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It's possible that the elite will impose a return to a religious society after the third world war. There are pros and cons at this stage. Here's what we can think of as things stand.
Firstly, the elite will need a huge number of people to colonize the Middle East and Central America (indeed, on the American side, this is the next objective). What's more, with all the non-whites expelled from Europe and the USA, it will be necessary to repopulate. And for both these objectives, a high birth rate will be needed.
So, it's possible that the elite will impose a semi-Christian theocracy in the West, since the Christian religion encourages people to have children. I say semi-theocracy, because the church may not be in power. But it will have a very strong influence on political and social life.
But the return of religion is not a prerequisite for achieving this goal. In fact, a high birth rate could be achieved by nationalist governments, without the help of religion, via pro-natalist policies.
Whether the increase in the birth rate is achieved by a nationalist government or by the rise of religion, it is certain that most Western governments will abolish the right to abortion, as well as the pill. And in the case of France, enshrining this right in the constitution won't change a thing. It'll be abolished anyway.
Similarly, feminism will be totally wiped out. Women will lose most of their rights, including perhaps the right to vote (or at least the latter will be severely restricted).
The rise of masculinist movements is a sign of this. There's nothing spontaneous about them. They are clearly under the control of the elite. Otherwise, all the masculinist videos like MGTOW on Youtube would be deleted immediately. Of course, a number of such videos and channels were suppressed at first, to give the impression of a completely underground movement being hunted down by the official kommandantur. But it's over now. The fact that right from the start, the videos in question received a lot of comments, and practically all of them positive, shows that this is a movement launched by the elite. Otherwise, there would have been only a few comments, of which a third would have been negative, a third neutral/in-between and a third positive. Besides, Jordan Peterson wouldn't be on American television.
It also means that all the current ridiculous propaganda about ecology and Gaia dying because there are too many bad human beings will be swept away. Promoting a very high birth rate will run counter to current ecological Malthusianism. So, current ecology won't survive World War III. We'll be rid of this stupid propaganda (e.g. CO2 responsible for global warming). But we'll gain others, just as dumb.
Another thing in favor of a return of the Christian religion is the fact that the elite are currently actively promoting Satanism.
One reason for this is that the elite want to have two very opposed blocs in the Third World War. By setting up, on the one hand, a bloc made up of nationalists, democrats and partly Satanists (whether officially or unofficially); and on the other hand, a bloc made up of Muslims and conspirationists, the elite will get these two enemy camps. Having Satanists will be enough in itself to motivate Muslims to go to war. And their delusional social project will be enough to make the conspirationists join them.
In this context, fostering Satanism may serve a second purpose for the elite: to help impose the return of the Christian religion in the future. This is the dynamic strategy of the elite. One movement serves to create another through an action-reaction mechanism. By imposing a completely crazy movement like Satanism, it will be easier to impose the return of Christianity.
You could say it's the thesis-antithesis-synthesis of the Freemasons. But it's not. Because synthesis implies a state that lasts a long time and doesn't lead to a new state (or at least not before a long time). Here, it's just a succession of different thesis-antitheses, with the antithesis of the previous phase becoming the thesis of the next. It's permanent action-reaction. A constantly evolving series of scams, each building on the previous one(s).
That said, the elite didn't really need to introduce this element into their plan in the first place. Having fanatical Arab and black Muslims on one side, and white democrats or nationalists on the other, was enough to bring about a third world war. Of course, it's better with Satanists. But it wasn't essential.
So there may be another reason, which is to federate conspirationists with Muslims. And this could be an interesting alliance for the post-World War 3 era. Indeed, the conspirationists, most of whom will be white, could serve as settlers for the Middle East, as we'll see a little later. But the elite are already obtaining this alliance via the Jews. They're pushing anti-Semitism among Muslims and conspirationists. So they don't really need Satanism to unite them. That's better too, but it's not essential. Anti-Semitism is enough.
So, if the elite have introduced this quirk into their plan, it's a priori that there's a purpose after the Third World War. And if there is, it's most likely to revive the Christian religion. The elite are setting up Satanism now, to better restore Christianity later, as a reaction. It's hard to see what other purpose it might serve. So, the current promotion of Satanism is strongly in line with the idea that there's going to be a comeback of the Christian religion.
That said, there is a problem. In the elite plan, the Muslims will be defeated. Normally, this would mean that Satanists would be on the winning side. But Russia is one of the nations with the highest probability of becoming religious. If that's the case, it's hard to see why the Russians would ally themselves with Satanist European countries.
As the elite have several irons in the fire, it's becoming a real mess. That said, if this complexity is mastered, it's good for them. The less people understand what's going on, the better it is for the elite.
What's relatively certain is that Satanism will be of no use to the elite after World War 3. Once the Muslim and conspirationist camp is defeated, this movement will be useless. So that's enough in itself for the elite to get rid of it after the war.
But in addition to being useless, it will be undesirable, since it will run counter to the pro-natalist policy that the elite will put in place. Indeed, pro-natalism and Satanism don't go well together. So it seems clear that Satanism will be defeated in WW3.
Which means that possible alliances between very Christian countries and more or less Satanist countries won't last beyond World War 3. The oddity will be short-lived.
What is certain is that all Satanists, whether democrats or nationalists, will be wiped out in countries where Islamists and conspirationists come to power. So they'll be out of the picture by the start of World War 3.
But in those European countries that have not become Muslim, they will still be there at the start of WW3. As we've seen, this will be the case in Spain, Portugal, England, Norway and several Central and Eastern European countries. So, yes, there will be a war between Muslim/conspirationist countries against the Satanists.
But there will also be a war between Muslim countries and nationalist, religious Russia. So it's likely that the Christian Russians will ally themselves with the Satanist countries against the Muslim ones. It'll be crazy. But then, many things will be.
The first thing that could make this strange alliance seem plausible is that many of the countries considered Satanist by Muslims and conspirationists don't exactly advertise themselves as such, but rather as progressive.
A second thing is that the Islamist and non-white threat will be seen by nationalists as the main threat. Societal and religious differences will take a back seat. This may justify an alliance between Russia and Satanist countries.
Or perhaps the European countries in question will not be allied with Russia at the start of the war. Their previous hostility to Russia may justify this. As a result, they'll be crushed by the Muslim countries. Then, faced with the threat, or because the Muslim bloc declares war on it, Russia will enter the war and crush the Muslim forces. In this case, there will be no alliance between Christian Russians and Satanist countries.
That said, even if they are allied with Russia, non-Muslim European countries will be crushed. So, whether there's an alliance or not, in the second part of the war, it'll be just the Islamists against Christian Russia (and England and maybe one or two weaker countries). As a result, when Russia wins, if it liberates all of Western Europe, there will be no return of Satanism, since it will impose the Christian religion in the liberated countries, or at any rate, a traditionalist nationalism opposed to progressive mores.
It's also possible that Russia will switch to the "Satanist" camp before WW3, which would make the alliance with Satanist countries more normal. But, since the Satanist movement is due to disappear after the war, Russia will switch to Christianity along the way. There may well be internal dissension, leading to the overthrow of the current government, which will be replaced by a much more religious (Christian) state.
From here, there are two possibilities.
In the first, Russia will crush the Muslim forces as far as Germany or France (it will depend on whether England and the USA land on the continent and take over parts of Western Europe). And since Russia will be very religious, it will take the form of a holy war against the Muslims. It will then impose its brand of nationalism on all the defeated countries, i.e. Central and Western Europe, or just part of it. And as it will be religious, so will European nationalist movements. Now, it may be to varying degrees, but the trend will be there.
If Russia doesn't push through to France, it's possible that religion will be imposed on France, Spain and Portugal by the USA and England. What could happen is that there could be a civil war in England, and the USA, now nationalistic and religious, could tip the balance to the white side. But they would then impose the return of religion to England. And then, the USA-England alliance would liberate France, Spain and Portugal, taking advantage of the situation to impose a return to religion.
In the second, Russia will also crush Muslim forces as far afield as Germany and France. But it won't impose its type of nationalism, or won't succeed in doing so. As a result, we'll have a racist nationalism, but not a particularly religious one (but not a Satanist one at all).
And here too, if Russia doesn't get as far as France, it will probably be the USA-England pairing that will take care of its liberation. And they won't be imposing their brand of nationalism.
Another element that makes the return of religion likely is the fact that the elite use fanatical dissident religious movements to assume the role of settlers in the territories they want to colonize.
The advantage for the elite is that fanatics don't hesitate to take part in the expulsion of natives, who are seen as heretics. And being very religious, they have a lot of children, which helps populate the country quickly. So, using this kind of group to carry out the work of colonization at the very beginning is very interesting for the elite.
This is what the elite did in the USA with the Puritans, and is currently doing in Israel with the Jews.
And after WW3, the elite will have non-Jewish Europeans colonize the Middle East too. So using religious sects to force part of the population to emigrate to the Middle East will provide the necessary quantity of settlers. On the American side, it will invade Central America. And in Russia, it will continue to populate Siberia.
If the elite are to use this tactic, they'll need a dominant religion. Once that's done, fanatical dissident movements will quickly emerge. And these will be expelled to the areas to be colonized.
It could do the same trick as with the Jews, which works just as well with secular states as it does with religious ones. In other words, a sect considered an enemy of society, whether or not the latter is religious. But, as it's already used this trick recently (with the Jews), it would be very surprising if it did it again.
That said, the elite could use other tactics that don't require a revival of the Christian religion. In Australia, they used common law prisoners to ensure colonization, not dissident religious movements. In Russia, all types of Russian prisoners (common law, political) and foreign prisoners from various wars were used to colonize the eastern part of the country.
The elite also use economic incentives. This was the case for the USA, which was presented in the 19th and 20th centuries as an El Dorado. Tens of millions of people emigrated to the USA in the hope of a better life. So, the elite might resort to it again. But this usually happens after the era of the pioneers, who are religious dissidents or prisoners. So, at first, the elite probably won't use this strategy to get settlers.
The question is, where might the elite need religious fanatics to take on the role of settlers?
In the Middle East, the Jews are already doing the pioneering work. So, perhaps the elite will only use the economic weapon to entice white goys to come to the Middle East once the first stages of colonization have been completed by the Jews. For a time, Israel will become the economic lighthouse of the world, as the USA was (and according to some recentists, so was Russia in the 17th or 18th century). And as a result, it will attract many goys.
That said, Jews are not very numerous in comparison to the area to be colonized, even with the contribution of American, French and other Jews. And a priori, even if the definition of Greater Israel may evolve to include new areas, it's likely that it won't include the whole Middle East. We can therefore assume that a certain number of areas will be colonized by Christian Europeans. If this is the case, it will probably concern the north (Turkey, the former communist countries of the Caucasus, part of Iraq, Iran, etc.).
This could pose a problem with Israel. But we can see that there is already a movement to bring Christians closer to Jews. The Jewish media, which used to vilify the Christian religion until the early 2000s, have suddenly become much more supportive. Well, at least the right-wing Jewish media. So it's likely that the two religions will become friends, and that the invasion of the northern Middle East by Christian Europeans will be viewed very favorably by Israel and Jews in general.
The elite will also use the deportation of Arab/white half-breeds as an initial whitewash. And it will probably also deport whites allied with Muslims during WW3. But this can be seen as a preliminary action. The actual work is purely white colonization. And it's a tool that can be used only once.
That said, maybe not. Maybe the elite will use this process several times after the first big expulsion. Maybe they'll nurture conspirationist movements in Europe after World War 3, the better to expel them to the Middle East from time to time. So, at least initially, conspirationist would serve as white settlers. They would be the expelled dissidents, except they wouldn't be religious. And that would be a very good way for the elite to get rid of their most serious opponents on a regular basis.
The problem is that, basically, they won't be religious. So, no intolerance and no high birth rate. But, the elite will probably be able to turn them into religious people quite easily once they're in the Middle East. These people will be just as easily manipulated as the others. And even if they're not religious, they'll still be white settlers. That's a start.
In Central America, it seems quite likely that the elite will use religious dissidents. This is because there will be a much clearer "good versus evil" opposition than in Europe. And there will be no alliance between Satanist democrats and nationalists. On the contrary, these two camps will be opposed to each other. We can therefore assume that the winners of the civil war, the nationalists, will be fairly religious. And in that case, the probability that the elite will use dissident religious fanatics to colonize Central America will be quite high.
Perhaps the elite will use already established groups, such as the Mormons and Amish, who will be expelled to Central America. But then, the principle would be the same. A religious state would be needed to justify the expulsion of minority sects.
That said, the elite may not even use fanatical dissidents. Maybe they'll simply use the official religion, in combination with nationalism. In that case, after World War 3, Mexico will wage war on the USA. And as a result, the nationalists will invade Mexico, expel the Mexicans and establish settlers who believe in the official religion.
Perhaps the elite will simply use nationalism. But if they have dissident or mainstream religious fanatics at their disposal, it would be surprising if they didn't use them.
For Russia, it depends which zone you're talking about. If it's Siberia, it's pretty vague. The elite may proceed as usual, i.e. by sending political or common-law prisoners, or prisoners of war. But the elite may also use religion. I'm thinking more along the lines of the first option, but it's still wide open. On the other hand, Siberia is already becoming a little populated. This means that there are areas where the infrastructure is already built and there's no need for pioneers. So the elite will probably also use economic development to attract settlers.
But, as we've seen, the elite will probably have Christians invading the northern Middle East. And it's safe to assume that Russia will be well placed. So, in this area, Russia will probably use the tool of Christianity to have settlers treat the native populations harshly and have lots of children. Russia will also be quite religious, as we've seen. So it would be surprising if the elite didn't use religion as a tool for colonization, via dissidents. As with the USA, Russia will eventually be able to use mainstream religious figures. But it would be astonishing if the same process were used in the USA as in Russia. You'd think they'd want to vary, to muddy the waters.
So, the elite have several techniques at their disposal for colonizing target countries, which makes for a rather open-ended situation and makes it difficult to predict with any certainty which one will be used. But it's safe to assume that, if the elite do resort to dissident sects, it will be with the USA or Russia, at least initially.
The problem with religious sects being banned from one country or another is that they need to have little choice of destination other than that desired by the elite.
This requires all other countries to be considered hostile or undesirable by the banished (too poor, too different a culture, etc.), or to refuse to welcome them. It worked for American colonization with the Puritans and other Christian sects. It worked for Israel with the Jews. But it requires very specific conditions, which are difficult to meet.
That said, triumphant nationalism will explain why Western countries refuse to accept these immigrants (zero immigration policy). And if several Western countries share the same religion, this will explain why they don't want these dissidents. So, eventually, it's possible. But here again, nothing is certain.
One thing that would militate against the return of the Christian religion to Western Europe is the fact that it will have been under Muslim domination for 10 or 15 years. This poses a problem for re-imposing a religious movement. It's hard to see people being subjected again to an invasive and rigorous religion just after being under Muslim domination.
Of course, the elite do a bit of what they want. So, it's possible. But, it might seem odd. And the elite generally avoid introducing weirdness into the narrative.
But, as we've seen, if Russia invades Western Europe, maybe they'll impose a return to the Christian religion.
What's possible is that the return of religion will be introduced a few decades after the end of World War 3; say 50 or 70 years after. That way, it's far enough away from World War 3 that it doesn't seem incongruous.
If that's the case, in the end, Europeans will have driven out the Muslims, only to find themselves with an equally rigorous religious movement. A quirk of fate.
So, regarding the return of religion in the Western world, things are rather uncertain because the elite have several levers at their disposal to achieve their goals of increasing the birth rate and colonization.
They can revive the Christian religion to sharply increase the birth rate after World War 3. But, on the other hand, they can use nationalism to do just that.
They can use religion to ensure that the colonists who invade the Middle East, Eastern Russia and Central America have lots of children and are ruthless towards the natives. But then again, they have other options, like using prisoners or non-religious dissidents.
The rise of Satanism, and the fact that it's not indispensable to the elite for World War 3, still suggests that they'll use this means. If they've introduced this, it's probably to justify a reaction that will lead to a return to religion.
Let's say that there are several clues pointing to a return of religion. But there's nothing to say for sure that it's going to happen.
But, if it does, I don't think the elite will use it everywhere. They'll probably use it in Russia, some Eastern European countries and the USA, but maybe not in Western Europe. And if they do use it, they'll probably also use the asset of fanatical dissidents to colonize various countries.
So the situation is uncertain. But as time goes by, things will become clearer and clearer. Already before World War 3, certain trends should become obvious. And shortly afterwards, most of the issue should become predictable.