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Plato? Let's look at the likely Phoenician/Jew connections
Plato's Sophist
The Case for Sophist as (Originally) a Dialogue on Jewish Methods
Rae West - 20 April 2022
The object of this short piece is to make the case for Plato's
Sophist being simply a description of what are now called Jews, but after many years of editing the ancient Greek versions to an 'acceptable' version, probably in early Christian times.
All the detail here is from modern English language sources; I expect a similar case can be made in any other language which has evidence of the inclusion of Greek ideas. Note that digital technology has made it easier to search ancient texts, if they've been scanned in, or otherwise recorded.
Very Brief Timeline. Some extracts from the 15th Edition Encyclopædia Britannica (1976) (pp 531-539) on Plato and his writings:–
Plato born c 428 BC
Plato's lifetime included disastrous years of the Decelian war, the shattering of the Athenian empire, the fierce civil strife of oligarchs and democrats in the year of anarchy, 404-403 BC
Socrates execution 399 BC
c 387 Academy founded by Plato
Plato died 348/347 BC
Library of Alexandria: [After his fall from power in Athens, Demetrius sought refuge at the court of King Ptolemy I Soter ... Ptolemy soon took advantage of Demetrius’s wide and versatile knowledge and, about 295 BC, charged him with the task of founding the library and the Mouseion. ... Within half a century ... the collections of the Royal Library had exceeded the space allotted to contain the accumulated books.]
Philo of Alexandria Life from 15 BC – 40+ AD
GENERAL FEATURES OF THE DIALOGUES The canon and text of Plato was apparently fixed at about the turn of the Christian era. Modern scholars, by the use of stylistic criteria, have established that the Sophist, Statesman, Philebus, Timaeus, ... and Laws form a distinct linguistic group, belonging to the later years of Plato's life.
Jews and the Rest of the World
The Jewish hatred of Rome is well-known and obvious enough. But the Jewish dislike of Greeks is less well-known, because Rome's power and fame postdated and exceeded the Greeks. And probably the Latin language influenced Europe more, especially in the west.
Plato left a linguistic legacy which was never really dealt with; consider debates over the meaning of (for example) nous, dyad, logos, archetype, soul, henad. This of course was fortunate for many 'philosophers', giving them harmless work.
On the immense importance of the Mediterranean Sea, my page on Jewish evolution includes about half-way down the Mediterranean and suggests how Jewish evolution was partly framed by its geography.
From Joseph McCabe's Rationalist Encyclopedia (McCabe was anti-Roman Catholic, and silently pro-Jew) we find mention of
Benn's History of Ancient Philosophy (1912). The Benns were either crypto-Jews or collaborators.
Prof. Theodor Gomperz, Greek Thinkers (4 vols., 1901-1912). An Austrian Jew.
McCabe says that Manuscripts were 'stabilized' about the time of Christianity. So little of the late Egyptian, Babylonian, and Phoenician literature has escaped the early Christian vandalism that we cannot say what amount of real originality there was in the systems of the Ionian "wisdom-seekers" (philosophers). This was a common opinion at the time, though after the Jewish victories after 1913 it has been quashed.
To come forward a few thousand years since the takeover of Christianity by Jews (with their characteristic aggressive hostilities) , near the time of the Jewish victory in the Second World War, 1943 is the date of the 'Preface to he first edition' of Vol. I, The Spell of Plato, of the II-Volume The Open Society and Its Enemies which supposedly influenced Soros. This was a fairly full-blooded attack on Plato, which, rather incredibly, seems to have been the first of its kind. Bertrand Russell said: His [Popper's] attack on Plato, while unorthodox, is in my opinion thoroughly justified. Russell thought it was a defence of democracy.
Map by Gerry:--

From Miles Mathis:–
Here's 'Gerry' (a German, I think) on
the Phoenicians in antiquity (2018) “Phoenician” elites had a global empire in archaic times already, stretching from Spanish Galicia to inner Syria, with trade relations confirmed to extend further, from British Cornwall unto Iraqi Khorsabad. However, he seems to go no further back than 1600 BC. (1.2 MB).
And here is
Miles Mathis on much the same subject, Where did all the Phoenicians go? (2020). Including the Hittites and the Iron Age, probably using techniques based on smelting and processing copper and tin. The eclipse of the Phoenicians—by concealment. And 'Persia' as a manufactured myth. Massive re-engineering of swathes of history. Perception that Jewish historians continually and systematically are given jobs so they can lie for life. (.5 MB).
Both of these portable documents are well-written, and convey a lot of information. Revisionism of the finest quality.
Modern Scholarship on the Ancient Greeks.
The Greek World Edited by Anton Powell (1995; this pdf is the 2003 e-edition). Many years ago, I knew Anton Powell quite well; he claimed to be an anarchist, and managed to get into academia—a Professorship in a Welsh University—but his work was non-revisionist, and did not include anything of the sort I'm discussing. In the chapters he edited, on Grote, Hegel, Sidgwick, and Sophists and Christianity, there is nothing on the realities of money and funding and paid propaganda. He can legitimately me described as ‘unsophisticated’unfitted to examine fraud, forgeries, and hoaxes.
(Sedgwick wrote on ethics, at a time when the British Empire was expanding in Africa. G E Moore took over from him. Probably 'Ethics' was one of the most worthless subjects of philosophers' work, except in the sense that they received money for it).
The claim I'm making here is that Plato's work was fixed in the Christian era, which was marked by enormous destructions of earlier writings. I'm incorporating the little-appreciated symbiosis between Jews and Christians.
My best guess is that 'Christianity' was originally some sort of popular movement, but it was either taken over by Jews, or invented and encouraged by Jews. (Modern equivalents include the taking-over of 'socialism' from its republican and well-intentioned roots. And the invention of 'Bolshevism'). I've written elsewhere on
early Christianity, and will just note here the fact that early Popes were all Jews, that the Church prohibited interest and forced people to borrow from Jews, and the reliance on Jewish 'sacred books', the installation of the tithe system, and the sicut judaeis principle.
Before this—and it's possible Philo of Alexandria was a significant figure here—any honest writings about Jews, including stories which they copied, would have been edited out or destroyed. (Modern equivalents include huge frauds such as the mass murders of Jews ascribed to the Germans).
Suspicion must fall, therefore, on
Sophist, this being the only dialogue with an original Greek title. But
Statesman and
Laws also seem candidates for Jewish heavy editing.
Does this matter? I think it's important in fighting back against the multiple lies spread by Jews. If people can't understand Jews, they are missing the truth about Jews and their sophistry, and are therefore unsophisticated. A correct reply to charges of 'anti-Semitism' by the usual fools and liars is to point to their lack of awareness of sophistry. People will probably not like this accurate description, and perhaps it will prove a very effective counter.
HTML, research © Rae West. First upload 20 April 2022.