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Oswald Mosley My Life
Oswald Mosley   My Life   (Autobiography. First published 1968)   «This review is banned by Amazon 
Little on his private life. Slightly more on his politics. I've tried quite a serious assessment of this enigmatic personality.
Including: Was he a Jew Stooge, a Useful Idiot, or Something Else?

The first links are to external sites, which may change. The rest are my own files, within this site. created in 2000 by FOM, Friends of Mosley, who put My Life online here. It appears to date from 2006; it's not clear how close it is to the original. There are some scanner errors: 'Clifford Alien' for 'Clifford Allen'; 'nattering' for 'flattering'; 'Verweile dock, du hist so schon'.
Unindexed; no list of photos.

Another site is created in 2008 by Robert Edwards. 'Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army of the parliamentarians spring instantly to mind. Mosley often invoked those heroes of our British past in his orations to his Blackshirt followers'—sublimely Jew-naive; or of course just more Jewish lies.

Arnold Leese's short 1951 autobiography, Out of Step, suggests that Mosley was controlled opposition, distracting from serious critics of Jews, such as Leese. Mosley got all the publicity, including what would now be called psy-ops and false flags. Hexzane527 also thinks Mosley was a Jew, the surname suggesting Moses+Levy.
      Musing over David Frost and Mosley on TV, with a carefully-positioned Jew, it's obvious to me now that the whole TV programme was rigged, with Jews running TV, and Frost, Mosley, and the plant being Jews.
     TV coincidence: March 2023 was the start of the final series of Endeavour, a detective series supposedly based in Oxford, UK, set in something like 1970, which started a thread on Cable Street. Assuming it's too late to change anything, I'd guess Endeavour will be a late reprise of this and other Jewish lies. I recommend a look at East Londoner on WW2 with its caution, for something on the suppressed stories of WW2.

Oswald Mosley (1896-1980) was about 18 when the 'Great War' was begun. No wonder he was torn between thought and action.
He married Lady Cynthia, between 1920-1933, and Diana Mitford from 1936-1980.
Because Jewish archives, if any, are secret: even the Fed is unaudited. And related archives are missing or sealed, for example of Britain's royal family, and of international dealers in money and weapons... I've tried to show the uncertainties surrounding the entire subject, not only Oswald Mosley.

[1] Mosley's Aristocratic Life   Mosley's first 18 years were in Edwardian England (plus four years, to be precise). My Life is quite good on county life, and such things as parkland, animal breeders and trees, riding and hunting and shooting. The sort of thing Bertrand Russell thought explained why the 'Labour Party' got few country votes. Mosley mentions his ancestry, but in my opinion shows very little grasp of history. He knew about Roundheads and Cavaliers, but seemed not to know that Cromwell was a tool of Amsterdam Jews. As a few more random examples, he knew little about the Normans, about country houses, about primogeniture, about the effects of the Bank of England in the 18th century, the Rothschilds and Waterloo, and the coming of railways. His descriptions of the lifestyle are quite attractive, for example the large numbers of servants, cooks, horse people, and well-fed butlers with year-round activities. All this ceased in 1914. He was young then, but seemed never to have discovered why 'death duties' (what a phrase, aimed at a sense of honour!) were imposed, or who controlled the gradual seep of propaganda.
      His lifestyle must have included dealings with money, but he was secretive, as is common. Probably he thought that aristocratic dealings were none of anyone else's business. Understandable, but not helpful in an autobiography. His remarks are mostly selfish, not wide-ranging and community-regarding: here a 999 year lease as disastrous for him compared with 99; there, he made money 'in a banal way'. He must have held on to, or made money: after the second world war he moved house at least twice, to large places in both cases I think; maybe through marriage. As to what was left of English aristocrats after World Wars 1 and 2, he says little.
      My Life's blurb says he knew 'everyone worth knowing'. But did he know Sieff? Rothschilds? The Warburgs, sitting on opposite sides of the table at Versailles? At that 'Paris Peace Conference', Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and Clemenceau had Jew advisors. He knew Mr Amery, secretly Jewish, 'the chief apostle of protection'. Later, he was a friend of Brendan Bracken, a Jew from Hungary, one of the dark grey eminences of the type made more visible by war.

The French author hexzane527 considers that all leaders in Europe were Jews (and/or Freemasons, perhaps). And that the name Mosley is probably a combination of Moses and Levy.

[2] Mosley and Health, Fitness, Effort, Beauty, Action   Mosley liked fitness, and seemed proud of his physique. He liked beauty in women. He liked action, without really defining it. I *think* he liked the thought of air flight, then of course new: there's a good account in H G Wells's novel Tono-Bungay of the sheer excitement of flight, for the first time in human history. But this assumes a class of designers, mechanics, airfields, fuel—it's expensive. Part of the excitement of war became the use of expensive equipment and machinery—machine-guns, shells, tanks, aircraft, ships—and (up to a point) thought was needed. But it was easy to spread war fever, as Jews soon found.
      Mosley described the 'thought-deed man' (in The Alternative in 1947). 'The prime necessity of the modern world: men who can both think and act.' Not a new idea; Mazzini thought France could act, Germany think, Britain make things, and Italy combine thought and action—changes during and after Napoleon explain why he thought that, and show how writers and their views become outdated. Bergson, influenced by Darwin, said similar things, praising cavalry charges (for example) as combining action and thought. Mosley discusses Nietzsche in My Life. I doubt Mosley's appreciation, as Nietzsche's writings are often incomprehensible or unclear (and Jew-evasive) and Mosley only learned German relatively late in life.
      An oddity, in my opinion—when medical science and biology had made huge strides—in nutrition, water, muscle strength, limits of human bodies—and psychology had made some progress in assessing mental processes—is that many people could believe in 'supermen'.

[3] Mosley's Intellect   He seems to have picked up memes, without realising how they were trickled into the media, often by Jews. Memes such as: Nationalism in the sense of a tightly-defined area with a few bosses, which Jews wanted; the run-up to the Great War; such things as 'guild socialism', 'communism', 'commonwealth', which he never seems to have discussed with any circles of friends, and of course was discouraged in war service. He thought of 'science' in the way simple Africans talked of 'scientific socialism' and seemed to have no idea of advances made in Germany. After the Second World War war, he picked up more memes: the 'brain drain', for example. Even his views on post-1945 Europe sound derivative.
      Individualism was heavily promoted by Jews, to distract from their own clannish secrecy and freemasonry and international collusion. Hence the Führerprincip enabling decisions supposedly of Hitler to be forced on Germans. And hence the controlled media and orators encouraging thoughts of strength and health and power, morphing into battles and wars.
      Mosley was impressed by unemployment, and depressions, which is probably why he joined the Labour Party, perhaps innocently believing it would help labour. Generally he had a tendency to believe he was uniquely on to something, when in fact he must have absorbed reports from, I'd guess, BBC Radio and The Times and HMSO papers and Victor Gollancz's books, all of course mostly presenting Jewish views and propaganda.

On Christianity, Mosley (like very many westerners) seems to have never reconciled its obvious acquisitiveness and partial militarism with its supposed ethics. He seems to have had little appreciation of the part played by Jews in forming Islam. Rather sadly, he has nothing much to say about Keynes, Russell, Shaw (1933, On the Rocks:—'.. capital punishment has been abolished in Russia (liquidation by the Ogpu is not punishment. It is "weeding the garden"), Wells (a science populariser, says Mosley). Wilde is represented by one aphorism. 'George Orwell' is unmentioned.
      All this is very typical of the time, but does not suggest piercing thought. And all the time propaganda techniques improved—radio, cinema, secrecy, and post-1945 television. Only Internet, firmly post-Mosley, has had any countervailing effect.
      Mosley had the habit of picking up unsound opinions by direct contact. One of his evidences for Jews not uniting in long-term frauds was that he spoke to James de Rothschild in Deauville, 'when I was there to play polo. and he to play golf ... he addressed to me some pointed and impressive remarks: "Never believe the Jews are capable of acting together—we have tried to organise them for generations..." Mosley surrounds this with detailed personal descriptions of de Rothschild, and praise for his having left a country house to Britain! I doubt Mosley ever got the feel for the huge expenditures of governments, and even huger borrowings. Mosley is indignant at unethical actions, but draws no useful conclusions. '... the Home Secretary, Sir John Simon ... denounced with fervour over the radio the outrage of the Germans in arresting and detaining without trial Pastor Niemoeller, after he had been acquitted of charges in the German courts.' The same man of course did just the same with 18B detainees.

[4] Mosley and Jews   I suspect Mosley's view of English history was derived from Macaulay, the propagandist for Cromwell and the 'Great Revolution'. In Mosley's own century, Trevelyan and Churchill provided apparently patriotic works, after WW1, which were unperceptive and Jew-naive, and seemed to be patriotic.
      Some Jewish-related issues which Mosley ignores, include
      Mass movement of Jews into east London (note that Churchill hindered action on 'alien immigration' by filibustering Parliament)
      Churchill took part in the Boer wars and must have known about Jew finance there
      Churchill should have known about the founding of the Jewish Federal Reserve in 1913
      Churchill, involved in debates on ships and arms, must have had some knowledge of weapons and loans and profitability
      Mosley says nothing about the 'leader' of the newly-formed Eire being a Jew, de Valera
      Mosley says nothing about Coudenhove-Kalergi, despite the latter's propagandist attacks on Europe.

Modern opinion, taken from Talmudic writings and modern Jewish propaganda, plus the Protocols of Zion, would predict that Jews would plot to kill as many non-Jews, especially the "best", as possible. Mosley seems to have known nothing of this.

Skinhead is an anonymous piece (not by Miles Mathis) with some information on Mosley but which understates the influence of Jews. Interestingly, guesses that Cable Street was an event manufactured for political control.

My Chronology of 'Jews' from early times includes
      Henry Ford The International Jew (1920 onwards)
      Hilaire Belloc The Jews (1922)
      A H Lane The Alien Menace (1934)

After WW2, Jewish censorship was almost complete. It masqueraded as 'American' vs 'Russian'. We have only a few books by tiny publishers:
      Capt A H M Ramsay The Nameless War (1952)
      'Frank L Britton' Behind Communism 1952?
      F J P Veale Advance to Barbarism (1953) omits most huge atrocities, which were only partly leaked over the coming half century, and has only a few mentions of Jews.

With the expansion of universities, Jews seeded into the system were promoted. A good example is A J P Taylor. Taylor and others often state that Mosley was impressive, and his ideas were ahead of his time; and he could have been a great Prime Minister, of either the 'Labour Party' or the 'Conservatives'. In my view, this is just Jewish bullshit, and gives some idea how the NSDAP may have been promoted. Arnold Leese, who was referred to anonymously as a vet by Mosley in My Life, ridiculed Mosley as a 'Kosher Fascist', but might just as well have called him a 'Kosher Patriot' or 'Kosher Nationalist' or 'Kosher European'.

[5] Mosley and British and European Politics   My Life ends with what he hoped were to be his contributions, a manifesto. Before that, Chapter 20 tries to explain why he opposed the Second World War—essentially, because Britain still had considerable power, and it seemed unlikely that war could help. He never suspected any of the things which seem rather clear now:—that the murder of millions of Jews was a sham, that Jews benefitted from war by getting forcible repayments from all sides, risking nothing, that Jews in America were perfectly happy to have the British Empire given to them by Jews in Britain, that nuclear weapons were a hoax to keep their Jewish secrets in the USSR, that enormous mass killings in the east were Jewish. He doesn't even seem to know that Stalin was given US and British war materiel.

Here's what Mosley did from 1931:

The New Party was launched on March 1, 1931 [Very long accounts of noise and violence. Mosley noticed that police authorities did nothing to prosecute and control thugs. Just as now, of course. It seems remarkable enough—he might have taken action.]

I was more fortunate in these troubles than most leaders of new parties, whether of the left, right or centre. The whole leadership of the Communist Party melted away after the disaster of 1905; in the Lessons of October, Trotsky claims that he and Lenin were the only survivors of the leadership in 1917. Hitler shot seventy of his previously most trusted assistants on June 30,1934, and Mussolini, not long before his arrival in power, was near to resignation on account of divisions within the party. .... Communism today commands half the world. It rests on a combination of Marxian thinking and communist party action. [Again, Mosley is or pretends to be utterly naive. The Jews leading the coups in Russia did not 'melt away'! Hitler killed off genuine national socialists, presumably as they would soon learn to be suspicious of him. And the idea that 'Communism' is dependent on Marxian thinking is ludicrous, it is dependent on control of paper money].

Between the wars:   Mosley promoted rearmament. Was it unfair on our platform battle of that time to say: 'All wars are good to the Socialist Party on three conditions: the first, that the war should be in the interest of the Soviets and not in the interest of Britain; the second, that our troops have no arms with which to fight; and the third, that socialist leaders are not included among the troops'. (June 26, 1936.) [Mosley confuses Socialism with Jewish 'Communism'. He liked an oratorical style which was difficult to answer within a practicable time-frame].

On the other hand, our British Government's guarantee to Poland was simply asking for war. [Surely, by 1968, he must have had doubts about the motives for the 'Guarantee'].

[6] Mosley and World Politics   Note that John Tyndall (1934-2005) published his Eleventh Hour in 1988, twenty years after Mosley. It had similar errors and assumptions, but at least was Jew-aware.

Problems of world trade were out of Mosley's range, as they were and are to most people.

1945-9 ... the action of the Labour Government at that time not only violated every principle for which they professed to have been fighting the war, subsequently stated in the Charter of the United Nations and the concomitant instruments which British Government later signed, but also casually tossed on the scrapheap the basic principles of our own Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and other sacred institutions long enshrined in British constitutional usage

1956 'the soviets' [i.e. Russians and others under Jew control] 'savage repression of the Hungarian people. Mosley had no idea these were Jews, co-operating. See below David Irving: Uprising!

1959. Chapter 24, North Kensington—Later Renewal of Communist Violence.
      On immigration and overcrowding. 'The Government appeared either entirely impotent or quite unwilling to deal with the resultant situation. ... It was ... one of the chief surprises of my life when we polled only eight per cent of the votes recorded...' Mosley notices immigration, started by a Jew (see Dr Joyce), and of course continuing to this day. Voting fraud is another Jewish importation.

1962, I think. Mosley records East London, where I and other speakers had frequently addressed large gatherings in perfect peace and order ever since the war. ... In innumerable meetings before and since the war I had never previously met disorder of any kind in East London. This time, however, a reception committee was awaiting me from far afield. On arrival at the meeting I found to my surprise that the police had placed two green buses across the path to the platform, and that I must walk alone through a narrow aperture between them to reach it. My supporters were thus prevented from accompanying me. Directly I emerged from this passage I was set upon by a group of men standing near the platform and knocked to the ground, with some of them falling on top of me in their eagerness to get blow or kick in first. I then saved myself from serious injury by holding one of them closely on top of me and rolling from side to side with this protection from blows which were imminent with weapons as well as with fists and boots.

Thus the recipe for closing down free speech in Britain is quite simple, although personally I do not propose to use it: take along a few well-organised roughs to make a row in the middle of a large and orderly meeting; the Government will then close down not the roughs but the speaker. Having passed a special Act of Parliament, curiously known as the Public Order Act, to remove our right to defend ourselves, the Government then also removed our free speech by closing meetings at the behest of any small but highly organised bunch of red hooligans. His son Max was attacked, but was arrested - OM calls this 'curious'. He seems never to have seen through the Jewish behind-the-scenes activity. It remains more or less the same now.

His views on the world's situations seem agonisingly Jew-blind, with unelected scum of the Kissinger type fomenting wars. Here's Mosley, as always taking a simple stereotyped view: ... natural balance to Chinese influence in Asia would be a combination between India and Japan. The energy and executive ability of Japan would be a support to India, and the Indian potential market would be a challenge and an outlet to the constructive capacities of Japan.

My approach to the African question is from an economic and social and not from a racial standpoint. Racialism has really nothing whatever to do with this matter. ....If in the same economic community you mix people of completely different stages of development, you get ... a grave social problem with bitter resentments. I may possibly claim foresight for having devised a policy to meet these difficulties in 1948 when they were not so clearly apparent. It was called the Mosley-Pirow proposals, because my collaborator was generous enough to give it this name, although he had far more knowledge of the subject and did most of the work. Oswald Pirow was at that time a distinguished member of the South African Bar; he had previously been Minister of Defence in 1939 and had occupied several posts in the South African Government, but resigned at the outbreak of war for the natural reason that he was of German origin. Goldman Sachs in China, people like Ronald Kasrils, Roy Welensky, Helen Zille ad infinitum and ad nauseam.

[7] Was Mosley a Useful Idiot? Or a Fellow-Traveller of Jews?
My best guess—bearing in mind that relevant documents are suppressed—is that he was an isolated aristocrat, unaware of being fleeced, acting out a theoretical rôle as 'Leader', possibly as Caesar. His beliefs were fragmentary, and he never achieved a synthesis. He scorned to learn, especially about Jews, their concealed vicious beliefs, and their treacherous subordinates. And people with cryptic information probably kept their secrets from him: Foreign Office officials knew the gas chambers were fake; many people knew Hiroshima was firebombed; the 'Labour' party were planning coloured immigration even before WW2; vast atrocities in Germany and Russia were kept secret by the BBC; the Jewish paper money uses probably were kept from him, though he must have known bankers; he had little awareness of property swindles.
      Was he naive? The BBC, he says, kept him out for years—the last time he spoke on BBC radio was in 1934. And yet he appeared on TV in an obviously set-up David Frost programme—available on this site—with a typical Jew fraudster. But did Mosley really expect a hearing?
      Many people were, or seemed to be, Jew-blind: George Orwell, for instance. And deception was the order of the day, as now. Mosley wrote a well-known letter to Russell, suggesting co-operation: Russell's reply proved neither had a clue about the world. If it turns out that the NSDAP was orchestrated by insanely rich Jews, strategically dotted about the world, intent on theft and murder of the best goyim, could Mosley fit in? I'd guess there'd be a constant risk of his refusing to accept some evil sleight of hand. The Jury is out, or, rather, hasn't yet heard the evidence. But in my view Mosley offered nothing new or promising.

RW   2018-11-18. Note on Leese added 2023-March-2. And on Frost 2023-March-5