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  Review of   DOWNTON ABBEY: Mostly 2010-2015. Jewish propagandist garbage   Numerous hack actors and scribblers: Downton Abbey

I've recently watched the whole of this series;
quite a tedious task. So here are thoughts on it. (There's supposed to be a new movie in preparation; I'd guess dealing with the 1930s, including the Jew-implanted fake history of Churchill, Stalin, maybe the faked misfortunes of Jews—unless they're holding this back—and perhaps the wonders of the UN and all the assets exported to the USSR. No doubt with the traditional interests in male anuses.)

Traditional theatre has considerable limitations: we have tragedy, comedy, expanded to horror, sturm und drang. Why not have truth? Possibly the Romans had a Cicero school, for their amphitheatres. At present, following the Jewish victory of WW2, all spectacular historical fiction follows Jewish guidelines, in all their simplicity. Downton Abbey is just another variation on the theme. I've tried to write it up [below], and this is just a supplement.

There's little on the Church of England, in contrast to its dominion in the 19th century. Sundays had five visits a day, in some places. However the crushing effects of radio, movie-film, and TV have crushed it.
      The immense event in the USA was perhaps the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, promoted by Jews to give them enormous paper-money-printing capability, followed by the 'Great War', though the connection as far as I know wasn't widely noticed; maybe that's why 1916 was USA-time. The use of Jews to wreck Russia became known, but was not publicised by controlled sources. Tsarist connections are secret to this day. (Miles Mathis somewhere has a piece including Hebrew-speaking Czars, which I can't relocate). Vast transfers of US assets to the 'Soviets', and to China, remain pretty secret.
      There's curious joylessness and unenthusiasm in these films: the period had new transport systems, including the humble bike, and the first time in the world fast transport was possible. Flight was exciting, but perhaps too difficult for film-makers. I was saddened by Wells's absence; his Outline promised intellectual adventure and influences people widely. However, he was Jew-unaware and not worth insertion.

A note on suffragists: women, for example the Pankhursts, were used to advocate war. The death toll must have been wonderful to the watching Jews; hundreds of thousands, and that's just in Britain. No wonder they cheered. Probably the upper classes, mingled with Jews, went along with it. However the point here is the use of 'suffragettes' in 'histories' and films and adverts is a Jewish thing, almost universal now.

I took a considerable dislike to Allen Leech as 'Tom Branson'. The part he played didn't know the 'English' king was from a German family. He said "you bastard" as animatedly as he could to someone commenting on Jews; soon the Irish would have de Valera, a Spanish Jew, thrust on them, and Catholic 'education' thrust on them, making them 'blankly ignorant of the modern world'. Ireland is now open to third world immigration, with the so-called 'IRA' financed by Jews. I suppose some people will say, well, Leech and the rest are just ignorant actors, and of course that's very true.

Every variety of odd sex was shoved in—homosexuality, eloping, Lord nearly shagging chambermaid, Turkish male and black African, rape. Thankfully there wasn't yet any bestiality or sodomy, and (I think) no lesbians.

There were a few references to 'education', though the relevant education acts probably garbled details had no mention. It was saddening to see elementary maths taken as if it were serious. The 'Glorious Revolution' has a few mentions, possibly an inside joke based on the takeover by Cromwell and subsequent impoverishment in Britain. The 'War of Spanish Succession' was inserted by a feeble footman. The Boer War(s) got a mention; probably on the lines of the ignorant warlike fighters generously getting killed for crypto-Jews.
      The extras included a woman talking of a Rothschild with an illegitimate daughter offering her a huge dowry. I think that's where Primrose stepped in. Some of the moey no doubt came from opium in China. But who cares.
      I couldn't get a list of 'co-writers', the "fellowes-traveller" so to speak, but it was routine stuff. Anyway, enough of this.
- RW   12 June 2024

  If you're a simpleton, you may like this superficial simple-minded sentimentality June 2020. Note 23 August 2023
Downton Abbey: TV, DVD -- One of many of reviews by 'Rerevisionist' banned by Amazon (Dec 2015).

June 2020: Time for detail, I think. Here are some supporting notes.
The Church of England replaced Catholicism in the 16th century, no doubt for economic reasons. The Bank of England was established in London, after war negotiations between Oliver Cromwell and Menasseh ben Israel. This was the 17th century; by the 18th, poverty in England was widespread. But not for the Anglo-Jewish victors. Many large country houses dated from this time of cheap labour, though the stories are not widely known or publicised in tourist leaflets and lightweight magazines of the National Trust type.
      This was before modern transport, apart from horse power, for which stables were necessary. There was little food preservation, including of meat. Kitchen gardens, milking, cooking, cleaning, and heating, were labour intensive. Country houses were in effect small towns, very busy, an aspect not shown in modern film—extras cost money. Rich Jews had something like a monopoly of lending: this is usually ascribed to the Roman Catholic church's religious dislike of usury, but, personally, I don't believe that. Instead I think Roman Catholics were symbiotically linked with Jews, keeping tithes and so on for themselves, in exchange for protecting Jews and their monopolies. This is discreetly suggested by such things as church lands over vast areas, compulsory Sunday attendances in Church but not for Jews, and Jews in cities in the then-equivalent of mansion blocks. All these changes from the much-trumpeted 'Glorious Revolution' were rather jagged and convulsive; most aristocratic houses must have had their own stories to tell, though of course the mediocrity of historians and antiquarians and modern media people keeps them very profoundly hidden, or suppressed, or lost.
      There are some unconsciously amusing passages in Downton Abbey when they talk of the whole point of tradition among aristocrats, when in fact many of the old families were largely Jewish.
      An important illustration was the fleecing of the British aristocracy after Napoleon was defeated: here's an extract from a privately-printed novel by Belloc on the subject. Perhaps worth noting the authorship issue over Jane Austen, which has left such a trail amongst romantic women, young and old. Warren Hastings of the East India Co seems likely to be the father of the real authoress of 'Jane Austen' novels.
      Worth noting India and China: many people know of the Opium Wars and Jews, but the story of India where poppies were grown for export is less well-known. The story of the East India Company is even less well-known, though many of these country houses were involved in it.

But the period of ‘Downton Abbey’ is before the 'Great War' and up to the 1926 General Strike. The thalassocratic British Empire grew; even if it was really a Jew empire, this was a remarkable series of events. Railways were invented; the 'industrial revolution'—name it seems supplied by Toynbee—used coal and led to thermodynamics theory; and motor cars chugged into action. British education had uncomfortable domination by obsolete languages and theories. There's a 'success' story in there—woman trains as a maths teacher. Even then history and English and religion and economics were Jew-shadowed; many teachers in strategic subjects were Jews.
      The Church of England entered its period of slow decline, which of course it deserved, having shown less-than-zero intellectual skill, and unwilling to be honest about Jews and the Bible because they risked losing their money. The only thing they knew about Jews was that Disraeli was in some puzzling way Jewish.
      Before about 1900 few people guessed what might happen with electric 'broadcasting'. It swept away the propaganda power of churches. Britain seemed comfortable; few people understood the significance of Jewish activities, unsurprisingly as it was hidden carefully. There were forewarnings: one was Randolph Churchill's syphilitic self-ruination, necessitating the sale of hunks of his ancestral lands. Ultimately this led to Winston Churchill becoming a joint wrecker of the world, with Stalin and F D Roosevelt. Another rather large straw in the wind was South Africa, where Jews ended in control of minerals. And another was the Russo-Japanese War, funded by Jews, and very likely taken over secretly by Jews, who had special hatred for Russia.

A few years before the interval containing the fiction of Downton Abbey, poor Jews had been flooding into east London and east and west New York, and other places: Texas and Manchester and Berlin, for example. This included the time of 'Jack the Ripper'. At the time, passports did not exist: travel was expensive, and Jews did not yet secretly fund mass invasions of non-Jews. There was Jewish activity around the Mediterranean, and it has slowly become clear that Jews took over Turkey, Arabia, Persia/Iran, in secret. Bulgarians and Armenian Christians were massacred before the 'Great War'; Downton's educated top layer would certainly have read about it in the Parliamentary debates in the Times, but there would be no discussion of the Jewish part in these things, so most of them would be none the wiser. Many people are not aware that the Jewish Talmud approves of informing the goyim what they are doing, though of course in obscure ways: the idea is, they can't later object to what happened. The 1910-1911 Encyclopædia Britannica was an up-to-date reference of the time, though Jewish material was completely one-sided.

Here's Hilaire Belloc in his book The Jews: The Great War brought thousands upon thousands of educated men (who took up public duties as temporary officials) up against the staggering secret they had never suspected—the complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a dozen Jews, who were completely indifferent as to whether we or the enemy should emerge alive from the struggle. (see e.g. ).
      An important aspect of the 'Great War' was propaganda; Ponsonby's Falsehood in War-Time (published in 1928, by George Allen & Unwin, themselves Jewish and so no doubt careful what they allowed) gives examples of propaganda, which would certainly have been read and discussed by servants and aristocrats. I haven't wanted to endure the TV series, but it's unlikely anything like this would appear, partly because the massive atrocities by Jews would never feature in Britain's junk media.
      Realism in Downton Abbey would have included the 'Bradbury pound', paper money replacing gold, silver, and copper coins. It would have had Belgian babies supposedly bayonetted by Germans, Russian armies supposedly seen in England, and the 'Angel of Mons'.
      A more realistic view of the 'Great War' is presented by Robert Graves in Goodbye to All That, including references to prostitutes, machine gun ammunition being wasted to boil water, war profiteers and so on. Bela Kun and Hitler may have been included in Robert Graves; I don't remember. Hack writers never refer to Jewish war-making; they just attribute such things to the British.
      Of the many aspects of life misrepresented by Downton Abbey, nannies of children are omitted. Gathorne-Hardy's The British Nanny is interesting on the topic. But as with Jew-promoted material generally, truth plays a very low part in stories.

I haven't seen the latter half of the episodes, which includes movies; I'll content myself with giving links to the sort of topics about which Jews would tell lies. I hope the numerous gullible fans will get an idea of how effective systematic deception can be. An interesting example from France is L'Affaire Dreyfus. The French were victims of a series of Jewish scandals, and the Dreyfus Affair was a remarkable example of a very up-to-date multi-media scheme intended to appear to reveal truths about Jewish innocence, to suggest the would-be investors in canal schemes hadn't been swindled, but ultimately to cause many French people to slink away from honesty. To his dying day, Bertrand Russell used Dreyfus as an example of the shocking behaviour of the Church of England, in place of more accurate interpretations of events. The recent bitcoin FTX scheme may be followed by a similar disinformation programme, if it's thought necessary.
      The founding of the Labour Party in Britain (about 1900) turned out to be a successful move by Jews. So did the infiltration of trade unions; a Jew in a key position could benefit Jews, but not be noticed, except as a disagreeable type. The 'Labour' Party's policies have always been Jewish. My piece on Jewish propaganda in the UK deals partly with 1900 until about 1948. Jews wanted war, fought by others, probably to cause as many deaths as they could, and vacate housing for 'refugee' Jews and make money from weapon loans. A lot of preparation was needed on top of propaganda: anti-German in Britain, anti-British in Germany, and so on. High income taxes and high inheritance tax ("death duties"—note the word 'duty') and removal of precious metal coins plus paper money from the Fed in the USA, and embryonic insurance frauds—the Titanic and 9/11 being examples; plus votes for in effect illegal immigrants (as now) are discussed by the once-popular historian C N Parkinson, of Parkinson's Law. Another intentionally misrepresented topic is the fight for women's votes, by the suffragettes, the violent form of suffragists. This is a review of a book by a Jew, Simon Webb, who forgot to mention the evidence that some secret types carried out violent attacks; and they wanted war. (The same violence was carried out in Russia and many other European countries by Jews posing as, for example, anarchists). My piece Teaching About Jews has a bit about Belfort Bax, who wrote on the law and women.

The Liberal Party declined enormously. By 1935 George Dangerfield's The Strange Death of Liberal England was published, including accounts of women setting fire to the contents of pillar boxes. The descriptions are much better than the analysis: Jews don't like discussing how they funded harm and benefitted from wars. Much better to look into the gamut of human emotions from A to B, or perhaps more accurately Y to Z. The goyim won't notice.
      H G Wells' Experiment in Autobiography Vol II (1934) is good on public events; here he is on women's agitations, though Wells was utterly naive about Jews: ‘It is no part of the plan of this book to tell the tale of that nagging, ignoble campaign which ended abruptly with the Declaration of War in 1914, to detail once again the window-smashing, the burning of country houses, churches and the contents of letter boxes, the squawking at meetings, "votes for women" until the discussion of public affairs became impossible, the consequent expulsion of the struggling heroines with all kinds of ignoble and indelicate reprisals, the ensuing discovery by indignant young women of good family, of the unexpected dirtiness and nastiness of police cells and prisons .... and all the rest of it.’

Another topic of the time was Ireland, where Jewish money lubricated anti-British violence. (Netanyahu's brother, presumably the one shot in Africa, was named for an (((IRA))) activist - info from Mr Buttle).
      On Ireland, it's worth making a few points. Jews had a long-term interest in Ireland, which unfortunately became part of the anti-whites in Europe campaign. Consider, for example, Shatter, the Jew who no doubt with associates forced coloured immigration into Ireland/Eire relatively recently. At the time supposedly shown in Downton Abbey the so-called IRA—perhaps JRA would be more accurate—tried to introduce splits in Britain before the non-Irish de Valera was introduced. One has to wonder how much the 'British' Army understood of all this.

Parallel events happened in the USA: Woodrow Wilson's blackmail by Jews. The Federal Reserve in 1913. The 'Anti-Defamation League' fraud in 1913. Sieff funding the Jewish coup in Russia. Baruch running the entire USA after Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed by Jews into betrayed the USA.

It's mildly interesting to see Jewish clichés clothed by hack writers. For example, during the 'Great War' music-hall songs by Jews were written to match the current propaganda force. Later, Jews were very keen that there should be no investigation and no looking into hard-faced men who looked as though they did very well out of the war. 'Squeezing Germany till the pips squeak' was a slogan of the time. The idea of the 'Roaring Twenties', with 'flappers' and Noel Coward's 'Dance Little Lady, Dance' were distractions from the War and the disastrous loans taken up by politicians.
      I noticed a few pitiful references to education: Daisy being told to read up on 'the War of the Spanish Succession' and the so-called 'Glorious Revolution' in England, with the takeover by Jews. It's pitiful because of its accuracy: the First World War ignored, Jewish successes kept anonymous, but underlined.

[Wow, what a long piece—I'd forgotten! I noticed (12 Feb 2021) that Hugh Bonneville is quoted as saying that if people weren't injected, there'd be no more episodes! Well, that's good news. I expect agents have been busy planting stories: I see the old poof and 'AIDS activist' Reg Dwight is advocating jabs, and so is Micklethwaite.]

The scriptwriter, now I look, is or is supposed to be Julian Fellowes. The obvious guess is: probably another Jew. All the plotting is Jew related: the relief at mass killings in the Great War; the insistence that everything is getting better; the entire failure to appreciate aristocratic networks; the accurately-observed suppression of evidence (nothing on the 1913 Fed; nothing on Jews flooding in planned style to western Europe; nothing on suffragettes as working for war; nothing on planned death duties; nothing on wartime removal of gold; nothing on the monarchy hiding its German and Jewish roots); the standardised set pieces on homosexuals, newspapers, education upon the 'Glorious Revolution' and war pretexts. And of course Jews in Bavaria and the rise of Hitler, official version. Just this very day I've read a Miles Mathis piece giving evidence that Rommel was a Jew.
      I see that Julian Fellowes wrote Past Imperfect (first published 2008) 'Sunday Times bestselling author of Snobs', suggesting a Noel Coward self-image. The paperback copy I have here contains a sort of CV: 'writer, film director and actor ... educated at Ampleforth, Magdalen College, Cambridge and ... an Academy of Dramatic Art.' He wrote the screenplay for The Young Victoria. What seems strange about the list is the absence of Downton Abbey, not yet known.

It is infinitely wearying to continue; there are endless examples. A near-death experience.

I picked up a chucked-out paperback, The Vintage Book of War Stories. About 40 extracts edited by two scribblers. I wondered vaguely if there were stories of loans to both sides of war debts for two hundred years; or accounts of guts being spilled and women raped; or the fantastical nonsense of Jewish Talmudic spite and hatred; or such events as deaths hastened by lack of food ascribed to Spanish flu; or some novelettish treatment of the desirability of causing deaths of others. Maybe there were.

  RW - 3 June 2020/ 7 Aug 2021/ 11 Dec 2022/ 12 Jan 2023

My Original Shortish Review
Really extraordinary garbage. The war with Germany was a disaster. It's amusing in its way to see how stupid the actors, scriptwriters and all the rest are; they have no idea about the world. The presentation of families—whose (for example) sons from Eton had died imagining they knew what they were fighting for, or of course the more numerous simple lads who volunteered, but later of course had to be forced to 'fight' by conscription as the realities became clearer. Or the payers of death duties on their dead sons; the total lack of any news—on, say, Lloyd George, or sea warfare, or how the war was paid for (the year after Jews formed the Federal Reserve, for people needing a hint), or the heavy mortgages these palely-portrayed fading aristocrats, portrayed by failed actors, were under, or who was promoting the killings, or how the USA was persuaded to send their sons to be killed, and why...

.. Or how the war profiteers made their money out of death. Or how the newspapers of the times lied. ...

Judging by the general appearance, the thing was put together with people interested in clothes, and little else, certainly not ideas. There's very little on theatre sensations, the new cinema or 'kinema', developments in the telephone, housing styles, new laws, Alpine climbing, Ascot, tennis fashions, the new Lyons Corner Houses, Bradshaws Railway Guide, etc etc etc etc etc. Fortunately it doesn't matter; in years to come people will dust off DVDs of the recently-deceased and puzzle over the poor taste of now.

The British acting 'profession' has a union, Equity. The US version was founded in 1913, and as would be expected seems dominated by 'Jews'. I just saw their website,, which has a list of 'Do Not Work' warnings. As a topical British note, I see Jeremy Corbyn, the Jewish 'Labour' politician, was once head of 'Equity' in the UK. One of their rules is that nothing 'racial' shall be performed. (Check the exact wording—if you can find it. Their rules are hidden, now. One of their campaigns is pro-BBC, under a Jew called Cohen and with 'creativity' controlled by a Baghdad Jew called Yentob). Every single actor you see had to join. The facts about country houses—taxed into oblivion to pay Jews who loaned paper money to pay whites to kill each other— will not appear if Equity has anything to do with it. You can almost feel Corbyn's circumcised erection as he goes into battle to support Jewish mass murders in Russia and do his uneducated best to support the 'Holocaust' fraud and child rape.

I recently noticed a series in 'Independent' television about American heiresses entering British high society. I presume this is a reference to Jews moving into the British aristocracy, as it was slowly impoverished, for example by Rothschild after Waterloo. The stellar example of course being Churchill.

I've occasionally chatted with hack writers in authors' associations: it's amusing that their light material, usually on class, applies to themselves: all are subservient, more so than any normal 19th or early 20th century person. Don't be a sentimental cabbage and watch this garbage. Everyone connected with this production is worthless. **** the whole lot of them.