Review of Martin H Millard   'Homeless Jack' 19 Jan 2014
Millard is a contributor to Western Spring, a British white nationalist race-aware site, run, as far as I know, by a member (or ex-member) of Mensa who works (or worked) in finance. Millard's articles are usually attributed to 'Homeless Jack', and written in a US hobo style, perhaps modelled on Jack London. I was not very impressed; but decided to look on Internet.

Martin H Millard has three books advertised online under the name H Millard:  2001 saw publication of 'The Outsider', a title in common with other books—Camus? Colin Wilson?  Then 2002 'Roaming the Wastelands'.  And 2004 'Ourselves Alone and Homeless Jack'.  Looking at the ISBN prefix suggests these books were published by iUniverse, connected in some way with AuthorHouse and which also publishes 'Authors Choice Press' and 'Writers Club Press'. (I may be wrong about some details; all this is taken from Internet).

Millard appears in 'New Nations News' on The front page of New Nation News has attacks on whites by blacks, in the USA, taken from such media sources as print them.

Millard has a blog, based for some reason on what I presume is British software, with the usual problems with blog format websites: old entries are filed away tidily, but they are very difficult to research, and it's difficult to check through their comments. Millard writes about Costa Mesa, part of the coastal sprawl of Los Angeles, a territorial chunk in Orange County by Newport Beach, near the southernmost end of LA, and about a hundred miles from the border with Mexico. The USA is inundated with illegal immigrants, encouraged by Jews running the USA. The Costa Mesa 'homeless task force', and feedback into ever more immigration, and politicians and the money made by 'charities' and suppliers of 'free goods' to the immigrants, is a large part of this blog. Millard opposes this. The USA has more experience with blacks than any other white country, I think: the views and attitudes deserve examination. For that matter, Europe has longer experience with Jews than any other group of countries; maybe reciprocal learning is possible?

Millard has only a few topics. Maybe; I haven't read his books, only articles; but it's easy to guess the subject-matter of 'Roaming the Wastelands' and 'Alone and Homeless'. There's an evolutionary/ genes thread, based on a 'philosophy of Arman' about whom I could find nothing; my guess it's Millard himself. Whites should not be forced to mix races. Millard recognises that the Second World War was a disaster for whites, fought by 'the stupid generation'. (So was the 'Great War': Bertrand Russell wrote he was 'proud to belong' to the stupid generation responsible). This shades into something like G B Shaw's evolutionary 'supermen', who were able to change biologically by willpower. In my view Millard doesn't understand DNA: he hasn't realised DNA must itself have evolved from something simpler.

Many people don't really understand evolution: they insist on introducing teleology. Millard thinks there is always struggle, and always should be; it's what Life decrees. But better-adapted creatures struggle less—they don't need to make extra effort. Millard thinks the object is numbers, not seeming to understand that in the web of life, numbers now don't guarantee numbers in future. He emphasises individuals (this may well be as a result of Jewish propagandist efforts to discourage co-operation). For example, he says 'we are born alone and die alone', although in fact of course most births are accompanied by a mother. And he doesn't face the counter-argument that, if life is set on increasing numbers, why don't whites have vast numbers of kids? But Millard's are common enough misconceptions.

More important than the theory is the present-day ideas. Millard likes white genes, and thinks whites should not be forced to live alongside blacks. The USA has experience of this. Does it apply in an ideal world of some sort? H G Wells thought all persons are interrelated, admittedly some of them very remotely. The present day is (I'd say) unique in human history; the combination of technology, some of it life-preserving, with fast population transport, from anywhere in the world, has never existed before. The most honest answer seems to be that it's uncertain; but why take the risk? Races may well be incompatible, and the constructional achievements of whites are so much greater than other races that the dangerous experiment should certainly be stopped now.

There's another argument which flickers through Millard: the gullibility of whites. Anyone who tries e.g. chatrooms, forums, or other online sites, or just conversations with strangers, knows that discussions of race and Jews are still taboo. Much of Millard is (and ought to be) a sign of frustration, trying to get people to make some effort. In that sense his work is helpful.

Millard is impatient of people who criticise Jews. It's worth pointing out something entirely missing from Millard: he doesn't understand Jews as evolutionary parasites, with camouflage, lies, and mental control much as in animal parasitism in the biological world. The control of money and media by Jews is not yet in his worldview. He thinks whites should compete, struggle, act, not understanding the hefty bias to 'Jews'. Their control of the 'Fed' and Bank of England means they can simply print, or electronically invent, money. He even recommends get rich schemes, and 'self improvement' think-yourself-to-riches books. The fact his hero seems to be homeless suggests he doesn't even believe it himself. So far from multiplying as much as possible, the purpose of Jewish life seems to be to exterminate whites. (See all over Internet for this).

In Costa Mesa, as he correctly points out, immigration must be a net loss to Americans, since all the housing, health, education, crime and other costs fall on Americans. Millard doesn't seem to understand that subgroups of Americans can profit, and offload the costs onto others by inflicting debt on them. This is a Jewish role, certainly in part. It's possible the WesternSpring site is Jewish-run (judging by names) and therefore trying to preserve white countries, whilst also preserving Jewish privileges and corruption. They would in my view do better to face the facts.