Christopher Jon Bjerknes

8 June 2024: is C J Bjerknes' twitter account. My entry (below, 9) was in fact suggested by a 'nuclear blackmail' piece by CJB which seems ambiguous, not clear on nukes and Cuba, being in my view outdated; anyway, CJB has written a lot on Einstein and nuclear physics. I'll email him ask ask on this June 8th 2024. ... Now it's 11th, with no reply. Maybe he's part of yet another embedded scheme, possibly anti-USA.

This page started end 2021 and has had a few updates   Bjerknes appears to be a leading revisionist of Jewish activities. He spans the range from Jews in antiquity, Jews in science fraud, as represented by Einstein, Jewish genocide in Armenia, and online interviews, typically on Youtube ( I know; a red flag) and typically with Adam Green of 'Know More News'. I say, cautiously, 'appears to be' just in case some characteristically Jewish trickery is taking place.

Green and Bjerknes photo
Adam Green hosted a debate between 'Dennis Wise' (of 'The Greatest Story Never Told', about Hitler) and C J Bjernes. Dennis Wise views the Second World War as Hitler's Germany vs 'The Allies', but wasn't able to reply to Bjerknes' assertions that Hitler was a Jew, or followed Jewish policies. That debate got nowhere as a result. But it makes interesting viewing.
      This is the audio of Green and Bjkerknes and Wise.
      Here's my review of The Greatest Story Never Told.

[1] The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians (2006. 543 pages; 44 pages with 318 endnotes. Unindexed. Available free online from several sites. I assume there's no longer an Internet copyright interest). Interesting and well-structured, explicitly viewing the Rothschilds as the fons et origo of carefully-planned wars and revolutions. Armenian Christians were the 'Amalek', regarded as perpetual enemies of the 'Chosen People' until their extermination. Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851), a Jew in what became the USA, played a part with fairly detailed documentation. Disraeli played a part. Good documentation based squarely on Jewish worldviews, rather than Christian misunderstandings...

[2] C J Bjerknes and Adam Green 7-7-2021 Rabbis reveal shocking Kabbalah secrets.   This is a video of more than 2 hours including clips from various English-speaking 'Rabbis'. This version was 'grabbed', I think the only way to download it. The version is not digitally identical to the online versions, but looks and sounds identical. It has not been edited in any way. I encourage readers of my site to download their own copy. It's about 500MB, half a gigabyte, and downloads quite fast with modern technology. If you have your own version, you can watch it many times, necessary to absorb the message, if you're serious.

[3] Here's my review of his book Beware the World to Come, which I bought online. At present (Jan 2022) it appears to have been removed by the in-demand printer, and in its E-version too.

Green and Caskie photo
[4] Added 6 March 2023: It seems Bjerknes and Green have had a falling-out, possibly because Green wanted to claim priority over Bjerknes's ideas.
      However, I think before that, Bjerknes and C Caskie had a talk, 130 mins, dated Feb 2023, which is an mp4 file (movie) here. It's a typical online video, with no titles and no internal signposting. It's hosted by 'Patrick3Stacks'.
      Caskie and I had agreed to talk with Bjerknes, but he did not honour his agreement to talk. This may have been because I questioned Bjerknes' knowledge of nuclear weapons as 'fear porn', but I have no real idea, since he never answered my emails, or our emails.

[5] Added 22 December 2023:   I've just been told that Bjerknes has a video site on Odyssey:

[6] Added 17 April 2024:   Here's a copy of a later video WW3 Maps explaining the Conflict by Bjerknes. (350GB - long, hi-res. To save you the pain of looking for it).
     Bjerknes unfortunately is not concise. And he confuses the absurd beliefs of Jews with his own beliefs, when they should be clearly kept apart, leaving a mess of confusion. And he seems unable to signpost his material, by explaining in advance what he is about to explain. He also believes in nuclear weapons, without any doubts—surely just another Jew-based myth. So be cautious, not of his interpretations of Kabbalistic stuff and other nonsense, but of his practical conclusions.

[7] Added 22 April 2024:   Another recent video is Bjerknes on The AntiSemitic Psyop which appears to be his definitive account. It's a long video, and with resolution high enough to allow the texts he includes to be read, in typefaces including black-letter German. He quotes people like Marr and Herzl, and many others, including Jews in the NSDAP, for example Julius Streicher, real name given & facts of Streicher employing Jews.
      Sceptic as I am, I was not 100% convinced. Bjerknes quotes Jewish propagandists as though they can be believed. I see problems

[8] Added 26 April 2024:   'Cave Jews and Underground Satanic Synagogues' and the Hellish World to Come.

Another CJB video which makes me sigh at its omissions.

[9] Added 8 June 2024: I noticed (without saving details) what looked like CJB on Putin, saying Putin's threat of nuclear war is serious, or credible, or something. Another branch of the Bjerkness family has a similar piece. This is about the time that British 'politicians' (read: puppets of Jews; see my review of were saying the same, I think in opposition to people who are sick of, or worried at the exposure, of the long-time nuke fraud. It's hard to be sure, but looks as if some of CJB's work aims to support nuclear myths (and costs).


- Raeto West 13 December 2021 & 26 Jan 2022 & 6 March 2023 & 22 Dec 2023 & 18 April 2024 & 22 April 2024 & 26 April 2024

  & 5 May 2024   & 8 June 2024