![]() ![]() (However, it is only a half-way stage to fully intensive revisionism). This review first uploaded July 8, 2014. Last addition 22 June 2021.
Update: 13 April 2023 I watched much of Dennis Wise's long video on Freemasonry, The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 (5½ hours.) The entire text is taken from the speakers who appear in the film sequences, plus titles on the screen. I think Wise's voice never appears. There's a soundtrack of what is really immense irrelevance. Wise seems to have no mental model of Jewish hierarchies. I don't think he says anything about B'nai B'rith, which I think is the first somewhat public more-or-less secret Jewish secret society, most well-known for inventing the ADL, of course in a sinister way. Wise said in an interview that he is the only person who could have made this video, with editing skills and selection of material. It is a lot better than nothing, but of course has the problem that all Jew-related things do, which is that Jews will say absolutely nothing if challenged. This means all evidence looks fragmented and uncertain. I forget to mention my inclusion of work by hexzane527, a many-page look, in single pages, at puzzles in the wars. He raises many issues—including Freemasonry—but I've seen no discussion of them anywhere.
big-lies.org/media/2020-mar-08-hitler-christopher-bjerknes-dennis-wise-adam-green-mono.mp3 is my copy of a 2½-hour 'debate' between Bjerknes and Wise on 8 March 2020, hosted by Adam Green. It's in mono which doesn't assist the clarity of the shouting match.
Update: 21 Feb 2019: My ironically-titled, long webpage big-lies.org/how-master-race-won-ww2/ has been online for months. It gives some idea how Jews in unison promoted wars, to carry out their Talmudic, or perhaps just Old Testament, idea of killing the best 'goyim'. I've included more material new to me, such as the idea that 'concentration camps' were for preserving Jews in safe spaces; when the time came to let them out, there was a preliminary bombing campaign, after which non-Jews would be starved and killed to display to the world's Jewish media.
Dennis Wise discussed online the claims of Hitler being controlled opposition, on 28 May 2017, with Kyle Hunt. (107 mins). Here are some notes. But: Important: the claim that the entire leadership of the NSDAP was Jewish was not discussed.
• Wise's case: Hitler was the heroic leader v the Jew World Order CALLERS: • Stalin sent people who'd seen the west to Gulags. Stalin became anti-Semitic: "two sets of jews - American capitalist; soviet jews" • Serious mind control: holohoax indoctrination 'so it doesn't happen again' • Night of the long knives "always amuses me ... how people who hate Hitler worry about infighting in the Nazi party ... Treaty of Versailles - SA was far larger than the army... has to be a ruthless streak" [NB evades the point about why SA leader were killed, perhaps because they were Jew-aware -RW] • Leadership - don't see Aryan ideal, blond, big strapping men... "Jews were the ones committing the holocaust.. everything racial.. all eastern Europe.. Hungary and Romania got the full force.." ...how communism succeeded. Vast section of land. Cultural Marxism in the west... • Fighting against anti-white propaganda. ...last half hour. dominance. Banks, media. unopposed; they make up their own aims. Big question: how do we do it? • "we lost ww2.. fruits of communism.. faint hope ... Putin.. forget holohoax laws .. increased birthrate.. It could be set up. If so... hoping people rise up - sickening anti-white garbage ... replacement... media inciting... faked escape ... ... ... ... " nucular subs to israel... how do we spread the word effectively? • WW3. Coup would be beautiful. It's got to come from the people. How could there not be opposition? Jews openly bragging about white genocide ... they're trying to intimidate. All encompassing... obvious ... other races come to agree and identify white - "carte blanche since ww2. either die lying down or standing up. it's going to come" • kill .. gun control... large numbers in USA.. people unaware.. we need to point out.. it all starts to make sense... • communism by the backdoor ... Jewish revolutions to white extinction... definitely goes back to US Civil War • Wagner said the worst Jew is the pretender to Christianity - get to the point where with 50 people in a room, nobody sees a Jew • Clintons etc, Marine le Pen's father a Mossad agent, antiChrist.... Notes to show the incredible chaotic jumble of half-truths resulting from jewish media control. Rae West 16 Sept 2017 A new video series, in (I think) ten parts, typically averaging more than an hour, EUROPA - The Last Battle, has been uploaded on Youtube by EUROPA Tv (that link may cease to work, of course). It is in a similar style to Dennis Wise's video series. The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans. .... Important note on Revisionism Miles W Mathis (as far as I know) pioneered the work in a new school of thought, according to which the whole Second World War was orchestrated behind the scenes by Jews, with Hitler and Mussolini and other 'public' figures acting their parts. By Mathis' standard, both Wise's work and Europa Tv fall short of the truth, though no doubt they were and are a necessary stage in revisionist progress. Dennis Wise—a pseudonym, I think—started his work on Adolf Hitler (I'm pretty sure; some of these statements may not be precisely correct) in 2012. At that time, Youtube had a 15-minute limit on videos, at least for most uploaders. Wise's videos, issued under the nickname TruthWillOut, seem not to have been numbered at the start. Wise added to them, completing his series in 2013. At least, that seems to have been his plan: since then further segments or episodes have been added: Part 25 is post-German defeat reminiscences (Patton, several Germans) plus a survey contrasting war (and peacetime) criminals Stalin, FDR, Churchill and Truman with Hitler. Part 26 is 'Sources', or 'Credits and Thanks': these are in three parts: books, youtubes, and websites. These are not very professionally identified: books are listed alphabetically, by title, without publication dates, and not in the usual author name sequence. Youtubes (in any case difficult to identify, as the titles can easily be changed or imitated, and the accounts can change or vanish) are listed alphabetically by first names; and websites are in alphabetical order, some recommended rather than relevant to the videos. There is no list of influential suppressed authors (Henry Beamish, Ezra Pound, Archibald Ramsey, Paul Hogan, F T P Veale...). When I watched a download (online viewing isn't recommended by me, unless your broadband is very reliable—the full Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told is nearly six hours) I was amazed to find that none of the material was independently filmed by Wise; it seems to have all been taken from downloads. The version I watched is 640 by 360 pixels, not high resolution and in fact not good enough to make easy reading of the scrolling text (white serif text on black; some titles in red) which presumably was written by Wise, who avoided voiceovers. The result is a mixture of old black and white film, with some colour film from the time, and 'faction' style filmed reconstructions, so that occasionally well-known actors appear playing Hitler. I think I recognised Jeremy Irons' voiceover in several places. There are cinema newsreel sequences. And extracts from much later TV documentaries, in colour. All the subtitles are in English; if there are subtleties in translating from German, they are lost. I'm told for example that Blitzkrieg was not a German word, but was invented by British propagandists, embarrassed at German success. The soundtrack is for my taste obtrusive: Wise has modelled his video on traditional documentaries, which of course have unsourced film, commentaries intended to be authoritative despite being read by actors, music tracks, and almost no signposting apart from occasional names in subtitles. But traditional documentaries are generally part of the Jewish lie factory, and unconcerned with truth. Maybe Wise made a mistake in not rethinking. His soundtrack has a 'Lord of the Rings' feel; there are some repetitions, Saga's Slaget ved Stalingrad, some tracks from Globus's Epicon. I don't remember any Wagner or songs by Sleipnir. It has to be said the spelling and style of the on-screen titles and scrolling text is a bit erratic. 'The greatest story Never told', 'upmost' for utmost, civillian, decisions, both Pearl Harbour and Pearl Harbor, illustrate the sort of thing. Wise talks about 'Earnst Zundell' on his Youtube site; spelling is obviously not his strong suit. His sentences sometimes get a bit lost: 'Under National Socialism, Germany in only a few short years had dragged themselves from financial ruin and social degradation, to lead Europe in science, technology, art and literature will now be surrounded.' However, the most recent 'remastered' version may have cured all this. I was fascinated by the copyright infringement possibilities, and not surprised to find his videos had been taken down by Youtube, though Wise doesn't seem to state anywhere what his attitude is to infringement. Many of the clips are old; there are issues with 'fair dealing'; the proportion of six hours taken up by any one clip isn't very high. My impression is that his website http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv (also www.tgsnt.tv) has a pay area for club members; from there, people pay to download, on condition they do not resell or otherwise use the material for profit. This seems to be to get round copyright issues—he's not legally allowed to charge for copyright segments, but joining a paid club allows for income. Cash flow is difficult for any revisionists, and I'd love to know if his business model works. But I don't. The DVDs on sale are mp4 format, zipped, and therefore don't play like normal DVDs. Copyright is claimed by Dennis Wise. NB Amazon hosts large numbers of media things entitled The Greatest Story Never Told, but Dennis Wise's videos aren't included in them, and aren't on Amazon anywhere that I could find, perhaps because they can't be sold without copyright complications. Here's a sample (in no particular order) of topics, each usually in one episode:- • Mussolini's rescue by Otto Skorzeny • Eisenhower: death camps for Germans after WW2, only recently publicised • Battle of the Bulge • Katyn massacre of Polish officers, and the slow process of revealing truth • Ukraine and the 'Holodomor' • Stalin's extermination of Uighurs etc; the vast area of the steppes, Siberia, and Muslim territories included large numbers of tribes dating back to prehistoric times. Dennis Wise hints at the death rates. • Stalingrad. I don't think the earlier name of this city is mentioned. Stalin's orders to keep all civilians in Stalingrad, and send troops to machine-gun any deserters or retreaters (or returned prisoners), are outlined • Porn in Berlin • Cossacks and their treatment by the British Army • Japan and Singapore and the Japanese empire, and Pearl Harbor, are of course mentioned • Danzig, cut off from Germany by the Versailles Treaty. And Jews in Poland committing atrocities against ethnic Germans given as the cause of Britain and France being 'at war with Germany'. • Dunkirk • Dresden bombing • 'The British received over two dozen peace offers [from Hitler] between 1939 and 1941' • US policy of Mexican repatriation in the 1930s • Germany-USSR PACT ('Nazi-Soviet Pact') • Rommel, the 'Desert Fox' and his career • Indianapolis, torpedoed by Japan, returning across the Pacific from the supposed Hiroshima atom bombing. I think most people would pick up some new detail or other, even if they think they know a great deal about Hitler and the war. By the standards of full-on revisionism, I'd say this package is about 2 out of 5, where 5 is some limiting state not yet achieved. If revisionism were graded like fuel, in octane levels, in my view it's true Wise is not at the highest level. On the other hand, most people don't have Formula 1 brains, so it makes sense to pitch things at a lower comfortable level. Many people simply have no idea of the weakness of the traditional case built up in the 'west'. See my short youtube of 15 or so Britons dated mid-2014 "Have you heard the idea that the 'Holocaust' was a fraud?" for examples of unawareness. For people like this, Dennis Wise's compilation seems to be exactly right and ought to work well. The division into bite-size chunks makes sense; and the viewers will, literally, have seen a lot of it before, so it won't seem weird or fantastic. The scrolling commentary will be new and surprising to them: just one example is Hitler praised as the most popular leader ever. There are of course missing items: the start of the 'Great War'/ 'First World War' (as opposed to the Treaty of Versailles) is missing. The Bengal Famine I think isn't there. Faurisson's four giants and three dwarfs could have been mapped more clearly: the USA and the western hemisphere, plus the British Empire, plus the interlocking French Empire, and the vast area of the USSR, against the peanut-sized Germany, and Italy, and Japan. Probable murders by Jews (Patton, Forrestal, Roosevelt, Keynes? ...) and vast population movements forced by Jews might have been mentioned more. There isn't much on Jews funding both sides of wars, loving divide-and-rule, making money and laughing at patriots who do it for nothing. The criminal inaction of churches, refusing to expose the Talmud; detail on the BBC lie factory; the simple soldiery doing whatever they're told are understated, as of course is traditional. A few myths have got through, for example Hiroshima as 'atom bombed', now known to have been a fraud: Wise's video uses BBC computer-generated imagery as 'evidence'. I'm suspicious of the widely-promoted idea of joy at the announcement of war, notably the 'Great War'. There were many newspaper accounts of cheering crowds and so on. But newspapers were mostly Jewish-owned. How enthusiastic were ordinary people, in fact? The apparent normality of such people as Churchill survives because of the intense censorship. One gathers his whole mentality was destructive—he delighted in planning explosions, death and destruction. It seems he often stank of his own excreta, rolled around drunk, buggered little boys when young and maybe older, planned murders where Jews supposedly benefitted; in view of his talentless schooling, one has to wonder whether his writings and speeches were in any way written by him. More generally, there's a tendency, derived from the source material, to show things which are immediate and obvious: tanks moving, artillery shooting shells, marching men, bombed buildings, firestorms, impassible snowdrifts, and Hitler and others bellowing out oratory. But planes and bombs and tanks and weapons have to be designed and made; ships have to secretly unload huge numbers of tanks for Stalin; factories must make munitions; Jews in the USA and Europe and USSR co-operated to make war by secretly transferring money for Europeans and Americans to build factories in Russia; intelligence secrets (and decodes) went on, accompanied by lies and deception... these things are just as important, in fact much more so, but more difficult to get onto film. Questions about what might have been are difficult to show, too. Was Normandy invaded because it was clearly going to be a slow process, to allow the 'Red' Army to get to Berlin? And the fragmented approach makes it difficult to appreciate the apparently inexorable flow of lies: as all this was happening, Harold Wilson in Oxford University in wartime Britain was already planning vast coloured immigration, Jewish control of unions, expanded low-criticism education after the war; Monnet and others were working on a Soviet-style European régime; Jews were planning ways to keep the USSR from any investigation, the fraud of the 'Holocaust' was being shaped, and the paper dollar was starting its long decline as Jews dipped into it to fund their huge range of projects: hiring collaborators and dupes, paying for Israel and destroying Palestine, publicising lies about race and slavery, using the promising new one-way medium of television, promoting legal corruption, political corruption, anti-white propaganda, anti-Christianity, NASA and many other fraudulent sciences, lucrative wars against almost defenceless people in Korea, Vietnam .... This linked standalone review 30 Nov 2018 - RW |