“The Road to Hell is Paved with Jewish Intentions”—Rae West
“Be Jew Aware: Your Life May Depend On It”—Rae West
Christian Post has website christianpost.com written of course in American English for simple Americans, of whom there seem to be tens of millions. I encourage people NOT to log into their site out of curiosity, as they don't allow unsubscriptions—your 'request' to cancel isn't allowed. The only interest is the level of ordinariness which has to be assumed of their readership. It is an uncanny mimic of Jewish sites, with appeals for money combined with a dishonest lachrimatory history—early Christianity was destructive and culturally disastrous, relying heavily on bands of paid thugs. And of course Christianity is in symbiosis with Jews, though the connection is very carefully hidden. Christianity says it's evil to borrow, knowing perfectly well that people legitimately wanting loans would be driven to the 'services' of Jews, where Jews would ruin them. In return, Popes would issue Sicut Judaeis instructions though this is a later development than they like to admit.
It's not wildly known that the same sort of thing applies to Islam, where Muslims are supposed to borrow only from Jews, in exchange for the Jizya tax paid by Moslems.
Both groups have a supposed but of course mythical god and both think they share ancestry with figures such as Noah. There are some variations, such as treatment of slaves and women and 'education'. They both discourage useful work, something which comes easily to parasites but tends to be harmful to everyone else. It's difficult to know which group is the more stupid.
Celia Farber, as far as I know, is only on substack, a site which hosts many people and has a policy of asking for donations and/or paid subscriptions, though the take-up rate seems low. (She claims 24,000 subscribers). This woman says she is now in Spain, suggesting the the trained mind a Marrano Jew connection. She interested me by heavily promoting a video on Minneapolis, starting with 'George Floyd' being unpleasant (police bodycams) and having material on the town being deliberately ruined to devalue it and allow for profitable reconstruction.
This is recognisable as yet another Jewish strategy. The general idea is to identify a nominal head of something—town, union, trade—probably in the same way that kings were set up, with nominal power over whole regions, which could then be milked or pillaged. But only with a circle in on the secret. In this way, secrecy becomes a weapon, almost like physical weapons. I've personally only recently noticed this, studying 'Charles III' and his controllers, and projecting that system back through time, and back in terms of areas—for example, both Italy and Germany were unified under a single nominal head, of course a Jewish puppet. Similarly, ambitious English aristocrats were installed as 'Lords Spiritual', i.e supposed believers in Jewish bullshit, controlled by Archbishops.
Anyway, Farber is careful never to mention Jews. The video she was a claqueur for has dramatic excitable stuff, but as far as I know never mentions Jews. It's also on Youtube, a sure guarantee it's controlled.
HenryCKLiu.com Apparently a personal site, possibly from Hong Kong, supposedly presenting information on China. Ranked by siterankdata.com as 150,000 or something. Irritatingly, as siterankdata does not now record their estimates for sites they don't like, such as mine. I saw Liu on facebook, and had a look; it is HTML, with filenames down the left margin, and the rest of the screen with Liu's words, not the central strip of Wordpress.
Says it started 2006. Quite a lot on Hong Kong, finance rather than actual things, exchange rates, China and the world. No mention of Jews: it's more obvious with non-English sites, but clearly there's nothing on Jews and opium, Jews and the Federal Reserve, Jews and world wars, Jews and the invention of so-called Communism, Jews and weapons, Jews and the media, Jews and US politics.
If you believe 'East Asians' have highish IQs but are unoriginal, Henry will provide you with ammunition. I couldn't read all of the site, but I doubt there's anything original. Maybe that's why it's promoted.
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Newspaper format TheLIGHT 'The Uncensored Truth' Free newspaper when it's handed out; sold in batches. Also has a website thelightpaper.co.uk The copy I have was given by an elderly chap in Chester, called, or calling himself, Vic Button; he seems to have a corner pitch near the touristy part, and seems to welcome chats.
His website (I found later) says unpromisingly that he's a flat earther. Issue 35 monthly, it says. The website dates from 1999, says whois.sc ; the hardcopy suggest a date of Sept 2020. It may be a 'COVID' thing, intended to inform, or to mislead, on such events. I'd guess it's the latter, since it says the BBC mentioned them for three hours. This is a reference to someone called Marianna Spring, a 27-year old in a conspiracy programme, presumably on TV. The interviewee was Darren Nesbit (on whom I have no info). Probably therefore this is similar to the Daily Worker, if it still exists, which of course is Jewish-based.
There's a piece by a female widowed nurse, who says, I'd guess correctly, that her hubby was killed through not accepting the COVID fraud. She says the 'NHS killed him' which ignores the forces leading to the invention of the myth. It has some quite good though incomplete articles on things like 'climate change' and 9/11 and the BBC and child sex rings. The articles are usually by people with odd names and Jews. I was interested to see the distribution method and pleas for electronic money. A bit like the Big Issue with it's fake self-employed people. I suppose the BNP had a similar no-Jews policy. It's astonishing how the complete blanket of secrecy has kept Jews out of public awareness. Chester has a sandstone cathedral only a few hundred yards away, a monument to the colossal psyop of Christianity and its secretive income.
I liked their back numbers; for example they had investigated 'COVID' Pfizer data, masks, the names behind SAGE (carefully-chosen acronym for 'Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies') though some of this material may be copied. [Top of page]
SPECIAL REPORT facebook is well known of course for being taken over by the usual Jewish processes—of bogus money, plus the legal control of 'ownership'.
I haven't used facebook for years, partly because it's not trustworthy, partly because the users seem more or less idiots. However, I gave it a try recently, and am still on it as Raeto West at the time I write. I hadn't known it allows video and audio uploads; in response, I've uploaded Lords of the Nukes, and my packaging of Harold Hillman's cell biology critique, and a short vox pop video of people in Blackburn talking about the Jewish holofaux. Facebook allows very long videos; no doubt computer memory is now as cheap as it used to be expensive. Maybe I'll add more. I also typed in parts of my site, including https://big-lies.org/jews/index.html my popular chronology of Jews.
As far as I can tell, the taboos now are on Hitler as controlled opposition, despite it's obvious likeliness. I was invited into a secret group, The Truth is Out There, run by Chan Wen Shyang, with about 40 members, admission only by invitation, and found that he (they?) was adamant about Hitler. I had some comments by someone nicknamed Fawks, who clearly was a fool or a fool substitute. My questions were on Hexzane527 who has at least 30 well-honed comments on Hitler and the Second World War. These disappeared quickly.
But that's just one tiny group of trawlers. Another I looked at is an Anglo-Saxon group, their time being the post-Roman Empire early middle ages. Clearly there's a possibility that Roman contacts may have allowed Angles and Saxons to move to eastern England; not necessarily even a violent process, and a typical Jewish move. Disappointingly the noisier members prefer old fabrics and coins to the geopolitics of the world then. It's such a disappointment, like finding the apparently amiable Time Team host Tony Robinson (cough cough) was just another Jew, given sole right of speaking for the teams—presumably in case something 'sensitive' came up. [Top of page]
factcheck sites I haven't checked any of these in detail; there seems little point, since most will of course be Jew-controlled or friends-of-Jews, the latter including media, teachers, universities, police, military and 'intelligence' groups, statistical offices, and so on. UNESCO is in this conceptual field, too, though I doubt they are competent enough to do anything.
It's amusing to think that 'official opposition' turns out to be just another phrase for 'controlled opposition'.
factcheck.org is one such site. Probably it's automatically called up, since otherwise its reported hit rate is unnaturally high. This site is connected with 'Annenberg Public Policy Center', Univ of Pennsylvania, under the name Richard Cardona. Established it says 29 Sept 2003. A related site is wordfence which is a plug-in for WordPress sites, of which there are many, usually looking very similar to each other. [Top of page]
RALPH EPPERSON has a site trying to sell his material. He doesn't say; but his name and approach suggest he may be just another Jew doing what comes naturally. He seems mainly concerned to derail concerns about Jews; and to claim the USA 'has the only nukes'. I don't expect a reply:–
Possibly the title is a decoy, taken from a book title, Our Fragile World. Anyway, ourfiniteworld.com was created on 2007-06-12 on Tucows in the USA, as a Wordpress site. I think by 'gailtheactuary'. I'd never heard of them, but traced them from my site logs. I found https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/08/05/covid-19-vaccines-dont-really-work-as-hoped/ which of course links to the Jewish COVID fraud. Note the 'vaccines don't really work as hoped' trope, copied from the CDC and revealing complete ignorance of the practicalities of cell biology. Here's my comment response to the Hillman link in 'Vaccines [sic] don't really work as hoped':
• ActivistPost.com listed as site #80,000 by siterank data & established in 2010. Another disappointing site. It even quotes the ACLU! Nothing on US war crimes. Nothing useful on Jew money and how it's invented and how it gets into circulation. Nothing useful on weaponry. Rubbish about 'nukes' etc. COVID material gives nothing on the ultimate points of this fraud. Trash adverts. Very sad and run to Jew scheduling.
• YouAreNotSoSmart.com Interesting phoney site which seems devoted to COVID-19 only. This of course is a hugely-funded fraud. Quite amusing to non-Americans in its use of language—a bit like pidgin or simplified English—people of color, special communities, long COVID symptoms, liberal, conspiracy theories, who the influencers are, pre-bunking, lack of information we have to tackle. Comical to see and hear people planning in Jew-style to deceive. Paul Offit seems to be a main contributor.
• clearerthinking.org is linked to youarenotsosmart and is also a phoney site. Interesting bullshit. Linked for example to a TED video by presumably a Jew, Julia Galef, on the Dreyfus Affair. (A serious examination of Dreyfus is here). Just more sad Jew lies.
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• Some info on Bilderberg 2018—and a New Overview! www.conspiracyarchive.com has Bilderberg 2018: Trouble in Turin by by Will Banyan (October 16, 2018). I happen to have kept material on Bilderbergers from about 20 years ago, largely by Tony Gosling. (See his entry, below here in joff. False flags of years ago may surface; for example 'Alex Jones' of 'Infowars', clearly there to suppress Jew awareness, and incidentally carrying the burden of liar-for-life. An old Gosling page (with bright green background) is on this site as tonyhom.htm.
• 2 Image of Bilderberg Here's the carefully-built-up image (partly by Gosling in a large site www.bilderberg.org) of the Bilderberg Conference:–
‘Since 1954, Bilderberg meetings have brought together the most powerful people in the western world, bankers, the press, corporate interests and top politicians to discuss future policy. In 1954. Original chairman and founder of the club, ex-SS Nazi Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands owned the place.’
• Added 15 June 2021 AfricaIsACountry.com seems to be an English-language site. Aimed at rather old-fashioned Jew ideologies. The title seems aimed at the same sort of Jew-unification which produced the USA, USSR, EU, and assumes Jews will control finances. The submerged idea is that Africa is rich—meaning some people can make money from resources. It obviously doesn't mean blacks are rich! It says nothing about the huge population explosion since whites arrived. Jews seem to like the idea of vast moronic populations, though the Africa issue is something new in scale and kind.
• Added 3 May 2018 AlJazeera.com seems to be an Arabic and Moslem site, including parts of Africa, Indonesia, and the Middle East. It looks at first sight refreshing, compared with the junk US/ UK/ Canadian/ Australian Anglophonic media. It's rated by Alexa in the world's top few thousand sites. Founded 1996, 'JSC, is a state-funded broadcaster in Doha, Qatar'. Rather saddeningly, it's just another Jewish propaganda site, largely staffed by dusky types who presumably really believe in their violent junk Jew-based quasi-religion. An irritant is their avoidance of analysis of the realities of US, UK and other governments, which are talked about ignoring 'Jew' corruption. For example, they treat Balfour (and Sykes -George-Picot) without noting Jew puppets are NOT the same as the British: they discuss 'British' policy, the then 'British Empire', when Jews have been secretly influential in Britain since Cromwell's time. Much of the evil of European empires was in fact Jewish, such as the opium wars. To heal the world it's necessary to identify Jews, and, presumably, remove them. AlJazeera is essentially a Jew-Muslim site. Once you understand this, it's easy enough to disassemble the assumptions. For example, I see a piece on banlieus in France, described of course as poor and deprived, despite the vast subsidies and vast unelected immigration imposed on the real French by Jews. I was amused to see George Galloway, the supposed Scot, probably a crypto-Jew, mentioning his siring of children in Indonesia, presumably saying romantic things like "Me want fucky fucky, me have much English moneys". Anyway, just another Jew view; don't expect anything useful on Palestine, or Iran/ Iraq/ Syria... (or of course Qatar). Nuclear naive. • I wrote this in Jan 2017: AlJazeera.com
• Ancestry.co.uk Is a Jewish deception site aimed at race destruction, something people are being increasingly made aware of. A TV ad more or less in monochrome shows e.g. a Great War soldier dying—a cause dear to Jews. A similar cause is the Jewish suffragette and war campaign. An ancestry.co.uk TV ad has three black kids posing as white ancestors. The US version seems to be full of moronic blacks saying all this is 'awesome' and 'unreal'. The documents on births etc and marriages I presume must be out of copyright, but no doubt Jews running these things try to get copyright of different formats etc. As with DNA sites, I'd advise intelligent people to treat such sites with extreme caution, since they're clearly part of the dangerous anti-white viciousness of Jews.
• Armstrong Economics .com says it 'offers unique perspective [sic] intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment.' I checked to see their analyses of Jewish Paper money, the Fed, money depositories etc; of course there's nothing. Just another fake. I expect they have their own classification system, but I suppose 'second level controlled opposition' is near enough. I've added this because I noticed surprisingly little on economics in my 'joff' list. I suppose it's because it is designed to look a technical subject, so lightweight women would not contribute, and endless hired blokes are not attractive. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Buchanan.org is a disappointing site; almost its only critical point is the Second World War; Buchanan seems to have little interest in previous history. Nothing much on US war crimes and adventurism. And of course nothing much on Jews—the 9/11 link for instance seems unknown to Buchanan. He is also nuclear naive, happy to repeat whatever stuff he's been fed. Sad. Here's my review (may take time to load—it's part of a big file) of P J Buchanan's Churchill, Hitler, Unnecessary War [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Buzzfeed.com is a site I had never looked at; but in a video by Milo Yiannopoulos he says “young people (about 14?) fvcking hate buzzfeed”, so I looked. Just more junk Jewish media. According to Alexa this is one of the highest-readership websites in the USA. However, searching just two issues ('nuclear weapons' and 'Jews') this site is clearly rubbish, part of fear porn plus Jew lies. Here's my video: Jew Shock: Discover Jews - Your Life May Depend On It from which you can find why 'Jews' must be discussed. But don't waste time on Buzzfeed. You might like another video, on youtube Lords of the Nukes on the fake of nuclear weapons by Jews, which is about 3½ Hours long. But you might find it worthwhile to change your worldview (and laugh at US/North Korea posturing).
• The Conservative Woman ConservativeWoman.co.uk is a British site, aimed at a similar reader/viewer/listenership as such things as Woman's Hour, which (as far as I know) is still on BBC radio. This website perpetuates all the attitudinal and vocabulary positions enforced in particular since 1945, still the most important single ratchet of Jewish power. Here's a specimen absurd headline to one of their pieces (there aren't many): Mao and Stalin tested state plans to destruction. Why does Miliband think they will work this time round?—where the Jewish influence is omitted. (Both Miliband brothers think they are Jews, and are stated to be sons of Ralph Miliband, who helped mass murder in the USSR). When I say this is a 'British' site, this means Anglo-Jewish or some similar bit of crypsis.
• On the topic of 'conservatives'—nothing to do with conservation, except of Jewish lies, supremacy, and privilege—theconservativetreehouse.com is another Jew fraud. Just look at it. Experimentally, I tried posting to them (they were saying New York Jews should be entitled to break the 'coronavirus quarantine' stuff, although in fact Jews arranged the whole hoax. My comment didn't appear, of course. Just another junk site. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The Daily Bell is another Jew-concealing site specialising—if it can be called that—in the usual Jewish drivel. The reason I mention it here is because it is the first site known to me addressing the nuclear issue, which at some point Jew liars will have to face. It's a fairly mediocre nuclear exit strategy piece, admitting nuclear bombs were a fraud, but putting all the responsibility onto non-Jews. So I suppose this gives it some interest. In fact I wrote an entire shortish piece on it. Most of the material was taken from, and omitted from, this website. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Does this site mention Jewish control of currencies, giving a survey of all the African currencies?—Of course not. Does it survey Jewish ownership world-wide, mostly kept very secret?—Of course not. Does it mention Jew funding with junk currency of weapons and war, and the money they make from their sad black puppets?—Of course not. The target presumably is pathetic literate blacks, who can be rented to turn out this rubbish. [ Back to Top of This Page ]N
(Popular in North America, Britain, India, Germany. Registered 1996, in San Francisco. Currently lists Israel, North Korea, Ghana, Iran, Syria as special topics. Seems to be non-WordPress site. Investigations, including Jew Lobby in Britain early 2017) Two years later: I found an obviously fake piece about some ridiculous supposedly Swedish ugly cross-eyed tosser supposedly called Patrik Hermansson. And somewhere a fake on 'Israel's nuclear Option'. Same site. I listed this under jadar; sorry.
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It's amusing to see some reason jostling with the anti-human fanaticism of 'Jews'. We see pieces on Brexit, though of course the Jewish nature of the 'European Union' is unrecorded. We see material on the gender pay gap, which is unpopular with middle-class women—and notably Jewish women getting hand-outs from the Jewish money-printing machine. I can see no mention of the Jewishness of Cameron, May, and the other simple fanatics. The site remains worthless, when it isn't damaging, but clearly has increasing struggles when engaging with reality-minus-Jews. By chance, looking at emails about Rev Robert West, I came across this site, which I'd forgotten, again. (Typical topic: Corbyn on the Cold War. It's amusing to see the idea of Jews running the USA, USSR, UK, France, and Germany c.1945 is entirely missing. It's unlikely anyone reads that pseudo-Conservative site and keeps awake, but please click here and update your mind. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Thanks, Jews! Click for video on Bitchute
Did you know that there is a group of people out there that does an incredible amount of good for us? ... Youtube banned this - but here it is again!
The claim is the usual advertising lies: ' ... fresh angles on stories in the news ... signature wit and irreverence ... provocative commentary ...' The truth is the yawn-inducing self-referring Jewish BS worldwide—photos of Jews, whatever topic is being pushed—lies about nukes, lies about war crimes, lies about 9/11, lies about Africa (Jewish involvement not mentioned), lies about Jewish puppets (e.g. Obama), lies about the Fed, lies about Jews pushing for migration into white countries, and mentions (without race identification) of Jews in France, Jews in Arabia, Jews in Canada, Jews in the USA, Jews in Ukraine, Jews in Germany, Jews in Russia, Jews in Britain, Jews in Australia, ad nauseam. Discussion of Jewish media topics: Hollywood, TV, 'stars', the pathetic rubbish of jewish 'culture', the tweaking of little bits of history to hide the big picture. Continued censorship of black crime, Jewish fraud, mass murders in the USSR, the Holohoax, the dismal lies of 'education'. Ugh. Or yuk.
I just found another similar site, also with hardly credible Alexa ratings, westernjournalism.com. I searched their site with keyword 'Jews'; the first five entries were headlined 'Palestinian Arab Murders Two Israeli Jews in Tel Aviv After Prayer Service', 'Knife Jihad Against Jews Continues As Abba Tried to Unite Palestinian Factions in Struggle Against Israel', 'Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem Stormed by Arabs After New String of Attacks On Israeli Jews', 'Islamic State Orders - Go Find Jews and Murder Them', and 'While Jews are Falsely Accused of Invading Muslim Holy Sites, THIS Just Happened to a Jewish Holy Site'. Not much coverage of Deir Yassin or the Holocaust fraud! Not much on Jews and AIPAC forcing Muslim immigration into white countries! Just the usual disgusting hypocrisy.
An irritating site is irmep.org ('Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy', something to do with someone called Tom Woods). Lots of Israel-style light blue. It doesn't seem to mention the Federal Reserve (which permits the vast Jew money frauds), or the bias Jews have to raise government debt (because then they get interest in future). The site seems to want acknowledgement of Israeli 'nukes' but doesn't think inspection is likely—they muffle the question of whether nukes exist at all. It has some apparently anti-Jew pieces, like small segments of Jewish corruption, some of which may be useful; nothing like the full thing. On balance it's just another low-readership Jew fraud site in my opinion.
HenryMakow.com 'Henry Makow PhD' seems to claim a PhD in English from Toronto. Domaintools says the site had 45 IP changes in 17 years. The image is a solo person putting out his chaotic and unsourced thoughts. If it seems odd to list this site as Jew-unaware, it's because it's a distinctive 'blackwash' type of site. I'd guess it's appeal is to people who've had the usual Jew-controlled education, who consequently know nothing. No point trying reason with them! His articles on 'Coronavirus' fraud are frantic, but give no reasons why it's a fraud. They concentrate on repetition and something like insults to the readers. They do not give any theories apart from 'power' as to what was aimed at. I think he shows no signs of understanding the history of medical frauds, AIDS I think being the previous largest.
If I'm in the mood, I try a test list of topics: Does this site understand the view that WW2 was controlled by world Jews? What about the 30 years' war; what about the US 'Civil War'? What about China, for example the Opium Wars? Does the site have a view on nuclear weapons and nuclear energy and science frauds? Are there views on such things as currencies and long-term loans and land tenure? Anything useful on raw materials, minerals, fish?
I think Makow fails these tests. He or they or whoever list other people's keywords—Kabbalah, or Cabalah; Illuminati; Bin Laden; Zionism; Communism with a capital C; Betty Friedan; porn. The aim seems to be to try to 'blackwash', i.e. put genuine concerns amid badly-worded offputting stuff. Of course there are serious issues, but you'll get little from here.
http:/jihadwatch.org is a Jewish-controlled site; just look at it. I'm writing it up here after yet another false flag (supposed attack on a bridge in London next to 'Fishmongers Hall'—these liveried companies, or whatever they're called, it occurs to me must have been the precursor in mediaeval London to Freemasons, and more recently 'Common Purpose'. (CP, gettit?). I've had quite a few messages on my screen, the usual trash that their laughable trolls type. Incidentally Cressida Dick seems involved, as does the 'Chancellor of the Exchequer', at least for the present, Sajid Javid of Goldman Sachs (I checked!) I'd thought he was Home Secretary, but this seems to be 'Priti Patel'! Anyone except obvious Jews. As I type this, foreign-descended Boris Osman/ Boris 'Johnson' and eastern Jew-descended Corbyn are awaiting a General Election.
As an experiment, I subscribed. Messages on the screen are frequent; nothing on Jew frauds, Jews shooting Palestinians, Jew money from the USA, Rabbis fvcking kids. And a lot on their latest fraud at a bridge, none of course with any proof.
I found this site on the BNP website in 2007 and 2008. Maybe Nick Griffin was hiding things back then?
MuslimSkeptic.com has some fairly good pieces (see their Afghan piece post-US invasion on disabled children and women for example) but does not acknowledge Jewish roots of Islam, or domination of the world by Jewish money and loans. Seems concerned with heresies. 'Founded by Daniel Haqiqatjou, born in Houston, Texas from a liberal secular Muslim background. ... studying traditionally with respected scholars. He is founder of Alasna Institute.' So with hesitation I count this site as controlled opposition. Seems to have run since 2017; may be for sale.
Bill Warner of the USA (ex-physics professor; author of Sharia Law for non-Muslims) has material online about Islam on politicalislam.com/) which is interesting. But he has no idea about Jews or their connection with Islam. He even believes the Jewish 911 story. Of course he may believe he's a Jew himself, which is likely in view of his name and would explain everything, except that his real name is French.
And another US trash news site, toprightnews.com, with an impressive Alexa rating, though the bounce rate and daily page views tell another story. It's festooned with low-grade advertising; maybe Jewish money robbed from Americans is running thinner? It has the usual Jewish-pushed stories. Not really worth much comment. Maybe they'll put naked women in it soon?
A joke site worth a glance is Chatham House (famous for its 'Chatham House rules') which poses as a think-tank. Just browse its pages of nothing. It's a monument of what money can buy: nonentities, people like Miliband, endless liars, third-rate commentators. I'll leave it to someone else to examine the entrails. Suffice it to say it has absolute zero information on Jews, and nothing on any other serious subject, including the entire field of the past. This of course is not a new thing; from the Jewish point of view such organisations are a wearying bore, padding to muffle truths, probably cheap at the price, expenses to be offloaded onto other fools. It's a distraction from anything serious. Their Youtube site gives a clearer idea of what they're about, despite their negligible viewership: the stuff is third-rate entirely one-sided propaganda. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Conspiracy theories? Freemasons are one of the prime suspects. And of course so are Jews. www.thefraternity.info is (or appears to be) an in-house site on freemasons. It says nothing I could find on Jews (or on their own very serious activities) but can be useful if trying to check on towns, people, groups. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• https://www.globalresearch.ca GlobalResearch.ca supposed non-profit, apparently based in Canada. 'Membership' offered for payment. Appears to be linked to Chussodovsky a sort of Canadian version of Jewish fraud Chomsky. Perhaps he could change his name to something more manageable. Lists of topics -- but of course always evades the Jewish issues - Federal Reserve money, all the frauds, wars and atrocities of Jews. Don't fall for the serious-looking Jew deception! Some serious stuff, copied from other people. I's what Jews do. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Index Mundi dot com appears to be popular worldwide, with readership claimed around the world, only about 16% with the USA. It's a reference site, with a list of countries, and information about them, of a pub quiz factoid type, a mixture of fact, propaganda, and omissions. Worth pondering to see what's been missed out or hidden. It includes misinfo on numerous frauds, some rather old: for instance on AIDS and carbon dioxide. as 'positive disinformation'; of course there's also 'negative disinformation' on for example nuclear and war issues. Yawn. It takes the Jewish view on territory disputes: Tibet for example isn't even mentioned, but subsumed under 'China'. Israel has its own set of factoids. Much of this is taken from CIA references. Race issues as far as I could see are hidden: nothing on 'IQ' for example; I don't think there was much on hereditary problems, inbreeding, etc., nor on mass invasions as orchestrated by Jews and their puppets. Nor much on women, despite the Jewish use of women for political objects. For example, Saudi Arabia's entries had nothing on Sharia and women. As far as I could see, there's nothing useful on currencies and their control by Jews, though there are statements on things like 'narrow money' and gold holdings—there are no error estimates, which will amuse people with any grasp of the problems of identifying and measuring such things. There's no estimate of the proportion of GNP going to Jews and Jewish propaganda. Omissions include probable hazards: fluoride in water? Nerve-acting pesticides? Education: what's missing? I wonder if there's an alternative, real guide, by the Campaign for Real Truth?
However, they probably correctly list which side of the road these countries drive on, and dialling codes.
• I found the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) website via Youtube, having found a video 'Douglas Murray OWNS anti White racists on immigration'. Murray's knowledge of empires and colonies was unimpressive; I wouldn't be surprised if the videoed event was staged, judging by Murray's intense but manufactured-seeming hate for Assad. Anyway, on searching, Murray turns out to be 'Associate Director' of 'The Henry Jackson Society', a 'British-based think-tank'. Their list of Council Members may be worth pondering. Clicking on a few of their main site 'TOPICS' (from which Jews, Israel, immigration, genetics, banking etc are omitted—though there's some mention of abuses by Palestinians!) we soon find they know nothing of 9/11, or nuclear weapons, and pretend that Nuremberg was a genuine trial. They seem linked to the BBC—Murray apparently has been on Question Time, which of course still has the Jew Dimbleby as 'talent'. It strikes me as possible that Murray is part of the long-standing 'Scots Israelite' group, like Cameron, now with an ever-more elderly/retired entourage of fellow-travellers. My most likely interpretation is that the HJS is controlled opposition, for people concerned with the Jew-promoted invasion of Europe, perhaps including the USA and ANZ. Plenty of anti-Islamic material, therefore, but simultaneously nothing about Jewish-promoted invasion or its Jewish money-making schemes. I can't see anything useful here in the site, unless you seek new micro-agenda inventions, such as mercenaries, 'poverty eradication' fakes, 'infectious diseases', or regional information on (for example) North Korea, Australia, European countries, Japan—what new garbage are Jews planning?
They provide a handy list of their 'Projects', with a presentation mimicking academic sites; though these days it's hard to distinguish:
The Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism (CRT) ... providing top-quality, in-depth research coupled with the execution and implementation [sic] of targeted, tangible and impactful activities to combat the very real threat radical Islam poses to our society. Also: The Russia Studies Centre ('... promoting human rights and political liberty in the Russian Federation....'), Student Rights (' ... set up in June 2009 as a reaction to increasing political extremism and marginalisation of vulnerable students on campus.- - possibly a reference to 'Jews'). Centre for the New Middle East ('... fresh thinking, analytical research and policy solutions required to make geopolitical progress ... Established following ... "Arab Spring," ...). Strategic Analysis ('leverages the unique specialist capabilities of the ... Research Division to provide our clients with decision-ready, commercially relevant research, analysis and consulting services.' Sounds as though they provide businesses with info from spying organisations. The whole thing sounds like the activity attributed to Soros. Probably Hungary has a special place in the HJS hate list.
Douglas Murray '... previously founded the Centre for Social Cohesion, a think tank studying extremism and terrorism in the UK' I assume this is just another Jewish-funded quasi-think tank. The poor chap apparently writes for the Spectator and Standpoint (no, I haven't heard of it either) and the Sunday Times and Wall Street Journal. I note that Alan Mendoza is the 'Executive Director', presumably the highest appointee of the money suppliers. Anyone familiar with the Marrano idea might explore his activities. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
SPECIAL REPORT • impfen-nein-danke.de impfen-nein-danke.de is a leading German anti-vaccination site, including many topics, including whether viruses in the living sense exist, whether all vaccination is harmful, science fraud, the sociology of official sciences and the habits of practitioners. For English speakers translation can be set to automatic on request. The site appears to have had a considerable decline during the 'COVID scare of about 2020-2022 but I could find no discussion on this site. It may of course have been targetted.
I've put this in 'joff'/jew-ignorant sites since they have little or no discussion of the Jewish problems. In Germany, after the Jewish victory of the Second World War, this is unsurprising. But I'm a bit worried over other Jewish indicators. The section (2013 - 2023) on science fraud leads with a sentence from the Czech Jew Kafka, and follows with a comment by Pulitzer against secrecy! Then we have Max Planck in 1948, Feynman, an editor of the Lancet, and the book author of a Spielberg film. This sort of thing is worrying; so is the emphasis on non-white scientists, obviously a Jewish concern, in their promotion of race as non-existent, except for Jews.
They have a list of topics, (some may be from my site!) such as 'AIDS' and other frauds, though I can't relocate that section; I don't find the layout easy to use, though of course that's typical of most sites. But I recommend the general approach, which is thankfully free from the USA's obsession with Jewish religion. But bear in mind that Jews lie about everything, and will root out and destroy any evidence they dislike, if they can. It's possible in fact this site is funded or run by Jews, who of course will take out anything Jew-related, such as Fauci, Gates, Soros, all financial references, and comments on Jewish hostility to 'goyim'. The latter includes the intention to kill through injections. I have to say that population control is a serious topic, and the traditional expressions of horror, as with 'eugenics', are unrealistic. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• US anti-immigration, anti-illegals sites A high-hit rate site is Numbers USA . com but it is Jew-naive, and seems dominated by the laughable pastiches of religious men that flourish in the USA. Nothing whatever on the continuing pressures for immigration, and who they're from. Another site, the forum Americans for Legal Immigration PAC looks and reads like a Jewish front. With such a title, that would certainly be expected. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• ImmigrationWatchCanada.org is quite a good site (it looks a bit amateurish, possibly lacking Jewish funding). But it seems to mostly ignore Jewish pressure to harm Canada. It's an essential part of the picture, so this is regrettable. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• online 'news' source Hungarian Spectrum claims to have 'daily analyses of news from Hungary'—political, economic, and cultural. It says its 'primary pundit' is Eva Balogh, who is says taught East European history at Yale. Presumably she's related to the 'Jewish' Balogh, described by jokers as a brilliant economist, who did so much to help Harold Wilson are the 'Jew' controlled 'Labour' Party. Others on the website include Kim L Scheppele, Charles Gati, Randolph L. Braham ('director of the Rosenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York'); and someone called Janos Kornai, at some so-called university in Hungary. Encomia appropriate to fake 'Jew' scholarship.
Hungary has a tragic fairly recent history, including two world wars, the horrors of the Jew Bela Kun, the export of both science and social science fraudsters to the USA, and the force of the 'Jewish' EU against their population. They have a huge burden of gipsies, too. I wish them luck; maybe they're get it. David Irving's book Uprising! discusses Hungarians' attempt to fight against Jews, though like most of his books he is unaware of Jewish networking.
• DavidIcke.com is a fascinating mixture: part lizardy-aliens; part support for alternative views which must be risky for offialdom, for example the nuclear mythology about ten years ago, hosted on Icke's site, led by Roger Desjardins of Canada; part risky common-sense, as on 'coronavirus' and death certificates and other countries' policies; and part mainstream history, on 'Nazis' and 'fascism' and the rest, with almost total naivety about Jews. Though his site does allow some comment on 'Common Purpose' and I think Freemasons. He has a long memory - for example, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• ianrcrane.com is a site rather similar to Icke's; Ian R Crane has large pubic meetings. His site was started in July 2007.
I've just watched a 200 DVD Population Reduction & the End of an Age, which I bought at a public meeting in Lytham St Annes. (A member of Whitesnake was there!). This turned out to be alarmist, but had nothing on population reduction. And it omits Jews, and cannot therefore be serious. At the time a BP oil leak under the Atlantic seemed to be big news. Crane promoted the Aztecs; seemed to promote Goldman Sachs; and gave April 19th as a special date—the 'start of Beltane' and Hitler's birthday. Sigh. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Journeyman Pictures seems to be Australian-based, and/or something to do with John Pilger, yet another supposedly crusading journalist who never mentions Jewish paper money, Jewish frauds, Jewish lies. If you understand that, you know all you need to know. A typical empty piece is on China's empty cities; nothing on financing, debt, and so on—or the relation with Jewish paper money in the USA. Just more lightweight material. Another piece was called 'Happy Nazis', a typical 'Jew' propaganda piece with the usual rubbish. When Pilger does a summing-up piece of the balance sheet of say Vietnam, or Iraq—dollars vs lives—I'll believe he's serious. As far as an be easily seen, it's part of SBS, the so-called Special Broadcasting Service, described as a 'hybrid-funded Australian public broadcasting radio, online, and television network', 'Australia's multicultural and multilingual broadcaster.' Guess who.
UNZ.com according to Alexa. The name seems to come from a surname, I'd guess a truncated Jewish surname. I looked at this again, following up a remark by RamZPaul that he'd added his videos there. It's just a collection of discredited types conforming to something like the 'alt-right' label. Early April 2019: piece on the fake New Zealand shootings. Yawn. An earlier note of mine: General somewhat Jew-aware news site, with separate named contributors; including Steve Sailer, Philip Giraldi, Patrick Cockburn, John Pilger. But the general quality is feeble and propagandist and of little value. Hosted in USA, since 2013. Very high Alexa position in USA—and China, Canada, France, UK. China flag may attract Chinese readers? I have no idea what UNZ means!—I found UNZ means Ron Unz, 'Editor-in-chief and Publisher'. I was right about the quality, and moved the site here (from Jadar) as it has nothing on serious Jew damage. Here's my crit of Unz's feeble material, purporting to re-examine WW2.
At present I saw a piece on blacks in US towns, moved there ultimately by Jews, and given free violence passes by Jews. The site is a variation on how horrible Muslims are, without mentioning that Jews are bombing them and forcing them into white countries. Just more trash. It has a reference site, unz.org, which I haven't bothered with.
Revisited April 2020: many articles on 'coronavirus', but of course nothing serious on immunology, testing, epidemiology. Just light garbage which accurately reflects the Jewish attitude to knowledge—just buy it, or if that doesn't get the right answer hire 'presstitutes'.
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• katehon.com is a five-star site, said to be #140,000 or so in the world, based in Moscow, Russia. Created December 2014. Think tank claiming six editors, with what look like Russian names to me, but of course may be Jews. Has a long list of authors and their articles, including Marine Le Pen, Paul Gottfried, Sidney Petron, A.B. Sanderson. The title seems to refer to the Russian Orthodox Church. Gives a different view from Western Jewish media, but is presumably Russian Jewish media. Accepts the fragmented states view of WW2 which omits Jewish secret activity, and accepts the fake of nuclear weapons.
Interestingly non-monolithic world view, against Jewish New World Order, and presumably against Coudenhove-Kalergi, dividing the world into 9 'civilizations': Africa, Chinese, North American, Europe, Eurasia, Pacific, Indian, Islamic, Latin America. In Jewish fashion it ignores Christianity, ignores Jews, and doesn't see Islam as a Jewish offshoot.
• LipstickAlley.com Lipstick Alley is a forum aimed at US black women. It has a brownish near-city center slummy logo. This site's world ranking is something like #10,000. From Sept 2000. Economic status and ownership uncertain; but credibly stated to be Jewish. It's fascinating to see media control, and the way different groups are treated: it's nothing theoretical, but purely based on feedback. For example, black on white violence is not mentioned, but the obvious Jew anti-white psyops of the Trayvon Martin type are treated with reverence. Jew ownership of housing (so blacks pay for life), Jew wars, 9/11, Jew slavery, Jews in Africa and all the rest of it are censored. Conversely, approved piffle (without comment, I see Jennifer Boyle, Heidi Russo, Tamara Tattles listed by Alexa as keywords) and films, media crap etc can be obtained from other Jew groups. Nappy hair, big asses, celebrities, race issues must be based on feedback from interest—i.e. numbers of clicks and comments.
English speakers might do well to examine this (and similar) sites, since there's no formal language barrier as there is when studying Jewish media control in (say) Germany, France, and Spain. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• London Forum hosts several speakers, on occasional weekends. I carefully watched Ken O'Keefe Zionism is Doomed (Youtube; about an hour). It's an example of something which many people are becoming aware of, namely trying to assess the real views of speakers. I wasn't very happy with it on various counts.
(1) The story of his disarming one or two armed Israelis; true? Were they really scared kids, cowards?
(2) He describes himself, or allows himself to be described, as a 'veteran of the Gulf War'; creditable?
(3) He didn't even know the talk's title, and in fact provided no mechanism for the fall of 'Zionism', beyond hoping that Justice would follow truth;
(4) He described a Gaza man being shot 'in front of his 8 kids', and a boy being shot, in effect as as about the limit of horror. He must know many populations have been bombed, burnt, damaged, wrecked, raped, ruined, exterminated, far beyond that;
(5) He is gullible about 'nukes', and in fact says nothing useful about them;
(6) He seems holohoax unaware, and uses the slang term 'Nazis'; he doesn't even seem aware the Khazar idea vitiates the idea of 'Israel';
(7) He generously says he can understand why people would not forgive. But he forgave (unspecified) things done to him;
(8) He seemed unable to follow genetic possibilities, stating that he thinks Americans and Jews are alike in being 'supremacist', expecting to win without much effort;
(9) He says nothing much about paper money: what happened to a few trillion paper dollars, for example? What about several hundred BILLION to be paid by Germany? (5th June 2014). Doesn't sound like an immediate collapse to me. Rough estimates are completely missing, usually a sign of little insight.
He attributes all this purely to media brainwashing. His talk struck me as specially prepared, probably written, to appeal to Christian conditioning so far as it's superficially understood. Maybe the Catholic idea that mentally below normal people are innocent has been converted into the handy idea that Jewish crimes ought to be forgotten and forgiven?
Later London Forum seems to have improved a lot. They have interesting Youtubes: here for example is an architect, Peter Phillips, talking on the housing crisis in Britain and London: invaders being sudsidised for rent and housing as well as other expenses, illegal buildings being left unprosecuted, and foreign ownership of housing stock. The topic is vast, but the Jewish money behind it is more or less faced. Preceded by Jez Turner on the systematic denial of invasion into Britain, though he doesn't mention the Jewish roots are not mentioned by the media. Turner has also been stated to be a covert police agent.
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• Migration Watch UK Note: Sept 2020: Though Green still seems to be there, the Chairman is stated to be a Turkish Cypriot immigrant, Alp Mehmet. Many of the articles seem old. I could find no mention of Jews.
Andrew Green (=Andrew Fleming Green) is the head, or nominal head, of this outfit. I haven't begun to attempt looking at its staff quality and numbers, official connections (Fleming, b. 1941, held diplomatic posts—no info on what if anything he achieved, and various honours, including membership of the House of Lords). I could find no genealogical info. Migration Watch says it was founded in 2001. This of course is the time Tony Blair's Jewish immigration policies had some publicity. In view of Green's surname, and honours, and the post-1945 complete sweep of Jewish attitude world-wide, and even appearance on the BBC's Jewish Question Time and the tedious nerveless output of “Migration Watch”, and the absence of rational comment on Jews, I now think he's just controlled opposition. The website has no mention or analysis of the fact that Jews promote immigration into white countries. He's just another worthless timid money-taker, a career nonentity of the type that has ruined Britain from about 1900. I'm surprised I didn't notice before; it's very obvious. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Millennial Woes is an amiable Scottish cigarette-smoking commenter on some social issues (with an art degree). He never discusses Jews as far as I've noticed. The entire complex of Jewish paper money, Jewish wars, Palestine and endless entwinements in the world, are obscure to him. He runs a discussion channel on Youtube, of course a signal that the Jews who were funded to arrange Youtube accept his unfortunately shallow material.
Just watching his 'in depth' long interviews—Jared Taylor, Black Pigeon—where he says "we" say the sexes are the same, sex doesn't even exist—where both parties repeat Jewish media BS. (I thought I should mention him here!)
• Mozilla (Nov 2017 ish) is reported to have received a wad of paper money from 'philanthropist' Soros, as part of the Jewish 'fake news' project, possibly started by the absurd crone Hillary [sic] Clinton. Mozilla has or had an image as an independent browser; whether this was in fact true is hard to assess. Their 'Information Trust Initiative'—note the carefully-chosen approval words!—seems to be planned with another pre-emptive browser called brave.com to mop up people unhappy with Mozilla; its published list of experts or 'experts' has a high proportion of obvious Jews, and is clearly phoney. The principal problem with Mozilla is simply that they don't publish what their browser or extension might be intended to do. It would be amusing to get starred warnings Holohoax fraud, US war fraud, CIA, or whatever, but it's inconceivable that sh!t like Soros would fund that. Search engines and large sites (Youtube, Facebook, twitter...) have already been somewhat purged, and have 'sandboxes' making some topics hard to find. (Here's a Youtube of mine, Jew Shock: Discover Jews - Your Life May Depend on it (50 mins) as an example -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtwit5lLVRc —see if you can find it. Presumably Mozilla would try to ban it.)
My own experience suggests Jews want bans on [1] Soviet Union and Ukraine - any truths about these are banned [2] Hitler and any consideration, including the idea that the NSDAP was Jewish-controlled [3] Other Jewish war crimes, eg Kissinger and Vietnam, Palestine and Haganah etc [4] Consideration of Jewish race characteristics, e.g. Talmud causing fanaticism, tribal cohesion in telling lies, positioning puppets, influences on Christianity etc. [5] Anything related to Jew policies, in the past and now, such as fake crime figures of black on white violence, money-making from medical phonies, legal bias, Holohoax memorials etc etc [*Note] Jews will not draw attention to anything unfavourable to Jews, so in practice mixing details together gives some immunity. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Mumsnet from (I think) 2000 has become staggeringly popular, judging by Alexa.com's figures, at least in England, where mum = mom. The general chat is specifically English and reflects social conditions and all the rest. It is essentially middle class. No problems with that; however, it is festooned with adverts, badly-thought out campaigns, recommendations for vaccination, fashion tips, uncritical repetitions of 'news', make-up—generally aimed at unintellectual 'educated' women. Material on the reasons for immigration, money frauds, politicians who lie, and the Jewish involvement of all this, is censored; typically the spammers say they assume everyone favours so-called refugees in unlimited numbers to be 'welcomed', and is shocked by anyone not virtue signalling and claiming to not be racist. Except for Jews, of course. If you're happy for a ridiculous tribal group to misinform about for example child abuse, the low IQs of blacks, laws made up to attack you, and continued mass dishonesty about historical events including recent wars, then use mumsnet. If your own child is killed, don't blame me. I suppose it's up to the readers if they want to be informed about the modern world and how it developed.
This short piece is an attempt to awaken the more zombie-like of mums re education. Here's a sort of debate on Look-Say teaching in which I tried to explore the idea the worthless scheme was intended to damage education. Note the incomprehension of these mostly well-meaning women.
To re-emphasise: The immigration invasion of Europe and the USA, the attacks on Christianity, the advertising agencies and their pushing of mixed race families, the ever-increasing taxation, the wars for Jews, the advocacy of child sex, the censorship of Jewish money are examples of analogous topics which ought to be understood, but which mumsnet censors. They don't mind discussion of 'swinging' and promiscuous sex—usually a jew marker. I'd advise normal mothers to be cautious with this site, and in advising their children: Jews hate whites and love to see them stuck with mixed-race offspring, maybe with incurable sickle-cell anaemia, or backward mentally, or violent.[ Back to Top of This Page ]
• educationviews.org is a fascinating model of a completely Jew-naive 'education' site, worth a bit of study by propaganda researchers, but otherwise worthless. The appearance, typography, advertising, friendly biographical material ('Amanda Spielman chosen as new Ofsted chief - by British Broadcasting Corporation'), blandness ('When an army deploys in a foreign country, there are clear advantages if the soldiers are able to speak the local language'), Holocaustianity ('Too few teachers - particularly history teachers - are being trained to teach the Holocaust in England'), various commercial links (what is 'Lindamood-Learning Process' for example?) fit together into a unified whole of Internet dross.
An absolute gem of garbage! Supposed to be about #200,000 of US websites, though this figure shows Alexa inflation. Worth studying to see the way Jewish current projects are written up, for example 'LGBT' . There's even a photo of the ape Netanyahu. They layout uses links from the front page, quite a sensible idea, though there are badly-worded tabs, probably to make the site gluey and trackless. Predominately US viewership, and clearly aimed at the victim of US mal-education, but other viewers come from mixed sources: Romania and India.
May be a clone/ mimic/ hasbarat copy of a more popular site, EducationNews.org which is however roughly equally bad. Possibly this latter is aimed at nonwhites in the US, including invaders, and whites; with the former aimed at so-called 'Jews'.
A marooned site is www.cre.org, the so-called 'Campaign for Real Education'. The first thing on their site is upraised mixed race hands, a fairly sure sign of Jew influence—there are no such symbols in Jewish promo material. One of their deep concerns is that a lot of pupils have no idea what 'D-Day' means. Their official answer is: 'Only 28 per cent knew that D-Day was the beginning of the Allied liberation of occupied Europe'. Nothing that I could find on the disaster of 'look, say'. Nothing for that matter on racial differences in learning. Somewhere, they dated the decline from the 18th century!. They are coy about their funding, as is usual. Oh, well. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• MediaBiasFactCheck is amusing in the sense that it pretends to take (e.g.) NASA seriously—it's a pretty pure set of propaganda lies. I found it by way of trying to find NewObserverOnline,which runs stories on invasion and illegal immigration into Europe and the USA, mostly—all stories which are carefully researched and truthful. The site here (note the Jew-style simple English confusion of 'bias' with 'biassed', the Jewish-framed assumptions such as 'left' means Jewish and 'America' coincides with Jewish interests, and of course the irrelevant bits about Israel, provides indirect interest: if you're trying to research science frauds, or Jew money frauds, or medical frauds, you can be certain in an ugly way that the official sites listed here are junk propaganda. Here are a few to show the principle: Air & Space Magazine/ American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)/ American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)/ American Geophysical Union (AGU)/ American Institute of Physics (AIP)/ American Journal of Archaeology/ American Physical Society (APS)/ American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA)/ American Scientist
• NewObserverUK dates from March 2012. Registered in California. It may have preceded Arthur Kemp's New Observer Online, which seems to have disappeared after a long moribund period. Siterankdata only has data for 2018, where it seems to have a few months promotional activity. Claims to be run by someone with interests in photography and politics. Absolutely nothing on Jews. It seems to be Russian or Bulgarian and is likely to be Jewish. It has book reviews which I'd guess are promotional, not genuine reviews. Another insult to dead victims of Jews. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• niggermania.net or niggermania.com seems to be a black-aware site, dating from 2003, but it has a Jew-managed feel. Nothing on Jewish policy to flood white countries with blacks, on on Jews doing this. Forum topics include Israel knows how to deal with niggers, Niggers mobs beating on Jews in New York, Feds Sue New Black Panthers Alleging Voter Intimidation, 'White Israelite', 'can there be peace on earth with the Caucasian still on it??' There's reliance on official statistics on education, and legal niceties, which are characteristic of Jewish attitudes, plus of course censorship of Jews and slaves, Jews fomenting wars, etc.
• Nobel Prizes and Pulitzer Prizes have had a longish run now, and their obvious whitewashing function is by now very clear. Nobel Peace Prizes have been awarded since 1901 (see nobelprize.org to: Obama (real name Barry Soetero?), Martin Luther King Jr (plagiarist, liar etc), Henry Kissinger (Jew mass murderer), Woodrow Wilson (after vowing to keep the US out of WW1), ICAN on nuclear weapons (check it out; and check Rotblat and Pugwash), the EU (Jewish-run occupation), Mandela, Elie Wiesel the notorious fraud, 'Mother Teresa'. There must be websites investigating this parade of ghastliness. There must be people burrowing into science awards; Bernard Katz being one. Such people can lay false trails for years; possibly centuries. Pulitzer Prizes belong here too, essentially awards by Jews for their supporters. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• panarchy.org is an academic, or supposedly academic, site, which seems to be very popular, though this may be some artefact of the site reporting software I happened to use. Panarchy is an 1860 novel or utopian opus by Paul Émile de Puydt. The website has a mixture of extracts, from diverse sources, such as Acton on nationalism, Hannah Arendt, the Jewess holocaust fraudster once regarded by Jews as a serious thinker, Karl Marx, Shelley, Mary Shelley (The Last Man), Godwin, Wells (Open Conspiracy, Friedrich Hayek... But never ever, I think, mentions Jews or Jewish beliefs. Entire emphasis on verbal formulations; precision is pretty well non-existent.
• pastebin.com seems to have a long history, dating back to the start of Internet, originally for chunks of computer programs, which usually have to be in plain text, avoiding formatting and other special characters. I only heard of it recently. Although it claims to still be used as an Information technology site (though I could find nothing in depth on Windows 10) and is listed in the top few thousand of USA sites by Alexa, in fact it has political material, and private material (I think for example of a laptop stolen from David Irving). It claims to have some material on the 'KKK', listing some information as having > 1 million downloads. However—surprise!—nothing detectable on Jewish frauds and lies. Just another joff site. The hidden material, uploaded into private folders, must be the dominant material, which I'd guess is (and maybe ought to be) readable by some officials. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• PatriotsInformationHotline or Patriots Information hotline is a US site supposedly giving information for the US border area. I site-grabbed much of it; the word 'Jew' is mentioned about 4 times. There's a reference to Pamela Geller (and the 'Muslim Brotherhood'). The purpose of the site may be to lure people in, by live phone or other contact method. There are personal accounts of Mexicans and others, though the detail is pale and watered-down. If there are men with rifles thinking of going to the border, I'd advise caution. This site may be a trap. The political and propaganda part of Jews in the USA is not mentioned. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Pewdiepie has emerged as the leading Youtube channel personality, apparently genuinely. I think he's Swedish, male, white, late 20s?, called Felix Kjellberg, living in Britain, with a young Italian woman. It's amusing to watch jealous Jewish commentators mispronounce his name (should sound like 'Shellberg') deliberately; they must know how to say it, but Pewdiepie may have made more money than they will in their lifetimes. His videos are/were based on screen captures of video games, a large if shallow source of comedic possibilities. His videos mostly are put together from small segments; I estimate TV sitcoms have 10 seconds between jokes; Pewdiepie's interval is more like 2 seconds—typical US-style lightweight stuff: funny voices, songs which all the audience will have been exposed to, joke subtitles, some US-style comedy cruelty, a bit of cross-dressing, a running joke with a cardboard cutout, out-of-focus close-ups, block lettering filling the screen. He's Swedish; now... what is it about Sweden? Is there anything that might be said? Anyway, Kjellberg is too naive, ignorant, or cautious to say it. He claims to do his videos mostly from one room, but, since he worked with a Disney company, this need not be taken seriously. His only relevance here is a mass-promoted 'fake news' meme, on 'fascism'. It's amusing to see J K Rowling, not known for her knowledge of Italian politics, weigh in with light comments. At the time I type these words, it's unclear whether Kjellberg will say anything positive; he seems to be making contrite facial expressions and pseudo-apologies. Will he man up? I doubt it, hence his inclusion here. But you never know. *Nervous cough*. Very likely he's just another Jew, in contact with the Bonnier jew supremacists.
• Philosophy of Metrics (POM for short; started 1 Jan 2014, currently paid to 1 Jan 2018. One-man site, all apparently by Canadian J C Collins. High-ranking site with well-worked out financial contributions system). '... the methodology of understanding the world through logical patterns and esoteric processes. ...' with hints at investment strategies, economics as neologisms and other things presumably intended to sound technically competent, and to appeal to searchers for ways forward. I'm not a subscriber, but could find nothing suggesting insight into Jews—bit of a defect when dealing with large-scale finance. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Pienmashfilms seems to be a videomaking outfit, specialising in interviews with child abuse victims and, if possible, with abusers. Probably the name is some pun on child sex. The perpetrators include, or suggest, royalty and Catholics. Maybe the BBC. But the vast contributions of Jews to such activities go unremarked. Most people for example have no idea that sex with tiny children is approved by Jews and by Islam: they don't link paedophile 'activists' in the 1970s with today. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Pitkin Guide Books Not a online site. These are picture books for the naive; and, of course, Jew-naive. Pitkin has been at the forefront of heritage publishing for over seventy years. The founder, Mr Pitkin, was a post-war entrepreneur devoted to publishing highly illustrated souvenir guidebooks that commemorated special people and events in British history. One of the earliest souvenirs was for Princess Elizabeth's wedding day in 1947, and subsequent publications documented other memorable royal occasions. ... cathedrals, stately homes, museums, An interesting corner of Jew censorship in Britain. Aimed at the 'Antiques Roadshow' type of person. To prevent people knowing their own history. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Popular Mechanics is well-known now as a Jewish puppet, from its publication of obviously false material on 9/11. I noticed in mid-2015 they're promoting the Jewish fraud of 'thorium power' although this of course is not exactly mechanics, or popular. Probably FirstClassSkeptic has identified how this happened: Old Popular Science and Mechanix Illustrated used to show how to build some really neat things. But what happened was, some folks build them things and hurt themselves, and then got some attorney to sue the magazine, and they won big. As a result, these magazine stopped printing articles like that. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Another Angry Voice or AAV is a recently-started blog by someone proud of his academic economics. Perhaps it's needless to say that the site has no consideration of paper money as a monopoly awarded to the Federal reserve, nothing about interest on that fake debt, and nothing on the predictions that can be made of profit-maximising behaviour by Jews under those circumstances. This is a British site, and an interesting uncomprehending comment looked at an American, who called Milton Friedman a 'Jewish Communist'. The Briton had absolutely no idea of the connection between Jews, paper money as a Jewish monopoly, 'Communism', and 'Capitalism'. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• politicalvelcraft.org (until 3 Dec 2014, listed on my JADAR pages) is possibly a type of site on the increase. As awareness of Jews increases, there will be separation pressures on the various Jewish fraud interest groups. 'Political Velcraft' looks to me a defensive action by the 'nuke fraud' 'industries', aiming to distance them from (for example) Jewish financial frauds. The evidence is simply that Jews are criticised in a historical way, but only in part; their agents and fellow-travellers are less criticised. Maybe they want to oust Jews, and take over themselves, not in every aspect, but just their own. It might work: after all, Jews did the same thing the other way round—why not roll them back? And why not keep the frauds going? [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• pravdareport.com
• Rand.org Supposedly started in 1987; and rated as about 40,000th in the world (May 2020). At present it includes multiple entries - rubbish on coronavirus, global warming, arms sales and of course nothing on serious issues. I'm typing this only because Jan Lamprecht of HistoryReviewed.com wrote jubilantly that white males are increasingly sceptical of 'mainstream' Jew-funded media. It's quite amusing to read their almost childish 'analyses' of the media, and such things as Trump voters and Clinton [i.e. Hillary] voters. At least if gives Jewish women simple 'work'. Claims to be 'most trusted' on health! It does have one single mention of a Sackler 'big pharma' bid. Maybe they're 'most trusted' by liars. Added 2 May 2020 [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Public Relations Porter Novelli 'is a public relations firm, part of Omnicom Group. It has approximately 100 offices in 60 countries'. Headquarters in New York. Hindquarters elsewhere. It's interesting to see PR extending into science and technology. Clients or associates or whatever include(d) the 'Peace Corps', the US 'National Institutes of Health;, the 'Information Technology sector and pharmaceuticals.' I wondered if this included the Sacklers. I found these from 'Center for Climate Change Communication' at George Mason University, a 'public research university' in Virginia, which seems to take money from anyone having a hard time making a good impression—'We need people like you to step up and speak out on behalf of those who are vulnerable and in need' is one formulation. Telling lies for Jews might be another. We have a 'climate change' place, not for people who know about it, but investigators into opinion polls etc and 'black and hispanic' 'journalists'. Even including the Pope! Apparently their best is Edward Maibach – a communication scientist who is expert in the uses of strategic communication and social marketing to address climate change and related public health challenges. ... [he is] funded by NSF, NASA and private foundations ... and he currently advises myriad government agencies, museums, science societies and civic organizations on their climate change public engagement initiatives. Previously, Ed has served as an Associate Director of the National Cancer Institute, ... and as Chairman of the Board for Kidsave International. If you're a starving child or victim of health fraud, or annoyed with fake science and/or Nasa, you're in luck. Aren't you.
Added 30 Nov 2018 [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Semantic-Visions.com
• slashdot.org showed up on my AWStats. It seems entirely typical of a managed 'news' site. I hadn't heard of it; apparently it started life as a forum for posts by 'nerds', usually software types with a bit of simple hardware. There are grabbed versions on archive.org showing (I think) change to increased money and increased ordinariness; I think probably the general expansion of Internet was interpreted by the low-level money types as expansion of this site. As with James Randi's 'educational' propaganda site, there is no discernible mention of Jews anywhere. Just another constantly moderated bunch of nothing definitive. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• snopes.com is supposed to be a general conspiracy and alternative site, I think... I just found a self-description as an urban legend and rumor research and fact checking site. I noticed it in Miles Mathis's article on Charlottesville. It has nothing on nuclear frauds, science frauds generally, or Jews, my usual simple touchstones. I couldn't find anything serious for example on 'North Korean nukes'. But it does have a page ('Inboxer Rebellion'—suggesting some sophistication) listing scams aimed at the coupon-clipper classes. My best guess is the target group is Americans exposed to the Jewish 'education' system, i.e. vast numbers of Americans, the type who click on teaser images and who think film/TV information is a sign of knowledge. I have not checked their Biblical material, which I'd expect to find, and guess it would be 'Judeo-Christian'. But it does seem to have genuine warnings of scams. Is it possible companies might have to pay to have scams mentioned?
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• socialtechnologies.com.au is an Australian site, of Frank Kemp Salter, in the mould of supposedly serious social research. A new piece on Germany begins: ABSTRACT: Based on social science research, the presentation documents the likely costs and benefits of the large influx of immigrants into Germany and other European countries, that accelerated in 2015. The prospective costs far outweigh the benefits projected by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her supporters. ... Of course, Merkel and other Jews know exactly what they're doing, but poor Salter is unable to grasp that simple fact. He can't understand Jews want government debt, because they control money and get paid for debt. He has no idea about Jews in history, despite his claims to study population genetics. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• TheRebel.is seems based in Iceland ('Registration of .is domains is open to all persons and companies without any special restriction') but it seems to be run by third-rate journalists from Australia and Canada. Hard to review as its software, at the time of writing, is partly defective. At first sight it looks a serious site, with names of serious critics of Jews, but the mixture with jokes and non-serious people, Jew apologists, and irreleventsia and misinformation show it's a fake. I advise people not to use this obscure little site and not to register, unless they are a lot happier than me. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• spiked-online.com or Spiked or Sp!ked seems to be aiming at shallow-minded people who can read, but have no special skills; they certainly take advantage of deliberate mal-education. Presumably the name comes from written articles stuck on a spike—amusingly outdated. It's rubbish, in the same mould as Private Eye and the 'New Statesman', with colour pictures and graphics and what they would call blokeish or laddish slang. Or perhaps Chomsky and Zinn and such Jewish types are a closer match. The nominal editor is not, at least apparently, a Jew.
Jews always invent massacres in all their wars; they must have specialist departments. ... the Srebernica massacre is paying dividends for Europe's ruling elites two decades later. For in the cultural war, new ways of demonising Whites have to be continually rolled out. ... British Muslims [sic] need to have a "holocaust" of their own, and this one fits the bill perfectly. Despite the unlikelihood of most British/ Pakistani Muslims being able to find Bosnia on a map, it will help them burnish their victimhood credentials. Of course there are no shortage of massacres of Muslims in the world but they are usually carried out by other Muslims or Israelis and therefore not fit for purpose. This one was carried out by Whites and is much more useful.
shitskin.com is or was a probably genuine site, but it may have been forced off Internet. ChimpOut.com may also have been genuine, and targeted for that reason. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Seems to be a 2001 site based in Switzerland and owned or run by Gian Pierode Bellis. About #63,000 in the world, says siterankdata.com though this was its high point. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Russian site, listed as about #100,000 in the world. For some reason, Alexa shows hits from USA and UK, Spain and India—but not Russia. Puzzling site, perhaps aimed at average people. Its idea of science includes aliens and UFOs etc. Its history suggests the USA dustbowl and unemployment era led to c 10M deaths in the USA. It dislikes Spain, partly because of the Inquisition. BUT it completely elides out the influence of Jews, and is obviously propagandist. This may be a Stalinist site, or otherwise be Jewish. Added 20 Aug 2018 [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Worried about 'Artificial Intelligence'? Intrigued by data mining? I noticed from my logs that this site looked at big-lies.org - I haven't heard of it. Czech based, apparently with about ten members, one of them as their public face and viewable on Youtube. Youtube has silenced most of my videos, and will certainly not show anything Jew-aware or otherwise high-risk. Semantic Visions claim to look at much of the world's press, and provide warnings, including business info and material on big charities. And trends, solutions etc, with hints of aids for huge businesses. They don't seem to have been working lately; public material looks at the 2016 US election (Trump, H Clinton) and Russian Propaganda on European Leaders (with image of Merkel et al.)
‘Semantic Visions' solutions have been successfully integrated into the world's largest business commerce network SAP Ariba.’
I have wondered whether data mining might flag suspicious events—nuclear weapons and power? NASA? 9/11? With some thermodynamic-like analysis of improbabilities. War threats? Jewish frauds? But it seems not.
Added 20 April 2019 [ Back to Top of This Page ]
The oldest (2006) notice I found about Sp!iked is by Luke O'Farrell, long since vanished. O'Farrell was a skilled writer, and his article on Sp!ked is good.
They have some trouble finding writers; they even use the jew Frank Furedi, who is or was a Professor of Sociology at Canterbury, despite being a Jew fanatic, whose presumably Jewish wife helps or helped run abortion centres. I've just found my review of New Ideology of Imperialism, an unimportant thing which of course ignores Jewish money power and Jewish weapons and pretends to have moral standing. Extraordinary stuff. No doubt Canterbury, if it hadn't given Furedi a job, would have had its finances mysteriously curtailed. It's obviously part of the Jewish wriggling to get effective monopolies in online media. The comments so far as I've bothered are all Jewish supremacists and other liars. As a study, here's an example of a new mythology being manufactured by Jews and their puppets, such as Sp!ked. An article and comments from TheOccidentalObserver on How the Muslims got a "holocaust" of their own (July 20, 2015. By Francis Carr Begbie. Comments nicknamed)
Precious Jews Worthless Whites is a much more recent (2023) piece in the Occidental Observer, by 'Tobias Langdon'. Most of the competent writers there are British, incidentally. He says the editor of Sp!ked is Tom Slater. And that Spi!ked never mentioned the rape and murder of, and thefts from, Susan Hawkey, but did emphasise two apparent Muslims ripping down Jewish 'vicsim' pictures. It's what Jews do.
To ram this message home, live BBC programmes [the BBC's 'controller of television' is the ugly Jew Daniel Cohen. I just noticed a BBC link: To forget the horrors of World War 2, people enjoyed big bands, with a photo of 'Duke Ellington'. Jews will never stop lying] have been broadcasting local commemorative events across Britain with special emphasis on towns with large Islamic populations such as Oldham, Burnley, Blackburn, Northampton and Rochdale which, curiously enough, are also among the towns plagued by the worst cases of Muslim child sex abuse rings. With a Downing Street reception [the 'Prime Minister' David Cameron thinks he's a Jew], Royal visit, church services in the Scottish and Welsh capitals, nobody could accuse the government of not doing enough to mark the occasion. Celebrity supporters include prominent [Romanian Jewish] Speaker of House of Commons John Bercow, and actor Simon Callow. Baroness Doreen Lawrence, mother of the martyred Stephen, [heavily promoted by Jews] lent her name. Even Angelina Jolie [ageing actress in the Jewish 'entertainment' 'industry'] has been roped in.
It is also a big payday for the booming international genocide industry with conferences at the University of London and in Washington at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. In London the Wiener Library for the Study of Genocide and Holocaust will be the venue for the "multi-faith" launch of new charity, Remembering Srebrenica which will be spending £1 million of taxpayers' money sending hundreds of British kids to Bosnia every year to remember the occasion. The charity is off to a good start with the BBC devoting a prime time television documentary to its activities. For Dr Alexander Korb, [thinks he's a Jew] director of the University of Leicester's Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Srebrenica had a special resonance. "What seems to be like a distant shadow of the horrors of the Holocaust, happened just 20 years ago on our doorstep, in the middle of Europe, during the Bosnian wars." Even while the Bosnian war was going on there were those who were not slow to see the strategic advantage. Zbigniew Brzezinski [thinks he's a Jew] used it to invoke the holocaust and said never again.Don't be duped by these lies. Do not donate or buy.
Much effort has gone into shackling the two "holocausts" together. Groups such as the American Jewish Committee and Jewish Council for Public Affairs have led the pursuit of alleged (Serbian) war criminals. Bosnia is one of the few places that host Jewish-Muslim multi-faith conferences. [Note: material on the strange relationships between Jews, including Khazars, and Islam—essentially Judaism with a different tribe, plus conversion, presumably poached from Christianity. Jews have a tradition of co-operating with Muslims against whites: here's a review of a book on Islam and Europe (long file warning!)]
It has all been helpfully spelled out in the Jewish Chronicle by prominent neocon and leader writer for [Jewish-owned] The Times Oliver Kamm [thinks he's Jewish]. In a 2012 article he wrote: Jews have a particular interest in helping to ensure that the human costs of what followed are accurately recounted. The facts of the genocidal assault on Bosnia's Muslims are so horrific that a cottage industry of denial has since grown up. You will find websites claiming that the number of victims of the Srebrenica massacre has been exaggerated, and that those who died were killed in combat. This material is not just the equivalent of Holocaust denial, but the same fraudulent argument. It should be recognised and named for what it is: genocide denial.
Plus a lot more; I congratulate Begbie on trawling through repulsive Jewish media garbage. Begbie's conclusions:
So in conclusion, Srebrenica is useful for our hostile elites for three quite different reasons:
1. Srebrenica is used to reinforce the moral touchstone of Nazis murdering Jews in World War II—the ultimate holocaust. To be effective, propaganda must be constantly repeated. Srebrenica thus offers a golden opportunity to once again put the Jewish holocaust in the forefront of public consciousness and to promote the idea of Jews as the ultimate victims (after all, 8000 pales in comparison to 6,000,000). [Begbie shies away from explicitly saying the 'Holocaust' is a Jewish fraud, rigged up by Jews in the USSR, Britain, and USA].
2. Srebrenica is used to promote the ideal of a multicultural Europe that includes Muslims. Europe must do all it can to protect Muslim communities within its borders. The most revealing quote about the Balkans conflict came from General Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, [apparently he thinks he's a Jew] from 1997 to 2000. "In the modern Europe there is no room for homogenous nation states. It was an idea from the 1800s and we are going to carry [multiculturalism] through...and we are going to create multi-ethnic states." It is highly unlikely that there would be accusations of genocide if the victims in Srebrenica were Christians.
3. Srebrenica is useful for rationalizing Western intervention in civil wars around the world. This ideology of making the world safe for democracy and human rights is tailor-made for neocons bent on intervening in wars against governments they don't like—always exempting Israel with its horrific record of violence and oppression of the Palestinians.
• StewartSynopsis.com is an interesting 1M or so Alexa Global rank site, taken from other sources, aimed at black readers. Although it has material on pre-Jew religions, notably in Egypt and Africa, it is naive about more modern Jew influence, for example on slavery, and on militarism. (For example, Trump permits an Africa military command, allowed to act in complete secrecy). And naive on e.g. AIDS, genetics, and Jew lies, finance and cruelty. Sites like this are quite rare, since Internet remains fairly rare in Africa.
• truthseeker.co.uk Alexa-listed as about 125,000 in the world. It's a mixed bag, a news format blog which lists articles (but not replies and comments), for my taste an attempt to shore up Jews with a pretence of criticism in which the main struts of Jewish power, never to be questioned, are indeed not questioned. These include: nuclear weapons, Jewish money power from the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve, Jewish crimes—notably Stalin's mass murders, the 'Holodomor', and provoking of the Second World War, Jewish profits from weapons and wars (as for example in the Vietnam War and 'Cold War'), Jewish control of media, news, union, teaching, and think-tank funding, and of course the never-questioned evil Nazis, evil Hitler, wonderful Churchill etc. I'm unsure how devoted they are to the 'Holocaust' fraud; I'd guess it's on their phase-it-out (provided the money flow isn't stopped) list.
Another absentee topic is mention of innocenticide in Korea and Vietnam. Mustn't touch that. Even The Occidental Observer (TheOccidentalObserver) will not discuss white soldier violence and innocenticide; my comments including such topics are excluded. Incidentally, a Jew-evading site is Charles Martel Society, which is propaganda against Muslims, but without ever discussing the role of 'Jews' in forcing them onto the white world. This society publishes Kevin MacDonald's The Occidental Quarterly, more evidence that MacDonald's Occidental Observer is propagandist.
Their list of columnists, which includes pseudonyms and may or may not be confirmed by the people themselves, is at the time of writing (in full; descriptions highly abbreviated): Charley Reese, Israel Shamir ('an outspoken critic of Israel and Zionism'), Christopher Bollyn, John Pilger ('many years of experience in the world of politics and international conflict'), Uri Avnery, Gilad Atzmon, Rixon Stewart, John Kaminski, Xymphora, Kurt Nimmo, Riverbend ('in occupied Baghdad'), Dahr Jamail ('often has free access to areas and situations avoided by Western journalists'), Rigorous Intuition (=Jeff Wells), Wayne Madsen ('Washington insider'), Greg Szymanski, Paul Joseph Watson, T Stokes ('was an investigator into the paranormal and the occult and former member of British Intelligence'), Mike Whitney, Craig Murray, Smoking Mirrors (=Les Visible and maybe Profiles in Evil), Mike James ('former freelance journalist'), Kevin Boyle, Vigilant Citizen ('explains the hidden occult symbolism behind much of modern culture'), Mike Adams, Kevin MacDonald Ph.D. (of TheOccidentalObserver.net), Paul Craig Roberts ('an economist'), Dr Lasha Darkmoon (=Pandora Pushkin), Nick Kollerstrom (author of ... 'Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7, an Investigation', Jim Stone ('Rebel of Oz'), and Robert Fisk ('Correspondent for the Independent'), Jeff C.
There's a piece requoted from a newspaper, by John Pilger, on journalists, which is interesting as pretending the journalists were ever honest or useful in recent-ish times. Incidentally, he never seems to mention the BBC, despite the rich compost from that organisation ever since its foundation. Maybe journalism schools are meeting some resistance, even from the simpletons? Who knows. Without being 100% certain, I'd suggest anyone reading 'truthseeker' be on guard, of course notably with the interests dear to the fanatics who think they are Jews. The fact that Fisk is included is enough to discredit the site.
[Another fake site, which spammed my site, is the oddly-named shoah org uk, supposedly about the 'Palestinian Holocaust', and listing a Communist Party in its blogroll, and quotes extensively from the Jewish junk media, seems to be intended mainly to stir up nuclear fears, I'd guess among people who think they are 'Jews'. The purpose of 'Shoah.' is to advocate for the Human Rights of the Palestinians. is their claim]. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• TheMadTruther.com Online Oct 2017. Site ranking said to be 515,060 in Jan 20 2023. Says it copies other work, but will remove it if asked. The result is a mixed bag, but omitting any analysis of Jewish theory and practice, with nothing on freemasons, common purpose, world wars, money, 'intelligence, etc etc. Pretty much a ragbag of claptrap. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• twitter of course censors Jewish informational stuff. I noticed—more or less randomly—Mike Yardley, who claims ‘I'm a writer, broadcaster, military historian & psychologist. I campaign for Liberty, better political representation & against PC censorship. 1/2 vaccinated.’
Of course he is! There are countless online people who don't know enough to be seriously critical; he claims to have had one jab and clearly has no serious idea. His accumulated fellow twitters know the usual nothing. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• ukcolumn.org is a disappointing site. Connected to Brian Gerrish, who is reported to have been the first person trying to expose 'Common Purpose', it resembles some 9/11 groups that avoid the Jewish issue. It seems to think the EU is the source and has a "New Battle of Britain Group", suggesting lack of insight into the Second World War. Probably the idea is to avoid exposing Jewish money behind the EU: without that influence the EU might be a valuable outfit. Watch for example for anti-German material. They even have an article on 'Holocaust' deaths of Jews.
Here's quite a good, but painfully slow, video Slaughtered on Suspicion but which ignores Jewish interests in culls and slaughter of animals.
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• vdare.com is not good on generalised Jew corruption: It does not know anything about 9/11, the Holocaust fake, the Fed, Jews in Africa, US armed forces and war crimes. But it has some material on what passes in the USA as politics: Jewish corruption e.g. David Gelbaum funding Sierra Club only if immigration not mentioned. In other words, pretending to be environmentally concerned, while promoting uncontrolled immigration into the USA. And no doubt Europe. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• voltairenet.org created in 2005 is based in USA. It seems to be about #30,000 in the world, assuming alexa is not completely controlled. So it looks popular. It may be a military-based site; it has for example (20 Oct 2019) accounts of fighting in Syria which sound well-informed. The keyword 'Jewish' finds many articles. But it pretends Vanunu is serious, and thinks Iran is warlike, and talks of 'Nazis' and Kennedy and Chomsky and 'prestigeous institutions'. For many reasons I'd say this is just another fake site. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• whorulesamerica.net. Who Rules America? can be an important key phrase. But this version is a Jewish site pretending to be academic sociology. It's the sort of thing Kevin MacDonald has described. I recommend it as a study in evasion and lies by Jews. It seems to have been based on, or developed from, The Power Elite, and old book by C Wright Mills, 1956, which of course is post-1945 Jewish victory stuff: no mention of science frauds, media frauds, money frauds such as the 'Federal Reserve' and all the rest of it. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• First and Second World War sites are unusual in (of course) being forced to mention Jews. Jew-controlled sites have to pretend to be Jew-aware, while omitting serious material on Jews and offloading blame onto puppet politicians and military types. I have yet to see a lavish site of this type that looks at serious issues. The most important problem they have is dealing with the idea, obvious in retrospect, that Jewish control over money, and hence media, allowed nearly complete secrecy over their policies. Nothing new in this; it's been true enough for hundreds of years. It's necessary for them to hide the concept that Jews network with each other, and also with selected 'goyim', notably Freemasons.
As I write, Sept 2019, the BBC is doing yet another propaganda series, this one on 'The Rise of Hitler'. They have to pretend Hitler was isolated, fanatical, etc. Probably this type of thing is feeling its age, by now; Jews funded to check on public opinion are reported to have been amazed at how few people know the 'six million' figure, though this may have been just another disguised piece of money-begging.
A good example of this type of site is ww2truth.com which has mock-'scoop' pieces, fake 'revelations', taking typical topics such as Pearl Harbor and blaming US puppet politicians. I've changed my mind about this site (Christopher Jon Bjerknes's) but it's not east to assess it as the author wants to sell books rather than debate.
historicaltribune.wordpress.com/ is another: pretends Hitler was a one-man miracle maker, ignores truth about Jews in Germany.
By now, I'd come to the conclusion that Carolyn Yaeger's ten-year-or-so Internet site is too pro-Hitler to be much good; it belongs to the era of David Irving and others. My notes here are transferred from Jadar:
Carolyn Yeager Long-established Internet radio site. Largely World War 2 (Berlin, Jews, 'Holohoax' etc). Some radio chat sessions. Reported on Amazon ban on holohoax books in March 2017.
Looking back in 2020, this site seems outdated and unaware of recent developments. Early material from about 2010 seems reasonable querying material; but recent stuff isn't very impressive. Yeager appears to be a naive Hitler believer who has not taken account of doubts as to his independence of Jews. And she also doesn't mention the work of people like Mathis and Hexzane527 on Henry Ford, Freemasons, Hitler sites run by Jews, and countless other details. I've never attempted Internet radio contact. Disappointing; irritating. N
forum.axishistory.com seems to be a 2003 'forum' hosted in Sweden, for some reason. Like very many WW2 sites, it seems to be hosted by Jews, who of course like to control the opposition—and the fake opposition. It claims to be apolitical, but of course this is nonsense. It says: Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Hosted by David Thompson. The name may be fake, of course. I could find nothing on Jewish war crimes in USSR, Vietnam, anywhere. The material on tanks and planes etc seems to include nothing on war profits.
By contrast, a good serious site is big-lies.org/hexzane527/ which is my reassembly of a site apparently by a single Frenchman, who does his own translations and uses a lowest-budget blog site. Very good on decoding the Jewish skeleton which vaguely shaped WW1 and WW2. Assumes Jews control most things. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• veteranstodaynetwork.com The 'Veterans Network Newsletter'. Supposedly a newsletter for US 'veterans'. This is another routinised falsehood site; probably aimed to reinforce the lies US troops have been fed all their lives. Nothing on 'ZOG', on political and war crimes, on the forces behind wars and the US empire, or on mercenaries for Jew paper money; lots of fake information on 'nukes' and supposed enemies and all the rest of it. More and more of nothing. ... and yet, who knows. It links to veteransnewsnow.com which has some, but not full, info on Jews and the modern world.
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• War history online a sad site, which Alexa says is popular, for American 'heroes' paid by Jews to be war criminals. Quite funny its way. It's a reminder that decent people will need defence against psychopaths, apparently forever. Probably a lot of the readership is cynical American women, who see no way out of Jewish propagandist bullshit but to pretend their husbands are heroes, and maybe secretly hope, next time, they don't come back, parroting their propagandist garbage which they don't understand and their family can't fight. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• westernspring.co.uk seems similar to US sites, recommending whites move from major cities (total investment: vast trillions in money, and entire cultural traditions) to remote areas. In view of Jewish domination of currencies, and since such areas can easily be overwhelmed with penniless immigrants, at least while the system persists, this seems unwise. They do not try to analyse the link between the 'European Unity' and paper/e-money which overshadows it, despite the obvious fact that Europe needs debate and discussion, in view of the huge interests all Europe has in common. As an experiment I emailed them about the Dimbleby brothers of the 'BBC', some weeks after an explicit article in the Jewish press, but clearly they are unwilling to admit Jewish issues here. They do have a serious interest in genetics, however. Could be aiming for white-jewish alliance?
Here are three recent (Aug 2015) examples of WesternSpring's firm policy of not mentioning Jewish issues. First, a piece on the exploitation of drowned Syrian children: WesternSpring says it's Germany's fault, because 'Germany' supposedly announced it would take any Syrian. It's an established anti-white policy to blame Germans, as of course most Europeans have been fed anti-German lies all their lives. Second, a comment on the Second World War; in response to a man whose family had several war deaths, including a Spitfire pilot, and regretted the 'brother wars', the reply was that they 'fought bravely'. That fighting with the most modern equipment, at a cost which bankrupted the country, doing what they were ordered, massacring women and children, with Germans outnumbered many times, counts as heroic fighting, is of course nonsense. Third, one of the most important issues is Jewish control of paper money systems and 'central banks' of most countries. In effect, Jews have their own free money, to be spent buying assets and on propaganda; everyone else—except their puppets and collaborators—works for it. WesternSpring's articles on wealth, money, business and the rest never mention this critically important component of the modern world.
WesternSpring doesn't recognise the uniquely cryptic aggressiveness of Jews. Here's a typical comment by 'Max Musson': While there is much evidence of organised Jewry at play in the apparent 'conspiracy' against the British people, it would be wrong to ascribe a lion's share of the blame to Jews. ... there are traitors amongst certain sections of indigenous British society who have willingly participated because it profits them to do so. As we can now see with increasing clarity, the involvement of the organised ethnic minorities extends to most groups who are sufficiently different from a racial or ethnic perspective and who therefore self-identify as 'separate' from the 'host' population ... In fact, Jews keep crypsis as much as possible. The aliens they import are a different type. And they were paid by Jews out of British assets—given endless subsidies in transport, housing, free goods, medical aid, unemployment benefit, education, policing, chain immigration benefits. Presumably obscure genetic impulses prompt Musson/Nunn's lies. His version of why Jews want to ruin white countries.
Nov 2019: More confirmation when 'Max Musson'/Larry Nunn showed himself as a timewasting troll obstructing the idea that Jews networking was behind both world wars. Sigh.
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• World Mysteries, Lost Worlds, Geography and Map Puzzles, Historical Puzzles, Human Remains, etc Vague collections of possibilities which have existed for centuries: ghost stories, el dorado-place myths, Prester John, Yetis, to modern stuff on flying saucers, hollow earth, Antarctica, nuclear weapons, Wakanda, giants, etc.
Legitimate subjects for enquiry, but here again Jewish censorship is at present a huge issue—though as usual the censorship is so complete that many victims don't understand it. I'm only mentioning this because a site Stolen History is disappointing, with its amateur guard of lightweights, presumably Jews or paid by Jews.
**If you're interested in a site of this type, your only chance if you're serious is to have your own site, and have reliable monitors, who can be anywhere in the world. My experience years ago with nukelies.com which linked to a forum (very good, though the owner lost his nerve after a year) persuades me that it remains possible to run serious forums, though the video/ mobile phone types seem trickier. But it can be hard work.** [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Fakeologist (Not Jew aware; fatally weakened by avoiding Jew issues. Includes links e.g. to Jew-faked photo of Palestinians offered cake to demonstrate about 9/11. Slogan is Exposing media fakery one PsyOp at a time but it's a Jew evasion site; it has failed to keep any impetus, and obviously has no heart in it. Reminds me somewhat of westernspring. The best thing is the name. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Zerohedge.com is listed as very popular, in the top 1000 or so sites of the USA. It's one of these sites pretending to give valuable hush-hush insider dealer information—to millions of people. I'm only aware of it because they linked to my nuke site adding on /cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi which is widely used to show a page has been suspended on EIG-hosted websites; 'Endurance International Group' owns Bluehost, Domainhost, Fatcow, Hostgator and many others. Probably it was intentional, because nukelies examines the links between nuclear frauds and Jews. Be warned zerohedge is almost certain to be another Jewish-controlled site: nothing at all important on for example the Federal Reserve. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The British Democratic Party (website of Andrew Brons, who was an MEP for five years). This has of course material on the British system. However, it has nothing at all on the two-tier money system by which Jews selectively take completely unjustified interest on paper money, and finance their fellow cultists to buy assets and media. Brons makes pleasant but rather useless speeches, and despite years of teaching constitutional history has as far as I know never come up with useful suggestions on (for example) political parties. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Review by Kevin MacDonald of A Troublesome Inheritance by Nicholas Wade. Wade's book is subtitled 'Genes, Race, and Human History' and (judging from the review) picks at the edges of the topic, but at no point mentions the deliberate lies of Jews, mostly in America. Wade appears to have been a New York Times hack. It's hard to see how such a book can be of much value; I sometimes point out that there seems to be no point in reading this or that book, if it evades details(s) of essential importance. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• A strange site, which seems to be partly aimed at the 'third world', particularly India, is quora.com (recommendations currently listed are: Adriana Heguy described as a Molecular Biologist, Ashton Kutcher, presumably a jewish Actor, Eva Kor described as a Holocaust Survivor, Clayton C. Anderson described as an Astronaut, and Hans Zimmer, 'Film Composer'). Extraordinary tissue of jewish garbage. Third world media must be dominated by Jews; after all, this applies in the 'west', and must be cheaper and easier to enforce in poor countries when their money is Jewish-dominated. One of their concerns must be possible intellectual developments in such countries. The omens aren't very favourable: China for example has no sign of dissent from Jewish frauds from the holohoax and NASA and 9/11 to nuclear and medical and financial issues. However it's possible there may be suppressed signs of life. Gilbert Ling, a very original biology researcher, was Chinese in origin. Local-language sites may for all I know show impressive evidence of creativity. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• In the Daily Telegraph (regarded as a conservative British newspaper; like all the press it never reports e.g. US/UK genocide in the Third World). I found a report by a hack called Andrew Gilligan, trying to discuss electoral corruption in London's Tower Hamlets area, where several brands of Islam have brought electoral corruption, fraud and intimidation. Gilligan omits to mention that Jews have pushed for coloured immigration into Britain. They also lobbied for votes to be handed out, even to illegals. This of course is at present almost universal in the Jewish media. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Executive Intelligence Review also known as larouchepub.com and EIR looks like yet another Jew-denial site. Unusual in including Jesuits and the British Royal family, and British 'intelligence', which looks like 2nd-tier misdirection, but I suppose makes a change. May be Chicago-based; seems to be registered with Levit & James, which sounds discouraging. Seems to be fairly popular, at least if Alexa is to be believed . Seems superficially serious e.g. 'impeach President Obama', 'shock waves from Italy', 'zero deficit budget', but as those sentences indicate, unradical. Links to a low quality propagandist 'science' site, www.21stcenturysciencetech.com. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• I just mentioned Jesuits; "It's NOT the Jews, It's the Jesuits!" is a lie from tabublog.com which appears to be a Jewish-run site dedicated to redirected enquirers to Jesuits, to waste their time. Many very serious topics treated to Jewish lies.
• Journal-Neo 'New Eastern Outlook', office in Moscow. (Alexa Ranking in first 250,000 ). Four parts of Asia; Middle East; Caucasus; and Africa are listed in their drop-down menu. About 100 contributors (I noticed Gordon Duff). Many names look Russian and 'eastern'; there is no identification of Jews. Their 'business model' seems to be to divide some of the advertising revenue among the contributors. A novelty of Internet is the fact that clicks on contributors can be counted, and it's easy to imagine Youtube-style friends of contributors boosting totals.
Most of the material is routine enough, for example a foreigner accusing Britain of being 'racist'. But there is some Jew realism, for example on ISIS forcing emigration, though I doubt they report on Africans claimed to by Syrians reliably. There is no comment on Jews and banks, as far as I could see; nothing for example on Rothschild, or on central banks. There is nothing much on arms and Africans, or arms and Muslims: if African invaders are armed by Jews and/or their puppets, maybe Africa will be repeated here.
Their search engine doesn't seem to work. A novelty to me is commentary on Israel: maybe it's felt to be too much of a burden, financed at a ridiculous rate by Jewish paper money. Maybe Jewish 'elites' feel they no longer want to be burdened; perhaps Netanyahu will end behind bars, a raging ape of superstitious fanaticism.
Fascinating to try to work out who funds/ edits this site. It has a Cyrillic alphabet logo. It is entirely nuke-naive; could the nuclear phonies be using this medium? There's a heartfelt piece on the BBC's terminal credibility crisis, and the US ditto (but without mentioning Sulzberger) and in-house material on the BBC planning a Russian rival for RT, no doubt under the turd 'Danny' Cohen. There's a piece on Arabs, but nothing on Jews and the Arab finances. There's Turkey and bombing. There's the usual fake science. There are political pieces which say nothing about the forces behind puppets such as Corbyn (new) and Obongo (not so new). I couldn't find anything giving a unified view of bases, paid for by Americans, used by Jews. Nothing on 9/11. Nothing new on the Second World War—the traditional lies against Germany. There's a piece on Soros...[ Back to Top of This Page ]
• TomDispatch.com Founded Nov 2002. Technical contact given as The Nation Institute 116 E 16TH ST 8TH FL, New York, NY. Has info on US bases and general geopolitics; I found this via Jan Lamprecht's site. Alexa says this is #270,000 in the world , mainly viewed in the USA. This says it was started by Tom Engelhardt. If I'm reading it correctly is started as a one-man site; but was taken over. However, it seems to be yet another essentially fake site, with many Jewish writers (including Chomsky; and including many who 'worked' on the Jewish 'mainstream' media), with no mention of Jewish money power, or Jewish detachments around the world. There must be writers behind the scenes. I'd suggest it's not reliable. The motive for publicising (e.g.) bases in Africa, if it's correct, is probably to covertly benefit Jews; note the emphasis on Russia, China, etc.
N [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• NewsNow dot co dot UK Newsnow (Alexa Ranking very high ). Claims to be automated and to have multiple inputs. Probably the censorship is assured by selection of sources: it is entirely un-Jew aware, and therefore useless for any serious purpose. In effect it has automated editing. They charge for filtered news and presumably can offer in principle stuff sharply edited from large numbers of sources. The sources presumably have to be paid; there are few clues as to how the money circulates. They have advertising, but of the classified type; I haven't checked, but would guess this is processed by other sites, preferably I'd imagine self-advertised to reduce costs and cut out agents.[ Back to Top of This Page ]
• NSNBC 'NSNBC International' (Alexa Ranking in first 250,000 ). Looks similar to neo; they are both WordPress-style. 'Established 25 February 2013.' It has targeted adverts and presumably can't possibly have honest reporting as a result. Its four color logo suggests it may be something to do with msnbc. It advertises itself as free, but counts on subscribers to donate. It is entirely nuke-naive, recycling all the fatigued lies. It has little idea about false flags, though it does attribute some to (I think) Israel, but it says nothing about 9/11, Silverstein etc. It wonders how the US can stop ISIS! It is Holocaust-naive, or more likely perfectly aware of this huge fraud. I couldn't find much on BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) as fields for Goldman Sachs and/or military 'adventures', such as may be planned for Europe. Probably, by now, this junk is too obsolete to appeal to intelligent people. Most of its 'reports' have 0 comments; I suspect this will continue.
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• propaganda-exposed.com Interesting medically-oriented site, which as I write is in mid-series of a set of videos on cancer and other medical frauds, including COVID and 'AIDS'. However, it follows the standard Jewish format of assuming Jews did not rig up the Second World War; in effect Jews won the war and ever since have been nibbling and biting, including not just Russia but China. They think the Nuremberg Code was serious, and trot out supposed experiments by Germans. And they believe in the JFK assassination, and the MLK thing. (For swift debunkings, see Mileswmathis.com). And they think 1776 and 'We the People' and 40 years' ago investigative journalism were as presented by Jews.
With that warning, note that US-style medicine has at least three levels: nurses and others who do what they're told, though fortunately some are rebelling. Then there are doctors, including specialists, but, though trained, they do not do research. And the top tier is researchers, such as biochemists, with the money men, generally Jews, who have secret belief systems which are kept from 'goyim', who would be shocked if the knew.
Much of the official research is defective, for reasons to do with scientific method. There's a lot on this on my site. I haven't tried to see what the point is here: it may be to try to remove Fauci and others, for example. I hope so. But it's early to say. However, it's just the jewish lie machines on manoeuvres.
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• Project Censored is ranked as quite popular by Alexa. I hadn't heard of it, until I explored a link from Miles W Mathis' site. Mathis seems to take it seriously, and I attribute this to his being a newcomer to revisionism. In fact it's obvious even with a casual browse that the site is a fake: it echoes all the official false flags (latest is an Orlando, Florida hoax), it says nothing on black violence, it has nothing on jewish paper and e-money, does not deal with war profits or war atrocities. There's a relatively new topic here somewhere: Jews print junk money and 'lend' it to governments, so jewish-run governments import huge numbers of low-IQ invaders, all 'paid' by borrowing from Jews. And in addition Jews with their junk money buy unpopular hotels, barracks etc and collect 'rent' which of course is from the Jew-run government. And they lend to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Lutheran Church etc for their own junk 'residence' projects. Yawn. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• DemocracyNOW! has been online since 1999-09-10 according to domaintools. A site hosted by 'GoDaddy'. Its position in siterankdata is about 80,000—it's obviously not obstructed. It has typical Jewish signs—careful legal status as a non-profit (no Shareholders), based in New York, funded by assorted 'Trusts' (translation: Jewish paper money), assets of $36M (Wiki says) and $10M yearly budget.
I'd guess it's run on genuine Jewish lines, with perverted half-truths. It probably does think that 'democracy' means votes (honest if Jews get what they want; otherwise not) for controlled parties—it might be called an 'emocracy' (joke). And no doubt bearded freaks debate endlessly on whether 'truth' is conveyed by mechanical media. Wiki uses Democracy Now! repeatedly, as Jews use 'Astronaut Name' and 'Award-Winning Name' all the time.
Independent newspaper in Britain. Most people, who have difficulty getting money for a small shop, never consider what's needed for a radio/Internet thing. In about 2000, computer graphics and Internet bandwidth were simpler than now; they must regret some of their painfully fake footage, which may yet bring them down. I'm not optimistic; it's an astonishing achievement and their entire psychopathic personality type permits and encourages full-time lying.
My intro was a video on Oppenheimer, possibly a new film. I haven't watched it. I don't think I'd heard of Amy Goodman, or Greg Mitchell, the joke 'expert' on nuclear bombs. He recommended the film, and I found it interesting to see his selection of lies. Hydrogen bombs seem out—too dangerous? Too unlikely?—so it was 'atomic weapons', and it seems they're going for a re-run of lies, including original newsreels etc of the time. Same fake mushroom clouds, fake Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Same assertions about 'Jewish physicists' fleeing from Hitler and thus Germany 'losing the race'—all nonsense.
I feel a twinge of sorrow for grey-haired uglies like Goodman (and Lipstadt. And Albright with her remaindered book on Fascism. Berelowitz. And others. I have a theory that mutual ugliness is a "shit test" for Jewish mutual adhesion.) They have to make an effort, while higher ranks don't need to.
I've searched and found a few mentions of Amy Goodman. Like Pilger, he or she (I'm being up-to-date) was involved in the Wilfred Burchett 'atomic' fraud. And mentioned a few times by Miles Mathis; and in Lobster. On this subject, why not look at a forum I rescued in 2012.
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3 Nov 2019: www.deepstate.news (created Feb 2017) has an interesting piece on why Trump is (apparently) targeted, predicting a false flag in which fake Trump supporters will kill off naive 'Antifa' thugs, to spark some sort of violence. Here's the structure:
... to understand the urgency of the effort to remove Trump ... keep in mind that the U.S. government ... [is] run by a criminal cartel of intelligence operatives, anti-American globalists and money-laundering grifters. The purpose of government ... [is] 1) control, and 2) profit. The bigger the government, the more money that people like Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others can skim off government revenues. If you thought Joe Biden’s shakedown of Ukraine to the tune of over a billion dollars funneled to his son was an aberrant event, think again: They all do it, Republicans and Democrats alike.
But Trump made his own fortune ... and doesn’t view government power as a way to collect a massive personal fortune by selling government influence (e.g. the Clinton Foundation) or threatening foreign nations to dish out large revenue streams to his family members. ... Big government is a big scam for the political elite, and the more taxes they can raise from the public to fund various government projects, the more these corrupt elitists can skim money from incoming Treasury revenues by setting up family foundations, "consulting" groups and other shell vehicles for receiving bribes, kickbacks and shakedown cash.
Trump's unwillingness ... made him enemy No. 1. ... to the Democrats, it's about protecting their personal profits. How did Sen. Feinstein become worth hundreds of millions of dollars ... as a California senator? ... She turned her office into a spy hub to feed U.S. secrets and the identities of anti-communist activists directly to Beijing. Feinstein is a traitor ... Note: absence of Jew references. Billions go to Israel rather than China.
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• theroot.com. Readers may remember the discovery made by (I think) Marcus Garvey, that the 'American' NAACP was in fact a Jewish organisation. This 'news' source is, one has to assume, a Jewish front, too. No doubt with what they'd regard as monkeys trained by Jews. The site has a high Alexa ranking; whether anyone takes it seriously, I don't know. Here are some scraps: '... Nsenga Burton, Ph.D., is an editor-at-large for The Root. She is an accomplished scholar, filmmaker and activist. Her research interests and scholarship focus on the examination of popular culture -- specifically television, film and new media -- through the lens of race, class, gender and sexuality. She is currently an associate professor of communication and media studies at Goucher College in Baltimore..' And we have such articles as these, all part of the Jewish agenda: 'Obama Just Made Gun Control an Election Issue', something about the 'George Zimmerman Trial' (Jews pretending a half-Jew, half-Hispanic is white), more and more on legal cases involving blacks, someone trying to write something about black and white dolls, Roots, the black plagiarism fraud, which seem to have given its name to this 'news' source, failure to mention black riots, black rapes of whites, black fakes such as Martin Luther King, blacks paying rent to Jews all their lives, Jews and slave trades—not just one! etc. A nasty comment about Trump (it must be Jewish policy to oppose Trump, at present). I didn't find anything like 'Blocking the Palestinian Terror Wave', perhaps because blacks have at least some idea about Israel. Nor on Europe flooded with fake asylum seekers; probably this is considered out of their range. Their 9/11 coverage seems non-existent. Thee was nothing I could find on the biggest problem of blacks: black Africans simply have low intelligence. What can be done? What should be done? Is there some way to keep such a group happy? What would fit them?—tricky problems!
I'd guess the meta-idea of this site is to tap into the black psyche, for example when violence is wanted, or some rentacrowd 'spontaneous' activity. It's amusing to see the rather sad adverts. And the equally sad, though for different reasons, obits of discarded blacks—Frances Cress Welsing being a good example. Possibly good for a laugh. I wish blacks would do better. But maybe there's a site somewhere.
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• everydayfeminism.com is a supposedly feminist site of the Soros-funded type, with a wide range of queer 'writers'. Many people still haven't grasped that Jews use feminists to damage white families and white societies. Or at least try. The perversions and oddities necessitate a strange manufactured vocabulary, plus acronyms, resulting in a rather weird alphabet soup. They are uneasily aware of this—there are anti-white propagandist pieces, but interspersed with more normal-seeming stuff. Jewish material is of course omitted. It's an amusing example of women implicitly accepting an inferior position: these sites discuss clothes, babies, wolf-whistles, but not war, high finance or science.
• MassResistance.org Is a US outfit 'Pro Family Activism' opposing the ridiculous 'LGBTQ' movement, which is basically a Jew-promoted child sex thing. I'd be cautious with this sort of organisation; a site search on Jews gives a list of feeble pro-Jew references, so I wouldn't trust them; they don't give vital info of Jew sexual corruption. It's possible they pass messages and addresses of concerned parents to Jew-funded criminals. There seem to be links with teacher organisations, who may be tipped off too, as Jews control what are called 'teachers' in the USA, as in all white countries that I know of.
• I found another joff 'feminist' site, http://thenewfem.com ('The New Femininity'). Strict censorship of Jewish issues. Lightweight chatter. ordinary. Dull.
• Another Jewish 'feminist' site, which I found via some chain of links from youtube, is http://feministing.com/ in yet another blog style website with cut-and-paste text (current cost c. 395 currency units). These sites always take up jewish-selected issues; on the date I looked I found '... decision last week to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from the state capitol, hate groups across the country are mobilizing in the racist symbol's defense. The [Jewish] Southern Poverty Law Center compiled this map of rallies in support of the flag across the country.' [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Family Puzzles (from my big-lies.org/jews file) has some examples of Jewish activity, mostly after 1945. Feminism is yet another case where a reasonable position has been perverted by Jews who want to cause harm. All family law practitioners should be aware of these possibilities.
Interesting comment on UNICEF suggesting a parallel with post-1945 benefits in Europe and (a bit later) USA. UNICEF, the UN children's fund, provides food, shelter, doctors and medicine for mothers and children in poor countries - but not for childless women or men. In some places, like Africa, they will pay a mother's rent now that alone could tempt a poor childless woman into becoming a mom. UNICEF does not provide contraceptives not even condoms. At this date, many awakened persons are aware of the Jewish bias in white countries—for example, to cause blacks to move to Britain. Extract from www.prevab.webs.com
• Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them) is an interesting website run, as far as I can tell, by Mike Buchanan, whose site dates from February 2013, and who appears on TV (see Youtube) usually I think with dim female presenters. He is unusually factually clued up. But he has no idea of the basis of the modern world. This sometimes leads him into regrettable byways, for example relying on evidence that larger numbers of women on boards of directors correlates with poorer financial performance. The leading causes of J4MB are 20 in number: Abortion | Foetal alcohol syndrome | Genital mutilation | Fatherlessness, restoring strong families | Education | Employment | Access to children after family breakdowns | Domestic violence | Sexual abuse | Armed Forces veterans' mental health issues | Homelessness | Suicide | Criminal justice system | Paternity fraud | Anonymity for suspected sexual offenders | Divorce | Healthcare provision | Political representation | State interference in director appointments | Expectation of retirement years.
These issues of course are all UK-related, First World issues: there is nothing on forced immigration by Jews, or Jewish-related damage to the legal system (even though family courts are a part of their target), or the well-known Jewish push to damage white societies, or women used as prostitutes by the military, or even underage sex as part of both Judaism and Islam, or inbreeding defects. It's amusing, in a sense, to see the frantic avoidance of the elephant in the room. All this is common enough amongst would-be reformers, who I predict will get nowhere.
Mike Buchanan has written several books, including Feminism: The Ugly Truth all of which are ignorant, as far as I can tell, of the Jewish push against families, whites, females, and males.
• The Flat Earth Society seems part of a promotional thrust to 'flat earth' people (and related oddities: hollow, concave, etc earth). I've noted (in 2015) an increase in their promotion, though my impression may be some sort of feedback process caused by my own browsing. As an experiment, I posted a piece on so-called Jews and the forthcoming election choice between jewish-controlled parties, which was removed in some way. They have forum discussions on nuclear skeptics—from which nukelies.org is removed. The 'Flat Earth Society' site is rubbish. I've been contacted by sufficient people with links to ridiculous flat earth sits that I've concluded this is part of the system of nuclear hoax maintenance. Possibly the idea is to link nuclear investigators to physics ignoramuses; I can't see any other reason. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• phys.org Is another sad Jewish site on fake physics. Long after the 'global warming' fraud has been exposed, they plod on. They are, of course, nuke liars. Yawn. No wonder, now the post-1945 physics scams are long over, that physics enrolment has had a long decline, apart from careerist Jew types. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The Freethinker was a newspaper established in Britain towards the end of the 19th century, a high Victorian publication, cheap, after a tax on newspapers had been abolished. It was described at the time as rationalistic, meaning that it opposed, by reasoned argument, the teachings of the Church of England, and of course also opposed Roman Catholicism as the main other British Christian faith. The other world religions—Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism and others—were largely ignored. However, what's important here is that Judaism was never criticised or analysed except in a highly superficial way, with an implication it was simply an older and more detailed variety of Old Testament studies. The remaining belief system of Judaic people, their outlook, practices, and history, was untouched. This was deliberate, and presumably a result of selective Jewish funding and backroom pressure. It was the sort of thing that enabled Richard Dawkins to quote with approval someone's ridiculous comment that religions are all the same, but with different holidays.
The Freethinker now has a website which is anti-Church and now anti-Islam, but says nothing on Talmudic studies or the history and practices and legitimacy of Jews. Rather absurdly, it follows the current Jewish-promoted 'politically correct' beliefs without any sign of free thought—promoting anal sex, and mass immigration, and indifference to child abuse, and ritual slaughter of animals, for example. A true Joff site, since Jews are systematically kept off their radar.
• http://freecriticalthinking.org (which I've only recently noticed) seems to have corralled a number of people under a common, Jew-discussion-free umbrella. Interestingly, Alexa places this site as #20,000 in Greece. Its most likely rationale is a supposed critical, free-thinking group, looking at the issues (amusing pun intended) of interest and money. It would make sense as a heading-off of direct action against jewish bank frauds, of which of course Greece is a focal point at present.
Three years later: I came across this by chance. Alexa lists it as a couple of million. It also lists sites linking in, two of them being BBC sites! Fortified by scepticism, we find an anti-climate change set of pieces, which seem correct, though little 'critical thinking' is involved. Another piece states Rothschild is the richest family, though with no detail (including the original real name). There's a piece on (inter alia) not blaming immigrants; I could find nothing about Jew encouragement. It looks like an attempt to change Jew paradigms. They still adhere to nuclear power, or pretend to—their section on 'energy' is vacuous. On 20th century wars, I looked e.g. for Vietnam (and Jews), and the Holohoax. I could find nothing (though some of my book reviews seem to have been looked at). It all looks like tripe to me, though there's a chance it might be worth a look as a possible Jewish direction change. What lies will they tell next? Nothing after 2016 that I could find.
http://freethoughtblogs.com is a similar site, US based, rated astonishingly high by Alexa. Probably its rationale is just to seem genuine, in the way Jewish media by sheer mass drown out intelligent sites. Quite funny to see the routine support for Jewish causes, e.g. 'gay' stuff, nuclear mythology, anti-Trump without being specific, reminding me of the rather pointless yelling in Britain about one Jew candidate vs another; they even still continue 'Holocaust' lies. Interested me slightly because Taslima Nasreen, who spoke in Britain 20 years ago, is listed as a contributor. They may have a few intelligent readers; one of them seemed to link to my site, though I couldn't find the link. Yawn.
http:/ffrf.org/ (‘Freedom from Religion foundation’) seems to be a style of website outdated perhaps since 1913. Any Jew-aware person should be able to scan though and identify the traditional Jewish nonsense. 'The Bible is anything but a good book' is true enough, but fails to mention the Talmud. 'Clergy abuse of children' of course omits Jewish pederasty. 'Case against school prayer' omits Jewish 'schools' in America. I've just found David Miliband, once the 'leader' of the British Labour Party, who moved to the USA to promote non-white immigration, is listed on ffrf.org, as are plaudits for the fake Holocaust! Avoid these junk sites! They are fraudulent. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
A new Wordpress site (since December 2015; center screen strip; ads; mostly links to Youtube) is www.TheRationalists.org, which seems to be mostly a vehicle for Sargon of Akkad's possibly Jewish (e.g. name seems to be Carl Benjamin; he reads out material on the holohoax as though it's serious) English-voiced comments, mostly on feminism, though I found at least one other writer, who looked to me like a victim of the US philosophy degree system. In my debatable opinion, 'feminism' in the USA is so obviously a Jew-funded joke that any attempt at heavy analysis is wasted, like being a literary critic given an illiterate scribble. Alexa's ranking is <250,000 in the USA, which says something for Youtube successes, and/or Jewish positioning of sites. But if you want to understand the onslaught on families and normality, this is not the site for enlightenment. The choice of name seems to suggest there's a Jewish effort to redefine the word 'rationalist', a verbal trick that has happened many times, with, for example, 'socialist'. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
The Christian Evidence Society (christianevidence.org) is a good example of a small, once fairly lively organisation, which has become enfeebled and pretty much worthless. It appears to have been founded by Rev Robert Taylor, author of The Diegesis (published 1829, I think, and still valuable). But the modern decayed organisation has nothing interesting on Jews.
• Webster Tarpley's site www.tarpley.net seems to have existed since June 2004, judging by my site-grab, and examination with a desktop searcher. I found this site via a comment on Bertrand Russell, which seems to have been a bit of Google bait, as there are precisely two mentions of 'Bertrand Russell' in the entirety of that site. The site is not much referenced, and relies on emphatic statements, and US newspapers, rather than evidence. There's an odd video of Tarpley reading out some material; I was amused at his dismissive comments on Newton and alchemy. (Long before elements, atoms, and the periodic table were discovered—what were people supposed to do? Of course a lot of the workers were hopelessly off-beam!) Tarpley (or whoever) has a conspiracy theory of Venetians, or 'the Venetian oligarchy', mobilising to Holland and Britain, essentially a substitute for the Jewish version, except for the lack of evidence. He likes accusations of Satan-worship, with of course no evidence. (I couldn't find anything on Jewish child murders! Surprise). Freemasons appear; 'Jews' get about 50 mentions in the entire site. Kerry is described as blue-blooded! There's an 'Unauthorized Biography' of George Bush, taken up with events up to WW2, with, inevitably, mis-statements about Hitler, and post-war events, e.g. Gorbachev and 9/11. All treated from the don't mention-Jews viewpoint. The site seems to be used to leak Jewish views into the USA, though possibly its main purpose is just to pollute with junk. However, it does toe the line fairly rigidly, for example keeping out of 'factual' nuclear issues: there's no mention of the Trinity fake test, Oppenheimer etc, but using scares, typically against Russia. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Miles Williams Mathis much on the USA (including its 'fine art' market) is Miles W Mathis's site which was mentioned to me by Sorensen371 of nukelies, because of its photos of Bikini Atoll, which may be an expanded version of nukelies.org. I soon found that his piece on Darwinism/Wallacism was correct, though a bit feeble. His science and math work is good, though his pi=4 qualified assertion had him attacked weakly. I couldn't find anything new on math of human lives. His piece on John Lennon may well be to distract from war profiteers wanting to murder Lennon, which seems a likely enough hypothesis. Vanunu isn't in Mathis's site; there are a few, but not many, mentions of Jews and nothing of in-depth interest in them. My verdict WAS: another dud by a hard-to-employ arts graduate.
But since I wrote this, Mathis has expanded into new and much more impressive and Jew-aware material; on for example Lenin (as a 'Russian' 'aristocrat'), Fox of the Quakers as a Jew-promoted fraud, Napoleon (e.g. not credible war exploits), Lincoln (assassination a false flag for political reasons). As I type, I see he's uploaded an article on Henry VII of England (conspicuously absent from the 'Shakespeare' canon). Very impressive and entirely credible, and pushing back the Jewish infiltration from the east two centuries before Cromwell.
And since I wrote the previous, Mathis has written a highly important piece on Hitler and the NSDAP (at http://www.mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf ) suggesting that the NSDAP was itself a psyop, with Hitler as lead actor. This is not an attractive idea for many people who feel Germany was the first modern opponent of Jews, though they seem to take less notice of the fact that total 'goy' deaths were vast, and the sort of thing Jews aim for.
In fact I'm so impressed that here's a site searcher of Miles Mathis's site. This gives filenames of his pdfs, which are too short of be meaningful–
• TheUnhivedMind.com has fascinating and apparently detailed material on e.g. Putin, Woolwich beheading as a false flag, technical material on missiles, and a great deal more. It *may be* an informed site with inside information, but goes out of its way to not mention Jews, and in their place mention things like the Knights of Malta, the Pope's 'tiara', City of London organisations, and so on. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Graham Hancock, GrahamHancock.com, who wrote on the main three Egyptian pyramids and the idea that some Pharaohs believed they'd be projected astrally after death, has a forum, spelt 'phorum' in some places, which looks rather like David Icke's, in his book sales and self-promotion website. It states 'the promotion of extremist causes motivated by hate will not be tolerated by our moderators' but in truth has nothing on Talmudic hatred. Disappointingly low quality; but there you go. If you rely on Jewish publishers to sell your books, the shrewd author isn't going to try anything risky. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• greenteethmm.com [5 Jan 2021: Malware detector says it may have Trojan(s)] seems to have existed since at least 2005. It is simple HTML with google ads. It is based on northern English humour (hence the odd title) and on local mythology, e.g. 'boggarts'. And it links to other similar sites, such as 'daily-stirrer'. Has typos, grammatical errors, and echoes of the mass media. Folk humour but without the faintest inkling that all is not well with 'good money', or that Jews are not just another 'faith'; what's perhaps worse is misdiagnosis of modern errors, for example in sciences and education. I noticed a complaint about British people who had never had a job—no mention of race or age. Realism sometimes shows through, but the site shows the limitations of native wit. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Is-a-cunt.com (I found this by following links on Jewish enforcement by Teresa May's Jewish regime, of crimes against whites. This site accepts names and comments, but not responsibility. If you've researched, presumably you can post here. I haven't attempted to assess the general level, but this is a Jewish site; I'd recommend not posting here, as probably remarks, however true, will be forwarded to Jewish thugs or the Jewish fake justice system. Don't be taken in by what appears to be a blokeish site.) [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Loose Change first emerged as long ago as 2005 as a 9/11 skeptic video. I take it most of the readers here, if they have looked into 9/11, are aware 9/11 was fraudulent. However Loose Change makes no mention at all of the Jewish component in the whole series of incidents, from the planning through to the aftermath and official report. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• 'American Renaissance' or AmRen is one of these infinitely numerous, and sad, websites that never discusses Jewish influence. Just as example: a post to a piece on the US becoming mestizo said: "I knew the great times. I thought I was so lucky to be part of something so special. The country that put men on the moon, invented practically all modern inventions, had the tallest buildings in the world, opposed communism, had the most powerful military, defeated those evil Nazi's [sic] and had the best of everything." My reply (not of course admitted) was "I hardly know whether to laugh or cry at your insane childish naivety. Americans never got to the moon; it was fantasy. For that matter, nukes were faked too, to make fortunes for the Jews straddling the white world, and ensure the USSR was not investigated, so the truth about the GULags would be clear to everyone. Most of the inventions in fact came from Europe. They didn't 'oppose communism' - they supported Jews and communism, at least the ones who weren't credulously simple Bible thumpers. Their wars were atrocities against innocent people. Evil Nazis?? Federal Reserve?? Look-say teaching?? Fluoridated water?? 'Baby boomers'?? Scofield Bible??
On Jared Taylor, the Jew-aware TheOccidentalObserver of March 15 2016 includes these comments:
• Luke—If, after reading this excellent article by Francis Carr Begbie, on Tony Blair, and on a Jewish academic called Jonathan Portes, and a Jew, Barbara Roche, made a Minister, [presumably by Blair's handlers], Jared Taylor or anyone else in the pro-White movement continues to spout the 'suicide meme', i.e., Whites are genociding themselves and not the targets of deliberate, malicious genocide by the jews and their lackies [sic] - then the individual who spews that nonsense is not only lying, but working for the jews and trying to cover up their role.
• mari—Jared Taylor's wife Evelyn is a Jew. She worked for the ADL for years documenting and researching all us evil White goys. She did some sort of PhD thesis on White supremacy.
It's kind of a classic Jewish ploy, marrying one of the Tribe to someone who might oppose Tribal objectives.
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• http://forums.armchairgeneral.com/ is just another Jew-controlled site, which never discusses Jewish power, and is anti-white. I found it, when looking at Boer farmers invited to Russia, which may or may not be a genuine offer—all the other South African whites are left at the mercy of the Jewish-run 'African' National Council. The website must be aimed at rather stupid white mercenary types, of whom there are many. Just think of whites killing whites throughout the 20th century. In between killing others. There's nothing on war profiteers of course, in other words Jews. An unpleasant site for zombies, psychopaths, and the desperate. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• 'Bing', Microsoft's search engine after years of struggle is still far behind Google. Perhaps because of this, Bing seems to not bother to weed out spam sites; for example, there are online book download sites with deceptive keywords, which, if on search engines at all, should be near the bottom. Bing resembles an old delapidated building, with peeling posters advertising old junk. Yahoo incidentally is another dishonest 'search engine', as a result of its policy of using self-appointed experts as censors.
Google has (as far as I can tell) a relatively honest policy: on for example Jew aware sites, they issued something like red-faced apologies that many hostile informational sites on Jews appeared on the front page of their search, but they don't seem to have suppressed them. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• www.my-Korea.info is a fake search engine, with no connection to North Korea. Set up in the US, apparently by a Czech, possibly for Jew war propaganda. I was amused to find this; it hadn't occurred to me that search engines might be used like this. Needless to say, all nuclear truth is banned. Possibly part of Google. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
Roman Catholic Sites include for example
• Cambria Will Not Yield (Alexa lists this as low ranking) which is anti-'liberal' in an American sense. Roman Catholic in the aesthetic sense, with the residual feeling that a figure who may never have existed had special importance. Anti-abortion. Articles seem to all be written by an American, in English lit style. This site is Jew-naive, and doesn't analyse the possible meanings of 'Hebrews', 'Pharisees', 'Judah', or modern, Khazar, 'Jews'. The author seems to have no feeling for the financial place of the church as a once-powerful international force. Since the modern church has been virtually taken over by Jewish money, and its beliefs on such subjects as invasions from Mexico and Latin America into the USA, this omission is serious, and sites of this type seem naive and irrelevant (transitive sense). The Orthodox Churches notably Russian Orthodox have of course a different history, including devastating attacks by Jews.
• E. Michael Jones Culture Wars. Jones is a USA Roman Catholic. He has Youtubes. His website title is a translation of Kulturkampf, the late 19th century struggle in Germany between Roman Catholicism in the south, and Protestantism in the north. Jones has written on the spoliation of American communities by both post-1945 large-scale highway construction, and by social engineering to move blacks and, later, illegal immigrants. He also wrote The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, stated to be published by Fidelity Press, 2008. This is a survey of Jews attacking the Roman Catholic church, but doesn't seem very scholarly: it omits the 'Donation of Constantine' and doesn't mention the Khazars, or the 'Black Death'. It mentions Richard Williamson, by Catholic standards an event of yesterday. It may seem unfair to describe Jones as Jew-unaware. The problem is that he omits a lot of specific Jewish activities. Jones objects to 'capitalism', but, like almost everyone, doesn't say what he means by 'capitalism'. Obviously the fact that Jews control printed money has an enormous effect, very possibly overshadowing 'capitalism' completely. He seems to underrate Catholicism as a source of violence and wars: consider the French empires, for example. He seems to understate the extent of Jewish fanaticism and the length of times involved in Jewish activity: almost every commentator on the Second World War, from Japanese and Chinese writers to Russians and Americans, see it as a struggle which started in such and such a year (depending on the writer) and ending in such and such a year (depending on the writer) and is an isolated event, a 'thing in itself' as Germans might say. Awareness of Jews includes noting their plans throughout the whole 20th century; the early 1940s included the start of the 'Holocaust' fraud, the start of the 'nuclear weapons' fraud, the start of mass immigration and population replacement in white countries, international control of food and resources, the control of the new medium of television, and internationalised takeovers of countries, to get control of their money supplies. Jones mostly looks at ideas, and misses these huge secret movements. Or at least, this is how he seemed to me; times change, and I may be underrating him.
Joe Dubs .com is a WordPress site, hosted by wildwest. Started Jan 2015, but popular after 2018 update. Some written by Joe Dubs, some borrowings. Jewish references to Frankfurt School and 9/11, but that's about it. Mentions of 'atheistic communists' and 'Marxists' e.g. with Reich and Freud, are a common clue that Jews are not to be mentioned. Hitler approving; this may be just another Jewish feint, however. Emphasis on logic, but not on fundamental science and techniques, is a Catholic thing—Aristotle and the Middle Ages had a simple form of logic. but of course nothing on scientific method.
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• webmasterworld.com is mildly interesting as a specimen of the type of technical site which must be very common in a behind-the-scenes way. Endless ego-centred bickering on skills, techniques, methods, and low-budget rivals, on some technical subject. But with no overview, and not much historical perspective. And of course concerned with money—and the sudden lack of money which may well happen to niche people. I tried posting to see if anyone would comment (without paying) on my site layout, but as I'd expected my post didn't appear. It's a rather dampening realisation that wars, mass dishonesty, lies, frauds are largely supported by high IQ, low responsibility, techie types in hock to Jews. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• blog.jim.com is an example of the Mensa type of site which, currently at least, is entirely Jew ignorant. So we have quite sophisticated wording and quite long articles and comments, which always miss the specific aims of Jews, for example to damage whites and cause chaos and disruptive wars, and make money in numerous institutionalised ways. Notably the Fed, and equivalents around the world. A similar style to (for example) Church of England writings in the 19th century, oblivious of wars and empires and thefts, provided they were left to scribble their unimportant stuff. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Psychohistory.com seems to be yet another Jew-avoiding site, concerned with the psychology, in the hostile sense, of historical events. It seems to be run from New York by someone called Lloyd de Mause. It has for example a 2005 talk on the psychopathy of Germans and Austrians and 'the Holocaust'. The reason I heard of this group is a comment by a Natural Philosophy Alliance speaker. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• I decided to review a remaindered book Disarming Iraq by Hans Blix. Here's my review. It was an unimpressive book, by someone who seemed entirely unimpressive. I found later that Blix was (or was alleged to be) Jewish. If so, this fact was mentioned nowhere, despite the clear conflict of interest. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• My attention was directed to an 'anarchist' site, attack the system . com, which reminded me of Noam Chomsky, the rich 'jewish' liar and 'anarchist'. I'm not sure anarchism was ever anything more than a joke; certainly this site is garbage, with no useful information on the Jewish money fraud, Jewish wars and war crimes, and all the rest. It has its own site searcher; you can be absolutely sure this site is worthless. I was amused by a piece 'Why I choose to collaborate with the criminal underworld'—well, you can imagine. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• I found something I vaguely remembered: in a collection of poems, novels, and other material by Hilaire Belloc published by Everyman in about 1930, the opening chapter or two of Belloc's novel Belinda, which has a description of Rothschild ruining many Englishmen who had bought government stock to finance war against Napoleon. Internet now of course has many downloadable books; but Belinda still seems unavailable. This suggests all books with unfavourable references to Jews are filtered out by standard bulk uploaders of out of copyright material. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• biasedbbc.org is one of these rather sad hole-in-corner forums with a small endlessly-repeating coterie of commenters, all saying much the same thing. Nothing whatever on Jews controlling finance, and thus down through the 'news' networks. I can't remember if I ever tried posting on this site; it's clearly a waste of time. There may be a few occasional nuggets on the BBC, though it's unlikely. The point seems to be to pretend the BBC is honest, by simulated sniping against it: lots of fake material on the Holohoax, Palestine etc. All serious matter on Jews and wars and Gulags is cut out by these shits. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• BBC 'Media Action Charity'. Its website says BBC Media Action, formerly known as the BBC World Service Trust, is the BBC's international development charity, funded independently by external grants and voluntary contributions, presumably (2015 figure:) Jewish. Revenue: 45.3 million, Founded: 1999, Origin: London, Number of employees: 832, Expenses: &ound;44 million. Probably essentially a Jew organ for spying on places such as Afghanistan and Syria, and acting, or pretending to act, against (for example) Russia.
• Borderland About #10M says Alexa. Established 27 Nov 1999. NOTES FROM THE BORDERLAND The UK's Premier Parapolitical Magazine—well, that's their claim. Note the date of establishment was pre-9/11. May be a part of the Jewish fraud of 9/11 (like Chomsky, they think 911 investigators are an odd cult) and related Middle East Wars. They provide a helpful list of the few topics they cover. They omit the Jewish nuclear frauds and Climate frauds and medical frauds. There's also the conventional presentation of wars as fights between nations. Nothing at all on Jewish funding of two sides in wars, and notably nothing on Jews in WW1 and WW2, despite the importance of intelligence information there. The site has a wearied, old, dead feel; I'd guess it's for old phonies fed a pittance for their rubbish.
• Martin J. Walker is an amiable, Alan Bennett soundalike, who writes on medical corruption and dishonesty. I met him when he worked on Continuum, an alternative AIDS magazine, in the Brunswick Centre in London. A book of his, Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism (Slingshot Publications, January 2008; now online) deals with a journalist called Ben Goldacre. (Walker's titles generally sound more inclusive than they are). Unfortunately, Walker has no idea of the dominance of Jews in publishing, media, and control of science. If he had, he might have produced a better book. As it is, he simply records with incredulity a series of attacks by Goldacre on Patrick Holford, who runs a nutrition research organisation. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Another medical issue is circumcision; for example in Men Do Complain on male genital mutilation. These organisations seem completely unaware of Jewish (and no doubt Moslem) pressures, notably in the Jewish-owned press. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• crank.net is an uninteresting site, but illustrates the way sites are careful to avoid issues. It's a fair guess it's another Jewish site, since it makes a lot of effort to disallow challenges to the 'Holocaust' fraud and related frauds, such as violence attributed to Germans, and not Jews and their puppets. The site says nothing intelligent about science but does mention the ineffectual 'Natural Philosophy Alliance'. Another worthless site. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• discovermagazine.com has a remarkably high rating on Alexa, possibly because it's deliberately forced by way of the Alexa address bar. It has more female readers than male, and more 'no college' and 'school' readers than others. Rather sadly, this is enough to identify the site as lightweight. There's no sign of anything serious in nukes, power, minerals, uses of science. ... It looks like yet another Jewish site, funded by easy Jewish fraud money. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• I found a pseudo-revisionist article here www.returnofkings.com/51110/the-story-of-the-great-axis-rebellion with facts and figures about the Second World War but which completely omits the Jewish roles in financing and supporting wars, and building up debt for the future. The author thinks huge numbers of (e.g.) planes or eighty million 'Allied' troops come with no cost implications. He thinks Europe 'had been busily sending off expeditions to explore, conquer, pillage and rule every inch of the world they could reach'. He ignores the specifically Jewish aspects, such as the opium wars, in which the beneficiaries were Jews, not Britain, which was probably a net loser, although not at the Chinese level. He is unable to face the facts of the Holocaust fraud. Probably articles of that sort will become common, carefully avoiding Jewish issues while pretending to be objective. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• aulis.com and debunkingskeptics.com look at, respectively, NASA's supposed 'moon landings' and some related issues such as human evolution and long-term geology; and three issues—Apollo, JFK murder, and 9/11. Both sites aim at rationality and have convincing demolitions of some current myths. David Percy's Aulis site is a development of his work on NASA—see this youtube on the supposed 'moon landings' which I adapted from a 1999 TV programme in Britain. However, they seem to be entirely Jew-unaware, and therefore have little grip on the causation of such frauds. Neither has any idea about nuclear issues, or about the validity of the reasons given for wars. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• British Psychological Society I found (checking on a flurry of downloads from my site on the Jewish frauds Milgram and Zimbardo) a Jan 2008 in 'the psychologist' (typography sic) By Haslam and Reicher (both Jews?—no declaration) on 'the banality of evil', a topic dear to the hearts of Jews, if they have them. I won't bore you with their rubbish; hatred of Germany is a long-term Jew fixation, and lies on the subject seem endless. But the usual comment applies: would the BPS ('Promoting excellence in psychology') put out a piece on Anglo-American-Jews enjoying torture and rape in wartime? Or blacks robbing with violence? Of course not. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• cfact.org (Climate Fact?) seems to be a Jew-run site with the priority of supporting nuclear frauds. It might be expected it would support 'climate change through carbon dioxide emission' and its numerous advocates. This of course would justify 'nuclear power' if it existed and if it were safe. However, there are problems—for example with China, which has large numbers of coal-fuelled power stations. Moreover they seem able to recognise the huge practical problems with solar power and wind power. There are also difficulties with the Jewish media presentation of radiation: important for security, to keep people away; and yet potentially difficult because if taken seriously radioactive waste may be a serious problem. So this website is a bit of a strange mixture, though as far as I bothered to look, its priority is nuclear issues—as would be expected, as this is by far the biggest fraud related to power supplies and weapons supplies. Alexa says this site is about #125,000 in the USA. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• JudithCurry.com Appears to be a professional pseudoscientific climate change, electricity, and general-purpose 'green' fraud and news site, probably I'd guess Jewish (Cohen?) judging for example by its indifferent-to-horrors military comments on US persons from wars. I found this site from a link from the OccidentalObserver, known as the SmallTownPinhole from its absurd narrowness. I thought this was a self-referential masterpiece:– ‘Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is defined as the amount of temperature change in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, after the climate system has reached equilibrium’ The author is keen on manipulating electricity, I think as a response to doubts over 'nuclear power'.
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• Wild Life and Nature Protection as Cover Stories I've copied an old (1994) article on population reduction and the use of wild life conservation as a ploy to take over vast areas of land, around the world. The article mentions the World Wildlife Fund, which seems to have been renamed years ago as the World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF.
I'm not certain how accurate all this is. It includes references to European Royal families, reminding me of Belgium and the Congo Free State, and the suppression of information on it.
  Anyway, here's my link to the file, in the form of notes to a slide show, and not all that readable. Opens in a new tab.
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• Greenpeace is one of the long-standing phonies, possibly modelled on Oxfam—though Oxfam is coming under heavy fire, since it seems to have accomplished nothing, apart from sex with poor locals: most of the population of India still defecate in the open, for example. The most likely model for Greenpeace is a by-now traditional Jewish promotional system. Greenpeace are very emphatic on their website that they do not accept money from governments or companies. This of course leaves open transfers of money from people like Soros (I don't know if he takes time off supporting fake revolutions, and Russian girls pissing on crucifixes, to bother personally). These paper money transfers are of course not generous at all, since they rely on Jewish paper money, which costs them nothing, largely courtesy the Fed.
My working hypothesis is that Greenpeace resembles Freemasonry, or the US or British or French government, in its structure, with the highest levels controlled in secret by Jews, and lowest levels occupied by opportunists, and some people who regard themselves as concerned activists. Greenpeace has existed for many years; there must have been changes and takeovers and replacement of unsuitable personnel, but my best guess is that the policy is now set by Jews. If so, its nominal policies are a handy barometer of what are regarded by Jews as their most important frauds, always viewed through the filter of the nominal aims of Greenpeace. Greenpeace can be expected to supply Jew-approved comment on science and wars, and clearly one overriding policy is to promote Jewish lies in nuclear materials, climate change frauds, and raw material control, and also promote Jewish lies as regards wars, notably censoring out war profits, and Jewish actions which are offloaded onto 'Americans' or 'Muslims' or whoever it might be. Where both interests overlap, for example with 9/11 (their website has nothing of significance), and mineral exploitation in Africa (a notable Jewish interest), and the world population issue (where Jews want to flood white countries), there is possibly maximum control. At the lowest level, I'd guess their uninformed young people may be used as a barometer or litmus test by Jews.
Readers looking at Greenpeace online may be surprised to know Greenpeace still (2015) takes the 'global warming' line, and has a 'save the arctic' scheme, including t-shirted ex-'celebrities'. Despite the short sharp youtube, c 2009, with Kerstin Blodig of Greenpeace trying to talk with Lord Monckton; clearly she knew nothing. (There is a German dubbed version online). Despite the 'peace' in the name, Greenpeace does no research on where the money goes on weapons: almost certainly to Jewish companies, since Jewish paper money has bought out pretty well all assets worth having—and in the Jewish world this means arms and death for any enemies they choose.
Their target donors are simple people with no knowledge of science. They use 'chuggers' ('charity muggers') paid by results—i.e. getting bank details and signing people up. These people are, like most of the populace, distressingly low on knowledge. There must be people of the 'Christian' type, aiming to do good work, as directed by others, for payment.
Does Greenpeace Consider Serious Issues? Let's try to take a large and up-to-date overview here.
Here's a partial list of funded and advertised pressure groups over the last half-century from about 1965 (excluding charities and political party pressure groups): animal rights (for instance the Animal Liberation Front), environmentalism—supposed world issues such as global cooling, warming, ozone (Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace), fathers' rights (e.g. Fathers for Justice), feminism, 'gay' rights (e.g. Outrage), human rights (Amnesty International), nuclear issues (CND), pollution issues, 'Stop the War' groups and things like 'Help for Heroes', world poverty groups such as Oxfam, and actions for young people (UK Uncut is an example).
It's of course difficult to spot things which aren't there; who can be sure to identify important issues? In particular, as the media generally are Jewish-owned, popular scares can be expected to dominate, and real issues remain unmentioned. Human population growth is a good example: can it really be true that black Africans will make half of all people by 2100? What about food, water, raw materials, housing, energy, wars? What about democracy? As far as I know, the populist groups have contributed nothing to understanding these issues. For example, the UN, the World Bank, the EU, the US are in practice completely removed from popular pressure. They are all operated by groups behind the scenes, notably of course Jews. And examining the examples listed above, Halal and Jewish slaughter remain; ALF completely failed. Abortion, and Jewish organ traffic, are more or less unchallenged. The climate change groups are all funded by vested interests, and are clearly fraudulent. Fathers for Justice and other such groups have got nowhere, and there is a complete absence of examination of legal systems and their institutional corruption. Amnesty has done nothing about victims of the wars of the last fifty years. World poverty is unchanged; people donate, and nothing happens. There is fluoride in drinking water, most people having no idea of the implications. Almost nobody has insight into world food and its control. Greenpeace's name has no direct mention of science, but clearly greenness and peace need appreciation of science and technology. An absolutely crucial part of the puzzle is the nuclear issue; this site campaigns on the basis that nuclear weapons, starting with Hiroshima, are a propaganda fake, but Greenpeace has done no research, and put no effort, into this topic.
Greenpeace does not mention the central importantance of paper money, as controlled by the Fed, but also by central banks around the world. They do not mention immense Jewish frauds, such as the propaganda push for their mass killings in the Soviet Union, and the propaganda push for war with Germany. Or subsequent Jewish wars. I am told Greenpeace will not touch the human population issue. They do not mention such groups as Migration Watch, which is worried because of the huge constantly growing populations of low intelligence groups in much of the world. They do not mention websites such as iamanenglishman.com in the UK on immigrant crime rates—surely an aspect of 'peace'.
Greenpeace has no serious educational function. It will not report on such authors as Grayling, Niall Ferguson, Richard Dawkins and the 'skeptics' who never mention science corruption. They do not educate people on thousands of explicitly racist and tribal groups which are officially encouraged—Mexicans, Bengalis, Chinese, Indians, Jews, Nigerians, Pakistanis, Somalis, Turks—who get huge sums of public money.
My handy desktop searcher allows me to survey typical bits and pieces connected to Greenpeace's history. Here's my chronology:–
1942 Oxfam founded; note the link with Oxford, which to this day maintains a façade of intellectual honesty and social concern. Possibly the model of new 'post-war' charities, run as lucrative PR businesses. (Here's a 2014 website on Belgians, probably Jews, helping plant bombs in South Africa).
1968 The Special Operations Squad was formed in 1968, under the Labour government of Harold Wilson, by the Metropolitan Police Special Branch specifically to infiltrate the anti-war movements of the period. The unit was quickly expanded and in 1972 was renamed the Special Demonstrations Squad (SDS). Throughout its existence, until 2008, the unit was intended to be entirely secretive and committed to "long-term covert deployments" [This is from Jewish organ 'Lobster' in Britain]
1965 Cathy Come Home BBC TV summer. Ken Loach ('lucky enough to own a manor house in Wiltshire') play. With actors pretending to have working class voices. Draws attention in innumerate way to housing shortage, despite post-WW2 'welfare state'. Part of a trend to never mention immigration, or population.
1971 Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace 'started 1971, now 40 offices'
2007 TV Greenpeace founder (Patrick Moore - no apparent relation to the astronomer) shown as saying that by Thatcher most people agreed with them; so where else could they go except be more extreme?
1978 Dr Helen Caldicott's Nuclear Madness includes pictograms on 1972 'nuclear threats', of the same type as Greenpeace's books. E.g. uranium tailings, radioactive waste burial grounds, nuclear industries, reactors and military and research reactors. Most of this must be fraudulent.
1985 Greenpeace claims of phone tapping in Jewish-controlled Guardian. Probably to make Greenpeace seem a serious campaigning group.
1985, July 10: Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior sabotaged by a bomb by two French agents in Auckland Harbour, before Mururoa Atoll trip. At least, that's the story. Lobster and Private Eye had various conspiracy theories, but the truth probably is that Greenpeace was awarded credibility as a serious activist organisation by the Jewish media. The fake of nukes was buttressed at the same time.
1986 Vanunu fake announcement to insert the idea that Israel had nuclear weapons. Jewish Sunday Times 'scoop'.
1986 26 April: Chernobyl. Described by 'scientific journalists' in the Jewish-controlled Sunday Observer as 'The Worst Accident in the World'.
1987 Greenpeace Report on Chernobyl in the UK.
1987 Richard Deacon's 'The Truth Twisters' published, a typical don't-mention-Jews book. 'Russian propaganda has found its way into British schools. ... Christianity has in recent years been distorted into a "front organisation" for international communism [read: Jews] . .... Friends of the Earth draws support from known communist sources......the anti-nuclear lobby is not so much genuinely won over to the ecological cause as it is politically motivated and Soviet oriented. ... Greenpeace would give the Russians [read: jews in the USSR] excellent opportunities for studying French nuclear technology once they had penetrated the movement and gained access to some of their ships....'.
1988 'Ban the Burn' slogan against incinerator disposal of e.g. PCBs, with marches in proposed sites for incinerators. In ten years' time, this campaign was dropped.
1989 Greenpeace leaflet enclosed in TV publications called 'something's happening'. Based in Islington, London. Presumably for money-raising; or perhaps just publicity; or to elbow out serious commentators.
1989 The Greenpeace Book of the Nuclear Age edited by John May. 'The most comprehensive record of nuclear accidents and radiation incidents ever published. ..' Published by Gollancz, a Jewish propagandist publisher dating from the 1930s. Appendix A, after the 1990 Iraq War, is the 'most complete survey of all the different bombs, missiles, shells, and weapons...' by William M Arkin, Damian Durrant, and Marianne Cherni for Greenpeace. Presumably they simply quoted US official publications.
1989: Greenpeace may lodge objections to illegal discharges from sewage treatment works.
1990 Japanese girl reported to have founded a branch of Greenpeace, which had only 200 members. As is typical of controlled opposition, funding sources and other information (such as her competence) are not reported.
1990: The Elbe is 'Germany's most poisoned river' / Greenpeace sampling water from river Gowy at Shell oil refinery in Cheshire
1990 new scientist French 'nuclear testing' in Mururoa and Fangataufa. France refuses to release information on cancer.. typhoons have spread huge amounts of nuclear waste, including plutonium under asphalt layer which storms tore off. .. unparalleled cynicism.. killing Greenpeace protester by limpet mines attached to Rainbow Warrior in 1985. 160 tests by May 1990
1990 New Scientist on CFCs and similar compounds such as carbon tetrachloride, and ozone layer. Montreal protocol and self-serving scientists of ICI. Written by Jeremy Leggett, director of science at Greenpeace. USA, Soviet Union, and Japan all have large CFC industries. Unfortunately typical of low-grade media 'science'.
1990 Global Warming—The Greenpeace Report, Edited by Jeremy Leggett. Published by Oxford University Press, possibly to appear serious. Sir John Mason (here's his 1995 talk) not indexed.
1991 Jonathon Porritt of Greenpeace: five times more efficient to switch to fluorescent bulbs than nuclear power. Typical comment which does not examine assumptions.
1991, Mon 2 Dec, 8 pm, BBC2: 'Nature. Pressure Point. Greenpeace is an organisation of green crusaders, but are some of its solutions too extreme and as damaging as the problems they are fighting? Producer Mark Fielder'. Typical BBC useless material. Includes shots of marine protests on whales and dolphins: staged stuff with rubber dinghy and people practising; and claims of sea dumping of radioactive waste. Characteristically the BBC employs science illiterates. The expression 'greenwashing' describes the use of public relations. Suggestion is made Greenpeace must keep finding targets, to keep the money coming in, 'now that the battles have been won'.
1991 Hamburg has HQ of Greenpeace - imposing modern 4-storey or so building]. 700,000 members in Germany.
1991 On Iraqi Casualties after Jews got their war, according to Greenpeace, more than 150,000 Iraqis died as a result of the Gulf War and at least 5 million lost their homes or jobs; 5,000 to 15,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in round-the-clock air bombardments; 4,000 to 16,000 died of starvation and disease after the war ended; 10,000 to 30,000 Kurds and other displaced persons expired in refugee camps. I haven't found the source, but, as is typical of Jewish media, the figures taken therefrom cannot be trusted.
1991 FRANCE: Order of Merit awarded to manslaughterer of Greenpeace boat. With a modern Internet-based feel for psyops, the New Zealand incident was probably an aspect of nuclear deception.
1991 USSR 'falls' and Greenpeace does not comment on Jewish 'oligarchs'. Allegations were often made that 'Russians' subsidised for example CND, meaning in truth of course Jews in the USSR/ Russia.
1993 John Gummer, Minister for the Environment, or something, announced THORPE will go ahead. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant. Probably this is to do with uranium; the radiation aspect being a red herring. At this point 'the cutting edge of technology is wind, wave, solar power.." as a new fraud hoves into view, and the exit strategy for the fake nuclear power industry takes shape.
1994 Information provided by people who infiltrated London Greenpeace led to the serving of libel writs on five Greenpeace members who distributed leaflets, leading to the McDonald burgers libel trial. This began on 28th June 1994 against Steel and Morris. McSpotlight.org website went up April 1997. I could never decide if this morphed into publicity for McDonald's; it may have.
1995 Typical BBC Radio Woman's Hour (light stuff aimed at women) hosted a Greenpeace woman on dioxins, and the chlorine industry which she imagines started in about 1945. Interesting multiple scares, as far as I know never properly investigated. There was a supposed link with low sperm counts, possibly related to the use of new computerised microscope counting techniques. Part of the scare technique is the word 'chemicals'. Oestrogen-like compounds in water was or is another scare, possibly related to chemical identification on enormously improved sensitivity.
1995 Socialist Workers Party, a Jewish front, has one week of meetings at London University Union building, including a Greenpeace talk.
1997 Dick van Steenis: says Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth are not interested in small particles in the air caused by orimulsion burning, and connection with e.g. asthma and cancer.
2001 Lobster, a Jewish dupe outfit, has curious press reports that both Shell and BP used ex-MI6 and a former German agent to 'infiltrate' Greenpeace
2001 Greenpeace UK did nothing I could find on organophosphates, BSE, foot and mouth—or of course the related political issues surrounding Jewish money and control of meat in Europe and the USA.
2001 Sept 11. Even in 2015, nearly fifteen years later, the Greenpeace website has nothing except trivia on '9/11', an obviously Jewish inside job.
2003 With the spread of Internet (started in, say, 1995) Foundations, Groups, 'Trusts', 'Initiatives', 'Centers' start to get more widely known, the 'Bilderberg Group' being possibly the best known. Here's a typical list from Lobster: Ian Hargreaves ... Formerly Deputy Editor of Stevenson's Financial Times and the Independent (with Martin Jacques). Oversees UnLtd, Ashoka, CAN and other Mezzanine 'charities' (below). Attended the Ditchley Foundation on 7 November 1998, writes for Prospect and is involved in the IPPR. Recently appointed (post 9/11) to British Airports Authority.
A member of the Centre for European Reform (CER), a lobby group associated with the American Enterprise Initiative and Atlantic Council. CER's board includes Carl Bildt (International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) which has Bruce Jackson of the Project for the New American Century), Antonio Borges (Atlantic Council), Nick Butler (BP), Lord Dahrendorf (St. Antony's College and Ditchley with ties to MI6 and CCF) , Lord Hannay (Ambassador to UN and EU), Lord Haskins (Northern Foods, Demos), Catherine Kelleher (US Naval War College), John Monks (TUC), Dame Pauline Neville-Jones (Career Diplomat, QinetiQ, which, with the Carlyle Group runs the UK's secret military laboratories; former chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Political Director FCO, IISS, Harkness Fellow, Governor Ditchley Foundation and BBC), Adair Turner (Forward Strategy Unit) (38) and Baroness Smith, wife of the late Labour leader, at the time a director of the Hakluyt Foundation, the intelligence firm connected to MI6, who spied on environmental groups for oil companies including BP. Smith is an advisor for BP Scotland. Hargreaves is on the board of Greenpeace and Hakluyt spied on Greenpeace. BP are well represented on CER's board. Shell fund. Demos [a public opinion group]. BP's Andrew Mackenzie is Demos' Treasurer. Hakluyt also spied on Demos' Anita Roddick's Body Shop.
2006 Whaler rams Greenpeace protest ship
2006 Anthony Browne's book on political correctness mentions the more or less fraudulent damaging organisations in the UK and USA - Southern Poverty Law Centre, Amnesty, Index on Censorship which not campaigns against free speech, Greenpeace which won't touch the population issue, the National Lottery. And the outrageous double standards of Asian and other race-based groups in the UK.
2006 Greenpeace Nederlands investigates dumping of poisonous waste in the Ivory Coast.
2008 ' ... current membership of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and other related groups is far in excess of that of conventional political parties...'
2008 BP the first Greenpeace Emerald Paintbrush award for the best impersonation of an environmentally friendly company. (Weapons companies, chemical warfare companies etc seem not to get such awards).
2008 Protestors Handbook (author stated to be Bibi van der Zee; published by Guardian, Jewish paper) has e.g. an account of the early days of Greenpeace and 'beautiful, intelligent, liberated.. etc females'.
2009 Typical comment. Meanwhile, as scepticism grows and recession bites, ecological sanctimony recedes amongst ordinary people. Vast tomes of expensive and unnecessary regulation have been drafted because of a 'problem' that does not exist. Vested interests promote 'global warming' to excuse greater taxation, regulation and international forums of governance and control. Energy companies and investors stand to gain handsomely from scams such as carbon trading. Charitable bodies like Greenpeace depend for their funding on public anxiety, on international 'consensus' articulated by such bodies as the EU Commission while environmental correspondents and advisors constantly exaggerate the threat to justify their salaries.
2010 Britain: Greenpeace held a political hustings in Oxford Town Hall. The event, which was co-sponsored by a number of other environmental and development NGOs such as Oxfam, Christian Aid, the Green Alliance and People and Planet, was entitled, "Ask the Climate Question". It was attended by approximately 180 people
Greenpeace: just another phoney. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• CensorBugBear.org unfortunately appears to be yet another Jewish front. It starts with appeals for money, but commonsense suggests, in view of Jewish domination of worthless money, that the implied suggestion they are short of cash is false.
It has a subsite, http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/ on South Africa, though most of the copy is concerned to minimise/not mention Jews and their history in South Africa. Probably atrocities are under-reported, both of whites, and of blacks on the wrong side of other blacks. The phrase 'hatecrimes against SA minorities' is one giveaway. At present there are articles there pretending there was genocide against Jews, and not mentioning American genocides supported by Jews, as in for example Vietnam, Iraq and so on, and without the slightest pretence of punishment. Ditto with the USSR when Russia was under Jews. I'd advise readers not to take censorbugbear and its subsites seriously, if you want truth. They are clearly following the Jewish agenda. In particular, actions against whites are not correctly situated as Jewish policy.
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• Index on Censorship is a long-standing fraud; I remember in my naive days expecting them to comment on war crimes in the Vietnam War, and being surprised they didn't. A current edition includes material by Grayling (see my unflattering review of his tenth-rate book), and Harold Evans, a probably more-or-less forgotten editor of some Jewish rubbish. These people are filth: don't even consider donating to this outfit which has done nothing about any serious issue of free speech. I've just noticed Al Murray, a comedian, is claimed as a supporter; what a moron. Oh, and Michael Palin. My best guess is this organisation opposes any groups in poor countries that are in the right: they want them not to be able to keep secrets, while scum like these tell lies about war crimes, Jewish money, the 9/11 fraud, the Holohoax and so on. To amuse myself I searched their site for Palestine, and was amused by The Freedom Theatre in Jenin's refugee camp came under attack by the the Israel Defence Force. To amuse myself more, I searched for 'Holocaust' and found e.g. Holocaust Imagery and its Place in Politics in place of an impassioned plea for free speech. It's probably unreasonable to expect these vacuous people to even be aware of science frauds, despite their importance; they are after all rented windbags, with all the gravitas of elderly prostitutes. Probably it's an adjunct to the CIA, and wants people to give up their secrecy, while of course keeping their own. Most of their award-winners are puppet third worlders; none as far as I could see address issues of debt, Jewish money, wars etc. I've just noticed one of their sponsors is the Guardian! The chairman of their 'Board of Trustees' is David Aaronovitch.
I found an American site including Forbidden Bookshelf but it's a minor site.
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• middleeastmonitor.com is a curious site which seems to allow mild criticism of Israel, while never delving into the money aspects, notably paper money lending at interest, and paper money as directed to Jews for their own agenda around the world. It's also free of nuclear knowledge. It seems to be aimed at people who believe that (e.g.) Jeremy Corbyn and 'Gerry' Adams are serious politicians. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Nexus Magazine appears to be based in Australia and is a fairly full-on publication of semi- and quasi-scientific material. I'd guess there are serious people—concerned with e.g. vaccination, fluoridation, was—who may be allowed to publish. However, this is nothing about Jews. The distributor in Britain is Marcus Allen (one of my youtubes shows him discussing NASA's fake 'moon landings') but, disappointingly, this seems to be the sole serious topic of this ex-photographer. Nexus is claimed to be edited, and owned by, Duncan Roads, in Australia, but there's little online information about him to be found, in my cursory look. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Stack Exchange at first sight looks like a fascinating intellectual site, essentially with questions (sorted by topic) which have answers posted to them, ideally by experts. Alexa rates this as about #300 in the entire world. I'd guess much of this rating is based on computer games rather than serious stuff. The site is subdivided; thus for example english.stackexchange, worldbuilding.stackexchange, mathematica.stackexchange look at English words and expressions, historical puzzles, and advanced math, respectively. The subdivisions seem to be auto-generated, rather than pre-planned; the whole thing is a bit vague at the edges. I could see no ads. The site is somewhat like a 'Wikipedia' for questions and answers. It reflects the painful weakness of current US academia: there's a bias towards things like computer games, computer programming, puzzles, academic careers and how to get them, and incuriosity about anything un-PC, or difficult and unanswered: the next generation of thoughtless narrow lightweight techies. I tried them on brainwashing as an aside to US atrocities in Korea; mathematical induction; a simple linguistic thing; a question where the poster assumed a country at war is completely unified, without considering the way Jewish finance has evolved. And a few other things, such as determinism and 'freewill'. Like Wikipedia, Stack Exchange seems to have a permanent squad of censors. Sad and disappointing. I'd guess funded by some Jewish trust, think tank, phoney academic organisation. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• reddit is a US site aimed at the vast majority of not very educated Americans, the victims of generations of Jewish media brainwashing. I'd guess most of them are young or inexperienced, judging by the sadly stunted phrasing and comments. Sad stuff but I won't say anything more than note it here. ...
I only became Jew-aware in the Spring of '14, but what a ride it's been, and still is. Like putting on the "Roddy Piper" glasses in "They Live." Just incredible.
My dad, who, because of me, is also beginning to become aware, asked me what was the main thing that I had learned about the Jews and Zionism since '14. I responded, with the first words that came to mind: lies, plunder, and murder. I would could add many more, but cancer would be chief amongst them.
Anyways, sounds like you have your head together, and so I just wanted to drop you a line and say hello. If so inclined, drop me a line back. An American citizen, not US subject.
--- Hello. IsThisBrainOn. I can't reply because the infantile masturbators at reddit have 'banned me from posting'. Apologies. Maybe they'll die of cancer?
• May as well add the fake 'Skeptics' movement. Here's a piece on James Randi's JREF 'Foundation' of a few years back. I just noticed a Youtube on Richard Dawkins being excluded from a meeting of a US outfit called 'Northeast [i.e. New York, USA] Conference on Science and Skepticism'. The list of speakers and organizers is a sort of parodic list of lightweight Jew liars. Dawkins seems to have been re-invited: come on, Richard, talk to them about Jewish mass murders and frauds, 9/11, and the Holohoax fraud. As part of a discussion on subspecies evolution. Go on! I dare you. Put it on your site.
• Another fake, set up at the start of December 2015, probably to do with anti-Trump material, is MediaBiasFactCheck. It does have a handy list of sites, most of which though are obviously suspect; possibly the site is simply to direct people in doubt about the Jewish media to other suspect sites, since they may find a different set of lies that appeals to them. They don't include serious ones like mine—nuke frauds are still evaded. I can't imagine why.
• A recent fake claimed to be Nordic or Swedish or Danish (though in English) is NordicResistanceMovement.org Set up in Jan 2018, hosted in California. Experienced analysts can tell immediately the site is a fake. An important clue is complete omission of the Jewish 'Bonnier' family who control the media of the unfortunate Swedes. Incidentally, Wikipedia has a fantasy piece on Sweden, including, like the USA, an 18th century law supposedly guaranteeing free speech.
And may as well add unexplained-mysteries.com which claims about 13 staff! These seem to be moderators. Sites like these are filters: Jews promote many frauds (9/11, pretence there are no human races, 'Holocaust', nuclear scares of many types, religious frauds, medical frauds ad nauseam). But Jews are attacked for these and other frauds. So the moderators' job is to deflect serious people from the latter, but keep the former frauds potboiling away. I don't know whether anyone takes these things seriously—they must have quite a number of repeat visitors. I only know of them because my short piece on Gobekli Tepe was mentioned somewhere, their replies being typical Jew gatekeeper evasive childishness. The problem is of course that serious enquirers can see such sites are not sincere, without, probably, understanding why. So they go away.
• TED or TEDx is a strange outfit, like a Youtube version of the Reader's Digest or perhaps Economist or National Enquirer, aimed I'd guess at simple whites, while trying to trawl for black 'talent' to propagandise for Jews, on Internet. Not surprisingly, it isn't very successful. It claims to have existed for more than thirty years. One of its routine hacks, probably put in to make pretence at some sort of distinction, appears to be E. O. Wilson, who wrote 'Human Nature' years ago (click for review; long file) and demonstrates exactly what's wrong with 'TED' or 'TEDx'. The people running it are presumably the same type as James Randi, the so-called 'skeptics', and Richard Dawkins: they specialise in not looking at Jews and their disgusting habits. Their mission statement is TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics - from science to business to global issues - in more than 100 languages. Although this could not have been planned, they have presence on Youtube, which on average is appropriate to their lightweight material, and of course allows trainee Jewish puppets to try to hone their skills; let's hope they learn something—there are painful attempts at mind trickery, religious insights, simple psychology. Here's a list of the first twelve speakers ('Whether ... at an official TED conference, at one of thousands of local, independently organized TEDx events, or on another stage altogether') on 'global issues'; note the lack of competence of all of them:
• The Henry George Foundation. Here's J K Galbraith in The Affluent Society: '... Labour and capital increased in productivity; the land supply remained constant in quality and amount. Rents, as a result, increased more than proportionately and made the landlords the undeserving beneficiaries of advance. The anticipation of rent increases and attendant speculation in land values was also the cause of depression. ... if a tax [called 'single tax'] were imposed equal to the annual use value of real property ex its improvements, so that it would now have no net earnings and hence no capital value - progress could be orderly and its fruits would be equitably shared. ... ' Henry George, an American, wrote Progress and Poverty (published in 1897, which was also his year of death). H G Wells bought 'a sixpenny paper-covered edition'. Henry George is one of those hard-to-classify authors, like Swedenborg, William Blake, Francis Bacon and Giordano Bruno, who attract nuclei of believers. This foundation seems to have had a number of changes of address, but continues its work. It has some online material, including its magazine Land & liberty, and titles in its library.
I found an online letter dated 1891 to Pope Leo XIII, on Rerum Novarum (i.e. 'New Things') including: 'We hold: That-- This world is the creation of God. The men brought into it for the brief period of their earthly lives are the equal creatures of his bounty, the equal subjects of his provident care. ... God has not put on man the task of making bricks without straw. With the need for labour and the power to labour he has also given to man the material for labour. This material is land—man physically being a land animal, who can live only on and from land, and can use other elements, such as air, sunshine and water, only by the use of land. Being the equal creatures of the Creator, equally entitled under his providence to live their lives and satisfy their needs, men are equally entitled to the use of land, and any adjustment that denies this equal use of land is morally wrong. ...' As an experiment, I found their site searcher, and, of course, found nothing on Jews. And in Henry George's lifetime Lincoln, greenbacks, and the US 'Civil War' were living memories. No wonder the foundation has been allowed to plod on.
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• http://www.wildheretic.com has no mention of Jews or their paper/ e-money scams. (I used their search function to check). This site seems to be one of the many 'alternative' sites designed to take attention away from huge frauds - in this case, NASA - by exploring obviously wrong theories, mostly trawled from the past, such as flat or hollow earth ideas. Possibly they use Martin Gardner's Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science as a source for these; there are whole chapters with names of many authors, each with verbal and diagrammatic vapour trails. The main point is to avoid tracing the money and tracing the fraud entrepreneurs. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• www.ala.com American Library Association I noted an email comment to this site from Michael A Hoffman II, inviting people to contact this Jewish censorship outfit, who support Amazon's censorship policy on books about Jews. (My reviews are banned by Amazon—if you find Amazon book review comments unhelpful, that's why, on a huge scale). They seem to have a yearly exhibition on banned books, though the examples they list are unimpressive books, always concerned with things Jews are promoting, such as wars, anal sex, child sex, killing Palestinians etc.
This outfit is not clear on its legal status; as far as I can tell it's only a pressure group, funded by Jewish paper money and therefore ultimately by taxpayers and Jewish frauds, and using members to harrass librarians. No wonder American culture is rubbish.
• The art establishment can only be understood with an eye on Jewish promotional media campaigns. There's some suggestive material on Miles W Mathis's website [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Prof Jordan Peterson, Toronto University, Canada, psychology department seems to be under grooming as a fake activist intellectual. He claims to have helped many people under appalling stresses—such as losing jobs, not (of course) being bombed or raped or a Palestinian. His supposed activism is related to the ridiculous proliferation of supposed sexual types. The reality is he is a Jew avoider, and may well think he's a Jew himself, judging from various signs, including the simple fact he's at Toronto. He has no knowledge of science, and quotes the line that scientists purely search for truth. He "fully equates Marxism with Nazism", taking on all the Jewish lies on the Holohoax, Nanking fraud, etc. He is reduced to saying that Nietzsche is a deep and great writer, with great density in his books, but cannot explain what Nietzsche said. Recycling old writers is quite common with such people, as they are known to have once been widely-quoted, and the only effort needed is a few trips to the library: he sounds a bit like R D Laing. He knows nothing about 9/11 and other modern Jewish frauds. He thinks the "full spectrum of political beliefs" runs from "conservatism to liberalism." Just someone to watch; My impression was he's posing as radical to get into the 'Alt-Right', an expression allegedly first used in 2008 by a Jew, Paul Gottfried, like that hair-dyed JewGreek homosexual. If you're interested, watch his videos; scripted?
On the subject of the 'alt-right', a US coining which deliberately pretends that race concerns are 'right wing', I was interested to see that Peterson turned down a polite request for an online talk with 'Millennial Woes', possibly on the ground that Peterson is successful, and Millennial Woes isn't. My best guess is that Peterson is Jew-aware, or thinks he's Jewish, but keeps very quiet about his Jew knowledge; whereas 'Millennial Woes' seems to be totally unaware of Jewish issues—a precarious position for anyone concerned with forced nonwhite invasion into white, or once-white, countries. 'Millennial Woes' as a new (in late 2017) series of interviews with alt-right people, but only rather obscure ones. He may of course be a crypto-Jew himself, perhaps trying to change the views of his network mates. Or he may be anxious to preserve his income from Youtube, which of course would be at risk if he discussed Jews.
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• I was amazed to notice a site called Practical Ethics - Ethics in the News, apparently part of the philosophy department in Oxford University, England, is listed by Alexa as about #5,000 in the entire world. Their comments policy says among other things We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech. I was amused at some of their materials; I've noticed many times that people with philosophy degrees (see e.g. Ranb, a troll, who claims to be 'a philosopher') understandably often have little knowledge of any other subject. So they assume that (for example) 'smart drugs' exist. However the point here of course is that they presumably will not discuss Jews, Jewish paper money, Jewish lies, Jewish frauds. Or Jewish paper money and the funding of worthless university departments. They claim to offer ... daily ethical analysis of news events written by authors drawn from students and researchers in four centres based at the Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford, and from our visitors. For what it's worth, here's the URL: http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk
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• MEMRI is one of many video news sites, usually on Youtube. Sick of Jewish 'western' media, many people turned with some excitement to Russian, Arabic, and other news sources. They soon found they have the same ownership. A good example is MEMRI ('Middle East' something - 'Middle East Media Research Institute'? Something like that. I quote from Lawrence Swaim via newnationalist.net:
• Rebel Media is a Youtube site (I think Canadian) with many serious-seeming short videos, which appear to be addressing serious issues, but seems to be part of the exit strategy from the obviously fake 'refugee' (i.e. invader) policy of Jews such as Merkel, Cameron, Obama, Soros and so on ad nauseam. Jews have the policy of destroying any white and anything good - they are fanatics. This is why the paper money and e-money that they control hand out money to Jewish frauds, including fake campaigners who support alien invasions into white countries. None of this is mentioned in their hack pieces on current 'migration' policy. Another amusing piece by 'Professor John Robson' discusses Standard Oil, US Steel etc. What he doesn't say is that Jews were put in control of the Federal Reserve in 1913. They have a monopoly over all money apart from odd caches of gold etc. And this applies in most of the world. Jews benefit from wars, and from government borrowing. The moronic 'historian' with his childish worldview is just another hack. No surprise to find an 'Ezra Levant' doing video pieces; no surprise to find anti-Islam pieces, but nothing on Jews; no surprise to find a Pat Condell type, who appears to be Gavin McInnes, who calls Ezra 'the boss', dilating on absurdities but never explaining the Jewish promotion. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Red Ice Radio might (I thought) do serious talks and interviews online. But it's easy enough to see they don't, though they did attempt to talk to Kevin MacDonald. Just more junk. A recent video has Tim Murdock of 'White Rabbit Radio' and again there's minimal reference to Jews, despite their role in promoting mass immigration and 'diversity' in white countries.[ Back to Top of This Page ]
Just to be confusing, Radio3Fourteen hosted by Lana Lokteff seems fairly good and of course Jew-aware. 'Hosted' doesn't seem to mean 'run by', as her web broadcasts appear to be hosted on redice radio. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• RichieAllen at richieallen.co.uk (Alexa gives ) is an Internet Radio site apparently based in Liverpool, hosted by Irish-voiced chap. I had an enthusiastic report; and listened to him talking with Alison Chabloz. But he doesn't deal with all MSM-evaded topics. She pointed out that post-WW2 Jewish population figures were about the same at the start of the war as at the end. Five minutes later Allen was adamant about German cruelty etc. But nothing on really serious topics. And rubbish, e.g. dog lifting a paw. ("Giving a Hitler salute"). Disappointing. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• richplanet.net Added 16 Feb 2023. Seems to be Richard D. Hall's site, hence the 'Rich' I presume. (The D remains anonymous!) Established in 2007. IP location seems to be in Croydon. Has videos with 30 second intro which look professional. NE England voice. Highest siterankdata ranking 70,000. And apparently a studio for guests. Many videos are listed with names of contributors. E.g. #301 looks at the 'Manchester attack' fake, and a dumpy BBC whore marianna something. Fascinating to try to work out whether Hall is himself a troll. No information on funding or tech support.
Seems to have started as a UFO site; '... UFO Truth ... aliens and ufos... New book and DVD Aliens Before Gentlemen - A Guide to the Future. I'd guess more recently Hall added Crimes of Government . And scamdemic with names even more recent though I doubt the accuracy of what science there is. He has a shop which opens one day a month in Merthyr Tydfil.
He knows Nick Kollerstrom. But almost nothing on Jews. Nothing that I could see on the nuke myths. So unlikely to be a first rank site. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• StopIranWar.com by or run by Wesley Clark. Lots on Iran, nuclear war, Iraq War (Clark has a Youtube interview; people like Cheney I think and list of wars in Africa/Middle East, to 'take out' governments). Includes Fidel Castro. Clark seems unaware of Jews wanting to wreck countries, something he ought to know of. He seems unaware of doubts about nuclear weapons—and therefore doubts about supposedly bombing nuclear research—if indeed there is any amounting to more than money-making. Fascinating to try to deconstruct all this: I'd guess Castro (Jew, relative of Batista, rich family etc) is part of Jewish plans for Iran, for example. Clark might also know something about weaponry: someone must know about it, and about paper money presumably paying for it, and the resulting changes, presumably, as in WW2, for what Jews think is their interest. Look at StopIranWar.com, and decide if the site is helpful in any way. Note 15 Apr 2018—just after false flag chemical attack and cruise missiles on Syria, allegedly—it's difficult to find out even what damage may have been done.
• The Student | Newspaper claims to be the descendant of a newpaper started by Robert Louis Stevenson, in Edinburgh in the 19th century. It appears to have no controversy—there are no comment sections that I could find. It has zero content of specific interest to students, which perversely makes sense, as it is 100% propaganda: Trident (nuclear fraud), HIV (medical fraud), 'climate change' (multiple fraud including money-making), nothing on Jews (paper money fraud, 9/11 fraud, money from governmental loans at face value fraud). I found this site when looking to see what influence the Internet has had on university 'newspapers': they were paper items years ago—Leicester had one called Ripple, though I don't think they ever revealed their policies, the sheets they worked from, money, and all the rest. It's sad to see this trash; let's hope intellectual revisionist activism will expand, at least to the level that none of the sheep will graze on such toilet paper; and with luck to higher points of serious debate and genuine enquiry. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Edge.org Jewish thing supposedly non-profit, something like #100,000 according to alexa.com . Claims to have existed since May 1994. Attempt at controlled philosophy. Relies on flattering promotion, I'd guess largely to women, and men feeling uncultured: "Edge is a salon for the world's finest minds."—The Guardian [UK junk 'news']. "What is the most interesting scientific news? Very, VERY smart people respond."—BoingBoing. 'Third Culture' (these people are proud of their repetitive silly slogans) seems to be stuffing for non-scientists, and 'traditional intellectuals'. They seem in fact to be just more Jews, including people like Dawkins and lightweights. There obviously is a huge gap in the market for serious commentary, but this isn't helpful; it's coffee table stuff, a written version of TEDx. Trial titles: WHAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING? WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT? WHY? WHAT ARE YOU OPTIMISTIC ABOUT? [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Gnostic Media is another online 'radio' podcast show which resolutely fails to mention Jewish links. It resembles Red Ice in including stuff which some people worry about, such as 'mind control' considered without information control and propaganda. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Metafilter is claimed to have about 12,000 members. I only heard of it when looking at a link which came to www.nuke-lies.org (my site). Alexa places it at about #1000 in the entire United States! Surely that's not credible? It reminds me slightly of Mensa, with a similar blandness and conventional list of acceptable topics taken exclusively from the mass media, Jew supremacist assumption, and with in-jokes, a typical American parochialism, and other characteristics, perhaps not worth analysing. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The British National Party website (bnp.org.uk) after the May 2014 elections (two types: for MEPs, Members of the European Parliament - proportional system; and local elections - for local councils, first past the post). The BNP had two MEPs five years earlier. Its vote dropped to something like a quarter of its previous amount. In 2007, 'neocons' offered money to the BNP (see video of Griffin) on condition they [1] only criticized Islam, not Jews; [2] Did not criticize banks. And he said 'Policy Exchange', 'Centre for Policy Studies', 'Nothing British' website, the EDL, the 'British Freedom Party' were funded by 'Zionist Jews'. Unfortunately Nick Griffin waited 5 or 6 years to announce this. And their site had then, and still has, nothing much on Jews.
In view of the corrupting effect of Jews on Britain—the financial system, the media, politics and everything else including education and immigration—the BNP has to be considered a disaster; it never grasped the nettle of discussion of Jewish influence. This seems unlikely to change: their website even now never discusses the issues. In view of the time elapsed, it must be assumed this is deliberate policy, on the 'controlled opposition' view, rather than what may have been (under Nick Griffin) a careful policy of controlled exposure designed not to shock the electorate (yet). At this time (November 2014) the BNP is supporting a report by Rifkind on the supposed murder of Lee Rigby. It also thinks the French are cowards, and Churchill was a great leader. This suggests the BNP is mutating into something like the 'redtop' junk 'newspapers' of Britain.
• Pat Condell has a Youtube video channel; some of his videos have had more than 1 million hits, something which most video makers do not achieve. He seems to have been a stand-up comedian in one of his lives. He has a direct to-the-camera approach with a good attack, but with all the sincerity of a pullovered advertiser taking orders from a client. He dislikes Islam. But (for example) his video Sweden Goes Mad or Sweden Goes Insane (May 2014) does not mention the 'Bonnier' family—see below—who own virtually all the Swedish media, and who systematically ignore Islamic attacks and rapes on Swedish nationals. He seems unaware that it is Jewish policy to promote Muslim and other immigration into parts of Sweden. Condell doesn't even seem to know that Sweden by being neutral in the Second World War, incurred the insane hate of Jewish racists who think everyone should support their psychopathy. Condell's is another Joff site. Whether this is intentional or not, I can't say. However it does make his videos worthless. But you could try commenting: How to insult Condell: Discuss Jewish lies and the 'holocaust'. Then discuss Jewish mass murder in the USSR. Then discuss Jews and Fed and the significance of 1913. Then discuss Jews working ceaselessly to force immigration. Then discuss Jewish media control. Then discuss Jews and 9/11. Then..... [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The John Birch Society seems to take (I took only a cursory look) what they regard as Christian views, US Constitution support, and anti-'Communism', without very clearly identifying Jews where they are responsible to fraud, wars etc. They don't seem to even have identified the roots of 9/11. Nothing much on the Holohoax, or even the Holocaust. Nothing intelligent on Jew/US aggressive wars, such as Korea and Vietnam. Looks like naive rich Protestants, avoiding discussion of wealth and raw materials, lecturing each other. (Of course, in this case, and the next, there's a possibility that legal threats have blocked serious comment). [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The Ku Klux Klan seems to have morphed into The Knights Party. I don't know if this organisation is the same as the original 150-year-ish old Klan. (The name includes the ancient Greek for 'wheel' - etymologically related to bicycle!) The site www.kkk.org now points to www.kkk.bz but the site is so un-Jew-aware I wonder if it's not a fake site, funded by paper money from the usual suspects, perhaps intentionally somewhat amateurish. I read (for example) an article on white genocide in the USA, with population and crime and immigration figures, and yet there is no mention of Jewish groups promoting mass alien immigration. I believe there are at least twenty big pro-immigration, anti-white, open-the-borders for countries (apart from Israel) in the USA, all run by Jews. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• 'NGO Monitor' Seems to be a Jew-processed site providing 'objective' facts (in the Jewish sense) about various non-Governmental bodies. There's of course plenty of opportunity here for multiple bluffs. I found this site when trying to relocate a site by Jews on the Bertrand Russell Foundation on Palestine (which seemed to have sessions from about 2009 to about 2014). It made a special target of Ronald Kasrils, who of course is part of the Jewish-run South African genocide regime. NGO Monitor is analogous, but mentions Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Palestinian Center for Human Rights, and sites which I presume are Palestinian or masquerade as Palestinian - Adalah, B'tselem, Al Haq, Yesh Din, Badil - they are likely to be false-flag, of course. since Jews never debate with genuine opposition. It includes Jew realism as a target - 'anti-Semitism' is listed as a 'key issue'. It of course denies Jewish involvement in 9/11, and in numerous crimes, including of course mass murder when Russia was the USSR. It complains about abuse of the Holocaust™ - despite their advice to take blame for their own failures! Anyway, nothing subtle. Thought I'd insert it here.
I've just noticed Miles Mathis's link to a piece by Tony Cartalucci on Amnesty International, quoting www.informationclearinghouse.com: 'AI is a known front for Intelligence, the major banks, and corporate interests in general'. Interesting piece, with interesting comments.
• Here's a link to NewObserverOnline Amnesty International's "Syria Report" Made-up Nonsense which claims that that country's government has "exterminated" 13,000 people at one prison, based on ridiculous extrapolations from anonymous claims—and admits that it actually only has a list of 36 executed people. I'd give this credence, based on what appear to be facts about the funding of ISIS (Israel and puppets, including the USA, though this may change soon with Trump). The rise of Internet seems to have had a huge counter-effect; the immediacy of videos, in very many places around the world, may make propaganda-driven wars more difficult at any time since the rise of newspapers. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• 'World Socialist Web Site' 'Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)' wsws.org is an infinitely depressing site by Jewish liars, including translations of e.g. 'Lenin' and 'Trotsky' and masses of newer material, almost all commentaries on divide-and-try-to-rule style on more or less any point of complaint permitted by their Jewish controllers. Nothing on violence against whites, or Talmudic sex offences, or Jewish frauds, or the Fed, or a few hundred million starving in India, or truths about the Second World War, or genuine socialism; plenty of 'reports' by 'working people' on cutbacks, strikes, race and immigration as approved by Jews etc. I wonder if there are still people gullible enough to fall for these dead-end dull liars?
David Irving linked to this site (late Sept 2022) to an article on Baltic states removing USSR monuments, presumably in in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Putting war to good use said Irving; possibly referring to Ukraine/Russia rather than the Second World War.
This site (as reported by siterankdata) seems incredibly popular, about #25,000 in the world, though no readership information (including location) is given. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) is a joke site which I found looking up nuclear material. ('Anglicans take a stand for nuclear truth in Japan'). I looked up 'Talmud' in their search feature, wondering if they might have an erudite piece, but of course there is nothing. The newest Archbishop of Canterbury is of Jewish extraction—no chance of anything on Jewish lies and fraud, and Jewish greed, wars and maleficence! [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Bipartisan Report (bipartisanreport.com) is a site ranked incredibly low by Alexa and which is yet another fake news site which is pro-Jewish. If the ranking is roughly correct (there's no guarantee, of course) it hardly seems worth keeping it running. There's a counter-intuitive rule with Jews: most companies etc like to be advertised, at least up to a point. But some don't, including criminal, security, and intelligence groups. Jews seem to be exceptional in having negative advertising, simply filling the output of media such as films, newspapers, books, TV with material which omits Jews, or may occasionally divert them. Anyway bipartisan report is clearly this type. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• counter-currents.com seems popular but is just another covert Jew site. It has oratory on Jews, race, in a literary rather than analytic mode. It aims at simple people who think they want brainless heroism: this of course is the Jewish model of whites, ignoring creativity and construction. I read quite a comical piece on whites compared to trees, with a total evasion of the Jewish roots of 'revolutions', funding of both sides in wars from Napoleon and the US 'civil war' to both 20th century world wars. Worth reading for sample Jew lies, to piece together how the trick is done.
N [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The 'Labour Party' in Britain has been a Jewish organisation since it was invented in about 1900. Funded by Jews and backed by Jews (such as Sidney Webb) along with some English people who wanted money and hoped to get it, 'Labour' supported both the First World War ('Great' War), Balfour's 'Declaration', the Second World War, genocide in Vietnam to make money for Jews, the Jewish 'Bank of England', Harold Wilson's support for coloured immigration, Jewish interests after 1945 as regards rationing etc, Jewish media control, and endless other anti-British actions, including Jewish control of trade unions, and, under Tony Blair (who was possibly sired by a Rothschild), financial frauds to get ever more British assets under Jewish control, destruction of British heritage, housing frauds, and wars for Jewish interests. Its most recent 'leader', Ed Miliband, supposed son of Marxist Ralph Miliband, was recently removed; a front-runner is another Jew liar, Jeremy Corbyn. There's an online video of a TV discussion on Corbyn with 'red' Ken Livingstone, a Jew puppet, and 'Lord Cashpoint' who helped fund Tony 'Bliar' Blair. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• The 'MacArthur Foundation' is a rich organisation, brought to my attention by Mike King of 'TomatoBubble'. These outfits are worth studying by inquisitive-minded people, who like to try to penetrate the reality underlying these foundations and their carefully-worked-out phrases and pieties. Almost invariably, NGOs, as with 'charities', are Jewish, since Jewish paper money from the Fed is freely available to Jews, while others have to work for it. TomatoBubble pointed out that macfound.org has been expelled by Putin, as an undesirable foreign body—something Russia had first-hand experience of, in the most horrible ways. Their funding goes to the sort of people who people are waking up to: fake demonstrators, fake revolutionaries, false flag operations, thugs, and so on. One type is fake sex activists: imagine a foreign group paying American blacks to shit in New York synagogues—that's approximately the type. Investigators might try following links between people (e.g. Julia Stasch of macfound with Valerie Jarrett, 'President' Obongo's handler and trainer). Please do some research—it's less difficult than ever before, with Internet to hand. You might start with affordable housing. The Foundation wants a policy of affordable housing for migrants (read: immigrants). They are suggesting Jews should fund it, since they pushed for immigration. Ha—just joking. Of course they want to make make money out of it.[ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Save the Children. Here's a quotation from New Observer Online whose speciality is short, factually accurate as far as possible, articles on nonwhite invasions of white countries. It rarely mentions Jews, possibly under the false belief that Israel is a home for Jews, when in fact most so-called 'Jews' have no intention of ceasing their parasitic lifestyle and moving there.
• Richard Dawkins, Professor of the Public Understanding of Science appears to be utterly naive about Judaism. Reviews of four of Dawkins's books. A few things to watch for are his ignorance of physics, his ignorance of race, his ignorance of defects in cell biology, and his ignorance of all religions apart from Christianity (especially Judaism and Talmudic stuff): all of these limitations are exactly as required by the Jewish world view. Dawkins believes in the holohoax, among other things, including Muslims flying into the 'World Trade Center' buildings on 9/11; and 'Hitlerism'. And that Einstein was a terrific genius. Still, at least he gets applause, even when he fails to notice that 'buggering young boys' (and girls) is both a Jewish and Muslim principle. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Online stuff about Colin Flaherty's White Girl Bleed a Lot who has 'won more than 50 awards for journalism, many from the Society of Professional Journalists.' (Who writes this rubbish?) Some sort of account of race attacks in the USA. And their censorship by the 'American' media. I haven't read his material, which is probably at the usual junk level of 'American' journalism, but there's no sign of any analysis of media ownership, which of course is Jewish in the USA. Update at end of 2014: Flaherty has a youtube site on black violence, usually theft, from whites. Mostly his youtubes are emailed to him, and are clips from local TV stations, showing deliberate lies. The media controllers are never named. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Council of European Canadians (www.eurocanadian.ca) is supposed to be a white Canadian site. However, it has nothing on Jewish money there, and the associated deformation of Canada. It was established only a month or two ago (May 2014, I think). It's only at the very start of a process of revisionism.
• Canadian Patriot Review seems related to Canadianpatriot.org, a site invented in Sept 2013 and with a rating (very approximately). It's obviously a Jewish attempt at propaganda, though of course without saying so. I heard of it via 'Forbidden Knowledge TV', obviously aiming for the conspiritard market. I listened to a video on Britain and the Empire and the USA by Matthew Ehret.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the 'Untold History of Canada' book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.
Well, sounds good on paper; I bet the 'American University in Moscow' is a really exciting place. But his talk insisted that Vietnam was a fracturing experience for Americans, that inconclusive wars damaged 'their country' (you see, he doesn't distinguish the Jews in Canada or USA making money from wars from the non-Jews), that the 'British Empire' (in reality, Jewish) never fell apart after WW2 (a lot of assets changed hands of course, all to Jews), that the victory in the US Civil War was 'never forgiven' by the Jews in London, and so on. Something on slavery was thrown in. ... You're wasting your time reading this unpatriotic useless rubbish!
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• CAFAS is a deservedly obscure pressure group, one of many nominal attempts at support for academic freedom, but of course fatally handicapped because it will not and doesn't wish to allow criticism of Jews. (It has Steven and Hilary Rose, among others, listed as 'patrons'). I don't know of a single case in which pressure by thugs to prevent speech on (for example) the 'Holocaust' has been opposed by any such group. In practice, they occasionally take up some cause (e.g. the case of Harold Hillman) and the results generally are inconclusive and unhelpful, and unpublicised—their site has secretive portions, looking absurdly inconsistent with their nominal aims. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• CANVAS is another deservedly obscure pressure group, which appears to be a new start from October 2015. I'd guess it's another turd from Soros' disgusting anus. Canvasopedia dot org appears to be trying self-publicity, with feeble Youtubes etc. The acronym comes from the clumsy 'Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies'. The first website encounter is a request for money. They have a youtube which lists Martin Luther King Jr, Pussy Riot, Gandhi, John Stewart (who?), Nelson Mandela, Someone Josef, Rosa Parks, 'Monks in Burma'. They are all 'changemakers' using non-violent means. (CANVAS hasn't heard of Mandela's murders). They used Jewish money, bravery, humor, creativity, urine in 'pussy riot', and in King's case, plagiarism and prostitutes. Don't have anything to do with these prostitutes. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• In 2012, there were sporadic news items about a Pakistani, Imran Firasat, campaigning to ban the Quran from Spain in view of its many incitements to violence against non-Muslims. I haven't found a single report anywhere pointing out passages in Jewish 'holy' books demanding violence against goyim and any form of dishonesty they expect to get away with. (At present, June 2014, there's an analogous synthetic media outcry about education. Nobody mentions Jewish education with similar passages. I took some interest in the campaigns against bad teaching of reading; but again possible Jewish links are never mentioned, despite the fact Jews are demanded to damage goyim, which is a somewhat testable hypothesis. Medical damage, for example fluoride and vaccinations, shares this censorship). [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• New Internationalist must have been long-established; I remember in about 1980 hearing of an organisation with this name. It is interesting as an entirely Jew-censoring group aiming for reform, almost certainly in a way so-called Jews imagine advantages themselves. Let me skim through the current site:
'Seven key proposals to ease the Syrian refugee crisis'. (Fact: It is not Syrian; most are Africans. They are not refugees, but blacks given promises of money, housing, sex etc. The 'crisis' is a Jewish plot). 'A word with Peter Tatchell - The human rights activist ... still believes in forgiveness.' (Fact: the Australian anal sex and child sex advocate is not an 'activist'; he was funded, presumably with Jewish money, to enter the Labour Party in Britain. He is a Holocaust fraudist). 'Where climate change and the church come together'. (Probably to do with the Pope posing as someone with science expertise. The global warming/ cooling myth is another Jewish money maker, from 'carbon credits', relying on the childish ignorance of people after a century or so of jewish mal-education). Books include 'No nonsense' titles, e.g. 'The Money Crisis' by Peter Stalker. (I don't think there's any need to even bother to investigate whether the Jewish money-printing scam is examined. Of course it won't be). 'Educational' includes 'Little Worm's Big Question... adventure evoking a sense of wonder ... woven with subtle messages of sustainability ..' and 'Goodbye God? ... critique of the negative impacts of religion ... an appeal for ... creationism to be dropped...' and 'Juliana's Bananas ... where their food comes from' etc etc. (Connoisseurs of Jewish trash will recognise that Kosher slaughter and Jewish contempt for truth will be mixed with neglect of Talmudic viciousness). 'Maps and Atlases ... The State of the Middle East.' (Map showing all of north Africa across to Iran. No prizes for guessing the attitude to 'global politics'). Clicking on 'politics' reveals a book advertised as new: 'A scathing critique of Austerity, the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, and the long-term project to deliver our hospitals and schools into the hands of corporate power.' (There is a project to put assets into Jewish hands, which will not be discussed. And the process by which Jewish paper money is used to buy up assets, making previously fairly prosperous people poor, will not be discussed.)
Just another trash site, probably designed to appeal to the 'pathological altruism' attributed to whites, with money-making 'charity' activity of the sort made familiar by Jews.
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• Rev Stephen Sizer was reported as identifying Israel behind 9/11, on Facebook. And he was reported as having apologised, or at least having issued some sort of statement, which seems to have left him will a bill for £4,000; at least, that's the story. I looked up Stephen Sizer's website and was a bit, but not much, surprised to find he supports Israel, thinks it has Biblical support, and has no idea about the Holohoax. A British version of the gullible USA Christian faction who think modern so-called 'Jews' are something to do with the Bible. It's possible the entire pseudo-event was rigged up by the Church of England to discourage the others—any honest vicars, if they exist. The C of E is currently supposedly headed by Archbishop of Canterbury Welby, of Jewish extraction and presumably a false name. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• slate.com is just another Jew propaganda site. Just another title. By the end of 2020, it has Which vaccine should you take? I don't recommend you check it out. Same old lies. Same old topics, pushed by Jews. Yawn. I found it from some link or other. Now I check, it was David Irving's site. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• unherd.com Added 16 Feb 2023.
Seems to be a Godaddy site based in Tempe, Arizona. Or Austin, Texas. Or Zelienople. Since July 2007. Siterank data averages about 50,000. Maybe this is used as 'newsfeed'; it invites contributions.
Format is more-or-less MSM: image, preferably punchy, and title with subtitle, all being intentionally misleading and part of some present-day Jewish project. Usual vicious Jew propaganda. Usual suppression of information about Jews. Samples:—
'... repressive power of Jewish trauma. Should American Jews let go of the Holocaust?' Should video not facing facts about Jewish lies. By David Samuels. Sigh. 'Who really blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?' Well, they're bound to know. Yawn. By F Sayers; as is always the case, Jews never identify themselves. 'Vietnam still haunts America - Its politics (no doubt USA) distorted by 50 years of trauma' by Dominic Sandbrook. Imagine you were living somewhere, and from nowhere heavily-armed thugs bomb your kids and leave a mess. Along comes Sandford opening his bowels and shitting over your and your country. Ah, here we find Mary Harrington, another presumably undeclared Jew, a brainless parrot, with some jigsawed together mosaic supposedly on conspiracies. About which she knows nothing—or nothing she'll repeat. I found an article Why would anyone envy the NHS? though I lost the author's name, as there's an unremoveable pop-up asking for money, which may be difficult to stop—I'd suggest not giving any. Don't fund propaganda! They print money for christsake! The article may mention that the NHS is planned for a lucrative long-term takeover. But probably not. It may try to analyse the death rates and possible future of the COVID fraud. But even more probably not. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• Civil Liberty (http://www.civilliberty.org.uk) is one of the many sites formed after the BNP's relative success under Nick Griffin evaporated. Unfortunately it has no theory as to how 'political correctness' has apparent power. In terms of understanding, the site is less useful than pamphlets by people decades earlier. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• http://redefininggod.com/ (promoted by Facebook) has interesting material on BRICS as a further New World Order construction, complete with foundation of the UN, Snowden as a fake illustrator of Hong Kong and Russia as safe havens, problem/ response material. The problem is there's no mention of Jews, their fake money, and their role in the USSR, wars and frauds. And no mention of what to do about them. There is no description of what a 'New World Order' would mean and why it is a 'bad thing'—this is typical of Joff sites, since there are good arguments for world government, but not with Jews as secret corrupters behind the scenes.
• The Social Affairs Unit which appears to be a registered charity, with an address in Regent Street, London, and of course an apparently impressive title, which sounds official. The site barely shows on the Internet radar, though its site Standpoint magazine has a higher rating. The object is to feed fake 'research' into Britain and the media. All of it is pro-'Jewish': the 'Director' is a Jew, there are various Jewish founders, and so on. It's important to realise that these organisations, in protective camouflage to look serious and official, are intentional sources of evil, invariably following 'Jewish' policies.
• I recently noticed a site by a so-called Jew, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, JewishRacism.blogspot.com, which appears to be registered in Bavaria! This is easily identified as a phoney site, up there since 2006; a problem Jews have is that they have such a volume of lies that it's impossible for them to keep everything hidden. Bjerknes is trying to run the Hitler-as-a-sole-agent idea, when of course Hitler, if he was an agent, which in fact seems true, must have been part of world-wide Jewry, notably after WW1 'Jews' in the USA, USSR, UK, and France. This of course cannot be admitted by Jews. Bjerknes has a lot on nuclear weapons, which in my view are a fraud—or at least need examination. He trots out the 'Samson Option'. (He has written on Einstein; I haven't spent time on his books, but if he's expanded his work to examine nuclear frauds and Jewish money, perhaps someone would let me know! He has passages on 'Premonitions of the Holocaust', which appears by now to be a permanent feature of Jewish lies and money-making. Don't waste your time, and don't donate, as (((Germany))) certainly funds such trash. I wondered if he'd do a talk with me, in case I'm wrong. But [Feb 2021] he doesn't reply.
• Eric Karlstrom who claims to have been a professor of geography has a popular site, https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com which is agonisingly tantalising, holding out possible insights, which he delivers at incredible speed, like a partially-conspiratorial rapper mingling assorted ideas, many not properly supported. His choice; but in my view he'd do better to decide what he's trying to say. I think he's a simple Christian, who seems to believe in the real presence of Satan. But it's hard to know. Quite likely to be just another Jew site to waste time.
• Here's another: The National Council of Churches. The American Jewish Committee's American Jewish Year Book (1952, Vol. 53 p 559) boasts "significant advances ...in achieving the elimination of hostile references from Christian textbooks and lesson books, particularly relating to the crucifixion story... Largely due to our efforts 85% of Protestant textbooks are free of disparaging references to the Jew. Similar, tho not quite as extensive, results have been achieved among Catholics... Arrangements have been completed with the National Council of Churches whereby the AJC and ADL will jointly ...aid in the preparation of lesson materials, study guides, and visual aids... sponsored by the Protestant organizations."
See here how it took a post 1945 effort by Jews in the American churches to infect the churches with Judaism, Zionism, and Communism. Wikipedia's account of the NCC has a 'list of principles'. Note that all of them are Jewish, including omission of Jewish money control, and such thing as 'end to the death penalty', except of course for Jewish wars and Jewish revenge killing. The 'World Council of Churches' is much the same. It's fascinating to see the mimicry of serious agencies, down to the absurd titles such as 'President'. Reminiscent of Haitians use of meaningless uniforms, ribbons, stars etc.
Some of these have played roles in significantly harmful legislation, aimed against 'hosts' of Jews: the Institute of Race Relations was one such; so was the Runnymede Trust and the Rowntree Foundation.
The contents, in the right mood, can be quite funny: the glaring hypocrisy and false earnestness. The condemnation of Islam, with of course no information on the reasons immigration was forced onto white countries. Absence of any disgusting Talmudic material; but criticisms of churches. Promotion of tenth-rate Jewish entertainers, singers, scribblers, actors. And promotion of tenth-rate scientists: when there's a fraud in science, there's usually a collection of 'Jews' behind it. And 'social science' and law: whenever there's a push for some absurdity, such as denying race, freeing criminals, 'same sex marriage', sex with prepubescent girls, dumping illegal immigrants in white communities, there's usually a 'Jewish' group behind it. And race mixing activities and promotions, for example in films and advertising, combined of course with virulent 'Jewish' and Israeli racism. Condemnation, shrill and vicious, or just casual and demeaning, is normal for people who discuss 'Jews'.
• www.sociology.org is a curious site. It's listed in scholar.google.co.uk, which includes it in what's presumably intended as a database of scholarly material. But it's a tenth-rate journalistic-style Canadian thing started (it says) in 2010. I don't want to spend time on this site, but it is—honestly—a sort of compendium of dross, which experienced readers will recognise, from the missing links, as the result of complete Jewish censorship. I'd guess it's aimed as a pay site for (mainly) unintellectual women, or possibly trainee journalists, if such people still exist. Go on; click the link. Marvel at lies cast in the Internet equivalent of plaster.
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• www.antisemitism.net judging by Alexa is an unpopular site. It may seem odd to classify this site as not Jew aware, but the reason for my including this is the suppression, completely, of truth about Jews. You will find nothing on Jewish murders, Jewish frauds, Jewish mass murders in the USSR, Jews in eastern Europe, the fraud of the Holocaust, and so on. Here's some typical rubbish: The [Polish Christian] rescuers, one of whom is 100 years old and several of whom arrived in wheelchairs or on crutches, gathered for a luncheon at a Warsaw hotel, where Poland's chief rabbi, an Israeli diplomat and the head of a Jewish organization paid tribute to them. ... the U.S.-based Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, also provides financial support [in fact of course from the Fed, or Germany, or some other financial fraud] to Poles and others across Europe who have been recognized by Israel's Yad Vashem for rescuing Jews. ... the executive vice president, Stanlee Stahl [sic], told them they are heroes and that they "saved the honor of humanity." And another site is British Forces in Palestine which might well be a Jewish-run site, putting all the emphasis on so-called Jews. It accepts the myth of German mis-treatment of Jews and suppresses information on for example Eisenhower and Stalin, at the same time, or mass burnings and bombings of Germans, Dresden for example in 1945, in an earlier part of the same slice of time. It's painful, but understandable, to see how most of the servicemen had no idea what they were doing; their lack of interest contrasts hugely with the focussed fanaticism of 'Jews'. A very typical comment is 1945/6 were good years for leave before travelling around Palestine became too dangerous. A similar don't-mention-Jews site is Ian Smith, Rhodesia, bush war. The page linked to has no mention whatever of Jews, Jewish money, and Jewish actions, including violence. The naïveté, or perhaps intentional suppression, is illustrated by this sentence (attributed to A J A Peck): Strange that the United States should spent American blood and money like water in Vietnam in order to deter Communism from spreading a few hundred miles further; but that ... the same United States should be seeking to clear out of Africa those very people and governments that could effectively and forever bar the advance of Communism in that continent!—Jews in the USA, whose motive presumably was to make money from arms and spread Jewish influence, had exactly the same motive against whites in Africa, and wanted to spread Jewish influence and make money in Africa. I may as well add (after a bit of browsing) the Wall Street Journal after reading obituary material on Robert Conquest. Nothing about Jews in the USSR. Or even on the sources, if any, that Conquest used or was given for his books, which possibly were intended to keep the Cold War mythology going and omit Jews there (in fact Jews ran the USSR, of course, and the USA). This 'newspaper' is an extraordinary compilation of propaganda items, all Jewish, very few with genuine connection to money in the USA. [ Back to Top of This Page ]
• AwakeningChannel.com Seems to be part of ascio.com, 'Created' on 2020-04-05 for one year, and supposed to b 4 stars activity. Seems to be aimed at mystery-minded types and possibly to be promoting bitcoin fraud. Has a link to wix.com suggesting connections with Jews.
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• UK Web Archive is part of the British Library. Readers who like to hope that governmental quangoes can do useful work would be well advised to ignore this site. An online Youtube with fewer than 1,000 views claims (in officialese, in April 2012) to have 10,000 websites archived. Wow! They are supposed to be British, in some sense which doesn't seem to be defined anywhere, as sites might be hosted in any country with reliable electricity. I wondered if David Irving's fpp.co.uk would be here; incredibly, no, it isn't. Their target seems to be for 'intrinsic research interest' and 'British cultural heritage', I suppose as interpreted by mediocre graduates. The sites seem to be snapshots only, which of course is both easy for them, and unhelpful for everyone else. I wondered if 'migration watch' is listed; no. It has to be said that archive.org in the US is infinitely better. Sad. Painful.
on archive.org I'm afraid the rules of censorship apply. My own site after years of 'snapshots' by their 'wayback machine' has not been recorded in 2021. I noticed the flexicloth report of the Bertrand Russell investigation into US war crimes in Vietnam is difficult to access. There are documents, such as Butler in Australia on WW2 as Jewish, which don't exist there. I think Jewish Year Books with compromising material aren't there. If you have some documents, why not scan it yourself and upload it, or get someone to it who knows how?
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The following three segments are taken unedited from comments to Pat Condell's video on Sweden. [ Back to Top of This Page ]The Jews in power push for Islamic immigration in order to destroy western nations and cause harm to western people.
Do Jews suffer? Yes, as in Sweden. But they can and do leave. They go to Israel or the US. Are these Jews who flee responsible for the islamic immigration to Sweden? No of couse not. But the people who are responsible are Jewish and while they know that Jews are being attacked they also know those Jews can and will leave. And they know that 10 million Swedes can't just leave. And it is those Swedish people who are the target for the Jews who own the media, own the politicians and who drive the whole multi-cult programme.
They control the media and politicians in every western country and are all the major banks. They are conducting a massive hit on white people and when whites are a minority everywhere they live they'll find out what hell is. A few Jews having to leave, to get out of the way are a microscopic price to pay by the Jews in return for destroying whole white nations.People celebrating "diversity" are truly stupid. They have no idea who educates, informs and rules them or just how much those people actually hate them.
You've got a lot of waking up to do.
Bonnier (The Bonnier Group)
http://zionistreport.com/2016/09/the-chosen-people-in-the-swedish-media/—mug shots![]()
The TV Station LNK, is owned by the Jewish Bonnier family, based in Sweden.
Bonnier is a taken name; originally the family was named Hirschel.
Not only is the Bonnier family Jewish and not only do they own LNK, but they are the by far most influential media group in Sweden and in Finland. They are very influential in Denmark as well. They are also involved in the Baltic countries (LNK in Lithuania) the UK, Germany, Poland and other countries.
Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden, the seven with a daily circulation of over 100,000, the Bonnier family owns four, Dagens Nyheter (the Daily News), Expressen (the Express), Sydsvenska Dagbladet (the Southern Swedish Daily News) and Dagens Industri (the Industry of Today).
The largest of the private TV channels in Sweden is TV4.
The Bonnier family directly holds 21,6% of TV4 and through their ownership of the Finnish based Alma media company they hold an additional 23,4%, totalling 45% which amounts to a virtual control.
As head of TV4 we find Jan Scherman (Jewish). Jan Scherman's daughter Clara Scherman is chief buyer for TV4. A man with an (Jewish?) Hungarian name Hans Isoz heads TV4 Vision.
Through Alma Media, Bonnier also controls MTV3, the most popular channel in Finland with 39,1% of the total viewing time (in 2001) and Subtv, the third largest commercial television channel in Finland, aiming mainly at young adults.
Bonnier also employs the Jews Sven Irving (now TV4 News), Artur Ringart (TV4) and Peter Sommerstein (Sydsvenska Dagbladet).
In Finland, Bonnier owns 23% of MTV in that country. In Finland, Bonnier controls the leading daily Iltalehti and Kauppalehti, Finland's largest business media with a circulation of 85.000 per day. Bonnier controls the printing house Lehdentekijät, that produces 40 regularly published magazines in Finland. In addition to that they own five regional papers, 15 local papers and nine free-distribution papers in Finland alone. They further control the Baltic News Service, the leading news bureau in the Baltic region, providing the world with news about the Baltic with a Bonnier touch.
Peter Hjörne (Jewish)
Beside the Bonnier family in Sweden there is the Peter Hjörne (real name Kaplan), owner and chief editor of Göteborgs-Posten (the Gothenburg Post; GP), the fourth largest newspaper in Sweden with a circulation of 253,700, reaching 600,000 readers daily. GP is furthermore the only newspaper in Sweden's second largest city, Gothenburg. Hjörne is also the owner of two local newspapers, Bohuslänningen (32.400) and Strömstads tidning (5,200); both distributed in the Swedish north-west coast area. In addition he controls 22% of Liberala tidningars konsortium (the consortium of liberal newspapers) and thereby Nerike Allehanda (The eighth largest newspaper in Sweden with a circulation of 66,300), Motala Tidning/Vadstena Tidning (12,800), Bergslagsposten (10,600) and Nya Ludvika tidning (9,500). Finally he also holds 9% of Hallandsposten (31,000). Peter Hjörne is the son of a sister of another infuential Swedish Media Jew: Per Gyllenhammer (former top boss of Volvo).
Hjörne pays schoolchildren to watch Jewish propaganda
Hjörne is a part of the old Jewish establishment in Gothenburg and has his way to influence the Gentiles of that city. For instance, when the Jew Steven Spielberg's movie Schindler's List reached the screens Hjörne personally paid so all senior high school students would see it.
The Bonnier family owns 30% and Hjörne owns 10% of The Swedish News-agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (the Swedish Central News Agency), the main news source for the none-local news stories in most minor papers in Sweden.
Robert Aschberg (Jewish) owns the largest production company in Sweden called Strix Television and produces programs for every major channel, especially TV3 where almost all programs that aren't Hollywood produced sitcoms, talk shows (Ricky Lake and Jerry Springer [Both are Jewish]) or bad movies come from Strix. It was Strix, by the way, that first came up with the idea of the show Survivor, now broadcasted also in the USA.
Aschberg himself is the head of several of these usually noisy and chaotic shows and has thus been called Sweden's Michel Friedman . His maternal grandfather is the banker Olof Aschberg who helped finance the Russian Revolution and his brother, Richard Aschberg, works at Aftonbladet (the Evening Post). Robert Aschberg is furthermore an important financer of eXpo, a Swedish version of the ADL, even if it is not an exclusively Jewish organization.
Swedish Labour Union & Norwegian Schibstedt Company:
Editor in Chief Helle Klein (Jewish)
The largest newspaper in Sweden is Aftonbladet (the Evening Post), jointly owned by the Swedish Labour Union and the Norwegian Schibstedt company. The chief editor, however, is the Jewess Helle Klein, great granddaughter of the former grand rabbi of Stockholm, Rabbi Gottlieb Klein. Her father, Ernst Klein, is influential in Swedish media as well. 1990-1999 he was the chief editor of östgöta Correspondenten, the ninth largest newspaper in Sweden, and now he sits on its board. He furthermore is president of Svensk Presshistorisk Förening (Swedish association of press history).
Beside Klein there are several Jewish staffers working at Aftonbladet.
In other words, of the seven largest news papers in Sweden, six are either owned by or edited by Jews.
And please note, there are fewer than 20,000 Jews in Sweden making up roughly 0.2% of the total population. Actually, I could go on and on describing the Jewish media influence in Sweden but I guess you see where I am heading.
Pehr G Gyllenhammar (Jewish)
Pehr G Gyllenhammar is the director of Kinnevik, which controls TV3, ZTV and the free newspaper Metro.
Gyllenhammar remains speaker for Reuters Founders Share Company.
The Reuters press agency was founded in 1848 by the Jew Paul Julius Reuter, his real name was Israel Beer Josaphat.
Marianne Ahrne
Marianne Ahrne (Jewish)
The Jewish film maker and writer Marianne Ahrne has control over a large part of the Swedish Film Institute's (Svenska Filminstitutet) 50 million kroner ($ 7.4) budget for long films.
She is known to block films which criticize Israel or USA.
The Swedish producer Kjell-Ake Olsson asked for financial support for his film "Grisbrottaren" about the now deceased artist Lars Hillersberg It was turned down because of Hillersberg's "fanatic anti-Americanism and his demonization of Israel". The film "repetioner", based on a book by bestselling author Lars Norén got its budget cut because three supposed national socialists voice their opinions in it.
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The Bonnier family (Jewish)
Gutkind Hirschel came to Denmark from Germany in 1801. He changed his name to Gerhard Bonnier and settled in Sweden about 25 years later. Biography
Listing of some Bonnier owned companies:
Brimax, a UK children's book publisher, Autumn Publishing Ltd,
Medicine Today International AB
Dagens Medicin, in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Poland.
AS Diena, which publishes the leading morning newspaper and regional newspapers in Latvia.
The Mastiff Media Holding AB production company was merged with MTV Produktion AB.
Bonnier Radio AB:
SBS Radio AB, Mix Megapol, Radio City, Vinyl, Rockklassiker and E-FM.
Teknik i Media i Sverige AB
Econ/Ullstein/List, one of the major publishing houses in Germany.
Dun & Bradstreet operations in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Bonnier Magazine Group publishes magazines in four segments, specialist magazines, lifestyle , business and industry magazines. The magazines are issued in 11 countries, of which publishing operations are conducted in four: Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Poland.
Illustrerad Vetenskap, Gör Så Här, Allt om Mat and Amelia, Komputer för alla and crossword magazines in Sweden. Bo Bedre Norge, Debut, DigitalFoto för Alla, Leva!, mama and Ruby.
Svensk Filmindustri, SF Bio, Home Entertainment and Bonnier Radio in Sweden, LNK TV in Lithuania
and Bonnier Amigo Music Group.
Bonnier Business Press publishes business newspapers in nine countries:
Dagens Industri in Sweden, Børsen in Denmark, äripäev in Estonia, Dienas Bizness in Latvia, Verslo Zinios in
Lithuania, Delevoj Peterburg in Russia, Puls Biznesu in Poland, Wirtschafts Blatt in Austria and Finance in Slovenia.
Bonnier Newspapers:
Dagens Nyheter, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Expressen including GT and Kvällsposten, Stockholm City, Skånemedia, with Ystads Allehanda, Trelleborgs Allehanda and Kristianstadsbladet.
The business area also includes partly owned newspaper holdings in Poland (50 %) and Latvia (83,5 %), as well as Bold Printing Group (a Swedish daily newspaper printing group), Pressens Bild (image service) and 50 percent of Pressens Morgontjänst (newspaper delivery service).
Bonnier AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of AB Bonnierföretagen, which is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Bonnier Holding AB, a subsidiary of Albert Bonnier AB.
This (shortened) listing was extracted from the company's more detailed information in BONNIER AB Interim Report January-August 2003.pdf.