Robert Winston: The Story of God

Thought for Life:

The tradition of a violent, hostile 'God' is just another Jewish fraud.

And many fools are paid to accept this fraud.

Review: 26 Jan 2023 by Rae West.   My personal hardback copy of Winston's God is dated 2005, by Bantam Press, a division of Transworld Publishers. In New Zealand and South Africa these appear as Random House. The BBC logo is a registered trademark dated 1996. The copyright is Professor Robert Winston's. Bantam is the same publisher as Dawkins in his God Delusion, which appeared about a year later, and is claimed to have been hugely successful. There's a twin volume by Winston on, or at least titled, human instinct, dated 2002.

The 'Acknowledgement' gives some insights into this book's genesis, as support for some BBC series of (I think) six films, or videos: the first part was someone called Lorraine Heggessey, at that time Controller of BBC1. They went to lunch, she being 'vibrant and engaging' persuaded him to do a TV series on God.
      The Professor thanks a large number of people. Matt Baylis has huge knowledge and extraordinary intelligence, and was always available to dig out useful material. Leo Singer 'helped with a good deal of the early research material'. 'Useful suggestions' came from Mark Geller (on Sumer), Michael Pollack ('spiritual themes'). And 'the Chief Rabbi, Dr Sir Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Ken Spiro, The Ven. Bellanwilla Wilimaratne Thero, Professor Richard Dawkins, Dr Jim Virdee, Professor Aviad Kleinberg, Dr Stephen Unwin, Dr Irving Finkel, Dr Dean Hamer, and Dr Jean Clotte...' There are plenty more, including Maggie Pearlstine, who I think is an agent, and who married one of her clients, the ex-MP Roy Hattersley who made a point of ignoring his constituents who didn't want aliens in their area.
      Certainly a fascinating collection, suggesting in passing that Clinton Richard Dawkins&msah;his real name—might have had his book on God suggested by this bunch of Jews. Which gives an insight into Jewish control of the media. The story is perhaps more interesting than the book itself, which is just a trot through the Jewish view of 'God', which they seem to think they are entitled to monopolise.

The book has a double-page chronology, a 'Time Line', including such items as hand outlines in caves, the 'Time of Abraham', Babylonian exile ends, Christ lived, Council of Nicaea, Muhammad lived, Einstein published the Special Theory of Relativity—enough to show, with its fantastic mix of exclusionary junk, the Jewish overview, or underview.
      The index has a few entries under Jews, of the 'persecuted' and 'atrocities against' type. There are a few pages on the Talmud, but naturally all the serious stuff is excluded.
      Winston presumably was selected because of his lack of insight and/or lack of honesty, but also because he could claim to be a scientists, on such topics as the human mind (which is not understood) and 'fertility studies'—this latter a dangerous position for any Jew to be in power. An example is a Jew in control of antificial insemination, found to have sired 500 children. As far as I know Winston said nothing on 'Covid', as would be expected.
      Winston must have been approached as a supposed representative of science and religion. I'm assuming he wrote parts of the book, though with the intrusion of copy-editors and editorial types one has to wonder. The importance of Jews and science is not in science, but in science frauds, of which there are many. For a smattering, read my page on science revisionism. This is a subject which will I hope grow like an inflated balloon.

Talmudic studies are starting to reveal the hostile Jew-centred lunacy of their secret beliefs. For example (this is per C J Bjerknes) 'God' is supposed to be feared by Jews, not in any way loved. It's clear that both Christianity and Islam, and other smaller branches of religions, were designed by Jews, as a money- and power-grabbing schemes. They were extensions of the local Kahal systems, and highly successful, from their point of view. It's clear that activities such as funded murders and funded poisonings have been part of Jewish actions.
      Another historical detail is the use of collaborators by Jews. The largest example I'd guess is Christianity, in which lands and thinly-spread money and careers were offered in exchange for security for Jews in their money monopoly. None of this is in the wearying book—with high production values; priced at £18.99 at the time. In the present era, the function of preaching once a week has been superseded by the BBC and similar junk. (Chapter 8 is 'God in Retreat'; Chapter 9 'Religion in the Modern Age'.

Readers may reasonably ask, why review this 15-year old book? My motive is to reach some of the people who look through old books, perhaps having bought them for nothing. I'd urge them not to be taken in by superficial oily artefacts.

Here's another page on Winston: Robert Winston: Science Gatekeeper. It's incomplete I fear; I haven't formatted it clearly. It includes at least one video of Winston in chat. A significant proportion of Jewish effort goes into censoring and suppressing science, but also stealing such parts as appeal to them, chiefly of a military or spying or electronic spying nature.