28 MARCH 2005

Letter From Japan  -  A Japanese Reader Responds to O’Farrell’s Comments about Japan


Your column of 14 March ’05, “Tortured, Beaten, Burnt Alive“, opened with an oft-used device of White Nationalists contrasting the unmolested, racially healthy state of Japan with the unique hardships suffered by the White Western nations.  While the situation isn’t as bleak, the grass isn’t completely green on the other side; and Japan, like every other nation, will have to fight for survival.

Jewish influence isn’t negligible.  While Jews could not, as yet, subvert the nation from within, the pressure was always, and still is, being applied from outside mainly through international institutions and the United States; the seeds of destruction were sewn during the occupation after defeat in the War (a summary can be found here).  Yes, the Holocaust hypnotism isn’t as intense because it is a European issue (though I hear the Anne Frank fraud is all the rage) but Japan has its own alleged atrocities that are wielded in much the same manner by Marxist intellectuals who yearn for the destruction of “reactionary” Japan.  If you frequent IHR [the Institute of Historical Review], you may also know about the “Marco Polo” affair when a magazine was closed down under pressure from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre after publishing an article skeptical of the Holocaust.

For much of Japan’s history it could be held up as a model ethnic nation-state; I don’t think that is true any longer and the same rot afflicting the Western nations is surely spreading.  Liberal one-hominid-one-vote democracies can’t be racially healthy.  The country hosts a hostile Korean population loyal to Pyongyang, a steady stream of criminal Chinese illegals who, contrary to Western prejudices, are quite distinct from Japanese – having been subject to less mutual interbreeding than the European peoples – and, under the “labour shortages” scam, hundreds of thousands of “Japanese-Brazilians” – mostly incompatible mongrels – were imported en masse.  Negroes have a foothold in many city centres where they peddle their popular culture to gullible, degenerate youths.  Restrictions on foreigners are always being loosened, under pressure from activists (many being excitable Americans, including a sizable faction of Jews I’m sure, who can’t stand to think there might be a patch of God’s Earth that escapes the iron grip of “Freedom”) in typical ratchet-effect fashion.  We may move slowly but we don’t have a reverse gear.

However small the problem now, it is bound to metastasize in a country afflicted with liberalism.  Only international pariahs or countries too poor to be held to liberal “moral” standards could get away with repatriation; and without this immune system response, any positive rate of immigration is fatal and is likely to be characterised by acceleration through “positive feedback” as immigrants agitate for their family and pals to be let in as well – not to mention differential breeding and miscegenation.

I acknowledge that the situation in the West is far more dire and you’re perfectly entitled to greater alarm and, accordingly, it’s your prerogative to use whatever rhetorical devices you see fit for your target audience; I just wanted to say that it’s galling when I hear from so many that everything’s rosy in Japan when I see my country dying.

Ultimately, all nationalists are in the same boat.  And we’re sinking.

Kind regards,

Japanese Patriot

Comments on Japan from www.outlawhistory.com

Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl has sold over a four million copies in Japan, more than any other country except the United States.  So beloved is Anne Frank in Japan that the first Japanese company to market sanitary napkins designed especially for Japanese women called itself Anne Co.  Ltd., and sold its product under the brand name “Anne’s Day” (Anne no hi), which quickly became a euphemism for menstruation in Japan.  (Goodman, p.  6 – from Jewish Tribal Review)

In 1995, the Japanese magazine Marco Polo (a Vanity Fair-type mixture of pop culture and politics) published an article by a Tokyo neurosurgeon detailing his trip to Auschwitz, and the questions he came away with concerning the accuracy of some of the exhibits.  Immediately, there was an international outcry, and Marco Polo’s publisher, Japan’s powerful Bungei Shunju publishing house, responded by completely dissolving the magazine and firing its entire staff, from the editors right down to the receptionists.  This sent a message that was just as powerful as any governmental law.  In the nine years since the Marco Polo incident, no other Japanese publication has dared to revisit the subject.