. Martin's Press, New York)
1988: David Irving: Churchill's War vol. i: The Struggle for Power (Arrow Books, Hutchinson, London)
1988: David Irving: Rudolf Hess (Albin Michel, Paris)
1988: David Irving: Hitlers Krieg (Manfred Pawlak, Herrsching, Germany)
1989: David Irving: Hess: The Missing Years (Grafton Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers, London)
1989: David Irving: Führer und Reichskanzler (F.A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung, München-Berlin)
1989: David Irving: Churchill's War. The Struggle for Power (Arrow Books Ltd., London)
1989: David Irving: Göring (Legenda Forlag, Stockholm) [in print] 1989: David Irving: Göring (William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York)
1989: David Irving: Göring (Macmillan London Ltd, London) [in print] 1989: David Irving: Göring (Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, Reinbek)
1989: David Irving: Das Reich hört mit [history of the Forschungsamt] (Arndt Verlag, Kiel).
1990: David Irving: Hitler's War (trade paperback, Avon, New York)
1990: David Irving: Deutschlands Ostgrenze (Arndt Verlag, Kiel, Germany)
1990: David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (trade paperback, Avon Books, New York)
1990: David Irving: Die Tragödie der Deutschen Luftwaffe (Zeitgeschichte Ullstein Buch, Frankfurt/M - Berlin)
1990: David Irving: The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor [abridged and revöised] (Grafton Books, London)
1990: David Irving: Rommel. Eine Biographie (Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg)
1990: David Irving: Der Untergang Dresdens (Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt am Main - Berlin)
1990: David Irving: Hitler's War & The War Path [Updated and revised. Three volumes in one ] (Avon Books, New York)
1990: David Irving: Churchill. Kampf Um Die Macht (F.A. Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung, München)
1991: David Irving: Göring, a Biography (Grafton Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers, London)
1991: David Irving: Goering. Le Maréchal du Reich (Albin Michel, Paris)
1991: David Irving: Churchill's War vol. i: The Struggle for Power (Avon Books, New York) [in print] 1991: David Irving: Hitler's War & The War Path [Updated and revised. Three volumes in one ] (Focal Point [London] edition; same as Avon edition, with inclusion of entire annotations)
1992: David Irving: Die Nacht in der die Dämme Brachen (Verlag Werner Symanek, Gladbeck)
1995: David Irving: Der unbekannte Dr. Goebbels [edited transcript in German of Goebbels' 1938 diary] (Focal Point Publications, London) [reprinting]
1995: David Irving: Apocalypse '45. The Destruction of Dresden (Veritas Publishing Co Pty Ltd, Cranbrook, Australia)[reprinting]
1996: David Irving: Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich (Focal Point Publications, London) Click for free download of this book download
1996: David Irving: Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich (St Martin's Press, New York [cancelled April 4, 1996]) [in print] Click for free download of this book download
1997: Nuremberg, the Last Battle (Focal Point, London, 1997) Click for free download of this book download
Over half the Waffen SS was made up of non-German nationality. Waffen SS volunteers came from Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Finland, Croatia, Ukraine, Latvia, Hungary, Spain, and Sweden and from Russians and Cossacks. One force was formed into Der Britisches Freikorps otherwise known as The British Free Corps (BFC). The BFC was the brainchild of John Amery, eldest son of Secretary for India of the British Government, the Rt. Hon. Leopold Stennett Amery, MP.
8 as spook 'numerology' combat 81? 18 etc spooks?
nb possibility that eichmann organised transports of jews to safety
================================ the Zionists wanted this "great USSR horror" to be known about outside of the USSR as being caused by the Jews, as a motivation to bring about this Jewish persecution. ================================== Hitler's Revolution: Ideology - Social Programs - Foreign Affairs by Richard Tedor 2013 publisher: richard tedor ?chicago Picture of Hitler and NSDAP. emphasis on reforms - h as town and house planner, volkswagen, domestic fridge, holiday cruisers; not so much Bauhaus, writers, film. Includes sabotage of war effort by aristocrats. Unfortunately worthless since it says nothing about Jews. Probably Amazon would not handle it. =======================
I set out to describe events from behind the Führer's desk, seeing each episode through his eyes. The technique necessarily narrows the field of view, but it does help to explain decisions that are otherwise inexplicable. Nobody that I knew of had attempted this before, but it seemed wo r th the effort: after all, Hitler's war left forty million dead and caused all of Europe and half of Asia to be wasted by fire and explosives; it destroyed Hitler's ‘Third Reich,' bankrupted Britain and lost her the Empire, and it brought lasting disorder to the world's affairs; it saw the entrenchment of communism in one continent, and its emergence in another. In earlier books I had relied on the primary records of the period rather than published literature, which contained too many pitfalls for the historian. I naïvely supposed that the same primary sources technique could within five years be applied to a study of Hitler. In fact it would be thirteen years before the first volume, Hitler's War , was published in ???? and twenty years later I was still indexing and adding to my documentary files. I remember, in ???? , driving down to Tilbury Docks to collect a crate of microfilms ordered from the U.S. government for this study; the liner that brought the crate has long been scrapped, the dockyard itself levelled to the ground. I suppose I took it all at a far too leisurely pace. I hope however that this biography, now updated and revised, will outlive its rivals, and that more and more future writers find themselves compelled to consult it for vii viii Hitler's War materials that are contained in none of the others. Travelling around the world I have found that it has split the community of academic historians from top to bottom, particularly in the controversy around ‘the Holocaust.' In Australia alone, students from the universities of New South Wales and Western Australia have told me that there they are penalised for citing Hitler's War ; at the universities of Wollongong and Canberra students are disciplined if they don't. The biography was required reading for officers at military academies from Sandhurst to West Point, New York, and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, until special-interest groups applied pressure to the commanding officers of those seats of learning; in its time it attracted critical praise from the experts behind the Iron Curtain and from the denizens of the Far Right. Not everybody was content. As the author of this work I have had my home smashed into by thugs, my family terrorised, my name smeared, my printers firebombed, and myself arrested and deported by tiny, democratic Austria – an illegal act, their courts decided, for which the ministerial culprits were punished; at the behest of disaffected academics and influential citizens, in subsequent years, I was deported from Canada (in ???? ), and refused entry to Australia, New Zealand, Italy, South Africa, and other civilised countries around the world (in ???? ). In my absence, internationally affiliated groups circulated letters to librarians, pleading for this book to be taken off their shelves. From time to time copies of these letters were shown to me. A journalist for Time magazine dining with me in New York in ???? remarked, ‘Before coming over I read the clippings files on you. Until Hitler's War you couldn't put a foot wrong, you were the darling of the media; but after it...' I offer no apology for having revised the existing picture of the man. I have tried to accord to him the kind of hearing that he would have got in an English court of law – where the normal rules of evidence apply, but also where a measure of insight is appropriate. There have been sceptics who questioned whether the heavy reliance on – inevitably angled – private sources is any better as a method of investigation than the more traditional quarries of information. My reply is that we certainly cannot deny the value of private sources altogether. As the Washington Post noted in its review of the first edition in ???? , ‘British historians have always been more objective toward Hitler than either German or American writers.' ix Introduction my conclusions on completing the manuscript startled even me. Hitler was a far less omnipotent Führer than had been believed, and his grip on his subordinates had weakened with each passing year. Three episodes – the aftermath of the Ernst Röhm affair of June 30, 1934, the Dollfuss assassination a month later, and the anti-Jewish outrages of November 1938 – show how his powers had been pre-empted by men to whom he felt himself in one way or another indebted. While my Hitler's central and guiding pre- war ambition always remains constant, his methods and tactics were profoundly opportunistic. Hitler firm ly believed in grasping at fleeting opportunities. ‘There is but one moment when the Goddess of Fortune wafts by,' he lectured his adjutants in 1938 , ‘and if you don't grab her then by the hem you won't get a second chance!' The manner in which he seized upon the double scandal in January 1938 to divest himself of the over conservative army Commander in Chief, Werner von Fritsch, and to become his own Supreme Commander too, is a good example.
His geographical ambitions remained unchanged. He had no ambitions against Britain or her Empire at all, and all the captured records solidly bear this out. He had certainly built the wrong air force and the wrong navy for a sustained campaign against the British Isles; and subtle indications, like his instructions to Fritz Todt (page ?? ) to erect huge monuments on the Reich's western frontiers, suggest that for Hitler these frontiers were of a lasting nature. There is equally solid proof of his plans to invade the east – his secret speech of February 1933 (page ?? ), his memorandum of August 1936 (pages ?? – ?? ), his June 1937 instructions for the expansion of Pillau as a Baltic naval base (page ?? ), and his remarks to Mussolini in May 1938 (page ?? ), that ‘Germany will step out along the ancient Teutonic path, toward the east.' Not until later that month, it turns out (page ?? ), did Hitler finally resign himself to the likelihood that Britain and France would probably not stand aside.
These last pre-war years saw Hitler's intensive reliance on psychological warfare techniques. The principle was not new: Napoleon himself had defined it thus: ‘The reputation of one's arms in war is everything, and equivalent to real forces.' By using the records of the propaganda ministry and various editorial offices I have tried to illustrate how advanced the Nazis we re in these ‘cold war' techniques. Related to this theme is my emphasis on Hitler's foreign Intelligence sources. The Nazis' wiretapping and code breaking agency, the Forschungsamt, which destroyed all its records in ???? , holds the key to many of his successes. The agency eavesdropped on foreign x Hitler's War diplomats in Berlin and – even more significantly – it fed to Hitler hour by hour transcripts of the lurid and incautious telephone conversations conducted between an embattled Prague and the Czech diplomats in London and Paris during September 1938 (pages ??? – ??? ). From the time of Munich until the outbreak of war with Britain Hitler could follow virtually hourly how his enemies were reacting to each Nazi ploy, and he rightly deduced by August ?? , 1939 , that while the western powers might well formally declare war they would not actually fight – not at first, that is.
The war years saw Hitler as a powerful and relentless military commander, the inspiration behind great victories like the Battle of France in May 1940 and the Battle of Kharkov in May 19452 ; even Marshal Zhukov later privately admitted that Hitler's summer 1941 strategy – rather than the general staff's frontal assault on Moscow – was unquestionably right. At the same time however Hitler became a lax and indecisive political leader, who allowed affairs of state to stagnate. Though often brutal and insensitive, he lacked the ability to be ruthless where it mattered most. He refused to bomb London itself until Mr. Churchill forced the decision on him in late August 1940. He was reluctant to impose the test of total mobilisation on the German ‘master race' until it was too late to matter, so that with munitions factories crying out for manpower, idle German housewives were still employing half a million domestic servants to dust their homes and polish their furniture. Hitler's military irresolution sometimes showed through, for example in his panicky vacillation at times of crisis like the battle for Narvik in 1940. He took ineffectual measures against his enemies inside Germany for too long, and seems to have been unable to act effectively against strong opposition at the very heart of his High Command. In fact he suffered incompetent ministers and generals far longer than the Allied leaders did. He failed to unite the feuding factions of Party and Wehrmacht for the common cause, and he proved incapable of stifling the corrosive hatred of the War Department (OKH) for the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW). I believe that I show in this book that the more hermetically Hitler locked himself away behind the barbed wire and minefields of his remote military headquarters, the more his Germany became a Führer Staat without a Führer. Domestic policy was controlled by whoever was most powerful in each sector – by Hermann Göring as head of the powerful economics agency, the Four Year Plan; by Hans Lammers as chief of the Reich chancellery; or by Martin Bormann, the Nazi Party boss; or by Heinrich Himmler, minister of the interior and Reichsführer of the evil famed SS.
The sheer complexity of that character is evident from a comparison of his brutality in some respects with his almost maudlin sentimentality and stubborn adherence to military conventions that others had long abandoned. We find him cold bloodedly ordering a hundred hostages executed for every German occupation soldier killed; dictating the massacre of Italian officers who had turned their weapons against German troops in 1943; ordering the liquidation of Red Army commissars, Allied commando troops, and captured Allied aircrews; in 1942 he announced that the male populations of Stalingrad and Leningrad were to be exterminated. He justified all these orders by the expediencies of war. Yet the same Hitler indignantly exclaimed, in the last week of his life, that Soviet tanks were flying the Nazi swastika as a ruse during street fighting in Berlin, and he flatly forbade his Wehrmacht to violate flag rules. He had opposed every suggestion for the use of poison gases, as that would violate the Geneva Protocol;
---hitler's role in the jewish tragedy [sic] that Hitler grasped quite early on that antisemitism would be a powerful vote catching force in Germany; that he had no compunction against riding that evil steed right up to the portals of the chancellery in 1933; but that once inside and in power, he dismounted and paid only lip service to that part of his Party creed. =================================
irving on german arms: naval construction. And airforce [in my video]
never anticipated bomb england. short range bombers within 100 miles or so tactical support Denial of Baltic to British naval cp bombers not able to reach moscow when conquered france and ?belgium, didn't have right escort fighters
lancaster bomber 'workhorse' 1930s
John Sluder - The Germans did not bomb Britains cities first. A group of German bombers flew over London and accidentally opened the bomb doors by mistaking the target. Then Churchill sends British bombers to Berlin at night. Then Hitler retaliated after trying to reason.
rerevisionist - Yes; I think David Irving worked out that sequence in detail. NB it wouldn't surprise me if even that accidental bombing was a lie; maybe the British did that too
rerevisionist There's a post here saying in effect the Germans aimed at precision - 'surgical strikes' in fact. The idea of mass bombing of innocent people wasn't part of their plan.
Geoff Clarke - The British bombed Berlin first, at night of course, under the order of that drunken Churchill hoping Hitler would retaliate - which he did, giving Churchill a massive propaganda victory; 'See Mr Roosevelt! I told u those evil Nazis would bomb our innocent civilians! Now will u please enter the war!' Irving has exposed that hypocrite
ExVeritateLibertas - If I'm not mistaken Berlin was bombed something like 10 times before Hitler retaliated. And the British histories whine about the little "Blitz" while the Germans had a million air raid victims and every major city in the country razed.
Ingesson's channel I couldn't agree more. How stupid of the Germans to reject the Me 262 as an interceptor initially. And to disregard the four engine bomber designs out of arrogance. Not to mention the fantastic designs and solutions that some manufacturers had suggested, but were sidelined in favour of the high commands favourites 'such as Messerschmitt and heinkel'. 2
Reichsfuehrer Nivea Creme The fact that Germany built "the wrong Air Force" is proof that Hitler did not have plans for world domination, which would have required heavy long range bombers. Curiously, the country that claimed to be interested in peace developed heavy long range bombers before there was a need for them. Conclusion: Germany's interests were in self-defense, England wanted to rule the world.
Anonymous Geoffrey said...
Anon (who)...
"Stalin’s huge armies were in an ideal position to take over Europe, but Hitler guessed Stalin’s design".
Gee I suppose Anon does not know that Stalin was Hitler’s ally. How would Stalin ever have defeated Europe, when he only won WWII at all with huge nonstop aid from the British and the USA? The UK impoverished their own nation for ever so as to help the Communists. The USA and Britain gave Stalin military supplies for free. The British had to pay their US ally, for everything the UK received.
The British war guarantee to Poland would have meant that Stalin would have been fighting Poland, Hitler and the entire British Empire plus the French Empire. The frogs also had guaranteed Poland. I mean if Stalin had attacked Poland without Hitler doing so.
Stalin was not so stupid as to take on so many enemies at the same time. Hitler OTOH [=on the other hand] could never get enough enemies and he loved war on two fronts. He had the British Empire and the Soviet Union against him. That was not enough enemies for Germany so he declared war on the USA. Just after Congress voted not to attack Germany but to fight only the Japanese. Great move, Adolf, a real war winning idea – for the Allies. Hitler got Roosevelt and his jew “advisers” out of a real jam there.
Note to new posters. Do not engage in arguments with Anons, you will end up doing nothing else. This site is a good one for Asperger’s oddballs and full blown Autistics, not so good for mentally healthy people.
4 February 2018 at 16:55
Anonymous Geoffrey said...
Hitler fought the Allies hard in the West so that Stalin would get as much of Europe as possible. The useless Battle of the Bulge is firm proof. Hitler could have fought very hard in the East and cunningly surrendered land in the West. Hitler could have made sure that the USA and Britain got all of Germany and Austria, plus maybe half of Poland or more. Maybe all of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania etc. Easily. Hitler’s "logic" was that he would create a division between the capitalist West and Soviet Russia. He would have done better to upset and undermine Stalin than the West. Hitler was thus, in the end, pro Communist and he proved it.
The Cold War might never have been happened if Hitler had retained land in the East until the end of the War. Hitlers Generals could have fought a defensive war inside the Soviet Union for several more years, if Hitler had allowed them any flexibility of movement, and not starved them of equipment as he had done in North Africa when Rommel was winning.
Also the jew bomb should never have been invented and never used. That is asking too much of the jews. They wanted to drop their Nihilistic bomb on Germany, not Japan.
Probably Britain and the USA could have invaded France in 1943. But they also wanted a Communist takeover in Central Europe – and a division of Germany between (((Commie rats))) and Capitalist rats.
4 February 2018 at 17:10 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Geoffrey said How about you start (follow your own advice) by listing those Nazi top leaders (not soldiers) who were active Christians.
You made the accusation, so please provide the quotes that nazis made derogatory comments about Christianity. Don't cop out Geoffrey
4 February 2018 at 17:14 Anonymous Geoffrey said...
Hitler was warned by his own sides Military Intelligence that the Soviet Union already had 20,000 planes against Germanys 3,000. Pshaw said Hitler, bulldust, I know best. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union knowing the odds against Germany were overwhelming. Well done, Hitler. "Kick the door in and the whole rotten edifice comes crumbling down" said Germanys master strategist and tactician. Guess what, he was wrong. He lost. Germany came crumbling down. Why do so many still admire the liar and loser Adolf Hitler? Study his results and not his magnetic speeches, rallies and so forth. Hitler was an interesting person – but in the end he was a fake like L Ron Hubbard. Nonetheless Scientology lives on as does National Socialism. I think the number of actual National Socialists in the entire world today would be less than the number of antifa in a medium sized country. Nazism is a dead end, it is over, it would be like trying to revive Ancient Carthage – it will never happen.
Mussos Italy was very weak and short lived compared to the glory that was Rome.
Anonymous Geoffrey said...
“The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea conference and code named the Argonaut Conference, held from 4 to 11 February, 1945”.
If Hitler had not sacked Guderian and other brilliant Generals, he would still have been deep inside Russia and Ukraine in February 1945. Thus the Allies carve up would have been very different, and that is the point I was trying to make. Many German generals have said that it was Hitler’s personal interference at the lowest level, almost to platoons, that wrecked their defensive war in the East. Had Guderian and von Manstein been given their chance, the war would have ended much less favourably for Stalin, much to his rage and anger at the Western Allies. Stalin got so much at Yalta because Roosevelt was a lying sneak who was disloyal to his Ally the British Empire, and loyal to the mass murderer who he named “Uncle Joe”. The conference should never have been held in the Soviet Union – every room of the Allies was bugged. (Also obviously all the Soviet rooms as well. Stalin was paranoid).
Yes I agree with Chumlees Brother that Hitler lost on purpose and that Stalingrad is one of 20 major proofs. The Battle of the Bulge is another. Dunkirk, the use of jets as only bombers. Etc. facts are facts, and there is no reason to wish or hope that facts were different. Hitler lost the war everywhere, Land Sea and Air, – even the most ardent Hitler fan could not say “that is a lie”.
Always judge peoples actions and not their fancy words. Several alleged crimes are attributed to Hitler wrongly, such as the Holohoax, however the loss at Stalingrad was entirely Hitler’s fault. An immediate breakout to the West would have succeeded while one of Hitler’s best Generals, von Manstein, was already attacking East at the same time and place. Von Paulus should have ordered the break out against Hitler’s orders even though he may have been shot for it. Rommel would have done so, and Guderian also would have done so.
5 February 2018 at 17:11 Anonymous Geoffrey said...
Part 2. On the plus side, Hitler never killed Guderian whereas Stalin would have done so, probably during 1941 (if Stalin had been Guderians commander). Guderian always told the truth right to Hitler’s face, as would any top Prussian general who was not an ambitious toady. That is why the German Army were winners in wars – the truth was required and not bullshit and arse licking. Until Hitler took too much personal control and went Oriental Potentate himself. Stalin killed the Red Army fighter commander for his answer to Stalin’s question: “What do you need to win the war in the air”. Answer from a future dead man “Stop sending brave men in to the air in flying coffins”. This Asiatic tendency of Stalin to kill all brilliant leaders that told any uncomfortable truth is one reason German generals would have kicked Soviet arse for many years deep inside the Soviet Union, even ten years, had they been allowed to fight a defensive war, giving up land whenever necessary to sucker in the Reds for another trap.
Operation Citadel was another massive Hitler blunder and a very obvious pincer movement. Even “subhumans” could see that coming. Hitler’s entire offensive in the East in 1943 was a bad strategic decision. 1942 was a dud as well, based on results e.g. Stalingrad and no oilfields captured. The Germans should have gone defensive from January 1942, and fought for so long that Stalin would have surrendered some land to end the war. That might have happened. The Germans killed 6 Soviet troops for every German soldier killed. Hitler should have got the Japs to attack the Soviets instead of Pearl Harbour. Had this happened – Hitler would have won the war in the East, which he was determined not to do. Based on what happened.
When Hitler unilaterally declared War on the USA in December 1941 – the Japs gave Hitler nothing at all in return. (No Hitler fan on this site, or anywhere, has tried to explain why Hitler did this and how it helped Germany in any way). So the Nips were also stupid not to work with Hitler from the start and work as a team. The slant eyes unwisely thought that the Reds were beaten by 7th December 1941. Just days before Stalin counterattacked with fresh troops from Siberia. One million fresh men I think it was. They were only free thanks to the Nips Pearl Harbour attack. The Nips and Germans could have shared the Soviet Caucasus oilfields between them and both solved their oil problem for ever.
One of the most obvious propaganda lies of WWII “history” is that the German Army had no suitable winter clothing, and that is why the Soviets beat them. So a country can invent and build jets and rockets, but cannot requisition (grab) winter coats from the civilian population in conquered areas? If not manufacture the coats and boots in Germany itself.
The strange death of FDR, emanuel josephson 1948 quoted with great approval in Josh G butler.pdf in mileswmathis.com on butler's war is a racket
roosevelt - dutch banking family? Delano - Italian? Baruch, Warburg etc German? du Pont ?French? Morgan, Spencer etc Scottish? English?
In 1944-1945, President F.D. Roosevelt was manipulated by Henry Morgenthau Junior and created the War Refugee Board (WRB), who fabricated their infamous reports on the German extermination camps -- Auschwitz and Birkenau.
March 2018: bernd busch --- Paulus was the Pharisee who converted to Christianity and his teachings became vital to Christian theology afterwards. According to Christian myth, he was beheaded, destroyed for his teachings. General Paulus’s army was destroyed, just like the Christian martyr was destroyed. It could be seen in the context of jewish sentiments on Christianity, destruction of the followers/soldiers of Paulus in both cases. Allegedly, Stalin fought the Tsarists in the town that was afterwards named after him, in 1918 or 19. Defeat of the Germans in Stalingrad would associate the name of "Stalin" with military victory. I don’t think Joachim Hoffmann intended to write false history. Why did Hitler attack Russia and fight an unwinnable 4-front war, there must be some rational explanation to this. If we favour the theory that the war was scripted, then Hoffmann’s theory covers only one part of the story, that of Stalin, and misunderstands Hitler’s intentions. Both parties were preparing for war and both must have expected war. The story as I know it is that Russians had amassed troops to attack Germany, that’s what Sowurov says. Germany was then forced to launch a preemptive attack. That attack on the forces gathered near the border turned out to be a stunning defeat for the Russian side because they were not ready to switch to defensive action : I can’t believe that story, they must have had intelligence weeks in advance. I think it’s more plausible that Russian forces were meant to take a severe blow so that German troops could advance into Russia to the extent they did. Eustace Mullins said that Stalin had a nervous breakdown when he got news that German troops were invading Russia and that from then on the Russian military was controlled out of the American embassy. There is that rumour that there was a tunnel from the Göbbels bunker, to the bunker of the American embassy which allegedly remained staffed through the war years. I cannot verify these things. But if that was so it would be a piece in the puzzle and the war being orchestrated out of the American embassies in Moskow and Berlin.
google: Hitler's military blunders.
--30 years war 1618-1648
-- short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic (Munich, 1919
--Note of films: only one jew film with rats. cp US films
--- University of Munich, Dr. Franz Seidler, from his book, Das Recht in Siegerhand (Victors’ Justice):
“It has taken more than a half century for it to become permissible to condemn the Western Allies (Britain and the USA) for the crimes that they committed in the Second World War against the rules of war and against the treatment of civilians during and after that war. The Western Allies bombed German residential areas with the cold blooded purpose of attempting to break the moral of the population and the Western Allies cared nothing for the five hundred thousand victims who lost their lives. The Western Allies shot thousands of German POWs. After the capitulation of the German armed forces the Western Allies denied German POWs their rights as prisoners of war as guaranteed by international conventions, and left them to rot in open fields (as at the Rheinwiesen camp). The German POWs were employed illegally by the Allies as slave-labour. The Western Allies approved and supported the greatest act of genocide ever committed in Europe when 15 million Germans were expelled from their ancestral home-lands. The Western Allies ruthlessly looted German industries and stole German technical know-how. They did nothing as hundreds of thousand of Germans, denied adequate rations and heating, succumbed to hunger and cold. The Western Allies imprisoned three million Germans in camps. All this after the War was over.” Quote ends.
instauration dec 1976:- the German inflation of 1923, caused little if any social disorder (Hitler's movement went absolutely nowhere at that moment) other than wiping out the savings of a nonworking middle class, and a lot of war debts. Everyone else was on the escalator together. It was the deflation of 1930-32 and the unemployment and misery associated with it that brought the Hitlerian revolution.
??? what did the countries who bartered with Germany do? Presumably bankers would dislike them too
Sir Arthur Bryant: It was the Jews with their international affiliations and their hereditary flair for finance who were best able to seize such opportunities. They did so with such effect that, even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like A THIRD OF THE PROPERTY IN THE REICH. Most of it came into their hands during the hyperinflation. To those who had lost their all, this bewildering transfer seemed a monstrous injustice.
hitler sep 1 1939 spent 90 bn reichsmarks .. amongst best equipped in world ... NB danzig corridor, and poland, casus belli This night, for the first time Polish regular soldiers fired on our own territory. We have been returning the fire since 5:45 a.m. Henceforth, bomb will be met with bomb! He who fights with poison shall be fought with poison. He who distances himself from the rules for a humane conduct of warfare can only expect us to take like steps.
once a Prussian king with a ludicrously small state faced off a far more powerful coalition, and three battles later he stood victorious in the end, for he possessed that strong believing heart, the kind which we need in these times as well. I would like to assure the world around us of one thing; there shall never be another November, 1918 in German history!
MYTH: THE GERMAN ARMED FORCES OUTNUMBERED THEIR NEIGHBOURS By Michael Walsh 10-4-8 [or maybe Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof.] POLAND 30 Active Divisions 10 Reserve Divisions 12 Large Cavalry Brigades Poland had nearly 2,500,000 trained men available for mobilisations.
FRANCE 110 Divisions 65 were active divisions Including 5 cavalry divisions, two mechanised divisions, one armoured division, the rest being infantry. On the German borders stood the French commandstood 85 Divisions and could mobilise 5,000,000-armed troops. These were supported backed by five British divisions.
BRITAIN Britain's relatively small but high quality Regular Army was supported by the Territorial Army consisting of 26 Divisions with plans well in hand to boost this to 55 divisions. This of course was in turn supported by the then world's largest conscription army holding an empire 'upon which the sun never set.' The British Empire consisted also of the former German 'empire' of New Guinea, Nauru, Western Samoa, South West Africa, Quattar, Palestine, Transjordan, Tanganyika, Iraq, Togoland and the Cameroons. These territories stolen from Germany added another 1,061,755 square miles to the British Empire, the equivalent of 35 Scotlands
GERMANY Against these formidable forces Germany was able to mobilise just 98 divisions of which only 52 were active (including Austrian divisions). Of the remaining 46 divisions only 10 were fit for action on mobilisation and even in these the bulk of them were raw recruits who had been serving for less than one month. The other 36 divisions consisted mainly of Great War veterans over the age of forty who were unfamiliar with modern weapons and up to date military techniques.
THE BALANCE SHEET On the balance sheets it can be seen that the Poles and French alone, not counting Britain and its Empire, had the equivalent of 130 divisions against a total of 98 German divisions of with 1/3rd were virtually untrained men. In terms of trained soldiers the Germans were at an even bigger disadvantage. (Note at the outbreak of war over 50% of the German armed forces was horse drawn).
"The superiority of the Luftwaffe has been greatly exaggerated to create the impression that Britain was the underdog; a David fighting Goliath. In the run up to the Battle of Britain (August 10th 1940) the Luftwaffe had 929 fighters available; mostly single-engine Messerschmitt 109s. Of these 227 were twin-engine long-range Me110s which had a top speed of 350mph. Although it had a faster rate of climb it was inferior when turning or manoeuvring.
The ME109's range restricted its field of operation. Their real fields of operation * out and back * was a little over 100 miles, a flight time of barely 95 minutes and a tactical flight time of just 75 minutes. This was a sever handicap when it is considered that whereas the Luftwaffe pilots were operating scores of miles from their base, British pilots were often within sight of their own. This handicap was made more critical by the fact that downed RAF pilots could be rescued whilst Luftwaffe pilots were of course * if they were lucky * imprisoned.
The twin-engine ME110 was a slow flyer able to cruise at a little less than 300mph and was easily outpaced by the RAF's Spitfires. It was also 'sluggish in acceleration and difficult to manoeuvre.'
The greatest handicap for the Germans however was there primitive radio equipment. Unlike the British versions it was poor in air-to-air operation and could not be controlled by the ground. On the British side a total surpassing 650 fighter aircraft had been amassed by mid-July, mostly Hurricanes and Spitfires although including nearly 100 of the older types. During that whole year Britain produced 4,238 fighters compared with a derisory 3,000 manufactured by Germany. In terms of armaments the noted British military historian, B.H Liddell Hart noted: "What is quite clear, and became evident at the start, was that the German bombers were too poorly armed to be able to beat off the British fighters without a fighter escort of their own." * History of the Second World War.
• mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf is an astonishing tour-de-force—name-changing and rich connections of the founding 'National Socialist workers party' members and the supposed putsch. If anyone believes Hitler was not a Jew, here is the piece of work to challenge; otherwise, it seems pretty certain the NSDAP was a Jewish construct. Mathis hasn't yet looked at the 'Night of the Long Knives'—I'd guess killing those Germans who had detailed knowledge of Jews, or plans which excluded them: Gregor Strasser for example. And note: Britain had aristocratic links with jews; and USA rich links - hence eg Anglo-German coal agreement ?1939
In the beginning of April 1940, Germany and the Allies Great-Britain and France invaded Norway at the same time. Why was it that the outpost Norway became the first war theater between the Allies and Germany? The standard popular Hollywood explanation is that Hitler wanted to grab Norwegian territory as a first step of conquering Europe from the Atlantic to the Ural mountains. Lunde shows that this view is untenable. Hitler wanted Scandinavia to remain neutral in a war that was forced upon him by the British and the French. The Norwegian campaign was an escalation of the war initiated by Churchill. Germany had two major vulnerabilities: dependence on oil from Rumania and iron ore supply from Sweden. The Russians knew it, the British and French knew it. After Britain and France had declared war on Germany on september 3, 1939, after the conflict between Germany and Poland over Danzig had escalated, they were reluctant to act upon the war declaration. Germany never wanted war with Britain and France in the first place and Britain and France had too much respect for the German military to attack Germany directly in an all out war. They remembered all too well what had happened in World War 1, namely a Germany at war with Britain, France and Russia at the same time and nevertheless gradually gaining the upper hand in 1917. It was only the American war entry that brought down Germany in the end. In 1940 Germany had a non-agression pact with Russia and America was not yet in the war. So Churchill came up with the idea of attacking Germany indirectly by attempting to interrupt the supply of Swedish iron ore from Narvik/Norway. If this plan had succeeded, Germany would have lost the war even before it had started. Germany had no options other then intervening in Norway. In this review we only consider the decision taking process that lead to war, as described in the first two chapters of the book. The rest of the book deals with the details of the battles and is not considered here. We are only interested in the big picture and diplomatic maneuvering that lead to the invasion. •Chapter one – deals with the events from the Allied perspective •Chapter two – deals with the events from the German perspective
Editor: It is important to understand that there is no difference in the way the British and French behaved in Norway and in the Low Countries. Small countries Norway, Holland and Belgium were put under great pressure from the Allies to abandon neutrality and reluctantly cooperate in the Allied war effort against Germany. And in both cases it was Churchill who was the driving force behind all the operations.
The author Henrik Lunde is a Norwegian-American, who spent his career as an officer in the U.S. Army, including multiple combat tours as a highly decorated Airborne Ranger. Later, he served as Director, National and International Security Studies, U.S. Army War College. In other words, Lunde is a westerner, but to his astonishment has to admit that the war in Norway was forced upon Hitler by Churchill, the latter being anxious to finally get the war started and escalated. Lunde understands that the ‘wish to help the Finns against the Soviets’ was merely a pretext for the Allies to invade Norway and cut of iron ore supplies to Germany.
Everything about the official WW2 narrative is a lie, carefully concocted by the Allies in Nuremberg to their own advantage:
WW2 was the premeditated destruction of Europe by the globalist powers USA and USSR in an alliance that originated from 1933.
As history shows, in 1919 and 1920 over one million Germans had to up and leave their homes because now, large segments of Prussia and Germany through 1918 had become Polish territory based on the Versailles treaty.
As history shows, tens of thousands of Germans were murdered, thousands were tortured and robbed, and hundreds just disappeared in these massacres that were all but sponsored by the Polish Government YES??? OR JEWS] at the time. Exact figures for dead, displaced and missing are unknown. Estimates for German fatalities typically mark near 60,000 people. tens of thousands of Germans were murdered, thousands were tortured and robbed, and hundreds just disappeared in these massacres that were all but sponsored by the Polish Government at the time. Exact figures for dead, displaced and missing are unknown. Estimates for German fatalities typically mark near 60,000 people.
note katyn forest and ?20000 polish officers [presumably non-jews] and 500K poles by train secretly in suggests jew popn up, non jews down polish catholics to be led by jew pope
hoffman --
All Polish patriots and their friends and allies should engage in this ideological battle with the best resources, and one of the very best is Judaic author John Sack’s magnificent book, An Eye for an Eye, about the Judaic-Communist mass murderer Salomon Morel who was given safe haven from war crimes prosecution by the Israeli government. The murders he perpetrated in Poland counted for nothing (for the relevant halacha cf. BT Sanhedrin 57a). Poland should use Sack’s facts in the information war now underway.
note to hoffman --- the 200,000 figure of Jews supposedly slaughtered by Poles during WW2 is a total and utter lie.
It began 1996 in Buenos Aires when the president of World Jewish Congress, one Israel Singer publicly stated that Poland would be publicly humiliated until it cowtows to the Jewish restitution claims (fully paid off, as stated above), roughly estimated at $65 mld back then, which would obviously ruined the already poor and economicly underdeveloped Poland that at that time had only just broken the shackles of Communism. Then in 1998 the then-German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder publicly annouced: "The times of penance for Germany are over" meaning they would no longer accept any more Jewish/Israeli 'holocaust' compensation claims. It is roughly from then on that the massive and very overt collusion of Germany and Jewish diaspora/Israel began the be clearly observable, a collusion aimed at slowly but surely shifting the blame from Germans to Poles ("Germans" were slowly beginning to be supplanted with "Nazis" in the hollywood movies / TV dramas etc.) Cf. e.g. https://translate.google.pl/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmichalkiewicz.pl%2Ftekst.php%3Ftekst%3D3371&edit-text=&act=url
Around the year 2000 a book came out by a Polish-born 'scholar' (Princeton graduate in... sociology, mind you) of the chosen stock, one Jan Tomasz Gross – a self-ordained 'historian' of the 'holocaust'. That's when the case of the so called Jedwabne pogrom caught notoriety in the MSM. He claimed that a whoopping 1600 Jews were burnt alive in a barn at the town of Jedwabne in 1941, supposedly by their Polish neighbours. (there were not even 1600 Jews in the entire county at the time, let alone Jedwabne only, which had a mixed Polish-Jewish population, roughly 50-50%). The whole scam was since thougrougly debunked, even though the then Minister of Justice, late president Lech Kaczynski [NB - same surname as the 'Unabomber' hoax-RW] decreed the exhumation works be stopped, at the orders from the (he still holds that office) chief Rabbi of Poland, US-imported Michael Schudrich, whose only justification was that it would somehow hurt the religious feelings of the Jews. Conveniently, they demanded a halt precisely when very suggestive and equally inconveient artifacts began to show in huge quantities (German rifle and pistol shell cases). You can read a ton of articles on the topic in English, including by the prominent Polish-American historian, prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski:
Norwegian author, Johannes Due Enstad (I presume Norwegian; perhaps a Jew?) wrote Soviet Russians under Nazi Occupation: Fragile Loyalties in World War II (New Studies in European History), published in 2018. It seems to make a case for widespread opposition to Jews, known as 'Bolsheviks', in European Russia. This has long been known about the Ukrainians, and Enstad wrote a PhD on the topic. It may of course just be controlled opposition; I haven't read it. It is listed on Amazon (in July 2021) so it can't be entirely honest. A few online views shows an amateur review by someone in Regina and other investigations show nothing competent. Possibly, even the title is a spoiler.
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Despite Polish anti-Jew feeling, there was hostility with Germany. Why?
According to Weronika Kuzniar/ Veronica K Clark:
What happened to them? Theirs was a completely different story from the voluntary mass exodus of jews out of Germany proper...
BUT...in order to to understand THEIR story....
You need to understand the true story of what happened to the German people living in these German lands lands From 1918 to 1939... Twenty years of systematic oppression, taxation, killing, murder, torture, terrorizing, persecution, impoverishment under jews.
This is another part of the true history of Europe which has been covered up and buried. The jews who flocked to Versailles and gained a special dispensation for an independent Polish nation to be recognized: did this because Poland had been jewified and was under total jewish control. It was the closest thing they could get to having their own land and their own jewish nation. Jews had been intermarrying into Polish high society for CENTURIES; for 100's of years until they had become thoroughly accepted into polish culture and society: Until Poland became known worldwide as 'The Land of The Jews"... And from this jewified nation: their offspring spread like lice on a rat's ass all over the diseased body of Europe: into Germany and especially into key appointments of power in the occupied territories which had been so 'generously' 'given' to various other nations by the scum who wrote the Versailles Treaty. The result of the Versailles Treaty: was a systematic racist program of discriminatory laws inflicted by the jews in power over their German victims for twenty years in every land stolen from Germany after WW2....
But to understand why this happened... You need to go even further back into European History and understand just why the jews hated the Germans so much... The reason for their racist hatred was because Germany was the last... I repeat, Germany was the LAST nation in Europe to grant emancipation to jews: the right to own property and the right to vote. Germany: the states and duchies of German speaking people kept their jews locked up in ghettoes. fLnger than any other nation in Europe the Germans kept the jews apart form their society and did not allow them to infiltrate or intermarry into their society. For this: the jews invented a special vile racist hatred against all Germany and all German people. This was why when they were granted emancipation, when they did gain power over Germans: they became the most brutal, subhuman overseers of any oppressed people in Europe...
So now! jump back to the lands Hitler freed the once-German lands from Jewish control and oppression between 1935-1939. Most of the jews in these lands were of Polish origin. They were Polish jews wreaking 'revenge' on a hapless German people who had their rights taken away from them and their land taken away from them. In nearly all cases, they were jews of Polish extraction. Even the jews living in Vienna and Austria had nearly all originally come from Poland. Then sudden;y the Anchluss happened. The German victims of jewish oppression were given back their rights, their land and their power !... and in every case: each land that was freed from Jewish rule: DEPORTED their jews by force: they stripped them of their titles, property and wealth and put them on trains.
Whoops!... whoops!... Nobody talks about this part of German and European history. You will see why as this untold story unfolds..
This was the unspoken, unexplained real reason why Hitler tried to get an international agreement to deport jews to Madagascar: which was blocked by the international jewish community. The Jews in Germany proper were already being gotten rid of peacefully by them leaving voluntarily. But the jews living in territories gained by the Hitler Anschluss were kicked out naked: violently: hated: despised. This was done by the Germans IN the freed territories: not by Hitler or the 3rd Reich. This was the reason why Hitler made an alliance with the Zionists who wanted these jews to go to Palestine to set up a new Jewish independent nation. His anti-Jewish rhetoric and platform before he gained power gave the German people the impression that once freed of their masters they could deport them by force: not by slow regulations being inflicted on jews, and they did just that
Whoops!... Whoops!.... But there was no independent nation of Israel yet: it had not yet been created. The move to deport these jews to Palestine was also blocked by the international jewish community. Why? To even allow the world to know that jews were being deported out of any country was a huge racial danger to their very survival! To their very existence as an evil alien culture existing secretly inside other civilized human cultures. Unless you are a jew: you will never know the unholy terror and fear they have of being kicked out of anywhere. Jews have been kicked out of lands they infiltrated for thousands of years.
Hitler tried to get rid of them but nobody wanted these homeless jews. Most of them were of Polish descent or were Polish expatriates: meaning they had originally been Polish citizens before emigrating and taking over control and the running and oppression the German people in the lands stolen from Germany a by the Versailles Treaty.
So what did the Nazi's do with these jews?...
Here's the crucial part of the story... which explains all that happened afterwards.
The Nazi regime secretly ran unscheduled trains at night secretly into Poland at night while the border officials were asleep and dumped then illegally into Poland....
Whooops! I forgot to mention Poland didn't want these expatriate Poles either! In fact they enacted a Law designed to deprive jews of their native Polish citizenship!
Now the plot thickens.. Because for 20 years; between 1918 and 19139, since Germany lost West Prussia to the newly created nation of Poland... the German city of Danzig was cut off from Germany proper... Germany and Poland had been squabbling and bickering over this for 20 years . In conventional history books the reason for Hitler invading Poland was the quarrel over the Danzig Corridor. All diplomatic attempts to come to an agreement over this issue for 20 years had failed. The issue could have been settled... it COULD have been settled... except for one thing that destroyed all diplomatic efforts between the two nations and set both of them to making war plans to invade their neighbor... Yes: both Germany AND Poland began preparing for war against each other not just Germany! This fact is mostly carefully hidden in conventional history books or never mentioned at all.
Why did this happen?
Why did Poland begin to mobilize for war against Germany and slogans of "Berlin in 2 weeks!" appear in Polish newspapers?
The reason is simple. The fact that in 1939... Hitler and the Nazis dumped over 500,000 homeless jews illegally into Poland is the hidden, unspoken, real reason WHY the Polish-German war began.
When this happened the Poles cut off all diplomatic relations and became very nasty towards the Germans and began preparing to invade Germany.
ALSO... when this happened: it triggered a jewish genocidal wave of racial hatred against Germans living in Poland. (You need to remember that more than 1/2 of Poland was originally German 20 years ago, and had been German for centuries.) In retaliation for more than 1/2 a million homeless jews being dumped into Poland illegally: the poles and jews in Poland took their anger out on the only Germans that were available: the ones living in Poland. who had been stripped of all their rights and property... as the jews had done in every other German land stolen from Germany by the Versailles treaty. Jews and Poles in Poland began massacring Germans on a mass scale of butchery, sadism, brutality and horror NEVER BEFORE SEEN in European history.
This part of the story has been completely covered up by the jewish media. But it is a crucial part of the true story and cannot be omitted if you want to understand the real story just how and why WW2 began: the untold story.. the covered up truth that all history books hide and lie about.
What happened was a series of reactions. Dominos fell one by one. Hitler's diplomatic attempt to solve the Danzig corridor failed because he dumped more than half a million homless deported Jews into Poland. When he did that the Poles broke off all diplomatic relations and became distinctly hostile towards Hitler and Germany. When that happened: The Jews of England arranged a treaty. between England and Poland which was strategically and politically bullshit: It was a racist document: One tribe of jews coming together with another tribe against a common enemy of the jews.
The massacring of Germans in Poland made Hitler react quickly... BEFORE Poland could mobilize its forces Germany invaded Poland first. The Germans of West Prussia were saved from extinction and the sadistic horror of jews massacring Christians was covered up and buried as deep as possible.... Just as the massacring of Christians by jews in Russia has been covered up as much as possible and never mentioned in jewish media.
(Continued in 2nd post)
One thing for anyone who watches these videos of Irving and would like to buy his books... his books are the complete opposite of his public appearances. They are horribly disorganized, They have no timetable so the reader can understand the complicated sequence of events and put them into the larger context of the war. In his books he always attributes the most negative, cynical, evil, cunning motives to everything Hitler did and said. In his books he badmouths Hitler as much as possible. In his books he casts Hitler in the worst light possible.
Another thing about Irving's books is that he does not give any sources, any bibliography, any footnotes on where he gets his facts from. He does not give the reader any sources of his research. Nobody can cross-check his facts. This is a red flag for any historian or any book about history. When you can't check on what a historian writes: how can you verify his facts?
Another thing about Irving's books is that he attributes things to the people in his books which are impossible to know. He writes his books as fiction mixed up with fact: He writes as if he knows every secret thought Hitler had and every secret motive and secret emotion which he never told anybody... except to Irving... through the magic of contacting the ghost of Hitler?. Please... this continual sticking into the facts what Hitler thought or felt or was secretly planning is not only insulting the intelligence of every student of history; it is a deliberate demonizing of Hitler.
He gives no rational explanation for attributing these secret motives and thoughts and emotions to his characters. He does not bother to justify or support his attributing these fictional things to Hitler, or anybody else he writes about. He just blatantly states that they are SECRETLY feeling or thinking or planning certain things : and stinks these fictional statements into the factual narrative like poison pills: designed to make anyone who reads his book about Hitler to see Hitler as an evil monster, as a cunning, sly, hypocrite with hidden agendas, a two-faced power mad, devious, conniving figure of pure evil.
What Irving writes and what irving says in his speeches and lectures are as different as black and white. From his lectures you would think Irving sees Hitler as a gifted brilliant leader and a good decent person. While in his book "Hitler's War", Irving paints Hitler as the devil incarnate..? ======================================= Indrek Pringi Indrek Pringi 3 years ago Continued from first post:The further heretofore unexplained explanation of just why WW2 began and Why and How it developed from a small war into a World War. Now we have to look at the repercussion of the Nazi regime dumping 600,000 homeless penniless jews illegally into Poland in 1939. Poland was a land of 9 million people. What do you do with an almost 20% increase of your population?!! 5-600,000 homeless jews Who had No Money! Half of one tenth of the entire nation former expatriate Polish jews! Dumped illegally at night into Poland by the trainload! The outrage! the racial hatred! of... jews against Germans. Not the other way around. The reason for WW2 starting was jewish racist hatred against Germans. Not German racist hatred against jews. What is the difference between these two racist hatreds? One was justified: the other was not. As in Palestine: jewish genocide of Palestinians is unsupportable and unjustifiable. As in Stalin the jew his genocidal killing of 20 million Christians was complete unsupportable and unjustifiable. jews have no justifiable reason to hate anyone. On the other hand, Non-jews have good reason to hate jews and jewish culture and international judaism.
Now! On with the real story of why WW2 began...Back to Poland and what to do with more than half a million pennilesshomeless jews...
What did the Poles do with these 600,000 = 500,000 jews??? EH?
Hint.... can you spell 'concentrations camps'?
Now you have the crucial untold, covered up historical FACT which you will not find in any history book... the fact which explains everything that happened AFTER Hitler invaded Poland to stop the racist massacring of Germans by Polish jews.
All the unwanted jews deported out of:
The Rhineland Hanover Vienna Sudetenland Slovakia Moravia Bohemia Carpatho-Ukraine; for god's sake
Hurrah! Now the German people are one united nation! Now all the nasty jews have been gotten rid of! Not the good jews: they are allowed to serve the Fatherland: The nasty ones were deported!
Then...? Hitler invades Poland and conquers only half of it. Hitler is acting out the English country gentlemen. He want to be included in the secret private exclusive club of western civilized industrialized powers. He doesn't understand that the British Empire is a Jewish fiefdom: secretly under the control of the Rothschild family jewish international mafia criminal syndicate.
Hitler wants to be magnanimous. He wants the entire world to appreciate and understand how truly civiilized and gentle and honest and upright the German people and German culture is.
He does not understand that he is dealing with hate-filled monsters who secretly rule the western world behind closed doors: monsters who are so evil: they leak poison out of their pores like a snake sheds scales off its reptilian hide. He does not understand that you cannot be gentle with brutes. Thugs do not understand gentility. They only understand brutality. He has no idea of the mass anti-Nazi anti-Hilter brainwashing campaign that has been going on in the west for over 9 years. He has no idea of how completely the jewish press have control over public opinion in the west.
Enter the victors into Poland... Whoops!!! Mein Gott in Himmel!!! Ach Der Lieber!
There before there very eyes... are the 600,000 jews they thought they had gotten rid of... all being housed and fed in polish concentration camps built for them by the Polish jew-controlled govt. Like a pack of crows sitting in a nest of filth saying: 'Feed me! Clothe me! protect me from mine enemies!" "We are helpless jews! We are not the brutal sadists who killed and tortured our human victims! er... that was last year!... not now!"
What to do?
As Churchill: the paid good controlled by Rothschild who controls the Bank of England escalated the fake war into an actual war: The Germans found a use for these jews. They put them to work in munitions factories and kept their woman OUT of munitions factories in the home raising their children where they belonged. Moreover the women were not put to work and their children were taken care of. They were used as laborers but nothing near the horror and inhumanity of the English concentration camps of the Boer war or the death camps of Stalin's Gulag Archipelago.
The record for historical accuracy must state that at first in the beginning there were very few anti-Jewish atrocities committed by the Germans: as compared to what the Polish jews had done to their German victims... But as the WW2 progressed: its level of brutality, its level of subhuman atrocities rose ... globally all over the world.... Millions of people suddenly became insane murdering raping torturing monsters. Compared to all the other races, nations and cultures involved in WW2: the German people committed the LEAST number of atrocities and caused the least number of deaths. The racist anti-German media owned by jews has tried to reverse this historical fact around; it has failed. Except as a myth which has no historical facts to back up its lies.
Now you know where the concentration camps originally came from. They were built by the Polish Govt. Not by the German 3rd Reich. They were built to house deported jews: who had been dumped into Poland. It was only after Hitler conquered France and other lands; only after the war was escalated and Germany was attacked from all sides that jews began to be deported to the East because Hitler regarded them as a dangerous 5th column inside Germany who could not be trusted when Germany was fighting for its very Life.
The system of prison camps and concentration camps: the IDEA came from the Polish govt: not from the Nazi regime. The Germans just expanded on what was already built, and expanded on the Polish Govt's solution to the jewish problem: housing them in camps instead of liquidating them or deporting them. Putting them to work. The last years of the war and Himmler's documented killing sprees in 4 of the camps is a German exception to the rule. Generally the Germans were more civilized and more decent than their enemies. Especially the Bolshevik jewish run by the jew Stalin which is not his real name. Just as Rothschild is not the true name of the evil ones who control the Bank of England.
Now you know the real story: The awful german concentration camps... oops sorry: the awful POLISH concentration camp system taken over by the Germans. The deporting of jews out of the Anschluss occupation-expansion reclamation of German land! DESERVED. They should have all been shot and killed for what they did to the German people for 20 years.
The atrocities committed by Poles and Polish jews against Germans: Never Addressed. Never exposed. Covered up:
The atrocities of the Jew Stalin against Germany: NEVER ADDRESSED COVERED UP NEVER ATTACKED as it should be as the most inhuman butchery ever by evil Russian jews.
The conclusion: evil jews: whitewashed, covered up, hidden facts buried deep.
Innocent Germans pilloried, demonized. Hitler demonized, Nazi's demonized. National Socialism Demonized.
Black painted as white.
White painted as black.
All truths reversed
Good is evil
evil is GOOD
jewish brainwashing media: 100% propaganda misinformationi lies swindles hoaxes?
Indrek Pringi
Indrek Pringi
3 years ago
Years: 30 years, 50 years of reading about WW2 and living with and personally knowing jews, Germans, Italians, greeks, Armenians, Blacks, Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Poles, Czechs, South Africans. Australians, Haitians, Philippino's Koreans, Japanese, Americans, Scots, Irish, Canadians, English, Chinese, Arabs, Lebanese, Congolese, Russians, Estonians, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Hungarians, Latvians, Mexicans, Columbians, Brazilians, French Canadians, French people from France,...
Years of reading books and watching films and documentaries.
David Irving's book Hitler's War mentions the illegal deportation of over 1/2 a million jews into Poland before WW2 began.
When you fit this piece of the puzzle into all of the other pieces: then the entire story becomes understandable... but you have to know all the other pieces of the puzzle first.
That means you have to sift the lies from the truth.
That means you have to develop your critical thinking skills.
That means you have to take the Pepsi Challenge.
That means you have to read more than one version of history and compare it to another version of history and find out who is lying and who isn't.
That means you will have to search for films and books that explain certain parts of the puzzle. Then you have to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. That means you will have to do a lot of work reading and researching and writing. That means you have to be able to read a 1,000 page book. That means your reading and comprehension skills have to be developed to the level of a professional historian. That means you have to educate yourself. That means you have to know what you're looking for. That means doing your own research.
One thing will amaze you: I didn't spend all my time reading books and looking at documentaries just so I could give other people a list of what films I've watched and what books I've read for 50 years. I spent that time because I was curious and interested in history and wanted to understand history.
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12 fed reserve banks; 11 unimportant; fed res in ny helped communists, fascists, nazis
1933 - In his book Aggression, Otto Lehmann-Russbueldt tells us that "Hitler was invited to a meeting at the Schroder Bank in Berlin on January 4, 1933. The leading industrialists and bankers of Germany tided Hitler over his financial difficulties and enabled him to meet the enormous debt he had incurred in connection with the maintenance of his private army. In return, he promised to break the power of the trade unions. On May 2, 1933, he fulfilled his promise." Present at the January 4, 1933 meeting were the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles and Allen W. Dulles of the New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroder Bank. The Dulles brothers often turned up at important meetings. They had represented the United States at the Paris Peace Conference (1919); John Foster Dulles would die in harness as Eisenhower's Secretary of State, while Allen Dulles headed the Central Intelligence Agency for many years. Their apologists have seldom attempted to defend the Dulles brothers appearance at the meeting which installed Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, preferring to pretend that it never happened. One biographer, Leonard Mosley, bypasses it in Dulles when he states, "Both brothers had spent large amounts of time in Germany, where Sullivan and Cromwell had considerable interest during the early 1930's, having represented several provincial governments, some large industrial combines, a number of big American companies with interests in the Reich, and some rich individuals." Allen Dulles later became a director of J. Henry Schroder Company. Neither he nor J. Henry Schroder were ever suspected of being pro-Nazi or pro-Hitler; the inescapable fact was that if Hitler did not become Chancellor of Germany, there was little likelihood of getting a Second World War going, the war which would double their profits.
[mathis on smedley butler] I reckon that most of you reading this have heard of the so-called “Business Plot,” which is sometimes described as “Wall Street’s Failed 1934 Coup” or “The Banksters’ Fascist Coup.” It refers to the planning of a coup against Franklin Delano Roosevelt by, among others, the Morgan and Du Pont families. And they would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for that meddling Smedley Butler and his talking dog.
First—known to me—to suggest co-operation of USA and UK with Japan was Miles W Mathis here on 4th Jan 2021. (My website copy in case his vanishes). There are many oddities with Japan: financed by Jews to attack the Russian Empire in Tsarist times. Allied with Britain in the 'Great War'; rise of modern Japanese steel ships, a precursor of industrialism in the east. And new-style use of money to generate heavy industry, plus later the use of USA industry to secretly export military power to the Jewish USSR. The Hiroshima fake was a psyop which directed money to Jews in the USA as a special caste, controlling such things as uranium, secrecy, and propaganda in cinemas, TV, and 'news'. Curtis LeMay, the bomber, was awarded the Rose Cross (or something)—Japan's highest honour: probably something to do with the eclipse of landowners and such types as Kazoku by industrial types and their controllers.
Mathis I think implies that world war in the eastern "theater" was controlled by Jews in Japan and China and the 'Allies', to get what Jews wanted, including of course dead goys. This piece is mostly based around Germany, but bear the east in mind.
Japan and China; revisionist view that Nationalist China was anti-Jew, and Japan allied with them against Jewish China; possibly mutual hate of Jews based on Jews' Opium wars and Jewish intervention in Japan against Russia
Pearl Harbor by now well known to have been provoked and known in advanced; possibly faked by US
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Christian - may have been kept to last. Fairly well-known that the 'nuclear bombing' was a fake. Also some doubt over the populations there; many absent. Took at least a year to get the story into the free 'New Yorker' copy of [date]
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1929 - Henry Stimson closed America's Black Chamber unit led by Herbert Yardley, and transferred code operations to the secret Signal Intelligence Service led by William Friedman in the Army Signal Corps. The Navy had established a "research desk" in Room 1621 of the old Navy building under Lt. Laurence F. Safford with civilian cryptographer Agnes Meyer Driscoll who used IBM Hollerith card sorting machines to break the Japanese Red Book code. By 1939, this became OP-20-G within the Code and Signal Section of ONI.
1937 - Signal Corps officer Joseph Mauborgne used a Dictaphone to record Japanese radio signals at the San Francisco Presidio.
Feb 12, 1940 - The British minesweeper HMS Gleaner depth-charged and forced the U-33 to the surface, allowing the capture of rotors used in the German Enigma machines. The British continued to capture code information from German weather ships seized in 1940. On May 9, 1941, the British destroyer Bulldog captured the German U-110 commanded by Fritz-Julius Lemp who had sunk the Athenia in 1939, and with it seized a complete Enigma machine with its rotors and charts. The capture of the U-110 was one inspiration for the Universal film U-571.
June 12, 1940 - British decoded a Luftwaffe message that became the first success of Ultra. It described a German radio beam to guide Luftwaffe to the Rolls-Royce factory in Derby that made RAF engines, and the beam was jammed.
August 30, 1940 - the B-Dienst intercepted and solved a report that convoy SC 2, coming out of Sydney, Canada, would be at 50° 00' north latitude, 19° 50' west longitude, at noon on 6 September. U-boats sank five of the ships and Donitz praised the B-Dienst as a "major help" in the operation. On November 11, 1940, the Germans captured the British ship Automedon, from which they obtained the British merchant ship codes, improving the information B-Dienst provided to the U-boats. In 1943 the B-Dienst intercepted 3,101,831 messages and processed many of them on its 6 Hollerith tabulators. These helped the B-Dienst to solve intercepts in time for the command to use them. Shipping information also was given to the Germans by the Swiss who obtained it from American maritime insurance companies. (Kahn, Momsen)
Sept. 20, 1940 - Genevieve Grotjan completed the decryption of the Japanese Purple code at the Army's SIS, and shared the decoding with the Navy's OP-20-G (Navy on odd days). RCA provided equipment for a room at the Mayflower Hotel for the messages to be photographed and distributed to top government officials.
Nov. 14, 1940 - German Luftwaffe bombed Coventry but it was a myth that Churchill sacrificed the city to save the Ultra secret.
Mar. 25, 1941 - Station X decrypted an Italian Enigma message indicating the italian fleet was going to interdept a British convoy from Egypt to Greece. The British Navy attacked and turned back the Italian fleet.
Sept. 12, 1941 - A Bletchley Park report stated that "the killing of Jews on the Russian Front by the SS provided evidence of 'a policy of savage intimidation, if not ultimate extermination.' The intercepted messages confirm that Churchill knew in the early stages of the war that Hitler had embarked on a campaign of massacring Jews." ('Professor' Evans)
Dec. 1941 - The Germans intercepted the reports of the U.S. military attache Bonner Fellers in Cairo, and learned of British plans in North Africa. "One fine piece of work did yield extraordinary results. This was the German solution of the American military attache code. Among the attaches who used it was the man in Cairo, Colonel Bonner Fellers, a perceptive and hardworking officer. In late 1941 and early 1942 he reported on the events, the nature, and the course of this new desert warfare." (Kahn)
May 1942 - U.S. Navy codebreakers broke the JN25b code, "'JN' for Japanese Navy, '25' for the 25th code they had worked on, 'b' for its second edition. It had come into use near the end of 1940, and by early 1942 the Americans had recovered enough codegroups to read bits and pieces of Japanese messages." (Kahn)
Aug. 1942 - Ultra helped British stop Rommel in North Africa at Alam Haifa. "For the Eighth Army, the Battle of Alam Haifa was a resounding success. It has been described historically and contemporaneously as the centerpiece of the Allied victory in the desert war, the crucial time when momentum changed sides. The opposing forces were matched as they never would be again. . . . Following the First Alamein, the Eighth Army had taken a line of defense from the sea south to the impassable Qattarra Depression, protecting the Ruweisat and Alam Halfa ridges to the east. Before his supplies dwindled even more, Rommel meant to bring the Eighth Army to a climactic battle for the approaches to Alexandria. His plan depended entirely upon surprise and swift exploitation. After a demonstration in the north, Rommel planned to make his main assault through what he believed was a thinly mined, thinly defended corridor between Ruweisat ridge and the Qattarra Depression. Having breached the British left flank with his armored forces, he would take advantage of the confusion and surprise by sending his Panzers 40 kilometers more before turning them northward to threaten the Eighth Army's line of communications. The British defense was far more spirited and well organized than Rommel expected. Rommel's armor, harrassed by a thick screen of mines and the Seventh Armored Division, was forced to make its left wheel earlier than planned. In the meantime, Montgomery had refused his left flank and anchored his own armor on the western end of the Alam Haifa ridge. The German armor turned unknowingly into these prepared defenses and crashed fiercely against them. After the assault deteriorated along Alam Haifa ridge, the Axis forces disengaged and reasserted their original defense line to the west." (Kahn)
Feb. 1, 1942 - The German Navy added a fourth rotor to the Shark Enigma on Feb. 1, 1942, preventing the Allies from reading messages to German subs until Joe Desch at NCR in Dayton, Ohio, designed a 7-foot-tall, 11-foot-long, 5,000-pound electromechanical bombe to break the 4-rotor code by June 5, 1943. The shift "by the Kriegsmarine to an Enigma using four rotors instead of just three did not halt Bletchley, astonishingly enough, for more than a few days. Eventually, the Allies were able to pinpoint and sink the submarine fuel ships, as well as the attack U-boats themselves, and so with ULTRA'S help were able to win decisively this most decisive of battles." (Kahn)
Feb. 1, 1943 - Army SIS began the Venona program to intercept and decrypt messages between the Soviet government and Soviet spies in the Western hemisphere. In Oct., Lt. Richard Hallock made a breakthrough in breaking some of the code. In 1944, Cecil Phillips broke the KGB double-encrypted code. The 2200 Venona messages revealed a large KGB spy ring with code names that would later be identified as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, scientist Klaus Fuchs (who gave the atomic bomb data to Ruth Werner at Oxford in 1941 that allowed the Russians to begin their A-bomb project in 1943 under physicist Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov), machinist David Greenglass, and especially Harvard scientist Theodore Alvin Hall code-named ''Mlad'' revealed in the 1997 book Bombshell
March 8, 1943 - The German Navy switched to an Enigma with four rotors. "Even a shift on 8 March 1943 by the Kriegsmarine to an Enigma using four rotors instead of just three did not halt Bletchley, astonishingly enough, for more than a few days. Eventually, the Allies were able to pinpoint and sink the submarine fuel ships, as well as the attack U-boats themselves, and so with ULTRA'S help were able to win decisively this most decisive of battles." (Kahn)
April 18, 1943 - "Communications intelligence contributed in two other major ways to the Allies' Pacific victory. It stepped up American submarine sinkings of the Japanese merchant fleet by one third. This cutting of Japan's lifelines was, Premier Hideki Tojo said after the war, one of the major factors that defeated Japan. And, secondly, it made possible in 1943 the dramatic mid-air assassination of Admiral Yamamoto." (Kahn)
July 15, 1943 - Sigsaly digital telephone system between Pentagon and Selfridges Department Store in London, with extensions to Churchill's War Cabinet Rooms and Roosevelt's White House.
Oct. 9, 1943 - The Purple code, broken by William Friedman at SIS in 1940, allowed the U.S. to read the dispatches of Oshima in Germany and learn Hitler's plans. "U.S. army and navy codebreakers, led by William F. Friedman, one of the greatest cryptanalysts of all time, began attacking this top-level Japanese system around the beginning of 1939. In August of 1940, after 20 months of work that in other fields would be worthy of a Nobel Prize, they submitted their first completely solved PURPLE message. The PURPLE solution could not prevent the Pearl Harbor attack. Nor did it help much in the war in the Pacific, where the diplomats had little to do. It made its greatest contribution in the war in Europe. For it enabled the Allies to read the messages of Japan's ambassador and military attaché in Germany as they reported on Hitler's capabilities and plans. . . . On 9 October 1943 the Allies read a message of a few days earlier in which Baron Hiroshi Oshima, the Japanese ambassador, reported that he had recently visited Hitler in his East Prussia headquarters. Among many other items of interest, Hitler told him that 'I am inclined to believe' that the Allies would land in the Balkans instead of moving north in Italy." (Kahn )
Jan. 1, 1944 - Anthony Blunt was a Soviet spy inside Bletchley Park and told the Russians that the Enigma code was broken, but most of the information provided by this "fourth man" in Britain's Cambridge spy ring led by Kim Philby (with Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and the mysterious "fifth man" John Cairncross who leaked information about Bletchley Park codebreaking to the Russians, and whose identity was unknown until 1990), including the real plans for D-Day, was not used by the Soviets.
June 1, 1944 - Bletchley Park had developed Colossus I by 1943, one of the early electronic computers. Its successor, Colossus II, went into operation on June 1, 1944, confirming that Hitler expected the D-Day invasion at Calais, not Normandy. Another electronic computer, the Harvard Mark I developed by Howard Aiken and IBM in 1944 helped the US Navy to compute mathematical and navigation tables. George Stibitz at Bell Telephone Laboratories developed tracking and aiming devices for anti-aircraft guns by 1944 from his Model-K telephone relay developed in 1937. German engineer Konrad Zuse had developed by 1941 a computer, the Z3, to design airplanes and missiles but it was kept secret and never exploited by the Germans. The pioneering ABC computer developed in 1939 by John V. Atanasoff and John Berry at Iowa State University influenced John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert to start work on the ENIAC in 1943 at the University of Pennsylvania for the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Aug. 7, 1944 - The Ultra decryptions helped the Allies break out of the Normandy beachhead and win the battle of the Falais Gap after learning of Hitler's order of Aug. 7 to attack at Mortain. "The Americans had just broken out and were pouring through Avranches. The narrow opening created a target that tempted Hitler. He directed Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge, the commander in chief west, to pull at least four armoured divisions out of the front and hurl them against this bottleneck to close it. Hitler's order was, however, intercepted and solved." (Kahn)
Aug. 25, 1944 - The liberation of Paris was the culmination of the rapid pursuit and destruction of German forces in the Battle of France using knowledge from Ultra. "The completeness and continuity of this information was its chief contribution. In Normandy in 1944, for example, ULTRA was revealing routine daily Luftwaffe reports on the condition of airfields, the number and condition of anti-aircraft guns, the number of planes that could fly, unit strengths. It disclosed the location and movements of specific divisions, the subordination and transfer of units, the boundaries between units - once enabling the U.S. 7th Army to foresee and then to stop cold a German counterattack in Alsace. It gave insights into personnel losses and problems - the death in an air raid of the chief of staff and other officers of Panzer Gruppe West, the weak-kneed response of the commander of the Cherbourg garrison to Hitler's command to hold out like Gneisenau at Kolberg. ULTRA seemed to reveal every single detail of enemy activity. The thousands of bits of information that it provided eased thousands of decisions for Allied commanders and helped them optimize their resources in thousands of cases. Said the U.S. 7th Army intelligence officer after one particularly good morsel arrived: 'You know, this just isn't cricket!" Altogether, ULTRA let the Allies advance into Germany with far more speed than otherwise." (Kahn)
Sept. 12, 1944 - The USS Pampanito carried the Sigaba machine and was able to locate and attack a Japanese convoy out of Singapore. "One form of the American SIGABA (ECM, or 'electric code machine', in its Navy version) used no fewer than ten rotors at a time, five to create the electrical maze, five for moving the others in a much more irregular way than gears could. A cryptologist has said that the SIGABA was 'a generation ahead' of the Enigma." (Kahn)
1945 - By the end of the war, the code-breaking organizations in Britain and the U.S. were centralized and tightly coordinated, unlike the dispersed organization in Germany. "The army, the navy, and the air force each had its own unit, though there was rather more justification for that. But this multiplicity spread the available manpower, which was scarce to begin with, very thin. And it diffused the codebreaking effort. Contrast this with the concentration of effort at Bletchley Park, Britain's sole codebreaking agency, and with that in America, where the army and navy codebreaking units worked in the closest co-operation. There was some co-operation in Germany, of course. But it did not overcome the lethal effects of dispersion, which stemmed ultimately from Hitler's assigning duplicate responsibilities to his underlings so that he could retain ultimate control. The charismatic nature of his leadership enabled him to do this in many areas of government. It facilitated his rule - but it devastated his war effort, including codebreaking. . . . The Allies put better men into cryptology than the Germans. Bletchley Park was an unbelievable galaxy of talent. All American recruits were given an IQ test; those who scored the highest were proposed for cryptologic work. This resulted in extraordinarily high brainpower in codebreaking units. The American army agency could have staffed a first-class university in all departments, one of its leaders said. No such recruiting seems to have taken place for German codebreaking." (Kahn)
Kristallnacht and 9/11 1938
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The 'Kristallnacht' as a Jewish-staged operation is the subject of an article by Carolyn Yaeger on Saturday, 2022-02-05, called 'A closer look at Kristallnacht 1938 - just another Jewish hoax?' It's here at present.
I'll summarise her article in my own words; but of course I may have misunderstood.
It appears Herschel Grynszpan, 17 when arrested, lived more or less secretly in a Paris hotel room, near a Jewish headquarters, and was used as a killer (presumably as young and less legally liable), as a nominal start for Kristallnacht. Incidentally, on 9/11. Carolyn Yaeger thinks this was autonomous and independent of the 'National Socialist' regime; others, like me, suspect it was jointly arranged.
Her article was prompted by receipt of a book, by Ingrid Weckert, translated by Carl Hottelet from German under the title 'FLASHPOINT Kristallnacht 1938: Instigators, Victims and Beneficiaries' 'Copyright 1991 by the Institute for Historical Review'. The IHR seems to have been taken over and weakened since then, by Weber.
I couldn't find the date of the book's first publishing in Germany, though it seems to be post-war, and have had a note about Goebbels inserted.
‘... on Oct. 6 and Oct. 15, 1938, when the government of Poland suddenly announced that henceforth all Polish passports must bear a control-visa in order to remain valid for re-entering Poland. Around 70,000 Polish Jews then living in Germany would be unable to return to Poland without it. ...’ It's perfectly possible this was contrived by Jews in both countries, a possibility I think ignored by Carolyn Yeager. Certainly there appear to have been no investigations in any depth.
I'm just pointing out the possibility that the whole affair was rigged up by Jews as part of the move to the wars they wanted.
The Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939-1941
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The Führer to the German People: 22 June 1941
German people!
National Socialists!
After long months when I was forced to keep silent, despite heavy concerns, the time has come when I can finally speak openly.
When the German Reich received England’s declaration of war on 3 September 1939, the British attempted once again to frustrate any attempt to begin a consolidation, and thus a strengthening, of Europe by fighting the then strongest power on the Continent.
England formerly destroyed Spain through many wars.
For the same reason it waged its wars against Holland.
With the help of all of Europe it later fought France.
[Hm. Omits the facts about Jews in Britain]
Anthony Read and David Fisher, the deadly embrace
-bio notes back flap
quote page 12
*why the pact? I think to buy time. England and France declared war [give date] [give time of fall of France] [give times for Mussolini] Both AH and S were dictators, but to maximise white deaths they had to prepare on both sides. Quote Joachim Hoffman Stalin's War etc with page on arming - completely diff assessment from Read and Fisher
Churchill's Character and Clues
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Clive PONTING Irving not indexed. 'major revisionist biography ... [Churchill] wanted to sterilise ... over 100,000 'mentally degenerate' Britons... [Churchill] was racist, disliked democracy, did not believe in social progress and preferred rule by a small aristocratic elite ... wanted a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union. ... widely disliked and distrusted by hi political colleagues... challenges many accepted views ... role in the 1930s in opposing appeasement..' Oddly, Jews and Holocaust are not indexed, though Ponting seems to be a believer (p 718) '.. the full horror of what the Gestapo and the Nazi state had done..' Ponting's index has a few references to Stalin. His sources are PRO archives and the multi-volume official biography. He thanks Martin Gilbert, for no clear reason. Family connections - aristocracies and jews with money from undisclosed sources, with more or less arranged matches, and children with nannies - Churchill said to have lifelong attachment to a Mrs Everest. The book is obviously an irrelevance to serious revisionism. But I'll quote a few extracts:
405 1939 history of the English speaking world Maurice Ashley, John Wheldon, George Young, Gen Edmonds, Alan Bullock, William Deacon as p.a. Ponting no idea of funding - focus group Anti-Nazi council. focus for the defence of freedom and peace' 5 members listed
Godfrey, director of naval intelligence--
to get his own way he used every device and brought the whole battery of his ingenious, tireless and highly political mind to bear on the point at issue. His battery of weapons included persuasion, real or simulated anger, mockery, vituperation, tantrums, ridicule, derisions, abuse and tears, which he would aim at anyone who opposed him or expressed a view contrary to the he had already formed, sometimes on quit trivia; questions. p 411
The P.M. cannot say 'Yes' or 'No'. Instead, he makes a long speech, of which, 5 mins later, he produce a slightly differently worded version. ... How have we conducted this war with the P.M. spending hours of his own and other people's time simply drivelling, welcoming every red herring so as only to have the pleasure of more irrelevant, redundant talk'
Not much was written about Lindemann. R F Harrod (1900-1978) followed his Life of Keynes (1951) with The Prof: A Personal Memoir of Lord Cherwell (published by Macmillan in 1959; vii-xv & 282 pages). 'Personal' means mostly anecdotes. The book is still in copyright, but can be 'borrowed ' online. Harrod is always described as an 'economist', meaning he discussed everything in abstract algebraic language—except for Jewish practices. His books always have a hollow, unconvincing feel, as do the far-better known J M Keynes.
I found just one interesting reference in the 1976 30-volume bicentennial edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, which may be regarded as the final statement of the Jewish victory of the World Wars. Its very first volume, the Propædia, has immense detailing of the structure of the books, from which a genuine artificial intelligence system might make impressive judgments.
In the 'Micropædia', we find under 'Cherwell' the link to the main volumes. The page and location referred to is copied to the right. I've enhanced that reference to Lindemann. Who 'enabled' Churchill to 'build up at Chartwell a private intelligence centre the information of which was often superior to that of the government.'
Interestingly, Bletchley Park does not appear in the 1976 Encyclopædia. David Irving was (I believe) the first to investigate and reveal it, assuming the stories are true—they may well not be. Maybe people enjoying wars like commodious surroundings with flunkies and luxuries.
David Irving's Churchill's War Part II Triumph in Adversity (2001, Focal Point Publications) has few entries on Lindemann. Most concern 'TUBE ALLOYS', a cover for investigation into supposed nuclear weapons, which David Irving firmly believed in, with the assurance of someone who has had subsequent revelations made convincingly. His references are only to the Prof as a friend of Churchill, and F E Smith (Lord Birkenhead; died in 1930). But there's a lot on Bletchley Park. Irving's Introduction describes his sources; he's even polite to Martin Gilbert. However, he does say 'Churchill was in frequent telegraphic and telephone contact with Roosevelt ... no transcriptions have yet been made available.' To this day, Jewish sources are entirely secret.
Irving's Vol III, The Sundered Dream is I think on the verge of publication. So there may be material there.
Irving's books have an ethereal feel, presenting something like a Jewish ideal: a few beings, admittedly a bit less than perfect, surrounded by hosts of lesser Jews and their satellites, intermingled with highish status people dotted around the world, taking their self-regarding decisions. Scientists, technologists, news propagandists, media controllers, equipment manufacturers, sailors, soldiers, airmen—massed ranks of hierarchies big and small, secret and open, difficult and simple, psychologically odd and psychologically explicit, long-term and short-term, with millions and millions of swathes of deaths, migrations, destruction, ruin. While the beings eat, drink, take reports, dictate—and are taken seriously.
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Churchill's career from the very earliest is full of mysterious and unexplained events like the death of Napoleon's final heir in only Churchill's presence, and Epic fuck ups like Gallipoli which he was never held to any kind of account for.
He did step down as Lord of The Admiralty, but that is hardly punishment for the cost in lives, ships and money involved in Gallipoli alone.
Dig deep into Churchill and it is obvious who he worked for from the very start. - Added 6 Dec 2018
Jim Condit Jr on On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States [Wiki]. Condit says that declaring war on the USA allowed the USA to invade Europe legitimately. If there was secret collaboration, between Jews around the world, notably FDR and Nazis, of course this makes perfect sense.
[Note 10B, p 278 of The Outlook for Homo sapiens by H G Wells, 1942.]
On '... Major Muir's invention of the 'air mine', a 'balloon-sustained mine which can be set adrift in the air ... drift before the wind until it contacts with a plane and destroys it ... too small to be seen and avoided ... can be timed to explode ... cheap to produce... The combatant air forces detest the idea...'
Just as perhaps the Maginot Line was never intended to work, as a result of Freemasonic and Jewish secret co-operation; maybe a defensive system such as 'air mines' were deliberately not used, as a result of Jewish international networking.
[Note that Hoffmann's book, like almost all books on WW2, assumes that both the Jewish USSR and Germany were acting independently. This ignores the hypothesis that Jews acting externally were able to control the situation - RW]
When you consider that roughly 80% of German artillery was horse drawn, you can see that their logistics for artillery shells was primitive compared to the US. Note that the US gave the USSR over 400,000 jeeps and trucks to aid in their logistics. — note by Jan Lamprecht. April 2020. No source given.
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Online quotations [easily found] supporting the idea that Jews co-operated to kill off Russians and Germans (among others).
• Russian WWII Vets say “Nazi Germans Were the Best Soldiers in the World”
• “Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS were great warriors! “The Germans fought better, much better than our soldiers. Moreover—we've managed to win that war only by human flesh!”
• Boris Vasiljev was the Red Army battle officer during WW2: “The Nazi Germans waged war perfectly. Even when they were encircled, they fought excellently! I know it. I saw it by myself! We've managed to win the war by chance, absolutely. Evald von Kleist simply decided to stop his tanks for several days just near Moscow. Therefore, the Soviets received some free time in order to transfer the fresh troops, which attacked the Germans very successfully”
• While General Andrej Andreevitch Vlasov was magnificent, properly Russian national military Commander! He decided to revenge himself upon Stalin, who committed terrible crimes against all peoples of Russia. Vlasov had high ideal of the Free Russia, as well as the real sense of responsibility towards his soldiers.”
• The Red Army generals en masse were the direct opposite as compared with Vlasov. “There were killed 1,300,000 Russian soldiers near Rzhev—through Soviet commanders’ faults only, and nobody speaks about the terrible tragedy so far in my country!”
• The late Viktor Astafjev was on the Soviet-German front all the war long, 1941-1945: “The Germans fought much, much better—in all respects! The Communists [i.e. Jews and subordinates] chose to shed rivers of the Russian blood literally in order to win the War. The Soviets won over Germany only by their extreme brutality and inhumanity!”
• The best WW2 Commander? “Field-Marshal Erich von Manstein, of course! He managed to push three Bolshevik armies into the Azov and Black Seas with the help of two German corpses only! He was the great military genius!”
• Zhukov “Honest Russian patriot? Ha! This bastard covered half-Europe by the millions of the Russian guys' corpses by his extremely sadistic personal kind of war waging! He deserves neither honor, nor respect, never!”
This suggests Zhukov may have been Jewish, perhaps part of the more-or-less covert Jew 'aristocracy' probably dotted about the vast wildernesses of Russia and its satellites. (Not unlike the vast scattered settlements of 'peasants' in the USA). Miles Mathis is good on Jews in Russia. And e.g. the Jagiellon dynasty
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A popular idea is that Patton was murdered, probably killed in a hospital after being driven around for many miles. A different version by Miles Mathis is that Patton (subject of a post-war film in praise of him) was in effect put out to grass, retired. Here are a few comments:
I recommend a look at https://mywhitetv.nfshost.com/?p=543 which has an edited version of a video by Peter Hammond, once of Rhodesia, known to me as a friend of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, though in my view gullible in his missionary work. - RW 10 Dec 2020
I recommend a new piece (Aug 2021) by Miles Mathis, (copied onto my site) taking a view on Patton as yet another rich Jewish (or Jew-connected) man who was part of a plot to fake his own death. Because he was in something like incest, or bored with war; or something. Mathis doesn't comment on Patton's statements. I recommend giving this piece priority.
During the long Cold War many Russians grew sufficiently disenchanted with the lies and omissions of their own news outlets that they turned to Western radio for a glimpse of the truth.
The growth of the Internet has now provided Americans with a similar opportunity to click on a foreign website and discover the important stories that have somehow escaped the attention of their own leading journalists. Ironically, much of such “alternative media” coverage actually appears in the leading British newspapers, eminently respectable and published in our closest historic ally.
For example, three or four years ago I noticed a link on a prominent libertarian website suggesting that George S. Patton, one of America’s most renowned World War II military commanders, had been murdered by order of the U.S. government. Not being someone much drawn to conspiracy-mongering, the lurid claim seemed totally outlandish, but I decided to click my mouse and harmlessly examine a bit of Internet fringe-lunacy. However, the source turned out to be a lengthy article in Britain’s Sunday Telegraph, one of the world’s leading newspapers, describing a newly published book based on a decade of detailed research and interviews undertaken by an experienced American military affairs writer.
The book and the article had appeared in 2008 and I had never heard a word about the story in any of my major American newspapers. The description seemed sufficiently factual and detailed that I consulted a couple of prominent academics I know, with backgrounds in history and political science. They had also never encountered the theory, being just as surprised as I was by the material and by the fact that such remarkable revelations had never received any attention in our own country, home of the freest and most scandal-mongering media in the world.
With curiosity getting the better of me, I ordered the book for about $8 from Amazon.com.
Target Patton, written by Robert K. Wilcox and published by Regnery Press, runs over 450 pages, with an extensive bibliography and nearly 700 footnotes. The many years spent by the author on this project are clearly reflected in the contents, which include numerous personal interviews and the careful analysis of an enormous amount of primary and secondary source material. I’ve seldom encountered so detailed and seemingly exhaustive a work of investigatory journalism, quite understandable given the explosive nature of the charges being made. And yet the expose had never reached readers of the American mainstream media.
I personally found the evidence for Patton’s assassination quite persuasive, even overwhelming, and any curious readers can currently order the book for as little as $2.93 plus shipping and judge for themselves.
Wilcox himself had been just as shocked as anyone else when he first encountered the surprising claims, but the initial evidence persuaded him to invest years fully researching the theory before publishing the results. Some of his major findings seem quite telling.
In the months before his death, Patton had become a powerful critic of the American government, its conduct of World War II, and its policy toward the Soviets. He planned to resign from the military after returning to the U.S. and then begin a major public speaking tour against America’s political leadership; as one of our most celebrated war heroes, his denunciations would certainly have had a huge impact. His fatal car accident took place the day before his scheduled departure home, and he had narrowly escaped death twice before under very strange circumstances.
There are extensive personal interviews with the self-confessed government assassin, then attached to America’s OSS intelligence service, the wartime forerunner of the CIA. This operative had a long and substantially documented career in exactly that sort of activity, both during the war itself and for decades afterward, allegedly working internationally on a free-lance basis and “weeding” selected human targets both for the CIA and various other employers. Towards the end of his life, he became disgruntled over what he regarded as his ill-treatment by ungrateful U.S. government bureaucrats and also a bit guilt-ridden over having been responsible for the death of one of America’s greatest military heroes, prompting his decision to go public, with his claims backed by a voluminous personal diary. Numerous other interviews with individuals connected with the circumstances of Patton’s death seemed to largely corroborate the theory.
The assassin recounted that OSS Chief William Donovan had ordered the killing on the grounds that Patton had “gone crazy,” becoming a major threat to American national interests. Around this same time, a military counter-intelligence field agent began encountering credible reports of a planned assassination plot against Patton and attempted to warn his superiors, including Donovan; not only were his warnings disregarded, but he was repeatedly threatened, and at one point, even placed under arrest. It seems clear that Donovan’s orders came from his superiors, either in the White House or elsewhere.
The motivation may or may not have ultimately had a foreign origin. Over the last twenty years, scholars such as John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr have exhaustively demonstrated that during the 1930s and 1940s a large network of Communist spies had gained enormous influence in the uppermost reaches of the American government. [Note that Unz does not mentions the Jewish connection between USA and USSR, not to mention France and the UK]. Indeed, Wilcox carefully documents how the OSS itself had been heavily infiltrated at the highest levels by elements of the Soviet NKVD, and that during this particular period, the two intelligence organizations were in an ambiguous quasi-partnership, with Donovan being especially eager to curry political favor with the pro-Soviet elements near the top of the U.S. government.
Meanwhile, Patton, a zealous anti-Communist, had very different views, urging an immediate military attack on the weakened forces of the Soviet Union. It is easy to understand how Stalin and those American leaders in his orbit might have decided that Patton’s physical removal was an absolute priority. [Unz doesn't mention that Jews in the USA favoured 'Communism']
At the time of his death, Patton was the highest ranking U.S. military officer in Europe, and the story naturally became front-page news throughout the world. Several official reports were produced regarding the exact circumstances of the very strange traffic accident responsible, but all of these have completely disappeared from U.S. government files. I find it difficult to imagine a non-sinister explanation for this.
These few paragraphs provide merely the smallest slice of the enormous amount of documentary material and painstaking analysis that Wilcox spent ten years compiling for his outstanding book. Obviously, many questions remain, and absolute proof is impossible seventy years after the event. But from my perspective, the likelihood of an assassination, almost certainly with the active involvement of top American officials, seems overwhelming.
I have also been reliably informed that for many years there has been a widespread belief within the American intelligence community that Patton was eliminated by the U.S. government for political reasons. Such quiet knowledge in those circles is hardly surprising. The alleged government assassin first publicly confessed his guilt in the plot decades ago in front of a journalist at an OSS reunion dinner in DC, while seated at the table of his longtime friend and colleague William Colby, former Director of the CIA. And although the resulting local news stories were completely ignored by the national media, it is hardly surprising that word soon got around within intelligence circles.
Perhaps some experienced scholar with a different perspective could invest time and effort attempting to refute the powerful case set forth by Wilcox, though none apparently has. But suppose that the evidence for this theory is not nearly as overwhelming as it appears, and only sufficient to provide a reasonable possibility that the story is true, perhaps a 25% likelihood. I would argue that if there exists even a slight chance that one of America’s most renowned generals—our top-ranking military officer in post-WWII Europe—was assassinated for political reasons by America’s own government, the scandal would surely rank among the greatest in modern U.S. history.
The book was written by a reputable author and published by a mainstream though conservative-oriented press, but it went unmentioned in America’s major national publications, whether conservative or liberal, nor was any subsequent investigation undertaken. A leading British newspaper reported what American journalists had totally ignored.
It seems likely that if a similar book had been published providing such solidly-documented historical revisionism regarding the sudden death of a top Russian or Chinese general at the close of the Second World War, the story might have easily reached the front pages of the New York Times, and certainly the weekly Book Review section. Perhaps there might even have been considerable media coverage if the victim had been a prominent Guatemalan general, whose name was totally unknown to most of the American public. Yet similar allegations surrounding the demise of one of America’s most famous and popular military leaders of the 1940s have been of no interest to America’s mainstream journalists.
Once again, we must distinguish the two issues. Whether or not I am correct in believing that the case for Patton’s assassination is overwhelming might certainly be disputed. But the fact that the American media has completely failed to report these revelations is absolutely undeniable.
Googling around a bit, I didn’t find a great deal. A couple of times over the years, Wilcox had managed to place short pieces of his own somewhere, including the New York Post in 2010 and in the American Thinker webzine in 2012, with the latter including mention of a possibly important new witness who had finally decided to come forth. But otherwise his astonishing book seems to have been entirely shoved down the memory-hole.
On the other hand, others have recently begun trying to take advantage of his research, while refashioning the narrative into one more likely to find favor within the American establishment and the media it controls.
OReillyBook Most notable was Bill O’Reilly, the FoxNews pundit, who published Killing Patton in 2014, another in his series of popular history best-sellers co-authored by Martin Dugard. The very title itself challenged the official story of an accidental car crash, and I eagerly opened the book, only to be severely disappointed. The presentation seemed thin and padded, with perhaps 10% of the text merely rehashing the analysis provided by Wilcox while the remaining 90% represented a rather conventional historical summary of the Western Front near the end of the Second World War, including heavy coverage of the Nazi concentration camps, and with little of this material having any connection to Patton. The only interesting part of the text seemed based on Wilcox’s original research, and that relationship was heavily disguised by the total absence of any footnotes, with the only indication being a single short sentence near the end citing the Wilcox book as a very helpful summary of “the conspiracy theories.” Not unreasonably, the latter author seemed somewhat irritated at the lack of appropriate notice or credit he received.
O’Reilly’s dumbed-down book sold over a million copies, with a title proclaiming Patton’s assassination. But the resulting media coverage was still rather scanty and largely negative, criticizing the supposed indulgence of “conspiracy theories.” Media Matters summarized the reaction as “Historians Rip O’Reilly’s New Patton Book,” and given the near-total lack of any documentation provided by O’Reilly, much of that criticism may not have been unreasonable. Thus, the media totally ignored a heavily documented and persuasive book, while attacking and ridiculing a weak one on the same subject, with this dual approach constituting an effective means of obscuring the truth.
America’s opinion leaders tend to rely upon our most elite national newspapers for their knowledge of the world, and the only coverage I found in these of O’Reilly’s best-seller was a rather odd opinion piece by Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen. Cohen seemed rather uninterested in the assassination question one way or another, but harshly condemned O’Reilly for devoting insufficient pages to discussing Patton’s alleged anti-Semitism. Indeed, he almost implied that some of the remarks later found in Patton’s private diaries were sufficiently nasty toward Jews that perhaps no American should even care whether our highest ranking general in Europe had been killed by his own government or anyone else. The mentality of our mainstream media these days is very strange indeed, and we live in the world it creates for us.
Most recently, the success of the O’Reilly book and our revived Cold War with Russia may have led to production of a new documentary making the case for Patton’s assassination, but possibly reconstructing the facts with a distorted twist. Wilcox’s original research had demonstrated that top American leaders organized Patton’s assassination, though probably in conjunction with the Soviets. O’Reilly provided some of those facts in his book, but his media interviews airbrushed out the American role, simply declaring that “Stalin killed Patton.” And based on news reports, I wonder if this new documentary, apparently made without Wilcox’s involvement, will similarly ignore the massive evidence of direct U.S. government involvement, while perhaps attempting to fix the blame solely upon the nefarious Russians.
Finally, this important historical incident provides a useful means of evaluating the credibility of certain widely-used resources. For years I’ve emphasized to people that Wikipedia is absolutely worthless as a source of reliable information on any relatively “controversial” topic. Given Patton’s enormous historical stature, it is hardly surprising that his Wikipedia entry is exceptionally long and detailed, running over 15,000 words, with nearly 300 references and footnotes. But this exhaustive exposition contains not the slightest suggestion of any suspicious aspects to his death. “Wiki-Pravda” indeed.
Pre-War and Wartime Intelligence
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Someone nicknamed 'Webb' online says: At the outbreak of war he joined the BBC Monitoring Service. In 1940, he enrolled at UCL to study Russian and extend his coverage for the BBC. Russian, however, was not a language he chose to translate, much as he enjoyed working in different sections of the World Service until his retirement in 1977. The Central European community he found at Bush House was mirrored in his social circle. He was married in 1942 to a classically English woman, Mary Harman. In London, and then when the family moved to near Reading, he gravitated between the host community and what his daughter, Margaret, described as "that community of refugees who circulated between Caversham, London and Reading". [Caversham had and has a listening post-RW] They – and the local delicatessen, called Schmidt's – were the mainstay of many parties in the 1950s.
In Britain crucial primary documents about the lies and deceit surrounding the First World War through diaries, memoirs and important letters were censored and altered, evidence sifted, removed, burned, carefully ‘selected’ and falsified. Bad as that may be, it is of relatively minor importance compared to the outrageous theft of crucial papers from across Europe. In the immediate post-war years, hundreds of thousands of important documents pertaining to the origins of the First World War were taken from their countries of origin to the west coast of America and concealed in locked vaults at Stanford University. The documents, which would doubtless have exposed the men really responsible for the war and their transgressions, had to be removed to a secure location and hidden from prying eyes. It was the greatest heist of history that the world has ever known.
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Clark Hoover, a corrupt and bullying ‘mining engineer’ reinvented as a munificent humanitarian and international relief organiser, was the Secret Elite agent charged with the mammoth job of stealing the European documents. In modern day parlance had it all been recorded on computer, he was the one who pressed the delete button. He had earlier been tasked with ensuring that Germany had sufficient supplies of food, without which the war would have been over by 1915. Far from just being the man who saved the Belgian people from starvation during the war, his so-called ‘Belgian Relief’ agency also fed the German army in order to prolong the conflict and maximise profit for the banking and armaments manufacturing elites on both sides of the Atlantic. [4] Hoover’s American-based organisation raised millions of dollars through loans and public donation, shipped vast quantities of food and necessities to war-torn Europe and made obscene profits for his backers, yet no documentary evidence of this enormous enterprise could be found at the end of the war. It had disappeared. All of it. Impossible, surely?
The theft of Europe’s historical documents was dressed in a cloak of respectability and represented as a philanthropic act of preservation. These documents, it was claimed, would be properly archived for the use of future historians. The official line was that if not removed from government agencies in France, Russia, Germany and elsewhere, the papers detailing the extent of Hoover’s work would ‘easily deteriorate and disappear’. [5] It was no chance decision that only documents relating to the war’s origins and ‘Belgian relief’ were taken. No official British, French or American government approval was sought or given. Indeed, like the thief in the night, stealth was the rule of thumb. On the basis that it was kept ‘entirely confidential’, Ephraim Adams, professor of history at Stanford University and a close friend of Hoover’s from their student days, was called to Paris to coordinate the great heist and give it academic credence.
In 1919, Hoover recruited a management team of ‘young scholars’ from the American army and secured their release from military service. They were primarily interested in material relating to the war’s true origins and the sham Commission for Relief of Belgium. Other documents concerning the conduct of the war itself were ignored. His team used letters of introduction and logistical support to collect import / export bills, sales and distribution records, insurance documents and local customs permits amongst a plethora of incriminating evidence.
He established a network of representatives throughout Europe and persuaded General John Pershing to release fifteen history professors and students serving in various ranks of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. [6] He sent them, in uniform, to the countries his agency was feeding. With food in one hand and reassurance in the other, they visited nations on the brink of starvation and faced little resistance in their quest. They made the right local contacts, ‘snooped’ around for archives and found so many that Hoover ‘was soon shipping them back to the US as ballast in the empty food boats’. [7] Hoover recruited an additional 1,000 agents whose first haul amounted to 375,000 volumes of the ‘Secret War Documents’ from European governments. [8] It has not been possible for us to discover who actually funded this gargantuan, massively expensive venture.
The removal and disposal of incriminatory British and French material posed little or no problem and with the Bolsheviks in control, access to Russian documents from the Czarist regime proved straightforward. They undoubtedly contained hugely damaging information on how the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 had been orchestrated through Petrograd, and how Russia’s general mobilisation on Germany’s eastern border had been the real reason for the war starting. It might appear strange that the Bolsheviks cooperated so willingly by allowing Hoover’s agents to remove twenty-five carloads of material from Petrograd. [9] However, when one realises that the international bankers in the secret society had financed and facilitated Lenin and Trotsky’s return to Russia, and the Bolshevik Revolution itself, it becomes clear. [10] The Americans could have what they wanted. This surprising event was reported in the New York Times which claimed that Hoover’s team bought the documents from a ‘doorkeeper’ for $200 cash. [11] And some people think that fake news is a twenty-first century concept.
Code Breaking in World War 2 (right-hand column is a chronology, modified from San Diego University). Interesting material, of course only a tiny shred of the total activity.
Aug 25th, 1944 ULTRA seemed to reveal every single detail of enemy activity. The thousands of bits of information that it provided eased thousands of decisions for Allied commanders and helped them optimize their resources in thousands of cases. Said the U.S. 7th Army intelligence officer after one particularly good morsel arrived: 'You know, this just isn't cricket!" Altogether, ULTRA let the Allies advance into Germany with far more speed than otherwise."
Note that the truth about Pearl Harbor, Anthony Blunt at Bletchley, false claims about e.g. Auschwitz and Hiroshima, and many other items flicker into view. If the truth is ever largely discovered, it will be stranger than fiction—especially bad fiction.
• Megadeaths a coining attributed to Herman Kahn. But of course it applies to 20th century wars.
• Ever-increasing Jewish activity, especially in the USA and USSR with the invention of the 'Cold War', nuclear weapons, the 'space race', continual wars, and theft of German patents, suggest genetic continuism in Jews. The situation now in the USA is (probably) well-presented by www.thezog.info as Who Controls America?
• On Shoah Business and other frauds: nukes, NASA, drugs, prostitution, child exploitation, CERN: freemasonry, Common Purpose, bribes, thugs, politicians, armies: I'd like to suggest one of the functions of the repetitive frauds of Jews in to finance their collaborators, who collectively must be expensive.
• On de-Nazification given the view that Jews worldwide and local collaborators ran much of the war, de-Nazification would be concerned with removing all such evidence, with special reference to Hitler, in addition to supposedly removing party members etc. Analogously, in Japan the occupying Americans would have to censor serious researchers musing over atom bomb claims. I'd guess removing all this would be at least as difficult as the standard media work would suggest.
• On Freemasonry. Suggestive remark dating from 1947; difficult to interpret how serious the offers may have been:–
British Colonel John C. Scott claimed that at the conclusion of military operations in Poland [i.e. presumably after Germany invaded] a war by telegram was waged between the Allies and the German Foreign Office. He was one of the transmitters in those negotiations. The Allies gave the Reich two conditions, and their acceptance would have brought about an immediate cessation of hostilities, and a free rein for Germany in Poland. Those conditions were, Germany must return to the Gold Standard and the League of Freemasonry must be readmitted to Germany. "Some 55 million people had to die to make the Gold Standard in Germany permissible." Note that if terms are made public, most people would not like the idea that Freemasonry was an issue. This helps explain why 'unconditional surrender' was demanded.
• A note on white nationalists (they mean whites; I don't think they regard Scots, English, French and the rest as radically different). I've noticed several people state that whites should not be concerned with other races, and indeed that it's a serious psyop against whites to claim they should. For example, Michael Hoffman and 'TANSTAAFL' I believe said this. There is considerable censorship pressure against US and British war crimes. I've even wondered if Miles Mathis might have the secret purpose of hiding war crimes. He seems to accept the 1964 Tonkin incident (and the connection with pop singer Jim Morrison), and thinks Dresden was faked on the strength of a single photo.
But it's obvious an incident wouldn't result in ten years of war; probably it was the same sort of thing with the incident starting Churchill's bombing of Germany. The motive presumably was to profit from bombs and equipment, and eventually take over Vietnam's land, rents, banking, assets, raw materials, labour, and so on, by, of course, Jews. So here we have whites using their own money from 1954 to about 1974, using about the same amount of bombs etc as the whole of World War 2, and giving the proceeds to their enemy, to use against them! Come on, guys.
Judging from Talmudic precedents, what happened was something like this speech: Oy vey! We are chosen by Yahweh! We are the master race, and you are gook insects, made by Yahweh to work for us. Ve vill bomb you with very big bombs. We will make your girls prostitutes. Ve veel poison you fieelds and spoil all your rice with poison chemicals, just like we spread our Yiddish shit on goyim! Ve veel bomb everytheeng—all your wood and straw houses veel be bombered. Ve veel make you pay, and our simple American boy fools will bomb and burn and rape and keel! Our lovely rabbis will fuck little boys and girls, and cut out their little child orrgans! Vot moneys ve weel make, oy veh.
• Theft of German Scientific Research Fueled Post-War Technology Boom By Daniel W. Michaels
Colin Jordan
John Colin Campbell Jordan (19 June 1923 – 9 April 2009) was about 22 in 1945 when he went to Cambridge to read history. He is presented as a provincial from Birmingham. As far as I know, his main impact was at a Trafalgar Square speech in 1962. This has all the appearance of a staged event, including a very visible meeting, a large presence of presumably Jewish thugs in staged fights with police, a speech only on economics and not world events, a jail sentence, the thugs being ignored, and badly-worded legislation following—similar modus operandi to US staged operations now. His writings appear to be the Hitler-worshipping type. He shows little or no interest in worldwide Jews operating together, though he realises Jews ran the USSR. He was written of with approval by supposed enemies, even in obituaries. Probably he was just another fellow-traveller, agent, and/or crypto-Jew.
BrianG Wills1 month ago What does become apparant .. Battles were planned with knowledge of and communication with, both sides by the organizers.. Dieppe, .. absolutely insane, ordering young men directly into a SET UP battlefield.. mines on the beach, obstacles and known gunneries and armies at the ready... incredible, did they bet with each other as to the outcome??? Why were Hitler and his regime rushed to safety in South America...and then for a month, the civilian population was carpet bombed day after day... so that no one would be left that could possibly tell the truth.....
Just a few between-wars dates (taken from 1961 Focal Encyclopedia):–
1924 Barnack, O: camera using 35 mm film manufactured by Leitz
1928 Franck & Heidecke: Rolleiflex twin lens reflex introduced
1929 Ostermeier, J: combustion of aluminium wire or foils in oxygen in a sealed tube
1939 Laporte, M: Electronic flash with white light
• Mathis has very promising new views on social change, for example Jews wanting to replace old aristocrats by industrialists and bankers. There must presumably be tensions between industrialists and financiers. Mathis says of Marx: 'All this talk about the proles and bourgeoisie is just misdirection. The goal was for the aristocracy to be replaced by the industrialists in Marx's family, after which the proletariat could all go get hanged.' Mathis adds: The secondary concern of the industrialists and bankers was the upper-middle class. They had to watch their flank while they were going after the aristocracy. They couldn't have those just beneath them bite them in the butt while they were pulling down kings. In hindsight, we see that they dealt with this by pushing a materialistic and economic worldview. This materialistic worldview kept the upper-middle class chasing the very wealthy above them, rather than attacking them. The middle class didn't want to ally itself to the lower class, since that would just pull them down. This effectively isolated the lower class. It also isolated and ultimately doomed the middle class, since after the industrialists had defeated the aristocracy, they turned and attacked the stratum just beneath them. The new upper class has now been preying voraciously on the middle class for the past half century—so much so that the parasite may end up killing the host. Once the upper class has pushed the entire middle class down into the lower class, it will have only itself to feed upon. We are already seeing the first stages of that.
Mathis' long-term genealogical investigations have unearthed tangled long-term family relationships, tantalisingly identifiable back to the fairly remote past. And he looks at 'spooks' and 'intelligence' and their education and career interruptions. As yet, if I'm reading him properly, he doesn't have much on wars—certainly not any investigations into the 'kill the best of the goyim' command.
INSERT MATHIS ON BATTLES WITHIN INTELLIGENCE - TURF WARS - DHS Jewish? CIA only part-JEWISH? What do spooks do ifnotcompiling yearbooks, checking on oversease info prob supplied by Jews, reading boring blogs? (Obviously not this one)
controlled press or jewish press? depends whether you think jews decide policy or intelligence
BUT: josh censors and doesn't discuss this site/ he wrote dreyfus piece; but it may be well-known in Jew circles. Miles nothing on jewish calendar dates despite huge possibilities/ Miles' use of 'fascism' disturbingly naive
1941 Nineteen Forty Our Finest Hour Arthur Mee> NINETEEN-FORTY will probably be remembered in all history as our finest hour. We suffered incredible disasters. We sustained unparalleled betrayals. We ran stupendous risks. We took upon ourselves overwhelming burdens. We endured intolerable humiliations. We were flung into the very depths of grief. But we carried on. Guided by the Hand of God and sustained by our own right arm ...
1944 Harold Laski Faith, Reason, and Civilisation
1960 Mau Mau
1968 Gabriel Kolko The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945 One of numerous 'Vintage Books'. Solidly Jew-based; books by Churchill, Truman, Roosevelt etc, and parties in every country regarded as 'progressive' or 'fascist' or whatever.
2003 Rupert Matthew: Hitler: Military Commander (No bibliography). Obviously a written-to-order hack book. But books of this type may include revealing points, since the 'narrative' has been laid down, and novelties may include significant comments by chance.
2006 Jonathan Bastable Voices from Stalingrad
1978 R Stanhope-Palmer World War II - some decisive episodes
World War II: The People's Story (Readers Digest) Includes 70 minute CD
by Reader's Digest [READERS DIGEST FOUNDED 1922]
Joachim Hoffmann: Stalin's War of Extermination, 1941-1945
1995 Raymond Challinor (1929-2011): The Struggle for Hearts and Minds (Self-published). The author was a genuine socialist, not in the Jewish sense, but makes many shrewd points, for example on the British 'Labour Party'.
Gabriel Kolko in mid-1970. In Bertrand Russell's Foundation after his death. Russell never understood Jewish power.
Montgomery 'of Alamein': History of Warfare
H W Koch History of Warfare
B Liddell Hart (1895-1970) was a well-known writer on wars. I think he was probably Jewish; he often presents a 'controlled opposition' view, he advised Jews on armies, and was interested mostly in technique, not human issues—though this is common enough. His account of the Second World War is pure official history. His account of the First World War seems a bit more original to me.
Books with Information from Small Countries
1977 Nikolai Tolstoy Victims of Yalta (1977) Cossacks
1998, new version 2000 Juri Lina's Under the Sign of the Scorpion is an Estonian. His website is jyrilina.com . It includes info on the 'French' Revolution. Unfortunately it is amateurishly produced. See https://files.meetup.com/348941/Under-The-Sign-of-the-Scorpion.pdf -- there are lists of names, and groups, of Jew mass murderers, and a bibliography. I doubt it's directly relevant to the issue here - although it begs the question of why Hitler said so little, named no names etc, about massive Jew crimes, which I think he usually ascribed to Bolsheviks or Judeo-Bolsheviks. As far as I could see, he picked out material from a fair number of books, and newspaper articles; I'd guess clippings, but has no research into Jewish evidence or archives. . . . However, his material on Estonia presumably is new to most in the west. Shows jew control of the media, academics, etc in Estonia - similar to in USA and UK, for that matter. Lina says 'The Germans failed to organise anti-Jewish riots among the Estonians - they did not want to take part, in spite of the terrible crimes Jews had committed against them. No Jew pogroms have ever taken place in Estonia.' - this sort of thing suggests Hitler may have been jew-controlled. . . . What seems to me another weakness is discussion of money in billions etc without full context of ownership, shares etc - what needs to be done to stop this? What does 'Jews control 80% of capital' really mean?? Show less
I don't know what you think of this idea, which is partly suggested by the intensity of Jews hatreds of almost anyone, but notably whites.
[1] By the 1930s, Jews in the US had the Federal Reserve; since 1913 essentially all surplus was controlled by Jews. So e.g. whites in the Depression were ignored. But also Jews in the USSR had stolen or defrauded all spare assets there; they controlled the economy. Nothing to do with Lenin's or Stalin's supposed 'charisma'. Jews in the UK and France controlled finances of empires. And all weapons and ships etc companies legally were entitled to profits even on war losers. And Jews must had had the largest parts of China and Arabs and Turks industry. So they were in a dominating position, at least if people failed to notice, which generally happened, since Jews controlled the media, including BBC radio, and politicians.
[2] An 'obvious' in retrospect policy would be for Jews to identify possible points of hostility, arm and indebt both sides, then cause violent false-flag outbreaks and media fakestorms and political action to start local wars. The ideal would be for territory A to be invaded, with great damage; then A to be fought over again, and 'liberated', causing another bout of damage. For example, Jews in France and Germany may have arranged Germany to invade and appear to win - which would boost 'German' morale. Then France could be 'liberated' with heavy bombing, and Germany invaded, causing maximum damage.
[3] The various 'theatres' would of course include Germany/Poland/USSR. Jews presumably collaborated on invading the industrialised or valuable parts of western Russia; then the process would be reversed and eastern Europe and Germany devastated.
In other areas, Japan was armed by Jews to fight Russia in 1904ish. When I say 'armed', they were given money - in fact paper money, credit - to be spent on weapons - Chicago lathes etc, ships. The net effect was to devastate Russia, China, and Japan. Presumably Japan had a puppet installed along the lines of Mussolini, and Hitler. (I'd be fascinated by your opinion of https://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/hiller.pdf though I know you have distaste for many books, as opposed to documents, and of course understandably. Mathis thinks Hitler was an actor, who no doubt collaborated on his scripts. He thinks much the same of Lenin, come to think of it. Mathis may have inside Jewish info; one of his colleagues wrote a terrific piece of the Dreyfus Affair as a blackwash-anti-Semites piece).
[4] I don't think Germany was even picked as a hyper-enemy: the geography and educational standards made Jews want to concentrate on it - nothing personal, so to speak. WW1 must have been part of the process.
[5] The overall process was to ensure local elites or puppets would ensure control of law and currency and credit, to extort any loan repayments; control of currency to be crucial; and inflaming or inventing local contentions, then causing wars - Lusitania, Bromberg, Pearl Harbor, denial of oil, assassinations, - etc etc. After wars, local puppets would appear to assume power - Attlee, post-WW2 Germans, de Gaulle, various Jews in Poland, Romania etc.
There seems to be so much evidence, all seesawing on the fact that Jews had a distributed parasitical 'state' of completely different structure than every other state.
I'm not even sure if this is a new approach; maybe it's been implicit all along, though I *think* Hitler-as-an-agent people think of German Jews, not worldwide Jews.