June 2024: With my eternal optimism, I'm certain I underestimated Jewish cruelty and lies in China. I expact this piece has some of the truth, while omitting the real horrors, in step with junk media such as the BBC. I recall attending a meeting of Amnesty International, with videos or ilm of the Laogai camps, probably copied from Soviet GULags. Amnesty was itself more-or-less another Jewish front.
- RW 26 June 2024
This article is copied (minus WordPress formatting and padding) from https://fitzinfo.net/2021/07/19/how-jews-took-over-china-an-created-chinese-communism/ on the fitzinfo.net website.   FitzInfo is an Irish site, and of course looks into Jews and Ireland. FitzInfo's motto is Exposing the Judeo-masonic-Bolshevist conspiracy. [In the website address, 'an' in place of 'and' is correct]. Despite the obvious similarities between the Russian and Chinese empires, many of us failed to notice the possibility of Jewish influence in arranging 'Communism' in China just as earlier in Russia.

This article, with 103 images (perhaps missing a few) plus a video of Kissinger, is the best and most detailed known to me. The nominal author calls himself Josh, reminding me of Josh G (appears to be Joshua Guetzkov) in Miles Mathis's site. That Josh wrote a very good piece on the Dreyfus Affair, a largely-forgotten propaganda series of events, roughly around 1900. (I must remind the readers that Jews have an impressive record for misleading mere goyim, so important material may be missing from here. The violence and mass killings may be suppressed in this piece.)

I've preserved the comments. Some have their own elaborations. Some introduce their own links.

New Theory on Religions. If we assume Jews have long-term policies of attacking civilisations, with parasitism in mind, may I suggest that Jews, when they invent new religions, shape them to be aggressive (if Jews wish to conquer) or feeble (when Jews wish to weaken). Consider these possibilities—
    China When Jews wish to infiltrate, they promote a weakening religion. Consider if Confucianism fits here—loyalty to family but not aggressive
    Japan Shintoism is a modern synthetic religion, made up probably to weaken Japan. When Japan was required by Jews to be aggressive, Samurai outlook was promoted.
    Persia may have been weakened, by Jews, by Zoroastrianism. I don't know if in fact this applies. I wondered if Freddie Mercury, a Zoroastrian from Zanzibar, might have been considered expendable by Jews.
    England and much of Europe were considered dangerous by Jews. This feeling seems to have survived until today by Jews. Christianity must have been encouraged by Jews, who wanted a passive, feeble reaction to Jewish intrusion and takeover. They seem to have fixed on a vague religion, at one moment favouring turning the other cheek and loving thine enemies—the intentionally elaborate language is deliberate—but also using Jesus's blood-red banners when it suited their handlers.
    India has, in Hinduism, what certainly looks like an internally-made, autocthonous, native, vernacular system. But Buddhism was wiped out by Muslims, a Jew invention, so it seems likely that Buddhism with its other-worldliness and indifference to riches, may have been promoted with an eye on future defeat.
- RW 20 December 2021

How Jews took over China and created Chinese Communism

Posted on

By Josh
July 18, 2021 Anno Domini   (NB Another Jews and China site is Azaziah 2018's How Jews made Red China)


The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

– Crypto-Jew David Rockefeller

Jew Henry Kissinger and crypto-Jew David Rockefeller with Chinese President Jaing Zemin (in office, 1993-2003)


Within this article, the core point we will be exploring is how Jews took over China and converted the country to communism, resulting in a government controlled by a crypto-Jewish and Masonic elite. However, before moving into the material that breaks down the 2-step process the Jews used to usher in communism, I will be touching on the history of the Jews in China because they were a very successful group of people; And an evergrowing people. Chinese Jewry held high positions of government, & were running banks, newspapers & were rich in general at the time of key revolutions as well. So, understanding how Chinese Jewry worked together for hundreds of years leading up to the creation of the CCP is absolutely a fundamental element to look at. By the end of the article, it will become evident that Chinese Jews were (& are) more powerful and influential than you might have previously thought.


A brief look into the history of Chinese Jewry (˜750-1750ad):



China has a long and complex Jewish history tracing all the way back to the early eighth century. The eighth century proof of the earliest presence of Jews in China was a business letter written in the Judeo-Persian language, found by Marc Aurel Stein (1) And below is a page of Hebrew prayers dated to the late 8th century, early 9th.



As you can see there was Chinese Jewish activity dating back to the 8th century which opened the door for centuries worth of time to grow as a secret crypto-Jewish population (Evidence for this will be shown later in the article) and gain power and influence in general. This is very pertinent to keep in mind moving forward. The most prominent Chinese Jews are the Kaifeng Jews and they had set up a colony with a Synagogue around 950ad (2) and interestingly enough they were “located along the ancient Silk Route” (3) where Jews have been known to dominate as forefront traders since the very creation in 200 BC (4). Right around the time that the above mentioned Kaifeng Jewish community became settled along the Silk Route, there was a Jewish imperial clan that was established in Kaifeng (960 ad). They became known as the House of Zhao under the Song Dynasty.


Confucianism have formed a relatively large number of groups among the Jews in the early Qing Dynasty…Among these Jewish Confucian scholars, Zhao Yingcheng, who is in the Zhao family, is the most representative and has the greatest influence.” (5)


An interesting side note to look at (keep in mind the CCP is a Jewish creation/tool)



It is also interesting to note that during Marco Polo’s 17 years in China (in the 13th century) he noticed that Jews had a noticeable amount of political influence.


“Some accidental observations in Marco Polo’s trips, show that Jews were sufficient enough to be able to exert political influence in China and Tartaria” (6)




The Kaifeng Jews quickly rose to the top of Chinese life and really started to reach a level of success for the whole of the Jews never seen before under the Ming dynasty.


“…during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644),…the Jewish life thrived there.” (7)


“The Jews of Kaifeng were once an affluent group in the 16th century.” (8)


“During this period (Ming Dynasty), the Kaifeng Jewish community entered a Golden Age…they were encouraged to fully engage in the local society, including public affairs and government service.” (9)


The Ming Dynasty clearly had some sort of close relationship with the Jews. Not only did they encourage the Jews to fully engage in society at all levels, but also assigned seven surnames to different Jews. Some of these names are still known today.


“During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a Ming emperor assigned seven surnames to Jews, by which they are still known today: Ai, Shi, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. Of these, Jin and Shi are reminiscent of Western Jewish names: Gold and Stone. The 1489 inscription lists seven others: Yen, Kao, Mu, Huang, Nie, An, Zuo, Bai, and Zhou. Apparently, only seven names survived after 1642.” (10)



After the fall of the Ming Dynasty to a rebel army led by Li Zicheng, a short-lived dynasty reigned for 5 years and was eventually replaced by the Qing dynasty. (Kaifeng Jews & descendants of the House of Zhao) Zhao Yingcheng and his brother Zhao Yingdou, also a mandarin, held important government posts in the 1660s under the newly formed Qing dynasty.


Zhao Yingcheng and his brother also “were instrumental in rebuilding the synagogue that was destroyed in the flood of 1642″ (11)


It is paramount to understand that these Jews operate like your average religious Jew you see in America or anywhere else. To take an example, the Jews of China in the 19th century were observed to only marry wives of their own religion. Since the Kaifeng Jews were like this during the 19th century, it is safe to say it was the same deal for the preceding centuries considering the known facts: Same religion, same practices, population growth etc.


These Chinese Jews are totally assimilated into Chinese culture, but are a separate, hidden conspiratorial body amongst the Chinese people.


Academic Article in the Journal “The Leisure Hour” on ‘The Jews of China’ page 333: “The Jews of China 1867 – “They (The Chinese Jews) keep their faith with the characteristic tenacity that distinguishes the hebrew race, and even now only marry wives of their own religion” (12)


Historian Henry Hart Milman: “They (Chinese Jews) had cultivated learning with success; and some of them as it was attested by extant inscriptions had been highly honoured with the imperial favour, and had attained the rank of mandarins. One of these inscriptions —dated in 1515— praises the Jews for their integrity and fidelity in agriculture, commerce, magistracy and in the army, and for the adequate observance of their own religious ceremonies” he then goes on to say “in other aspects they are strictly Jewsthey only marry among themselves… they neither make nor attempt to make proselytes” (13)


As mentioned, although (((they))) look to be Chinese, they are actually just representing the Jew and work for a foreign nation and people. To put it another way, they are Jews disguised as Chinese, blending in providing easy-access for infiltration and control of the entire country.


Fr Fahey on Jews living in other countries:


“The members of the Jewish nation, while retaining their allegiance to their own nation, are also citizens of other nations. Given the messianic aspirations of their own nation they are bound to strive for the domination of their nation over the others, as they are firmly convinced that in this way alone justice and peace will reign upon the earth. The positions attained by them in the councils and legislative assemblies of other nations must logically be for them, at least primarily, means for advancing the domination of their own people…when they assist as secretaries of Lloyd George and Clemenceau and adviser of President Wilson, then we know that English, French and American citizenship will be utilised for the furtherance of the interests of a nation that believes firmly that English, French and Americans are destined by God to be subject to it.” (14)



It is no different with Chinese Jews.


The fact of the matter is that Jews have always banded together as a tribe, have worked vigorously to infiltrate governments, they have monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and worked to intentionally create chaos and division in societies. The international media being in the hands of the Jews will not shed light on these very simple facts of life.


From everything gathered so far it has been established that the Jews have been successful and have held positions of influence and power for centuries whilst maintaining that classic tribal Jew behaviour. I hope now that you can understand why studying the history of the Chinese Jews is so crucial (And this was just a quick run-down!). All of this success and power just allows the Jews to continue to grow in numbers and infiltrate successfully like they have done in every other country they have lived. With the history of successful Chinese Jews in mind, I want to move closer to the time when Jews worked-out their two-step process of paving the way for Chinese communism to give you the same picture – That the Jews were still influential then. Once you see the evidence that the Jews have been thriving in China for many centuries, including at the time of the events that were necessary to open the door to Communism, you can put two-and-two together and see clearly their hand would have been active in these events.


Jewish activity in China (1800-˜1930):


In 1864, a Jewish officer in the British navy estimated that Chinese Jews are a total of 1 million.


And decades later we see that a Jew, Mr. Soss, gave a report to a New York Times correspondent that there are nearly 5,000,000 Jews in China! (15) Not only that, but the Jews of China were successful and honored with many of high standing status in society.


The success of the Chinese Jews in the early 1900’s is attested to in the following newspaper as well (1905).


Hence why we see Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin describe Chinese Jewry in this way: “They (Chinese Jews) constantly increased in number in China producing wise and cultured people.” (16)


Thinking back on all of this key information, it makes perfect sense when Catholic journalist Istvan Bakony says: “But it seems to be a special characteristic of Chinese Judaism, as many Israelite historians have said — and also these archeological monuments confirm — that Chinese Jews Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou were experts in agriculture. This has allowed them to infiltrate among the peasants, just as their great military talents have also allowed their infiltration in the army, creating a fifth column of Israelite Imperialism infiltrated at all levels in China.” (17)


What’s even more astounding, is that during the 19th & 20th centuries while all of these Chinese Jews continued to gain more power, outside diaspora Jews came to China themselves and were also dominating China! So clearly, there was collaboration between them.


An academic paper on the history of Jews in Shanghai, records:


Jewish traders were among the first foreigners to come to work and live in Shanghai when the port was first opened to foreign trade in November 1843. Despite the important role a number of these Jewish residents played in Shanghai as well as in international commerce at that time and for a century to follow, scholars are just beginning to focus their attention on this community” (18)


Furthermore, an article written by a Jew has to say: “Shanghai was a city of tremendous opportunities, an international city open and free to all who wished to come there and make a quick fortune. The Babylonian Jews took full advantage of this and were extremely successful.” (19)


Likewise, an article coming from another Jew writing on the Jews of Shanghai: “There was a large and varied Jewish community in Old Shanghai. They were some of the richest people in the city, and built many of the grandest structures, including the Cathay Hotel on the Bund” (20)


The Times of Israel openly admits that these Jewish traders ran Shanghai! (21) Among these Jewish traders were the Sassoons, the “Rothschilds of the East”.


The earliest records of Sassoon and Kaifeng-Jewish collaboration is from 1850. Using common-sense, the Chinese Jews were obviously helping and working with all the diaspora Jews that started moving in – not just with the Sassoons.



An example of collaboration that demonstrates other significant tasks being completed between the Chinese Jews and the new Jews that moved in, is a man named Bruno Schindler who was actively involved. “He was the editor and head of the publishing firm Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd., as well as founder and editor of the journal Asia Major and the co-founder and publisher of the journal Islamica, Caucasica, and Armenia. During a visit to Shanghai in 1913, he helped to found a Jewish community there.” (22)


Also, in the early 20th century around the 1920’s, “Jewish Soviet agents who, while in Kaifeng, established relations with the remnants of the Jewish community there…” (23)


As a result of Jewish domination in China in the 1800’s and 1900’s, Shanghai turned into “a haven for thousands of Russian Jews fleeing revolution in the 1920s. In the next decade, some 20,000 Jews came to escape Hitler’s Germany” (24). These Russian Jews were not fleeing – They were Jewish bolsheviks sent to China to become senior advisors to the future heads of the CCP. This topic will be expanded on later in the article.


It was also during the 19th-20th centuries that the Jews worked to lay the foundation of Freemasonry in China; The Jews became the leaders of the lodges as well.


Scholarly book written by a Jew –


Masonry was an important agent for business advancement and social integration with the foreign community and provided relaxation, away from the less salubrious diversions abounding in Shanghai. Jews had no difficulty in rising up the ranks of freemasonry and many served as Masters of their Lodges. The District Grand Lodge of North China, constituted at Shanghai on 9 November 1877, had several high ranking Jewish members” (25)


The author also states that during the 1920’s the continued success of Jews in Freemasonry since it was constituted in 1877, never ceased. “Shanghai Sephardim were well represented in Freemasonry lodges, and several belonged to more than one of the eleven lodges in the North China District” (26)



So clearly there was a Masonic network put in place by the Jews and the combination of crypto-Chinese Jews and outside diaspora Jews dominated these lodges. Next, the Jews sought to extend their B’nai B’rith lodges into China and managed to do so by 1928. These exclusively Jewish lodges were then met with growing success by 1930. (27)



The Two-Step Process to bring Communism


STEP 1: 1st Sino-Japan war (1894-1895)


The Jews brought China to communism through the first and main task, which was creating a movement to overthrow the Qing dynasty. The Jews managed to do this by first, using the destabiliser of the 1st Sino-Japan war, causing political upheavals led by Sun Yat-sen that resulted in the 1911 revolution and the formation of a Republic (which was created in faking anti-communism for future dialectic of Chinese Nationalists & Chinese Communists). During the period of the Republic, (((they))) consolidated, defined and unified the Chinese territory which was for a time under control of diverse military cliques. This period was known as the Warlord Era. (28)


From 1900 to 1949 when the Jewish communists took power, around 8,963,000 people were killed as a result of the struggle for Republicanism in China (29). Ask yourself, who truly benefited from the fall of the Qing Dynasty and all the death and destruction that followed? Certainly not the ethnic Chinese! It was the Jews who, once again, benefitted from the death of others.


In 1912 Sun Yat-Sen appointed Chen Jintao, the founder of the Bank of China, to chief financial officer and head of the central audit office in Beijing (30) and then in 1924 Sun established the centralization of the Chinese banking system (31).


Sources that highlight Jewish involvement in 1911 revolution:


Jewish website translating a fragment of the book “The Jews in China” edited by prof. Pan Guang: “Some Jews were involved in the creation of the “new China”, and to this day they are putting all their energy into the development of reforms in China.” (32)


“New China” refers to the early republic that was formed after the fall of the last dynasty.


Euro-Asian Jewish Congress: “In the history of new China, after the Xinhai (bourgeois) revolution of 1911, Jews were actively involved in the formation of a new state. The absence of anti-Semitism in the Chinese cultural tradition, the support of the authorities (from emperors to leaders of the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China) allowed the Jewish communities of China to go a long and prosperous path of development.” (33)


They helped create New China and they were then honored in New China for decades to follow.



Sources that elucidate Chinese Secret societies / Freemasonry having a role in the 1911 revolution:



Andreeva Svetlana Gennadievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences:


“Thus, the parties that emerged during the Xinhai Revolution largely bore the features of traditional associations. Family or provincial affiliation was the decisive factor in the creation of the party. In some cases, traditional Chinese secret societies became the main party.” (35)


Chen Jiongming, a Freemason, supported Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary efforts to overthrow the Qing dynasty. Therefore, Sun Yat-sen’s revolution had the support of Freemasonry. (36)


Sun Yat-Sen, the leader of the revolution, was also a Freemason. This will be explored later in the article.


More bolshevik Jews came to China shortly after the revolution –


Russian-Jewish Magazine LECHAIM: “In 1914 and after the 1917 revolution, Jews again pulled from Russia to China. The largest Jewish community then appeared in Harbin – 25 thousand people. Newspapers were published, Jewish hospitals and schools were opened, and Zionist organizations arose. Until the 1930s, there was an intense cultural life in both Russian and Jewish communities in China.” (37)


Earlier in the article there were a couple sources that also displayed many Bolshevik Jews coming to China during the 1910-1930’s period as well, hence;




STEP 2: 2nd Japan-Sino war (1937-1945)


The second Japan-Sino war was the war that was to over-turn the Republic and install communism.


Interesting side note: David Crook, a Jew who was a communist ideologue and spy was recruited to the NKVD Soviet secret police & was sent to China during the second Japan-Sino war. (39)


Harry Dexter White, Jew, was a senior U.S. Treasury department official and a major architect of the IMF, as well as its first director.

During the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949), he intentionally destroyed the economy of Nationalist China, financially crippling their middle class. This destabilised the administration of Chiang Kai-Shek, in preparation for him to be ‘defeated’ and communism imposed.


33rd degree Freemasons & Crypto-Jews Roosevelt, Churchill with Chiang Kai-Shek (1943)


Because of the Jews’ unseen control over Japan (Protocol 7) in combination with international Jewish finance directly influencing Japan, they were able to execute this two-step process successfully. (The Crypto-Jewish control over Japan needs to be dedicated to another article)


It was Jewish finance that played a critical role in the recognition of Japan’s emergence on the world stage in the first place!




Sidebar to the article:


Jewish Banker Jacob Schiff using Japan as a puppet to finance and to support Communist revolutionaries in Russia during the Russo-Japanese war [THREAD] (40)



In China, the three main characters of the process were Sun Yat-Sen, Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong. Each of them will be individually examined and then all will be tied together in the end.


Sun Yat-Sen:


1) He was a Freemason (41)


2) His wife was a Jewess


Istvan Bakony: “Jews have also used their women in China to ensnare great leaders, following the rules fixed in the Book of Esther in the Bible already mentioned, which tells how the Jewish Esther, hiding her Israelite origin and religion, beguiled the Persian Emperor into falling in love and marrying her, thus becoming Empress of Persia. From this position, she engineered the appointment of her uncle as the Prime Minister. In China the Song family of Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews obtained great successes in this century by the same means. One of the Song sisters married Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the man who ousted the ancient Chinese monarchy and founded the Republic, becoming the first President. Another sister married Marshall Chiang Kai-shek, President of Nationalist China. Dr. Sun Yet-sen’s widow became a member of the Maoist Popular China, where she presently lives and where, with the prestige of being the widow of the national hero, she can undoubtedly help the plans of International Judaism.” (42)


Mr. Bakony’s comment about Sun’s widow helping the plans of international Judaism makes perfect sense when we consider the following as well:






“Madame Sun Yat Sen played a big role in assisting chairman Mao Zedong” (44)



3) Jewish handlers outside of Freemasonry



As you can see here Crypto-Jew John D Rockefeller (& other (((American))) financiers) were puppeteering Sun Yat-Sen in this example. It does make perfect sense that Sun would be turning to big finance from Jews because 1) He was a mason, 2) “Sun(Yat-Sen)…relied on rich capitalists” (45)


Hence why Wang Jingwei, who was a close associate of Sun Yat-sen, believed powerful Jews shared much affinity with him. (46)


Sun Yat-Sen had Jewish senior advisors throughout his time as a leader. These were his main Jewish handlers that we know of:


1) Mikhail Borodin Bolshevik revolutionary and Communist International (Comintern) agent. Advisor to Sun and the Kuomintang (KMT) in China during the 1920s. (47) [Until 1927]


Jewish Newspaper: ??LaMerhav? – ????????, 1 July 1964:


“His (Borodin) most important mission was given to him in 1923 when he was sent by the [Jewish] Soviet government to China, to serve as chief political adviser to Sun Yat-san” (48)



2) Morris A. Cohen “Cohen of Canada” considered in the “inner circle of Sun” (fake anti-communist – planted agent) (49)


A Jewish news website has this to say about Cohen:


“The man is sometimes referred to as “the uncrowned Jewish king of China.” Moishe Avraham Cohen was born in Poland to a poor ultra-Orthodox Jewish family who immigrated to London in 1887. The London street boy went into a bad culture, was arrested by the police for pickpocketing and arrived at an institution for young Jewish criminals (funded by the Rothschild family …)” (50)


A revealing excerpt from the Jewish Newspaper: The Observer, 6 March 1942:


Cohen was involved in all the intricacies in which the Chinese continent was located, and as the president’s personal adviser, he became one of the important forces, operating behind the scenes. In 1923 he met another Jew, Michael Borodin, who was caught up in China on a mission by Lenin and the Third International (…) These two Jews weaved the threads of their influence from behind the curtain.” (51)


In addition, here is an article from the Jewish Press meant for a Jewish audience:


“The Chinese called him Ma Kun (“clenched fist”), which was as close as they could get to Morris Cohen. He procured arms for a warlord of Canton in the 1920s and was adviser to Wu Tiecheng, the Canton police chief who later became mayor of Shanghai. Cohen began to serve as part of Sun’s guard force, and eventually commanded the entire 250-man presidential bodyguard unit.


Side note: The Mayor of Shanghai Wu Tiecheng that was advised by the Jew Cohen, was a Zionist. This was a message of support for Zionism to the Jews of China & “ISRAEL’S MESSENGER”



Eventually he was appointed head of the Chinese secret service. His sidekick was another Jew, an anti-Soviet Russian named Moses Schwartzberg who had been part of a [alleged] plot to assassinate Lenin in 1918.


Because of the importance of the Schwartzberg-Cohen pair, Yiddish became one of the three languages of the Chinese secret service, after Mandarin and English. Schwartzberg would later organize a regiment of 1,200 Jewish volunteers to fight for Israel in its War of Independence.


After Sun Yat-sen died, Two-Gun Cohen was named commander of the Chinese 19th field army.” (52)


Yiddish was used as a language by the Chinese secret service due to the fact that both open Jews and crypto-Jews dominated. A blog writer who exposes organized Jewry makes a very good comment to consider: “Can you imagine, today, a foreigner being the bodyguard of the current Chinese President or an alien Jew being the head of the present day Chinese secret service? Now, my dear readers, do you understand the incredible influence the Jews had in creating and shaping modern China? Unless you understand the Jews, you will never understand the true history of modern China.” (53)


Another Jewish website stated: “In Chiang’s army, Moshe Cohen became famous, was appointed general and became responsible for intelligence and military training. In the communist army there were many of the Jews of the communities in Harbin and Shanghai and many refugees who fled Europe joined and fought in its ranks.” (54)


3) Moses Schwartzberg Russian Bolshevik, his story to China is a fake cover to be labelled as ‘anti-communist’; (55)


All Jewish.


Jewish legal advisor to the Chinese government honored (1921)




4) He is a Zionist, Pro-Jewish


Quite characteristically of a Freemason, Sun Yet-Sen had bent his knee to his Jewish Masonic masters. We see this evidently when “Sun Yat-Sen, the first president of China, saw inspiration for China in the Zionist effort to build a homeland for the Jews in Palestine”. This reinforced the already good image of the Jews in China & produced increased positive attitudes towards them. (56)


SunYat-sen also stated “that the Jewish nation has made major contributions to all areas of the world’s civilization and should have an honorable position in the world” which encourages more Jewish influence in China essentially. Sun Yat-Sen was clearly your average propped up Masonic puppet. (57)




Sun: “I … wish to assure you of my sympathy for this movement (Zionism) – which is one of the greatest movements of the present time… to restore your wonderful and historic nation… which rightly deserves an honourable place in the family of nations.” (58)


Direct link between top-Jewish Zionist family in China & Sun Yat-Sen:


“Sun Yat-sen, the first president of the Republic of China, wrote to Elly Kadoorie that the Jews were a “wonderful and historic nation, which has contributed so much to the civilization of the world.Kadoorie, an active Zionist, helped persuade him to endorse the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which laid the groundwork for the founding of the state of Israel.” (59)


Chiang Kai-shek:


1) His wife was a Jew


Same quote above from Mr. Bakony: “Another (Jewish) sister married Marshall Chiang Kai-shek, President of Nationalist China.”


“In time he (Jew, Elly Kadoorie) built the grandest mansion in the city—43 rooms for just three people—and entertained celebrities like Charles Lindbergh. The Kadoories’ hotels hosted the world’s elites, including the wedding of Chiang Kai-shek.” (60)


??The Palestine Post??, 31 March 1946: Chiang Kai-shek and his wife sent money as a gift to a Jewish family that runs a memorial hall at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.



2) Surrounded by many Jews (all of the same Jews as Yat-Sen + more)



During the civil war in China, Victor Sassoon chose to work with Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang government.” (61)


Ma Fuxiang was a Chinese military and political leader that spanned from the Qing Dynasty into the early Republic of China. Shortly after the rise of the national government of China, he became very close with them and was appointed a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang. He also was extremely close with the Jewish community and at one point was a principal donor to the establishment of a synagogue and a Hebrew school. He was an evident Chinese crypto-Jew. Fuxiang became a “sworn brother of President Chiang Kai-shek” (62)



Here is a source showing Chiang greeting “ISRAEL’S MESSENGER”



“(Chiang Kai-shek’s) Chinese National Government has decorated Sir Elly Kadoorie and Sir Victor Sassoon, two of Shanghai’s foremost Jews, with the First Class Gold Medal” (63)


Sir Victor Sassoon also bankrolled the Nationalist Chinese under Chiang Kai-shek (64) and because the Jews knew the defeat of the Nationalists was coming due to their foreknowledge, the Sassoon’s and other Jews sold their considerable financial holdings in time (65).



“Throughout his life, Chiang Kai-shek relied on foreigners, whether Russian, German or American, but never trusted them (and in a retrospective view, for good reasons) (White, 1978: 157). Yet, Jews were different. Aware of the Jewish contribution to the Chinese revolution (of 1911), this is what he said following his stay in Moscow in 1923:


Most of the Russian leaders holding responsible party and government positions who expressed regard for Dr. Sun and sincere desire to cooperate with China in her National Revolution were Jews, the only exceptions being Kamenev and Chicherin who were Russians [actually Kamenev was also Jewish]. These Jews […] aroused my special interest. I found that men like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Radek and Joffe were, comparatively speaking, more concerned with the question of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Russian Communist Party (Chiang, 1957: 22).” (66)


New Synagogue built under Chiang Kai-Shek’s government:



3) Chiang Ching-kuo was a politician of the Republic of China after its exile to Taiwan. The eldest and only biological son of former president Chiang Kai-shek. He served as Premier of the Republic of China between 1972 and 1978, and was the President of the Republic from 1978 until his death in 1988.


Chiang Ching-kuo went to the Soviet Union in 1925 to Sun Yat-Sen Moscow University (Jew-Controlled) and after studying there for a couple years he met Chiang Fang-liang who would become the First Lady of the Republic of China – she was a Jewess. (67) He married a Jewess, and so did his Son. (Probably Crypto-Jews)


The Jew Pavel Mif was prorector of Sun Yat-sen Communist University in Moscow under the Jew Karl Radek.


“Moscow Sun Yat-sen University was a Comintern school, which operated from 1925–1930 in the city of Moscow, Russia, then the Soviet Union. It was a training camp for Chinese revolutionaries from both the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Communist Party of China (CPC). ” (68)


This is just more affirmation that the CPC and KMT were both Jew-controlled.


Mao Zedong:


1) Mao was a Kaifeng Jew


Zionist paper ‘Moscow-Jerusalem’, Dec 1993: “The first repatriates from China will land at Ben-Gurion airport Dec 26, 1993, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great son of the Kaifeng community, Chairman Mao” (69)


2) In the 1920s Mao stayed in Shanghai at a property owned by the prominent Jewish Hardoons on present-day Anyi Road (Mao would have been surrounded by Jews and Freemasons) (70)



3) Skull and Bones Secret Society at Yale


“In China: Mao Zedong was installed through the Skull and Bones Secret Society operating out of Yale University. In 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China’. Mao was hired as the editor of the Yale-in-China journal and subsequently, he set up a ‘culture bookstore’ in 1920, the buildings of which belonged to the Yale group.” (71)



William F. Buckley was also in the Skull and Bones secret society (72)


> Buckley gets a eulogy from Jew Henry Kissinger (73)


Sidenote: Mao at some point was trained in (Jew-controlled) Paris according to Kay Griggs – Wife of US Marine Corp assassin


4) When Mao took power, he was helped by Jews, his government was pro-Jewish (with Jews in key positions) & his handlers were Jews


“After the Communists took over power of the country in 1949, the Chinese government, especially the local governments of the cities where Jews lived, instituted a very liberal policy toward the Jewish religion, permitting the Jews to maintain their synagogues and to carry on their regular activities.” (74)



Russian academic & Jew Leonid Eilman reveals a Chinese student told him that communist heads Deng Xiaoping & Zhou Enlai were Jews: “In Shanghai, Harbin, Jews who arrived from Russia already in this century, and there are a lot of ancient Jews. We call them “Hakka” – aliens. They speak Old Chinese and have thicker beards than the Chinese. They try not to mix with the local population, and after our revolution they entered the ranks of the party leaders: Zhou Enlai and his friend Deng Xiaoping!” (75)


Mao and his Soviet mentors; Keeping in mind the Soviets were in fact Jews. (Sources in the article have already shown Jewish soviets were sent to China, but for proof Jews took over Russia in 1917, see footnote. (76))



Jewish author on the status of Jews in China under Mao;




Before the Chinese Communist Revolution & after there was a Pro-Jewish government which displays the Jewish penetration of the highest levels of China – “Today’s Chinese scholars sometimes refer back to significant, earlier statements, such as President Sun Yat Sen’s support for Zionism during the early 1920s. An important fact, often overlooked, is that in China, the Communist Revolution did not oppose or try to obliterate these earlier opinion trends. (…) a few documented statements and gestures, for example by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, indicate a measure of sympathy for Jews rather than antipathy. It is no wonder foreign Jews joined the Communists’ fight & befriended the revolutionary leaders, became Chinese citizens” (78)


“In late 1959, the CCP Central Committee decided to form a team to translate a fourth volume of Mao’s Selected Works into English, and to revise the outdated English translation of the first three volumes, issued by the mid1950s. Work began in early 1960 by a team of fourteen, of which nine were Chinese (Oxford-educated scholars, Foreign Ministry, Foreign Languages Press and Foreign Languages Institute officials) and five foreigners: Sydney Rittenberg, Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Sol Adler, and Michael Shapiro – all Jewish.” (79)


“It is in this field of journalism (especially translation and editing) as well as teaching foreign languages, that the Jewish expats in China made a significant contribution to the PRC in its first thirty years, exposing it and making it accessible to the world.” (80)


Interestingly, the first Western business to reestablish relations with China were the Jewish Rothschilds, & Chase (Controlled by Crypto-Jewish Rockefellers) became the first US correspondent to the Bank of China. The Jews first converted the country to communism, got their men in key positions & then allowed Jewish business outside of China to come in first as a priority.


The prominent Jewish Kadoorie family “maintained covert ties with the mainland and never publicly criticized the communist regime. The strategy paid off in 1978, when the Kadoories were welcomed back by Deng Xiaoping and invested a billion dollars in China’s first nuclear plant. Later they helped to keep Hong Kong calm as the British negotiated its handover to China, which took place in 1997. “You have always been a friend to China,” an aide to Xi Jinping told Michael Kadoorie, grandson of Elly and the current head of the family.” (81)


To this day, the Kadoories are one of China’s biggest foreign investors and the family meets REGULARLY with top Chinese leaders, including Xi Jinping. (82)


As a relevant side note: Billionaire Jewish supremacist Shaul Eisenberg was actually the man who pioneered Israel’s trade relations with China back in 1979. He was a Mossad official who operated in Asia for the majority of his time. “Eisenberg helped arrange a secret meeting between the two sides that resulted in the first of many deals to transfer defense technology from Israel to China [Stolen American tech]. Over the next two decades, military technology transfers between Israel and China totaled between $1 billion and $2 billion in more than 60 transactions. Ties were formalized in 1992.” (83)


Remember the Freemasonic network that the Jews created and dominated? Well it was still fully operational under Communist China – contrary to what is often thought;


MASONRY & COMMUNIST CHINA – Hong Kong masonry website: “With the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, all the lodges continued to meet. The English District Grand Master of Northern China offered to close if the Central Peoples’ Government requested it, affirming that regular Freemasons always give obedience to the lawful government of whichever country they are in. No request was made and the British lodges meeting in the Masonic Hall in Beijing Road West in Shanghai continued to meet without difficulty” (84)


With that fact in mind, here is a probable Masonic connection to the highest level of the CCP:


Liu Shaoqi, First Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of China & Chairman of the People’s Republic of China 1959-1968 was also Jewish. In 1961 a book in Paris was published by a man named Hans Heinrich Wetzel. The book was called Liu Shao Chi (Le moine rouge). The book records a dialogue between Liu Shaoqi when he was a young boy with his great uncle Liu Tsofang. The uncle informs Liu Shaoqi that although young Liu was born in Hunan province, his family originated in “Sian-kiang” where:


all the rich traders and bankers are the Jews…Your grandfather came to live in Hunan from Shansi, the northwestern Chinese province…Our ancestors lived in Henan. They inhabited Kaifeng, the capital. They were part of the ‘Ye-Se-Lo-Ni ‘ [Chinese word for Israelites or Israelis] or ‘Le-Khtze-Kin’ [cutters of veins], a name given because of their special methods for slaughtering cattle.” (85)


For an (incomplete) list of some additional Jews involved in Communist China under Mao, see footnote (86)


So as you can see, Jews were active in all levels of government under Mao. Now we will transition to who actually created the CCP & the early connections leaving no room for doubt that this was a Jewish conspiracy;


Grigorii Naumovitch Voitinsky was a bolshevik Jew who was a member of the Communist International, which was an international organization that advocated for world communism and it was controlled by the (Jewish) Soviet Union [see footnote 76]. He was sent over to China to become a senior advisor to (likely) crypto-Jew future CCP leaders Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. Voitinsky paved the way for the creation of the CCP.


Read an important excerpt from an academic paper written by a Jew:


“He was born as Grigorii Naumovitch Voitinsky to a Jewish family in Nevel, Russia, in 1893. In 1918, shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, he joined the Communist Party in Vladivostok. In 1920 he became deputy director of the Comintern’s Far Eastern Bureau and left for China, where he met with Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, the future CCP leaders. Although Chen toyed with the Communist idea as early as 1918, he had also been attracted by other ideas (like federalism). It was only after he met Voitinsky that he became committed to Communism, not just in theory but also, and more important, in practice. It was following his meetings with Voitinsky that the first communist cells had been formed – at least seven in different cities and provinces, before the CCP was organized. Voitinski’s promotion of Marxist study groups not only paved the ground for the establishment of Party cells but also for distributing Marxist-Leninist knowledge that Chinese intellectuals had been lacking (Elleman, 2002; Chen, 2016; Lu, 2014). True, socialist and Marxist study groups had existed well before Voitniski’s arrival in China, but there is a huge gap between theoretical study clubs and an actually organized party. To organize a party, external professional support was needed. [Jewish] Comintern agents, headed by Voitinski, provided it.” (87)


Furthermore, “Many of the chief Soviet and Comintern missionaries in China were Jewish: Grigorii Naumovitch Voitinsky, Mikhail Borodin (Gruzenberg), Adolf Joffe, Pavel Mif, Nikolsky (Vladimir Abramovich Neumann [Neiman]) (Wilbur & How, 1989: 27-28; Abramov, 2005), Boris Zakharovich Shumiatsky, and a few others.” (88)



Another Jew who played a key role in the early stages of the development of Chinese communism, was a man named Cecil Frank Glass. He was a founder of the South African Communist Party and arrived in Shanghai in 1929. During his stay in China, he was the key man who united and consolidated the communists and revolutionaries that came about subsequent to the Shanghai coup d’état of Chiang Kai-Shek in April 1927. Because of this unity formed by this Jew, the Communist League of China was then founded shortly after in 1931. (89) Glass was also the “principal contact with the [Jewish] Trotskyist movement internationally.” (90)




So all in all, the process of converting China to communism, from start to finish was managed by Jews & it is clear that they were sitting at the top of the CCP after raising them to power. With the understanding we have of the populous Chinese Jews, the Freemasonic network that was put in place over a century ago, AND the fact Jews were in key positions under Mao, it is only logical to conclude that many of the important positions in modern-day China are in fact Jews – and that includes Xi Jinping. [Evidence for Xi Jingping being a Crypto-Jew under footnote (91)]


With that in mind, as well as the following quote, I urge you to see these photos with the knowledge you now know, and it starts making perfect sense:


September 2000, Jewish Heritage Untouched in China –


Most of the heritage left by Jewish people half a century ago still exists in China despite conclusions from Western scholars that it was destroyed after the founding of New China in 1949. A recent survey in Harbin, capital of northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, shows that hundreds of buildings, which were built by Jews in the early 20th century, such as banks, residences, shops, synagogues and beadhouses have not changed in appearance.

Chinese president Jiang Zemin who was visiting Israel said that Chinese and Jews have formed friendly ties since ancient times and that China will do its best to push forward the peace process in the Middle East.” (92)



(^ Pictured in Synagogue)





1) Judeo-Persian letter https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2020/06/an-eighth-century-judaeo-persian-letter-from-dandan-uiliq.html

2) Chinese Jewish Records Exhibited in New York https://www.jta.org/1926/04/02/archive/chinese-jewish-records-exhibited-in-new-york



3) Judaism in Asia since the Founding of the State of Israel https://bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de/xmlui/bitstream/handle/20.500.11811/555/bup_10.pdf?sequence=4 (pg 262)


4) Jews & the Silk Route 200 BC https://bit.ly/3jru6gh


5) The Religious and Cultural Identity of a Kaifeng Jew in the Early Qing Dynasty–A Study of Zhao Yingcheng, a Famous Jew in Kaifeng https://web.archive.org/web/20070927212910/http://scholar.ilib.cn/Abstract.aspx?A=gzmzyj200506030


6) Itsvan Bakony – Chinese communism and chinese jews Library of political secrets 4 https://www.the-savoisien.com/blog/index.php?post/Istvan-Bakony-Chinese-communism-and-chinese-jews


7) A Jewish Spark Rekindled in China https://web.archive.org/web/20070114002328/http://kulanu.org/china/jewishspark.html


8) HISTORIC COMMUNITY OF KAIFENG, CHINA https://web.archive.org/web/20170226015613/http://www.jewishtimesasia.org/kaifeng/261-kaifeng-communities/309-historic-community-of-kaifeng-china


9) Jews in Kaifeng, China: A Brief History https://web.archive.org/web/20120427031907/https://www.oakton.edu/user/2/friend/art_kaifhistory.html


10) THE LONG HISTORY OF CHINESE JEWS https://archive.jewishcurrents.org/the-long-history-of-chinese-jews/


11) The Sino-Judaic Studies: Kaifeng https://web.archive.org/web/20060206022116/http://www.sino-judaic.org/kaifeng2.html


12) THE JEWS OF CHINA https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Leisure_Hour/7PBMAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=with+the+characteristic+tenacity+that+distinguishes+the+Hebrew+race&pg=PA333&printsec=frontcover


13) JEWS IN CHINA – Historian Henry Hart Milman https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_History_of_the_Jews_from_the_Earlies/qW40AAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=they+were+cultivated,+and+some+of+them,+according+to+existing+inscriptions,+have+been+highly+honored+by+the+imperial+will+and+have+obtained+the+rank+of+Mandarins.&pg=PA139&printsec=frontcover

14) The Kingship of Christ and The Conversion of the Jewish Nation by Rev. Denis Fahey, C.C.Sp. (Chap. V The Dual Citizenship of the Jews in Modern Times) http://traditionalcatholic.net/Tradition/Information/Conversion_of_Jewish_Nation/Chapter-V.html

15) Daryl B. Smith with Michael Collins Piper.


Global Synagogue/International Jewry are working on installing a messiah (moshiach/antichrist).
Extensive network of crypto-Jews governing the world


3 m 22 s – 26 m 20s Vol. 6: https://archive.org/details/OAA_2019_-_Miscellaneous_Material_Collection/%5BVol.+06%5D.mp3


16) (Source: “Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideals”. New York edition, 1953, page 417)


17) Library of Political Secrets #4 – Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews (1969) https://archive.org/details/LibraryOfPoliticalSecrets4-ChineseCommunismAndChineseJews1969/page/n13/mode/2up?q=infiltrated+all+levels+in+China


18) A PEEK BACKWARDS INTO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF SHANGHAI http://www.sunray22b.net/Jews_in_Shanghai.pdf (pg 1)


19) The Jewish Community in Shanghai https://web.archive.org/web/20010218124628/http://www.babylonjewry.org.il/new/english/nehardea/10/m2.htm


20) Jews of Shanghai http://haruth.com/jw/China/s-jews.htm


21) How Jews once ran Shanghai, the ‘wicked old Paris of the East’ https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-jews-once-ran-shanghai-the-wicked-old-paris-of-the-east/


22) Schindler, Bruno, b. 1882 https://snaccooperative.org/view/26723475



23) Combining Contradictions: Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution https://icsum.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IJCS-112-1Yitzhak-for-website.pdf (pg 5)


24) Shanghai Had Large Jewish Community https://web.archive.org/web/20050403153856/http://haruth.com/AsiaShanghaiVisit1.htm


25) The Sephardi Jewish Community of Shanghai 1845-1939 and the Question of Identity https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/33901/1/11015626.pdf (pg 161)


26) Ibid. 160-161


27) Describes Growth of B’nai B’rith’s Shanghai Lodge https://www.jta.org/1930/06/29/archive/describes-growth-of-bnai-briths-shanghai-lodge


28) Warlord Era https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlord_Era


29) CHINA’S BLOODY CENTURY http://hawaii.edu/powerkills/CHINA.CHAP1.HTM

30) September 1912, Chen was appointed the chief financial officer and head of the central audit office in Beijing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Jintao#Financial_reforms_and_founding_Bank_of_China


31) Canton Central Bank https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Yat-sen#cite_ref-99


32) Jews in China https://berkovich-zametki.com/Nomer12/Kitaj1.htm


33) Jewish communities in China: from antiquity to modern times https://institute.eajc.org/eajpp-19/ (8th & last paras)


34) Jews in Kaifeng lucky https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Jewish_Chinese_Nexus/xfUl2vKpo2wC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=jews+in+kaifeng+were+lucky&pg=PA200&printsec=frontcover


35) Historiography of the Xinhai Revolution in the materials of the conference “Society and State in China” https://bit.ly/3hb9IP5


36) Chen Jiongming (next to the Freemason square and compass)



“This organization was one of the key supporters of Sun Yat-sen in his revolutionary efforts to overthrow the Qing dynasty.” (Jiongming created this party) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Zhi_Gong_Party]


37) LECHAIM Russian-Jewish magazine: Jews in China https://lechaim.ru/ARHIV/171/blomberg.htm


38) The Sephardi Jewish Community of Shanghai 1845-1939 and the Question of Identity https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/33901/1/11015626.pdf (pg 162)


39) David Crook https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Crook


40) Jewish Banker Jacob Schiff used Japan as a puppet to finance and to support Communist revolutionaries in Russia during the Russo-Japanese war. PART 1 https://gab.com/Muhareb1/posts/106002964564413017


41) CHEE KONG TONG: Chinese Freemasons https://www.bostonchinesefreemasons.org/chee-kong-tong




“Sun appears to have been active in at least one society commonly referred to as Chinese Freemasonry.”



Chinese researcher in video claiming Freemasons funded Sun Yat-Sen https://youtu.be/1BdfphQNg_A



42) Library of Political Secrets #4 – Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews (1969) https://archive.org/details/LibraryOfPoliticalSecrets4-ChineseCommunismAndChineseJews1969/page/n21/mode/2up


43) The Sephardi Jewish Community of Shanghai 1845-1939 and the Question of Identity https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/33901/1/11015626.pdf (pg 298)

44) Madame Sun Yat-Sen and Mao https://www.thestandard.com.hk/sections-news-print/222583/Fates-of-two-rich-families-hold-HK-hints


45) Combining Contradictions: Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution https://icsum.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IJCS-112-1Yitzhak-for-website.pdf (pg 6)


46) A HISTORY OF CHINESE PERCEPTIONS OF THE ‘JEWS’ AND JUDAISM https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/28636/1/10672796.pdf (pg 213)


47) Mikhail Borodin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Borodin



48) ?LaMerhav? – ????????, 1 July 1964 https://www.nli.org.il/en/newspapers/lmrv/1964/07/01/01/article/16/?e=——-en-20–1–img-txIN%7ctxTI————–1


49) “cohen of Canada” is Adviser to Sun Yat Sen https://www.jta.org/1923/02/19/archive/cohen-of-canada-is-adviser-to-sun-yat-sen

50) Cohen Two-Gun Cohen https://www.news1.co.il/Archive/0024-D-88598-00.html

51) Jewish Newspaper: The Observer, 6 March 1942 https://www.nli.org.il/ar/newspapers/hmf/1942/03/06/01/article/34/?e=——-ar-20–1–img-txIN%7ctxTI————–1


52) The Amazing Saga Of Two-Gun Cohen https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/the-amazing-saga-of-two-gun-cohen/2012/08/30/0/


53) Chinese Democracy or Republicanism as it was known 100 years ago: Was it a good thing for China or was it just another Jewish Scam? https://joecanuck.wixsite.com/justice4chinese3/1911revolution-english-essay

54) Moshe Cohen becoming famous http://www.jwmww2.org/%D7%96%D7%99%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%A1%D7%99%D7%9F


55) Two-Gun Cohen; Chinese Spy Master and a second Moishe! http://www.jwmww2.org/userfiles/file/TwoGunCohen.pdf


56) On the friendship path with China http://www.jewsofchina.org/JOC/userdata/SendFile.asp?DBID=1&LNGID=1&GID=89


57) Chinese Jews and China-Israel Relation https://www.scirp.org/pdf/chnstd_2014110510422088.pdf (pg 3)


58) The Extraordinary Adventures of Two-Gun Cohen https://asianjewishlife.org/images/issues/Issue12-June2013/PDFs/AJL-Issue12-Feature-two-gun.pdf (pg 5)

59) Direct link between top-Jewish family in China & Sun Yat-Sen: https://archive.ph/KDYVH#selection-2261.496-2261.853

60) Wedding of Chiang Kai-shek https://archive.ph/KDYVH#selection-2247.556-2247.779

61) Victor Sassoon chose to work with Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang government https://www.thestandard.com.hk/sections-news-print/222583/Fates-of-two-rich-families-hold-HK-hints

62) Jewish sworn brother of President Chiang Kai-shek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Fuxiang#cite_ref-128



63) China Gives Medals to 2 Shanghai Jews https://www.jta.org/1935/06/25/archive/china-gives-medals-to-2-shanghai-jews

64) Sassoon family bankrolled Chiang Kai-Shek KMT https://www.jacksonville.com/story/entertainment/books/2020/06/28/book-review-how-two-jewish-families-shaped-modern-china/41740643/

65) Jews selling holdings in-time (foreknowledge) (last para.) https://www.historynet.com/wartime-shanghai-a-tycoon-triumphs-over-the-emporer.htm


66) Combining Contradictions: Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution https://icsum.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IJCS-112-1Yitzhak-for-website.pdf (pg 9)


67) CHIANG FANG-LIANG Bio http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/Chiang_Fang-liang & The Lithuanian Jewish First Lady no one saw in the Republic of China https://findery.com/Chung123/notes/the-lithuanian-jewish-first-lady-no-one-saw-in-the-republic-of-china


68) Moscow Sun Yat-sen University https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Sun_Yat-sen_University


69) Book: Breath of Dragons (Russia, China and Jews) https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=110481&p=12 (ref. 142)



70) Silas Aaron Hardoon https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/shanghai/Hardoon.html & Mao’s landlord https://archive.ph/6BPPQ#selection-711.1-711.39


71) The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask – part II https://fitzinfo.net/2019/07/31/the-perestroika-deception-behind-the-mask-part-ii/


72) William F Buckley Skull and Bones society https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_F._Buckley_Jr.#cite_ref-28


73) Memorial Service for William F. Buckley: Henry Kissinger, Christopher Buckley (2008)

74) Chinese Policy Towards Judaism Xu Xin Nanjing University [https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln270/Judaism/XuXin-Chinese%20policy.pdf] (pg 3)


75) In the footsteps of the migrations of the Mizrahi Jews. https://blogs.7iskusstv.com/?p=52538

76) Jews took over Russia in 1917;


Scotland Yard Report to the America Secretary of State, July 23, 1919: There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing between the leaders in America, France, Russia and England, with a view toward concerted action. [https://web.archive.org/web/20070625205254/https://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/jewishactivistscommunism.html]



77) Lack of opposition towards Jews and Zionists https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Jewish_Chinese_Nexus/xfUl2vKpo2wC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=lack+of+opposition+towards+jews+and+zionist&pg=PR18&printsec=frontcover


78) China and the Jewish People Old Civilizations in a New Era http://jppi.org.il/uploads/China%20and%20the%20Jewish%20People.pdf (pg 62)


79) Combining Contradictions: Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution https://icsum.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IJCS-112-1Yitzhak-for-website.pdf (pg 17)


80) Ibid. 17

81) The prominent Jewish Kadoorie family “maintained covert ties with the mainland https://archive.ph/KDYVH#selection-2381.185-2381.590

82) The Jewish Kadoorie’s meet with top Chinese leaders, including Xi Jingping regularly https://archive.ph/KDYVH#selection-2211.0-2218.1

83) Eisenberg arranged a secret meeting between Israel & China 1979 https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR2600/RR2641/RAND_RR2641.pdf (pg 12)




84) FREEMASONRY IN CHINA http://zetlandhall.com/history/china

85) Hans-Heinrich Wetzel, Liu Shao Chi: le moine rouge [Paris: Editions Denoel, 1961], pp. 30. [QUOTED IN: The Virginia Review of Asian Studies Volume 5 2003]




“[The Jewish community] were formerly called the “Ye-Se-Lo-Ni”



86) Additional Jews involved under Mao


(Ma Haide was the first foreigner to be granted citizenship in the People’s Republic of China – https://archive.is/5q4kb#selection-433.116-433.197 ; He was of Syrian Jewish extraction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Haide#cite_ref-2)


Asia’s Jews (LIST) https://moishekohen.wordpress.com/2017/12/14/asias-jews/


87) Combining Contradictions: Jewish Contributions to the Chinese Revolution https://icsum.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IJCS-112-1Yitzhak-for-website.pdf (pg 7)

88) Ibid. 4-5

89) Cecil Frank Glass Jewish communist


(Source: Prophets Unarmed: Chinese Trotskyists in Revolution, War, Jail, and the Return from Limbo. Edited by Gregor Benton)


(Source: Jewish Identities in East and Southeast Asia. Written by Jonathon Goldstein)


He helped found the Communist League in China and was its principal contact with the Trotskyist movement internationally. He went to meet Trotsky in Coyoacan on August 11, 1937, and he discussed China and Wang Fanxi’s analysis of the situation with LDT.” https://www.marxists.org/archive/glass/biog/biog.htm


90) BIBLIOGRAPHY: Frank Glass https://www.marxists.org/archive/glass/biog/biog.htm

91) Xi Jinping Crypto-Jew evidence


“Mr. Xi’s father, Xi Zhongxun, then governor of Guangdong province and an advocate of opening China’s economy, was “warm, open and flexible,” said [Jew] Jan Berris, vice president of the committee, who traveled with him [in America].” https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/reporters-notebook/xi-jinping-visit/xi-father-united-states



Jan Berris Jewess –


Jan Berris is on international advisory Board of the Sino-Judaic Institute:



Berris 2018 lecture – ‘JEWS & China’:


Pg 7



Xi is pictured above with the Jew Terry Branstad.


More recent ;


Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad greets Chinese President Xi ...


“Chinese officials were quick to praise Branstad as an “old friend.”

“Branstad and Xi met frequently, mostly during trade missions”



92) Jewish Heritage Untouched in China http://en.people.cn/english/200009/27/eng20000927_51370.html


  1. The Sentinel, February 19 1932:

    “That LARGE NUMBERS of JEWS lived in Central China during the 13th, 14th & 15th centuries is beyond doubt. They engaged in commerce, in export & import, & were in CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE JEWS OF INDIA AND PERSIA ; the latter, indeed, were the religious teachers and guides of the Chinese Jews.”


  2. An article of truly unique insight – violently ripping wide open, the formerly densely obscured Jewish operations and control of China.

    If this article was translated into Chinese and distributed widely in China, the CCP would likely be finished in short space.

    May God and Our Lady prosper this truth, in contribution to the ultimate defeat of the Jews, which will arrive soon after they believe they have attained complete and irreversible world domination.

    Admiration and congratulations for an excellent piece of work!

    Our Lady of Fatima

    “But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and the world will enjoy a period of peace.”


  3. Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.
    October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

  4. Communism in China was created by the Jews of the West working with the Jews within Asian. A well known Communist Agent in Manchuria was Abrams an Asian Jew. Today the Jews still run China the higher you go to the top of the Communist Party the more Asian Jewish name appear till its all Jewish. Like in the Soviet Union. Today the International Jews have purposely built up Red China into an economic and military power.
