Block of 800+ Reviews |
Reviews by Subject: Audio-visual Media | Health, Medical | Jews (Frauds Freemasons Religions Wars) | Race | Revisionism | Women
Reviews of Authors: H Belloc | P Bustion | C Caskie | N Chomsky | R Dawkins | M Gardner | D Irving | K MacDonald | M Mathis | B Russell | H G Wells
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Stills from making Denial. Two sources at least list the writers as Max Borenstein, Russ Krasnoff, Jeff Skoll of BBC Films, Joe Oppenheimer, and Andrew Karpen of Bleecker Street, in addition to Hare. |
It's clear the film is aimed at young people, its simplified message in the long tradition of Jewish lies. It's the same target as the fraudulent 'Holocaust Museums'. It's the same principle as a simple credo.
David Irving's site is Click the 'Action Report Online' button and perhaps search for 'Denial' (or 'Dental', possibly a little joke about Evans's overshot jaw).
It's of important psychological interest to form an opinion on Jewish lying. Jews seem unable to evaluate evidence; instead, like savages, they have a simple egocentric view. Or maybe there are complications. But whatever is true, ascendant Jews have harmful impacts. All people now must make the effort to understand so-called 'Jews'.
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Above, Left: David Irving. Book jackets. World's most successful historian? Note: Uprising (1981) which identified Jewish killers and thugs in Hungary, must have pointed the way to Jewish worries over Irving. And as television expanded in quantity but—bought and run with Jewish paper money—not in quality, he never became a TV pundit on WW2. Credits 'special thanks list' includes Sir Charles Gray Above, Right: Germar Rudolf's Bungled: Denying the Holocaust 2017 pdf download (and there may be a 2016 edition entitled Fail: Denying the Holocaust). Published after the film Denial, this is probably the best shortish book available on Holocaust revisionism, a detailed crit of Lipstadt's rubbish. Easy-going, thorough, reliable. Its Index of Names is impressive. Germar Rudolf has impressive qualifications in chemistry and scientific method. And he is polite to traditional historians, I'd guess more as a diplomatic feat than as a mark of respect. But Germar Rudolf perhaps misses the point that Lipstadt is a traditional Jewish liar, with no interest in scientific truth, but only in primitive 'pragmatic' 'truth'. Like Irving (“I always have accepted that Adolf Hitler, as head of state and government, was responsible for the Holocaust...”) Rudolf states that Jews suffered. As do virtually all sources. Personally, I doubt this. |
Lipstadt says somewhere (and denied somewhere else) that she invented the phrase 'Holocaust denial'. Phrases including 'denial', 'denialism' and so on have been spread so widely that I'd suggest data miners seeking Jewish frauds try computer searches for 'denial'. 'AIDS denialism' is an example of a perennial fraud dating from 1984; 'climate denialism' another fraud, 'IQ denialism' a reference to black race characteristics. Obviously 9/11 and 'dancing Israelis', nuclear frauds, the Liberty, anti-white and and-Christian activities, Middle East Wars, the Fed, and of course Palestine, are likely subjects for 'denialism'. As are both world wars, and a host of other topics, including the 'French' and 'Russian' Revolutions, and nuclear matters. I found 'antivaxxers' insulted on the 'Guardian' website, a Jewish 'newspaper' in Britain.
Lies about the trial have spread widely. A phrase I searched on was:
"The judge called him [Irving] a fraud who doctored the historical record to promote his own racist agenda. He was not a historian at all."—Except the Judge did not say that. On the contrary he declared that expert defence witness Professor Richard Evans had been wrong to maintain that.
On 'racist agenda'—remember this is supposed to be about a world war with vast numbers of deaths—except of Jews. It will astonish future generations, I hope, that Jews should mix their lies in this way.
Lipstadt's book has a strange hard-to-satirise aura. I'm tempted to quote extracts verbatim, and to supplement these by inverting extracts from Lipstadt on Irving (“.. no intellectual prominence ... more or less equivalent to a hateful extremist bigot, a supporter of Jewish supremacist race thuggery, embittered by her ugliness ... mimicry of serious work ... likes disgusting creatures from Leo Frank to Yad Vashem murderers ... so-called 'Jewish' students, professors and even university presidents venerate Stalin ... Let me make one thing clear: Lipstadt is free to stand on street corners, risking attack for spouting simple-minded filth and primitive number magic...”) but such an approach lacks the wooden reinforced feel of her intellectually empty cumulative repetitions of threats and slogans.
And Lipstadt's mass-media vulgarity is difficult to satirise in short passages: ‘she was incredulous ... [at Lipstadt's] turning down an opportunity to appear on her nationally televised show.’
I must make a note here on the ‘Chosen People’ notion. I presume this is a source of comfort or reassurance to many people who think they are Jews; but it is a notion which is very clearly not soundly based racially or intellectually.
It's an interesting possibility that ugliness has a genetic effect in helping Jews isolate themselves. And perhaps encourage homosexuality. Try Googling 'ugly Jews' to see search engine censorship in action. Possibly mirrors made with float glass have introduced a new pitilessness to the world. The sad Jews who have to repeat scripts in call-centre-style Jew sweatshops, or who supervise the paid, sad, screamers of slogans and thugs, project the same message: quite a high percentage of Jewish money is allocated to full-time liars, and this dates back to the founding of state Christianity. Funders of women welcoming immigrants etc, and other 'race advisors' and 'activists' promoted by Jews—an example is Jordan Peterson who 'worked' with Soros, interviewed by Jews such as Cathy Newman—are introduced into propaganda as though they are spontaneously generated.
Those interested in the heavily-lied-about topic of parasitic genetics, might read this fairly short piece.
Some readers welcomed Lipstadt's 1993 book on the grounds that it mentioned many people readers had never heard of. And when Internet was coming on line, these names spread more quickly than Penguin—accustomed to unidirectional propaganda control—could have guessed.
But despite the web of Jews world-wide, Lipstadt's book is narrowly US and Canada based. Writers and groups in Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Norway, Brazil, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine [and so on] were not mentioned. Spain and Hungary got a bit. Turkey and China almost nothing. Japan had a comment on Masami Uno, possibly taken from the New York Slimes (March 12, 1987, Page 00013, The New York Times Archives). He asserts that Jews form a "behind-the-scenes nation" 'controlling major American corporations'. I wonder if there's a Japanese person who wrote on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, analogous to David Irving on Dresden.
Digression on some (((British))) Agents. I ought to mention Jews and hired liars: Gerry Gable, Matthew Collins, Nick Knowles illustrate the type. Of course, mostly they keep hidden in the rotten institutional woodwork.
After twenty years, I think I finally understand why the publishers were so worried about Irving's book. Of course Jewish publishing is an endless sewer of junk material. Why would they suppress a book which promised higher quality, and completely new research? Jews naturally worry over their Holocaust fraud: the cornucopia might end, and its direction reverse. And they have unimaginatively stepped up anti-white propaganda—here's a huge illustrative tweet collection by lightweight Jews and agents, the troll/call centre/online types. Oddly stupid material about whites has been leaked out for years, by (to name a few household memes) Abe Foxman and Barbara Spectre and Noel Ignatieff and Susan Sontag and Tim Wise and Merkel and Sarkozy and rape-obsessed rabbis, and Jewish advertisers promoting race mixing, and Jews suppressing truths about race violence in white countries and Jew-funded—via the USA—violence in the near east in particular.
But I've come to think most of this, though true, and disgusting, is partly distraction. Jews operate by using their media control to flood the world with whatever memes they decide to push. What Jews fear now—above all—is people realising that Jews by 1913, world-wide, controlled money, propaganda, secret communications, and weapons. And they did this by secret collusion between tens of thousands of Jews in perhaps twenty countries, and with local collaborators in large numbers.
This idea, that Hitler and the top 'Nazis' were Jews in secret collaboration with other Jews, whether labelled 'Democratic' or 'National Socialist' or 'Fascist' or 'Communist' or 'Nationalist' or 'Christian' and able to choreograph wars to maximise goyim deaths and Jewish profits, has to be suppressed. Or people might wonder if it is still true—as it certainly appears to be, so far as the heavily-censored evidence suggests.
Hitler must always be presented as a one-man solo show, in isolation, the great dictator, the solitary Führer. That's the Jewish rule. There must be no suggestion that Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini co-operated.
An illustrative meme in Denial is Irving's supposed objective, 'the exculpation of Adolf Hitler'. But David, fresh from his archival discoveries, had proved that Hitler did what he could for Jews, not against them. Reichskristallnacht was proof enough. There are some videos of David speaking on the subject. Here's Hitler Intervened for Jews. 10 minutes, recorded c. 1986. It was removed by Youtube within one hour.
And there's another Jewish policy important to them. The situation with Jewish power extends back centuries, far longer than most people realise, and Jews intend the entanglements—the Talmud, war finances, destruction, paper assets, rents/ Catholicism/ Islam, assassinations, funding of thugs—to be kept secret.
David Irving's own day-by-day written account of the trial and the events leading to it (from 1995) is online on his own website here; it includes a mass of information on emails from supporters, money, witnesses, Rampton's not-so-sotto-voce interruptions, visitors from around the world, accounts of journalists from the world's press—Irving somewhere states that the Jewish Chronicle gave the best coverage!—and many items like the following, omitted of course from the film:
• I should have pointed out yet again, there and then, that the trial could have been cut short two or three weeks ago, when I offered to end it forthwith if they could scrape away some of the gravel on the roof of Crematorium II, and find that the Zyklon-B introduction holes described by their "eye-witnesses" have been there all the time. There are no holes however, and we know it (apart from the hole that the Defence is in, in this respect).
David Irving's closing speech is repeated here and of course includes his reasons for taking action for libel, for having his reputation attacked—THE DEFENDANTS in this action, the publishers Penguin Books Ltd and the American scholar Deborah Lipstadt, have sought to cast this trial as being about the reputation of the Holocaust. It is not. The world's press have also reported it in this way. Again, it is not. ...
The screenplay is nominally by David Hare, described by Wiki as 'an English playwright, screenwriter and theatre and film director.' He appears to be a so-called Jew, and to have spent his life in gratitude to Britain by writing failed pro-Jew material. However, more Jews are listed on closer examination, perhaps a way for the BBC to hand out more handouts. Director Mick Jackson looks thuggish, a variant on the Hare type. The composed music (little of it) is by Howard Shore (of Lord of the Rings). Quite a number of producers are listed (including Jonathan King). It surprised me to find this DVD credited partly to the BBC, assuming 'BBC Films' is part of that 20th century Jewish complex. No doubt they supplied British public money.
Another surprise was what I take to be the low status of the performers; Michael Hoffman II described them as 'A list', but in fact only two were listed with the usual Jewish award organisations. Rachel Weisz had the good luck to be placed with Hugh Grant in 'About a Boy'. She is not at all a lookalike of Deborah Lipstadt, who was then a 'Professor at Emory University'. Just as 19th century academic outfits in Britain were largely reserved for mediocre Church of England types, so 20th/21st US academic places give first pick to mediocre Jews. Lipstadt is something like a Jewish (or 'Jewish' in quotes, for the fussy; or Judaic) version of a Sunday School teacher: she probably believes writing was invented by Enoch, and Noah had a big boat.
Hare provides absurd gap-filling stuff: she's 'American', in case viewers might suspect the truth. She's courageous—nonsense; she'd done nothing courageous. She arranged thoughts—perhaps the less said the better. She really really wanted to join the fray, and really really wanted survivors to take the stand. Hare I suppose tried his best to suppress the truths here.
The only reason anyone's heard of her is because of David Irving's action. He stated this was because publishers were dropping him; in particular 'St Martin's Press' broke their contract on his book on Goebbels. But I don't think anyone produced evidence that Lipstadt's book had any effect. Incidentally another issue is the 'Kol Nidre' oath, though nobody mentioned this until after the trial; it's nowhere in the trial transcripts. I think David hadn't heard of it until later.
Other actors were Tom Wilkinson, 20 years earlier in 'The Full Monty', and in (the first) Marigold Hotel, ending in a Hindu burning cremation. And a fuzzy-faced US marshal or something. The real Rampton was an average-height chain smoker, fingering his wig, and who hasn't aged well. The film version is tall, apparently in according with a Jewish casting principle—Irving, in real life tall, is played by a short ugly chap with fairly negligible presence. Anthony Julius in real life hasn't worn well either.
Jewish casting rules the extras: the inaccurately-small audience all scowl and frown; there's no suggestion of the truth, that the case attracted interest and visitors from around the world. The inaccurately-small group of courtroom lawyers and others, many of them supposedly historians, are not shown with their mobile phones and other devices; the more visually appealing ones are omitted. And the extras outside, shown incorrectly spilling out of their pen, mimicking paid demonstrators and career criminals, waving printed banners.
[... and more, moved or deleted]
• Questions Suggested by the Film 'Denial'
Mathis points out that Irving's father was a Naval Commander, and that 'Intelligence' in the information sense came out of the Navy. I looked in my copy of Who's Who of 1948, its 'hundredth year of annual issue', since, presumably, 1848. There are eight Irvings, but Irving's father is not among them.
Mathis quotes people about MI5, and Searchlight, and Larry O'Hara on (((Labour Party))) MPs Reg Freeson and Joan Lestor—both in fact 'Jews'.
Note the book by Docherty & Macgregor, Hidden History, on stashes of documents in Britain and in Washington State. See my review of Docherty & Macgregor. The point is that Irving may have had no access to these archives. He certainly had no access to Jewish internal archives, if indeed they exist.
A red flag might be that Irving offered to stop the case if holes in the morgue ceiling were found. But why drop his entire libel case?
... and such people as this Youtube commenter fucya hoo @ rerevisionist: Dirty Irving will start by tearing down the incoherent and absurd claims of the Jews, including the 6 mil. figure, but just like clock work, Dirty Irving will then spin 180 degrees right in the middle of his sinister little act, and begin reconstructing the same exterminationist lies with so-called “newly found documents” that only he has been able to access. And by the time it was all said and done. Dirty Irving will have merely transferred the same Holocaust exterminationist lies from one leaking container to another.
NB there's more than one filmscript online, attributed to Hare, which may be useful in 'deconstructing' Denial. (Search for 'Denial Screenplay'). For example, you'll find no mention of 'Amalek', which according to Michael A Hoffman II is a Talmudic death sentence, though it is a part of Lipstadt's output. The script ends with a lie: SIX MONTHS AFTER THE VERDICT, A SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION AT AUSCHWITZ FOUND THREE OF THE FOUR HOLES IN THE GAS CHAMBER ROOF, not in the film
0:00 David Irving TV appearance in Calgary; 'tasteless' comments on Chappaquiddick and Auschwitz. All the scenes are with Mr Ugly; none with Irving. For clarity I'll mostly use Spall's name here. • Weisz [Lipstadt] unlogical four points on 'Holocaust Denial' (these may have been taken from Evans, page 019… whose views are similar to Lipstadt's) with classroom of passive Americans in a 'Community College' in Georgia • Feeble introduction, trying to establish Lipstadt: "Not one person has seen a photo of a Jew in a gas chamber." True ...
People might like my review of his film Fatherland.
Maybe actors will be allowed to add a message that their part in the film was distorted by Jews? At present Equity would not allow it
Let's survey the academic world over the centuries, to remind ourselves how unintelligent it has been. So much so, that even Jewish Talmudism had more to say. Clearly, this has to change.
Wiki says 'George I established the Regius Professorship of Modern History at Cambridge in 1724. 'The only history studied dealt with ancient Greece and Rome.' This isn't quite correct: the Bible was regarded as 'history', and had huge—mostly damaging—influence when it was finally (after 1000 years) translated with state approval into English. Most people of the time believed in such things as Noah's Ark and The Flood. King George, who was German, reasonably enough wanted German history to be studied, and, as he was King, paid for the new Chair. 'History was for many years a branch of Moral Sciences. A fully autonomous Historical Tripos dates from 1875. Since then Cambridge has boasted a series of renowned historians such as Lord Acton, G.M. Trevelyan, Herbert Butterfield, Geoffrey Elton and J.H. Plumb.' All of those were Jew-unaware, excepting Elton. Subjects such as economic history and legal history (F W Maitland, 1888) were even later. No wonder English people were surprised by the Great War. H G Wells after about 1920 did his best to provide a world history, but never properly came to grips with the Jewish questions.
Obviously enough, there is huge scope for serious history; I cannot say whether good work will emerge—there is a huge deadweight of inertia and money power crushing it.
The First Wave of Revisionism May be dated from 2000 and the widespread use of Internet. As in other times, many pioneers falter. Many people are aware of sensationalism and lies, false flags, staged deceptions, general fakery, and elaborate literary and media implants. The evidence of lying prolonged for years may redound against Abrahamic religions, which can be portrayed convincingly as yet another Judaic fraud (with bribery and violence). Roman Catholics and other Christians and Muslims on the world stage, hoping for revivals, combined with unmistakable evidence of dishonesty, may finally sink these unsatisfactory structures. Since Irving's legal action, 9/11 has been a defining event, forcing people who think about these things to take sides; most so far do not accept Jew lies. 9/11 and subsequent planned 'Neocon' wars make the Holohoax somewhat outdated, except financially, with tired nonentities backing it, and wasting the time of the revisionists.
The Second Wave of Revisionism has a star in Miles Williams Mathis, with many writings, including many frauds perpetrated on Americans. His 2016 Beerhall Putsch and 2017 'Nazis' as Jews are just two examples. He has about ten guest writers. Here's my search engine to search Mathis' site (he doesn't have his own).
The rage of 'Jews' against whites has been kept a close secret, as is necessary when a war has not been won. Many people today have no idea of the seething hatred of 'Jews', their planning, their pleasure in war deaths, and their instinctive drives in those directions. As long as huge moneys are extorted by the holohoax scam, presumably there will be more fake museums, fake books, fake historians, spurious survivors, fake witnesses, and (relevant here) scribblers, producers, directors, actors, distributors—all of them rented shit. Many people still have no idea about arrangements of the 'Federal Reserve' type, and the consequent ownership by Jews of modern media (for example) Google, Youtube, Facebook, probably EIG web hosts.
The shame of 'Jews'—the 'chosen'—is their habitual lying, which seems to them not even a choice. This has been remarkably 'successful' at a price to them of uncreative tedious repetition and journeying through deserts of narrowed fanatical word games. It's curious how parasitically dependent they are on the talents of others. The Jewish 20th century needed engines, flight, electricity, radio, TV, chemistry—giving easier transport, easier communication, monopolies of media to their rather sad sheep, and weaponry of unprecedented destructive power. New technology may alleviate these processes: DNA analysis may make it impossible to flee after committing crimes; if Internet retains some freedom of speech, or even increases it, Jewish lies on their traditional huge scale, will be more difficult; filing of personal details may prevent crypto-Jews remaining hidden.
Note that revisionism is, obviously to Jews, somewhat of an unimportant distraction: endless Jewish wars continue, while environments degrade, most of the near east is ruined, Palestinians are shot, weapons are supplied to puppet regimes. And nothing is done.
Counter-policies may develop, to counter the world-wide, distributed 'nation' of Jews and their semi-secret language. World-wide Jew-aware parties, civil servants, patriots, lawyers might unite in opposition. Religions may be able to throw off their antiquated tethers. Paper money seems too efficient to remove, but frauds and huge repayments might be chargeable to Jews. Anti-Jew measures need to be implemented; since Jew power is largely mediated by money, perhaps a percentage of bribes may be legally retained as commission wile Jews are prosecuted severely. The world needs new, effective, policies in place of specious slogans driving to long-term disaster. Wearying Judeo-BBC trash like Denial may yet be replaced by something better.
Michael Hoffman II's review (November 2016, soon after cinema release) accepts a connection between Lipstadt's book and Irving's publishers dropping him. But I don't think a link was proved. Penguin publish many rubbishy books. Why should other publishers, of a successful writer, care about a negligible writer like Lipstadt?
BBC Films' contribution is impossible to find (their website is infinitely depressing, with nothing of any value). But I'd suggest the Holohoax theme is becoming worn and threadbare. It's obvious the advertising/ propaganda/ censorship moves feel stronger than ever, with ever-more publicly-funded monuments and PR and legal carrots and sticks. But there may come a point where the deception has to be dropped, in which case this film, with its filmic lightweights, is available to be junked in Jewish 'scapegoat' fashion.
Another possibility is the film is intentionally feeble, making the topic seem uninteresting and unprofitable, to discourage intelligent films.
The BBC's function in the project is unclear, beyond supplying money from Britons. The DVD doesn't include BBC functionaries explaining what they did. I'd guess the BBC supports fake 'independent' companies and Jewish hangers-on. The (((BBC))) has been run by Jews since it existed as a radio station. NB quite a few trainees listed in the credits have Indian or similar names; for years it's been BBC policy to offer training to non-whites.
The 'sexist' part: Irving was often quoted as saying anti-women things. 'Racist' is a strange Jewish meme: Jews think of themselves as the most race-conscious people anywhere, with pre-scientific views on race, but try to soak 'racist' in horror, as some people still soak 'atheist' in horror. The film has at least one occasion when Spall's plastic persona is assumed to be 'racist', as though a 'racist' is a make of car.
[1963] Irving went to the police claiming he was burgled. Gerry Gable admitted he did it, and his lawyer admitted Gable was looking for papers to take to Special Branch. That's curious on the face of it. Why would the defense lawyer be admitting things like that? Because this was probably another set-up. Gerry Gable is Jewish, and it is now admitted on the Searchlight Wiki page that he had links to MI5. ... Gable was the long-time editor of Searchlight, a self-styled anti-fascist magazine that now look like another Intel front. For much more on that, you may go here. It looks to me like the burgling of Irving's flat may have been done either to give his book publicity or to give Gable publicity for his upcoming magazine, or both.
It's clear, now, that eastern Europe after the war had supposedly ended was a nightmare of anti-German population expulsions, murders, rapes, and starvation. The Jewish version is the opposite of the truth: concentration camps (for Jews) were the safest places to be and bombing was late, in synchrony with Jewish aims. It may be that Irving was subtly directed to archives which supported the official western (i.e. Jewish) view. Or was unable to read Russian or Polish archives. Or was kept from Jewish archives. But he might have been part of an Intelligence project.
• Let me summarise a Mathis-style case against David Irving. It's clear, now, that the Allies carried out huge atrocities. The media, including the BBC, kept them quiet: a good example is the Jew Richard Dimbleby, who broadcast the official version of the camps on radio and newsreels. The whole of the media, and civil servants, and academics parroted the Jewish line. It's possible that Irving's role was to write books admitting a few atrocities, but generally support the official view, that Hitler was a solitary monster. In this way, an apparent opposition could be created, which always kept the Jewish aspect hidden.
Let's restart. After 1945 Jews across Europe co-operated to present a series of Jews-as-victims stories, while committing vast atrocities and taking over media, property, and legal systems. Irving in the early 1960s in German could have had stories on bombing, rape, starvation, murder. Such stories would have been easily within memory, though liable to police action. But surely he could have written an anonymised version of all this? Eisenhower's Death Camps has a handy map of POW camps, including 32 allied camps in Germany. Thyssen's Ironworks (stated to be Irving's workplace) are in the Ruhr area, not far east of the border with the Netherlands. Büderich is the nearest camp to the Ruhr, about 30 miles away—far, far closer than Dresden. It would seem that the Rhine camps would have been more notorious, and with a much higher death toll, than Dresden.
Others suspicious of Irving include Indrek Pringi who insists Irving's books though copiously end-noted, are almost impossible to verify. Pringi says: “I found the real reason for WW2 buried in David Irving's book: "Hitler's War" on pages 138-139. It concerns the repatriation of Jews back into Poland in 1939 and 4 years back earlier when he began to reclaim the lands lost to Germany which were stolen by the Versailles Treaty.”
One of Irving's conundrums is: what happened to Jews sent from (e.g.) Berlin to the east? Under the pan-Jewish hypothesis, no doubt USSR Jews would have taken over. But Irving assumes that Germany, Poland, and the USSR were more or less hermetically sealed. But of course if Jews are assumed to network between these and other countries, some sort of archive would be needed to trace them, and such an archive would not likely be allowed to Irving.
I am sorry but that doesn’t mean anything when the facts have long been out in the open. Irving doesn’t need access to the Jewish archives to be able to handedly refute the existence of the homicidal gas chambers, the gas columns, the 6,000,000 figure etc. This man is not an ignorant either. He knows full well what he is trying to accomplish when he says that he never wrote a word about the gas chambers—until a trusted source convinced him that they actually existed. He knows full well how to say that the numbers of the Jews were wildly inflated—but only in Auschwitz. Irving knows full well what he’s doing when he takes what he subtracted from Auschwitz and adds it to other “homicidal operations,” This is a co-option of revisionism plain and simple. The Jews have been caught with their pants down one too many times in their holocaust charade, and it would be far too painful and embarrassing for them to come out and retract their absurd claims. It is much easier to get Irving to salvage them by having him carve out a new route to the gas chambers, the gas columns, the six millions and all the rest.. At that point all the holocaust historians have to do is latch on to what Irving has said in varying degrees a la Raul Hilberg, Yehuda Bauer etc..
My best guess is that Irving was patriotic and Christian in the 1930s UK sense, believing in the basic honesty of the British, and perhaps Americans, and their hierarchies. BUT whether by intent, or simply following others, he did not consider Jews as international, a network spread around the world. But as evidence grows, this outlook progressively clashes with Jews. Dresden (1963), Hitler's War—the 1977 and 1991 differed mainly in removal of 'Holocaust' references—Uprising (1981), and the Zündel trials in Canada (1985-88), then Lipstadt (2000) forced Jews onto his attention.
BUT in my view he may have had intelligence links, in Germany or Spain; he appears nuke naive—he has never investigated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or Groves (who he met) and the Manhattan Project—and never mentions Jews acting together to provoke wars, and doesn't say much about huge wartime capital transfers between Jews. His research finds MAY have been fed to him in some way, for example by opening doors on Bletchley Park (but not its use by Jews) and German secrecy, in Das Reich Hört mit... (1985)—while keeping doors firmly closed on secret money and population transfers.
AGAIN, his extraordinary work output, including wearying driving, meetings, talks, is hard to reconcile with sharp practice. I don't believe Mathis' account, but he may be right, and I think Irving has missed many important things.
Has work habits some find unnerving.
He won't ever say
“What a beautiful day!”
His devotion to work's too unswerving.
Slowly emerging from the mists and swamps is the possibility that Jews were in a strong enough position to orchestrate both World Wars between themselves. (This is my incomplete long article, collecting fragments pointing to 'Nazi' collusion with Jews).
But David Irving is sympathetic to the military school of history—violent clashes, tank battles, armies on the move, high explosives, strutting commanders, simple ignorant masses—and much less so the supposed war aims, payments, costs and long-term debts, planning of post-war assets and ownership and laws, and the deaths and secrecy and spies of the new Jew-awareness style of history.
They lie too much folks. They're People Of The Lie. Nothing fails like their success. This is not over by a long shot.”
Richard B April 2019
• Let's Plod Through the Film ‘Denial’
SOME VIGNETTES FROM THE FILM. (2-minute chunks; there are 16 unnamed scenes, but I thought it best to use time as a rough indicator of position)
0:02 Implausible jogging by Weisz (at 47?) with collie dog [probably supplied by 'Action stunt dogs and animals'] to fetch mail • Emory University Nov 1994 and box of Penguin paperbacks entitled Denying the Holocaust which incidentally seems to be an early example of cheap laser print-on-demand technology. • Car interior, seen later to contain a camcorder and tripod with Spall and friends •
Incomplete piece from Irving's website, outlining secret Jewish campaigns to keep Irving out. Ends with Lipstadt's talk. 1996 libel suit was intended to prevent the robbery of Irving's reputation. Denial of course hides this intent. • Kevin MacDonald was called by Irving as a witness, to explain Jewish networking as an evolutionary strategy, with special reference to activities against Irving. Lipstadt is mentioned; she's a minor part of Jewish networking. See pages 6-24, near the top in Trial day 12. (Not in the film).
0:04 'Black' woman in the US Jewish sense—mixed race—introduces the 'Professor of Holocaust Studies'. Jews only of course. • Irving has a written description online explaining what happened at Dekalb • Includes Weisz's false claim to have blueprints
Worth quoting a bit of Lipstadt's defensive cowardice, as purveyed by Hare: "You can have opinions about the Holocaust. You can argue about why it happened and how it happened. But what I won't do is meet with anyone - anyone - who says it didn't happen. The Holocaust happened. It happened. That isn't opinion. That's fact." Lipstadt is presented as unable to debate and without a clue about Jewish wars and Jewish frauds... or about Irving, who it seems was put into her book only when someone mentioned him, unless there was some long-term psyop.
0:06 Spall emerges trying to act Irving: "Today I've heard you telling lies to students. You want gullible students to believe that there are mounds of documents which prove a Holocaust. You even said that Hitler ordered it." Irving had discovered there was no order from Hitler; that was his point. He thought then that others, Himmler mainly, had acted without orders. What Irving thinks today isn't clear; Irving may in any case have been threatened. • Irving offered Lipstadt $1000 for evidence re Hitler (the amount is peanuts by Jewish standards). And also handed out signed Göring biographies free. Here is Irving's detailed online account of the Oct 11 1994 Community College encounter, including Lipstadt on child abuse. • The 90-minute video made by 'M' is I think not online; but this was ten before Youtube even started, and bandwidths were very low.) • Here is David Irving's Books download index page, including Göring.
0:08 Shots of returning car with its video cam. • Comments on 1996 Penguin book and a worldwide conspiracy. Weisz says "I wish", a standard Jewish evasion of the reality of Jewish networking. • Weisz is shown wondering whether to fight a libel action, absurdly, as she would not have decided independently of legal advice. • Computer search sequence, by Weisz of Irving's site. then, as now.
• WARNING the site (netsearch) " a browser hijacker." It resets the homepage. DON'T USE THIS! • Search engines at the time included Infoseek, Yahoo!, Webcrawler. • Another Jewish meme, which has been successful as an infection, is "extreme right wing groups", dating from the 1930s when the British Labour Party decided Hitler was Conservative and 'right wing', rather than Socialist and 'left wing'. The confusions are needed to hide Jewish manipulation of political parties, and to pretend Stalin was 'socialist'.
0:10 Emphasis shifts from libel etc to Auschwitz, as Hare's dim perceptions dictate. • Amusing scene of supposed alliance between Jews and blacks, as 'black' woman chats to Weisz, who is of course presented as her intellectual superior. "I've decided. I'm taking him on!" "Wut? Git yurself lawyered up!" • Then to Ponce de Leon Avenue, to meet the actor playing Anthony Julius. (Julius has had books on 'anti-semitic' Eng lit promoted heavily in Jew publications, but at the time he had a PhD dissertation—which presumably was accepted. Readers might like two reviews of the Jewish racist Anthony Julius (or whatever his real name is) by Andrew Joyce).
0:12 More tete-a-tete in Atlanta as Weisz attempts to grasp the English legal system, as presented by Hare. Weisz: "Wait. I have to prove what I say is true? But I'm the innocent party!" • A bystander says: Civil cases (as here) do not judge innocence or guilt. Hence the presumption of innocence is not relevant • We have a recycled joke from Hare, around Diana Spencer, based on an American World War 2 figure explaining to a propagandist film-maker he'd never fought a war before. • Weisz also says "I've read every word he's [Irving's] written"; believe that if you want to.
0:14 Julius: "He wants to be the maverick who reinvents the 2nd World War. He wants respect - England's a club - he's not in it." • This may be partly true; a libel lawsuit may be something of an exercise in egotism, on both sides. • There's a problem here related to Jewish networking. How credible is it that a lawyer would fly from Britain to visit a third-rate author for a snack with wine? With the prospect of a lot of money, and/or possible disastrous scandal, a large group of lawyers, publishers, and Emory University people would make more sense. Probably Hare picked this option to allow Lipstadt to appear as what she was—fanatical and stupid, or, more politely, ignorant of many aspects of the world. And it has the advantage of avoiding mention of 'chosen people'—Lipstadt? Chosen by God?? How absurd. And avoiding the clash of laws introduced by the 'Kol Nidre' yearly ceremony.
0:16 Documents delivered to Irving in his large Duke Street apartment near Selfridges. It was disappointingly inaccurate, incidentally, the view being totally wrong and the office/ library/ desk/ shelving/ diaries missing. The lawyers had been all around Irving's apartment, stealing things. But all in a day's work for hacks, no doubt. • There's a lot of emphasis on Irving's diaries—easier than reading his books, for one thing. Note that Irving (on day 018) says ‘My lord, there was no reluctance to hand over the diaries at all; quite the contrary.’ But the film implies he had to be forced. • Irving is shown praising the greatest historians, naming Cato, Thucydides, Gibbon, and Churchill. The point may have been to show unawareness of Jewish writings. I think every day of the trial had discussions on historians: reputable, media, German, pseudo-, honest, military, though all of this omits a key issue, which is history of Jews and their activities. • Anyway: a rainy drive past law courts in the Strand...
0:18 ... to Summit House, a listed building in Red Lion Square. A room holds about ten people. Here is Professor Richard Evans of Cambridge, played by John Sessions, an evening TV comic actor type. • This file has my impressions of Evans and his 'researchers' written at the time. '…the report is a confused mass of quotations of other peoples' quotations, not unlike Lipstadt's book. …' A lot of detail; too much to summarise. Scroll down to Nineteenth to Twenty-First Days
Evans "Professor of modern history at Cambridge" • I list here (from the trial transcripts) some of the numerous topics Evans said he didn't know about or wasn't expert on:
0:20 • The tricky thing here (dishonesty of supposed eye-witnesses, as shown by Faurisson and Doug Christie in Canada, not of course in the film) is to argue against introduction of eye-witnesses, though it's unclear to me why Irving didn't insist, if necessary by subpoena. "There is absolutely no reason why we should produce eye witnesses to these horrors. … Because even to let survivors appear would be to legitimise his right to question them." Amusing stuff.
0:22 Switch to irrelevance: Irving plans to conduct his own case, i.e. no barristers. And they plan to read his diaries. "Looking for right-wing groups, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, skinheads, SS revival groups. All kinds of assorted riffraff."—but nobody making a serious case. "And, just as important, Professor Evans here." Who will examine Irving's writings. For a fee. Which might have improved Evans' writing style. • "We may need to revisit the question of charges"—followed by pretend stuff denying Jewish control of money.
0:24 Fascinating presentation of "the Jewish community" in London. There's nothing to suggest the facts about Jewish networking world-wide. And of course nothing on money, and such things as the Federal Reserve and private Jewish banking: and such consequences as Jewish ownership of media, including, now, Google, Youtube, and Facebook. • A rabbi is shown, apparently Rabbi Brenner played by Jacob Krichefski. Someone suggests Lipstadt could settle. The entire libel aspect is lost. But Weisz has the chance to say "What would you want me to settle for? Four million, three million dead?"
0:26 "Here in England you may like appeasement!"—in fact of course Jews swung Britain into war. I can imagine the few survivors of World War 2, 70 years ago, being a bit indignant at this Jewish slur. • Incidentally, the Lipstadt character seems to know nothing of Jews in the world; for example Cromwell or Napoleon or mass murder by Jews in what was Russia and its empire. I'd expect this is correctly observed. • People new to Jews must realise that violence is part of the Jewish MO. Examples: the ADL was founded on a murderous Jew, Leo Frank. Earlier, 'Jack the Ripper' was an active murderer of London women. They Krays, and Dr Harold Shipman, were other killers. Of course, these were nothing compared the USSR. • There was some odd comment on Julius, to the effect that he did these things for his own satisfaction. But this must have been accepted by Julius; maybe in exchange for flattering remarks. • Weisz also says "Maybe you could explain why the British find their pockets so hard to open". In view of the money soaked from Britain by Jews, this is a curiously disgusting comment. • Night at the Athenaeum Hotel, nearish the various Inns of Court. This may be a poke against the Church of England, as the Athenaeum Club was noted as a haunt of Bishops. • Anyway. Morning visit to Richard Rampton's rooms. He seems to have moved since then. It's worth a look online to see the cases he was part of.
0:28-0:38 Not quite clear where these things are filmed; credits say filmed on location in London and Krakóv • Rampton's room. I was amused at his modern German dictionary—just right for the 1930s!.. Evident intention to present someone unexpectedly competent—a subplot is that even ancient, obsolete-seeming justice works for Jews. • Long digression in Auschwitz. Simplified from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Well, you do meet people saying "Owswitch"
• Then we have discussion of lice with typhus, and Fred Leuchter. Leuchter report dated Feb 1988. Poor Leuchter (b. 1943) has now been a long-term victim of Jews. There is now at least one online video, an interview with Fred, though I can't give a URL as Youtube no doubt would ban him. (Here's a clear video of Leuchter explaining what he did in Poland, 5 mins, not on Youtube). • Rampton is shown indignantly complaining that 50 years since the fact there's been no investigation, by Polish Jews! • Final Auschwitz scene shows special effect visions going down steps. Gatiss and Weisz sing some mispronounced crap. Jews have a lot of faith in their ads, which at least distract from Kissinger's mass murders, Jew murders in Russia and the Ukraine, Libyan deaths… and from the deaths of whites in 20th century wars, possibly the largest component of all.
0:40-0:42 Krakóv with hand baggage. A café/bar with Tiffany-style table lamps and presumably slivovitz. • Weisz and Wilkinson. Wilkinson as Rampton muses on shame: "If I'd been ordered to do some of the things we saw today&helli;" They hadn't seen anything today of course. But—trust me—you'd do what you were told. • An unrealistic scene on legal procedure. Two decisions. 1. No jury. In fact, Irving had sound reasons for agreeing to a judge's decision, notably getting a written judgment, whereas juries don't—for all anyone knows they may toss a coin.. And 2. Rampton/Wilkinson says 'we think it would be better if you didn't testify'. Lipstadt/Weisz protests: "I teach! I order ideas!" and the best Rampton/Wilkinson comes up with is 'putting you in a witness box would feed him - it's the price you pay for winning.' They might be sacked if they said she's incompetent. Again the lack of comment on libel is noticeable. Maybe Hare and the other hacks thought this would do.
0:44 Street action outside the court. In fact the Jewish-hirelings were penned by metal barriers. Every day there are many cases at the Law Courts; the wrong impression given was of large numbers of interested people in the street outside.
• The courtroom action starts now, midway through the film. Hare, having failed to give a coherent view of the legal stuff, now fails to compress 31 days into about 40 minutes.
0:46 The assemblers of the film seem to have been undecided whether to go for Victorian and earlier obsolescence, or concealed depths. We see the Judge in red robes having his wig arranged. Gray is treated in an insulting way: it's obvious from the transcripts that he asked penetrating questions, often, and yet is shown as taciturn and unfriendly. • Weisz says "I'm American—no bowing." Part of the point of Denial is to avoid the issue of Jewish unAmerican disloyalty.
0:48-0:52 Longish bits by Spall, including pronunciation 'Hollycaust' for some reason. Very incoherent stuff, presumably intended to run through some phrases which Jews have spent years trying to implant. • Rampton/Wilkinson gets worked up, unable to grasp that Irving's pursuit of evidence, and Zündel's trials, left no trace of Jewish mythology; in day 32 or day 33 we get the simple shouted lies a la Lipstadt: '... falsifier of history. ... liar ... 1977 edition ... edition 1991 all traces of the holocaust had disappeared. Leuchter report is bunk... • Lipstadt/Weisz in the court buildings corridor is approached by a 'survivor'. She has to be shown to be sympathetic, but not willing or able to call witnesses, something of a difficult balancing act, of course. She says "I make you a promise. The voice of suffering will be heard." Of course it will. Hell, yes.
0:54 It's quite funny to see Weisz pretend to want to testify and listen to 'survivors'; Hare must have rigged this up as an attempt to weld the legal manoeuvres onto the insistence that Lipstadt mustn't talk. • Collapsed roof map and van Pelt, the fake architect. How easy it is to be an unqualified 'expert' when Jews are around! 'Architect' van Pelt and Faurisson's slogan: 'No holes, no holocaust'. Here are Irving and van Pelt in court.
Professor van Pelt evaded the issue. I will record here my disgust with van Pelt. Tens of millions of people died in the Second World War; van Pelt will not involve himself with investigations in what he claims to be a central issue in the entire war. It's a sad situation that post-war bickering includes this Mickey Mouse pseudo-academic who puts money before truth.
0:56 Gatiss/van Pelt on heavy wire mesh pillars in the morgue and through the roof. Nothing of course on logistics, use of coke, number, anything to do with the fraud. The court case had quite a bit on all this: see Transcripts page 9 from P-19, and pages 010 and 011.
0:58 ... there are no holes ...
1:00 Weisz/Lipstadt and others arguing in a room [to signal it was going badly and crank up the stress]. "No holes no holocaust": Lipstadt seems not to know that Robert Faurisson said that. She has noticed "Hitler was the Jews' best friend—he actually said that". She didn't know the evidence.
1:02 One of many scenes of Lipstadt/Weisz wanting to be insistent—obviously nonsense • 'Julius' on Zündel [not a single eye-witness to the putative holocaust had ever been cross-examined in court between 1945 & 1985] and Leon Uris's Exodus libel law case—see Miles Mathis on this, with 'Lord Gardiner' and promoted Jewish fake legal experts. Michael A Hoffman noted these very brief remarks too.
1:04 Wilkinson boozing over his very difficult work in his rooms/chambers • Day 032 if you're like to read the trial transcript. It includes van Pelt on peephole in door, Irving's contemporary book on air raid shelters, words such as Vergasungskeller, an absurd thing about fumigating cadavers • 1:06 Air raid shelter 2½ miles from SS barracks • 1:08 Denial Has Rampton/Wilkinson getting worked up over 'dual functions' on day 008
1:10-1:16 Six minutes or so of Weisz/Lipstadt and Wilkinson/Rampton developing a rapport. I suppose handbooks on playwriting recommend that. Roughly what happens is: Wilkinson turns up at Weisz' hotel. Red wine thing. She's noticed he never catches Irving's eye—in the transcript it's clear that Rampton salts his barristerial act with adverse comments; but since it's supposedly only aimed at the judge, one wonders why the judge didn't stop him. But Gray had no experience as a judge. Wilkinson explains "... I have to go to the scene of a crime... I did not know what to expect..." His previous brief was a libel case by MacDonald burgers, the so-called McLibel Case, in which the defendants were anti-multinational corporations, with no Jewish awareness.
1:12 Lipstadt: "I have to listen to my conscience." Rampton: "Stay seated, button your lip, and win." Lipstadt: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to hand over your conscience to somebody else? ... a fishing and wine drinking Scotsman • The 'conscience' comment is clearly nonsense. Emphasis on Scotsman . Scotland was (I'm told) a country that never expelled Jews; and in the 19th and 20th centuries many Jews immigrated to Britain e.g. from Russia, changing their names to something Scottish, Welsh, or whatever. Before the law to restrict this was finally passed. It's possible Rampton and/or Wilkinson are crypto-Jews.
1:14 Rampton is shown breakfasting on fried egg and bacon (I think) and black pudding—this latter may refer to a 'noahide law' on not consuming blood. There's a reference to a 'bagel', maybe to show a coarse goy befriending, or at least understanding, a 'jew'. Fleet Street Press coffee does exist, complete with gold lettering on glass, at 3 Fleet Street, but it seems to have been established in 2013, more than ten years after the trial. Maybe it was a favour for the caterers. Incidentally, Lipstadt is not from Queens or Brookyln, but Upper West Side NY, a rich area, says an Australian 'holocaust studies' site.   • Rampton/Wilkinson explains that it's not enough to show mistakes (Hare switches 'as many as 25' to 'more than 25' alleged mistakes). You have to prove intention. Finally, Evans/Sessions appears; next to him is a display of unreadable German handwriting—a trademark of both Goebbels and Himmler. An example of the mistake supposedly found. (There's scope for conspiratorial speculation; were both parties going along with a charade? Why no questions on Jewish activities in Poland for example? Why was nobody asked if the think they're Jewish?)
1:16 To get the feel of Evans: David Irving's page on Evans. The main testimony starts in Day 18, P-18. Evans is very much the verbal equivalent of the BBC's rigging. (See e.g. this short video by Nick Griffin on the BBC).
• This is near the start of the testimony; the fluff is very typical. MR JUSTICE GRAY: ... the question is simply this, and perhaps you would be good enough to try and answer it. Have you seen evidence that those [statements about 'Nazis'] are inserted into Hitler's War for what you might call tactical reasons, in other words for Mr Irving to be able to draw attention to them and use them in disproof of any allegation that he is a Hitler partisan? EVANS: That is very speculative, I think. What I do do in my report is to go through some of the critical points that Mr Irving makes, and they do not, in my view, detract from the fact that he is in general someone who admires Hitler, put it like that. ... My concern is with Mr Irving's attitude toward Hitler in his historical writings. Of course, there are criticisms of Hitler there, I perfectly accept that. • Again there are irritating niggles about conspiracies. Everyone assumes Hitler is a solitary prime mover. No questions.
1:17 Caren Pistorius' partner/friend expresses irritation with "Holocaust, holocaust" without any intelligent comment, as she burns midnight oil. Pistorius says "I think it's rather more than a grievance". Part of Hare's evidence-free repetition. (See later on Pistorius). • Robert Harris is in the trial transcript.
Note that 'Robert Harris' may be a ghostwriter, Andrew Crofts
1:18-1:22 Spall shown making jokes at a private dinner, on a dinner-jacketed BBC newsreader, a woman for the lesser news, and Trevor Macdonald reading news on stabbings and muggings. [Day 14]. NB Irving says nothing about BBC lies; this in my view is a red flag against him. Newsreaders only read what they're told. The BBC has a selection of Jewish writers; I see that Stephen Poliakoff, who writes or produces or something long pro-Jew propaganda pieces for TV, has an advertised piece called 'Summer of Rockets', I'd guess on the Jewish fake Cuba crisis. Jews from Poland have a long and complicated anti-white history, a rich tapestry including fake Catholics, and the present censor-in-chief of Jewish-owned Youtube is a Jewess from Poland. British TV had series of episodes called 'Blackadder', including among others Stephen Fry (homosexual Jew), Ben Elton (Jew writer), Tony Robinson (widely used to host programmes; no doubt being a Jew kept others out), Rowan Atkinson, son of a 'Russian Jew'. Benny Hill seem to have been a Jew. David Attenborough seems to have been a Jew, controlling BBC news at the time of US bombing in Vietnam. Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn seem Jewish. Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, is a Jew. Kissinger, the hideous poison dwarf... Just a few examples. The chance of getting reliable reportage from them is zero. I can't guess if this anti-democratic secrecy will continue; why should it?
Wilkinson says: "Are you not appalled by that? You were talking to a bunch of racists!" Followed by the poem to Jessica, a baby Aryan.
"Mr Irving. Look at the words on the page". "The man's an anti-semite and racist." Faked newsclips are part of Jewish routines. There's a sort of industry of Jewish-funded videos of 'antifa' thugs, blacks trying to read scripts supplied by Jews, screaming women, hireling holding up signs, usually in English, welcoming immigrants—rather obviously • There's an interview with Irving (not on court record) mentioning girls with very nice breasts [not in the court record]—Irving's name is not in the thank-you list of the credits. Surprise.
1:24 Wilkinson/Rampton: ".. at least 25 major falsifications of history • the waiter who always gives the wrong change .. prostitute his reputation .. in the exculpation of Adolf Hitler." This is in day 32.
I recommend a look at the summing-up speeches on day 32 in which Rampton starts, and Irving replies about a third of the way through. See if you can spot even one 'major falsification' found by Evans's 'experts'.
It's fascinating to watch the incompetence of the 'expert witnesses'. It's less fascinating to contemplate the lies, thuggery, media and academic corruption, and use of financial weaponry and bribery of collaborators to shore up this huge Jewish money-making scam.
1:26 Gray asks about an 'antisemitic and extremist'. Howard Shore's low budget music plays. It's amusing to see Rampton/Wilkinson not mention the possibility of historical justification for philo-semitism ... that is the point • This of course is the simple defeat-of-the-Monster archetype: Heroine and her trusty helpers become frustrated and scared of the monster's power, as Irving is coherent in court—even if Spall isn't.
1:28 Back in Atlanta • Gray going through papers ... Will he do the Right Thing? I.e. what Jews want. • TV actor. 'Ian Bartholomew TV historian', saying show me one historian who has not broken into a cold sweat at the thought of close examination
1:30 DL on difficult to standing up to the enemy ... but they had to do it .. • cellphone call when L jogging: verdict on Tuesday
1:32 Lipstadt waits in the Summit Building; goes upstairs at 10; pauses outside; goes in. • Outside, egg thrown at Spall (some sort of special effect) • Shouting in Jewish thug style
[From my notes: the courtroom is shown wrongly in the film. Court 36 is older than 37; it has a high roof, of baronial type, with coffered—or perhaps caissonned?—ceiling, and stone (or stone faced) walls with dark wood panelling below the half-way point, and deep green-blue drapes in some velvety stuff, probably dusty. It has tall plain glass windows. I counted 130 people in the audience, including the media people over at the left, and about 50 up in the public gallery. There must have been twelve in the legal teams, at the front, with a few hangers-on like Greville Janner. The court officials and stenographers who materialised were mostly the same as before. The benches creaked, the audience were restless, and Gray sat in his wig by a green-shaded desk lamp, reading into a couple of microphones. He wore his red sash and white collar with two vertical ribbons; no doubt there's a technical name for it. His judgment was scheduled for 10.30 a.m.]
1:34 300+ page document.. studiously.. withholds verdict... • Gray reads; "it appears to me distortion .. deliberate .. distortion and manipulation of historical evidence...". • falsification mentioned, but not Dresden death / disappearance figures [NB Irving exposed many documents as fakes, notably the supposed Hitler Diaries]
It's impossible to know what behind-the-scenes manipulation happened; serious law cases where the State is involved always fail, I'm told by students of the subject. • 1hr 35 Caren Pistorius looking worried • However, the court rises and we have filmic scenes of jubilation replacing worry.
1:36 "Well done" offer by 'Irving' to Wilkinson. • Some sort of supposed press conference Lipstadt, who had said nothing during the entire trial
1:38 Absurdity in speech by 'Lipstadt': "What you can't do is lie ... slavery happened. The black death happened. The world is round. The ice-caps are melting. Elvis is dead." In fact, Jews lie all the time. And the point here is the selection of topics, I'd guess by Hare. Slavery of course was an Arab process, an eastern Europe process, and a Jewish process: check on Jew-owned slave ships. The world is round is put in because flat earthism at present is Jewish BS; it wasn't at the time of the trial. The ice caps are melting is a nod to the long-term Jewish fake of 'global warming'.
What's more important is the list of omitted topics: the 'Holodomor' happened, Jewish war crimes happened, NASA defrauded, the endoplamic reticulum was invented.
1:40 Jeremy Paxman [Jew newsreader in UK] to Spall: "Will you now stop denying the holocaust!" and other mock jubilation to pretend the issues were settled • Evening Substandard posters and Boadicea's statue, though Boadicea finally lost, to the Roman Empire, which has confused meanings to 'Jews'
1:42 [Ends with Auschwitz roof; the end title lie was not used, at least in this version]
• Presumptions
These are worth repeating, since at some time in the future they will be seen (probably) to be absurd lies. Stories include: human soap, human skin lampshades, shrunken heads, electric floors, steam chambers, pedal-operated brain bashing machines, and gas chambers. As to true stories, these are mostly lifted from Jew practices in the USSR.
• Titles
BBC FILMS are be the leading credit; Participant Media, Entertainment One, Cornerstones films, Krasnoff/Foster Entertainment, and Shoebox Films are in there, too. Maybe they are just ways to tap into TV licence payers in Britain. Music is by Howard Shore, presumably the LOTR chap. Andrew Macalpine is stated to be production designer—his courtroom is small and too empty, like a jobbing design of bits of timber resembling panelled wood flats. How much of the scenery is computer-generated green screenery might (I suppose) be of some interest. Parts of the Royal Courts of Justice interior didn't seem right: no security staff, no half-tiled wall. It's unrealistic to expect any genuine treatment of legal issues in junk films.
• Making of
3 mins 35 only. I wondered if the whole thing was fitted into two hours. Nothing in fact on making the film, just credits: Goldcrest Post Production was one of the players. 'Loop group' did 'voice actor' sound. 'Talent' is the word for performers. ADR is the replacement of voices by best available rerecordings. Somewhere I think Lipstadt said they used an industrial building—but green screens etc are not mentioned. • I was a bit disappointed not to find a hidden video, an 'easter egg'; a few whispered apologies would be amusing.
• Actors
Most of the actors appear to be English actors—but only in the sense that J K Rowling asked for (((English))) actors.
The most obviously cast-with-intent character is Timothy Spall, absurd in his attempted impersonation of Irving, like a toby jug acting Churchill. Irving once compared himself with Churchill (and Thucydides, and Gibbon). I don't know if he still regards Churchill as a pattern of a historian. Spall may be one of chosen, on whom bullshit sits; I don't know, though an online soundalike Jewish surname site lists Shpal, Shpall, and Shpel as possibilities. I saw his Turner (based on Thornbury's book?) and disliked the film. Clued up by the trial transcript, I wondered if he can't pronounce "disparaging'.
Anthony Julius is played by a BBC actor, Andrew Scott, whose character compared Irving to dogshit. I'd say in a comparative assessment, Irving having studied for many years, and tried his best to be honest, Scott's character is more like dogshit. He is correctly shown as proud of a low-grade book on T S Eliot and 'anti-Semitism', which I think included other Eng Lit lights, and attracted a hostile review by Andrew Joyce. (2013 in the Occidental Observer).
Jewish films always have scenes to convey the 'correct' response to the audience, just as Trump, wanting war with Venezuela, has a backdrop of waving flags, whistles, whoops of approval, and age-selected actors applauding. Anthony Julius had a scene which struck me as amusing, in which many women were said to be attracted by his intellect. Including Diana Spencer.
Judge Gray was misplayed as sombre and serious—in fact he was talkative with both Irving and Rampton. This may have been conspiratorial, of course. Part of the plot was the shocking possibility that Gray might make the 'wrong' decision. I doubt if this was ever likely.
Rampton was played by Tom Wilkinson as deferential and thoughtful; the real Rampton was highly professional, permanently assessing anything he could do to damage Irving. Plus a little joke about junior counsel, and rather laboured yes-I-am-human stuff to Weisz. Wilkinson was in The Full Monty, had a part as a homosexual lover of an Indian boy, and a Wild West sheriff and must count as versatile. • There was a comic scene at Auschwitz, Wilkinson agonising over WHY has there not been a PROPER SCIENTIFIC review? Easy to answer.
Mark Gatiss as van Pelt. A BBC pet actor.
Caren Pistorius. Interesting Latinised Dutch, Boer, or Jewish surname, she appears to have moved to New Zealand. South Africa's black Jew-funded politicians are starting operations to seize white assets. For that matter, New Zealand has had a recent Jewish false flag. I noticed her filmography omits Denial. Perhaps she will make a difference.
Extras by the Casting Collective
Do they really have 'negative checkers'?
The BBC trains many non-whites. They have of course expensive equipment and studios, and this must be an effective anti-white strategy of the BBC scum.
I was amused to see a section of barbed wire secured with inner hex bolts (Allen key/ IKEA style). An anachronism?
Quite a lot of legal advisors: Latham and Watkins, LLP, Sheridans, James Kay, Anwen Griffiths, Martin Humm of Micshcon [sic] de Reya
BBC Films 'senior business manager' given as Michael Wood
• Oxford and Cambridge Historians
Modern historians … like irradiated insects … emerge from their maggot stage, to flit about and fuck up their juniors into sterility.
'The Cambridge Faculty of History is [today] one of the largest history departments in the world. The Faculty has consistently obtained the highest ratings in official evaluations for teaching and research.' You have to laugh at the 'official evaluations'.
On Richard Evans, his doctoral advisor was Anthony J. Nicholls at Oxford. 'Nicholls attempts to discover the reasons for the apparently disappointing relationship between the two countries, but also addresses the numerous areas of activity—for example, diplomacy, military cooperation, higher education and scientific research—in which friendly collaboration is the rule rather than the exception. He will try to assess what part resentments on both sides after the Second World War played in conditioning the atmosphere between the two countries, and to what extent the commercial media have caused frictions on both sides.'—says Wiki.
None of the biographies show concern over Jewish issues, astonishingly. Two examples: Regius Prof of History, Oxford, 1997—2011 was Robert John Weston Evans, who published about 50 items from 1971, none (I looked) about Jews. Regius Professor of History, Cambridge from 1996-2008 was Quentin Skinner 'regarded as one of the founders of the Cambridge School of the history of political thought'. It's unimaginable that he would for example have written anything useful on the NSDAP, Neocons, etc.
• Beginning of the Jewish Endgame?
What People Still Don't Understand The Second World War was "against National Socialist Germany" is a typical formulation which ignores Jews acting as a network in most countries in the world. "Jews came from Russia only 50 years ago, but every day they say how racist the USA is" is typical of people who haven't understood the worldwide networking system. Jews in fact largely ran the major countries as secretly as possible. Jews admit they hate other races, at present whites. "They've formed alliances with every other race..' and pay people to say what Jews want; many people think of 'new' speakers, such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and Yiannopoulos and Jordan Peterson and 'Social Justice Warriors', as self-directed people, rather than puppets of money. Some Americans even think "the 1950s were a golden age of peace." It may be that times will change, as they have in the past; or it may be that truth can be buried.
'Revisionism' is not just a set of independent findings; there must be historical laws, repeating processes, and generalising ideas. Serious history must find these, but in my view the whole movement is rather new. I don't include people like Bertrand Russell as 'revisionists'; they didn't have a clue. There were revisionists who wrote—Belloc, Ramsay, Leese, Thorkelson—but their books and pamphlets had small circulations. Germany, Italy, and Japan had their authors, but the ease with which fakes were promoted engenders uncertainty.
• David Irving still hasn't identified the full possibilities of Jewish cohesion, notably in WW2. He announced at some point that he is now anti-Semitic. But many archives are still closed to him.
• Michael A Hoffman II has worked on Talmudic stuff (at personal risk). He is a staunch Roman Catholic, and seems to me to underestimate the interaction of Judaics with Christianity, which they more or less invented. And Jewish activity has expanded since Talmudic times, so modernised interpretations of Judaic aims, strategies and tactics are in my view essential.
• Kevin B MacDonald of the The Occidental Observer attended Irving's action to testify about his books. But since then he (in my view) has made little progress. Despite 9/11 and endless (((American))) wars, he shies away from serious topics, and seems unaware of the good reasons why many people justifiably hate Americans. He has finished a book on individualism and liberalism.
• Arthur R Butz as far as I know has confined himself to the 'Holocaust'.
Youtubers include Ramzpaul, but Youtube is censoring frantically are presumably will be replaced by other video sites, if this remains possible.
There have been deaths: Robert Faurisson recently. And of long-term fraudsters such as Eli Weisel and Simon Weisenthal.
My own site has many topics which I count as 'revisionist'. The problem is that machine production now is so efficient that huge numbers of people of no great skill are supported, and can be pushed into harm, evil, and waste. The situation is analogous to the Middle Ages, with Archbishops, Bishops, church builders, endless priests and vicars, sermons and chapbooks, pardoners and summoners, church schools, abbeys and priories and what have you, replaced by people who think they are favourites of 'god'. Imagine the mental death of people 'working' in the BBC or New York Times, turning out lies day after day. There must be a serious possibility of widespread collapse into something like the Soviet Union, with poverty and hunger and incompetence, with such things as electric power and water not working, and a parasitic group unable to do anything useful. Or perhaps into something like parts of Africa, with food as rare as sewage is common.
There are many topics needing workovers. Some are quite technical, though this may be appearance more than reality. Such as:
• revision of world history, including Christianity, Islam, and provoking of wars;
• Penetration of aristocracies;
• War aims, including population destruction, assets and rents, control of laws; and calculations as to whether hosts benefit;
• Money, including misdirections such as interest;
• Language and media control, including big lies;
• Direction of shares and percentages and payments from rich organisations, including the 'Fed';
• Legal adjustments to Jews;
• Networking with collaborators.
An example of a repeating historical process is Jews using paper money to fund nuisances, thugs, etc. Good examples are Soros and his anti-white activities, lawyers and activists involved in the USA in 'Civil Rights' with busing and race mixing in schools, which have damaged whites' education and lives, Jews funding fake think tanks who then fund massive frauds, such as nuclear weapons, climate change fantasies, 'the Holocaust', AIDS, vaccines, even low salt diets. Jews fund scams to get uneducated blacks into Europe, with the deliberate intention of ruining or weakening their countries. Jews fund housing aid, so money is channeled to illegals who are likely to absorb resources forever. Jews fund legal hassles against anyone the choose. Jews fund fake activists: at the time of the Boer War, thugs would beat up people speaking against those Jewish wars. Jews fund universities, which are half full of worthless Jewish and other nonentities, doing nothing but promote absurd ideas. Particularly disastrous is Jew funding of weapons. There are continual payouts, ultimately from real goods made by whites, to projects which need to be stopped.
• Conclusions
The concept of intra-human parasitism offers a new solution to problems of war, violence, and otherwise unexpected events, which, to most people, seemed to come from nowhere. In my view it's the most important new Western way to interpret human history since Darwin. Some of the activity of parasites is concerned to weaken and invade.
Bottom line: of course Jews know of their frauds, though probably even they would be astonished at some of their tucked-away long-term lies. The general public, cowed and more or less impotent, are—perhaps—awakening. As an example, Trump's lies and his dependence on Jews, all with the same mindset, make the idea that Hitler was a small part of a large army of Jews very plausible.
HTML Rae West. My Holocaust Revision piece dated 1997, plus later material, predates the trial. Research in and and Denial DVD EO52111D. Written c 13 Apr - 14 May 2019. Internal links 17 May 14:00 https for fpp removed May 20 2019 Porter May 27 2019 Small things 7 June 2019
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