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![]() Germans are still subjected to this trash; will it ever change? Released in October 2015; obviously a 70-year anniversary film of Hitler's official death. I watched this partly to see if there is any acknowledgement of the idea that Hitler was one of a group of Jew-promoted post-Great War rich men, drawing the teeth of the Versailles Treaty. I could see no sign of that; Hitler was presented as acting entirely alone, and using potential cruelty for 'world domination'. The one-man world conqueror and military aggression aficionado distracts from the obvious idea that domination needs many people, something Jews prefer to leave undiscussed. The other reason was to muse over the chance that the image of Germany is being changed or at least modified. I could see no sign of that, either. I missed the point that Jews are still pretending Hitler was found dead in his bunker, rather than being spirited away by his Jew comrades. Silly me.
For my taste the two best actors were Oliver Masucci, playing Hitler; and Franzeska Wulf, the satanist office receptionist—though Masucci is facially prosthetically changed—see the 'Extras'—and it occurs to me that 'Goth' might be a reference to the now-lost Gothic language. (The extras include a 'double' sequence ' The whole script was cliché-filled—they seem to have worked through a Jewish rule-book for German TV. Here are a few:-
Anyway, Er ist wieder da is 100% Jew-censored. Not of course surprising. Much of course is interwoven in the plot. Skin colouring is applied to a junk TV host, I think probably a reference to the Jewish idea that there is no race, just 'skin colour'. (Incidentally, I tried to Google the name of that famous US Jew TV host, who presents white trash types, but I couldn't find his name! Internet seems to be making inroads into junk, at last). Thus the Hitler actor, awakening in an anachronistic way in modern Germany, is shown checking the year, and stumbling into a newspaper outlet with a storeroom. In which Hitler is later shown reading, because of course you can find out what's happening by reading the press. That must have amused the scriptwriters. There's a bit on industrial pollution after 1945 vs so-called 'greens', an east Europe thing, where the Jew 'Chosen' ruined many areas with their Talmudic love of defacement and filth. The filmmakers didn't find a way to work the 'Cold War' in; probably they've decided the best way to deal with Jewish nuclear fraud is to ignore it, though there were two fake nuke clips—colour film, newish at the time, giving a bit of visual impact to the fakery. The storyline has the usual format of a smallish group of people, who largely coincidentally get to know each other. The technical quality seems high, to me at least, and indeed the 'extras' show how some of it is done, and there's a green screen scene reinforcing the message. The extras allow English 'Untertiteln', and show some of the techniques. The studio stuff includes a team of joke-writing poker-faced word niggers: "What did the Jew paedophile say?"—"Come and buy a sweetie from me." "Jewish tourists went on holiday to Auschwitz. They all gave it one star." There's a scene where an aged mother screams at Hitler with surprising force. Perhaps she'd been raped by Jew forces? Perhaps her family had been wiped out? Maybe she was a Ukrainian driven mad by Jew-enforced starvation? Perhaps she was a Slav burnt alive inside a church?—Ha, just joking. Of course not. Probably she worried that fraudulent money from the Holohoax might be turned off at last. Or, even worse, that reparations would be due. Hitler's script's potential retorts proved non-existent. The scenes of Hitler learning about computers and Internet are well-done, at least technically. Youtube (slight suggestion of Pewdiepie, I thought) and Wikipedia and Facebook are worked in. The bunker resurrection scenes are well done, though of course incredible. The outdoor scenes aren't completely successful, no doubt because the conditions aren't very well controlled. Hitler is shown as artistically incompetent; I'm not sure why.
The parts which (I expect) are most famous don't get started until midway—after Hitler is met and driven around and visits German towns—the scenes of studio audiences being sucked in, while the support cast are shown smiling—a tedious US device to signal that, look, it's funny. They did their best to make it credible, even mentioning a Jewish pressure group at one point. I thought of some insects, where huge numbers of alien males are bred and released to damage the gene pool.
'Democracy' doesn't come out of this film very well—"if you think I'm a monster—blame the voters!" says Masucci—and of course democracy is a problem for Jews, since of course if you're chosen by 'G-d', and believe you're a race, and the master race, your undemocratic bias is likely to show. Anyway, Jews declared war in (say) 1923; before that it seems to the west it was more concealed; and they are still at it. Four issues are mentioned: child poverty, old age poverty, unemployment, and low birthrates. Birthrates amongst whites, that is: there's no indication that German children are being flooded by aliens and burdened with long-term debt which is impossible to meet, and no indication that invaders get more money than Germans, and for nothing. Jew control of money, and worldwide US bases, and other aspects post-1945 of course are unmentioned; presumably the revived Hitler's new manuscript was to be one a small scale. Incidentally I was surprised that the TV company boardroom was shown as all-more-or-less white or Jew, without a token Somali, say; perhaps it was a touch of Jew realism. Part of the end padding is a song about Hitler by Lead Belly (Huddie Ledbetter) remixed. It reminded me of Woodie Guthrie; and of the American inability to throw off Jewish memic saturation. Just more disgusting trash. But gives hints as to Jewish purposes now. Though information on collaborators is nil. |