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The Spanish Flu Epidemic and its influence on history
by Jaime Breitnauer

Review by Raeto West

Remaindered book by lightweight Jewish sociology type, ignorant of medicine and concerned only to prolong Jewish continuing frauds throughout history.

Published by, in 2019, paperback 2020. Seems to have been taken over by a US publisher in Havertown, PA.

Worthless for facts, slightly interesting as just another portion of continual sewage outfall.

Sidenote: 'Jaime' seems to be pronounced as 'Hymie' in English; maybe shows awareness of Marrano (Spanish/Portuguese) Jews

14 February 2024

The Spanish Flu Epidemic

is subtitled 'Stories from the 1918-1920 global flu pandemic'

Jaime Breitner's evasive biography. 'British-born' evades her ancestry, possibly Marrano Jew. Her age is omitted. Warwick University is well-known for its global climate fraudulence, and no doubt other things—judging by this evidence, the Jewish holocaust fraud. She seems to be the rather sad 'US feminist' type who ignores female suffering if it isn't Jewish. There's no suggestion she has any medical knowledge whatever—an odd feature of the Jewish victory in WW1 and WW2 is that knowledge is not required where Jewish interests are deemed to occur.
and indeed there are stories, written in the rather childish style of supposed eye-witnesses. There's nothing to suggest any weeding out of journalistic shrieking and lies.
      However, these are interspersed with completely unintelligent opinions on the Great War, starting with the assassination of an Archduke.

The production values of this book are unimpressive, suggesting to me conflict among the production teams. There's no serious index, the short index being mostly place-names. There's a bibliography of ordinary medical history things, and another bibliography of ordinary history books. There's a slight sprinkling of ANZ influence, which I suppose marks a bit of a change.
      I need to comment on remaindered books at this point: comments online suggest many people don't understand that books go through a sort of circuit, starting at full price hardbacks, and declining through cheap outlets as remainders, finally being thrown out or pulped.
      I probably don't need to bother to say there are no references to Jews or Freemasons, though I think the Federal Reserve gets an unintelligent mention. Austria—notorious for its saturation with Freemasonry—has no note for that.

Highly relevant to Warwick University are some notes on the cover:–




Let me comment on these three claims, in the light of 'the pandemic' of 2020-2022 with more probably to come.

WHAT WAS THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PANDEMIC WITH WAR?   This book dates the 'global flu pandemic' from 1918-1920, after the Great War was deemed to be over in western Europe and the USA. Sovietised Jew-controlled Russia was ignored. But, just as with 'COVID', death certificates (or diktats from Soviets) were not checked and could say anything. The deaths presumably would not have occurred without war and the resulting impoverishment of the victims. The relationship of deaths is pretty certain. The author knows and cares nothing about this.

WE LOOK AT HOW SPANISH FLU CHANGED THE FOCUS OF SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT FROM EUGENICS TO THE CREATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH   Here we have two other perennial Jewish fanaticisms. Jews dislike eugenics, partly because their own inbreeding produces many defective people, and Jewish attitudes want the costs offloaded onto their 'hosts'. And partly because they don't want competitors to be improved and flourish; their whole Rabbinical framework is to harm non-Jews as much as possible.
      Public health was of course a concern of medical men, certainly since the 'Great Stink' of Thames sewage in about 1850. But Jews, who had poured into Europe and the USA since around 1890, had no interest in other people's health, but only wanted medical care for themselves. In fact, it's arguable that the NHS of 1948 wasn't aimed at the British, but was just one of a parcel of changes aimed at Jews. Certainly the NHS has been kept in permanent stress.

WE SEE HOW THE PANDEMIC UNFOLDED ON EACH CONTINENT   is a fascinating implied claim, presumably intended to mimic the modern-day world-wide Jewish control of information. Four of her chapters glance at the 'Allies', the neutrals, Germany et al, and the Americas. (All these supposedly were influenza deaths).
      Another four glance at north Africa & the Middle East, India—with a famine not unlike the one in the Second World War—the Pacific, and south-east Asia. 'Colonial' has a special meaning to Jews and the people they try to convert into new elites in these unfortunate countries.

This sad book tries to continue and project Jewish attitudes and lies backwards (to some extent; not to lead acetate in wine in Rome, not to the Black Death/Plague) and forward to the present day, encompassing the Holocaust fraud and Cold War fantasy when Jews ran both Russia and the USA and other places; and it includes escape clauses on immunity, reduced immunity, compromised immune systems, and all the rest of it. Including the Jewish HIV/AIDS fraud and fluoride fraud.
      The author has no serious knowledge of disease, epidemiology, or of course viruses. It's a crummy and worthless book offering no credit to its possibly Yorkshire begetters.

Pen and Sword Books seems based in 47 Church Street Barnsley in Yorkshire, apparently a small building where the Barnsley Chronicle was established in 1858. Their publisher's logo of a sword crossed with a quill suggests greater antiquity than their usual titles possess.
      (It occurs to me that Napoleon's “The pen is mightier than the sword” may have been a statement, not a complaint.)
      I have at least one more of their books, The Starvation Blockades: Naval Blockades of WW1 by Nigel Hawkins, published 2002 by Leo Cooper, 'an imprint of Pen and Sword'. It's a well-produced, illustrated, and indexed hardback. Of course it doesn't pass my serious book test: it has no mention of Jews or Freemasons in its index.

Pen & Sword imprints include Archaeology, Atlas, Aviation, Battleground, Discovery, Family History, History, Maritime, and quite a few others, so perhaps there have been furious takeovers and board battles.

© Raeto West   14 February 2024

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