© Raeto West 27 March - 26 April 2015 revisited 7 & 21 Nov 2023
Martin Luther: On the Jews and their Lies
This article was started in 2015. The aim was and is to try to see Jewish and other activities over half a millennium. I aimed for depth.
After deciding on the format, and roughing out links, I collected notes from books and online sources. They are not completely worked out, but I think they were worth keeping and making more readable.
Voyage of Discovery into the World of 'Jews'
Overview of Half a Millennium [Human Beings Facing Changes | Advances and Non-Advances in Knowledge]
Sketch of some few events of the past 500 years [Chronology]
Increase in Importance of Western Europe and the Americas
Long War of Jews vs The Rest? [Looking into Jewish Actions Over 500 Years | Ever-Increasing Awakening to the Problems Caused by Jews | Increasing Numbers of People Converging as they Identify Jews Behind Disparate Events | Ever-Increasing Awareness of the Jewish Choice (or Inner Compulsion) to Conflict with Host Countries]
The Two Theories of Origins of 'Jews' [Traditional Old Testament | Khazar Theory]
'Jewish' Beliefs ['Jewish' Books and Some Implications
Other Human Groups Compared with 'Jews' [Judaism and Islam Compared | Thugs | Christians | Gipsies | Deep Revisionism of Jewish Beliefs]
Possible Genetic Roots Helping Explain Jewish Behaviour
Digressions on Parasitism [Parasitism | Parasitism and Unoriginality | Mimicry | Genetics
New Genetic Theories About 'Jews' [Group Evolution Ideas | Learning | Behaviour]
Undiscovered Economic Laws Explaining Cycles of Repetition
Reasons to Suppose Jews are Increasingly Maladapted to Modern Life [Are Jews Unaware of what They Do? | History: Renaissance | History: Elizabethan England | History: Napoleonic France | History: Opium Wars | History: US Colonies vs Britain| History: US Civil War | History: Boer War | History: World Wars I and II | History: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq]
Conclusion: Reasons for Optimism
Voyage of Discovery into the World of 'Jews'
I want to discuss the long war by so-called Jews against everyone else who they contacted. I'm calling this a 'discovery', a genuine discovery, a discovery of something once concealed and secret, just as the American continent was discovered by Europeans, and earlier geographical myths were dispelled; just as bacteria were discovered after microscopes had been invented; just as the Hittites were rediscovered by archaeologists. It's a discovery with implications similar to the way knowledge of the periodic table of the elements helps the design of modern products. The revelations about Jewish behaviour are an unusual type of discovery, involving groups of people, who behave mostly in an enigmatic manner. Without that cryptic mystery, there would of course have been no need for the surprise of discovery.
The object of this essay is to survey what can be said now, with some confidence, about self-styled 'Jews', their evolution, and the future. I hope to help readers to become for themselves intrepid explorers, flashlights in hand, prising open previously-hidden, but now newly-rediscovered, cryptic entrances, penetrating vaults filled with strange disturbing lore and artefacts.
Overview of Half a Millennium
Human Beings Facing Changes
I've selected 500 years, to coincide neatly with the half-millennium period of discovery, exploration, settlement and present-day familiarity with the world of the Americas, the invention of printed books, and religious upheavals. The vast expansion of knowledge, ideas, technologies, and practical activities (including wars of unprecedented harm), and human populations of unprecedented numbers, make for interpretational difficulties—it's difficult to keep any objectivity in assigning causes where so many spheres of activity are simultaneously changing. One difficulty is dealing conceptually with the vast, non-human scale of the issues. We evolved with senses adapted to nearby things and events and life: local territories, familiar people, things that can be seen and touched. However, the human brain can deal imaginatively with huge issues, though without much instinctive genetic feedback to warn against mistakes and misunderstandings. For example, human races, from a wide-angle and long term viewpoint, have an importance which was hardly noticeable in the world of small groups before the invention of effective transport systems. The ways creatures are modified by evolution to their surroundings, including the effects of other creatures, which now seem obvious to many people, had to wait till the mid-19th century to be formally discovered.
Advances and Non-Advances in Knowledge
Any advance in systematic knowledge has to start with a phase of collecting evidence. Francis Bacon, before Newton, tried to schematise this process. It may not be clear even what is needed, as the stumbling history of alchemy shows. Medical science had to wait for physiology: Vesalius's engravings of the human body, and Gray's Anatomy, illustrate detailed observation, and demonstrate that printing and libraries and teachers and publicists were needed, too. Geology had to wait for cheap paper, map surveys, and analyses of rocks. At the present day, the human brain is not understood: even its structure is not reliably understood, as Harold Hillman's work on neurobiology and mistakes in interpreting pictures from microscopes shows. Since the brain itself isn't understood, the understanding of individual psychology, and human races including 'Jews', and motivations, and civilisations are at a primitive stage. What makes people tick is not known.
Historical analysis is more important than people ignorant of the past are inclined to think: events, involving huge populations in varied situations over long stretches of time, did in fact take place—if, and this is a very important qualification, the events were correctly understood and recorded. They are part of the data; few people make decisions on some theoretical idea, and it seems likely far more wrong decisions were and are made by 'idealists' influenced by ideas and notions, than by decisions based on people's realistic familiarity with their here and now. The penalty of increased brainpower is likely to be an increased tendency to big mistakes.
Sketch of some few events of the past 500 years:–
1500-ish discovery of Caribbean islands (and America) by Europeans in sailing ships. Discovery of Brazil. Results include: cane sugar, potatoes, tomatoes, maize, tobacco, rubber, cocoa, silver, gold, slaves, and pirates
On May 4 1515, the 500th anniversary of which was yesterday, Medici Pope Leo X (Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici), issued a papal bull permitting interest on loans of money if the loans were to the poor. This revolutionary permission was granted for so-called charity banks, which were known as Monte di Pieta, which translates as “mountains of compassion,”
1550-ish Jews by now were expelled from most of Europe | Luther wrote on Jews | Fuggers of Augsburg (wealth from metals) in difficulties | Spain bankruptcies followed by war by England
1600-ish Bible translations into European languages spread, gave 'Jews' immense publicity | Anglo-Spanish War draws to a close (England started war in 1585) | [1588 armada] merchant f venice: unrelaible jew who reported ships sunk, but they weren't, presuambly to kill antonio] Netherlands vs Spain; Gustavus Adolphus in Sweden; are typical wars traditionally attributed to Protestantism
1650-ish Cromwell (who read about 'Jews' in King James Bible) secretly funded by Jews for Civil Wars. Charles I killed, the Jews permitted into England; Great Fire of London and Bank of England followed. Renaissance ends. Royal Society founded by Charles II (BUT exclusively for 'Physico-Mathematical Experimental Learning')
1700-ish Lithuania, once a huge state, collapses. Newtonian sciences invented. War against Spain to prevent French succession. James attempt with France to regain British crown; jacobites risings. 18th century enclosures & illustrate money-driven changes in tenure
1750-ish First British Sea Empire and India and Bengal
1800-ish Napoleon's career of theft | Republic of Venice fails | Slave trade abolition (Probably connected with steam power) | 1812 war (against USA's money system, though few were aware of this) | steam-powered mills
1850-ish Jews provoke upheavals in Europe, and Opium Wars to ruin China. US civil war. Railways by now in large numbers.
1900-ish Boer Wars. Oil increasingly important. Federal Reserve in USA. WW1 and Jewish coup in Russia
1950-ish WW2 vast upheaval between 4 giants and 3 dwarves (Faurisson's words). Jews hold debts worldwide. Nuclear and holocaust mythologies started; Eastern Europe Jew dictators; ZOG in western countries.
2000-ish Jewish Anti-white immigration policies, valueless money policies, and worldwide wars
*******Charles F Foster
(2004), pp 374, 9 maps, 16 col. & 45 b/w illust., 25 x 17 cm, paperback. ISBN 0-9518382-4-5.
Capital and Innovation Foreword by Professor Francois Crouzet
"This detailed study of a small area of the Mersey basin in north Cheshire makes a vital contribution to one of the greatest historical debates. The implications of Charles Foster's ground-breaking book lift it far above the level of local history, though it is a masterly example of that too. Based on sixteen years' research into four centuries' worth of original documents, Charles Foster's book combines the broadest and boldest of sweeps in his conclusions with the best sort of in-depth study, that gets down to the grass-roots level and allows him to introduce real individuals and families into his account."
Foster argues that, in the sixteenth century, there was a major redistribution of wealth away from the Church, the Crown and the major gentry. As a result a business society emerged in the North-West of England in the seventeenth century. Changes in property law, the great inflation in land values and the pastoral agriculture in that area meant that a large number of families of the middling sort were able to pass on a bit of capital to each of their children. Many of these children then moved into trade and manufacture, or paid their passage across the Atlantic to set up in business in the northern colonies of America.
With so many small property owners in the area, landowning gentry did not dominate local society as they did in the South and East of England. So the 'business' culture of the North-West and of America was able to withstand the 'gentry' culture of the South of England and the rest of Europe. The great expansion of trade around the Atlantic, in which sugar, tobacco, cotton, timber and grain were exchanged for English manufactures, created so much wealth that some of the rich businessmen in the North-West were willing to venture their capital to develop the canal system, mechanical spinning and an effective steam engine - the innovations that drove the Industrial Revolution.
Few other historians have studied such a small area over such a long period and Foster‘s tenacity in searching out every possible archival source has reaped rich rewards. He clearly demonstrates that the new manufacturers belonged to town based business families and were not, as previously believed, the offspring of yeomen farmers. Apart from its intellectual strengths, the book has other delights. It is written in an easy-to-read prose style and interest is maintained, even in the most difficult chapters, through lively vignettes of the most prominent families and individuals discussed. The book is richly annotated and beautifully illustrated, containing a large number of photographs, family trees and maps, which help the reader to understand the various views advanced. All in all, this is an important piece of work which should be read, not only by those who study North-West history, but by anyone interested in why and how Britain became the first industrial nation.
David Sunderland, University of Manchester.
Business History Vol 48 No 1 January 2006
The traditional interpretation of the Industrial Revolution sites it within Lancashire and dates it from the decades of the 1760s. In a pioneering new study, Charles Foster sets this tradition in a much longer time perspective by tracing the rise of a business society back to the 1540s and by reasoning that such a phenomenon was an essential prelude to the Industrial Revolution proper. As a socio-cultural explanation of the origins of that revolution his work does seem more convincing than that of any other scholar, including H.J. Perkin. His work is unusual insofar as it is the product of a retired business man and may be compared in that respect only with the work of W.R. Scott (1848-1940). It forms the fourth and final volume in the Arley Archives series. Together the four volumes represent an important contribution to the history of the region. This particular volume will be widely welcomed because of its breadth of perspective, its meticulous scholarship and its cogent analysis.
D.A. Farnie, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Manchester Region Historical Review, vol 19, 2008, pp150-51
lecture 2006
... two insights ... new additons to the generally accepted ... English history...
[1] the period 1500-1640 saw a substantial redistribution of wealth away from the King, the Church and the old gentry, to a new group that I have called the business community. ... within .. Europe only Holland saw such a change.
[2] Between 1640 and 1770 a considerable difference appeared between the dominant culture of the NW of England and that of the South and East ...... business community developed strongly, .. Government service, the law, ythe Church and the armed forces .. very important, as in the rest of Europe.
[1] meant a large number of families acquired a small amount of capital, as opposed to... where just a few landowners (including the Church) and old gentry owned all their capital
[2] meant NW became business-oriented .. not regarded as low status.. caused them to invest ... in ... technology and commercial practices .. and so led to the Industrial Revolution.
[0] 1480-1540 many ... occupiers of farmland in England acquired some property rights... 'copyholder' 'customary tenure'
Price Revolution or Tudor Inflation ... affecting differebt parts of economic life in different ways.. Market rents rose .. around 17 times... price of food about 6 12 times .. wages around 2 1/2 times. ... clearly favoured people who had rights to land...
The wealth distribution [taken from tax returns and survyes - capital between 2500 families] in 1660s probably already existed in 1630s as the rise in property values was nearly finished.. likely.. this increased wealyh allowed c 60,000 English ppl to emigrate to N America and the Caribbean between 1630 - 1640. .. many paid their own way.. and set up farms and villages ... a powerful motive could have ben .. o protect their money during the personal rue of Charles I .. taxes like Ship Money, forced loans, fines and imprisonments imposed by his Prerogtive Courts (eg Star Chamber) ... whih had no juries...
....old hierarchical, authoritarian Catholic Church was replaced by the Reformed religion, which allowed a man to think for himself...
Arley Hall Press
Increase in Importance of Western Europe and the Americas
This half-millennium shows a move to the west coast of Europe, and across to the brave new world of the Americas. This needed complicated changes: better ships, better sails, better navigation, better ports, better food preservation, and the assembling of new discoveries into encyclopaedic bodies of knowledge. As the astonishing fact was absorbed that sea travel, with cargo, could reach vast distances, and at the time was anyway faster than land travel, new ports arose in the Netherlands, and then Britain, which had many sea inlets; Spain and Portugal, though nearer, happening to be less favourably equipped, or having been deliberately attacked - may be an analogy with Britan declaring war on NSDAP Germany, to safeguard Jews; perhaps war on Spain was a Jewish policy; maybe the armada was prpagnda?. From our point of view here, the concern is in trying to tease out what proportion of this activity was Jewish, and what their net effect was.
Long War of Jews vs The Rest?
Is there, in fact, a long unnoticed war with so-called 'Jews'? Many people's first impulse must be to reject the idea of very long-term unnoticed wars: surely they come to an end soon enough, one way or the other? To be sure, there was a 'Hundred Years War'. And a decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and a Reformation. And a 'thirty years war'. Some writers, expanding on ancient Greeks, have discussed long-term war between 'east' and 'west'. Since the nineteenth century, writers have considered race wars. Some economists think depressions can last 500 years. But can unnoticed wars exist? The rather undistinguished Martin Amis once said: we're living through a nuclear war; this is what nuclear war is like. This is truer than he ever imagined, given that nuclear weapons are a fake. But, all in all, it does seem possible that a war may be unnoticed, provided it happens only in parts, and over time, and with censorship of detail or ignorant or incurious populations.
Looking into Jewish Actions Over 500 Years
Political maps show territories; most people think of countries in the way shown in this black-and-white map of the world. I've tried to show the actual Jewish state, as an elongated shape straddling many countries, in about 1920, when Jews in the USA and the Fed acted with Germans to support Moscow in the USSR. New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow are marked. Rome, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Toronto, Thessaloniki and other areas might of course be marked, too. 
Looking at the list of dates and events above, it's clear Jews had their effects, mostly involving movement of important activity westward, from eastern Europe: running slavery to the Americas; learning from failed financial ventures (and e.g. using letters of credit rather than risk moving bullion; funding Cromwell—there is documentary proof of Amsterdam Jews paying Cromwell to go to war to get Jews into Britain to found their 'Bank of England'; India was probably looted: but it seems likely the gems and so on accrued to Jews; I doubt the British looted as much, arguably concentrating more on trade; though in Bengal, Indian cotton workers may have been mutilated, and the region devastated. Large scale thefts from the treasuries of European nobles and towns and states, by Napoleon, covering this up by a thick blanket of pro-Napoleonic propaganda; the 1812 war between Britain and the USA had Jewish financial motivations, mostly unknown to people at the time, and now—I doubt there's been a single important war understood by general soldiery. The Opium Wars were fought for Jewish ends, and incidentally involved the most shameful barbarism by whites; the Boer Wars were fought for Jews. War against Germany was provoked by decades of Jewish propaganda in Britain, France and the USA; and this repeated before the Second World War.
It sounds like war to me! But of a hidden sort. Mark McCormack said something like (the quotation seems to have vanished from Internet) lawyers will happily cause a million dollars' damage if they can net ten thousand dollars. This divide-and-rule has been Jewish policy, with the relevant Jews spread across countries, like a religious group, or multinational company, or club with detailed rules and penalties and hierarchy and benefits. People who think in simple maps may miss this point.
Ever-Increasing Awakening to the Problems Caused by Jews
Readers who had no idea of the issues of Jewish power, and who resent the feeling of being blankly ignorant, may be encouraged by other examples of people who discovered, from nowhere, this relatively large importance of Jews, and the existence of stooges and puppets as fronts for Jews. Luther wrote scathingly about Jews, after having been given Jewish books, in translation, to read. As regards Napoleon, a fairly well-known event is the post-Waterloo coup at the London Stock Exchange by Rothschild, ruining many English families. The then-hugely-famous historical novelist, Walter Scott, drew attention to Jews' role in the so-called French Revolution, though his influence was smothered into nothing. The century 1814-1914 saw consolidation of Jews mainly by ruthless application of money power, including the spread to 'hosts' such as the once-British aristocracy. Poland, Germany, and Hungary, and parts of Turkey and Greece, and parts of Russia, increasingly felt pressure, which included murders (Spencer Perceval, and Russians, illustrate). The Rothschilds are regarded as the leaders; but Sieff, Warburg, Bernard Baruch and many others emerged. In about 1910, the German Social Democratic Party had 'more than 4,000 paid functionaries and 11,000 salaried employees, had 20,000,000 marks invested in business and published over 4,000 periodicals'. The formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 in the USA must represent something like the apex of the financial Jewish structure. Followed almost immediately by the 'Great War', which baffled most of its contemporaries.
Hilaire Belloc in 1920, just after the 'Great War' (First World War), wrote The Great War brought thousands upon thousands of educated [English] men (who took up public duties as temporary officials) up against the staggering secret they had never suspected—the complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a dozen Jews. Other awakened people, before the Second World War, include Henry Ford and Elizabeth Dilling and Charles Lindbergh (in the USA), and Nesta Webster and Arnold Leese (in the UK) Strictly speaking, these people were half-awake, only discovering part of the story. The intense propaganda needed for the Second World War continued after the War, as was necessary if the lies were to continue: the era of the New York Times, NBC and CBS and later ABC, the BBC, the Reader's Digest, the National Geographic, Time, Life, Lookout Mountain, Kennedy's murder and the obfuscation of the reasons for it, Lyndon Johnson's anti-white race laws and Daisy Girl and the full-on fraudulent nuclear scare—all the interwoven Jewish media emitting their poisons. It still wasn't quite enough: an interesting online description by George Lincoln Rockwell illustrates a typical awakening, started in him by a passing remark on the USSR. Rockwell needed dedication to find printed sources: these days, Internet makes this far easier. David Duke wrote very similar piece in My Awakening. ... Arthur Butz.. Typically, older people, often women, pass on the torch to young ones. The control of information is simple enough, but hard to notice: everything is done to monopolise the media and education.
example of colin flaherty on lies about blacks / example of instauration part awake but gung ho
Increasing Numbers of people Converging as they Notice Jews Behind Disparate Events
-macdonald on freud. but then other social sciences
-money frauds. accumulation of evidence
-jews retreating to a home base. was poland. now israel
-science fraud examples: aids, nukes, 9/11
-war involvement
-media ownership - then media control re immigrants, black crime
-holocaust note macdonald doesn't dispute it (or ww2 justice) http://www.majorityrights.com/audio/ProfKevinMacDonald.mp3/ assumes france vs england enmity
Ever-Increasing Awareness of the Jewish Choice (or Inner Compulsion) to Conflict with Host Countries
There's a very simple point here, which is agonizingly hard to get across. Consider the USA. Jewish interests and the interests of Americans generally are opposed: this is a choice made by Jews, not Americans. To understand the world, these interests must be conceptually separated. In my view, Jews for example wanted to bomb Vietnam purely because they made money out of it by owning arms factories; and by getting interest in future from loans; and by getting their hands on the currency in Vietnam, in effect getting a percentage of everything there. It's only because Jewish media called it a 'war', and gullible Americans believed it, that it continued for so long: Jewish policy was to hide and muddy any suggestion that they were not 'Americans' and not dong what all Americans wanted. 'War' = money for Jews; and death to goyim. So it wasn't 'American' policy; it was Jewish.
Or take the Opium Wars against China, a century and a half ago: would the British and others have destroyed parts of Peking so barbarously, if it wasn't for Jews secretly pushing for war? And for that matter, would the Boers have been put into camps and starved if Jews hadn't been the driving force? I don't know; maybe they would. But please, please, don't think of 'American' policy in Palestine, or the (once) 'British Empire', or 'Russian' policy in the 1930s, or the 'Cold War' after 1945, or 'UN' or IMF policies now. Try to divide the supposed nations into the people living there, as distinct from the Jewish, 'ZOG', 'financiers', 'Freemasons', 'Bankers', 'Central Bankers', or whatever they may be called.
In the case of hack academics, the same applies: Jews spend their free money on whatever they decide will help their cause, and propaganda is a hugely powerful weapon. In Britain and the US from 1933, when Hitler was converting Germany from a wreck into a progressive and modern country, all the publicity in the Jewish press and radio and cinema was full of hate for Germany, purely because Jews might lose their money stranglehold. All printers, publishers, journalists were potential targets. It wasn't just third-raters; people regarded as intellectual luminaries, such as H G Wells, Bertrand Russell, J M Keynes, G Bernard Shaw, all fell for the trick. Partly of course because of the Jewish habit of mimicry, with false names and the rest of it, which made identification of their unanimity hard to detect. And their utter lack of ethics, supplying weapons to dangerous and criminal thugs and forcing divisions and hate between more or less similar groups. If it isn't quantified, it's one fewer conceptual weapon of understanding taken away: the size of Jewish power needs to be estimated. A group that can arrange others to fight to the death in world wars, secretly print trillions in dollar bills, propagate outrageous lies, and force unwanted immigration, needs to be watched.
The Two Theories of Origins of 'Jews'
Traditional Old Testament
This view received a tremendous boost when the Bible was finally translated into local European languages: not Aramaic, or Latin, or Biblical Greek, but German, English and so on, including for example Welsh. It is difficult to recover the opinions and outlook of mediaeval times, but 'Jews' were probably viewed either as a gipsy-like collection of oriental aliens with sinister habits, or as an unaccountably rich group of tax farmers. Few people had much idea of geography, or for that matter history. There are endless debates on black Jews, Judaics, Hebrews (Habiru - possibly mountain-dwelling marauders), and assorted tribes, which need not concern us, since we're more concerned with modern times.
The reasons for the early Church's selection of books for their Bible remains shrouded in mystery, as does their authorship. Why include such things as 'Exodus', for example? This is specialist territory, and, judging from the historical record, there is little hope the specialists can be trusted. For example, much Christian mythology is taken from Egypt or Babylon, without acknowledgment of any sort; this was largely a 19th century rediscovery. The question of whether Jesus ever existed has of course never been investigated officially by the Churches. For a majority of Roman Catholic existence, the Bible was in Latin, out of reach of most people.
I believe Americans call the ‘Old Testament’ the ‘Jewish Bible’. It’s never occurred to me before; one takes these things for granted so much — but just why did the compilers of the Bible include all that stuff? Why not books by Greek, Latin, authors? Or Persians and Egyptians for that matter? Or why not just Jesus?
Haredim and Hasidim (the -im ending is a plural, like -s in English) are two types of so-called Jews at the present time. The latter are supposed to be 'orthodox', to use a Christian term, though 'orthodoxy' is something hardly possible: who could seriously act the part of 'chosen by God', for example?
More Modern Khazar Tribal Conversion View
In this view, which exists in eastern Europe now and did throughout the Middle Ages, Jews lived in an area north of the Black Sea, not very different from Khazaria now, with history for example in what's now called Poland. The Khazars have a conversion story: in 700 A.D. or so, Christianity had shown the possibilities of converting groups into super-tribes. Christian conversion must be counted successful: from about 250 AD - 750 AD it held its territories together better than might otherwise have been the case (though this is disputable, of course). Mohammed got into the act with his version of a book and of conversion, though he made it tribal and violent. The head Khazar presumably had to consider various options, but followed the fashion of conversion, deciding to select Judaism for his nomadic hordes. Thus a tribe of herders, with a genetic pool presumably adapted to a life herding and controlling cattle, suddenly had superimposed on it a tribal rule-book with elaborations. As an imaginative picture, imagine a tribal group suddenly swamped by books, a medium probably barely known to them, consisting only of repetitive porn imagery and stories of sex and violence and lies: the result would probably not be a well-balanced creative group of constructive people.
Something of this division is shown in Sephardim, supposedly genuine Jews from the Middle East, though often in Spain and Portugal, where they may have invaded along with Muslims. And Ashkenazim, in such regions as Poland and Russia, but since about 1900 have spread elsewhere in other people's transport.
'Jewish' Beliefs
'Jewish' Books and Some Implications
The books, or scrolls, associated with Jews are stated to be the Tanach, Talmud (=Mishnah and Gemara), the Torah, the Siddur, the Zohar commentaries setting out Kaballah.
Kabbalah seems to be something like a state of mind, usually described as 'mysticism', presumably for want of a better word. An example is 'Lurianic Kabbalah': named after Isaac Luria, in the 16th century, who 'claimed to be able to read his students’ souls, commune with the dead, help God become more fully formed, go into transgressions, and strange sex'.
As with Islam, Judaism has a problem with a hierarchy. Having a more or less fixed book allows a belief system to travel fast—all that's needed is people who can read, combined with some reward system. But it also allows schisms to develop, as with Shi-ites and Sunnis. As far as I can tell, the hierarchy of 'Rabbis' dates from Napoleon, I'd guess being imposed top-down by a very few nouveaux-riches Jews at the time.
All the literary efforts may, or may not, have originated in such places as Babylon. Unfortunately all these things seem to destroy critical intelligence in most people; for example, many people seriously seem to imagine these groups have continuous history, birth certificates and family records over thousands of years.
Here's my list of typical beliefs which are implicit in the 'Talmud' and other works. Bear in mind that the 'Talmud' was only published in English translation in 1935. And it's unlikely a translation would be honest.
- 'Mesira' or 'mesirah' - 'informing on Jews to non-Jews'. The penalty is a general Jihad-style death penalty. (Google Jewish child molesters, money launderers, tax evaders, and so on. Where death isn't practicable, this seems to be modified into shunning these people—the informers, not what others judge as criminals).
- 'Kol Nidre' - On the Day of Atonement, very first prayer, repeated three times, an agreement with God Almighty that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next twelve months shall be null and void. Analogous idea to 'taqqiya' in Islam. [At the time of writing, 'Jews' David Cameron and Edward Miliband in Britain are making 'pledges' that the parties they front will carry out certain policies! ...]
- Jews who ignore other peoples' laws (on say immigration, deportation, prostitution, child sex, removal of body organs, fraud, passports, such things as BBC charter) seem at present to be widely tolerated. And so do Jews who are moved into positions they aren't competent to do. Whether this will continue remains to be seen.
- For example, just a few years ago even the liberal state of California passed a law prohibiting the "marriage" of sodomites. Similar enactments of the will of the majority of the American people were widespread across the nation. Then Talmudic tactics were employed by Federal judges. In Orthodox Judaism laws are not made by a legislature.
In Judaism, the law is made by judicial decision. Rabbinic courts make the laws and it is by that law-making function of the US courts that the will of the majority of the American people has been overthrown.
Through Talmudic-style jurisprudence, the chicken littles who have raised the alarm about Sharia law have seen their family values flushed by "gay" rights, law-making judges who have usurped the function of a people's legislature, in line with the Talmud.
- Jews 'should not be counted'.
- Jesus is or will be bound in hell and boiling in excrement or semen, apparently forever.
- There is serious hatred against Christianity. A probable example is the present Archbishop of Canterbury, of Jewish extraction from Germany, whose name at present is Welby, who made no traditional Christmas speech at the end of 2014. The devastating attacks on the Russian Orthodox Church under the 20th-century Jewish genocide illustrate the kind of thing, though of course details are censored by the Jewish media and Jewish-controlled academics and teachers.
- Genocide against non-Jews is a prominent feature of Judaism. Originally of course such discussions were of small groups, by today's standards. The word 'genocide' was coined by a Jew, probably as part of the fraud which was later called the 'Holocaust'. This is easily converted into systematic and secret anti-white activity.
- One thing that befuddles the mind is the fact that Jews warn the Gentiles what they will do before they do it. So if a Jew is going to create massive riots from hate-filled propaganda, they will have it written down somewhere first.
Other Human Groups Compared with 'Jews'
Judaism and Islam Compared
Let's now compare and contrast Judaism and Islam: what differences are there, and what similarities? Islam is to some extent copied from Jewish, or supposedly Jewish, sources, so it's unsurprising there are similarities. Here's a partial list taken from Jews and Muslims - Similar Violent Tribal Cults:–
- Art: both have taboos against representative art, such as portraits
- Cruel ritual slaughter and food taboos including pigs
- Circumcision
- Calendar system influenced by the moon
- Distinctive odd clothing
- Very pronounced out-group feeling against goyim and kuffar: deliberate refusal to extend ethics to non-members (e.g. religious Jews and Muslims regard medical help to outgroup members as unnecessary. Charity only to group members. Out-group women and children regarded as prostitutes).
- Very pronounced in-group feeling with serious penalties, including death, for leaving. Women expected to tolerate inferiority.
- Legal system of a sort
- Slavery, very much emphasised in the Quran and in Jewish books. Both religions have had huge involvements - Jewish involvement in Africa has only recently been rediscovered
- Both ideologies are essentially parasitic: neither society produced much of any originality and both have a history of bringing ruination and damage.
- Genetics: the inbreeding systems cause genetic defects: so much so, diseases such as 'Tay-Sachs' were grouped by late 19th century medical doctors as 'Jewish Diseases'. Less well-known—because of media censorship—is that some Muslim inbred groups have severe genetic diseases, the costs typically being death, or costs offloaded onto 'host communities'.
*** Christians
*** Gipsies
*** Turks and janissaries
Hadrian - Turks invaded Europe they would steal White children and indoctrinate them into Islam. After years and years of abuse these White children would grow into fanatical soldiers called Janissaries, and the Turks would then unleash them onto their own people, for whom they no longer felt any kinship towards, and for whom they had no mercy.
The same basic thing happens today in the Jewish-run West. White children are indoctrinated into hating their own race over many years, and by high school they’re practically foaming at the mouth with self-hatred and aggression towards any Whites they see as “racist.”
There was nothing inherently wrong with the European children the Turks brainwashed, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with our children that the Jews brainwash today. They are under the spell of their enemies,
Deep Revisionism of Jewish Beliefs
Use of Cruelty and Horror ... beliefs not explicit, not down on paper ... opposition comparable to Protocols hostility... Use of cruelty and horror .. false flags ... example of Vietnam: hypothesis that jews wanted money from weapons, bombs, expendables, bases has to be atrocity stories - if both sides just fraternised etc - very likely IRA and ETA fake skilled bombs.. atrocities to provoke war, keep bubbling..
Use of Divide and Rule (or divide and Profit) ... see below
Pretending to be part of movements for which there's some appeal ... White people seem more prone than others to consider the other person’s point of view) (Because of their individualistic tendencies that promote scientific [i.e., unbiased, objective] views of reality in which group interests are irrelevant, White people are arguably less prone to such tendencies.) Hence jews move in secretly - eg rationalism, socialism ... publishing, Hollywood ..patriotic all American people
MACDONALD The emphasis in my talk is on individualism which I think is the root of the problem, but I begin by discussing two mechanisms that are also recurrent themes of TOO — that the current regime creates massive incentives for ambitious individuals to destroy their own people (especially appealing to sociopaths like Bill and Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair et al.) and that the domination of the moral and intellectual high ground by hostile elites results in many Whites accepting the legitimacy of their dispossession.
individualism implies that coherent groups are based not on kinship but on reputation and accepting the moral framework of the group;
top-down cortical control over lower brain mechanisms, such as ethnocentrism; control of the media and academic discourse by hostile elites encourages Whites to suppress their natural tribal tendencies (Whites are lower on ethnocentrism than other peoples, but certainly do not completely lack tribalism);
the empathy/love/nurturance personality system which in the higher ranges results in relatively indiscriminate empathy and even pathological altruism.
hard working for fanaticism note
Possible Genetic Roots Helping Explain Jewish Behaviour
could it be that opposition and hostility dominates: hate Christ ? secret language, alphabet, vowels omitted ?cruelty to animals? child sex? drinking blood? celebration of supposed victories [purim e.g. and other examples]
These three things [Purim, Kol Nidre and Moser] all warlike / ?similar thing with samurai/ ? gurkhas
-theoretical support for 'democracy'
-Jewish analogy: pointer dogs. cheating seabirds with shells. use of language like an ovipositor injecting eggs
"all human groups compete - they all do it" fallacy as parasitism is possible
But I didn’t know before it is second nature for Jews to sort out “Who’s a Jew and who’s a Gentile” even at a distance. Most non-Jews still don’t realize this. Problem is, that aloof social attitude spreads among Gentiles. That “least standard” for interaction and amiability becomes the norm wherever they reside. I think that Jews degrade the social atmosphere of Gentile societies by this trait alone and lowering the bar for what is acceptable social interaction. I don’t think we comprehend the spiritual and emotional impact that Jewish aloofness has upon us in our communities. Jews feel a great distance from Gentiles naturally. They act that way, they transmit that standard, and they firm up that social distance everywhere they are except in a few small liberal towns that have enough naive Gentiles around. Then some of the Jews enjoy interacting with Gentiles under cloud of liberalism.
freedom means nothing to jews: free and easy life, exploration, voyaging round the world, try new things, experimenting, loud voiced declamations of spirited oratory, = not for jews or any parasites. Bound to the host.
human groups were small: whites were in small groups, maybe individualistic and all hands helping, high investment parenting: but when squashed together more pathological - checking on each other, not much inequality, shame/ guilt. jews perhaps similarly: when in enclosed tribe they might live and snarl at their east of the world, but never get there. Pathologies explode when groups larger.
Digressions on Parasitism
Parasitism article - quote the conclusion by blackacidlizzard: Reality is a necessity for the productive, lest nature give fatal consequence, and falsehood is a necessity for the parasite, lest the productive cease to sustain his life with their labor.
In that remarkable period of expansion which opened with the accession of Queen Elizabeth, the foreign mercantile settlement in London ('the dining-room of Christendom' as Middleton called it) increased prodigiously. At the beginning of the reign there were less than 3,000 aliens in the city; at its close there were some 10,000. Among them was inevitably, as before, a considerable sprinkling of Spanish and Portuguese New Christians, again encouraged by the possibilities of tolerance heralded by the overthrow of Roman Catholicism. The intensification of commercial intercourse with southern Europe gave these refugees fresh opportunities, and during the war with Spain they were used by London merchants as a cloak for trade with the Peninsula. Thus the Marrano community again expanded, its hundred or more members including a few persons of outstanding ability and some prominence in public life. At their head was Hextor Nunez (generally known as ‘Dr. Hectour’), one of the handful of persons who had remained. Through a qualified and practising physician, he also engaged in foreign trade on a large scale. His widespread business and personal connexions abroad were found extremely useful by the government. He enjoyed the confidence both of Burleigh and of Walsingham, and on one occasion left his dinner-table to bring the latter the first news of the arrival of the Great Armada at Lisbon. [ROTH ON JEWS]
In 1512 the great Marrano mercantile and financial house of Mendes, which controlled the coveted pepper monopoly and at one time all but rivalled the Fuggers in the extent and importance of their transactions, established its Antwerp branch. Its operations, carried on largely through New Christian agents, speedily spread across the North Sea. Ultimately it became entrusted with the loan transactions of the English treasury; and when in 1532 proceedings were taken on a charge of Judaizing against Diogo Mendes, the head of the Antwerp establishment, Henry VIII personally intervened on his behalf.
Theories of parasitism. [examples] parasites known from time immemorial. Recent detailed observations of animals and plants.
parasitos = sitting beside - something like a fool in the entertaining sense. Modern use 'first recorded in 1640s'
A parasite that lives inside the body of its host is called an endoparasite. Endoparasites include organisms such as tapeworms, hookworms, and trypanosomes that live within the host's organs or tissues, as well as organisms such as sporozoans that invade the host's cells. -- must post date awareness of spores, transmitted diseases eg malaria | and detailed observation | 1880 first sight of 'malaria' protozoan parasite | idea of sickle cell protection post-ww2! | note on Christian conspiracy of silence about tapeworm - why would god create a tapeworm?
learning from parasites - fiery serpent - flukes, schistosomiasis, malaria - feathers, fans, oars, houses, sharp implements, hives, types of food, nests, string, sails, working in packs, secure shelters, spiny protection, scaly ditto -- is it possible hot climates suggest parasitic modes of life to preliterates?
spontaneous generation not a silly idea
cart horse
animals in herds which graze
-parasites like rafflesia can be big and unrestrained
Yes. But Jewish kleptoparasitism is more complicated: in effect, it involves targeting the abundantly-supplied, secretly looting them, and using that loot for themselves and to keep down opposition, by fomenting discord, bribing supporters, and damaging the hosts mentally and physically. And at some point moving to another host. If a biologist could find an analogy in the animal or plant world, it would be a terrific mnemonic to get the whole idea across to large numbers of people.
This may be helpful in pinning a few concepts down. (Or it may not; I'm not sure).--
'Kleptoparasitism' (=theft parasitism) expresses the idea of looting assets of, rather than eating, the host. But it omits the idea of neuroparasitism, i.e. changing behaviour by neurological means, as some parasites do that cause e.g. ants to behave suicidally. So 'kleptoneuroparasitism' seems to combine both. Except that in human hosts it's the brain that matters; it's controlling psychology by language, not by deceiving the nervous system by e.g. mimicking sounds or chemicals. So 'kleptopsychoparasitism' seems better. But there's another issue: intentional hostility and harm. A charming kleptoparasite might intend to other damage than grabbing things. However people like Soros, Kissinger as nauseam clearly intend harm. They are not 'malevolent'; malevolent means 'wishes harm / damage'. 'Maleficent' is the word - 'causes, does, carries out, harm'. So 'Maleficent kleptopsychoparasitism' is just about right. But it omits the element of passivity in the hosts; they are often non-immune, and don't fight back. So we have
'Maleficent kleptopsychoparasitism of non-immune hosts'. Or MFKPP or MKPP.
@some guy — “The survival of the host is paramount to the survival of the parasite.” ..... With respect, this isn’t true. Parasites need ways to move between hosts. Appropriately enough, this often involves faeces or blood, or entry into weak points, or laying eggs. There are fairly exact parallels with Jews moving from place to place.
*Note on nomads: security of animals as great or more difficult than agriculture as animals are more concentrated in value; and they can be harmed or killed fairly easily; consider dead cattle etc - must leave traces?
cp jews moving into territories with missionaries to illustrate difference
Remember, according to the usual interpretation Jesus is supposed to be the Messiah foretold by the Jewish prophets. ...”
... A quick Google shows the OT at 600K words is more than three times the length of the NT (180K words — well, in English trans.)
... You’re just assuming that the Jewish view is important, I think because of familiarity: it’s repeated so often you take it for granted. The difficulty is that (e.g.) Confucianism isn’t preceded by a much longer into listing wars of Han Chinese against others. Buddhism’s texts (as far as I know) are about Buddha, not preceded by a huge wad of material on wars in India. The Roman empire had temples all over the place, usually to the ‘genius loci’ — the spirit of the place; could be Egyptian religions, for example. I’m assuming the Roman ‘conversion’ was political: they wanted their empire to hold together, and encouraging the components to be peaceful would help. The whole story of Jesus is obviously rigged up: there’s no evidence such a person existed. Even if he did, what does the opinion of some bearded freaks matter? Greeks, Romans, people in what’s now Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Egypt, North Africa, Persia all had assorted religious/ amusing/ wise stories and tales and chronicles. Certainly Egyptian ones were written down. I don’t see why the Romans should have spontaneously picked out some marginal and irritating group. In fact I have to wonder whether early Bibles, as invented by early Catholicism, included the OT at all. Why not just have Jesus and post-Jesus material?
white opportunism inc fake astronauts as downside
[The file big-lies.org/jew-parasites.html includes the original version of the following, plus examples - rerev]
I may add another point (please excuse my poor English) : About a year ago at the Thiazi forum which has by now been shut down by the “German” government there was an interesting and competent discussion about the different impressions that different racial and sub-racial types make.
It started with the question whether Cro-Magnon-types or Aurignac-Types look more dangerous.
For example, there is a certain physiological type, common in all races that looks brutish, impressive, bear-like, full of primitive physical strength. In the European races this is represented by the Cro-Magnon specimen. Their bodies and faces tell you: “Careful, I am strong!”. But there is also a type that looks more elegant, cunning, wolf-like. This is represented by the Aurignac type. Their message is: “Be careful, I am fast!” Whenever a tribe would conquer another one the representatives of both this Alpha male groups would recognize, battle, exterminate or respect each other.
In contrast, subdominant types like the Alpinoid that arose from the cleansed rests of conquered and enslaved early Cro-Magnon people (in Europe) or conquered and enslaved other groups in the rest of the world) look totally different. They have this “I am harmless, do not hurt me”-feminine, round, fatty, small appearance, together with a cyclotyme temper (emotional, social, multi-tasking etc.) in contrast to shizotyme or viscous temper of Alpha males (shizotyme~fanatical, intellectual, ingenious~Aurignac; viscous~pain-resistant,unbreakable~Cro-Magnon).
Typically, whole races that have been driven to the edges of extinction or the fringe by stronger ethnicities tend to appear subdominant. Just take South American jungle indios in contrast to the highly developed Plains Indians (although they represent yet another Alpha type, the Dinaric one, which is in European peoples represented by certain types from the Balcans or in ancient Rome: a good example would be Julius Caesar. Dinaric ~ “mature,old” — comparable to the impression that for example birds and reptiles make).
But in the area of the fertile crecent, the middle East, the place where for the longest time in observable history humans lived together in city-civilizations, yet another, third grup, could develop. The specimen of this group tend to look like beta-males (take Henry Kissinger, does he not look cute and harmless?) where they in fact are parasitic and aggressive. Of course they need to DECEIVE their counterparts, they do not want to let them see their true nature. Their every physical characteristic was selected for this purpose. Their eyes are without any clarity, pale and cloudy, so that you cannot guess their intentions. Their body language is deceitful, the voice intonation and language talent is programmed to hide, instead of reveal their true intentions.
In this respect it is utterly wrong to say that Jews are semitic in the sense of an anthropologic group. In fact, what we identify as typical Jewish features is anthropologically known as the “reduced Armenian or Armenoid type”. True semitic people on the other hand, if they are not degenerated tend to look strongly Dinaric (mature, deep and harsh facial structures, hawk-like noses); if reduced or degenerated Levantine, they look like Beta-males of the more unpleasant sort (but not “cute” = likable, friendly). This explains to some extend the authors instinctive reactions, instincts that were to his own surprise misguiding him; just like the cocoo misguides his adoptive parents.
One last thought: Why did our ancestors let the Jews come and live among them? Why did they not conquer, destroy or repell them? why did they not integrate them? Because the Jews were neither really a subordinated or conquered race like for example the blacks in India, but they appeared just as harmless as any of these. And because the were not looking like Alpha males (at least after their ethnogenesis was completed in Babylon and they ceased to be Semites in the sense of “the scum of Egypt”) but even more of a threat as any Alpha-appearing group.
The same is true with gypsies, although to a lesser degree of perfection since they came from a younger city-civilization and their selection process is not finished.
control experiments: look at gipsies. Muslims. thuggee. consider Catholics as isolating people with intelligence/ abstraction but also fanaticism, attachment to paradoxes and errors
Parasitism and Unoriginality
mimicry Theories of mimicry. Even 'Jews' idea is copied. Changes of name. New York Times looks like a serious newspaper. uncreative. language not their own. mimicry as professors, Einstein, Freud etc. possibly screeching reflex such as 'racist' to any comment on Muslims, Scots, Pakistanis, Mexicans is the way Jews 'think' - it means some hostility is detected. hence bullshit over races not existing, or races being almost indistinguishable. Similarly with say eugenics - lots of online comments on how bad it is, without any analysis, suggesting it's identified by 'jews' instinct as threatening thru identifying Jews as own breeding policy, or improving other races. And also insistence jews are the same as any other group, such as the Chinese or Muslims [sic - latter of course includes conversions) whereas they are as different as parasitic bees are from normal other colonies of bees.
Short term emotion (cp short term memory) essential to avoid attacks etc; long term emotion is or can be more reflective
New Genetic Theories About 'Jews'
Group Evolution Ideas
Reading: some people intense and concentrated but will not read anything outside subject - part of fanaticism
scandinavia, north, harsh needs intelligence - BUt maybe long nights tend to sagas, fantasy, being somewhere else, escapism so don't realise what's important .. 'pastime' ... games, chess pieces Orkneys ... [other examples below; stamp collecting..] ...
learning as intense and lasting frog analogy in south America look at eg simple Barbara spect?er
coloured frogs in s america- maybe some people learn more immovably than others?
opportunism: theft? violence? rape? damage? never ... if possible. constant character vs volatile
German topography has molded the Germans into a race of keen observers. They have been surrounded by other people for hundreds of years. Every German can tell the difference between the French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, and Italian peoples. Some of the peoples are branches of the Nordic-Teutonic race; others are Slavs, and still others belong to the Mediterranean race. The Germans, through their close personal contact with these many peoples, stand in the best position to understand their several national ambitions, aspirations, and racial sensibilities.
Psychological Tests Note on 'intelligence tests' to do with objectivity and analysis and recording: pencil and paper, language, arithmetic, space.
carthorses, ponies, racehorses
I think jews are propelled by genetic impulses. They are driven to do things, as bulldogs presumably want to attack bulls, and hyenas want to attack in groups. Also they tell lies: in the past, barefaced lying has often worked, because forensic techniques and evidence hardly existed. But now they can be positively identified as telling lies. I hope they're on the way out.
Theories of behaviour. repetitive behaviour suggests simple genetic basis. [microchess chess program analogy/ tiny spider analogy]Character tests weakness to lies: psychopaths (renamed sociopaths) as con artists with no conscience and no sympathy. Possible traits: desire to harm others, something like aggressiveness against people with superior lives, organisations, cities, education: try to harm with immigration, attacks, tax burdens, dumbing-down. Spoil peace, cause wars. Must be attracted to positions where they can issue commands: courts, parliaments, libraries, media, teachers, trade unions. probably by sensing source of hostile power and tracking it, rather than intellect. eg. court orders something; instinct is to attack, but slower process to infiltrate courts etc/ or with money to steal, then enter banks etc; or wars, infiltrate armies etc, weapons etc; or education - instinct to kill teachers; or enter teaching, etc; or media - eg radio stuff then enter radio related fields. Need to conceal aims, as murderers or arsonists or looters need to. Or of course theft of what have been learned to be 'good things'
*Fanaticism: slightly more difficult to explain. A rigid mental model of the world tends to cause decisive and determined behaviour. The huge expansion of Islam when it was new; the separation from India of W and E Pakistan in 1948, with massive massacres; the destruction of an ancient Buddha recently are typical manifestations of fanaticism. Jewish behaviour can include years of study of work in law, politics, media, academia etc, not for career reasons, but with the extra motive of causing damage to goyim. And as with Islam, destructive behaviour becomes almost an instinct, as for example the mass murders of the USSR, the bombing and chemical warfare in Vietnam, the deliberate damage to Sweden (see the Barbara Lerner Spectre videos). It's difficult to imagine any civilised people doing these sorts of things.
Religion: note that neither cult is simply a 'religion' in the usual western sense, which is a system of beliefs backed by some sort of creed, which can be changed if the religious person feels like it. Islam and Judaism are lifestyles rather than religions. To illustrate, someone in Switzerland defended Islamification in Switzerland by saying "the Swiss Constitution guarantees freedom of religion." She couldn't understand that Islam is a lifestyle: the Swiss Constitution does not guarantee polygamy, deliberate miseducation, prostitution of Kufr girls, genital mutilation, death threats against converts out.
Differences between Judaism and Islam
*Sheer population numbers - Islam is not particularist, unlike Judaism, and can spread anywhere; there are 1.6 billion reasons for concern
*Jihad - struggle. It's only recommended when the population proportion is above 20%. Mass murders arranged by Jews are historically comparable, but the machanism is different, because they expected to be a minority. EXCEPT THAT it's now generally accepted that the Khazar conversion is the source of most modern Jewry, despite their being not 'Semites'. (Some people think only a Khazar elite were converted, but this seems unlikely in view of the large numbers in Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally). In effect modern Zionism is something like a Jihad, but operates differently.
*Although both ideologies are parasitic, the differences are caused by population numbers, and by geography. Judaism is (vaguely) like a behaviour-changing tapeworm, Islam like a swarm of dangerous locusts. Islam until recently, unlike Judaism, had no great resources to exploit. A similar comment applies to democracy: both are theocratic rather than undemocratic, but in practice there have been many more Muslim theocracies
*Judaism is almost always a minority cult (though in pre-USSR Russia, in some areas Jews and Orthodox Russians were about equal in numbers). It is therefore natural, and almost inevitable, that Jewish power must be secret - with lies, deception, secret 'education' amongst themselves, long-term secret planning, subversion of some goyim and their institutions, vicious reactions when exposed - if possible; if not, slimy and wheedling reactions when exposed.
*Descent is supposedly by female line in Jews, male line in Muslims
How are the similarities evaded?
* Selection of sources. Western newspapers are mostly owned by Jews. Intelligence stuff is usually from secret sources. Absurdly biased funded quangos - In Britain, corrupt outfits such as the Runnymede Trust, the 'Equalities and Human Rights Commission', the Muslim Council of Britain, are treated as though independent.
* Simple bias. Omission for example by Jews of the Deir Yassin massacres, or British troops hanged in Jerusalem. And nothing about remote killing by drones in e.g. Afghanistan, so we have the ridiculous hypocrisy about a few deaths in one area vs. huge numbers of the 'enemy'.
Undiscovered Economic Laws Explaining Cycles of Repetition
Reasons to Suppose Jews are Increasingly Maladapted to Modern Life
?facial charcateristics photograhpy could be scientific unlike the past with pictures - as ID
genetics and DNA
? adaptive when they could get away with it, presuambly. BUT now with permanent records transferable deeds will follow eg Skokie 1977 as fraud one of many
and BUT
**for the first time, situations are not favorable to jews. Secrecy used to be easy, and therefore lie s hard to detect. Jews only had to move to the next town. Now, news travels instantaneously. Roughly speaking, the opportunity for successful lies has decreased sharply. Scenario: Jews caught in some financial fraud says he's innocent. Immediately, evidence is collected showing he's guilty. As genetically evolved, he simply lies. Same again. Jews i Britain eg think they can lie about child sex and people will simply forget or not know. However, the evidence can now be repeatedly presented. They seem to have no defence against this.
JEWS AS A NATION BUT SPREAD ABOUT - hence proxies for their activities
Vanessa April 15, 2015
Hadrian, you’re right about who invited them. It was kings in need of tax farmers, perhaps even some of the nobility. What I don’t understand is how the landed gentry tolerated them for a second.
Why did no one think to ask, “Who are these people with the funny hats and why are they moving into the new gated communities?”
“Oh they’re Jews coming to collect our taxes and loan us money at 2000% interest.”
“Jews, you say? Why do they call themselves Jews? What do they believe in?”
“Oh they believe they are Yahweh’s chosen people. He’s the god of jealousy, revenge and genocide. They believe a Jewish messiah will come one day and put us all under their boot, then they will rule us with an iron rod. Rumor is their founding father was a convicted murderer named Moses or Moshe. But God didn’t mind that he was a murderer because he only killed Egyptian goyim — who Yahweh hates with a passion. As well as a few other people who displeased him like this one guy who accidentally touched a wooden box called ‘the ark of the covenant’. Oh and their patriarch Abraham, Yahweh loved him the most because he tried to murder his son to make Yahweh happy and promised to give the whole world everything in it to his descendants as long as they cut their penises and let a mohel suck the blood and not put meat and cheese on their sandwiches. They use to throw their own children in the fires but they stopped that. Now the really hard-core Jews do sometimes kidnap and murder children, but only young goyim boys under seven, the Jews’ magical number. But after a while you’ll get used to it and won’t even notice your children are gone and you’ll be happy they’re in a better place, a Jew heaven up in the sky with Yahweh. Yep, they’re a fine bunch.The salt of the earth!”
Galloway The greatest people on the earth were Jews. The leaders of the socialist, communist, trades union, liberal, enlightenment, throughout the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, were great Jews.
Populations at present are like children of drug-addicted mothers, but repeated until everyone has it. Hard to predict what may happen on emergence to normality. or populations largely infected with parasites
theories of genetics and e.g. must have been accrual into Jews of psychopathic types, and leaving of normal types.
Are Jews Unaware of what They Do? note on pappworth and amnesia test
Evidence on Jews may be missing as Jews may buy up papers etc. discovering Talmud and whatever other material they consider important. Jews in London, Jews in New york.
insert comment on chattering classes and censorship - possible to infer who is parasitised/ also comment on control so alternative ideas are almost entirely suppressed (as in Orwell's memory hole)
Jews not a normal group with territory, food, shelter, culture - instead a group of psychopaths: compare eg a woodland with different types of trees, plus say Dutch elm disease: d e is the odd one out. Or say goats, sheep cattle, horses, rabbits on grassland: plus tapeworms. or birds: sparrows robins, thrushes, and magpies
Increases in Knowledge in the Past Few Centuries... very impressive, partly a cause of Jewish power increase; without it they could not have e.g. been decisive in causing world wars. [Note on huge upheaval of WW2 even in ... just because Germany wanted Jew-free finance]
Applying Knowledge to the Jewish Problem. note of space: they had representatives like a multinational corp / control of paper money and media and eg think tanks ['every human rights organization supports immigration' translates all the Jew-run and Jew-funded 'think tanks' agree that white countries should have immigration and other information is ignored]
On Separating Out Jewish Influence from non-Jews SEPARATING OUT JEWISH influence to decide what should be done examples inc j s mill on like a child, taking the British side/v war/ Fed/ Ukraine/ nuclear stuff/ 'our' government/ British empire and China profiteering vs jews / liberalism etc above/ importance OF PAPER MONEY
-bbc - cohen, camoron and Miliband interviewed by paxman, Dimbleby on question time, son of holohoax liar, all Jews -- Jonathan swift style Cohen oozing shit and flinging it and censoring honest people...
The British Empire RULED The world, in 1939. Its Pound the most powerful currency, and controlled 500 million people! They had “Imperial preference’, on the sea lanes,and gold reserves unsurpassed. They had the NERVE to declare war on Germany- who DID NOT THREATEN,OR ATTACK THEM (as in WW1 too) all because of Hitler's legitimate border disputes,caused by the chaos of the Versailles System. “We care not who rules Germany, but seek its total destruction” Winston Churchill. SEE: CHURCH ILL'S WAR: David Irving Action Report.Com. HITLERS WAR- What Historians fail To Mention.YT. Ben Freeman: A Jewish Defector Warns America About The Jews — YT. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO- YT.
self deception -- Well written, and indeed the whole crypsis and polymorphic deception by so-called ‘Jews’ is remarkable.
Can I briefly make a case for ‘Jewish’ ‘self-deception’ being. in fact, mostly a fake. when the person you quote talks of the Second World War, is it by chance that there is no mention of Jewish victories and triumphs in massacring Russians? Is it pure chance that the fraudulent Holohoax is assumed true? Is it by accident that 9/11 is always attributed to a small group, and not the real group? When Spielberg quotes whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world, is it pure chance that he omits the adjective ‘Jewish’? Is it mere coincidence that causes Jewish commentators to never mention Iraqi deaths, or Palestinian lives, or Jewish control over money? Of course it isn’t. ‘Self deception’? No.
The only exception I can think of is the mass of common Jews; it’s difficult to know what (if anything) they think, since telling lies seems to be instinctive with them. They may be genuinely deceived, though it seems unlikely to me. We may increasingly find out as Internet expands.
@ Sgt Pepper — “verbal slickness exceeds his intellectual powers. Faced with an argument that disturbs him emotionally, he cannot confine himself to the truth, let alone logic.”
... I don’t believe the self-deception idea at all. It’s just acting. Caught in some lie, obviously they blubber, get enraged, pretend to be ill, or whatever. They love broadcasting, film, radio, the jewspapers, because they are almost entirely one way. Internet, and also things like photographs and better detailed records, are changing that. A fairly definitive disproof of ‘self deception’ would be secretly recorded details of discussions between jews; I have no doubt what would be revealed would be similar to opened secret archives on jewish behaviour in (say) the USSR and Poland. Again, the technical possibilities here favour us against them.
In short, the ‘self deception’ argument is just another defence mechanism.
I have been saying for some time now that, if the second Jacobite rising [attempt by james viii and french allies to regain the British throne for the exiled House of Stuart 1689, 1708 NOT 1745] had been successful, which it very nearly was, then Charles Stuart would have closed the bank of England and maybe kicked the Jews out. I am Scottish and since I have become Jew wise I have realised what it was all about. But, try telling people in Scotland this, they will think you are mad. They still regard it as a Scottish V’s English conflict.
What you've got to understand about blacks and others who play into black victimization is that they have a different definition of a "lie" than we do. In their mind, a lie is NOT an untrue statement, but a statement that they don't like. Therefore, when they say that what you're saying isn't true, they aren't accusing you of making an untrue statement, they're telling you that they don't like what you're saying.
And yes, I agree they are psychopaths. The Jews are crazy; furthermore, the nature of their craziness is such that the Jews themselves don’t know they are crazy. If suddenly the Jews saw themselves as the rest of the world sees them— if suddenly the Jews saw themselves as they actually are— I think they would be deeply ashamed and horrified; in fact, I would not be at all surprised by a very large number of suicides.
Psychopaths know full well what they are doing and simply do not care, which is what makes them psychos by definition. I think jews are the same. So all this talk about jewish self-deception is just us normal people projecting what mental gymnastics we would have to engage in order to do what jews do, simply as a matter of course. When jews talk about them being blameless and that we are mentally ill for being anti-semites its just them lying and trying to con us with their chutzpah and deceitfulness.
Jews flooded into America after the Civil War due to “persecution” in Russia. They hadn’t even taken two steps off the boats before they started forming revolutionary organizations and infiltrating the government. By 1913 Jews established the Fed and their takeover of America was complete; what took the Jews centuries to achieve in Europe they achieved in about 30 years in America.
Several years later they brought America into WWI and funded the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, and two decades later they were riling up Americans to go overseas and kill Germans in WWII. Jews may or may not have been instrumental in starting the Civil War but by WWII they had complete control of the American media, financial system, and government. Denying it is pointless.
Also there is no necessity for conflict. I think this is a perception due to Jews, whose modus operandi relies on causing conflict and benefiting from it. BUT it doesn’t necessarily follow for non-parasite groups. If there are two settled groups A and B, and it costs more to fight than to not fight, they may as well not fight. (‘Costs’ including deaths, options forgone, consequences such as illness and disruption and damage).
We’ve had at least 500 years of deliberate Jewish harm. We are like peoples infested through and through with mental parasites. If these are removed, many assumptions will I hope be reconsidered..
Rose Madder
May 6, 2015 - 9:51 pm | Permalink
Do we put too much emphasis on mental explanations for white behaviour?
There is much discussion of mental attitudes, religious beliefs and other mental phenomenon for Swedish and northern European behaviours and attitudes. In the past I fell into this way of thinking, until, I was exposed to the physiology of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and how greatly it varies between individuals (metabolic diversity). The following summary is of course very simplified.
There is a fair amount of tantalizing information about the intersection of the ANS, environment, diet and behaviour. Much of this information was collected and analyzed by the mid twentieth century but then dropped as far as I can tell. I’m going to summarize what I have understood so far about this research and how it applies to the Swedish situation. My background is Norwegian and German, so I have first hand experience being northern European stock and observing my relatives. I also grew up with a father who has 12 years post secondary in sciences and I grew up on the nature / nurture debate. But, I have no formal post secondary education in physiology or science. I would love to see others look into my citations and see if this material can contribute to white survival.
Most people have heard of the ANS, but may be less familiar with its two branches, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Many will have also heard of “fight and flight” (sympathetic branch) and “rest and digest” (parasympathetic branch). Each of these branches regulates the hormones that create aggression vs surrender. When an animal is attacked, there is a huge rush of adrenaline for the fight and flight, however when the fight and flight is exhausted there is a final stage of surrender and die. That final stage is the parasympathetic response. I believe the parasympathetic response may be what causes the near death experience. It relieves the suffering of a doomed animal at death.
In the early 20th century Dr. Francis Pottenger Sr. studies the ANS in detail. I read his 600 page book on the subject. What he documents is that humans are not born equal in terms of ANS strength. He had patients who had very strong sympathetic system. He describes their mental traits and physical condition, plus the diseases they are subject to. He does the same for people with strong parasympathetic systems. They are prone to completely different set of diseases and mental proclivities.
Pottenger used simple nutrients to correct the ANS imbalance with success. No one appears to have picked his work up again until the 60s when there was some privately funded work.
Here is where we get back to Swedes and other northern Europeans. Northern peoples, including Europeans and Inuit lived in a cold climate and adapted to a diet high in animal products. Animal products have a very different effect on ANS functioning than plant food does. People who couldn’t survive a diet hight in animal products would die out. Strong parasympathetic response is damped by the nutrients in animal foods leading to balance ANS functioning.
Strong parasympathetic response without the balancing effect of an indigenous diet leads to depression, melancholy, passivity even “pathological empathy”. In other words it can be very difficult to get a weak sympathetic nervous system to muster a FIGHT response.
More aggressive people tend to come from climates that provide more plant materials. These people have stronger sympathetic responses and less empathy, more aggression.
In different populations there will be a preponderance of type based on the climate and foods the group had to eat to survive. The aggregate of these varieties of ANS types may be what gives us our sense of a ethic personality. Stoic versus reactive and excitable.
I have often wondered about the mechanics of genetics. Most of what I hear is the gene for this and the gene for that, without any mention of actual mechanics. What exactly is being inherited? ANS is a regulation system that controls metabolism and brain function, personality expression.
There is a lot more to this but hopefully this gives a clear jumping off point to imagine the implications of this information for others to contemplate.
Viihljamer Stephenson
Francis Pottenger Sr.
Weston Price
Roger Williams
Dr Ernst Gelhorn
George Watson
Dr Nick Gonzalez
Dr W Kelly
TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT on Eysenck and note on need for new approach involving psychotic impulses of greed, detestation, attacking better groups, lying, deception
[perkin warbeck executed 1499 jewish connection]
fierceness of anti oxfordian cause
myth that the west is christian
william luther pierce who we are or seeing the forest also has genetic theory [can't find date of broadcasts ]
william pierce an parasitism and genes:
...It didn’t make sense to me that the Jews would deliberately seek to destroy a society in which they were riding high—that they would deliberately drill holes in the bottom of a boat in which they were passengers. I couldn’t figure it out—until I understood the nature of the Jews.
And that nature really is unique. At some time far back in the prehistoric period, certainly more than 3,000 years ago, the Jews developed a unique mode of survival as predators and parasites. Whereas other races, other tribes, sought either to live alone among their own kind—or to conquer other tribes militarily and take their land or require them to pay tribute—the Jews sought to invade the territory of other races by stealth and then to subvert them, to undermine their morale, to break down the order and structure in their societies as a concomitant to controlling them and exploiting them.
In the beginning, thousands of years ago, this may have been only a novel plan for gaining control of a particular neighbor, but eventually it developed into a way of life. It became part of their religion, and eventually it got into their genes. I believe that today they really can’t help themselves. ..
jews and SYNERGY WITH SOME GROUP eg aristocrats or new party to advance own ends / synergy with two groups eg 2 govts to fight each other
Jews never oppose the 'traditional culture' (whatever that’s supposed to mean) of the West directly by presenting an alternative that they claim is morally superior. Rather, they work within the traditional framework of moral values established by Christianity, the ultimate source of Western morality. Moral authority comes from the Bible, churches, and Jesus, not Freud or Karl Marx. Anti-racism and philosemitism are things already present within Christianity, and all the Jew does is draw them out. Any positive moral value ascribed to these things is only possible because Christianity already endorses them. The stress laid on universal brotherhood in the Bible is the source of communism’s attraction;
“A major part of the Jewish evolutionary strategy is therefore the penetration of White society, assisted by the adoption of the outward appearance of conforming to White norms, thereby enabling the untroubled transfer of resources from Whites to the cryptic Jewish population.” --- This is “step one.” “Step two” is changing the demographics through open immigration. --- Promoting diversity and multiculturalism weakens (and ultimately destroys) White norms. Also, frequently young Whites are encouraged to act like Blacks, adopting and expressing their culture. These changes allow the Jewish population to express their Jewishness more openly.
BRITAIN VS USA WAR 1812ish Zionist really have a score to settle with the white westerners because men like George Washington,Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson broke up the Zionist banking racket in the past. The bankers launch the war. Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, issued an ultimatum: “Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” Jackson and the American patriots did not believe the power of the international moneylenders could extend so far. “You are a den of thieves-vipers,” Jackson told them. “I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!” Nathan Rothschild issued orders: “Teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status.” This is why Zionist absolutely need to destroy white-America, because their ancestors dare to stand up against their Tyranny.
Most people have no clue how deep the Jewish problem goes. Those who know must either keep quiet or become targets of the government, of the jewish media, of Jewish anti-White networks and their antifa friends.
BigJazzer, I'm still waiting for your comment.
Direct me to original research by Jews condemning the Fed, condemning Jewish mass murders in the USSR, condemning the Holohoax fraud, condemning Kissinger's mass murders, condemning Jews in Palestine, condemning Jews and the slave trade, condemning Jewish media lies on black violence, condemning the Jewish 'holy books' etc.
if there are so many decent Jews you'll have no difficulty finding plenty of examples. Will you?
[Added later - I forgot 9/11, promotion of wars and funding both sides, promoting the Second World War just for money, causing depressions, opium wars...]?
Judaism discovered Hoffman 1100 pages (analogy with two sets of accounting books for nonjews and insiders
absurdity of claim they are just another group is nonsense - their rule books clearly state what they do and therefore why they should be ruled out presumably special treatment through biblical stuff
The criminal negligence of 'thinkers' is truly shocking. Military types have been accused of preparing for the last war but one; but thinkers and teachers are often enough centuries, or millennia, out of date.
THUGGEE [added to occidental observer and Jews on 15 ap 2015 at 00.09 hours UTC time zone]
For generations the Thugs went almost completely unchecked. The British government, calmly tallying "misadventures," remained unconcerned because Thugs killed almost no Europeans. As for the natives themselves, Thugs terrorized peasants & bribed rajahs & landowners to ignore or protect them. Thugs were often of the Brahman caste. When they were arrested, they were almost invariably released for lack of evidence. It was as if the Thugs (corrupted from thags, Hindustani for "deceivers") had managed to keep the country hypnotized. The Thug modus operandi was to assume the guise of peaceful travelers. Joining parties with their victims, they would charm them right up to the moment at which one designated Thug would seize a doomed man's wrists while another Thug would strangle him from behind with a noose of white or yellow silk—Kali's favorite colors. Sometimes talented Thugs would play the sitar & coax their victims into singing, the better to expose their throats for throttling. Not only did the Thugs kill without remorse but "with pleasure," as they confessed, sanctified by omens before & prayers afterward. Thug son succeeded Thug father in the family business. But even after as many as eleven generations had accumulated fortunes, Thugs & scions of Thugs went on doing their thing. Shrewd appraisers of rich victims, they carefully scouted out their targets. But they had no objection to the impromptu murder of a party of four—for as little as 20 gold pieces & a handful of rupees. Whatever drove the Thugs—probably a mixture of greed, blood lust & corrupted religious fervor—their energy & enterprise were astonishing. One boasted of 931 murders in a fruitful 40-year career.
churchill - did he transfer assets from britain and france and germany to jews? like thatcher - cp irving on roosevelt as in effect beneficiary
Heinrich Graetz [German Jew] tells us,
"with its monkish figures, its exorcists, its praying brethren, and pietistic saints, supplied no models for warriors contending with a faithless king, a false aristocracy and unholy priests. Only the great heroes of the Old Testament, with fear of God in their hearts and the sword in their hands, at once religious and national champions, could serve as models for the Puritans: the Judges, freeing the oppressed people from the yoke of foreign domination; Saul, David, and Joab routing the foes of their country; and Jehu, making an end of an idolatrous and blasphemous house—these were favorite characters with Puritan warriors. In every verse of the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, they saw their own condition reflected; every psalm seemed composed for them, to teach them that, though surrounded on every side by ungodly foes, they need not fear while they trusted in God. Oliver Cromwell compared himself to the judge Gideon, who first obeyed the voice of God hesitatingly, but afterwards courageously scattered the attacking heathens; or to Judas Maccabaeus, who out of a handful of martyrs formed a host of victorious warriors."
César Tort. Once more with his “blame the Whites” The only whites that are to blame are those protestants that emancipated the jews and gave them control of the central bank and money printing. Nobody can compete with unlimited supplies of money for arms, bribery , the financing of subversive organisations, buying the media, books, television, pharmaceutical companies, schools, and universities etc.etc.! Blame Oliver Cromwell,.!
... Italian Renaissance represented true European culture, not barbarous Semitic fairy tales. ...
POPULATION DENSITY ARGUMENT eg if jews squashed together in their hovels, however fierce and vicious their talk, they couldn't do much - only when they expanded out to UK and US and in US set up Fed in 1913 - 20 years? 30 years? - sim individualist whites spread out: if one group found rich food source, or some useful material, it would have local effect; now they can be individualistic at the expense of each other.
?storytelling in winters in frozen north may have had some effect
individuality and creativity - can be creative of evil, or irrelevance - pigeon fancying? horse racing? flower arranging? knitting? crosswords? puzzles?
individuality may mean bribable - look for opportunities, for rich veins of food or housing or territory
Christianity: was OT included for malicious/ jewish reasons? might have been - first time available to all... USA Christians affected by OT and being little educated (bible may have been only book they read) jewish beliefs perhaps like the talmud affecting Khazars something like 1000 years earlier
Catholicism seems to have been anti-jews money, but reformation often sided with jews; coincidence?
Charles II to Geo I
In good King Charles' golden time, when loyalty no harm meant,
A zealous high churchman was I, and so I gained preferment.
To teach my flock, I never missed: Kings are by God appointed
And damned are those who dare resist or touch the Lord's anointed!
When royal James possessed the crown, and popery came in fashion,
The penal laws I hooted down, and read the Declaration.
The Church of Rome, I found, did fit full well my constitution
And I had been a Jesuit, but for the Revolution. When William was our King declared, to ease the nation's grievance,
With this new wind about I steered, and swore to him allegiance.
Old principles I did revoke; Set conscience at a distance,
Passive obedience was a joke, a jest was non-resistance. When Royal Anne became our queen, the Church of England's glory,
Another face of things was seen, and I became a Tory.
Occasional conformists base; I blamed their moderation;
And thought the Church in danger was from such prevarication. When George in pudding time came o'er, and moderate men looked big, sir
My principles I changed once more, and I became a Whig, sir.
And thus preferment I procured From our new Faith's Defender,
And almost every day abjured the Pope and the Pretender. The illustrious House of Hanover and Protestant succession
To these I do allegiance swear - while they can hold possession.
For in my faith and loyalty I never more will falter,
And George my lawful king shall be - until the times do alter.
SCOTLAND - Jews not expelled / scottish hebrew / prince charlie, war in fact about jewish money [quote from ireland/ scotland] NAPOLEON - quote from that piece and cp with stalin 'INDIVIDUALISM' downside - take money to maim foreigners, and damage their own people, and waste time - orwell on stamps, chess, pigeon racing... GUILT SHAME internal feeling must do something poss related to evolution of thinking ahead (as cp blacks with no planning) PSYCHOLOGY: inability to detect what's important ... knitting, flower arranging, mills and boon, thrillers... EYSENCK: note MacDonald calls the 'limbic system' the 'lower' stuff
1215: Magna Carta [6x-9x-russell]
1361: [Action liable to cause breach of peace. In ]
1401: De haeretico comburendo. [This is a 'statute'] [Note: modern parallel?]
15th century: Truck Acts date back to 15 C [red notebook]
1536: Act of Dissolution
1539: Burning for denying the doctrine of Transubstantiation etc [Luckock]
1550: Act Against Superstitious Books [NB: book burning in England?]
[1555: Proclamation against Books; see Foxe's Book of Martryrs]
1624: The Statute of Monopolies (in H S Hatfield, Inventions, 169-170)
1627: Petition of Rights. (OCEL says 1628; & see appendix of Stubbs) '.. demand put forward by the Commons.. no imprisonment without cause shown, no forced loans or taxes imposed with parliamentary grant, no martial law or enforced billeting. The Petition was reluctantly accepted by Charles I and became law. The point of proceeding by the method of a 'Petition of Right' instead of a 'Bill' was that the Crown had to give an immediate answer instead of waiting for the end of the session.'
1649: Act for the Propagation of the Gospel in Wales [Hutton]
1651: First Navigation Act [Parkinson, East and West]/ BUT 1660 onwards: Navigation Acts - compulsory registration of British ships [book on shipping]
1662: Hearth Tax introduced [See Unett, 'Making a Pedigree']
1662: Act of Uniformity [Smith, 'Cathedrals', myth of Cromwell damage/ Hutton]
1664: Conventicle Act [in Hutton]
1665: Five Mile Act [in Hutton]
1672: Declaration of Indulgence [in Hutton]
1673: Test Act [in Hutton]
1678: [don't know name:] body must be 'buried in woollen' [M Baker on Folklore]
1679: Habeas corpus [see appendix, of Stubbs]
1680: Exclusion Bill [in Hutton]
1689: Bill of Rights [in 6x9x-russell; & see appendix, Stubbs]
1689: Hearth Tax abolished
1689: Toleration Act [in Hutton]
1697: Blasphemy Act
1701: Act of Settlement [Glanville Williams p 137; Polanyi Origins.. 6x-9x-Russell seems to call it 'Act of Establishment'. Stubbs, appendix, says 1700]
1707: Act of Union [England with Scotland]
1712: Stamp Duty on newspapers [see e.g. Kent, 'Agony']
1713: Schism Act [in Hutton]
1728: Attorneys and Solicitors Act [PRO 112]
1735: Hardwicke Act [p 37 Kent, 'Agony..' control over church marriage cerems]
1736: [?] Act repealed penalties for Witchcraft etc
1737: Licensing Act [of theatres. E.g. in Butt's 'Fielding', OCEL]
? Royal Marriage Act [pp 226,255 in Boswell]
1753: 'Common Law Marriage' ended - acc. to poss unreliable newspaper item
1772?: 13 Geo III Act, calculating ships' tonnage [cf Capt Carter Autobiography]
1780?: Catholic Relief Act [in boxfiles 'Surrey Hills']
1780: Sunday Observance Act []
1795: Treason Act [See for Hanworth Vicar legal action]
1799-1800: Private Enclosure Act in Sunbury:
1801: Act of Union came into effect [de Paol, Divided Ulster]
1805: Eldon Judgment endowed Grammar Schools Lat,Gk only [Kirk, Woodard Schools]
1815: Robinson's Act the 'principal' Corn Law [in Harvey under Corn Laws]
1816: Lord Castlereagh's Alien Act [new powers esp political refugees; 268 Wright's notes to Nightmare Abbey]
1818: Million Act [for church building]
1819: Six Acts [p 15 in Kent, "Agony.."; she doesn't say what they were]
1826: Toll Gate Act [in -uk]
1829 Act of Parliament creates Metropolitan police force under direct control of Home Secretary (Source: a paperback)
1832: Anatomy Act [After Burke and Hare. Diaries -misc. '..repealed the law requiring every corpse to receive a Christian burial' acc. to a Mensan, who gives 1830.]
1833: Factory Act [; start of factory legislation]
1834: New Poor Law
1835: Highway Act [PRO 97]
1835: Municipal Corporations Act [destroyed all Charters/ towns independent. Called Municipal Reform Act in Devizes Official Guide]
1836: Tithe Commutation Act [apparently stopped parson taking tithes in kind; see Baker on folklore]
1837: Act legalizing registry office marriages
? Combination acts: i.e. unions. Blake etc 91a-papers/ 2x9x-ethical]
? Stamp acts [in 2x9x-ethical]
1840: Grammar School Act [See e.g. Kirk, 'Woodard Schools']
1843: Solicitors Act [PRO 112]
1844: Criminal Lunatics Act ['medical inquiry into the sanity of all condemned murderers' acc to Doug Lewis, in Mensa, a detective]
1844: Factory Act [. More factory legislation]
1845: Companies Clauses Consolidation Act [PRO 117]
1845: General Inclosure Act [PRO 95]
1845: Railway Clauses Consolidation Act [PRO 117]
1845: [Poor law]
1846: 'The Corn Law' [sic] abolished, says Harvey
1846: Markets and Fairs Clauses Act [PRO 117]
1847: Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act [PRO 117]
1847: Towns Improvement Clauses Act [PRO 117]
1848: Public Health Act [Attributed to Chadwick; see e.g. Medawar]
1850: ?Mines Act []
1851: Common Lodging House Act [see Chesney, 'Victorian Underworld']
1852: Common Law Procedure Act [Abolished 'John Doe, Richard Roe'; see OCEL]
1853: [Medical Act mentioned by Alex Comfort]
1857: Matrimonial Causes Act: transferred jurisdiction over broken marriages from Ecclesiastical courts to a secular Court for Divorce & Matrimonial Causes
1858: Matrimonial and Divorce Act [Kent, 'Agony.']
1860: 'Pure Food Law' says 'the Chemical Feast'
1862: end of a series of Company Acts now allowing Joint Stock Companies with limited liability, plus some safeguards such as some publicity for accounts and penalties for false pretences [J R Hicks] - NB Stock Exchange date after this?
1867: Second Reform Act
1870: [Act prohibited deductions from wages being made by court order]
1870 or 1871?: Education Act [5-11; in Back to Methuselah, Russell, 'Rise of Meritocracy', H G Wells on 'specially inferior teachers']
1870: Infant Life Preservation Act [See Chesney, 'Victorian Underworld']
1870: Married Women's Property Act [first of three says Kent in 'Agony..']
1871: Bank Holidays Act [see OCEL on Sir John Lubbock; who was a banker]
1871: ?Toll gates abolished?
1875: Trade Mark Act
1876: Commons Act [PRO 95]
1878: Matrimonial Causes Act: husband to support wife if aggravated assault
1882: Act for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments [see OCEL, Lubbock, Sir John]
1882: Bills of Exchange Act substitute statute law for.. common law & equity
1882: Married Women's Property Act: consolidated acts
1883: Corrupt Practices Act [voting; seems to deal with local people, but not with parties, which then 'weren't considered important' says chap on radio]
1884: [NSPCC founded to try to prevent cruelty to children]
1885: Male homosexuality criminalised [Says 'The Word' on Channel 4 TV]
1886: Guardianship of Infants Act
1891: Elementary Education made 'free'
1891: Slander of Women Act [in 'Nostalgia..']
1893: Sale of Goods Act: substituted statute law for.. common law & equity
1893: Married Women's Property Act [Kent, 'Agony..', says third]
? Alkali Acts ['pollutors' charter']
1899: Commons Act [PRO 95]
1899: School Leaving Age 12; Board of Education set up
1902: Education Act ['Balfour's Act'. In 'Rise of Meritocracy']
1903: Employment of Children Act [PRO 117]
1906: Trade Disputes Act [union immunity says p 61 of IEA 'Ideas']
1907: Deceased Wife's Sisters law repealed
1908: Company Act allowing Private Company - limited liability, max 50 shareholders and no publicity. [J R Hicks]
1909: Housing, Town Planning &c Act: inc Housing of the Working Classes [e.g. in 'Rusticus or the Future of the Countryside']
1911: Parliament Act
1911: [Poor law]
1911: National Insurance Act [p 14 of 'IDEAS' by IEA]
1913: Mental Deficiency Act [in my notes on Cyril Burt]
1913: Natives' Land Act [In 'Africa in Prose']
1914?: Licensing Act
1914 or 15: Official Secrets [e.g. 91A-papers, ]
1914: The Welsh Church Act
1915: Munitions of War Act [in 'Sabotage' by Russell Foundation]
1918: Act giving women of thirty plus vote [Russell, 'Political Ideals']
1918: Education Act [of Herbert Fisher. In 'Rise of Meritocracy']
1918: Maternal and Child Welfare Act [Says Beddoes, 'Back to Home and Duty']
1919: ?Lawlett Act or Black Act [I think, indemnity after Amritsar]
1919: Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act [in Rostand on science! & Willetts]
1920: Emergency Powers Act
1920: Government of Ireland Act
1920: Jurors (Enrolment of Women) Act
1920: Maintenance Orders Act [for children abandoned by father?]
1921: 'Geddes Axe' at about this time
1923: The Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure
1925: Law of Property Act: substituted statute law for.. common law & equity
1925: Guardianship of Infants Act
1925: Widows and Orphans Act
1928: Equal Franchise Act 21 yrs inc women the vote [Russell, Political Ideals]
1929: Infant Life (Preservation) Act
1925-1930: Workmen's Compensation Act
1931: Statute of Westminster: British Empire - > Commonwealth Wells Phoenix p61
1932: Rights of Way Act [PRO 97. Notices to inform passages etc aren't public]
1932: The Chancel Repairs Act
1932: Town and Country Planning Act [see CPRE stuff]
1934: Road Traffic Act [Belisha Beacons]
1935: Law Reform (Married Women and Tortfeasors) Act. Married woman as femme sole; in Rostand on science!
1935: Act [in 'A History of India', II]
1818: Report of the Committee on Prisons within the City of London
1832: Select Committee on Factory Child Labour [in ]
1832: Report of the Select Committee on Secondary Punishments
1836: Prison Inspectors' Report on Newgate Prison
1818-1837: Brougham Commission Reports; schools [Britannica & 'Woodard Schools']
1842: Report.. on an enquiry into the sanitary condition etc by Edwin Chadwick
1866: Downham Market Commission [in ]
1868: Schools Inquiry Commission
1881: Select committee on the law relating to young girls
1894; or 5?: Bryce Commission [to investigate need for secondary education]
1905: French group of the International Union of Criminal Law: "faculties of law [should have] special teaching for the whole range of penal studies"
1912: Gorell Report [on divorce]
1925: Board of Education list of 2,800+ schools condemned as defective
1925: Ninth International Prison Congress: "judicial studies should be supplemented by criminological ones"
1926: Hadow report [proposed children should be transferred, at 11 or 12]
1939: Women's Health Enquiry
1942: Beveridge report [Health, insurance, pensions, I think]
1943: Norwood report [Education: Grammar, Technical, Modern]
1944: Goodenough report into teaching hospitals. [See mags]
1946: Barlow Report on Scientific Manpower [in Rise of Meritocracy]
1949: Royal Commission on the Press [in Rose on race]
1952: Hypnotism Act, came into force April 1 1953
1956: Technical Education HMSO
1959: White Paper on Penal Policy
1961: Streatfeild Committee on the business of the criminal courts
1965: White Paper of Labour on immigration policy/ lack of it. (In Rose.)
1966: P.E.P. Report [in Rose on race]
1967: Report of the Departmental Committee on Criminal Statistics
1968: 'Make Life Better' Tory thing [in Rose on race]
1971: Compton Report [torture in Northern Ireland]
1972/3: Law Society and Lord Chancellor.. on Legal Aid and Advice
1975: [I think] Faulks Committee on damages
1976: Working Party on Judicial Training
1994: 27 Jan 1994: All-Party Report on Financial Waste &c by House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, '.. departure from standards of the last 140 years' or similar. "Devastating" - John Smith
Town and Country Planning Act 1947
British Nationalities Act 1948
Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949
Sexual Offences Act 1956
Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958
Law Commission Act 1965
Divorce Reform Act 1969
Immigration Act 1971
Industrial Relations Act 1971
European Communities Act 1972
Guardianship Act 1973 [rights of mother same as father]
Legal Aid Act 1974 [consolidating statute]
Race Relations Act 1976 [has paragraph on 'incitement to racial hatred']
Baker 1974 Race Note that Baker commented on arrangements for tribal group reproduction; he concluded that most of these systems were in effect calculated or arranged to reproduce the gene pools of the various groups.
BAKER whether proof has been obtained by field studies that interbreeding between one form and another does in fact occur in nature. Wherever there are forms that replace one another geographically, and especially if they appear to merge into one another in the intermediate territory, they refer to the whole series of forms or races as a Formenkreis, and discard the word species altogether. The Formenkreis, then, is a set or series of races. This is a matter of considerable importance, for mankind should perhaps be regarded as constituting a Formenkreis rather than a species.
Scrappy notes on my desktop searcher include: Is ‘Christianity’ part of English law? The following say yes, but in a hesitating way 41 Eliz./ 1649 Judge Jermin/ 1649 and 1657 Lord Keble/ 1676 Matthew Hale/ 1726 Raymond/ 1797 Kenyon (on bookseller of Tom Paine)/ Tenterden/ ? Erskine.
I’d suggest the Church has always been somewhat marginal, apart from supplying careers and incomes. And also a refuge for theoreticians, oddballs, acute reasoners without sense, sentimental antiquary types, administrator/ apparatchik types. It wouldn’t surprise me if this separation was the cause of much of white creativity, precisely because is escaped the smothering blanket of e.g. Islam and Judaism.
Dr. Doom
April 26, 2015
You are seriously overestimating the enemy. The jews are the cancer of the Earth, but they are worthless and weak. They need others to fight because they are worthless and weak. They are nowhere near as smart as they say. Bringing Muslims to Europe to stop Nazis? How many Nazis were in Europe? These swine are just pathological is all. This isn’t a strategy involving thought at all. Its all instinct, like an ant lion or a spider. In truth there is no plan, just envy and hatred of a vastly inferior being that I would never flatter to call human.
galloway as useful idiot - various quotations
evidence: clinton list
It should be stressed that the first cause of this estrangement was the relentless, albeit surreptitious process of Judaizing of Christendom, which led to the false identification of the goals of Christianity with those of Judaism. The subversion of the Church in the West begins with the unholy alliance of the Bishops of Old Rome with the Franks of Pepin the Short and Charlemagne to bring down the ‘Greek-Byzantine’ New Rome. Charlemagne made the first alliance with the professed enemies of Christianity, the Muslims, to attack the New Rome. It was also the time when the Jewish influence reached its first peak in Europe.
It was the opening of the gates of Europe to the hordes of Mehmet II (the literal opening, Constantinople was stormed by the Turks through a gate let intentionally opened by the Genovese) that marked the first capitulation in the face of Islam, reinforced by all the Capitulations concluded by France and England with the Ottomans, by which was inaugurated the joint exploitation of the subdued rayah, very much helped by the Jewish financiers ‘deported’ to Istanbul by the Sultans to repopulate the city, freed of its Christian population. The fall of Constantinople is even today hailed as a “liberation” from the ‘Byzantine’ oppression by the Turks in the deafening silence of the Europeans.
Now their turn to pay the jizya is fast approaching.
Conclusion: Reasons for Optimism
mistake in assuming large number of children
The fact that multitudes are guided by dedicated minorities means that idealistic White people can be such a minority.
We can generate this dedicated minority at much less expense than what it will cost the system to try to prevent it from arising.
The force of the idealism of intelligent White people is on our side if we don’t throw it away by failing to respect the truth.
Santoculto — (and everyone else) — it’s possible another aspect of white character genetically is caused by long winter nights. Assuming the tribes had the wit to construct shelters, and preserve food, and keep warm, and fend off danger, they still had long, long winters.
... Surely it’s possible the white propensity for play, pastimes in the sense of wasting time, sagas and plays and make believe, rather unimportant activities and hobbies, and unreal distractions and escapism, are part of white mental life? George Orwell commented on the British as stamp-collectors, chess players, footballers, pigeon fanciers, growers of big vegetables, followers of horse racing and so on (from memory), and he meant this as a sort of praise, although at that time the biggest war ever in history was being shaped up. Could the endless simple entertainment of TV with faked applause and faked spontaneity (scripts, autocues, actors reading etc) reflect a genetic desire to fill in time?
Greg Ellis in Amazon -- This is what the Talmud represents. The savagely embittered rejection of the new triumphant Christianity which allowed the dethroned rabbinic class to declare in secret their contempt for the Christian led propaganda about a Judeo-Christian tradition, to the extent that they were willing to say in effect: "we repudiate the Tanakh and even the Torah itself because the Christians have claimed it as part of their history. Instead we repudiate the God of Israel because he has abandoned us and we declare instead the we - the Sanhedrin - speak with the authority of the God of Israel. And if the Christian message is one of love and eternal grace - our message is one of material and racial superiority, and Satanism. Our eternal mission is to achieve our revenge on the believers in the Christian message."
Kalle Lasn, the editor of Abusters, in the said article, had produced a list of 50 neocons (Zioncons) proving 26 of them being Jewish. Moreover, he stated that neocons have “a special affinity” for Israel and their influence helps to tilt US foreign policy toward Israel. Kalle Lasn was not talking about the obvious Jewish neocons Doug Feith, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz — but the dual-citizen holders like former Attorney-General Michael Mukasey, former head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, former anti-Iran Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Larry Franklin, former senior Pentagon official Edward Luttwak, Henry Kissinger, adviser to Pentagon, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Bush’s Pentagon Comptroller who was unable to explain the disappearance of $3.3 trillion dollars shortly before 9/11, Kenneth Adleman, Lewis ‘scooter’ Libby, Elliott Abrams, Robert Satloff, Marc Grossman and many more.
-Glimpse into strongboxes of gems, stolen artefacts, title deeds, huge frauds blood scarfices, sexual perversions, handbooks of lies, killing, torture ....
1642 Start of Civil War, nominally Charles I vs Parliament. Jewish money supports Cromwell
1649 Cromwell and others execute Charles I - 'Commonwealth' interregnum begins without a monarch
1660 Charles II crowned
1666 Great Fire - after that, only brick and stone buildings allowed within a certain radius
1667 Rebuilding Act
1681 Wren starts work on Paul's Church
1685 Death of Charles / James II who was pro-Catholic. Wars and revolts started, or were fomented
1688 'Glorious Revolution' - William of Orange, aka Dutch WIlliam & Mary become Protestant monarchs
1694 Bank of England building in Threadneedle St finished
1697 St Paul's Cathedral into use for the first time
May 7, 2015 - 3:48 am | Permalink
Here is a Catholic view of the “human sympathies” (JA: for the marginalised groups like the Quakers, Jews, even the Catholics and the King) professed by the Protector. Of course both of these volumes were written in a totally different historical period/context to that of the C17th on which they pass judgement, judging them in the context of contemporary events, with contemporary axes to grind. The same goes for their views on the Jews who by this time were firmly ensconced in powerful roles and deeper discussion was only able to be done at great cost to any author.
Note these astonishing claims which have contemporary echoes, including this one:
“He proposed to sell St. Paul’s to the Jews for a Synagogue.”
The claimed phoniness of Cromwell’s professions of tolerance, if true, also add weight to the argument that he was motivated in his ‘toleration’ by factors far deeper than human sentiment.
Studies in Irish History 1649-1775 Browne & Nolan, Limited Dublin, 1909,
Oliver Cromwell in Ireland, pp 60-
He swore to uphold the liberties and rights of his country, but he trampled upon the one and betrayed the other. Standing in his place in the House of Commons, with his hand upon his heart, he swore in the presence of Almighty God that he knew the army would disband and lay down their arms at the door of the House whenever the Parliament should command them to do so. Within twenty-four hours he was in the midst of that army, inciting them to fresh defiance of the Parliament.
Can any instance of hypocrisy match that in which Cromwell, protesting his desire to save the King’s life, said that he had prayed on his knees to God for the life of Charles until his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth, by which he saw that God had willed the death of the King?
Let any man read the account of the interview between Cromwell and Sir John Berkeley, near Reading, when Charles was a prisoner in the hands of the army. Cromwell tells Berkeley that he had lately seen the tenderest sight that ever his eyes beheld—the meeting between the King and his children ; and he wept plentifully at the remembrance thereof, saying ” that never man was so abused as he in his sinister opinion of the King, who, he now thought, was the most upright and conscientious man of his Kingdom, and he prayed that God would be pleased to look upon him according to the sincerity of his heart to the King.” Yet at that moment Cromwell had the King’s death in sight.
It was Cromwell, and Cromwell alone, who brought the King to the scaffold. One of his best biographers says, ” Cromwell all through the trial never wavered or hesitated, and his influence kept the regicides together. Against that will all efforts to save the King were fruitless.” ["No English lawyer could be found to draw up the charge (against King Charles I), which was eventually entrusted to an accommodating alien, Isaac Dorislaus (A Jew)." (All brackets mine) - - Hugh Ross Williamson from his book “Charles and Cromwell”]
He was absolute master of every trick of tongue, gesture, or expression by which man can deceive his fellow. He could weep at will, pray, preach, affirm, swear, cajole, bully, act the buffoon with a corporal, play schoolboy tricks while signing the death warrant of his King. He could commit the most appalling massacres with the name of God upon his lips and the Bible in his hand. He was the greatest dissembler of whom history holds record.
While raving of liberty, he subverted in turn every liberty which Englishmen had ever known-representation in Parliament, trial by jury, taxation with consent; everything that the people had longest enjoyed or hardest fought-all had gone. He proposed to sell St. Paul’s to the Jews for a Synagogue. He sold hundreds of English and Scotch gentlefolk and many thousands of Irish men, women, and children as slaves to the West Indian planters. No illegality was too great for him. It is doubtful whether all the illegal actions charged against Charles could match that single act of Cromwell’s by which he arrested and locked up the three counsel for a London merchant, who was being prosecuted for having refused to pay taxes which had not been voted by Parliament. He set the Parliament against the King. He set the army against the Parliament. He split the army into two sections. He humbugged Parliament and army at the same moment, pretending to the Parliament that the army designed to assassinate him, and to the army that the Parliament would never leave their seats until the soldiers ” would pull them out by the ears.” When confronted with this perfidy he fell upon his knees in the House of Commons, and took a solemn oath that it was untrue...
JA's Gravatar JA
May 7, 2015 - 1:56 am | Permalink
@Kevin MacDonald & PaleoAtlantid
In this once well read text (perhaps all the better for its distance from the present) there is no doubt about Cromwell’s role regarding the admission of Jews to England. This is presented, however, as just a part of the general tolerance of the Protector. Perhaps there was much more to it: social buffers against the Catholics and anti-usury as well as a bourgeois predilection towards Finance.
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1924. Ch. XVII pp. 363- Cromwell’s Domestic Policy
The Protector’s purpose (JA: in supporting ‘Catholic toleration’) was never fulfilled. Public opinion in England was too hostile to the Catholics to permit of their legal toleration, and the same thing happened when Cromwell wished to readmit the Jews to England. In November, 1655, Manasseh Ben Israel, a learned Portuguese Jew, settled in Amsterdam as a physician, petitioned the Protector to allow the Jews to reside and trade in England, and to grant them the free exercise of their religion.
Cromwell, who was personally in favour of their petition, called together a committee of divines, merchants, and lawyers to confer with the Council on the question. The Protector himself took part in the conferences. “I never heard a man speak so well,” said one of his hearers, but the divines feared for their religion and the merchants for their trade, so the legal toleration the Jews asked for was not granted. Cromwell, however, granted them leave to meet in private houses for devotion, and showed them such encouragement and favour that their resettlement in England really dates from the Protectorate.
The Protector’s tolerant nature showed itself again in his dealings with the Quakers. Under the Commonwealth, the Quakers were persecuted and imprisoned, not simply because their opinions were regarded as blasphemous, but because they were held dangerous to the public peace. Their attacks on the clergy and their misconduct and brawling in churches gave colour to these accusations. Under the Protectorate, this persecution continued, till it was mitigated by the intervention of the Protector and his Council. In 1654, George Fox had a long interview with the Protector. ” I spake much to him,” writes Fox, “of truth; and a great discourse I had with him about religion, wherein he carried himself very moderately.” The earnestness and enthusiasm Fox impressed Cromwell greatly. ” As I spake, he would several times say, it was very good, and it was truth. And as I was turning to go away, he catches me by the: hand, and with tears in his eyes, said: ‘Come again to my house...
Rerevisionist's Gravatar Rerevisionist Cromwell, Bank of England etc (down a bit) https://www.big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/london-ww2-blitz-st-pauls-1666-great-fire.html
The Bank of England was established about 50 years after the Civil Wars in England. Cromwell was secretly given money (presumably gold) by Amsterdam Jews (the document proving this used to be on display in the British Museum). Cromwell had up-to-date cannon and won his war, unsurprisingly. I don’t know how much damage the Civil Wars caused; official historians tend not to mention such trifles. But conditions might not have been good for immigration. The ‘Great Fire’ may have (suggested by Jesse Waugh) been a land clearance scheme; I only realised this a few years ago. Then the Dutch monarch William in the ‘glorious Revolution’ introduced Jews — at that time Holland was a leading power, with west coast of Europe access to the Americas. The Bank of England was completed only 6 years after the ‘glorious revolution'; it must have been started soon after, I’d guess. St Paul’s was built around the same time, as a Protestant landmark. A lot of the historical mental landmarks were slipped in; for example Macaulay 150 years later praised the ‘Glorious Revolution’ in overblown language without mentioning Jews. The ‘Vicar of Bray’ did something similar. . Like ‘Bob’ I have a high opinion of Farrakhan. As well as Jews and slavery, he is good on the First World War and going to war for an extra percentage. He also is good on corruption; he correctly rejects the idea that e.g. African states are hugely corrupt COMPARED WITH the corruption caused by Jews in the rest of the world. NB he appears to be quite bulky — it struck me that maybe bowing from floor level five times a day is a callisthenic exercise.
Seraphim's Gravatar Seraphim May 6, 2015 - 9:03 pm | Permalink
While in general the Black Muslims embrace a fantasist mythology (vocally anti-christian) they have a point. The Jews dominated the slave trade from times immemorial.
“With the rise of Islam large opportunities were afforded to the Jews to supply Moslem slaves to the Christian world, and Christian slaves to that of Islam; and Ibn Khordadhbeh in the ninth century describes two routes by which Jewish slave-dealers carried such slaves from West to East and from East to West (see Commerce). According to Abraham ibn Ya’?ub, Byzantine Jews regularly purchased Slavs at Prague to be sold as slaves. Louis the Fair granted charters to Jews visiting his kingdom, permitting them to possess and sell slaves, provided the latter had not been baptized; three of these charters are still extant. Agobard claimed that, notwithstanding this provision, the Jews kept Christians as slaves, citing the instance of a Christian refugee from Cordova who declared that his coreligionists were frequently sold, as he had been, to the Moors. Many, indeed, of the Spanish Jews owed their wealth to the trade in Slavonian slaves brought from Andalusia (Grätz, “Gesch.” vii.). Similarly, the Jews of Verdun, about the year 949, purchased slaves in their neighborhood and sold them in Spain (Aronius, “Regesten,” No. 127). @http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/13798-slave-trade
And certainly there were not only blacks:
“At the end of the 19th and beginning of the twentieth century, Jews were deeply involved in what was popularly called “white slavery”: international prostitution rings. “White slavery,” notes scholar Albert Lindemann, “was a concern of Jewish leaders throughout the world, who recognized it as a special problem.” Jews have also dominated the pornography and commercial sexploitation business, a trend which continues to this day... “Between 1880 and 1939,” notes scholar Edward Bristow, “the Jews played a conspicuous role in ‘white slavery,’ as the commercial prostitution of that era was dramatically called. Not only was this Jewish participation conspicuous, it was historically unprecedented, geographically widespread, and fraught with collective political dangers... ‘Jewish trafficking,’ says Bristow, ‘was anchored in brothel keeping, women freelanced or kept houses while their husbands procured ... Jewish traffickers also supplied Gentile-run houses’.” ... [An] article in the New York Times (January 11, 1998)... described the horrible situation that Slavic Gentile prostitutes face today, trapped in Israel. As the Times notes, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and a resulting economic chaos, literally hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian women have been dispersed throughout the world, most entrapped in an international prostitution trade run by the “Russian mafia.” (Although it is certainly inferred, what the Times article does not overtly mention is that a significant part of the Russian mafia is Jewish. Glenn Frankel, however, a Washington Post correspondent in Jerusalem, took the perspective in 1994 that “there was much talk about the Russian mafia muscling in [to Israel], although the police and most crime experts agreed that the brothels were almost entirely under the control of the Israeli mafia and that the Russians worked mostly as low-level managers or hookers.” ... “Israel has become a routine destination for the global trafficking of women,” noted Leonard Fein in a 1998 Jewish Bulletin.” http://www.rense.com/general32/jewsandwhiteslavery.htm
The very name of Slave comes from the Slavs captured by the nomad tribes (Khazars, Tartars) in the territories inhabited by Slavic tribes—the ancestors of today’s Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Byelorussians, Ukrainians, and Russians, and sold on the European (Muslim Spain), North African and Oriental markets. The tradesmen were Jews, the “Radhanites (also Radanites, Arabic ??????? ar-Raðaniyya; Hebrew sing. ????? Radhani, pl. ?????? Radhanim), Jewish merchants from Spain and Southern France whose trade network covered much of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and parts of India and China.” (Wikipedia)
PaleoAtlantid's Gravatar PaleoAtlantid May 6, 2015 - 5:53 pm | Permalink
Re anon, according to revisionist historian Michael Hoffman, the commonly held belief that Jews entered England under Cromwell’s Protectorate is not true. While Cromwell did receive support from the Jews of Amsterdam and they did pressure him to grant admission to England, they were unable to do so because influential Puritans vigorously opposed anY change in the Edict of Expulsion of 1290. It was with the restoration of Charles II in 1660 that Jews filtered into England with the tacit encouragement of Charles II. Were the later Stuarts Jews? It is possible considering their Medici ancestors. Britain’s present “royal” family is undoubtedly heavily Jewish.
anon's Gravatar anon May 6, 2015 - 4:37 pm | Permalink
Bo Sears The puritans and pilgrims left England not because of Charles 1 but because they were such anti Christian bigots they did not want to live in a country where Christmas was celebrated. The main reason why English moved to the colonies was money and to make a better living. The Pilgrims and Jamestown settlers were sent there by venture capitalist companies that wanted to make money through the settlers. Tobacco and slaves were the big medium of trade; tobacco to England and slaves to America.
Charles 1 kept the avaricious jewish usurers out of England the great puritan hero Cromwell brought jewish usurers into England and they soon took over the entire financial system. Oliver Cromwell was a tool of Amsterdam jewish bankers.
js's Gravatar js May 6, 2015 - 3:16 pm | Permalink
A very interesting video of Louis Farrakhan relating how he was pressured by Jewish leaders to denounce the publication, The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, published by the Black Muslims. The book was actually researched by Jewish scholars on Jewish involvement in the slave trade to the Americas.
Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce “Secret Relationship” book
Lolocaust's Gravatar Lolocaust May 6, 2015 - 3:14 pm | Permalink
[...]twice the rate of Black women marrying Black men[...]
I believe that should read “Black women marrying White men”.
Rerevisionist's Gravatar Rerevisionist May 6, 2015 - 1:01 pm | Permalink
“I’ve heard it said that blacks growing up in northern ghettos saw only five whites —the Irish cop, the Jewish landlord, the Jewish grocer, the Jewish social worker and the Jewish teacher. The Chosen had a nice, profitable racket ministering to the poor. No wonder blacks turned on them. What did the Chosen really think —that the blacks didn’t know the Jews made money from their poverty?” — Instauration, Oct 1989. After Jews got control of the Fed, of course they could buy up any assets. Including black slums. Farrakhan seems to have a good grasp of this. Blacks do have some claim to reparations from Jews, when the Holocaust and other frauds by Jews come to be settled. Meanwhile Jews are actively promoting race war in the US by urging blacks to violence: TV clips show obviously staged events (e.g. blacks jumping on cars) along with anti-white propaganda, plus complete absence of reports of black crimes. The money supply, and the control of information, have to be targets.