by rerevisionist » 18 Feb 2013 00:00
Yawn. Another phoney. Michel Chossudovsky is a Canadian 'economist' (or so the story goes; who knows?)—I'd guess a Jew originally from Poland. The site globalresearch . org (and globalresearch . ca) masquerades as a semi-serious activist site, with the usual mixture of alarmism, reassurance, controlled misinformation, and demands for money. All of it is unsourced properly; just another inbred set of lies, part of the attitude being to condition readers never to expect full truth. From the point of view of the focus is on nuclear weapons, and inevitably there's the usual material—the bottom line being money for Jews. Watch that site if you want a feel for the way Jews are plotting war, or aren't. All nuke skepticism is suppressed, as of course is necessary; so the site may be useful to track new attitudes to maximising money while phasing out their scams.