Show me research by Jews condemning the Fed, condemn­ing Jewish mass murders in the USSR and Ukraine, condemning the Holohoax fraud, condemn­ing Kis­singer's mass murders, condemn­ing Jews in Palestine, condemn­ing Jews in the slave trade, condemn­ing Jewish media lies on violence, condemn­ing the Jewish 'holy books' etc. If there are so many decent Jews you'll have no diff­iculty finding plenty.
Truths about Judaism   © Rae West 2000, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
v. 15 June 2024
Studies in the Anthropology of a Genetically-Fanatical and Remarkably Influential Quasi-Racial Group ...
... Read This to Understand Our World: Invest a Little Time Into Your Whole Future

Three other Sites in my Series:–  Guide for the Perplexed About Jews  |  My News Articles on Jewish Topics (2012-2023)  |  Teaching about Jews

Collections of Sites I found on the net:–  Hundreds of Jew-Aware Jadar Sites   vs.   Hundreds of Jew-Blind, Jew-Evading, Jews-off-the-map 'Joff' Sites

Jewish Propaganda satire
Contents:—     [To Home Page of big-lies website]

INTRO FOR NEWBIES   directly below
SOME SIGNIFICANT JEW-RELATED HISTORICAL EVENTS in date order - Jews from early times to the present

[ Intro and sources | Ancient World | Exodus | 'Diaspora' | c 0-400 A.D. | c 400-500, 400-800 A.D. | Inventions of Christianity and Islam | c 700- | c 1000- | c 1350 - c 1700 Witchcraft | c 1400 - c 1880 Reformation (Luther vs others) | c 1500 - 1650 | c 1500 - c 1800 | 1776-1789 | 1799 | 19th Century | Opium Wars and China | Jews and China | 1871 | 1880s and 1890s Massive emigration | 1900- 'Jews' start subversion | 1913- Federal Reserve, Income Tax, ADL, centralised USA, and War | 1914 END OF AN ERA | 1917- Jewish Coup in Russia | Crash & 'Great Depression' | 1926 General Strike | 1931- Secret WW2 Plans | 1933- NSDAP Election Victory | 1938 | 1939- European War, becomes Second World War after US enters | 1945 NEW LOOK AT SECOND WORLD WAR | 1945- | 1960- Years of increasing Jew influence: War, Kennedy supposed murders, LBJ, blacks, immigration, Cold War frauds, 'Holocaust' stories etc | 1980- | 1996 inc FSAA | 1997- Public Internet influence begins | 2001- 9/11 Jewish fraud used to continue Jewish 'interests'
Notes towards understanding 'Jews' (2013) British Bookshop   [ Specimen with photos of Jewish information control and censorship ]
Freemasons   [ Example of Jews and Freemasons—this example is Neville Nagler who helped draft British anti-white race laws | Links ]
Satire   [ Privatisation and Thatcherism/Reaganism | Money from Wars | Jewish political parties | 'Holocaust' and other frauds | Jewish control of 'education' | Church | White genocide ]

Three other different files, split off due to file sizes; they are long!:–
'Guide for the Perplexed About Jews' [ Featured links: Jewish Influences on White Beliefs | Jewish Influences on Academic Subjects | EVOLUTION OF JEWS: PARASITES IN CITIES ]
General Interest & News Articles on Jews [ New (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) | 2012-2015 | More Detailed Overview of the Articles ]
Jewish-Affected Subjects in Depth: Advanced Courses on Jews, & Jewish-Awareness Suggestions [ Practical, Applied, Theory-Free Jew Teaching for Everyone | Race | Religion | Philosophy | History of Ideas ... History of Silly Ideas | Sociology | Organisations: Unions, Political Groups, Govt Departments, New Organisations | Populations | Geography | Finance ... of White genocide | Media Studies | BBC | Books | Film | Critics | Education | Jewish Exam Paper | Science | Scientific Method | Medicine, Nutrition | Health vs Harm Studies | Agriculture | History | International History ... the 'Third World' | Classics | Local History | Economic History | Psychology | Anthropology | Evolution ... of White Races | Engineering | Math and Mathematical Models | Women's Studies, Feminism | Economics | Business | Military | Military History | Military Intelligence | Weapon Distribution | Art | Housing | Politics | Law & International Law | Peace Studies | Statistics | Crimes, Policing | Jewish Marxism | Jew Awareness | Civilisations / Futurology of Jews | Talmud notes ]

Cans of Worms: Discovering the True Past. How Historical Revisionism Progresses
And includes: David Bryant on Mensa | on Haavara Agreement | A few Samples of Jewish revisionism since 1945 | History as replacement of old memes by new | Routes to Revisionism | Comparative Revisionism | Final Triumph of Revisionism ]
Endnote from Helen Thomas in The Occidental Observer | Fisk, Velasquez, Rutherford

[ Back to big-lies website ]

BBC news unknown source
[ Truths about Judaism: Top of Page | Guide for the Politically Perplexed | Jewish articles 2012-2016 | 'Real Jewish Studies' by subjects | March of Revisionism ]

My chronology, the whole of this page, is intended as a reference. It includes individuals and groups who spoke, wrote, were influenced by, and published on Jews. Many of these people were censored and suppressed, and are not well-known.

Newbies? A few notes to people new to the subject of 'Jews'.
      • 'JEWS' have a different idea of a nation. They are spread out, over a network of localities, an empire united by sea and air lanes, multiple locations communicating with each other, a layer distributed over other nations. They exchange news in their secret common language.
      • Every country has its own people—plus Jews. If you understand that 'Americans' are Americans+Jews, Germans are Germans+Jews, Palestine is Palestinians+Jews, France is French people+Jews, China=Chinese people+Jews, Turkey is Turks and Jews, then you'll understand much of the modern world.
      • Discovery of the 500-year War of Jewish Aggression shows the present messy state of research.
      • 'Jews' are largely ruled by the Talmud, which has to be understood in outline. The oddities of Jews and their hangers-on, such as Freemasons, are largely attributable to their weird caste system and the Talmud. For example, their secret violence, their mania for moving populations around, their legal impositions, and their paper money need to be traced to their Talmudic roots.

• RELIGIONS. The three 'Abrahamic' religions are all Jewish, though copied from other sources. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Islam was invented by Jews. In the era after America was discovered, the King James Bible may be taken as the apotheosis of Jewish mythology; it has had immense influence, mostly damaging. Click here for my account of these religions. Click here for book reviews on the unified topic of 'Abrahamic' religions and 'Jews'.
• MONEY. Jews were, and are, associated with 'usury' taken to mean interest on money. In fact lending on what you haven't got ('fractional reserve banking') is far more valuable. Inflation since 1913 illustrates the point. 'Usury' is something of a diversion. And despite shock at Jewish avarice and co-operation with aristocracies, Churches discreetly supported the practice. This piece Teaching about Jews has a lot of information on Jews and money and business.
• WAR. Jews for centuries have succeeded in financing both sides of wars; each side thinks more money translates into more weapons. A and B in practice is A+Jews vs B+Jews. Provided A and B don't unite against J, and provide repayments can be forced, this may continue. This piece Guide for the perplexed about Jews looks at propaganda, lies, education, and society.
• REVISIONISM. One of my most popular pages is articles on Jews, published on Internet and going back to 2012 and earlier. Another long-term page (21 years old in 2019 with added stuff; 41000 page views, not counting spiders etc) is my holocaust revision piece.

      Some of the best and most promising revisionist work in my view examines the real world and real history, and—another subject—fake science. Jews and the two world wars must be addressed; I recommend Miles Mathis & Hexzane527, and my own long piece on the master race winning WW2. Science fraud based on Jewish activities includes space, nuclear science, immunology, cell biology, nutrition, DNA, race, archaeology—and no doubt many others. All this will need herculean efforts to turn back. Here's a small insight into what is needed in science revisionism.
      Many promising revisionists seem to have lost their impetus. Some revert to old Jew systems, even though they reject newer ones. Some cannot face re-examination of wars. Some cannot face re-examination of politics. Some will not address white war criminals, or gullibles, reverting to weak categories such as 'individualism' (which must really make Jews laugh). Some will not address secret societies, secrets of lunar calendars, numerology, Talmudic secrets, long-term Talmudic plans. Youtube's decision to censor truth was a heavy blow.
      If you're of sterner stuff, let me suggest nuclear weapons doubts. And my book and media reviews, more than 500 of them, many quite old, in one single page, hoping to encourage thoughtful comparisons and memories and insights. (That Reviews file was too long to include everything—I've collected more reviews together on media, on race, on religions, and women). A lighter collection is Short General Interest topics with about 60 topics—the Beatles, the way the Bible developed, butterflies, leys, life after death, lunar waves, muesli, the Orient Express, the constellation of Orion, smoking, Startrek, Taj Mahal, UFOs... —that attracted my attention.

OTHER PEOPLE'S SITES.   I have two huge lists of other people's sites: JADAR is my list, built up over many years, of sites which acknowledge Jewish threats. They have different approaches and interests; but there they are. The first half are five-star sites, listed in the website pecking order as 1st down to 250,000th. The second half are lower, but may be very good, but have local or special interests making them list lower. As far as I know they are all safe, judging from Malwarebytes.
      Opposite is my list of JOFF sites which suppress most information about Jews; some are run by Jews, maybe as spoiler sites; there are deception sites, blaming-others sites, misleading sites on countries, psyops, fake charities, and some government 'intelligence' sites—the full range of Jewish 'talent'. I've given reasons for my opinions with both types of site.


I strongly suspect that the success of the Jewish invasion of Palestine has helped convince many Europhobic Jews that promoting non-European migration into Europe is the way to divest Europeans of their ancestral lands


'British' 'vigil' after 2019 fake attack. Officially Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn. Muslim—Jewish invented system; millions of deaths; Turkish Jew stock (millions of middle east deaths); Russian Jew stock (millions of deaths in USSR).

Just one African dictator of many from 2014 'African summit' in Soetero's [i.e. Obama's] time. With 'dumb ass' marines, though in fact the background was probably faked.

'Alf Dubs welcoming invaders, so-called children, in 2016.' Who is this? Why the absurd name? What does he think he's doing? — House of Lords history is not very clear; the inclusion of Scots can't predate the Act of Union, for example. And worth noting 'Lords Spiritual' probably were tweaked to include so-called Jews after Charles I was removed.

German board game, variety of Monopoly
'Monopoly' invented in the USA's Jewish-generated depression. This German version was copyrighted in 1946. Note the emphasis on rebuilding existing city layout from nothing. And on making money. And on monopoly.
Medieval chess
Mediæval chess?
As a result of the [Papal] permission, the Jews ranked with the knights and the feudatories who belonged to the upper strata of medieval society.
• Other revisionist attacks on conventional history include—
Reconsideration of Christianity, not from the older rationalist view, but from a perspective perhaps originating with Nietzsche, examining attitudes such as perpetual punishment, the sense of sin, race, 'birthright', the myth of eternal life as a disincentive to action, and possible deliberate Jewish introduction and infiltration of damaging attitudes. An obvious example is the forgiving attitude of [parts of] Christianity. Another is the viciously homicidal and genocidal God.
    Christianity considered as a slow, long-term injection of Jewish fiction into Europe, is new, at least to me: from this viewpoint, Christianity was a disaster, more or less comparable with modern-day effect of Jews as frauds, liars, and war-mongers, hating and trying to destroy Europe and whites. Bishops, Popes and so on more or less correspond to 'politically correct' collaborators of Jews. Fortunately, Christianity, despite its power, never overcome local forces of opposition.
• And reconsideration of economics, for example as a long-term war involving finance, analogous to the rise of legalism. Most economic theory is short-term and does not consider money backed by governments or other force, crashes, panics, and financial subsidies in a way analogous to wars. And science revisionism including everything from education theory to biology and nuclear weapons and nuclear power. And reconsideration of general personal histories: F J Irsigler's Who Makes Our Money? a south African Catholic medical man who lived through the Second World War.

• My list of JADAR sites has a few hundred websites (with approximate popularity ratings) which appear to be sound. My notes on Jew-blind organisations—there are very many—I've called 'JOFF' sites for want of a better phrase.

[ Truths about Judaism: Top of Page | Guide for the Politically Perplexed | Jewish articles 2012-2016 | 'Real Jewish Studies' by subjects | March of Revisionism ]


NEW: MARCH 16 2020   Where Did All the Phoenicians Go?   Very exciting paper by Miles Mathis, perhaps with others,  which links Hittites and the iron age and monopoly of iron, Troy and iron and silver in what's now Turkey, Persia, the Odyssey, the Phoenician and later alphabets, Alexander of Macedon, Thucydides and other liar-historians, Sparta, and the likely-true histories of many more-or-less mythical names from the ancient Greeks. And rearrangements of wars and battles, deleting doubtful wars and reinterpreting changes in 'elites'.
      [ Searching my own site for keywords gives McCabe's Rationalist Encyclopaedia the largest hit rate, suggesting that Catholic sources may provide evidence in future. This scored higher than MWM's own file, Phoen4 by 'Gerry'. Another high scorer is Buckle's State of Historical Literature during the Middle Ages which has picturesque examples of errors, but no thread through the maze. ]
      I like to hope that elderly classicists—possibly confined to home thanks to the coronavirus myth—will study the paper and overturn common errors taken particularly from Victorian times.

Ancient World: I've noticed material on Sumer appearing, and Babylon and Egypt, somewhat along the lines of J H Breasted of Chicago, first published in 1916. And protests against their suppression in American 'World Histories' controlled by Jews. Wars, notably in Iraq, have contributed to this small interest. Jews suppress their histories, stories, myths, and legends, probably because Jews don't like to admit their writings are parasitical. Small note: the idea that the Mediterranean Sea was formed by a deluge through Africa/Spain seems undiscussed.

Ancient World   The best site I found on the period just before 'Christ' (not ancient in the hundreds-of-thousands of years sense) is christcuck. I've made a page extract which refers to a Jewish forgery colony in Egypt. I haven't been able to identify 'Steve H' or the others.
      'Steve H'’s examples are: The Serapis cult, Gnosticism, Mithraism, Christianity, Manichaeanism, Valentinianism, Hermeticism, Buddhism, and about a dozen other pacifist slave-making religions... Christianity is repackaged Zoroastrianism with the Alexandrian psyop foundation and a jewish messiah so that tells you that that Philo was originally targetting his psyop towards the Aryan Parthians/Persians.
      James J O'Meara replies with the idea that Roman elites themselves installed the idea, to keep the masses down. He has a similar approach to modern people who see that Roman Catholicism and Jews are in symbiosis.

On psyops, or psy-ops ("psychological operations") an obvious suspect is "the Fall of Man" and "original sin" and the general idea of "sinfulness" as an inbuilt tendency. Bertrand Russell wrote ('Autobiography, Part 3') It seems to that, where the Greeks differed from the modern world it was chiefly through the absence of a sense of sin. But Russell did not connect this to Jewish activities, including 'scapegoats'.

Ancient World   Despite the Renaissance, the rediscoveries of Tacitus and Thucydides, the writings of Gibbon, and Grote on Greece; British education has been starved with centuries of very thin gruel, lightweight discussions on Sparta and mercenaries, Alexander 'the Great', the Roman Empire with shallow generalisations; corresponding more or less to the lightweight material on religion. Hugh Trevor-Roper (=Lord Dacre) thought that reading Julius Caesar was perfect training for 19th-century schoolboys. In the 1940s, Alfred Whitehead praised tolerance, exactly at the time the Judeo-British Empire was collapsing. On the 'British' Empire, see the short PDF file L. Fry on Jews and the 'British' Empire. The childish discussion of 'battle' and 'war' without examination of the causes and effects will I hope be replaced by something more intelligent, and of course is part of the motivation for my writings.

Ancient World   Barnes Review 2009, #5 has some material on Greece, both ancient and modern. [ Including Greece, Persia, Macedonia, Athens, and Sparta; and the Ottoman Empire, including the Armenian Christian genocide (1912-1913); and Holocaust Revisionism; and 'Golden Dawn'. Genetic studies on Greece (notably to what extent modern Greeks resemble ancient Greeks) must in my view be in their infancy. I select that publication to exemplify the slow spread of revisionist ideas back in time. ]

c. 300 BC   Book of Exodus Andrew Joyce Jan 7 & Apr 8th 2017: ‘... [is] an effort at refuting a Greek and Egyptian consensus on the undesirable behaviors of the Jewish populations in their midst. ... was, and remains, crucial in providing a foundation myth for Jewish victimhood narratives and thus a foundation for the Jewish hoax.’
      It may be that Exodus provided practice for subsequent group lying by 'Jews'. Remember the Roman Empire at the eastern Mediterranean did not penetrate far inland, only reaching to mountains and trees. The Phoenician shore (north of 'Jews') was a route linking the sea to the east. Bear in mind the size of the Med—ten times all the U.S. Great Lakes put together. Sidon and Tyre were close to Jews, and had connection with the networks of sea-routes.
      An obvious problem with lies is that, if the catchment areas grew, different lies might flourish locally, only to be caught out later. A modern illustration is the Jewish nuclear weapons hoax; if 'Jews' in Israel rely on a supposed nuclear defense, they might be unhappy when it's exposed. By the 21st centuries, there are so many Judaic frauds, such as the Fed, the holohoax, 9/11, anti-Germanism, and anti-white movements, that there may be sudden multiple collapses. Let's hope so.
      Those examples are intra-'Jew'. But there are conflicts between 'Jew' and Jew-defined groups of non-Jews. An obvious example is the 'Chosen People' meme, which is generally kept secret from those described by Jews as 'goyim'. One problem is that it is obviously not true, and, if it were true, Jews should not need special treatment.
      And there are possible disputes not only within 'Jews', but between non-Jews groups. For example, the 'racial purity' fake is clear both to Jews and non-Jews if they find out about groups of Jews which have interbred. The 'maternal descent' idea is obviously contradicted by genetics, as males must be equally Jewish (or non-Jewish) as females, so however much they may want to hide it, genetically they must be equally 'Jewish'.
      [ Russell E Gmirkin’s book demonstrates a heavy literary dependence of Genesis on Berossus’s Babyloniaca (278 BC) and Exodus on Manetho’s Aegyptiaca (ca. 285–280 BC), [and] general reliance of Exodus on literary sources ... at Alexandria’s Great Library. Manetho reported [we are able to piece together much of its contents based on subsequent rebuttals by later Jewish writers such as Flavius Josephus, and also references to the text by several Greek and Greek-Egyptian intellectuals] that centuries earlier a foreign population had entered Egypt’s eastern border via “infiltration of the Delta.” This foreign population subsequently rose in power within Egypt, becoming a burden and a pestilence to the natives. At some point, the foreign population developed a serious disease of the skin, and the Egyptians were finally motivated to expel the invaders, who later relocated to Jerusalem. ]

The book titled exodos was written in Greek, presumably as it was aimed at non-Jews, and Greek was the leading written language in Europe at that time. Exodus is the Latinised form of the title; and the Latin text has been translated many times into more-or-less modern English, but the title 'Exodus' was retained. The word is composite, meaning something like 'way out' in a neutral sense.
      BUT the book carries an unstated assumption, a given, an implied truth. Exodus trusts confidently that the actions of its subject group, whatever they were, do not even merit expulsion, much less anything harsher.
      It's astonishing to see this attitude persistent through millennia, stuffed and propped up by organised deceptions. To this day, punishments of so-called 'Jews', if they are considered at all, stop with 'expulsion'. And yet entire genocidal wars have been secretly arranged by Jews. There are a few people today who favour reappropriation or execution, but of course the Jewish media censor them—(for example) Alex Linder and Jim Laffrey.
      In effect, a subset of people appears to be genetically or by upbringing unable to recognise other's rights. We are in an undeclared war.
      That's the subtext of Exodus: plaintive, pleading, deceptive, and cryptically founded on separation for self-described 'Jews'. To this day the US-based ADL expects killing and blame for non-Jews, and exemption from punishment for Jews, for all activities.

The Supposed 'Diaspora'. Here's an extract on the subject from Revilo Oliver, a Professor of Classics, in LB-199204.pdf.
      One of Jews' many hoaxes, the myth of the "Diaspora," supposedly caused by the Romans when they suppressed a combined revolt and civil war among the Yids and restored order in Palestine by capturing Jerusalem after a long siege in A. D. 69-70. (Possibly Diaspora was understood to simply and accurately mean: distributed among other groups. It sounds Greek to me.)
      ... The Jews were never "thrown out" of the Palestine they grabbed by destroying, probably through intrigue, deception, and subversion rather than open warfare, the Canaanites and Philistines to whom it belonged. The Romans certainly made no effort to expel them after 70, and Palestine was still so swarming with Jews in A.D. 134 that the last christ of any significance, Simon bar Kosiba, and his chief disciple, Jesus ben Galgouda, were able to mount a full-scale and formidable revolt that it took the Romans several years to suppress. The Jews remained in Palestine until after the Arabian conquest, when the greater part of them migrated to countries in which they could prey more easily and profitably on prosperous but cozened populations.
      On the other hand, everyone with even a smattering of historical knowledge knows that the Jews were scattered throughout the ancient world long before A D . 70. For example, the city of Rome was so lousy with Kikes in 179 B.C. that the urban praetor, Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispalus, tried to expel them, although we may be sure that for every one he threw out of the front door, two crawled in over the back fence. After his year of office, their money and intrigues obtained effective revocation of his decree. ...

c. 0 - 400 AD   Greek Empire eclipsed by Roman. Decline and Fall of Rome.
      There are numerous accounts of Romans vs Jews, usually presented by 'Jews' in their own way. It's important to see that at the time Jews were a distributed nation, not, as with many nations, a territorially-bound collection of people. Hence the violence, stabbings, damage popping up in (say) Cyprus and mentioned by (e.g.) Hilaire Belloc and Arthur Butz.
      Christianity allowed after Jews Judaised it and supported an inferior Roman Emperor. Jews waned; Islam was a later 'Abrahamic' invention by Jews to exploit Arabs against whites. A few centuries later, the Khazars were converted, or taken over, or genetically changed by the new 'Judaism'; but were positioned to significantly affect the route between Asia and Europe.
  This page (click; about 20,000 long) is taken from the Encyclopæia Britannia of 1910-1911, to present a relatively Jew-free view of Khazar scholarship at that time in the English-speaking world.
      Jews/ Romans: claim from Hilaire Belloc, writing about a century ago. ... the Government of the Roman Empire ... recognized the gulf ... not only by their cruelty to the Jew but also by the privileges they granted him; yet it was always the policy to admit citizenship as the primary distinction. ... His "point" ... in modern slang, was his citizenship, not his Judaism. There is dispute about the number of Jews in Rome, and in the Empire.

c. 400 - 800 AD   'Dark Ages' marked by lack of documentation, evidence, etc. Or perhaps documents were destroyed. Jewish 'Christianity' infiltrated European countries, trying to impose a connected networks of churches, financed from rents and other impositions, and acting as spies. The process was (and is) kept secret and dark. It must be similar to the present-day subversions by Jews as a world crypto-elite.

• THIS IS A NEW INTERPRETATION - Remember you heard it here first! — though the early Christian part must have been known to the late ancient world

Based on so-called 'Jews' and their behaviour today, it's possible to reconstruct what must have happened to the Roman Empire. How was it replaced by what's called Christianity?

    Probably a parasitic group emerged, after a millennium or two or three of group evolution in Mesopotamian city civilisation, specialising in targeting ruling individuals and small groups, using acting skills and extreme concealment and what many people would regard as psychopathy. It may resemble the present day's 'Jews'—a group of intra-specialists, and a herd who were expected to follow, and almost always did so, including commands to steal and defraud and kill and rape.
    In about what's now labelled 0 A.D., the Roman Empire had loosely corralled, moved, joined, or otherwise made aware, human and language groups from Spain to Palestine and Slav countries, and from mid-to-north Europe to the Mediterranean and north Africa. It must have been obvious to anyone that new outlooks might change things.
    Early Christians must have been composed of many groups and many influences, including Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Latin and northern mythologies, technological influences such as ships, buildings and food, legal systems, and, importantly, the written word. Papyrus seems to have become cheap and was obviously more portable that stone and baked clay tablets.
    Opinions of early Christians (or 'primitive Christians') are mysterious; they have been censored. But the general view seems to be that they felt enlightened, shining, warm, lighted, golden—the word Christ being Greek, connected with gold. The chi-rho symbol of a fish (from the Greek word), and the use of catacombs in Rome, suggests an empire-wide fusion. They may of course never have amounted to much. But their beliefs would have been nothing like Judaic beliefs.
    Traditionally, unrealistic people consider religions to be other-worldly. But it must have been obvious that organisation was necessary, and probably there was competition for bureaucrats wanting settled careers, with speakers and broadcasters, a common language, with reading and writing for messages and accounting, and buildings. Probably Jews saw the opportunity to exploit in the guise of helping. Think of the development of tithes, for example, where the church in effect gets 10% of the net agricultural product.
    Any group which extended over other groups would presumably benefit from a common language, which would be likely to be incomprehensible to most of the members of the groups, tribes, nations. A lingua franca in fact, though Napoleon never quite managed to spread French across the world. The revisionist process suggests that the phrase 'lingua franca' is itself misleading. Brewer's Phrase and Fable seems to date it to the Roman empire in decline: 'Corrupt Italian spoken on the shores of the Mediterranean. The Franks' language mixed with the Italian.' Examples include Latin, Greek, Arabic, Russian—with Hebrew as an accessory, no doubt—and literati Chinese (China was comparable to Europe in size, with as many accents, and mutually-incomprehensible languages). Hebrew, Yiddish (or whatever) was comparable in the sense of being spread among varied countries, but different in being alien and not indigenous, needing secrecy to hide their outlandish nature.

Fairly modern map; the Aral Sea was once larger. Showing likely areas of religious takeovers by Jews.
Very roughly (places & names change):
UA=Ukraine, AM=Armenia. R=Rome. C=Constantinople. J=Jerusalem. M=Medina.

Arabs occupied a large area, and were well positioned to take over the remains of the Roman Empire, much of it around the Mediterranean Sea.
Note: a silk route between Europe and China went north of the Khazar enclave, marked K. The Khazars had mountain and water barriers to the south, and were well-positioned to act with (or against) Silk Route merchants—and Huns, and Mongols, and the Chinese. And the Kaifeng Jews, visually indistinguishable from Chinese.
      The routes also went to and from North Africa.

map of conversions to Christianity
Map giving an idea of the extremely slow adoption of national Christianities. Lithuania (14th century) being one of the last. Because of the interdependence with Jews (not called 'Jews' at the time) the map must be related to the penetration of Jews.

Intermission: What were 'pagans' or 'heathens'? Was 'paganism' a religion? Those words are etymologically related to expressions on the countryside. As 'civilization' relates to towns. I'd suggest 'organised religion' is related to bureaucracy, writing, laws, and money. Early religions no doubt had 'holy' or 'sacred' sites, sites with 'genius loci'. Holy wells with fresh or other water, ancient trees, stone circles of great antiquity, objects visible for miles, trackways and paths, Delphi with its Oracle, sites of great (or mythical) wars, burial chambers, perhaps illustrate the sort of thing. But they were, presumably, fragmentary and scattered.
      Organised religion involves money, though the tradition has been to ignore and suppress this fact almost completely. But not entirely. Here's J R H Moorman's A History of the Church in England, writing on the thirteenth century: ‘.. A few rectors ... were the wealthy pluralists, mostly scions of illustrious families, who regarded their benefices simply as sources of income, and hired stipendiary priests to do the work. ... Some of these pluralists became immensely rich... The values of livings [paid to vicars] varied enormously in the Middle Ages and for long after. ...’
      England is divided into dioceses, each with its town and a bishop, and peripheral staff, but this is the end-point of a long set of processes. The finances are (or were) a very large industry. And much of this may well have been the work of Jews and their collaborators, though the compromises and forced rents and Jewish areas near Cathedrals must have been largely secret. Science and travel and printing have weakened all the foundation, so that, now, the existence of 'Jesus Christ' has been referred to as ‘moonshine’. Ironically, the services actually performed by the Church have remained unanalysed. They include weekly propaganda, like the BBC but before broadcasting was invented. But also records of births, marriages, and deaths.

How research might reclaim our pasts. The map is Britain 400-500—
Buzz Adams top contributor Anglo-Saxon Society [facebook] The new DNA studies completed in the last year and published in Nature, show there was a mass migration of Germanic tribes just as the Romans were leaving. They were warlike and didn't have time to clear forests for new farms. They needed food immediately and took existing farms from the locals. That is a violent encounter.

Is there any evidence that invasion was urged on? My guess might be that as Rome declined under the burden of jewish debt, Jews may have made their departure known and suggested invasion. Just a thought. There may be a money connection, and a connection as to ownership of lands in the expectation of taxes/ rents/ plunder.

    About four centuries passed before Christianity became a state religion. This movement must have been taken over by Jews; the process has been analogous in modern Europe, and what became the USA over a similar time period. Essentially, Jews took a chance on inventing a new group which they could secretly run. Probably all the Gospels and Acts were forgeries, designed to implant 'Yeshua' into Christianity, where it did not previously exist. Judging by Jewish techniques now, their documents and preachers and hired followers and thugs would shout down and drown out opposition. Anyone who thinks that this is implausible should examine modern Jewish techniques: the holocaustianity fraud is a good example of persistent, systematic, unremitting blatant lies, believed (because of inherited Jewish instinct) to be undisprovable. Propaganda about Nero is an interesting parallel from the Roman world to propaganda about Hitler now. The 'black legend' about Spain, parallels the vilification of Germany now.
    ‘Christianity’ as invented by Jews must have been shaped by their desires. Having felt the sharp end of Roman power, they would preach self-absorption, other-worldliness, pacifism and 'turning the other cheek', chastity (a white population control method), leaving families, and giving money away.
    Constantine was notorious as an unattractive bastard child with resentments—just the type Jews today prefer as fronts. He may have relied on Jews to support his army.
      After Constantine: 'The Roman State ... was almost continually at war until it ceased to exist. The Christian States which succeeded it continued to fight each other, though also ... fought states which were not Christian.' There's a suggestive parallel with the USA today, with endless wars, which Jews use to kill off anyone they think rivals them. Whether they have anywhere to go if the US fails must be something they consider.
    For centuries now, historians and commentators have puzzled over the rise of Christianity: why did nobody try to continue the Roman empire? Why not organise? Why not try to improve matters?—and the parallel with today shows why: Jews are concerned with themselves, and, probably genetically, are programmed to hate rivals. They were not interested in prolonging the system, any more than Jews now want the white world to flourish. A controlled Church suited them. Or at least they moved towards it, with fanatical and imbecilic lack of thought. Jews may have declined, or been killed or thrown out—perhaps a motive for trying the same trick on Arabs, and fleeing to Khazaria.
    Histories since the Middle Ages have attributed the destruction of writings of early Christians to Christians (in the Jew-infected sense) themselves. I'd suggest much of the destruction of documents was a Jewish activity carried out with the concentrated energy of parasites: think of the modern parallels—systematic removal of documents about the First World War, 9/11 destruction of financial records, control of historians over the Holohoax, huge funds to support liars, and systematic standardised lies about foreign wars and foreign criminals. Many Americans at the present day seriously imagine that belief in the mythical 'Christ' figure will stop wars.
    Ever since, there has been tension between local and regional churches, which naturally had some local patriotism, and Jews, lurking in the background, promoting their fake made-up rubbish. For example, the Old Testament was made official in the final assembly of a canon of works, all, absurdly, Jewish. Much of the Middle Ages is a tug or war between lurking Jews, who generally made trouble by fomenting wars, and the more overt Roman and Eastern and Orthodox Churches, who often foolishly took up larger loans than they could possibly afford.

Denunciations of Jews and usury by the Church look likely to be partly fake: the Roman Church continued to use Jewish money, for example for Cathedrals, so probably the denunciations were intended to keep the Jewish monopoly on coinage and credit and usury. The ‘they killed Jesus’ idea may have been made up to pretend the Church was very anti-Jewish, or to highlight real or supposed differences between Jewish or Christian sects or groups.
      [Andrew Joyce, who however does not claim secret mutual support by Jews and Church:– Jews were able to form settlements in Europe only because they were given assistance by the Christian Church in the form of Papal decrees that approved their residence, as well as granting them freedom from efforts at conversion and protection against ‘maltreatment’. Without a Christian theology that taught that Jews possessed a special role in the history of humankind, it is unlikely that Jews would have been able to settle in Europe in the manner they eventually did. (Some of the most influential treatises in this regard were formulated by Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Aquinas.) Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153; Aquinas b c 1225 in Italy, says Wikipaedia]

Sicut Judaeis—a Latin title, not a full phrase, for many short writings from the Catholic Church to their Catholic community. Despite common misbeliefs, the Catholic Church was allied with Jews, mostly for finance plus related secret operations. The same was true of Protestant Churches. The Judaic victories since 1900 have changed the situation; it seems unlikely that the absurdities in 'Abrahamic' cults can survive among educable peoples.
      These comments are from Wikipedia. Note how many of these names are regarded by gullible Catholics as great men, fathers of the Church, etc.
      “Around 400, St Augustine, one of the most influential and foundational figures of Catholic theology, preached that the Jews must be protected for their ability to explain the Old Testament.
      Around 598 ... Pope Gregory brought Augustine's teachings into Roman Law. He published a bull which became the foundation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews and specified that, although the Jews had not accepted salvation through Christ, and were therefore condemned by God until such time as they accept salvation, Christians were nevertheless duty-bound to protect the Jews as an important part of Christian civilization.
      ... the bull was reaffirmed by many popes including [Wiki gives dates but it's not clear when the Bulls were issued] Alexander III, Celestine III (1191-1198), Innocent III (1199), Honorius III (1216), Gregory IX (1235), Innocent IV (1246), Alexander IV (1255), Urban IV (1262), Gregory X (1272 & 1274), Nicholas III, Martin IV (1281), Honorius IV (1285-1287), Nicholas IV (1288-92), Clement VI (1348), Urban V (1365), Boniface IX (1389), Martin V (1422), and Nicholas V (1447). ”

    And this state of affairs still applies. At present, Jews have the upper hand, and have changed many tenets of churches unrecognisably; and of course they had the triumph of massacring millions of Orthodox Russians, equivalent perhaps to massacres in north Africa and Cyprus in about 100 AD. The influence of Jews in Turkey and Arabia and Africa is becoming better-known now, with Internet.
    Paradoxically, there is sense in the phrase 'Judeo-Christian', since Jews arranged the forgery of the New Testament.
    We are, now, accustomed to the separation of Church from State: it seems natural that a church should co-exist with people who aren't official religious believers or performers. But it's possible early Jews wanted to rule; maybe they were not powerful or convincing or impressive enough to impose themselves. Considering how the 'Holocaustianity' fraud is being pushed worldwide, I'd guess the unstated aim was to rule—something to bear in mind. In my opinion this separation was most fortunate, since it allowed some scope for creativity and genius.

Based on so-called 'Jews' and their behaviour today, it's also possible to reconstruct the invention of Islam, as Rome and Christianity finally weakened and failed.

    • Inventing Islam. Jews had writing. The technologies for producing ink (brush or pen) on papyrus, and binding the result, were well worked-out. Jews had plenty of stories to draw on, and a crude philosophy. They must have wanted an army of controllable aggressive thugs, to carry out their own orders. Someone, possibly Jews, invented scripts in such languages as Arabic and Georgian.
    Here's an indication of what Jews felt as the remains of the Roman Empire left little for parasites. Jewish academic Dr. David Wasserstein: "Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. ... First, in 570 AD, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity&mdashalso in Christendom—through the medieval period into the modern world."
    Wasserstein is saying—not very clearly—that the army of Muslims were thieves controlled by Jews.
    The Quran or Koran may have been composed by Jews, or on their suggestions. The tradition is that the illiterate Mohammed spent time in a cave, and emerged with writings which were God's words, G-d's words, Allah's words, or whatever. Jews regard themselves as God, rather amusingly, so the tradition may well be accurate in that sense—discussing with Mohammed what he wanted, it must have been easy enough to assemble a pastiche of Jewish material aimed at Arabs, and add to it when circumstances changed. Let's look at supporting evidence.
    The Quran is the first Arab writing of any consequence (unless earlier material was lost or destroyed). This alone suggests that literate foreigners compiled it, in language(s) which need no be Arabic. The script may have been a Jew invention: it is right-to-left. The sounds must have been similar. Vowel sounds were not used; some texts are undotted. The Quran does not use Jewish script, presumably what's now called Hebrew, but Jews would not have wanted Arabs to be able to read their 'sacred' psychopathy.
    The whole point of the Quran must have been to hijack beliefs of Arabs and insert Jewish desires and beliefs, to give Jews themselves some immunity. For example, Abraham was inserted. Otherwise, Arabs were to be as violent and vicious and grasping as possible, with Christians a possible exception, depending on Jewish policies at different times. Of course the Talmud provided many handy examples of viciousness. And of course it provided no examples of unparasitic activity.
Here are some comments on these violent tribal cults (too long to be copied here). Here's what may be the naturally evolved state of Arabs: The Arab was a nomad, not a cultivator, and brought with him ... agricultural disaster. ... The Arab is sometimes called the Son of the Desert, but ... in most cases he is the Father of the Desert, having created it himself, and the arid waste in which he lives and on which practically nothing will grow is the direct result of his appalling indolence, combined with his simian trait of destroying everything he does not understand ... Yet Arabs are withal, the quickest of peoples to follow the call to truth and righteousness. For their natures are relatively simple and free from the distorting effect of bad habits and evil ways ...
    Here's a review of book by Cox & Marks on Islam and 'Liberal Democracies' (i.e. Jew-controlled societies). Too long for inclusion, but note similarities:
[1] 'Jizya' a permanent tax, sounds Jewish, a bit like central bank control;
[2] 'Taqiyya' resembles 'Kol Nidre';
[3] Death penalty for apostasy;
[4] Ritual cruel animal slaughter;
[5] Food taboos;
[6] Circumcision;
[7] Legal system of a sort;
[8] Ritual killing techniques reserved for enemies;
[9] Child sex;
[10] Prostitution, slavery (still carried out);
[11] Taboos against representative art;
[12] Lunar calendar, presumably because of lack of obvious seasons;
[13] Fanaticism liable to be triggered;
[14] 'Allah will provide' mentality is similar to Jewish parasitic outlook; [15] Singing, chanting.
    But there are differences, which are attributable to Jewish skewing:
[1] Judaism relies on a narrow specialised clique, but Islam can be spread by anyone who can read Arabic.
[2] Islam allows conversion, which of course gets the numbers up, whereas Jews generally prohibit conversion. So much so, that today Muslim populations are huge;
[3] Dysgenic things can be expected to have been inserted into Islam, where there are many genetic diseases—though Judaism has these, too;
[4] Jihad is not explicitly present in Judaism, where deep fanatical grudging hate is nursed, and mass murder run by Jews occurs only when conditions are favourable.
[5] Judaism is usually a minority cult;
[6] Judaism celebrates (usually in secret, on encoded) past triumphs, such as murders. As far as I know, Islam is assumed to be more-or-less without planning or memorials, since historical awareness might lead them to quiz Jews.
[6] One of the reasons for permitting polygyny (up to four 'wives') may be the genetics of sickle-cell anemia (or Thalassaemia) which is lethal if the parents are both carriers.


[ Start of 'Real Jewish Studies' | Top of Page: Truths about Judaism ]

536-545 AD ... evidence of catastrophe, perhaps cloud of water from meteorite landing in the sea. Cassiodorus, Procopius, Chinese sources, agree on the sun being blocked. Then Justinian plague. Droughts, famine. [British Archaeological News June 1994]
    541-546 is Wikipedia's date for the Justinian plague. It is described as a pandemic, of bubonic plague, ending about two centuries later, in 750. This was far longer than the later 'Black Death'. My review of a feeble book by Kelly includes material on plagues, including that named for Justinian I, by a Finn examining the role of Jews in plagues.

700 AD very roughly to the present day.   Muslims, and the lost Khazar Empire: Note that the combination of a nomadic group, unused to towns, and the opportunities for parasitism, plus the crystallising effect of book-induced inbreeding and hatred of other groups, seem to have combined almost ideally after about 700 AD to produce cults dangerous to all who came into contact with them. The parachuted-in version of 'Judaism' post-dated Islam, though not by much, suggesting that parasitism had become a workable lifestyle preying on static civilisations. Possibly predator-prey relationships will be found, if serious history continues to increase. 711   Start of 'Moors' invading Spain. This seems to have been Jew-financed, possibly because the Visigoths followed Constantinople by not allowing Jews into Iberia. Note that the common slur against 'Vandals' in Andalusia is probably Jewish.
    'The classic example of power through fanaticism is the rise of Judaism. The Khan added nothing to the material resources of the Khazars, and yet, within a few years, they had acquired a large empire. Undoubtedly, the religion imposed by the Khan was an essential element in the success of this nation. ...' (Modified to illustrate the point from a passage by Bertrand Russell on Islam in his book Power).
    [An identical story, about a/the Khazar conversion, has been dated to 1000 AD. If interested, see here, below. The 'Abrahamic' religions seem to have had more conversions and alliances than customary history likes.]
    Note added June 2014: David Duke and Kevin MacDonald joined forces in opposing the Khazar hypothesis. David Duke quotes Arthur Koestler, a 'Hungarian Jew' and populariser of the Khazar idea, who hoped that if most Eastern European Jews were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear.
      However, Koestler did little original research, but quoted from a jumble of sources, probably authentic but incomplete, some very early, on the Khazars (who lived between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, north of the Caucasus Mountains—which are taller than the Alps). Koestler is an infuriating author, giving endless digressions on many subjects, but never summarising his history. His only summary, at the very end, looks only at 'Jews'. I've seen it suggested that 'Russians'—very different more than 1,000 years ago—attacked the Khazars, and eventually Khazars had a permanent hatred of Russians, and perhaps vice versa. A different theory for Jew-Russian hatred than the much later activities in eastern Europe. I can see no reason why a movement to move Jews to Khazaria, maybe renamed New Israel or something, might not happen, perhaps after ruin of the Middle East.
      Other books on the subject include a Russian (I think) precursor, Lev Gumilev, head of an ethnographic institute—though I haven't checked Koestler's book. Jews, Khazars, DNA and Jews and Muslims: Similar Tribal Cults look at some of the issues, post-Roman Empire. Kevin MacDonald's work on Jews assumed they were 'Jews' as defined more-or-less Biblically in the USA, and wanted a genetic link, not a discontinuity between two separate groups of 'Jews'. Most 'Jews' seem to have settled down into opposing the Khazar idea, within themselves, by 2014. David Duke claims they promote the Khazar idea for non-Jews (including Michael A Hoffman; his works are all Khazar-based).
    This seems a mistake to me. [1] People don't object to Jews because those people are 'anti-Semitic'—itself a crude expression. They object because of behaviour, not the 'racial basis'. Changing the name makes no difference! A Jew by any other name smells the same. [2] A collection of converts may be genetically modified by their influential 'Holy' book(s). [3] There is a controlled experiment here: Islam was influential at roughly the same time, spread widely, and must have had effects promoting inbreeding, fanaticism, and so on in the affected populations. So I see no difficulty with a somewhat isolated tribe, the Khazars, being genetically modified by Talmudic material over a few centuries.
    As a thought experiment: if a population were to be suddenly exposed to pornography in large quantities, and were told pornographers were wonderful people worth a lot of money, and pornographers were allowed to expel or kill objectors to pornography, would you expect that population after a few centuries to be well-balanced?
    It's possible Duke and MacDonald have a submerged aim in mind: to keep 'Jews' together, and not allow the possibility of their spreading to Europe, or Birobidjan, or Madagascar. With luck, counterattacks like Open Borders for Israel and detailed analysis of Jewish assets will finally weaken them.

Jews in China
  • Sarai a city NE of the Black Sea, & NW of the Caspian, was important to Khazaria, the silk route, and Russia
  • Marco Polo's Travels said Frances Wood may well be spurious
  • Genghis Khan [or many other spellings!] allegedly spared people with useful skills, but slaughtered other types. It seems at least possible that he was influenced by Jews, or Jew types.
  • Kublai Khan ... most famous Chinese issuer of paper money ... the Mongol who ruled the Chinese empire in the 13th century. Kublai Khan established currency credibility by decreeing that his paper money must be accepted by traders on pain of death. As further enforcement of his mandate, he confiscated all gold and silver, even if it was brought in by foreign traders. Marco Polo was impressed by the efficiency of the Chinese system, as he chronicles in his The Travels of Marco Polo (Il Milione).
      "All these pieces of paper are issued with as much solemnity and authority as if they were of pure gold or silver; and on every piece a variety of officials, whose duty it is, have to write their names, and to put their seals. And when all is prepared duly, the chief officer deputed by the Khan smears the seal entrusted to him with vermilion, and impresses it on the paper, so that the form of the seal remains imprinted upon it in red; the money is then authentic. Anyone forging it would be punished with death. And the Khan causes every year to be made such a vast quantity of this money, which costs him nothing, that it must equal in amount all the treasure of the world."

  Dr Robert Maryks quotes a 'Jew' discussing his 'Sephardic ancestors': Istanbul, Baghdad, Tehran, and through the silk road up to Shanghai .. and Palermo and Trabia in Sicily...' Just an example. Probably Jewish control over 20th century media suppressed any mention of Jews in China, and their activities.

China and Jews
Just a guess: frizzy hair may indicate long-term interbreeding and crypsis in China. And 'Jews' are not in fact 'a race'.  And see below...

c 800 AD Charlemagne ruled c 768-814. United much of Europe, allied with Popes and aggressively converted 'Germans' to the east, violently. I haven't seen a serious consideration of Jews, both in the papacy and as organisers. Violent conversion must have been the norm. Consider Guthrum and Canute/Cnut in England.

c 900 AD   Some 'Jewish' bloodlines made their way to faraway lands including Norway and France. Normandy was ceded to the 'Norseman' Rolf the Ganger, 'Rollo', 'leader of the Vikings', in the treaty of Saint-Claire-Sur-Epte with Charles the Simple. The family of Rolf took the name 'Sinclair' from this treaty. William the Conqueror was Rolf's great great great grandson. The Sinclairs founded Freemasonry. So here we have supposed 'northmen' who opened up England to the Jews. [Brief unsourced online comment from thruthebook, 29 June 2016].
[ Start of 'Real Jewish Studies' | Top of Page: Truths about Judaism ]

c 1000 - c 1500 Expulsions of Jews. This very much shortened list is from Frank Britton's booklet, the source probably being the Encyclopaedia Britannica of the time.
    BUT—IMPORTANT—Migrations and infiltrations of Jews are rarely noted. Kevin MacDonald for example estimates two million moved to the USA by about 1900.
    ENGLAND: Jews expelled in 1290 by Edward I. Not permitted to re-enter till 1655. (SCOTLAND an exception)
    FRANCE: Expelled in 1306 by Philip the Fair/ Philippe le Bel. A few were permitted to return but were again evicted in 1394. Jewish settlements remained in Bordeaux, Avignon, Marseilles, (from where they were evicted in 1682) and in the northern province of Alsace.
    SAXONY: Expelled in 1349.
    BRABANT Execution of all Jews in Brussels for poisoning wells. (Not in Britton).
    HUNGARY: By 1092 the Jews were in control of Hungary's tax collections. In 1360 they were expelled but later returned. In 1582 they were again expelled from the Christian part of Hungary.
    BELGIUM: Expelled in 1370. A few settled there again in 1450, but no large numbers came till 1700.
    SLOVAKIA: Ousted from Prague in 1380. Many settled there again after 1562. In 1744 Marie Theresa expelled them again.
    AUSTRIA: Expelled in 1420 by Albrecht V.
    NETHERLANDS: Expelled from Utrecht in 1444.
    SPAIN: Expelled in 1492. Included e.g. SICILY.
    LITHUANIA: Expelled in 1495 by Grand Duke Alexander. They later returned.
    PORTUGAL: Expelled in 1498.
    PRUSSIA: Expelled in 1510.
    ITALY: Expelled from Kingdom of Naples and Sardinia in 1540.
    BAVARIA: Banned permanently in 1551.
    SCANDINAVIA: Jews were not permitted to enter Sweden until 1782. None were permitted to enter Denmark before the 17th century and they were not allowed in Norway after 1814.
    The exception was POLAND, very likely because of large Khazar presence there after the Khazar conversion, and Turkey, ditto: 'Largely as a result of the concessions of the Polish crown which began with the Statute of Kalisz, Poland became known throughout Europe as the "paradisus Judeorum," the paradise of the Jews. ... who ... inevitably headed east toward Poland, taking their language, "juedische Deutsch," or Yiddish (usually written with Hebrew 'alphabet') with them.' NB Poland seems to have been rich in silver ore, at least if modern mining patterns applied then. [Note: I've seen no discussion as to whether the Poles realised they may be making a big mistake importing aliens.-RW]
    Here's Steve H June 2023: Jews were expelled from 109 nominally Christian European countries, but they were also refugees in 110 Christian European countries. 110 times they were relocated under the protection of the catholic church and at Europeans expense to other Christian European countries. That doesn't sound like persecution! [In the Occidental Observer—significantly, a comment, not in a main article.
    Important note: Jewish policy is essentially parasitic, and a hit-and-run strategy is an example of this. It's possible some 'expulsions' were in fact Jews moving, taking loot with them, and falsely claiming to have been thrown out. Or 'expulsions' may have been secretly agreed, Jews escaping punishment for murders. Such agreements might well have included payments from Jews. The invention and enforcement of paper money altered Jewish strategy: in modern Europe, Jewish strategy is to ruin e.g. Belgium, France, and Sweden, then move out, claiming to have been driven out.
      The best-known example is perhaps the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal, often stated to have taken 700 years. Ask yourself if it is sheer coincidence that the move out coincided with the discovery of the Americas and the rise of the Netherlands.
      BUT—IMPORTANT—Much of this may be untrue. Here's 'Edward Harris' (Occidental Observer Sep 10, 2021) ... The rabbis in the Middle Ages used to visit Jerusalem every 7 years to continue planning the war on mankind. Each country was represented by one rabbi. During the middle ages, ... the Eastern Jews took over what my family always called the Jewish Council, although most of the council were only descended from converts. England sent a rabbi after the KE1 expulsion and I was told only 1/4 were expelled, but they made so much noise the English thought that they had all gone. Nearly all of today's jews are not jews by blood (not Jews) but Europeans descended from converts.
      Dr Andrew Joyce (I think a pseudonym) has worked on the issue of 'pogroms' which appear to be simple lies promote amongst the target populations.

'Wandering Jew' seems to have had several implications. For example, any mobile or displaced group may have been called 'Jews', or may have called themselves 'Jews'. The etymology of 'Jew', and the ways the word was used as printing became established, and the ways the word was used in religious speech and writings, appear to be contentious—but it's difficult to be sure even if the issue is genuinely contentious.

10th - 12th centuries, straddling 1000 AD. A passing remark by Miles W Mathis (in his benito.pdf and phillip.pdf) is '... Burgundians in my recent paper on the Crusades: ... had been Jewish from way back, being captured by Jewish lines even before the year 1000. This reminded me of Ganshof on Feudalism starting in Burgundy, and suggests Jews may have invented parts of the 'Feudal System'.
      [Ganshof: '... Feudalism may be conceived of as a form of society possessing well-marked features which can be defined without difficulty. They may be summarized as follows: a development pushed to extremes of the element of personal dependence in society, with a specialized military class occupying the higher levels in the social scale; an extreme subdivision of the rights of real property; a graded system of rights over land created by this subdivision and corresponding in broad outline to the grades of personal dependence just referred to; and a dispersal of political authority amongst a hierarchy of persons who exercise in their own interest powers normally attributed to the State and which are often, in fact, derived from its break-up.
      This type of society, whether one calls it 'feudalism' or the 'feudal régime', was that of western Europe in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries. It came into existence in France, Germany, the kingdom of Burgundy-Arles and Italy, all of them states deriving from the Carolingian empire, and in other countries--England, certain of the Christian kingdoms of Spain, the Latin principalities of the Near East--which passed under their influence. ...'
    Feudalism thus seems to be one of the ways Jews arranged things. Invasion, violence, and establishment (maybe with conversion to a new control system) as in England after William of Orange, and back in time—Canute? Guthrum? The Romans?—seems to be another variant.]

1030 As part of the apparently Jewish-controlled spread of Christianity, one country at a time, networking the countries with parishes and claiming rent, Norwegian King Olaf II was reported killed by Thorir Hund at Stiklestad. Olaf was relabelled a 'saint': saints were not typically holy or honest etc, but military or other victors. This event was just one example of the spread of Christianity by ships and money and violence.
1066 Understood as a principal date in English history. There are many other important dates; it must be a propagandist fact. A revisionist view is that William 'the Bastard'—note the surname suppression—was Jewish, and the 'Norman' Invasion a Jewish event, probably preceded by a feint with Norwegians attacking in the north of England to weaken the English army. The small size of the invasion suggests there must have been collaborators. William is said to have recognised the City of London as an independent entity; suggesting collaboration in a similar way to William of Orange and the Bank of England many years later. (1067 At 2022 Coronation of Charles III, one of the TV commentators said (my words) "the City of London has been independent since 1067. William did not want to take on London, so he came to an arrangement with the City." He then mentioned the Royal Exchange, though its architecture was much later.) Might be compared with Jews in Russia after 1917, and 'Communists'—the 'harrying of the north' having genocidal population-killing effects, and the Domesday Book a bureaucratic list of assets. 1086 is the usual date of the Domesday Book, also known as the Liber de Wintonia (book of Winchester, in the approximately Roman form), as Wintonia was the Norman administrative capital. It seems reasonable to regard the record as in Jewish style.

(Something similar seems to be happening in 2018/2019 in South Africa, with land assets being listed before theft by the Jew-positioned Ramaphosa (picture). It's probably usual policy; compare the vicious Jewish-run invasion of Vietnam). The 'New Forest' seems to have involved the destruction of Anglo-Saxon or other churches, a typical Jewish marker.
      There are still commentators who don't notice the Jewish component. For example Tobias Langdon in TheOccidentalObserver January 25, 2019, on the 1066 conquest being by people 'of the same race'. In fact it can be regarded as a race war, with Jews setting out to plunder the country for the benefit of Jews.
      There are suggestive comparisons of mediaeval guilds and modern times: apothecaries and physicians must have had a deadening effect on medicine, for example, with an absurd reliance on Galen, comparable with about half of post-1945 medical research. Military/ police and religious structures were outside those schemata, just as they are today, with their own propaganda and materials—the proportions of course leaning heavily to propaganda and money in the religious structures. And teaching—because of its long-term nature, and because serious education was largely private—was excluded from guilds. Law was another exception, easy to understate. Perhaps quarriers of stone and builders of out-of-town huge stone castles, cathedrals, churches, and perhaps houses and halls, who must have been skilled and somewhat mobile, gave rise to the 'Freemasons' idea, later of course infiltrated or taken over by Jews and collaborators. The places and dates and lodges are obscure, as would be expected.

very approx 1090-1200   Assassins may represent another genetically violent and parasitic group, based on Judaic or Moslem or other attitudes and/or writings. They are supposed to have been an Islamic splinter-group or cult, with intense internal propaganda, and with members who were killers of rival Islamic leaders. Based near the Caspian Sea, in the extreme south-east of the Khazar empire, they seem to have been erased by the Mongols.

c 1100-1500 A modern European [sc. Jewish] project ‘studies the transformation of Anatolia from a Christian to a majority Muslim society.&rsuo; Islam seems to have been a Jewish scheme to trap and use Arabs as troops in North Africa across to Spain (the co-operation between Jews and Moors to invade Spain to this day means Spaniards are out of sympathy with Palestinans) and also south-east to India, where they seem to have massacred on a huge scale.
      Anatolia (part of, or original name for, Turkey) seems to have been a later target. The report's summary says ‘Whereas previous research has concentrated almost exclusively on conversion, this study also emphasises the importance of acculturation to Islam, and thus seeks to understand the processes through which Islamic culture took root among the recently converted Turkish as well as Christian populations. Very little is known of the spread of Islam in the region...’ seems a polite way to erase the violence of the process. ‘These transformations gave birth to the Ottoman Empire, which played a vital [carefully-chosen word which doesn't mean useful or civilised!] role in shaping European history.’
      ‘This project examines the formation of Anatolian Islamic society through the extensive but largely unstudied literary evidence it has bequeathed us in the form of numerous Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts. Despite work on individual texts, the contours of this literature as a whole are largely unknown, and many works remained unpublished.’
      The rôum;le of Jews in Turkey, their influence on Islam, and their effects on ordinary Turks are of course rather secret. Janissaries (firstborn boys taken from subjected areas and brought up as violent soldiery) and Devshirme (similar, but for bureaucrats—and Grand Viziers) and white slavery (in I think border areas around the Mediterranean) supplemented the Ottoman Empire. Another topic suppressed by Jews.

Jew Mongol Khazar Netanyahu
Netanyahu and his father.
Why so-called 'Jews' may be referred to as 'Turco-Mongol'. Note that Khazars (see this tribe as converts to Judaism) may have helped Mongols invade Europe, just as they helped Moslems invade Europe earlier, and later.
c 1200 - c 1400 Mongol invasions of Europe, Rus and other territories, China. Names include Timur (or Tamerlaine) and tribal descriptions include 'Turco-Mongol'. Although largely forgotten outside Russia, these invasions made a great impression at the time. Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great was written after about the same time as we are from Napoleon. (I'm assuming conventional historical dating; and that the events were more-or-less as described). As with the Hun empire, something like a millennium earlier, there's some insubstantiality, caused perhaps by the lack of written material: unlike Jews, Christians and Muslims (in that order), Huns and Mongols did not leave sacred or pseudo-sacred writings, perhaps through some accident, such as not having papyrus, or not having secure enough storage. So they join the pre-Greek and pre-Roman empires of antiquity in surviving only when specialists decoded their writings or inferred their beliefs.
      ['Curmudgeon' in TheOccidentalObserver, Jan 2017, states that Khazars (see this group as converts to Judaism) co-operated with Mongols in invading Europe—something obvious enough once it's pointed out.]

1215   Fourth Lateran Council. An account here by Leonard Feeney in 1957 gives his version of Roman Catholics discussing Jews.

1236   before this date, Rabbinical writings were virtually unknown among Christians. Its discovery came about when a Jew named Nicholas Donin of La Rochelle converted to Christianity and went public with what it contained. In 1240 this led to a demand that all copies of the Talmud should be burned. From a revisionist viewpoint...

... 1242   France Burns All Known Copies of the Talmud Headline in a Jewish online source, soon after the Notre Dame 15 April 2019 (date unchecked for Jew symbolism) destruction. Bear in mind the Talmud was not for 'goyim' eyes. I'd suggest that such cases were intended to prevent study by the 'goyim', and were not prompted by horror at the contents.

1264   Poland Nov 11 2021: Kalisz, a city of about 100,000 inhabitants situated 120 miles southwest of Warsaw, was part of a series of nationalist events on Nov. 11, National Independence Day, which is the anniversary of when Poland regained its sovereignty in 1918. Videos and eyewitness accounts ... show that Wojciech Olszanski, a far-right activist, lit a red-covered book ... to symbolize the Statute of Kalisz. The document issued in 1264 by Prince Boleslaw the Pious [sic; note the presumably Roman Catholic connection] regulated the legal status of Jews living in Poland and afforded some protection through penalizing attacks on them. ... The Polish aristocracy — as was the case with many of the European aristocracies — and the Jews had a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship — at the expense of the Polish peasantry. ... Essentially, the aristocracy allowed the middlemen Jews — as usurers, tax collectors, and land managers [NB dec 2022 probably brothel keepers and alcohol pushers. The dates of distillation, and of the use of sugar to make stronger brews, seem unceratin] — to live parasitically off the Polish farmers, exploit them, and keep them in perpetual debt and servitude. ... to protect their Jewish cash cow, Polish aristocracy needed to protect the Jews from the hostile populace through special laws, such as this notorious Statute of Kalisz in 1264. ..
      As always with Jews, there are conflicting stories: ... these so called "Statutes of Kalisz" are a fake ... Allegedly the local count of Calisia granted the local Jewry some privileges in the XIII century in exchange for money he needed to fight some relatives who were endangering his position. Couple of centuries later the Jews appeared before the Polish king with some documents and asked for confirmation of these privileges on the countrywide basis, however, they admitted that these were copies, because the originals were lost in fire. The king Kazimierz Jagiellonczyk was offended by this obvious fraud attempt and not only refused to reconfirm the Statutes, but he also issued a statewide prohibition for Jews to live in all major cities of the kingdom, especially in a capital city of Cracow. ...'
      Miles Mathis claims the Jagiellons were in fact Jews themselves. Jews were allowed to establish their own independent State within the Polish State called the Congressus Judaicus — the Jewish Congress which was largely independent of the Polish national parliament. When reading hack historians and junk journalists on Europe, the Second World War, the USSR and so on, and the 'far right activists', bear in mind all these lies and obfuscations.

c. 1280   Ramon Martí Pugio fidei adversus Mauros et Iudaeos 'The Dagger of Faith' by a Catalan Dominican friar, Raymond Martini—I take it, in Latin. [ As is usual with Jews, it's not possible to get an accurate summary of Martí's book, which must have existed in manuscript form until printing came along. It had three parts, the second and third of which are 'anti-Jewish', the 'last part' (which could be the whole of the third path, but perhaps may be a final portion) containing ‘extracts from the Talmud, the Midrash, and later rabbinical writings (Rashi, etc.)’ This book ‘became the most important and widely circulated medieval anti-Jewish polemic’. I have quoted from which draws from three encyclopedias, which I think are online, but no longer in paper versions. It's not credible they could be very reliable on such subjects. Without seeing such books it's impossible to assess even their style of argument. Often they turn out to be disappointing. But the 13th century may be the high point of Roman Catholic success, they may have felt strong and independent, given their financial co-evolutions. As contrasted with their present-day subservience. ]

1306-1307   “22 July 1306, King Philip of France ordered all jews to be arrested, their wealth confiscated, and then exiled from France” quoted from a comment in The Occidental Observer. Comments include nothing on France as a Kingdom, the destruction of the Knights Templars, the Freemasons, the 'Vatican Inquisition', the French clergy and Pope Boniface VIII. Typically chaotic comments.

1312   Jacques de Longuyon's Voeux du Paon invented, mentioned, or repeated The Nine Worthies with the intention (maybe) of claiming equality or equal chivalric intent between pagans, Christians, and Jews. Though it looks to me like a Jewish propaganda thing. Charlemagne, King Arthur, Godfrey of Bouillon; and Julius Caesar, Hector, Alexander the Great; David, Joshua, Judah Maccabee.

c 1340 - c 1700   The Black Death peak mid-1300s?) and Plagues are of course not well documented or researched. However, it ought to be mentioned that there may have been Jewish involvement. [ Hans Zinnser's 1935 Rats, Lice and History is mostly about typhus, and anecdotal rather than historical; Zinsser is described as American. The 1910-11 Encyclopædia Britannica has no separate entry for 'Black Death'; the entry 'Plague' was jointly written by Arthur Shadwell, who wrote on malaria, cancer, London's water, etc, and Harriet L Hennessy, a physician and pharmacologist. 18th and 19th century plagues are detailed, and the 15th and 16th represented by ten works, 4 from Venice, two from Basel. The Plague of London 1665-1666 and the 'Great Fire' are suspiciously close to the Bank of England importation. Note that, unlike many epidemics, plague 'cannot be traced with certainty to definite time and place'. Amazingly, the 1976 Encyclopædia Britannica has no entries under Black Death (though it has for 'Black Muslims'), or Plague, and nothing noticeable under Disease. The Micropædia has a few entries under Black Death, but only a reference to the novel by Camus under 'Plague'! The topics have fallen into the world of hack writers and away from Jewish suspects. ]

Notes on Witches
Doubts about Beliefs and Diseases persist to today. Was leprosy in fact a deficiency disease?—read about it (not in Wiki) and see that it's very hard to catch, the first requirement is good food, and it's a result of damage to nerves. Polio; was this caused by contamination by DDT in rivers? And of course injections; regarded for millennia as dangerous.
'Witches' hated by ecclesiastics, not usually by civil law. Suggests churches had an interest (as with heresy), or church with Jews had joint interests (as in trying to keep usury a Jewish monopoly).

Dates suggesting concealed long-term Jewish influence on actions against witches:–
1346-1353 Black Death
1450-1550 100,000 witches estimated to be killed in Germany (it was not yet called Germany). The witch craze seems to have been many years before vernacular Bibles.
1487 Malleus Malificarum from supposed command Exodus 22:18. The 'Old Testament' is so obscure and scrappy that many words only occur once. Modern US Bible types seem agonizingly unable to understand this. Not allowing a 'witch' to live may have been a mistranslation from 'poisoner'; no doubt Jewish apothecaries would prefer to avoid such a reading.
1497 Syphilis first recorded in England (I'm told). 'The pox' curable only with antibiotics in about 450 years.
1522 NT, 1534 OT: Luther Bible translation
1584 Scot, The Discoverie of Witchcraft rational examination
1597 James I, Daemonologie less rational examination
1604 commission, 1611 publication of King James Version
1612 Pendle witches trial in Lancashire
1618-1648 30 Years' War. Estimated 4.5 to 8 million deaths. Important: Jewish involvement is certain; note that before the end of this period, the English Civil War 'broke out'. What they did, and their effects, will have been as carefully concealed as in the case of Cromwell.
1642-1651 English Civil War
1653-1658 Commonwealth in England under Cromwell. 'As many executions for witchcraft, as during all the Tudors and Stuarts'.
1688 'Glorious Revolution', followed by 1694 Bank of England
1692-3 Salem witch trials. Interesting and detailed paper salem.pdf by Miles Mathis, on Salem trials as a hoax. Mathis claims an alliance of factions, all working against Boston Puritanism: wealthy merchants; governors trying to weaken Mather, King William, opposed to the Puritan theocracy; the "grace" faction of Puritanism, holding a grudge for their expulsion from the Colony.
c 1700 'remarkable simultaneity in the cessation of punishments for witchcraft in Western countries.' Suggests it had been long-term project which was no longer useful.

c 1400 - c 1600   The Reformation. Starting with translations of the Bible. It's not known, or not clear, to what extent this was a Jewish movement. Note however the important division right through the movement. Luther, having read Jewish 'holy' books, became anti-Jewish. On the other hand some states were undecided: the Netherlands, first, then England, became Protestant and were more-or-less Jewish invaded, as the prospects for the New World became clear, and seaports were sought. Though of course this process took time, and was not completed in Britain until Cromwell's death, after which the Restoration of the Monarchy as it was called—the status quo before Jews was not restored—made things look somewhat as before, plus such organisations as the Bank of England.
      1492 Ferdinand & Isabella's 'Reconquista' of Spain from the Moors more-or-less complete. And from Jews, though possibly the 'expulsion' of Jews was in fact their decision to leave, when their Muslim thug army was forced out. Here's an extract from

At the end of the fifteenth century, many Jews 'had to flee' Spain and Portugal. The most adventurous among them took to the seas as freewheeling outlaws. In ships bearing names such as the Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther, and Shield of Abraham, they attacked and plundered the Spanish fleet while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding. ...
    [T]hese Jewish pirates of the Caribbean came from... the Iberian ("Hebrew") peninsula. In other words, they were Sephardim/ Sfard/ Srdn/ Sidonians/ Phoenicians. The book Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean by Edward Kritzler [obviously, there's little chance of this source being reliable-RW] centers on Jamaica ... Jewish merchants were closely linked to ... much of the piratic activity out of Port Royal, Jamaica ... in the late 17th century. Port Royal was known as the "wickedest city in the world" ... What's less known ... is that Jews controlled Port Royal. The main thoroughfare of the city was called Jews Street!
Presumably, the 'wickedest city' included brothels, forced sex, and so on. Note also the comparison of Atlantic pirates with Atlantic slave-ships, also run by Jews. The 'skull and crossbones' or 'skull and bones' seems to date from this period. Port Royal was reported to be largely destroyed by an earthquake, in 1692, though this date seems uncomfortably numerically significant and coincident with convenient destruction.
      It's likely that the 'Counter-Reformation' was Jewish-propelled (by Loyola; 'Jesuits' founded 1540), and the 'Reformation' too. In each case, Jewish interests would be subtly inserted into the non-religious power groups which they influenced. One such interest of course was war between non-Jews.

c 1500 - c 1650   Western Europe supposedly largely free of Jews. When people discuss Jews in (say) Venice, Italy, or Spain, bear in mind this 150-year hiatus. If in fact it's true. No doubt there is an intimate connection with the immense flowering of the Renaissance in Europe. And no doubt a connection with the finance of wars and their locations.

1505   Mombasa on east African coast (now in Kenya) invaded and looted. Nominally by Portuguese; probably in fact a Jew operation. Note that Portugal, long strip on the west coast of Spain, was regarded as an ally of England, and no doubt cannot be understood without appreciation of Jews.
      Southern Spain has coasts on both sides of Gibraltar, with the Guadalquivi (river) leading to, and from, Seville.
      It seems likely that the Reconquista for Christianity was largely a decision by Jews to back Europeans rather than Arabs. 1509-1547   Henry VIII of England. Died young; and something like 7 illegitimate children, and 9 others most of whom died during pregnancy. There's obvious scope for skulduggery.
      Remember that 'Jews' and Muslims had been expelled from Spain; but 'Spain' still consisted of regions. Catherine 'of Aragon', had her children survived, might have led to England, Spain, and Portugal dividing the new world among them. Remember in the Caribbean Jews ran pirate ships against the Spanish.
      There's a lot of evidence for Jewish poisonings and assassinations. These are most efficient where one death can e.g. change an entire line of royalty by murder or marriage. Look up for example Lithuania. Modern lesser equivalents are changing ownership of a company, marrying a business leader, outvoting non-Jews, inserting Jews into positions such as Attorney General and Supreme Court member and Speaker of Houses, inserting Jews into political control such as the EU mechanism, not just parties..

1519-1523   The Papacy which supported the printing (and circulation) of the finest edition of the Talmud ever published in recorded history, the magnificent Bomberg edition, which it is fair to say permanently rescued the Talmud from the possibility of extinction. (From Michael Hoffman II's The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome). It was printed in Venice, and in Hebrew. I don't know whether (e.g.) vowel sounds were included.

1522   the twelfth of October, when that noble knight Andrea d'Amaral, your patron saint, threw open the gates of Rhodes to the Turk from Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints. [ Most English-speaking whites have no idea of the prolonged history of Jews permitting invasions. Just one specimen ]

1534   Foundation of the Jesuits about this time. I'd suggest the Iberian (Spanish & Portuguese) Jews and crypto-Jews wanted to try to control the Reformation and Counter-Reformation and this group was part of the policy. Jews of course would want to prolong the absurdities of 'Roman' Catholicism, many aspects of which worked to their advantage.
      [Edmund Campion, who after questioning, torture, and four public disputations was killed in 1581, only about ten days after his trial. He had joined the Jesuits in 1573. I'd suggest Jews and the Anglicans conspired to remove him. If you're interested in all this, try to identify remarks in Campion and others which Anglicans and Jews, and Catholics, would dislike.]

1555   Rome Ghetto was established in 1555 in the Rione Sant’Angelo, near the Tiber River in the southern part of Campo de’Fiori. Its borders were laid down in a Papal Bull along with various discriminatory laws about what professions Jews could and could not hold. One of the accepted professions, that of selling fish, still lends its name to streets in the area of the old fish market. Though the neighborhood now commands some of the highest property prices in Rome, the original Jewish Ghetto (known simply as the Roman Ghetto) was walled-in and crowded.—from an online tourism website.

1572   St Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France. Revisionist-minded people might consider reframing old-style Jew-denying history to include hypotheses involving Jews.
    And here's a good one, from Miles Mathis: ‘The King [Henry II of France] was more likely poisoned. ... we find a strange reaction from Montgomery, who had up to that time been savagely repressing Huguenots in the Scotch Guard: he joined them and waged war against France. I suggest he was chosen as a scapegoat for the King's death and didn't appreciate it. I also suggest that with the murder of his King, he became aware of what the Medici faction was up to: it had just performed a successful coup through the Queen [Catherine de' Medici]. So Montgomery's war wasn't against France, it was against the Medicis. He should be seen as a hero. This means the religious wars of that period have been sold to us under a false pretext. We are told it was between the Catholics and the Protestants. But seeing that Paris was ruled by the Jewish Medicis, we see it was a war of the Medicis against the Christian Church more broadly. Catherine ordered the rich Huguenots murdered in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre not because they were Protestant, but because they were prominent aristocrats and Christian. ... it "printed on Protestant minds the indelible conviction that Catholicism was a bloody and treacherous religion".
    That's convenient for the Medicis, right? We see that these religious wars did double duty: 1) getting rid of rich aristocrats whose properties could then be seized, 2) blackwashing Catholicism by making Catholics look like the bad guys. But ... it wasn't really Catholics ordering the Huguenot genocide: it was the Medicis. The history of France has been rewritten by Jewish "scholars".
    Mathis does not add that both Christian sides may have known this, but said nothing, suggesting Christianity was itself subordinate to Jewish money.

1585-1604   Anglo-Spanish War (that link is to Shakespearean sceptic's writings) looks to me like an indirectly provoked war, probably by Jews, in the same way the Germans and Russians were forced into war by Jews 350 years later. [ I'd like interested people to see if they can find evidence for that, bearing in mind that Spain and Portugal had expelled Jews, and England supposedly had none, so Jews could be expected to be hostile and have their eyes on gold from South America. And Jews owned slaving ships. ]

1597   Gresham College in London founded according to the will of Thomas Gresham. '... at Barnard's Inn Hall off Holborn in Central London.' Seven original Gresham College Professorships that date back to the origins of the college are: Astronomy, Divinity, Geometry, Law, Music, Physic [not physics], Rhetoric. Reflecting the medieval trivium and quadrivium. (This mostly from Wikipedia).

?1604-1657   Menasseh ben Israel/ Manoel Dias Soeiro. Described as an influential Portuguese Rabbi. Well-known for negotiating with Oliver Cromwell to take over England's money supply—in effect I suppose by weakening England by funding civil war, and getting Charles I killed, with money from other parts of the Jewish 'empire', then debasing the currency and impoverishing the country.
    And known to favour Jewish intrusions by poison, recommending Jews should become apothecaries for that purpose. Perhaps Henry VIII was a victim.

1605   'Tsar Fyodor Borisovich Godunov son of Tsar Boris Godunov, ruled less than a year as Feodor II after his father's death in 1605; murdered in June the same year.' [ Speculative comment: it seems possible that a Jewish movement deposed the Godunov dynasty to substitute a Jewish dynasty. ]

1611   King James Bible published. English translation, of huge influence; to this day, simple Americans think Enoch invented writing, and 'Jews' were chosen by 'God', and that 'commandments' were issued on stone tablets. Parables, Psalms, and the supposed history of the World including 'Noah's Ark' and 'The Flood', and the use of archaic forms to hide simple ideas are part of the legacy. This must have been propagandist in intention. Note that the first English government colonies started from about 1607 in Virginia and Jamestown (named after the 'Virgin Queen' Elizabeth, and her successor, King James of Scotland).
    [ In Spanish translation, La Biblia of 1569/revised 1602 is more-or-less equivalent to the KJV, but pre-dates it. In French, the first printed La Bible was even earlier, in 1530. No doubt there was some connection with Jacques Cartier and Canada, though there must have been large numbers of connections between local languages (Catalan, Basque, Breton, Welsh, ...), and the larger European languages (Dutch, Portuguese ...), and new colonies.
    In the 'New Testament', Matthew 4:7 includes 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.' An Italian edition says 'Non tentare il Signore Dio tuo.' A German translation is: «Du sollst Gott, deinen Herrn, nicnt versuchen.» A French equivalent is: 'Tu ne tenteras point le Seigneur, ton Dieu.' A modern Spanish edition gives: 'También está escrito: "NO TENTARAS AL SEÑOR TU DIOS." I quote these to show what a small-scale 'God' was regarded as suitable for most people; a local ('feudal') lord, but not a magnificent world-ruling monarch. ]

1614   Heythrop College '... specialist philosophy and theology college of the University of London located in Kensington ... the oldest constituent college of the federal University of London, having been founded in 1614 by the Society of Jesus. ... ceased operations on 31 January 2019'. Michele Renouf started a course here, but found it dominated by 'Jews'. Just one of numerous more or less secret 'educational' places.

1534-1620   Japan banned Christianity expelling the Jesuits, following warnings by a sea captain, shipbuilder and navigator, William Adams. That's how it's usually stated. I'd like to suggest what happened may rather have been connected with Jews attempting to get access to Japan, since the Jesuit founders appear to have been 'marrano' Jews from Spain, deliberately mislabelling their scheme..

1618-1648 'Thirty Years War' is still described as a religious war between Catholics and Protestants. The accounts I've seen omit Jews, in particular the networking aspect—'Court Jews' are assumed to be isolated, and 'communities' ditto, when of course their danger was of calling up reserves from other Jews. Another omission is of the manufacture, supply, and payments of weapons. Gunpowder and proto-steel being important.
      Easy transport and distribution were in the future; serious students might try to assess weapons and gunpowder manufacture as local monopolies. We're familiar now with the idea that Jews loaned to both sides in wars, but probably this developed slowly from more localised suppliers.
      The devastation was immense, apparently comparable with the US 'civil war' and 20th century world wars, though localised in Europe. There are endless small details of battles, which are useful in hiding the overview. It is said that, amid the devastation, Jewish houses were left untouched. Here's Joseph McCabe, ex-Roman Catholic but Jew-naive author, on the Thirty Years War. The links with Jews are still suppressed, of course. Note the possible parallels with World War 1 and World War 2, including atrocity realities and frauds.

1650   Birth of Dutch William or William of Orange. (Orange is an area of the Netherlands).
    [ He was too young to have participated in the Amsterdam Synagogue scheme for the 'Bank of England'. King of England, Ireland, and Scotland 1689-1702. 1688 'Glorious Revolution': there was a Dutch Invasion; the meme that "England was only ever invaded in 1066" is false. It's easy to miss. The 'Civil War/s' will I hope come to be renamed 'The Jewish War' or something similar Dutch connections with Jews: the Dutch East Indies exploitation; the Amsterdam diamond market; Amsterdam prostitution; the frantic resistance to Hitler during WW2, resulting in their being bombed; participation in the Ann Frank fraud; use of Dutch airspace to supply Israel (see 1992 cargo plane crash); the Islamic connections of Geert Wilders; the availability of 'welcome the stranger' invasion supporters. Boers despite being Dutch in origin are ignored, no doubt because of Jewish hate of whites. ]

1655   Demurrer by William Prynne argued against Jewish readmission into England. Prynne is now usually dismissed as a Puritan fanatic who hated the theatre.

1660-1670 incl Diaries of Samuel Pepys. These were written in shorthand. I suspect, by various clues—even the name—that Pepys was a spy, perhaps a one-man Mass Observation, whose job was to watch for Jew-aware people and movements in London of the time. The diaries are supposed (after three hundred years or so) to have been transcribed correctly. I'd be surprised if this is true.

1661   Cromwell's body disinterred and his mummified head, with two other regicides, displayed on a pole. Only about five years after Cromwell gave Jews a foothold in England.

1661-1679   'Cavalier Parliament' ‘the longest-running Parliament in English history, ... accounting for 18 years of Charles II’s 25-year reign. ... a huge red flag, ... the bankers had several high-priority agendas that needed rubber-stamping during this time. ... 18 years were a time of pretty much constant crisis in England, followed by fascist legislation and sundry nefarious dealings...’ [From Miles Mathis and 'Donny Ahzmond': 1666.pdf. The 'fascist' tag and weak analysis of India and the Monarchy and City are teething troubles of revisionism—it is very new.]

1663 Staples Act and 1666 Coinage Act (also from 1666.pdf) related to the East India Corporation, founded 1600. (East India I think refers to Bengal, the same or similar area to Bangla Desh. Now Islamic, possibly lowest-class Hindus converted to Islam, probably a Jewish device).

1664   New Amsterdam renamed New York. Anglo-Dutch Wars, probably some Jewish fake of some sort, were about now and no doubt part of the takeover of both England and north America. Part of the 'Jewish' moves into the New World.

1665   Official Gazette claims to have been established in this year.

1666 In England, the 'Great Fire' seems to have been a land-clearance scheme by fire, after which the Jewish 'Bank of England' was constructed attributed falsely to disgruntled people. See also the Cestui Que Vie Act complete with bilingual confusion and substitution of 'state', or at least private corporation, for monarchy.
      [ It occurs to me that 'livery companies' of which were 12 'major' may well have been precursors of so-called Freemasons. 'Fishmongers Hall', site of a false flag on 30 Nov 2019, suggested this rather obvious idea to me. (Thanks to 'Hoaxashian'). Here's a website: ‘The Livery Companies of London ran in a similar way to the guilds, they had accumulated property and possessed magnificent halls. Charters were granted to them in return for large sums of money advanced to the national exchequer by the Companies. ... The 12 major Livery Companies are listed in order of precedence, as decided by the Lord Mayor of London in 1515: Mercers [traders in many well-defined types of item], Grocers, Drapers, Fishmongers, Goldsmiths, Merchant Taylors, Skinners, Haberdashers, Salters, Ironmongers, Vintners, Clothworkers.’ It's obvious that builders, stoneworkers, designers, churchmen are not included. Nor are timber, fuel, meat. This is a tiny survey, excluding other Livery Companies, Guilds, and other 'professions' of the time, but it's certainly possible that 'Freemasons' were a covert Jew arrangement using protective mimicry to gain entry, and other things, no matter how important, did not need much finance to oil their wheels. Anglo-Saxon Guilds seem to have been a precursor. Note that these all seem to have had a religious component, in practice no doubt basically Christian and Jewish, the proportion depending on events at the time. Perhaps, like conversion, it started in Kent. Censorship of Jewish matters is immense, but perhaps if the myths fall we'll see floodlights shone of n the real workings of our mediaeval cities. ]

1675   Astronomer Royal established (and the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, on the Thames, east of London. Mainly concerned with navigation of the seas; which needed fairly exact identification of position, and not only at sea. The first astronomer Royal was Flamsteed. My personal guess is that he was Dutch and had contacts with Dutch Jews.

1685   Death of Charles II aged 54. It's possible, in fact likely, that his exit was intentionally helped by his 'medical' treatment.

1688   ‘Glorious Revolution’ of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Final takeover by a Protestant monarchy. There was a document read out or announced by King William II in the Hague, giving reasons for his dislike of James II. I don't know how the sobriquet was popularised. But churchmen liked it, as the basis of the odd combination of arrogance, wealth, indifference to large non-church issues, and superstition (and silent support for Jews) characterising the Church of England.
      [ What follows was written as late as 1991, Chairman of the Parochial Clergy Association: 'In speaking of the foundations of our liberties the Prince of Orange refers to King James II.'s high-handed and arbitrary action:' and lots more. It's unsurprising that the C of E liked the 'Glorious Revolution' as they had more money, saved from Rome. True, the costs to Jews impoverished much of the rest of the country. True—more recently—huge wars had wrecked Europe, and there allegedly were nuclear weapons as a constant threat. But this clown asked 'that mercy may walk hand-in-hand with justice. Most Clergy are aware of God's call...'. The oratorical self-deception is Jewish.]

c 1500 - c 1700   Henry VIII had re-introduced interest—or abandoned the effort of concealment—and plundered the monasteries; there was new gold and silver from the New World; and new expensive armaments. Earlier finances in Italy and Germany faded. This set the stage for Jewish movement to Britain from the Netherlands and from Venice, under Cromwell: Britain was nearer the New World, and had many ports for ships. Probably the Bank of England was built after deliberate fire clearance in London. And probably the decline of the Hanseatic League followed and was planned. War devastated German states: 1618-1648 'Thirty Years War' is another revisionist topic. And in the following century enclosures improved farming, but not ordinary peoples' lives. ...

c. 1650-1750 The 'Enlightenment' (see my review of Voltaire's Age of Louis XIV) in retrospect is a Jewish movement, part economic, partly using violence, and partly propagandist. Voltaire—or a group under that typically Jewish-style fake name—was the leading name.
      I just found a comment on the 'Enlightenment' in Tanstaafl, dated 20 Oct 2019 (after my comment). Note that there's a science-nonscience split among commentators. Boyle, Newton & Leibniz, and of course many others, fell into that century; so far as I know, they had little or no input from Jews. I hope this helps in examining the 'Enlightenment', and of course the German Aufklärung, dominated by Goethe. The Aufklärung may probably have been suggested by the Renaissance, which seems to have been Jew-free; of course Jews would want to mimic it, and of course in a pro-Jew deceptive sense. This seems to have been what happened—note that the German word preceded the English word, which in any case was scarcely used before the 'Great War', WW1, and before large-scale Jewish infiltration.

Aufklarung in German 1700-1950
  EnlightenmentEnlightment in English 1700-1950

c. 1500-1880   The revisionist process now is extending back through time, and this process will I hope continue and professionalise. Religious writers on Jews include
Martin Luther (short book on Jews, 1543ish)
Johann Eisenmenger (two-volume Entdecktes Judenthum (1711ish). (A downloadable 1743 (or 1742, or 1748!) 2-vol work possibly based on Eisenmenger is RABINICAL LITERATURE: OR, THE TRADITIONS OF THE JEWS, Contained in their TALMUD and other Mystical Writings...).
Dr Alexander McCaul said by Michael Hoffman to be a devastating 19th-century critic of the Talmud. (See later).
[Metapedia once had a List of Books about the Jewish Question]

Some online sites used by
Genealogies, names, families |* |* | [NB Jewish] | ['celebrities'] | [last resting places] | [ancients; non-authoritative] | | | | [Genealogies] | [NB Jewish?] | |* | ['William Addams Reitwiesner Genealogical Services'] | | [free family trees] | | Archives, Books | books/ | | Popular Beliefs, enquiries, questions | [writing info e.g. researching legal jargon] | | semiticcontroversies | [ has vanished] | | vellejo high school 62 yearbooks | ['fans' of mass 'culture'] | | *Seem relevant, but I think not used
Important: I'm not suggesting these sites are user-friendly, or even able to explain what they do: they are in the established tradition of computer opacity

      Computer-Age Revisionism: 1600-the present day   A stellar example of revisionism, Miles W Mathis's website, is dependent on the unprecedented access to documents by Internet—books, monographs, news items, biographies, photos—which even the best libraries of the past couldn't match. Internet permits families to be checked for distinctive signs of Jew tampering, biographies to be compared and checked for absurdities, intersections detected between organisations, and so on. Perhaps unexpectedly, the Jew-patrolled Wikipedia is a fertile source for data mining of biographies. An interesting possibility is that monarchs and dynasties may be checked for Jewish infiltration. Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck appear to be Jewish or Jew-controlled pretenders, and the 'Windsors' Jewish, in England, for example. This technique is well-adapted to smallish groups—families, aristocracies, leaders—but less useful for large-scale events, such as wars, invasions, and anything large-scale. If records will be published giving information on corporations, armies, large industries, governments and so on, no doubt data mining could lead to huge advances in understanding. Mathis supplements (1) Biographies with (2) visual clues, derived from his portrait painting, as to facial and body similarities and sizes, and related issues of photo fakery; and (3) organisational procedures and promotions in legal, military, aristocratic family, and intelligence structures. So that—just three examples—Charles Manson, bearded and in prison, is impossible. And the Tate killings were a fake. And the Dresden bombing (or photo(s)?) was faked.
      [ Examples, loaded from his site: occult.pdf Bacon, Dee, Cromwell, and others, and conflicts between landed aristocrats, merchants, bankers, and proto-scientists, with possibly faked documents and specially promoted belief systems (millennarians, puritans...), where 'occult' means something like 'secret intelligence' though Mathis tends to regard all the people as 'spooks', and the aims change over time | French Revolution a first-class re-evaluation the 'Revolution' as a device to fleece the French Roman Catholic Church | Was Napoleon Jewish? looks at France, Poland, Austria, Egypt, and other aspects of Napoleon which may have been misrepresented | Salem witch trials pieces together the probably true story. Hawthorne looks back at Bostonians (and the East India Co), plus Thoreau (1817-1862), and Walt Whitman (1819-1892) | Lincoln is a terrific reassessment of the 'assassination' by an actor in 1865, and Custer of Custer in 1876 | Marx (as far as I know, one of the best pieces on Marx) looks at wealthy industrialists (often of course 'Jews') misleading radicals, as does Labour Party, Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf | Trayvon is on race wars, which Mathis seems to think are not real—he doesn't seem to sense the intentional Jewish prompting. | Taxes is a paper on deliberate lies about servicing interest payments. | Nash.pdf looks at the manufacture of Jewish intellectual 'heroes', in this case based around the film A Beautiful Mind, and fake science, fake economics, and fake prizes and awards. I'm not claiming all his work is correct or original; but it's a relief to see head-on revisionism. | Here are two pieces on planted horror/distraction stories: Sharon Tate and O J Simpson. On June 2016 Mathis posted Lenin and the 'Russian Revolution'. At the time of writing, Mathis is looking at the beginning of the 'American Revolution': Who Was George Washington?. (Mathis has not examined Japan since about 1900, or events in Africa).]

1666   Western Turkey/ Eastern Greece: Messianic movement spread among Jews. (They supposedly await a Messiah to 'deliver' them. Or something.) The Torah appears to claim that there will be an actual person, who will appear either when every Jew is 'good', or every Jew is evil. So why not all be evil? Apparently it had a lot of effect, but I'm unwilling to claim any factual evidence.

1698   Allegedly the first real or supposed anti-Masonic leaflet in London. [ Having thought it needful to warn you of the Mischiefs and Evils practiced in the Sight of GOD by those called Freed Masons, I say take Care lest their Ceremonies and secret Swearings take hold of you; and be weary that none cause you to err from Godliness. For this Devilish Sect of Men are Meeters in secret which swear against all without their Following. They are the Anti Christ which was to come leading Men from Fear of GOD. ... Set forth as a Warning to this Christian Generation by M Winter, and Printed by R. Sare at Gray’s Inn-gate, in Holborn. 1698. ]

1707–1709   Charles XII of Sweden and allies in war against Russia. Charles XII was young and no doubt ignorant. I think the 18th century was the start of the era of war as a stock exchange/ gambling/ spectator/ weapons and equipment/ funding operation. (Waterloo has been identified as a war where both sides faced cannon made by the same company). Educated Victorians knew battle formations in great detail. But costs of weapons, transport, funding etc were not generally known. It's possible, or likely, that international Jews on both sides were at their games.

c 1700 - c 1800   18th century with improved science and technology (Newton, later Lavoisier, and many others. See my review of a book on John Hunter for the intellectual atmosphere, and the unnoticed intrusions of Jews) led to the disaster of Napoleon. However, there were extensive discussions on Jews, which later were ignored and suppressed. But enough is left to be able to reconstruct the debates and have some idea of omissions. Jewish names include Mendez da Costa and Sampson Gideon; opponents in England include Sir John Barnard, the Earl of Egmont, Sir Edmund Isham; the main contention was on 'Naturalization'.
      Here's a pro-Napoleon extract: ... totalitarianism is a Jewish trait. It was totalitarian ghettos that 99% of Jews lived in ... The rule of the Rabbi was absolute, that’s why in these ghettos they never-ever produced any culture. ... They were only allowed to do two things: study the Talmud and make money, preferably by swindling the goyim. ... These Rabbis were aghast when Napoleon went around Europe liberating the Jews from this nightmare, or maybe they liked it, I don’t know. The JQ originates from this time. Why do you think so many Jews saw themselves first and foremost as Germans or Brits? They knew exactly what the alternative was. And many of these 'assimilated Jews', who were hated by the Rabbi/Jewish supremacist types more than they hate us, were loyal citizens.

c 1700 - c 1720   Great Northern War or 2nd Northern War from about those dates. Seems to have been similar, except for the geography, to the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) in central/southern Europe. In both cases, all Jewish interferenc and support is completely censored from ordinary paid historians.

1712   John Norris Profitable Advice for Rich and Poor (relevant to slavery, productivity, sailing ships, race mixing)!-- 13 nov 2022 --> recommended by Hexzane527 in What is the real Jewish Project? looks into issues of mixed Amerindian women and black Africans. And the possibility of shipping to South America. Remember shipping was controlled by Jews. Significantly, the book's date is after the 'Bank of England'.

1717 Oct 31st (Hallowe'en) Freemasonry: United Grand Lodge of England allegedly founded. I take the date from Oct 31st 2017, allegedly the 300th anniversary. Note that Eisenmenger's 2-volume work was published in about 1711; perhaps this work added to Jew urgency.

1720-1723 John Trenchard's and Thomas Gordon's Cato's Letters air republican ideas.
      Swift, Henry St John Lord Bolingsbroke and Trenchard and Gordon, the South Sea Bubble etc: complain of parasites and fight back correctly, yet never call the Jew out by his name.

1729 Daniel Defoe / de Foe The Compleat Gentleman in manuscript, but unprinted until 1840. I'm told it's in effect a manual of Judaisation of Britain (or perhaps just England) encouraging race mixing, less scholarship for gentlemen, and presumably financial speculation.

1732 Jews' Free School started in London. The name seems to have been retained, more or less: 1817 seems to have been moved to Ebenezer Square, London. Probably this was much larger, and designed to advance Jews in post-Napoleonic Europe, by doing their bit with propaganda and lies. 1822 moved to Bell Lane, London. By 1900, claimed to be 'the largest school in Europe'.

1737   Cruden's Concordance to the Holy Scriptures first published. Alphabetical listing of words (and therefore related phrases) in the King James Version. This must have had its effect on Biblical speculation and 'fundamentalism'.

1753, 1754   Jewish Naturalization Bill was part of the process of Jewish attempted penetration. Wording probably chosen to sound 'natural', and to avoid any suggestion of citizenship or native Britishness. There was a conflict between the House of Lords and House of Commons. It was never made an Act of Parliament.

1764   Currency Act 'the second ... of two laws passed by the British government ... that attempted to take total control of the monetary systems of all 13 colonies of British America. Passed by Parliament on September 1, 1764, the act extended the restrictions of the Currency Act of 1751 to all 13 of the American British colonies. It eased the earlier Currency Act's prohibition against printing of new paper bills, but it did prevent the colonies from repaying future debts with paper bills.' Future taxes to Britain to be paid in gold or silver.
      This must have led to pressure for war, and may of course have been planned to that end.

1773 ‘Amschel Mayer Rothschild is born, the first of Mayer Amschel Rothschild's five sons. He, like all his brothers, will enter the family business at the age of twelve.’ Family trees of Rothschilds are uncommon. Starting in parts of Germany before Germany existed, they were famous to Victorians for their branches in Austria, France, Italy, and England. I think this sort of thing was much more common than many people realise. Here's R A Maryks: ‘... a Jesuit told me ... the story of his Jewish lineage. While his other Sephardic ancestors went to Istanbul, Baghdad, Tehran, and–through the Silk Road—up to Shanghai, where they remained Jewish until today, both his grandparents were descendants of Jews who settled in Palermo and Trabia (Sicily), where they converted to Catholicism in order to survive (in the baptismal registers, which are still extant, they are described as "usurers"). ...’
      The story is often repeated. BUT note it may be a distraction. The object may be to pretend a new collection of Jews fanned out in Europe at the start of the 19th century, when of course Jews had been here and there in Europe and elsewhere for many centuries; in fact perhaps a few millennia. And note oligarchy and oligarchies are defined, more or less by default, as involving a 'few' oligarchs. In fact there may be tens of thousands of Jews and collaborators controlling countries, and hoping to pass unnoticed.

1738? 1740?   Order of Mopsoden, women freemasons owning a pug dog. Apparently a Freemason, appreciation Histherly. (I just typed that, but already forget what it meant). See Jane Austen. Here's something on the reality of Jane Austen.

1740-1786   Frederick the Great (Frederick II, 1712-1786) ruled in Prussia (before Germany was unified). As is usual, the Jewish question is not considered by most 'historians'—all the usual restrictions apply, on discussing Jewish interconnections and networking, on weapons procurement and payment, on beliefs and propaganda.
      Frederick II started secular (i.e. non-Christian) education, spurred on by Mohammedan influence in passing on Greek and Latin works. Or so Russell thought; there must be doubts on both issues. There must also be doubts on the overall power of Prussia after and before Frederick II.
      NOT TO BE CONFUSED as Russell seems to have done with Frederic II (1194-1250). Here's a longish piece by Joseph McCabe

1773   Jesuits ('Society of Jesus') were suppressed by Pope Clement XIV. Cardinal Giovanni Ganganelli was Pope Clement XIV during 1769 to 1774. Jesuits are now believed to have been Marrano Jews. Ganganelli was also involved with investigations into Jewish murders (or 'ritual murders') of children, though he seems not to have investigated Jewish bribery and killings of officials.

1776   Tom Paine's Common Sense published. Interesting partly for its anti-monarchical standpoint, possibly marking a discontinuity between royalty as just another family, albeit special, and royalty as a large, all-encompassing, power grouping.
      [ Notes on Unifications of Territories. Revisionist attention to underestimated secret Jewish groups makes it clear that unifications offer special attractions to infiltrating Jews. Some examples:
France under Charlemagne (before c 1000 AD)
Unification of Muscovy into Russia, from say 1400 very interesting because of the vast territory—something like half the size of Africa—and the possibilities for infiltration opened by the huge range of tribes/ areas/ cultures.
1516 Unification of Spain under Hapsburgs after the Reconquista
Dutch revolt against Spain; Netherlands and Flanders etc, offering scope for Amsterdam Jews, as later against England
1603 England and Scotland unification, offering scope for Jews in Scotland; 1707 Wales, 1801 Ireland with again Jews opportunities
1776 US unification; it's obvious enough now this was heavily influenced by the Jewish 'Bank of England'
1870. 'Department of Justice' invented in the USA. Seems to have been Jewish, but pushing policies not widely identified as Jewish. Eustace Mullins said this.
1871. Multiple kingdoms both in Germany, and Italy, were respectively unified; 1871 therefore being an important date. Both these events were heavily Jewish-influenced. Note Hitler was born in about the 18th year of German unification; Mussolini in about the twelfth year.
      To this day Germany is notable for its territorial leading cities—Hamburg, Frankfurt, Magdeburg, whatever. Something like Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds in England.]

Masonic Washington Masonic Washington
Masonic Washington Masonic Washington
There are numerous portraits of Washington as a Freemason. Note that Washington was NOT President in 1776, but only in 1789, coinciding with the (((French Revolution))).
      The interval before 1776, then 1776 to 1789 had at least 8 claimants as something like President, of the Continental Congress before the United States, for example: Peyton Randolph, Henry Middleton, Peyton Randolph again, John Hancock, Charles Thomson, Henry Laurens, John Jay, Samuel Huntington.
      It seems obvious that Jewish money awaited its puppet. Probably the first of a full series of puppets, most or all 'Jews'. Washington had been Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army; and very likely was in control of its funding. I haven't seen any deep look into the costs and payments and borrowing of war in what became the USA.
The US Dollar was legalised in 1785.
1776   Newly 'United States' declare independence; 1783 Treaty of Paris recognises the new USA. The war against the USA must have involved Jewish interests, as indeed was known at the time. Note that Washington was a Freemason (an online source says in 1753, aged 21, Washington was made a 'Master Mason'). Note also that 'Benjamin Franklin' was from old money—most or all of the 'revolutionaries' were crypto-British. (See Miles Mathis on Ben Franklin and on Jefferson). 240 years later, there is still friction with Jews, if possibly worse than ever before, though it may be that the 1913 Fed/ 1914 war against Germany/ 'Great Depression'/ 1939 war against Germany reached a high point which is being eroded.
    [ Anyone seriously considering the state of the world must re-examine the USA, now old enough for patterns to be drawn despite the confused cobwebs of false ideas designed to baffle. And similarly in Europe: Napoleon Revisited, too long for inclusion here, looks at the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Legends, and incidentally headed off serious investigation into the Middle Ages. napoleon-revisited.html#intellectuals surveys the post-Napoleon intellectual atmosphere in this very sad time, in which important truths were smothered and choked. ]

1776   Adam Smith Wealth of Nations published in chaotic economic conditions. May have been aimed subtly against non-Jewish currencies; laissez-faire obviously appeals to currently-powerful groups, and less obviously hides the Anglo-Jewish control of currencies. At the time, there were open newspaper discussions of currency in north America and its effects on living standards, which were seen to exceed any other variable. I don't know whether this was the first such observation in modern times, making it obvious how important currency control was. And Adam Smith avoided discussion of weapons and militarism and law, despite their obvious importance.
    It wouldn't surprise me if 'Adam Smith' was a manufactured propagandist. Modern Jewish attitudes—control of currencies, ownerships extended over groups of people, Kahal-style actions against targets, ousting of populations, mal-education, actions such as poisoning and technological killing—are all omitted by Smith. And this truncated version of 'scholarship' occurs in most 'respectable' subjects.

1782   Professor Ogilvie published anonymously, An Essay on the Right of Property in Land (120 pages). ['... no right to property in land can justly arise except through occupancy and labour upon it, and even this must be limited by the equal rights of every other individual. And after discussing the various laws and circumstances of modern civilized communities, he shows how the laws can be amended so as to bring about a just distribution of land. This is a thoughtful, well-reasoned, and clearly written work, yet it remained almost unknown to successive generations of reformers.' - A R Wallace ]

1783   Khalifa family start to rule Bahrain 'as a result of the Bani Utub invasion'. Bahrain is an island, the largest of five, about the size of the Isle of Man, small by the standards listing islands in descending size. Many of the people are Shi-ite, but the rulers are Sunni. This must fit in with 18th century Jews, the story being of course kept obscure.

1789   'French Revolution'. Here's an online comment: ... Few present-day Americans realize that France played as great a role in the American Revolution as the Americans themselves—a fact of which King Louis XVI and Benjamin Franklin, were acutely aware. King Louis XVI later remarked upon it, as his government groaned under the cost of aiding the Americans, when France supplied the men, ships, and materiel that enabled the Comte de Grasse's French fleet to bottle up British commander Cornwallis in Yorktown, Virginia while Rochambeau's French forces, led by George Washington, circled in for the victory. ...
      The 'French' Revolution turns out to have been largely Jewish. I've saved a 2020 page on France, Jews, Freemasons, spies and the later French empires and Africa to give some idea of revisionist thought in France. My copies of Hexzane527's work on Jews and the world wars extend this.
      [ Robison, Barruel, and (later) Walter Scott wrote on this subject, though the works—on this topic—are very hard to find. Edmund Burke's ideas in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) were presumably fixed by that time. No doubt his financial interests were of some relevance: silver mines, according to A N Whitehead, for example. Tom Paine's Rights of Man followed in 1791. Paine was born in Thetford, a town with connections to the lucrative wool industry. I'm inclined to think both these authors, Burke and Paine, were propagandists, careful to avoid the Jewish money link; a pair of supposed rivals, each avoiding the elephant in the room. His Common Sense of 1776 favoured supposed Revolution; I haven't read this with any care, but I'd expect it to make only superficial comments on banks. His 1792 trial—when he wasn't there—for 'seditious libel' may well have been a warning to others to avoid politics.
      All this was before Waterloo, and the Rothschild coup against Britons—assuming that story is true. Perhaps therefore a great opportunity lost. ]

Naturally, popular propagandists and teachers worked on the 'French Revolution'. The official view was either not to cast blame, or to consider a range of people to blame (Rousseau, Voltaire, the Encyclopédistes, the Roman Church, financial promoters etc.—anyone but Jews. I noticed The Lunar Men ... 1720-1810 by Jenny Uglow on Priestley and others of the Lunar Society'. I haven't seen this book; but I can safely assume that Jews and Freemasons will hardly be mentioned. Napoleon used to be quoted as the most-written-about person in history, though of course he's been superseded by Hitler (but not of course the Jew protégé 'Stalin').
    There's a lot of numerology and symbology around the 'French Revolution', no doubt the sort of thing associated with any large groups with large secrets. Consider the Jewish lunar calendar, secret festivals and rituals, culottes, red phrygian caps, hidden hand portraits, masonic handshakes.

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society
The Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (motto: Knowledge is Power; icon: winged female sphinx) was founded in 1781, a few years before the 'French Revolution'...
    '... for the advancement of literature and science, and the widening of interest in public affairs.'
    My scans of course are later: Vol 142 2003/4, Vol 144 2006/7, Vol 148 2009/10, and Vol 149 2010/11.
    John Dalton (1766-1844) was an early member of this society. He was a Quaker, suggesting Jewish roots. I have a nagging suspicion that Lavoisier (1743-1794) was killed to encourage Britain's lead in science and technology. (Harold Hillman told me he named his children for his intellectual heroes, including Benedict Spinoza and Carl Linnaeus, only to find later they were not heroic). Dalton bicentenary of New Theory of Chemical Philosophy (cover illustrated) is largely about Dalton; the sources of his ideas are uncertain. Other lecture reports include Professor Sir David King, with 'climate change' material, and Adam Hart-Davis, who I noticed had an episode on the inventor of the highly doubtful sliding filament hypothesis of muscles.
      Researchers should note that what is omitted can be more important. There is nothing about 9/11 despite its technical nature, nothing on seven Jewish wars to ruin seven countries...

1791   USA First Amendment (and other Amendments) Ratified   Under the Jewish system, immense efforts are made to conceal Jewish history. If you, reader, are serious, please give sources for your claims; don't follow Jewish practices of deception. What follows is just an example; it may or may not be true, and the omission of Jews may or may not be accurate. But overall it is unhelpful.
In medieval Europe, a King or a Duke seeking to subjugate the serfs on his land, will toss a plague ridden corpse into a village and then order the serfs not to work their farms or fields or assemble, under duress, locking them down, because of an outbreak of a plague 'pandemic' in their village! The plague infects the LOCKED DOWN serfs, most die, the village is then burnt to the ground and the lands taken over by the King or Duke. The surviving serf loses whatever little means of income he has and further goes into debt to the CROWN! 'PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN' to cause economic depression and kill undesirables (old and the poor) is one of the oldest, most frequently used CROWN rackets in history to steal land and labor from serfs for the estate of the CROWN.

The founding fathers of the United States, damn well knew about this classic PLAGUE INDUCED LOCKDOWN CROWN RACKET TO SEIZE PROPERTY AND RIGHTS OF FREE MEN when they framed our Bill of Rights!

The right to a livelihood requires citizens to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, run farms or operate mills, without duress from draconian CROWN RULE. That is the reason why the first amendment cites the fundamental right to 'assembly' instead of the fundamental right to 'assembly to protest'.

1792   Catherine 'the Great' of Russia (1729-1796). Not Russian: born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst. (NB Princess Alix of Hesse, granddaughter of Victoria, married Czar Nicholas II in 1894, and was crowned Empress of Russia in 1895. European royalty permitted this type of permeability). However, be aware that Miles Mathis was I think the first to publicize the possibility that aristocrats, permeated by Jews, must have had split allegiance; and the Jewish coup in Russia had some connection with some Czars.
      1792 War with Poland. [ From Oona Craig: Poland was Jew-influenced. The Jews infiltrated the Polish nobility in the 16th century under Casimir IV...the same way the Jewish bankers infiltrated the British nobility under Queen Victoria and Edward VII in the 19th century. (Actually the infiltration of Britain began with the crypto-Jew William Cecil's control of Elizabeth I and her illegitimate children). Many Poles were unaware of the Jewish infiltration of the nobility. The largest Jewish population in Europe was located in Polish-Lithuanian territory. When Catherine the Great conquered Poland, Russia acquired thousands of Jews who had been formerly barred from entering Russia. Catherine tried to prevent the Jews from entering Russia by establishing borders called the "Pale of Settlement." It didn't work. By conquering Poland and absorbing Poland's Jews, the Russian monarchs embraced the time bomb that eventually killed them.
      Jews assassinated EVERY Tsar beginning with Alexander I, who (like Napoleon) was poisoned. Nikolai I was poisoned (following his successful resistance to the Jew-orchestrated Crimean War). Alexander II (after 14 unsuccessful Jewish attempts to kill him) had his legs bombed off. (Alexander II had angered the Rothschilds by entering the US Civil War in support of Lincoln). Alexander III and family were bombed (not the first attempt) while traveling in the Imperial Train; Alexander held up the collapsed roof of his compartment to allow his family to escape, thereby damaging his kidneys. His son Nikolai II and family were shot. A look at French and American history reveals the same history of relentless serial assassinations of "independent" nonJew leaders. See: The Red Thread by Andrei Krylienko. ]

1794   First mention of the vast memoirs of Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798). Presenting European society before the 'French Revolution' as fluid, well-behaved, well-travelled, and well-informed. La Bibliothèque nationale de France/National Library of France purchased the original MS in 2010. Possibly Jewish?

Here's part of an online look at Robison, who deserves a much fuller treatment: At the beginning of 1797, John Robison was a man with a solid and long-established reputation in the British scientific establishment. He had been Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University for over twenty years, an authority on mathematics and optics; he had recently been appointed senior scientific contributor on the third edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, to which he would contribute over a thousand pages of articles. Yet by the end of the year his professional reputation had been eclipsed by a sensational book that vastly outsold anything he had previously written, and whose shockwaves would continue to reverberate long after his scientific work had been forgotten. Its title was Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, and it launched on the English-speaking public the enduring theory that a vast conspiracy, masterminded by a covert Masonic cell known as the Illuminati, was in the process of subverting all the cherished institutions of the civilised world into instruments of its secret and godless plan: the tyranny of the masses under the invisible control of unknown superiors, and a new era of 'darkness over all'.
1797 (or 1798; I'm not sure) was John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy... on secret meetings of free masons, illuminati, and reading societies. Researchers today of course are aware of Freemasons and Illuminati, but Reading Societies are new to me as subversive.
    And 1797/8 Abbé Barruel's Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism; how much these and other works researched, or copied from each other, I don't know.
    Thirty years later, 1827, Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Buonaparte added material on conspiratorial Jews. I'd guess these books fed back useful information to Jews on what to censor.

1797   End of the Republic of Venice; foundation officially dated 697 AD, coinciding roughly with the invention of Islam, and the invention of Khazar Judaism. The extinction by Napoleon probably encouraged migration of Jews westward, after the securing of the USA in 1776. [ Best-known in England is (or was) through Wordsworth's sonnet On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic, composed 1802, but without any mention of Napoleon, or for that matter 'Shakespeare'. A difficult exercise in disentanglement. At this time I recommend Miles Mathis on Napoleon, Jews, and the New World, and, in passing, on other issues, such as the importance of islands, and of inland 'islands' such as the City of London, Washington DC, and Vatican City. ]

1797-1864   John Joseph Hughes was Bishop of New York during the Irish potato famine; and Archbishop in 1850. He also arranged many parochial schools and started the 5th Avenue Cathedral.

Note on the post-'Congress of Vienna'   'Balance of Power' Theory

(Henry Kissinger's PhD seems to have been on the 'Congress of Vienna'. I'd guess everything Jew-related is censored that Jew.)
  • Rough Overview
    Anglo-Spanish War 1585-1604
  • Here are some of the wars which happened after Cromwell (and others) readmitted Jews into England. (The process of 'Civil War' started 1642)
  • Wars with the Dutch Republic (short wars; starting 1652, 1665, 1672)
  • Wars with France after the 'French Revolution' (1793-1802). After 1812, 'Balance of power' came into general use
  • War with USA (1812) to fix US and European spheres
  • Wars in China over opium
  • War with Boers (Dutch) in South Africa
  • War with Germany (1914-1945)
  • Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, North Africa
I'm suggesting that Jewish influence helps explain these events, and that knowledge of Jewish activities has been suppressed very thoroughly. 'Balance of Power' is probably a phrase to hide Jewish attacks on countries which at the time were leaders. Two examples at present are the USA and UK, but looking back at many wars suggests a standard Jewish policy of stirring up factions and agitators, and secret lending for weapons production, to prepare for wars. Readers here might think whether 'Balance of Power' is desirable or possible, and whether attacking a leader is sensible policy.
1798   'Prussian legislation against secret societies from 1798' seems to have been aimed against 'Illuminati' and/or Freemasons. Probably the story was better known in parts of Germany. I don't know any details
      1799 in Britain: ‘Unlawful Societies Act’. Supposedly outlawed societies with secret forms of organization that required their members to take an oath of fidelity, or to pledge allegiance to unknown superiors. EXCEPT THAT freemasonry was exempted, although supposedly under governmental 'scrutiny'.
      Allowing oaths and fidelity, to unnamed person(s), would seem a serious threat. The issue is more or less buried: F W Maitland's The Constitutional History of England (1908) says nothing.

1799   Death of a Moslem, called Tipu Sultan, Sultan Tippu, and various other names, the 'Tiger of Mysore', a coastal country in south-west India. Stated to be the richest man in the world, as defined presumably by gold. 'Flanders' online in 2016 said
      ... the Rothschild family site ... carried the ... bullshit story about how the Rothschilds rose to fabulous riches after executing a scam at Waterloo, which allowed them to eventually take over the Bank “of England”. Strange admission wouldn’t you think?
      ... The “innocent scam” market trading was a small drop in the tremendous and overflowing bucket constituting the unbelievable fortune stolen by Rothschild’s treachery, double-dealing and murder—and that part continues thereafter, generation after ever-increasing generations. Rothschilds may indeed be the ultimate living pyramid scheme.
      ... there were Rothschilds in the East and the West Indies Trading Companies, and at a time when jews were still not being allowed into the formal management of English and Dutch companies. People talk about the monies made by Rothschild in tricking the English investors in the Bank of England, but I think that Rothschild made most of his money with the East Indies company after he or his agents were engaged in stealing Tipi’s gold and spice trade—after Tipi Sultan was “unfortunately killed”. Tipi was at one time the richest man in the world. ... the gold is STILL being released onto the market... I think you will notice, too, that the amounts being (from British sources) traded are incredibly substantial—even for today.”

19th Century. c. 1800-1900   “In the post-Napoleonic 19th century the Rothschilds were leading a wide-spectrum assault on Christendom—politically, economically and religiously. The Rothschilds funded attacks on several Christian monarchies on the continent in 1848; they funded Britain's attack on Russia in the Crimean War of 1856; Disraeli deprived Russia of its victory over Turkey during the Balkan war in 1878; Rothschilds continuously undermined the Tsar's personal wealth in the bond market; Rothschilds drained the rising economic power of the US in a Civil War that began in 1860 and killed 400,000 Americans, i.e., European white men.”—Oona Craig, from Youtube.

Eastern and central Europe and Russia, the Ottoman Empire, the Mediterranean and Egypt and north-west India, Greece and Armenia in the 19th century cannot be understood without some view of Jews. Conversely, Jews do what they can to obscure the issues, as any history texts prove; it's painful to consider the waste of effort by students at all levels of the 19th century world.

1789-1804   so-called Haitian Revolution which left considerable impressions: see my book reviews for example Jewish triumphalist modern historian Hobsbawm, and many whites before the so-called 'Union' who worried over repeats.

1806   First Masonic 'lodge' was formally established in Mexico (says Wikipedia). Many presidents of Mexico were Freemasons. I take it this was to establish a covert Jewish presence. Analogous to planning for local governments, in a similar way to Jews targeting north America, except that no equivalent to the 'United States' developed from south American states. Revisionists would do well to compare both halves of the western hemisphere to test their hypotheses.

1812   War between USA and Britain. 'United States' under 'The States' rather than 'We the People'. Note the banking connections here, largely suppressed; the probable motive was to get Jews in Britain to control the US banking system, while pretending to give control to US 'national bank(s). It seems to have had other aspects, such as acting against US Indian groups.
      'War Plan Red' (and other colours, for India, Japan, Canada, ANZ) after 1927 is supposed to be plans by the US against Britain in the event of war. Presumably Jewish participation was censored, as is usual. This seems to have come to nothing. Since Jews could transfer assets easily enough, the only use would seem to be destruction of goyim.
      There must be post-1945 plans, judging by Jewish actions against both the USA and UK.

1815  London Stock Exchange coup by Nathan Rothschild after Wellington's and/or Blücher's victory at Waterloo. [ Important note: This event cannot be quite as simple as is usually implied. Given only about 24 hours advance on official news, the entire process of publicising the hypothetical defeat, giving it apparent official weight, irreversibly buying up the (presumably) gilt-edged securities and bonds, must have been extremely hasty. The victory was on a Sunday. Travel in those days was not swift. Either agents had to be used, or—my guess—Jew-friendly government officials, of the Thomas Love Peacock type, collaborated.
      I've left the above paragraph unchanged, but note there are many questions over the events. For one thing, the British Army, Navy, Wellington and so on should have informed the country of victory, but seem to have not been urgent; maybe they stood to gain from it? Were there any reactions against the war profiteers—and/or were patterns established for the conduct of Jew-funded wars? In fact the paper assets held by some wealthy people may well have been government stocks, not for example mortgages or company shares, so the government may have wanted their owners to sell them for little; perhaps Jews co-operated?
      It occurs to me that the abolition of duels soon after might have a connection with Jewish frauds ]

1817-1819   So-called Ndwandwe–Zulu War between the expanding Zulu Kingdom and the Ndwandwe tribe in South Africa. Instanced by Jan Lamprecht as an example of black mass slaughter which is ignored by the Jewish media.

1818-1894   Jewess from Germany Fredericka Mandelbaum notorious fence.
      I haven't seen any numerical assessment of what she did. (She slightly reminds me of Jonathan Wild). I'd guess that Jewish crime will come to be more openly discussed. Perhaps.

1819   Birth of Victoria (Queen at 18).
      [ DNA technology—where accurate—plus genealogical records will perhaps enable the hypothesis that Victoria was a 'changeling', i.e. secretly switched possibly by date of birth manipulation, into a non-genetic relation, to enter a royal family. The obvious possibility is Jewish penetration, which has been a long-term aim of Jews. ]

1819   Histoire de la République de Venise by Pierre-Antoine Noël Bruno, known as Comte Daru (1767-1829). (7 volumes; English title History of the Republic of Venice; there may be other translations). Napoleonic era military administrator, presumably involved in the extinction of the 'Venetian Republic', or given access to records or witnesses.
      It seems likely this book is the source of modern crits of Venice. Note that the selection of the Venetian Oligarchs has similarities to the election of Popes. And Daru's military education was 'conducted by the Oratorians'.

1823   Monroe Doctrine on USA, rest of Americas, and Europe. Must be considered as part of Jewish world policies.

1824   von Reisswitz Kriegsspiel The Prussian Army Wargame. Interesting to see Jew naivete in action. This system had two teams only, symbolically red and blue. The aim was to win a battle: costs of weapons/materials and costs of human support were ignored. Such aims as territory acquisition and future benefits theoretically obtainable were ignored. Deception, ideologies, passions; and other possible teams were in effect ignored. There must be many cases in which experts in gaming proved hopeless in practice. Majuba Hill (1881) may have been a perfect example.

1826   Murder of William Morgan by Freemasons is worth noting.
    [ Well-known artistic references to Freemasonry are found in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne. Poe and Verne post-dated Morgan, and perhaps suggest that commentary on secret societies became more obscure—or perhaps that there was progressive emergence from obscurity, unwelcome to members. In France, though, Freemasonry was well-known after the 'Revolution', because of its Jewish-Masonic opposition to the Roman Catholic church.
    Freemasonry looks like the front-runner of secret societies, a conjunction of Jews and non-Jews, notably with nationally-located 'Super Lodges', though perhaps 'Common Purpose' is replacing it at lowish levels. Reference books on religions, and legal systems, deal with such things cautiously. From a power point of view, secret societies are obviously important and potentially dangerous. They can be considered as religions, if this comparison is felt to be desirable, but with a selected membership, a steeply-graded internal hierarchy, and aims which the membership were anxious to keep secret. ]

1826-1832   Snapshot of changes in England, in effect aimed at promoting 'Jewish interests' including founding of 'London University' (1826), repeal of the Test Act, and the repeal of the Corporation Act (1828) and passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. These are often regarded wrongly as anti-superstition and pro-democracy, rather than weakening Christianity without weakening Jew superstition, and increasing Jewish control of voting. London Clubs, in the days of small electorates, extensively straddle this time period; partly because they took much time to build.

1829   Henry Hart Milman first edition of The History of the Jews, from the Earliest Period down to Modern Times. According to Adams' Historical Literature His [largely rationalist] 'position awakened much opposition among Milman's fellow-churchmen ...'
      [ 1870 3-vol edition with revisions 'down to about 1859' ]

1830   William Cobbett, Rural Rides collected and published together, after about ten years' travel since 1821 of England (not Wales, not Scotland). [ Cobbett has references to Jews, though these are suppressed: for example, the Oxford Companion to English Literature, a supposedly definitive reference work, does not mention or discuss them. The only time I recall a mention is in the online Occidental Observer, June 20, 2018, by Andrew Joyce. I recommend persons trying to get a feel for land tenure and finance in England—and much of the world—to read Cobbett, in conjunction with revisionist works on the Napoleonic Wars. ]

1831   The 'long war between Capitalism and Socialism' dated from here by Bertrand Russell. 'Capitalism' used as a noun suggests it has its own volition, and suppresses the point that its owners are the active party. A standard method to avoid discussion of Jewish ownership of money. 1831-1875   Cholera in London; 1848 'the government decreed that every new house should have a water-closet (WC) or ash-pit privy' which may have spread watery excreta. 1849-1854 Snow publishes on water and cholera; 1858 'Great Stink'; Thames water system completed 1875. Cholera bacteria seem to have spread from hot countries, perhaps India; though if so post-1945 immigration enthusiasts in Britain were careful not to mention this.

Mentions in English books (1500-c. present) of the word 'thug'—suggesting long-term familiarity with the word.
1836   First Act for the Suppression of Thuggee and Dacoity suggests a parallel with Jews. Here's an extract from a blurb for a book on the Thuggee cult (note the Jew-like conflation of religion with membership): [... For generations the Thugs went almost completely unchecked. The British government, calmly tallying "misadventures," remained unconcerned because Thugs killed almost no Europeans. As for the natives themselves, Thugs terrorized peasants & bribed rajahs & landowners to ignore or protect them. Thugs were often of the Brahman caste. When they were arrested, they were almost invariably released for lack of evidence. It was as if the Thugs (corrupted from thags, Hindustani for "deceivers") had managed to keep the country hypnotized. The Thug modus operandi was to assume the guise of peaceful travelers. Joining parties with their victims, they would charm them right up to the moment at which one designated Thug would seize a doomed man's wrists while another Thug would strangle him from behind with a noose of white or yellow silk—Kali's favorite colors. Sometimes talented Thugs would play the sitar & coax their victims into singing, the better to expose their throats for throttling. Not only did the Thugs kill without remorse but "with pleasure," as they confessed, sanctified by omens before & prayers afterward. Thug son succeeded Thug father in the family business. But even after as many as eleven generations had accumulated fortunes, Thugs & scions of Thugs went on doing their thing. Shrewd appraisers of rich victims, they carefully scouted out their targets. But they had no objection to the impromptu murder of a party of four—for as little as 20 gold pieces & a handful of rupees. Whatever drove the Thugs—probably a mixture of greed, blood lust & corrupted religious fervor—their energy & enterprise were astonishing. One boasted of 931 murders in a fruitful 40-year career. ...
    There's a 1959 b/w film made in Britain, The Stranglers of Bombay, on the Thugs and the cult of Kali. Jewish script. And a book with a similar title (1969). There are interesting other interpretations, for example that the whole idea of such a cult was a British-invented myth, and that there was a 'caste' of criminals.
    Oona Craig pointed out that a 1959-first-published book by Louis Zoul, Thugs and Communists (who also wrote The Communist Inferno), looks at the same issue. It may have been subtitled 'an exposition on the disastrous genetic effects of the Thugs and communists murdering, and the revelation of the spurious philosophic foundation of communism'. I haven't seen a single review; what I found online looks unimpressive—and doesn't mention Jew predation. May, or may not, be worth reading; seems to have been fairly popular]

    Other possible compare-and-contrast groups are Sicarii (Latin name for Jewish dagger killers), Gallowglas mercenaries, Assassins with a hashish connection, Gurkhas and Sikhs with knives connection, Gipsies (sometimes called 'Roma' to hide the origin), ethnic Chinese in south-East Asia, Armenians, Equites in Roman history, so-called Ulster Scottish or Ulster Scotch, so-called Border Reiver clans, and Brahmins—the whole of Hinduism, with specialised castes including warriors and merchants and peasants and 'untouchables', could be interpreted as a religion appropriate for a mega-tribe. Judaism's 'priests', ordinary Jews (and excluded 'goyim'), make a parasitic religion with no place for practical groups.
      Gipsies as poor Jews or spies? A note in Legal Lore (1896) suggests to me that gipsies may have been, or mimicked, Jews from Spain and/or Portugal.
      And perhaps Sicilians: The Sicilian Mafia was created because Sicily was always occupied by a foreign force. Being in the middle of the Med it could not be bypassed by any conqueror wanting supremacy in the entire region. So what did they do? Omerta–every man a secret warrior – and they survived until today. Or so claims a comment in the Occidental Observer online.

1832, 1836, 1840   Marsh's test for arsenic published; then (in France) publicised. Sudden changes in technology are easily missed, but often very influential in a narrow range of issues.

1833   Slavery Abolition Act in Britain. But note also
1837   Slave Compensation Act. In fact compensated slave owners according to Leaf Gerrit in ... Slave Compensation Act 1837. The British Government took out a £15 million loan (worth £1.43 billion in 2020) with interest from Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Moses Montefiore which was subsequently paid off by the British taxpayers (ending in 2015).
      About 80 members of Parliament at the time were slaveholders themselves or had significant financial interests in Caribbean slavery, so they were lining their own pockets as well as all their pals in private industry.

1837   Victoria crowned. Victoria (1819-1901) gave her name to more than 60 years, certainly a convenience for many historians and commentators. There are doubts overhanging her; one is the incidence of haemophilia, which has led to suggestions that 'Victoria' was in fact a substituted baby, born first in a birth race. An obvious possibility is a Jewish substitute, as 'Jews' often enough have aimed to infiltrate royal families. Victoria's penchant for Jewish advisors, and what would now be called anti-white policies, may point the same way.

1837 Alexander McCaul (1799–1863), for many years Professor of Hebrew at King’s College London, "was one of the most prominent figures in 'The London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst Jews'. In 1837, he published a formidable attack against the Talmud entitled The Old Paths. Having spent ten years as a missionary in Warsaw, McCaul knew Jewish texts and Jewish life intimately. He succeeded in converting several fascinating figures, especially Stanislaus Hoga, a Polish Jew, who would eventually forge a new understanding of Christianity based on a fusion with Judaism. The most significant Jewish response to The Old Paths was by the 'father of the Eastern European Haskalah' (the 'Jewish Enlightenment') Isaac Baer Levinsohn, an outspoken critic of the rabbis and Talmudic law, who now set out to defend them, and in doing so, offered invaluable reflections on the meanings of newly constructed modern Jewish identity." [Quoted from notes to a lecture. McCaul is an obscure figure; no prizes for guessing why.
      The Talmud Tested" put online 2022. It is a text version of the scanned 1866 book, not including Hebrew lettering, and with scanner errors. But it's a lot better than nothing.]

1838   Chartism and Chartists and People's Charter 'principally working men'.
    [ ‘The Charter included universal suffrage [i.e. votes], annual parliaments, stipendiary members [i.e. paid, so that rich people wouldn't have an automatic advantage], vote by [secret] ballot, equal representation, and abolition of the property requirement for MPs. The Chartists disappeared as a party about 1849.’ Quoted from Brewer's Phrase and Fable, first published 1870, but in numerous different versions subsequently. I quote that to show it's not entirely trivial to find what they said they wanted.
    Probably the whole point of Marxism and similar Jewish movements was to retain hold of finance money. Note the date Chartism was deemed extinct. The leading advocate of this view is Miles W Mathis. ]

Jews and China

Here's a 2018 piece attributed to Azaziah on Jews in China. There may have been a systematic exposure via Jewish sources of Jews in China at this time.

Freemasons in China: a display (late 2019) in Liverpool Museum quoted a Chinese saying Chinese Freemasons numbered about 2,000 presumably in Liverpool alone, in I'd guess 1945-1960. The group of Freemasons was/is called Che Kung Tong. (The word 'Freemasons' was used, but with no other information). Teng Yang Gai, Derek Man, and Tobias Brabner did some of the 'research.' Chinatown in London of course is larger. This suggests secret societies in Britain liaised between Jews and Chinese.
      (Liverpool's 'Blitz' display said that at the peak, May 1941, 10,000 Liverpool homes were damaged. Someone is quoted: 'They tried to wipe us off the face of the earth.' Simple people.)

Arnold Leese on Jews, Opium, 'Communism', Freemasons, Russia, China. And the 'British' Navy. (published in 1949)

Alan Buttle, in Nov 10th 2018, talks about Jews in China and 'Communism' (Note: Alan Buttle is a convinced believer in 'Jesus'.
  Names include Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg, Rewi Alley, Anna Louise Strong, Sidney Shapiro, Moshe (Morris) "Two-Gun" Cohen, Frank Coe, Solomon Adler. And many more. Authors include Anne-Marie Brady (of Canterbury University, NZ, fluent in Chinese; e.g. ... Managing Foreigners in the People's Republic), Beverley Hooper (e.g. Foreigners under Mao: Western Lives in China, 1949-1976), and Matthias Mesmer, Jewish Wayfarers in Modern China: Tragedy and Splendor. Some Jewish publications such as Forward openly boast of interference.
  Buttle only traces back to 1900: big 'Sephardic' Jewish families in Shanghai. The Sassoons, huge money in the opium war. Kadoorie, Hardoon, Ezra, Abraham, others. Such questions as the origins of Chinese nationalism (also Jewish?), money flows to Jews, arms deals, extirpation of Confucian China, Australian connections, Japan, Korea, Russia etc are not dealt with.
  Sun Yat Sen (and his 3rd wife, and widow, Son King Lin, were linked by Moshe Cohen from London to Jews). Cohen became a weapons dealer [reminds me of Ronnie Kasrils in South Africa]. Sun Yat Sen founded the Shanghai Zionist Association, and a 1904 newspaper Israel's messenger funded by Sir Elly Kadoorie. Sun Yat Sen wrote a public letter applauding the Balfour Declaration, to Nissim Elias Benjamin Ezra. [Incredibly, Sun Yat Sen is promoted officially in China as the 'spiritual father' of 'Communist' (i.e. Jewish-run) China.]
  Walter E Sachs (of Goldman-Sachs, a founder of NAACP) - daughter Jane (m as Jane E Hodes) b 1918 moved to China as a "peace activist"; died aged 90 in USA. Husband Robert a 'Professor of Psychology' at Tulane, moved to China on being sacked
  IMF connections & Frank Coe of the CP in USA, in the Soviet spy group 'Silvermaster Ring'. Included 5 Jewish translators [supposedly] of Mao's writings
  Israel Epstein supposedly imprisoned in solitary confinement. So was Sidney Rittenberg; supposedly. Rittenberg presented China to the USA, presumably, as with the USSR, concealing all crimes; no doubt dealing with the New York Times and other Jewish propaganda outlets. Rittenberg was paid more than Mao, presumably by Jewish banks. Forward estimates at least 85-90% of the foreigners helping the CP were Jewish. Rittenberg started a consultancy (Intel, Levi-Strauss, Microsoft, Hughes Aircraft...) presumably analogous to Henry Kissinger, but more civilian. I'd guess loans against Chinese assets funded this]
  [1949: Mao promoted as figurehead of China.] Edgar Snow's Red Star Over China propagandised Mao. In the 1950s, the 'Asia Pacific Rim Conference' included Anna-Louise Strong, Morris Strong, George Hattem, Alec Kaplan, Maud Russell, Eileen Weidermeyer and included Rewi Alley, supposedly a New Zealander, as 'permanent guest of peace committee'. Rewi Alley had some connection with gun smuggling.

  As with the USSR after 1917, the Jewish press (and radio and TV) censored news from what was Russia very completely. Some Jewish activity has been slowly revealed, but Jewish archives and money dealings and murders of course are concealed. The similar phase in China was presumably 30 years later. To this day, news of executions in China in censored, and of Tibet and Uighurs. Interestingly, there's a move to demonise Israel, suggesting a move of Jews (or at least important ones) may be planned, perhaps to China. Presumably a less polluted part.
  This links to a piece by 'Josh', posted in I don't know if any of this material prompted Josh into action; or anything about him, or them. [the 'an' for 'and' is in the original]. Longish and detailed. Images on Fitzpatrick's own site; plus 92 online links, which could disappear.
1839   Opium Wars (and see 1860 below)   provide a test case of the economics of war and of group interests. The wars are always referred to as Anglo-Chinese, or other variants. This deliberately conceals Jewish motivations by pretending they were British. To this day, few Britons or Americans separate the two interests: 'American policy in Iraq', "This country has been good to me", 'the British armed services' are just a few variants of the theme. My reading is that Jews promoted these wars, to make money from drugs and also to seize loot: see for example information on the Peking Old Summer Palace. Would it have occurred to Britons as a whole to behave so barbarically? I don't know, but the fact seems to be that the gains, if spread over the whole country would not have been worth the effort: it was only the greed and malice of a small group, enabled to use the assets of an entire country, that led to the wars.
    On China being yet another Jewish-controlled state, see China and the Jews by 'Lasha Darkmoon', first put online in 2014, including material from Kevin Macdonald and Franklin Ryckaert. This has now been withdrawn. Not just on 21st century China, and the opium wars, but earlier times, on Jews in China itself, Kaifeng Jews, at least to the Middle Ages. Not very strong on sources and evidence, though Arnold Leese's article in Gothic Ripples (#49, 28th February, 1949) seems to have provided much of it. Jewish names include ROTHSCHILD | Elias David Sassoon | Silas Aaron Hardoon | E.D. Sassoon & Co | Edward Ezra | Jacob Borodin (aka Grusenberg) | Trebitsch Lincoln (British MP) | BK Galen (aka Chesin) | Skidelski | Gekker | Koslowsky | Snamensky | MD Lashewitz | WN Levitscher | A Joffe | R. Haas | JB Rajchman | Ben Kizer. And 'Chinese' names: Ai, Shi, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao.

1840   Moses Montefiore, 1784-1885, usually described as a 'philanthropist', travelled overseas on a number of occasions. One was in 1840, the Damascus affair in 1840. He intervened in a trial of a ritual murder of Padre Tomaso. Probably there is a pattern (including 'Jack the Ripper' in east London, and the murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Franck in 1913 in the USA, after which the ADL was invented) of demonstrating influence by getting away with murder. [ Bertrand Russell when young visited Montefiore's house. Montefiore's diaries in English translation are online, though I haven't read them. ]

1843   Bruno Bauer's Die Judenfrage published in German. More or less transliterable as Brown Farmer's The Jewish Question. Described as a 'student of Hegel' and a theologian, and also a tutor of Marx. I'm not claiming detailed familiarity with Bauer's work. However, this book, and its title, started some of the interminable dishonest wranglings about so-called Jews. Marx with typical imitativeness wrote on this subject the following year. 1848's 'revolutions' may have led Bauer to update this book, but I don't know if he did. Bauer wrote before Germany was unified; it's slightly misleading to describe the people as 'German'. [ Similar titles on the Jewish Question or Jewish problem include works by: Wilhelm Marr, Heinrich von Treitschke, and Eugen Dühring (1879-1881), Justinas Pranaitis (1892, The Talmud Unmasked in Latin; followed by many translations, including English—but only in 1939. Here's the American edition, published by E. N. Sanctuary, New York), Theodor Fritsch (1893 Antisemiten Katechismus was 'vastly popular' though I can't find an online version; a later book, in English translation as The Riddle of Jews' Success is online, and Goldwin Smith (Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford, 1892-1894 though this brief description is misleading). Houston Stewart Chamberlain's works include The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899). It's possible his views on Aryans were intended to help unite whites. It's possible he was part of a move to help unite Germans, and to bolster Anglo-Jews against Germans. Or simply be truthful. You choose! ]

1843   Georg Heinrich August von Ewald (1803-1875) first volume of Geschichte des Volkes Israël was published, by this very learned man. The series was published from 1843-1859. And the 3rd edn 1864-1868. English translation by R Martineau and J E Carpenter, History of Israel 5 vols, 1867-1874.

1843   Victor Prosper Considérant appears to have had some of his ideas, though changed into aggressive 'Jewish' 'racial' ones, taken over by the very rich Karl Marx. It's quite difficult to discover much about his life and work, as of course it has been subject to intense censorship, along with the entire 'French Revolution' period.

1844 Benjamin Freedman said a German Rabbi in Brunswick, Germany (Braunschweig) called a meeting to discuss the Kol Nidre (on the 'Day of Atonement', this is repeated, standing, to say that all oaths with non-Jews would be ignored.) The conference decided that members should exert influence to secure its abolition. Freedman says it nearly caused a riot amongst the Rabbis. Wikipedia makes it sound like some sort of general movement to reform, without giving evidence of what actually happened.

1845 Death of Andrew Jackson. President 1829-1837. Was he a hero, opposing banks? Here's Miles Mathis (in, on Eustace Mullins): [ ‘ ... the alternate media now follows the plan of [Mullins'] whitewash, selling Jackson as an enemy of the Jewish bankers. He wasn't. History has been flipped. I have shown the Jacksons were probably crypto-Jews themselves, being linked by marriage to many of these families. The bank that Jackson destroyed was the Bank of the US, not the Federal Reserve—which didn't exist at that time. Once the BUS was destroyed, it could be replaced by private banking. It was these banks, pushed by wealthy Jews, that became the “National” banks for the rest of the 19th century. I have seen only one place unflipping this history, and that is Larouche's EIR ['Executive Intelligence Review']. ... those guys ... fail to include the most salient points and central characters. For instance, the raft of papers ... in 2012 lead you away from people like Johann Jakob Astor and Albert Gallatin and toward people like Aaron Burr and Martin van Buren. Burr and van Buren were scum, but they weren't the top scum at the time’ ]

1848 Fascinating questions on what happened, and who was behind, multiple events in 1848, which popularised the expression 'revolution'. Here's Miles Mathis: 1848: the Republican revolutions in France, Germany, Poland, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary and Brazil. While Marx and Engels were writing about a Marxist revolution, the Republican revolutions were already in progress. Marxism was used to splinter and misdirect these Republican movements. What really happened remains a set of puzzles. But it's clear that Jews were entwined in it all. And this includes violent coercion, and funding for such people as organisers and collectors of information.
      A Wikipedia article on 1840s gives lists, but of course doesn't mention Jewish and collaborator activities. An obvious example is Marx, but actual figures for translations, copies sold etc, new volumes issued, and evidence of influence, remain obscure. The first publication date of 1867 suggests Marx was very slow off the mark.

1849 Paul Julius Reuter in this year said to have founded his news agency. Jewish separation by towns and countries of course was ideal for controlling propaganda. Later, Reuter, Havas of France, and Wolff of Germany, agreed on a geographic division. Including South America, which has generally escaped notice by many Europeans.

very approx. 1850-1900 Romantic or Small nations and Nationalism. Probably 'nationalism' was promoted by Jews to reduce the numbers of statelets, principalities, city states, small kingdoms, dukedoms, and oddments, since 'leaders' of larger countries are cheaper to bribe and richer in assets.
        Guiseppe Mazzini seems to fit this mould, being supposedly attached to Italy, and yet mostly living abroad, in England, and writing in the Jewish style of vague and high-flown repetitive slogans. This may well have been a precursor movement to wars in Europe.
      Note that Deutschland Über Alles was an air by Haydn with words fitted to it about 40 years later in 1841; thirty years before Germany was unified! [ Nations, as small groups, are usually presented in a Jew-free way by dishonest historians. But probably the publicised movement for romantic nationalism was part of Jewish ideology of the time. Jews could present themselves as a small nationalistic oppressed blood-linked ancient group, entitled, just as small oppressed European nations presumably were, to power and territory. Naturally, this ideology was thrown away as soon as Jew priorities changed. ]

1850 map of Europe
1850 German school atlas, showing Europe. Jews must have wondered how they could wreck it. Note Europe is shown including Russia up to the Ural mountains
1850 Already by the 1850s, Jewish ownership of news publication was the majority. I haven't been able to relocate the exact quotation; but clearly this is relevant to the concealment of events in for example India, the Opium Wars, the Congo, Russia, and South Africa.
    [ Here is 'Guest', April 8, 2017, 10:19 am, in the OccidentalObserver:
It is worth noting that both The Times and The Daily Telegraph were under the ownership of Joseph Moses Levy from 1856 to 1928. The DT was founded by Colonel Arthur B Sleigh in 1855 and his paper was printed by Levy who already owned The Times. After only one year of operation and unable to pay Levy’s print bill, the Colonel was forced to sell the DT to Levy. Thus, during the most significant period in British history, in terms of Jewish propaganda, two of the major London papers, The Times (the ‘quality’ newspaper) and the Daily Telegraph (the cheaper tabloid) were used as central ‘clearing houses’ for this unquestioned propaganda.
I'm uncertain if this is in fact true; there may be confusion of the Times with Sunday Times: Jewish secrecy and deception come into play, and it's difficult to verify details of Jewish propaganda control, since (for example) company laws on disclosure vary. The Times was regarded—this is the received view—as serious and reliable, as many people perhaps still view the BBC.]

1850 Richard Cobden (1804-1865). I recommend revisionist-inclined people to study Cobden, one of many whose life was intertwined with Jews both in Britain, and the USA, Germany, Russia, China. Cobden wrote (I take this extract from Wikipedia) ‘you will find that we have been incomparably the most sanguinary nation on earth... in China, in Burma, in India, New Zealand, the Cape, Syria, Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc, there is hardly a country, however remote, in which we have not been waging war or dictating our terms at the point of a bayonet.’ Other issues: the Crimean War (look at a map if you don't know where Crimea is), the Corn Laws, Free Trade, also need Jewish revisionism.

1850   Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy's The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World from Marathon to Waterloo published in 1850. Largely ignored now, very likely because of its literary style, this volume presents a relatively Jew-free view of history. The chapter on German victory over Rome's armies is quoted by the American site jrbooksonline. I've copied their text here, which I hope is accurate, including linked notes: CHAPTER V. – VICTORY OF ARMINIUS OVER THE ROMAN LEGIONS UNDER VARUS, A.D. 9.
    Note the comments on Thomas Arnold. Not to be confused with Matthew Arnold! Thomas Arnold was a fairly shrewd judge of Jewish influence.
      Basil Liddell Hart had his book Decisive Wars of History published in 1929; it looks like an attempt on the same meme market. The strategy of indirect approach 1941, The way to win wars, Strategy, 1954 & 1967 [I quote 'Wikipedia'], just like Creasy the financing and the exclusion of Jews make these books worthless.

1850-1904: Lafcadio Hearn popularised Japanese aesthetics and stories. (Japan's image has wildly oscillated; largely of course because of Jewish control on information). Japan used by Jews as an offshore island like Britain, against Russia and later against China, is a new idea to me, started on Miles Mathis's site in 2022.

1851   Herbert Spencer Social Statics. Spencer was for a time considered a very important philosopher. The chapter 'The Right to the Use of the Earth' impressed A R Wallace. It's the sort of thinking that probably led Jews, including Marx, to counter-attack.

1852 William Ewart Gladstone vs Benjamin Disraeli. Possibly the earliest British explicitly deficit-financed Budget: proposed by Disraeli, opposed by Gladstone.
      Gladstone's ancestry was from Scotland; the Jewish influence in Scotland was profound, and Gladstone might be considered as a trader, connected with Jews somewhat indirectly. His Biblical Christianity was a distorted reflection of Jewish fanaticism.
      [ Gladstone deserves a fully revisionist reconsideration, not the usual presentation of one damn thing after another. He was an entirely 19th-century man; a Victorian in adulthood. 1848 seems to have had little effect on him, aged about 40. I don't think he had much useful to say about slavery in the U.S. and the 'Civil War'. Gladstone opposed the Second Opium War; but one wonders whether he might have been what's now known as unconscious 'controlled opposition'. The Crimean War against Russia enriched Jews (and incidentally Beatrice Webb) and looks like a Jewish war. The whole 'Eastern Question' looks Jewish, when the natural movement could have been westward. Probably Gladstone helped Jews in the whole movement to extend their control of money and use money as a weapon, preparing for deaths of Bulgars and Armenians, the oddities of the 'Great War', and the 'Holodomor'. ]

1853   George Stanley Faber B.D. [i.e. Bachelor of Divinity] b. 1773, in his short book The Predicted Downfall of The Turkish Power the Preparation for the Return of the Ten Tribes published in London, mixes 'Prophetic Chronology' and 'Jewish' mythology, with geographic and legal material on treaties from 1679 in Europe and Turkey, and empirical material on power. Does this predict world wars and Israel? I'd say not, as it is financially unaware and knows nothing of technologies, and assumes there really is a God (or Gods, or rival Gods...) waiting in the wings
      [ In addition to material on the Romans, 'Seven Vials', 'unclean spirits like frogs', the Nile and the Euphrates, it includes:– '... we may reasonably anticipate, that the Destruction of Turkey will produce the outbreak of that fearful war, which, commencing in Europe, will, at the Time of the End or at the Close of the 1260 years, pass into Palestine and Egypt and the East. ...' ]

1853   Tzvi Hirsh Graetz, later known as Heinrich Graetz, had the fourth volume of his Geschichte der Juden published. The fourth volume was his first to be published. It supposedly dealt with the Talmud.
      The 11-volume series was completed in 1875. ‘It was a brilliant resuscitation of the past. ... No Jewish book of the 19th century produced such a sensation as this.’ There was no English translation until 1891 and following years.
      Note that Charles Kendall Adams' A Manual of Historical Literature (3rd edn 1888) has no mention of Graetz. But refers to Josephus, Milman, and von Ewald. And Arthur Penrhyn Stanley as summariser. I'd suggest there was a huge division of opinions, with I'd guess Jews and gullible Christians on Graetz' side.

1853 Japanese ports treaty by the American, Perry

1856 On the Evils, Impolicy, and Anomaly of Individuals being Landlords and Nations Tenants by Robert Dick, M.D.
      Includes Propositions: I. The use of earth in the form of food is equally necessary for human life as the use of air–the privation of one kills in a few minutes, of the other in a few days or weeks. | Prop. II. Hence the man who controls land, controls human life–excluding life that might be, holding at his mercy life that is. | Prop. III. As God made a free gift to each man of life, He equally intended for a free gift the necessary condition of life–a portion of the soil. | Prop. V. Hence a portion of the soil is each man's congenital and inalienable patrimony. | Prop. VII. The nationalizing of the soil should have been the primary, the fundamental step in human association. And so on. (From A R Wallace)

1857   William O. Blake's Slavery and the Slave Trade, Ancient and Modern. The forms of slavery that prevailed in ancient nations, particularly in Greece and Rome. The African Slave Trade - and the - Political History of Slavery in the United States. This was the date J. & H. Miller entered the book compiled by William O. Blake, into southern Ohio's District Court. The book was distributed privately, not by the usual publication methods.
      There are several versions in, dating from 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861, all showing water damage. And perhaps more. The 1860 edition is here; it has an appendix on the Harper's Ferry incident.
      Naturally, Jews systematically lied about all aspects of the slave trade, culminating perhaps in the infantile deceptions of Spielberg's rubbish. The 1896 ... Suppression of the African Slave Trade... by W. E. B Du Bois does not mention Jews or Judaism. After 1945, Jews capacity for lies found new levels: Fighting for America: Black Soldiers—The Unsung Heroes of World War II is just one title.
      I found a short piece, 1968, Who Brought the Slaves to Africa? by Walter White, I think from several sources; including for example ... the seaport of Newport ... is important in order to recognize the Jewish share in the Slave commerce. There was a period when it was commonly referred to as ‘The Jewish Newport-World center of Slave Commerce.’ ... at this time, there were in North America six Jewish communities: Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Savannah. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East Coast. Although New York (New Amsterdam at that time) held first place in the settlers of Jews in North America, Newport held second place...

1857   Vol I of Henry Thomas Buckle's History of Civilization in England, first part of his uncompleted History of Civilization. Buckle (1821-1862) had little formal education, but, after a large inheritance, spend his time on books, reading, and travel at a time when observational science was at a peak. He was after death edited by Grant Allen, and otherwise shows signs of acceptance by shrewd critics, but also dislike by Jews. Two extracts from Buckle (1) On the physics and biology of the earth (showing superficiality of K MacDonald) and (2) Long Complete chapter on the slow emergence of serious history around the world.

1858   Government of India Act and the neglect of overseas possessions by economists. [ Here's a write-up, I think by an Immigrant into Britain: In 1858, the British Crown bailed out and nationalised the most powerful company in human history. A company that had a standing army of 280,000 men, which it used to enslave a sixth of humanity and rule over an area in excess of 5 million km2. In fact, such was the power and influence of the British East India Company that even the Acts of Union of 1707 that merged the Kingdoms of England and Scotland was only made possible by bribing Scottish MPs with company shares. The East India Company was a behemoth–its power stemming from its legislated monopoly over all international trade to and from India, culminating in 15% of all British exports having to go through the Company. However, the Indian Mutiny of 1857, which was caused by the Company's bigoted policies, almost brought down Britain's colonial experiment in South Asia, and served as a warning to halls of Westminster. It was then understood the danger of an all-powerful corporation controlling the levers of power and the need for legislative oversight. Therefore, the Government of India Act of 1858 represented the first major corporate monopoly crackdown. ]

1860   Opium, Jews, China, and Britain Scroll down to 'Boxer Rebellion', Opium Wars, Sassoons, destruction of Chinese historical artefacts. Many of these are now in the hands of ghoulish Jewish 'collectors'. [From about 1830, the Sassoons, who had been thrown out of Baghdad, used the British army and navy to force opium on China; 1859 marked a climax, in which opium chests were thrown into rivers—very likely in imitation of the American revolution, and just as the Vietnamese later published a 'Declaration of Independence'. In retaliation, Palmerston ordered the destruction of Yuanmingyuan, an area of Peking/Beijing, translated as 'The Summer Palace' or 'Garden of Perfection and Light'. This period was the infancy of archaeology; I don't personally know how accurate are the claims made for 5,000 years of Chinese historical evidence having been destroyed, and over a million imperial objects are estimated to have been taken from the site: many of these are now scattered around the world, in private collections and public museums. However, in a period of about fifty years China was largely destroyed. Note that Rumsfeld, a Jew living n the USA, made jokes about Iraqi artefacts, from the 'cradle of civilization', being destroyed.
    It's often said by Jews that 'Europe' plundered the world. The Opium Wars show how doubtful this interpretation is: Jews benefited, but whether Britain would have gone to war over opium seems more doubtful. The Jews made personal fortunes, but, spread over the whole population of Britain, that would have been a small prize.
    Note that one of the events supposedly leading to this destruction was two claimed murders; two 'unidentifiable' bodies were part of the evidence. This sounds like a false flag operation.]

1861   'Emancipation of the Serfs' in Russia by Tsar Alexander II. 'The Russian peasant regarded that odd, pedantic measure, “The Liberation of the Serfs” as only another name for robbing him of his land'—wrote Hilaire Belloc. An earlier measure, 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act in Britain, probably isn't what it seems, like 'Abolition' in the USA. Here's a piece on Wilberforce by Leaf Garrit.

1861-1865   USA 'Civil War'. Increasing revisionism will make discoveries: the selection and image-shaping of 'Abraham Lincoln' and the secret construction of policies for the north under the Jewish money control must give better understanding of that epoch, and its place in the long history of Jewish fraud.
      Here's a link to a book review on the Civil War which, even though written with a Southern States perspective, and full of post-1945 invective against 'Communists', still fails to identify Jews. And here's a comment on the origin of the 'War Between the States', the other formulation of the 'Civil War', assuming different arrangements of territory: Lincoln denied the Constitutional right of the southern states to lawfully secede from the union. Well into the war—and for propaganda purposes—the "reason" was switched to emancipation of slaves. (Lincoln was quoted as saying, "If I could preserve the union without freeing one slave, I would do it.")
      An Outline of the Jewish Conspiracy in Chapter 19 of Which Way Western Man? by William G. Simpson: European bankers, looking on from afar, saw what a rich harvest they could reap if only the growing tension between the North and the South could be brought to open conflict. [Gertrude M Coogan] records that “the American Civil War was planned in London in 1857”–four years before the first guns were fired. {n 219} “Certain bankers,” she continues, “made an agreement that the Paris branch of one group would support and finance the South, and the British branch of the same group would take the similar role for the North.” Behind both was the House of Rothschild. In the North, it was represented by a Jew known to history as “August Belmont”; {n 220} in the South by his uncle Senator John Slidell of Louisiana, a New Yorker who was Jewish on his father’s side. His financial partner was Judah Benjamin, Secretary of the Confederacy during the War, another Jew and a close friend of Disraeli. According to the Jewish Encyclopaedia (Vol. III, p. 30) Benjamin “was generally described as ‘the brains of the Confederacy,’” though it adds “particularly during his incumbency of the secretaryship of War, he was extremely unpopular.” Both Benjamin and Slidell “were agents of the Rothschilds and obtained Rothschild Bloc funds for the South during the Civil War (via the d’Erlanger banks).” {n 221}
    Propaganda pushed the issue of slavery to the fore, but the actual purpose behind it all was to get both sides loaded down with a mountain of debt, and to exploit the desperate exigencies which must arise in the struggle, to drive both sides to accept the same money system that the House of Rothschild had already fastened on England and the Continent. The creation and issuing of money would then be given to a “national” bank, and money, instead of being issued free, on the credit of the whole country, would be issued, every cent of it, as a national debt, secured on the taxes and solvency of the entire people, and yielding interest forever until the day it was paid. That is, the purpose of the bankers was to bleed the vast productivity of the whole American people. {n 222}

1862   Little-known expulsion: 17th December 1862, during the American Civil War, Union general and future president Ulysses S. Grant took the strongest action against Jews in United States history, expelling all Jews from his region of control - comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky, under General Order No. 11. [ This looks like a genuine expulsion. My best guess is that many 'expulsions' were in fact Jews buzzing off with their loot, and pretending at their destination that they thrown out. ]

1863   Gettysburg address by Lincoln, fatuous oratory, praised and misrepresented by Jews.
      [ Here's an extract from a famous article by H L Mencken: ‘Put it into the cold words of everyday. The doctrine is simply this: that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to the cause of self-determination—that government of the people, by the people, for the people, should not perish from the earth. It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern themselves.’ Fifty years later, when Jews gained control of paper money, accurate discussion of the 'Civil War' became almost as difficult as discussion of the 'World Wars'. ]

1864   The Development of Human Races under the Law of Natural Selection by Alfred Russel Wallace.
      Wallace wrote in vol II of his autobiography, ... the most original and important part of which was that in which I showed that so soon as man's intellect and physical structure led him to use fire, to make tools, to grow food, to domesticate animals, to use clothing, and build houses, the action of natural selection was diverted from his body to his mind, and thenceforth his physical form remained stable while his mental faculties improved.

1865   Morant Bay Rebellion which became, or was inflamed, into a media cause celebre. Influenced e.g. John Stuart Mill. Very probably Jews living in England added anti-white rhetoric. See the Jamaica Committee.

1865   End of the “US Civil War”

[ ‘The victorious power’s intention was a trial, with the intended result of hanging the defeated senior political and military leadership. Apparently realization at some level of the utterly fraudulent nature of this ‘case’ made the plan collapse. But one camp and its rail link, Andersonville, had special notoriety. The documented history shows the intent of the US government to have executed the entirety of the South’s political and military leadership; Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis, amongst others, for ‘crimes against humanity’. Books and journals of the time include such expressions as ‘camps’, ‘cattle cars’, planned ‘systematic’ mass murder, ‘slaughter pen’, cries of ‘never forget’, accusations of leather wallets) made from the skin of the ‘murdered’ prisoners.’ (Modified from 'T', in TheOccidentalObserver, 22 July 2017) ]

1865-1870 Three Amendments to the US Constitution which must have seemed to point to slavery as the cause of the war, however untrue that was. They also ignored the role of Jews in the black slave trade. Collectively called (e.g.) 'Reconstruction Amendments'.
  Ten years later, Jews started to stream in, following propaganda campaigns against Russia. 1880-1900 estimates are 1,250,000 Jews immigrated like 'a military operation' (Belloc's phrase). I have not attempted to check whether British journals took intelligent interest in any of this.
  • 13th Amendment passed and ratified by 27 of 36 states, 1865, 'abolished slavery ... except as punishment for crime'
  • 14th Amendment ratified 1868 was bitterly contested by the South. One of its clauses was the giving of citizenship simply by birth in the USA; 'birthright citizenship'.
  • 15th Amendment ratified 1870 giving votes to black ex-slaves.

1866   Bank Crash in England of Overend, Gurney & Co regarded as the biggest crash to that date. In view of the recent war in the United States, and the Jewish machinations for at least 170 years, it must be expected that Jews won from this, and rivals lost. I can't remember having looked into this, but there may be accurate research into it.

1865-1867   Walter Bagehot's English Constitution published (first in parts in The Fortnightly Review magazine). Later editions may be revised; I haven't checked. Bagehot is or was famous as a kind of pseudo-revisionist, encouraging the study of 'effective' parts of government in theory, but not in practice. He might have been a pioneering Victorian author; his works include politics and economics. One of his best-known passages assumes most people cannot understand governments; he doesn't consider that such information is withheld:–
      The use of the Queen, in a dignified capacity, is incalculable. Without her in England, the present English Government would fail and pass away. Most people when they read that the Queen walked on the slopes at Windsor—that the Prince of Wales went to the Derby—have imagined that too much thought and prominence were given to little things. But they have been in error; and it is nice to trace how the actions of a retired widow and an unemployed youth become of such importance.
      The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other. ...

1867   Marx & Engels published Das Kapital Vol. 1. From a revisionist viewpoint, this book adopted Jewish eschatology: a 'Messiah' would bring paradise. But most Jewish material is firmly and deliberately suppressed: there's nothing on financing wars, financing slavery, history of Jews, power against goyim, Rothschild and 1814, the Opium Wars and Jews (then recent), and so on. [ The 'Labour Theory of Value' was more or less taken from Ricardo, and takes no account of basic human biology, or raw materials, or geographical circumstances. Probably Marx accepted the idea after watching Engels' factory workers in Salford, and doing simple sums about pay rates per hour, but omitting buildings, sales, insurance, quality of the output, technical change, and so on.
    Marx's Jewish associates, notably Rothschilds, must have blandly told him they intended to buy up this and that, and expand; the idea that Marx showed great insight into expansion of finance and capital is simple nonsense: he'd been told about it by jews in a position to know.
    Hegel's hyper-elaborate idealist philosophy of history (ideas with priority over reality; plus 'the Absolute', possibly taken from Catholicism—as in e.g. Newman '... Holy Church in her sacraments and her hierarchical appointments, will remain even to the end of the world, only a symbol of those heavenly facts which fill eternity. ...') played little part in Marx until later, after the Manifesto when Marx lived in England and took up, or mentioned, the thesis - antithesis - synthesis dogma. Marx's absurd idea that 'all history is a class war' (inserted no doubt for 'divide and rule' reasons), his economic determinism, dialectical materialism, surplus value, the omission of definitions of 'capitalism' and legalities, all play a part analogous to psychoanalytical terms in Freud, and theological terms in medieval scholasticism, providing scope for endless wrangling, and material for pamphlets and lectures, of the 'bullshit baffles brains' type. Marx is not important as truth, but as an example of constructing lies, and the use of power to impose them. Probably the only constant is his elision of Jewish finance. More on 'Communism' and Marxism and Judeo-Communism (Click left-arrow to return here).
    The only thoroughgoing revisionist look at Marx, his wealthy background, and schemes is Miles Mathis, in Marx and Jenny (wife) and Engels and Owen. ]

1867 'Dynamite' patented; an outcome of the discovery that nitrogen formed unstable compounds. Important marker, outmoding gunpowder (potassium nitrate oxidiser, powdered carbon and sulphur)

1868 '... the campaign of defamation kicked off in 1868 by Heinrich Graetz in Germany three years before Germany was unified. ... anti-German narrative ... Much material about this public hatred for Germany can be found in any large library. ...' comment by 'Bo Sears' in the Occidental Observer. (See below, 1914, for the huge Jewish-backed 'Social Democrat' party in Germany). There were parallel campaigns against Germany and Russia in Britain, which most people simply absorbed without comment.

1868   Imperial Japanese Navy started. By 1920 it was 'the third largest navy in the world', with battleships in the Mediterranean. The finance seems to have been Rothschild's, and one of the aims to harm Russia. This must have had impacts on the Japanese themselves and (for example) taxes and government members, though historians seem to have shown their usual level of competence on this subject.

1869   Important event, which flickers on Internet, but is hard to trace otherwise; was it published in press, leaflets, popular books, academic books, sermons? Was it translated? Did it appear in fiction? What of previous similar events?—a Funeral Oration over Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda of Bohemia in Prague, by Emanuel Reichhorn Chief Rabbi of France.
      It was 'published by Readcliffe', apparently Sir John Retcliffe. An online blog ( with no indication of expertise says "The Rabbi's Speech" has its origin in the novel Biarritz (1868) by Hermann Goedsche (1816-1878), published under the pseudonym of Sir John Retcliffe. In a chapter entitled in the Jewish Cemetery in Prague," Goedsche purports to describe a secret nocturnal meeting among thirteen Jews (representing the twelve tribes of Israel and the Jews of the Exile) ...' The given publication date is earlier than the supposed event. As with the Rabinovitch coloured races speech, clear evidence seems hard to find or non-existent, though of course this may be caused by Jewish destruction after the event. It would seem that Hebrew, Czech, French, and German expertise, and access to records (if they survive), may be necessary.

1869   Alleged discovery of a new type of [what's now called] protein. I noticed an online article by Leslie A. Pray, Ph.D. dated 2008, on a Swiss physiological chemist Friedrich Miescher. After Miescher's discovery, others—notably, Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff—revealed additional details about the DNA molecule. [sic, though the 'DNA molecule' was not understood. The piece misspells 'phosphorus' as 'phosphorous']. This may be a Jewish fraud on similar lines to Einstein's.

1869   Jacob Brafman (c. 1825–1879; may be spelt Brafmann) Kniga Kagal ("The Book of the Kahal"), a translation into Russian of the minutes (Pinkas) of the kehillah of Minsk. Included essays on Jews and Jewish customs. A second, enlarged two-volume edition was published in 1875. Posthumous publication with an introduction by Brafman's son, 1882. The book, translated into French, Polish, and German, created a stir among Jews and Russians.

1870   First Vatican Council, propositions “reprobated, proscribed, and condemned” by Pius IX in 1864. J. McCabe's description of The Syllabus. Probably this event represented Jews (and Freemasons) increasing or regaining their control of the Roman Catholic Church.

1871   The Paris ‘Commune’ is one of many events which can't be fitted into any Jew-naive worldview, but falls into place with Jew-awareness. It's agonising to contemplate the snoozing indolence of Victorian Americans and Britons, completely misunderstanding this warning event.
    [ Here's an account by Arthur Benjamin Kemp, from his reprinted translation of the book by Marx, which Kemp also introduces: The Commune briefly ruled Paris from 18 March until 28 May 1871, after being elected as the city council. Acting as a lightning conductor for socialist radicals from Poland to Italy, the Commune quickly dissolved into the usual "dictatorship of the proletariat" and instituted what can now in hindsight be recognised as the more usual trappings of Communist regimes: it began stripping away civil liberties and creating state enforcement agencies to implement its decrees by terror and coercion.
    Among its rules was a "Decree on Hostages"—in terms of which any person could be arrested, imprisoned, and tried, becoming "hostages of the people of Paris." Hundreds, if not thousands, were murdered in this manner, including a number of prominent religious leaders. In addition, the Commune created a "Committee of Public Safety," which was given extensive powers to hunt down and imprison its self-identified enemies. Freedom of the press was suppressed, and finally, as the Communists faced military defeat, they burned down many famous buildings in the city in revenge, including many priceless architectural gems. It is estimated that up to 20,000 people died during the Commune.

1871   Meeting of John Stuart Mill's Land Tenure Reform Association

1871   Unification of Germany and Unification of Italy regarded as mostly complete by this date. Note how recent it is. Very likely to have been a Jewish led-from-behind set of movements, probably planned to fail, as of course happened by 1945.

1872   Thomas Stratton's The Affinity Between The Hebrew Language and the [Scottish] Celtic. Small part of the 'lost tribes' and 'British Israel' disputes.

1872-1960   Daily Chronicle (up to 1930; late Victorian times, Boer Wars, Great War, Jewish Coup in Russia) and News Chronicle (from 1930 to 1960, spanning the Second World War, of course concealing Jewish actions). Two nominally British newspapers, combined in 1930. Very likely these were part of long-term Jewish propaganda manoeuvring. The News Chronicle was dropped in 1960, when truths about Germany appeared dead, and Vietnam, and the fake Cold War and nukes were important to journalists. Wikipedia lists 'notable contributors': about half are 'war correspondents'. Arthur Koestler was one. Very sad.

1873   Livre du Kahal by J Brafman (published in Odessa; translated into French by T.P.), Material to study Judaism in Russia, and its influence on populations among which it exists. One of the first, or first modern, explorations of the Kahal, apparently the organisation exclusively for Jews and Jewish arrangements as against everyone else. Hair-raising reading. [This author is not mentioned by Kevin MacDonald].
    Also called 'Kehilla' or 'Kehillah'. As applied in the USA, this site is one of a few describing what happened: Kehillah description by a Biblical site.

1875   Liberty Enlightening the World opened, a mostly iron French statue which (a bit like the Pyramids) deceptively appears small in size because of its isolation. It was intended as a monument to liberty, but after immigration of Jews was slowly mutated into a supposedly Jewish monument. In 1903 (after massive Jewish immigration) Emma Lazarus's poem, on metal, was mounted inside the monument. The false impression was slowly propagandised that foreigners were invited. In fact of course only Jews were intended.

c. 1875-1887 Phylloxera in France spoilt wine grapes. (Some were reverse-imported back from California). Led to some comparison with Jews.

1875   Heinrich Schliemann's Troy and its Remains. Various oddities in the life Schliemann (1822-1890) suggest he was a Jew from Germany, not a German. I include his supposed early life, his supposed command of many languages, his wide travels which may have been to Jewish households or areas, his treasure hunting, and great wealth.

1876   Bulgarian Atrocities by the 'Turks'. Probably this was a manifestation of crypto-Jews who ran Turkey. Usually presented in the 'west' as massacre of Christians in Bulgaria by Muslims. Probably Jew-instigated, in fact. Disraeli was Prime Minister in 1874. Probably similar to the Armenian genocide about 30 years later. Part of the policy of trying to weaken Islam in Turkey by the Dönmeh, i.e. make it secular, no doubt with an eye on ultimately inventing Israel.

1877   Kalixt de Wolski or Kalikst de Wolski (1816-1884) described as a travel writer, known more in Europe & Russia, La Russie juive published in 1877. [This author seems never to have been translated into English. He is not mentioned by Kevin MacDonald].

Moss-Booth Salvation Army
Moss-Booth of the 'Salvation Army'
1878   Founding of the Salvation Army by 'General Booth'. Died in 1912. According to Hilaire Belloc: 'Charles Kingsley ... [and] Moss-Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. .. both owed their genius and nearly all their physical appearance to Jewish mothers.' Interesting to speculate on the non-Christian aspects of the Salvation Army. Probably this was part of the hidden Jewish anti-Christian movement, which included subverting the 'rationalist' movement, support for Islam, the omission of the more savage aspects of savages, and support for oddities—in the USA, the Scofield Bible and modern US Zionist televangelists illustrate the same point.
      A little-known secret movement was the Skeleton Army which Wikipedia says was started in 1880 in Whitechapel (in East London, targeted for Jewish immigration from eastern Europe). Probably similar to Jewish-funded thugs at the time of the Boer Wars, and Cable Street thugs and modern street and university campus thugs paid by Jews to disrupt white/ nationalist/ humanitarian groups.

1876   Alison Chabloz, searching US newspapers online, in the Library of Congress website, found numerous references to "six million Jews", using what she politely but inaccurately called their good search engine. The earliest I could find was the Morning Star and Catholic Messenger of 30 April 1876.

1878   Major Osman Bey The Conquest Of The World by The Jews. I'm told 'This is one of the first books dedicated to the issue of world conquest'. This was an English translation by F W Mathias, of the 1873 first edition in French La conquéte du monde par les Juifs by Major Osman Bey—whose real name was Frederick Millingen.
      I'd guess that, in response, the Dreyfus Affair was a Jewish media psyop plan to whitewash Jews, which unfortunately seemed to be very successful. Later French editions include a response by Drumont; which sounds to me part of this plan.
      Millingen's book, and the Dreyfus Affair, seem to be touchstones of Jewish influence, to be hushed up and insisted upon respectively. The pattern persists in publishers of reprinted books to this day.

1879   Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology nominally by Helena Blavatsky (of the 'Theosophical Society') seems to have been a 19th century Jewish intrusion, aimed against 19th century Christianity, without acknowledging the likelihood that Jewish writings had been manufactured much earlier as essential to what became known as Christianity. Assembled from writings of anthropologists, explorers, colonists who had recorded beliefs from around the world, with Jewish comments.

1880s and 1890s   Socialism in England and its cryptic perversion by Jews. Short comments from H. G. Wells' The World of William Clissold and Experiment in Autobiography describing the heading-off of discussions about currency (as 'currency cranks'), and heading-off of discussions about expropriation (needing a 'competent receiver'), and nationalisation, presumably by Jews in the pay of banks, in the days when the pound sterling was the principal world currency.

Orient Express -1914
Orient Express rail lines, 1883-­1914. Moscow, St Peters­burg, Madrid, Rome, Warsaw, Minsk [Belarus], Kiev [Ukraine] &c not shown. Suggests some Jew routes in Europe. Including escape route after Armenian genocide.
1880s-1914   Many assassinations (click for file) over this period are known to have been by Jews; probably the general censorship has understated these, and the corresponding corruption and perversions of legal, police, and spy systems. An example in Britain is the use of suffragettes: See A New View of the Suffragettes/ Blaming Women for Wars (thanks to Simon Webb for suggesting this).

1880   Birth of Jabotinsky, a typical fanatic who believed himself to be a Jew. Students of Jews will simplify their task by ignoring the rhetoric, and looking at the apparently genetic tendency to deceive 'goyim'.

1881   the year Egypt was occupied by the English, whose Constitution was principally authored by Sheldon Amos, 'a theoretical lawyer of some eminence'—according to Bertrand Russell.

1882   Ersten Internationalen Antijüdischen Kongress held in Dresden, 'the Saxon capital'. Little-known event, apparently two days only. I'm even unsure if the title claimed it was the first congress. September 11-12, 1882. Monday and Tuesday; perhaps it was cut short.
      Manifest an die Regierungen und Völker der durch das Judenthum gefährdeten christlichen Staaten... something like Manifesto to rulers and folk of Jew-threatened Christian states... I'm not sure this isn't something of a fake. 'Christian' of course embraces a whole lot of Jewish nonsense, which was publicised for many centuries. The Dreyfus Affair, a Jewish fake something like ten years in the future in France, could have been part of the same process.
      [ ONODY, GÉZA VON. 19th c. Hungarian statesman. He launched the Tisza-Eszlar ritual murder prosecution. Later, he joined with ADOLF STOCKER of Germany and his fellow Hungarian, VICTOR von ISTOCZY, to organize the first International Anti-Jewish Congress at Dresden in 1882. Von Onody was widely recognized as one of the great orators of his day. —Historical Review Press: AntiZion: A Survey of Commentary On Organized Jewry by Leading Personalities Through the Ages compiled by William Grimstad.
    (This 'might explain why the Jews controlling WWII had their clueless Judeomasonic shabez goyim bomb Dresden into smithereens' [Oona Craig in a Youtube comment], and the date of the 9/11 demolition fake.) ]

1882   Union Générale crash. Non-Jewish bank crash in France. [ 'Josh' in produces good evidence that the bank was run by a man who had worked for years for the Rothschilds; and claims the supposedly non-Jewish bank was in fact set up as a con to extract money from large numbers of French people. See the 'Panama Scandal' (1881-1889) and the Dreyfus Affair (1894–1906). Very likely Jews were behind French militarism in Indo-China, and used Dreyfus as distraction. The whole style of expensive schemes may have been pioneered in the UK and US by railways; consider Hudson 'the railway King' and the 1860s Erie railroad. ]

1884   'Manhood Suffrage' in England and Wales. I suspect (perhaps someone might follow up this line of thought) that the policy, and even the vocabulary (omitting 'British'), was part of the strategy to immigrate so-called Jews into Britain and give them the vote. Those entitled to vote seem to have been covered by the '1867 householder and lodger franchise' perhaps planned to include future 'Jewish' immigration.

1884   Herbert Spencer 1820-1903) in The Man Versus the State wrote:
Alike to the citizen and to the legislator, home experiences daily supply proofs that the conduct of human beings baulks calculation. He has given up the thought of managing his wife and lets her manage him. Children on whom he has tried now reprimand, now punishment, now suasion, now reward, do not respond satisfactorily to any method; and no expostulation prevents their mother from treating them in ways he thinks mischievous. So, too, his dealings with his servants, whether by reasoning or by scolding, rarely succeed for long: the falling short of attention, or punctuality, or cleanliness, or sobriety, leads to constant changes. Yet, difficult as he finds it to deal with humanity in detail, he is confident of his ability to deal with embodied humanity. Citizens, not one-thousandth of whom he knows, not one-hundredth of whom he ever saw, and the great mass of whom belong to classes having habits and modes of thought of which he has but dim notions, he feels sure will act in certain ways he foresees, and fulfil ends he wishes. Is there not a marvellous incongruity between premises and conclusion?
    Spencer was Jew-unaware. Some Jews had very long experience in 'managing' people.
    Spencer (in his sociology of religion) seems to have viewed belief in a soul and in everlasting life as marks of genuine religion, denied to deaf-mutes and others. Such was the hold of Jewish stuff via the C of E.

1884   Arnold Toynbee (not Arnold Joseph Toynbee) invented, or is credited with inventing, the phrase 'industrial revolution' in a lecture series. One of a whole slew of 'revolutions', the phrase no doubt traces to the French Revolution and 1848. 1750-1850 is or was generally regarded as the period of maximum change, with cities' populations, output of coal and iron, food production, railways and ships as markers. To this day the word 'revolution' suggests chaotic upheavals, excluding and hiding long-term planning and calculation.
      Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889–1975) wrote a multivolume work on civilisations (1934-1961). Every one of them was geographically limited. Probably therefore the design removed questions about nations of the Jewish, distributed, type. After WW2 it was puffed but fell away, probably being deemed no more use to Jews.

1885   Bad Times: An Essay on the Present Depression of Trade, tracing it to its Sources in enormous Foreign Loans, excessive War Expenditure, the Increase of Speculation and of Millionaires, and the Depopulation of the Rural Districts; with Suggested Remedies. by Alfred Russel Wallace. [ Wallace in Vol II of his autobiography: 1884 Messrs. Pears offered a prize of £100 for the best essay on "The Depression of Trade," and Professor Leone Levi had agreed to be one of the judges. ... I received a letter from Professor Leone Levi, in which he writes: "My colleague and myself were greatly pleased with the essay bearing a motto from Goldsmith. We, however, did not see our way to recommend it for the prize, especially on account of disagreement as to the remedies suggested. ... Part of the war between Jews and others on economics, much of which of course dealt with capital without mentioning Jews. ]

1885   Indian National Congress seems the earliest attempt to unify India, or invent India as a 'nation'. Very likely this was Jewish, either externally or the result of Jews already present or put there by the East India Co or the Victorian crown.

1887   Merchandise Marks Act passed in Britain, notably to mark German products 'Made in Germany'. Similar laws must have been widespread; Switzerland for example has an arrow motif which I'm told indicates some sort of excellence. As far as I know, there are no laws indicating Jewish ownership as yet, though many food products, I think mainly in the USA, have obscure marks to show some Rabbinical incantations have been spoken.

1887   Albert Hall: Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition. An online source says 'adorned by scholars, often not themselves university-trained, of the calibre of Joseph Jacobs, Lionel Abrahams, Michael Adler, Herbert Loewe and Lucien Wolf.' The 'scholars' obviously failed to mention important matters. [NB the days before radio and cinema encouraged exhibitions to be influential: Beardsley saw Greek vases, China and Japan were represented, but the genre faded as Jewish fraud increased]

1888   Professor Telemachus Thomas Timayenis, a Greek in New York whose two brothers also had traditional Greek first names, published a clutch of books, under his own new imprint, Minerva Books, which had an owl as what's now called a logo. Two of these were The American Jew and The Original Mr Jacobs. They seem to have been based on French sources: his books can be regarded as precursors of Belloc's post-'Great War' book, The Jews.

1888   Edward Bellamy Looking Backward from 2000 to 1887. Wikipedia say the third bestseller of its time—the other two being Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) and Ben-Hur (1880). Variously described as science fiction and as a Socialist novel. (I haven't read it. It converted A R Wallace. Followed in 1897 by Equality)

1889   Otto Böckel (or Boeckel) publishes Quintessence of the Jewish Question in German. Otto Boeckel (1859-1923) was educated in economics, law and languages, but also was interested in folk stories. He wrote on Jews in Germany; he died after the 'Great War'.

1889   Official Secrets Act 1889 is I think the first UK secrecy act, followed by 1911, 1920, 1923 and 1989. I haven't made much attempt to read these. But it seems likely that 1889 related to the (((British))) Empire, wars, and perhaps keeping information from voters. 1911 must surely have been preparation for the Great War by various groups, including Jews. It may be that it prepared for the Jewish invention of the Fed, and keeping information hidden. 1920 is obviously related to the situation after the 'Great War', including the Jewish takeover of Russia, and 1923 probably to the start of plans for Germany, Italy, and Japan. I'd guess 1989 was part of the Iraq wars.
      This is all rather speculative—of course—and governments have methods, such as statutory instruments, to issue what in effect are laws. But bear in mind, what is perhaps obvious, that many people simply don't know what is happening.

1890   La Civiltà Cattolica, 23 October 1890. Papal publication prints results of its examination of Jews.

1890   Publication of Strong's Concordance. Including New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew and Chaldee. These were roots, not generally complete words. Much of English reference book work leaned on German work, though this has tended to be unmentioned. There are obvious difficulties in interpreting very old languages, in deciding which languages apply, in getting 'original' texts and constructing missing texts, and even arranging things in 'alphabetical order'.
    Popular accounts of e.g. the number of Hebrew words that appear only once in the Bible presumably come from this source. Computers have automated these processes: for example, search programs in effect number each word consecutively in a text, then search for groups of numbers.

1890s-1910   Congo, Slavery, Arabs   Zanzibar is a smallish (1000 sq miles) island close to the east African coast, near (note the Islamic name) Dar es Salaam. What's now called Tanzania is inland, and the Congo is further inland. Slaves were kidnapped, or otherwise rounded up, and shipped to the Arabian countries, presumably by way of the Red Sea or Persian Gulf.
      Hinde's Fall of the Congo Arabs (1894) and E D Morel's Red Rubber (1905) give detail. In effect, Arabs enslaving blacks (and dealing in ivory and other animal products) were replaced by whites using blacks to grow rubber, for the then-new motor cars. Probably the abolition of slavery (e.g. US 13th Amendment 1865) had anti-Islamic and economic motives.

1891   Albert Holden Pike (1809-1891) died   General in the U.S. Civil War on the losing side. He wrote some poetry ('Fanny' is him on horseback visiting his poor, and supposedly constant, Fanny) but he's best known for his Freemason activities, proud of his 33rd degree and other accomplishments, and writer on on the 'Grand Constitution' on of 1786.
      Most of his books were published by rather obscure publishers, though one was in Broadway, N.Yk. His books (but they may be edited, incomplete, etc) are on Internet. They are of course largely Jewish-influenced. It seems certain that the War Between the States—less than 100 years after the founding of the USA—was heavily influenced by Jews and Pike must have been divided in his allegiances. As far as I know there is no revisionist book on that important war, even now. Albert Pike wrote quite a bit on Morals and Dogma, and such things as ritual and prayer. There were many copies and imitations of freemasonry, whether serious, comic, distractionary, I don't know. He seems to have been antagonistic to 'atheism', without saying whether he meant Jewish junk or something more general. Much of the work of such people lives on. Just one tiny example is the moral worthlessness of NASA.

1892-1900   Approx time at which automatic handguns were invented, outmoding revolvers. ‘The first automatic pistol was created by Joseph Laumann in 1892. But the Borchardt pistol of 1893 was the first automatic with a separate magazine in the grip, and this remains the defining feature of the breed. More automatics came in rapid succession, including Browning, Luger, Mauser, and Colt models.’

1893   In France, the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique, formed in 1879 to dig the Panama Canal under de Lesseps, an engineer, made itself bankrupt in 1889.
      Worth noting that 'offshore accounts' are a natural by-product of Jewish distributed trading; India, the Americas, Africa, offshore China, all received roads, forts, clubs, and banks.
    Jean Jaurès was unanimously elected to head an enquiry, starting in 1893: 'the power of money has succeeded in taking control of the organs of opinion and in falsifying their source; which is to say, in the area of public information, falsifying the national conscience.' (Jaurès was a socialist, in the genuine sense. He was assassinated in 1914, probably because he opposed the coming World War). The Panama Scandal and its Rothschild connection penetrated deeply into French consciousness because of the large number of impoverished investors. It's hard to fix a date for the 'Panama Scandal' or Scandals, and hard to determine what happened, and what the Rothschild influence was. It's hard because the events are suppressed by Jewish media. These scandals were followed by the mass media-promoted Dreyfus Affair, and publicised by Edouard Drumont, presumably to 'blackwash' legitimate accusations against Jews. (See, 'Josh G' on Dreyfus).
    [ Oscar Wilde's play An Ideal Husband has references to a canal fraud. Wilde's friend Lord Alfred Douglas edited Plain English, a weekly review published by the North British Publishing Co., which published an exchange of letters taken from a German volume; and translated: 16th June, 1647. Cromwell: 'In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.' 12th July, 1647. 'Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.' ]

1893   'Panic of 1893' typical name for the results of a circular to banks in the USA which forced various crises, e.g. of 'liquidity'. All the Jew-controlled explanations naturally omitted and continue to omit mention of Jewish finance. Unfortunately, this was and is very successful. Worldwide, including France, Germany, Australia etc, there were Jewish media campaigns ultimately intended to 'blackwash' criticism of Jews.

1893   South Africa and its history and Jews. I've concentrated about 200 years here. From . One of the aims is to expose Jewish media lies about Hendrik Verwoerd.
      1809: NATIVE PASS LAW of the BRITISH government at the Cape of Good Hope compelled black people to carry a pass book | 1865 Sir Theophilis Shepstone PROHIBITED blacks in Natalia from voting power | 1893 Verwoerd born | 1894 Cecil John Rhodes PREVENTED a colored man—one Krom Hendriks—joining the national cricket tour to England | 1905 Rhodes COMPELLED schools in the Cape Province to SEPARATE white and black people | 1913 the British NATIVE LAND ACT 2 prohibited black people from owning land | 1925 British minister H W Sampson promulgated the act on Labor Demarcation to divide whites and blacks | 1927 Immorality Act in British controlled Natal to prohibit black/ white sex | 1936 SEPARATE representation in parliament was promulgated by liberal British minion Gen. Jan Smuts | 1945 Native Urban Area Act prohibited blacks to stay for longer than 72 hours in a white urban area | 1945 Verwoerd aged 52 starts in politics | D F Malan first to use the expression 'Apartheid' | 6 Sept 1966 Verwoerd murdered (by Jews, to get a central bank and thence control of assets, says WhiteNationNetwork, who give details of the process.) Searching for Allen Bird 1916-1992 finds with Dec 2014 ANB Nuusbrief with information on a Jewish 'psychologist' Solomon Jacobson, friendly with Mandela and Slomo. He was involved with Tsafendas, the 'Greek Communist' who stabbed Vervoerd. As many events, including the fraud of 'Coronavirus' prove, Jews are not reliable in medical matters.

1894   Dreyfus Affair in France. Dreyfus was a Jew, working in French officialdom. For at least a century he was regarded as a shameful example of the horror of Roman Catholic or White 'anti-Semitism': all open-minded people regarded the Dreyfus case as shocking and deplorable. The moral viewpoint was that Dreyfus was part of the new world of accuracy and morals, like the suffragettes. However, Dreyfus may have been just another Jewish fraud, perhaps designed to promote war with Germany (or rather with Jews controlling 'French' and 'German' sides), or to split Europe. An anonymous article Dreyfus gives some background, though I should caution that parts of this story may have been fed by 'intelligence' types to the public.
    'Josh G' who also is 'Daddieuhoh' in Miles Mathis' site gives evidence that both Dreyfus and Drumont were fakes. Drumont's book omits de Wolski, and has very few references to the Kahal, suggesting it was controlled opposition. But 'Josh G' also says 'Jews' willingly sacrifice their sons and daughters in countless wars and conflicts.. which of course is far less than honest.
    Josh G summarises his view of the Dreyfus Affair: (here's my cut-down version):-
    [1] Blackwashing criticism of Jewish bankers and industrialists and their growing political and economic power. ... by putting all criticism of Jews, both legitimate and ridiculous, under the label of anti-Semitism. Then they ... show[ed] how this poor, innocent, honorable patriot [Dreyfus] was wrongly convicted ... many undoubtedly felt badly about their criticism of Jews after they found out Dreyfus was innocent ... helping to protect these wealthy Jews from future criticism and also to bolster the political power and influence of the Jewish-supported Third Republic and disempower and delegitimize the remaining Monarchist and Catholic ... power centers of France. ...
    [2] The Dreyfus affair seems to have served as an impetus for the modern Zionist movement. [which] used the Dreyfus affair to legitimize and justify its goals. ... [and] Zionists needed to bring anti-Semitic sentiment to a boil in order to cajole as many European Jews as possible to move to Israel. ...
    [3] The blackwashing of anti-Semitism discussed above in point number 1 gained increased importance in the wake of the Union Generale and, especially, the Panama scandals. [3a] the Dreyfus affair also served as a distraction. And it was a major distraction.
    [4] Divide and conquer: the affair is described as nearly tearing France in two, with battle lines between drawn between the Dreyfusards and the anti-Dreyfusards.
    [5] Make lots of money: the newspapers were owned (almost?) entirely by wealthy Jews.
    [6] ... the film industry piggy-backed on the Dreyfus affair,...
    [7] General Georges Boulanger. ... was chosen to lead the Catholic/Monarchist/nationalist/traditional opposition and help bring it crashing down. 'Daddieuhoh' suggests Boulanger was comparable to Trump at the end of 2016, a set-up character, clearly a disappointment to his electors in the USA. (But 'revanchism' - something like 'revengeism against Germany' - was not Trump's message).

1896   Abbé Hippolyte Gayraud L'Antisémitisme de saint Thomas d'Aquin published by E. Dentu. Seems likely to have been part of the Dreyfus Affair. And, noting the use of 'antisemitism', likely to be an aspect of the decline of Roman Catholicism.

1895 Death of Louis Pasteur (b. 1822) who now appears to have been a Jewish fraud or agent, of similar type to Marx, Freud, and Einstein.

1897   Jacob Schiff in New York continues vast Jewish emigration into the USA. Among other things, including manipulating Japan into war against Russia, and planning US war against Japan later. Jacob Schiff's vast influence on the USA is a detailed piece from the tomatobubble website, renamed in Apr 2020.

1897   The Sixth Zionist Congress, the last to be presided over by Theodor Herzl, convenes in Basel, Switzerland. This event is reputed to have eagerly anticipated three wars for the triumph of Jews. A similar claim about three world wars is made of Albert Pike. Possibly these events conform to the Jewish policy of announcing their plan, but taking care to make it obscure. I haven't seen firm evidence; but of course Jews would hide it.
      Christopher Jon Bjerknes (in 'Bloodsport Debate' hosted by Adam Green 2020 video with Dennis Wise; 17:20): Theodor Herzl stated in a book he wrote in 1895/1896 his plan to compel Zionists to form anti-Semitic governments in Europe to chase the Jews and their wealth to Palestine, because the Jews refused to go to Palestine. ... [later] Hitler served as an elected official in the Communist government in Jew Kurt Eisner's government which threw out the monarchy in Bavaria after WW1. [From Douglas Reed] ... WW1 Jews to implement empires to replace anti-European aristocracies and unseat the Ottoman Empire ... Ludendorff slaghtered millions of people in WW1 and was against the monarchy ... the Beerhall putsch was about preventing the Bavarian monarchy from being reinstated...
      Bjerknes' books: Many Einstein titles, which seem uncritical about nuclear power and relativity. The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians. (Jan 2016) 3 volume series: I Communism (Mar 2019) II Zionism (Feb 2020) III World War (Apr 2019).

1898   Sir Richard Burton's orientalist book The Jew, The Gypsy, and El Islam includes passages on Jewish ritual murder. (see 1936, 1938)

Sidney Webb

False belief: The Labour party was founded for the British working-class. In fact, rich Jews decided to establish a party in their interests. They had financial interests in Manchester (mainly cotton), Leeds (mainly wool), Birmingham (arms etc in metal), and London. They funded Trade Unions and a version of 'democracy' relying on media control, both internal and international.
      Politicians colluded or slept. They couldn't call it the 'Jewish Party'; they pretended to be labour. 'Labour' took the Jewish line in money, the Treasury, mass newspapers, taxation, the 'Great War', the BBC, The National Government, the depression, WW2, education, and anti-white moves including male education and discrimination and race replacement, and exploitation of white women by sex crimes and anti-motherhood actions. The big picture.

1900–   Jewish attitudes from 1900 The trade-based rich Jews in Europe may (it's uncertain) have developed their view of wars by chance. After the relocation to the Netherlands and Britain of the operations related to the Americas and Atlantic, I'd guess ambitions within Europe were led by clients: if (say) Austria wanted war with Switzerland, both sides would ask for money, perhaps as a top-up or last resort, from Jews. They would observe e.g. Hesse, and Hessian hired troops. The effects of their propaganda would be observed, for example with Napoleon. By 1900, Jews would arrange their own wars, though there must have been some input from potential combatants. The Boer Wars and Russo-Japanese War illustrate Jewish habits and desires, combined with other people's simple militarism. (See Netley Hospital for information on the opulent-seeming preparations for the simple soldiery and the complications of war in South Africa). By 1913, with Jewish control of money and propaganda and officials, the stage was set for worldwide Jewish wars.
      Note: it's sometimes said that Jews won't get involved with other Jews' frauds. I'd suggest a different interpretation: there are so many Jewish frauds, each with its own secretly-staffed complexities, that Jews involved in any fraud are careful not to damage other Jews by intruding and perhaps exposing secrets. This is a potential weakness of Jews: many must realise the 'Holohoax' is a fraud (just one single example) and likely to harm Jews as a unit.

1899-1902   Boer War (arguably) was the first external event in which Jewish influence after the re-admission of Jews was noticed by many Britons.
    Henry Hamilton Beamish (who fought in the Boer War) was profoundly influenced by that war and spent the rest of his life opposing Jews, for example in the 'Britons Publishing Society'. 'Britons Publishing Society' continued after 1945; it published for example Wing-Commander Leonard Young's Deadlier than the H-Bomb' in 1956. (Young's booklet can be downloaded as a PDF from e.g. from here). These books tend to be over-religious, too Britain-centred, and, apart from banking, not informed on Jewish frauds, as the title of Young's book suggests. The 'Left Book Club' (founded 1936) may have been a Jewish propaganda response, with the tiny 'Right Book Club' as controlled pseudo-opposition. Hobson on Imperialism, and Belloc on Jews, were two others influenced by the Boer War. (Note that the word 'boer' is similar to the German word 'bauer', a farmer).
    Gold from South Africa was more important than other goldrushes, in California and Australia. It was underplayed (and the Klondike goldrush may have been a diversionary fake). This ‘War had the biggest impact on the world of all the wars, because it funded communism in Russia, WW1, WW2, and is still funding the one world order to this day.’—'faniefaze2'. As would be expected, there is a Freemasonry link with Afrikaners and the Broederbond vs Boers. ‘Jan Smuts was a British-trained Cape Dutch Afrikaner from the Cape and made a "Boer general" to create the impression that he was a Boer.’—faniefaze2

  Possibly the first split within the British Labour Party—as representing Britons, vs. a front for Jews. It occurs to me that (((German))) Social Democrats may form a parallel to the (((British))) Labour Party.
    [ John Burns, Labour MP for Battersea, led the dockworkers' strike of 1889. In February 1900, Burns spoke about the 2nd Boer War: "Wherever we examine, there is the financial Jew operating, directing, inspiring the agencies that have led to this war. ... The trail of the financial serpent is over this war from beginning to end." The British army, Burns said, had traditionally been the "Sir Galahad of History." But in Africa it had become the "janissary of the Jews."—Janissaries were whites, taken away when young, to act as thugs for Muslims ].

1900   Jewish immigration into London's East End. Includes comment by H G Wells & Kevin MacDonald on Churchill in Parliament filibustering a bill to control immigration. [Plus note on crime. Much of the east end of London was populated by 'Cockneys'; the East End was subsequently targeted by Jews, in the same way that Germany and Sweden became targets.
    Opinions differ as to when the Jewish white genocide plans were established. I'd guess that common Jews from the east met a strange world: running water, flush toilets, clean streets, motor traffic, well dressed people, underground trains, freeish women, huge public buildings, rentable housing, uniformed police, thriving shipping and docks; big green public parks. Their first thoughts were presumably "look what they've got, and we haven't" and it's hard to believe they thought in terms of bringing millions of Africans in and displacing whites. BUT the entrenched wealthy parasitic Jews may have had a different outlook, as Israel Cohen's 1912 book suggests. The First World War (1914-1918 British dating) slaughtered enough Britons to make 1920s and 1930s housing cheaper, and may well have been behind the feeling that war is good for Jews.]

1900   As planned movements of Jews increased, their characteristics were noted, but censored. Criminologists and Psychologists (insofar as they existed): '... By 1900 it was changed to "psychopathic personality." ... characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture...' [I've found no evidence this was investigated as a Jewish phenomenon, as that hypothesis would no doubt be censored, just as facts about the Jewish 'Jack the Ripper' were censored. However, the symptoms, such as 'Authoritarian', 'Secretive', 'Incapable of real human attachment', 'Goal of enslavement', 'Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them', 'Unable to feel remorse or guilt', read exactly like Jewish attitudes and characteristics.]
    2015-ish: Looking at public Youtube videos on sociopaths, narcissists (covert and overt) etc it's striking how the speakers miss out anything to do with income and assets, pretending these things are unimportant. It would not surprise me if most of the vaguely-described characteristics ('haughty', 'over-bearing', 'self-important', 'think they're special', 'grandiose', 'manipulative', 'personality disorder', 'true feelings') apply to Jews, though probably Jewish-owned outfits would censor them.

1900   Carl Gustav Adolf Harnack (1851-1930) published on and before 1900 his history of dogma in the Christian church (or churches; I'm unsure). It's possible he was Jewish-influenced, through the early church, or Luther, or more modern higher criticism, or his roots in or around Estonia.
      [ The 7-volume translation into English was reported by Malcolm Muggeridge to have been hospital reading by Claud Cockburn, a 'Communist' possibly interested in Jewish connections. I'm just speculating here; the books are in online and appear to be heavy going, I'd guess because Jewish influence must be ignored or adjusted. ]

1901-1910   King Edward VII on the death of Queen Victoria gave his name to Edwardians, and his influence to further incursions by Jews. The supposedly British royal family is largely a function of Jewish intrusion.
      Here's 'Angelicus': ‘Edward VII was a disgusting fat slob who surrounded himself with Jews eager to fund his corrupt and lavish lifestyle. The fragment I reproduce below is my translation of a book never published in English. It is the biography of the multimillionaire Maurice de Hirsch, better known as Baron Hirsch. It was published in France in 2002 under the title “Le Moise des Ameriques” (America’s Moses) and its author is the Jewess Dominique Frischer.
      Page 232: “As he was not much interested in art or reading, the Prince of Wales, who detested loneliness, was particularly demanding with regard to the personality of his friends, whom he chose for being funny, brilliant talkers, perfect bridge players and excellent shooters. Curiously, it seems that these qualities were better distributed among his Jewish friends. Since he found these people to be faithful, loyal and, in general, more intelligent and generous than others, he ignored the derogatory comments made about his friends. Furthermore, his sympathy for his Jewish friends lasted until the end of his reign. Thus, in 1905, four years after his coronation, the House of Lords had 34 bankers among its members!”

1902   Royal Commission on Alien Immigration

protocols of zionModern English reduction of the Protocols of Zion to individual summary phrases. (Source not known to me).
1903   Protocols of Zion first published in the Russian language in and around Russia. As far as I can establish, it was not published in English until 1919, far too late to have influence on the Great War, or the First World War as it was renamed later. It's possible that later mass-produced copies in English were censored, subtly or otherwise.

      The short book had a history analogous to The Talmud Unmasked (1892) as it is usually called, despite being in Latin, by Justinas Bonaventure Pranaitis, who died in 1917, presumably murdered by Jews. The Talmud is a sort of rule-book of algorithms for deciding who counts as 'Jews' and manipulating non-Jews, which gives it a great deal of theoretical interest.

      It stuck me it's possible the Protocols were leaked or encouraged as a diversion from Herzl's Zionism (see 1898, and 1896/1897) with its stress on wars.

1903   Founding of the WEA, 'Workers Education Association'. So far as I know specific to England. It appears on inspection to be part of the Jewish incursion into England, like Freemasons earlier, then the 'Labour Party', London School of Economics, Jewish newspapers, and other such things.
      London School of Sociology is something I happened to notice. It seems not to have existed; or perhaps had been a proposed alternative name for the L.S.E.   Probably such a name sounded insufficiently science-based. It would in any case have had to have Jewish-based superstition, propaganda and violence at its heart.
    [ I doubt if it was ever very popular, but was intended to trap some few English workers into treachery. At the present time, its website has meetings on Jews, Christians, and Islam, with of course no attempt at serious analysis. Its history and culture section has nothing on world-wide aspirations of Jews. Its philosophy section is the usual lip-service to detailed examinations of the world.
    It was nominally founded by Albert Mansbridge. If any serious historians would like to practise their skills, they might investigate funding and articles of association, and backgrounds of people such as Mansbridge, probably part of Jewish immigration into England in the 19th century. ]

1904   Limerick boycott in Ireland. Good example of Jewish loans designed to impoverish people, and reactions, and atrocity stories publicised by Jews in reply. And Father John Creagh, who may, or may not, have taken action: Andrew Joyce seems unaware of the possibility of secret alliances between Catholicism and Judaism. Recommended as a small study test case by Andrew Joyce.
      Fake pogroms in Russia have an analogous, larger, pattern, depending on newspaper ownership, news agencies, 'reporters', and newspaper distribution. And on absence of public counter-information.

1904   Edward Harris (or 'Edward Harris') in the Occidental Observer online. Says he's part Jewish, but not through his mother. “We were related to or friends of Trotsky’s family. He was one of the errand boys blackmailing and bribing the useful peasants to start WW1 on behalf of 5 rich men who met in 1904 and decided to have a World War. Trotsky arranged to have the Archduke and Archduchess murdered.”

1905   From 1905 onward, the revolutionary movement [Jews in Russia] was killing between 10 and 20 people a day.
    Some were innocent; others were government employees at some level. Not only did the Duma (or parliament) think this was acceptable, they both praised it and protested against any attempt to punish these terrorists. All told, some 10,000 Russians were killed by revolutionary violence throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries... Rather than being victims of pogroms, Russia's Jews were some of the best armed human beings on the planet. They demanded total freedom from all taxation and military service and, in exchange, would not only finance the Red revolt domestically, but act as its primary infantry in the cities of western Russia such as Kiev, Mogilev or Odessa... The Myth of the Pogroms: How the Press Covered Up the Massacre of Christians Matthew R. Johnson, 2016

1905   Aliens Act in Britain

1905-1908 Georges Sorel: Italian language essays finally published with an introduction as Réflections sur la violence, translated into many languages, including English in the USA in 1914, and UK 1915. I'd guess Sorel was a Jew, in view of his support for Dreyfus, and interest in Marx, who seems to have dominated Sorel's mind despite Sorel's considerable range of interests, including technical matters. Sorel put emphasis on 'the class war' (singular).
    [ Bertrand Russell wrote '[Sorel] points out ... that Marx's theoretical economics remain very near to Manchesterism: the orthodox political economy of his youth ... Sorel [says] the really essential thing in Marx's teaching is the class war. Whoever keeps this alive is keeping alive the spirit of Socialism much more truly than those who adhere to the letter of Social-Democratic orthodoxy. [In 1867 I]t was natural that great hopes should be entertained as to what democracy would achieve. Marx, like the orthodox economists, imagined that men's opinions are guided by a more or less enlightened view of economic self-interest, or rather of economic class interest. A long experience of the workings of political democracy has shown that in this respect Disraeli and Bismarck were shrewder judges of human nature than either Liberals or Socialists...' This passage is typical of Russell's view of human nature; he never understood the effect of intensive Jewish propaganda and lies and false flags and psyops.
    Some readers liked Sorel, interpreting him simply as a proponent of war, just in time for 1914. (The translator into English was keen on war, and was killed I think in 1916).
    But the whole presentation of Sorel is Jew-naive, or of course Jew-censoring, as his material on the 'French Revolution', colonies, money and so on prove. I'm inserting this section because Kai Murros, a Finn, seems to have revived Sorel. A Youtube online shows him praising Oxford University (remember Professor Evans?), and talking in sound bites all taken from 'Marxist' jargon: 'Capitalism' with no analysis; nothing on the Fed and other Jew frauds; 'Trotskyist intellectual'; "human societies can't be experimented on!"; moral obligation to the 3rd world; Thesis and antithesis; "EU peace for all these years"; no mention of Jew funding for weaponry, and to thugs. ... Etc
    However, the issue of violence and military force is important, and needs analysis if there is to be successful opposition to Jewish evil. ]

1907   Financial panic of 1907 in the USA, the start of the process leading the the Federal Reserve in the whole of the USA.

1908   Examples of attempts around this time to come to grips with rising industrialism and militarism. All these authors failed to identify the risks from a ruthless anti-white secret elite, spread as an intersecting set across financial centres, committed to destruction of civilisation:–

  • 1897. Henry George. 'Progress and Poverty' looks at land tenure and taxation.
  • 1902. J A Hobson. Imperialism (prompted by the Boer War) looks at empires, and has figures, but assumes imperial powers act as nations. He ignores the divisions within nations, which allow the costs of gaining assets to be offloaded onto ordinary people.
  • 1902-1923: Anglo-Japanese alliance: with Korea and China in mind. At this distance in time, this was obviously a Jewish move
        It occurs to me that Lenin liked Hobson because he obscures the role of Jews. When you think about it, there's no obvious reason why such things as railways, farm equipment, roads, machinery should be gifted from an inventor to other countries. But Hobson confuses theft with presenting things to be paid for. The East India Company probably combined Jewish exploitation with trade, And Hobson's confusion remains, used by Jews to promote 'white guilt'.
  • In 1908, the National Monetary Commission was established by Congress to study financial boom-and-bust cycles. Senator Nelson Aldrich (Republican-RI) was chair of the commission. He, in secret enclave with a group of bankers, drafted what was called The Aldrich Plan, which provided for a central "bank" that would hold funds individual banks could borrow in the case of a bank run, print currency, and act as the fiscal agent of the US government. However, the plan gave little power to the government and seemed to give almost absolute control of the country's currency to Wall Street financiers. This 1912 book [U.S. Money vs. Corporation Currency by Alfred Owen Crozier] outlines the dangers and supposed duplicity of The Aldrich Plan while it was being debated in Congress. (The plan was eventually defeated, but was used as a basis for the Federal Reserve Act, which was signed into law in 1913.) - Summary by TriciaG in
  • 1908. Ralph Norman Angell Lane. The Great Illusion. Norman Angell maintained wars are loss-making. He seems to have understated the cruelties of war (so populations may be pauperised), and also the possibility of profiteering from wars. Very many people were trained to think they had a duty to lose by war, and assumed this duty would obtain even with arms manufacturers.
  • 1913. John Maynard Keynes' book Indian Currency and Finance published. But in 1912 there had been a scandal involving the Bank of England, the Finance Committee for the Council of India. (There seems to be not even a name for the 'scandal'). Keynes seems to have published nothing on 1913's Federal Reserve Act. Possibly therefore Keynes's book was a distraction from Jewish scandals.
  • 1913. Assassination of Stolypin, usually styled Prime Minister of Russia. He is credited (I haven't checked) which much of the modernisation of Russia. BUT it's possible that Jews in Russia, and the Royal family, were working together. (Miles Mathis' idea).
  • 1913. Baroness Bertha von Suttner. Cast Down Your Arms (Or 'Lay Down Your Arms').
  • 1914. Explosions in Britain attributed to suffragettes; targets included churches, libraries, and public glasshouses. I'd ask serious historians to consider the hypothesis that these explosions were carried out secretly by Jews, leaving behind false flag tokens—books, letters, 'clues'.
  • 1914. H N Brailsford. War of Steel and Gold: A Study of the Armed Peace. This book pre-dated the start of the Great War. Interesting observations, with shareholders in weapons company making money. But it falls short of a full evaluation.
‘The Economic Interpretation of History’
      ‘In former times, military power was isolated, [i.e. treated in isolation by writers] with the consequence that victory or defeat appeared to depend upon the accidental qualities of commanders. In our day, it is common to treat economic power as the source from which all other kinds are derived; this, I shall contend, is just as great an error as that of the purely military historians whom it has caused to seem out of date.’—Bertrand Russell, Power (1938). Typical of military historians was Edward Creasy of The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (1850).
      Greater fusion of causes was claimed by historians, or propagandists, of the type of Marx, and economic causation seemed to be a new explanatory weapon. Such books as J A Hobson's Imperialism, 1902 and H N Brailsford's War of Steel and Gold: A Study of the Armed Peace (1914) seemed new and exciting. But both these men were heavily influenced by, and possibly themselves, Jews. So it's not a surprise to find they do not isolate Jewish finance from British finance. And they emphasise raw materials—gold having the extra interest in backing money where it's used as a reserve. The Jewish aim is to monopolise (e.g. gold, opium, shipping...) with military or 'thug' goy nationals. Raw materials are of course important, but they are often used by Jews to conceal traditional Economic explanations for war—such as annual tax and Danegelt-style payments, more-or-less forced labour—and more recent Economics, in particular control of Central Banks.

As far as I know, Jews and their hosts are always spoken of, in the Jewish media and Jew-fearing academics, as though they make one unified object. One of the tasks of revisionism is to separate the two. In general, Jews support anything which profits them, irrespective of the effects on the hosts and any rivals the hosts believe in. For example, British India was faced with the question: "If it costs you money to run India, why not abandon or free it?"—to which the answer may well have been: "The British suckers lose, but Jews profit". A few decades later, many people still talk about "the U.S.A. in Vietnam", without asking the questions: "How many atrocities were carried out by Jews?" and "How much money did Jews make from the invasion of Vietnam and genocide there? And how much did Americans lose?" and "How much do Jews make from rents, land, central bank control, and more-or-less forced labour?" Similarly, for later events: some people in South America and Africa saw no reason to pay back debts incurred to Jews.

1909   Income Tax in the USA permitted, by XVIth Amendment to the Constitution.
      In 1913 income tax was imposed, at the same time as the Jewish Federal Reserve was made legal. Obviously this was part of the Jewish manoeuvring to world wars by money control. It also of course offered huge scope for various cheats and deceptions. In about 1900, many people were indignant at even the possibility that incomes could be taxed. It was a huge change, eased in by low rates at the start. In the UK, income tax was introduced in 1799 as a 'temporary measure'. I haven't seen any estimates of the interplay between Jews and the other 'players'.

1909   Abdul Hamid II deposed by the Young Turks from the Ottoman Empire. This from today's viewpoint looks like a Jew 'revolution'. [ This is Bertrand Russell in 1910 on women and the vote, where I found the name: Abdul Hamid, it is said, is about to publish his memoirs, and doubtless he will state that he was always ready to grant to the Armenians relief from every proved wrong, but as for an occasional massacre, that was necessary in the interests of the community, for citizens have no abstract right to life, and therefore ought only to be allowed to live if the Sultan judges that their lives are useful. In effect Russell blames Armenian massacres on Abdul Hamid. ]

1909   First lodge of the 'Independent Order of B'nai B'rith' founded in Britain. By 1915, there were 31 lodges in Britain. Details from A.H.Lane's Alien Menace Chapter 2.
1909   NAACP 'National Association for the Advancement of Colored People' founded in USA, according to Wikipedia. Jewish-run. Note that UNIA 'The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League' was founded in 1914 by Marcus Garvey and his wife. Part of the intention was to move to Africa. Interestingly, it seems to have been deliberately damaged by Jews.

1909   Scofield Reference Bible published, I think only in the USA. Presumably millions of Americans doing their 'Bible Study' used this. Opinions vary on Scofield; try to check those opinions. Part of the entire propaganda effort for so-called Jews, which vast numbers were sucked into, mostly through bribes and money.

1909-1911 Typical dates assigned to 'anarchists' in Britain. Asquith was Prime Minister.
      Events included the 'Hounsditch murders' (three policeman shot by Latvian Jews trying to rob a Jeweller's shop, if the reports are accurate. The Sidney Street siege followed in 1911, famous for the presence of Winston Churchill. 'Badly charred' bodies were found; suggesting they may have got away, leaving unidentifiable remains). ‘the Liberal government of the day was determined to allow political refugees into Britain even if those refugees had committed murder as long as that murder was politically motivated.’ (from the 2017 BNP site; at this time the BNP was led by Jew-naive people). Probably this was encouraged by Jews from the shadows, just as 'Jack the Ripper' was encouraged, and no doubt endless incidents in the East End of London. As with 'Project Chaos' in the USA, uneasiness and fear were propagated. But few people were aware of the Jewish connection, which of course was hidden by newspapers of the time.

1910   Japan-British Exhibition in London, at White City. Almost 6 months.

1911   'Tredegar Riots' in Wales [Wales is the mountainous and estuarine area west of central England and bordered by the sea to its west]
      [ Showed typical signs of Jewish invasion, notably in the industrial south. Churchill referred to 'Pogroms'. Wales had few areas dangerous to public health or with Jack-the-Ripper style Jewish murderers or sweatshops, unlike Manchester, Leeds, or the East End. But pawnbrokers, landlords, pimps, and no doubt provokers of violence must have been there, as everywhere else. An online source repeats that most 'Welsh synagogues' were founded from 1870-1914 in coal mining valley areas such as Pontypridd, Merthyr, and Brynmawr. There must have been synergy with Methodists, Quakers etc and indeed simple C of E and C of Wales types.
      Early 20th century British sources (see e.g. 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica talk of ferocious fighting and cruelty along the Welsh borders, and the lack of interest in inhabitants of various European ethnicities in moving into less attractive lands. But by 1911 almost all publishing was Jew-controlled. ]

Fed. Photo source not known to me
By an astonishing sleight-of-hand, Jews were given free rein to print money. There must have been superficially convincing arguments for it, and the US 'legislature made subservient by corruption'. The entire process, essentially giving some Jews freedom to give all Jews money, was analogous to Jews forcing the Hart-Cellar Act in 1965.

Ralph Miliband's Marxism and Politics. Reveals the colossal assets of the German Social Democrats. Hugely-funded Jewish propaganda is nothing new! ADL word frequency border=
  'ADL' frequency in English books. The expression barely existed until after WW2, except in legal correspondence
1911   1911-1913 Beilis affair was the Russian version of the French Dreyfus affair. Says Brenton Sanderson.
      BUT this view may be wrong. Dreyfus appears to have been a psy-op, designed over the long term, to whitewash Jews by blackwashing some planted actor-opponents. It was certainly a huge media event. BUT Beilis appears to have been a Jewish murderer, and the point was to get away with it, as with 'Jack the Ripper' in the UK, and Leo Frank in the USA.

1911   Abrogation by the USA of the 1832 trade agreement with Russia. Another Jewish foreign relations issue.

1912   Israel Cohen (a prolific writer; probably living in Britain) allegedly published A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century containing material on eliminating Jews' competitor, the white races—if so, no copies are known to have survived. If you find one, treat it carefully and publicise it, also with care. The extracts are quite short; probably this was a chapter from a book, or a sub-chapter/ small article perhaps in a newspaper.

1912   Alfred Owen Crozier's US Money vs Corporation Currency, "Aldrich Plan," Wall Street Confessions! Great Bank Combine published, supposedly against private banks. Characteristically, there appear to be no reliable reviews. It's written in a panicky, breathless, journalistic style.

1912   Titanic allegedly sunk. In fact the ship was the Olympic which had been substituted. This seems to have been ultimately an insurance fraud, like 9/11. The Olympic was known by insiders to be unsafe. The newly-invented radio was to be used in the rescue and a rescue ship was in wait; but, possibly intentionally, the survivors after the iceberg impact—or other accident, such as boiler room explosion—were left to die. This may or may not have been important: here's one view: '... Had J.P. Morgan NOT received the £12.5 million insurance settlement ... then J.P. Morgan's White Star Line would have had to file for bankruptcy. What chance would there have been for The Federal Reserve Act ... devised by J.P. Morgan, a Rothschild Agent?'

1912   Marconi Scandal. G K Chesterton thought this share-dealing event marked the distinctive change in Britain. (My interpretation: 19th century aristocracy with increasing democracy vs the state and plutocratic control, including of news).

1912   Wilson ‘In order to steal an election for a favored candidate, they had to resort to other shenanigans [than faking votes for Biden]. That was Perot's calling, why he was selected and promoted as no other third party candidate ever was except ... 1912. Theodore Roosevelt formed the Bull Moose Party, split the vote as Perot did, and allowed Woodrow Wilson to slip in with 41% of the vote. That had to be his purpose, to assure Wilson's ascendancy to office. Again, from this I conclude that they counted votes.’ [January 14, 2021 by Mark Tokarski online]

1913   Formation of the 'Fed' ('Federal Reserve') in the USA.   Accompanied with assurances on stability, sound currency, and so on, as the name was intended to suggest—about as honestly as future assurances of War to End War, and (by Hart-Cellar and supporters) of stable population structure of the USA.   Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. said, in 1913, "From now on depressions will be scientifically created" and was perhaps a lifelong target of Jews.
      Deanna Spingola insists on the Fed being passed in the proper way, and dislikes the 'Jekyll Island' stuff. But it's possible a splinter group, Jews probably, would meet to discuss the genuine aims and objectives, in secret. Probably a similar secret explanatory process occurred with any significant change wanted by Jews, such as Roe vs Wade and Hart-Cellar.
    NOTE that Hitler & others in Mein Kampf say nothing about the Fed, or at least not that I could detect. More weight for the claim that Hitler was part of controlled opposition of worldwide Jewry. See for example Hexzane527.
      The 'Fed' institutionalised the dollar as a legally-backed, secretively and unaccountably profit-making device, with no audit, based on virtually worthless paper. This introduces the possibility of whole new sets of vested interests. If the Fed had been under American control, maybe outcomes would have been different. But profits could now be made by Jewish bankers, who had no loyalty to any country. Profits could be made by:-
    (1) Printing legal currency, borrowed by the government at interest. The real interest rate is huge, since the paper is worth nothing like face value
    (2) Increasing government borrowing as much as possible in yearly budgets, and so getting more interest
    (3) Causing inflation by encouraging low-value, make-work, fake think-tank, unproductive and wasteful activities
    (4) Lending selectively to fellow-Jews, for crime where secrecy is important/ buying-out industries for monopoly and control/ purchasing media or news sources for propaganda/ distorting markets/ inventing activities based on new science frauds/ fomenting wars to profit their companies while raising debt/ vicious activities overseas
    (5) Encouraging the spread of money-based economies in primitive societies as much as possible
    (6) Discouraging barter. The arguments in favour of convenient money, and against small-scale barter, are convincing, except in self-contained small communities. But in large-scale trade there is often no reason to use money. So anyone benefitting from the use of money can be expected to rage against barter. (For more on the implications of control of supply of money, see 'Understanding Jews' at the end of this piece).

In 1913 the 16th Amendment gave Congress the authority to enact an income tax. (This had been ruled unconstitutional in 1895; in 1913 sufficient States' votes permitted a new Amendment). The IRS may well have been formed with paper money in mind.

In October 1913 the 'Anti-Defamation League' or ADL was formed as a spin-off, or part of, 'B'nai B'rith': possibly to hide the murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Franck in August 1913. (Franck was convicted and sentenced to death; and ultimately lynched, or allegedly lynched). Or to distract from its real aims. Or to test the power of Jews over Americans by obvious fraud.
      BUT a contributor to this site, 'Paul Bastion', writes on the ADL and related subjects, including its foundation as controlled opposition. Bustion says the case was rigged up, and fraudulent. I think I'm right in saying the ADL was the first unambiguously Jewish pressure group; Freemasons, the 'Communist Party', 'Anarchists', labor movements, the NAACP, new religions, all kept their Jewish roots hidden.
      Probably the ADL, still in existence, was linked to the formation of the 'Federal Reserve', and the introduction of income tax, and the consolidation of the Jewish state opposed to Americans, since some mechanism for opposing criticism of Jews was obviously, to them, needed.
Note that worthless money is inherently likely to be unipolar, to have one source, in a way comparable to a country having only one capital city. This may be at the root of the perception that Russia, and Europe, and China, and India etc are essentially different from the USA, whatever view Jew 'elites' take.

1914.   END OF AN ERA   Many people at the time thought the outbreak of war represented a break with the times before. In practice, this usually meant the previous 50 years or so, since most people understood little of historical changes.
    A good example is Bertrand Russell, writing in 1950, "They [a son and his wife] were born after 1914, and are therefore incapable of happiness. ... and what is wrong with them is wrong with all the young throughout the world. ... lost generation—lost by the folly and greed of the generation to which I belong."
    In fact, Jews wanted war and got it, and rejoiced in it. And were very happy to spread the idea that pre-1914 was a terrible time. Their attitude is similar in descriptions of South Africa during Apartheid, Russia before the Jewish revolution, France before the 'French Revolution', England before the 'Glorious Revolution', Arabs before Islam, Rome before its collapse, 'pagan' societies before Christianisation, and Babylon, Persia, and Egypt.

1914  German Social Democratic Party '.. a vast institution that was staffed by more than 4,000 paid functionaries and 11,000 salaried employees, had 20,000,000 marks invested in business and published over 4,000 periodicals'. [H. Gruber, International Communism in the Era of Lenin quoted by 'Belgian' Jew Ralph Miliband in Marxism and Politics (Oxford University Press, 1977). Typical example of attribution of Jewish policies to Marx. 'Marxism' is a codeword for Jews. Bear in mind that, in Germany, Marx could be passed as non-Jewish.]
    This suggests that, pro rata by 1900 population size, 5,000 Jew-aware websites in the USA would change the whole atmosphere of the USA now: Jews and law, Jews and towns, Jews and business ownership, Jews and education, Medicine and Jews, Jews and crime, the nuclear industries and Jews, War crimes and Jews, Jews in Palestine, Information on Jewish publications, and so on.

1914   Germany's Kaiser is described thus [in a book review, no doubt of an unimportant book:] ‘[bad temper was something the] Kaiser shared with Hitler. Full-blooded anti-Semitism was another and Rohl makes it perfectly clear that Wilhelm II had nothing to learn in this respect from the Führer. If, like Hitler, he had Jewish friends as a youth, he later turned on the Jews as Germany's most deadly enemy, informing Sir Edward Grey, for example, in 1907 that "They want stamping out." He also believed in a international conspiracy of Jewish capitalists and communists—the Golden International, blaming the First World War, Germany's defeat and his own—abdication on an international} conspiracy of Jewish freemasons...’ 4 April 2019: I think this is the first time, literally, that I've heard this, such is the extent of Jewish secrecy.]

1914-1918: Japan in the 'Great War' later renamed First World War. Japan, like Italy, switched sides after WW1. Probably a Jewish decision.

1914   General J H Koos de la Rey shot by British policeman, 15 September 1914 (aged 66). Boer General possibly opposing South Africans entering First World War.

1914  War Propaganda Bureau set up late 1914 in Britain. (Secretly-formed and based on newspaper distribution. It pre-dated both radio and television, which of course introduced new aspects and angles. Propagandist writers were salaried, and given functions vaguely similar to those of earlier Church of England vicars, and later BBC broadcasters. The Bryce Report (1915) was the first hugely influential collection of atrocity stories. The whole anonymous hack writing propaganda industry was invented. This was not exactly 'state propaganda' but rather propaganda for intersecting sets of interest groups, including arms manufacturers, Jews, foreign allies and temporary allies, tame union leaders etc. The USA's similar Committee on Public Information was set up in 1917)

Likely false flag for war
  ‘German ships have bombarded undefended towns in the North Eastern counties and have left death and destruction behind them : over 600 casualties–mostly women and children.’

Display (pictures, above) in York Museum, England, for Enlistment. Note the silliness of rifles vs heavy artillery. Many volunteers were deemed unfit—partly as there were far too many. As the death rate mounted, men were forced to enlist—similarly to 'press gangs'

Jew blackmailPresident Wilson was blackmailed by Untermyer to get the USA into the Great War. The main 'dirt' on Wilson was adultery.

1914   The 'Great War' begins. In fact, it was many wars. And ends the concept of 'Christendom'. And ends many Kaisers/ Tsars/ Czars in Europe, named after Caesar. And ends the Ottoman Empire. And introduces the evasive word 'Allies' as a synonym for 'allies of Jews'. And fixes the idea of the need for Jewish money to both sides, plus repayments for both loans, even the losers.

1914  Common Sense About the War published Dec 1914, with G B Shaw's essay and other writings mostly by well-known popular authors (Galsworthy and even Arnold Bennett and J K Jerome were included).
      The publishers were: Statesman Publishing Co in Britain (The New Statesman was the Fabian Society's vehicle), and The New York Times Company in the USA, which referred to ‘the world's catastrophe’. It seems obvious this was dishonest: my best guess is that Jews wanted war, or at least the powerful ones, but wanted to give no evidence of this whatsoever. This book is war propaganda of the simplest and probably most effective type.
      In the USA, this was part 1 of volume 1 of 'Current History of the European War'. Is must have been intended to present the Jewish view of the war, to the gullible American goyim.
      There's no serious discussion of the likely results of war—war profiteers wouldn't like it, of course. It's a mark of the lack of belief in democracy and ordinary people that no assessment is attempted, beyond vague oratorical statements on freedom, virtue, courage, barbarism, standing with the mother country, and so on and on.
      There's no mention of Jews, even in the Boer War section by Rider Haggard. Hilaire Belloc, first with the news about Jews, is not here; nor is Russell, who, though Jew naive, held strong views on the war. Christabel Pankhurst looks like an ally in the war for Jews. Kipling and H G Wells wrote what might be expected.

1915   David Wark Griffith (1875-1948), born in La Grange, Kentucky. Actor. Motion film actor in 1908. Independent producer in 1913. Birth of a Nation 1915: Griffith supposedly introduced long films, close-ups, dramatic views of objects, fade transitions, and flashbacks. But not sound; only two of his pictures had sound. (Details from online source; nothing on the obvious propaganda functions, nothing on funding).
      [The date is before the USA entered the First World War, or 'Great War' as it was called. Its propaganda function is to hide States Rights and pretend the US 'Civil War' was not about a the takeover of the USA into one unit dominated by banks. Alistair Cooke (from Salford, next to Manchester) regarded the film as nothing less than a salute to the Ku Klux Klan, which seems to have been taken over by Jews in the same manner as political parties were taken over or invented.]

1915   H G Wells  The Research Magnificent (Short extract from a story of an adventure round the world, including, here, Jews near Kiev holding illegal mortgages on most of south Russia. Includes an account of a so-called 'pogrom')

1915   By now there were 31 B'nai B'rith lodges in Britain. This had taken 6 years. It took them until 1933 to build a central Masonic 'Temple'. Details from A.H.Lane's Alien Menace Chapter 2. Lane quotes from a 1911 article that it has "given its chief attention since its formation to the question of providing legal assistance to Alien refugees landing in England." But since they wanted war, this understates the issue of fomenting wars.

1915   ‘Jabotinsky's writings [helped] the Young Turks ... replace the Ottoman Empire with a new ... Islamic state and ... Islamise Turkey by driving the Christian minorities—Armenian, Greek and Assyrian—out... Promoted by Jabotinsky and ... collaborators, [this] provided the theory which became bloody practice in 1915, when the Turks turned on their Christian neighbours, murdering more than a million Armenians and hundreds of thousands of Greeks and Assyrians.’
      [ That's edited from Nick Griffin on the alt-right. I doubt its honesty. The 'Young Turks' no doubt were Jews, and wanted Turkey to be secular and western and pro-Jew, for example eventually banning the Arabic alphabet and promoting western clothing and Jewish banking. Probably Jews told Turkish and other killers that they were helping Islam by removing Christians, of course a Jewish policy then and now. And they later pretended that the Armenian genocide suggested the 'Holocaust', now of course known to be fake, to Hitler, now known to have been part of the immense Jew power in WW1 and WW2. Pretending the Armenian genocide was not Jewish was helped by linking it to the Hitler pretence.
    1915-1918 'About 1.5 million Armenians were killed during the Armenian Genocide' says Wikipedia. Nick Griffin (Oct 9, 2020) twittered 'Why do you Turks insist on denying the fact that the crypto-Jew Young Turks and Zionist fanatics organised the slaughter of Armenians, and the Kurds did most of the killing? Just like in Russia with the Bolsheviks.'
      Alberticus says Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 1.5 MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish "Young Turks" "necessary for the Rothschilds' Baku Oil. The Armenian Christians' financial and intellectual prominence was not "good for business." Armenians had lived in peace thousands of years, until Jewish money wanted them out." ]

1915   The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

1915   Dr. Harold P. Gastwirc (Associated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) wrote Fraud, Corruption, and Holiness: The Controversy over the supervision of the Jewish dietary practice in New York. 'this very lucrative racket started way back in 1915'. (From an Occidental Observer source)

1916  Lloyd George on Jews and the Balfour Declaration (Testimony from Lloyd George about the part played by Jews in getting the USA into the First World War. Supporting testimony from e.g. J M Keynes. NB blackmailing of Woodrow Wilson is not mentioned. Note that Arthur Balfour was from Scotland; and Scotland was one of the few countries to have never expelled Jews. Balfour inherited a large sum at 21; I haven't checked in detail, but I'd guess he approved of Jews because of the Rothschild connection).
      This is how the 'Balfour Declaration' is presented usually in thee UK. Note that it was published freely—the opposite to most Jewish manipulations—at least in the UK. This of course relies on the idea that war was inevitable and thanks was owed. I suppose there was a mixture of the feeling that Britain was becoming subservient to the USA, or that the USA should be considered a partner, or some other things—provided Jewish power was not mentioned. Or perhaps it was to push aside the feeling that just a handful of Jews caused the Great War.

1916   new idea jews given russia NEW IDEA TO ME suggested by Sorensen731 who points out that during the First World War the Ottoman empire fell, Constantinople was under occupation by the British/ANZ forces, the middle east was under French or British control. Was the agreement with Jews in America (able to invent money though the Federal Reserve since 1913) NOT to give Palestine, but Russia, as a 'homeland' where 'Jews' lived for generations? Maybe the Balfour Declaration was fraud or a distraction, while Jews in the know were given Russia? Russia handed over to be invaded, ruined and bled, used as cheap labour, its assets, for example goldfields, used by Jewish capitalists? While the 'west' stood by and did little?

[ Me in 'The Occidental Observer' 2016: It's perfectly possible Jews were given Russia, in a secret agreement before or during the First World War. Everyone's heard of the Balfour Agreement on Palestine - which was trumpeted, advertised, promoted, supported, noticed. But why should there not have been a secret agreement to award Russia to Jews? There had been a constant feed of propaganda in Europe against Russia at least since Napoleon's time. In view of the unanimity of censorship about events in Russia as Jews took over, this is certainly highly probable.
Antony Cyril Sutton was born an Englishman, in 1925, and died an American on June 17, 2002. He graduated from the University of Southampton, home of the Parkes Institute, and in 1957 relocated to California, becoming an American citizen in 1962. It was while at Stanford University's Hoover Institution that he wrote a massive three volume study Western Technology And Soviet Economic Development; later he would condense this into National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union. The thesis of this work is basically that there was no such thing as Soviet technology, that from the very beginning, the United States—or both political and business elements within the United States—assisted the Soviet Union, and that it built it through the 1920s and 30s, and even more astonishingly through the Cold War and the arms race, including even the Vietnam War, when American service personnel were being maimed and killed by Soviet-made ordnance. From
      It's painfully obvious that Sutton was Jew-naive.
Sutton's work was noted in Lady Birdwood's Anti-Gentilism: The Longest Hatred. ]

1916   Leonard Woolf on International Government/World Government. In fact, of course, Jews were already spread in a layer across world capitals. International Government was published in 1916, while, of course, most people were trying to deal with the 'Great War', itself promoted by Jews. No prizes for guessing the object was government by Jews.
    Here's a text file copy of a long piece assembled by Woolf and published as a Fabian 'Research Paper'.

1916   Oil and Islam Video by Bill Warner (of explains that about the First World War scholarship shifted to avoid discussion of Moslem conquest ideology, because oil-powered ships operated better than coal-powered ships. (And turbines improved on reciprocating engines).
      “By 1916, the US Navy had commissioned its first two capital ships with oil-fired boilers, the USS Nevada and the USS Oklahoma. To resupply them, "oilers" were designed to transfer fuel while at anchor, although underway replenishment was possible in fair seas.” Oil and UK “William Knox D'Arcy decided, with encouragement from the British government, to begin looking for oil in Iran. He struck a concession agreement with the absolute Iranian monarchy, using the proven expedient of bribing the three Iranians negotiating with him. ... D'Arcy was to own whatever oil he found in Iran and pay the government just 16% of any profits he made -- never allowing any Iranian to review his accounting. After his first strike in 1908, he became sole owner of the entire ocean of oil that lies beneath Iran's soil. ... Soon afterward, the British government bought the D'Arcy concession, which it named the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It then built the world's biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. [No info on world output]”

1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement between France and England on some Arab countries east of the Mediterranean. The issue of Turkey, Egypt, and countries further east (Iran for example, then called Persia) and their oil had revisionist makeovers by Miles Mathis on Lawrence of Arabia, then Colonel Sykes.

1917  Jewish coup in Russia, planned for years, takes place. Americanised Jews using false Russian names and American paper money were the principal agents. (It is still falsely claimed to be 'the Russian Revolution', based on the pretence in e.g. Marx that secretly-funded violent groups are 'revolutionary workers'. A good example of a deceptive Jewish fake label. Another deceptive label is 'socialist' for this system of Jewish-run slave labour and genocide. Note that Union of Soviet Socialist Republics seems to have been universally adopted as a name, rather than (say) Jewish slave states of Russia. The 'British' Empire, similarly, had various protectorates etc, but was never referred to as 'Jewish' or 'Jewish-owned'.
      The 'sealed train' taking Lenin and others from Switzerland to St Petersburg (which is NW of Moscow) takes a part in the Jewish myth-making. Max Warburg was, or may have been, head of the German intelligence system: remember this when discussing 'German policy'. [Spycatcher by Peter Wright has material on Victor Rothschild during WW2, another example of the almost incredible degree of unsuspected Jewish control]
      Incidentally, many nations and groups were moved, diluted, enslaved and so on in the USSR: I have seen no estimate of the total number of historical groups largely or completely erased but one might plausibly guess 5 or 10)

      Interesting piece on Lenin and Jews in the Tsarist regime (real or supposed) by Miles Mathis, dated 21st June 2016

1917  Moissaye J. Olgin  The Soul of the Russian Revolution (Short passage claiming many nationalities in the Russian empire before 1914 were revolutionary. Clearly trying to claim some sort of fellow-feeling with Jews. Note the use of the word 'extermination')

1917  1917-1932 Rosenwald schools in southern USA financed largely by 'philanthropist Julius Rosenwald'. I'd guess this was an aspect of the Jewish Federal Reserve. No prizes for guessing the quality and type of the teaching. My notes say Howard, Dillard, and Fisk Universities were included.

1917  Mussolini reported to be paid to keep Italians at war by MI5/ Samuel Hoare [no doubt a Jew]. Peter Martland allegedly discovered this in ?2009. Lots of media rubbish about fascism, unexpected agreement with Hitler, supposed death of Mussolini—ignoring the elephant power in the room, Jews.
      Interesting piece on Mussolini by Miles Mathis

1917   ‘The first act of the Soviet [i.e. Jewish] 'Government' was to make anti-Semitism punishable by death.’ and ‘one of the first decrees of the Soviet Government abolished the term 'illegitimate children'.’. There has been more than a century of Jewish control of Russia; it's unlikely anything can be taken as true. Probably the illegitimacy ruling was to allow so-called Jews to father children on inferior races. And to destroy families; this seems to have been the basis of LBJ's destruction of black families in the USA. Trying to decipher all this is of course difficult.

1917   Fatima alleged apparition I think of Mary. Probably part of Jewish schemes against Catholicism and/or Orthodox Church(es).

1918   British 'Labour Party' adopts Clause IV drafted by Sydney 'Webb' (Jewish) in 1917 into its constitution.
      ('To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.' Note that control of currency is not mentioned; nor is war; nor is invention and discovery; and, in particular, nor is the dominant position of Jews such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Sachses and so on. This must have been part of the 'controlled opposition' aspect of the co-called 'Labour' Party. The Liberal Party plummeted as 'Labour' rose; this is usually attributed to Liberal dislike of unions, but is probably a result of Jewish paper money funding for 'Labour'. Note that Webb became 'Lord Passfield' in later life; naming Jews after some British town or region is a favourite way to disguise their surnames)

1918   Armistice signed with Germany on November 11th. From that time to July 1919), nearly a million German civilians, mostly women and children, died of starvation. By starving the Germans into submission, the Allied powers were able to extort enormous reparations from Germany, as well as force acceptance, through the imposed Versailles Treaty, of German "guilt" for World War I.
      [ Longer term version:– The Germans didn't "lose" WWI. The Armistice [Waffenstillstand means something like 'arms stand still'] was an agreement to put the war on "hold". No foreign troops set foot in Germany prior to November 11, 1918. It was the bankers at Versailles that defeated Germany. The annihilation actually started in 1918. The allies illegally blockaded Germany until 1925. This created food shortages, and estimates were that 3-5 million starved to death.]

1918   England Under the Heel of the Jew doesn't seem to be online in scanned (in effect, photocopied) format. Appears to be two short books arranged by 'the author'.

Jan or Feb 1919   Argentina 'Communist' 'Revolution' in Buenos Aires, in which all fourteen top revolutionaries were first or second generation Jew émigrés from Russia

April 1919   RUSSIA. No. 1 (1919). A COLLECTION OF REPORTS ON BOLSHEVISM IN RUSSIA. Published by HMSO (His Majesty's Stationery Office).   An official set of reports (costing ninepence), some more than six months old, mostly sent by telegraphy, and mostly to Balfour. Balfour (of 'the Agreement') was no doubt persuaded by Jews to remove some material. It's entirely possible the horror was underestimated, as the Bryce Report, by an Oxbridge Professor, was a compendium of far worse fabricated lies and atrocity stories against Germany.

1919   Hungary has a 'Soviet Revolution' supposedly led by Bela Kun
      [Here's a link to a short account written twenty years later, The Revolution that Failed. Even though written by a presumably Jewish sympathiser, the inhumanity and dishonesty shine through unmistakably. This led later to Hungary's 1956 uprising and the political party Jobbik).
    The Hungarian Soviet Republic is of course forgotten whenever Jews control 'history'; it's unlikely Poliakoff will include it in his BBC trash, for example. Note that Hungary, in the eastern Austro-Hungarian Empire, was larger than Austria. The failure of its 'Soviet Republic' resulted in: (1) Jews in Hungary moving west, with fake sob stories. Emigration of Jews from Hungary to the USA formed part of the Jewish 'nuclear' science, and other frauds. (2) Reconsideration by Jews, particularly to their handling of Germany, and emergence of Hitler.]

1919   J M Keynes's The Economic Consequences of the Peace marks Keynes's emergence as a public intellectual. He was at the Versailles Conference, but completely missed the Jewish aspects, including the 1913 'Federal Reserve'.
      Keynes on Clemenceau and France; was Keynes in fact a Jew, as Hexzane527 claims here USA & UK vs France on German reparations after Versailles? ... The glory of the nation you love is a desirable end, but generally to be obtained at your neighbor's expense. The politics of power are inevitable, and there is nothing very new to learn about this [First World] war or the end it was fought for; England had destroyed, as in each preceding century, a trade rival; a mighty chapter had been closed in the secular struggle between the glories of Germany and of France. 1789 (France) and 1914 (Germany) are taken care of, but Keynes seems not to mention the Netherlands installing William of Orange into England.
      [ Keynes's later books included A Treatise on Money (1930), his General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936), and How to Pay for [what became] the [Second World] War (1940). All these books continued to omit the Jewish aspect, despite Keynes's academic interest in money and monetary matters, and therefore were more or less worthless. Possibly Keynes was a shill throughout all this time. It is possible Keynes awoke; his death was sudden, and coincided with the 'World Bank', 'International Monetary Fund, 'United Nations', NATO, Jewish-controlled Russia and satellites allowed to mass murder Germans, 'Cold War', and Jewish-controlled fake nuclear schemes. Was Keynes murdered?
    There are entire pseudo-revisionist schools around Keynes. For example, I found a long piece by Scott Newton in Lobster, a fake anti-conspiracy magazine, of Winter 1998/9. It's a verbal equivalent of scientific papers using doubtful maths and doubtful or vague concepts: '... orthodox story that Keynes started his career as a free trader, graduated to support for controls on foreign lending and for managed international monetary cooperation in the 1920s, embraced protectionism in the 1930s and rediscovered Adam Smith in the 1940s. ...' ]

1919   Nesta Webster's first serious book The French Revolution. A Study in Democracy. Published by Constable & Co. in London—who also published Hilaire Belloc's book The Jews, and Malcolm Muggeridge's Winter in Moscow.
      [Nesta Webster, neé Bevan, was largely censored—I could not find her in any reference book of the time. I don't know how influential she was. She mentions John William Croker; and Dr Rigby, of 1789 (‘...The general appearance of the people is different to what I expected; they are strong and well-made. We saw many agreeable scenes as we passed along in the evening before we came to Lisle: little parties sitting at their doors, some of the men smoking, some playing at cards in the open air, and others spinning cotton. Everything we see bears the marks of industry, and all the people look happy ...’), Louis XVI's reforms, and a bibliography of French authors, against the 'received view' of downtrodden misery presented by (((historians))), Charles Dickens (Jew?), et al. Nesta Webster seems to have no intellectual descendants; in which case, readers would do well to read from online pdf sources, and not some tenth-rate 'historian'. Indifference to truth of course is characteristic of Jews; or, if you prefer, the pragmatic acts of lying and removal of evidence to nudge people in the Jewish direction.]

1919   H G Wells started his work on human history—far more ordinary than Nesta Webster's. Here's part of his summary from The Science of Life:
    ... Men and women had hitherto based their general conception of world events—the historical portion of the Bible, supplemented by some scraps of classical literature, and their own national record. For modern needs a history which opened with barbaric myths, which concerned itself mainly with the tribal affairs of the Jews, which disregarded the past of nearly all the world outside Syria and Egypt, ended two thousand years ago, had become insufficient. ... A broader world had grown in human experience ...'

1919   Post-'Great War' Economics. The huge effects of debt to banks, of impoverishment of many people through high taxation for war and such things as death duties, and of control over businesses including commandeering them, closing them down, removing labour, had profound effects. As far as I can tell, nobody attempted comparisons of before and after; probably accurate figures didn't exist, and even if they had done, the conceptual framework was inadequate.
      I note that Betty's Tearoom, in northern England, was established by money from a soldier who was killed in the 'Great War'. What later became Tesco in Britain was founded by a Jack Cohen. The "anti-Semitic" Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was replaced by the Jewish-friendly Weimar regime. Just three straws.

1919 & 1920 1919 Paris 'Peace Conference' as reported to 'Jews' in Britain. (PDF format library copy).

1920s   Jews in USSR:–

Edward Harris in the Occidental Observer, March 7, 2020 at 11:31 am:
    The Jew side of my family had been friends of the Bronsteins for 5 generations. Trotsky (my family called him a nasty little shit who turned into a nasty big shit) was present as an observer at the meeting that carved up the USSR.
    14 Jews sat around a table to carve up the USSR.
    The meeting was in the 1920’s and Stalin was not present.
    Each person agreed to take a share of the land and was given 10% of what it produced.
    Each jew lived in a palace on his vast estate which was declared to be a Military District to keep out the public. It was guarded by the NKVD/KGB.
    It was at this meeting that starvation of Christians in Ukraine was decided upon. The starvation had nothing to do with collectivisation (or Stalin).
    The palaces were filled with paintings and statutes stolen from Europe in the World Wars.
    The best friend the USSR ever had was the USA.
    When you add this to the Jew rackets mentioned in the article some of the crooks must have incredible fortunes.
    When I say Jews I do not mean the descendents of the (awful) Children of Israel, but the descendents of the East Europeans who converted to Judaism and were detested by my famly before my destestable Maternal Great Grandfather married an Eastern Jewess and destroyed our blood forever.
    The family is now descended from a long line of Polish Pig Farmers.

1920  Henry Ford   The International Jew   (First popular account of the Jewish problem that I know of; the link's version includes related material and introductions. Ford was falsely claimed to have withdrawn his books and his views. Ford's point of view was partly business-related, but considerably influenced by the First World War and Jewish activity at the Versailles conference).
      Re-examination of Henry Ford by Hexzane527 in France. Hexzane527 suggests Ford agreed to promote the Dearborn Independent (which he never bothered to read) to provide a link for Hitler's alleged ideas. Certainly, the story is: Ford traded with Germany and was even given compensation for a bombed factory.

1920  Bertrand Russell  The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism written after Russell visited the new USSR as part of an invited group (Detailed examination of Russell's failure to address the issue of Jews in the 'Soviet Union'—and indeed in all his writings here: • Bertrand Russell—Dupe of Racist Jews —this link has a lot of material on Russell and Jews). Russell never used the expression Judeocommunism.

1920  George Pitt-Rivers   The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Blackwell pamphlet pp xiii+45 Intro Oscar Levy)   (Short book written by a pioneer archaeologist. Pitt-Rivers was Jew-aware, but seems not to have understood the fraudulent Jewish money illustrated e.g. by the Federal Reserve. His book is emphatic, but lacks this essential jigsaw puzzle piece. Note: this is very common in Jew-aware articles: they are usually not Jew-aware enough to be fully convincing.)

1920   The Palmer Raid in the U.S.A. perhaps marks the end of the 'Golden Age of US Religious Freethought'. The Federal Government 'waged war' against Communism, Anarchism, subversives, and religious freethought. All of these movements included Jewish aims in one form or another; but all the government action evaded that fact.
      'In God we trust' is dated by Wiki at 1956, and 'e pluribus unum', 'Annuit cÅ“ptis', and 'Novus ordo seclorum' from 1782. All seem to be Jewish in origin, assuming 'God' means one single imaginary thing based on 'Yahweh'. It all appears to be yet another Jewish propagandist psychological 'operation'.

1920   ACLU (‘American Civil Liberties Union’) founded by 'a bevy of prominent Jews, including Roger Nash Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Arthur Garfield Hays, Morris Ernst, Jane Addams, Feliz Frankfurter, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Rose Schneiderman.' On this, see Miles Mathis in mid-2020 on ACLU and its conspicuous absence from any pro-civil liberties legal action in the USA.

1920s   Oxford University about this time introduced PPE (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics) as the principal university course for aspiring politicians. Nothing, of course, about war, finance, raw materials, history, foreigners and their beliefs, Jews. Very brief look at P.P.E.

1920–1933 Prohibition in the USA. I have seen no convincing explanation for this phenomenon and Jew connections, though there are obvious suspicions around profiteering of the 'opium wars' type, corrupt legal practices including blackmail, and corruption involving new job-generating bureaucracies. Perhaps the intention was to remove small brewers and distillers, in the same way that hemp, cotton, and synthetic fibres had a three-way war. I have seen no evidence on the law (a change in the US Constitution, for Gods sake) being promoted by Jews, or loopholes for home brewing. The ending in 1933 is another suspicion-generating event.
      (Added 2½ years later: I think I was hinting that Prohibition may have been arranged and put into law by Jews, and their network of Jew bootleggers and speakeasies pre-arranged. I was struck by E Michael Jones on Jewish crooks: I think his examples were all alcohol-related, unless this was a supplement to prostitution).
    More on US Prohibition and Jewish crime: from ... the law that made Prohibition a reality on January 16, 1920 was authored by Minnesota Congressman Andrew J. Volstead. Wadsworth understood that, in practical terms, the Volstead Act capitalized organized crime, established a continent-wide distribution network for criminal activities, and identified a network of corrupt politicians for future operations.
      When the U.S. banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol, the stage was set for massive profits by those willing to operate outside the law and those willing to ship alcohol across the U.S.-Canadian border. After founding Distillers Corporation in Montreal in 1924, Sam Bronfman acquired Joseph E. Seagram & Sons in Waterloo, Ontario in 1928. That same year organized crime convened in Cleveland, Ohio.[1] By 1929, this criminal elite was ready to form the National Crime Syndicate at its first-ever conclave in Atlantic City, New Jersey. To escape prying ears, the mobsters rolled up their trousers and cut most of their deals while standing knee-deep in the waters of the Atlantic.
      Conceived by New York's Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello and by Chicago’s Johnny Torrio, conclave attendees meeting at the posh Breakers Hotel included Al "Scarface" Capone, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, Charlie "King" Solomon, Max Hoff, Waxey Gordon (né Irving Wexler), "Nig" Rosen, Sam Lazar, Charlie Schwartz, Moses "Moe" Dalitz, Dutch Schultz, Longy Zwillman, Hymie Weiss, Lou Rothkopf, Leo Berkowitz, Abe Bernstein and (reportedly) Chicago's Moses Annenberg who Torrio financially backed to buy The Daily Racing Form.
      Like the infamous Al Capone, Chicago mob boss Johnny Torrio moved to the Windy City from the orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg in New York City’s Brooklyn borough where he and Capone proved themselves sufficiently violent to oversee the Chicago Outfit. At the Atlantic City conclave, Meyer Lansky emerged as syndicate chairman and chief financial officer. While in their early teens on Manhattan's Lower East Side, he and Bugsy Siegel rose to prominence as killers-for-hire. The Polish Lansky (Mieir Suchowljanksy) and Italian Charles "Lucky" Luciano oversaw "Murder, Inc.," a syndicate assassination affiliate that ensured the smooth operations of this nationwide network.
      There is a long tradition of Jewish control of brewing and distilling in Poland. No doubt this had something to do with Prohibition in the USA. But there's a long link with prostitution, which seems connected with Jewish 'culture'. 'Sacred prostitution' and white and other slavery suggests an analogy with the mutual co-operation between rural religion and its rents and Jewish town monopolies in lending.

August 1920   E. D. Morel's The Horror on the Rhine   E D Morel's pamphlet The Horror on the Rhine (first edition, Price 6d.) Appealing against 'the occupation of a European country by coloured troops and the unavoidable consequences connected therewith.'

1921   CFR started New York (later, Chicago, Washington DC). CFR is Council on Foreign Relations. So-called think tank. US Senate decided not to join the League of Nations Formed by or under 'Colonel House', the grey eminence who picked Woodrow Wilson in 1912 to be the 'Democrat' candidate for President. Rothschild and Rockefeller funded. Included Dulles brothers, Lansing, Lippmann, Kissinger.

1921 Emergency Quota Act and 1924 Immigration/ National Origins Act emphasised heavily by Kevin MacDonald. He regarded these legal moves as failure by Jews to get what they wanted, viz. more Jews into the USA. BUT Jewish money power since 1913 in the USA, in particular, allowed Jews to control US policies, notably the 'Great War'. So probably the move was intentional, to apply pressure on Jews to hate Americans, work for the Second World War, and get Germans to vote for Hitler, and move Jews to Palestine.
      See hexzane527 for many details. There's a proposed 2021 Act no doubt continuing the process.

1921   New Economic Policy ... introduced by Lenin in the USSR. I owe it to a remark by 'Karl Radl' (British academic, in the USA; the name is a pseudonym) that the N.E.P. (as it's referred to in the Anglo world, avoiding Russian lettering) allowed Jews to become rich. [ I suggest the N.E.P. was intended to make Jews in the USSR rich: the war was over, Russians were under the thumb of Jews, the layer of worldwide Jewry could secretly trade with the USSR, the Fed could hand money to Jews—just right to start the overt rule of Jews in the USSR! ]

1921-1926   A. Golitsyn in New Lies for Old writes that a taken-over organisation Monarchist Alliance of Central Russia under Jewish control lured Russians to their deaths. I'd guess just one example.

1921 ... Mr. Borge Jensen [states] that in the Encyclopaedia Britannica [edition not given], under “Russia, New Financial Policies,” will be found the statement that “the State Bank [of Soviet Russia] was established in 1921 [that is, four years after the Revolution] and given authority to issue bank notes as well as to serve as a credit institution. . . the rouble was thus given its pre-war gold equivalent.” “In other words,” Mr. Jensen comments, “the Jewish system of finance, i.e., the issue of credit based on gold, was adopted by the ‘new’ and ‘proletarian’ country as obediently as by all the other ‘Capitalist’ countries. The link between the two largest Federations in the world is, fittingly enough, the ruling Jewish financial house of the world, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and when members of the families of Warburg, Kahn, etc., visit the Soviet capital they are received with royal pomp, the Soviet troops . . . presenting arms as they pass.” See P.R. Masson and Burge Jensen Hitler’s Policy Is a Jewish Policyif you can find it-RW

1921   Nesta Webster   World Revolution—The Plot Against Civilization [based on lectures she gave to British officers, after the end of the First World War. She had spent three years researching archives (in France) of the French Revolution, which was then fewer than 150 years in the past. In that respect she somewhat resembled David Irving. However, her notes are not detailed, perhaps because typesetting at that time needed skilled labour, so the production costs of books would be raised by such extra detail.
    Anyone interested in 1848, the unification of Germany, the 'Paris Commune' of 1871, Marx as a plagiarist might do well to read this book. She wrote many others; and was ignored and censored. She disliked H G Wells, and the feeling was mutual. Her books are 'continuistic'—she assumes anyone with some idea must have been influenced by someone earlier, who had a similar idea. She was very Christian. She does not tease out separate strands of Jews, masons, illuminati, and the rest. Note that Walter Scott, now best known as a romantic novelist, wrote on Jews and the French Revolution]

1922   Kaiser Wilhelm II (abdicated in 1918) published the first volume of his memoirs 'that insisted he was not guilty of initiating World War I and defended his conduct throughout his reign, especially in matters of foreign policy'. (Wikipedia).
      Published in Britain apparently by Cassell, a very Jewish publisher, and Harper & Bros in the USA, as My Memoirs: 1878–1918 by Wilhelm II. I've seen it stated online that he said, or wrote, Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. ... I bitterly regret the favours I showed to prominent Jewish bankers. Attributed to the Chicago Tribune 2 July 1922. Churchill wrote something similar in February 8, 1920.

1922  Hilaire Belloc  The Jews (Detailed notes and account of Belloc's book, with chapter-by-chapter extracts. It is still unique in trying to describe and face the issues. Belloc was prompted by Jewish raw materials controls, and 'scandalous' profiteering, during the 'Great War' the then-used name for what's now called the First World War. His Roman Catholicism interposes some filters; for example Belloc never seems to have doubted that modern Jews were the same race as Biblical Jews. This book is now almost a century old. Belloc had some predecessors, for example Walter Scott and 19th century newspaper writers, but no genre or school was allowed to form in the English-speaking world. Belloc's book may be taken as marking the start of public criticism of Jews in the United Kingdom. The 'Irish Free State' Eire had just been formed. See 1928 for Belloc's novel Belinda).

      And in the very same year–

General Jacob BBC Who's Who 1948
1922   BBC ('British' Broadcasting Corporation) founded under John Reith who was selected as a simple uneducated Scottish religious type. He must have been sounded out for his view on 'Jews', probably discreetly. My link is to a long file of reviews, including reviews of five typical 'serious' BBC books. It's difficult to imagine how radio would have developed if Britain hadn't declared war on Germany in 1914, expanding the First World War; it may not have been a state monopoly, for example. The BBC takes the Jewish view, always; sometimes the Director-General has been a Jew, for example General Jacob during the time of mass killings of Germans and the rigged-up Nuremberg 'trials'. At the time of writing (late 2013) a Jew has been appointed, as Jews increasingly notice that truths are coming out.
    [To quote from my review: 'The BBC has ALWAYS, ever since its beginning, been purely establishment, in the pragmatic sense of including Jewish influence as 'establishment'. In the 1920s, it permitted no debate on whether WW1 was a mistake - there were no inquiries; in the 1930s it had nothing on Stalin or on Jews or for that matter the Royals; the Spanish Civil War was not reported honestly; in the 1940s it was pure Churchilliana with unsparing anti-German propaganda; in the 1950s it never deviated from pro-American views on Korea, supposed nuclear weapons; the Nuremberg Trials were never queried. In the 1960s there was no honest comment on the Vietnam War. I could go on, including science frauds too. But the simple point is: the BBC has never, ever, been honest.'
    'Endzog' produced evidence on 2 Feb 2015 that the Dimbleby family are (or think they are) Jewish and are part of the BBC's systematic destruction of Britain.]

1922   The most colossal conspiracy against the United States ... was unearthed at Bridgman, Michigan, on August 22, 1922, when the secret convention of the Communist Party of America was raided by the Michigan Constabulary... Part of the media commentary on 'Communists', Reds' etc which consistently hid the Jewish component. The same pattern is obvious in Select Committees etc. I don't think there's been a serious account of this Jewish infiltration into the USA. It was connected with plans for the Second World War.

1923  Bertrand Russell's Prospects of Industrial Civilization published, which he regarded as pioneering sociology. Russell thought 'So many rich men started from humble beginnings' in the USA. He thought 'no widespread discontent is probable [in the USA] during the next few decades.' Russell never understood Jews, a very common failing.

1923  'Frankfurt School' founded.  Kevin MacDonald's review of 'Stalin's Willing Executioners' (Jews believed Germany came near to a Jewish-controlled 'communist' revolution under Rosa Luxemburg, presumably helped by German 'useful idiots'. No doubt the 'School of Social Research' was established for this purpose. The 'Frankfurt School' provides academics with valuable and more-or-less explicit written evidence of their aims as a 'hostile elite'. MacDonald's book review mentions them in passing).
      Here's an example of their entanglements and misdirection: The Frankfurt School noted that the masses didn't rise up during the First World War to overthrow capitalism; instead, the citizens fought for their countries. Only Russia became Communist, a place they didn’t expect Communism to take hold. You may have heard this before. It sounds true, even if it doesn't say what 'capitalism' is. But the option that Jews could be a united secret enemy is omitted. And therefore the idea of war with united secret Jews is omitted. The likely truth is ignored, and misdirection rules. A near-monopoly of the media was probably essential—nobody should guess the truth, that in all the 'Great War' countries hardly anyone would guess the wars were arranged between Jews, with collaboration by narrow business and military types.

1923   Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey. Not easy to interpret; probably marked (1) the end of the 'Great War' considered as an event of its own; (2) Ottoman Empire's fall, or reshaping, or modernisation; (3) emergence of Turkey; (4) one of a series of ethnic changes of the 20th century, separating Greeks from Turks; (5) underlying influence of Jewish layers enhanced, since Jews in the US had consolidated moneys from the First World War. [ A significant example in the nascent history of races, cultures, nations, and other groups, and their manipulations both friendly and hostile. Examples include Germans, Czechs, Poles, Jews, Muslims, Hindus ]

1923   Ireland After 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty there were general elections. A publication dated 1923 is Our Judeo-Irish Labour Party, which I can't find anywhere online. [ Even in 2018, most Irish seem to have no idea of Jewish policy as regards immigration into Ireland. Nor of course is the detail of Jews in the founding of the 'Republic of Ireland' known. ]

1923   Fascism in Italy was advertised by the Jewish media, including radio. To this day it has never been described fully, as of course is standard Jewish habit. Here's a book review by A M Ludovici, who had no understanding of Jews:
    Fascism ... is as difficult to grasp as any other form of purely national politics, and the more people write about it the more perplexing and mystifying does it appear. Certainly Dr Gorgolini's book cannot be said to be very helpful; and, unless the reader of this volume has had access to other sources of information, it is unlikely that he will profit much from its perusal. Its worst fault is its total lack of methodical exposition. In order to understand a little about the Fascist movement, it is essential that the events which led up to it should be carefully studied; and yet nowhere does Dr Gorgolini give a plain, simple and chronological outline of these events. Again, it is impossible to estimate the full value of the newness of Fascism—if it really is something wholly new—unless we are told precisely in what this newness consists. It is not enough to say that "Fascism, understanding the need for a new life, raises its voice against the ancient forms of morality and constitutionalism, against old and brutal customs, old economy and worn-out finance" (p. 127). There are far too many of these vague generalisations in Dr Gorgolini's book. We want to know what these innovations are. We cannot appreciate Fascism, except as a mere reaction against Communistic disruption and anarchy, unless we do know what they are. ... [T]he author, indeed, confesses that Fascism has yet to "formulate its first principle" (p. 137); but how can we conceive of it as a truly creative movement, worthy of the enormous amount of attention it has attracted, and springing from a central group of new ideas, if it is not already in possession of these first principles? Nor is the repeated enunciation of the Fascist programme of practical politics throughout this volume sufficient to make up for this deficiency. For we see nothing in these measures which promises either a new world or a new order. Perhaps this is not intended? Why, then, lay so much stress on the immense novelty of this movement? Why take such pains to deny that it is merely a wise "defensive reaction of the bourgeois class", to quote Enrico Ferri? ... nor do the numerous quotations from Mussolini's speeches and articles help us much.

1924   Nesta Helen Webster: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements 2nd edition published by Boswell Printing & Publishing Co, London EC4. I've copied the pdf made from the actual book here.

1924   Turkey was for five centuries the center of the Muslim world, until that fatal day, March 3rd, 1924, when Mustafa Kemal Pasha Ataturk abolished the Caliphate. Office of the successors to prophet Muhammad, the supreme politico-religious office of Islam, and symbol of the Turkey sultan's claim to world leadership of all Muslims, was abolished. [From a website]

1924   Richard Nikolas Eijiro Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi attracts the attention of Jewish war profiteers, including Bernard Baruch in the USA, with a publication. I've tried to summarise this semi-aristocratic half-breed, who has in recent years become notorious as predicting or suggesting Europe will become 'eurasisch-negroide' ('Eurasian-Negroid'). His pinpointing Europe (not other countries) suggests he anticipated, or followed, the Jewish anti-white race policy of the 20th century and up to now. My best guess is he is mutedly promoted by the EU in the way Pulitzer Prizes are awarded—i.e. the line to be taken is decided, then some hack who wrote something similar enough is unearthed and awarded their 'prize'.

1924   Richard Merrill Whitney Reds in America—spoken of with approval by Revilo Oliver: '... You will find it all there, from atheistic communism to Bolshevik butcheries.' The book has some, unclear, identification of Jews; I counted just two mentions! It has a single mention of the 'Federal Reserve', but not its Jewish roots and policies. Whitney was a journalist, 'the author of numerous pamphlets on patriotic subjects'—I'd guess including American participation from 1916 in the Jewish 'Great War'. Interesting as a failed project; but a lot of material from and after the First World War. The records say Whitney died soon after publication.

1925   Pearson & Moul begin to publish a series of articles on whether or not 'Jews' were fit for immigration into Great Britain. Part of the eugenics movement, which came under attack after 1945 by Jewish front organisations. [See Genetic disorders among the Jewish people by Richard M Goodman (Johns Hopkins Univ Press, 1979)]

1925   Gold Standard reintroduced by Winston Churchill in Britain. Keynes opposed this—partly because there simply wasn't enough gold in the world. It seems likely the manoeuvring about gold was intended ultimately to get gold into private or Jewish ownership, judging by the policies, and even the name.

1925   George Bernard Shaw newspaper articles. George Bernard Shaw, meanwhile, characterized the Jews as the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite, in a word the Jew.
      [ This is attributed online to the Morning Post of London, of 3rd Dec and 13 December 1925. This may have been some sort of misdirection; Shaw's plays had been fêum;ted by Jewish theatre managers and newspress; and Shaw praised Stalin. And the Jewish press printed these comments. Shaw was famous, and must have been mentioned in the BBC, though of course this era had no copying of radio broadcasts, only transcripts. Possibly this was a faux-recognition of Jews, synchronised with the promotion of Hitler, probably the figurehead of Jews, as in "The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race - chosen by the late Lord Balfour - can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings." ]

1925   Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf Vol. I published in German

1926   Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf Vol II published in German (In fact Dec 11th, 1926). Both volumes in English were only published in a full translation in 1939. There was a 1933 abridged version, translated by a relative of Balfour of the 'Balfour Declaration'. Detailed review of both volumes. This book was, and still is, widely censored and of course misrepresented

1926   General Strike in Britain. Possibly this was a demonstration of Jewish power in Britain; a large-scale demonstration by Jews that they could incite massive action, in the way familiar from fake demonstrations and behind-the-scenes force. I don't think I've seen a revisionist re-examination of this event.
      [ Many people have puzzled over Jews and Trade Unions, and the Labour Party (Britain) and Democrats (USA). An early example is Hilaire Belloc, noting that an English squire would find, for instance, that a relation of his by marriage, whose Jewish name and descent he had never bothered about, was cousin to, and in close connection with, a person of a totally different name—an Oriental name—mixed up in some conspiracy, say, against the Russian State. Or he would learn with surprise that a learned University man with whom he had recently dined with was the uncle of a socialist agitator in Vienna. Jews and big unions are part of the 'controlled opposition' policy of Jews. There are many international examples of conflicts of interest, where Jewish control might change an entire policy. Should weapon production be increased? Should action be taken against shippers of people? Should film-makers be forced to misrepresent people, by making actors join Equity, with an 'Anti-racism' clause? Should closed shops be allowed? Should exports be allowed to violent states? Should tanks, jeeps and bombers be exported to the USSR? Should machine tools be exported to Japan, or anywhere?
      As I've said, the General Strike may have demonstrated Jewish power to the authorities, for example to Churchill, to show him that Unions were politically controlled. It may have been intended to instil fear into Civil Servants. The nominal cause (coal miners' wages) may have been used to show that US 'Federal Reserve' money would only go to Jewish-supported causes. ]

1927   Radio Act in USA

1927   Bertrand Russell in The Jewish Daily Forward wonders about white race extinction [ ' ... [If there is capitalism] there will be that division of castes which we spoke of a moment ago, the upper caste retaining the family, the lower substituting the State for the parents. And there will still be need to produce submissiveness in the lower caste, lest it should rebel against the rich. This will involve a low level of culture, and will perhaps lead the rich to encourage breeding among black rather than white or yellow proletarians. The white race may thus gradually become a numerically small aristocracy, and be finally exterminated by a negro insurrection. ...' (Note that Russell doesn't specifically mention Jews at all, though he does mention capital; unfortunately he followed the British taboo of that time. And he has no idea that blacks are evolved in hot and dangerous climates, without white work styles.) ]

1927   Sergei Eisenstein's film October, on the tenth anniversary of the 'Russian Revolution' (Jewish coup). Different version in 1928 was entitled Ten Days That Shook the World.
    [ Jewish control over cinema naturally obtained in the USSR, just as it did over printed media. This is a huge field for propagandist researchers, helping to show up parallel activities in other countries, notably the USA. There appear to be close similarities: faked history, of course; total omission of Jews and Jewish money; Jewish vision of the USSR and Russians and the many other nationalities; ideological oddities derived from Jewish supremacism and Jewish indifference to other groups and religions, such as supposed race equality, scientists as willing to work for nothing, women's equality, workers as equals of other non-Jews, 'bourgeoisie' as deserving death. Eisenstein didn't really fit the mould of mass output of propagandist junk, and its printed equivalent; and 'socialist realism' as far as I know was more usually applied to paintings and 'fine art'. I've never seen a website on this topic, though perhaps revisionist-minded patient Russians with access to old films and newsreels might produce something deep. One topic is whether any of it was worthwhile: a similar question to the equivalent in mass media in the USA. Surely some of it must have merit? ]

1927   LICRA was founded in France 'to defend the jewish assassin of Ukrainian nationalist Petliura (who was held responsible for anti-jewish pogroms in the Ukraine)'. This is from, and may well be untrue in detail. Compare with other 'Jewish' organisations such as the 'ADL' in USA.

1928   Birobidjan or Birobidzhan assigned by Stalin as one of many Oblasts in the Soviet Union. Small region at the nearly-extreme eastern extent of Russia—on the borders of both Russia and China. My notes here claim 1934 was the founding date. Lady Michèle Renouf has websites and (and other websites) which promote awareness of Birobidjan as a location for 'Jews').
      My article

1928?   First edition of Lt-Col Arthur Henry Lane's book The Alien Menace: A Statement of the Case (Boswell Publishing). I'm not sure I've ever seen this book mentioned before, though it's in The Occidental Observer 25 March 2017.
[ 19 chapters, dealing with separate issues, including '... How they Get Here', Unemployment, Public Health, Morals, Cost, Films, BBC, Revolution, Politics, Ireland, Industry, Education, Palestine, War Debts, and What Should Be Done.
    Has press cuttings and facsimile letters and information on the so-called "Labour Party" and the so-called "Russian" Revolution. Many of the features of post-1945 Britain are here, for example the failure by officials to act against Jew illegals, and the financial penalties of aliens as against Britons, and crime, and control of the BBC—which at the time was young, itself relying on the fairly recent invention of radio; and shipping lines dumping Jews, with Ellis Island contrasted with e.g. Liverpool.
    Lane fought in the First World War, and seems to have had no doubt that Germany and/or Austria started it, and deserved to be fought. His lack of information on Germany must be related to Jewish 'News Agencies' such as Reuters. Confusions of this sort are typical, perhaps inevitable, results of Jewish multiple actions. ]

1928  H G Wells and the New World Order  (Wells was important for popularising the idea of a democratic united states of the world, in reaction to the devastation of the 'Great War'. But as with most ideals—democracy, freedom, equality, education, eugenics, human rights—much of the message was deliberated deformed. Worth noting that Wells did not comment much on Jews and paper money, which is possibly why he was tolerated)

1928  Hilaire Belloc's romantic novel of the mid-1800s Belinda explicitly mentions Mayer Amschel, Napoleon's defeat, and the stock exchange as getting English money into Jewish hands.
    [ I don't think 'Jane Austen' ever referred to such an event. Nor did Elizabeth Gaskell. Possibly the first novel to do this. Maria Edgeworth's The Absentee and Trollope's mention of Jews in his novels are some of the few 19th century novels looking at the issue. There may also be US novels of the time, though I'm not aware of any.
      Important Note: Most aristocrats and landowners during the Napoleonic Wars were—I presume—at home; railways had not been invented; horse-drawn coaches would have been standard transport. No doubt they had agents and representatives in London; no doubt there were stockjobbers and brokers. But I'd guess the legal sales of rich people's investments at very short notice had complications. ]

1928   Journey's End written by R C Sherriff (Robert Cedric Sherriff, 1896–1975).
      [ This play (Sherriff wrote previous plays, titles suggesting farces) was taken up and promoted widely. He may have invented the genre of sentimental incuriosity and self-centredness which of course is ideal for Jewish presentation of war as unexamined inevitable limited conflict, plus suppression of serious issues). ]

1928   Falsehood in War-Time by Arthur Ponsonby. Worth reading to see the extent of lies in the 'Great War'. Published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London. Jews have one mention only, a supposed 'pogrom'. The entire possibility of Jews acting as a unified belligerent is omitted from Ponsonby's book.

Fed-up preacher still Fed-up Preacher. Click to Play—US-Evangelist style presentation of Jewish paper money, the Fed, the manufactured 'Great Depression', and start of Jewish war against whites. 10 minutes. By Rod Parsley, in 2003. Note the emphasis on planned huge cutbacks of money, to get bank control of assets.
1929-1933   Herbert Hoover US President. Soon after that election the Great Depression began. His many books (the first on mining; then 1922 American Individualism, stated to be his 'most popular' book—short in length, and short in information) don't reveal much on politics. However, it's clear he does not discuss Jews. Hoover must have been part of the Jewish ruling caste of the USA; it's difficult to judge whether he was set up to fail knowingly, or was either gullible or indifferent to the wider world.

1929   Wall Street Crash & Great Depression. (Preceded by 'crash' at the London Stock Exchange). Two events—this, and the Civil War/ War Between the States/ War of Secession—are the most in need of revisionism within the United States.
      [ A good account is How a Group of International Bankers Engineered the 1929 Crash and the Great Depression from None Dare Call it Conspiracy (online here for example.
      A new account (July 2017) by 'Josh G' is here, on Miles Mathis' site. Sparked by Mathis on Lindbergh, this is a new look at the 'New Deal', Roosevelt, Jews etc. Marxists used to claim the crash was predicted by Marx, an inevitable working out of 'capitalism'; no doubt several Jewish motivations were in play. The 'dust bowl' in the USA led to claims that the 'Holodomor' seizure of wheat was used to feed Americans at about the same time.]

1929  L Dudley Stamp (later Lord Stamp)'s Asia and The World - A General Geography helped describe the world, partly based on information from the British Empire. Stamp (who knew and worked with Keynes) was one of the few public figures to draw attention to paper money's immense fraudulent possibilities.

1929  Robert Graves' Goodbye to All That. Autobiographical notes on the 'Great War'. Jew-naive book. Includes comment on the cost of heating water for tea by firing machine-gun bullets. Graves quotes the cost would be paid by income tax after the war. He had little idea of Jewish paper money and inflation, or of Jewish war manipulations. The book included descriptions of the red lamp and blue lamp (for officers) which I suspect may have been the earliest descriptions. Possibly the book may have been indirectly pro-war by omitting a lot of technical detail.

1929  THE FASCIST 'The Organ of Racial Fascism' established in England, published by The Imperial Fascist League, Editor and Director Arnold S Leese. [ I have not been able to find free downloadable online pdf copies of this or other Jew-aware British newspapers. There are various catalogues etc and descriptions of collections of papers, but censorship rules. However, advertises a free download of The Blackshirt at some unspecified future time. But it's entirely possible that online collections exist: some tantalisingly offer access on payment, but don't say what they have or whether parts are 'closed'. says it is 'The best British newspaper archive on the web' and (for example) has thumbnail pictures of the Blackshirt; I haven't investigated their pricing, or whether pdfs can be downloaded without print costs. NB worth noting these journals tend to be relatively small, unpadded by advertising. ]

1930  Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland formed; presumably replacing previous more scattered arrangements, or forcing a monopoly. No doubt connected with Hitler's Germany. Probably the location was suggested by Alpine security, and multilingual population.

1930   Daily Worker founded in Britain, nominally by 'the Communist Party'. A Jewish front.

1930s   Kibbutzes or Kibbutzim   My Oxford Dictionary dates the word from the 1930s, derived from a 'modern Herbrew' word for 'gathering'. Possibly there's a connection with kibitz, an onlooker, or layabout. The suggestion was of devoted simple worshippers on the land. Here's 'chandra2021' with a 2023 update:
    “I have worked on a kibbutz in the eighties. A highly militarised land. Israel is as small as New Jersey. A tiny country, without even a constitution. It is more a military base. Operating with cruel and shameless Apartheid. Is supposed to be a beacon of democracy.
    Years ago I learned that migrant workers run the 270 kibbutzim in Israel. Since twenty years or longer. No more idealistic poor volunteers or young Zionists. Or socialist Israelis. Most workers from Thailand. Which country made an agreement with Israel to provide cheap contract labour. ... about 95% of Israel’s agricultural kibbutzim today rely on foreign workers.”

1931   ‘National Government’ in Britain starts. I suggest this was part of the move by Jews to start a massive war in the whole white world in Eurasia, leaning on the Anglo-USA world. If you regard the National Government in Britain as a covert Jewish government, plus the USSR as Jewish with Stalin as a Yiddish-speaking crypto-Jew from Georgia, plus the USA under F D Roosevelt from 1933-1945, and Germany under the Jewish NSDAP—non-conforming types killed in the 'Night of the Long Knives', the French Crisis from 1930, events in China and Japan, and Mussolini in Italy, the stage was set for Jews covertly, and with secret support, to cause war in the whole of Europe and Russia, starting with France (to make Germany seem dangerous, and later allow it to be bombed); then central Europe; then Poland, so war could be declared on Germany, which regarded itself as triumphant and righteous. The 'phony war' and 'Nazi-Soviet Pact' gave time to jail and kill opponents, and build large but limited armies, ideal for mass killings of Germans and Slavs. Italy alone was relatively unscathed, without 'the hot rake of war' (Churchill), because Germans hesitated to ruin it.
      Instability introduced by Jews in co-operation sabotaging schemes for financial stability. ]

1931  Gold Standard   started to fail. (There's an obvious connection between worthless paper money and uncertainty and wars: and since the advent of Jewish monopolies, there's been the possibility for Jews to gain by wars, offloading the costs onto both present and future generations).

1931  Worth commenting on the few speculative works on the British Empire and Jews. Nesta Webster The Surrender of an Empire (1931), Leslie (or Lesley) Fry (Shishmareff/Shishmarev, neé Louise A. Chandor) Jews and the British Empire (1935). Includes Spain and Portugal, and the Netherlands then Britain, which gives a feeling of moving from one to the next which emphasises the feeling of strategic changes. Other moves—India, the USA, Russia, and China are less easy to see. Probably the subject was too vast to be encompassed satisfactorily. Movement of power to the USA happened almost unnoticed, as is the way with legal manipulation and secret hierarchies. An example (from David Irving) is Churchill's 'purchase' of useless First World War boats as an excuse to give large chunks of the British Empire to the (((USA))). The only well-known event as far as I know is the Washington Naval Conference.

    It's worth noting the general suppression of information on money and empires, just as on money and wars. And not just in Britain: the French Empires were notoriously cruel, but the Jewish interests as far as I know were suppressed from the news, just as in Britain. As was the US post-1945 empire and the Jewish connection.

    A whole system of deception was built up, based on two Talmudic points: [1] Any small event was regarded by the Jewish media as an excuse for a war they wanted; hence false flags and other fakes, and exaggerations and lies on atrocities and deaths. [2] Jews were assumed to deserve special treatment: thus, if Britain and the USA saved Jews, shouldn't Jews pay? Why should other countries remain indebted, after the sacrifices they'd made? [3] To assure non-questioning of those two points, media, law, economic pressures, education pressures, and thugs were used. Propaganda in particular was and is essential to Jews: Jews are expert in casting blame onto others:- aristocrats, Catholics, Russians, Germans, Japanese, whites, Palestinians, Afrikaaners, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Iranians, Shi-ite and Sunni Islamists, Syrians, white Americans—and finer distinctions such as Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics. It's perfectly correct as far as it goes, to say 'The USA is a two-faced, treacherous entity, never to be trusted' or to talk of 'perfidious Albion'. BUT this does not take Jewish actions into account. After the establishment of Israel in Palestine, some of these patterns are becoming clearer.

1931  The Holy Bible: the Great Light in Masonry Published by A J Holman and Company, Philadelphia, PA. The earliest edition I've found advertised is 1931, though Holman and Co seems to have been built (in Arch Street) in 1881.

1931   United Kingdom Census was destroyed in 1942, apparently by fire and 'not attributed to enemy action'. I'd suggested this may have been intentional, and designed to remove evidence of Jewish invasion of England and Wales.

1932   Bonus Army in USA was a fairly minor distraction by some WW1 'veterans' wanting to cash some promissory notes due to mature in 1945. On this and related subjects, see Josh G on Smedley Butler 'the lying Quaker', the Boxer Rebellion, the Bonus Army, and Antony C Sutton. Note that Buddy Can you Spare a Dime was popularised at the time. (Britain had a minor 'Jarrow March' a few years later).
      As Josh G says: ... if you are looking to bolster an argument with someone about how Nazism and Communism are just scarecrows created by wealthy bankers to lead the opposition, frighten the population, and line their pockets with wartime profits, you could do a lot worse than invoking Sutton‘s work. His book on Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution shows how Wall Street financiers funded the Bolsheviks, and another book of his showed how they funded the Nazis. He also showed that the Soviets had received financing and other support from Western bankers and industrialists all through the Cold War.

Click for large image of the Postmaster General's Poster. Requiring delivery of GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION, AND GOLD CERTIFICATES to the Federal Reserve System. Exceptions include a 'recognized foreign government'. Russians were being relieved of their gold at this time, or of course earlier. (1.5 MB)
    Note the 'recognized foreign government', i.e government approved by Jews. This was critically important, because it allowed gold taken from Americans to be shipped to Germany and Russia. This seems to be how American industrial methods were transferred to both the USSR and Germany, to fund their 'miraculous' growths. Interesting to note that gold from the new world was moved to Europe by both the Spanish and the English!
1933   '33' and '3' and '8' have a coded significance to Jews and presumably Freemasons . This may be because Hebrew characters of those numbers have some meaning. So 1933 shows a lot of activity, coded as Jewish operations. (Note: the 'World Health Organisation' (WHO) declared COVID was a pandemic on 11 March 2020). 1933  Emergency Banking Relief Act (9 Mar 1933) and F D Roosevelt's Gold Confiscation Executive Order 6102, (5 Apr 1933), later, Banking Act (16 Jun 1933). [ Louis T. McFadden is the best-known and best-informed critic of the Federal Reserve system. Here's one online source of McFadden, from the Congressional Record, June 1932, pp 12595-12603. The powerful section entitled International Swindlers is McFadden's overview. It's not known to me how, or if, McFadden perceived Jews. These currency manipulations set the stage for Jewish actions and the Second World War, just as the First World War was enabled by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. ]

1933  The German NSDAP (translated as National Socialist German Workers' Party) led by Hitler obtained a majority in Germany under the proportional representation system, apparently with some or all 'Communists' not included. Under first-past-the-post, that party would have obtained something closer to 100% of the seats. [ The point to be made here is that Germany had at least six parties with substantial support, each of course with leaders, deputies, orators and so on. It's possible Hitler obtained covert support from Jews because he was the most moderate leader, not, as Jewish propaganda asserted later, extremist and fanatical. Newsreels of the time, where available, show Hitler being greeted in a very friendly manner by other nations' leaders. Perhaps this was the reason for the murder of Ernst Röhm and other brownshirts, soon after. All this may explain the apparent paradox of Jewish support for Hitler, who, when his work in assisting Jews was done, could be eliminated along with German power, and then be demonised. ]

1933, 31st March, London Evening Standard FAMINE RULES RUSSIA by Gareth Jones. 'The 5-year Plan Has Killed the Bread Supply'. Seems to have been the world's first publicity for Stalin's famine in the Ukraine. I don't know how 'Jew aware' Jones was. Family website is

1933   All 1933 issues after March The Monthly Record of South Place Ethical Society, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, are missing from their website. [ This is the only omitted period. Typical of censorship of documents under the control of crypto-Jews and supposedly devoted to serious causes. I emailed several groups for information, but received nothing. Probably the tone was optimistic: Hitler was certainly, in some part, Jew-funded, and was more moderate than many Germans, after such experiences as attempted 'communist revolutions' in Germany and Hungary. (The magazine was later renamed The Ethical Record). is a guide to the organisation; scroll down to the links for April 1933 to December 1933. ]

New york Jews 1933
1933   New York meeting of Jews. Note the early use of the 'Nazi' slang. This sort of thing was the reason for the Daily Express headline (next item). [Internet photo]
1933   is a convenient starting-point for the study of secret Jewish anti-German and pro-USSR propaganda. [ Here's Charles Krafft in The Occidental Observer: International Jewry's "frenzy" over Germany's Judenpolitik began [by] demonizing the National Socialists [via] seasoned professionals in the Anglo-American intelligence services and the leadership and lobbyists from a panopoly [sic] of Jewish ... NGOs. ... the symbiosis between these two behind-the-scenes cabals has been entirely overlooked by those ... looking for holes in a genocide narrative that was fabricated by social engineers and psychological warfare experts. Influential Jews in the U.S. and British governments, the Marxist Frankfurt School, militant Zionists (Irgun operative Hillel Kook's "Bergson Boys") and 9,000 mostly Jewish German speaking refugee U.S. soldiers trained in psychological warfare at Camp Ritchey, Maryland and the Camp Sharp Annex in Gettysburg have never been the subject of any revisionist study I can think of. After helping launch the Nazi gassing meme at Nuremburg using creative Hollywood film editing, U.S. Psychological Warfare Dept. SHAEF Bragidier [sic] General C.D. Jackson, a lifelong OSS/CIA strategist, went on to help subvert the 2,000 year old dogma of the Catholic church at Vatican II in Rome in l965 for Henry Luce, David Rockefeller and others so they could destabilize South American governments and plunder the Southern hemisphere. The only extant biography of Jackson in print is a thin 92 page masters thesis that entirely ignores the clandestine operations he headed in WWII. ]

1933   Reichskonkordat Signed and ratified between NSDAP and the Secretary of State of the Vatican, later Pope Pius XII. There must be complications; but the only point I wish to make is that Jews and Catholics must have had more or less secret agreements at all times.

1933   Freemason's Hall, London opened; claimed to have been built 'between 1927–1932 as a memorial to the Freemasons who died in the First World War'. With the 'Grand Temple (seating 1,700), 21 Lodge Rooms, Board and Committee Rooms'.

1933 Freemasons
Anonymous book, THE STORY OF 25 EVENTFUL YEARS IN PICTURES. Published by Odhams Press Ltd, Long Acre W.C.2 presenting the new building as a temple, dedicated to peace!   And paid for by 'private subscription'. About 20 years after the Federal Reserve's Jewish takeover.   Opened (it claims) by 'the Duke of Connaught, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.'   Captioned anonymous picture books of this sort were a significant part of propaganda, more lasting than radio and cinema.   This book looked at 1910-1935. The spine of this hardback said THE SILVER JUBILEE BOOK. George V looked like what he was.

1933   Hitler as Frankenstein by Johannes Steel published in London (info from book selling site) by Wishart & Co. (Jewish Communist publisher), 199 pages with intro by Harold Laski (Jewish propagandist 'academic' living in UK). The author is described as German, but of course could have been 'Jewish'; translator's name if any not given.
      A Vincent Reynouard Bitchute video showed a Canadian newspaper piece about this book dated Saturday July 22 1933, and by googling for 'Morgan General Motors Ford financed Hitler' I found the title and author. The New York Times published a 'refutation' by J P Morgan soon after—in fact of course a denial, not a refutation.
      This title and publication in Britain, not Germany or the USA, suggests to me internal divisions between 'Jews': some knew about Jewish internationalism and finance; but others hated Germans and believed in attacking them. No wonder Orwell's 1984 had a scene with a newsreader being handed a note and instantly changing his propaganda.
      I couldn't find a free download online; probably it is kept as secret as possible by copyright laws. A typical comment online is: While their own country was at war with Germany, Ford, General Motors and Standard Oil kept or expanded their ties with the Nazis. Thus, when the Allied troops successfully invaded France near the end of World War II, they discovered that they had something in common with their German enemies: Ford and General Motors vehicles running on gasoline provided by Standard Oil. Similar discoveries were made before gasoline/petroleum engines existed—for example, cannon on both sides of the Napoleonic Wars were made by the same people. (And airplane engines ditto).
      The 'Frankenstein' reference seems to refer to the invention of artificial countries such as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia and the union of Germany with Austria.

1933 March 24th   British Daily Express newspaper headline JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY interesting as a sort of message of Jewish intent of the self-styled Jewish leaders, though the Jewish financial interests naturally kept quiet. [ A 'World Jewish Economic Federation' led by Samuel Untermyer, a lawyer who blackmailed President Wilson into bringing the USA into the First World War, held an 'International Jewish Boycott Conference' in Amsterdam. The New York Times printed Untermyer's message on August 7th 1933; this is somewhat censored, though more important than the Daily Express. Later, in 1939, Weizmann's letter in the Times confirmed that the 'Jews of Great Britain' will fight 'on the side of the democracies'. (He didn't mention the undemocracy of the Jewish-run USSR, or the democracy of NSDAP Germany). There is a newspaper trail of all this material, which of course has been suppressed by Jewish media-owners. (Note that the Jewish pornographer now owning the Daily Express in Britain allegedly deleted a front-page photo of British soldiers hanged in Israel in 1947, though I haven't been able to find a facsimile of that edition).]

1933 August  'Haavara Agreement' between NSDAP and 'World Jewish Agency', including German Interior Ministry and Reichsbank. Another version: [agreement between] Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. This of course is consistent with the NSDAP being controlled by Jews.
      [ While Jewish students were being evicted from German schools the Jewish Agency set up schools in Germany for Jewish students. Jewish Teachers were bought to Germany from Palestine and everything was paid for by the Nazis. [My bold - RW.] Not only were these Schools and teachers paid for by the Nazis but there was absolutely no interference from the Nazis as to the teaching curriculum. This extract is from the unsourced article Pact Between Hitler and the Zionists which includes opposition by established rich Jews to Zionism, and effects of war against Germany. ]

1933 Jewish fraudulent propaganda example: Alfred Weiner. His collection (largely microfiches) is partly in Russell Square, London. It is now called 'The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide' though its name has varied. It is registered as a charity (313015). From Wikipedia: Alfred Wiener, a German Jew who worked for the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith), a Jewish civil rights group, spent years documenting the rise of antisemitism. He collected books, photographs, letters, magazines and other materials, including school primers and children's games, recording the spread of Nazi propaganda and its racist doctrines. In 1933, Wiener fled Germany for Amsterdam and then settled in Britain. The collection opened in London on 1 September 1939, the day of the Nazi invasion of Poland. It was known as the Jewish Central Information Office and functioned as a private intelligence service. Wiener was paid by the British government to keep Britain informed of developments in Germany.

  Jews, and their collaborators, had, and still have, hugely over-represented power. [From America - A Narrative History Library of Congress. This is a 1992 edition, vol 2, attributed to Tindall & Shi, completely lacking any discussion of Jew power and Jew atrocities and lies. The price - well below the competition - makes America the best buy for the course. Claimed to be used at more than 800 colleges and universities in the United States and around the world. ]
1933 USA recognized USSR [ Presumably as a result of Jewish pressure. Note this event is contemporary with or postdates the Holodomor ]

1933  Francis Dvornik  History of the Khazars and their conversion to Judaism (Just to show the Khazaria Empire and the conversion to Judaism was well-known and documented before Arthur Koestler's book, and before the state of Israel was founded).

1933  Francis Parker Yockey/ Richard Hatch/ Ulick Varange referred to 'the American Revolution of 1933' in his 1948 book Imperium, which is an unreadable 'philosophy' on e.g. 'subjective races', including absurd historical praise of Jews. According to Willis Carto, Yockey offered this to Oswald Mosley, for publication under Mosley's name! Even today Jews try to promote this rubbish.

1933  St Mary-le-Bow church by Wren bells recast; the place gutted by fire in an air-raid in 1941. Sceptics might wonder whether this was true; cp. the fire in Notre Dame about 78 years later.

1934  Communications Act in USA analogous to BBC control in UK, except wider controls in view of Hollywood. Note the year. Established the FCC, 'Federal Communications Commission'. Included authorization of interception, and suspension apparently by the US President alone if he/she 'deems it necessary'. Probably part of the Jewish push for just one person to be in control, subject to Jews. It seems CBS to jew Paley, NBC to jew Sarnoff, and ABC to jew Goldenson.

1934  Supposed coup plan in the USA, supposedly foiled by Smedley Butler. Probably to 'prove' that the USA was not in the 'fascist coup' group of 'nations', though of course the USA was not 'one nation'. A very good pair of articles on the '1934 business coup' is Josh G's Smedley Butler part 1 and part 2.

1934  Daily Mail and the 1930s—Rothermere, Northcliffe, Oswald Mosley and the Blackshirts (Piercing together what happened & noting similarities with today's anti-free speech 'red' thugs)

1934   In Britain, Council for Civil Liberties formed. Part of the disguised Jewish movement, hidden with half-truths and oratorical flourishes and faked statistics and faked news reports. Part of the fake 'left wing', Jews set up as 'controlled opposition', supposed opposite to what they called 'Communists', another Jewish faction. Complete censorship of facts about money.

1934  Malcolm Muggeridge  Winter in Moscow  (Description of Muggeridge, plus thirteen sections from his novel of life in the USSR. The sections I've extracted are all those that mention Jews)

1934   Biro-Bidjan or Birobidjan or Birobidzhan, the Jewish Autonomous Region, always described as 'about the size of Switzerland', was established by the Soviet regime in the USSR, the first Jewish region defined in modern times. Another suggested area was Madagascar. [ is one website making an attempt to make sense of Birobizhan. It had lukewarm support; and there are claims Jews were forcibly prevented by other Jews from going there. There was a 'big stream' of Jewish settlers from 1945-1948; or, this was a claim made, perhaps as encouragement. It 'increased the local Jewish population ... from 20,000 to 30,000, and by the end of 1948 it was estimated at about 30,000, the largest ever in the region.' And then, 'In the years 1948-9, the Kaganovich Yiddish Theatre, the Jewish publishing house, the periodical Birobidzhan, the rich library of Yiddish and Hebrew books, and the Jewish research institutions and schools were all closed down.' For such a tiny population, these institutions sound more or less imaginary. ]

1934   Swiss Federation Act on Banks made it a criminal offence to reveal a client's identity. (1815 post-Napoleonic Wars neutrality of Switzerland helped pave the way). Developments in telephony must have had an influence.

1934   The House of Rothschild film in USA (with Boris Karloff!) Another film Die Rothschilds was shown in Germany in 1940, apparently dealing only with the Battle of Waterloo. Oom Paul included some references of Jews and South Africa.
      This is part of the assumption that Rothschilds were by far the leading Jews, pushed e.g. by The Simpsons. I don't know the truth, but would caution against the assumption; large numbers of Jews networked in the 20th century to damage 'goyim', so it's entirely possible there are secret groups of other Jews unknown to the public. And of course there are large numbers of names in each Jew-invaded country.

1934   Concise Universal Biography: a dictionary of the famous men and women of all countries and all times, recording the lives of more than 20,000 persons and arranged for reading or reference. Edited by Sir John Alexander Hammerton (1871-1949). London: The Amalgamated Press Ltd. 52 weekly stapled sections. Typical of the mass propaganda of the times; Hammerton edited works on the First World War and much else. His page on Lenin is scanned here. (About 800K; file name is lenin-in-hammerton-1934.jpg).
    Here's Hammerton's list of the references:
Lenin bibliography

1935   UK General Election; the next would be in 1945, a 1939 election being deemed unavailable, presumably after Churchill's war declaration. This may of course have been planned to ensure war could not be averted.

1935   'Italy invades Abyssinia'. That, at least, is the usual formulation. In view of Jewish money, a Rothschild in Italy, comparative Italian unawareness of the Jewish problem, and Jewish interests in raw materials and invasions and death, it may well be that Jews were the moving force. The personification of Italy, France, Britain, the USA, Germany, and even 'Russia', disguises the possibility.

1935  First ever translation of the 'Talmud' into English in an officially approved sense  (Seems to have been more or less ignored. It's worth noting that the Church of England made no noticeable comment, then or since, despite supposedly having some expertise. Probably the decline of this church dates from 1914—no useful commentary on the First World War was ever made, despite the obvious need and relevance). 1935 perhaps marks the start of non-religious text-based criticism of Judaism. And perhaps the 'Zohar'. Michael Hoffman's Judaism's Strange Gods (first published 2000) is another stage in this process, including the 'Mishnah'. There's similar slow progress in Quranic-related rationalist studies)
    [ Note on rationalism: It is possible that rationalist criticism of 'Jewish' books will grow, though if criticism of Christianity in any guide, it may be a slow process: The King James Bible (published 1611) to the German 'higher criticism' school (started 1850ish) was only a beginning of rationalism. Just as many people believed, or said they believed, the Bible was written or inspired by God and Jesus once existed, many Jews believe, or say they believe, they are 'chosen people' and Moses once existed. So perhaps 2150 will be the start of official studies of analysis of 'Jews'. Per contra irrationalism may spread, just as the Talmud etc seem to have been transplanted to Khazaria, these things in translation will move to China or Japan. A multi-polar Judaism might develop, with several racially and geographically fanatical groups. ]

1935   First publication of Will Durant's History of Civilization, Vol I, rather oddly titled 'Our Oriental Heritage'. Once fairly well-known for Chapter 16, beginning ‘The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history.’ [ Sources given are: Smith's Oxford History, including an ancient Moslem chronicle, Tabakat-i-Nasiri, and Ibn Batuta. And Havell, History, and Mountstuart Elphinstone's History of India. Islam has been propagandised both for and against, and it seems all but certain that Jewish interests have been behind this. Certainly around 2000 A.D. Jews have promoted invasion into white countries by Moslems; and Jew-controlled information such as Wikipaedia barely mention Islam in India. ] Compare:–

1935   American Gentile, newspaper, started publication, apparently in Chicago. Many possibilities which I can't choose between: patriotic Americans? Controlled opposition? Psyops and fakes? Increasing the world tensions?

1935  Joseph McCabe   The Splendour of Moorish Spain  (McCabe was a Catholic who became a fierce critic of Roman Catholicism. Fair enough—but he never criticised Jews or Muslims and was in fact published and promoted by Jews. McCabe popularised the idea that Spain had had an impressive civilisation when Moorish and Jewish. This book looks like a deliberate propaganda fraud, related to Jewish aims to control Spain)

1935   German 'Race Laws' Possibly these were used to infiltrate Jews into European countries, no doubt including the UK, France, Italy and Spain. The discovery that the German armed forces included many Jews, and that higher-ups in the NSDAP included Jews, and what might be called civil servants in (for example) Lithuania were Jews, and that there were Jews in work camps such as Birkenau, and that Berlin had a Jewish area, suggest there was a deliberate policy. Many professors were moved into Britain, and given positions in the media, the academic world, the historical and cultural worlds, and no doubt banks and Masonic institutions and spying organisations. I'd suggest careful re-examination of these laws, and their actual implementations. (This comment is partly prompted by a TV episode of Endeavour. Fascinating see see e.g. how Jews took up nuclear frauds.) The USA seems to have been different, though possibly there was simply a pretence that no Jews were allowed in.

1935   The Jews and the British Empire (cf 1931 above). Short (8 page) look at Spain and Portugal, Netherlands, Britain, and opposition to France, giving British Empire supremacy—for Jews. Wars for India listed. Freemasonry as opposition to the Church of England. China and South America not discussed; but Egypt, Turkey are. But not a sound overview, since Italy was suggested as a new empire—but if the empire was of no value, so what? I don't think anyone has produced an overview detailing land holdings, trade patterns, technology and religions; and changes over time.

1936   Robert Edward Edmondson in the USA. (From Rightpedia. This source has now gone). Edmondson was a financial journalist, who did his best to publicise Jewish activities. [ On June 11, 1936 Edmondson was indicted by a Jew-majority Grand Jury in New York City and charged with “libeling all persons of the Jewish Religion.” In preparing his defense Edmondson subpoenaed some of the most prominent Jews of the time: Bernard Buruch [sic], Henry Morganthau [sic], Rabbi Stephen Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, New York City mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman. Note that misspelling names is often found with Jews). In response, the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court to drop the charges against Edmondson. On May 10, 1938 the judge dismissed all indictments claiming there is no group libel law.
    In the early 1940s Edmondson was again persecuted by the Jews and was indicted along with 29 others on charges of sedition. The Great Sedition Trial of 1944, as it became known, was declared a mistrial and the charges were later dismissed. ]

1936   Arnold Leese (1878-1956; there was an article on Leese in Rightpedia) with material on Jewish Ritual Murder (followed by his book 1938 Jewish Ritual Murder; mostly English events, but similar information exists about other parts of the world and in other languages. Metapedia has been taken over, and now only shows the cover design!) This, on Jewish instigation, led to a legal case, resulting in imprisonment for Leese. It seems to be assumed, in for example Canada fairly recently, that truth is always a defence against libel. But Leese wrote: '... I came to Court very fully prepared ... even ... to demand ... from the Public Records Office certain Close and Patent Rolls of the State wherein Jewish Ritual Murder is recorded as an established fact in this country! But I was forbidden by the Judge to use this line of defence; it did not matter who else had charged the Jews with ritual murder, or how often, or what historic facts proved it, or how many convictions there had been under proper juridical authority; ... Judge intervened with the remark "The truth of a libel is no defense, I must point out again." ... the Attorney-General ... interrupted another question of mine to the same witness, by the remark: "In my submission, it is correctly laid down that the defendant is in no case allowed to prove the truth of a seditious libel as a justification for having published it." ... Such may be the law, but it is not justice! ...'
    It's clear enough that it's the 'sedition' that was the issue. So why was it prosecuted as libel? Why did Jews invent the phrase 'blood libel'? Why aren't such prosecutions under the heading sedition—as of course obtained in the USSR, where non-Jews were murdered in huge numbers?—No doubt to conceal the facts of close Jewish involvement. Note that the reason given for the final expulsions of Jews from most European countries (by serious non-Jewish commentators) was the discovery of some murderous atrocity, not legal or financial matters.
      Some Arnold Leese publications are here
    Important note: the 'blood libel' does not take account of political murders, which of course have often been concealed by collaboration with legal systems.

1936   Elizabeth Dilling (of Chicago) published The Roosevelt Red Record and Its Background, on the 'New Deal', President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his administration. She was anti-'Communist', having visited the USSR. But at that time the Talmud had not been translated, so she was not, then, clearly aware of the link with Jews. This confusion of course persists to the present day: vast numbers of Americans talk about 'anti-Communism' (and 'Democrat', 'Republican'), without understanding the Jewish connection. She also wrote The Plot Against Christianity, later retitled The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today.

1936   Founding of the Left Book Club in Britain, a Jewish publishing propaganda outlet. I would guess this must certainly have been funded by Jews until its usefulness ran out. Here's more on Victor Gollancz and on other Jewish propaganda designed to support war for Jewish interests. ...

1936   The Jewish Masque; or, the Ass in the Lion's Skin seems to have been published, in 1935 or 1936, by Leese's Bureau of anti-Jewish Information. The booklet says: 'This is a reprint by permission of its erudite author of a book published about 20 years ago in South Africa. An Index has been added.' The author may have been Isigler—just a guess.
      (Note: I couldn't find a full-colour PDF including all the pages, though the pdf here is good for most purposes). Its thesis is 'Jews' were uncreative, not a race, and plagiarised other societies, in language (for example place names, calendar ), and copied celebrations such as 'Purim', habits, and religious beliefs.

1936   'Spanish Civil War' In "Passionate Years", Peter Wyden reports that Archivist Victor A. Berch, of Brandeis University, said 40% of the Lincoln Brigade were Jewish. Oddly enough, the "Fascists", the Falange, was led by two marranos, General Franco and his financial backer, Juan March. March paid for Franco's return to Spain with a $2 million credit at Kleinwort's of London. In July, 1936, March placed $82 million of securities in Nationalist accounts. He deposited $1.5 billion in gold at the Bank of Italy, 121.5 metric tons greater than the gold reserve of most nations. The Communists stole the Spanish gold reserve and shipped it to Russia. NKVD General Alexander Orlov, on orders from "Ivan Vasilyevitch", a rare code name for Stalin, loaded Spain's gold reserve on the Soviet ship Komsomol Oct. 25,1936; it arrived in Odessa Nov. 2, and was trucked to Moscow's Precious Metals Deposit, Gohkran, $788 million. $240 million had also been shipped to France from Spain.
    The Lincoln volunteers surrendered their passports to NKVD officers when they arrived in Spain. These passports were then routinely used in Communist espionage. The murderer of Trotsky was arrested in Mexico with a Canadian passport issued to Tony Babich, who was killed in the Civil War. Gouzenko later exposed a Communist agent in Los Angeles using the passport of Ignacy Witczak. Witnesses saw stacks of these Lincoln passports stacked in the Lubianka prison, waiting to be used. ...
      (See my piece on George Orwell, Eric Blair. Interesting idea to add: Orwell was commissioned to write 1984 to suggest resistance is futile.)

      The supposedly three-sided war, had Carlists and more modern 'falangists' presumably supporting a state system with a single leader; and 'left wingers', in fact of course Jew-controlled in USSR style; and the anarchists and other groups mainly influenced by propaganda. The wars were distractions, to seize gold and other assets, each side being Jew-controlled. With other issues: many centuries of early Moorish wars, of course, also remotely Jew-controlled; two types of Jews, one being Marrano Jews, who hardly been noticed by ordinary whites—the Cuba situation particularly being inexplicable without that clue. And Spain had regions, such as Catalonia and Andalusia and the Basque countries. And external capital such as Rio Tinto Zinc. It's not surprising the Jewish news and mass book press, and radio, hid the thin layers of effective Jews.

1936   Rastafarianism. Just a note on yet another Jew influenced religion. Whether invented by Jews, or copied by Rastarians as a model, or suppressed by Jews, I don't know. If you're interested, you might start with a 1936 newspaper article by H V Morton, entitled 'Sanctuary for the Lion of Judah', the 'Lion' being (I think) Hailie Sellassie, born Tafari Makonnen, of (or allegedly of) Ethiopia, called Abysinnia in Arabic, which incidentally has its own 'alphabetical' script. Henry Canova Vollam Morton (1892-1979) looks to me a Jew in origin; he wrote in English in a romantic style, somewhat like Jerome K Jerome, author of popular books on London, Wales, Scotland, etc.

1936   30 November 1936: Crystal Palace in London destroyed by fire. See 1937 for Miles Mathis on the supposed Hindenburg disaster, which he re-attributes to an insurance fraud. On the face of it, it seems likely the same thing may be true of Crystal Palace.

1937 ... In late 1937, Penguin Specials (paperbacks with red colouring on their covers) were started. S1 was Germany Puts the Clock Back by Edgar Ansel Mowrer. This book had been published in the USA in 1933; I haven't attempted to check whether the British edition was different. Mowrer seems to have been just another frivolous rentahack incompetent; maybe Jewish, maybe not. Later, Penguin Specials were sharply focussed on Jewish propaganda, not by journalists so much as full-time 'research' liars
      1937-1938: Faked atrocities by Japan in Nanking, China. Used by Victor Gollancz and no doubt other Jews, anxious for world war. The fakery as far as I know was only exposed by the time on Internet.

1937   Hindenburg (a Zeppelin—a German airship, with swastikas on the tail) supposedly ignited in New Jersey. Impressive piece by Miles Mathis (June 2, 2020) concludes the airship was American (surplus junk?) and the project an insurance fraud. It suggests (at least to me) that Lloyds was used to fleece simple rich non-Jews: tell them what an honour to be a 'name', have a few startling years, then dump a fraud on them.

1937-early 1950s)   Mass Observation looked at 'everyday life in Britain'. No prizes for guessing that feedback helped Jews assess their money and propaganda skills.

1937   A Belgian, Henri Pirenne, had published, posthumously, Mohammed and Charlemagne, switching emphasis to the rise of Islam, away from 'barbarians' as helping explain the collapse of the Roman Empire. This belief is more natural to European continental historians than to Britons: in France, in particular, Muslims both invaded, and were in addition defeated, in a fairly short space of time. (I don't vouch for the book's date, or language of publication, or title!) The Jewish Khazar Empire was formed by conversion at about the same time, postdating the invention of Islam. I'd suggest that the availability of relics of a huge empire encouraged the idea of what is now called 'parasitism'. The 'sacred' books encoded and crystallised parasitism, and inbreeding made it, over the centuries, a genetic part of these book-based cults. Few people in 1937 were aware of both hypotheses.

1937 'Eugene Lyons' Assignment in Utopia published (in English, in the west). Long book by a Jew who seems to have been Russian-speaking brought up in Lower East Side New York. He was of course a friend of the Soviet Union and the rest of it; and spent about six years in the USSR. He changed tack and became anti-USSR; or perhaps anti-Stalin and pro-Jew; who knows. [ Here's an extract: '... Absolutism at the top implies hundreds of thousands, even millions. of large and small autocrats in a state that monopolizes all means of life and expression, work and pleasure, rewards and punishments. centralized autocratic rule must function through a human machine of delegated authority, a pyramid of graded officialdom, each layer subservient to those above and overbearing to those below. Unless there are brakes of genuinely democratic control and the corrective of a hard-and-fast legality to which everyone, even the anointed of the Lord, is subjected, the machine of power becomes an engine of oppression. Where there is only one employer, namely, the State, meekness is the first law of economic survival. Where the same group of officials wields the terrible power of secret arrests and punishments, disfranchisement, hiring and firing, assignment of ration categories and living space—only an imbecile or some one with a perverted taste for martyrdom will fail to kow-tow to them. ...' Note the comment on 'anointed of the Lord', rather than 'Chosen people'. Elsewhere Lyons adds a footnote giving only a small percent of the bureaucracy as Jews. He comments on the Ukraine famine and Walter Duranty.]

1938   Oswald Mosley's Tomorrow We Live threepenny outline of the British Movement. More of his publications, in 1940 and also post-war, are online. Mosley was unaware—at least overtly— of deep Jewish penetration (and was jailed under 'Defence Regulation 18B' of 1939 for the duration of WW2—part of the Jewish manoeuvring to set up Jewish war against 'goyim'). A b/w video online shows an obviously staged 1960s interview with David Frost, presumably a Jew, on TV. Here's my review of Mosley's autobiography.

1938   Bertrand Russell's Power (my long review) was his attempt at starting a new science, of human power. As Adam Smith (arguably) founded economics. Russell was absurdly naive about Jews (see Russell as dupe of Jews). However, an important fact worth noting here is that he put military power as primary. ('Economic power, unlike military power, is not primary, but derivative.') The equipment, planning, training, learning, manpower, and general support aspects are minimised. (He does notice that coal in British ships, Rumanian oil and Germany, control of food-growing areas etc are important). But the tendency of his book is to minimise analysis of armies and navies—part of the gung-ho psychology of the Second World War, at the end of which many people awoke slowly to the unpleasant facts of impoverishment.
      I'd suggest this was part of Churchill's psychology: his violent hatreds and love of force and synthetic oratory may have been genetic, but after the 'Second World War' (his expression) the more British part of his nature disliked the plan of forced immigration ('keep Britain white' was also his expression), and subservience to Jewish US money.

1938  'George Orwell' (Eric Blair)  Homage to Catalonia and other books. George Orwell as useful idiot (Account of Orwell's life from a Jewish angle—all his publishers were Jews, his comments on Jews were of no value. Miles Mathis drew attention to Blair's family's financial interest in timber in Burma.)

1938  Oscar Levy  The Idiocy of Idealism  (Included to show an example of supposed Jewish intellectuality, which in fact is little more than a sequence of Jewish-centred assertions and non-sequiturs. One claim of Levy's is that the Germans took their race ideas from Jews—and look what suffering they've been through!)

1938  Cecil Roth  The Jewish Contribution to Civilisation  (Feeble publication by British Jews in the same genre as black contributions, Muslim contributions etc).

Sept 1938   Münich Agreement. The Jewish-promoted myth of Neville Chamberlain's 'Appeasement of Hitler' has been used in support of numerous jewish-backed wars. So has the method of inventing unstable states, covertly ruled by Jews. A J P Taylor's The Second World War has a long chapter (the longest in his book) on The Crisis Over Czechoslovakia, which doesn't mention the formation of that pseudo-state, and is laced with references to Hitler's demands, appeasement, threats, and national states without any reference to the overview money power. Plus the assertion that nobody wanted war, except Hitler. Per contra the following is extracted from This site in Apr 2020 renamed].
    [After World War I, the victorious allies redrew the map of Central & Eastern Europe. The artificial state of "Czechoslovakia" was invented in 1918, combining Czechs, Germans & Slovaks. Additional minorities of Romanians, Hungarians, and Poles were also forced into this 'Frankenstein' state. The German portion (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was a long strip of northern Czechoslovakia known as "Sudetenland", i.e. south-eastern Germany.
    During the mid 1930s, a closet Communist named Edvard Beneš is President of Czechoslovakia. Under his regime, Germans endure brutal attacks and oppression at the hands of Marxists. The 3,500,000 Sudetenland Germans wished to join their German brothers under Hitler's Reich, but are denied the right of self determination by the pro-Stalinist Beneš government.
    During this time, Jewish & Globalist warmongers in Great Britain are manouvring Britain into a war against Germany. The Czechoslovakia-Sudetenland controversy is the perfect "hot spot" to get the war started. Czech Marxists intensify their abuse of the helpless Germans.
    Hitler is pushed to the brink by the deliberate abuse of the Sudetenland Germans. He threatens to liberate the Sudetenland by force, a move that could lead to war with Britain, France, and the USSR. In an 11th hour attempt to avoid war, Hitler invites three European leaders for a conference in Munich.
    The Munich Conference is attended by four European heads of State. Hitler, Mussolini of Italy, Daladier of France, and Chamberlain of Britain meet in good faith for the purpose of resolving the crisis triggered by the artificial gangster State of Czechoslovakia.
    Hitler and Chamberlain keep the peace! The parties agree that the Sudetenland should be united with Germany, and that the Slovaks should have their own State, the Slovak Republic (1939-1945). The fake Czechoslovakian state is dissolved and Germany later establishes autonomous protectorates over what remains (Bohemia and Moravia). Without a shot being fired, Germans are welcomed into the Reich, while ethnic Czechs and Slovaks also get their own states. Even the minority Poles and Hungarians then join their respective father nations. The Munich Agreement is a win-win-win-win-win for all 5 of Czechoslovakia's ethnic groups!
    The rat Beneš soon exiles himself in London, where he resumes plotting with the Jewish warmongers who welcome him with open arms.
    Upon his return to Britain, Chamberlain is greeted by jubilant crowds. He applauds the Munich Agreement as "peace in our time". All throughout Europe, Chamberlain is praised for his calm diplomacy. [The photo of Chamberlain waving his 'piece of paper' is a firmly-established part of the Jew system of lies about Europe and war -RW]
    Meanwhile, the degenerate, drunken, cigar chomping Winston Churchill denounces Neville Chamberlain, "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war." [It's ghastly to see someone like Churchill misusing 'honour'—but typically jewish.]
    British historian David Irving later discovered that the warmongering Czech government had been secretly funneling money to the warmongering Churchill, who was plotting to replace Chamberlain. It was Churchill and his Jewish bosses who wanted war, not Hitler!
    In the summer of 1939, the Globalist warmongers manipulate Poland (which also holds an oppressed German minority captive) into provoking Hitler, exactly as Czechoslovakia had done in 1938. Once again, Hitler calls for an emergency conference. But by this time around, poor Neville Chamberlain's hands have been tied by the powerful pro-war forces in Britain. Less than 1 week before the conflict erupts, Chamberlain had been manoeuvred into signing a military defense pact with Poland. There will be no peace talks!
    By September 1 of 1939, the killing of Germans at the hands of Polish-Jewish Communist militias becomes so widespread that Hitler is forced to invade. Britain and France immediately declare war upon Germany. The gloating Churchill boasts of how his self-fulfilling prophecy regarding the danger of "appeasement" has come to pass.
      [Note that the issue was considered important enough to wreck much of the world—a typically revealing Jew-propagandist attitude of contempt for non-Jews. And equally revealing of the similar attitude by civil servants, diplomats, academic commentators, and Freemason types.
  BUT it's possible that some or all deaths might be justified on Malthusian lines. I've seen no examination on these lines.
      From today's revisionist viewpoint, the whole business was Jews in secret collaboration vs the rest.
      Note that the real Poles (not Jews) never received any apology for their abandonment to Stalin, any more than Russians did. ]

1939   David Irving on The Zionist Influence Over Winston Churchill (c. 10 mins) including the Focus

1939   National Legion of Mothers of America (NLMA) formed in 1939, just after Germany marched into Poland and Britain declared war on Germany. Women of the Far Right [sic; note how the emotion is automatically Jewified] by Glen Jeansonne (1996; University of Chicago Press) is used as a source by Carolyn Yeager in her article/ review/ data mining piece.

23 August 1939   Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression 'Pact', the 'Nazi-Soviet Pact'. [ As revisionism increases, the possibility that Hitler was yet another Jew agent has to be considered. For example, Hitler's speeches offering peace terms may have been aimed at Germans to make them feel virtuous, just as jewish propaganda in Britain was aimed to make the British feel virtuous.
    The point of the 'pact' was to allow Germany to invade the part of Poland containing Germans. This of course is not usually stated by conventional Jew-funded 'historians'. After the Sudetenland issue was settled, this was the next Jewish point of attack.
      Probably the 'Pact' was to allow Jews to arm both sides, the USSR and Germany, to maximise white deaths. Note that the Jewish publication Time put Hitler on its front cover; and there was a Nobel Peace Price recommendation for Hitler. Very likely this was part of the same scheme.]

1939 "in 1939... Hitler and the Nazis dumped over 500,000 homeless jews illegally into Poland is the hidden, unspoken, real reason WHY the Polish-German war began." Secretly, by train; so at least says Indrek Pringi. If the idea of Hitler as one of a huge herd of Jews is correct, this may have been another Jew provocation. Somewhat reminiscent of Jews in the USA importing non-whites by airplane at night.

1 Sept 1939   Germany invaded Poland. There was long-term hatred of Poles against ethnic Germans in Poland; and in particular border crossings and atrocities, usually attributed to Poles, but of course likely to have been Jews behaving as they did in the USSR. Computer searching for 'Polish atrocities 1939' finds many examples. Naturally the incidents starting a war are even more likely to be propagandised than those during a war.

3 Sept 1939   Britain declares war on Germany without quite saying so ("We are now at war with Germany") and France declares war at the same time, something many British people are not aware of. German diplomats spent months trying to negotiate peace. No doubt Jews on all sides got the war they wanted.

1939-1946   Ministry of Information established in Britain 'at the outbreak of the Second World War' as the Ministry of Information and British Publishing. It's officially dated 1939-1946. A website is an official description, but I'd guess if anything is designed to conceal the truth, notably of Jewish worldwide money and its role in encouraging war, deaths, and assets to Jews.
      See 1958 for an internal circular on not mentioning atrocities by the USSR during WW2.

December 1939  Hewlett Johnson's The Socialist Sixth of the World published by Victor Gollancz, in London. 20 impressions up to November 1944 (print run not stated). Hewlett Johnson, the 'red Dean' of Canterbury, was a 'useful idiot' of the type useful for Jewish propagandists such as Gollancz. Johnson had a wealthy family background, in factories, science, and engineering, and assembled USSR material in convincing-sounding but uncheckable format.

1939 & 1940  H G Wells  The Jewish Influence  (Extracts from two books by Wells, including The New World Order of 1940. Wells honestly faces the problem of Jewish selfishness vs. his ideal of world co-operation. Note the suggestions he disputes by other authors writing at that time, e.g. in Penguin Special paperbacks—unlimited immigration, Palestine, Jewish violence etc.)

1939   Manie Maritz, Boer, published his autobiography My Lewe en Strewe, title obviously based on Mein Kampf. Probably accepting the myth of a solo Hitler.

Jews dominated the 'British' Labour Party. Presumably 'Arthur Greenwood', deputy leader of the Labour Party, was 'Greenbaum'. Just as Jews dominated Churchill and the 'Conservative' Party. This is a (((New York Times))) report of incredible dishonesty.
I've added Who's Who for 1948 on 'Greenwood'. Very typical Jew concealment and activities.

1940s   'Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs' 72 pamphlets of 'mixed authorship' published by O.U.P. and presumably regarded as official policy. I haven't found a serious account of these productions anywhere online; not even the titles, physical descriptions, prices—or even authors.

1940   Otto Strasser was a rival to Hitler; very possibly correct in his assessments. An aspect of his work was Galician Jews where 'Galicia' (or Austrian Poland) 1772-1918 was a smallish kingdom which was suppressed after the 'Great War', and tended to be confused with NW Spain. Strasser cited Sklarz, Parvus-Helphand, Katz, Kutisker, Barmat, Sklarek or Sklareck brothers, and Rotter as black marketers etc. 1940 is far too late a date—long-term frauds are notoriously difficult to date, in Germany as elsewhere, because they attract disinformation. In view of the critics of Hitler as crypto-Jews by 'Hexzane527' and others, Strasser may have been more accurate.

1940   Eric Dudley Butler (Australian; 1916-2006) published a booklet The Enemy Within The [British] Empire —A Short History of the Bank of England. Here's a pdf file of The Enemy within the Empire. All versions online seem to have been retyped; I haven't found a fully-scanned pdf.

1940   Massacre ('execution' is Wikipedia's word) of Polish 'officers and intellectuals' in Katyn woods or 'forest', near Smolensk. It's what Jews do.

1940  Senator J. Thorkelson inserted into the Congressional Record nine articles, under the overall title Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife. His intention was to prove that a weakened Britain, and influential Jews in Britain, wanted to use the military strength of the United States to start the Second World War (as opposed to the European War) to assist them in putting together a World State. Most of the articles deal with the British Empire and its 'Dominions' and 'Commonwealth of Nations', and with well-funded pressure and quasi-religious groups—'The Pilgrims of the United States', 'The Anglo-Israel Society', 'British Israel World Federation'.
    One of the nine articles looked at crypto-Jews in Britain's aristocracy. It's possible this article influenced, or was taken from, the German author Friedrich Wilhelm Euler, who published similar, but longer, material in 1941. The untitled article, without comment by Thorkelson, was by the Imperial Fascist Union of London, England; author(s) not stated.
The theme is Jews in the aristocracy and powerful positions in Britain. There are cut-down versions online; as far as I know, this is the only full version. THORKELSON MATERIAL NOT YET COMPLETE!

1940   Arnold Leese's book Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds was published. As an example, Chapter 9 is Gentile Intermarriages with the Rothschilds

1940   William Joyce's Twilight over England published in Berlin.
      England is described from Cromwell to ‘the fateful and fatal action which her Government took on September 3rd 1939’. It takes in the 18th century, Eton and Harrow (as it was), industrialism, the assembling of the 'Labour Party' and the Jewish reactions, the 'Great War' and depression, though Joyce doesn't quite manage to separate out central banking from capitalist funds, or to decide what to do about payments overseas on internal transactions, or what to do about weapons. I haven't checked his beliefs regarding Christianity and Islam as Jewish forces. But he's amusing on Puritanism as a money-maker. Joyce was convinced of ‘Hitler's superhuman heroism’. I don't know if this belief survived the war, up to his execution; perhaps he developed doubts. Recommended as a subject of study. Here's a 20MB pdf version from of war production book standard.

1940   Polish Acts of Atrocity against the German Minority in Poland published by the German Foreign Office. '... the German armed forces and criminal police had investigated 5,437 murder cases, that the number of identified victims was 12,857, and that a total of 58,000 persons were either dead or missing.' From Instauration. Jews had a huge influence in Poland; note the title doesn't mention them.

1940   Der evige Jude ('The Eternal Jew'). German film. David Irving states that one version includes disgusting scenes of Kosher slaughter. For private viewing only; Goebbels

1940, May   British Security Coordination (BSC) set up in New York, to move opinion in the USA towards war with Germany; or at least that's the story. This was the time of the 'Phoney War'. It was only a small part of the Jewish effort to provoke war against Germany. It is essential to differentiate Jewish interests from white British: without this, the loss of the 'British' Empire is incomprehensible. Hitler wanted the British Empire to be left alone; Roosevelt's Jews wanted it for themselves rather than 'British' Jews. To this day there's little discussion of profits made by Jews from the Second World War, and the costs imposed in the long term against all European countries.

1940, July 20th   Churchill telegrams Lord Lothian in the US Embassy, telling him not to contact the German Ambassador for peace terms. And summons Lord Portal, aiming to provoke Hitler to bomb British towns. Churchill gets his chance when east London is bombed accidentally; next day (Aug 25 1940) orders bombers to bomb Berlin, bypassing Parliament. Among other warmongering things. (From David Irving).

1940   Slow emergence of various 'Jewish' groups, such as 'Haganah'. A relatively well-known incident is the blowing up of the SS Patria at Haifa Harbour, containing what are described as 3000 Jewish refugees.

1940   Lev Davidovich Bronstein (The name, 'Brownstone', sounds left over from a German surname assignment. The Russian nickname Trotsky concealed his Jewishness). A wealthy Jew from Ukrania, Bronstein presumably was, among other things, active in the Holodomor, and was murdered in Mexico by an agent of Stalin, if the story is true.
    This event seems to me misinterpreted: it's true that 'Jews' show remarkable pack unity. However, it seems theoretically impossible they should always agree what course of action is 'best for Jews'. Probably there are far more intra-Jew murders than the heavily-censored official accounts suggest. In fact, a possible strategy against Jews is to carefully increase internal dissensions up to a civil war level.

1940   Freda Utley's book The Dream We Lost - Soviet Russia Then and Now b. 1898, she wrote several books, several on Japan and/or China. In fact, her book was either naive or propagandist, saying nothing about the Jews and their mass murders in the 'Soviet Union'—or the Jewish propaganda control of the USA. She may have thought she was Jewish, judging by comments in her biographies, and 'scrubbing' of information on her mother.

Page 214 from 2194 Days of War (760 pages, 13-page index, detailed index of 'Nations at War' from Germany invades Poland to USSR declares war against Japan, with many comic-sounding declarations. And index of maps.
    Illustrated chronology compiled by Cesare Salmaggi & Alfredo Pallavisini. Plus some extras. Translated from Italian by Hugh Young. My copy is 1977, by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan. Published by Windward, NY. ISBN 1856051455; but cover shows 0-8317-8899-2 and another.
    Three columns per page. Black/white photos. Yearly summaries on single pages. Some tan pages: Anne Frank, Casablanca a propaganda film, biographies, schematic of Japanese battleship, Tom Mix, Saint Exupery...
    Claims to include contradictory versions of events, and tried to reach a balance. The index includes 'Jews, persecution of', but no more on Jews.
2194 days of war
1941   Second World War Revisionism seems to be starting. David Irving: June 22 1941: start of BARBAROSSA, launched by Adolf Hitler, now known to have thwarted the Judeo-Bolshevik plans to invade Europe. On June 13, Soviet radio broadcast an odd, panicky Tass announcement denying rumours that Germany was about to attack. Since April 1941, the Russians had moved rifle divisions and airborne corps under cover of darkness and camouflage right up to their western frontier. Eight new armies were being created, of sixty-nine tank, motorised, and rifle divisions, the entire Ural Army District and the army's first and second Strategic Echelons (an operational military formation created only when an operation is imminent) were secretly brought westwards and hidden in forests near the frontier in Byelo-Russia and the Ukraine. Their target was western Europe.
      They had better maps of Berlin than the Germans. By June 17, one hundred and seventy Soviet divisions were secretly in place, right on the frontier; it was "the biggest troop movement by a single state in the history of civilisation." The due date for completion of this build-up, which was irreversible and could not be undone, was July 10, 1941. By then Stalin had twenty-three armies and more than twenty independent corps in place to attack the Germans. But the Germans attacked first, on June 22, 1941. This is now confirmed by Soviet military archives seen by East German historians, but still ignored by their embarrassed colleagues in the west. Millions of airmen and soldiers died in the resulting military holocaust. By October 1941 Hitler's strike had nearly succeeded. Then Stalin regained his composure and flung the tattered survivors of his armies at the weakened enemy, and with the help of Britain and the United States.
      "The Soviet-German War, 1941-1945: Myths and Realities" by Col. (Ret) David M. Glantz is a Youtube video, quoted by Youtuber 'The History Reviewed Channel'. However, this looks almost certain to be Jew-naive. A website about Glantz's writing is here. 'A staggering forty percent of the historic record about the German eastern front remained shrouded in mystery. Col. (Ret) David Glantz seeks to unearth this information and dispel myths that have perpetuated the Soviet-German War of 1941-1945. This conflict encompassed immense scale, scope and consequence.' ]

1941   Jewish Voice of Aug-Sep 1941 seems to have had article(s) entitled Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism, probably to convince people to accept Roosevelt's Jewish war. I haven't found this material online, not even in, and of cours it's likely to be censored. I insert it here after a late Oct 2021 comment in the Occidental Observer.

1941   The so-called "torch-men order" (Fackelmännerbefehl) is the command No. 0428, issued November 17th, 1941 by Stalin. It declares that Russian partisans in German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40-60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, which would report the supposed German terror attacks. This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian partisans wearing German uniforms. See

1941 December 11th 1941 Hitler's Reichstag speech on war now existing between Germany and the USA. Translated by Mark Weber. Journal of Historical Review 1988/89 with some revisions later. [The speech by Hitler declaring war on the USA—absurd?–was not translated accurately or fully by the Anglophone media. Like most people, I'd assumed this was to prevent people understanding Hitler's points, for example on Roosevelt's illegal campaign against German shipping. But if Hitler was a Jewish agent—like the other participants, Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill—it may have had a different purpose. Probably both the USSR and Germany had been fully armed, and dissidents in the USSR killed or GULag'd, and Germans controlled. The Jewish principals may have decided it was time for white deaths, including of and by Americans, who of course could now be forced to live in tents and fight. ]

March 1941  Theodore Newman Kaufman [Theodor? Nathan? Neumann?] Germany Must Perish a Jewish wish for a final solution to Germany.

Feb 20, 1942   'The United States Government grants a loan of a thousand million dollars to the USSR'. This sort of thing throughout the Jewish finance reign naturally led people to wonder how 'money' was available for war, but not for homes.

Early 1942  La Condition Des Juifs Dans L'Ancienne France by Henri Prado-Gaillard. May be anti-Jew, or may not; I don't know.

1942  Sept 1942. Presumably buoyed up by British or (((British))) propaganda, Mordecai Shenhabi presented the Jewish National Fund with his first proposal for 'a memorial to the victims of the Nazis' [The Seventh Million by Tom Segev]

1943   Charles Singer The Christian Failure  (Singer was an historian of medicine. This book however looks at Christianity and concludes it failed. Singer does not distinguish tribal cults from larger scale systems. He is careful to never notice that Jewish immigrants are a cost to their host countries. Worth reading to see amusing comments on e.g. the Archbishop of Canterbury, and entirely self-centred commentaries)

1943   Earnest [sic] Hooton, described as an anthropologist, has an article published on post-war treatment of Germany (and perhaps other countries), including non-white races. It's inadvisable to make clear statements about Jew-involved publications, since Jews lie; possibly his work was a trial to determine what Americans thought, as, after all, a high proportion had German roots. Possibly it was to deflect from Eisenhower's murder policies.

1943   Mao Tse-Tung allegedly 'in office' in the Chinese Communist Party. Mao allegedly was Chairman from 1949-1976. Obviously, wartime situations allowed endless manipulations; there's an obvious comparison with 'Lenin' and New York Jews taking over Russia in 1917, then establishing themselves with the aim of killing both Slavs and Germans and invading Palestine. My best guess is that about 25 years from 1949-1976 allowed Jews to take over China and massacre Chinese as they did Slavs. I'd suggest that other atrocities were used as cover, for example in Vietnam, with an endless supply of vicious white simpletons to spread anti-white emotions.

1944   Anglo-American CIOS (Combined Intelligence Operations Subcommittee) and JIOC (Joint Intelligence Objectives Committee) set up or enlarged to find and confiscate patents and devices in Germany. Later they assembled FIAT units (Field Intelligence Agencies, technical).
    [ See the work of Daniel W. Michaels. Michaels wrote: Americans today find it hard to believe that this country was once a laggard nation in science and industrial innovations... America under President Franklin Roosevelt had failed to pull the country out of the ... depression ... the [US] economy, ... on a wartime basis, was unsurpassed in its volume of production, [but] its products, including wartime hardware, were inferior to those of the German war machine. Mass production—quantity rather than quality—characterized American manufacturing. This of course applied to the USSR too. ]

1944   Spaight's book Bombing Vindicated. There were several Spaights with variant spellings, part of Jewish propaganda.

1944   The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill, was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans. Says Wikipedia. Allowed Jews from Europe to be given phoney PhD credentials and inserted into U.S. universities, which had been expanded in unprecedented numbers. The Jewish 'Professors' were numbered in 'tens of thousands' (says a video on E Michael Jones) all following the 1950 Authoritarian Personality outline.

1944   Education Act, in Britain, not relevant to University or 'further' education. ... See 1963

1944/45  Morgenthau Plan written about now; four Jews principally involved, Harry Dexter White, Henry R Morgenthau Jr, Eisenhower, and Churchill. Free download in German on David Irving's website. Der Morgenthau-Plan 1944/45 Amerikanische Deutschlandpolitik: Sühneleistungen, »re-education«, Auflösung der deutschen Wirtschaft. [ =The Morgenthau Plan 1944/45 American Germany policy: Atonement, re-education, dissolution of the German economy ]. Interesting to compare the still-partly-secret plans, and compare them with Jews' actions at the present day. David Irving says: 'many parts of the British foreign office files relating to it are still closed to public inspection, an exception to the general thirty-year rule.' The plan included sterilisation of Germans by 20,000 surgeons, or more likely trained operatives, performing 25 operations a day: in three months the males, and at a lower speed, three years the females, could be sterilised.
      Note that Henry Morgenthau Sr was part of the vast Jewish influence on Wilson, wanting the 'Great War'. As a small note, the full version of the 'R' in Morgenthau's seems to be elusive.
The sterilisation plan might be borne in mind if Jews finally face serious opposition in future.

1944   Jew from Poland, 1944, Raphael Lemkin, book on neologism 'genocide' published...

NEW OVERVIEW OF WW2 [12 March 2019. Posted to comments]

Intro: One commenter starts with Hitler invading Poland, including Polish leaders - in other words, Jews in Poland - being unreasonable, no doubt because British etc leaders - in other words, Jews in Britain - supported the Poles.
Another commenter, Jesse, seems seriously to think Bush invaded Iraq because of 9/11 - in other words Jews in New York, with their full media power, made use of the Jewish false flag Twin Towers operation].

Please consider this hypothesis: By the 1930s world Jewry was easily powerful enough to control the USA (after 1913 Fed, and late entry into Euro-Russia war, they could impose a huge Depression until they chose to arms and also give arms/ technology/ factories/ tanks etc to the USSR.
    They of course controlled the USSR with vast suppression, murders, thefts, and money from e.g. the USA. They controlled Britain: the British 'National Government' was more or less Jewish; the 'Labour Party' was Jewish for the plebs; the Conservatives were under the thumb of rich Jews; the joke 'Royal family' was Jewish or near-Jewish; Churchill was limbering up, along with FDR in the USA, the French, and Stalin in the USSR.
    Jews controlled the French Empire. The Vichy regime probably coordinated with France in Africa and south-east Asia.

In my view the entire WW2 was orchestrated by Jews, controlling the media independently in each country, and in mutual isolation, so they could e.g. arrange pretty much any plausible idea with media campaigns and oratory. The motive being to extend Jewish power, by killing whites preferably, and getting legal title to whites' assets and rents by controlling weapons sales, loans, and war costs.

For example, the invasion of Poland was to serve as a casus belli - the media were careful not to mention Stalin's invasion of Poland. France collapsed - or at least that was the story; with German and French Jewish military secret collaboration, this must have been easy to arrange. Yes, there were Jews in Germany - in fact the entire NSDAP upper strata were Jews, with Hitler as actor. After the 'fall of France' the Germans would have felt bullish, of course. Note that genuine patriotic Germans were killed - Long Knives, remember? The 'Russia'/'German' Pact, in fact Jewish, and the 'Phoney War' must have allowed time to plan to kill whites. Hitler delayed until the very-much-below-zero Russian winter; and intervened to keep away from Moscow. (The German airforce, Luftwaffe, couldn't reach Moscow anyway). Incidentally, bombing of places like Auschwitz was left till near the end; they had been safe refuges for Jews, but then they were bombed, and Jews took over the camps, starving and killing the goyim, and awaited 'liberation'. Meanwhile e.g. Bletchley Park kept comms between Jews; the whole thing was like a turkey shoot - or like cockfights arranged between 'goyim'. Ending with Jew revenge on Germans, Poles and others by Eisenhower, Ike the Kike from Sweden. Note the 'Ritchie Boys' (named after Fort Riche) seems to have played a similar role in the USA; the story seems to have been a timed release, written up by 'storyteller' Bruce Henderson).

I'd guess also that Tsar Nicholas II was not murdered, but turned Russia over to Jews, as probably promised secretly to Jews after the fashion of Balfour. In any case, Nicholas may have been Jewish, and may have deliberately caused Russian deaths. Miles Mathis has done interesting work on this, largely just by poking through family genealogies online.

I've put quite a bit of suggestive stuff here:
if anyone would like to post comments, pro, con, and irrelevant, raetowest [@] .

1944-1948   Anglo-Israel War   (There's no accepted name for this war, as Israel didn't exist. 784 British police officers, servicemen, Crown servants and civilian staff were killed by Jewish terrorists in the Palestine Mandate crisis between 1944–48 (figures from Francis Carr Begbie). The following external site, written by Dave Martin, comments on murder attempts on Truman, Bevin etc, which have been kept secret, as was Forrestal's murder).
    Contrary to Jewish media assertions, Jewish treatment of Palestinians is far worse than the Nazis treatment of Jews. There was no equivalent of the killings and atrocities by Jews of Palestinians (Deir Yassin, April 9, 1948 is the least censored of many events) to cause Jews to flee from Germany, in the way Palestinians were made to flee. (The wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on are also intended to clear land, on a far larger scale - note added 2016). After about 2000 Auschwitz etc admittedly made Jews work, but the camps were the safest places in Germany, and were shielded from the allied bombing of the rest of Germany.
    I've seen the King David Hotel incident compared with the USS Liberty.
    Here's a short video—Virtual Tour of Auschwitz by 'Silver Threads' (uploaded 28 Jan 2019). Auschwitz was a bomb-free zone in which Jews could be safe while Germans, Russians, Poles and others were killing each other.

    Palestinians of course are bombed, maimed etc. There is as yet no systematic extraction of money from Jews to pay compensation for the actual treatment of Palestinians, much less for stories which Palestinians might make up, publish and film in future. (al-Naqba or al-Nakba apparently means something like 'the catastrophe' and is celebrated, if that's the word, on May 14th. I haven't found where the term originated. It's not the sort of thing mentioned in the Jewish-controlled media, obviously, and gets low-level publicity in the way the 'Holodomor' does. A side-effect of Jewish genetic inability to see, and therefore remember, the other person's point of view, is an accumulation of such memories, among other peoples, in many regions).

1945   Stalin 'nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize'. Also in 1948. 'For his efforts to end World War II.' I haven't checked any of the details. Note that Adolf Hitler was nominated for 'the Nobel Peace Prize' in 1939. I commend these facts to people who don't want to understand that Jews controlled both sides.

Destruction of books and cultures. Very likely to be a Jew habit
Tom Tomasch: We had no school textbooks in Austria after 1945, same in Germany, for at least 2 years and no schools for almost one year. I was 9 years old when I relearned how to read and write. Regarding math, I had not the slightest idea anymore. When the first public library opened in our village in 1948, I read the first book of my life. I even remember its name, "Undine". That's how Jewish-American democracy looked like after WWII. With school textbooks, all private and wartime books, photos and letters from the front were also confiscated. That's why my generation, born 1937, and the following ones, have no idea of what happened in WWII and why it happened. It was therefore easy to heap all guilt on to the Germans, and this without seemingly any opposition from Germans and Austrians. And as there was a vacuum of understanding, it was easy to brainwash my and the following generations. Up until today, much what is written in the English language about WWII is not available in German. I became mentally, and historically, free only after I emigrated to Canada in 1966, learned English and could from then on read English publications.
1945   Alfred Hitchcock was persuaded by his friend and movie producer the British Jew, Sidney Bernstein, to leave Hollywood to assist on project “F3080.” F3080 was the name British Intelligence gave to a project to compile a 'documentary' (fake) film on German atrocities.
      The ['Holocaust' fraud] project originated in February 1945 in the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). Hitchcock was recorded expressing his primary concern that “we should try to prevent people thinking that any of this was faked.” [This account from]

1945  USA Jews begin The hoax of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki  (By A combination of press and, later, TV lies, and prolonged censorship, this fraud started at this point. Attlee, in the UK, started a secret project in 1947. Attlee worked with the Webbs and others and it can be confidently stated that Jewish credit must have been secretly involved. As far as I know public debunking began in 2005: 'Father' of nuke revisionism)

1945  'Germany was a land of grand monuments dating from well before the Middle Ages. The jewish US led MFA&A reported that in Germany alone, over 90 percent of the monuments had been hit by Allied bombings, and 60 percent had been destroyed. The rest were at the mercy of the occupying forces or new governments in lands taken from Germany. Allied directives issued in 1945, as part of the "re-education" process, demanded the destruction all German monuments and museums deemed "patriotic, nationalistic or idealizing German culture." ... To provide a facade of legitimacy for the vandalism, German monuments condemned for Allied destruction applied formally to those built before August 1, 1914, the beginning of Britain's hostilities with Germany in World War One. In reality the decisions were left to company commanders or even factors such as what amount of valuable scrap might be gleaned. Monuments were razed and blown up without regard to age, artistic merit, rarity, history or beauty in all occupied western zones, while in the communist controlled eastern regions, ancient statues of German kings, musicians and writers were replaced by those of communist thugs, erasing centuries of German history and culture.' - from an article by Meža Vilks.

1945  David Irving  Nuremberg—The Last Battle  (Detailed definitive account, published in 1996) of the proceedings over several years in which the supposed belief in international justice was overturned by Jews in the USA and USSR. Marks the start of the fraud of what later came to be called 'the Holocaust')

1945   After the destruction of Germany, assets were looted, including entire factories for the USSR. Technology was taken or copied, for example rocketry, water and sewage processing, autobahnen, and electron microscopes—these latter were to have, and still have to this date, a disastrous effect on biology research. "The Great Patent Heist": President Harry Truman's Executive Order 9604. Aug 25th 1945.

1945: Faked nuclear atrocities in Japan; genuine firestorm atrocities in Japan. NB I suspect the Vietnamese were told by Japanese that Hiroshima was a fake. Probably they'd attribute it to Americans, rather than Jews. See nukelies.

1945   Death of General George S. Patton, 21 December. gives evidence that he (Jew from Lebanon) was paid to do it, but didn't personally murder Patton. Maybe there are Jewish archives revealing the truth.

British 'Daily Telegraph' March 1946. Typical of press untruth—Jewish issues are censored.
censorship of Jews
1945-1951   'Labour' Government in Britain under Clement Attlee. Often falsely claimed to be a 'landslide'. [ Jew-related policies were genocide in occupied Germany; nuclear pretence so that the Jewish USSR (so-called 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics', Soviet Russia) could continue its policies; 1948 Nationality Act gave everyone in the ex-empire the 'right' to move to Britain; social insurance probably designed secretly to support future immigrants. ]

1946   King David Hotel bomb in Jerusalem. The 'Labour' Government in Britain supposedly deplored this. (Incidentally, postal bombs were mailed to some members of the British Government, but these events were kept secret. And I suppose may not have happened.) I say the 'Labour' Government supposedly deplored this, but Britain was in debt to Jews. I'd expect there were public condemnations, but private approval. Probably this sort of thing happened between Roman Catholics and Jews for centuries.

1946   July 1946 Cmnd 6873, 'Palestine: Statement of Information Relating to Acts of Violence'. Command Document from HSMO ('Her Majesty's Stationery Office') supposedly to the Queen.
      The Palestine Arab Refugee Office, New York, on Hagana, Irgun, and Stern Bands. Izzat Tannous commenting on Britain. Seems naive on Jews in the recent Second World War.

1946-1948   Staged War Crimes Trials in Tokyo. It's obvious that some killings of Japanese leaders were tactical: for example, Iwane Matsui, supposed organiser of the fictional 'Rape of Nanking' must presumably have been deliberately 'vanished'. And there are parallels with the staged Nuremburg 'trials'. [ Revisionism of wars between China, Japan, Korea (and also Russia, then, later, the Jewish USSR) is, at least in the 'west', only just beginning, as far as I know. But the whole perception of WW2 in the east is likely to be different from the west, ranging from the dates ascribed to wars, the penetration by Jewish finances and their puppets, the use of local newly manufactured elites, to perceptions of the outcome of wars—for example, losses of European empires and exchange for US-based Jewish empires, and actions (e.g. Russo-Japanese War, Pearl Harbor, covert fomentation of wars, the nuclear hoax, Korea and Vietnam genocides). ]

1946   Victor Gollancz, Jewish propaganda publisher in Britain, issues Wanderer in War 1939 - 45 by (or at least credited to) Norman Bentwich. Good example of Jewish triumphalism. Helped prompt Jenzen/Jensen on food the following year.

1946, or 1947   Eric D. Butler's pamphlet The International Jew: The Truth About the "Protocols of Zion" was published in Australia. I haven't found a copy online; it appears to be based on the Protocols of Zion, perhaps an update of Henry Ford. I mention it because a 'Jew' online claims Butler said that Hitler was himself a tool of the [sc. Jewish] conspiracy and was seeking to further the international dispersal of Jews. An online site since 1999 based in Australia,, which seems based on the Social Credit movement, has some works by Butler, including Censored History and Bank of England - Enemy Within though they are not in scanned format.

1946   Stanley Kaplan began in the USA 'to include preparation for what was then called the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) ... [at the time of college expansion] following World War II, when the United States government passed the 'GI Bill'.' Part of the policy by Jews of getting into supposedly skilled work, after which they would favor other Jews. (British policy was to depend on exam results—though tutoring was allowed and money talked. There is an analogy, though, with IQ tests; the false story was spread that practice could not lead to improvement).

1946   Dorothy Walter Baruch 1899-1962. Published Glass House of Prejudice. Prolific author of a limited Jewish type. This 1946 book essentially was anti-white.

1946-   Martin Levi van Creveld Dutch origin Jew became a prolific writer on war, taking Jewish attitudes. 'Studied history at the LSE'; PhD on Greece, Yugoslavia and Hitler. Jan Lamprecht says (May 2021): JEWISH ACADEMICS WHO FOOLED THE WORLD. The first Jewish academic I found who was serious and talked more shit than you can believe was a Jew who was an "expert" in military history – A Dutch Jew – Van Creveld. That Jew can talk so much shit on that topic. It outraged a bunch of academics who wrote an entire book to counter the terrible junk that Van Creveld wrote with regard to military logistics. As yet I haven't identified the counter-work, which seems to deal exclusively in supply.

1947   Borge Jenzen (or Jensen)'s book The World Food Shortage: A Communist-Zionist Plot is published, a commentary on Jews since the 1917 coup in Russia, in particular the controls by Jewish cartels and trusts, big land schemes like Tennessee Valley Authority, prevention of land tenure by independent farmers, and so on. The reader can judge how much of this material has been officially censored by the media, 'education', etc. My HTML version with links of this typical title by the Britons Publishing Society.

1947   Ralph Franklin Keeling Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany published by the Institute of American Economics in Chicago. Almost seventy years later the topic is still taboo in the Jewish media. (The scan of this book is available on

1947   Example of the slow ingress of revisionism British Colonel John C. Scott who gave an election speech on August 14, 1947 revealed the real underlying issues of the World War II. Scott claimed that at the conclusion of military operations in Poland a war by telegram was waged between the Allies and the German Foreign Office. He was one of the transmitters in those negotiations. The Allies gave the Reich two conditions, and their acceptance would have brought about an immediate cessation of hostilities, and a free rein for Germany in Poland. Those conditions were, Germany must return to the Gold Standard and the League of Freemasonry must be readmitted to Germany. This was not published until November 6, 1947 in Tomorrow, which closed its article by stating "Some 55 million people had to die to make the Gold Standard in Germany permissible." [NB I haven't looked for the original source. The story itself sounds doubtful.]

1947   Jews in India taken from Wikipedia, for what it's worth. I list them in very shortened form.

S W tip of India: ... might have arrived in India with Solomon's merchants, settling in Kerala as traders. 'Whites' may be European or other [sic] Jewish descent.
S E India: Spanish and Portuguese Jews, Paradesi Jews and British Jews arrived at Madras/Chennai during the 16th century, after expulsion from Iberia in 1492 by the Alhambra Decree. Spoke Ladino (i.e. Spanish or Judeo-Spanish), learned Tamil and Judeo-Malayalam from Malabar (Coast south of Goa).
Goa: Portuguese Jews who moved to Goa. May have been tried by the Portuguese Inquisition.
With the East India Co, Baghdad, Iran, Afghanistan Jews moved to Surat (west coast).
In 1947, when 'Pakistan' was invented, Jews from Karachi (sea coast) and inland moved, on Partition, typically to Mumbai.
There are other later converts; I don't know who recognises them.

2011 'passport' of essentially a Jewish 'forgery'. It seems based on the meaningless of 'Rights' when they are asserted, but not given—promising everything and nothing.
    On 10 December 1948 'the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed and adopted by the General Assembly.' Eleanor Roosevelt was 'chair of the UN Commission on Human Rights, which drafted the UNDR.' H G Wells interested himself in all this, apparently completely ignorant of Jew influences. His book Phoenix Secker & Warberg, 1942) has an appendix on the 'Rights of the World Citizen' based on the USSR!
1948   British Nationality Act stated every person who is a citizen of the UK or Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Newfoundland, India, Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia and Ceylon, 'shall have the status of a British subject'.   [ At the time, populations were, roughly, Britain: 50 M; India 350M; Pakistan (the name was completely artificially made up: Punjab, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Sindh, Baluchistan went into the new name) 37M; Australia, 8M; Canada 13M; New Zealand, 2 million; South Africa, 28M largely black.
      A complex of activities, now recognisable as the Coudenhove-Kalergi scheme, took place: 1946 Bank of England Act; often misnamed Bank of England Nationalisation Act. And 1946 National Insurance Act, effective from 5 July 1948. And 1948 British Nationality Act, and National Assistance Act. On June 1948, on Jewish cue, the 'Empire Windrush' from the Caribbean docked in London at Tilbury. See Andrew Joyce's writings. ]

1948   Borge Jenzen (or Jensen)'s book The "Palestine" Plot is published. It includes Khazar material. And also Arab protests against Asian 'Jews' moving to Palestine. And the way the invention of Israel was not debated in Parliament. [ Jenzen/Jensen also wrote The World Food Shortage, a Communist-Zionist Plot ]

1948 Judge Gordon A. Simpson of Texas chaired the 'Simpson Commission'. One of the few cases where Jews involved in torture were identified; Jewish media control has of course censored such Jewish activity.

1948   Smith-Mundt Act [U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402). Was and is (in many amended forms) law distinguishing propaganda outside the USA from within the USA. Jews naturally want their countries to be individual targets of their lies.]

1948   ... (based on Lemkin in 1944:) UN "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" (General Assembly Resolution 260A-III; came into force 12 Jan 1951) states that the "odious scourge" of genocide shall be defined as follows (Article II):

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
  Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
      This must have had a few obvious purposes for Jews: (1) Allow acceptance of the existence of so-called 'Jews'; (2) Allow Palestine to be controlled by Jews with the ultimate aim of killing/removing Palestinians; (3) Planning for the fake Holocaust of Jews; (4) Permitting the past mass murders in the USSR and other countries to be unpunished; (5) Allowing future Jewish wars, for example in Korea; (6) Allowing Jewish control of propaganda and education, and money; (7) Allowing weaponised population movements, including of self-styled 'Jews'.

1948   Shelley v Kraemer (1948). The [USA] 'Supreme Court' found that while racially-based restrictive covenants are not themselves unconstitutional, but enforcement of the covenants is. This legal judgement or opinion in mentioned in my Instauration files. See 'The Case That Started White Flight'.

1949   International Jewry, at one time useful for funds and other forms of influence, could not be tolerated as a competitor. Stalin’s mood towards Jews declined further after the creation of Israel in 1947. He was personally shocked by public displays of Jewish identity in Moscow, including mass gatherings for Jewish high holidays and fawning affection for Golda Meir. The “nation within a nation” had made itself too obvious. In January 1949 Pravda published its famous article condemning “rootless cosmopolitans,” and by March the newspaper was purged of Jews. Jewish officers in the Red Army were then dismissed. Jewish activists were removed from the leadership of the communist party. Hundreds of Jewish writers were arrested, and, if they wrote under Russian pseudonyms, they suddenly found their real names appearing in parentheses. In August 1952, 13 Jews were tried, convicted, and executed for anti-Soviet espionage. — Andrew Joyce April 3 2022 in Putin's Holocaust Obsession.
    In fact Jews were in complete control worldwide. The only truth seems to be that Jews, having won WW2, after massive genocides, danced around too clearly, and a pretext of action had to be made.

Jewish ownership, cheap mass printing, and Jewish commands, combine to propagandise everything.

This is not new. It stretches back thousands of years, and is part of the reason Christianity and Islam were installed, and histories have been erased.

1950   Treason in Washington Exposed, speech by Senator McCarthy. Probably a feeble piece of work, referring, as with many people, to “Communists” but not Jews.

1950   US Census in 1950 omitted question on 'faith'. Fred Leuchter says this was to allow Jews, typically in Germany, to be shipped secretly into the USA

1950   Robert H. Williams Know Your Enemy, 56 numbered page booklet. Blurb says (note the claim he fought Germany in WW2): ‘During the war he [Williams] organized and directed one of the largest counter-intelligence investigative staffs in the Army Air Forces.’ A partial critic, Williams says nothing about the Federal Reserve, Jewish-based religions, and believes in the truth of the 'nuclear spies' supposed scandal. But he does identify anti-white material, and the alliance of subservient blacks with Jews, and selection by Jews—Earl Warren (later, of the Warren Commission on Kennedy) being one.
    I haven't checked to try to see if Williams was an agent. Some of his publications (and note the slow clumsiness of printing for short runs and sending out copies) were:
  The Anti-Defamation League and its Use in the World Communist Offensive
  Untold Story of State Medicine, showing that the movement to socialize medicine is ... the Jewish-inspired revolution, never intended to improve American health but rather to bring the American people under the alien power.
  FEPC and the Minority Machine, the herding of minority races into American industrial cities for revolutionary purposes.
  Williams Intelligence Summary, monthly report.

1950s   J H Plumb (1911-2001) one of a number of celebrated historians in Cambridge University after the Second World War. I don't think any of them were aware of the part played by Jews. Perhaps they kept it secret: Plumb has some connection with the Rothschilds. His 'conversion' to Thatcherism I'd guess was to give Jews British public assets, in exchange for his supposed skills. I looked at The Westminster Review in the 1840s, and leafed through his England in the Eighteenth Century (1714-1815) and The First Four Georges (1956), searching for faintly-remembered information on the Georges and their 'amours' to cast doubt on Kevin MacDonald's ideas on 'the West' as a monogamous, high-trust region.

1951 Refugee Convention   The United Nations definition, is:
[ a person who is outside his or her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail him–or herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution. (Article 1A(2)). I'd suggest this is primarily a way to allow Jew criminals, liars, organised thugs etc escape to other countries. That explains why it's ignored by Jewish promoters of race replacement. ]

1951   John Beaty Iron Curtain over America (1951; available online) includes Chapter II Russia and the Khazars, his sources given as Jewish writers and Encyclopaedias, some Jewish. And much more on 'Jews' in the USA; Chapter IV is "The Unnecessary War". Jewish action was taken against this book. NB Hungarian Jew Koestler's Thirteenth Tribe (1976, about twenty-five years later) makes no mention of Beaty, presumably for the usual sorts of reasons.
      [ Beaty's book is in the strident post-1945 American style as filtered by Jews and recommended by Generals and bandaged and splinted by the post-1945 nuclear fantasy; he praises 'the mighty company of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines...' and calls them the 'finest flower' of Christian civilization'. I include it as evidence that the Khazar theory was known in 'post-war' USA. Beaty is/was Roman Catholic I think, which of course weakens his whole appreciation of the malignity of Jewish influence. What a pity his book wasn't given a useful title! ]

1951   The Big Lie is a US Army propaganda film. About 20 minutes; I don't know if it was edited. Perhaps worth watching by people to assess US 'Cold War' and 'Anti-Communist' and 'Anti-Nazi' and the other slogans.
      Watch for the complete suppression of true information on Jews. There's an online script of this film, as read out by some embarrassingly feeble voiceover 'artist', probably Jewish. There are many countries not mentioned, for example Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarussia and many others. Note the inclusion of China; Jews in China have been a thoroughly-censored topic, though China has its own fake museums about Japan, notably the fake 'Nanking massacre'.

1952   I. F. Stone [Isidor Feinstein; the surname may be faked. Jew from Russia] The Hidden History of the Korean War 1950-1951. Tantalising book probably in the faked revelation style, since obviously 'Izzy' is unlikely to tell the truth about Jews in the USA, Jews in the USSR, Jews in Korea, Jews in weaponry, and Jews in finance. Limited preview on, presumably to note who looks at it

1952   Jew Rupert Murdoch aged about 21 takes over Australia's News Limited. There's a possible connection with Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and Australian complicity in war crimes in Korea and Vietnam. Murdoch corrupted—or simply used—two or three generations of hack journalists in covering up corruption, war crimes, and other Jewish activities. One of the most repulsive lumps of shit in journalistic history. And part of the Jewish paper and e-money frauds and buying-up of media.

1951 or 1952 Publication by Harcourt, Brace in USA of from Major Jordan's Diaries, reprinted e.g. in 1958 and subsequently. By George Racey Jordan USAF (Ret.) with Richard L Stokes. The inside story of Soviet lend-lease—from Washington to Grand Falls to Moscow. I have not seen the first edition; it seems to have been an early revelation of vast shipments to the USSR. I don't know if these supplies are attributed to Jews. An interesting aspect is shipments, real or supposed, of uranium or its ores, suggesting the book was propaganda backing for the supposed atom and hydrogen bombs of the USSR.

1952   Captain Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay: The Nameless War published, a history including Cromwell and Jews, Napoleon and the French Revolution's 'nonsensical slogans', the absorption of the British aristocracy (of which Ramsay was a member), and including of course Germany and the Second World War. Ramsay did his best to ask questions in Parliament, and otherwise agitate. In the tradition of Nesta Webster. For my taste, lacking in notes on sources, and lacking his own personal investigative landmarks to show how his ideas developed. But nonetheless a very powerful book.

1952?  Frank Britton  Behind Communism  (This is an online version of a privately-printed illustrated US booklet, dating from about 1952, based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica and several Jewish encyclopedias—all of course at the time in hardcopy form. Britton deals with the history of east European Jews and Khazaria, and 'Jewish' actions against Russia up its collapse in 1917. Britton does not deal much with finances—these of course are heavily censored: the Federal Reserve, paper money, loans to Japan for the Russo-Japanese War, Lenin's sources of money and so on are not discussed. Note that Britton assumes the 'Red' army fought whites—very likely the truth is they wanted to parasitise small nations. Britton added post-war, post-1945, material including Jews in eastern Europe—Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia—and Jews in Hollywood, in propaganda, US 'communist' Jewish politics, and so-called Jewish 'atom spies' whose role is now known to have been to prevent the USSR being democratised by the few Americans who might have been serious about democracy)

1952   Friedrich Lenz self-publishes shortish book, translated into English many years later, as Worm in the Apple. German Traitors and Other Influences That Pushed the World Into War: The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany. Just one part of the erratic fight against Jewish propaganda.

1952   Queen Elizabeth II crowned in Britain. A paper by Miles Mathis gives some genealogical evidence of Jewish descent.

1952   Publication of In the Name of Science by Martin Gardner. Typical part of a Jewish movement to protect Jewish scientific frauds. At this distance it was clearly part of a rather vague movement, which of course hardly ever mentioned Jews, and had many figureheads. There are many Jewish science frauds; perhaps NASA is best known. Nuclear frauds are becoming known. Click for my reminiscences of science protestors.
      [ It was therefore unlike the explicitly Jew agencies such as the 'ADL' ('Anti-Defamation League') funded by Jewish paper money after the formation by Jews of the Fed in 1913. 'CSICOP', Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, was founded in 1976. Such foundations show the typical Jewish pattern of generous more-or-less unlimited funding, and lifetime membership. Since about 2000, when the establishment of Internet was secure, online Jewish hirelings have proliferated. Richard Dawkins and James Randi (real name Randall Zwingli) are typical of supposed leaders.
      It's embarrassing to see that they take the lines promoted by Jews; for example in 2019 I found 'cis' sex, condemnation of opponents of vaccination. I haven't checked their collective opinion on the Sackler drug scandal—probably they are or were funded by them. I presume they're full-blown 'climate science' liars. It's what Jews do. ]

1952   Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). First edition. Part of the Jewish takeover of much intellectual activity. Twist and turns of later editions indicate how beliefs changed under Jewish influence.

1953   Denis Richards Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 – Vol. I published. This was volume 1 of 3. It includes the passage: If the Royal Air Force raided the Ruhr, destroying oil plants with its more accurately placed bombs and urban property with those that went astray [sic; presumably less accurate, or dropped from higher altitudes, or intentionally] the outcry for retaliation against Britain might prove too strong for the German generals to resist. Indeed, Hitler himself would probably head the clamour. The attack on the Ruhr, in other words, was an informal invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London.
      The war is invariably presented as opposing 'Fascism' or Hitler; the facts of Jewish international finance are always omitted.

1953   Salvador Borrego's Derrota mundial (=Defeat Around the World) published. Borrego (Mexican, 1915-2018) is said to have been very popular, though he is little-known in the English-speaking world. He may have been too Roman Catholic to reliably report on Jews; I don't know.

1953   Unconditional Hatred [of Germany] by Captain Russell Grenfell published in the USA, revising the military history of the 20th century. (The publishing house Ostara Publications announced their reprint in late 2019). His work is in the Jew-naive tradition of unintellectual British Services' warrior professionals).

April 1953   James Watson and Francis Crick discover the double helix structure of DNA though their paper has been criticised as under-evidenced. This must have had effects on Jews, both for ('Chosen People', 'master race') and against (maybe whites were better?, the paired spirals suggests male and female contributions are the same). The facts of extreme Jewish power at the time led to extreme assertiveness by Jews; for example that 'eugenics' is evil—see Wikipedia, Google, etc for evidence of this attitude. The technology was pre-digital, relying on X-Ray crystallography, the interactions of atoms within molecules with small-wavelength electro-magnetic waves.

Oct 1953   Death of Felix Solomon Cohen (1907-1953). Rediscovered by Andrew Joyce (Occidental Observer, 30 July 2021). Part of the nepotistical intrusion by Jews into the USA, in this case involved in legal manipulations in race, omitting Jews. (I mention him here as an aide memoire to readers). Part of the Roosevelt anti-German clique, itself of course dependant on the 1913 Federal Reserve.

December 1953   Playboy founded in USA, the first entrant into widespread Jewish porn. The first 'centerfold' was Marilyn Monroe. Presumably for Christmas. Plus Jewish world politics.

1954   'Lavon Affair' named after a 'Jew' Pincher Lavon/Pinhas Lavon. False flag against Egypt which may have been intended to fail, since Jewish media control could play it (as with the nuclear myth) to control beliefs amongst 'Jews'/amongst the white public.
      The plot was to bomb Americans in Egypt (plus a few Britons—probably they assumed correctly that Americans were easy to influence, since Jews owned their media, and most knew nothing about Egypt.) Four operatives supposedly died, and 'surviving agents were officially honoured' in 2005. It's all but impossible to trust any of this. But this seems to be regarded as the first post-1945 resumption of Jewish fraud outside WW2.

1954, June   Churchill stated to journalists in the United States that "I am a Zionist, let me make that clear. I was one of the original ones after the Balfour Declaration and I have worked faithfully for it." [Various Internet sources give this quotation]

1954   'Operation Wetback' to remove or reduce Mexicans from the southern USA states was made official. Some years after the Bracero Program in 1942. Given Jewish activities before and throughout WW2 to arm Jews in Russia this must have been part of the Jewish worldview on the USA. It is not mentioned anywhere in K MacDonald's Culture of Critique that I could find.

1954   Science and Civilisation in China by Joseph Needham, published by Cambridge 'at the University Press'. Assistance by Wang Ling of 'Academia Sinica and Trinity College'. Volume I. Introductory orientations'. Dedicated affectionately to LU SHIH-KUO, Merchant-Apothecary in the City of Nanking. (Nanking was the site of a Jewish atrocity propaganda campaign dating from late 1937, still used in Jewish propaganda, in the same style as 'Holohoax' propaganda).
      '... certain financial aid' was 'afforded by the Bollingen Foundation'. I could find no substantial detail with a simple search. In 1945, Bollingen Foundation was formed as a separate entity, ...for the publication of Bollingen Series but also as a source of funds for fellowships, subventions, and institutional contributions in a variety of humanistic and scientific fields. Major grants were made particularly in the fields of poetry, archaeology, and psychology. ... established jointly by Paul Mellon and his first wife, Mary Conover Mellon. Their initial motive was to assure a wider audience in the English-speaking world for Jung's scientific works.
      Joseph Needham was a biochemist, attracted to China. Unfortunately, he seems to have been a 'useful idiot', a 1930 product, facilitating Jewish takeovers in China. His work in showing the inventiveness of China made a considerable impression. In retrospect, much of it may have been propagandist. The 'Tibet Region of China' is one of his headings. He married a Chinese, and had his own institute in Cambridge.

Cold War and Civil Defense campaigns, after Jews in the USSR pretended they had 'the' H-bomb, start in earnest to make money for Jews and collaborators.

Jan 1955 Point magazine, ed. Father Leonard Feeney (see for editions from 1952 to 1959) in World Government By The Jews states ‘Of the 1,800 executives employed at United Nations headquarters in New York City, over 1,200 are Jews.’ [Thanks to 'Baron Harris']

1955  Edward Bernays  Engineering of Consent  (Typical part of the system of propaganda, deceit and media control arranged by Jews in the USA)

October 1956   Hungarian Revolution against Jewish rule in Hungary. Louis Marschalko's The World Conquerors—The Real War Criminals was published in English in 1958 by the Britons Publishing Company. David's Irving's book Uprising! was published in Oct 1981.

1956   Karl Marx monument in Highgate Cemetery, London, completed. In 1954 Marx's body, and those of other rich Jews, was disinterred and presumably buried in Highgate.

October 1956-7   The Suez Crisis  Attack on Egypt  By Britain, France, and Israel. Suez is a perfect example of an event needing deep revisionism to understand. Eisenhower, an absolutely typical Jew liar, nevertheless seems to have disapproved; he at least gave that impression, perhaps because Israel was clearly too aggressive, a coloniser, and not an innocent victim, and because it was clear that 'Britain' and 'France' collaborated with Israel. Khrushchev in the Jew-run USSR allegedly threatened nuclear action: probably therefore the Jews in both USA and USSR collaborated to damage Britain and France. One would have thought that, after WW1 and WW2, this was hardly necessary; but it seems to have made Jewish loans to Britain, and Jewish influence in the USSR, more secure. Britain's Prime Minister, Anthony Eden, b. 1897, allegedly had mental illness issues after Suez; possibly, after devotion to Churchill, he began to glimpse the truth. (Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal. It's typical of the perpetually low-grade commentariat that the actual effects of this move were not discussed in the media)
      Miles Mathis in (this piece) maintains that both Nasser and Hussein are Jewish names. So Suez may well be a directed-from-the-top psyop.

1957   Sweden was one of the first countries in which anti-Apartheid movements started 'spontaneously'; presumably by Jews, notably the Bonnier media family. This date is selected more or less arbitrarily, since, if there had been a defining date, it would be kept secret. Note how covert Jewish pressure always acts against the Swedes themselves: consider the present-day situation in Sweden. And bear in mind that Sweden was neutral in the Second World War. [ From Wikipedia: In 1957, Swedish missionary Gunnar Helander was barred reentry to South Africa due to his affiliation with anti-apartheid activists. Helander later threw his support behind the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the peaceful struggle of Albert Luthuli, the prominent ANC politician. ... Pär Westberg, who went on to found the Swedish chapter of Amnesty International, met South African literary giant Nadine Gordimer in the late 1950s. She introduced him to Nelson Mandela... Note the Jewish policy of unrestrained praise for their puppets—Jew-aware people know that persons given awards and prizes and unearned degrees and media praise are Jew puppets. ]

1957, November   Leonard Feeney in New York on Roman Catholics and Jews. Mentioned above in the year 1215.

1958   Harry Elmer Barnes (1889-1968), prolific author of books on the First and Second World Wars, and on more general history, wrote on historical revisionism: Revisionism means nothing more or less than the effort to correct the historical record in the light of a more complete collection of historical facts, a more calm political atmosphere, and a more objective attitude.

1958   F J P Veale (Frederick John Partington Veale; 1897-1976) Crimes Discreetly Veiled published. Advance to Barbarism was published earlier and became well-known. But Veale said nothing about the parts played by Jews.
    This book is reprinted by Arthur Kemp's Ostara Publications. Its seven chapters look at: 1 Stalin as publicised in the West, 2 Katyn, 3 the alleged murder of Mussolini (but see Mathis on this), 4 Dr Marcel Petiot's murders in France (I'd guess Petiot was a Jew), 5 Marzabotto District in Italy where Major Reder was gaoled for 40 years for a fake village massacre, 6 'the Fate of a Hero' on Ramcke and Brest in Brittany in France, and 7 'the Super-Ersatz Crime' on Raeder's imprisonment in Spandau.

1958 Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland by Edward J. Rozek first published. Reprinted a circular from Britain's Ministry of Information (Feb 29 1944) to the BBC and 'higher clergy'. Telling them to hide USSR atrocities as a policy matter.
      "We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920 and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia and Bessarabia only recently. ... the Red Army will certainly behave [in the same way] when it overruns Central Europe. ... The disclosures of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject. ... the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the "Corpse Factory," and the "Mutilated Belgian Babies," and the "Crucified Canadians." ... Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry."
      This seems to have been an Internet rediscovery: here's a typical online image of the relevant facing pages. It's probable the continued decline in Church of England attendance, and decrease in gullibility about the BBC, were reinforced as some wartime stories leaked out, though of course much is still secret.

Oct 13th, 1958   Putnam Letter from Carleton Putnam to then-President Eisenhower on Frankfurter's decision on desegregation. It revealed a split between northern states' newspaper owners and southern.
      [ ‘All [professional scientists], when first approached, were hesitant, withdrawn and fearful, and the reason was not far to seek. Their employers on whom their livelihood depended–the universities, the museums, the foundations–were either controlled by equalitarians or were intimidated by the race taboo. ...’—from Race and Reason by Carleton Putnam (1961). And much more. I could not find Putnam in The Culture of Critique, despite great similarities, for example in their views of Boas. The Second Putnam Letter March 22, 1959.]

1958   J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972; note the deeply-embedded person, hard to remove if required) in Masters of Deceit (viewable in Chapter 19, The Communist Attack on Judaism, starts: THE COMMUNIST propaganda machine with its tactics of infiltration and division has long fostered the false claim if widespread influence in the Jewish communities of America. One of the most malicious myths that has developed in the United States is that persons of the Jewish faith and communists have something in common. The people who gave the world the Ten Commandments cannot remain Jews and follow the atheism of Karl Marx and the deceit of the communist movement.
      The 16-page chapter is worth studying as a sample of propaganda deflecting away from Jews. Of course it's tragic that Hoover was so stupid; but, if he hadn't been, he would have been removed.

1959  Death of Manning Rudolph Johnson (1908-1959) described as 'a Communist Party USA African-American leader'. Seems to have discovered Jews and become Jew-aware, noticing the NAACP for example. Died in suspicious circumstances.

1959  In Britain, a special police squad was set up to investigate Peter Rachman, a Jew from Ukrainia, using Jew printed money to exploit housing shortages in London. In the late 1950s Rachman was involved in prostitution, and I suspect murder—see my previous link reviewing the Christie murder case, and its Jewish media promotion, partly to remove the death penalty, though not in Jewish wars, revenge killings, and silencing overseas.

Google ngram approximately shows how 'Talmud' and 'Tikkun Olam' have beerig barely discussed in English books.
    Christopher J Bjerknes' book, reviewed below, provides what may well be the first overview explanation of this, and other, Judaic schemes.
ngram jesus talmud tikkun olam
1960  Herman Kahn   On Thermonuclear War  [ Herman Kahn, a Hungarian Jew, on the mythical H bomb. At least two functions: to make fortunes for Jews operating 'nuclear' industries, and to ensure US military will co-operate with the USSR ]

1960   D. F. Fleming The Cold War and its Origins 1917-1960 . ('Research Professor of International Relations Vanderbilt University.' Published in UK by George Allen and Unwin.)
      [ Two volumes; more than 1000 pages. Four parts: Enemies and Allies 1917-1945, The Cold War in Europe 1945-1950, The Cold War in East Asia, 1945-1955. The Second Cold War, 1955-1959. Probably worthless New York Times style recapitulation of Jewish lies: 'Red Revolution', 'Communism Confined', 1941-1945 War, Hiroshima, Marshall Plan, 'Fall of China', Poland and Hungary n 1956, Sputniks, are a few milestones. No overview in the sense of assessing outcomes. ]

1960   Biographical Dictionary of early American Jews from Colonial Times through 1800 published by University of Kentucky. By Joseph R Rosenbloom. Includes an introduction on the information used to compile it. Has some info on slave-traders and owners, distillers, traders. I'd guess criminals etc are excluded.

1961  Benjamin Freedman  A Jewish Defector Warns America  (Willard Hotel, New York. Brisk overview of First and Second World Wars, and Jewish manoeuvres to get the goyim to fight, including the USA campaign by Jews starting in 1916. Includes added map of Jewish trade sanction effects. Defence of Germany and the Germans. Freedman was suckered into the nuclear myth, however—or was he? Looking again, I think this was a psyop: no mention of Rothschilds, or funding all sides in wars; not much on the internationalism of Jews; or repayment terms; or jewish effects to cause 'Great Depression'; or arming the USSR; or the 'Holocaust'; or its use to hide mass killings; or suspect nuclear weapons claims... (Improved version including Question and Answer session)
      Note that the speech was recorded on two disks, which appear to total a bit less than 90 minutes. They were distributed by Christian Education Association. Probably this is what prevented their suppression.

17 Jan 1961  Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation.
      [ Revisionist interpretation from [Renamed in Apr 2020] I Don't Like Ike: The speech was worked on for months, by Milton Eisenhower and speechwriter Malcolm Moos. Moos went on to write speeches for Nelson Rockefeller; work for the Ford Foundation; Presidency of Minnesota University (1967-1974), encouraging fake Jew activism and Jewish pseudo-academic studies in African American, Native American, Chicano, Women's, and Urban and Regional Studies.
      The point of the speech was to avoid mention of Jewish financial control and its ramifications world-wide—the banking-government-tax exempt foundation-academia-media-Zionist complex. Instead, to redirect legitimate concerns elsewhere: The problem is, there is not now and nor was there ever any "military-industrial complex" that could "endanger our liberties or democratic processes," for the simple reason that military generals/admirals and manufacturing CEOs can neither take America to war, nor dictate the size of defense budgets, nor influence politicians to do so. US war crimes in this way were not blamed on the likes of Kissinger, CIA heads, and so on. ]

1961  Arthur Koestler & Cecil Hewitt Rolph  Hanged by the Neck  (Typical attitude-change attempt by Jews, in order to weaken host societies. Manifestly hypocritical, since Jews murdered millions including German leaders. Contents are entirely hysterical as even the title illustrates)

1961 A J P Taylor   Origins of the Second World War   (Long detailed review of Taylor's fellow-traveller background and life, and this evasive book, which dodged the principal issues of the most destructive war so far)

1961  Howard Griffin Black Like Me   (Typical paperback propaganda. Like 'The Diary of Anne Frank' (and see Miles Mathis on the Frank family) this is a phoney which has morphed into a money-spinner. There's a whole set of fraudulent books: 'T Lobsang Rampa' on Tibet is another example. However the black aspect is a bit depressing: all, or at least most, of the tear-jerking books on blacks are written by whites, starting with 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. 'Cry the Beloved Country' was written by a white South African schoolteacher. 'To Kill a Mockingbird'—white author. 'Roots' was plagiarised from an early white novel. I seem to recall 'Amistad' was based on a white account. There's a novel on Haiti, by a white woman—but anyway you see the point. Martin Luther King's material was plagiarised from whites. Obama—well! This 1961 book is presumably part of the anti-race realist movement. Read it and observe the fakery!)

1962-1965   Second Vatican Council was supposedly held to clarify the position of the Roman Catholic Church in what was clearly rather different from the past. Obviously, it could not examine the full rationalist case. And unfortunately it made little serious attempt to examine Jewish frauds, notably of course what became known later as 'The Holocaust', and nuclear frauds. No wonder the churches became a mess! This is a convenient date to discuss Jews and Roman Catholics. (Orthodox churches seem to have been fairly effectively crushed, notably of course in Russia). [ Here are a few relevant dates:
    1936 The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church (in the 'Catholic Gazette')
    1954 School of Darkness by Bella Dodd, b. 1904 in Italy. Chapter 15 shows her book is likely to have been a shrill reprisal to maltreatment by 'communists' (American Jews) rather than anything principled. This book does not contain her HUAC statement: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." Dodd has no idea that Communism was Jewish, and no understanding of 'fascism'; I'd guess her book was promoted more as a 'Cold War' buttress than as a serious book.
    1962 The Plot Against The Church, by Maurice Pinay.
There is a long tradition of Jews working their way into the Roman Catholic Church. So much so it seems entirely possible the whole edifice was to some extent a Jewish construction. Bear this is mind when considering child abuse allegations against supposedly Catholic priests—child sex is a speciality of Jews—, and other scandals.
      Since 'Jews' more or less invented Christianity there have been conflicts of interest; for example Jews had various monopolies or interest in towns, with the Church being rural landowners—heathen, pagan, peasant—and nominally opposed to Jews, though my best guess is that there was collusion. The Second Vatican Council probably was a matter of Jews imposing their opinions on Catholics. I've heard frantic debates on this, but it remains true that Christians, i.e. believers in 'Jesus' and his supposed views and godliness, are subservient to Jewish writings, and seem unable to throw the writings off as simple antiquated lies and nonsense. ]

1962   Roger Corman film  The Intruder also known as I Hate Your Guts and Shame  (Typical Jewish propaganda film as described by Frank Britton. Stars William Shatner (a Jew). All the characters are stereotypes of people in the USA. Just before the murder of J F Kennedy)

1962   E J Hobsbawm   The Age of Revolution 1789-1848—part of the post-war Jewish 'educational' scam. My hostile review.

1962   Wesley Critz George's short book Biology of the Race Problem. [ Following the United States Supreme Court's 'unanimous 1954 decision in the Brown v. Board of Education case' that segregation in public schools [i.e. excluding Jewish schools] was unconstitutional'. Interesting material on the supposed evidence for the decision, notably Boas, a so-called Jew from Germany, Herskovitz, 'Ashley Montagu', and other Jews—though the word 'Jew' is barely used. The book is not indexed in MacDonald's Culture of Critique. Wesley George seems to have had no idea of the part of Jews in money and world wars. ]

Genealogy of LBJ (according to Note: it occurs to me his death at 65 may have been a fake. Marx is supposed to have died at 65, too. Might be retiring age!
1963 November. Lyndon Johnson 'swears to uphold the Constitution'. I've been assured Johnson was a Jew, and, something perhaps easier to check, a high-level Freemason.
      [ It's certainly consistent with his actions—indifference to mass war killing, provided Jews profited; attack on the Liberty, followed by refusal to take action; damage to blacks by subsidising single black parents only; removing Kennedy, to retain use of the Fed by Jews; Christian church legislation allowing tax exemption IF they kept politics out, to censor information about Jews; support for anti-white causes and so on. My mp4 video (not a Youtube, which was removed by Wojshit) Daisy Girl political ad for LBJ. Shown once only, very likely to prevent close examination of visual fakery.
      The attack on the Liberty has continued as a suppressed target. It was revived as a parallel case to Jewish snipers killing US troops in Iraq. As far as I know, in neither case was action taken. ]

1963   David Irving's first book The Bombing of Dresden published by William Kimber.
      [ Looking back, this widely-publicised book may have been pushed for reasons unflattering to Irving. A few possibilities: [1] Distraction from the much nearer deaths in camps on the Rhine, under the Swedish Jew Eisenhower, which must have been remembered by Germans; [2] Distraction from USA's and Jews' genocide in Vietnam, which was becoming known despite censorship by Jewish news sources; [3] White on white violence, a subject of rejoicing by Jews; [4] Distraction from mass killings by Jews and their puppets during and after World War 2, atrocities which, by comparison, Dresden was small beer; [5] 'Thirty year rule' may have opened archives on 1933, with multiple secrets including the Federal Reserve, gold hoarded by Jews, the British royals and aristocracy and Hitler; perhaps they were kept closed. ]

1963   Robbins Report on Higher Education published by HSMO ('Her Majesty's Stationery Office'). This was mostly platitudes (e.g. Wikipedia quotes 'in the graduate school there are no ultimate authorities, no orthodoxies to which the pupil must subscribe'). P R G Layard and Claud Moser seem to have been the main supporting acts, along with the LSE (London School of Economics). The popularity of Antonio Gramsci, such as it was, dates from around this time: presumably this was aimed at collaborators who wanted to be left-wing, whether genuinely or not, of the Ken Livingstone type. In fact, the main lines are usually imposed from the top, and the idea of Marxist infiltration, like the idea of spontaneously 'viral' videos or media fame, is a fake. Gramsci was discussed, like Marx, because he was regarded as useful.

1963   G R Elton  Reformation Europe 1517-1559  (My review. An example of the penetration of intellectual life by Jews—Elton's parents were Jews who lived in Germany. Textbooks written by Jews influenced the entire 'post-War' generation who attended the new universities).

1963   The Jewish Hand in the Destruction of White South Africa (July 31, 2018 by ROTR Team at RightoftheRight). My brackets:–
      In 1963 a group of Jews founded the "African" National Congress. The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men—Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Goven Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the [Jewish] Soviet Union and the US [Jewish] CIA.
      Just like with the (((American))) Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Apartheid movement was funded and coordinated by Jews who used a small group of blacks as frontmen.
      Clearly, the Blacks did not have the power or organizing capabilities to make such sophisticated institutional changes, but the jewish controlled press has hidden the jewish role in the destruction of White Rule in South Africa ...
      After the British fought the Boers, with great viciousness, Jews were set up to control minerals in South Africa, including, of course, gold. There were precursors to the ANC, but it's difficult to get an accurate appreciation: Internet has a lot of laughable propaganda. The obvious Jewish policy would be to replace white troops with black. But there are difficulties...

1963   Harry Elmer Barnes, American revisionist—I haven't attempted to trace his intellectual lineage: he gives names, and there is an American Christian strand. In 1963 he issued a booklet Blasting the Historical Blackout (a pdf file here). It was issued as a reply to A J P Taylor's Origins of the Second World War, ‘Its Nature, Realibility, Shortcomings and Implications’ and reprinted in 1966 and 1978. It's introduced by Austin App. Barnes looks mainly at the start of the war, using comparisons with the 'Great War' to make his points. He is not very Jew-aware, seeing Jews as separate from the US' regime. He even praises Victor Gollancz, and admires Taylor.

1963   East and West by Cyril Northcote Parkinson. My review here. Unusual combination of Roman Empire style imperialism, including Muslims, and British sea and Russian land expansionism, with fairly complete Jew naivety. 'British sea power' was in fact mostly Jewish, as Britons started to discover when Jews moved West Indians to Britain after winning the Second World War. (Andrew Joyce seems to have discovered this about the renamed 'Empire Windrush').

1964 Lyndon Johnson, war criminal and apparently another Jew President, uses ‘nuclear’ scare film in his Presidential TV campaign. Shown once only. "Daisy Girl" (90 seconds). Note the voiceover says “ ... to make a world in which 'all of god's children' can live ... ” presumably excluding non-Jews, by Jewish pilpul excursions around 'God'
      'Tanstaafl' said something similar on the Jewish use of "humanity": ‘Are the jews people? In fact their definitive concern is for themselves, for their own peoplehood. As a parasitic people they not only organize around this exclusive sense of “us” as jews, but actively seek to co-opt, control, and ultimately destroy any similar sense among the goyim host “them” they feed upon.’

1964   Arthur Cohen  Attitude Change and Social Influence  (Typical example of the imitative but malign use of psychology by Jews. Zimbardo, Milgram, the attribution of 'brainwashing' to the Chinese when it was in fact intended to silence protestors against US war crimes in Korea, are other examples. Pavlov and Maslow are others)

1964  Warren Commission Report  (Set the standard for fake but official-seeming controlled investigative reports. It was to be followed by many more...)

1964   David Schwarz, a Polish-born Jew wrote "The Immigration problem in Sweden" in the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) using the Holocaust fraud as part of the evidence. An example of the propaganda part of the Jewish push for immigration. ('Streicher's Ghost' wrote this in Jan 2013).

1964  The Times They Are a-Changin by 'Bob Dylan'  (Probably a comment on Hart-Cellar nonwhite immigration policies by Jews)

1964  None Dare Call It Treason by John A. Stormer published by Liberty Bell Press, of Florrisant, Missouri. Stormer was in a 'professional journalism society' who attended a 'fundamentalist Christian Church'. It's been scanned into here. It is "anti-Communist" and mentions Jews only twice, and then only in an excluded-minority sense. Probably the reason it was tolerated is its failure to identify Jews.
    I have a 1992 edition, paperback with more than 600 pages in an uncomfortably small format, with ... 25 years later on the cover. The index doesn't have Jews, or b'nai b'rith, or Freemasons. It must count as controlled opposition, completely failing to understand the world-wide co-operation of Jews. It may have been aimed at the US version of 'Christianity', unaware of the Jewish roots. (I noted the 1971 edition was specifically mentioned by Dolores Cahill, the COVID activist, as mentioning 'Agenda 21', though I found no index entry on 'population' or 'population reduction'.

1964-1966  The Pawnbroker black and white film first 'released' in Berlin in 1964.
    [ Interesting as Jewish multiple propaganda effort: note the experimental release, the anti-white aspects, the portentous quasi-seriousness, the small-scale cast—including Morgan Freeman!—and exploratory trials in aspects of 'Holocaust' mythology. In 1963 an Ann Frank charity had been set up without much in the way of challenge; The Pawnbroker is part of the same Jewish media fraud.
    On the Jewish Anti-White push—in this film it's anti-Europe—note that anti-white propaganda is a long-term project, rather like the demonisation of the Germans before and during the 20th century; and the Russians; and many other countries and groups. For example, many US blacks and Hispanics now believe that Whites dominated black slavery, and that blacks invented and originated most ideas, and black crime is insignificant, and other Jew-promoted falsities. The emphasis is controlled by Jews: White war crimes, when controlled by Jews, whether against whites or anyone else, are generally written out of Jewish media.
    The Pawnbroker (1964) was the first Hollywood feature film since adoption of the Hays Code to show frontal female nudity, of both a black prostitute... and of a wife, ... forced to have sex in a [German] camp brothel with an SS officer. Porn of course is a long-term Jewish project; what more natural than to mix it with fake atrocities against Jews, when Jews in fact have a long record of forcing prostitution and rape on 'goyim'. ]

1965   Hart-Cellar Act US Immigration Rules changed by Jewish pressure groups

Washington DC monumentsWashington DC. Note the monuments to Jewish pressure including of course the fake Holocaust, and of course absence of monuments to Jewish-inflicted genocides.
1965   Death of Winston Spencer-Churchill KG, OM, CH, TD, PC, DL, FRS, RA —note the absurd honorary titles. A revisionist process is the painful one of revising opinions of publically-praised persons.
    [ All European capitals, including London of course, and Anglosphere capitals, have memorials and monuments to people and events approved by what's now obviously Jewish-backed cliques. State funerals in Britain included George VI (1952), Churchill (1965), the 'Queen Mother' (2002), and Margaret Thatcher (2013). We have a statue of Churchill in Parliament Square, Churchill College in Cambridge (with the usual difficulty in finding 'notable alumni'), and even less elevated places such as London Churchill College ('directly involved in the East London community'), a 'Churchill Community College' in N.E. England, and a Churchill College in New Malden which looks like an 'English for Foreigners' outfit. And about six Churchill hotels, a few dozen Churchill roads, streets, and squares. ]

1965   Myron C. [Coureval] Fagan's booklet How greatest white nations were mongrelized, then negroized: That is the fate planned for the American people. Fagan (1887-1972) may have been a crypto-Jew, charged with warning whites, but not very clearly; he rants about 'Reds' rather than the more helpful 'Jews'.
      [ There have been many attempts at world history, some of them by race. Here are my book reviews on these topics. Some, such as Toynbee and Quigley, try with conventional history. Some take an evolutionary approach, such as Darlington's Evolution on Man and Society. Lothrop Stoddard is mostly small-scale. Some are of course US-centred: Wayne Macleod (1968) and Elmer Pendell (1975?) may have been based on Fagan. Arthur Kemp (1999) is not Jew-aware. Fagan's work on Egypt claims to be based on Abraham Lincoln, presumably Biblical, plus comments on Brazil.
      Today, with archaeology, plus DNA, plus observations—on genetics, on Christianity in theory and in practice, and on the Talmud in theory and practice, and on revisionist material—seems to offer hope for serious study, if people can be found able to co-operate. ]

1965   James William Fulbright became, or already was, a critic of US policy; I doubt that the Jewish connection worldwide has yet been investigated, let alone written up.
    From 1965 to about 1971 he wrote The (((US))) military had "created a monster" in the form of violence-prone American soldiers, and recounted that soldiers had personally recollected stories of having "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads" of Vietnamese people and rampaging across Vietnam "[razing] villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan." ... these acts were "not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.". (See Bertrand Russell's 1967 book War Crimes in Vietnam).
    15/16 April 1973 Fulbright on CBS Face the Nation said something like: Israel controls the U.S. Senate. The Senate is subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S. interests rather than doing the bidding of Israel. The great majority of the Senate of the U.S.—somewhere around 80%—is completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants, Israel gets. This has been demonstrated time and again... (The University of Arkansas Library has papers and recordings). Some people must have pointed out that secret Jewish Talmudic laws are in conformity with mass murder for money; but Jewish media certainly would have censored them. The use of Jews as war criminals in false-flag uniforms also conforms to Talmudic 'law'.

1965   H B Isherwood published by Longbooks of Douglas, Isle of Man Racial Contours - The Factor of Race in Human Survival. An example of a book on race, more or less completely suppressed by Jews and their influence and collaborators. (It's available online). I have been unable to discover anything about H B Isherwood, not even his full name.

1966  Mishkin v. New York 383 U.S. 502 - Typical sample of Jewish pornography: pushed in USA by Jewish lawyers, media, judges.

1966  'Aberfan mudslide disaster' Wales. Turns out to have been probably a fraud (to make money) or a hoax (distraction or filler or reputation-maker). See unless you love trawling through endless pages of tripe.

1967  Bertrand Russell, J-P Sartre, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Schoenman, Isaac Deutscher, others  Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal  (Russell was 95 at this time. The Tribunal was dominated by Jews, and this may explain the lack of investigation into war profiteers, deliberate use of Jews in war crimes, the role of Kissinger, profits from drugs and prostitution, the control of currency in Vietnam, and the desire for increased national debt to yield annual revenue to Jews). Unlike anti-goyim reports, this tribunal was virtually ignored).

1967  Time-Life's Rise of Russia (attributed to Robert Wallace, 'a staff writer'; UK edition) mentions Khazars and Jews in very similar terms to Koestler, about ten years later: '... In 558 came the Avars, large, powerful fighters ... On the track of the Avars came the Khazars.... [this may be an error, as Khazars seem to have not invaded their territory] ... The Khazar rulers, diplomatically evading a choice between the Christian and Islamic religions of their powerful neighbours, embraced Judaism. ... The Khazars were in control of the steppe from the mid-seventh century to the early tenth ...' It's unclear from the brief bibliography where this idea is quoted from; I mention it because it pre-dates Koestler, is taken for granted, and pre-dates the full Jewish Holocaust fraud. Naturally Jews and the so-called 'Russian Revolution' are omitted from the US Jewish media part-work.
    [ I can't resist quoting, from the same volume, on Vladimir, who captured territories and 'By the year 1000, [Vladimir's] Kievan Russia was second in area only to the Holy Roman Empire. ... According to the ... account in the [Primary] Chronicle, Vladimir was approached in 986 by representatives of various faiths ... From the south-east came the Khazars, preaching the attractions of Judaism, but when Vladimir asked why the Jews had been expelled from Jerusalem they could only reply, "God was angry at our forefathers, and scattered us among the gentiles on account of our sins". Vladimir ... could see no promise in the faith of a dispersed people...' In addition, Vladimir decided against Islam because he liked wine, and against Roman Catholicism because the German version was unimpressive. But he liked the Byzantine Church and after military exploits and marriage to a Byzantine co-emperor's sister, established his Metropolitan Church, giving it 10% of his revenues. The peasants were less impressed, and continued with ancestor worship, orgies, sorcerors (volkhvi), and with double faith, dvoeverie, despite sword-point baptisms. ]

1967  Enoch Powell's speech at a Conservative Party Club.
    [ May be taken as the start of semi-public debate over the effects of immigration. This began in 1948 and was Jewish policy. Many universities in 1967 had meetings with synthetic indignation in 'protest', no doubt organised by Jews, though nobody said so to non-Jews. Powell never discussed Jews; his comments were therefore worthless. Note that Jews were discussed by Colin Jordan in Trafalgar Square on July 1, 1962, mostly in finance; I doubt Colin Jordan could have found out about Jews in wars; in any case, his speech was closed down early, perhaps for that reason. Powell's whole speech is curiously empty. Its harmlessness must have been one reason Jewish media gave it widespread publicity. However the secret Jewish policy to damage white countries by immigration has become progressively better known. Martin Webster was certainly aware of the issue in the 1970s. So were the National Front. Jane Birdwood's piece The Longest Hatred (below) specifically includes a section The Real Reason for Coloured Immigration into Britain. Other of the many Jewish names include Rabinovitch, Sontag, Ignatieff, and the recently-much-publicised-thanks-to-Internet Barbara Spectre.
      Andrew Joyce (2020-06-21) piece has a comment by 'Buckle': Powell brought in a million commonwealth immigrants in the 1950s as a punishment beating of the UK's heavily unionised labor force. Trade Unions were of course infiltrated by Jews; these were usually described as 'Communist'. Probably it was Jewish policy to push (((Trade Union))) policy to import and pay for blacks. I've never seen any suggestion that Powell had any awareness of such a policy.

1967 'Six-Day War'. 2017 headline Israel provoked the Six-Day War in 1967, and it was not fighting for survival refers to an interview by Norman Finkelstein, though almost certainly there are better informed commentators. 'Israel was not peacefully minding its own business, but instead regularly and violently provoking its Arab neighbors. ...'

1968  Eustace Mullins's book The Biological Jew is published by 'The International Institute of Jewish Studies'. Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) has a website which for my taste is not a very well organised site. I recommend The Biological Jew for its detailed comparison of Jews with fully-evolved parasites. Mullins regards Talmudic studies as something like a textbook on parasitic behaviour. He carries this into such details as blood-drinking rituals, sexual perversions, and obsession with excretion. This book is not in the genes/ genetics tradition of many biologists and popularists, such as Richard Dawkins, but is holistic. In fact, it's possible the badly-analysed material on genes, itself controlled by Jews, was an intentional distraction. See the 2013 piece (below) on Parasitism.

1968   1968 has entered the official demonology, as the start of western decline and decay, completely wrongly. The problems of Jewish militarism began decades earlier, certainly with the desire for war against Germany in the 1930s. Jewish-promoted immigration had been scene-set years earlier, in for example the US Hart-Cellar Act, and the UK Act of 1948 which opened Britain to everyone in the 'Commonwealth'! The Vietnam issue—bombing of huge numbers of Vietnamese villages, experimentation with bombs and chemical warfare, were of course played down by the Jewish media. And protests were certainly partly controlled opposition. Jews looked at the bombs as dollar signs, homeless Vietnamese women and children as prostitutes for American troops, and US troops themselves as disposable goyim. It's well worth understanding this as an example of the fiendish inhumanity of so-called 'Jews' and their handling in their media, and the cowardice of their fellow-travellers.

1968   Publication of Oswald Mosley's My Life. Here's my review confirming that it's unlikely Mosley had much idea of the realities of his times.

1969   Rose et al. of the "Institute of Race Relations"  Colour and Citizenship  (Worth reading as an example of the Jewish push for alien immigration into Britain. Entirely one-sided presentation, by a funded secretive group with an official-sounding title. Similar policies have been promulgated in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and all white countries possibly excepting Russia)

1969  Largely unremarked penetration of the academic world by Jews with their agenda.   (Slightly comparable with Kevin MacDonald's work on Jewish Intellectual and Political Movements in the USA. This extract is taken from Student Power (Penguin) ed. A Cockburn & R Blackburn. Perry Anderson says (in effect) that Jews penetrating Britain were a different type from those in the USA. The book includes foreshadowings of the media-driven 'Holocaust' fraud. Academic Jews in Britain c. 1900-1970 )

Satire (2014)...
Open Borders for Israel
"A great influx of impoverished refugees and asylum seekers, especially from sub-Saharan Africa, will add to Israel's rich cultural tapestry. Time for apartheid Israel to adopt a humane, liberal immigration policy"
1969   In Britain, the Family Law Reform Act, passed under a 'Labour' (read: Jew-dominated) government had long-term effects on families, vaguely similar to the Jew Lyndon Johnson's US laws on families of blacks.
      [ Families Need Fathers was set up in 1974. A great deal of material followed—activists, protests, legal and quasi-legal groups to prosecute, defend, and control and manufacture information, custody, the police, allegations of violence, legal aid money-makers, newspapers and books, feminists, 'Feminazis', child abusers; eventually by 2000 moving into Internet, publicising movements such as MGTOW, 'same sex marriage', and alphabet soup groups such as LGBT—only a few people identified the Jewish elements. "Men were finding themselves, through no fault of their own, stripped of their children, homes and income..."   The complications of these issues ensured that most non-Jews had no idea what was being done to them. A typical example is an anecdotal and understandably hard to follow book by Barry Worrall. ]

1969   So-called Stonewall incidents in New York City. Account by Christopher Cantwell: 'To recap briefly, a mobster bribed to police to look the other way as he ran an illegal bar for queers, whom he would later extort. When he failed to pay his bribe, and the police showed up, the queers got violent and attacked the police.'

1970   May 4th still promoted as Kent State University shootings. Jewish scheme. Good anonymous piece Aug 2017 and update(s). But it omits the actions of the officials of the 'university'.

1970   Brian Rossiter Crozier founded the Institute for the Study of Conflict in London. (The date is really only a peg to hang comment on). 1918-2012. Seems to have been an Australian, probably a Jewish family. Worked for Reuters, the Economist, the BBC. Looks to me like controlled opposition for Jews in areas run by Jews, including Africa. Fascinating to speculate on the net effects of such people.

1971   None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen with Larry Abraham. 'Gary Allen is a California based free-lance journalist' it says. It does not state who Larry Abraham is/was. Published by 'Concord Press of Rossmoor, California. Only 8 chapters: 1 Don't Confuse Me with Facts | 2 Socialism—... Power for the Super-Rich | 3 The Money Manipulators | 4 Bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution | 5 Establishing the Establishment | 6 The Rockefellers and the Reds | 7 Pressure From Above ... and Below | 8 You Are The Answer. The book says it was first published in 1972. Probably much was taken from 'None Dare Call it Conspiracy' as it seems equally Jew-naive. The Jew ignorance may explain its continuing influence. Alleged by Dolores Cahill to contain 'Agenda 21'.

1972   David Irving letter stated in a video of himself that the word 'Holocaust' re Jews as not used before 1972. A meeting in New York discussed how to market it like any other product, capital letter, slogans etc.

1973   Roe vs Wade abortion and the US Constitution. Started the policy of Constitutional right to abortion in the U.S.A.   This was supposed to apply to the entire 'nation', which, after the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act was set up for increasing non-white immigration. Non-white abortions increased, but the white majority was depleted more, and Jewish money control acted against them.
      Important Note: in 2022 the 'Constitutional Right' was removed. So abortion became a State decision. No commentator that I know of pointed out that whites were now only something like 50% of the population, so non-whites were less likely to have the 'right to abortion'. New York and other Jew strongholds are of course likely to allow or insist on abortion.

1973   Dr Jacob Bronowski Ascent of Man ‘13-part British documentary television series produced by the BBC and Time-Life Films first broadcast in 1973.’ And the date of a colour + black/white book of thirteen chapters. Bronowski is described as a mathematician, apparently of crystal structures. 1908-1974. Born before the Great War, died about 30 years after WW2. One of his daughters was described as a 'leading historian' by the Jewish Guardian. He delivered Science and Human Values at MIT. Wrote (and was published) on William Blake.
    [ Video, about 1 hour, of Bronowski interviewed by absurdly inept Parkinson, in 1974, presumably shortly before his death. Fascinating to see all references to Jews omitted. Parkinson is not known to me to be Jewish, but probably is. Amusing too to watch for earpieces, off-screen monitors, glances at his A4 comb-bound notes. Bronowski has a slow delivery combined with long delays as he decides what to say. Note for example Bronowski referring to himself as Polish (he has some resemblance to Chomsky, another Jew from Poland) and mentioning name-changing and accents. He says absolutely nothing about the Kahal system, synagogues, Talmudic stuff, Jewish money since 1913. Parkinson says nothing at all about the ideas in the series/book. But they mention IQs and population distributions; JB says there's no difference between races, mentioning IQs and Herrnstein for example, and saying there are lots of clever blacks. There's nothing intelligent on either major war, but a lot on Auschwitz and a bit on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fascinating to watch and try to infer if he is self-deceiving. MIT and his talk was post-Vietnam, part of the policy of never mentioning US atrocities, which it's clear now was part of the long-term anti-white movement. He thinks one single atrocity is of the same ethical importance of thousands; I'd guess this is Talmudic rubbish. ]

1973   'Mari' in TheOccidentalObserver May 27 2016: Nixon won the 1973 war for Israel. He airlifted every American tank we had in Europe and gave them to the Israel army. They were never returned. Also thousands of trucks, ambulances and other vehicles were given to the Israel army. Plus Nixon sent American soldiers to fight with the Israel army.
      Nixon was always described as a Quaker. Note this interesting piece on the Jewish root of 'Quakers' by Miles Mathis.

1973   Harry J. Jerison Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence (which I haven't read) suggests the brain evolved with selection pressures, for example reptiles to mammals, then primates, then 'hominids'. Insect, fish, and other brains seem omitted. Some evidence from endocasts, a sort of internal phrenology applicable to fossils. I mention this because it seems to have been one of many neglected biology texts.

1973   Jews in the Roman World by Michael Grant, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Was used by Arthur Butz in his Hoax of the Twentieth Century as a source for Jewish atrocities. I doubt if there could be full information in view of Jewish censorship.

1974   The Ultra Secret revealed—or at least some of it—possibly under a 30-year rule. Since about 1940 Hitler's secret radio messages had been cracked. (I'm uncertain of the details). At the present time (2019) this suggests the possibility that much of the set-up at Bletchley Park was just a fake, designed to hide Jewish mutual communications under a pretext of elaborate decoding methods and inventions. And there's another disquieting possibility: many of the people sent there had linguistic and logical and networking skills and experiences which are rare. If they pieced things together which Jews didn't like, Jews would want to ensure they were incommunicado.

1974   Philippe Bourdrel Histoire des Juifs de France (1974). Looks like (((French))) history; but I don't know

1975   Instauration mail-order, roughly monthly, started in USA; published until 2000. The link is my survey of Instauration, now in PDF format online. Interesting stage in Jew revisionism. For my taste, it does not take into account Jewish control over US military, and the resulting disasters and crimes. But much of it is sound. ('Instauration' was Francis Bacon's expression for rebirth or restart).

1975 or 1976   Arthur Butz The Hoax of the Twentieth Century first published, possibly the first detailed English-language work of holocaust revisionism. [This book was put online much later, as Internet developed. One source of many is (the 2003 edition). As far as I know, Butz stayed within the holocaust revisionism field, without expanding into other world issues.]

1975   The Nation Wreckers by Sandra Ross Pseudonymous booklet, which may be by Martin Webster, or David McCalden, edited by Richard Lawson, 'is an updated version of a series of articles which first appeared in Britain First between May and August, 1975'. Evidence that the policy of race replacement of whites was known at the time, though of course censored. The interpretation of immigration in this booklet is partly as cheap labour, partly as race-mixing.
      [ References include: 'Board of Deputies' of 'British Jews' | Lord Fisher (Samuel Fisher) | Greville Janner | Arthur Super | Jewish 'Defence' Committee | Martin Savitt | Jacob Gewirtz | Lottie Green | David Stern | Jack Wolkind | David Tack | 'Zionists of Hashomer Hatzair' | Mapam (IRA supporters) | Solli Marcus | 'Labour Friends of Israel' | 'Poale Zion' | Eli Benson | Stanley Clinton Davis | Marcus Lipton | Ian Mikardo | Maurice Miller | Eric Moonman | Harold Lever ('Harold Wilson's top financial adviser') | Sam Silkin | Renee Short | Paul Rose | 'World Jewish Congress' | AJEX | Jewish Chronicle | Lord Arnold Abraham Goodman ('Harold Wilson's personal lawyer') | Jack Ross | A Lewis | Monty Henig | Roy Lewis | Harry Bidney | 'International Socialists' | 'International Marxist Group' | 'Communist Party' | Bar Kochba Narod | Israel Narodiczky | 'Morning Star' | 'Searchlight' | Reginald Freeson (real name Venitz; became Minister of Housing) | Gerry Gable | Martin Walker | 'Jo Cox' | Maurice Ludmer | Paul Foot | Tony Cliff (real name Ygael Gluckstein) | Neil Kinnock | Eddie Loyden | Lawrence and Wishart (publishers) | Roger O'Hara | Maurice Ludmer | 'Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia' | D N Pritt | NCCL (during wartime!) | Lionel S. Rose | Fenner Brockway | 'Liberation' | Plummer (and 1959-1960 fake swastika daubings etc throughout Europe) | Lord Robert Boothby | Bernhard Schlottman (east German agent) | General Agayants ('top KGB official') | Tom Lascelles Iremonger | 'Petition Against Racial Incitement' | 'Yellow Star movement' | Olga Levertoff | Dr F L Brassloff | Dr Natan Lerner | Dr S J Roth | WJC | 'Jews and Human Rights' | Anthony Lester | Institute of Race Relations | Geoffrey Bindman | 'Runnymede Trust' | Race Relations Act | Lord Justice Scarman and Report on Red Lion Square | Roy Jenkins | Edward Short | Ron Hayward 'general secretary of the Labour Party' | 62-Group (violent Jews) | Menachem Begin | Herut | Irgun | Deir Yassin (Arab village massacre) | Sgt Clifford Martin | Sgt Mervyn Paice | George Evnine | Malvyn Benjamin | Ronnie Jacobs | 'Polish-Jewish Ex-Servicemen's Association' | MERAG | 'the ordinary Jewish community' | 'Direct Action Zionist Group | UN Treaties | UN Genocide Convention 1948 | Sussman | Moshe Menuhin. ]

1976  Arthur Koestler  The Thirteenth Tribe First popularly publicised account of the Khazar idea, written by Arthur Koestler, a Hungarian Jew, and based on documents and reports of documents in several languages. The information was in fact known many years earlier, but suppressed by the USSR regime. Moreover it was and is common knowledge in the Black Sea area. Koestler's motive in writing this is not known to me; maybe to downplay unpleasant aspects of Jews. [ It's been suggested that Koestler died very soon after publication; in fact he died about seven years later, I think in an old-age death pact with his wife.
      [Added Oct 2022: It's strikes me the the Talmud is so unpleasantly obsessively tribal that it may be dated after the Khazar event, despite the implications suggesting it was much older.]
      Added 24 Feb 2017: The likelihood that both Christianity and Islam were fake religions invented and inserted by Jews suggests a different interpretation. All three varieties may have been inspected by the Khazar leaders. And they may have decided to follow the masters, not the pupils. Posing as 'Jews' themselves, they may have decided that Judaism was such a successful racket, that they could use their important secure geographical location to copy the Jewish techniques. Or of course their Jew representative might have liked the idea—opening a second branch office over to the east, with access to Asia, which Islam had been unable to penetrate. After a few generations, the Khazars would all believe they were Jews.
      Trying to take everything into account, it seems possible that Jews, or the 'Phoenician Navy', operated in the Mediterranean, and 'successfully' impoverished Rome. They invented Islam, designed to appeal to savage Arabs, and a side-branch attempted to insinuate Jewishness into them. It seems possible that there was a conversion, something mostly unknown in Jews. And then tackled the land routes in Asia.
      As I said previously, Koestler is an infuriating author, giving endless digressions on many subjects, but never summarising his history. ]

1977, 1978   Jewish media campaign mostly in Skokie, Illinois. A Jew (Cohen) renames himself Frank Collin, and is described as head of the American Nazi Party. An intention to march in Skokie (with many Jews) is announced; I haven't spent time trying to assess whether they had any marchers, but standard Jewish policy would be to pay fake 'demonstrators'. Jews obtained an injunction—probably from Jewish lawyers—and the Jewish ACLU ('American Civil Liberties Union') made a fuss of pretending to support a march, as a civil rights issue. It's described as 'nightly news worldwide'. I leave it to others to decode this farce and its timing and aims and outcomes, including a sex abuse case resulting in jail—or in Cohn resuming his life.

1978   Robert Conquest's book Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps published.
      [ This book is sometimes wrongly titled 'Kolyma: The Worst Jewish Soviet Labor Camp'. First popular account known to me of Jewish work and death camps. This of course was, and is, censored by the Jewish media and their subordinates. ]

1978   H B Isherwood on The Myth of Racial Equality appears to be 1978, published in Britain.

1979   USA Department of Education Organization Act (started operating on May 4, 1980) worth noting. Administered by the 'Secretary of Education'. Worth studying as another Jewish intrusion into the USA.

1979   Conference on International Terrorism (in Jerusalem) start of another Jewish racket, to use the USA to destroy opponents of Israel in the Middle East and control the USA by Jews, 'police state' fashion.

1979   Ali Mazrui 6 Radio episodes of BBC Reith Lectures on The Condition of Africa which seem to have led to British BBC 'licence' paying for a 1986 TV 'public broadcasting' series fronted by that 'academic'. (See e.g. review in Instauration April 1987). Example of Jews promoting Islam (which they invented) for their own reasons. Mazrui is or appears to be amusingly Jew-naive, considering Africa as having three portions, Islam, native, and 'Western'.

1980   Ernst Zündel (often written Zundel) writes The West, War, and Islam and mails copies to numerous Islamic leaders and high officials. Note: internal evidence shows there are several versions, presumably from different dates. This was of course pre-Internet and only at the start of home computers. Zundel (as with others in for example France and Sweden) invited Muslims to educate the West and spread Revisionism. (I'm uncertain whether Zundel understood that, as with Christianity, Islam was largely invented by Jews and inserted, as with Christianity, as an ideology straddling many countries, essentially as thugs for Jews). Zündel started Jews on an international 40-year-or-so campaign against him.
      Zündel also discusses Freemasons and other secret societies, such as 'Skull and Bones'. And he supports Roger Garaudy, not well-known in the 'West'.
      Note that The Independent was rigged up in 1986, probably preparation as a propagandist newspaper aimed at Britons, aiming for wars in the Middle East. Or, perhaps more accurately, aiming for huge amounts of paper money to be made from wars and death and weapons, to be converted into real assets.

1980   Jews start or increase violence in France. This article (dated 1995; English translation) gives some details. The modus operandi is more or less the same as in most countries containing Jews, including police collaboration.

1980   Official start of Poland's supposed independent trade union. Solidarity. Part of the Jewish long-term strategy to deal with Poland. [ Officially, only a handful of Jews live in Poland. But ... many more than a handful in Poland's elites were ... equipped with Yiddish names. Mr Jaroslaw Kaczynski [NB same surname as 'Unabomber' hoax] (aka Kalkstein) actually was the Solidarnosc leader's (Lech Walesa aka Lejba Kone) adviser at the roundtable conference in Magdalenka Anno 1989, where the faithful communists (many of them enrichers who came to Poland in 1945 from the Soviet Union) agreed with ethnic Polish communists on "the benefit for the nation of keeping things as they are". (From 'Lucy' in the Occidental Observer. Sales of 'kosher kitchens' in Poland provide some clue to actual numbers. Merkel, the ugly Europe-wrecker, is presumably a Jew from Poland.) ]

1980  Hebrew is Greek by Joseph Yehuda seems to claim this plagiarism.

1981  David Irving  Uprising! One Nation's Nightmare—Hungary 1956  (Interesting well-written account based largely on first-hand accounts of Hungarians attempting to throw off the Jewish grip on their country. Warning: includes some accounts of 'communist' (i.e. Jewish) tortures.)

1981   Start of FLLF in Lebanon, meaning (in American English) Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners. ... hundreds of Palestinian & Lebanese civilians were killed in car bombings. 2018 book by Ronen Bergman on the subject entitled Rise and Kill First. Bergman supposedly has written on subjects including Iranian nuclear matters, so it's unlikely his stuff is anything other than Jew-approved.

1981   The Venetian Conspiracy, talk by Webster Tarpley.   ‘The classical Venetian predicament is that of the weaker power attempting to play off two or more major empires.’   ‘Venice parasitized the decline of much larger states, a decline that Venice itself strove to organize, sometimes in a long and gradual descending curve, but sometimes in a quick bonanza of looting.’   Looks far superior to Machiavelli, to me. The Venetian Conspiracy is now one chapter from Essays and Speeches, 1970-1996 by Webster Tarpley. It's possible he's a deep agent, however.
      (Tarpley's website is   NB Miles Mathis references Tarpley).

1984   Remarkable speech by Hartley Shawcross on Hitler, Nuremberg, and the Soviet Union. In Stourbridge March 16th 1984 he supposedly spoke: "Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans' around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentlessly pursued now, only under a different label."
    [ Shawcross delivered a two-day speech at Nuremberg, intended to persuade (e.g.) BBC listeners that Nuremberg would be conducted in a fully legally correct way. Other of his activities included prosecuting 'Lord Haw-Haw', for treason, and Klaus Fuchs for giving 'atomic secrets' to 'the Russians'. He was President of the Board of Trade under 'Labour' when Churchill displaced them; probably he was a 'useful idiot' hiding Jewish control of British trade. He also took part in Justice, a supposed human rights organisation, apparently from 1957-1972, at the time of US genocide in Vietnam. It certainly seems fair to regard his speech as remarkable, but it accepts the mythologies around Hitler and Stalin, and the failure to examine the entirety of Jewish power. ]

1984   Joseph M. Canfield's first limited publication of The Incredible Scofield and His Book starts to make an impact on the many gullible Americans deceived about Zionism by the 'Scofield Bible'.

1984   FBI and ADL 'got into bed', diverting FBI to action against 'hate groups'. E Michael Jones's date. He claims the FBI was diverted from 'real criminals'.

1985  First legal trial of Ernst Zündel in Canada. Did Six Million Really Die? and The West, War, and Islam were two of the issues, though the Islamic paper was generally unmentioned. [ May be taken as the starting-point of legal disputes related to Jews as a collectivity. Although this started as a private complaint, the legal system involved itself. Years of convictions and acquittals, investigations, expert witnesses, Canadian constitutional points, international law etc. followed ]

Eisenhower's death camps
1986  Robert Conquest's book Harvest of Sorrow—one of the first scholarly works on mass killings and forced labour in the USSR.

1986  Christianity's Criminal History, Vol. 1. By Karlheinz Deschner. See 2013

1986 John Doyle Klier's first book Russia Gathers Her Jews, expanded from a PhD dissertation. Regarded as a Catholic academic, Klier nevertheless worked in Hebrew studies and (later) in archives in Russia. One of the few Catholics to comment seriously on Jews, one guesses he must have been an irritant to Jewish handlers. See below, on 'pogrom revisionism'.

1987  First volume of Churchill's War by David Irving. Probably the first serious attack on the fantasy presentations of Churchill as a 'great wartime leader'. Note that East End London had quite large numbers of poor 'Jews' to be bombed after Hitler's retaliation to Churchill. Here's an undated film or video of David Irving explaining how Churchill started

1987   19 August. Hungerford Massacre False-flag (or PsyOp, if you prefer) in England, presumably intended to disarm many Britons. There's a good account by 'Lestrade' of the media presentations copied here.
      Occidental Observer March 24, 2021 has a comment by 'Captain John Charity Spring MA': ‘Check into the armed response units that colleges in Oxford maintain. Also query the fact that almost every Jewish organization in the UK has armed guards at the lobby. Howard, Rifkin, Lawson, Brittan, Curry all squeezed public ownership of guns in the UK and privately made sure it was legally permissible for Jews to buy and use fully automatic firearms for personal and institutional protection. I mention the Old Estonians [i.e. Jews] as they were the driving forces behind the late 80s and early 90s firearms restrictions on Britons.’

1988  Did Six Million Really Die? large book of extracts from Zündel Trial in Canada. Not the same as the earlier booklet. Edited by Barbara Kulaszka. 22 defence witnesses, among other things. There are different versions: one includes Ernst Nielsen.

1989 More than 40 years later ...  Saturday Night (a picture magazine; September 1989) published an 8-page article
EISENHOWER'S DEATH CAMPS The Last Dirty Secret of World War II
by James Bacque. (Link to a downloadable PDF, about 840K). Eisenhower circumvented the Geneva Convention by renaming Prisoners of War 'Disarmed Enemy Forces'. (DEFs)

1989  Tiananmen Square demonstrations in Beijing/Peking. Widely lied about; there was no massacre. The connections between Jews and China are as obscure as Jews and Arab countries. Probably something to do with Jews migrating to China, moving assets to China, and/or controlling manufacture with cheap labour and expensive pollution. 1989 Nominal fall of the Berlin Wall and eclipse of 'Communism' in east Germany. Be very wary of these simple statements; many years later Jews with paper ownership rights were still hugely wealthy in Russia.
      A short time later (an account '1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador' in Wikipedia, the free enyclopedia funded by porn, like the Daily Express in Britain) Salvadoran Army soldiers allegedly murdered Jesuits and others in the Central American University in San Salvador, supposedly over a revolutionary group. These two events were spoken of together by Noam Chomsky, including training by the US Army. Chomsky never mentions Jews or Jewish money, but talked of 'liberation theology' and Jesuits. Jews controlled Jesuits, and the US Army and its special training', and much of central America, and I leave it to others to try to work out what really happened and who gained/lost and what the FMLN really was.

1990ish Coincidence of 'John Major' promoted from nowhere ‘... despite only being in the Cabinet for little over two years, Major had gone from the most junior position in the Cabinet to holding two of the Great Offices of State. ... But Major was only Chancellor for one year. When Thatcher stepped down in 1990, Major stepped in...’ Wikipedia adds: ‘Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds sterling, which made him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis...’ See on this presumably scripted-by-jews set of coincidences. Something similar happened (with gold; with the Independence of the Bank of England'—just like the Federal Reserve being unaudited) when Gordon Brown was Chancellor and Prime Minister.

1990  "Lautenberg Amendment" to H.R.3743 offered cash and numerous benefits and immigration into the USA to Jews from the the USSR, on a discriminatory basis, presumably part of the planned collapse of the USSR, which soon followed.
      ‘the so-called Lautenberg Amendment enshrined in the 1990 Public Law 101-167 that granted refugee status to Russian Jews even though they were not actually being persecuted or in any way endangered. The refugee status is significant as it provided food stamps, housing, social security, Medicaid and educational benefits along with a free ticket into the U.S. to an “'estimated…350,000 to 400,000 Jews [who] entered the United ...”’

1990  BBC Have I Got News for You Fake pseudo-satire news programme; probably small part of the push for war against Iraq. Writers listed as Hislop and Merton, probably both 'Jews'.

1990   Meir David HaKohen Kahane (1932-1990). Unusual in explicitly adopting Talmudic beliefs—nearly always they are obscured and evaded. Vicious stuff. I doubt if there's anything new in his books and speeches; in e.g. the Soviet Union it must have been routine, between Jews, but the explicitness is usually suppressed.

8 hours of (((British))) TV 1991 first Iraq war (VHS tape, then mp4)

Jews in Britain celebrating their money-making lies
1991  Attributed to Jane Birdwood The Longest Hatred: An Examination of Anti-Gentilism  (Published by Jane Birdwood. About 25,000 words. The death of Jane Birdwood in 2000 reminded me I had a copy of this booklet, for which she was inconclusively prosecuted in Britain. Its varied and interesting topics include: the nature of money and the 'Bank of England', 'Communism' and the fact the Soviet Union was supplied with technology and equipment, some little-known religious texts including Luther on Jews, race (including Portugal's disastrous race-mixing, Jews and the slave trade, and the Jewish-promoted 'Race Relations Act' in the UK), various types of secrecy (for example, Freemasonry), and the possible causes of wars, for example against Iraq. Its Second World War material mainly examines 'the Holocaust' the political effects of WW1 and WW2 aren't examined—the authors hadn't realised nuclear weapons are a fraud—but deaths of healthy white men are examined)

1991   CCETSW ['Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work' in Britain] Diploma in Social Work guidelines 'set out in detail the new orthodoxy'. The 'self-evident truth' that 'racism is endemic in the values, attitudes and structures of British society.' No dissent ... would be tolerated. Colleges and courses that did not accept it would lose their licence to train social workers. Evidence of doubt was evidence of unsuitability...'

1991  Bilderberger Group starts to enter general discourse in an intermittent way. The names comes from Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeek, Netherlands, May 1954.
    An early website of the 1990s: Conrad Black brags (or confesses, depending on one's point of view) that "After 1986, I became the co-leader of the Canadian group and effectively chose most of the Canadian participants." Presumably, Agnelli "effectively" chooses the Italian participants, Balsemao the Portuguese, Barnevik the Swedish, Davignon the Belgian, Hoegh the Norwegian, Halberstadt the Dutch, Olechowski the Polish, de Pury the Swiss, Schrempp the German, Seidenfaden the Danish, Sutherland the Irish, Vranitzky the Austrian, Collomb the French, David the Greek, Carvajal Urquijo the Spanish, and Wolfensohn, all those not otherwise included. Selection of US and UK participants is clearly more complicated.
    Another sample: Charles Frey in the OccidentalObserver 2016: ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT published the fact, in June, 1991, that Clinton attended the Bilderberger conclave in Baden-Baden, and flew to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Bakatin, who was pre-occupied with his Russian September election, running as former Minister of the Interior [KGB]. Nothing was ever published about that meeting, and Putin never replied to my query on his personal web-site. Many former Bilderberger-attendees found themselves nominated and elected heads of states or Brussels Commissars. (edited down)

December 1991   U.S.S.R.'s planned collapse, after careful preparation.
1992     From 1987-92, upwards of a million and a half Jews fled Russia in anticipation of the planned deconstruction of the Soviet Union. ... Extract from Anthony Hargis in (site started in 2000. Has extracts from the Los Angeles Times). The idea that the USSR collapsed without the CIA having any idea of it, is of course nonsense, and part of the Jewish media blackout surrounding the Jewish coup in Russia. Worth noting the general principle: perhaps the same is planned for USA, Canada, parts of Africa, Europe, China.

1991   The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews published by 'NoI' (=Nation of Islam), apparently by Louis Farrakhan. By 020, the book was taken out from Amazon, and replaced by what is apparently a low-grade Jewish hackwork.

sayanim usage
Word usage frequency of sayanim. Peak in 1992 so far.
1992   Peak year for the word 'sayanim' in English sources, according to Google's own English language sources. See the chart.

1992   Publication of Ronald Headland Messages of Murder. A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen [sic; no umlaut] of the Security Police and the Security Service, 1941-1943. (Endnoted in Irving on Churchill, along with Omer Batov, The Eastern Front, 1941-1945. German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare (London, 1985). And Theo J Schulte, The German Army and Nazi Policies in Occupied Russia (Berg, 1989).)
      Headland (if indeed that's a real name) and the title of the 1992 book, connections with Robert Maxwell, plus the obscure publisher Farleigh Dickinson 'the largest private university in New Jersey', suggest, obviously enough, a subsidised push to pretend Jews in the USSR and satellites were innocent, timed with the deconstruction of the U.S.S.R. The drivers of the USSR were Jews; the word 'Communist' of course includes them, but also includes a whole spectrum of collaborators, including 'useful idiots', Masonic and other cryptics, victims in Gulags and prison, media and military employees, and masses of normal people unable to escape.

1993   F M de Klerk in South Africa with the Jewish-controlled ANC ('African National Council') reportedly (e.g. by Jan Lamprecht) received large sums (Cash? Electronic transfer? Shares? Monetary assets?—not as far as I know revealed) for dealing with Nelson Mandela and other Jew puppets. He even received a Nobel Prize.

Ashamed to be white relabelled I is ashamed to be half cast mixed race
1993  Stephen Lawrence murder enquiry. Dennis Norman, George Erdos, & Ahmed al-Shahi  Racist Murder.. the MacPherson Report  (1999 book describing the strange top-down official anti-white campaign, based around a single murder, in which the normal legal process was suspended, a kangaroo court with more than a score of barristers, no defendants, no jury with Sir William MacPherson assessing the truth. Incredibly, one of three 'working' with a judge was a Jew. The 'Racism industry' in social work in Britain is dated here from 1991. Deliberate, and institutionalised, avoidance of statistical evidence on race and crime; for example, the BBC clearly follows agenda—consistently ignoring evidence on crimes by race now, just as it ignored genocide in the USSR, genocide in Vietnam, and now ignores murders of whites in South Africa).

1993  Derek Beackon elected a National Front council seat in Britain. Within weeks, a state fake movement 'Combat 18' announced there could be violent progress only, not electoral. "The only people they attacked were nationalists." Quoted from Nick Griffin. I'd guess the whole thing was faked.

1994  Death of Revilo Pendleton Oliver sometimes called Revilo Oliver Pendleton (1908-1994), who seems to have spent his life as a professor in Illinois, of Greek and Latin, Spanish, and Italian. He founded the John Birch Society, and was partly Jew-aware, in a typical transitional state of awareness of Americans deluged by Jewish propaganda. A book The Jewish Strategy (2002) is online—see below; Oliver missed the era of Internet and online publication, and must have been unaware of its possibilities. If he'd lived into his 90s, we might have had his complete philosophy. The Jewish Strategy states in effect that careful analysis of the Jewish Question is essential, but was unable to provide much of this himself. He was in my view excessively oratorical. As far as I can tell, he had only second-hand information on 'Jewish' scriptures.
      His work figured in Liberty Bell magazine, available here. (I give this URL as it can be hard to find. I copied its contents here here. It ran from September 1979 to October 1998, not dissimilar in time period and contents to Instauration. I've tried to include it in a site search engine, but it's not scanned well technically.

1994  Frank Furedi  The New Imperialism: Renewing the Moral Imperative  (Typical airhead book by a hack Hungarian Jew, presumably only there courtesy of the post-war expansion of so-called 'universities'. Obviously there's no serious acknowledgement of the USSR. Neither however is there anything intelligent on the USA and its ramshackle puppet empire)

1994  Kevin MacDonald's A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy Examined Jews as a group (as they appear in ancient texts) in an anthropological sense; MacDonald claimed it was the first book of the type, meaning (I think) in English. See also Arthur Kemp, 2001. [A People That Shall Dwell Alone discusses the real or mythical long-term history of Jews, including segregation from, and competition with, goyim; and Jewish eugenics) followed by 1998 (paperback 2004 with new introduction) Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (on anti-Jewish feelings provoked in host communities, which were then exploited by Jews; and the self-deception of Jews in their writings and behaviour). I have no idea what his MacDonald's sales figures are, but there's no question he's been a great catalyst in the process of Americans becoming Jew-aware, something like a modern Martin Luther figure. But I don't know how he'd feel about that comparison. ]

1995   Barcelona Agreement was something like Europe's version of the USA's 1965 Hart-Cellar Act. In each case, retrospectively, the medium-term aim was to flood white countries with non-whites. (Other names include Euro-Mediterranean Agreement and Barcelona Accord) seems to have included north African countries, Turkey, Palestine and Israel in free access to Europe—though not Israel. At this time, or later, plans were made for 80 million sub-Saharan Africans to come to Europe. This (of course) had not been publicised, and details are not easy to find.

1995   Heinz Weichardt's Life in Hitler's Germany, and His Later Life in the USA   (English translation, put online in 1995. About 200K pdf. Also called Under Two Flags).
      Weichardt was pro-Hitler. His account is unlike the fanatical Jew accounts. Interestingly, he doesn't seem to have noticed the collaborations between Hitler and Jews. In my view, this is one of the most important aspects of both World Wars; Jews are more concerned with this than any other aspect of the World Wars. See Hexzane527's notes on anomalies during WW2.

probably 1995   Keystone of the New World Order: The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by 'a well established female educator', under the nickname of benWeintraub. Chaotic book published by a small publisher which includes 'Holocaust' as a religion, but not the word 'Holocaustianity'. It is nuclear-naive and Christianity-naive. It does not have (e.g.) detailed comparisons of fake deaths, fake monuments, fake writings. But does have Talmudic material, characteristic of minds exclusively concerned with writing and numerals. Slightly like Times crossword puzzle mentality.

from about 1995? Common Purpose established, a pseudo-charity to update the Freemasons (Jews and local businesses) to the modern world (Jews and secret contracts and contacts). Partly exposed in the UK by Brian Gerrish, and others, but without insight into Jews, 'Marxists', and money. Here's an overview of Common Purpose from this site.

1996   John Doyle Klier [1944-2007] has Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855-1881 published. Fifteen years later, in 2011, Russians, Jews and the Pogroms of 1881-82 was published posthumously. Klier was a non-Jewish academic at University College, London (always referred to as UCL). This perhaps marks the start of 'pogrom revisionism', though it seems slightly too early to have spread at the time on Internet.   [Andrew Joyce in the Occidental Observer names Klier, stating 'In modern scholarship, thanks to the work of non-Jews like John Klier, the refugee narrative of the mass movement of Jews from Russia has been declared unsustainable. It's now commonly acknowledged by scholars, but rarely publicized, that the pogroms were fictitious, the oppression non-existent, and the mass migration economically motivated...' Joyce mentions The New Comparative Economic History (2007), in which Leah Platt Boustan contributes a 24-page chapter "Were Jews Political Refugees or Economic Migrants? Assessing the Persecution Theory of Jewish Emigration, 1881–1914." Joyce also names Yaacov Ro'i, Hans Rogger and Michael Aronson as what I'd call revisionists.]

1996   ‘Port Arthur Massacre’ is a typical localised Jew fraud, the object being to disarm Australians before large-scale nonwhite invasions. (see Manchester Arena, below).

1996   Justin Rosenberg: Isaac Deutscher and The Lost History of International Relations Talk given in an LSE ('London School of Economics') lecture theatre. I recorded this on audio tape; it's about 90 minutes long. Part of my awakening. Isaac Deutscher was presumably inserted as this talk 'won' an 'Isaac Deutscher Prize'. I noticed later that Rosenberg is 'Professor of International Relations' in Sussex University. Do yourselves a favour and avoid Jew-infiltrated 'universities'! You'll find links to 'New Left Review' and many other Jewish websites.
    25 years later, I know the answer to the 'Lost History' puzzle. Jews network in secret around the world; and much of their influence is kept very secret indeed. An important example is the Second World War: Jews in effect designed and ran most of it. See for example How the 'Master Race' Won WW2 and this of course is almost as secret as ever.

1996   False Statements Accountability Act (FSAA) of 1996 sponsored by Senator William J. Martini.
      [ ‘Subsection (b) of this Act passed almost unanimously by the members of the U.S. Congress reads: "Section (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding or that party's counsel, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding."
      This makes it "legal" to lie to the Congress during hearings and investigations, to lie to any judge or magistrate in any Federal case or Administrative Agency Hearing, or any Territorial State of State Court. It also makes it "legal" to present falsified material evidence in all these venues--- false receipts, false date stamps, false testimony....’
      From a piece by Anna Von Reitz, who states that 'it can never be lawful to lie'. Very likely this Act is Jewish 'law' being secretly put into US law, as perhaps part of the lead-in to 9/11. Her website is (no responsibility assumed). FSAA is not mentioned in K MacDonald's Culture of Critique' ]

1997 The Influence of Internet begins. Probably the most important example: from Wikipedia: The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative [read: Jewish] think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy. It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership." The organization stated that "American leadership is good both for America and for the world," and sought to build support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity."
      Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and Dave Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy

1997 The Influence of Internet begins. The following is extracted from a Swedish-based site established c. 1995, probably by Roger Garaudy (French Muslim convert to revisionism) and Ahmed Rami (Moroccan, who ran a radio station in Sweden from 1987).
      List (which doesn't include lower staff levels) of Jews in Clinton administration. (updated 1/4/1998): Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State) | Robert Rubin (Secretary of Treasury) | William Cohen (Secretary of Defense) | Dan Glickman (Secretary of Agriculture) | George Tenet (CIA Chief) | Samuel Berger (Head National Security Council) | Evelyn Lieberman (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Stuart Eizenstat (Under Secretary of State) | Charlene Barshefsky (U.S. Trade Representative) | Susan Thomases (Aide to First Lady) | Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General) | Gene Sperling (National Economic Council) | Ira Magaziner (National Health Care) | Peter Tarnoff (Deputy Secretary of State) | Alice Rivlin (Economic Advisory) | Janet Yellen (Chairwoman, National Economic Council) | Rahm Emanuel (Policy Advisor) | Doug Sosnik (Counsel to President) | Jim Steinberg (Deputy to National Security Chief) | Jay Footlik (Special Liason to the Jewish Community; no other group has a special liason) | Robert Nash (Personal Chief) | Jane Sherburne (President's Lawyer) | Mark Penn (Asia Expert to NEC) | Sandy Kristoff (Health Care Chief) | Robert Boorstin (Communications Aide) | Keith Boykin (Communications Aide) | Jeff Eller (Special Assistant to Clinton) | Tom Epstein (Health Care Adviser) | Judith Feder (National Security Council) | Richard Feinberg (Assistant Secretary Veterans) | Hershel Gober (Food and Drug Administration) | Steve Kessler (White House Counsel) | Ron Klein (Assistant Secretary Education) | Madeleine Kunin (Communications Aide) | David Kusnet (Dept. AIDS Program) | Margaret Hamburg (Dir. Press Conferences) | Many Grunwald (Liason to Jewish Leaders) | Karen Adler (Dir. State Dept. Policy) | Samuel Lewis (National Security Council) | Stanley Ross (National Security Council) | Dan Schifter (Director Peace Corps.) | Eli Segal (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Alan Greenspan (Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank) | Robert Weiner (Drug Policy Coordinator) | Jack Lew (Deputy Director Management and Budget) | James P. Rubin (Under Secretary of State) | David Lipton (Under Secretary of The Treasury) | Lanny P. Breuer (Special Counsel to The President) | Richard Holbrooke (Special Representative to NATO) | Kenneth Apfel (Chief of Social Security) | Joel Klein (Deputy White House Counsel) | Sidney Blumenthal (Special Advisor to First Lady) | David Kessler (Chief of Food & Drug Admininistration) | Seth Waxman (Acting Solicitor General) | Mark Penn (Presidential Pollster) | Dennis Ross (Special Middle East Representative) | Howard Shapiro (General Counsel for the FBI) | Lanny Davis (White House Special Counsel) | Sally Katzen (Secretary of Management and Budget) | Kathleen Koch (Heads FBI Equal Opportunity Office) | John Podesta (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Alan Blinder (Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve) | Janet Yellen (Heads Council of Economic Advisors) | Ron Klain (Chief of Staff for Al Gore)

1997-2012   Tony Blair's 'New Labour', Jewish-backed and funded, promotes huge immigration into Britain, under cover of the Official Secrets Act. Here's my attempt to summarise the period 1997-2012 in Britain. There are analogies in every other white country. Here are some relevant picture reminders. Miliband, supposedly the son of Jewish Ralph Miliband, presumably regards himself as a Jew. At the time of writing (mid-2015) Jeremy Corbyn is a challenger for leadership of the 'Labour Party', has a surname on the Jewish surname index at; he has fond family memories of Cable Street, and presumably supports the mass murder by Jews in Russia when it was the USSR. Corbyn has said nothing about the Fed, Jewish money, Jewish frauds, and must be assumed to be just another Jewish liar. There is apparent fuss in the Jewish-controlled media and TV with its worthless interviewers and tiny sound-bites; very possibly Corbyn is just controlled opposition, to pretend Corbyn has new, or original, or any, ideas. Corbyn is of course anti-white and says nothing about Jew 'racism'. Note 'red' Ken Livingstone has been a lifelong puppet of Jewish money, pretending to be 'left'; like an old prostitute, he is still tolerated though I'd guess at a minimum wage.
      The parasites gather: List of occupations of Cabinet members of Tony Blair's 'Labour' government: all of them are unproductive, positioned to fleece the UK: Prime Minister Tony Blair: lawyer | Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott: waiter, union official | Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown: television journalist | Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett: “researcher in industrial policy” for the Labour Party | Home Secretary John Reid: trade union official and “research officer” for the Labour Party | Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer: lawyer | Lord Privy Seal Jack Straw: lawyer | Leader of the House of Lords Baroness Amos: “equality activist”, Chief Executive of the Equal Opportunities Commission | Minister for Women and Equality Ruth Kelly: economics writer, economics analyst | Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell: social worker, public sector manager | Defence Secretary Des Browne: lawyer | Education Secretary Alan Johnson: union official | Secretary of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs David Miliband: political analyst | Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt: civil servant, “equality activist” | International Development Secretary Hilary Benn: union “research officer” | Northern Ireland and Welsh Secretary Peter Hain: anti-apartheid activist, founder of the Anti-Nazi League | Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling: lawyer | Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander: speech-writer, parliamentary researcher | Work and Pensions Secretary John Hutton: law lecturer | Cabinet Office Minister Hilary Armstrong: county councillor, lecturer in “Community and Youth Work”, community worker | Minister without Portfolio and Party Chair Hazel Blears: lawyer | Treasury Chief Secretary Stephen Timms: local government councillor | Chief Whip Jacqui Smith: economics teacher [from Luke O'Farrell]

1997 The Influence of Internet begins: another example. An article explaining the development of the myth about homosexuals and mass murder by Jack Wickoff appears in Comment, a small circulation New York magazine in 1997. It is also available on on Internet with a much larger readership. The homosexuals-murdered-by-Nazzis lies were of course part of the process of getting alliances for the Holohoax; the point here is that Internet enabled easy access to facts and myths.

1997 'South Park' low budget US TV drawings has 'Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo' with a shitty song by Jews.

1997 Internet Censorship may occur. A possibility which I've not seen discussed is buying-up of host sites. In about 2014, Endurance International Group (founded 1997) bought Bluehost, HostMonster, Hostgator, JustHost, FastDomain and other hosts. Warburg Pincus and GS Capital Partners are reported to have bought EIG for about $1 billion in 2011. The issue involves technicalities, notably whether satellite or cable can carry Internet against hostile interests.

1997  Cambridge [England] University Press publishes Esau's Tears by Albert S Lindemann. Supposed history of Jews, mostly from 1700. Astonishing rubbish.

1997   Carlow Whitlock Porter publishes Not Guilty at Nuremberg: the German Defense Case. (I'm not certain these details are exact; his website is chaotic). He also wrote Made in Russia: the Holocaust.
      Porter was born in 1947, in the USA, in a US Navy family, it seems. He became a translator from English into a number of other languages, all I think European. I assume his family fought in WW2; Whitlock seems to accept the Hitler-should-have-won approach, not in my view understanding the range of Jewish reach around the world, including China and Vietnam and 'nuclear weapons'.
      I link here to a copied file ( on Rhodesia, which in interesting on Africa and reinforces my view that Porter didn't understand Jews. He mentions that Rhodesian MPs were paid only minimally. He translated Hervé Ryssen.

1997  Le Massacre d'Oradour by Vincent Reynouard published in France

1998  Kevin MacDonald's book The Culture of Critique first published. Note the pun on criticism (as a legitimate exercise in fair appraisal, even if damaging comments are necessary) and the meaning which has developed (adverse comment on everything where it can be made, with no attempt at balance or honesty).  (An evolutionary slant of human activity isn't new; it was in Herbert Spencer, Gustave le Bon's The Crowd (1896), Trotter's Instincts of the Herd in War and Peace (1919), Arthur Keith's New Theory of Human Evolution (1947)—all illustrate more or less Darwinian approaches. E O Wilson's post-war sociobiology books attempt a more quantified approach, and Richard Dawkins popularised interesting points. BUT all these people considered human groups geographically, and simply assumed that nations, or possibly tribes, defined geographically, are the atoms from which human activity is made. Arthur Keith for example thought war was the survival of the fittest nation. The possibilities of hostile groups spread across groups is almost missing. And moreover the power of ideas was largely ignored—studying ant evolution for example isn't much help in studying human ideologies.
    I think it's fair to say Kevin MacDonald's books mark a new epoch, in which the behaviour of a group spread across many other groups is analysed. It doesn't say much for British nationalists that there is no equivalent book relating to Britain; and I'd guess the same is true in France, Italy, and Germany in particular, where post-Second World War influences are overpowering.
    His new edition of The Culture of Critique included a foreword with information taken from The Black Book of Communism. As is typical of the process of revisionism, the more MacDonald investigated, the worse things he found. However, as is also typical of revisionism, he cautiously retained belief in many old topics: the 'Holocaust', science as presented by the Jewish media (e.g. NASA, nukes), the Cold War and atom spies, Jews as in their supposed history; and he treats the diffusion of Jewish beliefs observationally, something that unified people just caused to happen to happen, without linking in the power of paper money. Here are just two forum entries on these subjects—not from MacDonald:–

Jews Suppressed Intra-Species Evolution Ideas.
How Few Jews can Control a Country?
    25 years after his first book on 'Jews', here's my view of Kevin MacDonald's failure to understand most 'Jewish' issues.

Even back in 2000 jews were planning LGBT
Back in 2000; Jews were promoting sex oddities. Entire Jew careers are built on the abuse of normal people, using Jew money
2000   John Bryant (who called himself 'Birdman' after his hobby) had a letter published in the American Mensa Bulletin of Jan/Feb 2000, in their 2% Solution column. See Bryant: Case Against Jews for the results. I insert this as an illustration of barely-acknowledged influences on issues.

2000   Michael A. Hoffman II self-published his book Judaism's Strange Gods, 'a slender, groundwork study'. In 2008 he published a much longer work, Judaism Discovered, a 'high quality ... hardcover, a massive, nearly indestructible textbook-sized 1102 pages, profusely illustrated, with numerous photographic reproductions from the Talmud and cognate rabbinic texts.' And in 2011 Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded Edition intermediate in size between the earlier books. Hoffman has written many other books and articles. As far as I know he takes the Jesus Christ material completely seriously.
    [ Hoffman is Roman Catholic: I pray for the conversion of one brilliant and articulate Orthodox rabbi, completely fluent in Aramaic, Hebrew and Yiddish, learned in the Mishnah, Gemara, Rashi's Chumash, Rambam's Mishneh Torah, Karo's Shulchan Aruch, the Y.D. and O.C., Zohar, etc., and who would be willing to give speeches and write books exposing Judaism from the inside. I would do all I could for such a Christian convert. ]

2000   William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. Jewish author; probably this book is aimed to unite the world against US whites, but not Jews. Probably part of the process by Jews of blackwashing Whites in which the Jew-controlled world turns against whites—a Jewish technique which of course has been used before against once-leading states. I may be wrong; I haven't read this.

2000   Edgar Bronfman (business interests of the usual Jewish type, paper money for control of organisations they didn't build) and the end of the European Countries Holohoax Fraud Shakedowns involving Pres Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al d'Amato etc. Various scandals including Whitewater. The best-known money grab was from Switzerland, terminated in 2000 with future Holohoax scams against Switzerland closed, it's stated. I'd guess future claims against Jews are blocked in some way, at least under present arrangements.

2000   United Nations Global Compact seems to be part of the Jew control aiming at world domination

2001, Sept 11   9/11 Controlled demolition, with precision computer timing, of the 'World Trade Center', a set of obsolete and under-used buildings, Jewish owned and controlled. First use of digital video on Jewish networks, though they seem to have misjudged the speed that amateur/ domestic computer people would catch up. The 'enquiry' by the '9/11 Commission', chaired I think by Kissinger, was published on July 22, 2004. And, amusingly, given 'The National Book Award for Nonfiction'.   [ This has been the start of the awakening of many Americans, both to the lies and confusions of the event (Dancing Israelis? Suspects with two passports allowed to leave? Computer graphics of fake planes? No discussion of thermite and thermate? Insurance scams? Stories of 'mini-nukes'? Jewish TV actors wanting war with Iraq? Sudden promotion of 'Al-Qaeda'? Fake 'missing persons' flyers?) and historical parallels, such as Pearl Harbor, Jewish financial scams, NASA's faked moon and Mars landings, and the simple fact of a huge conspiracy. ]
      Important Note: The theft by Jews of something like a trillion dollars, possibly transferred to Jewish banks, was about this time. 9/11 had the effect of muffling these events and destroying evidence. No doubt this was one of the purposes of the Jewish trash actors lying about Arabs.

2001   Date given for first publication of March of the Titans, Arthur Kemp's history of the white race. My review here. Similar attitude to Kevin MacDonald somewhat more than five years earlier: an innovative, though apparently obvious enough, approach to the historical study of a human group.

2001, 2002   Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn published Two Hundred Years Together, in (presumably) Russian. 2001 title translated as something like Russian-Jewish History 1795-1916. 2002 title translated as The Jews in the Soviet Union. Kevin MacDonald writes (20 Feb 2017) there is a project to publish translations on .
    No Jewish publisher has issued a translation of the volume dealing with so-called Jews and mass murder in the USSR. This means not one well-funded publisher in the 'west' has published the book to date.

    Miles Mathis in his archivally-documented way states that Solzhenitsyn and his family were in any case Jews, with connections to the top of Soviet society, and moreover that Czarist families were Jewish. Solzhenitsyn’s entire oeuvre, of whatever length, doesn’t get near exposing the Russian Revolution like my [Mathis's] two papers on Lenin and Stalin did. He sold the Romanov deaths as real. Sol was there and I wasn't, and yet he just missed all this stuff? Never figured it out?
    Assuming that a no. 1 principle of Jews now is to suppress all evidence that Jews collaborated world-wide during 20th century wars, Solzhenitsyn-as-Jew would have the rôum;le of pretending Bolsheviks, Jews, Russians and others operated strictly, only, within Russia, though Lenin in Zurich might suggest not. Generally, Solzhenitsyn's writings and the Jewish backing of them (I remember Bernard Levin in the UK praising Solzhenitsyn not very plausibly) seem consistent with that. As revisionism advances, I'd expect details to be picked out and explained.

2002   Christopher Jon Bjerknes apparently a Jew; Norwegian name. First book on Einstein as a fraud. Next book on Armenian Genocide, c. 2006. Later revisionist books on Hitler as an agent. He could represent a new version of Jewish attitudes to WW2, or a genuinely revisionist view, including the idea that Jews formed a world-wide power block in opposition to all gentile countries. The latter I'm inclined to attribute to Hexzane 527.

2002   Revilo Oliver's The Jewish Strategy was published posthumously. (There are extracts in under R Oliver: Jewish Strategy). After more than a century of censorship, it's likely that rather wild theorising will emerge, and this seems a good example. (There is a lot on Biblical style history (Oliver studied classics) and nothing on Khazars; there is speculative material on takeover of countries by Jews; there is speculative material on history of the last few centuries; and there is biological and genetic speculation. Oliver for example considers that Jews must have genes evolved along the lines of pack animals such as wolves and baboons, acting in similar, but much subtler, ways. I suspect that, whenever censorship is breached, there's a wide diversion of beliefs, which will eventually approach some consensus as some lies are corrected. Meanwhile, odd beliefs flourish in somewhat the manner of heresies as religions fail or monarchies perish or species show new forms after population declines. Another example: the 'Heretical' website attributes the First World War to women's influence and a decline in something like politeness and chivalry, which seems implausible to me).

2002   British Media Control by 'Thomas Sparks' distributed on Internet. An example of the type of information which appears from time to time, and has existed where there was literacy since Jews began their various crimes. A good, more recent, example is the work of Johan Galtung.
      Short, detailed, but unsourced. The piece is not Holohoax-aware; nor does it have information on Jews and books, schools, universities, and the professions. I've added internal links. A good example of information in transition from paper to Internet; the original version has no links and no endnotes and is more national than is accurate or necessary, in a way which Internet is starting to obviate: for example, Europe-wide Jewish control—France? Germany? Sweden? Greece?—could be added to such pieces fairly easily. It is not holocaust-revisionism-aware.

2002   Hitler's Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg. I haven't read this book, or discussed/asked about it. Judging by the usual type of reviews it seems unlikely that it will seriously discuss Jewish networks working against 'goyim'.

2003 C Cox & J Marks  The 'West', Islam and Islamism: Is ideological Islam compatible with liberal democracy?  (Typical Jewish propaganda, ignoring the true background of 9/11 and Jewish involvement in wars and control of money and oil in the middle east. All the serious issues are ignored. See my review of that book No serious value in understanding the three-way war)

2004   Defensive Racism An Unapologetic Examination of Racial Differences by Edgar J. Steele, now dead. Largely censored. is a 20 minute talk by Steele

2004   In Foreign Parts: Trafficking in Women in Israel by Ilana Hammerman. I haven't read or seen this book, or similar other books. It seems to be the most detailed book on the subject of traffic in 'goy' girls.

2004   Rammstein Amerika seem to be German-US or German-Jew pop group. The video (I think the date is right) has an indoor-recorded 'moon landing' set suggesting pro-Germanism and ridiculing NASA were permitted by then. But the Vietnam invasion, the Liberty, Iraq War (previous year), 9/11, and the Holohoax are not mentioned.

2005   Youtube began. Probably taken over more firmly by Jews after showing its expensive and extensive practicality—it needed huge power supplies and storage devices; and reached many parts of the world. Censorship from about Jan 2018 removed videos related to fairly modern Jewish power—'Holocaust' frauds, 9/11, World War I and II. Amazon (founded in 1994, built by Jewish paper money) censored reviews from about 2010.

2007   Martin Gilbert (1936-2015)'s Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship, author of about 80 books, including editing and/or completion of Randolph Churchill, atlases, edited books, volumes of papers, 'Holocaust' material, no doubt with numerous readers, editors, geographers, publicists, and other contributors. Amid this torrent of trash, it's probably significant that Churchill and the Jews was one of his last books. It is supposed to contain a great deal of collected material on Churchill's policies in support of Jews, and may be worth reading on that account. []. For what it's worth, here's Martin Gilbert talking at a book-signing session in Hampstead, London NW3, April 1998. (Unedited).

2007   Professor John Mearsheimer's (U. Chicago) and Professor Stephen Walt's (Harvard) book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. I haven't read this. I doubt it included the costs of Jewish frauds, such as the Holohoax, NASA, AIDS, 9/11 and many more. Or the costs and uses of the Federal Reserve and Jewish money power. Or the costs to victims of Jew-promoted damage. Probably, therefore, just another junk book.

2008   Seems to be the date by which James Bronson's short story It's a Wonderful Race was published. I found no information on this author. Based on a rather mawkish US WW2 b/w film It's a Wonderful Life, the story presents a world in which whites had never lived, in a convincing and effective way. However, the sub-theme of Jewish deceit and violence throughout the period is attributed only to modern times.

2008   U.S. Africa Command began 'operations' and 'U.S. military personnel on the African continent jumped ... from 2,600 to 7,000. [ The number of military missions, activities, programs, and exercises there has risen ... 172 to 3,500'. 'Troops scattered across Africa regularly advise, train, and partner with local forces; gather intelligence; conduct surveillance; and carry out airstrikes and ground raids focused on "countering violent extremists on the African continent." AFRICOM "disrupts and neutralizes transnational threats" [From Jan Lamprecht's history reviewed site]. The Jewish-run Pentagon' supplies little genuine information. ]

2009   Tablet Jewish online propaganda started. The Tablet is a long-established Roman Catholic paper publication, since 1840 (no info on earlier news publications, splits over views, etc).

2009   Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean by Edward Kritzler. In 2010 Miles Mathis put on his site, by Long John Silverman'. Port Royal appears to have been established by the English, who used it (or allowed its use) for anonymous ships against Spain. Ships were of course far too expensive to be privately-owned.
    An earlier book, 1975, by Michael Pawson & David Buisseret, on Port Royal, from Michigan University, may (or may not) have relevant information.

1933 Freemason building Covent Garden
WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Undated misinformation booklet (I'm guessing 2100) clumsily trying to promote the secret 'society'
      [ WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? is a pamphlet of four b/w pages stapled together, published by the 'UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND', website which has a photo of the Covent Garden building. It's presented as a sort of social club, for sporting, drinking, and fashion types, but with three levels of career progression. It claims a 'Grand Charity'. There is no comment on secret policies and projects, and no comment on Jewish connections. The wording is careful, in the Jewish Talmudic tradition; for instance, of course they discriminate, notably for Jews. They claim 'anyone can visit the headquarters ... and Lodges throughout the UK regularly open their doors to visitors' which is designed to sound transparent'.
      Just in England and Wales and a few islands there are claimed to be 8,000 'Lodges' and 250,000 'Freemasons'. Worldwide, they claim six million.
      Note that 1933 was something like the peak of Jewish mass murders in the USSR, before war caused more extensive killings of whites. There can be no serious doubt that 'Freemasons' were part of the worldwide Jewish distributed state. Note that the proportion of 'Freemasons' at the highest level must have been small. This of course meant that the organisation could be apparently closed without affecting the highest grades, who could simply meet somewhere else; no doubt this happened with Hitler. ]

2010 Thilo Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab. Not translated into English, as far as I know; the title means Germany is doing away with itself. Sarrazin has financial experience. Big selling author. Here's Sarrazin making a speech in English.

2010 Dambisa Moyo  Dead Aid  (Token black female Goldman Sachs employee type with pitiful writing style—promoted e.g. by the New York Times. There must be a shift in policy here: instead of US taxpayers funding corrupt cliques, or funding weapons profiteers, it seems it's more profitable not to bother. Typical example of hyped book which evades all serious issues. May have some relationship to secret undemocratic European Union plans ('Barcelona Agreement' or 'Barcelona Accord' or 'Barcelona Agreement'?) to move 80 million black Africans to Europe)

2010   The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus by Robert Aleksander Maryks published by Brill, a Dutch publishing house. Free to download since 2017, says Andrew Joyce in his review in the Occidental Observer. May have influenced Miles Mathis; I simply don't know.

2010   Confucius Peace Prize established. I have little information on this—it was promoted in a quiz show. Winners include Fidel Castro, Bill Gates, and Robert Mugabe, but the advertised prize of US$20,000 would seem neither here nor there.

2011   American Dissident Voices by Dr Luther William Pierce published in Australia as a free online pdf file. It has 290 entries. These are identified by short title, but not my contents. Unindexed.

2011   Jew named head of papal court. Kevin MacDonald on 'David Maria Jaeger' though explicitly 'Jewish' Crypto-Judaism [if that] in the Catholic Church

Jews and drugs. From David Irving's site in 2022:–
2013 Perhaps the fall of the Jewish 100-year USA Reich?

2013   May 2013   Start of Hexzane527 on Internet (as far as I know). Probably French writer—nickname seems to be the hydrocarbon hexane + start of the Julian calendar. Hexzane's blog site has no home page, but is in journal format, needing many clicks to navigate. As far as I know it's the most detailed and elaborated view of the Second World War and other events. I was so impressed (note: I haven't checked all of it) that I reformatted it with my own index to the articles, to be more readable and put his English version here as a second copy. I have no idea who he (or she, or they) is or are, or anything about hexzane.

2013   Observation by 'Tim Folke' in Occidental Observer: Russia has come a long way ... they passed a very important law in 2013 that prohibited more than 20% ownership – directly or indirectly – in any Russian corporation, partnership, etc. ... 'foreign' is defined to include those with dual citizenship. But this may just imply Jews in Russia are isolating themselves from Jews in the 'West'.
      And, just several months ago they wrote into their constitution that marriage is one man and one woman. Russia defines 'man' and 'woman' according to natural law

2013 Christianity's Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner. 10 volumes:
Volume 1 - The Early Period From Old Testament origins to the death of Saint Augustine (430) (1986)
Volume 2 - Late Antiquity From the Catholic "children emperors" to the extermination of the Arian Vandals and Ostrogoths under Justinian I (527-565) (1988)
Volume 3 - The Ancient Church Forgery, Brainwashing, Exploitation, Annihilation (1990)
Volume 4 - Early Middle Ages From King Clovis (ca. 500) to the death of Charles "the Great" (814) (1994)
Volume 5 - 9th and 10th Centuries From Louis the Pious (814) to the death of Otto III (1002)(1997)
Volume 6 - 11th and 12th Centuries From Emperor Henry II "the Holy" (1002) to the end of the Third Crusade (1192) (1999)
Volume 7 - 13th and 14th Centuries From Emperor Henry VI (1190) to the death of Louis IV of Bavaria (1347) (2002)
Volume 8 - 2004
Volume 9 - 2008
Volume 10 - 2013
Deschner (Karl Heinrich Leopold Deschner, 1924–2014) was a German researcher and writer. As I type this, I don't think I'd ever heard of him before. He obviously must have been subject to heavy post-1945 Jewish censorship, and may of course have been a 'Jew' himself. He seems not to have been widely translated into English, suggesting he's not 'politically correct'. A book of his on Hitler, Franco, and the then-Pope [God and the Fascists: The Vatican Alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelic] suggests Deschner was a rather naive 'anti-fascist', unaware of secret agreements between 'Jews' and the churches. If he doesn't understand it now, probably he didn't understand it through the history of Christianity. Amazon has removed many reviews of his books. I can't say much with any confidence, but he seems to have disliked the Romans, been unaware of Jews, and liked European tribes.

      Note on historians of genuine Christianity: it's remarkable that there seem to be no accepted works on genuine history on this issue. Victorian radicals had a body of views and research (see for example Bertrand Russell in Why I am Not a Christian makes numerous assumptions, but gives little in the way of sources). It may be that Deschner now fills this vacancy. Let me quote a sample, from online, of events—these all involve destruction of monuments. In my view, this is a result of Jewish and Christian collaboration.

389 to 390 A.D. Hordes of fanatic hermits from the desert flood into Middle Eastern and Egyptian cities, destroying statues, altars, libraries and Pagan temples, whilst Gentiles are lynched. The Christian mob profanes the cult images. [Very likely they were paid-RW]
391 A.D. On 24th February, a new edict of Theodosius prohibits not only visits to Pagan Temples but even looking at vandalised statues!
397 A.D. ‘Demolish them!’ Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all the still erect Pagan Temples demolished.
401 A.D. The Christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys Temples and ‘idols’.
405 A.D. John Chrysostom sends his hordes of gray-clad monks armed with clubs and iron bars to destroy the ‘idols’ (i.e., the beautiful Aryan statues) in all the cities of Palestine.
423 A.D. Emperor Theodosius II declares (8th June) that the Religion of the Gentiles is nothing more than ‘demon worship’ and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and tortured.
429 A.D. The Temple of Goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked.
440 to 450 A.D. The Christians demolish all the monuments, altars and Temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.
529 A.D. Emperor Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy.
546 A.D. Hundreds of Gentiles are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus.
556 A.D. Justinianus orders the notorious inquisitor Amantius to go to Antioch, to find, arrest, torture and exterminate the last Gentiles of the city and burn all the private libraries down.
578 to 582 A.D. Judeo-Christians torture and crucify Gentile Hellenes all around the Eastern Empire, and exterminate the last Gentiles of Heliopolis.

2013 Sayanim and Hasbarat 'Jews' And How They Operate. This is one online page from; but there is a lot of similar information online. It is repulsive reading, but worth understanding.
      2014 seems to be the date of a long 'documenterview' on Jews in France. My bitchute channel had, until it was removed, an upload of 4 hours 40 mins. Their star was the comedian Dieudonné (of the quenelle). Includes Jacob Cohen (Moroccan Jew novelist—same country as fake spy Vanunu—who speaks English) talks on Sayanim and Mossad, but in a ridiculous underplayed style, typical of jews giving fake exposés. Freemasonry, Vichy, bombing of France, evasive shrug on holohoax, Jewish 'mainstream' media and censorship. Evades other issues—nuclear hoaxed, 9/11, world wars, paper money.

2014   August 2014 Obama Welcomes Africa's "Leaders": Despots, Murderers, and Dictators. See US-Africa Leaders Summit. Fifty of them. Headline from

2014   Hervé Ryssen is a French author, born 1967. His 2014 book ‘is a summary of six books written by Hervé Ryssen, published between 2005 and 2010, constituting the most important study on the Jewish mind ever published.’ I've copied it here in its pdf form. I can't vouch for its reliability, but I can vouch for it's newness in revisionism. Only about ½ megabyte long.

2014   Stephen Mitford Goodson (1948-2018) two books published: A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind and Inside the South African Reserve Bank. Its Origins and Secrets Exposed.
    Goodson had emphatic views on Russia and Australia, claiming that Russia from about 1885-1913 developed economically far more than is assumed after Jewish propaganda around the 'Russian' Revolution. For example, being the world's largest wheat producer. I haven't attempted to check Goodson's figures on Russia; probably the 1911 Encyclop&ligae;dia Britannica would be a reasonable source. I have not been able to check that 2014 was the earliest publication date.

2015?   Rev Steven Sizer was attacked about this date by Welby, Jewish-origin Archbishop of Canterbury. I believe Sizer was fined £3,000, though the details seem to have vanished from Internet. Sizer's websites make no mention of it, probably because of a 'solemn undertaking' he made: I would like to give you [a bishop] ... a solemn undertaking to refrain from writing or speaking on any theme that relates, directly or indirectly, to the current situation in the Middle East or to its historical backdrop. Probably a warning shot that truth-seeking vicars who wish to keep their incomes should be quiet.

2015   The Burden of Silence: Sabbatai Sevi and the Evolution of the Ottoman-Turkish Dönmes by Cengiz Sisman published. Turkey and its Jewish elite is of course obscure in the 'west'. Here is a long sardonic book review by 'Tanstaafl' on this part of the oriental mystery.

2015   Hellstorm A video/DVD/stream, not the book by Goodrich. Involving Kyle Hunt, Gerhard Ausmeier, John DeNugent, Thomas Goodrich, Paul Hickman, according to I haven't seen this, but would draw attention to Jim Laffrey's comment that the intention seems to be to make the viewers feel helpless. It does not rage against the perpetrators, or make any useful suggestions.

2015 ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland a consortium of public broadcasters in Germany, founded in 1950 in what was then West Germany. The ARD is the world's second largest public broadcaster after the British Broadcasting Corporation, with a budget of €6.3 billion and 23,000 employees. The budget comes primarily from the licence fees).
    Broadcast Ursula Haverbeck in a Panorama TV program. At the time I write this, she appears to be facing arrest. Possibly this is a trial balloon, to show what will happen to dissenters. Or just possibly it was a genuine truth break through.

2015 Joanna Lumley's Trans-Siberian Adventure is a Jewish propaganda piece. Lumley doesn't know, or mention, that 'Russian' oligarchs are Jews. She doesn't of course understand the Jewish fraud of 'Lenin' and his huge mausoleum. Or the vast massacres of Russians. Or Stalin's Jewish threat and the German 'invasion'. Or the vast Jewish atrocities. It's amusing to see her naive comment about the Russians, since the collapse of the USSR, 'embracing capitalism'; of course, Jews did that all along; they controlled the money. Or the control over the media. The mascara'd disgusting old boot understands nothing about the world. I apologise to Russians for her moronic paid lies—sorry. We'll do better, I hope.
      2020: She's visiting the 'intoxicating' countries of Cuba, and Haiti! ...

2015   Wars for Jews Syria in particular. It's worth noticing, and completely internalising, Jewish attitudes to countries. It seems to be a Jewish genetic characteristic to fix on and demonise groups, like a predator with moving targets.
      [ The obvious example is Germany and Austria, now. The myth of the 'Holocaust' was made up by Jews, partly as a self-reinforcing piece of hate which they pretend to believe was true. Sweden is under attack, by Jewish money and the Jewish Bonnier clan, presumably because they were neutral in the Second World War. Russia was a target before the First World War. Poland for centuries had the misfortune to be 'home' for large numbers of Jews; to this day, many 'Poles' turn out to be Jews, for example Roman Polanski. Merkel is another recent example. Jews from Hungary played a large part in science frauds. Far back in time, Egypt and Persia are believed to have been targets, whether rightly or otherwise. Syria is believed to have been the target of the Maccabees. Rome and Christianity were targets for many centuries. The older mythologies were resurrected by the Khazar conversion—including of course Palestine as a target. England was a target since Edward I's expulsion of Jews in 1290, as distinct from Scotland which seems not to have expelled Jews. Spain and Portugal have elaborate histories with Jews; probably the viciousness of the Spanish Civil War was one remote outcome. Italy, is of interest for its Fascist history; click here for scraps of Jewish links, above. From about September 2015 Europe was targeted by the Jew Merkel for invasion by many blacks: Moroccans, Nigerians, Libyans, Pakistanis, Afghans, Somalis etc and some Syrians. Americans were used as surrogates do destroy some of these countries: it is a similar process to Jewish terror to get Palestinians to leave Palestine, 67 years earlier, combined with forcing invaders into Europe. And note that Turkey was and is a Jewish regime, as has been fairly clear since the Armenian genocide. (The Jewish control is one reason Jews like Cameron claim to want Turkey in the EU). Even Saudi Arabia under the supposed 'House of Saud' is crypto-Jewish. At present (January 2016) the policy seems to be to encourage anti-Muslim feeling, both by finally publicising attacks on women, and also by encouraging Muslims to be aggressive. ]

2015   John Reed of Ten Days That Shook the World. For a serious and deep crit, see Miles Mathis's reed.pdf of Aug 28th, 2015.

2016   Another False Flag/ Psyop/ Distraction 'Early Sunday' June 12th: 'LGBT' night club in Orlando, Florida: supposedly 50 deaths. Wednesday night, June 8th: real shooting in Tel Aviv, where a professor, Dr. Feige, who had written two books exposing the settler movement as a failure, was assassinated. [ This would be the last person a dedicated Palestinian resistance fighter would kill in cold blood. Feige's conclusion in his books is, essentially, that the Jewish fundamentalist "Greater Israel" project is doomed to fail. This would not sit well with rabid extremist Zionists. Like Rabin, he was taken out. - wording from ]

2016   'Whiteness Studies' and The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement. A well-researched article in the online Occidental Observer by Andrew Joyce, October 2. Identifies the following 'Jewish activists' (self-identified as 'Jews') of the Jewish anti-white 'intellectual' movement. Listed here in order of appearance: Noel Ignatiev | Ruth Frankenberg | Ricky Marcuse | Terry Berman | Barbara Applebaum | Say Burgin | George Lipsitz | Michelle Fine | Lois Weis | David Theo Goldberg | Maurice Berger | Lawrence Grossberg | Jennifer Roth-Gordon | Cynthia Levine-Rasky | Laura S. Abrams | Judith Katz | Melissa Steyn | Paula Rothenberg | Amy Eshleman | Dara Silverman | Tim Wise | Jon Greenberg | Debbie Zucker | Robin Nussbaum | Diane Eshelman | Michael Drucker | Catherine David | Lois Weinberger | Eva Hesse | Chantal Ackerman | Elie Wiesel | Steve Cohen | David Landau | Bryan Caplan | Menasseh Ben Israel.

Oct 2016   A news item quoted a 'Rabbi' on Brexit (UK leaving the EU) causing 'anti-semitism' and the likely departure of Jews from Europe within thirty years.
    NOTE: their 'warning' that Jews may be forced to leave Europe in 30 years is probably a coded message. Jews have not generally been forced to leave areas they have polluted: generally they collect their loot, move, then complain to their new parasitisable hosts that they were badly treated.
    In times gone by, and because they previously swung their absurd fictions about 'Yeshua Christ' on the gullible, they often got away with this. The real meaning of the 30-year message is that invader nonwhites now at school will be 35-40 and Europe will be ruined, as Jews obviously want. However, there are problems:
    [1] Information is now more freely available, at least if Internet survives, and hosts will be aware of their activities.
    [2] They do in fact have Birobidjhan as a homeland.
    [3] Their paper currency and e-money may be so worthless they will not be able to carry assets with them, and probably will have to buy up land and property and rely on legalities being honoured.
I suspect they will try to have some area built for them, particularly if Israel and Greater Israel prove unviable. Researchers will find points of comparison with the pulling-down of the USSR, and Jewish invasions into the USA and UK.

2016   'Vaxxed' a video by or attributed to 'Del Bigtree' looks at two main things: [1] Ignorance of the immune system (see e.g. my material on Harold Hillman for insight into defects of medical research). It's claimed that experiments with ferrets prove that defective vaccines can be lethal, as happened in all cases of research with ferrets. [2] So-called 'liability protection' is applied to vaccines, meaning that the normal and obvious liability of manufacturers for producing harmful stuff, is made not to apply to so-called vaccines (and maybe other things). So manufacturers need fear no retribution for harm—legally, if not extra-legally. This immunity to prosecution is attributed to Ronald Reagan.
      The video, or a version I watched, confused the date of this legislation between 1986 and 1968, however.
      Note that India has this sort of legislation; I'd guess due to harmful experimentation by Bill Gates, which of course is permitted by the Talmudic system. For Gates as yet another Jew, see e.g. Miles Mathis gates.pdf. Maybe it's hoped it will succeed, where the Jewish nuclear fraud didn't; and I suspect the Black Death spread by Jews disappointed.

2017   ‘Manchester Arena Bombing’ is a typical localised Jew fraud, in England. The object presumably being to legislate for Jew action against whites. (See Port Arthur, Australia, above).
      My video of public opinion at the time in Liverpool).

2017 H.R.672 - Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017 Text appears to be available online. 14 January 2019 'Became Public Law No. 115-434'. Passed by both Houses and by Trump. I haven't read what actions it permits.

2018 Idea that Jews scripted most of World War 2 to maximise goy deaths and get worldwide legal control of assets starts to grow. I'm referring to my own piece How the 'Master Race' Won the Second World War but of course it did not start with me. I think this is the most frantically censored of all Jewish frauds.
      An important author is hexzane527 in France. I've copied his Jew-aware articles. He goes so far as to predict the course and nominal line-up in World War 3.

2018? Indian Goyim Party seems to have been founded about now, judging by sketchy online sources. It seems partly propelled by arms sales to Pakistan—and also arms sales to India, by, or linked with, Israel. [ Previously, Jewish activities have been covert, and denied and ignored by politicians and historians and others. But we now have potential situations in which territorial Israel may be targeted for war, as other countries have been targeted in the past. And possibly the subordinates to Israel, for example the US-Britain establishment, may get pulled in. ]

2019   Our Common Destiny meeting allegedly 9th-11th Sept 2019 of '30 Jewish intellectuals'. Or scholars'. Or 'activists'. Significantly perhaps the two main advertised personas are Jacob Rothschild who seems to be still alive and Barbara Spectre (ditto). 'The Genesis Philanthropy Group' is part of it. I doubt any serious public information is available; and of course meetings take place all the time. However, they may produce some careful wording. Perhaps Internet may be mature enough to probe and reveal what really happened.

2019   So-called 'Simon Weisenthal Center' or 'Museum of Tolerance' opened - built on the ruins of Mamilla Cemetery.

2019   Seems to be concern amongst some Jews about their image. [ A Swedish video (105 mins) by Jonas Nilsson was suddenly being promoted at the start of 2022. Even on Youtube! It omits the Federal Reserve and central bank issue in Sweden, which of course pays multitudes of clowns to tell lies; treats the 'Holocaust' as though is was genuine; adopts the Jewish view of World War 2, omitting the Jewish preparation and participation and success. It regards Judaism as a religion—omitting the 'Chosen people' supremacy. And very sadly omits the Jewish roots of both Christianity and Islam, with their secret collaborations. Swedish military types must have been used to fight enemies of Jews. Omits all doubts on nuclear weapons and science frauds. It includes a clip of Tucker Carlson [US TV face] screeching in US fashion. I was surprised to see they mentioned the Bonnier family's domination of printed media. Importantly, there's no mention of whatever is the Swedish version of Freemasonry, and says nothing about police inactivity in cases of violence against whites. It doesn't mention giving illegals the vote. Or giving them money and housing. Probably they're trying to retain past propaganda victories. Not a very serious 'documentary', in fact, but a format likely to increase. ]

2020   The Iraq War Has Cost the US Nearly $2 Trillion
Neta C. Crawford is professor and chair of political science at Boston University, Co-Director of the Costs of War Project, based at the Watson Institute at Brown University, and a Board Member of the Council for a Livable World.

In the information released below, the INTEREST on the loans for the wars, landed those (((Jewish bankers))) a staggering $444 billion in interest!—note by Jan Lamprecht

Even if the U.S. administration decided to leave – or was evicted from – Iraq immediately, the bill of war to the U.S. to date would be an estimated $1,922 billion in current dollars.   This figure includes not only funding appropriated to the Pentagon explicitly for the war, but spending on Iraq by the State Department, the care of Iraq War veterans and interest on debt incurred to fund 16 years of U.S. military involvement in the country.
  Since 2003, the Department of Defense has received about $838 billion in “emergency” and “overseas contingency operation” funding for operations in Iraq through fiscal year 2019. This includes, from 2014 on, money dedicated to the fight against the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS or IS, in a region including both Iraq and Syria.
  The Pentagon “base” budget – money needed to keep the department running on an ongoing basis – has also ballooned while the U.S. has been at war. War-related increases to the base budget include heightened security at bases, enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, increased military pay, and the healthcare costs of soldiers. I estimate nearly $800 billion in such increases since 9/11, with Iraq’s share about $382 billion.
  Add to this approximately $59 billion spent by the State Department and USAID on Iraq and Syria for democracy promotion, reconstruction, training, and removing unexploded bombs.
  Meanwhile, about 4.1 million post-9/11 war veterans are receiving medical care and disability and other compensation. Roughly half the spending for those veterans is Iraq related, with the total nearing $199 billion.
  And since there have been no Iraq War taxes and very few war bonds issued to finance the post-9/11 wars, we should add another $444 billion in interest on borrowing to pay for Pentagon and State Department spending.
  Department of Defense spending on Iraq has tailed off in the past decade after peaking at around $140 billion in 2008.
  In December 2019, Congress appropriated about $70 billion for the post-9/11 wars as part of the $738 billion National Defense Authorization Act.
  The Pentagon originally requested less than $10 billion of that amount for Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq and Syria.
  But that budget may already be blown. Earlier this month, the US sent more troops into a war zone that was supposed to be winding down.
  The Costs of Wars project was started in 2011 to assess the long-term consequences of the post-9/11 wars.

2020   'Andrew Joyce' on Jew-promoted pseudo-Buddhism. Crypto-Jews exploit a joke version of Buddhism, with fake names and ideas, of course secretly aligned with Judaism, for gullible Americans.
      [As far as I know, Miles Mathis studied crypto-Jews as a syndrome, first at least in recent times. Including Jesuits, Quakers, and Mormons. The Occidental Observer hasn't yet noticed that churches and Islam were also largely a Jewish invention, with locals supporting them. They have noticed Jews invented 'Communism', and it's a fascinating question whether they invented anything original, or simply battened onto other systems, for example 'socialism'. Jews arguably pushed Puritanism and Imperialism and Nationalism and Democracy and Revolution; Miles Mathis is newest and best on these, too.]

2020   Federal Reserve, under cover of the Coronavirus fraud, has been incorporated in the US government. It also appears to be undercover of a fake campaign against Trump. All this sort of thing is what Jews do.

no vietnam
  Look! Supposedly no Vietnam Jews despite long history and vast sums of money
c. 2020   Jews in the Far East start to be discovered as a topic. My 1996 Jewish Year Book does not list Vietnam (or claim to have an embassy in Vietnam). But the French included it in heir empire. So did the Japanese. I don't personally believe there were no Jews there; in the sense of having interbred and being fluent. Jews in Chinese 'Communism' obviously predated the era of people like Nixon. Hong Kong presumably had interbred Jews. Japan is starting to be explore, the Meiji Restoration being an obvious starting-point. Malaysia has a long-term anti-Jew in Mahathir bin Mohamad. It's parallel to the discovery in Arab countries of serious Jewish infiltration.

2020   Cambridge University publish an obviously junk 'History of Communism'. Very sad event indeed.

21 January 2020   'Hexzane527' publishes his article in French on Faurisson and revisionism as a project of the elite. Essentially, a Jew project to waste time, harm gentiles, and prepare for Jews to be expelled to larger Israel. My machine translation into English.

  The Importance of Being Sophisticated —
April 2020   Nelson Mandela piece giving likely overview of Jew machinations in Africa, and rivalry between Jews (plus desire to remove Dutch and others). mileswmathis/mandela4.pdf on Miles Mathis's site. (Or, secure site here). The first plausible overview I for one have ever seen. 2022   in 1973 Roe vs Wade decided abortion was a 'constitutional right'. About 50 years later, when the white proportion of the population had been forced down, the 'constitutional right' was thus abolished. Probably this will act selectively to increase coloured populations in States without high Jewish populations.

June 2020   Miles Mathis on South America   his paper mileswmathis/shining.pdf is the first I can remember on Jews and south America, including Mexico. The title refers to the media-promoted 'Shining Path'.

2022 Canada   August 11, 2022 OccidentalObserver account by Andrew Fraser. Royal Assent given to 'Holocaust' in their Criminal Code.

April 2022   It struck me that would-be revisionists might like the idea that it is unsophisticated to belief the Jewish junk media, and their worthless actors and scriptwriters and so on. Then hawkers of lies—such as promoters of the Holocaust fraud, paid for with your own money—are of course absurdly unsophisticated. Purveyors of Jew-founded religions are unsophisticated—look at the sad types in US evangelism, or in the so-called Church of England. Although the etymology is a bit complicated—probably dating back to Jewish-Christian forgeries of Plato's books in about 100-200 AD—maybe it will help against the fools paid to screech "raycist!" or "black lives matter!" or "atheist!" or whatever.

Sept 2022 Death of Queen Elizabeth on 8th Sept in Balmoral. Charles III announced as King on 10th Sept. Here are a few notes made from BBC TV and ITV, the only TV broadcasters I think.
St James's Palace opened 1536 in the City of Westminster [presumably Westminster Abbey as 'cathedral church'] | sheer number of people; included chap in a jewish fur hat in one outdoor procession. More than 700 privy councillors (including all living prime ministers) | Throne Room dignitaries heralds | garter king of arms | proclamations | state opening of parliament | seals of office - wax seals affixed to whatever the name is for heads of offices | Lord president of the accession council ('president' = adjective for presiding official) | Whereas it has pleased almighty God etc (entire thing pivots on supposition that 'God' is there, takes an interest, and is on our side) | 'gentlemen of quality' now omitted from the long list of those present | consent of tongue and of heart (somewhat archaic phrasing of the idea) | Given this day [date] in the year of our lord two thousand [I think!] and twenty two | god save the king

Jan 2024   New York ‘Chabad Lubavitch’ synagogue in New York: sinister events unfold with secret underground tunnels with probable criminal connections. There were media videos showing bearded freaks in hats emerging from sidewalk grids. An interesting scene showed a New York cop (or possibly an actor) reassuring Jews about damage to their 'schule'. This is a Jewish expression for a synagogue; probably NYPD has Jewish cops or actors to ensure special treatment.

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Reprise: Some notes towards understanding 'Jews':-

  • Paper money/ e-money as the root of Jewish influence of the last few centuries 'Money' traditionally was something fairly portable, fairly durable, fairly subdivisible, fairly rare, and fairly valuable: metals, thin gold sheets, 'precious' stones, shells, flint. The usual view is that prehistoric societies had not invented money, and that barter necessarily preceded money, assuming there wasn't simple theft or purely local tradition. Money may have been suggested by barter—amber, ermine, copper, traded at the margins of two geographical zones. Any form of money must have social affects, which have to be liked, or tolerated: for example, owners of gold or silver mines had obvious advantages, but also problems, of wealth and security respectively. There would have to be people, and their equipment, technically competent to make, analyse, cast etc gold. And the distribution and physical control of money must have had consequences: counting-houses, secret security locations, etc. And no doubt there were strange consequences: large accumulations of money to some groups, with probable redistributive counter-measures; mercenaries and hired killers; interest payments where time periods were important—large-scale buildings, ships, seasonal food.
        Paper money needs some form of trust, and some form of legal or other enforcement. The usual histories say it was a development from goldmiths issuing promises to pay. Another claimed influence was China. Probably kings, landowners, bishops and generally any prominent person would be tempted to issue such notes; with the possibility of failure to repay—King Charles I was well-known to have failed to pay debts. The Fuggers seem to have been the last people to incur huge losses of real money.
        However, the important point here is that money as a large-scale enterprise has a different feel from small-time, ordinary everyday money. Most people don't realise this; they are not personally involved with big transactions. It's obvious that a company paying 1,000 employees must have what seems like a huge amount to pay out every week or month. A billionaire may only own the equivalent of one street in a capital city. Pensions to an entire country, student loans, taxes from transport look very different considered in aggregate from the individual view. Britain had until the 1960s a money system perhaps reflecting part of this—pennies being used for small transactions, shillings being 12 pence, and pounds being 240 pence, with a guinea adding another 5%. Indian princes used a 'crore'.
        Paper money in its modern form (security printed many special features; and the electronic versions - let's call them 'e-money') is not valueless, as may seem the case; if a government or group can enforce payment, its promises take on a value. This may not last: Russian peasants clutching their roubles after the Jewish coup in 1917, and middle Europeans and African under hyper-inflation, illustrate possible problems. The value is purely a measure of legal strength, itself related to military power.
        Problems with Jewish control of paper money/ e-money occur because most people have no understanding of what happens. For example, borrowing by governments is traditionally at interest. This is understandable when they borrow gold; but with the Fed and 'Bank of England', where the cost of manufacturing money is small, there's a huge revenue which gives the controllers of paper money enormous power, which may be abused. (Suppose a security printer can make $10 notes for 10 cents in bulk. Then 3% of face value of $10 is 3 cents, paid every year. But this is about a third of the true cost of printing them—33% ish return each year. This is why Jewish controllers of paper money love to rack up more and more debt). Another example is illustrated by the chart: M3 is a well-known definition of 'money supply', covering cash and balances and fairly liquid types of 'money'. Varying M3 has subtle effects on entire economies. The figures were deliberately discontinued (as a 'cost cutting' measure; the blue line is a later estimate) by Jews in the USA to make tracking M3 difficult.
        Typical consequences are that Jews, by selectively giving money to other Jews, allow them to take over media, and profitable businesses, in an unstoppable way. They simply have too much financial power. There is therefore a two-tier system of capitalists: most people think of business in the way it would apply to themselves—borrowing from a bank, selling something at more than it cost, and hoping to take a profit. They don't consider printing money, because they can't do it. People conflate 'capitalists' without ever noticing that some are a great deal more equal than others. The same sort of unnoticed consequence applies to e.g. think-tanks, universities, trading in currencies, etc: Jewish cheap money drives out money which has to be earned, and hack writers, hack academics, other currencies can easily be bought. When Soros is reported to be very calm when dealing in money, this is the reason.
        Let me draw parallels with Christian organisations: Roman Catholicism has a tradition of hairsplitting and Jesuitry, not unlike Jewish pilpul, and in neither case has anything much resulted. The Church of England historically was fed entirely by Oxbridge graduates in ancient languages; about half these graduates went into the Church, where they were given 'livings', but did little work. Jewish money-funded media hacks (such as the BBC and general 'newspapers') are equally undistinguished and unoriginal.
  • The Myth of Jewish Creativity arises because of the ability to buy out expertise. The achievements of whites cities, transport, art, music, publishing, science, food, ideas so far outweigh others that they are all but unique. The reputation of Jews, which of course they themselves promote, is entirely mythical. The 'holocaust' fraud illustrates the depths they sink to extract money. Relativity and nuclear frauds, which are slowly becoming known, are just an aspect of junk science promoted as a Jewish contribution to the world. Google, Youtube, MTV, ownership of media, ownership of shopping malls illustrate this pattern; given wholly unequal paper money support of Jews, all they need to is identify a possibility, then hold a 'beauty contest' of experts; others do the real work. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter: profits are grabbed, losses are offloaded. It's notable that the USSR invented absolutely nothing, in spite of being controlled almost to the smallest personal detail by Jews. All the technology was reliant on the west. Even obviously useful things, such as battery chickens or combine harvesters or water purification systems or energy sources not needing huge lengths of cable, were not invented in the USSR. Habitual Jewish lying has led to science fraud: Psychoanalysis, AIDS, the 'moon landing' and other NASA lies, 'nuclear' sciences, climate pseudo-science and many others, all point to the fact that lies have a similar advantage to theft over honest toil. By now, even unsceptical people have doubts about Pulitzer Prizes, Nobel Prizes, medals, degrees, and other ever-more-inflated 'award-winning' junk.
        At an evolutionary level, this makes sense: a group adapted to damage and remove rivals has behaviour patterns analogous to a cuckoo working long and hard to throw out eggs from a nest; its whole life is adapted to that. Jews are good at deception, fraud, manipulation, secret violence, and whole lifetimes of lies: people like Kissinger and the Dimblebys (in Britain) have covered up endless horrors and atrocities and crimes, all their lives, without the slightest sign of strain: it suits them and they're clearly adapted to it. But Jews are not good at creativity or any sort of broad outlook. This is why, despite vast numbers of Jewish professors in American universities, and Jewish writers advertised by Jews, nothing much ever comes from them except wars and conflicts and frauds.
        It's possible the Jewish self-generated reputation will rebound against them: if they're so wonderful at business, then they can do without advantages. If they are chosen by 'G-d', why should they need any help? And it's possible their academic phoniness will become obvious when media control falls.
  • sandwich board

    sandwich board
    Sandwich Boards

  • Propaganda: Deformation of Ideals in order to progress what a small group of Jews regard as 'good for Jews', it's obviously necessary for Jews to make alliances, as we've noted. To do this, one component is persuasion, in addition to the economic method and the violence method. My notes on 'joff' sites (i.e. Jew-blind) includes many websites of this type.
        Examples include:
        (1) Biasing of the 'rationalist' movement. Because of the success of science, religions have come under attack. These movements have allied with Jews, but of course criticism of Jews has been almost nil. American 'skeptics' groups illustrate this perfectly; they are happy to criticise Christianity, but there is an absolute taboo on criticism of Judaism, and Jewish frauds. The same is true of Richard Dawkins, who comments on Christianity and Islam, but never mentions the biggest mass murderers per head ever, Jews, or their 'sacred' books.
        (2) Legal systems: the idea of generally-applied fair laws is not part of the Jewish ideology. All the race-based laws for example were pushed by Jews, nearly always (of perhaps always) in a covert way. This of course may backfire—maybe synagogues will be made illegal for promoting race supremacism, for example.
        (3) Company law is now centred on money; there's no reason why it could not be centred on inventions or technical control. In fact, possibly technocrats may emerge as a serious force opposing Jewish-influenced managers; why should people who run computer-based electronic money take orders from Jews? Why should people in weaponry take orders from Jews?
        (4) Alliances with specific political aims; one of the aims being to weaken whites. I'll illustrate here the post-1945 nuclear weapon fraud, and the Vietnam War, and their opponents; I'll take Bertrand Russell as an example familiar to me. Russell sided with the USSR as against Hitler's Germany, probably because this was a British aristocratic tradition. However, he opposed nuclear weapons (know known to be a myth), his efforts being corralled by Ralph Schoenman, Joseph Rotblat, Hyman Levy. He also opposed the Vietnam War, no doubt a money-making scheme for the likes of Kissinger's associates. He was given controlled support by Chomsky, Schoenman, and others. To this day, many ordinary Americans have no idea about atrocities committed on a huge scale in Vietnam, and I think this helps explain some white self-hate and admission of white evil. It certainly doesn't fit with Kevin MacDonald's evolutionary view of whites as generously co-operative and helpful.
        Let me make a point here about Jews and wars. Most non-Jews think of wars as more or less right and proper. I'm saying the Jewish attitude is: if Jews benefit, we support war. It doesn't matter who with, how many non-Jews are killed, how much it costs, whether whole civilisations are ruined. If it works for Jews, yes! This explains the tidal wave of anti-German media stuff from about 1931 against Germans. It explains US media against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria. It explains why the media have so little evidence, and so much anecdote, story, war crimes which are never investigated, yelling and shouting. lies at a high level, and fraud..
        There are innumerable similar cases: the promotion of unwanted immigration. Dumbing-down of education in association with low-grade educators, promoted 'guru' figures who appeared from nowhere with hare-brained schemes, and people with class interests in feeble education for others. Poor quality immigrants in medical work which they have difficulty doing. The lead-up to what became World War 2, Forrestal's murder, Kennedy's murder, the Cuba 'crisis', the 'Liberty', the neo-Cons and Iraq, 9/11...
        (5) Ideas of service, aid, constructive help, charity, community values are of course targeted by Jews. Medical doctors and nurses might be motivated with the wish to cure and help people. Teachers and educators might be motivated by wishing to see an educated, self-aware, and creative population. Lawyers might be motivated by the wish to see a just society, and investigate the implications. Business people might consider good of the community. Military people might consider their work should be used to enforce peace, rather than carry out wars. These are examples where Jewish influence has been malevolent, and characterised by contempt for lives and for civilisation. And some of the attitudes of Jews (in common with e.g. Muslims) operate in favour of these deformations: if someone's motive for studying is to make money though legal scams, or make money through other peoples' medical discoveries, or to get a professorship even if it means faking results, such people may outperform more honest types.
        (6) Internationalism, promoted by H G Wells, Bertrand Russell and others as a way to avoid wars: Wells invented the slogan 'The war which will end war' for the 'Great War'; Russell thought a world government's sole function should be to prevent wars. The 'New World Order' and European Union retain a bit of this as a slogan or feeling. But if anything they seem predicated on more and more wars, organised mostly by Jewish neocons. In the same way, Africa was thought of by idealists as needing generous-minded civilisation and thoughtful progressive measures. Jewish influence in South Africa is well-known to have been malevolent, but the story of Jews in Uganda, Congo and so on is as yet almost unknown.
        (7) Freedom of Speech. Everyone who's had his or her opinions changed by discussion, or learned new things by reading or from other media, or simply been taught something new to them, knows the power of information. This has been perverted by Jews in several ways to pretend pornography has some connection to free speech, to pretend that systematic media lies are a 'free speech' issue, to pretend deliberate deception on important issues is a matter of free speech.
        (8) The Scientific Method. The traditional view, or view which used to be offered to young people, is that a spirit of free enquiry, rigorous investigation, and healthy criticism was the essence of science. Independent, intelligent observers, paid, would investigate without fear, or favour, and present their results to unbiased critics. This ideal has not, of course, worked out—though it's useful in getting young people to work for others.
        (9) Family issues—Marriage, abortion, women and voting, women and careers, women and education, free love, children—have come under Jewish influence. As far as I know late Victorian women wanting training and education, and the vote, and comparative sexual freedom and equality, believed more or less in what they said. The Jewish versions were anti-white (and anti-black, too); so much so that post-1945 'Womens Liberation' is often believed to be a Jewish movement.
        (10) Propaganda—Jews' extraordinary reliance (after control of money) on publicity seems universal. Advertising, Hollywood, book publishing, newspapers, radio, faked demonstrations and protests, fake think tanks, funded bookshops, funded lawyers, pressure groups and all the rest—as technology improves, so does their grip, so far at least. And it spreads everywhere: hospitals with incompetent unqualified staff, local government neglecting their duty, teachers who can't teach, power companies approaching failure, planners who can't plan, statisticians who conceal truths, anti-family campaigners trying to destroy men and boys, election fraudsters, money fraudsters, university departments funded to lie, medical incompetents to be left unremoved—groups of this type use 'Public Relations' agencies (PR is often said to have been invented by a jew, Bernays), specialist lawyers, liars of all types, concealment of evidence, malicious defamation of whites. The technique is simply to lie: this is less easy now, with Internet, but the whole modern period from the discovery of the Americas has been dominated by Jewish lies. Typical Jewish history textbooks are simply strung-together lies which they like. This seems to be genetic to them; an immediate impulse which cannot be overridden. As I write this (end of May 2015) the 'British' Labour Party after innumerable scandals, including child sex, is pondering: should they get more actors? Look for a new liar? Reword their policies to sound better? Spend more on advertising? Clamp down on critics?—their spontaneous impulse to conceal by emitting lies is central and dominant.
  • Propaganda: Looking at Fully-Established Propaganda, and Derivatives. It's essential to understand the possibilities of implicit assumptions in propaganda. When some aspect of propaganda is part of an establishment, new derived examples can be made up and foisted on people—both the general population, and subgroups. A good example is the demonisation of Germany from about 1900: endless bogus stories appeared in Jewish media, and this is still true today (2015). The subgroup of teachers and professors have almost all gone along with the lies. An historically-important parallel is medieval Catholicism, where some monks spent their time on fake lives of saints, and other propaganda—analogous to Jews at the present day turning out media lies, or NASA 'workers' turning out their fakes. Here are just a few modern subtler examples:
        (1) 'Baby Boom'—many Americans still think there was a 'baby boom' in the USA after 1945. The figures show, especially allowing for war dead, this is questionable. I'd guess the motive was to pretend whites were growing in numbers.
        (2) Capital Punishment had vociferous opponents among Jews. Humanitarian? In fact of course Jews were the largest group of mass murderers per head on earth. The aim seems to have been to make white societies more dangerous. (In the USSR, violent criminals were released onto Russian societies).
        (3) Christian Love is typically used by Jews as a sort of passive/aggressive attack. "G-d loves everyone. Why are you filled with so much hate? A little love or kindness would do you some good"—illustrates the way Jews use this trick. They do not ask themselves if they owe kindness to African migrants, for example.
        (4) Abortion is an issue easily exploited by Jews, with the function of reducing rival race numbers.
        (5) The 'master race' is an example of attributing Jewish propaganda to others. It's a Jewish belief.
        (6) Wealth as Theft. Here's a translation of St Ambrose: " ... what was given to everyone [sc. by 'God'] for the use of all, you have taken for your exclusive use. The earth belongs not to the rich, but to everyone. Thus, far from giving lavishly, you are but paying part of your debt." Spot the omissions, for example technical skills, and the misuse of the word 'given'. This is a parasitical creed, not unlike Jewish beliefs.
        (7) 'Government' may describe cases where people need some sort of even-handed administration. If this word usage is established, it can easily be extended to cases of foreign intervention or violence—a popular trick where Jews more or less secretly control armies.
        (8) BBC, US network TV still seem to have an aura of comfort and familiarity. This allows endless assumptions about world-views to be inserted: Dunkirk spirit, nuclear weapons, Japanese atrocities, support for mass immigration, quality of 'the intelligence community', the Queen as a servant of the public. Many British people still think the BBC at one time had a golden age of reliability; the truth of course it has always lied.
  • Getting Control: Temporary Alliances are an essential part of Jewish operations.
  • It's often said they support both sides: in fact, any side without artificial support of paper money works at a disadvantage, and risks diminution or extinction. For example the British 'Labour' party was nominally founded in support of workers about 1900. These people were farm labourers, builders, factory workers, domestic servants at a time when bank accounts were few, their pay low, and opposition to united labour strong. It was simply not possible to get this assorted mass to donate regularly. So the Labour party was heavily Jewish right from the start; it would not have survived otherwise. 'Sidney Webb', an energetic Jew, illustrates the type; Beatrice Webb the ally. The Liberal Party declined, partly because their ideal of traditional economic liberalism of small producers was outmoded by technology, but presumably also because they had no wish to specially benefit Jews. In modern Britain, and the USA, the media use of 'Left' is almost entirely pro-Jewish—traditional socialism meant some sort of equality and redistribution and justice for inferior races, but 'Left' in the BBC and New York Times sense means redistribution to Jews: 'international socialism' meant Jewish control; but 'national socialism' meant non-Jewish control. This ambiguity was useful for opponents of equality, often traditional groups such as the Monarchy: when Mrs Thatcher was horrified at 'Socialism', she pretended the USSR was 'socialist'.
        Another example where a group spread over multiple countries can display unacceptable power is by local control over military feelings and aggression. Most people almost inevitably absorb attitudes from whatever media are available. Anyone able to influence beliefs in countries with different languages has a huge leverage over both countries. Most Irish believed in the supreme evilness of Cromwell, although the evidence came from just one unreliable witness. Most Russians presumably accepted the idea of the 'Great Patriotic War'; at the time most Britons believed Hitler and Germany were the greatest evil ever, and believed they almost alone crushed the Krauts. Hans Blix said he believed Saddam Hussein Iraq was the cruellest dictator in history. Many people believe the French are cowards, the Germans sinister, the British effete, the Spanish cruel. With this sort of power it is easy to invent and exploit splits; once they start they naturally build up momentum as violence and damage spread. Napoleon must have been just one of a long list to bewail his fate when his support was withdrawn. Britain after the Second World War soon found, once their usefulness was over, that they were expected to pay for their work in supposedly saving the world. And of course by issuing solemn condolences, promoting national days of mourning, issuing medals and other trinkets, censoring the harm done, each side can be kept ignorant of the other sides' views. Many Americans still living are proud of genocide in Vietnam, because the Vietnamese views are censored completely from the Jewish media.
        Another good example of local alliances made by international groups is union action. When it was decided to de-industrialise Britain, union leaders were groomed and funded in for example shipbuilding industries. The chaos they caused, and the mental inertia of the workers, was great enough to prevent any examination of what was being done: most people were told to feel relief that the shipyards would finally close, and the hassle would end.
  • How to study the effects of control of money ... At the start of this piece I've tried to outline some of the ways in which control of money produces its own special psychology, of which most people are completely ignorant. Examples include: inflation as something wanted because it means more printing of more money; wish to control entire countries to extract money from their bank system; generation of scares by control of the media; buying up of real assets with paper, especially if it is likely to be seen as of reduced value; manipulating stock exchange prices, as in the well-known case of Rothschild at the end of the 'Napoleonic' wars; squeezing money supply; controlling raw materials so that the costs incurred are far higher than the value of materials.
        It takes some mental effort to think oneself into the frame of mind of these rather few people. I wouldn't claim to have complete insight; but it must come to seem fairly natural to them, presumably based on what they think of as sacred books. Non-Jews are in the position of people trying to play chess, or bridge, or poker with experts. I'd like to see puzzles in newspapers replacing crosswords and chess problems with real-world equivalent problems. And I think Jews should be specially studied—it's amazing that their tenets are simply unknown to most people, even those professionally dealing with religions. And I'd like to see abstract consideration of sets, and the way numbers of people interact, to produce results abstract to remove natural biases. There have been some attempts to analyse power logically, 'socionomy' rather than sociology, attempting to flesh out the skeletal material of official statistics. But names such as Pitirim Sorokin and Lewis Fry Richardson and Quincy Wright, now seem ancient, and are in any case pre-date computers. It may well be found that Jews (and/or Muslims) per head were the most deadly people who ever lived, so it's predictable they will oppose such studies.
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  • Re-interpreting history

    Waterstone's 'Bookshop' (Jan 2013, somewhere in Britain)

    I remember a meeting of authors in about 1980: a man pointed out that 75% (or some such figure) of people never go into a bookshop. He seemed to find this puzzling, or a failure of marketing effort. But people might look for books on how to change schools, how to handle law cases, how to get a council house, what the EU is, whether lawyers are honest, what their granddad fought for, where oil money goes... In practice they are unlikely to find anything very helpful. No wonder they don't bother.
    Holohoax books
    British alien politicians
    Second World War bookshop with no serious historians
    junk bookshop stock Above left   Holohoax rubbish. No revisionists or intellectuals

    Above   Godawful British political hacks: Bercow, Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Hain: Jews, Scots, garbage

    Above right   Collection of tired trash junk books pretending the British were heroic in the Second World War. No serious historians

    Left   Trash including the 'official' biography of paedophile abuser Savile. (Official?) And Jonathan Miller, typical hack of Jewish mutual support system

    Right   Marr, BBC hack (left is Hattersley, almost forgotten useful idiot who promoted immigration into the midlands. I remember him for saying something like: "The Labour Party is about EQUALITY. As for [name], who the hell is he?")

    Andrew Marr BBC hack who favours state stamping on beliefs except his own

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Jew and Freemason link—Neville Nagler letter on Freemson lodge in Alaska
Monty Python joke? Ridiculous obsolete symbolism? MQ Freemasons magazine of the 'United Grand Lodge on England' prints a letter from Neville Nagler (see Birdwood's Longest Hatred). Nagler is pleased that Freemasonry is 'universal'. There is of course no discussion of the activities of this secret organisation. Nor are there legal obligations to disclose their activities.

VOMIT ('Victims of Masonic Ill-Treatment') Freemasonry site grabbed in August 2000 is here; this was not my site, and I make no claims as to its truth. However, there appear to be some parts which vanished from Internet; in the interests of historical accuracy, here it is once again.
And here is a fairly new detailed site on British Freemasonsexternal site with information on judges and others.

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Satirical Cover Designs (in the style of Private Eye—but more serious)

One of Thatcher's functions was to get public assets into private (i.e. Jewish) hands: the Jewish paper money monopoly means, sooner or later, there is nobody else who can buy these things up.

.. the quite extraordinary number of privatisation troughs that N M Rothschild has got its snout into: British Telecom, Britoil, British Gas, Royal Ordnance, British Airways, Rolls Royce, British Airports Authority, British Petroleum, British steel, water, regional electricity, Northern Ireland electricity... British coal.. the list goes on and on. .. the chancellor, Norman Lamont, and the economic secretary, Anthony Nelson both used to [work for] N M Rothschild. This was Private Eye in April 1993, John Major as Prime Minister, four years before the equal disaster of Tony Blair, who followed with yet more sell-offs

Star of David (manufactured symbol) formed from swastikas.  Based on a 1970s Palestinian design.

Based on a 1970s Palestinian or Egyptian design.

Swastika and 'Star of David' were both interpreted negatively.

Many people haven't understood the close association of modern profitable industrial militarism with brainless 'soldiers'.

Comment on British political parties: the main ones are now all funded and led by Jews.

The long-running 'Holocaust' fraud appears to be coming to some sort of 'head', as the unpleasant but appropriate phrase goes. One of the persons here was responsible for helping draft an anti-white 'race relations act' (though he of course did nothing comparable for Israel). Another when Home Secretary secretly, without any democratic mandate, arranged for Britain to be flooded with immigration. For the prostitute reference, check the position in Israel.

Comment on 'Jewish' women. Susan Sontag considered genocide of whites obviously desirable. Barbara Spectre became famous after an Israeli TV programme featured her insane ramblings. Many Jewish women seem to love paedophilia and child sex (it's part of the 'religious' texts of Judaism).

Although no critics of education seem willing to follow this hypothesis, it is likely that the deliberate dumbing-down of British education was driven by Jews. Check, for example, the 'look say' method of teaching reading/writing, which rendered whole generations less literate than their parents; and the moves against grammar schools, while all the political 'elite' send their offspring to expensive public schools. The American prolonged attacks on free education for whites, and the recent 'Common Core' farce points the same way. {Note: 6 Feb 2015 Juggernaut3000 in wrote: '... Common Core standards were written by a Jew, BTW, named David Coleman. It's purpose is to further dumb down America and pass off anti-White marxist ideals as fact and dogma in all subjects, including math.']

The newest Archbishop of Canterbury (appointed by the Jewish Prime Minister Cameron, from a shortlist) has recent Jewish ancestry. My prediction is that the church will be completely ruined as a result. It might have had some sort of serious intellectual purpose. Note the comment on the absurd 'gay marriage' idea.

The so-called 'Holocaust' fraud needs a longer, standalone, article. Click for a Long 1997 article on the 'Holocaust' myth with updates fifteen years later.
And here's the same talk as an audio file, to be listened to. Talk on the 'Holocaust' (1997)
[ Top of Page: Truths about Judaism ]

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Cans of Worms: Discovering the True Past. How Historical Revisionism Progresses

Specifically Jewish Revisionisms:   1 David Bryant

This is a link to David Bryant's piece on Jewish corruption of the USA, Europe, and Russia since about 1914-- David Bryant on Jews

David Bryant ('The Birdman') put together and discovered many historical events; but, inevitably, a lot has escaped him—life is short. Read him and notice among other things...
• Bryant hasn't understood that Jewish influence pre-dates 1914; he has little on the US Civil War, Jews and the Atlantic slave trade, and Jews and the French Revolution.
• Bryant thinks nuclear weapons were genuine, and that Jewish 'atom spies' sent genuine secrets to the U.S.S.R. Part of this site shows reasonably conclusively that nuclear weapons were a fraud, and the 'atom spies' were, too.
• Bryant assumes the Korean War and Vietnam War had genuine military purposes; is this true? Maybe they were simply to make money for Jews.
• Bryant assumes Nobel Prizes prove Jewish creativity, despite the warning fact that these 'prizes' are heavily promoted in the Jewish media. In fact, many of them are for phoney work. (Perhaps I should update this word, since telephones have been technologically outpaced by digital transmissions. How about 'didgy' as a new version of 'phoney'?)

However, Bryant was one of the few to work on the probable murder of James Forrestal, Secretary of the US Navy, by Jews.

Specifically Jewish Revisionisms:   2 Intermittent Progress from about 1945 to about 2000

Briefly, let's look in date order at:
1970 Bertrand Russell's death
1974 Did Six Million Really Die? - Richard Verrall
1978 Treason at Westminster - Kitty Little
1984 World Coup d'État Planned - Kitty Little
1987 Spycatcher - Peter Wright
1991 The Longest Hatred - Jane Birdwood
1993 Mammon vs God - Kitty Little
What I'm looking for here is the realisation that Jews backed by fiat money power gained control of many countries and manipulated them, in what they thought were their own ends.
Bertrand Russell opposed British and, later, American intervention in the First World War. However, he never doubted that the Second World War was admirable and just. He later opposed nuclear weapons, having no idea of their likely Jewish fraudulence. He had no idea Cuba may have been a marrano Jewish construct, nor did he see any connection between JFK's murder and Jews. He came to oppose what he saw as American war crimes, notably in Vietnam, which were covered up by Jewish interests: he considered the USA was building up a world empire. He became part of the Jewish process of pretending racial differences aren't significant, though I doubt he had much grasp of that policy.
Richard Verrall (perhaps with other author(s) took on the 'Holocaust' myth, which had been put in place by Jewish media in the thirty years since 1945. He also perceived the link with immigration into white countries and anti-white and anti-national views.
Kitty Little's Treason at Westminster I think supported the Second World War on what she thought were patriotic grounds. However, she thought the Soviet Union was trying to build a world empire: she was not aware of specifically Jewish plans, for example in Africa. She has details on reducing of British power, by the Labour Party, by damage to industry, finance, military strength, and so on, and assorted laws and agreements, including weakening treason legislation, but with no specific Jewish background information. She noted the use of deliberate immigration as a ploy to damage Britain, and the related anti-white propaganda. Her work is based on Britain (though much the same might have been said of many countries). She is aware of fifth column activity, but doesn't have a theory of what should be done where a hostile elite or layer pursues policies opposite to the general population. She had a science background, and was something of a whistleblower, for example against 'the pill', and diesel engines, but had no insight into nuclear matters.
Kitty Little's World Coup d'État contains Christian materials. She discusses 'Communism' with little emphasis on its Jewishness. She extends into the UNO, and the European Community, which she notes correctly is a Soviet-style undemocratic construction.
Peter Wright's Spycatcher shows an honest but slightly naive man, fully believing in the justice of the Second World \War, but puzzling over links with the USSR; he believed the Cold War was as presented in the Jewish media, and was baffled at the links with the 'Russians'. In retrospect most of the big frauds were helped by supposed 'defecting spies' with sensational stories: atom spies, Cuban missile spies, up to Vanunu. There's an account of Roger Hollis, the head of MI5, laughing as Wright explained laboriously what evidence he had for Hollis' leaks.
Lady Birdwood in The Longest Hatred pieced together Jewish fiat money, including the 'Federal reserve', and included material on coloured immigration. She included the Talmud, Freemasons, and wars, notably Iraq. She still mentions Churchill positively, but recognises the 'Holocaust' as a fraud, fortified by Fred Leuchter, and names Jews in Britain as behind race laws and other manipulations. She doesn't mention depressions, strangling of money supplies, buying up profitable businesses, and war profits, or at least not very clearly. She even included Jewish mal-education. However she was not much good on science frauds.
Kitty Little's Mammon vs God follows Birdwood in identifying usury (not I think defined as e.g. practised by Jewish central banks) and the New World Order as a secret policy. Note that H G Wells wanted world government; but not run by a clique of Jews. Kitty Little is more nationalistic, though she liked the British Commonwealth and its co-operation. She has a very Christian outlook and goes so far as to take Biblical accounts of races as genuine history. She notices the use of 'war crimes' as a pretext - i.e. something that only opponents of Jews are accused of, though she doesn't extend this back to Vietnam, or further back to Korea, or to the Second World War. And she notices the use of law to damage whites and benefit immigrants; and the equivalent internationally, using deceit, psychological operations, and what are often called 'false flags'. She notes the Jewish attacks on Christianity.
    This is just a very brief survey of just a few sources, but they help show that disentangling truth in the teeth of propaganda and violence is not a simple process.

Revisionist Processes: 1 New Information and Ideas

Obviously, revisionism needs new information. Let's take some examples: NASA's moon fraud goes back many years; peoples' awakening has been variable, and of course there are people—pop musicians, journalists etc—who haven't woken up; ditto the 'Holocaust', ditto blacks and Jews. It's obvious that attitudes to science, to Jews, to politicians, will change; and blacks' attitudes to whites as opposed to Jewish slave-owners in the past, will change. Another example is nuclear weapons considered as a fraud; this is the newest topic known to me, post-dating even 9/11 revisionism. As with a detective story, new information leads to new guesses. For example, covert murders by Jews will be much more likely to be explored in future.

Revisionist Processes: 2 Back Through Time

Along with the expansion of ideas in the present, thoughtful people will look back. The entire disaster of the 20th century is a start, but people will look at (for example) the 19th century—the US Civil War, for example, the Opium Wars. And earlier—Cromwell, and events after the Civil War, which probably have parallels with BBC and other propaganda in Britain after the Second World War, providing useful reference points for comparison; and the Reformation which must have parallels with revisionist awakenings now, for example discovery of frauds (the 'Donation of Constantine' and the 'Holocaust', as examples). In fact the whole of history is up for intellectual grabs: Spain and the Inquisition—is it true that Jews regard Muslims as a large dim population, and are happy to live exploiting them?
    China offers possibilities for serious revisionist work extending back over millennia. Consider for example-
  • 'Ethnic Chinese' in the far east: could there be some evolution along the lines of Jews, evolving as a parasitic group?
  • China appears to have had paper (or silk) money in parallel with cash. Is this related to literacy, and the development of a legal stratum of officials?
  • China has, or had, or may have had, literary works of great antiquity. Have these had influence down to the present day?
  • Has their system had the effect of choking off inventiveness?
  • Have there been one of more dynasties which were overthrown as a result of some system of credit, debt, obligation, or other arrangement which needed legal and/or physical enforcement?
  • Was the competitive exam system rigged?
  • Is there evidence of secret groups having been concealed, as Jews and Freemasons have been kept secret?

Revisionist Processes: 3 New Schools of Thought

New schools of revisionism are emerging. Examples:
  • The revisionist Michael Hoffman II takes a Roman Catholic view; for example, he is disgusted by Jewish film-makers vulgarism and their lies about Germans; but he has a French Catholic view of Vietnam, and doesn't worry about American atrocities there. He's interested in textual research, and reprinted in facsimile form The Traditions of the Jews, published in 1748, English language excerpts translated from Johann Andreas Eisenmenger's two-volume Entdecktes Judenthum (Traditions of the Jews).
  • Spanish revisionists have views on Jews and Muslims, who co-existed during the period of Muslim invasions and conversions; and have their own opinions on the Spanish Civil War; it may be that ETA is a fake, used as a cover for assassinations, as the IRA is possibly a Jewish front for attacks against non-Jews in Britain.
  • German revisionists—probably semi-secretly—must take views on the devastation of Germany, and eastern Europe, and the importation of Turks.
  • Swedes will pay attention to the presentation of the crazed Barbara Specter.
  • Americans will have to consider whether war with Japan was inevitable, when they fully realise Pearl Harbor was a phoney. Further back, they will no doubt reconsider the Fed, the US Civil War/ War Between the States, slavery, and Independence.
  • Russians will perhaps carry out serious investigations into Jews in their country, and their massacres. Fomenko's views, in numerous books, might be called hyper-revisionism. Another approach, made easier by Internet, is research of the sort possibly pioneered by Miles Mathis: here for example is his claim that Lenin was in fact part of the nobility in Russia, presumably in the same manner that Jews infiltrated the British aristocracy.
  • There are religious divides: the world-leading historian David Irving dislikes the idea that Jesus never existed.
  • Investigations of science frauds are in their infancy, and of course the whole of science fraud lends itself to deliberate dumbing-down in education and the media.
  • Probably new styles of economics, and sociology of science, taking into account these lessons, will develop.
  • If censorship continues, it's possible countries will pull ahead unexpectedly, in the way Britain did after the Reformation.

Revisionist Processes: 4 Deep Revisionism

My own hope is that new approaches to problems of human groups, power structures, and sets of groups intersecting with others, but bearing in mind the limitations of human beings, will lead to new discoveries, possibly appearing simple, in retrospect; in the way that Newton, Malthus, and Wallace (not Darwin!) produced powerful elegant overview theories. Possibly, for example, someone can show that large groups of people cannot be stable, because small groups inevitably communicate amongst themselves and become de facto conspiracies; or that there are undiscovered laws about information, secrecy and societies; or that high productivity inevitably causes energetic people to take up crime, to fill in the time.
    As an example, consider democracy and political parties. Viewed from a revisionist point of view, these seem ideally adapted to generate and exploit divisions—a divide-and-weaken strategy. It's possible that the movement for parties (note the etymology: parts!) was Jewish-prompted, and that 18th-century democrats, and increasingly 19th- and 20th-century, was aimed at weakening nations. The 'Labour' Party, invented more-or-less in 1900, illustrates this. Similarly, the undemocratic control of the financial part of companies, corporations, cartels, customs unions and so on may illustrate a different part of the same process.

Revisionist Processes: 5 Routes to Revisionism (added 24 June 2014)

Just a few notes on the growth of revisionism about Jews, as information about them grows and deepens. I hope a body of work will develop, explaining what Jews have done in the last few centuries, and what, if anything, can be done to correct it.

Before we start, a dash of cold water: here's a short video made in mid-2014 in the north of England; out of 15 or so people, though many had heard the idea of a fake propagandist 'Holocaust', none could state the 'Holocaust' was a fake:–

Vox pop have you heard the idea of fake holocaust
"Have you heard the idea the 'Holocaust' was a Fake?

Routes to Revisionism include:
Personal experiences, notably of war. These include descriptions as for example Noam Chomsky and the Spanish Civil War, which happened in his youth. Chomsky took the Jewish side and is not a revisionist, but many people exposed to the media go through something similar, perhaps of the Second World War, or of supposed nuclear tests, or of Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Descriptions are not of course the real thing, but they often have the feel of the real thing. Because Jewish media, overwhelmingly dominant, never reports these things accurately, all revisionists have to return to the topic from an alternative source. When this happens the new information is often rejected. But sometimes it is accepted, the more so with increasing exposure to more material. Truths about Eisenhower, Churchill, the Normandy Landings, the USSR, Auschwitz, Hitler and so on are slowly having their effects.
      And personal involvement. The European concentration camps are a popular example—large numbers of people claim to have been there first, and there are many people exposed to wars in Vietnam, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan. Because the money and power side is hidden, many such people have little idea of what was happening at the time. However they may be able to piece together more accurate views given time; quite a number of important revisionists came by this route.
Expertise such as that of Fred Leuchter, the gas chamber expert who demolished the fraud of 'Gas chambers'. Photographic and film expertise has been a route for many. Large numbers of people are competent in digital movie media and special effects, and the earlier film media, and this has been important in exposing 'Holocaust' fakes, 'Moon Landing' and 'Space Station' other NASA fakes. After these false-flag fake atrocities were looked at, including of course 9/11, which had its own complement of architects and other experts.
9/11 came at just the right time for home computer analysis, and exchange of information both publically (websites) and privately (emails) led to a huge explosion of interest and a lot of work, which definitely disproves the Jewish version.
Paper money and the Federal Reserve have been discussed since 1913, not usually very successfully. However the more recent depression, with the drop in official figures for M3, and the observation of many people that money was tighter, has focussed attention on Jewish money and frauds more closely than before.
Talmudic and Islamic information influences many people. Translations of Jewish 'holy' books are online, with commentaries and search boxes. Much of this material is genuinely shocking, and often unexpected. It has been available since the 1930s, but ignored by all churches; the suppression of such information by churches is likely to weaken churches worldwide.
      Some aspects of Talmudic and Islamic 'holy books' will be compared with political events, and it will be obvious that these influences are part of the cause. Pornography, sex with children, and rape of unaccompanied women are an example. Opposition to Christian symbols and holidays, however trivial, and intrusion of alien festivals and symbols, will be noticed even by people reluctant at first to admit the influence.
      Other documents, notably the Protocols of Zion and Frankfurt School, will explain deliberate and secret damage to whites by Jews: for example, fluoridation, use of whites in wars, unwanted immigrants and selective money for immigrants, education policies unlikely to work correctly, telling of lies under 'religious' cover (Kol Nidre, Taqqiya. Kol Nidre has been described thus: All Jews renew an oath every year to not tell the truth about anything they choose to lie about.—attributed to John Kaminski). And lucrative science frauds will I hope be identified where they are Jewish-backed: AIDS, climate change, nuclear issues, biology issues. So will insistent propaganda themes of Jews: movies and printed media to promote wars; and control of heights of the legal system; and statistical evasions, such as not recording race in crimes, and not conducting a census.
Chains of Events will form in peoples' minds as they throw off Jewish lies, and incorporate what are (to them) new truths. Here are some examples:-
      First World War. The chain of events casts a very different light on the 'Great War' from the usual stories: 1912, sinking of the Titanic (deaths of opponents of the Federal Reserve Jewish plan); 1913, Jewish Federal Reserve in the USA set up; 1914, First World War declared over time by numerous powers; 1916-1917, Balfour Declaration to get US into war, US media switch to war propaganda, US Jews given control of US economy, and Jewish coup in Russia forming huge Jewish slave state; CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) formed as Jewish pressure group.
      British 'Labour Party'. I recently concluded the 'Labour' party, so-called, was a Jewish invention, an idea new to me. The 'Manhood Suffrage' Act of 1884 seems to have been drafted to allow immigrant Jews the vote, despite their having no connection with the country. Between 1903-1905 immigration of endless impoverished Jews was finally stopped (Winston Churchill filibustered to delay this). Jewish 'money' must have been part of the process: British labour was too scattered for dues to be collected. In 1917, the Jew Sidney Webb drafted 'Clause 4' which (see above) only mentioned wages, and not the super-rich, or the money system This must of course have been intentional. 'Labour' developed an anti-German set of policies, and did nothing to make the BBC honest. And so on up to the present day—supporting very many wars—where 'Labour' is theoretically led by a half-caste Jew, Miliband. 'Labour' uses thugs to silence critics, is involved in electoral fraud, and even imported millions of aliens to boost their votes!
      After the Second World War—a period presented as confused, with a powerful USSR, new nuclear weapons, communists in Europe, Cuba, the JFK murder, and so on. However the Jewish thread clears up many misunderstandings: Jews desperately wanted the USSR not to be inspected (while receiving equipment from the USA). The Jewish 'elite' mass killings notably in the USSR, and links between them and British and USA Jews explain why they wanted this, and how it was done. 'Nuclear weapons' appear to have been a fabrication, with Jewish fake 'atom spies' pretending to transfer technology. 'Communists' in Europe were of course Jewish-run groups. JFK was murdered to keep the Fed fraud going. And so on.

Revisionist Processes: 6 Comparative Revisionism (added 28 July 2015)

People in Britain have underestimated France's problems, for example with an estimated 15 million Muslims. For which I apologise. As far as I know, Napoleon, funded by Jews, grabbed what he could throughout Europe. This led to two types of French people - fellow-travellers who were enriched, and everyone else who wasn't. So native French prosperity dropped, just as native Britons did after Cromwell. Jewish control of money led to empires, which were described as 'French' and 'British' but were Jew-promoted, and violent when it came to Jewish greed; consider Vietnam, for example. Both Jew-promoted World Wars damaged France. David Irving's promotion for his new book in 2015 says, as a surprising shock item, that France was the second-most bombed country (presumably in Europe). The Algerian War story must have a Jewish element which has been suppressed. I don't suppose there's a French version of the 'Empire Windrush' event, since there must have been influxes all the time. We need, not only revisionism, but 'comparative revisionism' to collate all the Jewish frauds and hostilities.
      The story of France is just one example. The important point to grasp is that it may take decades, or centuries, to understand a people. Many breakthroughs in understanding have been painfully slow: energy in engineering, components of food, causes of disease, for example. Intentional misinformation by Jews has slowed the process. But it's not unreasonable to suppose that experts will come to understand Jewish malice and harm, just as there is widespread expertise on engines, vitamins, and bacteria. And many non-experts will come to understand Jews, too.

Revisionist Processes: 7 Final Triumph of Revisionism (added 21 Nov 2014)

This is what is to be expected:
      More knowledge islands will emerge and be made firm
As the ideas of malign Jewish influence spread, truthful people will look for, and find, Jewish influence in their own lives and experiences.
      Common threads will appear, and will be made firm
Comparisons with other people and groups, including international evidence, will lead to reliable evidence on multifarious Jewish activities.
      Hierarchy of information about Jewish methods will be established
It will become clearer how Jews operate. Very diverse fields—schooling, political parties, advertising, genocides in remote areas, corruption of governments, prostitution, weapons, charities, fake think tanks, body parts, family law, secrets and concealment, religions, multinational organisations, poisons in everyday life, real and bogus scientific research, farming and food—will be compared, and discoveries made how Jews operate, and how their policies were originated (i.e. how do they determine 'What is good for Jews'? Not as simple as they seem to imagine!)
      Financial roots will be identified and made clear
The underlying use made by Jews of paper and e-money will be quantified.
      Simplifications and slogans and numerical approximations will be established, plus more detailed theory and more accurate history
The techniques of identifying groups and setting them against each other, so that both are weakened, and also Jews benefit, will be simplified, so phrases and proverbs will be understood by everyone. People will discover rules-of-thumb on (for example) the costs of Jewish money control, and the offloading of costs of wars for Jews. Better reckoning will be made of deaths due to Jews and the true costs of their frauds. These discoveries will be applied to the past, and truer history will emerge, giving an infinitely more reliable picture of the present day and likely future.
      World-wide clashes and reform will take place, incidentally revealing Jewish character
As the necessary reforms clarify, Jewish reaction will be provoked. My personal guess is that Jewish behaviour is, by now, genetic: they will inevitably lie and deceive to the bitter end, in the same way that locusts will always act in groups.

      When the processes typical of Jews will be understood by sufficient people, practical steps will be made to counter them.

Merkel expression
Dimbleby expression
Jewish activities have been on genetic auto-pilot. The 20th century alone shows smallish secretive groups of Jews who (i) Control money supply and laws relating to money; (ii) Control legal systems where possible, with the aim for example of passing little-debated amendments when time for scrutiny is short; (iii) Control information via media control, for example to give false impressions of countries targeted by Jews, to spread false information about the EU and crime figures, and so on; (iv) Using 'Jewish' money to buy control of front-men in any group where joint decisions are made: unions, political parties, lenders and their policies, military groups, teachers, journalists, local housing groups, archival and historical groups, buyers and sellers of anything which can be selectively moved towards Jews; (v) Causing depressions, booms and busts etc; (vi) Aiming for and causing wars; (vii) 'Control' also includes the use of blackmail, menaces, hired thugs, murderers and so on. Some of these things appeal to Jews as being directly 'good for Jews'; others are indirect, such as supporting wars so Jewish interests make money, and, at the present time, universal Jewish support for alien immigration into white countries. (Many people still do not understand this Jewish policy—it's inconceivable to them).
      Here's the problem: Direct me to original research by Jews condemning the Fed, condemning Jewish mass murders in the USSR, condemning the Holohoax fraud, condemning Kissinger's mass murders, condemning Jews in Palestine, condemning Jews and the slave trade, condemning Jewish media lies on black violence, condemning the Jewish 'holy books' etc. If there are so many decent Jews you'll have no difficulty finding plenty of examples. Will you??
      Practical steps depend on unpyramiding some aspects of Jewish activity, for example the cumulative malign laws attributable to Jews, and media influences of Jews; reversing others—a good example being moneys paid to Jews under the fraud of the 'Holocaust', which will have to be reversed with interest and opportunity costs taken into account; punishing other events, a good example being 9/11; revising and improving education; removing malign persons from police and intelligence groups; trying to assess the harm done by frontmen and frontwomen taking orders from Jews; attempting to compensate genuine victims, such as Ukrainians and Russians and Vietnamese; and taking steps to revive native gene pools. How this will happen I wouldn't like to speculate further, though many of the procedures have in fact been applied by Jews and could be applied in reaction back to them. Maybe there will be one-at-a-time loud and devastating attacks on Jewish policies, the most damaging first; or simultaneous attacks on many fronts; or radical attacks on the entire construct of 'Jews'.

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Endnote by Mary Thomas

A comment  (November, 2012)  from the Occidental Observer. (Mary Thomas may not be his/her actual name; I don't know). She talks of the USA, but it could be any once-white country: France, Britain, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Australia, ...

White Americans fought their German brothers during the world wars, and then GAVE the Jews a country of their own, and to thank us they give us the genocide of the white race. The evil I'm talking about here, the betrayal of the good will of decent whites here in America who NEVER MEANT ANY HARM WHATSOEVER TO THE JEWS—the evil is beyond my imagination. As we head into the cannibal's pot, you can BET that we're going to take the Jews down with us. Trust me, when whites figure out what has happened, there is going to be hell to pay. The irony is that we loved and admired the Jews.

I can't imagine that ANY of our major problems could have gained any traction whatsoever if not for Jewish influence. Abortion, feminism, porn, affirmative action, massive immigration—you can rattle off the things that are tearing us down and behind each and every one of those issues you will find malevolent Jewish interests. But it takes a bit of intelligence and research to be able to put it together in your mind. I had NEVER had anything but admiration for Jews my entire life. At one time I had totally accepted that the Jews WERE a superior group and that they DESERVED to be the new mandarin class. I was a liberal for most of my adult life. Then came the bailouts of 08, and I started digging and reading, and I was shaken to the core when I realized that the entire thieving elite was above the law. I sincerely wish that I did not know the things I know now, because the information causes me great emotional pain. But it is what it is, and the truth cannot be denied.

Endnotes. Fisk, Velasquez, Rutherford.

Comments  (August 2021)  from the Occidental Observer. (May not be actual names). From

Bernie Fisk says: August 15, 2021 at 10:50 am

Rubin is a nasty ugly gargoyle lunatic.

To think that my father and both of my uncles fought and killed Germans in WWII to save the filthy likes of Jennifer Rubin makes me sick to my stomach.

I wish that our people knew what was going on, but they are fed lies 24/7 be the Jmedia.

God help us.

Martin Velasquez says: August 15, 2021 at 10:51 am

Complaining about Jewish racism and heartlessness at this point –why give them the satisfaction? White America was too pleased with itself, not reflective and mournful, after destroying our blood brothers for bankers' interests in WW II. Proud indeed, we were narcissistically caught up in a kaleidescope of distractions surrounding our heroism and our pathos in images churned out by Hollywood, even when those images grew increasingly subversive, we were in awe of ourselves on screens. We patted ourselves on the back for not being nazis, not racists, not homophobes, and here is where we’ve landed, our asses in the poorhouse. We forgot the wisdom of Aesop. Sadly, our grandchildren will not know us as we know ourselves on screen, because those distracting images, too, will be erased.

Ted Rutherford says: August 15, 2021 at 12:19 pm

You're blaming the victim, and letting the guilty go free.
Christian people, American people living with a Christian value system, could not conceive of the possibility that those poor persecuted Jews could be anything but beneficial.
We trusted the Jews, because they manufactured trust via propaganda.
We had no idea what they were up to, that they were planning our destruction all along.
The disloyalty of the Jews is disgusting, sickening, infuriating.
Our people have been victimized and ruined by a malicious tribe that will surely pay either in this world or the next.

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He who's convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still—Alexander Pope

HTML, book and document collection, reading, scanning, image processing, drawing, writing, keywords, links, correspondence all by © Rae West. From time to time I add new material of varying lengths, the most recent indicated by the version date at the start. The text contains hidden dates in <!-- comment --> format, the standard for HTML.

Birdwood first uploaded 2000-07-04. Britton, Freedman, H G Wells 2000-07-28. Lloyd George 2000-07-30. Russell 2000-07-31. Belloc 2000-08-5. Muggeridge 2000-08-06. Olgin 2000-09-09. Nuclear material and post-WW2 anti-white racist material 2012-05. Elton's Reformation paperback 2012-12. Updated 2013-01-11 and later with TheBritishResistance articles, some of which have been added to on occasion. Bryant ('birdman') example of revisionism added here 2013-01-29. London's East End as a target added 2013-02-14.

Attempt to summarise Jewish influence 2012-10-20; latest version 2013-02-07; pre-1880s and NWO 2013-05-01. Titanic and Oliver 2013-04-21. Nesta Webster 2013-05-04. Hungary and Bela Kun added 2013-08-10. Hitler's Mein Kampf notes first added 2013-10-21. Series on academic subjects and learning about Jews completed 2014-01-29. Social science Jewish exam paper 2014-03-16. Eustace Mullins linked in 2014-05-30. LBJ note added 2014-09-22

Jadar sites table main index 2012-12-13; moved here and purged 2013-02-27; 2013-07 new sites added; separated off 2014-02-09
Old Freemasonry site (not mine; grabbed in 2000) re-uploaded here 2013-02-28. Kitty Little booklets 2014-03-12; included in Jewish revisionism notes 2014-03-12. Notes on Jewish opposition to unification of opponents e.g. 19/Apr/2014
Private Eye cover spoofs 2013-03-18. Some navigation for Jewish influence and 'puzzles' section 24/July/2014. Edited for Google mobile-friendly approval 2015-06-19. New articles put at the start 2015-11-25. Mathis research sites list 2016-07-26; George Fox 2016-08-06. First mention of Yeshua Latinised as 'Jesus' or 'Iesus' being a Jew forgery inserted into Christianity 2016-09-18
Material added in the hope of clarification and amplification intermittently in 2015.

Writing, HTML © Rae West at the various dates listed. This version (three separate files, to save space: 1 Jews in history and the emergence of revisionism; 2 Miscellaneous articles; and 3 'Guide to the Politically Perplexed') first uploaded separately 2016-Feb-07. A few tweaks for mobile phones e.g. 2016-10-23. Intro revamped 3 Dec 2019