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Re-Examination of Henry Ford

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

Henry Ford was a jew or a freemason and his "anti-Semitism" was staged

I have quickly talked about Ford in the previous article. I am going to study his case further.

According to the official history, in 1920, Henry Ford bought a newspaper called "The Dearborn Independent". He transformed it into an anti-Semite newspaper (of course, for people conscious about Jewish plots, it was not "anti-Semite", but helped people to be more conscious about Jewish power and plans: I use the word anti-Semite just for convenience). Journalists wrote the papers; but they signed many of them "Henry Ford". Ford didn't stop this, because he didn't read the papers, just the titles (according to his own words). In 1920, he published also a book (written from the newspaper articles): "The international jew". Jews pressured him to stop publishing the journal and the book, which he did in 1927.

There are several problems with this story.

First, if Ford was the president of such a huge company, it was certainly because he was either a jew, or a mason. The USA has been controlled by jews since the beginning. Founders of America were freemasons, thus Jewish puppets. So, it was impossible for a simple Gentile to become the owner of such a big company. They can own little or medium companies, but not huge ones. Considering that he was either a jew or a mason, Henry Ford publishing an anti-Semite newspaper didn't make any sense. The only thing which could make sense is that he was ordered to do so.

Second problem, it is said in his biography that he was not good at writing and reading during his school years. It means he most probably didn't like reading. We can add to this that his career most probably was consuming all his time, so he didn't even had time to read. Thus, how did he come to know about Jewish plots, when almost nobody was talking about them? In 1918, in the USA, someone had to read a huge amount of books to finally come to know just a little bit about the Jewish power. Only people who like reading a lot, that is intellectuals, could do that. And even in that case, it was very difficult to come to those ideas, since nearly nobody talked about the Jewish problem in America at this time (just few intellectuals were doing that in Europe). And even with this knowledge, someone had to be able to accept it. Without having quite strong political opinions or being extremely open minded, it was very difficult to think it wasn't bullshit. It is still the case in 2013 for most people; so, in 1918, in the USA, it was considerably more difficult.

Thus, as Henry Ford didn't like reading and didn't have time for this, it is almost impossible that he was able to learn about Jewish plots. The only explanation for his sudden anti-Semitism was that he was in fact a Jew or a freemason being ordered by powerful Jewish leaders to simulate anti-Semitism.

Ford bought the Dearborn Independent in 1918. He was 55 years old. Before that he didn't show any sign of being politicized. All that did matter was his company. People don't change at 55. When you haven't been politicized during all your life, you don't become suddenly a champion of a political cause. You don't become Robin Hood when you have been Henry Ford until 55. Maybe when someone loses everything, he can eventually change. If Ford had lost everything because of jews, he could have been bitter and decided that they were his enemy. But this wasn't the case for Ford. His affairs worked perfectly. So, it's very dubious that Ford could change all of a sudden.

The reaction of Ford to the Jewish attacks is also strange. This guy was supposedly conscious that jews control the world, that they control the media, etc... He knew that they don't have mercy against their enemies. And he decided to write about them. So we could suppose that before doing that, he thought seriously about it. In this situation, there are two possibilities: either you do it unmasked and you then accept the risk of facing dangerous Jewish retaliations, or you stay anonymous and you risk much less. As Ford made all this unmasked, you could think that he was prepared to face Jewish attacks, whatever the cost. He knew that his company would be under attack, that he would be criticized by Jewish newspapers, that they would stop fighting him only when his company would be bankrupted or controlled by them, etc... But no, after just few attacks, he quickly stopped publishing the "Dearborn Independent". He also said that in fact he didn't know what his journalists wrote. If he knew he wouldn't resist after just few attacks from them, he would then have attacked them anonymously. And you can't think he overestimated his courage. A young man could have done that. But he was 55. At 55, you know your limits. So, his behavior doesn't make sense.

The reactions from jews are fishy too. If Ford was a real Gentile fighting them, they would have destroyed his company or would have taken control of it, even if he had quit attacking them. They would have never excused him. And after his death, Jewish Medias (that is Medias) would have almost never talked about him anymore. But, no, they didn't destroy nor take control of his company. They kept talking about him, and in positive terms. In 1946, Ford was lauded at the Automotive Golden Jubilee for his contributions to the automotive industry (which was controlled by jews of course). The event took place at a freemason temple. That same year, the American Petroleum Institute awarded him its first Gold Medal annual award for outstanding contributions to the welfare of humanity. The US government (controlled by jews) also asked him to produce tons of aircrafts during WWII.

Ford also demanded to have compensations from the US government in 1946 because his factory located in Germany (Cologne) had been bombed by the Allied. And he obtained them (1 million dollars). It means that a Jewish controlled government gave money to a clear anti-Semite. Extremely strange isn't it? But not strange at all if he was a jew or a Freemason.

So, what we can think is that Henry Ford was a jew or a mason and that he did all those anti-Semite things because Jewish leaders ordered him to do so. In this affair, the goal of Jewish leaders was to make people think that anti-Semitism concerned every occidental nation of this time. As it plagued almost all European nations to some degree, the USA couldn't be totally free of it. It would have seemed strange. They also probably had to justify the economic help from Ford to Hitler.

The anti-Semitism of Ford also gave a reference for the anti-Semitism of Hitler and nazi. It is said that Hitler was inspired by Ford regarding his anti-Semitism. Indeed, the problem was that Germany didn't have many references regarding anti-Semitism. Latin countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, had the French movements (like the "Action Francaise") and French intellectuals to inspire them. But Germany didn't have that kind of thing (and Jewish leaders couldn't use the French as a reference for Germans, since they were enemies). Jewish leaders didn't use German intellectuals to write anti-Semite books before the rise of Hitler; probably to avoid having a political movement already existing before the rise of Hitler. And as Germany had to be the aggressor during WWI, it was difficult to say that it was a Jewish controlled government. Thus, the rise of the German anti-Semitism could come only after WWI. And, as there was a lack of intellectual references to explain where Hitler found his ideas and information about jews, Ford was mandated by Jewish leaders to be at least one of the sources of inspiration of Hitler.

This is because those things were made on command that Ford didn't suffer any real consequences from them. As his role was only temporary, he was meant to be forgiven by jews. As Jewish leaders probably don't have tons of good servants, they can't throw them out of the game without facing quickly a shortage of personnel. Plus, they can make gentiles and ordinary jews think either that jews can forgive anti-Semites, or that jews aren't so powerful that they can destroy the life of a powerful gentile (thus, that the Jewish power is a myth).

Publié par hexzane527 à 02:13

[Note by rerevisionist: hexzane527 wrote 'Deadborn Independent'. Could there have been a message in the name, revealed by the typo?]