The Myth that Fluoride is Safe and Useful

Rae West

Important note:   Evidence for the malign influence of 'jews' on those whom they call 'goyim' has increased, and receded, in most of recorded history, in an inconclusive way.   This site is part of the world-wide exploration of all such influences.  
For people without chemistry, fluorine and chlorine are similar, reactive, gases, but with different atomic weights; their compounds are similar chemically, but not similar physically, as fluorine atoms are smaller than chlorine.
      Chlorine is far more common than fluorine, usually in the form of common salt, and it's not surprising it has been incorporated into life on earth,
      Misinformation is common in relation to fluorine, partly because of Jewish lies, partly because it's a by-product of aluminum manufacture from Bauxite, a naturally-occurring compound of aluminum and fluorine. I see in some online site fluoride like iodine, occurs in traces a typical junk statement, confusing the ion of fluorine with the element iodine, the latter only being an essential trace element in food.

Added 3 May 2024:   I finally got some Biorepair toothpaste. Italian-made, by Coswell, of 1961, distributed in Britain by (among others) DPD and Notino. Below is the scanned-in box in high resolution. Coswell say they have patented (presumably in many countries) zinc hydroxyapatite, which they call microRepar®.
      Amazon charge a lot more for this toothpaste than for others. I'd guess to deter people. To quote from below here, 'In 1967 Colgate-Palmolive filed several patents on the use of sodium monofluorophosphate in toothpaste.' Possibly there's a copyright war involving fluorine—I doubt whether sodium fluoride could be patented, any more than sodium chloride. Patents are an important part of Jewish ownership policies.
      I'll try it and report back. Note that it's advertised as 'suitable for children under 6 years ... without adult supervision.'

• Searching revealed an article in Nature (9 April 2022), briefly on the use of finely-powdered calcium phosphate on teeth. (Apatite is a hydrated version). Since the outsides of teeth are separated from the bloodstream, they can be experimented with, for example by eroding the surface, then experimenting to see if it can be regrown back. There seem to be at least two toothpastes available; one is Italian (Biorepair), which I got the impression was original and best; another Wolff brand (Bioniq) which I got the impression is a Jewish copy.
      Some of these are on Amazon, which I've learned to dislike for various reasons. So the market is the usual Jewish-dominated chaos. But products of this type look set to take over, with fluoride toothpastes sold off cheaply to underclasses, 'COVID vaccine' style.
Sodium fluorophosphate is presented sometimes as an alternative to sodium fluoride. It may refer to a compound with a modified phosphate ion, not PO4--- but the same thing with one oxygen atom replaced by a fluorine atom, slightly smaller. This sounds safer and insoluble, but the sheets on it say it's toxic.
RW   26 Aug 2023

      Fluorine compounds can mimic chlorine compounds, chemically, but have different, often poisonous, effects, in living things.

The following abstract is taken from the paper Influence of Dietary Chloride on Fluoride Bioavailability in the Rat by Florian L Cerklewski, James W. Ridlington and Nathan D. Bills in the Journal of Nutrition (J. Nutr. 116: 618-624, 1986):–
A factorial experiment was conducted with weanling rats fed a purified diet to determine the influence of dietary chloride (0.02, 0.10, and 0.5%) as sodium chloride on fluoride non-availability (2 or 10ppm as sodium fluoride). After 8 wk, rats fed the lowest chloride-containing diets had significant reductions of plasma chloride, urinary chloride excretion and growth rate compared to other chloride groups. Depressed growth occurred in rats fed chloride-deficient diets despite the fact that food intake was similar for all treatments. Fluoride retention was greatest in chloride-deficient rats, which was reflected in enhanced skeletal uptake of fluoride. Fluoride absorption was not inhibited by high chloride intake. We therefore conclude that emphasis on the effect of chloride on fluoride bioavailability should be directed towards an enhancement of fluoride retention by low salt (sodium chloride) diets rather than in terms of a possible negative effect of a high salt diet on fluoride absorption.

However harmful fluoridated water is, mammals (including people) with low salt diets will be even more harmed by it.

People's Opinions on Fluoride, as prompted by the Jewish media.
      1. Simple Quiz Show host: "What substance is added to toothpaste to strengthen teeth?"
Simple Contestant: "Fluoride."

      2. Youtube London Forum: Nationalism & Faith Groups - Martin Webster, speaker) “... Auberon Waugh .. I couldn't understand why Private Eye had such a needle for the National Front .. Private Eye all out opposition because 'we wouldn't support a Catholic War in an African country'. ... 15, 20 years ago now he wrote an article in the Sunday Telegraph .. he relates that he encountered at a health farm he went to regularly .. a Jewess who worked for the Board of Deputies of British Jews ... Jewish spook organisation, the Community Security Trust... confided to the ... readers that [she] told him, we've got a file on you! She later admitted that the Board even kept files on people who wrote to local papers opposing the fluoridation of the local water supply.. [Waugh] wrote etc. ...”
      Obviously, Webster has no idea what 'fluoride' is. I'm drawing attention here to the fact that Jews consider that facts about fluoride are an issue they are concerned about.
Bones and calcium fluoride. it's well known that bones and teeth are made by mammals by depositing hydrated calcium phosphate from cells, evolved for that function; often with softer proteins (making for flexibility), and hollow centres for marrow and red blood cell production. It's also known that calcium fluoride is a very hard and insoluble substance, found in nature as 'fluorite' or 'fluorspar'. Calcium phosphate can, at least in geology, take up various negative ions, such as OH-1, Cl-1, and F-1. Unfortunately, the size and shape of structures are changed by inserting extra bits and pieces.
      People with excess fluoride have abnormal teeth, with abnormal crystalline structure. There's no obvious reason why skeletal problems, and such things as hip abnormalities, should not be caused by excess fluoridation.

TOOTHPASTES: ABOVE: Half the usual fluoride ("for children").
BELOW: These are only non-fluoride toothpastes I could find in Britain (including two gels, containing charcoal, from Finland)—and the Boots toothpaste seems to be discontinued

2019. I found Holland & Barrett do several unfluoridated toothpastes; below are two; not their entire range, I think. The label may need to be read:–

Below: 2021. XOC hemp toothpaste. (It's a green gel; not really a paste). Seems to be marketed for women. Free flexible long head toothbrush with this pack

Paul Connett. Cambridge Ph D; many years' experience with polluting chemicals and serious activism.

Stuart Cooper. Executive Director, FAN, since 2022
Sodium Fluoride.
Is the homologue of sodium chloride—common salt, as in food—but with a different halogen. However, sodium fluoride is poisonous, probably because the molecule resembles a molecule of salt; but doesn't quite fit. A similar example of a poison is carbon monoxide: it is similar to oxygen in molecular weight, though smaller, but it jams up within haemoglobin, causing asphyxiation and death.
Sodium Fluorophosphate.
Is soluble in water—as most sodium compounds are. Probably this is put into toothpaste in the hope of adding to, or replacing, calcium phosphate.
      In 1950, under sponsorship of the manufacturer of the compounds, Ozark Chemical Company, the toxicity of sodium monofluorophosphate was studied by Harold Hodge at the University of Rochester who included anti-cavity testing. In 1967 Colgate-Palmolive filed several patents on the use of sodium monofluorophosphate in toothpaste. ...
Studies—after years and years of compulsory fluoridation—show that teeth are not in fact improved, though of course there are endless statistical problems with comparisons and analysis.
There are so many ill people
I remember a woman telling me this (in the British Library, when it had a Victorian rotunda with wooden benches. I don't know how accurate a perception this was; or how widespread an opinion it is; and I haven't thought of it for years. Perhaps there's some truth in it.
Paul Connett
[Added Dec 2022]   I found that Paul Connett is a long-time campaigner against fluoride in water and toothpaste. If the issue interests you to the point of doing things, bear him in mind.
      This is the Fluoride Action Network website.
      Here's a list of members of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) including Connett, with his qualifications and experience and photo, towards the end. He's now their Science Advisor.

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© RW 2016-08-21. This longer version 2017-08-11. Revised 2018-01-31, 2018-04-10.
Two more Holland & Barrett 2019-01-11. Hemp toothpaste added 20 Nov 2021. Paul Connett added 10 Dec 2022.
Unfluoridated repair toothpastes 26 August 2023.
Notes on FAN and Fluoride Alert 3 May 2024.
Note on Biorepair Italian fluoride-free toothpaste with patent on zinc apatite 3 May 2024.