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New Zealand real estate and several south American countries

lundi 27 août 2018 lundi 27 août 2018

The ban on foreigners to buy real estate in New Zealand, and the closing of the frontiers of several South American countries, the beginning of a general trend?

I saw a news story a few days ago saying that foreigners could no longer buy real estate in New Zealand.

We can think that this is just the beginning of the movement. Indeed, when the war in Europe and eventually in America begins to become a little too obvious, many people will be tempted to flee to foreign countries that will be far from the future conflict: countries like New Zealand, Australia, South America, China, etc....

Of course, the Jewish/illuminatis leaders have anticipated that. So long before people start to understand what is happening, they will close the borders of these countries and prohibit foreigners from owning real estate there. So Europeans and Americans will be forced to stay in their countries and wage or suffer war.

In short, they will close the trap as they did in 1939 for Jews (see my blog on the Second World War).

A few days after writing this, there was news that because of the economic crisis, Venezuelans were leaving the country en masse and that, as a result, neighbouring countries were beginning to harden their immigration laws.

So, we can think that the period with Chavez was made partly for that. The goal was to economically collapse the country after the Chavez episode in order to justify this toughening.

Incidentally, the Chavez period has once again served to undermine the idea that socialism always ends badly. A little reminder shot never hurts.

Of course, Chavez was an illuminati agent, like all the leaders of the countries of this world, and he did all this on command. And he certainly must still be alive.

In his bio, we learn that he was a military man. So, if this is true, he was most likely part of the secret service, which is a big red flag (see the work of Miles Mathis). But it is possible that it is a screen to hide the fact that he was part of a wealthy family of the elite. And otherwise, we have the same ridiculous coup story as Hitler, and with the same derisory punishment for an enemy of the state. The illuminatis recycle their stories.

I must admit that when they started advertising Chavez in the mid-2000s (especially on dissident websites and some leftist newspapers), I didn't really understand why the Jewish leaders had put him in place. And I haven't understood it so far. What could a fairly hard socialist government do there from 1999 to 2013, when socialism was something that normally no longer had any interest for the illuminatis and that they abandoned almost everywhere? It was something they had used in the 20th century, but it was obsolete for them now. So, it didn't make any sense. With what's happening now, we understand; things become clear.

And here again, we can think that this is only the beginning in South America. There should be at least one or two other countries that will be destabilized in order to cause massive immigration to nearby countries, and thus justify the closure of these countries.

For southern South America, Bolivia seems a good candidate. This country has at its head a socialist of the same kind of Chavez, namely Evo Morales (of course an illuminati agent too). It has borders with 5 other countries. Thus, an economic collapse followed by mass emigration of Bolivians to other countries would justify the closure of almost all the countries of the South, except Uruguay, which is a small country; and of even the central countries (Peru, Brazil). And again, it would reinforce the idea that socialism always ends badly.

Since the war will not take place before 30 years, one might think that starting to implement the thing today is premature. But, with the Internet, and with the turn of events, maybe people will start to be suspicious at least 15 years before. So they have to start putting things in place now.

PS (added September 4, 2018):

Or it could be Argentina, since its economy has been considered fragile for some time (inflation problems, falling peso, rising interest rates, foreign trade deficit, etc...). This country is also well placed, since it has borders with 5 other countries. This is a center-right government. But finally, maybe it's better for the illuminati plan. What we can think is that if it was once again a country with a socialist government that was affected, it might seem suspicious. People in the conspiracy sphere could think that the economic collapse of these countries is organized and planned. Ok, they would only see it as an attack on the socialist countries, which they would probably attribute to the USA or the bankers. Therefore, their level of awareness of the conspiracy in question would remain limited. But still, they would already understand that there is a conspiracy, which is less good than if they thought all this was the result of ordinary economic problems. So instead of sinking a country with a socialist government, Jewish/illuminati leaders may sink a country politically situated on the right or the center. Then the conspirationists won't understand what's going on. They will not make the link between the economic collapse of Venezuela and the one of Argentina.

I thought about it a Iittle bit when I wrote the article. In fact, it was the first country in southern South America that I had thought of, because I remembered the severe financial crisis that had hit the country. But since it was actually a long time ago (1998-2002, I thought it was rather 2004-2005) and there had been nothing notable since, I had had some doubts about that possibility. That's why Bolivia finally seemed like a better candidate. But with the new economic and financial crisis that Argentina has been going through for a few days, the probability that it will finally be the next country in South America that the Jewish/ Illuminatis leaders will cause to collapse economically increases very strongly obviously.

Publié par hexzane527 à 18:53