In other words, the world is divided into smart people and dumb people. If you've got an IQ of 80, have difficulty operating a can-opener, and recognize the Jewish problem, you're smart. If you've got an IQ of 180, have already won a couple of Nobel Prizes, and don't recognize the Jewish problem, you're dumb.
I've been dumb for most of my life: it took me a long time to recognize the Jewish problem. I didn't think for myself, I just accepted the propaganda and conformed to the consensus. Jews are good people. Only bad people criticize Jews. Jews good. Anti-Semites bad. But then, very slowly, I started to see the light.
Recognizing Jewish hypocrisy was the first big step. I was reading an article by someone called Rabbi Julia Neuberger, a prominent British liberal. I didn't like liberals then, so I didn't like her for that (and because her voice and manner had always grated on me), but her Jewishness wasn't something I particularly noticed. But as I read the article I came across something that didn't strike me as very liberal: she expressed concern about Jews marrying Gentiles, because this threatened the survival of the Jewish people.
That made me sit up and think. Hold on, I thought, I know this woman sits on all sorts of "multi-cultural" committees and is constantly being invited onto TV and radio to yap about the joys of diversity and the evils of racism. She's all in favor of mass immigration and there's no way she's worried about Whites marrying non-Whites, because "Race is Just a Social Construct" and "We're All the Same Under the Skin". She's a liberal and she thinks that race-mixing is good and healthy and Holy. Yet this same woman is worried about Jews marrying Gentiles. Small contradiction there, n'est ce-pas?
Well, no. Big contradiction. She obviously didn't apply the same rules to everyone else as she applied to her own people, the Jews. She was, in short, a hypocrite. But not just that — she was a Jewish hypocrite. And that's a big step for a brainwashed White to take: not just thinking in a negative way about a Jew, but thinking in a negative way about a Jew because of her Jewishness.
After that, I slowly started to see the world in a different way. Or to be more precise: I started to see the world. I started to see what had always been there: the massive over-representation of Jews in politics and the media. And I started to notice that a lot of those Jews — like Rabbi Julia Neuberger, in fact — gave me the creeps. There was something slimy and oily and flesh-crawling about them. And it wasn't just me, either: other Gentiles seemed to feel it too.
Politicians often attract nicknames based on some outstanding aspect of their character or behavior. Margaret Thatcher was "The Iron Lady". Ronald Reagan was "Teflon Ron". Bill Clinton was "Slick Willy". But these are Gentile politicians and their nicknames are at least half-affectionate. Jewish politicians seem to attract a different kind of nickname. In Britain, Gerald Kaufman, bald, homosexual Member of Parliament for Manchester Gorton, is nicknamed "Hannibal Lecter". Peter Mandelson, now Britain's Euro-Commissioner and Tony Blair's suspected former lover, is "The Prince of Darkness". Michael Howard (né; Hecht), the leader of the British Conservative Party, is "Dracula".
When I noticed this kind of thing, I started to ask questions. What was going on here? Why did Jews attract nicknames like that? And why had Gentiles reacted to them like that not just now, but a long way into the past? Shakespeare seems to have felt the same kind of repulsion when he created the vengeful lawyer Shylock, and Dickens when he created the parasitic master-thief Fagin. Classic "anti-Semitic" stereotypes, but I knew that stereotypes aren't always wrong. If anti-Semitic stereotypes aren't always wrong, then there's an obvious conclusion: neither is anti-Semitism. Gentiles are sometimes right to dislike and distrust Jews.
After all, at the same time I was noticing something else: the massive over-representation of Jews, not just among politicians and journalists, but among crooked businessmen too. In fact, among very, very crooked businessmen, the ones responsible for really big frauds at Gentile expense. Men like Robert Maxwell (né Hoch), Ivan "Greed is Good" Boesky, and Michael Milken. And, on a slightly lesser scale, Ernest Saunders, who finagled an early release from prison because he was coming down with Alzheimer's, that well-known incurable brain disease from which no-one ever recovers. Only Saunders managed to confound medical science and recover from it.
Slimy. Hypocritical. Crooked. In a word: Jewish. But I didn't take the final step, the step to full recognition of the Jewish problem, until I watched the reaction to Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. I'm not a Christian and I have little sympathy with modern Christianity, but I had a lot of sympathy for Mel Gibson as I watched the hysterical campaign against him. The hysterical, well-organized, international campaign by the slimy, hypocritical, crooked Jew Abe Foxman, Head of the Anti-Defamation League, and his fellow slimy, hypocritical, crooked Jews around the world. They didn't like something and they were moving heaven and earth to get it stopped.
And what was it they didn't like? A movie about an event at the heart of European art, literature, and culture: the crucifixion of Christ. So here was another obvious conclusion: Jews hate European art, literature, and culture. In other words, Jews hate White civilization and the White race who created it.
After that, it all fell into place. I finally recognized that Jews weren't just slimy, hypocritical, and crooked, but actively dangerous too. If I thought of something harmful to White civilization and the survival of the White race — mass immigration, feminism, multi-culturalism, anti-racism, gay rights — I realized that Jews were behind it, were promoting it through their control of the media, and had been doing so for decades.
Finally, I had seen the light. Finally, I had gotten smart and recognized the Jewish problem, the problem that even dumb Gentiles subconsciously recognize when they give nicknames like "Hannibal Lecter" and "Prince of Darkness" and "Dracula" to Jewish politicians. Jews really do want to eat us, and steal our souls, and suck our blood, and it's about time we started firing a few silver bullets.
He recently wrote an article for The Independent, one of Britain’s two big liberal newspapers, arguing for the economic benefits of mass immigration and describing a recent trip he had made to the United States and Canada. One city he visited was failing, another was flourishing, and he explained the difference using immigration. The failing city hadn’t been blessed by it, the flourishing city had. This is how he put it – see if you can spot the blatantly racist conclusion he drew without realizing it:
Immigration in North America is really about economics. I spent much of last week there, starting on the banks of the Mississippi. In the small, African-American district of East St Louis, the only businesses that thrive are fast-food outlets and beauty parlours; the tax base is so low that 80 per cent of the city’s education spending comes from federal handouts. By contrast the city in which I ended my trip, Vancouver, lies at the heart of a dazzling growth surge in western Canada. One thing above all accounts for the transformation of this Pacific coast backwater into an economic success story: immigration. Nearly half of those who live in the city centre are immigrants, among them over 300,000 Chinese and 200,000 Indians.
Did you spot it? That’s right: Trevor Phillips, black head of the British Commission for Racial Equality, was complaining in one of Britain’s big liberal newspapers about lazy, dumb, good-fer-nothing niggers. A city with lots of blacks fails, because blacks are lazy and stupid and just want to fill their guts fast and look good so they can get sex. But a city with lots of Chinese and Indians flourishes, according to Phillips, because they’re clever and materialistic and work hard for themselves and for their children. And what would happen if East St Louis got lots of Chinese and Indian immigrants? The blacks would still be lazy and stupid, but now they’d have two new groups to feel envy and resentment towards, and two new groups would learn to hate and despise blacks. Something similar will already be happening in Canada: Vancouver’s surface glitter will hide a lot of racial tension, and when that glitter fades, as it inevitably will, the racial tension is going to turn nasty.
That’s a part of why White nations don’t need Chinese and Indian immigrants. Even if they “help the economy” in the short term, it’s better to be poor and racially healthy than rich and racially diseased. We can survive on our own; we cannot survive in company with other races. What Phillips and other blacks are asking us to do is build our own funeral pyre, soak it in kerosene, and then hand them the matches. Phillips & Co are on the funeral pyre too and they’re going to go up with us when they strike the match, but they’re dumb niggers and don’t quite get that part.
The people pulling their strings aren’t dumb though. White nations never voted for mass immigration and with the exception of greedy, selfish businessmen, never wanted it. Only the small Jewish minority wanted it, but Jews aren’t stupid and they got what they wanted.
You can see them regularly gloating over their success in The Independent and The Guardian, the other big liberal paper in Britain. In the latter, one David Aaronovitch wrote of “the Joys of Diversity” and how he prefers the “quiet, paper-reading ethnicities” of his train-journey to work to the “exotic, incomprehensible” White racists of northern England, where the chickens of Muslim immigration are now coming home to roost. Another Jewish columnist on The Guardian, Jonathan Freedland, recently spent a month in South Africa. He’d campaigned hard during the 1980s to overthrow apartheid, and was naturally eager to see the fruits of his labors.
Alas, he didn’t find things in South Africa quite as rosy as he’d hoped and on his return to Britain he wrote a column saying so. But Freedland wasn’t worried about South Africa’s horrendous crime rate: the thousands of rapes and murders committed every year by lawless blacks against Whites and against each other. He wasn’t worried about the AIDS epidemic there, caused by black promiscuity and black stupidity. He wasn’t worried about corrupt black politicians cheating their own people and blaming all their problems on the legacy of apartheid. No, Freedland wasn’t worried about any of that. The burning question that occupied him during his stay in South Africa was this:
Would I see, at any point in nearly four weeks in the country, a white person serving a black person? I looked hard – at restaurants, at petrol stations, in bars, in shops, in banks. I never saw it. Not once. I looked at magazine covers and window-displays in clothing stores. White, white, white. Occasionally, there would be a token black face, usually very light-skinned.
“White, white, white,” wails Jew Freedland. Bad, bad, bad. But thanks to him and his fellow Jews, things are looking better and better in the formerly White nations of the world every day. Better for Jews, that is. For Whites, things are looking worse and worse, and they’re not going to look better again until We Get Rid of the Yid.
The Japanese are a lucky people. Their islands haven’t been blessed with an abundance of natural resources, but like Whites they’ve managed to build a rich and unique civilization of their own. Unlike Whites, however, they won’t have to fight to keep their civilization, because though they haven’t been blessed with the presence of oil and minerals, they have been blessed with the absence of something else.
No Jews! Japan has no Jews, or at least it has very few of them, living as foreigners and not able to worm their way into power and give their fellow Jews a hand up beside them. Accordingly, the Japanese weren’t tricked by Jews into opening the floodgates of foreign immigration in the 1960s, and when the Japanese economy went stagnant in the 1990s there were no Jews whispering mendaciously in their ears: “Ve know vot you should do. Increase immigration. Immigration vill make you rich again.” No, that didn’t happen. The Japanese quite rightly believe in keeping Japan for themselves, and without Jews they’ve managed to do so.
Other benefits have flowed from the absence of Jews, of course. Not only have the Japanese managed to keep their homeland, they’ve managed to keep their freedom. They haven’t had Jews making laws telling them what they can’t think and say about certain topics. Racism and the Cult of the Holy Holocaust aren’t big topics in Japan, and the Japanese can happily make comments about other races and the HoHo that would get Whites into serious trouble. Whites have to be careful what they say about other races not just because the Jews have passed laws against “hate”, but also because so many of those other races are now living in White homelands. Naturally enough, the Jews have taught those other races to shriek “Racism!” at every opportunity.
Take the British liberal Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (please!). Like Trevor Phillips of the Commission for Flying Pigs and Racial Equality, she’s a professional ethnic – someone who gains a lot of money and fame by lecturing Whites on their wicked racist ways. Her Indian-Muslim family was expelled from Uganda by the psychotic black cannibal Idi Amin, who obviously had his lucid moments, and though Yasmin isn’t much of a Muslim any more, commentary on Muslim affairs is her professional shtick. She’s always wailing about the way White racism and “Islamophobia” hold Britain’s teeming Muslim population back, but because she’s also a feminist – you’d know that as soon as you saw a picture of her – she can’t resist bashing Muslim men too.
That means she says things about them that no White journalist would ever dare say, revealing the truth about where the problems of Britain’s Muslims really come from. It’s not White racism and “Islamophobia” that hold them back, it’s their own primitive, corrupt, violent culture – which, as any fool could have predicted but white liberals didn’t, they brought with them when the Jews allowed them to come flooding in from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Here’s an example of how Yasmin’s male-bashing reveals the truth about Britain’s Muslims. She’s describing the British general election of 2001 in Bradford, which will soon be one of the first British cities to have a non-white majority:
I spent two utterly dispiriting days trailing along behind the five Asian candidates in Bradford West. None of them deserved to win a seat on a local school board, let alone a seat in Parliament. No women were at any of their political meetings and women I spoke to in the streets (in Urdu and surreptitiously) said in resigned voices that they would vote for the person their religious and community leaders told them to. In women’s groups in Bradford there was loathing for the candidates and their minders who intimidated their members. The game played in such areas is of ethnic entryism. This depends on an unholy pact which is understood by all parties. Asian candidates deliver votes in big bags provided they are not scrutinised too much by the local parties.
Sounds bad, doesn’t it? But of course Yasmin adds: “In the name of equality, black, Asian and Muslim politicians have the same right to be as flawed, corrupt and shady as white politicians.” That is a piece of dishonesty worthy of a Jew: flawed, corrupt, and shady as White politicians certainly are in Britain, they are easily surpassed by Asian – meaning Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Indian – politicians here and overseas. Bribery is not yet an essential part of local and national politics in Britain as it is in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, though no doubt we’ll get there as the blessings of multi-culturalism increase. Mass immigration by Asians has imported Asian politics, which are hugely corrupt.
And highly violent. Violence is another part of the “diversity” Muslims in particular have brought to Britain. Young Muslim males are now heavily involved in the drugs trade and are committing murders and assaults at nearly the level of blacks. But just as in the United States, rare White-on-minority crimes in Britain receive hugely more attention than common minority-on-White ones. An example of the double-standard: in 1993 a young black called Stephen Lawrence was stabbed by White “racists” and bled to death at a bus-stop in London. It’s not certain his attackers meant to kill him or what their real motives were, but more than a decade later his death is still receiving regular attention in the British Jews-media. Many millions of pounds have been spent in vain attempts to find and convict those responsible, money which could have solved or prevented many other murders.
Now switch to the Scottish city of Glasgow. Like Bradford, London, and many other parts of Britain, Glasgow has been blessed with lots of Muslims and lots of the accompanying corruption, drug-dealing, and violence. In 2004, a Muslim gang went looking for revenge because a White had hit one of them in a fight. They wanted a White victim – any White victim. They found one: a fifteen-year-old schoolboy called Kriss Donald who they didn’t know and who didn’t know them. They dragged him off the street into their silver Mercedes – Muslims hate Whites but love White inventions – and drove off with him to an improvised torture-chamber. For several hours they beat and tortured him – the full details have not been made public, but among other horrors he is said to have been castrated – before soaking him in gasoline and setting him on fire. His naked, badly burnt, mutilated corpse was later found dumped on wasteland.
The reaction of Britain’s Jews-media? Very, very muted. If you hadn’t been paying attention, it would have been easy to overlook what was one of the most vicious and sadistic murders ever committed in Britain, and the trial of some of those responsible – others fled to Pakistan – received very little attention outside Scotland.
But it’s easy to imagine what would have happened if a group of Whites had murdered a Muslim or a black with even a fraction of that viciousness and sadism. The shrieks of Jew-orchestrated horror and outrage would still be ringing in our ears, and Britain’s Whites would still be being whipped and stoned for their appalling racism. As it is, it suits the Jews-media to keep quiet and conceal the truth in Britain as they conceal the truth throughout the Western world: that mass immigration by Muslims and other non-whites has been a disaster whose genocidal effects are just beginning.
Your column of 14 March ’05, “Tortured, Beaten, Burnt Alive“, opened with an oft-used device of White Nationalists contrasting the unmolested, racially healthy state of Japan with the unique hardships suffered by the White Western nations. While the situation isn’t as bleak, the grass isn’t completely green on the other side; and Japan, like every other nation, will have to fight for survival.
Jewish influence isn’t negligible. While Jews could not, as yet, subvert the nation from within, the pressure was always, and still is, being applied from outside mainly through international institutions and the United States; the seeds of destruction were sewn during the occupation after defeat in the War (a summary can be found here). Yes, the Holocaust hypnotism isn’t as intense because it is a European issue (though I hear the Anne Frank fraud is all the rage) but Japan has its own alleged atrocities that are wielded in much the same manner by Marxist intellectuals who yearn for the destruction of “reactionary” Japan. If you frequent IHR [the Institute of Historical Review], you may also know about the “Marco Polo” affair when a magazine was closed down under pressure from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre after publishing an article skeptical of the Holocaust.
For much of Japan’s history it could be held up as a model ethnic nation-state; I don’t think that is true any longer and the same rot afflicting the Western nations is surely spreading. Liberal one-hominid-one-vote democracies can’t be racially healthy. The country hosts a hostile Korean population loyal to Pyongyang, a steady stream of criminal Chinese illegals who, contrary to Western prejudices, are quite distinct from Japanese – having been subject to less mutual interbreeding than the European peoples – and, under the “labour shortages” scam, hundreds of thousands of “Japanese-Brazilians” – mostly incompatible mongrels – were imported en masse. Negroes have a foothold in many city centres where they peddle their popular culture to gullible, degenerate youths. Restrictions on foreigners are always being loosened, under pressure from activists (many being excitable Americans, including a sizable faction of Jews I’m sure, who can’t stand to think there might be a patch of God’s Earth that escapes the iron grip of “Freedom”) in typical ratchet-effect fashion. We may move slowly but we don’t have a reverse gear.
However small the problem now, it is bound to metastasize in a country afflicted with liberalism. Only international pariahs or countries too poor to be held to liberal “moral” standards could get away with repatriation; and without this immune system response, any positive rate of immigration is fatal and is likely to be characterised by acceleration through “positive feedback” as immigrants agitate for their family and pals to be let in as well – not to mention differential breeding and miscegenation.
I acknowledge that the situation in the West is far more dire and you’re perfectly entitled to greater alarm and, accordingly, it’s your prerogative to use whatever rhetorical devices you see fit for your target audience; I just wanted to say that it’s galling when I hear from so many that everything’s rosy in Japan when I see my country dying.
Ultimately, all nationalists are in the same boat. And we’re sinking.
Kind regards,
Japanese Patriot
Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl has sold over a four million copies in Japan, more than any other country except the United States. So beloved is Anne Frank in Japan that the first Japanese company to market sanitary napkins designed especially for Japanese women called itself Anne Co. Ltd., and sold its product under the brand name “Anne’s Day” (Anne no hi), which quickly became a euphemism for menstruation in Japan. (Goodman, p. 6 – from Jewish Tribal Review)
In 1995, the Japanese magazine Marco Polo (a Vanity Fair-type mixture of pop culture and politics) published an article by a Tokyo neurosurgeon detailing his trip to Auschwitz, and the questions he came away with concerning the accuracy of some of the exhibits. Immediately, there was an international outcry, and Marco Polo’s publisher, Japan’s powerful Bungei Shunju publishing house, responded by completely dissolving the magazine and firing its entire staff, from the editors right down to the receptionists. This sent a message that was just as powerful as any governmental law. In the nine years since the Marco Polo incident, no other Japanese publication has dared to revisit the subject.
Here’s an important question for you. Do you spend much time making models? If you say “No”, well, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Not only do you spend every waking moment of your life making models, your life has depended countless times on your ability to do so. That’s what your brain is for: making models using the information supplied to it by your sense organs.
I mean models of the world, of course. Our eyes and ears and nose and mouth and skin supply our brain with information about the world, and our brain creates a model of the world using that information. We have a virtual reality inside our heads, but there’s a very big and very important difference between reality and virtual reality. Reality can’t be false. Virtual reality – a model of reality – can be. Our sense organs can mislead us or we can misinterpret the data we receive.
We can also be lied to. Living things send signals to each other, and those signals are sometimes fake. Animals can pretend to be dangerous when they’re not: some harmless moths have yellow-and-black stripes and transparent wings like wasps, for example. Monkeys have special cries to warn each other of danger, but they sometimes use those cries deceitfully when they find food and want to frighten rivals away.
Those cries and that deceit used by monkeys are the start of two things that are fully developed in human beings: language and lying. Reality can’t be false: you can’t pour two pints of liquid into a one-pint container or drink cyanide and live. If you try, reality will stop you: you’ll spill some liquid or drop dead. But language, a model of reality, can be false:
Yesterday I poured two pints of cyanide into a one-pint container without spilling a drop and drank it without turning a hair.
Nothing stopped me writing that, but it contains its own contradiction: you know I’m lying because you know what I say violates reality. Sometimes language doesn’t contain its own contradiction:
Yesterday at six o’clock I poured some wine into a glass and drank it.
Am I lying or speaking the truth? Nothing in the language tells you: unlike reality, which depends on itself, language, a model of reality, can lie or play tricks. When the creator of the model has prestige and authority, those lies or tricks can affect huge numbers of people. In the nineteenth century the New York Sun claimed that the British astronomer Sir John Herschel had discovered a flourishing advanced civilization on the moon. The descriptions were so detailed and the prestige of the newspaper so great that readers accepted the story. In 1938, the actor Orson Welles created an adaptation of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds that was broadcast over the radio as though a real program were being interrupted by news of an invasion from Mars.
The result was mass panic. Those false linguistic models of reality had influenced the beliefs and behavior of many thousands of people as though they were reality itself. Maybe we could call false language like that an unreality, but we should remember that language isn’t the only or the most powerful unreality used by human beings. We also create images, and images, as models of reality, can be false too. We can draw or make movies of fifty-foot ants and fire-breathing dragons, even though those things are impossible in reality.
But the fifty-foot ants and fire-breathing dragons seen on TV or in movies aren’t truly lies. They’re not created in a conscious attempt to deceive and manipulate, and no intelligent, well-informed adult believes they really exist. That isn’t true of certain other unrealities created by human beings. Here’s an example of a linguistic unreality:
Race does not exist and we’re all the same under the skin.
That’s a lie, and like my cyanide example it does in fact contain its own contradiction. But it’s a much subtler lie and much harder to refute. Many intelligent but ill-informed adults still accept it, partly because it’s backed up by much more powerful visual lies carrying the same message. Watch television for any length of time and you’ll see blacks, for example, doing things that in reality they don’t do, like make scientific and technological advances or exercise power wisely and compassionately over Whites.
And in fact television does not carry the message “Race does not exist and we are all the same under the skin.” No, it carries the message “Non-whites are better than whites.” It also carries the messages “Women are better than men” and “Sodomites are better than straight men.” Those messages are pumped into millions of homes right around the world every second of the day, and though they’re all lies, that doesn’t matter. Television isn’t reality, it’s only a model of reality. In a model of reality, you can make non-whites and women and sodomites better than Whites and men, and you can fool people into thinking that the real world is like that or should be like that.
Seeing is believing. Images are very powerful and people will believe images where they reject or ignore words. Liars are quick to recognize and exploit this fact of human psychology. When the Western media was clamoring for South Africa to be taken away from brutal racist Whites and given to gentle civilized blacks, Winnie Mandela, then the wife of Saint Nelson, was often shown on TV campaigning bravely for her oppressed people. In one broadcast, a White policeman launched an unprovoked attack on her in the street. Only he hadn’t. Even then some journalists were getting suspicious of Winnie – later unmasked as a very vicious and greedy crook – and this time the truth came out. Film taken from a different angle showed that she had jumped at the policeman, dragged him against herself and screamed that she was being attacked.
But how many times does something fraudulent like that get shown without the truth coming out? And how many times does something true not get shown because it doesn’t fit the agenda followed by television? The prestige of broadcasting stations and the unsurpassed power of images mean that television’s false, lying model of reality becomes the false, lying model of reality carried inside the brains of countless millions of Whites, guiding and controlling their beliefs and behavior.
Television, in short, is the most powerful tool of deceit and manipulation ever created. That’s why the world’s greatest liars and manipulators – those Masters of Unreality known as Jews – were so eager to get their hands on it once it had been invented by Whites. They already had firm control of those two other great tools of deceit and manipulation, newspapers and the movies, so they weren’t going to let TV slip through their greasy fingers.
And they didn’t: today the alphabet soup of TV is as kosher as gefilte fish. ABC, BBC, CBS, CBC, CNN, NBC and the rest – they’re all staffed and controlled by Jews, and they all pump out Jewish lies on race and sex, deceiving and manipulating Whites into accepting their own destruction. But YTV – Yid TV – doesn’t do that just by creating a false reality. No, suppressing reality is very important too. The reality of life in White nations today is that non-whites are constantly committing brutal and vicious crimes against Whites. YTV doesn’t model that reality, because Whites would be warned of the worse horrors lying ahead as non-whites grow in numbers and gain more and more power over Whites.
Instead, YTV creates a false model of the future, the multi-racial, pan-sexual paradise that awaits us once the Evil White Male is put where he belongs: on the rubbish-heap of history. This leaves us Evil White Males with a simple choice: to lie down or fight back.
Q. How many blacks does it take to invent a lightbulb?
A. No-one knows yet.
Or to put it another way: look around your home at examples of advanced technology. Computers, jew-tubes, DVD-players, stereos, telephones, cameras, and so on. Were any of them invented by blacks? Would any of them not have existed without blacks? These are rhetorical questions of course, like “Is the Pope Protestant?” and “Do bears shit in synagogues?” Blacks and advanced technology go together like ice and fire or Jews and honesty. What have blacks contributed to human civilization in the past 10,000 years? Answer: Nothing. In his book Guns, Germs and Steel, the Jewish writer Jared Diamond offers all sorts of excuses for this. According to him, all apparently different varieties of Homo sapiens have equally high intelligence, but their intelligence only shines forth in certain places. Africa has the wrong geography and the wrong climate. It has too many diseases and too few domestic plants and animals. Blacks are smart, really smart, it’s just their environment that’s dumb.
Diamond is supposed to be a great scientist, but his excuses for blacks prove that he’s just another Jewish conman: fast-talking and crooked. Evolution means that plants and animals adapt to their environments, not beyond them. You don’t get a smart creature in a dumb environment unless the smart creature has come from outside, just as you don’t get a black creature in a white environment unless the black creature has come from outside (ever seen a black polar bear?). If Africa has a dumb environment, the people who live there will be dumb too unless – like Whites – they’ve come from outside. Africa has taught blacks a simple rule of life: eat fast, fuck fast, and forget about tomorrow. And that’s how blacks have always lived in Africa.
I’m simplifying matters, of course, but generally speaking dumb surroundings = dumb people, and that equation certainly applies to Africa and blacks. Let’s suppose for a moment though that I’m wrong and Jew Jared is right. Blacks are smart but Africa is dumb, and that’s why black genius has never shone there for all those millennia. That’s a scientific hypothesis and there’s a simple way to test it: take the blacks out of dumb Africa and put them in a smart environment where their genius can shine forth. And what d’you know? Evil Whitey has done exactly that. With just a little help from Jews, Arabs, and other blacks, he scooped a few million blacks up from Africa and transported them to America to work as slaves. Later on, he fought a war that killed and mutilated many thousands of his fellow Whites to help free those black slaves.
That was more than a hundred years ago. Since then, blacks in the United States and other White nations have eaten better, lived better and been taught better than they ever could have dreamt of in Africa. And guess what? Jew Jared’s hypothesis has failed utterly. Blacks are still following the rule of life they were taught by their dumb environment in Africa: eat fast, fuck fast, and forget about tomorrow. Blacks have still contributed nothing of any significance to science, mathematics, and advanced technology. If every black on the planet were suddenly raptured away, science, math, and hi-tech wouldn’t even notice they’d gone. But a few other areas of White civilization would. Sport and entertainment, for example. Africa made blacks very good at running fast, jumping high, and juggling simple words. But I could happily live without fast-running, high-jumping, jive-talking blacks, because Africa also made blacks very good at three other things.
The first is rape, the second is murder, and the third is spreading disease. If all blacks disappeared tomorrow, science and mathematics wouldn’t notice, but criminal justice and medicine would. They’d notice that things had changed hugely for the better. Blacks are about fifteen per cent of the general American population, but nearly fifty per cent of its prison population. Even with Hispanics dishonestly classified as White, official statistics reveal that American blacks are about seventeen times more likely to murder Whites than Whites are to murder blacks, and about thirty – thirty – times more likely to rape Whites than Whites are to rape blacks.
And that’s not counting the horrendous rates of black-on-White male rape inside black-filled, black-ruled American prisons. If White prisoners were raping black prisoners to the same extent, or White criminals were raping and murdering blacks on the outside to the same extent, we’d never hear the end of it. The Jews-media would be a-weepin’ and a-wailin’ day and night about White depravity and viciousness. As it is, black crime does get some racial analysis, and the racial analysis is: it’s Whitey’s fault. It’s our racism and oppression that make blacks in America and other White nations behave like savages. It’s not black nature, no, not at all. By nature, blacks are sweet and good and kind, and it wasn’t till evil Whites corrupted them that they started behaving so badly.
Nah. That’s just another Jewish lie. Blacks behave like that because it’s in their genes. Blacks are stupid and violent by nature, not by evil White nurture. If they’re left on their own, they don’t create civilization, they create savagery. Black behavior in the West is bestial and mindless because blacks are naturally bestial and mindless, which is one reason they’re so good at spreading disease. They invented AIDS, possibly by copulating with monkeys, and then they spread it to the rest of the world with the help of white sodomites and their black-like behavior.
In America, black males are seven times more likely to be infected with AIDS than White men (the figure would be even higher but for white sodomites), and black females are twenty – twenty – times more likely to be infected with AIDS than White women. The black rule for sex is: Fuck fast and forget about tomorrow. That’s a recipe for disaster where AIDS is concerned, and that’s why AIDS is such a disaster in the black homelands of Africa. Blacks have even, all by themselves, come up with a way of making their AIDS problem even worse.
Meet dry sex. Dry sex is a fine old black custom, like child sacrifice and cannibalism. Some African blacks don’t like wet vaginas. They like their wives and prostitutes to be tight and dry during sex, so their wives and prostitutes, having little choice in the matter, use special herbs and powders to make themselves so. The result is that the walls of their vaginas tear and bleed during sex and so does the skin of their menfolk’s penises. The AIDS virus just loves torn and bleeding sexual organs. You couldn’t find a better way of transmitting the AIDS virus short of directly injecting yourself with infected blood.
Dry sex is a purely black practice, like drive-by shooting and “gangsta rap”, and illustrates the black genius for being really, really smart at being really, really dumb. Left to themselves, blacks would never survive the harsh, cold environments where White ingenuity and foresight were forged. They only survive because Whites are here to feed and house them and be abused by the Jews for their pains. Blacks cost Whites a huge and unacceptable amount every day, and that’s why Jews are always inciting blacks to worse behavior against Whites and tying Whites’ hands ever more firmly behind their backs. If blacks didn’t exist, Jews would have been delighted to invent them for use in their racial war against Whites. This means that bad as the black problem is, it’s only part of the much wider and much worse Jewish problem, and we must never forget that.
Vultures, vampires, snakes, scorpions, leeches, lice, maggots. All these words have been used to describe Jews, and richly though they deserve every last one of ’em, I want to look at a Jew-word that might not sound so bad: termite. Everywhere you look in the West today, you’ll see Jews working like termites: a-gnawin’ and a-nibblin’ at the foundations of White society, working for the day when everything comes crashing down in clouds of dust.
And waves of blood. If you think a “termite” isn’t such a bad thing to be, take a look at what Jewish termites have achieved in Rhodesia and South Africa. Thanks to Jews like Joe Slovo and Helen Suzman, what were once prosperous, law-abiding White nations are enjoying the blessings of black rule – rape, murder, torture, corruption, disease, massacre, famine. The ordinary blacks over whom those Jews shed so many crocodile tears are now much worse off than they were under White “tyranny.”
Jews would like the same thing to happen in all White nations and have been working steadily since the nineteenth century to make it happen. We all know about Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, but far fewer people have heard of Franz Boas (pronounced “BO-azz”) . He was the founder of “Boasian anthropology”, a pseudo-science that pretended to be objective but was in fact designed to elevate non-whites over Whites and destroy White resistance to mass immigration and multi-culturalism. Boas is still celebrated for his stand against White “racism”, and his example has inspired countless termites, both Jews and brain-washed Gentiles, to continue the good work of destroying White civilization.
One of those Boasian termites gnawed at my mind when I was a kid, though I’d never heard of Franz Boas and didn’t realize what the termite was up to. She was the daughter of Alfred L. Kroeber, a German-American anthropologist who studied under Boas at Columbia University, but she’s gone under a different name since the 1960s: Ursula le Guin. Members of the science-fiction and fantasy “communities” – as liberals like to put it – will know her work well. She’s most famous for a book called A Wizard of Earthsea, first published in 1968 and never out of print since. I read it and enjoyed it as a kid, though even then I found something curiously dead and depressing in it. The sequels were less good and gradually became so feminist and politically correct that I started to think le Guin must be Canadian.
That was before I recognized the Jewish problem, and perhaps books like that were part of what kept me blind for so long. Now that I’ve opened my eyes I can see Ursula le Guin for what she is: one of many thousands of Boasian termites working to destroy my race. In 2004 A Wizard of Earthsea found its way onto TV in a mini-series broadcast on something called the Sci Fi channel. But Ursula was spitting feathers about this, because the script-writers and producers had raped and mutilated her book. They’d done something so disgusting I wonder that my keyboard doesn’t short-circuit as I type the words in.
They’d made the hero and his friends White. And that wasn’t Ursula’s intention at all. As she explained in her cri de coeur about what they’d done, this was what Earthsea was supposed to be like:
Everybody is brown or copper-red or black, except the Kargish people in the East and their descendants in the Archipelago, who are white, with fair or dark hair.
Now, sit and think for a moment. Ursula le Guin is a Boasian. Everybody in her book is non-white except for the “Kargish and their descendants.” Ask yourself: what will the Kargish and their descendants be like? Okay, have you asked yourself that? Well, see if you’re surprised by this description of the Kargish from A Wizard of Earthsea:
They are a savage people, white-skinned, yellow-haired, and fierce, liking the sight of blood and the smell of burning towns.
But when the Kargs invade the home island of the dark-skinned hero, he manages to trick them with mist and shadows – an authentic Boasian touch, that – and they’re soon slaughtered to a last yellow-haired man. Later on, the hero comes across an old Kargish couple who were abandoned as children on a tiny island, where they’ve scratched out a long, miserable life of hardship and semi-starvation. That’s what A Wizard of Earthsea is like, you see: non-whites are gentle and civilized and Whites are cruel, blood-thirsty savages. I suppose that must be why it’s called a fantasy novel. Le Guin explained her intentions like this:
The fantasy tradition I was writing in came from Northern Europe, which is why it was about white people. I’m white, but not European. My people could be any color I liked, and I like red and brown and black. I was a little wily about my color scheme. I figured some white kids (the books were published for “young adults”) might not identify straight off with a brown kid, so I kind of eased the information about skin color in by degrees – hoping that the reader would get “into Ged’s skin” and only then discover it wasn’t a white one.
Just imagine that: a “wily” Boasian trying to trick White children and teenagers into “identifying” with non-whites. But she didn’t succeed in corrupting our northern European tradition as well as she wanted. Publishers stubbornly – psychopathically, Boasians would say – kept making the dark-skinned hero into a White. The picture on the cover of the first British edition, le Guin says, was “this pallid, droopy, lily-like guy – I screamed at sight of him.” Even though le Guin is a Gentile, that scream was a scream of Jewish hatred – hatred for “sallow”, “pallid”, “droopy” Whites. And if you’re in any doubt that Ursula le Guin hates Whites and wants to destroy us, this is what she said about why it was important to have a dark-skinned hero:
I didn’t see why everybody in heroic fantasy had to be white (and why all the leading women had “violet eyes”) . It didn’t even make sense. Whites are a minority on Earth now – why wouldn’t they still be either a minority, or just swallowed up in the larger colored gene pool, in the future?
Just swallowed up. Just destroyed, in other words. Ursula le Guin is an example of how Jews like Franz Boas have managed to create a unique psychopathy among Whites: the desire to see their own race vanish from the face of the earth. Even though Boas died in 1942, his termites are still gnawing away and unless we stop them we’re going to see White nations crashing down well before the end of the 21st century.
Note: I originally made the mistake of identifying Ursula le Guin herself as Jewish, but in fact she’s one of Boas’s brain-washed suicidal Gentiles, not one of his directly malign Jews.
Imagine being strapped into an electric chair and then offered a big choice. The executioner can pull the switch with his right hand or with his left or even with both at once – it’s entirely up to you. Well, that’s what voting in the recent British general election was like. It was going to be won by either the Jew-loving lawyer Tony Blair for New Labour or the literally Jewish lawyer Michael Howard (né Hecht) for the Conservatives, with the faint possibility that the Jew-loving career politico Charles Kennedy would hold the balance of power between the two for the Liberal Democrats.
On everything that mattered, the three main parties were indistinguishable: they’re all in the pockets of big business and the Jewish lobby and they’re all thoroughly liberal in the degraded modern sense, supporting the full menu of multi-racialism, feminism, and “gay” rights. The Conservatives tried to exploit public concern about mass immigration, but anyone who believed their lies was either very naïve or very stupid or both. Not that their feeble proposals for “controlled immigration” would have made any difference if they’d been enacted. With millions of non-whites already established and breeding merrily in the UK, ending all immigration tomorrow would make no difference. It’s going to take much, much more than that to save us from national and racial disaster and at present the only half-way credible party that acknowledges at least some of the truth is the British National Party.
But the BNP weren’t standing in my constituency and neither was any other White nationalist party, so who on earth could I vote for? It was simple. I could – and did – vote for a radical party that was standing in my constituency: Respect. It’s the coalition of the hard left and “mainstream” Muslims founded by the Scottish socialist George Galloway, who recently got a lot of publicity for running rings around a bunch of pompous, half-witted American senators (if you’ll pardon the tautology). Maybe Galloway did receive money from Saddam Hussein, or maybe he’s been framed by the intelligence services. I don’t know, but I do know I’ve been very impressed by him whenever I’ve heard him perform in public. He’s got more charisma in his little finger than Blair has in his entire effeminate body.
The thing is, I also think that Galloway is a Paki-loving left-wing lunatic, and I don’t give a damn about one of his pet causes: the Palestinians. I hate Jews but that doesn’t mean I automatically love the Jews’ victims or that I think the Jews are behaving that badly in Palestine. They aren’t, in part because the world’s eyes are on them, and the worst oppressors of Arabs, now as always, are other Arabs. But all that raises an obvious question. If I think Galloway is a Paki-loving left-wing lunatic and I don’t give a damn about the Palestinians, why on earth did I vote for Galloway’s hard-left party? As I said, it was simple. I voted Respect because the more exposure it receives, the more British Whites will start to realize how dangerous “British” Muslims are. I would have loved my constituency to elect a Member of Parliament for Respect who would cause trouble in the House of Commons, and although there was never any chance of that, I could at least make the symbolic gesture of voting for their candidate.
The Respect party now has just one MP: George Galloway himself, and a month after his election win he has accused the Labour party of trying to keep him out with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fraudulent votes. Fighting in a London constituency he overturned a big majority held by one of the most revolting of “Blair’s babes”: the half-black, half-Jewish Oona King. The campaign was one of the nastiest ever seen in Britain. At one point Galloway was intimidated by Muslim “extremists” claiming that anyone who voted at all would go to hell. Muslims also pelted Oona King with eggs at a remembrance ceremony for the mostly Jewish victims of the last V2 to hit London during the war.
But its comedic value aside, the nastiness of the campaign has several possible benefits. It will surely have opened the eyes of some Whites to the true nature of Britain’s teeming Muslim community, and Muslim hostility to Jews may draw the attention of ignorant Whites to something they’ve never considered before: the number of Jews in public life and the influence and power they have. Either way, the behavior of Muslims certainly emphasizes how un-British they are. They vote as Muslims for their own selfish ends and despite living here for forty years and more, they’re loyal not to Britain but to an alien religion and to their co-religionists overseas. In other words, “British Muslim” is a complete contradiction in terms.
As is the Respect party. Just like the big three – Cons, NuLab, LibDem – Respect fully supports feminism and “gay” rights. Yet, just like the big three again, they get votes from Muslims who completely oppose feminism and “gay” rights. It’s clear proof of the sham of British democracy and of how cynical and dishonest Muslims are, and George Galloway and Respect are helping more and more Whites to recognize this. Not that they’re the only ones. Beside the egg-attack on Oona King, this attempted interview with a Muslim parliamentary candidate was one of the comedy highlights of the election:
The Times then gave a list of names that appeared more than once on the electoral roll in the constituency – see if you can spot the common thread:The Times: Are you Mohammed Sultan?
Mohammed Sultan: No.
The Times: Is it possible to speak to Mohammed Sultan please? Shall I tell you what it is? It’s quite serious. There’s quite a number of people at this address who appear also to be registered at other addresses for a vote on the electoral roll.
Sultan: What roll? Who are you? Where’s your ID? Show us your ID. How dare you come at this time of night?
The Times: Well, it’s not dark.
Sultan: It is dark. Come on, show your ID. [Checks Press card] Go on, take another one! You like it when I sue you. I don’t want to talk to you. Off my grounds! Off my grounds! Off my grounds! Off my grounds!
The Times: Clearly there are number of people on the electoral roll...
Sultan: Off my grounds!
Yep, that’s nine Muslims with twenty-six votes, but the enterprising Mohammed Sultan wasn’t a candidate for some fringe party like Respect. No, he was a candidate for the Conservatives and he, like similar Muslim fraudsters for NuLabour, was more proof that Muslims have no interest in Britain beyond what they can get out of it for themselves. Muslims are corrupt, violent, and utterly alien to our traditions and culture, and more and more British Whites are starting to recognize that and turn to the only party with serious potential that is prepared to stand up and say so: the BNP. That’s why, in the absence of a BNP candidate, I voted Respect. It’s also why I’d like to thank George Galloway. He may be a Paki-loving left-wing lunatic, but he’ll do a great deal to alert Britain’s Whites to the racial and cultural disaster that awaits them if they don’t act soon.Mohammed Bostan (5x)
Duliat Bib (3x)
Mohammed Khan (3x)
Mohammed Shaquar (2x)
Mohammed Sharif (3x)
Mohammed Sultan (3x)
Munzoor Jan (2x)
Mohammed Shafiq (3x)
Amini Thira Hussan (2x)
Mass immigration. I started thinking about it the other day when I was reading John Wyndham’s novel The Midwich Cuckoos (1957). It’s about an English village in which women are impregnated by a mysterious alien race. Someone starts to wonder about the aliens’ motives:
“If you were wishful to challenge the supremacy of a society that was fairly stable, and quite well weaponed, what would you do? Would you meet it on its own terms by launching a probably costly, and certainly destructive, assault? Or, if time were no great importance, would you prefer to employ a version of a more subtle tactic? Would you, in fact, try somehow to introduce a fifth column, to attack it from within?”
In the 1950s, when The Midwich Cuckoos was first published, White societies were very stable and very well-weaponed, and a direct assault on them would certainly have been costly. So the alien race that wanted to challenge their supremacy didn’t launch a direct assault. Instead, just as that John Wyndham character suggested, they introduced a fifth column to attack it from within.
Who was the alien race? Jews, of course. And what was their fifth column? It was non-whites. In America, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was not only founded and funded by Jews but actually run by them for many years. However, there were few blacks in Europe and not enough of them even in America. That’s why Jews opened the flood-gates of mass immigration in the 1960s. The result was completely predictable: conflict between the natives and the new arrivals. And Jews thrived on that conflict. In Britain, it allowed them to start taking away our freedom by introducing laws against “incitement to racial hatred.” It also allowed them to start recruiting allies, because whenever immigrants had problems the Jews were there with a ready-made explanation: Blame white racism!
Here’s one example of how that Jew-forged lie has been used by non-whites in Britain. In 1998, someone called Kamlesh Bahl was appointed Deputy Vice President of the Law Society, the first step to becoming its President. Liberals wet themselves with excitement and self-congratulation, because with Kamlesh you got three in one: she was female, Hindu and Asian. What a wonderful way of celebrating the richness of Britain’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural diversity! Unfortunately, that celebration didn’t last long, because Kamlesh was sacked in 1999. Why? Well, according to the Law Society, it was because she was a power-crazed bully who terrorized and humiliated her White staff. According to Kamlesh and her supporters, it was because of – wait for it – White racism.
The ensuing court cases and enquiries – at one of which Kamlesh lied under oath – have cost millions of pounds, and Kamlesh is still insisting that she was the victim of a vile racist injustice. I don’t agree, but you don’t have to take the word of a rabid neo-Nazi bigot like me. The Asian journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, another of the Jews’ hard-working fifth-columnists, took time off bashing Whitey to report that Kamlesh had bullied blacks just as badly when she was head of the Equal Opportunities Commission. Not much sisterly or racial solidarity there, but then Yasmin is a Muslim, and another good thing about mass immigration – from the Jewish point of view – is that it doesn’t just start conflicts, it imports them too. Hindu vs Muslim, Muslim vs Sikh, Sikh vs Hindu et cetera ad infinitum.
Still, Kamlesh does have one prominent Muslim supporter: the lawyer Imran Khan. He oversaw a failed private prosecution of the youths accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence. We’re still being regularly reminded about that case, because Stephen Lawrence was a black allegedly stabbed to death by Whites. But Imran Khan was also involved in the Richard Everitt case, and we’re not being reminded about that. Why not? Because Richard Everitt was a White stabbed to death by Asians. Khan defended the youths accused of his murder, but when he isn’t prosecuting Whites or defending non-whites, he’s busy as one of Britain’s leading Reds. After watching him exploit the Lawrence and Bahl cases, the former President of the Law Society Martin Mears made this comment:
The Bahl resolutions and the Lawrence private prosecution form a pattern: in each case a course of conduct plainly misconceived and predictably doomed to failure; in each case actions whose sole practical effect is a further stirring of the pot of racial grievance, animosity and discord.
Khan’s not-so-secret agenda is revolution: he’s a member of the Trotskyist Socialist Alliance, applying the theories of the Jew Leon Trotsky to the practice of undermining and destroying White society. The funny thing is that Kamlesh Bahl – on whose behalf Khan called the Law Society “stale, pale and male” – is a true blue Conservative, at the opposite end of the political spectrum to Khan. She’s obviously exploiting him for her own ends, and he’s obviously exploiting her for his, but what neither of them realizes is that they’re both being exploited by someone else: the Jews. Kamlesh Bahl and Imran Khan are just two examples of how non-white immigrants have done the Jews’ dirty work for them, attacking White society from within and helping, slowly but surely, to destroy Whites’ control of their own nations and destiny.
A pro-Kamlesh website is still on-line, but an anti-Kamlesh site disappeared long ago. Thanks to the Internet Archive, though, you still read it here:
Kamlesh Bahl Affair (original site — may need images turned off)
Kamlesh Bahl Affair (cleaned-up version).
Never trust a junkie, the old saying goes. Junkies will do anything for their next fix: lie, cheat, steal, sell their grandmothers’ ashes for kitty-litter. But there are more kinds of fixes than heroin. Publicity is a fix too, and pop stars, politicians, and actors are the junkies who are hooked on it. And look: who’s that grinning together at a “debate” on “African issues”? It’s the pop star Bob Geldof and the politician Tony Blair. And who’s that introducing the acts at the Live8 global love-fest “Save the Nigger” extravaganza? It’s the actors Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow. But what are the four of them really up to? Getting their fix of publicity, that’s what.
As I said, never trust a junkie. Bob Geldof was a fading minor pop star in 1985. Had it not been for Live Aid, the original global love-fest “Save the Nigger” extravaganza, he’d be long-forgotten by now. But he swore on the phone a lot, brought together some of the worst acts (and haircuts) in musical history, and raised many millions of dollars for starving Ethiopians, thereby earning himself world-wide fame and an honorary knighthood. Oh, and a few million dollars of his own too: he’s put that fame to good use since 1985, and though it inevitably faded as time passed, he’s more than renewed it with Live8. As a pop star he must be unique, because he’s saved far more lives than he ever sold records.
So the story goes, but that story usually omits some very important facts. Fact 1: People were starving in Ethiopia because a Marxist dictatorship was waging a tribal war. Fact 2: St Bob’s aid had to pass through the blood-stained hands of that dictatorship. Fact 3: That dictatorship used the aid to prolong its war and do further harm to its tribal enemies. In other words, it’s quite possible that St Bob was responsible for killing more people than he saved, if in fact he saved many people at all. The only certainty about Live Aid is that Geldof himself and the rich musicians he brought together made a huge amount of money from the world-wide publicity it gave them. Exactly the same is true of Live8: though it might not help poverty-stricken blacks, it will certainly help pop stars’ bank balances. But don’t go raising any of that with Geldof, because you’ll send his self-righteousness into overdrive:
Nobody questions St Bob’s motives, or finances, or family life – in fact, when one journalist did ask a few difficult questions of the great man, he lashed out verbally with such aggression that he reduced his interviewer to tears. (The Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2005)
While half-Jew Big Gob Bob (personal fortune $50 million) gets his highly profitable way by bullying and aggression, his confederates get theirs by tugging our heart-strings:
There has never been a moment like it on British television. The Vicar of Dibley, one of our gentler sitcoms, was bouncing along with its usual bonhomie on New Year’s Day when it suddenly hit us with a scene from another world. Two young African children were sobbing and trying to comfort each other after their mother had died of Aids. How on earth, I wondered, would the show make us laugh after that? It made no attempt to do so. One by one the characters, famous for their parochial boorishness, stood in front of the camera wearing the white armbands which signalled their support for the Make Poverty History campaign. You would have to have been hewn from stone not to cry. (The Guardian, 4th January 2005)
If I’d seen the program, I think I would have to have been hewn from stone not to throw up. I can just imagine the “Look at me: I care!” expressions on those actors’ faces. Yeah, they care alright – about making themselves look good. And if that means exploiting two children to make some hard-core emotional pornography for prime-time viewing, so be it. Me, I’d like to see some real hard-core porn on prime-time TV. Some hard-core gay porn, in fact. Nothing fancy: just a live feed from an American prison where a White is being gang-raped by some of those lovable, helpless blacks.
That might wake up some of the brain-dead Whites who were taken in by Live Aid and Live8. Blacks are not the helpless eternal victims portrayed in liberal propaganda, and Africa’s problems are caused by two things that no-one breathed a word about during the “debates” on “African issues”: low black intelligence and high black psychopathy. Any scheme to help Africa which fails to take these two things into account will only make things worse. If we pour more billions in, those billions will pour back out again into the Swiss bank accounts of black dictators. The best thing Whites could do for Africa is either re-colonize it or leave it completely alone, having first sent all the blacks in Europe and America back there. I prefer the second option myself and even when I was a liberal I was never taken in by the lying propaganda about blacks.
Now that I’ve stopped being a liberal, my rule for lying propaganda is very simple: cherchez le Juif – look for the Jew. Where there’s money to be made and Whites to be fooled about racial reality, Jews are never far away. At both Live Aid and Live8, Bob Geldof has relied on the Jewish music promoter Harvey Goldsmith, who also organized the “AIDS Awareness” tribute for the sodomite Freddie Mercury. One of the leading lights of the current Make Poverty History campaign is Richard Curtis, who writes bad movies, like Four Weddings and A Funeral, and worse TV programs, like The Vicar of Dibley (see above). His most recent bad movie is called The Girl in the Café, which invented the idea of clicking your fingers once every three seconds to symbolize the death of a child in Africa.
More African emo-porn, in other words. Now, I don’t know whether Richard Curtis himself is Jewish, but I do know that he has co-written with a repulsive Jewish “comedian” called Ben Elton and that he’s married to a Jewess called Emma Freud. She’s the great grand-daughter of the subversive pseudo-scientist Sigmund Freud, and her brother Matthew is married to Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth (personal fortune $60 million) and helped organize Live8. Matthew Freud is what’s known in Yiddish as a luftmensh, or “air-man.” That is, he makes his living out of air – hot air, mostly:
Matthew Freud is one of the most powerful PR men in London. His clients include pop stars like Geri Halliwell and companies like Virgin Radio, Planet Hollywood, Pepsi, BT, BSkyB, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Unilever. He is a friend of Peter Mandelson (now Britain’s European Commissioner) and placed helpful stories about Mandelson in the tabloids before his appointment as Secretary of State, including an article in The Sun called “Peter’s Friends”, which implied that Peter Mandelson socialised with celebrities like Tom Cruise (whom he had never met). He gave Mandelson PR advice during the secret loan scandal that cost him his job. Freud says he has played “a significant role in re-defining the PR industry... to the front-line art form of controlled media manipulation.” He sold Freud Communications in 1994 for £10 million [$19m], but stayed on in charge of the company as part of the deal. He has repeatedly said that he wants to be appointed to the House of Lords. (
Friend of Peter Mandelson. “Controlled media manipulation.” Wants to be appointed to the House of Lords. Yep, that’s the kind of person behind Live8 and Make Poverty History: a highly deceitful, highly manipulative Jewish multi-millionaire who’s hand-in-glove with the “former” Marxists and communists of Britain’s Labour government. But note that Matthew Freud himself isn’t famous: like many Jews, he concentrates on gathering money, power, and influence in the background while deluded Whites are supplying fixes of adulation to media junkies like St Bob of Fockoff and Bonehead of U2.
And while those deluded Whites are distracted with pop music and African emo-porn, Jews like Freud are using their money, power, and influence to destroy White nations. I don’t care about starving blacks or AIDS orphans and I’m not going to pretend that I do or that I have any solution to their problems. What I do care about is the suffering caused by blacks to Whites in Europe and America, and I do have a solution to that. We’ll not Make Poverty History this side of Christ’s Second Coming, but if we get the Jews off our backs we can Make Niggers History by sending them – and all other non-whites – back where they belong. It’s as simple as clicking your fingers.
The liberals got it exactly right. For years now they’ve been telling us how “vibrant” mass immigration has made stale, pale White societies. Well, London was certainly vibrating on 7th July and that got me thinking: What else have the liberals got right? Mass immigration “enriches” us too, they’ve always said. Is that “enrich” as in “enriched uranium”, an excellent way of making atom bombs? Because that’s what comes next: a weapon of real mass destruction that won’t kill people in piffling dozens but in hundreds of thousands or millions. Bye-bye London, bye-bye Washington, bye-bye Tel Aviv.
I’m not too sure I’d shed a tear if the last-named went up in a shower of radioactive cinders, but Tel Aviv is actually the least likely of the three to be hit. What’s good for you ain’t good for Jews, and though Jews have striven mightily, and mighty successfully, to turn White nations into multi-racial fever-swamps, mass immigration has passed the Muzzerland safely by. And mass immigration is the key to what happened in London. You don’t need a sophisticated socio-political analysis taking in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Jewish control of Anglo-American foreign policy, British colonialism, and fifteen centuries of Christian-Muslim conflict. You can explain the London bombs in five simple words:
Pakis do not belong here.
And you can sum up how to prevent further London bombs – and worse – in three simple words:
At any time before the 1950s, brown-skinned Muslim terrorists would have found it nearly impossible to plan and commit atrocities on British soil, because they would have stood out like sore thumbs in Britain’s overwhelmingly White cities. Today, thanks to decades of mass immigration, it’s often Whites who stand out like sore thumbs. Our cities swarm with non-whites full of anti-White grievances and hatreds created by Judeo-liberal propaganda. And let’s forget the hot air about how potential terrorists and terrorist sympathizers are a “tiny minority” of Britain’s vibrant, peace-loving Muslim “community.”
Even if that’s true, a tiny minority of 1.6 million (2001 estimate) is a hell of a lot of people, and there’s very good reason to believe it isn’t true. Tony Blair has tried to buy off Britain’s corrupt and greedy “moderate” Muslims with knighthoods and public flattery, but his rhetoric about the “religion of peace” wore thin long ago. After the bombings he vowed, with his trademark bad actor’s pauses, that we will... not rest until... the guilty men are identified... and as far... as is humanly possible... brought to justice for this... this murderous carnage... of the innocent.
His slimy lawyer’s get-out clause – “as far as is humanly possible” – was soon needed. Unlike Blair and his pal Dubya in Iraq and Afghanistan, the bombers were prepared not only to kill the innocent but to die themselves as they did so. And to laugh at the prospect: they were captured on CCTV sharing a joke about the limbs and heads that would shortly be flying. Even someone as dim as Blair must know you’ve got a big problem on your hands when there are over 1.6 million people in your country following a religion like that.
If he doesn’t know, there are plenty of Jewish journalists who will point it out for him. There’s the neo-conservative Melanie Phillips in Britain, for example, who never met an indignant adverb she didn’t like, and the neo-conservative Mark Steyn in Canada, who never met an indignant Arab he didn’t kick. Reading their hard-hitting columns on Muslim psychosis, I was reminded of a famous scene in Charles Dickens’ notoriously anti-Semitic novel Oliver Twist (1839). The hero watches the training of the villainous old Jew Fagin put into action by the Artful Dodger:
What was Oliver’s horror and alarm to see the Dodger plunge his hand into the old gentleman’s pocket, and draw from thence a handkerchief! To see him hand the same to Charley Bates; and finally to behold them both running away round the corner at full speed! He stood for a moment tingling from terror; then, confused and frightened, he took to his heels and made off as fast as he could lay his feet to the ground.
In the very instant when Oliver began to run, the old gentleman, putting his hand to his pocket, and missing his handkerchief, turned sharp round. Seeing the boy scudding away, he very naturally concluded him to be the depredator; and shouting “Stop thief!” with all his might, made off after him. But the old gentleman was not the only person who raised the hue-and-cry. The Dodger and Master Bates, unwilling to attract public attention by running down the open street, had merely retired into the very first doorway round the corner. They no sooner heard the cry, and saw Oliver running, than, guessing exactly how the matter stood, they issued forth with great promptitude; and, shouting “Stop thief!” too, joined in the pursuit like good citizens.
“Wicked Muslims!” our two Jewish Artful Dodgers are shouting. “Can’t you see how they hate the West and want to destroy us?” Well, yes, we can, but some of us can also see who the original West-haters are. Mark Steyn claims not to be Jewish, but his ancestry shines through time after time in his writing. Above all, there’s his dishonesty. One week he’s mocking anti-Semites for claiming that the tiny nation of Israel could have such a powerful influence for bad on the world’s affairs. The following week he’s praising the British Empire for having had such a powerful influence for good. You know, the world-bestriding British Empire – as created by a tiny nation called Britain.
If the Brits could do it openly and honestly, Mr Steyn, why can’t the yids do it by fraud and deception? And the yids have done it, of course. They’ve run immigration policy and “race relations” in Europe and America since the 1960s, and Steyn is very fond of pointing out what’s in store for Europe as our Jew-invited non-white guests grow in number and really start to show their appreciation of our hospitality.
Funnily enough, I’ve never seen him point out that the same is in store for North America, which has its own rapidly growing non-white swarms. And when Steyn launches one of his regular attacks on the lunacies of multi-culturalism and anti-racism, a central fact always somehow seems to escape his notice. He recently once again bemoaned the psychotic “Western self-loathing” that has such a “grip on the academy, the media, the Congregational and Episcopal Churches, the ‘arts’ and Hollywood.” Exhibit one: the multi-culti, hug-the-world, “Let’s all be nice to the Muslims” memorial for 9/11. This was his list of those responsible for it:
Tom Bernstein... Michael Posner... Eric Foner... George Soros...
Well, that’s a Jew, a Jew, a Jew, and a Jew – sounds like a lampshade collector showing off his Auschwitz shelf. But fearless “Tell It Like It Is” Steyn, ever-ready to mock the “racial sensitivity” of deluded liberals, is himself very sensitive about race when it comes to the Chosen Ones. He’ll kick dark-skinned Muslims and their liberal appeasers till the sacred cows come home and he can start kicking them too, but just like Melanie Phillips he never whispers a word about the Jews who created liberal appeasement or about the enormous power Jews wield in “the academy, the media, the ‘arts,’ and Hollywood.”
The same is true of all other Jewish “conservatives.” They’re shouting “Stop thief!” at the top of their voices and hoping that no-one will notice that they all belong to the biggest race of thieves who ever existed. Those bombs went off in London because Jews have stolen large parts of Britain from their rightful White inhabitants and handed them over to the non-white followers of a psychotic alien religion. When non-whites commit more and worse atrocities in future, you won’t need to ask who’s really responsible: it’s liberal Jews like Tom Bernstein and George Soros, who organize mass immigration and the anti-racism industry, and “conservative” Jews like Mark Steyn and Melanie Phillips, who distract White attention from the racial motives of Jews like Soros and Bernstein. Heads they win, tails we lose – liberal, “conservative”, they’re all of them Jews.
Is God on our side? I’m starting to think not only that He is, but that He’s planting jokes for us in the media. First, meet Dr John Sentamu, who is, as the Malaysians say, black as Adam’s shit (Whites must have infected them with racism during colonial days). He’s also ready to become the new Archbishop of York, with a salary of $130,000 a year paid by Whites, a rent-free “medieval palace” designed and built by Whites, and a luxurious chauffeur-driven car invented and manufactured by Whites. Quite a change from the days he had to flee Uganda and the mass-murdering black cannibal Idi Amin, and you might expect him to be suitably grateful to the stale, pale, hideously male Church of England for letting him enjoy the very best fruits of White ingenuity and labor.
Yes, you might expect it – if you didn’t know niggers better. On Monday 29th August Dr Sentamu appeared in one of Britain’s national newspapers with the following tale of woe:
So let’s sum up: the Whites in the Church of England are “infected” with “racism” and spread a “deadly poison” that inflicts “pain” and “cost” on their black brethren. Got that? Okay, here’s why I think God is planting jokes in the media for our side. On the same day in the same paper, there was a story about what had happened at a christening in London at the weekend:The Church of England is infected with institutional racism and is still a place of “pain” for many black Anglicans, according to its first black archbishop. Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop-designate of York, has used the foreword of a new book implicitly to criticise fellow Church leaders for failing to deal properly with discrimination. The book, Rejection, Resistance and Resurrection: Speaking Out On Racism in the Church, is a hard-hitting account of the rejection felt by many black Anglicans.
Written by Mukti Barton, the adviser on black and Asian ministries to the Bishop of Birmingham, Dr Sentamu’s present post, it describes racism as a “deadly poison” often unconsciously spread by white Christians. Dr Sentamu, who is to launch the book in Birmingham cathedral next month, said in the foreword: “The stories in this book speak of the pain of what it is to undergo institutional racism. The cost is in terms of the lives of people who are hampered in their growth into the image of God created in them.” (The Daily Telegraph, 29th August 2005)
A woman holding a baby was shot dead yesterday after she challenged a gang of armed robbers who had raided a christening party. The victim, who was not the child’s mother, was hit in the head at point-blank range. Relatives of the child and friends were celebrating at a community centre in Peckham, south London, on Saturday night when three hooded men armed with a sawn-off shotgun and a pistol burst in and began stealing bags and mobile telephones from the 100 guests. When the victim, believed to be a 34-year-old mother-of-two, stood up to the robbers she was shot immediately.
A relative of the child said: “She was carrying the baby who had been christened but that didn’t bother them. The man who was holding the shotgun just turned towards her, raised the barrel and put a bullet in her head. She fell to the floor and there was loads of blood everywhere. It all happened in about two minutes, but seemed like much longer. Everyone who was there is in total shock.” A young mother who lives on the estate said: “To be honest, it just isn’t a surprise. There is so much trouble round here – shootings, stabbings and rapes.” (The Daily Telegraph, 29th August 2005)
Will any Heretical reader need telling what color all those involved were? No, I didn’t think so. The murdered woman had escaped one black-created hellhole, Sierra Leone, only to end up dead in another black-created hellhole in what was once a law-abiding White nation. Those responsible were soon in custody: four black males with IQs of 14, 16, 19, and 33 – no, sorry, hang on. Those are their ages, not their IQs. Still, it’s an understandable mistake: maybe they’d have got away with the robbery if they hadn’t killed someone at the same time, but the speed of the arrests suggests that they’re fine examples of black psychopathy and black stupidity.
Anyway, here’s my message for Dr John Sentamu, straight from the man who founded his religion:
You hypocrite, first cast the beam out of your own eye; and then you will see clearly to take the speck of dust out of your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:5)
In other words: rather than waste your time whining about what honkies do to niggers, why not worry about the much worse things that niggers do to niggers? And why not thank Whites for all those things – airplanes, cars, computers, telephones, medieval palaces – that blacks like you are happy to take from Whites but could never have created for yourselves?
Sentamu won’t do either, of course, because if he did that he’d be opposing the real institutional racism infecting Britain: institutional racism against Whites. In my last column I mentioned a very rare event: a black was murdered by Whites. I also said that the black would continue to get special attention while the White victim of a black thug faded rapidly into oblivion. Well, the black was buried in Liverpool on 25th August and the “hideously white” B.B.C. – as it was called by one of its own directors – broadcast the entire funeral live on one of its state-funded channels. Do you think the funeral of that murdered black woman is going to be broadcast live? Or the funeral of any White murdered by blacks or Asians, however violently and brutally?
Of course not, because that wouldn’t fit the decades-old Judeo-liberal agenda: to attack Whites in general and White men in particular. “Bishop” Sentamu, like countless other professional ethnics in Western countries, has made a comfortable living bashing Whitey, and he’s not going to stop of his own accord. Then again, why should he? Even apart from the money he makes, hypocrisy is very easy for humans. It’s much easier to accept evil from our own side than it is to accept evil from outsiders.
That’s why multi-racial societies are inherently unstable and lead inevitably to hatred and conflict. When the official policy of government and media is to blame all problems on one race – Whites – it’s just pouring more gasoline on the fire. Blacks in Britain are murdered far more often and in far worse ways by other blacks than they are by Whites, but a single White-on-black murder generates infinitely more coverage than dozens of black-on-black murders. And that black who shot a woman in the head didn’t really pull the trigger.
No, the White racism that made him poor and stupid pulled it for him by remote control. Non-white criminals are innocents corrupted by White evil and if Britain is paradise compared to non-white countries, it’s only because Whites have stolen so much from non-whites for so many centuries. That’s the constant message of the media and though it’s only words and images, it’s tied Whites down in the same way as Gulliver was tied down by the midget Lilliputians in that famous scene from Gulliver’s Travels (1726).
If he’d been free Gulliver could have defeated the Lilliputians with ease, but he’d been caught while he was unconscious and woken up to find himself helpless. That’s the situation Whites now face: we’re giants waking up to find ourselves tied down by midgets with ropes of “racism” and “hate.” But midgets like John Sentamu and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and all the rest of the well-rewarded anti-racist crew aren’t the important ones. No, the important ones are those who made the ropes and taught niggers and pakis how to use them against us. If you want to know who that is, here’s the White nationalist Alex Linder with another excellent metaphor:
The White race, which has created the world’s greatest works of art and intellect and the world’s richest and freest societies, is now tied up and drowning, and unless Whites fight to break free, Jews will soon be laughing over its dripping corpse.Dealing with the Jews means dealing with the problem itself, whereas everything else is mopping the floor while the tap’s still running.
Was Jesus really Jewish? I mean, look at the facts. He wasn’t interested in money or power, he cured the sick and made public speeches for free, and he was executed after a rigged trial because rich, powerful Jews didn’t like his “hate speech.” Does any of that sound Jewish to you? Curing the sick and speaking in public for free? Feeding a crowd of thousands with loaves and fishes and not charging them a red shekel? Abusing the rich and powerful rather than wriggling his way to riches and power himself?
No, that doesn’t sound at all like TKB (Typical Kike Behavior) to me, and we Gentiles can still find many useful lessons in those speeches made by Jesus. If you want to understand the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, these 2,000-year-old words are an excellent guide:
Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken to a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; but it did not fall, for it was built upon a rock. And everyone that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was its fall. (Matthew 7:24-27)
Nations are like houses, and you can build them on either rock or sand. A nation built on rock is a nation made up of one race united by a shared history, culture, and genetic makeup. When a storm comes, it doesn’t fall because its people rightly see and help each other as part of the same big family. A nation built on sand is a nation made up of different races disunited because they don’t have a shared history, culture, and genetic makeup. When a storm comes, it falls as sure as yids are yids because its people don’t and can’t see each other as part of the same big family.
And what kind of nations are modern Britain and America? Clearly, they’re nations built on sand. Even liberals can see that in the pictures from New Orleans, because Jew-deluded American Whites haven’t just tried to build a nation on sand, they’ve used the worst possible kind of sand – the black kind. They’ve ignored this simple but compelling truth: You can take niggers out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of niggers, and given the slightest opportunity it will rise to the surface in all its snarling, spitting fury. Forget E = mc2: this was the equation at work in New Orleans:
TNB = r2 + m2 + t2
In other words, the worst kinds of rape, murder, and theft are Typical Nigger Behavior. For once, TV has been on our side, because it’s shown the truth about racial difference. We are not all the same “under the skin” and we never will be. Blacks are not our equals: they’re stupid, sex-crazed, bloodthirsty savages. Whites used White-invented science and technology to warn blacks well in advance that the hurricane was on its way, but they were too stupid to take any notice. The hurricane hit, half-destroying a city Whites had built, and blacks seized the opportunity to loot and destroy what was left. TNB = r2 + m2 + t2. Can anyone watching the pictures from New Orleans be left in any doubt about why Africa is such a basket-case? About why blacks rape, murder, and steal wherever they go and however much they’re given? Whites have spent billions of dollars over many decades trying to raise them from savagery, and we’ve failed time after time after time. As I said: you cannot take the jungle out of niggers.
Or rather: you can’t take the genes out of niggers. Niggaz iz what dey iz because of their genes. A few exceptional niggers – ones with lots of White blood – can be housetrained and remain partly civilized if surrounded by Whites and well-watched, but they’re the exceptions that prove the rule. Because of the innate tendency of blacks towards crime and misbehavior, a nation or city built with them will fall as soon as there’s a storm. Given the black genius for destruction and depravity, parts of it will fall well before the storm.
But there are more kinds of nigger than one, and though Europe in 1900 had very few niggers of any kind, by 2000 Jews had ensured it was swarming with ’em. Because of their numbers, the worst kind of European nigger are the Muslims, and the worst kind of Muslim nigger in Britain are the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. In 2002, the White psychologists Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen published an article called “Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations” (later turned into a book). It tried to demonstrate a link between national wealth and average national IQ and answer such questions as “Why are black nations so poor and badly governed?” To understand why, just take a look at their figures: black nations have average IQs ranging from under 60 to about 80, which would count as mentally retarded or “educationally subnormal” among Whites.
But Pakistan and Bangladesh score little better: Lynn and Vanhanen estimate the average IQ there to be 81. The average IQ for the White British is 100. Allowing millions of Muslims into Britain has been rather like pouring sump-oil into champagne and expecting it still to taste of champagne. Many British cities are now well on their way to having Muslim majorities, and when they do the crime and anti-White hatred and violence already flourishing there are only going to get worse. If you want to know some of the delights we have in store, take a look at this example of how Muslims treat their own kind back home in Pakistan:
On an ordinary weekday at the shrine of Shah Dola in the Punjabi city of Gujrat, hundreds of worshippers come to celebrate the life of one of Pakistan’s most revered Sufi saints. By the tomb itself dozens of women pray intensely. By doing so, they believe, they will be blessed with a child. According to a legend dating back hundreds of years a woman who’s unable to conceive will become fertile by offering prayers here. But at a price. The couple can expect their first-born to be handicapped – a rat child with a tiny head. And it must be handed over to the shrine.
Experts say the children who are handed over are being deliberately deformed by criminal gangs operating around the shrine, who then use them for begging. Anusheh Hussain, head of Sahil, an organisation fighting against child exploitation in Pakistan, says the rat-children can be sold for large sums of money: “One has heard that these children are sold from anywhere between 40,000 [rupees] – which is approximately 10 dollars – to 80,000 rupees per child. On average they will be able to make, through begging, around 400 to 500 rupees a day, which makes it a very lucrative business considering that’s twice the amount a civil servant makes.”
Because of this there is deep suspicion that the legend of Shah Dola has in fact been fabricated to trick ordinary people into handing over perfectly healthy babies. It’s believed these are then deliberately deformed so that they can then be sold for begging. Pirzada Imtiaz Syed, a trade union leader based in Gujrat, says he has heard of many cases of abuse: “I have not seen this myself but I have heard from many people that they use iron rings which are placed on the baby’s head to stop it growing. I believe there are about 10,000 rat children in Pakistan controlled by a mafia of beggars who are all over the country. These children are also physically and sexually abused.”
The allegation that the children are being deformed using medieval contraptions is of course denied by those associated with the shrine in Gujrat. They say the rat-children are suffering from a genetic disease. But Pakistan’s top genetic scientist, Dr Qasim Mehdi, who investigated this for three years, says this is medically impossible: “In order for a disease to be genetically inherited you have to have a disease running in the family. The point is that these children come from very different backgrounds, from very different families, so it cannot be a genetically inherited disease.” (BBC News, 29th June 1998)
When that “British” suicide-bomber Mohammed Sidique Khan appeared on video to explain why he and his comrades murdered all those innocent Whites in London, he didn’t include the rat-children of Shah Dola in the list of his abused and suffering Muslim brethren. If the rat-children were being created by non-Muslims, he would certainly have done so.
In other words, he didn’t really care about Muslim suffering at all: he just wanted an excuse to attack a civilization whose achievements he envied and hated. Just like blacks, Muslims have an inferiority complex about White civilization. It’s a constant reproach to them, because they could never have created it for themselves and are incapable of matching it even now we’ve shown them the way. That’s why they hate us and want to destroy us. Then again, it’s a perfectly natural and understandable reaction to something that reminds you constantly of your own inferiority.
But if niggers and pakis weren’t in White nations, their envy and hatred wouldn’t have any power to harm us and wouldn’t now threaten us with destruction. A hundred years ago, Whites could see that clearly, because Whites back then knew that there were huge and ineradicable differences between Whites and non-whites in behavior, culture, and degree of civilization. A hundred years on, thanks to decades of lying Jewish propaganda and manipulation, we’re having to learn that simple truth all over again the hard way. The London bombings were one lesson, Hurricane Katrina is another, and millions of previously sleeping Whites are now starting to wake up. It’s about time, because time is running out.
Suffer little Children? – more on child abuse in Pakistan from Zaffarullah Khan.
Liberals are clear-eyed, cool-headed rationalists, implacably opposed to dogma and superstition. That’s why they reject the fairy-tales of the creationists. Like this one: The Universe was created in six days and is now only 6,000 years old. Laughable. Or this one: Noah’s ark rode out a world-wide flood for forty days and nights with a huge collection of animals on board. Ludicrous. Or this one: Mass immigration by non-whites into White societies will produce peace, prosperity, and happiness for all. Ridic– Whoops, sorry, my mistake. I’m mixing my fairy-tales up. That last one belongs to the liberals, not the creationists.
Yes, the truth is that liberals don’t really object to dogma, superstition, and fairy-tales at all, they just object to the wrong kind: the old Christian kind. They’re perfectly happy with the new kind – their kind – and they hate science just as much as creationists when it threatens to contradict their irrational dogmas. Race does not exist. IQ tests measure nothing but the prejudices of IQ testers. Differences in the psychology and behavior of men and women are solely the product of social conditioning. Those are three of the biggest liberal dogmas, and for the past forty years, led by pseudo-scientists like Stephen Jay Gould (Jew), Richard Lewontin (Jew), Leon Kamin (Jew), Steven Rose (Jew), and Jared Diamond (guess), they’ve fought tooth-and-nail against the ever-growing scientific evidence that all three are completely wrong. Race does exist, IQ tests do measure something real, and men and women are innately different in psychology and behavior.
More evidence of how liberals can’t tolerate true science comes from their ignorance about one of the most important of all scientific tools: the controlled experiment. When you have an idea or invention to test, use a small space to start with and compare what happens with a control where you don’t do anything. One of the advantages of this method is that if something goes wrong, you can easily contain the problem. Suppose you have a new chemical that might help crops grow faster and feed more people, but might have unwelcome side-effects too. You need to test it to make sure it’s safe, so the obvious thing to do is manufacture huge amounts of the stuff and use it on every farm in the country. That way, if every plant turns yellow and dies after two weeks, shortly before farmers and their families start developing strange and deadly new cancers, you’re up shit creek without a paddle. But you can at least say that your heart was in the right place.
If you think that sounds wrong, you’re obviously not a liberal, because that is actually a good description of how liberals have been testing the effects of race mixing. Mass immigration by non-whites is an experiment on a huge scale with no controls whatsoever, and if it all goes horribly wrong the ordinary Whites of Europe and America, who never asked for or wanted the experiment to take place, will be left up shit creek without a paddle. It will be no consolation that many liberals will be sharing the canoe with them. Other liberals, with the money to buy their way out of a self-created disaster, may be able to flee somewhere still safe like Iceland or the far north of Canada. If so, then maybe after a few years, when the memories of massacre and rape by non-whites have begun to fade, their crazy liberal religion will re-assert itself and they’ll begin agitating for more “diversity” in the hideously White societies that surround them.
That’s why the native Whites of Iceland and northern Canada, if they have any sense, will arrest those fleeing liberals as soon as they step off the plane and deport them straight back where they came from: the racially mixed hell-holes their criminal ideas and actions helped create. After all, there’s no way the refugees could plead innocence or ignorance. The disastrous effects of mass immigration are already obvious now in the experiment that took place in the Pacific on the tiny island of Fiji. Europe and America are big places with many millions of White inhabitants. It will take a long time to destroy them completely with mass immigration, and the process has only just started. Fiji isn’t a big place and that’s why it’s already been destroyed. The old Fiji is now gone for ever, because the native Fijians are outnumbered by the offspring of Indian laborers imported under the British Empire. There’s huge racial trouble there and for once the old liberal whine is right: The disaster in Fiji is Whitey’s fault.
Or rather, it’s the fault of the ignorant, short-sighted White colonial politicians who ran Fiji and imported Hindu Indians without the consent of the island’s rightful owners. The same kind of politician imported Hindus from mainland India into Buddhist Sri Lanka and created another intractable racial conflict. Sri Lanka is where suicide bombing was invented before it was picked up by the Palestinians in their racial conflict with the Jews and then sent on to the London subway and the racial conflict between Whites and non-whites in Britain. In each case – Fiji, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Britain – a small group of politicians have ignored common sense and the lessons of history by allowing different races and religions to mix. In the case of Britain, their task was made easier by the lies of Jew-corrupted science and psychology about the realities of race and racial differences.
But there is some good news: Those lies are starting to crumble fast. Many of my readers will have heard about the new research into gene-variants underlying brain development. There are highly significant genetic differences between Whites and sub-Saharan blacks, for example, and those differences support race realism about differences between White and black intelligence. I’ve been reading liberal papers and watching liberal websites and very little has been said about this research, which is a sure sign of its significance. Liberals can’t attack the researcher as a racist because he’s Chinese, and though they may be able to delay the even more significant findings he’s said to have made, it really is only a matter of time before the religion of modern liberalism becomes extinct.
That’s because its cherished dogmas about race are being destroyed one by one. Science is on our side, not theirs, and even the most deluded of white liberals are starting to realize it. Those Jewish pseudo-scientists like Gould and Diamond, who knew the truth all along, are being exposed as the liars and charlatans they always were. They should thank their lucky stars that this scientific war won’t end in a trial for war crimes, because they’re guilty as hell and share a heavy responsibility for all the Whites raped, murdered, and beaten by non-whites in Europe and America since the crazy and criminal experiment of race mixing and mass immigration started back in the last century.
“Whatever advantage these genes give, some groups have it and some don’t. This has to be the worst nightmare for people who believe strongly there are no differences in brain function between groups,” says anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, US.A summary of research into brain evolution by the Chinese scientist Bruce Lahn.
The British media were celebrating some wonderful news in 2001: a report by “an independent health thinktank” called the King’s Fund said that 14.1% of doctors working in general surgery were non-white. That is roughly 200% – two hundred per cent – more than non-white representation in the general population, and a sure sign that the anti-racist recruitment policies of the National Health Service were working extremely well. Of all medical staff, 18.4% were non-white, an even more pleasing figure, and though it’s true that only 8.9% of consultants were non-white, that was still nearly double their representation in the general population, and another sure sign that the NHS was not discriminating against non-whites.
So here’s how Britain’s biggest liberal paper reported that independent health thinktank’s reaction to these very pleasing statistics:
The King’s Fund called on the NHS and professional bodies to introduce reforms to implement last year’s Race Relations Amendment Act. ... Leaders of the medical profession should do more to eliminate racism from medical schools and monitor the career paths of black and Asian doctors to make sure nobody was prevented by ethnicity or colour from reaching their full potential, the fund said. (The Guardian, 19th June 2001)
Oh dear, oh dear: so things weren’t so pleasing after all. But anyone who is surprised by that obviously doesn’t understand the way liberals use statistics: not as a tool to discover the truth, but as a weapon against Whites. When non-whites are under-represented in a particular profession by comparison with the general population, liberals screech that this is incontrovertible proof of racism and discrimination. Clearly, therefore, when non-whites are over-represented, that must, by the same logic, be proof of racism and discrimination against Whites. But liberals are not interested in logic and they’re always ready to change the rules of the game to produce the desired anti-White outcome. At 14.1%, non-whites were hugely over-represented in general surgery, but they were even more hugely over-represented in general psychiatry (24%), accident and emergency (27%), and geriatrics (30.4%). So liberals conclude that non-whites are still being discriminated against!
In other words: if it’s heads, Whites lose; if it’s tails, non-whites win. The true purpose of “anti-racism” and “diversity” is not to achieve justice and equality but to take power and money from Whites until they have no more left to give. It’s a vampire’s agenda, so it should come as absolutely no surprise that the “chief executive” of the King’s Fund was none other than the shrill and self-righteous Rabbi Julia Neuberger, one of the most revolting of Britain’s many Jewish busybodies and “public consciences.” At times I wonder whether women like her can breathe through their ears, because the anti-White, anti-male yapping that pours from their fast-moving mouths never seems to stop.
Then again, cranial breathing-tubes would reduce space for that outsized Jewish brain which has blessed the world so much since Jews emerged from their ghettos in the eighteenth century. But the funny thing is that when we look at “Jewish genius”, we don’t find men like Beethoven, Shakespeare, and Darwin, who taught us to see and appreciate the world and its richness and beauty better. No, “Jewish genius” consists of men like Marx, Freud, and Boas, who taught us to see and appreciate the evil of Whitey better. Jews are masters at injecting ideological viruses into the blood-stream of a society to weaken and harm it, and one of the most potent Jewish viruses is the Marxo-Freudo-Boasian concept of “racism.”
Just like a real virus, it mutates to maintain its potency. In the 1990s we discovered that not only individuals – White individuals, that is – could be guilty of racism. No, entire organizations – White-run ones, of course – could be guilty too, even if the individuals working in them were not conscious evil-doers. It’s called “institutional racism”, and it means even more power and money for the High Priests of Anti-Racism as they abuse and pervert statistics to detect racial sins and blasphemies in all corners of public and private service.
More recently still, a new mutation of this Jew-invented virus has appeared: the spine-chilling “stealth racism.” And once again, statistics are being abused and perverted to detect its unholy presence. The British police now force potential recruits to prove their anti-racism by sitting special tests. However, the tests produced some unexpected but very pleasing news, according to this report in the ever race-aware Guardian:
Home Office data showed 42% of Chinese applicants to the police were rejected on the grounds of “respect for race and diversity.” Similarly, 34% of black and 33% of Asian applicants were rejected, compared with 23% of their white counterparts. (14th June 2004)
Look at that: Whites have more “respect for race and diversity” than non-whites! That must show that we’re finally winning the decades-long War on Whitey’s Racism! Well, mustn’t it? No, of course not. The lawyer who headed the investigation into these findings, a former Director of Public Prosecutions called “Sir” David Calvert-Smith (who is either a race-traitor or a Jew)*, made the following comment:
The precise reasons for this disturbing racial pattern need to be determined, and the assessment methods and scoring systems examined more closely. (My emphasis)
In other words: the conclusion was fixed in advance. The tests were intended to exclude more Whites than non-whites, because – as we all know – only Whites can be racist and show disrespect for other races and cultures. And when the statistics seem to show that this is completely wrong, it’s “disturbing” evidence of
...a new phenomenon, the “stealth racist” who [has] learned how to remain undetected by the emphasis on what terminology to use and not use.
This proves that Whites can never win. Evidence that we’re less racist than non-whites is actually evidence that we’re just concealing our racism. We’re guilty till proved guilty, and we have to wake up and understand the truth about anti-racism and the ever-growing “diversity” industry. Not only is equality between different races impossible to achieve, anti-racists and diversocrats do not want to achieve it. They want non-whites to take everything Whites have got, and the only freedom they’re interested in is the freedom for non-whites to screech louder and louder about racism as more and more White power and money are handed over to them. If you want a picture of what’s going on, let ornithology come to your aid:
Non-whites are cuckoos in the White nest, but unlike cuckoo-parasitized birds, Whites have the intelligence and insight to realize what’s going on and throw them out before they swallow everything. We better start using that intelligence and insight soon, because the cuckoos are growing bigger, noisier, and greedier every day.
* David Calvert-Smith, the anti-White lawyer mentioned above, was “born 6th April 1945 to Arthur and Stella Calvert-Smith, who met while helping to care for Jewish refugees in Oxford” and someone of the same name prepared a hostile “documentary” for the Nazi propaganda film Jew Süss (1940), which was “released by the Jewish Media Services JWB.”
It is a capital mistake to theorize without data, Sherlock Holmes once said. But it’s also a capital mistake to theorize without understanding the data you’ve already got. Step forward Kenan Malik, one of many non-whites in Britain who earn a comfortable living lecturing Whites on what’s best for them and their country. In February 1989, he traveled to the northern English city of Bradford to investigate the protests against Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses (1988). He chanced on “Hassan, a friend from London”, whom he “had not seen for a couple of years.” Left-wing, prejudice-free Malik asked him what he was doing in “this God-forsaken place” – a typical piece of anti-northern prejudice – and discovered that he was helping “in the campaign to silence the blasphemer”:
“You what?”
“No need to look so shocked. I’ve had it with the white left. I’d lost my sense of who I am and where I came from. So I came back to Bradford to rediscover it. We need to defend our dignity as Muslims, to defend our values and beliefs, and not allow anyone – racist or Rushdie – to trample over them.”
I was astonished. The Hassan I knew in London had been a member of the Socialist Workers party (as I had been for a while). Apart from Trotskyism his other indulgences were sex, Southern Comfort and watching Arsenal [a soccer club in London]. We had marched together, chucked bricks together at the National Front, been arrested together. I had never detected a religious bone in his body. But here he was in Bradford, an errand boy to the mullahs, inspired by book-burners. (“Born in Bradford”, Prospect magazine, October 2005)
He wasn’t the only one who was astonished: I had to read this passage twice when I first came across it. Kenan Malik is supposed to be an expert on politics, and yet he had never noticed the very close parallels between fundamentalist religion and far-left political movements like Trotskyism. The same psychological forces – “alienation”, hatred of mainstream society and the wish to destroy it, longing for clear identity and purpose – drive people into both, which is why it’s so easy for people to move from one to the other. Kenan Malik’s friend Hassan first tried the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party as a vehicle for his hatred of mainstream White society, then switched to Islam. There’s nothing “astonishing” about that and the roots of the two ideologies are in fact the same: both Islam and Trotskyism are mutant forms of Judaism, like so many ideologies that have caused death and suffering down the millennia.
One of the few good things about Islam is that it has never been under Jewish control and still recognizes the harmful nature of Jews, but Trotskyism was invented by a Jew, Leon Trotsky, and is still used by Jews as a tool of manipulation and control. The Socialist Workers Party was founded by a man with the reassuringly White British name of Tony Cliff, but that was just a pseudonym: his real name was Yigael Gluckstein and he was a Jew from the Middle East. Although he called himself an atheist, he behaved just like a rabbi in gathering disciples and exploiting them to win power and fame for himself. Many people left the SWP because they became disillusioned by its authoritarianism and control-freakery – both typically Jewish traits.
Kenan Malik left the SWP too but its authoritarianism and control-freakery don’t seem to have disillusioned him, because he became a member of yet another Trotskyist group called the Revolutionary Communist Party, descended from the International Socialists via the Revolutionary Communist Group. This kind of schism and factionalism is also found in religion, and the Revolutionary Communist Party was certainly religious in other ways:
Within the RCP, a central committee assumed almost priestly authority: “They did a lot of reading of the texts. They had acolytes. It was quasi-religious – that’s the best way to understand it.” Members were required to give up between a tenth and a quarter of their income, and between 20 and 30 hours of their weekly free time. Headquarters, an office in south London, issued a stream of ideological adjustments. (The Guardian, 15th May 1999)
The RCP was founded by a man with another reassuringly White British name – Frank Richards – but that was just a pseudonym too. Frank Richards’ real name is Frank Furedi and he’s a Jew from Hungary. When the RCP predictably failed in its aim of “World Revolution”, he resumed his real name and created a group with the oxymoronic title of Living Marxism. This gave birth to a host of further groups staffed by the disciples he gathered in the RCP and dedicated to the overthrow of mainstream White society in the UK.
Kenan Malik’s motives for following Furedi are obvious: he hates White society because, as someone with dark skin from a Muslim background, he can never feel part of it. But what about White former members of the RCP like Mick Hume and Claire Fox, both prominent today in the British media? Why did they join a Jew-directed attack on the mainstream?
The answer, I’m sorry to say, reflects White disunity and the power of past enmities among Whites, which National Vanguard, the American White nationalist group, rightly calls “Brothers’ wars.” According to the organization LobbyWatch, which has been monitoring the activities of “the Furediites”, Hume joined the RCP in 1981 after being recruited on a “Workers’ March for Irish Freedom.” Claire Fox had joined the previous year, also attracted by its policies on Irish republicanism.
And there’s the explanation for why two Whites have joined a Jew in attacking White Britain: because they don’t feel part of it. Coming from Catholic Irish backgrounds, they feel hostility towards Protestant England, the largest and most powerful country in Britain, and long portrayed – with some justification – as an oppressor of Catholic Ireland. I come from the same background and I think it’s affected me too: if I were an English Protestant instead I would have recognized the truth about Jews and mass immigration sooner. Subconsciously, people like Hume and Fox recognize that truth too, but because they’re irrationally hostile to England they support mass immigration, even though it harms innocent English Whites who bear no responsibility for what has happened in Ireland in the past.
In fact, they support not simply mass immigration but unlimited immigration. This is Hume writing on Spiked, his propaganda website:
The murder of a Turkish asylum-seeker in Glasgow has re-ignited the debate about how to resolve the UK’s asylum “crisis.” The answer always seems to be the same: tighten the rules, close the loopholes, raise the bar, shut the door. This ignores the fact that the real problem is not asylum-seekers, but Britain’s immigration laws. The only possible solution is to create a climate in which we can open the borders and welcome the free movement of people as readily as the authorities now champion the free movement of trade and investment. (“Asylum: the immigration laws are mad”, 10th August 2001)
His judicious summing-up of the situation was: “We cannot have a free society so long as people are not free to come and go”; and his “Let ’em all in” line, also enthusiastically followed by Kenan Malik, has been regularly repeated on Spiked. In 2005, for example, Josie Appleton, another of Furedi’s disciples, wrote a pro-immigration article that began with the claim “Britain is coping just fine with its new arrivals, and could take more still.” She continued:
The UK government has finally come clean on illegal immigration. Right now, admits the Home Office, there are up to 570,000 illegals living in Britain. Which raises the question: what’s the problem? If there are half a million – one per cent of the population – and the country is coping just fine, why not take more? (“570,000 ‘illegal immigrants’: so what?”, 1st July 2005)
Note the date: six days later four not-so-new arrivals murdered dozens of people in London with suicide-bombs. Spiked hasn’t been calling so enthusiastically for unlimited immigration since then, but it’s continued with its old argument that Britain’s problems with race and religion are caused by multi-culturalism, which promotes difference and competition rather than shared values and a common culture.
But just as its arguments on the benefits of immigration were destroyed by the London bombs, so its arguments about “shared values” and a “common culture” have been destroyed by the riots in Paris and many other French cities. France has tried exactly what Spiked wanted: to ignore race and cultural background and treat all its citizens the same. Just like its opposite, multi-culturalism, this approach has failed miserably. Why? Because different races can never be equal. There will always be minorities that fail and they will always blame the majority for their failure, not themselves.
It makes no difference that failure in Britain and France means unimaginable luxury by the standards of immigrants’ homelands. The Muslim suicide-bombers in London hated White Britain because they could not feel part of it and share in its history and success: their grievances about Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Palestine were excuses, not real causes. In fact, they were very similar to Kenan Malik and Mick Hume in their RCP days: alienated young men in an irrational cult that sought to destroy White society. But when Malik and Hume have written about the suicide bombers, these parallels, understandably enough, have passed them by. Hume criticized a memorial service for the victims of the bombs like this:
It was an advertisement for the disproportionate impact that four losers with rucksacks and a grudge can apparently have on our society, getting half the Cabinet and Opposition leaders into the cathedral for a mourning television show fronted by the Queen. What an invitation to any other wannabe celebrity suicide bombers who fancy becoming famous through the X-plosive Factor. (The Times, London, 4th November 2005)
Calling the bombers “losers” was both disingenuous and dishonest. There are plenty of losers in the UK, but the only ones who want to commit mass murder by blowing themselves up have dark skins and worship Allah. One of the suicide bombers also came from a successful family and drove a Mercedes. But money and material possessions weren’t enough to compensate him for his existential suffering as an alien in a White nation where he didn’t belong.
So he attacked that White nation in the most direct and violent way he could. Anti-White and anti-English Kenan Malik, Mick Hume and their allies have attacked Britain in other ways, first through Trotskyism, now through propaganda in the media. But they’re still being controlled and coordinated by someone from the race that is Britain’s deadliest enemy of all: the Jew Frank Furedi. His wife Ann Furedi is part of the attack-squad too, and in a especially disgusting way. She heads the innocently named British Pregnancy Advisory Service, which helps women get abortions, and she was involved in a controversy over the fact that she was guiding British women “more than six months pregnant to a Barcelona Clinic for abortions that are illegal under both British and Spanish law” ( In other words, she was facilitating the deaths of White children up to the moment of birth.
But Britain isn’t unique in having a network of former Trotskyists, Marxists, and their fellow-travelers working busily to weaken its White majority and destroy its history and traditions. In the United States, the “neo-conservatives” who smile on mass immigration by non-whites and send White soldiers to die for Israel in Iraq are run and supported by Jews like Paul Wolfowitz, Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, and Christopher Hitchens, all with a background in radical left politics or disciples of the machiavellian Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss. The neo in “neo-conservative” seems to be a prefix meaning “not”, and just like Frank Furedi and his disciples, they have the characteristic Jewish arrogance of knowing what’s best for the world and setting out to do it, whether the world wants it or not.
The attack-dog of the American neo-cons is the famous Mark “I’m Not A Jew” Steyn, who churns out articles and essays for newspapers and magazines all over the world. As I’ve pointed out before, Steyn’s shtick is to denounce liberalism and political correctness without ever pointing out who invented liberalism and political correctness. He and his British equivalents, like the shrill Melanie Phillips, bewail the dangers of Euro-Islam but never remind their readers of who allowed dark-skinned Muslims to invade Europe and who created “anti-racist” laws to stop White Europeans protesting against the invasion.
Steyn and Phillips are pulling the wool over the eyes of millions of Whites all on their own, Frank Furedi is doing the same through his network of deluded White disciples, and all three of them are excellent examples of why Jews should not be allowed power or influence in White societies. Jews use words as weapons and because the pen is mightier than the sword – or the suicide bomb – they’re much more dangerous to us than Muslims. Muslims are only a symptom: Jews are the original disease and Whites need to start taking their anti-Jewish medicine now.
Cowards and Conspiracy Theories – Spiked bite back!
How right Rabbie Burns was! “The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang oft agley.” Earlier in 2005 a black teenager was murdered by Whites in Liverpool with an axe. The big drums of the media jungle, which stay resolutely silent when Whites are murdered by non-whites, came to thunderous life, beating out their simple message of WHITEY IS EVIL... WHITEY IS EVIL... WHITEY IS EVIL... They had to fall silent in the end, but a few months later the carefully prepared show-trial was ready and they could start beating again: WHITEY IS EVIL... WHITEY IS EVIL... WHIT–
And then guess what? Criminals in Bradford went and spoiled it all by shooting one White policewoman to death and seriously wounding another, thereby driving the show-trial out of the news. With armed and highly dangerous men loose in one of Britain’s most vibrant centers of multi-cultural diversity, the police and media obviously fulfilled their duty to the public and rushed to issue the fullest possible descriptions of those they were searching for. Didn’t they? Well, on the BBC you got these exhaustive details:
Up to three men ran out of the shop and fired several shots as they fled. (18th November 2005)
So the alarmed citizens of Bradford had to be on their guard against “up to three men.” Was that the best description eyewitnesses could supply to the police? Let’s turn to one of the other pillars of Britain’s liberal media for the answer:
Last night a manhunt was under way for the gunmen. Detective Andy Brennan of West Yorkshire police said that “up to three men” had run from the premises of Universal Express travel agency, on Morley Street, in the city centre, during the incident. Mr Brennan called for information from the public, but would not give descriptions of the suspects. He said: “We have bits of descriptions and we don’t think it would be helpful to give them out.” (The Guardian, 18th November 2005)
So armed criminals have just murdered a policewoman in broad daylight, but the policewoman’s own colleagues don’t think it would be “helpful” to release any description beyond the fact that “up to three men” were involved.
If you smell a rat – a big, fat and very black rat – you’re not the only one. Nobody familiar with the West’s traitorous Jew-controlled police and media will need to be told the significance of this refusal to give the full facts. When a horrendous crime is committed and the media suddenly come over all coy and quiet about the race of the perpetrators, there’s only one conclusion to draw: those responsible were not White. Sure enough, what should have been reported from the very beginning eventually came out: The gunmen in Bradford consisted of either three blacks or two blacks and a Pakistani.
“WHITEY IS EVIL... WHITEY IS EVIL... WHITEY IS EVIL...” doesn’t sound so convincing after that, does it? But that wrecked show-trial wasn’t the only media scheme that ganged agley in November 2005. When four Muslims murdered dozens of people in London with suicide-bombs, the media rushed to conceal the fact that most of the dead and wounded were White. They carefully chose to promote the non-whites who were caught up in the bombing. One of them was a black Jamaican called Garri Holness. His brave struggle to rebuild his life after he lost part of his left leg filled many hours of TV and many columns of newsprint. The Jew-loving British prime minister, Tony “Bliar” Blair, and the Jewish leader of the opposition, Michael “Dracula” Howard (né Hecht), congratulated him on his courage, the BBC paid him “time and expenses” for regular appearances on breakfast TV, and he met the Queen at the memorial service for the victims.
But then, alas, the carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign fell apart when its black hero was revealed to be a convicted rapist:
As a musician performing under the stage name Gary “Star” Linton in the 1980s Holness joined five other Blacks in dragging two White girls leaving a concert off the streets of Brixton, South London’s Black slum. The terrified friends, only 16, were hauled into an empty garage in a welfare housing estate. “Brave” Garri joined his pals in ripping off the girl’s clothing and then savagely gang-raping them for an hour and a half while one Black held a knife to a victim’s throat. Police estimated that the pair were raped a total of 45 times, in fear for their lives, in the harrowing ordeal. (National Vanguard, 18th November 2005)
For shock-value, “Black rapes White girls” is up there with “Asian rigs election” and “Jew commits fraud.” Huge amounts of crime are committed by non-whites in Britain and other White nations, but anyone who draws the obvious conclusion that we’d be infinitely better off without non-whites is attacked as a hate criminal. They may rape, murder, cheat, and exploit us – but hey, non-whites create “diversity”, and that makes everything alright.
That’s how the media BS goes but fortunately more and more Whites are starting to see through it. Even when they aren’t committing crime, non-whites weaken and harm White nations in many other ways. Mentally handicapped children are horrendously expensive for Britain’s tax-funded National Health Service and it’s been known for years that the Muslim custom of marriage between first cousins is absolutely guaranteed to produce more and more of them. But rather than condemn the suffering of the children and the completely unnecessary drain on Britain’s White taxpayers, the media kept quiet. In 2003 an authoritative report was issued by medical researchers proving that serious genetic disorders were much more common among Britain’s Muslims. All the same, the report reeked of political correctness and racial cowardice:
The problem that faces clinicians is how to deliver genetic services without stigmatizing British Pakistanis on the basis of their marriage pattern. Very little is known about the social impact of genetic risk information on reproductive decision making and processes of marriage arrangement. With funding from a Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics grant, Dr Shaw, a social anthropologist at Brunel University, and Dr Hurst, a consultant clinical geneticist at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, aim to find out. (Wellcome Trust, 25th November 2003)
So even if Muslims were marrying first cousins in full knowledge of the inevitable consequences in their own children’s suffering and expense to White tax-payers, they weren’t to be “stigmatized.” Not only that, White tax-payers had to pay more money out for two more liberal boneheads to find out how they might react to being advised – with the utmost “sensitivity”, no doubt – to end their depraved and disgusting “arrangement.”
Despite its weaseling and dishonesty, the mainstream media ignored the report and first-cousin marriages continued as they had for decades. In 2004 the doctor Theodore Dalrymple – possibly Jewish, but a good guide to Muslim barbarism in Britain nonetheless – described a young Muslim patient of his who was forced into marrying one of her cousins at the age of sixteen:
She had two children in quick succession, both of whom were so severely handicapped that they would be bedridden for the rest of their short lives and would require nursing 24 hours a day. (For fear of giving offense, the press almost never alludes to the extremely high rate of genetic illnesses among the offspring of consanguineous marriages.) (“When Islam Breaks Down”, City Journal, Spring 2004)
He was ignored too, and it wasn’t until late in 2005, after many more similar births and many more wasted millions, that the mainstream media finally got around to investigating the story:
The Labour MP Ann Cryer has called for British Pakistanis to stop marrying their first cousins after a study suggested that they were more likely to have children with recessive disorders than the general population. An investigation by BBC Newsnight claims that British Pakistanis account for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders, which include cystic fibrosis. Dr Peter Corry, a consultant paediatrician at Bradford royal infirmary, says his hospital sees a disproportionately high rate of recessive genetic illnesses. Birmingham primary care trust estimates that one in 10 of all children born to first-cousin marriages in the city’s Pakistani community either dies in infancy or goes on to suffer serious disability as a result of recessive genetic disorders. (The Guardian, 16th November 2005)
The Labour MP had to deny that she was being “racist”, of course, and The Guardian seized eagerly on the Wellcome Trust’s report to weasel its way out of the full horror of the story:
A report on the impact of genetic risk on Britain’s Pakistani families, published by the Wellcome Trust in 2003, found that infant mortality and childhood morbidity rates were higher among British Pakistanis than other ethnic groups but that marrying relatives did not always result in the birth of children with recessive disorders. (The Guardian, 16th November 2005)
Yes. Marrying relatives does not always result in the birth of children with recessive disorders. And playing Russian roulette “does not always result in” people blowing their heads off. So would The Guardian try and defend Russian roulette because it wasn’t always fatal? Of course not. The truth is that marriage between first cousins is depraved and disgusting. It causes immense suffering to children and huge expense to the country, and if some White Christian group were practising it the BBC and the rest of the media would be shrieking with outrage, condemning their barbarous superstition and selfishness, and calling for it to be prevented by the full force of law.
But when dark-skinned Muslims – and I don’t believe it’s a problem just among Pakistanis – practise it in full knowledge of the consequences, the media keep quiet for years and then quickly drop the story down the memory-hole. The government will do nothing about this very serious problem and Muslims will simply carry on with their vibrant “culture”, causing more and more suffering to their own children and more and more expense to Britain’s Whites.
Genetic disorders are caused by faulty DNA, but in truth all of Britain’s racial problems are caused by DNA too. Even normal black DNA produces rapists and murderers at a much higher rate than White DNA, just as even normal Asian and Jewish DNA produces fraudsters and conmen at a much higher rate. Blacks, Asians, and Jews have a much stronger sense of “in-group” and “out-group”, and they will continue to exploit and prey on the out-group – Whites – until we recognize the truth and send them back where they came from. The BS of the BBC and the rest of the liberal media about DNA can’t conceal that truth for ever. Race exists, race matters, and race-mixing will destroy White nations unless it’s stopped very soon.
Jews are a highly principled people and the principle they fearlessly follow through good times and bad is “Vot’s best for us?.” In other words, they’re the racial equivalent of a psychopath: other races exist only to be exploited and manipulated for the benefit of Jews. Whites find it difficult to understand this kind of behavior, just as normal people find it difficult to understand psychopaths. This is partly because Jews, or Ashkenazi Jews at least, look white on the outside. But their camouflage isn’t perfect – maggots and lice are white too, after all – so Jews have often tried to supplement it by adopting Gentile names. For example, Michael “Dracula” Howard, the Jew who wanted to be British prime minister, is really called Michael Hoch.
I don’t know what the real name of the late Cyril Harris was, but he deserves to be much more widely known, because he is a perfect example of how Jews use white skins and white names to disguise their real agenda: the destruction of Whites and White societies. Harris was an Orthodox Jew who had a “distinguished” career in the “Anglo-Jewish rabbinate” – and it’s important to understand that he was very Orthodox. When Jews don’t have an outside enemy to keep them united, they turn their natural arrogance, intolerance and aggression on each other. Harris was no exception and one of his fawning obituaries described how
his short fuse exploded into a major public row with the popular Reform rabbi, Hugo Gryn, in a Radio 4 broadcast. The two men began to trade insults, with Harris held to have been the more offensive. He dismissed Gryn as having little Jewish religious knowledge and accused most of his non-Orthodox colleagues of “not knowing an aleph [the first letter in the ‘Hebrew’ alphabet] from a swastika.” (The Times, London, 19th September 2005)
This was a calculated insult, because Hugo Gryn – please take your hats off and stop chewing at the back – was an “Auschwitz survivor.” Jews don’t always take the Holy Holocaust seriously among themselves, you see, and this insult didn’t stop Harris being considered as a replacement for “Chief Rabbi Lord Jakobovits” when Jako retired in 1990. But the Jewish-looking and Jewish-named Jonathan Sacks was appointed instead: the UK was well-infested with Jews by then and Harris, with his fairly white appearance and his thoroughly white name, was already needed somewhere else: in South Africa.
It was a flourishing White nation when Harris became its Chief Rabbi in 1987, but Jews love flourishing White nations about as much as vampires love sunbathing. So Harris set about helping to destroy White rule there, and he didn’t let his disdain for liberals and non-Orthodox Jews get in the way:
Aided by his wife, Ann, a practising solicitor with highly developed political antennae, [he] rapidly made contact with such white liberals as Helen Suzman. More significantly, he was the first Jewish religious leader to meet regularly with the leading Jewish members of the African National Congress, such as Joe Slovo and Ronnie Kasrils. They were for the most part Marxist and had long ceased to be practising Jews, but Harris did not allow this to put him off. Through them came contact with [Nelson] Mandela. The two men took to each other instantly and that early liking matured into a deep mutual attachment. Harris gave an address at Mandela’s induction as President in a Soweto stadium. Mandela habitually referred to Harris as “my rabbi” [and at] Harris’s funeral in Jerusalem, the South African Ambassador was there to speak affectionately of “our rabbi.” (The Times, London, 19th September 2005)
Like White Rhodesia before it, White South Africa was assailed by Jews and their deluded liberal allies both from within and from without. Helen Suzman is described as a “white liberal”, but she too was Jewish, of course, like the atheist Marxists whom the devoutly Orthodox Harris, recognizing Marxism’s Jewish origins and deep enmity towards White civilization, so readily allied himself with. The Whites who had built Rhodesia and South Africa knew from personal experience what blacks are truly like: savages who have to kept subservient for their own good and for the good of their White superiors. But it’s precisely because blacks are savages that Jews are so attracted to them. Putting blacks in charge of a nation built by Whites is like putting a stick of dynamite in a TV set and lighting the fuse.
If you’re expecting to watch the football afterwards, you’re going to be disappointed, just as you’re going to be disappointed if you expect that White-built nation to stay civilized with blacks in charge. Thanks to sustained Judeo-liberal pressure, Rhodesia passed to black control and is now, under the appropriately black name of Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s most oppressed and impoverished states. The blacks there are far, far worse off than they were under White “tyranny”, while those Whites who haven’t already escaped or been murdered are the target of unrelenting brutality and hatred. South Africa, the rape capital of the world, and nearly the murder capital too, is heading rapidly in the same direction and Jews like Cyril Harris, Helen Suzman and Joe Slovo bear a huge share of the responsibility.
But we’ve got to remember that the same kinds of Jews and the same Jew-invented liberal and socialist ideologies are at work in other White nations. Rhodesia and South Africa collapsed relatively quickly because Whites were in the minority there, which is why Jews have done their best to undermine the White majorities elsewhere by encouraging mass immigration. Non-white allies are vitally important in the Jewish war against White civilization and Jews have used them like a kind of biological warfare. But Jews aren’t infallible. They do what they think is best for themselves and they don’t always get it right. Some of them are starting to realize that they made a big mistake in allowing non-white Muslims to flood into White nations. Here’s the shrill Jewess Melanie Phillips, one of Britain’s leading “conservative commentators”, discussing the recent riots in Australia:
[T]he widespread spin that has been placed on this disorder, that it has been caused by white racists and that what it reveals is that, under its veneer of multiculturalism, Australia is a fundamentally racist society positively heaving with people with despicable views who have been itching to have a pop at blameless Lebanese Muslims, is very wide of the mark. (, 14th December 2005)
But Mel is trying to have her pro-Jewish cake and eat it, because she still thinks “white racists” are partly to blame:
As in Britain, the white racists in Australia appear to be exploiting a situation which has been allowed to get completely out of hand. Racists are parasites who attach themselves to a decaying organism and feed off it. But the organism wouldn’t attract them if it wasn’t already decaying. Britain, France, Australia, Sweden – variations of the same phenomenon are happening all over the western world. (
Speaking as a White racist myself, I have to say she’s right. I’ll walk ten miles in tight jackboots for a chance to feed off a decaying organism. Still, there is the small question of why Australia, for example, has started to decay. After all, it once had something called the White Australia Policy, which was designed to keep Australia a White European nation and which worked remarkably well up until a successful campaign to abolish it in the 1970s.
Who was in the forefront of this campaign? I’ll give you three guesses... And you were right first time: it was Australia’s White-hating “Jewish community.” Here’s how Miriam Faine, an editorial committee member of the Australian Jewish Democrat, welcomed the news that non-whites would be flooding into a nation built by Whites:
The strengthening of multicultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian. (Kevin B. MacDonald, “Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy”)
But increasing immigration is only half of the Jewish campaign to weaken and destroy the White majority in Australia: the other half of the campaign is the promotion of “anti-racism” to ensure that Australia’s non-whites are privileged above Whites. In one of my recent columns I described how Jew-invented political correctness had tied the hands of the police in Scotland in their dealings with Pakistani Muslim thugs and ensured the death by torture and burning of a young White called Kriss Donald. The same thing has been happening in Australia with Lebanese Muslim thugs:
An example of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident in 2001 in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well-known offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information that indicated that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only be described as frightening.
When searching the vehicle and finding stolen property, the police were physically threatened by the three occupants of the car, including references to tracking down where the officers lived, killing them and “fucking your girlfriends.” The two officers were intimidated to the point of calling for urgent assistance. When police back-up arrived, the three occupants called their associates via their mobile phones. Within minutes as many as twenty associates arrived as well as another forty or so from the street where they had been stopped. As further police cars arrived, the Middle Eastern males became even more aggressive, throwing punches at police, pushing police over onto the ground, threatening them with violence and damaging police vehicles.
But the humiliation did not end there. The group of Middle Eastern males then drove to the police station, where they intimidated the station staff, damaged property and virtually held a suburban police station hostage. The police were powerless. The duty officer ordered police not to confront the offenders but to call for back-up from nearby stations. Eventually the offenders left of their own volition. No action was taken against them. (“The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia”, an article by the retired police detective Tim Priest)
Just as in Scotland, this “sensitive” policing has made Muslims think they’re untouchable and led directly to death and suffering among innocent Whites:
The most influential of the Middle Eastern crime groups are the Muslim males of Telopea Street, Bankstown, known as the Telopea Street Boys. They and their associates have been involved in numerous murders over the past five years, many of them unprovoked fatal attacks on young Australian men for no other reason than that they are “Skips”, as they call Australians [contemptuous slang from the TV series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo]. ... I wonder whether the inventors of the racial hatred laws introduced during the golden years of multiculturalism ever took into account that we, the silent majority, would be the target of racial violence and hatred.
I don’t remember any charges being laid in the gang rapes of south-western Sydney in 2001, where race was clearly an issue and race was used to humiliate the victims. But then, unbelievably, a publicly-funded document produced by the Anti-Discrimination Board called “The Race for Headlines” was circulated, and it sought not only to cover up race as a motive for the rapes, but to criticise any accurate media reporting as racially biased. It worries many operational police that organisations like the Anti-Discrimination Board, the Privacy Council and the Civil Liberties Council have become unaccountable and push agendas that don’t represent the values that this great country was built on. (Tim Priest, “The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia”)
And of course Jews fund and lead such organizations in Australia just as they fund and lead them in other White nations. Let’s recall the words of that Jewish “conservative” Melanie Phillips:
As in Britain, the white racists in Australia appear to be exploiting a situation which has been allowed to get completely out of hand. Racists are parasites who attach themselves to a decaying organism and feed off it. But the organism wouldn’t attract them if it wasn’t already decaying. (
Why is Australia decaying? Because of Jews and their promotion of mass immigration and political correctness. But if White racists had had their way, it wouldn’t be decaying. So Melanie Phillips, with typical Jewish dishonesty and deceit, is blaming Whites for problems her own greedy and selfish race has caused not just in Australia but in almost all other White nations too. Rabbi Cyril Harris helped destroy South Africa and a few minutes on Google will show you that he did his bit in Australia too: this appears on the website of the Australia public relations firm PR Matters, run by a Jewess called Margot Gorski:
Client: B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission
The B’nai B’rith is a Jewish service organisation with a large membership worldwide, and observer status at the United Nations. Rabbi Cyril Harris appeared on the ABC’s Conversation Hour with Jon Faine; Late Night Live with Philip Adams, the West Australian, The Australian and others. (
Jon Faine is presumably related to Miriam Faine, the Jewess who celebrated multi-culturalism in Australia as “our most effective insurance policy against anti-semitism.” Jews are a massive Anti-Goys Network, you see, always ready to lend each other a helping hand when a White nation is to be destroyed. And when their schemes are successful, they celebrate: after he helped to destroy White South Africa and pave the way for a black tyranny in which everyone, White and black, is far worse off, Cyril Harris was “awarded the Jerusalem Prize for services to the Jewish people.” What clearer proof do you need that Jews aren’t White, don’t regard themselves as White, and work night and day to harm Whites?
As threats to freedom of speech grow ever stronger, it’s very refreshing to see a robust defense of it from a Jewish journalist called Melanie Phillips. Far too many of her co-ethnics are shrieking on the opposite side, but Mel doesn’t mince her words as she opposes their totalitarian agenda.
Here’s an example of how she fights tirelessly for our traditional freedoms. A White woman called Lynette Burrows recently said on BBC radio that she did not believe homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children. A listener complained to the police and they “contacted” the thought-criminal to question her about her “homophobic” comments. This is Mel’s take on the story:
It is difficult adequately to express one’s shock and abhorrence – not at Ms Burrows, but at the actions and attitudes of the police. What kind of a society has this become where, if someone expresses an opinion which falls foul of politically approved doctrines, the police start feeling their collar? Freedom of speech is supposed to be the bedrock value of a liberal society. It should only be constrained in extreme circumstances where a crime may be committed, such as incitement to violence or encouraging terrorism.
How have we descended to this, that while crime and disorder rage unattended in our streets the police are making a priority of harassing people because of lawful opinions? The reason is that the police are now in helpless thrall to the “victim culture” agenda in which self-designated victim groups cannot ever be deemed to have done anything wrong, and so anyone who disapproves of them is by definition prejudiced.
Some of us would defend to the death the rights of gay people to live their lives free of oppression and harm. But some of us would also defend to the hilt the fundamental values of our society against those who wish to destroy them to further an agenda of licence, gross irresponsibility and nihilism. Those values to be defended include the freedom to voice an opinion and the freedom to tell the truth. (“Orwellian Britain”, The Daily Mail, 12th December 2005)
Still, fine words butter no bagels and it’s very easy to support someone you agree with. I’m also a bit worried about Mel’s phrase “freedom to tell the truth.” Who decides what the truth is? Can we safely leave that even to someone as wise and principled as Melanie Phillips? Well, let’s have a look at her record when her support for free speech is really put to the test – that is, when someone says something she doesn’t agree with.
Two years ago she had the chance to make a principled stand against a hysterical assault on free speech launched by the loudest and most powerful “victim group” of all: the ever-loveable, ever-unjustly-persecuted race to which she herself belongs. You’ll remember that in 2004 Jews around the world were kicking up a fearsome stink about Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. “It’s vilely anti-Semitic already!” they shrieked. “It vill incite murderous Jew-hatred! And pogroms! Next shtop Auschwitz!”
Well, Melanie Phillips went to see the film for herself and then rushed to her keyboard to put her free-speech principles into action:
As a Jew, I left the screening of The Passion in a state of shock. In the course of two hours, the ancient calumny fuelling centuries of Jewish persecution is boosted by the turbocharge of Hollywood’s most sophisticated form of emotional manipulation. After decades of decent Christian attempts to interpret the Gospels in a way that does not blame the Jewish people for the death of Jesus, this horrific film resurrects the core charge against the Jews of deicide. This is a film which unequivocally and deliberately presents the Jews as guilty of the most horrific crime in human history, killing the son of God. Whatever Mel Gibson’s intentions, this disgusting film leaves the Jewish people once again vilified, and the oldest hatred resuscitated. (“Mel Gibson’s Oberammergau”, The Daily Mail 27th February 2004)
And when it speedily became apparent that Gibson’s film wasn’t going to unleash a jackbooted tsunami of swastika-daubing anti-Semitism, did Melanie Phillips admit she was wrong and apologize for adding to the hysteria? Of course not: Melanie Phillips is Jewish and Jews don’t do “wrong” or “sorry.”
Then came 2005 – another year, another Jewish screech-fest. Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, was accosted by a reporter from his old enemy the London Evening Standard and compared him to a “concentration camp guard” despite knowing – “Oy vey! Such vicketness!” – that the reporter was Jewish. Can you imagine that? After all, has any Jew ever, in the whole history of the world, been a concentration camp guard or anything remotely similar? Surely not, because the mass media would tell us so as part of their never-ending mission to inform and instruct. Still, despite the vileness and historical dishonesty of Livingstone’s comparison, here was another chance for Melanie Phillips to stand up for free speech against the hysteria of a “victim group.” Remember her principle: Free speech “should only be constrained in extreme circumstances where a crime may be committed” – and clearly, Ken Livingstone had not committed or incited any crime.
So here’s a little of what Mel had to say about him:
... the Holocaust denial implicit in Livingstone’s deeply offensive comparison between the Standard journalist Oliver Finegold and a concentration camp guard ... Why exactly has London’s uber-pc Mayor so completely lost it? ... the left, of which he is such a shining ornament ... prompted a terrifying increase in anti-Jewish feeling ... In other words, it’s open season on the Jews ... not only suggested the journalist had been a German war criminal but merely dug himself even further into the hole after being told that the Finegold was Jewish. Holocaust denial and anti-Jewish offensiveness is in the political air that Livingstone breathes ... The Mayor of London is not fit for public office. (“Livingstone’s true colours”, The Daily Mail, 15th February 2005)
By Melanie Phillips’ own clearly expressed principles she should have disagreed with what Livingstone said but strongly supported his right to say it. Instead, like the Jewish hypocrite she is, she joined the hysterical “victim group” chorus calling for his resignation. And note her typically Jewish dishonesty over what Livingstone had actually said. He did not suggest that the journalist had been a “German war criminal” but compared him to a “concentration camp guard.” It is a matter of plain historical fact that Jews served as concentration camp guards under communism and it is clearly ridiculous to say that Livingstone was “denying the Holocaust”, but Mel is plugging the “Eternal Victim” line and doesn’t want history or a sense of proportion getting in the way.
Then again, maybe I’m being too harsh on her. After all, once is chance and twice is coincidence – it’s only the third time you know it’s enemy action. Mel had two chances to support the free speech of someone she disagreed with and failed miserably, so let’s see how she did with her third chance. In November 2005 the British historian David Irving was arrested in Austria to be put on trial for a speech he had made seventeen years before questioning the official history of Auschwitz.
This was a much more important story than the police merely questioning a “homophobe” for comments on the radio, and “the left” that Mel so despises was certainly buzzing with the news. Here’s a comment from one of its shining ornaments, a Jew who describes himself as a wavering “athiest” (sic) and a “rather liberal, tolerant person with chums from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds”:
Friday, November 18, 2005: David Irving arrested
Although I first found out on Jo’s Journal [a blog run by a Jewish lesbian NuLabourite], I haven’t got around to blogging about it (although I did help update the wikipedia article – Go team me!), I’m pleased to report that racist “historian” and and [sic] denier of the Shoah David Irving has been arrested in Austria, and could face 20 years in prison. Hurrah!
# posted by AnthroPax @ 17:54 3 Glorious Comrades! | T (0)
It’s no surprise to find a Jew who hates free speech and has “Glorious Comrades!” at work on Kikipedia, but if we apply Melanie Phillips’ own principle to what Irving said – “Free speech should only be constrained in extreme circumstances where a crime may be committed” – we can only conclude that she would be speaking up loud and clear in Irving’s defense. As I said, this was much more important than the radio “homophobe”, who was also explicitly named and supported by the Canadian Jewish journalist Mark Steyn:
Lynette Burrows has been investigated by police merely for expressing an opinion. Which is the sort of thing we used to associate with police states. Indeed, it’s the defining act of a police state: the arbitrary criminalisation of dissent from state orthodoxy. Hollywood stars are forever complaining about the “crushing of dissent” in Bush’s America, by which they mean Tim Robbins having a photo-op at the Baseball Hall of Fame cancelled because he’s become an anti-war bore. But, thanks to the First Amendment, he can say anything he likes without the forces of the state coming round to grill him. It’s in Britain and Europe where dissent is being crushed. (The Daily Telegraph, 13th December 2005)
So what have those stern defenders of free speech Mel’n’Mark said about David Irving as he faces the Goliath of the Austrian state? Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the Jewggle search-engine, you can find out in seconds by scanning the contents of Mel’n’Mark’s websites. Here are the results:
Your search – "David Irving" Austria – did not return any documents.Your search – "David Irving" Austria – did not return any documents.
Yep, Jew Mark Steyn and Jewess Melanie Phillips illustrate yet again the Eternal Truth: when “Vot’s good for us?” meets “Vot’s good for goys?” in the mind of a kike, it’s a knockout in the first second of the first round for the Yid Kid.
How does that old song go?
Hitler has only got one ball;
Goering has two but very small;
Himmler has something sim’lar:
And Goebbels has noebbels at all.
That makes Britain a lot like Goebbels. Not one television station, newspaper or magazine here has reproduced those “offensive” cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, like the one showing him wearing a bomb as a turban. Editors can weasel as much as they like – “It requires a particularly childish kind of discourtesy to cause offence knowingly,” whimpered The Independent – but the truth is that they’re rightly terrified of what would happen if they did. Britain’s tiny Muslim minority has exercised a veto over what Britain’s huge non-Muslim majority can see in our supposedly “free” media.
If anyone thinks that’s healthy, let’s hope he never becomes a doctor. “Tumor? No, it’s just a natural swelling. Take a few aspirin if the pain starts bothering you.” And that is pretty much what Dr Tony “Bliar” Blair is prescribing to the British public. On Friday 3rd February 2006 some of Britain’s vibrant Muslim community were oscillating extra-hard in London:
The vast majority of people in the Muslim community across the Muslim world totally abhor acts of terrorism or those who incite terrorism or glorify terrorism. (BBC News, 8th February 2006)
Well, let’s look at the “Muslim community” in Britain. Those protestors in London who want – in no particular order – to annihilate, behead, butcher and exterminate their enemies were sympathizers of the one-eyed Muslim bogey-man Abu “Hookie” Hamza, recently sentenced to seven years in prison for passing on these infidel-butchery tips in one of his sermons:
Like you imagine you have one small knife and you have a big animal in front of you. The size of the knife, you cannot slaughter him with this. You have to stab him here and there until he bleeds to death. Then you can cut out the meat as you like or leave him to the maggots. (The Times, 12th January 2006)
According to Dr Bliar, the “vast majority” of Britain’s Muslims would “totally abhor” this hate-filled rhetoric – which Abu Hamza has been venting since 1999. I’d be worried myself if it was only the vast majority who totally abhorred it, so let’s have a look at the results of a poll of “British” Muslims in December 2005. Two things stand out. First, a substantial minority of Muslims will admit – others surely keep quiet – to supporting Abu Hamza and other “hate” clerics, like the deported Omar Bakri Mohammed, who allegedly opined that “The life of an unbeliever has no value, it has no sanctity.” Second, things are getting worse, because younger Muslims are more extreme than their parents:
28% of 18-24 year old Muslims say they agree with Omar Bakri Mohammed, compared with 17% of Muslims overall. Younger Muslims are also more likely than those in general to agree with Abu Hamza (by 27% to 13%), Hamza Yusuf (by 39% to 27%), Tariq Ramadan (by 22% to 17%) and Azzam Tamimi (by 19% to 12%). (Poll of British Muslims, December 2005)
So there you have it: Abu “Meat or Maggots” Hamza is supported by 27% – more than one in four – of younger Muslims and 13% of Muslims in general, while Bliar’s pet mullah Iqbal “Peace on You” Sacranie is supported by 20% of Muslims in general. Bliar gave a knighthood to Sacranie for his “moderation”, which is a lot like a doctor prescribing aspirin to a patient in the early stages of cancer. It might relieve a little discomfort, but it’s not going to work in the long run. The more we appease Islam now, the more we’re going to pay in the future, and Iqbal Sacranie is not moderate by any standard I recognize. During the Salman Rushdie affair – the first big twinge of Britain’s Islamic tumor – Sacranie was asked for his moderate views on the author:
Death, perhaps, is a bit too easy for him. His mind must be tormented for the rest of his life unless he asks for forgiveness to Almighty Allah. (The Guardian, 18th February, 1989)
Sacranie is also an enthusiastic supporter of the “religious hatred” law Dr Bliar is trying to introduce in ever more desperate appeasement of Britain’s Muslims. But “Sir” Iqbal thinks that the term “Muslim terrorist” is an example of religious hatred, because for him it is extremely offensive to suggest that there is any link at all between Islam and terrorism. One of his few good points is that he boycotts Hollow Hoax Memorial Day on the valid ground that it is a Jewish con-trick.
Some White nationalists have suggested the same of the Muhammad cartoon furore, saying that Jews want to increase support for an attack on Iran. Maybe they’re right – Jews are masters of the “Let’s you and him fight” game – but either way the furore is going to be very useful for our side. There are two reasons Britain’s media and politicians are groveling in submission to Islam. One is that Muslims are in our homeland and ready to riot to get their own way, and the other is that we are in Iraq and desperate not to make the disaster there even worse. Nationalists have been warning for decades what the consequences of mass immigration and interference in the Middle East would be. Now our predictions are coming true. Because we’ve got that right, people will start to look seriously at what we say about Jews and their traitorous white allies.
They will also start to recognize the Jew-inspired hypocrisy of our politicians and journalists. Some are asking us to be “sensitive” about causing offense to Muslims after ignoring or actively promoting offense to Christians for decades – remember Piss Christ, the “art-work” consisting of a crucifix in a jar of urine, and the BBC’s enthusiastic support for the expletive-filled Jerry Springer – the Opera, in which Christ appears dressed as a baby and the following cretinous songs are performed:
“Jesus, Jesus, what the fuck?
Coming here, push his luck.
Make him wear a thorny crown,
Grab his pants and pull them down.”“I am Jesus, son of God, son of Mary, son of God,
So do not, do not, do not fuck with me!” (Complete lyrics)
Meanwhile, other politicians and journalists are standing up for “free speech” about Islam while David Irving and other historians sit in jail for raising doubts about the Hollow Hoax. The only way to resolve these contradictions is to recognize the dominant role of Christ-hating, trouble-making Jews in our politics and culture. They have created a time-bomb in the West and even those who have willfully blocked their ears can now hear it ticking.
Suppose you’re a British politician whose leader promised that his government would be “purer than pure.” Suppose further that your husband or wife
a) is an international lawyer
b) works extensively with Italian politicians and businessmen
c) keeps asking you to sign documents about very large sums of money
So here’s a simple question: Would you make very sure you knew exactly what you were putting your signature to?
Of course you would. But you’re not the doughty feminist Tessa “Gargoyle Next Door” Jowell, Minister for Culture in Tony Blair’s NuLabour government. Her husband David Mills, an international lawyer who works extensively with Italians, kept asking Jowell to sign documents about very large sums of money. But she didn’t bother her pretty little head with the full details. At least that’s what she claims now that her moneygrubbing (and possibly Jewish) husband is accused of serious corruption. This leaves us with two simple alternatives. Either she’s lying through her teeth and should resign or she’s unfit for public office and should resign.
So far she’s not resigned. Bliar, who has himself accepted expensive gifts and free holidays from Italy’s billionaire crook-in-chief Silvio Berlusconi, has cleared her of wrongdoing. It’s yet more evidence that he’s one of the most remarkable men ever to be British prime minister. He’s almost certainly the stupidest and he combines an unshakeable belief in his own virtue and righteousness with the ability to lie, lie and lie again in his Jewish masters’ service. When he’s been called in for another pep-talk, his masters are sure to gloat over the power they have over him:
The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews – The Voice Of British Jewry
The Prime Minister today held a meeting with lay leaders of the Jewish community: Sir Victor Blank [media tycoon, banker and retailer], Sir Trevor Chinn [very large donor to NuLabour], Lord Janner [keen user of libel laws], Lord Levy [Bliar’s Middle East “envoy”], Gerald Ronson [convicted fraudster], Lord Rothschild [financier and charity-worker for Jews], Alan Sennitt (Chair of UJS [Union of Jewish Students]), Sir Sigmund Sternberg [another very large donor to NuLabour], Jo Wagerman [President of the Board of Deputies], Lord Weidenfeld [publishing magnate] and Lord Woolf [leading government lawyer]. In an open and detailed discussion the Prime Minister responded with understanding and concern to the wide range of issues raised on behalf of the community. (From the Board of Deputies’ website, 8th March 2006)
Is this kind of meeting healthy? Should a British prime minister pay so much attention to such a tiny ethnic minority? Is the goyisch majority allowed to know what was discussed and what was promised? These questions constitute the vilest anti-Semitism – as God’s Chosen Ones, Jews must always come first and must never be questioned or criticized. Yep, if you want to see how Western “democracy” works, get hold of an empty jar and a handful of soil. Put the soil in the jar, fill up with water, screw the lid on and shake hard. Then put the jar down and let it stand quietly for a day or two. When you come back you’ll find some interesting deposition patterns on the bottom, clear water in the middle and a layer of scum on top.
A layer of scum on top. Isn’t that a perfect description of what you find all over the Western world? But there’s scum and there’s scum, and the scum that now governs White nations has had to pass through a filter on its way to the top – a Jew-filter. Thanks to Jewish control of politics and the media, no Western politician has a hope of gaining power unless he ticks every box in the following list:
Pro-big business
Pro-mass immigration
You can see how the Jew-filter works with the scum here:
The two particles of scum on top, Bliar and David Cameron, the new leader of Britain’s Jew-riddled “Conservative” party, have already passed through the Jew-filter; the two particles below are passing through it now. One of them, the smug’n’slimy David Miliband (on the left), will have no problems, because he’s Jewish himself. The other, the similarly smug’n’slimy Michael Gove, is still working hard to convince our Jewish masters that he’ll serve them faithfully. But he seems to think he’ll get there, because he’s already started to create a new image for himself. His Wikipedia article, presumably written by people who know, notes that he “flat-shared with [fellow Conservatives] Ivan Massow and Nicholas Boles. Both were openly gay at the time.” Like lawyers, Jews and egomaniac narcissists, homosexuals are hugely over-represented in Western politics, but Gove, with eyes on the very top, has decided that homo is a no-no. Instead, it’s hetero-to-go: he married in 2001, at the age of thirty-four, and his personal website makes very sure you see he’s had children.
That’s a politician for you: children are a means to an egomaniac end, not an end in themselves. Gove must be picking up lots of marks from his Jewish judges and they’ve already hung a medal around his neck: the website of the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) noted this in its “Events and Activities” calendar for 2005:
27 January
Private dinner with Michael Gove (Conservative parliamentary candidate for Surrey Heath and Associate Editor of ‘the Times’ [sic]
To those in the know, this mark of Jewish favor is a sign Gove is on his way to the top. CFI, working in collaboration with Labour Friends of Israel, wields enormous power and influence and during the recent Conservative leadership election you could see the two candidates, David Cameron and David Davis, being put into a grovel-off for its favor. One of the questions they were asked was this:
Conservative Friends of Israel is one of the biggest affiliated groups to the Conservative Party with over 80% of MPs as members and over 2,000 registered supporters (most of whom are Party members). How do you see CFI’s role in promoting Conservatism and helping the Conservative Party to win the next election? (“Vot’s In It For Us, Goyim?”)
The threat is unmistakable: we can make you or break you, goy, so grovel. And Cameron groveled harder: this is part of his reply to the question “Why should Conservatives be friends of Israel?”:
Davis didn’t get his tongue working quite so hard over those Jewish jackboots:I am a strong admirer of what Israelis have achieved in the fields of science, the arts, business and philanthropy, and of the immeasurable contribution of Jewish culture to our own society.
There is a significant Jewish population in the UK which makes a substantial contribution to the country and the Conservative Party.
“Immeasurable contribution” vs “substantial contribution.” This Davis guy, vot is he, an anti-Semite already? But I have to agree with Cameron: Jews have indeed made an immeasurable contribution to our society – rather like the rats who carried the Black Death to Europe way back in the fourteenth century. Jews were blamed for that too in yet another example of the irrational prejudice Whites have always felt for them.
Only it’s not an irrational prejudice: Whites have known either by instinct or by direct experience that Jews are full of hatred and malice. The Black Death was something they’d like to have arranged for us, even if they didn’t actually do so. We know this because in Europe and America they’re busily arranging a new Black Death for us – and a Brown and Yellow Death too. Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel are also Enemies of Britain, collaborating with Jews to keep non-whites flooding across our borders. I hope they regret their treachery one day.
The British media do love a gruesome story and the murder of Charlene Downes has all the right ingredients. Except one – the names of the murderers:
The body of a missing schoolgirl may have been turned into burgers and kebabs and served up at a seaside fast food outlet. Police fear the remains of 14-year-old Charlene Downes, who was reported missing in November 2003, may also have been ground up into tile grout. Iyad Albattikhi, 28, who ran the Funny Boyz takeaway in Blackpool, Lancashire is charged with her murder. The co-owner of the business Mohammed Raveshi, a 49-year old former social services worker and foster father, is charged with assisting in the disposal of her body. (National Vanguard, 13th March 2006)
The BBC, or Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation, has barely mentioned this case and not whispered a word of the kebab angle. But imagine what it would do if the races were reversed and two Evil White Males had murdered a 14-year-old Muslim girl, then allegedly turned her into meat-pies. Like the rest of the media, the BBC follows the simple and highly effective strategy of exaggerating White crime and minimizing ethnic crime. It’s a Jewish strategy, of course, and even when ethnic crime is reported, no-one is allowed to connect the dots and interpret the patterns. Take this story about Mohammad Sidique Khan, one of the London suicide bombers:
His file shows the process to radical Islam had started by 2002, a year after he joined Hillside [primary school]. He began taking leave on religious grounds. He took more than two weeks in January/February 2002 for “Muslim religious obligation, Haj, pilgrimage” and a similar period for “religious observances” the next year. From November 2003, he took 18 months, costing his employer an estimated £6,000 [$10,000]. (The Independent, 11th March 2006)
In other words, the British taxpayer paid to turn Khan into a suicide bomber. A White Christian who took that amount of time off on “religious grounds” would soon find his employer’s shoe hitting the seat of his trousers, but Muslims don’t have to follow the same rules as Whites. Khan was given special privileges and repaid his “homeland” by committing mass murder.
Although Asians like Khan are catching up fast, blacks have murdered, raped and wounded far more Whites over the years. Sometimes they wrap the three violent crimes into one big love-note to the White race:
Five men have been found guilty of murdering Mary-Ann Leneghan after she was kidnapped, raped, and tortured. Adrian Thomas, 20, Jamaile Morally, 22, his brother Joshua Morally, 23, and Llewellyn Adams, 24, all from south London, were convicted on Friday. Earlier in the trial 19-year-old Michael Johnson, of Southfields, pleaded guilty to murdering the 16-year-old, from Reading in Berkshire. No murder verdict has yet been reached on Indrit Krasniqi, 18, of Chiswick. Mary-Ann and her 18-year-old friend were abducted in central Reading last May before being taken to a guest house where they were raped and tortured. They were then driven to Prospect Park to be killed. Mary-Ann died from repeated stab wounds while her friend, who cannot be named, was shot in the head but survived. (BBC News, 17th March 2006)
This story is not receiving a fraction of the attention it deserves as a warning of what lies ahead for Whites. Non-whites harm us out of all proportion to their numbers, but that doesn’t mean we should kick them out ASAP. On the contrary, it means we should give them new ways to hurt us. If I could spot winning race-horses as easily as I can spot non-whites behind a headline, I’d be a millionaire many times over:
Prescott employee and wife jailed for £800,000 swindle
A former employee of [the government minister] John Prescott’s office who created a fake housing association to steal £867,000 [$1,470,000] has been jailed for four years. Robert Adewunmi, 32, pretended to be a chartered accountant to get his job and then funded a “lavish lifestyle” for himself and his wife with the money he stole. His wife, Tami, 33, who was a director and secretary of the housing association, was jailed for six months. The couple bought a house in Slough, three in Florida, a timeshare in Florida, a conservatory for their home, cars and three plots of land in Epsom with the stolen money. They also bought a £43,000 investment portfolio, a £10,000 bed, £9,000 of computer equipment, £3,000 of family portraits and photographs, and paid £10,000 off their mortgage.
The court had heard that Mr Adewunmi obtained a job in the budget and data management department of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister as a trouble-shooter in August 2003 by claiming to be a qualified chartered accountant. But although he had registered as a student with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, he would have had to have passed a further 14 exams to qualify. A month later he invented RTR Housing Association and began making payments to it. Several of the couple’s friends and relations were listed as directors of the housing association. (The Daily Telegraph, 10th March 2006)
I’d bet a yid’s nose to a nigger’s IQ that Adewunmi was given his fancy job without proper checks to fill some unofficial (and illegal) ethnic quota, and got away with his thieving for so long because people were scared to question what he was up to. The same will apply here:
Jail sentence for NHS fraudster
A “greedy” hospital manager who helped steal £585,000 [$995,000] from an NHS [National Health Service] trust has been jailed for four years. Joy Henry, 47, was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court for her part in the fraud, believed to be one of the biggest against a single NHS trust. She siphoned money from King’s College NHS Trust over four years, and split the proceeds with her then boyfriend. Henry, a member of the trust’s in-house employment service, added a string of “ghost workers” to the payroll. She then pocketed some of the money they earned. Much of the money had been spent on luxury items, including an Audi convertible car, several holidays in her native Nigeria and many first-class trips to the US. Some £155,000 of the money was said to have been handed to her former boyfriend, Joseph Oduguwa, 42, who is believed to have fled to Nigeria. (BBC News, 24th February 2006)
If you want to see pictures of the enterprising jigaboos behind these three crimes, forget it. Images work in the most primitive parts of our brains and just reading about black criminals isn’t as powerful as seeing their ugly faces too. So the media are careful to use neutral pictures:
Play “Spot the Nigger”
And even when the media are forced to give the facts of non-white crime, they’re sure to avoid interpreting those facts. Although the real message of media and government propaganda is that Whites are inferior and should welcome their own extinction, the official dogma is that all races are equal. This means that no-one can look for any deeper significance in the five stories above. The murderers, rapists and fraudsters just happened to be non-white – it’s a roll of the dice, lightning from a clear blue sky. Only evil racists would claim otherwise.
Well, I’m an evil racist and I do claim otherwise. There’s nothing random about non-whites appearing in those stories. Not only do non-whites have a much higher propensity to crime, they’re actively encouraged to it by the way our society is run. When you try to understand why society is run like that, you’ll see other patterns that the media are forbidden to discuss. Take the current controversy about NuLiebour selling honors for cash. If you look at the donors – “Sir” Ronald Cohen, Andrew Rosenfeld, “Sir” David Garrard, “financier” Barry Townsley, “Sir” Gulam Noon, Chai Patel – and the man who arranged the donations, “Lord” Levy, you’ll see a very obvious but completely undiscussed pattern.
A Jew is selling knighthoods and peerages to Jews and Asians in a White-majority nation. Yep, corruption follows Jews the way flies follow an elephant with diarrhea. A society that allows Jews to have power and influence is like a long-distance swimmer strapped to an anvil. Like the swimmer, the society will soon be in serious trouble. But political corruption is mild compared to what Jews may cause for us in future. Even the dreary left-wing prose of The New Statesman couldn’t destroy the interest of its most recent cover-story:
We can reveal that while Harold Wilson was prime minister [1964-70 (also 1974-6)] the UK supplied Israel with small quantities of plutonium despite a warning from British intelligence that it might “make a material contribution to an Israeli weapons programme.” This, by enabling Israel to study the properties of plutonium before its own supplies came on line, could have taken months off the time it needed to make a weapon. Britain also sold Israel a whole range of other exotic chemicals, including uranium-235, beryllium and lithium-6, which are used in atom bombs and even hydrogen bombs. And in Harold Macmillan’s time [1957-63] we supplied the heavy water that allowed Israel to start up its own plutonium production facility at Dimona.
Throughout this period, Defence Intelligence repeatedly complained that Israel was the only country getting nuclear export licences “on the basis of the meaningless phrase ‘scientific and research purposes’.” The Department of Trade tried to exempt Israeli deals completely on the grounds that these were government-to-government transactions, but DIS was outraged, saying such deals were meant only for “people like most of our Nato partners who can be trusted ... Israel however is a very different kettle of fish.” (The New Statesman, 13th March 2006)
How did Israel get away with this? Because the “British” kettle was full of Jewish fish like Michael Israel Michaels, a senior official in the science and technology ministries and “Britain’s representative at the IAEA” (International Atomic Energy Association). Similar Jewish treachery has happened countless times in White governments over the past sixty years, as Jews have helped Israel and harmed the West by stealing information and technology or promoting mass immigration and “diversity.” The arms race that Israel has started with its Islamic enemies may end with atom bombs going off in White cities. After all, there are many Muslims already living in the West who’ll be happy to do the job – and when we ask why that is, we get the same answer.
Itz da Jooz. They’re behind mass immigration just as they’re behind everything else that harms the West. But their schemes can backfire. They’ve taught the left that Whites are uniquely evil but also tried to pretend, as a form of parasitic camouflage, that they’re White themselves. That’s why the left pays so much attention to Israel and its oppression of the non-white Palestinians, and why the story about Israel’s nuclear thefts was run by a left-wing magazine and the BBC. Jews are not infallible and their arrogance, deviousness and paranoia can betray them. The only certain way to lose a fight is to surrender before it’s over and our fight to win our nations back is a long way from over. The key to victory is this simple truth: Divided from kikes and their non-white allies we’ll stand; Jew-blighted we’ll surely fall.
In Douglas Adams’ five-part Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy, the ethical dilemmas of meat-eating are solved by breeding an animal that actually wants to be killed and eaten. Not only that, it will happily shoot itself for the greater convenience of human beings. That’s amusing (and thought-provoking) in fiction, but might not be amusing at all in real life. And Adams’ fictional animal does have a close equivalent in real life.
It’s called the White race. We are supposed not only to welcome our own extinction but to actively collaborate with it. After decades of Jewish brainwashing, many Whites are now lifting guns to their heads and waiting with big smiles for the order to pull the trigger. So read this and feel the joy:
Los Angeles witnessed the biggest public protest in its history over the weekend as hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators of all races thronged the downtown streets to demand justice and legal recognition for the country’s 12 million undocumented immigrant workers. The march was a stunning slap in the face for the country’s vocal anti-immigrant lobby and set the stage for what is likely to be an electric debate in the Senate this week. Helicopter footage of the march showed demonstrators packed into as many as two dozen city blocks around Los Angeles’s City Hall. Crowd estimates ranged from half a million to more than a million. The protesters chanted workers’ rights slogans in English and Spanish, waved flags from America, Mexico, Guatemala and elsewhere, and showed the face of a joyously multicultural America very different from the predominantly white, often anger-tinged anti-immigration movement. (“Massive protest in LA over anti-immigration proposals”, The Independent, 27th March 2006)
Is a big smile cracking your face at the thought of Whites becoming an ever-shrinking minority in the United States? Whadja mean, “No”? What are you – some kinda evil racist? Well, I very much hope that you are an evil racist, just like me. I would hate to see the United States lose its White majority even if my homeland, the British Isles, were secure – and as we all know, it isn’t. The same Jew-invented plagues are ravaging White nations on both sides of the Atlantic, as the following story demonstrates:
Judge rapped over boy’s race case
A judge who said a legal case against a 10-year-old boy over alleged racism was “political correctness gone mad” has been criticised by a teaching union. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) said Judge Jonathan Finestein was “out of date” in his attitude. The boy from Manchester [is] accused of racially abusing a fellow pupil. On adjourning the case until 20 April, [Judge Finestein] asked prosecutors to reconsider whether the case was in the public interest. However Judith Elderkin, NUT National Executive member, said the judge should have taken the allegation of racism more seriously. She added that she thought he was “out of date” with the way issues are dealt with in schools today. The boy is accused of abusing an 11-year-old pupil [with] names including “Paki, nigger and Bin Laden.”
But Judge Finestein said he thought the decision to prosecute the youngster was “crazy” and urged the Crown Prosecution Service to reconsider its decision. The judge said when he was at school he was repeatedly called “fat”, but in those days the headmaster would have just given the children a “good clouting” and sent them on their way. “Have we really got to the stage where we are prosecuting 10-year-old boys because of political correctness?” he said in court. “Nobody is more against racist abuse than me but these are boys in a playground; this is nonsense. I think somebody should consider reversing the decision to prosecute.” A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said the force took all crimes seriously and was totally opposed to any racism. (BBC News, 7th April 2006)
I wonder if a White judge would have dared to question this lunacy – though we should note that Jew Judge Finestein doesn’t question the principle of “anti-racism”, just its excessive use in this particular case. As for the National Union of Teachers and Greater Manchester Police: the former has been Marxist for decades and the latter is rapidly joining it. At one time you could have looked to the British Conservative party to stand up for sanity in cases like this, but now it’s competing hard for the “center ground.” That’s the lying term for the anti-White, anti-male, anti-heterosexual policies that would once have been regarded as left-wing lunacy by everyone but communists. Mainstream political parties once had to woo the White electorate; now they have to woo the Jews and their liberal dupes in the mass media. Here’s David Cameron, the dynamic new Tory leader, going for the J-spot in conversation with a BBC journalist:
We should celebrate the fact that we live in a multi-racial country, where all the different communities make a massive contribution to our success. My area is fantastically multi-ethnic and a vibrant, wonderful part of Britain. I often do my Saturday shopping off the Golborne Road, which must be one of the most multi-ethnic streets in Britain. (The Commission for Racial Equality’s Catalyst magazine, March 2006)
It’s now impossible to separate the so-called Conservatives from New Labour on race and immigration. The following words come from a speech by Tony Blair to the Australian parliament, but could just as easily have been spoken by David Cameron:
Britain and Australia have long since gotten over the fear that different ethnic groups damage our identity or put our cohesion at risk. Today we take pride in our diversity. We know tolerance, respect for others, and a basic way of life founded on democratic freedoms are held in common by the vast majority of our people, whatever their race or creed. (Speech by Tony Blair, 27th March 2006)
Blair’s lying, of course, as his own words prove. If we’d “long since” lost our fear, why bother to say so? It’s precisely because this fear is growing all the time – with very good reason – that Blair has to pretend it isn’t there. When we ask what has happened to British politics, the answer is simple. White race-traitors like Shameron and Bliar now think, talk and act like Jews. As a race of parasites, Jews hate mono-racial, mono-cultural societies, which find it far too easy to recognize and counter their parasitism and general obnoxiousness. A fractured, racially mixed society, on the other hand, suits them just fine. They stand out less and the inevitable conflicts enable them to suck blood with less fear of disturbance.
Here’s that age-old Jewish strategy – set fear to the house and pick the pockets of both the rescuers and the victims – being gloated over by the Jewish son-of-a-’vitch David Aaronvitch, a former communist who now supports NuLiebour and writes for The Times of London:
Hands Up – Who Wants British Society To Be As White As Narvik In January?
To judge by the Stiklestad festival most Norwegians live very comfortably and are almost absurdly law-abiding. They are also all white. Over the four days there and in Trondheim I saw thousands and thousands of Norwegians and liked them immensely as a group. But in all that time I only saw one dark face – one little boy as he tried his hand at archery – and the only immigrant I met was a German silversmith now living in Tromso. Nothing could be more different from the Babel of London than this homogeneous society where someone from Oslo stands out, let alone someone from Cairo.
Such a prospect pleases some people now. But even suppose you could turn the date back to 1950 and a British society as white as Narvik in January, and as Christian as St Olav’s tomb, is that really what we would want? The play in Stiklestad has been performed since the year that I was born. In the programme there were photographs of performances going back to 1954. In all that time the only thing that has really changed has been the position of the orchestra. Otherwise the characters look the same, the set is the same, even the tree-trunk where the blind man sits is in the same position. A country like Britain can’t be like that. I’d rather we continued to be dynamic and ever-changing. (The Times, London, 2nd August 2005)
Aaronovitch asks a question that only Jews and other non-whites can sanely answer in the negative. But Britain is now so corrupt that millions of Whites would answer in the negative too. No, we don’t want British society to be as white as Narvik in January! We Whites want Jews – who like us immensely as a group – to shower us with more ever-changing dynamism and more of the blessings of diversity. We want more suicide-bombers on our trains and buses, more sixteen-year-old White girls raped, tortured and murdered by black savages, and more murder, gang-rape, mugging and ethnic cleansing of Whites in our cities as we move inevitably to the day when we’re a minority on these islands and the fun can really begin.
White traitors like Tony Blair and George Bush are collaborating with this wipe-out of Whites every Jew-directed inch of the way. Like David Cameron and his predecessor Margaret Thatcher, Bush is supposed to be a conservative but the only things he’s really interested in conserving – and increasing – are the power of Jews and big business and the size of his own bank balance. Conservatives are supposed to believe in tradition and the wisdom of past ages. Well, if there’s one thing tradition and past ages tell us over and over again, it’s that Jews are poison. Anti-Semitism is the “longest hatred” because it has appeared whenever and wherever Jews have come into contact with Gentiles.
In 1290, for example, Edward I of England expelled Jews en masse from his kingdom. Their reaction to this hateful and hurtful act, as to the many other expulsions they experienced from White Christian nations, was to work ceaselessly to get back in again. It’s the reaction of a parasite deprived of its host, not that of an independent and self-supporting race. Although Christianity may have been created by Jews as a weapon against Whites, it escaped their control and then kept them safely in quarantine for many centuries. Nowadays it’s largely back under their control, but what happened once can happen again. Thanks to their arrogance and meddling, Jews have unleashed forces they can’t control and the future may be bright – and White – after all.
Have you heard the one about the black Jewish lesbian?
Back in the days when women were angry and lesbians were really angry, perhaps the angriest woman of all was the lesbian feminist Linda Bellos. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, when she went from organising protests to running Lambeth council [in London], she seemed to wear a permanent scowl of indignation that threatened to explode, at the slightest provocation, into incandescent rage. When it came to grievance, she appeared to have it all, being black, African, Jewish, working class, lesbian and Marxist. She was angry at economic injustice, racial discrimination, sexual inequality, the oppression of the male gaze, pornography, violence against women and much else besides.
She now runs her own consultancy on equality and diversity. “I get paid a lot of money giving advice that I gave for free when they didn’t want to know.” My, how the woman can talk. She doesn’t answer in sentences or paragraphs but long impassioned speeches that rise in volume and virulence if you are so foolhardy as to question a point. You can see how she would have thrived in the endless committees and meetings that characterised radical politics in the ’70s and ’80s. She had a brief but eventful career in mainstream politics. In 1986, she became leader of Lambeth council, in an extremely competitive field quite possibly the looniest of all loony left boroughs. She only lasted two years before she resigned in a rates dispute.
“Let’s not worship power for power’s sake. There are many people who do good by being quiet, loving, helpful, generous. I happen to think that is more important than powerful and loud,” she says, powerfully and loudly. She doesn’t listen so much as lecture. And much of what she has lectured down the years has become standard policy. On matters such as rape, policing and diversity, opinion has come round to her way of thinking. But some of her attitudes have changed. She has got in touch with her Judaism... (The Guardian, 15th February 2006)
And that – “she has got in touch with her Judaism” – may be the funniest line in a hatchet-job of an article. Linda “Bell’ of the Balls” Bellos was never out of touch with her Judaism. How could she have been, as an authoritarian, power-worshiping megalomaniac? But there are frightening lines in the article too, like this one: “...opinion has come round to her way of thinking.” It certainly has. The White nation of Britain, like the White nations of Eastern Europe before it, is sliding ever faster into the Judeo-communist abyss. Our new ruling ideology won’t be called that openly, but all the signs are there, chief among them the huge number of Jews in positions of power and influence.
Like pustules on your face at a time of plague, Jews with power and influence are not a sign of glowing health. I grow more and more convinced that the Jewish pursuit and abuse of these things are hereditary. You can see it in the recently dead arch-feminist Betty Friedan just as you can in Linda Bellos. Here’s Germaine Greer, no mean egomaniac herself, unzipping and squatting to water Friedan’s grave the day after the funeral:
Betty Friedan “changed the course of human history almost single-handedly.” Her ex-husband, Carl Friedan, believes this; Betty believed it too. This belief was the key to a good deal of Betty’s behaviour; she would become breathless with outrage if she didn’t get the deference she thought she deserved. In 1972, Betty and I were together in Iran as guests of the Women’s Organisation of Iran, and I had difficulty in dissociating myself from Betty, who would usually take over my allotted speaking time as well as her own. Betty’s imperiousness had the shah’s courtiers completely flummoxed.
Again and again our escorts would ask me to explain Betty’s behaviour. “Please, Mrs Greer, she behaves so strangely, we think she may be drinking. She shouts at us, and when we try to explain she walks away. Sometimes her speech is strange.” As we were leaving our farewell party, Betty propped herself in front of our Cadillac and refused to get in. “Dammit!” she shouted, “I wunt, I deserve my own car! I will nutt travel cooped up in this thing with two other women. Don’t you clowns know who I am?”
“Mrs Greer,” pleaded the courtiers, who were shaking with fright. “What shall we do? Please make her quiet! She is very drunk.” Betty wasn’t drunk. She was furious that the various dignitaries and ministers of state all had their own cars, while the female guests of honour were piled into a single car like a harem. I looked on from our Cadillac at Betty standing there in her spangled black crepe-de-chine and yelling fit to bust, “I will nutt be quiet and gedinna car! Absolutely nutt!”
Eventually one of the ministers’ cars was sent back for Betty. As it pulled out of the gateway I caught sight of her, small, alone in the back, her great head pillowed on the leather, eyes closed, resting after this important victory. (The Guardian, 7th February 2006)
And such victories are important for egomaniacs, who come in a never-ending stream from one race above all others. That much-vaunted Jewish intellect really isn’t as important in their success as it’s made out to be, because solid achievement often matters far, far less than arrogant self-promotion. And even when a rare Jew isn’t personally pushy, he can rely on his membership of the Master Race to open doors that remain closed to much more deserving Gentiles.
Theft and fraud are Jewish specialties too: Jews are the human equivalent of the parasitic cuckoo, which is able to mimic the eggs of its hosts almost perfectly. But what looks like the egg of a beautiful meadow pipit or reed warbler hatches into a greedy, screeching cuckoo. This brings me to the phenomenon of the “Jewish conservative.” There are a lot of them on both sides of the Atlantic: Mark Steyn in North America and Melanie Phillips in Britain, for example. But let’s look at a less famous one: Theodore Dalrymple, a dedicated chronicler of the life and crimes of the British “underclass.” I’ve read a lot of his articles, but even before I saw the blight and became an anti-Semite, I was growing more and more suspicious of him.
Why did he have a blind spot about race? Why did his writing make it so easy for middle-class Whites to dismiss working-class Whites as worthless? Why did he support non-white immigration, despite calling himself a conservative? When I became an anti-Semite, an answer was ready to hand: perhaps it’s because he’s a Jew. When I learned that his mother had been a refugee from Nazi Germany and his father a communist, I was almost certain of it. Turns out I was right: he is indeed a Jew and his real name is Anthony Daniels. Although lots of people write under pen-names, what’s characteristic of Jews is that they choose goyisch names to address the goyim. It’s a form of parasitic camouflage – what could be more White British than “Dalrymple”? – but there’s more to Anthony Daniels’ full pen-name than might immediately meet the eye.
“Theodore” literally means “God’s gift.” And Anthony Daniels certainly knew this when he adopted the pen-name, so I suspect that ole Jewish egomania was at work again. That ole Jewish smoke-and-mirrors certainly seems to be at work in Daniels’ writing. The vital importance of race is something Jews do their best to conceal, because they don’t want to stand out as different in the societies they parasitize. Sure enough, Theodore Dalrymple doesn’t think race should matter:
Primo Levi [another Jew] most movingly wrote that each person should be judged as an individual and that no person should be judged according to his membership of a race or nation. (Social Affairs Unit, 23rd September 2005)
This is wrong in several very important ways. First of all, character is not fixed or always easy to read: a non-white individual may behave well when surrounded by Whites, but reveal his true nature when his own race gains more power. He is also very likely to excuse and conceal bad behavior by his genetic kin, even if he himself does not join in. Not all Jews are actively harming Whites, for example, but almost all Jews are silent on the topic or helping in the cover-up. Furthermore, something called “reversion to the mean” spells doom for Theodore Dalrymple’s utopian advice that his White readers should judge by “content of character, not color of skin” (or size of nose). The children of an intelligent, well-behaved black will tend to revert to the disastrous black average for these traits, while the children of an unintelligent, criminal White will tend to revert to the society-sustaining White average. Individualism cannot work in racially mixed societies and Theodore Dalrymple’s attempts to pretend otherwise are typical Jewish flim-flam.
However, although Jews try to pretend race can safely be ignored, they stress the importance of ideology when the ideology in question threatens their interests. The prophet Muhammad, who encountered Jewish treachery and selfishness at first hand, was careful to warn his followers about the Jews and their true nature. This means that Islam, dangerous as it is in White nations, is admirably unblinkered on the Jewish question. And what is a major theme of Theodore Dalrymple’s writing? Why, it’s the Menace of the Mohammedans:
Two of Britain’s bombers, Richard Reid [the “shoe-bomber”] and Muktar Said-Ibrahim [a wannabe London bomber], converted or reconverted to Islam in prison. This is a very small number, of course, but it does not take large numbers of such people to effect a huge change in a country’s atmosphere. And the omens for the emergence of more of them are not good. The number of Muslim prisoners has risen sixfold over the past 15 years. With more than 4,000 such inmates they make up 70 per cent of prisoners from minority groups. They are mostly of Pakistani descent, and the relative absence of people of subcontinental origin who follow other religions is equally striking. (“Our prisons are fertile ground for cultivating suicide bombers”, The Times, London, 30th July 2005)
Anthony Daniels is laying lots of skillfully camouflaged eggs in conservative nests but what hatches from them isn’t conservatism at all. It’s the same race-denying individualism peddled to Whites by the liberals whom Daniels pretends to despise. Jews hate the idea of Whites taking a tour of reality without a friendly Jew to guide them. They might see things they aren’t supposed to see and reach conclusions they aren’t supposed to reach. Anthony Daniels has appointed himself God’s gift to the conservative goyim and in his way he’s even more of a threat than left-wing lunatics like Linda Bellos. She’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing; he’s a wolf in shepherd’s clothing. Which is easier to be on your guard against?
Talk tough and carry a feather-duster. That’s Tony Blair’s philosophy of government and British voters have been able to see it hard at work over the past week. On 23rd April – St George’s Day – Bliar was talking tough on crime:
Please speak to the victims of this menace. They are people whose lives have been turned into a daily hell. And yes, because often these thugs terrorise those who challenge them, we allow the police to give [hearsay] evidence. But the result is that where these powers are being used, the law-abiding no longer live in fear of the lawless.
I would go further. I would widen the police powers to seize the cash of suspected drug dealers, the cars they drive round in, and require them to prove they came by them lawfully. I would impose restrictions on those suspected of being involved in organised crime. In fact, I would generally harry, hassle and hound them until they give up or leave the country. (The Observer, 23rd April 2006)
On 25th April, proof emerged of exactly much he and his government want to protect “victims” by harrying, hassling and hounding criminals to leave the country:
Foreign criminals “not deported”
The home secretary [Charles Clarke] says he “regrets” that 1,023 foreign prisoners have been allowed to walk free when they were meant to be considered for deportation. They include three murderers and nine rapists, Home Office figures show. Charles Clarke said he could not say “hand on heart” that they would all be tracked down but said he did not think it was a “resigning matter.”
Among the offenders, five had been convicted of committing sex offences on children, seven had served time for other sex offences, 57 for violent offences and two for manslaughter. There were also 41 burglars, 20 drug importers, 54 convicted of assault and 27 of indecent assault.
Downing Street says Tony Blair has “full confidence” in Mr Clarke. “It is unreasonable to expect ministers to know what is going on in every nook and cranny in their department,” said Mr Blair’s official spokesman. Mr Clarke said: “It is clear that the increasing numbers of cases being referred for consideration [for deportation] led to the process falling down.” (BBC News, 25th April 2006)
So one of the most essential functions of government – the protection of citizens from harm – is a “nook and cranny” that it’s “unreasonable” for a minister to oversee. As a racial nationalist, I believe that the only true citizens of Britain are Whites and it’s quite clear that Bliar’s government is not protecting them from harm but promoting their destruction. Its policy on mass immigration is that of “malign neglect”: the process of deporting foreign criminals has not fallen down, because it was never up in the first place. Immigrants and “asylum-seekers” are the foot-soldiers in the Bliar government’s war on Whitey, and in truth Bliar no more wants to deport criminals than a general would want to disband a crack regiment. The more ordinary Whites have to struggle against crime and poverty, the more secure Jews and race-traitors like Bliar are in their power and privilege. Even if the Home secretary does have to resign, he’ll be replaced by another Jewish puppet and soon find another comfortable job:
Clarke must go, says rape victim
A woman who was dragged from the street and raped at knifepoint by a foreign criminal freed from jail has called on Charles Clarke, the home secretary, to resign. Her attacker was allowed to go free by immigration officials who could have deported him after he finished serving a three-year jail term for robbery. “This man should not even have been in the country. I only found out afterwards that he had committed other crimes and been in prison, too. It was just one unbelievable thing after another. Now this is the most unbelievable of the lot.”
She was attacked in her home city of Sheffield by Abdulrahmam Osman, a 31-year-old Somali, a year after he had been released from a jail sentence for robbery. Osman, who has a string of previous convictions, held a knife to her throat, dragged her into bushes and raped her. “He came at me with his hand near my mouth and the knife under my chin. He said something like ‘Shut the f*** up’ and called me a ‘bitch.’ My initial thought was that he was going to kill me, not rape me. I was in shock and all I could think at the time was, ‘I hope he doesn’t hurt me.’ At the court case I couldn’t be seen by (Osman) because I was behind a screen, but my then boyfriend and my daughter said he was smug. My boyfriend stared at him and he smiled at him.”
The woman, who had to undergo HIV tests after the attack, was disappointed with the leniency of the sentence. “Nine years is not enough, not considering he’d done similar things before and that he had the cheek and audacity to do something worse when he was already charged (with sexual assault).”
Osman was marked out as a dangerous criminal soon after he arrived in Britain as a refugee. In 2001 he robbed a teenager and was jailed for three years. Home Office sources insisted he was reviewed by immigration officials for deportation but allowed to remain in Britain. Although Somalia is a war-torn country, it is possible to deport prisoners if they are considered a significant threat to public safety. (The Sunday Times, 30th April 2006)
Well, fancy that! This black psychopath was a “refugee” who traveled through many safe countries to get to Britain. Who could have foreseen that he and thousands of other Somalis might bring with them some of the vibrant culture responsible for Somalia being a “war-torn country”? But it isn’t just the officially foreign criminals used in this war on Whites who should be deported. Britain has many other aliens who should join them and who are instead given every encouragement to “Blight the White”:
Christmas bail gunman in custody
A judge who was heavily criticised for releasing a gun-carrying drug dealer so he could spend Christmas with his mother, has refused to renew his bail. Damien Sawyers, 25, had been convicted of possessing four banned firearms including a Skorpion CZ91S capable of firing 750 rounds a minute. The decision by Judge Eldred Tabachnik QC [Queen’s Counsel] to grant him conditional bail was criticised by two victims’ groups.
On Tuesday, he said he had no choice but to reject a new bail application. Norman Brennan, a director of the Victims of Crime Trust, had described the judge’s original decision as disgraceful and called for a review by the Lord Chief Justice. Michelle Forbes, of Mothers Against Guns, said she too was disgusted. At the court on Tuesday, Sawyer’s defence counsel described the judge’s earlier decision as “exceptionally humane” and asked for bail to be continued.
Sawyers was arrested in February after police raided a property in south London and found heroin and crack with a street value of almost £40,000 [$70,000]. He was also convicted of having a shotgun without a certificate and holding prohibited ammunition. Sawyers will be sentenced on 2nd February and faces a minimum jail term of five years on the weapons counts. (BBC News, 3rd January 2006)
Eldred Tabachnik. Crazy name, far from crazy guy. But we’re crazy if we think “exceptional humanity” was this Jew judge’s real motive for nurturing a nigger. Jews have a big soft spot for blacks, on the ground that: “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Blacks cause huge amounts of harm to Whites – murder, mutilation, rape, robbery. What’s not to like for a kike? But that weapon against Whitey came Tabachnik’s way by chance and he couldn’t use it as effectively as he wanted. Elsewhere he’s actually created a weapon against Whitey for himself and then handed it over, fully cocked, to another Chosen One: the egregious Michael Abraham Levy, aka “Lord” Levy. This is a description of Levy’s slime-climb to the top:
In 1990 he received an appeal for help by [Jew] Lord Young, the former Conservative minister and confidant of Margaret Thatcher, who was presiding over the charity Jewish Care. A year later Levy became chairman of Jewish Care, transforming its fortunes into its £36m [$63m] current income. The Jerusalem Post hailed him as “undoubtedly the notional leader of British Jewry.”
Phony Bliar: Judas for hire
He stepped into an even more powerful inner circle in 1994. At a dinner party given at the Israeli embassy, Levy met Blair. The two had a common friend in Eldred Tabachnik, a senior barrister at the chambers where Blair trained. Levy was entranced by Blair’s drive and religious commitment. Blair, a politician spellbound by wealth, was in thrall to a rich man whose prodigious fundraising ability had definite promise. They became friends.Hitching himself to Blair’s star, Levy became the architect of a system of “blind trusts” that channelled funds into Blair’s private office without the identities of rich [Jewish] benefactors being disclosed. After raising £12m [$21m] towards Labour’s landslide victory in 1997, Levy was rewarded with a peerage. Blair’s debt of gratitude to Levy is profound. His crucial accomplishment has been to cut Labour’s dependence on trade union funding so that the party’s reliance has declined from two-thirds in 1992 to about a quarter now. (The Sunday Times, 19th March 2006)
In other words, the party is now reliant not on White trade unions, treacherous as they are, but on rich Jews. Tony Bliar, “a politician spellbound by wealth”, is up there with George W. Bush as one of the world’s most pernicious shabbas goys. The term literally means “sabbath gentile” – a non-Jew who will do work forbidden to Jews on their holy day. More accurately, it’s a sheeneys’ step’n’fetchit. Bliar is one of the most shameless there have ever been and his treacherous collaboration with the White race’s greatest enemy has rewarded him in abundance. All those conservatives who admire Jews but despise Bliar really should ask themselves how those noble Jews can endure such a vile creature. It couldn’t be, could it, that he’s working in their interests and that Jews aren’t so noble after all?
Tony Bliar: “A candle for Kikistan”
Blair lights a candle for Israel
Prime Minister Tony Blair has become the first British leader to light a candle marking both an ancient Jewish festival and the 50th anniversary of Israel as an independent nation state. He performed the ceremony at his constituency home in the tiny former pit village of Trimdon Colliery, County Durham, with leaders of the Jewish community at his side.
Mr Blair said: “I am privileged to light a candle for the first time in Hannukah and with it to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel. The festival of Hanukkah and the State of Israel embody the twin miracles of freedom – the one spiritual, the other physical. May this Festival of Light bring the light of freedom and peace to the Jewish people, to the State of Israel and to the entire world.”
Acting Israeli Ambassador Amiram Magid told Mr Blair: “The candle lighting today clearly illustrates the close bond between our two countries and we look forward to a future of continuing friendship and co-operation. We are proud that Britain is sharing these historic moments with international leaders, prime ministers and presidents, in all four corners of the globe. As we light the Hanukkah candle, we hope for a future blessed with progress and prosperity, harmony, tranquillity, friendship and, above all, peace.” (BBC News, 23rd December, 1997)
Or to put it another way: “Peace on you, goyim.” Trust a Jew to make an expression of friendship between Britain and Israel sound like a menacing order. But after all, that’s exactly what it is. Jews are racial psychopaths: they don’t have friendships, they have alliances. Their definition of an ally is someone who obeys orders in hope of reward and fear of punishment. Bliar couldn’t disobey them now even if he wanted: to paraphrase Shakespeare, he’s stepp’d in kikes so far that returning were as weary as going o’er. When the honest Labour MP Tam Dalyell – he was seventy-five last birthday – accused Bliar of “being unduly influenced by a cabal of Jewish advisers”, one of Britain’s most enthusiastic users of libel law crawled out of his lair to lie stoutly in Bliar’s defense:
Lord Janner, a Labour peer and the chairman of the Holocaust Education Trust, said: “I think these comments are sad and unfounded. Tony Blair is his own man. He will follow advice if he considers it correct and not otherwise. He has been a good friend of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.” (The Daily Telegraph, 4th May 2003)
Bliar isn’t his own man, he’s an owned man. After his nine lying, cheating years in government, Jews could bury him in an avalanche of dirt anytime they chose – and they certainly would choose if he stepped an inch out of line. His only discernible talent is for bad acting and the script he follows is written for him by Jews. But I have a feeling that the Jews are about to snatch the script from his hands and kick him off the stage – there’s a strong smell of fin de régime in the British air. If Bliar does as badly in next week’s local government elections as he deserves, he may soon learn that sheeneys are like sharks: the bigger the grin, the sooner you’re in.
The Shambles of the Shameless Shabbas Goy
“Human resources in the Home Office is of gargantuan size. An ethos of political correctness rules above all, intimidating the very people whose working life it is supposed to enhance. Our schedules were awash with race awareness days, diversity weeks and asylum seminars. We had training days on transsexuals – how often is the average immigration case officer going to meet a transsexual?”
• Clarke must go, says rape victimThe Independent on Sunday can today reveal that the Home Secretary withheld detailed information about the serious crimes committed by 79 convicted criminals who should have been deported following their release from British jails. We can reveal that a list of offenders passed by Mr Clarke to the Association of Chief Police Officers includes four kidnappers, two murderers, eight rapists, 13 sex offenders, two killers convicted of manslaughter and 50 violent offenders.
A woman who was dragged from the street and raped at knifepoint by a foreign criminal freed from jail has called on Charles Clarke, the home secretary, to resign. Her attacker was allowed to go free by immigration officials who could have deported him after a three-year jail term for robbery. She was attacked by Abdulrahmam Osman, a 31-year-old Somali, a year after he had been released from a jail sentence for robbery. Osman, who has a string of previous convictions, held a knife to her throat, dragged her into bushes and raped her.
• Organised crime: The Godfather of Green Lanes
Baybasin co-ordinated a massive drug-smuggling ring, ran extortion rackets and forced other criminals to pay him a “tax” for permission to operate. He is linked to more than a dozen brutal murders. The gangster will be sentenced next month, having been convicted of plotting to supply heroin. He pleaded guilty to conspiring to blackmail and pervert the course of justice. Baybasin came to England from Turkey in 1997 to claim asylum.
“Bullies are always cowards.” Like most generalizations, that’s not completely true but it certainly seems to explain the behavior of many conservatives. “Kick the coon, kiss the kike” is their motto. Blacks don’t run the media, business, law and politics. Jews do. So conservatives will coon-bait, but they won’t kike-bait. If liberalism is a deadly growth strangling the West, as they claim, then Jews are plainly its chief gardeners and manure-spreaders. Principle therefore dictates that a few words of rebuke be dispatched in the direction of the Chosen every now and then. But self-preservation trumps principle for far too many conservatives.
Some go even further: when Jews say “Jump!”, they leave dents in the ceiling. A prime example is the distinguished conservative historian Paul Johnson. Jews carry some very big sticks and Johnson, who doesn’t want to end up like David Irving, won’t hear a word against them. Anti-Semitism? It’s a disease, my friend:
If anti-Semitism is a variety of racism, it is a most peculiar variety, with many unique characteristics. In my view as a historian, it is so peculiar that it deserves to be placed in a quite different category. I would call it an intellectual disease, a disease of the mind, extremely infectious and massively destructive. It is a disease to which both human individuals and entire human societies are prone. (“The Anti-Semitic Disease”, Commentary magazine, June 2005)
Anti-Semitism is fundamentally irrational, you see: the most mysterious and inexplicable of all prejudices. It’s inconsistent, it’s self-destructive, it seems to make no more sense than “malaria or meningitis.” Well, let’s examine that Johnsonian metaphor. Malaria is two things: first the infecting organism and second the set of symptoms caused by that organism. And both make perfect sense: the organism reproduces by infecting a body and the symptoms are a sign that the body is trying to resist the infection. So could anti-Semitism be analyzed as the symptoms of resistance to Jewish parasitism? After all, that would explain certain “unique characteristics” noted by our distinguished historian:
Anti-Semitism is very ancient, has never been associated with frontiers, and, although it has had its ups and downs, seems impervious to change.
Anti-Semitism is indeed very ancient, because Jews have been around for a very long time. And whenever they come into contact with non-Jews – bingo! Anti-Semitism springs up. Rather in the way malaria springs up whenever the malaria organism comes into contact with a human body. The theory that anti-Semitism is a disease caused by Jews – Sheeney Fever – therefore makes perfect sense. It can also explain Johnson’s observation that “anti-Semitism was and remains common [in Japan] even though there has never been a Jewish community there of any size.”
The Japanese have been perfectly capable of observing what goes on in the rest of the world and noting that Jews are bad news. Their anti-Semitism would therefore be pre-emptive rather than reactive, and it certainly seems to have done them a lot of good: for example, they haven’t been tricked by Jews into handing their nation over to aliens. This brings me to another of Johnson’s observations on Sheeney Fever. According to him, it’s “contradictory”:
Asked to explain why they hate Jews, anti-Semites contradict themselves. Jews are always showing off; they are hermetic and secretive. They will not assimilate; they assimilate only too well. They are too religious; they are too materialistic, and a threat to religion. They are uncultured; they have too much culture. They avoid manual work; they work too hard. They are miserly; they are ostentatious spenders. They are inveterate capitalists; they are born Communists. And so on. In all its myriad manifestations, the language of anti-Semitism through the ages is a dictionary of non-sequiturs and antonyms, a thesaurus of illogic and inconsistency.
It would take too long to unpick Johnson’s dishonesty and weaseling in detail, but let’s look at that last alleged contradiction: Jews are “inveterate capitalists”, but also “born Communists.” The White nation of America, whose success, according to Johnson, has been largely owed to Jews, is currently being invaded by Mexicans. In celebration of the invasion – fully approved and encouraged by the ex-communist, half-Jewish Mexican foreign minister Jorge G. Castañeda – the American national anthem has been recorded in Spanish as “Nuestro Himno”, or “Our Hymn.” But the marketing wizard behind the record isn’t Spanish or American: he’s an “Englishman” called Adam Kidron with an interesting history:
His father, the late Michael Kidron, was a famous Marxist theoretician and his uncle, the late “Tony Cliff”, was the leader of the largest Trotskyite party in Britain, the Socialist Workers Party or SWP (that’s their left fist logo [on the right]). Adam Kidron himself was a producer for a bunch of minor early 1980s New Wave musicians such as The Slits, Orchestre Rouge, and Scritti Politti. Many of the artists were leftwingers. (, April 2006)
I’ve written about Tony C. and the Swinging SWP before: Cliff’s real name was Yigael Gluckstein and he was a typical megalomaniac far-left crypto-rabbi. Like Michael Kidron, he believed firmly that violence, murder and persecution were sanctified by the Jewish Prophets Marx and Trotsky. Now, Yig the Yid and the Kidron Klan certainly seem to fit one side of Johnson’s alleged “Kikey Commies Can’t be Capitalists” contradiction, but if it is actually a contradiction there’s no way they could fit the other side. What are the facts? Let the “old anarcho-punk band” Zounds point you toward them as they describe work on an early record:
We had a guy engineering called Adam Kidron, he was the millionaire son and heir of the Socialist publisher who owned Pluto Press. He was really funny and we were very naïve and impressed by him. He talked us in to giving him producer royalties when we didn’t even know what royalties were and we thought we were producing the album ourselves. (
So Adam Kidron is the millionaire son of a millionaire “Smash the Capitalist Monster” socialist publisher. He’s also a committed left-winger who rips off struggling left-wing bands. This single Jewish individual embodies Paul Johnson’s alleged contradiction between “Jews are inveterate capitalists” and “Jews are born Communists.” In other words, anti-Semites are right and “Jew-lover” Johnson is wrong. Jews have one aim – power and wealth for themselves – but various ways of achieving that aim. Capitalism is one, communism is another, and sometimes they use both at once. But we can clearly see from the Kidrons and Uncle Gluckstein that one thing doesn’t change: Jewish greed, dishonesty and egomania.
Paul Johnson seems to have been thoroughly infected with that dishonesty himself. His essay in defence of those poor, down-trodden Jewish millionaires, media moguls and politicians seems to prove that his thesis is exactly the opposite of the truth. It’s not anti-Semitism that’s irrational, contradictory and self-destructive, it’s philo-Semitism – love of Jews. How badly Johnson is infected with the disease can be seen from this passage:
For centuries, and never more so than at present, the U.S. has harbored the poor and persecuted from the entire world, who have found freedom and prospered on its soil. America continues to receive more immigrants than any other country; its most recent arrivals, including the Cubans, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and the Lebanese, have become some of the richest groups in the country and are enthusiastic supporters of its democratic norms.
“Hear, hear!” you can hear millions of American liberals cry. In fact, this mythical history of America as haven-for-the-world has been invented by Jews like Emma “Bring me your huddled masses” Lazarus and Israel “Melting Pot” Zangwill. Like the Kidron Klan, Zangwill embodied a self-serving contradiction. While enthusiastically urging the goyim to melt in one big pot, he worked just as enthusiastically for an all-Jewish pot elsewhere:
Israel Zangwill, Anglo-Jewish writer and political activist, was probably the best known Jew in the English-speaking world at the start of the twentieth century. Of his many plays on social mores and the world situation, his most enduring has been The Melting Pot, first performed in 1908. Zangwill was also an activist in the Zionist, pacifist, and women’s suffrage movements of the early twentieth century. In 1905, believing that the need to rescue Jews was urgent, he formed the Jewish Territorial Organization, the goal of which was to establish a homeland for the Jews wherever one could be found. When he died on August 1, 1926, the Jewish world mourned the loss of a prominent literary interpreter, defender, and public figure. (Jewish Virtual Library)
Zangwill’s hypocrisy, just like Adam Kidron’s, is easily explained. “Vot’s good for us?” is the guiding principle and destroying White homelands is obviously good for Jews. Adam Kidron, once a “co-founder and CEO” of a website devoted to black hip-hop, is working hard to that end by supporting Mexicans in their reconquista of the land stolen by evil gringos from their ancestors (as the old joke goes, the gringos stole the part with the paved roads). Blacks weren’t bringing down Whitey fast enough, you see, and their contact with Jews has – surprise, surprise – infected them with anti-Semitism. Mexicans promise much quicker results and haven’t turned strongly against Jews yet. They will, of course, just as the Muslims imported by Jews into Britain have, but the war on Whitey is much more important at the moment.
Anti-Semitism 101: Yids exploit Nigs...
(Image from
That Jewish hostility to Whites is very significant: they fear us because they know we can defeat their parasitic dream of ever-greater power and wealth at the expense of goyim. All we have to do is wake up and recognize our own racial interests with just a little of the strength with which Jews have always recognized theirs. The danger from the Jewish point of view is that the invasion of America and Europe by aliens will trigger this racial awareness, and so even as they work for victory they may be setting up their own defeat. “May you live in interesting times” goes the old Chinese curse. Jews have certainly made times interesting for Whites, but curses do sometimes return to sender.
If you just took everyone who was Jewish, black, homosexual or disabled and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all. No, I’m not advocating mass murder, I’m just performing an experiment. A Marxist comedian called Jeremy Hardy expressed a similar sentiment on BBC radio in September 2004. But of course the people he wanted shot in the back of the head weren’t Jews, blacks, homosexuals and so on. His words were directed against members and supporters of the British National Party:
If you just took everyone from the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all.
BNP members and voters don’t count as “us all”, you see. They are an extremely nasty bunch who have committed the unspeakable sin of sticking up for Whitey. Only it isn’t unspeakable, and more’s the pity: these vile wretches actually say in public that British Whites should keep their ancestral homeland and live there in accordance with their own history, traditions and culture. Jeremy disagrees vehemently and, as a good Marxist, he naturally enough daydreams about silencing these loathsome aspirations for good. Perhaps his daydream goes something like this:
Boom! A white racist hits the bottom of his self-dug grave and Commissar Hardy, the red star on his cap flashing in the bright People’s sunlight, steps along the line to put a bullet in the head of the next white racist, his generous Marxist heart warmed by the knowledge that such righteous executions are laying the foundations of a fair and just society.
What happened to Jeremy for daydreaming aloud about mass murder on national radio? Nothing: there was no police investigation or official censure. But you can imagine what would have happened if a nationalist had daydreamed aloud about shooting minorities and anti-racists like Jeremy in the back of the head. Bust! The police would have been knocking on his door toot sweet, as they’ve knocked on the doors of countless nationalists down the decades. John Tyndall, the founder of the BNP, was jailed for “incitement to racial hatred” in 1986 and was facing trial on the same charge at the time of his death in 2005. An undercover BBC reporter had recorded him making disobliging comments about Michael Howard (né Hecht), the Jewish leader of The Entity Once Known As The Conservative Party. Nick Griffin, who replaced Tyndall as leader of the BNP, was acquitted in the same case, so the state is having another bite at the cherry with a re-trial. Tyndall and Griffin, to put it mildly, weren’t on the best of terms at the time of the former’s death, but they shared – I hope – a single overwhelming desire to do what was best for Britain’s Whites.
The paradox is that Tyndall spent his life opposing what gave him his best hope of power: mass immigration and multi-culturalism. More cynical or more realistic nationalists, like Tom Metzger of White Aryan Resistance, support these things instead, believing that they hasten a cataclysmic societal collapse from which Whites will emerge victorious. Like Tyndall and Griffin, Metzger has long been harassed by the authorities – bust! bust! bust! – for his efforts to help Whites, but his vision of the future seems to be coming true. Signs of collapse are appearing in White nations all over the world. Mexican invaders are now openly celebrating their reconquista in the US, while in the UK the vibrancy of our enriching ethnics reached unprecedented heights on 7th July 2005, when – boom! boom! boom! boom! – four Muslim suicide-bombers detonated themselves in London, taking fifty-two mostly White victims with them.
The suicide-bombs were shocking in more ways than one, it has now been revealed:
British-born terror shocked police
The London bombings were a wake-up call for the security and intelligence agencies and the police, who had been “working off the wrong script.” They were shocked that a group of four “home-grown” young men were prepared to kill innocent civilians and themselves in a suicide attack. Police officers told the parliamentary intelligence and security committee that what they learned in July had “overturned their understanding of those who might become radicalised to the point of committing terrorist attacks.”
“We were working off a script which actually has been completely discounted from what we know as reality,” Andy Hayman, the Metropolitan police officer in overall charge of terrorist operations told the committee. Sir David Pepper, director of GCHQ [Government Communications Headquarters], the government’s eavesdropping centre, [said]: “What happened in July was a demonstration that there were [officially deleted] conspiracies going on about which we essentially knew nothing, and that rather sharpens the perception of how big, if I can use [the US defence secretary Donald] Rumsfeld’s term, the unknown unknown was.”
The July attacks, the committee says, “emphasised that there was no clear profile of a British Islamist terrorist.” Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5 [the British intelligence service responsible for home security], told the committee that it had been a surprise that the “first big attack in the UK for 10 years was a suicide attack.” Such attacks were still not expected to be “the norm”, a view expressed by the Joint Intelligence Committee shortly before the London bombings. (The Guardian, 12th May 2006)
So Britain’s highly trained security services, with their huge staffs, vast budgets and many decades of experience, were working from the “wrong script”, which simply wasn’t reflecting reality at all. But can we blame them for failing to understand a wholly new kind of threat? Yes, we can certainly blame them, because many people did understand the threat. Nick Griffin, chairman of the BNP, predicted the attacks well in advance using a “script” that reflected reality very well:
“Sooner or later there will be an Islamic terrorist attack in Britain. And when it does the terrorists will turn out to be either asylum seekers or second generation Pakistanis, probably from somewhere like Bradford.” I made that prediction at a private BNP meeting in the Reservoir Tavern in Keighley on 19th January 2004 – 18 months before the multiple Islamic suicide bombings which police last night admitted were carried out by second generation Pakistanis from Leeds and Dewsbury.
By now, every newspaper and TV and radio station in the country will have reported these facts. So, 18 months on, it emerges that I was nine miles out, and that, by not predicting that the terrorists would be suicide bombers, I under-estimated their fanaticism. But as a piece of prophesy it was surely better than your average Whittaker’s Almanac, and streets ahead of anything from any other modern British politician, with the honourable exception of Enoch Powell.
What was the secret of Nasty Nick’s success? Simply this: that he wasn’t blinkered by political correctness. He was also proved right about “asylum seekers”, because Somalis were among those who tried to carry out a second set of suicide-bombings in London on 21st July. In other words, Nasty Nick understands the God-awful situation Britain now finds itself in, though whether he will be able to do anything about it is another matter. I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the BNP, and I hope my worst fears about its leaders prove untrue. But there is no doubt that it is expressing truths still invisible to the traitors, dupes and criminals presently in charge of Britain:
The difficulty in spotting those likely to become involved in al-Qaida-style terrorism is highlighted by the Home Office narrative. It points out that there is “no consistent profile to help identify those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation.” Those involved have come from all types of ethnic and social backgrounds. Some were relatively well-off and well-educated, some were not. Some had suffered abuse or hardship as children or had been involved in petty crime, others were law-abiding and had stable upbringings. (The Guardian, 12th May 2006)
Okay, let’s see if untrained Heretical readers agree that suicide-bombers and wannabes come from “all types of ethnic background.” Here are the four men who succeeded and the four men who nearly succeeded:
“We’re black, we’re brown,
Gonna rock this town!
Respeck 2 tha gang
Who really go bang!”
“Believers in Islam
Wanna go bam-bam!
So what if we blew it?
Plenny more are gonna do it!”
Spot any common factor? Right first time: they don’t come from all types of ethnic background at all, but from backgrounds completely alien to a White nation. And they’re all young: Britain’s wise anti-racist, pro-ethnic governments over the past fifty years have ensured that non-whites born here or welcomed here from disaster-zones overseas want to destroy us in the most violent way possible. The suicide-bombers literally exploded the lie peddled so long to British Whites: that Diversity is Our Strength. The truth is now clearly visible amid the ruins: Diversity is Our Deadly Weakness, because Whites can’t defend themselves properly against an alien threat very firmly rooted in their country thanks to decades of mass immigration and official mollycoddling.
The Dastardly Duo of Heretical Press – Simon Sheppard and his star columnist Luke O’Farrell – didn’t, fortunately for us, suffer any personal bereavement in the London bombings. But we still have a personal interest in them. You see, at the time they were being planned and executed right under the noses of Britain’s security services, some employees of those services were investigating the two of us. This investigation, in the words of the search warrants they used in their later police raids, involved a “complicated computer forensic examination and other protracted enquiries” – including, we have good reason to believe, a lot of phone-tapping. In other words, at the same time as four aliens were preparing to commit mass murder on British soil, unknown amounts of money and manpower were being wasted on the two of us.
And unknown amounts of money and manpower are still being wasted on the two of us, because the authorities are investigating further as they decide whether to charge us for our heretical opinions. Meanwhile, huge threats to this country may be flying under the radar for lack of money and manpower:
900 terrorist suspects in Britain leave MI5 and police unable to cope
• Sheer quantity of terror suspects has overwhelmed security services
• Numbers involved in possible plots have trebled in last five years
• At least one 7/7 bomber was not under surveillance due to other prioritiesThere are now so many terror suspects in Britain that the police and security services are unable to monitor them all, counter-terrorist officials have warned. The Scotsman has learned that anti-terrorism police and MI5 have identified as many as 900 people in Britain whom [sic] they suspect could be linked to potential terrorist plots.
The figure has more than trebled in the past five years, and represents a dramatic increase on a previously reported estimate which put the number of suspected extremists at 400. The terrorist threat facing the country is now said by officials to be at least as high as at the time of last July’s London’s bombings. At least one of the 7/7 bombers, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was known to MI5 before the attacks, but was not kept under surveillance because other counter-terror operations were given priority. The parliamentary investigation is likely to conclude that a lack of resources was a crucial factor in the failure to intercept the July bombers.
Monitoring a suspected terrorist is a labour-intensive task. At the upper extreme, a 24-hour physical surveillance operation can require up to 40 operatives working in shifts to plan and execute successfully. Even monitoring telephone and electronic communications can soak up relatively scarce resources such as translators and intelligence analysts. But government officials with access to MI5 intelligence reports say the security service is resigned to being unable to track every suspect or prevent every attack. “The fact is that successful counter-terrorism in this country now means stopping most of the plots, not all of them,” said the Whitehall official. (The Scotsman, 11th May 2006)
One very important factor was left out of the coverage of this story. The British security forces are finding it difficult to track Muslim terrorists because so many residents of Britain are sympathetic to them and share their opinions. The communist mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung said that “guerrillas swim among the people as fish swim in the sea.” Thanks to our insane immigration policies, Britain now has a sea of aliens for terrorists to swim in. And the present rulers of Britain are busy making that sea deeper and wider. In the same week as the news that at least 900 wannabe mass-murderers are on the loose here, another everyday story of ethnic enrichment hit the headlines. Nine Muslims who had committed serious crimes to “seek asylum” in Britain, thousands of miles and many safe countries from home, are to be rewarded for their crimes:
The hijackers captured the aircraft as it stood on Kabul runway in February 2000. Armed with Kalashnikovs, grenades and knives, they said that they had been terrorised by the Taliban and wanted to seek asylum in Britain. They held the pilot and passengers hostage for four days at Stansted, at one stage holding guns to the passengers’ heads and threatening to kill them.
All nine eventually surrendered to SAS marksmen and were jailed for five years in January 2002 for hijacking, possessing guns and explosives, and false imprisonment. Fifteen months later, however, the Court of Appeal ruled that their convictions were unsafe because of an error of law in the judge’s summing up, and all were released. The Home Office moved to have them deported, but last Tuesday the Immigration Appellate Authority decreed that they could stay.
The bill for the hijack includes £2.5 million [$4.5m] for the four-day police operation, £135,000 for the SAS marksmen, £18,000 for the £200-a-night rooms and food for the hijack victims in an airport hotel, £100,000 for hotel costs during the initial two-month inquiry, £300,000 for the initial immigration inquiry into asylum applications, £30 million for two Old Bailey trials, including 27 barristers and seven translators, £1 million for appeals against conviction, £120,000 for housing, benefits and education for the nine hijackers and £2.5 million for asylum appeals.
In the past few weeks the hijackers and their families have moved to secret addresses in west London. Neighbours at their former homes, however, said that the families had a succession of visitors and did not stint on entertaining. “Because they are accustomed to warmer climes they would keep the central heating on full, even during the summer,” one said. “They had expensive music and entertainment systems.”
Another said that the families were very particular about their food, buying only organic produce. “They must have spent a fortune on groceries,” she said. “Everything was organic and they would sometimes send taxis to collect it.” (The Daily Telegraph, 8th July 2004)
A lot more legal activity followed, putting a lot more money in the pockets of rich lawyers. But it turns out that these Muslim hijackers, like many hundreds of other dangerous foreign criminals, are not going to be deported. No, a judge has decided it would violate their “human rights.” Tony Bliar and his government have expressed their stern determination to overturn the decision – more money for rich lawyers – but that’s like sacking your sheeney accountant after all your money mysteriously vanishes. Bliar’s government introduced the “human rights” laws now being applied by Britain’s jewdiciary in favor of non-whites. Bliar’s government has also strengthened and expanded the laws against “racial hatred.” It now wants to bring in laws against “religious hatred” to help it persecute nationalists even more effectively.
How do you explain the apparently lunatic contradiction of persecuting non-violent Whites who stand up for Britain while rewarding violent non-whites who are helping to wreck it? Simple: it all fits when you understand that wrecking Britain is “Business as Jewsual.” Jews and their race-traitor shabbas goys know that Whites are still very dangerous to them if we wake up, recognize the deadliness of the threats facing us and commit that unspeakable sin: stick up for ourselves. So they want to flood Britain with aliens and introduce ever more oppressive laws to silence our protests, weakening us to the point of no return. And when we get there, it will be too late to wake up.
If you’re interested in endangered species, come and have a look at this one in the gilded cage over here. It might look unpleasantly bloated but don’t worry, that’s perfectly normal. If I offer it a pizza, it will do a real cute trick... See, it’s finished the pizza already and is waddling over to that computer. Now it’s starting to type:
Harris Nyatsanza is standing on a precipice. In a few months – if his final, final asylum appeal fails – he will tumble over into the shadows. He fled Robert Mugabe’s abattoir-state in 2001: “I am a teacher, and I saw my country being destroyed. It was my job to teach civic education, so I did it properly. I told them about the opposition.” But this was suicide in Harare. “When I saw friends start to disappear, I realised I had to get out while I could.” He chose to come to London “because I know you have a great history of helping dissidents.” (Evening Standard, London, 5th May 2006)
Sheeney Shyster Johann Hari
“Will Write for Pizza”
This endangered species’ name is Johann Hari and it’s a fat Jewish homosexual that works mostly for The Independent, which is a kind of bad parody of Britain’s more famous fundy liberal newspaper The Guardian. JoHa fits in there so well that I sometimes wonder whether he’s a Cyborg-Sheeney invented by an evil neo-Nazi scientist to make Jews and liberals look ridiculous. I mean, look at his touching appeal above on behalf of a Zimbabwean asylum-seeker. Would even a real Jewish liberal be so arrogant and credit his readers with so little intelligence and historical knowledge? After all, who is responsible for Zimbabwe being an “abattoir-state” – and for South Africa sliding rapidly down the slope to join it?
Liberals and their Jewish puppet-masters, that’s who. Under White rule, the then Rhodesia was peaceful and prosperous and its black inhabitants were given as much power to govern themselves as their talents and intelligence equipped them for. That is, no power at all. But back in Britain and America, liberals were whipped by Jews into a frothing frenzy about the “evils” of White rule. Sanctions were imposed to destroy Rhodesia’s economy and force its White slave-masters into groveling submission before the liberal idols of Humbug and Hypocrisy. But it could have survived indefinitely had not South Africa adopted the sanctions too, in a doomed attempt to appease the same liberals. So power was handed over to blacks and the inevitable happened: Rhodesia rapidly metastasized into the “abattoir-state” of Zimbabwe.
If he’d been around at the time, Johann Hari would have been one of those shrieking for that peaceful, prosperous White-ruled nation to be handed over for destruction. His chutzpah at using the present condition of Zimbabwe to argue for Britain to be flooded with aliens would be breathtaking in a White journalist – but chutzpah is natural for Jews. They invented the word, after all. The truth about Britain and asylum-seekers is very simple. We don’t have any: they are all illegal immigrants. Britain has no moral obligation at all to accept men and women who travel thousands of miles through many safe countries to escape alleged persecution and oppression. Furthermore, we are insane to accept them. People who flee plague carry plague with them, and as sure as yids are yids refugees from disaster-zones will end up reproducing those disaster-zones here. Here’s JoHa tugging at his readers’ heart-strings again with a story about his trip to the disaster-zone of Congo:
It starts with a ward full of women who have been gang-raped and then shot in the vagina. I am standing in a makeshift ward in the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, the only hospital that is trying to deal with the bushfire of sexual violence in Eastern Congo. Most have wrapped themselves deep in their blankets so I can only see their eyes, staring blankly at me. Dr Denis Mukwege is speaking. “Around ten percent of the gang-rape victims have had this happen to them,” he says softly, his big hands tucked into his white coat. “We are trying to reconstruct their vaginas, their anuses, their intestines. It is a long process.” (The Independent, 6th May 2006)
But of course Cyborg-Sheeney JoHa is programmed to spout liberal platitudes when confronted with the truth about non-white behavior. Blacks who seem to commit atrocities are actually the helpless, innocent puppets of outside forces and everything going down in the Congo ’hood is actually our fault. White evil is so powerful that from thousands of miles away it can make black men rape black women and then shoot them in their genitals. Here’s JoHa explaining how:
The war in Congo has been waved aside as an internal African implosion. In reality it a battle for coltan and diamonds and cassiterite and gold, destined for sale in London and New York and Paris. It is a battle for the metals that make our technological society vibrate and ring and bling, and it has already claimed four million lives in five years and broken a population the size of Britain’s. No, this is not only a story about them. This – the tale of a short journey into the long Congolese war we in the West have fostered, fuelled and funded – is a story about you.
Well, I beg to differ. I don’t think the West – which will mean greedy Jews in many cases – is entirely to blame because I can see examples of extreme savagery by blacks much closer than the Bongo in Congo:
A 16-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped and forced to take heroin and crack cocaine before being murdered by a gang of six men. Reading crown court heard how Mary-Ann Leneghan was stabbed to death in a park in May 2005 after she and her 18-year-old friend were abducted. The friend survived, despite being shot in the head. On the opening day of the trial, Richard Latham QC, prosecuting, said that six men shared joint responsibility in the girls’ ordeal. Mary-Ann and her friend had been sitting in a car when they were abducted. They were bundled into a car boot and driven to a guesthouse, where the men booked a room.
According to accounts given by the friend, the men laid towels on the floor as soon as they entered to avoid leaving traces of blood. The women were subjected to “a concentrated sequence of controlled acts of violence and degradation” over a long period. They were made to strip, were hit with a pole, cut with knives, and raped. A gun was put into the 18-year-old’s mouth while the men laughed. They crowded round her while she was on all fours and told her they were going to cut off part of her genitals and feed it to her. (The Guardian, 14th January 2006)
The mutilated body of [black drug-dealer] Ray Samuels was discovered by a woman walking her dog in Epping Forest. Most of his skin had been sliced from his body and his tongue had been cut out – a sign that his killers believed him to be an informant. It appeared that he had been subjected to a lengthy torture session and finally died when a plastic bag was placed over his head. (The Observer, 26th August 2001)
An “extremely violent” gang is being hunted by police after a murdered man’s torso was dumped in a canal. The remains of Marvin Gentles, 28, were found in a shopping bag floating down Regents Canal in Primrose Hill, north London, on Friday. Mr Gentles, a Jamaican who had been living with his sister in Northolt, north-west London, had been stabbed and had his head and limbs cut off. (BBC News, 28th June 2005)
Remember that these are blacks in Britain. They had lives of unimaginable luxury by Congolese standards. But they still behaved like savages. When exactly will they stop? When evil Whitey has been stripped of all his power to oppress and that natural black goodness and compassion can finally rise to the surface? I don’t think so. I think that Johann Hari and other Jewish liberals are weeping crocodile tears over blacks in order to get their crocodile jaws more firmly locked on White nations. By making Whites feel irrationally (and irresponsibly) guilty, Jews are able to persuade them to let aliens come flooding in. The trouble is that these aliens then display their gratitude in ways that are starting to shock even liberals. The following story has not yet received a fraction of the attention it deserves, and one very important fact is being left out. What color are the crooks working on both the inside and the outside? You have precisely no guesses:
The cash-for-fake-ID scandal at the heart of the Government
An internal investigation at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has found that civil servants are colluding with organised criminals to steal personal identities on “an industrial scale.” Ministers have been privately warned that the investigation will show that hundreds of thousands of stolen personal details have been ripped off from official databases, often with inside help. Key personal details such as national insurance numbers can be used to commit benefit fraud, set up false bank accounts and obtain official documents such as passports.
The true scale of identity thefts from the Department for Work and Pensions came to light only when its own civil servants were the victims of an audacious attack on the Government’s tax credits. The personal details of 13,000 staff were passed to gangsters who used them to steal an estimated £15m [$27m] in benefits. Today, however, it can be revealed that the scam is just one of 25 incidents of “significant organised fraud” so far uncovered. The DWP refuses to comment, saying only that there is an “ongoing investigation.”
The sheer scale of the potential abuse was underlined by a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies which found that government departments hand out state support to 2.1 million lone parents – even though the best estimate is that Britain has just 1.9 million single-parent households. Mike Brewer of the IFS has said that the 200,000 “phantom” lone parents shows just how successful the ID fraudsters have become. (The Independent, 14th May 2006)
Jigaboos from Nigeria will certainly be responsible for some of this huge fraud, while jigaboos from Somalia, on the other side of Africa, keep their nostalgia at bay by doing their best to turn Britain into a war-zone just like home:
Youths bring violence from a war-torn land
In recent years, Somalis have been connected with some of the most high-profile murders in Britain. Mohamud Gure, a community leader in Islington, north London, said: “We are very, very alarmed by what is happening to Somali youth in this country. This is the first generation of Somalis who have come into adolescence here and there is a great deal of frustration and poverty and alienation and anger. Many of them still carry the trauma with them that they brought from Somalia as very young children. Some of them even saw their parents killed in front of them. Many have no father because he was killed in the chaos of Somalia. Some of them react by using violence, but it is only a very small minority because Somalis are a peace-loving people in general.” There are at least 100,000 Somalis in Britain, with up to 6,000 a year coming in as asylum seekers when the anarchy in their homeland grew worse in the late 1990s and early part of this century. (The Daily Telegraph, 20th May 2006)
So in full knowledge of the huge problems they are already causing, our government is allowing “up to 6,000” more “peace-loving” Somalis in every year to add to the “100,000” already here. Of course the real figure will be considerably higher – possibly double the official figure or more. The worse Africa’s plagues get, the harder Jews like Johann Hari will work at their violins, persuading Whites to welcome more and more plague-carriers in.
The price in rape, murder, theft and fraud is then paid by Whites, not by JoHa and the rest of the Jew-crew. We have listened to their lies and manipulation for far too long, but they and their liberal dupes are definitely an endangered species. Big changes are under way in British politics and they’re becoming more and more obvious. Before the recent local elections, the JuLabour commissar Margaret “Enver” Hodge diagnosed one of them when she wailed that Whites were no longer “ashamed” to express support for the “far right” British National Party. The truth is starting to break through, you see, and it’s so grotesque that it’s leaving satire in its wake:
MPs shocked by fresh immigration revelations
A senior immigration official shocked MPs when he told them it wasn’t known how many people ordered to leave the country had actually been removed. Dave Roberts, the immigration service’s director of enforcement and removals, also admitted to the Commons home affairs committee yesterday that he had no idea how many of the 50,000 people supposed to report regularly to immigration officials actually did so. His admission that no records were kept of what happened to immigration offenders who have been told to leave the country prompted disbelief amongst the MPs conducting an inquiry into Britain’s immigration control. (The Guardian, 17th May 2006)
Sex for illegal visa boss
A suspended immigration chief facing a sex-for-visas probe was an illegal immigrant himself, The Sun can reveal. James Dawute, 53, is believed to have arrived from Ghana as a visitor, then stayed on unlawfully when his visa expired. Disclosures about his background add to the scandals already plaguing the Home Office’s beleaguered Immigration and Nationality Directorate. According to a furious whistleblower, Dawute arrived in Britain during the 1980s and remained when he should have left. The father of four is a chief immigration officer at the centre – a post that carries a salary of up to £30,000 [$54,000] a year. He was taped demanding sex from an 18-year-old asylum seeker called Tanya. He promised to help her after picking her out of a queue at Croydon. He is now suspended while an investigation is carried out into a complaint from the girl. (The Sun, 26th May 2006)
Mentally-ill foreign criminals free
Home Secretary John Reid is to report to Parliament on claims that hundreds of mentally-ill foreign criminals have been released without being considered for deportation. Mr Reid came under fire from Tories after claims that as many as 500 foreign nationals, including murderers, rapists and paedophiles, had been freed from secure hospitals without being removed from the country. His Conservative shadow David Davis accused him of failing to alert the public to the potential danger, in spite of being made aware of it more than a week ago. A Home Office spokesman insisted that Mr Reid told MPs about shortcomings in the monitoring of foreign nationals in secure hospitals in a statement earlier this week. No figure was available for the number released, but officials were ploughing through files to identify the individuals involved and establish what has happened to them, so that Mr Reid can update Parliament. (The Guardian, 27th May 2006)
These stories are only the pimple on a Jew’s nose: there is much, much more to be revealed about what JuLabour’s nine years of incompetence and malevolence have done to Britain. Previous governments were strangling us slowly; JuLabour has tightened its grip on our neck till its knuckles popped. British Whites have been lied to over and over again about the consequences of mass immigration and “asylum”-seeking, but once we see through the lies we aren’t going to be fooled again. Jewish brainwashing is starting to wear off and when Jews lose their power to deceive and manipulate, they lose everything. I really don’t think Johann Hari will be sitting in his gilded cage at The Independent and writing flim-flam for pizza much longer.
Some people may try and convince you otherwise, but there’s no one simple explanation for what those of us who engage sensitively with issues around race call Typical Nigger Behavior, or TNB for short. No, there’s no one simple explanation at all: there are two simple explanations. On average, blacks are much lower in intelligence and much higher in psychopathy. Neither by itself is sufficient to explain why blacks murder, rape, and rob much more and much more viciously than other races, but together they explain everything. Stupid people are more likely to be criminal because they fail more and can’t see the consequences of their actions, but stupid blacks are more criminal than stupid Whites. An extra ingredient is needed, and that extra ingredient is psychopathy, which might be defined as moral deafness: an inability to understand or care about the needs and feelings of others.
That blacks combine low average intelligence with high average psychopathy is the suggestion of a British psychologist called Richard Lynn, and it certainly rings true to me. In fact, it rings like a bell, or perhaps I should say like a bell curve. The bell curve is one of the most useful tools in statistics and it’s the key to understanding a host of social phenomena. As its name suggests, it looks like a bell: it’s tall in the middle, where the average is, and flared on either side. You get a similar shape when you plot the scores from rolling, say, ten dice, because a very low score, like ten, or a very high score, like sixty, is much less likely than a middling score like thirty. You can roll ten or sixty in only one way, but you can roll thirty in lots of different ways.
Psychological phenomena like intelligence and psychopathy follow the bell curve because sexual reproduction is like rolling dice: we don’t get all our parents’ genes, just a random selection of them. But different races are rolling with different genetic dice, and because of the bell curve’s shape, even a small difference in the average score results in huge differences at the extremes. And the difference between average black and White score for intelligence isn’t small: the White average is much higher, which means that there are far more very intelligent Whites and far more very stupid blacks. For psychopathy, the situation is reversed: the black average is much higher, which means that there are far more psychopathic blacks and far fewer psychopathic Whites.
To see the bell curve at work in real life, there’s no better place to look than modern black culture. Back in the old days, when blacks writhed under White oppression, they didn’t murder, rape, and rob the way they do today and their music was gentle and attractive: think of Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, and The Ink Spots. Then Jews began to stop Whites “oppressing” blacks, which allowed TNB to rise to the surface. They began to murder, rape, and rob more and more and their music became more and more violent and ugly. The final result was something called “gangsta rap.” It’s an “authentic” expression both of low black intelligence and of high black psychopathy.
Low black intelligence is apparent in the names and slang gangsta rappers use. Like children, they’re still excited by the discovery that certain sounds can be spelt more than one way: who but a child or a black would be impressed by names like Kurupt, Mystikal, Ludacris, and Gravediggaz, for example? High black psychopathy is apparent in the behavior glorified by the lyrics of gangsta rap. That the murder and rape of Whites are glorified goes without saying – and without any condemnation as “hate speech” by Jews – but violence against other races isn’t the only thing blacks enjoy. These lyrics all refer to the way a good black “gangsta” should treat other blacks:
Rat-tat-tat-tat like that,
And I never hesitate to put a nigga on his back...
(“Rat-a-tat-tat”, Dr Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg)She was the perfect ho’ but what do you know
The bitch tried to gag me, so I had to kill her...
(“One Less Bitch”, Niggaz With Attitude)So fellows next time they try to tell a lie
That they never suck a dick punch the bitch in the eye...
(“She Swallowed It”, N.W.A.)
In short, gangsta rap is proof once again that no-one oppresses blacks as thoroughly and as enthusiastically as other blacks. Take a look at the gangsta label Death Row Records of Los Angeles. A huge amount has been said about the Los Angeles Police Department and the beating and murder of blacks by its “racist” officers. Well, Death Row Records was owned and run by blacks, and how did its dynamic young CEO Marion “Sugar” Knight deal with those black employees and business associates who displeased him? He’d have them locked into a room at his luxurious H.Q. and beaten to a pulp, that’s how. No proof of wrong-doing was required: suspicion was quite enough. And how did rival black labels – or maybe it was Knight himself – express their displeasure with the Death Row “artist” Tupac Shakur? By having him shot to death, that’s how.
Interestingly, Shakur and the other rap “martyr” Notorious B.I.G. – an unsightly lump of black lard also perhaps murdered by Knight – seem to have been much more dark-skinned than Knight and another “artist” on the label, Dr Dre of the early and much-respected gangsta rappers Niggaz With Attitude (have another look at the lyrics above for examples of what earned them that respect). Knight and Dre have survived so far, thanks perhaps to the higher intelligence bequeathed them by their greater White ancestry. But of course that higher intelligence would never have been enough to allow them to create and run a record label and distribute its music on their own. They had to have help, and if you want to know where that help came from, let the late great Adolf Hitler point you in the right direction:
Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light – a kike! (Mein Kampf, chapter two)
When you cut into the abscess of gangsta rap, you’ll find Jewish maggots like the businessmen Lew Wasserman and Edgar Bronfman squirming away inside, and gangsta rap is in fact a perfect example of “malign encouragement”, or the manipulation of one’s enemies into behavior that harms them and benefits you. Jewish businessmen, lawyers, and accountants have helped gangsta rap to flourish, simultaneously enriching themselves and contributing to black psychopathy. Blacks themselves are badly harmed by gangsta “culture”, but that’s of secondary importance to Jews.
Their real target is Whites. Gangsta rap is hugely popular among young Whites and helps destroy their attachment to their own culture and history. It’s not good for Whites to have black heroes of any kind, but least of all to have heroes among the cretinous psychopaths of gangsta rap. When something is harmful to Whites you can be sure Jews will be there promoting it, and that’s why the black problem can’t and won’t be solved unless we solve the Jewish problem first. TNB is a symptom: the root cause is TKB, or Typical Kike Behavior. Trying to end TNB without tackling TKB first is like frantically putting out a series of fires while ignoring the hook-nosed arsonists busily starting new fires further down the street.
For further details of Richard Lynn’s theory about how blacks combine low IQ with high Psy-Q, please read this article at American Renaissance: Racial differences in “average personality”.
Twenty years from now, inshallah, your children and grandchildren will consult their dictionaries to discover the following word:
jewbiquity n. the condition or faculty whereby a Jew was everywhere or in an indefinite number of places at once; hence jewbiquitous adj. [coined by Sir Luke O’Farrell KG, KP, GCMG, VC (Bar), from Jew + ubiquitous (qqv).]
No-one is born anti-Semitic: some find anti-Semitism thrust on them, others acquire it. My own journey to the truth involved noting how many noisy, pushy Jews there were in public life and how their speech and manner often revolted me. I also noted that their huge prominence was rarely, if ever, based on huge talent. Jews seem to be very good at getting much more than their just deserts and it is no coincidence that they gave the world the term chutzpah – “shameless effrontery and arrogance.” It’s no coincidence either that they’ve given the world so many great con-men and fraudsters, from Robert Maxwell to Uri Geller.
Now that I’ve seen the blight where Jews are concerned, I believe that this Jewish pushiness and dishonesty are instinctive. It’s something in their genes. Millions of White liberals would gasp in horror at such heresy, of course, but their very opposition confirms my theory. After all, who was it taught them to gasp with horror at the suggestion that racial differences are inherited? Jews like Stephen Jay Gould and Robert Winston, that’s who. Winnie isn’t well-known outside Britain, though I’m sure he’d like to be. Inside Britain, he’s jewbiquitous: “always on the telly”, as a Guardian journalist called Catherine Bennett put it. Cathy’s a good liberal, as you might expect, but that’s part of her complaint against Winnie, whose pushiness won him a seat in the House of Lords long ago:
This week, large newspaper advertisements have featured the Labour peer posing in the guise of an enlightened milkman with a litre bottle of full-fat in his hands, over a caption which trumpets the health benefits of St Ivel’s Omega 3-enriched Advance: “It’s clever milk.” Why add fish oil to milk? Let us consult Professor Lord Robert Winston, or at least his press release. “Children of today do not have enough Omega 3 in their diet,” he explains. “The largest source of this nutrient is oily fish and, as many mums have found, this food is not popular with children. What has been lacking is an easier way for families to get more Omega 3. Anecdotal evidence from teachers and parents indicates that increasing intake may improve learning and concentration for some children.”
Anecdotal evidence is the kind of evidence not considered adequate by the government’s National Institute for Clinical Excellence. And “some children”? How many would that be? Neither Dairy Crest nor Lord Winston elaborates, in this press release anyway. Some may even see a potential conflict between the peer’s promotion of St Ivel’s Advance and the injunction, in the Lords code of conduct, to remember the principle of Selflessness: “Holders of public office should take decisions solely in the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.” (The Guardian, 1st September 2005)
Jew pushes into public prominence, then indulges in dodgy deal to shovel in the shiny shekels. That’s TKB (Typical Kike Behavior) so far, but what about the rest of Winnie’s resumé? Well, he’s yet more proof that the Jewish God is a projection of the massive Jewish ego:
Professor Lord Winston does not suffer fools gladly. Or journalists – he always makes a point of telling them that he loathes doing interviews, even while launching himself on yet another round of publicity for one of his books or TV series. This time it is a book and television series called The Story of God, which purports to be a history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, with lots of exotic cults thrown in.
“I make it very clear that we arrive at spirituality in a whole range of different ways – conventional belief in an all-powerful god is not something that to me makes entirely rational sense, and that might be offensive to Catholics, for example. But I wonder how a Catholic would explain the tsunami or how the Church could sit by while six million Jews were massacred in central Europe? I believe in free will and if you have free will then you can’t have a god that intervenes – it doesn’t make sense. But you can have a divine idea or divine spirit within you, which I believe. And I come from a religious tradition which is as much concerned with how you behave as how you believe. Judaism is one of the few religions which makes no demands on faith.”
He is an orthodox Jew who unfailingly attends synagogue, observes the Sabbath and will go hungry on film trips rather than eat non-kosher food. He has been married to Lira for over 30 years and has three grown-up children who he says are more orthodox than him. “They are much less flexible about not doing any work on the Sabbath. For example, I don’t have a problem about switching on an electric light on the Sabbath but they won’t do that.” (The Observer, 27th November 2005)
Judaism “makes no demands on faith” because the object of its worship is right here on earth: Jews and their needs. One of those needs is to weaken Whitey by undermining and corrupting his society, and guess what? Robert Winston has also fought the good fight against “white racism”:
Children as young as four hold racist views, identifying black people as potential troublemakers and criminals, according to shocking new research. The results, to be presented by the scientist and author Robert Winston this week, show that young children from all backgrounds prefer white people, whom they associate with success and trustworthiness. He was concerned to find a majority of black children hold the same views, with many saying they want to be white when they grow up.
Lord Winston’s experiment was carried out for the BBC’s Child of Our Time, a series that tracks the development of children from birth through childhood. The programme, which he presents, shows them responding to a series of images, each containing in turn four photographs of faces. Only one in each sequence was white. The children were asked to pick out the face they wanted as their friend, who they would choose to sit next to, who they thought would be most likely to get into trouble and who would be most successful. Almost all the white children in the survey associated positive qualities exclusively with the photographs of whites. More than 50% of the black children interviewed gave similar responses. In contrast, people with darker features were viewed as likely to be law-breakers and low achievers.
Lord Winston said the study raises new concerns that British society is “breeding a kind of racism” at an early stage in life. “We have failed as a society to promote respect of individuals from ethnic minorities,” said Lord Winston, professor of fertility studies at Imperial College London. “We should be encouraging five-year-olds to have an ethnic identity. There is a lack of respect for blacks in the Army, in the police, and we still don’t have many black Members of Parliament.” (The Independent, 5th January 2005)
As ever with this kind of study, there’s no hint that these “stereotypes” might be based on the raping, murdering, mugging, low-IQ reality of black behavior. No, Kompassionate Kike™ Winnie blames it all on Whitey, and it goes without saying that his call for “five-year-olds to have an ethnic identity” is not aimed at Whites and non-whites in the same way. Whites will be trained to have an identity based on guilt and non-whites will be trained to have an identity based on grievance. That’s a recipe for racial discord and Cerebral Sheeney™ Winnie knows this perfectly well. But while Whites are struggling to stop the nations they built from collapsing, he and the rest of the Chosen will be even safer to follow their age-old racial instincts: worm into power and pile up wealth.
“Isn’t it funny how bears like hunny?” Winnie the Pooh once asked. Well, a Bear of Little Brain might find it so, but we know that it’s written into ursine DNA. Similarly, it’s not at all funny that Jews lust for power and money: their greed and megalomania are written into their DNA too. Winnie the Jooh is a very good example, but any enlightened anti-Semite knows that countless more crowd the airwaves and print-media of the West.
30th January, 1649. It wasn’t a day that lived long enough in infamy to mean anything to most people today (I had to look it up myself). But it’s when, in my opinion, the most important single event of the past 500 years took place. What was it? The beheading of King Charles I of England. One small chop for a man, one giant leap for mankind – a leap into the abyss. Charles I embodied English tradition. Killing him therefore symbolized the destruction of that tradition. It was a deliberate signal that English society was starting afresh with new rules made by the arrogant men responsible for his death. The leader of those arrogant men, Oliver Cromwell, was the forerunner of later Utopians like Robespierre, Lenin and Mao, and they, like him, committed mass murder in pursuit of their Brave New Worlds. In every case, a Jew-invented ideology was at work: Christianity, egalitarianism, Marxism.
Tony Blair and New Labour haven’t been responsible for mass murder on the scale of Lenin or Mao yet, but in his slimy way Bliar’s also one of Cromwell’s heirs. That’s why it was highly appropriate that he should have recently celebrated another of Cromwell’s disasters:
Blair salutes “true friend” Israel
The Prime Minister has told the great and the good of Britain’s Jewish community that Israel would “always be a true friend” of the UK. Tony Blair also praised the “courage and resolution” of the Jewish people at a ceremony to mark the 350th anniversary of the resettlement of Jews in England. Mr Blair, who wore a traditional Jewish skullcap throughout the thanksgiving service at the historic Bevis Marks Synagogue in London, said that Britain’s relationship with Israel had never been “better or deeper.” He said that since the misery of the Holocaust, Jewish communities that had rebuilt across Europe and the world had asserted and defended Israel’s right to exist.
He said: “It has never been easy, as you know, for the Jewish people – but what courage and resolution. So much suffering yet so much capacity to renew in the face of it. So much persecution yet so much determination to conquer it.” He added: “As I said at the meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister [on Monday 12th June – was Bliar receiving his instructions for an attack on Iran?], relations between Britain and Israel have never been better or deeper. I know this country will always be the true friend of Israel.”
Mr Blair said it was “impossible” to imagine a modern Britain without the Jewish community. He said that since the resettlement of Jews in the 17th century, all areas of British life have been “illuminated” by the names of “distinguished” Jews. “Throughout these years since then, the community has shown how it is possible to retain a clear faith and a clear identity and, at the same time, be thoroughly British,” he said. “As the oldest minority faith community in this country, you show how identity through faith can be combined with a deep loyalty to our nation.” He added that although Jewish people had “too often” been victims of hatred, they had also inspired “respect, admiration and awe.” (Press Association, 13th June 2006)
Laughing all the way to a tax-haven in Monaco:
The deeply loyal “British” Jew “Sir” Philip Green
Britain “will always be the true friend of Israel.” This was a toadying promise from Britain’s chief shabbas goy as he celebrated the 350th anniversary of Olly’s folly. Oliver Cromwell let the Jews officially back into England for the first time since their expulsion under Edward I in 1290 – and the beheading of King Charles may have been their belated revenge for that well-deserved expulsion. Either way, a perfect example of the “deep loyalty” they’ve shown since their return is the billionaire retailer Philip Green, who was knighted by the Queen a few days after Bliar’s toadying speech. To avoid paying tax in Britain, “Sir” Philip officially resides in Monaco. More “deeply loyal” Jews can be found among those who worked to turn Britain into part of the mass-murdering Soviet empire, like the physicist Klaus Fuchs. Britain gave him refuge from Hitler and he re-paid her by giving – not selling – her atomic secrets to Stalin. When a Jew gives secrets away for free, you know he must have a firm belief in the cause.
Jews can’t betray Britain to mass-murdering communists any more, but their voices are still the loudest among those shrieking in support of the mass immigration, multi-culturalism and anti-racism that are destroying Britain. Exactly the same is true of America and here’s Larry Auster, one of those very rare Jews who will criticize their own race:
If America had known when admitting Jewish immigrants between 1880 and 1920 that the descendants of those immigrants would oppose America’s right to have any future control over immigration, would America have admitted those immigrants in the first place?
As a descendant of Eastern Europe Jews, I never would have imagined that to be descended from immigrants requires a person to have more allegiance to future prospective immigrants than to America; nor would most European-Americans who are descended from 19th and early 20th century immigrants imagine such a thing. But many Jews, as well as many Catholics, think otherwise. They think that because they come from immigrants, their sacred mission in the universe is to crusade for open borders and deny any ability on America’s part to have any say about who comes into this country.
I say that this is a legitimate point to make to the open-borders Jews and Catholics. “Was this part of the deal when your grandparents were admitted into America? That the fact that America let your grandparents into this country requires you to subvert America’s national existence? In that case, your grandparents shouldn’t have been admitted in the first place.” (View from the Right, 27th May 2006)
But Auster’s Jewish dishonesty shines through in his attempt to pretend that Catholics are somehow equal partners in the war on America. The majority of American Catholics don’t support the pro-ethnic, pro-immigrant policies of their bishops and Catholic politicians like Ted Kennedy. The majority of Jews, on the other hand, fully support the pro-ethnic, pro-immigrant Jewish elite. “Subvert” is the mot juif: it’s what they do not just in America but in every White nation foolish enough to allow them power and influence. As I pointed out in my previous column, one of their most potent weapons of subversion is non-whites. In Britain we’ve got the jigaboo clown “Sir” Trevor Phillips, a close friend of Peter “Prince of Darkness” Mandelson and now the “Chairman” of the Commission for Racial Equality. It’s a symptom of how deeply Britain is infected with Jew-invented ideological diseases that an organization with a name like that wasn’t laughed out of existence long ago. When we return to health again, perhaps Trevor can be put to work on something better suited to his intelligence and talents. I’d suggest shining shoes or cleaning lavatories.
Until that happy day, Britain’s Whites have to put up with Trevor lecturing them on how best they should run their society for the benefit of aliens. For example, he recently addressed the question of how Britain’s security services can better fight the threat of Muslim terrorism. People like him are directly responsible for this threat through their policies on race and mass immigration, but this has apparently had no effect on Trevor’s blithe assurance that he can prevent the growing disaster:
Security services need more Muslim operatives, says CRE chief
The head of Britain’s race relations watchdog will tonight question whether the police and security services are “fit for purpose.” Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, will also float the idea of changing the law to force quotas for ethnic minority recruits on to the police. His controversial intervention, in a speech tonight, will warn that bungled raids such as the one in east London further alienate the Muslim community. “I can’t say for certain whether I think we should go down this road; and if we do how exactly we’d do it,” he will say. “But I do know that we have to debate such measures if we are going to avoid the spectre of a mainly white security and justice apparatus policing increasingly aggrieved and hostile black and Asian communities.” (The Guardian, 19th June 2006)
But give Trevor his due: he’s certainly got a great talent for narcissistic self-promotion and has mastered all the arts of spin. His speeches get a great deal of publicity both before and after they’re delivered. In this one he was telling British Whites that, in order to cure a disease caused by socialists like him, they should swallow medicine supplied by socialists like him. The result, of course, will be that the disease gets more virulent. Not only will increasing the “diversity” of the British security services make corruption and misconduct worse, it will also help terrorists to operate more effectively. Muslim officers and agents will leak information to their “brothers” out of sympathy or in fear of retribution, and clever Muslim terrorists will actually try to infiltrate the police and intelligence agencies, if they haven’t already done so. Trevor is not pointing Britain out of the morass but deeper into it.
And I think that’s exactly what he means to do. Jew-invented communism follows a Jewish recipe for pleasure and profit: create chaos in order to take control. Like so many in JuLabour, Trevor Phillips has a background in communism and radical student politics:
At the end of last year [1999] Phillips, along with a number of other celebrities, was invited by the Financial Times to nominate his three books of the century. His first choice was nothing less than Lenin’s What Is To Be Done? (1902), and the reasons he gave deserve to be quoted in full:
Yes, of course he was wrong about Communism, but he was the most astonishing tactical genius in modern political history, turning a tiny irrelevant sect into the mightiest political organization ever seen. This is the most influential political book of the 20th century, a testament to the significance of the individual in history: it could teach New Labour a thing or two about organization.And this is the voice of moderation. Probably Phillips doesn’t stand convicted of anything worse than ignorance and insensitivity. It is unlikely that, given the chance, he would try to organize his own Cheka: like a great deal of New Labour rhetoric, his statement doesn’t really mean what it says. It reveals something – something disquieting – about New Labour’s instinctive preferences; but what it mostly confirms is how happy Blair and his henchmen are, bouncing around on a trampoline of meaningless slogans and empty phrases. (New Criterion, April 2000)
A sight to warm the hearts of our deeply loyal Jews:
A pair of Whitey-hating Marxist jigaboos.
Six years on, I wonder if the writer of that piece still thinks it “unlikely” that Phillips and other JuLabour commissars would try to organize their own Cheka? After all, when they came into power they were constrained by Britain’s traditions. But Blair and Phillips are Cromwellites: they want to destroy tradition and create a Brave New World guided by their own inner wisdom and goodness. Destroying tradition is precisely what they’ve been doing for the past nine years and sooner or later we will all see how much inner wisdom and goodness Bliar and his commissars have. That is, none at all.
But as the disasters caused by their policies deepen, they can increase their power at our expense using the excuse that they are trying to protect us. In other words, it’s in the interest of Bliar and Phillips to make things worse, and it’s more and more apparent that they know this perfectly well. Here’s the journalist Henry Porter writing of New Labour’s nine-year assault on Old Britain:
Writing these columns about our lost liberties, I constantly want to apologise to the readers who have had to endure so much laborious detail. Yet it is only in the detail that you understand that Tony Blair’s government is not merely mad and incompetent, but that it is bad, in fact, rotten to the core, and has not the slightest respect for British liberty and the individual. (The Observer, 18th June 2006)
But why should a Jewish puppet like Tony Blair and a jigaboo like Trevor Phillips have respect for British liberty and the individual? They want power, money and a stage for their grossly inflated egos to posture on. Only by following Jewish orders can they get what they want, and the consequences of following Jewish orders are clear in disaster-zones like Zimbabwe and Iraq. They’re becoming clear in Europe and America now too. Below you can see a propaganda photo from the Second World War. It shows a White British man laughing as he reads a leaflet dropped by the Luftwaffe over Britain in 1940. The leaflet is “A Last Appeal to Reason" by Adolf Hitler. Would that man still have been laughing if he had known what lay ahead for Britain? Millions of aliens swarming across his homeland’s borders to add to the millions already here? A jigaboo called “Sir” Trevor Phillips lecturing Whites on how to accelerate their own destruction? And the British prime minister frantically sucking up to the race responsible for the whole disaster?
The nose knows...
He was described as “undoubtedly the notional head of British Jewry” by the Jerusalem Post. He was arrested by the British police on Wednesday. He is Michael Abraham Levy, aka “Lord Cashpoint”, one of the sleaziest of the many sleazy Jews swarming around the open sewer that is modern British politics. Levy has been selling honours in the long tradition of the Jewish spiv: a fast-talking conman who makes his money from trash. It’s been possible to see the present scandal coming for over a decade:
Levy’s importance to Blair can hardly be overstressed. The two first met at a dinner party in 1994, given by senior Israeli diplomat Gideon Meir, and Levy soon became the politician’s tennis partner. After financially backing Blair’s leadership bid from his own pocket, the following year he was entrusted with setting up the so-called Labour Leader’s Office Fund blind trust to finance the Leader of the Opposition’s private office. Although not a trustee, Levy had the job of bagman. No press release was issued proclaiming the fund’s establishment. Its existence only became public knowledge with an article in the Sunday Times in November 1996. The Blair camp was quick to defend its integrity. One unnamed spokesperson argued: “It is not a secret fund, it is a blind trust, which means that no one in the office knows who the donors are. Certainly not Tony.”
Certainly not Tony? Given that details of four prominent businessmen backers were published in the newspaper, that argument hardly passed muster. Among those named were the late Sir Emmanuel Kaye and Sir Trevor Chinn. The other two persons named by the Sunday Times as Labour Leader’s Office Fund donors – printing millionaire Bob Gavron and Granada Television’s Alex Bernstein – both subsequently secured peerages. That all four of the backers, as well as Levy himself, were Jewish was a point picked up on by commentators as diverse as the Jerusalem Post and the British National Party.
There are further Jewish connections. The trust’s books were handled by London accountants Blick Rothenberg, which also looks after many major Israeli companies operating in Britain. The Conservatives allege that Maurice Hatter, chairman of IMO Precision Controls, also gave to the trust. Hatter is known for certain to have given £1m [$1.8m] to government education initiatives, £10,000 to Labour election funds and £25,000 towards Frank Dobson’s abortive London mayor campaign.
Late publisher Paul Hamlyn was already a substantial Labour donor and is also likely to have given to Blair’s blind trust. He was friend of both Gavron and Levy, who later extracted from Hamlyn a £2m donation to the party proper in 2000. But in this case there is no need to resort to anti-Semitic conspiracy theory to explain all this. (“Taking It On Trust”, Labour Party PLC: New Labour as a Party of Business, David Osler, 2002)
That’s right: there’s no need to resort to a conspiracy theory. These Jews were just doing what comes naturally: paying traitorous White politicians to run the country for Jewish ends. Bliar, like Margaret Thatcher and Harold Wilson before him, knew that Jews weren’t helping him out of the kindness of their goy-loving hearts. They expected something in return and they got it. Massively increased immigration and the war in Iraq are two of Bliar’s payments on his permanent debt, but I don’t think he’s going to receive the protection of the Jews-media for much longer. Jews may be planning to use him as the fall-guy as JuLabour begins to crumble. On the very day “Lord” Levy was arrested, the Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland rushed to his keyboard to turn out a heart-felt “Cherchez le goy!”:
This is lazy scapegoating
Levy can surely look after himself, but his critics should bear two things in mind. First, Levy has been a convenient personification of what is, in fact, a wider phenomenon: a New Labour weakness for corporate power. Whether it was the willingness to take Bernie Ecclestone’s cash or the sweet deals granted in the name of the public finance initiative, this Labour government has displayed a wide-eyed eagerness to cosy up to big money that has no precedent. We’ve seen it again in John Prescott’s desperation to make nice with the US casino tycoon Philip Anschutz [yet another sleazy Jew]. This is a defect of New Labour itself; it is lazy to make Levy the scapegoat for it.
If Labour has been in the wrong over loans-for-peerages, it is a delusion to think that the blame should rest solely with Levy. He has reportedly warned that he will not play the fall guy; if he is taken down, he will tell the truth of others’ roles. Put succinctly, there is no way that Lord Levy could have been selling honours without the blessing of his boss, the prime minister. (The Guardian website, 12th July 2006)
Jonny the Jew’s up to those usual Jewish tricks of misdirection and misinformation. Hebe who pays the piper calls the tune. Levy’s the hebe, Bliar’s the piper, and who looks like the boss in this picture?
“So here’s vot you do for us next, my boy.”
Levy is indeed a “convenient personification” of Labour’s love of big business, because he’s a sleazy sheeney like so many of the businessmen. Although Jonny the Jew may be doing his best to pretend Levy’s race is incidental, other journalists on the Guardian have been much less helpful to the kikish cause:
The scandal has also thrown a rare shaft of light on to the private world of Lord Levy and his web of connections with business and charities. They show that many of the Labour lenders had initially been donors to Lord Levy’s favourite charities, such as the Community Service Volunteers, Jewish Care and the NSPCC [the highly politically correct and anti-male National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children]. Three of the 12 who gave Labour loans – Andrew Rosenfield, Barry Townsley and Sir David Garrard – are also patrons of Jewish Care. (The Guardian, 25th March 2006)
Play “Spot the rat”
Garrard, Townsley and Rosenfeld are at the heart of the scandal with Levy and Bliar, proving once again that simple but oh-so-important truth: You can take Jews out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of Jews. The rat-like cunning and ruthlessness they forged over the centuries there are at work as hard as ever in Western politics and business, and like rats Jews have introduced deadly diseases: multi-culturalism, feminism, anti-racism. They’ve also been careful to select and train the dregs of the White race to serve them. In a healthy society, rats like George Bush and Tony Blair would have no chance of winning power. But our Jew-created government isn’t simply kakocracy, or rule by the bad: it’s kakistocracy, or rule by the worst. In other words, only rats like Bush and Blair can win power. To keep it, they have to grovel hard and often before their masters:
Jewish Care, the largest health and social care provider for the UK’s Jewish community, received lavish praise from the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Tony Blair MP, who spoke at the charity’s fundraising dinner at the London Hilton on Monday 15 May [2006]. Addressing a 900-strong crowd, Mr Blair described Jewish Care as “one of the most remarkable organisations in the voluntary sector, right at the cutting edge of delivering care to the community. The way that you break down the barriers and tailor services to individual needs and the humanity that reaches so many people – this is something very special, quite remarkable and unique. Jewish Care is not just Jewish values in action; it is actually the best of British values in action. You can be really, really proud of the work that you do,” the Prime Minister said.
Mr Blair was introduced by Jewish Care’s president, Lord Levy, who said: “Thank you for the whole of our community – from the whole of Anglo-Jewry for the support that you have given to this community over so many years, which I am sure will continue.” He also thanked the Prime Minister for his “solid and committed support of the State of Israel.” (
Israel: where the living is sleazy and the Arabs are blown sky-high. Jews like Michael Levy in Britain and Jack Abramoff in the United States work to keep two floodgates fully open for Jewish pleasure and profit. One lets immigrants in to weaken Whites and the other lets money and technology out to strengthen Israel. Funded and equipped by American goyim, Israel is the only superpower in the Middle East and the present trouble there may be preparation for an attack on its Islamic rival Iran. Whites don’t need Jews or Israel in the slightest, but Jews and Israel desperately need Whites, and they’re quite happy to risk our destruction in their war with Islam. After all, what have they got to lose?
But I don’t believe that I’m alone in the journey I’ve made over the past five years: from sympathy for Jews to fully-fledged anti-Semitism. The more obvious it becomes that the West is dying, the more obvious it also becomes that Jews are the chief executioners. The Mearsheimer and Walt paper on the Israel Lobby in the United States was a very significant development and the appearance of sleazy sheeneys like “Lord” Levy in scandal after scandal, from cash-for-honours to the lies that created the war in Iraq, must be opening the sleeping eyes of many other Whites. If Jews are moving against Iran now it may be because they know that time is running out fast.
“The Jewish race is the cancer of human history.” It’s impossible to imagine any author who expressed such a vile sentiment being laden with honors throughout his or her career. No, it’s the sort of thing that would end a career and in Britain or Europe might easily lead to prosecution for “race hate.” But make one small change and everything becomes all right. The Jewish writer Susan Sontag (née Rosenblatt) wrote in the 1960s that: “The white race is the cancer of human history.” It didn’t end her career, alas, and when she died in 2004, laden with honors, she was lavished with praise by such anti-racist luminaries as Christopher “Half-Hebe” Hitchens and Salman “Pure Paki” Rushdie. But why did Sontag say such a thing?
You might as well ask why scorpions sting, termites gnaw and fleas suck blood. Attacking and undermining the majority of any society they find themselves in is an age-old instinct for Jews, and Sontag was Jewish to the max. Lots of right-wingers attacked her after her death, but so did one left-winger: a lesbian academic and former acolyte called Terry Castle:
Sontag started in on a monologue (one I’d heard before) about her literary reputation. It had “fallen” slightly over the past decade, she allowed – foolishly, people had yet to grasp the greatness of her fiction – but of course it would rise again dramatically, “as soon as I am dead.” The same thing had happened, after all, to Virginia Woolf, and didn’t we agree Woolf was a great genius? In a weak-minded attempt at levity, I said: “Do you really think Orlando is a work of genius?” She then exploded. “Of course not!” she shouted, hands flailing and face white with rage. “Of course not! You don’t judge a writer by her worst work! You judge her by her best work!” (“Desperately Seeking Susan”, London Review of Books, 17th March 2005)
Similar stories have been told of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Betty Friedan, Ayn Rand and a host of other very famous and influential Jews. In fact, their megalomania and egocentricity explain why they became so famous and influential with their bad and corrupting ideas, while countless Whites with good ideas were pushed into the shadows. The pushy Jew is as true to life as the dishonest Jew. And speaking of pushy, dishonest Jews brings me to the man who authorized “race hate” charges to be brought against Simon Sheppard and myself: the Jewish Attorney General Lord Goldsmith, Britain’s chief lawyer. After our arrest in April, I wrote him an open letter that ran as follows:
Shalom Lord Goldsmith!
You have been described as “the slipperiest lawyer in a government of slippery lawyers” by Danny Kruger of The Daily Telegraph. Well done! However, something slipped your net during the legalized theft of my computer equipment: a 3.5” data disc labeled “iWheelWorks – 1-Wheel 3-Button.” It contains instructions for a home-made nuclear weapon and the full text of all truthful speeches made by Tony Blair since he entered politics. If you send me the postage, I’ll get it to you ASAP. [He didn’t send the postage.]
Peter Henry Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith:
“The slipperiest lawyer in a government of slippery lawyers.”
Why did Danny Kruger call Goldie that? Well, in March this year it emerged that Sir Ian Blair, the Head of the Metropolitan Police in London, had covertly recorded a telephone conversation with Goldie. In other words, Britain’s chief policeman didn’t trust Britain’s chief lawyer as far as he could throw him. But would you? Both Jews and lawyers have very poor reputations for honesty; combine the two to make a Jewish lawyer and you really have something special. Goldie was at the heart of the lies and deceit that led Britain into the Iraq war and poses yet another dilemma for the conservatives who love Jews and hate Tony Blair. If Blair’s such a vile wretch, why is he supported all the way by noble Jews like Goldsmith, Levy and Mandelson?
The answer is simple: because the vile wretch Blair is working for our noble Jews, like the vile wretch Bush in America. The consequences of Jewish control of America and Britain are increasingly obvious. We stir up Muslim hatred by fighting wars for Israel in the Middle East, then have to fight off terrorist attacks at home because Jews have brought Muslims and other aliens flooding in to weaken the White majority. To silence protests against this invasion, they’re steadily gnawing away at the First Amendment in the United States and they successfully introduced “race hate” law in Britain. That’s how Goldie, “the slipperiest lawyer in a government of slippery lawyers”, has been able to send the Heretical Hezbollah to court on charges of “incitement to racial hatred.”
But even as I was being “processed” inside a secure police station for the crime of peacefully expressing my opinions, I had a glimpse of what was going on outside in vibrant multi-cultural Britain. Having been photographed and had my DNA taken for permanent record, I was introduced to a computerized fingerprint-machine linked to the Police National Computer. At the end of the session, the screen flashed briefly with the names and locations of other dangerous criminals being fingerprinted at the same time. I didn’t have time to read properly but the screen seemed to be full of ethnic names and certainly the name directly above mine was ethnic – probably that of a jigaboo.
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the Jew-blighted Kingdom: sliding into the abyss of racial destruction while those who peacefully point out the truth are taken to court under laws introduced by the Jews responsible for the whole disaster. The Heretical website doesn’t have the huge budget, staff and audience of organizations like the BBC and Commission for Racial Equality. What makes it dangerous is that it speaks the truth about race while the BBC and CRE tell lies from a Jewish script: that “Diversity is our Strength”; that we “need” immigrants; that the only thing standing between us and multi-culti Race Paradise is “white racism.”
But lies can’t and won’t hold reality at bay for ever. It was Lord Cardigan who led the Light Brigade galloping into one of the famous military disasters in history. Lord Goldsmith led the Kike Brigade as they galloped Britain into what will go down as infinitely greater disasters: the Iraq war and the dismantling of Britain’s already feeble immigration controls. It’s Goldie and the Jewish puppet Tony Blair who should be going to court, but whether or not they end up there, history will be their judge and its sentence will be far harsher than anything it hands out to the two of us.
Further reading
W. W. J. D. – “What Would Jesus Do?” That acronym was very popular a few years ago in America, but like most of what’s taught in modern Christianity, it’s a distraction from a far more pressing problem. The acronym Whites in America and Europe should be worrying about is W. W. N. D. – “What Will Niggers Do?”
What will our vibrant non-white swarms do to us when they get the upper hand? After all, the West’s insane Jew-directed immigration policy has been to bring them flooding in and then teach them how evil Whitey is. “If you fail,” countless White-tax-payer-funded organizations tell them, “it’s because of Whitey. If you succeed, it’s despite Whitey. Whites invented racism and have used it to keep you poor non-whites down while they grew rich at your expense. White racism must be wiped out by any means necessary.”
Yes, you can get a glimpse of our glorious rainbow future from the behavior of blacks now. Here’s Nathan McCall, a jigaboo journalist for The Washington Post, waxing nostalgic in his white-bashing’n’all autobiography Makes Me Wanna Holler:
The fellas and I were hanging out on our corner one afternoon when the strangest thing happened. A white boy came pedaling a bicycle casually through the neighborhood. Somebody spotted him and pointed him out to the rest of us. “Look! What’s that motherfucka doin’ ridin’ through here?! Is he crraaaazy?!” We caught him on Cavalier Boulevard and knocked him off the bike. Ignoring the passing cars, we stomped him and kicked him.
My stick partners kicked him in the head and face and watched the blood gush from his mouth. I kicked him in the stomach and nuts, where I knew it would hurt. Every time I drove my foot into his balls, I felt better. One dude kept stomping, like he’d gone berserk. When he finished, he reached down and picked up the white dude’s bike, lifted it as high as he could above his head, and slammed it down on him hard. We walked away, laughing, boasting, competing for bragging rights about who’d done the most damage. (Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America, Random House, 1993, pg 3)
But as I’ve said before, there are more kinds of nigger than one and Britain harbors another kind who often behave with exactly the same White-hating arrogance and receive exactly the same soft treatment from the media and legal system. If the races had been reversed in the following case, the assailants would now be serving a long jail sentence for “racially aggravated” assault:
A white cyclist called Andrew Williams said he was deliberately mown down, chased and viciously beaten with a wheel brace after asking a motorist to be careful on the icy road. The 49-year-old had head injuries, a ripped thigh muscle and damaged groin and his cycle was mangled in the attack. He was forced to take two months off work and had counselling for post-traumatic stress. Months after the attack he wakes up sweating and has nightmares over his ordeal. The regeneration worker attacked British justice as “soft” after his attacker Hamza Hussain received a non-custodial sentence at Sheffield Crown Court.
Mr Williams was riding his bike on a sunny but freezing day when Hussain nearly knocked him off. “I got alongside him, tapped on his window and said politely ‘Just be careful’ because of the road conditions,” said Mr Williams. “The next thing, I heard his engine revving hard and wheels screeching. He drove intentionally at me, sending me flying. Then he chased me down the road with an iron bar and hit me over the head. The next thing a gang of about five Asian lads came at me. I was desperate for help and was shouting. There were dozens of other drivers and workers everywhere but everyone was too shocked or scared to help. I ran off into a nearby school yard but the mob started kicking and punching me shouting ‘Kill the white bastard.’ If I had gone down I think that would have been it.” (Sheffield Today, 2nd May 2006)
How do liberals react to this kind of rough’n’righteous race-justice? With sympathy and understanding – so long as it’s the exceedingly rare ethnic-on-White kind rather than half-hourly White-on-ethnic kind. After all, Whites have oppressed ethnics for many, many centuries and it’s hardly surprising that, despite ethnics’ innately peaceful and loving nature, their frustration spills over now and again. And again. And again and again. And again and again and again:
Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate. The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.
Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.
And yes, everyone’s suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks – but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics. (Jared Taylor, “Color Of Crime, Sound Of (Big Media) Silence”, VDARE, 13th September 2005)
The same patterns exist wherever Whites are blessed by non-white diversity, and the same controlled media cover them up. Still, regrettable as such non-white behaviour is, there’s no doubt in the minds of self-righteous liberals that it’s all a consequence of conservative attitudes and policies. It’s the right’s racist oppression, dontcha know? In Britain, the Ground Zero of Nigger Nurture is The Guardian. No-one could be more concerned for the welfare of Britain’s vibrant tyre-lipped community than The Guardian. Its journalists and readers care, they really, really care that nigs should get their share.
During the course of researching this book, I found myself invited to a black women’s group meeting in London. It was only for black Caribbean and African women. I promised not to disclose what the group is, why it exists, and where they meet. As the meeting progressed, I found myself gasping for breath as it became more and more vociferously intolerant. I was told that white women could never have any of the experiences of black women; that they were a “breed apart”; that they smelt because they did not wash (this opinion was also peddled with obscene merriment by other black sisters on a Channel Four series on mixed relationships, presented by the black journalist Donna Kogbara), that any integration with them led to the death of black autonomy and the black community. Finally one of them (a fiery, thirty-something woman newly renamed Africa) asked to see what I might say about them and then demanded that I go back to “those shits and those bastards at the Guardian and tell them to give us more access.” (ch. 7, “Ain’t I A Woman?”, Penguin Books 2000, pg 210)
Yasmin Alibhabha-Blacksheep is highly unpopular even among some liberals for her self-righteous yipping and yapping about race, and the depth of her idiocy is revealed by the fact that she knows the truth about non-white behavior but still thinks we can manage and monitor our way to Race Paradise:
We want it every which way. Like the woman known as Africa, some wish to live as a nation apart and yet want to be taken seriously by the dominant group. They have given themselves licence to disrespect all white people and yet demand absolute respect themselves. (Ibid.)
What a perfect description of the nigger mentality. Blacks believe in a scrupulously fair division of rights and responsibilities – they should have all the rights and Whites should have all the responsibilities. But you’ve got to remember how the black mind works. If a black were given a goose that laid golden eggs, he’d rape it and eat it, then blame White racism for its failure to continue laying. Blacks are incapable of understanding that the debt Whites owe them will not be paid in perpetuity if Whites are overthrown. Mass immigration into America and Europe threatens their comfortable, White-funded existence with destruction, but they’re too stupid to protest and too stupid to see how they’ve been used in the past. Like a burglar discarding a broken tool as he jemmies his way into a safe, the West’s destroyers are throwing blacks aside in favor of other non-whites.
And who are the West’s destroyers? Well, if you need a hint, their name starts with “J-” and ends with “-ews.” The racial re-engineering of the West, which has caused untold suffering to the rapidly shrinking White majority, has been carried out by Jews for Jews. They ran the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) for many years and still fund it. They re-wrote “racist” immigration law in America and Europe using White traitors like Ted Kennedy – and it isn’t a coincidence, alas, that an Irish-American collaborated with a Jewish attack on a nation founded by the English. Jews have been masters at exploiting grievances in the White family to divide us and destroy us, but Ireland itself is now learning how Jew-duped liberals use mass immigration to destroy native culture and traditions:
Last week I was wondering whether the Irish Republic, which on entering the modern world has acquired one of its characteristic privileges – an influx of immigrants from every part of the earth – had also acquired a race relations industry and a class of functionaries whose job it is to nag away continually at the Irish people on the unique evils of “racism.” The answer, as though there could be any doubt of it, is that it has. To judge from the literature sent to me by a reader, it promises in a small way to emulate the achievements of our own mighty race relations industry, the envy of thought controllers throughout the world.
A finely wrought pamphlet combining Celtic and African motifs on its cover announces the “National Anti-Racism Awareness Programme” and presents all the fallacious arguments familiar to us across the Irish Sea. “Ireland,” it declares with relish, “is increasingly a multicultural society. This is a strength.” Yes, they are all here, all the stale “anti-racist” clichés: “Diversity provides benefits and opportunities... migrants are making a very positive contribution to the Irish economy... we all have responsibility to tackle racism... etc, etc.” There is a fine old “steering group”, too, a “racism awareness programme” and an “anti-racism workplace week” and all. Was it for this multiracial humbug that so many brave men and women gave their lives for Irish independence through the centuries? (The Daily Telegraph, 23rd April 2004)
Whites should always remember that Jews work for Jews, not for anyone else, and that what harms other Whites will sooner or later harm them too. Here’s kike commentator Gary Shteyngart describing part of why Jews have worked night and day to mongrelize every part of the West:
America, or New York, to be perfectly precise, has always meant for me safety through heterogeneity. I am ecstatic, almost teary when the plane dips its wings on its approach to Kennedy airport because I know that soon I will be walking the streets without fear, my eyes on the beautiful young citizens around me, instead of darting about in search of my next assailant. Despite the events of September 11, I am still less despised in America than elsewhere. America’s diversity is its greatest asset. (Granta 84: Over There, January 2004)
Its greatest asset for Jews, he means – but that goes without saying. In order that Jews may feel safe, White nations are being pushed over the precipice of racial extinction. You might think that Jews would realize they’ll fall into the abyss too, but they’re hoping to rule the ruins and we should always remember that they’re not the towering intellects they claim to be. Jews are creatures of instinct and their invariable instinct is to undermine and destroy those they hate – which is everyone who isn’t Jewish. That’s why they were kicked out of country after country in the past. But now, through that giant shabbas goy known as the US government, they’re trying to control the entire planet. What they label White hatred is no more than the desire to protect our own and live freely with our own on our own. The real hatred is the incessant Jewish urge to weaken and rule the non-Jew. If the deepening disaster in the Middle East is any guide, their millennia-honed parasitic instincts are failing them more and more badly.
If you’re in London on 27th or 28th November, you really ought to visit the Clown Convention 2006 being held at the ultra-modern Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. Even if you can’t pick up tickets – and they’re undoubtedly selling fast – you can stand outside and cheer as some of Britain’s top clowns arrive to network with their peers and exchange tips on exploding cigars, collapsing cars and big floppy shoes. “Network with their peers” is from the no-expense-spared Convention brochure, by the way. They’re clowning around there too, of course, mocking the self-important and gaseous jargon of modern govspeak: the Convention “aims to play a pivotal role in shaping the agenda” with “prestigious keynote speakers”, I think that’s how it goes.
Hang on, I’ll just get my copy of the brochure and check. Yes, that was right. And look, here’s one of the rib-tickling speeches scheduled for the first day: “Lessons from Around the World: Canada’s multiclownalism: could it work–” Whoa, wait a minute. I seem to have misread that. Yep, it should be “Canada’s multiculturalism.” Uh-oh. I hope I haven’t been misleading you. Let me have another... Oh, Christ, I have. It isn’t a Clown Convention at all, it’s a Race Convention. Now, how on earth could I have confused the two?
Trevor Phillips keeps Britain smiling
Very easily. In fact, the main difference between a Clown Convention and a Race Convention is that the latter would be much funnier. Given a choice between Coco the Clown and Trevor Phillips, the Head of the Commission for Racial Equality, what self-respecting comedy fan could hesitate a moment? It would be Klever Trevor every time. I mean, Trev’s a guy who, for decades, foamed with outrage whenever anyone ventured the slightest criticism of multiculturalism and other aspects of Britain’s vibrant race policies: “Bigot!” “Racist!” “Fascist!” And then Trev turns around and, with an absolutely straight face, starts repeating exactly what those “bigots” and “racists” have been saying all along.
Here, for example, is the old Trevor sniffing out and denouncing “liberal Powellism” in 2004 (the far-sighted politician Enoch Powell made an infamous speech denouncing mass immigration in 1968):
Genteel xenophobia is as bad as any other kind
Some liberals have given up on the idea of a multi-ethnic Britain
Nice people do racism too. Liberal commitment to a multi-ethnic Britain is wilting. Some very nice folk have apparently decided that the nation’s real problem is too many immigrants of too many kinds. Faced with a daily onslaught against migrants it may be understandable to give in to populist bigotry; but it is not forgivable. The xenophobes should come clean. Their argument is not about immigration at all. They are liberal Powellites; what really bothers them is race and culture. If today’s immigrants were white people from the old Commonwealth, [the liberal Powellites] would say that they pose no threat because they share Anglo-Saxon values. They may not even object to Anglophile Indians – as long as they aren’t Muslims. The government ought to be suspicious about the advice of liberal Powellites. Minority Britons once looked to them for support. We learned the hard way that they are always totally committed to your cause – until they change their minds. In the immortal words of David Brent [a left-wing British “comedian”]: “You have to get 100% behind someone before you can stab them in the back.” (The Guardian, 16th February 2004)
And here’s the new improved Trevor sliding the stiletto in two years later:
Muslims who want sharia law “should leave”
Muslims who wish to live under a system of sharia law should leave Britain, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality suggested yesterday. Speaking in the wake of demonstrations against Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, Trevor Phillips said those living in the UK had to accept that British values include a commitment to freedom of speech [except for White nationalists], even if that means offending people. He rejected the idea that British Muslims should be allowed to live under sharia law in their communities. “I don’t think that’s conceivable,” he said. “We have one set of laws ... and that’s the end of the story. If you want to have laws decided in another way, you have to live somewhere else.” (The Guardian, 27th February 2006)
That’s smoke and mirrors, of course, intended to fool Whites into thinking the government intends to do something about our looming race-disaster, but it’s still a sign that political conditions are changing fast. No wonder Trev’s come under attack from Britain’s most PC politician:
Livingstone in “BNP” jibe at race equality chief
The outspoken mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, yesterday accused the African Caribbean head of Britain’s race equality watchdog of having become so rightwing he could be soon a member of the British National party. Mr Livingstone’s remarks were directed at Trevor Phillips, chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, who said this week that the Notting Hill carnival held in London during the bank holiday weekend was not a triumph of multiculturalism. Mr Livingstone said Mr Phillips had at one time flirted with black power, before deciding to pander to the right: “He’d had a brief sort of black power fling – and ever since then he’s gone so far over to the other side that I expect soon he’ll be joining the BNP,” he told BBC Radio. (The Guardian, 1st September 2006)
Ken Livingstone gazes adoringly at
Yusuf “Burn Gays Alive?” al-Qaradawi
Livingstone himself is a self-serving hypocrite who will happily support “fascists” so long as they have brown skin, but he’s right that Trev has come a long way. I couldn’t find a bigger version of the photo below on the left, but the blow-up should show you how down he was widda bruddas in his student days:
Black brudda Trevor Phillips way back when
And who are the honkies with him? Well, I hope you’re sitting down for this, but they aren’t actually honkies at all but J-e-w-s. One is Susan Slipman, the other is David Aaronovitch and both, like Trevor, are now prominent members of Britain’s caring, sharing liberal community. In those days both, like Trevor, were enthusiastic communists. It was that youthful idealism of theirs, you see: Sue, Dave and Trev hated Hitler and loved Lenin because they couldn’t bear the idea of committing mass murder for the wrong reasons. But they saw the error of their ways in the end and recognized communism as the nihilistic death-cult it is. In other words, they saw that openly espousing communism wasn’t going to give them the power they longed for and decided to adopt a more moderate façade.
But their psychology hasn’t changed in the slightest: they’re still raving megalomaniacs and they still hate and want to destroy White Britain just as they did when they led the National Union of Students. That shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with Western universities. Jewish Malleus leftorum Melanie Phillips, who was a wee bit of a radical herself once, has saluted the Australian Prime Minister for recognizing the deep sickness that infects them:
[John] Howard is the only western leader who has grasped that the greatest danger to the west lies in the way it has been attacked and undermined from within, a process that is continuing and which threatens to hand liberal democracy over to its Islamic enemies who are laying siege to it from without. He is the only one who puts these two things together, and is using his office as a bully pulpit from which to fight for the values of western civilisation in the culture war. Can you imagine President Bush, or Tony Blair or David Cameron, denouncing the universities as breeding grounds for left-wing enemies of civilisation? Of course not. Howard is Australia’s Churchill, and is the true leader of the west at this perilous time. What a pity he can’t run for President of the United States. (, 4th October 2006)
Ah, so the West has been “attacked and undermined from within” and our universities are “breeding grounds for left-wing enemies of civilisation.” Those are pretty sweeping statements, Mel, and though I agree with every word, you couldn’t be a little more specific, could you? I mean, how about naming a few names? No? Not gonna do it? Okay, let’s turn to another scourge of the left: the redneck sage’n’scholar Fred Reed. Now, Fred doesn’t think much of rabid anti-Semites like me. He thinks we have a lot in common with radical feminists: we’re hate-filled inadequates, that kind of thing. Well, okay, that’s me alright, but the funny thing is that Fred and I agree on almost everything else. It’s just that I’ll name the Jew and Fred won’t. Or rather, he’ll name the Jew but he won’t name the Jew as a Jew.
Here, for example, is Fred explaining his “Modest Proposal To Abolish Universities”:
By sending our young to college, we are impoverishing them, and ourselves, and sentencing them to a life of slavery in some grim cubicle painted federal-wall green. Personally, I’d rather be chained in a trireme. Besides, the effect of a university education can be gotten more easily by other means. If it is thought desirable to expose the young to low propaganda, any second-hand bookstore can provide copies of Trotsky, Marcuse, Gloria Steinem, and the Washington Post. (, 21st July 2006)
Fred sees Red: (L-R) Leon Trotsky; Herbert Marcuse; Gloria Steinem
Hey, Fred: didn’t you spot the common thread in that list? Leon Trotsky, Herbert Marcuse and Gloria Steinem are all members of a certain Chosen Race, and the Washington Post, why, that’s owned by members of the same Chosen Race. Are you sure that’s just a coincidence? Remember, you don’t believe it’s a coincidence that men dominate science and mathematics or that blacks dominate rape and robbery. And you say so too.
But saying that hasn’t cost Fred his career. Saying that the Jewish domination of subversive leftism is no coincidence certainly would cost him his career. Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips and the rest of the neo-con Jew-crew are continually weeping and wailing about the threat Islam poses to freedom in the West. And I agree with every word: Muslims are greedy, self-obsessed, White-hating alien fanatics who won’t be satisfied with anything short of absolute power. So no wonder Mark’n’Mel oppose them root and branch. After all, they’re infringing a Jewish copyright. Here’s the American historian Tony Judt, himself a dissident Jew, describing how the non-existent “Jewish Lobby” recently used its non-existent power against him:
I was due to speak this evening, in Manhattan, to a group called Network 20/20 comprising young business leaders, NGO, academics, etc, from the US and many countries. Topic: the Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. The meetings are always held at the Polish Consulate in Manhattan. I just received a call from the President of Network 20/20. The talk was cancelled because the Polish Consulate had been threatened by the Anti-Defamation League. Serial phone calls from ADL President Abe Foxman warned them off hosting anything involving Tony Judt. If they persisted, he warned, he would smear the charge of Polish collaboration with anti-Israeli anti-Semites (= me) all over the front page of every daily paper in the city (an indirect quote). They caved and Network 20/20 were forced to cancel. Whatever your views on the Middle East I hope you find this as serious and frightening as I do. This is, or used to be, the United States of America. (, 4th October 2006)
Yes, it used to be, but the Whites who created it, like the Whites who created Britain, committed the very serious mistake of letting the world’s greatest nation-wreckers come swarming across their borders. We can see what future those nation-wreckers have planned for us by “interrogating” the photograph chosen to symbolize the Race Convention 2006:
Racing for the Future 2.0
The Convention’s brochure boasts that it is a “Catalyst for Change.” Count the Whites and non-whites in the photo to see the kind of change it has in mind: it’s two Whites versus six non-whites (another and probably non-white child is just visible behind the White child on the left). And not only are the non-whites dominating the race, they separate the two Whites from each other. “No future for you, Whitey” is the message, and if you have any lingering doubts that it’s completely deliberate, just have a look at the larger photo from which the Race Convention 2006 photo is cropped. The Convention has sent six White children where they belong – into oblivion:
Racing for the Future 1.0
Now let’s have a look at the “keynote speakers” for the Convention. Besides Klever Trevor and Ruth Kelly, the head of the government’s lunatic Commission for Integration and Cohesion, who do we find but Dave Aaronovitch, Trev’s old communist pal from student days? The Convention, according to its brochure, is “set to be a landmark event in our progress towards becoming a fair and equal society.” That’s a lie, of course. What it will really be is another step in our progress to a politically correct dictatorship overseen by black cretins like Trevor Phillips, white traitors like Ruth Kelly and Jewish puppet-masters like David Aaronovitch.
From teen communist to Times columnist:
Iraq warmonger David Aaronovitch
Unlike leopards, communists do change their spots, but they don’t change their lust for power and destruction. They just find new ways of achieving their old ends. In a sane, healthy society, clowns like Phillips, Kelly and Aaronovitch would be in a circus or zoo. That they’re all in positions of great power and influence instead is proof that Britain is no longer sane or healthy. And we’re not going to return to sanity and health while Phillips, Kelly and Aaronovitch remain where they are.
Worthless subhuman scum. That is not how I’m going to describe the three Pakistani Muslims convicted of the brutal and sadistic murder of the White teenager Kriss Donald, because it’s a self-indulgent, unthinking response, explaining nothing and solving nothing. For Kriss Donald’s friends and relations it would be understandable and natural, but the rest of us should remember a very old saying: “There but for the grace of God go I.” The killers were the product of their genes, their culture and their unnatural environment. We need to understand how those things caused Kriss Donald’s death and then direct our anger where it belongs: at the politicians, academics and journalists who have created the insane multi-racial slay-ride and concealed its ongoing consequences for Whites, and who are still trying to pretend that it will not end in disaster. So the first factor we need to look at is...
All ethnic groups carry the potential for barbarism but in some it comes out much more easily than in others. Kriss Donald’s death was not lightning from a clear blue sky: it fitted a clear pattern of extreme non-white brutality against both Whites and their own kind:
Left: Three big brave brown gangstas
Right: The White fifteen-year-old they burned alive
During an ordeal which lasted more than four hours, [Kriss Donald] was driven 200 miles from Pollokshields, to the Parkhead area, to Dundee and then back to Glasgow. He was then driven up a dark lane to a lonely spot near the Clyde Walkway, where he was killed in a “gruesome and callous execution.” In a horrific account of his final moments, the jury was told Kriss was stabbed 13 times in a frenzied attack which severed one of his ribs, three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and kidney. He was then doused in petrol, set alight and left to die. Evidence suggests Kriss made his way down towards the Clyde and tried to extinguish the flames by rolling around in a muddy hollow near the cycle path where he was discovered. (The Scotsman, 18th November 2004)
Left: Five big brave black gangstas + one Albanian Muslim
Right: The White sixteen-year-old they raped and butcheredSix men have been convicted of murdering 16-year-old Mary-Ann Leneghan, who was abducted, raped and killed in Reading. All six have also been convicted of the kidnap and attempted murder of her 18-year-old friend – who miraculously survived the horrific ordeal and gave evidence against the gang. Entering Reading Crown Court eight months later to face the accused, the teenager, now aged 19, looked defiant. The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given the choice of sitting behind a screen while giving evidence but declined. Despite having to put up with seeing the men – now sitting surrounded by guards in the dock – sniggering and making faces, she carried on calmly describing the torture she and her friend had endured.
As well as being hit, punched and stabbed, the two friends were made to strip naked, had boiling water thrown over them and were made to smoke heroin and crack cocaine. She remembered seeing Mary-Ann in a corner of the room being stabbed in the stomach, with the men surrounding her and laughing. Their tormentors then decided to move on to the final steps of their plan and the girls were driven to Prospect Park. They were ordered to kneel “side-by-side” and told to put pillow cases over their heads. She described how Mary-Ann was stabbed all over her body by 19-year-old Michael Johnson as she lay curled up in a ball. She said he flew into a rage because Mary-Ann would not sit up so that he could slit her throat. “They said something about wanting her to die slowly,” she explained. Preparing to die, Mary-Ann’s friend knew her last memory would be seeing her friend “butchered” in front of her. A gun was then put to her head, and she was asked “Are you ready to die?” before it was fired. (“Girl cheated death to convict killers”, BBC News, 20th March 2006)
A British court handed a [Pakistani] man eight life sentences on Wednesday and jailed two others for 18 years each for an arson attack on a home that killed three generations of a family from Pakistan. Five young sisters along with their mother, uncle and grandmother died when a blaze caused by a grudge fire-bomb attack swept through their house in Huddersfield, northern England. Judge Andrew Smith said that other members of the Chisti family saw and heard their loved ones suffering in the fire. (Agence France-Presse, 30th July 2003)
The mutilated body of [black drug-dealer] Ray Samuels was discovered by a woman walking her dog in Epping Forest. Most of his skin had been sliced from his body and his tongue had been cut out – a sign that his killers believed him to be an informant. It appeared that he had been subjected to a lengthy torture session and finally died when a plastic bag was placed over his head. (The Observer, 26th August 2001)
Thugs and psychopaths exist in all races, but it’s a question of numbers and degree. When non-white minorities are vastly outperforming the White majority in the production of bestial crime throughout the invaded West, there is only one conclusion to draw: that they are a huge and growing threat to us. Take “violent racial attacks” in Britain. According to the BBC, 49,000 non-whites were victims in 2004. Were all of those attacked by Whites? I very much doubt it, but let’s assume that they were. Now, Whites outnumber non-whites about nine-to-one in Britain, so if all races are equally inclined to commit such crimes, you’d expect that for every nine non-white victims there would be one White victim. 49,000 / 9 ≈ 5,400. That’s roughly how many Whites should have been subject to a “violent racial attack” in 2004.
What is the actual figure? Not 5,400, but 77,000. According to these statistics, non-white racists are fourteen times more likely to attack Whites than White racists are to attack non-whites. When you look at cases that involved “wounding”, the discrepancy is even more appalling. 4,000 non-whites were wounded in “violent racial attacks” in 2004. So how many White victims should there have been? 4,000 / 9 ≈ 400. That’s the theoretic figure, based on the false “all races behave the same” assumption. The actual figure was 20,000. According to these statistics, non-white racists are fifty times more likely to wound Whites than vice versa.
But the statistics don’t tell the full truth, of course: in fact, the discrepancy between White and non-white behavior is even more extreme. This wasn’t counted as a “violent racial attack”, for example:
Baseball bat assaults condemned
Police have condemned the beating of a mother and her daughter with baseball bats, while the attack was recorded with a mobile phone camera. The 48-year-old mother and her two daughters, aged 23 and 17, were set upon while walking home by a canal in Reading, Berkshire, on Tuesday night. The 17-year-old ran for help, but the gang of four boys attacked the other two women. The two were later taken to the Royal Berkshire Hospital with head injuries. The youth who filmed the attack on his phone is described as Asian, 16-years-old, and of heavy build. He was wearing a beige padded jacket, a hooded top, and jogging bottoms with elastic around the ankles. The other three offenders are described as black, about 13-years-old and thin. They were all wearing dark hooded tops. (BBC News, 30th December 2005)
Whites suffer a non-stop stream of murders, rapes, beatings, robberies, thefts and frauds by their vibrant non-white guests, very few of which are ever labeled “racially motivated.” After all, politicians and the media have always acted on the lie that racism and hatred work only one way: from White oppressors to non-white oppressed. And that lie is a very big incentive for non-whites to behave as they do. Our government and media constantly repeat the same simple message in non-white ears: “Whitey is racist! Whitey is your oppressor! Fight back against Whitey!”
But non-white hatred of Whites is also fed by their envy of us. Living in a White society, they’re constantly reminded of their own inferiority. Violence against Whites helps take away the sting and boost that ever-important self-esteem. Look at the Kriss Donald murder again. The killers hated Whites but committed their crime using a silver Mercedes, a quintessential symbol of White civilization. This is a description of their ringleader (note that shahid is Arabic for “martyr”):
The swaggering bully Imran Shahid was the ringleader of an Asian gang called the Shielders which brought fear and violence to the biggest mixed-race community in Scotland. Nicknamed Baldy, although he was in the habit of dying his hair blonde, he is the son of a wealthy businessman and has a history of extreme violence. (The Daily Telegraph, 9th November 2006)
Why would a White-hating Pakistani want to dye his hair “blonde”? Why do White-hating gangsta rappers consume White luxuries so heavily and pursue White women so eagerly? Because they know that Whitey is mighty. Their hatred of us springs in part from recognition of their own inferiority, even when, as in Imran Shahid’s case, they come from rich and privileged backgrounds. But mention of gangsta rap brings me to the next factor in Kriss Donald’s murder.
I’d like to know what the killers of Kriss Donald had in their CD collections. Somehow I suspect there wasn’t much Mozart or Morrissey. I’d also like to know what was being played during the kidnap and murder of Mary-Ann Leneghan:
Police said a car with six men inside had been seen driving around playing loud music. While with the men, Mary-Ann and her friend had suffered several serious assaults. Detectives said Mary-Ann and her friend were [seen] in the car park of the Wallingford Arms, a disused pub in Reading. A third person was seen in a white car with them, and they were also seen getting into a burgundy or maroon car with six men inside. There was loud music coming from the vehicle. Chief Superintendent Mark Warwick of Thames Valley police said there had been “serious assaults throughout the evening, culminating in the death of the 16-year-old. We’re not sure whether they knew the males and we’re certainly not happy that they actually went with consent. These girls may have been in some distress from the moment they left the white car,” he said. (The Guardian, 9th May 2005)
Anyone who read this report at the time must have guessed why the race of the “men” and “males” was being concealed. Sure enough, they turned out to be five blacks and an Albanian Muslim “asylum seeker.” The viciousness of the crime was one unmistakable clue to their race, but so was the “loud music.” It’s another front in the war non-whites wage on Whitey. They assault our ears and destroy our sleep with it, and they train themselves in psychopathy and anti-White hatred by it. Gangsta rap breeds gangstas, like the Asians who murdered Kriss Donald. Their motive was lack of “respeck”, you see: one of them had been hit by a White with a bottle in a nightclub. So the obvious response was to kidnap a White fifteen-year-old at random, torture him and burn him alive. It’s the obvious gangsta response, anyway, as forged by the lo-IQ, hi-PsyQ – psychopathy quotient – blacks of the United States and exported throughout the world to other lo-IQ, hi-PsyQ non-whites suffering under White oppression. Which brings me to the next factor in Kriss Donald’s murder.
You need intelligence to navigate the complex societies built by Whites in Europe and America. Those who don’t have it will fail. If they’re non-white, they’re then actively encouraged to blame their failure on White racism. If they’re non-white and Muslim, they can blame “Islamophobia” too. Our liberal, ethno-friendly governments have been infected with the pseudo-science of Jewish fraudsters like Stephen Jay Gould, who preached the myth of human equality: that we’re all the same under the skin. We aren’t and never will be. Genetic differences are hugely important and account, inter alia, for an ineradicable gap between White and non-white intelligence and criminality.
Genetic disease is hugely important too and consanguineous marriages among Pakistanis and other Muslims are guaranteed to cause it, inflicting huge suffering on their own children and huge costs on White taxpayers. It also lowers intelligence among Muslims and may play some role in the psychopathy and amorality so evident in vibrant Muslim “communities” around the world, from Britain and France to Iraq and Australia. Either way, it’s obvious that such disease has to be prevented, which is why the British government is not stirring a finger. A brief discussion of the topic in 2005 produced not the slightest action, as I predicted at the time. But genetic disease is just one of the many blessings showered on Britain by the importation of...
The two most potent causes of conflict and slaughter known to man are race and religion. By allowing huge numbers of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis into Britain, we’ve got two for the price of one: not just brown skins but a highly active and aggressive religion too. Islam is not the Religion of Peace but the Religion of Pieces – like the pieces of human meat scattered above and below London by the Fantastic Four suicide-bombers of 2005. The line between jihadis like them and gangstas like the killers of Kriss Donald is very thin, as this story proves:
Mock suicide bomber back in jail for breaching parole
The man who dressed as a suicide bomber to protest against the Muhammad cartoons was sent back to jail yesterday for breaching the terms of his parole on a drug dealing conviction. Omar Khayam, 22, wore a jacket similar to those used by suicide bombers during a demonstration in London at the weekend to denounce the satirical caricatures published in a Danish newspaper. He later apologised, but it transpired that he had been released on licence halfway through a five-and-a-half-year sentence for possessing crack cocaine with intent to supply. (The Guardian, 8th February 2006)
Islam has very bad effects on both its adherents and its apostates, who carry its violent contempt for the kaffir – the non-Muslim – with them when they abandon their faith. Here’s more about Imran Shahid, the ringleader in the Kriss Donald murder:
In 1994, when he was 17, he left a 25-year-old man with brain damage after attacking him in the street with a baseball bat. He also fled to Pakistan on that occasion, but was later sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison. More recently, he was jailed for two years for punching a woman social worker and driving a car at her. Shahid was also reported to have chopped off the finger of a man who was dating one of his sisters, before putting it in a glass of milk and handing it back to him [how very gangsta]. (The Daily Telegraph, 9th November 2006)
I’d predict that at least the female victim was White; the male victim of this separate Muslim “road-rage attack” certainly was:
Injured cyclist slams court
Mr Andrew Williams was riding his bike on a sunny but freezing day when Hamza Hussain nearly knocked him off. “I got alongside him, tapped on his window and said politely ‘Just be careful’ because of the road conditions,” said Mr Williams. “The next thing, I heard his engine revving hard and wheels screeching. He drove intentionally at me, sending me flying. Then he chased me down the road with an iron bar and hit me over the head. The next thing a gang of about five Asian lads came at me. I was desperate for help and was shouting. There were dozens of other drivers and workers everywhere but everyone was too shocked or scared to help. I ran off into a nearby school yard but the mob started kicking and punching me, shouting ‘Kill the white bastard.’ If I had gone down I think that would have been it.” (Sheffield Today, 2nd May 2006)
There are countless Muslim thugs like Imran Shahid and Hamza Hussein in towns and cities throughout the UK, but more and more of them are deserting small-time thuggery in pursuit of something that really makes Whitey bleed: mass murder in the name of Allah. I find Muslims a lot like wasps: they’re fascinating creatures, but it’s not a good idea to live near large numbers of them. So what have we done? We’ve allowed mass immigration to create loudly buzzing Muslim nests all over the West, while our foreign policies on Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan are big sticks poking Muslim nests both here and in the Middle East. But all attempts by sane Whites to end or reverse mass immigration by Muslims have been thwarted by...
As I pointed out in my previous column, Kriss Donald died as a direct result of a deliberate policy: to treat Asian criminals in Glasgow with kid gloves:
For years now, a “softly, softly” attitude towards crime in the ethnic community has prevailed – a disastrous policy born of the excessive interference of politicians.The simple truth for senior officers is that they are not going to win that longed-for promotion or the coveted knighthood if they upset the local politicians who control the police boards. So the attitude among Scotland’s police hierarchy is: “Be careful not to upset the ethnic community – they may start complaining.”
What was striking about the Kriss Donald murder was the confidence his attackers displayed as they trawled the streets looking for their victim. Clearly, the Asian community is no less law-abiding than any other part of society. But on the South Side of Glasgow there is a significant group of young Asian men, mostly between 15 and 30, who are simply out of control. They believe they are beyond the law. They are heavily involved in drug-dealing and crimes such as fraud; some groups are well-organised, members travel extensively and have connections abroad. They are very aware the police are reluctant to challenge them in anything less than the most extreme circumstances for fear of being branded as racist. (“Why Police Are Afraid to Tackle Asian Crime”, Scottish Daily Mail, 19th November 2004)
But even in that article you can see political correctness at work in the false claim that “the Asian community is no less law-abiding than any other part of society.” No “community” is perfect, but some are far more imperfect than others. The “Asian community” commits electoral fraud on a massive scale, for example, but no White journalist dare investigate the problem, let alone draw the conclusion that Third World people inevitably cause Third World problems. The rule that governs vibrant multi-racial Britain is that ethnics can, and indeed must, condemn White failings loudly and regularly, but Whites cannot reciprocate. So it took an Asian journalist to reveal just how “law-abiding” her “community” really is:
I spent two utterly dispiriting days trailing along behind the five Asian candidates in Bradford West [in 2001]. None of them deserved to win a seat on a local school board, let alone a seat in Parliament. No women were at any of their political meetings and women I spoke to in the streets (in Urdu and surreptitiously) said in resigned voices that they would vote for the person their religious and community leaders told them to. In women’s groups in Bradford there was loathing for the candidates and their minders who intimidated their members. The game played in such areas is of ethnic entryism. This depends on an unholy pact which is understood by all parties. Asian candidates deliver votes in big bags provided they are not scrutinised too much by the local parties. (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, The Independent, 29th April 2002)
Political correctness means that Whites can’t discuss the huge problems mass immigration has caused, which means that the problems and the mass immigration continue. But PC doesn’t protect only brown Muslims, of course. Imagine for a moment, if you will, what the British media would do if an evil white male had raped or sexually assaulted dozens of elderly black women and that one of them, “an 88-year-old”, had been “raped twice”, so that “her bowel was perforated and she almost died.” Do you think shrieks of outrage and horror would be ringing from every rooftop? Do you think the media would be demanding his capture and caging by any means necessary?
I do. But that serial rapist of elderly black women doesn’t actually exist. Instead, Britain has a serial rapist of elderly White women and his race is, um... well, if you really have to know, it’s, um... “Sub-Saharan”. Or so the BBC told us during one of its reluctant visits to that locked filing-cabinet deep in the basement:
The search for a rapist who has struck at least 30 times over 12 years has been narrowed down to 1,000 suspects. Scotland Yard’s biggest manhunt, Operation Minstead, has used DNA samples to trace the roots of the man’s ancestors. He has been linked to at least four rapes and 27 sexual assaults on women aged between 68 and 93. Suspects have been narrowed down from an initial list of 10,000 and have been invited to give DNA samples. Detectives say most are co-operating, but some have refused to give samples. The attacker wears an all-in-one black suit and often removes light bulbs, cuts telephone wires and turns off the power after breaking into victims’ homes. One, an 88-year-old woman, was raped twice – her bowel was perforated and she almost died. DNA techniques have been used to trace his family’s roots. Samples from crime scenes in south London were sent to DNA Print Genomics in Florida, and found to contain Native American, European and Sub-Saharan strands. The combination is only found in the Caribbean. (BBC News, 8th July 2004)
Sub-Saharan? Caribbean? Yes, what the BBC is delicately hinting there is that the rapist is B.L.A.C.K. What the BBC will never in a million years so much as hint is that raping elderly White women is even more of a black specialty than raping young White women. After all, “Diversity is Our Strength” and we can’t let something so vulgar as truth or White suffering get in the way of political correctness. Which brings me last, but by no means least, to...
Who invented PC, multi-culturalism and anti-racism? Who created our race and immigration policies? Who runs our foreign affairs? The answers are: Jews, Jews and Jews. The Iraq disaster is an excellent example of how Jewish arrogance and megalomania create chaos and misery for the goyim, but the difference between Iraq and the West is only a matter of timing. Jewish neo-cons and their goyisch stooges have turned Iraq into a hellhole of ethnic and religious conflict very quickly; it’s taking them a bit longer in the West. But the gunpowder piled in the cellar is getting higher all the time. We’ve seen above how much trouble Muslims cause in Britain, from suicide-bombings through race-murder to electoral fraud. But Muslims want to cause much more trouble for us:
MI5 tracking “30 UK terror plots”
MI5 knows of 30 terror plots threatening the UK and is keeping 1,600 individuals under surveillance, the security service’s head has said. Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller warned the threat was “serious” and “growing.” She said future attacks could be chemical or nuclear and that many of the plots were linked to al-Qaeda. Prime Minister Tony Blair said the terrorist threat was “very real” and spoke of “poisonous propaganda” warping the minds of young people. (BBC News, 10th November 2006)
And of course the people who created the disaster think they should be the ones to guide us out of it. What do they have in mind? For example, it would be insane to allow more immigration from countries like Pakistan until we’ve found a way of stopping that “poisonous propaganda” and “integrating” the vibrant communities we’ve already got. But stopping immigration from non-white countries would be “racist.” So which wins: sanity or anti-racism? You have precisely no guesses:
Half a million immigrants arrived last year
More than 1,500 immigrants arrived in Britain every day last year, official data showed today. The Office for National Statistics said that 565,000 people came to live here for at least a year during the course of 2005. It means that the country’s net population rose by 500 a day, or 185,000 during the 12 months.The largest group of migrants were people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, who accounted for two-thirds of net “in-migration.” (The Guardian, 2nd November 2006)
Ah, yes, Sri Lanka, proud inventor of the suicide-bomber. Britain has been importing Third World people for decades and the inevitable result is that we are now suffering from Third World diseases, both literally and metaphorically. Non-white AIDS, hepatitis and tuberculosis patients cost us billions every year, while non-white terrorists and gangstas cost us billions more, cause us incalculable pain and misery, and give our traitorous governments an excellent excuse to take away more and more of our freedoms. All of this was utterly predictable not just fifty years ago but two thousand years ago. Here are two famous lines from the Roman poet Horace:
They change their sky, not their souls, who cross the sea.
You can expel Nature with a pitchfork, but she will return.
She’s returning now, folks. And there’s nowhere to hide.
The murder of Mary-Ann Leneghan – excellent analysis of the BBC’s attempts to censor and spin this horrific caseWhy Police Are Afraid to Tackle Asian Crime – further discussion of the Kriss Donald murder
The longest journey, as the Chinese saying reminds us, starts with a single step. Well, the journey to a police state isn’t long and we’ve already taken many steps along it. Gordon Brown, the heir apparent to Tony Blair’s throne, surveys that destination and rubs his hands with glee. Last year the loathsome racist Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, went on trial for “incitement to racial hatred.” He was acquitted, so the state immediately ordered a re-trial. Alas, he was acquitted again. This is how Brown reacted:
“Any preaching of religious or racial hatred will offend mainstream opinion in this country and I think we have got to do whatever we can to root it out, from whatever quarter it comes. If that means that we have to look at the laws again, I think we will have to do so.” (BBC News, 11th November 2006)
Those words will seem very sinister to Americans, but they didn’t do any harm at all to Brown’s career in Britain. After all, the Yanks are crude colonials who don’t have the proud British tradition of lying down and letting the state trample all over you. So when a wannabe prime minister threatens to take away yet more of our freedom, we Brits shrug and turn our attention to more important things, like what’s on TV tonight or the latest celebrity gossip. Far too many of us do that, at least, and though Simon Sheppard and I aren’t among them, look where our opposition to “mainstream opinion” has left us. Facing a three-week trial and months or years in prison.
Still, we can do something for our supine fellow countrymen before we’re locked up: tell them exactly what “mainstream opinion” means, so they know how to avoid offending it and getting into big trouble. Does it mean “majority opinion”? No, because British governments have ignored what the majority think about mass immigration for more than fifty years. Most Whites have always been “offended” by it, but aliens have still flooded across our borders to create our present richly vibrant multi-racial, multi-cultural society. Which is so clearly Good and Holy that those who question it must be gagged by our ever-stricter race laws.
And there’s the key to “mainstream opinion.” The race laws must embody it, so if we can find out who was responsible for the race laws we’ll know who the “mainstream” are:
In February 1948 a book by Lionel S. Rose demanded: “The Law should be so amended or extended to make it an offence to publish defamatory statements concerning groups identifiable by race, creed or colour, calculated to create or promote ill-will or hostility between different sections or classes of His Majesty’s subjects.” It may be noted that the wording was closely followed in Section 6 of the Race Relations Act which states: “A person shall be guilty of an offence under this section if, with intent to stir up hatred against any section of the public in Great Britain distinguished by colour, race or ethnic or national origins, he publishes or distributes written matter which is threatening, abusive or insulting.” (Behind the Race Laws, an extract from Sandra Ross’s booklet The Nation Wreckers, 1975)
Lionel S. Rose? Would he be from the same altruistic minority as Sam Silkin, the “Board of Deputies” and a host of others in the glorious history of anti-racism?
Section 6 of the Race Relations Act, 1965, dealing with incitement to racial hatred, may be amended and strengthened following representations made to Mr. Sam Silkin, the Attorney-General [Britain’s chief lawyer], by the Board of Deputies: “In the view of the board’s Jewish Defence and Group Relations Committee, the weakness of the Section is its present requirement that ‘intent’ to stir up racial hatred must be proven for any prosecution to succeed.”
Yes, if you look at the progressive loss of free speech in Britain, one tiny group is always there either urging traitorous white politicians on or exercising political power itself. Lionel S. Rose, the Attorney-General Sam Silkin and the “Board of Deputies” were all Jewish. So is Lord Goldsmith, the current Attorney-General. He authorized prosecution of the Heretical Hezbollah, having previously created the legal smokescreen for Bliar’s disastrous war in Iraq. So now we can see what “mainstream opinion” really means. It means: “Vot the Jews like.” If you want further proof of this, look at something else Gordon Brown has done recently:
Treasury announces funding of £1.5 million to enable Holocaust Educational Trust to facilitate students from every school in the UK to visit Auschwitz
The Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) applauded the commitment made today by the Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, as he announced funding of £1.5 million [$2.85m] to support the HET’s Lessons from Auschwitz Course for teachers and sixth form students. The funding will enable HET to facilitate visits to Auschwitz for two students from every school in the UK, increasing the number of students participating in the scheme from 400 a year to over 6,000 a year. On the announcement, Lord Greville Janner, Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust said: “We are delighted that Gordon and the Government have demonstrated their commitment to Holocaust Education in such a vital and practical way. It is crucial that the youth of today know of and remember the horrors of the past and do all in their power to join in the battle against racism.” ( – HMD stands for “Holocaust Memorial Day”)
The closer “Gordon” gets to the power he longs for, the more he is bowing at the altar of Holocaustianity and sucking up to Jews like Greville Janner. This is because he knows that Jews can easily deny him power by releasing the information they hold about him. A visit to Google will soon reveal that Janner has no dubious past to worry about, but Gordon Brown certainly has, if persistent rumors about his homosexuality are to be believed. That’s one reason for him to appease “mainstream opinion”; another is that he’s funded by a Jew called “Sir” Ronald Cohen, just as Tony Bliar is funded by a Jew called “Lord” Levy. Here are photos of those relationships in action:
Clockwise from top left: Levy dominates Bliar;
Brown sucks up to Cohen; Levy dominates Bliar
Note how obscure businessman Cohen is listening, waiting to pass judgment, while Gordon Brown, supposedly far more important and powerful, talks earnestly to him. And note the expressions on Bliar’s face as Levy takes the dominant role in their relationship. I don’t think Bliar likes what’s going on, but that’s another reason for him and other race-traitors to seek more and more power over the White majority. They can forget about having to grovel to sleazy Jews like Levy and Cohen by trampling on their own people. Here’s George Orwell’s analysis of the authoritarian personality in a dialog between the thought-policeman O’Brien and his prisoner Winston Smith:
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?”
Winston thought. “By making him suffer,” he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.” (Nineteen Eighty-Four, Part 3, Chapter 3)
Some or maybe all of the dozen or so police who invaded my home back in April enjoyed what they were doing. They enjoyed it precisely because they thought I didn’t. It’s a pleasure that goes way back to our monkey past and beyond: the pleasure of dominance, of being higher in the pecking order. Police states and censorship don’t contradict human nature, but I think they’re less natural to some groups than others. The American Constitution and the First Amendment were created by White northern European males, for example. That’s not a coincidence. Nor is it a coincidence that attacks on those freedoms have been led by Jews in alliance with feminists, non-whites and other special-interest groups. They are authoritarian; we are individualistic. Take a look at these arrogant Jewish faces and the descriptions of Jewish megalomania below them:
L-R: Paul Wolfowitz; Sigmund Freud; Leon Trotsky
L-R: Ayn Rand; Susan Sontag; Betty Friedan
Sontag started in on a monologue (one I’d heard before) about her literary reputation. It had “fallen” slightly over the past decade, she allowed – foolishly, people had yet to grasp the greatness of her fiction – but of course it would rise again dramatically, “as soon as I am dead.” The same thing had happened, after all, to Virginia Woolf, and didn’t we agree Woolf was a great genius? In a weak-minded attempt at levity, I said: “Do you really think Orlando is a work of genius?” She then exploded. “Of course not!” she shouted, hands flailing and face white with rage. “Of course not! You don’t judge a writer by her worst work! You judge her by her best work!” (Terry Castle, “Desperately Seeking Susan”, London Review of Books, 17th March 2005)
Betty Friedan “changed the course of human history almost single-handedly.” Her ex-husband, Carl Friedan, believes this; Betty believed it too. This belief was the key to a good deal of Betty’s behaviour; she would become breathless with outrage if she didn’t get the deference she thought she deserved. In 1972, Betty and I were together in Iran as guests of the Women’s Organisation of Iran, and I had difficulty in dissociating myself from Betty, who would usually take over my allotted speaking time as well as her own. Betty’s imperiousness had the shah’s courtiers completely flummoxed.
As we were leaving our farewell party, Betty propped herself in front of our Cadillac and refused to get in. “Dammit!” she shouted, “I wunt, I deserve my own car! I will nutt travel cooped up in this thing with two other women. Don’t you clowns know who I am?” Eventually one of the ministers’ cars was sent back for Betty. As it pulled out of the gateway I caught sight of her, small, alone in the back, her great head pillowed on the leather, eyes closed, resting after this important victory. (Germaine Greer, “The Betty I Knew”, The Guardian, 7th February 2006)
The Randian movement was strictly hierarchical. At the top of the pyramid, of course, was Ayn Rand herself, the Ultimate Decider of all questions. Nathan Branden, her designated “intellectual heir”, and the St. Paul of the movement, was Number 2. Strengthening the ties within the senior collective was the fact that each and every one of them was related to each other, all being part of one Canadian Jewish family, relatives of either Nathan or Barbara Branden. There was, for example, Nathan’s sister Elaine Kalberman; his brother-in-law, Harry Kalberman; his first cousin, Dr. Allan Blumenthal, who assumed the mantle of leading Objectivist Psychotherapist after Branden’s expulsion; Barbara’s first cousin, Leonard Piekoff; and Joan Mitchell, wife of Allan Blumenthal. (“The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult”, Murray N. Rothbard – a “libertarian” who can mention the Jewishness of the cult because he’s Jewish himself)
The apex of the authoritarian, anti-scientific institutional structure of psychoanalysis was the Secret Committee of hand-picked loyalists sworn to uphold psychoanalytic orthodoxy. The various psychoanalytic societies that emerged from the Committee were like Communist cells, in which the members vowed eternal obedience to their leader. Psychoanalysis became institutionalized by the founding of journals and the training of candidates; in short an extraordinarily effective political entity.
The staunch Freud disciple, Fritz Wittels decried the “suppression of free criticism within the Society... Freud is treated as a demigod, or even as a god. No criticism of his utterances is permitted.” Freud had “little desire that [his] associates should be persons of strong individuality, and that they should be critical and ambitious collaborators. The realm of psychoanalysis was his idea and his will, and he welcomed anyone who accepted his views.” The others were simply expelled. (Kevin B. MacDonald, review of Freud’s Follies: Psychoanalysis as religion, cult, and political movement in Skeptic magazine, 1996).
Paul Wolfowitz is the greatest Trotskyist not only of our time but of all time. Certainly greater than Trotsky himself, the founder of the Red Army and prophet of world revolution who wound up in some rundown Mexican backwater with an icepick sticking out of his head. The Trotskyists believed that the Revolution had gone off the rails, due not to the inherent brutality and immorality of the Bolshevik program, but because the Party didn’t have the revolutionary zeal to carry the struggle forward into Europe and beyond. They sneered at the Stalinist concept of “socialism in one country”, and correctly pointed to the Marxist classics, including Lenin, as proof that the Kremlin had betrayed the cause of true Communism, which they identified with a militant internationalism. Instead of sitting around liquidating Russian kulaks, Stalin, the Trots averred, should have gone on to liquidate all kulaks, everywhere. (“The Cult of Power: From Leon Trotsky to Paul Wolfowitz”, Justin Raimondo,, 14th July 2004)
Grynszpan and his Toy Goy
L-R: Alan Greenspan; Gordon Brown
Jews have evolved to behave like this and the ideologies they create are always designed to gain control over the goyim. Whites, on the other hand, have evolved to be individualistic but our individualism is part of why we are in so much danger. Bliar, Brown and other race-traitors are individualists, putting themselves and their own interests first. As narcissists and egomaniacs, they’re interested above all in power and public attention, but they can’t get it without lavish funding and friendly media. Jews are in control of banks, big business and the media, so our race-traitors know they have to please Jews to get what they want. Mass immigration? Jews love it, so PM Bliar has flung open Britain’s borders. Freedom of speech? Jews hate it, so wannabe-PM Brown promises tougher laws. By attaching strings to the rest of us and making us dance to a Jewish tune, they can forget their own strings and their own dance. But when Jews pipe the tune for goyim, it’s always for a dance of death.
“Ye shall be a Blight unto the Nations”:
Dubya and Bliar light candles for Kikistan
What will the US and its puppet master do? Both are too full of hubris and paranoia to admit their terrible mistakes. Israel and the US will either destroy from the air the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Iran so that civilized life becomes impossible for Muslims, or the US and Israel will use nuclear weapons to intimidate Muslims into acquiescence to Israel’s desires. Muslim genocide in one form or another is the professed goal of the neoconservatives who have total control over the Bush administration. Neocon godfather Norman Podhoretz has called for World War IV (in neocon thinking WW III was the Cold War) to overthrow Islam in the Middle East, deracinate the Islamic religion and turn it into a formalized, secular ritual. (Paul Craig Roberts, “The Shame of Being an American”,, 22nd July 2006)
Now that is widely perceived that the Republicans under the navigation of the Bush Administration are sailing dead onto electoral reefs, crowds of neoconservative rats are to be seen scurrying about the decks, trying to wriggle onto any plausible escape vehicle. For a remarkable example on the Foreign Policy side, see “Neo Culpa” by David Rose in Vanity Fair, November 3rd 2006. Note the characteristic lack of loyalty to the Bush officials they had mesmerized.
Anybody in possession of any political craft that might float needs to think hard about taking these specimens on board. They bring their policies with them. It is a public health risk. Scrabbling around, with whiskers twitching as vigorously as any, is National Review Online ’s Jonah Goldberg. Last month he tried to slip onto the Iraq-skeptic lifeboat, offering to agree the invasion decision was wrong – but clutching onto a policy of US military presence there anyway. (Patrick Cleburne, blog, 5th November 2006)
The neocons are parasites. They build nothing. They bring nothing. They don’t have a foundation. They don’t stand for business. They don’t stand for ideology. They use a host to facilitate and grow their own power. They are parasites that latch onto oil until it is no longer convenient. They latch on to democracy until it is no longer convenient. (Larisa Alexandrovna, “Scott Ritter: Neocons as Parasites”,, 30th March 2005)
These critics haven’t actually “named the Jew”, but their words are more evidence that Whites are finally opening their eyes to the reality of Jewish power and influence. That’s why Jews are desperately seeking to silence “racists” like David Irving, Nick Griffin and the Heretical Hezbollah. I don’t think Griffin really believes in free speech but his acquittal of thought crime by two juries is a sign that lots of ordinary Whites do. We want our countries back and cutting the strings of Jewish control is a necessary first step.
Tee for Two? – Heretical Press strikes a higher Tone by unleashing its Levy Metal Holocaust.
Re-reading Nineteen Eighty-Four is getting more and more like re-reading a tourist brochure as your jet touches down at the airport. It’s been a long time coming but the wait’s nearly over now. The words on the page are about to become vibrant reality. Vibrations are what microphones pick up, after all:
Winston picked his way up the lane through dappled light and shade, stepping out into pools of gold wherever the boughs parted. Under the trees to the left of him the ground was misty with bluebells. The air seemed to kiss one’s skin. From somewhere deeper in the heart of the wood came the droning of ring doves. [But] you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized. (Nineteen Eighty-Four, Part 2, chapter 2)
Police are considering installing a next generation of CCTV camera that is powerful enough to record people’s conversations up to 100 yards away. Ultra-sensitive microphones may be attached to surveillance systems across the UK, so law enforcement has the chance to thwart aggressive behaviour before it turns violent. Councils and transport authorities have also reportedly expressed interest in installing the new systems before the London Olympics in 2012. (, 30th November 2006)
So British citizens may have their privacy swept away in order to protect them from terrorists. And who might they be, exactly? Wild-eyed fanatics from the Church of England’s notorious suicide-bomber brigades? Nope. Anglicans would rather make jam than wage jihad. That’s a Muslim term and thanks to mass immigration Britain has huge numbers of Muslims on its soil. The usually quoted figure is 1.6 million; the real figure is probably much closer to 3 million. Either way, it’s Muslims who are largely responsible for the Orwellian proposal above. Ordinary Whites never wanted them here but politicians, academics and journalists knew better. “Diversity is Our Strength and migrants will help keep Britain booming!” Or more accurately: boom-boom-boom-booming:
Four suicide bombers, Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Germaine Lindsay and Shehzad Tanweer, struck in central London on Thursday 7 July, killing 52 people and injuring more than 770. The co-ordinated attacks hit the transport system as the morning rush hour drew to a close. (BBC News overview 2005)
In other words, Diversity is Our Death and Mutilation. The traitorous politicians responsible for this terrorism then use it as an excuse to take away our freedoms. Flying heads they win; bombs packed with nails we lose. Orwell predicted that too, just as he predicted the lies on which future politics would be based:
Even the names of the four Ministries by which we are governed exhibit a sort of impudence in their deliberate reversal of the facts. The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy; they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. (Nineteen Eighty-Four, Part 2, chapter 9)
Modern Britain has a Ministry of Equality that concerns itself with inequality – elevating ethnics, whipping Whitey. Its name is the oxymoronic “Commission for Racial Equality” and its previous head was someone called Gurbux Singh. He resigned with a £120,000 ($230,000) pay-off after getting drunk and brawling with policemen at a cricket match. That was the only time he ever really hit the headlines, but his successor, Trevor Phillips, has rushed out swinging week after week. As I’ve pointed out before, “Sir” Trevor is a black version of Tony Blair: narcissistic, publicity-crazed and stupid. The latest of Klever Trevor’s serial stupidities came at the Race Convention 2006:
White flight “increasing segregation”
The flight of the middle classes from the inner cities is threatening to undo 30 years of progress that has made Britain the best place in Europe for ethnic minorities, the country’s race equality chief said yesterday. Trevor Phillips, the outgoing chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), said increased polarisation and segregation in areas deserted by the better-off was “the great threat” to the development of a diverse and harmonious society.
Speaking at a conference in London to mark the 30th anniversary of the Race Relations Act, which set up the CRE, he said: “Britain is by far the best place in Europe to live if you are not white.” But he feared that trends unforeseen in the 1970s were placing this in jeopardy. “As a nation we are becoming more ethnically segregated by residence and inequality is being amplified by our separate lives,” he said.
His warnings about deepening divisions have landed him in hot water with some race lobbyists and led Ken Livingstone, the London mayor, to boycott the conference. But Mr Phillips has become increasingly concerned that the departure of the predominantly white middle classes from the inner cities – and out of the country altogether in some cases – will make the creation of a multi-ethnic society harder to achieve. (The Daily Telegraph, 29th November 2006)
You got that? Sir Trev is bravely warning us about dangers “unforeseen” in the 1970s. Back then, absolutely everyone thought letting huge numbers of Muslims and other non-whites into a white Christian nation was certain to create Race Paradise in just a few years. Well, absolutely everyone who mattered did. But that evil White racist Enoch Powell didn’t. In fact, he was foreseeing what lay ahead even before the 1970s:
It almost passes belief that at this moment twenty or thirty additional immigrant children are arriving from overseas in Wolverhampton alone every week – and that means fifteen or twenty additional families of a decade or two hence. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. (Speech in Birmingham, England, 20th April 1968)
So Enoch Powell warned us that we were turning Britain into a “funeral pyre” in 1968. Klever Trevor denounced him as a “racist” for nearly forty years, then suddenly started to say the same things:
Race boss warns of “fire” on streets
The head of Britain’s race relations watchdog has warned there will be “fire” on the streets unless growing racial tensions can be resolved. Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, says divisions created by the recent row about Muslim women wearing the veil risk becoming “the trigger for the grim spiral that produced riots in the north of England five years ago. Only this time the conflict could be much worse.”
In what will be seen as his swansong before he becomes head of the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights, Phillips says: “All the recent evidence shows that we are, as a society, becoming more socially polarised by race and faith ... In many of our cities things cannot get any worse.” (The Sunday Times, 22nd October 2006)
Left: White prophet Enoch Powell was never honored by Britain
Right: Jigaboo clown Trevor Phillips received the O.B.E.* in 1999
(*Order of the British Empire)
How Sir Trev must wish he could drop all his old pro-multi-culti speeches, interviews, articles and books down the memory-hole! But despite his public U-turn there, Trev remains the same anti-White authoritarian as he was of old. Remember that our Black Knight is getting agitated about White Flight. How dare honkies leave Britain’s cities? Don’t they realize how privileged they are to “interact” with Diversely Rich Ethnic Communities from all over the world? Worse than that, some honkies aren’t even fleeing horizontally – they’re actually going underground to avoid contact with our DRECs. Six feet underground, in fact:
Teenagers guilty of killing City lawyer
Two teenage muggers were facing life sentences after being convicted of murdering a high-flying lawyer. Donnel Carty, 19, and Delano Brown, 18, were found guilty of stabbing Tom ap Rhys Pryce, 31, during a robbery. The former friends, who thought of themselves as cousins, had blamed each other for the killing in January.
L-R: Black murderers; White victim
Mr ap Rhys Pryce was targeted soon after leaving Kensal Green underground station in north west London. He was accosted and chased to within feet of his home in Bathurst Gardens and left to die in the gutter after being stabbed twice in the chest. After a struggle in which he was also punched and kicked, the solicitor handed over the last of his things, telling his attackers: “You’ve got everything.”
Carty, who months earlier had made a CD rap featuring stabbing and death, denied being with Brown. Brown said he was with Carty but did not realise there was a knife and that the lawyer had been stabbed. Carty sold Mr ap Rhys Pryce’s mobile the next morning for £30 [$57] to a grocer’s assistant in College Road, near the murder scene. He had also been photographed trying to use the dead man’s travelcard at Kensal Green station. The defendants were arrested six days after the murder. (, 28th November 2006)
By December last year when Carty and Brown were just 18 and 17 respectively, they had become ruthlessly efficient violent robbers, key members of a gang that called itself the KG Tribe. Carty had become “Armani” and Brown “Shy.” When police searched Brown’s house they found a collection of balaclavas with eye slits cut out. Their preferred method was “steaming”, hitting the underground in numbers to target commuters for their wallets and valuables. Anyone who resisted would be “juked”, or stabbed, usually in the leg. Some police sources have speculated the gang may have been responsible for up to 150 violent robberies on the tube in a seven-month period. On December 23 last year, Carty, Brown and six other gang members attacked 10 victims on the underground, stabbing two. (The Guardian, 2nd December 2006)
Tom ap Rhys Pryce was middle-class, which didn’t make his murder more or less important to me but did mean it got a lot of attention from middle-class journalists. The same ones who have ignored what’s been happening to the White working-class for decades. Immigrants have flooded in and when working-class Whites have objected, official anathemas have thundered down. “Racists! Bigots! Fascists!” I’m middle-class myself and I confess that I didn’t see the Blight as quickly as I should have done. Other middle-class people are still failing to see it. Tom Pryce’s killers weren’t – of course – the only ugly black faces to appear in the crime pages of British newspapers recently:
Sadistic robbers jailed for life
A gang of armed robbers have been jailed for life for kidnapping people and subjecting them to “sadistic and gratuitous violence.” More than a dozen pedestrians and motorists in London were beaten and stripped of their valuables. One man had his arm broken and another was tortured with a cigarette lighter. Pedro Frota, Sofian Majera, and Robert Lincoln, all from east London, admitted 17 robberies. The court heard they cruised London at night armed with guns, knives and baseball bats looking for victims.
Judge Witold Pawlak told Jamaican national Lincoln, 18, from Barking, Rwandan Majera, 22, from nearby Dagenham, and Portuguese national Pedro Frota, 19, from Barking, they must serve a minimum of seven years before they could be considered for parole. “Your crimes were usually late at night. You hunted in a pack and your violence was sadistic and gratuitous,” he told them. “In fact, each of you is addicted to violence and you treated your victims as though they were characters in an arcade game.” All four defendants, who have previous convictions, face deportation after their sentences have been served. (BBC News, 13th November 2006)
Face deportation? I’ll believe it when I see it, but let’s suppose they are actually deported in the end. How many more vicious non-white criminals will have entered Britain or been born here while White taxpayers fund this vibrant trio’s stay in prison? The judge’s comments were prescient, though. To non-whites like these, violence is indeed a game:
Muggers commit crimes for “kicks”
Street robbers often carry out their crimes for the thrill as much as for the financial gain, a report has said. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) study interviewed 120 offenders in England and Wales. The report said previous attempts to explain violent street crime put too much focus on the desire for gain, and not enough on the aspect of “pleasure.” The report said both the amount and the severity of gratuitous violence used in street robbery was increasing in the UK. It was a “worrying social problem” that was poorly documented and understood. Some offenders found robbery to be a pleasurable activity in itself, interviewers found. Cash made from crime was often spent on “status-enhancing” items to boost the offender’s street credibility. (BBC News, 29th November 2006)
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation denies racial reality
Above: White hand holding knife
Below: Five of Britain’s countless black thugs
The BBC illustrated this story with a photo of a hand holding a knife. The hand, as you can see above, was white. Elsewhere you’d have waited in vain to see any discussion of how violent and sadistic crime is a dazzling Ethnic Success Story. Despite being oppressed minorities, non-whites dominate murder, rape and robbery in Britain, just as they do in other Western nations. It is undoubtedly the case that some non-white crime against Whites is motivated by hatred, envy and “racism”, but discussing non-white crime is taboo. When a Conservative member of parliament raised the question, he was slapped down hard by his compassionate and caring leader David “Bliar 2.0” Cameron:
Cameron “unhappy” over MP’s remark on black criminals
A Tory MP who suggested that the majority of criminals were black was carpeted by party officials yesterday. Bob Spink, the Conservative MP for Castle Point, Essex, who denied that he was being racist, made the claim in an email to a constituent. Tory sources said yesterday that “senior party officials” had spoken to the MP to make clear the unhappiness of David Cameron, the party leader, with the “clumsy” way he had expressed himself.
While they accepted Mr Spink’s assurances that he was not being racist, party officials said Mr Cameron would not have tackled such a sensitive issue in that way. The Tory leader has sought to show that the party has abandoned its “nasty” image to become more welcoming to ethnic minorities. Denis MacShane, the Labour MP for Rotherham, claimed that Mr Spink’s outburst showed the Tories still had a long way to go. (The Daily Telegraph, 28th November 2006)
“Trust us! We’re Friends of Israel!”
L-R: David Cameron; Denis MacShane
A nation in which it’s dangerous to speak the truth is plainly diseased, but what is the disease called? Well, take a look at the background of Denis MacShane, the NuLabour anti-racist above. His real name is Denis Matyjaszek and he’s a member of the neo-con Henry Jackson Society, which believes in “proactively” spreading “liberal democracy” across the world, “including by military intervention.” Does it surprise you to learn that Den’s also a staunch “Friend of Israel” and sat on a parliamentary committee that condemned rising anti-Semitism in Britain? It shouldn’t and although I’m not sure Denis “MacShane” is Jewish, he might as well be. This is the source of the disease infecting Britain and the rest of the West. On 1st December it was W.A.D., or World AIDS Day, and countless white Western liberals wept and wailed to show how much they cared. Me, I want a W.Y.D. A.S.A.P.
W.Y.D. stands for World YIDS Day, and YIDS stands for Yid-Induced Downward Spiral, the disease all Western nations are suffering from. Pernicious ideologies like multi-culturalism and anti-racism are based on the lies of Jews like Karl Marx and Franz Boas. One of their most famous disciples was a Jewish pseudo-scientist called Stephen Jay Gould. He worked tirelessly to teach the world that “Race Does Not Exist” and that “IQ Tests Measure Only Evil White Male Prejudice.” His labors did not go unrewarded. Gould gets 119 hits on The Guardian ’s website and all references to him seem to be positive or neutral. The genuine scientist Chris Brand, who was persecuted for speaking the truth about race and intelligence, gets two hits on the Guardian site and one of those is for an article attacking him.
“Trust me! I’m Jewish!”
Marxist charlatan S. J. Gould
But the high intelligence of humans has its disadvantages. Fish aren’t very bright but it can be much harder to fool them than to fool us. In the Indo-Pacific Ocean, for example, there’s a species of fish called Labroides dimidiatus. It cleans parasites from other fish but it has a dangerous mimic called Aspidontus taeniatus. The mimic fools its victims into letting it get close, then bites chunks out of them. How does it fool them? Well, you can’t pull the wool over a fish’s eyes with words, because fish don’t use words. Instead, the mimic has evolved to look almost exactly like the real thing. Could you tell the difference?
Above: Cleaner Fish, Labroides dimidiatus
Below: False Cleaner Fish, Aspidontus taeniatus
Now let’s go back to Stephen Jay Gould and his “Race Does Not Exist” lie. Whites have always had the evidence of their own eyes that race does exist: non-whites don’t just look different, they act different too. But Jews like Gould have managed to persuade Whites to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and believe that “We’re All the Same Under the Skin.” Beethoven and Snoop Doggy Dogg, Shakespeare and Maya Angelou – hey, they’re all part of the same Big Human Family and There Is No Important Difference Between Them.
Black is White: Lesson 1
Left: Ludwig van Beethoven
Right: Snoop Doggy Dogg
Black is White: Lesson 2
Left: Maya Angelou
Right: William Shakespeare
In other words, big-brained Whites have been far easier to fool than small-brained fish! But we are now entering the Twilight of the Goulds – Jewish lies about race are crumbling and the vital importance of racial difference is becoming more and more apparent. It has been both stupid and dangerous to let blacks like Trevor Phillips have any power or influence in the West, because blacks will wreck our nations as surely as they have wrecked their own. Look at what happened in Malawi under the rule of Hastings Banda:
Barely a month after independence, Malawi suffered a cabinet crisis. Several of Banda’s ministers presented him with proposals designed to limit his powers. He had already been accused of autocratic tendencies. Banda responded by dismissing four of the ministers, and two others resigned in sympathy. The dissidents fled the country. Banda became the first President of Malawi on July 6, 1966. At the same time, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) was declared to be the only legal party; the country had been a de facto one-party state since independence. In 1970, a congress of the MCP declared Banda its president for life. In 1971, the legislature declared Banda President for Life of Malawi as well. His official title was His Excellency the Life President of the Republic of Malawi, Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda. The title Ngwazi means “great lion” in Chicheŵa.
Banda ran a repressive police state where no dissent was tolerated. Opponents were either exiled, like Kanyama Chiume, or killed, like Dick Matenje and Dr Attati Mpakati. His government was rigidly authoritarian, even by African standards of the time. He was the subject of a cult of personality. Every business building was required to have an official picture of Banda hanging on the wall, and no poster, clock or picture could be higher than his picture. Before every movie, a clip of Banda waving to the people was shown while the anthem played. The press and radio were tightly controlled, and mainly served as outlets for government propaganda. His government supervised the people’s lives very closely. All adult citizens were required to be members of the MCP. Party cards had to be carried at all times, and had to be presented in random police inspections. (Kikipedia entry for “Hastings Banda”)
The older Trevor Phillips gets, the more he looks like Hastings Banda:
Left: Power-crazed jigaboo Hastings Banda
Right: Power-crazed jigaboo Trevor Phillips
In this case, the close resemblance tells the truth, because Phillips has the same authoritarian instincts as Banda:
Tackle “stealth racism”, says CRE chair
Trevor Phillips today called for new powers to tackle “racism by stealth” as he argued that BNP members should be banned from working in the public sector. The outgoing chair of the Commission for Racial Equality warned that racial segregation was fuelling inequality and the popularity of the far-right party.
Thirty years after the Race Relations Act was first introduced, Mr Phillips outlined the challenges ahead. Today’s pressing challenge was to eliminate “stealth racism”, which cost the nation billions of pounds in the wastage of talent and capability, and which Mr Phillips defined as “the racism that smiles to your face just as it’s dumping your job application in the bin marked ‘not white enough’.”
Special measures were needed to allow employers to take positive action to introduce racial integration in the workplace, Mr Phillips said, hinting at shortlists made up exclusively of applicants from black and ethnic-minority backgrounds. The Metropolitan police had already indicated that efforts to make London’s police force representative of the community it served would take a century to achieve, Mr Phillips said. New laws were needed to “crack the problem.” (The Guardian, 27th November 2006)
Remember this: AIDS doesn’t kill people directly. Instead, it destroys their immune system and they’re killed by opportunistic infections. “Klever Trevor” Phillips is an opportunistic infection brought about by our infection with YIDS viruses like Karl Marx and Stephen Jay Gould. They’ve destroyed our immune system and we’d better get it working again fast.
I didn’t believe a word of it.
Sunday 19 November was a bitterly cold day, but not bitterly cold enough to deter 300 Sikhs from the local temple and from far-away places like Glasgow and Leeds, as well as a sizeable contingent of non-Sikhs, to converge on Pilrig Park, Leith, to protest against the recent racist assault on a 15-year-old Sikh male, whose hair was cut off by his attackers. Uncut hair is a mark of Sikh identity and cutting this young man’s hair was not just an attack on him as a person but also on his Sikh identity and religion. The attackers have not been caught. Despite the freezing conditions, the event was very colourful. A vivid and noisy demonstration of mostly Sikh men, but including young Sikh women, entered the park chanting “Our Wond’rous Lord is Great” and waving Saltires with slogans emblazed on them, such as “Proud to be a Scottish Sikh.” Tartan turbans were sported by a few of the men too.
There was a prayer and speeches from the Sikh community and the inter-faith groups of Edinburgh and Scotland. Local MP and MSP [Member of Scottish Parliament] respectively, Mark Lazarowitz and Malcolm Chisholm, also addressed the crowd. One British Sikh leader blamed the racist and religious assault on the “attack on multi-culturalism which is leading to hate of distinct communities.” The Sikh community is a distinct religious community but very much part of Edinburgh and Scotland. They identify themselves as Scottish Sikhs and were horrified that such a horrible attack should happen to one of their young men. Leaflets explaining why Sikhs believe cutting the hair is a horrific attack on the person, and an attack on their God and their religion, were given out to the non-Sikhs in attendance. This attack will be remembered by Scottish Sikhs for a long time and will not be tolerated in the community in which they have lived for decades. Sikhs are very much part of the fabric of Leith, Edinburgh and Scotland and we must unite with them for a Scotland where distinct communities are welcomed as an integral part of who and what we are. (Catriona Grant,
Why did I think the attack was a hoax? Well, look at this line again:
Leaflets explaining why Sikhs believe cutting the hair is a horrific attack on the person, and an attack on their God and their religion, were given out to the non-Sikhs in attendance.
In other words, most non-Sikhs don’t know how important uncut hair is to Sikhs. The sort of people who attack strangers, for whatever reason, are even less likely to know. Not only that, cutting off a Sikh’s hair would take a lot of time. So it was unlikely that the alleged attackers knew and unlikely that they’d waste so much time if they did know. Unlikely x unlikely = very unlikely.
But someone who certainly knew how important uncut hair is to Sikhs was the alleged victim. He could also cut off his own hair at his leisure and then get a lot of attention and sympathy by making up the right story. Similar liars have been caught many times before, with many more going undetected. All of that was why I thought it was a hoax as soon as I heard about it. I didn’t have to wait long to be proved right:
Sikh teen lied about hair attack
A 15-year-old Sikh boy who claimed he had his hair cut off by racist thugs has admitted he made the attack up. The boy from Edinburgh reported the alleged racist attack in November and the case was widely publicised. The cutting of his hair was an act which was seen as deeply insulting to the Sikh faith. Lothian and Borders Police confirmed the attack had not taken place and said the boy had expressed remorse. They said no further action would be taken. More than 200 Sikhs from around the UK gathered in Edinburgh to hold a two-hour prayer vigil following the boy’s claims. The boy had originally said he had been subjected to racial abuse in the park before being kicked to the ground by four white youths.
However it emerged later that the teenager had in fact punched himself in the face and cut off his own hair. Hair is a religious symbol for Sikhs and it is strictly against their faith to have it shorn. Lothian and Borders Police mounted a large-scale investigation into the youngster’s claims, setting up a dedicated text service and email address and also visiting local high schools. But it is understood that when officers spoke to the boy again, he told them he had done it himself. The teenager is believed to have had personal problems and also cultural identity issues brought about by differences between his Sikh upbringing and Western society. A police spokeswoman said: “The boy has expressed deep regret for what he has done.” Police officers sent a report on the incident to the procurator fiscal but it is understood the teenager will not face charges for wasting police time because a prosecution is not felt to be in the public interest. (BBC News, 24th December 2006)
Not only was the truth reported by the BBC much less prominently than the original lie, you can see how reluctant they are to accept it. Look at that wistful “racist thugs” – oh, if only they’d really existed! Look at that yearning “an act seen as deeply insulting to the Sikh faith” – oh, if only it had really happened! They’re still longing to believe that Evil Whitey did what he was falsely accused of doing.
But why do the BBC long to believe something bad about whites? And why did so many people accept the original story without question? Think about the socialist idiot who wrote about the “protest” and those self-righteous Sikhs in tartan turbans. She undoubtedly believes – and endlessly says – that racists are ignorant, knuckle-dragging boneheads. Yet she could describe Sikhs handing out explanatory leaflets to anti-racists and not notice how it undermined the story. If enlightened anti-racists didn’t know how important uncut hair is to Sikhs, what about ignorant, knuckle-dragging racists?
A typical racist (but he knows all
about the Gurū Granth Sāhib)
Nor, apparently, did the Sikhs themselves notice how it undermined the story. I suspect the police had big doubts in the end, but before that they lavished valuable time and resources on the case. The explanation is simple: they all overlooked the implausibilities because, just like the BBC, they wanted the story to be true for their own selfish ends. Among other things, it gave white anti-racists a chance to glow with narcissistic self-righteousness, the police a chance to prove their multi-culti piety, and Sikhs a chance to parade as victims twice over: not just of opportunistic racism but of institutional racism too. Recall this line:
One British Sikh leader blamed the racist and religious assault on the “attack on multi-culturalism which is leading to hate of distinct communities.”
“Leaders” like that don’t want integration between whites and non-whites, because it would reduce their own power and prestige. Anti-racists don’t want integration either and for the same reason. Race attacks are good for business – they mean more money for more meddling. What’s not to like for a socialist? But it has to be the right kind of race attack: white-on-ethnic. The ethnic-on-white kind, despite being much more common and much more vicious, isn’t good for business at all:
Eyewitness tells of hammer attack
An eyewitness to the hammer attack on a 15-year-old school boy has told of the ferocity of the attack on him. The boy suffered serious head injuries when he was battered with a hammer. The 15-year-old was initially treated in Swindon, then taken to hospital in Bristol. The eyewitness told the BBC the men attacked the boy and then another got out a hammer and starting hitting him. “He fell to the floor and asked them to stop, but they kept kicking him.” She added: “The boy tried to get up but they kept hitting him, then suddenly they all ran away.” A family statement released through the hospital said: “Our son has had major surgery to his head and he is in a stable condition. Our priority at the moment is to get him better.”
In a letter to parents the school said the “extreme incident” was a challenge to the strength of friendship and community at Ridgeway School. “It is important we don’t give in to prejudice or accept rumour as truth.” Police have arrested eight male youths aged between 14 and 20 in connection with the incident. The school’s head teacher Steve Colledge called the incident “shocking” and said security was being reviewed. “At the time of the incident the school gates would have been open to let the pupils out.” Parents are being invited to a meeting to discuss the incident at the school on Monday evening. Ridgeway School has about 1,450 pupils aged 11 to 18. (BBC News, 12th January 2007)
You can see the BBC’s priorities at work there. You’ve just read about a 15-year-old schoolboy being badly injured with a hammer by outsiders who invaded his school. So which is more important: how many pupils attend the school or the race of the victim and his attackers? The BBC apparently think it’s the former, because they don’t say a word about the latter. In fact, surprise, surprise, the victim was white and his attackers were Asian – almost certainly Asian Muslims. Sikhs are much less harmful to Britain, partly because their numbers are smaller and partly because they don’t behave as badly. But they still cause problems and they’re still exploited by anti-racists to attack the white majority. That’s why a prosecution of that lying Sikh teenager was “not felt to be in the public interest.” It didn’t matter that he’d wasted police time and public money, left a lot of dedicated anti-racists with egg on their faces, brought the vibrant Sikh community into disrepute and stigmatized whites for something they’d never done.
But imagine if Simon Sheppard and I made up a story about being attacked by Sikhs and having our swastika tattoos – key symbols of our vibrant neo-Nazi identity – painted over. Would we escape prosecution by claiming “cultural identity issues” when the truth came out? No, of course we wouldn’t. But that’s anti-racism for you: there’s one rule for whites and another rule for non-whites. The rule for whites is that we’re guilty till proved guilty; the rule for non-whites is that they’re victimized till proved victimized. That Sikh teenager told a serious lie, but it was really Whitey’s fault after all. The poor lad hadn’t been made to feel at home in Scotland as he should have been. And actually I sympathize: one reason I oppose mass immigration is that it creates huge numbers of people with no secure identity, particularly in the second and third generations. That isn’t good in itself, but it has wider implications. When you don’t have a secure identity, you’re ripe for ideologies that pretend to offer you one, like socialism or Jihadism. Neo-Nazism too: mass immigration atomizes both incomers and natives, particularly when native history and culture are attacked on behalf of the incomers.
But Scotland is particularly at risk. It’s a small nation and small nations, as we can see from conflict-riven Fiji and Sri Lanka, are harmed by mass immigration much more quickly than big ones. Scotland, Ireland and Wales will succumb faster than England; England will succumb faster than the United States. But we are all in huge danger of dying from the same disease. It’s called “diversity” and here’s a traitor to Scotland lying through his teeth about it:
Scotland was built on diversity and our multi-cultural society is something that enriches and strengthens us and should be celebrated. (BBC News, 27th November 2004)
That was Bill Speirs, the Marxist general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, speaking about the horrific racist murder of the white teenager Kriss Donald. The murder proves that more “diversity” for Scotland will mean what it has always meant in the past: conflict, suffering and destruction. The old conflicts are still there: Highlands vs Lowlands and Catholic vs Protestant, for example. And those centuries-old conflicts are between members of the same race! So are the conflicts in Ireland, which has its own traitors to lie about the blessings of diversity and encourage mass immigration by outsiders. As Enoch Powell said: “It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”
I don’t want to take sides in the old conflicts in Ireland and Scotland, but I regret the loss of their original Celtic cultures and languages. I doubt that Irish and Scots Gaelic will survive except as artificially-sustained relics. Welsh is threatened too, but the people who wax lyrical about the richness and uniqueness of these languages are often the same ones who are promoting their destruction through mass immigration. I’d use a biological analogy: think of the rich and unique wildlife of Australia (some of which was wiped out by aboriginals long before whites got there). When alien placental mammals like rabbits and cats were introduced, they competed with and drove out native marsupial mammals like wombats and bandicoots.
On one level, the diversity of Australia’s wildlife increased; on another, it fell disastrously. Rabbits and cats were already flourishing outside Australia and their introduction there badly harmed marsupials and other native fauna and flora. You could call it macro-diversity and micro-diversity: as one goes up, the other goes down. Similarly, the macro-diversity of Britain goes up when aliens immigrate here, but our micro-diversity goes down. We are not better off when Punjabi and Urdu are spoken here beside English and Welsh, because Welsh was already fighting for survival against English and now it has more competition for money and official attention:
Translation costing public £100m
More than £100m [$190m] of public money is spent on translation services in the UK, the BBC has learned. Local authorities spend £25m [$47m], NHS [National Health Service] trusts £55m [$104m] and the courts £31m [$59m] on interpreting languages. Refuse collection guidelines and one-to-one smoking sessions are among the services which have incurred costs because translations were provided.
The BBC discovered that Peterborough Council translates details of its refuse collection service into 15 languages. Meanwhile, Islington’s NHS primary care trust in London is providing a Turkish woman who has lived in the UK for five years with one-to-one sessions to help her stop smoking translated into her own language. Speaking through a translator, a Bangladeshi woman who has lived in the UK for 22 years and does not speak English questioned this spending. She said: “When you are trying to help us you are actually harming. Even before we ask, all we have to do is say hello, they are here with their interpreters. We just sit here doing nothing and we don’t need to speak in English at all.”
The former head of the Commission for Racial Equality, Trevor Phillips, claimed that the cost of translation was simply a feature of globalisation. He said: “Translation is not a disincentive. It allows them to get access to services while they learn English. Translation is a way of helping people in transition into integrating into our society.” (BBC News, 12th December 2006)
What a long way Klever Trevor has come: from fighting for communist revolution to helping bloated capitalists get richer from “globalization”! But one thing has remained the same: his fervent support for mass immigration. After all, the more it fractures Britain, the more secure commissariats like him are in their power. It’s that age-old strategy of Divide et impera – “divide and rule” – and it causes harm in many ways. That £100m should have gone to help struggling languages that are unique to Britain, not to help languages that are flourishing elsewhere. I think all languages are valuable and interesting, but Turkish-speakers belong in Turkey, where they have their roots and are part of the majority culture. Even apart from the conflict and suffering it causes, mass immigration means that the world is becoming a less interesting place, unless you like conflict and destruction. Everywhere you go is starting to look the same: fractured and chaotic. It’s like a garden in which every spot has the same jumble of flowers or a kitchen in which all the ingredients are used at once in every dish.
“Diversity is too precious for the likes of us!”
Anti-racist hypocrites Libby Purves and Billy Bragg
A lot of people tell us this makes the food taste delicious, but again and again you’ll discover that they don’t eat from the mix-to-the-max kitchen. No, they sneak off elsewhere to dine on much less chaotic cuisine. Look at anti-racist warriors like the fatuous journalist Libby Purves and the droning singer Billy Bragg. They constantly preach the Joys of Diversity, but they’ve chosen to live in hideously white rural areas far from Britain’s vibrant multi-racial, multi-cultural cities. But Purves and Bragg are hypocrites as individuals – other people are hypocrites as an organized group. So guess what happens to that group? The British prime minister goes and praises it to the skies for its hypocrisy. Here’s part of a speech made by Tony Blair in May 2006:
The point about Jewish Care is not merely the help that you give, the thousands touched in one way or another by the work that Jewish Care does, it is not just the numbers of staff and the numbers of volunteers which run into the thousands, but Jewish Care is known as an organisation right at the cutting edge of delivering care to people in the community. In other words, it is not just an organisation of compassion, and service, and dedication and commitment, although of course it is all those things, but it is also an organisation that has led the way for many other similar organisations right across our country. Jewish Care is not just Jewish values in action, it is actually the best of British values in action, and they can be really, really proud of the work that they do.
But Jewish Care, as its very name proclaims, is only for Jews. Is it a British value to look after your own racial group? Not for whites it isn’t, as Jews are always the first to point out. But it is for everyone else. So Bliar is saying that a value denied to whites, who actually created Britain, is the best of British! Where does that insanity come from? Why do whites – in Scotland, in England, in the United States – promote the welfare of aliens at their own expense? Well, there are a number of factors but the most important of all is Jewish power and influence. You can have it straight from the hebe’s mouth, if you like. Here’s the Jewish journalist Larry Auster explaining why Jews attack whites and support non-whites:
Just the other week I was telling a secular, leftist Jew of my acquaintance, a man in his late sixties, about my idea that the only way to make ourselves safe from the specter of domestic Moslem terrorism is to deport all jihad-supporting Moslems from this country. He replied with emotion that if America deported Moslem fundamentalists, it would immediately start doing the same thing to Jews as well. “It’s frightening, it’s scary,” he said heatedly, as if the Jews were already on the verge of being rounded up. In the eyes of this normally phlegmatic and easy-going man, America is just a shout away from the mass persecution, detention, and even physical expulsion of Jews. Given the wildly overwrought suspicions that some Jews harbor about the American Christian majority who are in fact the Jews’ best friends in the world, it is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.
The self-protective instinct to divide and weaken a potentially oppressive majority population may have served Jews well at certain times and places in the past when they truly were threatened. Under current circumstances – in America, the most philo-Semitic nation in the history of the world – it is both morally wrong and suicidal. Not only are the open-borders Jews urging policies harmful to America’s majority population, but, by doing so, they are surely triggering previously non-existent anti-Jewish feelings among them. The tragedy is that once a collective thought pattern gets deeply ingrained, as is the Jews’ historically understandable fear of gentiles, it takes on a life of its own and becomes immune to evidence and reason. ... What this means is that in the minds of Jews, any desire on the part of gentiles to maintain an all-gentile country club, or any statement by a Christian, no matter how mild and civilized, that shows any concern about any aspects of the cultural and political influence of secular Jews in American life, is an expression of anti-Jewish bigotry that could easily lead to mass extermination, and therefore it must be ruthlessly suppressed. (“Why Jews Welcome Muslims”,, 22nd June 2004)
Yes, ruthlessly suppressed – and don’t I know it! For example, laws have to be passed to silence whites who protest at mass immigration. “Racism” has to be made into the greatest of moral evils, but only for whites. Propaganda has to be pumped out constantly telling whites how wonderful Diversity is, how it blesses them each and every day in a million different ways!
But all the time, in every country, the aim is to weaken the white majority and take its homeland away for the benefit of Jews. Larry Auster explicitly admits this, but if you read the full article – as I strongly recommend – you’ll notice that he doesn’t examine one glaringly obvious question:
The self-protective instinct to divide and weaken a potentially oppressive majority population may have served Jews well at certain times and places in the past when they truly were threatened.
Why was the majority “potentially oppressive”? Why were Jews, at certain times and places, “truly threatened”? It couldn’t have been because of their selfishness and greed, could it? I think it could. I think that so-called anti-Semitism is a natural and healthy response to Jewish behavior, just as so-called Islamophobia is a natural and healthy response to Muslim behavior. Larry Auster will agree with me about Islamophobia, but not about anti-Semitism. Yet his entire article is about Jewish selfishness. It’s actually an explicit appeal to Jewish selfishness. Auster is saying that Jewish support for mass immigration is wrong because it’s bad for Jews. That it’s bad for the much larger white majority is obviously a secondary consideration, if it’s a consideration at all.
But Auster doesn’t examine other important questions in his article. If Jews, as he claims, support mass immigration for selfish reasons, it’s obvious that they can’t admit it. Therefore they have to lie about why they want non-whites to enter white nations. Among other things, they have to deny that race exists. And look at who has led race-denial over the past century: Franz Boas, Stephen Jay Gould, Jared Diamond, Richard Lewontin, Leon Kamin, Steven Rose. They’re Jews to a man, but with millions of deluded white disciples. The paradox is that the success of race-denial among whites is actually further proof that race exists. Unlike other races, whites are highly susceptible to universalist ideologies. Jews, on the other hand, are highly skilled at creating fake ones. Race-denial has been one of the most pernicious of those Jew-invented lies. Human beings aren’t all the same under the skin and trying to run our nations as though we are is like pretending all the bottles in a chemistry lab are the same under the label. If you think they are, start mixing to the max while I run for cover.
“Why Jews Welcome Muslims” – the full text of Larry Auster’s article.
Déjà ’boo. It’s the feeling you get when you hear about the latest horrific crime by members of the vibrant jigaboo community. Or when you hear about a horrific crime and the race of the suspects is concealed. After all, it’s a safe bet that blacks or other ethnics will be responsible anyway and concealment of race makes that practically certain. I felt déjà ’boo when I heard in 2000 that a ten-year-old called Damilola Taylor had been stabbed to death in London. I was unenlightened about the Chosen Ones back then, but I was fast losing my illusions about blacks and learning to recognize the rabidly pro-ethnic, anti-white bias of the mass media. Horrific crime? No mention of race? It’ll be blacks, I thought.
The black killers of Damilola Taylor
I was right: it was blacks. Watching the huge attention then given to the crime was another important stage in my political education. The police were very anxious to demonstrate their deep commitment to racial equality and did it in the usual liberal way: by elevating blacks far above whites. If Damilola Taylor had been white, his murder would have been given no special priority. But he was black and therefore highly precious, so the police spent millions of pounds and countless man-hours chasing his killers, bungled two court-cases in their eagerness to convict, and finally got their ape-men in a blaze of publicity in 2006. Meanwhile Peckham, the quaint-sounding district of London in which Damilola Taylor died, was being flooded with more millions of pounds in a noble liberal attempt to reverse decades of poverty, neglect, indifference, etc, etc.
The result is that crime in Peckham and neighboring areas is now worse than ever. Even liberals who hear about the recent horrific murders there will be feeling a strong sense of déjà ’boo. And did I say Peckham sounded “quaint”? Thanks to ethnic enrichment, that’s no longer true. Now names like that have a feral, jungle-like resonance:
“Getting hold of gun round here is as easy as going into a McDonald’s and getting a McChicken sandwich,” a 16-year-old on the [Fenwick] estate told the Guardian yesterday. “If I had the money I could make a phone call and get a gun now... It wouldn’t cost as much as £150 [$280], you could ask anyone to borrow a gun... he would let you.” The Clap Town Kids, centred around the Fenwick estate, are part of a web that crisscrosses south London, including the PDC [Poverty-Driven Children] in Brixton, Ghetto in Lewisham, and the Blood Set in Streatham.
Mercedes, 19, who grew up around the Ghetto gang in New Cross, Lewisham, said it was easy for teenagers to be drawn towards gangs. “I tried everything I could think of to get in[to the Ghetto gang],” she said. “I would attack people in the street if I thought the ‘olders’ [senior gang members] were watching, or rob people, or try and go with the guys. At that time you earn your reputation; and if someone does something to disrespect you, then you have to act or not – it’s that pathetic. But when you are in it, it’s real.”
She said most of the gangs were made up of teenagers, but older men, who had often been in prison, were still pulling the strings. A 16-year-old, who left the Clapham gang after his friend was killed, agreed, saying older gang leaders were role models. “They are the nicest people and the most dangerous,” he told the Guardian. “They control everything, they can tell you to sell this, or kill that person.” (The Guardian, 17th February 2007)
So that’s the black response to the liberal response to the murder of “little Damilola” (as the media liked to call him). How have liberals responded to the black response to their response? By deciding to give them more of the money and attention that haven’t worked in the past and won’t work in future. Savagery is natural for blacks: in the environment of Africa they evolved for short, violent, fast-breeding lives. That evolved behavior can be suppressed when whites are firmly in charge, but if blacks escape white control it will soon re-emerge and destroy any chance of civilization. Prosperous white-run Rhodesia, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now starving black-run Zimbabwe, the basket-case of Africa. But an even bigger disaster is being prepared across the border in South Africa, which, just like Rhodesia, was handed over to blacks for destruction by white liberals infected with the viruses of anti-racism and racial egalitarianism.
Racism, on the other hand, is like an immune system: it protects a society against the harm done by aliens. A racist like me, for example, would be instantly skeptical about a “forensic expert” with a black face. Countless liberals, on the other hand, would be instantly eager to employ one. They’d then piously suppress any doubts about his competence and give him plenty of time to reward their trust:
Five years’ jail for compulsive liar who posed as forensic expert
A conman who built his career posing as a forensic expert to dupe victims out of thousands of pounds was jailed for five years yesterday, as police began the task of re-investigating 700 cases in which he was involved. Gene Morrison, 48, bluffed and lied his way through hundreds of trials, for almost three decades, fooling judges, barristers, solicitors and their clients into believing he was qualified. He left school with no qualifications but gave evidence in cases involving armed robbery, rape, death by dangerous driving, unexplained death, drugs offences and questioned paternity. His methods, relying heavily on using bone fide experts and then charging clients double, were unorthodox and unprofessional. He had told one grieving couple that the unexplained death of their son was suicide and charged them £16,500 [$31,000] for work they had never commissioned.
Yesterday, the trial judge described Morrison as an “inveterate and compulsive liar” whose activities struck at the heart of the legal process. Sentencing him, Judge Jeffrey Lewis said: “You yourself had no expertise worth speaking of. Your business was built on a whole series of lies. You did not care about the truth, you were wholly dishonest, you did not care of the consequences of your actions to the administration of justice.” The police based their evidence against him on nine of the most serious cases where he posed as a forensic investigator and are having to reassess 700 cases. (The Guardian, 23rd February 2007)
How many millions will that cost? But this case is just one tiny example of how “liberal ideas about race”, or LIARs, are helping to destroy white nations. I doubt that this particular black crook was very good as a conman, but he wouldn’t have to be: liberals were undoubtedly falling over themselves to give him work simply because he was black. Anything less would have been “racist.” In 2000, when I heard about the murder of Damilola Taylor, I was starting to recognize the deadliness of LIARs, but it was a long time before I saw who had done most to manufacture them and inject them into the bloodstream of white societies. Nowadays I can see that they come clearly labeled “Made in Israel”:
Cyril Harris was Chief Rabbi of the South African Jewish community from 1987 until his retirement at the end of last year. That period covered the most crucial decade in the modern history of South Africa, with the unexpectedly smooth transition from white minority to black majority rule. Through his unwavering leadership and deep personal relationship with Nelson Mandela, Harris put the country’s white Jewish community, never more than 100,000 strong, in step with the black majority at this crucial point. Aided by his wife, Ann, a practising solicitor with highly developed political antennae, [he] rapidly made contact with such white liberals as Helen Suzman [in fact Jewish]. More significantly, he was the first Jewish religious leader to meet regularly with the leading Jewish members of the African National Congress, such as Joe Slovo and Ronnie Kasrils. They were for the most part Marxist and had long ceased to be practising Jews, but Harris did not allow this to put him off. (The Times, London, 19th September 2005)
Of course it didn’t put him off: there was a common enemy to undermine and destroy. But if I can now see how pernicious Jewish influence has been in white nations, I can also see that whites are peculiarly susceptible to insane beliefs about racial equality and universal brotherhood. Britain is preparing itself right now for an orgy of insanity, because the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade is just around the corner. Here’s some of the self-flagellation white liberals are looking forward to:
Archbishops to go on slavery “guilt march”
THE Archbishops of Canterbury and York are to lead thousands of “pilgrims” carrying a giant cross through London to repent for the Church of England’s complicity in the slave trade. Moments of quiet reflection will punctuate the procession as African drummers beat a sombre lament. The march will culminate in a symbolic “release from the past”, possibly in the form of a replica slave auction notice being torn up or shackles being removed from the cross. The “walk of witness” on March 24 coincides with the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade. It is the latest stage in the church’s repentance since February last year, when the General Synod voted to apologise for its involvement in slavery. Displays of remorse have been spearheaded by politicians. Just two months ago Tony Blair expressed his “deep sorrow” for Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, although he stopped short of a full apology.
Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, who grew up in Uganda and has described how his forebears were among those enslaved, hope the event will signal the “beginning of a healing process.” This weekend one of the march’s organisers denied the church was indulging in “hand-wringing” and compared the slave trade to the Holocaust. “We are still living with the legacy of slavery,” said Rose Hudson-Wilkin, chairwoman of the church’s Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns. “Black people are saying, ‘Hey, we had our own Holocaust, too. We had millions killed and we want this acknowledged.’” Critics, however, believe that laying all the blame for slavery on Europeans is misleading. Arabs traded slaves from a much earlier date, while African kings and merchants were responsible for capturing their kinsmen and selling them to traders in exchange for goods and firearms. (The Sunday Times, 14th January 2007)
A deluded white liberal helps blacks to destroy his nation:
L-R: “Archbishop” John Sentamu, Archbishop Rowan Williams
Members of all races have been slaves at one time or another and blacks happily enslaved each other long before wicked Whitey came along to corrupt them. They’re still enslaving each other today, but facts will not be allowed to obscure the anniversary’s simple message for whites: “You are evil, evil, evil! Get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from the saintly non-whites you have oppressed for so long!”
For non-whites the message will be: “All aboard the Slavey-Train!” They will be urged once again to fight the deadly plague of White Racism, which explains all non-white failure and which must be eradicated before we can enjoy the multi-racial Paradise promised us by Jewish prophets like Karl Marx, Franz Boas and Stephen Jay Gould. But this incessant pro-ethnic, anti-white propaganda isn’t just full of blatant lies and misrepresentations: it has a deadly effect on the way non-whites behave towards whites. Look at the name of one of those vibrant black gangs in London: the PDC or the Poverty-Driven Children. Irony is not a black specialty and the gang-members no doubt feel that their savagery is indeed justified by their “poverty.” And why are they poor? White racism, of course! If white racism makes you poor and poverty makes you savage, blacks in both Britain and the United States draw the same conclusion. Whitey should be paid back with some of the savagery he’s directly responsible for!
Marshal: Man shot, burned; woman raped
Investigators believe Channon Christian was held hostage and raped repeatedly for several days before being killed, a federal marshal said today. The news came on the same day that authorities captured three men sought for questioning in her death and that of her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom. Authorities believe she and Newsom were abducted after a weekend carjacking in North Knoxville that ultimately led to both their deaths, said Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Rich Knighten of the Western District of Kentucky. “They did some really nasty things to this lady,” Knighten said.
Newsom was shot and his body burned, Knighten said. He said he didn’t know how Christian died. Newsom, of Halls, and Christian, of West Knox County, had been dating since November. They told their parents they planned to join friends in an apartment off Washington Pike on Saturday night to watch movies. At 12:24 p.m. Sunday, a railroad employee on a passing train alerted police about a body along Norfolk Southern tracks between Ninth Avenue and Cherry Street. It was Newsom’s body. At 2 p.m. Tuesday, police armed with a search warrant entered a nearby rental home at 2316 Chipman St. and found Christian’s body. Her 2005 Toyota 4-Runner had been found Monday abandoned two blocks away at the intersection of Chipman Street and Glider Avenue. (Knoxville News, 11th January 2007)
“Move along! Move along! Nothing to see here!”
Above: Black suspects; Below: White victims
As you’d expect, the American media have given this case as little attention as possible. Like countless other acts of non-white savagery down the decades, it just doesn’t fit the Jew-written script of non-whites as pure and holy innocents groaning under white oppression. If reality doesn’t fit the script, too bad for reality. It must be suppressed and anyone who dissents must be silenced. That process has gone further in Britain and Europe than in the United States, but the First Amendment is firmly in the sights of American Jews and their liberal allies. If American whites want a glimpse of their future, here’s an exchange on the blog of Britain’s biggest liberal newspaper:
ChorniyBoy February 17, 2007 8:00 AM
“Rivers of Blood”*, anyone? Remember that? Fact is, most black people are not suitable for living in an advanced European society. They have little restraint over their basic instincts, and do not share our desire to create a society that is fit to live in – hence their desire for “the quick buck” rather than building a career, a proper family even. And how come more than 30% of our prisoners are black? Because of the above, clearly.
And please don’t whinge on [complain] about poverty – ever heard of the welfare state? Most of them are on benefit – statistics show that. It’s greed and malice that drive these uncivilised savages to crime. It’s time we realised that, and made the necessary moves to rid our society of corrosive niggers!
Bitethehand February 17, 2007 8:50 AM
Would the moderator please remove ChorniyBoy’s post and forward it and his email address to the police. (The Guardian website)
[*”Rivers of Blood” is the popular title of Enoch Powell’s speech in 1968 prophesying the disasters that would be caused by mass immigration.]
ChorniyBoy’s post (after surviving much longer than I expected) has now been removed and perhaps it and his email address have indeed been forwarded to the police. That’s one of the distinguishing marks of liberals in the corrupt modern sense: on the one hand, they mock and condemn religious bigotry and superstition; on the other, they don’t hesitate to employ all the old religious tactics in defense of their own superstitions. They don’t argue about the truth: they impose it and then suppress dissent by force. When modern liberals get worked up about freedom of speech, they almost always mean freedom to talk about sex or religion, not about race. That’s certainly why Britain’s second-biggest liberal newspaper, The Independent, had a long list of quotes about free speech on 22nd February. Do you think the paper would support the Heretical Hezbollah in our attempt to speak freely about the disasters caused by mass immigration and by the Jewish control of Western politics, media and business? But one of those quotes applies to us perfectly:
All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships. (George Bernard Shaw, 1919)
White nations are being destroyed by “current conceptions” about race and by “existing institutions” devoted to the promotion of non-whites over whites. That’s why censorship about race is so strong throughout the West. The Internet has partly removed that censorship, so now the censors want to control that too. If they succeed, all hope of progress will be lost and white nations will follow Zimbabwe and South Africa into the abyss. More whites have to experience not just déjà ’boo but déjà jew. That’s the entirely correct feeling that whenever traitorous politicians, businessmen and journalists do something harmful to our interests, Jewish power is at work once again, as it has been so many times in so many places for so many years.
First the brick through the window, then the looters go in. The brick through the window was “racist bullying” on the reality TV show Celebrity Big Brother. The looters were Britain’s publicity-hungry professional ethnics. First to jive across the broken glass, as you might expect, was “Klever” Trevor Phillips:
Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, said the programme had exposed the reality of racism in Britain. “This has laid bare the dark heart of private prejudice that all too often sits behind the public veneer of tolerance and tells us we still have work to do to feel at ease with our diversity.” (The Guardian, 20th January 2007)
Sir Trevor Phillips, chairman of the CEHR,
proudly shows off his new writing-stick
Then, rushing up as Phillips made off with a shopping-cart piled with TVs, trainers and frozen chicken, came the black Archbishop of York, “Dr” John Sentamu:
The archbishop, who himself turned down an invitation to appear on Celebrity Big Brother last October, compared racism with the hospital superbug MRSA. Speaking about what he called “the demon of racism” in British society, he said: “The events of the past week on our television screens have reminded us only too well of Dr [Marchin’ Lootin’] King’s famous dictum that ignorance is the root of all prejudice. The eradication of racism is a serious task for all of us. It isn’t some optional liberal gesture towards minorities. Racism, like MRSA to a human body, is the worst enemy because it attacks directly community organs and all its component parts. It’s our duty and responsibility to tackle racism head on – publicly and privately – from whatever quarter it rears its vicious head.” (The Sunday Sun, Newcastle, 21st January 2007)
Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York,
proudly stands before his big stone hut
What were they whining about? The back-story goes like this: three dim, crude, poorly educated white women were put into a reality TV show called Celebrity Big Brother (CBB) with a clever, elegant, well-educated Indian actress. The inevitable then followed and the “white trash” began bullying the Indian princess, just as they’d have bullied the same kind of white woman. But because their victim was brown there was – gasp! – a “racial component” to their bitchy remarks. Cue endless self-flagellation by whites, with gleeful encouragement from ethnics like Phillips and Sentamu. For did the show not reveal an deeply ugly, wholly unacceptable side to modern Britain? Damn right it did. When cretinous, self-serving blacks like Phillips and Sentamu are quoted respectfully throughout the mainstream media, you know there is something very seriously wrong.
Look at Sentamu’s remark about the “eradication of racism.” It can’t be an “optional liberal gesture towards minorities”, he sagely opines. In other words, he’s pretending racism is a whites-only disease. But he comes from Uganda, where he witnessed racism rearing its “vicious head” among both Indians, who despised and exploited blacks, and blacks, who envied and hated Indians and eventually drove them out. Sentamu also saw the psychopathic black cannibal Idi Amin in action – and experienced Amin’s thuggery at first hand. That’s why he fled to Britain, where he now repays whites by attacking their “racism” at every opportunity.
Keith Vaz, the slimy Indian member of parliament for ethnically enriched Leicester East, isn’t stupid like Phillips and Sentamu, but he’s just as self-serving. Back in 2000 he was at the center of a big corruption scandal, but he managed to slither clear of the most serious charges and continue on his sleazy way. When the plump chicken of “Big Brother racism” fell into his lap, he wrang its neck and began plucking as merrily as his black counterparts:
Big Brother “racism” is raised in Commons
Alleged racist abuse directed at Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty on Channel 4’s Celebrity Big Brother sparked thousands of complaints to media watchdogs yesterday, an early day motion in the Commons and calls for the broadcaster to intervene. Labour MP Keith Vaz tabled a motion in the House of Commons after members of his Leicester East constituency contacted him.
Mr Vaz’s motion read: “This house views with concern the comments made about Big Brother contestant Shilpa Shetty by other housemates; believes that Big Brother has a role to play in preventing racist behaviour in the Big Brother house; regrets that these comments have been made; and calls on the programme to take urgent action to remind housemates that racist behaviour is unacceptable.” (The Guardian, 17th January 2007)
Indian MP Keith Vaz (with red poppy)
meets some ordinary British folk
Vaz works tirelessly – and very profitably – for Indian interests in Britain and, just like the Ugandan Sentamu, he could easily have put the trivial CBB affair in its proper perspective. He was whining because the “white racists” on CBB, one of whom is partly black, called the Indian actress “poppadom” and “fuckawallah.” This is how India’s vibrant multi-cultural communities engage issues around the Other:
“Kill them!”
The Sabarmati Express reached the station at Godhra at 8 a.m., more than five hours late. It soon pulled out of the station, but screeched to a halt. Rakeshbhai Patel, who was in the bathroom, heard rocks raining on the roof. “I heard noises of people shouting outside: ‘Kill them! Cut them up!’ ” Patel said. He looked out and saw men with sticks attacking the train car. The train erupted in panic. Patel used his handkerchief to bandage a woman wounded by a rock. Then a burning rag was thrown in the train. The passengers doused that fire with water, he said. Then someone poured a flammable liquid into the car, and a burning torch. Within minutes, the coach was full of smoke. Passengers were choking.
Outside, the mob was trying to break open the doors, he said. Patel and two dozen others leaped out and began pulling others out. But dozens were already burned. Many died screaming. “Even now, after one year, I cannot forget that day. I won’t forget for the rest of my life,” Patel said. After a year of investigation, police said they have concluded that the attack was a conspiracy, plotted the previous evening by Muslim citizens in Godhra. Police charged 131 Muslims in the attack. They are in jail awaiting a trial that could take years. A total of 7,194 Hindus and 3,167 Muslims have been charged with murder, attempted murder, looting, arson or criminal conspiracy in the riots that followed the train attack. (CNN International, 27th February 2003)
Here’s a glimpse of what went on during the riots:
Killing Thy Neighbor
When Afsana, an 18-year-old Muslim living on the outskirts of the Gujarati capital of Ahmadabad, heard that a Muslim mob had torched a train, the Sabarmati Express, at Godhra, she was appalled – and very, very frightened. She knew that revenge would be nigh. Her neighborhood, Naroda, is largely Hindu. On the day after the Godhra killings, local Hindu leaders gathered a crowd of 2,000 residents and gave them simple instructions: Muslims had to be destroyed. When part of the mob reached Afsana’s house, she fled with her five-year-old brother to a Hindu neighbor’s house. From the neighbor’s roof, Afsana saw the mob pull her parents from their home, douse them in gasoline and set them alight. Her four sisters were stripped, raped and killed. Along the lanes, other Muslim houses were burning. (Time magazine, 2002)
India is riven by conflict between different religions, races and classes, which periodically turns into extreme violence. To their credit, parts of the Indian media pointed this out during the CBB affair. The mainstream British media didn’t whisper a word of it. But that wasn’t the only thing the British media were keeping quiet about. In my last column I mentioned a vicious hammer-attack on a white 15-year-old by a gang of Asian Muslims who invaded his school. If the races had been reversed, the story would have shot into the national headlines and stayed there. As things are, it’s stayed almost entirely in the local press:
Police seize phones to find attack footage
Police have seized 16 mobile phones in the search for footage of the hammer attack on The Ridgeway School pupil Henry Webster. It is thought the victim may have been struck up to 17 times and he has undergone surgery for fractures to his skull. The officer leading the case has said that the 15-year-old boy was extremely lucky to survive. In a huge operation, the police have taken about 120 statements so far. Three youths have been charged with grievous bodily harm in connection with the attack. The prosecutor asked for the case involving the three boys, aged 17, 15 and 14, to be adjourned. Police are confident of making further arrests this week. The 17-year-old is accused of using the hammer, while the younger pair are alleged to have kicked the victim as he lay helpless on the ground in the school’s tennis courts. (The Swindon Advertiser, 23rd January 2007)
That’s a little more serious than bitchy name-calling on a half-witted TV show, wouldn’t you say? So is this:
Revealed: preachers’ messages of hate
An undercover investigation has revealed disturbing evidence of Islamic extremism at a number of Britain’s leading mosques and Muslim institutions, including an organisation praised by the Prime Minister. Secret video footage reveals Muslim preachers exhorting followers to prepare for jihad, to hit girls for not wearing the hijab, and to create a “state within a state.” Many of the preachers are linked to the Wahhabi strain of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia, which funds a number of Britain’s leading Islamic institutions. A forthcoming Channel 4 Dispatches programme paints an alarming picture of how preachers in some of Britain’s most moderate mosques are urging followers to reject British laws in favour of those of Islam.
At the Sparkbrook mosque, run by UK Islamic Mission, an organisation that maintains 45 mosques in Britain and which Tony Blair has said “is extremely valued by the government for its multi-faith and multicultural activities”, a preacher is captured on film praising the Taliban. In response to the news that a British Muslim soldier was killed fighting the Taliban, the speaker declares: “The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulders.”
In a statement to Channel 4, Lord Ahmed, the convener of the government’s Preventing Extremism taskforce, said he was worried about the programme’s consequences: “While I appreciate that exaggerated opinions make good TV, they do not make for good community relations.” A spokesman for Green Lane mosque said Islam does not denigrate women and that the instruction to hit a child was merely a smack. He accused C4 of intensifying the “witch-hunt” against Muslims. (The Observer, 7th January 2007)
The mosque-ranters, like the hammer-attackers, have received far less attention than they should, but let’s not be unfair to Muslims. They’re by no means the only alien group showering Britain’s white majority with the blessings of Diversity:
Gang “threatened to kill and rape in month of Tube terror”
These are three of the men accused of steaming through the Tube slashing, stabbing and threatening to kill passengers in a terrifying month-long crime wave. The nine men, aged between 17 and 23, are said to have terrorised more than 30 passengers in a campaign of knife and gunpoint muggings. One woman passenger was threatened with rape if she refused to surrender her handbag. Other victims were forced to hand over mobile phones, iPods and wallets between December 2005 and January last year.
Two gang members – Donnel Carty, 19, and Delano Brown, 18 – have been convicted by another jury. Two others, Aaron Dennis, 19 and 18-year-old Sebastien Chidi, have admitted their roles in the plot and will be sentenced later. The five in the dock, Toyan Vassall, 18, of Stanmore, Andre Lake, 22, of Kenton, Ishmael Cowell, 23, of Harrow and two 17-year-olds, are variously charged with conspiracy to rob and wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Vassall, Lake and the two 17-year-olds from Willesden and Harrow respectively and Cowell, deny conspiracy to rob. Vassall, one of the 17-year-olds and Cowell deny wounding with intent. The case continues. (The Daily Mail, 25th January 2007 – apologies for poor quality of middle image)
These vicious black criminals are described as “of” or “from” various British towns and districts. They’re not: like countless other non-whites, they’re alien invaders who do not belong here and who should be kicked out ASAP before they cause us yet more death and misery. Britain is now in the early stages of infection by “diversity.” If you want to see what the infection will look like in future, you don’t need a crystal ball:
Zimbabwe, the land of dying children
Suffer the little children is a phrase never far from your mind in today’s Zimbabwe. The horde of painfully thin street children milling around you at traffic lights is almost the least of it: in a population now down to 11m or less there are an estimated 1.3m orphans. Go to one of the overflowing cemeteries in Bulawayo or Beit Bridge and you are struck by the long lines of tiny graves for babies and toddlers. A game ranger friend tells me that hyena attacks on humans, previously unheard of, have become increasingly common. “So many babies, not all of them dead, are being dumped in the bush that hyenas have developed a taste for human flesh,” he explains. A vast human cull is under way in Zimbabwe and the great majority of deaths are a direct result of deliberate government policies. Ignored by the United Nations, it is a genocide perhaps 10 times greater than Darfur’s and more than twice as large as Rwanda’s.
All round Harare people stand thumbing lifts, for the inflation rate of 1,050% means that a bus fare is now much the same as the average daily wage. I give lifts all the time. I meet not a single black person who is not mourning the loss of a relative or friend in the past month but, Harare being the capital, one also sees the luxurious Mercedes and SUVs of the ruling Zanu-PF elite and its business allies. World Health Organisation figures show that life expectancy, which was 62 in 1990, had by 2004 plummeted to 37 for men and 34 for women. These are by far the worst such figures in the world. Yet Zimbabwe does not even get onto the UN agenda: South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki, who has covered for Mugabe from the beginning, uses his leverage to prevent discussion. (The Sunday Times, 7th January 2007)
“Zimbabwe today, Britain tomorrow!”
LR: Robert Mugabe; Trevor Phillips
South Africa is sliding down the slope after Zimbabwe and its final wreck will be even more catastrophic. Both were once prosperous white-run nations; then, after relentless campaigns of demonization controlled by Jews and manned by deluded white liberals, they were handed over to blacks for destruction. Many of those white liberals are now at the top of British politics, where they’re doing exactly the same to Britain’s future as they once did to Rhodesia’s and South Africa’s: destroying it under Jewish control. If the trivia-obsessed journalists who wailed about “white racism” on Celebrity Big Brother went on safari in Africa, they’d be shrieking about a mosquito in their tent while a man-eating lion poked its head through the tent-flap and a dozen hyenas snickered in the distance, waiting to crunch their bones. We’ve been allowing lions and hyenas into our homelands for decades, pretending all the while that they don’t eat meat any more. Try telling that to the countless victims of non-white savagery, past, present and to come. The choice is simple: it’s Separation and Survival or Diversity and Death.
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Under Scottish law there are three possible verdicts at the end of a trial: “Guilty”; “Not guilty”; and “Not proven.” You go to prison only if you’re found guilty. Some people want to introduce a similar system into English law. The three possible verdicts would be: “Guilty”; “Not guilty”; and “Not goyisch.” You’ll go to prison only if you’re found both guilty and goyisch. I mean, is it fair, is it just, is it good in the sight of Heaven that Jews, who have been persecuted and massacred for millions of years by us goyim, should ever have to submit to our so-called laws?
Of course it isn’t. That’s why Israel has no extradition treaty with the United Kingdom or United States. Thanks to this just and reasonable precaution, any poor innocent Jew who’s being persecuted by British or American goys can breathe a sigh of relief as he touches down at Tel Aviv airport, knowing that he’s finally safe, already. So will Michael Abraham Levy, Tony Blair’s hard-working Jewish fundraiser, flee to Israel from persecution for his inconsequential rôle in the so-called “cash for honours” affair? Maybe he will, but in the meantime other Jews are working hard to clear his name. His rabbi, no less, has been all over the media in defense of this pillar of the Jewish community:
Anti-Semitic forces out to get Levy, says rabbi
Lord Levy’s rabbi intervened in the cash-for-honours row again yesterday to attack the “anti-Semitic” forces trying to undermine the Labour peer. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet said there was a widely held view in his community that Lord Levy was being targeted because he was Jewish. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph he said: “There is a general feeling, and it is increasingly sensitive, that this is all about ‘get the Jew.’ I do not play the anti-Semitic card. But within my immediate community, and the Jewish community generally, they are sensitive to the fact that this is becoming all about one Jew.”
Rabbi Schochet, 41, has run north London’s Mill Hill Synagogue, where Lord Levy regularly attends, for 14 years. A photograph of the rabbi with Tony Blair has pride of place in his cramped office. Lord Levy, the Prime Minister’s personal fundraiser, has used his famous business acumen to raise more than £1.5 million [$2.85m] for the synagogue redevelopment fund. “I have known Lord Levy for the 14 years I have been at the synagogue. He has never said to me that he thinks what is going on is anti-Semitic. We have 1,400 families at the synagogue. That is the view of many of them,” the rabbi said. Lord Levy was thrust into the centre of the cash-for-honours investigation this week when it emerged police were studying a memo from Ruth Turner, the director of government relations, about a meeting the two held last summer. In the memo, Miss Turner, 36, disclosed that she believed Lord Levy’s recollection of events was “untrue.” (The Daily Telegraph, 9th March 2007)
Can you believe the arrogance of that Ruth Turner? This dumb shiksa obviously doesn’t grasp the correct meaning of “true” and “untrue.” “True” means “Vot’s good for Jews”; “untrue” means “Vot’s bad for Jews.” Lord Levy was described by the Jerusalem Post as “undoubtedly the notional head of British Jewry.” Can’t the goyim get it through their thick skulls that their laws don’t apply to him? Can’t they understand that he should be able to do whatever he likes to advance Jewish interests? Lying; cheating; conspiracy to pervert the course of justice – those are goyisch concepts. Goyisch concepts, d’ya hear? They. Don’t. Apply. To. Jews. Got it?
Sadly, far too many goys don’t get it. So Jews have tried to appeal to their respect for that which should be highest and holiest in everyone’s life. Money, in other words:
Ministers have voiced alarm at signs that Lord Levy feels he is being victimised and that leaks in recent days have been designed to manipulate the police inquiry against him. “If Michael were to feel that Tony has left him to swing over this one he would be a very dangerous animal. There might be an implosion.” The Times was told last night that the senior party hierarchy had been made aware of fury in the Jewish community at the treatment of Lord Levy “after all that he has done for the party.” A senior Labour figure said: “These are very significant people who make a very significant contribution to the party.” He added: “And their support is transferable. [The Conservative leader] David Cameron is making a substantial effort to lobby this community.” (The Times, 8th March 2007)
Cameron is indeed “making a substantial effort.” It’s a paradox of political life in the West that Jews, although a tiny, powerless and ever-persecuted minority, attract a great deal of attention from goys who want to make it to the top. As though Jews have any say in that! No, what the goys are after is the money that Jews, despite all their powerlessness, despite all the persecution they suffer, somehow manage to make. And Jews who give money to a goy politician, although they gain no power or influence by it, do find it a little easier to scrape more money together by sheer hard, honest graft. It’s Heaven’s reward for their generosity – what else could it be?
But Jews can’t trust those goy politicians and they’ve always got to be ready to come out fighting in defense of their own:
The fightback by Lord Levy’s friends continued yesterday with the Jewish Board of Deputies joining the growing clamour that the Labour peer was being undermined in the cash-for-honours affair by anti-Semitic forces. The editor of the Jewish Chronicle, which has devoted four pages to Tony Blair’s personal fund-raiser, joined in by accusing unnamed figures in Downing Street of being happy to see the deliberate scapegoating of the “Jewish money man.” The carefully choreographed offensive came at the end of another remarkable week in the 11-month police inquiry. An emotional Lord Levy, who has been arrested twice but not charged, issued a statement condemning a series of leaks about the investigation and objecting to trial by media.
“He didn’t do nussink! Und anyvay, he’s Jewish!”
Henry Grunwald, head of the Board of Deputies
Yesterday, some of his friends privately questioned the wisdom of the anti-Semitic issue being raised to try to win him support. But even as they denied that Lord Levy was behind it, a spokesman for the Jewish Board of Deputies told The Daily Telegraph that there was concern at the portrayal of the peer in certain sections of the media. The spokesman said: “It is the rich Jew. It is the moneybags thing. Those are historical stereotypes of Jewish people which we must be careful to avoid. There are some occasions where the criticism of Michael Levy has gone beyond discussions of whether or not there has been malfeasance. There have been some distinct character resonances.”
“He didn’t do nussink! Und anyvay, he’s Jewish!”
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet hard at work again
Lord Levy has friends in high places and they decided that, in the absence of any public backing from Mr Blair, they should speak out. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, who runs Lord Levy’s synagogue in north London, disclosed that Sir Jonathan Sacks, the Chief Rabbi, was an admirer. “The Chief Rabbi told me personally that Michael Levy is the most dynamic Jew in Anglo-Jewry,” he said. He also has many friends in the City [London’s financial district], where he has been able to raise millions of pounds for Mr Blair’s Labour Party. [The Jewish businessman] Sir Alan Sugar said that people had taken against the peer “simply because of the way he talks, the way he looks or something like that. A lot of people don’t like me, they don’t like my abrasive mannerisms and that’s why people don’t like Levy: because of his ways. To me, it’s looking as if he has been set up as the bad guy. This is a man who has got blind devotion – I don’t know why – for Tony Blair and has gone out and blagged people for money for the party. That is his worst crime.”
“He didn’t do nussink! Und anyvay, he’s Jewish!”
Abrasive Sir Al sticks up for his pal Lord Levy
Sir Alan, who has donated more than £200,000 [$380,000] to the Labour Party, said: “I have a lot of respect for Blair: he has been a great prime minister and he is a decent man. He will go down in my estimation here if he allows this nonsense to continue.” (The Daily Telegraph, 10/03/2007)
And if Blair goes down in “abrasive” Al’s estimation, guess what happens to the Labour party’s chances of a further donation from Al? The clear and simple message Levy’s “friends in high places” are trying to get through thick goyisch skulls is this:
“Mike hasn’t done nothing wrong! Not a solitary thing. But so vot if he has? He’s Jewish and rich, chust like us. Your goyisch rules don’t apply to him or to us, neither. So stop your attempted genocide, already, or ve turn off the cash!”
But this just and reasonable strategy has its dangers. Anti-Semitism, as we all know, is an irrational, baseless mental disease having no connection with the way Jews actually behave. Even the best of goyim (which isn’t saying much) are highly susceptible to it. The danger is that Jewish ethicists like Rabbi Schochet and Sir Alan, simply by sticking up for their unjustly persecuted brother, are raising certain questions in goyisch minds that goys, in their typically irrational, malevolent fashion, will not answer in the correct way. Let me illustrate this danger from the words of another Jewish ethicist, David Rowan, editor of the Jewish Chronicle:
Once again, a Jewish financier is cast as the villain of the piece
No, of course anti-Semitism is not what is driving the cash-for-honours inquiry. Serious allegations merit thorough police investigation, however awkward that is proving for Lord Levy and the many anxious Jewish charities with which he is associated. But what is disturbing Jewish Chronicle readers is the all-too-familiar role he is being assigned in the swirl of unattributable briefings and nudge-nudge language. How very convenient for No. 10 and its friends in the press if Levy can be scapegoated as the traditional outsider-turned-court-Jew whose casting-out might finally purge the corrupt body politic.
It is a narrative we are all familiar with. Think of Trollope’s Augustus Melmotte in The Way We Live Now, the vulgar foreigner whispered to be a Jew, “worshipped” by the Prime Minister until the law caught up with him and the political establishment brutally cast him adrift. More recently, think of those Jewish money men who flew too close to power: outsiders such as Sir Eric Miller, the property developer who helped run Harold Wilson’s private office but who took his own life one Yom Kippur as the Fraud Squad closed in; or the raincoat millionaire Joseph Kagan, ennobled by Wilson but later jailed for financial wrongdoing.
“Those wielding genuine political power”
Clockwise from top left: Levy dominates Bliar;
Brown sucks up to Cohen; Levy dominates BliarSo it is of deep concern to the Jewish community – among his friends and detractors alike – that Levy is clearly being lined up as the convenient personification of the financial lust that has so polluted the New Labour project. Yet it is just too neat for those wielding genuine political power to assume their well-practised role of pointing fingers at the upstart Jewish money man. The unashamedly anti-Semitic and conspiratorial rhetoric surrounding him has long been self-evident. Levy was one of Tam Dalyell MP’s “cabal of Jewish advisers” driving foreign policy, whose personal influence on the Prime Minister “led to what I see as this awful war [in Iraq].” Levy, according to David Tredinnick MP, raised cash for Blair on the “tacit understanding that Labour would never again, while Blair was leader, be anti-Israel.” Levy, wrote Richard Ingrams in this very newspaper, is “an active Zionist well known in Israel” whose malign influence has ensured that “this country is so craven in its support of Israel and the United States.” (The Independent, 10 March 2007)
Do you see the danger? By repeating those irrational, baseless goyisch accusations to more goyim, David Rowan risks triggering yet more anti-Semitism in the irrational goyisch mind. By reminding the goyim about past scandals involving Jews, he may cause his goyisch readers to ask why Jews are so often involved in scandals. The true answer – that is, the answer that’s good for Jews – is that they’re being used as scapegoats. But what if goys arrive at the untrue answer – that is, the answer that isn’t good for Jews?
And the untrue answer to that question, the one that conforms to reality rather than to Jewish interests, is that Jews are so often involved in scandals because Jews are exceptionally devious, crooked and power-hungry people. “Lord” Levy was raising money for Blair not out of the goodness of his goy-loving heart, but because it gave him and other Jews control over Blair. He used crooked methods and now that he’s been caught out, the Jews he worked on behalf of are rallying to his defense. That “all-too-familiar” Jewish arrogance and dishonesty is on full display. Just look at the chutzpah of Levy’s rabbi claiming “I do not play the anti-Semitic card” as he plays the anti-Semitic card. Gordon Brown, Blair’s media-anointed successor, has a crooked Jewish backer too: “Sir” Ronald Cohen. If Brown and Cohen are involved in a scandal, and there are plenty of reasons for one, the anti-Semitic card will undoubtedly be played again. “You can’t say that about Ronnie – he’s Jewish!”
The truth – what’s good for Jews, in other words – is that God’s Chosen bless every goyisch country they inhabit. The untruth – reality, in other words – is that they corrupt and destroy everything they touch. Jewish control over Western immigration policy and race relations is leading us to disaster. Portents of that disaster have been visible for decades. This is merely the latest:
Britain may face European inquiry into electoral fraud
Britain could be the first western democracy to face monitoring over vote-rigging and electoral fraud, Guardian Unlimited has learned. A European human rights watchdog is considering plans to scrutinise the UK’s council and regional government elections this May following concerns over vote tampering and postal ballots. The move would prove highly embarrassing for Tony Blair’s government, since the majority of countries already monitored are fledgling democracies from the former eastern block. (The Guardian, 8th March 2007)
Who’s committing the “vote-rigging and electoral fraud”? Corrupt non-whites, of course, as welcomed to Britain in their millions by Jews and Jew-bought politicians like Blair. And why are democracies “fledgling” in the “former eastern block”? Because until very recently those countries were blessed with communism, as invented, financed, and imposed by Jews. Communist countries were police states in which saying the wrong thing got you arrested. Being arrested for “speech crime” was once alien to British law. Thanks to the hard work of bodies like the Jewish Board of Deputies – mentioned above as one of “Lord” Levy’s fiercest defenders – that’s no longer true:
“Yid Army” schoolboys held for alleged racism
A group of schoolboys have been arrested for allegedly using racist chants at their Jewish teacher. The eight pupils aged 15 and 16 are said to have chanted “Yid Army” at David Appleman, a technology teacher. The chant is used by fans of Tottenham Hotspur [a soccer club] in friendly recognition of the club’s support from the Jewish community in north London. Officers from Hertfordshire Police arrested the boys at the school after Mr Appleman complained of alleged racism after seeing a video of the boys on the Internet site YouTube. The pupils, who allegedly made the remarks at the teacher’s leaving party, have been bailed to return to Hertfordshire Police Station on March 14 and 15.
Dennis O’Sullivan the school’s head teacher, today criticised police for treating the boys as “criminals.” “David is seen on the video looking delighted, smiling and shaking hands with the boys,” he said. “At one point someone can be heard calling out ‘Yid Army’ twice. We have Spurs supporters chanting ‘Yiddo! Yiddo!’ about themselves at matches. I wonder if we will see the police making arrests at the next home match.” A Hertfordshire Police spokesman said: “We take allegations of this nature seriously and believe we acted accordingly and are conducting a thorough investigation into this incident.” (The Daily Telegraph, 9th March 2007)
“Anti-racism” is a typical Jewish invention. It’s a highly infective mental virus designed to harm whites and help Jews in their never-ending quest for more power and more money. Mass immigration into white nations is causing huge problems and will eventually destroy us. That’s why Jews have promoted mass immigration so assiduously, passed so many laws designed to silence debate about it, and pushed anti-racism so hard through their control of the media. The latest victim in Britain is a naïve white politician who’d failed to learn the Jew-created rules of public debate:
Top Tory axed over Army race row
A Tory frontbencher has been forced to quit after comments on race in the Army which party leader David Cameron called “completely unacceptable.” Shadow home affairs spokesman Patrick Mercer said: “I came across a lot of ethnic minority soldiers who were idle and useless, but who used racism as cover for their misdemeanours.” (BBC News, 8th March 2007)
The anti-racists who shrieked about those comments didn’t pause for a second to ask whether they were true or not. That wasn’t in the slightest bit important: what mattered is they didn’t conform to the Jew-imposed dogma of “White Always Bad, Non-White Always Good.” The same dogma is at work in America, where, just as in Britain, sleazy, crooked Jews pay traitorous white politicians to do their bidding.
“We’ve got Levy – you’ve got Libby!
Let’s call the whole thing off!”
Mass immigration? You got it! War on Iraq? You got it! War on Iran? Coming right up! And while the UK media are currently full of a poor persecuted Jew called Levy, the US media are full of a poor persecuted Jew called Libby, former bagman for a Jewish gangster called Marc Rich. It’s not a coincidence that Jews appear so often in scandals or that they’ve been “persecuted” for millennia wherever they’ve lived among the goyim. Jews are innately selfish, sleazy and dishonest. They put themselves and their interests first, second and last. They’re hostile to everyone who isn’t Jewish and the only rational response is to be hostile right back.
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A night-time curfew on ordinary whites enforced by thousands of newly-recruited, heavily-armed ethnic police. A 50% tax on the earnings of ordinary whites to pay for the installation of 24/7 CCTV in their homes. And all ordinary whites to lie flat on their faces and grovel whenever approached by a non-white. Those just and reasonable measures would probably be in place right now if the recent series of murders in London had been white-on-black rather than black-on-black. Losing so much human potential is bad enough – one of the dead youths was a “talented rap musician” – but at least we know that black killers, and indeed black criminals of any kind, are never responsible for their actions. White racism, the poverty caused by white racism, and the legacy of white-invented slavery drive blacks to crime by corrupting their innate goodness, gentleness and decency.
But if a white even looks sideways at a black – let alone lifts a finger to do that precious black harm – there is no possible excuse and we must take the severest measures in response. Yes, liberal policies on race are based on a scrupulously fair division of vice and virtue. It’s a 50/50 split: Whites have all the vice and non-whites all the virtue. What could be fairer than that? I mean, c’mon, you’d have to be some kinda knuckle-dragging, snaggle-toothed, trailer-dwelling racist to think even for a moment that the following story says anything at all about the nature of blacks:
Girls chant “Kill him” as gang chases schoolboy then stabs him to deathSeven teenagers were questioned by police yesterday after a 16-year-old boy was chased by a mob and stabbed to death. The murder is the fifth involving black youths in London in the past few weeks. Witnesses say that teenage girls egged on the attack with shouts of “Kill him, kill him” before the victim, named last night as Kodjo Yenga, was surrounded. At one point Kodjo raised his arms to fend off blows from sticks. The suspects being held include four 13-year-olds, two 15-year-olds and a man aged 21.
One witness said: “There were about 15 black youths hanging around by the shops. There were girls and boys aged 15 or 16 wearing school blazers. They were getting very rowdy and the girls especially were shouting aggressively.” [Another witness] said that she saw Kodjo being followed and insulted by the group. She said: “There was a group of boys and about three girls. This black boy was in front of them. It looked like he was trying to get away. The girls were screaming, ‘Kill him, kill him.’” (The Times, 16th March 2007)
There is only one race: the human race. Indeed, there is only one form of life: DNA-based life. All of us – human beings, rats, bacteria – are part of the same big family and discriminating against blacks because they look and act a bit different is as superficial and ignorant as discriminating against rats because they look and act a bit different too. Far more unites humans and rats than divides us. Don’t rats bleed red blood just like us? Don’t they want what’s best for their kids just like us? Don’t they need food, water and shelter just like us?
Okay, you might occasionally hear of a rat biting a human, but that’s wholly unrepresentative of the wider rat community. The vast majority of rats are quiet, peaceful creatures who never bite anyone in their lives and just want the chance to improve their lot and raise a happy, healthy family. Exactly the same is true of the superficially different “races” of Homo sapiens, as Britain’s wise and far-sighted prime minister Tony Blair has pointed out:
Britain’s black communities must speak out against gang culture, Tony Blair has said as he renewed promises of tough action in the wake of a series of murders of young people. The Prime Minister insisted recent “severe disorder” was not a symptom of a wider social problem but caused by individuals who needed to be “taken out of circulation.” It would take “significantly toughened” knife and gun laws, intensive police work and the denunciation of the culprits’ communities, he told an audience in Cardiff. Mr Blair said tackling violence was the “missing dimension” to an otherwise successful regeneration of Britain’s cities.
Delivering the Callaghan Memorial Lecture, the PM said: “In respect of knife and gun gangs, the laws need to be significantly toughened. There needs to be an intensive police focus, on these groups. The ring-leaders need to be identified and taken out of circulation; if very young, as some are, put in secure accommodation. The black community – the vast majority of whom in these communities are decent, law-abiding people horrified at what is happening – need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids. But we won’t stop this by pretending it isn’t young black kids doing it.” (The Daily Telegraph, 11th April 2007)
No pretending, d’ya hear? A few of their youngsters may misbehave, but you’ve got to understand that the vast majority of blacks are decent, law-abiding people. That’s why Tony Blair has to tell them to speak out against murder. That’s why “gang culture” has grown and flourished among blacks not just in Britain but across the Western world. That’s why handing prosperous white-run Rhodesia over to blacks has created the starving police-state of Zimbabwe. It’s all because the vast majority of blacks are decent, law-abiding people.
Well, if you believe they are, please get in touch for details of the elixir of eternal life I’ve recently invented. Only $5 a bottle! Buy two, get one free! Yep, listening to Blair denounce “pretense” is a highly surreal experience. His entire career has been based on pretense. The picture that accompanied the article above showed him in characteristic pose: mouth open, venting hot air. The French philosopher René Descartes reasoned: Cogito ergo sum – “I think therefore I am.” Bliar reasons: Loquor ergo sum – “I speak therefore I am.” He then confirms his existence by passing more authoritarian laws.
It’s true that his speech is evidence that the ice is breaking on race – perhaps his focus-groups are reporting that British whites are finally waking up – but Bliar still believes firmly in the Central Dogma of Liberalism: that words control the world. Like all other liberals, he thinks that saying a thing makes it so. “Race doesn’t exist.” “Whites and non-whites are identical under the skin.” “Drastically changing the racial composition of Europe and America is all for the best.” Say the words and the world will follow. So liberals think, and if you think different, they’ll make you suffer for it. Take a look at another story about feral black behavior:
Our boy was betrayed: Family’s agony over hounded father shot dead at home
The family of a young father gunned down on his doorstep after a seven-month campaign of intimidation last night accused police of betraying him. Bradley Tucker, 18, faces a life term after he was found guilty yesterday of murdering Peter Woodhams. But Mr Woodhams would still be alive if police had done their job properly, his father said. The 22-year-old TV satellite engineer was shot in the heart last August in front of his fiancée – 24-year-old classroom assistant Jane Bowden – and their three-year-old son Sam after a campaign of intimidation by a gang known as the Royal List Thugs. In January last year he had been slashed across the face in a confrontation with the same group of youths in East London. No one was charged with the knifing, which left Mr Woodhams permanently scarred, and the gang continued their harassment of the young father and his family. (The Daily Mail, 28th March 2007)
Months of harassment, then casual murder
L-R: Peter Woodhams, Bradley Tucker
Many people have pointed out that there would have been one very quick and simple way for the white victim to get lots of police attention: by using “racist language” against his non-white victimizers. If he’d called them “black bastards”, the police would have come running on the double. If he’d called them “niggers”, the army would probably have been sent for. I mean, slashing someone across the face is just body-crime. Racism is thought-crime – much more serious. It completely contradicts the mission statement of the Jew-owned company that presently runs the West:
The rule governing relations between whites and non-whites is that whites must give, give and go on giving until they’ve handed everything over. When non-whites do worse than whites, shrieks of horror and outrage ring out. It’s proof positive that evil white racism is at work – that those poor oppressed ethnics are being discriminated against. So what about when non-whites do better than whites? Is that proof of discrimination against whites? Is it condemned as unacceptable? No, of course not. It’s warmly welcomed, with the proviso that we still have a long way to go:
Ethnic workers “earn more in public sector”
Ambitious ethnic minority workers should sign up for a career in the public sector – where they can expect to earn almost 10 per cent more than their white colleagues – instead of suffering pay discrimination in the business world, economists have found. After several years of government spending growth, as Labour pours cash into schools and hospitals, working in the public sector has become, on average, more rewarding than a job in business, and ethnic minority workers have done particularly well.
In a paper to be presented to the Royal Economic Society’s annual conference in Warwick this week, Monojit Chatterji and Karen Mumford find that by choosing the civil service, ethnic minorities win because they not only avoid the 7.5 per cent pay gap in the private sector but also pocket a 9.3 per cent premium over white public sector staff. “Ethnic minorities earn more than others in the public sector and substantially less than others in the private sector,” the authors say.
A spokesperson for the Commission for Racial Equality welcomed the finding that ethnic minority workers are well rewarded in the public sector, but warned that many non-white workers are still stuck at the bottom of the pile. “There’s some good news in the report that shows that the public sector has become slightly more representative of the population, but unfortunately there are still vast inequalities. In the junior roles you still find large numbers of women and ethnic minority workers and at the top you find a small amount of white, middle-class men. These problems won’t be solved overnight and it’s worrying to see how far we need to go,” the CRE spokesperson said. (The Observer, 8th April 2007)
Tony Bliar denouncing “pretense” is surreal. So is a “spokesperson” for the Commission for Racial Equality welcoming news of racial inequality: non-whites earning nearly 10% more than whites. But “Orwellian” is an even better description of the CRE. In the fictional Britain of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Ministry of Peace worked for war, the Ministry of Plenty for famine, and the Ministry of Love for pain and misery. In Tony Bliar’s real Britain, the Commission for Racial Equality works for racial inequality. Why are non-whites paid more than whites in the public sector? Simple: because objective standards of performance and behavior are not applied to them there. They get jobs because of their skin-color and they won’t lose those jobs unless they go too far even for the fawning liberals who hired them. Stories like this are all too familiar on both sides of the Atlantic:
Jail sentence for NHS fraudster
A “greedy” hospital manager who helped steal £585,000 [$995,000] from an NHS [National Health Service] trust has been jailed for four years. Joy Henry, 47, was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court for her part in the fraud, believed to be one of the biggest against a single NHS trust. She siphoned money from King’s College NHS Trust over four years, and split the proceeds with her then boyfriend. Henry, a member of the trust’s in-house employment service, added a string of “ghost workers” to the payroll. She then pocketed some of the money they earned. Much of the money had been spent on luxury items, including an Audi convertible car, several holidays in her native Nigeria and many first-class trips to the US. Some £155,000 of the money was said to have been handed to her former boyfriend, Joseph Oduguwa, 42, who is believed to have fled to Nigeria. (BBC News, 24th February 2006)
Five years’ jail for compulsive liar who posed as forensic expert
A [black] conman who built his career posing as a forensic expert to dupe victims out of thousands of pounds was jailed for five years yesterday, as police began the task of re-investigating 700 cases in which he was involved. Gene Morrison, 48, bluffed and lied his way through hundreds of trials, for almost three decades, fooling judges, barristers, solicitors and their clients into believing he was qualified. He left school with no qualifications but gave evidence in cases involving armed robbery, rape, death by dangerous driving, unexplained death, drugs offences and questioned paternity. His methods, relying heavily on using bone fide experts and then charging clients double, were unorthodox and unprofessional. He had told one grieving couple that the unexplained death of their son was suicide and charged them £16,500 [$31,000] for work they had never commissioned. (The Guardian, 23rd February 2007)
Prescott employee and wife jailed for £800,000 swindle
A former employee of [the government minister] John Prescott’s office who created a fake housing association to steal £867,000 [$1,470,000] has been jailed for four years. Robert Adewunmi, 32, pretended to be a chartered accountant to get his job and then funded a “lavish lifestyle” for himself and his wife with the money he stole. His wife, Tami, 33, who was a director and secretary of the housing association, was jailed for six months. The couple bought a house in Slough, three in Florida, a timeshare in Florida, a conservatory for their home, cars and three plots of land in Epsom with the stolen money. They also bought a £43,000 investment portfolio, a £10,000 bed, £9,000 of computer equipment, £3,000 of family portraits and photographs, and paid £10,000 off their mortgage.
The court had heard that Mr Adewunmi obtained a job in the budget and data management department of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister as a trouble-shooter in August 2003 by claiming to be a qualified chartered accountant. But although he had registered as a student with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, he would have had to have passed a further 14 exams to qualify. A month later he invented RTR Housing Association and began making payments to it. Several of the couple’s friends and relations were listed as directors of the housing association. (The Daily Telegraph, 10th March 2006)
Meanwhile, our vibrant Muslim community help keep Britain booming with suicide-bombs. Even liberals couldn’t ignore that sign of how their racial pieties have failed, so the government commissioned a report into how we can “teach Britishness.” Its fatuous proposals have now been condemned by yet another of countless non-whites who have gained their positions not on their merit or intelligence, but on their skin-color:
Britishness lessons “fuel racism”
The first ethnic minority president of the National Union of Teachers has said ministers fuel racism by ordering schools to teach “British values.” London assistant head teacher Baljeet Ghale told the union’s annual conference that Britain did not have a monopoly on free speech and tolerance. The move only fuelled the “shadow of racism” behind some notions of Britishness, she said. A government spokesman dismissed her claims as “nonsense.”
Ms Ghale, who came to England from Kenya at the age of eight, also criticised Labour’s record on other education issues. She said Education Secretary Alan Johnson had described the “values we hold very dear in Britain” as “free speech, tolerance, respect for the rule of law.” “Well, in what way, I’d like to know, are these values that are not held by the peoples of other countries?” she asked. It was another example of government making policy without talking to those it would most affect. She wanted an education system that valued diversity and accepted her right to support Tottenham Hotspur [a soccer team in London] – but France in the European Cup, Brazil in the World Cup, Kenya in the Olympics and India in cricket but England in the Ashes [a cricket competition against Australia]. She went on: “None of my affiliations make me a less valuable person or less committed to being part of this society, but they do make me a global citizen.”
In her wider attack on Labour’s record, the NUT president gave examples of failures in the school rebuilding programme, such as a new roof on part of a school being removed because the supplier had not been paid. She said the money being spent on academies should be spread more widely around the system and she highlighted the smaller class sizes enjoyed by pupils in Cuba. She called for the end of national testing and league tables and accused the government of having a negative and low expectation of pupils. (BBC News, 7th April 2007)
You might have thought it impossible to make Labour’s proposals look sensible and intelligent, but this ethnic high-flier managed it with ease. She told her audience – packed with fawning white liberals – that she’d like to know “in what way” values like free speech and tolerance are ”not held by the peoples of other countries.” She then “highlighted the smaller class sizes enjoyed by pupils in Cuba.” Did any of those fawning white liberals ask themselves whether free speech and tolerance are firmly-held values in Cuba? Or Zimbabwe? Or Burma? I very much doubt it. They were almost certainly too busy waiting to leap to their feet for the “standing ovation” that Ghale had an inalienable right, as a vibrant ethnic half-wit, to receive at the end of her speech.
And do you think Ghale herself believes in free speech and tolerance? Yeah, about as much as rattlesnakes believe in turning the other cheek. But I agree with her that there are very serious problems in British education. And not just British education. She herself is an excellent symbol of the most serious problem of all: the presence of non-whites in Western schools. If you’ve been fortunate enough to escape the reality, imagine what it must be like for white children to share a school with feral blacks or almost equally feral Muslims or Hispanics. White liberals certainly know what it’s like. That’s why they ensure their own children don’t go to ethnically enriched schools. But “White Flight” is as rational as escaping a fire on the first floor by climbing to the second floor and hoping the fire won’t follow you. Well, unless someone puts it out, it will follow you. And unless someone puts out the fire of mass immigration and ethnic enrichment, it will follow liberals no matter how high they climb. The West is on fire and letting ethnic arsonists like Bradley Tucker, Robert Adewunmi and Baljeet Ghale remain here is a sure way to keep it burning.
That’s because The Godfather is a study of predator-and-prey. Putting it less kindly, you could call it a study of parasite-and-host. It describes how a small but cohesive and aggressive ethnic group, or ethnos, can prey for profit on a large but uncohesive and unaggressive ethnos. The small ethnos consists of whites from Sicily in southern Europe; the large ethnos consists of whites from Britain, Germany and Scandinavia in northern Europe. Puzo is truly scientific in his detachment and objectivity: he does not pretend that race doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter or that there aren’t big and important differences within races. Sicily was like a small wasps’ nest; America was like a huge hive full of mild-mannered bees. Sicilian wasps did not prosper in Sicily because they were surrounded by other wasps; in America, on the other hand, they could easily steal honey from the mild-mannered bees. Puzo puts it like this in his later book The Last Don (1996):
But he [Domenico Clericuzio] always remembered that a lawless state was the great enemy. And so he loved America. Early on he had been told the famous maxim of American justice, that it was better that a hundred guilty men go free than that one innocent man be punished. Struck almost dumb by the beauty of the concept, he became an ardent patriot... As for the society, the government – patriot though he was – never entered the picture. Don Clericuzio had been born in Sicily, where society and the government were the enemy. (Op. cit., ch. 3)
Don Clericuzio was “struck almost dumb by the beauty of the concept” because he realized that laws designed for northern European bees could easily be outwitted by Sicilian wasps like himself. And so he grows very rich and powerful, preying on a society that his ethnos could never have created by itself. The same is true of the much more famous Don Vito Corleone of The Godfather. The name Corleone, which literally means “lion-heart”, is a good example of Puzo’s sly irony. The Don and his family believe that their courage and daring justify their use of amoral thuggery against the law-abiding:
Like many businessmen of genius he [Vito Corleone] learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he set about achieving that monopoly. There were some oil wholesalers in Brooklyn, men of fiery temper, headstrong, not amenable to reason, who refused to recognize the vision of Vito Corleone, even after he had explained everything with the utmost patience. With these men Vito Corleone threw up his hands in despair and sent [his lieutenant] Tessio to set up a headquarters and solve the problem. Warehouses were burned, truckloads of olive-green oil were dumped. One rash man, an arrogant Milanese with more faith in the police than a saint has in Christ, actually went to the authorities with a complaint against his fellow Italians, breaking the ten-century-old law of omertà [silence]. But before the matter could progress any further the wholesaler disappeared, never to be seen again, leaving behind his devoted wife and three children, who, God be thanked, were fully grown and capable of taking over his business and coming to terms with the Genco Pura oil company. (Op. cit., ch. 14)
Note “arrogant Milanese”: Milan is in northern Italy, hundreds of miles from Sicily, and is part of a “band of gold” identified by Charles Murray in his book Human Accomplishment (2003): “80 percent of the significant Europeans grew up in a rather narrow axis running from Naples up the Rhine to Edinburgh.” Sicily is too far south to be included. The Milanese wholesaler’s arrogance consists of believing in the rule of law, which the Sicilian gangster Vito Corleone believes himself superior to. In this instance he’s right, but his homeland demonstrates what happens when large numbers of people think the same. Florence and Venice, in northern Italy, are famous for art and architecture; the Sicilian capital Palermo, in the far south, is famous for violence and crime. Perhaps this dichotomy between productive north and unproductive south has a genetic basis. Either way, many northern Italians would like to break free: looser ties and even secession have been advocated by an Italian party called the Lega Nord, or Northern League.
Puzo studies these patterns of intra-ethnic conflict in The Godfather, but his ethno-ethological expertise isn’t confined to Italians. His books comment on the behavior of other ethnic groups too – and many people will not like what they read:
The Don of Detroit, more friendly to Corleone than any of the others, also now spoke against his friend’s position, in the interest of reasonableness. “There’s more money in drugs. It’s getting bigger all the time. There’s no way to stop it so we have to control the business and keep it respectable. I don’t want any of it near schools, I don’t want any of it sold to children. That is an infamità [an infamy] . In my city I would try to keep the traffic in the dark people, the colored. They are the best customers, the least troublesome and they are animals anyway. They have no respect for their wives or their families or for themselves. Let them lose their souls with drugs.” (The Godfather, ch. 20)
Neri had never much liked Negroes, and working in Harlem had made him like them even less. They all were on drugs or booze while they let their women work or peddle ass. He didn’t have any use for any of the bastards. (Ibid., ch. 30)
“One other thing,” Cross said. “Was Jim Losey a racist? Did he hate blacks?” Sharkey gave him a look of amused astonishment. “Of course he did. You’re one of those bullshit liberals, right? You think that’s terrible? Just go out and put a year in on the job. You’ll vote to put them all in a zoo.” (The Last Don, ch. 17)
One must be wary, of course, about confusing the opinions of a character with those of the author, but that doesn’t mean an author can’t protect himself by saying through a character what he really thinks himself. Not that Puzo thinks that all blacks or all Sicilians or all WASPs behave in a fixed and unique way. He recognizes what is the truth: that behavior varies within groups. But he doesn’t pretend that enormous variation doesn’t exist between groups. We’ve already seen how he studied the variation between northern and southern Europeans, so let’s look at another inter-ethnic rivalry in The Godfather. Well-trained Heretical fans will, I’m sure, have begun salivating when I talked about a small, unprincipled ethnos using its greater cohesion and aggression to prey on the society created by a larger, law-abiding ethnos. “Another juicy attack on the Jews must be coming up!” you’ll have thought.
Well, it’s been a while coming, but here’s the juicy attack on the Jews. Only it won’t just be me delivering it, because The Godfather also examines the rivalry between Jews and goyim. In fact, I’d describe the novel as positively anti-Semitic: it doesn’t portray Sicilian crooks in a very flattering light, but there’s a certain Satanic grandeur and glamor to their crimes. Its two big Jewish crooks, on the other hand, are neither grand nor glamorous. One of them, a casino-owner in Vegas, is shot dead for underestimating and antagonizing the Corleones; the other, a film producer in Hollywood, makes a specialty of raping pre-pubescent girls. Neither of these crooks is described explicitly as Jewish, but Puzo makes it clear that they are. Here’s the film producer, for example, setting up what will be one of The Godfather’s most notorious scenes:
Woltz said with childish pride, “The greatest racehorse in the world. I bought him in England last year for six hundred grand. I bet even the Russian Czars never paid that much for a single horse. But I’m not going to race him, I’m going to put him to stud. I’m going to build the greatest racing stable this country has ever known.” He stroked the horse’s mane and called out softly, “Khartoum, Khartoum.” There was real love in his voice and the animal responded. Woltz said to Hagen, “I’m a good horseman, you know, and the first time I ever rode I was fifty years old.” He laughed. “Maybe one of my grandmothers in Russia got raped by a Cossack and I got his blood.” He tickled Khartoum’s belly and said with sincere admiration, “Look at that cock on him. I should have such a cock.” (Op. cit., ch. 1)
Puzo is commenting on two Jewish characteristics there: grudge-bearing and lechery. The producer Jack Woltz remembers that his Jewish ancestors suffered in Russia at goyisch hands, but certainly doesn’t believe that those ancestors incited the hostility in any way. Goys exist for the sake of Jews, after all. That’s why Woltz, “aroused now only by very young girls”, will happily commit what Don Corleone calls an infamità: the rape of a “beautiful twelve-year-old blonde” in his private plane. Unsurprisingly, none of that finds its way into the film, but in the book Don Corleone is complicit in Woltz’s future rapes: he doesn’t inform the police or have Woltz shot. No, he merely has the head of Woltz’s horse cut off and placed in the producer’s bed, so that Woltz will allow the Don’s godson Johnny Fontane to star in a come-back movie. Woltz is a “stupid, stupid son of a bitch”, you see: he’s defied the Sicilian Mafia and been shown that, despite being “advisor to the President, head of the biggest movie studio in the world”, he can be murdered whenever the Mafia please.
So he backs down, gives Johnny Fontaine the part he wants, and continues, no doubt, to rape little girls. If you ask why Puzo created such an unsympathetic Jewish character, this passage in the novel may be a clue:
Now Johnny called the author at his New York home to thank him for the great part he had written in his book for him. He flattered the shit out of the guy. Then casually he asked him how he was doing on his next novel and what it was all about. He lit a cigar while the author told him about a specially interesting chapter and then finally said, “Gee, I’d like to read it when you’re finished. How about sending me a copy? Maybe I can get you a good deal for it, better than you got with Woltz.” The eagerness in the author’s voice told him that he had guessed right. Woltz had chiseled the guy, given him peanuts for the book. (Op. cit., ch. 12)
Did Puzo, like so many goyisch writers, get ripped off by Jews early in his career? It seems very possible, and you can see the same bitterness about Hollywood’s treatment of writers in The Last Don. But there aren’t any big bad Jewish characters in that book, which was published in 1996, long after Jew-invented political correctness had taken a stranglehold on the media. The Godfather was published in 1969, when an author could apparently still make sly attacks on Jews so long as he didn’t identify them explicitly as such. Moe Greene, the other big bad Jew in The Godfather, is identified as Jewish by his name and by the fact that “he made his rep as a Murder Incorporated executioner in Brooklyn.” He’s based on a real Jewish gangster called Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, who worked for Murder Inc. before moving to Las Vegas to try bullying and strong-arming his way to success in the casino business. But he ran into financial trouble and was murdered by “the Mob.” If he’d been Sicilian, would the Catholic church in his boyhood neighborhood have put up a memorial plaque for him?
I don’t think so. But Siegel wasn’t Sicilian:
In the Bialystoker Synagogue on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Bugsy Siegel is memorialized by a Yartzheit (remembrance) plaque that marks his death date so mourners can say Kaddish (a memorial prayer) for the anniversary of his passing. (Wikipedia entry for “Bugsy Spiegel”)
“So he killed a goy or two – is that some kinda crime?”
Benjamin Siegel is remembered by his folk
“So he killed a goy or two – is that some kinda crime?”
Benjamin Siegel is remembered by his folks
Trust Jews to commemorate a ruthless crook in a synagogue – and trust Jews to write themselves out of the history of organized crime. Hollywood has churned out countless movies about Italian gangsters and Arab terrorists and corrupt priests, but hasn’t stereotyped Jews as gangsters or terrorists or corrupters, despite constant examples in real life. That’s because, as Puzo recognized in The Godfather, Hollywood is controlled by Jews: the Italian-American Civil Rights League tried to stop the making of The Godfather film, but who’s ever heard of them? They also had the disadvantage that the film’s director and biggest stars were themselves Italian-American. Can you imagine Jewish-“Americans” collaborating on a film that shows Jews in an unflattering light? And if you can, can you imagine the Jewish-“American” Anti-Defamation League not being able to blackmail or bribe them into dropping the film?
But Mario Puzo’s analysis of exo-ethnic predation on a northern European society easily got past the Jew-filter, because the exo-ethnos was Sicilian, not Jewish. In fact, his analysis applies far better to Jews than to Sicilians: Jews have organized crimes on a far bigger, far more successful, and far more corrupting scale than the Sicilians ever did. The Russian Revolution was a Jewish gang taking over an entire country so that it could loot and avenge itself on its traditional enemy: white Christians. If Jews had had their way, the Judeo-communist gang would have looted and avenged itself on white Christians in the rest of Europe and in America too. Look at who gave Stalin the atom bomb, for example: Klaus Fuchs in Britain and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in America.
And look at what happened when communism collapsed in Russia:
Harvard’s [i.e. Jewish economists’] reckless privatization scheme based on vouchers was so ludicrously (some say cunningly) designed that the Russian government became the controlling shareholder of all enterprise – enterprises that had formerly belonged to all the people undivided, not the government. A second privatization to correct the “error” of government control resulting from the first, not designed but certainly unopposed by the West, amounted to an outright gifting of company shares to the quick and the favored. At the conclusion of the two privatizations seven people controlled 60% of the economy. Some of those seven, and many people associated with them, live today in almost incomprehensible luxury in London, sheltered by British authorities from the Kremlin who’d like to extradite them to face charges in court. Or in Israel, whose banks (which had no money laundering laws until 2000) are stuffed with Russian oligarchical cash. (“Don’t Cry for Boris Yeltsin”,, 4th May 2007)
“Stealing billions from millions – greed is God, goyim!”
Abramovich, Friedman and other “Russian” oligarchs
The “seven people” mentioned above have names like Abramovich and Friedman. Almost all of them are Jews, in other words, who stole money from millions of innocent goyim to make themselves obscenely rich. Except that to Jews there aren’t any “innocent” goyim: they’re all the descendants of wicked anti-Semites and they should pay for their ancestors’ sins even if they don’t share them. Jews don’t recognize – and don’t allow themselves to recognize – that anti-Semitism can be provoked by their own bad behavior. So the history of relations between God’s Chosen and the goyim has consisted of Jews being persecuted for bad behavior towards goyim, then feeling that being persecuted entitles them to behave badly towards goyim. They also feel it entitles them to pull the strings of goyisch governments for Jewish ends. When one of those Jewish puppet-masters is forced into the daylight, his fellow Jews rush to defend him.
British goyim, for example, have recently watched the über-sleazy “Lord” Levy being portrayed as the innocent and naïve victim of that devious and crooked goy Tony Blair. And okay: Bliar is devious and crooked, but he’s too stupid ever to have made it to the top on his own. Levy, a much more intelligent and forceful man, put him there with money from Jewish businessmen. So Bliar, eternally grateful for his chance to posture on a world-wide stage, has always done what Levy wanted. With typical chutzpah and self-delusion, British Jews are now pretending it’s the other way around. Here’s the steely-eyed and cynical journo Matthew Norman slathering schmaltz on the “Cash for Honours” affair:
“Meyn Gott, I vos putty in his hands, Matthew!”
Michael Abraham Levy gets his orders for the day
All in all, then, this [Lord Levy] is not a bad man, if an unusually vain one, and you can barely imagine the depth of his distress at being left marooned and isolated in Totteridge, pacing the thick white shagpile as he waits to learn whether he will be prosecuted for carrying out to the letter the fund-raising instructions of the man who appointed him. Each man destroys the thing he loves, said Oscar Wilde, and so it has proved. Mr Mandelson, Alastair Campbell, now Lord Levy... all those on whom Mr Blair lavished his deepest love have seen their reputations annihilated for doing his bidding – and having been left to swing in the wind, they now flit around the outskirts of public life like tragicomic spectres. But the destruction of Lord Levy seems somehow the saddest because he had climbed the furthest, from the single room in Hackney where he spent his earliest years to the kingly and presidential palaces of the world, and has had the most precipitous fall. (The Independent, 25th May 2007)
“Putty I vos, on my muzzer’s life!”
Mike Levy gets further orders
It’s laughable to suggest that very tough and intelligent men like Levy, Mandelson and Campbell have been the puppets of an adolescent narcissist like Blair, who must be one of the dimmest prime ministers Britain has ever had. No, the truth about the relationship between Levy and Blair has been obvious for years. I’ve quoted a Daily Mail story about it before, but Matthew Norman’s self-deluding schmaltz brings out the flavor as strongly as ever:
“We were greeted by Jane Hogarth [a New Labour “fundraiser”] and taken to meet Lord Levy. He was like an animated cartoon, with large gestures and an overbearing personality. He discussed donations and how appreciative the party would be, especially Mr Blair. He said he would introduce us to ‘Tony’ and Jack Straw, Alastair Campbell and various others. He said we would have plenty of time with Tony.” Then they [John and Courtney Coventry] witnessed an extraordinary exchange. Lord Levy was taking a call when the Prime Minister walked over to him and started to speak. Courtney said: “Lord Levy held up his hand and said, ‘Not now, Tony,’ and went back to his phone call. The Prime Minister turned to walk away and Lord Levy said, ‘Tony, wait, I need to speak to you.’
A jubilant Jew and his troubled Toy-Goy:
L-R: Sleazy “Lord” Levy; Phony Tony Blair“I thought, ‘My God, what a way to talk to a Prime Minister.’ But Mr Blair stood there like a puppet on a string while Levy continued his phone call for at least a couple of minutes. Then he turned to the Prime Minister without apology for keeping him waiting and launched into a conversation about the importance of the evening. Here was the leader of your Government being treated like a child. Jane Hogarth, Lord Levy and Tony Blair all acted like this was normal.” (The Daily Mail, 24th March 2007)
But it is normal for goyisch politicians to follow Jewish orders. The arrogant, overbearing Levy had been arrested not once but twice by March 2007, the second time on the highly serious charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Did that stop Britain’s top cop and “Minister of Justice” joining him in support of an unregulated Jewish militia and spy-network?
Spotted, sharing the top table last week at the Jewish Community Security Trust’s annual dinner, our ever-dashing home sec, Dr John Reid; the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Sir Ian Blair; and St Tony’s bouffant-haired bagman-in-chief, Lord Levy, currently on police bail and at the centre of an ongoing criminal investigation by Sir Ian’s boys into those absurd cash-for-honours allegations. Regrettably, this doubtless convivial encounter obliged Sir Ian, in accordance with police regulations, to inform the Met Police Authority that he had consorted with a person on bail. The shame of it. (The Guardian, 6th March 2007)
The current “New Labour” government is much better described as Jew Labour, but Bliar was a Jewish puppet long before he entered Downing Street, just as Dubya was a Jewish puppet long before he entered the White House. The Kosher Nostra has power and influence on a scale the Cosa Nostra could never dream of. The same basic principles apply – a small unprincipled ethnos is using its cohesion and aggression to prey on the society created by a large uncohesive ethnos – but there isn’t just a difference of scale between Jewish and Sicilian gangsterism. There’s a difference of malevolence too. Jewish and Sicilian gangsters are both eth’ squads, or criminal organizations based on a shared ethnicity, but the Jewish gangsters have become a death squad too. The Cosa Nostra didn’t want to wreck the West, in part because, in their own way, they were part of it: the son of a Sicilian father and mother from northern Italy is described in The Godfather as a “half-breed”, but the Don’s favorite son marries a New Englander and the Corleones’ chief of staff is “German-Irish.”
Bees make honey, wasps make war –
But only racists would say they’re “different”
The non-European Kosher Nostra, on the other hand, do want to wreck the West, because they’ve never felt part of it and hate its “anti-Semitic” roots. They’ve gone a long way to achieving their goal by opening America’s and Britain’s borders and letting more wasps swarm in to steal the honey created by those mild-mannered northern European bees. If you want to understand how Mexicans in the US and Muslims in the UK are following the footsteps – or wingbeats – of previous exo-ethnic gangs, Mario Puzo’s The Godfather is an excellent place to start. The book also offers important insights into Jews, the biggest gangsters of all, and though it doesn’t offer any explicit remedies for a northern bee-society under alien wasp-attack, the remedies should be obvious. The northern bees will have to sharpen their stings and start using them hard, or the honey they’ve created will be drained to the last drop.
The evidence is crystal-clear. Man-made climate change is the deadliest threat facing Western nations today. If we don’t take strong measures in response, the consequences will be catastrophic. Failure to act – to stop human stupidity and greed destroying our future – will be an inexcusable dereliction of duty. But I’m not talking about rising temperatures and CO2, I’m talking about politics. In 1907, for example, the political climate was such that it would have been impossible for Europe and America to be flooded by hostile aliens intent on destroying their hosts. The concepts behind anti-racism and political correctness – that all groups are essentially identical, that discriminating between them is unacceptable – would have been scornfully rejected by all mainstream parties.
But in the hundred years since 1907 the climate has slowly shifted until what was once unthinkable is now enforced by law throughout the West. It’s as though a temperate region has turned to desert and an entire eco-system has disappeared and been replaced. Strange creatures that once had no chance of survival in public life now flourish there and every public institution is swarming with PC apparatchiks dedicated to waging war on racism, sexism and homophobia and to crushing the group responsible for these unspeakable evils: white heterosexual males. The PC gang remind me of people who say they want to take over a badly-run hotel and make it a better place for everyone. In pursuit of this laudable objective, they’re burning down the hotel to drive out the white men who built it.
And so feminists, while shrieking constantly about sexual abuse and sexism, happily support mass immigration from countries where sexual abuse and sexism are far worse. Homosexuals fight “racism” and “prejudice” on behalf of Muslims and other non-whites who will make homosexuality an imprisonable offence, at best, if they ever come to power. Secularists heap opprobrium on mild and decadent Western religions like Anglicanism while doing nothing to prevent, let alone reverse, the invasion of the West by vicious and vigorous religions like Islam. In other words, liberalism is a massive suicide-cult, working with unsleeping energy to destroy everything its adherents claim to believe in. Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant was the accusation flung at the Roman empire by a Celtic chieftain in the first century A.D.: “They create a desert and call it peace.”
Two millennia later, liberals create a madhouse and call it sanity. While claiming to be guided by the pure light of rationality and reason, they actually believe in the most primitive superstition of all: that words control the world. They scoff at Christians for believing that prayers and songs of praise can alter reality, then offer up prayers and praise-songs of their own: “Make all groups equal in Thy sight, O Society! O Black/Gay/Muslim community, how wonderful Thou art!” And just as religion has the concepts of blasphemy and heresy, so liberalism has racism, sexism, homophobia and a host of other offences against its irrational dogmas. With true religious zeal, it then sets out to persecute and imprison those who offend against it. So how appropriate it is that one of Britain’s most prominent liberals, Nick Cohen, should have a surname that literally means “priest” (כהן or kōhēn in the original). It’s doubly appropriate that the surname should be Hebrew, because it’s Jews above all who have been responsible for the insane liberal religion currently destroying the West. Here’s High Priest Cohen musing on the harm done by religions he doesn’t believe in, while ignoring the harm done by his own:
In Northern Ireland the walls that went up to separate Catholics from Protestants in the 1970s have not been torn down. There are more of them now than ever. Catholics travel for miles to avoid a Protestant leisure centre and Protestants go out of their way to avoid a Catholic newsagent. In Belfast: Segregation, Violence and the City, published last year, Peter Shirlow and Brendan Murtagh measured the effects on everyday life of the frontiers marked with graffiti saying “Kill All Taigs” (Catholics) or “Kill All Huns” (Protestants).... Readers in the rest of Britain may not care because mainstream opinion long ago gave up on all sides in Northern Ireland. Yet it is a mistake to ignore them. Phenomena that begin there have an alarming habit of going mainstream. Mass surveillance, armed police officers and the random slaughter of civilians by psychotic fanatics crossed the Irish Sea and segregated schools are on their way. (“Stop this drift into educational apartheid”, The Observer, 13th May 2007)
“Religion bad! Islamic immigration good!”
Liberal High Priest Nick Cohen
Two important questions arise from that piece of liberal piety:
1) Why exactly have “mass surveillance, armed police officers and the random slaughter of civilians by psychotic fanatics” crossed the Irish Sea?
2) What did Nick Cohen do to stop the process?
The answers are simple:
1) Those vibrant new phenomena are now on the British mainland as a direct result of mass immigration by unassimilable non-white Muslims.
2) Far from trying to stop the process, Nick Cohen did his best to encourage it and to smear those who opposed it as bigots, racists and xenophobes.
But have Cohen and other liberals issued a nostra culpa for their part in the growing disaster caused by mass immigration? Of course not. They could clearly see from Northern Ireland the huge harm relatively minor religious differences have caused for centuries among members of the same race, but that didn’t stop them creating much bigger religious differences among members of different races on the mainland. Liberalism means never having to say you’re sorry. Liberals create a disaster – and call it proof of the need for more liberalism.
It’s clear, for example, that British society has been undermined and fractured by mass immigration. But that isn’t a deadly flaw from the liberal point of view. No, it’s a massive advantage! Mass immigration has created more and more opportunity for those two things that give liberal life its rich meaning and purpose: telling other people what to do and interfering in their private affairs. After all, if Britain’s “integration and cohesion” hadn’t been wrecked by mass immigration, there would have been no vibrant job opportunities in bodies like this:
“Black is white! Up is down!
Kelly’s not a dangerous clown!”
Ruth Kelly rules the world with words
The Commission on Integration and Cohesion was announced by Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 28 June 2006. The Commission, a fixed term advisory body, is considering how local areas can make the most of the benefits delivered by increasing diversity – but will also consider how they can respond to the tensions it can sometimes cause. It will develop practical approaches that build communities’ own capacity to prevent problems, including those caused by segregation and the dissemination of extremist ideologies. The Commission is chaired by Darra Singh, Chief Executive of Ealing Council, and is due to report to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in June 2007. (
The Commission on Integration and Cohesion, or C.I.C. for short, has now reported and its message is loud and clear: “Meet the new dross – same as the old dross.” Yes, professional ethnic Darra Singh has sung for his supper and that familiar off-key liberal screeching is assaulting the ears of British whites once again: “We wise anti-racist liberals, having got you into this fine mess, are going to oversee the hugely expensive measures that will get us out of it. So hand over your cash and trust us, suckers!”
“I want what’s best for us all, white scum!”
Professional ethnic Darra Singh
Analysis: A cohesive Britain?
We have had warnings of communities living parallel lives and that we may be “sleepwalking into segregation.” There are fears over the impact of the great wave of migration that has brought hundreds of thousands of Eastern European workers to the British economy. But Darra Singh, chairman of the Commission on Integration and Cohesion, rather deliberately says that the real danger is that we are “sleepwalking into simplicity.” His detailed report, published on Thursday, argues that for too long government and society has been blinded by events – panicked by race riots, worried by the rise of far-right politics in poor white communities and terrified of suicide bombings. If we are going to get a grip on the super-diversity of modern Britain, to use the technical lingo, then we need to think beyond these crises, he says, and understand the very delicate, local nature of building ties that bind.
So it’s time to invest heavily in local action to get neighbours of different backgrounds talking to each other, says the commission. At the heart of its argument is a focus on local action – that central government has at the very least misunderstood some of the dynamics of how change from immigration and diversity affects how society feels about itself. The commission argues for big investments in citizenship through school-twinning and other projects. Tied to this, flying squads of experts could be brought in to tackle rising tensions in “hot spots.” Similar ideas have been floated by Professor Ted Cantle, the author of the seminal “parallel lives” report into the 2001 northern riots. (BBC News, 14th June 2007)
“A nation to shred? Just send for Ted!”
Caring Jewish academic Ted Cantle
Ah yes, Ted Cantle: the Jewish “expert” whose quiet faith in his own windbaggery has survived the collapse of every half-witted scheme he’s promoted. It’s important to reflect on the prominence of people like Cantle and Singh in “community relations.” Can you imagine China or Saudi Arabia or India or any other nation outside the West commissioning a report on the future and appointing as its head a non-native with a proven record of hostility to the majority and its culture? The very idea is laughable, because non-Western nations aren’t insane and don’t intend to hand themselves over for destruction. But in the West, it’s absolutely standard for these liberal gas-factories to be overseen and staffed by non-natives with proven records of hostility to the majority.
It’s also absolutely standard in the West for every group but one to be encouraged to put its own interests first and seek its own advantage in every possible way. The only group not permitted to behave like that is the group that actually built the West: white heterosexual males. They have to put their own interests last and seek the advantage of their enemies in every possible way. If celebrating “diversity” is like celebrating cancer, then “super-diversity” is super-cancer. But liberals go on believing that saying black is white will turn black into white. Still, let’s be fair: that isn’t an entirely accurate description of liberal ideology. Liberals don’t believe that saying black is white will always be enough to make it so. No, to be absolutely certain you’ve got to pass a law too:
Seven new laws for every day of Blair as PM
More than seven new laws have come into force every day since Tony Blair came to power a decade ago, new research has shown. The legislatively hyperactive Blair premiership has seen an average of 2,685 new laws introduced each year – a 22% increase on the previous decade under the Tories. A new law has come into being every three-and-a-quarter hours, and that’s without adding on the new laws from Brussels, which had reached 2,100 by 2006. Last night the Conservative party seized on the figures, claiming they were proof of Labour’s tendency to interfere rather than devolve and deregulate.
A massive 98% of the new laws were pushed through by statutory instrument, which allows less time for debate in Parliament than the tabling of a Bill. The increase has been marked in areas such as employment law and criminal law, with 40 criminal justice Acts introduced since 1997. The sheer complexity of the new laws has also increased. Five acts passed in 2006 totalled more than 100 pages, three more than 200, one more than 300, one more than 500 and one more than 700. Oliver Heald, the shadow Cabinet Office minister, said: “Tony Blair and Gordon Brown think the answer to everything is to make a new law. But, after creating thousands of new laws, violent crime has doubled, the National Health Service is suffering a funding crisis and too many of our young people leave school unable to read or write. Making a new law is usually enough to grab a cheap headline, but churning out thousands of new laws is not necessarily the most effective way to run the country.” (The Daily Telegraph, 4th June 2007)
Effective? The word isn’t in the liberal vocabulary, or rather, it’s there with a new definition. “Effective” liberals aren’t those who end an evil, but those who show they’re passionately committed to ending it. But if they actually did end it, how could they show how passionately committed they are? In fact, from the liberal point of view, creating new evils and making existing evils worse is far better than avoiding and lessening them. How else could liberals demonstrate their care and compassion? How else could they reassure each other of their pious orthodoxy? That does seem the subconscious motivation of liberal policies on crime and racial tension: not to prevent them but to posture about them. Tony Blair has epitomized this liberal policy of posture since 1997 and when his current “farewell tour” is over he will go down in the annals of history as the worst enemy of the white British who ever inhabited Number Ten.
Then again, he’ll be deeply missed by one very small but very self-important group:
Tony Bliar lights a candle for his masters
We will rue the day when Tony Blair is gone
Expect to hear that phrase uttered at an increasingly irregularity now the Prime Minister has confirmed the worst kept secret in politics: he will be leaving office on June 27. And mark my word, after a decade in power, how the community will miss him. Without equivocation or fear of challenge, Jews and Israel have never had a better friend in Downing Street. Devout Blair has echoed a trail of predecessors by boring Jewish audiences with platitudes about shared values, but his genuine appreciation of Judaism has been endearing. He has been strong and consistent condemning antisemitism, praising the Community Security Trust and worrying about the threat to Jewish students on campuses. It used to be said that Harold Wilson was a close friend, James Callaghan understood Israel, Margaret Thatcher really empathised with the community and that John Major was always available to help Israel. The only premier who could be relied upon to be awkward was Edward Heath. But it is Tony Blair, who has been the most consistent, thorough, warm and effective. He will go down in the annals of history as the best friend of Israel who ever inhabited Number Ten. The community and Israel will rue the day when Tony Blair is gone. (The Jewish Telegraph, May 2007)
Maybe things aren’t so bad as all that. The man lined up to replace Blair has also been grappled to “the community” ’s soul with hoops of steel. Or rather, with hoops of gold and silver:
Worrying questions over Brown’s private banker
The decade has seen the emergence of a crucial post at the heart of government: private banker to the Prime Minister. It has not yet been formally acknowledged in any of the text books, but it is no longer possible to understand how Britain works without grasping that Downing Street’s Mr Money Bags now occupies what amounts to a massively important new constitutional role. The first occupant of the unofficial post, Michael Levy, was introduced by Tony Blair after making a very modest fortune in the pop music business. As the Prime Minister’s chief fundraiser, he has been arrested twice in cash for peerages investigation, on the second occasion under suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice..
Sir Ronald and his toy-goy Gordon
It is a commentary on the fundamental triviality of the Blair Government that a low-grade figure such as Levy has been allowed to occupy such a prominent position for so many years. But in contrast, it is a reflection on the essential seriousness of Gordon Brown that he has chosen a genuinely substantial individual as Levy’s replacement. The financier Sir Ronald Cohen, who has been one of the Chancellor’s most trusted informal advisers for the past decade, recently made the surprising decision to retire from active business life. This was an extremely significant move: he will shortly emerge from the shadows of the City to become one of the most senior members of the inner circle of the next Prime Minister.
I have no proof [our libel lawyers have instructed me to say] that there is the slightest connection between the large donations to the Labour Party (mainly from people who, like Sir Ronald, showed no interest in Labour until it was on the verge of power) and the generous tax treatments offered to the private equity industry. For all I know, everything is completely above board. But let’s engage in a mind game. Let’s imagine that it was a Tory chancellor who finds himself in the same position as Gordon Brown. Let’s imagine that his closest adviser was a super-rich grandee from a sector which the Tories had loaded with tax breaks over the past decade. Let’s imagine that the unions were furiously claiming that the industry’s riches were fundamentally stolen from the workers. Gordon Brown, were he shadow chancellor, would be thundering at the rancid corruption of it all. I’m not saying he would be right. But the truth is – and he must realise this more than anyone – that he will only have one chance to clean up the mess and culture of sleaze that he will soon inherit from Tony Blair. (Read full article from The Daily Mail, 3rd March 2007)
Is it a coincidence that a country whose politicians are owned by Jewish conmen like Levy and Cohen is also a country showered with blessings of diversity like murder, rape, disease, assault, fraud and theft? I don’t think so. Here are just the latest in a long and continuing line of stories about alien invaders attacking the white nation that was foolish enough to grant them entry:
In handcuffs, the man accused of murdering PC
The man accused of murdering Police Constable Jon Henry was remanded in custody yesterday. Ikechukwu Tennyson Obih appeared in court charged with stabbing to death the 36-year-old father of one. The Nigerian, who arrived in the UK in 2000 and was later granted indefinite leave to remain, was handcuffed to a prison guard and flanked by three policemen. The 27-year-old was also charged with the attempted murders of window cleaners Steven Chamberlain and David Knight. He faces a fourth charge of armed burglary. (The Daily Mail, 13th June 2007)
“Diversity is Our Dead Policemen”
Left: A non-vibrant white policeman and his non-vibrant daughter
Right: His vibrant black murderer, Ikechukwu “Tennyson” Obih
UK al-Qaeda cell members jailed
Seven men have been jailed for up to 26 years over an al-Qaeda-linked plot to kill thousands in the UK and US. Woolwich Crown Court heard they were in a “sleeper cell” led by Dhiren Barot, who is already serving a life sentence. Barot planned attacks including blowing apart a London Underground tunnel and bombings using an explosives-packed limousine and a dirty radiation device. Six of the men admitted conspiracy to cause explosions and a seventh was found guilty of conspiracy to murder.
Mohammed Naveed Bhatti of Harrow in north London, was jailed for 20 years; Junade Feroze of Blackburn, received 22 years and Zia Ul Haq of Wembley in north London, got 18 years. Abdul Aziz Jalil of Luton, was jailed for 26 years; Omar Abdur Rehman, of Bushey in Hertfordshire, was jailed for 15 years and Nadeem Tarmohamed, also of Wembley, received 20 years. Qaisar Shaffi, of Willesden, north-west London, was sentenced to 15 years. Home Secretary John Reid said: “The outcome of this trial once again shows the extent of the very real and serious threat the UK faces from terrorism.” (BBC News, 15th June 2007)
“Thanks to Jews, belovèd goyim,
Your future will be filled with joyim!”
L-R: Conmen Cohen, Cohen & Cantle
John Reid is an “ex-communist.” That is, he no longer calls himself a communist, but his authoritarianism and lust for power remain unaltered in his new liberal incarnation. It’s ludicrous to say, as Reid and others like him do, that non-whites really come from British cities like London and Blackburn and Luton. They don’t and they should never have been allowed to take up residence there. The consequences of allowing that were predicted decades ago by men like Enoch Powell. Liberals like Blair, Brown and Reid have been denouncing and demonizing Powell and his supporters ever since. Liberals think that, by passing more and more laws and subjecting Britain’s population to more and more surveillance and intrusion, we can have our multi-racial cake and not only eat it but find it deliciously nourishing. We can’t. We’re choking on the multi-racial cake right now, while the Jewish chef watches from the door of his kitchen and laughs his head off.
I’ve never thought the difference between Western and non-Western societies is that we’re good and they’re bad. No, we’re bad and they’re worse. Mass immigration is ensuring that we get more like them every day. The two most powerful engines of human conflict are race and religion, so America, Britain and Europe now have a lot of horsepower under their hoods. Sooner or later someone will stamp on the gas and start burning rubber. The prospect deeply concerns the Anti-Defamation League, America’s foremost anti-bigotry crusaders, and they want to ward disaster off with tough, no-nonsense laws:
“Snake your booty! Serve the serpent!”
The ADL’s emblem of enrichment
All Americans have a stake in an effective response to violent bigotry. Hate crimes demand a priority response because of their special emotional and psychological impact on the victim and the victim’s community. The damage done by hate crimes cannot be measured solely in terms of physical injury or dollars and cents. Hate crimes may effectively intimidate other members of the victim’s community, leaving them feeling isolated, vulnerable and unprotected by the law. By making members of minority communities fearful, angry and suspicious of other groups – and of the power structure that is supposed to protect them – these incidents can damage the fabric of our society and fragment communities. ADL has long been in the forefront of national and state efforts to deter and counteract hate-motivated criminal activity. Hate crime statutes are necessary because the failure to recognize and effectively address this unique type of crime could cause an isolated incident to explode into widespread community tension. (“Hate Crimes: Introduction”,
Or to put it another way: “Smite the White!” The ADL is really in the forefront of the effort to turn America into a Judeocracy. Hate laws are part of the journey towards that shining Police State on a Hill. Look at the false assumption that underlies them: that hate crime is committed only by the majority against minorities. Look at the lie used to justify them: that they protect the “fabric of our society.” If the ADL were really concerned about that, it would campaign against something that really rips society’s fabric and “fragments communities”: mass immigration. The ADL is, of course, vehemently in favor of mass immigration. Its notoriously sleazy director, Abe Foxman, wants conflict because he can exploit conflict. “Diversity is Our Strength” is a typical piece of Jewish chutzpah. It’s a blatant, bare-faced lie. A diverse society is a divided society that will fall apart unless it’s glued together with authoritarianism.
“Diversity is Our Strength!”
Left: Diverse Yugoslavia; Right: Diverse Iraq
When the glue weakens – when communism collapses in Yugoslavia or Saddam is toppled in Iraq – the society then falls apart and the suffering is immense. As Horace said: “You can drive Nature out with a pitchfork, but she will return.” He also said: “They change their skies, not their souls, who cross the sea.” Over the past few years many people in Britain and Europe have been learning, much to their surprise and disappointment, that Muslims didn’t turn into good little gay-loving, feminist-supporting liberal secularists as soon as they stepped off the plane. Even worse, it doesn’t even look as though they want to. I have to say I sympathize. I also have to say I feel sorry for Muslims in Britain and Europe. True, not as sorry as I feel for the whites who suffer at their hands, but Muslims have been pawns in the game described here by the Jewish journalist Larry Auster:
Just the other week I was telling a secular, leftist Jew of my acquaintance, a man in his late sixties, about my idea that the only way to make ourselves safe from the specter of domestic Moslem terrorism is to deport all jihad-supporting Moslems from this country. He replied with emotion that if America deported Moslem fundamentalists, it would immediately start doing the same thing to Jews as well. “It’s frightening, it’s scary,” he said heatedly, as if the Jews were already on the verge of being rounded up. In the eyes of this normally phlegmatic and easy-going man, America is just a shout away from the mass persecution, detention, and even physical expulsion of Jews. Given the wildly overwrought suspicions that some Jews harbor about the American Christian majority who are in fact the Jews’ best friends in the world, it is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.
The self-protective instinct to divide and weaken a potentially oppressive majority population may have served Jews well at certain times and places in the past when they truly were threatened. Under current circumstances – in America, the most philo-Semitic nation in the history of the world – it is both morally wrong and suicidal. Not only are the open-borders Jews urging policies harmful to America’s majority population, but, by doing so, they are surely triggering previously non-existent anti-Jewish feelings among them. The tragedy is that once a collective thought pattern gets deeply ingrained, as is the Jews’ historically understandable fear of gentiles, it takes on a life of its own and becomes immune to evidence and reason.... What this means is that in the minds of Jews, any desire on the part of gentiles to maintain an all-gentile country club, or any statement by a Christian, no matter how mild and civilized, that shows any concern about any aspects of the cultural and political influence of secular Jews in American life, is an expression of anti-Jewish bigotry that could easily lead to mass extermination, and therefore it must be ruthlessly suppressed. (“Why Jews Welcome Muslims”,, 22nd June 2004)
But some Jews have now decided it’s time to push Muzzies off the board, at least so far as public favor and political support go. We get a constant stream of anti-Islamic propaganda from the likes of Larry Auster, Mark Steyn and the curious white hybrids who follow in their wake: the anti-racist conservatives. Brussels Journal is one of the hybrids’ hang-outs in Europe. “Multi-culti bad! Muzzies worse!” it constantly wails, in between planting kisses on the boots of its ideological overlords. But sometimes it combines wails and kisses in a single article:
A Crime Against Taxpayers of All Cultures
Canadians in the province of Ontario have learned that their government handed out $32.5 million of their tax dollars during the 2006-2007 fiscal year, in a manner that was “not open, transparent, or accountable.” According to a damning report from the province’s auditor-general, James McCarter, the money was given through the Immigration and Citizenship Ministry to various cultural, religious and ethnic groups who would be likely to support Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty in the upcoming provincial election. Grants were authorized often without written applications or other formal processes, with no official announcement of the possibility of a grant being offered and with little or no accounting of what happened to the money once it was doled out. While some of the groups who received money have a respected and established presence in Canada (for example, the United Jewish Appeal), many of the groups who received funds were previously unknown to the ministry, or seemed to have friends in high places.
Further, little care seemed to be taken distinguishing between moderate or extremist organizations when cheques were being signed. One Sikh gurdwara which received a grant, proudly displays a photograph of the mastermind of the 1985 Air India bombing – the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history – on its premises. Did anyone bother to look into where the money was actually going? And if they did, did they decide that getting votes was so important, that it didn’t matter who was courted? Included on the list of grant recipients: the Armenian Community Centre ($500,000); the Islamic Institute of Toronto ($500,000); the St. George Arab Cultural Centre ($300,000); six Sikh temples ($750,000); the Museum of Hindu Civilization ($200,000); Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Toronto ($250,000); the Iranian-Canadian Community Centre ($200,000). What is more distressing, is who was left out of the gift-giving. A Hindu temple outside Toronto, which had been destroyed by a fire in a post-September 11 hate crime, was told there was no funding available for them to rebuild. (Brussels Journal, 5th August 2007)
Curiously, this stern assault on multi-culti pork-barreling made no mention of the biggest grant of all: the $15m “doled out” to an organization serving Canada’s richest and most powerful ethnic minority. True, the organization was mentioned, but only in puckered-up parenthesis, as it were. According to BJ, it has a “respected and established presence in Canada”: the United Jewish Appeal (UJA). The reference to the “post-September 11 hate crime” was another kiss on those Jewish jackboots: “See, masters? We keep quiet about your looting and we take the concept of ‘hate crime’ seriously! We’re good goys, aren’t we, masters?”
“Oy, Kanada!” – the more Jews get, the more Jews want
Even a writer who had the courage to name’n’shame the UJA was careful to do the goy grovel as he did so:
Jonathan Kay on the Ontario multiculti payout scandal: Why on earth did United Jewish Appeal get $15-million?
By now, the scandal over payouts from Ontario’s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to well-connected religious and ethnic groups is old news. To summarize: Ontario has been giving out tens of millions of dollars to bolster organizations that represent dozens of immigrant and faith groups. As Ontario’s Auditor-General concluded in a July 26 report, many of the grants were handed out on the basis of personal connections: If you managed to shake hands with someone in the Ministry, your group might get a cheque with few questions asked. Thus far, a lot of the attention has focused on a few particularly egregious grants – such as the Ontario Cricket Association getting $1-million (even though the Association itself only asked for $150,000!), and the distribution of hundreds of thousands of dollars to Sikh temples whose members lavish praise on Sikh terrorists, including those who perpetrated the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182. But to my mind, the biggest eye-popper was the massive $15-million line item for United Jewish Appeal Federation. That $15-million to this one group represents almost three-quarters of the total funds allocated in 2006-2007. Or, put another way, UJA got three times as much as all 30 other recipient groups combined. Why aren’t people making a bigger deal of this? I hope readers of my columns know that I have nothing against Jews. But isn’t this a little crazy?
What makes things even more bizarre is that the Jewish community in Ontario (and just about everywhere in North America for that matter) tends to skew upwards in education and, therefore, earnings. The rate of poverty among Jews in Toronto is about half of what it is for the city as a whole – 12% versus 23%. Moreover, the fundraising capability of Jewish community groups such as UJA is legendary: I have been to UJA events where millions of dollars were raised in a single night. In May, 2006, a single Toronto businessman (Larry Tanenbaum) gave $50-million to the endowment arm of UJA, bringing its asset base close to $200 million. For most other comparatively-sized Canadian faith/ethnic groups, such as aboriginals or blacks, these numbers are in the realm of science fiction. I don’t think the government should be in the business of subsidizing any ethnic or faith groups. But if you are going to be running these sort of giveaways, at least give the cash to groups representing communities in need. This is no knock against the UJA or the Jewish community it serves: Indeed, it is a tribute to the generosity and high-mindedness of Jewish benefactors that they donate so much. But given the reality that this community is already so comparatively wealthy and well-served by private charity, it is worth asking why $15-million was dispensed to the UJA when, to pick one example at random, the city’s Filipino Centre got $50,000, or 1/300th as much. (The National Post, 11th August 2007)
“Why aren’t people making a bigger deal of this?” the writer asks. He then answers his own question: “I hope readers of my columns know that I have nothing against Jews.” He’s rightly scared of what might happen if anyone did start to think he had something against Jews. ’Coz Jews are great! Their presence blesses Western societies more than we can know. Okay, they’re insatiably greedy, incessantly selfish and irredeemably dishonest, but everyone’s got their little foibles. No need to single Jews out for special criticism. In fact, there’s no need to criticize Jews at all, but lots of need to lavish praise on them. That’s the rule followed by the wisest conservatives and Jonathan Kay was unwise to cast even a pebble against the UJA.
But keeping quiet about Jewish misbehavior is wise only in the short term. Brussels Journal points the finger at the ethnic arsonists in the Western house but doesn’t mention who opened the door to them or handed them cans of gasoline and boxes of matches once they were inside. Mass immigration has “MADE IN JUDEA” stamped all over it. Multi-culti and anti-racism are Jewish inventions designed to benefit Jews. They’re the thread-like hyphae of a fungus growing into a living tree and sucking out nourishment. Israel is the body of the fungus and organizations like the ADL and UJA are its hyphae in the West. If you visit the UJA’s website, you’ll find that its largest payout in 2005-6 was $16,668,344 for “Israel and Overseas Allocations.” Next came $12,083,939 for “Jewish Education and Identity.” Can you imagine how Jews would react to any organization that sought tax-payers’ money to promote “White Education and Identity”?
Oy, my ears are ringing just thinking about it! The central rule of Western societies is that every group should seek its own advantage and put its own interests first except the group that actually built those societies: whites. The Western tree has to raise its branches, spread its roots and keep its rich sap flowing not for its own benefit but for the benefit of the ethnic fungi growing through wounds in its bark. The wounds were inflicted by Marxism and liberalism, but our bark was always too thin. Then again, if the Western tree had had thicker bark, it would now have a shorter trunk and branches. The same innate features that helped make whites uniquely freedom-loving and creative have made us vulnerable to the uniquely freedom-hating and uncreative Jews. What would the West have achieved by now if it hadn’t had the albatross of mass immigration and multi-racialism around its neck? I don’t know, but I do know who tied the albatross there and why it’s proving so hard for us to recognize this fact. A race that believes truth has objective existence finds it hard to fathom the mentality of a race that believes truth is purely subjective: “Votever’s best for us!”
If you don’t understand your enemy, you find it much harder to repel his attacks. If you don’t even realize those attacks are taking place, you won’t even attempt to repel them. That’s why Jews are so resolutely opposed to genuine free speech, because it exposes their behavior to scrutiny and criticism. In Britain, Europe and Canada, they’ve already got the gags in place; in the US, they’ve got a constitutional obstacle to overcome. “Hate crime” legislation is a first step to removing that obstacle:
Hate Crimes: Frequently Asked Questions
Do hate crime laws violate the First Amendment or punish thought?
No. Hate crimes laws punish violent acts, not beliefs or thoughts – even violent thoughts. Hate crime statutes do not punish, nor prohibit in any way, namecalling, verbal abuse or expressions of hatred toward any group even if such statements amount to hate speech. It is only when the perpetrator crosses the line from speech to criminal action that hate crime laws might come into effect. (
Of course “hate crime laws” punish thoughts! They also encourage thoughts. The thoughts they punish are white hostility to non-whites; the thoughts they encourage are non-white hostility to whites. The laws overseen by the ADL are based on the lie that the white majority is an ever-present danger to minorities. The truth is the complete opposite, but the laws are designed to make whites feel guilt and non-whites feel resentment. The ADL wants to exploit that guilt and resentment to undermine the First Amendment even more. When you intend to take a nation’s freedoms away, don’t try and take them all at once. Even sheeple can wake up and protest if you do that. No, take them a little at a time while constantly proclaiming your pure intentions: “We’re not taking freedom away, we’re defending the fabric of society! We’re binding communities together! We’re on the side of Good and he who is not for us is against us!”
“I got the gift of the grab, goys!”
Abraham Foxman of the ADL
“You gotta lose a freedom or two, goys!”
Michael Whine of the CST
Well, anyone who thinks Abe Foxman is on the side of good needs his head testing. The inquisitor general of the ADL is only on the side of “Vot’s good for us”, like Mike Whine, the head of the freedom-hating, hate-law-supporting Community Security Trust in the UK. As the farce of Western liberalism enters its final act and the stage shudders before cataclysmic collapse, what more appropriate names could we have for two of the chief villains hiding their predatory intent behind masks of compassion and concern? A Jew called Foxman and a Jew called Whine. The Great Casting Director in the Sky is trying to tell us something and it’s long past time we woke up and listened. Foxman, Whine and other Jews want white societies frozen for the Chosen. They and their liberal allies promised us a tropical paradise through mass immigration and “diversity”, but they’re really marching us towards arctic perdition.
Africa is the richest and most advanced continent on earth. Don’t believe me? Then you obviously know nothing about economics and history. Liberals tell us that Britain and America owe their vast riches and sky-high living standards directly to slavery. But slavery not only existed in Africa long before Whitey ever appeared there, it still exists there now. So if we’ve benefited so much from the tears and toil of brutally mistreated blacks, Africa must have benefited even more. And it must still be benefiting! That’s the conclusion that flows inexorably from liberal logic: not only is slavery very, very wicked, it is very, very beneficial to the economy. Without it Britain and America would still be almost in the Stone Age. So how can slave-owning black Africans have failed to enjoy a similar boost? Well, somehow they did. Africa’s not the richest and most advanced continent on earth, but the poorest and most backward. Liberal logic about slavery doesn’t seem to work.
It’s not designed to, of course. The point, as ever, is to create guilt in whites and grievance in non-whites, thereby advancing the glorious day on which white power is finally smashed and we enter multi-racial Paradise. But there again liberal logic seems to fail. According to liberals, all humans are the same under the skin and all apparent differences between us are explained by environment. So it’s pure chance that whites have been oppressing non-whites rather than vice versa. Non-whites differ from whites only in skin color and other superficial ways, so they have exactly the same capacity to oppress and exploit. Whites did those things when they had power over non-whites, which is why liberals worked so hard to free countries like Zimbabwe and South Africa from white control. But if whites lose power to non-whites in Europe and America, it follows inexorably by liberal logic that non-whites will begin to oppress and exploit whites.
So liberals can’t support the mass immigration and demographic change that will make whites lose power. But liberals do support them, of course. That’s because they don’t really believe that all humans are the same under the skin. No, they actually believe, as the Jewish writer Susan Sontag so eloquently put it, that “the white race is the cancer of human history.” They want, as the Jewish academic Noel Ignatiev so reasonably demands, “to abolish the white race.” When Whitey is toppled, all problems will be over! Oppression and injustice will cease and Heaven will appear on earth. This is the shining vision that inspires “Red Ken” Livingstone, the mayor of London:
Ken Livingstone recognizes white wickedness
Livingstone weeps as he apologises for slavery
Ken Livingstone yesterday marked the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade with an emotional and tearful ceremonial apology on behalf of the capital city and its institutions. The London mayor wept as he told a commemorative service of the cruelties inflicted on the millions transported from Africa and the legacy that confronts them today. Before an audience of politicians, writers and dignitaries, he twice paused during his address. As he voiced the apology, the US civil rights leader the Rev Jesse Jackson walked over and placed his arm around the mayor. Mr Livingstone completed the long awaited statement, dabbing tears from his eyes, his voice shaky.
Before leaving office Tony Blair expressed “regret” for Britain’s involvement in the slave trade, but he was criticised by some – including Mr Livingstone – for not going further. In March the mayor called on the institutions to say sorry. Yesterday, to wide applause at City Hall, he said: “As mayor I offer an apology on behalf of London and its institutions for their role in the transatlantic slave trade. Some say that recognising such a crime is a form of – and I quote – ‘national self hate.’ But the late Senator Bobby Kennedy often quoted the French writer Albert Camus who wrote: ‘I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.’”
He said London continued to benefit massively from the fortunes made by slavers. He added: “It was the racial murder of not just those who were transported but generations of enslaved African men, women and children. To justify this murder and torture black people had to be declared inferior or not human. We live with the consequences today.” The mayor, who was speaking at London’s first Annual Slavery Memorial Day ceremony, called on national leaders to accelerate their plans to have a UK-wide event each year. The date marked yesterday coincides with the great slave rebellion in Haiti on August 23 1791, and is the date preferred by Unesco. (The Guardian, 24th August 2007)
Apologizing for something you’re not responsible for. Could anything be nobler or more golden-hearted? Ken Livingstone is a prince among men, a secular saint, and I don’t mind admitting that I choked up even more when he went on to announce that, as a mark of his commitment to anti-racism, he would be resigning his candidature for the next mayoral election in favor of a one-legged black lesbian with learning difficulties.
“How cheerfully he seems to grin,
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes foolish honkies in,
With gently smiling jaws!”
Lewis Carroll (adapted)
What’s that? You don’t remember that bit? Well, okay, you’re right: I must have dreamed it, because Livingstone’s speech wasn’t designed to advance anyone’s cause but his own. He’s about as noble and golden-hearted as a crocodile and crocodile tears were what he was shedding. There are two paths to political advancement in modern Britain. One, which will get you to the very top, is to work for Jewish interests; the other, which will get you jobs like London mayor, is to work for the interests of blacks, Muslims, wimmin, “gays” and other oppressed minorities. Tony Blair chose the first route, Ken Livingstone the second. Working for white interests, on the other hand, is a sure route to obloquy and oblivion. Whites are marked for destruction and there’s lots of blood-money on offer for race-traitors who, like Bliar and Livingslime, will work to hasten the day.
Recall a phrase from the article above: “the great slave rebellion in Haiti.” It created the first black republic and, as you’d expect, Haiti is today one of the poorest and most badly governed countries on earth. But what happened to whites during the “great rebellion”? If they were lucky, they died quickly and cleanly; if they weren’t, they died like this:
Left: Three non-white gangstas
Right: The white teenager they burned alive
During an ordeal which lasted more than four hours, [Kriss Donald] was driven 200 miles from Pollokshields, to the Parkhead area, to Dundee and then back to Glasgow. He was then driven up a dark lane to a lonely spot near the Clyde Walkway, where he was killed in a “gruesome and callous execution.” In a horrific account of his final moments, the jury was told Kriss was stabbed 13 times in a frenzied attack which severed one of his ribs, three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and kidney. He was then doused in petrol, set alight and left to die. Evidence suggests Kriss made his way down towards the Clyde and tried to extinguish the flames by rolling around in a muddy hollow near the cycle path where he was discovered. (The Scotsman, 18th November 2004)
Left: Five more non-white gangstas + one Albanian Muslim
Right: The white teenager they raped and butcheredSix men have been convicted of murdering 16-year-old Mary-Ann Leneghan, who was abducted, raped and killed in Reading. All six have also been convicted of the kidnap and attempted murder of her 18-year-old friend – who miraculously survived the horrific ordeal and gave evidence against the gang. Entering Reading Crown Court eight months later to face the accused, the teenager, now aged 19, looked defiant. The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given the choice of sitting behind a screen while giving evidence but declined. Despite having to put up with seeing the men – now sitting surrounded by guards in the dock – sniggering and making faces, she carried on calmly describing the torture she and her friend had endured.
As well as being hit, punched and stabbed, the two friends were made to strip naked, had boiling water thrown over them and were made to smoke heroin and crack cocaine. She remembered seeing Mary-Ann in a corner of the room being stabbed in the stomach, with the men surrounding her and laughing. Their tormentors then decided to move on to the final steps of their plan and the girls were driven to Prospect Park. They were ordered to kneel “side-by-side” and told to put pillow cases over their heads. She described how Mary-Ann was stabbed all over her body by 19-year-old Michael Johnson as she lay curled up in a ball. She said he flew into a rage because Mary-Ann would not sit up so that he could slit her throat. “They said something about wanting her to die slowly,” she explained. Preparing to die, Mary-Ann’s friend knew her last memory would be seeing her friend “butchered” in front of her. A gun was then put to her head, and she was asked “Are you ready to die?” before it was fired. (“Girl cheated death to convict killers”, BBC News, 20th March 2006)
Those were murders committed by non-whites in 21st-century Britain, but will you catch Ken Livingstone shedding a tear for the victims? Nope. It’s quite possible he wouldn’t even recognize the names of Kriss Donald and Mary-Ann Leneghan or be able to describe what happened to them. After all, the media dropped these cases down the memory hole as soon as they could. If whites had done the same to non-whites, the cases would now, of course, be permanent and oft-revisited exhibits in Hate Honky™, the Museum of White Malevolence. Ken Livingstone is one of the trustees and his explanation for white-on-ethnic crime is simple: it’s because whites are evil. His explanation for ethnic-on-white crime – far more frequent, far more vicious, far less reported – is also simple: it’s because whites are evil. Recall another phrase from the article: “the legacy that confronts blacks today.”
It’s the legacy of slavery. In other words, when whites behave badly, it’s whites’ fault. When blacks behave badly, it’s also whites’ fault. When blacks murder, torture, rape and rob whites today, no possible blame attaches to them. None whatsoever! Those poor blacks can’t help themselves: they’re puppets jerking helplessly on the strings of past white oppression. Blacks only misbehave because whites have corrupted their innate goodness, gentleness, and decency. That’s the liberal line anyway, but you can start to see how false it is simply by examining the etymology of the word “slave.” It has the same origin as the word “Slav”, because whites originally owned white slaves. All races have owned slaves, all races have been slaves, and countless whites could use past oppression as an excuse for present misbehavior. Race-traitors like Ken Livingstone and race-hustlers like Jesse Jackson don’t want their picture of white oppression and black misery complicated with the truth, but here’s what some whites endured in the nineteenth century:
An inquiry was held on Friday by Mr. Richards, deputy coroner, at the White Horse Tavern, Christ Church, Spitalfields, respecting the death of Michael Collins, aged 58 years. Mary Collins, a miserable-looking woman, said that she lived with the deceased and his son in a room at Christ Church. Deceased was a “translator” of boots. Witness went out and bought old boots; deceased and his son made them into good ones, and then witness sold them for what she could get at the shops, which was very little indeed. Deceased and his son used to work night and day to try and get a little bread and tea, and pay for the room (2S[hillings]. a week), so as to keep the home together. On Friday-night-week deceased got up from his bench and began to shiver. He threw down the boots, saying, “Somebody else must finish them when I am gone, for I can do no more.” There was no fire, and he said, “I would be better if I was warm.” Witness therefore took two pairs of translated boots to sell at the shop, but she could only get 14D[=pence]. for the two pairs, for the people at the shop said, “We must have our profit.” Witness got 14lb. of coal, and a little tea and bread. Her son sat up the whole night to make the “translations,” to get money, but deceased died on Saturday morning. The family never had enough to eat. Dr. G. P. Walker said deceased died from syncope [fainting], from exhaustion and from want of food. The deceased had had no bedclothes. For four months he had had nothing but bread to eat. There was not a particle of fat in the body. There was no disease, but, if there had been medical attendance, he might have survived the syncope or fainting. The Coroner having remarked upon the painful nature of the case, the jury returned the following verdict: “That deceased died from exhaustion from want of food and the common necessaries of life; also through want of medical aid.” (Sesame and Lilies, 1865)
That’s an extract from a book by John Ruskin. Unlike the Jewish Marx, the white Ruskin genuinely deplored the suffering of the poor and didn’t seek to exploit it for personal power. Marx was another crocodile whose remedies were designed to keep him in fresh meat, not to end oppression and deprivation. When Marxists rescue the oppressed, the oppressed end up worse off than before. But the Marxists don’t and that’s what matters. Ken Livingstone is an example of how this Jew-invented virus has mutated: when exploitation of the white working-class failed to deliver Britain and America into Marxist hands, they turned to non-whites, women and homosexuals instead. Mass immigration, feminism and “gay liberation” have been used to recruit foot-soldiers for the Marxist army, but again and again you’ll find that the captains and commissars are drawn from that tiny minority known as Jews.
Das Krokodil und Das Kapital
The original Doc Croc: Karl Marx
After all, Jews are masters of manipulation and self-promotion, which is why I was distinctly unsurprised to see a Jewish website claim in 2004 that Bob Geldof is half-Jewish.* “Big Gob” Bob earnt moderate fame and riches from the music biz in the early 1980s, but by 1984 he was, in the words of his autobiography, “not a very successful pop singer” and had a “shrunken bank balance.”† Then he saw a TV report about a famine in Marxist Ethiopia – and the rest is history. So is Geldof’s shrunken bank balance: he’s worth about £30 million ($60m) nowadays. You can’t put a price on the fame he also enjoys, but luckily enough you can hear how it all began: “It’s weird that right from the start of this thing there is an electronic record of most of what happened.”‡ Not so weird if you suppose that Geldof, whether consciously or otherwise, was more interested in self-promotion than helping others. His autobiography, Is That It? (1986), is an excellent insight into the world of liberal narcissism, but Big Gob offers insights into other things, like exactly how much Western blacks care about their brothers and sisters in the Muddaland:
Black Voice, the black community newspaper mainly known for the excitable nature of its reporting and journalists, was calling Live Aid the racist event of the decade. The thing that bothered me was that these same people had never done a story on the famine, nor were they interested in doing anything to help those people. They were only interested in the very thing they were accusing others of [i.e., self-promotion].... Several of these concerned citizens complained to the GLC [Greater London Council], who were slightly embarrassed as they supported us, but also actively supported black rights. I had also just agreed to do something for their Equal Rights Campaign so it seemed odd for them to be calling me up and passing on a complaint of racism.
“Would you help if the black bands put on their own concert?” they asked.
I heard no more. (Op. cit., pg. 365-6)
All hail the vibrant new South Africa!
Ken & Co. applaud Nelson Mandela’s statue
Guess who was running the GLC at the time: None other than Ken Livingslime. Two decades on, he and Big Gob Bob are still there encouraging naïve whites to sacrifice their future for non-whites who get less grateful with every gratuity. Livingslime has recently presided over the unveiling of a statue to Nelson Mandela in London. It celebrates the toppling of white-run South Africa and the birth of a brave new rainbow nation where that innate black goodness, gentleness, and decency can finally blossom and bring peace and prosperity to all:
South Africa reels at serious crime rise
Murders, carjackings and bank robberies increased in South Africa in 2006, underlining what many business people say is the greatest disincentive to investing in the post-apartheid state. It is the first time the murder rate has increased since the end of white rule in 1994, analysts said. The rate rose by 2.4% to 19,202, in the year to March 31, according to police statistics released on July 3. The number of bank robberies more than doubled and carjackings, one of the most chilling features of South Africa’s crime wave, increased by 6%.
The statistics were a setback to President Thabo Mbeki’s government, which announced in 2007 a huge increase in the anti-crime budget after accusations from political opponents that it was not tackling the problem. The police had set a target of a 7-10% annual decrease in serious crimes. Charles Nqakula, the safety and security minister, highlighted that there had been a drop in the number of rapes, burglaries and some types of assault. But he conceded that the figures were deeply sobering. “We are deeply concerned that crime continues to be rife and that the crime rate continues to be high,” he said. “The fact that instances of serious and violent crime are very high is disconcerting and unacceptable.”
For South Africa’s business leaders the increase in the murder rate is particularly troubling. They have long argued that it is high-profile killings, such as the murder of David Rattray, a well-known historian and tour guide, in January, that do most harm to the country’s reputation, potentially hitting investment. South Africa’s high rate of crime is widely acknowledged to be rooted in the injustices and inequalities of the apartheid era and also to be linked to the shortcomings of the police force. (The Financial Times, 4th July 2007)
Puppets, that’s what blacks are, jerking helplessly on the strings of past white oppression! Being just as intelligent as whites, they know that their criminal behavior makes it harder to overcome the traumas of that oppression, but they just can’t help themselves. White evil has the magical property not just of forcing blacks to act against their own best interests, but of becoming even more pernicious when whites are no longer actively exercising it. The more apartheid recedes into history, the worse its effects are becoming. That’s the liberal line anyway, but it’s another example of how they don’t really believe that we’re all the same under the skin. Anti-racism is based on the idea that whites have free will and are responsible for the crimes they commit, while non-whites don’t and aren’t. That makes non-whites the moral equivalent of animals, but their true role in the liberal universe may indeed be that of edgily exotic pets. Their savagery and ingratitude can only add to their appeal: are lions tame or leopards grateful?
And it’s not as though liberals have to live with their non-white pets. No, liberals are careful to live a long way from the wild-life reserves in British and American inner cities, and you can be sure that Kriss Donald and Mary-Ann Leneghan weren’t from rich liberal families. But South Africa shows that liberals aren’t immune from their own folly: many of the white South Africans who fought to rescue blacks have lived to regret it. Or have died regretting it. More regret is on its way. If anyone thinks South African blacks have really shown the world the full extent of their civilization-smashing powers, think again. They haven’t been “liberated” from white oppression as long as blacks in Zimbabwe, so this is what we can expect in South Africa sooner or later:
Zimbabwe, the land of dying children
Suffer the little children is a phrase never far from your mind in today’s Zimbabwe. The horde of painfully thin street children milling around you at traffic lights is almost the least of it: in a population now down to 11m or less there are an estimated 1.3m orphans. Go to one of the overflowing cemeteries in Bulawayo or Beit Bridge and you are struck by the long lines of tiny graves for babies and toddlers. A game ranger friend tells me that hyena attacks on humans, previously unheard of, have become increasingly common. “So many babies, not all of them dead, are being dumped in the bush that hyenas have developed a taste for human flesh,” he explains. A vast human cull is under way in Zimbabwe and the great majority of deaths are a direct result of deliberate government policies. Ignored by the United Nations, it is a genocide perhaps 10 times greater than Darfur’s and more than twice as large as Rwanda’s.
All round Harare people stand thumbing lifts, for the inflation rate of 1,050% means that a bus fare is now much the same as the average daily wage. I give lifts all the time. I meet not a single black person who is not mourning the loss of a relative or friend in the past month but, Harare being the capital, one also sees the luxurious Mercedes and SUVs of the ruling Zanu-PF elite and its business allies. World Health Organisation figures show that life expectancy, which was 62 in 1990, had by 2004 plummeted to 37 for men and 34 for women. These are by far the worst such figures in the world. Yet Zimbabwe does not even get onto the UN agenda: South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki, who has covered for Mugabe from the beginning, uses his leverage to prevent discussion. (The Sunday Times, 7th January 2007)
Whenever you see or hear liberals weeping and wailing about non-white suffering, remember that liberals are responsible for what’s happening in Zimbabwe. That’s where their pious fantasies about universal brotherhood lead: to the slaughterhouse. And Jews above all others are responsible for creating and spreading those fantasies, from the Orthodox Chief Rabbi who collaborated with Jewish Marxists in South Africa to race-deniers like Stephen Jay Gould in America. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, they say. Well, many of those who fought to “liberate” Rhodesia and South Africa didn’t have good intentions, so I think we need a new motto: The road to hell is paved with goyish inattention. If whites won’t open their eyes and recognize what Jews, blacks and other non-whites are really like, hell is not only where we’ll end up, it’s where we’ll deserve to be.
To get to the point, let’s get to The Point. That’s the name of the newsletter edited by Father Leonard Feeney (1897-1978), a trouble-making American Catholic who wouldn’t stand by meekly as his church and his nation were readied for destruction. Way back in the 1950s, The Point addressed a very important topic:
Should Hate Be Outlawed?
Most Americans, hearing this question, would answer promptly, “Yes, by all means, hate should be outlawed!” Their eagerness to reply can be accounted for all too easily. During the last decade and a half, they have been pounded with a propaganda barrage calculated to leave them in a state of dazed affability toward the whole world. Those advertising techniques that are normally used to encourage Americans to be choosy in matters of soap and toothpaste are now being enlisted to persuade them that there is no such thing as a superior product in matters of culture and creed. On billboards, on bus and subway posters, in newspapers and magazines, through radio and television broadcasts, Americans are being assured and reassured, both subtly and boldly, that “Bigotry is fascism ... Only Brotherhood can save our nation ... We must be tolerant of all!” (Op. cit., July 1955)
A true prophet and patriot:
Father Leonard Feeney
“Only Brotherhood can save our nation”? Well, not quite: what the propagandists really meant was that only Big-Brotherhood could save America. What is hate? Hate is thought crime. The Point doesn’t refer to a novel published less than a decade before, but it’s addressing the same topic as George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948). Between them the Catholic Feeney and the atheist Orwell produced an uncannily accurate prophecy of the totalitarian scientific future. Feeney didn’t, of course, believe in free speech as a general principle or recognize the importance of science and technology, but he had one huge advantage over Orwell. He was prepared to name the group behind the hate crusade and all the other slow, stealthy moves to turn Western nations into police states:
As surely and securely as the Jews have been behind Freemasonry, or Secularism, or Communism, they are behind the “anti-hate” drive. Not that this movement represents the fruition of Talmudic doctrine. The Jews are advocating tolerance only for its destructive value – destructive, that is, of the Catholic Church. On their part, they still keep alive their racial rancors and antipathies. Their Talmud, for example, still teaches that Christ was a brazen impostor, and gives an unprintably blasphemous account of his parentage and birth. And as the Christmas season just past should have taught us, the Jews, for all their Brotherhood talk, have not in the least abandoned their resolute program to make all acknowledgments of Christmas disappear from the public and social life of the nation.
The secret of the Jews’ success is, of course, that they can practice such private hate while promoting public “love”, and not be accused of inconsistency. For, as always, they are running the show mainly from behind the scenes. They get their message across by means of co-operative Gentiles. And there are probably more such Gentiles now available – both the willing kind and the kind willing to be duped – than ever before in history. As a further good fortune, the Jewish directors of America’s entertainment industry can now guarantee that one Brotherhood spokesman, well-placed (e.g., behind a microphone or before a television camera), is able to influence Americans by the millions. And the Jews’ campaign is succeeding. We have every reason to be alarmed at its success. American Catholics, even those not actively taking part in the tolerance talk, are now kept in line by the omnipresent threat of being accused of hate, bigotry, and intolerance.
“The goyish brain’s about this big, see?”
Abraham Foxman of the ADL
That threat isn’t strong enough: Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League, under its director Abe “The Snake” Foxman, want not just accusations of hate but arrests and imprisonments for hate. Alas, the First Amendment is still getting in their way. If only the Founding Fathers hadn’t been so foolish as to arm the fallible people against the infallible state! In Britain, however, where there is no constitutional guarantee of free speech, Jewish groups like the Community Security Trust, under its director Mike “Gag the Goys” Whine, have been able to achieve their ideal. Arrests and imprisonments for inciting racial hatred have been taking place ever since the 1960s. And now, much to the dismay of many liberals, we have a new category of thought criminals: those guilty of inciting religious hatred.
“You gotta lose a freedom or two, goys!”
Jack Straw, Minister for Justice
But what started fairly slowly is picking up pace and right on the heels of the faith hate law came an announcement from Jack “The Jew” Straw, our hilariously named Minister for Justice, that an even newer category of thought criminal was on its way: those guilty of inciting hatred of homosexuals. Here’s the reaction of Johann Hari, a fat homosexual who is one of Britain’s leading liberals:
It’s always strange and sad when you have to disagree with people who have purely good motives and purely good goals. Over the past week, I have smacked into disagreement twice with friends and allies in the fight for equality for gay people. Both times, the rows have boiled down to one core question: should the people who hate and detest us just because of a trivial and irreversible biological fact – homosexuality – be subject to extra criminal sanctions? (The Independent, 11th October 2007)
“How can such good people pass such a bad law?”
Johann Hari ponders a cultural conundrum
Hari both rejects and misunderstands the law. If its motives and goals are “purely good”, then Hari himself will win Slimmer of the Year in 2008. The law is in fact another step in the slow-motion revolution being overseen by Britain’s New Labour party and its friends in the media, academia and state bureaucracy. Homosexuals are like women and non-whites: they were recruited for revolution when the white British working class failed to assist the triumph of communism. By inciting these groups to resentment and hatred of white male heterosexuals, the power-hungry crypto-communists of New Labour have been able to use them as shock-troops in a war that will end, they hope, in a police state under their control. It’s happening all across the West: a slow-motion revolution that is getting less slow and gaining more motion by the year.
“We’re not power-hungry communists any more – honest!”
L-R: New Labour’s Aaronovitch, Phillips, Mandelson
The homo hate law is part of the war. Like the race hate laws, it’s designed both to reward a privileged minority and to reinforce its privilege in the eyes of the enemy. When Hari calls homosexuality a “trivial biological fact”, he’s actually blaspheming. Like being female or non-white, being homosexual is special. It places one in a privileged category, exalted above one’s heterosexual oppressors, just as females are exalted above their male oppressors and non-whites above their white ones. This is a translation of old communist doctrine based on the saintly proletariat, the oppressive bourgeoisie and the exploitative capitalist. And when you look at New Labour, guess what? There are “ex”-communists everywhere, from Peter Mandelson, one of New Labour’s chief ideologues, to David Aaronovitch, one of New Labour’s chief propagandists, to Trevor Phillips, one of New Labour’s chief ideological enforcers.
“Hello, Peter!” – Gentile minister John Prescott
compares Jew Peter Mandelson to a crab in 1997
There are also Jews everywhere in New Labour, as you might guess from names like Mandelson and Aaronovitch. Tony Blair’s departure and Gordon Brown’s arrival have been a case of “Meet the new boss – same as the old boss.” But Brown isn’t the real boss any more than Blair was: he serves a particular ethnic minority that is always sure to keep its cold and calculating eye on government, making sure of everything and nothing: “Everything for Jews’ benefit, nothing for whites’ benefit.” You can often see this Jewish control mentioned in the mainstream media, though it isn’t described as such. Here’s the magazine Private Eye describing Brown’s “New Kind of Politics”:
Tony Blair, 1997: Appoints former personal adviser Peter Mandelson as cabinet office minister to be his eyes and ears across government.
Gordon Brown, 2007: Appoints former personal adviser Ed Miliband as cabinet office minister to be his eyes and ears across government. (Op. cit., 28th September 2007, #1194)
Mandelson and Miliband are both Jews. What are the odds against members of such a small ethnic minority occupying the same central position under two different prime ministers? Ed Miliband has a brother called David, tipped himself as a future prime minister and presently serving as Foreign Secretary in succession to Jews like Jack Straw and Malcolm Rifkind. Again, what are the odds against that? It’s certainly not happening by chance, but it isn’t happening simply because of that much-vaunted Jewish intelligence. There is also a lust for power and control that augurs very ill for the goyim in a Jew-dominated nation: remember the early Soviet Union. And guess what again? The Milibands are sons of a Marxist refugee called Ralph Miliband. He raises another question. How often are anti-Semites mocked for their “contradictory” belief in Jews’ being behind both communism and capitalism?
Sinister ministers David and Ed Miliband
Well, Ralph was one of those not-so-strange oxymorons: a Marxist millionaire. Maybe the money he left explains the smug smiles that flicker so often across his sons’ faces. Or maybe they’re just glad to be realizing Daddy’s Dream as they help turn Britain into a communist police state. And it isn’t just me who finds them both smug and sinister: step forward the journalist Rod Liddle, who, like John Prescott, appears to be one of those goys who are anti-Semitic without realizing it. He’s been abusing Peter Mandelson for years:
It has been a long-held view of mine that most of the evil in the world today can be traced back, somehow, to Peter Mandelson. People tell me that this is irrational and warped. And yet, as the Burmese soldiers sprayed those protesting monks with tear gas and bunged them in the back of paddy wagons to be taken God knows where and for God knows how long, the EU Trade Commissioner’s spectral form once again swam towards me from inside my television set. (The Spectator, 26th September 2007)
Peter Mandelson: Evil, spectral
This is what he’s said about David Miliband in an article on the fallibility of DNA testing:
I’m no expert, but I would have thought that my own DNA would also provide at least an 80 per cent match with [the crime victim] Madeleine [McCann]’s, along with Vladimir Putin’s, [the NuLabourite] Ruth Kelly’s and indeed that of a polecat, honey badger or a fruit-fly. In fact, so far as I’m aware, there is almost nothing on this planet which doesn’t share 80 per cent of its DNA with Madeleine McCann; maybe some rocks, certain lichen, KFC chicken nuggets and David Miliband. (The Spectator, 12th September 2007)
David Miliband: Abhuman
There’s a racial antagonism at work there: the predatory alien nature of Jews is disturbing and repulsive to goys, who respond by characterizing them as evil, spectral and abhuman or by giving them sinister nicknames: Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle in the US, for example, and Michael “Dracula” Howard (né Hecht) in the UK. I feel this repulsion when I look at pictures of Herbert Marcuse, the Jewish Freudo-Marxist who was hard at work when Mandelson, Aaronovitch and Phillips were starry-eyed student revolutionaries. There’s an excellent summary of Marcuse’ work in volume three of Leszek Kolakowski’s Main Currents of Marxism (1978). Kolakowski lived in communist Poland and had a deep insight into what lies at the heart of Marxism and other Jewish ideologies: the lust for power and control. Like the egomaniac Marx, like the egomaniac Trotsky, like all the smaller Jewish egomaniacs following in their wake, Marcuse wanted to create what is, for Jews, an earthly paradise: a police state of goyim under Jewish control.
A web of words for goyish flies:
Freudo-Marxist Herbert Marcuse
But Marcuse faced a problem: establishing the paradisical police state would take a lot of work. There was false consciousness to smash, an existing society to transcend, the very structure of present reality to destroy:
But who is to do all this when a majority of the people, and especially of the working class, are absorbed by the system and are not interested in the “global transcendence” of the existing order? The answer, according to [Marcuse’] One-Dimensional Man, is that “underneath the conservative popular base is the substratum of the outcasts and the outsiders, the exploited and persecuted of other races and other subjects, the unemployed and unemployable. They exist outside the democratic process...” It appears, then, that lumpenprolitariat of the racial minorities of the United States is the section of humanity ordained above all others to restore the unity of Eros and Logos, to create the new qualitative science and technology, and to free mankind from the tyranny of formal logic, positivism, and empiricism. However, Marcuse elsewhere explains that we can also count on other forces, namely students and the peoples of economically and technically backward countries. The alliance of these three groups is the chief hope for the liberation of mankind. (Op. cit., “Herbert Marcuse: Marxism as a totalitarian Utopia”, pg. 411)
That is the wisdom absorbed by Britain’s modern rulers in their student days: recruit outsiders for revolution. Mass immigration from “economically and technically backward countries” into Britain has created one set of revolutionary warriors; homosexuals are another set. Both are now privileged with special laws over the counter-revolutionary white heterosexual majority, but there’s a big contradiction between mass immigration and “gay rights.” Johann Hari unwittingly revealed it when he spoke of how gentle gays are oppressed by hateful heteros:
This February a 28-year-old gay man called Robert Goddard got on the bus to East London after a long night working in a West End club. He was knackered and rested his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder when suddenly a group of five big, aggressive lads began to shout at them. “You fucking batty-boys! We’re going to smash your head with a brick. We’re going to follow you off the bus and kill you,” they declared. Rob called the police, but they refused to come. The gang broke Rob’s nose and badly beat his boyfriend too. (The Independent, 11th October 2007)
Batty-boy? That’s Jamaican slang for bum-bandit! Surely Hari isn’t letting slip that one oppressed minority, namely blacks, can turn on another oppressed minority, namely homosexuals? Well, yes, he is. The “lads” may not have been black, but either way they were influenced by black “homophobia”, which, like Muslim homophobia, is much more vicious and violent than anything the white British dish out. Jamaica, Pakistan and Bangladesh are far more homophobic than Britain. They’re also far more misogynist and rape-inclined. By allowing mass immigration from these countries, the self-proclaimed defenders of gay and women’s rights are ensuring more and worse violence against gays and women. There’s a blatant contradiction, isn’t there?
“Building a better world for women and gays...
By importing misogynist homophobes!”
The five “British” Muslims on trial for plotting terrorism
Well, no, in fact there isn’t. New Labour have no real concern for their shock-troops and will happily see them suffer in pursuit of what does matter: power for themselves. Laws against hate speech are not meant to benefit the alleged victims but to give the state another whip to lash down dissent. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats want to get their hands on the whip too. Have they promised to repeal the new hate laws if they win power? Nope. And note that our traitorous politicians have no objection to hate when it’s directed against whites or men, because those are the groups that threaten their revolution. In fact, there is a huge state apparatus working to promote hate against those groups. The point is that everyone must think what the state decrees. Kolakowski again:
Marcuse’s system depends on replacing the tyranny of logic by a police tyranny. This is corroborated by all historical experience: there is only one way of making a whole society accept a particular world-view and the Marcusian union of Eros and Logos can only be realized in the form of a totalitarian state, established and governed by force; the freedom he advocates is non-freedom. If “true” freedom does not mean freedom of choice but consists in choosing a particular object; if freedom of speech does not mean that people can say what they like, but that they must say the right thing; and if Marcuse and his followers have the sole right to decide what people must choose and what people must say, then “freedom” has simply taken on the contrary of its normal sense. In these terms a “free” society is one that deprives people of freedom to choose either objects or ideas except at the behest of those who know better. (Op. cit., pg. 418-9)
Those who know better. Isn’t that the self-definition of NuLabour in the UK and the neo-cons in the US? Of liberals in general? We know better and you will obey. You will say, do and think what we tell you. The homo hate laws say: “Love Big Bugger!” Behind Big Bugger is Big Brother. Big Sister too. But behind all of them is Big Jew. In Treasure Island, Long John Silver hid treachery and gold-lust behind a smiling face; in the modern West, Long John Sheeney hides treachery and power-lust behind compassion and concern for oppressed minorities. As he pretends to help them, he’s really working to help himself. First take away free speech about race, then about religion, then about homosexuality, because as free speech dies something else is born. Vive la révolution!
There is only one language – the human language. Vile linguistic bigots may try to pretend that English, Chinese and Navajo are somehow separate “languages”, but they merely reveal their own ignorance and stupidity. Far more unites these three meaning-delivery systems than divides them. They all use vowels and consonants, they all have ways of referring to the past, present and future, of expressing negation and hypothesis, of capturing the world and its complexities. The differences between meaning-delivery systems are so small, the similarities so vast, that we can reach only one conclusion: Language does not exist. And if you claim you can’t understand Chinese or Navajo or Maori, you’re obviously a dangerous bigot in serious need of a decade or two in an arctic re-education camp.
Say no to discrimination:
All these “languages” are the same!
Well, separate languages do exist, of course, just as separate races do. The analogy between language and race isn’t perfect, but it’s illuminating all the same. Some people claim that race is a false concept because it’s impossible to draw clear divisions between one alleged race and another. But the same applies to language. Some dialects of French are like Italian and some dialects of Italian are like French. Does this mean only one language is spoken in France and Italy? Of course not. It’s quite possible to have a chain of villages where every village can understand its neighbors but the villages at the start and end of the chain can’t understand each other at all. Languages can also interbreed like races. I’ve already used words from French, Latin and Greek here. Does that mean I’m not writing in English? Well, no-one makes the absurd claim that separate languages don’t exist, but millions of people make the absurd claim that separate races don’t exist. Race-deniers have the power to make dissenters suffer too. Just ask the scientist James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. He made some mild and perfectly reasonable comments about differences in white and black intelligence, and quickly discovered that hell hath no fury like a liberal dogmatist scorned.
One of the world’s greatest scientific discoveries:
The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Dogma was exactly what he was up against. If you want to understand the Watson controversy, these words from St Paul are a good place to start:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
For “Christ Jesus” read “liberal society.” But St Paul was actually much more rational and much less arrogant than modern liberals. He believed in the metaphysical equality of all believers, which was rational enough given his supernaturalist premises, but he didn’t go on to demand that believers be equal in every other way. Modern liberals do arrogantly demand that, but it isn’t rational given their naturalistic premises. When they demand complete equality, they make the crypto-religious assumption that culture and politics somehow float free of biology. They don’t. Unlike chimpanzees, human beings have culture and practise politics. Why is this? Because there are small but extremely important differences between the DNA of these two closely related species. If small differences in DNA are responsible for the existence of culture and politics in the first place, they can certainly be responsible for cultural and political variations among different races. Believing that race does not exist is again crypto-religious. Watson was attacked because he offended against egalitarian dogma, not because what he said was unscientific.
One of the world’s greatest scientists:
Race heretic James Watson
Two millennia ago egalitarian dogma was preached by the Jewish St Paul to gullible gentiles. Jewish metaphysicians are still preaching egalitarian dogma to gullible gentiles today. One of them is called Steven Rose and here he is gloating about Watson in that liberal Bible known as The Guardian:
In my blog earlier this week, I was responding to James Watson’s gratuitous attack on me and my alleged views on schizophrenia. At that point I hadn’t seen in detail Watson’s disgraceful remarks about differences between African and Euro-American intelligence. It was these that sparked the real firestorm. Within a day, the BNP had puffed them on their website. Black and anti-racist groups responded vigorously, as did Ken Livingstone’s office. The Science Museum cancelled his sell-out lecture, making it clear that his remarks had gone “beyond the limit of acceptability.” Now the rest of the lecture tour has been cancelled, Watson has been suspended from his post as chancellor of Cold Spring Harbor laboratory in the US – his working base for nearly 40 years (and perhaps not coincidentally for many years the home of the American eugenics movement). And he has made an unreserved apology for, and retraction of, his quoted statements about differences in intelligence between Africans and Euro-Americans, published in today’s Independent. It is clear, however, that the circumstances and content of his original remarks made it inevitable that his book-signing and lecture tour would be cancelled. (The Guardian, “Watson’s bad science”, 21st October 2007)
Not one of the world’s greatest scientists:
Marxist ideologue Steven Rose
Whatever liberals are claiming to the contrary, Watson hasn’t retracted his statements: he still believes that there are significant average differences between white and black intelligence. He has, however, said that this does not imply the “genetic inferiority” of blacks. I agree. I don’t think genetic inferiority is a scientific concept. Are fruit-flies genetically inferior to human beings? It depends on the context. Fruit-flies are certainly inferior to human beings in their ability to do certain things, such as write piano sonatas or calculate a trillion digits of pi, but human beings are inferior to fruit flies in their ability to do certain other things, such as live on rotting fruit or land upside-down on the ceiling. It’s horses for courses, isn’t it? Similarly, whites are well-adapted to one environment and blacks to another. Neither flourishes in the other’s environment: on average, whites are better at building civilizations and blacks better at wrecking them. Just look at Zimbabwe for proof of that. The Jew Steven Rose was one of those who fought to rescue blacks from wicked white rule there and hand them over for tyranny and torture by their own race. He’s never expressed regret for his part in the disaster, but why should he? His intentions were pure and that, in the sight of the Lord, is all that matters.
Racial genetics at work #1:
Jewish Marxists Aaronovitch and Rose
Rose’s Lord is Karl Marx, another Jewish metaphysician who believed that words and willpower can control and indeed reshape reality. That’s why Marxists don’t believe in free speech. He who controls the Word controls the World. Here’s some more of Rose’s article on Watson:
There are two separate issues to be unpicked, on the “science” and on “freedom of speech.” So far as the first goes, if Watson had confined himself to saying (as he now does in his article) that there are likely to be genes which, expressed during development, contribute to differences in individual intellectual performance, then there would be no scientific dissent, even though such genes remain to be discovered, and we may have grave doubts about the status of such measures of intellectual performance as IQ tests. What is scientifically untenable – and indeed scientifically meaningless – is to claim that average differences in intelligence, as measured by IQ scores between different population groups, are caused by genetic differences between those groups – the core thesis of pseudoscientific racism. As for freedom of speech, these freedoms are and must be constrained. We don’t have the right to casually cry fire in a crowded theatre, or to use hate speech – at least in Europe, as opposed to the US.
When Europe was in the grip of the Jew-invented ideology of Christianity, there was no free speech for heretics. Now Europe is in the grip of the Jew-invented ideology of political correctness and there’s no free speech for racists. Racism = heresy. Rose isn’t a scientist, he’s a dogmatist who’d like to shut down a whole field of scientific endeavor because it contradicts his religion. Not that contradiction always bothers him. He accepts that there are “likely” to be “genes” affecting “intellectual performance”, but claims they’ll apply only to individuals, not to races. But if brain-genes differ between individuals, why not between races? According to Rose, it’s because race doesn’t exist. Why not? Because Marxism says so. And why does Marxism say so? Because the existence of racial differences would interfere with what really interests people like Marx and Rose: power. George Orwell said something very interesting in his book The Road to Wigan Pier (1937):
Sometimes I look at a Socialist – the intellectual, tract-writing type of Socialist, with his pullover, his fuzzy hair, and his Marxian quotation – and wonder what the devil his motive really is. It is often difficult to believe that it is a love of anybody, especially of the working class, from whom he is of all people the furthest removed. The underlying motive of many Socialists, I believe, is simply a hypertrophied sense of order. The present state of affairs offends them not because it causes misery, still less because it makes freedom impossible, but because it is untidy; what they desire, basically, is to reduce the world to something resembling a chessboard... The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves; it means a set of reforms which “we”, the clever ones, are going to impose upon “them”, the Lower Orders. (Op. cit., chapter 11)
That’s a perfect description of modern liberal psychology if you change something that’s now out-of-date: for “working class”, read “minorities-and-wimmin.” Liberals do not want solutions for inequality, they want excuses for interference. One reason they’re so fervently in support of mass immigration is that they know, subconsciously or otherwise, that it fractures society and affords much more opportunity for meddling and witch-hunting by the liberal state. If the fire brigade tackled fires the way liberals tackle social problems, firemen would pump gasoline onto fires rather than water. They’d then use the bigger fires to demand more firemen and gasoline. But the fire brigade doesn’t tackle fires like that, because it’s an evil white male institution, adapting itself to reality rather than demanding that reality adapt to it. That’s why the fire brigade actually does what it says it will: put out fires. Liberals say they’ll end inequality and create racial harmony – and do the opposite. The thrills of self-righteousness, moral posturing and exercising power are what matter to them, not achieving their loudly professed objectives. Think of what they were chanting in the 1960s and ’70s: “Smash racist Rhodesia! Topple the white fascists! Hand the country over to saintly blacks!”
Racial genetics at work #2:
Black dictators Mugabe and Phillips
Well, they smashed racist Rhodesia, toppled the white fascists and handed the country over, then watched as the saintly blacks turned the breadbasket of Africa into the basket-case of Africa. That’s where liberal policies inevitably lead and the malevolent magic is working more slowly in the West only because the West still has a white majority. Liberals are working hard to change that and to denigrate and destroy our white European heritage. After all, that heritage often has very uncomfortable messages for liberals:
Procrustes (proh-KRUS-teez)
A mythical Greek giant who was a thief and a murderer. He would capture travelers and tie them to an iron bed. If they were longer than the bed, he would hack off their limbs until they fit it. If they were too short, he would stretch them to the right size. (The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 2002)
Marxism and the liberalism it inspires are procrustean ideologies, forcing people and ideas into fixed patterns, whatever the cost in suffering. But just as the Greek hero Theseus defeated the original Procrustes and ended his crimes, so science will defeat our modern Procrusteans and end the crimes committed in the name of their equality thesis. The more reality threatens liberal plans to use an ethnic fifth column to topple the West, the more hysterical their denunciations of truth-tellers like Watson become. Heirs to the old religious belief in mind over matter, they’re terrified by the idea that the brain is a material organ strongly influenced by genetic differences, like those that exist between the races. Many of them don’t even convince themselves when they claim race doesn’t exist and they’re certainly convincing fewer and fewer members of the public. Whites and blacks are different, cannot be made the same, and do not belong in the same societies. You can see that for yourself every day, but liberals still demand that we believe their lies rather than our own eyes.
Picture this. Five Asian friends, two of them women, venture into a white district of London after a night out. They’re spotted by whites, who begin hurling racial abuse. They ask the whites to be quiet and bang! a vicious gang assault is under way. Up to thirty whites swarm in, spewing race hate, kicking, punching, swinging machetes and other weapons. As one of the Asian men attempts to protect his female friends, he’s struck to the ground and repeatedly kicked in the head. Next day, as he lies in intensive care, paralyzed down one side with serious brain injuries, the British media are boiling with horror and indignation. The innocent ethnic victims, battered, bruised and traumatized, are on every front page and every news bulletin. Government ministers condemn the attack and vow to re-double their efforts to stamp out the scourge of white racism. Slowly the chorus dies away, only to return as loud as ever when the white racists are put on trial for attempted murder in London’s famous Old Bailey.
Nobodies: the numerous victims of non-white crime
Yes, that’s how it would have gone if whites had attacked innocent Asians like that. Only they didn’t: the crime I’ve described really happened, but it was Asians attacking innocent whites. Yawn. Who cared? The initial attack got almost no coverage, the just-ended trial in the Old Bailey got little more and soon the case will be sent where it belongs: into the memory-hole. Right now the BBC are trying to spin away the truth:
John Payne was walking home with friends after a night out when he was brutally attacked, kicked and punched in the head and body, his attackers also wielding knives, machetes and metal bars. Throughout the sustained assault, which left him partially paralysed, a gang of young Bangladeshis hurled racial abuse at John’s group. Nearly two years on, John still can’t walk properly, suffers flashbacks and epileptic fits. It is still not clear what pushed Sodrul Islam, Delawar Hussain and Mamoon Hussain to set upon John Payne. What is clear is this: this was their estate and John and his friends were not welcome. (BBC News, 11th January 2008)
Got that? Asians hurling racial abuse attack a white, but it’s not clear “what pushed” them to do it. Not to the dishonest liberal who wrote that article, anyway. Well, it was hatred of whites, of course, as encouraged 24/7 by dishonest liberals. And look at the attempt to deny personal responsibility to the Asian criminals: they didn’t set upon an innocent white of their own free will, no, some mysterious outside force “pushed” them to set upon an innocent white – or rather, five innocent whites, including two women. Even when the liberal anti-white media report ethnic crime against whites, they still try to weasel their way out of the truth. But their ideal is to give it as little coverage as possible. That’s what has happened with other horrific cases: the kidnap and incineration of fifteen-year-old Kriss Donald by Asians in 2004; the torture, rape and murder of sixteen-year-old Mary-Ann Leneghan by blacks in 2005; the murder of fourteen-year-old Charlene Downes, sexually exploited and disposed of by a Jordanian and an Iranian in 2003; and the attempted murder of sixteen-year-old Henry Webster, left with serious brain injuries after a sixteen-to-one assault by Asians in 2007.
The last two cases have macabre twists that should have had the media climbing all over them: Charlene Downes’ body is rumored to have been turned into kebabs and Henry Webster was attacked with a hammer while he was at school, after adult Asians were whistled up by cell phone and text message. But to understand what is really going on, you have to remember that it isn’t just white victims who get ignored. Look at Isiah Young-Sam, a black murdered by Asians during a race riot in 2005. That murder was premeditated and arose from long-standing communal hatred. It was a big news-story, but it was almost completely ignored and is now long forgotten by the liberal media.
Saints and martyrs: the rare victims of white-on-ethnic crime
Compare the coverage given to the murders of the blacks Stephen Lawrence and Anthony Walker. Those murders weren’t premeditated and didn’t reflect long-standing communal hatred, but they had the magic ingredient for big media attention: they were committed by whites! The conclusion is clear. The media do not care about racism or about non-white suffering: they care only about hammering Honky. They invert the truth about racism in Britain, pretending that whites are its chief perpetrators when in fact they’re its chief victims. Non-whites are still a minority here, but they commit most of the “race crime”:
Racism and race crime redefined
Until the mid-nineties, the government’s British Crime Survey only asked ethnic minority groups whether they had been the victim of a crime which was racially motivated. Since then, all victims are asked and the picture has changed dramatically. The most recent analysis shows that in 2004, 87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities (BME) said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. In the same period, 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim. Focusing on violent racial attacks, 49,000 BME were victims. Among whites, the number was 77,000. Of those that involved wounding 4,000 were BME. Among the white population it was 20,000. The numbers can be highly misleading, though. Since about 90% of people in Britain are white, the statistics actually show the risk of being a victim of race crime is significantly greater if you are from an ethnic minority. According to the most recent Home Office analysis, the chances for a white person is less than 1%. For Black and Asian people it is put at about 1%. (BBC News, 8th November 2006)
Mark Easton: a lying and laughing Jew?
Mark Easton, the BBC “Home affairs” editor who wrote that piece, is either crooked or mathematically illiterate or both. I also strongly suspect he’s Jewish. If there were more “BME victims” than white ones, as you would expect in a white-majority nation, he would have stressed the absolute numbers. In fact, we have the astonishing situation in which the non-white 10% commit most of the race crime in the UK: a massive 80% of the woundings, for example. So Easton has to pretend that relative risk of being attacked is more important. It isn’t: it’s a consequence of the fact that non-whites are still in the minority. If non-whites were 90% of the population instead and both groups were committing race crime at the same rate, the risk for whites would rocket far above “about 1%”, while the risk for non-whites would plummet to far less. And that’s making two false assumptions: first, that non-whites won’t behave worse as they gain the upper hand; and second, that all race crime against “BMEs” is committed by whites. It isn’t. One of the joys of diversity in modern Britain is that it’s created vicious and intractable conflict not just between whites and non-whites, but also between different sets of non-whites: blacks against Asians, Somalis against Afro-Caribbeans, Muslims against Hindus, Hindus against Sikhs, Sikhs against Muslims, et cetera ad nauseam. So non-whites will often be the victims of race crime by other non-whites.
Will the media discuss this? Will they point out that whites will suffer even more in the future, as the non-white population grows? Nope. Their agenda is clear: Hammer Honky. And by constantly portraying whites as racist oppressors, they’re inciting non-whites to more and worse crimes against us. The race crime statistics quoted above aren’t misleading just because BMEs are attacking each other, but also because a lot of race crime against whites isn’t recorded as such. When the white Christopher Yates was kicked to death by Asians in a completely unprovoked attack in 2005, it wasn’t recorded as a race crime despite clear evidence to the contrary. One of the murderers said afterwards in Urdu: “We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business.” How many times has our corrupt legal system rejected similar clear evidence of racial motive? How many times do non-whites attack whites for racial reasons without giving clear evidence or any evidence at all? But when a white attacks a non-white, the default assumption for the legal system and media alike is that Evil White Racism is at work yet again. It’s also the default assumption for non-white crime and poverty. Innocent ethnics can’t help themselves: they’re driven to crime and failure by Evil White Racism. It follows inexorably, therefore, that the only way to free non-whites in Britain from oppression is to topple whites from power – to turn them into a minority here and put power in the hands of their non-white victims.
The mass-murderer and the man who put him in power:
L-R: Marxist Robert Mugabe and anti-racist Peter Hain
After all, look how well that strategy has worked in Zimbabwe! Blacks were groaning in misery under white oppression; Western liberals rallied to their cause, toppled racist white Rhodesia and installed the Marxist Robert Mugabe as president. According to Peter Hain, a Labour minister (as of this writing) who worked as hard as any to defeat white fascism in Rhodesia and South Africa, Benevolent Bob Mugabe “did much to benefit his country in the early years of his government.” Mugabe came into power in 1980. By 1985, he’d murdered up to 30,000 of his tribal enemies in Matabeleland. Since then he’s got on to bigger and better things, really upping the death toll in Zimbabwe under his genuinely fascist government. Peter Hain, who worked so hard to put him into power, hasn’t hesitated to criticize him for destroying that shimmering liberal dream of a rainbow nation where all races could live together in peace and prosperity. Still, Hain continues to work hard for that liberal dream in the UK, though he might be a bit distracted at the moment, because he’s fighting off serious allegations about donations to his campaign for deputy leadership of the Labour party.
Laughing all the way to the bank:
Race-traitors Tony and Cherie Blair
And guess what? Hain’s honeypot was filled by members of Britain’s richest and pushiest ethnic minority. There’s Willie Nagel, a Jewish diamond broker who ran into controversy under the Tory government in 1990s and, understandably enough, tried to avoid the limelight this time by donating to the Labour Hain through the Progressive Policies Forum – which some are unkindly describing as a “slush fund.” There’s also Isaac Kaye, a Jewish pharmaceutical entrepreneur accused of a £400m ($800m) price-fixing fraud against the National Health Service. And get this: Kaye cosied up to South Africa’s ruling National Party under apartheid. Yet here he is donating money to that anti-apartheid warrior Peter Hain! Before that, he donated heavily to Tony Blair, another stern opponent of apartheid. A cynic might suggest that Kaye and Nagel have been buying the favors of whoever is in power, because they know they’ll get a massive return on their investment.
Well, if you aren’t cynical about Jews, you really ought to open your eyes. Britain is not a democracy, but a chrysocracy: we have rule by Jewish gold, not by the goyish majority. Hugely wealthy and selfish Jews buy corrupt politicians, which allows them to make more money to buy corrupt politicians. In office and out, British politicians, like their European and American counterparts, are paid to betray their own race. The recently retired Tony Blair, for example, has just picked up a $1,000,000 non-job at JPMorgan Chase. If Britain were a democracy, it would be hugely puzzling that mass immigration by non-whites, opposed by the white majority for so long, could ever have started, let alone continued for decades, filling British cities with violent, corrupt, white-hating Third Worlders. But Britain is a Jewish chrysocracy, so mass immigration isn’t puzzling at all. Nor are our rabidly anti-white media and ever-harshening race laws, which have destroyed free speech in one of the nations that invented it.
It’s Whites or Wasps – we can’t have both
Jews are rather like guests who want to take over a house owned by whites. So they start telling the whites how friendly and peaceful wasps are and how much delicious honey wasps produce. Then they start installing wasp-nests. When one of the whites brushes a nest and gets badly stung, the Jewish guests start shrieking: “It’s your fault! You’re a vespist! You’re prejudiced against those peaceful, productive wasps!” And the white foolishly feels guilty and apologizes, while the Jews bring in yet more wasp-nests. Another of the whites complains that the wasps aren’t producing any honey and is arrested in a dawn raid by the police. “It’s your fault the wasps aren’t making honey!” the Jews shriek. Whites start to leave the house, but they find that Jewish guests have been at work everywhere else, installing wasp-nests and making whites feel guilty for being stung and for preventing the wasps from making any honey.
That’s the situation in the West today. Our cities are filling with vicious, unproductive ethnic wasps who are attacking us with the active encouragement of our bought media and government. As our numbers fall and their numbers rise, we’re being stung to death. So the choice is clear. It’s Whites or Wasps: we can’t have both.
What drives feminists? Concern for women or concern for themselves? Thirst for truth and justice or hunger for power and money? The answers were supplied by a recent crime in London. A sixteen-year-old girl was dragged into an empty house, beaten and gang-raped by “five youths”, who then poured caustic soda on her body, trying to destroy DNA evidence. Caustic soda isn’t an acid, as some newspapers have reported, but it has similar effects: it dissolves flesh and causes excruciating pain. So that was the package dumped on feminists’ doorstep: extreme male brutality and callousness towards a defenseless female. Shrieks of horror and outrage duly rang out at... Well, not at The Guardian. The feminists there were washing their hair or something. Nor at The Independent. Maybe the sisterhood were too busy painting their nails. Nor at the BBC. I guess the Woman’s Hour gang were all darning their husbands’ socks. Bestial male violence – sound of feminist silence, that’s how it went.
The only prominent female journalist to touch the story was one Jan Moir at The Daily Telegraph, the most right-wing of Britain’s big newspapers. And that’s not saying much, these days. Political correctness has corrupted every mainstream institution in Britain, as you can see from Moir’s comment on something that will have been obvious to everyone who heard details of the crime: the race of the perpetrators:
Police sources say the 16-year-old will never fully recover from the injuries caused by the caustic soda and, at the time of writing, she remains under heavy sedation in a burns unit, fighting for her life. One could weep an ocean for this young woman, her life ruined by these savages, who hunted in a pack like animals and dragged her to an empty house, caring nothing for her wellbeing or future. Drain cleaner? The callous premeditation is shocking, and underlines the fact that some of the rootless delinquents who roam the London streets are now scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity. I’m almost embarrassed to say that the attackers have been described as “five black youths”, in case you think I’m being racist in highlighting this crime. (The Daily Telegraph, 16th January 2008)
Whites in every Western nation have been trained to feel “embarrassed” about the truth: that our vibrant black minority are specialists in violent crime. From gang-rape to child-murder, black is bountiful, baby! Other non-whites are trying hard to match this black success story, but feminists, full of concern for women and children, stay resolutely silent, except when they join the rest of the left in blaming non-white crime on white racism. Yep, non-white rapists are puppets dancing on Evil Whitey’s strings, so the obvious solution is to keep non-whites well away from Whitey’s corrupting influence. It’s not obvious to feminists, though, who firmly support the mass immigration that means non-white violence against white women will not just continue, but get worse and worse. It also means that Muslims, not famous for their fem-ophilia, are getting more and more powerful in the West. Feminists say they want to help women – and work tirelessly to harm them. To understand this apparent paradox, you need to examine the origins of feminism. Look at its Big Mothers: megalomaniacs like Susan Estrich, Betty Friedan, Erica Jong, Susan Sontag and Gloria Steinem. Just as the black minority hugely outperform the white majority in acts of bestial violence, so another minority hugely outperform the white majority in rampant megalomania and ideological web-spinning:
Jewish women have played key roles in building and advancing the modern American women’s movement. As activists, professionals, artists, and intellectuals, Jewish feminists have shaped every aspect of American life. (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Friedan fighters! Some important Jewish feminists:
L-R: Betty Friedan; Gloria Steinem; Susan Sontag
Feminism follows a Jewish agenda: demonize and destroy the white heterosexual male. If five white males had gang-raped a black female and thrown caustic soda on her body, The Guardian, Independent and BBC would have exploded with horror and indignation. It would have been a top news-story for days and politicians would have rushed to join in. The British prime minister Gordon Brown, perhaps with his fag-hag wife in tow, would have solemnly condemned the crime and vowed to fight the male evil that inspired it. But the rape wasn’t white-on-black, it was almost certainly black-on-white, like most gang-rapes in London – the others are Asian-on-white and black-on-black. So politicians and the liberal media weren’t interested. Our famously intellectual prime minister had higher concerns:
Gordon Brown found time to pay tribute to Konnie Huq as Blue Peter’s longest-serving female presenter signed off after a decade of shark diving and scandals. Ms Huq, 32, outlasted Valerie Singleton on the BBC children’s show. Tony Blair invited her to Downing Street for his farewell interview. Her last show concluded with a recorded tribute from Mr Blair’s successor. Mr Brown said: “Konnie, thank you so much. You’ve done brilliantly.” (The Times, 23rd January 2008)
Singing the blues: The cerebral Gordon Brown
So Brown didn’t utter a syllable about an appalling gang-rape, but he found time in his extremely busy schedule to celebrate the career of a non-white woman on a children’s television show. Brown has also just promised £825m ($1,650m) in aid to India, buying non-white votes in Britain by helping non-whites overseas. He’s following the same Jewish agenda as the feminists: elevate ethnics, whip Whitey! Like American politics, British politics is run on Jewish money and the results are plain to see. There have been three big scandals about “donations” in the past two years and members of the tiny Jewish minority have been at the heart of every one. First it was the pushy “Lord” Levy and his chums from Jewish Care, then the pushy Peter Abrahams and his Labour Friend of Israel Jon Mendelsohn. Now it’s the pushy Willie Nagel and Isaac Kaye:
L-R: Hon. President of the Diamond Exchange Shmuel Schnitzer; Willie Nagel; D.E. President Avi Paz
The international diamond merchant Willie Nagel, one of the key backers of Peter Hain’s campaign for the Labour deputy leadership, was embroiled in a political funding controversy a decade ago that involved his links to the former prime minister John Major. The businessman, who gave Mr Hain’s campaign a £35,000 [$70,000] interest-free loan on top of a £5,000 [$10,000] donation, was embroiled in a row after donating £20,000 [$40,000] to Mr Major’s constituency association. The Independent revealed in 1997 that Mr Nagel had tried to interest the Prime Minister in an unmanned aircraft developed by Israel, despite an embargo on Israeli equipment at the time. Mr Nagel, 83, whose diamond-trading business has offices in Antwerp, Bangkok, Mumbai, New York and Tel Aviv, had offered sponsorship for party events after the Conservatives’ 1992 election victory. He wrote to Mr Major suggesting he pass on details of the unmanned aircraft to the relevant government department. In 1992, Norma Major, the Prime Minister’s wife, was reported to have viewed diamonds at his office in London. Mr Nagel arranged Wimbledon finals tickets for Mr Major’s agent, Peter Brown, in 1992 and even telephoned Mr Major at home in 1994. But their relationship appeared to hit difficulties.
A further study of Avi Paz
A note to Mr Major from the Huntingdon Conservative Association at the time pointed out that Mr Nagel’s friends included “diplomats, industrialists and prominent members of the Jewish community.” But it went on: “His persistence along with his ability never to take no for an answer is wearing in the extreme, which is part of the cause of the relationship souring.” However, relations improved and the businessman was invited on a trade mission to Israel in 1995. Mr Nagel also forged links with Margaret Thatcher, once reportedly joking “even Mrs Thatcher listened to me”... Mr Nagel came to know Mr Hain through his work establishing the so-called Kimberley Process to stem the flow of “blood diamonds” from conflict zones in 2003, when Mr Hain was a minister at the Foreign Office. Mr Nagel said last week that he respected Mr Hain’s work “both nationally and internationally.” Mr Nagel provided £30,000 [$60,000] for the Progressive Policy Forum (PPF), the controversial think-tank at the heart of the Hain controversy. The money was then used to help fund Mr Hain’s failed bid for the Labour deputy leadership. Mr Nagel insisted in a statement issued through his lawyers last week that he “donated and loaned money to PPF and had no objection that this money be used to support Peter Hain’s campaign.” (The Independent, 17th January 2008)
Romanian-born Mr Nagel came to the UK in 1949 after spending several years in pre-state Palestine. He studied at University College London and at Cambridge and in 1959 became an international diamond broker for De Beers. He has been a vice-chairman of Israel Bonds UK, and played a major role in the Balfour Diamond Jubilee Trust and the British Overseas Trade Group for Israel. He is also a life-long supporter of both the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel and appears regularly in the Jewish Chronicle “Guest List” pages alongside leading Israeli and communal figures. He was honoured by both the German and UK governments for his work in advancing UK-German relations and was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in 2002.
A further study of Shmuel Schnitzer
Mr Hain’s other benefactor is Isaac Kaye, a South African-born multi-millionaire and Labour Party supporter. Both men are deeply involved in Jewish communal activities. Mr Kaye, 78, who donated a total of £14,600 [$29,200] to Mr Hain’s campaign, is the former chairman of Norton Healthcare, which was investigated by police looking into an alleged £400 million [$800m] price-rigging of pharmaceuticals sold to the NHS [National Health Service]. Arriving from South Africa in 1985, he became a supporter of Tony Blair’s New Labour and a major donor to the party. He also donated £10,000 [$20,000] to Labour politician Frank Dobson’s campaign to become London mayor. A donor to LFI [Labour Friends of Israel], Mr Kaye has backed the Community Security Trust, UJIA [United Jewish Israel Appeal] and other Jewish and pro-Israel organisations. He is on the board of Bicom, the Britain-Israel Communications and Research Centre, and is a governor and major benefactor of the Hebrew University, where he has endowed the Kaye Research Awards. (The Jewish Chronicle, 18th January 2008)
Does anyone think Nagel and Kaye are giving money to gentile politicians out of the goodness of their goy-loving hearts? No, they’re Jews, which means they put Jews first and the rest of humanity nowhere. They’re not donating, they’re investing in expectation of massive returns. They’re also ensuring that Britain stays firmly on course for the shimmering multi-racial future, like the one Jew-bought politician Peter Hain fought so hard to bring to prosperous white-run Rhodesia and South Africa. Rhodesia is now a starving black-run police-state and South Africa is catching up fast. Jews are directing the same process of anti-white subversion throughout the West, but one little-recognized consequence of Ethnic Enrichment™ is the sub-prime crisis in America. Frightened of seeming racist, mortgage companies gave loans to non-whites who weren’t credit-worthy. As the chickens come home to roost, guess who’s laughing all the way to the bank?
Hebe homeys Alan Greenspan and John Paulson
Every morning, an entire city logs on to to see exactly how much farther their over-mortgaged Spanish colonial in the Hollywood Hills has fallen into the abyss. (I made the mistake of doing this myself the other day – only to discover that on average, I am losing $2,226 per day.) Imagine, then, how pleased everyone felt when they picked up The Wall Street Journal last week and saw Jeff Greene grinning out from the front page. “In Beverly Hills, A Meltdown Mogul Is Living Large” read the headline. In case you’ve never heard of Greene, here are the facts: he is a 53-year-old real-estate investor who lives in a 40,000 sq ft Beverly Hills mansion called Palazzo di Amore. He owns three aeroplanes and a yacht, and Mike Tyson was best man at his $1 million wedding. But the most important thing to know about Greene is that he found a way to bet in advance that America’s property market would implode. How? By trading in the extraordinarily complex area of “asset-backed credit default swaps.” Greene essentially made insurance payments that guaranteed him a huge payout if mortgage companies ever defaulted on their loans. And how much did he make? In six months, about $500 million. That’s $2.8 million a day. Yes, meet Mr Unpopular of Hollywood, 2008. And there’s more: Greene reportedly got the idea from his friend John Paulson, who has done exactly the same thing, only with slightly different results: he made $4 billion in the past six months. That’s $22 million per day. These trades are surely right up there with George Soros’s mugging of the pound on Black Wednesday, 15 years ago. (The Times, 22nd January 2008)
Alan Greenspan and his toy-goy Gordon Brown
So John the Jew is friends with Jeff the Jew and perhaps with George the Jew too. Paulson definitely has another hebe homey: Alan Greenspan, the Jewish banker who helped create the sub-prime crisis before joining Paulson’s company to profit from it. The Jewish strategy is to set fire to a house and then loot rooms and pick pockets in the confusion. They use the proceeds to hire more ethnic arsonists. In modern Britain, sixteen-year-olds are gang-raped by blacks and scarred for life with caustic soda. Meanwhile, our prime minister celebrates long-serving ethnics on children’s TV. In modern America, white couples are gang-raped and murdered by blacks. Meanwhile, the media spin lies about innocent white lacrosse-players. If Britons and Americans a century ago could have seen all this, they would have shaken their heads in disbelief and disgust. Why are we sitting back and letting these horrors continue? Can’t we see which group is directing them through its control of politics and the media? Well, perhaps we can. I think whites are subconsciously aware of what’s going on, because the subconscious is often much wiser than the media-befuddled conscious. My hope is that growing economic pain will release that subconscious awareness and whites will finally start acting in their own defense.
You can’t base a religion on 1+1=2. You don’t need faith to believe the obvious and you don’t value it. That’s why the world’s most successful religion is based on 1+1+1=1. In Christianity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are three persons but one God. It’s not an obvious truth, so you need faith to believe it and will value it. Christianity promises to supply unobvious truths, even paradoxical truths, things that you aren’t going to learn or guess for yourself. You can know what the Lord of the Universe thinks and wants! It’s a powerful appeal, but it has a flaw for some people: it isn’t exclusive enough. Christianity’s early competitor, gnosticism, made the same promise, but to a select few, not to everyone. By studying the right texts, sitting before the right teachers, performing the right ceremonies, initiates could achieve gnosis – secret knowledge. But sects offering gnosis to the select few don’t have to be explicitly religious. I think modern liberalism is gnostic. Look at the liberal dogma of racial and sexual equality. The common herd reject it, saying it contradicts common sense and everyday experience. They’re proving their banality – their inability to grasp and absorb a Higher Truth that transcends mundane reality.
Left: Robert Mugabe, noble black egalitarian
Right: Ian Douglas Smith, evil white racist
That may explain part of the fury that greeted the British politician Enoch Powell when he spoke out against mass immigration in 1968, warning that it would lead to communal division and race war. He was talking dreary common sense, stating the boringly obvious, and he was supported by the majority of the population. So how better to demonstrate one’s moral and intellectual superiority than by denouncing him? He and his dull-witted, bovine supporters could not grasp the Higher Truths of racial equality and enrichment by diversity. They proved their stupidity by opposing mass immigration, therefore they deserved to be punished by it. That was and remains the secret reasoning of many liberals. It relies both on believing that immigration is good and on knowing that immigration is bad. It’s Orwellian double-think, in other words: Nineteen Eighty-Four is describing liberal psychology. So is Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” also encapsulates liberal thinking. Many liberals preach equality in the hope of practising inequality. A noble appeal to equality and justice is what got every ignoble Marxist dictator into power, from Stalin to Castro to Mugabe. But do you expect an apology from the liberals who helped put the last-named into power, turning prosperous white-run Rhodesia into the starving black-run hell-hole of Zimbabwe? If you do, you just reveal the dreariness and banality of your thinking. Imagine judging an ideology by its results! The disaster in Zimbabwe doesn’t disprove liberalism, because liberalism isn’t about doing good, it’s about being good.
Left: Snoop van Beethoven
Right: Ludwig Doggy Dogg
...the Human Race!
Left: William Angelou
Right: Maya Shakespeare
The bad white Rhodesians did not believe in racial equality; their golden-hearted liberal opponents did. And their liberal opponents proved the purity of their motives by being white themselves. Who but the golden-hearted can oppose their own race’s interests? In the end, of course, the blacks over whom liberals wailed have ended up far worse off, but they’ve served their purpose as pawns in a game of liberal self-gratification. The name of the game is narcissism: liberals are parading their superior virtue, compassion and righteousness before the world.
The same is true of the poor oppressed blacks of South Africa, who were rescued from evil Whitey to enjoy crime and poverty on a scale that would have been impossible under apartheid. But not all “white” liberals were opposing their own race’s interests in Rhodesia and South Africa: as I’ve pointed out often before, Jews led the liberal campaigns against both nations, driven by their age-old hatred of whites and the white Christian religion. Jews may have created Christianity as a weapon against whites, but it escaped their control and they began creating new Jew-controlled cults to weaken and supplant it, like Freudianism and Marxism. Those cults have also worked against the dangerous white invention of science as it tried to understand racial difference. It obviously exists and is very important, but the topic is not good for Jews.
“Trust me! I’m Jewish!”
Marxist charlatan S. J. Gould
That’s why the campaign to make it heretical has been run by Jewish Marxists like the late Stephen Jay Gould. In 1984, while lecturing in South Africa, Gould wrote an essay with the characteristically verbose title of “Human Equality Is a Contingent Fact of History.” Apartheid was much on his mind, of course: he said that his presence in South Africa helped him understand, “in a more direct way than ever before, the particular tragedy of the history of biological views about human races.” If he’d visited South Africa in 2004, he’d have seen another kind of tragedy: world-beating murder, rape and robbery statistics. South Africa is going the same way as Rhodesia and Gould, as one of the Highest Priests of the anti-racism cult, bears a heavy share of the blame. If you look at his essay, you see that it makes an explicit appeal to gnosis:
This column can be summarized in a single phrase, a motto if you will: Human equality is a contingent fact of history. Equality is not given a priori; it is neither an ethical principle (though equal treatment may be) nor a statement about norms of social action. It just worked out that way. A hundred different and plausible scenarios for human history would have yielded other results (and moral dilemmas of enormous magnitude). They didn’t happen. (Loc. cit., 5th August 1984)
Gould is offering liberals special knowledge, something only they are intelligent and insightful enough to understand and accept, something that will separate them from the common herd. The “contingent fact of human equality” is an unobvious truth, even a paradoxical one. Gould admits that there were “a hundred different and plausible scenarios”, but claims that somehow the scenario of equality was the one that won through. What were the odds against it? Gould doesn’t say, but they must have been high. The following year, he re-spun his verbal web around the theme:
Say it five times before breakfast tomorrow; more important, understand it as the center of a network of implication: “Human equality is a contingent fact of history.” (The Flamingo’s Smile: Reflections in Natural History, 1985)
It’s strange advice. Why five times? Why before breakfast? Well, I wonder if Gould was thumbing his nose at his goyish readers, because the passage is strongly reminiscent of an English classic that this famously well-read scholar must have been familiar with:
Alice with the White Liberal Queen
Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” (Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, 1871, chapter 5)
Racial equality is an impossible thing, but millions of liberals manage to believe in it. They feel special for doing so, separate from those evil, unbelieving racists who prefer the evidence of their own eyes. The religious nature of liberalism can be seen in other ways: liberals preached Hell-by-nuclear-apocalypse in the 1970s and ’80s. Then the Soviet Union collapsed and liberals had to look for a new Hell to threaten us with. They found one in global warming. And now – praise Equality! – they’ve found a Messiah:
Obama’s finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don’t even really inspire. They elevate. They enmesh you in a grander moment, as if history has stopped flowing passively by, and, just for an instant, contracted around you, made you aware of its presence, and your role in it. He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh, over color, over despair. The other great leaders I’ve heard guide us towards a better politics, but Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves, to the place where America exists as a glittering ideal, and where we, its honored inhabitants, seem capable of achieving it, and thus of sharing in its meaning and transcendence. (The American Prospect, 3rd January 2008)
The smile on the face of the tiger...
Two heads, one thought: Power!
Thus spake one Ezra Klein – prophet by name, prophet by nature. Is it a coincidence that Klein, like Gould, is Jewish? Nope. If something’s harmful for whites, Jews will take the lead in promoting it. Other Jews are backing Hillary Clinton and her anti-white agenda, hoping that whites don’t notice how the Democratic contest reveals the inherent contradictions of liberalism. Both Obama’s and Clinton’s supporters are firm believers in human equality, but the former want blacks to be more equal than whites, while the latter want women to be more equal than men. You can see how the contradiction is resolved from the history of communism. The crusade for equality smashes the old order and the noble crusaders can then seize what they really wanted all along: power. They don’t want to benefit other people, they want to benefit themselves. In modern Western politics, you benefit yourself by lies and treachery, serving the anti-white gnostic religion of liberalism.
I’m fascist, you’re fascist, we’re all fascist – but what does “fascist” actually mean? Well, in ancient Rome the fasces were a symbolic collection of birch rods bound together with ribbons. They symbolized authority and justice and what both were based on: strength through unity. A birch rod on its own can easily be broken; bound with other birch rods, it becomes much stronger. Fascism, then, is about binding the people of a nation together to increase their strength and ensure their survival, because a strong, united nation can easily identify and fight against its enemies.
That’s why Jews hate unity among Whites and always work to undermine and destroy it. To Jews, happy, peaceful, racially pure White nations are worse than a tax on noses. The late Dr William Pierce of the National Alliance described their behavior like this:
Destruction is not their primary goal, but rather sucking. But the fact is that the method they use for softening up a society so that they can suck its blood is inherently destructive. When they approach any healthy, homogeneous society, in which the people have a strong sense of identity and community, the Jews are outsiders. They are different, and they are regarded with suspicion. If they try sucking any blood, they’ll be slapped down hard. So their first task is to undermine the people’s sense of community and identity and at the same time to destroy their homogeneity, to make the society more diverse. Then the Jews can slip in unnoticed and take over. But by that time the society no longer is healthy; it has been poisoned. The people no longer have the will to resist. (Free Speech, June 2001)
You can sum it up in three more words from ancient Rome: Divide et Impera, Divide and Rule. Jews stood out in the racially pure, culturally peaceful societies of older Europe and America. Even when we couldn’t identify them by their ugly faces and hook noses, we could see their pushiness, dishonesty, and greed and be on our guard against them. So Jews set to work destroying our racial purity and stirring up cultural strife.
They worked to open the floodgates of mass immigration from the Third World and started brainwashing Gentiles with the lies and trickery of the Jewish Marx and the Jewish Freud, first turning men against women and class against class, then inventing new categories of victim and oppressor: “gays” and “straights”, children and parents, students and teachers, disabled and able-bodied. In the meantime they got the floodgates of mass immigration open and were able to start exploiting the inevitable racial conflicts that followed.
Now Whites are fighting wars on a dozen fronts. Even worse, we’re fighting amongst ourselves. Feminism, for example, was a Jewish invention designed to turn White women against their menfolk, and it’s succeeded admirably. Countless millions of White men, women, and children have been made miserable by it, but White misery means Jewish power and expecting Jews to stop promoting feminism would be like expecting a leech to stop sucking blood or a virus to stop replicating itself. And indeed, Dr Pierce described Jewish “Divide and Rule” as almost a “genetically programmed survival behavior.” Manipulation, exploitation, and hypocrisy seem as natural for Jews as leg-lifting is for dogs and cannibalism is for blacks.
Exhibit #1: A Jew who is a real son of a ’vitch: the repulsive London-based journalist David Aaronovitch, long a regular in the ultra-liberal Guardian, now appearing also in The Times, which is – a lot like Britain as a whole – a sorry, Jew-infested parody of its former self. Aaronovitch’s weasely features peer out there regularly above columns swirling with that trademark Jewish smoke-and-mirrors. One week he’s gloating over the racial mongrelizing of London – “Who wants British society to be as white as Narvik in January?” – the next he’s musing on man’s inhumanity to man. Look at what the Japanese did to Allied soldiers! Then again, look at what the Allies did to the Axis at Hiroshima and Dresden! And isn’t there a case to be made that bombing innocent civilians from 30,000 feet is somehow even worse than committing your evil face-to-face?
Well, no, Aaronovitch goes on, because – and here the violins start up and the onions come out – “by this token the machinegun squads of the Einsatzgruppen [the Nazi killing-squads in Poland and the Soviet Union] were superior to the men who, later on, put the Zyklon B into the ceiling vents of the gas chambers.” Which is obviously absurd, so Aaronovitch concludes that the thoughts in one’s heart are what determine the gravity of one’s crime. After all, the Allies weren’t evil racists and a reckless teenage driver who wipes out a family in their car clearly does not inhabit “the same ethical universe as an SS man or a member of the Ukrainian militia.”
And who, you might ask, are the “Ukrainian militia”? Were they perhaps an auxiliary arm of the communist state confiscating food and suppressing resistance during the not-so-notorious Ukrainian famine of the early 1930s, in which millions of Whites were deliberately starved to death? No, not quite. They were in fact allies of the Germans during World War II and for some reason they weren’t big fans of the ever loveable, ever unjustly persecuted Jews. But surely Aaronovitch, in his catalog of twentieth-century man’s inhumanity to man, mentioned at least one example of the many millions of men, women, and children slaughtered by communists all around the world over many decades?
Nope. Not even one. And why might that be? Well, not only was communism invented and run by Jews, financed by Jews, and promoted assiduously for many decades by Jews, it was wholeheartedly embraced by the particular Jew under survey. David Aaronovitch, like many NuLabour ministers and media cheerleaders, was an enthusiastic communist in his youth and in 1975 he paid a lighthearted tribute to the Party on the quiz show University Challenge. He didn’t make it through to the second round, because he and his comrades on the University of Manchester team answered every question with the name of a communist revolutionary, like the part-Jewish Lenin and the fully Jewish Trotsky.
What a laugh! Lenin and Trotsky, like the SS repeatedly mentioned in Aaronovitch’s catalog of twentieth-century evil, were responsible for mass murder and concentration camps, but that’s okay, because Lenin and Trotsky, unlike the SS, didn’t murder and imprison the Chosen Ones. By White standards, Aaronovitch is a breath-taking hypocrite; by Jewish standards, he’s a loyal and valuable leech and virus, constantly working to manipulate and demoralize the Whites of Britain. Letting Jews like him have power in a White society is like putting a thirsty vampire in charge of a blood-bank or a hungry hyena in charge of a day care center: stupid, careless, and rapidly fatal.