Google ngram of 'Genghis' (Yes; the spellings may have been different. Supporting the idea that he was invented.)
New paper by Hexzane527 (17 July 2023) on Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, and China.
The 'Great Wall of China' (and comparisons with 'Hadrian's Wall' and the 'Antonine Wall'). Deduces that Genghis Khan was a manufactured myth.
Theorises that Siberia has been the destination for many whites; he includes (apparent) victims of Stalin, 'kulaks', and even Ukrainians. I didn't find a detailed analysis of Siberian geography; it seems analogous to Canada—cold—but parts are warm.
Theorises that white elites planned to fill the world whites (I presume since about 1500 as the world map was filled in), and draws analogies with north America.
Examines Fomenko and his predecessor Morozov.
All this seems to be the opposite of what modern Jewish policies aim for. And indeed it is possible that Hexzane527 is after all an agent. I don't know.
Anyway, my link to his pdf file is here: 2023-07-17-the-history-of-china-mongolia-and-russia.pdf
Rae West 24 Sept 2023
Portrait of Hitler making alleged Masonic handsign
Second World War & Jews - Reinterpreted by Hexzane527
Hitler-the-Jew-and-the-faked-wwii.blogspot.com is Hexzane527's main website.
Hexzane527 has online articles on Second World War puzzles, for which he offers solutions assuming Hitler was just another Jew subservient to the worldwide, interconnected but distributed, layer of Jews, in Hitler's case masquerading as an Austrian or German, while bringing defeat at the hands of Jews in other areas. Hexzane's English-language files are copied below in a simpler format.
This tremendously important hypothesis is developed by Hexzane527 far more impressively than any other writer known to me. He is widely censored.
Hexzane527's methodology includes ordinary Jews, as pawns, in his analyses. He seems to assume Jew leaders are in constant communication. His analysis is military, and says little about economics, raw materials, food etc. Judging by bistrobarblog.blogspot.com of 2018, Miles Mathis, by pointing out networking between Jews, suggested that Hitler was not a sole agent—something Jews are desperate to keep quiet. Hexzane527 contributes to another site, http://discussing-the-truth.blogspot.com/ from 2019, less concerned with WW2, except as providing pointers to WW3, and including Brexit, Muslim immigration, false flags, and other topics.
Hollywood and news media note: watching
Captain Corelli's Mandolin for the first time, including its radio and cinema reconstructions and newspapers in several languages, plus of course mutual incomprehensions of language groups, is obviously a Jewish view, the Hebrew and Yiddish components naturally suppressed.
Perhaps Hebrew and 'Synagogue Superstition Studies' will come to be taught in future, if any civilisation survives the Jews' onslaught, as Europeans after the Middle Ages turned to Greek and Latin.
For the oddities of Judaic beliefs, the best book I've found, though it may be hard to find, is by Christopher Bjerknes, which I've reviewed here. The beliefs are very odd, very dangerous, very pervasive, and very secret.
The website from which this came was http://hitler-the-jew-and-the-faked-wwii.blogspot.com had been unchanged since 2015, and its earliest article was in 2013.
I've improved it by rearrangement and supplying menus:—
v. 18 April 2023
Second World War & Jews Reinterpreted by Hexzane527
2013-05-02 WELCOME from Hexzane527 who writes in English on the discoveries and ideas underlying his website and writing.
• 2013-05-03 SUMMARY of evidence for Hitler being a Jew and WW2 being planned by Jews
The most popular pages (so far) are marked • as suggestions to newcomers
• Absurd lack of books about Jews and Freemasons during Hitler's Reich proves Germans avoided the issues and did not expose Freemasons wherever they conquered.
Spread of scepticism: Click for meuse.pdf on the Battle of France, a pdf file by Miles Mathis on absurd claims of five-day victory by Germany. I've also inserted this below.
• British Empire in the Far East. Handed over to Jews after the war?
Something similar seems to be in a set of articles by 'Lestrade' in Miles Mathis's site, for example pacthe13.pdf (Pacific Theatre 13.pdf)
• D-Day day was staged. Part 1 of 2 Two-part long piece finding evidence that the D-day landings were helped by German Jews
• D-Day was staged. Part 2 of 2 See why Spielberg loved Omaha Beach.
Events pushing Germans to vote for Hitler. Were staged by Jews
• Henry Ford was a Jew or freemason, and wanted to ensure Hitler was given a source for the 'Protocols'. With explanation of Dearborn Independent
• Franco and Salazar put in power by Jews. And why Hitler did not attack Spain.
Hitler and Dunkirk was not a mistake Hitler and some German generals saved the British and ruined Germany
• Hitler doing Masonic handshakes and signs
• Hitler's strategic 'mistakes' 1941-1942 in Russia Looks into Operation Barbarossa for evidence of Jewish manipulation. NOTE: I wanted to get David Irving to comment on this file, but have not had a reply as yet.
• How Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel. Entire 20th century
Jews also staged the 'Great War' (WW1) hexzane527 finds a thread; claims aim from the start was to form Israel
The Laconia Incident NOT by Hexzane527; by Mike Walsh
Nationalist movements and individuals were Jews hexzane527 does not consider a few people, e.g. Arnold Leese
• The absurdity of wanting to develop white lands to the east which was not consistent with Hitler and the 'Nazis' supposed racial views of whites
1940 Armistice. Its strange clemency Why did Hitler leave Vichy France, and not go for the Straits of Gibraltar?
Battle of France. Miles Mathis'd detailed and brilliant paper (dated 28 Sept 2019) on the supposed very rapid victory of Germany over France (the word "Blitzkrieg" was coined in Britain). Puts Albert Lebrun into prime position. En Française: cliquez ici
The Battle of Britain Decoded by hexzane527 to give a Jew view
Operation Luttich
1944 in France: Operation Lüttich sabotage by Hitler which freed Allies to rush for Germany
• Shady things about Hitler which all suggest he was a Jewish Zionist
Sleazy things regarding invasion of Italy Mussolini? Timing?
Strange Alliance between Germany and Japan Allowed Hitler to Declare War on the USA, to get USA into War in Europe
Strange clemency of USA and Britain to France After Versailles: Reparations, France, John Maynard Keynes (Economic Consequences of the Peace [of Versailles, after the Great War] a Jewish Liar
The strange war between Italy and Greece Mussolini, Metaxas, Hitler all Jews. Hollywood note: Captain Corelli's Mandolin was a film-from-novel from this era.
Why did Jewish leaders reveal that Hitler was a Jew?
Why didn't Hitler attack British forces in north Africa? despite British forces being weak at the time
Why was the Strait of Gibraltar crucial for Hitler? Hitler had to avoid control of the Strait of Gibraltar
Why was war between the USA and Germany put off till 1941? Why was WW2 delayed till 1941?
Yes, 99% of the websites that say Hitler was a Jew are websites controlled by Jews and this prevents many nationalists from reading those sites
Speculations on WW3 and Our Future (in descending date order)
Note that Hexzane527 is trying to predict the course of WW3, based on a revisionist view of very many centuries of the past, which assumes almost everything was, in fact, controlled from the top. His conclusions will surprise many.
He thinks Jews want to promote greater Israel, including immigrant Jews from the USA and France. He thinks war will be needed, Jews as always caring nothing for goyim war deaths. And he thinks whites need a war against Muslims and blacks, which nonwhite immigration makes less one-sided. And he thinks Jews want white emigration, contrary to the 'white genocide' model, with mass expulsions and killings of Muslim Arabs, blacks, after a successful but bitter controlled war, presumably on the Jewish model of killing Russians, Germans, Chinese etc. I'm spelling this out because it's surprising, though it also appears to be cogent.
The Jewish tradition, that seven or so nations should be exterminated by Jews, don't seem consistent with this WW3 model, though.
Hexzane527 wrote a long piece on population and race movements and mixing over many hundreds of years, including interbreeding blacks with Amerindians, blacks and North American Indians, and moving whites to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, and South Africa—he has a view of the Irish going to the USA with very cheap shipping, presumably Jewish, a theory I don't think I heard before. He does not seem to include so-called Jews interbreeding with elites or possible elites, or such events as Jews forcing race mixing on the Portuguese, or Jews interbreeding with blacks, all, of course, taboo subjects.
–RW 11 Sept 2019
2021-08-04 NEW PIECE August 2021 on COVID19. Interesting discussion. But does not consider whether the 'vaccinations' are long-term poisons for non-Jews, an obvious possibility.
Long-term Predictions about US Presidents, Trump, Biden. Thoughts on Civil War predicts endless muddying by elites; and that ultimately whites will be in agreement
Nov 2019 March Against Islamophobia in France. Why?
Will Jews from USA and France be Expelled to Israel to make up the population gap?
LONG, SUMMARY ⇒ What is the real Jewish project? Long paper; tries to find the real Jewish project. With History of Race Movements, Mixings, Growths, Contractions - Concludes 'Israel' is a Recent Project, and White Race Expansion is the Secret Object
Why all the 'Satanic' signs in the media?
Border closures trend to prevent Europeans fleeing war?
Nationalist parties were permitted as early as the 1980s. Even in countries impoverished by Jews
Jew-controlled agents and parties expand with Muslim influence
Exposed false flags as splitting Muslim allies, and increasing panics
Why do people like Alex Jones reveal psyops (or at least appear to)
Holy War Plan by Jews and Illuminati to oppose corrupt but democratic white people against uncorrupt but dictatorial and extremist Muslims
Stealth World Controlled Economy? Examines the rise and fall of companies, networks of owners, some mid-range companies with Freemason links. All major companies Jewish. Perhaps 80% of smaller companies non-Jewish. And arrangement of wars.
How Brexit Fits In People think they rebelled, but the issue would never have been allowed to arise unless Brexit was anted
When will the 3rd World War Begin? Four conditions (mostly population movements) before Jews start WW3
Maps of Jew-controlled Third World War to show Greater Israel, plus Europe returned to all-white, with approval for Jews
Hexzane527 speculates how powers need to be balanced by Jews who want war. England, France, Germany and Russia and other countries; and the USA
Before Muslims are placed by Jews how will parties and leaders be placed
Four types of wars to be selected by Jews for 'Greater Israel'
Hexzane527 view of immigration into USA and its reversal later
Splitting of countries has to look common and has been a Jewish practice (as has unification)
Attacks and terror all Intel controlled and too risky for loose cannon. (This must include 9/11 tho Hexzane527 doesn't say so)
Change from mass coloured immigration to Muslims as threat shows Jews object was to set things up for war
World War III - Explained Assumes war nominally in Europe between countries, with covert Jewish activity; very like WW2 in his analysis—no 'nuclear weapons', and also not much of other possible powers.
New Articles from 2020
Jan 2020 Historical Revisionism is an Elite Project NEW short piece on Hexzane527's view of revisionism as a slow burn project.
Includes Robert Faurisson (French only at present) as very probably an agent.
Robert Faurisson as probable agent— Very Long Article with internal links. Revisionism of entire revisionist project as a scam. Suggests ultimate aim is make Jews unpopular, so they leave in or before WW3.
Feb 2020 Hexzane527 on Race Mixing as a disguised Pro-White Project NEW and I know it sounds impossible. And it sounds wrong, since tens of millions of whites were destroyed in Germany and the USSR, to name only two places.
Atrocity control and wars Hiding huge atrocities with faraway smaller but horrible ones. By Rae West
Neutrals in WW2 Geographical position of neutrals seems consistent with Jewish control of WW2 by Rae West
Inferences from Bomb Targets in WW2 New short piece by Rae West
WARNING for students at school, university, other places: Your best policy is probably to read this material, but give answers to official exam questions and interrogations in the traditional way. And hope that truth will prevail. I can't accept responsibility for Jewish and Freemason lies.
Editing and HTML Rae West. First uploaded 5 Sept 2019 by Rae West.
Version with 'COVID' 22 Oct 2021.
A few small alterations 18 Mar 2021.
Popular sugestions and some tidying 15 Jan 2022.
The text is almost entirely the work of Hexzane527, or at least says it is; for all I know it could be a collection of people. Hexzane527's arrangements in blogs are in my view hard-to-find, and unnecessarily confusing; I've tried to rearrange articles here, and perhaps get English-speaking readers. As with Miles Mathis, Hexzane's separate articles are not integrated into a single overview piece.