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Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones films
Here's a tiny ten-year window into Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Richard Curtis, and lots of others:
1993 Four Weddings and a Funeral, written by Richard Curtis
1999 Notting Hill, written by Richard Curtis, based around an implausible bookshop, in a Jew-approved-for-others multirace area with a history of race violence.
2001 Bridget Jones's Diary. 27 songs in 93 minutes for 'product placement' types.
2002 About a Boy including Rachel Weisz (later acting a fantasy Deborah Lipstadt), and Nicholas Hoult (now 30)
2003 Love Actually, commentary Curtis and others

Helen Fielding's diary (some of it on the DVD) started in 1995 in the Independent and soon developed a cult following. Or so claims the DVD; sceptics may point out that the Independent was a new start-up, presumably aimed to help Jewish neocons to get others to kill Iraq; the BBC promoted the Independent, but its sales were tiny. Fielding was a 'restaurant and food critic'. Andrew Davies and Richard Curtis commented.
      A blurb somewhere says ‘Bridget Jones's Diary is a 2001 British-American-French romantic comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire (it took three years) and written by Helen Fielding, Richard Curtis, (and Andrew Davies who wrote Pride and Prejudice on TV, the version with Colin Firth, in 1995). I had to look them up on Internet—the Playbill fount tiny credits on my DVD are nearly unreadable.

The Bath. Photo by Eve Arnold. Some connection with Bridget Jones.
I looked up what's online about Curtis (apparently married to Emma Freud); it seems likely he's another Jew who received what's regarded as a good education in Britain. Sharon Maguire featured largely on the factual parts of the DVD. She did an English and Drama degree, and a 'postgrad degree in journalism' which seems to have taken a year. I've just noticed (June 2021) that a Ben Maguire is the CPS prosecutor in a case against Alison Chabloz, the keyboard player/ guitarist/ songwriter. Maybe the Maguires are another Jewish family. But let's hope not.
      Sharon Maguire appears on the DVD. I had no idea that the London background scenery was computer-generated; I suppose by then software allowed buildings to be invented from a map, with detailing and textures and colours selectable fairly easily. She mentioned an edit suite, things you 'have to kind of settle for.' She said the scene where Zellweger said she'd rather wipe Saddam Hussein's arse than work for him, Hugh Grant as Cleaver, the publisher or agent or whatever was a 'wish fulfilment scene ... leaving a job'. Helen Fielding on Breakfast TV (started 1980 in embryonic form) had humorous anecdotes. A lot of the story seems to have been her life story:–
      Sharon Maguire was a first-time director, a friend of Helen Fielding. Judging by her commentary, her budget was on the low side, typically two takes in hasty circumstances. She talks of 'rushes' (notably of Hugh Grant in an Anglo-Japanese embrace—though it could be Jew-on-Jew; maybe 2000 had some Japanese world plot?) and I think the film was partly digital and partly 35mm. Maguire doesn't say much about the techniques; most of her commentary, in her very well-spoken voice, is about persons, though she mentions a locked-off camera, steadicam, and an aerial shot.

Why Zellweger was given the job is a question skated over in the informative part of the DVD. I'd guess she was part of the group of Jews in Texas, west coast immigrants, of the same stock that spawned Lyndon Johnson, described (not of course on the DVD) as a 'full Jew on both sides'. Another point worth mentioning is that, under Jewish money control, not only can aliens be given more money than locals, but Jews can up to a point take their pick. I remember listening to a then-young woman, who was pregnant by one of the Chosen People, and who wouldn't marry her—being unaware and uneducated in the realities of Jewish parasitic wealth.

Based on publicised Jewish themes, Curtis (after Blackadder) might be expected to leave a trail including homosexuality, immigration, anal sex, anti-white family material, mixed race adults, and replacement by non-whites in all non-Jewish jobs. Much of this is present in all these films, but in Jones there is a woman-making-a-career element, and there's also Jewish activity for immigration into white countries, represented by the highly-paid barrister Colin Firth, and a made-up Kafir Ogani-Eleanor Healey case, which everyone is supposed to have heard of. This presumably was fairly realistic; many immigration cases seems to have had a couple of dozen barristers, taking Jewish paper money. I would guess such a plot-line would be viewed more uneasily now: Firth defending Muslim rape gangs, or Jewish pornographers and perverts, or absurd money-laundering art, might not work.
      There's a scene with 'Bridget' trying to be intelligent with 'Cleaver' in which he says he couldn't give a shit about Nagorno-Karabakh. I owe to 'Victor S' the comment that Armenians in America, aware of the prior genocide in Armenia (1915 to 1923), took some action against Jews in the USA, for example against the ADL. No doubt Grant was dutifully disposing of Nagorno-Karabakh in the Jewish fashion. 'Victor S' added: ‘Now, Israel has been aiding Azerbaijan to commit genocidal “cleansing” against the Armenians of Karabagh/Artsakh and Armenia.’
      It's quite painful to reflect that many women must view news presentation—reading heavily-censored bullshit (there was a short video of BBC tricks by Nick Griffin, on Bitchute, before Bitchute was revealed to be owned by a Jew called Vahey who supports mass murder by Jews)—as a positive career for the new empowered woman. The film is almost half-way through when she determines to start a new life, from publication, to TV. She thinks she's finally in a job showing her intellect. "No self-esteem - no confidence .. trying to find her confidence - begins to find her self esteem". Inner voice says: am now a hard-headed journalist - ruthlessly committed to etc. Firth: "I came to congratulate the new face of British current affairs". On Zellwegger's humble rented flat in south London, imagined as near Borough market, with its cast iron and Crystal Palace style. Maguire said "This is what a 30-something's life is like - believe me!" It all reminded me (slightly) of Withnail and I. "Loneliness, but dressed up as comedy".
      At the time, mass invasion by aliens had been planned. They were well-funded, the result being that many immigrants were housed before Britons, and also were given handouts by the Jew schemers behind the scenes. Though I doubt whether there's be much filmic mileage in Bridget tempted to shag tinted foreigners, however much Curtis might have leaned to such a project.

The infinitely sad lifestyle—the fatuous imbecilities of press releases, the junk unsubstantiated 'documentaries', the money thrown away, the refusal to consider anything informative—must I imagine repel any person with intelligence and guts. The 'successes' resemble parasitised creatures acting against their own interests, like caterpillars on cabbages eating to support ichneumon flies. I suppose the pecking-order provides some solace: Bridget's mum has an affair and a sort of career demonstrating things on daytime TV, as supported by Alan Sugar, starting with an egg-peeler made to resemble a dildo, a TV life ridiculed in a slack sort of way.
      The 'blue string soup' scene led to blue soup parties, we're told. Hugh Grant's Anglo-Japanese subplot seemed unconvincing to me; I suppose twists and turns have to be implausible. The book has more than three friends. The fight scene is not in the book. Scenes of fumbled expressions of feelings, though a scene in which Bridget said she loved Firth was excised. A 90 minute romcom. It ended with Hugh Grant fumbling around with male impersonators of women, possibly a payback by Maguire to anonymous men in her past. After all, it's hard to believe Grant would have such difficulties.

Prompted by Miles Mathis on families and actors, I noted the backgrounds of some of these people: Curtis got a First (in English), though ever since I found out that A J Ayer was awarded a First despite, not because, of his performance in final exams, I've been sceptical about these things; and of course in the US Jews are awarded professorships more or less ad lib. Nicholas Hoult, shown as attending a London school containing unwanted immigrants—but wanted by Jews—is a specimen of another such conflict. Looking at Love Actually we see a comic wedding with Keira Knightley and some presumably half-caste actor (i.e. not 'black'), part of course of the Jewish push for miscegenation of non-Jews, which has infected all visual advertising. As is the financing by Jewish paper money of fake refugees: in Germany, they get more money than working Germans, no doubt to the delight of such 'Chosen people' as Merkel. They must love idle but financed aliens, though not in Israel of course. Come to think of it, a comedian was promoting drugs—hilarious. The homosexuality—early-death risks and all the rest—is a fascinating instance of universal Jewish media dominance; I read, and believed, that every single instance of on-screen homosexuality was treated favourably, in about the years looked at here. The odd thing about Love Actually was how little love was in it. As with Erich Fromm's book The Art of Loving. I doubt if Jews can even think of whites without some manipulative scheme inserting itself. How they must hate whites.

Rae West 15 Dec 2019

Christmas 2020-New Year 2021. Radio Times the (((BBC))) mag, has a piece on Helen Fielding, including a photo of her plus a much larger image of Zellweger 20 years younger than now. It's fascinating to read the inbred stuff of Jewish lies. I'd guess she's just another Jew with a cover story. 'Studied' at Oxford, knew Curtis, presumably got a degree, worked as a journalist, sweetened the Jew-project of the absurdly-named Independent, married a now-dead person on the Simpsons, comments on sexual politics, comments on the absurdly-named 'human rights' industry. Something worrying may have happened in the USA; she talks of community and 'the solid core of decency' in Britain, which Jews are working to destroy. Amusingly she comments on Keir Starmer, another (((Labour Party))) Jew, who she's quoted or misquoted as saying he's good, decent, and intelligent. Not intelligent enough to know about 'COVID'. The only thing he's done is make people realise that Keir Hardie must have been another Jew.

9 Feb 2021