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Review of   The Theory of Everything   Movie Universal Studios 2014, 2015 depending on country

Theory of Everything

On the Shoulders of Giants (below; 2002) is a collection of non-updated translations into English of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler. And Einstein. It has a note on the texts by 'The Editors'. Hawking is said to be the Editor. Most likely they are old standards, reprinted in a fat volume of about 1,300 pages, though other people who made contributions are thanked.
Hawking Book
There's an online summary in pdf of A Brief History of Time, which in fact is astronomy with not much about time. The introduction thanks Carl Sagan and agents and publishers; the whole scheme must have been as Jewish as Schindler's List. A Brief History of Time's publication date was 1988. Hawking's electronic voice said “If we could [do something or other] we would know the mind of God.” (Compare this with 'touch the face of God' by some lyricist).

Einstein was the most successful explicitly-Jewish fraud in the world of astrophysics, and marks the intrusion of Jews into all academic worlds from I suppose the 1920s, the more so where opportunities of fakery and money-making are present. I believe this process started to receive its due attention in about 2000. NASA frauds are less personally identifiable. So are nuclear frauds (this was a forum from 2011-2012), and the constellation of Jewish-generated wars, and financial frauds.
      Hawking is by comparison small beer, interesting mainly through his real or supposed biography. Readers might like Miles Mathis, the first detector and publicist (as far as I know) of fake Hawkings: April 2015, and April 2018. And/or you might like How Much Modern Physics is a Fraud, or my personal survey of would-be science revisionists. Sad names include Couper and Henbest, at least in Britain, who promoted the moon fakes.

What follows in the film says it's based on Jane's book and is largely official; at some point it must diverge from truth. Hawking was born in 1942; Cambridge in the early 1960s therefore figures at the start of this film. He wasn't shown as a very precocious chap, but one of a group. Conventions at this time, the result of computer processing of images, allow the selection of a style throughout the film—in this case a rather blurred yellowness, to suggest old Super 8 Kodak film, in the early scenes. Cambridge scenes show adolescence, and wife-to-be on the 'arts' side (I think Spanish and French). Jane Beryl Wilde; any relation?—I don't know. Hawking is shown talking or boasting of a single equation of everything. At that stage he was shown with the early stages of motor neurone disease. And given two years to live.
      There was nothing at all on neurology; diseases caused by synthesised chemicals (e.g. polio seems to have been caused by DDT contamination of water; BSE in cows caused by OPs is perhaps the best known, unless you count Vietnam War chemicals spread by Americans/Jews.)

One of the disastrous effects of Jew influence is that paper money overrides technical competence, as can be seen in the present Jew-pushed climate rubbish and the COVID frauds. In one scene, Jane was shown talking about quanta, and about relativity; another aspect of the same influence.

By chance, I have a copy of Physics and Philosophy, by James Jeans, first published in 1942 'at the University Press, Cambridge. This book provides an insight into popular physics of the time, both what was included, and what wasn't.
      Its seven chapters include From Appearance to Reality on Bohr, Heisenberg, de Broglie, Shrödinger, Dirac, and including Einstein, space-time, waves and undulations, quantum theory, waves of probability. And mentalism, mind and body, which computers have made rather obsolete, since they obviously do something like 'think'. I think this applies to 'free will' too. God gets a few mentions.
      But much more relevant is Other Worlds (1980) by Paul Davies, and God and the New Physics (1983) by Paul Davies, which gave the mise-en-scène for this genre.

My file modern physics a fraud? has some details for people who are sceptical and interested. With Phil Holland, we included superfluid helium, the speed of light, the incredibility of quantum theory, Heisenberg's misunderstanding of probability, particle detection, Higgs boson. And Black Holes by Johmann. And possible artefacts in particle detectors. With an unanswered Institute of Physics paper criticising relativity. Link to Hiley lecture.

Fascinating to juggle with Jewish superstitions here. The 'big bang' may have been suggested by Genesis. Theories of the 'infinite' were a Jewish thing. The idea that dark becomes light (see C J Bjerknes on this) may have been some antique Jewish thing: “A black hole is not black. It glows...” The speed of light doesn't seem to be specifically Jewish but perhaps is an unconscious nod to the importance of light in perception. I've come to the view that the popular idea of 'God' is just another Jewish fraud/psyop designed to help money frauds such as Catholicism and the Church of England. There's a scene with Penthouse which may have been related to porn as a Jewish psy-op, to quote E Michael Jones. And a scene with Hawking in his wheelchair getting up and walking, a convention inserted into Jewish 'genius' films.

Eddie Redmayne apparently went to Eton. I wonder if he met Cameron, another Jew-related politician. Or for that matter Boris Johnson, who seems to have been related to Turkish Jews at the time of the Armenian massacres. You might like this short (((British))) Prime Ministers video.

The 'dons' in the film (if that's the word) were largely recycled Harry Potter actors. No pipe smokers though, despite the historical accuracy. One of the conventions in Jewish films of course is the signalling of approval; just as TV 'news' includes frowns (foreigner, German, non-homosexual) or big smiles (bomb powerless people, mention Jews) here we have wild applause, phrases like "brilliant", and the rest of it. The generally correct assumption is that the audiences know nothing. Redmayne is shown with a big blackboard with math on it, rather than diagrams of time, space, change. Blackboards seem the only way Jews have found to indicate profound symbolic thought. Though an equation of everything might need a rather large board. At some point, in a shabby lecture theatre, Redmayne sits in front of professors. He talks about something like a a black hole losing mass. He's changed his mind. Wild applause, and indeed Wilde applause. A couple of look-the-part actors storm out. And a USSR cosmologist (Russian accent) praises him. The Soviet Academy of Sciences: something to do with Jews controlling the Soviet Union, controlling money, giving European and USA technology to Jews, and generally controlling science.

There's a tracheotomy scene (hole in the neck to allow breathing if th mouth is blocked). There's a scene with a PET microcomputer, with a decent keyboard, which I wrote the book on—I wonder if Stephen read it! I noticed ladderax furniture, and a cylindrical aluminium spotlight, which seemed about right.

It's fascinating to see the light touch on genetics. There were three children, but no consideration of the possible genetics of a long-term degenerative illness. Maybe this is from sympathy with Jews, whose supposed eugenics include the production of many offspring with genetic defects.

Another film convention—giving the script writers time off—is to show affection by filming people horsing around in each other's company; smiles and laughs being understandable by any audience. There's a subtly depressing scene where Redmayne, following Jewish indications, says "We are just a normal family". It reminds me of a current TV ad for McCain's oven chips: so-called disability, it doesn't matter this or that, anything is love, presumably to allow for child rape, sex with cows etc. If the film had been made now, maybe a mixed race child would appear, or Hawking would be in a rainbow-coloured skirt.

1988 was A Brief History of Time. There a scene I think in America, a book launch with inane questions. At some point the 'mind of God' had a mention, apparently a device to sell more books to the not-too-bright. Steve Jones (geneticist) said "God may not do much, but H does sell books." Pitiful catchpenny stuff. This was with Elaine Mason, shown with another Jew interest—Penthouse, a link with Jewish porn—who married him later; or may have—see Miles Mathis, above.

Meanwhile Jane married a friend called Jonathan, both shown as C of E types. What is not mentioned is the financial arrangements of Hawking, with his ten million claimed book sales.

One of the end credits says Hawking had 'No plan to retire.' The Theoretical physicist consultant was listed as Prof Jerome Gauntlett. I was irritated by an unavoidable ad for a war film, showing simpleton Americans shooting up Japanese—another target shot up by Miles Mathis's mate, Lestrade. Some people might like my recording of Prof Basil Hiley, in London University, describing the rather absurd physics of the time, “when physicists were supermen”. Fairly soon after, that department was closed.

©RW 16 Nov 2019. More added 22 Feb 2023