Google ngram approximately shows how 'Talmud' and 'Tikkun Olam' have been barely discussed in English books.
Christopher J Bjerknes' book, reviewed below, provides what may well be the first overview explanation of this, and other, Judaic schemes.
Review of
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Beware the World to Come (2nd edition 2020; 3rd edn now)
Rae West v. 15 November 2023; audio added 7 Feb 2024

Paperback cover design (2nd edition); as far as I could find CJB doesn't provide a key to the words and letters in this diagram.
Here's an audio (about 80 mins). Bjerknes himself discusses Armenia and reports the strange beliefs of Jews, sounding like the manias of a small inbred drunken group incurably obsessed with echoic names, animal, sexual and letter and number coincidences, repetitively elaborated story-telling.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes.mp3 Warning: may adversely affect mental balance.
3rd edition, 2022: Is advertised as being available from as a paperback, and (more cheaply) as a PDF file.
I bought the $9.99 PDF file. Here's a briefish note on the changes in the third edition.
Over to the right, in a solid border, is a copy of the contents list of the Third Edition. Bjerknes has taken the very long chapter,
Satan's Son, and split it into more manageable chapters 2 to 8. The detail in 2.1 to 2.6, and 6.1 to 6.9, is new.
The appearance, with bold titles and some indents and formatting, is better than before.
There still isn't an index.
There were 259 endnotes in the Second Edition; now there are 287. The 28 new entries seem distributed more or less evenly, perhaps taken from 2020 to 2022 Internet entries, but perhaps they mainly apply to a new section.
Disappointingly, the links in the notes don't work in the PDF version, though they might have.
The book now has an extra 48 pages.
Overall impression. The book looks much the same as the second edition, and seems to have no helpful account of the whole reasoning processes, if any, underlying Jewish texts. They have been staggeringly successful; everyone has heard of Adam and Eve, and Jesus, and Cain and Abel, and so on
ad nauseam, at the expense of what might have been their own traditions. I recently listened to Dr Lorraine Day, whose contrast between dislike of Jews and fervent belief in their antique rubbish is astonishing.
I don't know why Bjerknes has made no attempt to describe how he tried to approach his readership—who could believe themselves Christian, or some other religion, or rational, or some type of Jew. He seems to take the well-kept secrets of Jews very seriously, solemnly discussing snakes and Satan and images.
Probably this book is the best available for digging the compost of Judaism. I suggest getting the PDF if you have the cash and computer needed to buy and read. It's not easy reading, but anyone concerned with human history and the future might benefit from it.
-RW 8 March 2022
Physical Description and Ordering 7" by 12" paperback. Available from, who print on demand and handle the distribution. (They are long established by Internet standards; they print Arthur Kemp's Titans book, for example). Perfect bound; cover is matt finished.
Note: Lulu may have had problems; they seem not to advertise this book now. I emailed via Bjerknes' book site but have had no replies—12 Jan 2022
Some illustrations, all monochrome. Entire text is monochrome. For my taste, the text is rather undifferentiated Times (all in English), something easily avoided with computer fonts. There's a bit of bold and italic, but not much. Come to think of it, the appearance reminds me of Kevin MacDonald's books and Michael Hoffman's.
330 pages. Unindexed, to my great annoyance. And, for an ideas book, an index of ideas is most important; if you recall some detail—long-term Jewish stuff on their thousand-year intervals, for example—you have to leaf through to try to relocate them. (Example: somewhere there's an account of possessions being banned for 'goyim' in Jewish Soviet Russia, which sounded like suggestions of Klaus Schwab; but I couldn't find them again. Another example: somewhere I noticed a comment on the symbolism of kneeling, relevant to the 'taking the knee' absurdity. But I couldn't find it). The book has 259 endnotes, part of a single page of them shown below right.
Sources include Jewish newspapers, the Soncino Talmud in English, assorted Jewish-authors books in English, the Zohar, Kabbalah material, Wheless Is it God's Word?, Rabbinical stuff.
DOWNLOADABLE. SAVE YOUR COPY! Talk between C J Bjerknes and C Caskie on Jewish long-term schemes. 2 hours
Video from February, 2023. Three-way talk mainly with C J Bjerknes (Illinois) and Chris Caskie (New Zealand). Chris B promotes his new book on Armenia and genocide; Chris C recognises other genocides and is concerned with the whole system of Jewish 'philosophies' if they can be called that—many of the beliefs are absurdly wrong.
22 May 2022 I found some videos on one collection being these and in fact I was disappointed by some of them. The most interesting is ... horrifying Kabbalah Secrets.. which attempts to explain philosophies; most of which sound absurd, Bjerknes' earnest monotone contrasting unconvincingly with obvious impossibilities. For example, he seems to think any ridiculous Jewish belief counts as 'knowledge', and that all such 'knowledge' came from the Greeks! Green tries, but unsurprisingly fails to get all this straight. At least dates are given.
This video is a new (4th December 2021) discussion between C J Bjerknes and Adam Green, on a worldwide campaign by Jews to 'spread their light'. The video file is in which Bjerknes explains the reality behind Jewish policies.
Bear in mind that Jews network together worldwide; there are endless 'hasbarat' 'helpers'. They love giving their trash organisations elaborate names, on the same principle as 'refuse disposal officers'. They are funded from Jewish paper money confetti, at your future expense, by Hungarian Jew Soros types.
DOWNLOADABLE version of the online video on bitchute and GAB.. Neither of these sites is reliable; Bitchute is part of the 77th brigade , and Gab seems to be Jewish pretending to be Christian. SAVE YOUR OWN COPY to watch later. The mp4 file is about 400MB. (Click on 'Save Link as'). |
DOWNLOADABLE VERSION of another online video. You may save, to watch later. (Click on 'Save Link as'). The video is Rabbis Reveal Shocking Kabbalah Secrets).
The subject is the Jew Worldwide Genocide Policy, 'reverse-engineered' by C J Bjerknes & Adam Green. 2 hours 37 minutes |
I first noticed Bjerknes in an absurd video argument with 'Dennis Wise', the heavily-accented unrevised Hitler worshipper of 'The Greatest Story Never Told', hosted by Adam Green. Bjerknes appears to live in the USA, with Norwegian family roots including scientists. Perhaps a parallel to Arrhenius in Sweden. Dennis Wise (pseudonym) is part of the strictly-demarcated Allies-vs-Germany school, Jew-safe for discussion. I'd assumed Bjerknes was part of the Hitler-as-a-disguised-Jew school (see hexzane527 on this site). Bjerknes has also published on Einstein as a Jewish fraud, Jewish genocide of Armenian Christians, Hitler as Bolshevik and Zionist (not I think the same hypothesis as e.g. hexzane527), and Racial Zionism: A Source Book of Essential Texts from Noah to Herzl and Beyond, published on December 1, 2020.
Final page of Beware the World to Come. About half the page width. Endnotes, mostly in the same sequence as the book.
259 endnotes to about 300 other pages gives an average of about 1 quotation per page.

Beware the World to Come is enormously wider than a single war or event. His recent publishing activity may be influenced by his researches into Jewish superstitions about years: 2000 years being an important variable, and 2020 a special year. In fact, Schneerson is supposed to have thought the date (of the Messiah) had passed, and was agitated as a result.
Possibly this material is a distraction—pseudo-spiritual bearded weirdo rabbis, fossicking around in moribund rubbish, while the really aggressive and violent Jewish schemers and their collaborators plot and act.
I ordered this book, which duly arrived (well-packed) today. It deals entirely with Jews over time, and their beliefs and predictions and considerable viciousness and absurdities. Mostly it's theological, if that's the right word: solid with Jewish beliefs as available now, for probably the first time. Certainly the first time these matters can be obtained without visits to libraries and/or personal contacts. In effect, it includes the works of people like Hilaire Belloc as a small subset.
The book seems to be a long series of extracts from books, journals and Internet sources. These seem to be chosen (1) for English language, (2) Serious (i.e. not Jewish trash journalism or trash media), (3) uncompromising material.
However, there's not a clear separation between quotations and explanatory matter. I'm reminded of Paul Klee's art—taking a line for a walk. Then erasing parts of lines, leaving continuous areas. The observer sees oddly-shaped areas, and senses some connection, but can't say what it is which produced the separation of the graphic effects.
Note that COVID and coronavirus aren't anywhere in this book (that I could find). The publication date, given as 2020, was close to the propagation of the myths attributed to late 2019. Maybe potential buyers should hold off until the 3rd edition! Modern print-on-demand books can be updated instantly online, without need for warehousing, though I think they need new ISBNs.
We have exactly 4 chapters:
And I have to admit that my heart sank at these bald, unpromising titles. But they are taken from Jewish attitudes and I suppose are acceptable, though the second chapter, Satan's Son, is by far the longest, taking up more than half the book, and not subdivided or subtitled in any clear way. This is why I think the next edition should be signposted. And incidentally why it should have an index of ideas, as I'll now show...
Must have been added to explain the oddities of LGBT etc and an absurd Jewish male ('Dr Rachel Levine') dressed in women's clothes and passing as a USA health official. And Bjerknes succeeds; his is the best explanation of these bizarreries I've ever seen. But puzzles remain: for example, it there are no gender differences, how can some faces be male, and others female?
Bjerknes' sources tell him that Jews think—well, they were syncretists, stealing from other sources—the world, when created by God—incidentally, a compound of male, female, and combined as something like neuter—was perfect, presumably in the idealistic sense, not just the completeness sense as in a 'perfect insect'. Obviously, these primitives had no concept of genes. Sexual reproduction counters the possible defects in reproduction of immensely long DNA sequences; one parent's defects are cancelled by the other's, with luck. My review of
Richard Dawkins looks at that issue; immortal non-sexed beings seem unlikely! I don't know of any books looking at the absurdities in early Jewish—and other superstitions—showing how misunderstandings affected them, and how a lot of this was and still is being transmitted.
Some of these ancients seem to have an implausibly large interest in hermaphrodites, as the Greek-origin word suggests. Some butterflies are described as hermaphrodites, based on wing colouration. Maybe it's just a matter of cosmetics, or similarities between young and beautiful males and females. Bjerknes worries about Jewish scientists experimenting with such things.
[Some publicised recent events suggest a symbiosis between 'activists' and Jews, of the usual uninvestigated type, where the 'activists' are often paid. For example, Marion Millar in Scotland may be this type. These cases may be intended to publicise laws, if they are laws, on such subjects. But the propulsive force may be cryptic Jewish absurdities, such as 'androgyny', being made to surface at this time.]
Here are some typical page numbers in this short chapter:–
- Explanation of 'tikkun olam'
- "Androgynous nature of Adam"
- 'likeness of God' BUT seems to conflict with androgynous
- Yahwey (male), Shekinah (female), Ein Sof (neuter). Similar to 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost'
- p 8. Gentiles are "shells" of darkness
- p 9. "The restoration of the world must be complete in 6000 years"
- p 14. Exterminating Gentile
- p 15. The Zohar. When it was written.
- p 18. Two calendars: Anno Lucis and Anno Mundi (presumably originally Hebrew?)
- p 21. Links to Feminism. p 23 Shulamith Firestone. Gives her real name (Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Feuerstein). And extract. 'Postgenderism' and supposed hi tech wombs etc. NB Bjerkness seems to me weak on science revisionism. He naively believes in nuclear weapons, for example. He does not explain the nutation of the earth; this was always quoted as 24,000 years for the sky north pole to make a complete circle, hence such expressions as the 'Age of Aquarius', since by convention there are 12 constellations, taking 2000 years each to pass through. But now I think of it, this sounds too great a precision for Jews: I'd guess it's taken from (e.g.) Babylonian science.
2 SATAN'S SON 220 pages
Pages 25 to 244. Corresponding to endnotes 20 through to 198. The subject matter can be largely deduced by referring to the content of the endnotes, all ten pages of them. These include early Christianity and contemporary Judaism, Islam, apocryphal material, Jewish traditions, Jewish aims and ideas and ideals, the English-speaking Jews, Israel and Palestine, ending with endnote 191 'Gentiles exist only to serve Jews' and other climaxes and fervent hopes. (I was pleased to see start page 216,
The Martyrdom of Man by Winwoord Reade).
If there are threads here, I didn't follow them through very many pages. As I've said, this is a weakness of the book. And indeed many books have inadequate indexes. Perhaps I'll add more another time.
No prizes for guessing that the 'sons of light' are Jews, while 'sons of darkness' are everyone else.
Extracts are made from J A Eisenmenger, Traditions of the Jews, a book dear to the heart of Michael Hoffman. Footnote 88 refers to a 1748 edition, published in London.
And Pranaitis's The Talmud Unmasked, I believe a Russian Orthodox scholar, no doubt murdered by Bolsheviks. On page 270 and following.
And Bjerknes quotes from Nesta Webster's Secret Societies endnote number 228.
Many many statements by Jews against Gentiles (Latin word), goyim (Hebrew?), akum (scholarly word?) who were 'created for the ministering to Jews'. I suppose it's amusing to see scribblers anxious to conceal their ferocity from their would-be victims. After all, if they're 'Chosen by God', surely that should make them invincible?
- p 246 Source of Zohar as a relatively recent set of writings.
4 THE OMINOUS AGE OF AQUARIUS 42 pages Here's Bjerknes in futurology mode. His concern is to warn people, mostly of course 'goyim', though it seems true Jews want to jettison plenty of fellow Jews too.
- p 288 Hammer and Sickle symbol (used in 'Soviet Russia')
- bottom of p 290 'Biblical quotations which are the keys to understanding the talmudic and cabbalistic mythology that the history of the Earth will include three 2,000 year periods' after which Gentiles will exterminate Gentiles are Jews will reign in peace' (Old Testament stuff)
- p 298 Proverbs on the plan to make use of 'anti-Semitism'
- p 309 Judaists promote race mixing. Why? 'they believe they can confuse the princes, the guardian angels in heaven who safeguard the Goyim ... Barack Obama was a perfect mixed race man for the Cabalists to set up as the prince over the Goyim ... as they no longer bore supernatural protection'. Kamala Harris ... is also of mixed race and is a female, which advances the rise of feminine power which is to precede Malkhuth, the Kingdom of the goddess Shekinah.'
[So next time you see a Jewish-controlled TV ad full of wogs, or the Jew-controlled 'Guardian' 'newspaper', remember this guardian angel nonsense!]
Amid this flaring nonsense, Bjerknes reasonably enough stresses that all this is not his belief.
- p 296 'Holocaust' pre-planned. Supposedly, two-thirds of Jews are likely to be killed, but 'it is written' that some Jews will always live.
Let me just quote the final paragraph of Christopher Bjerknes’ Beware the World to Come:–
Everything they need to destroy is is in place. Little time remains before the Jewish Messiah appears on the world stage to judge the nations and pronounce a death sentence on humanity. The Age of Aquarius is fast upon us. If we are to save ourselves, we must do so now.
TO ILLUSTRATE THE DEPTH OF SCHOLARSHIP INVOLVED. These extracts are short, by the standards of his book. |
Page 6. Astonishingly absurd idea: that there was one original man, recently in biological time, who appears to have been neither male nor female, but both. 'Repairing the world' means state back to its original form, in about 6,000 years. This process apparently affects 'Heaven' too.
'Repairing the world' ('tikkun olam') doesn't seem to include damage done by Jews, I'd guess because non-Jews are considered to be of no value.
Page 62 in Chapter 2, SATAN'S SON. The 'apocalyptic tale' referred to is (I think) an extract from the Zohar of more than 5 pages, and casts light on Jewish secrets of the Second World War. These are of course remote from the views on war, armaments, money, and the Soviet Union publicised by traditionally low-grade 'scholars'.
Page 126. Also in SATAN'S SON. Idea new to me is that Yahweh and Shekinah are worryingly feeble. They seem dependent on worship by Jews, or in fact the existence of Jews. If Jews mentally or physically go away, 'the world will resolve back into chaos and void, tohu and bohu.' (There are other pairs like that; Gog and Magog, for example). I wonder if this might be fear of parental abandonment. I'd guess that Barbara Spectre, of [European countries] are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive. The crazed assurance about not surviving probably is based on some Talmudic fantasy.
This may also be connected with the exterminatist ideas of Jews, always wanting to destroy other beliefs. For example, almost nothing is known about the people who built megalithic structures such as stonehenge.
P 126, in SATAN'S SON. Abraham, Jacob, Esau, and the birth myth of a genetic firstborn birthright. It seems hardly credible that such stuff is widely-quoted to this day in white-inhabited countries. Most of it must date back much farther, into Babylon and Egypt and so on. Think of the word 'amen'.
Apparently because 'good' seems to need 'evil' for a logically complete definition, there seems to be plenty of 'evil' around, and Jews like to think, inconsistently, that it all belongs to 'Gentiles'.
As is often the case, oddities of speech may have a Jewish or quasi-Jewish root. I can remember a simple media woman calling a Jew “the spawn of Satan”, which puzzled me at the time. Perhaps Bjerknes might add a lexicon of Jewish oddities to assist in decoding their public phrases.
This could be invaluable in interpreting such people as Dugin, 'President' Biden's handlers, Klaus Schwab, the Queen, the COVID fraudsters, et al ...
P 127, quoted from The Atlantic Monthly of 1920.
The 'Androgeny Agenda' of Bjerknes (I repeat) has its origin in 'Messianic Kabbalah' which I presume is a later offshoot from the Talmud, or perhaps just another development. The utterly strange appearance on men, or at least males, wearing wigs and dresses, which I'd thought of as just absurd, in fact seems to have Jewish support. Otherwise I suppose the fanatics in the USA wouldn't allow it. 'So that Shekinah will return to Yahweh'.
P302. Just one example of talmudic dates. I'd guess this was plagiarised from Babylon or Egypt, or possibly from Greece. The earth's axis was known to precess, taking 24,000 years to do a complete cycle through twelve standardised constellations. (But possibly the figure of 24,000 was derived backwards, from guesswork or odd sources). Anyway, there's a link with 'Dispensationalism' which seems a fairly profitable USA thing.
The 'scattering of the sparks of divine light when the sephirotic vessels shattered' has much more development by Bjerknes.
The book of John in the New Testament includes 'logos'. Bjerknes says it's clear that "Word" mistranslates logos, which represents the struggle between light and dark. I seem to recall E Michael Jones and Bjerknes wrestled over this issue.
Note the comment on Alexandrian Jews, Alexandria being in the Nile delta, incidentally a source of papyrus leaves, helpful in spreading their message.
[1] MISCELLANEOUS Just some points
• Most people take
monotheism as an obvious part of the world. Exactly one God, as Jews insisted on behalf of their own 'G-d'. Even atheists think of God as a single item. I noted recently an Irish writer, Fitzpatrick, who sloughed off his Catholic upbringing, but now prays every day, presumably to his Jewish saviour! Jordan Peterson, the Jew shill, praised the 'great book', Genesis. Miles Mathis says he's a believer! It's a fascinating aspect of continued propaganda how layers are generated, so that if one layer is painfully exposed and removed, there's another, a bit deeper, waiting.
• Because many Jewish writings are ancient, many phrases and saying and mental pictures are obscure. We have for example talking serpents, with their two legs replaced by two snake tails. Should these be accurately translated in a different way?
Another example is the use of 'trees'. The front cover has a diagram, which I think is called a 'tree'. It can be turned round, the other way up. Is this what is meant by reversing the top of a tree and its roots?
• On diet and slaughter, an odd aspect of the Talmud etc is the concentration on some things—ritual slaughter and sex and hierarchical power for example—and complete avoidance of other things. The high proportion of writings on rulers, kings, princes, obedience, slaves, seems to rule out comedy and tragedy, for example. Their religious books don't have a place for such things. They are the product of genetical fanatics scribbling about terror and torture, in between dribbling over sex in their smelly unclean hovels, and enraging themselves over uncircumcision, or the filth of eating pork, or the death-deserving goyim.
• There has to be psychological investigation into the genesis of such attitudes. I'm told that chimp mothers, if their young offspring start to play with young baboons, show signs of fear and loathing, and snatch their offspring away. There has to be serious investigation into mental stability.
• Jewish domination of money is well-known, at least as a belief of people; the inside story is still not well-known. But it's not clear to me why this should fit with the astonishing nonsense of constantly instilled Jewish beliefs. Thinking just of my time, ordinary housing and rents have increased more or less (I haven't checked) in step with Jewish money printing. It's easy to see why any group might excite itself over ownership and property and the power of ownership. But is there a connection with belief in such things as Cain and Abel, and a seventh heaven, and a den of lions?
[3] RACE
• In my schooldays, every single pupil was white; the word 'white' was never used—there was no need. Or, at least, that was how it seemed. It was only years later that I realised there was a sprinkling of Jews amidst the homogeneous-seeming people.
[Not perhaps very relevant] Given that inbreeding can result in deformities, what are the effects of long-term inbreeding on so-called Jews? How much bayesian probabilistic evidence is there that strict inbreeding in Jews is a myth?
• The ‘Moschiach’ seems to be a permanent fantasy of Jews. Something to do with their obsession with control freaks and führer types. There have been quite a few people willing to step up and claim to be God, or whatever it might be. Since 'it is written' one is about to appear, there must be, like contestant for TV shows, people putting themselves forward. Schwab, a Jew from Switzerland, seems a candidate; he has an online document on the 'great reset'. Or perhaps Georgy Soros, dispenser of Jewish printed money? Perhaps Deborah Lipstadt or Sarah Silverman as outsiders? I hope in his lighter moments Christopher entertains on this subject.
• I hope C J will look into what Talmudists etc think of 'goyim' collaborators: it's clearer than ever before that Jews like to invent new money-making religions, Christianity and Islam being the front-runners, but with many others, such as Protestants, Quakers, Mormons. The Church of England is in symbiosis with Jews. (The current Archbishop of Canterbury, known as Welby, of continental Jew extraction, is currently recommending people to get jabbed!). Freemasons had a new London building in 1933. Perhaps their enthusiasm would be dampened if members found what will happen to them when they are displaced.
• The most important
retrospective view including Jews is of true history. This is not at present accessible through J C Bjerknes's technique of detailed reading. An obvious example is the Roman Empire and what Jews did to it. Another is Cromwell's effects on England, where plague, fires, civil wars, invasion, money need to be put into place as a new puzzle. But his technique of Jewish ideological deconstruction and reconstruction ought to help lead to new suggestions and perhaps a convincing new history.
Same with the US civil war. And of course the 20th century world wars. And Jews in Japan and China.
And the highly unrepresented Kahal system, with Jews getting together and discussing how to rip off the goyim.
I found another Bjerknes file online, Chapter 1 of this book, on It's
here but has a horrible computer voice. Not recommended.
Note on Amazon and reviews allowed there. I was surprised to see Bjerknes's books advertised on Amazon. It says it's not available or something—probably a lie. Of course this is a

red flag. They will not allow any books on the most important aspect of Jew lies, such as Hitler as part of the Nazis, US policies as Jewish, and Jewish science frauds. It may be that only low-grade reviews appear there. Anyway, one review mentioned (without the author's name) two books which turned out to be by
Laurent Guyénot, or Laurent Guyénot if this displays correctly. says 'He has authored numerous books on the subject' without saying what the subject is. His three books in English are all dated 2013; he doesn't seem to maintain his own website. One is on JFK's 'assassination' and the 'Bomb', both of course debunked. He has a piece on
The Real Anthony Fauci which turns out just to be a book review, of a title by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who claims to be a
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR. Disappointingly, because nobody serious could regard the
New York Times as anything other than shit disguised in a few long words.
One of his books is (in English) From Yahweh to Zion (2018). I'm sure of the claimed publication date as has it free online, unlike serious books on Vietnam for example. Suggesting of course it is just more Jew propaganda. Notes to the book say
There is no question of the extraordinary gifts and achievements of the Jewish people and of their enormous contribution to American culture and intellectual life. and continues with a 'distinguished theologian' called John B. Cobb, Jr. And quotes Alain Soral, who sounds like controlled opposition; later, I found others who think the same. This book pre-dated Bjerknes and may be footnoted in Bjerknes's book, but it's too difficult to check.
I mention Laurent Guyénot only to say that he seems to be a promoted rival, or perhaps a blocker, against serious works which (I hope) are on the way. He does at least mention the Kahal system, if not the parts of Jews in financing wars, though there are several mentions of the Federal Reserve. His depth doesn't approach Bjerknes's depths, but the latter are weakened by Bjerknes's lack of indexing and poor layout.
Rae West Dec 24-31 2021. Version 12 Jan 2022