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Channel 4 18 June 2024 'Immigration Debate'   (18.30 - 19:50 with ad break).

Deputies etc of 7 parties referred to as 'the panel'.
All politicians (or paper politicians); no experts.
'Talent', in communication with unseen controllers was Krishna Guru-Murthy (the irritant of Robert Downey)

In fact, there was a last-minute change, to start with 'Law and Order'. As might be imagined, since Jewish media policy is to excluse violence against whites, a large part of this was on 'rebuilding trust', a typical bit of deception since 'trust' needed to be built, not rebuilt.

The format was a smallish group of seated people, with pre-checked questions read from the floor by the usual sheepish types.
      The questions (of course) were always leading: the first I think was "Do you approve of early release of prisoners to ease prison overcrowding?" There was the usual media Jewish word salad: Neighbourhood policing? Victim-based crime? Anti-social behaviour? Hot-spot patrols? plus more-or-less doctored statistics, such as 44% of voters sampled don't trust either main party—unsurprisingly. Probably the figure was massaged below 50%, though the police weren't given that favour. I think there were two police officers in the questioners, though they fell short of revealing why they wanted to leave.
      There was some mention of rapes and special 'rape courts', though of course nothing on race rapes, or false claims, or the difficulties of proof, or solicitors making money.

The 'Immigration Debate' then started. The 3 main players were the Conservative (acting in Jewish interests, and against Britain's; if they wanted his money), and a short 'Labour' chap. This latter was very keen on the 1951 Refugee Convention, a 'UN Multilateral Treaty' passed when the UN was fairly new, set up by a coalition of post-war Jews, including input from Stalin. The 'Labour' chappie thought Britain would become a 'pariah [an Indian dog] and would have far less influence on the world.'
      More interesting than the spluttering male whores was Richard Tice, who is or was Chairman of Reform UK, talking of a 6 million population rise over the Tory duration, and the cake being divided by an extra 3/4 of a million people per year, leading to the longest-ever long-term recession in British history. There isn't a people shortage; work doesn't pay.

Incidentally a chap in the audience said he was in the 'hospitality sector' and wanted immigrants—the Scottish party said the same. Hotels in Britain have been in decline for years, probably as a result of cheap flights to warmer regions, not difficult to foresee. I'd guess he wanted sympathy for putting up illegal immigrants in his hotels as a money-making scheme.

Another sneaked-in person was from the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, possibly more accurately a Jewish group for obstructing British law.

Yet another was a 'refugee from Afghanistan' who said nothing about the Jewish-led war, but said he paid tax. Whether he paid for Britain's infrastructure and benefits was left unclear.

An oddity was an account of someone who wanted to work in the NHS, but wasn't qualified. Perhaps the female responded will have th privilege some time of being operated on by an unqualified 'surgeon'. It would seem to be fitting.

Anyway, there was more (including the Rwanda Scheme) but all inconclusive, an aviary of parrots. In case you're interested, there was no discussion of long-term Jewish plans to flood white counties with non-whites.

© Raeto West   19 June 2024