... Not as bad as Hitler.
There were many forces tending to cause the Holocaust to be accepted. Without trying to be exhaustive:
It helped minimise atrocities, both during the Second World War and, with the expansion of American power, after the War, for example, in Korea and Vietnam. (In Korea it helped with the invention of the myth of 'brainwashing'). Other examples include Henry Kissinger, a mass murderer who (I recall reading years ago in a British Sunday colour supplement) said his relatives 'were soap.' In April 1999, I saw a headline in a London Jewish newspaper: 'Kosovo: Rabbi says no holocaust' or something very similar.
It helped justify research into genocidal technologies (most of course was and is secret);
It was probably made up to help create Israel, but this cant have been the only reason, since many of the participants wouldnt have had that motive.
The Allies liked it, including the French, because it demonised the Germans and justified, after the event, their alliance with Stalin;
It permitted maltreatment of Germans. (James Bacque's 1997
Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950
, based on KGB archives, which were opened after his earlier book
Other Losses
, gives details, though his figures are hard to interpret because, like the deaths after the First World War attributed to influenza, many might have occurred anyway under the circumstances.)
The Poles and the Russians liked it, partly because it made Stalin look better;
Dispassionate and truthful discussion of Jewish roles in wars and atrocities was made difficult (read for example
Michael Hoffman II's piece
); -
It made reconsideration the war seem unnecessary. Obviously, it must have been a good thing;
Churchill liked it: Ben Pimlott wrote that Churchill had been regarded as an adventurer, and seen as a defender of freedom only by coincidence, his 'firmness' a joke until 1941. Keynes wrote on Churchill in 1925 intensifying unemployment; later, Britain 'helped to save the world';
There must have been some eye on the possibilities of revolutions (the pattern of the First World War might have repeated). So a base in oil regions (and also strategically placed for Suez) must have seemed useful to some, though of course there was ambivalence over this;
There was and probably still is a lingering feeling that modern Jews have some sacrosanct Biblical connection;
Cheap paperbacks, magazines, newspapers, and the new medium of TV (and their readers) liked the stories;
It justified appropriation of technologieselectron microscopes, sewage technologies, and rocketry were some of the products harvested from Germany.
END of 1997 material
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
- The Korherr Report and Hermann Höfle intercept relating to the so-called Reinhardt Camps have occupied David Irving since about 2002. The first document found (see 2011 material on Reinhart camps for details of both) contained 'anomalies':
... the Höfle document bristles with anomalies and even mis-spellings (and bad math). Wartime German signals, particularly those sent by cypher, had to conform with very strict layouts, norms, content, and style laid down by military directives, Intelligence, SigInt and civil service, and this item is significantly delinquent in half a dozen or more respects. Moreover, it mentions Adolf Eichmann, of all people. It is of high security classification, Geheime Reichssache, and I cannot recall having found more than half a dozen of these rare signals in the entire archive. It does not give a proper reference subject ("Reference: radio telegram therefrom"), because it does not risk offering a Registry-number or even a date of the radio telegram ("Fs.") it is purportedly answering, and much else. And it has been glued into the volume out of page-sequence.
About ten years later another relevant document was found at Kew. (The three documents contain a common total). In view of what's been discovered about Jewish frauds in the same time period over 9/11 (not to mention innumerable financial, war-promoting, and science frauds—and the fact that the Public Records Office at Kew was headed by a Jew) I know where I'd place my bets.
- Move down for my pictures-and-biog survey of fifteen years 1997-2012; Anglo-American point of view.
- As regards Internet– email, chatrooms, Microsoft Office, eBay, Amazon and Google were established when my 1997 piece was written. Digital TV enabled 9/11 TV footage to be saved in the USA, very probably something not anticipated by the 9/11 planners. (Britain was slower; the BBC's 9/11 issue of Question Time, where the BBC wrongly decided which lies to peddle, seems to have completely vanished). Bulletin boards and large forums had a peak launch year of about 2000. Content management systems followed—such as Wordpress (2003) & Joomla (2005)— allowing 'weblogs' and the 'blogosphere' to blossom. Faster data transmission rates allowed Youtube (founded 2005). IntenseDebate and Disqus (both 2007) enabled comments to be logged.
[Not considered here... Underlying the consumer electronics, there was a continuous process of hardware development (faster chipsets etc), software development (new high-level languages), hole-in-the-wall cash machines, readable cards, barcodes, intranets, image and sound processing, and secret military applications and associated frauds.]
- When this piece was uploaded '9/11' was four years into the future. As that story has evolved, with its shameless attempt to shift the blame onto Muslims, the similarities between Jews and Muslims have become more noticeable. For connoisseurs of spin, the attempt to hide this fact is also noticeable; see for example Caroline Cox & John Marks on Islamism.
At the time of uploading, I had no idea the 'moon landings' were fake, along with a lot of supposed space science, though I knew 'AIDS', BSE, much of theoretical biology and much of modern physics, and many other things were laced with frauds. The nuclear scepticism issues were more than ten years ahead, at least as far as my awareness went.
In Britain in 1999, the Report of the Stephen Lawrence Enquiry was published, part of the Jewish move against the British police and people. Conway's book A Nation of Immigrants? is a small part of the fightback.
- Specifically on the 'Holocaust'™, the official view remains the same, largely because of Jewish control of the media. However, digital movie cameras, editing software, and broadband have all become far cheaper. Recently, devices such as the 'Kindle' have made downloaded computer material easier to read. One-Third of the Holocaust is an example of a very well-planned and documented video, still, perhaps, on Youtube, after many removals. Videos must have eroded the official line. And free blog and forum software packages (Wordpress, Joomla, phpBB, ...) have allowed vast numbers of written and illustrated blogs to flourish. So far, the forces that want to suppress free speech haven't had things all their own way.
- I find it impossible to form an opinion on the penetration of revisionist views in the general population. This sort of thing (see box)
is still fairly typical. I have plenty of examples of rather ludicrous ignorance, but I won't bore the reader with them.
It's curious that 'Mensa', supposedly a high-IQ society, is full of very ignorant people—I was myself banned by someone called Geoff Theasby, from one of their junk email comment sites, who was not in any way an elected, or other, official in Mensa.
Despite the diffusion of incredibly good technology, the 'natural indolence of mankind' remains. No blogs (that I know of) store their topics and debates in a searchable form—the comments are stored separately, so full topics can't be searched. The commenters usually form tiny cliques. There are innumerable people who post links to sites and videos without bothering to explain what they're about. CODOH seems to have never tried email promotional campaigns (only a few months ago they were discussing leaflets under car windscreen wipers!) I doubt if there's anyone in Britain who makes notes, for future reference, on BBC daily news headlines. There are anecdotes about black crime, corrupt policing, vote rigging, covert support of drug dealing, but few sites write these things up in an accessible manner. Hardly anybody is informed on quantities—borrowing, immigration figures, unemployment statistics, money spent on law or oil or weaponry. I don't know any site which explores the frauds made possible by paper money. I recently noticed Martin Webster's claim to have known Jewish policy was to promote immigration into Britain since the early 1970s, and yet this is news to almost everyone, despite for example a 1969 'report' Colour and Citizenship with its absurdly ignorant emphasis on 'colour'.
'Holocaust'-related sites remain therefore much as they were in 1997, except that further information has been allowed to emerge.
- Here's my quite long and detailed new-in-October-2103 review of Mein Kampf, prompted by a copy I happened to find. The only book, so far, dealing with Jewish money and politics, that has been fairly widely printed and translated, though in many parts of the world it was, and is, banned. [Note added Nov 1 2013]

'Operation Ranch Hand' was a US chemical warfare spraying policy. Resulting in deformities, ascribed to 'Agent Orange' (though this may of course be a typical untruth). How much of this was a Jewish operation has never been investigated, as far as I know. Chemistry textbooks often (or always?) omit this. It's possible the Internet material on 'chemtrails' is disinformation on this topic.The astonishing ignorance and moral imbecility of the western military and intelligence continues—'military honor' is as dead as the dodo. I have to hand a copy of Richard Dannatt's Autobiography (2010) (just one example) and it's clear he has no idea about the history of eastern Europe, the spurious claims of the 'Holocaust', the mass killings in the USSR and 'Holodomor'. He is unaware of Jewish influence in Ireland. There is no mention of Scarlett, who rigged up the fake documents needed to invade Iraq. There's no mention of nuclear weapons at all—it's impossible to assess his information on this point. He has no serious knowledge of 9/11. Or of the paper money/dollar problems. Point these people at 'the enemy', and off they go to 'do the right thing'. Some of them—sending drones to kill remotely—complain at assassination attempts. The only saving grace is that some of these people have pragmatic common sense, and are willing to meet and talk and argue—an attitude notably absent from the 'chosen people'.
- My impression is that sites looking at general Jewish influence have multiplied: here's my survey, mostly of the 20th century. 'ZOG' is a widely-recognised term; so is the 'Frankfurt School'. The revisionist process is extending back in time—the 'Cold War', Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, the Second World War (including Vichy France, the 'Nazi-Soviet Pact', Hitler, Poland), the Spanish Civil War, Ukraine, First World War (Wilson, Bernard Baruch, Balfour Declaration), the US Civil War, both opium wars, 1848 in Europe, Napoleon and the 'French Revolution', and back through the Renaissance and Reformation to the expulsion of Jews and beyond. New topics, notably 9/11 and nuclear issues, have emerged, along with reconsideration of such events as the 'Great Depression', Jews in the USSR, specific groups of Jews (for example from Hungary - Bela Kun, Edward Teller, Ulam, Schoenman, Rotblat, Arthur Koestler, Soros, Sarkozy ...), and post-1945 laws on immigration, race, crime and punishment (see review of Hanged by the Neck), marriage, abortion, education, and churches, the 'European Union', the IRA, and the underlying concealed social engineering. More people than ever are aware of such issues as AIPAC and the 'mainstream' political parties being heavily Jewish-controlled.
Partly by contrast with Internet, mass media and entertainment are more understood than before. See these not too serious reviews of a James Bond film with nuclear stuff, a John le Carre spy thriller which of course says nothing about Jewish influence on science, and The Midwich Cuckoos, a 1950s British mind-control science fiction story. The progress of revisionism backward in time has been helped by DVDs of old films; here's a review of a low-budget film The Intruder made just before JFK's murder.
- Anti-revisionism, plus taxpayers' money, plus unemployment, has encouraged the proliferation of irrational propagandist websites. For the connoisseur, here's some information on exit strategies which try to escape the tricky situations which have been allowed to develop. Whether these strategies will work or not I simply have no idea—past insistence that 'It must never happen again' may prove a double-edged weapon, since 'never forgive, never forget' will probably be applied to Jews in the USSR.
And we have Fusion Centers ('18-20 year old military operatives in the UK, US and Israel'); Fake Skeptics sites, such as James Randi's 'Educational Foundation' (deals only in soft targets such as telepathy, dowsing, etc); Trolls, and entire sites set up as disinformation—here's a long-established example from the nuclear world. The general media, and organisations such as the NUJ and NUS, are of course a ubiquitous part of the problem. Teachers, historians, taxpayer-funded fake charities and think-tanks all peddle the same line. Women remain uninformed— here's the Protestor's Handbook. The laziness and mental inertia of great masses of people is disappointing, but has to be faced. I've seen very recent email comments saying 'walking on the moon is the greatest achievement of the white race'!
- This talk coincided with the start of ten years of Tony Blair, in which the Jewish policy of racially-mixed immigration into white countries was stepped up. Kevin MacDonald's books are a landmark, identifying Jewish policies as well-established facts in the social sciences. Perhaps organisations will be set up to study Jewish influence. (There are at least two weaknesses in MacDonald's approach: one is lack of science revisionism, the other is accepting the Jewish media line suppressing war crimes by whites). The legal system's financing—both legal aid, and vast amounts given to agencies such as the EHRC—ensured ever-increasing Frankfurt-School style interventions; see e.g. Cherie Blair's Autobiography. The BBC rigidly peddles the official line: the 'horrifyingly shallow' Greg Dyke was replaced by the sneering Thompson, who left for the 'Jew York Times', though my guess is he will make no impression. The BBC publishes many books—here's a hostile review of one by a supposed economics correspondent Maurice Peston
- Meanwhile, it's clear the European Union is modelled on the USSR, and is rigidly undemocratic, and was secretly designed to be that way. The earlier, 20th-century model, of Freemasonry as a control mechanism of Jewish currency (and in Britain possibly royalty), has given way to Common Purpose, a semi-secret organisation encouraging town planners, builders, bureaucrats, healthcare people, financiers, charity and foreign aid businesses, and agencies to co-operate secretly, under 'Chatham House Rules'. Presumably this follows the switch from many genuine businesses to bureaucracies.
Fifteen Years 1997-2012 - Picture & Caption Reminder
Link to Luke O'Farrell on Blair, Levy, et al. That page links to very good articles on Jews in UK from 2005-2009 by O'Farrell.
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
Julia Middleton founded 'Common Purpose' in about 1988. It's a sort of updated Freemasons set-up to arrange secret meetings between officials. Concerns and exposures started to surface in about 2005. Middleton shared an office at the time of Blair with the Deputy Prime Minister, the semi-educated John Prescott whose son made money from housing immigrants. This organisation appears to be in difficulties.
Rudi Giuliani was Mayor of New York from 1994-2001 and was of course involved with Silverstein and his cronies over the 9/11 event, which by now has been almost completely deciphered, apart from technical details over the demolitions. His main role was to hide the physical evidence, as opposed to the media control.
Levy, an accountant, ran the fund to raise money for Tony Blair's's 'Labour Party', in 1997, supposedly opposing the token opposition, the 'Conservatives', who were regarded as corrupt—though clearly this could not have been a significant objection. The total raised was large, though the official figures must be suspect. Some donors dodged notification by claiming to 'loan' money, though whether it was repaid seems doubtful. A typical 'Labour' trick with public money was to fund 'Trade Union Awareness' as a device to direct funds to the so-called 'Labour' Party.
1997 Tony Blair elected Prime Minister. The 'Labour Party', as representing downtrodden workers, and true socialism as opposed to Jewish 'red' control, and reliant on their votes, was killed by Blair, an unsuccessful barrister spotted as a substitute for a leader. He (1) ran up huge paper-money debts, of course to Jews; (2) arranged huge pointless construction programmes; (3) used 'Private Finance Initiatives' to guarantee unworkable interest rates; (4) paid out for countless charities, 'think tanks', advisory groups, non-white race groups etc, all following Jewish policies; (5) of course corrupted the country with lies, for the second Iraq War; (6) used 'statutory instruments' to overturn planning decisions, give illegal immigrants money and housing, money for multiple 'wives' etc; (7) did his best to convert health services into profit-centres; (8) supported groups of thugs. Career civil servants, military, journalists and so on went along with all this.
1997-2001 'Jack Straw' (name presumably to pretend to be an English radical; his real Jewish name uncertain) was eased into politics via the NUS (National Union of Students) at the time of the Vietnam War. He appears to have followed the Jewish give-us-money-for-bombs policy. Like many Jews, a supporter of the mass murderer Stalin. He was a 'Labour' MP in a safe, working-class constituency, which he helped flood with immigrants.
I'd guess despite huge incentives and advertising in Asia and Africa, not many immigrants trusted politicians. Hence the secret policy described by Andrew Neather. From 2001-2006 he was Foreign Secretary, positioned to push Blair into promoting Jewish war of the USA against Iraq.
David Irving libel trial Jan-Apr 2000 after a US publisher reneged on a contract after Jewish pressure. Must have had considerable effect around the world.
2000 Andrew Neather wrote (in 2009) that the so-called Labour Party secretly decided to open Britain to third world immigration. Neather was a speech-writer at the time, and indirectly provided documents, and other names, in this conspiracy.
2000 Michael Hoffman is one of the few genuine scholars of Judaism. His book on Judaism's Strange Gods is one landmark of his.
2001 L Silverstein and 9/11. The story has by now been decrypted sufficiently to identify Silverstein and some cronies as the prime mover in 9/11. Insurance payouts—the excuse to raise premiums meant in effect the entire new build project was offloaded onto non-Jews. The other part of the plan was of course a middle east war to be fought by others.
2002-2005 'Denis MacShane' MP was made 'Minister for Europe'. A Labour friend of Israel, his real name is eastern-European Jew Mateusek.
One of very many MPs who were/are semi-secretly Jews and with legal training. He helped draft NUJ instructions to prevent true race reporting. He supposedly represented Rotherham, a northern English constituency, and, among other things, imported Africans believed to have AIDS. This unspeakable piece of shit helped conceal rapes and assaults of underage white girls.
Rowan Williams was made Archbishop of Canterbury in 2003, selected from a shortlist by Blair possibly in exchange for supporting war against Iraq. Even by the standards typical of such people, he proved a nonentity unable or unwilling to start any new projects. The C of E is a worldwide joke. As with Roman Catholics, superstitious blacks are now their majority membership.
Peter Goldsmith in 2003 was Attorney General (not for Scotland) and came up with the right answer—Iraq must be invaded. Jewish lawyers heading nominally national legal systems have been used to promote wars, back their own racist group, and damage host contries. Many Jews think this is in their interest.
2003 Margaret Hodge (née Oppenheimer), immensely rich, from an Egyptian Oppenheimer steel company, was made Minister for Children despite having done nothing about paedophilia. It is emerging that Muslims and Jews want paedophilia, and the then Labour government did too.
2004 Mark Thompson was nominally put in charge of the BBC. Funded by public money (except by immigrants—the leading cause of women in jail in Britain is non-payment for the BBC) its unrelieved mediocrity and lies in every field, contrary to its charter—science, religion, current affairs—leaves a huge question mark over the future of this discredited organisation.
2005 Cressida Dick and a shooting of an innocent man. This was a couple of weeks after the false flag London bombings, which were never investigated. Her promotion, later, marks another part of the increased politicisation, and decreasing trust, in the police and the prosecution agencies which consistently act against whites.
2007 Statue of Margaret Thatcher put up in the Houses of Parliament. Thatcher's role was partly to get public assets into Jewish ownership, partly to keep the truth hidden about Jewish control of the USSR, the 'Cold War', Communism, and nuclear weapons. Another misunderstood issue is trade unions: under Jewish ('red') control, trouble could be caused where needed to close down industries, ports etc. Thatcher's writings show she had no inkling. She was a perfect 'useful idiot'—intense, single-minded and ignorant.
2007 Pakistani 'Briton' made 'Baroness Warsi'. The USA is not the only country with 'positive discrimination', i.e. absurd anti-white promotions!
2008 Barry Soetero, inaugurated as USA president in 2009. Incredibly, he isn't even a US citizen.
He is half Jewish, half Muslim—American blacks don't seem to know Jews and Muslims dealt in black slaves for centuries. Supersitious love for the absurd 'cult of the dead paedophile'. Promoted of course by Jews, surrounded by Jewish advisors, supporter of wars, illegal immigration, and de-industrialisation.
2009 Herman von Rompuy (here with sociology graduate Catherine Ashton) emerges like a beetle from the wainscot, blinking in the light. He was announced as the unelected 'First President of the European Council', a collection of failed politicians with simple-minded ideas.
2010 Johan Galtung A Scandinavian academic's figure of 96% of all media Jewish-owned was publicised.
Big mistake in 2010 by the Jewish media: Barbara Lerner Spectre was filmed in Sweden boasting Jews would force immigration into European countries. Thanks to the ease of downloading of videos, the film extract could not be suppressed. The Swedish taxpayers are forced to pay this insane woman.
2010 Nick Griffin was elected a BNP MEP, as was Andrew Brons, a result made possible by the proportional representation system to the EU Parliament—like the USSR, no decisions are taken by this body. (Since writing this, I've come to wonder whether Brons—Bronstein?—is just another crypto-Jew, with a special interest in lightweight after-dinner style speeches and with no noticeable interest in identifying Jewish policies. His biography shows 'German' ancestry in about 1900, usually a marker of crypto-Jewish entry to Britain. Probably both MEPs were deliberately arranged to hand them public money). Note the Churchill imagery, intended of course as a vote-catcher; there are still many Britons who still think Churchill was a great leader, just as many simpler Americans think genocide in Vietnam was to their credit.
2011 The Leveson Inquiry into the press—not of course the serious implications, such as the deliberate non-reporting of rapes and murders of whites; or immigration; or paper money and fraud. A hugely expensive, money-making scheme for lawyers. Limited scope and powers of questioning make it worthless.
Boris Johnson, a candidate in 2012 for London Mayor. The once family name of Osman reveals Muslim ancestry—an immigrant at the time of the Armenian massacres suggests he's descended from a mass killer who escaped with loot to Britain.
2012 London Mayoral elections, the Mayor being a recently-invented post. Ken Livingstone is an example of a useful idiot/anti-white racist, plucked from what ought to have been an insignificant career, to wreck London, taking orders weekly from his Jewish-controlled handlers. He supported the IRA, promoters of forced immigration into Ireland. He sided with big money, including farcical wastes of money such as the 'Millennium Dome' and the 'London Olympics'. He supports increased property and other taxes to pay for immigration, dumbed-down education, and helped London to become unsustainably violent and dangerous.
Miliband brothers, Cameron, Clegg lead all three mainstream political parties in Britain. All are for practical purposes Jews: Miliband brothers, north London Jews via Belgium and the USSR killing fields; Cameron from 'British' financiers; Clegg Dutch Jews. The photo shows the Pakistani-lookalike 'Ed' Miliband, his brother being David, who makes money in (e.g.) fraudulent wind farms, financed by people expecting 'Labour' to take its turns when Cameron is kicked out. All support Jewish paper money control, middle east wars, and violence against Britons.
2012 Neil Armstrong died—probably a relief to him after his lifetime of lies. He appears to have bombed women and children in Korea, but been too much of a coward to tell the truth—a true hero in the Jewish sense. Personally, I'm glad he's dead—he was a disgrace to the human race.
2012 Queen's diamond jubilee, the 60th anniversary of her accession. She always did what she was told, but probably had little idea what she was doing, judging from a tiny amount of non-sycophantic material. I wonder if she ever discusses the murder and rapes of the related Russian royalties by Jews in 1917, over cucumber sandwiches with the Rothschilds; I suppose it might inhibit discussion of money. She knighted Giuliani, Colin Powell & entertained Mugabe et al. The royal family is a joke, and, judging by other 20th century monarchies, a serious conflict will see them go.
Rupert Murdoch presides over a media empire, though probably he needed Jewish fake money to get it for him. He has an unrelieved and possibly unequalled history in telling lies, starting with genocide in Vietnam, and extending for decades to Iraq and beyond. He supports the Jewish agenda of forcing immigration into all white countries. Some time deliberate mass deception may be made illegal, and such freaks will die out.
On Murdoch as a Jew liar, and Jews and 9/11, the best writer seems to be Christopher Bollyn whose work is often repeated and quoted online.
28 May 2019: I watched the Dutch video of Christopher Bollyn delivering a talk, nominally on 9/11, but was worried by several things. One was the conventional view of JFK which looks wrong to me. (See https://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/barindex2.pdf ). Bollyn says nothing about Jewish war aims, presumably basically to control money, and control legal rights such as shares, land rents etc., and reduce non-Jew populations.
Another thing that annoyed me was Bollyn's claim that Picture Post or some jew comic was a reason for the US genocide in Vietnam ending. I don't believe a word of it. There were no photos of GIs raping women, or burnt out villages, or ecological damage.
George Soros—real name something unpronounceable in Hungarian—made paper fortunes trading in Jewish paper money. For many years he has funded agencies to destroy white countries. He concentrates on eastern Europe.
Bradley Smith of CODOH working, with others, throughout the entire period outlined above, for truth about 'Holocaust' frauds
Big mistake— Dancing Israelis, pleased by 9/11, & "Documenting the event"—Israelis on Israeli TV admit by mistake that they knew about the 'event' before it happened
Big mistake— Israeli snipers recorded killing American soldiers in Iraq to keep the war boiling
RIP: John Smith 1994; Diana Spencer 1997; David Kelly 2003; Robin Cook 2005
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
It's amusing the way the racist Jews in their racist captions always talk about the 'forced labour camp'. That's how racist Jews operate, always using the same racist Jew expression. For example, the racist Jew controlled TV in Rhodesia (before the racist Jews got their pet Mugabe in) always talked about 'racist South Africa', a typical racist Jew phrase.
RW in 'Facebook'
• Not Much Progress
People new to revisionism may be surprised how little progress has occurred in holocaust revisionism. But this is common—dependent, usually, on vested interests, though technical difficulties are important, too. Medicine, and religion, remained static for more than a thousand years in Europe. If there has been little change in holocaust revisionism, this is not surprising. But technology, in only 21 years, has improved enormously. There are potential risks: already Amazon, Youtube, and Google have had partial clampdowns on informational Jew sites, and Wordpress seems to have begun to follow. The move to 'secure' (i.e. coded) text may be planned to wipe out plaintext communications.
• Large Relative Increase in Jewish Frauds
Jews have hung on to their lucrative Holocaust fraud with the fanaticism of a group likely to lose fortunes if they tell the truth. Such debate as has occurred is in propaganda. I doubt much new information has come to light: Jews are very unlikely to open up any archives. Propaganda includes 'holocaust memorials'—concrete slabs, ugly war museums with fake content, compulsory school trips, movies, 'news' sources. All these things seem to be meeting more and more public resistance. For example, Jewish-owned 'newspapers' are reported to be struggling, despite sources of unlimited Jewish paper money. But the Holohoax is meeting with internal Jewish competition: the Second World War in entirety is one. The 9/11 fraud has spawned its own hideous monuments; and its accompanying Jewish wars have entire propaganda shadows around them. So does the Jewish promotion of coloured invasion of white countries.
Some of these frauds are subtly changed, fronted by Jews apparently running private schemes. These of course can be disowned, provided financial links are kept hidden. Many of the Holohoax liars were carried out as private prosecutions, but even these are being looked at in a worried fashion by Jews, in case the fragile card structures start to fail. It's becoming better known that thugs and screamers and poster holders are rented.
• Increases in Awareness of Jewish Power
Very many aspects of Jewish power have come to light—more or less. Good examples are Talmudic teachings, with their remarkable-seeming viciousness, secrecy, and absurdity. For example, the notion that Jews—who have often interbred with host groups, as is necessary for camouflage—are a pure race is clearly impossible. So is the idea of maternal descent. Awareness of the Jewish world-wide spread—its variation on the entire plan of a state—its uniqueness and hidden nature, has increased. Expressions such as 'hostile elite', which sounds American-only but isn't, 'the battle lines are drawn up', which misleadingly suggests military blocks, money as a 'store of value, and medium of exchange', ignoring the social engineering aspects, are being noticed as misleading. Store of value (from Adam Smith?) is deliberately misleading, aimed to sound plausible to people with little money, when in fact the 'power of the purse' can control empires. The 'Federal Reserve' junk paper money, analogous to the paper money loaned by Jews of the 'Bank of England', is widely understood in outline, though I know of no group of economists discussing J-sector finance. The Jewish policy of forcing governments to borrow, is being noticed: many people know by now that funding illegal immigrants imposes a huge burden on a country, from which Jews may benefit for years or centuries. Jewish funding of weapons, and both sides in conflicts, is a huge assemblage of cans of worms, waiting to be opened.
Jewish secret media infiltration is being noticed. As a trivial example, consider the Blackadder supposed historical comedies of decades ago: Ben Elton (writer) thinks he's a Jew, as does Tony Robinson; it seems to have been produced by Curtis, a Jew, and fronted by 'Atkinson' whose father is stated to be a 'Russian Jew'. Less trivial examples include Jews in the BBC—for example, David Dimbleby, who has fronted Question Time for decades, smothering most issues important in Britain; and David Attenborough, who played a significant part in obscuring atrocities of Russian and Polish Jews.
Jewish financial power is (as far as I can tell) increasingly understood, for example in ownership of stores and shopping malls.
• Increase in Awareness of Jewish Power Historically and Geographically
Looking back historically has thrown light on many topics. Jews and the slave trade, Jews and the foundation of religions—not just Christianity, but Islam, Jesuits, Quakers, and many more. Jews and the preservation of their monopolies by symbiotic organisations such as the Catholic Church are being noticed. I suspect that 'sacred prostitution' will link Jews with churches and prostitution. It's been suggested seriously that the Holohoax is intended to be the basis of a new superstition, modelled loosely on Christianity, in which a few million so-called 'Jews' will substitute for one.
Military revisionism is a subject even more uncertain than others. For example, many ordinary Americans are happy to commit murders, and Jews have been behind the destruction of much of Europe, the East, Africa, and South America.
Jews and scientifically updated versions of poisoning of wells are noted. Jews and their reliance on paid thugs and fake supporters must lead to actions against them. Jews and their race mixing fanaticism is being noted. Jews and synagogues may have a finite future.
I hope, and dare to expect, that, as the scope of Jewish frauds becomes more visible, as the old barred doors are forced open, there will be worldwide groups of experts concentrating their attentions on (for example) historical frauds, military activities, political schemes such as the corruption of democracy, academic dark places; think of fluoridation, for example; fake news, legal dodges, false flags, statistical misreporting, for example of crimes. In my view it is unreasonable to expect small groups to be familiar with most of these issues, and I look forward to many excellent revisionist groups maturing, probably with no Jewish component. It is quite painful at present to hear, see, and read people who misinterpret important aspects of the world, probably accompanied by secret laughter from Jews.
I can see no substitute for fairly widespread serious background knowledge; recently I discovered the case for salt in food, needing some grasp of such things as chloride ions, sequestration of sodium ions in bone, pH and acidity, salt licks, blood viscosity, differences in salt in food in Japan and elsewhere, and Jewish propaganda in health and science.
An analogous set of problems applies in modern legal systems which Jews have been allowed to influence: payments extorted by 'Jews' after 1945 from Germany, divorce and the exquisite error of 'feminazis', legal aid as a pot of money for groups of lawyers (I think Simon Sheppard says a case against him cost—or rather gained, for lawyers—about a million pounds, "They didn't care; it wasn't their money", organisations funded from loans and taxes, such as the CEHR 'human rights' frauds in Britain, private-ish organisations nominally of Soros set up by Jewish paper money, illegal activities of Jews tolerated, probably as a result of Freemasonry connections. It's one of the worrying and sinister effects of Jews that educational levels are pitifully low. However, when/if reliable groups research and report authoritatively on Jewish frauds, and their puppets and subordinates, groups of Jews may come to be played against each other, after the fashion which Jews have used so many times.
• Possible Underestimated Effects of Internet
I'd like to suggest that the simple fact of broadcasting 'new' ideas will start profound changes in people's ideas. Looking back over twenty years, I can recall new ideas on the supposed 'moon landings', the 'holocaust', nuclear weapons and power, false flags, the origins of Christianity, awareness of seething Jewish hatreds, and doubts on the genuine existence of 'Jews' as a category. I expect the Church's supposed opposition to 'Usury' was a collaboration to keep Jewish monopoly. I suspect the First and Second 'World Wars' were orchestrated behind the scenes by Jews, partly as genocidal policies.
There have been fightbacks by Jews, as for example in promoting 'flat earth' ideas. But I don't think there's any doubt that many people have been influenced by ideas which, before, were completely unmentioned by the carefully-controlled media and education and religion establishments.
Some of these ideas directly oppose attitudes secretly generated by Jews, on (for example) wars, money, and race-mixing. A problem here is the innate tendency of Jews to lie; their mode of argument is a mixture of intense, apparently sincere, shouting and assertion, combined with false analogies, false historical parallels made up for the purpose, appeals to anything from greed and faked skills, to fear of blackmail and violence and impoverishment. The case of Barbara Lerner Spectre's utterances, sounding like a psychopathic woman killer from an Agatha Christie story, or Soros' insane hates, must be influencing large numbers of people, even the ones who would like to join up with them.
In the same way that electric light caused belief in ghosts to fall, and diet and other improvements in longevity caused belief in the Soul to decline, Internet promises, in a casual unintended way, to indirectly cast light on, and dim, old assumptions once unconsciously taken as given.
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LINKS Unchanged from 1997; to give an idea of the state of revisionism at the birth of Internet
On this website, immediately below
Anti-Revisionist Weblinks
Revisionist Weblinks
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
External Links. [Click top right to close windows after reading]
[Large sitewhich won't tell you how they go about their activities]
Almanac, Canadian Site
[This site may have been discontinued. It had pieces e.g. on 'techniques of denial'.]
'The American-Israel Cooperative Enterprise'
[Click to visit a typical subsite, entitled 'Holocaust Denial'. The 'Jewish Student Online Research Center' is on the same site.]
1997 site
apparently by Ken Lewis deals with this (many documents, and many omitted, in English translations. Essentially presents the conventional view, with a selection of supposed documents on the 'final solution', and some pictures. NB for a time my link was incorrect and didn't workapologies). And a
subsite on the topic, though the arrangement is unhelpful]
. [Large site, but with interminable cross-links and rather feeble layoutit seems to have been designed by committeewhich conceals much of its content: standard Hitler material, Hungary, 'the Bolshevik canard', and so on. Has a newish piece on the chemistry of cyanide which is shrill but unconvincing. Many photos. The guest book has some comical items. (I re-found this site on looking up a piece by Yale Eideken on Irving's trial, purporting to analyse Irving's legal mistakes. He compares me to Charlie McCarthy, someone I hadn't heard ofapparently a talking dummyI'm not very familiar with working-class US entertainment. NB please, someone, correct his spelling 'Krystallnacht').] |
. [A new site, I think, specially funded, in Louisiana. Has family photos etc. on a small scale, but general lack of evidence; includes also photo of the supposed gas chamber at Auschwitz discredited with the help of the Irving trial. Claims to have documentary proof of gassing. (NBthe technical quality of this website is suspectif it crashes, don't be surprised).] |
Institute for Jewish Policy Research
. [Based in UK. Legalistic, with an appendix summarising, or purportedly summarising, features of 'Holocaust Denial' legislation mostly in Europe. Some (not much) material on how Internet might be controlled. It has details of the failed Bill in the UK, including the wording 'other similar crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany', thus excluding any other mass murders. One of its publications is a rather dull and evasive piece on
'Holocaust denial' legislation
in the UK, concluding unanimously that it would be undesirable. An appendix lists panel members, including the editor of
and Dr Georg Nolte. I was amused to see that 'foreword' was misspelt 'forward' by Anthony Julius, a lawyer.] |
The Mad Revisionist
[Anonymous site, though probably by Nizkor or some such site. Makes joke parallels, e.g. about the existence of the moon, implying the revisionist case is weakwithout addressing the actual questions.]
[Large site which is notoriously weak and evasive on actual documentation. A typical subsite is
. Surprisingly few names, and surprisingly piffling treatment. Their Internet spamming technique though is competent. In late 1999 there was talk of it being sold at a high price; I don't know if anything came of this]
Harry Mazal OBE's site
[Under development. At present, almost entirely Nuremberg trial, plus Dachau gas chambers. Has an out-of-date feel, as, it seems, nobody else accepts Dachau gas chambers any more, and there's widespread awareness of the unreliability of Nuremberg. (For non-Britons, OBE means 'Order of the British Empire').]
Public Eye
, ['sponsored by Political Research Associates'. Pro-Nizkor. One fears that some of these organisations are full of bogus reformers. The link was to a piece on 'antisemitism' which seems not to work;
try this link
, their home page. Topics include irrational Jewish conspiracy theories, hate crimes, David Icke etc.]
The Skeptic
[Feb 1994 edn. Linked to F Miele '.. test case for the skeptical ethic..' and B Siano's review of D. Lipstadt's 'Denying the Holocaust'. (Most of their articles aren't on Internet). Skeptic has several loosely-associated peopleShermer, Carroll, Randi. In my view their work is rather feeble, selecting only trivial targets, which no doubt explains why they're toleratedor ignored.]
Simon Wiesenthal Center
, Los Angeles. [Supposed pursuit of war criminals (unless of course they're US, Israeli, ...) The true record in fact is rather different from what I presume remains the common perception. Immense financial resources. Michael A. Hoffman II wrote: 'The Wiesenthal Center is not a "human rights group" as the New York Times claims. The abridgment of rights of free speech and expression curtails human rights. The Wiesenthal organization is a religious Zionist organization and should be described as such..']
[Back to start of 'Free Speech, Internet, & Holocaust Revisionism']
External Links. [Click top right to close windows after reading]
[French site, closed down late 2000; now back at a different URL.
l'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerre et d'Holocauste.
Large, with a slightly macaronic appearance. It has much of Rassinier (in English). New section considers Goldhagen. Something on Kevin Macdonald. Also
archival material, e.g. 'Adventure..' and Garaudy/Pierre. It has a probably-correct debunking of
by the use of ground-penetrating radar. It has New Zealand military historian/theoretician Joel Hayward's dissertation on Holocaust Revisionismor, so far at least, some of it.
Unconventional copyright message: '... We do not request permission from authors living in countries where freedom of expression is denied by law, as in Germany, France, Switzerland, Israel, China etc. because they are nor [sic] free to consent.']
Adelaide Institute
[Fredrick Töben's site in Australia.
Newsletter etc. Unflattering accounts of Australian university history teaching. Töben was arrested in Germany in April 1999; accounts of this are on his site. NB: layout is poor with e.g. no indication of contents of his numerous newsletters.]
Austin J. App
[was, or is, an early revisionist.
'A Straight Look at the Third Reich'
written at the time of Nixon mainly looks at postwar measures against Germans. This site ('First Amendment Exercise Machine') also has
The Six Million Swindle
, and
Power and Propaganda in American Politics and Foreign Affairs
. VHO at one time had App's
Holocaust.. in Perspective'
(1980), but seem to have removed all App material. App seems also to have written
Ravishing the Conquered Women of Europe
Air photo interpretation site by John Ball
[with audio-visual aids, detailed coloured maps, photos, very elaborately done. Detailed list of camps from Auschwitz to Treblinka; also such events (or non-events) as Babi Yar. Important revisionist source for the German eastern front: the thrust is that many claimed massacres are frauds (or perpetrated by the Soviet Union), and that this is provable by forensic methods including air photos. Some technical material. Also in Swedish, German]
Barnes Review
in memory of Harry Elmer Barnes. [(There's also a different small site called the 'memory hole', and perhaps others, too.) WW2 revisionist. Apparently this is Willis Carto's site. It has back-number information. The layout of this site is not (or was not) helpfulyou couldn't tell what's there without clicking.]
Blacks and Jews
(blacksandjews.com has vanished. However this site, not an official Black Muslim US site, Advertises the books
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
; Prof Tony Martin (Wellesley College) and his book
The Jewish Onslaught
; and actual quotations from Louis Farrakhan, contrasted with misrepresentations of him. Also material on Spielberg's film
. Not holocaust revisionist, except in the sense that it shifts the ground by referring only to the black slavery holocaust. Estimates here are of the order of 100 million deathswhich sounds to me like an exaggeration.]
Joaquin Bochaca's
El Mito de los Seis Millones
[Spanish revisionist book, apparently first published in 1979, possibly in South America. The Internet version is in two parts. The bibliography and endnotes (with rather numerous scanner and other errors) show the sources are almost entirely American, British, French, and German, though there are Spanish notes added by 'N. del A.' The Internet version appears to be unedited; the latest dated note is 1977, or 1978 if you count one Spanish article.
Bochaca's book appears to be a compilation from App, Barnes, Butz, and othersfor example, the section 'LOS DERECHOS DE LA ARITMETICA' seems based largely on
Did Six Million Really Die?
. Since Bochaca had also translated works from French, Italian, and English, I infer he is or was primarily a translator and compiler. Given the date, unsurprisingly there's no mention of Zündel. I'm told there is no material in this book relevant to the Spanish Civil War, Catholicism, Opus Dei, and South America.]
Arthur Butz
[Modest site with ad for his book. He doesn't want his book available on Internet. And several of his articles:
displays an index; select vk.html and detect.html for Butz on gas cellars in Auschwitz/Birkenau]
['Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust'. Bradley R. Smith's site, with Quixotic imagery and biog info. Rearranged 2000; includes a top 10 (Click What's new, What's hot), all his 1990s campus promotion ads (easier to find in text-only mode), and a Reader Commentary/BBS section with civility requested (if they get it working). CODOH offered $250,000 to anyone arranging a prime time TV debate of ADL with CODOH. Huge list of authorsDavid Irving, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Berg, Peter Hayes, Carlos W Porter, Russ Granata, Mark Weber.
Stäglich: Auschwitz: a Judge Looks at the Evidence
. Has Faurisson's 'Witnesses to the gas chambers of Auschwitz' with account of first (1985) Zündel trial. Their mag
The Revisionist
is now partly online; if they feel inclined to scan and do OCR, presumably more will follow. Also has list of other links, site and web searchers. NB Bradley F Smith also writes or wrote on the Second World War, but is a different Bradley Smith]
[Campaign for Radical Truth in History. Michael A Hoffman II's site. Maltreatment of whites, crits of modern news media, notably failure to comment on people like Armand Hammer, in addition to Revisionism. He's a Catholic ex-journalist, sacked I think for his views, after a campaign by 'a Jewish doctor'. Reputedly with about ten kids. (NB Othodox Judaism also opposes contraception, though virtually no publicity is given to this fact). Section on Talmud based on I B Pranaitis, but Hoffman has been reading the Talmud and is about to publish, or has published, better-researched material. Mail-order sales]
Elias Davidsson Dark Web pages of Zionism
[Iceland-based site which is larger than first appears. Selected articles, book reviews and extracts, including a 'Holocaust' section]
[Revisionist subsites include:
Rassinier Chs 13 & 14 of 'Drama of the European Jews'
(Ohlendorf figures prominently),
'The Case of the Einsatzgruppen'
from 'Did Six Million..?', Garaudy on
'Founding Myths of Zionism' Part 2
Norman Finkelstein
[Promoting his book
The Holocaust Industry
. Not strictly revisionistFinkelstein accepts such things as gas chambers and exceptional treatment of the Jews. Published (at least in the UK) by Verso Books, which was founded by Dr Robin Blackburn, supposedly a left-winger. The book is not strictly revisionistits main interest is facts and figures relating to the moneys obtained, and their destinationsgenerally within close control of Jews with no connection to WW2, not to its generally-assumed recipients. Refers to Butz as a nonentity (so what is Finkelstein?) An interesting halfway stage to revisionism, possibly intended as a warning to stop, to help damp down criticisms of 'Jews', in case these should become stronger. Widely ignored and unreviewed in the USA so farsee
David Irving's site
for frequently-updated reports on this US censorship. There is an Internet online version, with some scanner errors, though I would guess without copyright permission, which therefore I feel unable to link to.]
Giwer's World
[Matt Giwer's site, with WW2 section, with some material from memories of the time supplemented by research: Churchill, Roosevelt, Poland being less innocent than usually thought, Belgium, 'gas chambers' and Nuremberg, dubious photos, and many other things, including US Civil War revisionism. Some spelling errors. Giwer said plaintively his site hasn't yet been bannedif you run censorware, perhaps you could put him out of his misery?]
['God Affirmed Order in Love'. Looking again, I find it's 'God's Order Affirmed in Love' and not 'GAOL', as I'd thought. Christian anti-Jewish site with some US style things, e.g. opposed to interest on money.
is an anti-Holocaust allegory]
Russ Granata's site
[Like VHO, an international site, with articles in German
and French
. An interesting subsite is by
Jürgen Graf
, a Swiss revisionist who apparently was forced to move to Iran in about December 2000.
Carlo Mattogno's work
is another interesting subsite.]
Historical Review Press
['The revisionist publisher of the world'. Large site, in England; at least 40Mb, all put together with Microsoft Front Page. Includes
Did Six Million Really Die?
, a 1938 book on Jewish Ritual Murder, several translations of
Mein Kampf
, Rosenberg's
The Myth of the 20th Century
in English (including the phrase 'final solution'nothing to do with Jews), Henry Ford's
The International Jew
, what seems to be the full version of Leuchter's
, and Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Color, dated 1922, the first whites-v-the-rest book known to me—though it is based entirely on population figures as affected by medical technology, and says nothing about Jews behind the scenes, notably in the 'Great War'. Much rather scrappy material (including phoney race crime statistics). Despite the implied claim in the title, this site is mostly anti-Jewish and has little general historical revision material. Not for my taste an attractive site]
Greg Raven's IHR
['Institute for Historical Review'. Seems to have reappeared after moves through several sites. Started in 1980 I think, somewhat pre-Internet with a printed journal, books, and leaflets. Most of their articles have been scanned and uploaded. Site searcher; about 400 files. A film with the actor who insists he isn't Spock featured some IHR booklets.
Journal of Historical Review
back numbers are on the VHO website.
Beirut 2001.
Conference arranged by a Swiss group, Verité et Justice, in Lebanon, March 31-April 3rd 2001. I don't know whether this group has much substantial existence. At any rate, I couldn't find a website. Jürgen Graf is its head (I'm told) and presumably operates from Iran.NEW: 23 March 2001: a report said: "This conference will not be held in Beirut," Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.. (after a cabinet meeting!) Edward Said appears to have signed a letter 'condemning' the meetingthough there's some doubt as he claimed afterwards he never saw the text.
[Robert Faurisson's talk, prepared for the banned conference, is available on my site, in two languages. Click for
May 2000 online conference
(in fact, more a set of monologues) appears to have had, disappointingly, only a few thousand hits. However, I recommend it as a chance to hear Faurisson (interesting on the philosophy of scientific method: he suggests that translating into a foreign language forces understanding of texts; and insists on evidencephotos of gas chambers, in his case), and Arthur Butz (who was for a time written-up charmingly as 'Author Butz'), with Germar Rudolf, Senator McCloskey (Korea, Jews and the
, the ADL and behind-the-scenes operations), and a number of others. In real audio formatsave on disk for reference.]
David Irving's
Focal Point Press site [Massive site (something like 100 Mb) designed, scanned and programmed personally by Irving. Shows signs of its start as an outlet for his books; increasingly devoted to his appeal against the outcome of his lawsuit against Viking/Penguin and Deborah Lipstadt. Large numbers of press 'cuttings' downloaded from newspapers' own sites, on the Second World War, and his legal case, its aftermath, and Jewish-related matters.
Free downloads of many of his books are on his site, on the theory that printed book sales will ultimately be increased: they have better illustrations and are more pleasant to read and handle. (My account of the trial,
Irving v Lipstadt
, includes a list of his books. Incidentally, not one of his titles is legally in print in any language in any country in the world).
Irving's appeal will be heard at the English Court of Appeal; it is directed to begin on June 11th 2001 before Lord Justice Pill, and appears to be scheduled for five days in total. This will be open the public (I checked carefully). '.. it will become the subject of the most intense media glare. TV cameras, transmitters, teams, photographers, will line up .. outside the Law Courts.' Currently Irving is in the USA;
Click here
to see his personal fundraising site.
www.davidirving.com, www.davidirving.net and www.davidirving.org are registered in Cleveland, Ohio, and link to the Institute for Historical Review, presumably with Irving's permission.]
Radio Islam
[The (slow-loading) English section of this multi-language site. 'Radio' refers only to the broadcasting-over-Internet aspect; I don't think there's a radio station. Essentially Palestinian, and rather anti-American. Interesting list of Jews in US government. Sections on the Holocaust. This is run by or on behalf of Ahmed Rami, who was briefly mentioned, with of course no detail, near the end of the Irving libel trial. I don't think there are any Arabic sites; very likely they would be crushed]
Italy. Associazione per il Revisionismo Storico
is a new Italian site.
Fred Leuchter's site
[linked from David Irving's. When I tried it, it was unobtainable. An interesting section is
Leuchter on Jean-Claude Pressac
(the fourth Leuchter report) which however is arranged in many small fragments]
Peter Myers' (Australian) site
has interesting things to say on Zionism, Christianity and religions generally, Japan, the Protocols of Zion (which Myers argues are genuine), Israel, the 'Jewish campaign to demolish the Dome of the Rock', and free trade/one world. Dislikes William Pierce. Not I think strictly a holocaust or Second World War revisionist.
National Vanguard
Free Speech subsite, largely by Dr William Pierce. [A 'monthly illustrated newsletter.. America's only uncensored patriotic [i.e. supposedly patriotic of USA] radio program..'. Has some reprint material, including (scroll down to Vol I, No. 6) Benjamin Freedman on Jews in Germany before WW2 (which I've also put onto my site). The layout isn't very good, in my opinion; article titles are given, without summary of contents. I thought there was the piece I referred to, on Churchill, in here somewhere, but there isn't. In June 2000, there were 240 articles here.]
Konstantinos 'Kosta' Plevris
[Greek legal man, who has written long works on Jews and Europe and Greece. The above link is an interview - biographical & bibliographical information. ADDED MAR 2013. The original, longer, interview in English is here, in the Barnes Review]
Carlos W. Porter
[Translator. Intends to reproduce the Nuremberg documents in scanned-in form, i.e. as images, not in type or print. Mainly seems to intend focussing on Soviet or Russian frauds and fakesnothing seems planned on Poland, despite its importance. Newish. NB Site URL changed mid-April 2000]
Qué nos ocultan
[Spanish site with up-to-the-minute Spanish language material, mostly, as far as I know, on the Holohoax. ADDED AUG 2015]
[Links to the Institute for Historical Review, which presumably bought this and related domain names. Includes in its video archives a downloadable video of David Cole talkin with Piper at Auschwitz. 20 Mba bit long!]
Ukrainian Archive
ukar.org seems to have been removed; I can't find another URL address where it may have been moved to.
[Not archives in a strict sense; items related, some tenuously, to Ukraine, the Soviet Union, and the Second World War. Demjanjuk and his trial, perceptions of Ukrainiansincluding
mag photo lie, Jews in Ukraine, Einsatzgruppen... I think this site is the one with a diary of a girl at Stalingrad, in Anne Frank style. Also huge fraudsbillions of dollarsmostly or entirely by Jews.]
[The link is to Deja Com. Search for people locked in virtual combat with other disembodied voices. Alt.revisionism is interestingly controversial, with expressions like holohoax, hollowcost, holocau$t, holylocust. ASMarques
was a frequent contributor, but (Jan 2000) says he no longer participates. Slade Farney is another interesting contributor.
Bulletin Boards on individual sites
John Ball, and CODOH, have thesemay have interesting specialised debates, but are of course smaller scale.]
[What I take to be a Flemish Belgian site, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, = Free Historical Enquiry. More than a thousand authors, many of them German or French. Some connection with Germar Rudolfin fact, I think it's his site. Says it has 4,500 files searchable with its new site searcher. In mid-Feb 450 or so photos were put up relating to the Irving trial/ Auschwitz/Birkenau. The layout unfortunately isn't very easy to get to grips with; as a result this site is probably underrated. Has extract from Udo Walendy's fake photo evidence, plus e.g. IHR articles, Pearl Harbor, Anne Frank, French Revolution, Japan, Morgenthau, reviews of Arno Mayer, Christianity, Australia, Canada, Islam, Hollywood, Arthur Butz, Faurisson, unpublished letters e.g. to Christopher Hitchens, etc etc. Mail order sales.
Dissecting the Holocaust
edited under a pseudonym by G Rudolf, is an anthology of I think 18 authors including Ball, Berg, Faurisson, Walendy and Mark Weber, planned for Autumn 2000. It won't be published by Penguin! The subtitle,
The Growing Critique of ' Truth' and Memory
is evidently aimed against Deborah Lipstadt's book.]
[This is a revisionist article, 'Anatomy of a Fabrication' by J P Ney]
Be Wise
['Be wise as serpents' to the vast right wing conspiracy. I hope their history is better than their natural history. Christian-based site. Confusing layout; seems to be little original work]
[Was based in Canada. One of the first, if not the first, revisionist site; of considerable importance in revisionism and in Internet history. Has Faurisson's How Many Deaths at Auschwitz? (incredible shrinking holocaust ©MHII). And the full text of
'Did Six Million Really Die?'
(part 2 has an overview of the figures). Leuchter Report, Rudolf Report. Also court transcripts of 2nd trial of Zündel, though not the first. These transcripts were hard to findthis was a sprawling and not very well-designed sitebut recently the layout has been improved. Sends e-mails, edited by Ingrid Rimland, to subscribers. Rimland secretly married Zündel in early 2000]
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Home page of Rae Wests site
Comments? Click here to email
HTML Rae West © Rae West 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2012 all rights reserved. First upload 98-03-01 Revn 98-08-11. Cosmetic changes 99-02-01. Pictures and links and some extra text 99-03-23. A few more things 99-07-17, 25, 30, 99-08-1, 2000-03-29, 2000-05-09, 2000-06-27, 2000-12-10. Irving trial link 2000-01-23. Polish revisionists, Babi Yar, Boer War, Greek Jews on TV, combustion, Syria, Leuchter film Jan-May 2000. Leon Greenman talk, sound file 2000-03-23. Usenet and opening of other sites within windows, 2000-04-14. Giwer 2000-05-07, 2000-09-01. Anti-Kriegs-Museum 2000-06-03. Archaeology 2000-06-08. Online conference 2000-06-16. Baltimore 2000-08-03. Finkelstein 2000-09-02. Khazar map 2000-09-05. Thion and France 2000-12-26. Public Record Office at Kew (PRO) 2001-01-08, 2001-03-05. Joaquin Bochaca 2001-03-05. Lebanon 2001-03-09. Irving appeal note 2001-03-15. Faurisson articles late March and early April 2001. revisionismo.com 2001-07-08
Fifteen Years Later added 2012-09-15 and pictorial survey 2012-09-25. Reinhardt note added 2012-11-01; Kosta Plevris added 2013-04-01. 'Pogroms' and death obsessions added 2013-09-24. Ho ;o co$t logo 2014-03-29. Qué nos ocultan added 2015-08-16.
Deemed mobile friendly by Google 2015-06-19. Some revisionist links updated (years later!) 2015-08-16. Some media links changed to raetowest.org on 11 Aug 2017. Then back to big-lies.org 15 Sept 2018
The text of my talk has been left unchanged throughout, apart from a few commentaries in square brackets.
Rammstein hope 20 02 2020. Cartoon 4 May 2020