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American and French Jews Scheduled for Expulsion to Israel?

dimanche 10 mars 2019

Will the Jews of the USA and France be expelled to Israel?

While thinking about my previous paper and the expansion program of the State of Israel, I had an idea about the Jews of the United States and France.  What if the elite were planning to expel them to Israel before and during World War III?

Until then, I had told myself that this was unlikely, because I thought that the presence of everyday Jews served the Jewish/illuminati elite to control the USA and France. So I didn't think about it more than that.

But if the objective of the elite is actually to spread the white race, and Jews only serve as fanatical white settlers, then it is different. All ordinary Jews will be used for this purpose.

Moreover, when you think about it a little more, it is clear that the Greater Israel project will suddenly require a rather large population inflow. It is true that Israel's Jews have a fairly high birth rate (near 3.2 children per woman). But that may not be enough when large territories are annexed by Israel. It will therefore require a massive and rapid influx of people.

And even if the goal was not to increase the territory of the white race, but the one of the Jews, we saw for the 2nd World War that the elite had no problem deporting Jews. So, to the extent that they will most likely be necessary to populate the Greater Israel, whether the real objective of the elite is the expansion of the white race or the expansion of the Jews, it will not change anything for them. They will be moved to Israel. 

It is true that in this region, there is mostly desert. This too must have unconsciously made me think that the inflow of Jews from the USA and France was not necessary. But in fact, there are quite a lot of people in this area. It's not just desert everywhere. So, there will still be a need for many settlers to occupy the territories taken.

Especially since, as we have seen, it is likely that, in reality, the Greater Israel project is underestimated and that the entire Middle East will be targeted by this white race expansion project. So it will require a very large number of settlers.

Thus, it becomes likely that the Jews from the USA and France will be expelled in order to occupy the territories taken from the Arabs when  the Greater Israel is established. Why them in particular? Well, because of their numbers. These are the two countries with the highest number of Jews outside Israel. The Jews of the USA are in the 5.7 million, those of France probably in the 600,000 (see here). That's 6,300,000 that could be used as settlers. But in the United States, there would be 10 million Jews if you take a broader definition of Jews. So that could be 10.6 million Jews who could be mobilized to colonize the greater Israel. Of course, it is possible that Jews from other countries may also be targeted, such as those from Italy (see the map of countries that will come under Muslim control before World War III).

That's why the elite is letting the anti-Semitic discourse spread. It is true that on the surface, this is not the case. It even seems to be the other way around. The elite does not stop vilifying "hate speech". There are even laws that have been passed against the expression of anti-Semitic ideas in Europe. There are sites that are regularly closed for incitement to hatred. As early as 1990, there was the Fabius-Gayssot law in France prohibiting any questioning of the Shoah.

But in reality, there are many sites with anti-Semitic discourse that have existed for years and are not closed. And when some are closed, others open. So, in fact, there are hundreds of Jewish-critic sites that exist at any given time and that spread "anti-Semitic" ideas.

And what makes the thing even clearer is that there are many agents of influence (i.e., agents who work for the elite) who disseminate a Jewish-Critic discourse. And receiving publicity through the official media or pseudo-dissidence websites and Youtube channels, they reach millions of people, who thus awaken to anti-Semitic ideas. In France, the first in this case was Alain Soral, a well-known dissident who is followed by hundreds of thousands of people. And then he was followed by many others.

In fact, nowadays, the elite even allows many Jewish-critic comments to pass through on platforms that they control entirely (with many moderators). This is the case for Yahoo or Youtube for example. It has long allowed Jewish-critic videos (Youtube) or blogs (Blogger,, etc.) to be published. And this is on the European "versions" of these platforms of course, with comments written in Spanish, French, German, etc.... So on versions where these ideas are normally prohibited.

Now, if the elite was Jewish and wanted to protect itself from anti-Semitic ideas, they would have had an immediate reaction and would have blocked these sites in every possible way, at least in Europe and Canada. It also would have identified the authors of the sites and sentenced them to heavy fines. With such a regime of terror, there would have been no one left to publish such ideas. If the elite has not did that, it is because it actually wants these ideas to spread. And this is even more obvious with Jewish-critic agent of influence. It perfectly shows that the elite wants anti-Semitism to increase. And they want it because it will allow them to justify the coming of anti-Jewish governments and thus the expulsion of Jews from the diaspora to Israel.

In the USA, it is not possible to close these sites because there is the 1st amendment that guarantees that everyone can express their ideas freely. Therefore, these sites can be created without any risk. And it may justify the fact that some sites in French, German, Spanish, Italian, etc., exist, because they are hosted on platforms owned by American companies. But that's not a problem for the elite. They can prevent the population of a country from seeing a particular site. They can just block it. This is what you can see with some Youtube videos that are not available in some countries. So, the elite could have had these sites blocked immediately so that they would not be visible to Europeans. In addition, they can of course immediately identify who is behind this or that site. So, if the authors of these sites were located in Europe, they could be very easily identified and charged with a crime of opinion. But none of this is happening. It shows once again that the elite wants these ideas to spread.

Besides, we can think that's why there's the First Amendment in the United States. Indeed, this First Amendment is strange. The US has been under the control of the elite since the beginning. However, this amendment apparently went against the interests of the elite. It is not in the nature of the masters of the world to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves freely.

Of course, until the Internet, it was only a virtual freedom, since all information passed through the filter of large media or publishing groups. All the newspapers were in the hands of the elite. And for books, controlled publishers could refuse to publish a guy defending dangerous ideas. And even if a disturbing book was published, without advertising in the media, it was sure to have no success. Nevertheless, they could have done as in Europe, where laws were more restrictive, in order to have room for maneuver in the event of the emergence of dangerous ideas. There was no reason to have such a permissive law.

So if they made this amendment, it was because they had a good reason. We can think that this was done partly for the inter-war period (1918-1939), so that some people would release anti-Semitic books (like Ford). It was also done for the Cold War period, to present the USA as a paradise in comparison to the USSR. But it has also been done for the current period, in order to be able to spread anti-Semitic ideas. With the 1st amendment, it is possible to justify the maintenance of Jewish-critical discourse, not only in English, but in all other languages. If people are surprised that such an anti-Semitic site in German is still online, it is enough to answer that it is located at an American hosting company and therefore protected by the 1st amendment.

And the fact that this amendment has been maintained for 20 years, while anti-Semitic discourse has spread strongly, shows that it is useful to the elite. Since they are the ones who control everything, if they wanted to delete this amendment, it would no longer exist tomorrow. If they maintain it, it is because it is intended, and the Jewish-critic discourse actually serves them.

So the masters of the world will increasingly spread the "anti-Semitic" discourse. At the same time, for a while, they will protect Jews by apparently condemning anti-Semitic speech. In Europe, to look credible, they will make laws against anti-Semitism (but which, by giving the impression that Jews control everything, will actually increase anti-Semitism even more), they will condemn some people (in fact agents) who will have committed anti-Semitic acts. As a result, most Jews will believe that governments are on their side and that they are safe. And in 25 or 30 years, just before or during the Third World War, all of a sudden, governments will be put in place that, instead of supporting the Jews, will persecute them. The Jews will then be forced to leave. And the elite will only let them go to one place... Israel. Just like in the 1930s.

And before that, the elite will make sure to disgust the Jews from coming to Israel, even if on the surface it will seem to push them to do so. The elite will ensure that living conditions in Israel for Jews doing their Aliyah are harsh enough compared to those in their country of origin. As a result, many Jews will be dissuaded from coming, or, if they come, will leave. And indeed, according to some sources, French Jews are currently not well received in Israel. Or at least that's the feeling that many would have.

Thus, when they finally arrive, pushed into exile by anti-Jewish governments, they will not be in a position of strength, but in a position of weakness. So instead of being able to choose where to settle, as it is currently the case, it is the state of Israel that will force them to go to this or that place, where the installation of settlers will be necessary. They will not be able to choose to settle in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. Like the Jews of the Maghreb in the 1950s and 1960s, they will be forcibly settled in unattractive colonies (and the Israeli government will be able to justify forcing them to go to such and such a place because of their numbers).

The case of Sephardic French Jews

At this stage of the reasoning, one may wonder why they did not send all Jews from North Africa directly to Israel after the end of the French colonies, in order to increase its population immediately. Indeed, of the 500,000 Jews present in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, about 450,000 emigrated, either to Israel (215,000) or France (235,000). But in fact, the figures for France seem underestimated, since between 1950 and 1976, the population of French Jews increased from about 225,000 to 650,000 people. So, in reality, it was more like 400,000 Jews from North Africa who emigrated to France. However, having 400,000 more Jews would have been rather interesting for Israel's settlement plan. There was no real interest in keeping them in France.

It is true that one could answer that it is because the Jews having been persecuted during the 2nd World War and France having been the enemy of the Nazis, it was difficult to morally justify the decision to refuse them asylum on French soil. Especially since it was at a time when immigration to France was very open. So it would have been difficult to justify denying the possibility of emigrating to Jews while accepting it without restriction for all others.

But, it's not really the kind of thing that stops the elite. All they had to do was to open the immigration doors a little later and say that since too many Jews wanted to go to France and that they could also go to Israel, they could just go there. With the newspapers under control, all this would have happened without any scandal (or a little scandal quickly forgotten).

It is also true that the 150,000 Jews in Algeria had been considered French since the Crémieux decree of 1870. So they couldn't be stopped from going to France. But as in 1870, it had been a long time since the elite had developed their plan for World War III, they could very well not have created the Crémieux decree. If they did so, it was because their purpose was to send Jews from Algeria to France during the decolonization process.

So the elite could very well have forced almost all the Jews in North Africa to go directly to Israel if they had wanted to. If they didn't, it's because they didn't want it.

The question then arises as to why. I had been wondering about this for some time. At first, I thought they needed staff to better control the populations in France. But there are very few Jews in many other European countries. And there is no control problem. So that's not what it's for. But, at the time, I wasn't sure what the reason was behind it.

But in the last few months, I think I've had the answer. I think they actually brought and kept the Jews from North Africa to France to whiten them before sending them to Israel. By keeping them in France for 70 or 80 years (from 1962 to about 2040), the 3 generations of Sephardic Jews who would follow one another had time to whiten themselves sufficiently to be useful for the Israel project. Suppose a Sephardic Jew arrived in France in 1962, at the age of 25. He marries a French woman of non-Jewish origin or an Ashkenazi Jew. The child is already 50% white. If this one marries a goy, the child is 75% white. And if this is still the case for their child, their next child will be 88% white. Knowing that the Jews of North Africa were Berber-Arab, therefore, with already a certain level of whiteness (they are not blacks). So, when the 4th generation is expelled to Israel, it will be mostly whites who will go there and not Berber-Arabs (or at least they will be much less so).

That is why most Jews in France went and still go to public schools and not to Jewish schools (there are Jewish schools, but they only welcome 30,000 students per year. Of the 600,000 Jews in France, that is not much, only 5%). It's to make them mix with non-Jews from an early age. More anecdotally, this is also why, since the 1990s, there have been some French films advocating the opening of Jews to marriages with goys (such as "La vérité si je mens", "Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait au bon Dieu", etc...). It is once again because the elite wants them to mix with native French girls and guys (i. e. whites). And it seems to be working, since Jewish newspapers regularly talk about the problem of mixed unions between Jews and goys. According to this newspaper, there are 30% mixed unions in France (and 40% among those under 30).

Of course, these films could be made to fool people, to make people believe that the propaganda for mixing also works for jews, whereas this would not be the case. The same goes for the number of Jews in Jewish schools. Maybe the numbers are misleading, again, to fool the goys. And the same goes for the figures for mixed unions. So you have to be careful. But it is possible that there is no desire for deception behind it and that it reflects reality.

The very important feminism found among many non-religious Jewish women favors this. As Jewish women became more and more obnoxious under the pretext of feminism, they drove Jews away, who turned to more accommodating goy women. Well, now that many French goys have become quite feminist, this cause of mixed union has become a little less important. But it still persists. And so, being neglected, Jewish women also turn to male goys. And since Sephardic men are themselves far from reproach (very macho, unfaithful), Sephardic women have their own reasons for getting involved with goys instead.

And of course, the fact that Jews are a minority in an ocean of goys means that mixed unions have a high probability of occurring. If they lived in ghettos, they could avoid contacts and therefore unions with the goys. But since they live in the middle of them, this is something that happens.

A problem is indeed that a large proportion of these children will then not be considered Jewish (those from a Jewish father and a Goy mother). So mixing with the goys would become counterproductive for the Israel project. Except that we can see that the Jewish religious authorities are not that rigid with them. They can initiate conversion measures. And they can very well become Jews through that. Of course, there is sometimes a certain ostracism and contempt from those who consider themselves as "true" Jews (by blood), compared to these half-Jews. But in the eyes of Jewish religious authorities, they are Jewish. And so, when a power hostile to Jews arrives in France, they will be expelled to Israel.

Furthermore, the Israeli authorities themselves are relatively permissive, since it only takes one grandparent to be Jewish for the person to become an Israeli citizen under the "law of return". So a person may not be Jewish under the usual Jewish law (only one Jewish grandfather, or a Jewish grandmother on the paternal side), but still acquire Israeli nationality. 

There is also the risk that they may not feel Jewish and move away from the community. But in fact, it seems that, most of the time, it is not a problem. There is significant social pressure in the Jewish community that means that, far from moving away from the Jewish community, many children born from mixed unions tend to move closer to it. And, surprisingly, many even blame their father for marrying a goy because, due to the Holocaust, it is a bit like participating to the extermination of the Jews. That's what we can see here.

And anyway, even for those who do not consider themselves Jews, the day when there is a power that is hostile to them, it will not make the distinction and will consider them sufficiently Jewish to expel them to Israel. There are civil records that are quite old. So the government in place will use them. And since it will be it who sets the criteria for who is Jewish and who is not, they may very well be considered Jewish despite everything. And we can be sure that Israel will welcome them and consider them as Jews. We saw in the previous post that Israel welcomed many Russian goys in the 1990s and 2000s who fled poverty and pretended to be Jews. So, for people with Jewish ancestors who are considered Jewish by the French government, the Israeli government will have no problem giving them Israeli nationality and even considering them as Jews.

Of course, with the significant immigration from Africa, French Jews could also have children with Arabs and blacks. It happens. But since Jews are generally quite wealthy, they will rather marry French girls or guys from a good social background, who are mostly white.

And for those who will be married between Sephardim and who will therefore remain rather Arab or who will mix with blacks or Arabs (or Asians), they will also be sent to Israel, but they will probably have a less enviable fate there than those who will be white. Especially since it is possible that the elite will get rid of them somehow once they are no longer needed. So, it is in their interest to mix with whites and do their Alya before the mass expulsion that will occur before or during the war.

In fact, it can be said that Sephardic Jews are currently living a golden age in France. But it won't last long.

By the way, if American Jews are forced to go to Israel during World War III, European Jews who have chosen to go to the United States rather than Israel over the past 40 years will be forced to finally go... to Israel. Whatever happens, they will therefore be forced to comply with the elite plan.

The case of American Jews

Regarding the Jews of the USA, there is little or no need to mix them with the white goys, since most of them are Ashkenazi and therefore white people as well.

But it involves an internal war in the USA leading to anti-Semitic power (at least for a while). However, for the time being, you do not see too much of an anti-Semitic force set up in the United States. It seems that we will rather have a war between the colored populations (Latino and Black) and the whites (and still, even that remains rather vague for the moment). That being said, perhaps there will be no need for an anti-Semitic power. Maybe the war will be enough. In this case, Jews will flee the civil war and go to Israel, where they will be welcome.

The fact that is in the direction of expulsion is the number of Jews in the United States and the fact that they are overwhelmingly white. There are 5 or 6 million of them. It will be very interesting to populate the territories acquired during the creation of the Greater Israel. So there is a high probability that they will be used as settlers after the war.

Some possible contradictions

It is true that there are Arab Jews in Israel. As we have seen, half came from North African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) in the 1950s and 1960s, and the other half from Middle Eastern countries (Iraq, Syria) between 1948 and 1955. And on the surface, things are going well between Ashkenazi and Sephardic people. So if they accepted hundreds of thousands of Sephardic Sephardic animals in the 1950s and 1970s, and it's going well, it's apparently because the race doesn't pose a problem for the elite in place for the Israel project. This would be an indication that my theory of the whitening of the Sephardic Sephardic of France is wrong; and the same goes for the theory that Israel is a racist project of the elite.

Moreover, even if Ashkenazi are the majority in Israel, it's not a large majority (55% of the 6 million Israeli Jews in 2012). Arab Jews would therefore make 45% of the total (2.7 million). That too is not in line with a racist project. Otherwise, the elite would have ensured that there were more than 75-80% of Ashkenazis.

But that shouldn't be too much of a problem for the elite. This proportion may very well be only temporary and destined to change over time (in favor of Ashkenazi).

Already, what we are seeing is that there is no longer a stock of Sephardim available in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. There is the French stock. But we have just seen that it is probably in the process of more or less advanced race mixing. This source of Sephardim is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, the only possibility of an increase in the Sephardic population in Israel can only come from its higher birth rate than that of the Ashkenazi. 

However, there is a very large stock of Ashkenazi available in North America (5 million, perhaps 10). And there are a few hundred thousand Ashkenazi scattered throughout Europe, which can eventually be mobilized.

So when the elite needs it, they can send 7 or 8 million white Jews to Israel, or even more. And there, the proportion of Arab Jews will fall to very low proportions.

And we can think that the elite will not be limited to white Jews. They will probably bring in tons of white goys later. We can think that Israel will become like an El Dorado after the 3rd World War. The elite will pour masses of money into it, transforming it into a new USA of the 1950s. The alliance between European goys and Jews during the war will justify non-Jewish European immigration to Israel afterwards.  And as a result, Israel will be flooded with white goys that will increase the overall proportion of Caucasians in Israel. It will also show that Israel is not a state closed to non-Jews, as the "anti-Semites" used to say.

The elite will then be able to eliminate most of the Sephardic people simply by mixing (with Ashkenazi and white goys). By representing only 20% or even 10% of the population (due to the massive immigration of Ashkenazi and European and American goys), they will be easily assimilated in this way.

And by the way, we can think that since the Jewish people is certainly a construction of the elite for the purpose of the Middle East colonization project, the fact of having Arab Jews is a will of them. This is not the result of coincidences of history and migration over the past 2000 years. It's deliberate, and most likely quite recent. The elite made sure to create Jewish communities in the Arab populations (probably between the 17th and 18th centuries). And so we can think that the purpose behind it was to hide until the last moment the white racist side of the Israel project. With a large proportion of Sephardic people in the Israeli population, it became impossible for people to think that in reality, the goal was to expand the sphere of influence of the white race.

Moreover, having a small Semitic component makes it possible to link current Jews to the official history of the Middle East. If there were only whites from Central or Eastern Europe, there would be a big credibility problem with regard to the multi-millennial Jewish history that they want to impose on us. How could people believe in this case that the Jews of today have the slightest thing to do with the Jews from 2000 years ago? People may even end up doubting that the Jewish story is true. So Jewish groups have been created in North Africa and the Middle East to give substance to the theory of Semitic Jews who lost their land 2000 years ago. With the presence of Arab Jews, this story becomes credible.

Another advantage of having Arab Jews for the Israel project is to have agents with an Arab look to play Arab Muslim extremists. That's probably not totally necessary, because there are Arab mercenaries willing to do the thing. But, given the fanaticism of Arab Jews, it helps.

I have not found any information on the subject, but it can be assumed that Sephardic soldiers also serve as low-level soldiers in the Israeli army. They are useful there for the elite. Being more sanguine and therefore more violent than Ashkenazis, they make better tormentors of Arabs. And being considered Arab by Ashkenazi, they need to prove that they are not (you can see here that they have a phobia of being considered as such and that, as a result, they tend to hate Arabs to compensate). So they are all the more ready to engage in cruel behavior towards Arabs.

And being in the army, having responsibility for Israel's security, even if it is mostly at a low level, gives them the impression that they are considered, that they are important. When in fact, they are working for a system that will certainly rule them out in the end.

Regarding the reception of North African Sephardim by the Israeli authorities, this article by Slate shows that it was not sympathetic at all. They expected to be able to live in Jerusalem or other large city, like other Jews (Ashkenazis). But in fact, they were sent to the Negev Desert (in what would become the cities of Yeruham, Netivot, Dimona or Kyriat Chemona), as workers and farmers. Even more seriously, their passports were taken away so that they could not return home. Their children have also had limited access to education, so that they cannot progress socially and continue to be workers and farmers, like their parents. In short, they were treated like dogs.

This does not really support the official theory that the purpose of the Israel project is to bring together all Jews, regardless of their race. It is much more in the direction of a racist pro-white project, since the elite treated the Ashkenazis like kings, while it treated the Sephardic as less than nothing.

Well, it is true that over time, the Israeli government's treatment of Sephardic people has improved. But then, what's done is done. The elite has shown here its true face against the Sephardic.

And if there is a certain liberalism towards the Sephardim and therefore a certain improvement in their condition, it is because it serves the elite's plan.

First, it allows it once again to make people believe that the Israel project is not a pro-white racist project.

In addition, it apparently allowed the elite to put far-right governments in power that expanded the colonies. Indeed, it is said that it was the Sephardic people who brought the far-right governments to power (in the late 1970s). Thus the elite can put forward the idea that it was not white Jews who pushed for the extension of colonization, but Arab Jews. So, in people's minds, the Israel project cannot be a pro-white racist project, since it is non-whites who push for more colonization. So the irony is that it is those who will probably be ousted in the end that are the most important drivers for the establishment of a greater Israel.

And then, as we have seen above, the elite knows that, in any case, it will flood Israel in the medium term with Ashkenazi, and probably even non-Jewish whites. So the numerical importance of the Sephardic will collapse. In addition, perhaps they will be used as cannon fodder during the 3rd World War. And the elite will probably use other tricks to ensure that the Sephardic population in Israel decreases. So the elite can treat them properly for now; they know that sooner or later Sephardim will no longer represent much in proportion to the Ashkenazis.

PS: By the way, it may be thought that the choice of Hebrew (Semitic language) instead of Yiddish (derived from German), which should have been the logical choice as Israel's official language, was made once again to hide the racist side of the Israel project. With a Semitic language, people tend to think that the project cannot be racist. Whereas with a European language, this would have been much more the case.

PS2: As part of my theory, it can be assumed that the various cases of bad treatment of Sephardic Jews in Israel (reception of North African Sephardic Jews in the 1950s, case of irradiated Sephardic Jews) were set up and then mediatized to ensure that one day there would be a split between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. The same applies to the predominance of Ashkenazi in positions of power, as well as some contemptuous statements by Ashkenazi personalities towards the Sephardim. In due course, the elite will ensure that this perceived hostility turns into an open conflict. This confrontation will then allow the elite to get rid of a part of the Sephardim. It's not certain, since the elite must have other ways to get rid of them. But it's a possibility.