This short piece is a warning. It was suggested to me by a video of Alec Jeffreys giving what looks like a public lecture to a fairly small lecture-room audience.
It was a surprise to me —I had no idea; censorship in this field is almost complete—that Jeffreys appears to be a Jew, judging by the usual signs. (I haven't made any attempt to check ancestry, others at the Adrian building labs, or other relevant material).
He looks considerably like Alan Sugar, which amused me. He was involved in a DNA test of remains alleged to be of Mengele; Jeffreys' assertions of war criminality and vitriolic hatred for that German doctor was clear evidence for his Jewish perception, in my view. As is his belief in Einstein. He discussed genetic fingerprinting of alleged immigration frauds; he was clearly pleased that Pakistani children were deemed suitable to remain in Britain
Fascinatingly, he showed no signs of awareness of science fraud. I was amazed he appeared to take the COVID fraud seriously. He believed in the Chinese bat-eating them. I infer he was, as he said himself, a 'bench scientist', not a bureaucrat, and presumably not a blue-sky scientist; he seems to have no interest in how DNA emerged, worked, and complicated itself. He sounded alarmingly simple on things like 'COVID'.
I see Michael Crichton, author of many exciting thrillers, published Jurassic Park in 1990, I take it influenced by DNA ideas, especially in very old DNA. Jeffreys described his experiments with 'old' DNA—he left spots of his own blood around his lab. Not exactly ancient. We have troubling stuff here: red blood cells don't contain DNA. Only some cells do, and there seems to reason to suspect bits of bacteria etc in there. And mitochondrial DNA, supposedly very different. Jeffreys also mentions spit as a DNA source, though on the face of it, spit might contain DNA from pigs, chickens, cows, lettuce and multiple grains if the spitter had recently just had a BLT sandwich.
Leicester University was run by a Jew or Jews; the Attenboroughs (notes around David Attenborough; not complete) being a part. The entire post-'Great War' period, say 1920-1940, was marked by Jews moving into academic positions in Britain. After the Jewish victory in WW2, their position consolidated, helped no doubt by the 1944 Education Act.
I went to Leicester myself (1965-1968) and was able to observe, though not understand, the freshers' fair stuff on Eisenstein films, the Student Union controlled by career placemen, the frantic synthesised reaction to an obscure speech by Enoch Powell, the 1968 'revolution' which of course was Jewish-led, and the suppression of factual stuff on Jews. And the buildings, such as the Adrian Building, where I think Jeffreys had a lab. It was a big mistake for me, in fact; at the time I lived near London and should have gone there, as is clear in the rear-view mirror of retrospective contemplation. I found the lifestyles of the students more interesting than the economised-lecturing style of the various subjects.
Jeffreys said he was asked to join Leicester; at the time he had no idea where it was. My guess is that someone had thought of the idea of developing some DNA test or other. Jeffreys claims that nobody even thought the idea was possible. He repeats this claim often enough to raise my suspicion; is it credible? Anyway, he went there and apparently liked it. By best guess is that he was drafted in as apart of a potential money-making scheme. I've just read (in that Susan Wojziki (or something) owns or runs (or something) 23andme, so be careful about that.
Just a Warning
When hugely controversial issues arise, Jews generally have no hesitation in lying, hiding, and generally deceiving. If there's a case of DNA identification of dead Russians or Ukrainians, for example, don't expect help from Jews. If there's some Jewish-run wildlife scam, or white girls taken to Israel for prostitution, don't expect Jews to help. If there's some archaeological investigation where Jews are suspected, don't expect any help. If there's investigation of well-poisonings or mediaeval or modern imposed deaths, don't expect help from Jews. If there's a food scandal involving meats, birds, or fish, or vegetation, be cautious about Jewish involvement.
I was amused to watch 'The Peach Lecture' for 2021. Craig Bennett, ‘Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts’, delivered it, or rather read it out. It was by Leicester University's website. Bennett believes in global warming, AIDS, SARS and the rest, including 'COVID'. I suppose he who pays the piper calls the tune, even if the piper is tone-deaf.