..i think some
other "blacks" lived in earlier times in SA too, whether
"paid off" or not
-french, dutch and brits did
that {**} obviously in the rest of Africa with sultans[kings]
-isn't clear until the
House of Windsor came to SA too :
{{** (= extracting from some current sub research-focus) ;
i think *that kind of colonisation took mostly place via only these 3 entities:
British East India Company, Dutch West India Company, Swedish East India Company
there were no real other sea-colonisation monopolies around, i assume germany|HohenZollern/prussians|Habsburg-Lorraine + co. focussed with Emden Company more on China, roughly in africa, and then more also southern america etc.
Still developing this focus on that matter ; then 'routine-replaced' with "tourism" *1811 ->East India Company co-established cox&kings travel company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox_%26_Kings . i'm actually *right now a little bit stucked regarding history of monarchists, where|when it might artificially have started and became part of the 'pre-dater|calendaryPerps', and how exactly some other historical persons had been squeezed in, like historian Justus Scaliger (maybe D. Petavius was his ghostwriter), calvin aka "Charles d'Espeville"|genova council, the Journal d’un bourgeois de Paris, some specific "Conquistadors" from Spain -info bunkered in the Lenox Branch of the New York Public Library, reg. *also perpHistorian Adolph Bandelieri 1840-1917 -sorry for bit overtopic, offtopic'ish *here }}Kings|Monarchists|Pretenders|Royalists|Royalist Fascists -however you wanna call them.
That would be in SA: Mahlangu Dynasty, Mabhena, Bafokeng, Balobedu, Senzangakhona (Zulu), AmaRarabe - Xhosa and a lotta more.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ro ... uth_AfricaOf course that would be still a minority and maybe with not much impact in SA.'s current policies and business, which appears to me also *more deligated by biotechnology, IT -industry, and of course their electricity public utility ESKOM aka Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie (EVKOM -or escom) (*1923), which also plans new NUKEFakery :

Areva SA, EDF SA,
Toshiba Corp.’s Westinghouse Electric Corp. unit, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Corp., Korea Electric Power Corp. and
Rosatom Corp. are potential bidders for nuclear plants, the Johannesburg-based Mail & Guardian newspaper reported..."
https://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-0 ... spend.html (02/22/12)