December 2019: Here's an actual example of Jew censorship, in Facebook.
I found a group named World War One full of old photos, pictures of soldiers who died, speculations on battles omitting everything on politics and Jewish money and freemason-style collaboration with traitors.
I posted comments on Jewish money and its effects post-1913 (such as: the Federal Reserve, Income Tax, Death Duties in Britain, violent subversion by 'Anarchists' and fake Suffragettes, and Jew-controlled unions). These were removed fairly quickly!
At any one time, Jews run frauds by country, by class, by religion, by news sources, by economics. There are so many that it's difficult for them to be kept updated. But the general seriousness of their frauds is in a rough pecking-order. Already the 'Holocaust' fraud is wearing thin. My best guess is that secret Jewish networking is their closest-guarded fraud; they do not want people to know that Jews were behind deaths of their ancestors.
Mod note, added one year later: We didn't discuss, in one place, forums and websites set up as noise and disinformation: infowars, cluesforum, beyondtopsecret, JREF, skeptics, VNN, steampowered, senseaboutscience, hackforum... However, there are of course notes dotted about here, on these sites, and others.
[Use the search engine to poke round in the forum - added Nov 2013.]
Reproduce standard behaviours [examples: criminals being quizzed, children, people caught out making mistakes, people suspected of fraud, witnesses in difficult circumstances, media people who lied etc - added later] in the real world: they are not interested in truth, and go through all the rather tedious repertoire of tricks which have been discussed for millennia. Apart from this, it's generally not worth the effort to see if such people have any genuine knowledge, and if so if they'll reveal it - it's standard policy to waste peoples' time for months, and then finally say "oh, it's not really my subject." Or to waste space with postings to increase clutter and 'noise'.
CODOH is a good example of a site which tries to have well-developed rules: one topic only, the 'Holocaust'; one topic per thread, with no diversions permitted; an answer expected, with no evasions. In practice, they can't adhere to that, because the subject has been allowed to develop with tentacles all over the place. So this site is planned with wider scope: anything related to nukes, however remotely, is allowed, though there are obvious topics such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki which are fairly well-defined.
We may as well use actual examples here. 'Ranb', 'Apollognomon' [science], and RealityWall and Wroclaw [Holocaust - yawn]. All postings are still present on this site. Trying to analyse, we see something like
[1] Repeated assertions of discredited information.
[2] Repeated omissions of important information.
[3] Repeated refusal to look at evidence.
[4] Repeated refusal to produce evidence.
[5] Failure to understand concepts.
[6] Other material.
[1] Repeated assertions of discredited information.
** 9/11 'as caused by 'the Taliban'' is mentioned several times by 'ranb' who seems not to know of the conclusivce proof this was not the case
** "Apparently there is little fear of retaliation if our armies are constantly fighting a conventional war somewhere" is used by RANB as evidence - the wars he is talking about by 'our armies' are against virtually defenceless people
[2] Repeated omissions of important information.
** Ranb never once refers to the 'Samson Option', a clear nuclear threat
** Ranb never comments on the clear proof of Jewish involvement in nuclear fraud
** Ranb does not mention the faked film evidence
[3] Repeated refusal to look at evidence.
** "I read a portion of it already and found nothing even remotely convincing." All he had to do is list a few, and give his reasons for being unconvinced. This applies to all the film evidence, all the Hiroshima evidence, all the historical evidence, and for that matter the news evidence. Ranb doesn't seem to even have checked NASA's supposed moon photos.
On the subject of ignoring evidence—or being incompetent to deal with it—this posting, apparently from an Australian computer techie, nicknamed etfb, might amuse some of you:-
etfb [in Hacker News. ycombinator dot com, c. Jan 2014]
There's a PDF there of Programming The PET/CBM, by Raeto West. I loved that book - read it from cover to cover, drained it of all its knowledge. I can still tell you random things about the CBM-8032's memory map and ROM code, twenty five years after the last time I touched one.
I looked up Ray West recently, wondering if he's still alive. Turned out he was until recently, but he'd turned into a mad, racist, tinfoil-hat-wearing crackpot, paranoid about Jewish conspiracies and government hoaxes. Fluoride, fake moon landings, the whole nine yards. So sad. That guy was my hero, and he just went off the rails and, as far as I could ever find, completely disappeared.
etfb [in Hacker News. ycombinator dot com, c. Jan 2014]
There's a PDF there of Programming The PET/CBM, by Raeto West. I loved that book - read it from cover to cover, drained it of all its knowledge. I can still tell you random things about the CBM-8032's memory map and ROM code, twenty five years after the last time I touched one.
I looked up Ray West recently, wondering if he's still alive. Turned out he was until recently, but he'd turned into a mad, racist, tinfoil-hat-wearing crackpot, paranoid about Jewish conspiracies and government hoaxes. Fluoride, fake moon landings, the whole nine yards. So sad. That guy was my hero, and he just went off the rails and, as far as I could ever find, completely disappeared.
[4] Repeated refusal to back up claims.
** The supposed lunar module material and backpack design was made available in popular books soon after the supposed landings and returns. Ranb makes no attempt to analyze these - not surprisingly as they could never work.
** When challenged on measurements of radiation, Ranb simply refers to websites.
** The physics of fission, real or supposed, involves changes in temperature, pressure, metal structure and so on which Ranb obviously has no mental model that can handle them. He doesn't begin to realise how difficult it is to model such things, nor does he show any inderstanding of the need for experiment.
[5] Failure to understand concepts.
An essential part of this site is a revisionist attitude to science and related topics. Since the films of 'nuclear tests' are faked, as was the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing, some persons must have lied about the physics and/or the backup story. Therefore the whole morass is suspect. Ranb repeatedly parrots material, without being able to grasp that it's suspect.
[6] Other material - Examples
** Ranb's absurd barometer examples, show he doesn't understand air pressure, or that the link between pressure and alltitude is not a simple linear one
** The claims re submarine work and checking radiation aren't helpful (and remind me of the British man who claimed nuclear power must exist because he worked on a computer simulation). It's perfectly possible Ranb has walked round parts of submarines/ 'nuclear power plants' with some sort of device. He doesn't seem able to understand the counter-evidence.
[Warning note added 30 August 2014] 'RanB' was a persistent troll on this site. Here's an entry (about three years later) in James Randi's disinfo site. Habitual liars find it hard to tell the truth...]
Added June 2012: another junk site is VNN, 'Vanguard News Network'