v. 12 May 2024, 11 October 2023 Mostly from https://big-lies.org/jews/guide-for-the-perplexed-about-jews.html#jew-parasite-evolution
With new material on fire-ants, Eustace Mullins, and intra-species parasitism.
Remote human evolution and jaws, raw meat, fire as a softener of meat, and the 'post-orbital constriction'
Jews as totalitarian rabbi-herded ghetto rats.
Mediterranean Sea: Its Critical Importance. And the Khazars.
Links to China: May turn out to be of first-rank importance
'Pterodactyl' on Instinctive, genetic promptings to action.
From Miles Mathis phoenper.pdf: Phoenician genes vs northern 'Aryan' genes.
From Jan Lamprecht on Jewish dysfunction and incapacity.
From Brandon Martinez, of alt-right.com: Biological, blood and death, parasitic behaviour
(The following is from the NukeLies offtopic section, taken from Owlbear of TheOccidentalObserver.net, itself taken from a closed-down site called 'Thiazi'. Judging by the vocabulary, this may have been German, taken from the 1920s or 1930s)—

Merkel; Polish Jew extraction. East German 'communist' trying to flood Europe with aliens. CDU ('Christian Democratic Union') is in fact Jewish, non-democratic, and doesn't aim at union!

Hobsbawm, Jewish 'professor of history', ignoring Jewish violence in 'Soviet' (i.e. Jewish) Russia

Heinz ('Henry') Kissinger: one of the controllers of US genocides and atrocities around the world. Reported to have claimed his parents 'were soap'

Susan Sontag: Jewish 'thinker', whose genetic fanaticism made her write whites are the cancer of the world

Harold Shipman. Jewish serial murderer in UK of hundreds of goyim. (Killings of course far below Jews in USSR and wartime)

David Dimbleby, who hid his Judaism all his life; groomed as a BBC lifetime liar

Jew on US TV, script from current Jewish schemes—Zimmerman as white, Trayvon Martin as victim; 'black lives matter' slogan; racist cops, innocent blacks

Dr Richard Stone, a Jewish GP, helping prolong the farce of the Stephen Lawrence Enquiry, persecuting British police, ignoring atrocities against whites

Herbert Marcuse's simian daughter. Typical of utter subservience and lack of criticism of generations of 'Jews' to 'Jewish' fantasies and lies

'Sefton Delmer', Jew from Hungary, scatological propagandist liar of WW2, allowed to make UK fight for Jewish war aims

"Sefton Delmer" (name suggests Liverpool entry) plus couple more likely aliens
It started with the question whether Cro-Magnon-types or Aurignac-Types look more dangerous. For example, there is a certain physiological type, common in all races that looks brutish, impressive, bear-like, full of primitive physical strength. In the European races this is represented by the Cro-Magnon specimen. Their bodies and faces tell you: "Careful, I am strong!". But there is also a type that looks more elegant, cunning, wolf-like. This is represented by the Aurignac type. Their message is: "Be careful, I am fast!" Whenever a tribe would conquer another one the representatives of both this Alpha male groups would recognize, battle, exterminate or respect each other.
In contrast, subdominant types like the Alpinoid that arose from the cleansed rests of conquered and enslaved early Cro-Magnon people (in Europe) or conquered and enslaved other groups in the rest of the world) look totally different. They have this "I am harmless, do not hurt me" - feminine, round, fatty, small appearance, together with a cyclothyme temper (emotional, social, multi-tasking etc.) in contrast to schizothyme or vicious temper of Alpha males (schizothyme ~ fanatical, intellectual, ingenious ~ Aurignac; vicious ~ pain-resistant, unbreakable ~ Cro-Magnon).
Typically, whole races that have been driven to the edges of extinction or the fringe by stronger ethnicities tend to appear subdominant. Just take South American jungle indios in contrast to the highly developed Plains Indians (although they represent yet another Alpha type, the Dinaric one, which is in European peoples represented by certain types from the Balkans or in ancient Rome: a good example would be Julius Caesar. Dinaric ~ "mature,old" ~ comparable to the impression that for example birds and reptiles make).
But in the area of the fertile crescent, the Middle East, the place where for the longest time in observable history humans lived together in city-civilizations, yet another, third group, could develop. The specimen of this group tend to look like beta-males (take Henry Kissinger, does he not look cute and harmless?) where they in fact are parasitic and aggressive. Of course they need to DECEIVE their counterparts, they do not want to let them see their true nature.
Their every physical characteristic was selected for this purpose. Their eyes are without any clarity, pale and cloudy, so that you cannot guess their intentions. Their body language is deceitful, the voice intonation and language talent is programmed to hide, instead of reveal their true intentions.
The genetic potential may have been inherited from earlier ancestors; or it may have been the result of dropping earlier characteristics, such as group affection or understanding, leaving sociopaths, which have been successful, at least so far. Losing genes enabled fish in dark caves to lose their sight; some people genetically lost the ability to make insulin; some people became colour-blind; cats in the east have bent tails, which must have been a late genetic modification; some hazels lose their geotropism, and become contorted; some sheep change their behaviour, and scatter when endangered. In my view, the possibility of human groups parasitising other human achievements is a genuinely new biological discovery.
Other creatures show that it's possible to learn to domesticate other creatures, presumably including children; only possible to be detected by other species with difficulty; possible to change the senses and perceptions to induce unnatural behaviour. In view of the far greater complexity of human beings over insects and cuckoos, some breathtaking examples seem likely to come to light.
In this respect it is utterly wrong to say that Jews are semitic in the sense of an anthropologic group. In fact, what we identify as typical Jewish features is anthropologically known as the "reduced Armenian or Armenoid type". True semitic people on the other hand, if they are not degenerated tend to look strongly Dinaric (mature, deep and harsh facial structures, hawk-like noses); if reduced or degenerated Levantine, they look like Beta-males of the more unpleasant sort (but not "cute" = likable, friendly). This explains to some extend the authors instinctive reactions, instincts that were to his own surprise misguiding him; just like the cuckoo misguides his adoptive parents.
One last thought: Why did our ancestors let the Jews come and live among them? Why did they not conquer, destroy or repel them? Why did they not integrate them? Because the Jews were neither really a subordinated or conquered race like for example the blacks in India, but they appeared just as harmless as any of these. And because the were not looking like Alpha males (at least after their ethnogenesis was completed in Babylon and they ceased to be Semites in the sense of "the scum of Egypt") but even more of a threat as any Alpha-appearing group.
The same is true with gypsies, although to a lesser degree of perfection since they came from a younger city-civilization and their selection process is not finished.
Notes by Rae West/Rerevisionist: [1] Good summary from a Middle Easterner: Brother, with all due respect, the foundation of Zionism is Judaism, and the Torah began their propaganda against Middle Eastern civilisations more than 2500 years ago.
The Torah invited Jews to kill Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, etc etc in order to claim their "promised" land. These ancient Hebrews spoke of our ancestors as if they were animals, and archaeology has proven that Babylon, Assyria and Hattusha [Hittites] were among the most advanced civilisations on Earth. Not to mention the way the Torah advocated theft and usury [and murder] in general.
Judaism is rotten, and so is Zionism.
[2] For US readers, note that 'Indian' groups or 'native Americans' are of course spread across an entire continent, and can be expected to show evolutionary differences. The deadening of intellectual curiosity under the US Jew regime will certainly have damaged speculation and research, but I'd suggest Americans (and Canadians and Mexicans and South Americans) might research these groups, and make discoveries.
[3] There seems to be a conflict between parasitism and staying as a tight group: parasitism is illustrated by 'elite' groups spread in many countries; hanging together is illustrated by the preference for 'ghettoes'. Possibly a parasitic response needs to be triggered by opportunity.
Parasitism usually needs one area to be infested and controlled. Jews in eastern Europe, despite effective parasitism by land control and targetting by the Kahal system, were collectively poor, because the whole area was poor. (Belloc commented on the myth of general Jewish wealth). There was something like swarm activity to the USA and UK around 1900.
On the Kahal System note also another analogy with the animal kingdom: localised swarms of Jews sent out to jointly parasitise. Here's a quotation from Arthur Koestler on the Ullstein group in The God That Failed; Koestler worked for them for a time: ... a kind of super-trust; the largest organization of its kind in Europe, and probably In the world. They published four daily papers in Berlin alone, among these the venerable Vossische Zeitung, founded in the eighteenth century, and the B.Z. am Mittag, an evening paper. Apart from these, Ullstein’s published more than a dozen weekly and monthly periodicals, ran their own news service, their own travel agency, etc., and were one of the leading book publishers. The firm was owned by the brothers Ullstein – they were five, like the original Rothschild brothers, and like them also, they were Jews.' There were also five Rothschild daughters, sent out on their own missions, usually I think to trap high-ranking male goyim.
[4] The piece above stresses 'cities' as a part of Jewish evolution. Please realise that cities necessarily imply some isolation between the citizens: there is simply not time for everyone to greet, and chat with, and get to know, everyone else in the city. In Australia, neighbours may say "G'day" to each other. In New York, they don't. High trust is necessary for cities to function. There is, therefore, opportunity for hostile groups to infiltrate, since most people in cities don't know other people they casually see, and can be expected to be fairly polite. The long-term effects can be expected to be a rise in dishonesty.
[5] Global geography. Consider the very long nights in northern Europe and Asia in winter. People don't hibernate; but the climate must have favoured people who tolerated long-term activities—hobbies and research and study and observation and sagas and food preservation tricks and shelter.
And consider that Europe had many natural borders: mountains, seas, dense forests. Invasion was difficult, which must have favoured the presumption of low risk from strangers.
[6] In modern times, we have forensic detection, photographs, written records, sound and vision recording. But in ancient times there was not much more than witness evidence. Jewish evolution seems to have favoured types who were convincing liars, who could simply, without strain, repeatedly lie. Elie Weisel is just one modern example.
[7] Divide-and-rule seems well adapted to fanatically networked groups. All they need do is observe potential divisions. They have no need even to understand why, or even if, such divisions exist. They simply inflame them. In the last 200 years, Russia, Germany, and Britain were propagandised against each other by the printed word. For about 150 years, 'classes' have been more or less invented, and propagandised against each other. Since the time of Coudenhove-Kalergi, races have been set against each other, where Jews thought they could benefit.
[8] Deep roots of language. We are of course so habituated to language that it seems natural and rather banal. I'd like to suggest that language has very deep roots, and its invention and spread and change must have left evolutionary outcomes in human races. Jewish language use may have a special inbuilt evolutionary purpose, perhaps to influence, persuade, and corrupt outgroup members; before there was much technical knowledge, this must have been important. Consider phrases translated as "The Son of Man", "In the beginning was The Word", "It is written"; the Jewish pretence that spoken incantations make food pure; and the frequent mental-illness suggestions of 'God' speaking to this or that Talmudic or Biblical personage. These sorts of schizophrenic-style speak resemble incantations and ritual curses, and disembodied phrases such as "Christianity took over the Roman Empire".
I'd suggest books attributed to Jews were more likely to have been stolen from other cultures.
[9] Deep roots of value assessment. There must be genetic influences: a group evolved to deal with tame animals, versus one which treats animals as raw materials, provide a simple example. Families, land, physical activities must form some part of human preferences, and in the long term, obviously, assessments which match the long-term real world are likely to prosper, while the conditions continue. Many blacks seem to have a similar outlook to Jews: they essentially want to take, without necessarily even understanding the implications. The white man's burden is more complex than its simple scribbler understood; how many blacks are working to design a soundly ecological, sustainable future for Africa?
[10] Facial expressions and crypsis: the genetics of faces is puzzling: why is there so little apparent genetic similarity between parents and children? Could there be some genetic mechanism for crypsis in faces? Maybe a 'straight face' is a genetic need for psychopaths and liars? Maybe confidence tricksters need this? Film stars often enough have facial oddities: Michael Caine said he had some eye problem which gives him a fixed stare, for example.
[11] Sexual selection: maybe ugliness has a genetic advantage in keeping tribes together if the gene pool has advantages in some situations; could they be less of a target than (for example) blondes? Could this explain why (((American))), (((British))), (((German))) female politicians are indifferent to rapes of white girls?
[12] Spreading: I've seen many suggestions that Jews interbreed, so they resemble other groups: Obama ['Jewish' mother] is an example; Jews in Europe another, such as Merkel ['Jew' from Poland]; Jews in China yet another. Obviously, interbreeding may weaken the original genetics. Could there be selection for wealth, power, psychopathy, or even weakness? Consider for example Paul McCartney's wives, British aristocrats, crime bosses, trade unionists. It doesn't seem to occur to co-called Jews that interbreeding means they are less of a race.
[13] The USA: bear in mind that only 240 years have elapsed since 1776. And yet Jews have wriggled into very many niches. This is a time of exceptional mobility; but given a few thousand years, the hypothesis above is entirely credible.
‘Parasitism’ between very different species isn't very different from feeding. Here, we're more concerned with parasitism within a species. I'm trying to find analogies with 'Jews'. The species members share most of their digestion, senses and so on, but are likely to be geographically different. But some members prey (or some other word!) on others. I think this is not purely a human phenomenon; I suspect there must be other species with some form of parasitism, perhaps including social insects. I like to hope so, since they might provide hints and clues and suggestions useful to us.
Is intra-species parasitism found in nature? Man is so unlike other species that we have to be careful to identify what it is that allows parasitism to happen. I'm thinking of language and how it has to be learned over time, since it's not passed down as some sort of unit. Like beliefs and memories it has to be started in each new life. This is an evolutionary weak point and, if we can find analogies in other species, we may find an analogy to 'Jews', who have developed what could be called 'mind-bending' behaviours. It's possible that organisms—including vegetation—with unusual properties might have such analogies.
(Note by the way that the discovery of DNA might lead to finding new species:- species have been named by fairly visible differences; they look different from each other. But DNA might identify important differences with little visible expression. This would produce opposition from Jews, and already it's clear that DNA is liable to be misinterpreted intentionally by 'jews', not so much in the discovery as in their control and understanding. Here are suggestive notes from 'DNA fingerprinting').
I have wondered if electric eels and electric rays might have internal parasitism, since their specific power is so unusual. Or of course ants and wasps and other social insects.
A correspondent told me about fire ants in the southern USA, which are a significant menace, stinging, and building hard, tough nests. They, he says, came from Uruguay, where, however, they are much less of a menace, because they are preyed on, I think by other ants. I suspect many people barely distinguish between species of ants. and so regard this biological mechanism as parasitism.
Eustace Mullins's piece The Biological Jew does a terrific job in suggesting Jews are parasitic, though I think his case isn't perfect, partly for historical reasons (he thinks Christ and God exists, under-estimates Jewish number world-wide, and thinks Hitler was anti-Jewish), and partly through biological questions.
If intra-species parasitism is found, it would confirm the practical possibility within human beings. But Jews would act together to suppress the discovery.
One problem is identifying the significant demarcations between 'species'. The brain is not understood, so it is possible there may be human species which differ in mentality. And some human characteristics (language, invention, understandings and misunderstandings and secrets) seem to by so far above other animals that parallels may be elusive. Jews seem to have used urban areas, communication over distance, intensive education or propagandism, in ways which may be difficult to find in other groups—though personally I'd guess insects, with their castes and small sizes and winged forms, and birds for the same reasons, might prove to have parasitism within species. Anthropoids are of course another possibility. And they may provide hints as to what can be done with them.
Inquiline parasitism is a phrase for parasitism where two (or more?) species (or varieties?) share a living-space. Social insects are the obvious living-space here, and here's a article on the subject. I'm not aware of any general abstract treatment of living forms and their foods, with parasitism a relatively unusual case. But be aware that any Jewish intrusion into the filed is likely to be misleading.
Remote human evolution and jaw size, raw meat, fire as a softener of meat, and the 'post-orbital constriction' and forebrain size.
You may have wondered if anatomists have found evidence for mental differences from skulls. These must have been examined for centuries. A clue is in J Philippe Rushton's Race—Race, Evolution, and Behavior. Pages 20-21 talk of 'larger post-orbital constriction (indentation of the skull behind the eye
socket) and larger temporal fossae (the opening through which muscles pass from head to jaw)'.
The point being made is that some human or near-human subspecies had large strong jaws, useful to deal with tough raw meat. But control of fire enabled man to convert meat to fruit (in the words of J B S Haldane) making it more easily edible. Less powerful jaws allowed the forebrain space to expand. If you doubt the importance of strong bites to pre-technical life, note that hyenas are reported to have the strongest jaws.
Good summary of the 'Fagin' outlook. From
Occidental Observer May 21 2021:
Emicho says:
Of course totalitarianism is a Jewish trait. It was totalitarian ghettos that 99% of Jews lived in, for like 3,000 years, clinging on like parasites to Christian or other civilisations. The rule of the Rabbi was absolute, that's why in these ghettos they never-ever produced any culture. No art, literature, architecture, even comedy. All forbidden.
They were only allowed to do two things: study the Talmud and make money, preferably by swindling the goyim.
On the Critical Importance of the Mediterranean and Connected Sheltered Seas
The map (right) was drawn from descriptions by Herodotus (500 BC or so). The globe (far right) is from Google; I couldn't remove the clouds (or appearance of clouds). Both show the Mediterranean, and other landlocked seas and inlets to its east.
The Mediterranean and connected seas (and the Red Sea and Persian Gulf) are protected from the oceans and relatively storm-free. Ships with sails and/or oars allowed transport of large loads, including men—something far more difficult by road at the time. Raw materials, intermediate materials, finished goods, food, people with skills, could be moved.
The area is by far the largest set of inland waterways on earth.
[It's interesting to note that hot weather correlates with extreme forms of life: as three examples, plants making spices usually come from hot areas: garlic, cloves, ginger. And frogfish, which are elaborated camouflaged and equipped for very rapid capture of prey, occur in the tropics. And venomous snakes are generally tropical. Presumably this is explained partly by free extra energy which evolves in new ways. I wonder whether this might apply to human beings.]
As outlined above, areas with defensive barriers (most of Europe, though not in the east) could genetically have high-specialisation societies.
Areas with open areas (grassland, steppes, possibly deserts) without defensive barriers (eastern territories, but not to the west) could genetically have tribal, inward-looking, aggressive groups unable to spend time on arts, theories, techniques, beauty, speculation.
The spread of Christianity in my view was related to land ownership and control over largish areas. It involved groups who were neighbours being induced to believe in some new idea(s). Trade routes would be an effective way to spread ideas. Reading, writing, oratory, and some fluency in languages would be necessary. Probably money would be an essential part of such a package, to offer careers to some of the target populations. It could spread slowly.
Very likely some absurdity would be needed as a badge of credulity, to show willingness, and submission. Very likely it would need exemplary violence, or perhaps just threats. It would have to be not easily disprovable: adherents could claim to speak in tongues, but not to fly; they could claim people can live after death, but not let the undead pay visits; they could claim healing powers, but not for serious diseases.
I'd suggest something like this is what happened. And perhaps was predicted.
On the Critical Importance of the Khazar Conversion and the Khazar Influence over Lands in Asia to the East.
Here is Herodotus' map of about 500BC again. The letter K marks the position of the Khazars (or whatever they were called then). They were protected, and isolated, by huge mountains and huge lakes. Water transport would depend on such things as timber, and considerable skill. But to their north were land routes, westward to Europe, eastward to China. When the Roman Empire was defunct, Jews invented Isla. Khazaria is supposed to have converted, adopting Jewish books, I'd guess for a minority only and in abbreviated and simplified forms. Whether controlled by Jews or not, the Khazars seem to have learned powerful messages: rents, taxes, tariffs, violence, secrecy, hierarchies, and insinuation.
Problems with Whites
Kevin MacDonald's views as whites having evolved in an individualistic way puts emphasis on reputation as an important fact, and the possibility of 'pathological altruism'. In my view, these can be replaced by something like 'obeying orders'. In small groups, everyone wants much the same things: food, warmth, shelter, amusement and education, water, child-rearing, security. There's a lot to be said for young people doing what they're told, and older people passing on their skills, and individualism when it comes to finding new ways to do things. Something of this can be felt in such things as village life, camping trips, carrying out projects. MacDonald does not seem to see that in much larger groups, 'obeying orders' can be counter-productive, as the jewish-media use of the phrase, and jewish-media censorship, suggests. Huge numbers of whites respond to such ideas as: "We're going to bomb and burn all these people!"—"Yessir." "You have to be nice to this other group whatever they do!"—"Yessir." "We need to tell lies about this, for their own good!"—"Yessir". "We must defraud the voters"—"Yessir". But, like parasitised ant colonies, there's a possibility that the subgroup issuing orders has other aims than helping local groups.
Simply put, whites obey well; when they try new things, they are at their best when working for their community; but when they try new things with other human or human-like groups, they can be ordered into harming their community.
China and Human Evolution
China is another area rich is evolutionary suggestions. It has a long history of literacy, and of portable written material. The absence of an alphabet suggests a literary class which put preservation of itself above the possible advantages for ordinary people, which perhaps also suggests lack of fear of competition from outsiders. The contrast between Confucian writings and Talmudic material—I'm using generally-understood phrasing here—seems important. Early Chinese writings pre-date most writing anywhere else in the world, assuming dates are fairly accurate. The feedback effects of Chinese literacy and the production of 'Mandarins' may turn out to be more important than other evolutionary pathways. Bertrand Russell wrote that ‘... a civilised Chinese is the most civilised person in the world.’ Certainly the simulacrum of civilisation among Jews compares unfavourably. And the course of Middle East evolution may have significant lessons, assuming the region's artefacts can survive Jewish ruination.
Hopes for research
Given the increase in availability of factual material—surely by now enough has accumulated to say useful things—I like to hope that research into genetics and populations might lead to useful generalisations. For example, it may be true that belief in what populations are told is distributed among two loose groups, a small proportion of sceptics, and a large proportion of non-sceptics. Just as psychopathy may be, or for that matter colour 'blindness'. In each case, there are occasional group advantages in people who can creatively doubt, who take dangerous risks, and whose eyesight is unusual. Maybe the next big step in ideas will be some powerful generalisation(s) from biological statistics.
Remote Links with China?
The map scanned here is taken from the
Times Compact World History (2 vols, originally published 1995). It is entirely Jewish in tone; experienced readers learn to identify the signs.

The map shows (for example) the Nile and the Tigris and Euphrates, well-known as river communication routes. The Mediterranean and other seas are obvious as routes. Persia had roads, but these aren't visible. The potential land connections between the west and east are difficult to speculate on; the territories can be covered by sand, made difficult in innumerable ways, and vary with attack and defence.
I am seriously suggesting that ancient links were established with China, but kept secret, and that China was influenced by Jews far earlier than has been believed.
[The possibility may have occurred to H G Wells, who bemoaned the extreme reluctance of official historians to recognise the importance of China. Looking at
Muir's HISTORICAL ATLAS ancient, medieval and modern, even the 1963 Completely Redesigned 9th Edition has only a couple of references to China. It is entirely possible all the links—such as the new Emperor who burnt the history books, and Marco Polo's much later manufactured book—may have been part of a policy. Looking at official history with a lacklustre eye only enhances the suspicion.]
I wrote a piece on leys, sometimes called 'ley lines', to give an idea of the difficulties and possibilities of surveying land before optical instruments. I think it's quite good, if a bit long!
Pterodactyl [The Occidental Observer] June 14, 2020 at 5:11 am (edited down)
“...Jews are congenitally subversive and harbor very clear anti-White animus.”
The motive originates from their genes. We can see how this animus, or to use their word that they use about us, ‘hatred’, might have given victories to warring desert tribes in the past. It enables you to surround Jericho and attack it and ransack it—‘God promised it to you’ so that’s okay—even if the people of Jericho never did anything against you. Hatred validates in a ‘moral’ way such acts of aggression, as you are attacking a ‘hated’ enemy rather than an innocent one. The hated one that you attack can never be the victim, (((you))) are always the victim.
Animus from the racial genes explains more of what Jews do, than trying to work out how Jews must, presumably, seek self-interest. With a strong white West the Jews are safe and can live off the West’s wealth, safe and rich. In a collapsed West, Jews must know they will no longer be rich and safe, but this obvious scenario does not in any way lessen their efforts to destabilise and change the West. Not one iota of difference does it make.
It is like a lawyer telling a divorcing couple that if they continue to fight, both parties will end up with zero, and yet they still carry on. Self interest is trumped by hatred. They are prepared to lose everything to defeat ‘the enemy’.
Another example of being controlled by your genes is the way some pampered cats fight the pampered cat next door, even though both cats have plenty of food, and nothing but stress and injury can result from fighting. This behaviour might have benefit in another time and place—but, moved out of original context the behaviour pattern is now harmful to the animal.
Similarly, the white race’s obedience to the prevailing culture, and blindness to the genetic background of others, a tendency arising from white genes, ‘welcoming of others’—this behaviour might have conferred advantage in previous times, and led to uniting peoples, but in the modern world the same tendencies are our downfall, as we are attempting to hug and share our wealth with hostile racist foreign third world tribes.
'Pterodactyl' seems to mean that most people think Jews must have a reason for aggression and destruction. The assumption—“they must have some good reason”—is false, unless simple existence counts as a reason, which it can do: some creatures are enraged just by the sight of an object, person, or group. In practice, instant hostility needs a damper of caution—animals which always attacked on sight must arouse counter-action. 'Pterodactyl' is saying that Jews are exceptionally hostile, like some types of dog; if those dogs could talk, they might say other creatures all hate them, so it's not their fault, and anyway their doggie God barks to them that its the right thing to do.
Miles Mathis on Phoenicians as rulers for millennia:
What this indicates to any rational person is that the native people in the northern countries were Aryans, being tall and blond, but despite their size and beauty, they haven't ruled for millennia. Once the Phoenicians sailed over, they became the rulers. Although I am tall and blond with a smallish nose, I still feel compelled to admit that, since it is looks like the truth to me. I don't see any way to deny it to suit myself. Yes, some Aryans have advanced over the centuries, but mainly by marrying into Semitic lines. Some of the governors wanted to be taller and blonder, so it wasn't a matter of fairness, it was a matter of stealing genes.
Does this mean Aryans are a bunch of dumdums, and that Jews are basically smarter? No. Logically, it means that the same thing that made the Aryans tall and blond also made them less ambitious: they were from the north. Being more strapping likely made them more likely to survive the harsh winters, and perhaps the lack of sun made them pale in skin and hair. But the harsh and long winters kept them indoors, so they couldn't be sailing the seas all year trading, colonizing, and conquering. Unlike the Mediterraneans, they got used to huddling for months at a time, which didn't make them stupider, but did perhaps make them less ambitious. I see this in myself. I don't think anyone would call me stupid, but I admit to liking my sleep. The old Jews we have been studying appear to never sleep, but I wouldn't live like that for a trillion dollars. And my levels of greed are likewise very low. Why? I am not sure. No one is, but I think it could be because my blood runs clearer back to my blond ancestors, who were satisfied living in a warm hut and snogging all winter with a pale and willing lass. I was born with less than no interest in economics, trade, money, big houses, cars, or large groups of people. I hardly notice the cold, but find too much heat really uncomfortable. ...
[Bertrand Russell in his book Power noted that love of power is very unevenly distributed. - RW]
Jan Lamprecht (of historyreviewed.com) on dysfunctional Jews:
An interesting but slow video; starts after about 8:30 mins. First upload Dec 31, 2016. I've copied it here in case it vanishes.
The cover design of a 1948 book (JEWS in the SOVIET UNION. Citizens and Builders by Paul Novick and J M Budish) is shown, but the connection is not made with the video; however it seems to be about the problems so-called Jews felt over building Israel. Its tax police, army etc were felt to be difficult: '... easier to build a Jewish community in Brookyln' whined Rabbi ?Whine. [The source of Whine's whines is not given] ...'
'.. they want to be by themselves, but can't be bothered to actually create a country ... but have no problem trampling on someone else's country, ruining it, tearing it apart, then moving on...' At present the USA contributes billions every year, has their technology stolen, even fights their wars, on such phony pretexts as 9-11!
An interesting insight into an aspect of parasitism, something like a wasp's nest paradigm. The video pre-dates common awareness of the NSDAP as itself Jew-controlled.
Brandon Martinez, of alt-right.com. Biologically-based, Full-blooded (fairly literally!) Parasitic Behaviour by Jews
Parasitism (one feels) should be a deeply-rooted unvarying instinct. Power relations and money seem too abstract and learnt relations to fully count as 'parasitic'. I liked the following comments, except that I'd extend them back through time for millennia.
Brandon does not seem to view Jewish parasitism as active before 1945, though he knows about Jew and Moslems invading the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal today).
• He talks of the Liberty ("An Ally doesn't attack your ships and send spies to steal your technology")
• The Lavon Affair (faked attack by Jews on US buildings in Egypt)
• Operation in Libya in 1980 where Jews broadcast fake messages of aggression, picked up by 'intelligence', after which Reagan bombed Libya
• 9/11 terror attacks regarded as 'good for Israel'
"... They will do whatever it takes to suck you into their battles ... so you spill your blood for theirs ... it's a parasitic relationship ...They should stop LARPing as Americans, Canadians, Australians ... they're a parasite sucking the blood of the West ... then they move on to the next host ... [his book Grand Deceptions] ... willing to deceive, willing to commit terror .. to sponsor terror ... they can't stop because they are dependent on us ... it's like the host and the parasite ... without the host the parasite dies ..."
HTML etc Rae West.
Extracted from Guide for the Perplexed about Jews, a much longer set of articles than this at big-lies.org/jews/guide-for-the-perplexed-about-jews.html . And from Miles Mathis, Jan Lamprecht, and Brandon Martinez.
Note on the etymology of 'dystopia': the word seems to have been coined by Anthony Burgess (of Clockwork Orange) by analogy with 'dysgenic'. 'Utopia' is Greek, more or less, for 'nowhere'. It's often taken to mean something ideally perfect. Since the prefix 'eu-' means 'good', and 'dys-' is the opposite, 'dystopia' suggested itself to Burgess as something like ideally imperfect, or bad. The usage seems deeply established.
First upload as a single file 28 Oct 2019. Mediterranean section 18 April 2020 Mathis extract 9 June 2020 Pterodactyl 15 June 2020 CDU 25 July 2020 Slight rewrites 9 Oct 2020 | 27 Jan 2021 Lamprecht 28 Apr 2021 Brandon Martinez 5 June 2021 | Rushton and fire, food, forebrain 18 Oct 2021 | A few cosmetic changes 11 Oct 2023 | China added 12 May 2024