Looks like slag to me:
https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Med/Trinitite.htmlI used to pick up stuff like this along the railroad tracks in Texas. It's slag from a steel mill, or such like, that they bust up and use for ballast on railroads.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlagBy the early 1950s, the government had buried almost all of the Trinitite and banned entry to the site. Prior to that,
however, collectors had acquired a large amount of the material.
Destroyed the evidence, you mean.
Interesting looking web page, but takes forever to load:
https://geo-sites.zoomshare.com/files/so ... linker.htm
A picture from the previously linked web page.
Hmm. Don't know how magnified this is. Looks like large crystals; evidence of slow cooling.
Federal agencies had been sponsoring an annual trek to worship at Trinity, and the green disc of radioactive glass was there for innocents to pray over. While living in the remote desert of northern New Mexico I had seen an aerial photograph of the site in a popular magazine. It looked like a giant scab. It was an impurity waiting to be taken away. Writers wrote about it. I was determined to remove it without a trace of publicity. My self-appointed task was to gain entry to the government glass and haul it off for burial, to repair the desert, clean away the radioactive afterbirth.
Interesting religious allusions.