Tim Marshall: Prisoners of Geography
Review: Rae West 13 Dec 2020
Guidebook to the world? No. Just another hamfisted fringe BBC Jew tame puppet, lacking knowledge of world forces, and lacking understanding of geopolitics.
Tim Marshall is said to be (in 'ABOUT THE AUTHOR') 'A leading authority on foreign affairs with more than twenty-five years of reporting experience ... diplomatic editor at Sky News, and before that was working for the BBC and LBC/IRN radio. ... reported from thirty countries ... covered conflicts in Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Israel. ... He has written for The Times, Sunday Times, Guardian, Independent, and Daily Telegraph ....
Other sources say Timothy John Marshall (born 1959) 'British journalist, author and broadcaster' was born near Leeds; no family information is given. His supposed education was only a GCSE ('General Certificate in Secondary Education'; low status exam in Britain) in metalwork, according to the Guardian. Leeds is a Jewish area; and the takeaway message is he's presumably just another Jew propagandist and of course liar. Another description is a 'front line war reporter' but we need not take this seriously.
On the surname Marshall, note (just one example) Louis Marshall, a 20th century Jew in the USA doing his bit for the 'Chosen' people.
This book Prisoners of Geography says it was published in 2015. My edition is a 2016 paperback, priced at £9.99 on a simulated sticky label; its Mercator map is a worrying sign; published by Elliott and Thompson Ltd (website is eandtbooks.com)—in John Street, London, something like an urban back street. Their list has books by Suchet (BBC 'newsreader', i.e. face) writing on musicians, a book on Edward Heath, and other stuff.
The vast bulk of the BBC's rusted carrier is followed by a trail of flotsam and jetsam, including discarded people below the BBC's feeble standard. I infer this book is by one such person, and will explain why.
Here are a few notes, written after reading:
Marshall presents an infantile view of war, as something produced by 'tensions' between countries. He more-or-less ignores things which Jews like to conceal: money loans, and costs of weapon systems; post-war events such as refugees, impoverishment, and of course control of central banks, and legal systems controlling ownership of assets. He deliberately presents wars, outdatedly, as a matter of lines of communication:—The USA is a long way from most countries, and with such long lines of communication, it can't be invaded! Obviously!—pitifully outdated.
Marshall is infantile in ignoring population movements. There is of course geographical influence. But ease of travel in white inventions, Jew incentives in the shape of paying rent for housing and services, at the expense of non-Jews, and 'anchor babies', are relatively new. In a world with populations inflating out of apparent range of any tolerable lifestyle, this is dangerous. Marshall makes no calculations or estimates of needs or possibilities or lands.
The blurb says Marshall will explain why the USA 'was destined to be a superpower'. He seemed to be working to a Jewish script of the USA being phased out, after the work of US simpletons in destroying Germans, Russians, and Chinese, after which China may emerge. Marshall obeys the Jewish imperative in looking at power, but not at competence. His most important omission is suppressing all information on Jews, who act like a mongrel nation, as a layer distributed among the world's major cities, networking as wasps in separated nests might do.
Books vaguely on this topic include Seeley's Expansion of England—rather uncogent descriptive matter written before the 'Great War'; Dudley Stamp's works—he was brother to Josiah Stamp, a banker who seems to have warned against Jewish paper money; the once-popular Hendrik van Loon; and J Halford Mackinder, who appears in Marshall's bibliography but is otherwise unmentioned. He seems to have been made to disappear, on similar principles to the mathematics of cannon ball trajectories being made an official secret by Napoleon. I've written a piece on Halford Mackinder which may suggest ideas to responsive people.
There's a conspiratorial aspect prompted by possibilities of aggression. And this of course appeals to the temperament of Jews—great secrecy, passive-aggressive ambiguous oratory, secret co-operation with other groups to urge on to violence, amassing assets in hard-to-detect ways which entangle non-Jews in lifetime effort.
The book has an introduction by John Scarlett, claimed to have been Head of MI6 from 2004-2009. Something like a later Roger Hollis, part of the world network of Jewish deceit. he praises the book ('well-judged insights') despite, or because, Marshall says nothing insightful on the Jewish abandonment of the USSR, though not of legal 'rights' to their assets. Almost certainly just another Jew traitor. It's unlikely any 'intelligence' people investigate Jews, though I like to hope there are a few determined moralistic even-handed types. Unit 77, a British Army outfit to corrupt Britain, isn't mentioned.
Spycatcher is my review of Spycatcher, a book showing Peter Wright was entirely unaware of Jewish actions against Britain. I recommend my reviews to people who have not faced the Jewish issue and its connection wit very important issues.
My review of Aldridge's GCHQ looks at a supposedly-definitive book on British spying.
On spying against Britain during the Second World War, here's Jews at Bletchley Park. There were lots of them!
The author has copied out such things as lengths of rivers, and heights of mountains, and lengths of mountain ranges—it's unlikely he measured them! He makes claims which must worry experienced persons; e.g. making rivers into boundaries may look good on maps, but often fails in practice, as people tend to live on both banks of rivers. His maps include such things as the 'Danube basin' and 'north European plains' (starting in north east France), which seem analytical enough, but perhaps aren't. He thinks Catholicism and Protestantism in what is now—relatively recently—called 'Germany' makes geographical sense. Much of his material is of debatable value; for example, he says almost nothing about the Straits of Gibraltar, which have been of great importance. There must be important things to say about huge tankers at sea, and the defensibility of air routes, but he doesn't say them.
He knows nothing of paper money: maybe it started in China? Naturally he is unaware of central banks as a Rothschild war aim: evidence from North Korea, Libya, and a few other states has passed him by.
The key is, as usual, Jewish: Jews don't want attention drawn to their tricks, and distraction and timewasting have that desired effect.
Marshall has the painfully complete ignorance of biology characteristic of people who've had biological needs met thoroughly enough that they don't even know they have them. Races, and the roots of behaviour, by which notably inputs to the brain get converted from information into action: intelligence, cunning, originality, permanence of memories, complications of language, hostility, identification of enemies, disease resistance, sensitivity to diet, perceptions of power, effects of success, are entirely out of his range. In time, we may get the evolution of new types; maybe other Jew-like parasitic groups will evolve. Marshall has no views on remote human evolution
He's a parrot of assumptive slogans, bearing their secret messages: 'Panama and the USA are friends'. 'Moving goods to market'. 'Democracy'... Marshall doesn't mention 'post-democracy', Jewish codeword to hide their intention to drop what's called 'democracy' as soon as they can.
Marshall has nothing intelligent on economic growth. If everyone is 'rich' by some standard, what happens next? A good example is medicine: what happens if the causes of disease are more-or-less conquered? Already we see unneeded operations, dangerous salt-reduced diets (weakening digestion, increasing cancer proneness, making bone joints rough), excessive and ridiculous pills. Poisonous fluoride in water. An amazing situation where competent medicos are overruled by impulse-driven political actors in the AIDS and coronavirus frauds.
His science and technology is unsophisticated; he just thinks longer and more and bigger—works. He has no clue about limits. He naively believes in nuclear weapons and nuclear power. He probably believes NASA will soon send people to Mars.
And he has laughable historical ignorance, which of course is part of the orthodox Jewish legacy. In his introduction his 'After 9/11' stuff shows he knows nothing. He says of Ukraine that Putin must wish it had mountains, while of course saying nothing on the Holodomor. Not one Jew 'leader' is identified in the world; I can't even remember the Lithuanian Jewess's name. Marshall writes: 'most diplomats and planners take a long view of history', meaning about 100 years: very silly—just look at the 20th century.
We seem to be entering an era in which many aspects of the world are understood, for the first time. It follows, perhaps, that nature is largely conquered; but enmities are therefore more exclusively human, and the possibilities of human parasitism are appearing from the mist. Over the last few centuries, we have the Netherlands forming a sea empire, which invaded England; Jews in Spain moved to Europe, and invaded France (the 'French Revolution'); north American states formed, but were in effect unified, not confederated; Jews took over Russia and murdered it, supported by American power and money, which went on to support Germany while depressing the USA; building up for mass white slaughter, but also slaughter in China and India. By 2000, plans were made to leap to China.
Joining together, and separating, of states is a fascinating geographical topic, which has its quota of Jewish influence. Marshall says there were 'up to 500 Germanic mini-kingdoms', and then the idea of unification came along. Probably Jews liked that, as there as only one target, in place of many. Conversely, after the rapid closedown of the British Empire after the Jewish victor in 1945, many countries were divided into two for independence: India, Cyprus, countries in Africa. But nothing of this appears in Marshall's feeble material. And this is probably the point; waste time and die, goyim!
Prisoners of Geography has ten chapters: 1 Russia | 2 China | 3 USA | 4 Western Europe | 5 Africa | 6 The Middle East | 7 India and Pakistan | 8 Korea and Japan | 9 Latin America | 10 The Arctic, which I'll look at in a cursory manner.
Putin, folk songs and dances, and the Russian Orthodox Church seem to be current among Jews, who want no memory, if possible, of so-called 'Communism' and the GULags. Though I presume they like the white-killing 'Great Patriotic War'. The USSR after 1945 is still referred to as a 'superpower'; Jews in the USA gave Jews in the USSR money—in effect, industrialism. (Some defenders of Stalin think Bolsheviks achieved tremendous industrialism, just as Hitler-lovers think the same of Hitler.
The huge missing informational link of China is of course their supposed 'revolution', which must have been Jewish money turned to mass deaths under Jews. Marshall knows nothing of this. However, he mentions China in Africa, in particular, mainly as a source of ores. There's a well-established tradition of over-valuation (Keynes commented on iron ore in the Ruhr being absurdly over-values) but Marshall is of no help here.
A few things on USA mythologies, tied in with geography.
Angelicus December 1, 2020
Occidental Observer
... What have you Americans done? I mean, apart of creating a disgusting and vulgar 'culture' based on making money and rabid consumerism; the so-called 'American Dream'?
... We (and by that, I mean ALL white men in the world) are in this horrendous mess because of you self-righteous American morons, who went wholeheartedly to war to destroy Germany and Western civilization in your pathetic 'crusade' as that German-hating bastard and murderer Eisenhower called it. Without your colossal industrial might, the bloody Soviet Union would have been destroyed. But, of course, what else could you have done? You gave away the control of your country to the Jews well over a hundred years ago; after all, spiritually you are cousins if not brothers. Your disgusting ancestors, the so-called 'Pilgrim Fathers' were the product of the most pro-Jewish of all Protestant sects, the Puritans. Their greed and materialism, together with the idea of belonging to 'chosen people' made them sympathize with their mentors and future associates.
Your degenerate WASP upper class never saw anything wrong in associating with the Jews, that is why by the end of the XIX century together with the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Carnegies, were the Belmonts, the Kahns, the Lehmanns, the Schiffs, etc., etc., etc. The only thing that mattered to the average American was (and is) 'the almighty dollar'.
You have the colossal cheek, sorry, "chutzpah" to criticize and even insult Adolf Hitler, the man who unmasked the enemy of Mankind, gave him battle and defeated him on the political arena in 1933, carrying out the greatest political and social revolution in European history without firing a shot! His legacy was a new, fair order for the German people and, eventually for the White race, while you Americans were drowning in the Great Depression and being screwed by the big banks, Hitler turned Germany upside down and within 4 years he made her one of the wealthiest, most prosperous countries on Earth, and let's not even began to talk about the cultural and spiritual regeneration of the German people under his leadership, while you, ignorant and gullible Americans were welcoming with open arms all those hateful Marxist Jews from the 'School of Frankfurt' who filled your universities and perverted your children and grandchildren.
You had a great man who warned you, his name was Henry Ford ... You talk about your 'historical exemplars of virtue, courage, defiance and piety'. Where are they? What did they do for you? Nothing! You have always been a greedy and evil WASP-Jewish corporation, poisoning the world via Hollywood. 'God Bless America' and 'White Christmas', written by the Jew Irving Berlin (real name Israel Beilin). Who is the quintessential 'American' composer? George Gershwin! I am sorry for the thousands of decent White Americans who are fully aware of the disgusting role their country has played as the bodyguard of international Jewry since the 1930s. They are the ones who are not afraid or ashamed of praising Adolf Hitler. Regarding the likes of you, and that means the majority of White Americans, you fully deserve what is coming to you via Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You reap what you sowed.
[Note: in my view Hitler was part of a Jewish anti-white movement. His establishment as 'Führer' made his harm difficult to oppose. - RW]
US Constitution
... take note that only 20% of eligible voters turned out to vote in 1796. And that was considerably better than the 12% who voted in 1788 or the 6% who voted in 1792. You will say people were just slow learners. They couldn't figure out where or how to vote. But if that is true, they were VERY slow learners, since in 1820 the turnout was still just 10%. That doesn't really support what we have been taught about our representative democracy, does it? These people had allegedly just won the first War of Independence in the history of the world—or at least against a major European power—but no one cared? No one bothered to show up for a vote? Were we Americans really that incredibly complacent from the beginning, or is there something we aren't being told? [Miles Mathis]
James Laffrey on early traitors, and enemy Jews. Washington, Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Gouverneur Morris, Haym Salomon, General Benedict Arnold, David Solesbury Franks were some early Jew traitors.
Where it should have said "We, The States of the United States," it said "We The People," thus erasing the states as entities to the contract.
USA history. Miles Mathis on the East India Company
And if you dig a little deeper, it is not just the EIC hidden here, it is two competing arms of the EIC, which are usually called the Dutch and the English EIC. The Dutch had gotten here first, as you can see from the fact that New York was originally New Amsterdam. The Dutch had allied with the French and Spanish, as we see from the split in the American Revolution. So the Federalists were
fronts for the English EIC and the anti-Federalists were fronts for the Dutch/French. The Dutch/French wanted a weak central government, because they were already in place as local bankers and didn't want to be displaced. The English wanted a strong central government, because that was the only way they were going to be able to continue displacing the bankers already here. They wanted to set up new central institutions, you see, which would eventually drive out the decentralized ones. So it was all to do with trade and shipping and banking, and nothing to do with personal freedoms. All the talk about freedoms was just the usual cover.
USA under Jews as vast thuggery.
Marshall gives the expansion story; but nothing on the US War between the States, nothing on Korea and Vietnam and the Middle East. Presumably they had geographical inputs—including the geography of slavery.
Bertrand Russell on American Violence was written, probably by Bertrand Russell, in the late stages of the Vietnam War. Censorship, generally by Jews in the media and CIA and army has kept this from many Americans. I quote it here as an example of the way world forces could be switched to China on completely rational grounds.
Jewish money power is used as a weapon which most people don't yet understand. In effect it is used to direct men around the globe. By 2020 Jews seem to have decided to try to collapse the USA, and develop China by giving them money. Russia has been used up; Africa is unusable. And they've greyed the population, who until recently had no idea about invasion; the enormously long defensive supply lines are a bad joke.

Mass-produced undated Chambers's
20th Century Geographic Readers (book VI) Inscribed in my copy
1935 Geography Prize. It takes the British Empire as fixed, and exaggerates its size (Canada and Australia are both magnified by the Mercator projection) and avoids writing about what happened in India, China, and South Africa. Populations by tday's standards amazingly low: Soudan 6 million, Somaliland 4 million, Nigeria 8 million.
This is a staggeringly silly and Jew-biased chapter. Marshall mentions NATO, not itself much of a geographical entity. Unlike territories which are victims of Jews, there's a lot on Germany—so and so had fought the Nazis', 'traumas of two world wars', the 'Cold War', its Jewish poles unanalysed. Nothing on Jews taking over London after the Civil War of Cromwell; nothing on the devastating Thirty Years War.
I was disappointed to find that the Mediterranean, possibly the most important inland waterway in the world, had no very helpful consideration. And information on shipbuilding, now largely supplanted by steel ships, but after all with thousands of years of important history.
Marshall thinks 'free speech was a given' in Europe. Well; nice idea, but not quite consistent with Church or Jewish history. He writes 'prejudice against immigrants always goes up' in some conditions, showing zero awareness of the history of immigration.
Marshall assumes the 'out of Africa' idea; he has no idea of the tiny amount of evidence on remote human history. He is at least aware of its large size, though not of the fact that whites got to the southern pat first. Africa still has a large number of languages; 150? But does not comment on the Jewish slave ships mixing up the survivors so the languages were lost. No harbours, and not very navigable rivers are two in a long list of problems' which help 'explain why Africa is not technologically or politically as successful as western Europe or northern America'. Note the careful evasion of race issues, in accordance with current Jewish deception.
As regards wars, 'conflicts' is probably right; industrialised deaths through Jewish wars were greater. He talks of 50% dead under 5 and booming populations but has no figures. Marshall talks of 'outside interests and meddling' but has no mental model for the spread of inventions, both good and bad, around the world. He says fater the fashion of Kissinger that (e.g.) Sierra Leone is 'rich', meaning of course 'rich in raw materials' while the locals are poor. He says, without amplification, that Libya is 'an artificial construction only a few decades old'.
Sadly, the common roots of Jews, Christian, and Moslems were not discussed. Jewish 'sacred books' are still largely unknown. Nor were Moslems and slaves and sex. Nor were the secret groups in local areas, called into existence, mentioned. Marshall mentions heroin and blames Afghan farmers; in fact it seems US troops forced heroin to be grown. Marshall hadn't heard of the Sacklers.
At least the writer is aware that Pakistan was invented and given a new name. There's nothing on the (((British))) Empire folding, suddenly, with no help to Hindus and Moslems, after the Jewish victory in 1945. But who cares; just some dead goyim. Nothing on the caste system, which surely has some lessons. I couldn't find anything on the English bureaucracy, the exam system, even the spread of English. And nothing on the East India Co; I've sometimes wondered what the British actually did in India.
I'd have liked suggestive comparisons between the Mediterranean and far east islands and peninsulas.
'100 years ago Argentina was among the ten richest nations in the world'. Exasperating failure to describe or define 'rich'.
There's nothing on shipbuilding and Jews when they owned slave ships. Of course not. Nothing much on the West Indies, or Haiti, or Port Royal. And of course nothing on Cuba; Marshall of course accepts the Jewish lies on Cuba.
Surprise! Marshall automatically believes in global warming.
Omissions include:–
- Eisenhower
- the ship 'Liberty'
- 'Collapse of the USSR'
- Pearl Harbor not unexpected
- Gulf of Tonkin
- Rhodesia
- Gibraltar has one reference
- Thirty Years War no mention
- Boers
© Rae West 13 Dec 2020