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Identifying Jew Influence by Examining Bomb Targets

Rae West 2020-June-29

How Bombing Plans Can Reveal Jewish Influence

Just a short note.

Leeds was not bombed—is a comment I happened to notice, by Alan Bennett, a playwright. From other evidence on Alan Bennett—homosexuality, plotting to get into history departments at Oxbridge, attraction to dark-eyed young Indian boys, hatred of white Englishmen, profitable co-operation with Jews years ago in heavily-promoted stage show called Beyond the Fringe, oddities about parents or supposed parents—he could be a crypto-Jew. The point here is that Leeds is notable as a focus for Jews, at least to investigators.
      I believe that broadly speaking Manchester (many Jews) was not bombed, while industrial Liverpool and Coventry and non-affluent parts of London were bombed.

Which offers the rather obvious suggestion that Jewish areas, given Jewish power, would be unbombed.

Some people noticed that Ford plants in Germany were either not bombed, or had 'compensation' paid in semi-secret, since of course they were 'helping the enemy'. When a population contains hostile Jews obviously this sort of thing is going to happen.

Jewish areas in Japan, Korea, China and of course the USSR and 'Communist' (i.e. Jewish) territories, and Spain and France, must be expected to reveal the same pattern.

HTML Rae West   First upload 29 June 2020.   This version 1 July 2020