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![]() ![]() On art paper, with some b/w photos and illustrations, 700 plus pages—this is literally a heavy book. My edition is 2008 printing; the previous was 2002. Published by 'Free Speech Press', it shows some signs of typical small press production—for example there are a few typos and spacing errors left by the word processing software. If anything this adds to the genuine feel of the book—it hasn't been combed through by innumerable editors. It has been translated into 'a number' of languages. Another book, Jewish Supremacism, 'has been translated into fourteen languages', more than one million in print. The layout is good—it has an index, mostly proper names and book titles, and, following that, a list of about 1,000 endnote references. These are in sequence in the book, and I infer that the software used had automated numbering, since some of the chapters seem to have been enlarged to include events which happened after the first printing—such as 9/11. His references generally don't include the date of first publication, which can be irritating when considering books which include revelations—for example about the Russian 'Revolution' or events after the Second World War. 'My Awakening' is in four parts, the final two being the longest; they deal with:- I: AN AMERICAN SON—his early life—including accounts of Louisiana landscape and ecology, and his studies, and influences on him as regards race—a black housekeeper and black mechanics, for example; and Carleton Putnam's 'Race and Reason'. II: RACE AND REALITY—an account of his researches into race. Duke comes across as a serious and inquisitive student, much more so than most. This part of the book cannot be in historical sequence, as he quotes books published relatively late, for example by J Philippe Rushton on two types of evolutionary strategy—high investment in children vs low investment and many of them—followed by Lothrop Stoddard's 'Rising Tide of Color'. The longest chapter, 11: Race and Society deals with the huge increase in black crime, black education and white flight—Washington being his main example. This sort of material of course is largely censored. III: THE JEWISH QUESTION—long chapter, with a woman called Mattie Smith, talking to him when he was young, as the prime mover. Jews, Communism, post-World War 2 media and American politics, the roots of anti-semitism, Israel, 'a Holocaust enquiry', and Jewish Evolutionary strategy make a well-balanced commentary in I think a fairly natural sequence. This chapter has detailed references and verbatim quotations from books and newspapers. The 'evolutionary strategy' includes forcing the idea of race mixing on everyone (except Jews), minimising cruelty and atrocities (except for Jews), fraud and crime (except for Jews), among other things. The chapter is here to make sense of the otherwise inexplicable attitudes to immigration, pornography, miseducation and so on, in part II. (There's a very similar personal account George Lincoln Rockwell Discovers the Jewish Problem in . BUT as a corrective Miles Mathis in an essay on Eustace Mullins identifies Rockwell as a phoney, out of US naval intelligence. IV: THE FIGHT FOR THE TRUTH—is an account of world-wide influences on him and his subsequent activism. The other parts gave detailed evidence for the existence of race, and for differences between races; and for Jewish attitudes. This section is biographical. His father worked for Shell and took the young Duke around the world, where he took a Gibbonian interest in declines and falls—there's a moving account of a meeting in India. There are dramatic accounts of police and ADL corruption. He was elected in Louisiana from 1989-1993 and seems to have spent subsequent years as a publicist. It's all convincing, and I recommend this book to anyone wanting to make sense of the world of the American south, American politics, and the roots of 'political correctness', and its immense dangers. Just a few notes:-- * Serious student: Duke made (and still makes?) a lot of effort to look up source material. Libraries both for and opposed to integration; the Soncino Talmud; comparisons of different editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica; photocopies of declassified reports on Russia after the coup by Jews; post-war revisionist writers; Freud; Martin Luther King as a fraud; Old Testament accounts of genocide; how the 'Ten commandments' aren't as represented by Christians; the New Testament's God saying the Jews are no longer 'chosen', Lincoln on separation of races.—Just a small sample of the material Duke conscientiously noted. * Duke accepts the idea that Africa was an easy environment—women could forage and eat, there was no need for foresight as there were no cold winters. I doubt this is quite true. The heat allows plants to flourish easily, but it also allows parasites and insects to flourish—Guinea Worm, Tsetse fly, locusts, and so on. It could be argued that life was precarious and there was little point in trying to plan. * He thinks the nuclear family was important for cold northern climates. I suspect most families have been extended—elderly, middle-aged, young, babies all together. * Duke is pro-Islam, and gives accurate accounts of Israeli atrocities in the Middle East. But he doesn't seem to realise that Islam is largely derived from Judaism:—Islam has a tribal attitude, sacred texts in a fossilised language, dislike of kuffars/goyim which extend to massacres, promotion of sex with tiny girls, slavery, repression of women, and so on. * On slavery, Duke doesn't mention the huge involvement of Islam in Africa, quite a serious omission. Incidentally he claims to have started the 'Nation of Islam' investigating Jews and the Americas slave trade. * Duke realises 'Communism' was Jewish in the Soviet Union, and seems to assume this must have been true in China, Vietnam, and presumably Cuba. But in view of the suppression of the Jewish angle by most historians and commentators, it may well be true that Mao and the rest simply had no idea about the roots of 'Communism'. It's impossible to tell, because, if historians don't know the truth about the USSR, they won't ask related questions about other countries! My personal view is that Ho Chi Minh and others were more interested in independence than anything that could be called Marxist. * Related to the latter, Duke doesn't seem aware that there can be genuine socialism. In the UK and Europe we're used to the idea that Keir Hardie, or [fill in name of favourite reformer] were left wing or 'Labour'. It's only later that the ideal was perverted by the USSR into mass murder.
Warning and Disappointment Notes added 16 Oct 2018: Listening to David Duke on Internet radio, with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, it seems he believes in the 'moon landings', which he regards as all white. He also thinks 3000 Americans died in 9/11. And that Saudi Arabia was jointly involved with 'Jews' in 9/11. Oh, and the fake Manchester bombing was real.
Another Disappointing note is that David Duke says little about Freemasonry, despite its massive link between Jews and 'goyim'. Added 16 July 2019.
Note added 6 April 2019. This ends in 1980, and has nothing very useful on Duke's views. And nothing very helpful on his activities.
David Duke, it is said, idolized his father, an engineer for Shell Oil Company. The father, David Hedger Duke, volunteered for service in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He was sent to Laos as an agent of the U.S. State Department’s Agency for International Development (USAID). Young David, meanwhile, completed high school and enrolled at Louisiana State University, where he became notorious on “Free Speech Alley” for his racist and anti-Semitic harangues. Just before he dropped out of LSU, on March 4,1971, Duke was ordered to report for active duty. Selective Service records show that he was classified 1-A. But in a “highly unusual move,” reports Tyler Bridges of the Times-Picayune of New Orleans, “Duke was given a student deferment, March 18, even though he soon left school and didn’t return for eighteen months…None of the members of his draft board contacted said they knew why the injunction notice was rescinded.” When Bridges asked Duke why he hadn’t been drafted, Duke responded, “Well, I was in Laos during the war.” And indeed he was. He boasted that he spent nine months in Laos beginning in May 1971 flying twenty missions behind enemy lines aboard CIA Air America transport planes, dropping supplies to CIA mercenary troops in the mountains. In attempting to debunk details of Duke’s story, critics only confirm the main point. Charles Green, for example, head of the Agency for International Development (AID) language school in Laos, said Duke served only six weeks as an English language instructor of Laotian army officers. Green claims he fired Duke when he walked into his classroom and saw that Duke had drawn a Molotov cocktail on the blackboard. It is well known that the CIA used USAID as a cover for covert warfare in Southeast Asia. It is entirely plausible that David Duke was recruited as a covert agent of the CIA. That would explain why his induction into the military was mysteriously rescinded. It would also explain Duke’s strange immunity in other criminal and terrorist activities. In September 1976 Duke was the sponsor of a conference of neo-Nazis and Klansmen at a hotel near his home in Métairies, an all-white suburb of New Orleans. When police arrived, Duke and his followers surrounded the squad car. Duke led the mob in chanting, “White Power.” Duke screamed at the officers, “You are a Jew. You work for the FBI. They are commie traitors and you are too.” The police radioed for help and Duke was among those arrested. He was tried but received a suspended sentence. Why? On December 31,1980, Duke sat on a French quarter balcony in New Orleans with a convicted felon named Michael Perdue. According to Gwen Udell, a close friend of Duke’s who was there, the two men “hashed over Perdue’s plan to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica’ “ A small band of mercenaries would sail to the tiny black populated country, overthrow the government and set up a white supremacist junta,” reports the Times-Picayune, Perdue “dreamed of making millions by running a casino and exporting lumber.” Others say the real “export” was to be cocaine and other narcotics. Duke reportedly helped Perdue find a charter boat to transport his mercenary commandos and put Perdue in touch with people who would finance the bizarre expedition, codenamed Operation Red Dog. On April 27,1981, officers of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms arrested them just before they boarded the yacht in Lake Ponchartrain. Despite his ringleader role, Duke was not arrested. He was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury, where he pleaded the Fifth Amendment, refusing to testify. Nine of the ten other conspirators, including Duke’s co-hort Klanman Don Black, were found guilty and served time in prison. Why was Duke let off? |